import pandas as pd | |
import streamlit as st | |
import gspread | |
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials | |
import ast | |
import requests | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import json | |
# Define the scope | |
start = False | |
starting_position = [] | |
tradeHistory_positions = [] | |
scopes = [""] | |
# Service account credentials as a dictionary | |
service_account_info = { | |
"type": "service_account", | |
"project_id": "primetrade-433011", | |
"private_key_id": "8bdab2f373343c045c8712c27e34f858132675df", | |
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nn6WFbBEenJv8p5vZQi0NhHg=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", | |
"client_email": "[email protected]", | |
"client_id": "104595139129046465243", | |
"auth_uri": "", | |
"token_uri": "", | |
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", | |
"client_x509_cert_url": "", | |
"universe_domain": "" | |
# Add your service account credentials here | |
} | |
cookie_str = "p20t=web.740861259.532251DB15AFA4E2C9D5A7A4AA7EB97E" #cookie_str get by logging into binance | |
csrft = "4f341a1a0b78bfb7ddb0bfc9b093ec06" | |
trade_type= "PERPETUAL" # perpetual or delivery | |
# Authenticate using the service account info | |
creds = Credentials.from_service_account_info(service_account_info, scopes=scopes) | |
client = gspread.authorize(creds) | |
# The ID of the Google Sheet (found in the URL of the sheet) | |
sheet_id = "1I_PuAeWTaRC4OhS5BA5gv0XQCA17VlIjpA1MvOlzVA8" | |
# Open the Google Sheet by sheet ID | |
workbook = client.open_by_key(sheet_id) | |
# Select the specific sheet in the workbook | |
sheet = workbook.worksheet("okxHistory") | |
sheet2 = workbook.worksheet("okxLeaderBoard") | |
sheet3 = workbook.worksheet("Performance") | |
# Extract the data from the Google Sheet into a pandas DataFrame | |
data = sheet.get_all_values() | |
data2 = sheet2.get_all_values() | |
headers = data.pop(0) | |
headers2 = data2.pop(0) | |
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=headers) | |
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2,columns=headers2) | |
def combine_chunks(df): | |
combined_rows = [] | |
# Group by U_IDs | |
grouped = df.groupby('U_IDs') | |
for uid, group in grouped: | |
# Combine chunks for each UID | |
trade_history_combined = ''.join(group['trade_history'].tolist()) | |
# Create a DataFrame for the combined row | |
combined_row = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'U_IDs': [uid], | |
'trade_history': [trade_history_combined] | |
}) | |
combined_rows.append(combined_row) | |
# Concatenate all combined rows into a single DataFrame | |
combined_df = pd.concat(combined_rows, ignore_index=True) | |
return combined_df | |
df = df.fillna(value=pd.NA) | |
df = df.where(pd.notnull(df), None) | |
df2 = df2.fillna(value=pd.NA) | |
df2 = df2.where(pd.notnull(df2), None) | |
df = combine_chunks(df) | |
# df2 = combine_chunks(df2) | |
def convert_str_to_list_or_keep(value): | |
if isinstance(value, str): | |
try: | |
return ast.literal_eval(value) | |
except (SyntaxError, ValueError): | |
return value | |
else: | |
return value | |
df = df.apply(lambda col: | |
df2 = df2.apply(lambda col: | |
df['positionClosed'] = False | |
uid_input = st.text_input("Enter U_IDs to filter") | |
option ="Choose an option:", ["Show Position History", "Show Live Positions"]) | |
if df is not None and uid_input: | |
if option == "Show Position History": | |
st.title("Position History Viewer") | |
# Display starting positions with clickable rows | |
st.header("Starting Positions") | |
filtered_df = df[df['U_IDs'] == uid_input].copy() | |
if not filtered_df.empty: | |
trade_list = filtered_df['trade_history'].iloc[0] | |
else: | |
st.write("No data found for the provided U_ID.") | |
unique_lists = [] | |
def get_amounts_from_positions_and_closed_trades(data): | |
# Check if 'Modified' key exists and extract amounts | |
if 'Modified' in data: | |
modified_positions = data['Modified'] | |
# modified_positions = modified_positions[0] | |
if isinstance(modified_positions, dict) and 'amount' in modified_positions: | |
amount = modified_positions.get('amount') | |
if isinstance(amount, (int, float)): # Check if amount is a number | |
amounts =amount | |
# Check if 'ClosedTrades' key exists and extract amounts | |
if 'ClosedTrades' in data: | |
closed_trades = data['ClosedTrades'] | |
closed_trades =closed_trades[0] | |
if isinstance(closed_trades, dict) and 'amount' in closed_trades: | |
amount = closed_trades.get('amount') | |
if isinstance(amount, (int, float)): # Check if amount is a number | |
amounts = amount | |
return amounts | |
def get_symbols_from_positions_and_closed_trades(data): | |
# Check if 'Modified' key exists and extract symbols | |
if 'Modified' in data: | |
modified_positions = data['Modified'] | |
# modified_positions =modified_positions | |
if isinstance(modified_positions, dict) and 'symbol' in modified_positions: | |
