from typing import Iterable, Dict import streamlit as st from os import listdir from uuid import uuid4 from time import sleep, time from threading import Thread from json import loads, dumps from random import getrandbits from websocket import WebSocketApp from requests import Session, get, post class Perplexity: def __init__(self, email: str = None) -> None: self.session: Session = Session() self.user_agent: dict = { "User-Agent": "Ask/2.4.1/224 (iOS; iPhone; Version 17.1) isiOSOnMac/false", "X-Client-Name": "Perplexity-iOS" } self.session.headers.update(self.user_agent) if email and ".perplexity_session" in listdir(): self._recover_session(email) else: self._init_session_without_login() if email: self._login(email) str = email self.t: str = self._get_t() st.write(self.t) self.sid: str = self._get_sid() st.write(self.sid) self.n: int = 1 self.base: int = 420 self.queue: list = [] self.finished: bool = True self.last_uuid: str = None self.backend_uuid: str = None # unused because we can't yet follow-up questions self.frontend_session_id: str = str(uuid4()) assert self._ask_anonymous_user(), "failed to ask anonymous user" WebSocketApp = self._init_websocket() self.ws_thread: Thread = Thread( self._auth_session() while not ( and sleep(0.01) def _recover_session(self, email: str) -> None: with open(".perplexity_session", "r") as f: perplexity_session: dict = loads( if email in perplexity_session: self.session.cookies.update(perplexity_session[email]) else: self._login(email, perplexity_session) def _login(self, email: str, ps: dict = None) -> None:"", data={"email": email}) email_link: str = str(input("paste the link you received by email: ")) self.session.get(email_link) if ps: ps[email] = self.session.cookies.get_dict() else: ps = {email: self.session.cookies.get_dict()} with open(".perplexity_session", "w") as f: f.write(dumps(ps)) def _init_session_without_login(self) -> None: self.session.get(url=f"{str(uuid4())}") self.session.headers.update(self.user_agent) def _auth_session(self) -> None: self.session.get(url="") def _get_t(self) -> str: return format(getrandbits(32), "08x") def _get_sid(self) -> str: st.write(self.session.get(url=f"{self.t}")) st.write(self.session.get(url=f"{self.t}").text) return loads(self.session.get( url=f"{self.t}" ).text[1:])["sid"] def _ask_anonymous_user(self) -> bool: response = url=f"{self.t}&sid={self.sid}", data="40{\"jwt\":\"anonymous-ask-user\"}" ).text return response == "OK" def _start_interaction(self) -> None: self.finished = False if self.n == 9: self.n = 0 self.base *= 10 else: self.n += 1 self.queue = [] def _get_cookies_str(self) -> str: cookies = "" for key, value in self.session.cookies.get_dict().items(): cookies += f"{key}={value}; " return cookies[:-2] def _write_file_url(self, filename: str, file_url: str) -> None: if ".perplexity_files_url" in listdir(): with open(".perplexity_files_url", "r") as f: perplexity_files_url: dict = loads( else: perplexity_files_url: dict = {} perplexity_files_url[filename] = file_url with open(".perplexity_files_url", "w") as f: f.write(dumps(perplexity_files_url)) def _init_websocket(self) -> WebSocketApp: def on_open(ws: WebSocketApp) -> None: ws.send("2probe") ws.send("5") def on_message(ws: WebSocketApp, message: str) -> None: if message == "2": ws.send("3") elif not self.finished: if message.startswith("42"): message : list = loads(message[2:]) content: dict = message[1] if "mode" in content and content["mode"] == "copilot": content["copilot_answer"] = loads(content["text"]) elif "mode" in content: content.update(loads(content["text"])) content.pop("text") if (not ("final" in content and content["final"])) or ("status" in content and content["status"] == "completed"): self.queue.append(content) if message[0] == "query_answered": self.last_uuid = content["uuid"] self.finished = True elif message.startswith("43"): message: dict = loads(message[3:])[0] if ("uuid" in message and message["uuid"] != self.last_uuid) or "uuid" not in message: self.queue.append(message) self.finished = True return WebSocketApp( url=f"wss://{self.sid}", header=self.user_agent, cookie=self._get_cookies_str(), on_open=on_open, on_message=on_message, on_error=lambda ws, err: print(f"websocket error: {err}") ) def _s(self, query: str, mode: str = "concise", search_focus: str = "internet", attachments: list[str] = [], language: str = "en-GB", in_page: str = None, in_domain: str = None) -> None: assert self.finished, "already searching" assert mode in ["concise", "copilot"], "invalid mode" assert len(attachments) <= 4, "too many attachments: max 4" assert search_focus in ["internet", "scholar", "writing", "wolfram", "youtube", "reddit"], "invalid search focus" if in_page: search_focus = "in_page" if in_domain: search_focus = "in_domain" self._start_interaction() ws_message: str = f"{self.base + self.n}" + dumps([ "perplexity_ask", query, { "version": "2.1", "source": "default", # "ios" "frontend_session_id": self.frontend_session_id, "language": language, "timezone": "CET", "attachments": attachments, "search_focus": search_focus, "frontend_uuid": str(uuid4()), "mode": mode, # "use_inhouse_model": True "in_page": in_page, "in_domain": in_domain } ]) def search(self, query: str, mode: str = "concise", search_focus: str = "internet", attachments: list[str] = [], language: str = "en-GB", timeout: float = 30) -> Iterable[Dict]: self._s(query, mode, search_focus, attachments, language) start_time: float = time() while (not self.finished) or len(self.queue) != 0: if timeout and time() - start_time > timeout: self.finished = True return {"error": "timeout"} if len(self.queue) != 0: yield self.queue.pop(0) def search_sync(self, query: str, mode: str = "concise", search_focus: str = "internet", attachments: list[str] = [], language: str = "en-GB", timeout: float = 30) -> dict: self._s(query, mode, search_focus, attachments, language) start_time: float = time() while not self.finished: if timeout and time() - start_time > timeout: self.finished = True return {"error": "timeout"} return self.queue.pop(-1) def upload(self, filename: str) -> str: assert self.finished, "already searching" assert filename.split(".")[-1] in ["txt", "pdf"], "invalid file format" if filename.startswith("http"): file = get(filename).content else: with open(filename, "rb") as f: file = self._start_interaction() ws_message: str = f"{self.base + self.n}" + dumps([ "get_upload_url", { "version": "2.1", "source": "default", "content_type": "text/plain" if filename.split(".")[-1] == "txt" else "application/pdf", } ]) while not self.finished or len(self.queue) != 0: if len(self.queue) != 0: upload_data = self.queue.pop(0) assert not upload_data["rate_limited"], "rate limited" post( url=upload_data["url"], files={ "acl": (None, upload_data["fields"]["acl"]), "Content-Type": (None, upload_data["fields"]["Content-Type"]), "key": (None, upload_data["fields"]["key"]), "AWSAccessKeyId": (None, upload_data["fields"]["AWSAccessKeyId"]), "x-amz-security-token": (None, upload_data["fields"]["x-amz-security-token"]), "policy": (None, upload_data["fields"]["policy"]), "signature": (None, upload_data["fields"]["signature"]), "file": (filename, file) } ) file_url: str = upload_data["url"] + upload_data["fields"]["key"].split("$")[0] + filename self._write_file_url(filename, file_url) return file_url def threads(self, query: str = None, limit: int = None) -> list[dict]: assert, "not logged in" assert self.finished, "already searching" if not limit: limit = 20 data: dict = {"version": "2.1", "source": "default", "limit": limit, "offset": 0} if query: data["search_term"] = query self._start_interaction() ws_message: str = f"{self.base + self.n}" + dumps([ "list_ask_threads", data ]) while not self.finished or len(self.queue) != 0: if len(self.queue) != 0: return self.queue.pop(0) def list_autosuggest(self, query: str = "", search_focus: str = "internet") -> list[dict]: assert self.finished, "already searching" self._start_interaction() ws_message: str = f"{self.base + self.n}" + dumps([ "list_autosuggest", query, { "has_attachment": False, "search_focus": search_focus, "source": "default", "version": "2.1" } ]) while not self.finished or len(self.queue) != 0: if len(self.queue) != 0: return self.queue.pop(0) def close(self) -> None: if with open(".perplexity_session", "r") as f: perplexity_session: dict = loads( perplexity_session[] = self.session.cookies.get_dict() with open(".perplexity_session", "w") as f: f.write(dumps(perplexity_session))