# 🐳 Using Docker (Legacy) Crawl4AI is available as Docker images for easy deployment. You can either pull directly from Docker Hub (recommended) or build from the repository. --- <details> <summary>🐳 <strong>Option 1: Docker Hub (Recommended)</strong></summary> Choose the appropriate image based on your platform and needs: ### For AMD64 (Regular Linux/Windows): ```bash # Basic version (recommended) docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-amd64 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-amd64 # Full ML/LLM support docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:all-amd64 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:all-amd64 # With GPU support docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:gpu-amd64 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:gpu-amd64 ``` ### For ARM64 (M1/M2 Macs, ARM servers): ```bash # Basic version (recommended) docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-arm64 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-arm64 # Full ML/LLM support docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:all-arm64 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:all-arm64 # With GPU support docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:gpu-arm64 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:gpu-arm64 ``` Need more memory? Add `--shm-size`: ```bash docker run --shm-size=2gb -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-amd64 ``` Test the installation: ```bash curl http://localhost:11235/health ``` ### For Raspberry Pi (32-bit) (coming soon): ```bash # Pull and run basic version (recommended for Raspberry Pi) docker pull unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-armv7 docker run -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-armv7 # With increased shared memory if needed docker run --shm-size=2gb -p 11235:11235 unclecode/crawl4ai:basic-armv7 ``` Note: Due to hardware constraints, only the basic version is recommended for Raspberry Pi. </details> <details> <summary>🐳 <strong>Option 2: Build from Repository</strong></summary> Build the image locally based on your platform: ```bash # Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/unclecode/crawl4ai.git cd crawl4ai # For AMD64 (Regular Linux/Windows) docker build --platform linux/amd64 \ --tag crawl4ai:local \ --build-arg INSTALL_TYPE=basic \ . # For ARM64 (M1/M2 Macs, ARM servers) docker build --platform linux/arm64 \ --tag crawl4ai:local \ --build-arg INSTALL_TYPE=basic \ . ``` Build options: - INSTALL_TYPE=basic (default): Basic crawling features - INSTALL_TYPE=all: Full ML/LLM support - ENABLE_GPU=true: Add GPU support Example with all options: ```bash docker build --platform linux/amd64 \ --tag crawl4ai:local \ --build-arg INSTALL_TYPE=all \ --build-arg ENABLE_GPU=true \ . ``` Run your local build: ```bash # Regular run docker run -p 11235:11235 crawl4ai:local # With increased shared memory docker run --shm-size=2gb -p 11235:11235 crawl4ai:local ``` Test the installation: ```bash curl http://localhost:11235/health ``` </details> <details> <summary>🐳 <strong>Option 3: Using Docker Compose</strong></summary> Docker Compose provides a more structured way to run Crawl4AI, especially when dealing with environment variables and multiple configurations. ```bash # Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/unclecode/crawl4ai.git cd crawl4ai ``` ### For AMD64 (Regular Linux/Windows): ```bash # Build and run locally docker-compose --profile local-amd64 up # Run from Docker Hub VERSION=basic docker-compose --profile hub-amd64 up # Basic version VERSION=all docker-compose --profile hub-amd64 up # Full ML/LLM support VERSION=gpu docker-compose --profile hub-amd64 up # GPU support ``` ### For ARM64 (M1/M2 Macs, ARM servers): ```bash # Build and run locally docker-compose --profile local-arm64 up # Run from Docker Hub VERSION=basic docker-compose --profile hub-arm64 up # Basic version VERSION=all docker-compose --profile hub-arm64 up # Full ML/LLM support VERSION=gpu docker-compose --profile hub-arm64 up # GPU support ``` Environment variables (optional): ```bash # Create a .env file CRAWL4AI_API_TOKEN=your_token OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_key CLAUDE_API_KEY=your_claude_key ``` The compose file includes: - Memory management (4GB limit, 1GB reserved) - Shared memory volume for browser support - Health checks - Auto-restart policy - All necessary port mappings Test the installation: ```bash curl http://localhost:11235/health ``` </details> <details> <summary>🚀 <strong>One-Click Deployment</strong></summary> Deploy your own instance of Crawl4AI with one click: [](https://www.digitalocean.com/?repo=https://github.com/unclecode/crawl4ai/tree/0.3.74&refcode=a0780f1bdb3d&utm_campaign=Referral_Invite&utm_medium=Referral_Program&utm_source=badge) > 💡 **Recommended specs**: 4GB RAM minimum. Select "professional-xs" or higher when deploying for stable operation. The deploy will: - Set up a Docker container with Crawl4AI - Configure Playwright and all dependencies - Start the FastAPI server on port `11235` - Set up health checks and auto-deployment </details>