import torch import trimesh import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PrimSDF(nn.Module): def __init__(self, mesh_obj=None, f_sdf=None, geo_fn=None, asset_list=None, num_prims=1024, dim_feat=6, prim_shape=8, init_scale=0.05, sdf2alpha_var=0.005, auto_scale_init=True, init_sampling="uniform"): super().__init__() self.num_prims = num_prims # 6 channels features - [SDF, R, G, B, roughness, metallic] self.dim_feat = dim_feat self.prim_shape = prim_shape self.sdf_sampled_point = None self.auto_scale_init = auto_scale_init self.init_sampling = init_sampling self.sdf2alpha_var = sdf2alpha_var # assume the mesh is normalized to [-1, 1] cube self.mesh_obj = mesh_obj self.f_sdf = f_sdf # N x (D x S^3 + 3(Global Translation) + 1(Global Scale)) self.srt_param = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_prims, 1 + 3)) self.feat_param = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_prims, self.dim_feat * (self.prim_shape ** 3))) self.geo_start_index = 0 self.geo_end_index = self.geo_start_index + self.prim_shape ** 3 # non-inclusive self.tex_start_index = self.geo_end_index self.tex_end_index = self.tex_start_index + self.prim_shape ** 3 * 3 # non-inclusive self.mat_start_index = self.tex_end_index self.mat_end_index = self.mat_start_index + self.prim_shape ** 3 * 2 # sampled_point -> local grid # local_grid - [prim_shape^3, 3] xx = torch.linspace(-1, 1, self.prim_shape) # two ways to sample xyz-axis aligned local grids: 1st is ij indexing meshx, meshy, meshz = torch.meshgrid(xx, xx, xx, indexing='ij') local_grid = torch.stack((meshz, meshy, meshx), dim=-1).reshape(-1, 3) self.local_grid = local_grid # second is xy indexing, equivalent to the first one # meshx, meshy, meshz = torch.meshgrid(xx, xx, xx, indexing='xy') # local_grid = torch.stack((meshz, meshx, meshy), dim=-1).reshape(-1, 3) if self.f_sdf is not None and geo_fn is not None and asset_list is not None: self._init_param(init_scale=init_scale, geo_fn=geo_fn, asset_list=asset_list, sampling=self.init_sampling) @torch.no_grad() def _init_param(self, init_scale, geo_fn, asset_list, sampling="uniform"): pass def forward(self, x): # x - [bs, 3] bs = x.shape[0] weights = self.prim_weight(x) output = self.grid_sample_feat(x, weights) preds = {} preds['sdf'] = output[:, 0:1] # RGB preds['tex'] = torch.clip(output[:, 1:4], min=0.0, max=1.0) # roughness, metallic preds['mat'] = torch.clip(output[:, 4:6], min=0.0, max=1.0) return preds def grid_sample_feat(self, x, weights): # implementation of I_V -> trilinear grid sample of V_i # x - [bs, 3] # weights - [bs, n_prims] bs = x.shape[0] sampled_point = (x[:, None, :] - self.pos[None, ...]) / self.scale[None, ...] mask = weights > 0 ind_bs, ind_nprim = torch.where(weights > 0) masked_sampled_point = sampled_point[ind_bs, ind_nprim, :].reshape(ind_nprim.shape[0], 1, 1, 1, 3) feat4sample = self.feat[ind_nprim, :].reshape(ind_nprim.shape[0], self.dim_feat, self.prim_shape, self.prim_shape, self.prim_shape) sampled_feat = F.grid_sample(feat4sample, masked_sampled_point, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=True).reshape(ind_nprim.shape[0], self.dim_feat) weighted_sampled_feat = sampled_feat * weights[mask][:, None] weighted_feat = torch.zeros(bs, self.dim_feat).to(x) weighted_feat.index_add_(0, ind_bs, weighted_sampled_feat) # at inference time, fill in approximated SDF value for region not covered by prims if not # get mask for points not covered by prims bs_mask = weights.sum(1) <= 0 # get nearest prim index dist = torch.norm(x[bs_mask, None, :] - self.pos[None, ...], p=2, dim=-1) _, min_dist_ind = dist.min(1) nearest_prim_pos = self.pos[min_dist_ind, :] nearest_prim_scale = self.scale[min_dist_ind, :] # in each nearest prim, get nearest voxel points candidate_nearest_pts = nearest_prim_pos[:, None, :] + nearest_prim_scale[..., None] *[None, :] pts_dist = torch.norm(x[bs_mask, None, :] - candidate_nearest_pts, p=2, dim=-1) min_dist, min_dist_pts_ind = pts_dist.min(1) # get the SDF value as a nearest valid SDF value min_pts_sdf = self.feat_geo[min_dist_ind, min_dist_pts_ind] # approximate SDF value with the same sign distance + L2 distance approx_sdf = min_pts_sdf + min_dist * torch.sign(min_pts_sdf) weighted_feat[bs_mask, 0:1] = approx_sdf[:, None] return weighted_feat def prim_weight(self, x): # x - [bs, 3] weights = F.relu(1 - torch.norm((x[:, None, :] - self.pos[None, ...]) / self.scale[None, ...], p = float('inf'), dim=-1)) # weight - [bs, N] normalized_weights = weights / (torch.sum(weights, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6) return normalized_weights def sdf2alpha(self, sdf): return torch.exp(-(sdf / self.sdf2alpha_var) ** 2) @property def pos(self): return self.srt_param[:, 1:4] @property def scale(self): return self.srt_param[:, 0:1] @property def feat(self): return self.feat_param @property def feat_geo(self): return self.feat_param[:, self.geo_start_index:self.geo_end_index] @property def feat_tex(self): return self.feat_param[:, self.tex_start_index:self.tex_end_index] @property def feat_mat(self): return self.feat_param[:, self.mat_start_index:self.mat_end_index]