import style from "./style.module.scss"; |
import {Preview} from "@/components/preview"; |
import cn from "classnames"; |
import {useState, useRef, MutableRef, useEffect} from "preact/hooks"; |
import {JSX} from "preact"; |
import { |
User, |
Type, |
Bold, |
Italic, |
Underline, |
ChevronRight, |
EyeOff, |
Smile, |
Image, |
} from "preact-feather"; |
import {smileysMap} from "@/utils/smileys"; |
import {Button} from "@/components/button"; |
import {Input} from "@/components/input"; |
import {Alert} from "@/components/alert"; |
const iconSize = 14; |
export function Wysiwyg(props: { |
showTitle: boolean, |
onSubmit: (user: string, title: string, text: string) => void, |
disabled?: boolean, |
initialText?: string, |
text?: string, |
setText?: (text: string) => void, |
}) { |
const [errors, setErrors] = useState<string[]>([]); |
const [title, setTitle] = useState(""); |
const [user, setUser] = useState(""); |
const [text, setText] = props.text !== undefined && props.setText !== undefined ? [props.text, props.setText] : useState(props.initialText || ""); |
const [accordion, setAccordion] = useState<"smileys"|"stickers"|false>(false); |
const textareaRef = useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>(null); |
const selectionRange = useRef<[start: number, end: number]|null>(null); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (textareaRef.current && selectionRange.current) { |
const [start, end] = selectionRange.current; |
textareaRef.current.setSelectionRange(start, end); |
selectionRange.current = null; |
} |
}, [text]) |
const bold = createAction(textareaRef, (start, end) => { |
const tag = "'''"; |
setText(insertAt(insertAt(text, tag, start), tag, end + tag.length)); |
selectionRange.current = [start + tag.length, end + tag.length]; |
}); |
const italic = createAction(textareaRef, (start, end) => { |
const tag = "''"; |
setText(insertAt(insertAt(text, tag, start), tag, end + tag.length)); |
selectionRange.current = [start + tag.length, end + tag.length]; |
}); |
const underline = createAction(textareaRef, (start, end) => { |
const startTag = "<u>"; |
const endTag = "</u>"; |
setText(insertAt(insertAt(text, startTag, start), endTag, end + startTag.length)); |
selectionRange.current = [start + startTag.length, end + startTag.length]; |
}); |
const quote = createAction(textareaRef, (start, end) => { |
const lines = text.split("\n"); |
const newLines: string[] = []; |
let charCount = 0; |
let quoteEnd = 0; |
let addedChars = 0; |
for (const line of lines) { |
charCount += line.length + 1; |
if (charCount > start && (charCount - line.length) <= end + 1) { |
newLines.push(`> ${line}`); |
addedChars += 2; |
quoteEnd = charCount; |
} else { |
newLines.push(line); |
} |
} |
setText(newLines.join("\n")); |
selectionRange.current = [quoteEnd + addedChars - 1, quoteEnd + addedChars - 1]; |
}); |
const spoil = createAction(textareaRef, (start, end) => { |
const startTag = "<spoil>"; |
const endTag = "</spoil>"; |
setText(insertAt(insertAt(text, startTag, start), endTag, end + startTag.length)); |
selectionRange.current = [start + startTag.length, end + startTag.length]; |
}); |
return ( |
<div> |
<Alert lines={errors}/> |
<Input |
type="text" |
icon={User} |
value={user} |
onChange={v => setUser(v as string)} |
placeholder="Pseudo" |
/> |
{ |
props.showTitle ? ( |
<Input |
type="text" |
icon={Type} |
value={title} |
onChange={v => setTitle(v as string)} |
placeholder="Titre du sujet" |
/> |
) : null |
} |
<div className={style.container}> |
<div className={style.toolbar}> |
<div className={style.toolbarGroup}> |
<div className={style.buttonContainer} title="Gras" onMouseDown={bold}> |
<Bold size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
<div className={style.buttonContainer} title="Italique" onMouseDown={italic}> |
<Italic size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
<div className={style.buttonContainer} title="Souligné" onMouseDown={underline}> |
<Underline size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className={style.toolbarGroup}> |
<div className={style.buttonContainer} title="Citation" onMouseDown={quote}> |
<ChevronRight size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
<div className={style.buttonContainer} title="Spoil" onMouseDown={spoil}> |
<EyeOff size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className={style.toolbarGroup}> |
<div |
className={style.buttonContainer} |
title="Smileys" |
onClick={() => { |
setAccordion(accordion ? false : "smileys") |
}} |
> |
<Smile size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
<div className={style.buttonContainer} title="Stickers"> |
<Image size={iconSize}/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className={cn(style.accordion, {[style.accordionOpened]: accordion})}> |
<SmileyList |
text={text} |
setText={setText} |
textareaRef={textareaRef} |
selectionRange={selectionRange} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className={style.editor}> |
<textarea |
className={style.textarea} |
placeholder="Saisissez un message…" |
name="wysiwyg" |
id="wysiwyg" |
cols="30" |
rows="10" |
value={text} |
onInput={(e) => setText((e.target as HTMLTextAreaElement).value)} |
ref={textareaRef} // Attach ref to textarea |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className={cn(style.container, style.previewContainer)}> |
<Preview raw={text}/> |
</div> |
<Button |
secondary={true} |
onClick={() => { |
const errors: string[] = []; |
if(user.length < 2) { |
errors.push("Le pseudo doit se composer au minimum de 3 caractères"); |
} |
if(user.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/)) { |
errors.push("Le pseudo doit uniquement contenir les caractères suivant: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ et -"); |
} |
if(props.showTitle && title.length < 2) { |
errors.push("Le titre du sujet doit se composer au minimum de 3 caractères"); |
} |
if(text.length < 2) { |
errors.push("Le text du sujet doit se composer au minimum de 3 caractères"); |
} |
setErrors(errors); |
if(errors.length > 0) { |
return; |
} |
props.onSubmit(user, title, text); |
setUser(""); |
setTitle(""); |
setText(""); |
}} |
disabled={props.disabled} |
> |
Poster |
</Button> |
</div> |
); |
} |
function SmileyList(props: { |
text: string, |
setText: (text: string) => void, |
textareaRef: MutableRef<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>, |
selectionRange: MutableRef<[start: number, end: number]|null>, |
}) { |
const addSmiley: (smiley: string) => JSX.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement> = (smiley) => (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
if (props.textareaRef.current) { |
props.setText(insertAt(props.text, smiley, props.textareaRef.current.selectionStart)); |
props.selectionRange.current = [props.textareaRef.current.selectionStart + smiley.length, props.textareaRef.current.selectionStart + smiley.length]; |
props.textareaRef.current.focus(); |
} |
} |
return ( |
<div className={style.smileyList}> |
{smileysMap.map((smiley) => ( |
<div onMouseDown={addSmiley(` ${smiley[0]}`)}> |
<img |
src={`https://image.jeuxvideo.com/smileys_img/${smiley[1]}.gif`} |
alt={smiley[0]} |
/> |
</div> |
))} |
</div> |
) |
} |
function createAction( |
ref: MutableRef<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>, |
callback: (start: number, end: number) => void |
): JSX.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement> { |
return (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
if (ref.current) { |
callback(ref.current.selectionStart, ref.current.selectionEnd); |
ref.current.focus(); |
} |
} |
} |
function insertAt(originalString: string, substring: string, position: number): string { |
return originalString.slice(0, position) + substring + originalString.slice(position); |
} |