from statistics import mean | |
from rdkit import DataStructs | |
from rdkit import Chem | |
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem | |
from rdkit.Chem import Draw | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import seaborn as sns | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D | |
from rdkit import RDLogger | |
import torch | |
from rdkit.Chem.Scaffolds import MurckoScaffold | |
import math | |
import time | |
import datetime | |
import re | |
RDLogger.DisableLog('rdApp.*') | |
import warnings | |
from multiprocessing import Pool | |
class Metrics(object): | |
def valid(x): | |
return x is not None and Chem.MolToSmiles(x) != '' | |
def tanimoto_sim_1v2(data1, data2): | |
min_len = data1.size if data1.size > data2.size else data2 | |
sims = [] | |
for i in range(min_len): | |
sim = DataStructs.FingerprintSimilarity(data1[i], data2[i]) | |
sims.append(sim) | |
mean_sim = mean(sim) | |
return mean_sim | |
def mol_length(x): | |
if x is not None: | |
return len([char for char in max(Chem.MolToSmiles(x).split(sep =".")).upper() if char.isalpha()]) | |
else: | |
return 0 | |
def max_component(data, max_len): | |
return (np.array(list(map(Metrics.mol_length, data)), dtype=np.float32)/max_len).mean() | |
def sim_reward(mol_gen, fps_r): | |
gen_scaf = [] | |
for x in mol_gen: | |
if x is not None: | |
try: | |
gen_scaf.append(MurckoScaffold.GetScaffoldForMol(x)) | |
except: | |
pass | |
if len(gen_scaf) == 0: | |
rew = 1 | |
else: | |
fps = [Chem.RDKFingerprint(x) for x in gen_scaf] | |
fps = np.array(fps) | |
fps_r = np.array(fps_r) | |
rew = average_agg_tanimoto(fps_r,fps)[0] | |
if math.isnan(rew): | |
rew = 1 | |
return rew ## change this to penalty | |
########################################## | |
########################################## | |
########################################## | |
def mols2grid_image(mols,path): | |
mols = [e if e is not None else Chem.RWMol() for e in mols] | |
for i in range(len(mols)): | |
if Metrics.valid(mols[i]): | |
#if Chem.MolToSmiles(mols[i]) != '': | |
AllChem.Compute2DCoords(mols[i]) | |
Draw.MolToFile(mols[i], os.path.join(path,"{}.png".format(i+1)), size=(1200,1200)) | |
else: | |
continue | |
def save_smiles_matrices(mols,edges_hard, nodes_hard,path,data_source = None): | |
mols = [e if e is not None else Chem.RWMol() for e in mols] | |
for i in range(len(mols)): | |
if Metrics.valid(mols[i]): | |
#m0= all_scores_for_print(mols[i], data_source, norm=False) | |
#if Chem.MolToSmiles(mols[i]) != '': | |
save_path = os.path.join(path,"{}.txt".format(i+1)) | |
with open(save_path, "a") as f: | |
np.savetxt(f, edges_hard[i].cpu().numpy(), header="edge matrix:\n",fmt='%1.2f') | |
f.write("\n") | |
np.savetxt(f, nodes_hard[i].cpu().numpy(), header="node matrix:\n", footer="\nsmiles:",fmt='%1.2f') | |
f.write("\n") | |
#f.write(m0) | |
f.write("\n") | |
print(Chem.MolToSmiles(mols[i]), file=open(save_path,"a")) | |
else: | |
continue | |
########################################## | |
########################################## | |
########################################## | |
def dense_to_sparse_with_attr(adj): | |
### | |
assert adj.dim() >= 2 and adj.dim() <= 3 | |
assert adj.size(-1) == adj.size(-2) | |
index = adj.nonzero(as_tuple=True) | |
edge_attr = adj[index] | |
if len(index) == 3: | |
batch = index[0] * adj.size(-1) | |
index = (batch + index[1], batch + index[2]) | |
#index = torch.stack(index, dim=0) | |
return index, edge_attr | |
def label2onehot(labels, dim, device): | |
"""Convert label indices to one-hot vectors.""" | |
out = torch.zeros(list(labels.size())+[dim]).to(device) | |
out.scatter_(len(out.size())-1,labels.unsqueeze(-1),1.) | |
