#emailx.py import os import secrets from mailjet_rest import Client # Load Mailjet API keys from environment variables MAILJET_API_KEY = os.environ.get("MAILJET_API_KEY") MAILJET_API_SECRET = os.environ.get("MAILJET_API_SECRET") # Create a Mailjet client mailjet = Client(auth=(MAILJET_API_KEY, MAILJET_API_SECRET)) def send_verification_email(to_email, verification_token): # Create the email message email_data = { 'Messages': [ { "From": { "Email": "gregniuki@gmail.com", "Name": "Your Name" }, "To": [ { "Email": to_email, "Name": "User Name" } ], "Subject": "Verify Your Email", "HTMLPart": f'Click here to verify your email.' } ] } # Send the email try: response = mailjet.send.create(data=email_data) if response.status_code == 200: print("Verification email sent successfully.") else: print("Failed to send verification email.") except Exception as e: print(str(e)) def generate_verification_token(email): # Generate a random token token = secrets.token_urlsafe(32) # You can associate this token with the provided email address in your database # For example, store it in a verification_tokens table with an expiration date return token