import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_scatter import scatter_mean, scatter_max from .unet import UNet from .resnet_block import ResnetBlockFC import numpy as np class ConvPointnet_Decoder(nn.Module): ''' PointNet-based encoder network with ResNet blocks for each point. Number of input points are fixed. Args: c_dim (int): dimension of latent code c dim (int): input points dimension hidden_dim (int): hidden dimension of the network scatter_type (str): feature aggregation when doing local pooling unet (bool): weather to use U-Net unet_kwargs (str): U-Net parameters plane_resolution (int): defined resolution for plane feature plane_type (str): feature type, 'xz' - 1-plane, ['xz', 'xy', 'yz'] - 3-plane, ['grid'] - 3D grid volume padding (float): conventional padding paramter of ONet for unit cube, so [-0.5, 0.5] -> [-0.55, 0.55] n_blocks (int): number of blocks ResNetBlockFC layers ''' def __init__(self, latent_dim=32,query_emb_dim=51,hidden_dim=128, unet_kwargs=None, plane_resolution=None, plane_type=['xz', 'xy', 'yz'], padding=0.1, n_blocks=5): super().__init__() self.latent_dim=32 self.actvn = nn.ReLU() self.unet = UNet(unet_kwargs['output_dim'], in_channels=latent_dim, **unet_kwargs) self.fc_c=nn.ModuleList self.reso_plane = plane_resolution self.plane_type = plane_type self.padding = padding self.n_blocks=n_blocks self.fc_c = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Linear(latent_dim*3, hidden_dim) for i in range(n_blocks) ]) self.fc_p=nn.Linear(query_emb_dim,hidden_dim) self.fc_out=nn.Linear(hidden_dim,1) self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([ ResnetBlockFC(hidden_dim) for i in range(n_blocks) ]) def forward(self, plane_features,query,query_emb): # , query2): plane_feature=self.unet(plane_features) H,W=plane_feature.shape[2:4] xz_feat,xy_feat,yz_feat=torch.split(plane_feature,dim=2,split_size_or_sections=H//3) xz_sample_feat=self.sample_plane_feature(query,xz_feat,'xz') xy_sample_feat=self.sample_plane_feature(query,xy_feat,'xy') yz_sample_feat=self.sample_plane_feature(query,yz_feat,'yz')[xz_sample_feat,xy_sample_feat,yz_sample_feat],dim=1) sample_feat=sample_feat.transpose(1,2) net=self.fc_p(query_emb) for i in range(self.n_blocks): net=net+self.fc_c[i](sample_feat) net=self.blocks[i](net) out=self.fc_out(self.actvn(net)).squeeze(-1) return out def normalize_coordinate(self, p, padding=0.1, plane='xz'): ''' Normalize coordinate to [0, 1] for unit cube experiments Args: p (tensor): point padding (float): conventional padding paramter of ONet for unit cube, so [-0.5, 0.5] -> [-0.55, 0.55] plane (str): plane feature type, ['xz', 'xy', 'yz'] ''' if plane == 'xz': xy = p[:, :, [0, 2]] elif plane == 'xy': xy = p[:, :, [0, 1]] else: xy = p[:, :, [1, 2]] #print("origin",torch.amin(xy), torch.amax(xy)) xy=xy/2 #xy is originally -1 ~ 1 xy_new = xy / (1 + padding + 10e-6) # (-0.5, 0.5) xy_new = xy_new + 0.5 # range (0, 1) #print("scale",torch.amin(xy_new),torch.amax(xy_new)) # f there are outliers out of the range if xy_new.max() >= 1: xy_new[xy_new >= 1] = 1 - 10e-6 if xy_new.min() < 0: xy_new[xy_new < 0] = 0.0 return xy_new def coordinate2index(self, x, reso): ''' Normalize coordinate to [0, 1] for unit cube experiments. Corresponds to our 3D model Args: x (tensor): coordinate reso (int): defined resolution coord_type (str): coordinate type ''' x = (x * reso).long() index = x[:, :, 0] + reso * x[:, :, 1] index = index[:, None, :] return index # uses values from plane_feature and pixel locations from vgrid to interpolate feature def sample_plane_feature(self, query, plane_feature, plane): xy = self.normalize_coordinate(query.clone(), plane=plane, padding=self.padding) xy = xy[:, :, None].float() vgrid = 2.0 * xy - 1.0 # normalize to (-1, 1) sampled_feat = F.grid_sample(plane_feature, vgrid, padding_mode='border', align_corners=True, mode='bilinear').squeeze(-1) return sampled_feat