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# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import torch
from import BatchSampler, DataLoader, IterableDataset
from .logging import get_logger
from .state import AcceleratorState, DistributedType, GradientState, is_tpu_available
from .utils import (
if is_tpu_available(check_device=False):
import torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader as xpl
class MpDeviceLoaderWrapper(xpl.MpDeviceLoader):
Wrapper for the xpl.MpDeviceLoader class that knows the total batch size.
**Available attributes:**
- **total_batch_size** (`int`) -- Total batch size of the dataloader across all processes.
Equal to the original batch size when `split_batches=True`; otherwise the original batch size * the total
number of processes
- **total_dataset_length** (`int`) -- Total length of the inner dataset across all processes.
def total_batch_size(self):
return self._loader.total_batch_size
def total_dataset_length(self):
return self._loader.total_dataset_length
logger = get_logger(__name__)
# kwargs of the DataLoader in min version 1.4.0.
"batch_size": 1,
"shuffle": False,
"sampler": None,
"batch_sampler": None,
"num_workers": 0,
"collate_fn": None,
"pin_memory": False,
"drop_last": False,
"timeout": 0,
"worker_init_fn": None,
"multiprocessing_context": None,
"generator": None,
# kwargs added after by version
"1.7.0": {"prefetch_factor": 2, "persistent_workers": False},
for v, additional_kwargs in _PYTORCH_DATALOADER_ADDITIONAL_KWARGS.items():
if is_torch_version(">=", v):
class BatchSamplerShard(BatchSampler):
Wraps a PyTorch `BatchSampler` to generate batches for one of the processes only. Instances of this class will
always yield a number of batches that is a round multiple of `num_processes` and that all have the same size.
Depending on the value of the `drop_last` attribute of the batch sampler passed, it will either stop the iteration
at the first batch that would be too small / not present on all processes or loop with indices from the beginning.
batch_sampler (``):
The batch sampler to split in several shards.
num_processes (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The number of processes running concurrently.
process_index (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 0):
The index of the current process.
split_batches (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether the shards should be created by splitting a batch to give a piece of it on each process, or by
yielding different full batches on each process.
On two processes with a sampler of `[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]`, this will result in:
- the sampler on process 0 to yield `[0, 1, 2, 3]` and the sampler on process 1 to yield `[4, 5, 6, 7]` if
this argument is set to `False`.
- the sampler on process 0 to yield `[0, 1]` then `[4, 5]` and the sampler on process 1 to yield `[2, 3]`
then `[6, 7]` if this argument is set to `True`.
even_batches (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):
Whether or not to loop back at the beginning of the sampler when the number of samples is not a round
multiple of (original batch size / number of processes).
<Tip warning={true}>
`BatchSampler`s with varying batch sizes are not enabled by default. To enable this behaviour, set `even_batches`
equal to `False`
def __init__(
batch_sampler: BatchSampler,
num_processes: int = 1,
process_index: int = 0,
split_batches: bool = False,
even_batches: bool = True,
if split_batches and batch_sampler.batch_size % num_processes != 0:
raise ValueError(
f"To use `BatchSamplerShard` in `split_batches` mode, the batch size ({batch_sampler.batch_size}) "
f"needs to be a round multiple of the number of processes ({num_processes})."
self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler
self.num_processes = num_processes
self.process_index = process_index
self.split_batches = split_batches
self.even_batches = even_batches
self.batch_size = getattr(batch_sampler, "batch_size", None)
self.drop_last = getattr(batch_sampler, "drop_last", False)
if self.batch_size is None and self.even_batches:
raise ValueError("You need to use `even_batches=False` when the batch sampler has no batch size.")
def total_length(self):
return len(self.batch_sampler)
def __len__(self):
if self.split_batches:
# Split batches does not change the length of the batch sampler
return len(self.batch_sampler)
if len(self.batch_sampler) % self.num_processes == 0:
# If the length is a round multiple of the number of processes, it's easy.
return len(self.batch_sampler) // self.num_processes
length = len(self.batch_sampler) // self.num_processes
if self.drop_last:
# Same if we drop the remainder.
return length
elif self.even_batches:
