import time # to simulate a real time data, time loop from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import numpy as np # np mean, np random import pandas as pd # read csv, df manipulation import as px # interactive charts from plotly import graph_objs as go import streamlit as st # 🎈 data web app development import plotly.figure_factory as ff import numpy as np from collections import Counter print("Make sure to activate your VPN before running this script") st.set_page_config( page_title="GroqFlow Progress Tracker", page_icon="🚀", layout="wide", ) # Session State variables: state = st.session_state if "INFO_CLOSED" not in state: state.INFO_CLOSED = False # dashboard title st.title("GroqFlow Progress Tracker 🚀") # Custom chart colors ( colorway = ["#3366cc", "#FF7F0E"] def add_filter(data_frame_list, name, label, options, num_cols=1): st.markdown(f"#### {name}") cols = st.columns(num_cols) instantiated_checkbox = [] for idx in range(len(options)): with cols[idx % num_cols]: instantiated_checkbox.append(st.checkbox(options[idx], False)) all_options = set(data_frame_list[-1][label]) selected_options = [ options[idx] for idx, checked in enumerate(instantiated_checkbox) if checked ] # The last checkbox will always correspond to "other" if instantiated_checkbox[-1]: selected_options = selected_options[:-1] other_options = [x for x in all_options if x not in options] selected_options = set(selected_options + other_options) if len(selected_options) > 0: for idx in range(len(data_frame_list)): data_frame_list[idx] = data_frame_list[idx][ [ any([x == model_entry for x in selected_options]) for model_entry in data_frame_list[idx][label] ] ] return data_frame_list with st.sidebar: st.markdown("# Filters") test_type = "Test Type", ("Daily Tests (100 models)", "Monthly Tests (500+ models)"), ) if test_type == "Daily Tests (100 models)": selected_test_type = "daily" report_folder = "reports/daily" else: selected_test_type = "monthly" report_folder = "reports/monthly" # Get ML Agility reports reports = sorted( [f for f in listdir(report_folder) if isfile(join(report_folder, f))] ) selected_report = st.selectbox("Test date", reports, index=len(reports) - 1) selected_report_idx = reports.index(selected_report) prev_report = reports[max(0, selected_report_idx - 1)] mla_report = pd.read_csv(f"{report_folder}/{selected_report}") prev_mla_report = pd.read_csv(f"{report_folder}/{prev_report}") # Add chips filter num_chips_options = ["1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "32+"] mla_report = mla_report.astype({"chips_used": str}) prev_mla_report = prev_mla_report.astype({"chips_used": str}) mla_report, prev_mla_report = add_filter( [mla_report, prev_mla_report], "Number of GroqChips™", label="chips_used", options=num_chips_options, num_cols=3, ) # Add author filter authors = [ "google", "apple", "facebook", "openai", "microsoft", "huggingface", "CompVis", "others", ] mla_report, prev_mla_report = add_filter( [mla_report, prev_mla_report], "Authors", label="author", options=authors, num_cols=2, ) # Add task filter tasks = [ "Image Classification", "Translation", "Image Segmentation", "Fill-Mask", "Text-to-Image", "Token Classification", "Sentence Similarity", "Audio Classification", "Question Answering", "Summarization", "other", ] mla_report, prev_mla_report = add_filter( [mla_report, prev_mla_report], "Tasks", label="task", options=tasks ) def detailed_progress_list(df_new, df_old, filter=None): return """ if filter is not None: df_new = df_new[(df_new[filter] == True)] df_old = df_old[(df_old[filter] == True)] progress = df_new[~(df_new["hash"].isin(df_old["hash"]))].reset_index(drop=True) regression = df_old[~(df_old["hash"].isin(df_new["hash"]))].reset_index(drop=True) for model_name in progress["model_name"]: st.markdown( f'↑ {model_name}', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) for model_name in regression["model_name"]: st.markdown( f'↓ {model_name}', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) """ # creating a single-element container placeholder = st.empty() with placeholder.container(): st.markdown("## Summary Results") # create three columns kpi = st.columns(7) model_details = st.columns(7) # fill in those three columns with respective metrics or KPIs kpi[0].metric( label="All models", value=len(mla_report), delta=len(mla_report) - len(prev_mla_report), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[0]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report) kpi[1].metric( label="Convert to ONNX", value=np.sum(mla_report["base_onnx"]), delta=int( np.sum(mla_report["base_onnx"]) - np.sum(prev_mla_report["base_onnx"]) ), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[1]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report, "base_onnx") kpi[2].metric( label="Optimize ONNX file", value=np.sum(mla_report["optimized_onnx"]), delta=int( np.sum(mla_report["optimized_onnx"]) - np.sum(prev_mla_report["optimized_onnx"]) ), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[2]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report, "optimized_onnx") kpi[3].metric( label="All ops