"Popular Questions": [ |
"What evidence do we have of climate change?", |
"Are human activities causing global warming?", |
"What are the impacts of climate change?", |
"Can climate change be reversed?", |
"What is the difference between climate change and global warming?", |
"What can individuals do to address climate change?", |
"What is the Paris Agreement and why is it important?", |
"Is climate change a hoax created by the government or environmental organizations?", |
"What is the relationship between climate change and biodiversity loss?", |
"Is climate change caused by humans?", |
"What is the link between gender equality and climate change?", |
"Is the impact of climate change really as severe as it is claimed to be?", |
"What is the impact of rising sea levels?", |
"What are the different greenhouse gases (GHG)?", |
"What is the warming power of methane?", |
"What is the jet stream?", |
"What is the breakdown of carbon sinks?", |
"How do the GHGs work ? Why does temperature increase ?", |
"What is the impact of global warming on ocean currents?", |
"How much warming is possible in 2050?", |
"Will climate change accelerate diseases and epidemics like COVID?", |
"What are the economic impacts of climate change?", |
"What are the most effective strategies and technologies for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?", |
"Is climate change a natural phenomenon ?", |
"Is climate change really happening or is it just a natural fluctuation in Earth's temperature?", |
"Is the scientific consensus on climate change really as strong as it is claimed to be?", |
], |
"Climate Science":[ |
"How do climate models project the interaction between atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperature changes over the next century?", |
"What are the projected impacts of arctic permafrost thawing on global methane emissions?", |
"How does the IPCC assess the efficacy of different carbon capture and storage technologies in mitigating climate change?", |
"What are the predicted changes in oceanic thermohaline circulation under various greenhouse gas emission scenarios?", |
"How does increased atmospheric CO2 concentration affect the acidification of oceans and its impact on marine biodiversity?", |
"What role do cloud formations play in modulating the Earth's radiative balance, and how are they represented in current climate models?", |
"What are the implications of polar ice sheet dynamics for global sea-level rise under high-emission scenarios?", |
"How do feedback mechanisms in the climate system, such as the albedo effect, influence global warming projections?", |
"What are the latest findings on the sensitivity of the climate to a doubling of pre-industrial CO2 levels?", |
"How do regional climate projections differ in terms of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, and heatwaves?", |
], |
"Economy":[ |
"Which industries have the highest GHG emissions?", |
"How much is the cost of inaction ?", |
"Will technology save us?", |
"What is the relationship between climate change and poverty?", |
"Is economic growth possible? What do you think about degrowth?", |
], |
"Invasive Species": [ |
"What are invasive alien species and how do they threaten biodiversity and ecosystems?", |
"How do invasive alien species contribute to global and local species extinctions?", |
"In what ways do invasive species lead to biotic homogenization?", |
"What are the economic impacts of invasive alien species on global economies?", |
"How do invasive alien species affect food and water security and human health?", |
"What are the challenges in managing invasive alien species in different regions?", |
"How are human activities contributing to the spread of invasive alien species?", |
"What are the current trends and future predictions regarding the threats from invasive alien species?", |
"How can we predict the future impact of invasive alien species given their complex interactions with other factors?", |
"What is the role of international trade in facilitating the introduction of invasive alien species?", |
"What are some effective strategies for managing invasive alien species?", |
"How crucial is prevention in managing the threats from invasive alien species?", |
"What are some successful examples of eradication of invasive alien species?", |
"What are the limitations and successes of containment and control strategies for invasive alien species?", |
"How does adaptive management, including ecosystem restoration, help in dealing with invasive species?", |
"Why is stakeholder and community engagement important in managing biological invasions?", |
"What is integrated governance in the context of biological invasion management?", |
"How can international and regional collaboration improve the management of biological invasions?", |
"What opportunities does the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework provide in addressing invasive species?", |
"How does managing invasive alien species intersect with achieving Sustainable Development Goals?", |
"What are the implications of biological invasions for policies aimed at conserving marine and terrestrial biodiversity?", |
"How do demographic changes influence the spread of invasive alien species?", |
"What are the impacts of invasive alien species on Indigenous Peoples and local communities?", |
"What technologies and tools are available for managing invasive alien species?", |
"How do economic and land-use changes facilitate the introduction and spread of invasive alien species?" |
], |
"Experimental images":[ |
"Is warming unprecedented in the past 200 years ?", |
"Are human activities causing global warming?", |
"What is the distribution of uncertainty in projected precipitation changes across different time frames ?", |
"What are the anticipated changes in the global water cycle by the end of the 21st century under an intermediate emissions scenario ?", |
"How are human activities contributing to the spread of invasive alien species?", |
], |
"Deep Sea Mining":[ |
"What is the motivation behind mining the deep seabed?", |
"What are the arguments in favor of and against deep-sea mining?", |
"Can the global demand for metals and resources be met adequately through land-based sources for the next few decades?", |
"Is it essential for humanity to exploit the deep ocean for minerals, or should we consider alternative pathways?", |
"What are the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining in order of significance, indicating the degree or severity of the impacts?", |
"What specific substances are likely to be released as contaminants through deep-sea mining?", |
"How might the substances released through deep-sea mining pose a threat to marine life?", |
"What are the various environmental stressors associated with deep-sea mining, including factors like noise, vibration, and light?", |
"How would environmental stressors associated with deep-sea mining affect marine ecosystems?", |
"How will the removal of mineral resources as a result of deep-sea mining impact the living components of the ecosystem?", |
"How will deep-sea mining influence ocean currents, large-scale circulation, and biogeochemical cycles?", |
"What are the potential ramifications of deep-sea mining for global ocean processes?", |
"What are the potential repercussions of deep-sea mining on climate regulation, considering the role of deep-sea ecosystems in climate dynamics?", |
"How resilient are the targeted habitats of deep-sea ecosystems (nodules, sulfides, crusts) to the impacts of deep-sea mining?", |
"Apart from the ecological consequences of deep-sea mining, what economic challenges could a state encounter if a deep-seabed mining operation leads to financial losses or third-party liability?", |
"What legal steps would need to be designed to authorize deep-sea mining?", |
"Is the current technological infrastructure sufficiently advanced and tested to support the implementation of deep-sea mining operations effectively?", |
"Provide me with a list of organizations most actively opposing deep-sea mining." |
] |
} |
"Popular Questions": [ |
"Comment le changement climatique va impacter les parisiens ?", |
"Qu'est ce qui est mis en place à Paris pour lutter contre le changement climatique ?", |
"""Quelle est la différence entre l'adaptation et l'atténuation ?""", |
"""Qui est responsable de l'adaptation au changement climatique ?""", |
"""Quelles sont les "mesures sans regret" pour l'adaptation ?""", |
"""Quelles sont les "mesures sans regret" pour l'adaptation qui pourraient être mise en œuvre à Paris ?""", |
"Comment évalue-t-on les vulnérabilités et les risques climatiques à Paris ?", |
"A Paris, quels sont les impacts du changement climatique sur la ressource en eau ?", |
"Quels sont les impacts du changement climatique sur la biodiversité à Paris ?", |
], |
} |