# When we even batches we always get +1
return length + 1
# Otherwise it depends on the process index.
return length + 1 if self.process_index < len(self.batch_sampler) % self.num_processes else length
def __iter__(self):
return self._iter_with_split() if self.split_batches else self._iter_with_no_split()
def _iter_with_split(self):
initial_data = []
batch_length = self.batch_sampler.batch_size // self.num_processes
for idx, batch in enumerate(self.batch_sampler):
if idx == 0:
initial_data = batch
if len(batch) == self.batch_size:
# If the batch is full, we yield the part of it this process is responsible of.
yield batch[batch_length * self.process_index : batch_length * (self.process_index + 1)]
# If drop_last is True of the last batch was full, iteration is over, otherwise...
if not self.drop_last and len(initial_data) > 0 and len(batch) < self.batch_size:
if not self.even_batches:
if len(batch) > batch_length * self.process_index:
yield batch[batch_length * self.process_index : batch_length * (self.process_index + 1)]
# For degenerate cases where the dataset has less than num_process * batch_size samples
while len(initial_data) < self.batch_size:
initial_data += initial_data
batch = batch + initial_data
yield batch[batch_length * self.process_index : batch_length * (self.process_index + 1)]
def _iter_with_no_split(self):
initial_data = []
batch_to_yield = []
for idx, batch in enumerate(self.batch_sampler):
# We gather the initial indices in case we need to circle back at the end.
if not self.drop_last and idx < self.num_processes:
initial_data += batch
# We identify the batch to yield but wait until we ar sure every process gets a full batch before actually
# yielding it.
if idx % self.num_processes == self.process_index:
batch_to_yield = batch
if idx % self.num_processes == self.num_processes - 1 and (
self.batch_size is None or len(batch) == self.batch_size
yield batch_to_yield
batch_to_yield = []
# If drop_last is True, iteration is over, otherwise...
if not self.drop_last and len(initial_data) > 0:
if not self.even_batches:
if len(batch_to_yield) > 0:
yield batch_to_yield
# ... we yield the complete batch we had saved before if it has the proper length
if len(batch_to_yield) == self.batch_size:
yield batch_to_yield
# For degenerate cases where the dataset has less than num_process * batch_size samples
while len(initial_data) < self.num_processes * self.batch_size:
initial_data += initial_data
# If the last batch seen was of the proper size, it has been yielded by its process so we move to the next
if len(batch) == self.batch_size:
batch = []
idx += 1
# Make sure we yield a multiple of self.num_processes batches
cycle_index = 0
while idx % self.num_processes != 0 or len(batch) > 0:
end_index = cycle_index + self.batch_size - len(batch)
batch += initial_data[cycle_index:end_index]
if idx % self.num_processes == self.process_index:
yield batch
cycle_index = end_index
batch = []
idx += 1
class IterableDatasetShard(IterableDataset):
Wraps a PyTorch `IterableDataset` to generate samples for one of the processes only. Instances of this class will
always yield a number of samples that is a round multiple of the actual batch size (depending of the value of
`split_batches`, this is either `batch_size` or `batch_size x num_processes`). Depending on the value of the
`drop_last` attribute of the batch sampler passed, it will either stop the iteration at the first batch that would
be too small or loop with indices from the beginning.
dataset (``):
The batch sampler to split in several shards.
batch_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The size of the batches per shard (if `split_batches=False`) or the size of the batches (if
drop_last (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether or not to drop the last incomplete batch or complete the last batches by using the samples from the
num_processes (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The number of processes running concurrently.
process_index (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 0):
The index of the current process.
split_batches (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether the shards should be created by splitting a batch to give a piece of it on each process, or by
yielding different full batches on each process.
On two processes with an iterable dataset yielding of `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]`, this will result in:
- the shard on process 0 to yield `[0, 1, 2, 3]` and the shard on process 1 to yield `[4, 5, 6, 7]` if this
argument is set to `False`.
- the shard on process 0 to yield `[0, 1, 4, 5]` and the sampler on process 1 to yield `[2, 3, 6, 7]` if
this argument is set to `True`.
def __init__(
dataset: IterableDataset,
batch_size: int = 1,
drop_last: bool = False,
num_processes: int = 1,
process_index: int = 0,
split_batches: bool = False,
if split_batches and batch_size > 1 and batch_size % num_processes != 0:
raise ValueError(
f"To use `IterableDatasetShard` in `split_batches` mode, the batch size ({batch_size}) "
f"needs to be a round multiple of the number of processes ({num_processes})."
