import tensorflow as tf import cv2 import numpy as np # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import seaborn as sns import streamlit as st from PIL import Image st.image(r"face-mask.png", width = 150) st.write("# Mask detector App") # load model @st.cache_resource def cache_model(model_add): model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_add) return model model = cache_model("mask_detector.keras") labels = ['WithMask', 'WithoutMask'] def predict(img,model,labels = labels): # read_image # img = cv2.imread(img_add) # resize image to 224, 224 img = cv2.resize(img, (224,224)) # st.write("resize_cv2", img.shape) # convert to RGB img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_expand = tf.expand_dims(img_rgb, axis = 0) y_pred_prob = model.predict(img_expand) y_pred_prob_round = np.round(y_pred_prob[0][0], 3) st.write(y_pred_prob[0][0]) y_pred = int(np.round(y_pred_prob_round)) label = labels[y_pred] return (label, y_pred_prob_round) def face_detect(img, model, labels = labels): # img = cv2.imread(img_add) face_detector=cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_detector.detectMultiScale(img_gray) if len(faces) > 0: for face in faces: x,y,w,h = face x_max = x + w y_max = y + h face_crp = img[y:y_max+1, x:x_max+1] label, prob = predict(face_crp,model,labels = labels) if label == labels[0]: cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x_max, y_max), (0,255,0), 3) cv2.putText(img, f"{label} -: {prob}%", (x,y-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0,255,0), 2) else: cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x_max, y_max), (255,0,0), 3) cv2.putText(img, f"{label} -: {1 - prob}%", (x,y-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,0,0), 2) return img # File uploader uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("upload image", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) submit_btn = st.button("Submit") if submit_btn: if uploaded_file: img_array = np.array( # st.write(img_array.shape) result_img = face_detect(img_array, model) # result_img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(result_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) st.image(result_img) else: st.write("Please upload an image")