return out.float() | |
def sample_z_node(batch_size, vertexes, nodes): | |
''' Random noise for nodes logits. ''' | |
return np.random.normal(0,1, size=(batch_size,vertexes, nodes)) # 128, 9, 5 | |
def sample_z_edge(batch_size, vertexes, edges): | |
''' Random noise for edges logits. ''' | |
return np.random.normal(0,1, size=(batch_size, vertexes, vertexes, edges)) # 128, 9, 9, 5 | |
def sample_z( batch_size, z_dim): | |
''' Random noise. ''' | |
return np.random.normal(0,1, size=(batch_size,z_dim)) # 128, 9, 5 | |
def mol_sample(sample_directory, model_name, mol, edges, nodes, idx, i): | |
sample_path = os.path.join(sample_directory,"{}-{}_{}-epoch_iteration".format(model_name,idx+1, i+1)) | |
if not os.path.exists(sample_path): | |
os.makedirs(sample_path) | |
mols2grid_image(mol,sample_path) | |
save_smiles_matrices(mol,edges.detach(), nodes.detach(), sample_path) | |
if len(os.listdir(sample_path)) == 0: | |
os.rmdir(sample_path) | |
print("Valid molecules are saved.") | |
print("Valid matrices and smiles are saved") | |
def logging(log_path, start_time, mols, train_smiles, i,idx, loss,model_num, save_path): | |
gen_smiles = [] | |
for line in mols: | |
if line is not None: | |
gen_smiles.append(Chem.MolToSmiles(line)) | |
elif line is None: | |
gen_smiles.append(None) | |
#gen_smiles_saves = [None if x is None else re.sub('\*', '', x) for x in gen_smiles] | |
#gen_smiles_saves = [None if x is None else re.sub('\.', '', x) for x in gen_smiles_saves] | |
gen_smiles_saves = [None if x is None else max(x.split('.'), key=len) for x in gen_smiles] | |
sample_save_dir = os.path.join(save_path, "samples-GAN{}.txt".format(model_num)) | |
with open(sample_save_dir, "a") as f: | |
for idxs in range(len(gen_smiles_saves)): | |
if gen_smiles_saves[idxs] is not None: | |
f.write(gen_smiles_saves[idxs]) | |
f.write("\n") | |
k = len(set(gen_smiles_saves) - {None}) | |
et = time.time() - start_time | |
et = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=et))[:-7] | |
log = "Elapsed [{}], Epoch/Iteration [{}/{}] for GAN{}".format(et, idx, i+1, model_num) | |
# Log update | |
#m0 = get_all_metrics(gen = gen_smiles, train = train_smiles, batch_size=batch_size, k = valid_mol_num, device=self.device) | |
valid = fraction_valid(gen_smiles_saves) | |
unique = fraction_unique(gen_smiles_saves, k, check_validity=False) | |
novel = novelty(gen_smiles_saves, train_smiles) | |
#qed = [QED(mol) for mol in mols if mol is not None] | |
#sa = [SA(mol) for mol in mols if mol is not None] | |
#logp = [logP(mol) for mol in mols if mol is not None] | |
#IntDiv = internal_diversity(gen_smiles) | |
#m0= all_scores_val(fake_mol, mols, full_mols, full_smiles, vert, norm=True) # 'mols' is output of Fake Reward | |
#m1 =all_scores_chem(fake_mol, mols, vert, norm=True) | |
#m0.update(m1) | |
#maxlen = MolecularMetrics.max_component(mols, 45) | |
#m0 = {k: np.array(v).mean() for k, v in m0.items()} | |
#loss.update(m0) | |
loss.update({'Valid': valid}) | |
loss.update({'Unique@{}'.format(k): unique}) | |
loss.update({'Novel': novel}) | |
#loss.update({'QED': statistics.mean(qed)}) | |
#loss.update({'SA': statistics.mean(sa)}) | |
#loss.update({'LogP': statistics.mean(logp)}) | |
#loss.update({'IntDiv': IntDiv}) | |
#wandb.log({"maxlen": maxlen}) | |
for tag, value in loss.items(): | |
log += ", {}: {:.4f}".format(tag, value) | |
with open(log_path, "a") as f: | |
f.write(log) | |
f.write("\n") | |
print(log) | |
print("\n") | |
def plot_attn(dataset_name, heads,attn_w, model, iter, epoch): | |
cols = 4 | |
rows = int(heads/cols) | |
fig, axes = plt.subplots( rows,cols, figsize = (30, 14)) | |
axes = axes.flat | |