self.dataset = dataset
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.num_processes = num_processes
self.process_index = process_index
self.split_batches = split_batches
def __iter__(self):
real_batch_size = self.batch_size if self.split_batches else (self.batch_size * self.num_processes)
process_batch_size = (self.batch_size // self.num_processes) if self.split_batches else self.batch_size
process_slice = range(self.process_index * process_batch_size, (self.process_index + 1) * process_batch_size)
first_batch = None
current_batch = []
for element in self.dataset:
# Wait to have a full batch before yielding elements.
if len(current_batch) == real_batch_size:
for i in process_slice:
yield current_batch[i]
if first_batch is None:
first_batch = current_batch.copy()
current_batch = []
# Finished if drop_last is True, otherwise complete the last batch with elements from the beginning.
if not self.drop_last and len(current_batch) > 0:
if first_batch is None:
first_batch = current_batch.copy()
while len(current_batch) < real_batch_size:
current_batch += first_batch
for i in process_slice:
yield current_batch[i]
class DataLoaderShard(DataLoader):
Subclass of a PyTorch `DataLoader` that will deal with device placement and current distributed setup.
dataset (``):
The dataset to use to build this datalaoder.
device (`torch.device`, *optional*):
If passed, the device to put all batches on.
rng_types (list of `str` or [`~utils.RNGType`]):
The list of random number generators to synchronize at the beginning of each iteration. Should be one or
several of:
- `"torch"`: the base torch random number generator
- `"cuda"`: the CUDA random number generator (GPU only)
- `"xla"`: the XLA random number generator (TPU only)
- `"generator"`: an optional `torch.Generator`
synchronized_generator (`torch.Generator`, *optional*):
A random number generator to keep synchronized across processes.
split_batches (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 0):
The number of batches to skip at the beginning.
All other keyword arguments to pass to the regular `DataLoader` initialization.
**Available attributes:**
- **total_batch_size** (`int`) -- Total batch size of the dataloader across all processes.
Equal to the original batch size when `split_batches=True`; otherwise the original batch size * the total
number of processes
- **total_dataset_length** (`int`) -- Total length of the inner dataset across all processes.
def __init__(self, dataset, device=None, rng_types=None, synchronized_generator=None, skip_batches=0, **kwargs):
super().__init__(dataset, **kwargs)
self.device = device
self.rng_types = rng_types
self.synchronized_generator = synchronized_generator
self.skip_batches = skip_batches
self.gradient_state = GradientState()
def __iter__(self):
if self.rng_types is not None:
synchronize_rng_states(self.rng_types, self.synchronized_generator)
# We can safely pass because the default is -1
with suppress(Exception):
length = getattr(self.dataset, "total_dataset_length", len(self.dataset))
self.gradient_state._set_remainder(length % self.total_batch_size)
dataloader_iter = super().__iter__()
# We iterate one batch ahead to check when we are at the end
current_batch = next(dataloader_iter)
except StopIteration:
batch_index = 0
while True:
# But we still move it to the device so it is done before `StopIteration` is reached
if self.device is not None:
current_batch = send_to_device(current_batch, self.device)
next_batch = next(dataloader_iter)
if batch_index >= self.skip_batches:
yield current_batch
batch_index += 1
current_batch = next_batch
except StopIteration:
if batch_index >= self.skip_batches:
yield current_batch
def total_batch_size(self):
batch_sampler = self.sampler if isinstance(self.sampler, BatchSampler) else self.batch_sampler
return (
if batch_sampler.split_batches
else (batch_sampler.batch_size * batch_sampler.num_processes)
def total_dataset_length(self):
if hasattr("total_length", self.dataset):
return self.dataset.total_length
return len(self.dataset)
class DataLoaderDispatcher(DataLoader):
Subclass of a PyTorch `DataLoader` that will iterate and preprocess on process 0 only, then dispatch on each
process their part of the batch.
split_batches (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether the resulting `DataLoader` should split the batches of the original data loader across devices or
yield full batches (in which case it will yield batches starting at the `process_index`-th and advancing of
`num_processes` batches at each iteration). Another way to see this is that the observed batch size will be
the same as the initial `dataloader` if this option is set to `True`, the batch size of the initial
`dataloader` multiplied by `num_processes` otherwise. Setting this option to `True` requires that the batch
size of the `dataloader` is a round multiple of `batch_size`.
skip_batches (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 0):
The number of batches to skip at the beginning of an iteration.
**Available attributes:**
- **total_batch_size** (`int`) -- Total batch size of the dataloader across all processes.
