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Selector: ".concat(s.join(" | ")):""))}function aL(e){var t,n=((t=e.match(/:not\(([^)]*)\)/))===null||t===void 0?void 0:t[1])||"",s=n.split(/(\[[^[]*])|(?=[.#])/).filter(function(o){return o});return s.length>1}function oL(e){return e.parentSelectors.reduce(function(t,n){return t?n.includes("&")?n.replace(/&/g,t):"".concat(t," ").concat(n):n},"")}var iL=function(t,n,s){var o=oL(s),u=o.match(/:not\([^)]*\)/g)||[];u.length>0&&u.some(aL)&&fi("Concat ':not' selector not support in legacy browsers.",s)},lL=function(t,n,s){switch(t){case"marginLeft":case"marginRight":case"paddingLeft":case"paddingRight":case"left":case"right":case"borderLeft":case"borderLeftWidth":case"borderLeftStyle":case"borderLeftColor":case"borderRight":case"borderRightWidth":case"borderRightStyle":case"borderRightColor":case"borderTopLeftRadius":case"borderTopRightRadius":case"borderBottomLeftRadius":case"borderBottomRightRadius":fi("You seem to be using non-logical property '".concat(t,"' which is not compatible with RTL mode. Please use logical properties and values instead. For more information: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties."),s);return;case"margin":case"padding":case"borderWidth":case"borderStyle":if(typeof n=="string"){var o=n.split(" ").map(function(l){return l.trim()});o.length===4&&o[1]!==o[3]&&fi("You seem to be using '".concat(t,"' property with different left ").concat(t," and right ").concat(t,", which is not compatible with RTL mode. Please use logical properties and values instead. For more information: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties."),s)}return;case"clear":case"textAlign":(n==="left"||n==="right")&&fi("You seem to be using non-logical value '".concat(n,"' of ").concat(t,", which is not compatible with RTL mode. Please use logical properties and values instead. For more information: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties."),s);return;case"borderRadius":if(typeof n=="string"){var u=n.split("/").map(function(l){return l.trim()}),d=u.reduce(function(l,f){if(l)return l;var p=f.split(" ").map(function(i){return i.trim()});return p.length>=2&&p[0]!==p[1]||p.length===3&&p[1]!==p[2]||p.length===4&&p[2]!==p[3]?!0:l},!1);d&&fi("You seem to be using non-logical value '".concat(n,"' of ").concat(t,", which is not compatible with RTL mode. Please use logical properties and values instead. For more information: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties."),s)}return}},cL=function(t,n,s){(typeof n=="string"&&/NaN/g.test(n)||Number.isNaN(n))&&fi("Unexpected 'NaN' in property '".concat(t,": ").concat(n,"'."),s)},sL=function(t,n,s){s.parentSelectors.some(function(o){var u=o.split(",");return u.some(function(d){return d.split("&").length>2})})&&fi("Should not use more than one `&` in a selector.",s)},_b=/url\([^)]+\)|var\([^)]+\)|(\d*\.?\d+)px/g;function uL(e,t){var n=Math.pow(10,t+1),s=Math.floor(e*n);return Math.round(s/10)*10/n}var dL=function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},n=t.rootValue,s=n===void 0?16:n,o=t.precision,u=o===void 0?5:o,d=t.mediaQuery,l=d===void 0?!1:d,f=function(g,m){if(!m)return g;var r=parseFloat(m);if(r<=1)return g;var a=uL(r/s,u);return"".concat(a,"rem")},p=function(g){var m=le({},g);return Object.entries(g).forEach(function(r){var a=Pe(r,2),c=a[0],v=a[1];if(typeof v=="string"&&v.includes("px")){var h=v.replace(_b,f);m[c]=h}!Bq[c]&&typeof v=="number"&&v!==0&&(m[c]="".concat(v,"px").replace(_b,f));var b=c.trim();if(b.startsWith("@")&&b.includes("px")&&l){var y=c.replace(_b,f);m[y]=m[c],delete m[c]}}),m};return{visit:p}},fL={supportModernCSS:function(){return zq()&&Aq()}};const pL=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,Keyframes:Hq,NaNLinter:cL,StyleProvider:Fq,Theme:Vq,_experimental:fL,createCache:Uq,createTheme:Gq,extractStyle:Xq,getComputedToken:Kq,legacyLogicalPropertiesTransformer:Yq,legacyNotSelectorLinter:iL,logicalPropertiesLinter:lL,parentSelectorLinter:sL,px2remTransformer:dL,token2CSSVar:Zq,unit:la,useCSSVarRegister:Qq,useCacheToken:Jq,useStyleRegister:e7},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}));function mC(e,t){var n=new Ur(e),s=new Ur(t);return(Math.max(n.getLuminance(),s.getLuminance())+.05)/(Math.min(n.getLuminance(),s.getLuminance())+.05)}function S6(e,t,n){var s,o;n===void 0&&(n={level:"AA",size:"small"});var u=mC(e,t);switch(((s=n.level)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"AA")+((o=n.size)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"small")){case"AAsmall":case"AAAlarge":return u>=4.5;case"AAlarge":return u>=3;case"AAAsmall":return u>=7;default:return!1}}function w6(e,t,n){n===void 0&&(n={includeFallbackColors:!1,level:"AA",size:"small"});for(var s=null,o=0,u=n.includeFallbackColors,d=n.level,l=n.size,f=0,p=t;f