import os import random from typing import List, Tuple import spaces import gradio as gr import lpips import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torchvision.transforms as transforms from diffusers import StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline from diffusers.utils import load_image from PIL import Image, ImageOps # Constants TARGET_SIZE = (512, 512) DEVICE = torch.device("cuda") LPIPS_MODELS = ['alex', 'vgg', 'squeeze'] MASK_SIZES = {"64x64": 64, "128x128": 128, "256x256": 256} DEFAULT_MASK_SIZE = "256x256" MIN_ITERATIONS = 2 MAX_ITERATIONS = 5 DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 2 # HTML Content TITLE = """

How Stable is Stable Diffusion under Recursive InPainting (RIP)?🧟

""" AUTHORS = """
Javier Conde1         Miguel González1         Gonzalo Martínez2         Fernando Moral3         Elena Merino-Gómez4         Pedro Reviriego1
1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 3Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, 4Universidad de Valladolid
""" BUTTONS = """
Paper Zenodo
""" DESCRIPTION = """ # 🌟 Official Demo: GenAI Evaluation KDD2024 🌟 Welcome to our official demo for our [research paper]( presented at the KDD conference workshop on [Evaluation and Trustworthiness of Generative AI Models]( ## 🚀 How to Use 1. 📤 Upload an image or choose from our examples from the [WikiArt dataset]( used in our paper. 2. 🎭 Select the mask size for your image. 3. 🔄 Choose the number of iterations (more iterations = longer processing time). 4. 🖱️ Click "Submit" and wait for the results! ## 📊 Results You'll see the resulting images in the gallery on the right, along with the [LPIPS (Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity)]( metric results for each image. """ ARTICLE = """ ## **🎨✨To cite our work** ```bibtex @misc{conde2024stablestablediffusionrecursive, title={How Stable is Stable Diffusion under Recursive InPainting (RIP)?}, author={Javier Conde and Miguel González and Gonzalo Martínez and Fernando Moral and Elena Merino-Gómez and Pedro Reviriego}, year={2024}, eprint={2407.09549}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV}, url={}, } ``` """ CUSTOM_CSS = """ #centered { display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; } """ @spaces.GPU(duration=180) def lpips_distance(img1: Image.Image, img2: Image.Image) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: def preprocess(img: Image.Image) -> torch.Tensor: if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): return img.float() if img.dim() == 3 else img.unsqueeze(0).float() return transforms.ToTensor()(img).unsqueeze(0) tensor_img1, tensor_img2 = map(preprocess, (img1, img2)) resize = transforms.Resize(TARGET_SIZE) tensor_img1, tensor_img2 = map(lambda x: resize(x).to(DEVICE), (tensor_img1, tensor_img2)) loss_fns = {model: lpips.LPIPS(net=model, verbose=False).to(DEVICE) for model in LPIPS_MODELS} with torch.no_grad(): distances = [loss_fns[model](tensor_img1, tensor_img2).item() for model in LPIPS_MODELS] return tuple(distances) def create_square_mask(image: Image.Image, square_size: int = 256) -> Image.Image: img_array = np.array(image) height, width = img_array.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) max_y, max_x = max(0, height - square_size), max(0, width - square_size) start_y, start_x = random.randint(0, max_y), random.randint(0, max_x) end_y, end_x = min(start_y + square_size, height), min(start_x + square_size, width) mask[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x] = 255 return Image.fromarray(mask) def adjust_size(image: Image.Image) -> Tuple[Image.Image, Image.Image, Image.Image]: mask_image ="RGB", image.size, (255, 255, 255)) nmask_image ="RGB", image.size, (0, 0, 0)) new_image = ImageOps.pad(image, TARGET_SIZE, Image.LANCZOS, (255, 255, 255), (0.5, 0.5)) mask_image = ImageOps.pad(mask_image, TARGET_SIZE, Image.LANCZOS, (100, 100, 100), (0.5, 0.5)) nmask_image = ImageOps.pad(nmask_image, TARGET_SIZE, Image.LANCZOS, (100, 100, 100), (0.5, 0.5)) return new_image, mask_image, nmask_image def execute_experiment(image: Image.Image, iterations: int, mask_size: str) -> Tuple[List[Image.Image], pd.DataFrame]: mask_size = MASK_SIZES[mask_size] image = adjust_size(load_image(image))[0] results = [image] lpips_distance_dict = {model: [] for model in LPIPS_MODELS} lpips_distance_dict['iteration'] = [] for iteration in range(iterations): results.append(inpaint_image("", results[-1], create_square_mask(results[-1], square_size=mask_size))) distances = lpips_distance(results[0], results[-1]) for model, distance in zip(LPIPS_MODELS, distances): lpips_distance_dict[model].append(distance) lpips_distance_dict["iteration"].append(iteration + 1) lpips_df = pd.DataFrame(lpips_distance_dict) lpips_df = lpips_df.melt(id_vars="iteration", var_name="model", value_name="lpips") lpips_df["iteration"] = lpips_df["iteration"].astype(str) return results, lpips_df @spaces.GPU(duration=180) def inpaint_image(prompt: str, image: Image.Image, mask_image: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: pipe = StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline.from_pretrained( "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-inpainting", torch_dtype=torch.float16, ).to(DEVICE) return pipe(prompt=prompt, image=image, mask_image=mask_image).images[0] def create_gradio_interface(): with gr.Blocks(css=CUSTOM_CSS, theme=gr.themes.Default(primary_hue="red", secondary_hue="blue")) as demo: gr.Markdown(TITLE) gr.Markdown(AUTHORS) gr.HTML(BUTTONS) gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): files = gr.Image( elem_id="image_upload", type="pil", height=500, sources=["upload", "clipboard"], label="Upload" ) iterations = gr.Slider(MIN_ITERATIONS, MAX_ITERATIONS, value=DEFAULT_ITERATIONS, label="Iterations", step=1) mask_size = gr.Radio(list(MASK_SIZES.keys()), value=DEFAULT_MASK_SIZE, label="Mask Size") submit = gr.Button("Submit") with gr.Column(): gallery = gr.Gallery(label="Generated Images") lineplot = gr.LinePlot( label="LPIPS Distance", x="iteration", y="lpips", color="model", overlay_point=True, width=500, height=500, ) fn=execute_experiment, inputs=[files, iterations, mask_size], outputs=[gallery, lineplot] ) gr.Examples( examples=[ ["./examples/example_1.jpg"], ["./examples/example_2.jpg"], ["./examples/example_3.jpeg"], ["./examples/example_4.jpg"], ["./examples/example_5.jpg"], ["./examples/example_6.jpg"], ["./examples/example_7.jpg"], ["./examples/example_8.jpg"], ], inputs=[files], cache_examples=False, ) gr.Markdown(ARTICLE) return demo if __name__ == "__main__": demo = create_gradio_interface() demo.launch()