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#!/usr/bin/python -OOOO
# vim: set fileencoding=utf8 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 textwidth=80 foldmethod=marker :
# Copyright (c) 2010, Kou Man Tong. All rights reserved.
# For licensing, see LICENSE file included in the package.
BSON serialization and deserialization logic.
Specifications taken from: http://bsonspec.org/#/specification
The following types are unsupported, because for data exchange purposes, they're
0x06 (Undefined)
0x0b (Regex - Exactly which flavor do you want? Better let higher level
programmers make that decision.)
0x0c (DBPointer)
0x0d (JavaScript code)
0x0e (Symbol)
0x0f (JS w/ scope)
0x11 (MongoDB-specific timestamp)
For binaries, only the default 0x0 type is supported.
from .codec import *
from .objectid import ObjectId
__all__ = ["loads", "dumps"]
def dumps(obj, generator=None, on_unknown=None):
Given a dict, outputs a BSON string.
generator is an optional function which accepts the dictionary/array being
encoded, the current DFS traversal stack, and outputs an iterator indicating
the correct encoding order for keys.
if isinstance(obj, BSONCoding):
return encode_object(obj, [],
generator_func=generator, on_unknown=on_unknown)
return encode_document(obj, [],
generator_func=generator, on_unknown=on_unknown)
def loads(data):
Given a BSON string, outputs a dict.
return decode_document(data, 0)[1]
def patch_socket():
Patches the Python socket class such that sockets can send and receive BSON
objects atomically.
This adds the following functions to socket:
recvbytes(bytes_needed, sock_buf = None) - reads bytes_needed bytes
atomically. Returns None if socket closed.
recvobj() - reads a BSON document from the socket atomically and returns
the deserialized dictionary. Returns None if socket closed.
sendobj(obj) - sends a BSON document to the socket atomically.
from socket import socket
from .network import recvbytes, recvobj, sendobj
socket.recvbytes = recvbytes
socket.recvobj = recvobj
socket.sendobj = sendobj