import streamlit as st from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from import dialogflow import kaleido import cohere import openai import tiktoken import tensorflow_probability as tfp # Define model paths dialogflow_agent_path = "path/to/dialogflow_agent.json" journaling_model_path = "path/to/" llm_model_name = "gpt-j-6B" # Load models dialogflow_agent = dialogflow.Agent.from_json(dialogflow_agent_path) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(llm_model_name) llm_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(llm_model_name) # Define emotion and topic choices emotions = ["Grateful", "Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Anxious"] topics = ["Relationships", "Work", "Personal Growth", "Overall Wellbeing"] # Define breathing exercises breathing_exercises = { "4-7-8 Breathing": [4, 7, 8], "Box Breathing": [4, 4, 4, 4], } # Function to generate text with LLM def generate_text(prompt, num_beams=5): input_ids = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids output_ids = llm_model.generate(input_ids, num_beams=num_beams) return tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0]) # Define individual page functions def welcome_page(): user_input = st.text_input("Talk to the Therapist", placeholder="Start your conversation") if user_input: response = dialogflow_agent.text_query(user_input) st.write(f"{welcome_message}\n\n{note}\n\n{response.query_result.fulfillment_text}") def journaling_page(): emotion ="Choose your emotion", options=emotions) topic ="Choose your topic", options=topics) if emotion and topic: prompt = f"Write about a time when you felt {emotion} about {topic}." generated_text = generate_text(prompt) st.write("Here are some personalized journaling prompts for you:") for line in generated_text.split('\n'): st.write(f"- {line}") def breathing_page(): exercise_name ="Choose your breathing exercise", options=list(breathing_exercises.keys())) if exercise_name: exercise = breathing_exercises[exercise_name] st.write(f"You selected the {exercise_name} exercise.") for duration in exercise: st.write(f"{duration} seconds...") time.sleep(duration) st.write("Breathing exercise complete!") # Streamlit app layout st.title("Flow: Self-Healing, Wellness, and Goal-Setting") st.write("Welcome to your journey towards self-healing, wellness, and goal achievement.") page_selection = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose your page", options=["Welcome", "Journaling", "Breathing Exercises"]) if page_selection == "Welcome": welcome_page() elif page_selection == "Journaling": journaling_page() elif page_selection == "Breathing Exercises": breathing_page()