/* | |
* Copyright (c) 2024 SRBThemes | |
* Author: SRBThemes | |
* This file is made for CURRENT TEMPLATE | |
*/ | |
$.fn.frenifyMoveCursorToEnd = function(){ | |
"use strict"; | |
this.focus(); | |
var $thisVal = this.val(); | |
this.val('').val($thisVal); | |
return this; | |
}; | |
var FrenifyTechWaveTime = new Date(); | |
(function($){ | |
"use strict"; | |
var TechwaveSelectedCount = 0; | |
var TechwaveFeedFilterLoading = false; | |
var TechwaveModelFilterLoading = false; | |
var TechwaveInputText = ''; | |
var TechwaveUserQuestion = ''; | |
var TechwaveUserMessageCount = 0; | |
var FrenifyTechWave = { | |
init: function(){ | |
this.marquee(); | |
this.tooltip(); | |
this.fontDialog(); | |
this.modelTabs(); | |
this.bookmark(); | |
this.contactForm(); | |
this.negativePrompt(); | |
this.imageGenerationSidebar(); | |
this.rangeSlider(); | |
this.quantity(); | |
this.selectModel(); | |
this.anchor(); | |
this.aiChatBot__chat(); | |
this.aiChatBotOptions(); | |
this.aiChatBotTextareaHeight(); | |
this.billingProgress(); | |
this.inputFileOnChange(); | |
this.optionsList(); | |
this.pricingTab(); | |
this.feedFilters(); | |; | |
this.follow(); | |
this.copyLink(); | |
this.galleryIsotope(); | |
this.imageLightbox(); | |; | |
this.accordion(); | |; | |
this.animatedText(); | |
this.movingSubMenuForLeftPanel(); | |
this.panelResize(); | |
this.navBarItems(); | |
this.redetectFullScreen(); | |
this.fullSCreen(); | |
this.navSubMenu(); | |
this.imgToSVG(); | |
this.BgImg(); | |
this.popupMobile(); | |
}, | |
marquee: function(){ | |
$(".TickerNews .marquee").each(function(){ | |
var e = $(this); | |
if(!e.hasClass('ready')){ | |
e.addClass('ready').marquee({ | |
duplicated: true, | |
duration: parseInt('speed'))*1000, | |
delayBeforeStart: 0, | |
direction: 'left', | |
// pauseOnHover: true, | |
startVisible: true | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
popupMobile: function(){ | |
if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches) { | |
var wrapperW = $('.techwave_fn_wrapper').width(); | |
var padding = 10; | |
var maxWidth = 300; | |
$('.item__popup,.fn__nav_bar .item_popup').each(function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
var parent = element.parent(); | |
var width = wrapperW - 2*padding; | |
var normal = Math.min(width, maxWidth); | |
var leftOffset = parent.offset().left; | |
var left = padding - leftOffset + (width - normal)/2; | |
var right = 'auto'; | |
if('position') === 'right'){ | |
if(leftOffset + parent.width() > normal){ | |
left = 'auto'; | |
right = 0; | |
} | |
}else{ | |
if((leftOffset + normal) < width){ | |
left = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
element.css({maxWidth: normal, width: normal, left: left, right: right}); | |
}); | |
}else{ | |
$('.fn__nav_bar .item_popup,.item__popup').attr('style',''); | |
} | |
}, | |
tooltip: function(){ | |
$('body').on('mouseover mouseenter', '.fn__tooltip', function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
var position = element.attr('data-position'); | |
if(typeof position === 'undefined' || position === true){ | |
position = ['top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left']; | |
} | |
var options = { | |
contentAsHTML: 'true', | |
maxWidth: 300, | |
animationDuration: 0, | |
animation: 'fade', // 'fade', 'grow', 'swing', 'slide', 'fall' | |
delay: 0, | |
theme: 'tooltipster-techwave', | |
side: position | |
}; | |
if(element.hasClass('menu__item')){ | |
if(!$('html').hasClass('panel-opened')){ | |
element.tooltipster(options).tooltipster('hide'); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
element.tooltipster(options); | |
element.tooltipster('show'); | |
}); | |
// $( ".fn__tooltip" ).each(function(){ | |
// $(this).tooltipster({ | |
// theme: 'tooltipster-techwave', | |
// animation: 'fade', // 'fade', 'grow', 'swing', 'slide', 'fall' | |
// side: 'bottom', | |
// maxWidth: 300, | |
// animationDuration: 0, | |
// delay: 0, | |
// trigger: 'click' | |
// }); | |
// }); | |
}, | |
fontDialog: function(){ | |
var dialog = $('.techwave_fn_font'); | |
$('.font__trigger').off().on('click',function(){ | |
dialog.addClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
dialog.find('.font__closer').off().on('click',function(){ | |
dialog.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
dialog.find('.font__closer_link').off().on('click',function(){ | |
dialog.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
dialog.find('.apply').off().on('click',function(){ | |
$('.fn__chat_font_size_style').remove(); | |
$('body').append('<style type="text/css" class="fn__chat_font_size_style">frenify_typing h3,.fn__chatbot .chat{font-size: '+$('#font_size').find(":selected").val() +'px;}</style>'); | |
dialog.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
modelTabs: function(){ | |
// tab filter | |
$('.techwave_fn_models .fn__tabs a').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
if(!element.hasClass('active') && !TechwaveModelFilterLoading){ | |
TechwaveModelFilterLoading = true; | |
element.siblings().removeClass('active'); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
var parent = element.closest('.techwave_fn_models'); | |
parent.find('.models__results').addClass('loading'); | |
// do your ajax here | |
// you have to get new models with filter (if you want to change also filter) of selected tab via ajax | |
// .... | |
// .... | |
// after ajax ends remove setTimeout (it was added just for HTML) | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
// here you have to insert your models into the filter's content and feed content | |
parent.find('.models__results').removeClass('loading'); | |
parent.find('').removeClass('active'); | |
$(element.attr('href')).addClass('active'); | |
TechwaveModelFilterLoading = false; | |
},1500); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
contactForm: function(){ | |
$("#send_message").on('click', function(){ | |
var name = $(".fn_contact_form #name").val(); | |
var email = $(".fn_contact_form #email").val(); | |
var tel = $(".fn_contact_form #tel").val(); | |
var message = $(".fn_contact_form #message").val(); | |
var success = $(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage").data('success'); | |
$(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage").empty(); //To empty previous error/success message. | |
//checking for blank fields | |
if(name === '' || email === '' || message === ''){ | |
$('.fn_contact_form .empty_notice').slideDown(500).delay(2000).slideUp(500); | |
} | |
else{ | |
// Returns successful data submission message when the entered information is stored in database. | |
$.post("modal/contact.php",{ ajax_name: name, ajax_email: email, ajax_message:message, ajax_tel: tel}, function(data) { | |
$(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage").append(data);//Append returned message to message paragraph | |
if($(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage span.contact_error").length){ | |
$(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage").slideDown(500).delay(2000).slideUp(500); | |
}else{ | |
$(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage").append("<span class='contact_success'>"+ success +"</span>"); | |
$(".fn_contact_form .returnmessage").slideDown(500).delay(4000).slideUp(500); | |
} | |
if(data===""){ | |
$("#fn_contact_form")[0].reset();//To reset form fields on success | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
negativePrompt: function(){ | |
$('#negative_prompt').on('change',function(){ | |
if(this.checked){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_image_generation_page .exclude_area').slideDown(200); | |
}else{ | |
$('.techwave_fn_image_generation_page .exclude_area').slideUp(200); | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
imageGenerationSidebar: function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_image_generation_page .sidebar__trigger').off().on('click',function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_wrapper').toggleClass('fn__has_sidebar'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
rangeSlider: function(){ | |
$('.fn__range').each(function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
input = element.find('input'), | |
val = input.val(), | |
output = element.find('.value'), | |
min = input.attr('min'), | |
max = input.attr('max'), | |
slider = element.find('.slider'); | |
slider.css({width: (val * (min*100)/max) + '%' }); | |
input.on('input',function(){ | |
val = $(this).val(); | |