attentions_pos = attn_w[0] | |
attentions_pos = attentions_pos.cpu().detach().numpy() | |
for i,att in enumerate(attentions_pos): | |
#im = axes[i].imshow(att, cmap='gray') | |
sns.heatmap(att,vmin = 0, vmax = 1,ax = axes[i]) | |
axes[i].set_title(f'head - {i} ') | |
axes[i].set_ylabel('layers') | |
pltsavedir = "/home/atabey/attn/second" | |
plt.savefig(os.path.join(pltsavedir, "attn" + model + "_" + dataset_name + "_" + str(iter) + "_" + str(epoch) + ".png"), dpi= 500,bbox_inches='tight') | |
def plot_grad_flow(named_parameters, model, iter, epoch): | |
# Based on | |
'''Plots the gradients flowing through different layers in the net during training. | |
Can be used for checking for possible gradient vanishing / exploding problems. | |
Usage: Plug this function in Trainer class after loss.backwards() as | |
"plot_grad_flow(self.model.named_parameters())" to visualize the gradient flow''' | |
ave_grads = [] | |
max_grads= [] | |
layers = [] | |
for n, p in named_parameters: | |
if(p.requires_grad) and ("bias" not in n): | |
print(p.grad,n) | |
layers.append(n) | |
ave_grads.append(p.grad.abs().mean().cpu()) | |
max_grads.append(p.grad.abs().max().cpu()) | |, max_grads, alpha=0.1, lw=1, color="c") | |, ave_grads, alpha=0.1, lw=1, color="b") | |
plt.hlines(0, 0, len(ave_grads)+1, lw=2, color="k" ) | |
plt.xticks(range(0,len(ave_grads), 1), layers, rotation="vertical") | |
plt.xlim(left=0, right=len(ave_grads)) | |
plt.ylim(bottom = -0.001, top=1) # zoom in on the lower gradient regions | |
plt.xlabel("Layers") | |
plt.ylabel("average gradient") | |
plt.title("Gradient flow") | |
plt.grid(True) | |
plt.legend([Line2D([0], [0], color="c", lw=4), | |
Line2D([0], [0], color="b", lw=4), | |
Line2D([0], [0], color="k", lw=4)], ['max-gradient', 'mean-gradient', 'zero-gradient']) | |
pltsavedir = "/home/atabey/gradients/tryout" | |
plt.savefig(os.path.join(pltsavedir, "weights_" + model + "_" + str(iter) + "_" + str(epoch) + ".png"), dpi= 500,bbox_inches='tight') | |
""" | |
def _genDegree(): | |
''' Generates the Degree distribution tensor for PNA, should be used everytime a different | |
dataset is used. | |
Can be called without arguments and saves the tensor for later use. If tensor was created | |
before, it just loads the degree tensor. | |
''' | |
degree_path = os.path.join(self.degree_dir, self.dataset_name + '') | |
if not os.path.exists(degree_path): | |
max_degree = -1 | |
for data in self.dataset: | |
d =[1], num_nodes=data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long) | |
max_degree = max(max_degree, int(d.max())) | |
# Compute the in-degree histogram tensor | |
deg = torch.zeros(max_degree + 1, dtype=torch.long) | |
for data in self.dataset: | |
d =[1], num_nodes=data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long) | |
deg += torch.bincount(d, minlength=deg.numel()) | |, 'DrugGEN/data/' + self.dataset_name + '') | |
else: | |
deg = torch.load(degree_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) | |
return deg | |
""" | |
def get_mol(smiles_or_mol): | |
''' | |
Loads SMILES/molecule into RDKit's object | |
''' | |
if isinstance(smiles_or_mol, str): | |
if len(smiles_or_mol) == 0: | |
return None | |
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles_or_mol) | |
if mol is None: | |
return None | |
try: | |
Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) | |
except ValueError: | |
return None | |
return mol | |
return smiles_or_mol | |
def mapper(n_jobs): | |
''' | |
Returns function for map call. | |
If n_jobs == 1, will use standard map | |
If n_jobs > 1, will use multiprocessing pool | |
If n_jobs is a pool object, will return its map function | |
