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@@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ General tips on recycling, "Always wash out and dry your recyclables. Any leftov
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What should I do with plastic bags?, "Don’t put plastic bags or wraps in your recycling bin, even if they’re bundled. These flimsy plastics get tangled in equipment at recycling facilities."
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Should I recycle paper?, "Newsprint, corrugated and non-corrugated cardboard, low grade paper (phone books, magazines, junk mail), high grade paper (printer and copier paper, stationery, and colored paper), books, and milk cartons are all recyclable. Kitchen paper waste is often contaminated and not suitable for paper recycling."
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What should I do with cardboard?, "As long as the cardboard that you are disposing is clean and dry, it can be placed in the recycling bin."
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What should I do with plastic bags?, "Don’t put plastic bags or wraps in your recycling bin, even if they’re bundled. These flimsy plastics get tangled in equipment at recycling facilities."
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Should I recycle paper?, "Newsprint, corrugated and non-corrugated cardboard, low grade paper (phone books, magazines, junk mail), high grade paper (printer and copier paper, stationery, and colored paper), books, and milk cartons are all recyclable. Kitchen paper waste is often contaminated and not suitable for paper recycling."
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What should I do with cardboard?, "As long as the cardboard that you are disposing is clean and dry, it can be placed in the recycling bin."
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How does recycling benefit the environment?, "It reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserves natural resources such as water and timber, and prevents pollution by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases going into the environment."
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What should I do with packaging materials?, "Recycle flattened cardboard boxes and paper-based packing material in your curbside recycling cart. If you run out of room in the cart, stack the flattened boxes next to the cart on collection day. Reuse the packing peanuts. Packing peanuts are the small styrofoam 'peanuts' found in many packages shipped through the mail and they are not recyclable, but they are reusable. Many gift stores or shipping centers will accept clean packing peanuts free of charge to reuse in packaging or shipping. Drop off packing peanuts at your local mail house."
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Where can I dispose of hazardous materials?, "Dispose of old oil-based paints, spray paints, as well as hazardous products such as pesticides, fertilizers, and paint thinners at a household hazardous waste collection facility or event."
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How to dispose of inhalers?, "Most pharmacies should have a hazardous materials drop-off box or 'sharps' disposal bin for inhalers. The boxes look like mail drop-off boxes. Police departments and health care locations can also be drop-off locations for unwanted medicines."
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How to dispose of insulin pens?, "When your pen is empty, throw away the whole insulin pen in the 'sharps' disposal bin or hazardous material disposal bin usually found in most pharmacies."