Anius /
Eemansleepdeprived's picture
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import anipy_cli
import streamlit as st
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
def main():
st.markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; color: #ff6961;'>Anius【アイヌス】🎬</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Step 1: Search for an anime
query_term = st.text_input("Search for an anime: 🔍", placeholder="Enter an anime name...")
if query_term:
entry = anipy_cli.Entry()
query_class = anipy_cli.query(query_term, entry)
links_and_names = query_class.get_links()
# Store search results in backend with serial numbers
search_results = []
for i, (link, name) in enumerate(zip(links_and_names[0], links_and_names[1]), start=1):
search_results.append((f"{i}. {name}", f"{link}"))
# Step 2: Select an anime from the search results
selected_anime = st.selectbox("Select an anime: 📽️", options=[name for name, _ in search_results])
if selected_anime:
selected_url = next(url for name, url in search_results if name == selected_anime)
entry.category_url = selected_url
# Step 3: Get the episode handler and retrieve the latest episode
ep_handler = anipy_cli.epHandler(entry)
latest_episode = ep_handler.get_latest()
# Display the list of available episode numbers
available_episodes = list(range(1, latest_episode + 1))
# Step 4: Get the user's episode selection
selected_episode = st.selectbox(f"Select an episode number: 📼 [1-{latest_episode}]", available_episodes)
if selected_episode:
entry.ep = selected_episode
entry = ep_handler.gen_eplink()
# Step 5: Get the video URL
video_url_class = anipy_cli.videourl(entry, "best")
entry = video_url_class.get_entry()
#output is: Entry(show_name='', category_url='', ep_url='', embed_url='', stream_url='', ep=1, latest_ep=1, quality='hls')
# Output the embed link
st.success(f"Embed Link: 🎥 {entry.embed_url}")
# Play the video in Streamlit
# video_html = f'<video width="100%" height="auto" controls><source src="{entry.stream_url}" type="video/mp4"></video>'
# st.markdown(video_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
from streamlit_player import st_player
if __name__ == "__main__":