Equal to the original batch size when `split_batches=True`; otherwise the original batch size * the total
number of processes
- **total_dataset_length** (`int`) -- Total length of the inner dataset across all processes.
def __init__(self, dataset, split_batches: bool = False, skip_batches=0, _drop_last: bool = False, **kwargs):
shuffle = False
if is_torch_version(">=", "1.11.0"):
from import ShufflerIterDataPipe
# We need to save the shuffling state of the DataPipe
if isinstance(dataset, ShufflerIterDataPipe):
shuffle = dataset._shuffle_enabled
super().__init__(dataset, **kwargs)
self.split_batches = split_batches
if is_torch_version("<", "1.8.0"):
raise ImportError(
f"Using `DataLoaderDispatcher` requires PyTorch 1.8.0 minimum. You have {torch.__version__}."
if shuffle:, shuffle=shuffle)
self.gradient_state = GradientState()
self.state = AcceleratorState()
self._drop_last = _drop_last
self.skip_batches = skip_batches
# We can safely pass because the default is -1
with suppress(Exception):
length = getattr(self.dataset, "total_dataset_length", len(self.dataset))
self.gradient_state._set_remainder(length % self.total_batch_size)
def _fetch_batches(self, iterator):
batches, batch = None, None
# On process 0, we gather the batch to dispatch.
if self.state.process_index == 0:
if self.split_batches:
# One batch of the main iterator is dispatched and split.
batch = next(iterator)
# num_processes batches of the main iterator are concatenated then dispatched and split.
# We add the batches one by one so we have the remainder available when drop_last=False.
batches = []
for _ in range(self.state.num_processes):
batch = concatenate(batches, dim=0)
# In both cases, we need to get the structure of the batch that we will broadcast on other
# processes to initialize the tensors with the right shape.
# data_structure, stop_iteration
batch_info = [get_data_structure(batch), False]
except StopIteration:
batch_info = [None, True]
batch_info = [None, self._stop_iteration]
# This is inplace, so after this instruction, every process has the same `batch_info` as process 0.
self._stop_iteration = batch_info[1]
if self._stop_iteration:
# If drop_last is False and split_batches is False, we may have a remainder to take care of.
if not self.split_batches and not self._drop_last:
if self.state.process_index == 0 and len(batches) > 0:
batch = concatenate(batches, dim=0)
batch_info = [get_data_structure(batch), False]
batch_info = [None, True]
return batch, batch_info
def __iter__(self):
main_iterator = None
if self.state.process_index == 0:
# We only iterate through the DataLoader on process 0.
main_iterator = super().__iter__()
stop_iteration = False
self._stop_iteration = False
first_batch = None
next_batch, next_batch_info = self._fetch_batches(main_iterator)
batch_index = 0
while not stop_iteration:
batch, batch_info = next_batch, next_batch_info
if self.state.process_index != 0:
# Initialize tensors on other processes than process 0.
batch = initialize_tensors(batch_info[0])
batch = send_to_device(batch, self.state.device)
# Broadcast the batch before splitting it.
batch = broadcast(batch, from_process=0)
if not self._drop_last and first_batch is None:
# We keep at least num processes elements of the first batch to be able to complete the last batch
first_batch = slice_tensors(batch, slice(0, self.state.num_processes))
observed_batch_size = find_batch_size(batch)
batch_size = observed_batch_size // self.state.num_processes
stop_iteration = self._stop_iteration
if not stop_iteration:
# We may still be at the end of the dataloader without knowing it yet: if there is nothing left in
# the dataloader since the number of batches is a round multiple of the number of processes.
next_batch, next_batch_info = self._fetch_batches(main_iterator)
# next_batch_info[0] is None when there are no more batches, otherwise we still need to process them.
if self._stop_iteration and next_batch_info[0] is None:
stop_iteration = True
if not self._drop_last and stop_iteration and observed_batch_size % self.state.num_processes != 0:
# If the last batch is not complete, let's add the first batch to it.
batch = concatenate([batch, first_batch], dim=0)
