Runtime error
Runtime error
site_name: Crawl4AI Documentation | |
site_description: 🔥🕷️ Crawl4AI, Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scrapper | |
site_url: | |
repo_url: | |
repo_name: unclecode/crawl4ai | |
docs_dir: docs/md_v3 | |
nav: | |
- Home: | |
- Tutorials: | |
- "Getting Started": tutorials/ | |
- "AsyncWebCrawler Basics": tutorials/ | |
- "Targeted Crawling Techniques": tutorials/ | |
- "Link & Media Analysis": tutorials/ | |
- "Advanced Features (Proxy, PDF, Screenshots)": tutorials/ | |
- "Hooks & Custom Code": tutorials/ | |
- "Markdown Generation Basics": tutorials/ | |
- "Extracting JSON (No LLM)": tutorials/ | |
- "Extracting JSON (LLM)": tutorials/ | |
- "Deploying with Docker (Quickstart)": tutorials/ | |
- How-To Guides: | |
- "Advanced Browser Configuration": how-to/ | |
- "Managing Browser Contexts & Remote Browsers": how-to/ | |
- "Identity-Based Crawling (Anti-Bot)": how-to/ | |
- "Link & Media Analysis": how-to/ | |
- "Markdown Generation Customization": how-to/ | |
- "Structured Data Extraction (Advanced)": how-to/ | |
- "Deployment Options": how-to/ | |
- "Performance & Caching": how-to/ | |
- Explanations: | |
- "AsyncWebCrawler & Internal Flow": explanations/ | |
- "Configuration Objects Explained": explanations/ | |
- "Browser Context & Managed Browser": explanations/ | |
- "Markdown Generation Architecture": explanations/ | |
- "Extraction & Chunking Strategies": explanations/ | |
- "Identity-Based Crawling & Anti-Bot": explanations/ | |
- "Deployment Architectures": explanations/ | |
- Reference: | |
- "Configuration": reference/ | |
- "Core Crawler": reference/ | |
- "Browser Strategies": reference/ | |
- "Markdown Generation": reference/ | |
- "Content Filters": reference/ | |
- "Extraction Strategies": reference/ | |
- "Chunking Strategies": reference/ | |
- "Identity & Utility": reference/ | |
- "Models": reference/ | |
- Blog: | |
- "Blog Overview": blog/ | |
# You can add real-life application posts here in the future | |
# - "Cool Real-World E-Commerce Scraping": blog/ | |
# - "Dealing with Complex Anti-Bot Systems": blog/ | |
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