Gaurav069's picture
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import streamlit as st
from streamlit_drawable_canvas import st_canvas
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import image_mask_gen
import torch
from sam2.build_sam import build_sam2
from sam2.sam2_image_predictor import SAM2ImagePredictor
import os
import io
import warnings
from stability_sdk import client
import stability_sdk.interfaces.gooseai.generation.generation_pb2 as generation
import streamlit as st
import base64
# Function to display points on the image using matplotlib
def show_points(coords, labels, ax, marker_size=375):
pos_points = coords[labels == 1]
neg_points = coords[labels == 0]
ax.scatter(pos_points[:, 0], pos_points[:, 1], color='green', marker='*', s=marker_size, edgecolor='white', linewidth=1.25)
ax.scatter(neg_points[:, 0], neg_points[:, 1], color='red', marker='*', s=marker_size, edgecolor='white', linewidth=1.25)
def remove_duplicates(coords, labels):
unique_coords = []
unique_labels = []
seen = set()
for coord, label in zip(coords, labels):
coord_tuple = tuple(coord)
if coord_tuple not in seen:
return unique_coords, unique_labels
def image_augmentation_page():
st.title("Image Augmentation")
st.write("Upload an image to apply augmentation techniques.")
# Initialize session state variables
if "inclusive_points" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.inclusive_points = []
if "exclusive_points" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.exclusive_points = []
# Upload an image
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
# Open the uploaded image
image =
# Set the maximum width for display
max_display_width = 700 # You can adjust this value
# Calculate the scaling factor
scale_factor = min(max_display_width / image.size[0], 1)
# Resize the image for display
display_width = int(image.size[0] * scale_factor)
display_height = int(image.size[1] * scale_factor)
resized_image = image.resize((display_width, display_height))
# Inclusive Points Phase
st.subheader("Select Inclusive Points (Green)")
canvas_inclusive = st_canvas(
fill_color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", # Transparent fill
stroke_width=1, # Stroke width for drawing
stroke_color="blue", # Color for the outline of clicks
drawing_mode="circle", # Drawing mode to capture clicks as circles
point_display_radius=3, # Radius of the circle that represents a click
# Process inclusive clicks
if canvas_inclusive.json_data is not None:
objects = canvas_inclusive.json_data["objects"]
new_clicks = [[(obj["left"] + obj["radius"]) / scale_factor, (obj["top"] + obj["radius"]) / scale_factor] for obj in objects]
# Plot the inclusive points on the original image using Matplotlib
fig_inclusive, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.axis('off') # Hide the axes
# Prepare data for plotting
inclusive_points = np.array(st.session_state.inclusive_points)
labels_inclusive = np.array([1] * len(st.session_state.inclusive_points))
# Call the function to show inclusive points
if len(inclusive_points) > 0:
show_points(inclusive_points, labels_inclusive, ax)
# Divider
# Exclusive Points Phase
st.subheader("Select Exclusive Points (Red)")
canvas_exclusive = st_canvas(
fill_color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", # Transparent fill
stroke_width=1, # Stroke width for drawing
stroke_color="blue", # Color for the outline of clicks
drawing_mode="circle", # Drawing mode to capture clicks as circles
point_display_radius=3, # Radius of the circle that represents a click
# Process exclusive clicks
if canvas_exclusive.json_data is not None:
objects = canvas_exclusive.json_data["objects"]
new_clicks = [[(obj["left"] + obj["radius"]) / scale_factor, (obj["top"] + obj["radius"]) / scale_factor] for obj in objects]
# Plot the exclusive points on the original image using Matplotlib
fig_exclusive, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.axis('off') # Hide the axes
# Prepare data for plotting
exclusive_points = np.array(st.session_state.exclusive_points)
labels_exclusive = np.array([0] * len(st.session_state.exclusive_points))
# Call the function to show exclusive points
if len(exclusive_points) > 0:
show_points(exclusive_points, labels_exclusive, ax)
# Grouping coordinates and labels
coordinates = st.session_state.inclusive_points + st.session_state.exclusive_points
labels = [1] * len(st.session_state.inclusive_points) + [0] * len(st.session_state.exclusive_points)
# # Display grouped coordinates and labels
# st.subheader("Coordinates and Labels")
# st.write("Coordinates: ", tuple(coordinates))
# st.write("Labels: ", labels)
# Provide an option to clear the coordinates
if st.button("Clear All Points"):
st.session_state.inclusive_points = []
st.session_state.exclusive_points = []
# global unique_coordinates, unique_labels
unique_coordinates, unique_labels = remove_duplicates(coordinates, labels)
st.write("Unique Coordinates:", tuple(unique_coordinates))
st.write("Unique Labels:", tuple(unique_labels))
# image_mask_gen.show_masks(image, masks, scores, point_coords=input_point, input_labels=input_label)
sam2_checkpoint = ""
