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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# start delvewheel patch
def _delvewheel_patch_1_5_2():
import os
libs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'faiss_cpu.libs'))
if os.path.isdir(libs_dir):
del _delvewheel_patch_1_5_2
# end delvewheel patch
# @nolint
# not linting this file because it imports * from swigfaiss, which
# causes a ton of useless warnings.
import numpy as np
import sys
import inspect
# We import * so that the symbol foo can be accessed as faiss.foo.
from .loader import *
# additional wrappers
from faiss import class_wrappers
from faiss.gpu_wrappers import *
from faiss.array_conversions import *
from faiss.extra_wrappers import kmin, kmax, pairwise_distances, rand, randint, \
lrand, randn, rand_smooth_vectors, eval_intersection, normalize_L2, \
ResultHeap, knn, Kmeans, checksum, matrix_bucket_sort_inplace, bucket_sort, \
merge_knn_results, MapInt64ToInt64, knn_hamming, \
pack_bitstrings, unpack_bitstrings
__version__ = "%d.%d.%d" % (FAISS_VERSION_MAJOR,
class_wrappers.handle_IDSelectorSubset(IDSelectorBatch, class_owns=True)
class_wrappers.handle_IDSelectorSubset(IDSelectorArray, class_owns=False)
class_wrappers.handle_IDSelectorSubset(IDSelectorBitmap, class_owns=False, force_int64=False)
this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
# handle sub-classes
for symbol in dir(this_module):
obj = getattr(this_module, symbol)
# print symbol, isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType))
if inspect.isclass(obj):
the_class = obj
if issubclass(the_class, Index):
if issubclass(the_class, IndexBinary):
if issubclass(the_class, VectorTransform):
if issubclass(the_class, Quantizer):
if issubclass(the_class, IndexRowwiseMinMax) or \
issubclass(the_class, IndexRowwiseMinMaxFP16):
if issubclass(the_class, SearchParameters):
if issubclass(the_class, CodePacker):
# For some classes (IndexIVF, IDSelector), the object holds a reference to
# a C++ object (eg. the quantizer object of IndexIVF). We don't transfer the
# ownership to the C++ object (ie. set own_quantizer=true), but instead we add
# a reference in the Python class wrapper instead. This is done via an
# additional referenced_objects field.
# Since the semantics of ownership in the C++ classes are sometimes irregular,
# these references are added manually using the functions below.
def add_ref_in_constructor(the_class, parameter_no):
# adds a reference to parameter parameter_no in self
# so that that parameter does not get deallocated before self
original_init = the_class.__init__
def replacement_init(self, *args):
original_init(self, *args)
self.referenced_objects = [args[parameter_no]]
def replacement_init_multiple(self, *args):
original_init(self, *args)
pset = parameter_no[len(args)]
self.referenced_objects = [args[no] for no in pset]
if type(parameter_no) == dict:
# a list of parameters to keep, depending on the number of arguments
the_class.__init__ = replacement_init_multiple
the_class.__init__ = replacement_init
def add_to_referenced_objects(self, ref):
if not hasattr(self, 'referenced_objects'):
self.referenced_objects = [ref]
def add_ref_in_method(the_class, method_name, parameter_no):
original_method = getattr(the_class, method_name)
def replacement_method(self, *args):
ref = args[parameter_no]
add_to_referenced_objects(self, ref)
return original_method(self, *args)
setattr(the_class, method_name, replacement_method)
def add_ref_in_method_explicit_own(the_class, method_name):
# for methods of format set_XXX(object, own)
original_method = getattr(the_class, method_name)
def replacement_method(self, ref, own=False):
if not own:
if not hasattr(self, 'referenced_objects'):
self.referenced_objects = [ref]
# transfer ownership to C++ class
return original_method(self, ref, own)
setattr(the_class, method_name, replacement_method)
def add_ref_in_function(function_name, parameter_no):
# assumes the function returns an object
original_function = getattr(this_module, function_name)
def replacement_function(*args):
result = original_function(*args)
ref = args[parameter_no]
result.referenced_objects = [ref]
return result
setattr(this_module, function_name, replacement_function)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFFlat, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFFlatDedup, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexPreTransform, {2: [0, 1], 1: [0]})
add_ref_in_method(IndexPreTransform, 'prepend_transform', 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFPQ, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFPQR, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFPQFastScan, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFResidualQuantizer, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFLocalSearchQuantizer, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFResidualQuantizerFastScan, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFLocalSearchQuantizerFastScan, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFSpectralHash, 0)
add_ref_in_method_explicit_own(IndexIVFSpectralHash, "replace_vt")
add_ref_in_constructor(Index2Layer, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(Level1Quantizer, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFScalarQuantizer, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexRowwiseMinMax, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexRowwiseMinMaxFP16, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIDMap, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIDMap2, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexHNSW, 0)
add_ref_in_method(IndexShards, 'add_shard', 0)
add_ref_in_method(IndexBinaryShards, 'add_shard', 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexRefineFlat, {2: [0], 1: [0]})
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexRefine, {2: [0, 1]})
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexBinaryIVF, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexBinaryFromFloat, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexBinaryIDMap, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexBinaryIDMap2, 0)
add_ref_in_method(IndexReplicas, 'addIndex', 0)
add_ref_in_method(IndexBinaryReplicas, 'addIndex', 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(BufferedIOWriter, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(BufferedIOReader, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IDSelectorNot, 0)
add_ref_in_constructor(IDSelectorAnd, slice(2))
add_ref_in_constructor(IDSelectorOr, slice(2))
add_ref_in_constructor(IDSelectorXOr, slice(2))
add_ref_in_constructor(IDSelectorTranslated, slice(2))
add_ref_in_constructor(IDSelectorXOr, slice(2))
add_ref_in_constructor(IndexIVFIndependentQuantizer, slice(3))
