import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from appStore.prep_data import process_giz_worldwide from appStore.prep_utils import create_documents, get_client from appStore.embed import hybrid_embed_chunks from import hybrid_search from torch import cuda import json # get the device to be used eithe gpu or cpu device = 'cuda' if cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' st.set_page_config(page_title="SEARCH IATI",layout='wide') st.title("GIZ Project Database") var = st.text_input("Enter Search Query") #################### Create the embeddings collection and save ###################### # the steps below need to be performed only once and then commented out any unnecssary compute over-run ##### First we process and create the chunks for relvant data source #chunks = process_giz_worldwide() ##### Convert to langchain documents #temp_doc = create_documents(chunks,'chunks') ##### Embed and store docs, check if collection exist then you need to update the collection collection_name = "giz_worldwide" #hybrid_embed_chunks(docs= temp_doc, collection_name = collection_name) ################### Hybrid Search ###################################################### client = get_client() print(client.get_collections()) # Fetch unique country codes from the metadata for the dropdown @st.cache_data def get_unique_countries(_client, collection_name): results = hybrid_search(_client, "", collection_name) country_set = set() for res in results[0] + results[1]: countries = res.payload.get('metadata', {}).get('countries', "[]") try: country_list = json.loads(countries.replace("'", '"')) country_set.update(country_list) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass return sorted(list(country_set)) unique_countries = get_unique_countries(client, collection_name) # Layout filters in columns col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 1, 4]) with col1: country_filter = st.selectbox("Country Code", ["All"] + unique_countries) with col2: end_year_range = st.slider("Project End Year", min_value=2010, max_value=2030, value=(2010, 2030)) # Checkbox to control whether to show only exact matches show_exact_matches = st.checkbox("Show only exact matches", value=False) button=st.button("Search") #found_docs = vectorstore.similarity_search(var) #print(found_docs) # results= get_context(vectorstore, f"find the relvant paragraphs for: {var}") if button: results = hybrid_search(client, var, collection_name) # Filter results based on the user's input def filter_results(results, country_filter, end_year_range): filtered = [] for res in results: metadata = res.payload.get('metadata', {}) countries = metadata.get('countries', "[]") end_year = float(metadata.get('end_year', 0)) # Process countries string to a list try: country_list = json.loads(countries.replace("'", '"')) except json.JSONDecodeError: country_list = [] # Apply country and year filters if (country_filter == "All" or country_filter in country_list) and (end_year_range[0] <= end_year <= end_year_range[1]): filtered.append(res) return filtered # Check user preference for exact matches if show_exact_matches: st.write(f"Showing **Top 10 Lexical Search results** for query: {var}") lexical_results = results[1] # Lexical results are in index 1 filtered_lexical_results = filter_results(lexical_results, country_filter, end_year_range) for res in filtered_lexical_results[:10]: project_name = res.payload['metadata'].get('project_name', 'Project Link') url = res.payload['metadata'].get('url', '#') st.markdown(f"#### [{project_name}]({url})") st.write(res.payload['page_content']) st.divider() else: st.write(f"Showing **Top 10 Semantic Search results** for query: {var}") semantic_results = results[0] # Semantic results are in index 0 filtered_semantic_results = filter_results(semantic_results, country_filter, end_year_range) for res in filtered_semantic_results[:10]: project_name = res.payload['metadata'].get('project_name', 'Project Link') url = res.payload['metadata'].get('url', '#') st.markdown(f"#### [{project_name}]({url})") st.write(res.payload['page_content']) st.divider() # for i in results: # st.subheader(str(i.metadata['id'])+":"+str(i.metadata['title_main'])) # st.caption(f"Status:{str(i.metadata['status'])}, Country:{str(i.metadata['country_name'])}") # st.write(i.page_content) # st.divider()