supported", value=np.sum(mla_report["all_ops_supported"]), delta=int( np.sum(mla_report["all_ops_supported"]) - np.sum(prev_mla_report["all_ops_supported"]) ), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[3]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report, "all_ops_supported") kpi[4].metric( label="Converts to FP16", value=np.sum(mla_report["fp16_onnx"]), delta=int( np.sum(mla_report["fp16_onnx"]) - np.sum(prev_mla_report["fp16_onnx"]) ), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[4]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report, "fp16_onnx") kpi[5].metric( label="Compiles", value=np.sum(mla_report["compiles"]), delta=int(np.sum(mla_report["compiles"]) - np.sum(prev_mla_report["compiles"])), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[5]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report, "compiles") kpi[6].metric( label="Assembles", value=np.sum(mla_report["assembles"]), delta=int( np.sum(mla_report["assembles"]) - np.sum(prev_mla_report["assembles"]) ), ) if selected_test_type == "daily": with model_details[6]: detailed_progress_list(mla_report, prev_mla_report, "assembles") cols = st.columns(2) with cols[0]: compiler_errors = mla_report[mla_report["compiler_error"] != "-"][ "compiler_error" ] compiler_errors = Counter(compiler_errors) st.markdown("""#### Top compiler issues""") if len(compiler_errors) > 0: compiler_errors = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( compiler_errors, orient="index" ).reset_index() compiler_errors = compiler_errors.set_axis( ["error", "count"], axis=1, inplace=False ) fig = compiler_errors, x="count", y="error", orientation="h", height=400 ) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.markdown("""No compiler errors found :tada:""") with cols[1]: # Add parameters histogram all_models = [float(x) / 1000000 for x in mla_report["params"] if x != "-"] assembled_models = mla_report[mla_report["assembles"] == True] assembled_models = [ float(x) / 1000000 for x in assembled_models["params"] if x != "-" ] hist_data = [] group_labels = [] if all_models != []: hist_data.append(all_models) group_labels.append("Models we tried compiling") if assembled_models != []: hist_data.append(assembled_models) group_labels.append("Assembled models") st.markdown("""#### Assembled models vs. Parameters (in millions)""") if len(assembled_models) > 1: fig = ff.create_distplot( hist_data, group_labels, bin_size=[25, 25], histnorm="", ) # fig.layout.update(title="Assembled models vs. Parameters (in millions)") fig.layout.update(xaxis_title="Parameters in millions") fig.layout.update(yaxis_title="count") fig.update_xaxes(range=[1, 1000]) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.markdown("""Need at least one assembled model to show this graph 😅""") if "tsp_gpu_compute_ratio" in mla_report and "tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio" in mla_report: cols = st.columns(2) with cols[0]: # GPU Acceleration plot st.markdown("""#### Speedup of GroqChip™ compared to A100 GPUs""") # Prepare data df = mla_report[ ["model_name", "tsp_gpu_compute_ratio", "tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio"] ] df = df.sort_values(by=["model_name"]) df = df[(df.tsp_gpu_compute_ratio != "-")] df = df[(df.tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio != "-")] df["tsp_gpu_compute_ratio"] = df["tsp_gpu_compute_ratio"].astype(float) df["tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio"] = df["tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio"].astype(float) data = [ go.Bar( x=df["model_name"], y=df["tsp_gpu_compute_ratio"], name="Compute only", ), go.Bar( x=df["model_name"], y=df["tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio"], name="Compute + estimated I/O", ), ] layout = go.Layout( barmode="overlay", yaxis_title="Speedup compared to A100 GPU", colorway=colorway, ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) st.markdown( "*Estimated I/O does NOT include delays caused by Groq's runtime.", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) with cols[1]: # Show stats st.markdown( f"""

Average speedup of GroqChipâ„¢ considering compute only:


min {round(df["tsp_gpu_compute_ratio"].min(),2)}x; max {round(df["tsp_gpu_compute_ratio"].max(),2)}x

Average speedup of GroqChipâ„¢ considering compute + estimated I/O*:


min {round(df["tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio"].min(),2)}x; max {round(df["tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio"].max(),2)}x

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown("### Detailed Data View") st.markdown( "**Model selection**: All workloads were obtained from models cards available at Input shapes corresponds exactly to those used by the Huggingface model cards. Some of those input shapes might be small, causing the compilation process to be easier than when reasonably-sized input shapes are used.", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) model_name = st.text_input("", placeholder="Filter model by name") if model_name != "": mla_report = mla_report[[model_name in x for x in mla_report["model_name"]]] # Select which columns to show selected_cols = list(mla_report.columns) # remove_cols = ( # "tsp_e2e_latency", # "gpu_e2e_latency", # "tsp_gpu_e2e_ratio", # ) # for item in remove_cols: # if item in selected_cols: # selected_cols.remove(item) st.dataframe( mla_report[selected_cols], height=min((len(mla_report) + 1) * 35, 35 * 21) )