# Advanced Features (Proxy, PDF, Screenshot, SSL, Headers, & Storage State) Crawl4AI offers multiple power-user features that go beyond simple crawling. This tutorial covers: 1. **Proxy Usage** 2. **Capturing PDFs & Screenshots** 3. **Handling SSL Certificates** 4. **Custom Headers** 5. **Session Persistence & Local Storage** > **Prerequisites** > - You have a basic grasp of [AsyncWebCrawler Basics](./async-webcrawler-basics.md) > - You know how to run or configure your Python environment with Playwright installed --- ## 1. Proxy Usage If you need to route your crawl traffic through a proxy—whether for IP rotation, geo-testing, or privacy—Crawl4AI supports it via `BrowserConfig.proxy_config`. ```python import asyncio from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, BrowserConfig, CrawlerRunConfig async def main(): browser_cfg = BrowserConfig( proxy_config={ "server": "http://proxy.example.com:8080", "username": "myuser", "password": "mypass", }, headless=True ) crawler_cfg = CrawlerRunConfig( verbose=True ) async with AsyncWebCrawler(config=browser_cfg) as crawler: result = await crawler.arun( url="https://www.whatismyip.com/", config=crawler_cfg ) if result.success: print("[OK] Page fetched via proxy.") print("Page HTML snippet:", result.html[:200]) else: print("[ERROR]", result.error_message) if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ``` **Key Points** - **`proxy_config`** expects a dict with `server` and optional auth credentials. - Many commercial proxies provide an HTTP/HTTPS “gateway” server that you specify in `server`. - If your proxy doesn’t need auth, omit `username`/`password`. --- ## 2. Capturing PDFs & Screenshots Sometimes you need a visual record of a page or a PDF “printout.” Crawl4AI can do both in one pass: ```python import os, asyncio from base64 import b64decode from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, CacheMode async def main(): async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler: result = await crawler.arun( url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions", cache_mode=CacheMode.BYPASS, pdf=True, screenshot=True ) if result.success: # Save screenshot if result.screenshot: with open("wikipedia_screenshot.png", "wb") as f: f.write(b64decode(result.screenshot)) # Save PDF if result.pdf: with open("wikipedia_page.pdf", "wb") as f: f.write(b64decode(result.pdf)) print("[OK] PDF & screenshot captured.") else: print("[ERROR]", result.error_message) if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ``` **Why PDF + Screenshot?** - Large or complex pages can be slow or error-prone with “traditional” full-page screenshots. - Exporting a PDF is more reliable for very long pages. Crawl4AI automatically converts the first PDF page into an image if you request both. **Relevant Parameters** - **`pdf=True`**: Exports the current page as a PDF (base64-encoded in `result.pdf`). - **`screenshot=True`**: Creates a screenshot (base64-encoded in `result.screenshot`). - **`scan_full_page`** or advanced hooking can further refine how the crawler captures content. --- ## 3. Handling SSL Certificates If you need to verify or export a site’s SSL certificate—for compliance, debugging, or data analysis—Crawl4AI can fetch it during the crawl: ```python import asyncio, os from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, CrawlerRunConfig, CacheMode async def main(): tmp_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp") os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) config = CrawlerRunConfig( fetch_ssl_certificate=True, cache_mode=CacheMode.BYPASS ) async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler: result = await crawler.arun(url="https://example.com", config=config) if result.success and result.ssl_certificate: cert = result.ssl_certificate print("\nCertificate Information:") print(f"Issuer (CN): {cert.issuer.get('CN', '')}") print(f"Valid until: {cert.valid_until}") print(f"Fingerprint: {cert.fingerprint}") # Export in multiple formats: cert.to_json(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "certificate.json")) cert.to_pem(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "certificate.pem")) cert.to_der(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "certificate.der")) print("\nCertificate exported to JSON/PEM/DER in 'tmp' folder.") else: print("[ERROR] No certificate or crawl failed.") if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ``` **Key Points** - **`fetch_ssl_certificate=True`** triggers certificate retrieval. - `result.ssl_certificate` includes methods (`to_json`, `to_pem`, `to_der`) for saving in various formats (handy for server config, Java keystores, etc.). --- ## 4. Custom Headers Sometimes you need to set custom headers (e.g., language preferences, authentication tokens, or specialized user-agent strings). You can do this in multiple ways: ```python import asyncio from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler async def main(): # Option 1: Set headers at the crawler strategy level crawler1 = AsyncWebCrawler( # The underlying strategy can accept headers in its constructor crawler_strategy=None # We'll override below for clarity ) crawler1.crawler_strategy.update_user_agent("MyCustomUA/1.0") crawler1.crawler_strategy.set_custom_headers({ "Accept-Language": "fr-FR,fr;q=0.9" }) result1 = await crawler1.arun("https://www.example.com") print("Example 1 result success:", result1.success) # Option 2: Pass headers directly to `arun()` crawler2 = AsyncWebCrawler() result2 = await crawler2.arun( url="https://www.example.com", headers={"Accept-Language": "es-ES,es;q=0.9"} ) print("Example 2 result success:", result2.success) if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ``` **Notes** - Some sites may react differently to certain headers (e.g., `Accept-Language`). - If you need advanced user-agent randomization or client hints, see [Identity-Based Crawling (Anti-Bot)](./identity-anti-bot.md) or use `UserAgentGenerator`. --- ## 5. Session Persistence & Local Storage Crawl4AI can preserve cookies and localStorage so you can continue where you left off—ideal for logging into sites or skipping repeated auth flows. ### 5.1 `storage_state` ```python import asyncio from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler async def main(): storage_dict = { "cookies": [ { "name": "session", "value": "abcd1234", "domain": "example.com", "path": "/", "expires": 1699999999.0, "httpOnly": False, "secure": False, "sameSite": "None" } ], "origins": [ { "origin": "https://example.com", "localStorage": [ {"name": "token", "value": "my_auth_token"} ] } ] } # Provide the storage state as a dictionary to start "already logged in" async with AsyncWebCrawler( headless=True, storage_state=storage_dict ) as crawler: result = await crawler.arun("https://example.com/protected") if result.success: print("Protected page content length:", len(result.html)) else: print("Failed to crawl protected page") if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ``` ### 5.2 Exporting & Reusing State You can sign in once, export the browser context, and reuse it later—without re-entering credentials. - **`await context.storage_state(path="my_storage.json")`**: Exports cookies, localStorage, etc. to a file. - Provide `storage_state="my_storage.json"` on subsequent runs to skip the login step. **See**: [Detailed session management tutorial](./hooks-custom.md#using-storage_state) or [Explanations → Browser Context & Managed Browser](../../explanations/browser-management.md) for more advanced scenarios (like multi-step logins, or capturing after interactive pages). --- ## Putting It All Together Here’s a snippet that combines multiple “advanced” features (proxy, PDF, screenshot, SSL, custom headers, and session reuse) into one run. Normally, you’d tailor each setting to your project’s needs. ```python import os, asyncio from base64 import b64decode from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, BrowserConfig, CrawlerRunConfig, CacheMode async def main(): # 1. Browser config with proxy + headless browser_cfg = BrowserConfig( proxy_config={ "server": "http://proxy.example.com:8080", "username": "myuser", "password": "mypass", }, headless=True, ) # 2. Crawler config with PDF, screenshot, SSL, custom headers, and ignoring caches crawler_cfg = CrawlerRunConfig( pdf=True, screenshot=True, fetch_ssl_certificate=True, cache_mode=CacheMode.BYPASS, headers={"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8"}, storage_state="my_storage.json", # Reuse session from a previous sign-in verbose=True, ) # 3. Crawl async with AsyncWebCrawler(config=browser_cfg) as crawler: result = await crawler.arun("https://secure.example.com/protected", config=crawler_cfg) if result.success: print("[OK] Crawled the secure page. Links found:", len(result.links.get("internal", []))) # Save PDF & screenshot if result.pdf: with open("result.pdf", "wb") as f: f.write(b64decode(result.pdf)) if result.screenshot: with open("result.png", "wb") as f: f.write(b64decode(result.screenshot)) # Check SSL cert if result.ssl_certificate: print("SSL Issuer CN:", result.ssl_certificate.issuer.get("CN", "")) else: print("[ERROR]", result.error_message) if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ``` --- ## Conclusion & Next Steps You’ve now explored several **advanced** features: - **Proxy Usage** - **PDF & Screenshot** capturing for large or critical pages - **SSL Certificate** retrieval & exporting - **Custom Headers** for language or specialized requests - **Session Persistence** via storage state **Where to go next**: - **[Hooks & Custom Code](./hooks-custom.md)**: For multi-step interactions (clicking “Load More,” performing logins, etc.) - **[Identity-Based Crawling & Anti-Bot](./identity-anti-bot.md)**: If you need more sophisticated user simulation or stealth. - **[Reference → BrowserConfig & CrawlerRunConfig](../../reference/configuration.md)**: Detailed param descriptions for everything you’ve seen here and more. With these power tools, you can build robust scraping workflows that mimic real user behavior, handle secure sites, capture detailed snapshots, and manage sessions across multiple runs—streamlining your entire data collection pipeline. **Last Updated**: 2024-XX-XX