fractal-generator /
gabriel lopez
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
import as px
class FractalType(Enum):
Julia = 1
Mandelbrot = 2
class FractalGenerator:
"""Creates a single fractal object and either returns it as as a numpy array, plot it or persists it as an pgn
image. The output of this class is used by FractalTrainingValidationSet to generate training/val sets
complex_function -- complex function to make a Julia fractal
n -- fractal size will ne n*n
xlim,ylim -- tuples with the plotting region on the complex plane
thr -- once a function grows larger that this number is considered to be divergent to infinity
max_iter -- number of compositions of the complex function with itself
type_ -- fractal type
fractal -- numpy array with the fractal
def __init__(self, n=256, xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-2, 2), thr=2, max_iter=10):
self.type_ = None
self.fractal = None
self.n = n
self.xlim = xlim
self.ylim = ylim
self.thr = thr
self.max_iter = max_iter
def create_julia(self, complex_function=lambda z: np.sin(z ** 4 + 1.41)):
"""Creates a fractal of the Julia family, the fractal is stored inside self.fractal"""
fractal = np.zeros((self.n, self.n), dtype="complex")
x_space = np.linspace(self.xlim[0], self.xlim[1], self.n)
y_space = np.linspace(self.ylim[0], self.ylim[1], self.n)
for ix, x in enumerate(x_space):
for iy, y in enumerate(y_space):
for i in range(self.max_iter):
if i == 0:
z = complex(x, y)
z = complex_function(z)
if np.abs(z) >= self.thr:
z = self.thr
fractal[ix, iy] = z
self.fractal = np.abs(fractal)
self.type_ = FractalType.Julia
return self
def create_mandelbrot(self):
"""Creates a fractal of the Mandelbrot family, the fractal is stored inside self.fractal"""
fractal = np.zeros((self.n, self.n), dtype="complex")
x_space = np.linspace(self.xlim[0], self.xlim[1], self.n)
y_space = np.linspace(self.ylim[0], self.ylim[1], self.n)
for ix, x in enumerate(x_space):
for iy, y in enumerate(y_space):
for i in range(self.max_iter):
if i == 0:
z = 0
z = z ** 2 + complex(x, y)
if np.abs(z) >= self.thr:
z = self.thr
fractal[ix, iy] = z
self.fractal = np.abs(fractal.transpose())
self.type_ = FractalType.Mandelbrot
return self
def plot(self, **kwargs):
if self.fractal is None:
print("Nothing to plot. Generate a fractal first.")
return None
random_colormap = np.random.choice(
["orrd", "inferno_r", "hot_r", "jet_r", "purples", "agsunset_r"]
fig = px.imshow(
img=self.fractal, color_continuous_scale=random_colormap, **kwargs
return fig