output.text(val); | |
slider.css({width: (val * (min*100)/max) + '%' }); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}, | |
quantity: function(){ | |
$('.fn__quantity .increase').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var parent = $(this).closest('.fn__quantity'); | |
var input = parent.find('input'); | |
var max = parseInt(input.attr('max'), 10); | |
var value = parseInt(input.val(), 10); | |
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value; | |
if(max === value){ | |
return false; | |
} | |
value++; | |
input.val(value); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.fn__quantity .decrease').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var parent = $(this).closest('.fn__quantity'); | |
var input = parent.find('input'); | |
var value = parseInt(input.val(), 10); | |
var min = parseInt(input.attr('min'), 10); | |
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value; | |
if(min === value){ | |
return false; | |
} | |
value--; | |
input.val(value); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
selectModel: function(){ | |
$('.fn__select_model .model_open').off().on('click',function(){ | |
$(this).closest('.fn__select_model').toggleClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$(window).on('click',function(){ | |
$('.fn__select_model').removeClass('opened'); | |
}); | |
$('.fn__select_model .all_models').on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
}); | |
}, | |
anchor: function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_doc_page .docsidebar > a').off().on('click',function(){ | |
$(this).siblings('ul').slideToggle(); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
if($().onePageNav){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_doc_page .docsidebar > ul').onePageNav(); | |
} | |
}, | |
aiChatBot__chat: function(){ | |
if($('#fn__chat_textarea').length && !$('.techwave_fn_intro').length){ | |
$("#fn__chat_textarea").focus(); | |
} | |
$("#fn__chat_textarea").keypress(function (e) { | |
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); | |
if(code === 13 && e.shiftKey){ | |
}else if (code === 13) { | |
$('.fn__chat_comment button').trigger('click'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_comment button').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var button = $(this); | |
var textarea = $('#fn__chat_textarea'); | |
var text = textarea.val(); | |
if(text === '' || button.hasClass('disabled')){ | |
return; | |
}else{ | |
text = text.replace(/\n\r?/g, '<br />'); | |
TechwaveUserQuestion = text; | |
var activeChatItem = $('.fn__chatbot'); | |
var newText = '<div class="chat__box your__chat"><div class="author"><span>You</span></div><div class="chat"><p>'+text+'</p></div></div>'; | |
$('.fn__chat_comment').removeClass('neww'); | |
if(activeChatItem.attr('id') === 'chat0'){ | |
activeChatItem.removeClass('active'); | |
$('.fn__new_chat_link').removeClass('active'); | |
var id = $('.fn__chatbot .chat__item').length; | |
$('.fn__chatbot .chat__list').append('<div class="chat__item active" id="chat'+id+'">'+newText+'</div>'); | |
var newChatToRightPanel = '<li class="group__item"><div class="fn__chat_link active" href="#chat'+id+'"><span class="text">New Chat</span><input type="text" value="New Chat"><span class="options"><button class="trigger"><span></span></button><span class="options__popup"><span class="options__list"><button class="edit">Edit</button><button class="delete">Delete</button></span></span></span><span class="save_options"><button class="save"><img src="svg/check.svg" alt="" class="fn__svg"></button><button class="cancel"><img src="svg/close.svg" alt="" class="fn__svg"></button></span></div></li>'; | |
if($('.fn__chatbot').length){ | |
$('.fn__chatbot ul').append(newChatToRightPanel); | |
}else{ | |
$('.fn__chatbot .sidebar_content').prepend('<div class="chat__group"><h2 class="group__title">Today</h2><ul class="group__list">'+newChatToRightPanel+'</ul></div>'); | |
} | |
FrenifyTechWave.imgToSVG(); | |
FrenifyTechWave.aiChatBotOptions(); | |
}else{ | |
activeChatItem.append(newText); | |
} | |
textarea.val(''); | |
textarea.siblings('.fn__hidden_textarea').val(''); | |
FrenifyTechWave.aiChatBotTextareaHeight(); | |
if($('.techwave_fn_intro').length){ | |
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: textarea.offset().top - $(window).height() + 100 }); | |
}else{ | |
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height()-$(window).height() }); | |
} | |
textarea.frenifyMoveCursorToEnd(); | |
} | |
// do your ajax here to answer the chat via AI | |
// you can remove frenify chat bot here | |
// FrenifyTechWave.frenifyChat(); | |
// don't remove this | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
frenifyChat: function(){ | |
var botText = ''; | |
var append = true; | |
var commands = ''; | |
TechwaveUserMessageCount = $('.fn__chatbot .chat__box').length; | |
// all avaliable commands | |
var allCommands = { | |
welcome : { | |
type : 'text', | |
description : 'welcome message', | |
text : '<p>Frenify was founded in 2017. The company began working with the first customers, giving them the opportunity to purchase high-quality HTML templates.</p><p>The company’s products began to grow in terms of complexity and aesthetics. Frenify currently has a wide range of HTML templates, WordPress themes, WordPress plugins, Photoshop projects; paid and absolutely free products.</p><p>Design projects are unique and aesthetically pleasing based on customer requirements. Visit our website to get acquainted with our products. Thank you so much for being with us.</p>', | |
append : true | |
}, | |
about : { | |
type : 'text', | |
description : 'some information about the SRBThemes', | |
text : '<p>Frenify was founded in 2017. The company began working with the first customers, giving them the opportunity to purchase high-quality HTML templates.</p><p>The company’s products began to grow in terms of complexity and aesthetics. Frenify currently has a wide range of HTML templates, WordPress themes, WordPress plugins, Photoshop projects; paid and absolutely free products.</p><p>Design projects are unique and aesthetically pleasing based on customer requirements. Visit our website to get acquainted with our products. Thank you so much for being with us.</p>', | |
append : true | |
}, | |
website: { | |
type : 'url', | |
description : 'go to our official website', | |
append : false, | |
url : '' | |
}, | |
free: { | |
type : 'url', | |
description : 'get PSD files of premium themes for free', | |
append : false, | |
url : '' | |
}, | |
doc: { | |
type : 'url', | |
description : 'visit online documentation for TechWave HTML template', | |
append : false, | |
url : '' | |
}, | |
support: { | |
type : 'url', | |
description : 'if you have any questions regarding TechWave HTML template feel free and contact us by this command', | |
append : false, | |
url : '' | |
}, | |
purchase: { | |
type : 'url', | |
description : 'open the template description page on themeforest to purchase it', | |
append : false, | |
url : '' | |
}, | |
youtube: { | |
type : 'url', | |
description : 'visit our youtube channel with video guides on our themes and templates', | |
append : false, | |
url : '' | |
}, | |
pass: { | |
type : 'password', | |
description : 'if you want to get strong password I can generate it for you, write <frenify_main>/pass 20</frenify_main> to get a 20 character password', | |
append : true, | |
}, | |
joke: { | |
type : 'joke', | |
description : 'I can cheer you up by telling a joke', | |
append : true, | |
}, | |
time: { | |
type : 'time', | |
description : 'display current time', | |
append : true, | |
}, | |
clear: { | |
type : 'clear', | |
description : 'to clear current chat', | |
append : false, | |
}, | |
commands: { | |
type : 'commands', | |
description : 'to list all available commands', | |
append : true, | |
}, | |
}; | |
// collect all commands | |
commands = '<ul>'; | |
$.each(allCommands, function(key, value) { | |
commands += '<li><frenify_main>/'+key+'</frenify_main> - ' + value.description + '</li>'; | |
}); | |
commands += '</ul>'; | |
// welcome text (first message of the bot) | |
var welcomeText = '<p>Hello.</p><p>I am Frenify Bot. After purchasing the template, you can delete me easily. I understand some commands. You just select one of the commands and write here.</p><p>Here is the list of commands:</p>'+commands+'<p>We are trying for you. We try to make unique themes and templates with excellent functionality and excellent design.</p>'; | |
