import time # to simulate a real time data, time loop from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import numpy as np # np mean, np random import pandas as pd # read csv, df manipulation from collections import Counter import as px # interactive charts from plotly import graph_objs as go import streamlit as st # 🎈 data web app development import plotly.figure_factory as ff import numpy as np from collections import Counter from streamlit_echarts import st_echarts import streamlit_toggle as tog print("Make sure to activate your VPN before running this script") st.set_page_config( page_title="ML Agility tracker", page_icon="⚡", layout="wide", ) # Session State variables: state = st.session_state if "INFO_CLOSED" not in state: state.INFO_CLOSED = False # dashboard title st.title("ML Agility Tracker ⚡") # Custom chart colors ( colorway = [ "#5470c6", "#FF7F0E", "#94cc74", "#92cb75", "#fac858", "#ee6666", "#73c0de", "#3ba272", ] # colorway = ["#3366cc", "#FF7F0E"] st.markdown( "Machine Learning Agility (MLAgility) measures vendor progress towards providing this turnkey solution to their customers. For more details, please visit [](", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) def add_filter( data_frame_list, name, label, options=None, num_cols=1, last_is_others=True ): # Get list of all options and return if no options are available all_options = set(data_frame_list[-1][label]) if "-" in all_options: all_options.remove("-") if len(all_options) == 0: return data_frame_list st.markdown(f"#### {name}") # Create list of options if selectable options are not provided if options is None: options_dict = Counter(data_frame_list[-1][label]) sorted_options = sorted(options_dict, key=options_dict.get, reverse=True) if "-" in sorted_options: sorted_options.remove("-") if len(sorted_options) > 8: options = list(sorted_options[:7]) + ["others"] last_is_others = True else: options = list(sorted_options) last_is_others = False cols = st.columns(num_cols) instantiated_checkbox = [] for idx in range(len(options)): with cols[idx % num_cols]: instantiated_checkbox.append( st.checkbox(options[idx], False, key=f"{label}_{options[idx]}") ) selected_options = [ options[idx] for idx, checked in enumerate(instantiated_checkbox) if checked ] # The last checkbox will always correspond to "other" if instantiated_checkbox[-1] and last_is_others: selected_options = selected_options[:-1] other_options = [x for x in all_options if x not in options] selected_options = set(selected_options + other_options) if len(selected_options) > 0: for idx in range(len(data_frame_list)): data_frame_list[idx] = data_frame_list[idx][ [ any([x == model_entry for x in selected_options]) for model_entry in data_frame_list[idx][label] ] ] return data_frame_list def parameter_filter(data_frame_list): st.markdown(f"#### Parameters") start_params, end_params = st.select_slider( "Select a range parameters (in millions)", options=[str(x) for x in np.arange(0, 1001, 10, dtype=int)], value=("0", "1000"), ) for idx in range(len(data_frame_list)): data_frame_list[idx] = data_frame_list[idx][ [ int(model_entry) >= int(start_params) * 1000000 and int(model_entry) <= int(end_params) * 1000000 for model_entry in data_frame_list[idx]["params"] ] ] return data_frame_list with st.sidebar: st.markdown("# Filters") selected_test_type = "mlagility" report_folder = "reports/mlagility" # Get ML Agility reports reports = sorted( [f for f in listdir(report_folder) if isfile(join(report_folder, f))] ) selected_report = st.selectbox("Test date", reports, index=len(reports) - 1) selected_report_idx = reports.index(selected_report) prev_report = reports[max(0, selected_report_idx - 1)] mla_report = pd.read_csv(f"{report_folder}/{selected_report}") prev_mla_report = pd.read_csv(f"{report_folder}/{prev_report}") # Convert int parameters to int/float for p in ["chips_used", "cycles", "params"]: mla_report[p] = mla_report[p].replace("-", 0).astype("int64") prev_mla_report[p] = prev_mla_report[p].replace("-", 0).astype("int64") # Parameter filter mla_report, prev_mla_report = parameter_filter([mla_report, prev_mla_report]) # Add author filter authors = ( [ "google", "apple", "facebook", "openai", "microsoft", "huggingface", "CompVis", "others", ] if selected_test_type == "monthly" else None ) mla_report, prev_mla_report = add_filter( [mla_report, prev_mla_report], "Authors", label="author", options=authors, num_cols=2, ) # Add task filter tasks = [ "Image Classification", "Translation", "Image Segmentation", "Fill-Mask", "Text-to-Image", "Token Classification", "Sentence Similarity", "Audio Classification", "Question Answering", "Summarization", "other", ] tasks = None mla_report, prev_mla_report = add_filter( [mla_report, prev_mla_report], "Tasks", label="task", options=tasks ) def detailed_progress_list(df_new, df_old, filter=None): return """ if filter is not None: df_new = df_new[(df_new[filter] == True)] df_old = df_old[(df_old[filter] == True)] progress = df_new[~(df_new["hash"].isin(df_old["hash"]))].reset_index(drop=True) regression = df_old[~(df_old["hash"].isin(df_new["hash"]))].reset_index(drop=True) for model_name in progress["model_name"]: st.markdown( f'↑ {model_name}', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) for model_name in regression["model_name"]: st.markdown( f'↓ {model_name}', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) """ # creating a single-element container placeholder = st.empty() with placeholder.container(): st.markdown("## Summary Results") all_models = len(mla_report) base_onnx = np.sum(mla_report["base_onnx"]) optimized_onnx = np.sum(mla_report["optimized_onnx"]) all_ops_supported = np.sum(mla_report["all_ops_supported"]) fp16_onnx = np.sum(mla_report["fp16_onnx"]) compiles = np.sum(mla_report["compiles"]) assembles = np.sum(mla_report["assembles"]) # Pie chart for showing origin of models # based on all_authors = list(mla_report.loc[:, "author"]) try: all_sources = list(mla_report.loc[:, "model_type"]) except KeyError: all_sources = [] all_sources = [] author_count = {i: all_authors.count(i) for i in all_authors} sources_count = {i: all_sources.count(i) for i in all_sources} cols = st.columns(2) with cols[0]: st.markdown("""#### Workload origin""") options = { "darkMode": "true", "textStyle": {"fontSize": 16}, "tooltip": {"trigger": "item"}, "series": [ { "name": "Access From", "type": "pie", "radius": [0, "30%"], "label": {"position": "inner", "fontSize": 14}, "labelLine": {"show": "false"}, "data": [ {"value": sources_count[k], "name": k} for k in sources_count.keys() ], }, { "name": "Name of corpus:", "type": "pie", "radius": ["70%", "70%"], "data": [ {"value": author_count[k], "name": k} for k in author_count.keys() ], "label": { "formatter": "{b}\n{d}%", }, }, { "name": "Name of corpus:", "type": "pie", "radius": ["50%", "70%"], "data": [ {"value": author_count[k], "name": k} for k in author_count.keys() ], "emphasis": { "itemStyle": { "shadowBlur": 10, "shadowOffsetX": 0, "shadowColor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", } }, "label": { "position": "inner", "formatter": "{c}", "color": "black", "textBorderWidth": 0, }, }, { # Show total number of models inside "name": "Total number of models:", "type": "pie", "radius": ["0%", "0%"], "data": [{"value": all_models, "name": "Total"}], "silent": "true", "label": { "position": "inner", "formatter": "{c}", "color": "white", "fontSize": 30, "textBorderWidth": 0, }, }, ], } st_echarts( options=options, height="400px", ) with cols[1]: # Add parameters histogram all_models = [float(x) / 1000000 for x in mla_report["params"] if x != "-"] hist_data = [] group_labels = [] if all_models != []: hist_data.append(all_models) group_labels.append("All models") st.markdown("""#### Parameter Size Distribution""") if hist_data != []: fig = ff.create_distplot( hist_data, group_labels, bin_size=25, histnorm="", colors=colorway, curve_type="normal", ) fig.layout.update(xaxis_title="Parameters in millions") fig.layout.update(yaxis_title="count") fig.update_xaxes(range=[1, 1000]) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.markdown( """At least one model needs to reach the compiler to show this graph 😅""" ) if "tsp_gpu_compute_ratio" in mla_report and "tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio" in mla_report: cols = st.columns(2) with cols[0]: # GPU Acceleration plot st.markdown("""#### Benchmark results (latency)""") # Prepare data df = mla_report[ [ "model_name", "tsp_estimated_e2e_latency", "gpu_e2e_latency", ] ] df = df.sort_values(by=["model_name"]) df = df[(df.tsp_estimated_e2e_latency != "-")] df = df[(df.gpu_e2e_latency != "-")] df["tsp_estimated_e2e_latency"] = df["tsp_estimated_e2e_latency"].astype( float ) df["gpu_e2e_latency"] = df["gpu_e2e_latency"].astype(float) if len(df) == 0 and assembles > 0: st.markdown( ( "We do not have GPU numbers for the model(s) mapped to the GroqChip." " This is potentially due to lack of out-of-the-box TensorRT support." ) ) elif assembles == 0: st.markdown( "Nothing to show here since no models have been successfully assembled." ) else: # Coming up with artificial data for now df["cpu_latency"] = ( df["tsp_estimated_e2e_latency"] + df["gpu_e2e_latency"] ) * 10 df["tsp_cpu_compute_ratio"] = ( df["cpu_latency"] / df["tsp_estimated_e2e_latency"] ) df["gpu_cpu_compute_ratio"] = df["cpu_latency"] / df["gpu_e2e_latency"] data = [ go.Bar( x=df["model_name"], y=df["gpu_cpu_compute_ratio"], name="NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB", ), go.Bar( x=df["model_name"], y=df["tsp_cpu_compute_ratio"], name="GroqChip 1", ), go.Bar( x=df["model_name"], y=df["cpu_latency"] * 0 + 1, name="Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6338 CPU", ), ] layout = go.Layout( barmode="overlay", # group legend={ "orientation": "h", "xanchor": "center", "x": 0.5, "y": 1.2, }, yaxis_title="Latency Speedup", colorway=[colorway[2], colorway[1], colorway[0]], height=600, ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) st.markdown( "*Estimated I/O does NOT include delays caused by Groq's runtime.", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown( "†Baseline corresponds to Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6338 CPU @ 2.00GHz.", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) with cols[1]: # Show stats st.markdown( f"""

Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6338 CPU @ 2.00GHz Acceleration:

{1}x (Baseline)

NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB Acceleration:


min {round(df["gpu_cpu_compute_ratio"].min(),2)}x; max {round(df["gpu_cpu_compute_ratio"].max(),2)}x

GroqChip 1 Acceleration*:


min {round(df["tsp_cpu_compute_ratio"].min(),2)}x; max {round(df["tsp_cpu_compute_ratio"].max(),2)}x

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # FAQ Block cols = st.columns(2) with cols[0]: st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) class Collapsable: def __init__(self, preamble="", epilogue=""): self.preamble = preamble self.epilogue = epilogue self.sections = [] def add_section(self, heading, text): self.sections.append((heading, text)) def deploy(self): small_font = 18 large_font = 18 secs = "".join( [ ( f"
{heading}" f"
{text}" f"
" ) for heading, text in self.sections ] ) collapsable_sec = f"""
    {self.preamble} {secs} {self.epilogue}
""" st.markdown(collapsable_sec, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("""## About this workload analysis (FAQ)""") faq = Collapsable() faq.add_section( "Model selection", 'The models that are part of the "ML Agility" set are models that have been internally selected and represent a mix between popular open-source models and models that Groq has historically focused some efforts on (like GNNs).', ) faq.add_section( "Experimental Setup", "-", ) faq.add_section( "Key limitations", "This set of workloads does not include models with more than 1B parametes.", ) faq.deploy() st.markdown( "For more details, please visit [](", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown("## Detailed Data View") model_name = st.text_input("", placeholder="Filter model by name") if model_name != "": mla_report = mla_report[[model_name in x for x in mla_report["model_name"]]] # Add columns that do not exist yet mla_report["chips_used_gpu"] = 1 mla_report["cpu_latency"] = 0 mla_report["chips_used_cpu"] = 0 # Using 2 significant digits mla_report["tsp_estimated_e2e_latency"] = [ "-" if x == "-" else "{:.3f}".format(float(x)) for x in mla_report["tsp_estimated_e2e_latency"] ] mla_report["gpu_e2e_latency"] = [ "-" if x == "-" else "{:.3f}".format(float(x)) for x in mla_report["gpu_e2e_latency"] ] renamed_cols = { "model_name": "Model Name", "author": "Source", "params": "Parameters", "model_type": "Framework", "tsp_estimated_e2e_latency": "GroqChip 1: Latency (ms)", "gpu_e2e_latency": "NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB: Latency (ms)", "cpu_latency": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6338 CPU: Latency (ms)", "chips_used": "GroqChip 1: Chips Used", "chips_used_gpu": "NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB: Chips Used", "chips_used_cpu": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6338 CPU: Chips Used", } mla_report.rename(columns=renamed_cols, inplace=True) selected_cols = renamed_cols.values() st.dataframe( mla_report[selected_cols], height=min((len(mla_report) + 1) * 35, 35 * 21), use_container_width=True, )