symbol = modified_positions['symbol'] | |
# Check if 'ClosedTrades' key exists and extract symbols | |
if 'ClosedTrades' in data: | |
closed_trades = data['ClosedTrades'] | |
closed_trades =closed_trades[0] | |
if isinstance(closed_trades, dict) and 'symbol' in closed_trades: | |
symbol = closed_trades['symbol'] | |
return symbol | |
for i in range(len(trade_list)): | |
if trade_list[i]=="none": | |
continue | |
if not trade_list: # Check if the trade_list is empty | |
st.header("No data found, this may not be in the leaderboard") | |
if start ==False: | |
st.subheader(f"Data is from {}") | |
start =True | |
foundCLosed = False | |
changeInAmount = 0 | |
if 'symbol' in trade_list[i]: | |
symbol = trade_list[i]['symbol'] | |
side ="buy" if trade_list[i]['amount']>0 else "sell" | |
amount = trade_list[i]['usdAmount'] | |
symbol = trade_list[i]['symbol'] | |
trade_list[i]['side'] =side | |
trade_list[i]['changeInAmount'] = changeInAmount | |
trade_list[i]['i'] = i | |
unique_lists.append({"position":trade_list[i]}) | |
trade_list[i] = "none" | |
else: | |
if 'positions' in trade_list[i]: | |
reached = False | |
# Collect necessary data first before modifying the dictionary | |
for k, v in list(trade_list[i].items()): # Convert to a list to avoid modifying during iteration | |
for entry in v: | |
if 'NewPosition' in entry: | |
new_position = entry.get('NewPosition', {}) | |
# Extract symbol and amount | |
symbol = new_position.get('symbol') | |
amount = new_position.get('usdAmount') | |
if start==False: | |
start_time = new_position.get('updateTime') | |
year = start_time[0] | |
month = start_time[1] | |
day = start_time[2] | |
hour =start_time[3] | |
minute =start_time[4] | |
seconds = start_time[5] | |
dt = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) | |
human_readable_format = dt.strftime('%B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p') | |
st.subheader(f"Data from {human_readable_format}") | |
start=True | |
# if start==False: | |
# | |
# start =True | |
side = "buy" if amount > 0 else "sell" | |
new_position['side'] = side | |
new_position['changeInAmount'] = changeInAmount | |
new_position['i'] = i | |
# Update the entry with the modified 'NewPosition' | |
entry['NewPosition'] = new_position | |
# Append the updated trade_list[i] to unique_lists | |
unique_lists.append(trade_list[i]) | |
reached = True | |
# Now safely modify the dictionary after iteration is complete | |
if reached: | |
trade_list[i] = "none" | |
# Now safely modify the dictionary after iteration is complete | |
for j in range(i+1, len(trade_list)): | |
if trade_list[j] == "none": | |
continue | |
if 'positions' in trade_list[j] and isinstance(trade_list[j]['positions'], list): | |
for position in trade_list[j]['positions']: | |
# Check if 'Modified' is in the position and is a dict | |
if 'Modified' in position and isinstance(position['Modified'], dict): | |
if start==False: | |
for k,v in position.items(): | |
start_time = v['updateTime'] | |
year = start_time[0] | |
month = start_time[1] | |
day = start_time[2] | |
hour =start_time[3] | |
minute =start_time[4] | |
seconds = start_time[5] | |
dt = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) | |
human_readable_format = dt.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') | |
st.subheader(f"Data from {human_readable_format}") | |
start=True | |
modified_amount = get_amounts_from_positions_and_closed_trades(position) | |
modified_symbol = get_symbols_from_positions_and_closed_trades(position) | |
if modified_amount > 0: | |
modified_side = "buy" | |
else: | |
modified_side = "sell" | |
if symbol == modified_symbol and side == modified_side: | |
if start ==False: | |
st.header(f"Data is from {}") | |
start =True | |
position['Modified']['side'] = modified_side | |
position['Modified']['changeInAmount'] = amount - modified_amount if modified_amount < 0 else modified_amount - amount | |
position['Modified']['i'] = i | |
amount = modified_amount | |
unique_lists.append(trade_list[j]) | |
trade_list[j] = "none" | |
# Check if 'ClosedTrades' is in the position and is a tuple | |
if 'ClosedTrades' in position and isinstance(position['ClosedTrades'], tuple): | |
if start ==False: | |
st.header(f"Data is from {}") | |
start =True | |
foundCLosed = False | |
closed_trades_tuple = position['ClosedTrades'] | |
closed_trades_dict = { | |
'trade_info': closed_trades_tuple[0], | |
'side': closed_trades_tuple[1] | |
} | |
closed_amount = get_amounts_from_positions_and_closed_trades(position) | |
closed_symbol = get_symbols_from_positions_and_closed_trades(position) | |
if closed_amount > 0: | |
closed_side = "buy" | |
else: | |
closed_side = "sell" | |
if symbol == closed_symbol and side == closed_side: | |
if start==False: | |
for k,v in position.items(): | |
start_time = v['updateTime'] | |
start =True | |
closed_trades_dict['side'] = closed_side | |
trade_info = closed_trades_dict['trade_info'] | |