allCommands.welcome.text = welcomeText; | |
var allJokes = [ | |
'What did one pirate say to the other when he beat him at chess?<>Checkmatey.', | |
'I burned 2000 calories today<>I left my food in the oven for too long.', | |
'I startled my next-door neighbor with my new electric power tool. <>I had to calm him down by saying “Don’t worry, this is just a drill!”', | |
'I broke my arm in two places. <>My doctor told me to stop going to those places.', | |
'I quit my job at the coffee shop the other day. <>It was just the same old grind over and over.', | |
'I never buy anything that has Velcro with it...<>it’s a total rip-off.', | |
'I used to work at a soft drink can crushing company...<>it was soda pressing.', | |
'I wondered why the frisbee kept on getting bigger. <>Then it hit me.', | |
'I was going to tell you a fighting joke...<>but I forgot the punch line.', | |
'What is the most groundbreaking invention of all time? <>The shovel.', | |
'I’m starting my new job at a restaurant next week. <>I can’t wait.', | |
'I visited a weight loss website...<>they told me I have to have cookies disabled.', | |
'Did you hear about the famous Italian chef that recently died? <>He pasta way.', | |
'Broken guitar for sale<>no strings attached.', | |
'I could never be a plumber<>it’s too hard watching your life’s work go down the drain.', | |
'I cut my finger slicing cheese the other day...<>but I think I may have grater problems than that.', | |
'What time did you go to the dentist yesterday?<>Tooth-hurty.', | |
'What kind of music do astronauts listen to?<>Neptunes.', | |
'Rest in peace, boiled water. <>You will be mist.', | |
'What is the only concert in the world that costs 45 cents? <>50 Cent, featuring Nickelback.', | |
'It’s not a dad bod<> it’s a father figure.', | |
'My wife recently went on a tropical food diet and now our house is full of this stuff. <>It’s enough to make a mango crazy.', | |
'What do you call Santa’s little helpers? <>Subordinate clauses.', | |
'Want to hear a construction joke? <>Sorry, I’m still working on it.', | |
'What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo? <>One is extremely big and heavy, and the other is a little lighter.', | |
'I burnt my Hawaiian pizza today in the oven, <>I should have cooked it on aloha temperature.', | |
'Anyone can be buried when they die<>but if you want to be cremated then you have to urn it.', | |
'Where did Captain Hook get his hook? <>From the second-hand store.', | |
'I am such a good singer that people always ask me to sing solo<>solo that they can’t hear me.', | |
'I am such a good singer that people ask me to sing tenor<>tenor twelve miles away.', | |
'Occasionally to relax I just like to tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward.<> That’s just how I roll.', | |
'What did the glass of wine say to the glass of beer? Nothing. <>They barley knew each other.', | |
'I’ve never trusted stairs. <>They are always up to something.', | |
'Why did Shakespeare’s wife leave him? <>She got sick of all the drama.', | |
'I just bought a dictionary but all of the pages are blank. <>I have no words to describe how mad I am.', | |
'If you want to get a job at the moisturizer factory... <>you’re going to have to apply daily.', | |
'I don’t know what’s going to happen next year. <>It’s probably because I don’t have 2020 vision.', | |
'Want to hear a joke about going to the bathroom? <>Urine for a treat.', | |
'I couldn’t figure out how to use the seat belt. <>Then it just clicked.', | |
'I got an email the other day teaching me how to read maps backwards<>turns out it was just spam.', | |
'I’m reading a book about anti-gravity.<> It’s impossible to put down!', | |
'You’re American when you go into the bathroom, and you’re American when you come out, but do you know what you are while you’re in there?<> European.', | |
'Did you know the first French fries weren’t actually cooked in France?<> They were cooked in Greece.', | |
'Want to hear a joke about a piece of paper? Never mind... <>it’s tearable.', | |
'I just watched a documentary about beavers. <>It was the best dam show I ever saw!', | |
'If you see a robbery at an Apple Store what re you?<> An iWitness?', | |
'Spring is here! <>I got so excited I wet my plants!', | |
'What’s Forrest Gump’s password?<> 1forrest1', | |
'Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water? <>Because he was a little horse!', | |
'CASHIER: "Would you like the milk in a bag, sir?" <>DAD: "No, just leave it in the carton!’”', | |
'Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? <>They say he made a mint.', | |
'I bought some shoes from a drug dealer.<> I don’t know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day!', | |
'Why do chicken coops only have two doors?<> Because if they had four, they would be chicken sedans!', | |
'How do you make a Kleenex dance? <>Put a little boogie in it!', | |
'A termite walks into a bar and asks<>"Is the bar tender here?"', | |
'Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer?<> He couldn’t see himself doing it.', | |
'I used to have a job at a calendar factory <>but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off.', | |
'A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection. Judge says, "First offender?" <>She says, "No, first a Gibson! Then a Fender!”', | |
'How do you make holy water?<> You boil the hell out of it.', | |
'I had a dream that I was a muffler last night.<> I woke up exhausted!', | |
'Did you hear about the circus fire?<> It was in tents!', | |
'Don’t trust atoms.<> They make up everything!', | |
'How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? <>Ten-tickles.', | |
'I’m only familiar with 25 letters in the English language.<> I don’t know why.', | |
'Why did the cow in the pasture get promoted at work?<> Because he is OUT-STANDING in his field!', | |
'What do prisoners use to call each other?<> Cell phones.', | |
'Why couldn’t the bike standup by itself? <>It was two tired.', | |
'Who was the fattest knight at King Arthur’s round table?<> Sir Cumference.', | |
'Did you see they made round bails of hay illegal in Wisconsin? <>It’s because the cows weren’t getting a square meal.', | |
'You know what the loudest pet you can get is?<> A trumpet.', | |
'What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?<> Frostbite.', | |
'What do you call a deer with no eyes?<> No idea!', | |
'Can February March? <>No, but April May!', | |
'What do you call a lonely cheese? <>Provolone.', | |
'Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?<> Because the pee is silent.', | |
'What did the buffalo say to his son when he dropped him off at school?<> Bison.', | |
'What do you call someone with no body and no nose? <>Nobody knows.', | |
'You heard of that new band 1023MB? <>They’re good but they haven’t got a gig yet.', | |
'Why did the crab never share?<> Because he’s shellfish.', | |
'How do you get a squirrel to like you? <>Act like a nut.', | |
'Why don’t eggs tell jokes? <>They’d crack each other up.', | |
'Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long? <>Because then it would be a foot.', | |
'Did you hear the rumor about butter? <>Well, I’m not going to spread it!', | |
'I made a pencil with two erasers. <>It was pointless.', | |
'I used to hate facial hair...<>but then it grew on me.', | |
'I decided to sell my vacuum cleaner—<>it was just gathering dust!', | |
'I had a neck brace fitted years ago<> and I’ve never looked back since.', | |
'You know, people say they pick their nose,<> but I feel like I was just born with mine.', | |
'What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?<> An irrelephant.', | |
'What do you get from a pampered cow? <>Spoiled milk.', | |
'It’s inappropriate to make a ’dad joke’ if you’re not a dad.<> It’s a faux pa.', | |
'How do lawyers say goodbye? <>Sue ya later!', | |
'Wanna hear a joke about paper? <>Never mind—it’s tearable.', | |
'What’s the best way to watch a fly fishing tournament? <>Live stream.', | |
'I could tell a joke about pizza,<> but it’s a little cheesy.', | |
'When does a joke become a dad joke?<> When it becomes apparent.', | |
'What’s an astronaut’s favorite part of a computer? <>The space bar.', | |
'What did the shy pebble wish for?<>That she was a little boulder.', | |
'I’m tired of following my dreams. <>I’m just going to ask them where they are going and meet up with them later.', | |
'Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? <>He’s all right now.', | |
'Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? <>Because he had no guts.', | |
'What did one nut say as he chased another nut? <> I’m a cashew!', | |
'Chances are if you’ve seen one shopping center...<> you’ve seen a mall.', | |
'I knew I shouldn’t steal a mixer from work...<>but it was a whisk I was willing to take.', | |
'How come the stadium got hot after the game? <>Because all of the fans left.', | |
'Why was it called the dark ages? <>Because of all the knights.', | |
'Why did the tomato blush? <>Because it saw the salad dressing.', | |
'Did you hear the joke about the wandering nun? <>She was a roman catholic.', | |
'What creature is smarter than a talking parrot? <>A spelling bee.', | |
'I’ll tell you what often gets over looked...<> garden fences.', | |
'Why did the kid cross the playground? <>To get to the other slide.', | |
'Why do birds fly south for the winter?<> Because it’s too far to walk.', | |
'What is a centipedes’s favorite Beatle song? <> I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand...', | |
'My first time using an elevator was an uplifting experience. <>The second time let me down.', | |
'To be Frank...<> I’d have to change my name.', | |
'Slept like a log last night … <>woke up in the fireplace.', | |
'Why does a Moon-rock taste better than an Earth-rock? <>Because it’s a little meteor.', | |
'How many South Americans does it take to change a lightbulb?<> A Brazilian', | |
'I don’t trust stairs.<> They’re always up to something.', | |
'A police officer caught two kids playing with a firework and a car battery.<> He charged one and let the other one off.', | |
'What is the difference between ignorance and apathy?<>I don’t know and I don’t care.', | |
'I went to a Foo Fighters Concert once... <>It was Everlong...', | |
'Some people eat light bulbs. <>They say it’s a nice light snack.', | |
'What do you get hanging from Apple trees? <> Sore arms.', | |
'Last night me and my girlfriend watched three DVDs back to back.<> Luckily I was the one facing the TV.', | |
'I got a reversible jacket for Christmas,<> I can’t wait to see how it turns out.', | |
'What did Romans use to cut pizza before the rolling cutter was invented? <>Lil Caesars', | |
'My pet mouse ’Elvis’ died last night. <>He was caught in a trap..', | |
'Never take advice from electrons. <>They are always negative.', | |
'Why are oranges the smartest fruit? <>Because they are made to concentrate. ', | |
'What did the beaver say to the tree? <>It’s been nice gnawing you.', | |
'How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?<> You use a pumpkin patch.', | |
'What did the late tomato say to the early tomato? <>I’ll ketch up', | |
'I have kleptomania...<>when it gets bad, I take something for it.', | |
'I used to be addicted to soap...<> but I’m clean now.', | |
'When is a door not a door?<> When it’s ajar.', | |
'I made a belt out of watches once...<> It was a waist of time.', | |
'This furniture store keeps emailing me,<> all I wanted was one night stand!', | |
'How do you find Will Smith in the snow?<> Look for fresh prints.', | |
'I just read a book about Stockholm syndrome.<> It was pretty bad at first, but by the end I liked it.', | |
'Why do trees seem suspicious on sunny days? <>Dunno, they’re just a bit shady.', | |
'If at first you don’t succeed<> sky diving is not for you!', | |
'What kind of music do mummy’s like?<>Rap', | |
'A book just fell on my head. <>I only have my shelf to blame.', | |
'What did the dog say to the two trees? <>Bark bark.', | |
'If a child refuses to sleep during nap time...<> are they guilty of resisting a rest?', | |
'Have you ever heard of a music group called Cellophane?<> They mostly wrap.', | |
'What did the mountain climber name his son?<>Cliff.', | |
'Why should you never trust a pig with a secret?<> Because it’s bound to squeal.', | |
'Why are mummys scared of vacation?<> They’re afraid to unwind.', | |
'Whiteboards ...<> are remarkable.', | |
'What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep?<>A stega-snore-us.', | |
'What kind of tree fits in your hand?<> A palm tree!', | |
'I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey<> but I turned myself around.', | |
'How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus?<> Ten-tickles!', | |
'What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?<> A tuba toothpaste.', | |
'My boss told me to attach two pieces of wood together... <>I totally nailed it!', | |
'What was the pumpkin’s favorite sport?<>Squash.', | |
'What do you call corn that joins the army?<> Kernel.', | |
'I’ve been trying to come up with a dad joke about momentum <>but I just can’t seem to get it going.', | |
'Why don’t sharks eat clowns? <> Because they taste funny.', | |
'Just read a few facts about frogs.<> They were ribbiting.', | |
'Why didn’t the melons get married?<>Because they cantaloupe.', | |
'What’s a computer’s favorite snack?<>Microchips!', | |
'Why was the robot so tired after his road trip?<>He had a hard drive.', | |
'Why did the computer have no money left?<>Someone cleaned out its cache!', | |
'I’m not anti-social. <>I’m just not user friendly.', | |
'Why did the computer get cold?<>Because it forgot to close windows.', | |
'What is an astronaut’s favorite key on a keyboard?<>The space bar!', | |
'What’s the difference between a computer salesman and a used-car salesman?<>The used-car salesman KNOWS when he’s lying.', | |
'If at first you don’t succeed...<> call it version 1.0', | |
'Why did Microsoft PowerPoint cross the road?<>To get to the other slide!', | |
'What did the computer do at lunchtime?<>Had a byte!', | |
'Why did the computer keep sneezing?<>It had a virus!', | |
'What did one toilet say to the other?<>You look a bit flushed.', | |
'Why did the picture go to jail?<>Because it was framed.', | |
'What did one wall say to the other wall?<>I’ll meet you at the corner.', | |
'What do you call a boy named Lee that no one talks to?<>Lonely', | |
'Why do bicycles fall over?<>Because they are two-tired!', | |
'Why was the broom late?<>It over swept!', | |
'What part of the car is the laziest?<>The wheels, because they are always tired!', | |
'What’s the difference between a TV and a newspaper?<>Ever tried swatting a fly with a TV?', | |
'What did one elevator say to the other elevator?<>I think I’m coming down with something!', | |
'Why was the belt arrested?<>Because it held up some pants!', | |
'What makes the calendar seem so popular?<>Because it has a lot of dates!', | |
'Why did Mickey Mouse take a trip into space?He wanted to find Pluto!', | |
'Why do you go to bed every night?<>Because the bed won’t come to you!', | |
'What has four wheels and flies?<>A garbage truck!', | |
'Why did the robber take a bath before he stole from the bank?<>He wanted to make a clean get away!', | |
'Just watched a documentary about beavers.<>It was the best damn program I’ve ever seen.', | |
'Slept like a log last night<>woke up in the fireplace.', | |
'Why did the scarecrow win an award?<>Because he was outstanding in his field.', | |
'Why does a chicken coop only have two doors? <>Because if it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan.', | |
'What’s the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant? <>About 5000 miles', | |
'Why did the coffee file a police report? <>It got mugged.', | |
'What did the grape do when he got stepped on? <>He let out a little wine.', | |
'How many apples grow on a tree? <>All of them.', | |
'What name do you give a person with a rubber toe? <>Roberto', | |
'Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? <>It’s fine, he woke up.', | |
'Why do scuba divers fall backwards into the water? <>Because if they fell forwards they’d still be in the boat.', | |
'How does a penguin build it’s house? <>Igloos it together.', | |
'What do you call a man with a rubber toe?<>Roberto', | |
'Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?<>Great food, no atmosphere.', | |
'Why was the belt sent to jail?<>For holding up a pair of pants!', | |
'Did you hear about the scientist who was lab partners with a pot of boiling water?<>He had a very esteemed colleague.', | |
'What happens when a frogs car dies?<>He needs a jump. If that doesn’t work he has to get it toad.', | |
'What did the flowers do when the bride walked down the aisle?<>They rose.', | |
'Why did the man fall down the well?<>Because he couldn’t see that well.', | |
'My boss told me to have a good day...<> I went home.', | |
'How can you tell it’s a dogwood tree?<>By the bark.', | |
'Did you hear about the kidnapping at school?<>It’s fine, he woke up.', | |
'Why is Peter Pan always flying?<>Because he Neverlands.', | |
'Which state has the most streets?<>Rhode Island.', | |
'What do you call 26 letters that went for a swim?<>Alphawetical.', | |
'Why was the color green notoriously single?<>It was always so jaded.', | |
'Why did the coach go to the bank?<>To get his quarterback.', | |
'How do celebrities stay cool?<>They have many fans.', | |
'What’s the most depressing day of the week?<>sadder day.', | |
'Dogs can’t operate MRI machines<>But catscan.', | |
'I was going to tell a time-traveling joke<>but you guys didn’t like it.', | |
'Stop looking for the perfect match<>instead look for a lighter.', | |
'I told my doctor I heard buzzing<>but he said it’s just a bug going around.', | |
'What kind of car does a sheep like to drive?<>A lamborghini.', | |
'What did the accountant say while auditing a document?<>This is taxing.', | |
'What did the two pieces of bread say on their wedding day?<>It was loaf at first sight.', | |
'Why do melons have weddings?<>Because they cantaloupe.', | |
'What did the drummer call his twin daughters?<>Anna One, Anna Two!', | |
'What do you call a toothless bear?<> A gummy bear!', | |
'Two goldfish are in a tank. <>One says to the other, “Do you know how to drive this thing?”', | |
'What’s Forrest Gump’s password?<>1forrest1', | |
'What is a child guilty of if they refuse to nap?<> Resisting a rest.', | |
'I know a lot of jokes about retired people<>but none of them work.', | |
'Why are spiders so smart?<>They can find everything on the web.', | |
'What has one head, one foot, and four legs?<> A bed.', | |
'What does a house wear?<> Address.', | |
'What’s red and smells like blue paint?<>Red paint.', | |
'My son asked me to put his shoes on<> but I don’t think they’ll fit me.', | |
'I’ve been bored recently, so I decided to take up fencing.<> The neighbors keep demanding that I put it back.', | |
'What do you call an unpredictable camera?<>A loose Canon.', | |
'Which U.S. state is known for its especially small soft drinks?<>Minnesota.', | |
'What do sprinters eat before a race?<> Nothing—they fast.', | |
'I’m so good at sleeping...<>I can do it with my eyes closed.', | |
'People are usually shocked that I have a Police record.<>But I love their greatest hits!', | |
'I told my girlfriend she drew on her eyebrows too high.<> She seemed surprised.', | |
'What do you call a fibbing cat?<> A lion.', | |
'Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?<> Because it’s pointless.', | |
'I like telling Dad jokes…<>sometimes he laughs.', | |
'How do you weigh a millennial?<> In Instagrams.', | |
'The wedding was so beautiful<>even the cake was in tiers.', | |
'What’s the most patriotic sport?<> Flag football.', | |
]; | |
// answer | |
var unknownCommand = false; | |
if(TechwaveUserMessageCount === 1){ | |
botText = welcomeText; | |
}else{ | |
if(TechwaveUserQuestion.slice(0,1) === '/'){ | |
var question = TechwaveUserQuestion.substring(1); | |
var regex = /pass \d/i; | |
var countpass = 15; | |
if(regex.test(question)){ | |
countpass = question.split(' ')[1]; | |
question = 'pass'; | |
} | |
regex = /joke \d/i; | |
var countjoke = 1; | |
if(regex.test(question)){ | |
countjoke = question.split(' ')[1]; | |
question = 'joke'; | |
} | |
if(allCommands.hasOwnProperty(question)){ | |
var allOptions = allCommands[question]; | |
var type = allOptions.type; | |
if(type === 'text'){ | |
botText = allOptions.text; | |
}else if(type === 'url'){ | |
window.location.href = allOptions.url; | |
}else if(type === 'password'){ | |
var possible = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789![]{}()%&*$#^<>~@|'; | |
var password = ''; | |
if(countpass > 1000){ | |
botText += '<p>I don\'t think that you want to get this password. Maximum password characters are: 1000.</p><p>Your password with 1000 characters:</p>'; | |
countpass = 1000; | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i < countpass; i++) { | |
password += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); | |
} | |
password = FrenifyTechWave.escapeHTML(password); | |
botText += '<frenify_uselect>'+password+'</frenify_uselect>'; | |
}else if(type === 'time'){ | |
var dt = new Date(); | |
var hh = dt.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + dt.getHours() : dt.getHours(); | |
var mm = dt.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + dt.getMinutes() : dt.getMinutes(); | |
var ss = dt.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + dt.getSeconds() : dt.getSeconds(); | |
botText = hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss; | |
}else if(type === 'clear'){ | |
$('.fn__chatbot').html(''); | |
}else if(type === 'joke'){ | |
if(countjoke > 1){ | |
var shuffled = FrenifyTechWave.shuffleArray(allJokes); | |
var selected = shuffled.slice(0,countjoke); | |
botText = '<ul>'; | |
if(countjoke >= 1 && countjoke <= allJokes.length){ | |
for(var j=0;j<countjoke;j++){ | |
botText += '<li>'+selected[j]+'</li>'; | |
} | |
} | |
botText += '</ul>'; | |
}else{ | |
botText = allJokes[Math.floor(Math.random()*allJokes.length)]; | |
} | |
}else if(type === 'commands'){ | |
botText = commands; | |
} | |
append = allOptions.append; | |
}else{ | |
unknownCommand = true; | |
} | |
}else{ | |
unknownCommand = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if(unknownCommand){ | |
botText = '<p>I only understand some commands. Of course, this is a fixable problem. Buy this template and implement AI and that\'s it. Go to the template site where you can buy? Visit item\'s website: <a href="" target="_blank">TechWave</a></p><p>Write <frenify_main>/commands</frenify_main> to list all available commands.'; | |
} | |
// answer to question | |
if(append){ | |
$('.fn__chat_comment button').addClass('disabled'); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
$('.fn__chatbot').append('<div class="chat__box bot__chat"><div class="author"><span>Frenify Bot</span></div><div class="chat"><frenify_typing><h3><span>Typing...</frenify></h3></div></div>'); | |
if($('.techwave_fn_intro').length){ | |
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('#fn__chat_textarea').offset().top - $(window).height() + 100 }); | |
}else{ | |
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height()-$(window).height() }); | |
} | |
},100); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
$('.fn__chatbot .chat__box.bot__chat:last-child .chat').html(botText); | |
$('.fn__chat_comment button').removeClass('disabled'); | |
if($('.techwave_fn_intro').length){ | |
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('#fn__chat_textarea').offset().top - $(window).height() + 100 }); | |
}else{ | |
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height()-$(window).height() }); | |
} | |
},2000); | |
} | |
}, | |
shuffleArray: function(array){ | |
var currentIndex = array.length, randomIndex; | |
while (currentIndex !== 0) { | |
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); | |
currentIndex--; | |
[array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex]]; | |
} | |
return array; | |
}, | |
escapeHTML: function(string){ | |
var entityMap = { | |
'&': '&', | |
'<': '<', | |
'>': '>', | |
'"': '"', | |
"'": ''', | |
'/': '/', | |
'`': '`', | |
'=': '=' | |
}; | |
return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (s) { | |
return entityMap[s]; | |
}); | |
}, | |
aiChatBotOptions: function(){ | |
$('.fn__chat_link').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
if(!element.hasClass('active')){ | |
$('').removeClass('active'); | |
$('.fn__chatbot').removeClass('active'); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
$(element.attr('href')).addClass('active'); | |
TechwaveUserMessageCount = $(element.attr('href')).find('.chat__box').length; | |
$('.fn__new_chat_link').removeClass('active'); | |
$('.fn__chat_comment').removeClass('neww'); | |
$('.fn__chatbot .fn__title_holder .title').text(element.find('.text').text()); | |
if($(element.attr('href')).html() === ''){ | |
$('.fn__chat_comment').addClass('neww'); | |
} | |
} | |
$('#fn__chat_textarea').frenifyMoveCursorToEnd(); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.fn__new_chat_link').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
if(!element.hasClass('active')){ | |
$('').removeClass('active'); | |
$('.fn__chatbot').removeClass('active'); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
$(element.attr('href')).addClass('active'); | |
TechwaveUserMessageCount = 0; | |
$('.fn__chatbot .fn__title_holder .title').text('New Chat'); | |
} | |
$('.fn__chat_comment').addClass('neww'); | |
$('#fn__chat_textarea').frenifyMoveCursorToEnd(); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_link input').off().on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_link .trigger').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
parent = element.closest('.fn__chat_link'); | |
if(parent.hasClass('opened')){ | |
parent.removeClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
parent.addClass('opened'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_link .edit').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
parent = element.closest('.fn__chat_link'), | |
input = parent.find('input'); | |
parent.addClass('live_edit').removeClass('opened'); | |
TechwaveInputText = input.val(); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
input.frenifyMoveCursorToEnd(); | |
},100); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_link .cancel').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this), | |
parent = e.closest('.fn__chat_link'), | |
input = parent.find('input'); | |
parent.removeClass('live_edit'); | |
input.val(TechwaveInputText); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_link .save').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this), | |
parent = e.closest('.fn__chat_link'), | |
input = parent.find('input'); | |
// do your ajax here | |
parent.removeClass('live_edit'); | |
TechwaveInputText = input.val(); | |
parent.find('.text').text(TechwaveInputText); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$(window).on('click',function(){ | |
$('.fn__chat_link').removeClass('opened'); | |
}); | |
$('.fn__chat_link .options__popup').on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
}); | |
}, | |
aiChatBotTextareaHeight: function(){ | |
$('#fn__chat_textarea').on('mouseup keyup', function() { | |
var e = $(this); | |
var val = e.val(); | |
var padding = 34; // top 18 and bottom 16 | |
var border = 4; // top 2 and bottom 2 | |
var taLineHeight = 22; // This should match the line-height in the CSS | |
var e2 = e.siblings('.fn__hidden_textarea'); | |
e2.val(val); | |
var taHeight2 = e2[0].scrollHeight - padding; // Get the scroll height of the textarea | |
var numberOfLines2 = Math.floor(taHeight2/taLineHeight); | |
e.css({height: numberOfLines2*taLineHeight+padding+border}); | |
if(numberOfLines2 > 6){ | |
e.css({overflowY: 'auto'}); | |
}else{ | |
e.css({overflowY: 'hidden'}); | |
} | |
}); | |
$('#fn__include_textarea').on('mouseup keyup', function() { | |
var e = $(this); | |
var val = e.val(); | |
var padding = 34; // top 18 and bottom 16 | |
var border = 4; // top 2 and bottom 2 | |
var taLineHeight = 22; // This should match the line-height in the CSS | |
var e2 = e.siblings('.fn__hidden_textarea'); | |
e2.val(val); | |
var taHeight2 = e2[0].scrollHeight - padding; // Get the scroll height of the textarea | |
var numberOfLines2 = Math.floor(taHeight2/taLineHeight); | |
e.css({height: numberOfLines2*taLineHeight+padding+border}); | |
if(numberOfLines2 > 6){ | |
e.css({overflowY: 'auto'}); | |
}else{ | |
e.css({overflowY: 'hidden'}); | |
} | |
}); | |
$('#fn__exclude_textarea').on('mouseup keyup', function() { | |
var e = $(this); | |
var val = e.val(); | |
var padding = 34; // top 18 and bottom 16 | |
var border = 4; // top 2 and bottom 2 | |
var taLineHeight = 22; // This should match the line-height in the CSS | |
var e2 = e.siblings('.fn__hidden_textarea'); | |
e2.val(val); | |
var taHeight2 = e2[0].scrollHeight - padding; // Get the scroll height of the textarea | |
var numberOfLines2 = Math.floor(taHeight2/taLineHeight); | |
e.css({height: numberOfLines2*taLineHeight+padding+border}); | |
if(numberOfLines2 > 6){ | |
e.css({overflowY: 'auto'}); | |
}else{ | |
e.css({overflowY: 'hidden'}); | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
billingProgress: function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_user_billing .progress').each(function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
element.waypoint({ | |
handler: function(){ | |
if(!element.hasClass('active')){ | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
element.css('--frenify-progress','percentage')); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
},500); | |
} | |
}, | |
offset:'90%' | |
}); | |
}); | |
}, | |
inputFileOnChange: function(){ | |
$('.fn__upload').on("change", function(event){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
var file =[0]; | |
if (file) { | |
element.addClass('has_img').find('.preview_img').attr('src',URL.createObjectURL(file)); | |
} | |
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$('.fn__upload .fn__closer').on('click',function(){ | |
var parent = $(this).closest('.fn__upload'); | |
parent.removeClass('has_img'); | |
parent.find('.preview_img').attr('src','#'); | |
parent.find('input[type="file]').val(''); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
optionsList: function(){ | |
$('.fn__options_list a').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this); | |
if(e.hasClass('enabled')){ | |
e.removeClass('enabled').addClass('disabled'); | |
}else{ | |
e.removeClass('disabled').addClass('enabled'); | |
} | |
// do your ajax here | |
// .... | |
// .... | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
pricingTab: function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_pricing .toggle_in').each(function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
active = element.find('.active'); | |
var offset = active.offset().left - element.offset().left; | |
element.find('.bg').css({left: offset, width: active.outerWidth(true,true)}); | |
}); | |
$('.techwave_fn_pricing .toggle_in a').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
if(!element.hasClass('active')){ | |
var parent = element.closest('.toggle_in'); | |
var pricing = element.closest('.techwave_fn_pricing'); | |
var offset = element.offset().left - parent.offset().left; | |
pricing.find('').removeClass('active'); | |
$(element.attr('href')).addClass('active'); | |
element.siblings().removeClass('active'); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
parent.find('.bg').css({left: offset, width: element.outerWidth(true,true)}); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
feedFilters: function(){ | |
// Enable/disable selecting items | |
$('.techwave_fn_feed .filter__select input[type="checkbox"]').change(function () { | |
var element = $(this); | |
var checked =':checked'); | |
var feed = element.closest('.techwave_fn_feed'); | |
var items = feed.find('.fn__gallery_items .item'); | |
if(checked){ | |
items.addClass('select__ready'); | |
feed.find('.fn__selection_box').slideDown(200); | |
}else{ | |
items.removeClass('select__ready'); | |
feed.find('.fn__selection_box').slideUp(200); | |
} | |
}); | |
// select/deselect items | |
$('.fn__selectable_item').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
page = element.closest('.techwave_fn_community_page'), | |
items = page.find('.fn__gallery_items .item'); | |
if(element.hasClass('selected')){ | |
element.removeClass('selected'); | |
TechwaveSelectedCount--; | |
}else{ | |
element.addClass('selected'); | |
TechwaveSelectedCount++; | |
} | |
page.find('.fn__selection_box .count').text(TechwaveSelectedCount); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
// tab filter | |
$('.techwave_fn_feed .fn__tabs a').on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
if(!element.hasClass('active') && !TechwaveFeedFilterLoading){ | |
TechwaveFeedFilterLoading = true; | |
element.siblings().removeClass('active'); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
var feed = element.closest('.techwave_fn_feed'); | |
feed.find('.feed__results').addClass('loading'); | |
// do your ajax here | |
// you have to get new feeds with filter (if you want to change also filter) of selected tab via ajax | |
// .... | |
// .... | |
// after ajax ends remove setTimeout (it was added just for HTML) | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
// here you have to insert your feeds into the filter's content and feed content | |
feed.find('.feed__results').removeClass('loading'); | |
TechwaveFeedFilterLoading = false; | |
FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
},1500); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
// Trending&New Filter | |
$('.techwave_fn_feed .filter__sorting a').on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