''' | |
if n_jobs == 1: | |
def _mapper(*args, **kwargs): | |
return list(map(*args, **kwargs)) | |
return _mapper | |
if isinstance(n_jobs, int): | |
pool = Pool(n_jobs) | |
def _mapper(*args, **kwargs): | |
try: | |
result =*args, **kwargs) | |
finally: | |
pool.terminate() | |
return result | |
return _mapper | |
return | |
def remove_invalid(gen, canonize=True, n_jobs=1): | |
""" | |
Removes invalid molecules from the dataset | |
""" | |
if not canonize: | |
mols = mapper(n_jobs)(get_mol, gen) | |
return [gen_ for gen_, mol in zip(gen, mols) if mol is not None] | |
return [x for x in mapper(n_jobs)(canonic_smiles, gen) if | |
x is not None] | |
def fraction_valid(gen, n_jobs=1): | |
""" | |
Computes a number of valid molecules | |
Parameters: | |
gen: list of SMILES | |
n_jobs: number of threads for calculation | |
""" | |
gen = mapper(n_jobs)(get_mol, gen) | |
return 1 - gen.count(None) / len(gen) | |
def canonic_smiles(smiles_or_mol): | |
mol = get_mol(smiles_or_mol) | |
if mol is None: | |
return None | |
return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) | |
def fraction_unique(gen, k=None, n_jobs=1, check_validity=True): | |
""" | |
Computes a number of unique molecules | |
Parameters: | |
gen: list of SMILES | |
k: compute unique@k | |
n_jobs: number of threads for calculation | |
check_validity: raises ValueError if invalid molecules are present | |
""" | |
if k is not None: | |
if len(gen) < k: | |
warnings.warn( | |
"Can't compute unique@{}.".format(k) + | |
"gen contains only {} molecules".format(len(gen)) | |
) | |
gen = gen[:k] | |
canonic = set(mapper(n_jobs)(canonic_smiles, gen)) | |
if None in canonic and check_validity: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid molecule passed to unique@k") | |
return 0 if len(gen) == 0 else len(canonic) / len(gen) | |
def novelty(gen, train, n_jobs=1): | |
gen_smiles = mapper(n_jobs)(canonic_smiles, gen) | |
gen_smiles_set = set(gen_smiles) - {None} | |
train_set = set(train) | |
return 0 if len(gen_smiles_set) == 0 else len(gen_smiles_set - train_set) / len(gen_smiles_set) | |
def average_agg_tanimoto(stock_vecs, gen_vecs, | |
batch_size=5000, agg='max', | |
device='cpu', p=1): | |
""" | |
For each molecule in gen_vecs finds closest molecule in stock_vecs. | |
Returns average tanimoto score for between these molecules | |
Parameters: | |
stock_vecs: numpy array <n_vectors x dim> | |
gen_vecs: numpy array <n_vectors' x dim> | |
agg: max or mean | |
p: power for averaging: (mean x^p)^(1/p) | |
""" | |
assert agg in ['max', 'mean'], "Can aggregate only max or mean" | |
agg_tanimoto = np.zeros(len(gen_vecs)) | |
total = np.zeros(len(gen_vecs)) | |
for j in range(0, stock_vecs.shape[0], batch_size): | |
x_stock = torch.tensor(stock_vecs[j:j + batch_size]).to(device).float() | |
for i in range(0, gen_vecs.shape[0], batch_size): | |
y_gen = torch.tensor(gen_vecs[i:i + batch_size]).to(device).float() | |
y_gen = y_gen.transpose(0, 1) | |
tp =, y_gen) | |
jac = (tp / (x_stock.sum(1, keepdim=True) + | |
y_gen.sum(0, keepdim=True) - tp)).cpu().numpy() | |
jac[np.isnan(jac)] = 1 | |
if p != 1: | |
jac = jac**p | |
if agg == 'max': | |
agg_tanimoto[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]] = np.maximum( | |
agg_tanimoto[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]], jac.max(0)) | |
elif agg == 'mean': | |
agg_tanimoto[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]] += jac.sum(0) | |
total[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]] += jac.shape[0] | |
if agg == 'mean': | |
agg_tanimoto /= total | |
if p != 1: | |
agg_tanimoto = (agg_tanimoto)**(1/p) | |
return np.mean(agg_tanimoto) |