model_cfg = "sam2_hiera_b+.yaml"
sam2_model = build_sam2(model_cfg, sam2_checkpoint, device="cpu")
predictor = SAM2ImagePredictor(sam2_model)
image = image
input_point = np.array(unique_coordinates)
input_label = np.array(unique_labels)
masks, scores, logits = predictor.predict(
sorted_ind = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]
masks = masks[sorted_ind]
scores = scores[sorted_ind]
logits = logits[sorted_ind]
mask_input = logits[np.argmax(scores), :, :]
masks, scores, _ = predictor.predict(
mask_input=mask_input[None, :, :],
image_mask_gen.show_masks(image, masks, scores, point_coords=input_point, input_labels=input_label)
# Get masked images
original_image =
# st.image(original_image, caption='Original Image', use_column_width=True)
with st.container(border=True):# Display masked images
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
mask_images = image_mask_gen.show_masks_1(original_image, masks, scores)
for idx, (img, score) in enumerate(mask_images):
st.image(img, caption=f'Mask {idx+1}, Score: {score:.3f}', use_column_width=True)
with col2:
inverse_mask_images = image_mask_gen.show_inverse_masks(original_image, masks, scores)
for idx, (img, score) in enumerate(inverse_mask_images):
st.image(img, caption=f'Inverse Mask {idx+1}, Score: {score:.3f}', use_column_width=True)
if st.checkbox("Proceed to Image Augmentation"):
image_aug_select = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Augmentation for Mask",["Pixelate","Hue Change","Mask Replacement","Generative Img2Img"])
if image_aug_select == "Pixelate":
if st.sidebar.toggle("Proceed to Pixelate Mask"):
pixelation_level = st.slider("Select Pixelation Level", min_value=5, max_value=50, value=10)
combined_image = image_mask_gen.combine_pixelated_mask(original_image, masks[0], pixelation_level)
st.image(combined_image, caption="Combined Pixelated Image", use_column_width=True)
elif image_aug_select == "Hue Change":
if st.sidebar.toggle("Proceed to Hue Change"):
# Hue shift slider
hue_shift = st.slider("Select Hue Shift", min_value=-180, max_value=180, value=0)
# Apply hue change and show the result
combined_image = image_mask_gen.combine_hue_changed_mask(original_image, masks[0], hue_shift) # Assuming single mask
st.image(combined_image, caption="Combined Hue Changed Image", use_column_width=True)
elif image_aug_select == "Mask Replacement":
if st.sidebar.toggle("Proceed to replace Mask"):
replacement_file = st.file_uploader("Upload the replacement image", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"])
if replacement_file is not None:
replacement_image = #.convert("RGBA")
combined_image = image_mask_gen.combine_mask_replaced_image(original_image, replacement_image, masks[0]) # Assuming single mask
st.image(combined_image, caption="Masked Area Replaced Image", use_column_width=True)
elif image_aug_select == "Generative Img2Img":
msk_img = None
mask_images_x = image_mask_gen.show_masks_1(original_image, masks, scores)
for idx, (img, score) in enumerate(mask_images_x):
msk_img = img
# st.image(img, caption=f'Mask {idx+1}, Score: {score:.3f}', use_column_width=True)
rgb_image = msk_img.convert("RGB")
# st.image(rgb_image)
resized_image = image_mask_gen.resize_image(rgb_image)
# st.image(resized_image, caption=f"Resized size: {resized_image.size[0]}x{resized_image.size[1]}", use_column_width=True)
width, height = resized_image.size
# User input for the prompt and API key
prompt = st.text_input("Enter your prompt:", "A Beautiful day, in the style reference of starry night by vincent van gogh")
api_key = st.text_input("Enter your Stability AI API key:")
if prompt and api_key:
# Set up our connection to the API.
os.environ['STABILITY_KEY'] = api_key
stability_api = client.StabilityInference(
key=os.environ['STABILITY_KEY'], # API Key reference.
verbose=True, # Print debug messages.
engine="stable-diffusion-xl-1024-v1-0", # Set the engine to use for generation.
style_preset_selector = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Style Preset",["3d-model", "analog-film", "anime", "cinematic", "comic-book", "digital-art", "enhance", "fantasy-art", "isometric", "line-art", "low-poly", "modeling-compound", "neon-punk",
"origami", "photographic", "pixel-art", "tile-texture"],index = 5)
if st.sidebar.toggle("Proceed to Generate Image"):
# Set up our initial generation parameters.
answers2 = stability_api.generate(
init_image=resized_image, # Assign our uploaded image as our Initial Image for transformation.
# Process the response from the API
for resp in answers2:
for artifact in resp.artifacts:
if artifact.finish_reason == generation.FILTER:
"Your request activated the API's safety filters and could not be processed."
"Please modify the prompt and try again.")
if artifact.type == generation.ARTIFACT_IMAGE:
img2 =
# Display the generated image
st.image(img2, caption="Generated Image", use_column_width=True)
# Combine the generated image with the original image using the mask
combined_img = image_mask_gen.combine_mask_and_inverse_gen(original_image, img2, masks[0])
st.image(combined_img, caption="Combined Image", use_column_width=True)