if(!element.hasClass('enabled') && !TechwaveFeedFilterLoading){ | |
TechwaveFeedFilterLoading = true; | |
element.siblings().removeClass('enabled').addClass('disabled'); | |
element.removeClass('disabled').addClass('enabled'); | |
var feed = element.closest('.techwave_fn_feed'); | |
feed.find('.feed__results').addClass('loading'); | |
// do your ajax here | |
// you have to get new feeds by trending or new (selected) via ajax | |
// .... | |
// .... | |
// after ajax ends remove setTimeout (it was added just for HTML) | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
// here you have to insert new feeds into the results' content | |
feed.find('.feed__results').removeClass('loading'); | |
TechwaveFeedFilterLoading = false; | |
},1500); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
// Upscaled Filter | |
$('.techwave_fn_feed .filter__upscaled input[type="checkbox"]').change(function () { | |
var element = $(this); | |
var checked =':checked'); | |
var feed = element.closest('.techwave_fn_feed'); | |
feed.find('.feed__results').addClass('loading'); | |
// do your ajax here | |
// you have to get new feeds by checked value via ajax | |
// .... | |
// .... | |
// after ajax ends remove setTimeout (it was added just for HTML) | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
// here you have to insert new feeds into the results' content | |
feed.find('.feed__results').removeClass('loading'); | |
},1500); | |
}); | |
// search filter | |
$('.techwave_fn_feed .filter__search a').on('click',function(){ | |
if(!TechwaveFeedFilterLoading){ | |
var feed = $(this).closest('.techwave_fn_feed'); | |
feed.find('.feed__results').addClass('loading'); | |
// do your ajax here | |
// you have to get new feeds by search word via ajax | |
// .... | |
// .... | |
// after ajax ends remove setTimeout (it was added just for HTML) | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
// here you have to insert new feeds into the results' content | |
feed.find('.feed__results').removeClass('loading'); | |
TechwaveFeedFilterLoading = false; | |
},1500); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
report: function(){ | |
var reportbox = $('.techwave_fn_report'); | |
$('.fn__report').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this), | |
id ='id'); | |
if(reportbox.hasClass('opened')){ | |
reportbox.removeClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
reportbox.addClass('opened'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
reportbox.find('.cancel').off().on('click',function(){ | |
reportbox.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
reportbox.find('.fn__closer').off().on('click',function(){ | |
reportbox.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
reportbox.find('.report__closer').off().on('click',function(){ | |
reportbox.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
follow: function(){ | |
$('.fn__follow').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this), | |
text = e.find('.text'), | |
id ='id'); | |
if(e.hasClass('has__follow')){ | |
e.removeClass('has__follow'); | |
text.text('follow-text')); | |
}else{ | |
e.addClass('has__follow'); | |
text.text('unfollow-text')); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
copyLink: function(){ | |
$(".fn__copy").off().on("click",function(){ | |
var e = $(this); | |
var text = e.text(); | |
var copied ="copied"); | |
var copy2 = e.attr("data-text"); | |
var copy = e.attr("href"); | |
if (typeof copy2 !== 'undefined' && copy2 !== false) { | |
copy = copy2; | |
} | |
var temp = $("<input>"); | |
$("body").append(temp); | |
temp.val(copy).select(); | |
document.execCommand("copy"); | |
temp.remove(); | |
e.text(copied).delay(1000).queue(function(nxt) { | |
e.text(text); | |
nxt(); | |
}); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
galleryIsotope: function(){ | |
var masonry = $('.fn__gallery_items'); | |
if($().isotope){ | |
masonry.each(function(){ | |
$(this).isotope({ | |
percentPosition: true, | |
itemSelector: '.fn__gallery_item', | |
masonry: {} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
}, | |
imageLightbox: function(){ | |
var body = $('body'); | |
var scrollY = 0; | |
$('.fn__gallery_items .item').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
id ='id'); | |
if(!element.hasClass('select__ready')){ | |
lightbox.scrollTop(0); | |
// with this id you can create ajax to call this image into the lightbox | |
scrollY ='--techwave-scroll-y'); | |
body.css({position: 'fixed',top:scrollY}); | |
body.addClass('fn__lightbox_mode'); | |
lightbox.addClass('opened'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
var lightbox = $('.techwave_fn_img_lightbox'); | |
lightbox.find('.fn__closer').off().on('click',function(){ | |
body.removeClass('fn__lightbox_mode'); | |
lightbox.removeClass('opened'); | |
body.css({position: 'relative',top:''}); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
window.scrollTo({ top: 300, left:0, behavior: "instant"}); | |
FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
},1); | |
}); | |
}, | |
bookmark: function(){ | |
$('.fn__bookmark').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this); | |
if(e.hasClass('has__bookmark')){ | |
e.removeClass('has__bookmark'); | |
}else{ | |
e.addClass('has__bookmark'); | |
} | |
// do your ajax here | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
like: function(){ | |
$('.fn__like').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this), | |
countbox = e.find('.count'), | |
id ='id'); | |
if(e.hasClass('has__like')){ | |
e.removeClass('has__like'); | |
countbox.text(parseInt(countbox.text())-1); | |
}else{ | |
e.addClass('has__like'); | |
countbox.text(parseInt(countbox.text())+1); | |
} | |
// do your ajax here | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
accordion: function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_accordion').each(function(){ | |
$(this).find('.opened .acc__content').slideDown(300); | |
}); | |
$('.techwave_fn_accordion .acc__header').on('click',function(){ | |
var element = $(this), | |
parent = element.closest('.acc__item'), | |
accordion = element.closest('.techwave_fn_accordion'), | |
content = parent.find('.acc__content'), | |
type ='type'); | |
if(parent.hasClass('opened')){ | |
parent.removeClass('opened'); | |
content.slideUp(300); | |
}else{ | |
if(type === 'accordion'){ | |
accordion.find('.acc__item').removeClass('opened'); | |
accordion.find('.acc__content').slideUp(300); | |
} | |
parent.addClass('opened'); | |
content.slideDown(300); | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
search: function(){ | |
var searchBar = $('.techwave_fn_searchbar'); | |
var input = searchBar.find('.search__input'); | |
var resultsBar = searchBar.find('.search__results'); | |
var searchOpener = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_search .item_opener'); | |
// open searchbar | |
searchOpener.on('click',function(){ | |
searchBar.addClass('opened'); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
input[0].focus(); | |
},100); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
// close searchbar | |
searchBar.find('.search__closer').on('click',function(){ | |
input.val(''); | |
resultsBar.removeClass('opened'); | |
searchBar.removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
// search something | |
var timeout = null; | |
input.on('keyup', function(){ | |
var field = $(this); | |
var text = field.val(); | |
clearTimeout(timeout); | |
timeout = setTimeout(function () { | |
if(text === ''){ | |
resultsBar.removeClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
resultsBar.addClass('opened'); | |
// add your ajax code here | |
} | |
}, 700); | |
}); | |
}, | |
animatedText: function(){ | |
$('.fn__animated_text').each(function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
var text = element.text(); | |
var letters = text.split(''); | |
var time ='wait'); | |
if(!time){time = 0;} | |
var speed ='speed'); | |
if(!speed){speed = 4;} | |
speed = speed / 100; | |
element.html('<em>321...</em>').addClass('ready'); | |
element.waypoint({ | |
handler: function(){ | |
if(!element.hasClass('stop')){ | |
element.addClass('stop'); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
element.text(''); | |
$.each(letters,function(e,i){ | |
var span = document.createElement("span"); | |
span.textContent = i; | | = e * speed + 's'; | |
element.append(span); | |
}); | |
},time); | |
} | |
}, | |
offset:'90%' | |
}); | |
}); | |
}, | |
movingSubMenuForLeftPanel: function(){ | |