# seems really marginal...
# remove_ref_from_method(IndexReplicas, 'removeIndex', 0)
# search_with_parameters interface
search_with_parameters_c = search_with_parameters
def search_with_parameters(index, x, k, params=None, output_stats=False):
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype='float32')
n, d = x.shape
assert d == index.d
if not params:
# if not provided use the ones set in the IVF object
params = IVFSearchParameters()
index_ivf = extract_index_ivf(index)
params.nprobe = index_ivf.nprobe
params.max_codes = index_ivf.max_codes
nb_dis = np.empty(1, 'uint64')
ms_per_stage = np.empty(3, 'float64')
distances = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.float32)
labels = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.int64)
index, n, swig_ptr(x),
k, swig_ptr(distances),
params, swig_ptr(nb_dis), swig_ptr(ms_per_stage)
if not output_stats:
return distances, labels
stats = {
'ndis': nb_dis[0],
'pre_transform_ms': ms_per_stage[0],
'coarse_quantizer_ms': ms_per_stage[1],
'invlist_scan_ms': ms_per_stage[2],
return distances, labels, stats
range_search_with_parameters_c = range_search_with_parameters
def range_search_with_parameters(index, x, radius, params=None, output_stats=False):
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype='float32')
n, d = x.shape
assert d == index.d
if not params:
# if not provided use the ones set in the IVF object
params = IVFSearchParameters()
index_ivf = extract_index_ivf(index)
params.nprobe = index_ivf.nprobe
params.max_codes = index_ivf.max_codes
nb_dis = np.empty(1, 'uint64')
ms_per_stage = np.empty(3, 'float64')
res = RangeSearchResult(n)
index, n, swig_ptr(x),
radius, res,
params, swig_ptr(nb_dis), swig_ptr(ms_per_stage)
lims = rev_swig_ptr(res.lims, n + 1).copy()
nd = int(lims[-1])
Dout = rev_swig_ptr(res.distances, nd).copy()
Iout = rev_swig_ptr(res.labels, nd).copy()
if not output_stats:
return lims, Dout, Iout
stats = {
'ndis': nb_dis[0],
'pre_transform_ms': ms_per_stage[0],
'coarse_quantizer_ms': ms_per_stage[1],
'invlist_scan_ms': ms_per_stage[2],
return lims, Dout, Iout, stats
# IndexProxy was renamed to IndexReplicas, remap the old name for any old code
# people may have
IndexProxy = IndexReplicas
ConcatenatedInvertedLists = HStackInvertedLists
IndexResidual = IndexResidualQuantizer
IVFSearchParameters = SearchParametersIVF
# serialization of indexes to byte arrays
def serialize_index(index):
""" convert an index to a numpy uint8 array """
writer = VectorIOWriter()
write_index(index, writer)
return vector_to_array(writer.data)
def deserialize_index(data, io_flags=0):
reader = VectorIOReader()
copy_array_to_vector(data, reader.data)
return read_index(reader, io_flags)
def serialize_index_binary(index):
""" convert an index to a numpy uint8 array """
writer = VectorIOWriter()
write_index_binary(index, writer)
return vector_to_array(writer.data)
def deserialize_index_binary(data):
reader = VectorIOReader()
copy_array_to_vector(data, reader.data)
return read_index_binary(reader)