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import numpy as np
import scipy
import torch
from torch import nn, view_as_real, view_as_complex
import pdb
class ISTFT(nn.Module):
Custom implementation of ISTFT since torch.istft doesn't allow custom padding (other than `center=True`) with
windowing. This is because the NOLA (Nonzero Overlap Add) check fails at the edges.
See issue:
Specifically, in the context of neural vocoding we are interested in "same" padding analogous to CNNs.
The NOLA constraint is met as we trim padded samples anyway.
n_fft (int): Size of Fourier transform.
hop_length (int): The distance between neighboring sliding window frames.
win_length (int): The size of window frame and STFT filter.
padding (str, optional): Type of padding. Options are "center" or "same". Defaults to "same".
def __init__(self, n_fft: int, hop_length: int, win_length: int, padding: str = "same"):
if padding not in ["center", "same"]:
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
self.padding = padding
self.n_fft = n_fft
self.hop_length = hop_length
self.win_length = win_length
window = torch.hann_window(win_length)
self.register_buffer("window", window)
def forward(self, spec: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Compute the Inverse Short Time Fourier Transform (ISTFT) of a complex spectrogram.
spec (Tensor): Input complex spectrogram of shape (B, N, T), where B is the batch size,
N is the number of frequency bins, and T is the number of time frames.
Tensor: Reconstructed time-domain signal of shape (B, L), where L is the length of the output signal.
if self.padding == "center":
# Fallback to pytorch native implementation
return torch.istft(spec, self.n_fft, self.hop_length, self.win_length, self.window, center=True)
elif self.padding == "same":
pad = (self.win_length - self.hop_length) // 2
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
assert spec.dim() == 3, "Expected a 3D tensor as input"
B, N, T = spec.shape
# Inverse FFT
ifft = torch.fft.irfft(spec, self.n_fft, dim=1, norm="backward")
ifft = ifft * self.window[None, :, None]
# Overlap and Add
output_size = (T - 1) * self.hop_length + self.win_length
y = torch.nn.functional.fold(
ifft, output_size=(1, output_size), kernel_size=(1, self.win_length), stride=(1, self.hop_length),
)[:, 0, 0, pad:-pad]
# Window envelope
window_sq = self.window.square().expand(1, T, -1).transpose(1, 2)
window_envelope = torch.nn.functional.fold(
window_sq, output_size=(1, output_size), kernel_size=(1, self.win_length), stride=(1, self.hop_length),
# Normalize
# assert (window_envelope > 1e-11).all()
if not torch.all(window_envelope > 1e-11):
window_envelope = torch.clamp(window_envelope, min=1e-11)
y = y / window_envelope
return y
def onnx_forward(self, spec: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Compute the Inverse Short Time Fourier Transform (ISTFT) of a complex spectrogram.
spec (Tensor): Input complex spectrogram of shape (B, N, T), where B is the batch size,
N is the number of frequency bins, and T is the number of time frames.
Tensor: Reconstructed time-domain signal of shape (B, L), where L is the length of the output signal.
if self.padding == "center":
# Fallback to pytorch native implementation
return torch.istft(spec, self.n_fft, self.hop_length, self.win_length, self.window, center=True)
elif self.padding == "same":
pad = (self.win_length - self.hop_length) // 2
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
assert spec.dim() == 3, "Expected a 3D tensor as input"
B, N, T = spec.shape
# Inverse FFT
ifft = torch.fft.irfft(spec, self.n_fft, dim=1, norm="backward")
ifft = ifft * self.window[None, :, None]
# Overlap and Add
output_size = (T - 1) * self.hop_length + self.win_length
y = torch.nn.functional.fold(
ifft, output_size=(1, output_size), kernel_size=(1, self.win_length), stride=(1, self.hop_length),
)[:, 0, 0, pad:-pad]
# Window envelope
window_sq = self.window.square().expand(1, T, -1).transpose(1, 2)
window_envelope = torch.nn.functional.fold(
window_sq, output_size=(1, output_size), kernel_size=(1, self.win_length), stride=(1, self.hop_length),
# Normalize
# assert (window_envelope > 1e-11).all()
if not torch.all(window_envelope > 1e-11):
window_envelope = torch.clamp(window_envelope, min=1e-11)
y = y / window_envelope
return y
class MDCT(nn.Module):
Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (MDCT) module.
