from typing import List import torch import torchaudio from torch import nn import math # from inspiremusic.wavtokenizer.decoder.modules import safe_log from inspiremusic.wavtokenizer.encoder.modules import SEANetEncoder, SEANetDecoder from inspiremusic.wavtokenizer.encoder import EncodecModel from inspiremusic.wavtokenizer.encoder.quantization import ResidualVectorQuantizer def safe_log(x: torch.Tensor, clip_val: float = 1e-7) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the element-wise logarithm of the input tensor with clipping to avoid near-zero values. Args: x (Tensor): Input tensor. clip_val (float, optional): Minimum value to clip the input tensor. Defaults to 1e-7. Returns: Tensor: Element-wise logarithm of the input tensor with clipping applied. """ return torch.log(torch.clip(x, min=clip_val)) def symlog(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.sign(x) * torch.log1p(x.abs()) def symexp(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(x.abs()) - 1) class FeatureExtractor(nn.Module): """Base class for feature extractors.""" def forward(self, audio: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Extract features from the given audio. Args: audio (Tensor): Input audio waveform. Returns: Tensor: Extracted features of shape (B, C, L), where B is the batch size, C denotes output features, and L is the sequence length. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement the forward method.") class MelSpectrogramFeatures(FeatureExtractor): def __init__(self, sample_rate=24000, n_fft=1024, hop_length=256, n_mels=100, padding="center"): super().__init__() if padding not in ["center", "same"]: raise ValueError("Padding must be 'center' or 'same'.") self.padding = padding self.mel_spec = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=sample_rate, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, n_mels=n_mels, center=padding == "center", power=1, ) def forward(self, audio, **kwargs): if self.padding == "same": pad = self.mel_spec.win_length - self.mel_spec.hop_length audio = torch.nn.functional.pad(audio, (pad // 2, pad // 2), mode="reflect") mel = self.mel_spec(audio) features = safe_log(mel) return features class EncodecFeatures(FeatureExtractor): def __init__( self, encodec_model: str = "encodec_24khz", bandwidths: List[float] = [1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0], train_codebooks: bool = False, num_quantizers: int = 1, dowmsamples: List[int] = [6, 5, 5, 4], vq_bins: int = 16384, vq_kmeans: int = 800, ): super().__init__() # breakpoint() self.frame_rate = 25 # not use # n_q = int(bandwidths[-1]*1000/(math.log2(2048) * self.frame_rate)) n_q = num_quantizers # important encoder = SEANetEncoder(causal=False, n_residual_layers=1, norm='weight_norm', pad_mode='reflect', lstm=2, dimension=512, channels=1, n_filters=32, ratios=dowmsamples, activation='ELU', kernel_size=7, residual_kernel_size=3, last_kernel_size=7, dilation_base=2, true_skip=False, compress=2) decoder = SEANetDecoder(causal=False, n_residual_layers=1, norm='weight_norm', pad_mode='reflect', lstm=2, dimension=512, channels=1, n_filters=32, ratios=[8, 5, 4, 2], activation='ELU', kernel_size=7, residual_kernel_size=3, last_kernel_size=7, dilation_base=2, true_skip=False, compress=2) quantizer = ResidualVectorQuantizer(dimension=512, n_q=n_q, bins=vq_bins, kmeans_iters=vq_kmeans, decay=0.99, kmeans_init=True) # breakpoint() if encodec_model == "encodec_24khz": self.encodec = EncodecModel(encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, quantizer=quantizer, target_bandwidths=bandwidths, sample_rate=24000, channels=1) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported encodec_model: {encodec_model}. Supported options are 'encodec_24khz'." ) for param in self.encodec.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True # self.num_q = n_q # codebook_weights =[vq.codebook for vq in self.encodec.quantizer.vq.layers[: self.num_q]], dim=0) # self.codebook_weights = torch.nn.Parameter(codebook_weights, requires_grad=train_codebooks) self.bandwidths = bandwidths # @torch.no_grad() # def get_encodec_codes(self, audio): # audio = audio.unsqueeze(1) # emb = self.encodec.encoder(audio) # codes = self.encodec.quantizer.encode(emb, self.encodec.frame_rate, self.encodec.bandwidth) # return codes def forward(self, audio: torch.Tensor, bandwidth_id: torch.Tensor = torch.tensor(0)): if self.encodec.train() audio = audio.unsqueeze(1) # audio(16,24000) # breakpoint() emb = self.encodec.encoder(audio) q_res = self.encodec.quantizer(emb, self.frame_rate, bandwidth=self.bandwidths[bandwidth_id]) quantized = q_res.quantized codes = commit_loss = q_res.penalty # codes(8,16,75),features(16,128,75) return quantized, codes, commit_loss # codes = self.get_encodec_codes(audio) # # Instead of summing in the loop, it stores subsequent VQ dictionaries in a single `self.codebook_weights` # # with offsets given by the number of bins, and finally summed in a vectorized operation. # offsets = torch.arange( # 0, self.encodec.quantizer.bins * len(codes), self.encodec.quantizer.bins, device=audio.device # ) # embeddings_idxs = codes + offsets.view(-1, 1, 1) # features = torch.nn.functional.embedding(embeddings_idxs, self.codebook_weights).sum(dim=0) # return features.transpose(1, 2) def infer(self, audio: torch.Tensor, bandwidth_id: torch.Tensor): if self.encodec.train() audio = audio.unsqueeze(1) # audio(16,24000) emb = self.encodec.encoder(audio) q_res = self.encodec.quantizer.infer(emb, self.frame_rate, bandwidth=self.bandwidths[bandwidth_id]) quantized = q_res.quantized codes = commit_loss = q_res.penalty # codes(8,16,75),features(16,128,75) return quantized, codes, commit_loss def _infer(self, audio: torch.Tensor, bandwidth_id: torch.Tensor = torch.tensor(0)): if self.encodec.train() audio = audio.unsqueeze(1) # audio(16,24000) emb = self.encodec.encoder(audio) q_res = self.encodec.quantizer.infer(emb, self.frame_rate, bandwidth=self.bandwidths[bandwidth_id]) quantized = q_res.quantized codes = commit_loss = q_res.penalty # codes(8,16,75),features(16,128,75) return quantized, codes, commit_loss