import streamlit as st import base64 # Set the page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="MetaMorph AI", page_icon="🌉", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", layout="wide", menu_items={ 'Get help': '', 'About': "MetaMorph: Revolutionize your media with cutting-edge image and video augmentation using the META Sam-2 model for stunning visual transformations!" } ) # Function to load video as base64 def get_base64_video(video_path): with open(video_path, 'rb') as video_file: video_bytes = return base64.b64encode(video_bytes).decode('utf-8') # Video file path video_path = 'images/background.mp4' # Get the base64 video video_base64 = get_base64_video(video_path) # Add video as background background_video = f"""
""" st.markdown(background_video, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Content goes here with st.container(): # Title html_code = """

MetaMorphix AI 🐦‍🔥

""" st.markdown(html_code, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Additional content # Functionality for pages from home import home_page from image_augmentation import image_augmentation_page from video_augmentation import image_annoter from use_cases import use_case def main(): st.sidebar.title("Navigation") page = st.sidebar.selectbox("Go to", ("Home","Use Cases", "Image Augmentation", "Video Augmentation")) if page == "Home": home_page() elif page == "Use Cases": use_case() elif page == "Image Augmentation": image_augmentation_page() elif page == "Video Augmentation": image_annoter() if __name__ == "__main__": main()