import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
import json
import joblib as jb
#load models
model = jb.load('model.pkl')
#load data
df = pd.read_csv('')
def run():
Salary Estimator
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# description
st.subheader('Please check your salary here.')
with st.form('key=form_prediction') :
year = st.selectbox('Work Year', df['work_year'].unique())
experience = st.selectbox('Experience', df['experience_level'].unique())
employment = st.selectbox('Employee Type', df['employment_type'].unique())
job = st.selectbox('Job Title', sorted(df['job_title'].unique()))
residence = st.selectbox('Country Origin', sorted(df['employee_residence'].unique()))
remote = st.selectbox('Remote', df['remote_ratio'].unique())
location = st.selectbox('Company location', sorted(df['company_location'].unique()))
size = st.selectbox('Company Size', df['company_size'].unique())
submitted = st.form_submit_button('Predict')
inf = {
'work_year': year,
'experience_level': experience,
'employment_type': employment,
'job_title' : job,
'remote_ratio': remote,
'company_location': location,
'company_size': size
data_inf = pd.DataFrame([inf])
if submitted:
# Predict using bagging
y_pred_inf = model.predict(data_inf)
st.write('with this experience you should get salary around')
st.write('# $', str(int(y_pred_inf)))
st.write('NOTE : Please remember this model is not 100% correct please check again with another website about paycheck like glassdoor')
if __name__=='__main__':