var fixedsub = $('.techwave_fn_fixedsub'); | |
var li = $('.techwave_fn_leftpanel .group__list > li'); | |
var rightpart = $('.techwave_fn_content'); | |
li.on('mouseenter', function(){ | |
var parentLi = $(this); | |
var subMenu = parentLi.children('ul.sub-menu'); | |
var subMenuHtml = subMenu.html(); | |
//parentLi; | |
if(subMenu.length){ | |
li.removeClass('hovered'); | |
parentLi.addClass('hovered').parent().addClass('hovered'); | |
fixedsub.removeClass('opened').children('ul').html('').html(subMenuHtml); | |
fixedsub.addClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
li.removeClass('hovered'); | |
fixedsub.removeClass('opened'); | |
parentLi.removeClass('hovered').parent().removeClass('hovered'); | |
} | |
var topOffSet = parentLi.offset().top; | |
var menuBar = $('.techwave_fn_leftpanel .leftpanel_content'); | |
var menuBarOffSet = menuBar.offset().top; | |
var asd = topOffSet-menuBarOffSet; | |
fixedsub.css({top:asd}); | |
abc(); | |
}); | |
function abc(){ | |
rightpart.on('mouseenter', function(){ | |
fixedsub.removeClass('opened'); | |
li.removeClass('hovered').parent().removeClass('hovered'); | |
}); | |
} | |
abc(); | |
}, | |
panelResize: function(){ | |
var wrapper = $('html'); | |
$('.techwave_fn_leftpanel .desktop_closer').off().on('click',function(){ | |
if(wrapper.hasClass('panel-opened')){ | |
wrapper.removeClass('panel-opened'); | |
localStorage.frenify_panel = ''; | |
}else{ | |
wrapper.addClass('panel-opened'); | |
localStorage.frenify_panel = 'panel-opened'; | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
$('.techwave_fn_leftpanel .mobile_closer').off().on('click',function(){ | |
if(wrapper.hasClass('mobile-panel-opened')){ | |
wrapper.removeClass('mobile-panel-opened'); | |
}else{ | |
wrapper.addClass('mobile-panel-opened'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
navBarItems: function(){ | |
// user details | |
var userItem = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_user'); | |
userItem.find('.user_opener').on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
if(userItem.hasClass('opened')){ | |
userItem.removeClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
userItem.addClass('opened'); | |
} | |
// close lightboxes | |
$('.bar__item_language,.bar__item_notification').removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
userItem.on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
}); | |
$(window).on('click',function(){ | |
userItem.removeClass('opened'); | |
}); | |
// light and dark mode | |
var darklightSwitcher = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_skin .item_opener'); | |'click',function(){ | |
if($('html').attr('data-techwave-skin') === 'light'){ | |
$('html').attr('data-techwave-skin','dark'); | |
localStorage.frenify_skin = 'dark'; | |
}else{ | |
$('html').attr('data-techwave-skin','light'); | |
localStorage.frenify_skin = 'light'; | |
} | |
// close lightboxes | |
$('.bar__item_user,.bar__item_language,.bar__item_notification').removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
// language | |
var languageItem = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_language'); | |
languageItem.find('.item_opener').on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
if(languageItem.hasClass('opened')){ | |
languageItem.removeClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
languageItem.addClass('opened'); | |
} | |
// close lightboxes | |
$('.bar__item_user,.bar__item_notification').removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
languageItem.on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
}); | |
$(window).on('click',function(){ | |
languageItem.removeClass('opened'); | |
}); | |
// notifications | |
var notificationItem = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_notification'); | |
notificationItem.find('.item_opener').on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
if(notificationItem.hasClass('opened')){ | |
notificationItem.removeClass('opened'); | |
}else{ | |
notificationItem.addClass('opened'); | |
} | |
// close lightboxes | |
$('.bar__item_user,.bar__item_language').removeClass('opened'); | |
return false; | |
}); | |
notificationItem.on('click',function(e){ | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
}); | |
$(window).on('click',function(){ | |
notificationItem.removeClass('opened'); | |
}); | |
}, | |
redetectFullScreen: function(){ | |
var fbtn = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_fullscreen a'); | |
if(window.innerHeight === screen.height){ | |
fbtn.addClass('full_screen'); | |
}else{ | |
fbtn.removeClass('full_screen'); | |
} | |
}, | |
fullSCreen: function(){ | |
var fbtn = $('.fn__nav_bar .bar__item_fullscreen a'); | |'click',function(){ | |
if(fbtn.hasClass('full_screen')){ | |
fbtn.removeClass('full_screen'); | |
if (document.exitFullscreen) { | |
document.exitFullscreen(); | |
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { | |
document.msExitFullscreen(); | |
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { | |
document.mozCancelFullScreen(); | |
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { | |
document.webkitExitFullscreen(); | |
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}else{ | |
fbtn.addClass('full_screen'); | |
if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) { | |
document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); | |
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document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen(); | |
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document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen(); | |
} else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) { | |
document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); | |
} | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
navSubMenu: function(){ | |
$('.techwave_fn_leftpanel .menu-item-has-children > a').off().on('click',function(){ | |
var e = $(this), | |
li = e.closest('li'); | |
if(li.hasClass('closed')){ | |
li.removeClass('closed'); | |
li.children('ul').slideDown(200); | |
}else{ | |
li.addClass('closed'); | |
li.children('ul').slideUp(200); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}); | |
}, | |
preloader: function(){ | |
var preloader = $('.techwave_fn_preloader'); | |
var date2 = new Date(); | |
var difference = date2-FrenifyTechWaveTime; | |
var waitTime = 4000; | |
if(difference < waitTime){ | |
waitTime -= difference; | |
}else{ | |
waitTime = 0; | |
} | |
if(!preloader.hasClass('wait_for_full_preloading_animation')){ | |
waitTime = 0; | |
} | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
preloader.addClass('fn_ready'); | |
},waitTime); | |
setTimeout(function() { | |
preloader.remove(); | |
}, waitTime+2000); | |
}, | |
imgToSVG: function(){ | |
$('img.fn__svg').each(function(){ | |
var img = $(this); | |
var imgClass = img.attr('class'); | |
var imgURL = img.attr('src'); | |
$.get(imgURL, function(data) { | |
var svg = $(data).find('svg'); | |
if(typeof imgClass !== 'undefined') { | |
svg = svg.attr('class', imgClass+' replaced-svg'); | |
} | |
img.replaceWith(svg); | |
}, 'xml'); | |
}); | |
}, | |
BgImg: function(){ | |
var div = $('*[data-bg-img]'); | |
div.each(function(){ | |
var element = $(this); | |
var attrBg = element.attr('data-bg-img'); | |
var dataBg ='bg-img'); | |
if(typeof(attrBg) !== 'undefined'){ | |
element.css({backgroundImage:'url('+dataBg+')'}); | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
}; | |
// READY Functions | |
$(document).ready(function(){ | |
FrenifyTechWave.init(); | |
$(':root').css('--techwave-scroll-y', (window.scrollY * (-1)) + 'px'); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
},500); | |
}); | |
// RESIZE Functions | |
$(window).on('resize',function(){ | |
FrenifyTechWave.popupMobile(); | |
FrenifyTechWave.redetectFullScreen(); | |
FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
}); | |
// $(window).load( function(){ | |
// FrenifyTechWave.preloader(); | |
// FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
// setTimeout(function(){ | |
// FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
// },1000); | |
// }); | |
// LOAD Functions | |
$(window).on('load', function(){ | |
FrenifyTechWave.preloader(); | |
FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
FrenifyTechWave.galleryIsotope(); | |
},1000); | |
}); | |
$(window).on('scroll',function(){ | |
$(':root').css('--techwave-scroll-y', (window.scrollY * (-1)) + 'px'); | |
}); | |
})(jQuery); | |