# Batch size computation above is wrong, it's off by 1 so we fix it.
batch_size += 1
data_slice = slice(self.state.process_index * batch_size, (self.state.process_index + 1) * batch_size)
batch = slice_tensors(batch, data_slice)
if stop_iteration:
if batch_index >= self.skip_batches:
yield batch
batch_index += 1
def __len__(self):
whole_length = super().__len__()
if self.split_batches:
return whole_length
elif self._drop_last:
return whole_length // self.state.num_processes
return math.ceil(whole_length / self.state.num_processes)
def total_batch_size(self):
return (
self.dataset.batch_size if self.split_batches else (self.dataset.batch_size * self.dataset.num_processes)
def total_dataset_length(self):
return len(self.dataset)
def prepare_data_loader(
dataloader: DataLoader,
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
num_processes: Optional[int] = None,
process_index: Optional[int] = None,
split_batches: bool = False,
put_on_device: bool = False,
rng_types: Optional[List[Union[str, RNGType]]] = None,
dispatch_batches: Optional[bool] = None,
even_batches: bool = True,
) -> DataLoader:
Wraps a PyTorch `DataLoader` to generate batches for one of the processes only.
Depending on the value of the `drop_last` attribute of the `dataloader` passed, it will either stop the iteration
at the first batch that would be too small / not present on all processes or loop with indices from the beginning.
dataloader (``):
The data loader to split across several devices.
device (`torch.device`):
The target device for the returned `DataLoader`.
num_processes (`int`, *optional*):
The number of processes running concurrently. Will default to the value given by
process_index (`int`, *optional*):
The index of the current process. Will default to the value given by [`~state.AcceleratorState`].
split_batches (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether the resulting `DataLoader` should split the batches of the original data loader across devices or
yield full batches (in which case it will yield batches starting at the `process_index`-th and advancing of
`num_processes` batches at each iteration).
Another way to see this is that the observed batch size will be the same as the initial `dataloader` if
this option is set to `True`, the batch size of the initial `dataloader` multiplied by `num_processes`
Setting this option to `True` requires that the batch size of the `dataloader` is a round multiple of
put_on_device (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether or not to put the batches on `device` (only works if the batches are nested list, tuples or
dictionaries of tensors).
rng_types (list of `str` or [`~utils.RNGType`]):
The list of random number generators to synchronize at the beginning of each iteration. Should be one or
several of:
- `"torch"`: the base torch random number generator
- `"cuda"`: the CUDA random number generator (GPU only)
- `"xla"`: the XLA random number generator (TPU only)
- `"generator"`: the `torch.Generator` of the sampler (or batch sampler if there is no sampler in your
dataloader) or of the iterable dataset (if it exists) if the underlying dataset is of that type.
dispatch_batches (`bool`, *optional*):
If set to `True`, the datalaoder prepared is only iterated through on the main process and then the batches
are split and broadcast to each process. Will default to `True` when the underlying dataset is an
`IterableDataset`, `False` otherwise.
even_batches (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):
If set to `True`, in cases where the total batch size across all processes does not exactly divide the
dataset, samples at the start of the dataset will be duplicated so the batch can be divided equally among
all workers.
``: A new data loader that will yield the portion of the batches
<Tip warning={true}>
`BatchSampler`s with varying batch sizes are not enabled by default. To enable this behaviour, set `even_batches`
equal to `False`
if dispatch_batches is None:
if is_torch_version("<", "1.8.0") or not put_on_device:
dispatch_batches = False
dispatch_batches = isinstance(dataloader.dataset, IterableDataset)
if dispatch_batches and not put_on_device:
raise ValueError("Using `dispatch_batches=True` requires `put_on_device=True`.")
# Grab defaults from AcceleratorState
state = AcceleratorState()
if num_processes is None:
num_processes = state.num_processes
if process_index is None:
process_index = state.process_index
# Sanity check
if split_batches and dataloader.batch_size > 1 and dataloader.batch_size % num_processes != 0:
raise ValueError(
f"To use a `DataLoader` in `split_batches` mode, the batch size ({dataloader.batch_size}) "
f"needs to be a round multiple of the number of processes ({num_processes})."
new_dataset = dataloader.dataset
# Iterable dataset doesn't like batch_sampler, but data_loader creates a default one for it
new_batch_sampler = dataloader.batch_sampler if not isinstance(new_dataset, IterableDataset) else None
sampler_is_batch_sampler = False
synchronized_generator = None
# No change if no multiprocess
if (num_processes != 1 or state.distributed_type == DistributedType.MEGATRON_LM) and not dispatch_batches:
if isinstance(new_dataset, IterableDataset):
if getattr(dataloader.dataset, "generator", None) is not None:
synchronized_generator = dataloader.dataset.generator
new_dataset = IterableDatasetShard(
# New batch sampler for the current process.
sampler_is_batch_sampler = isinstance(dataloader.sampler, BatchSampler)
if sampler_is_batch_sampler:
sampler = dataloader.sampler.sampler
sampler = dataloader.batch_sampler.sampler
if hasattr(sampler, "generator"):
if sampler.generator is None:
sampler.generator = torch.Generator()
synchronized_generator = sampler.generator
batch_sampler = dataloader.sampler if sampler_is_batch_sampler else dataloader.batch_sampler
new_batch_sampler = BatchSamplerShard(
# We ignore all of those since they are all dealt with by our new_batch_sampler
ignore_kwargs = [
if rng_types is not None and synchronized_generator is None and "generator" in rng_types:
kwargs = {
k: getattr(dataloader, k, _PYTORCH_DATALOADER_KWARGS[k])
if k not in ignore_kwargs
# Need to provide batch_size as batch_sampler is None for Iterable dataset
if new_batch_sampler is None:
kwargs["drop_last"] = dataloader.drop_last
kwargs["batch_size"] = (
dataloader.batch_size // num_processes if split_batches and not dispatch_batches else dataloader.batch_size
if dispatch_batches:
dataloader = DataLoaderDispatcher(
elif sampler_is_batch_sampler:
dataloader = DataLoaderShard(
device=device if put_on_device and state.distributed_type != DistributedType.TPU else None,
dataloader = DataLoaderShard(
device=device if put_on_device and state.distributed_type != DistributedType.TPU else None,
if state.distributed_type == DistributedType.TPU:
return MpDeviceLoaderWrapper(dataloader, device)
return dataloader
class SkipBatchSampler(BatchSampler):
A `` that skips the first `n` batches of another ``.
def __init__(self, batch_sampler, skip_batches=0):
self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler
self.skip_batches = skip_batches
def __iter__(self):
for index, samples in enumerate(self.batch_sampler):
if index >= self.skip_batches:
yield samples
def total_length(self):
return len(self.batch_sampler)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.batch_sampler) - self.skip_batches
class SkipDataLoader(DataLoader):
Subclass of a PyTorch `DataLoader` that will skip the first batches.
dataset (``):
The dataset to use to build this datalaoder.
skip_batches (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 0):
The number of batches to skip at the beginning.
All other keyword arguments to pass to the regular `DataLoader` initialization.
def __init__(self, dataset, skip_batches=0, **kwargs):
super().__init__(dataset, **kwargs)
self.skip_batches = skip_batches
def __iter__(self):
for index, batch in enumerate(super().__iter__()):
if index >= self.skip_batches:
yield batch
def skip_first_batches(dataloader, num_batches=0):
Creates a `` that will efficiently skip the first `num_batches`.
dataset = dataloader.dataset
sampler_is_batch_sampler = False
if isinstance(dataset, IterableDataset):
new_batch_sampler = None
sampler_is_batch_sampler = isinstance(dataloader.sampler, BatchSampler)
batch_sampler = dataloader.sampler if sampler_is_batch_sampler else dataloader.batch_sampler
new_batch_sampler = SkipBatchSampler(batch_sampler, skip_batches=num_batches)
# We ignore all of those since they are all dealt with by our new_batch_sampler
ignore_kwargs = [
kwargs = {
k: getattr(dataloader, k, _PYTORCH_DATALOADER_KWARGS[k])
if k not in ignore_kwargs
# Need to provide batch_size as batch_sampler is None for Iterable dataset
if new_batch_sampler is None:
kwargs["drop_last"] = dataloader.drop_last
kwargs["batch_size"] = dataloader.batch_size
if isinstance(dataloader, DataLoaderDispatcher):
if new_batch_sampler is None:
# Need to manually skip batches in the dataloader
kwargs["skip_batches"] = num_batches
dataloader = DataLoaderDispatcher(
elif isinstance(dataloader, DataLoaderShard):
if new_batch_sampler is None:
# Need to manually skip batches in the dataloader
kwargs["skip_batches"] = num_batches
elif sampler_is_batch_sampler:
kwargs["sampler"] = new_batch_sampler
kwargs["batch_size"] = dataloader.batch_size
kwargs["batch_sampler"] = new_batch_sampler
dataloader = DataLoaderShard(
if new_batch_sampler is None:
# Need to manually skip batches in the dataloader
dataloader = SkipDataLoader(dataset, skip_batches=num_batches, **kwargs)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_sampler=new_batch_sampler, **kwargs)
return dataloader