import os from datetime import datetime import gradio as gr # from .agent import agent from gradio import ChatMessage from langgraph.graph.state import CompiledStateGraph import json from .handle_stream_events import ( init_audience, handle_retrieved_documents, convert_to_docs_to_html, stream_answer, handle_retrieved_owid_graphs, serialize_docs, ) # Function to log data on Azure def log_on_azure(file, logs, share_client): logs = json.dumps(logs) file_client = share_client.get_file_client(file) file_client.upload_file(logs) # Chat functions def start_chat(query, history, search_only): history = history + [ChatMessage(role="user", content=query)] if not search_only: return (gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(selected=1), history, []) else: return (gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(selected=2), history, []) def finish_chat(): return gr.update(interactive=True, value="") def log_interaction_to_azure(history, output_query, sources, docs, share_client, user_id): try: # Log interaction to Azure if not in local environment if os.getenv("GRADIO_ENV") != "local": timestamp = str( prompt = history[1]["content"] logs = { "user_id": str(user_id), "prompt": prompt, "query": prompt, "question": output_query, "sources": sources, "docs": serialize_docs(docs), "answer": history[-1].content, "time": timestamp, } log_on_azure(f"{timestamp}.json", logs, share_client) except Exception as e: print(f"Error logging on Azure Blob Storage: {e}") error_msg = f"ClimateQ&A Error: {str(e)[:100]} - The error has been noted, try another question and if the error remains, you can contact us :)" raise gr.Error(error_msg) def handle_numerical_data(event): if event["name"] == "retrieve_drias_data" and event["event"] == "on_chain_end": numerical_data = event["data"]["output"]["drias_data"] sql_query = event["data"]["output"]["drias_sql_query"] return numerical_data, sql_query return None, None # Main chat function async def chat_stream( agent : CompiledStateGraph, query: str, history: list[ChatMessage], audience: str, sources: list[str], reports: list[str], relevant_content_sources_selection: list[str], search_only: bool, share_client, user_id: str ) -> tuple[list, str, str, str, list, str]: """Process a chat query and return response with relevant sources and visualizations. Args: query (str): The user's question history (list): Chat message history audience (str): Target audience type sources (list): Knowledge base sources to search reports (list): Specific reports to search within sources relevant_content_sources_selection (list): Types of content to retrieve (figures, papers, etc) search_only (bool): Whether to only search without generating answer Yields: tuple: Contains: - history: Updated chat history - docs_html: HTML of retrieved documents - output_query: Processed query - output_language: Detected language - related_contents: Related content - graphs_html: HTML of relevant graphs """ # Log incoming question date_now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(f">> NEW QUESTION ({date_now}) : {query}") audience_prompt = init_audience(audience) sources = sources or ["IPCC", "IPBES"] reports = reports or [] # Prepare inputs for agent inputs = { "user_input": query, "audience": audience_prompt, "sources_input": sources, "relevant_content_sources_selection": relevant_content_sources_selection, "search_only": search_only, "reports": reports } # Get streaming events from agent result = agent.astream_events(inputs, version="v1") # Initialize state variables docs = [] related_contents = [] docs_html = "" new_docs_html = "" output_query = "" output_language = "" output_keywords = "" start_streaming = False graphs_html = "" used_documents = [] retrieved_contents = [] answer_message_content = "" vanna_data = {} # Define processing steps steps_display = { "categorize_intent": ("🔄️ Analyzing user message", True), "transform_query": ("🔄️ Thinking step by step to answer the question", True), "retrieve_documents": ("🔄️ Searching in the knowledge base", False), "retrieve_local_data": ("🔄️ Searching in the knowledge base", False), } try: # Process streaming events async for event in result: if "langgraph_node" in event["metadata"]: node = event["metadata"]["langgraph_node"] # Handle document retrieval if event["event"] == "on_chain_end" and event["name"] in ["retrieve_documents","retrieve_local_data"] and event["data"]["output"] != None: history, used_documents, retrieved_contents = handle_retrieved_documents( event, history, used_documents, retrieved_contents ) # Handle Vanna retrieval # if event["event"] == "on_chain_end" and event["name"] in ["retrieve_documents","retrieve_local_data"] and event["data"]["output"] != None: # df_output_vanna, sql_query = handle_numerical_data( # event # ) # vanna_data = {"df_output": df_output_vanna, "sql_query": sql_query} if event["event"] == "on_chain_end" and event["name"] == "answer_search" : docs = event["data"]["input"]["documents"] docs_html = convert_to_docs_to_html(docs) related_contents = event["data"]["input"]["related_contents"] # Handle intent categorization elif (event["event"] == "on_chain_end" and node == "categorize_intent" and event["name"] == "_write"): intent = event["data"]["output"]["intent"] output_language = event["data"]["output"].get("language", "English") history[-1].content = f"Language identified: {output_language}\nIntent identified: {intent}" # Handle processing steps display elif event["name"] in steps_display and event["event"] == "on_chain_start": event_description, display_output = steps_display[node] if (not hasattr(history[-1], 'metadata') or history[-1].metadata["title"] != event_description): history.append(ChatMessage( role="assistant", content="", metadata={'title': event_description} )) # Handle answer streaming elif (event["name"] != "transform_query" and event["event"] == "on_chat_model_stream" and node in ["answer_rag","answer_rag_no_docs", "answer_search", "answer_chitchat"]): history, start_streaming, answer_message_content = stream_answer( history, event, start_streaming, answer_message_content ) # Handle graph retrieval elif event["name"] in ["retrieve_graphs", "retrieve_graphs_ai"] and event["event"] == "on_chain_end": graphs_html = handle_retrieved_owid_graphs(event, graphs_html) # Handle query transformation if event["name"] == "transform_query" and event["event"] == "on_chain_end": if hasattr(history[-1], "content"): sub_questions = [q["question"] + "-> relevant sources : " + str(q["sources"]) for q in event["data"]["output"]["questions_list"]] history[-1].content += "Decompose question into sub-questions:\n\n - " + "\n - ".join(sub_questions) yield history, docs_html, output_query, output_language, related_contents, graphs_html#, vanna_data except Exception as e: print(f"Event {event} has failed") raise gr.Error(str(e)) # Call the function to log interaction log_interaction_to_azure(history, output_query, sources, docs, share_client, user_id) yield history, docs_html, output_query, output_language, related_contents, graphs_html#, vanna_data