frame_len (int): Length of the MDCT frame.
padding (str, optional): Type of padding. Options are "center" or "same". Defaults to "same".
def __init__(self, frame_len: int, padding: str = "same"):
if padding not in ["center", "same"]:
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
self.padding = padding
self.frame_len = frame_len
N = frame_len // 2
n0 = (N + 1) / 2
window = torch.from_numpy(scipy.signal.cosine(frame_len)).float()
self.register_buffer("window", window)
pre_twiddle = torch.exp(-1j * torch.pi * torch.arange(frame_len) / frame_len)
post_twiddle = torch.exp(-1j * torch.pi * n0 * (torch.arange(N) + 0.5) / N)
# view_as_real: NCCL Backend does not support ComplexFloat data type
self.register_buffer("pre_twiddle", view_as_real(pre_twiddle))
self.register_buffer("post_twiddle", view_as_real(post_twiddle))
def forward(self, audio: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Apply the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (MDCT) to the input audio.
audio (Tensor): Input audio waveform of shape (B, T), where B is the batch size
and T is the length of the audio.
Tensor: MDCT coefficients of shape (B, L, N), where L is the number of output frames
and N is the number of frequency bins.
if self.padding == "center":
audio = torch.nn.functional.pad(audio, (self.frame_len // 2, self.frame_len // 2))
elif self.padding == "same":
# hop_length is 1/2 frame_len
audio = torch.nn.functional.pad(audio, (self.frame_len // 4, self.frame_len // 4))
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
x = audio.unfold(-1, self.frame_len, self.frame_len // 2)
N = self.frame_len // 2
x = x * self.window.expand(x.shape)
X = torch.fft.fft(x * view_as_complex(self.pre_twiddle).expand(x.shape), dim=-1)[..., :N]
res = X * view_as_complex(self.post_twiddle).expand(X.shape) * np.sqrt(1 / N)
return torch.real(res) * np.sqrt(2)
class IMDCT(nn.Module):
Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (IMDCT) module.
frame_len (int): Length of the MDCT frame.
padding (str, optional): Type of padding. Options are "center" or "same". Defaults to "same".
def __init__(self, frame_len: int, padding: str = "same"):
if padding not in ["center", "same"]:
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
self.padding = padding
self.frame_len = frame_len
N = frame_len // 2
n0 = (N + 1) / 2
window = torch.from_numpy(scipy.signal.cosine(frame_len)).float()
self.register_buffer("window", window)
pre_twiddle = torch.exp(1j * torch.pi * n0 * torch.arange(N * 2) / N)
post_twiddle = torch.exp(1j * torch.pi * (torch.arange(N * 2) + n0) / (N * 2))
self.register_buffer("pre_twiddle", view_as_real(pre_twiddle))
self.register_buffer("post_twiddle", view_as_real(post_twiddle))
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Apply the Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (IMDCT) to the input MDCT coefficients.
X (Tensor): Input MDCT coefficients of shape (B, L, N), where B is the batch size,
L is the number of frames, and N is the number of frequency bins.
Tensor: Reconstructed audio waveform of shape (B, T), where T is the length of the audio.
B, L, N = X.shape
Y = torch.zeros((B, L, N * 2), dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
Y[..., :N] = X
Y[..., N:] = -1 * torch.conj(torch.flip(X, dims=(-1,)))
y = torch.fft.ifft(Y * view_as_complex(self.pre_twiddle).expand(Y.shape), dim=-1)
y = torch.real(y * view_as_complex(self.post_twiddle).expand(y.shape)) * np.sqrt(N) * np.sqrt(2)
result = y * self.window.expand(y.shape)
output_size = (1, (L + 1) * N)
audio = torch.nn.functional.fold(
result.transpose(1, 2),
kernel_size=(1, self.frame_len),
stride=(1, self.frame_len // 2),
)[:, 0, 0, :]
if self.padding == "center":
pad = self.frame_len // 2
elif self.padding == "same":
pad = self.frame_len // 4
raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.")
audio = audio[:, pad:-pad]
return audio