trade_info['changeInAmount'] = amount - closed_amount if closed_amount < 0 else closed_amount - amount | |
amount = closed_amount | |
closed_trades_dict['trade_info']['i'] = i # Store index 'i' inside 'ClosedTrades' | |
closed_trades_dict['trade_info']['closed'] = True | |
# Append the updated trade_list[j] to unique_lists | |
unique_lists.append(trade_list[j]) | |
trade_list[j] = "none" | |
foundCLosed = True | |
break | |
# Break the inner loop if a closed trade was found | |
if foundCLosed: | |
break | |
for k in range(len(unique_lists)): | |
data = unique_lists[k] | |
if k ==0: | |
if 'positions' in data: | |
if isinstance(data['positions'], list): | |
for a in data['positions']: | |
if 'NewPosition' in a: | |
position_data = a['NewPosition'] | |
starting_position.append(position_data) | |
tradeHistory_positions.append(position_data) | |
else: | |
if 'position' in data: | |
position_data =data['position'] | |
starting_position.append(position_data) | |
tradeHistory_positions.append(position_data) | |
if 'positions' in data: | |
if isinstance(data['positions'],list): | |
for a in data['positions']: | |
if 'ClosedTrades' in a: | |
position_data = a['ClosedTrades'][0] | |
tradeHistory_positions.append(position_data) | |
if 'positions' in data: | |
if isinstance(data['positions'],list): | |
for a in data['positions']: | |
if 'Modified' in a: | |
position_data = a['Modified'] | |
tradeHistory_positions.append(position_data) | |
unique_lists =[] | |
elif option == "Show Live Positions": | |
filtered_df2 = df2[df2['U_IDs'] == uid_input] | |
if not filtered_df2.empty: | |
positions_list = filtered_df2['Positions'].iloc[0] # Extract the first match | |
# Convert the list of dictionaries to a DataFrame | |
if isinstance(positions_list, list) and positions_list: | |
positions_df = pd.DataFrame(positions_list) | |
st.subheader("Live Positions") | |
st.dataframe(positions_df) | |
else: | |
st.write("No live positions data available for the given U_ID.") | |
data3 = sheet3.get_all_values() | |
headers3 = data3.pop(0) | |
df3 = pd.DataFrame(data3, columns=headers3) | |
filtered_df3 = df3[df3['U_IDs'] == uid_input] | |
st.subheader("Performace") | |
st.dataframe(filtered_df3) | |
def show_position_history(selected_position): | |
st.header(f"History for {selected_position}") | |
# Filter trade history for the selected position | |
position_history = [pos for pos in tradeHistory_positions if pos['i'] == selected_position] | |
if position_history: | |
df_history = pd.DataFrame(position_history) | |
# Update the global timestamp with the last update from history | |
# Create a transformed DataFrame for display | |
df_transformed = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'Pair/Asset': df_history['symbol'], | |
'is long': df_history['side'], | |
'Current size after change': df_history['usdAmount'], | |
'Change in size in Asset': df_history['changeInAmount'], | |
'Change in size in USDT': df_history['changeInAmount'] * -(df_history['markPrice']), | |
'Entry price': df_history['entryPrice'], | |
'Exit price': df_history['markPrice'], | |
'pnl in usdt': df_history['pnl'], | |
'pnl in %': df_history['roe'], | |
'Leverage': df_history['leverage'], | |
'updatedTime': df_history['updateTime'] | |
}) | |
if 'closed' in df_history.columns: | |
df_transformed['Position closed'] = df_history['closed'] | |
st.dataframe(df_transformed) | |
# Add the update timestamp to the transformed DataFrame | |
else: | |
st.write("No history found for this position.") | |
def lastUpdated(selected_position): | |
position_history = [pos for pos in tradeHistory_positions if pos['i'] == selected_position] | |
return position_history[-1]['updateTime'] | |
def isClosed(selected_position): | |
# Filter trade history for the selected position | |
position_history = [pos for pos in tradeHistory_positions if pos['i'] == selected_position] | |
# Check if there are any records for the selected position | |
if not position_history: | |
return False | |
# Get the most recent entry for the selected position | |
last_entry = position_history[-1] | |
# Check if the 'closed' key exists and if it indicates the position is closed | |
return last_entry.get('closed', False) | |
def main(): | |
df_starting = pd.DataFrame(starting_position) | |
for index, row in df_starting.iterrows(): | |
side = True if row['usdAmount'] > 0 else False | |
is_closed = isClosed(row['i']) | |
# Generate a unique key for the button | |
button_key = f"position_{row['i']}" | |
# Display a button for each trade position | |
if st.button( | |
f"{row['symbol']} : Long: {side}, Entry Price: {row['entryPrice']}, " | |
f"Market Price: {row['markPrice']}, Amount: {row['usdAmount']}, " | |
f"Leverage: {row['leverage']}, TradeTakenAt: {row['updateTime']}, " | |
f"lastUpdated: {lastUpdated(row['i'])}, isClosed: {is_closed}", | |
key=button_key | |
): | |
show_position_history(row['i']) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |