diff --git "a/sentiment-tpb-dataset.jsonl" "b/sentiment-tpb-dataset.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/sentiment-tpb-dataset.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,12280 @@ +{"text": "puak-puak Taliban ni bukan datang dari dalam negara sahajayang dari luar pun ada......yang dari luar tu pun banyak yang komplain tuJAKIM dalam mencari penyelesaian telah bersetuju menggunakan nama yang lebih sesuai dan tidak akan mendatangkan masalah baik kepada syarikat-syarikat di malaysia lan luar negara, mahupun puak-puak Taliban nitidakkah menggunakan nama yang lebih sesuai lebih senang di implementasikan berbanding mengubah mentaliti Taliban di seluruh dunia? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6643913388252258} +{"text": "JAKIM cari duit dari perlesenan. Jgn lah marah. Namun, umat butthurt rasa popular dan rasa hebat sangat apabila tanda \"no pork\" ini seperti di tujukan kepada mereka yang indah dan famous ini. Sangkaan mereka salah, praktis ini banyak di lakukan di negara bukan islam utk memberitahu bahawa mereka tidak menggunakan pork kepada umat Yahudi yang mahu makan Kosher, devoted christian yg tidak makan pork, animal activist mcm PETa, org yang alergic pork dan juga kepada org yg di nasihat oleh doktor supaya jgn mkn pork. Perasan lebih je ai butthurt group ni.. Rasa hebat dan mulia. Pegi main jauh jauh la...Dah tau xda sijil halal, jgn la masuk. Tak kisah la serve no pork ke, gerai goreng pisang kat tepi jalan ke, stall nasi lemak spiderman ke, kalau xda sijil halal... Jgn la beli. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993724226951599} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 08:20 PM)Boleh pegang kalau darurat.But do u understand the science of fatwa?u can see through the trick eh... bravo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999352693557739} +{"text": "Ibarat pengguna muslim harapkan pengusaha bukan Islam sediakan makanan. Rupanya tipu logo halal, tak bersih. Demo sahaja boleh buat.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4924349784851074} +{"text": "napalah tak buat di kd branch?i dah sedih ni kang This post has been edited by hotjake: Feb 18 2016, 04:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Jun 10 2019, 11:35 AM)It's because jakim told people got stamp then no need was was. Indirectly people see no stamp have to be was was.it's the ignorance of the people. they'd been taught about halal and haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979169964790344} +{"text": "Grey, Clara - Mereka lebih suka masak makanan mereka pagi siang malam\nCarter - Biasanya beli makanan diluar soalnya gak begitu pandai masak (bisa tapi cuman beberapa makanan aja)\nGarvin, Liam - Both tergantung mood\nHalcyon - Beli makan diluar soalnya jarang di rumah dia www", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9686283469200134} +{"text": "QUOTE(acid427 @ Oct 17 2014, 06:24 PM)Yang ni?http://www.ustaznoramin.com/2010/03/niat-s...amak-qasar.htmlthanks, yang ni aku dah baca, tapi dalil-dalilnya tak ditunjukkan, so aku kurang yakin... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982436895370483} +{"text": "QUOTE(ed0gawa @ Sep 17 2018, 01:33 PM)bullshit halal certification...all monies talkingHalal haram untuk manusia saja. Lembu boleh minum beer. Just like ikan keli makan tahi. Manusia makan tahi haram. Ikan keli tak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(neo.crazed @ Mar 30 2018, 12:53 PM)this.http://www.vkeong.com/eat/hassans-mee-gore...engkera-melaka/mee bodoh. went viral because Majalah 3 covered the place, and some food bloggers, and other viral succubus pushed comms on this shit food. lived up to its name. oily noodle, shit service, and leave you with an oily aftertaste, and the pondering thought on why on earth do you take recommendations from fucks you do not know.Ya this is pretty stupid. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999289512634277} +{"text": "QUOTE(lyn9999 @ Jan 18 2017, 02:06 PM)no need to focus on cakeits halal issues, to be halal u need follow rulesif u choosen to be disobey the rules. u not mean to be under halal status anymoreWell the lost is much to lose that this is what most people dont understand that factnot the cake pleaseLogically the certification should be about the process to produce the food, not about outside food being brought in. A non-halal cake will not contaminate your halal prepared food, nor will the non-halal cake be served by the restaurant to other customers. The non-halal cake is brought by customer to be consumed by themselves.Further more, does MekD prepare dishes and utensils to serve the cake--------NO, so there's no cross contamination issue.Unless such non-halal cake produce strong smell that is related to non-halal ingredients, otherwise a sane person shouldn't be offended by the harmless food of another person.Extremism is obvious.......... we're going down the wrong path and we need to voice out. Rules alone does not justify extremism and discrimination. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9880999326705933} +{"text": "Dubuyo tu, baru2 ni je dapat sijil halal jakim itupun beberapa tempat je. Tapi they had sijil halal from korea yg diiktiraf jakim,", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9621736407279968} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Jan 10 2024, 01:00 PM)Last time i went NZ (not sure if oz same), 9pm still bright like our 6:30pmdafuq.i think i die bosan living there pergi kerja balik kerja after that lepak and sleep at home onlyThis post has been edited by zerorating: Jan 10 2024, 01:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925656318664551} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 14 2023, 12:03 PM)Ramai beratur mcm viral kan?Nampak cute kan?Ambik kau\u2026 ada babi tersorok dalam menu But Babi is so sedap bro. Please try some. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998137354850769} +{"text": "made in carlsberg factory. of course haram.itu pun mau tanya ka. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999110698699951} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Jan 9 2021, 09:51 PM)Talk about halal. See vape shops.. majority open by whom?But inforcers tutup Mata? Vape halal. Smoking haram. Hehe ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997969269752502} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jan 11 2021, 01:16 AM)serious question.if u are muslim, u go there, u consume teh tarik with roti bakar, haram ke?tukang masak muslim, hanya untuk daging kan?Las time I bring my muslim colleague go cainis vege shop for lunch oso she was2 to eat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998058676719666} +{"text": "premis-makanan-ikea-tak-halal-ini-kenyataan-jakim-berkenaan-status-halal-makanan-ikeaThis post has been edited by likefunyouare: Oct 15 2022, 05:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9236697554588318} +{"text": "Go to Parliament talk about alcohol, pork, 4D etc.. No need talk about restoring the economy ?!Best part is this fella is from PH, bloody moron ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972286820411682} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Aug 12 2022, 10:48 AM)and now this$$$$$ making scheme from the same owner of Malakat MallAsraff Jeffery\u00a0 \u00b7Saya sebenarnya sudah tidak berminat untuk tulis berkenaan dengan Quantum Metal, cukup-lah dengan post-post sebelum ini. Tapi hari ini,saya nampak skim Emas Brainy Bunch (disandar kepada QM) yang disarankan oleh Coach Fadzil, pemiliknya,maka saya terpanggil untuk buat post baru sebagai peringatan dari seorang Muslim kepada Muslim yang lain..Bagi saya,apa yang Coach buat ini sangat bahaya kerana ianya bersifat tidak pasti. Ramai ahli QM berkeras yang QM bukanlah intrumen pelaburan tetapi tempat simpan Emas. Kalau QM adalah satu tempat simpan yang benar,intrumen pelaburan yang sahih,bukan scam sekalipun, skim yang Coach buat ini adalah sangat bahaya..Boleh jadi lepas orang masuk skim yang Coach buat, harga emas jatuh dan bagaimana orang nak bayar yuran BB tersebut? Kalau Coach bagi penangguhan bayaran yuran kepada yang join, itu cerita lain dan saya sendiri akan join. .Bagaimana pula kalau ibu bapa pelajar tersebut adalah ahli QM tetapi bukan dalam circle Coach,adakah dia juga akan dapat benefit yang sama? Saya yakin tidak. Kekuasan Coach dalam ekosistem QM ada keterbatasannya. Hakikatnya, Coach bukan pemilik QM, Coach hanya salah seorang Leader di dalamnya. Pemilik QM adalah Cina dan Non Muslim. .Saya tiada dendam dengan Coach. Saya sendiri salah seorang pelanggan Coach di Brainy Bunch dan saya sangat kagum bagaimana Coach dapat buat franchise tadika tersebut. Tetapi dalam bab QM yang tidak pasti statusnya macamana ini,kita berbeza pendapat. .Nau'zubillah,kalau QM adalah skim cepat kaya dan tersontot,reputasi Coach,Malakat Mall dan Brainy Bunch akan terpalit sekali. Nau'zubillah..Saya sebenarnya berdoa agar debat antara Coach dengan Tuan Alwi Adam berlansung supaya semua antara kita dapat manfaat dan dapat jawapan samada QM adalah instrumen pelaburan yang sah ataupun sekadar Skim Cepat Kaya..Saya tidak dapat tag Coach sebab sudah di-block.just create a new thread la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9905588626861572} +{"text": "waaah..handalnya syeikh ni bercakap. Yakin sungguh ye. Harap\u00b2 tak cari makanan pakai logo halal la ye lepas ni sebab orang jakim kan tak pandai agama. mesti yg halal tu ragu\u00b2 kan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9793497920036316} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Jan 4 2018, 11:00 PM)I wont take his statement seriously tbh, cant expect that kind of generation to understand what cosplay is, therefore, him attaching the 'haram' label to stuff\u00a0 he dont understand.\u00a0 What people consider as waste of time is still subjective anyway.yes time is subjectivelike moneyif you can control yourself then go on, itu jehe's just giving the overall view ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949813485145569} +{"text": "Jual Daging Arnab, Bukan Kucing \u2013 Pemilik KedaiPublished on Jun 9, 2017 in Gaya Hidup/Utama & SensasiKECOH di media sosial baru-baru ini apabila dua keping gambar kononnya seorang peniaga di sebuah gerai bazar Ramadan di Setiu, Terengganu menjual daging kucing bakar.Timbul pula pelbagai persoalan sehingga ada yang keliru kerana bentuk makanan eksotik yang dijual itu menyerupai kucing dan anak anjing.BACA INI: \u201cOh Mak Kau Apa Benda Tu?\u201d \u2013 NetizenSusulan tularnya gambar tersebut, pemilik gerai, Ebbie Shafiran memuat naik status di laman Facebook menjelaskan keadaan sebenar sekali gus menafikan gerainya menjual daging yang tidak halal.\u201cJangan kecam saya, saya jual arnab jer, makanan halal bukan makanan haram nak jual ikut suka,\u201d tulisnya.Jelasnya, dia memang ada memuat naik dua keping gambar itu yang memaklumkan mengenai penjualan daging arnab bakar di laman Facebooknya sebelum menjadi tular di laman sosial.Namun, ada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab mengubah suai gambar tersebut dan menyebarkannya sehingga menimbulkan kekeliruan netizen.Menerusi laman Facebook Ebbie, dia mengakui ada pihak yang keliru dengan daging arnab bakar tersebut kerana bentuknya.\u201cSalah faham sebab bentuk, biasa lar tu,\u201d tulisnya. \u2013 MYNEWSHUB.CChttp://www.mynewshub.cc/utama-sensasi/jual...-pemilik-kedai/U guys ok or not makan arnab?Come come discuss ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9916933178901672} +{"text": "QUOTE(loki @ Jun 30 2021, 12:56 PM)boss.. njoi pun ada dish or could be from previous installation. why like that you also dengki? where's is your compassion? i believe being a trooper , you don't simply shoot.. there must be a borderline what you can shoot and what you cannot, right?kesian trigger giler..did i question his financial status?did i said he cannot afford or can afford?pelik betul.........no wonder they said malaysian mudah trigger / senang dicabar / sensitive..is true afterall ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6716819405555725} +{"text": "QUOTE(DS_Legacy @ Dec 18 2023, 01:12 PM)Cyber ppl always go dengkil and puchong for lunch/dinnerMana best?i prefer dengkil.bunch of nice reasonable street restaurants. malee tomyam restaurant. one of them. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9941039681434631} +{"text": "\r\njadikan habit sblm mkn sape yg masak? supplier mana? u will b surprised\n\r\nAda kedai roti Bohemia kat semua j jusco Ada. sy check jakim xde status halal x sure dh Ada pulak now, tp ramai sgt melayu bli \r\nyg dekat rmh ni tiap Kali sy tgk ramai melayu tgh bli sy saje Tanya cashier Ada sijil halal tak? mcm2 alasan dia bg. sekali tu dia tunjuk sijil halal tp yg supplier hit dig punya, kan Ada jual sosej bun so sijil halal kilang sosej ditunjukkan. \r\nsy smashed dia awak ingt sy sek atap je ke. \r\nsbb byk Kali sgt Tanya baru ni sy tgk dia tmpl sijil jakim yg besar tu . xde masa lg nk pi Cek btl2 dgn dia org. pegilah mana2 Bohemia pun xde sijil halal jakim lg. up tk the last time sy lalu kedai ni la\r\ndi giant sy tanya pekerja sendiri tunjuk yg ni supplier hntr x pasti sape msk, yg ni Kami msk sendiri kat sini\r\n7-E supplier dia nonmoslem, Tanya staff gak\r\nesso, ok staff melayu msk ayam Dari ayamas\r\nsbb sy juga menjaga makanan dn yg memasaknya, alhamdulillah biasa ada petunjuk dr Allah.\r\nsatu hr ni di foodcourt, sy blh tergerak hati Tanya sorang chef tu, u Dari mana? dia jwb nepal, \r\nsy tanya lg, u r not Moslem? dia terkejut siap Tanya sy blk, u can't eat nonmoslem cook? sy senyap je. sy memang x mkn masakan nonmoslem. bila kita ambil berat sesuatu hal insyaalah tuhan akn membantu\r\nso ringankan mulut utk bertanya, malu brtanya sesat jln", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Mar 13 2024, 02:06 PM)I would just like to address the malay privilege aspect. Thats in the federation and for that single clause, everyone gets to call this place home. It was a quid pro quo arrangement since the beginning.That is the history of that clause. So if we take that clause out, like you propose, how are we to balance it out now. The generation that preceded us had no problem in accepting the clause and took an oath of loyalty to this nation in becoming its citizen.Now this new generation feels to do away with it. How do we redesign that initial agreement.Not meaning to poke but i do agree that our forefather (generation that preceded us) did not have issue with that article. Those who were around, during the 1969 also understood the need for NEP which were to be implemented for 20 years (until 1990).But the issue is post 1969, a lot of changes & amendment has been done to further push the NEP agenda.Do note that NEP was never part of Article that you are referring to. It was extend and policy implement create monopoly. These monopoly created bunch of rich people who tent to sell/rent the contract or license for profit. These inflated the actual cost and deplete the coffer much faster. The policy / direction which was suppose to \"assist\" the Malay, slowly used to deprive/ limit the \"non\" progress on all front. The new generation brainwashed in to believing the \"luxury/ temporary assist\" is their birth right. To make thing worst, religious became an overbearing influence on policy and the \"non\" is being made a bogeyman and forced to accept the new narrative and those \"quid pro quo\" arrange has changed to \"hak kami, tak suka keluar mentaliti\". If the current generation think that the privilege's afforded to you was in exchange to \"quid pro quo arrangement\" - Why is there a consistent challenge on vernacular school ? - Why is there a consistent demand / criticism on other religion celebration? - Why is there a consistent discussion on how \"non\" khafir ? and root of evil - Why is there a consistent challenge on unilateral conversion - when the constitution is clear on it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6917449831962585} +{"text": "By far the best fried chicken (original) taste wise. Mcd is a close second ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999152421951294} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Nov 1 2023, 10:24 AM)I beg to difer. Halal is more than just no pork or alcohol. It encompass everything on how the meat is prepared to hygene etc. Those roadside stall only fulfil the no pork part. What about the rest?yes you are correctwhat i mean, he said orang jual tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal is non halalmana ada macam tu.untuk sijil halal, u kena ikut segala procedure. then dapat sijil halal.meniaga tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal it doesnt mean non halal unless peniaga itu letak babi arak haiwan tak sembelih dan sebagainya.meniaga letak babi, arak, haiwan tak sembelih itu semua benda haram untuk orang islam makan. so benda tu sudah tentu non halal.2nd thing is, hygiene and preparing foods.if hygiene but ada babi = haram. tak ada sijil halalif tak hygiene tapi ayam sembelih = tak haram. tak ada sijil halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Oct 25 2016, 01:58 PM)tadaaa http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...medium=facebookAfter Muslim complaint, Ninja Joe says will rename \u2018P. Ramly\u2019 pork burgerKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 25 \u2015 Ninja Joe has decided to change the name of their \u201cP. Ramly\u201d pork burger and remove posters of the product after a Muslim consumer group found it offensive.The local burger joint, which has outlets in Petaling Jaya, Klang, Seremban and Singapore, also said they had chosen the name when they launched the burger on Hari Merdeka to pay homage to Ramly Burger.\u201cThe Ramly Burger has been in Malaysia for a very long time; it\u2019s iconic. It\u2019s a homage to them,\u201d Ninja Joe proprietor Kelvin Tan told Malay Mail Online when contacted today, referring to the popular burger meat company.\u201cThat\u2019s why we came up with the \u2018P. Ramly\u2019. It\u2019s got nothing to do with the actor. It\u2019s purely a coincidence. The \u2018P\u2019 is for pork \u2015 \u2018Pork Ramly\u2019,\u201d he added.Earlier today, Malay daily Berita Harian reported the Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) as demanding action against Ninja Joe over its \u201cP. Ramly\u201d burger, claiming that the name \u201cconfused\u201d the public, even though a poster of the product at a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya clearly stated that it was a pork burger.The paper also reported a woman who claimed that the \u201cP. Ramly\u201d name disrespected the late artiste, Tan Sri P. Ramlee.Tan said posters of the \u201cP. Ramly\u201d burger would be removed and the product would be renamed.\u201cWe are sensitive to public opinion; we\u2019ll take it down.\u201cSomebody alerted me today on Facebook and we\u2019re running a poll to see what name we should change to. They gave good suggestions,\u201d he said.exactly what the fuck i already said.people all memang too bodoh sebab tu senang konpius. dahla tulis sana mengandungi pork. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.620843231678009} +{"text": "I am not trolling, but you can find those 0% beer at Tanah Haram, which is the sacred place in Mecca Whether its is heineken or budwiser, its ur choice. After pray at Masjidil Haram, just walk 20 meters to Bin Dawood, buy the beer. Just that in MY, we are tend to be more Arabic than Arabs ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992372989654541} +{"text": "QUOTE(deejay_krish @ Nov 13 2020, 10:34 PM)use the word babi in daily life frequently no haram but babi is haram?\u00a0 Ya always cursed non..... Lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "Umat Islam di Malaysia ''menggantungkan\" HALAL & HARAM makanan mereka di tgn JAKIM. Walhal, akal mereka cukup WARAS & mata mereka Celik", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.863845705986023} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Feb 20 2024, 05:33 PM)Nanti orang kito tanya kenapa guru besat sjkc tu cinoTakkan oren kito tak mampu jadi guru besaq sjkcsekolah itu milik siapa? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996053576469421} +{"text": "QUOTE(HarleyIron @ Sep 26 2016, 08:25 AM)Sorry for late reply.\u00a0 Balik Kampung.We told them no need for special arrangements.\u00a0 Anything we need, we improvise.\u00a0 e.g. We cook our own food.\u00a0 That is in-law's requirement.\u00a0 Meaning we have a box of our own cooking utensil that we bought and left there. Pray in the room can already lah.\u00a0 Got sejadah, kaotim.We try our best not to impose to my family our beliefs; e.g. avoid going back to my kampung during Ramadhan.\u00a0 But if we do, they are quite respectful and try not to eat in front of us.\u00a0 We told them that it is ok; meaning the purpose of fasting is to test our will-power, but they are respectful.\u00a0 The Kampung folks wake up as early as we do and we do eat together for sahur.We are not anal about food, but wherever we can, my wife cooks and they love my wife's cooking too.\u00a0 (hopefully, in future wives,\u00a0 lol..\u00a0 my wife's is going to kill me).What's the deal with you?\u00a0 interested in reverting?\u00a0 And where is my teh tarik?The in-law requirements.... you mean your in-law required you to bring your own cooking utensil when you go back to your parents home?The deal with me. Yes, interested in Islam, will consider converting in the future. Ok we can set for teh tarik next week. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9764112830162048} +{"text": "Makanan Naturalisasi haram ke halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7280928492546082} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Sep 15 2010, 08:38 PM)i want to know bout the budism and kow tow adat of chinese... coz i dun understandnew tered plis ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "I\u2019d have try to explain details on facts but still wanting to be ignorant okayyy Kalu depends on jakim hah memang silap la. Haram ni bukan pada babi and arak je eh. Cleanliness is also part of halal and even cempedak goreng tepi jalan pun takda sijil halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8122490048408508} +{"text": "vegetarian shop is ur best bet ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999947190284729} +{"text": "@MUISingapore a'kum apa status A&W restaurant ? ada sijil halal ke tak?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950474500656128} +{"text": "Every time talk about haram. But stealing not haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "Tp betul lah sijil halal mmg mahai pon, tapi berbaloi...1 sijil 800 rggt valid 2 tahun... kalau ada penambahan produk bayar lg 800 utk sekeping lg sijil halal... tp marketibility dia luas so xkan rugi punya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9821083545684814} +{"text": "Melayu paling suka buat teruk bab makanan. nak support produk melayu muslim tapi end up tabur fitnah pada produk luar sampai bagi impak buruk pada agama sendiri. Halal jakim diberi oleh orang muslim sendiri kepada pengeluar. Kalau hang makan benda haram tu salah muslim bukan cina", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7406567931175232} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 23 2024, 12:18 AM)Bodoh ke?It is called profiling. I'm talking about immigration officer method of work. Asking basic question is the first line of filtering out the right and wrong.IC boleh curi and dipalsukan. IC tu another way to verify but to make sure the person is the right person,mesti lah tanya soalan2 yang rambang. Macam, kampung asal kat mana, sekolah kat mana. Kalau jawab tu tak confiden, gagap2, pegawai tahu lah profile dia camne. Kalau polis tanya kau, nak pergi mana, pastu kau tergagap2 nak jawab soalan simplemesti dia syak kau ada sesuatu yang nak kau sembunyikan.i do agree on profiling as first level screeningbut which item have higher priority for you to make conclusion?same like if police suspect u mabuk ..he/she need to conduct alcohol scan as final ..instead of making conclusion thru conversation if follow SOP la ... This post has been edited by fantasy1989: Apr 23 2024, 12:26 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999908208847046} +{"text": "QUOTE(cempedaklife @ Jan 1 2020, 06:25 PM)Lu ingat welcome seafoood not tourist trap? I think best to eat those that dont market themselves as seafood restaurant but still serve seafood. Those should be better price.You should try beef noddle in kk too. Put semenanjung's to shame. But dont compare price la Shin kee beef noodle KL > Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap KK > Wattana Panich Thai beef noodle BKK. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "haha kenapa laris giler giler sampai viral?viral giler giler sampai kantoi? satu jer tuhan bayar cash - mengaku jer la makanan cina memang sedap la. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9470491409301758} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Sep 12 2015, 11:53 AM)Betul tu bero. At leat kita gemuk kita honest, tak songlap.bagus bagus masuk syurga ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997946619987488} +{"text": "QUOTE(dest9116 @ May 31 2024, 01:50 PM)Lel learn from China kekkkkkkk who deal with China before knows they will corner here and there follow own standard wan lelelKek, can't wait for oren to go there and scold them, \"Lu tak suka , lu keluar\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965294003486633} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSoldier @ Mar 3 2024, 05:32 PM)As usual hapky toive in denialNo proof Starbucks or mcd support Israel, but boycott stillNvidia, Intel, AMD are all pumping billion of dollar in Israel, hiring thousands of workers there .. Halal to invest in these companies and then happily received the dividendQUOTE(Avangelice @ Mar 3 2024, 05:35 PM)According to the report, Microsoft Global transferred approximately $260 million to the company in Israel for the purchase of the Israeli company, and also transferred $41 million in 2015 for the purchase of Equivio. Microsoft also purchased Secure Islands in the same year for $45.4 million.Google creates $4 million fund to provide lifeline to Israeli AI startups during warUS online search giant seeks to support about 20 AI startups that need immediate funding to keep operating as outside investment plungesApple confirmed late Sunday that it was buying Israeli tech firm PrimeSense for $350 million. The announcement ended weeks of rumors and speculation over the deal. Last July, it was reported that PrimeSense and Apple were in intense negotiations over a possible Apple acquisitionFucking idiotsQUOTE(letitsnow @ Mar 3 2024, 05:38 PM)yup I'm so in denial\u00a0 .your choice don't want to learn what constitutes as halal or haram. i'm definitely make a right choice not to dive in.\u00a0 and you seems cant comprehend the example i give on McD and Starbucks both has Halal certs. so should their halal retract?AFAIK, being syariah compliant only constitutes the business activities that company are doing. Having said that if you funding israel but business activity is halal, it is still syariah compliant. E.g Tech industry such as Apple, AMD, MicrosoftBut, if your activity is harom, no matter how big your funding to palestine, it is still harom and not syariah compliant. Eg Banking sector (Maybank, CIMB), alcohol, dead animals, gambling etc. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8926059603691101} +{"text": "orang nak makan bagi la orang makan, buat apa bising bising aje..suka hati orang nak buat apa asalkan tak mengena sama you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9795981049537659} +{"text": "BERILAH KELUARGAMU MAKAN MAKANAN DARI SUMBER YANG HALAL BIAR SEDERHANA YANG PENTING DARAH DAN ISI DI TUBUH MEREKA BERSIH DARI NODA DAN HASIL YANG HARAM...PERINGATAN UNTUK DIRI PUTERI JUGA BRO.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9276031255722046} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Dec 12 2023, 03:04 PM)chee cheong fun color putih,..Yes yes made with lard lel. Putih.Later got video viral ini vavi fats floating after steaming CCF I tell you. Got to give it to a future genius making a viral video of CCF is pig fat rolled up into one smooth roll. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994403719902039} +{"text": "Hahhahah sebabtu lah agama islam bagus. Kita makan dari sumber yang diyakini bersih, sihat, and halal. Taik sah2 takleh makan. Perkakas kena yang bersih dan halal. Cuma umatnya yang kadang-kadang tak jaga kebersihan makanan.... Cantik dah peraturan Allah, digunapakai dalam hidup", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8551541566848755} +{"text": "Bang gw mau nanya, katanya lu ngga terlalu suka makanan manis tapi kenapa selama di Inggris lu beli makanan manis mulu perasaan #Tawan_V", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5616127848625183} +{"text": "Kalau beli makanan suka yang pedas apa nggak? Tadi aku makan enak juga sambil jalan-jalan. Tebak makanan enaknya apa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9692751169204712} +{"text": "Kalau dalam negara sendiri, lebih baik makan makanan yang ada halal Jakim. Atau halal dri negara lain yg diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Kalau kat negara luar, biasanya boleh mkn vegetarian food atau restoran org pakistan/ arab muslim. Normally Kebab.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9818217158317566} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 9 2021, 09:22 AM)But that place is basically catering Chinese customers. Most Malays will go to Kajang market anyway. So why die die also want a stall there.Typical mentality of some Malays. When they see a place is successful, they want to go in but don't realise that once they go in and change things, the place will loose it's appeal. This is the same when they do biz among Malays themselves too. If you notice, once a nasi lemak stall become popular, a few nasi lemak stall will also pop up nearby and at the end, every one not doing well. They don't try to work with each other where each stalls offer different food. It's the mentality of slaying the goose that lay golden eggs.yep. In typical kopitiam so small also got well regulated rules to ensure stalls not selling similar food. But when illegal stalls open in an area, the cowboy mentality led to competitions that doesnt provide win win or long term benefits. As with many competitions, sure got losers. Immediate blame opposing party santau rather than own poor business sense ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9801762104034424} +{"text": "\r\nate yop kalau kome ragu-ragu usah le melantok situ ... tapi aku puji sebab kamu ambik berat nak tahu dan siasat ... semoga berkat dan selamat ...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5622289180755615} +{"text": "Apo bae yg penting halal enak bersih\": #INDONESIAmoveon Makanan kesukaan kamu ?\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997860789299011} +{"text": "u know whats better pahala score?by killing these Khawarij sesat muslim aka pengikut dajjal yang suka mengkafirkan orang lain (Bukhari 6930) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6430277824401855} +{"text": "Kalau produk tu tulis \"Produk 100% buatan Muslim\" tapi xde logo halal lagi: Oh takpe.. Yakin.. Sangka baik.. Ingat murah ke sijil.. Ingat senang ke.. Tapi produk dikilangkan Ah Chan Sdn Bhd dgn sijil halal sah JAKIM? Sure kettew? Jangan ditipu! Permainan diorg ni! https://t.co/8ostTUIkBn", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5609133243560791} +{"text": "Kawan...logik...please use common sense or critical thinking.\n\n\"Sejak bila pulak rokok tak haram pulak ni?\" \nSejak dia dijual kat semua kedai. \nMacam ni la. Kalau haram mesti ada label non halal. Rokok ada ka?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "I took some pictures, not so crowded. The building has some interesting design, in contrast the food court looks cheaply design. Starbucks was too cold inside, step outside suddenly feel hot. Also the toilet not nice compared to Pavilion design. Anyway, I think Pavilion Bukit Jalil is still the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999963641166687} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Dec 5 2023, 12:09 PM)Maybe red color?Ayam also late to realiseSudah letak atas mejaThen after 10 minute mau makan baru tau salahU meleis right? Haram if u ask for refund and makan coz not hak awak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989629983901978} +{"text": "ya food stall really not easy. Everyday must work, and best business opportunity is when everyone off day. So weekend and PH u have to work. Then comes the problem u have to make your \"makan gaji\" staff work. In Malaysia u make them work on weekend/PH with fixed salary means u are torturing them and automatically kejam as yahudi. Next is consistent food quality. A lot of factor can mess up your food taste. Suddenly one supplier of certain ingredient raise price, u need to source similar one with same taste not easy. The ratio only boss know, so u have to be there most of the steps hands on. Let staff do almost always quality lari cos they wont be as invested as a boss, unless of course u go profit sharing lor. That also wont sustain cos the guy is so hebat he will open similar stall 1 street away. Then comes the biggest problem. No work = no income. Not like makan gaji minion can go maternity leave, EL, sick leave. Go holiday income not affected type. Also got bonus and EPF. Food stall high income comes with a lot of string attached. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9247162938117981} +{"text": "QUOTE(yed @ May 3 2021, 01:15 PM)in islam there is amal maaruf nahi mungkar means it is responsibility of muslim to invite other for good and deter the sins. All muslims know this.1. Is it certain that the ladies are not ill, or menstruating or breastfeeding or traveling more than 90km, that it's sinful for them not to fast? 2. Corollary to question 1, if they're exempted from fasting as prescribed by the religion, is it sinful to eat in public during fasting month? 3. If yes, what's the basis? Any quranic verse or hadith saying so? If not, then it's not \"nahi munkar\". And don't see no \"amar ma'ruf\". Why just implement it selectively? 4. Is it permissable to create ruckus in public and shame others based on presumption of guilt? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "Hmm, my point pulak. Amek 1 hari pastu spend masa sama2 buatlah apa2 aktiviti. Beli makanan dia suka. I found this kind of things will be remembered until adult.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993676543235779} +{"text": "Hari tu jakim sahkan starbucks x halal kan..tp masih ada lg yg g..mmg makan makanan haram la ko kan..jadi darah daging..aiyooo takot ak!!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99138343334198} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:35 PM)http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/299644May 26, 2015MalaysiakiniJakim revokes Secret Recipe's halal certThe halal certificate of popular cake franchise Secret Recipe has been withdrawn by the department of Islamic Development Malaysia(Jakim).However, Jakim said the revocation of halal certification for Secret Recipe Manufacturing Sdn Bhd was not due to the use of \"haram ingredients\" but was instead due to issues involving cleanliness.\"The revocation of the halal certification was because of a breach of the halal certification procedure manual involving serious offences on cleanliness and good manufacturing practices.\"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff.This part. I've seen Jakim attempt to summon a factory because they are using the \"organic\" brush to clean the dust. Brush made of pig hair. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8833033442497253} +{"text": "QUOTE(blueheaven @ Nov 23 2020, 12:23 PM)Well, if one race refuses to eat food made by another race, they wont know nice or not, stil can call this version best here best there.That is \"the best version\" that they ever tried, nothing wrong actually.QUOTE(wanfumi @ Nov 23 2020, 12:51 PM)I dont really like this stall's cakoi, its like a taste of donut than the cakoi. The last stall that i can still remember that served good cakoi was in Tampoi in front of cimb bank 20 yrs back but now no more.https://cookpad.com/my/recipes/10865835-kui...=resepi%20cakoitis link also mention buat cakoi dengan recipe donut. Is it common for all the malay version cakoi taste like donut?This post has been edited by Crovoseas: Nov 23 2020, 01:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999867677688599} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf00Sejauhmanakah keperluan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia pada produk lampin kanak-kanak di luar sana? \ud83c\udf00Bagaimanakah prosedur pensijilan halal Malaysia dijalankan? \ud83c\udf00Bagaimana pula dengan status halal produk yang... https://t.co/djJGtJspIi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998830556869507} +{"text": "Hoarder disorder jenis simpan brg x pakai kalau simpan makanan busuk ni disorder apa? Dulu ada housemate sejenis suka simpan makanan da rosak pun simpan lagi....da tau xde masa nk masak sibuk beli jugak brg dapur smpai berkulat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7847331762313843} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Jun 12 2024, 05:29 PM)I'm non Muslim but I understand many people that do the cutting that day doesn't have experiences. They tried their best to cut well but accident can happen. Don't let tiktok, FB videos mislead you.mana ada random guy do the slaughter.mesti ada experience buat. orang yang kerja sembelih hari-hari di pasar pun ramai.haiwan korban is special purpose, a ritual, we don't leave to chance for inexperienced to invalidate the slaughter. haiwan yang tak sah sembelih tak boleh dimakan, tak kiralah bila dan ketika, raya atau tidak. lagipun siapa nak gantirugi; kambing seekor pun dah berapa, inikan pula jika lembu kerbau unta.QUOTE(zero5177 @ Jun 12 2024, 09:42 PM)The video is the cow get tied to a stick, everytime they chop from top, the cow run a few rounds then they chop the cow run a few rounds till the head start dangling a bit to finally died. It is quite painful to watch\u00a0 kita kasi ikat dan rebahkan on its side. mana ada potong aci main hayun parang.ramai-ramai pegang tali to immobilise. ada yang ikat tali di pancang if nak lebih secure.tanah tempat tumpah darah tu kita korek buat lopak to reduce the bloody mess after.tak boleh sembelih haiwan di hadapan haiwan lain. awak pun cuak kalau tok mudim demo potong sambil tersengih \"you're next\".adab sembelih mesti guna pisau tajam, hanya dalam 1 cubaan berterusan sahaja, tak boleh pause angkat pisau untuk ulang semula, bukan boleh main biola, dan hanya urat tertentu. bukan tetak putuskan terus itu kepala - dah bukan sembelih namanya.once sudah potong, kita lepaskan untuk ia meronta sendiri. this is the time kita boleh tengok kalau lembu yang gagah, ia mungkin akan mampu berdiri semula. final struggle.This post has been edited by Oltromen Ripot: Jun 13 2024, 01:14 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987414479255676} +{"text": "QUOTE(xPrototype @ Jun 26 2021, 02:49 PM)ini muslim country la you tak suka you keluar laWow awak ni racing tahap sangat kuat nya? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975576400756836} +{"text": "Do you have nothing to do? MP so senang until go question food?How is popular a criteria for heritage? Did he even understand what is heritage? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9889473915100098} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 26 2016, 09:10 AM)I think their point was. Not about Auntie Anne getting the certIts more about \"the reason why there's so much bashing is because jakim have that ridiculous name requirements in the Sop\u00a0 to apply for halal cert\" And\"bashing jakim is not =bashing islam\"Thats their point.Even ajaran sesat pun sedar apa jakim buat tu merapu Kita yang di jalan benar ni tak sedar sedar lagi?Yes. It is a ridiculous name requirement. But need to argue? They already set their standard. If cannot get halal cert then just move on it is not that thing become haram if no halal cert. If songlap i can understand la many people butthurt including me. Change name to what ever name does not affect me in my daily life yet people keep making hoax about it and some people even go beyond that. When someone is over excited in bashing jakim they take it way out of the content. That was my point. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99989914894104} +{"text": "QUOTE(new in IT @ Sep 24 2022, 07:13 PM)Asal kan bangla tu Muslim, Halal la ayam dia sembelih.Owaii...Warga asing ke tempatan, mandarin speaking atau tidak. Still halal kalau dia Muslim. Tp halal bukan terletak pada agama penyembelih semata-mata je, ada kaedah juga.Kita nak halalan thoiyyiban lagi bagus.PS: Lembut ayat, guna perkataan cincai.hihi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996446371078491} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Dec 12 2023, 06:32 PM)Best Is bah kut tehSecond is mutton curry with chapati\naGYM7X-x6ZU\n\nOMG sedap but both with give you demam panas lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996763467788696} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 9 2024, 04:26 PM)U r right The absence of a Halal certification does not necessarily mean a product is Haram (forbidden). It simply means that the product has not been officially verified to meet all the criteria of Halal certification. Cheese-flavored Doritos may contain cheese made with animal-derived enzymes, which could potentially be non-halal. Nasib baik belum makanAyam thought cheese grew on trees ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(submergedx @ Mar 5 2024, 11:17 AM)Viral has different perspective. When motobodo do stunt and die that is call bodo viral.Nandos social media post viral that is marketing targetting done right. In fact, Nandos has one of the best social media management team in Malaysia. Do you think how much Nandos paid the agency each every year?You want a motor bodo viral or Nandos humor viral for your country?no if u ask mewhy the countries around us got so many touristwhy the few countries that u been to or known of have such a high tourist presence?it's not because they're promoting it, it's because everything there is tourist friendlyu come here, our public transport alone is already not tourist friendly...so why would they come here? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998608827590942} +{"text": "QUOTE(dobot7 @ Jun 12 2023, 04:26 PM)because we follow what is written in our book. that's all. no more no less.Oh. So blindly follow just because it says so in the book. No reason needed. Cool, cool. Didn't the quran also say makan rasuah, makan siham anak diri is also haram? Why the same people that don't eat babi still do that then? This post has been edited by SSJBen: Jun 12 2023, 04:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999613761901855} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/1SjaQvMLB", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Ni bukan sahaja taksub, tapi taksub membuta tuli. \n\nKalau kat luar negara, boleh usahakan cari barangan/ kedai yg ada sijil halal yg diiktiraf JAKIM di luar negara, tak pun yang kita mmg dah tau dia sediakan makanan halal. Kadang2 tu last resort tgok kandungan makanan je.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981862902641296} +{"text": "QUOTE(metalslug @ Aug 16 2016, 02:17 PM)the malaysia invention at it best.KekMalaysia do reinvent like what Apple didPlease respek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999065399169922} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrekua2 @ Mar 12 2024, 07:58 AM)To be fair, it depends on demographic.I remembered during 87-92, my primary school (SK) canteen is open but barely selling anything. Maybe some kuih and sirap nia during puasa. No mee, nasi lemak etc. Probably because the operators are Malay and not enough time to cook. School demographic is half-half between Malay and Chinese with some Indians.For 93-98, secondary school mostly Chinese students. Malay at most 10%. Canteen is open and everyone is operating as usual except the nasi lemak seller who are Malay.I think this matter can be discussed. If there are enough demand, canteen can be operating. If the school demographic is over 70% Malay, maybe there are not even enough demand to make it worthwhile for the month.For me, canteen is a responsibility. It\u2019s not your gerai, suka hati then buka. Half half is still a lot. Only sell kuih etc is not being responsible. lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992601275444031} +{"text": "QUOTE(*lightbringer* @ Feb 20 2024, 12:49 PM)Im gonna be frank, and it will sound racist. Bear with me. Malay prioritize more on donation that can help them in afterlife. Amal jariah they call it, a continuous pahala. Hence they more into donating for religion purpose. Masjid, Surau, Zakat, tahfiz, pusat anak yatim, so on and so forth. Thats why u see these tahfiz and rumah anak yatim tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan, because they can take advantage of religion. Another thing is tongkat mentality. Malay people got tongkat so much, they expect the government to do everything for them. Public school? its government job. So they dont donate anything at all, as they expect gomen to do everything. The PIBG also kinda useless. derma duit ke tabung PIBG every year, but no improvement. Derma for what also donno.Jangan tanya soalan susah. U derma as long as ada hati it's more important. Masuk pocket siapa tak penting. Pahala akhirat lagi penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997519850730896} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 11:13 AM)Depend on person. The ultimate guide is still the quran\"Fatwa (Arab: \u0641\u062a\u0648\u0649, fatw\u0101) ialah suatu pandangan sesuatu hukum Islam yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang mufti bertauliah.[1] Ia bertujuan untuk menjawab soalan-soalan berkenaan agama yang dikemukakan oleh mana-mana individu, kadi, hakim, perbadanan mahupun kerajaan. Soalan tersebut boleh bertanya tentang hukum, kemusykilan dan kepastian pada sesebuah masalah atau perkara.[2] Jika pengaju soalan tidak berpuas hati dengan fatwa yang diberikan oleh satu mufti, beliau boleh minta fatwa daripada mufti yang lain.\"I cannot understand why many still see haram and halal like binary code, like lamp switch on and off. Even in normal law also like traffic offense, overtake on double line, beat traffic light, using phone while driving, no license all are against the law but the fine is different. No road tax have to go to court but expired license can choose to pay compound. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8130615949630737} +{"text": "QUOTE(internaldisputes @ Nov 16 2020, 01:40 PM)Does the viral video mention Old Town White Coffee specifically though?Need to find back that video but was pretty sure the guy mention old town specifically.QUOTE(IdiuU @ Nov 16 2020, 01:40 PM)end up handshake hug hug and free him lifetime oldtown?Maybe make him become new management boss kot? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "\"ada loktor nak cabar makanan tradisi orang Melayu/Islam! Lapor JAKIM!\"", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6353981494903564} +{"text": "Pretty sure ajinomoto is made out of anjing dan motor.Also this ustaz got pork brain so very haram and can masuk neraka. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(Armata @ Dec 21 2015, 01:52 PM)it's their money, their company....suka hati wat they wanna do la...i wanna open restaurant sell only angin and kicap also can wat...then you go la.. suka hati we reply tered here also wat.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994309544563293} +{"text": "takde sijil halal jakim tak bermaksud haram. haih, pelik pelik je manusia skrg, cepat sgt triggered, pahtu bitter pulak tu \ud83d\ude44", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9879631996154785} +{"text": "Beli makanan yg rasanya strong atau makanan yg paling lu suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9116708636283875} +{"text": "QUOTE(petpenyubobo @ Apr 30 2024, 06:30 PM)Meanwhile helangs go on holiday trips several times a year enjoying nice drinks and food and stocking this drinks in at home.Seriously is religion a tool to keep the poor and stupid restricted?Ikr? Elite M go around the world makan makan wherever they like. No halal logo also not an issue. (Yes I know a couple of M does that)B40 M40 here hari hari halal this haram that. Really kesian imo. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971749782562256} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ May 10 2017, 08:25 AM)Sure salah LGELGE card activated. Back to the topic, this Dato' and his accomplices sure learn from the best. 22 years on the job God knows how much money got songlap-ed already. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8923469185829163} +{"text": "You try blast him with rokok and vapeBoth haram but still consume ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999691247940063} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayyk92 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:43 PM)I'm more surprised he knkws about Haruhi's status as a \"dewa\"QUOTE(Nafirii @ Jan 4 2018, 08:56 PM)Im surprised by this tooSuspect he is Haruhi fans. Kan Sini news lambat. Baru Tau Aya Hirano Ada scandal dengan pemain drum, then he rage quit and banned all ppl on cosplaying.#imaginationKuat ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998620748519897} +{"text": "ugut kasik viral. mintak duit raya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990921020507812} +{"text": "KFC, ada status halal, tapi toilet hancing nak mampus. Bersih lagi toilet kedai kopi Cina.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999779462814331} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 23 2020, 10:17 AM)the video didnt claim its the best ckt. its ts who claimed itthen this ts is trying hard too much ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9643058180809021} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017So if jual by orang tak tutup aurat, automatically become haram ke?And how to diff between orang solat or not?Please la,dun be too shallow ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994254112243652} +{"text": "QUOTE(redic @ Feb 1 2024, 06:22 PM)xiaojohn and his wife Adelyyne? As a host, i want to highlight that we should do our best to host them (as visitors)\u2026Whatever they comments, just let them comment la\u2026Tak kan they said Thailand Durian is better than Malaysia durian, and you die die want to argue with them meh\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9861538410186768} +{"text": "nope.....1 hour or half an hour also I will not Q all these viral/craze thingy.......got better things to do. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8909749984741211} +{"text": "@unicnasyeed MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9930455088615417} +{"text": "balik rumah tanya bini/emak ada apply sijil Halal tak? kalau takder then take pic , viral that shit and boycott your own house ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997505247592926} +{"text": "QUOTE(ocphangaz @ Oct 18 2016, 05:19 PM)sebab mereka takde iman...ban rutbir,ban hot dog...tapi hisap rokok dan vape jugak.jangan ban rokok....nanti GST naik ke 50% ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "tak ada masalah pun nak berhati2 dalam memilih apa yg kita makan. Itulah yg sebaik2nya. Cuma tanyalah pada org yg sepatutnya (wakil restoran/owner kedai). Pergi tanya si Ceddy buat apa. Dia rv makanan je. The resto has sijil halal ka tidak is not his renaposibility.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4908895194530487} +{"text": "QUOTE(yoyo_icecube @ Mar 1 2018, 02:06 PM)Sekarang ni nama brand dia ke lagi popular atau zouk yg makin popular? Sepanjang kontroversi ni saya cuma nampak orang kutuk apa yang dia buat dan tak ada siapa pun puji tudung dia lawa.how would you justify a piece of thin flimsy plain cloth selling at a price of rm150? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998691082000732} +{"text": "QUOTE(JerryTeh @ May 21 2016, 12:20 PM)+1Seriously chinese who pray to datogong don eat pork on friday.So its a notification for them.Why muslim always think the world rounding them, not the other way.Its haram to disrespect other religions, no?Btw someone please post the \"bab halal\" comicVictimhood. Claiming they are victims to justify oppression of others. Common theme in what is wrong with the world today ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996657371520996} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ May 18 2024, 01:06 PM)Just to let the nons know, the business was set up primarily to fund a religious school. If u have reservations against it, thats fine. Thats your right as customer. I personally welcome such initiative, rather than relying on donations and external fundings.They dont have very good PR admin, biasalah, all new businesses got problems. Maybe some have made racist remarks here and there, biasalah, /k tard lagi teruk, dont be hypocretes. Only difference nobody knows who u are, so u can be keyboard racist warrior all u want.Titik saya ialah, if u dont like the them, just dont go there.True. This forum mainly type C hiding behind keyboard. Unlike type M, they more straight forward and use real identity in facebook. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7120473384857178} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashburn98 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:28 PM)Wasn't couple years ago during bazaar 'karipap oksigen' got viral? Half of the karipap is empty, if anyone asked.Is at least accurate advertising ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7005884647369385} +{"text": "Mesti Baca! Premis makanan wajib guna logo halal Jakim akhir Mei: BERA 6 Mac \u2014 Semua premis perniagaan makanan ... http://bit.ly/zaeB5k", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999866247177124} +{"text": "@hammanazram This entire halal issue is a case of food fraud sbb dia claim halal status guna sijil halal yg tak sah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8065974712371826} +{"text": "@alyanadlin_ @hzqamrl_ @Najjie_ @Azfarovski Penah baca artikel or tgk kat berita tak kluar pasal ada bubble tea yg haram diimport dari China ke Malaysia? Dia x mintak sijil halal pun, dia tanya halal ke x sbb dia x pasti dgn bahan dlm minuman tersebut.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(Asusm930 @ Dec 30 2016, 10:48 PM)Thanks for having some common sense.But I do wonder if (READ:IF) the non muslims were to bring non-halal stuff, would they bother to clean up properly as to not bother other costumers that might be muslims?Another thing, if non muslims eat haram stuff like pork, do y'all give a frick if it leave stains on tables that might go on other people that could be muslims? Like does this thought cross y'alls mind? If not mistaken, muslims like have to do ritual if they come into contact with porK (correct me if im wrong)Another thing, do y'all muslims think about not doing stuff that might offend people of different faith like serving mutton/beef?Another thing, from what I've heard, in Sabah and Sarawak the muslims and the non muslims are extremely considerate of each other so A would know what shouldn't be done to B and vice versa. Is this really not the case for peninsular? 1) No need so many ifsActually it is no outside food allowed. End of story.2) west malaysians regardless of race r selfish idiots without civic mindedness and common senseThat means regardless it is against another race or within same race or towards animals or public items or things for sale in hypermarkets or pasar malam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8122881054878235} +{"text": "Even some popular western cafe or restaurant takde sijil halal..sebab apa? Sebab diaorang also provide liquor..tapi kita masih tetap bangga check in dan selfie makan kat situ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7686914801597595} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 23 2024, 10:28 PM)1. Malay culture is a feudal society that based on loyalty for it's ruler. Politician knows this and being loyal to your party will reward you in the future.The hierarchy is Rakyat will look up for the KK, KK will look up to YB, YB will look up to Ministers and Ministers will look up to the KingIf rumah banjir, rakyat will complain to KK to ask for help. Then YB will give fund to gali parit or bina jetty.Even so if the YB need a bigger fund like building bridge so that Rakyat don't need ferry anymore, he have to make his way up to ask for fund from Minister.That is how the system works. You loyal, you get his attention immediately. If not, take a number. 2. There are no moderate Muslim in Islam. Muslim only follows Sunnah Waljamaah path. The rest are not considered Muslim but Munafiq and Kafir. Iran are Syiah and it is a religion that is not tolerated in Malaysia. ISIS killed more Muslim than others. Suicide is the only sin that cannot be forgiven in Islam.3. That is what NEP is trying to do, give equal access to education for all it's people and currently we are not doing thatand since majority of Bumi lives in non urban areas, they are given privilege to buy a home in the urban areas, access to schools and colleges and more business/finance opportunity for the Bumi.When you say, we should help only the poor - we have plenty of departments for that like JKM and such.Every ethnic here lives in their own bubble and wealth only trickles down between themselves. 4. The gap between Malay and Chinese is getting closer every year so NEP works. That is the goal here, to close the income gap between Malay and Chinese.The gap is the core reason why 13th May started. It is also the reason for a lot of racial riots in Indonesia and Singapura. If you say only the elite enriches the elites, so it proves that wealth trickles down to their own kind.It'll provide more job opportunities for people down below.There are always elites in every society, we are not communist or Kibbutz dwellersEpilogueMalaysia need to boost its population to at least 50 Million to be able for us to stand on our feet without any foreign labor.We need to improve our food production in farms and fisheries to support this population boom.We are entering from the age of maturity to the age of mass consumption, which is the final stage of economic growth stage.Closing the gap income distribution between Bumi and Non Bumi will stabilize racial relationshipin order for a stable politics and positive economic growth. Abolish NEP once the goal is achieved.Close all SJKC/I and only use one stream of school system. Split it into STEM, TVET or Art if needed.Impose Bahasa Melayu to all the children so that it can be the lingua franca to ease the relation between ethnics just like Thai and Indonesian did.Keep Malaysia secular with Sharia law only to Muslim and never impose it to others.Ease up our citizenship applications so that we can accept more like minded people as our fellow citizen.Absorb Brunei as Malaysia's 15th state if they wanted to. Make it like Sabah/Sarawak as wilayah in autonomy.Thanks for your tldr input. Looking at the other perspective is always good. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9823342561721802} +{"text": "@tenoq @afiqdharma @yafex01 nokhorom. taste aku suci murni. takde sijil halal je. ok kuiz. sape best girl True Tears?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998615980148315} +{"text": "The fish quite big. 11 years old. Seller claims lah. Maybe correct la she said show fish. LANGKAWI: Ikan siakap yang dijual pada harga RM1,196 di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini yang tular semalam, diternak pemiliknya selama 11 tahun.Pemilik Restoran Terapung Sas Rimba, Norasyikin Musa berkata, ikan siakap seberat 7.48 kilogram (kg) tersebut diberi makan ikan kecil yang segar dan bukannya dedak seperti kebanyakan sangkar ikan komersial lain.\u201cKita tak bagi makan dedak, kita bagi ikan kecil yang dibeli daripada nelayan lain yang baru ditangkap kepada ikan-ikan yang dibela di dalam sangkar di sini.\u201cBayangkan 11 tahun saya bela ikan tu, berapa banyak kos untuk ikan tu? Berapa ratus kilogram yang ikan itu sudah makan, tak mungkin saya nak jual dengan harga seperti ikan yang seberat dua kilogram?\u201d katanya apabila ditemui di restoran tersebut, di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini hari ini.Tambahnya, kos operasi restoran terapung adalah tinggi dan boleh mencecah sehingga RM7,000 sehari.Katanya, selain daripada kos memberi makan kepada ikan di sangkar tersebut, kos operasi lain seperti minyak bot yang digunakan untuk membawa bahan masakan dan kos penyelenggaraan restoran juga adalah lebih tinggi kerana kedudukannya yang terapung mengikut pasang surut air laut.Menurutnya, pengawal keselamatan juga perlu diupah bagi memastikan ikan yang dibela tidak dicuri oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab kerana kawasan sangkar tersebut adalah sangat gelap apabila malam tiba.Jelas Norasyikin, ini bukan kali pertama dia menjual ikan yang bersaiz besar daripada biasa kepada pengunjung yang datang ke restoran tersebut.\u201cKalau ada permintaan oleh pelanggan, saya tetap menjual ikan tersebut, tetapi saya tetap akan maklumkan ikan tersebut adalah sangat besar berbanding ikan lain yang mempunyai berat sekitar 800 gram (g) ke dua kilogram.\u201cSebelum ini, pelanggan yang menempah ikan tersebut bersetuju apabila dimaklumkan mengenai saiz ikan dan tidak pernah timbul masalah seperti ini,\u201d ujarnya.Semalam, tular dalam media sosial gambar resit menunjukkan sekumpulan individu terpaksa membayar hampir RM1,196 bagi hidangan seekor ikan siakap dengan berat sekitar tujuh kilogram. \u2013 UTUSAN ONLINEhttps://www.utusan.com.my/terkini/2021/11/i...ernak-11-tahun/This post has been edited by Volfeed: Nov 5 2021, 05:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992412328720093} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ Jan 23 2021, 08:27 PM)itu sijil lagi mahal dr sayur yg dia bg free.UMNO boleh tiap2 minggu buka dapur bagi ayam kah?try buka kat KL tiap2 hari.I konfirm you UMNO menang semua kerusi KL.Ada UMNO, maka tidak ada rakyat yang lapar di ibu kota.Tapi mesti ada ayam ok?2feideithekingsharkbetol ke, dap ade bagi ayam free ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997348189353943} +{"text": "JAKIM nk spin laginot because of it become international laughing stocks and goes viral on FB...dont think they even care about it .....most likely they will stick to their stupidityand now suddenly putar halim..maluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9504674673080444} +{"text": "QUOTE(faizalfaizal @ Aug 7 2015, 09:16 AM)kalau ada duit, buat aje la brokalau dengar pendapat orang sampai tahun depan pun tak gerak lagisebab apasebab 90% pendapat datang dari dari orang-orang yang tak buat apa pundorang ni bab soal menyoal beri pendapat memang laju macam promacam dorang sendiri dah buatpadahal dorang sendiri tak keluar dari kepompong makan gajibisnes is about taking risk and venturing out from our comfort zoneYes, just DO IT! ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935752749443054} +{"text": " later zakir naik tak suka ma.... kena berambus la orang bukan islam ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960365891456604} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandawan @ Dec 29 2023, 03:44 PM)Nothing wrong with honest livingHe looks so happy there as wellhonest living? if chinese sell like this very soon will kena majlis perbandaran jemput minum kopi.. i bet they will kena soon after this video is viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Jul 28 2016, 04:22 PM)there are plenty of example which he totally contradicts himself.and I don't want to off topic dragging this, just because you post what you posted about syukur he is cina.I'm just glad that someone like you agreed that having a different religion does not constitute as changing one's race when it comes to the granddaughter's case but you seemed a little bit hesitant when it comes to Ridhuan Tee. Maybe this article can put your doubt to rest \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abManfaatkan Tahun Baru CinaOleh Mohd Ridhuan TeeTAHUN Baru Cina menjelang tiba. Malah, bahangnya begitu dirasai apabila limau mandarin diagih-agihkan ketika kempen Pilihan Raya Kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Tenang sehinggalah hari pengundian pada hari ini.Ramai yang bertanya bolehkah umat Islam bersama-sama orang Cina menyambut Tahun Baru Cina? Saya ingin menegaskan di sini, boleh. Tidak timbul masalah selagi kita pandai menjaga batas-batas sebagai seorang Islam.Tahun Baru Cina adalah perayaan budaya, tidak ada kena-mengena dengan agama. Malah digalakkan jika mahu menyambutnya demi dakwah, terutama saudara muslim Cina yang telah memeluk Islam.Hari raya orang Cina adalah Tahun Baru Cina. Berbeza dengan Islam, tahun baru Islam dikenali sebagai tahun baru hijrah atau Maal Hijrah, tidak akan kaitan dengan hari raya. Manakala hari raya dalam Islam adalah Hari Raya Puasa dan Hari Raya Korban. Dari segi signifikannya, sambutan hari raya lebih membawa banyak erti, kerana nasnya jelas, berbanding sambutan tahun baru.Bagi orang Cina, tahun baru membawa signifikan yang cukup bermakna. Jika mahu melihat orang Cina berhenti bekerja atau cuti rehat, tahun baru akan menyaksikan segalanya. Selebihnya masa setahun digunakan untuk bekerja. Kerja keras tanpa kenal erti penat. Sikap sebegini perlu dicontohi oleh umat Islam, jika mahu dipandang hebat. Malangnya, ada yang hanya bekerja sehari, mahu hidup sebulan atau setahun, dengan menggunakan jalan pintas seperti mengambil rasuah.Sebagai Cina Muslim, saya tidak ketinggalan, saban tahun 'menyambut' tahun baru bersama-sama ahli keluarga seperti ibu tercinta dan sanak saudara. Matlamatnya tidak lain, dakwah. Sambutan ini penting untuk menunjukkan bahawa apabila memeluk Islam, kita tidak menjadi ekstrem atau meninggalkan cara hidup lama yang tidak bertentangan dengan Islam.Walaupun menjelang sambutan Tahun Baru Cina, ada upacara sembahyang. Itu hanya sebagai tanda ingatan kepada nenek moyang, tidak ada kaitan dengan agama. Sebagai Cina muslim, kami tidak campur tangan dalam upacara tersebut.Pada saya, daripada menyambut tahun baru Masehi, lebih baik kita menyambut Tahun Baru Cina. Kerana impak dakwahnya lebih besar dan bertepatan dengan gagasan 1Malaysia. Lagipun cara sambutannya tidaklah seghairah menyambut tahun Masehi yang penuh dengan hiburan.Tidak dinafikan bahawa tahun Masehi dijadikan tarikh utama di dalam kalendar masyarakat antarabangsa. Boleh menyambutnya jika tahu menjaga adab sopan. Apa yang menyedihkan, setiap tahun menjelang masuk tahun baru masehi, berbagai acara sambutan secara besar-besaran diadakan sehingga tidak menampakkan nilai keilmuan dan ketimuran.Justeru, jika ada pilihan antara dua perayaan ini, saya lebih memilih untuk 'menyambut' Tahun Baru Cina kerana signifikan dakwahnya lebih besar serta menyumbang kepada matlamat gagasan 1Malaysia yang diilhamkan Perdana Menteri.Sebenarnya cara orang Islam dan orang Cina mengira atau menghitung hari atau tahun baru pendekatan yang hampir sama, walaupun cara sambutan berbeza. Kalendar Islam dan kalendar Cina disebut sebagai kalendar kamari (bulan) atau kalendar lunar, yakni berasaskan kepada peredaran bulan.Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina lahir dari rasa takut dan mitos. Legenda berbicara tentang binatang liar bernama Nien (juga membawa makna \"tahun\") yang muncul di akhir setiap tahun di Tanah Besar China suatu ketika dahulu. Nien dikatakan bertindak menyerang dan membunuh penduduk kampung. Cara untuk menghalau dan menakut-nakutkan Nien adalah dengan menggunakan bunyi letupan (mercun) dan cahaya terang benderang (bunga api).Kejayaan menewaskan Nien ini telah disambut sebagai permulaan kepada Tahun Baru Cina dengan mengambil kira nama 12 jenis binatang terpilih yang silih berganti setiap tahun. Perayaan yang bersamaan dengan permulaan kepada musim bunga di China adalah permulaan kepada bulan baru dan zodiak baru.Terdapat berbagai versi cerita bagaimana binatang ini dipilih. Antaranya, legenda meriwayatkan, bahawa suatu masa dahulu Gautama Buddha telah menjemput semua binatang untuk mengadapnya, tetapi cuma 12 binatang sahaja berkumpul.Sebagai penghargaan dari Buddha, kesemua binatang ini diberi penghormatan menjadi zodiak yang mulia bagi masyarakat Cina. Binatang-binatang itu ialah anjing, khinzir, tikus, monyet, harimau, kambing, ayam, kuda, ular, naga, lembu dan arnab.Ada yang percaya mereka yang lahir dalam tahun-tahun ini akan mewarisi sifat dan untung nasib binatang tersebut. Tahun ini pula jatuh pada tahun arnab.Tidak perlulah saya huraikan sama ada tahun arnab membawa tuah atau tidak, kerana tidak semua mempercayainya, apatah kita sebagai umat Islam. Takdir, ajal maut, susah senang adalah di bawah qada dan qadar Allah. Kita hanya berusaha, Tuhan sahajalah yang menentukannya. Tetapi yakinlah, Allah tidak akan sia-siakan usaha orang yang ingin merubah hidup, tidak kira pada tahun apa sekalipun.Namun, jika ada orang Cina percaya kepada untung nasib tahun binatang yang silih berganti itu maka hormatilah kepercayaan hidup mereka.Makan besarBagi orang Cina, tahun baru melambangkan titik permulaan dalam nasib dan kehidupan. Lantaran itu, permulaan tahun baru disambut pada waktu menjelang Maghrib (kalendar kamari) dengan makan besar atau reunion dinner sebagai tanda perjumpaan besar atau persaudaraan.Makan tradisi akan dihidangkan seperti daging itik, daging salai, sosej, kuih pulut dan limau mandarin. Tidak ketinggalan yee sang dan kuih bakul. Rumah akan dibersihkan dan dihiasi. Bersama-sama dengan warna merah, tanglung, mercun dan pakaian tradisi, yang menjadi simbol tradisi kemeriahan masyarakat Cina. Budaya ini telah diwarisi turun temurun.Mercun dibakar pada tengah malam bagi menandakan bermulanya tahun baru dan menghalau hantu dan perkara tidak baik. Ucapan Gong Xi Fa Cai atau Kiong Hi Huat Chai (Hokkien) lazim kedengaran maksud tahniah! Semoga bertambah atau dimurahkan rezeki.Terdapat juga keluarga yang mengundang tarian singa sebagai upacara simbolik untuk menyambut tahun baru sambil menghalau puaka dan musibah dari rumah. Juga tidak dibenarkan menyapu sampah kerana ada yang percaya seolah-olah menolak rezeki atau menyapu rezeki keluar.Golongan muda pula akan melawat golongan tua dan menerima wang ang pau dalam sampul merah bagi melambangkan nasib baik, yang diberikan oleh orang yang berkeluarga kepada mereka yang masih belum kahwin. Budaya ini juga turut diikuti orang Melayu ketika menyambut hari raya dengan warna ang pau yang berbeza (hijau).Di Malaysia, telah diisytiharkan bahawa dua hari pertama bagi Tahun Baru Cina adalah cuti umum. Namun, hari kesembilan (juga tahun baru bagi orang Hokkien) dan kelima belas atau Chap Goh Mei tidak kurang pentingnya. Ia adalah hari terakhir bagi bulan penuh, menandakan penutup bagi perayaan ini.Islam tidak melarang menyambut perayaan budaya ini. Begitu juga memakan yee sang menggunakan sepit, dan makanan yang lain, selagi mana ia halal. Inilah universaliti Islam. Meniru atau mengikut budaya atau cara hidup orang lain tidak salah. Kerana kejadian berbangsa-bangsa ini adalah ciptaan Allah SWT. Selagi mana budaya tersebut tidak bercanggah dengan Islam, selagi itu kita boleh raikan. Termasuk menggantung lampu tanglung.Jangan pula jika ada saudara kita Cina muslim yang menggantung lampu tanglung, kita tuduh mereka tidak Islamik kerana saya belum pernah melihat orang Arab berhari raya menggantung lampu pelita, lampu ketupat dan bulan bintang. Ini adalah hanya budaya bangsa Melayu. Budaya setiap bangsa saling berbeza.Bangsa Arab ada identiti lampunya tersendiri dan cara menghiasi rumah. Sama juga dengan seni reka bentuk masjid yang berkubah dan tidak berkubah. Kita tidak boleh kata seni reka bentuk Pagoda tidak Islamik. Kerana seni bina kubah yang ada rata-rata pada masjid hari ini bukan seni bina Arab atau Islam tetapi seni bina Moorish-Indian. Justeru, di manakah seni bina Islam? Jawapannya, universaliti Islam menerima segala bentuk budaya dan seni reka selagi tidak bercanggah dengan asas Islam. Dengan sebab itu, Islam tidak ada lambang khusus yang menentukan kita Islamik atau tidak. Yang penting iman dan takwa. Lambang tidak penting seperti orang Yahudi.Pendek kata, berbangsa-bangsa adalah ciptaan Allah SWT. Allah yang menjadi Melayu, Cina, India, bumiputera Sabah Sarawak dan semua bangsa di dunia ini. Mereka ada cara hidup dan budaya sendiri. Tidak salah mengamalkan jika tidak keterlaluan atau bercanggah dengan Islam.Cuma satu sahaja saya ingatkan supaya umat Islam tidak terlibat dalam hiburan melalaikan, walaupun tidak salah kita meraikan bersama atas semangat 1Malaysia. Ini digambarkan oleh firman Allah SWT dalam surah Al-A'raf ayat 51 yang bermaksud, \"Orang-orang kafir itu ialah orang-orang yang menjadikan perkara-perkara agama mereka sebagai hiburan yang melalaikan dan permainan, dan orang-orang yang telah terpedaya dengan kehidupan dunia (segala kemewahannya dan kelazatannya)\".Ingatan Allah SWT ini amat jelas supaya kita tidak melampaui batas. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum itu, maka dia dianggap salah seorang dari kalangan mereka\" (Riwayat Al-Imam Abu Daud).MenyambutJusteru, pada saya menyambut Tahun Baru Cina tidak salah, kerana ia adalah perayaan 1Malaysia. Tetapi pandai-pandailah menjaga batas-batasnya. Sama juga menyambut Hari Raya Puasa dan Hari Raya Korban adalah ibadah. Tetapi jika cara kita sambut sehingga terkeluar dari norma-norma Islam, maka ibadah akan bertukar kepada padah. Pahala bertukar kepada dosa. Pendek kata, bukan soal perayaan itu yang menjadi masalah tetapi cara kita menyambut perayaan tersebut. Jika kita isi dengan hiburan yang melalaikan sudah tentu sambutan yang awalnya bersifat ibadah, tidak mendatangkan pahala lagi melainkan dosa dan musibah.Akidah adalah perkara yang sangat penting dalam agama Islam yang mesti dipelihara dan dijaga dengan sebaik-baiknya oleh semua umat Islam. Oleh itu, sebagai umat Islam kita janganlah terikut-ikut kepada perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan akidah kita. Kita juga hendaklah berhati-hati dan berwaspada agar tidak melakukan sebarang perbuatan yang boleh mendatangkan kemurkaan Allah SWT.Kepada seluruh masyarakat Cina saya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Cina, Gong Xi Fa Cai, maaf dipohon jika penulisan saya selama ini ada mengguris hati kalian. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8326562643051147} +{"text": "QUOTE(phantomash @ Mar 13 2024, 11:57 AM)it's ok you think that, great even, a noble thought.I agree as Malaysian we should be able to understand BM, worst case scenario bahasa pasar pun jadi lah.however, it's just not very practical.it's akin to demanding respect without putting in the effort to earn it.respect not earned never works well.when others give feedback on how to make the adoption of the language effective, you argue back with this.we end up standing where we were and no progress is made.even if you win the argument, it still won't work.all you'll get is place the blame on others, and it ends there.media is the best way for anyone to adopt a language effectively.sadly our country place heavy censors to our local media, stifling it's growth, shooting it's own foot in the path to greater adoption of the language.worst worst worst thing we do is haram this that, gatekeeping others from using the language inappropriately.even if the local nons would want to celebrate the language by naming their business or products with BM, we risk being the target of contention due to \"misuse\" of terms.all these works to diminish the language further.you can't have your cake and eat it too.Yeah I agree with your point. I'm all for learning BM in school, but the solution these antis always want to highlight is buang mother tongue, ambil BM for UNITY. They keep trying to make us learn BM, by shutting down vernacular school so that we are left with no other option, but just BM and BI for the poor. I hate this type of mentality. Their thinking is like if nons learn mother tongue, then nons won't be able to learn BM anymore because of over capacity.This emphasis on BM at the expense of discarding learning our mother tongue isn't good for our society as our unique selling point has always been the multi-racial concept for tourism.So let's aim to embrace learning both BM and our mother tongue together like how it is done in SG. We have proven Malaysian are good at learning languages since those who passed SPM can read and write in both English and BM already. We need to stop this backward mentality and keep up our vernacular schools for the good of the multi-language benefits ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6680088639259338} +{"text": "QUOTE(mayhammer @ Nov 19 2023, 11:35 PM)we can go with this justificationshe do what is best for the businesswhen lotus/speedmart sell arak, dun marah also?mandarin only(that includes muslim who are chinese educated, which is much more) dun marah yaaa.....lastly, afaik, it is discrimination and against the law to fire someone in that situationLike what ktard say, own private business, up to owner who to hire. Own house, up to owner who to rent out to.Lets just stick to the same principles here.I am not a law expert, so i dont know. Probably the guy lied that he is muslim to employer and thats a ground for dismissal? I dont know. If anyone interested to bring him to court, be my guest. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999464750289917} +{"text": "QUOTE(bisobona @ Dec 28 2020, 09:07 AM)Isnin | 28 Disember 2020BANGI - Menyeludup daging wagyu yang tidak mempunyai sijil halal bersama kontena yang diisytiharkan mengandungi daging babi antara taktik dipercayai turut digunakan kartel daging import di Malaysia.Tindakan itu bertujuan mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa untuk membawa masuk daging haram ke Malaysia sebelum membungkus semula serta meletakkan logo halal yang tidak sah.Perkara itu turut diakui seorang usahawan daging import, Mohd Hafis Khairulah yang terlibat dalam industri pengedaran daging halal wagyu dari Jepun sejak hampir empat tahun lalu.\u201cAda sindiket yang sama seperti kartel. Mereka membawa masuk daging tanpa melalui proses pensijilan halal dan (kebenaran) kastam.\u201cModus operandi mereka ialah mengisytiharkan kontena yang dibawa. Contohnya mereka membawa daging itu dengan daging babi.\u201c(Kalau) Satu kontena itu boleh muat daging sehingga 15 tan, jadi lima tan mereka akan bawa (daging wagyu) yang seludup.ADVERTISEMENT\u201cKita tidak kata kastam tidak buat kerja tapi sukar untuk mereka periksa nombor kontena yang dibawa itu (apabila isytihar daging babi tetapi di dalamnya turut mengandungi daging wagyu),\u201d katanya ketika ditemui Sinar Harian di sini pada Ahad.Mohd Hafis KhairulahMenurutnya, siasatan yang dilakukan sendiri ke atas pembekal daging wagyu yang menjual secara dalam talian juga mendapati kebanyakan penjual tidak mempunyai sijil halal.Mohd Hafis berkata, perkembangan itu jelas menunjukkan daging wagyu yang dibawa masuk itu tidak mengikut prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang dibenarkan oleh kerajaan atau dalam bahasa mudahnya, seludup.\u201cAda pembekal dalam talian yang memang tidak ada sijil halal yang kita dah dapat buktikan. Bila kita tanya ada sijil halal atau tidak, dia jawab tidak ada.\u201cAda individu yang kita tanya mengakui ada (sijil halal). Kononnya dia ambil (stok daging) dari rumah sembelihan di Jepun yang ada sijil halal tetapi kita tidak tahu dia bawa masuk macam sama ada dengan daging babi atau bagaimana,\u201d katanya.Mohd Hafis ketika melawat rumah sembelihan daging wagyu di Jepun.Jelasnya, situasi itu mencetuskan kebimbangan besar kepada syarikat yang diusahakannya kerana ia boleh menghakis keyakinan orang ramai khususnya orang Islam.Sijil halal ditiruJelas Mohd Hafis, selaku satu-satunya syarikat pengimport daging wagyu di Malaysia yang mempunyai sijil halal loji pemprosesan produk campuran daripada Muslim Professional Japan Association (MPJA) yang diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), aspek halal dan haram produk yang di bawa masuk ialah sangat penting.Katanya, syarikatnya turut berdepan dengan isu sijil halal yang ditiru secara tidak sah oleh pengedar yang tidak bertanggungjawab.\u201cAda pembekal yang tidak bertanggungjawab meniru sijil halal dan memanipulasi sijil halal yang kita peroleh semata-mata untuk mengaut keuntungan.\u201cJadi, kita harap pihak berkuasa khususnya kerajaan memandang serius isu daging seludup itu kerana ia bukan sahaja memberi kesan mendalam kepada orang Islam tetapi turut menjejaskan perniagaan pembekal daging import halal dan sah yang lain,\u201d katanya.Sijil pengiktirafan asli daripada MPJA kepada syarikat Mohd Hafis.Dalam pada itu, Mohd Hafis mengingatkan orang ramai khususnya umat Islam supaya tidak membeli daging import termasuk wagyu yang dijual dengan harga yang begitu rendah di pasaran.Katanya, ia berkemungkinan daging yang dijual itu diseludup dan tidak mendapat pengiktirafan halal.\u201cBagi daging wagyu, kita sedia maklum harganya mahal iaitu antara RM800 sehingga RM2,000 sekilo mengikut jenis. Jadi kalu ia dijual dengan harga terlalu murah, sangat tidak masuk akal,\u201d katanya.Selain itu, katanya, daging wagyu halal dan sah ada disertakan dengan sijil keaslian oleh MPJA kepada pembekal yang membelinya di pusat sembelihan yang diiktiraf.Tiga cadangan elak insiden daging seludup berulang:Syarikat harus 100 peratus bumiputera.Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (kastam) perlu mempunyai unit pemantau halal khusus untuk memeriksa makanan di pintu masuk negara.Kerajaan perlu fokus tingkatkan industri perladangan lembu bagi mengelak daripada terlalu bergantung kepada daging importArtikel Penuh : https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1165...am-kontena-babi\u00a9 2018 Hakcipta Terpelihara Kumpulan KarangkrafModh hafis finally taste their own kurrupt honey..This post has been edited by jojolicia: Dec 28 2020, 10:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999537467956543} +{"text": "label everything haram jer..no more headache ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929231405258179} +{"text": "Kalau aku ckp kfry tak halal ni mesti kena kecam tp hakikatnya memang kfry takde sijil halal \ud83d\ude42", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955839514732361} +{"text": "Mulai fokus ke diri sendiri dulu nder, makan makanan yang kamu pengen, beli apapun yang kamu suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990886449813843} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Nov 29 2023, 12:52 PM)not liek that. even u have high mabuk tolerance, liek drink 1 bottle tequila still tarak mabuk, its consider allis someone mabuk just sip saja, still consider haram to all muslim to drink itit means 99.999% of people sip and mabuk = haram right?or the other way round, if 0.0001% sip and mabuk = haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jan 23 2017, 10:31 AM)This is what ive been arguing about. And this article didnt add even if the product halal application being rejected, does not mean it is haram.I've never even thought of this, good point, but why would any company applying halal certificate just stop the certification process if it doesn't fulfil JAKIM halal standards, like auntie anne, they change their name to get approval.. i'm sure any company once they want to apply would do anything to get that approval right? because, let's face it.. having a halal cert makes big economic sense in a Muslim majority country.. but now that the Halal certification industry is so pervasive and commercialised , not having the certification is just an invitation for social media messaging floating around to cast aspersion of the halal-ness of the product... In this way, is this the fault of JAKIM or the dumbing down of the public.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979946613311768} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 23 2020, 06:16 PM)Chinese made punya nasi lemak little to no santan at all. Some chinese made nasi lemak no santan yet they dare to call it nasi lemak. Put nugget la, put babi la. Taste also yucks compared to Malay made one but so far i never see any Malays triggered over nasi lemak made by chinese. Yet when it comes to Chinese foods made inferior by Malay, you guys complain ckt no need put kuah, cakoi shape inconsistent la. Etc...Well, because when chinese claim which one they think is the best nasi lemak, they will still point to some famous malay nasi lemak. They dont go, wah, this nasi lemak sambal use tomato, put hotdog, wah, its the best nasi lemak la!!Most chinese actually got try both sides before judging one. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999779462814331} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ May 6 2024, 08:12 AM)Isn't it was a call to ask if the restaurant is able to serve group xx pax meal? And then confirm the reservation.So you mean, they only called, checked and confirm if xx numbers of tables can be arranged and made table reservation only and the dine in setting?I dont care what questions they asked. They can ask about the history of the restaurant for all i care. At the end of the day, no money no cookQUOTE(ameliorate @ May 6 2024, 08:18 AM)And also don't bother to call or pick up calls to cancel the reservation. I reserve then I ffk suka hati I la. That's the Malusian way.The main problem is this Jepunis trust Malusian. Lesson learned. You have opened their eyes Kevin.The owner was no street smart enough to ask for deposit and assumed they will turn up based on trust. In business, no money no talk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999570846557617} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Dec 15 2022, 11:21 AM)Actually, even the rules on dog is not stated in quran. Only pig and alcohol is mentioned in quran.The rules on dog comes from the prophet\u2019s saying (hadis). And there is prophet saying as well that stated every thing that can make you drunk is haram. This is where the rules on drug is derived from.And even quran says that arak has some pro but the cons simply outweigh it.And back to question, since the one that is forbidden is arak which can lead to being drunk if consumed, alcohol in perfume is ok. Because we do not drink or consume perfume.And touching dog is different rules. The prophet said that if the dog drink from your cup, you need to wash. So some school of thought inteprets that the whole of dog is dirty, hence that is why you need to wash. Some simply said, only when the dog lick the cup you need to wash, as they take the meaning literally. And there are various school of thought exists.I guess we learn new things everyday..And touching dog is different rules. The prophet said that if the dog drink from your cup, you need to wash. So some school of thought inteprets that the whole of dog is dirty, hence that is why you need to wash. Some simply said, only when the dog lick the cup you need to wash, as they take the meaning literally. And there are various school of thought exists.If cat drink from my cup, I would wash too.... to me all animal are dirty, as so we cant share cup with them....Whats the diff compare with particularly dog? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9290371537208557} +{"text": "I dont get it. If wanna tegur them then its fine but why viral it and take video?Mohon pencerahan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999369382858276} +{"text": "QUOTE(vendetta87 @ Jun 9 2017, 03:09 PM)some rusa ada taring...haram tak ?pas kata jangan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9395488500595093} +{"text": "QUOTE(hc7840 @ Apr 26 2022, 04:15 PM)You go solo or group? Ayam also want cuti cuti haram city. If go solo budget how much?Now still need a lot of test? Or easy in and out like pre covid?SoloPre Covid U ask hightechgadget or cofin or jaycee1 they know betterThis post has been edited by amboi_asamboi: Apr 26 2022, 04:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9787033200263977} +{"text": "QUOTEEducation director-general Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim encouraged parent-teacher associations (PTAs), teachers, parents and other parties in smaller schools that do not have canteens to prepare food for the pupils.The improved version of the RMT has meals from over 20 menus prepared by school canteens, based on recommendations from the Health Ministry.The food and drinks provided include nasi lemak, fruit, bihun goreng, milk and Milo.Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (PAGE) chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim welcomed Habibah\u2019s statement, saying parents\u2019 assistance in the preparation of food is good as parental involvement in schools has always been encouraged.\u201cEnsure cleanliness is priority and wastage is minimised. Teachers can provide minimal supervision. \u201cIt is normal for parents to support teachers in school, \u201d she said.Parents involvement and support kepala hotak dia.MOE just wanna wash off their hands by asking parents to chip in and donate food for poor students while this shit was supposed to be under their own ministry to solve. Later raise issues about food poisoning or halal haram lemak babi and stuff are you going to point your fingers to parents again? Demand bukan main \"oh parents please provide healthy meals for these poor kids like nasi lemak, fruit, bihun goreng, milk and Milo etc etc..\"reminds me of the US retard mother's baby sitter vacancy ads asking the applier to chip in for snacks and necessities of her 3 kids for free. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985564351081848} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahbenggay @ Oct 30 2023, 05:59 PM)ini bumi milik siapa , jangan tanya soalan susah.You also dun bodo, these are Dalit/pariah indians converted to muslims, all originated from India, mana Bumi? Only those children born here conveniently get Bumi status becos Umno wants more votes. Ask the mamakthir his father mana mari? Same for ...No.10 *Dalits/Pariahs/untouchables ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9918845891952515} +{"text": "Semlm gi audit kedai sushi. Ramai betul customer islam ya. Lepastu aku jumpa cod fish roe ada sweet rice wine kat ingredients, karage ada sake dan beberapa bahan lain yg tak halal. Harini gi audit kilang pau babi. Apa la nasib. Terasa haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985806941986084} +{"text": "QUOTE(failed.hashcheck @ Dec 16 2022, 01:56 PM)All things considered maybe it is cheaper.Things tends to become like this when you are buying stuff at a big, national scale.I see. I do have reservation on its expiry date (or rather 'best consume date')This post has been edited by jojolicia: Dec 16 2022, 02:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999937891960144} +{"text": "QUOTE(toothgnasher @ Aug 27 2016, 04:23 PM)Stil it's illegall cos simpang jalan not meant for berniaga. PBT should come and confiscate her nasi lemaks and rip apart her table and poster. LHDN too should come and investigate her account and declare her earnings and tax it and summon her for doing sales without license. Also the materials and preparation must comply halal status snd yet no declaration. But ppl are quick to judge Cadbury and McDonald's when it has been always since Pharoah time been halaloii diam lah bodo... ni anak dara lawa ni.. peduli apa aku.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5325228571891785} +{"text": "\u201cPada awalnya, jualan tidak begitu memberangsangkan kerana kurang popular dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu, malah ada yang was-was untuk memakannya kerana risau ia dihasilkan menggunakan bahan tidak halal.This is where IKIAM logo comes in to fill the gapHe might not be able to go to jakim yet, but ikiam can help to boost his salesAll the best, saudara baru! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992881417274475} +{"text": "\n\n I have no problem going to any vegetarian shops, just that I'm not really into vege food.\n \n Apart from that, the vegetarian status of certain restaurant is bit questionable (I'm cool with eating at Simple Life). Unlike in some other countries I have discovered they have this kind of vegetarian certification similar to the halal here.\n \n Don't think it has anything to do with racial matter but really more on the strictness of the premise on vege.\n \n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6517733931541443} +{"text": "QUOTE(statikinetic @ Sep 10 2020, 09:48 AM)Pening kepala aku. Dah terang2 kata biskut pork floss, nak bising apa lagi. Sendiri bodo to simpan skit.Tak tau baca konon. Nanti termasuk jamban makan taik tu sebab tak tau baca camane?taik busuk pork wangikeliru satQUOTE(Coldf3ar @ Sep 10 2020, 10:18 AM)Who start viral thing should kena bamboo. Bodo betul. Nama cina. Ada tulisan cina. Ada tulis pork. You expect apa? Kismis from mekah ka? Bangang betulthey need thisThis post has been edited by andrewhtf: Sep 10 2020, 10:20 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "Senang senang je budak ni jatuhkan hukum kat makanan halal Halal jakim terbaik didunia", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9611279964447021} +{"text": "QUOTE(D10yrspain @ Mar 13 2024, 08:36 AM)Not that I agree with you or anything. Spend my whole life here I oredi knew it'll never be change here. The quota contract in education already expired but no one dares to do anything and it already answer alot of doubt among Malaysian. I'm just content living here without expecting any changes. But hey, your experience in overseas are interesting, thank you for sharing.There's always two kinds of comrade after you keluar and open your eyes.The first kind is those keluar doing well, and being honest with the life and opened their view a lot.The second kind is those keluar liao still same as in Malaysia, pengarut punya perangai, and LCLY spread shits back to their country. Usually you'll see these kind of people everywhere. If you see 10 people return from overseas back to msia and perangai sial, the likelihood they're doing shit outside and had terrible experience is highly likely. (best example would be the video shared by some hongkees saying mali UK, work delivery, life fakap, weather bad, kesian sial, mau balik, CCP tamau, is the best to watch and imaginashun what kind of Malaysian you'll encounter if they balik)Cannot take those that go SG and come back and revision tho, because we all know deep inside heart, those that go SG and come back, regardless of their income position works etc, if they're going forth and back daily, its automatically \"shit\" their lives liao. Those is not expats. They're coolie. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961303472518921} +{"text": "Isu rokok seludup pun x selesaiIni daging haram pulak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999004602432251} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dollores @ May 21 2016, 09:29 AM)Here is a UTAR Confession post taken from the page today from a Muslim friend#SL11747Hello everyoneI am a Muslim. Recently, many people were outraged about the 'no pork' sign being banned in restaurants. They said :\" Melayu semua sangat susah! No pork tu halal lah... Kenapa kena dapat halal certifiate pulak??\"Now, I will humbly explain our side of the story (as a Muslim) and I hope those reading and read with a mindful heart. I will speak as kind and humble as possible , as Islam preaches us to be.Halal does not only mean that you cannot eat pork or drink beer. The meat we eat, (chicken/lamb/beef/venison...etc) IS COMPULSORY to be killed (sembelih) in the Islamic way (called 'sembelih cara Islam') . If it is done by a non-Muslim, then it is non-Halal a.k.a. HARAM for us to eat.That is why Muslims only buy meat from Tesco, Giant, Econsave (because the source has been confirmed halal) or any other butcher who is a Muslim. The problem now is that some of us Muslims, especially the foreign Muslim students studying in UTAR ( who were looking for food to eat at night) would see the 'no pork' sign and think its halal. Once they see that the store has only Chinese workers, they started to doubt. So they had to go through the trouble by asking the waitressesThem: \" Is this place halal?Waitress: \" Yes, it has no porkThem: Um, are your meat halal? Did u get them for a halal source?Waitress: Um, I don't understand. I ask chefChef: Yes , what can I help you?Them: Is the food here halalChef: Sure ! We have to lard and porkThem: No, what we mean is...where do you get the meat ? Is it from a halal source?Tesco/ Econsave/Giant?Chef: How dare you ask this kind of questions? So rude! I thought u Muslims means no pork is automatically halal??Them: No, its not like that. Its ok then. Sorry to bother you.Imagine how rude us Muslims would be to be asking the waitresses/chefs EACH time we go to a restaurant that a 'no pork' sign? See how confusing that would be? This is why we think that it is a good idea that the government remove the 'no pork sign' so it doesn't confuses Muslims. I admit, I went to a restaurant in Kampar once that had the 'no pork' sign. After eating the chicken, only then it struck me \" omg..is this chicken halal''. After bravely asking the chef,\u00a0 he says that the chicken is from the chinese lady at pasar malam (which is haram for us because our chicken can only be killed by a Muslim in the Islamic way ) and I felt SO SO SO GUILTY for what I have done.Now, to clear some misconceptions that some of you are going to attack me.1) I have never found non-halal restaurants disgusting or revolting because they are non-Halal. I've chinese friends who would tapau seriously non-halal\u00a0 good looking food. I will not eat them of course, but I would acknowldge it when my friend says it tastes good.2) I'm sorry if this government step has caused restaurant owners to remove their sign which they have paid with their own money. This step should have been implemented and shared towards the whole Malaysian community decades ago. 3) I'm sorry that restaurants that does not serve pork are now offically non-halal for Muslims to eat (thus, decrease in customers,lesser income). But please understand that for us Muslims, eating chicken/beef/lamb/etc....meat that is not sembelih cara Islam is just as sinful as eating pork.So many Muslims have accidentally eaten haram food for YEARS and not know it , because of the 'no pork' sign.4) I am sorry that now, restaurants who want to be considered halal have to go through the process of getting the halal certificate. Its a sudden change, but trust me, Muslims cannot eat met that is not halal, even if its chicken/beef/lamb/venison..etc.. If you feel that it is too much work, its okay. Don't force yourself to apply for halal certificate. Continue operating as a non-halal restaurant. Nothing wrong with that right? You would lose your Muslim customers...but I'm sure u have loyal non-Muslim customers right?Muslim tourist who come to Malaysia too have complained how they have been to restaurants they thought were Halal but were not.I was first confused and frustrated as to why Non-Muslims are angry with this rule. I mean, it will only affect Muslims to know better. I don't get how non-Muslims would be affected by this. But I am extremely curious to know how it affects non-Muslims. Please let me know. I am sorry that the recent ban hurt a lot of people. I blame the government for this.This ' no pork' rule should have never been invented because it confuses a lot of Muslims and the sudden change hurts non-Muslims as well.I hope the people who decide to comment below will be as mindful and kind as possible. Raise your words, not your voice. Before I end, let me just type out a list of other restrictions on food according to Islamic law :1) can't eat meat that live in 'dua alam' . ex: Crocodiles, frogs2) can't eat from pots or pans or spoons or cooking utensils that have cooked pork/non-halal meat/ beer3)can't drink alchocol (obviously)Have a nice day guysTldr the person said no pork sign is misleading and we should ban it.Would u support this?Just curioussss what people would respond and NO this is not my post, I'm Chinese n I do misunderstood last time that no pork=halal. Used to work as a waiter n said the same to Muslims who asked if my resto is halalThank you for the posting & some legitimate explanation, Yes i have to admit the purpose of the no pork sign is indeed for the purpose of enticing Muslim to dine in this restaurant without halal cert, mainly because the restaurant serves alcohol drinks & owner doesn't wanna going thru hassle of applying Halal cert from Jakim.2nd things is operator of this restaurant do not want to loss Chinese customers while getting Malay Muslim customers.You can alway dine at Chinese Muslim Restaurant which i find quite a lot nowadays.I can see you are a Muallaf, please note than Haiwan Dua Alam is actually Makruh not haram, makruh as in disapproved but not forbidden.By not consuming Makruh food will earn pahala, while consuming it bring nothing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979944229125977} +{"text": "@rabiemasrom94 Yang susu tu, orang Korea muslim tempatan cakap, dia takde sijil dan logo halal, sementara yang diimport ke Malaysia tu ada. Better beli di sini je, even orang sana pun tak yakin minum", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7721114754676819} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ May 3 2021, 08:09 AM)Kalau sakit perlu ke makan depan orang ramai? Tak boleh makan dalam ofis atau rumah?Yang tak sakit tu apehal? Iman tergugat ke tengok orang sakit tak puasa?Kamu pergi hospital suruh semua pesakit tutup aurat ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999523162841797} +{"text": "Geng Baju merah bila nak haramkan? Demonstrasi jalanan tu berfaedah sangat kan? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9705450534820557} +{"text": "\r\nAi suka gak chinese food but.. MSG dia bebebebanyak BETUL compare 2 other local fare!!\n\r\nSo makan skali-skala je la..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hollow21 @ Mar 3 2024, 11:39 AM)Fark dissappointed as hellMade more than 2022, % just marginally betterObvious some balancing act was\u00a0 done just to buy some hearts who don't give lettewFark just farkQUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:42 AM)It is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one.How it is difficult to understand shariah compliant counters on the KLSE not performed within expectation??Just look at Sapura, Serbia Dinamik .. These are counters where EPF have stake in it.. Did they made money from it ?? Big NOBy all the stats and books, savings for syariah does not perform well but 5.4%? Really think the people are a stupid! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:42 PM)boleh saya bertanya satu soalan? memang soalan ikhlas, tiada niat terselindung.dulu dulu saya suka makan fishball noodle di cheras, kerana saya yakin makanan tersebut adalah halal walaupun disediakan oleh orang cina, kerana kedai tersebut hanya menghidangkan fishball noodle, tiada makanan lain. dan ikan tak perlu disembelih.walaubagaimanapun, kemudian saya dapat tahu mereka menggunakan minyak babi (lard) sebelum menghidangkan makanan tersebut. tapi minyak babi tersebut bukan dalam proses masakan, hanya dituang sedikit atas makanan sebelum dihidang kepada pelanggan. apabila mereka mendapat tahu saya melayu, mereka berkata bahawa mereka tidak akan letak minyak babi jika saya tidak mahu.oleh itu, adakah makanan tersebut boleh dianggap halal jika minyak babi tersebut tidak digunakan?halal, since the lard wasnt used..QUOTE(jonoave @ Nov 2 2013, 06:45 PM)I haven't surf /k for long, but I think amon and danny is one of the few open-mindend Muslims in /k. (I wanna say liberal, but for some ppl liberal is a dirty word, just like secular).well educated in religion and normal education muslim are most like that..i myself dont really like people say im liberal or secular..just for info, islam already have its own liberalism but there is a rule on how liberal u can be..same like freedom of speech, to what extend a person have the freedom is govern by some law, but that is on diff topic This post has been edited by sirknieghf: Nov 2 2013, 07:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998317956924438} +{"text": "Kalau mahu mintak buka utk semua kaum sure we all welcome kan.... tapi oren takut takut benda haram so, food court sells haram haram dia oren ok? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Dec 30 2023, 10:21 AM)I will become icycle if I go siberia. i can't even stand Europe winter leave alone siberiamy scrotal sack went into my butthole alreadyhappy? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02QUOTE(smallcrab @ Dec 30 2023, 10:22 AM)WowMacam best ini tempatWhat is the temperature-16 with high humidityQUOTE(limeuu @ Dec 30 2023, 10:23 AM)Harbin was under Russia until end of WW1. Still looks very Russian.yep, today will learn in museum ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "Need jakim to tell pork is haram?Jakim say rokok n magnum halal? I see ppl confuse leh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999688863754272} +{"text": "CHIZU. Wpn namanya agak ragu\u00b2 tetapi sedap diminum, malah dipamerkan dgn bangganya Sijil HALAL JAKIM. Mari sama\u00b2 belajar ttg sumber makanan kita. Adakah disembelih menurut islam? Adakah diproses dgn bahan yg halal? Adakah campurannya halal? Kita boleh belajar.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7363256812095642} +{"text": "Tanah Haram ceroboh then jual mahal. If tanah legal wonder what's the price will be ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991347193717957} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 06:21 PM)1)brush is not a medical issueDidn't use brush. Won't die one2)there are many alternatives choice. Many brush that didn't use pig bristleHence must use non pig brushWhile for insulinThere's limited choiceHence its ok to use insulin that contain pig dnaSee the difference?use haram brush won't die, but penalize the trader ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999797344207764} +{"text": "QUOTE(andylyc @ Dec 22 2023, 06:29 PM)Restoran dimiliki non. Tak boleh. Tak halal.Restoran jual arak takde halal, tapi hot food is halal, it's cooked in the kitchen at ground floor and owned by a subsidiary company which is halal certified ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999854564666748} +{"text": "QUOTE(gingerrobot @ Apr 4 2024, 02:30 PM)Me simple...if they say halal ingredients..and I dont see any haram yang terang lagi bersuluh..I will just eat.Not easy to apply for halal cert anyways..long process. Plus makcik muslim tepi jalan jual makanan pun kena apply siji halal kalau mcm tu.But I have a srs question.. sedap ke makanan kt bungkus kaw kaw ni? Aku xpernah beliThe sambal sedap, but drink biasa only ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999605417251587} +{"text": "No need to do warning la, just use your budaya boikot tu.. proven effective already mah kan? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9568437337875366} +{"text": "QUOTE(BuKeYi @ Mar 24 2021, 02:12 PM)Mixo ManiaWah famous dy. Anyway i think Mod lock my tered so just reopen reply this. Locking back coz malas moderate ur vroom vroom message dy. 1 delete 3 more come out. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998908519744873} +{"text": "QUOTE(KafirAndProud @ Feb 14 2016, 01:15 PM)Woi the world doesn't revolve around you la easily confused pipulPlus if no-halal sign then why the f you complain then. Sendiri wanna eat, sendiri pandai choose la holy shit. People wanna put pork-free la,gluten-free la,shit-free la suka hati dia la. If you want halal food, then find the halal sign la. Don't have don't eat la.Holy shit some people think they're entitled for everything.cross sign can make them rage...what else... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "the fact that she has to wait until viral only action will be taken...this is budaya kita dy ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.991629421710968} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 your TLDR macam wrong je.i thought he said, there is a reason why pasar ayam golek is so expensive, so he hope people can understand why. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947511553764343} +{"text": "isu \u201ckebersihan\u201d pulak??? makcik jual nasi lemak tepi jalan elok je tak gantung sijil halal siap tak pakai glove lagi, kalau pakai pun mesti terima duit guna tangan tu jugak tapi aku tengok sedap je kau makan nasi lemak tu sampai jilat jari", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974812865257263} +{"text": "@Ashril_92 @ctnurhidaya Diorg kena buat official statement la kalau nak lebih credible. Kalau ikut procedure halal kena ada sijil halal yg legit utk bahan tu, atau ingredients breakdown dia yg menunjukkan dlm tu takde animal-based ingredients.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6218146681785583} +{"text": "QUOTE(hZa23 @ Apr 24 2013, 11:13 PM)belajar masak la ts..jangan malas sangat..can cook la.................................. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.759685218334198} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Jan 13 2024, 01:50 PM)https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/isl...3031de900&ei=24PETALING JAYA: Muslims may work in conventional banks in times of emergency or when there is a lack of alternative employment, says Penang mufti Wan Salim Nor.He said this shows Islamic law is flexible and always takes into account the changeable nature of life.\u201cIt should be known that times of emergency or great need allow for exceptions from the usual religious law,\u201d Wan Salim added.\u201cThis is a temporary allowance, not a permanent one.\u201dWan Salim was commenting on the recommendation by Federal Territories mufti Luqman Abdullah for Muslim employees at conventional banks to move to jobs that are considered \u201chalal\u201d.Luqman had explained that employees at conventional banks can be divided as follows \u2013 those who work directly with transactions that have elements of riba, or usury, which is haram; and those that do not work directly with such transactions.He said that even though there may be difficulty with finding employment, Muslims should make every effort to avoid or leave \u201charam places of work\u201d.\u201cTry to find jobs that are legal under Islamic law. Once you can find a job that is appropriate and halal, you can leave your old haram workplace,\u201d he told FMT.hahahah CB LAW can bend one ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7520211338996887} +{"text": "\r\nDeme babi je haram ..hat lain halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "Makan makanan kedai org yg tak solat pun makruh ni kan pula yg kafir. Tak kira la dia dpt 100 sijil halal sekali pun. Keberkatan penting. Kadang rezeki sikit tapi kalau berkat rasa mcm semua mencukupi https://t.co/tmKU2FhSnz", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999369382858276} +{"text": "Lolol kena deny masuk...str8 make rubbish viral post...Wait letter and kena sue .....tak jadi mkn sushi makan surat dari peguam heheh ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.943178117275238} +{"text": "QUOTE(jerrylo @ Nov 14 2022, 06:19 PM)ayam suka tengok TV show Hell Kitchenmana mau cari makanan halal for pan seared steaklast time makan mostly grilled steak.. nak cari makan looks like below picture..Kek u non moslem why need find halal one? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999630451202393} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Nov 23 2020, 03:46 PM)kopi o the\u00a0 best la...eat during rain = bestest ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996869564056396} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Nov 24 2023, 10:51 AM)To those asking knp rokok boleh, arak tak bolehHukum berbeza yeJgn soal banyak Jadi fatwa tentang rokok haram itu apa? Cakap kosong? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "Kena tangkap dgn majlis bandaraya jgn viral ckp pihak berkuasa salah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "So let me get this straight....When it comes to alcohol... shop ini market itu tak boleh jual sebab kedai mesti jual barang halal.Tapi.. when it comes to import meat... \"ini bukan kesalah I.\" Import meat is not under JAKIM's jurisdiction, so no need to scream halal cert ini halal cert itu?Hyprocrit betul ini. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993987083435059} +{"text": "999 isu hari ni semua pasal status Halal. Serbu kaw\u00b2 punya. Ade yg tipu sijil halal, letak halal sesuka hati pada produk. Goodjob pejabat agama & kpdnkk \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9889994263648987} +{"text": "QUOTE(revious @ Jan 15 2018, 09:42 PM)Go Alamesara, find Koki Bandung restaurant. Eat ayam artist with super pedas sambal.. \ud83d\ude23that one have to go at specific time...otherwise really cheebai, chicken already fried for the last few hours, add sambal per saucer rm1,fk..ban for life. but I like the spiciness, always asked for extra sambalQUOTE(MR_alien @ Jan 15 2018, 09:44 PM)thn u can't enjoy your waifu already can la, use her bumi status to buy land on top of kokol and build my house there QUOTE(ben3003 @ Jan 15 2018, 09:47 PM)tat day the XXL is like rm13 per 100g, so still consider ok la.. really fuking satisfied. Wow last time at alam mesra? Fuk why they moved haha.. but alam mesra is a dead place anyway\u00a0 all their crab air flown from indon, freaking huge and meaty. since they moved to town centre, can pump up price for PRC customer. open shop at alamesra damn kesian, even the Swiss Pharma boss stays in alamesra and drive Rolls Royce also no dine there ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9828961491584778} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Sep 5 2023, 09:50 AM)All those methods just to increase confidence right?Eventually might still become issue .. some group tak puas hati.. sebab owner is a non.Confidence increased, but still not enough..Sometimes, no amount of work can stall those who is dengki with other ppl success. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996864795684814} +{"text": "And oh..the best Japanese food are those of the so-called non-halal variant. Not your sushi king, sushi zanmai shit. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999968409538269} +{"text": "Aku cakap based on experience sebagai ex pekerja sushi king. Sushi king tu pun boleh ditarik status halal jakim kalau tak jaga kebersihan. Makanan memang halal je", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5992051362991333} +{"text": "QUOTE(1qaz1qaz @ Sep 11 2023, 12:44 PM)they first viral video is from a chinese food vlogger, the vlogger only said is own/cook by malay couple and never mentioned got sijil halal.\u00a0 and in all the video i watched, both the owner/food reviewer never mentioned is halal or got sijil by Jakim. they just assume if a shop own/run/cook by malay = halal. just like how roadside stall also no halal cert but everyone is buying without askingNot malay ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994562268257141} +{"text": "Hikmah mencari makanan yang HALAL https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2138155236235034&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9816476106643677} +{"text": "QUOTE(akh2920 @ Nov 17 2014, 05:49 PM)Ewww i wonder who is ur \"most pipu in uni\" LOL. None of my frens from my uni/other uni did so. Unless staying outside campus renting room one, but then those are NOT in campus hence ur point is irrelevant anymore.If u and ur circle of friends don't, doesn't mean other people don't do it as well. People do share utensils and cook ware. Makan also ramai2 and cook together. Normal practice in Uni. Even in IPTS. Especially the Malays. Like I said, even if you are not sharing utensils, the sampah, the oil and spillage when you're cooking/reheating. All is taken into account. It is relevant. P.S. I do know some stuck up people who think sharing stuff with house mate is dirty or jijik. You don't want to know what happened to their stuff in my uni last time. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9092733860015869} +{"text": "MalaysiaKini went further, they seeked clarification from Jakim. I checked other news, The Star and NST but couldn't find a similar report. So, this is just one report or one side of the coin from MalaysiaKini. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/359470Sebab rujuk pada anjing, Jakim mahu 'dog' jadi 'sausage'Anne Muhammad 18 Okt 2016, 1:42 tengahari 18 Okt 2016, 2:07 tengahariJabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) menyarankan Auntie Anne's menukar nama makanan mereka daripada 'pretzel dog\u2019 kepada \u2018pretzel sausage\u2019 untuk memudahkan memperoleh sijil halal.Pengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee berkata panel penilaian jabatan itu sebelum ini tidak dapat mempertimbangkan permohonan Auntie Anne's kerana perkataan dog merujuk kepada anjing dalam bahasa Inggeris.\u201c(Tukar kepada) pretzel sausage.\u201cYa, (kerana) panel tak dapat pertimbangkan perkataan 'dog' kerana merujuk pada haiwan anjing,\u201d katanya kepada Malaysiakini.Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya sama ada kenapa nama 'pretzel dog' menjadi antara sebab permohonan sijil halal rangkaian makanan roti pretzel itu ditolak.Sementara itu, ditanya dakwaan bahawa standard persijilan halal Jakim terlalu tinggi, beliau berkata ia mungkin kerana mereka kurang persediaan.\u201cStandard Persijilan Halal Malaysia adalah satu-satunya standard halal yang diterima di mata dunia.\u201cPihak yang mendakwa ia terlalu tinggi kerana kurang kesediaan industri dan juga sikap ambil mudah terhadap pengesahan halal,\u201d katanya.Semalam Penyelia Kualiti dan Eksekutif Halal syarikat Auntie Anne's Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali menjelaskan Jakim mahu pretzel dog ditukar kepada nama yang lebih sesuai.Katanya, beliau telah mengemukakan beberapa nama baru dan masih menunggu keputusan mesyuarat panel Jakim, sebelum menukar papan menu dan membuat permohonan baru.Farhatul Kamilah juga berkata Jakim mahu permohonan sijil halal bagi dapur berpusat dipohon dahulu sebelum outlet dan permohonan bagi outlet pula hendaklah dibuat secara zon untuk memudahkan audit.Tak kata tak halalSementara itu Jakim melalui kenyataan medianya hari ini mengesahkan bahawa belum ada outlet Auntie Anne's yang mendapat Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia.\u201cPihak syarikat pernah mengemukakan permohonan untuk mendapatkan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia (SPHM) sebelum ini namun ianya tidak dapat diproses atas beberapa isu teknikal seperti dokumen sokongan bahan ramuan.\u201cNamun selepas beberapa penambahbaikan dilakukan, kini status produk makanan Auntie Anne's adalah dalam proses permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia dan telah memasuki fasa proses audit halal bagi central kitchen (Dapur Berpusat),\u201d menurut kenyataan itu.Walaupun begitu, Jakim turut menegaskan bahawa pihaknya tidak pernah mengatakan bahawa produk tersebut tidak halal.Jelasnya, proses pengeluaran SPHM mengambil kira setiap ramuan dan proses yang berkaitan dalam pengeluaran sesuatu produk dengan teliti oleh pakar syariah dan teknologi makanan.\u201cJakim amat menyanjung tinggi usaha dan komitmen pihak industri dalam menyediakan makanan sihat, produk yang bersih serta persekitaran yang kondusif kepada pengguna.\u201cJusteru, orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan agar sentiasa konsisten dengan pemilihan makanan yang halal lagi baik demi mengekalkan ekosistem halal yang mapan,\u201d menurut Jakim lagi.This post has been edited by joe_mamak: Oct 20 2016, 12:34 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "Beliau hanya boleh dipuja dengan makanan yg halal. Makanan yg mengandungi khinzir dan arak adalah haram.\n\nDikatakan beliau juga suka nasi minyak dan Kari ayam. \n\nWaktu petang pula kadang2 beliau akan diberi rokok tembakau. \n\nWe did assimilate to your indigenous culture.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999964714050293} +{"text": "Status Halal Coklat jenama Pepero? Untuk makluman, coklat Pepero merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal dari Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) dan Korean Muslim... https://t.co/PQgjLVWzou", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.40733787417411804} +{"text": "I think the main opposition to halal food from people is from a standpoint of animal cruelty.If you look up how the animal is killed it's basically:\"When an animal is slaughtered, the jugular vein is cut and the blood is allowed to drain from the animal.\"Apparently this is claimed as the \"best\" way to put the animal out of its misery.But when I think about it more, slowly bleeding to death does sound painful. And now with modern technology, there are machines that makes death instantaneous so there is no suffering.I don't know how the desert people 2000-5000 years ago slaughtered their animals. This might be the best method at the time but times have changed. Unfortunately, nobody has the authority to come and say \"hey here is halal 2.0 which is better\". On another note, I have also listened to discussions on the reasoning behind not eating pork.If I remember it right, this practice is inherited from the jews practice of also not eating pork. Back when the jews were still desert people, it would be a good idea not to eat pork because the methods of meat preparation at the time somehow makes it easier for people to get diseases from eating pork. However, now if you prepare it right, there is no problems.Again, it might have been a practical thing to do a long long time ago but the reason to do it is just not there anymore. The same probably goes for other types of non-halal meats like mud-crabs. If not prepared properly, you will easily get diseases ( and die ). For me, I don't really care because I eat anything if it tastes good. This is some of the things I learned when trying to understand why muslim people eat halal meat and how relevant it is in the past and now in the present. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.851967990398407} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Mar 18 2024, 06:18 AM)Bruv. That's factually false...I think touch leather made from their skin also kena samak right , not haram to touch ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998866319656372} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:38 PM)PERSONALLY, I do not look up to those Arabs at all. They are the best in being holier-than-thou. Pardon my generalization.About halal food, yes according to Islamic teachings, it has to be slaughtered and prepared accordingly with Islamic rites.No issues on vegetables and rice.So you mean halal classification applies only to carnivorous items (meat, ayam dan ikan) not to herbivorus ??Then why many muslims butthurt to eat in those chinese or indian vege restoran?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999539852142334} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mondello @ Nov 16 2020, 01:37 PM)According to Bloomberg, the OldTown brand was established in 2007 and headquartered in Ipoh, Perak.The company was once a public listed company, before being acquired by dutch coffee company Jacobs Douwe Egberts in 2018.you know, this is one of the related reasons why FDI in malaysia is declining.you have a good homegrown brand that has expanded well (besides local franchises of the kopitiam, their ready to drink cans and powder 3-in-1 are selling very well both in malaysia and internationally).foreign non china company comes in to buy said brand and also looking to enlarge their presence and fight the no. 1 market leader (nestle).current brand and new owner working within the laws and try to cater and follow all the requirements including getting and renewing halal certs.then you have the majority locals not only spreading fitnah on the company itself (whether halal status or even their ownership since i still keep reading on FB/twitter that oldtown belongs to either rosmah or ngah bros of perak DAP fame depending on who is making the claim despite JDE buying them outright) or the certifying body JAKIM which is a govt. owned agency.so why would a foreign company waste time and money in malaysia?it's damned if you do, damned if you dont.most facepalming fact is that some ppl don't even trust the JAKIM process and suggesting stuff that even Muslim scholars don't endorse (like having muslim-only cooks etc). ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.41914790868759155} +{"text": "\r\nCUma title ( thread Opener title : MAKANAN KELUARAN APPOLO ADALAH HARAM DIMAKAN ) tu kene ubah skit.... \n\r\nterlalu obvious....\n\r\nni lah amsalahnya kalaun tepek buta2 title yg diambik dr E-mail atau internet... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9917938113212585} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Mar 15 2024, 11:52 AM)tanah putera business ethics. lol. longkang level.i havent seen one that takes pride in their food. all just do air diabetes, then cheese diabetes. when do they do something wellbut asalkan halal, itu paling penting, kan!So very true.. at least must have pride in the food u sell..Too bad most sellers are once a year sellers only.. need to buy from real full time sellers ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "Pramugari, Khairunissa Jailani pada pelancaran penerbangan pertama Rayani Air hari ini dari klia2 ke Lapangan Terbang Langkawi.Rayani Air Sdn Bhd (Rayani Air), syarikat penerbangan patuh syariah pertama di Malaysia melancarkan penerbangan sulungnya dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (klia2) ke Lapangan Terbang Langkawi, di sini, hari ini selepas menerima Lesen Perkhidmatan Udara (ASL) dan Sijil Pengendali Udara (AOC) daripada Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA), Jumaat lalu.Pengarah Urusannya Jaafar Zamhari berkata, penerbangan yang membawa 135 penumpang itu dilihat memiliki tarikan tersendiri kerana Langkawi adalah pangkalan atau hab bagi syarikat itu ke dua destinasi buat masa ini iaitu Kuala Lumpur dan Kota Bharu.\u201cKami menerima sambutan menggalakkan meskipun tempahan hanya mula dibuka kepada orang awam melalui portal dalam talian syarikat seminggu lalu dan kami yakin laluan yang diperkenalkan ini mampu menarik lebih ramai ke Pulau Langkawi pada masa depan ,\u201d katanya pada sidang media selepas ketibaan pesawat pertama Rayani Air di sini, hari ini.Syarikat penerbangan tempatan itu menawarkan penerbangan dua kali sehari bagi penerbangan dua hala dari Kuala Lumpur-Langkawi dan Kuala Lumpur- Kota Bharu melalui dua pesawat Boeing 747-400.Apa yang menarik, ia menawarkan konsep penerbangan patuh syariah merangkumi pramugari wanita Islam yang memakai tudung dan bukan Islam berpakaian sopan, makanan dijamin halal dan bacaan doa sebelum memulakan penerbangan.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/101384 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5201422572135925} +{"text": "KekW poorfag goes to Genting then viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5346471667289734} +{"text": "QUOTE(silic0sis @ Feb 12 2017, 02:25 AM)If they have a list, then make it comprehensive and update it. It's for your ownsake, if you guys won't do it for yourselves, who will? List products and brands to avoid.Yes you have to fly there because no one will comply with dumb stuff like this over email.This is not standard practice anywhere in the world. As far as I know, besides foods, medicine, consumables, there are only very few material regulations for labels, for example, fillings like pillow fillings you need to have materials used.Because it is not standard, it is difficult to get people to do this for you.But, I still don't understand why I have to be punished? Why do I have to face possible legal action? Why can't you guys get together, do your research and list stuff that's not halal. Why is it our responsibility?1. I did say it's a fast moving world and new products get released everyday.of course they will update but logically it wouldn't be that fast now can it?but the way you are writing it's as if we sit around do nothing and burden the task entirely onto you.2. and if your supplier don't want to comply with dumb stuff like asking what ingredients you are using, as a responsible seller, what do you do?do you still stick to the same supplier or do you go find one that can comply?something dumb to you might not be dumb to others.a good supplier would want to keep their customers happy (yes, in this case it's you the seller is a customer to your supplier now isn't it?)3. when in rome, do as the romans do.if company wants to do business in certain country with weird requirements, can they say 'screw requirements, we're gonna sell whether you like it or not' and expect no reaction?Singapore has even more stringent rules than Malaysia with regards to food safety, do Malaysian food supplier who do business in Singapore complain?4. wow, I really like to know which country in this world that absolves a seller of any fuckups (intentionally or unintentionally). must be great doing business there where seller don't have to comply with any rules and regulations. aromachong would be very happy to relocate there.again, I repeat, only 3 things that are not allowed (ok la I write haram so it's easier to understand) in Islam.1. dog2. pig3. alcoholic drinks.do we ban it entirely in Malaysia? No.we just want you to identify and inform everyone what you are selling. last time I checked it's not that hard to do. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9824317097663879} +{"text": "@wanshah07 @iamsorga @TheVisitorQ Tak dinafikan piawaiannya terbaik, tetapi tak bermakna tak ada sijil pengesahan halal ia adalah tak halal mahupun jatuh haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999654293060303} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 25 2016, 04:14 PM)LolSo much gymnastics Fact isBeef bacon isn't haramCuz it's beefSame as hotdogHotdog ain't haram cuz there's no dog in itIts processed chickenChicken not haramThats factNot assumption Not presumption Not accusing other people in of easily confusedCuz no one ever confused about something like thisCuz most human can readKesian joemany of you say that mlm is a slandering marketing strategy that slandering many people money and lead them to face bankruptcy. but people still get cheated everyday by them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993390440940857} +{"text": "QUOTE(namuhlolyat @ Mar 30 2018, 11:11 AM)Keywords for viral foods/drinks 1st - nasi lemak, example: nasi lemak burger, nasi lemak capati, nasi lemak anak dara berleleh2nd - cheese, example: roti cheese, satay cheese, kari cheesec, maggi cheese berleleh3rd - durian, example: durian chendol, durian tart, durian kariThe ultimate viral food are combination of all 3 of them, namely nasilemak durian cheese berleleh.Cendol durian is not new.That heavenly cendol existed for long and long and long time ago ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969289898872375} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 12:03 PM)ever drink in front of Muslim? or just yourself?By myself lor. Must be chilled only best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Jan 7 2015, 11:09 AM)saya pernah jumpa satu orang tua kat Johor..dia punya amalan cukup cukup karutdia ajar, kalau tak dapat apa yang kita nak, pergi kat kubur moyang kita(my ancestor were famous Johor early settlers) pastu doa kat tuhan, mintak apa yang kita nak atas nama moyang kitapastu dia kata amalan baik keturunan Nabi dapat pahala sepuluh kali ganda dari orang biasa...tah mana hadis yang pernah cakap camtuorang kampung kalau jahil agama, jahil terukHuhu tu la sedih bila dengar citer camni.. Iman tak diwarisi. Mana ada dalam Islam mengatakan keturunan Rasulullah doa lebih mustajab. Ikut amalan masing2... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981114864349365} +{"text": "sedap je air ni, saya yakin jadi saya minum. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9931218028068542} +{"text": "@AepulRoza pasal sijil halal air viral hmm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911518692970276} +{"text": "Last time I worked in this ice-cream business and my ice-creams are all certified Halal by Jakim. Actually it is not hard to apply for Halal certification if you're starting from new as you have the opportunity to make it right from the start, as opposed to currently operating firms who needs to adjust to the specifications. Just follow the application and the process and always ask for advise if you do not know. They're very friendly. When they come to perform site audit and visit, always explain to them the process and make sure your premise is clean. Don't try to bribe the officers (I have to mention this) as they are very strict on it - no bribes. All the best and good luck. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999431371688843} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Sep 10 2020, 12:19 PM)different but do the bi product contains alcohol?if i drink one can of beer and not mabuk...consider tidak memabukkan?can explain more?purpose of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 09:20 AM)it subjective becausein generalwe know alcohol and pork is non-halalbut a food which didnt prepare in clean way as non halal even tho its chicken/cow remember we different opinions,one said drinking alcohol is haram but used it as cookery is halal.another said both haramany pork related already non-halal. so in another word, if you yakin with the food is halal.please go ahead.if you dont yakin with the food is halal, please move away. cheersJz like rokok rite?I remember last time owas saw rokok dilarang jual to Islam/rokok haramBut now no more sign and lots Malay smoking Makes me wonder how come last time haram now ok?Can change suka suka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996379613876343} +{"text": "Sapa berani kata DNA Babi utk makanan haram....pandai2 hampa nooo...JAKIM dah samak dgn air sungai nil dan selut... http://fb.me/3lmOn7QI0", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "The first time 48-year-old rapper Sheikh Haikel tried Hainanese chicken rice, his mind was blown. He tells 8days.sg: \u201cWhen I was young, I had the chance to try chicken rice from a famous stall. Those were the days they only sold chicken rice, and didn\u2019t have [pork] zi char dishes. My gosh! It just turned my world around. I was thinking about how there\u2019s no pork in chicken rice, so I\u2019m sure I can find somebody who can achieve the same [authentic] taste, but halal,\u201d he excitedly shares. That somebody turned out to be him. He recently opened a legit Hainanese chicken rice eatery named Hai Ge Ji Hainanese Chicken Rice, a clever play on his name Haikel. He set up the 50-seater Bugis restaurant together with his celeb wife, Anna Belle Francis, 46, and five other business partners. The full-service eatery opened on 7 July 2024, and is the latest of the rapper\u2019s F&B ventures - Sheikh also co-owns halal yakiniku joint Wakuwaku Yakiniku and the now-defunct burger joint, FatPapas. Why Hainanese chicken rice? Of all the local foods, why did the rapper choose to specialise in Hainanese chicken rice? Sheikh says: \u201cChicken rice is a local staple - every foreigner that comes to Singapore, people tell them to try chicken rice. It\u2019s a dish you can\u2019t play around with.\u201d Though Hai Ge Ji isn\u2019t the first to sell halal chicken rice, Sheikh notes that the other stalls aren\u2019t at the scale of bigger brand names. \u201cI think it was high time that we had a halal Hainanese chicken rice shop that plays at the same level as the old-school big boys like Boon Tong Kee and Five Star Chicken Rice,\u201d he explains. Anna Belle tells us they have plans to expand: \u201cWe are concentrating 100 percent on the launch of our first outlet, but yes, discussions have taken place about expansion into chains in future\u201d.Worked with a team of Chinese cooks To ensure that their dish remains true to taste, Sheikh and Anna Belle hired a team of four Chinese cooks, one of whom hails from Hainan, China, and another who worked at a \u201cfamous chicken rice chain\u201d (they tell us which one off the record) in Singapore. \u201cWe wanted an authentic experience, and we can only replicate this if we work closely with our Chinese cooks,\u201d Anna Belle explains. What exactly is this authentic taste? Sheikh emphasises on the soy-based sauce and chilli: \u201cIf the sauce is done right and has the right consistency, it clings onto and gets absorbed by the chicken meat. The chilli has to be hot, sour, and can\u2019t slide off the spoon so easily\u201d. The restaurant also uses \u201cpremium halal chickens\u201d, and jasmine rice. While we haven\u2019t tried Hai Ge\u2019s chicken rice yet, Sheikh boldly declares it \u201cthe best Hainanese chicken rice\u201d in a video he posted on his socials. What makes them the best exactly? The celeb says: \u201caside from being halal, the restaurant replicates the complete Hainanese chicken rice experience with traditional recipes, Chinese chefs, Chinese decor and ambience\u201d. They\u2019ve only officially opened a day ago, but he says response has been overwhelmingly good: \u201cI\u2019m very humbled - it has been packed nonstop and full-house [since opening].\u201d Some of Hai Ge\u2019s supporters include fellow celeb friends like Gurmit Singh, Diana Ser and Patricia Mok.The menu Hai Ge Ji\u2019s chicken rice starts at $8 for a single portion of their signature a la carte Hai Ge Ji Chicken Rice, and goes up to $13.80 for a Hai Ge Ji Chicken Rice Single Set with thigh or drumstick. The set comes with soup and a veggie side of either baby kailan or bean sprouts. The eatery also sells a whole steamed or roasted chicken for $42, and a half portion for $24. Hai Ge Ji Hainanese Chicken Rice is at 783 North Bridge Rd, S198751. Open daily 11.30am - 3pm; 5pm - 9.30pm. Tel: 9478 2070. More info via Facebook and Instagram. https://www.8days.sg/eatanddrink/newsandrev...ai-ge-ji-832781 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8754400014877319} +{"text": "Video show they unloading so there are no proof they bought the stuffs from non-muslim shop.The shop name is censored but if they are buying then should be loading into car boot not unloading, makes sense?So its fitnah?I wonder what is the hukum for fitnah?or they deserved the credit coz they suspected the shop do like that? even if the person was simply accusing without proof but their intention is good?This post has been edited by WaCKy-Angel: Aug 16 2022, 02:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999583959579468} +{"text": "\r\ndulu kan aku suka gak mkn pringles tuu..but dah lama gak ler aku x beli lepas perasan x der tanda halal..kalo dah termakan dulu tuu mcm maner erkk..kalo x sengaja x per kan..:hmm:", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998476505279541} +{"text": "\r\nkita yakin, kita makan...waswas xyah makan. kalau aku jd ND, aku xkan post kt fb or ig...sbb mengundang kata2 org je, x semua org blh terima mkn tmpt cmtu hanya sbb xde HALAL JAKIM tu, wpun dorg guna daging yg ada halal certified", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999603807926178} +{"text": "QUOTE(carnby77 @ Jul 8 2024, 04:29 PM)They dont have chinese business man there...same like Indonesia...thats why even if they are poor their materials are cheapEverytime viral slit throat price restaurant in LangkawiMeanwhile carnby77 : salah type C ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5413328409194946} +{"text": "Sekarang ni kalau makanan ada Cop Halal Jakim je kita masih tak yakin.\n\nKalau ada sekali cop Halal \"Yapeim\" baru rasa lega....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5426712036132812} +{"text": "Beli makanan enak yg aku suka pokoknya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999330043792725} +{"text": "Nak order air teh ais satu. Movie bagus ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999816358089447} +{"text": "QUOTE(BlueButtBaboon @ Mar 21 2016, 12:19 AM)halal food in haram style.Topkek I kek'ed out loud ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99993896484375} +{"text": "QUOTE(teamkiller @ Jan 5 2018, 05:57 AM)i have a reason for saying that are u blind?and cover ur aurat dudeand also lets go to mosque subuh now u going? bangun subuh, tapi start dengan mencaci dan memfitnah orang... bagus umat islam ini. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8892266154289246} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 07:44 PM)what non-muslim right is being infringed?it's just a simple issue of properly labelling some items.yes the raid was done overzealously, I already commented that it's wrong but they have stopped it.yet it's the unaffected non-muslims who are still harping too much on the issue while the actual traders are either complying of calmly negotiating with the govt./kpdnkk on how best to solve the issue.i even expected the raid to continue becos that's what the UMNO/BN want (the overreaction from nons) but they actually for once stopped the raids before the more level headed muslims voiced out their objection.what more do you want?you want them to continue winning?traders are force to test thousand of brand just to label it whether its halal or not,.. is not infringing their right ?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9829922318458557} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Oct 2 2023, 01:28 PM)Went to subang empire suddenly cannot find pork chop flied lice anymore\u2026What is the next best thing to orderTS is now sused? lolololkecian ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Aug 21 2019, 02:31 PM)If Sinkapork so racist against melayus, why are so many melayus flocking to the island for work? Also, why aren't the melayus there coming to malaysia seeking refugee status?ini...ini..................................................isolated cases ohwai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7262856364250183} +{"text": "@arifsetia20132d @janji_bahagia @mek_konah @Eyda40382969 @FadzilahMamat @tg_haslinda @lizaa_halizaa @SitiHajarMRomli @IrulHussein @jezlai Wait.. Apasal Maxim punya cooking pan pun mesti ada sijil Halal?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999568462371826} +{"text": "QUOTE(sexysarah1992 @ Dec 5 2023, 06:36 PM)Well u cant blame ktards. These moronic ppl are born to be rempits whether on motor or in a car. They go everywhere claiming to be a halal person yet they are able to take out a bat and whack other ppl . So is using a bat to whack others halal? The hypocrisy is mind boggling! If u want to do bad things, stop acting like a holy person la .QUOTE(hksgmy @ Dec 5 2023, 09:01 AM)QUOTE(sexysarah1992) Morning guys. I have decided to close this thread . After all the fun i had, and being able to see the true colours of you guys, i have decided it was enough fun. It was funny seeing you guys beg for photos of my stuff that i bought. It seems like there are many insecure people in here who are afraid of 'losing' to others.I dont get whats the point of showing strangers pictures of my stuff. I get validation? And then? Do i get a single sen from u guys?Whatever it is, i wish you all the best in whatever you do and Have a great day ahead!1. You're the person that opened a thread to show off your iPhone 15 Pro Max 256Gb purchase2. You're the one that made a song and dance about how you paid it off on the back of your imaginary RM43k \"commission\"3. You're also the one that couldn't produce simple evidence to back up what you said about how you paid for it when called out (which would have been a quickfire way to shut up your detractors and put them in place)4. You then suddenly claimed that you had RM200k each in 5 different bank accounts, more than RM1m in gold bullion, RM200k in brick bears, etc - but could only produce a screenshot of your life savings of RM53k (unsolicited, by the way - no one asked to see how poor you really are)5. You then launched into a tangent about how you flew down to Singapore to have lunch at Les Amis as well after I showed a receipt for my lunch at Les Amis that was about the price of your iPhone 15 Pro Max on 36-month installment payment (no one asked you whether you've ever dined at a 3-starred Michelin restaurant before)6. You also said that money made in SGD, AUD, NZD, USD was worth less than the RM you made before you had to work harder than people in developed OECD countries who apparently have things easy for them7. And then you said you were going on a holiday (again, nobody asked)8. Finally you shot yourself in the foot by claiming you bought your Chanel bag over the weekend (no prizes for guessing: no one asked)And now you say that there are many insecure people in here who are afraid of losing to others.Bro, take a long look in the mirror ... how do you live with yourself? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996159076690674} +{"text": "Tahukah anda di Perak ada satu franchise fast food antarabangsa yang tidak ada di negeri lain. Makanan di sini mengekalkan resepi asal buffalo wings dari USA dan untuk menjual di Malaysia mereka telahpun diiktiraf halal oleh JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944878220558167} +{"text": "just sharing one of the best reminders.\nu5nVziER8cg\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997004270553589} +{"text": "Memakan makanan yang halal, bersih, dan bergizi. Mengikuti sunnah Rasulullah Saw. adalah kewajiban asasi bagi setiap muslim yang dapat menyelamatkan umat muslim dari kehidupan zaman sekarang yang penuh fitnah. Orang yang akan selamat dari dunia ini adalah orang yang berpegang", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998489618301392} +{"text": "Orang tua cakap kerana mulut badan binasa, kalau ye pun ko ada maklumat gempak nak dedah jangan emosi sangat terus nak flame bangsa lain. Cubalah pikir kalau orang post melayu songlap pasal najib tu melayu? Ada masuk akal kah? Kalau ko ada bukti cina tu buat daging haram tipu halal, ko dedahlah kompeni dia, report sama jakim dengan bukti untuk turunkan produk di pasaran. Nak buat title kencang untuk fb live tu kenapa kalau bukan kuda? Minta sumbangan ada track rekod? Ada audit for organization financial spending? Berapa gaji presiden? Sebenarnya ko nak cari kesempatan mintak duit ke ko nak bantu orang? Politikus dah banyak buat hal dengan kad rnr, ini dah besar panjang umur pun bukan kanak2 dah, jangan selalu kipas taik boleh ah?Kudos to the muslim community that help to give him a wake up comments. Hopefully he can deal with more of those mature muslim community rather than always try to stir up things. Using the name of the god, don't throw the god's face and don't make the image of islam worse. Yang ustazah pun i ingat may be tak tau dia orang buat title macam tu, kalau dah tahu nanti tolong nasihatkan lah.This post has been edited by pandah: Nov 5 2020, 04:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999704360961914} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Feb 26 2024, 10:45 AM)Even 1st world countries people like to move and live in Malaysia.Malaysia is the best\u00a0 :thumbsup: https://www.tiktok.com/@sairahayati/video/7...177063223461377 \nhhhhnnngghh muka mcm Kendra Lust ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "@halemhamdan Yang makcik tu orang compare la sebab makcik jual tepi jalan pun takde sijil halal gak, so makcik tu punya nasi lemak karipap etc semua tak halal ah cam boba tu haaa tu point dia. The thing is halal cert tu function untuk bagi consumer yakin and for business purposes je (export)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9637314677238464} +{"text": "QUOTE(armati @ Aug 9 2018, 08:08 AM)jap food rice and soy sauce\u00a0 already put mirin or rice wine lor that why jap food not halal.really feel sad for malays, especially the talented ladies restricted in so many ways.what also haram lol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994924783706665} +{"text": "Mcm tealive and chatime. Kemain huru hara semua sbb kata pearl tu ada dna haram apa semua. End up mana ada punn. So kalau ragu2, tunggu lah dpt sijil halal. Hopefully brand2 tu cepat2 apply sijil halal, and halal exec depa buat kerja cepat2 kayy hahahaha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9348640441894531} +{"text": "Meleis 1: Mana sijil halal kedai? Meleis 2: Kedai ni halal la kan sbb ada melayu beli dan makan? Meleis 3: Halal ni sebab tgh viral and famous. Burgershop dkt Subang: Kau beli juga aku tak tahu nak cakap apa \ud83e\udd23 https://t.co/sgfJR61UJO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6719962358474731} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabularis @ Feb 9 2017, 10:27 AM)Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as mediumlol, nylon, lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "QUOTE(pakmulau @ Jan 9 2019, 12:57 PM)Paling menyampah dgn manusia yg boikot sbb berlainan bangsa dan agama ni.Macam la bisnes yg dia nak boikot tu 100% diusahakan 1 bangsa saja.Dia tak sedar yang bangsa dia pun ada kerja di sana makan gaji nak sara anak bini. Sokong saja la beli saja di kedai yang kau rasa sama bangsa sama agama dengan kau. Tak payah la bawa perangai buruk hasut orang sana sini boikot itu ini.Boikot sana sini budaya kita owai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "\nPrickford replied at 25-7-2022 01:21 PM\r\nKalau arak basuh saja dengan air mutlak / air biasa. Sebab arak bukan najis mughallazah. Arak naji ...\nsetau i pun bekas arak perlu dibasuh biasa je mcm kita basuh pinggan tu\r\ntidaklah sampai tahap mesti kena sertu\n\r\ncuma rasa\"berdosa\" pula kalau minum drpd gelas terang2 tulis carlsberg dan tau cawan tu guna utk minum arak\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998794794082642} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengm2019 @ Nov 1 2023, 09:38 AM)Because to them, food cooked by Muslim is considered halal and these pple don't need halal cert...So,, by this definition, any food that has Malay name is deemed to be cooked by a Muslim and hence its halal... Actually I am ok with 100% implementation of halal and non-halal.All halal stores should have halal sign (approved by jakim), all non-halal stores should have non-halal sign. This way no confusion. If a person didn't see any sign, ask the store to show.It won't end there. It's a very slippery slope. Once you segregate like this then someone will viral the fork and spoon from non halal premises used in halal place or Non-halal vendor supply to halal restaurant. Already have example. It will never end until you do like Covid. Halal and non-halal quarantine by respective people. Welcome to apartheid. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999791383743286} +{"text": "so muslim go oversea must had eaten haram food already liao ???need change blood everytime go oversea ,..?? or just avoid go non halal country,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999711513519287} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 18 2022, 12:02 AM)Esok Thaipusam. Opis all close la in KV. No need to think. She is not entitled to have one. PM cannot suka2 langgar any law.Lol. You want make ur boss angry? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999661445617676} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Aug 16 2022, 01:35 PM)what is wrong with that?non muslim make nasi ayam, auto haram?kek punya orangthey take from shop that also sells pig... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999217987060547} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Nov 29 2023, 06:44 PM)Tomorrow lunch time I come look for youBelanja you nice lunchQUOTE(valerie0821 @ Nov 30 2023, 02:47 PM)Malu la, what you doing here today?Kek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6693943738937378} +{"text": "QUOTE(amir.asyraf @ Dec 20 2021, 02:13 PM)if doubt so much go eat sand la.. ungratefulkenot, the sand breathe the same air with non halal creature so automatic haram. must find sand that doesn't breathe or anything cast a shadow on it for things to be pure. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995545744895935} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Sep 12 2015, 11:42 AM)Malu jugak bero. Amoi pun dont want orang gemuk. But apa boleh buat, dah genetic.Saw u last time la unker.. Xnampak bambam pun?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998884379863739} +{"text": "A day will come when CNY will not be considered as MY holiday since during this period, a lot of haram (makan babi) activity happening ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTEExecutive Nurhafeezah Che Haludin, 20, reportedly claimed she almost bought the burger because of the poster.\u201cThe advertisement was placed where people usually walk, as if they want to attract the attention of all consumers, including Muslims. This causes confusion,\u201d she was quoted saying.Mana company Dia Kerja ini? Mesti kompeni kroni yg mudah konfius ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999947190284729} +{"text": "QUOTE(Balanced @ Feb 27 2024, 08:59 PM)Going to kuching for vacation. Heard many big malls since few years ago. Last time most nicest happening mall was the spring. Now which mall most happening?The summer nice ah? Heard its just outside our local unimas, might wan to go see if any potential to open biz thereSummer mall is in Samarahan not Kuching.Summer mall is dead mall lah nothing to see there. Best mall in Kuching is the Spring and Vivacity. Plaza Merdeka also ok but not as good as Spring and Viva. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999617338180542} +{"text": "protek ajelah...asalkan takde status halal memang tak boleh..!!!! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9242835640907288} +{"text": "QUOTE(fourzee @ Jun 10 2024, 05:05 PM)\"Zahid is pretty much anwars best buddy. The thing to watch is how much Malay heartland seats can BN wrestle back from pas.\" PAS is hoping that Zahid remains as UMNO president, most umno hardcore supporters will not vote BN / Umno until Zahid is gone, the Umno members making most of the noises are the ones who are getting benefits from UMNO, majority who voted Umno because of the Malay Cause have given up .. so letting UMNO vs PAS in much of Malay heartland will result in even worst outcome than the PRN ...Perak & Pahang are both gone states .. targeted subsidy will affect Malay majority if cost of living goes upSometimes, the opposite happens. There's a story in china. The invading army builds a dam in anticipation of flood in the area. When they break the dam, the city they want to invade gets flooded. The city surrenders, the army marches in and helps the people there, who were grateful for the help.So, remove subsidy and give the money through tng. It's a gamble worth taking. Poor people know, if they rock the boat, they may not get both the subsidy and UBI money. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6900444626808167} +{"text": "QUOTE(Moshpit94 @ Feb 8 2019, 05:20 PM)I truly support this. When you learn 4 types of ilmu in Islam (Syariat, Tarekat, Hakikat, & Makrifat), it turns out we should be only afraid of Allah when you have a very strong Iman. It's like you achieve 24/7 remembering Allah let alone you sleep! There is a lot of things that people misunderstood about certain verse in Quran, this is because in Malaysia they tend to teach alot about Syariat (Do's & Don'ts) thus it is the product of today where Malaysian Muslim like to judge the other people. In Islam there multiple layers of Kiamat and Dajjal.what if we do not afraid something that can destroy our akidah?for eg; the idea of alot people that does bad things, or non compliance to a rule set by a religion, and then says \"niat aku baik\" or \"apa yg penting adalah hati...\", or \"please dont judge me from appearance\" etceg; someone who smokes, or rasuah, but never misses solat jemaah?or a drug addict but becomes the main imam of a mosque, how is that?how can we not judge this people, when the visible appearance is against a religion teaching?but anyway, i dont want to focus on such specific details of a religion' way but rather to share idea that i personally believe that Anti christ have succeeded in controlling us as he is the \"tv\" (or the screen). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9300169944763184} +{"text": "JAKIM buat kerja.. Tak nak bagi kau makan babi.. Tak nak perangai kau bertukar macam babi bila daging kau sebati dengan makanan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993109703063965} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 18 2022, 10:11 AM)nak elakkan dari maksiat. so halal.Tapi membunuh sperma dengan sengaja itu haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "\nnak buat rendang, untuk raya nanti\ncik.panda Post at 9-6-2010 20:11 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Waahh... best tu... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998880624771118} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Jul 12 2018, 08:19 PM)its the typical chinaman style persatuanhttps://www.facebook.com/APDAMALAYSIAhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/433932Penganjur mohon maaf, tak sengaja 'jamu' babi pada MuslimPenganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia Chai Chang Xiu menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya.typical no reply suddenly come attitude CASE CLOSED ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "\namboi sedap dok mengata aku.. tak pe ko rela makan, aku tak rela.. cuma aku cakap, kalau dah ada laporan benda tu haram, bagi tau produk apa, syarikat apa. susah sangat ke media nak bagi tau.. kalau susah sangat nak bagi tau, jangan bagi laporan dalam akhbar.. buang masa je dok discuss benda ni\n\r\norang kita akan terus ketinggalan kalau media asyik dok sorak berita. tak macam akhbar cina, semua dilaporkan secara detail.. kalau la aku faham akhbar cina, tak adanya aku nak baca akhbar melayu dah. asyik dok haram-haram.. haram jadah ada.. tak ada info berguna langsung\n\r\np/s: sat lagi ada yang kata aku ni parti biru la.. parti hijau la.. aku tak layan politik \njoeyss Post at 10-6-2010 12:01 \nSebenarnya\u00a0 \u00a0 ...\u00a0\u00a0org\u00a0\u00a0melayu\u00a0 \u00a0pun\u00a0 \u00a0 taw\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0....\u00a0\u00a0produk\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0keluaran\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0non-muslim\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0ni\u00a0\u00a0meragukan\u00a0 \u00a0walaupun\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0dah\u00a0 \u00a0pohon\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 sijil\u00a0 \u00a0halal\u00a0\u00a0\r\nkerana\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0banyak\u00a0 \u00a0perkara\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0x\u00a0 \u00a0dipatuhi\u00a0 \u00a0 ...\u00a0 \u00a0seperti\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0produk\u00a0 \u00a0hendak\u00a0 \u00a0org\u00a0\u00a0islam\u00a0\u00a0yg\u00a0 \u00a0menyediakannya\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0.....\u00a0 \u00a0ni\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0yg\u00a0\u00a0ramai\u00a0\u00a0wat\u00a0 \u00a0x\u00a0\u00a0taw\u00a0 \u00a0...\u00a0\u00a0tunggu\u00a0 \u00a0kuar\u00a0 \u00a0paper\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0baru\u00a0 \u00a0kecoh\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0...\u00a0\u00a0ingat\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0halal\u00a0 \u00a0 n\u00a0\u00a0haram\u00a0 \u00a0.....\r\nNak\u00a0 \u00a0beli\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0produk\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0bebetul\u00a0 \u00a0 halal\u00a0 \u00a0 keluaran\u00a0 \u00a0melayu\u00a0 \u00a0 tengok\u00a0\u00a0harga\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0mahal\u00a0 \u00a0...\u00a0\u00a0beza\u00a0 \u00a0RM\u00a0\u00a04-\u00a0\u00a05\u00a0\u00a0....\r\nso\u00a0\u00a0alternatif\u00a0 \u00a0 ...pilih\u00a0 \u00a0 gak\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0produk\u00a0\u00a0keluaran\u00a0\u00a0non-muslim\u00a0 \u00a0semata\u00a0 \u00a0 ada\u00a0 \u00a0cop\u00a0\u00a0Jakim\u00a0 \u00a0 ....\u00a0 \u00a0s ebab\u00a0 \u00a0 murah\u00a0 \u00a0.....\r\nko ingat\u00a0 \u00a0 Jakim\u00a0 \u00a0 bukan\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0pantau\u00a0\u00a0setiap\u00a0 \u00a0masa\u00a0 \u00a0ker .....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999968409538269} +{"text": "aku tertengok satu video pasal air bob\u00e0 yang tgh viral skrg ni.. dia ulas pasal isu halal tak halal.. to be truth, aku tak pernah beli dan minum sejak terbaca di page fb 'sahabat jakim' yang mengatakan premis tersebut tak ada sijil halal..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6001825928688049} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 12:17 AM)Yes, i will eat as long as it is halal but i dont blame jakim if that one is the criteria. If you want to get cert just follow the standard.We all know smoking is haram, but we still smoke. Does that mean i argue smoke is haram? No. I know and i accept the sin.My question is the root cause. \"Why is the name being put as the criteria of jakim's halal cert\". This question. Why would i just simply \"follow the standard\"? Why i cannot persoal?If ppl argue that makcik at kampung is not educated enough to understand foreign language, then i can laugh. Whatever you put \"hot dog\" \"bratwurst\" \"sausage\"- these ppl wont understand anyway. So why the need to change the name? Unless you want every food to change name to malay words. Nugget to \"ketulan ayam kisar\"? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated in QuranRokok = haram decided by MuftiThis post has been edited by Seoliem: Nov 24 2023, 10:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957283139228821} +{"text": "QUOTE(delon85 @ Mar 19 2024, 12:40 PM)Salahan is being a hypokrit. Ownself pusing from parasitology to embryology ok then when pointed out, u ownself panas. Then what for you bring out parasitology when ppl ask why cannot touch treated pig hair. Don't think it's written in quran anywhere related to that, it is only that pork, blood and something else is not allowed to be eaten. If you can't hold a mirror to your own lj face then pointing out to you is useless.Laymen and lament also don't know how to spell. Don't work in hospital ok.Okay i take back parasitology thingy its my own personal view never said its from quran why butthurt? I give opinion also because someone ask why haram logically i said we dont need logic tak puas hati pulak. Nothing hypocrit its just answering to some bunch of kesian pipu sibuk hal agama orang lain and try to look smartass. In reality, keyboard warrior saja. Confront like a man la pussy ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9854860305786133} +{"text": "laaa mesti la kena tanya. xkan la nak main belasah je makan. xsemua org makan rasuah/duit haram. bila dah xmakan rasuah/duit haram, makanan sehari-harian kita mesti lah kena jaga jugak. MAKANAN YANG HALAL ITU BERSIH. titik", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9542108774185181} +{"text": "Duit abis buat beli baju Duit abis buat beli bahan makananLAGI SUKA BGT AMA BROKOLI SAMA TOMAT AAAAAAaaaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9938546419143677} +{"text": "no sijil halal = babi = haram togak arak = ala biasalah tu apa nak heran tak puasa = \ud83e\udd2f tak solat especially Jumaat = everybody act donno,act chill nothing happened https://t.co/DeyDVHRUP0", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Jan 9 2021, 10:55 PM)Vape halal. Smoking haram. Hehemembazir itu amalan ________________ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.984983503818512} +{"text": "@ribebel Aku kata ke ada babi?? Aku nk EMPHASIZE sijil halal bukan highlights ingredients yg diguna halal haram sahaja. Dh kalau guna SUSU NGAN TEPUNG UBI KAYU, patut ka kita takut sangat? Terlalu bergantung kat sijil. Kalau takut pasal kebersihan, tkpe jugak. Ini syubhah macam ada babi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(patienceGNR @ Apr 6 2021, 10:52 PM)No such thing as selective delivery. Assuming it is a 1 order, 8 items situation.Destination is revealed upfront AFAIK. Most riders don't decline where they have to go to, they only decline when it's a non-halal food.duno about panda but grab rider lagi suka non halal they say lagi banyak dapat duit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9638903737068176} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ Apr 19 2024, 10:30 AM)The graphs so funny, Shows that Filipinos food sucks so bad even their own ppl enjoy other cuisine since they have the highest satisfaction for other cuisine. Only reason Filipino food is grade 97 = pinoy pride. TopkekMalaysian pride also claim malaysian food is best in the worldactually only apart from own ppl sg rate it high ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9936177730560303} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 03:13 PM)refer straw man fallacyA straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAquotepurpose/objective and producing methodtapai purpose is for eating it while it sweet taste, and not for drunk drinking.method also is slightly different where it use yis but it wait until sweetness come out.u will get drunk if u drink 20 cans of beer.purpose of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.end quotetapai = food = sweet = conlanfirm cannot drunk-purpose of making it : food to you alcohol infused chocolate = chocolate = food = sweet = imposible to drunk- purpose of making it : more variety to human with brain how do i distort or exaggerates ur theoryor do swallow whole thing in ur brain instead of theory? A=A, B=B , A can eventhough A,B,C,D....Z all using same theory as u said, but u cannot accept B,C,D....Z? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9478339552879333} +{"text": "Tidak apa mandarin speaker, discriminate job seeker okay No haram food, halal only dobi suddenly discriminating and overboardBabi apa? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998480081558228} +{"text": "QUOTE(spursfan @ Nov 13 2023, 05:42 PM)i don't see the appeal of mcd. bk is way better. of course, haram burger options are miles ahead. most have been brainwashed since their 2\" happy meal days and continue to consume shitty food till they kick the bucket.Wokeh. Because of your statement, today I no eat mekdi. I eated 4jari ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994763731956482} +{"text": "JAMU LEL4KI@XTRA PRO REVOLVER JUICE 100% DIPERBU4T D4RI HERB4 NUS4NT4R4. BERTARAF GMP, SIJIL MESTI, HALAL DAN SELAMAT DIGUNAKAN SEC4R4 TR4DISI : \ud83d\udd25S4NG4T S4NG4T BERKES4N UNTUK LEL4KI\u2026 https://t.co/PWlJ8KfOHF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998939037322998} +{"text": "Syarat wajib; Melayu, Islam, sijil Halal, papan tanda Bismillah. dari mkn dgn kwn2 gini, biasa nya kwn pi mkn sendiri aja ya udah. https://t.co/Ws9WPM8awU", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984375834465027} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 03:04 PM)I said, provide the hadith/sunnah that says only the religious authorities can define halalness. Mana?If it doesn't say in scripture that means Jakim just pulling stuff out of their ass and misleading the public la. Consumer do not need to look at jakim and halal logo for halalness, just look at the religious scripture. Maximum that jakim needs to do is outline the standards clearly for all to follow. Certification is just to make money from ignorance.You pulak bising bising putar halim about pilot certificate and all. Big time fail.Ease of mind ma. Got halal cert from Jakim = halalGot sirim logo from Sirim = verified safe to use in MalaysiaGot IEEE cert from IEEE = certain process been impliedWithout sirim logo, you as normal user need go do Quality Control for your house electrical appliances meh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7327802181243896} +{"text": "QUOTE(proton_man @ Jul 28 2019, 01:17 AM)Continue with your protek culture ya Billions of funding to jakim to combat \u201cextremist\u201d ideologies like the Islamic State (IS), liberalism, pluralism, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.Typical, got no way to prove then suddenly label me as\"plotek\" ?I dont need to plotek anything lah, you yourself failed to prove your claims for what I need to plotek?Dont be cepat pancuted can? I am still waiting for your claim that suggesting Jakim got their fundings from haram business tax here.Come lah, I promise wont plotek, I dunno what to plotek also since you have jackshit to prove your claim ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999326467514038} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Jan 9 2020, 09:52 AM)Got wheelchair also don't need tongkat. Tongkat users tak malu ke?Inb4 tongkat users say wheelchair more advanced than tongkat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9915220737457275} +{"text": "QUOTE(SliparJepun @ Jul 26 2019, 04:15 PM)keh... again timbul pasal alkohol dalam tapai.dah berkali2 orang jawap, jawapan dah berlambak boleh gugel.still ulang keluar isu sama.bengap betul.QUOTE(khainiz94 @ Jul 26 2019, 04:17 PM)Typical Muslim Malaysians.QUOTE(darknessfx2018 @ Jul 26 2019, 04:38 PM)Should tumbuk muke ts.He earn it..Bodo counter with tapai & durian..Should give 1 flying kickQUOTE(ykj @ Jul 28 2019, 08:05 PM)Tapai and durian defense by some Malays are purely crazy. Basically talking to them like talking to a wallDefense Tapai and durian is crazy? Talking to a wall? Or you yourself is a wall? KEK.. Alcohol doesnt necessary mean haram, but alcohol in the making of liquors is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "Supposed haiwan dua alam is haram. I have heard it is not permissible for Muslims in Malaysia to eat mud crab (they live on land and in water), that's why they usually eat blue crabs from the sea. Some catfish can also live for long durations out of water, still.....lele penyet! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996926784515381} +{"text": "and nanti mesti kedai2 boba tea ni akan start mintak sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.933677613735199} +{"text": "Malas aku hype Sabah Mega Food Fest tu. Makanan mesti mahal2 pastuh nda sedap. Kunun ada Suka Dessert, tapi tu ja lah yg bikin hype dia. Tapi sebenarnya nda jg lah bikin eksaited. Awas ko Sha kalau muka mu muncul berbaris beli cake in bowl ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8382382988929749} +{"text": "If the utensils and kuali has been washed after cooking pork also considered haram?Washed properly, no traces if pork. Maybe even add in extra UV treatment.This post has been edited by Lacersan: Nov 2 2013, 06:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8977488875389099} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Feb 28 2024, 10:16 AM)hadis palsu kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999994039535522} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Feb 14 2024, 11:35 AM)You're mistaken haram and legal. It's legal in Indonesia, but still considered haram under religion.The blurred line is follower of kitab Injil and Taurat (aka jews and Christian) as some sect/mazhab considers them followers of the same faith, some sect are against this as they consider the modern version of Injil and Taurat has been modifiedonly in malaysia, people take harom, halal, legal, illegal a little too seriouslyoutside of MY, every muslim country rather prioritize practice over convert by paperwe on the other hand took convert by paper way too literally and too seriouslybecause they understand what is the point of forcing u to convert but you don't practiceThis post has been edited by MR_alien: Feb 14 2024, 11:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998564720153809} +{"text": "Sebab orang yang buat fatwa tu bukan calang-calang orang. Contoh mudah yang kita boleh ambil nak bagi senang faham, process jakim nak bagi cop halal makanan. Once jakim dah bagi cop halal, perlu ke kita nak tengok semua ingredients makanan tu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9851614236831665} +{"text": "MY VS SG (17 April 2024)Beach = MY (Top 10 best scuba diving in the world, Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island)Car = MY (Cost to own a car are low)Career = MY (Malaysian hardly on top even you are excellent, SG citizen always first.)Casino = SG (Better rate)Culture = MY (Malaysian love holiday)Dessert = MY (We have world champion 2019)Education = SG (Merit n QS)Fairness = SG (Merit not Color)Food = MY (SG people love MY food so much)Forest = MY (Second n Third oldest rain forests in the world, Borneo Lowland & Taman Negara)Fruit = MY (We have Musang King)Gangster = SG (Fully control by Gov)Girl = Same (Money)Gov = SG (Merit)Income Tax = SG (24%)Money = SG (1 SGD = RM3.51)Mountain = MY (We have Mount KK)Property = MY (I dont like stay in bird nest)Prostitution = SG (Legal)Public Transport = SG (On time)Racism = SG (No Akmal, Boycott, Carpet, Halal, Mcd, Shoe, Sock, Starbucks.....problem)Religion = SG (They not really care)Safety = SG (A country run by law)Work life balance = Same (Both also Big No)P/S: Culture, Race n Religion is SCAM. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985499978065491} +{"text": "QUOTE(Moderna @ Apr 25 2024, 07:40 AM)Not necessarily because of afraid. I wouldn\u2019t horn simply because my common sense says that there may be some emergency, religious activity/festival, or problem/protest going on. We are not living in India or Bangladesh. We don\u2019t see these kinds of crowd all the time. So common sense would say that something out of the ordinary is happening.Why not. I don\u2019t see people making an issue when a Chinese or Indian funeral possession is going on. They also tend to close the entire street in front of their houses. So what? Cina die more special ke?If people don't know what the hold up is then explain to them.Violence and intimidation is budaya Samseng. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7728992700576782} +{"text": "kangenpasmodbsd cityya allah i want \"reguler ic vibes\" again di hari minggu terus jajan pastellia yang suka dibeli ipit, beli cenil makanan jadul, makan bakmi apakah aku perlu iseng pergi ke pasmod hanya untuk makan bakmi lagi dan beli pastellia", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995135068893433} +{"text": "Kalau bising kedai tepi jalan pasar malam tu takde sijil halal. At least tu orang islam yg masak. Kalau dia letak benda haram tu salah dia ler", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6248623728752136} +{"text": "@Hannah_savanah kan. lepas tu bila kita pegi makan tempat mcm tu laju je dia kata org zmn skrg tak peduli halal haram bla3. kau yg jumud. HALAL tu bkn pada sijil atau cop JAKIM. lg 1 yg expect produk import ada Halal JAKIM. Halal drpd overseas auth bodies dia ingat fake. sempit otak btul.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "Nak cakap halal haram pls la jgn kaitkan dgn babi je. Sedangkan nak dpt sijil halal dorang perlu periksa kebersihan kedai kau. Kau tak cuci telur ayam pun boleh kena tarik sijil halal. Takkan pulak telur ayam tu jadi telur babi? Gituhhh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999232292175293} +{"text": "Bukan nak kata apa. Tapi kalau rasa nak mkn tu mkn je la(owner non muslim). Benda ada sijil halal. Kalau ada pilihan lain makan pilihan lain tapi kalau rasa nak mkn betul pergi je. Takda masalah. Geng\u00b2 ni aku blh terima tetapi kekadang statement mcm gi haramkan benda halal", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9631731510162354} +{"text": "kalau saya akan tulis cik tunggu surat peguam saya ya bukan 'maaf di atas kekeliruan'.sekarang semakin berleluasa sikit-sikit tuduh ini tuduh itu tanpa segan silu.anda perlu bertanggungjawab bila suka-suka suruh lain boikot sebab kekeliruan sendiri. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999259889125824} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Oct 6 2022, 10:12 AM)Jikalau caterer tidak menghalalkan makanan tersebut, maka haramlah pemakan tersebut memakan (jikalau dia tahu). I'm assuming the guest didn't know, so it will be halal. But for the couple, since they know, then it would be haram for themWhat if now know already? Then family and friend of the couple know they ate food that their family or friend refuse to pay. Will they go persuade the couple to do what's right or tutup mata coz ignorance is halal?This post has been edited by Purpleheaven: Oct 6 2022, 01:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995625376701355} +{"text": "got halal logo then i buy. dosa not for me to tanggung. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Ntah2 Jakim pun xde halal mamak kot . Cer check..halal bkn penghidangan makanan haram aje (sblm ade yg kecam )", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7068930864334106} +{"text": "Ngam2 saw this in WhatsApp groupSERVE NO PORKNasihat saya kepada yang beragama Islam sahaja yang suka makan di tempat yang tertulis \"serve no pork\" hati hati lah jangan ambik mudah. Betul, menu makanan dan minuman tiada babi, tetapi kamu yakin kuali dan minyak tidak digunakan untuk mengoreng dan masak babi?Pengalaman saya sendiri bekerja di restoran cina sebelum masuk Islam, dia kata serve no pork tetapi sekali sekala dia goreng babi di minyak pengoreng chicken chop dan guna pisau yang sama potong daging babi yang siap di goreng untuk makanan sendiri.Ayam dan daging dah tentu tidak halal, dah bukan Islam yang sembelih\ud83d\ude02Lagi satu, jangan ingat ada staff bertudung terus kamu cop tu kedai halal. Pengalaman saya sendiri juga di sarikei dulu, tauke ambik pekerja Indonesia Islam bekerja di restoran.Hari pertama bekerja, staff Indonesia tu kata dia tidak makan babi dan haram bagi Islam, tapi tu tauke boleh gelak cakap \" u jangan makan babi lah, ada ayam\" tapi kuali dan sudip di gunakan tempat goreng babi.Kamu tahu, rahsia mee cina sedap kebanyakkan menggunakan minyak babi.Pastikan betul betul ada logo halal yang di sahkan oleh jakim baru masuk.Kejadian ni saya sendiri pernah rasa beberapa tahun lepas. Tempat viral. Bawa suami dan anak anak makan ke sana. Nasib saya punya oder sup Tom yam (serve no pork) dulu sampai di meja, sekali rasa sup babi bukan sup ikan asli. Saya terus bawa suami dan anak balik tapi tetap bayar biarpun tak makan. Kenapa saya boleh tahu??Lapan belas tahun kot saya pernah makan babi takkan rasa minyak dan sup babi tu boleh hilang dalam ingatan dalam beberapa tahun saja saya masuk Islam.Bukan nak menakutkan sekurang kurangnya benda yang saya tahu, saya share nanti di akhirat korang tak cari saya sebab tak bagi amaran.Kira bahagian saya dah selesai sekarang. Hanya untuk Muslim sahaja ya, kawan kawan yang bukan Islam jangan marah sebab tu babi memang makanan anda tetapi haram bagi umat Islam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994537234306335} +{"text": "Kalau non Muslim sediakan makanan meskipun dalam ketetapan SOP Jakim yg mengeluarkan logo halal adakah makanan itu terus menjadi haram semata mata kerana 'opinion' jumud ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5731486082077026} +{"text": "Suka hati orang la... Nak boikot, nak makan... Semua pun nak sibok... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998247027397156} +{"text": "QUOTE(xandras @ Jan 24 2023, 12:07 PM)That\u2019s up to them to define.Actually the definition is very clear.. 0% no haram , 0.1% haram ..easy .. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970107078552246} +{"text": "na ko memang suka beli makanan time kitchen tengah masak nasi ke", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.902259111404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chekusan2019 @ Jan 10 2021, 10:10 PM)Funny how some people bend over backwards to justify jabatan agama visitProblem for me at least,Jabatan agama has no jurisdiction over that kopitiam whatsoeverNADA, zero,zilchSo for jabatan agama to conduct inspection independently on its own without the presence of any other agency that have jurisdiction over that kopitiam is just overstepping its authority.I wanna call up JAKIM to complain bani_prime gosok bebird on auntie Adeline.She is not halal therefore Muhammad seijiseimura is doing something haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9915286302566528} +{"text": "QUOTE(CarroTT @ Oct 19 2023, 10:51 PM)Amboi Bodoh tahap gaban.Start rasis pulak.Jaga tepi kamu sendiri ngok. Orang bangsa apa pun tak nampak.Only thing that follow you is jins and setans until u go to hell.Hahahahaha u sendiri triggered now ask ppl jaga tepi sendiri?Jaga tepi kain la\u2026 SPM BM tarak pass ka? \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 Then why u sibuk if other ppl dun drink alcohol?U mesti puak mabuk sentosa kan? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998981952667236} +{"text": "Antara hikmah besar Boss Ysuku tumbang ialah Melayu Islam baru sedar diri nak cari produk makanan yang dibuat oleh Muslim yang diyakini halal, suci & bersih. \nZaman dolu2 main sebat aje.#bilasemuabendakitapolitikkan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998806357383728} +{"text": "U bayar sewa, u sewa tempat you maoJangan membawang lebihTak mampu sila pergi mampos ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9938896894454956} +{"text": "what's with their obsession with viral foodlamb shank, roti tapak kuda, air balang, nasi palestin ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.944453239440918} +{"text": "rokok also haram tapi takde orang kisah pun ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995700716972351} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyamiblack @ Jul 13 2018, 02:31 PM)Honestly, this article is pretty weird because first organiser admitted that \"hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita\". Then \"lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja\". Why weren't they directed to the halal table then? Later on mentioned that \"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah\". 5 out of 50 tables and it's situated all the way in front, they could at least have people directed them or have it clearly labelled?Wanna putar pelit to save own-self i guess ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9882142543792725} +{"text": "QUOTE(piscesguy @ Dec 10 2023, 08:48 AM)Yeah...all crowd return to Pavilion.\u00a0 Boss, where is the best place to park in pavi BJ? Ayam went once, konpused. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999762773513794} +{"text": "Terpaling harmoni tapi suka kecam semenanjung ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9960629343986511} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 11:07 AM)Sarawak makan mana best, first time going there next weekSarawak is so big. which region u go to? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999213218688965} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 05:34 PM)Suka betul put words into people's mouth.Referring to zaril's remark about jakim. Nothinf about hotdog.Well. I'm just asking ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "Sebuah gereja Katolik di Barcelona membuka pintunya kepada umat Islam untuk berbuka puasa dan menunaikan sembahyang, ketika sekatan Covid-19 menghalang masyarakat Islam meraikan Ramadan di tempat tertutup biasa.Setiap malam, antara 50 hingga 60 umat Islam, kebanyakannya gelandangan, memasuki Gereja Santa Anna, untuk menikmati masakan yang dihidangkan sukarelawan.\u201cKita semua sama\u2026Jika anda Katolik atau agama lain dan saya orang Islam, itu tidak mengapa,\u201d kata Hafid Oubrahim, pemuda berusia 27 tahun berketurunan Berber Maghribi yang menyertai makan malam itu.\u201cKita semua seperti saudara dan kita perlu membantu satu sama lain.\u201dFaouzia Chati, presiden Persatuan Wanita Maghribi Catalan, biasanya menganjurkan majlis berbuka puasa di bandar itu, tetapi SOP di ruang makan tertutup memaksa beliau mencari lokasi alternatif dengan pengudaraan baik dan ruang untuk penjarakan fizikal.Beliau kemudiannya menemui Peio Sanchez, paderi di Gereja Santa Anna, yang menganggap pertemuan agama berbeza sebagai lambang kehidupan bersama dalam suasana harmoni.\u201cOrang lain sangat gembira umat Islam dapat berbuka puasa di gereja Katolik kerana agama menyatukan kami, bukannya memecah belahkan kami.\u201dSanchez berkata: \u201cWalaupun dengan budaya, bahasa dan agama berbeza, kita boleh duduk bersama dan berbual berbanding sesetengah ahli politik.\u201dhttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...XTIDbSVz_ADHWio ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.642519474029541} +{"text": "QUOTE(qsub @ Oct 5 2022, 03:52 PM)What type of activities can get wang haram? Just asking.interested to know too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999704360961914} +{"text": "QUOTE(roymustang @ Dec 19 2023, 03:16 PM)ini kabel besar bos \nqLbhhwPScz0\n\nMesti ada kabel besar with PN people back then lah, how come from year 2019 until now the building still intact there, even Unity Government one year pun tarak kacau, itu Fahmi pun not free to bother about this issue ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996576309204102} +{"text": "QUOTE(chemnz @ Jan 8 2021, 01:27 AM)Wahhh.. macam best.If meatball, just buy el-cheapo ramly meatballs. Pretty decent.since its cheap confirm use imported beef* might be something else ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "\ndua_chzy replied at 27-7-2022 02:25 PM\r\nHahahaha\n\r\nAiol suka tengok video2 lejen ni bila bosan. Tenkiu sapa yang buat video no pok no pok n ...\nkat tiktok/ig pun byk background sound, ane spiking kelakor2\r\niols mudah terhibur\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9263990521430969} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 08:46 PM)\u00a0 \u00a0 different madhhab (mazhab)?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "Dah nak April 2018, masih ramai yang menganggap sijil halal JAKIM adalah penentu status halalan toyyiban sesuatu makanan ataupun minuman. https://x.com/notreallyimran/notreallyimran/status/976045024457629697\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "dh kalau terbukti ad Halal from Jakim nk was2 apa lg..tkkn la Halal jakim pon ragu2...klau melayu nk buat pedajal ltk babi dlm makanan dyeorg msk pon, kta bkn thu..asal melayu HALAL,CINA HARAM isunya skang racist,sbb CINA..dh2 ah tu penat nk educate", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968438148498535} +{"text": "QUOTE(rickyro @ Sep 10 2020, 06:37 PM)Then like that those sweet orang putih alcohol, like cinzano, martini, stones ginger wine... All these take and cook also can de maActually that is a great idea. Now when u cook orang putih stuff, just use tapai ubi or tapai nasi u can get similar taste, best of all, its halalLike the tiramisu cake mat saleh always use alcohol, so u can actually put the espresso, cool it down then u put tapai ubi rendam and then take it out. Then u dip the savoiardi in it, put the marzipan cream on top, Voila!! Tiramisu halal and taste like the real thing!!This post has been edited by judas: Sep 10 2020, 07:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977939128875732} +{"text": "*terajang perut paat* \": Jakim patut haramkan orang gemuk. Sebab suka memenuhi ruang dan menghabiskan makanan.\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999599039554596} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ Oct 13 2017, 06:54 PM)All persons are equal before the law applies to the fact that all persons have a right to their preference or are you just wanting to be selective and tell people that their preferences does not gel with yours and therefore they are wrong? Have you been to one and seen what come out of the lint collector?You take the extreme road.Well, I do. Any fur or unidentifiable hair I hate cox I have to pick them off.His shop is closed? What is the law? Penile Code? I like it how u completely ignored the views of mainstream ulamas who call this whole halal and haram clothing issue as nothing but nonsense. Now its preferences? Its got nothing to do with personal preferences, u and i fully know that its not. Esp not when religion is involved.Besides, the ulamas who supported this biz model is in hot water, now. Tough luck ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8990322351455688} +{"text": "Keje fnb nk lalu audit halal punyelah risau takut taklepas.. stapler pun takleh ade dalam kedai inikan barang2 yang lain tu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7185139060020447} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Aug 29 2017, 08:33 PM)Even after mufti already say cutlery is no problem if wash properly with soap (after the recent fiasco of drinking cup separation by a school), some still continue being doubtful.He's quite the super suspicious on others type.Cukur that nowadays many have access to internet and able to learn that not everything is true like what these sceptics are saying.If u \"was-was\" it already become haram. So better dont eat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996830224990845} +{"text": "Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to open ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997028708457947} +{"text": "QUOTE(vapanel @ Apr 21 2024, 09:06 AM)Maybe I am wrong Heritage must be Asian enough hahaMore like heritage.......cannot be from some \"pendatang\"...they felt malu...tercabar ....kek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7714841365814209} +{"text": "Permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia adalah bersifat SUKARELA dan bukannya WAJIB. PENSIJILAN HALAL:- \ud83d\udc49TIDAK WAJIB HUKUM MENCARI MAKANAN YANG HALAL:- \ud83d\udc49 WAJIB Justeru, usaha murni pihak... https://t.co/YWw4C8QgOi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999814033508301} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Aug 19 2023, 11:20 AM)that guy's stomach is very religious. detected haram particals auto cleaningppl shud learn from this guy how to get such stomachWonder if his body can detect ciggeretes or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Tular berkaitan status halal makanan haiwan kembali tular di media sosial ini.\n\nUntuk makluman, ianya TIDAK BENAR dan merupakan tular berulang serta pernah dijelaskan oleh pihak kami pada 07 Jun... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2140809949302896&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994995594024658} +{"text": "Aku harap pihak JAKIM kena kaji balik Status HALAL di OldTown White Coffee, kerana di menu premis ini ada makanan... http://fb.me/6Xxt5UMAv", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998763799667358} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeapsc73 @ Jul 24 2024, 11:05 AM)haram?Takde tanglung. PuAS hati.Edit: eh mata senget so many tanglung wei...This post has been edited by poweredbydiscuz: Jul 24 2024, 11:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998242259025574} +{"text": "aku make sure kedai tu review and rating elok haha sebab kadang skeptikal status halal jugak", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9845125675201416} +{"text": "Sebelum beli makanan di ojol aku suka bacain komen2nya dulu biar yakin makanannya enak/ga, tp baca ini jd sedih:(", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9876366257667542} +{"text": "QUOTE(madman7028 @ Mar 31 2021, 03:27 PM)My last proton was a waja,from a wira, need to dump it after 5 years due to unsloved electrical issues.. after all these years, decided to give another try because of tiongkok tech and expertise. After going thru this tread, now worry a bit about my decision -Tiongkok tech is following the latest trend for automotive world. U see Proton, their is way backdated and doesn't seem to follow market demand. Give alasan volumes. B4 Tiongkok come in..Started with Campro based engine. Then punch cvt where we know is suck, full period. But how cant proton accept it in the 1st place is quite amazing. Now give it another name for sake of extending it where it cant fight with others especially for fc.Myvi Lg best started the trend of touchscreen radio/hu. The next or current Myvi give trend for LED headlamp. That is what market demand for, congrats to Perodua for bringing it in to market. Plus also the Autonomous safety. We consumer doesn't matter if it come from Daihatsu or whatever. Proton until now stuck with Halogen headlight for campro based engine. I believe they will keep retain the Punch CVT for next facelift Iriz/Persona. Because they ego?This post has been edited by ayamxxx: Mar 31 2021, 03:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995682954788208} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nirnama @ Nov 10 2023, 08:45 AM)PETALING JAYA \u2013 Kehidupan pekerja perkhidmatan p-hailing (rider) kini bertambah sukar akibat terkesan dengan kempen boikot yang menjejaskan pendapatan mereka sehingga 60 peratus.Menerusi tinjauan Kosmo! di sekitar Lembah Klang rata-rata mengatakan, keadaan berkenaan telah berlanjutan sejak dua minggu lalu, malah sehingga kini situasinya masih sama.Keadaan di kebanyakan restoran makanan segera dan kafe terkemuka juga didapati lengang, tidak seperti biasa walaupun ketika waktu puncak.Ia dipercayai susulan tindakan boikot orang ramai terhadap produk atau francais yang dipercayai memberi sokongan kepada Israel yang menjadi punca kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin.Seorang penghantar makanan, Zulkifli Alias, 41, berkata, sebelum ini dia mampu meraih pendapatan sehingga RM700 seminggu, namun kini sekitar RM200 sahaja.Katanya yang memiliki tiga anak berusia tiga hingga 11 tahun, jumlah berkenaan tidak cukup untuk menampung kos perbelanjaan bulanannya yang mencecah RM2,500 sebulan.\u201cPerbelanjaan bulanan saya cecah RM2,500 sebulan termasuk sewa rumah, kos barang dapur, bayar pengasuh dua anak dan lain-lain keperluan.\u201cMana mungkin jumlah pendapatan sekarang boleh menampung semua tu. Mujur isteri bekerja dan ada bantu juga.\u201cIni situasi terburuk saya pernah hadapi sepanjang dua tahun bekerja sebagai rider. Memang sangat terkesan tambahan saya rider di sebuah restoran makanan segera.\u201cSekarang saya sedang cari sumber pendapatan alternatif selain peluang pekerjaan lain sebagai persediaan jika keadaan ini berlanjutan,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui Kosmo!.Walau bagaimanapun katanya, dia reda dan langsung tidak menyalahkan orang ramai yang menjayakan kempen boikot ke atas jenama tertentu.\u201cWalaupun saya dan kawan-kawan rider terkesan, tapi saya langsung tak ada perasaan marah sebab ini adalah jihad kecil orang ramai.\u201cInsya-Allah saya boleh usaha cara lain sebab sekecil-kecil iman, kita mesti kena ada perasaan simpati dan reda,\u201d ujarnya.Sementara itu, Khalid Azhar, 43, turut menyifatkan jumlah pendapatan diraih kini adalah rekod terburuk pernah diterima.\u201cPendapatan sebagai rider merosot sebanyak 40 peratus sejak lebih seminggu lalu.\u201cMacam saya lagi terasa sebab memang banyak ambil pesanan dari restoran-restoran makanan segera.\u201cSebelum ni boleh dapat RM150 sehari tapi sekarang RM80 saja dan sekarang memang kena berjimat betul,\u201d ujarnya.Bagi Razali Rahman, 28, pula menjangkakan keadaan akan bertambah sukar berikutan ada pengurusan restoran makanan segera memutuskan untuk memendekkan waktu operasi.\u201cBanyak juga restoran yang dah mula hadkan waktu operasi, jadi peluang untuk kami dapatkan pesanan bertambah sukar.\u201cAda yang sebelum ni tamat operasi pukul 2 pagi tapi kini diawalkan ke 11.30 malam kerana kekurangan pelanggan,\u201d ujarnya.https://www.kosmo.com.my/2023/11/09/situasi...a-jadi-rider-2/boikot je,apa susah? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8617258071899414} +{"text": "QUOTE(DBKL @ Nov 21 2018, 11:41 PM)this one i agree. the way how the food prepared. if by muslim is ok, can assume they understand what is halal and haram . but if the non muslim serve without the halal cert, how we can ensure the vege food prepared in halal compliance? btw, halal is not only no pig no lard, its cover everything for during the food preparation.senang cerita, no halal cert, not sure halal, no pork, no lard better avoid. because its 50/50 condition. its uncertainties\u00a0 I can tell you that every single restaurants and dining out there, be it owned by muslim or non-muslim have incidents that questions the cleaniliness of the premise. The authority only check on a certain period of times and now you tell me, how can you be 100 sure? I've worked in several restaurants and fast food outlet before and ALL of them got funny stuff going on and you guys eat like there's no tomorrow. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9913803935050964} +{"text": "RT : asal kepada sesuatu hukum itu adalah harus, macam tu juga dengan makanan. JAKIM ni sometimes complicatekan keadaan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8625779747962952} +{"text": "HuhuhuFunny people implying non halal food is dirtyMight be best to get their brain checked ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995997548103333} +{"text": "Why so troublesome. Just say bring your own mesh grill. Condo provide pit, user buy own charcoal and mesh grill. Settle no issue with halal or haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9944965243339539} +{"text": "@arfhartoe @asrulmm asrul ni ade sijil halal x nk twit..asal perangai mcm haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "@tunfaisal Hahaha yg guna sijil ori blajaq tnggi kt luar negara tu pun tak tau halal haram makan duit rakyat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995001554489136} +{"text": "Aku bangga jadi anak indonesia.......keliling dunia tetap makanan indonesia yg paling enak.....dan bersih halal.....:", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.97323077917099} +{"text": "Demonstrasi Masakan dan Pertandingan Memasak Makanan Tradisi Negeri Kelantan sempena Karnival-I Nelayan Tok Bali 2017", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9968781471252441} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Oct 16 2017, 09:00 AM)Selepas bebas, Zamihan diangkat sebagai \u2018pejuang\u2019, bantah pesta arak di Johor http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...arak-di-johor/#PETALING JAYA: Walaupun dibidas Sultan Johor sebagai \u201cangkuh\u201d dan \u201ctin kosong\u201d, Zamihan Mat Zin kembali aktif dengan pelbagai muat naik di Facebook beliau, termasuk membantah penganjuran pesta arak di Johor, sambil diangkat sebagai \u201cpejuang Islam\u201d oleh penyokongnya. Pegawai Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) yang baru-baru ini disiasat berhubung kritikannya terhadap Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, memuat naik pelbagai mesej \u201cperjuangan\u201d selepas dibebaskan Sabtu lalu. Zamihan, 41, yang mengetuai NGO beliau, Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah Malaysia (Aswaja), ditahan berhubung ceramahnya di sebuah masjid di Shah Alam pada 7 Oktober, yang menyelar Sultan Ibrahim kerana menghalang dasar sebuah kedai dobi di Muar, Johor untuk hanya berurusan dengan orang Islam. Zamihan juga mengundang kecaman kerana menyifatkan orang bukan Islam tidak bersih sehinggakan pakaian mereka tidak boleh dicampur aduk dengan pakaian penganut Islam. \u201cKita ini negara Islam, pemimpin Islam, raja Islam, sultan Islam. Semua sumpah, wallahi, wabillahi\u2026 nak buat dobi \u2018for Muslims only\u2019 pun tak boleh, kita kata jumud, kita kata Taliban,\u201d kata Zamihan seperti dipetik rakan video ceramahnya di Masjid Diraja Tengku Ampuan Jemaah, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam. Selepas klip tersebut viral di Youtube, Zamihan menuduh beberapa media memutar belit ucapannya, walapun memohon ampun kepada Sultan Johor beberapa jam sebelum ditahan di bawah Akta Hasutan. Bagaimanapun, Sultan Ibrahim membidas pegawai Jakim itu dan mengarahkan pihak berkuasa agama negeri tidak berurusan dengan Jakim. \u201cSaya anggap dia hanya seperti tin kosong yang tidak ada otak,\u201d menurut ucapan Sultan Ibrahim di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia di Batu Pahat pada Sabtu. \u201cKalau betul dia penceramah Jakim, saya tidak tahu dari mana Jakim pungut dia, selepas ini juga saya mengarahkan JAINJ tidak perlu lagi buang masa berurusan dengan Jakim,\u201d tambahnya, merujuk Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Johor. Kenyataan keras Sultan Johor itu bagaimanapun tidak menghalang pelbagai muat naik di Facebook Zamihan, mengangkat penceramah agama yang terkenal dengan gayanya menghentam tokoh agama lain itu sebagai \u201cpejuang akidah\u201d yang difitnah. Bantah pesta arak Johor Pada hari sama dibebaskan, Facebook Zamihan memuat naik sokongan terhadap usaha membantah sebuah pesta arak di Johor. \u201cKita akan bersatu mempertahankan Islam. Inilah isu yang besar wajib kita tangani, selamat berjuang kepada pertubuhan Islam yang menegakkan kebenaran,\u201d menurut kiriman yang didahului dengan perkataan \u201c[Admin]\u201d. Ia merujuk laporan sebuah portal berita mengenai memorandum dikemukakan sebuah kumpulan dikenali Majlis Ayahanda Johor, membantah penganjuran pesta arak secara tertutup di sebuah hotel di Johor Bahru, hujung minggu lalu. Ia menerima sokongan penyokong Zamihan yang meninggalkan pelbagai komen, termasuk beberapa kenyataan dilihat mempersoalkan pendirian Sultan Johor berhubung kedai dobi \u201cmesra Islam\u201d. Mereka mempersoalkan mengapa layanan berbeza kepada pesta arak tesebut, yang sebelum ini dibantah PAS dan kumpulan Islam lain, dan dibatalkan permitnya oleh polis atas alasan keselamatan. \u201cPesta arak takpe kerana utk perpaduan\u2026 dobi mesra Muslim tak bleh kerana boleh rosakkan perpaduan rakyat\u2026 kena fhm dan hadam elok-elok wahai umat Islam,\u201d tulis pengguna Facebook Mohd Noor Bin Idris. \u201cTin kosong takda arak. Tin tak kosong ada arak,\u201d tulis seorang lagi, Subri Mohamad. Selasa lalu, Majlis Raja-Raja mengecam dasar perniagaan untuk \u201corang Islam sahaja\u201d termasuk kontroversi dobi \u201cmesra Muslim\u201d sebagai tindakan yang bersifat keterlaluan, boleh menjejaskan keharmonian, dan membawa implikasi lebih mendalam sekiranya bersabit dengan dan dilakukan atas nama Islam. \u2018Cekal berjuang\u2019 Sejurus selepas pembebasannya, muat naik pertama Zamihan melahirkan dukacita atas kematian seorang tokoh guru agama di Kelantan. \u201cInsyallah Ayahanda, ana (saya) tetap cekal menyambung delegasi perjuangan akidah ini!\u201d tulisnya. Ia disusuli dengan amaran Zamihan untuk melawan kumpulan berfahaman Ahmadiah, yang difatwakan sesat dan di luar ajaran Islam oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan. \u201cAwas, akan dibanteras sehabisnya golongan liberal dan \u2018kelompok\u2019 yang sentiasa bersama mereka,\u201d katanya, sambil memuat naik poster perhimpunan tahunan Jemaah Ahmadiah Muslim Malaysia, dan mengajak orang ramai \u201csebarkan bantahan\u201d terhadap program tersebut. Petang semalam, sasarannya dihalakan terhadap golongan LGBT, walaupun tidak menyebut secara khusus siapa dimaksudkannya. \u201cUmat Islam kena peka tentang keadaan isu semasa berkaitan ancaman budaya barat. Mari kita bersama memberikan kesedaran kepada umat Islam di Malaysia,\u201d katanya dalam muat naik yang juga didahului perkataan \u201c[Admin]\u201d.If the supposed Johor Liquor Festival is fake, owners of those Facebook accounts(many not smart enough to hide their details) will have Hell to pay for. I expect that a bunch of people will be rounded up for sedition soon.This post has been edited by jamilselamat: Oct 16 2017, 10:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9796882271766663} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Dec 27 2023, 04:24 PM)rezeki is quite broad.. anything good is considered rezeki, be it salary, health, family, etc.So is it wrong to use \"rezeki halal/haram\" since you said halal/haram apply only to food? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8986682295799255} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 9 2024, 04:26 PM)U r right The absence of a Halal certification does not necessarily mean a product is Haram (forbidden). It simply means that the product has not been officially verified to meet all the criteria of Halal certification. Cheese-flavored Doritos may contain cheese made with animal-derived enzymes, which could potentially be non-halal. Nasib baik belum makanIt stated from cow milk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Kalau kedai lain beria tnya status halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9966338276863098} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rudd @ Oct 8 2018, 02:26 PM)Halal?Makanan yang memudaratkan kesihatan adalah haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999865293502808} +{"text": "Dgrin lagu trus beli minuman atau makanan yg gw suka tpi minum atau makan nya sambil nngisAbis itu udh lega", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999090433120728} +{"text": "Nampak sedap & harga pown ok utk kuantiti mcm tu... tp knpe pegang2 makanan tu tanpa guna pengepit/senduk? Yakin ke tangan tu bersih? Dah lah x pakai face mask xmintak pakai yg penuh pun, pakai yg mcm dlm gambar ni pun dah ok. Please lah seller makanan, jagalah hygiene.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8270296454429626} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:10 PM)Actually, religion knowledge should be made easily available for everyone so everyone would understand it better, instead of just leave it as an individual matter supaya orang \"faham-faham\".After all, we do not live individually. We live in a community.the knowlegde is shared but the decisions should still be left to the individuals. and based on this thread you guys really can't blame the non-muslims for not understanding halal/haram concepts as you guys have differing opinions/interpretations between each other also. inb4 sharing knowledge in church and got raid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998095631599426} +{"text": "hukum makan makanan yg tdk ada halal jakim adlh halal selagi bahan dlm mkanan dn cara pembuatannye bersih dri perkara haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "QUOTE(mafioso @ May 2 2024, 11:45 PM)unless its your very best friend.. give 300 for what? loljust give 150 enoughused to be 100 but nowadays 150 is more than enoughif you are superstitious then just give RM168 or RM188Do you write your name and bride and groom name on ang pau? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "RT : Halal itu tidak hanya makanan, pakaian, harta anda tapi PIKIRAN+GAYA HIDUP harus Halal dan bersih dari yg Haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974519610404968} +{"text": "muka cantik, nasi tak sedap pun beli jugak..lumrah hidup.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995537400245667} +{"text": "QUOTE(Srbn @ Dec 14 2021, 02:45 PM)Keluarga Rohingya Muslim Buka Trak Makanan Halal Malaysia Di MilwaukeeJIKA ada dalam kalangan kita yang ternampak trak makanan Malaysia di Milwaukee, Wisconsin di Amerika Syarikat, usah terkejut.Ini kerana terdapat pasangan suami isteri Muslim Rohingya yang mengusahakan perniagaan tersebut di bandar berkenaan. Mereka ialah Amir Mohammad Ali dan isterinya, Majidah Mohammed Yousef.Kedua-duanya membuka Taste Amir\u2019s Roti Food Truck yang menjual aneka roti, burger, samosa, nasi goreng dan lain-lain.Malah, difahamkan ia merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan trak makanan Malaysia yang halal di Milwaukee, sekali gus memberikan pilihan kepada masyarakat Myanmar dan Rohingya menikmati hidangan tradisional, apatah lagi Milwaukee begitu terkenal dengan populasi pelarian Rohingya terbesar di Amerika Syarikat.SOScukur, NO NEED TONGKAT.QUOTEMalah, difahamkan ia merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan trak makanan Malaysia yang halal di Milwaukee, Mesti makan dengan tangan lah if makanan Melissa. WTF what Melissa food? Nasi lemak, satay, nasi Kerabu, ?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.900460958480835} +{"text": "Kalo pelaku zinah dihukum sesuai hukumnya, ya gak bakalan kejadian yg berikutnya. Halal haram tu memang cakupannya luas, ga cuma di makanan minuman aja. Semua yg menyangkut perbuatan ya ada hukumnya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992234706878662} +{"text": "QUOTE(kong5091 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:56 PM)I see, so this is also the reason y dog are haram too? bcoz dog love to eat their own pooh, dunno y they just love it, u just cant stop them....this is weirdlike cowthey poop on the dirt, then the poop goes into the dirtthe dirt grow grass and the cow ate them againpoop is from our bodysince our body produce poop everydayarent that our body is more dirty than poop?so are poop dirty?not so...according to research money is way more bacteria than poop ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967966675758362} +{"text": "Just fark off from Chinese cooker and whatever then.. Nobody ask them to visit.. And nobody is going change anything just because of your status :rolleye: ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999114274978638} +{"text": "How they know halal or not?It's not like they see the process.....If pork then tak payah cakap lah mmg haram....BONGKAR SIDIKET DAGING HARAM! BUT FIRST.........MINTA DUIT SIKIT NK BELI CEKELAT ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "QUOTE(stormsea7 @ Feb 11 2017, 07:31 PM)isn't obvious people will be triggered? and so what?non-muslim was minding their own stuffsuddenly some overzealous authority raid their business and confiscate their stuffand demandsuggest that non-muslim accommodate them and be \"tolerant\" to themnon-muslim right is being infringed herethis has nothing to being triggered or notthis is not verbal provocationthis is affecting people's lifelihoodnon-muslim are speaking now because they are afraid of giving an inch and they want a footif non-muslim give in on this issue, they risk other issue being forced onto themwho knows,maybe the overzealous guys want segregation during puasa timeask non-muslim to go away or to close shop (oh wait, that has already happened)or ask non muslim to shut up when asked to lower azan volume so they can sleep (oh wait, that has already happened)will non-muslim being concerned about this issue really be used against them?or you are just being imaginative?cos even BERSIH was used as a pretext to assemble \"Jaga Maruah Melayu\"seems like these days, anything can be used to scare muslimwhat non-muslim right is being infringed?it's just a simple issue of properly labelling some items.yes the raid was done overzealously, I already commented that it's wrong but they have stopped it.yet it's the unaffected non-muslims who are still harping too much on the issue while the actual traders are either complying of calmly negotiating with the govt./kpdnkk on how best to solve the issue.i even expected the raid to continue becos that's what the UMNO/BN want (the overreaction from nons) but they actually for once stopped the raids before the more level headed muslims voiced out their objection.what more do you want?you want them to continue winning? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8489293456077576} +{"text": "QUOTE(delon85 @ May 28 2024, 10:20 AM)You're wrong. If they find out is not type M owner, they will viral then the business will get boikotI've always known halal cert to be extra tax for nons businesses.Dude you go to Kota Bharu Kelantan there are many eateries owned by type C but employ type M. The type C boss even stand at the counter happily collecting cash from type M patrons.Halal cert is another story. Nons might get harder time in obtaining the cert, but not all type M are so sensitive on the cert as long as type M is manning the store. Some decided it's not worth the investment to get halal cert just to cater for that minor group of extremist. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999394416809082} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Jan 6 2017, 11:44 AM)Solution IMOno need to make a mountain out of the mole hill, just allow the Non Halal Cake for the few guests, not going to kill anybody.I do not know what triggered McD made that public statement.May be they caught few guys abused the premises, or Arab boss wanna show muscle. Whatever it is, it is a halal restaurant.Allowing non-halal certificate cake is actually a \"status quo\".You don't make it an issue, I don't see an incident McD kicked out the customers due to cake.KNN Commies\u2122 got triggered and played a big part fanning the issue.This post has been edited by ALeUNe: Jan 6 2017, 11:51 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969344139099121} +{"text": "i actually kinda support this.i wanna walk into ace hardware and demand for the most haram brush they have. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999833345413208} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 01:42 PM)i bodoh tak guna brain. u cakap saja laUp to you to decipher isi tersirat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "@1Obefiend Pernah tegur mama sebab suka sangat forward di whatapps bab makanan. itu haram ini ada babi itu takde sijil halal. Terpaksa korek info yg sahih setiap kali dia post sebab nak dia tahu fake news. Tapi bila tegur dia ambil hati pula. Tulahnya. Nak kata tak kena, nak kena tak kata.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999330043792725} +{"text": "QUOTE(apisfires @ Sep 12 2015, 12:47 PM)gemuk ada bini cantik kurusdan ada baby comel okay what? \\hahahahhahahain reply to TS topic: HANG TAK MALU KAH?~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8867067694664001} +{"text": "Kalo aku tergantung ada stok makanan apa engga pas paginya teh. Soalnya suka gak ada gitu kan dan males beli juga hehehe :D", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9839795827865601} +{"text": "Takde sijil halal tak semestinya tak halal. Mak masak kat dapoq pun takdr apply sijil halal. Hahahaha. Yakin ye la. Islam tu mudah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9398555159568787} +{"text": "If open a new one call dajibai fried chicken, will be popular anot?This post has been edited by Boomwick: May 18 2024, 05:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992365837097168} +{"text": "kalau kau g penang beratur nk beli pasemboq, cendol dgn nasi kandar ke jgn sembang pasal sijil halal sbb dorg pun tak dpt. tp kau bangga je post gambar bila mkn.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9084665179252625} +{"text": "Semoga tahun 2024 ini lebih peka dengan makanan halal dan dijauhkan makanan shubhah sebab nak masuk dalam darah daging kan . Kadang2 rezeki tak berkat sebab apa yang kita makan ni. Mmg la islam tu memudahkn tidak menyusahkan tapi kita memang disuruh untuk mencari y halal & bersih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.831628143787384} +{"text": "\u3164\n\u3164 \u3164\nSebenarnya tidak terlalu suka makanan manis tapi, \u201cTerima kasih. Anda beli atau buat sendiri?\u201d\n\u3164\n\u3164 \u3164", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951143264770508} +{"text": "beli makanan yang aku suka, traktir keluarga", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958674907684326} +{"text": "Fuh mesti puak terpaling Palestin hiding behind keyboard fapping furiously to this victory.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9883788824081421} +{"text": "Tak byk makanan best yg halal pun. Pi shihlin takat jamu mata streetfood dia ja. Tp taipei lg bersih dr china and enjoy the scenery lah. Shopping baju murah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7636569142341614} +{"text": "@SayyNees i dah dengar sampai habis. Rasanya takde apa yang salah sebabnya dalam islam kita mesti elakkan perkara yg syubhah maksudnya ragu-ragu. Maksudnya ada org perlu tanya sijil halal dulu n ada org hanya tgk ingredient n terus confident utk beli \ud83d\ude0a", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9898450374603271} +{"text": "QUOTE(mee udang @ Feb 14 2024, 09:49 AM)When I asked lawyer to make a will, lawyer ask me if I am a Muslim or not; after a bit of explanation there is a difference and Muslim can't actually make a will as distribution is only to Muslim families, meaning none of what I have earned in my lifetime at death is not passable to non-Muslim.Sure, Malay girls are desirable but Syariah law in place is a turn off. I can still marry a Malay girl but before I do that, I will transfer most of my assets to my parents before I sunat, but to me it is not worth the trouble.If I'm not wrong if you set up a trust you can bypass Muslim inheritance law. Or just transfer the assets before dying. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996360719203949} +{"text": "QUOTE(yehlai @ Feb 28 2024, 04:01 AM)Don't need waste time.. the best mall there not even close to KL mud tier mallsU serious or not?Last time the spring gives me a good vibe le ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997344613075256} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.\nSDb-hkgVi-g\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951382279396057} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Feb 21 2024, 11:15 PM)Got Krispy Kreme & Kenny Rogers also under that, right? Got people boycott those also?US doughnut chain Krispy Kreme has been involved in a humanitarian fundraiser for Palestinians in Gaza, putting itself on the same side as millions of protesters around the world. This might sound unsurprising in an era when global brands regularly align with popular causes, but virtually none has wanted to touch Gaza.Oddly enough, the home offices of Kenny Rogers Roasters International are not in the United States. They're in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Got people boycott those? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994382262229919} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Oct 16 2022, 01:37 PM)fertilizer is all tahi and najis,.. vegetable now haram ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999663829803467} +{"text": "Banana bro ni yg muslim lebih yakin sebab ada jakim tu je reason dia. Food langit dengan bumi dgn authentic penah pergi makan nirwana kat bangsar sedapnya lahai. Tp di tegur pula kedai indian. Kita yakin je muslim friendly makanan nye tp tula masyarakat judge ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8872992396354675} +{"text": "Saranan kepada peniaga bumiputera muslim, adalah wajib untuk memohon sijil halal daripada pihak berkenaan. Nak lulus, delay atau batal terpulang kepada mereka. Perniagaan tetap diteruskan. Tapi memohon adalah wajib. Lunaskan segera. Jangan ambil mudah. #BMBF #BMPF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6831787824630737} +{"text": "The real question to ask if why she felt she was right to do this ? Which religious teacher is she following ? Query where this hatred for others is coming from ? This are all real sentiments. Even the lhdn girl semua sama pattern. Tepi kain org lain aje penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9954327344894409} +{"text": "QUOTE(azhan82 @ Jan 1 2019, 02:21 PM)\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ?This ..i lol'edThis post has been edited by tomato people: Jan 2 2019, 09:55 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962592124938965} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 01:02 PM)Dia ada apply for halal cert or not?If not, why bother? this is for those who want to apply for cert. banyak lagi klausa, yang 1 aku share tu je yg ramai bising.ok faham.part on klausa tu, apesal dia x klasifikasikan bunyi sangap sexual sebagai terlarang seperti nama2 ba kut teh etc..?next time nasi lemak dara nk komersialkn dia punya bisnes, mesti nk apply kn cert halal etc... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994644522666931} +{"text": "Takda sijil halal Jakim tak menjadikan makanan tu haram ye. Point me where in Quran stating that Halal must be with Jakim anyone?? Dah tu Muslim overseas semua makan makanan haram is it?? Duhh \ud83d\ude44 https://t.co/i6ENEgJfQx", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956642985343933} +{"text": "I komen as practicing muslim malay.Muslim wajib (die die must la) eat halal and toyyiban food.halal here is the food is from legit source, not bangkai, not rotten, not you stoll. as for meat such beef and chicken. need to slaughter according to the guidence. toyyiban means the food is clean. prepared in clean condition. serve in clean condition .for me no pork no lard is not enough to justify the place is edible for Muslims. don`t be shocking if other muslim okey with that as the religious understanding and practicing is on the individuals. got many la muslim malay dont eat pork or lard but drink beer. I dono la they think. my 2cent opinion. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8368372321128845} +{"text": "assalamualaikum. syubhah itu pandangan individu. pada awak mungkin meragukan. tapi orang lain, mereka yakin makanan tu halal & bersih. jadi takde masalah untuk diorang makan selagi mana diorang yakin makanan tu halal. simple je kan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9826757907867432} +{"text": "Bila kau dah grad, kahwin dan kau dah melangkah ke dunia penuh pancaroba... Letak tepi dlu segala sijil dan kelulusan. Kadang2 kau nk survive, kau dah tak peduli apa kerja sekalipun asalkn halal...gua happy kerja jual ikan...dm kalau berminat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997298538684845} +{"text": "all boba drinks kalau kau sibuk cari halal ke haram kau takyah minum. easy. dulu aku keje bakery muslim and produk dorang takde sijil halal pun sebab susah nak mampos time apply. so jangan pergi bakery tulah ya? gitu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.91679447889328} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Jan 18 2024, 10:31 AM)Guys, grab driving is meant to be your side gig, not to replace it as your main job.You will learn nothing or inherit new experience if this is your main job..it is ok to be a side incomeHow to be side gig when Anthony loke put so much rules in order to sign up to be a driver?Last time i was part timer, but since AL put rules need to take another license, then every year need puspakom, then need to change car insurance policy become ehailing status, then need to pay additional rm1k++ premium over whatever u are paying of your current car insurance.. its already not worth it for people doing it full time, what more as a side gigWhatever it is Grab dont dare to do this kind of shit in Singapore, only dare in malaysia and indoThis post has been edited by Boy96: Jan 18 2024, 12:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999727010726929} +{"text": "@AimanPsikologi @aja_eja \"Teh tarik \"minuman tradisi\" takpe. XFT tu sijil halal pun belum tentu\" Ujar si polan sambil menghembus asap rokok gudang garamnya", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Satu pemeriksaan oleh KPDNHEP Kedah bersama Jabatan Agama Islam Daerah Kuala Muda berkaitan isu viral di premis D Laksa, Amanjaya Mall pada 22/01/2019 mendapati sijil halal D Laksa cawangan Amanjaya Mall, Sungai Petani dalam proses permohonan. https://t.co/6Xr1zT7OE3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998472929000854} +{"text": "QUOTE(likefunyouare @ Dec 9 2023, 09:39 AM)why you want to bully the weak?those road side malays not having halal cert is understandablehow can they afford?but kenny hills? the make millions every yearthey should have halal certit's time to boycott and show them the power of our purchasing powerInform only worr bully what? Not say don\u2019t go eat a. I try to be good to Muslims by sharing information which shop has halal cert which shop no halal cert only wor. Manatau in the long term I see the beauty in halalness and convert to Muslim, then some people will get pahala right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986048340797424} +{"text": "At this state, baru fhm kenapa orang kata susah nak ada sijil halal. Ada 2 reason. Pihak Jakim tu sendiri dan perspektif netizen tu juga. Still ada jurang. Kamon. Ada ketirisan di sini ya temen-temen.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998206496238708} +{"text": "Best is to sue kao kao him. Like 2mil defamation.If not suka suka hati fitnah m or not m. Just to pull other down. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959314465522766} +{"text": "QUOTE(pornoman2128 @ Jul 24 2024, 12:48 PM)Actually Malays have non-religious culture, but all kena ban liao by PAS. I learnt about all these in school last time, now dunno still have in syllabus or not.Most of the adat resam and pantang larang that were traditionally transmitted orally are slowly disappearing. In the 90s and 2000s I believe even the Minangkabau's Adat Perpatih had been questioned by Islamic scholars. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996496438980103} +{"text": "Klu kat M'sia nk tau makanan tu Halal & tak jd byk tanda tanya,carilah yg ada logo HALAL JAKIM.\nTapi tak semestinya yg xde logo itu HARAM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988596439361572} +{"text": "QUOTE(ozak @ Aug 31 2016, 10:05 AM)That is halal right?khalwat and zina haram lar... can get stoning to dead one.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "Perniaga perlu jujur berniaga, kenapa kena guna nama Melayu yg boleh menyebabkan persepsi pelanggan ia adalah kedai Melayu Islam? Kenapa malu utk guna mana Madame Wong ke? Madam AhSoh ke? Kalau makanan berkualiti, bersih halal tak ada siapa marah dan bantah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8210873007774353} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Sep 11 2023, 12:50 AM)viral foodwill die in few weeksover 20 years liouwont die ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "QUOTE(ah78 @ Aug 9 2018, 11:27 AM)This thread is trending quickly.. Already 12 pages for just started thread..And most discussion are pretty good and informative with polite discussions. With minimal vrooming, except 1 or 2 sohem which i have deleted. to All!QUOTE(zakwanfuad @ Aug 9 2018, 11:10 AM)although overwhelming when my non muslim friends respect me by not eating in front of me but i always tell them I dont really care..Shouldnt be a problem.. my non-muslim wanna eat anything haram food up to them la..as long as dont ask me to try then no problem.. Right on bro!This post has been edited by MarioKart: Aug 9 2018, 11:31 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.899785041809082} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 Jual ayam murah pun nak bising...mahal pun bising...bodo dan pedengki... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947511553764343} +{"text": "rokok x haramrasuah x haramrogol anak x haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8828996419906616} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 5 2024, 12:29 PM)Racist signboard and creating divisiveness in Malaysia Kan bagus kalau buat halal, semua kaum semua agama boleh duduk makan sama samaMuhibbah & 1MalaysiaKenapa nak buat semua halal sedangkan Malaysia sebuah negara berbilang kaum? The owner purposely put the sign to avoid some muslim extremists buat hal. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9387179613113403} +{"text": "QUOTE(v2rozu @ Dec 7 2023, 01:18 AM)well hes not wrong. in an ideal world, its best if everyone can converse freely with everyone able to understand each other.but then again, its the same sentiment as being in the UK and not being able to speak english to these government servant.Ah that is Western high keras language, these same ppl will fall head over heels to speak with cockney accent to impress the officer.This post has been edited by nobrainer86: Dec 7 2023, 01:19 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Status Halal Makanan Dalam Pesawat Air Asia Diragui: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) diminta menyiasat... http://bit.ly/152IDR4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995502829551697} +{"text": "Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.:(", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999157190322876} +{"text": "Blame those food review channels for not verifying halal status. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9088307619094849} +{"text": "QUOTE(NathanJeans @ Jun 4 2024, 11:14 AM)Untunglah dapat makan benda sedap sekali sekala....and it's not cheap like plain noodle, siew yok is luxury food status nowadays..... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999518394470215} +{"text": "@MystryMystique itu kena tanya JAKIM. tapi tu la dakyah2 nak pesongkan org islam. banyak sangat makanan yg haram, nak dihalalkan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999444484710693} +{"text": "@ZainalAzmanNS mana\u00b2 kedai sekalipun tak wajib ada sijil halal ni. ia cuma pilihan tambahan bagi meyakinkan pembeli/pengguna saja", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997580647468567} +{"text": "QUOTE(New Klang @ Nov 23 2020, 10:59 AM)Dont argue lahYou know Muslims cannot eat non halal, it is forbiddenIt is like telling your wife's one is the best but only you get to eatlol! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(Protoculture @ Dec 9 2018, 02:56 PM)Biasalah flip flop. Demokrasi katakan. Dulu kata takleh kerjasama ngan UMNO/MCA/MIC, tengok2 tubuhkan Barisan Nasional dengan UMNO/MCA/MIC dan join Kerajaan Perpaduan 1971-1975. Dulu kata takleh kerjasama dengan parti serpihan, tup2 tubuhkan Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah dengan Berjasa Hamim back in 1989 - 1991. Dulu kata takleh kawan ngan parti2 ideologi sosialis, liberalis tup2 berkawan pulak KeAdilan DAP tubuhkan Barisan Alternatif in 1998 - 2004 last sekali kawan balik masa Pakatan Rakyat 2008-2015. Kata tobat lahum tanak kawan dengan UMNO tup2 lepas PRU-14 dah maciem BFF.So what? Apa problem?Elok sangat la tu. Parti lain flip-flop, PAS pun nak flip-flop. Orang lain pi terjun longkang, hang pun nak ikut terjun longkang. Sebagai parti yang menggunakan modal agama, konsep halal-haram berubah ikut sedap hati. 'Moral high ground', berapa kali dah aku cakap. Kalau hang nak orang pilih parti hang, pertama sekali jangan ikut perangai parti lawan. Tapi berpolitik pun main kotor. Tak cukup dengan tu, apa pencapaian bermakna di Kelantan pun tak dak sejak PAS perintah. Masalah dadah tinggi, orang Kelantan sendiri pun ramai pi cari makan kat negeri orang lain. Economical merit ZERO. Yillek. Tara tu pun nak bagi PAS tadbir negara? Ni bukan macam kes sesat dalam hutan, tak dak makanan lain selain babi, boleh makan babi, sebab tu berkenaan nyawa. Ni kes permainan politik. Kalau orang pi interview hang, mengaku dengan mulut konon boleh buat macam-macam, tapi sijil semua subjek FAIL, lepas tu telepon tanya tempat kerja sebelumnya depa kata prestasi tak elok, hang nak amik kerja jugak? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994864463806152} +{"text": "while highly intelligent people all over the world are facing difficulties in figuring out best practices/ways/policies to create an environment where different people from different backgrounds/races/religions can coexist in harmony and in peace, we have this mohd dude in our very own backyard encouraging citizens to draw a clear line to separate themselves from the rest... lololol... what an idiot. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999449253082275} +{"text": "Pastikan anda makan makanan yang halal dan diiktiraf oleh JAKIM dan Majlis-majlis agama negeri sahaja...\n\nLogo... http://fb.me/Z5HAJlhr", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9395236968994141} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 09:27 AM)Yes. It is a ridiculous name requirement. But need to argue? They already set their standard. If cannot get halal cert then just move on it is not that thing become haram if no halal cert. If songlap i can understand la many people butthurt including me. Change name to what ever name does not affect me in my daily life yet people keep making hoax about it and some people even go beyond that. When someone is over excited in bashing jakim they take it way out of the content. That was my point.eh.of course lawe still arguing about gst todaywhats wrong with that?this is a forumplace for discussion ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997864365577698} +{"text": "Jakim mengesahkan bahawa premis nasi ayam claypot yang tular ekoran status halalnya diragui bukan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia \n\np/s: Carilah makanan yang bersih, suci dan halal #majoriti #nasiayamclaypot #jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9850395917892456} +{"text": "\r\nAku pi morocco merasa la makan babbaouche or moroccan snail soup..aku yakin halal je sbb morocco kan..skali aku check balik mmg landsnail laa... rupanya derang mazhab lain..syafiee yang tak boleh makan landsnail ni..sea snail takpe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "QUOTE(keny2020j @ Oct 28 2016, 10:59 AM)ramly is a 1 of the common word used by people to name their kids like macdonald. macdonald can sue some1 using their logo but cannot sue people naming their food with something like MacDonald fried chicken.McChina Wok Away (UK)In 2001, McDonald\u2019s lost a nine-year legal action against Frank Yuen, owner of McChina Wok Away, a small chain of Chinese takeaway outlets in London. Justice David Neuberger ruled the McChina name would not cause any confusion among customers and that McDonald's had no right to the prefix Mc.McCurry (Malaysia)In 2001, McDonald's sued a small restaurant named McCurry, a popular eatery serving Indian food in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. McDonald's claimed that the use of the \"Mc\" prefix infringed its trademark, while the defendant claimed that McCurry stood for Malaysian Chicken Curry.In 2006, McDonald's won an initial judgment in the High Court. The judge ruled that the prefix Mc and the use of colors distinctive of the McDonald's brand could confuse and deceive customers. In April 2009, however, a three-member Appeal Court panel overturned the verdict, saying that there was no evidence to show that McCurry was passing off its own product as that of McDonald's. The Appeals Court also said that McDonald's cannot claim an exclusive right to the \"Mc\" prefix in the country. McDonald's appealed the decision to the Federal Court, the highest court in Malaysia. In September 2009, the Federal Court upheld the Appeal Court's decision. McDonald's appeal was dismissed with costs, and was ordered to pay RM10,000 to McCurry.sosMcDonald's lost bcos all those examples you cited was not in the same 'food category'/menu/concept.Ninja Joe sells burgers.RAMLY has also ventured into selling burgers and not just uncooked patties (the seremban r & r on the plus highway has an actual RAMLY owned restaurant). As it is previously RAMLY were the pioneers of selling burgers using roadside stalls. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99919193983078} +{"text": "SIKAP tidak sensitif penganjur Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka, malam tadi menyebabkan beberapa wartawan beragama Islam dan Hindu hampir termakan daging khinzir sebaik menyedari hidangan itu diletakkan di atas meja.Lebih mengecewakan, tiada seorang wakil daripada pihak penganjur memaklumkan jenis hidangan itu, sebelum wartawan beragama Islam yang hadir membuat liputan duduk semeja bersama wartawan bukan Islam.Wartawan dari Utusan Malaysia, Fadzly Izab, 33, berkata dia sangat terkejut, malah menyifatkan penganjur tidak beradab apabila menghidangkan menu khinzir di mejanya ketika sedang membuat liputan.\u201cSaya sudah syak dari awal hidangan menu pada majlis itu tidak halal sehingga pelayan menghidangkan menu daging khinzir di atas meja wakil media.\u201cJadi, ini bermakna semua hidangan yang dihidangkan sudah pasti diyakini tidak halal kerana disediakan oleh tukang masak dan dapur sama.\u201cPerkara ini sangat sensitif dan boleh mengundang kemarahan individu beragama Islam selain penganut agama lain,\u201d katanya yang kesal dan terkilan perkara seperti itu boleh berlaku dalam majlis dihadiri tetamu pelbagai lapisan agama dan bangsa.Sementara itu, wartawan beragama Hindu dari Tamil Nesan Daily, A Kaviarasan turut tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan penganjur menghidangkan menu berkenaan dan menganggap ia keterlaluan.\u201cAgama Hindu tidak membenarkan penganutnya makan khinzir. Saya kecewa kerana mereka langsung tidak sensitif mengenai perkara ini.\u201cTetamu yang hadir bukannya dari satu bangsa saja, mereka (penganjur) perlu peka dengan semua perkara ini,\u201d katanya.Difahamkan, majlis terbabit dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sim Tze Tzin; wakil rakyat dan beberapa tetamu kehormat.Sementara itu, Yang Dipertua Kelab Media Massa Melaka (KEMM), Samat Majid sudah memanjangkan isu berkenaan kepada pihak kerajaan negeri dan penganjur supaya membuat permohonan maaf secara terbuka bagi memastikan perkara sama tidak berulang.\u201cKami kesal perkara seperti ini boleh berlaku disebabkan sikap tidak sensitif penganjur terhadap kumpulan wartawan beragama Islam yang membuat liputan,\u201d katanya.https://www.hmetro.com.my/utama/2018/07/357...r-di-meja-media ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8133269548416138} +{"text": " QUOTE...minuman keras serta bebas alkohol maka ia halal, meskipun tiada persijilan halal secara rasmi.3)Sekiranya bebas alkohol tetapi dibuat dengan kaedah penghasilan minuman keras atau di kilang yang sama, tetap haram kerana adanya unsur syubhah.4) Pilihan lain banyak lagi ada meskipun kurang sedap dsb.Jangan pening kepala.5) Brew dari sudut bahasa bermaksud seduhan seperti seduhan kopi, teh dsb.Perlu dilihat samada ia menjalani proses 'fermentation'(penapaian) kemudian 'distillation'(sulingan) bagi membuang kandungan alkohol, yang itu jadi punca syubhah walaupun dilabelkan sebagai 0% alkohol.Brew bukan isunya.Begitu juga sekiranya ia tidak diproses seperti yang disebutkan di atas, tapi apabila berkongsi kilang dan fasiliti yang menghasilkan minuman keras akan menimbulka\u00a0 syubhah lain bahawa peralatan yang digunakan sama, justeru menatijahkan keharamannya juga.6) Bukan tanggungjawab badan persijilan halal untuk menentusahkan sesuatu makanan halal atau haram sekiranya tiada permohonan dihantar kepada mereka.Juga bukan tanggungjawab tempat menjual untuk menentusahkan halal atau tidak, sebaliknya ia kembali kepada tanggungjawab......individu Muslim untuk MEMBACA dan MENELITI sesuatu produk bagi memastikan kehalalannya sebelum dimakan/minum.Sekiranya ia meragukan, tinggalkan dan cari alternatif lain yang tidak meragukan Not trolling. So means Muslims can drink or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995631575584412} +{"text": "Sebab pernah berbual rakan yg nak ambil sijil halal mmg akan check details barang2 yg kau akan guna dalam bisnes even the smallest part. Reason mudah je nak faham, kalau dia 'terbagi' sijil halal senang2 je tanpa proper inspection, dia jugak nak kena tanggung kt sana nanti.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.528377115726471} +{"text": "QUOTE(jblittleboy @ Jun 7 2024, 03:13 PM)this is because of a belief , a belief , okay a belief ONLYso if you have consumed something that you are not suppose to consume , tell yourself , sudah la , as long I wont die eating it , so be it laso many ppl die\u00a0 everyday & yet you wanna complain just you ate something your BELIEF told you it was WRONG ...........it was a BELIEF la , same to other things , a word or something ..........a Belief sucks , its 2024 already laSometime it matter because it set preceding to other things or other person. For me if possible settle sendiri with the management & Management take action to educate or introduced SOP to minimised or eliminate the issue. Some time kena Viral also la because some people / company are really thick ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993516802787781} +{"text": "I'm more surprised he knkws about Haruhi's status as a \"dewa\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965685606002808} +{"text": "Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob hari ini mengadakan perbincangan dengan usahawan tempatan di Xi'an mengenai potensi untuk membuka Agrobazaar Malaysia di bandar raya berkenaan.Beliau berkata, selain Agrobazaar, usahawan warga China berkenaan, Tie Ming Liang turut menyatakan persetujuan untuk menjadi pengedar produk makanan halal Malaysia di Xi'an yang merupakan ibu kota wilayah Shaanxi dan di wilayah lain yang berhampiran.\"Dalam perbincangan hari ini, Tie memberitahu saya bahawa beliau sedang mencari sebuah premis yang sesuai di pusat bandar raya Xi'an untuk membuka Agrobazaar secara usaha sama dengan syarikat Malaysia.\"Selain itu, beliau bersetuju untuk menjadi pengedar produk halal dari Malaysia ke beberapa wilayah di China termasuk Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Gansu dan Ningxia yang mempunyai ramai masyarakat Cina Muslim. Ini sekaligus boleh menjadikan Xi'an pintu masuk produk halal Malaysia ke China,\" katanya kepada Bernama selepas pertemuan tersebut di sini hari ini.Jelas beliau, sejak empat tahun lalu, Tie seorang usahawan Cina Muslim yang memiliki restoran makanan halal dan kedai menjual produk makanan halal di Muslim Street di sini menjual pelbagai produk halal dari Malaysia.Produk berkenaan termasuk kopi segera, jus mangga, biskut dan beberapa produk sejuk beku.\u201cSambutan yang menggalakkan dari masyarakat Cina Muslim di sini terhadap produk halal Malaysia mendorong usahawan berkenaan berminat menjadi pengedar dan ingin mendapatkan produk halal baharu yang lain dari Malaysia bagi memberipelbagai pilihan kepada pelanggannya,\u201d tambah Ismail Sabri.Hari ini, selain mengadakan pertemuan dengan Tie, beliau turut meninjau pameran dan jualan produk Malaysia di Minggu Halal Malaysia-Xi'an yang akan beliau rasmikan esok.Minggu Halal Malaysia-Xi'an itu bermula hari ini sehingga 31 Mei. Ismail Sabri kini dalam lawatan kerja sembilan hari ke China untuk mempromosi produk halal Malaysia di bandar raya Xi'an, Chengdu, Suining, Fujian, Shenzen dan Hong Kong mulai semalam sehingga 31 Mei.Lawatan kerja beliau disertai pegawai kanan dari pelbagai agensi di bawah kementerian seperti Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (Fama), Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP), Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM), Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM) dan Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu (Kada). - Bernamahttp://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/mal...-xi-an-1.393871 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8949798941612244} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lumiaaa @ Sep 24 2017, 11:02 PM)It's religious discriminationWho are you to say I as a non Muslim got dog hair?\u00a0 Like that the you should never leave the houseBecause there are many non Muslim around Malaysia that might have eaten pork or touch dog Nitpick over dog hair in washing machineHello the money u touch also got touch by some non Muslim at least onceWhy no complaints?Public transport got also use by non MuslimLoL,Like I said, got demand, the business owner carer to demand.You might think it is useless to nitpick due to vast possibility of touching non halal things which is very true.But since u understand jack shit about how muslims practice their religion and the things that are allowed in extreme cases, you have no idea on why such business exist at the first place.I have no time explaining to you how halal haram classification works, nor do I want to convince you whether it is justified to offer such business to the muslims.All because it is a waste of time, and your would just discard my explanation altogether.Well this is k/, no surprise there. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9822781085968018} +{"text": "Penting ke makanan halal? Vaksin halal ke? Betul ke isu-isu halal yang viral di media sosial? Apa usaha JAKIM dalam memartabatkan Pensijilan Halal Malaysia di mata dunia?\n\nIkuti kupasannya dalam... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1228480370644567&id=232206486938632\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7308034896850586} +{"text": "I suka cium bi-bir. Ohwai. Haram cium bi-bir. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8656258583068848} +{"text": "QUOTE(RecticulatingAI @ Dec 7 2015, 06:39 PM)Yes you have your rights to be concerned about the covering of aurat, this much is undisputable but as I have also mentioned earlier in this thread and which we can also agree on this point is that, if our muslim brothers and sisters feel uncomfortable with the procedures and protocol in a hospital, they have the full right not to patron their facilities. The hospital may loose muslim customers but hey its their policy and standards so who are we to judge. In much the same way as an example, I go to any mosque in Malaysia and demand that they let me practice the Shia Islamic teaching, will it fly? Will they allow me to practice my faith even though Im a muslim but from a different denomination and if cannot, do I do like what the nurse do? Complain to the public about how Im unfairly treated?Customer get to choose what suit his and her needs and wants. Likewise If Im an employee of the hospital and if I dont feel happy and dont respect the protocol, does it then give me the right to demand? You can either resign and find a hospital that best fill your job requirement or you can try opening your own clinic or hospital that is more suitable to your liking.Also read through the W.H.O pdf. It mentions specifically that bare elbow only in operating, theatre, I.C.U and wards. You can wear long sleeve anytime you are not nearby these area.That's why most of the hospital acquired infection are at normal wards. That's why many hospitals insist on no long sleeve ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9086871147155762} +{"text": "QUOTE(vapanel @ Mar 12 2024, 01:01 PM)Also separate you into Moral and Pendidikan IslamThat's why National School is segregation schoolYou will become racist after joining national school I know because I am from national school from primary to secondary schoolI remember vividly when I was about to be made the school's scout troop leader but then buah-buah goes against it by saying it's a post reserved for oren only. These was during the late 90s circa PMX masuk jail time. The era in the 80s and early 90s before that was much better. The best mixture of race students is definitely private school. It is the most balanced mixture today and unfortunately you have to pay for it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999587535858154} +{"text": "Aku ingat nk kerja dgn JAKIM. Kuasa HALAL dan HARAM makanan korang di tgn aku!!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4577455222606659} +{"text": "umami can be made from anything right?i mean, as long as it is broth, it is \"umami\" not entitle to pork only.in legal wise, are they going to challenge the HALAL cert from the authority?those ustaz really suka suka challenge the authority. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991648197174072} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Apr 26 2022, 03:40 PM)Too farI prefer to act like high keras go Paris shopping and see Eiffel Tower WTF, salib!!! Celaka terpesong aqidah lagi sekaliomg that salib, my iman tergugat *shaking tremendously*anyway ts, good thread. please updates more peekture k.ive been to vietnam once, saigon hcmc only though but i would definitely go there again one day. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9221123456954956} +{"text": "Bagus la. At least got a heading. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "\r\nmabuk ketum ke apa ni? susun ikut suka hati", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9064688682556152} +{"text": "Industry best practice is everything here. Mcm sis, kalau sis yakini halal, sis mkn...kalau tgok muslims ramai tp sis xyakin..sis meragui .sis xnmpk sijil halal...or list of ingredients, sis tinggalkan...takde msalah pun. Don't put endless debate lah over bubble tea ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9549044370651245} +{"text": "\r\nKlau rasa nak selamat makan je ubat sakit tekak tradisional yang buat sendiri punya.Jamin halal 100%. Sbb dulu kecik2 kalau sakit tekak saya saya telan air asam jawa. Mujarab sekarang pun Insya Allah okje. Boleh cuba.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "#SEMASA JAKIM lancar aplikasi 'Verify Halal' untuk orang ramai periksa status halal produk makanan di pasaraya.... http://fb.me/11JahxQaq", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "@nuranisatania takde sijil halal dari JAKIM. that all the prove you need. sebagai Islam, bukan halal je penting, kesucian produk pun penting. ah ckap banyak pun bukan kau kesah, kau tau sedap kau telan je. LUL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992534518241882} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Oct 25 2016, 08:08 PM)Unfortunately~ the illiterates got confused with JAKIM's action and throw a tantrum equalizing it to HARAM, BAN THE FOOD, BAN THE BUSINESS. who's the one being illiterate when they think hot dogs are made from dog meat hence the ban? lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999168872833252} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 8 2017, 07:13 PM)if a wall was painted with babi brush,.. wud the wall become haram ???Yes, it is haram so most houses are haram. They should all move out of their house and stay in caves. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999724626541138} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 04:20 PM)Which part that you failed to understand.Ahbeng have a restaurant that sell chicken rice, duck rice and also pork rice Conlanfirm no Malay will come to his restaurant.He then open another restaurant manned by Ahmad, selling only chicken rice and duck rice but cook at his 1st restaurant that also sell pork rice. The intention is to get Malay customers.Then that act is a penipu scammer act knowing that without deceiving people he knows that Malays won't buy his rice.Understand?who actually go viral the video for promo?a muslim that interview the owner who is also a muslim and the workers who are also muslim right?so why no mention about the muslim that viral the video as promo?wat happen to the muslim that claim he is the owner? what about the worker then?i only see you're trying to smoke screen it and say kena tip by non-muslim..but yet..who made the promo video go viral in the 1st place? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998812675476074} +{"text": "Aku tak kata benda ni tak halal, and aku tak kata jugak benda ni halal. Tunggu je laa sijil HALAL dari JAKIM boleh takkkkk? Kita ada badan khas untuk clarify status halal kenapa taknak guna? Halal kat Malaysia ni jadi rujukan negara luar lagi, tapi rakyat Malaysia sendiri hmmm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9693077206611633} +{"text": "QUOTE(bunnykiwie @ Nov 17 2014, 11:52 PM)Rokok is halal or haram? tak nampak ini ban pun ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(vapanel @ Mar 13 2024, 04:22 PM)chinese will agree one as long as bumiputra status is removedi suspect bumiputra will revolt instead , not chineseremove others privileges sure agree, who dont? but how many want to go to a malay national school?This post has been edited by YH1234: Mar 13 2024, 04:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "ayam suka tengok TV show Hell Kitchenmana mau cari makanan halal for pan seared steaklast time makan mostly grilled steak.. nak cari makan looks like below picture.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "Entah. Saya pernah juga makan di tempat ibadat lain, okay saja. Mereka tahu ada orang bukan seagama datang, dijamunya makanan bersih dan halal untuk semua orang. Sudahlah tak tahu yang vegetarian ni diet yang ketat. Ada sesetengah tu tak guna beberapa jenis bawang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6498149633407593} +{"text": "Adakah HARAM makan Burger MCD?\n\nJawapanya tak HARAM sebab sumber utama makanan tu adalah halal di iktiraf Jakim dan jangan cepat kita hukum orang makan MCD itu Sokong Israel Mungkin dia dapat FREE.\n\nCuma wajib boikot Mana2 syarikat yang membantu keewangan mereka kepada Yahudi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6714805960655212} +{"text": "What is the wild boar population status in our jungles? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998138546943665} +{"text": "Jadinya guna cop halal JAKIM pada makanan haram yg diimport adalah kerja Maqis. JAKIM tak boleh ambil tindakan. Ke gitu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": "dog is haram?I thought Muslim can touch dog but not wet dog?after all these years, now only take actions ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999070167541504} +{"text": "aku rest ga main hp, baca buku, dan ngapa-ngapain. terus makan makanan yang aku suka, beli barang-barang aku pengen/lucu. semoga kamu cepat pulih, ya, niny", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997552037239075} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Feb 22 2023, 04:14 PM)marry to a PRC still cannot get PR? AfraidIGotBan still bangla status over there even tho his wife PRC?i convert to vritish la, not chinese.Wife still chinese, and yeah, the trip to obtain china citizenship is hard kaolat. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988289475440979} +{"text": "tldr version: fake meat that trying to look like babi is also haram.for you lots this is why meleis rage. also, got a few conditions that needed to be fulfilled in order to call it \"trying to look\". ---------Soalan :Assalamualaikum w.b.tSaya ada satu persoalan. Baru-baru ini telah tersebar mengenai daging babi tiruan (fake pork) yang dihasilkan daripada kacang soya serta bahan bukan daripada babi, tetapi rasa dan baunya seperti daging babi asal (real pork). Soalan saya, apakah hukum kita memakan daging tiruan babi tersebut?Jawapan :Waalaikumussalam w.b.t.Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT, selawat dan salam kepada Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, isteri dan ahli keluarga baginda, para sahabat baginda serta orang-orang yang mengikuti jejak langkah baginda sehingga Hari Kiamat.Kami mulakan dengan firman Allah SWT :\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u062d\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u0650\u0646\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650Maksudnya : \u201cSesungguhnya Allah SWT mengharamkan kepada kamu memakan bangkai, dan darah, dan daging babi, dan binatang-binatang yang disembelih tidak kerana Allah.\u201d(Surah al-Baqarah : 173)Ayat di atas telah menyatakan bahawa Allah SWT telah mengharamkan kepada kamu semua apa yang memudaratkan seperti bangkai iaitu yang tidak disembelih sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh syarak, juga darah yang mengalir, daging khinzir dan sembelihan yang disembelih bukan kerana Allah. (Lihat al-Tafsir al-Muyassar, hlm. 26) Syeikh al-Sa\u2019di menyebutkan bahawa larangan memakan bangkai kerana ia adalah buruk lagi memudaratkan dan kebiasaannya juga ia mati (menjadi bangkai) disebabkan oleh penyakit. Maka, semakin bertambah lagi kemudaratannya. (Lihat Tafsir al-Sa\u2019di, hlm. 81)Pengharaman daging khinzirBegitu juga dengan daging khinzir. Para fuqaha telah sepakat (Ijma\u2019) akan kenajisan daging khinzir sekalipun disembelih. Hal ini berdasarkan nas al-Quran yang telah menyebutkan bahawa khinzir adalah najis secara zatnya. Maka dagingnya dan kesemua bahagiannya sama ada bulu, tulang dan kulit adalah najis sekalipun disembelih. (Lihat al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh, 1/302)Syihabuddin al-Alusi menyebut di dalam tafsirnya, dikhususkan penggunakan lafaz daging, dalam masa yang sama bahagian-bahagiannya yang lain juga hukumnya haram kerana kebanyakkan bahagian yang dimakan daripada haiwan adalah daging. Dan seluruh bahagiannya yang lain mengikut hukum pada daging tersebut. (Lihat Ruh al-Ma\u2018ani, 1/439)Makanan Halal dan HaramMengenai perkara ini, Allah SWT telah berfirman di dalam al-Quran :\u0648\u064e\u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0644\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u064a\u0650\u0651\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u064a\u064f\u062d\u064e\u0631\u0650\u0651\u0645\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u064e\u0628\u064e\u0627\u0626\u0650\u062b\u064eMaksudnya : \u201cdan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik, dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk.\u201d(Surah al-A\u2019raf : 157)Maksud ( \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u064a\u0650\u0651\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 - baik-baik ) ialah perkara yang disukai dan diingini oleh jiwa manusia yang bersih. (Lihat al-Fiqh al-Manhaji, 3/67)Begitu juga firman Allah SWT :\u064a\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064e\u064a\u0651\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0633\u064f \u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0645\u0650\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0627 \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0623\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0636\u0650 \u062d\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064b\u0627 \u0637\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0628\u064b\u0627Maksudnya : \u201cWahai sekalian manusia, makanlah kamu dari (hasil) yang terdapat di atas muka bumi (makanan) yang halal lagi baik.\u201d(Surah al-Baqarah : 168)Syeikh al-Sa\u2019di telah mengulas ayat ini dengan mengatakan bahawa ianya ditujukan kepada seluruh manusia sama ada orang-orang beriman ataupun kafir, supaya memakan apa yang ada di atas muka bumi ini, yang terdiri daripada biji-bijian, buah-buahan dan binatang-binatang yang telah dihalalkan buat mereka mengambilnya (memakan dan mengambil manfaat daripadanya), bukan dengan cara merampasnya, atau mencuri atau dengan hasil muamalat (jual beli) yang diharamkan atau perkara-perkara yang diharamkan. Manakala toyyiban pula ialah bukan daripada perkara yang buruk (kotor dan jijik) seperti bangkai, darah, daging khinzir dan lain-lain. Ayat ini adalah merupakan dalil bahawa hukum asal bagi sesuatu perkara itu (untuk dimakan dan diambil manfaatnya) adalah harus. (Lihat Tafsir al-Sa\u2019di, 1/80)Ayat di atas juga menunjukkan bahawa makanan yang hendak dimakan oleh kita hendaklah memenuhi dua kriteria tersebut iaitu, halal dan baik.Daging babi tiruan (sintetik)Berbalik kepada soalan yang ditanyakan, asal kepada sesuatu sumber makanan itu sama ada daripada haiwan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan atau lain-lain adalah halal melainkan ada nas yang jelas terhadap pengharamannya. Perkara ini adalah bertepatan dengan kaedah :\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0635\u0644 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0634\u064a\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0628\u0627\u062d\u0629 \u062d\u062a\u0649 \u064a\u062f\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0644\u064a\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0645Maksudnya : \u201cAsal sesuatu hukum itu adalah diharuskan, sehingga terdapat dalil yang menunjukkan pengharamannya\u201dJusteru, kami katakan bahawa asal hukum daging tiruan yang diasaskan daripada sumber tumbuh-tumbuhan dan bahan-bahan tambahan yang dibenarkan adalah halal dimakan seperti daging tiruan yang dibuat daripada kacang soya atau kacang hijau. Lebih-lebih lagi, daging tiruan tersebut dihasilkan bagi memenuhi permintaan vegetarian yang ingin merasai bagaimana rasa daging yang sebenar.Akan tetapi, kami berpendapat daging babi tiruan (fake pork) adalah haram dimakan sekalipun bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penghasilannya adalah halal. Hal ini adalah kerana mengambil langkah Sadd al-Zarai\u2019 iaitu menutup jalan yang boleh membawa kepada galakkan mendekati produk berasaskan babi iaitu dengan merasa daging babi tiruan halal. Perkara ini seterusnya boleh membawa kepada kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam dan dikhuatiri mereka akan terjebak memakan daging babi yang sebenar (real pork) dengan sangkaan ia adalah daging babi tiruan (fake pork).Begitu juga, daging babi tiruan tersebut berkemungkinan besar bertujuan sebagai strategi pemasaran untuk mempromosikan daging babi yang sebenar, memakan daging tersebut secara tidak langsung menyebabkan umat Islam terjebak dalam bersubahat menggalakkan memakan daging babi atau perkara-perkara yang diharamkan di dalam agama.Ketika membahaskan senarai perkara-perkara yang tidak boleh dizahirkan kepada orang-orang Islam oleh orang-orang kafir zimmi, Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami mengatakan :\u0648\u0645\u0646 \u0625\u0638\u0647\u0627\u0631 \u0645\u0646\u0643\u0631 \u0628\u064a\u0646\u0646\u0627 \u0646\u062d\u0648 \u062e\u0645\u0631 \u0648\u062e\u0646\u0632\u064a\u0631 \u0648\u0646\u0627\u0642\u0648\u0633Maksudnya : \u201c(Termasuk yang ditegah) ialah menzahirkan mungkar dalam kalangan kita orang-orang Islam, seperti arak, babi dan loceng gereja.\u201dMenurut beliau lagi, di antara sebab ia ditegah itu ialah kerana ia boleh membawa kepada pelbagai kemungkaran. Selain daripada itu, perkara yang turut dilarang sama sekali tidak boleh dizahirkan ialah syiar atau lambang kekufuran dan kemungkaran.(Lihat Tuhfah al-Muhtaj, 9/301)Larangan menyerupai orang kafir dan fasiq.Selain itu juga, umat Islam telah diperintah supaya berpegang dengan prinsip tidak melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang menyerupai orang kafir pada sesuatu yang kita dilarang melakukannya. Lantaran itu, kita dilarang oleh Rasulullah SAW menyerupai golongan kafir dalam hal yang merupakan amalan dan tradisi dalam agama mereka. Daripada Ibn Umar R.Anhuma, Rasulullah SAW bersabda :\u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u062a\u064e\u0634\u064e\u0628\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064d \u0641\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0648\u064e \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0645\u0652Maksudnya : \u201cBarangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum dia adalah dari kalangan mereka.\u201d[HR Abu Daud (4031)]Sheikh al-\u2018Azim Abadi menukilkan pandangan al-Munawi dan \u2018Alqami. Kata mereka : \u201cYang dimaksudkan dengan hadis ini ialah berpakaian dengan pakaian mereka, juga menyerupai cara mereka serta menyerupai perlakuan dan perbuatan mereka.\u201d (Lihat \u2018Aun al-Ma\u2019bud, 9/54)Al-Imam al-San\u2019ani menyebut : \u201cHadis ini menunjukkan sesiapa yang menyerupai atau meniru orang yang fasiq, orang kafir, atau pembuat bidaah maka dia adalah dari kalangan mereka (sama seperti mereka). Di mana dia meniru apa yang khusus bagi mereka seperti pakaian, tunggangan atau gerak-geri mereka.\u201d (Lihat Subul al-Salam Syarh Bulugh al-Maram, 4/175)Oleh itu, perbuatan memakan daging khinzir adalah merupakan perbuatan dan makanan biasa bagi orang kafir. Sedangkan ia jelas terlarang dalam agama Islam. Maka umat Islam dilarang sama sekali meniru walaupun sekadar gaya perbuatan mereka yang memakan daging khinzir.KesimpulannyaBerdasarkan perbincangan dan perbahasan di atas, kami simpulkan kepada beberapa perkara :Hukum asal daging tiruan yang dibuat daripada bahan-bahan halal seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan dan lain-lain yang dibenarkan adalah halal. Akan tetapi, kami berpendapat daging babi tiruan (fake pork) adalah haram dimakan sebagai langkah Sadd al-Zarai\u2019 iaitu menutup jalan yang boleh membawa kepada galakkan mendekati produk berasaskan babi iaitu dengan merasa daging babi tiruan halal.Perkara ini juga, seterusnya boleh membawa kepada kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam dan dikhuatiri mereka akan terjebak memakan daging babi yang sebenar (real pork) dengan sangkaan ia adalah daging babi tiruan (fake pork). Selain itu, kita perlu menjadi pengguna muslim yang bijak untuk menjauhkan diri daripada apa jua bentuk produk yang meragukan. Apatah lagi produk yang jelas mempunyai hubungan dengan perkara yang dilarang syarak seperti daging babi. Rasulullah SAW bersabda :\u062f\u064e\u0639\u0652 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u0631\u0650\u064a\u0628\u064f\u0643\u064e \u0625\u0650\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0644\u0627\u064e \u064a\u064e\u0631\u0650\u064a\u0628\u064f\u0643\u064e \u0641\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0651\u0650\u062f\u0652\u0642\u064e \u0637\u064f\u0645\u064e\u0623\u0652\u0646\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e\u0629\u064c \u0648\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0630\u0650\u0628\u064e \u0631\u0650\u064a\u0628\u064e\u0629\u064cMaksudnya : \u201cTinggallah apa yang menjadi keraguan kepadamu kepada yang tidak meragukan. Maka sesungguhnya kebenaran itu adalah satu ketenangan dan sesungguhnya dusta itu adalah satu keraguan.\u201d[HR al-Tirmizi (2708)]Begitu juga, tidak boleh sekali-kali melakukan sebarang usaha untuk mempromosi atau menormalisasikan daging babi khususnya kepada umat Islam. Perbuatan tersebut hanya akan menimbulkan kekeliruan di samping menyentuh sensitiviti umat Islam.Kami juga ingin mengingatkan, bagi menyemak status sebarang produk makanan ataupun minuman yang dikeluarkan atau yang terdapat di dalam Negara, hendaklah terus merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada badan berautoriti seperti Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM.Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kefahaman yang jelas kepada kita semua dalam beragama. Ameen.https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/irsyad-fa...tiruan-sintetik ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999824583530426} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Mar 21 2015, 11:49 PM)Nah, just sedap sehingga menjilat jari sahaja~habis lah KFC... Cadbury dah menang kekekeQUOTE(falzehope @ Mar 21 2015, 11:50 PM)ON land and ON water not UNDERWATER like fishso hard to understand meh?thats what u get for eating too much cadburry i guessDucks are born with flippers.If live ON land = living on 1 alam why is live ON water =/= living on 1 alam ? thats what u get for eating too much cadburry too LOL QUOTE(differ @ Mar 21 2015, 11:50 PM)not sure if you are trolling or really believe that birds live in the sky.Birds dont need to touch earth just as fish dont need to touch land. Birds can fly in sky, eat fruits/insect, nest on trees = live on 1 alam. If you think birds are no sky-alam-animal, then tell that to your ulama and eat all the cadbury you want. QUOTE(empyreal @ Mar 21 2015, 11:50 PM)so youre saying trees are part of the sky?so you dont understand birds can live without landing on ground? ducks has flippers that enable ducks to live on water and water's ecosystem.Eh, its your ulama and Allah that told you not to consumer makhluk 2 alam lah. You choose to deny duck as a makhluk 2 alam, go ahead defy your ulama and Allah. After all, you can eat all the Cadbury you want. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.961218535900116} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Jan 8 2024, 08:12 PM) Inb4 u tk sukak boleh buat combolone sendiri owaiiiii ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977790713310242} +{"text": "3,4 orang customer yg ada tadi hanya mampu tengok je kelakuan anak tu,nak tegur karang lain pulak jadinya. Bayangkan kalau time tu tgh ramai orang,memang org x lalu nak makan tau dan ia akan menjejaskan bisnes kau sendiri. Please buka restoren bukan semata ada sijil halal tau..", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979089498519897} +{"text": "Hikmah mencari makanan yang HALAL https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156713497542398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5702069997787476} +{"text": "Beta dah pening baca.. KETIKA anda sedang minum segelas air sejuk di restoran tahukah anda tahap kebersihan ais yang digunakan?Sebenarnya mudah untuk kita mengetahui yang mana satu ais yang bersih, yang mana satu pula ais yang kotor.Namun kebanyakan daripada kita mengambil mudah tentang kebersihan ais itu sendiri.Biarpun tidak semua kilang memproses ais mengabaikan aspek kebersihan, tetapi sebagai pengguna, tahukah anda di mana datangnya atau ais itu milik syarikat mana?Jika syarikat A menghasilkan ais yang berkualiti, tahukah anda restoran atau kedai itu menggunakan ais syarikat A?Jawapannya hampir pasti anda tidak tahu. Apa yang anda tahu segelas ais sejuk sudah terhidang di atas meja selepas menu dipesan.Isu halal ais itu sendiri memainkan peranan yang sungguh besar. Halal itu bukan sahaja pada ais itu sendiri tetapi merangkumi segenap aspek sama ada kebersihan kawasan kilang, bekalan sumber air, mesin dan prosedur pemakaian pekerja.Anda harus ingat, ais yang kotor jika masuk ke dalam badan boleh mengundang pelbagai penyakit. Ais yang tidak bersih dan tidak mengikut prosedur akan mengakibatkan penyakit bawaan air seperti typoid, e-coli, kolera dan gastroenterisis serta Hepatitis A.Terpanggil untuk memberi kesedaran kepada semua pengguna, Sorot melakukan siasatan terhadap berapa buah kilang ais bersama sumber yang sebelum itu menyalurkan maklumat betapa tahap ais yang diproses hanya ingin mengaut keuntungan semata-mata, mengetepikan aspek kebersihan dan kesihatan.[ARTIKEL BERKAITAN: Mana satu ais yang lebih bersih?]Beberapa buah kilang disiasat dan hasilnya hanya satu perkataan yang mampu menggambarkan semuanya iaitu jijik.Anda bayangkan, air yang sepatutnya dibuang digunakan semula untuk dijadikan ais kiub. Lebih teruk, saluran air buangan itu berlumut. Loya tekak menggambarkan apa yang dilihat dengan mata sendiri.Ada juga binatang peliharaan seperti anjing, mudah keluar masuk ke lokasi memproses ais kiub. Bayangkan apa yang anjing itu buat di situ.Tidak dapat juga dibayangkan bagaimana pekerja membersihkan diri selepas menggunakan tandas. Ini kerana tandas terdapat di dalam premis itu terlampau kotor dan berbau.Itu hanya sebahagian yang mampu diperkatakan. Di sini, Sorot menyenaraikan apa yang kami peroleh sepanjang siasatan kami.Apa yang menjadi harapan kami selepas ini, pihak berwajib perlu memandang serius dan melakukan siasatan segera bagi memastikan semua ini tidak berpanjangan.Buat pengguna pula, kita seharusnya peka terhadap aspek pengambilan makanan atau minuman yang bersih. Jangan ambil mudah dengan situasi ini. Jangan biarkan makanan tercemar menjadi sebahagian daripada darah daging kita.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/mobile/semas...oyakan-1.571201This post has been edited by sultanmurka: Oct 10 2016, 02:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977485537528992} +{"text": "Aku mau beli ini jg tapi kucingku gak suka makanan basah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949604272842407} +{"text": "Many dumb ass here debating the percentage and point . Value Bodoh sial . Also rezeki allah jangan ditolak they say.Mereka bukan minum susu pun \u2026 mostly their mother milk. Bagus lazat dan sedap.Dont be jealous coz amoi or tangechi got sub standard boobs for producing milk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985010623931885} +{"text": "QUOTE(stormer.lyn @ Dec 20 2021, 08:52 PM)Tabuli bos. Another thread I mentioned got fatwa, issued twice already, about rokok is haram. Then someone answer me fatwa is open to interpretation only, no strictly necessary to follow .....Lol asal boleh hisap rokok ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999334812164307} +{"text": "QUOTE(quebix @ Jun 10 2024, 09:24 AM)thailand girl selling lemang \npiap piap mesti sawadeekapppp ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996181726455688} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 11 2023, 04:12 PM)https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkoholI can't see how cooking wine on claypot rice is haram according to this link. Chinese cooking wine is not arak. It is not a minuman. It is not an alcoholic beverage. If you see someone drinking Chinese cooking wine, please run away. A liquid does not imply a beverage. You don't call soy sauce a minuman do you?\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab1) Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.- Not a minuman arak2) Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.- Not relevant. Rice wine is not toxic.3) Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.- Not diminum4) Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.- Not diminum5) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.- Technically cooking wines fits the bill. It's the byproduct of fermentation of bijiran (rice)6) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.- Not relevant7)Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.- Not relevant ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998647153377533} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Oct 21 2016, 03:37 PM)Unlike you I have a straightforward logic. It is not who being stupid in case you can't read or comprehend. I am only questioning 1 particular issue with it. No need to drag all sort of nonsense into it. Does the name of an object makes a thing halal or haram? Are Muslims easily confused due to naming of the object?Is the name an issue ?becos in Malaysia Muslim community naturally & historically, the name dog, pork, pig, lard, & bacon is taboo & never being use in dish..it was introduced by outsiders..name me 1 malay traditional dish that have a dog or pig name..i just need one dishit is u who drag the one petty issue to make it big & thus make Muslim feels offended as it is a 100% Muslim matters..u dun have to apply for Halal cert if u disagree with the rule ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9900597333908081} +{"text": "depends on city council zoning, some hybrid zone, u can use house for commercial however subject to certain type of bizss2 roadside houses i belip best example ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997957348823547} +{"text": "Org dh bagi sijil halal , maknanya mereka percaya kat awak. Tapi awak khianat dgn mencampurkan produk tak halal. Sape je tak kecewa #BuyMuslimProductFirst", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5427621006965637} +{"text": "QUOTE(netmatrix @ Apr 19 2024, 01:03 PM)Disclose what it was contaminated with. Such large stockpile is crazy to say contaminated. If they say from flooded warehouse, yes can still accept. But some fully sealed products like flour, just wash the packet can use already.If product was contaminated being stored too close to decaying chemicals or petroleum products that has its fumes absorbed into the food.The one i really do not want to hear is because products was hexed or cursed. Or the products was contaminated by a bunch of wild boars seeking food.Another i do not want to hear is because the products was stored too too close to a pig farm or any other non halal food in the same warehouse.Already fucking few years say country is facing rice scarcity due to countries we are importing from unwilling to sell for lower price or because they have problems for their own consumption. If there was a death sentence for crimes not related to thieving, this should rank very high on the list. Dumping good food is really bad even in faith & humanitarian laws. You all are fucking chibai for dumping food for non life threatening reasons.already stated in his statement. membaca itu berkat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "Not being skeptics, tapi memang muslim dianjurkan untuk elak daripada perkara syubhah, plus you dont know what kind of cross-contamination, lack of perseverance dalam menjaga status halal makanan yg boleh berlaku bila non-muslim handle the food w/o supervision(like halal JAKIM)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9653981328010559} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:36 AM)Good. Can you see the underlined as well? Ok. U just confused the nons out of me:-- kalau macam tu, campur tapai dengan cendol, jadi minuman juga. Halal atau tidak?- jangan kata tapai, kalau nira nipah? beralkohol juga?- carlsberg 0.0% kenapa masih dikira sebagai haram, tapi barbican halal?\"Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.\" -like the above term, why beer is haram? Or wine? Proses pembuatan beer, memang side effect dia dapat alcohol, sama dengan wine, tapi dia pakai yeast untuk fermentasi gandum, barley dan hop untuk dapatkan gas macam minuman bercarbonate. Tapi gula dalam gandum ditukar kepada alcohol, kesan sampingan penambahan yeast kepada gandum.???This post has been edited by judas: Sep 10 2020, 11:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9235532283782959} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Dec 9 2018, 04:44 PM)darthboyzzeeso u were saying about religion and the matter of lying????Keyword: Solidariti/Candlelight VigilQUOTEHukum Penglibatan Orang Islam Dalam Aktiviti Candlelight Vigil Pada Sesuatu Perhimpunan Atau AcaraSetelah meneliti setiap pandangan ahli mesyuarat dan hujah-hujah yang dikemukakan, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Sembilan Bil. 03/2015-1436H yang bersidang pada 20 April 2015 bersamaan 01 Rajab 1436H telah bersetuju memutuskan untuk menerima keputusan Muzakarah Fatwa Kebangsaan Kali Ke-88 berkenaan Hukum Penglibatan Orang Islam Dalam Aktiviti Candlelight Vigil Pada Sesuatu Perhimpunan Atau Acara dengan sighah seperti berikut :1. Islam melarang umatnya daripada terlibat dalam apa jua amalan yang bersifat ritual atau upacara agama bukan Islam.2. Umat Islam dilarang menyertai aktiviti Candlelight Vigil kerana ia mengandungi unsur-unsur tasyabbuh dengan agama bukan Islam yang akan menjejaskan akidah umat Islam.Keterangan/Hujah :1. Di dalam Islam, cahaya atau api yang dihasilkan oleh lilin dan selainnya tidak memberi apa-apa pengertian berkaitan aqidah dan kepercayaan. Cahaya atau api hanya merupakan satu alat yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT bagi memudahkan urusan kehidupan manusia. Bagaimanapun, api atau cahaya menjadi satu perkara yang amat signifikan bagi agama-agama bukan Islam terutamanya bagi agama majoriti di negara ini iaitu Kristian, Hindu dan Buddha. Amalan Candlelight Vigil khasnya atau kuasa cahaya atau api amnya mempunyai perkaitan langsung dengan ketiga-tiga agama tersebut.2. Upacara berhimpun di suatu tempat dengan membakar lilin sebagai tanda protes adalah menyerupai amalan agama orang bukan Islam. Hukum Islam jelas melarang umatnya meniru atau menyerupai budaya dan cara hidup orang bukan Islam. Ini berdasarkan sebuah hadith Rasulullah S.A.W. dalam Mausu\u2019ah al-Sunnah, al-Kutub al-Sittah Sahih Muslim: Kitab Al-Aqdiyyah, Hadis ke-18, m.s. 1343 yang bermaksud:\u201cSesungguhnya Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda: Barangsiapa yang mengamalkan perkara yang bukan dari pada amalan kami maka ia adalah tertolak\u201d. (Riwayat Muslim)3. Rasulullah S.A.W turut melarang umatnya daripada melakukan sesuatu perkara yang bukan datangnya dari urusan agama, sepertimana disebutkan di dalam Mausu\u2019ah al-Sunnah, al-Kutub al-Sittah Sahih Muslim: Kitab Al-Aqdiyyah, Hadis ke-17, m.s. 1343 yang bermaksud:\u201cTelah diberitakan kepada kami oleh Abu Ja\u2019far Muhammad bin al-Subhi dan Abdullah bin Aun al-Hilali kesemua daripada Ibrahim bin Sa\u2019ad telah berkata Ibn al-Subhi, diceritakan kepada Ibrahim bin Sa\u2019ad bin Ibrahim bin Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, diberitakan kepada kami oleh ayahku daripada al-Qasim bin Muhammad daripda Aisyah berkata; Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda \u201cSesiapa yang mengada-adakan (mereka-reka) perkara yang baru dalam urusan kami dan perkara tersebut bukan tergolong di dalamnya maka ia adalah tertolak\u201d. (Riwayat Muslim)Status pewartaan : Proses Wartahttp://www.muftins.gov.my/index.php/arkib2...unan-atau-acara ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9606705904006958} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 04:53 PM)Keyword: Solidariti/Candlelight Vigillelsikit sikit jejas akidah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999109506607056} +{"text": "eh if not haram then why the A&W have to change Coney Dog to Coney Chicken/Beef..Root Beer rename to RB ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.991969883441925} +{"text": "QUOTE(beglnner88 @ Dec 24 2020, 10:42 PM) haram ? really ? what if i spell selamat Hari Natal ?The \u201ct\u201d in \u201cNatal\u201d is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(ycs @ Nov 13 2020, 10:53 PM)can sue him kaw2Honestly this stupid type of people Mana Ada duit one.. sue also worst worst the fella bankrupt only ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999698400497437} +{"text": "Cannot have hotdog or rootbeer because it\u2019s haram but can have bak kuaMindfked ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "my time, may 20231) check up and delivery: KK KL and HKL (free husband gomen ma)2) 28days confinement centre : RM12,888 (at bangsar area) - got oink oink- over 800sqft studio room for mummy and daddy (super spacious for walking around) with 24/7 aircond- got nurse got doctor- breast pump, formula milk, pampers provided.- 5meals per day (taste okok lah, not too cincai not too traditional, got fish whole ekor got lamb chop also hahaha)- got regular room cleaning service- got consistent monitoring on baby condition (jaundice, weight, drink, poo poo pee pee)- got nurse help to clean my c-sec wound twice per day and help do the injection (the hospital give balance 7 injection to take after discharge)- centre people educate mummy and daddy for baby care before discharge so that we are ready on our own- can survey what the centre using only buy later prior to discharge from centre (breast pump lah, formula milk lah, pampers lah, bath & shampoo lah) can prevent overspent or spent on unnecessary coz some baby very choosy on formula milk and pamperswhy i dont go for confinement lady (based on my observation from my cousin and my mother when i small)- u see hah, first thing first, my house too kecik no extra room for confinement lady- then u see the pricing, for KV area nanny price alone already 6-8k liao- then hor, u haven count in the herbal soup lah, herbal bath lah, food ingredient lah... sometime u still need bring nanny go buy the ingredient, then ur house fridge sumbat full full. how much here liao? 3-4k got bo? nanny no need eat ah? another almost 1.5k gone.- then hor, ur electricity bill leh? tradition say cannot blow wind, cannot sweat coz cannot bath, so need on aircond ma.. how much the electric bill like dat? 500-800 got bo?- then hor, those small small thing like pampers lah, baby clothes lah, milk powder, baby bath tub, baby cleaning tools, breastfeeding thing bla bla bla... need 1-2k bo? about there liao lah- then hor, who help do injection and cleaning wound, many nanny will say \"how i know i jaga anak and mummy's food only\"- then hor.. u still need to do all the cleaning and household chores because ur waifu and the nanny unlikely do this. cook ur own meal, clean the house, wash own clothes...- then after u whole day tired work, still need buy food ingredient, then still need do household chores, u mana got time got the waifu and baby. later waifu ngek ngek komplen no jaga her emotion.- so u sendiri kira how much already here?so the best is , go confinement centre. bao ka liao. best this is purely my sharing and experience.This post has been edited by huangpl89: May 30 2024, 04:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995402097702026} +{"text": "@dak_arepppp @nrainnae Before you say about halal cert, kau tau tak apa prosedur apa yang diperlukan untuk clarify sijil halal? Orang lain yang beli dan minum tu diorang rasa was was ke? Kau tau diorang rasa was was? Kalau kau yang was was, jatuh hukum haram kat kau sorang je la.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(chemnz @ Mar 23 2021, 02:25 PM)Memupuk perpaduan they said..LelThey will say you have haram items, why cant they have non-haram items?Also, jokes aside, they will need to compete with Grab and Foodpanda, and tons of other non-halal deliveries out there.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9610635042190552} +{"text": "Sebab itulah bab makan ni kena tengok dua aspek, halal (suci) dan tayyib (bersih). Kalau makanan tu bahannya halal tapi tak tayyib, boleh mudaratkan diri.\n\nAku tak tahu haram ke apa hukumnya sebab aku bukan ustaz, tapi aku tahu takat situ lah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(prophetjul @ Dec 20 2023, 09:23 AM)Shangrila Tanjung Aru Resort is near the city. This one is the best for the famous sunset at Tanjung Aru beach. Walking distnace to the beach.There is another one by the sea. No beach. Just 1km from city. Sutera Magellan Resort.Further out you have Shangrila Rasa Ria or NexusGreat, thanks mate. I shall google up based on this few headup. With this, i can have a city and beach staycationThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Dec 20 2023, 09:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Boleh jadi ada cooking wine, ayam yang digunakan diragui sembelihan, makanan dalam tin dari syarikat yang sama mengeluarkan produk babi, bahan-bahan yang diimport terus dari China, Taiwan dan sebagainya. Tiada cop halal dari Jakim atau mana-mana cop halal yang diiktiraf Jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998466968536377} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 03:47 PM)Tuak is haram. Cuisines that added liqour/wine/beer is haram too. Tapai does not contain liqour/wine/beer but small amount of alcohol. Read my few post above regarding the difference between liquor and alcohol.Just like air nira, drink it fresh ok. Fermented it long enough it turns into intoxicating drink aka liqour (dan kawan kawan sejenisnya).Liquor has alcoholBeer has alcoholTapai has alcoholBut tapai is halal?what?This post has been edited by genecode: Dec 13 2019, 03:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941602945327759} +{"text": "Tv so many haram show, why no haram issue? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998692274093628} +{"text": "\r\nsara sekarang tengah kemaruk kueteow kungfu \r\ntapi kena letak cili api kicap\r\nsbb sara suka pedas..masakan cina kurang pedas..\r\nkalo tak, mesti tomyam ler ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8292819261550903} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ May 25 2017, 12:18 PM)Fuck this guy, what arrogance. Saya halalkan apa yang awak makan Dan tak halalkan apa yang awak viral. ShitttttttErmm..I don't really understand that statement, what does he mean by that? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9756684303283691} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lyu @ May 21 2019, 12:28 PM)Bile jeXpi klau u substitute bahan recipe, originality 404Substitute jadah apa. Takkan Hui punya food culture 1000+ years nak label ciplak pulop.Padahal language and culture so similar oledi cuma bab halal haram, tapi generally indistinguishable.Nak jugak tegak benang basah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999411106109619} +{"text": "QUOTE(Angelic Layer @ Nov 4 2021, 07:44 PM)Maguro around 60-90 MYR per kg only on wholesale only.Chinese shop?Melayu can't eat Chinese stall la. Haram tahu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948596954345703} +{"text": " halal itu tidak hanya makanan, pakaian, harta anda tapi PIKIRAN+GAYA HIDUP harus Halal dan bersih dari yg Haram :) hehe", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9864097237586975} +{"text": "kenapa dekat replies ni ramai yang marah? dia tanya soalan yang betul. mencari makanan yang halal dan bersih merupakan suatu kefardhuan untuk umat islam and tuntutan cari makanan halal juga merupakan satu ibadah. awak semua ni ok tak? https://x.com/ddaSaadah/stat/ddaSaadah/status/1600427566078529536\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Nov 21 2023, 09:33 AM)I admit there is lack of sensitivity from Malaysia majority but i don't recall a single function (of any race)\u00a0 which only serves beef. so you have option. What India is doing is discriminating against the Muslim because if you ban certification, they have limited way of knowing the status of the food.Setuju bang, instead of banning they should find a solution to the muslim community who rely on such certification.They should have come out with better regulation, instead of blanket ban. Maybe its for short term, mungkin la.This article here gives better perspective on the issues.https://www.livemint.com/news/india/what-ar...0327934965.htmlQUOTEHowever, to streamline the certification of meat and meat products as halal from the country, a scheme titled 'India Conformity Assessment Scheme (i-CAS)'was developed by the government, news agency PTI reported.On April 6 this year, the DGFT notified policy conditions for halal certification process for meat and meat products. It directed the existing bodies to seek accreditation from the NABCB for i-CAS (Indian Conformity Assessment Scheme) Halal in six months.In October, the Center had extended the time period for accreditation of halal certification bodies and registration of export units by six months till April 5, 2024.\u2018Exploiting religious sentiments\u2019The few companies, which were accused of issuing forged halal certificates, were also charged for \"fostering not only social animosity but also violating public trust\". They were also accused of exploiting religious sentiments to boost sales by providing Halal certificates to customers of a specific religion.\"The issuance of halal certificates for vegetarian products like oil, soap, toothpaste, and honey, where no such certification is necessary, suggests a deliberate criminal conspiracy targeting a specific community and its products,\" it said. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9899070262908936} +{"text": "Bro @Ashril_92 , ko dah buat food review kt sini ke?? For those who are craving for authentic korean food.. you can check out this place \u201cSweetree Restaurant\u201d Pemiliknya Korean & jgn risau sbb dorg ada sijil halal.. Korean Chicken Cheese tarik dia memang Super Spicy babe!! https://t.co/OKLx6UdJN3", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9939864873886108} +{"text": "Orang Malaysia sudah agak selesa dengan makanan yang hampir semua halal di negara kita sehingga mereka was-was makan ketika travel overseas. #makananhalal #halalcertificate #JAKIM #malaysia #malaysiaboleh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999009370803833} +{"text": "Siapa yg mahu dipertanggungjawabkan? Perkara yg melibatkan halal haram secara langsung melibatkan kepentingan yg sangat dituntut dlm agama Islam. Hati yg suci bersih juga tergantung dgn sumber makanan yg halal.Sudah sekian lama perkara ini berlaku jadi pihak terlibat fikir\u00b2knlah?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976396560668945} +{"text": "inb4 patung berhala mencabar akidah ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "QUOTE(BL98 @ Dec 16 2022, 02:58 PM)Gov want to control ceiling price. They expect egg producers to make loss?Now accuse them of hoarding eggs. And import eggs from India.Sooner or later many local eggs producers will close shop.In the long run, affecting our country's food security, as we become too dependent on foreign imported food.The joke is msia use to be strong exporter of egg, now sendiri buat malu by excusing the price hike and blame kartel, then impose ceiling price and pretend as hero ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999078512191772} +{"text": "\n\n Tbh I don\u2019t see any point why they\u2019re fusing about halal certificate. Like what\u2019s the point forcing halal certificate on every single restaurant. At this point, people might consider food that doesn\u2019t have halal certificate as haram which is doesn\u2019t make sense.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976636171340942} +{"text": "QUOTE(netflix2019 @ Jun 7 2024, 12:14 PM)giving free handout without informing is the dumbest shit ever. Next time make sure u train ur staff properly. Actually why Malay so timid when work as cashier/promoter. It's like they just try their very best to reduce interaction with customer and also towards the workplace. They macam not interested with their job at all, know nothing about the products they handling. And because of knowing nothing, they damn scare customer interaction. Like back in school the student all tunduk bawah dont dare look at cikgu scare kena ask question.Its not about race. Its abt age. Young sohems just know how to play henpon but dunno how to use brain and mouth at work. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9766160249710083} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Oct 6 2022, 08:56 AM)Meaning to say, hidangan served to guests are not halal? How la, dy dimakan?Jikalau caterer tidak menghalalkan makanan tersebut, maka haramlah pemakan tersebut memakan (jikalau dia tahu). I'm assuming the guest didn't know, so it will be halal. But for the couple, since they know, then it would be haram for them ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996895790100098} +{"text": "I'm impressed. They actually implemented strict adherence. It would be interesting to get the stats for adoption rate.This also means all business needs to be profiled as halal/Haram ?This post has been edited by killdavid: Apr 28 2024, 10:51 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(fuifuiTan @ Feb 9 2017, 12:47 PM)From hotdog to cake to paintbrushWhat else soon to be halal haram?Slowly 1 by 1 la bro ...there are thousands to millions of items they can manipulate... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994785189628601} +{"text": "JAKIM: List makanan yg haram dimakan pd 9 Julai..pisang, pulut kuning, nasi beriyani, ayaq jagung..beer kuning masih dlm kajian #BERSIH", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6906390190124512} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Mar 20 2019, 11:22 AM)Aussie remove their Halal logo from few of the productbut they retain the Halal standardbecause they sked will backfired if got Halal Logo (you know, later someone will triggered nampak logo halal yeap, especially some of their popular snacks ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999875545501709} +{"text": "QUOTE(party @ Apr 3 2024, 06:45 PM)Hahahaha..kedai tepi jalan mak ciak kiah auto halal LolololDia tak byk membaca atau dia tak tahu kes claypot. Atau kes nasi ayam sg ara. Iqra. Tau share je tapi malas membaca ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996800422668457} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ May 3 2021, 12:30 PM)Fundamental belief to make viral videos?Which holy book of Islam wrote to take video?Cyber bullying is no different from stoning someone to death... Viral video destroy people social life and shaming their whole family too.Use advice not viral videoexactly...dalam islam, kalau ikhlas nk tegur or buat baik, takde nya nak rekod2 video, suara kuat2 camni...\"menegur\" but dalam hati nak kejar viral video ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999419093132019} +{"text": "@saifulislam kalau islam, tahu yg mana makanan halal atau haram. Tak payah logo. Kesian kat Jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Sep 24 2017, 10:08 PM)Those who compare this to non halal eateries are really dumbPeople put \"non halal\" sign to inform muslim that their food does not comply with islam halal requirementsIn some way. Its to save muslim from eating things that are forbidden for themTak bagitau nanti termakan babi. Marah pulaApa kaitan dengan dobi ni?Did the owner do anything to the washing machine that somehow can offend the non muslim? Non halal sign= clarificationThis dobi sign=discriminationUnderstand that.Tho I'll be honest. For those who are offended by that sign The best way to deal with this is just dont visit that place. Dont pay for its serviceGo to other dobiThats the most logical rational course of actionIts still a troubling sense of dread how people can easily discriminate other people in the name of religionIts really scaryIs this what islam taught them?QUOTE(cyhborg @ Sep 24 2017, 10:11 PM)i dunno, never been thereGenting casino forbid muslims from entering SINCE LONG AGO..discrimination? Yeah, But any muslim butthurt become viral?No.Moral of the story? Stop bitching about everything ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999780654907227} +{"text": "Iya aku juga kadang suka beli makanan yang enak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9919883012771606} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 03:46 PM)[attachmentid=11480859]Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga /k.It has been a while. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum (bagi yang ingatlah), aku adalah salah seorang /k residen yang bekerja sebagai rider Foodpanda.Alhamdulillah sejak 4/9/2023 aku dah dapat kerja tetap yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku (14km) berbanding kerja di KL (70km). Jadi aku ada masa lebih untuk buat delivery sebagai rider Foodpanda (part time). Seperti gambar di atas, gaji aku sepanjang bulan 9 yang lepas adalah RM590.18 termasuklah tips dari customer. Aku bekerja selama 92 jam lebih kurang bersamaan dengan gaji RM6.64/hrs. Sepanjang bulan 9 ni aku berjaya kekalkan batch 3. Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Mohon /k bincangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.salam boss panda rider ada kosong lagi tak? area seremban jugak saya ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9865210056304932} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackpink @ Dec 31 2019, 11:22 AM)why so many ask me /kolos thread? my brain still got thoughts leh. i still see many mamaks actually not muslim but kedai gantung tulisan khat and wear songkok but actually they not muslim.LoL another \"wahh i see this mamak confirm not muslim\" claims on the nets..best part is, this fella claims to know this but never report to authorities over false advertising and misrepresentation.goes to show our third world mentality who cant operate as a good citizen and helping crooks go away with their shady business.QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 11:25 AM)Pretty sure the religious scripture says everything is halal except those specifically classified as haram. Unfortunately, muslims prefer to be ignorant of their religion and leave it to the zealots to instruct them about the religion.http://www.quran-islam.org/articles/halal_meat_(P1156).htmlhttps://www.soundvision.com/article/halal-a...uran-and-hadithI don't know about you guys, but I would feel pretty embarrassed when a non muslim knows more than islam than muslims.refer below, and the BOLDED PARTQUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 12:16 PM)Quran in general, tells what to do and not necessarily how to do. You can argue that there's no mention of how to perform the prayer, how to perform zakat and same thing with how to perform the slaughter of animal. Yes, Quran specified some animal that you cant eat like pig. There are animals which can be eaten which does not require slaughter like fish and others from the sea and some that requires slaughter like cows. How do muslim knows even when the Quran didnt mention all what is halal and what is not? By the sunnah, the actions of the prophet. The verses were reveal about something, this case about what is halal and what is not and the prophet then simply show or tought the companions how a food or meat can be considered halal. Cow is halal to eat, but it not simply mean that you can just go and cut the tail from a cow who's eating grass to make oxtail soup.These sunnah, the saying and actions of the prophet were later recorded into hadiths (yes there are various degrees of hadiths which we will not get into that for the sake of discussion).The verses of the Quran only tell believers to pray. It does not tell how. Yet all muslims regardless sunni, shiah whatever prays the same way (with very, very minor variations) which is the way tought by the prophet, followed by the companions and recorded later. The link also gave both what is halal as written in the Quran and how to make it halal as written in the Hadiths. Same as my explaination above.The first link does not gave any contacts and references so I was wondering what's their intention are. Probably the same like the sola scriptura movement just like the Christian version, but this time for muslims.You are right about there are non muslims know more about Islam, but I'm sorry to say that you're not one of them.ooofff* ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9601938724517822} +{"text": "Makanan yang halal membuat hati jadi bersih hingga mampu menangkap hidayah, pun sebaliknya.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999089241027832} +{"text": "\r\nMakan makan dan makan.. Bangga sungguh deme", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.753943920135498} +{"text": "Gak apa2. Bagi saya, untuk makanan apapun, yang penting bersih & sehat. Bukan soal ada atau tidak ada sertifikat halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9615246057510376} +{"text": "QUOTE(7thSeal @ Mar 12 2024, 10:50 PM)Lies, we know there is no infrastructure or whatsoever in KB. Its just a rundown rural pariah kampungMemang bandar KB is kampung like KL in 90s , whenever go to makan2 will flashback memories like I was a kid. My husband said most of office or big building are left over by UMNO/BN, Puas buat apa also taktau. Basic infra like public transport memang teruk, air teruk (need to pasang filter, nasib baik my shop never got water issue at all till now), sampah management teruk. But oren kito redho. Salahan oren kito yang stay kerja luar but vote Puas. Bila lama sangat ruling state, they will feel so comfy so malas semua buat cincai & cakap bodoKB got a lot of schools within near distance. My daughter school (SK) got only 3 classes for standard 1. Each class 30pupil. 1 session school. Kelas KAFA(agama) after class at same school, for standard 1 can excuse balik awal, just buat surat for school. Ok la maybe I am lucky. Alhamdulillah. But If you are good negotiator (pandai kecek) , everything runs smooth for you here ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979876279830933} +{"text": "QUOTE(damnkids01 @ Jan 15 2018, 11:47 AM)went to KK for work lately, and it was an awesome place. it was my first visit.people there are so friendly, and they dont see skin color, trust me when i say this, they really dont!the place i went, (town centre) hardly has any stupid mamaks, instead, you have chinese kopitiams and malay cafes. you know whats best about this?chinese kopitiams have malays (with tudungs!) working and serving you, and malay kopitiams have chinese serving you! it was a sight to behold!!due to work i didnt travel or go around much, but just these few moments alone made me feel like this is truly Malaysia, truly a place i can call my home.\u00a0 truly our cancerous religion/race havent spread there yet, and they are living in harmony without any race issues!Ya BAH!WE are the true 1 SABAH. Unfortunately many West Msians have brought their religious and race filters over with them over the yearsIt's beginning to show. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Apr 4 2024, 11:45 PM)Racing pun agak2 bang. Bulan puasa patut sabar tu didahulukan.Bulan puasa jugak diorang dok print stokin tulis allahIngat boleh sabar ke? Lepas tu belakang kita diorang gelakDapat pahala kalau lawan manusia mcm ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999343156814575} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Dec 9 2023, 01:53 PM)Let me share my experience with you. First, mmg semalam baru I tau ada pesta buku ni.\u00a0 2nd, I hd attended a book festival yg dianjur oleh majlis dewan dengan nama \" antarabangsa\" b4. Sekali masuk. 90% buku agama Islam. 5% buku sekolah 5% novel cinta bhs melayu.One of the comments by a Chinese lady.Kek.i was about to comment same thing also. I have been to these \"international book fairs\" in KL for many years last time. All the years is dominated by Malay/ Islamic books. So that lady that says CN/ID no go to these \"intl book fairs\".... please la. The sellers there cater to the biggest buyers only. CN/ID only goes to Popular and BBW fair for obvious reasons. Even then both these fairs are no longer viable as people are moving to digital or buying online these days. So these book fairs today are becoming trade shows. 2018\nA_Ef3iGc78g\n\n2019\n9QaRWJtq7Fg\n\n2022\nptA6VYekRpQ\n\n2023\niA8DbmLNQUE\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999903678894043} +{"text": "Pernah mengenali seseorang yg obses dgn makanan/restoran yg mesti ada Halal Jakim dan juga tak pernah tinggal pornografi-onani tiga kali seminggu\n\nCognitive Dissonance", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9338286519050598} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Mar 9 2024, 09:05 AM)Mungo Jerry Bak Kut Teh in the 80s sold chicken kut teh for a while but wasn't popular.Guess chicken Kwa is aim at different market.The 1 at ss2? lama tak makan, still gooding?i luv their BKT ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996465444564819} +{"text": "QUOTE(dobot7 @ Jun 12 2023, 04:24 PM)this is totally incorrect. not because babi is dirty. it is clearly stated in al quran it is haram and we cannot consume it. hope this will clear your misconception.Ok cool.Why specifically is it haram then? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ Sep 11 2023, 11:45 AM)First thing first, did the owner claim his food is halal? Or malay themself bodo claim malay cook=halal?What law stated malay cannot sell non halal? Dia nak buat busines non halal, hak dia la. Melayu je yg bodo claim malay= halal which is not correct. Banyak gerai gerai melayu yg tak halal je, kotor ptuihhh itu pun kira haram tauNowadays even with Halal cert, some of them still questions about the food. Those are holier than thou people, they thinks you are wrong, you are wrong.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "i don\u2019t want to try, xi fu tang. it ain\u2019t halal. ok. mother dah bising, nak the alley boleh xi fu tang jangan gatal! belum dapat sijil halal malaysia. try lah kalau nak dosa haha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.44942453503608704} +{"text": "this is mcd bending over to the commercialization of Islam --> got little to do with Islam per se, just some folks cornering the market with the halal ecosystem (big money there)boycotting is just the people's way of pushing back...side read of another article of hers, somewhat related:\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abHalal Tau Sar Pneah, non-halal Nasi Lemak & my momFa Abdul | October 26, 2016My mom has a very tight morning schedule every day, one which she adheres to religiously. From her morning doa recitals at 5am, followed with Subuh prayers, all the way to her trip to the market, fixing breakfast, cleaning, doing the laundry and preparing lunch at 11-ish, mom is on her toes the entire morning, pottering around the house like a busy bee.So when mom called me early yesterday morning, I knew something was not quite right. Mom stuttered a bit (a sign she was upset or angry) and sounded less chirpy than she usually was during our daily mother-daughter chats.\u201cKenapa Ma? Semua ok, ka? (What\u2019s wrong, Ma? Is everything ok?)\u201d I asked, worried.\u201cMak tak puas hati (I\u2019m not happy),\u201d her voice was flat.Realising it may be a long conversation, I signalled my daughter to make me a mug of hot kopi O and asked mom to tell me what she was unhappy about.\u201cPagi tadi mak pergi market nak beli sotong. Mak ingat nak buat sambal sotong, tapi harga sotong mahal sangat. Jadi mak pun beli la ikan cencaru. Lagipun dah lama mak tak masak ikan cencaru masak belacan\u2026 (This morning I went to the market to buy squid. I thought of making some chili squid, but it was so expensive. So I bought some cencaru fish. Been awhile since I made cencaru with shrimp paste\u2026)\u201d mom diverted as usual.I smiled as I took a sip of my Kopi O and attempted to steer her back to our conversation.\u201cPastu (Then)?\u201d\u201cPastu mak pi beli nasi lemak kat makcik yang selalu jual nasi lemak kat pasar. Bapak dah mengidam nak makan nasi lemak, asyik sebut pasal nasi lemak dua tiga hari ni\u2026 (Then, I went to get some nasi lemak from the usual aunty at the market. Your dad has been craving for it these past two to three days\u2026)\u201d\u201cPastu Ma (Then, Ma)?\u201d\u201cPastu mak pergi beli roti ban kat aunty Cina sebelah gerai jual suratkhabar. Masa nak beli roti ban, mak tengok ada Tau Sar Pneah. Kan adik suka makan Tau Sar Pneah, dan selalu sangat cepat habis, mak pun beli la tiga roll kat aunty tu\u2026 (Then, I went to get some buns at the Chinese aunty\u2019s shop, the one next to the newspaper stall. When I was there, I bought some Tau Sar Pneah too. You know how much your brother loves them, and they sell out easily too, so I grabbed three\u2026)\u201d\u201cPastu (Then)?\u201d\u201cPastu masa mak jalan nak balik, mak lalu la depan gerai nasi lemak. Makcik jual nasi lemak tu panggil mak suruh datang dekat \u2013 macam ada benda yang dia nak bagitau kat mak (Then when I was on my way back, the nasi lemak aunty waved at me \u2013 sort of asking me to stop by at her stall).\u201d\u201cPastu? Apa makcik tu cakap (Then? What did she say)?\u201d I was curious to know myself.\u201cMakcik tu tunding pada Tau Sar Pneah dalam bakul mak. Dia tanya halal ke tidak (She pointed at the Tau Sar Pneah in my basket and asked if it was halal).\u201d\u201cPastu (Then)?\u201d\u201cPastu mak bilang la kat dia yang Tau Sar Pneah di buat daripada minyak sayuran dan inti kacang hijau. Kalau yang guna lemak babi, aunty tu akan bagitau awal-awal \u2013 lagipun dia takkan campur benda halal dengan haram. Mak bagitau dia, kita sekeluarga dah biasa makan Tau Sar Pneah sejak berpuluh tahun dan tak pernah rasa ragu-ragu tentang kehalalan dia (Then I told her it\u2019s made of vegetable oil and green beans. If it were made of lard, the aunty would have told me \u2013 plus she never mixes non-halal and halal things together. I also told her we have been consuming Tau Sar Pneah for ages and have never once been alarmed about its halal-ness),\u201d mom explained.According to mom, the nasi lemak makcik wasn\u2019t satisfied with mom\u2019s answer. She continued to explain to mom that it was not appropriate for mom to purchase anything without the halal certification imprinted on the product. She stressed that any food item without a halal symbol should be considered haram.My mom, being a religious person yet quite practical and open-minded, decided she wasn\u2019t going to walk away before having a say on the matter.\u201cNasi lemak yang kamu jual tu halal ka (Is your nasi lemak halal then)?\u201d mom asked.\u201cEh. Mestilah halal. Saya buat sendiri (Eh, of course. I cooked it myself),\u201d the makcik said, sounding a little defensive.\u201cAda cop tanda halal kat nasi lemak tu ka (Is there a halal symbol imprinted on your nasi lemak packet)?\u201d mom asked.Obviously there was no halal certification on her nasi lemak pack. The makcik told mom that Muslims should trust each other and the ingredients she used to cook her nasi lemak were all halal, hence the question of halal-haram did not arise.\u201cKedai orang Muslim banyak yang kat tepi longkang, penuh sampah sarap, ada tikus dan lalat. Dah la kotor, minyak masak pakai sampai tiga empat kali \u2013 sampai boleh kena keracunan makanan dan bagi orang tercirit. Halal ke tu? (There are many Muslim food stalls by the drain, surrounded by rubbish, with rats and flies spotted all over. Not only are these stalls filthy, the cooking oil is reused many times over. Is that halal?\u201d mom lamented.The makcik was dumbstruck.\u201cMemang la kita orang Muslim kena percaya antara satu sama lain sebab kita sama-sama Islam, tapi kita kan juga manusia, kenapa sebagai sama-sama manusia kita susah sangat nak percaya antara satu sama lain (I understand that as Muslims, we should trust each other. But we are also human, so shouldn\u2019t one human trust another human too?)\u201dI continued to listen to mom\u2019s story without uttering a word, amazed at the wisdom of the woman who gave birth to me.\u201cHello\u2026 dengar tak mak cerita ni (Hello\u2026 are you listening to my story or not?)\u201d\u201cDengar mak. Saya terkhusyuk kejap dengar cerita mak. Hebat la mak (Yes, Ma, I was listening alright. I\u2019m just in awe of you, that\u2019s all. You are awesome, la Ma),\u201d I said.Mom chuckled and ended our conversation that morning with a request, \u201cMak nak kamu tulis cerita ni dalam FMT. Bagi orang sedar sikit, bukan semua barang makanan yang tak ada tanda halal tu adalah haram dan bukan semua makanan yang ada tanda halal tu boleh dimakan (I want you to send this story to FMT. I want everyone to wise up to the fact that not all food items without the halal symbol is non-halal and not all food items with the halal symbol is halal.\u201dI found myself grinning after our conversation. As I sipped my cold Kopi O, my heart was filled with warmth and admiration for my mom.Fa\u2019s Note:I\u2019m so proud of you, Ma!http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...i-lemak-my-mom/This post has been edited by duHwaN: Jan 3 2017, 09:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5225221514701843} +{"text": "QUOTE(HyourinMaru @ May 3 2021, 08:07 AM)Lol @ fb comments on \"makanan Cina tak halal\"I know few of these kind of pplSays kedai cina haram yada yada.but tipu duit claim,songlap duit company,bawa gf balik everyweek tak pernah fikir pulak halal ke tak lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "QUOTE(panz3l @ Apr 27 2017, 11:01 AM)none halal food more dosa than dadah weiAre you serious the muslim thinking in this way ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Eh there got sell the juicy Hakka Chun Kien (\u5ba2\u5bb6\u6625\u5377)? Basically its minced pork egg roll:It would be best if it is imported from Sabah 1, their pork meat there doesnt have that hamis (smelly meat) smell compared to semenanjung pork ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998513400554657} +{"text": "Orang macam ni tok sah kata p overseas, ntah2 p Sabah Sarawak pun x lepas nak survive kalau semua benda nak pertikai halal. Baru tengok sign no pork tu mesti mintak nak intai ada sijil halal ke dak tu.\ud83d\ude44", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8982520699501038} +{"text": "@AqlhRhmn_ @Ashril_92 Halal. Blkg kaunter ada sijil halal. I mmg suka ayam crispy shinlin and mee oyster dia. So i tgk sijil halal dulu before beli hehe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999334812164307} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Mar 28 2024, 02:15 AM)p.s. The best employee I had was female 17 y.o. SPM leaver before entering college, she did her job as professionally as I could ever ask for.Comes from presumably low income family (lives in a flat), slightly above average academics but I'm thoroughly impressed with how mature and how serious she takes the work. thumbsup.gifIt's the less ideal ones I'm having trouble with.m40 kids these days are pampered much. if they think this job aint worth their time, they will quite MIA just like thatThis post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Mar 29 2024, 10:27 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "QUOTE(MustyBalls92 @ Mar 29 2016, 04:35 PM)lets pretend things like the halal logo has not helped at least some people differentiating between non-halal stuff vs halal stufflike chocolate based products that don't contain non-halal stuff etc hahaYou boleh straight up look up codes of certain ingredients without going online while on the go nia? haha so what you now? blame government for letting haram stuff into country?den what will tax paying non-muslims eat?hahahhahahahahhaAgain, you refuse to see the good in having JAKIMapa biasanya ang moh cakap?Credit is due where kredit is due? hahahahhahahhaha \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 ah.. so we're not going into the specifics you raised earlier? thanks for the assumptions (bolded) but as pointed out earlier, i did not imply JAKIM is irrelevant IF they have stuck to their core duties minus playing to the tune of their masters, especially the Cadbury episode. So \"when in doubt better not\" doesn't actually apply i see. so i get it that you continue to think i'm seeing Jakim in bad light? end of discussion then. continue with your hahahaha... it doesn't add to the narrative (i think)This post has been edited by hotjake: Mar 29 2016, 04:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5881956219673157} +{"text": "Mixed feeling gak la. Sbb tbh skrg ni ni mmg malas nk judge org yg mkn mcd dah sbb mcd tu halal untuk dimakan. Menjadi syirik pulak kepada kita jika kita haramkan makanan yang halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "@ustazmohdizhar MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973305463790894} +{"text": "u all must think rationallywhen the food is being delivered from the pickup truck, wind will graze past the non halal food and carry the non halal particles to the surrounding, what if muslim students inhale these particles? susah tau, nanti dosa...must compromise a bitmy suggestion?ban toyotas ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Aug 6 2024, 10:48 AM)13 jun punya story oso TS want to reviveJAIS ady take actionTS fail to understand and connect role of JAIS and role of PAS ( thing happen in selangor, why would PAS be responsible)? also, SRA are under state gov (selangor). https://www.malaysia.gov.my/portal/content/29475?language=myno you fail. i revive it because Puas is double standards. they are opposition and its their job as check and balance in parliament and state. why viral and kepo on vernacular schools ?when their own bread n butter sekolah agama kena serious food poisoning, and this useless parti not stand up and voice up in parliament on food safety? and press Jais and state to ensure this never happens again. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999756813049316} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 28 2020, 11:09 AM)https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1165...su-daging-haramhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/116538/BERITA/Nasional/Tujuh-cadangan-tangani-isu-daging-haramJOHOR BAHRU - Pas Johor mencadangkan tujuh penambahbaikan dalam menangani isu kartel daging import tidak disembelih yang diletak logo halal dan dijual di pasaran Malaysia bagi memastikan perkara itu tidak berulang.Ketua Penerangan Pas Johor, Rusman Kemin berkata, pertamanya kerajaan perlu memperketatkan undang-undang yang melibatkan bahan makanan import Kedua katanya, melipatgandakan pemeriksaan ke atas premis-premis pemprosesan makanan selain membuat pembaharuan kepada logo halal bersesuaian dengan perkembangan semasa. \"Begitu juga bertindak pantas menangani isu-isu dengan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja\u00a0 manakala kelima manfaatkan sepenuhnya media kerajaan untuk mendidik masyarakat supaya peka dengan pengambilan makanan yang halal dan sihat .\"Keenam pula mengenakan hukuman yang berat kepada kakitangan kerajaan yang terlibat sebagai dalang dalam hal ini ,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini pada Isnin.Pada 2 Disember lalu, Sinar Harian menerusi laporan khasnya mendedahkan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kuarantin dan Pemeriksaan Malaysia (Maqis) kegiatan kartel daging sejuk beku import yang membawa masuk daging tanpa sijil halal sebelum meletakkan logo halal palsu untuk dijual di pasaran tempatan.Ketujuh katanya, menyediakan akses yang mesra dan mudah kepada rakyat untuk melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa .Pas Johor katanya, berharap isu-isu yang menjadi kebimbangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia dan sekian lama kurang diberi perhatian dapat diselesaikan segera.Dalam pada itu, Rusman berkata, Pas Johor turut menggesa kerajaan terutamanya Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), kastam, majlis agama negeri-negeri dan semua pihak berkuasa yang terlibat supaya lebih sensitif dalam isu itu.Pas Johor memandang serius isu berkenaan dan juga isu-isu seumpamanya yang telah berbangkit sebelum ini antaranya isu ayam di pasar raya yang tidak disembelih sempurna.Selain itu katanya, isu ikan patin di Perak yang diternak dengan memberi makan bangkai khinzir dan isu penyimpanan daging halal dan haram dalam satu tempat.\"Isu kebanyakan dapur-dapur hotel di negara ini yang tidak patuh syariah dan pelbagai isu lain berkaitan makanan yang tidak patuh syariah,\" katanya.no need 7 suggestions, 1 idea is enough. 1 thermonuclear device detonation. Problem solved. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8909981846809387} +{"text": "There is a reason the best chance of a ceasefire is in Qatar not New York. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998947381973267} +{"text": "\u201cBuble tea jenama X tak ada sijil halal JAKIM! OMG! Tak boleh minum kalau was-was! Makan benda haram boleh rosak darah daging anak cucu piut!!\u201d Tapi, bercuti pergi Indonesia, minum kopi luwak: \u201cOMG Best coffee everrrrrrrrr.\u201d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7444340586662292} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Nov 19 2023, 06:15 PM)Dahulu open minded nons can together cook lah on restaurant. Food all halal there they assemble masak sahaja. Still yakin food still halal.Now halal certification mesti follow rule 100%. Close minded but mau certainty, follow rule sahaja what to do. Other roles for non.I am 100% sure that most halal high end restaurants and hotel restaurant in our country has non muslim chefs working with them where the christian staff carries cross on their neck and bindi for Hindu females. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "PPMM minta Jakim siasat kedai kopi jual makanan halal dan haram di tempat sama di S'wak. Sah, mesti dia tak pernah datang S'wak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966222047805786} +{"text": "QUOTE(metaled @ Mar 13 2024, 07:00 PM)heard the people in industry is saying Geely very tekan, its like wanna tekan you out so that their best friends in China can export their products here.looks like the issue is not coming to an end yet.but to be pair, the current model of Proton is very far different from back in the days where they can kutip duit saja.Yes, my friend working in automative industry also try to bid for Proton X70 back then, he told me the top management tekan them the price the one they had in china, how to compare with a 1bil market vs 33mil population market.For example Proton X70, promise like 50-70k production per year, if u compare with Perodua top selling model like Myvi/Bezza also around 70-80k. They clearly overstated their sales a lot.In order to get this CKD, the car must be 70% manufacture locally and not by import. Geely top management is trying hard to kick out the local supplier and get them replace by their own supplier from China. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985637068748474} +{"text": "Bukan senang nak cari makanan pencerah yg betul2 dapat PUDARKAN JERAGAT, MENCERAHKAN & MENGGLOWINGKAN WAJAH, SERTA PUDARKAN PARUT2 HITAM YG DEGIL yg SELAMAT & DAH DIUJI DI MAKMAL serta diiktiraf HALAL JAKIM.\nTapi TREAPLUS mampu untuk menyelesaikan masalah#solekdanrawat", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7743731737136841} +{"text": "https://www.facebook.com/nasrun/posts/10153350761959232Ini hanyalah pandangan aku. Ini ruang aku.1. Rakyat Malaysia yang non-malays dan non-muslim bumiputra mahupun non-bumiputra kebanyakannya terima dengan hati yang terbuka laungan Azan subuh yang menganggu tidur mereka. Tak pulak mereka nak buat kecoh dan marah. Bagaimana kalau pihak gereja mula pasang loudspeaker untuk sekalian tempat dengar khutbah Ahad mereka? Ooh.. nanti aqidah kita lari. Jihad!2. Hari Jumaat, kitalah paling hebat sebab boleh parking di tepi-tepi jalan berdekatan masjid sebab nak solat Jumaat. Lalulintas terganggu dan trafik tergendala. Non-muslim terpaksa terima jer.3. Kita nak beli rumah, ada \"bumiputra discount\". Org non-bumi beli rumah xde pulak padahal diorg pun Rakyat Malaysia. Apa? hak istimewa org Melayu? Ke Apartheid?4. Non-Malays, non-bumiputra yang cemerlang nak masuk Universiti sampai berdarah hidung, bergadai, berhutang Ah Long sebab nak bayar Uni atau kolej swasta. Kita takper sebab ada UiTM la, ada kolej mara la. Diorg pun rakyat Malaysia. Bila diorg dah grad, cukai hasil kerja diorg jugak kita makan.5. Yang non-malays non-bumi yang mak bapak hantar ke kolej swasta tadi ada pulak yang ke luar negara, maka banyak lah pulak exposure dan banyak kenalan dapat. Bila mereka dah grad, balik ke Malaysia, meraka jadi tenaga kerja yang lagi progresif, lagi padu. Pandai speaking. Cepat naik pangkat. Yang lain (termasuk kita barangkali) mula rasa ditindas la, tak adil la, tak \"tolong melayu\" la.6. Cakap pasal pandai \"speaking\", masa kat sekolah bila kita \"speaking\" sikit, ada kawan-kawan yang ejek. Kata kita poyo lah, kata kita \"kebaratan\" sangat lah, kafir lah. Mula lah kene pulau. Yang ejek tu, yang pulau (ehem.. menindas) tu bangsa apa? Ni lah bangsa yang kata maruah terjejas.7. Dah 58 tahun merdeka. Sebelum tu dah berapa tahun dah bangsa Cina, India, Baba, Melayu dan lain lain hidup bersama. Ni dah masuk abad ke-21 tapi masih ada antara kita yang amatlah jahil dengan budaya bangsa lain. Nak bangsa lain hormat kita, kita kene start hormat dulu.8. Ni budaya bangsa lain pun kita tak ambik peduli. Sibuk nak bangsa lain ikut dan faham budaya kita jer. Mana boleh macam ni bro. Yang tak sensitif sebenarnya kita. Diorg dah banyak ikut angin kita.9. Kita dilihat sebagai bangsa yang mengada-ngada sampai bangsa lain takut pulak nak bergurau senda dengan kita. Takut kalau mereka tersilap menyinggung perasaan atau tercakap bende yang yang padahal ok jer tetapi kita mungkin tak pasal-pasal tersinggung entah kenapa.10. \"Suci\" dalam debu. Nak sangat org jaga kesucian makanan ko. Sampai ada tampal sticker kat peti sejuk ofis \"Halal only\". Padahal takder lah kene sampai macam tu sekali. Yang Hindu relax jer tengok kita layan daging depan diorg. Tapi kalau kawan kita makan babi, geli.. kembang tekak. Babi tu memang lah haram dimakan tapi kenapa sampai takleh tengok lah, nak muntah lah. Drama. Tengok aurat ok pulak. Tak geli kembang tekak ke sebab itu pun haram.11. Ada gereja bina dekat kawasan Melayu, kecoh jadinya. Salib tu boleh pesong aqidah kita. Pasal aqidah kita nipis sgt. Tak pasal-pasal jadi kes. Pihak gereja pun mengalah. Turunkan salib. Kesian. Kalau kita bina Masjid tapi non-muslim bikin kecoh, mula lah nak jihad konon, kita kene tindas konon. Kan elok kalau relax jer. Dah macam budak kecik yang manja. Org bangsa lain kene pandai amik hati kita. Malu lah.12. So, apa yang terancam? Sikit-sikit nak gaduh. Sikit-sikit nak jihad. Rasis sgt kenape?Refleksi:Raja-raja & Sultan: MelayuPerdana Menteri: MelayuTimbalan Perdana Menteri: MelayuKetua Polis Negara: MelayuPanglima Angkatan Tentera: MelayuApa yang terancam sangat? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999415874481201} +{"text": "Kalau kedai makan bagus...menu sedap. Tak perlu main sentimen bangsa pun. Pastikan halal. Rasa sedap pasti ramai orang datang. \nNi belum apa apa main sentimen type a laa, type c laa.. Kejap aje lah kedai gitu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5076219439506531} +{"text": "QUOTE(duckhole @ Dec 14 2016, 04:41 PM)agama apa ni? mesti pakai sarung tangan untuk bagi anjing makan?Haha agama mudah tapi disusahkan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999967098236084} +{"text": "Boba y xdak sijil halal jugak yang dikecohkan, tunggujela sijil halal tu lau ragu sgt nak beli...padahal ada je org beratoq beli... hal y lain x de fikir pulak halal haram...hipokrit sangat... \ud83d\ude12", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987279772758484} +{"text": "\n\n Not really. Halal goes beyond what the food is. Cleanliness is part of it too. Basically if a business is applying for halal certification so jakim comes to inspect and sees flour lying bare on the floor then no, certification not granted.\n \n Ofc it would be madness if someone goes overseas and expects all products to be labeled halal or not. So in those cases we rely on judgment. Look at ingredient lists enough. Islam gives leniency when there is hardship. So overseas check ingredient list enough. And to ask the food provider too. If hotel serve eggs for breakfast no need to ask lah. Buat malu saja. Eggs can eat even though we know the pan will be in contact with many other stuff, because travelling. If at home in Malaysia, things are easier so we have to up our rules and have to eat where we know the pots and pans dont touch non halal\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981504082679749} +{"text": "Beenies - Best. Siap ada halal. Lembut rasa nak buat bantal peluk!\nMimora - Best tapi macam berat, mungkin sebab tebal. Keluaran Manjaku, kedai baby tu. Kadang naik ruam.\nDiapex CD - Dia lembut tapi ada rasa kasar. Tak tau macam mana nak describe. Naik ruam sikit kadang tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Mar 14 2024, 10:33 AM)Jangan fitnah la. Firdaus Wong reverted to islam when he is i. secondary school.lagi. He even start dakwah when he is a student.I rather trust a cat then the rubbish you spill out. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(xtrabite @ Jan 9 2021, 06:40 AM)Mana ada tulis owner kena tindakan.Fitnah ni.Jabatan agama just checking.Sebab tengok ramai orang islam makan sana.Tolong check sahaja.Makanan halal penting untuk orang islam.Lepas check jabatan bagi tahu, restoren tiada sijil halal.Supaya kita orang islam elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Salah ke?Pray tell good sir,On what legal authority that jabatan agama Islam have to inspect non Muslim owned eatery? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997681975364685} +{"text": "Hello serious /k, just need your input on this.Ok so some background, I'm (male) running small scale F&B SME at the moment, and I just need some advise / feedback regarding female employees.I do my best to be a fair employer to all of my employees, but admittedly I can be lax with my female employees, on the account that they can be very emotional & unpredictable at times.I rarely get angry most of the time or raised my voice or whatever, but I feel that my attempt to politely reprimand them for their shortcomings by logical reasoning can seldom be fruitful.Their shortcomings also usually stems during their time of the month, while I try to empathize as best as I could (and not mention this pattern outright since some happens like clockwork, e.g. 4th week of every month), their outbursts can have longlasting effects on the workplace. I've a good guess that a few of some other previous employees (female also) have resigned following this. The male employees can have their share of problem as well, but the baseline and their 'max amplitude' of their occasional behavior is less of an issue, while the female ones can be like no holds barred kind of deal. My boss at my previous workplace in engineering faced this issue as well, even with the small amount of female employees in engineering department, but I missed out on learning how to face with this issue as at one point he & the senior engineers even decided not to call to interview them anymore moving forward, what more things like increased maternity leave ruling in recent Employment Act and what not (even our female HR dept. back then was not keen on hiring women after that).My question is how do people navigate this in most cases? Is it due to the typical pool of candidate I'm hiring? Generational issue? Upbringing?I don't think I'm able to foresee this during the hiring process. If I can't filter them, how do I atleast polish them? Typical Employee Profile:- 18 - 30 years old - Usually SPM leavers / fresh off education / 2nd job- Locals, living in parents house- Post-2000 babies- F&B line of work- Min. wage or slightly above tl:dr Bad at being a boss for female employees (I think?), what do? Not trying to be misogynistic, as I'd really love to know how to improve on this since they're half of the workforce. Please no trolls, and female forumers are more than welcome to share their inputs as well. p.s. The best employee I had was female 17 y.o. SPM leaver before entering college, she did her job as professionally as I could ever ask for. Comes from presumably low income family (lives in a flat), slightly above average academics but I'm thoroughly impressed with how mature and how serious she takes the work. It's the less ideal ones I'm having trouble with.p.p.s. Also now that I think about it, I've never seen any women apologizes or tried to mend things for their moment of weakness. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5527289509773254} +{"text": "Kalau Jakim ckp kedai tu 'tak ada status Halal', tak semestinya makanan tu tak halal. Awek hang pun tak halal jugak, rilek ja hang kongkek.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.41645342111587524} +{"text": "Tak suka boleh jadi penuai kelapa sawit.This post has been edited by Epci: Jan 18 2024, 11:16 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8813879489898682} +{"text": "@saladinMY No wonder .. Tak tahu hujung pangkah terus sampuk. Pastu dah missed d point. Latte dia suka tu ada Sijil Halal Jakim ke gamaknye.. Salam Jumaat, tuan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968681931495667} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 23 2020, 08:57 AM)nasi lemak pork is already in malaysia.what to trigger?i observe, the only things that malay trigger are things related to religion and special rights.about food la, adat la, budaya la what la, if you see, malay dont care much.Dude are you even MalayMelayu paling pantang Bab makanHalal or notOthers takpe, janji olang kito ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999468326568604} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkboy @ Mar 23 2021, 03:21 PM)If they \u201cDon\u2019t bother\u201d how does anyone confirm its halal status?From a consumer point of view, i guess it is up to personal conviction (use your own judgement) But this whole business is built on selling \u201chalalness\u201d AKA making profit from the HALAL label.How do they judge an eatery is halal and good enough to deliver to their customers? waiter pakai tudung / yang masak tu bangla = enough to confirm it is halal?It cheapens the word halal because there is nothing to back it up.Plot twist. Majority is not certified. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6376171708106995} +{"text": "Saya mahu pekerja asing beragama islam wajib ditempatkan dengan pengurusan orang islam terutama pembantu rumah atau kedai makanan agar ini bagi mengelakkan menyalah guna umat islam yang miskin dan juga bagi memperkasakan standard halal berkuatkuasa semalam.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935241937637329} +{"text": "QUOTE(Twins10 @ Jan 17 2022, 09:46 AM)Next all the rohinya indon Bangla viral habislah Malaysia.oredi happen. nasi porridge oredi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999415874481201} +{"text": "Dari pov pemilik premis, dia perlu benda ni untuk tangkis sangkaan buruk pengguna.\n\nJakim x dpt take action unless mmg berlaku penipuan & penyalahgunaan istilah halal, sebab kedai xda sijil halal. Kalau kedai ada sijil halal sah, jakim boleh buat inspection lama-lama sekali.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995076656341553} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaterBuffalo @ Feb 4 2024, 08:45 PM)Ever since the Middle East conflict, i noticed no Malay dine in at mcd. Mostly take away or drive thru.I kinda pity them. Wanna eat but got peer pressure sked kena talk bad by their own people. No peace lah like this.Same thing like puasa.. I saw many bought lunch at nasi kandar stall within Chinese shops, I pity them.. people work hard under the sun and you fucking force people not to eat.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7003273367881775} +{"text": "@wanshah07 Itu betul dah tu maqasid syariahnya, semua benda halal sehingga terbukti haram atau ada dalil yang melarang. Tapi saya kurang faham, prinsip pensijilan semuanya tak halal sehingga dibukti halal tapi sudara kata buat kawalselia tak apply sijil dia boleh jadi halal juga? Oxymoron.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997801184654236} +{"text": "Wahai pak lebaiDah Tau sendiri bodoh janganlah bagi seluruh Dunia Tau laU tak malu buat I malu jeThis post has been edited by halglory: Nov 29 2022, 03:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "QUOTE(FappyBird @ Dec 6 2023, 11:11 PM)Just sack la the bodo officer, kerja senang mau bikin susah\u00b2Now viral ardy padan mukakBut seriously la, how old ardy bm also dunno speak?sack ranjiao ah?menteri also agreesack u 1st la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972543120384216} +{"text": "kalau tak suka jangan makan, tiada paksaan. lainlah cerita dengan...ohwai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9349696040153503} +{"text": "https://www.hmetro.com.my/utama/2022/09/885...cai-proses-ayam'Cincai' proses ayamDUA pusat penyembelihan ayam di sekitar kawasan Perindustrian Batu Caves diperiksa pihak berkuasa.QUOTEKuala Lumpur: Lawatan mengejut jam 1 pagi membongkar kegiatan dua pusat penyembelihan ayam 'cincai' yang beroperasi dalam keadaan jijik selain dikesan membuang sisa darah ayam ke longkang.Jurucakap Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) berkata, kegiatan itu dibongkar hasil operasi bersepadu terhadap pusat penyembelihan ayam di sekitar kawasan Perindustrian Batu Caves di sini, kelmarin.Menurutnya, operasi bermula jam 1 pagi itu membabitkan 21 anggota Jabatan Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar DBKL, Jabatan Alam Sekitar Wilayah Persekutuan, Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) dan Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (Span).\"Sebanyak dua premis memproses ayam diperiksa sebelum pihak kami mengesan pelbagai kesalahan dilakukan pemiliknya.\"Dalam pemeriksaan di premis pertama, pihak kami mendapati pusat penyembelihan itu tidak memiliki sistem penapisan sisa efluen. Sisa sembelihan termasuk darah ayam dialirkan terus ke dalam sistem pembentungan IWK.\"Susulan itu pihak kami memberi nasihat berhubung peruntukan undang-undang perlu dipatuhi selain mengambil sampel pelepasan air sisa oleh petugas Span,\" katanya.KEADAAN pusat penyembelihan ayam yang kotor dan tidak diselenggara dengan baik.Menurutnya, pemeriksaan di premis ke dua pula mendapati lantai dan dinding di ruang pemprosesan ayam dalam keadaan berkarat, berlumut, berdaki hitam dan kotor.\"Malah, terdapat najis tikus di ruang aktiviti memproses ayam. Pemeriksaan lanjut mendapati beberapa pengendali makanan di premis itu tidak mendapatkan suntikan tifoid dan gagal mempamerkan dokumen pengenalan kerana hampir semua pekerja adalah warga asing.\"Kesalahan sama seperti premis pertama apabila pusat penyembelihan ayam kedua ini turut tidak memiliki sistem penapisan sisa efluen.\"Sisa efluen, fizikal dan darah ayam tanpa dirawat hasil aktiviti penyembelihan ayam terus dialirkan ke longkang awam,\" katanya.Tambah menjijikkan apabila pekerja meletakkan atau memproses ayam mentah di atas lantai. Malah, tandas pekerja di premis itu dalam keadaan kotor dan tiada kelengkapan asas.DARAH dan sisa ayam terus dialirkan ke longkang awam tanpa kemudahan sistem penapisan sisa yang diwajibkan.\"Petugas DBKL mendapati pemilik premis turut tiada sijil tauliah penyembelihan dan tiada sijil halal. Berikutan itu pemilik kilang dikenakan kompaun mengikut Undang-Undang Kecil Perniagaan dan Perindustrian Malaysia (WPKL) 2016 selain diberikan Notis Perintah Penutupan di bawah Akta Makanan 1983 membabitkan arahan pembersihan dan penambahbaikan,\" katanya.Pada 13 September lalu DBKL turut menyerbu sebuah kilang penyembelihan ayam di Cheras di sini selepas didapati beroperasi dalam persekitaran kotor .Lantai dan dinding di ruang memproses ayam berkarat, berlumut dan berdaki hitam selain semua pekerja atau pengendali makanan di premis itu tidak mendapatkan suntikan tifoid. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998199343681335} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureRokok not declared haram already ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulmate @ May 11 2015, 11:56 PM)btw agree TS is shitthings was posted in /k > goes viral on blog/fb > comeback to /k posted as 'true experience'#kipidapi dun mind my story being shared. its not like its some literary masterpiecebut posting with no sos n claiming other ppl's experience as his own is shameful la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995428323745728} +{"text": "Dah tak perlu kot JAKIM keluarkan sijil Halal tu. Sebab fatwa netizen kata boleh rasa2 je. Agak2 ramai org Islam makan situ puluhan tahun, yakin. Maka makanlah anda dengan tenang. Yang persoal berkenaan sijil halal ni golongan kolot bagi mereka.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.973602831363678} +{"text": "Ni koop kot? Kalau koop under usahawan muda. Cikgu just tolong monitor je. Aku pun ahli koop masa kat sekolah dulu. Kalau aku pun suka beli kat koop sebab lagi pelbagai makanan dari kantin. Harga pun jauh lebih murah dari kantin", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9903181791305542} +{"text": "QUOTE(stanck @ May 10 2024, 06:01 PM)Malay operate no need halal cert. Like this also need to buka in K. Otherwise all roadside stall bungkus already. Tak akan a malay want to serve non halal stuff.bukan tak ada orang islam tapi tak patuh syariat halal. dah pernah jadi pun.tapi what's the probability of that happening?and we can also determine a look the other way.what's the probability of non-muslim outlets (without halal certification) to serve halal-compliant meals. bukannya tak ada langsung, kan? i know 1 that i patronise from time to time.it's about confidence and trust.if you can gain confidence and trust from your target market, you tak ada sijil halal pun kami bertandang. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998997151851654} +{"text": "k/ logic.1- When starbucks full house, k/ will complain only stupid people buys overprice coffee with sugary drinks. Malaysian really unhealthy and stupid and yada..yada... like k/ is the intelligent human being in earth.2- After starbucks report losses and no customer, k/ logic will change to stupid people boikot and not supporting oren people. Malaysia economy doomed since starbucks losses. Malaysian will be jobless and k/ as the most intelligent human being will do the best to support stuckbucks.This post has been edited by de.sengal: Feb 22 2024, 07:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972354769706726} +{"text": "Salam, ikut pandangan beberapa ulama, kita masih boleh makan makanan yg dihidangkan org bukan muslim selagi makanan itu halal dan kita yakin bersihhttps://youtu.be/XDXgPEpUxjo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9618593454360962} +{"text": "@ZikirTerapi MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957261085510254} +{"text": "Pengalaman yg cuma 4tahun lebih kt obesi buat aku xkisah sangat ada sijil halal or tak. Yg penting tahu ingredients. Yes, sijil halal penting sbb ia bukan shj dijamin kandungannya, tp kebersihannya juga. Kes \ud83c\udf66 tu, aku rasa dia patut tanya \"ada guna gelatin? Gelatin drpd apa?\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9169434905052185} +{"text": "QUOTE(CiTY convenience STORE @ Jan 1 2021, 12:34 PM)At least during Mahathir and najib era, we will have mega infrastructure materialize and left surplus of investment profit to those helangs. Now under muhyiddin, mega project terus potong and bajet terus 100% telan by helang. Like that malaysia is no difference with african countries like Zimbabwe, Kenya or Ethiopia.moo moo... actually if you asking me between moo moo, tun M or anwar... tun m is a no good... he can suddenly letak jawatan. to let the whole malaysian down. this is useless. and totally disappointed. anwar,... he is never be a PM... never act... so, i can not judge. moo moo... is so far so good. i start to like him. although many people said, and including me saying that. back door or whatsoever... but moo moo really working as per normal. of course lah... some time like during MCO... moo moo go out shopping with couple... but saying other family can not. i as a rakyat, i no like this. seriously. but... overall... moo moo so far so good. najib??? sorry, i no like to talk about this person. aku rasa malu and horrifying for what is happening. the moment,.. when murdering... case happening. no killer can be catch. please note that i never say who is the killer. okay? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8641325235366821} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 31 2019, 01:24 PM)Kay let me elaborate. Halal cert, trust and enforcement entities like jakim/jais go hand in hand. U cannot separate either one to fully comprehend the seriousness.The reason why u cannot just use \"trust\" as excuse cause the word is incredibly vague and open to misinterpretation. Especially when it comes to actual Law enforcement and will lead to selective prosecution. If a restaurant run by muslim but no cert can serve muslim based on trust is ok? But what about non stall like bobba tea where muslim do frequent based on trust that no haram is served? Are JJ legally allowed to raid that place based on stupid baseless accusation by a Muslim on FB? So so many scenarios I can make up. If u get rid of enforment like JJ, this whole debate about cert, trust and whatnot can close. The problem is when u got govt and bodies like JJ that determine what can be trusted or not, it is clear that definition of \"trust\" need to be established so innocent people don't get dragged into the nonsense.U think there is no muslim food kena raid base on accusation ke. If got report of course kena raid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995662271976471} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 22 2024, 11:38 PM)The reality is- Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy where the King is Malay and official religion is Islam- Income gap between Bumi and Chinese is getting closer- Malaysia is the best country to live in SE Asia, only next to SG- We are in between \"road to maturity - mass consumption era (final stage)\" of the stage of economic development- We have a steady positive economic growth since independence except for 1975, 85, 98, 2009 and 2020- We are the 19th most peaceful nation on Earth- We are the world's leading Halal hub and Islamic finance- Our passport is strongest in the region only next to the two small country with 182 out of 195 countries visa free- We are global player on Palm Oil and SemiconNow compare us to Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and FilipinaDon't be disingenuous by comparing us with Singapore.We are not some kopitiam uncle you can lie to.Singapore can prosper because they don't have rural development and can provide equal access of basic need, education and healthcare to all it's citizen.Plus their ports are in the most busiest shipping lane in the world since 13th centuryBro, except no.1All these data are just for MNCs/armchair generals/think tank/\u7eb8\u4e0a\u8c08\u5175 to syok sendiri only.I assume you're working in an MNC or some comfy office job.Come down to earth (real world if you don't understand). Come work for SMEs for a month. Everyone is struggling to get by. Malaysia is beyond repair. What do the average Malaysians feel?Our neighbours are catching up rapidly, especially Vietnam, it's just that we don't see it.Add: Day in day out we only talk about Palm Oil & SemiCon. We don't even have solid food security because there's no stimulus or incentive to do it. Hopefully RM6:1USD one day. It will come sooner or later.This post has been edited by Juggerballz: Apr 23 2024, 04:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998992681503296} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Nov 24 2023, 01:07 PM)But then can smoke openly pulakOrang buat dosa tapi bangga buat dosa lagi menghalalkan dosa dengan berhujahkan berlandaskan syok sendiri. These are the bad type of people I personally hate. Same species as \"perempuan tu kena rogol sebab pakai mencolok mata\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999710321426392} +{"text": "QUOTE(MIYK @ Jan 5 2021, 04:26 AM)agree.. i used to have one and only best friend that always there for me.. but life and marriage we're away now.. very seldom actually friend think for ourself.i hope one day i could found a friend like that and keep it till last breath of my life... I have friend like this, but seldom to find, never talk about investing / insurance / mlm thingy. Pure friend, priceless.Those whole call you for selling this and that, stay away. Men or women. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "semua makanan berkhasiat, halal dan bersih serta suci adalah sunnah Nabi SAW . Makanan yg membawa mudarat bkan sunnah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996639490127563} +{"text": "the shop never ever had halal cert in the first place, even my malay fren say it's no pork no lard makan sendiri tanggung.......just most sohai see viral with malay long queue they assume it's halal makan je ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8739312291145325} +{"text": "Serious question: sumber makanan halal, bahan makanan halal, tempat bersih cara penyediaan bersih, tapi sebab non-muslim yg jong masak masih haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9926965236663818} +{"text": "QUOTE(GG_AT3 @ Mar 16 2024, 11:12 AM)A PM who need to answer and listen to party directive or party president will be a lame PM. just like ismail sabri.If Dr. sam really want the PM post, he should be contesting for party president first.Even President also no power in Pas. Pas system give the power to Dewan Ulama for decision. In Pas they dont give power to single individual. The power is collective under Dewan Ulama. That is why Pas is very clean and no songlap case. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9226430654525757} +{"text": "Kenapa yaa tiap kita lagi suka sama satu makanan pas mau beli lagi malah ga jualan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999352693557739} +{"text": "Pada saya,saya percaya dengan supplement yang ada R&D, ada clinical studies, sijil halal & KKM nya diiktiraf. Bukannya dibeli..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9477580189704895} +{"text": "ada beza antara haram dengan tiada sijil halal. tiada sijil halal means, whether the certs are in process or they dont apply at all.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993889331817627} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Feb 23 2024, 10:06 PM)If replaced the pork/ chicken with beef ok ka in your opinion? Does beef compliment well with the broth?Your beef and or mutton will overpower the smell of the herbsThe soup is the essence and not the meatAnd beef is haram for my lilijenNo need to thank me for this answer ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6585637927055359} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Jun 7 2024, 01:47 PM)1) Not all Hindu don't consume beef.\u00a0 2) Just because you cant eat\u00a0 a specific food\u00a0 does not mean you cant eat there -\u00a0 practice self restriction rather than expect people to bend over backward. 3) Limited\u00a0 economical power. 4) Most Malaysia Indian are from the South\u00a0 of India, who are more tolerant at let you be compared to the north mob mentality.If the Seller already direspect your belief.You should stop yourself from dealing with them, If you still respect your belief, and yourself.Economical power? there are tons option which are cheaper.this is not Mob mentality.A non muslim eating Pork is not Disrespect to Muslim. because pork is HARAM to muslim, as long as you NOT force them to join youAny person eating/selling Beef is Desrespect to Hindu Believer. Because cow are holy to them.I know you guys wont force any1 to stop eating beefbut to respect your own belief, you should avoid to support them.This post has been edited by ifourtos: Jun 7 2024, 01:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998403787612915} +{"text": "to Jakim non-halal doesn't always mean pork. the way we prepare and name also affected it and we know it is absurd but non-muslim can't speak on behalf of Malay.all of us know cake do not have pork ingredients why Jakim so rigid about it?and they keep on emphasising Islamic laws do not affect non-Muslim, that's why non-muslim lamented this time.dear Muslim friend let me ask you is it ridiculous just because it is not certified by Jakim it's deem haram? how about those street stalls selling foods I believe almost all do not have Jakim certified will you still buy from them and do you feel sin about it?what I'm trying to say if it's not certified by Jakim doesn't mean it is totally haram. you and I have a brain to think.This post has been edited by quintesson: Jan 1 2017, 03:42 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9915339350700378} +{"text": "QUOTE(ijan @ Aug 9 2018, 12:27 PM)on the subject alcohol evaporate, fork againthe missus ckp kalau you put cat urine in your food, then it evaporate, still you want to eat? her concept not the same scientifically cause alcohol evap, thus leaving juice saja, urine jadi lain...hahaoh, short story long, my chinese boss baru makan tapai, weird as hell ini malaysian never eat tapai. and he said that tapai taste like some liquor with 14% alcoholoh, do your chemical analysis, tapai has a lot of alcohol, maybe ppl dunno how alcohol taste like?yakin halal, makan. tidak yakin, stay off laaaayakin halal, makan. tidak yakin, stay off laaaathis is the only answer actually.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9269223213195801} +{"text": "cow drunk, religion drunk set price higher. PROFIT ! also NOT HALAL ! coz cow drink beer. HARAM! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7334322333335876} +{"text": "@aiiphewrinncess HAHAHAHA DIA ALLOW DAH BEST TAPI SIAP BAGI SIJIL HALAL LAK EN HAHAHAHHAHA", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9935188889503479} +{"text": "\r\nPAS bila Anuwart buat mesti boleh punya.. Yg haram pun jd halal.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Sep 10 2020, 11:35 AM)5% consider halal? Kalau u makan 204grams tapai nasi = 320ml beer(assuming alcohol is 3% and density of beer is 1.06)Kalau campur cendol?yeah bebhttp://psasir.upm.edu.my/id/eprint/19918/#...%20is%205%20%25.You can refer @klch87 reply. He did quite good. Do you know why drug abuse is considered haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "They should have own currency as well. Currently bank note may come from pork seller so is haram.... Bank negara pls do something ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "QUOTE(Armata @ Dec 7 2015, 03:54 PM)True. But it has happened before. Forgot to do this and forgot to do that.Add in another protocol means add in another small % of negligence and possibility of contamination.Why even bother to justify the need to put on long sleeves when it increases risks? Religion aside assuming God is so unforgiving, why is there a need to even bring god in when a human life is at stake? What justification in the long sleeves?like i said to use forgot is a very very very weak excuseeveryone forgot to do this and that but it's your responsibility nonethelessif you broke the basic protocol its on you and you aloneif the management had give such leniency you got no one else to blame but yourselfthe nurse can keep her aurat while doing her job as usualQUOTE(alanyuppie @ Dec 7 2015, 03:56 PM)Nurse handles patients frequently during their shift in hospital. She's slowing herself down if like that . And obviously not the best staff during emergency cases. What kind of hospital that wanted to approve such middle-ground? (fearing other nurses might adopt it)yup rolling up sleeves take atleast 15 minutesthat'll sure to slow them downim not sure how often you went to hospitalbut there are alot of hospitals that issues their nurses with a long sleeve uniforms ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975403547286987} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashburn98 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:28 PM)Wasn't couple years ago during bazaar 'karipap oksigen' got viral? Half of the karipap is empty, if anyone asked.Yes, I remember the famous karipap oksigen ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9943299293518066} +{"text": "\nNbyhejvbjdI\n\nQUOTEMasyarakat bersatu, strategi perangi IslamofobiaKUCHING, 15 Mac: Fenomena Islamofobia bukan hanya berlaku di Barat, kini menyaksikan penyebaran gejala itu mula menawan pemikiran masyarakat di negara ini.Islamofobia yang membara pada awal 2000-an merupakan perbuatan yang cuba menggunakan agama Islam untuk menakut-nakutkan penganut agama lain.Personaliti dakwah, Ustaz Wan Muhammad Mujahid Wan Alwi berkata, Islamofobia yang berlaku di negara ini sebahagian besarnya disebabkan oleh orang Islam itu sendiri yang menconteng arang terhadap agama sehingga Islam dipandang serong, pelik dan hina oleh agama lain.\u201cDi Malaysia, Islamofobia ini dia tidak terbit daripada orang bukan beragama Islam, dia terbit daripada orang Islam itu sendiri yang mempertikaikan hukum-hukum syariah dengan mempromosi LGBTQ dan kemudiannya yang tidak suka dengan Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri, tidak suka ordinan atau enakmen syariah dan sebagainya.\u201cBarah Islamofobia ini ia dilihat tidak begitu besar di Malaysia, tetapi bibit-bibit itu lahir daripada orang Islam itu sendiri yang bersifat menentang agama dengan kadang-kadang orang bukan Islam pun mereka hairan kenapa orang Islam tidak suka dengan syariah,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui TVS baru-baru ini.Selain itu, beliau berkata, jurang antara orang Islam dan bukan Islam menjadi punca berlakunya penerimaan pemikiran Islamofobia dalam kalangan masayarakat.\u201cMungkin kurang komunikasi dan kerenggangan hubungan antara orang Islam dan penganut agama lain.\u201cOleh sebab itu, di Sarawak ini, antara usaha yang dilakukan ialah kita anjurkan forum agama dengan berdialog bersama wakil dari setiap agama dengan kemudiannya kita cari titik persamaan,\u201d katanya.Sementara itu, masyarakat Islam yang ditemui mengakui kehadiran Islamofobia di negara ini dengan menyatakan kerisauan akan perkembangannya yang semakin membara.Menurut Nasir kindang, 56, masyarakat Islam sendiri perlu memainkan peranan memerangi Islamofobia dengan menampilkan perwatakan yang mencerminkan adab Islam.\u201cSaya lihat Islamofobia sudah pun berkurangan sebenarnya, cuma kita mesti banyak berdamping dengan ilmu untuk kita mendekati orang bukan Islam dan pada masa sama menunjukkan keperibadian yang tidak berlebih-lebihan,\u201d ujarnya.Senada dengannya, Japarudin Osman, 74 yang meminta cendekiawan Islam untuk menyebarkan keindahan Islam bagi menangkis propaganda memburuk-buruk Islam secara terbuka terutamanya di platform media sosial.\u201cSaya harap cendekiawan dan ulama untuk sebarkan kebaikan dan kesempurnaan Islam bagi mendepani golongan jumud yang sengaja menjatuhkan imej Islam itu sendiri,\u201d jelasnya.Justeru, sempena Hari Antarabangsa Untuk Memerangi Islamofobia yang disambut setiap tahun pada 15 Mac, umat Islam diminta menunjukkan sifat mulia agar masyarakat bukan Islam tertarik dengan keperibadian dan ajaran Islam yang indah. -TVSSoviet Sarawak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9713361859321594} +{"text": "Hulurkanlah apa jua bentuk bantuan yang kita mampu sama ada \ndari segi makanan, pakaian, wang ringgit, tenaga dan lain-lain lagi.\n\nKetahuilah bahawa Allah SWT akan mempermudahkan urusan hamba yang membantu orang lain yang dalam kesusahan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9820780158042908} +{"text": "these bookfair selling discounted/old books at low pricesavid reader looking for book that are not sold heresikit2 nak racing, bodo boleh simpan sikit kalau tammau malu kaytoppest kek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 31 2019, 01:24 PM)Kay let me elaborate. Halal cert, trust and enforcement entities like jakim/jais go hand in hand. U cannot separate either one to fully comprehend the seriousness.The reason why u cannot just use \"trust\" as excuse cause the word is incredibly vague and open to misinterpretation. Especially when it comes to actual Law enforcement and will lead to selective prosecution. If a restaurant run by muslim but no cert can serve muslim based on trust is ok? But what about non stall like bobba tea where muslim do frequent based on trust that no haram is served? Are JJ legally allowed to raid that place based on stupid baseless accusation by a Muslim on FB? So so many scenarios I can make up. If u get rid of enforment like JJ, this whole debate about cert, trust and whatnot can close. The problem is when u got bodies like JJ that determine what can be trusted or not, it is clear that definition of \"trust\" need to be established so innocent people don't get dragged into the nonsense.Nobody said law enforcement is just based on trust. My own posts have stated repeatedly that JJ will act based on whether the law has been breached or not. Who said a restaurant by Muslim cannot or will not be raided by JJs? If somebody complained about something to JJ about that Muslim's restaurant, it will be raided as well. Same thing with police, if they get a tip off about some illegal goings on at a Muslim/Non-Muslim shop, it will get raided. Why cannot? People who make baseless accusation in the public domain can actually be charged. That establishment (muslim or otherwise) that got raided should do something to these people and don't just take it laying down.Since Malaysia has syariah law, enforcement is carried out by the various religious bodies (which we call JJs here for convenience sake) same like we have secular law being enforced by the police. If you get rid of them, how to enforce? Mind you I also think some of these religious bodies have been heavy-handed in some cases and disagree with some of their conduct, but the same argument can be made about the police. Your problem as I see it is that you just disagree with religious laws in first place and don't want it to exist in this country. Tough luck though since it's in the constitution and the majority of the citizen still wants it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9702911972999573} +{"text": "Tidak dapat pengesahan halal JAKIM tak menjadikan sesuatu makanan itu haram. Hukum asal bagi sesuatu makanan adalah halal.\n\n-ustaz fahmi-", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999775886535645} +{"text": "QUOTE(littlegamer @ Mar 10 2024, 08:25 PM)Seriously, I don't mind 1 brave politician stand up and say : since all fruit wanna segregate this and that, duit haram and halal should be separated.Just like how halal and non halal restaurant is.These curry bun wants all benefits of harom money but bising here and there about how other is richer and demand help from harom money should wake up.Reasonable request, your clean money and our dirty money can flow different way. Let's see how it will play out.Doing so will be good, at least oren will know how bad they're doing and will drive them to improve. The G should do this with tongkat taken only from haral tex. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9294160604476929} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Jan 18 2024, 12:06 PM)How to be side gig when Anthony loke put so much rules in order to sign up to be a driver?Last time i was part timer, but since AL put rules need to take another license, then every year need puspakom, then need to change car insurance policy become ehailing status, then need to pay additional rm1k++ premium over whatever u are paying of your current car insurance.. its already not worth it for people doing it full time, what more as a side gigDeswai find a better job. Got so many freelance jobs ma ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999682903289795} +{"text": "Yg berpesta di wat siam tu dinegeri kerajaan isley Pas, hairan nya ugama budha buat perayaan agama, yg mabuk anak muda Melayu islam, di mana mubaligh parti pas yg mendidik anak 2 Melayu islam supaya kenal tuak masam yg haram diminum sebelum halal bila jadi cuka,", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7386455535888672} +{"text": "Takda sijil halal or sijil halal luar malaysia je claim benda ada babi, ada arak. Lels. Yakin ke kedai2 makan yg kau pegi tu sumber dari benda2 halal? Yakinnya kamu. Hmmm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999542236328125} +{"text": "sosej = kotepun x leh pkaiharam konpius otak aku hingga minda haram.. mohon ban semua ayat2 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ Feb 13 2016, 01:09 PM)They have severe inconsistency and double standard on halal/haram issue, that's why the non-Muslims are generally baffled and annoyed by Muslim Malaysians' obsession with halal food.From what I see, Indian Malaysians have no problem dining in McDonalds.You think the medicine for severe diseases like cancer, heart problem are all halal?When a Muslim is on the brink of death and only a non-Muslim pork eater's blood can save his life, would his family let him dying for the sake of halalness or just let him take the blood transfusion? Quite funny when Muslim NGOs want to change blood to cleanse their body during the Cadbury chocolate fiasco.You might argue this is a matter of life and death.The air we breath now have pork and dog pigmens all over it.But then duit rasuah is rezeki.They want to separate halal and haram trolley, but they refuse to separate haram sin tax like alcohol tax, gambling tax and tobacco tax.Hell our so-called Islamic government continue to collect and profit from those haram tax.You got Muslim Malaysians sitting in the board of Genting, San Miguel.Vape and cigarette are haram according to Fatwa council. But Muslim Malaysians still puffing anyway, arguing that fatwas are merely advice and not law-binding. Then why the hell is the hoo-hah when several Malay ladies attempt to participate in a beauty pageant years ago, since they already argue that fatwa is merely advice and not law-binding.Racism is supposed to be haram or at least wrong according to the teaching of their religions, but the government implemented racist policy or play racist politics in their own country and the majority support it.All these happened when they claimed to be a perfectly alim Muslim.When you harping on halal/haram food, but act alright on other issues just because the haram stuff doesn't go down your throat into your body, that's hypocrisy.+1 unfortunately preaching to the choir here.. /k mostly right sane thinking ppl .. maybe somebody post this in flyingspaghettimonster forum? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9634860754013062} +{"text": "QUOTE(ticke @ Oct 17 2016, 11:46 PM)makan sayur jer, cukup. oh wait...baja tak halalbaja lain no hal...baja babi in perspective - baja najis babi tu sendiri haram dari segi sifat najis.tapi hasil penggunaan i.e. tanaman, tak salah dimakan tetapi lebih kepada dielakkan kalau dah tahu berbajakan najis babi. lagipun jenuh nak samak sertu najis yang masih melekat tu...\"harus\" di situ bukan \"should\" ye....---Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia kali ke-2 yang bersidang pada 12-13 Mei 1981 telah memutuskan bahawa berdasarkan nas daripada kitab tersebut, mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Fatwa menyatakan bahawa baja yang diperbuat daripada tahi babi adalah najis mughalazah, sementara hukum menggunakannya sebagai baja adalah harus serta makruh.Hasil tanaman yang menggunakan baja daripada najis mughalazah harus dimakan kerana telah berubah daripada zat nutrien kepada pokok dan seterusnya membuahkan hasil. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997778534889221} +{"text": "Taqlid la mazhab lain, pling! HalalBtw byknye org benci/marah nelopa ckp sombong bagai.. Ye ke? Dulu masa dia dgn aku suwit2 baik comel je. Cuma kdg2 gedik sikit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997358918190002} +{"text": "QUOTE(jom.lepak @ Apr 17 2024, 10:29 AM)Islam doesn't encourage visiting places of worship unless you're there for missionary purposesthis is nothingyesterday i saw someone shared a local ustaz video say u cannot have family pictures inside your home, it's haram This post has been edited by MR_alien: Apr 17 2024, 10:34 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9393709301948547} +{"text": "Lebih baik beli ikan, lepas tu goreng.Tak berbaloi langsung. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963797926902771} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? Not a Muslim but even I totally understand their issue which is not touching it but rather the act of selling it which makes them feel they are supporting the selling of alcohol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999116659164429} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bombgen @ Nov 14 2015, 01:11 PM)Masalahnya diorang bomb sebut nama Islam. Diorang ni bukan kisah, nampak je kita salah suka la diorang blame.ni lah jadi bila pengertian jihad di salah guna. jihadists yg mati bunuh orang yg tak bersalah tu konfem ke masuk syurga? impak dia orang yg betul2 ikhlas ber jihad pun terpalit sekali nama buruk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998317956924438} +{"text": "QUOTE(Artic Monkeys @ Sep 6 2016, 12:47 PM)Pergi Korea, stock makanan halal banyak2 dalam peti sebab katanya susah nak cari makanan halal dekat KoreaCara pilihan hidup tu sendiri dah haram, buat apa fikir nak makan makanan yang halal hahahahahahasemua halal kecuali babi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.50068199634552} +{"text": "QUOTE(NagaViper @ Oct 27 2016, 09:47 PM)Why don't the owner Kevin use his own name.Kevin Bxbi Burger.\u00a0 Suits him since his brain also like the main ingredients. Tribute to Ramly by using ingredients haram by the fellow.How about tribute to Kwang Yin the goddess of mercy by making a Beef Burger knowing her devotee forbidden from eating beef. ?goddess same as some cockface plebeian named ramly ah? bodoh bin bangang. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997819066047668} +{"text": "QUOTE(wongth7 @ Apr 16 2021, 06:37 PM)bagus bagus...PN approved!kasi bukakeeee...DAP's faultmatgolfCome see, DAP's fault, hoorahhhh.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9903575778007507} +{"text": "QUOTE(Efalex @ Jul 31 2023, 04:54 PM)Nama corn dog bukan haramkah?betullah patutlah ada maggot, ada perkataan dog sana haram la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "bukak outlet banyak banyak, tak kan tak mampu nk apply sijil halal kot. https://t.co/bAVku4AOWr", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997395873069763} +{"text": "Good job man. This is the kind of attitude we want to see in our entrepreneur. Rajin inovatif terbuka. Not like those potek potek potetek idiots saying give ang pao haram, wish christmas haram, see lion dance haram, see christmas deco haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6082969903945923} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 06:55 PM)don't agree on the act but agree on the mean,.. ??... he and u been explaining why it is not wrong to haram or halal a thing to disagree on the raid..???I really don't understand what u trying to sayMaybe u can try again? Make it simpler and easy to understand What's the question? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999904990196228} +{"text": "JAKIM sepatutnya keluarkan sijil HARAM sebab makanan halal lagi banyak daripada haram. https://t.co/dYBS6jvy2m", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "So funny , bila dah banyak makanan berasaskan babi , baru lha nak umum haram . Apa fungsi sebenar nya JAKIM ni ? Jual logo ke ? ask", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998830556869507} +{"text": "QUOTE(rickyro @ Nov 17 2020, 09:22 AM)these group of ppl need to be give the benefit of the doubt la, just think about the \"hardship\" ppl faced for applying that jakim halal license la...not just menggelupur sesuka hati when u are unsureJAKIM pun tak boleh percaya. Hanya kalau semua staff, dari boss sampai ke orang bawah termasuk tukang cuci Muslim, baru puas hati. BMF. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995425939559937} +{"text": "QUOTE(mywingame @ Feb 8 2017, 05:58 PM)If they use the berus to brush margarine on Jagung/grease waffle machine... the Jagung/waffle need babi logo?Yea I also have that same question to this natzies ...... if my brush is bulu babi so when I use them to brush on wood would it be consider product babi?If everything have to define by that then what they are doing is just out lining all non muslim business owners and actually forcing muslims not to do business with non muslims unless they get paid to stick a halal ticket.Babi betul babi haram nih ........ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "Orang bodoh je beratur for any viral food. Sooner or later, U can buy it without beratur. Why wasted time and energy because of FOMO syndrome? Heck, I just buy khairul aming sambal Nyet after 3 years release. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "Orang kita suka makan ...makanan yg disediakan olih warga asing yg bukan berugama Islam.memang tak halal ....selain babi cara penyediaan dan tahap bersih juga diambil kira...bila diviral kan...kalut lah nak makan...walau tahu tidak halal dimakan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9872584939002991} +{"text": "QUOTE(marfccy @ May 30 2024, 05:42 PM)yeah so ultimately its super subjective, but people are putting it out like its a MUST otherwise [insert person] fault for not taking care wife la, bla blafor csec mothers i would also opt for confinement, its no joke in amount of healing the body will need. few friends gave birth via csec and no joke they are still healing even after 6 months post surgerydunno le, i can really feel the spite in these ex keliks when they talking abt how much have changed since birth and how things would be diff if they didnt. but at same time theyll go like being mothers is the best feel ever. im confused lmaodoesnt help that last time my family was my mum and aunts also didnt really need confinement centres, they just hired babysitters/caretakers and get family help jaga and all is still went well. didnt spend much too for the caretakers/babysittersyeah so ultimately bolded part in my POV is people go confinement centre cause the other half dont have time thats all.last time cainis average give birth about 20 yo, now is 35yo. If you give birth at 35, your parent or auntie or etc is about 55 to 65 and might even older. Confinement Lady now cost 7000++ for very basic service. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5376914143562317} +{"text": "QUOTE(laoahpek @ Feb 13 2016, 01:26 PM)oh..izzit? but vege confirm no meat . . should be fine....but if there is halal and haram for vege then sorry lor..Take into account the lard/oil that you use and if you mix in wine in the cooking. i wouldn't know. I am not a vegan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998488426208496} +{"text": "@Shahirrzz @airamirotic Tengah proceed kan? Ingat sijil Halal tu 2hari siap ke. Makan masa tau. Klau u rasa was-was u elakkan. Jangan ajak org yg yakin.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991956353187561} +{"text": "QUOTE(beebee1314 @ Nov 5 2021, 08:00 AM)Melayu can't eat Chinese stall la. Haram tahuNot really, when it comes to Seafood in these places they're OK. Seen it in Sabah and other tourist spots as well. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8356925845146179} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka.. 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam... jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing... tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage This post has been edited by koja6049: Mar 6 2024, 04:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9589710831642151} +{"text": "Belum memiliki sijil Halal sah drpd Jakim sehingga 30 Jun 2019..so be careful, better cari yg diyakini..byk lg minuman yg diyakini halal yg best.. https://t.co/qPFvWYMiFJ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997742772102356} +{"text": "#JAKIM RT @sam_bahrin10: Lebih bagus!! RT TANDA HARAM pada MAKANAN NON HALAL, apa pandangan anda?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997918009757996} +{"text": "\u201cEh haram lah jangan makan, takde sijil halal\u201d Don\u2019t say that, maybe dia dah tanya pihak kedai & yakin. I prnh kerja sushi king waktu dia dlm proses nk mintak sijil. Sijil halal quite lama utk diproses sbb nk check the whole outlet. That is why if xde sijil tk semestinya harooom", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Jan 9 2020, 09:52 AM)Got wheelchair also don't need tongkat. Tongkat users tak malu ke?She is using tongkat now..some how the leg can be use again...lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996926784515381} +{"text": "Source : https://www.hmetro.com.my/bisnes/2024/02/10...syarikat-israelFull news Kuala Lumpur: Pemegang saham terbesar FamilyMart Co Ltd, Itochu Corporation akan menamatkan memorandum persefahaman (MoU) dengan Elbit Systems, sebuah syarikat pertahanan Israel.FamilyMart Malaysia menerusi satu kenyataan berkata, ia menyedari mengenai seruan di media sosial untuk memboikot FamilyMart di negara ini.Ia berkata, pada Mac 2023, dilaporkan bahawa Itochu Aviation, iaitu syarikat kepada Itochu Corporation menandatangani MoU dengan Nippon Aircraft Supply dan Elbit Systems untuk mengimport teknologi pertahanan ke Jepun bagi tujuan keselamatan negara itu.Ads \"Kami dimaklumkan bahawa pada 5 Februari 2024 oleh FamilyMart Co Ltd Japan bahawa Itochu Aviation akan menamatkan MoU itu, seperti yang dilaporkan dalam berita di Jepun.Keputusan itu dibuat bagi menyokong sokongan kerajaan Jepun terhadap perintah Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa baru-baru ini, termasuk mencegah tindakan pembunuhan beramai-ramai di jalur Gaza.\"FamilyMart Malaysia mengulangi pendirian bahawa kami tidak menyokong keganasan atau pembunuhan dan kami tidak menyumbang atau menderma atau berurusan dengan Israel,\" katanya.FamilyMart Malaysia dimiliki oleh Maxincome Resources Sdn Bhd, salah satu daripada anak syarikat QL Resources Bhd.Maxincome Resources menjalin perjanjian selama 20 tahun bersama FamilyMart Co Ltd.Kesemua perkhidmatan makanan dan pilihan sedia dimakan FamilyMart Malaysia dibuat hanya menggunakan bahan halal.FamilyMart membuka cawangan pertamanya di Wisma Lim Foo Yong, Kuala Lumpur pada 11 November 2016.Rangkaian kedai serbaneka itu menjadi popular kerana yang pertama menjual hidangan segar seperti oden dan aiskrim lembut.This post has been edited by IccyAsd: Mar 2 2024, 04:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9854605793952942} +{"text": "https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/bahasa/s/18362/Semak program pemulihan kelolaan Zamihan, kata pensyarahSEMAK semula program pemulihan tahanan militan kelolaan pegawai agama Zamihan Mat Zin, kata seorang pengkaji gerakan Islam, selepas pegawai agama itu disiasat atas dakwaan menghasut dalam satu kuliahnya di Shah Alam, hujung minggu lalu.Pensyarah Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) Maszlee Malik berkata Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) wajar membentangkan laporan yang telus mengenai program pemulihan itu kerana pemikiran Zamihan dilihat berisiko menjejaskan keharmonian dan perpaduan kaum di Malaysia.Katanya, masyarakat wajar berasa bimbang dan mendesak laporan itu kerana Zamihan menunjukkan aliran pemikiran yang menyebar rasa kebencian dalam kalangan orang Islam terhadap orang bukan Melayu dan Islam.Beliau berkata program pemulihan yang baik yang dibuat oleh kerajaan itu jangan nanti jadi seperti \"terlepas dari mulut buaya, masuk pula ke mulut harimau\".\"Apakah bentuk deradikalisasi yang beliau lakukan kalau pemikirannya sendiri radikal perkauman?\"Kita tidak mahu nanti orang tidak lagi menyertai Islamic State tetapi jadi rasis,\" katanya kepada The Malaysian Insight.Maszlee, penolong profesor di Jabatan Fiqah dan Usul Fiqah UIAM, banyak membuat kajian tentang pemikiran dan gerakan Islam di Malaysia. Kajiannya mengenai gerakan IS di Malaysia dibentangkan dalam sebuah forum keselamatan serantau di Singapura pada Januari 2016.Beliau membuat gesaan ini ketika Raja-Raja Melayu menzahirkan kebimbangan tentang tindakan keterlaluan atas nama Islam yang boleh menjejaskan keharmonian masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama di Malaysia.\u201cImej Islam sebagai agama yang menggalakkan penganutnya bersikap toleran, sederhana dan inklusif wajib dipertahankan daripada dicemari oleh tindakan yang bersifat keterlaluan dan memisahkan rakyat,\u201d kata Raja-Raja Melayu melalui kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Melayu, Syed Danial Syed Ahmad, pada Selasa.Zamihan dalam beberapa siri kuliahnya yang tersebar di YouTube dan wawancara dengan media dalam tempoh setahun yang lalu mengaku terlibat dalam program pemulihan tahanan antaranya melibatkan kes militan, Syiah dan jenayah dadah.Dia pegawai kader Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) di KDN yang kini ditempatkan di Penjara Kajang.Zamihan semalam ditahan reman selama dua hari bagi membantu siasatan mengikut Akta Hasutan 1948 kerana kenyataannya yang didakwa mengkritik Sultan Johor berhubung titah Tuanku mengenai kedai dobi layan diri untuk Muslim saja, bulan lalu.Dalam kuliahnya di Masjid Tengku Ampuan Jemaah di Shah Alam pada Ahad lepas, Zamihan turut membuat kenyataan yang dianggap menghina kaum Cina.Selain berdepan tindakan di bawah Akta Hasutan 1948, Jakim pada Rabu merujuk Zamihan ke Lembaga Disiplin, kata Pengarah Jakim, Othman Mustapha.Siasat AswajaSementara itu, Maszlee turut meminta pihak berkuasa melihat apakah Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Malaysia (Aswaja) yang dipimpin oleh Zamihan turut sama membawa doktrin bencikan Sultan dan perkauman terhadap etnik bukan Melayu yang bukan beragama Islam.\"Jika dilihat komen-komen para pendokong Aswaja di FB milik Zamihan, mereka mempertahankan beliau bermati-matian. Apakah reaksi mereka di seluruh Malaysia nanti?\"Apakah doktrin rasisme akan tersebar luas oleh mereka hasil protes NGO tersebut terhadap tindakan yang dikenakan ke atas Zamihan?\" tanyanya.Maszlee berkata KDN dan jabatan agama perlu melakukan siasatan terperinci tentang kegiatan Aswaja serta mengambil tindakan tegas, jika perlu, sebelum kumpulan itu dan penyokongnya bertindak agresif menimbulkan suasana tegang di dalam negara.Penyokong Zamihan menyifatkan pegawai agama itu teraniaya dan siasatan terhadapnya konspirasi golongan Wahabi untuk menyerang \"seorang pejuang Islam\".Katanya, sama seperti IS yang mempertahankan ideologinya yang melampau sebagai sesuatu yang tidak salah, Zamihan juga sudah tentu merasakan dirinya betul.Beliau berkata sikap itu boleh difahami kerana itulah sebenarnya cabaran dalam menangani isu ekstremisme, termasuk pemikiran radikal Islam yang diangkat oleh IS.\"Tetapi kita kena jujur dengan diri sendiri, apakah sikap bahawa pemikirannya itu tidak salah penting atau kesan daripada pemikirannya kepada masyarakat yang sebenarnya lebih penting,\" kata Maszlee.Sementara itu, Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nur Jazlan Mohamed yang dihubungi oleh The Malaysian Insight berkata KDN akan mengkaji kedudukan Zamihan dalam program pemulihan itu.\"KDN sedang kaji peranan beliau dalam program itu,\" katanya melalui satu mesej ringkas malam tadi. \u2013 13 Oktober, 2017. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994513392448425} +{"text": "QUOTE(munky @ Jan 23 2017, 12:14 PM)its always the mudah keliru ppl's punya kerja lasikit2 haramtap water at their house got sijil halal or not?yup. obvious mudah keliru people. don't know about halal/haram, but spout nonsense like tap water halal or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "Makanan RTE macam ni memudahkan sangat2 sebenarnya. Lauk asing pun berbaloi beli. I suka beli ayam goreng dia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "khutbah uztaz asri...kan bagus kalau semue masjid kat malaysia kasi khutbah cmnie.baru sedar sikit org islam kite \nmE0pGtYf7Do\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9051427841186523} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:21 PM)See during crisis. So called ulama and PAStards pernah tolong?Money sudah spent beli latest merc and renovates their 4th/5th bungalows, where got money left to offer help? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9803369641304016} +{"text": "Abang keje jakim explain status halal malaysia. \n\nAbang keje kitchen and hotel lagila semua makanan jepun kat malaysia sebaiknya elakkan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9754713773727417} +{"text": "QUOTE(poyol @ Feb 13 2016, 06:31 PM)those goreng2 places that serve nasi padprik, pattaya etc by the roadside how??they never show halal sign also..Yes. Exactly. Because halal cert is not compulsory. Its voluntary Those who apply, have certThose who dont, dontDoesn't mean their food is not halalQUOTE(tescogot @ Feb 13 2016, 06:31 PM)HOI DUCKS ARE BINATANG 3 ALAM OK KENOT EAT WANWaffak. Betul jugaLandWaterAnd air. Cuz obviously duck can flyFuk me. I iz haram! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.987083911895752} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Dec 24 2021, 09:29 AM)I can imagine the kind of pipul there already.Type 1: Aku tak makan sayur lah. Daging everyday or else kerajaan kejam gudwara pipul kejam.Type 2: Aku tabuley lah. I suka mekdi 3x spicy or Prosperity. Fries at least straight or else I prefer curly. I minum coke everyday. In vegetarian kucing makan kah. Ini air bersih kah, coke lah.Type 3: Aku punya buku lama dia cakap gudwara masak take cukup vegetarian lah. Mana boley I makan ini masakan. Mana tofu I. Mana fried pokku meat artificial aku. Sayur hijau I take suka lah. I akan Mari kebuluran sebab kerajaan kejam tak bagi I punya vegetarian type.All 3 happen because tak sedar diri now is emergency, whatever food come silalah makan survive. You have no choice. Even if bagi nasik kicap, please eat.bagi dog food you eat also? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9421506524085999} +{"text": "Dgar khabo jakim dh haramkn pggunaaan term makanan sunnah,ayt ruqyah dn sbgainya bg melariskan produk. Akhirnyaaa...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987780451774597} +{"text": "Blekping, semua makanan aku suka, selagi itu halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8825514912605286} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Dec 27 2023, 06:05 PM)lol do you even read my SECOND LINEhalal/haram food not same as halal/haram activity (perbuatan)like its not even on same tableyou cannot eat something you do (working/playing/etc)2feideisultanmurka sila insapkan si padawan nie ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9933111667633057} +{"text": "Lisan kan melafal fasih dr hati yg bersih, bkn kelu krn hati yg beku...halal-haram makanan yg dia mkn? mungkin bs dinilai di sini...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8334761261940002} +{"text": "\u261bFollow KamiHALAL FOOD INSIDE Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! #motivasi #HalaqahCinta", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997325539588928} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alert_RaZO @ Feb 21 2023, 01:48 PM)Your rental paid by co in shanghai mesti rmb20k loh?Company pay your vehicle? apa kereta lu pakai? Left side\u00a0 easy to adapt?QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Feb 21 2023, 02:17 PM)I actually prefer driving on the left, i learnt driving on the right just like everyone hereEh, how you know how much my rental is ar??? Driving there have to get license, international license tak boleh jalan, no need to take driving test, but need to take the written test, and man oh man, that macam ambil a course in Uni, then I malas d, I never take the car and driver, so had it converted into allowance which added to my yearly budget to purchase air tickets, either for my family to visit me or me to fly to location of my choosing. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9821810722351074} +{"text": "QUOTE(farkingdom @ Dec 5 2023, 03:24 PM)a friend in UiTM who was in engineering once told me that their top class student is not even fluent in English, so each exam he use BM to answer and still score well. Thought it was impressiveweird, 1 ex UITM lady that i know was one of the best student in her chemical eng class and she's someone berpangkat in petronas now. Sarawakian bumi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999903678894043} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 03:28 PM)Dah yg tetapkan halal di Malaysia ni Jakim dan terma hot dog tak dibenarkan memang lah takde. Awak ni paham tak apa yang org pertikai kan? Orang pertikai kenapa hot dog yg telah dipakaigunakan berabad-abad telah ditidak dibenarkan oleh Jakim jika mahu sijil halal. Jakim kata kerana ini akan mengelirukan orang Islam, padahal takda orang pun yang akan keliru. Pandangan Jakim untuk perkara ini mmg nampak mundur (siapa yg akan pikir hot dog ada kaitan dgn anjing? Awak?)Ya kalau tak agree dan boleh berbincang dgn Jakim dan mereka akan menukar rule ini, itu bagus. Tetapi adakah itu akan terjadi? Sekarang pun dalam kenyataan akhbar mereka berputar belit mengatakan perkara ini tidak benar, walhal rule ini memang adapun seperti yg anda sendiri post disini. Jikalau org ramai tidak mengeluarkan pendapat yg ini adalah rule yg tidak patut, adakah Jakim akan tukar? Daripada apa yg saya tengok kemungkinannya memang sangat tipis.Yg memburukkan Jakim adalah manusia Muslim dan non-muslim sebab dalam perkara ini Jakim memang memburukkan nama baik agama. Apa yang orang tak paham? Memang betulkan Jakim ada rule yg tidak membenarkan nama seperti hot dog jika nak sijil halal. Awak sendiri tahukah apa yang orang ramai pertikaikan disini? Awak tunjuk MS 1500:2015 tu untuk apa? Sepertilah ada clause itu didalam MS 1500:2015 itu bermakna clause itu adalah bagus dan tindakan Jakim itu bijak. Btw, orang Jakim itupun orang awam jugak, jgn la nak tunjuk besar pulak.This. The main issue is the nonsensical rule saying certain food names will dictate whether the certificate will be given or not. Never mind the names are used since the beginning and none will be confused. It is just plain stupid that it is justifiable to be laughed at. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999945878982544} +{"text": "uncle... it was never cheap la... sg wang still the best.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9871503114700317} +{"text": "kami faham..dan kami juga minta..jangan sesekali guna logo halal jawi pada produk kamu...DONG ZONG wajib di tarik balik sijil pertubuhannya atau di haramkan pertubuhannya #bmf #kamiterusbersuara #kamutolakjawi #kamitolakprodukkamu \u2014 berasa positif", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9580856561660767} +{"text": "JAKIM dan kerajaan berusaha keras promote Malaysia sebagai industri hub halal. Makanan bersih dan halal ni non muslim pun ramai yg makan. Tapi bila jadi kes kes mcm ni, susah orang nak percaya kredibiliti kerajaan dah. Kena hukum dgn tegas pesalah isu mashalahat ummah gini.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9535436630249023} +{"text": "@Shahirrzz Bang, tak faham lagi ke apa saya cuba sampaikan bang? Nak apply sijil halal ambik masa yg panjang. We're talking about sijil halal not about 'mencari makanan halal bla bla'. Sijil halal merangkumi semua aspek, kebersihan, mutu makanan and so on. Mesti tk prnh baca abt sijil halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9883018136024475} +{"text": "\nBoomibulat replied at 19-11-2020 02:25 PM\nPersoalan yg lebih besar ialah haram ke tak kalau rider islam htr benda yg x halal contohnya nasi\u00a0\u00a0...\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Nov 2 2013, 11:10 PM)i think you should believe what you wanted to believe, while we as people that have faith in Islam, believe what we wanted to believe. it might not be logical to you, but it is to us. so best you move on. that my friend, is called faith.i know what is faith. i respect that. but don't go around saying that pork has super germs that can't be killed by cooking or cola plus pork = worms because that is not true. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(ikanbilis @ Dec 6 2023, 06:58 PM)Suka2 makes new rules. Next time they will tell you your SPM BM no credit cannot renew pasport\u2026This sounds funny. To add, those nons with distinction in BM will be upgraded to oren standard. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(cybpsych @ Apr 29 2023, 10:14 AM)peel road nasi lemakgot wild boar curry. deliciousness yoya still best chinese nasi lemak in kl ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Mar 26 2017, 02:12 PM)ITT - Non Muslims pretending to be halal and haram experts.Such entertaining shits.cause Muslim also don't know shit ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998936653137207} +{"text": "Takde sijil Halal tak bermaksud haram. Ada sijil Halal tak bermaksud bagus. Sekian", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9039120078086853} +{"text": "and, halal haram makanan tu, bkn bergantung kt ingredients saja. So JAKIM knows what they're doing.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7304600477218628} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pilihanraya Kalah Teruk @ Feb 19 2024, 04:49 PM)PAS would have came too if PR won GE13 Hey at least that PAS didn't paint all nons as corrupt concert goers who are in support of LGBT. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9087178707122803} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Jul 29 2024, 09:26 AM)That my friend , u need to know All the beers, casinos and sluts in Bikini on the ship are \u201ctemptations\u201d strategically placed and planted by the ustaz to gage their faith and willpower Itu diaaaaaaaaaa\u2026 that\u2019s why after 4 days 3 nights of fighting against evil and haram on the ship, all the participants will leave the cruise as a spiritually stronger person, with hellfire proof skins who can withstand the unholy elements of Satan itselfIts gonna berth in Phuket, a city of trans and woke. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8321340084075928} +{"text": "@DevoteesNasyeed MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991859793663025} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 20 2024, 07:52 AM)lol they are not even hiding their racism now This is it This is the culmination of racial fallout after decades of being politicised by the evil politicians for their own interestThey want to play with fire ? Everyone will get burnt now. Bagus! burn it down. This is only the initial phase.In usa do you see mass of white viral asian biz and tell mass to boycott? NopeHere the mass malays are doing it ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8805769681930542} +{"text": "\u201cBapak ingin kamu tumbuh jadi anak yang halal, bersih dari segala jenis makanan yang haram. Bapak hanya mengambil yang hak saja. Selain itu, tidak,\u201d\n-Gol A Gong, Pasukan Matahari", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998984336853027} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctwice @ Oct 3 2023, 05:25 PM)It doesn't matter. The point is it's below the fulltime rates. The fact that it is below is worse because now that OP is sacrificing his personal time, it jeopardizes his main bowl because he has less personal time.Everyone has different perspectives on personal times, some people use it for charity, for personal health growth, self improvement, rather than monetary exchange.TS has different circumstances and doing this FoodPanda at the moment is his best choice in exchange for monetary compensation of his personal time.I would rather applaud and give kudos to TS been hardworking on this using his personal time, as it\u2019s legit, halal income for him.Of course, if he could save up more money, use it for self improvement, or learn online marketing or content creation, then it could be even better. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999771773815155} +{"text": "\r\nXi'an memang best! but makanan tu depends kat tekak individu tu la sebab kalau daging dia too much serbuk ketumbar ke apa ntah rasa mcm payau tekak... \n\r\nmakanan ok la boleh la telan and harga pun murah la jugak. Pergi Xi'an mesti pergi terracotta museum tu and please ambik tour guide yg boleh explain semua benda pasal terracotta. really fascinating the story behind it.\n\r\nnaik basikal around wall tu about 13km ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996801614761353} +{"text": "My take, in layman perspective and as layman: we are not expert and hv limited knowledge. If the Syariah Advisory Council ckp halal, take it as it is. Mcm kalau JAKIM ckp makanan halal, dh keluar sijil halal, makan ja la. If actually tak halal, depa la tanggung dosa. (2)/hbs.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9410154819488525} +{"text": "4) Awas harga murah -kita kena faham nak menghasilkan produk bukanlah murah bygkan berapa kos yg diperlukan utk pemasaran, logistik, sijil halal dll -supplement bkn mcm brg borong blh jual dekat pasar mlm -siapa yg x suka harga murah tp kena ingt 'you pay for what you get'", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975156784057617} +{"text": "ahhh, ts, lu pon suka berus gigi lektrik, ke? i bought 1 for kompeni krismas gift exchange last year, but the > $100 one lar.forgot the brand. warna hitam.mayb this year, i'll do the same as well. just have to search my buying history kautim. . . . . . tee hee! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997751116752625} +{"text": "Beer bottle tak boleh sentuh. tak apa, ada barbican.bkt pork is haram, takpa kita buat bkt halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay hari ini mengecam pihak tertentu yang mengaitkan amalan rasuah dengan isu kaum di negara ini.Berucap di majlis berkaitan integriti baru-baru ini, Ayob Khan mengakui, wujud usaha untuk memutarbelitkan isu atas sesuatu kepentingan.Katanya, berdasarkan data yang ada kebanyakan penerima rasuah di negara ini adalah terdiri daripada orang Islam.\"Ada juga pihak-pihak tertentu yang cuba mengaitkan ini (rasuah) dengan isu perkauman.\"(Mereka bertanya) Kenapa tak tangkap pemberi rasuah? Kebanyakan pemberi rasuah ini orang bukan Islam.\"Itu pun (pemberi dan penerima rasuah) nak dijadikan isu perkauman.\"Kalaulah kita orang Islam, kalau kita betul-betul kuat iman, kita takkan ambil rasuah. Tak perlu kita menyalahkan orang lain,\" katanya di majlis yang berlangsung pada akhir Julai lalu itu.Petikan ucapan itu bagaimanapun hanya dimuat naik di Facebook semalam.Pada Ogos 2022 Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang, mengaitkan orang bukan Islam dan bukan bumiputera sebagai punca berlakunya amalan rasuah di negara ini.Menurut Abdul Hadi - ketika itu menjadi duta bertaraf menteri - golongan bukan Islam dan bukan bumiputera juga merupakan kumpulan yang paling banyak merosakkan politik dan ekonomi negara.Dakwanya pihak yang terabit itu merupakan \"punca rasuah kerana mengejar harta secara haram.\"Beberapa hari kemudian Pengerusi PN dan Presiden Bersatu Muhyiddin Yassin cuba meredakan keadaan dengan berkata amalan rasuah tidak hanya melibatkan kaum atau penganut agama tertentu.Bercakap kepada media selepas menghadiri muktamar PAS di Kedah, Muhyiddin yang ketika itu menjadi perdana menteri berkata isu tersebut tidak perlu didebatkan atau dikaitkan dengan mana-mana kumpulan serta penganut tertentu.Golongan paling jahatAyob Khan berkata orang Islam tidak perlu menyalahkan orang bukan Islam apabila membincangkan isu gejala rasuah termasuk dengan mengaitkannya dari sudut pemberi atau penerima.\"Kamu (orang Islam) yang terima, kita yang menerima rasuah, (tapi) kita nak salahkan orang lain pulak.\"Kalau kita tak terima, kalau kita laporkan kepada SPRM, benda tu takkan berlaku.\"Itu yang saya kata dia twist (putar belit) cerita tu. Diputarbelitkan untuk mempertikaikan tindakan (pihak berkuasa), sama ada SPRM ataupun agensi kerajaan yang lain untuk menangkap orang yang ada kaitan dengan rasuah,\" katanya. Ayob Khan juga menegaskan istilah fasad (kerosakan) merupakan ungkapan paling banyak disebut dalam al-Quran selepas perkataan solat.Katanya, fasad itu terbahagi kepada dua kategori, iaitu melibatkan individu yang sedar dia melakukan kerosakan, manakala kategori kedua - yang lebih bahaya - membabitkan pihak pembuat kerosakan tetapi mendakwa dirinya sedang berbuat kebaikan.\"Kategori kedua inilah yang paling jahat. Inilah golongan yang makan rasuah.\"Mereka ini beranggapan apa salahnya ambil rasuah. Ramai orang ambil rasuah, ramai orang terlibat dalam rasuah, ramai pegawai yang terlibat rasuah.\"Zaman ni zaman semua orang perasuah. Dia menjustifikasikan tindakan dia mengambil rasuah.\"Ini memang manusia yang paling jahat,\" katanya. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengang15 @ Jan 8 2024, 11:32 PM)[I am curios. So what is your pendapat then(assuming you are a muslim)I think the majority of local muslims would be too fearful to have an own opinion. Defer back to the learned ulama opinion is the default answer: better not rock the boat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959633350372314} +{"text": "dah curi makan why need to question the content halal or notmemang dah jadi haram automatically cos of stealing kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(Matrix @ Sep 6 2016, 09:47 AM)What story is this?Is this the same guy who says previously insapped and wants to become man?Yeah my man, if not mistaken, he start insapped early this year and all his post after that is regarding dakwah (#donedakwah). he also took out his tetek implant and start living as a man.But yesterday his mental koyakked. got some haters exposed his picture in club still wearing women dress,some make up and even can see the bra.at first, he deny dat and saying it was an old but pictures but he kantoi once again when people upload his picture having a vacation in perhentian.at last, he give up and yesterday night he admit tat he wanna change back to pandan.sekian.This post has been edited by hardcoreangel: Sep 6 2016, 09:53 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958814382553101} +{"text": "QUOTE(+3kk! @ Dec 28 2020, 01:40 PM)this is least the best way,cause a lot of things in our country is not halal perse and overseas dont follow this policyso one issue with the recent meat fiasco is one of the countries not recognized by us is UK, which is where some of the meat comes from.So malaysians go UK mcm mane?Simply mean you dont use common sense. Enough said. If you so afraid of \"halalness\" just live in caves. Do you see saudi people rage when no halal chop?This post has been edited by TrialGone: Dec 28 2020, 01:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999901533126831} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:42 AM)It is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one.It's not a sin if you don't get caught ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:44 AM)From what I recalled, in that case, there was testing done and apparently pig dna was said to be found in a couple of cadbury products. If that was true, of course there would be uproar. It's a product bought by many muslims based on it's halal certification and assurance there are no pig-related ingredients in it. Why would it be hilarious if it's true? If faeces is found in a well-known and popular product, I would expect uproar as well.Turns out though that the initial testing was false and there was no pig-dna. Jakim came out with clarification on this and everything calmed down - as it should. Muslims still bought cadburys as far as I know. The people who did the initial testing and claimed about the pig-dna should have done better though and should have been reprimanded (believe it was the Health Ministry)........ Ummm Kay. Btw, its dna. Not feaces. Again u kinda undermine the uproar part. They literally want to wage war against Cadbury and boycott than say...... Wait for further testing and deliberation. Didn't they also have street protest at one point... Cannot remember.So coming back to halal cert, after that incident why wouldn't pipu want to talk about it more? Can halal stamp be trusted anymore? Or Muslims should use common sense more that judging based on stamp? Can muslim not have halal cert if set up kopitiam next to non halal kafe? If hala is about hygiene, then wouldn't the road stall no longer qualify? This are legit question. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944522976875305} +{"text": "Tips mudah dalam memilih makanan : Halal + Bersih + Asli (tidak diproses) + Seimbang + Secukupnya dan Bersederhana. Sihat itu ibadah . \n________________________________#jamadiawal\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/BtZwlC1hl2l/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1k3m1hdii05xt\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997349381446838} +{"text": "@Halal_Malaysia mcm mana sy nk check sekiranya ssuatu restoran tu mempunyai sijil halal atau tidak?sy pernah menghubungi premis berkenaan bertanyakan status halal mereka,tetapi tiada respon dr mereka..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993244409561157} +{"text": "Kalau pegi Maldives, duduk area mana best and banyak kedai makan halal eh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8975178003311157} +{"text": "Raudhah Mart tawar produk halal dan bermutu TEMPATAN August 15, 2016 9:43 am 217 0OLEH NAZLI IBRAHIMSUBANG JAYA, 15 OGOS: Berbekalkan slogan \u2018jimat dan halal\u2019, Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart mampu menjadi alternatif kepada pengguna yang mahukan keselesaan membeli-belah di samping mengutamakan produk halal dan bermutu.Pengasas Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart, Fadzil Hashim, berkata pihaknya mensasarkan 1,000 cawangan di seluruh negara bertujuan membantu mereka yang berminat memiliki perniagaan sendiri.\u201cKami juga menyediakan peluang perniagaan untuk mereka yang berminat memiliki kedai runcit Raudhah Mart dengan kos rendah dan mereka akan diberikan bimbingan perniagaan.\u201cMereka tidak dikenakan kos francais tetapi hanya memerlukan peniaga membeli barangan kedai mereka daripada Raudhah Mart Distribution dan membayar sumbangan pengiklanan, sistem pos dan yuran latihan yang sangat rendah,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Perasmian Rangkaian Perniagaan Raudhah Mart dan Restoran Pollo Mendi di One City, di sini, semalam.Katanya, 50 peratus keuntungan bersih yang diperolehi akan disumbangkan terus kepada dana projek \u2018Selamatkan Ummah\u2019 bagi menyokong usaha menyediakan pinjaman bebas riba, penyediaan dana pendidikan percuma dan penyediaan dana kesihatan percuma. Majlis yang dihadiri kira-kira 200 tetamu itu dirasmikan Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud dan disertai Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin. PELUANG PERNIAGAAN QUOTEIn summary, Raudhah Mart offers the following to the Ummah and all its customers:100% pre-screened halal & halalan thoyibban products to ensure our consumers gets good nutrition for the bodyOnly boycott free products sold to show solidarity with oppressed muslims in Gaza.1% cash back when you spend at Raudhah Mart1% Jari\u2019ah donation on your behalf to Save the Ummah NOW! Fund.Online grocery shopping with home delivery or store pick up is also on the cards.Opportunities for you :\u00a0 Are you?An existing Grocer who wants to join the Raudhah Mart ChainA new Entrepreneur who wants to be a Raudhah Mart partnerAn investor who wants to become our Master Franchisor in other countries?A local or international Halal food manufacturer who wants to partner with Raudhah Mart DistributionA local or international Halal food distributor who wants to supply to Raudhah Mart RetailA Halalan & Thoyyiban researcher wants to share your knowledge with us or offer your research expertise with us For more info, kindly contact Puan Aida at 019-268 8519 or aida@raudhahmart.comhttp://raudhah-mart-usj-25.myshopify.com/pages/about-usThis post has been edited by bg12: Aug 17 2016, 12:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945859909057617} +{"text": "di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.so bold to write bullshit.racist article? yes.This post has been edited by Phoenix_KL: Dec 8 2021, 01:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970744848251343} +{"text": "Best cakoi tapi bukan gerai cina..memang mengundang triggered la haahah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999107122421265} +{"text": "QUOTE(gm_18300 @ Mar 2 2015, 04:44 PM)u sure hv a bad experience...me just hv exp with shenzen and guangzhou...and i can say stay at guanzhou is the best...stay at guanzhou hotel...in fornt go bus 2 yuan per trip or mrt...hahaaa eat only cost 4 to 5yuan only ...near beijing road....really fun to walk near riverside...5 yuan only?QUOTE(Burningsunz @ Mar 2 2015, 11:15 PM)Why you want to know how old is my gf..I will try to snap some Muslim restaurant if I came across anyspanar-ception ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995880722999573} +{"text": "QUOTE(sihamsedap @ Dec 23 2020, 05:05 PM)their own JAKIM their version of jakimu bodoh or watmakam benda haram sampai bodoh keYou know what JAKIM stands for or not? Which country got their own version of JAKIM? And why use dupe? What happened to your account? This post has been edited by LamboSama: Dec 23 2020, 05:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "\nMaideen. replied at 19-11-2020 02:33 PM\r\nLama jugak tak nampak hujatul Isle yang hanya mampu mengakapirkan orang kat CI ni Dol..........\r\n ...\nMmg pon tu dia tulis tanya je pon ada tanda soal bagai. Dodol senyum sinis jah dgan puak2 sebegini acah2 nak kaperkan org tapi takdak telo atau telo tertinggal dalam ketapi. Kahkahkah!\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5653756260871887} +{"text": "\r\nSedikit penerangan :\n\r\nISU MEATBALL IKEA (update)\n\r\nSemalam saya ada menulis berkenaan isu ini apabila ditanya oleh beberapa orang kenalan. Boleh rujuk posting saya sebelum ini.\n\r\nHari ini saya telah pergi berjumpa dengan pihak pengurusan tertinggi IKEA Batu Kawan untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan maklumat lanjut. Berikut ialah jawapan hasil daripada perjumpaan tersebut. Sila baca perlahan-lahan dan ya. =)\n\r\n1) Bahagian makanan IKEA terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian; IKEA Restaurant dan IKEA Bistro menjual makanan yang dimasak dan dihidang manakala IKEA Swedish Food Market pula menjual produk-produk dalam bungkusan. Boleh rujuk di sini:- \n\r\nhttps://www.ikea.com/ms/en_MY/food-at-ikea/swedish-food-market/\n\r\n2) Memandangkan isu asal yang diviralkan ialah berkenaan IKEA MEATBALL KOTTBULLAR / Frozen Meatball (Rujuk gambar 1), maka penulisan ini hanya akan membincangkan tentang IKEA MEATBALL KOTTBULLAR yang dijual di Swedish Food Market IKEA sahaja. Adapun berkenaan makanan dan menu yang dihidangkan di restoran dan Bistro, saya tidak akan menyebutnya secara lengkap di sini. \n\r\n3) Isunya bermula apabila pihak pengurusan IKEA Batu Kawan tersalah memaparkan iklan Meatball Kottbullar yang menunjukkan kandungan meatball tersebut mengandungi PORK (Gambar 2). Menurut pihak pengurusan IKEA Batu Kawan, gambar yang dibekalkan oleh pihak atasan yang berpengkalan di Singapura itu \u2018terlepas\u2019 dalam paparan iklan di skrin tanpa sengaja dan ada pelanggan yang terlihat lalu mengambil gambar tersebut. Maka dalam kes ini, apa yang disebut oleh pengguna FB Sue Suria (Gambar 1) itu tidak salah. Mereka juga akui, IKEA di luar Negara menjual produk meatball yang tidak halal.\n\r\n4)\u00a0\u00a0Meatball Kottbullar yang dijual di Malaysia pula diperbuat daripada daging lembu. Pihak IKEA sendiri pernah membuat kenyataan akhbar tentang jenis daging yang digunakan ketika isu 'daging kuda' beberapa tahun yang lepas (Gambar 3) \n\r\n5) Produk meatball Kottbullar IKEA yang dijual di Malaysia sekarang ini telah mendapat pensijilan Halal daripada JAKIM serta dikilangkan di Malaysia. (Gambar 4,5). Semalam saya ada mendedahkan carian di laman Direktori Halal JAKIM menunjukkan produk meatball IKEA dihasilkan oleh MacFood S/B. (Rujuk gambar 6). Hasil perbualan dengan pegawai MacFood mendapati mereka tidak lagi membekalkan produk tersebut kepada IKEA. Perkara ini juga turut diakui oleh pihak pengurusan IKEA sendiri. Sekiranya anda membeli produk tersebut, anda akan dapati di belakang bungkusan tersebut tertera tulisan \u2018Dikilangkan oleh Kyros Food Industries S/B, sebuah syarikat tempatan yang memiliki sijil halal Malaysia.\n\r\n5) MAKA, isu sebelum ini yang mengatakan bahawa Frozen Meatball Kottbullar yang dijual di IKEA Malaysia mengandungi babi/pork adalah tidak benar, dan meatball frozen tersebut TELAH PUN MEMILIKI SIJIL HALAL DARIPADA PIHAK JAKIM. Malah beberapa lagi produk dan bahan ramuan yang digunakan oleh IKEA juga telah mendapat pensijilan halal. (Boleh buat carian di direktori Halal JAKIM)\n\r\n6) Suka saya ulangi sekali lagi bahawa para pengguna perlu tahu membezakan antara produk meatball frozen (kottbullar) yang dijual di Swedish Food Market dan juga menu hidangan berasaskan meatball yang dimasak dan dijual di IKEA Restaurant. Produk meatball frozen seperti yang saya terangkan di atas telah mendapat pensijilan halal manakala makanan di IKEA Restaurant pula seperti yang dipetik oleh jawapan daripada JAKIM tidak dipersijilkan halal. TETAPI\u2026. tidak pula saya katakan makanan di restoran tersebut tidak halal. JANGAN CONFIUS!!! \n\r\nJadi Halal ataupun tidak? Saya tiada jawapan kerana restoran tersebut tidak pernah diaudit oleh mana2 pihak berautoriti. Cuma apa yang boleh saya kongsikan di sini ialah, pihak IKEA mempunyai Komiti Halal tersendiri dan mereka \u2018agak tegas\u2019 dalam memilih bahan2 ramuan yang digunakan di premis IKEA. Jadi sekali lagi, Halal atau tidak? Saya tiada jawapan, tetapi jika dihidangkan kepada saya, insyaAllah saya\u00a0\u00a0makan =)\n\r\n7) Dan hasil perbincangan tadi juga, InsyaAllah pihak IKEA bersetuju untuk memohon pensijilan halal untuk kedua-dua restoran dan bistronya. Bila hendak memohon? Jangan tanya saya.\n\r\nALLAHU'ALAM.\n\r\nKredit @hisyamuddin \r\nPulau Pinang\r\n19 Mac 2019", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989334940910339} +{"text": "Minta Abang Ameen dan spesis spesis yang sama dengan ia, jangan ke KHB. Simple. I tak suka queue kat tempat kesukaaan saya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9819480180740356} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 18 2022, 05:59 PM)does it matter if the stall is eventually owned by cina or india or melayu? the issue highlighted here is trade description/label. a-la it's unethical and wrong to sell minyak sawit as minyak zaitun. especially if your customer is explicitly asking for authentic minyak zaitun.now the scam is exposed, instead of scolding the trader, you blame customers for falling victim.worst, use \"ada aje customers luar sana tak peduli pun haram halal\" to downplay the other customers who actually really give a damn about halal haram.aparaaa.i guess EU didn't live up to ktards standards when they go to town about meat horse scandal years ago. alah, daging kuda ke, daging lembu ke, sakit atau sihat, masih daging, kan?It is about double standards Why is it nons are held to a higher standard and jeruks are not held to the same standard.This post has been edited by dickybird: Aug 18 2022, 06:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983500242233276} +{"text": "cheaper than 99 mart and viral macam kk mart baru start talk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9391294121742249} +{"text": "Status Halal Coklat jenama Toblerone.\n\nIanya mempunyai pengesahan Halal dari Badan Pensijilan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM.\n\n*Untuk mengetahui status halal produk/premis makanan... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1142081075951164&id=232206486938632\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5198802351951599} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 11 2024, 09:33 PM)Well who is gonna belasah him if they shouldn\u2019t be there in the first place lol?if kena viral then those ppl will surely hunt him down sampai lubang cacing la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996902942657471} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Nov 13 2020, 10:55 PM)His mother never teach him proper manner. Simply viral not report to proper authorities to check. People business not good & many people lost job. Don't simply judge like you know everything & viral.i think macam old unker la. and if you notice, nowadays old pipu no verify one. will simply share among whatsapp group.like those days where they forward chain mail. copy this to 10 people if not your mom die kinda thing. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9751478433609009} +{"text": "\r\nkita buat investigation dgn restaurant...\r\nthey claimed red wine yg halal 0% alcohol\r\nn jenama yg depa pakai tu ada halal cert....\r\nn restaurant claimed, strictly no pork no lard\r\nbut serve alcohol la...\n\r\ntapiiiiiii, recipe original beef wellington tu ada pork ya...\r\nwallahualam la chef GR nak ejas recipe dia...\r\nbut michellin stars restaurant....mesti nak jaga nama dia....\r\nkang tak memasal kena tarik star tu...\n\r\nso kalau uols rasa nak makan...at your own discretion...kalau ada was was hatta 'kot'\u00a0\u00a0skalipun jangan dok p makan ok...\n\r\nsekian harap membantu acik porem\n\r\nlul", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9849762320518494} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 01:51 PM)Next time see them you tell them he no scared of Allah do this.If they said no then just leave them do that.For sure they will very malu if non muslim said that to them.Please don't teach nons to do your budaya menegur ways. It's already quite bad the way it is now. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999067783355713} +{"text": "Ini politik guys...\nJangankan makanan halal, ketemu yang subhat saja sudah bagus.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9321649074554443} +{"text": "I tried once and I quite enjoyed it.Best or not I wouldn't know because all BLR I've tried tasted bout the same ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "ini mesti kedai makan yang sebelah printing shop tu...my chinese frens told me price cheap yo.. cafe in ukm mahal laaa....me ex ukm ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5063477754592896} +{"text": "Is it haram if a chainis use a melei punya plate and spoon? The chainis bought nasi babi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "Kalau versi ngemall ya Beli makan yg kita suka trs belanja dikit2 lah kl ga baju makeup/skincare trs nonton \nKl versi dirumah \nUdh pasti rebahan, pesen makan atau bikin makanan simple tp enak sambil drakoran", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9875015020370483} +{"text": "paling tak suka bila driver mrt feeder bus selamba je keluar bas tak cakap apa pstu pi beli makanan kt kedai. kalau sekejap takpe ni kalau lama mmg aku mengucap esp kalau aku dh lambat. sbb ni system kt malaysia walaupun sama mcm korea tp attitute and punctuality driver tk sama.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9706601500511169} +{"text": "How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999579131603241} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mr.Sohai @ Dec 6 2015, 08:23 PM)Penang already plan to get first halal hospital... thanks to Uztaz LGEFirst halal hospital ? So does this mean all the current hospitals are non-halal or haram ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999619722366333} +{"text": "QUOTE(ijan @ Dec 5 2023, 07:55 PM)hmmm, ada some culture in certain universities are not positive, mcm bagi markah bonus, or sengaja bagi jawapan, or sengaja leave the exam room, so the budak can copyhowever, from the many ppl i interview, UM ka USM ka UITM ka Curtin, Swinburne ka whereever laaa (local U saja, pity me)The percentage of the specific university producing bad students are just about the same with the rest. You kena expand your sample size.Expand it even larger and the percentage of race is about the same.We are humans after all.if do survey, the lect that did that will be voted the best lect, while, lect that challenge the students to explore more and made them think harder will be hated until kingdom come ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957587122917175} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ May 8 2024, 01:53 PM)mesti datuk nenek kau kenak pancung sidak Sarawak Rangers dalam utan dolokauk...si macam kau tok. nek atuk ku ya kecut dari tempat bersawah . ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9420902729034424} +{"text": "Ramai yang kata restoran starbucks jual makanan haram..aku cek kat Jakim banyak je restoran starbucks yang berstatus halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7530961632728577} +{"text": "I can imagine the kind of pipul there already.Type 1: Aku tak makan sayur lah. Daging everyday or else kerajaan kejam gudwara pipul kejam.Type 2: Aku tabuley lah. I suka mekdi 3x spicy or Prosperity. Fries at least straight or else I prefer curly. I minum coke everyday. In vegetarian kucing makan kah. Ini air bersih kah, coke lah.Type 3: Aku punya buku lama dia cakap gudwara masak tak cukup vegetarian lah. Mana boley I makan ini masakan. Mana tofu I. Mana fried pokku meat artificial aku. Sayur hijau I tak suka sikit pun lah. I akan Mari kebuluran sebab kerajaan kejam tak bagi I punya vegetarian type.All 3 happen because tak sedar diri now is emergency, whatever food come silalah makan survive. You have no choice. Even if bagi nasik kicap, please eat.This post has been edited by fu'house: Dec 24 2021, 09:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5343195199966431} +{"text": "Must be overconfident or takut malu guy that didn\u2019t ask price before confirming order. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "QUOTE(wankongyew @ Sep 9 2019, 10:44 AM)Better blame those who have too few children also while you are at it.Can not have many children. Later will become more difficult to migrate. One is enough. The best is migrate first and have children there. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953898191452026} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jan 23 2017, 10:31 AM)This is what ive been arguing about. And this article didnt add even if the product halal application being rejected, does not mean it is haram.They have been saying that, not in THIS article though. May be rejected because alcohol is served, like in hotels and stuffQUOTE(jacckl @ Jan 23 2017, 11:44 AM)guess who started all these easily confused shit? the damage is already done, a lot muslim now already equate no halal cert = haramNot so simple. If I am not sure because there is no cert, then I will go where there is a cert. Is that what you equate with confusion?QUOTE(LamboSama @ Jan 23 2017, 11:56 AM)i don't see any confusion. Some muslims still eat at non-halal certified restaurant like TGI because they don't mind.Some prefere to be extra safe. so prefer must have halal cert.Just like there's halal chicken, regular chicken, organic chicken.Ngam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9671547412872314} +{"text": "@PittKF @Haziqmahmur9 @anthraxxxx Aik.melayu ni.aku kata kalau xmampu sial.tidak mampu usaha untuk dapatk sijil halal MELAYUUUUUU...bukan xde duit. eh melayu ni.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988783001899719} +{"text": "Anon perempuan yg laki tunggu2. Kenapa dpt laki cmtu ekk tapi. Perempuan ni pemikiran matang bukan jenis baran tk menempt. Come on la laki appreciate wife kau. Wife kau tu tk buat ko serabut benda hal remeh. Kau just ajak keluar spend time or beli makanan yg dia suka je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9961588382720947} +{"text": "Tolong sangat sangat\nTolong makan di kedai yang mempunyai logo halalNo pork tak bermaksud halal yaHalal ini bukan sahaja tempat bersih dan tiada khinzir atau alcohol ya\nSumber bahan makanan yang halal juga wajib\nSumber mereka ambil halal atau tidak \nItu pentingnya ada halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999444484710693} +{"text": "Kalau tak viral pun tak kantoi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.511045515537262} +{"text": "shower mayo on pizza\"best pizza in klang valley\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999269247055054} +{"text": "QUOTE(Koyomi @ Sep 14 2016, 10:47 AM)That is people attitude not religion fault. Plus, I don't know what you mean local market. In islam all LAND animals need to sembelih by a muslim with certain hukum. I can't say much about halal cert because that is just a symbol for people to ensure it is halal. For example, I go balik kampung my grandma cook I eat with confidence but my grandma also no hold halal cert. It is all depends on people perspective. Also, it is haram to makan something that you not yakin halal, thats why some muslim boikot stuff because tak yakin.Do chinese muslim still consumes chinese foodstuff like herbal/ginseng etc? Those are actually plant based, so no need halal certification right? Some times they will eat dried seafood stuff like scallops, sea cucumber and sea horse. Are those permitted? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963239431381226} +{"text": "Who the heck cakap yg boba tea haram?!?! Orang cakap some of kedai boba tea takde sijil halal lagi brader takkan tu pun tak faham? Ada org kata haram ke?!?!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999521970748901} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 08:30 AM)Shanghai girls in particular no....when you are there...you will go for northeastern girls, tall, fair..macam model.Heilongjiang has the best girlsdefinitely agree on thatwent to their hang flower clubs, fuhhhhhhhh malaysia can go dietheir basic hang flower clubs also have hundreds of girls already and all model level ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998965263366699} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramboramsey @ Mar 31 2021, 11:40 AM)It can be done but strategically it will effectively kill them even faster. remember the pf41 fiasco? the bom cost could have been lower but eh.. that's what happens when other people hold your balls esp when they are your direct competitor. if campro is paired to better gb like aisin cvt or jatco with proper cooling iriz could have been runaway success. and persona should learn from Honda City GD and Ford Fiesta sedan - really no eye see oneI disagree, Iriz was launched in 2014, at a time when market was getting really sick and tired of Campro + Punch CVT, it just invokes perception of fuel guzzler, noisy, jerky, unrefined dinosaur era crap.If Proton was prudent and more business-like ran, there is very good business case to accept P2's powertrain offer. Whatever extra cost needed to work on it can be recouped via higher sales due to market's love for that 'Toyota DNA' peace of mind provided.Campro + Punch CVT were getting long in the tooth already, it really needed to retire, and P2's powertrain can fit in as replacement. Starting from a new platform was as best time as it gets, but alas, what happened had happened. Instead they'd invest in 'new' GDI/TGDI engine, which was actually based on very old prototype Petronas engine. Clearly, Geely thought it wasn't good enough, which explains why it went quiet since the Geely takeover. Hundreds of million if not over a billion ringgit wasted that could've been channeled instead towards being more pragmatic by accepting P2's powertrain.See, it's all down to poor decision making that has poor business sense. Knowing that stubborn fool mamak, he'd gladly go that route, cuz he always thought they're entitled to unlimited public funds for eternity.I don't really mind so much about Persona bulbous shape, it's in a segment where price, bigger interior and boot space matters more than design. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997252821922302} +{"text": "@tenoq penah dengar ustaz ckp telur kalau kulit x basuh terus pecahkan dia masuk dlm bhn masakan, jd haram sbb kulit telur tu tkut bercampur ngan najis, (taik ayam) ermm.. law cmtu.. mcmne plak.. :') jakim.. ermm sijil halal.. ermm.. ermm..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 12:20 AM)Sendiri lari from real life debate then self declared win in the nets..oh its not just about alcohol contents, halal haram issues consists of many factors if you learn F&B requirements for halal certification.Just one example, if a factory want to get halal cert, they need to plan their kitchen fittings, flooring, construction plan, propperly, floors need to be free of holes to prevent potential pests breeding like rats and roaches, and the kitchen must not have close proximity to toilets, and many more..Usually people who love to eat in dirty stalls will question such sistematic approach for halal certification, but our halal cert standards are following exactly like international iso standards for food preparation factories and premises.So short sighted faggots like you might want to argue on just one point ie: alcohol content, but halal haram pratices comprises of all possible factors to ensure clean food preparation, not using haram ingredients, good SOP, reduction of wastage, etc.And I can see \u201cclever\u201d faggots here starting to point tapai, bread making, etc. No its not just about alcohol in terms of chemistry composition, what matters is why you need those alcohol at the first place, what is the purpose? Is it to make you go drunk? Is it for catalyst during the production of the food itself? Does it change the nature of the product that will cause people to go drunk or harm their health?And no, it does not stop there, regardless of how \u201cclean\u201d heineken produce their \u201cnon alcoholic\u201d drinks, it is still haram due to fact that it shares the same production plants, and its representation still points toward \u201charam\u201d products that can be considered as promoting such similar products regardless whether they have alcohol or not.Its even deeper than you think,So next time if you are too damn \u201cclever\u201d go ask jakim they can school you about halal haram issues.Meh typical jangan persoal ni....Cukai arak judi pun makan juga ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997816681861877} +{"text": "Hari ini minum jus kesihatan Angio Jus. Produk usahawan kita yg bagus dan dah ada sijil Halal dan MeSTI. Memang sedap! Sehari dua sudu. Hehe. Terima kasih Puan Hasliza Husin! \ud83d\ude01", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999015212059021} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Apr 26 2022, 02:02 PM)Apa bende diorg makan nie\u2026 Mix paint & shrimp paste? Cat campur belacan?Haram betulPlenty of chicken feet, PORK knuckle and vegetables and fruits.Compared to our diet, everything sugar and fat.Congratulations on stepping out of your coconut shell.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8113572001457214} +{"text": "QUOTE(latte36 @ May 18 2024, 08:54 AM)Racist owner u want to support?They apologize already. Kasi chance la.For me, many non halal restaurants have better taste fried chicken than KFC. Sometimes eat at KFC all because missed the original KFC taste. The taste is unique but not the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6959491968154907} +{"text": "Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980363249778748} +{"text": "Antara menu menu meletops dalam Kapal Genting Dream Cruise..yang penting SIJIL HALAL pun siap di tampal bagi membuktikan pelancong muslim tidak ragu ragu apabila naik kapal cruise! confirm tak sempat nak rasa\u2026 https://t.co/xGjGuSI1cy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986856579780579} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:42 AM)It is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one.Doubt they care, janji kito pehgang...and monei dapat byk sikit ..inb4 i times of hardship and emergency, apa apah pon bleh dihalalkan! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "Lol. Tak dapat sijil halal bukan sebabkan punca makanan tu dari BABI & ANJING. Dari segi prosedur dia, kalau tak patuh syariah sebab tu tak halal. Cth: sembelih ayam. Penggal je kepala dia sampai terpotong habis. Kan haram tu lol", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8588244318962097} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Sep 24 2017, 10:18 PM)They forbid because takut authorities saman themJust like a salon kena saman cuz accept male muslim customer when the tukang gunting rambut is womanIf there's no repercussionsNo pejabat agama kacauU think the casino dont want meh? Customer maSapa tak mau lolDoesnt matter, still the same case as this laundry, they choose muslims only just like genting casino choose foreign and malaysian non muslims only (lagi specific woo)Malaysian muslim ada bitching ka?Tara wooo..QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Sep 24 2017, 10:19 PM)I just heard storiesDonno la betul or people gebang onlyI only go genting for the theme park when i was very young dulu duluDeswai u dunno sont simply assume.QUOTE(lamer2000 @ Sep 24 2017, 10:19 PM)Actually i am not even mad. Your idiocracy just boggles my mind. Besides, i dont have a bone to pick with the laundry owner. Suka hati dia nak bagi siapa customer guna laundry dia.i felt sorry actually that your mind is \"cetek\". How to maju like that.So what if you and your family dont smoke but >90% of your puak does it indiscriminately at mamak, bus stop, restaurant.So? My \"puak\" does not define me or my religion, we do have bad muslims and good muslims.Ironically, only \"cetek\" minded people categorize individuals based on social groups, racial backgrounds, etc.These people cant see people as they are, using race as their benchmarks lol.HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagagaThis post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Sep 24 2017, 10:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8706579208374023} +{"text": "Sebagai penggemar makanan tekak aku mmg tak suka menu baru baskbear tu dhla sec day keluar menu aku dh beli tup2 tak sedap. Punyala aku tunggu dari puasa haritu baskbear punya menu baru. Last2 spicy korean dgn cheezy egg jugak yg aku beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935216307640076} +{"text": "Non halal food the best... No words to describe how nice they actually are. Too good already ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999022483825684} +{"text": "QUOTE(Spootid @ Aug 9 2018, 09:14 AM)Care to elaborate what u mean by \"it's subjective\"...?it subjective becausein generalwe know alcohol and pork is non-halalbut a food which didnt prepare in clean way as non halal even tho its chicken/cow remember we different opinions,one said drinking alcohol is haram but used it as cookery is halal.another said both haramany pork related already non-halal. so in another word, if you yakin with the food is halal.please go ahead.if you dont yakin with the food is halal, please move away. cheers ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983934760093689} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Aug 25 2020, 09:23 PM)Sure the farmers are illegal (since they failed to get land title after decades of applying), but that doesn\u2019t mean the new comer should be given free durian runtuh.\u00a0 Best return the land back to original state, without durian trees.\u00a0 You need to change mindset and be progressive. Thats why our negara very hard to maju. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999376535415649} +{"text": "@tenoq @akifmuller96 Soal halal haram ni mmng kena ambil berat. Tapi terpulang pada yg nak ambil mudah. Cuma jgn lah kita persoalkan pihak yg ambil berat. Instead, cuba fahami kerisauan mereka. Kenapa ad pihak yg pertikai pnjual produk mkanan tnpa sijil halal dri jakim, ini pnjelasan sudut hati sy", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999985933303833} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:30 PM)purpose\u00a0 of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.ppl make tapai using the method as alcoholic beverages because the end product have distinctive flavourone for eating and one for drinkingboth have common active ingredient which is alcohol that could drive ppl drunk at whatever quantitysome ppl like the flavour to be there in their food, some ppl like it in their drinksnobody got intention to make food or drinks with \"NIAT\" to memabukkanTOP KEK ! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967635869979858} +{"text": "aku selalu rasa aku mak yang gagal dalam bab sediakan makanan untuk anak anak. sebab aku tak memasak. hari hari beli. tapi bila hani request nak mama je yang suap, mama rasa terharu. dia suka moment tu. dia taknak orang lain buat kecuali mama.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7184544801712036} +{"text": " jakim kate haram? nah tgk web ni search starbucks tekan premis makanan. ni web jakim ni http://halal.gov.my/v3/index.php/ms/direktori-halal-malaysia/126-direktori-halal-malaysia\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989759922027588} +{"text": "tahap iman berbeza untuk setiap manusiabegitu juga dengan ganjaran dan balasan di akhirat sanaheaven got 7 levels and so does 7 levels of hell ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963269829750061} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pipopipo @ Jan 8 2021, 10:10 PM)Call me bersangka buruk atau apa2 jer lah. Tapi benda cam ni, x heran kalau yg complain tu kedai kopi atau warung2 melayu yg berdekatan juga.Those warning/kopitiam Yg x de sijil halal also. And could be haram as well due to the preparation process which is not clean. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9637218713760376} +{"text": "QUOTE(mcchin @ Aug 20 2022, 09:08 AM)Did he ever wanna portray his stall is halal?Just cause he employs Muslims?Just as you can pull shits out your mouthI can put shit into your brain by saying the tokeh is a nice guyEmploy a MuslimAnd this Muslim see good business, so bring in ppl they knowSo it seems like Muslim group open\u00a0 the stallThe tokeh is just a good guyHelping ppl without looking at race or religionsBy spreading the wealth from a good businessbut initially the stall owner declare himself as muslimthen the tiktoker that viral promo the video also muslimwhen the tiktoker go promo and interbiew also all muslimthen why suddenly got tokeh cina? the muslim claim himself as owner is actually not owner? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999644756317139} +{"text": "first halal food with haram name, wrong.Now haram food with halal name, also wrong.I name my food Kebab-i. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996886253356934} +{"text": "SOLEH dpt didefinisikan sbg lelaki muslim beriman (mukmin) bersih lair&batinnya, mengambil makanan yg bersih&halal (bkn dr sumber yg haram)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99819415807724} +{"text": "\n Edited by Vellfire at 29-10-2023 01:44 PM \n\n\n\r\nRASMI: Kadzim mewakili Hajiji merasmikan SAHEX dan Karnival Baurung-Urung di SICC di sini.\nKOTA KINABALU: Kerajaan negeri harapkan lebih ramai usahawan di Sabah menghasilkan produk makanan halal yang bukan sekadar untuk pasaran tempatan, malah ke peringkat global.\nKetua Menteri, Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Haji Noor berkata, Sabah memiliki pelbagai produk makanan yang boleh diketengahkan oleh usahawan tempatan hingga ke peringkat lebih tinggi.\nBeliau berkata, walaupun pembabitan usahawan termasuk perindustrian mikro kecil dan sederhana (PMKS) dalam industri makanan halal di negeri ini semakin bertambah, namun penambahan bilangan usahawan itu masih perlu dipergiat.\n\"Kita mahu melihat pembabitan lebih ramai usahawan dalam bidang produk makanan halal di Sabah. \n\u201cUsahawan baharu dan sedia ada juga perlu memanfaatkan sepenuhnya expo halal yang diadakan untuk meningkatkan dan meluaskan perniagaan,\" katanya pada Majlis Perasmian Expo Halal Sabah (SAHEX) dan Karnival Baurung- Urung di Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) di sini.\nTeks ucapannya dibacakan Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Kadzim M.Yahya.\nHajiji berkata, kerajaan mengambil perhatian mengenai pengurusan halal di negeri ini berikutan pasaran global industri halal dunia dijangkakan mencapai jumlah USD2.4 trilion pada 2024.\nKatanya, keprihatinan kerajaan dizahirkan melalui penubuhan Majlis Halal Sabah (MAHAS) yang berperanan sebagai badan rasmi kerajaan dalam membincang, mengkaji dan membuat keputusan isu-isu halal serta mencadang langkah baharu bagi membangun industri halal di negeri ini.\n\u201cPeranan semua pihak penting dalam pengurusan halal, jabatan dan agensi yang terlibat memberi tumpuan khusus kepada usaha memperkasa aspek pensijilan halal khususnya kepada PMKS.\n\"Usaha ini penting agar PMKS juga mampu bersaing dan memiliki keupayaan dalam pasaran industri halal di negeri ini,\u201d katanya.\nMelalui usaha yang dilaksanakan kerajaan negeri, beliau berharap Expo Halal Sabah akan memantapkan lagi kefahaman Pensijilan Halal Malaysia kepada pemain industri dan pengunjung expo.\n\"Expo ini juga dapat menjalin jaringan kerjasama pemain-pemain indusrti halal di dalam dan luar negara, di samping memperkenalkan produk-produk halal buatan tempatan di negeri ini,\u201d katanya.\nSementara itu, menyentuh tentang Karnival Baurung-Urung, Hajiji berkata, kerajaan negeri mengalu-alukan penganjuran karnival itu bagi memupuk maufakat dan sikap toleransi dalam masyarakat tanpa mengira bangsa, kaum dan agama di negeri ini.\nBeliau berharap Karnival Baurung-Urung antara khazanah budaya negeri ini yang boleh diketengahkan kepada pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara.\nKatanya, masyarakat Brunei yang memiliki pelbagai khazanah seni budaya dan adat resam, boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada penyumbang dalam sektor pelancongan.\n\"Usaha berterusan perlu dilakukan untuk merancakkan sektor pelancongan. Karnival seumpama ini perlu dipromosikan sebagai salah satu produk untuk meningkatkan sumber pendapatan pelancongan negeri Sabah,\u201d katanya.\n\nhttps://www.utusanborneo.com.my/2023/10/28/hasilkan-produk-makanan-halal-sabah-untuk-pasaran-global\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9898528456687927} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Oct 25 2016, 08:08 PM)Unfortunately~ the illiterates got confused with JAKIM's action and throw a tantrum equalizing it to HARAM, BAN THE FOOD, BAN THE BUSINESS. can you link up the JAKIM own statement VS Auntie Anne statement, let see who is the one spinning the story. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971811771392822} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alex9892 @ Feb 21 2024, 03:36 PM)Duit kertas atau duit syiling need to wash first or not ?That's why out bank now most are bank Islam , Haram duit go in , come out auto halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999648332595825} +{"text": "Bila cakap pasal sistem SK bukanlah aku maksudkan kita memelayukan SJK. Jauh melencongnya tu.\n\nTak semestinya wajib ada surau.\n\nSoal halal tu aku rasa memang ada je SJK jual makanan halal. Kalau tak buat apa gigih nau Melayu masukkan anak ke SJK?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9670017957687378} +{"text": "QUOTE(azbro @ Mar 2 2015, 04:31 PM)Just be careful of your wallet...over there the girls and beggars hug you in groups (!)Please make sure both hands are in your pants side pockets, one protecting you wallet, another one, your passport. All of them got pimps hanging at the cornerAlways wear your sling bag infront.And the best is fake money, check one by one the money you change infront of the money changer.And when you go to shops or taxi, inspect the money again infront of them before giving it. Cos they always turn around put the money in their pockets without you looking and then show you the money you give is fake.When you buy anything, also be careful of pick pocketsu sure hv a bad experience...me just hv exp with shenzen and guangzhou...and i can say stay at guanzhou is the best...stay at guanzhou hotel...in fornt go bus 2 yuan per trip or mrt...hahaaa eat only cost 4 to 5yuan only ...near beijing road....really fun to walk near riverside... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983195662498474} +{"text": "Apabila kita yakin dengan logo HALAL JAKIM tetapi berlaku kesilapan oleh pihak JAKIM, kita tidak berdosa andai telah memakan makanan itu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7546440958976746} +{"text": "Rasuah halal. Merry christmas haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999580383300781} +{"text": "2) I'm sorry if this government step has caused restaurant owners to remove their sign which they have paid with their own money. This step should have been implemented and shared towards the whole Malaysian community decades ago. Plz go back read ur al quran study it urselfwat can be eat or not also nid ppl teach3) I'm sorry that restaurants that does not serve pork are now offically non-halal for Muslims to eat (thus, decrease in customers,lesser income). But please understand that for us Muslims, eating chicken/beef/lamb/etc....meat that is not sembelih cara Islam is just as sinful as eating pork.So many Muslims have accidentally eaten haram food for YEARS and not know it , because of the 'no pork' sign.There chinese dat doesnt eat pork4) I am sorry that now, restaurants who want to be considered halal have to go through the process of getting the halal certificate. Its a sudden change, but trust me, Muslims cannot eat met that is not halal, even if its chicken/beef/lamb/venison..etc.. If you feel that it is too much work, its okay. Don't force yourself to apply for halal certificate. Continue operating as a non-halal restaurant. Nothing wrong with that right? You would lose your Muslim customers...but I'm sure u have loyal non-Muslim customers right?Muslim tourist who come to Malaysia too have complained how they have been to restaurants they thought were Halal but were not.so now blaming muslim tourist for not knowing wat is halal?topkekI was first confused and frustrated as to why Non-Muslims are angry with this rule. I mean, it will only affect Muslims to know better. I don't get how non-Muslims would be affected by this. But I am extremely curious to know how it affects non-Muslims. Please let me know. MUSLIM themselve should first study wat is HALALsikit sikit nid gov interveneso wat happen when u visit otehr country?u go complain the gov also?This post has been edited by lahart: May 21 2016, 01:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980047345161438} +{"text": "Sudah kuputuskan utk beli makanan apapun itu yg aku suka drpd gila", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.884479820728302} +{"text": "Laparpun ada tingkatan resiko.\nlapar dlm kewajaran belum makan siang & tidak membahayakan nyawa.\n\nmasuk restauran\nMakan Babi tetap Haram.\n\nIhtyar serius di Beijing ,shanghai,Wuhan pun ada penjual makanan ikan laut yg halal.\n\nbutuh pengetahuan luas tidak asal lapar makan babi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Dec 27 2023, 09:24 PM)who said smokign and vaping is harambe?It is actually, Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan has released both tobacco fatwa that prohibit the usage of smoking and vape. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999186098575592} +{"text": "@razlanrafii Ngapa tak liaise dgn Majlis dahulu? Memang agak leceh tapi proses singkat shj. Lepas tu ada dua tiga benda kena comply then dah boleh jln tanpa masalah. Lps dpt semua tu blh mintak sijil halal pula. I tahu pun sbb dulu one of anak sykt dlm F&B & semua urusan saya kena buat.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998206496238708} +{"text": "\n\n If ragu then refuse. This is the simplest method when dealing with vaguely halal stuff. If doubt don't eat. If still want to eat then you have to make sure that you do your best in checking if it is halal or not in terms of ingredient.\n \n If you accept and then change mind, then just give it to other non-Muslim...without the giver knowing.\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9456593990325928} +{"text": "mall nderr, beli makanan/minuman apapun yg aku maw, abistu beli barang yg ak suka, abistu nonton film, seru banget!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988705515861511} +{"text": "noted:\nRin ga suka ikannya dan rin alergi udang. Rin lebih milih makan coklat beli di bin dawood daripada buang makanan, ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998067021369934} +{"text": "QUOTE(Percival II @ Dec 31 2020, 11:51 AM)Orang putih kata daging kuda tabu (haram). Depa tak makan kuda.Islam kata daging kuda halal. Kanggaru halal, sebab menepati ciri ciri halal mengikut kias. Badak air (hippo) pun halal.Unta halal ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999794960021973} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ Aug 18 2015, 11:56 AM)NATIONAL FATWA OSO KRONI WADDAYA EXPECT Is ok wan, as long as macai n kroniQUOTE(JoGaki @ Aug 18 2015, 11:58 AM)Do they know who vape a lot\u00a0 in this country ?... As long as orang kite...QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Aug 18 2015, 11:58 AM)Cigarettes have been haram for years but no one gives a damn.Got tax yo..... Can bend religous concept. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981689453125} +{"text": "\r\nkalau aku, beli jer peti sejuk baru. bukan mahal pun. yg saiz sederhana kecik tu baru rm400. lagipun apa salah laburkan sikit duit kalau taknak ragu2 lagi letak barang haram sama dlm peti sejuks.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureVaping pun allowed la. Just haram. Same like rokok. Where got rokok halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:25 PM)According to this guys logic, YESIm a muslim and i find this guys is fking idiot extremistlater stuck in jam also haram coz membazir masa. LMAO mufti idiot? claim ur self muslim? then follow ur own rulez. bodo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(andylyc @ Mar 18 2024, 10:22 AM)2022 Lamb biryani RM502023 Lamb biryani RM552024 Lamb biryani RM58Not lamb shank.Harga Yahudi, tak boikot?komen di youtube: Support ler peniaga Islam....keuntungan itu pasti mereka akan byr zakat .... pernah ustaz Syed kongsi jumpa team chef Amar ni tgh bersihkan tandas masjid....kebetulan ustaz syed Norhisyam Tuan Padang singgah nak solat kt masjid tu nampak chef Amar n pekerja dia sedang bersihkan tandas masjid....dia buat sbg kerja amal dia xbgtau sapa2 pun kebetulan je ustaz Syed singgah n nampak terus dia rekord video n interview.....alhamdulillahkesimpulan: janji BMF. harga yahudi pun takpe. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9688560962677002} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:30 PM)Leeching from boss? Do u even know \"job\" actually work? Whats next? Businessman \"leech\" of customer? Terencat teruk niIn malaysian context, most employees are leechers anyway, not that I don't know. My view is still the same, if someone has any complain related to his / her job, just resign. no need hoo haa hoo haa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999402761459351} +{"text": "QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Sep 6 2019, 10:18 AM)Lower defect points still need to use marketing to let ppl knw right? If lousy 4s still in place like last time you think the sales will be much more higher? I doubt itSince when writer say it negatively? Actually it is a compliment as Proton now become more Malaysians Last time it is rightly labelled as 'malay company' as how many non malay dealers you can find around? Is there a marketing targeted to chinese and indian market? Nope and that is a huge mistake.For me the article is actually positive and a compliment - but no you decided to make it negative and you just same like the bumi dealers association - seeing everything negativelySo now you admit lower defect now and previous 4S lousy now upgraded do contribute to higher sales? Instead of \"same quality, same specs\" that you claimed before? Playing dumb or your head so twisted you see them as writing it right. Since you said they got \"same model, same quality, same specs\", that the reason their sales shot up is because they market to chinese, indian, what would they market if above is true? \"Come buy our car now, our 4S chinese owned now, our cars no longer malay product, but otherwise still same model, same quality, same specs\"? Or \"come buy our car now, so much lower defect, new facelift got over 300 improvements, more features, Saga got new gearbox much better, no CVT jerk, best of all cheaper than before! Our 4S now also upgraded, more comfy for you to send service\"?Genious. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6322090029716492} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 25 2016, 05:00 PM)The thing is, its called a HALAL cert. Even JAKIM acknowledge a name of a product does not affect the status. They state the reason they put that rule is to avoid confusion. And I will say it again, THE CERT/LOGO PURPOSE IS THAT. I put Babi Goreng but as long got halal cert, it ahould remove the doubt. If there is any 'small minded' people raise a issue of the name, its JAKIM duty to give out statement and educate these people. Not let these kind of people stay 'small minded' forever. 1 thing Im certain now is, bcoz of this issue, alot of people out there thinks a name can determine if the food is halal or not. JAKIM who claim to avoid confusion is the 1 creating it. Such irony right?That's because what you mentioned of Jakim was an ideal not put into practice.....far from it in fact if you've ever had to deal with them!Notice it's always a Guideline and NEVER a criteria/requirement as it'd reduce the boundary/scope to which any siphoning (kaching $$$, u know?) can happen or take place. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996429681777954} +{"text": "Makcik tudung labuh ni sibuk mempersoalkan makanan halal/haram sebab tak dak logo 'Halal Jakim'. Nasi lemak tepi jalan ada logo halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8373365998268127} +{"text": "Halal Haram ni smua bergantung pada keyakinan. Klau kau yakin bnda tu HALAL even tkda sijil JAKIM makan la. Klau tk yakin sudah tk payah makan. Yang dah alquran kata bnda tu haram tu tak payah la yakin apanya bnda tu dah mmg HARAM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9755815267562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(sonypshomer @ Jul 4 2024, 06:49 AM)Biar hitam hati tapi ikut nabi. Bukan mati ikut mufti.ini betul. banyak kali, orang suka junjung PU/ mufti macam tuhan, dahlah, Tuhan cakap jangan idola apa-apa, memaki agama lain tapi sendiri pun sama.Nak inti pati yang paling betul, buka lah buku baca sendiri,Jadi pengikut yang pandai, jangan sampai Tuhan tengok dari atas pun geleng kepala. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982829093933105} +{"text": "Root beer, dog pretzel.... pon haram... yiu think chee cheong fun wud be halal?Let's change it to geh cheong fun. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "jakim halal haram makanan je fiq . jais utk kes payeh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945240020751953} +{"text": "Coke got caffeine, a stimulant. Plus other harmful things. It should be technically haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999613761901855} +{"text": "To me who ever be the pm will be same. Cuma different are crime turun ke naik, songlap turun ke naik, boleh suka hati withdraw EPF ke tidak, boleh racing ke tidak, But jgn harap nak contohi neighbouring country la, memang tak boleh. Years forward like this only encourage citizen to be content living, no need earn much, just survive peacefully. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9920133948326111} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Sep 25 2017, 11:15 AM)When it comes to health, its allowed, the same issue also resurfaced when parents were worried that vaccines are made from non-halal stuff, once again the official religious authority say its allowed. Parents bring their kids to get non-halal vaccine for protection against diseases,\u00a0 and vaccines are given not the verge of dying. Sekian.do you have any statement from Mecca muftis, as i understand the view there is not 100% same as Malaysia, dogs for example, is not an issue there, but is here and we often hear mufti's saying it's haram to rear dogs unless it's for essential reasons like guarding the premises. you cannot rear them just as pets.and burkha view is also different in Mecca than Malaysia.so is women's rights.i would like to hear the view from the original source of islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974855184555054} +{"text": "Kenapa suka langgan kedai no pork no lard when Ada alternative YG mmg sah halal atau dibuat/dimasak oleh Muslims? Enlighten us pls.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999030828475952} +{"text": "Apa ni, dah 3 hari orang gaduh pasal nak apply sijil Halal ni. Bosan ah twitter lepas gaduh satu topik, gaduh pulak topik lain. Inikan hari raya?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997566342353821} +{"text": "Bf pegang halal orang lain pegang haram \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0fbf dia ja ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "Gong xi fa chai = puja ayamPuja ayam = puja KFC KFC HARAM!!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9809711575508118} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 04:58 PM)actually i have full time job and got paid decent amount. i do part time foodpanda just to fulfill my spare time with something that benefit me.bagi aku lah,kalau kau suka job ni terus kan. kalau kau nak cari duit lebih boleh.yang tak boleh bagi aku, kalau kau nak buat kerja tetap untuk sara family. memang tak boleh. nanti makin ramai bodoh dekat jalan raya.kenapa aku cakaap mcm ni. sbebab aku one of them. hantar jauh complain. kena panas sikit auto baran. eh mcm mcm la. end up aku buat part time jer. bila buat part time rasa mcm tak puas hati pula. kenapa dapat ciput.lastly aku decide. aku jual moto aku. now dah 11 bulan aku pergi kerja guna public transport.terpulang masing masing, kalau kau suka jalan jalan.ini la job dia.kalau kau just nak cari utuk makan. stop la pergi la cari kerja tetap ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Dec 8 2015, 09:33 PM)Wow. So angry. Suddenly revert to usual rempit language Son. U so failangry kepala hotak kau.mesti kepala kena sepak masa kecil sbb tu otak cacat. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.803443431854248} +{"text": "QUOTE(MENimalist @ Oct 20 2015, 05:01 PM)damn topkek. why need halal cert? you go to any mamaks back alley fuckload of cockroaches, chef masuk tandas x basuh tangan malay visit also. srsly man get realnak bgtau jelu nak hentam, nak telan, nak piap2 itu roti suka hatixde sape yg halangyang mati lu bukan yg jaga sijil halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 01:53 PM)haha, thanks. but there are times i crossed the line too far, and it's confirmed sinful.\u00a0 p/s: my chinese family side is the traditional chinese family, very old fashioned people. hard to educate them about these things. if u cant eat with them, it simply means u are disrespecting them, show no face, close minded, something like that.Lol, I can relate. That's why I said to TS it's hard to judge others with an absolute black and white.Also, respect cuts both ways. I think your chinese family already tries to accomodate you, but there are sometimes small things they miss. And I'm quite sure asking them to 'respect' you etc by refusing their food will not go down well.So I will count it as pahala for maintaining good relations in family. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9442348480224609} +{"text": "Pour spiritus down his throat to clean that haram food! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999645948410034} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:21 PM)Hai dupe Even in prophet time they still collect tax from jews, whats the problem?Like i said, clueless, you guys dont know how halal haram works, its not thaat straight forward and simplistic to be explained in laymans term.Duh, they use the same machine of course. Like in halal kitchen, u cant use ANY KNIFE that were used to cut pig meat or non halal stuff in that kitchen, no matter how sanitized it was.I know later some faggots will go to other extreme cases like hospitals etc. Which is very tiring to explain the classification on halal haram justification based on hadisth, quran, and fatwa.So it isnt that straight forward, this is why people are paying thousands to get experts and auditors in guiding them on how to get halal certs.Kesian these Muslims got so much regulations and what not now how u guys tahan I as non Muslim can't even understandI blur alreadyClose one eye lah oh whaiInb4 stonedThis post has been edited by Lumiaaa: Sep 24 2017, 11:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998420476913452} +{"text": "QUOTE(KimiLau @ Dec 27 2023, 09:20 PM)All these hypocrites questioning halal status of the restaurant, but at the same time still smoking and vaping although it is HARAM WTF\u00a0 who said smokign and vaping is harambe? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8901547193527222} +{"text": "\"boikot haram setakat mana yang mampu\"kek haha ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991797804832458} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 21 2019, 03:21 PM).................wait how do the muslims holidaying in pork loving countries. Do they go complain management there is a BBQ pork bacon ad on their front store? .....Wait, I can totally see that.I went to Taiwan. saw so many Indonesia and Malaysian muslims enter the BBQ restaurant. best part, outside displaying pork BBQ. of coz got beef and all, but the pan already use for pork, they still okay.only in malaysia, all these monkeys pattern. once outside malaysia, eat pork drink alcohol.only sampah cheap malays never leave kampung before, hoohaa. educated ones, silently enjoying good food in foreign countries ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9162443280220032} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Apr 4 2024, 11:28 PM)Sedarlah bro diorang benci kita...tgok dlm forum ni dah tahuMcm2 gelaran..orenlah .monkeylah ..b40 lahBangkitlah bro ..puak ni takkan berhenti sampai malaysia ni hancurbangkit brolowyat ni buatan keluaran kafir, bila nak buat forum sendiri. tak tau malu ke? bangkit kebodohan anda. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheDonald2 @ May 22 2017, 04:57 PM)kena balance la sikit bro... 50% cerita pasal benda2 yang mendatangkan pahala, 50% lagi cerita pasal benda yg menegangkan batang... in the end baru lah neutralLolI bring this issue up not to score some pahalaJust to share something that happen to me todayIm not even bashing my frenIm just.. Want to state that the mentality is scaryHope she can changeQUOTE(tescogot @ May 22 2017, 04:57 PM)husnuzon itu indahBetul.. Why tuduh tak tutup aurat=evilDah tu. Kalau makan=hati jadi gelap? Maybe its your hati that need help ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9479060173034668} +{"text": "@BN4everTN5O @__BakalJenazah @johan08021671 @sammikli @BetterNation3 @mann3636 @Kama96157097 @TAzuanAD @1rmf5 @fahaizal @Nazgul71028348 @blackmerz101 @MdDzul @hazwanrahim84 @melayujati3 @TrollRepublic_ @halib03015996 @kojekiklas @AjaqbroBro @Mohamad60295497 @Wartan57 @JuniorSazali @MatJisil @En_White_Bird @Sarahhadi92 @radzali_ahmad @AkuMelayuIslam5 @johndoe07539176 @izhamsham @JamilBinHarun2 @FaziraMustafah @lawangs23099547 @AimanAirin2 @61_garuda @mhmj66 @MrSandm49302892 @AKUANAKWATAN @EdoTenseiPM4 @124Gst @mijjemije @Shawn35154099 @Deanerys15 @wongwongmalek @abi_razin @swagger_selatan @isacjohore @shonzu11 @pujangg05818099 @mimimarinajaaf1 Sijil halal ko diiktiraf x? \ud83e\udd23 \ud83e\udd23", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993075132369995} +{"text": "Canning Dim Sum in Ipoh.Makanan sedap, harga decent, friendly staffs, tempat selesa, toilet bersih, halal certified. Ok lah lepas ni boleh datang lagi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "need lap cheong only best laaaa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973272085189819} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Dec 22 2023, 12:53 PM)So, he goes around trying to close down businesses (making a viral publicity in the name of awareness)?Less competition for him?More like using religion to promote his own restaurant.He has a restaurant in Johor, his tactic is by making fake accusations against restaurant of faking halal and cheating Muslims by hiring Muslim workers.https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5426967https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopi...#entry108723079 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9831167459487915} +{"text": "QUOTE(12oY @ Mar 24 2024, 07:48 PM)no give fak ... makan bakuteh depan depan .....U forgotten about Alvivi, Vincent? U wanna be viral? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987951517105103} +{"text": "I memang tak suka buku so i don't give a shit if pesta buku mana2...Dulu i minat pc so i went to pc fair, but pc fair is such a bullshit and i stop going also...Nowadays apa fair pun malas pergi, mostly useless and waste time only... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989485144615173} +{"text": "Sbb non bumi suka kebersihan, keselamatan makanan untuk pelanggan dia. Yg bumi pulak \u2026 tepi jalan pun dia sanggup buka khemah . Kebersihan tu letak hujung kaki. Sepatutnya semua peniaga diwajibkan Apply halal, kursus perniagaan , walaupun tepi jalan. Tolong tegas dlm isu ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.49229076504707336} +{"text": "apa saja yg penting halal dan bersih RT Makanan favorite kamu apa ??", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998255372047424} +{"text": "QUOTE(falzehope @ Nov 3 2014, 03:06 PM)bang its not about the logoits about the overall preparation of the foodfrom the ingredients and utensils used and even hygienehygiene is all universal, all eateries if hygiene is bad gg liao all. utensils will go down to hygiene too. The issue of said items was used to handle pork needs to be washed 7 times is only of one fiqh school ( the original hadith only applies to the licking of dogs).( malaysia has a strong adherence to Shafee school of jurisprudence, the only school that defines the 3 levels of najis, which not all the scholars agree. )Otherwise other fiqh schools agree that utensils does not need to be washed 7 times, only washed clean. ingredients is a no brainer, if there is pork among the ingredients, its clearly not halal for consumption by muslims. malay muslims all around blindly follow the Shafee school of Jurisprudence and ignoring the freedom of referring and choosing other islamic scholars even ridiculing people having following other mazhabs.This post has been edited by ahurgan: Nov 3 2014, 03:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5999894142150879} +{"text": "#Nurani \u2013 \"Ramuan Berbeza Rasa Sama\" - Mengapa kita perlu memahami makanan tradisi masyarakat cina yang telah mendapat pengiktirafan sijil halal oleh Jakim? Saksikan kupasannya dalam #MYHalal pukul 6.00 petang ini di | http://myklik.rtm.gov.my | #RTMMobile", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973245859146118} +{"text": "\nBelum tentu lagi haram........\npenyo. Post at 2-9-2010 01:51 \n\nDiharap bukan semua orang Islam bodoh dan ingat JAKIM yang tentukan makanan itu halal atau haram.....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "QUOTE(BBboom @ May 2 2012, 10:20 PM)I had been oversea a lot and seen a lot of middle east family go into any restaurant for dinner, and they just don't pick pork only,,,Ini mesti salah BN divide and conquer. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999288320541382} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 10 2020, 08:32 AM)Aku tak tahulah.... kancil yang mulakan viral sampai masuk TV tu, bodoh piang sangat.JAKIM yang terpaksa respon kepada kebodohan sang kancil pula yang kena kutuk.Memalukan sang kancil, conlan97firm si bengong ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(MookKai @ Nov 24 2023, 12:11 PM)Actually, who says it is haram? They are selling tobacco products and alcoholic products everywhere. Just need to get proper licensing.Are you saying some pedo retard decided certain things are illegal over a thousand years ago, and it still stands today? Go pound sand fucktarddif you go to 99speedmart and any place that sell alcohol, at checkout counter is big big sign saying HARAM for muslims. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999719858169556} +{"text": "Twitter, instagram, snapchat ni haram sebab takde sijil halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "Foto makanan lebih banyak daripada foto diri sendiri.\n\nKadang mrasa syukur juga punya kelebihan tidak milih-milih makanan.\n\nTempat mahal hayuk, yg murah gasss. Yg penting bersih, halal, bumbunya pas.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996849000453949} +{"text": "Banyak betul la makanan orang cakap haram..aku tengok kat website jakim dowg kate halal je.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966388940811157} +{"text": "Situasi keluar berjalan\u00b2 dengan kawan\u00b2~\n.\nSaya : Ui..jom makan kat situ , macam sedap je atau kat situ ke...\n\nKawan 1 : Uish mana boleh dowh! haram kedai tu..takde sijil halal , ada ba**\n\nKawan 2 : kat situ pun tak boleh, boikot\u00b2..kita kena sokong! Tegakkan keadilan!\n.\nBersambung", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999749660491943} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Dec 29 2023, 09:12 AM)Pahala +1.One step closer to SYUGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!Bashing +1, hati busuk -10 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "Annoyingnya takde sijil halal terus jadi haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "QUOTE(dares @ Aug 30 2019, 05:42 PM)What does it have to do with 1S 2S 3S 4S or which race owns the dealership. How many car buyer actually care if there is a service center next to the shop where they buy their car? or what race is the dealership boss?If the product got good value maka sales bagus lah.Apa2 also go and spin jadi race factor. Sampah quality automotive journalists.The problem with Proton last time is they lack personnel that understand chinese market and they trying their best in fixing itHaving a chinese car dealers help a lot when they have big customer base and know how to market in chinese language media and events This is the truth - some chinese prefer to have chinese salesman due to language barrierThis is reality of marketing and Proton show they learningYou need to shed the negative racism outlook ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7150403261184692} +{"text": "Asal ada kedai makanan yang popular, ada je jibraun yang cakap takde sijil halal bagai tapi mostly mmg ada.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7564278841018677} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Mar 16 2024, 12:21 PM)Lol, I thought TS misquoted, but check the source is the same.Instead of working to tangkap orang yang makan makanan, should focus tangkap orang makan duit haram.I agreee with you not to mentioned those Pedo that marry underage girl.... those rapist also ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989179372787476} +{"text": "\nkwn bgsa india aku ade ckp... bwng tu ade kaitan ngan nafsu seks....\ndino Post at 11-6-2010 11:18 \n\n\nsuka makan bawang goreng......sedap.........", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9944924116134644} +{"text": "QUOTE(noobz4ever @ Apr 8 2020, 01:21 PM)March 15 la, itu before msia went mro on 18...kalau dia mampu pergi turki, rasenye x layak bagi dpt derma kt org mcm gini..I always say thisOnly orang takda otak , otak bodoh will still go traveling at this time. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999369382858276} +{"text": "cehhhh minah tu mesti bangga....dapat dakwah.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9919226169586182} +{"text": "QUOTE(Optizorb @ Dec 23 2021, 10:31 PM)nanti ada la satu makhluk teramat gampang tu mai buat bising, sUkA hATi La NaK TaNyA, WhY yOu KePo. Tapi dia sendiri gak yang kepo sgt nak tanya halal ke tak time2 darurat ni..Sendiri punya ilmu pasal org luar circle dia pun cetek gitu, tak tau most kuil2 serve vegetrian food saje.. Itu yg hanya boleh duk tepi menyalak halal halal halalRilek, ade je species narcissists camni. Yg penting majority bkn camtu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5500866174697876} +{"text": "'Halal Square' dan 'Halal Inside' mampu berikan maklumat dimana nak cari restoran & premis makanan halal - JAKIM", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9015637636184692} +{"text": "rokok pun haram,but you think anyone gaf?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997733235359192} +{"text": "Dalam menyediakan makanan yang bersih, halal lagi berkat bagi memberi suapan nasi kepada anak-anak.\n\nJika dari... http://fb.me/1C8v4cQwE", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Feb 1 2024, 01:28 PM)Kesian. If u go Vietnam u will see their atas place even more atas than our so called pavilion/ bukit bintang status.Meanwhile here....Ada gambar aodai? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994787573814392} +{"text": "QUOTE(huaweie5830 @ Sep 22 2017, 08:53 PM)Tak fahamTak halal Tu jangan makan lohY mesti wan Korea do a halal styleBut really, business sure good if halalI think so too. Look at makanan cina islam is booming like crazy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998979389667511} +{"text": "QUOTE(RecticulatingAI @ Dec 7 2015, 12:28 PM)Kalau tak nak Saman jaganlah salah tuduh orang lain. Apa pulak kacau mangkuk nasi orang lain kerana sendiri salah melangar peraturan organasi.Kalau tahu fikir, adakah dia masih ingat ada lagi rakan-rakan perkerja muslimin dalam hospital tu? Kalau nak kuda media jaganlah sampai terjajas perniagaan dan reputasi tempat kerja. Adakah dia rela sangat membayar gaji rakan dia, jika tempat perkerja guling tikar?itu la pasal hospital resort it back by suing her and PPMI. the fact that muslims are also their target customers, going to hospital that do not respect islamic law and do not allow to cover aurat is hypocritical (hipokrit? lol). ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "pkm, makan apa aku suka la. ada halal ma. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995237588882446} +{"text": "Montuku and sinalau bakas is the best combo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972898960113525} +{"text": "Dan mask. Suntikan typhoid lg. Egt senang2 ke nk masuk bazaar ramadhan. Kalau decoration booth bazaar tu yg sepah dan xsedap mata memandang, xsemesti makanan tu xbersih. Jgn pukul samarata semua peniaga.If semua xkena pd mata, u ada pilihan untuk masak dirumah.konpem bersih halal", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953750967979431} +{"text": "F&N looks towards halal food as new pillar of growthCORPORATE NEWSTuesday, 19 Jan 2021https://www.thestar.com.my/business/busines...illar-of-growth1:37 PM MYTKUALA LUMPUR: Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd is planning for halal food to be a new pillar of growth following its acquisition of the producers of the Nona and Lee Shun Hing brands.In December last year, the group announced the purchase of the three F&B companies - Sri Nona Food Industries Sdn Bhd, Sri Nona Industries Sdn Bhd and Lee Shun Hing Sauce Industries Sdn Bhd \u2014 for up to RM60mil.Sri Nona is best known for its flagship product, the NONA Ketupat (rice cakes) range, which is the number one ketupat brand in Malaysia, and its range of oyster sauce, which is among the top threein its category, F&N said in a statement.\u201cOur latest investment will serve as a platform to expand into more halal food segments and to meet the rising demand for convenience and ready-to-eat food products.\"With our robust R&D capabilities, we are confident that the new acquisitions will help us grow our halal food categories, complement our offerings, introduce more innovative products and increase our profit margin in the long run,\u201d said F&N CEO Lum Yew Hoe.F&N scaled up its e-commerce operations in 2020 to tap into the exponential growth in this channel ,and continues to explore different order fulfilment options to strengthen its competitive edge, it said.\u201cWe have recently opened F&N Life\u2019s fulfilment centre in Kuala Lumpur, which provides more choices to consumers such as self-pickup options and express next day deliveries for our online shoppers. In the future, we aim to set up more F&N Life fulfilment centres throughout Malaysia to create a seamless consumer experience,\u201d Lim added. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998118281364441} +{"text": "Banyaknya makanan kat Malaysia ni yang tak confirm status halal.padahal negara Islam.buat kerja betul2 la JAKIM.sekali halal sekali tak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9367438554763794} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 12:40 PM)want to play victim pulak ke?QUOTE(Coldf3ar @ Apr 25 2024, 12:41 PM)hot headed?hehehehehehei wonder what that unkel think when press that long honk.yeah lah the uncle the victim nowbecause the crowd attack his car ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9823299050331116} +{"text": "@_ErnieIndee Selalu kalau pasal sijil halal ni imej baik2 je kot, reputasi pun tinggi. Tu pasai bila datang berita macam ni tak berani nak lebih, cuma kalau betul tu emmm... Kecewa gila.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "Tak mampu buatlah cara tak mampu laaa adoi ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997151494026184} +{"text": "QUOTE(blueheaven @ Nov 23 2020, 03:15 PM)This is my opinion only, but the ghost thing is probably just a play on words, or a pun to make is sound more exciting. The way they pronounce kuih sound like ghost, so they use that instead.Like the hakka dish lui cha, also called lei cha in Singapore. Lui or lei stands for the act of crushing and mashing the herbs (dont know the correct word), like tumis the herbs and leaves in a circular motion. And cha means tea. But lei also sound like thunder, so they just call it thunder tea..don't anyhow teach people when you don't know the history of the food layou char koay the koay can be linked to ghost as the word people often used.original name is you zhar gui....it was made during old days when there were pipit talking about their version of najib and rosmah(qin gui and wang shi)...they were kuih seller and they were so angry they made the 2 sohai songlap (qin gui and wangshi) into 2 mood sticking together and deep frying itppl started selling it in the market calling it deep fried gui and it was so popular because everyone hated the qin gui....over time ppl change it to gui(ghost) as they view qin gui as bad as he is.learn you history before spreading shit to other ppl la memalukan chinese only such simple history was taught in sjkc....Maknusia I'm sorry got this sohai chinese guy don't know anything and started teaching you the wrong meaningthis is the original version you zhar gui(cantonese call it yaozharguai | malay call it cringe name aka cakoi(nvm la you guys don't know the origin))ppl pee on qin gui statue and raba wang shi boobie just to show their anger ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996367692947388} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Aug 13 2018, 10:16 AM)The dalil is \"benda memabukkan is haram\" If the food doesn't make the eater drunkThen ok lor drunk people won't admit or realise they drunkThat's why so many drunk drivers.You willing to bear the sins of anyone who took your advice and drink alcohol? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "SACC mall is actually a popular mall among T20 in shah alam.Small mall like this got British India. Don play play ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994557499885559} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 07:52 PM)Xi\u2019an is nice A lot muslims Dont go to other cities coz hard to find halal food Hati2 klu order air. Diorunk suka sembunyikan alcohol dalam menu Jual air limau tapi ada rice wine I was Qingdao once for business. Had dinner at halal restaurant, they serve beer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "Alaa dulu \u00b2 pon mak kita selalu bekalkan makanan utk kita.. cuma sekrg parents lebih suka bg duit & kita beli apa yg kita nk mkn..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8292565941810608} +{"text": "Makanan Tradisi jenis bukan halal. Tak boleh ke? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993981122970581} +{"text": "Kenapa nak compare dengan situasi di luar negara, kalau di sana takde pertubuhan yg mengeluarkan sijil halal mmg menjadi tanggungjawab sendiri nak bezakan halal & haram,tapi di Malaysia dah mmg ad Jakim untuk tolong kita hilangkan kemusykilan kan ad bnyak lagi alternative lain\ud83d\ude42 https://t.co/wxPJRRD87t", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 09:15 AM)This:tidak dinafikan ada pemilik premis tidak memohon sijil halal daripada JAKIM tetapi tidak bermakna mereka menjual makanan atau menggunakan bahan daripada sumber tidak halal.If that place says no pork and no lard. They mention/display that their meat are from halal sources. I ask their muslim staff are they halal. If all 3 are yes, I just eat. Why are Malaysians so closed minded.I have a problem who says those without Halal cert are haram or not halal. They are just not Halal certified, does not mean that they are not Halal...hehe.. tell them to go pasar malam or goreng pisang tepi longkang ask for JAKIM cert... jeng jeng jeng ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930869936943054} +{"text": "Yg kaki viral ni mesti bani M kan. Kenapalah org Melayu ni tak boleh meraikan perbezaan. Nak tengok halal, pergi check dengan Jakim, bukan siapa bos penentu makanan tu halal ke tak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9709623456001282} +{"text": "QUOTE(cranx @ Aug 25 2016, 02:42 PM)In Singapore you will see a lot of elderly cleaners.Yes. If they are Singaporeans, they look like they qualify for pioneer status. https://www.pioneers.sg/en-sg/Pages/Home.aspx ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ Oct 1 2014, 12:07 AM)assalamualaikum ya akhicamana nak tetap dlm beribadatkdg insap kjplps tu alpa sudah gantikan amal buruk dgn amal baik.atau lepas buat jahat terus buat 1 benda yang baik.jangan pandang rendah dgn amal2 baik yg nampak kecikcontoh ada sampah tepi jalan , pungut dan buang dalam tong sampah\n9o8YX5xHiKE\n\nThis post has been edited by ralfvi: Oct 1 2014, 02:14 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999994039535522} +{"text": "Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982492923736572} +{"text": "@NAF_virtue Betul. Kan bagus kalau semua peniaga makanan wajib ambil sijil halal. Sebab merangkul semua faktor, lagi2 kebersihan. Kebersihan pun basic dalam makanan halal juga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9952836632728577} +{"text": "JAKIM dah keluar arahan melarang penjual menggunakan terminologi 'makanan sunnah'. Betulkan yang biasa, biasakan yang betul https://x.com/aminoul_r/stat/aminoul_r/status/860085151006507009\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999381303787231} +{"text": ".\nUmat Islam dituntut supaya mencari yang halal. Mencari yang halal itu adalah wajib.\n\nMaknanya umat Islam disuruh mencari kalau ia makanan dan minuman carilah yang benar-benar halal lagi baik, yakni suci, bersih\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B1LSfvBjJFx/?igshid=10yfmm053gn32\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8567501902580261} +{"text": "@alfeelthemusic Ohhhh okok aku paham \ud83d\ude02 yup2, mmg source duit dtg dari situ. Tp tu la aku cam jgnla smpai yg xder sijil halal malaysia semua nak label haram. Aku cam annoyed part tu haha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999188184738159} +{"text": "QUOTE(karazure @ May 6 2024, 10:35 AM)damn buat nama bolehland buruk....malu la weiYes. Jap culture very rare buka aib orang like this. Malusian now in the shit foreigner category. CCB. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979801774024963} +{"text": "Aku pning btl kalau sume bnde ade logo halal org nak http://kondem.Bg aku ade logo halal jakim maka yakin untk dimakan.Halal ni bkn stkt makanan je tapi meliputi segala jenis brg2 yg kita guna.tu pakaian tu kain dtg dari mne, China.Adakah sume yg kje wt kain tu Islam?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974295496940613} +{"text": "QUOTE(stupiak07 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:33 PM)Tv so many haram show, why no haram issue?U mean cleavage girl? Ooh wait I mean clevery girl ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8178094029426575} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 10:28 PM)Red and yellow is always 2 different entity. You think both will hug?Here to win you need always carefull with this 2 issues. How to get majority support if you cannot hold that.That is the only winning formula. If you got the best candidate graduate from havard grade a+++ also if you cannot win majority then you lose liao. Look easy yet its hard.u dun get it.the simple fact is the majority doesn't have the will to remove mo1. no matter how much songklap or what wrong he have done. u can speculate on why but generally every malaysian with a decent iq knows ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9921966791152954} +{"text": "I feel like an increasing number of Malays are becoming more accepting to dogs now but once in a while we are still gonna see people shooting, abusing and doing other forms of mistreatment against men's best friend. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991047978401184} +{"text": "\ntak pernah lak jumpa listnya noor.\nAnak_Nogori Post at 10-6-2010 17:26 \n\n\nkena buat sendirila nampaknya..........", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951913356781006} +{"text": "kalau makanan tu halal certified by jakim, maknanya halal lah tu. ingat senang nak apply jakim? tak senang ya nak apply halal certificate. jakim did check a restaurant storage & wajib ada lampu dalam store tu & kena susun cantik-cantik kena ada label ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982596039772034} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.wrongbcoz she used false informationjust like pasvery typicalenforcing value on otherseven UKfuck off this holier than thou / superior religion mentality ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9544939994812012} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Oct 21 2019, 04:15 PM)actually to be convinced that any product sold by a moslem makes it an islamic product is buat udang2 sendiri, imo.doesn't make any sense, imo.Duit aku, suka hati aku. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "JAKIM jgn makan gaji buta dan buta hati. Kamu bertanggungjawab terhadap halal haram makanan. Guna otak sikit dan jlnkan tanggungjawab..!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9106360673904419} +{"text": "Mulut kata haram tapi bebird gosok jugak..... owai ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Syarat Doa Dimakbulkan ;\n\n1. Menjaga makanan dan minuman supaya tidak terambil yang haram dan yang syubhah\n2. Harta yang digunakan jelas bersih dan halal punca perolehannya\n3. Tidak melakukan perbuatan maksiat\n4. Hindarkan fikiran daripada perkara-perkara yang tidak baik", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(HikayatSalju @ Dec 14 2023, 09:48 PM)Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has today called on Malaysians to support Pos Malaysia\u2019s stamp series commemorating Palestine.He said this is the third time such a set has been produced by Malaysia for Palestine, previously in 1978 and 1982.\u201cWhy now is due to what is ongoing there \u2014 for 75 years the Palestinians have been working to establish their country.\u201cSo I\u2019m very proud and touched, this is a very good and pure effort and I hope all Malaysians will support it,\u201d Fahmi told reporters at the series\u2019 launch here.The stamp set, named \u201cPalestin Merdeka\u201d or \"independent Palestine\" in Malay, will be available in all Pos Malaysia branches starting January 18 next year.\u201cWe are also considering, once it has been launched whether we could speak with the non-governmental organisations to organise a campaign to urge for the ceasefire in Gaza now.\u201cSo I\u2019m very proud and touched, this is a very good and pure effort and I hope all Malaysians will support it,\u201d Fahmi told reporters at the series\u2019 launch here.The stamp set, named \u201cPalestin Merdeka\u201d or \"independent Palestine\" in Malay, will be available in all Pos Malaysia branches starting January 18 next year.\u201cWe are also considering, once it has been launched whether we could speak with the non-governmental organisations to organise a campaign to urge for the ceasefire in Gaza now.\u201cBut we will wait, as the situation is now quite dynamic, but no matter what, we will pray for the efforts to stop the war and cruelty that is happening in Palestine,\u201d he added.The stamp depicts a hand hoisting the Palestinian flag.The set also comes with a corresponding envelope with a white dove symbolising peace in front of the Palestinian flag.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...lidarity/107526sini malaysia la. hari-hari palestin. tak bosan ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ May 21 2016, 10:09 AM)Non muslim aso confused. Sometimes when my supplier or vendor want to entertain us they always ajak to no pork restaurant especially those seafood one. Always ulang2 \"ini xda babi punya jngan risau\".for them and their laziness to understand their own HALAL teaching. pork = non halal only ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999649524688721} +{"text": "QUOTE(1malaysiajib @ Feb 11 2017, 01:57 AM)Was laughing hard at a few comments from this forum.Anyway, becaureful guys; later if Jakim checks this forum. Then they are going to say that lowyat.net is HaramIf they really one, they can say the \"devil\" mascot as haram and can confuse ppl. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 22 2023, 10:09 AM)Do other country has Jakim?How do Muslim survive without Jakim and Halal cert in other country?Does that mean they are dirty and not pure without Jakim?This only happens in Peninsular Msia.Elsewhere people's iman, ibadat & ilmu are strong, not easily crumble.It will be interesting to see how Saudi Arabia attempt to diversify the Saudi economy and modernise the country. This is a long interview and I don't have TLDW version. \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab\nY1HfRhfHwUc\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996694326400757} +{"text": "already written there babi.. dont know how to read meh? best if the nasi kandar add pork lard ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9554890394210815} +{"text": "QUOTE(dobot7 @ Jun 12 2023, 04:49 PM)No i try to explain the issue as a good Muslim and your reply seems like there's no intention to understand and just want to cari point to bash. so i rest my case. no point explaining.Oh? From what I understand based on your explanation (which you claimed as we btw):1) Babi harambe because your book said so, why? Don't know, don't care, don't question it. It's just faith bro.2) Babi harambe but rasuah and makan siham anak diri is also haram, but many practice it like it's their right. Why? Tak tau, because you're not the one doing it.3) First you explained everything on the standpoint of \"we\", then you change to \"I\". Nice putar halim.Yeah sure thing man, don't need to explain. You already confirmed to me the suspicions I always had about this topic. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997205138206482} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:58 AM)I think like my kolik, they ok\u00a0 a chinese kolik of mine bring haram food and eat together with them...i so paiseh, they ok jer....Yup.. I feel very uncomfortable when I'm eating pork in front of Muslims.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993171691894531} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Dec 9 2018, 05:42 PM)Quite sure the fatwa was in reference to Anwar's Reformasi (back then) against BN Govt. Those are protests. Sure there was candle vigil but you cannot pick and choose that it only refers to candlelight vigil bcos the word demonstrasi covers both.Unless you're saying your ulama can sendiri self define whatever they want thenLIKE DAT they win liao lor...U understand?\u00a0 I'm quite sure you don't.It says candlelight vigil. Majlis Fatwa says Candlelight vigil is Haram. End of story. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975025057792664} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum Us. saya nak tanya Apa hukum makan makanan tak berkhasiat? lebih mudarat dr kebaikan. tp ada cop jakim.hehe", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7424271702766418} +{"text": "Who start viral thing should kena bamboo. Bodo betul. Nama cina. Ada tulisan cina. Ada tulis pork. You expect apa? Kismis from mekah ka? Bangang betul ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999784231185913} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Mar 28 2016, 10:13 PM)http://www.themalaymailonline.com/projekmm...guna-logo-halalSEPANG, 28 Mac \u2014 Bahagian Hab Halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) sedang menjalankan siasatan berhubung penyalahgunaan logo Halal Jakim untuk satu produk berasaskan daging babi melibatkan syarikat tempatan.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Memandang serius perkara yang menjadi viral di media sosial sejak semalam,\u00a0 Pengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee berkata berdasarkan alamat di bahagian pek pembungkusan berkenaan, kilang pengeluaran produk berkenaan dikesan terletak di sebuah negeri di pantai timur.Pengusahanya juga didapati mengambil kesempatan dengan menggunakan tagline bertulisan mandarin, \u2018Spicy Malay Bacon\u2019, untuk menarik pelanggan, katanya.\u201cAdalah jelas bahawa produk berkenaan tidak akan diberi pengiktirafan oleh Jakim kerana mengeluarkan produk makanan berasaskan daging bukan halal,\u201d katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui pada Konvensyen Badan Pensijilan Halal ke-7 di sini hari ini.Beliau berkata perkara itu juga melanggar peraturan di bawah Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 berkaitan penggunaan logo Halal sebagai alat pemasaran yang mampu menarik pelanggan Islam serta bukan Islam. \u2014 BernamaThere goes my dream of making spicy malay bak kut teh. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998831748962402} +{"text": "Summary: fishball/cake yang tak ada logo halal, kemungkinan ada plasma darah yg haram.. hati2 makan di kedai yg kita tak tau mana diorang dapat supply", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7990087866783142} +{"text": "QUOTE(sonypshomer @ Aug 25 2022, 01:53 PM)hukum asal suatu makanan itu adalah halal kecuali ada dalil yang mengatakan ianya haram. Ada dalil?oh wait different religionkekQUOTE(Virlution @ Aug 25 2022, 01:53 PM)Rugi if no eat this wan....harooooooomQUOTE(COOLPINK @ Aug 25 2022, 01:53 PM)ask la, they wont feel offended one la unlike......maybe disrespectful in a different wayi meant say that they dun care enuf about their religion to abstain from eating stuff made from cowsQUOTE(overmars @ Aug 25 2022, 01:56 PM)i think shouldn't be an issue for processed bovine parts. We only don't take beef and bovine parts as food. In fact at times i will also take beef if i have mistakenly ordered (only realised the food contains beef after preparation) and could not offer it to anyone else on the same table. Rather than wasting food by throwing away the sacrificed moo moo, i will just swallow it.So my point is, i believe those that practice this is not as strict as other religions. We just won't consciously consume beef. This is just my personal opinion though. haha. best is to check with your colleagues, trust me, they wont get offended, in fact they will find you unnecessarily thoughtful.Kuan Yin no marah kah? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9738802313804626} +{"text": "proses dapatkan sijil halal jakim bukannya wajib dan mandatori untuk produk\u00b2 di malaysia. tapi kalau nak dapatkannya, agak susah sebab kena comply dari segi supply chain brg\u00b2 & juga kebersihan tempat pembuatan. ingat ye, brg buatan muslim tak semestinya penuhi syarat halal jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9914299845695496} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Mar 17 2022, 09:32 AM)Well one is just food, and another is lifestyle. It's easier to pick and choose food but it's not easy to downgrade lifestyle.Going to heaven is like collecting points. Once you've collected certain threshold, your chances of getting into heaven is higher. Food is like the easiest brownie points to collect so they do that constantly. But lifestyle.. lifestyle is hard to downgrade, can't go back on lifestyle man.So haram food and rasuah which one deduct more points? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9212512373924255} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Jan 13 2024, 09:45 AM)even in shah alam alone they got several mcdee branch, wait eh, section 7 got one, pkns, section 3, section 18, section 24, damn..mcdee nowadays are just like 99 speedmart. everywhere also gotIronically ore kito suka makan mekdi more than non ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999752044677734} +{"text": "QUOTE(anthonywongy @ Dec 23 2021, 11:00 AM)Fussy Flood Victims Turn Down Free Vegetarian Food Because They Want Meat InsteadSince last Saturday, Malaysians have been united in extending assistance to those affected by massive floods that hit the country.Sadly, some flood victims have been rejecting the hot meals cooked and delivered to them by volunteers.Now they are demanding the volunteers to prepare food with meat preferably chicken \u2013 something the volunteers have flatly rejected.Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam coordinator Dr Thesdave Singh said his team of volunteers has totally rejected giving in to any of their demands.He added that most of those who claimed that the food is not suited for their taste buds didn\u2019t even bother to try it.At the same time, he stressed that many flood victims are happy and grateful to receive assistance from good samaritans.They are also thankful because knowing they are not forgotten gave them hope, said Dr Thesdave.A Heavy BurdenThe Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam aims to prepare at least 5,000 meals per day.At the same time, the temple is handing out clothes, groceries and hygiene packs, most of which are donated by members of the public.It also opened its door to any flood victims who need a temporary place to stay.Dr Thesdave said the needs are not just in Shah Alam and Klang, but also in many other places such as Bukit Lanchong, Dengkil, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi and Taman Ehsan in BantingHalal Is Not An IssueAt the same time, Dr Thesdave said there is absolutely no issue with the food being not halal.In Sikhism, only vegetarian food is served in the Gurdwara.This ensures that any visitor to the Gurdwara, whatever the dietary restrictions of their faith, can eat in.Dr Thesdave to TRP on why only vegetarian food is served in the GurdwaraSome netizens had questioned the halal status of the food, and some even said they would rather starve to death than receive non-halal food. Politicians Weigh InShah Alam MP Khalid Samad reiterated that gurdwara food is all halal.Furthermore, Muslims also volunteered in the preparation of the food.The former Federal Territories Minister added that he had tried the vegetarian food, which he commended as hearty and filling.Some netizens sought to remove doubts by pointing out that former Mufti of the Federal Territories of Malaysia Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri also helped in one of the gurdwara kitchens.Datuk Dr Zulkifli also chipped in on the debate and reassured the people. susThis is literally \"diberi betis mahu peha\". Ppl volunteer cook for you, instead ask for this and that. Baik je masak sendiri makan, Bahlol. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9589529633522034} +{"text": "*Persatuan Restoran Mamak Malaysia (PRMM) has 17,351 restaurants in Malaysia. They have been donating RM 10/mth to Dr. Zakir Naik. Monthly fixed income given to him at RM175,000.00 every month not only to destroy unity of this Nation but also to propogate Islamic values to non-muslim natives.* Spending your money by patronising in Mamak Restaurants is indirectly helping this India's wanted FUGITIVE to destroy our peaceful Nation. \ud83d\ude21*Let us Boycott all Mamak Restaurants nationwide with immediate effect*.Please viral this message. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999661922454834} +{"text": "It does reflect that the problem w our society is getting worse. People start picking in non this n non that to viral their sentiment ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999163150787354} +{"text": "QUOTE(UnknownH @ May 31 2016, 07:12 PM)Why would one use halal standard on obviously haram product? ErrrWe talking about hygiene standards bruh. With HACCP I can test hygiene of porkHalal standards can? So why wanna use this obviously inferior standard when I can have a better one ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bananahead @ Apr 4 2024, 09:30 PM)Motive of boycott seems to have developed into something else, or has this always been the original motive from the beginning?So does this mean nons shouldn't use Bahasa Melayu?Meanwhile, they suka sangat copy & paste non halal food product. LolWhat\u2019s the latest trend, can't remember, Ape kwa?This post has been edited by jojolicia: Apr 5 2024, 08:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "food taste better with pig oil or watever in itsometimes it has nothing to do with pork but alcoholeven sometimes it's the rice vinegar and malays says it's haram even tho arabs use it for cooking or whatever ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9809108376502991} +{"text": "Teringat kes gangster Klang mati. Suka2 hati depa ja blok jalan untuk bagi rombongan jenazah lalu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995564818382263} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Aug 15 2015, 03:04 PM)My gugu too painful when peeing. feel like my pee is a knife (i exaggerate a bit). need to regulate the pee speed to minimize the pain. do i have hiv or something? gugu gonna jatuh a?Lets insert this into your gugu... feels good mang... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998015761375427} +{"text": "orang luar nk masuk terenganu musti ada spy dlmthey will show where local natives buy,best spot best prices etcu go lansi foreigner liddat,prepared kena sembelih oleh terenganu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9869980812072754} +{"text": "Malu jugak bero. Amoi pun dont want orang gemuk. But apa boleh buat, dah genetic.This post has been edited by PVCpipe: Sep 12 2015, 11:42 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998921155929565} +{"text": "QUOTE(yuuhi @ Aug 7 2015, 03:45 AM)oh cool.wonder how they taste like?dont see any issue here. The only thing i know haram is babi and anjing as mentioned in the Quran, so thats that.taste like goat's balls. yummy. **im troll only aaa...yucks!This post has been edited by diadokmai: Aug 7 2015, 09:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999773502349854} +{"text": "QUOTE(Accord2018 @ May 16 2024, 09:49 AM)All these policies were created by bijan's and atuks gang in the past. Because of that, these racist think they are entitled to such rights. But they never think why still world 3 and high debts. In another 50 years they will see the debts and inflation level and how suffer the future generations !Honestly this accreditation game started after Atuk's time though i'm sure he's now regretting not thinking of it during his time. His time just the normal sekat all places in uni and govt positions from nons. Bijans time is when a alot of this shit actually started happening, instigated by people raised on atuk's policies though, so u kinda have a point.The way i see it with the education level in the country dropping as we move forward, all the tok kok about high income nation is just a pipe dream, as we won't have the skilled workforce needed to achieve it. Next generation of leaders will plunge country into massive debt just to maintain the status co after they max out on taxation until people can hardly breathe.When that generation is aged, we'll probably see national resources and assets being sold off to foreign entities, profitable non-bumi businesses forcibly being taken over by the government (probably the Sri Lanka scenario as well) and massive outflow of the remaining nons in the country .The generation after that will GG and be plunged into poverty. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9359285831451416} +{"text": "turtle probably similar to this fatwa.. it's a underwater creature that cannot sustain living on land for longer duration.. https://www.muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/al-kafi-...us-ikan-belacak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9590353965759277} +{"text": "QUOTE(Askzra @ Jun 10 2019, 11:57 AM)Those are not halal because the source is not clean and bring harm towards a person.foodpig-based product like bacon etc: pig eat almost anything including its faeces. hence in Islam pig is considered a dirty animal. During Prophet Noah's Big Flood, God created pigs to clean up all droppings from other beings on that Ark.Carnivorous land animals / reptiles / land-water animals : not clean because they ate another animal which become its blood and flesh and we cant confirm what animal has it eaten until now. could be dirty animals like pigs or rats.drinksalcoholic : obvious reasons. That is some points that i know. maybe others who more knowledgeable can add in. This only covers what type. Even halal source can become not halal if the preparation didnt follow the rules.Oh please, let's not go off phony facts.Its a common misconception that pigs eat shit. Pigs are actually very intelligent animals and will never eat their own poop by choice, nor do they roll around in their own shit for fun either. All that only happens due to improper care by humans. Watch wild boars and see if they eat their own shit or not, or even other animal's shit. Or roll around in their poop. Pork from pigs raised in better environments are no less hygienic than beef or mutton.There were good reasons to be concerned about pork in the past but hygiene standards are generally much higher these days.FYI, nature's janitors are the dung beetles. They're the reasons why this planet isn't covered in poop. Not pigs.Alcohol: Sorry, reasons not that obvious. Its only bad if you have no control over your own intake, and not everyone who drinks degenerates into alcoholism.Something like shandy doesn't even have enough alcohol to make anyone drunk unless you really have no tolerance whatsoever, or drink so much that...well, to be frank you're more likely to be poisoned by all the sugar from the soda portion than the alcohol.Which brings something else to mind - sugar. That is just bad for you all round. We pretty much have no reason whatsoever to consume refined sugar as your body easily gets whatever sucrose it might need from fruits and vegetables. Yet I don't see sugar being considered non-halal. Heck, this country is one of the biggest consumers of it in the world.Sugar actually harms your body more than alcohol, and the number of fat asses and diabetics in this country proves it.So why isn't sugar haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998753547668457} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:41 PM)They stressed - \"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff.Then what IS non-halal ? Dah nak jadi game of thrones niInb4 the real reason cause its owned by someone they have a beef with ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "Hahaha penjilat DAP. Elok ludahkan. Bagi anak makanan halal bukak dedak cytro. Haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.48470017313957214} +{"text": "Seluruh majlis pernikahan jadi haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(kong5091 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:33 PM)If only pork is not haram for muslim~~ Anyway, there are so many meat out there, y only pork are haram for muslim?Pork contains the most fat so its unhealthy and bad for spiritual progression but many malays are fat anyways. They dont eat pork but eat beef, chicken and lemak food. It doesnt make any difference. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "@LmStaq Kannnnn. Takut betul takde sijil halal tapi bomoh, duit haram, rasuah and benda tahyul semua ok je \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "Selamat Pagi Malaysia, Baru skang nak timbul isu status halal sesuatu makanan tu? habis selama ni, staf JAKIM buat apa? makan gaji buta ka?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9415955543518066} +{"text": "QUOTE(sexysarah1992 @ May 6 2024, 07:55 AM)A reservation means they are reserving TABLES ONLY for 20pax. A reservation does not mean PLS COOK 20 MEALS FOR MY GUESTS. No deposit , no cook as simple as that. I dont care where in the world you are, business is business. U wanna reserve tables no problem. But dont expect the restaurant to prepare food without deposit. Thats why when u buy big ticket items, they ask for deposit. To filter out the serious ones and the just ask for fun typeAnd also don't bother to call or pick up calls to cancel the reservation. I reserve then I ffk suka hati I la. That's the Malusian way.The main problem is this Jepunis trust Malusian. Lesson learned. You have opened their eyes Kevin. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999596893787384} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:25 PM)According to this guys logic, YESIm a muslim and i find this guys is fking idiot extremistlater stuck in jam also haram coz membazir masa. LMAO This fella coming out of the cave and talking crap about people's hobby and wasting topic space in newspaper and lowyat forum also membazir and wasting people time. This guy is genuinely haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "Kalau benda boleh memudaratkan kesihatan boleh beri kesan negatif. Kau fikir lah benda tu haram ke halal. Kalau ketagih lagi lah. Tp kau rasa kau nk hisap lantak kau lah. Kau sembur lah asap tu jauh2. Y hembus dkt kedai makan. Keliling dgn ad org mmg bangsatlah perokok", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "Copypasta dari Dr Fuad Latip :-Bismillah hirRahmanir Rahim*Artikel ini panjang. Namun ia sebuah praktikal agar solat yang dikatakan penuh nikmat benar-benar dirasai dan dikecapi.Syariat = ilmu solatTariqat = mendirikan solatHakikat = ohhh\u2026 ini nikmatnyaMakrifat = menikmati nikmat sebuah pertemuan dengan Allah.Solat itu memuji.Solat itu memohon.Solat itu berterima kasih/syukur.Pujian, permohonan dan terima kasih itu datang dari hati. Lalu mengalir ke tubuh dan tubuh menjadi ringan dalam mendirikan solat.Benar\u2026 sangat benar. Solat sangat berat kecuali bagi mereka yang khusyuk yang sentiasa menyedari Allah.Allah satu-satunya Tuhan yang berhak dipuji. Satu-satunya Tuhan tempat pergantungan. Satu-satunya Tuhan untuk kita berterima kasih/syukur.BAHKAN Allah satu-satunya yang layak menjadi Tuhan seluruh alam. Bukan hanya Tuhan kepada orang Islam. Tetapi Tuhan semuanya. Yang lain, apa jua pun hanyalah makhluk\u2026. Fana.PERSEDIAAN KHUSYUKSaya masih banyak kekurangan. Apa yang saya lakukan sebelum masuk waktu solat, saya ambil masa dalam 1-15 minit untuk diam dari melakukan apa jua kerja.1. Yang saya lakukan hanyalah berkomunikasi dengan Allah. Tidak memohon. Tetapi sekadar bercerita. Saya suka bercerita kepada Allah. Tentang kerja, tentang hidup, tentang keluarga, anak-anak. Tentang apa saja.2. Kemudian setelah masuk waktu solat, saya bangun untuk mengambil wuduk dalam KESEDARAN bahawa saya sedang dalam perjalanan untuk bertemu denganNya secara formal.Saya ingin memujiNya, saya ingin memohon (mengikut doa dalam solat) dan saya ingin berterima kasih pada Nya.3. Sepanjang wuduk\u2026 saya SEDAR bahawa Yang ingin saya temu adalah Allah. Saya pastikan wuduk saya sempurna. Saya minta agar segala anggota wuduk saya dilindungi Allah dari melakukan kejahatan dan kemaksiatan.4. Dalam perjalanan untuk memulakan solat saya tetap jaga kesedaran bahawa saya dalam persediaan jumpa Allah.Saya bentang sejadah dan tetap kesedaran bahawa saya ingin bertemu Allah tidak saya lepaskan. Pengalaman peribadi, betapa bahagianya hati ini dalam kesedaran ini.5. Ketika saya berdiri untuk mula takbir, saya istighfar dahulu. Memohon keampunan pada Allah seawal lagi agar pujian saya benar-benar datang dari hati yang bersih. Berulang-ulang saya istighfar.6. Kemudian saya mengangkat Takbir dan saya menyedariNya. Saya memanggil Allah Yang Maha Besar, Yang saya rindui.*Pastikan kenal Allah agar tidak nanti membandingkan Allah dengan alam untuk merasakan kebesaranNya. Ternyata andai kita membandingkanNya, kita syirik padaNya.7. Saya tidak \u201cmembaca\u201d Doa iftitah. Tetapi saya memuji Allah dalam Doa Iftitah. Mulut ini berkomunikasi dalam bahasa arab. Namun hati ini memahami apa yang diucapkan adalah\u2026.\u201cYa Allah, Engkaulah Tuhan Yang Maha Besar sebesar-sebesarnya ya Allah. Ya Allah Segala puji bagiMu ya Allah sebanyak-banyaknya ya Allah. Ya Allah, Maha Suci Engkau di pagi dan petang ya Allah.\u201d\u201cYa Allah ku hadapkan wajahku kepadaMu Tuhan yang menjadikan langit dan bumi dengan benar-benar lurus dan berserah kepadaMu ya Allah. Ya Allah, aku ini bukan dari kalangan orang-orang yang musyrik ya Allah.\u201d\u201cYa Allah sesungguhnya ya Allah, solatku ya Allah, ibadahku ya Allah, hidupku ya Allah, matiku ya Allah adalah hanya untukMu ya Allah.\u201d\u201cYa Allah, tidak ada sekutu bagiMu ya Allah, dan aku diperintahkan untuk tidak menyukutukanMu ya Allah dan aku ini dari golongan orang yang berserah diri (muslim) ya Allah.\u201dInilah kefahaman kita seeperti mana kita menyebut \u201ci Love U\u201d tapi dalam hati kita sangat faham bahawa \u201ci Love u\u201d itu adalah \u201caku mencintaimu\u201d.Ia sama dengan Doa iftitah. Sebuah komunikasi dengan Allah. Sebuah skrip yang ditetapkan Allah agar kita tahu bagaimana untuk berkomunikasi denganNya. Untuk memujiNya, untuk berjanji denganNya.Bukan membaca tetapi berkomunikasi dengan Allah. Kita pasti asyik yakni khusyuk denganNya.8. Kemudian, saya terus memujiNya dalam Al-Fatihah. Sebuah lagi skrip hadiah dari Allah untuk kita berkomunikasi denganNya. Kita berkomunikasi di dalam bahasa arab namun kita faham yang sedang kita komunikasikan dengan Allah adalah\u2026.\u201cYa Allah, Aku berlindung kepadaMu dari kejahatan syaitan yang terkutuk ya Allah.\u201d\u201cYa Allah, Dengan namaMu ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah dan Penyayang ya Allah\u201d.\u201cYa Allah, Segala puji bagiMu Tuhan yang memelihara segala alam ya Allah. Engkaulah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang ya Allah. Engkaulah raja yang menguasai hari pembalasan ya Allah.Ya Allah\u2026. kepadaMu-lah kami sembah Ya Allah .. dan kepadaMu-lah kami mohon pertolongan ya Allah. (saya selalu tidak mampu menahan kesayuan tika saat ini. Saya sangat rindu padaNya hingga seluruh tubuh ini bergetar)Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus ya Allah. Jalan mereka yang telah Engkau beri nikmat ya Allah, bukan jalan yang Engkau murkai dan bukan jalan yang sesat ya Allah.\u201dHidup kita pasti setiap masa kita perlukan petunjuk dan kekuatan. Kita mohon agar Allah berikan jalan yang lurus. Jalan yang mana? Kita serahkan pada Allah. Namun kita mohon agar jalan itu adalah jalan mereka yang telah Allah beri nikmat, bukan jalan yang Allah murkai dan bukan jalan yang sesat.ALLAHUKABAR indahnya solat. Ini baru selesai Al-Fatihah.9. Kemudian kita baca surah yang mudah dan kita fahami.10. Diamlah sejenak sebelum kita rukuk. Tuqmaninah sebentar. Sedarilah kita rukuk untuk hormat dan memuji Allah.11. Lalu rukuklah. Namun diam dahulu. Rukunnya adalah rukuk bukan bacaan rukuk. Diamlah namun sedar dan berterima kasih pada Allah. Terima kasih yang datang dari hati ini.Lalu ketika ini pujilah Allah dengan benar. Pujilah Allah dari hati. Bukan bacaan sekadar dari bibir semata-mata. Pujian dari bibir semata-mata adalah pujian yang menipu. Sanggupkan kita menipu pada Allah dan ia di dalam solat? Allahurabbi\u2026. astaghfirullah.\u201d Ya Allah, Maha SuciMu Tuhan yang Maha Agung ya Allah.\u201dSelepas pujian pertama\u2026 diam lagi\u2026 rukuklah dengan benar disamping fizikal kita benar-benar rehat. Tulang-tulang kita kembali kepada tempatnya. Darah mengalir ke otak kerana kedudukan otak sama dengan jantung.Pujilah lagi untuk seterusnya hingga 3 kali.12. Bangunlah dengan perlahan, dengan hormat dalam setiap pergerakan solat. SEDARlah terus bahawa kita sedang bertemu dengan Allah. TUHAN.. bukan bos, bukan menteri, bukan kawan-kawan, bukan mak ayah\u2026.. tetapi Allah\u2026. TUHAN yang menjadikan kita dan tempat kita kembali. Allah.. TUHAN yang menghidupkan kita yang sentiasa meliputi segala sesuatu. Allahuakbar.Iktidal\u2026 diam sebentar (tuqmaninah) lalu nyatakan pada Allah\u2026.\u201cYa Allah, untukMu segala pujian ya Allah.\u201dAndai semuanya milik Allah segala pujian, adakah pujian milikmu? adakah pujian milik kita? siapa kita yang sering ingin dipuji? siapa kita yang sering ingin mendabik dada dengan kerja kita? Siapa kita yang sering kecewa ketika orang lain tidak memuji kita? Siapa kita yang sentiasa mengejar pujian orang lain? Siapa kita?\u2026. Astaghfirullah\u2026 astaghfirulllah.13. Sujud\u2026.. Diamlah sebentar. Sedarlah Allah. Sedarlah ketika sujud ini, jasad ini kembali kepada asalnya yakni tanah. Kita tidak ada apa-apanya lagi. Segala pujian adalah milik Allah. Kita ini tiada apa-apanya. Kita mengharapkan redha Allah semata-mata.Sujudlah\u2026 sedarlah Allah\u2026 lalu pujilah Allah\u2026.\u201cYa Allah, Maha SuciMu Tuhan yang Maha Tinggi ya Allah\u201dDiamlah sebentar untuk pujian kedua dan ketiga agar benar-benar pujian itu dari hati kita dalam kesedaran padaNya.14. Kemudian duduklah dengan penuh tunduk dan mengharap padaNya. Mohonlah satu persatu. Bukan membaca dengan laju\u2026. tetapi mohonlah\u2026mohonlah. Diri kita sangat memerlukan kasih sayang daripadaNya.\u201cYa Allah, ampunilah aku ya Allah\u201d\u201cYa Allah, rahmatilah aku ya Allah\u201d\u201cYa Allah, cukupkanlah segala keperluanku ya Allah\u201d\u201cYa Allah, angkatlah darjatku ya Allah\u201d (angkat darjat bukan naik jawatan, jadi kaya raya, jadi terkenal, sentiasa dipuji. Bukan..bukan. Angkat darjat adalah agar Allah melindungi maruah kita. Tidak mengaibkan kita. Andai Allah mengaibkan segala kejahatan dan kemaksiatan kita\u2026. Allahurabbi\u2026 tidak tertahan untuk mampu terus hidup).\u201cYa Allah, Murahkan rezekiku ya Allah\u201d\u201cYa Allah, bukakan pintu hatiku untuk hidayah/ petunjukMu ya Allah\u201d\u201cYa Allah, sihatkanlah aku ya Allah\u201d\u201cYa Allah, maafkanlah aku ya Allah.\u201dAndai ini dibaca dengan baik, Allahhurabbi\u2026sujud seterusnya pasti akan lebih berserah kita padaNya.****Jika ini dapat didirikan dengan baik, nikmatilah sendiri keindahan solat. Betapa nikmatnya solat dan nikmatnya solat kita tidak pernah sama sejak kita mendirikannya dulu hingga sekarang. Bahkan nikmat solat ini semakin meningkat dari satu waktu ke waktu yang lain.Dulu saya tertanya-tanya bagaimana mereka yang dekat dengan Allah sentiasa menunggu-nunggu waktu solat.Allahurabbi\u2026. ketika menikmati nikmatnya solat\u2026 barulah kita faham mengapa solat itu sering ditunggu-tunggu.Didoakan ini menjadi titik permulaan untuk kita benar-benar berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk khusyuk pada Allah. Jadikan ia sebuah azam lebih daripada yang lain.Fuad Latip ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6356827020645142} +{"text": "Lu mau boikot then boikot la, apasal orang lain mesti ikut ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9859626889228821} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Their obligation becomes a demand for respect. Their lack of faith and will becomes non's problem.This post has been edited by Odinn: Mar 12 2024, 02:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.982110321521759} +{"text": "Ya, isu halal/haram makanan memang serius. Tapi takkan seserius ini? RT : JAKIM adakan mesyuarat khas isu Cadbury esok.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9468474388122559} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Oct 18 2016, 05:47 AM)Good response from both side.A good muslim who did their work and went for the source for truth about the status. On the other side, a good muslim representing the company providing fact and reasonable response to why its been rejected. Win-win.woah, calm down with the logical level headed response bro. What should we do with our pitchforks and torches now? /sThis post has been edited by NasiLemakMan: Oct 18 2016, 07:37 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951485991477966} +{"text": "If anything, this should be a lesson to para pengguna sekalian to always ask, and be mindful of what you use and eat. But again, because this happens in Malaysia, the assumption is if the seller is Malay = what they sell is Halal. This shows how dangerous the assumption is. Looking at the bright side, bagus la this happens. Teach people to be more aware. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9823182821273804} +{"text": "\r\nFirst of all, ada ke Bossned dan ND nak kesah kan makanan yg hanya ada setitis dua wine? Sedangkan apaknya tu Si Teksi tu lek lek je togak laksana teh tarik dan adakah wine dgn babs je yg harom? Rasuah politik tu halal kah? Duit nak beli makanan pun wajib halal ye netizen sekalian. Jadinya kalau apaknya begitu, korang expect anak dan menantu kesahkan setitis dua wine dlm makanan? Baidewei, iols dah pegi mkn kt Gordon tu. Emang sedap bangat, dan jgn kecam iols tak yislamik ye sbb mmg iols dah tanya dan masa booking tu kita blh pilih nak kategori halal. Bermaksud sos tu takde wine. Vavi mmg takde kat situ tapi manusia akal vavi ramai kat socmed", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997492432594299} +{"text": "Sebagai penduduk nomad. Yang sekejap kat sini sekejap kat sana. Baju pun majoriti dalam luggage. Aku dah malas nak fikir pasal restoran tu sijil halal atau tidak. As long as aku makan makanan yang tak dilarang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9407559633255005} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Feb 27 2018, 02:42 PM)my advise, learn chemistry. read more on fatwa with regard to fecal and haram matters in food industry.islam itu mudah. manusia yang menyusahkan.Already read. And i can understand why it gets confusing so easily. A lot of weird exception in there. Like even though smoking is against fatwa but got clause making exception which literally contradicts its own fatwa. The way they explain even using quote from q, makes it even confusing to interpret. In Q clearly stated cannot even use haram fat to grease part, yet some reason use as fertilizer is ok......wtf? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993960857391357} +{"text": "biasa lar. hakikat nya mmg benar. Ingatkan pakai kopiah tu mesti lah halal toi kena kantoi. Mcm mane la blh bagi operasi klu blm ade sijil halal? Jakim bagi gulung kedai tu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9184411764144897} +{"text": "Tidak menyediakan makanan berasaskan Babi, tidak bermakna semua makanan dijual di kedai itu halal. Sijil Halal JAKIM itu penting, sbg tanda, kedai itu menyediakan makanan dari sumber yang halal, suci & bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945353269577026} +{"text": "@izzatimahadii @ffashz Aku baru baca. Syurah ni bahan organik. Tapi takdpt sijil halal sebab jakim mmg tak bagi sijil halal kt produk pewarna rambut. Takut jadi budaya ikutan semua tu lah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5739883184432983} +{"text": "Jakim Diminta Siasat Status Halal Makanan AirAsia http://fb.me/Td2skQL6", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6184523105621338} +{"text": "Beli sesuatu makanan yg dia suka ya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979488253593445} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:00 PM)Casino did this because of legal issueLaundry did this because of local demand,Many muslim locals there dont want to mix the machines washing their clothes with other non muslims, they are afraid of those dog hair, etc.Same like halal and non halal kitchen in five star hotels, they cant mix their tools and processing site when preparing food and non halal food.So the business owner simply catering to the demands by the locals they dont do this because they just want to discriminate non muslims.Any problem?LoLBoth got their own reason, if you see pass through the political bullshit and understand the justification, you wont be bitching saying its pure racial / religious discrimination.Like i said, moral of the story, STOP BITCHING ABOUT EVERYTHINGIt's religious discriminationWho are you to say I as a non Muslim got dog hair? Like that the you should never leave the houseBecause there are many non Muslim around Malaysia that might have eaten pork or touch dog Nitpick over dog hair in washing machineHello the money u touch also got touch by some non Muslim at least onceWhy no complaints?Public transport got also use by non MuslimI'm sure u touch some \"haram\" microscopic amounts at least onceThe list goes onPp l like u cause trouble for everyone because scared of every single tiny haram thing even if it's a speck by accident. Allah will burn u is it itThis post has been edited by Lumiaaa: Sep 24 2017, 11:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7846872210502625} +{"text": "QUOTE(zenix @ Jun 19 2023, 02:03 PM)did they go to klang to do R&D?Cannot enter klangThats the epicenter of BKTKo xtau ker BKT tu haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9767391681671143} +{"text": "QUOTE(xPrototype @ Jun 26 2021, 02:49 PM)ini muslim country la you tak suka you keluar laedit : kena reported pulakso non halal ppl kena butthurt skrg?Bak kamu dah bagi otak yang berfungsi Dan istimewa pakai lah betul2 tanpa kebodohan lah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9848769903182983} +{"text": "QUOTE(pakleh @ Jan 18 2017, 12:54 PM)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 cloudx common sense,.. no halal chop must be haram,.. including birthday cake, nasi lemak, ayam percik, lemang, durian etc etc,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998268485069275} +{"text": "\"Berkaitan kuih chang, Marzuki berkata, ia boleh dianggap sama seperti ketupat daun palas yang popular dalam kalangan orang Melayu, cuma bezanya ialah daripada aspek pembungkusan, saiz, resipi dan bahan asalnya.\"apa sohaiz! thats mean its already a totally different thing. facepalmed.and bak chang no pork, its like dry humping your pillow while fantasizing losmah. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993563294410706} +{"text": "Price expensive is not justified but what more not justified is after finish eating, complain about the expensive price knowing the price is skyrocket. this one is pura2 tak tau or simply want to viral because eaten expensive fish ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997714638710022} +{"text": "cina salah, mesti cina salah. whatever narrow minded malay blame on specific race have to be chinese as scapegoat. when cina allow muslim to eat, kena marah by extremistThis post has been edited by shotgun: May 3 2021, 11:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999088048934937} +{"text": "QUOTE(deathTh3Cannon @ Dec 21 2015, 07:39 PM)then you go la.. suka hati we reply tered here also wat..u got point..but in case i worry u ppl never knew it's their money actually... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998849630355835} +{"text": "PuAS tak puas hati!!! biar PuAS vroom vroom dulu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999906063079834} +{"text": "Fcuk this. He thought people never tried their best before hanging white flag??? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999666690826416} +{"text": "Dia ni kaya teruk.. Check out her instagram, got hummer, merc, mini, rs7, yellow mustang.. Fuhh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985352754592896} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 11:12 PM)i know what is faith. i respect that. but don't go around saying that pork has super germs that can't be killed by cooking or cola plus pork = worms because that is not true.well, i've seen the coca cola + pork video many times, and many version. i dont think that is a myth. you should watch it and decide whether you still want to consume it or not. either way, i dont care. we dont eat pork because its haram, and that is it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.864518940448761} +{"text": "Kolo mee is very popular in Sarawak but in west people say no taste. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999451637268066} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Mar 26 2023, 04:18 PM)I did some searching and found the original post.(I can't embed the FB link, for some reason it says privacy settings changed for that post)The group post link, HERE.Based on his post/replies:1. The location is Puchong Prima, in front of KFC. It seems like the seller is from Ramadhan bazaar there.2. The actual price for the said spice chicken rice is RM12. Additional RM3 was the price for tempeh.3. The portion does seem small, there's approx. 1 scoop of rice, 1 chicken breast, I assumed, a few slices of cucumber, 1 piece of tempeh, and 1 piece of begedil.4. That guy's response to some of the comments seems aggressive, no idea why.One thing I noticed, when it comes to purchasing food, we rarely ask for the price beforehand, instead, we just bought it first, feel disappointed afterward, and proceed to viral the shit out of it.What he can do at the time, he can politely ask for the price before buying, and make an informed decision after that, whether to buy it or not.What I'm not familiar is, do these sellers need to pay rent for their space?Maybe the rent is forcing them to increase prices ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999500513076782} +{"text": "@lilymokhtar Bergantung kt org tu la, was2 adalah haram. Kalau yakin, go on. Tp fikiran mkn haram ke x tu dia xfikir, hari2 duk ngumpat lg berdosa dri mkn benda haram \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02. And 1 lg, mamak sure or not muslim? Bedal jgak, yakin sbb ad sijil halal \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999432563781738} +{"text": "I just got attacked by terpaling natural girl\n\n\u201cTak suka makeup buat habis duit lebih baik beli makanan boleh kenyang perut\u201d\n\nGirlll did i use your money? Plus i mampu fullfill my cravingness. Yes i beli lipstik tapi at the same time i boleh beli makan takde nye kebulur", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7440987825393677} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Feb 23 2024, 10:35 PM)BKT stand for Bak Kut Tea. Bak means daging in hokien . Daging ayam - koi BakDaging Babi - ter bakAnd so onQUOTE(ry8128 @ Feb 23 2024, 10:36 PM)Bak means babi in hokkien, as in daging meaning beef in malay.If you want to argue bak and daging means meat, by all means please go ahead.From linguistic viewpoint, bak means meat. Pork is tu bak. But in many contexts, \"tu\" need not mentioned, and it still refers to pork. Like, \u8089\u5305\u5b50 is meat bun, it was not mentioned pork, but it is so popular tat pipel knew it is pork fillings.Dependimg on ur argument, is true bak kut teh doesn't mean pork, but in practice, pupel knew it is pork. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "tadaaa http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...medium=facebookAfter Muslim complaint, Ninja Joe says will rename \u2018P. Ramly\u2019 pork burgerKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 25 \u2015 Ninja Joe has decided to change the name of their \u201cP. Ramly\u201d pork burger and remove posters of the product after a Muslim consumer group found it offensive.The local burger joint, which has outlets in Petaling Jaya, Klang, Seremban and Singapore, also said they had chosen the name when they launched the burger on Hari Merdeka to pay homage to Ramly Burger.\u201cThe Ramly Burger has been in Malaysia for a very long time; it\u2019s iconic. It\u2019s a homage to them,\u201d Ninja Joe proprietor Kelvin Tan told Malay Mail Online when contacted today, referring to the popular burger meat company.\u201cThat\u2019s why we came up with the \u2018P. Ramly\u2019. It\u2019s got nothing to do with the actor. It\u2019s purely a coincidence. The \u2018P\u2019 is for pork \u2015 \u2018Pork Ramly\u2019,\u201d he added.Earlier today, Malay daily Berita Harian reported the Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) as demanding action against Ninja Joe over its \u201cP. Ramly\u201d burger, claiming that the name \u201cconfused\u201d the public, even though a poster of the product at a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya clearly stated that it was a pork burger.The paper also reported a woman who claimed that the \u201cP. Ramly\u201d name disrespected the late artiste, Tan Sri P. Ramlee.Tan said posters of the \u201cP. Ramly\u201d burger would be removed and the product would be renamed.\u201cWe are sensitive to public opinion; we\u2019ll take it down.\u201cSomebody alerted me today on Facebook and we\u2019re running a poll to see what name we should change to. They gave good suggestions,\u201d he said. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8807871341705322} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Jul 12 2018, 05:03 PM)kesianthey are lucky can taste pork without guilt. tak sengaja tak haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5639107823371887} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Sep 10 2020, 06:54 PM)Actually that is a great idea. Now when u cook orang putih stuff, just use tapai ubi or tapai nasi u can get similar taste, best of all, its halalits actually quite strange really, the biggest difference with tapai and the common booze is the filtering process. its actually quite hard to cook alcohol out of something that is not filtered as the residues tend to retain the alcohol.like if you soak any ingredient in alcohol for too long, no matter how you cook it, there will be strong alcohol flavors.also tapai's ive had are very strong, 3% seems rather mild, but they taste much stronger than some home brew tuaks ive had, and home brew tuaks go up to about 10-15% ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "QUOTE(xcxa23 @ Jun 26 2021, 05:27 PM)rider punya suka la, their rights to reject and acceptfree market whatuse other rider servicessaw lots of abg panda, grab waiting infront chinese restaurant some ppl memang suka acah suci alim only with bab makanantotal wasted about 30mins including waiting both rider to come and reject my parcel due to stupid reason.meanwhile u can see many malay rider waiting at non-halal restoran no hal pon.rant because wasting my time. if the second one accepted the parcel i wont butthurt also ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999537467956543} +{"text": "Sos : https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...and-china-halalQUOTEJAKIM, DVS sahkan ayam dari Thailand, China halalOleh Faris Fuad - Disember 16, 2021 @ 10:20amfaris.fuad@bh.com.myKUALA LUMPUR: Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar (DVS) dan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) mengesahkan semua sembilan loji ayam di Thailand dan dua dari China yang tersenarai di laman sesawang DVS masih sah status kelulusan eksport ke Malaysia.DVS dan JAKIM dalam kenyataan bersama hari ini berkata, kelulusan pelanjutan status eksport loji berkenaan dipersetujui dan disahkan dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pengiktirafan Abatoir dan LojiPemprosesan Luar Negara (JTPALLN) yang bersidang pada 29 Mei 2020.Katanya, JTPALLN dianggotai pegawai DVS, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kuarantin dan Pemeriksaan Malaysia (MAQIS), JAKIM serta Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan (MAFI).\"Pengawasan halal ke atas loji yang diberi kelulusan mengimport ayam ke Malaysia dari Thailand akan dipantau dan diselia oleh badan pengesahan halal luar negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM iaitu The Central Islamic Council of Thailand (CICOT).\"Tempoh sah pengiktirafan JAKIM ke atas CICOT bermula 6 September 2021 hingga 31 Disember 2023.\"Pengiktirafan badan pensijilan halal Shandong Halal Certification Service (SHC) sebagai badan yang diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) pula bermula 23 Januari 2020 sehingga 23 Januari 2022,\" katanya.Sebelum ini, terdapat sebuah video yang tular di media sosial yang menampilkan seorang penceramah bebas mendakwa loji ayam Thailand dan China yang mengeksport produk ayam ke Malaysia sudah tamat tempoh dan tidak halal.Selain itu, DVS berkata, JAKIM sudah melaksanakan 'remote audit' kepada badan pensijilan halal luar negara berkenaan pada 5 hingga 20 April lalu untuk proses pembaharuan pengiktirafan memandangkan tempoh beberapa badan persijilan halal yang diiktiraf jabatan itu termasuk SHC akan tamat pada 23 Januari 2022.Katanya, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengesahan Pengiktirafan Halal Luar Negara JAKIM pada 17 Jun lalu meluluskan pembaharuan pengiktirafan kepada SHC bermula 24 Januari 2022 hingga 31 Disember 2023.\"Sijil baharu belum dikeluarkan kerana tempoh pengiktirafan sedia ada kepada badan pensijilan ini masih belum tamat.\"Kelulusan pembaharuan pengiktirafan Badan Persijilan Halal itu sudah dipersetujui dan disahkan dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengesahan Pengiktirafan Halal Luar Negara JAKIM yang bersidang pada 17 Jun 2021.\"Kenyataan media bersama oleh DVS dan JAKIM ini adalah bagi menjelaskan kekeliruan penceramah bebas yang mempertikaikan kenyataan media DVS terdahulu berhubung isu berbangkit yang ditularkan baru-baru ini,\" katanya.Sekian. Sila bersurai secara aman dan teratur. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9231151938438416} +{"text": "\npendaftaran syarikat utk restoren/perusahaan makanan ni patut kena link dgn JAKIM.\nbzzts Post at 2-9-2010 09:01 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 btul tuh. aku stuju. pastu jakim patut update setiap fail syarikat2 ni. then setiap tahun buat pemeriksaan, call syarikat tu tnya bila nk buat renewal sijil halal tuh. klu syarikat tu x sure bila, kasi masa sminggu. xde reply gak, trus je pegi premis pastu suh turunkan tanda halal. pastu update status kt website dorg.\n\r\npastu yg psal mcdonalds yg kene tarik balik sijil stok halal tu pun aku rasa pelik gak. aku dpt gak emel forward dr kwn aku. siap ada lg tanda tangan/cop/letterhead majlis. tp tup2 pastu kuar lak kat paper kata xde buat pun kenyataan tu. ni apa cite ntah. ckp putar belit. kene tekanan dr org atasan ke?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Nov 27 2023, 10:50 PM)Now facilitated by visa free entry to tongsan......best15days je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999628067016602} +{"text": "\"kalau meragukan, jatuh haram\" <--- paling LOL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999724626541138} +{"text": "masyaallah enak bgt ya sore goleran di belakang liatin mamah masak dg bau makanan yg ueeeenak itu sambil nunggu buka\u2026 no more bingung beli makan apa semua yg dimasak mamah aku suka bs gak masak buat aku terus seeeelamanya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9004058837890625} +{"text": "Apalagi melekatkatkan status halal atau haram dlm hal2 di luar makanan/minuman, itu jelas tindakan berlebihan dlm agama. Misalnya, melabeli baju atau kulkas sebagai halal, ini jelas ndak tepat. Kalau baju, statusnya ya bersih atau kotor/najis, bukan halal-haram.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998843669891357} +{"text": "QUOTE(Radioactive Infused Cola @ May 21 2019, 07:39 PM)doesn't matter how you want to put a spin on it.\u00a0 it's haram as been explained.then bread is haram... since got alcohol.. ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(Prometric @ Jul 13 2018, 02:17 PM)I thought they got give them a table with halal food? although they never confirm their attendanceHonestly, this article is pretty weird because first organiser admitted that \"hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita\". Then \"lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja\". Why weren't they directed to the halal table then? Later on mentioned that \"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah\". 5 out of 50 tables and it's situated all the way in front, they could at least have people directed them or have it clearly labelled?QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Jul 13 2018, 02:18 PM)it is an event by an organization for its memberswhen do you get the idea that it is for public?fyi this is not even organized by ministry of agriculturedo you clear on that?next time people sent you invitation, confirm your attendance and note of type of food you can't eat .like civilized peopleWhen do I get the idea it's public? Because it's called \"Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia\" and they've admitted it. It is public. They also admitted that they called all press but they didn't get RSVP. You know what that means? It means it's public. Where are you trying to get at?Again, whether people confirm attendance or not, if it's a public event, it's an organiser's responsibility to make sure everything goes well and covers the basics. If you only do things without covering the basics, then it's simply unprofessional. They are paid and make a living out of this.This post has been edited by whyamiblack: Jul 13 2018, 02:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9721589684486389} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0Muntz \n\n\n\r\nmuntz pernah makan ke?\nnoor2 Post at 9-6-2010 20:14 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Aku kalau makanan2 eksotik aku tak makan. Aku makan binatang2 yg dah biasa dimakan jah... mcm ayam, lembu, kambing, ikan, sotong.. part yg pelik2 mcm leher, lidah, bontot pun aku tak makan. Kembang tekak weih... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999617338180542} +{"text": "Bila orang melayu keluarkan produk kecantikan / skincare Customer akan minta Number KKM , Sijil Halal, Test Lab , selidik kilang dimana dan sebagainya . Persoalan saya : kenapa sesetengah orang melayu kita suka... https://t.co/4cjwSudzUm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998888969421387} +{"text": "Cik, mcm inilah. Islam ajar kalau tak tahu, rujuk pada ahlinya. Mcm mn kita letak kepercayaan pd JAKIM utk halal makanan. Begitu jugalah kita pd Islamic Banking ni. Kalau ada riba' pintu belakang ni, dosa itu tak la jatuh pada kita sbb kita meletakkan kepercayaan pada ahlinya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5639608502388} +{"text": "Masa bulan Ramadhan ni, kita bila nak beli makanan berbuka mesti nak beli yang bersih dan halal kan.\n\nTapi, tau tak, produk kosmetik dan kecantikan pun kita kena pastikan yang halal jugak.\n\nRo nak bagitau ni, #WD\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/BxKlrDxFfjF/?igshid=nlrsz85w6wnr\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9183852672576904} +{"text": "QUOTE(Guenhwyvar @ Sep 10 2020, 12:52 AM)Lol why eat or even touch in the first place. Sometimes I wonder the IQ of these people. They are really amazingly smart.\u00a0 They just want to viral it so they can become famous... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "aku paling suka bila customer tanya \u201cada sijil halal tak?\u201d pastu aku jawab \u201coh sorry, sijil halal kita takde\ud83d\ude0a\u201d sambil senyum SEBAB DORANG MACAM WTF MINAH NI JAWAB BAIK GILA TAPI TAK HALAL????", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6325142979621887} +{"text": "Meanwhile, songlap still not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999535083770752} +{"text": "QUOTE(oommpa.loommpaa @ Oct 22 2016, 03:52 PM)oredi follow this thread since yesterday..my opinion, jakim kna buat satu standard yg terpakai utk semua pengusaha makanan..dat why name product also have to be included..kalo ia tertulis secara bertulis, maka pengusaha have to comply..no grey area..kalo jakim xmasukkan name product as requirement, pemohon can argue their case..ex:bak kut teh dat use chicken..ham dat use chicken..then, someone complain dat board of standard in jakim just human being.also can make mistake..yup..cannot deny dat..but they all are normal human dat have knowledge in hukum, food preparation..wat is your qualification dat can ague their desicion??any exp in hukum??any knowledge in f&b ind??here's another one defending JAKIM's poor grasp of the english language. topkekthe only confused one is JAKIM who thinks hotdogs are produced from dogmeat This post has been edited by Einjahr: Oct 22 2016, 11:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8927633762359619} +{"text": "Makanan halal ..ikut sunah ..ada dalam hadis al quran.. Bersih %", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7348961234092712} +{"text": "Kelebihan MATAF Parfum. - Diiktiraf Halal Oleh Jakim Malaysia. - Mempunyai Sijil Sirim Yg Sah. - Menggunakan Bahan2 Semulajadi. - Bertahan Sehingga 24jam - Kualiti Eksport. - Memberi Aura & Keyakinan Pemakai. https://t.co/C6wV90ffM5", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9913472533226013} +{"text": "@QamaBees eh takleh2,kan jakim dah tarik sijil halal.. even makanan diaorg tk haram. Tapi tk boleh.. hahaha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6651648283004761} +{"text": "sometimes people too worried about halal logo and stuff.should know that this halal logo thing is a malaysian thing. No need to get too fanatical on this, if a malay muslim auntie sell fried banana under a tree got no halal cert then gg liao all muslims who eat there with this logic.In the end, know the Islamic rulings properly, you would know, just no pork/pork derivative as one of the ingredients, while alcohol is a debatable thing, if used as a technical ingredient (softening up the meat) and assumed to evaporate during cooking it is for the discretion of individual muslim to assume its halal or not for consumption (no muslim has the right to prevent or coerce each other into eating/not eating if differing in opinion about this). inb4 ulama /k ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9150722026824951} +{"text": "Rather than you dumbasses boycotting konon restaurant takde sijil halal, korang lupa ke yg makanan yg unhealthy juga memudaratkan kesihatan? Bukan takat daging babi je. Oh ya sbb makanan selain babi tak haram \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9146697521209717} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?what is typical chinese lifestyle?go to work?go to mall?wear pants?go eat out?talk in chinese at home? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997064471244812} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 08:16 PM)That only work for individuals.When there is a need to control a crowd of millions of ppl,North Korean way is the best way.North korea people also starving Until leader need to jilat usaApa bodo ni lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991447925567627} +{"text": "shabina. kenapa haritu xi fu tang tidak dapat sijil halal semua orang backup sebab cakap takde pun bahan haram da\u2026 \u2014 https://t.co/lznhFjRw0d https://t.co/FiJLXxVSkv", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 01:26 PM)Penang say tapai ok if not made into alcoholic drink with intention to get drunk, but Selangor say rice wine haram.\u00a0 Benda boleh confuse buat apa jelaskan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994088411331177} +{"text": "QUOTE(petpenyubobo @ Apr 27 2024, 03:49 PM)3rd world low IQ population mentality: Malls and Skyscapers emerging in the skyline = Towards Developed Nation Status (Ke Arah Status Negara Maju)When proper things such as living standards, average GDP per capita balance, income/wage levels, literacy rates and nutrition/food dietary, high unemployment , all overlooked.1st world also same wutttttt? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Kami juga ada open order untuk nasi putih ya warga Puchong Jangan risau makanan halal & bersih! Anda boleh dm aku ataupun nombor mak aku dkt bawah tu ya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959030747413635} +{"text": "Keyword is all hereRumah milik seorang ibu tunggal, anak 9 ... 4 orang sudah bekerja .. semua tinggal serumah.Means all the 9 anak malas tolong mak. Harap mak buat kerja sorang sorang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ May 8 2024, 05:22 PM)welkam... if u dont mind the halal chop status...can try laksa testified by gordon ramsay - choon hui laksa - no pork, need walk more...can try laksa at chong choon, walking distance from meritin...can try mom's laksa... this one halal at petanak can try best banana fritters at laoyakeng.. 12pm start order...\u00a0 definitely gonna try the banana fritters among all which is most recommended i cant be eating 3 laksa in a day ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Apr 26 2022, 01:57 PM)HCMC: Haram City Maksiat CityI wented liao and this is public service announcementIf you iman nipis jgn pegi nanti aqidah terpesongDalam flight ada citer x senonoh Ajar pompuan kongsi suami, mana boleh haram la sialCakap \u201cComedy\u201d tapi lucah Katak bawah tempurung inilah contohnya ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997439980506897} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Nov 26 2016, 02:18 PM)I seen Muslim who eat at place who doesn't have halal sign but their answer is they know the place no serve pork even tho sell liquor and mostly this places is place like seafood restaurantsis sea food all are halal?\u00a0 no need to incite verses like chicken?Bang, sebelum nak tunjuk bebal tu, baca balik hukum dan syarat syarat binatang yang wajib disembelih sebelum halal dimakan.Makanan laut tak termasuk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5285460948944092} +{"text": "Ada satu produk makanan ni, famous sangat! Dia halal je, tapi sebabkan nama dia tu je mcm sedikit misleading, dia tak approve utk dpt halal. Tapi skrg nama tu dh diubah and yes, brand tu dah diiktiraf halal oleh jakim. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998354434967041} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Dec 18 2023, 02:55 PM)Hi ya, chill bro!Was there just last month, & had the best Lamb chop from ANS Station food truck, Hotspot@Presint 2I do hope people are aware that Putrajaya and Cyberjaya are two different places LOLAlso, I honestly would have preferred Cyberjaya to be dead. Problem is that is no longer the case ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8780361413955688} +{"text": "yang kepochi tu mesti malaysian. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6431017518043518} +{"text": "Permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia adalah bersifat SUKARELA dan bukannya WAJIB.\n\nPENSIJILAN HALAL:-TIDAK WAJIB\n\nHUKUM MENCARI MAKANAN YANG HALAL:- WAJIB\n\nJusteru, usaha murni pihak... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "QUOTE(-mystery- @ Apr 17 2024, 03:36 PM)Increase petrol soonringgit devaluedconcert cancelledlack of fdi due to conservatismhow to save malaysia?I dont see we increase our manpower capability alsoevery company is like changing employees so quicklylike divorce rateamoi tak suka, terus minta break upbincsngkan.Above matter been mention are not a problem if we (Malaysian) work hard to improve the economy and have a health business trade between different idea of business trading like Modern China today \ud83d\udc47 type=\"video/mp4\">Currently Malaysia are spoil by Politics, 3R, Corruption & and some people crazy with Power / Title If one day all Malaysian can work hard to improve economy, have great Idea of different business strategy, definitely I believe economy Malaysia won't be far behind as Singapore's.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8710141181945801} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 04:07 PM)Qingdao mmg celaka oneMentang2 diorunk buat Tsingtao beer yg haram, semua tempat ada jual beer. Tepi jalan ko nak beli ikat tepi pun adaNasib baik aku tak terbeli sebab ingatkan air tebu berkarbonat Pastu air kelapa dia\u2026 Astagfirullahaladzim\u2026Letak gambar nen nen mcm jual susu ibu Haram jadah betul\u00a0 Doomsday ko jgn terzhut-zhut taw\u2026Do that pose in restaurant, they straight know what you wanna order for drink. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970667958259583} +{"text": "QUOTE(junky_man @ Sep 12 2015, 02:17 PM)Aku nak buat kumpulan BBB = Belia Benci Baymax.Anyone want to join?I sokong. Belia Benci BlobsSbb I sayang baymax.QUOTE(Zahrein Reid @ Sep 12 2015, 02:36 PM)Alhamdulillah I'm not gemuk Hi5 bro! QUOTE(manypplwan @ Sep 12 2015, 02:45 PM)Genetic lelAlasan bodoAku dulu gemuk jugak waktu darjah 6 sampai form 2. Tapi pastu aku ubah cara makan then now okay je 50 kg berat akuFat ppl pls see and take note!QUOTE(glitterRAMEE @ Sep 12 2015, 02:47 PM)Orang gemuk normally busukmacam pakejYah x tahan ngan bau kerbau!QUOTE(ah_suknat @ Sep 12 2015, 02:49 PM)tak malu sebab cukup makanorang kurus tak cukup makanKesian gelojoh dan tamak pun nak jadi positive point. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999463558197021} +{"text": "QUOTE(yolo1990 @ Dec 24 2020, 06:35 PM)fulamak, JAKIM become tuhan already. anything can dictate haram/halal. somemore funded by government us.wanted to comment more but stupid cat kept on disturbing me.so this is how they are putting theirs ballooned funding to good use.This post has been edited by quintesson: Dec 25 2020, 08:48 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9938598871231079} +{"text": "QUOTE(MeToo @ Nov 30 2016, 02:40 PM)Is this kinda of mentality that makes me lose hope for the future of Malaysia...To you, Whether the rule makes sense or not, its not important...So tmr Jakim makes rule u wan Halal certification means u cannot hire any non-muslims... you will also use the same argument \"Jakim suka la, u tak suka u keluar!\"bodo level >9000anyway this is my last reply entertaining you, cause chatting with a bodo racist tahap gaban loses its charm after a while...If they say like that dont apply Jakim Halal cert lor.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997739195823669} +{"text": "If a Muslim knowingly eats haram food, they are responsible for their actions and may face consequences in terms of their spiritual well-being. Repentance is emphasized in Islam, and a person who has knowingly consumed haram food is encouraged to sincerely repent, seek forgiveness from Allah, and make efforts to avoid repeating the sin in the future. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999475479125977} +{"text": "Kalau muncul isu status halal jakim sesuatu makanan kat Malaysia, aku malas layan. Annoying.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "Restoran Melayu ada sijil halal? Kedai burger tepi jalan ada sijil halal? Gerai kat Pasar Ramadhan ada sijil halal? Kalau betul betul penting, mesti awak check dulu kan? Lain kali check lah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6038651466369629} +{"text": "QUOTE(mukhrizMrz @ Dec 22 2014, 10:39 AM)i rarely agrees with this guy, but this time, i agreeyeahthe most controversial 'ulama'but somehow i admired the way he gives speech ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998762607574463} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Mar 31 2024, 02:34 AM)So stupid, already told you they can't use religion as a way to sell war, must use correct keyword: \"fight communist\", \"spread democracy\", \"humanitarian aid\", \"WMD\", etc\"Fight communist\" were very popular during cold war era, but after Vietnam happen, such keyword no longer work properly.Right after WW2, USA was Right (wing), but not so Right wing as the Nazis who were extreme Right wing. After WW2 until today, they move from Right to Left wing. The Democrats are all hardcore atheists AND China friendly.Why China friendly? China is Far Left. Communist.Memang no religion. Supreme Kafir. This post has been edited by Hobbez: Mar 31 2024, 02:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7269650101661682} +{"text": "EHHHHH IYAAA ak suka beli roti rasa choco banana DAN ITU ENAKK BGTTTTTT, makanan surga ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995180368423462} +{"text": "Halal jakim bukan takat tengok material makanan jer... segala barang yang diguna dikilang, pembersihan mesti disahkan tiada barang2 terlarang... even pencuci lantai sekali pun...", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9990565180778503} +{"text": "\r\nOf cozlah yahudi nasoro jeles... sbb org sanggup je jadikan tarikan halal n patuh syariat islam ni sbb strategi berniaga...nak tarik pelanggan islam..\r\nDah lama syarikat penerbangan asyik nak tarik ummah yahudi nasoro hidang arak bagai.. skrg ni org baru je mula nak tarik pelanggan islam..ada pulak ummah penyokong yahudi nasoro mengelupur..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999747276306152} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Oct 16 2019, 03:44 PM)http://www.hdcglobal.com/publisher/pid/37a...d8-affde4018210already got fatwa in 1983..where were u in 1983?as medication for diabetics is permissible on the basis of emergency.u talk lan sai lo.u win liao lorall also u say lorhabis cerita lo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998730421066284} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Dec 24 2020, 09:57 PM)But why when certain people wish JAKIM take no action but when we wish suddenly a risk of legal actionJangan persoal. Kalau tak suka, balik Cina.Nanti kita AMOK! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997989296913147} +{"text": "mcm2 saya dengar perihal pensijilan halal. islam ini memudahkan... jadi kerajaan patut review SOP pensijilan halal JAKIM. mekanisme pe sijilan juga wajib direview kerana ia terlalu mahal. Ada sijil halal pun belum... https://t.co/CrY9DdGJdE", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6391424536705017} +{"text": "So about Sijil Halal SR ditarik disebabkan tidak bersih dr segi pengendalian makanan atau premis itu sendiri, bukannya dari sumber yg haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6782398223876953} +{"text": "@ibrahimjunaidii @nzwphmn_ Kalau lah halal haram semudah abc. Dah lama makan dkt kedai kopi ah seng. Simple je. Nk minum kau bedal jelah. Tpi jgn lah marah bila org bgtau takde sijil halal Jakim. Org lain takut sbb ianya jdi darah daging. Aku gi oversea rilex je. Tk minum pun boba tea bodoh ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "@eddydaud @SPRMMalaysia @MyJAKIM wajar mempamerkan kos & serta pecahan kos bagi proses pengeluaran Sijil Halal agar tidak menimbulkan persoalan. Ketelusan merupakan aspek yg penting bagi jabatan Kerajaan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953886270523071} +{"text": "it's funny how muslims here try to justify and condone this attack by bringing up their palestine issue (an issue thats not just about religion). even though so many precious innocent lives are lost, they will still bring up incidents involving their own kind in which they perceive they are the victims. everyone else is wrong but themselves. if muslims commit crimes, non-muslims are to be blamed for inciting it. to them, their religion is perfect, flawless, nothing can be improved, they're the best, they're truly righteous and right above everyone else who are non-muslims. any questioning of any kind is a form of insult to their religion.This post has been edited by telefunken: Nov 14 2015, 03:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996190071105957} +{"text": "bab makanan kau tahu pulak halal haram,kes perangai kau yang haram jadah tu cane pulak nak aku bagi sijil ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998082518577576} +{"text": "Recently, Bak Kut Teh was announced to be among the 10 foods gazetted as heritage foods by the Heritage Commissioner Mohamad Muda Bahadin in the Declaration of Heritage Object 2024.Following this, many got involved in condemning and defending the dish\u2019s stand in the declaration, causing quite the drama.Now, Parit Buntar MP Mohd Misbahul Munir Masduki is getting dragged online for using Wikipedia as a reference during a debate in Parliament with Ipoh Timor MP Howard Lee. The latter showcased the incident on his Twitter page.Howard Lee wrote, \u201cWhat does the term \u2018Bak\u2019 mean in \u201cBak Kut Teh\u2019? What does \u2018Bak\u2019 mean in \u2018Bak Kut Teh\u2019? PAS is trying to distort the meaning of the term Bak Kut Teh in Parliament. Ask Hokkien people first.\u201d\u201cThe government is working to add value to Malaysia\u2019s heritage culture as part of the efforts to develop the dine infrastructure that tourism offers. The opposition, on the other hand, wants to find issues to play Haram-Halal.\u201dIn the video, Howard Lee could be seen arguing that \u2018Bak\u2019 means \u2018meat\u2019, which could be any meat with examples such as pork and beef. He added that he knows this because he is of Hokkien heritage.He then accused the opposition party of lying, by insisting \u2018Bak\u2019 only means \u2018pork\u2019, to cause problems.\u201cBut, I referred to Wikipedia, \u2018Bak\u2019 actually refers to pork ribs and bones soup,\u201d the Parit Buntar MP said in response.This didn\u2019t sit well with many Malaysians as Wikipedia is a platform where its pages can be edited by literally anyone.\u201cParliament should be among the first references by scholars, where scientific and analytic ideas are discussed. But PAS MPs are bringing in Wikipedia into Parliament. Very stupid.\u201d\u201cThis is the level of PAS MPs, you\u2019re referencing Wikipedia? Even at Diploma level they don\u2019t allow the usage of Wikipedia as an academic reference source.\u201d\u201cThe PAS member is using Wikipedia as a reference? Even with assignments we\u2019re not allowed to source Wikipedia.\u201dHulu Langat MP Mohd Sany Hamzan was backing up Howard Lee in this argument, which made it so much more entertaining.https://worldofbuzz.com/pas-mp-bashed-for-r...lNvktsiq4pLImd9 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5651741623878479} +{"text": "Sebenarnya, tujuan BMF itu adalah utk membantu peniaga Muslim tidak kira BANGSA. Contoh, beli mee dari syarikat bkn Muslim & Muslim. Kalau dah sama harga, kualiti ada baik pada Muslim's product, why not. Kita boleh buat pilihan. https://t.co/0qII1syV68", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7709803581237793} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 03:31 PM)Since this thread basically about tapai and Islam then it should be how Islam defines it. Khamr (Arabic: \u062e\u0645\u0631\u200e) is an Arabic word for wine; (the plural form, Khum\u016br (Arabic: \u062e\u0645\u0648\u0631\u200e), is defined as alcoholic beverages, liquor).In Islamic jurisprudence, it refers to certain forbidden substances, and its technical definition depends on the legal school.Liquor here does not means liquors such as tequila, rum, vodka, whisky, brandy etc but also means beer, wine and other intoxicating drinks like tuak.But if we follow that logic, then tuak would be haram, so would a large number of cuisines european/ japanese.I find that the guy you posted made some sense, but then some european cuisines would not be haram anymore. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9737834930419922} +{"text": "QUOTE(Reality740716 @ Feb 8 2021, 11:07 PM)Tak ada haram ka , makan ... makanan buatan china ?kalau dah curi, apa pulak kisah dgn halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998879432678223} +{"text": "QUOTE(AxeFire @ Nov 28 2016, 06:58 PM)haram?ini mamat nak megelirukan muslim,... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9936769604682922} +{"text": "\ud83d\udcccGYU DON - Set Nasi Daging Antara menu Donburi(set mangkuk nasi) yg paling popular SO SUSHI SUPPLY & CAFE BANDAR PERDA #BMF \ud83d\udccdPengesahan sijil Halal Jakim \ud83d\udccdPemilik Usahawan Muslim/ Chinese\u2026 https://t.co/yLSGafnd8Q", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "JAKIM dah cakap Auntie Anne's belum dapat sijil halal sebab tengah dalam proses audit central kitchen.belum dapat lagi.......bukannya di reject sebab ada nama dogsebelum ni JAKIM nasihatkan tukar nama pretzel dog tu sebab ada setengah manusia dungu ni suka mempermainkan isu ni.macam FOMCA ni yang cakap JAKIM tak bagi sijil halal sebab ada nama dog....padahal JAKIM tak pernah pun cakap ada nama dog je kena ban, terus kena tolakape ke bangang semua orang ni....cakap JAKIM bodohlah useless laThis post has been edited by Seiro: Oct 19 2016, 11:47 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9860243201255798} +{"text": "Bayan Linnas terbaru bertajuk \u201cPenamaan Makanan & Minuman: Status Halal & Isunya\u201d. http://fb.me/8gpGJEuZO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999809205532074} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Dec 27 2023, 01:46 PM)Tak mampu jangan pi la...Dok viral buat ape la puak ini.Try pergi makan dekat Vegas .....hang boleh terjun bangunanKan tempat bukit casino tu orang judi.Hang dok bawak family pi berserabut buat ape?If I went to Beato Steakhouse at Publika then I share to public the price of the RM450 per plate of 200gm steak I ate, with a statement, \"this is the price of steak at premium steakhouse\"... I am doing something wrong? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993707537651062} +{"text": "QUOTE(maru&box @ Nov 2 2013, 07:54 PM)I think the main opposition to halal food from people is from a standpoint of animal cruelty.If you look up how the animal is killed it's basically:\"When an animal is slaughtered, the jugular vein is cut and the blood is allowed to drain from the animal.\"Apparently this is claimed as the \"best\" way to put the animal out of its misery.But when I think about it more, slowly bleeding to death does sound painful. And now with modern technology, there are machines that makes death instantaneous so there is no suffering.I don't know how the desert people 2000-5000 years ago slaughtered their animals. This might be the best method at the time but times have changed. Unfortunately, nobody has the authority to come and say \"hey here is halal 2.0 which is better\". On another note, I have also listened to discussions on the reasoning behind not eating pork.If I remember it right, this practice is inherited from the jews practice of also not eating pork. Back when the jews were still desert people, it would be a good idea not to eat pork because the methods of meat preparation at the time somehow makes it easier for people to get diseases from eating pork. However, now if you prepare it right, there is no problems.Again, it might have been a practical thing to do a long long time ago but the reason to do it is just not there anymore. The same probably goes for other types of non-halal meats like mud-crabs. If not prepared properly, you will easily get diseases ( and die ). For me, I don't really care because I eat anything if it tastes good. This is some of the things I learned when trying to understand why muslim people eat halal meat and how relevant it is in the past and now in the present.actually, i think they cut both the jugular vein and carotid arteries. so the animal would lose consciousness pretty quick. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9853723645210266} +{"text": "\n\n Im so sorry I was this dumb when I was in primary. Thinking back who really cooks everything with literally babi.\n \n Remember that Old Town disputes about kandungan babi in their food and JAKIM's findings stated that there is no haram thing involved. They still believe it because they think the staffs might hide babi somewhere before JAKIM officers come in lol.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "Protip from a bulked gym dude, he told me, the one make u lpse hair is the best protein, u lose hair cos its effective ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999426603317261} +{"text": "Penglibatan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dalam memberi pengesahan status halal kepada produk makanan dan barangan gunaan Islam di negara ini bermula... http://kisahzakatmalaysia.com/2019/01/24/21-status-halal-produk-diragui-netizen-jakim-jelaskan-segala-kemusykilan/\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9302194118499756} +{"text": "QUOTE(ak101ss @ Aug 27 2016, 04:35 PM)Tak mau, anak dara tak tau cara nak memuaskan nafsu laki.Best punya nasi lemak is nasi lemak mak Cik janda.. sambal bestttttAgree, anak dara tk syok, asyik fikir sakit je, better janda, just laying and she do the rest! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992161989212036} +{"text": "\r\niols rasa dia saje ni nak viral pastu glamer. \r\nke wujud org sebodoh ini skrg???", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998806715011597} +{"text": "STATUS HALAL GOLDEN CHURN CREAMERY BUTTER\n\nIkuti penjelasan berkenaan status halal produk dan premis makanan yang... http://fb.me/4qmMYNXH0", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998785257339478} +{"text": "QUOTE(mooney @ Aug 11 2018, 11:53 PM)Sebab mereka nie memang dasar penakut.Nampak Salib, takut murtadNampak nons X tutup aurat takut hilang kawalanKeluar negara, Makan maggi. Takut makanan luar X halalAda anak perempuan, takut jiran nk kahwin Ngan dia masa capai umur 11Bulan puasa nampak nons Makan, takut Iman terpengaruhMachiam real story ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999749660491943} +{"text": "QUOTEBerderau darah ni rasa nak muntah, jijik, geli.Dah lama kita DIBODOHKAN! Daging haram dicop halal oleh syarikat-syarikat \u2018MATA SEPET\u2019!Letak cop halal, masyarakat islam terus yakin 100%. Beli, makan, isi dalam perut anak bini. Percaya atau tidak daging yang di beli berkemungkinan TAK HALAL!Ikuti pendedahan bersama Ketua Aktivis PPIM, toqqi @ Nazim Johandan\u00a0 Panel Jemputan,\u00a0 Ustazah Asma HarunIsnin, 9 November 2020, 11.30 pagi._____________Aduan & Kes semakin meningkat setiap hari!Dan, ini menjadi cabaran besar buat kami!Namun, kami tak mampu lakukannya sendiri.Kerana itu, kami menyeru sokongan serta sumbangan anda.Sumbangan anda akan disalurkan untuk membantu:Kes & Aduan Penganiayaan Serta Penipuan.Mangsa PenindasanKempen Kesedaran Masyarakat.Sumbangan buat Golongan Kurang MampuProgram Pendidikan Pengguna.Sebahagian Kos Pengurusan PPIM.Sumbangan secara online di:https://sumbangan.ppim.org.my/TPPPIMMohon LIKE, SHARE dan DOAKAN demi memperjuangkan keadilan dan hentikan penindasan.Mudah-mudahan setiap sen yang anda sumbangkan diberkati dan mampu membantu lebih ramai insan.\u201cPerjuangan Bersama Demi Pengguna\u201d#PPIM #sahamakhirat #PerjuanganDemiPengguna #KamiBersamaAnda #toqqiSource: https://www.facebook.com/ppim.official/post...641893182529794Wow, so rude meh.They are not bothered that Uncle Kentang and Ustaz Ebit might be offended with their term?This post has been edited by rebecca_choo: Nov 5 2020, 12:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989303946495056} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Dec 15 2023, 07:09 PM)You said memang suka wear sexy short pants.Wajib tegur lor.Yes i amSome of the shorts i wear when i go running or go gym aerobic is really shortThis type ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999985933303833} +{"text": "QUOTE(NismoConcept @ Nov 17 2014, 03:49 PM)Meanwhile, ROKOK dihalalkan dlm kampus. Bodoh!THIS, SO TRUE. KOMPLAIN ALSO NO USE, SAY TAK BOLEH BUAT APA APA. FEEL SO WANNA DO THIS TO THOSE PPL.\nSABmz153dLA\n\n ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998412132263184} +{"text": "How they know got Haram substance if they cannot consume in the 1st place. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999581515789032} +{"text": " keraguan tu hak individu kak. bukan hak majis fatwa. makanan kalau kita ragu2 pn kita x makan even jakim kata ok.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9939396381378174} +{"text": "Suci vs haram. Fikir2 kan lah..sekian. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998098015785217} +{"text": "ate some takoyaki in osaka..best!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986621141433716} +{"text": "hmm says he's freed , guess remand period over but nothing said if he will be prosecutedQUOTESelepas bebas, Zamihan diangkat sebagai \u2018pejuang\u2019, bantah pesta arak di JohorFMT Reporters | October 16, 2017Pegawai Jakim itu menghantar mesej 'perjuangan' di samping diangkat sebagai pejuang kebenaran oleh penyokongnya walaupun dilabel 'angkuh' oleh Sultan Johor.zamiha-fbPETALING JAYA: Walaupun dibidas Sultan Johor sebagai \u201cangkuh\u201d dan \u201ctin kosong\u201d, Zamihan Mat Zin kembali aktif dengan pelbagai muat naik di Facebook beliau, termasuk membantah penganjuran pesta arak di Johor, sambil diangkat sebagai \u201cpejuang Islam\u201d oleh penyokongnya.Pegawai Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) yang baru-baru ini disiasat berhubung kritikannya terhadap Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, memuat naik pelbagai mesej \u201cperjuangan\u201d selepas dibebaskan Sabtu lalu.Zamihan, 41, yang mengetuai NGO beliau, Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah Malaysia (Aswaja), ditahan berhubung ceramahnya di sebuah masjid di Shah Alam pada 7 Oktober, yang menyelar Sultan Ibrahim kerana menghalang dasar sebuah kedai dobi di Muar, Johor untuk hanya berurusan dengan orang Islam.Zamihan juga mengundang kecaman kerana menyifatkan orang bukan Islam tidak bersih sehinggakan pakaian mereka tidak boleh dicampur aduk dengan pakaian penganut Islam.\u201cKita ini negara Islam, pemimpin Islam, raja Islam, sultan Islam. Semua sumpah, wallahi, wabillahi\u2026 nak buat dobi \u2018for Muslims only\u2019 pun tak boleh, kita kata jumud, kita kata Taliban,\u201d kata Zamihan seperti dipetik rakan video ceramahnya di Masjid Diraja Tengku Ampuan Jemaah, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam.Selepas klip tersebut viral di Youtube, Zamihan menuduh beberapa media memutar belit ucapannya, walapun memohon ampun kepada Sultan Johor beberapa jam sebelum ditahan di bawah Akta Hasutan.Bagaimanapun, Sultan Ibrahim membidas pegawai Jakim itu dan mengarahkan pihak berkuasa agama negeri tidak berurusan dengan Jakim.\u201cSaya anggap dia hanya seperti tin kosong yang tidak ada otak,\u201d menurut ucapan Sultan Ibrahim di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia di Batu Pahat pada Sabtu.\u201cKalau betul dia penceramah Jakim, saya tidak tahu dari mana Jakim pungut dia, selepas ini juga saya mengarahkan JAINJ tidak perlu lagi buang masa berurusan dengan Jakim,\u201d tambahnya, merujuk Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Johor.Kenyataan keras Sultan Johor itu bagaimanapun tidak menghalang pelbagai muat naik di Facebook Zamihan, mengangkat penceramah agama yang terkenal dengan gayanya menghentam tokoh agama lain itu sebagai \u201cpejuang akidah\u201d yang difitnah.Bantah pesta arak Johor Pada hari sama dibebaskan, Facebook Zamihan memuat naik sokongan terhadap usaha membantah sebuah pesta arak di Johor.\u201cKita akan bersatu mempertahankan Islam. Inilah isu yang besar wajib kita tangani, selamat berjuang kepada pertubuhan Islam yang menegakkan kebenaran,\u201d menurut kiriman yang didahului dengan perkataan \u201c[Admin]\u201d.Ia merujuk laporan sebuah portal berita mengenai memorandum dikemukakan sebuah kumpulan dikenali Majlis Ayahanda Johor, membantah penganjuran pesta arak secara tertutup di sebuah hotel di Johor Bahru, hujung minggu lalu.Ia menerima sokongan penyokong Zamihan yang meninggalkan pelbagai komen, termasuk beberapa kenyataan dilihat mempersoalkan pendirian Sultan Johor berhubung kedai dobi \u201cmesra Islam\u201d. Mereka mempersoalkan mengapa layanan berbeza kepada pesta arak tesebut, yang sebelum ini dibantah PAS dan kumpulan Islam lain, dan dibatalkan permitnya oleh polis atas alasan keselamatan.\u201cPesta arak takpe kerana utk perpaduan\u2026 dobi mesra Muslim tak bleh kerana boleh rosakkan perpaduan rakyat\u2026 kena fhm dan hadam elok-elok wahai umat Islam,\u201d tulis pengguna Facebook Mohd Noor Bin Idris.\u201cTin kosong takda arak. Tin tak kosong ada arak,\u201d tulis seorang lagi, Subri Mohamad.Selasa lalu, Majlis Raja-Raja mengecam dasar perniagaan untuk \u201corang Islam sahaja\u201d termasuk kontroversi dobi \u201cmesra Muslim\u201d sebagai tindakan yang bersifat keterlaluan, boleh menjejaskan keharmonian, dan membawa implikasi lebih mendalam sekiranya bersabit dengan dan dilakukan atas nama Islam.\u2018Cekal berjuang\u2019Sejurus selepas pembebasannya, muat naik pertama Zamihan melahirkan dukacita atas kematian seorang tokoh guru agama di Kelantan.\u201cInsyallah Ayahanda, ana (saya) tetap cekal menyambung delegasi perjuangan akidah ini!\u201d tulisnya.Ia disusuli dengan amaran Zamihan untuk melawan kumpulan berfahaman Ahmadiah, yang difatwakan sesat dan di luar ajaran Islam oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan.\u201cAwas, akan dibanteras sehabisnya golongan liberal dan \u2018kelompok\u2019 yang sentiasa bersama mereka,\u201d katanya, sambil memuat naik poster perhimpunan tahunan Jemaah Ahmadiah Muslim Malaysia, dan mengajak orang ramai \u201csebarkan bantahan\u201d terhadap program tersebut.Petang semalam, sasarannya dihalakan terhadap golongan LGBT, walaupun tidak menyebut secara khusus siapa dimaksudkannya.\u201cUmat Islam kena peka tentang keadaan isu semasa berkaitan ancaman budaya barat. Mari kita bersama memberikan kesedaran kepada umat Islam di Malaysia,\u201d katanya dalam muat naik yang juga didahului perkataan \u201c[Admin]\u201d.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...-arak-di-johor/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9595462679862976} +{"text": "queuing 6 hours to buy viral food is just dumb and stupidbut to each their own ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7711722254753113} +{"text": "Ini saja mau retaliate. What they want is to put down made by _____ description on each products to boycott their business by poisoning ultra shallow minded meleis. But how many of them actually will follow suit to boycott? U tengok pakcik haji pergi masjid pun still beli rokok haram john. Ni semua agenda retaliate i tak puas hati sama u mau tunjuk bola siapa lagi besar. All they want is to put it down like this wan. Made by meleis companyMade by cainis companyMade by yindian companyEtcIts not truly about halal haram ini itu boleh or tak boleh makan. Some sick ppl, kalau tengok cina jual buah pun tak mau beli lah, cakap takut kotor tak halal etc. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "QUOTE(hteekay @ Dec 27 2023, 03:30 PM)balik rumah tanya bini/emak ada apply sijil Halal tak? kalau takder then take pic , viral that shit and boycott your own houselol this is borderline stupid already. halal/haram only applies to food lah. halal/haram perbuatan is another thing. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999962568283081} +{"text": "Saya bkn nak menentang tapi JAKIM tak mengesahkan lagi yg mcd tu haram.saya bukan nak support makanan luar.tapi,inimengenai perut saya.hhaha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9608928561210632} +{"text": "Setuju, was2 jgn minum.\n\nAda org kecoh bab sijil halal tp bab premis makanan bersih ke tak, tak kisah pulak (contohnya mamak).. Walhal status halal juga bergantung tahap kebersihan premis.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999913215637207} +{"text": "Perokok ni cakap je la rokok haram ke ape ke. Diorg pedulik ape. Yg penting takda sijil halal kat kedai makan baru depa nak hilang akal. https://t.co/tueOKfyWC1", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "U x suka u keluar versi netherland ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9517494440078735} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Aug 6 2015, 04:08 PM)In Islam haram makan bangkai. Haiwan darat yang tidak disembelih = Automatic Bangkai.Nothing to do with the name.Pic somewhat laughably related.I don't think siput babi is haram because it falls under bangkai. If you said that it is haram because of dua alam then I might understand. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976396560669} +{"text": "Antara sebab malas beli makanan dekat food festival ni sebab tak sedapp. Aku suka laksa tapi kalau tak kena dengan tekak ni memang 2/3 suap je makan pastu takde selera dah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7944613695144653} +{"text": "Muka lawa boleh lah.Kalau muka buruk, tulis lah nasi lemak apa pun x de nye viral.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(sensors @ Oct 13 2017, 10:42 AM)Did you not read about the McDonald's incident?As for whether or not islam requires you to do such things or not, it's best you review your religion's sources, because I'm sure you wouldn't want a non muslim to point it out to you, ya?since when Islam is racial?\ud83d\ude10 dont tell.me you are agreeing with Zamihan, how long hv u been living in tis country? We are not all frigging arabs ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999412298202515} +{"text": "Kod E pada label produk makanan BUKAN label memgandungi bahan haram. http://fb.me/7Jv80O8ec", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995669722557068} +{"text": "Tweet kena backflash teruk. Kecian ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998734176158905} +{"text": "Sebelum Ini Tular Kecantikan Yang Ada Pada Ameera Khan. Kini Giliran Adik Lelaki Neelofa Masuk Dunia Peragaan.December 14, 2020Admin0Adik lelaki bongsu kepada Neelofa, Faliq Khan mencuri perhatian wargamaya apabila menyertai dunia peragaan bersama jenama mewah Dior.Menerusi laman sosial Instagram, Ameera Khan atau lebih dikenali sebagai Little Miss Khan, dia berkongsi foto bersama adiknya ketika sama-sama memperagakan jenama tersebut.\u201cBangga dengan adik lelaki saya kerana melakukan ini bersama saya. Kepada lebih banyak projek bersama,\u201d tulisnya di ruangan kapsyen. Menerusi perkongsian itu, Faliq dan Ameera bergandingan bagi memperagakan beg tangan daripada koleksi terbaru jenama Dior di hadapan pintu gerbang pusat beli belah Pavilion.Meninjau ke ruangan komen, ramai yang teruja melihat penampilan sulung Faliq sebagai model di samping kakaknya.Malah, ada yang turut memuji wajah kacak Faliq dan mahukan\u201cOmg Faliq, too cute!\u201d puji seorang wargamaya.\u201cBoleh saya jadi adik ipar awak?\u201d tanya seorang wargamaya. \u201cHabislah kalau Faliq pun dah terjebak dalam modelling,\u201d usik seseorang wargamaya.\u201cYarabbi Faliq,\u201d komen seorang wargamaya.\u201cFaliq dah patut start jadi model lelaki untuk selamanya,\u201d cadang seorang wargamaya.\u201cAww, dua dua ni bergandingan modelling bersama,\u201d ujar seorang wargamaya lagi.Sehingga kini, foto tersebut telah menerima hampir 70,000 tanda suka daripada warga Instagram.Ameera Khan Sering Mendapat Perhatian Orang Ramai Atas Kecantikan Mukanya. Tapi Kali Ini Ameera Khan Mendapat Perhatian Warganet Lagi Atas Sebab Ini Pula.Siapa tidak kenal dengan Ameera Khan adik kepada Neelofa yang sering kali mendapat perhatian orang ramai. Ameera atau lebih dikenali sebagai Little Miss Khan memuat naik dua buah foto terbaharunya. Foto-foto berkenaan mendapat perhatian warganet yang rata-ratanya terkejut dengan penampilan baharunya di media sosial. Kebanyakannya tidak menyangka dengan foto yang dikongsi oleh Ameera Khan atau digelar Little Miss Khan ini. Rata-rata warganet mengatakan bahawa fotonya seakan-akan foto yang tidak memakai baju.Pelbagai komen dan reaksi yang telah ditingalkan di ruangan komen instagram Ameera. Komen-komen warganet:Jadi Perhatian Warganet Lepas Ameera Khan Muat Naik Foto Tengah Bercuti Di Pulau Perhentian. Terkejut Bila Ada Warganet Yang Komen Macam Ni.Personaliti media sosial dan juga adik kepada Neelofa, Ameera Khan menjadi perhatian wargamaya apabila tampil penuh jelita ketika sedang bercuti di Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu. Menerusi laman sosial Instagram, Ameera atau lebih dikenali sebagai Little Miss Khan (LMK) memuat naik beberapa keping foto \u2018island vibes\u2019 untuk tatapan umum. \u201cNo call or text please,\u201d tulisnya menerusi ruangan kapsyen. Menerusi perkongsian foto itu lagi, Ameera kelihatan bergaya dengan dress labuh berwarna kuning, oren dan putih.Difahamkan percutian Ameera turut ditemani kakaknya Athisha Khan serta sepupu rapat mereka.Meninjau ke ruangan komen, rata-rata wargamaya dan rakan selebriti memuji penampilan Ameera yang sangat cantik. \u201cCantiknya dress tu,\u201d ujar Puan Sri Tiara Jacquelina. \u201cComey dooh Baby,\u201d puji seorang wargamaya. \u201cMana satu view ni, lawanya,\u201d kata seorang wargamaya. \u201cOrang ke apa ni cantik dooh,\u201d komen seorang wargamaya. \u201cCanriknya, perfect la awak ni. Taknak jadi artis ke? Muka awak boleh pegi jauh,\u201d tulis seorang wargamaya lagi. Sehingga kini, foto-foto percutian Ameera telah mendapat hampir 150,000 tanda suka daripada warga Instagram. Mengejutkan Bila Tiba Tiba Bekas Guru Ameera Khan Tampil Bongkarkan Perangai Sebenar Dia. Rupanya Dalam Diam Ini Perangai Sebenar Dia Yang Ramai Tak Tahu.Nampaknya isu adik Neelofa memperlekehkan jenama telefon pintar popular di Malaysia menjadi antara topik hangat yang sedang diperkatakan oleh warganet. Seperti yang min pernah katakan tidak tahulah sama ada ia memang disengajakan ataupun tidak hanya tuan punya badan sahaja tahu.Namun, kisah ini bukan sahaja mendapat perhatian dikalangan warganet, sebaliknya bekas guru-gurunya. Melalui DM Media Hiburan di Instagram, ada warganet yang mengaku dia merupakan salah seorang tenaga pengajar di sekolah yang pernah Ameera belajar sebelum menggunakan khidmat Home School.Menurutnya dia akui Ameera memang seorang yang agak lemah dalam mata pelajaran namun dia tidak menolak gadis ini memang mahir dalam sesuatu bidang. Malah, dia juga memberitahu tidak terkejut bagaimana Ameera memberi respon kepada beberapa soalan contoh seperti isu \u201cewww..\u201d itu kerana baginya kadang kala Ameera seakan seperti tidak memikirkannya sebelum menjawab.Malah, guru ini turut berkata adakalanya perasaan menyampah juga wujud pada dirinya apabila melihat Ameera selalu berangan kononnya dia salah seorang keluarga Kadarshian Malaysia. Bagaimanapun guru ini memuji sikap kakak Ameera iaitu Atisha Khan dan memberitahu sehingga kini Atisha masih berhubung dengannya. Dalam pada itu, guru ini turut menjelaskan kakak Ameera iaitu Atisha juga tidak suka jika adiknya ini terlalu \u2018kekwat\u2019 di sekolah.\u201cSamsung? Euww What Are You Talking About?\u201d \u2013 Ameera Khan Dikecam \u2018Euww\u2019 kan Jenama Telefon Bimbit?Siapa yang tidak mengenali instafamous Ameera Khan bukan? Selain merupakan adik kepada pengacara Neelofa, Ameera juga digelar Kylie Jenner Malaysia! Selain sering memuat naik gambar di Instagram, Ameera turut aktif dalam laman Youtube dan gemar memuat naik video di laman berkenaan.\u2018Takkan Masuk International School Nak Ambil SPM?\u2019 \u2013 Adik NeelofaSelain Neelofa, adiknya Ameera Khan turut \u2018terkena tempias\u2019 populariti dan mengumpul pengikutnya tersendiri. Walaupun tidak berkecimpung dengan dunia seni secara langsung, Ameera atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Little Miss Khan di media sosial mempunyai lebih 800 ribu follower di Instagram.Pernah beberapa kali membuat kenyataan \u2018bikin panas\u2019 di media sosial sebelum ini, si cantik ini sekali lagi membuatkan warganet triggered dan melatah dengannya. Kenapa ya? Kelakarnya, Ameera menerusi Twitternya membuat satu status yang mengatakan dia tidak belajar di sekolah antarabangsa semata-mata untuk mengambil Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.Kenyataan itu mungkin kedengaran agak meninggi diri di pandangan warganet kerana beberapa hari lalu warganet ada memperlekeh satu jenama telefon dalam video di Youtubenya. Kakak awak ambil jugak SPM dulu, Kenyataan Ameera itu kemudiannya ditentang warganet yang mengatakan kakaknya Neelofa sendiri menduduki peperiksaan itu dan meraih keputusan cemerlang dengan 10 A pada 2006 sebelum bergelar artis.Harap kau adik beradik boleh stop buat parents malu, Kenyataan berani Ameera itu turut membuatkan pengikutnya menasihatkannya untuk tidak lagi membuat sesuatu yang boleh memalukan ibu bapa kerana apabila sesuatu isu bangkit, sudah tentu ibu bapa yang akan dipersalahkan.Balik rumah baca alif ba ta, Ujar warganet lagi, Ameera yang muda remaja masih bergantung kepada kakak dan keluarganya dan tidak mempunyai pendapatan sendiri. Namun tindakannya seperti sudah terlalu dewasa untuk gadis sebayanya.Ameera Khan Dah Mengandung. Akhirnya Ameera Khan Bersuara Lantang Bongkarkan Status Kandungannya Buat Ramai TergamamPersonaliti media sosial, Ameera Khan yang menggunakan nama Instagram sebagai Little Miss Khan sering saja menjadi perhatian warganet. Walau bagaimanapun, setelah kembali semula dengan mengaktifkan laman sosial miliknya itu, ramai mulai seronok kerana dapat mengikuti perkembangan adik kepada selebriti terkenal, Neelofa ini dimana dia juga merupakan seorang yang terkenal.Pun begitu, selepas menyaktifkan akaun Instagram selama tujuh bulan, timbul pula spekulasi mengaitkan Ameera Khan yang dikatakan sudah bertemu teman hidup sehingga mengundang pelbagai komen namun, dia lebih memilih untuk tidak berbicara mengenai hal itu.Terbaru pula, satu komen ditinggalkan oleh Ameera Khan menarik tumpuan warganet apabila ada yang bertanyakan adakah dia sedang pregnant lalu mengucapkan tahniah. Ini kerana, sekeping foto dia mengenakan busana serba putih dan dikongsikan pula menerusi laman Instagram Meletop membuatkan Ameera Khan menjadi perhatian dimana perkongsian foto itu juga meraih ribuan tanda suka.Sementara itu, komen ucapan tahniah daripada individu terbabit turut mendapat perhatian Ameera Khan atau juga sinonim dengan panggilan LMK ini memberitahu bahawa dirinya belum berkahwin sekali gus menjawab persoalan tentang pregn4nt.Menjenguk kelaman Instagram Ameera Khan, fotonya mengayakan busana serba putih itu turut meraih lebih 40 ribu tanda suka dan dalam pada masa yang sama, dia dihujani dengan pelbagai komen pujian orang ramai dengan kecantikannya itu. Apa Kata Anda? Dah Baca, Jangan Lupa Komen Dan Share Ya. Terima Kasih!!Sumber : HCLAmeera Khan Tak Sengaja Cakap Tinggal Sebumbung Dengan Pasangan. Rupanya Dalam Diam Ini Status Terkini Ameera Khan.Ameera Khan tak sengaja cakap tinggal sebumbung dengan pasangan. Rupanya dalam diam ini status terkini Ameera Khan. Adik kepada pelakon dan pengacara Neelofa, Ameera Khan tidak sengaja mendedahkan dia dan pasangan, FD Idzham kini sudah tinggal bersama.Sekali gus menjawab teka-teki hubungan mereka yang dikatakan warganet sebelum ini sudah berkahwin. Pended4han itu dibuat Ameera ketika menjawab ruangan komen akaun Instagramnya ketika meraikan ulangtahun kelahiran FD Idzham semalam.Tulis pengguna itu; \u201cKamu tidak sepatutnyaa keluar dari rumah kamu. Stay home!\u201d Namun, ia dibalas oleh Ameera dengan menyatakan dia berada di kediaman milik mereka bersama. \u201cTapi ini adalah rumah kami,\u201d tulis Ameera ringkas.Justeru, pernyataan Ameera itu seakan-akan memberikan bayangan bahawa mereka sudah memiliki ikatan hubungan yang halal. Ia juga seperti menjawab desas-desus mengenai status hubungan mereka yang dikatakan telah berkahwin sebelum ini.Ameera pernah diasak mengenai status dirinya dan punca menghilang selama lapan bulan sejak tahun lalu. Namun, usahawan kosmetik itu juga enggan mengulas lanjut dan menganggap apa yang terjadi kepadanya tidak perlu dikongsikan kepada umum. Apa Kata Anda? Dah Baca, Jangan Lupa Komen Dan Share Ya. Terima Kasih!!Sumber: GEMPAKTagged Ameera Khanfaliq khanperagaanPost navigationKecewa dengan ibu sebab ibu tak pernah insaf dan telah beberapa kali kantoi menduakan ayah. Janji untuk tak buat lagi tapi semuanya tak boleh dipercayai sampai sanggup lakukan ini pada anak.Besar betul dugaan 2 rider sengau ini di tengah malam. Sanggup hantar makanan pelanggan dengan keadaan motor yang sebegini. Lebih mengejutkan apabila ini bukanlah rumah terakhir.RELATED POSTSKumin Hembuskan Nafas Terakhirnya Semalam. Rakan Baiknya Dan Isteri Perjelaskan Situasi Sebenar Punca Pemergian Kumin Yang Meraih Perhatian RamaiSeptember 4, 2020AdminDikatakan Menyebelahi Satu Pihak Ini. Abby Abadi Beri Penjelasan Lanjut Ekoram Tular Kisah Usahawan Kosmetik Ini Dan Harap Semua Maklum Dengan PendapatnyaAugust 21, 2020AdminSampai Tidur Pun Kena Pakai Mesin Oksigen. Mengejutkan Bila Tiba Tiba Isteri Bongkarkan Keadaan Terkini Rahim. Rupa Rupanya Ini Yang Terjadi.August 18, 2020AdminLeave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked . ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9443257451057434} +{"text": "QUOTE(chickenshit36 @ May 10 2024, 11:11 AM)lol. This type memang same same wanRide rnr only.QUOTE(littlegamer @ May 10 2024, 11:13 AM)But when type C operate restaurants with halal cert, tak percaya.Well....QUOTE(poweredbydiscuz @ May 10 2024, 11:15 AM)Who cares. They trust a type M chef without any Halal cert more than type C chef with 100 Halal certs.QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ May 10 2024, 11:17 AM)Nons restaurant without Halal cert - \"HAROM! JANGAN PERGI! BERDOSA!\"Maksis restaurant without Halal cert - \"ALA RELAKS LAR, ORANG SAMA... MESTI HALAL PUNYA! MAKSIS TAK TIPU MAKSIS LAR!\" QUOTEPemiliknya guru sekolah agama..Tak perlu sijil halal..Kami orang Islam sokong..Hanya kafir dan munafik je yang nak jatuhkan Darsa Fried Chicken ni. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998599290847778} +{"text": "So,as long yakin & tahu background makanan & minuman tuu ok. Lagi elok halal. Dan halal nie bukan dari Jakim je. Maksudnya klau luar negara tak de cop Jakim,bukannya haram. Ok,simple. Salam Maghrib. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998733997344971} +{"text": "QUOTE(old_timer @ Mar 12 2024, 02:59 PM)agree with him. minister shouldn't create unnecessary issues. let school decide what is best.If the school have terrorists like PUAS, they might close the canteen.That's why minister need to order it to open ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Well, i will make sure that it's not only halal status that im aiming but also clean and quality . when food is concern, we don't like to see people get sick because of it. bad and unhygienic eatery should be shut down but sometimes a lot of this malay and mamak restaurants are full of lalat because usually they cook in the morning and serve till in the afternoon and even night time, there are also some in chinese restaurant but few la . in the rules and regulation, they must keep the food warm and away from lalat but in reality, those fly is harvesting it's egg in cold food as well. a few times already i saw fly in the food. In the rule book, food must be kept warm all the time and close. I wonder if the enforcer is the one who don't read the rule book. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9131081104278564} +{"text": "Macam aku tak makan tempe.\nBagi aku tempe tu tak sedap.\n\nTapi aku tak boleh la kata pendapat org lain yg kata tempe tu sedap tak valid.\n\nAku pula suka petai.\nAda org tak suka petai.\n\nBukan kena paksa beli dan makan pun kalau tak suka makanan tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7760178446769714} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ May 24 2016, 08:38 PM)Based on your statement\u00a0 you're implying that companies like nestle also haram la.\u00a0 Then why eat Maggi?\u00a0 Agenda yahudi ni.dont blame me.blame muslim goddifferent religion got different god with different doctrine and law ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997149109840393} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meYa good for us too, less one meat eater to share. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993317723274231} +{"text": "Isu sijil halal dah tak penting ke ??? Seriously ?! \ud83d\ude2d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996815919876099} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:42 AM)It is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one.Sin? Fitnah songlap all also sin.. If kantoi.. janji kita pegang.Or songlap and fitnah it's not serious sin so kita redha?This post has been edited by Natsukashii: Mar 3 2024, 12:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "QUOTE(SonnyCooL @ Feb 11 2017, 07:24 PM)So is not 100% haram right ? it still subject to .,..,..,.Yes. There are conditions to be metIt's not simply dog=haramNo. It's not like thatDog also God's creation How can it be treated in such a cruel wayThere are explanations on it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998582601547241} +{"text": "QUOTE(Baconateer @ Dec 12 2016, 07:27 PM)3 months..Oi, jangan haram, how to maximise my love in job???????? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.960411012172699} +{"text": "JAKIM tegaskan pihaknya TIDAK pernah keluarkan logo halal kepada mana-mana produk makanan yang disahkan haram.... http://fb.me/G9tL3Tef", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977145195007324} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 06:57 PM)This sounded like you know better which means you wantbto educate. I always asked for credentials for people claiming then know something than others, like to ustaz fb. Earlier post you also said that non muslims know more about Islam than muslims. You havent rebuke my points aslo and keep bringing up where the specific verse about the need for governing body regarding halalness.Seems you're much interested in this halal thing, I'd suggest you to find this book title The Routhledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality of Islamic TourismBelow is the excerpt from the book. It also mention about fardhu ain (personal obligatory) and fardhu kifayah (community obligatory). The formation of organization like Jakim are part of the fardhu kifayah so that not every one, in case of halal certified restaurant will have to personaly check the ingredients used in the foods, the hygene aspect of the place and many others, where the ingredients came from and so on.Nope, I'm completely uninterested in anything about the religion. But this religion in encroaching and interfering with the lives of nons, so I make it my goal to learn about the religion and point out the hypocrisies. If the radical islamists hasn't been pushing their way into the lives of the nons I can't be bothered what you guys teach yourselves. You think I want to learn about the religion? I can put my brain cells to much better use.If the fundamentals are wrong then formation of jakim spreading those teachings means the entire community learns the wrong things. For example, muslims think 5 times prayer is wajib, but the actual number is 3. By shaking your foundations, then you will be forced to improve your knowledge about the religion and learn what's actually in it, rather than repeat the nonsense ustaz and imams spew at you. Am I educating you? No. I'm telling you to learn your religion with eyes wide open.I rebuked your points. If I haven't then put them in point form and I will address them again.This post has been edited by MAGAMan-X: Dec 31 2019, 08:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99913090467453} +{"text": "QUOTE(megahertz @ Oct 26 2020, 09:38 AM)still. u still dont understand. are u non-muslim ?\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 , if non, better dont explain at all because u clearly dont understand u just make other people confused. i mean i dont touch others religion because\u00a0 i knew nothing about it.taking 1 line from quran , doesnt mean u understand everything.its not\u00a0 just for food. but how to process it also is a factor.chicken is halal. but when u didnt slaughter it properly following syariah, then its haram.u eat at non-muslim restaurant, how u know the food there is halal or not ? u go to kitchen and see what is the ingredients they use to cook ? and like i said, halal logo is there to validate that food is halal according to Syariah. u can eat non halal logo, but make sure u 'trust' the food. this is not rocket science as u said. if this thing is a joke, then why\u00a0 whole world use it ? hv u seen halal logo from diff countries ?I don't need to understand everything in the quran, I just need to understand that that's how muslims understand the quran, and how they're contradictory.QUOTE(megahertz @ Oct 26 2020, 09:38 AM)because we all know, nobody perfect. nobody know everything. thus we would have a teacher to teach us. even if u learn quran by ur self. each people will interpret it differently. lots of things in quran, didnt specify clearly.everything in this world should be regulated, to avoid wrong teaching and guide to the correct way.each religion hv their own way on how to avoid wrong teachings and have their own regulated bodies as well. u sure u didnt know about this ? So muslims should stop claim that the quran is perfect then, because it is, apparently according to you, full of holes.quran 11:1 Alif-L\u00e3m-Ra. \"This is a book whose verses are well perfected and then fully explained. It is from the one who is all-wise, all-aware.\"quran 16:89 And [mention] the Day when I will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And I will bring you, [O muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And I have sent down to you the book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the muslims ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9075813889503479} +{"text": "Aku malas nk argue pasal hal2 boikot barang cina ni. Nak ckp bestari buatan cina la apa la kilang cina la. Bukan takde sijil halal. Bukan semua pekerja cina. Tak fikir ke org melayu yg kerja situ?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984663724899292} +{"text": "@mkini_bm bkn burukkn jakim...tp sijil halal..mesti kena betul2 keluaran yg suci lg bersih utk org islam", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9531803131103516} +{"text": "Jakim salah, makanan yang halal tak payah di cop HALAL, nak bagi orang nmpak, makanan yang haram sepatotnya dicopkan tanda HARAM besar2....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9050600528717041} +{"text": "QUOTE(FlyingVCLplayer @ Jun 1 2020, 07:38 AM)Islam is great because haramkan arak. Already proven arak is bad. It have benefit but the harm it bring out weight the benefit.Bagus.. Pohon haramkan ketum dan pill kuda juga\ud83d\ude1c ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Budaya senang confuse ni........Kalau tak ajak kata discriminateKalau ajak kata tak respectKan senang tak pergi kalau tak minat.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9899703860282898} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanted111who @ Jan 8 2021, 11:05 PM)Doesn't sound like that, it's more like telling Muslim don't go that kopitiam.In malay word, if they are asking Muslim patron to choose whether to eat there or not, it should sounds like this.Hasil pemantuan mendapati premis tiada sijil kelayakkan halal yang sah, harap maklum pada para pengunjung yang beragama islam yang mengunjungi premis ini.There is no need to put wording like Muslim tidak sepatutnya mengunjungi premis ini.This is really shoveling one believe into others. Suka hati mak bapak diorang la diorang nak mengamalkan cara hidup umat islam diorang macam Mana. Yang ko pi sibuk pi bagitau ni Tak boleh buat, itu Tak boleh buat, ni itu tak patut, ni itu haram . Camlah diorang takde otak nak menilai sendiri mana yang haram, mana yang halal. Diorang tak tanya pun pendapat ko tu.Yang berdepan dengan dugaan nanti tu diorang bukan ko pun. Pastu, diorang bertaubat nanti last last minit diorang masuk syurga jugak. Sebab tu banyak yang buat jenayah sebab boleh taubat last last minit, ini korang jugaklah yang galakkan Kat ceramah ceramah korang tu, buat jenayah takpe, buat Dosa takpe, janji taubat last last minit, syurga menanti. Kat ceramah ajar benda yang bukan bukan susahkan masyarakat, Tak boleh ke ajar jangan buat Dosa jangan buat jenayah, taubat last last minit pun tak guna? Benda Tak boleh rewind.quality post. upvote. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8908441662788391} +{"text": "Isu requirement sijil halal JAKIM dan requirement untuk halal syari'e(dari segi hukum) tak akan selesai kalau berlandaskan hujah dan pemikiran me vs you, atau us vs them.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9078975319862366} +{"text": "https://www.kosmo.com.my/2024/05/05/restora...google_vignetteRestoran di Jepun buang 25 set nasi lemak, kena tipu ejen dari MalaysiaPETALING JAYA \u2013 Sebuah restoran di Jepun yang menghidangkan makanan tradisi rakyat Malaysia terpaksa membuang 25 set nasi lemak gara-gara seorang ejen pelancongan dari Malaysia membatalkan tempahan tanpa memaklumkan kepada mereka.Kejadian itu dikongsikan oleh pekerja restoran tersebut, Sou Tanaka pada hantaran Facebook di dalam bahasa Jepun, yang kemudiannya dijelaskan oleh Kamal Zharif Kamaludin iaitu rakyat Malaysia yang menetap di Jepun.\u201cBagi yang datang ke Jepun, pastikan kalian datang ke restoran setelah menempah meja (booking). Di bawah ini kes restoran makanan Malaysia di Shibuya, Tokyo yang menerima tempahan meja oleh seorang ejen pelancongan Malaysia. Dia tidak telefon semula restoran untuk batalkan tempahan.ADVERTISING\u201cPengakhirannya, restoran itu tunggu dan tunggu tanpa sebarang khabar berita. Pihak restoran terpaksa membuang begitu sahaja set nasi lemak untuk 25 orang,\u201d katanya dalam hantaran tersebut.Kamal Zharif turut menjelaskan mengenai salah satu perkara yang perlu dielakkan apabila membuat tempahan tempat duduk di restoran menerusi budaya orang Jepun.\u201cBoleh katakan ia adalah salah satu \u2018redflag\u2019 di Jepun, lagi-lagi ruang meja adalah terhad dan bukan luas seperti di negara-negara lain.\u201cAkhirnya, cara sebegitu akan jatuhkan kepercayaan orang Jepun dan akan jatuhkan air muka ejen pelancongan yang penat-penat membuat tempahan restoran.\u201cJadi, apabila menerima klien yang suka-suka batalkan tempahan walaupun dia sendiri sudah tiba di depan pintu restoran sama, kita perlu beritahu kepada ejen pelancongan lain supaya tidak ambil lagi klien itu. Sungguh penting untuk kita tahu ketika berada di Jepun,\u201d katanya.Sementara itu, menerusi hantaran asal Sou Tanaka, ramai rakyat Malaysia marah dengan tindakan ejen pelancongan tersebut selain memohon maaf kepada lelaki berkenaan.\u201cSangat teruk ejen pelancongan ni. Buat aduan kepada Pejabat Tourism Malaysia, saya sangat marah dan sedih baca story anda berkenaan ejen pelancongan tak bertanggungjawab,\u201d kata Tarmizi Rahman.\u201cMemalukan Malaysia saja. Kalau tak reti bertanggungjawab jangan buat bisnes lain kali. Duduk diam-diam di rumah tak susahkan orang. Minta maaf kepada restoran itu dan bayar kerugian mereka,\u201d komen Syafiq Fadzli.\u201cMohon jangan salahkan Malaysia. Ia bukan sebab negara, tapi sikap individu,\u201d kata Abdul Rashid Abdul Manaf.Malah, rakyat Malaysia turut melepaskan kemarahan melalui akaun media sosial dipercayai ejen pelancongan tersebut. \u2013 KOSMO! ONLINE ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999516010284424} +{"text": "Hahaha kata tk mkn benda tak halal nk boikot puak tu, kata kerja mesti iklhas curi pulak tu..Sedap tk biskut ada minyak babi? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997594952583313} +{"text": "Bagi memastikan premis-premis makanan itu adalah benar2 diiktiraf oleh JAKIM ataupun tidak...\n\nAnda boleh check... http://fb.me/ZjfxUmM7", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954342842102} +{"text": "So, she is ok with her kid stealing? If the shop is deemed far away (by her), she will throw the stolen chocolates...and all is good?!Wtf?! So many thing is wrong there. 1. She should educate her kid about stealing is wrong. Something is lacking in her parenting if her kid have to steal knick knacks.2. Throwing it away doesn't make it ok, doesn't make it halal. It doesn't work that way. The shop still bears the loss. You still owe the shop that money. The money that you didn't pay the shop is essentially HARAM.very selective this woman. Halal/haram when it is convenient for her. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9930171966552734} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Nov 5 2020, 12:33 PM)Beware folks! Those goods stamp with halal stamp not necessary halal. Tesco, aeon, anywhere you have to very wary. Even those approve by jakim could be fake.To ensure 100% halal, suggest you go rear your own chicken and cows and do your own farming. Preferably in jungle and cave as house. You are welcome.They so stuckup and arrogant every other ppl on earth is haram and wrong. Better bungkus sendiri and stay in cave or jungle alone far from others ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8739075660705566} +{"text": "Setiap peniaga muslim perlu memastikan premis n kualiti makanan dlm keadaan bersih,halal,toyyiban.\n*gantikan ayat seribu sinar dgn hadis 6*", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999188244342804} +{"text": "QUOTE(cannavaro @ Jun 11 2019, 12:35 PM)found thisNa Tuk Kong / Datok Kong / Datok KeramatIni adalah sebahagian sembahan atau pemujaan penganut Taoist dalm kalangan masyarakat Cina Tionghua.Dikatakan Datok Kong asalnya adalah seorang lelaki Melayu Islam yang merupakan seorang guru silat,pawang dan mungkin juga seorang Imam yang begitu baik pada hayatnya dan setelah kematiannya dia disembah untuk memperingati kebaikannya semasa hidup.Datok Kong dipuja sebagai \"penjaga\" atau penunggu di tempat tertentu.Pada hari penyembahannya secara spesifik, 'medium' atau perantara yang terdiri dari sami Taoist akan berpakaian seperti lelaki Melayu tua,samada bersongkok,berbaju Melayu,atau berketayap dan terkadang berkeris untuk \"menyeru\" semangat Datok untuk merasuki tubuh mereka untuk upacara tertentu.Hidangan yang dipersembahkan kepada Datok juga biasanya berupa hidangan masyarakat Melayu yang biasanya terdiri dari hidangan pulut kuning,ayam panggang dan sebagainya.Oleh kerana Datok adalah seorang Muslim,maka hidangan yang ditawarkan ketika upacara sembahannya juga mestilah dari makanan yang halal.Justeru jangan terkejut sekiranya anda menyaksikan upacara ini.Bukannya mereka nak menghina agama Islam ataupun adat resam Melayu,tapi itu kepercayaan mereka yang tersendiri.Wallahu A'lam.Habis la datok kong praying soon will be outlawed. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997158646583557} +{"text": "QUOTE(wadepak @ Oct 20 2019, 12:38 AM)I dont understand why government so slow to ban BMF. I support government to ban BMF. If not many will dai.The best thing of all is that this new gov still allow every one to talk about race. Year 2020 is coming and Malaysians still talk about race. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968197345733643} +{"text": "Kalau korang ada masa utk sebarkan senarai makanan yg kononnya ada dna babi tu, pasti korang ada masa utk check website jakim juga.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8956269025802612} +{"text": "pork is delicious. Tak suka jagan tengok, jangan makan. Makanan tidak halal pun nak menyibuk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8577475547790527} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Jan 5 2021, 05:23 AM)Biasa dgr things like this is done by typical Malay jiran...Do Chinese and Indiana encounter such issues?Got but lesser. Sometimes this shit runs in the family blood. Like my wife side family, the uncle and aunt all kaki pinjam duit, from them to their children pon sama. Keep asking for money from two of their other brother and sister who is wealthy, but then although siblings, ppl dun owe u a life ok... Then their children level pulak borrow money from my wife. Aper ranjiao until her cousin ex-bf also tak malu borrow money from my wife. Really hopeless group of ppl... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959160685539246} +{"text": "\nBest bihun sup perut...\nbintang Post at 9-6-2010 20:34 \n\nkalau dapat tukang masak yang pandai masak...memang sedap.....ada orang suka kerabu perut.....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994624257087708} +{"text": "QUOTE(patt_sue @ Dec 29 2023, 11:03 PM)what does Mekdi Malaysia hoping to achieve with this? It is a terrible PR move. The boycott will intensify.Even if they won, they probably wont get the damage/compensation.its a loss of money and possibly bad pr for McD but the aim is to get these \"NGO\" to not simple fitnah here and there. suka suka ask for boycott, and after people call them out they play roti canai and say its people choice or not regardless of their flames fanning. once McD has precedence, subsequent shitposter they will just hentam and sue gaogao like Americah. On the other hand its also these \"muslims\" fault because they so easily get scammed by such bs. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990602135658264} +{"text": "They have severe inconsistency and double standard on halal/haram issue, that's why the non-Muslims are generally baffled and annoyed by Muslim Malaysians' obsession with halal food.From what I see, Indian Malaysians have no problem dining in McDonalds.You think the medicine for severe diseases like cancer, heart problem are all halal?When a Muslim is on the brink of death and only a non-Muslim pork eater's blood can save his life, would his family let him dying for the sake of halalness or just let him take the blood transfusion? Quite funny when Muslim NGOs want to change blood to cleanse their body during the Cadbury chocolate fiasco.You might argue this is a matter of life and death.The air we breath now have pork and dog pigmens all over it.But then duit rasuah is rezeki.They want to separate halal and haram trolley, but they refuse to separate haram sin tax like alcohol tax, gambling tax and tobacco tax.Hell our so-called Islamic government continue to collect and profit from those haram tax.You got Muslim Malaysians sitting in the board of Genting, San Miguel.Vape and cigarette are haram according to Fatwa council. But Muslim Malaysians still puffing anyway, arguing that fatwas are merely advice and not law-binding. Then why the hell is the hoo-hah when several Malay ladies attempt to participate in a beauty pageant years ago, since they already argue that fatwa is merely advice and not law-binding.Racism is supposed to be haram or at least wrong according to the teaching of their religions, but the government implemented racist policy or play racist politics in their own country and the majority support it.All these happened when they claimed to be a perfectly alim Muslim.When you harping on halal/haram food, but act alright on other issues just because the haram stuff doesn't go down your throat into your body, that's hypocrisy. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9904181361198425} +{"text": "QUOTE(contagiouseddie @ Mar 13 2024, 03:26 PM)I remember vividly when I was about to be made the school's scout troop leader but then buah-buah goes against it by saying it's a post reserved for oren only. These was during the late 90s circa PMX masuk jail time. The era in the 80s and early 90s before that was much better. The best mixture of race students is definitely private school. It is the most balanced mixture today and unfortunately you have to pay for it.Not just troop leader la. Same for the head prefect position during that time. Now dunno still got such thing onot. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999356269836426} +{"text": "Makanan haram\nKalau yg versi halal yg pahit\" Kaya pare/jengkol", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985076785087585} +{"text": "QUOTE(acer7254 @ May 24 2016, 08:22 PM)she just sell, not eattouch babi using glove..but the money she get still haramBased on your statement you're implying that companies like nestle also haram la. Then why eat Maggi? Agenda yahudi ni. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ Oct 8 2018, 04:41 PM)halal or not still wont it eat, find other name la bodo PASsounds to me likebabi halalbabi disembelih mengikut syariat islamDude:QUOTE(jumpercable @ Oct 8 2018, 04:36 PM)https://mothership.sg/2018/01/halal-bak-kut...ily-restaurant/https:///my/lifestyle/halal-bak-kut...urant-singapore ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8646515607833862} +{"text": "Boss.. tak boring ker makan telo hari2..? Lek arr yoda.. benda ni jer yg aku yakin nak makan.. lain2 tu aku tak confident.. Ooo.. telo ni kira ada sijil halal\u2026 https://t.co/7TfwF0SC7G", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7629423141479492} +{"text": "QUOTE(darosha @ Jun 10 2019, 11:44 AM)well if it is a fish or vegetable, or grains its easier to be no was wasalso i've seen lots of jualan puasa/raya no halal at all but do you was was?this to be no was was also a skill to be learn when travelling outside malaysiasome people even was was korean halal chop or thailand halal chopthis kind of people no helping. also country where there's no halal chopyou can still translate word by word at the ingredient behindas long as no animal, just plant or fish or grains should be okayyou see, halal logo is just halal logoits just a testament that the food have gone under jakim checking to certified its halalthat doesnt mean food doesnt have logo halal is haramdo we need haram logo for stuck up people to understand? nothen lots of food during bazar ramadan also haram laThese talibans don't care one, the truth is they're racist. Halal logo is just an excuse they can use.Orang kiter sell food at all those warung, gerai tepi jalan where got halal, but because tolong orang kite, they buy tanpa was was.Non-muslim got halal also they will fitnah haram like Fresh Farm milk, just because one of the partner is cainis. Otak sudah rosak, no matter what fact to correct them, you think they will change? Brain already see Farm Fresh milk is cainis milk, sked got babi or holy water, then will tell all around them it's haram, cina jahat penipu jakim, orang islam, (LMAO they're the penipu actually). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999361038208008} +{"text": "We all kena tahu yang sijil halal tu, ada banyak procedurenya. Kalau ikutkan sis, barang makanan sis dekat rumah ni banyak takde sijil halal. As long as it is non alcoholic, non-pig nor any haram ingredient, okay je. Maybe yg tggl luar negara, banyak travel akan faham kenapa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959474205970764} +{"text": "budaya extermist semakin berleluasaowai.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922709465026855} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotSun @ Feb 9 2017, 01:17 PM)well i don't mind you keep repeating the non muslim being confuse as i have stated in my first post that i am really confuse with that....however i have been wanting an answer from Qur'an verse(since my muslim friends always told me if there's doubt they will refer to Qur'an as it is the most completed and perfect book) instead of different interpretation from diff ulama...such as this I'm here to seek knowledge....how to not confuse when you muslim contradict against each other?what should the non muslim do to please you all?stop diverting and give me a verse in Qur'an that supports your claim man.....problem is I already gave you the verse.but you refuse to accept that since there's differing opinions when it's not as different as you may think.what dr. asri mentioned is when the item (in this case pig) changes form.which in this case gelatin (chemically derived instead of whole).and then the fact that there's gelatine that does not from pig source.I ask you honestly, does the pig bristle change form? does it turn from solid to liquid or is it processed until you can't know what's the root form (in this case hair/bristle)?Islam is easy, why make it difficult? my opinion is that religion is your private matter, why let other ppl dictate or think for you?either that or you are trolling and you are part of the problem (the ppl who don't want to see UMNO/Bn get defeated). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9826579689979553} +{"text": "Bila sebut pasal sijil halal ni. Mesti teringat 1 kawan ni, sbb dia mcm lagi alert dr kitaorg. Dia cam, eeehh, ada sijil halal ka situ?? Eh, kita cari yg halal.. Walhal dia bukan muslim. Erghhh.. Syg diaaa.. https://t.co/9O1yuevBfr", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8581370711326599} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 17 2016, 11:39 PM)Yeh, actually kita smua patut tau kan? Yg kami tau hanya byk controversy sebelum ni berkenaan sijil halal, bukan kali pertama isu beginiGolden churn, cadbury dan mcm2 lg.Nampak lepas tu ko defend approach yg fussy dan punitive, single track mind betul. Jangan tau memaksa dan mendenda sj, patut encourage org mendekati industri halal.iye. fitrah manusia. yang nampak macam muslim fussy benda halal haram ni, sebab kesannya besar. tapi andaikata bukan muslim juga ada tuntutan yang seumpamanya, mungkin bukan muslim juga akan fussy untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut.yang golden churn, cadbury tu, aku tak ambil pot. pasal aku tak consume. auntie anne ni ada juga aku consume 2, kali. tak perlu tanda halal, guna ilmu.aku tak rasa jakim niat nak denda atau menyusahkan. pensijilan tu pun opsyenal. cuma bila aunti anne nak go for it, patuhilah syarat-syaratnya. peniaga lain pun tertakluk kepada syarat yang sama, tak ada pula bising bila kena reject for revision. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "QUOTE(andylyc @ Jul 6 2023, 05:14 PM)What biz? HALAL or HARAM?cainis ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959677457809448} +{"text": "You know, actually bento is a luxury not many can afford.\n\n1. makanan dimasak custom ikut taste kita serta halal, bersih, suci\n2. makanan fresh bukan lauk 3 hari lepas, basuh, recook( standard practice kedai)\n3. tak semua ada masa utk masak & reti masak\n\none should be proud.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991175532341003} +{"text": "depends on sect, some say penyu halal, some say haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998032450675964} +{"text": "You go solo or group? Ayam also want cuti cuti haram city. If go solo budget how much?Now still need a lot of test? Or easy in and out like pre covid? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929831027984619} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 5 2023, 06:05 PM)Pemakan babi is more kepoci about halal haram..one of their favourite topic\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb Chong Yew Weng dah tak berani keluar dah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.All religion and beliefs are man made written rules.Nothing Godly about them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8119162321090698} +{"text": "Mama : Besok kalo pulang kerja, singgah beli makanan dulu, terus ke pasar beli ikan.\nAku : Ikan apa?\nMama : cari yg km sukaAku : ga ada ma, aku ga suka ikan, ga usah ke pasar aku ya?\nMama : terserah kamu lah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995899796485901} +{"text": "LHDN mesti kerja kuat---- Madani ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8323849439620972} +{"text": "QUOTE(izhamon @ Dec 27 2023, 04:29 PM)Maybe no mentioned of cigarrete haram in Quran, pork is haram as per the scripture.pork free restaurant serve pork? You stupid or what? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5860673189163208} +{"text": "\nkrustykrab replied at 2-12-2023 07:27 AM\nSama mcm insurans la. Tukar nama ke takaful. Tukar dari \" premium\" ke \" contribution\"..settle prob ...\nBila saya tanya pada ejen, dia cakap tak sama. Macam makan ayam, ada sembelih, ada tak sembelih. Muslim wajib amik ayam sembelih walaupun lebih mahal. Saya belum tukar lagi insurance saya. Saya makan ayam sembelih, tapi, insurance tak amik yg takaful.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967323541641235} +{"text": "This is one of the reason most ore kto had much bad debt. Coz They to trust ore kito and probem those who request debt is the first one who will not bayar even ada duit. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9831226468086243} +{"text": "QUOTE(hifzil @ Sep 22 2016, 01:31 PM)mom is a chinese muslim. influence by her friend and after convert adopted by her friend family. (chinese family cannot accept her after convert)dad was one of mom 'new' family members friend. got intro and married. after sometimes the chinese family started to accept her back.that all i know about her convert story. i don't like to ask more about it haha.adapt malay culture.celebrate both raya & cny.attend their funeral/wedding/birthday. for food they will treat us kfc/pizza/satay/sushi/fast food.Glad to hear that her family members accepted her back. I think most family, if they see there are no negative changes, or they see more positive changes, they will surely forgive and accept back. So you get the best of both world I guess. Double the holidays! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987597465515137} +{"text": "this guy always go makan at Madam Kwan..dia mmg suka makanan cina ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996405839920044} +{"text": "So proud !common sense/EQ/I.Q Tak penting, Asalnya Maruah dijaga.This post has been edited by Clement1001: Sep 19 2019, 02:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999644756317139} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Nov 28 2016, 04:13 PM)Media outlets reported Sirajuddin\u2019s remarks about the unsuitability of the term \u201cdogs\u201d this week, along with the department\u2019s guidelines against halal food items being similar in name to haram products such as beer, bacon and ham, among others.Even A&W's Root BEER has been renamed to just RB.Amazing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8969947695732117} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rusty Nail @ Jun 5 2017, 05:18 PM)what's so special?murtabak ayam only rm4mahal oso rm4heck rm3.50 also mahalthe best price is rm3 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6312401294708252} +{"text": "Aku prnah tlg mkck kantin kat perak nkp mnta sijil halal dkt pjbt agma perak , dia nak buat sos dan dah berjaya pon sos nya harini...pjbt agma kata halal bukannya nak ttk cicak ada dalam sos , semua bnda dia tgk kebersihan dlu , lps Mesti dan kkm cek lepas bru blh apply sjl halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9285005927085876} +{"text": "dan aku ngerasa itu lebih baik, beli makanan yang aku suka tanpa mikirin hal-hal yang sebenarnya kurang penting", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9917237162590027} +{"text": "QUOTE(SHAMe @ Sep 24 2017, 06:22 PM)anyone who supports his business is just as racist as him.next time, want to donate blood or organ also got haram & halal?why breathe the same air as non-muslims? Harrrrooomm!!That why I don't donate blood, fear blood given to halal person. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998148083686829} +{"text": "QUOTE(askingquestion @ Oct 20 2016, 04:15 PM)Sebelum ni pun takde orang fikir pretzel dog tu daging anjing.Sebab orang Malaysia memang tak makan anjing. Kalau kat Korea atau Vietnam lain la.Nampak sangat tak Ada isu, tapi sengaja dibuat isu.Aku rase, isu sebenar lebih pada xcukup documentation.. tp media selectively highlight lebih2 pasal nama dengan letak tajuk \"Auntie Anne's halal application rejected over 'Pretzel Dog\".. contoh media tu adalah malaysiakini.. Rakyat Malaysia ni, baca tajuk je da boleh interpret abes semua satu artikel, cukup sekadar baca tajuk.. then terus la melenting, bising2, viral2 sebar2.. huuu.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997236132621765} +{"text": "@iknowwhatyou6i6 @armanamin330 BMF is not about racist pun. Muslim kat Malaysia ramai je dari kaum2 lain. Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban, Murut dan byk lagi. Mencari yg halal adalah ibadah dan fardhu kepada muslim. Kenapa nak terasa lebih2? Kalau kedai non muslim (banyakkkk) dapat sijil halal, tak jadi masalah pun", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999907374382019} +{"text": "Yang orang kata makanan tak halal tu kadang2 bukan sebab makanan itu yang ada unsur tak halal,tapi sebab dia takde sijil halal je.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9071161150932312} +{"text": "biasala ..org malas suka main tiket agama ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9906824827194214} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 17 2022, 11:20 PM)I see your bait. Thats ok Today I process about 15 birth registration (that comes with citizenship status too). All Citizen. How many did you do today?Sorry misunderstanding. I mean wrong only for born outside. If born here sure no problem. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7295770049095154} +{"text": "10. Es puter pak sis!!! Bintang 5 sngt enak. Aku rekomen rasa kopror & oreo. Kalau doyan durian, yg durian enak bgt!!! \n11. Kedai chawan (Pict 2 &3). Makanannya enak enak (halal) dan tempatnya unik, bagus. Harga murce\n12. Bubur bakar Badran (ini enakk )", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9268895387649536} +{"text": "PETALING JAYA \u2013 Kehidupan pekerja perkhidmatan p-hailing (rider) kini bertambah sukar akibat terkesan dengan kempen boikot yang menjejaskan pendapatan mereka sehingga 60 peratus.Menerusi tinjauan Kosmo! di sekitar Lembah Klang rata-rata mengatakan, keadaan berkenaan telah berlanjutan sejak dua minggu lalu, malah sehingga kini situasinya masih sama.Keadaan di kebanyakan restoran makanan segera dan kafe terkemuka juga didapati lengang, tidak seperti biasa walaupun ketika waktu puncak.Ia dipercayai susulan tindakan boikot orang ramai terhadap produk atau francais yang dipercayai memberi sokongan kepada Israel yang menjadi punca kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin.Seorang penghantar makanan, Zulkifli Alias, 41, berkata, sebelum ini dia mampu meraih pendapatan sehingga RM700 seminggu, namun kini sekitar RM200 sahaja.Katanya yang memiliki tiga anak berusia tiga hingga 11 tahun, jumlah berkenaan tidak cukup untuk menampung kos perbelanjaan bulanannya yang mencecah RM2,500 sebulan.\u201cPerbelanjaan bulanan saya cecah RM2,500 sebulan termasuk sewa rumah, kos barang dapur, bayar pengasuh dua anak dan lain-lain keperluan.\u201cMana mungkin jumlah pendapatan sekarang boleh menampung semua tu. Mujur isteri bekerja dan ada bantu juga.\u201cIni situasi terburuk saya pernah hadapi sepanjang dua tahun bekerja sebagai rider. Memang sangat terkesan tambahan saya rider di sebuah restoran makanan segera.\u201cSekarang saya sedang cari sumber pendapatan alternatif selain peluang pekerjaan lain sebagai persediaan jika keadaan ini berlanjutan,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui Kosmo!.Walau bagaimanapun katanya, dia reda dan langsung tidak menyalahkan orang ramai yang menjayakan kempen boikot ke atas jenama tertentu.\u201cWalaupun saya dan kawan-kawan rider terkesan, tapi saya langsung tak ada perasaan marah sebab ini adalah jihad kecil orang ramai.\u201cInsya-Allah saya boleh usaha cara lain sebab sekecil-kecil iman, kita mesti kena ada perasaan simpati dan reda,\u201d ujarnya.Sementara itu, Khalid Azhar, 43, turut menyifatkan jumlah pendapatan diraih kini adalah rekod terburuk pernah diterima.\u201cPendapatan sebagai rider merosot sebanyak 40 peratus sejak lebih seminggu lalu.\u201cMacam saya lagi terasa sebab memang banyak ambil pesanan dari restoran-restoran makanan segera.\u201cSebelum ni boleh dapat RM150 sehari tapi sekarang RM80 saja dan sekarang memang kena berjimat betul,\u201d ujarnya.Bagi Razali Rahman, 28, pula menjangkakan keadaan akan bertambah sukar berikutan ada pengurusan restoran makanan segera memutuskan untuk memendekkan waktu operasi.\u201cBanyak juga restoran yang dah mula hadkan waktu operasi, jadi peluang untuk kami dapatkan pesanan bertambah sukar.\u201cAda yang sebelum ni tamat operasi pukul 2 pagi tapi kini diawalkan ke 11.30 malam kerana kekurangan pelanggan,\u201d ujarnya.https://www.kosmo.com.my/2023/11/09/situasi...a-jadi-rider-2/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.983095109462738} +{"text": "QUOTE(chilskater @ Aug 19 2022, 04:00 PM)Melayu kongkek sana sini boleh pulak halalkan..rasuah, rogol budak2, minum beer rokok...tapi mau makanan ada Halal cert..itu aja peluru penabur yang kau mampu?satu orang mencuri, seluruh umat kena cap.satu orang merokok, seluruh umat kena cap.satu orang mabuk, seluruh umat kena cap. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "@manypulative @Ashril_92 @hakimlizan Jangan risau,warung tepi jalan pun takdak sijil halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4411402940750122} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Mar 19 2024, 12:58 PM)Okay i take back parasitology thingy its my own personal view\u00a0 never said its from quran why butthurt? I give opinion also because someone ask why haram logically i said we dont need logic tak puas hati pulak. Nothing hypocrit its just answering to some bunch of kesian pipu sibuk hal agama orang lain and try to look smartass. In reality, keyboard warrior saja. Confront like a man la pussyThere is someone who is butthurt and definitely not me. Sure, it's your belief, go do whatever you want. Just don't do it like it in the video, make untrue accusation and even having explained its printing error, still went on a witch hunt. It's not sibuk hal agama when it's the main topic being discussed. it is also an old video which is made to resurface to rile up feathers. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994633793830872} +{"text": "KAH KAH KAHaku malu ada law bodo camni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999585151672363} +{"text": "QUOTE(pisces88 @ Jul 9 2024, 01:32 PM)haha go try.. worth it, i think best meal i had in hatyaiLooks good, thanks for the recommendation. Will go check it out next time I'm there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999016523361206} +{"text": "QUOTE(accordvtec @ Apr 19 2024, 08:00 AM)see how sg food more popular but taste like shitthe correct way to interpret the numbers: 1. singaporeans enjoy malaysian food but malaysians don't enjoy singaporean food.2. the rest of the world enjoys singaporean food more than malaysian food. the rest of the world enjoy indonesian food more than malaysian food too.3. luckily malaysians are the biggest fans of their own food so the score is not that far behind singaporean and indonesian food. but still behind of cos. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999668598175049} +{"text": "sekarang mcm trend kedai bukan melayu beroperasi lebih 40 30 years terus netizen cop halal..kedai tu letak sijil halal utk bahan asas dia mi kuning, kuey teow, mihun, dumpling. tp laksa dia? kari ayam? sumber ayam dia? kita tahu ke halal? melayu moden terus pergi je bila viral.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6758260130882263} +{"text": "QUOTE(zero5177 @ Jun 12 2024, 05:14 PM)Any Muslim mind to explain the reason for sacrificing the cow during Raya Haji?I saw some video where they take their time to kill the cow like the neck half kena potong but still alive running, is this according to practice?I'm non Muslim but I understand many people that do the cutting that day doesn't have experiences. They tried their best to cut well but accident can happen. Don't let tiktok, FB videos mislead you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999346733093262} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanna be hi-tech @ Aug 18 2015, 11:47 AM)Songlap pun haram.... Tak de apa-apa statement pun... Jilat kuat lagiSonglap tak payah fatwa, sebab dah haram ab initio dari zaman Al-Qur'an diturunkan lagi~ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:30 PM)Kalau dalam keadaan darurat selagi boleh dapat makanan yg confirm halal, kena usahakan. Hanya kalau keadaan yg betul2 darurat yg mana kalau dia xmakan akan sebabkan sakit teruk atau kematian baru boleh makan bda2 yang xhalal/diragui status makanan tu. Bukan main bantai ja.Betol2. Jgn makan kalo was2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997072815895081} +{"text": "QUOTE(LA757 @ Apr 6 2021, 05:45 PM)No. Guna otak sikit.Ini masaalH budak zaman sekarang. Tak pandai gune otak fikir.1-apa berlaku sampai terjadi insiden tersebut2-apa perkataan kasar di gunakan oleh satu atau kedua-dua pihak?3-Apa cerita sebenar?Tiap kali keganasan berlaku, jawapan standard: mesti ada sebab kenapa kena tampaq. Aku bukan budak sekarang. Aku bapak kau. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967256784439087} +{"text": "QUOTE(lingleeyen @ Oct 18 2016, 01:27 PM)Don't mess with that. That is my daughter's favourite. They haramkan Ultraman alr. My childhood hero. Now you want to haramkan that Peppa pig also? Haram jadah mak ko hijau.Just a matter if time...they DID ban Babe- the pig movie long time ago.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Ramai beratur mcm viral kan?Nampak cute kan?Ambik kau\u2026 ada babi tersorok dalam menu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997091889381409} +{"text": "ya sue jebiznes tarak bagus kasi suewho knows win liao got profit owai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7942620515823364} +{"text": "QUOTE(flagstaff @ Jun 10 2019, 10:42 PM)So, she is ok with her kid stealing? If the shop is deemed far away (by her), she will throw the stolen chocolates...and all is good?!Wtf?! So many thing is wrong there. 1. She should educate her kid about stealing is wrong. Something is lacking in her parenting if her kid have to steal knick knacks.2. Throwing it away doesn't make it ok, doesn't make it halal. It doesn't work that way. The shop still bears the loss. You still owe the shop that money. The money that you didn't pay the shop is essentially HARAM.very selective this woman. Halal/haram when it is convenient for her.QUOTE(hotjake @ Jun 10 2019, 10:51 PM)Yang part kalau perasan anak dia terambik coklat setelah sudah jauh, dia akan buang coklat tu dah jelas perempuan ni bodo babi sebab tak terfikir nak bayar.walao. cant you read properly her post? read all of them, dont read line and stop. She is not targeting the brand, shes just telling she willing to go back and pay back the money that her kids have taken the chocolate. dont say ppl taliban when you already one. QUOTEIni apa yg SM tau la,kadang2 kita pegi kedai Tak perasaan anak ambik coklat Sampai kat rumah dia suh kita bukk,bende tak bayar lagi, haram kita bukk bg anak makan SM sanggup patah balik g bayar Atau kalau benda tu dh jauh beribu Batu ,SM buang je la xnk bg anak makanwhen talking on internet, u all have big balls. Come out and confront her la. lol cakap kencang saja ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meHow are you a vegan but an obese boy at the same time? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctys2012 @ Mar 15 2024, 11:59 AM)its because the food was prepared waaaayyy too early and not kept properly thats why spoiled....... i will stick to lemang tepi jalan onlyIf the chicken fried at 1pm seller put them out for sale at 4pm still won't make them become rotten immediately. Most highly in this case seller refried leftover chicken from 2-3 days ago. Some cooked a lot during first day of fasting but failed to sell them all. Then refried the leftovers again and again and resell them back. It's not uncommon I myself pernah kena. The chicken not rotten but damn hard and dried out already. Best thing to do is just stop buying from bazaar Ramadan after second day of fasting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945113658905029} +{"text": "QUOTE(electronictomato @ Oct 21 2016, 01:07 PM)ok faham.part on klausa\u00a0 tu, apesal dia x klasifikasikan bunyi sangap sexual sebagai terlarang seperti nama2 ba kut teh etc..?next time nasi lemak dara nk komersialkn dia punya bisnes, mesti nk apply kn cert halal etc...Others that might create confusion. Mungkin dia merujuk ayat tu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998408555984497} +{"text": "Most of them will order online, if they eat there risky people will capture picture and viral it. And they might kena boo for supporting Israel. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999847412109375} +{"text": "Jalan-jalan, keliling naik motor, beli-beli makanan atau jajan yang aku suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951199293136597} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 02:10 AM)no it's not about halal or haram brush being law, but there is law about properly labelling your items.that's why the agency that did the raid is KPDNKK (ministry of consumer affairs).and not JAKIM.that PPIM is just busybody NGO like Ayah kipidap etc.no law about having to certify paint brush as halal or haram, halal certification isn't even compulsory under law as it's voluntary.but there is law about proper labelling and description.which is not limited to paint brushes only.it's under consumer protection law.as it is ministry already ordered to stop the enforcement and give time for traders to comply with law.but non-muslims is turning this into muslim vs. non-muslim, which is what BN/UMNO want it to be to be used to their advantage.if this explanation doesn't make you understand then I don't know what will.so it was impose by the minister, right ?? (even though it's a flip flop policy)... how izit agreed by the majority as u claim ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9795519709587097} +{"text": "QUOTE(faizalfaizal @ Aug 7 2015, 09:16 AM)kalau ada duit, buat aje la brokalau dengar pendapat orang sampai tahun depan pun tak gerak lagisebab apasebab 90% pendapat datang dari dari orang-orang yang tak buat apa pundorang ni bab soal menyoal beri pendapat memang laju macam promacam dorang sendiri dah buatpadahal dorang sendiri tak keluar dari kepompong makan gajibisnes is about taking risk and venturing out from our comfort zoneyeah..itu aku faham just curious how much will it cost..and mane tau other ppl got their opinion to reduce costing and else..besides its good to hear from positive sided and negative sided for me..so easier to improve ape yg x patut and learn more..contoh pricing container..aku survey container around 4-6k used one..kalau nk murah use cabin around 2.7k used..but ppl here said 10k for empty container.. so aku kne clarified sos aku betul ke tak..kang angkat hidden cost 10k mampos aku ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997474551200867} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevin23 @ Jan 8 2021, 10:05 PM)Exactly. How fking non-halal can a piece of bread be?This one confirm ppl complain. Probably jealous his business attract alot of malays . Best part is , not a single sound about rempit, rogol , ragut , rasuahMasak kaya takut ada ramuan yang tidak dapat dipastikan kehalalannya.Tukang masak kaya dan pembakar roti tu entah2 bersih ke tak tangan dia, mungkin pernah sentuh BABI sebelum sentuh roti kaya. Biji kopi tu mungkin pernah kena goreng dengan lemak BABI.QUOTE(bononoz @ Jan 8 2021, 10:16 PM)kalau put sign 'no malay allowed' kena triggered or not?Nanti trigger woiQUOTE(ju146 @ Jan 8 2021, 10:54 PM)I saw 1 shop (looks like book shop) in bukit jalil mention 'Muslim not allowed'That bookshop sells Christian books lah. They had to put up that sign otherwise nanti got some Muslim sesat masuk then rage say Kristian try to prosletise them. it is actually against the law, and can be charged in court tau.QUOTE(wanted111who @ Jan 8 2021, 11:05 PM)This is really shoveling one believe into others. Suka hati mak bapak diorang la diorang nak mengamalkan cara hidup umat islam diorang macam Mana. Yang ko pi sibuk pi bagitau ni Tak boleh buat, itu Tak boleh buat, ni itu tak patut, ni itu haram . Yang berdepan dengan dugaan nanti tu diorang bukan ko pun. Pastu, diorang bertaubat nanti last last minit diorang masuk syurga jugak. Sebab tu banyak yang buat jenayah sebab boleh taubat last last minit, ini korang jugaklah yang galakkan Kat ceramah ceramah korang tu, buat jenayah takpe, janji taubat last last minit, syurga menanti.Eh, cannot say like that. Nanti kat akhirat kena soal, kau nampak saudara seagama kamu terjerumus ke dalam kancah dosa, apa yg kamu lakukan? Itu satu ujian dari Tuhan jugak. Dia lihat apa yang kamu lakukan. Amar ma'aruf nahi mungkar. Kalau kau berjaya selamatkan seorang umat dari neraka maka pahala +1.This post has been edited by andrewhtf: Jan 8 2021, 11:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7484845519065857} +{"text": "Apapun yg rasa taro, jus buah naga, apapun yg rasa bubble gum & mint choco, minuman & makanan manis yg berlebihan manisnya jg ga suka soalnya (maaf) bikin enekk, cendol/cao/cincau rasanya agak aneh (bagiku) jd klo beli cmn minum airnya tp ga kumakan isinya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9913634061813354} +{"text": "so someone decide to ask mufti cosplay haram or not? but no one ask if donasi masuk akaun sendiri haram x? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "QUOTE(St0rmFury @ Aug 18 2015, 11:32 AM)They won't care. When the fatwa council declared that FOREX is haram, I decided to snoop around Cariemas to see their reaction. I had to laugh at how everyone there was tripping over themselves trying to justify and defend FOREX trading. So many excuses given, like how the fatwa council is also human and not infallible. Some even want to set up a team to debate with the council. So much for the jangan persoal mentality.So I don't expect things to be any different this time.its only haram when its convenient ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999074935913086} +{"text": "QUOTE(sdin3269 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:29 AM)Defense Tapai and durian is crazy? Talking to a wall? Or you yourself is a wall? KEK.. \u00a0 Alcohol doesnt necessary mean haram, but alcohol in the making of liquors is haram.lagi satu sesat ni. Sila lapor kepada Jakim. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.Maybe we should suggest to madani to only allow 51% bumi company or muslim owner to apply for halal cert.This can boost bumi business ownershipYang kapiaq semua 100% automatic reject when send in applicationThis post has been edited by smallydupe: Nov 6 2023, 08:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7963207364082336} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Sep 25 2017, 12:07 PM)seriously, I'm chinese, I frequently go to those self-service laundry, and I can tell u some non-muslim is hard to educate n they refuse to listen or follow simple rules.......certain outlet have notice on the wall and on the washing machine that tells you item that are not allow to be wash in the washing machine (like shoe, carpet, floor mat, door mat,pets clothing....etc) and yet there are those who act oblivios to the notice and do as they wish.....even when I personally tell them n point and show them the notice, they will give all kind of excuse and still do it anyway......so yes, to me \"Muslim Only\" laundrette is a good move for the muslim. paling teruk, bawak pet anjing masuk dobi. orang datang mahu cuci baju, tapi pet dia buat orang rasa tak selesa. anjing betul. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5077104568481445} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Dec 9 2018, 05:01 PM)lelsikit sikit jejas akidahKau tu je yang bodo. Tak reti baca. Candlelight vigil memang laa haram. Majlis fatwa dah putuskan haram nak pertikaikan ape lagi? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(Asquith @ Mar 29 2021, 10:52 PM)Not necessarily true, MG is extremely popular in Thailand thanks in part because it has a very good agency.MG took Years to build a respectable reputation in Thailand. CP has the funds & was willing to wait for the long term returns.It was only with the MG ZS SUV that sales rocketed. Previous sedan models were struggling to compete with Toyota & Honda.Geely took the shortcut here by using Proton branding. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999785423278809} +{"text": "QUOTE(AyamBlend @ May 25 2015, 04:03 PM)Takut org kite sesat, nanti dipengaruhi oleh fikiran yg x sejajar dengan ajaran.Apabila i masuk, tengok org yg bertutur dengan bahasa malaysia, barulah minda saya tenang dan menikmati ayam goreng org kite.kfc from usa wor. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994141161441803} +{"text": "\r\nBunga pergi Korea last year Tak pernah nak makan makanan tepi jalan.. tp officemate bunga selamba je makan.. sbb dorg ckp halal.. tp bg bunga Korea memg bosan sikit. Lg best jepun.. this year pergi turkey pulak.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998041987419128} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 09:57 PM)Every week got issues or opportunity to bash islam. You think coincidence?\u00a0 Bumi and religion is sensitive issues here. Main issues is requirement to get halal cert is to change name only then suddenly in media hotdog is haram. Wtf.As long as we want a good leader we dont want someone keep provoking our religion in daily basis. There is a fear that if opposition party ruling then it will become more worse. That is why i said media set the trap and you all fall in just for others to see. Now that make sense?I sort of get where u going But again. The issue is this fragile sensitivity issueAs long as we do not solve thisCases like this will pop up in the future Ignoring or play dumb is not the solution The ideal solution is to educate muslim to stop having this ridiculous sensitivity ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(SiakapRM1000 @ Dec 20 2023, 08:16 AM)Berzikir , kenot type in Ktard? Kesian iman lemah,\u00a0 have to put it everywhere..,. Dan janganlah kamu cerca benda-benda yang mereka sembah yang lain dari Allah, kerana mereka kelak, akan mencerca Allah secara melampaui batas dengan ketiadaan pengetahuan. Demikianlah Kami memperelokkan pada pandangan tiap-tiap umat akan amal perbuatan mereka, kemudian kepada Tuhan merekalah tempat kembali mereka, lalu Ia menerangkan kepada mereka apa yang mereka telah lakukan.(Al-An'aam 6:108) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998936653137207} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 07:12 PM)Because there's no problem with touching dogIt's only an issue if u touch a wet dogOr Kena his salivaAnd even that also not a big issueCan be clean afterwards with specific way of\u00a0 cleaning I also touch dog many times lolLike I said. It's not simple and straightforward There are explanations on this issueIt's more elaboratedNot simpleHaram. Die. Haram. Go hellNot like thatThan haram to touch means can touch or cannot touch ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998366832733154} +{"text": "Perempuan indon Kristian pun pakai tudung....kalau Malaysian boleh la yakin sikit...tapi pekerja Islam bukan penanda kedai tu halal.....tgk je ade cert jakim ke tak...bukan tgk pekerja dan customer...kedai sushi sblh food court ioi mane ade cert....tapi ramai je...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9087750315666199} +{"text": "QUOTE(komzaz @ May 31 2016, 07:41 PM)It's not outright haram per se, but where the food hygiene is questionable, it enters a grey area/syubhah where the halalness is not guaranteed.i didnt mention is haram ah.. i just said is non-halal anyway, does grey area/syubhah only apply to food prepared by muslim? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999736547470093} +{"text": "QUOTE(nelienuxe_sara @ Jan 24 2023, 02:12 PM)ginger beer halalroot beer halalbut 0% beer filter after they make the arak is haram because source sudah haram arak is arakalcohol is not arakalcohol tak haramarak is haramalcohol guna untuk sanitizer halalalcohol dalam cuka halalThanks for sharing. So alcohol is not haram, as long as the drink is categorised under \u2018arak\u2019, whether or not it contains alcohol it is haram anyway? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "bila yg haram cuba sembang tentang halalfunny! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "Found the best halal Hokkien style prawn mee, in Penang (and beyond). The broth is so good, so shrimpy sweet. Aimi Lim. The stall is located in \u201cKedai Makan Toon Leong\u201d, near OZO Hotel", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9966055154800415} +{"text": "He could at least donated the food to someone else if he doesn't want to eat itNo need to be so petty like the majority's who are so concerned about halal, haram, pork free etc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6030789017677307} +{"text": "#sesuatu RT : Semua orang suka makan makanan yang halal. Makanan halal itu bagus, dijamin bersih dan memberi pahala!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997530579566956} +{"text": "only care about halal status when comes to food, nothing else, literally nothing else. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999813973903656} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum @MyJAKIM . Saya nk tanya tentang status halal restoran Sushi Zanmai dan Sushi Tei. Adakah kedua-dua restoran ini berada dlm senarai status HALAL dan adakah mereka mempunyai sijil halal yg diiktiraf oleh JAKIM?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999386072158813} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 09:32 AM)Don't mix up. It is not extremism for this case.McD is a halal restaurant. McD is a halal restaurant.You shout or cry, McD is a halal restaurant. It remains status quo.So, after all, it is still a halal restaurant. Why shout or cry? KNN Commies\u2122It is the seed...When sane people do not think anymore and give in into unsound rationalization and accept this as the norm. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999962329864502} +{"text": "Penting ke produk tu ada SIJIL HALAL? #VCSAnnona", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4091087579727173} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengm2019 @ May 13 2023, 11:29 PM)Yes, Singapore is highly competitive but I don't find it stressful. Unless you are trying to be the best of the best, there really isn't much stress.I will be very frank and say that most Malaysians do not have to ability to excel in Singapore. Out of 1+ million Malaysians in Singapore, how many have you seen who are successful? There are, but only a handful.Agree. Also depends on where you work. I can\u2019t comment much on engineering but in sectors such as finance/banking, you have an amalgamation of different nationalities and as long as you don\u2019t adopt the \u2018Rilek la\u2019 attitude, you will do well as there are foreigners who are more laid back. I came across a lot of French who are so relax and yet paid well! Anyway, usually such MY folks can no longer adopt to MY way of life and they taken up pink ICs.This post has been edited by gnc88: May 14 2023, 12:20 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.853143036365509} +{"text": "A typical article written by a retarded journalist. No head No tail. No mentioned what make the money 'haram' in the 1st place.LOL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99642014503479} +{"text": "Kau malas nak cakap aku malas nak ambik TauWin win ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "Kedai mamak pun ade yg x dpt sijil halal. Kalau kau dah rasa was2 terus jatuh hukum haram kan. Kalau x yakin, masak sendiri, sediakan makanan sendiri. Bagi aku, klu tempat bersih, kau yakin, makan aje ler.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998043179512024} +{"text": "Sebab tu lah jangan normalise makanan orang melayu jual mesti halal dan bersih. Kau tgk la contoh ni kau tgk. Sepatutnya Malaysia dah patut wajibkan logo halal utk semua peniaga. Tak kisah lah online ke gerai ke. Atau kerajaan tanggung lah kalau nak dpatkn logo tu mahal https://x.com/okedkama/statu/okedkama/status/1382147720329142272\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.983331561088562} +{"text": "Takda halal certificate tak bermaksud dia tak halal. Check ingredient. Status halal bukan bergantung kepada sijil semata mata. \u2764\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8890628218650818} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 04:46 PM)Bro. Can just ask \u201cKamu Islam? Tempat ni Halal tak?\u201d. If he/she says yes, the sin is then transferred to them if eating non-Halal sources at the premises. You can check with your Ustaz on this if you don\u2019t believe.Even if the place cooks using jack daniels for the meat, you can ask then to hold off the jack daniels for your food.Islam is easy and not difficult to practise. Don\u2019t confine yourself to \u201cMUST HAVE HALAL CERT, IF NOT HARAM\u201d mentality. If you do, you just stay in Malaysia la bro... you are not mentally equipped to go elsewhere.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read some time ago that a Muslim should not eat at a place that serves alcohol or any other haram substance - as you are supporting their business indirectly. So, no... I don't think it is as simple as holding off the Jack Daniels just for your meal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9004854559898376} +{"text": "@himeririe Sabar sis, dalam proses. Kedai mamak pun majornya takde sijil halal JAKIM kalau tak silap aritu baca. Well tak diiktiraf tak semestinya benda tu haram kan, just tepuk dada tanya iman, ehekk. So chill \ud83d\ude06 so bila nak payung aku the alley ni", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998794436454773} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Oct 26 2016, 12:34 AM)Nama tidak melambang sesuatu halal haram. Kerja jakim just certify food tu halal. And halal criteria is... (pls fill in the blank yourself). Back to the basic. Kenapa la korang tak paham lagi, i repated these how many times in an hour.What to do. Bukan xpaham tp berbeza pendapat. Sedangkan lidah lagikan tergigit inikan ...pls continue. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? U must be joking right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "TABAYYUN HALALMAKANAN SUNNAH: \"TREND\" ATAU AMALANAdakah penggunaan ungkapan \"makanan sunnah\" dibenarkan... http://fb.me/2bFFZyHY0", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980744123458862} +{"text": "huh?! we got 82b turki investment and rare mineral, who cares about all this corporationbtw, can any jcom ppl here pls follow up on the status? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9891830682754517} +{"text": "Geram betul dgn foodpanda, sbbtu aku dah tak suka beli makanan thru app2 ni. Tadi dah maaukkan voucher, bila bayar rupanya tak tolak pun voucher tu. Mcm hampeh je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8299171924591064} +{"text": "QUOTE(General_Nic @ Nov 7 2023, 04:38 PM)no, real stuffHeineken, Blanc, Somersby, Carlsberg, etc the common brandsfulamak... i am seriously surprisedi thought they cant sell all these stuff...being it haram and allinteresting... maybe they are being more progressive ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Aug 23 2022, 05:07 PM)omg like that also can ahmelayu dupe melayu\u00a0 but in fb comment mostly blame the cinis for :1) accepting plates/pots from malay to be washed..most says non-muslim in malaysia shud know how muslims are pantang larang/haram in this kinda thing...2) the overall shop owner i read is cinis...so ppl blame why the cinis rent out the stall to malay (or claim to be muslim per the tiktok video)so end of the day...salahan cina dap ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985136389732361} +{"text": "so whatyoure still following your topkek outdated religion is there a need for this to go viral?This post has been edited by bigmac999: May 3 2021, 12:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9854760766029358} +{"text": "Just opinion only. I think it all goes back to motivation. Most but not all are motivated by money, some are motivated by status, other by power... etc. with the right motivation, then they will fulfil their role. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993354678153992} +{"text": "QUOTE(8cr13mov @ Nov 21 2018, 11:46 PM)doesn't matterstill not haramWhatever la..u want call it halal can or haram oso canIt just a conspiracy to make Muslim more holyThis post has been edited by alexcky: Nov 22 2018, 07:23 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997206330299377} +{"text": "QUOTE(BuKeYi @ Sep 11 2023, 11:13 AM)is smoke/ vape consider haram then since it is harmful?The god's words from the 7th century is impartial on this (smoking hasn't been invented.. who knows?) so smoking is okay but claypot chicken rice prepared with a dash of cooking wine is not ok.This post has been edited by tolongking: Sep 11 2023, 11:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.984592854976654} +{"text": "Bigotry and double standard discrimination is budaya orang kita. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999762773513794} +{"text": "Banyak isu penipuan penggunaan status halal berlaku kepada segelintir premis makanan dimiliki pengusaha bukan Islam, perkara ini bukan hanya tanggungjawab JAKIM, tetapi KPDNHEP.https://sinarharian.com.my/article/9685/BERITA/Nasional/Kerajaan-galak-pengusaha-bukan-Islam-peroleh-sijil-halal-JAKIM\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997100234031677} +{"text": "Pengusaha kantin sekolah atau tempat kerja ada satu perangai suka jual makanan tak sedap. Kami ni terpaksa beli diluar agak buang masa disitu tapi mmg semua staff tak suka pilihan makanan yg dijual. Depa ingat kita ni budak sekolah ke?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6183061003684998} +{"text": "QUOTE(+3kk! @ Feb 10 2017, 12:11 AM)they are, no one is asking you to sugarcoat ittake for example :-PPIM (a government entity) , are inefficient and not very good at their work (targets a specific government entity). vs\"WAAA MALAI PEOPLE (generalization) SKED BRUSH AR, AIYO DUN THEY NOE XYZ OSO ADA BABI WAN? (ignorance)\"people here are not exactly wise about their choices of words, and they wonder why everyone is uncivil to each otherthe point is - be civilnow... how is this brush raid being civilize ??... how is haram brush even make sense ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.888500988483429} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 13 2020, 10:53 PM)zaman viral. ni la pakcik, kalau bangang tu simpan2 la... malu anak cucu tgk...Can predict how he look like:Kopiah check, janggut check. Isma membership, probably check ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999572038650513} +{"text": "Jakim untuk majlis makanan halal x haram.\nKalau jais untuk majlis masalah sosial untuk agama islam kan...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(BaZikAltUa @ Oct 20 2016, 02:21 PM)Org cadang suruh tukar nama yg lebih baik, ko nk bising2, cakap org haram kan.. Diorg cadang utk tukar je..Contoh, keropok lekor, ko nk buat gimik, ko bagi nama keropok kote.. org ckp jangan la pakai nama kote, ko pon terus ckp \"haram ke mknn klu pakai nama kote?\".. org cadang tukar nama yg lebih baik je, terus deviate dari cerita asal..Bodoh punye pemikiran..Cadang is a dangerous word. Especially when it is written that the name cannot contain confusing word. So indirectly, cadang has became a mandate. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996416568756104} +{"text": "not to ruin anything but if korg meniru dlm exam/test, sijil/ijazah korg tu halal ke? i mean cara nak dapatkannye pon dgn cara menipu untuk lulus then dgn sijil tdi korg mintak keje. so keje yg korg buat tu hasil pendapatan dia berkat ke tak eh? dari dulu aku dok pikir bnde nih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999286949634552} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Nov 29 2020, 11:58 PM)Aku fobia dgn hanjing..suka kejar orang x tentu pasalIf u try to run away ofcoz they chase after u. Try pretend to pick something on the ground and chase them back sure they will go away ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999594688415527} +{"text": "QUOTE(komag @ Sep 27 2016, 05:56 PM)Nasi Lemak Anak Dara disaman oleh Anggota Penguatkuasa MBSA pada pagi tadiTENGOK! penguatkuasa kerajaan dibawah pakatan haram DAP/PKR pimpinan Azmin Ali telah menindas peniaga kecil melayu!bila kita nak turun bangunan sultan salahuddin dan berdemo memperjuangkan nasib bangsa?BILA? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9875889420509338} +{"text": "RBF : Status Halal Makanan Dalam Pesawat Air Asia Diragui: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) diminta men... http://bit.ly/11uyXjb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978870749473572} +{"text": "\r\nbest ni.. nak pergi carilah restoran halal jepun..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998993873596191} +{"text": "kalau logo halal negara lain tak valid, maksudnya diorang makan makanan haram ke -_-\n\ntakde logo jakim takde logo jakim. aku pok satgi kang", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Dec 22 2015, 09:57 PM)If you are considering the US, then you should also consider Canada. Not saying it's the best in Canada but if you are willing to consider a hurdle that is the US, then Canada should also be considered.In the mid 2000, we were planning to make a life in Canada too as we was not sure of our PR application for UK. Did a lot of research then. Here are some stories from online forums. Useful to be informed before making the decision. Obviously every place one migrates to has problems and pressures. But some are worst than others. Can't help noticing a lot of those having problems seem to be people from the sub-continent (India and Pak). Do weigh the pros and cons before making a serious decision like migrating. You can pour a lot of money, time and effort with little or no return, just a bitter experience. Have a read though:https://www.justlanded.com/english/Canada/F...wwwNotCanadacomhttp://newseastwest.com/dont-make-the-mist...fools-paradise/http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigrati...da-t2848.0.html ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996222257614136} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 08:40 PM)you don't agree then you should write to your MP and highlight which trade laws you think are not right.yes there are bad laws but there are good laws too.that's the use of a good/functioning democracy sin't it?i don't agree with this haram/halal policy,.. and u labeling me mocking religion.,... u being hypocrisy obviously,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Apr 10 2024, 01:13 PM)\u201cKalau tak susahkan aku, aku boycott\u201d\u201cfesbuk, insta, intel, epal dll, takde pilhan\u201dNo matter how much facts are presented to these hypocrites, they do not see the irony of their behaviour. Perangai jijik dan mereka memang berpisah tiadaMy proposal for the fb or any free to use platform is to start boycotting companies who doing paid ads on this platform. That would better approach to cut their source of income. This will in turn reduced the paid advertiser and we can continue using the platform for free to promote more boycott ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987175464630127} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 13 2016, 01:00 PM)this one is more to \"1 big mac = 1 bullet to palestinians\"/\"1 frappe = 1 grenade to paletine\" etc... bcos mcd and starbucks took the time and money to get the jakim ceritifaction...TBF, I have some friends who avoid shopping in tessco because they said the same thingapparently whatever they received in fb, whatsapp group consider the truth to themmalas berfikir, malas buat research, jadi kurang cerdik. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998840093612671} +{"text": "Secondly, isu ni macam takde kena mengena dengan status halal makanan. Secara simple nya, kek kalau dibuat dengan barang halal, bersih, jadi halal lah kek tu. Letaklah perkataan apa pun atas kek tu. Perbuatan letak perkataan adalah isu lain, bukan isu halal atau haram kek.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9410279989242554} +{"text": "UM punya kolej UM punya rulesKau punya rumah oun ada certain rulesKalau tak suka, ada dorang kesah? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999468326568604} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 03:56 PM)+1 Correct! Saya tengok banyak yang backup Jakim ni macam ingat Jakim = Islam.Itu masalahnya. Aku dah cakap banyak kali tapi tak tau benak sangat kepala diorang ni nak terima. Kutuk jakim diorang terasa macam kutuk agama. Memanglah jakim tu agensi yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal agama islam, tapi tu tak bermaksud semua yg diorang buat betul.Lagipun, yang hal nama ni, takde pun tulis dalam quran nama boleh menentukan halal haram. Dah takde tulis dalam quran yang orang jakim pandai2 masukkan dalam syarat nak dapat sijil halal tu kenapa. Kalau pun benda tu boleh kelirukan ( lagi 1 aku tak paham ), buat la sijil lain. Namakan Sijil makanan yang tak mengelirukan. Jangan la masukkan sekali dalam syarat nak dapat sijil halal. Cuba bayangkan org yg apply tak diluluskan sebab nama produk diorang. Aku boleh kompem ramai akan pikir product tu haram sebab tak dapat sijil halal. Yang kelirukan orang Jakim ni sendiri. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998923540115356} +{"text": "QUOTE(narf03 @ May 14 2021, 06:19 AM)I am thinking to treat my malay friends some halal chinese food. I want to ask you guys, whats the best halal chinese food you have ever tried ?Its for good intention, please do not politicalize or make it into ugly topic, thanks.Mohd Chan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998502731323242} +{"text": "Siaran Ulangan : MyHalal TV1 \u201cKARI OH KARI\u201d Menjawab segala kemusykilan terhadap status halal dan tular yang tidak benar terhadap beberapa jenama rempah kari yang mendapat sijil pengesahan halal Malaysia.... https://t.co/rNXwAeHXs8", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998049139976501} +{"text": "Asal tatacara hidupnya secara Islami sejak lahir misal ASI, no vaksin, makanan/minuman halal -segar-bersih, dan taqwa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9641741514205933} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 21 2019, 07:54 PM)then bread is haram... since got alcohol.. ???yes. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(taiping... @ Dec 12 2019, 04:57 PM)Do u know that tapai has the alcohol taste?I'm surprise tapai is ok to be eaten by Muslimsi feel mabuk alreadyMy alcohol tolerance is so low that i can feel the high from tapai3 state of tapai halal... haram.. then halal balik you should mingle with malay more lah.... we already know this.... ayyooooo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998483657836914} +{"text": "Penjualan arak, bir, alkohol kat Langkawi xnk bantah ker?Ada coklat alcohol jugakNanti bebudak terbeli cemana?Ko nk tanggung dosa diorg? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999771118164062} +{"text": "Makan dari makanan yang halal menjadi sebab diterimanya doa-doa dan ibadah. \n\nSebaliknya, makan dari makanan yang haram akan mencegah diterimanya doa-doa dan ibadah\n\nTafsir Ibnu Katsir, Al Baqarah:172", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9884892106056213} +{"text": "i always go there for carls jr , sometimes go best denki down there and see electrical appliances.Back in 90's Subang Parade was shoppers paradise. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993179440498352} +{"text": "I tot all non halal, alcohol included is banned from uni ground?inb4, cigarette is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Penduduk dari China suka minuman keras, judi dan makanan tak halal boleh terima ka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7665584683418274} +{"text": "@ffattyn @farahdllaa Okay skrg dh ade sijil halal. Sis yakin utk minum \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9952812790870667} +{"text": "itu yang Halal ni bukan dari cop JAKIM je.. Halal ini adalah wajib kita cari.. dari segi penyediaan A sampai Z sesuatu makanan atau perkara... semoga orang Islam dapat paham maksud mencari yang Halal adalah wajib bagi orang Islam itu sendiri..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9995853304862976} +{"text": "Beranikah Jakim akan keluar fatwa haramkan makanan toxic tinggi?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9960780739784241} +{"text": "QUOTE(youngblood29us @ Dec 20 2021, 02:40 PM)kau tahu kan time darurat babi pun boleh makan..ni padahal vegetarian je kotmacam ak cakap sblm ni n ada org lain duk cakap jgk, tgk kepada keadaan, proses dan kaedah penyediaan makanan tu. Bkn kata bila kata darurat je trus ble pi makan babi tu. Tu salah/haram hukum dia. Keadaan yang mana dibenarkan untuk mkn bda yg diragui status halal sesuatu makanan adalah berdasarkan kpd keadaan semasa. Tgk dlam kes kalau kita menetap di luar negara, makanan halal susah nak dapat sebab xbyk pekedai yang jual makanan halal. Dalam kes mcm ni kita ble ke option makanan vegetarian. In case kalau keadaan yg mana makanan vegeterian pn susah nak dapat baru dibolehkan untuk makan makanan yg xhalal sbb kalau xmakan boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada badan.Dalam kes banjir ni. selagi masih terdaya untuk bertahan atau ada option lain untuk dapatkan makanan halal, then jd haram hukumnya kalau org tu makan juga mknn yang diberi oleh org yg beragama lain. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997223019599915} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 10 2023, 02:37 PM)Since when I triggered? U all always say Nons tak faham Islam. But when we ask questions, u triggered pulak then u accuse us of being triggered.I really don't understand how 0.5% alcohol is racun. Can't even mabuk.It's already explained in the links Otromen posted. Baca pun malas, nak faham konon or mmg comprehension problem?First Link, 4th lineSat, kata bodoh, marah pula. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998891353607178} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 23 2020, 12:28 PM)cakoi wit kaya n margarine=heaven. perfect balance of sweet+savourybelum cuba belum tau.Try that. For me yaotiao with kopi-o is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999667406082153} +{"text": "better ada sijil yang halal, if takde sijil but menimbulkan keraguan dan syak wasangka benda tu terus jadi haram walaupun secara zahirnya takde pun benda haram https://t.co/XflMg4jkfY", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999157190322876} +{"text": "Makanan Tradisi lol. It should be oink oink you know if traditional food. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "Kebanyakan owner kilang makanan kt Malaysia ni bkn muslim la. hang da kenapa? Kan ade sijil halal JAKIM apa masalahnya bosan la korang ni.. https://x.com/amuse_gueule/s/amuse_gueule/status/1730023235729928585\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "harus beli dental floss nih suka nyempil makanan di gigi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7814580798149109} +{"text": "Mod if this wrong section please change it yeahWe want to know why feed ikan patin in Ipoh with pig meat Isnt this waste of babi, it expensive you know#terinaya Update based on /k article That is a challenge for us to undertake if we do care for the spirit and ethics of Shariah. However, I am afraid we are mostly concerned with legalism and tend to pay no attention to the ethics, which is the quintessence of the Shariah.Having said this, I must also add: If we have no alternative, it is not considered haram to eat these animals or fish according to the rules of fiqh. For even though these feeds are considered haram for us to consume, once they are fed to the animals and fish they have undergone chemical transformation. Thus, according to jurists, because of istihalah or chemical transformation they cannot be ruled as strictly haram.Dr. Hatem Al-Hajj, Dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Mishkah University and a member of the Permanent Fatwa Committee for the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA)This post has been edited by wasime: Oct 16 2022, 01:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999494552612305} +{"text": "Soalan KemusykilanAsalamualaikum,saya Nak Tahu Apa Hukumnya Berjual Beli Dengan Orang Bukan Islam Menjalankan Perniagaan Menjual Daging Khinzir.misalnya Org Itu Beli Barang Dikedai Runcit Orang Melayu?adakah Halal Wang Yang Orang Islam Itu Dapat?macamana Dengan Orang Yang Kerja Di Pasaraya Besar Seperti Carrefour ,gaint,tesco,wujud Subhah Ke,sebab Ada Juga Merekajual Makanan Yang Tidak Halal.(arak,khinzir)JawapanWaalaikumussalamBoleh berjual beli dengan orang bukan Islam dan hasil yang dibelinya itu adalah halal dimakan dan digunakan kecuali barang yang dibeli itu adalah barang haram. Manakala bekerja di pasaraya atau lain-lain tempat gedung perniagaan adalah diharuskan dan gaji yang diperolehi adalah halal.http://kemusykilan.islam.gov.my/v2/index_j...s=25924&q=tescocan I relate tesco & this company? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993452429771423} +{"text": "QUOTE(Fat & Fluffy @ Jun 9 2019, 10:05 PM)maybe got anjing Got kopi luwak, kopi taik kucing.Ni mesti kopi taik babi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "nons jual non-halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual non-halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.yang penting, description kena betul. --masalahnya dengan kes ini, peniaga (tak kira bangsa/agama) jual \"non-halal tetapi sebagai halal\" kepada pelanggan yang mencari produk halal. kalau kau insists nak pakai minyak zaitun dan peniaga tipu menjual minyak sawit sebagai minyak zaitun, dan kau tertipu, maka kau tak marah? apakah kalau peniaga tu sama agama atau sama bangsa dengan pelanggan, maka kurang marah berbanding kalau peniaga tu tak sama? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9877240657806396} +{"text": "makan jekalo ada oren komplen, lemah la iman dia ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997826218605042} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.Paracetamol The -ol is name of the functional group of alcohol in chemistryNon-kapiaq cakap halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.923624575138092} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanna be hi-tech @ Aug 18 2015, 08:59 PM)Macai blame me plak, i emotional lah plak!\u00a0 \u00a0 Hai macai.... Swear kaw-kaw, use vulgar words kaw-kaw, eveyday dream about blowing a robot..... Bark barkLas las ....putar,twist.... I am emotional... U nvr read ur own posts ah ? Or someone posting for u ah ? Commonlah mister robot blowjob....\u00a0 Now u twist story weather blowjob is haram or not ! How lah ?+1Nearlee was talking about you, and you are giving a plus one to support your own butthurtnessHumor is plenty with this oneAnd read again I did not connect between BJ and haramThat BJ comment was to make fun out of youIndeed, I am having fun to see your idiotic replies lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994763731956482} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ Dec 5 2023, 10:46 AM)kch ppl no go topspot one le.. thats tourist TRAP.. town area, seagood or rock road seafood.far a bit is muara tebas or bako seafood best Correction done ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996497631072998} +{"text": "This 'ustaz' no read news kah?https://www.ajinomoto.com.my/bm/media/siara...engesahan-halalQUOTEKUALA LUMPUR, 2hb Disember 2021 \u2013 Ia merupakan satu pencapaian hebat bagi Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad (AMB) untuk menerima Anugerah \u201cPemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia Terbaik\u201d di bawah Kategori Industri Besar oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), semasa Persidangan Halal Kebangsaan 2021. Persidangan tersebut telah dilancarkan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia, YAB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri.Anugerah berkenaan telah disampaikan kepada Ketua Pegawai Pengeluaran AMB, En. Azhan Mohamed oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama), YB Senator Tuan Haji Idris Haji Ahmad pada 23 November 2021.AMB telah wujud semenjak tahun 1961, dengan operasi perniagaan pertamanya sebagai pengeluar tunggal AJI-NO-MOTO\u00ae Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) di Malaysia. Ini membuatkan AMB memperoleh reputasi sebagai salah satu syarikat Jepun yang pertama di negara ini.Pada tahun 1965, AMB telah dianugerahkan pensijilan Halal, berikutan permulaan operasi kilang \"AJI-NO-MOTO\". Syarikat Ajinomoto telah berkembang menjadi pengeluar makanan dan perasa yang dinamik, dengan menawarkan pelbagai jenama yang dipercayai oleh rakyat Malaysia di seluruh negara selama beberapa dekad.Sebagai jenama yang terkenal, AMB sentiasa komited sepenuhnya dalam mematuhi Piawaian Pensijilan Halal Malaysia bagi memenuhi keperluan pasaran tempatan dan eksport.Pemindahan kilang baharu ke Hab Halal di Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan pada tahun hadapan akan terus mempromosikan kekuatan AMB sebagai syarikat makanan halal yang dipercayai serta digemari oleh semua pihak berkepentingan di seluruh pasaran tempatan dan luar negara, termasuk Timur Tengah.QUOTE(Einjahr @ Nov 29 2022, 11:48 AM)yeah ultra conservative lebai and ulama faction are the ones who destroyed the Islamic Golden Age. Truth hurtsThere's a closer example in the modern world, see Iran.That country is imploding from the inside.This post has been edited by MRaef: Nov 29 2022, 12:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5943595767021179} +{"text": "@fareezakmal Bagi contoh, kedai babi. Hurm. Babi memang haram walaupun ade sijil halal \ud83d\ude22", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "So my halal status still maintain? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9848834872245789} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/3lZYc1o3W", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9102532267570496} +{"text": "Dari satu perspektif, apa yg puan ckp tu betul, apa sy faham tentang tulisan kakak tu tentang kedai2 tu faham atau tidak tentang halal tu sendiri, bukan setakat kedai dan makanan je bersih, bahan mentah tu pun sekali penting", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9712545275688171} +{"text": "Some eatery rather not the be interview. Sudah viral many competitor come kacau ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9844393134117126} +{"text": "Cuba kita lihat 2 dokumen ini. Apakah Sijil Halal dan status halal itu sebenar SERUPA? Siapakah yang perlu siasat hal ini? Apakah warga Islam jadi mangsa tak tentu pasal? Apakah status sijil halal sebenarnya? Kenapa sijil bercanggah dgn hakikat sebenar? https://t.co/uiqTq5VFMC", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "Yalah makanan kena selidik betul2 halal haram, bukan setakat kedai muslim ke tidak, bersih tak bersih pun saya teliti termasuk kalau ayah saya penjual tidak menutup aurat pun dia tidak bagi beli.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950233697891235} +{"text": "kak, haram halal bukan cuma buat masalah makanan aja :]", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8980961441993713} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Dec 7 2015, 04:34 PM)there's always a middle way of doing thingsask the nurse to roll up the sleeves everytime they wanted to handle a patientthat way she only exposing her aurat only when necessary what's the fussNurse handles patients frequently during their shift in hospital. She's slowing herself down if like that . And obviously not the best staff during emergency cases. What kind of hospital that wanted to approve such middle-ground? (fearing other nurses might adopt it)This post has been edited by alanyuppie: Dec 7 2015, 03:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973151087760925} +{"text": "QUOTE(nikita zuleica @ Sep 6 2016, 08:55 AM)Betul ke he giving out just like that? Ada sapa dapat?Ye bro. Rujuk sini. Smpai 120k post shared. Haram satu apa xdpthttp://www.astroawani.com/gaya-hidup/safie...-percuma-103745 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992928683757782} +{"text": "Aku selalu dengar budak oversea sebut; \"Kalau semua nak kena ada logo halal JAKIM, memang tak boleh survive lah oversea!\" Selalu diorang sebut ni bila ada isu org persoalkan benda yang takde logo halal JAKIM. Tp diorg xsedar selama ni berapa byk benda haram diorang makan. https://t.co/c9RLdS532h", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997112154960632} +{"text": "Tular video pusat penyembelihan tidak mengikut hukum syarat, tiada sijil halal https://t.co/bvOYE6TauH", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997913241386414} +{"text": "QUOTE(Prometric @ Oct 9 2018, 11:57 AM)Burger Mbira the best, at least for me\u00a0 wheres the stall in Klang Valley? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998787641525269} +{"text": "QUOTE(+ Blind Target + @ May 11 2015, 11:02 PM)I was there that night. This happened back in 2005 IIRC. 2nd time I happened to be at a club that was raided. I was with 2 other guys n 2 girls.Around 1am, another friend that we bumped into there warned us that a raid is going to happen soon at around 130am. He looked really high so we ignored his warning. We continued drinking the Chivas we opened 40 mins earlier.At 130am sharp, suddenly the music stopped n the bright lights were turned on. Everyone froze. As our eyes adjusted we realized that there was really a raid happening. I turned to my friend and said \u201cfark la. we shud have listened to him\u201d.A chinese inspector went up the podium to the DJ area and took the microphone. He announced \u201cOk kita akan buat operasi malam ini. kita dari Balai Polis Dang Wangi.\u201d Kita akan check untuk dadah dan rekod jenayah. Rokok semua buang dan jangan ambik gambar. ambil keluar IC\u201dWe continued smoking and one Polis passed us and shouted \u201cTak faham bahasa ke ? BUANG ROKOK!\u201d we complied immediately.We took out ICs out n placed them on the table. Women were ordered to go upstairs. Men remained at the main ground floor area.Another Polis officer goes around distributing transparent cups with lids. At closer inspection there were small boxes printed on the cup indicating the type of drugs present in the system.Around this time reporters and camera crews came in. Around 15-20 of them. Taking pictures and filming us. Stress level went up.In groups of 5 our ICs were gathered n we were den ordered to go to the toilet n pee into the container we were given earlier. When ur name was announced u headed straight for the toilet.Around this time a name was announced \u201cMohd Hafiz bin xxxx\u201d the reply of \u201cSaya\u201d came from what looked like a tall slim woman wearing a tight short red dress. Everyone laughed n wolf whistled including the cops. Quite kesian that fele.My name was called and the 5 of us went to the toilet to pee.We were guided into individual cubicles and behind us each cubicle had a cop standing on watch outside. Doors open at all time. After I was done I stepped out of the cubicle to wash my hands. I noticed a few guys staring curiously at the last cubicle. I went closer and inside was Mohd Hafiz in his red dress. He was trying to squat and at the same time pleading with the cop to let him close the door. The cop was unsure what to do. one indian guy made eye contact with me and he instantly said \u201cU dun see dat everyday bro\u201d. I nodded in agreement. Din\u2019t see what happened to Mohd Hafiz in the end as we were ordered to return to our tables.At the table my IC was returned to me n place below the urine test kit. \u201cTunggu 10 minit untuk result\u201d one cop announced.I don\u2019t do drugs of any kind so I was not scared.While I was waiting the media started taking pictures of those unlucky enough to be tested positive or had outstanding arrest warrants/criminal records. They were gathered on the small stage and handcuffed together. I remember seeing around 10 guys there. All looking pathetic and trying their best to hide their faces.After 10mins it was results time. mine was negative n a cop gave me permission to leave.I looked at my watch\u2026it was almost 3am. But at the exit there was another surprise. There was a cop posted there with a torch light. Scanning every test kit one last time just to make sure. Again mine was negative n he told me to throw it in a big bin bag next to the entrance.By the time the girls were done it was around 4am. We went mamak and discussed our experiences.Alamak ts, kantoi ambik citer lain olang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987169504165649} +{"text": "mmg la sijil halal tu tak wajib tp mencari yg halal tu kan wajib (?) bila kita ada halal baru org yakin nak pakai produk kita agitew dah bai", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.849323034286499} +{"text": "\r\nSekadar mengulangkaji...\n\nSoalan :\n\r\nStarbuck n Coffee Bean..Halal ke Haram? - Kambeng_masam\n\n\nRingkasan jawapan : (setakat laporan ini ditulis...)\n\r\nA: hmmm... tak pernah sekali pun singgah coffee bean or starbuck.. - arysa\n\r\nB: Hmm panggilah jakim untuk conformation. - juliet_86\n\r\nC: setahu saya E471 tu emulsifier yang boleh dari binatang atau tumbuhan - normala17\n\r\nD: gigi ku pedih dgn kopi ais - Duta lover\n\r\nE: Tanda halal hanyalah satu bentuk commercialization of religion - M5\n\r\nF: Starbuck ni Yahudi punya ke..aku selalu gak lepak starbuck..kena stop ni..\u00a0\u00a0- Aramcana\n\r\nG: Tapi tengok owang kita dok selamber aje minum kat situ - dilaOHdila\n\r\nH: just because something is owned by Jews doesn't necessarily mean buying it is bad - Bean Diesel\n\r\nI: Coffee Bean telah mendapat pengesahan halal JAKIM dan telah dipastikan semua bahan yang digunakan adalah halal tetapi Starbuck memang tidak pernah memohon pengesahan halal JAKIM, maka tidak dapat dipastikan kehalalan bahan/produk di tempat tersebut. - MGX\n\r\nJ: Oleh itu, kalau yang sybahah atau was-was, elok lah kita tinggalkan. - ibnur\n\r\nK: aku x pernah minum coffee kat dua2 tempat nie... - jpl_fan\n\r\nL: kalau ragu2 tak yah minum...abis cete beb! - maklang2003\n\r\nM: Alahai macam takder bender lain lah yang boleh di minum. - Gravedigger\n\r\nN: Coffee Bean pon dah ada dlm directory halal Jakim.. - palong\n\r\nO: kalau rase was2 baik xyah terus - Robab\n\n\r\nKalau ada yang tertinggal diharap tidak berkecil hati.\n\r\nFeel free to betulkan.\n\r\n:tq:\n\n[ Last edited by\u00a0\u00a0Normala17 at 16-5-2006 11:44 PM ]", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(supermoto @ Nov 23 2020, 01:20 AM)Good now i cook nasi dagang with sardine and nasi kerabu rice pulut kuning style. And claim paling best punya. Triggered tk? And oh ayam krispy rendang is the bestyes go on. yang trigger sama bodoh jugak. but mostly we dont care.. because we malay never eat chinese stall.. that why got nasi lemak rendang babi. we trigger ah? no.. i dont see any malay go demolish the chinese stall LOL.because we know.. that ur style. we respect it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Sep 10 2020, 01:55 AM)Bee chee hiang kan syarikat singapore yang jual bbq babi kan? Mana ade benda dia kat supermarket? Packaging pun tulis pork floss, takde logo halal pun. Apa masalah ni?Aku tak tahulah.... kancil yang mulakan viral sampai masuk TV tu, bodoh piang sangat.JAKIM yang terpaksa respon kepada kebodohan sang kancil pula yang kena kutuk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "Day 10, today i have had tomyam, which is super nice. It is the best TomYa i have ever tested in my life #Bangkok and btw it's halal restaurant tapi local je yang tahu kedai ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(CarroTT @ Oct 23 2023, 11:07 PM)Ko makan tahi babi, yang lain ko tak mampu la pengemis. Anak pompuan ko mainan aku jer, tak lepas tangan dia nak. Please continue to sin and ensure your place in jahanam.\nUo31mBwbiC8\n\nOink oink ho jiak ho jiak Go eat najis with ur kind here and then berak sama2 makan lagi sekali Jgn makan byk2 nanti cepat mati sebab yg kena sembelih dulu yg paling gemok Kesian mak bapak ko rambut beruban kena tanam ko dulu hahahahahhaah ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "Kalau kerja halal jadi cleaner, buruh construction, jual kepak ayam, kerja kedai makan or helper pasar.\n\nKalau kerja haram plak peragut, penyamun, perompak, gangster, kaki paw budak2 sekolah, pencuri.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Mar 18 2024, 12:07 PM)The mufti clearly said cannot. Even got reference hadith. Unless u tolak hadith lah. This is authentic oneTrying to see the context in this advice but I just can't understand why this part has to be included when the question was about painting house with pig hair brush making his house walls najisIf its meant as example of Yahudi using it even though it is haram, I don't see why need to call for \"menghancurkan Yahudi\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "Explore yourself. That's the best feeling.Follow guide all this no different from watching youtube ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "sebab tu i suka beli makanan lepas tu makan sampai habis. portion makanan mmg makanan yg boleh habis. tak suka simpan simpan sebab tau dah takkan makan.\n\nAdik i pulak suka simpan simpan, sebab dia suka makan banyak banyak kali.\n\ndibesarkan sama sama ja tapi tah kenapa lain lain.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9158414006233215} +{"text": "xft tak dapat sijil halal sebab most of their workers are chinese. kalau kau yakin kau minum, kalau tak yakin tu diam diam je lah bodoh https://t.co/isGX57fXER", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Dec 16 2023, 09:27 PM)Celaka sekarang semua nak meniaga tapi tak reti masakIngat nak support bangsa sendiriPMX pun suruh ubah gaya hidupOk la aku pun pergi pasar malamBeli vadey rm3, yong tau foo rm14 , tau fu fah rm2.50, kuey teow rm5, nasi putih daging kunyit rm9, air asam boi rm2.50, roti goreng rm4, ayam bakar rm5. Kalau satu je tak sedap takpe, ni semua. Air balang pun rasa cordial murah campur air paip. Dah la tak unik, banyak jual barang sama. Pundek. Lepas tu salah kerajaan, hidup in keras. Tuanku, tolonglah makin lama hidup makin sempit. Pundek. Baik pergi pasar malam connaught. Walaupun tak semua halal boleh beli, at least benda basic macam air mata kucing ke air limau ke tau fu fah ke memang sedap la. Banyak makanan interesting & variety. Takpun baik makan McD.Babi betul lah hari iniUp TS, X halal mmg sedap berbaloi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996172189712524} +{"text": "QUOTE(rhoyo @ Aug 6 2015, 04:02 PM)Neelofa Akui Tidak Tahu Escargot Haram Dimakan, Akan Rujuk Pihak BerkaitanOleh RTKY Staff pada 05 August 2015, 10:08PMBerpunca daripada perkongsian gambar siput Escargot di Instagram Neelofa baru-baru ini, ramai peminat yang berbalah mengenai status halal haiwan berkenaan dan menurut Harian Metro hari ini, pelakon dan pengacara itu tidak mengetahu tentang perkara berkenaan.BACA: Peminat Prihatin Bila Neelofa Makan Siput Babi\u201cSaya jadi terkejut apabila ia menimbulkan perbalahan antara pengikut di Instagram selepas saya memuat naik gambar itu. Saya amat teliti dan menitikberatkan makanan yang saya ambil termasuklah gambar yang mahu dikongsikan kepada umum\u201d\u201cKalau saya tahu status halalnya meragukan sudah tentulah saya takkan sentuh pun makanan itu,\u201d katanya mengakui dia memakan siput berkenaan kerana dimaklumkan ia boleh dimakan sejak dia kecil lagi. Dia turut menjelaskan akan merujuk perkara berkenaan kepada pihak berkaitan.Sebelum ini melalui semakan kami di laman web rasmi Fatwa Malaysia, e-Fatwa mengesahkan status Escargot adalah haram dimakan umat Islam. (rtky/s) \u25bchttp://www.rotikaya.com/neelofa-akui-tidak...-haram-dimakan/mana satu nie? kalau amat teliti mesti dah check dulu and tau status makanan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970256686210632} +{"text": "QUOTE(lauyah @ Oct 3 2016, 10:44 AM)\"Berkaitan kuih chang, Marzuki berkata, ia boleh dianggap sama seperti ketupat daun palas yang popular dalam kalangan orang Melayu, cuma bezanya ialah daripada aspek pembungkusan, saiz, resipi dan bahan asalnya.\"apa sohaiz! thats mean its already a totally different thing. facepalmed.and bak chang no pork, its like dry humping your pillow while fantasizing losmah.It's like eating nasi lemak while imagining it's char siew rice, because they both using the same plate. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "If customer ala kadar and end up unable to pay.. then maybe can sympathize. and losses also minimal. Already a red flag customers when wanted the best $$$ can buy. Should take 80% deposit AT LEAST before start anything. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985775947570801} +{"text": "QUOTE(feiraron @ Jun 10 2019, 12:24 PM)see this again... bancuh sendiri halal tak??.. facepalmyou guys think JAKIM is god who can declare things halal or not ah? that if JAKIM don't give HALAL then it is surely HARAM?its the same with ANY CERTIFICATIONthe body who give out the certificate is only auditing that you follow the guidelines provided. and muslim know what is the guidelines since we need to study itdo non muslim know? some do, some don't. how are muslim going to be sure?they go ask for an auditing body lahits so simple, no need to be so densejakim actually have a pretty advanced test. currently using dna test to determine if got porcine dna ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981191754341125} +{"text": "@fairoseismail @TaekLow True mcm mana nak tahu kedai anda makan itu halal compliant jika pemilik kedai tidak undergo training food hyiegene, preparation dan ada sijil halal kerana banyak buka gerai tepi jalan pun tanpa lesen dan berniaga secara haram! Berarti anda bersubahat dlm perniagaan haram!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998403787612915} +{"text": "Semua orang kecoh pasal bubble tea. Haram halal. Ada yang kata. Halal tu termasuk barang digunakan kebersihan makanan tu semuaa. Tapi semua perasan tak, yang kat MAMAK tu korang yakin ke halal. Yakin ke islam yang masak? Yakin ke bersih? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Sep 8 2019, 04:53 PM)Doesn't matter. It will be given to the one who is able to deliver the highest quality at the best price. Then the companies cut pocket sendiri to get the tender. There will be no sub sub con culture.if gov give cash then can get good priceinstead, malaysian gov famous for giving i.o.u ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9585912227630615} +{"text": "saya ada soalan.. ada makcik jual nasi lemak tapi takda sijil halal... so makanan dia terus haram ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992473125457764} +{"text": "QUOTE(estcin @ Mar 18 2022, 11:28 AM)why JAKIM never enforce this fatwa? budget RM1 billion pula tuhow? maybe member pun....leklusapkoklu...lel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998526573181152} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 09:20 AM)it subjective becausein generalwe know alcohol and pork is non-halalbut a food which didnt prepare in clean way as non halal even tho its chicken/cow remember we different opinions,one said drinking alcohol is haram but used it as cookery is halal.another said both haramany pork related already non-halal. so in another word, if you yakin with the food is halal.please go ahead.if you dont yakin with the food is halal, please move away. cheersYup... I do have to disagree with you in one thing though... alcohol used in cooking also makes the food non halal... as u said before... if in preparation also non halal, then the end product also non halal... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980650544166565} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 14 2021, 06:58 AM)perfect halal? Made by muslim?Every where is acceptable EXCEPT Peninsula Malaysia.Whole establishment must be Malay.Recently a famous local Hailam kopitiam kena raided by JHEAINS\u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In Kedah & Penang, have a few such popular outlet frequent by many local Malays which I am unable to recommend to you.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.However .....When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?!\u00a0 )wah,... pak arab so open minded,... here chinese vegetarian shop also kena was was,.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999964714050293} +{"text": "RASUAH itu HARAM \n\nJiwa yang bersih lahir daripada sumber makanan yang halal.#RasuahDihinaMaruahDibina", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9756298661231995} +{"text": "@PittKF @Haziqmahmur9 @anthraxxxx Tetapi berbeza bila jiran kau nk eksport kuih raya beliau ke china atau india.mesti diorng xtau dan tidak yakin kualiti produk jiran kau.sebab tu perlunya sijil halal sbb diorng tau bila ade sijil halal produk jiran kau berkualiti", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995028972625732} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pipopipo @ Jan 9 2021, 09:06 AM)Tanya sikit. Yang kau beli makanan hari2 tu, x kisahlah dari mana. Mamak ker, warung ker, tepi jalan ker. Semua tu sebelum beli kau make sure dan confirm ada sijil halal juga kan?? Pasal orang islam kena elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Ohhhhh. Lupa juga. Time bulan ramadan pastikan elak pergi mana2 bazaar ramadan. Pasal 99%, kalau bukan 100%, gerai2 kat bazaar tu xde juga sijil halal.Apa bangang ni.Beli dari orang islam, of course la penjual orang islam kena pastikan barang yang dia guna dari sumber halal.Kenapa dengan sijil halal? Apekejadah ni?Kau ucap syahadah tak ni?Kalau kau orang islam, ucap syahadah, kau beriman dengan allah dan rasul, kau beriman dengan alquran.Mesti kau faham apa dalam alquran sebut.Tak payah pusing2. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8802258968353271} +{"text": "QUOTE(quintesson @ Jul 29 2016, 01:13 PM)What is there to viral about just a young person shielding an old lady from rain moreover she's her grandma, isn't that what she suppose to act?The world is in a mess because of religion. Just because one is Muslim another is Chinese it became like a rare incident. Everybody hoo...hah...Will it be extraordinary if a same race shielding each other?Tssk tssk biarlah singaporeans wanna celebrate goodness amongst their own kind. They kiasu mah, everything that happen in their island no matter how small is a big thing.Then they declare proudly that they are more united as a ppl regardless of religion or race than u pathetic MalayansThen /ktards butthurt lagi, wahahahax ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999082088470459} +{"text": "Mencari yang HALAL itu FARDHU KIFAYAH dan WAJIB keatas setiap UMAT ISLAM. #int3tree suplemen tambahan untuk kanak3x & pelajar dijamin halal sepenuhnya dan mendapat pengiktirafan \"sijil halal\" dari Jabatan Kemajuan\u2026 https://t.co/thT10kJGqT", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "@lilyzahani Apa masalah xft yang susah sgt nak apply sijil halal msia sampai asal boleh je guna sijil halal indonesia? Sebab tak boleh nak comply part mesti ada pekerja muslim tu ke. Tanya je la kan..hewhew", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999313354492188} +{"text": "Bodo pipu cannot differentiate the status between siput babi and the babi itself. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(O-haiyo @ Jun 10 2019, 11:49 AM)one of the best drink but i only drink it once a while due to the sugar level better than any of those pre-pack Tealive drink sold in some 7-Eleven ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989325404167175} +{"text": "Got one reply protek her . As usual...... such replies started with personal attacks first towards the those not same channel with them.Perhaps she should post a reminder about using public funds coz there are % of them comes from haram source.This post has been edited by alanyuppie: Nov 24 2023, 11:31 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(leymahn @ Dec 23 2020, 01:11 PM)3)Untuk perbekalan daging tempatan pun,persijilan halal hanya diberi sekiranya sembelihan mematuhi piawai Jabatan Veterinar dan JAKIM.Bukan JAKIM semata-mata.Premis sembelihan dan rumah sembelihan ada pegawai pemantau dari Veterinar dan JAKIM4)Daging Import pula pemantauan itu berlaku pada peringkat Jabatan Kastam dulu,baru melalui Veterinar dan JAKIM.Dekat sini yang isu besarnya sebab pemalsuan sijil,cop halal badan luar negara dan kertas kerja boleh berlaku sebelum masuk ke tapisan Veterinar dan JAKIM.5)Yang terlepas masuk selepas tapisan pertama ini yang jadi masalah,sebab daging-daging haram yang bercampur bukan semata-mata antara daging lembu dan bukan lembu sahaja yang boleh disah tentu melalui ujian DNA,tapi termasuk daging lembu tak diketahui status sembelihan.6)Tak ada lagi teknologi untuk mengesan sah tentu status daging yang sudah tambahan pula daging yang sampai berbentuk karkas yang siap diproses.Kepala pun dah tak ada.Lainlah kalau disembelih di sini.Jadi bila tiba-tiba kau gelabah serang JAKIM,maksudnya kau tak pernah faham proses ni semua.Bukanlah kata pegawai JAKIM semua maksum tak berdosa tapi biar tahu proses dulu sebelum nak kritik pun.the rest of his points.Ini mcm apa fungsi jakim??just dpt fund berbillion setahun tp sendiri pun xtau apa..baik xpayah buat logo halal jakim ini macam ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9693793058395386} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.No shit Shelock. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5570375323295593} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Dec 16 2014, 06:10 PM)which is why dont pandai2 traslate sendiri... i mean kalau betul2 nak faham kena belajar ngan guruExactly. Hehe.Kalau kita membaca kitab tanpa guru, syaitan akan jd guru kita. Walaupun kitab Al-Quran.Best example? Benz Ali ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994722008705139} +{"text": "All haram la. Haram until A&W also change their root beer to RB officially in their menu. This one also wanna ask meh diu???? It's the same la. Root BEER right?? Beer is beer la what's there to ask some more?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Sep 11 2023, 01:51 PM)Dude, from a non muslim pov, trojandude did raised what we non muslims had always been wondering. It is something which has been VERY frustrating if us nons wanna cater to muslims. You said alcohol is haram. But when we showed other examples like tapai or tuak, you changed it to alcohol haram if drink until cause intoxication. But when we showed you CANNOT get drunk from cooking wine coz its only used for cooking and not drinkable direct from the bottle, you went back to \"alcohol is haram\" or changed to between muslim and god. Heck i even saw in some other discussions in other threads, someone showed a fatwa or something, about naturally occuring alcohol like tapai n yeast in breads are fine to consume . But when we ask \"but what about red wines and rice wines etc since they're also naturally occuring? Is it haram for a muslim to drink wine even 1 tiny sip as long as he/she not intoxicated? Then what about the earlier statement \"alcohol is haram\"?'So which is which? Alcohol is absolutely, totally, haram cannot touch at all? Or alcohol haram to drink until intoxicated? If absolutely totally haram cannot touch at all, then why can eat tapai or breads or other fermented food that has alcohol? If its just haram to drink until intoxicated then why food with cooking wine (with practically zero alcohol anyway after all the cooking and evaporation) is haram? Or drinking Shandy? Don't even talk about just taking a sip of beer. Yet last last, this us what we get to shut it off:I think I have made it clear in my subsequent responsesThe two rules:1) Beer, liquor, wine are forbidden, due to it's intoxicating effect, this we all know.2) Food mixed with beer, liquor, or wine, is also forbidden, if it has the same intoxicating effect.Some people under number 2) if they are confident enough it doesn't make them intoxicated, they will still consume the food. Most probably because if the alcohol level in the food has reduced to lower levels sampai tidak memabukkan. Some more conservatives people, won't even touch the food. This is where there are two different opinions la.Tapai and bread are not haram, if they1) Were made with naturally occurring yeast through fermentation, and2) Has not reached a point in its alcohol level that can induce intoxicationAlcoholic beverages that were made naturally through fermentation, are forbidden to be consumed, due to the intoxication effects that they can cause.But some drinks, the by-products of those processes, like malta, which are considered non-alcoholic, can be consumed, and I love drinking it.trojandude has made it clear in his snarky responses that he actually don't care, he just want to instigate something god knows what, not only in this thread, but other threads as well. Macam dia sakit bontot dengan saya, tapi tidak apa la, other people with civil responses I still can layan.This post has been edited by maxpudding: Sep 11 2023, 02:37 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963579773902893} +{"text": "Bak itself is already haram lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998801946640015} +{"text": "\n\n If you understand malay, the perlis mufti Dr. Maza explained it thoroughly here:\n \nhttps://youtu.be/6qnIkX3x8uU\n\n Labelling something haram is actually easier than a halal label. But halal branding is now something of a profitable business unfortunately ie the cost of a company to apply for a halal certificate by Jakim hence why seemingly a lot of countries are racing for having the most trustworthy halal labelling.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997925162315369} +{"text": "\r\ntime makan nti mesti control ayu...biji mata besar \r\nx boleh ke dia ni normal sikit", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988310933113098} +{"text": "As a graduate of Foodservice Management yg belajar Halal Management, aku teringin betul nak sekolahkan orang cmni. SEMUA KEDAI MAKAN TU HUKUM DIA HARUS MELAINKAN TERANG2 DIA JUAL BABI/ARAK. SIJIL HALAL TU OPTIONAL, BUKAN BILA TAKDE JE OTOMATIK JADI HARAM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9209913015365601} +{"text": "Just one more retail chain in market. Wish them all the best. Donnt need mock. Beside free market ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996029734611511} +{"text": "Ada gerakan jejaskan industri halal, burukkan reputasi JAKIM https://t.co/KMKhqFl7bC https://t.co/u2HiJZo9dV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988499879837036} +{"text": "Company tu ada sijil halal negara lain, belum dapat sijil halal malaysia. Kau was was, fine. Tapi janganlah kau nak halang orang yang dah yakin. Sebab bukannya takde sijil halal langsung, takde yang sijil halal jakim je \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998323917388916} +{"text": "Hypocrites everywhereAlready got Islamic ruling stating smoking is haram still want twist here and there.Want to fulfil own desire just say no need put other thing into the picture ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998867511749268} +{"text": "QUOTE(stopandroll @ Aug 30 2019, 04:56 PM)Wait, why this consider racist?\"Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.\" Ok this one if read positively, can be translated that \"Eventhough Proton still got same engine as last time, but Chinese starting to confident with Proton.\" Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"(HOW THIS IS RACIST? Betul la chinese buying power are strong indeed)WTF benda simple tiba2 citing racial ni? Kefahaman low ke cmne?Sebab keyword ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998612403869629} +{"text": "Putin waiting for that best buddy to be back online ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982450008392334} +{"text": "QUOTE(Coldf3ar @ Dec 22 2020, 09:44 PM)tah tah yang PM untuk bayarkan tu is that customer. cover malu hahathats why ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(gheyfriend @ Jan 8 2024, 11:07 PM)Sometimes we wonder did the book realy mention all tis petty stuff or it just assumption based on others similar situationin the Al-Quran, no. in the Hadis yes ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "Aku rasa la PAS ni memang suka buat statement macam niTime aku sekolah dulu Member Cina India makan aku rilek jerPernah sekali tu siap membe surau tapau lagi huhuWe should respect everyone belief la jangan paksa orang Puasa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9802724719047546} +{"text": "Even benda tu halal di makan tapi tiada sijil halal terus di cop haram. What????? Mak cik goreng pisang pun takde gak sijil halal korang makan elok je. IMO lah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997082352638245} +{"text": "QUOTE(laoahpek @ Feb 13 2016, 01:26 PM)oh..izzit? but vege confirm no meat . . should be fine....but if there is halal and haram for vege then sorry lor..what about alcohol though ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999130964279175} +{"text": "QUOTE(FLYING PANTIES @ Aug 25 2019, 09:25 AM)Racist spotted.Bagus because entire country going to hell over minor problems. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982513785362244} +{"text": "Takde tanda JAKIM je semua haram . Kat pasar malam banyak makanan . Semua haram . Duhh . Mental masyarakat sekarang .", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9490039944648743} +{"text": "Tidak cukup hanya dengan kita memastikan sesuatu restoran itu 'pork free' semata\u00b2 tetapi hendaklah kita yakin bahawa satu\u00b2 restoran itu mempunyai sijil halal yang diiktiraf. #TazkirahMalamJumaat #OasisTMJ #KiraHalalLah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.91233891248703} +{"text": "QUOTE(xerox900 @ Mar 20 2024, 07:48 AM)They r only aiming malaysia Chinese now, it's all political. Same incident happen to Malay business won't have such ferocitylol they are not even hiding their racism now This is it This is the culmination of racial fallout after decades of being politicised by the evil politicians for their own interestThey want to play with fire ? Everyone will get burnt now. Bagus! burn it down. This is only the initial phase.This post has been edited by carloz28: Mar 20 2024, 07:54 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9782746434211731} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 8 2021, 01:44 PM)JIKA ke Pasar Mahkota Sentral di Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor, pasti merasakan seperti berada di China apabila perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh kaum tertentu sahaja.Begitu juga ruang medan selera yang terletak di dalam bangunan tersebut yang diusahakan oleh tiada Melayu.Sebelum ini beberapa peniaga Melayu bertanyakan peluang untuk berniaga di sana, namun perlu terikat dengan peraturan yang tidak membenarkan peniaga menjual minuman kerana sudah ada gerai menjual minuman secara berpusat.Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. Ini menyebabkan sektor perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh satu kaum sahaja.Setahu saya, pengurusan pasar berkenaan di bawah Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKJ). Namun, tidakkah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) itu berasa pelik dengan ketidakseimbangan peniaga antara kaum?Mengapa mereka berdiam diri dan bersikap tidak adil kepada peniaga Melayu? Hal sama berlaku di pasar pagi di situ. Bukan Melayu merupakan peniaga terbesar. Kasihanilah kaum lain yang juga mahu mencari nafkah dan mengembangkan ekonomi keluarga.Apa salahnya kita berkongsi ruang perniagaan untuk sama-sama maju? Mengapa perlu ada penindasan terhadap peniaga Melayu sedangkan pasaran untuk masyarakat Melayu/Islam itu ada, cuma \u2018disorokkan\u2019 oleh golongan tertentu.Saya berharap PBT dapat lakukan sesuatu dengan membolehkan peniaga Melayu diberi peluang yang saksama untuk berniaga dan memajukan ekonomi mereka.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMghow many points he use in this article 1. Sympathy 2. Race 3. Religion ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9531834125518799} +{"text": "Ok lepas ni korang semua jangan beli makanan kt pasar malam, gerai makan lunch tepi jalan, nasi lemak mak bedah pagi\u00b2 tepi jalan tu tau. Sebab takde sijil halal dari jakim. HARAM DOHHH https://x.com/bahiyahjazlan//bahiyahjazlan/status/1138952134265716736\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995404481887817} +{"text": "Hari ni pengeluaran makanan bukan disahkan melalui Syariat Islam, akan tetapi disahkan melalui JAKIM. \u0646\u0639\u0648\u0630 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0645\u0646 \u0630\u0644\u0643", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5196574330329895} +{"text": "klu aku buat makanan ada perkataan babi mesti boleh jadi tak halal walaupun ingredients semua disahkan halal by Jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999443292617798} +{"text": "Betul tu. Dah lah terlalu bergantung pada sijil halal. Konsep halal haram pun tak faham dan tak tahu. Lepas tu pura2 tahu mana halal mana haram. Yang menjadi masalah bila hasut orang lain. Mengajar halal haram yang salah dari ajaran Islam. https://t.co/BnqohKXNBd", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999053478240967} +{"text": "accepting food from Heineken is AKIN to drinking HEINEKENso it's HARAM!ini TAK BOLEH!ini adalah AGENDA YAHUDI BELANDA untuk MELUMPUHKAN kita! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7532894611358643} +{"text": " QUOTEHermm,proses kepala dia..Hahaha..Tgk majority la labuuuu.Adoii,kalo dah sk tu mejoriti anak org islam,ape nye payah..Adoii,kalo dah bukak,budak ade la yg nak beli.Bende simple aje..Kalo mane2 yg x tahan,cikgu sentiasa ade ready standby ape2.QUOTEHahahaha.Sbb tu ayat standby ape2.Hahaha.Polititk2,penat la fikir.Cikgu standby kalo,ade budak mengadu x tahan atau sakit ke,mmg ade standby utk emergency.Lain kali bace lah labu.Jgn ikut pale aje nk backup menteri korg.QUOTESaya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim, ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8292590379714966} +{"text": "ada org respect badan or jabatan halal Jakim utk jalankn tugas. klau smua langgar je, baik depa xdak keja. at the same time, kedai2 bsar spatutnya at least apply for sijil halal. cuma, yg x halal tu, x smestinya HARAM. jgn terus jatuh hukum haram https://t.co/yszNx2BEyL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999634027481079} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gold_Moderator @ Oct 31 2023, 02:35 PM)yup. 3 generation born in malaysia still migrants, but 1000km 7650km much much more far Palestine all pak Arab are brother sister. lmao. forgot which pm said one.don't know what to say Melayu in Malaysia dah terang-terang said non-halal but still wanted to see-see, look-look, smell-smell suddenly tertrigger my eye! my eye! my nose! my nose! people already tell you the shit smell horrible but still degil wanted to go smell it and yell busuk, busuk.QUOTE(acbc @ Oct 31 2023, 02:46 PM)Chinese restaurant some more. How to keliru? If still keliru means the people must be too stupid to comprehend. Itulah tak belajar BI dulu. All malas lepak elsewhere.can the non put a BIG BIG BIG signboard NO Malay is allow in Non Halal premises in order not to confuse them, we help them to monitor them?will they feel tersinggung?This post has been edited by quintesson: Oct 31 2023, 03:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990434050559998} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Sep 25 2017, 01:50 AM)Bravo, so its the non-muslims fault now. When they say anything, its insult Islam, you tak tau Islam you diam, jangan mencabar, ITS JUST ONE FUKKEN SHOP, WHATS THE ISSUE??? If they don't say anything, they ALSO get blamed, just... fukken... bravo\u00a0 You malay muslims have the numbers, you have the majority, but its the non-muslims fault. kimjongunclap.jpgOh wait, it's the dude who said I'm triggered.Ok.jpg dude, you win, whatever you want. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9842110276222229} +{"text": "QUOTE(and85rew @ Jan 10 2021, 10:02 PM)rokok halal or not?\u00a0 Yang hisap rokok tu helang... Pipit hanya mampu minum kopi ajeFaham faham aje la.. This is Malaysia.. Double standard is the norm ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995734095573425} +{"text": "pig intestine noodle. name oso not halal. like how one janggut guy say nasi kandar babi is haram in anyway. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997361302375793} +{"text": "QUOTE(teehk_tee @ Feb 18 2016, 05:30 PM)lepas makan, mula majlis sunatno need sunat2 xwajibmany pretty amoi with tudung ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vape On @ Aug 16 2017, 04:41 PM)SERDANG: Pesara dan bakal pesara sektor awam diingatkan supaya supaya berterima kasih kepada kerajaan, kata Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.\u201cKebersamaan kita pada hari ini dan hari akan datang bagi pastikan berterima kasih kepada organisasi dan kerajaan Malaysia yang selama ini memberikan perlindungan dan terus bagi perlindungan kita selama ini,\u201d kata timbalan perdana menteri itu ketika merasmikan Hari Perhimpunan 1Pesara Malaysia 2017 di Taman Ekspo Pertanian Malaysia (MAEPS) di sini.\u201cInsya Allah, kita takkan pernah menggigit tangan yang pernah memberi makan pada kita,\u201d katanya kepada lebih 7,000 kalangan pesara dan bakal pesara kerajaan termasuk anggota tentera.Zahid ketika berucap turut meminta mereka yang hadir memberikan tepukan gemuruh kepada kerajaan dengan laungan \u201cHidup Malaysia\u201d sebanyak 3 kali.\u201cSebagai tanda penghargaan kepada kerajaan yang melindungi kita selama ini, sila bagi \u2018standing ovation\u2019 kepada kerajaan,\u201d katanya.Zahid mengingatkan pesara dan bakal pesara supaya tidak melayani perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap kerajaan, dan menambah ia akan hanya menyebabkan hati diselubungi rasa benci yang tiada noktah.\u201cMaka realiti ini harus kita dakapi untuk menentukan bahawa kita harus bersyukur pada Allah dengan cara berterima kasih kepada yang memberi kehidupan kepada kita selama ini iaitu kerajaan Malaysia.\u201cWalaupun sudah terkeluar daripada \u2018Saya Yang Menurut Perintah\u2019 (SYMP) dan berbeza pendapat, ada caranya iaitu dengan tatacara yang tertib,\u201d katanya.Zahid juga mengulangi kepada pesara dan bakal pesara untuk menyanyangi orang lama.\u201cBila usia lebih 60 tahun, kita lebih sensitif, jiwa halus, cukup terasa kalau ada yang tidak setuju dengan kita.\u201cHakikatnya kita sebagai orang lama, kita perlu dihormat. Yang baru hormat yang lama dan yang lama menyayangi yang baru,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...esara-kerajaan/ermm this article is taken from FMT aka Suara Pakatun? QUOTESERDANG, Aug 15 \u2014 Deputy Prime Minister strongly believes that government retirees are not the people who bite the hand (organisation) that feeds them.He said although they might have different opinion about certain issues, the public service retirees would never let themselves to become a liability to the country.Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister, said while the government appreciates the possible differences in the opinions, it was vital that the differences be addressed in the most polite and courteous manners as taught by Islam.\u201cWith the number of retirees totalling 778,894 now, we know some of them might have mixed feelings about something, but I believe that they will never bite the hand (organisation) that had fed and will continue to feed them,\u201d he said at the 1Pesara Malaysia Assembly here today.He also stressed that the government would always appreciate the retirees as national assets.As such, the deputy prime minister said that the government had allocated no less than RM20 billion a year for the retirees and the amount would increase from time to time as approximately three per cent of civil servants would enter retirement each year.\u201cSteadfastness and being appreciative of one\u2019s good deeds are in line with the teaching of Islam because being thankful to those who help us is a sign that that we are grateful to Allah,\u201d he said.Ahmad Zahid also called on the retirees to stay active and continue contributing towards national wellbeing, while keeping away from those who continue to fight and express their dissatisfaction for the government.\u201dWe have to stay active as national assets who will always love, help and be thankful to the ruling government,\u201d he said.Ahmad Zahid also asked the Public Service Director-General to review the methods and pension calculation system for civil servants so that they would not be among the recipients of the 1Malaysia People\u2019s Aid (BR1M) payout upon retirement.\u201cWe realise that the government\u2019s expenses are huge, but if the national income is increased, we are confident that the prime minisrer (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) is willing to give more benefit to the retirees and I will personally speak to him about that,\u201d he said.At the assembly, the deputy prime minister also announced that the government would establish \u201cMy Beautiful Life For Seniors (BLFS)\u201d, which is a centre that will enable senior citizens to live a productive and beneficial life after retirement.Without giving out the details of the new initiative, Ahmad Zahid said the BLFS would be launched by Najib in October in conjunction with the Senior Citizens Day celebration.Read more at http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...b7jwZT1dQcE5.99With the Anti Malay/Islam DAP leading Pakatun, I fear for these retirees which are mostly Malays. They want to \"reduce GST to 0%\" they complaint these tax lah, that subsidy cut lah. Want cheaper petrol lah. Anwar even at one time said that they will abolish PTPTN. With all these resources gone, where will Pakatuns find money to pay these retirees. Looking at the record of Selangor and Penang spend state money (Selangor Watergate scandal and the Penang Tunnel Scandal) we can continue to dream that Pakatan is able to get resources from better governance. In fact gomen under Najib is the one who built MRT below estimated cost. Rafizi tried sooo hard and failed soo miserably to try to spin the other way. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5327296853065491} +{"text": "Mencari halal tu wajib. Mencari (sijil) halal (JAKIM) tu extra mileage. Kena faham kan, eh. Kalau mcm tu ko duduk Urasa ni memang tak makan lah jawabnya. Telur goreng, celur/grill sayur/seafood je le hari hari.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6845624446868896} +{"text": " jellybeans tu sejenis makanan yg halal diiktiraf oleh jakim. Hahaha", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5860314965248108} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:13 PM)actually, it's a total of 7 wash, 1x muddy water + 6x normal water. by right, should be okay. cos the alcohol already burnt off. u wont get drunk eating tons of that food anyway.but indirectly, if the food is cooked with things like white wine, then likely it's a chinese restaurant serving non-halal food anyway, thus rendering whatever it cooks non-halal since using the same pot and pans. Unless like a purely seafood restaurant, then yes, no problem.But JAKIM says otherwise, so im not entirely sure. becos by right, if u remove alcohol from wine, then it's pretty much fruit juice.oppsfixedthanksand on the alcohol part,i agree with ubut there is an argument of \"benda halal bercampur benda haram akan jadi haram\"so,the wine itself is haram already,so it dont matter if the alcohol burn off or not.when it mixed into ur cooking,by using that argument,it should be harammy opinion la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9234273433685303} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ Dec 28 2023, 12:45 PM)Wanna see if haram yahudi throw away and starve..all NATO aje.eat first, tummy full already then post socmed boikot again ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999083280563354} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Feb 13 2016, 04:54 PM)bro, dulu kat sekolah agama, mesti u top of the class kan ?credit:notti boyDia champion seluruh kampung ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "beli makanan yg kita suka sama kopi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995927214622498} +{"text": "QUOTE(SonnyCooL @ Feb 11 2017, 07:13 PM)Than haram to touch means can touch or cannot touch ?Using the same example It's haram to touch a wet dog or Kena his salivaBecause in Islam it's consider \"dirty\" If saja saja suka suka touch wet dog or touch his salivaSinful laThen must clean and ask for forgivenessIf accidentally Kena his saliva. No issueAccident is okLike touch the dog. It's dryThen the dog lick u Then no problem Just clean it ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997166991233826} +{"text": "Kept saying do not affect the Non, now how? Haram F&B also their kapochi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(Ashadiya @ Sep 24 2020, 09:04 AM)SABTU ialah hari yang senantiasa dinantikan oleh Alicia Faustina, 24, kerana berpeluang menikmati beberapa jenis makanan tradisi negeri kelahirannya, Sarawak walaupun dia kini menetap di Semenanjung Malaysia.Gadis ayu berasal dari Mukah itu pasti tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan kuih penyaram yang dijual di Pasar Budaya Borneo yang beroperasi di Seri Kembangan, Selangor.\u201cKuih penyaram ini adalah makanan tradisi Sarawak. Sejak kecil lagi saya suka makan kuih ini.\u201cTetapi apabila sudah berpindah dan bekerja di Semenanjung sukar untuk saya menikmati kuih ini. Jadi, apabila mengetahui akan kewujudan pasar ini, saya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk datang,\u201d jelas gadis berdarah keturunan Iban dan Melanau itu.Tambahnya, sejak dua tahun lalu dia menjadi pengunjung setia pasar itu yang dibuka setiap Sabtu setelah mengetahui kewujudannya melalui seorang rakan yang juga berasal dari Pulau Borneo.Kuih penyaram merupakan sajian tradisional yang sering dihidangkan kepada tetamu ketika sambutan Hari Gawai.Ketika di pasar tersebut, Alicia juga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan beberapa jenis sayur yang cukup terkenal di negeri Bumi Kenyalang iaitu terung Dayak dan sayur midin.\u201cTerung Dayak ini amat sukar untuk dicari di Semenanjung. Tetapi di pasar ini, saya berpeluang untuk mendapatkannya walaupun harganya sedikit mahal.\u201cSelalunya saya akan goreng terung ini dengan cili dan dimakan bersama nasi panas. Hidangan ini sudah cukup membuka selera,\u201d ujarnya.Tambah Alicia, kerinduannya terhadap kampung halaman juga terubat apabila dia mengunjungi pasar tersebut.Hal ini kerana di pasar itu, dia dapat berjumpa dengan ramai orang berasal dari Pulau Borneo dan mereka boleh berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Iban.Pasar Budaya Borneo itu boleh dikatakan sentiasa menjadi tumpuan penduduk asal Sabah dan Sarawak setiap minggu.Pelbagai jenis makanan dan produk berasal dari dua negeri itu dijual di pasar tersebut.Antara produk yang dijual di situ termasuklah kek lapis, kuih cucur sayur atau kicap belaga, kopi tenom, ayam pansuh, ikan terubuk masin, mi kolok dan lain-lain lagi.Bathice June, 41, yang berasal dari Sandakan, Sabah adalah salah seorang peniaga yang menjual hidangan mi kolok di pasar tersebut.\u201cMi kolok antara menu yang popular dan sering mendapat sambutan.\u201cSetiap minggu ramai yang yang sanggup beratur untuk membeli menu ini. Adakalanya saya sehingga tidak menang tangan untuk membuatnya,\u201d ujarnya.LatihanSelain mi kolok, Bathice juga menjual buah tarap dan buah bambangan.Kedua-dua buah itu hanya terdapat di Pulau Borneo dan tidak selalu didapati kerana berbuah mengikut musim.\u201cHarga untuk buah tarap dan buah bambangan masing-masing ialah RM24 dan RM22 sekilogram.\u201cTetapi harga untuk buah-buahan ini boleh meningkat sehingga RM30 sekilogram jika musimnya hampir berakhir,\u201d kata Bathice.Isi buah ini berwarna kuning dan memiliki rasa masam manis seakan-akan mangga dan boleh dimakan begitu sahaja.Dalam pada itu, Presiden Persatuan Peniaga Pasar Budaya Borneo Seri Kembangan, Nelson Entap menjelaskan, pasar tersebut telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2016.Menurutnya, idea untuk menubuhkan pasar tersebut dicetuskannya bersama beberapa lagi rakan lain yang bertujuan memperkenalkan budaya dan produk dari Pulau Borneo.\u201cPada awal operasi hanya 20 orang peniaga yang terlibat dan pilihan barangan tidaklah terlalu banyak.\u201cSetelah lima tahun beroperasi, jumlah peniaga juga semakin bertambah. Kini, seramai 55 peniaga secara konsisten berniaga di pasar ini setiap minggu,\u201d katanya.Sebagai anak jati Sarawak yang sudah menetap di Semenanjung selama lebih 30 tahun, Nelson mengakui kadangkala dia merindui makanan dan produk-produk lain dari negeri kelahirannya.Untuk pulang ke kampung halaman memerlukan kos yang agak tinggi. Oleh itu, dia mengambil keputusan untuk membuka pasar tersebut.\u201cSebenarnya ramai yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah menetap di sini dan mereka pasti akan merindui suasana pasar yang menjual makanan dan produk dari sana.\u201cOleh itu, pasar ini boleh mengubati kerinduan mereka terhadap kampung halaman,\u201d ujar Nelson.Pasar itu beroperasi pada setiap hari Sabtu dari pukul 7 pagi sehingga 11 pagi.Nelson menjelaskan, setiap individu yang berniaga di situ akan diberi latihan terlebih dahulu antaranya tentang cara menguruskan perniagaan, melayani pelanggan dan memasarkan produk.\u201cSelain itu, kita juga mengutamakan produk halal. Peniaga di sini, walaupun bukan beragama Islam, kami akan memastikan makanan atau produk yang dijual juga halal,\u201d ujarnya.Kata Nelson, pasar itu juga kini menjadi sumber mata pencarian bagi masyarakat Pulau Borneo yang telah lama bermastautin di Semenanjung.\u201cAda isteri yang mengikuti suami ke Semenanjung bagi mencari rezeki. Isteri yang tidak bekerja boleh mengambil peluang ini seminggu sekali untuk datang berniaga di sini bagi membantu pasangan mereka. Kami masih membuka peluang kepada mereka yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah untuk berniaga di sini,\u201d ujarnya.Terangnya, peniaga di pasar itu mestilah berasal dari Sabah atau Sarawak sahaja kerana permit yang mereka pohon kepada pihak berkuasa sememangnya khas untuk perniagaan orang Borneo.Eh, anyone been to pasar borneo in seri kembangan?Jalan Jinma 7, Taman Jinma, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangornot bad laaa...just one thing is missing; buah dabai.i miss dabai This post has been edited by nikholai: Sep 24 2020, 09:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7329104542732239} +{"text": "nonmuslims bukannya haram berdasarkan pemahaman saya, nonmuslims kan makan dan minum benda2 haram contohnya pork dan alcohol. itulah sebabnya kita tak boleh kongsi wadah. kalau dia makan kedai muslim, makanan tu dah halal jadi tiada masalah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9697650074958801} +{"text": "QUOTE(kharizmisg @ Aug 9 2017, 08:49 PM)too bad dah tukar owner tukang masak sama tapi harga naik ...jilakeee dooo...lagi satu kau try sri hartanas depan kfc ade gerai ayam penyekhuiyo...ko ni mmg best QUOTE(meow2 @ Aug 9 2017, 08:50 PM)jk only la QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Aug 9 2017, 08:55 PM)That why u are gaijin to them. Korean and Japanese where got care halal non halal ?Is ok. I will educate them the wonders of Halal foods. QUOTE(pinotnoir @ Aug 9 2017, 08:56 PM)thanks but no thanks. btw, \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab[attachmentid=9029841]haram ni... QUOTE(SereneAshley @ Aug 9 2017, 08:58 PM)Go there one day je not like you live there, like that pun nak buka teredsbb i btul btul cuak td.. nk mkn ni tk blh.. nk mkn tu tk blh juge ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993353486061096} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Sep 25 2017, 10:30 AM)Not only its against the law but it reeks of hypocrisy. You know the funny thing is nobody wants to \"cleanse\" MONEY nevermind where they come from. Likely\u00a0 its been exchanged with a customer by someone selling pork in the street,\u00a0 then\u00a0 it finds its way to some random person in the crowd who happens to work at the dog shelter, from then the guy wants to have nasi lemak breakfast, then traded the ringgit again with a Muslim hawker who then donates it to his local mosque. At the end of the week, peeple at the mosque empty the donation box to count the money. Oh noes, now the porky, dog laced money is now being touched and handled by Muslims in the mosque.c'on, those have basic knowledge in finance and econ would know that there is virtually impossible to separate money from halal and haram source, no matter how hard they try, yes you can go to bank to exchange the pork tainted notes with a clean one, but that would not defeat the fact that its all under same currency. eg genting and sports toto pay gambling tax go govt tax receivable account, then gomen sponsor zakat funds for ppl to go pilgrimage via another AP account, despite how they claim the money is separated, it's all under the same currency, parked under the same central bank. Even if they launch a separate \"sharia only\" currency, one way or another they still need to peg with another \"haram currency\". A currency would be of zero value if it cannot be exchanged with another currency ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5726088285446167} +{"text": "Malay: xing fu tang tu ada sijil halal ke? Shih lin tu pasti ke halal? Kita semua kena hati-hati, harap tetap haram. Also malay: tuan, rm50 kira lepas la, buat duit kopi. Kita sama melayu takkan saman kot. Bole la tuan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9532359838485718} +{"text": "@lilyzahani Yup, I saw this too dlm 2 hari yg lepas. Viral kt fb. But xtau la kekadang rakyat malaysia ni mls nk buat research sendiri. Harap kan org share. And kene pulak terang2 la yg dia share tu dr website halal jakim n siap ade tulis tarikh luput sijil halal 2020. Tp asek ckp xhalal \ud83d\ude13", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997783303260803} +{"text": "QUOTE(HarleyIron @ Sep 20 2016, 02:47 PM)1.\u00a0 Why attracted to Islam.\u00a0 Very long answer.\u00a0 Buy me teh tarik and I can exlpain. =)\u00a0 But for sake of discussion, let's just say it is based on history of theology.2. No children yet but in future will definitely tell them that they are half Chinese.\u00a0 It is up to them what they want to learn but will definitely educate them if they want.3. Wife always attend chinese celebrations.\u00a0 We are not the \"kampung\" folks to follow the fatwa to the dot.\u00a0 We just follow the Quran.\u00a0 If you guys have a chance to visit the oldest Mosque in South East Asia, they allow joss stick there.\u00a0 It is not religious, just customary way of respecting the elders and the dead.\u00a0 So we have no qualms holding up joss sticks.No.\u00a0 Please ask away.\u00a0 Too much mis-understanding of what Islam is today.\u00a0 The terrorist are not helping and the religious council of \"Certain Country\" is not helping either.\u00a0 hahaha.Eh sorry just realised you have stated you haven't had any children. I will surely buy you teh tarik and more This is the first time I read about treating the joss stick as custom and nothing more. Actually, my own perception is also that the joss stick is nothing religious, just a symbolic way to pay respect. But I have heard from Christian friend that they are not allowed to handle joss stick as well, also not allowed to eat fruits that have been prayed to deity as well. Ok another round of question (that's 2 teh tarik for you). 1) When you married your malay wife, was it in malay tradition? Or you did both? Any yum char ceremony?2) Why did you use hand to eat? Influence from wife culture? You mention will use cutlery when the food is hot, so I assume normally you will use hand to eat. Also, I understand that usually malay will eat their food at lowered temperature, while chinese prefer their food piping hot. Again, I assume you eat your food at lowered temperature.3) You mention you will tell your children that they are half chinese. What culture will you bring them up? Predominatly chinese culture, predominantly malay culture or hybrid of both? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9691331386566162} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Aug 9 2024, 01:05 PM)babi is the best meat in the world.those who never try will never understandInteracted with some, don't even want to be near them. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999529123306274} +{"text": "\nmzzenma replied at 11-9-2015 11:59 PM\nLukis gambar babi dlm coffee pun ummah meleis menggelupur kepanasan..inikan pula babi dlm tin\n\r\nhuj ...\nHaha! Benci tul org up issue freemanson itu dan illuminati,\u00a0\u00a0Tkde bnda lain ke nk fikir .\u00a0\u00a0Kt turkey tu berlambak diaorg gantung eye of evil tu tkkn semua berkait dgn dajjal dan yahudi jugak kot. Rihanna jugak disalahkn. Off topic pulak. Hehe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999880790710449} +{"text": "QUOTE(suikod3n @ Dec 9 2023, 03:13 PM)normal, gang duduk rumah nothing to do. need search 1 by 1 for new things to stir shit.your nasi lemak tepi jalan got sijil halal??? pasar malam stalls got sijil halal? KEK idiot.go round your kampung and boikot one by one your warung and roadside stall without sijil halal first.Aku tulis dalam satu group ni, makan jela kedai yg ada halal Jakim. Boycott those non Jakim verified halal including roadside stall or kedai tomyam or even pasar malam. Reason why? Because among Malays also they are not honest. Macam the nasi itik sg ara and claypot chicken rice case recently viral. After all, halal Jakim definitely for Muslim particularly Malay. We are not expecting Chinese or Indian to frequent those establishments although they are more than welcome to dine in. Then ada satu mamat komen, \u201cMelayu bodoh mcm ni la\u201d. I was like dude, if we are not going to frequent halal Jakim premises, xkan u expect org Russia nak sapot? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997842907905579} +{"text": "JUJUR DALAM BERNIAGA\n\nBagi peniaga dan pengendali makanan, amalkan penyediaan makanan yang bersih, berkualiti dan menepati kehendak pelanggan.\n\nJujurlah dalam setiap perniagaan dan kerja yang kita lakukan. Bermula Ramadan ini, gandakan pahala dan elakkan dosa.\n\nSumber: JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9797376990318298} +{"text": "PAS KATA HARAM, ONLY MUSLIM CAN MAKE HALAL FOODthis the statement pas said long time agoThis post has been edited by zetshield21: Jul 30 2020, 05:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "@Cami_chiao dude first ur talking about logo and sijil, that a way out of the real issue and then you argue about the function that im not even denied the function of the halal logo at the first place, i said it would be better for jakim to do haram logo rather than the halal ones \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5382612347602844} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rolexseller123 @ Feb 24 2023, 07:39 AM)Pleaae elaborate on boldedDan ping. Bai lanAll these are BS? What's the story?By tahan, I mean tahan lasak, they can work long hours, or rather when there are certain stuff to be completed, they can live at the office or site (live is just a descriptive term I use, they don't really live on site) and their sheer will power to see things get done. i need to think a bit how to describe this, as one of my best bud is an IT guy...sometimes he wont be reachable for a few days...then suddenly turn up...then we know he was working on something. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999639987945557} +{"text": "MyHalal minggu ini membincangkan topik 'Mana Satu Logo Halal?' berikutan isu status halal sesuatu makanan bersama panel jemputan YBsr. Dr. Johari bin Abd Latiff. \n\nSaksikan MyHalal Jumaat ini jam 6 petang di TV1 juga boleh strim percuma di RTMKLIK. #TV1 #TV1anotherlevel", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "@AskmeMadaing @twt_kuching One thing orang perlu faham, sijil halal tok macam piawaian Sirim bah. Bukan bererti sikda sijil lalu jatuh haram. As long as ingredients nya halal, that is good enough. Bukan senang and murah mok apply sijil tok. Sekadar personal opinion saya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999454021453857} +{"text": "QUOTE(HolyValkyrie @ Apr 24 2024, 04:00 AM)ANSWER 1 Bunch of excuses to divert the problem and don't simply hallucinate what I don't say. No people suggesting destroying monarchy but you. Does constitution monarchy ring any bells to you?ANSWER 2 NEP has run its course and proven failure or I should say \"success\" because elites in your so call feudalism enrich from it. So no, feudalism is cancer of Malaysia not culture. Elected representative served the people not the other way round.Judging by your respond can pretty much assure you're part of the elite herd which further proven my previous post in twisting the narrative. Any how i just stated to TS why 3Rs will still exist due to people like you. Just glad I stop wasting my effort to save the country from burning which its so call \"native\" don't even care.1. The problem is majority of Bumiputera that resides outside of urban centers importantly, have less access to education compared to the Chinese. This creates a huge gap in how a person can obtain their income and move upwards in their social status. 2. NEP works in decreasing the gap of income between Malay and Chinese as these three study papers stated.Income inequality among different ethnic groups: the case of Malaysia\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTEAs important as it is to understand the unbalanced population distribution at the top, it is equally crucial to look into the poorest segment (e.g., the bottom 50 per cent Malaysian adults), especially when policymakers and the general public evaluate affirmative policies. As Figure 5 shows, in 2002, in the bottom 50 per cent of Malaysian adults, 73 per cent were Bumiputera, 17 per cent were Chinese, and 9 per cent were Indians. Until 2014, the trends of the three ethnic groups were very stable. Thus, when pro-Bumiputera policies improved the economic status of low income Bumiputera, approximately one-quarter of the population in the bottom 50 per cent was left behind. This segment of the population is made up of non-Bumiputera Malaysians, approximately 29 per cent of total Chinese and 56 per cent total Indians.Income Inequality and Ethnic Cleavages in Malaysia Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (1984-2014)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTEIn this paper, we obtain several important findings:First, the level of inequality in Malaysia was very high in the beginning of 2000 and has since decreased; e.g.,in 2002, the top 1% income share of Malaysia was 18.5%, which was even higher than that in the US, while in2014 it decreased to 14.5%, which is close to that of China. The income shares for the bottom 90% increasedfrom 56% to 61% during the same period.Second, in contrast to other countries, the distribution of the national income of Malaysia was inclusive duringthe study period, much more inclusive than that in the US and China and even more so than that in France.Although Malaysia has experienced impressive economic growth (the average real growth rate of nationalincome per adult is 3.7%), the lower income groups have experienced more growth than the rich. The real growthrate of the national income per adult for the middle 40% and bottom 50% income group is especially significant:the middle 40% grew 4.1% and the bottom 50% grew 5.2%, which is much higher than what was observed inthe US and France.Third, the decomposition of income by ethnicity and class shows that, on average, Malaysian Chinese are stillmuch richer than Bumiputera or Malaysian Indians; e.g., in 2014, 60% of the top 1% income group was Chinese,who were over-represented: 2.2% of Chinese are located in the top 1% income group, compared to 0.5% ofBumiputeras and 0.8% Indians (benchmark 1%). However, during the past decade, more Bumiputera and Indiansjoined this elite class than Chinese. In fact, the decomposition of the growth rate of the real income per adultduring the study period shows that the Bumiputera in the top income groups (top 1%) benefited the most fromeconomic growth; e.g., in the top 1%, the real growth rate of the income per adult of Bumiputera was 8.3%(highest among all the income groups and ethnic groups) versus -0.6% for Chinese and 3.4% for Indians.Ethnic inequality and poverty in Malaysia since May 1969. Part 1: Inequality\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTEA seemingly widespread view is that, since 1969, \u201cthe gap in income between Malays \u2026 and Chinese- and Indian-Malaysians has narrowed dramatically\u201d (Economist, 2017). As we will see, it is true that the Bumiputera have seen higher growth rates in mean incomes than other ethnic groups since 1969, although one must also take account of the changes in the ethnic composition of the population to properly measure ethnic inequality. Nor does a higher growth rate for the poorer ethnic group imply that \u201cthe gap \u2026 has narrowed\u201d (even if not \u201cdramatically\u201d). If the initial inequality is high enough, relative inequality can fall while absolute inequality rises. There is confusion in the literature and public debates about the distinction between relative and absolute inequality.This post has been edited by seriosekitt3h: Apr 24 2024, 05:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973293542861938} +{"text": "All the muslims keep say they condemn isis n terroristsBut wat they do when an attack occurs??Jz say \"yeah we condemn those terrorists n they r nt real muslims\", dats all, nth else, no fatwa to condemn terrorists as bad muslims, none of the muslims leaders or organizations ever denounce or kick out those terrorist out of islam, they r still considered muslims but 'bad muslims' n still believe in allah n muhammadMadrasahs teaching radical islam stuffs still exists freely in the arab world n nobody giv a damn bout closing it down, no muslim countries ever care to educate their citizens dat joining terrorism is a sin, children continue to idolize terrorists n hoping to b like them when theu grow upAll they do is say \" terrorists r not real muslims \" n then proceed to do nothing until the next atrack occurs n repeat the same statememt again ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8759509325027466} +{"text": "QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Dec 9 2023, 08:42 PM)Iinm, there\u2019s a fatwa against itCoz they smoking mah.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9684217572212219} +{"text": "Some popular placesCheese bake tart of all kindsSalted Egg anything, no salted egg doesnt work all the time, please stop putting it on everything.Cheese anything, like the salted egg it doesnt always workBurgers, home cooked stuff beats everything out there, and home cooked burgers are easy to make.Seafoods with fancy flavours, god no, we stay in the tropics we get our stuff fresh, chucking it in funny flavours just spoil the point of good seafood ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999463558197021} +{"text": "Status: Fresh gradAsking salary: RM5000Experience: NASkills: Facebook, Instagram, TiktokExpectation: Work 10am - 3pm, provide company car, can claim meals, IPhone 15ProSo difficult to get job lah.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.949768602848053} +{"text": "QUOTE(internaldisputes @ Nov 30 2020, 08:59 AM)I feel like an increasing number of Malays are becoming more accepting to dogs now but once in a while we are still gonna see people shooting, abusing and doing other forms of mistreatment against men's best friend.Nope but instead the opposite is happening ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998979568481445} +{"text": "QUOTE(sirknieghf @ Nov 2 2013, 07:56 PM)tapai 2 makruh sebab ada ciri2 arak..makan petai, tuak/nira pn makruh jgkpetai? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975010752677917} +{"text": "Ok lah orang bash aku kata itu ini.Aku akui perkataan \"tak boleh\" menyebabkan ramai tak selesa, Muslim atau tidak...ok, fine, perkataan aku agak keras..https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-fatwa...g-hari-ramadhanhttps://www.mynewshub.tv/utama-sensasi/huku...-bulan-ramadan/Thank goodness aku tak kata haram....kang tak pasal-pasal kena hukum kafir or anything else lak ..This post has been edited by aBg_rOnGak: May 4 2021, 09:10 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999562501907349} +{"text": "QUOTE(NEP1971 @ Feb 21 2023, 08:26 AM)China doll bestNo need askNope. Those vietnam or cambodia the best. Got look but body once naked mehh. Look flat no curve. Boob also look like slb of meat only snd not perky ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993473887443542} +{"text": "QUOTE(nikita zuleica @ Feb 21 2017, 03:57 PM)Nope, Twister perhaps the most reliable KFC product thus far, I love the Twister Wasabi edition, that's huuuge enough for 7.99u telling the truth?if yes, im gonna go buy later and try.if later buy kecik jugak dosa tipu kau tanggung bro.RM8 i can eat a lot of other decent stuffs that can make me full.EDIT: btw videos says 6.50 This post has been edited by LordDenning: Feb 21 2017, 04:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9922284483909607} +{"text": "Dari makan makanan yg beli x sedap aku lagi suka makan masakan sendiri yg x sedap", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994227886199951} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahurgan @ Nov 3 2014, 03:13 PM)hygiene is all universal, all eateries if hygiene is bad gg liao all. utensils will go down to hygiene too. The issue of said items was used to handle pork needs to be washed 7 times is only of one fiqh school ( the original hadith only applies to the licking of dogs).( malaysia has a strong adherence to Shafee school of jurisprudence, the only school that defines the 3 levels of najis, which not all the scholars agree. )Otherwise other fiqh schools agree that utensils does not need to be washed 7 times, only washed clean. ingredients is a no brainer, if there is pork among the ingredients, its clearly not halal for consumption by muslims. malay muslims all around blindly follow the Shafee school of Jurisprudence and ignoring the freedom of referring and choosing other islamic scholars even ridiculing people having following other mazhabs.bang you really dont understand my point do you?its not just pork if the chicken used are not slaughtered properly then its haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9722983241081238} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcal @ Jan 9 2024, 12:09 AM)in the Al-Quran, no. in the Hadis yesHadis mana pulak ni? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980164766311646} +{"text": "Cukup sekadar kita tahu tu kedai muslim, makanan dia halal dan bersih, kau boleh makan kat situ. Tak perlu cari sebab lain pon. Assume macam tu boleh jadi fitnah kat peniaga tu. Orang macam dia ni merosakkan imej Islam tu sendiri.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9905678629875183} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoFluidic @ Feb 9 2017, 11:47 AM)I heard cigarette filter got pig dna also....so how?well I don't smoke either.your point?and last time I checked, rokok has been fatwa as haram.only that enforcement and/or acceptance of fatwa is not as widespread...http://www.muftiselangor.gov.my/sosial-syariahQUOTESoalan : Assalamualaikum,Saya mencadangkan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor meminta semua Masjid di Negeri Selangor mempamerkan FATWA MENGENAI MEROKOK di Papan Kenyataan Masjid.Perbincangan saya dengan Tuan Haji Mohd Basori hari ini adalah berkait. Adalah diharapkan FATWA yang telah diwartakan wajar disampaikan kepada semua masyarakat Islam khususnya di Negeri Selangor. Salah satu hebahan adalah melalui MASJID. Semoga kita di Negeri Selangor dapat memanfaatkan Fatwa-Fatwa yang dikeluarkan.Jawapan : Fatwa mengenai rokok telah dikeluarkan. Kepada umat Islam yang mempunyai kemudahan, boleh mencetak dari laman web Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor fatwa-fatwa yang dikeluarkan untuk disebarkan.incidentally also has questions about pig bristle brushes:QUOTESoalan : Apakah hukumnya menggunakan berus yang diperbuat daripada bulu babi?Jawapan :\u00a0 Penggunaan berus yang diperbuat daripada bulu babi adalah haram. Sekiranya tidak pasti sama ada berus tersebut daripada bulu babi atau tidak maka harus digunakan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999661445617676} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 11:20 AM)do you have any statement from Mecca muftis, as i understand the view there is not 100% same as Malaysia, dogs for example, is not an issue there, but is here and we often hear mufti's saying it's haram to rear dogs unless it's for essential reasons like guarding the premises. you cannot rear them just as pets.and burkha view is also different in Mecca than Malaysia.so is women's rights.i would like to hear the view from the original source of islam.We are not living in Saudi, if you want to hear from them so much, go grab the first ticket and stay theredont come back ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996483325958252} +{"text": "Penat lah nak tgk malayu islam promote rasis terbuka macam ni. Sumpah aku paham kenapa org tak suka agama kita sebab pentaksub2 politik ni tak habis2 main perkauman. Apa title Makanan Warisan Negara kene ada syarat Halal Jakim ke? Tolonglh pakai akal sikit. Bala betul.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.913517951965332} +{"text": "\r\nmacam-macam hal lah tesco ni..\n\r\nthats why aku suka beli barang kat kedai runcit je..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999110698699951} +{"text": "QUOTE(SapuraM @ Nov 28 2019, 06:53 PM)Had we accommodate Philippines athlete too, with their 'preference' of food?Respek is to be earned, 'not given'!Keep your 'tongkat sindrome' in malaysia, don't bring-out #buat malu! Athletes go for competition, and not eating buffet!Can't eat meat, remove the meat, just pretty common-sense!The one who complained are indon and sinkie yet you die die relate to tongkat Malaysia. Very pandai. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999591112136841} +{"text": "Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.I cina and i eat vavi. So i can raise white flag or not?My religion nvr stop me for putus asa. Just ask me do good deed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999808073043823} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 10:36 AM)most people don't eat money, and most muslims do wash their hands before eating even if they touched the money. we all know money is literally dirty as it passes so many hands.but to use \"Haram\" money for the sake of Islam, i think it's ok, because you are doing good deed for the religion, the money, is just money, even Haram money sources, when used for the greater good of Islam, will be \"Cleansed\".that is why Haram money was never a big issue.it's only an issue if muslims use haram money on things not really for the greater good of the religion. for example buying luxury goods for themselves. if they were to spend the haram money on feeding hungry muslims (halal food of course), it's actually commendable.sounds like blood money is ok so long the deed is good? no wonder we have robin hood....can rob, kill, steal..but end of the day, 51% being use to help the poor what This post has been edited by Kim Bi Jan: Sep 25 2017, 10:44 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9469615817070007} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:44 PM)I purchased roasted chicken bakers cottage ni byk Kali, mmg murah tapi rasa dia mmg out. Totally bland and doesn't feel the spice at all compared to ayamas or other typical pasar malam.Ya murah, tapi Rasa teruk, I prefer beli the traditional ayam\u00a0 panggang yg lebih mahal tapi rasa lg bagus.true, because leong hup after all is just a chicken supplier not a restaurateur, they don't hire proper chef so some worker cincai marinate and roast chicken saja. It's just a mass market roast chicken for B40 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.944613516330719} +{"text": "nak orang datang melancong, tapi ko punya bisnes, haram jadah mahal sana sini...sebab apa? sebab owner2 bisnes tu nk buat duit, so that diorang sendiri boleh melancong luar gak....belum kira lagi yg jenis amik kesempatan bagi harga lain2 based on customer...pastu takleh itu, takleh ini, konon pelancong rosakkan pemandangan la, kotor la...kalau camtu, jngn buat bisnes perlancongan, tanam jagung je ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999977707862854} +{"text": "QUOTE(whoopa @ Nov 13 2023, 03:02 PM)a lot of malays still tapao. kids pun mao mekdi. just dont dine in jeThen might as well dine in saja la, why wana be hipokrit?After all what mcd earns here in Msia still remains circulated in Msia. Whether profit big or small, or even taking a loss, the franchise fee still pay to Arabian mcd and Arab mcd still pay licensing fee to mcd USA Wana boikot until gerbang alaf bungkus? Mcd USA don't even feel a pinch while the local workers here lose jobs and suppliers lose business and suppliers workers might lose jobs too. Delivery riders have less business. All those domino effect tarak fikir. To quote an fb fren of mine :QUOTE\"Tak kena mata pencarian sendiri memang seronok la sembang kata \u201ctakkan tak percaya rezeki Allah\u201d sambil memboikot elok dapur sendiri berasap.Cer kena tengok?Banyak contoh produk lain yg direct menyumbang tapi patut diboikot. Tapi biasalah diorg ni mana nak fikir\ud83d\ude06\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9077324867248535} +{"text": "QUOTE(Glockers @ May 24 2016, 11:49 AM)Zainul Nasi Kandar PJ > All Nasi KandarQUOTE(fazlythewarrior @ May 24 2016, 11:53 AM)\u00a0 \u00a0 THE BEST! Agak murah, portion banyak dan kuah kari mengancam!\u00a0 Good thenMeans the bait work for you both Haiii.. No baca Bismillah tak sebelum makan??! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997606873512268} +{"text": "ayam/lembu xsembelih kira haram jugak makan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(cycheah @ May 14 2024, 11:50 AM)u malu ka? i help you finish the word. is called BLOW JOB... it's a dangerous job yiu know?Bukit Jalil become blow job well done la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999975323677063} +{"text": "\r\nXda sijil halal atau sijil halal yg x diiktiraf jakim xsemestinya haram. Menggelupor jah org lain nk komen kehulu kehilir ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "Company yg nak mohon sijil Halal akan buat permohonan melalui system MyeHalal JAKIM: https://t.co/ImWH7OkCa7 Ofc ada syarat2 spt product mesti halal, ada basic hygiene practices dan sebagainya. Dlm Manual Prosedur ada tulis.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993201494216919} +{"text": " same je la kalau makanan ada tanda halal jakim,tapi halal jakim yang palsu.boleh je org buat kan?Alamatnya kene yakin lah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.589209258556366} +{"text": "JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia) ni kan ada fungsi pelbagai. Bukan sekadar halal haram makanan ja. Dia menyeluruh,asalkan berkaitan agama islam JAKIM bertanggungjawab. Jabatab Agama Islam pun bawah JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9030633568763733} +{"text": "Fitnah tu sama dosa dgn bunuh orang.insaf la mimi asmara oi.. nk ckp kena bg bukti skali.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(h@ksam @ Mar 3 2024, 11:06 AM)sape telan the 0.1%??Dun care. Bagus lah dapat tinggi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 10 2024, 07:29 PM)Perbezaan geografi antara dua pusat peranginan - Hat Yai di Songkhla dan Pulau Langkawi di Kedah - menjadi faktor betapa tidak adil untuk membandingkan kerancakan kehadiran pelancong Malaysia.Presiden Persatuan Perdagangan dan Pelancongan Halal Thailand-Asia Tenggara, Aida Oujeh, berpendapat terdapat juga beberapa faktor utama lain yang menyumbang kepada kerancakan masuk pelancong Malaysia ke Hat Yai.Antaranya, kata Aida, kemudahan akses melalui jalan darat, produk-produk tarikan dan kos.\u201cPelancong Malaysia lebih memilih datang ke Hat Yai kerana kos perbelanjaan untuk makan minum, penginapan dan membeli-belah lebih murah walaupun nilai wang Thailand (baht) lebih tinggi berbanding ringgit Malaysia.\u201cSelain itu Hat Yai adalah tanah besar, sebaliknya Pulau Langkawi sebuah pulau yang hanya boleh diakses melalui jalan laut atau udara,\" katanya.Tambah Aida, dia berpendapat pelancong Malaysia juga lebih memilih Hat Yai kerana bandar tersebut menyediakan pelbagai produk pelancongan yang berbeza daripada apa yang ada di Pulau Langkawi.Misalnya, kata Aida, produk makanan, pakaian, kraf tangan, dan tempat-tempat menarik tumpuan pelancong.Aida OujehDia ditemui Malaysiakini sempena program hari Media dan Pelancongan Malaysia - Selatan Thailand di Hat Yai, Songkhla, minggu lalu.ADSSebelum ini media tempatan melaporkan bagaimana Hat Yai kian menjadi tumpuan pelancong Malaysia dan dikaitkan dengan kemerosotan aktiviti pelancongan domestik khususnya Pulau Langkawi.Kemerosotan itu dilihat ketika musim perayaan Deepavali pada Nov tahun lalu.Kira-kira sebulan selepas itu, pelancong Malaysia dilaporkan menyumbang kira-kira dua billion baht (RM267 juta) kepada ekonomi Thailand.Tak bergantung kepada kerajaanOrang ramai menyerbu Hat Yai \u2013 yang hanya sejam perjalanan dari sempadan Kedah dan Perlis \u2013 khususnya ketika cuti sekolah atau cuti umum.Aida menegaskan adalah tidak sesuai dan tidak adil jika perbandingan dibuat di antara kedatangan pelancong Malaysia ke Hat Yai dan Pulau Langkawi.\u201cTapi ada hikmahnya - kerana kami di sini juga mahu mempromosikan Langkawi agar orang Thailand juga berminat untuk ke sana,\" katanya.Tambah Aida, tidak seperti Langkawi, pengunjung Hat Yai boleh meluaskan perjalanan mereka ke tempat lain seperti wilayah Yala, Patani dan Narathiwat.ADSTambahnya lagi, faktor perkhidmatan dan hospitaliti menjadi peranan penting yang perlu dititikberatkan oleh pemain industri.\u201cDi sini (Thailand) pemain industri tidak dimanjakan pihak pemerintah, mereka perlu berusaha keras sendiri dengan inisiatif masing-masing sebelum sedikit sebanyak dibantu agensi kerajaan.\u201cIni termasuk dalam aspek penyediaan produk sehingga ke peringkat pemasaran dan promosi.\"Tanpa kebergantungan kepada pihak kerajaan menyedarkan mereka untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan dan layanan terbaik kepada pelanggan,\u201d kata Aida.Sementara itu seorang pengurus agensi pelancongan Thailand Abdullah Yeepanoh berkata tawaran harga pakej pelancongan di sekitar Selatan Thailand yang rendah menjadi tarikan utama kedatang pelancong Malaysia.Abdullah YeepanohKatanya, pada harga sekitar RM60 seorang, pelancong dari Malaysia boleh menerokai tempat-tempat menarik di Narathiwat.\u201cBagi pakej Hat Yai, kami menyediakan tawaran serendah RM299 setiap seorang meliputi kenderaan (dari sempadan), penginapan, sarapan, insuran dan pengangkutan ke lokasi-lokasi tumpuan serta pemandu pelancong.\u201cRasa rasa tawaran harga pakej pelancongan ini menjadi tarikan utama yang memikat pelancong Malaysia datang ke Hat Yai,\u201d katanya.Sempena cuti sekolahDitanya sejauh mana sambutan pelancong Thailand ke Langkawi, Abdullah berkata destinasi itu kurang mendapat sambutan memandangkan di Thailand sudah terdapat banyak pulau peranginan yang indah.\u201cBerdasarkan pengalaman agensi kami, orang Thailand lebih suka ke Cameron Highland, Genting Highland, Pulau Pinang dan Kuala Lumpur.\u201cKalau ke Langkawi tak berapa ada sambutan sangat,\u201d katanya yang juga pengurus YPN Grup & Exclusive Van Club yang berpangkalan di Narathiwat.Bala bersama keluarganya bercuti di Hat YaiDalam pada itu seorang pelancong dari Johor yang mahu dikenali sebagai Bala, 37, berkata dia mengambil peluang membawa keluarga ke Hat Yai sempena musim cuti sekolah kali ini.\u201cSaya dari Johor ke Pulau Pinang sebelum datang ke Hat Yai. Kami datang ke Hat Yai dengan memandu kereta.\u201cSaya ambil kesempatan ini untuk bawa anak-anak mengenai pesekitaran berbeza berbanding tempat pelancongan di Malaysia.\u201cSebab ini kali pertama datang, kami boleh rasa makanan, tengok tempat menarik dan membeli-belah produk tempatan,\u201d katanya.Ayam going songkran on Raya week.YahhhhoooooooooooInb4 harooommmm ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6371719241142273} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Feb 10 2017, 05:22 AM)Use paintbrush for food........how more stupid can one be?If I wanna grill a shark....use what? Broom from kedai runcit?it's recycled issue.in 2010 they found out pastry brushes made from pig bristles used in halal confectioneryproblem is in 2010 they already found out that some of the kitchen pastry brush imported from china/Taiwan were indeed made of pig bristles.it's recycled issue.(see date, it's 2010!)http://mahatera.blogspot.my/2010/12/berus-dari-bulu-babi.htmlQUOTEBERUS DARI BULU BABI IPOH: Jawatankuasa Syariah Perak memutuskan berus bulu binatang yang dihasilkan di China dan Taiwan haram digunakan premis perniagaan makanan halal termasuk roti dan kek di negeri ini.\u00a0 Keputusan itu dibuat berikutan rampasan berus bulu babi yang kebanyakannya diimport dari kedua-dua negara berkenaan digunakan di kedai kek dan roti yang mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (Jaip). every year these kind of issue crops up.1st few times it may be genuine misunderstanding.but now that UMNO/BN are smarter, they are using this issue to distract the other issues.and also to use the overreaction from non-muslims as ammo.you can read my other replies or +3kk!specifically this:QUOTE(+3kk! @ Feb 9 2017, 12:46 PM)Coz it was never about halal but making shit up so ching chongs will get triggered ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950148463249207} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Oct 27 2020, 05:11 PM)I don't need to understand everything in the quran, I just need to understand that that's how muslims understand the quran, and how they're contradictory.So muslims should stop claim that the quran is perfect then, because it is, apparently according to you, full of holes.quran 11:1 Alif-L\u00e3m-Ra. \"This is a book whose verses are well perfected and then fully explained. It is from the one who is all-wise, all-aware.\"quran 16:89 And [mention] the Day when I will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And I will bring you, [O muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And I have sent down to you the book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the muslimslol. thats why people say /k full of stupid people. if u dont know, then stop spreading wrong fact. if u refer to muslim, that muslim might be wrong too. he might get false teaching etc. and i like i said, u get this from by ur own, which clearly u understand differently. \"ajaran sesat\" as we called it.if every1 so clever, they no need a teacher, just refer to books. then why u still going for school ? or u didnt ? lolits not full of holes, its just used for few centuries. so of cos most of the knowledge mostly general and not specifiy. how u going to refer something that cover that long. each century, we will have lots of thing changed. but it should cover the basic knowledge . those haram things already clearly stated.like this halal things. everything is halal except stated haram otherwise. then how u define halal etc including this halal logo. of cos we need something that interpret it clearly. this is my last reply. cos waste of time discussing something that u dont know about it. and i dont interfere with other religions if i dont know about it or if i only knew lil bit. thats just made me stupid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8872910737991333} +{"text": "\nIkan pirahna gigi tajam, kita boleh makan tak?\njuwaini Post at 9-6-2010 19:12 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Lor... dah gigi tentunya tajam.... kalo tak nak kunyah camne... \n\r\nTakde larangan pun nak makan pirahna... masak tiga rasa macam best jek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9869836568832397} +{"text": "Not gonna argue pasal sijil halal, tp untuk terus cop \"tak halal\" pada makanan yang tidak obvious pun \"haram\". Lainlah ada daging babi serve sekali tp kita pilih nk amik daging ayam jer. \n\nBtw, nanti mtk lah sijil halal dkt kedai steamboat dekat rumah tau sekali.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(squall_12 @ Jun 19 2023, 12:10 PM)malaysia really hopeless liao no eye see with this kind of ppl shouting on non important thing instead of looking at current problem facing in our country.Masalah Joycelyn Chia, nurses uniform too ketat and BKT lagi penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999788224697113} +{"text": "The best water purifier. Bayaran bulanan yang rendah. \u2714\ufe0fSyarikat dgn sijil halal antarabangsa \u2714\ufe0fGold seal mark WQA \u2714\ufe0fFREE warranty 5tahun \u2714\ufe0fFREE pertukaran filter berkala \u2714\ufe0fFREE servis setiap 2 bulan https://t.co/0zHvhYlLJh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8463158011436462} +{"text": "QUOTE(acepilot12 @ May 31 2017, 03:47 AM)This is just another story. For him it's so easy to get halal certificate. Don't tell me his cincau drink is more special compare to those i buy in pasar malam. 1 ) how halal is halal?2 ) connection//cable 3 ) easy get halal cert, ( we all know this ) If I can get the power he have my product can be exported to oversea but because 1 halal cert can cost me up to 50k + company equity to jakim + yearly ang pao RM20k above, how to survive? Lol this guy buat cincau drinks dah bising2, does he even know how hard it is to survive for the real entrepreneur? What about Yeo's Cincau? not halal la? his one holy water? They have been recreating the same thing for decades now and don't give chances to new inventions or product at all. Please don't call yourself an entrepreneur if you have bunch of cables behind + fully funded with that full auto bottle maker that cost no less than a mil.No offense, i just hope people can support new product and be creative instead of recreating the same thing. I'm very sure this guy worked like hell before this, it's a tough journey.Again, no offense this is just base on my experience and knowledge. Sorry if i offended anyone, to me making cincau water is just another cincau water.What?It's about marketing and branding.Cincau might be common out there but how many actually popular and survive out there? Based on your logic, mineral water suppliers can't cari makan becoz besically, it just air kosong.Why people need to pay more for \"Spritzer\" while they can pay much lesser for \"Giant\" branding.But the marketing works. Lot still pays for it.With your negativity and attitude, don't bother to jump as entrepreneur la.And assuming others got cable behind just shows how narrow minded you are.There's still lot of people out there that running honest biz & dont simply assume JAKIM is corrupt just becoz your corrupted mind said so. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "Permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia adalah bersifat SUKARELA dan BUKANnya wajib. PENSIJILAN HALAL: \ud83d\udc49TIDAK WAJIB HUKUM MENCARI MAKANAN YANG HALAL: \ud83d\udc49 WAJIB Justeru, usaha murni\u2026 https://t.co/RQ6zQqCZZO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999933123588562} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 11:19 AM)i once tasted tapai and told my malay friends that it tasted like alcohol. they just briefly said \"boleh makan je, halal\"so i did some research and found out that tapai is halal if fermented to the point it is not intoxicating. If fermented to the point it becomes intoxicating, then it is haram.it is like telling me if i drink too much beer, i will get drunk. but if i drink just nice, i wont get drunk so it is ok.this is their logic. messed up mentality as usual.and tapai is produk melayu so jgn persoal.You missed a point as well why tapai is not considered haram before you accused others of having messed up mentality. Have a read for more research, can? https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-fatwa...peratus-alkoholThis post has been edited by stealthrider: Sep 10 2020, 11:26 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987372756004333} +{"text": "Makanan untuk hati yang jernih:\n1.zikir\n2.doa\n3.selawat nabi\n4.makanan yang halal dan bersih5.berpantang dosa... http://fb.me/2cTz7Kjsi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "- Bila dah ada sijil patuh shariah atau cop halal JAKIM, tiba-tiba was-was betul ke patuh shariah atau betul ke kandungan makanan ni takda benda-benda haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9846912026405334} +{"text": "With this puak mudah keliru, better be safe than sorryIf no viral, maybe jakim will really take action if got religion greeting ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999773502349854} +{"text": "Hukum makanan yang diusahakan oleh bukan Islam adalah HALAL selagi makanan itu bersih & suci menurut syarak.#daruratbanjirselangor #Banjir2021 #HALAL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.929686963558197} +{"text": "understandable...just like namewee mesti buat sesuatu benda untuk huahauhahauhauha for his fans or follower, supaya ppl dont forget them.kuda jangan tak kuda. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959079027175903} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevin23 @ Jan 8 2021, 10:05 PM)Exactly. How fking non-halal can a piece of bread be?This one confirm ppl complain. Probably jealous his business attract alot of malays . Best part is , not a single sound about rempit, rogol , ragut , rasuahI edited my post a bit.... Ppl really complaining out of jealousy.. And see now how la... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5220255851745605} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohman @ May 3 2021, 07:55 AM)Period come have to puasa?Still \"wajib\". But not valid because of period. So no use puasa also. But need to replace later on. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998574256896973} +{"text": "LRT halal bukan semata-mata sijil :) halal maksudnya sihat and bagus . tu je .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948797225952148} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Nov 30 2020, 09:06 AM)Every time talk about haram. But stealing not haram?Stealing is not haram if it is compliant with the instructions cascaded down via enlightenment during afternoon reveries ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "#VIRAL | Kembalikan Tin Susu Cair Daripada Lori Terbalik Tindakan orang ramai mengutip susu yang bertaburan drpd lori terbalik di Bachok, Kelantan kembali mendapat perhatian. Terbaharu, individu mendakwa anak pemilik lori, memuatnaik status meminta kembalikan tin susu diambil. https://t.co/aABPfnsMqR", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9900834560394287} +{"text": "\r\nkat Jusco mmg dia ada bagi amaran. baca menu dulu sebelum beli. dan mmg takde logo halal. tapi ada beberapa pembetulan. \n\r\nRamen = Hanya sejenis mee. tgk ingredients dia yg lain.\r\nNiku = dlm bahasa Melayu adalah Daging. Buta Niku baru daging babi. \n\r\nto say that 90% of them are non-halal adalah sesuatu yg tidak adil.\n\r\ntapi aku masih musykil, apa2 jenis minuman yang memabukkan adalah haram sama sekali. tapi bagaimana pula kalau digunakan tetapi tidak menyebabkan kemabukan. nak katakan alkohol, dalam ubat batuk pun ada alkohol. tapi ubat batuk tak haram kan? sekarang pun minyak wangi yg mempunyai alkohol pun da bole dibawa sembahyang. alcohol is not a harmful substance, but its harmful if used in an excessive way.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(sevendogz @ Oct 20 2016, 02:17 PM)how about this one, still using root beer wor...https://eshop.tesco.com.my/groceries/en-GB/...ucts/7000696714ok time to viral! troops! assemble! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982103109359741} +{"text": "Panas hati hari ni ad org kata halal jgn buat main2, eh kau ingt aku ni x tau halal haram ke.. mmg ingt sijil halal dah mati automatic terus jadi haram ke ape? sembang lebih customers ni kau pon keluar pkai seluar pendek..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Sep 5 2023, 09:50 AM)All those methods just to increase confidence right?Eventually might still become issue .. some group tak puas hati.. sebab owner is a non.Confidence increased, but still not enough..Simple. Just come to Sarawak. Cook is Chinese. Waitress is Iban. Malay is washing and cleaning up or the grab rider. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988347887992859} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ May 23 2017, 01:01 PM)Ya...saya amat bersetuju itu...Kalau boycott pun...tersangatlah nampak ironi nya..Mcm dulu, boikot produk israel dengan menyebarkan dakyah boycott guna Facebook. Tak ke pelik?Boycott Mekdi, Sbux and all that so called Zionist supporters but when you see who the customers are at the outlets, *facepalm*.Hypocrites. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "Saya rasa masalahnya bukan budaya mengaku makanan milik keturunan tetapi budaya mengagungkan sesuatu makanan sebagai terbaik tetapi tidak pernah merasa yang asal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9743985533714294} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 3 2013, 12:04 AM)You and your Muslim friend can always tapau from respective restaurant and eat together. If that's too troublesome, have to eat separately lorh.Money currency, notes transferring hand is not a problem, as long as u urself is not involved in an illegal transactions.There's no need to put religion aside. A Muslim can always do no harm and be tolerant and have budi bicara without jeopardizing his/her religion.your way to tapau works, if kopitiam style ... if in shopping centres ? NO outside food allowed, takkan you want me bring char siew rice into a warung melayu meh ? on the currency notes, it can be applicable to the utensils case as well, but let's not judge on that then ... you misunderstood me on the put religion aside, what i'm trying to portray is for eg: whole group makan chinese coffeeshop with chicken rice stall, as usual they all come with char siew and all the non halal food you can ever find, but no other choices available, the muslim can just order pure chicken rice, i mean sometimes the part of halal and haram thingy can be a bit more lenient, but of coz i'm not judging the faith nor anything, just eating one plate of chicken rice won't kill anyone, wont harm anyone, but if really wanna abide then ok le, i respect also. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965134263038635} +{"text": "Murah bersih halal enak. Yg penting banyak bel:(\": Gapenting makanan itu mahal atau murah yg penting bersih, halal, dan enak\ue729\ue72a\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.931551456451416} +{"text": "Bought one tumblr montigo for my wife ,, I try my best to give it all she wants ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.97784823179245} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017make sense..before anyone become muslim..they also are non...so if they not agree/supportive..then how to convert ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928217530250549} +{"text": "QUOTE(tentang rasa @ Nov 14 2015, 01:06 PM)non muslims in k/ right now: yes i want you to believe isis equal to real islam!! ignore the other 1.4 billion muslims!! 1.4 billion muslims is not islam, isis is!!Masalahnya diorang bomb sebut nama Islam. Diorang ni bukan kisah, nampak je kita salah suka la diorang blame. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.787885308265686} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 11:10 AM)Probably you misunderstood me. Let me rephrase and making it simpler for you. Muslims cant:1) drink alcoholic beverages, to avoid intoxication.2) eat or drink, food or beverages that were mixed with alcoholic sources, to avoid intoxication.While number 2) doesn\u2019t necessarily make one drunk/tipsy, we will still try to avoid it. If you can respect that, then we are all good, if you can\u2019t, then I have no more to add after this post.And btw, your experience of not seeing people getting tipsy from eating wine claypot rice, doesn\u2019t tell the whole story also la. Humans in general process alcohol in their bodies differently, you or your drunken friends dont feel anything after eating food mixed with alcoholic beverage it\u2019s because of science also, tolerance to alcohol etc. Also, to add, there are people in the whole world who are trying to avoid alcohol, due to health reasons. You want to die by damaging your liver, go ahead. Less one idiot on /k also.Tapai should be haram then when it's the source of alcohol itself.The taste doesn't lie. It reeks of alcohol flavour.I should add on that tapai alcohol percentage is actually much higher than you think. It's actually closer to beer than to Shandy in terms of %. Tak percaya boleh google.This post has been edited by trojandude: Sep 11 2023, 11:21 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940748810768127} +{"text": "Akhirnya, kita kena admit halal haram ratio orang berbeza. Ada orang boleh bersangka buruk sana sini tapi makanan dia mesti halal jakim certified. Ikutlah kalau rasa croissant ada kebarakalian ada lard, kalau tak syubhah proceed makan. Yang pasti aku belajar guna butter sheet", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991390705108643} +{"text": "Ya betul, bukan semua peniaga mampu memenuhi syarat pensijilan halal. Maka, kalau rasa tak mampu, tak perlu mohon lagi. Sijil halal ni pilihan. Bukannya tak boleh beroperasi kalau tak ada sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9384373426437378} +{"text": "Owner Restoran Islam/ Bukan Islam \u2260 Halal Haram Untuk sesebuah restoran/premis makanan memiliki sijil halal dari JAKIM (MS 1500: 2009), mereka haruslah menggunakan pembekal yang ada sijil Halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9356510043144226} +{"text": "Kerana halal makanan itu bukan hanya perlu halal syarie, yang lebih penting adalah halal jakim. Lebih power, padu dan menyeluruh halalnya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964349269866943} +{"text": "LMAO, purpose of ppl going to cruise is to do haram stuffs, so now this pelayaran islamik will not have those haram stuffs right? then those ppl that join they do what? and funny thing is instead of cruising to a place that is islamik like lets say jakarta or brunei, they decide to stop at phuket, so what now? tahan for 1 week in cruise ship no do haram stuffs then when reach phuket then release all? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "\n\n Halal until proven haram\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999163150787354} +{"text": "QUOTE(avex|mode @ Feb 2 2018, 09:55 AM)I sense a lot of butthurt coming this way.QUOTE(slimyhands @ Feb 2 2018, 10:00 AM)He is a Malay. Why pretend to be white man? Adakah itu budaya kita, pegang cincin, melutut dan bertanya \"Will you marry me?\"Apa punya budaya sudah mari cemarkan budaya suci kita...found one less than 10 minutes ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999488592147827} +{"text": "Penjelasan Berkenaan Isu Status Halal Produk Jenama Ali Cafe. \"Produk jenama Ali Cafe yang ditularkan bersama juga merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia dan tiada kena mengena... https://t.co/iRZGVppZeJ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998787641525269} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 02:49 PM)Mired with poor decision makings with zero business sense.R&D with almost nothing to show, what benefit it brought to the company? Cronies meanwhile profited out of it without having to be accountable for such poor showing, while billions of public funds were used to pick up the tab. Agree on SZA's weaknesses. Towards the end of his tenure, it felt like he had reached the limit, I thought Proton just had to join the big boys given there don't seem to be any viable local successor who has the merit to pull it through. A shame VW deal was missed, billions wasted in between, Geely had been successful so far, but now in jeopardy. I see, well, business is business. So long politics stay out of it, better decisions can be made, cuz it involved their own funds, their own survival.You start of with misplaced priority, things will go downhill. If it happened in private business, they'll suffer themselves, whatever.But you have the politics, and idiots thumping on about demi bangga hasil kerja tangan orang kita, aih, menyusahkan dan membazir duit orang lain je!But that the nature of R&D,no?Most of the time it's a dud but once in awhile it will be goldenPlus u are very protective of SZA, I don't think he is a good as u saw him to beYes, he did stop the bleeding for awhile post gen2But he didn't stop proton death spiral at allI would gamble that the only models that made any money during his reins are Saga n the original personaWhile all others are collasal sales failure.Surely he must shoulder some blame. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9473087191581726} +{"text": "Sebelum datangnya bulan puasa dimana meriah peniaga menjual beli makanan, eloklah kita mendalami maksud halal toyyiban. Dalam buku ini, Prof. Madya Dr Sahilah memperincikan informasi penting untuk mencari makanan yang benar-benar bersih lagi suci.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6905878782272339} +{"text": "Tahu tak isu HALAL HARAM yg Jakim sahkan bukan setakat bahan dalam makanan je tapi cara buatan or tempat product tu dibuat pun di ambil kira", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9946271777153015} +{"text": "\r\nye ke pringles haram??!!..\r\nish ish..banyak dah aku telan!!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996954202651978} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 12:45 PM)let cut to the chase alright:First of all,we have 4 mazhab correctwhichever deem fit for you, you follow. not going to cite since you should know about that.since you ask right.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/muf...u-ragu-1.527380Pengguna Islam perlu bijak membuat keputusan sebelum makan di mana-mana kedai dan restoran yang tiada logo halal. Jika ragu-ragu, lebih baik jangan pergi kerana boleh jatuh hukum haram,\u201d katanya.http://www.nukeufo89.com/2016/11/macam-man...atus-halal.htmlkalau makan sesuatu tiada tanda halal atas kepercayaan dan keyakinan, maka halal baginyaif want proper argument go SERIOUS KOPITIAM pls cheers,nak tahu selebih lanjut, sila rujuk kepada ustaz/ustazah kamu yea. yeah! this is what i am talking about. ok lets use that hadith at our current situation.We got chilies, tgi fridays, Sushi king(before). semua takde logo halal.ada bukti these are not halal. Arak, cooking utensil.dalam menu ade daging2 tak halal.so technically this are the bukti yg die tak halal.too add to the issue, nowdays we got JAKIM. back then (during rasul time) there are no such organization. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999333918094635} +{"text": "Yang memaknai makanan halal dan haram hanyalah islam , udh diterangkan makanan halal dan haram apa saja .Makanan yg dibelikan dri uang Judi dan Riba ? Hahaha nyatanya anak Dedy corbuzer sblm islam Dia Ttp hebat ? Bagaimana dgn Bapak Ibrahim Seorang pematung Ibrahim jdi nabi ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9690031409263611} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 6 2017, 11:50 AM)I do not know what triggered McD made that public statement.May be they caught few guys abused the premises, or Arab boss wanna show muscle. Whatever it is, it is a halal restaurant.Allowing non-halal certificate cake is actually a \"status quo\".You don't make it an issue, I don't see an incident McD kicked out the customers due to cake.KNN Commies\u2122 got triggered and played a big part fanning the issue.So must wait ppl. Get kicked out before we raise DE issue? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5986855030059814} +{"text": "As usual puak dengki cannot see malay frequent some non malay outlet. Must alyaws find fault. Same thing like at Korean restaurant or other viral food outlet, when they see alot of 'tudungs' queue in front of shop, must take photo, share online and question the halalness of the shop. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980196952819824} +{"text": "Nutrilite Semestinya lulus KKM dan mendapat sijil halal yg diiktiraf JAKIM. ADA LADANG SENDIRI DI BRAZIL, MEXICO,WASHINGTON & CALIFORNIA. HEBAT ke HEBATTT? \ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa \u2764\u2764\u2764 \ud83d\udcf2SITI 0193663214", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9932736158370972} +{"text": "jahanam betul owner tu... org pon cari makan saja, aper ranjiao mau lansi sana?? pukimak pukul org, kasi viral bg femes... kasi tutup kedai takyah berniaga 1-2 minggu... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999688863754272} +{"text": "QUOTE(kuronoku @ Oct 21 2016, 03:47 PM)tak payah la explain susah2.k/ xkn terima jawapan pun.asal boleh bash muslim & smpi 10 pages sudah cukup gembira.cuba bash cina/buddhist, 1page terus koloslelMaking fun of 1 particular thing in the guideline != bash Muslims. Kesian siege mentality and delusion of prosecution ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994014501571655} +{"text": "actually I know its good for the country but what makes a little bitter to swallow was before become kerajaan keep saying won't increase la this la that la. then recently only say it won't happened in June its all rumours only.now the rooster comes home to roost...diam only.. Anwar ohh anwar. best is at least Badawi has the balls to announce it. but you left it to your right hand man to do the dirty work. really talk cock number one ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9927762746810913} +{"text": "World is globalized d. Cant avoid third hand sins, halal and haram all mixed. Tudungs and night clubs, 24 hour convenience store and alcohol.So just pejam mata and pay your zakat.Pray that its enough to clean some of your sins. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999258816242218} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Jan 3 2017, 11:02 AM)And you think there'll be a decent enough longevity to this? Hahahaha. Let's wait and see. Though people have always say that the best prediction of future is history, and looking at the history of Malaysians boycotting things.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.i agree. many think that this boycott will works. i will just LOLmaybe a slight drop in sales for the 1st few days to maybe first 2 weeks, after that ...hwhahhahaha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9810968041419983} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 21 2017, 08:54 PM)hari2 tapaw lauk choi, ko tk bosan ke? banyak je makanan halal kt london. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998644590377808} +{"text": "So dog name in food is legally haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999192953109741} +{"text": "QUOTE(OldSchoolJoke @ Oct 18 2016, 02:09 PM) if haram then need special air to breathe?any sifu enlighten please..Where to get? Move to another planet? Maybe they'll use the reason tidak Sengaja tidak apa... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "\r\nCiter pasal makanan Cina halal ni teringat pulak kat kisah Raja Petra tulis. Ada tiga mamat ni masuk kedai Cina dan tanya bos kedai.\n\r\nMamat: Apek, ni kedai betul ka halal? \r\nApek: Betul halal punya\r\nMamat: Itu ayam ada sembelih halal punya ka?\r\nApek: Ada, halal punya (seraya menunjuk pada sijil halal)\r\nMamat: Ok, ok bagus.\r\nApek: Mau order minum dulu ka?\r\nMamat: Ha, kasik Carlsberg tiga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9736135005950928} +{"text": "saya juga ingin menambah satu lagi punca kurangnya fahaman tentang makanan halal/haram.salah satu punca utama ialah seseorang Muslim itu sendiri mengambil ringan akan isu halal/haram, dan biasanya Muslim jenis inilah yang banyak bergaul dengan bangsa lain kerana mereka dianggap \"sporting\" atau \"open minded\".\"Abu, let's go eat char kuey teow at chow kit there, famous one\"\"cannot la Ah Chong, that one cook by non-muslim, might be non-halal\"\"aiyaa, last time i bring Ali he ok wan. he doesnt mind. u so close minded\"Dalam konteks di atas, Abu bukannya close-minded seperti disangkakan Ah Chong, sebaliknya Ali yang melanggar batas2 Islam dan memberi tanggapan kepada Ah Chong bahawa orang Islam boleh berbuat sedemikian. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998675584793091} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lanchio @ Aug 17 2022, 12:10 PM)Most important, makan mesti halal kat overseas. Kat BKK ok lah, senang cari makanan Muslim.kucing gf also muslim... so halal lah kan...also they jaga niat. so if anything its \"TER\" buat...tak salah kalau niat tu takde.pls tell that to all the JAIS that breaks into ppl's room.kita jaga niat tuan....saya buka baju sbb panas... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9931378960609436} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Jun 9 2019, 10:02 PM)Comments section in fb more entertainingTak payah cakap mesti sarah DAPig cina komunis, yahoodee, nasrani etc. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8451950550079346} +{"text": "QUOTE(BelaCHAN @ Mar 10 2024, 08:37 PM)Inb4, you tak sukak yo keluar!Singapore is the first person that kena this tak suka kluar.Really keluar until 3.5 lol..People that feel the impact of the 3.5 and 4.7 is the city people. Kampung people got rice then happy already if go backwards anymore can transform become monkeys already ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929360747337341} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:06 PM)the best answer ..if things are unsure .. use ur guts..no need to follow fatwa that contradict logic and science ..if not you'll be just a mere sheep that follows blindly ..btw I cant play TERA anymore so frustrated\u00a0 exactly, one of my ustaz that i respected once said :\"kalau kamu jumpa seorang lelaki muslim yang pelik, cara solat pelik, makan pelik etc..adakah kamu akan kata dia sesat?mesti kebanyakan akan kata sesat..tetapi sebetulnya, kita tidak boleh kata lelaki pelik itu tadi sesat..sebabnya ialah ajaran islam itu sangat luas, sebab itu wujudnya mazhan yang berbeza..semuanya betul, yang berbeza hanyalah sifat pengasas itu sendri, cara pengasas itu menterjemah al-quran dsb, jika kamu berilmu tinggi, boleh saja kalau kamu tidak mengikut mana-mana mazhab kerana mazhab itu hanyala sebagai panduan sahaja, tidak lebih dari itu..berbalik pada lelaki muslim pelik tadi, kita tidak tahu sama ada dia lebih berilmu dari kita, jadi kita tiada hak mengatakan cara dia salah..\"my point is, if u are truly confident on something (this case halal/haram issue) with enough reading, research, understanding on the subject..go ahead, u can do what ever you want to do..dont follow any fatwa also can..but still most of us are normal muslim, so its better we follow what already written by who have more understanding on this issue..off topic : lama dah x main tera , sekarang main FFXIV tapi sedih laptop GPU rosak, cannot play anymore till i repair my laptop ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982964396476746} +{"text": "duit haram masuk = halal je... tak ada masalah pun..!! ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998350143432617} +{"text": "Here we go again jpeg.Orang dah minta maaf So please la move on and fokus benda lebih penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999994039535522} +{"text": "QUOTE(FindingGamerWife @ Jul 8 2014, 10:50 PM)they will put pork on the vegetablesor they will put beer.such is real chinese foodoh, that ginseng roots which sounds halal? they will put pork powder or beer powder to make it haram and make it sell.But seriously, do these geniuses forget that there is a huge Muslim Chinese population which contributes to Chinese food and culture? Their restaurants are preferred in China because their preparation of food is considered clean. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9804635643959045} +{"text": "Bukan haram, tapi tak bersih. Islam kan disuruh makan makanan yang halal dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5840361714363098} +{"text": "Kesian,never eat your best friend ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.983026921749115} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 10:43 AM)Get out of here bro. If you don't drink don't talk cock.I haven't heard in my life of people getting drunk or tipsy from eating claypot rice. You do realise how little rice wine they put right? And not to mention a good portion of it will be burnt away.By all means according to your definition, it shouldn't be haram for claypot rice with rice wine. If you can find me someone that gets tipsy from claypot rice, please tell us. I also want to eat this rice.Chinese cooking rice wine was never made for getting drunk. It was made to remove fishiness or gamey-ness from meat, and a some sweet/sour flavor. Look at the name on bottle - it's literally called a cooking wine.Haram is haram. Simple as that. People wants to follow, they follow. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7447658181190491} +{"text": "The sarawak laksa is one of the best thing I ate in life ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993870735168457} +{"text": "Ini haram, itu haram, tapi wang rasuah tetap terima. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997871518135071} +{"text": "lel...another same case with texas chickenthe name something haram doesn't make it haram to eat...wake up ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992837309837341} +{"text": "mahal/murah relatif. yg penting bersih+halal Pilih makanan bersih mahal atau murah tapi ... http://tmi.me/1edbPb", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9856861233711243} +{"text": "@ustazdondani MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996150732040405} +{"text": "Yang jenis cakap Starbucks or Tealive haram ada kandungan babi / tak ada sijil halal ni mesti jenis orang miskin yang tak mampu nak beli . Dasar .", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "Yang beli mesti geng\u00b2 suka cheese kat semua makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9576437473297119} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zhao @ Nov 13 2015, 10:42 PM)got sayur haram ke? Your read my comment or not? lol. Not only food has halal la topkekThis post has been edited by Weng85: Nov 13 2015, 10:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999411106109619} +{"text": "Lol halal haram bab makanan merangkumi segala aspek termasuk kebersihan. Kalau mamak tak bersih pun boleh tarik sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998329877853394} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 28 2020, 11:09 AM)https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1165...su-daging-haramhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/116538/BERITA/Nasional/Tujuh-cadangan-tangani-isu-daging-haramJOHOR BAHRU - Pas Johor mencadangkan tujuh penambahbaikan dalam menangani isu kartel daging import tidak disembelih yang diletak logo halal dan dijual di pasaran Malaysia bagi memastikan perkara itu tidak berulang.Ketua Penerangan Pas Johor, Rusman Kemin berkata, pertamanya kerajaan perlu memperketatkan undang-undang yang melibatkan bahan makanan import Kedua katanya, melipatgandakan pemeriksaan ke atas premis-premis pemprosesan makanan selain membuat pembaharuan kepada logo halal bersesuaian dengan perkembangan semasa. \"Begitu juga bertindak pantas menangani isu-isu dengan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja\u00a0 manakala kelima manfaatkan sepenuhnya media kerajaan untuk mendidik masyarakat supaya peka dengan pengambilan makanan yang halal dan sihat .\"Keenam pula mengenakan hukuman yang berat kepada kakitangan kerajaan yang terlibat sebagai dalang dalam hal ini ,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini pada Isnin.Pada 2 Disember lalu, Sinar Harian menerusi laporan khasnya mendedahkan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kuarantin dan Pemeriksaan Malaysia (Maqis) kegiatan kartel daging sejuk beku import yang membawa masuk daging tanpa sijil halal sebelum meletakkan logo halal palsu untuk dijual di pasaran tempatan.Ketujuh katanya, menyediakan akses yang mesra dan mudah kepada rakyat untuk melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa .Pas Johor katanya, berharap isu-isu yang menjadi kebimbangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia dan sekian lama kurang diberi perhatian dapat diselesaikan segera.Dalam pada itu, Rusman berkata, Pas Johor turut menggesa kerajaan terutamanya Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), kastam, majlis agama negeri-negeri dan semua pihak berkuasa yang terlibat supaya lebih sensitif dalam isu itu.Pas Johor memandang serius isu berkenaan dan juga isu-isu seumpamanya yang telah berbangkit sebelum ini antaranya isu ayam di pasar raya yang tidak disembelih sempurna.Selain itu katanya, isu ikan patin di Perak yang diternak dengan memberi makan bangkai khinzir dan isu penyimpanan daging halal dan haram dalam satu tempat.\"Isu kebanyakan dapur-dapur hotel di negara ini yang tidak patuh syariah dan pelbagai isu lain berkaitan makanan yang tidak patuh syariah,\" katanya.jangan makan wahyu atau daging,makan sayur sahaja,tak ada masalah lagi, ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8044512867927551} +{"text": "banyak lagi haiwan boleh diberi makankenapa mesti anjing, haiwan yang najis, bakal pergi keneraka setelah menyentuh nya,ini tidak bukan saja nak cari publisiti #DoneInternetDakwahTimeToOpenPornHub ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999749660491943} +{"text": "QUOTE(pokchik @ Nov 29 2022, 12:24 PM)Sekolah Agama also important - enables us to learn to let experts handle their own field (meletakkan kemaslahatan buat yang ahli).But this brother memandai2.This is what Ustaz Don said in his ceramah - ulama\u2019 also didn\u2019t say anything, yet bodoh influencers like this lebai pandai2 buat fatwa sendiri. Sesat lagi menyesatkan.yes,.. agama should indoctrinate since childhood,.. to stunt critical thinking,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997949004173279} +{"text": "QUOTE(demamkuning @ Dec 23 2020, 02:18 PM)Lol justified laBudget was never enuff to stop haram meat cartels Next year budget tripled To avoid the same case happening againi lol-ed at this..because we all know this is so going to happen.....Oh MalaysiaKu.. JAKIM been fooling Malays for 20+ years at least. (while the cartel been in operation for 40 years)Meanwhile, Old Town White Coffee memang selling halal jiken food get 1 bogus viral video, JAKIM terus inspection the kedai... Malays really easy to play with by other Malays huh...This post has been edited by Jiao2 Itchy: Dec 23 2020, 03:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992756247520447} +{"text": "Yang penting, janji kita the holiest in the world. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997391104698181} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 21 2019, 07:13 PM)one glass won't be intoxicated what,.. some more got health advantage,..then drunken chicken can eat or not ???.. u eat whole thing won't be intoxicated too...doesn't matter how you want to put a spin on it. it's haram as been explained. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985179305076599} +{"text": "klu non muslim jual air, tp kite ragu2 halal atau haram sebb xde sijil halal, lepas tu kita trus label produk tu haram, \u201candai kata\u201d produk dri kedai tu betul2 halal di dari segi hukum cuma xde apply sijil halal je, agak2 org yg ckp produk tu haram kire fitnah x?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.908803403377533} +{"text": "Life is hard. Best of luck to them ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998447895050049} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Dec 30 2023, 08:52 AM)The most dumbass ktards here mentioned that Mcd should start selling pork burger.Well then, good luck looking for a worker. I'm sure even Indian also won't even applyThen don't complain why Mcd hire 100% foreign workers and no local people work.Even some chinese here complain quality of food downgrade in certain chinese restaurants because of foreign workers that cook the foodOf course nons cook lah. McRib we anticipate your arrival. Muak betul see workers today so malas kerja tak ilhlas asyik lambat serve wrong orders.Cook lard fries confirm more nons come support. Bukannya puak boikot these days sokong Mekdi pun. No loss. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8644870519638062} +{"text": "QUOTE(serdangonline @ Sep 12 2023, 10:01 AM)Biasa la tu. Kalau dah perangai kafir, kita terang macamana pun bukan nak dengar. Lagi nak putar belit. The only one putar belit here is y'all. If you haven't noticed, even on this thread itself have multiple conflicting reasons why it's haram. It seems like y'all don't even know what's what.And I shall reiterate again. Chinese cooking wine is not arak. Arak = alcoholic beverage. It is not drinkable at all. According to someone's Mufti link here, I don't see any category listed there that makes Chinese cooking wine haram. The mufti link specifically points out arak is haram, but as I said, cooking wine is not arak. The fact it contains alcohol does not make it an arak, which is exactly what the link says too (basically not all alcoholic products are arak). Yes it went through the same process as making an arak, but so is Tapai. They're both literally the same thing - fermentation of rice.The same mufti link also says Tapai is halal but avoids the obvious problem i.e. Tapai has high alcohol percentage and you can definitely can intoxicated with it. There's a lot of social media posts of people getting mabuk by eating tapai. You can find it yourself. So it seems technically one can consume a halal food and yet be in a haram state lol.I shall post the clauses here again\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSetiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.> not a miniman arak..can't even minum bro..drink cooking wine is like drinking soy sauce!Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.> irrelevantMinuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.> irrelevantManakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.> no one is drinking itMakanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.> technically fits the bill for cooking wineMakanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.> conflicted if it can be considered as bahan perisa but I think it should be? it's not a drink and it's used as seasoning.> as bahan perisa, then it probably makes it legal because 1) you don't get drunk from it few drops of it lol 2) i guess you need to measure the alcholic percetange in claypot rice to be <0.5% which i'm pretty sure it is lmfaoUbat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.> irrelevantThis post has been edited by trojandude: Sep 12 2023, 10:20 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999459981918335} +{"text": "Kita as muslim, i'm sure most of us assuming yang orang islam lain tahu halal haram, dan juga menjaga kebersihan (hopefully). Its up to you nak makan kt mana sekalipun, as long as you're confident yang makanan tu halal dan bersih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9478616714477539} +{"text": "QUOTE(NotAnotherNick @ Dec 20 2023, 08:42 PM)so can display cake with the words Merry Christmas for all to see ?cannot also must say can after all the viral and backlash ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999524354934692} +{"text": "REBUTLAH 7 AMALAN SUNNAH DI BULAN RAMADAN Berbuka puasa dengan kurma/makanan yang manis Membaca doa sebelum berbuka Melambatkan bersahur kerana ada padanya berkat Menyegerakan berbuka puasa", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9463825225830078} +{"text": "is the rice wine being used really the one that people will drink? or is it used only for cooking?Source: Jabatan Mufti Pulau Pinang Facebook Post regarding AlcoholI'm quoting Jabatan Mufti Pulau PinangQUOTE1) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2) Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3) Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4) Tapai halal dimakan.5) Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.This post has been edited by rollinginsodeep: Sep 8 2023, 12:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.721631646156311} +{"text": "\u27a1\ufe0f FAMA menyasarkan untuk melahirkan 180 usahawan OKU menjelang akhir 2019. Kita akan tingkatkan imej, penjenamaan produk, termasuk mempunyai sijil halal dan bersedia untuk pasaran eksport. \u27a1\ufe0f Kita juga akan mewujudkan program mentor mentee bagi bimbingan usahwan baharu. https://t.co/8KgD2KBXjV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977331161499023} +{"text": "\r\nThe following without 'E' prefixes are also Haram:-\r\n26\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0476\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 Polyglycerol esters of polycondensed acids of castor oil\r\n27\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0542\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 Edible bone phosphates\r\n28\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0570\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 Steearic acid\r\n29\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0572\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 Magnesium stearate\r\n30\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0631\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 Meat extracts, dried sardines and sodium 5-insosinate\n\r\nOthers to note as Haram too:-\r\n441\r\n470\r\n476\r\n477\r\n473\r\n474\r\n475\r\n491\r\n492\r\n481\r\n482\r\n483\r\n570\r\n572\r\n494\r\n542\r\n631\r\n635\r\n920", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Tak pasti,\nfungsi JAKIM ni memang semata untuk kesan haram halal dalam makanan sahaja ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992315769195557} +{"text": "Other countries are progressing, and Malaysia still questioning is Dog is haram or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "Cukur ktards cannot go. Langkawi become tanah haram riao. Ayam go full equipped with ninja gears soon. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9615252614021301} +{"text": "QUOTE(God Grid @ Feb 22 2023, 01:29 AM)Heilongjiang has the best girlsdefinitely agree on thatwent to their hang flower clubs, fuhhhhhhhh malaysia can go dietheir basic hang flower clubs also have hundreds of girls already and all model levelSo it is worth it to go there just for cheong, and some sight seeing. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995237588882446} +{"text": "QUOTE(scofool @ Dec 31 2016, 02:24 PM)Tak masuk itu page viral then not in list.Niamah ada mana?tarak jln2 ka ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997929930686951} +{"text": "Kalau nak cerita halal haram la, bahan kimia apa yg haram/ halal tu? Yg ada babi ke? Salah satu kimia utk rawat air ialah klorin. Klorin yg ada sijil halal tu boleh minum tak? Kalau kimia ada sijil halal, boleh tuang byk2 utk rawat air?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:16 PM)Everything is created/ordered by God for a good reason.There are many religious codes of conducts which hav been scientifically proven to be beneficial to mankind.But there are a lot of things that God created for us to discover for ourselves, where when we try even with our best, we would still not know everything.God make it that way so we stay humble and realize where we sit; instead of start thinking highly of ourselves and playing god in this world.Humility is among the most fundamental attributes in Islam.i see a lot of muftis/sultans tec are playing god now cant believe people follow em blindly ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997978806495667} +{"text": " Sumbangan Dana Musaadah COVID-19 JAKIM - YWM RM60,000 kepada wakil Kadi Daerah Tangkak untuk Misi Bantuan Prihatin Pasca Banjir Briged Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Johor Darul Takzim 26 pek makanan kepada penduduk Kg. Solok dan pengusaha bas", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9967855215072632} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeroonetwo @ Aug 18 2015, 11:22 AM)Using electronic cigarettes, also known as Vape, is now haram for Muslims, the National Fatwa Council has decreed, Utusan Malaysia reported today.\"We have discussed the issue of cigarettes and shisha and we can equate it with the Vape. Firstly, it is dangerous, second, it is wasteful and third, it is detrimental to health. So when the effects are the same, we have declared it as haram,\" he was quoted as saying.many people cainis utensil don't wanna use, gay they bash as haram etc. Vape pula camne ye?cigarette is haram right? Why UMNO never ban government servant from smoking? Every time I masuk JKR meeting sure got 2-3 ppl smoking. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998599290847778} +{"text": "QUOTE(zerorating @ Apr 30 2024, 07:39 PM)like that ribena also haram la. you cant eliminate 100% of bacteriayogurt also haram.All fermentation and distilling foods are in question.Marmite, yoghurt, Japanese nato beans, perserved fruits/vegetables all which are supposed to among the world's healthiest food for the gut with probiotics all neds to undergo halal certification?Halal certification is to create extra income like protection money? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "Tular video pusat penyembelihan tidak mengikut hukum syarat, tiada sijil halal https://t.co/q8adnxzITG via SinarOnline", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997935891151428} +{"text": "Apa yg aku faham, pensijilan halal tgk pd bahan sumber haiwan sembelih ikut syara, tiada babi atau haiwan yg haram dimakan serta kebersihan bahan, peralatan dan tempat penyediaan. Tp ramai kata nak dpt sijil susah dan sgt mahal wpun bisnes tak guna produk daging", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9893871545791626} +{"text": "QUOTE(PeopleOfPerlis @ Feb 1 2024, 05:57 PM)PAS: Batalkan konsert Ed SheeranKetua Dewan Ulama PAS Pusat (DUPP), Ahmad Yahaya menggesa kerajaan membatalkan konsert bintang pop British Ed Sheeran kerana didakwa menyokong lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT).\u201cApakah kita masih belum sedar dengan tragedi menjijikkan oleh sebuah kumpulan pro-LGBT The 1975 yang telah melakukan adegan kurang sopan di hadapan ribuan penonton selain menghina pendirian negara menolak ideologi berkenaan?\u201cDi mana maruah negara ketika mereka menghina pendirian kita menolak fahaman songsang mereka,\" katanya seperti dipetik HarakahDaily.Ahmad menegaskan penganjuran konsert itu pada 24 Feb mencemarkan kesucian bulan Ramadan yang semakin hampir. Dijangka umat Islam akan memulakan ibadah puasa pada 10 Mac depan.'\u201cApatah lagi persembahan berkenaan dijadualkan ketika umat Islam dalam negara dalam persiapan menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan yang mulia.\"Apakah kita semakin terhakis rasa sensitif terhadap hal ehwal agama?,\u201d soalnya.Sheeran sebelum ini pernah mengadakan konsert di Malaysia pada 2019 sempena jelajah dunia \"Divide\" manakala persembahan akan datang ini sebahagian daripada \"+-=\u00f7x Asia Tour\", yang turut menampilkan penyanyi jemputan, Calum Scott.Terdahulu, Mufti Pulau Pinang, Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor (gambar bawah) meminta umat Islam di negara ini memulau konsert penyanyi terbabit dan mengingatkan bahawa umat Islam ditegah bekerjasama dalam perkara yang membawa kepada dosa atau maksiat seperti dinyatakan di dalam al-Quran.Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Ahmad Yahya berkata pihak penganjur seharusnya akur dan menerima teguran oleh Wan Salim berkenaan isu terbabit dan bukan sebaliknya berdolak dalik dengan alasan yang tidak munasabah.\u201cJusteru, DUPP turut menggesa kerajaan supaya tidak sesekali membenarkan persembahan mana-mana artis Barat pro-LGBT selain menghormati kemuliaan bulan Ramadan yang bakal menjelma tidak lama lagi,\u201d katanya.Gesaan agar konsert tebabit dibatalkan turut dibuat Ketua Pemuda PAS Selango Sukri Omar.\u201cApa yang sangat dikesali, kerajaan Madani ini langsung tidak mempunyai sensitiviti dan sangat jinak untuk membiarkan penganjuran konsert melibatkan artis luar negara yang jelas mempamerkan sokongan mereka terhadap LGBT.\u201cIbarat bapa kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari. Rakyat Malaysia sungguh kecewa dengan pendirian PMX yang sebelum ini tidak ambil kisah dengan suara rakyat untuk membatalkan konsert Coldplay, malah lebih mengecewakan, PMX sendiri mengalu-alukan kedatangan Coldplay ke Malaysia.\"Adakah kerajaan sedang menormalisasikan sesuatu,\" soalnya.Sukri (gambar bawah) menggesa kerajaan PH-BN menghormati nasihat yang diberikan oleh para mufti dan ulama berhubung perkara tersebut.\"(Ed Sheeran) pernah membalutkan dirinya dengan bendera pelangi yang cukup sinonim dengan kelompok LGBT sewaktu mengadakan konsert sebelum ini. Cukup bahaya.ADS\u201cJanganlah kerajaan dan pihak yang terlibat bersikap defensif untuk mempertahankan penganjuran konsert ini,\u201d tegas Sukri.Semalam, Menteri Komunikasi Fahmi Fadzil memberi jaminan konsert bintang Ed Sheeran akan berjalan seperti yang dijadualkan.Katanya, konsert itu sudah mendapat lampu hijau daripada Jawatankuasa Permohonan Penggambaran Filem Asing dan Persembahan Artis Luar Negara (JK-Puspal).\"Antara 16 agensi yang terbabit dalam perbincangan untuk memutuskan permohonan mana-mana persembahan artis luar negara melalui jawatankuasa Puspal adalah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).\"Sudah pasti saringan teliti dibuat oleh semua agensi ini, jadi saya mohon supaya proses sedia ada ini (diikuti).\u201cKita ambil maklum pandangan tetapi kita ada prosesnya,\" jelas menteri itu.https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/695020puak pas jauhkan diri mu dari konsert,apa susah? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9216762781143188} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Aug 18 2022, 02:35 PM)Kalau kedai Cina ni geli tak? Ayat cina tu Haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 02:52 PM)Eh, how you know how much my rental is ar??? Driving there have to get license, international license tak boleh jalan, no need to take driving test, but need to take the written test, and man oh man, that macam ambil a course in Uni, then I malas d, I never take the car and driver, so had it converted into allowance which added to my yearly budget to purchase air tickets, either for my family to visit me or me to fly to location of my choosing.Last time I process payment for expat in ChinaThen very kepo loh check their rentalThen u everyday take Didi to work loh?How's china ppl driving there? Gentle or like Malaysia style?The car I see at Shanghai on road, many Conti. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9032536745071411} +{"text": "Ingat senang ke nk dapat sijil halal? \ud83e\udd74 Once aku cakap kat member aku, weh produk aku, aku tak mampu lagi nak apply sijil halal.. Then he said \"Ko jual makanan weh, orang tahu lah ko islam jual benda halal.\" but still...", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99825519323349} +{"text": "Increase petrol soonringgit devaluedconcert cancelledlack of fdi due to conservatismhow to save malaysia?I dont see we increase our manpower capability alsoevery company is like changing employees so quicklylike divorce rateamoi tak suka, terus minta break upbincsngkan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953967928886414} +{"text": "Pengguna hendaklah memeriksa tiga ciri utama Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia untuk mendapatkan kepastian tentang status halal premis. (Lihat tweet @himsacis yang bertajuk Kenali Premis Halal di Malaysia)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "Sebab suka chinese food, masa kerja dulu, selalu makan kat kedai auntie cina, kedai dia mmg ada halal certificate. Org melayu pun ramai makan kedai dia. Bersih dan makanan sedap.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997751116752625} +{"text": "QUOTE(LookOut! @ Jan 3 2017, 04:53 PM)ini mesti produk sjkc punya kerja nihYela tu, produck SK mana ada minda utk fikirkan semua idea niThis post has been edited by vincentsiow: Jan 3 2017, 05:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996423721313477} +{"text": "Aku pernah keje kedai makan melayu, toksah la bangga sangat.\n\nAyam tak cuci, beras tak cuci, sayur beli yg reject, hot dog-mee-fishcake bukan yg ada cert halal..mcm-mcm lagi.\n\nBila tegur, tokey ckp \"org kita bukan kira benda tu semua, janji murah\"\n\nSo..jgn la bangga sgt.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980265498161316} +{"text": "QUOTE(AfraidIGotBan @ Jan 25 2024, 08:32 PM)I fed up with the people, not the business.I love food. Making food, creating food, tasting, trying, whatever GG.com that would make me say \"Walauwehhhh\" during the process. But not the sohais. The kind that ordering a salmon Poke Bowl, ask you if the edamame is halal, and is our Wasabi-Mayo is made from egg white only, or if the mayo is vegan alternative. That's where the stupidity makes you feel like... \"Dei, penampar sama you!\"Deswai, I had my wife bertelur tiga. With kids, everything fed up also you can terus continue challenge. Even Credit sudah kosong cannot revive also you still have godmode to challenge the final bawse with x99 transformation lel. I think that's also why my wife just let me handle those repetitive, menial, boring, jobs and let her have all the Hooman relationship, name memorizing, finer details like \"this supplier sudah tutupe, that fucker baru change new wife, this bugger cheong kantoi, or that staff sudah mau balik pinoy, etc etc\"Know what I'm thinking nowadays?Trying to port into POSH CLUBS industry. I had the opportunity to joint own a villa in Shenzhen, intro by kawan. It is a sorta like... a 10x double room, 15x bath-toilet makeup room, 4x living room, 2x kitchen, movie theater, whatever GG.com shit stuff kind of posh building.And Im thinking of making it into something like a Club Med style establishment, just to entertain the Fu-Er-Dais and Fuuuuuuu-king rich sohais.all the best bro! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999719858169556} +{"text": "And this is why ladies & gentlemen mesia will never ever obtain any Michelin star recommendation. Not necessarily because there's the issue of halal/non-halal but of the confusion. The best western food may not have pork but it uses so called non-halal ingredients. Ditto Chinese food. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962068796157837} +{"text": "ustaz cakap makanan kena bersih, halal dan....... berkat.....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9918038845062256} +{"text": "Malam ini aku juga belum makan jadi akan pesan makanan, aku lagi suka sekali dengan apapun yang berwarna pink jadi aku beli makanan yang semuanya berwarna pink \u208d\u2445\u1422..\u1422\u208ePertama aku mau makan sushi berbentuk hati, ini pakai tuna. Eumm enak sekali \u0aee\ua4b0 \u0f80\u0f72 >\u2e1d\u2e1d\u2e1d< \u0f80\u0f72\ua4b1\u10d0", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998729228973389} +{"text": "QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Aug 30 2019, 06:58 PM)The problem with Proton last time is they lack personnel that understand chinese market and they trying their best in fixing itHaving a chinese car dealers help a lot when they have big customer base and know how to market in chinese language media and events This is the truth - some chinese prefer to have chinese salesman due to language barrierThis is reality of marketing and Proton show they learningYou need to shed the negative racism outlookThey've got chinese dealers since before, heck I bought iriz from a chinese dealer.When Geely came in, Geely asked the dealers to upgrade to 3S/4S. The chinese didn't make so much noise, they just obeyed.But the bumi ones, through their association, made so much noise, claim tindas melayu etc silly excuses.Now most 3S/4S are cina ones, this careta writer butthurt. He should blame that PEKEMA for not supporting Geely's call to upgrade, but instead he wrote paragraphs and paragraphs cina this, cina that, and the intention is pretty obvious, but you remain blind to it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.582149088382721} +{"text": "Beli dkt manaaaaa. Saya suka makan makanan macam niii", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5297333598136902} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 11:10 AM)Probably you misunderstood me. Let me rephrase and making it simpler for you. Muslims cant:1) drink alcoholic beverages, to avoid intoxication.2) eat or drink, food or beverages that were mixed with alcoholic sources, to avoid intoxication.While number 2) doesn\u2019t necessarily make one drunk/tipsy, we will still try to avoid it. If you can respect that, then we are all good, if you can\u2019t, then I have no more to add after this post.And btw, your experience of not seeing people getting tipsy from eating wine claypot rice, doesn\u2019t tell the whole story also la. Humans in general process alcohol in their bodies differently, you or your drunken friends dont feel anything after eating food mixed with alcoholic beverage it\u2019s because of science also, tolerance to alcohol etc. Also, to add, there are people in the whole world who are trying to avoid alcohol, due to health reasons. You want to die by damaging your liver, go ahead. Less one idiot on /k also.You know that yeast produces alcohol when fermenting the bread for rise? Most of the alcohol is gone in the baking process, but because of the structure of bread, some of it is still capture in the bread structure. Bread has about 1-2% of alcohol in it. You still eat bread right? I wouldn't be surprised if bread has more alcohol in than in claypot chicken rice cooked with cooking wine. Alcohol vaporizes at 78C, but can evaporate easily at much lower temperatures. If you mixed a cup of water with alcohol and leave it be in your room, the alcohol would disaapear over time. So you can imagine what heat does to alcohol when cooking. At home, we cook some dishes with cooking wine.. my children eat the food too.. as young as 2 years old. No sign of drunkardness If you're saying your tolerance is lower than that of a toddler, I dunno what to say. Your religion's guidelines on it, with explanation is actually quite clear. The goal is to avoid intoxication, which is why it is not alcohol itself (chemical compound) that is haram, but alcoholic beverages like wine/beer. It also then becomes understandable as to why mixing it into food becomes haram, cause that creates a \"loop hole\" for people to abuse (but only if they ignore the intoxication clause). Not sure if you know this, but the cooking wine used in the video, is not drinkable. Its already been mixed with sugar and salt to be used as a cooking ingredient. It tastes horrible on its own. So its no longer an \"alcoholic beverage\". ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5068655610084534} +{"text": "@KhalidSamad Cai khadam dapigs sdh kegoyangan? Sijil nikah halal bknnya haram mcm semburit peliwat perogol dlm ph tu\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude03", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999819993972778} +{"text": "QUOTE(Magna Carta @ Dec 22 2020, 09:32 PM)Missing the elephant in the room.RM40 for a chicken chop. REALLY ??????RM40. EMPAT PULUH RINGGIT 1 CHICKEN CHOP.GILA. U sell this price I also eat don't pay la.Diu lei sor. RM 40 for 1 chicken chop.dey lu blind or what?rm10 for 1 ciken chopi think father eat meat kari. while his children eat ciken chopcb mesti wife teach children makan mahal2. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999800980091095} +{"text": "So bila pergi oversea, tak perlu pon nak pastikan setiap makanan kita ada sijil halal jakim. \n\nJust semak sijil halal yg ada dekat makanan tersebut, ia dikeluarkan oleh jabatan yg diiktiraf oleh JAKIM ataupun tidak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9238386154174805} +{"text": "QUOTE(Moshpit94 @ Feb 10 2019, 02:31 AM)Well to explain this thing it is very hard as you need to learn the 1 to 1 ilmu channel. I'll just give you kupasan kulit, from there Insyaallah you will start to find. In Islam we have 4 types of Ilmu which is Syariat, Tarekat, Hakikat & Makrifat. Remember when you find an Ustaz make sure they stick to these 4 foundation or else Akidah akan lari because the more you learn, the more mindfuck you are but as long when you reach Makrifatullah and u go back to Syariat, insyaallah u will see everything is clear. Well I do agree appearance does matter to give a good image for one religion however when you learn more, it's not about appearance that matter, is about you Mengenal Diri dan Mengenal Allah that matter. Yep first time I judge when I went to learn pondok under recommendation of Mufti Wilayah (the current one), this ustaz xpkai pon lebai ke jubah siap cucuh rokok depan aku and dri situ aku dah judge betul ke dia ni. Tp bila aku dh belajar dan fahami dan ditalkinkan, bukit rokok yg patut aku nampak, tp ilmu di dada dia. Kenapa? Tipulah kalau hang p mall pakai jubah boh lebai hang x rasa setitik pon riak kt dlm hati hg bila org puji dan pandang hang. Masalah sekarang kita terlalu pentingkan Syariat dari mengenal apa itu Islam. Para2 org yg ada ilmu ni sampai terpaksa mendiamkan diri dan berserah sbb rmai sngt manusia dok lempaq tuduhan sesat, kapiaq pa smua, even mufti pon bljr benda yg sama. Xdak sapa pon nk terangkan indahnya kalimah Laillah Ha Illallah. Takdak sapa nk explain 99 asma ul husna smpai ko pndg pokok pon boleh ingat dkt Allah. Susunan Azan, Nur Muhammad dalam zikir, syahadah, 5 rukun islam mengikut 7 lapisan, rukun iman. Hg paham 7 7 layer ni, bila hg patah balik kt syariat menerusi perbuatan menuju ke arah iaitu tarekat baru hg rasa nikmat manisnya iman smpai org pkai bju black metal imamkan hg pon hg x judge dia, hg senyum ja. Bacalah balik Quran dari tulisan rumi smpai pahamkan satu2 dgn hadith2 sohih, bila dh phm hg baca dlm jawi berlagu, baru hg boleh nangeh bro, barulah hg tau hg dah capai KIAMAT KUBRA, iaitu Kiamat kepada Diri sendiri dengen berserah dan beriman kepada Tuhan yg Maha Esa iaitu Allah swt. Insyaallah sy doakan smua dpt 2 cangkir ilmu ini iaitu ilmu yg wajib disebarkan dan ilmu rahsia yg Allah kurniakan hidayah.Al baqarah ayat 115. Dan sy kongsikan lagu yaseen dan altimet untuk kamu menghayati apa yang saya maksudkan https://youtu.be/Ver43kfyXVI Alhamdulillah brother, you have a very clear direction.good view, but brother, do not assume such things without understanding the context.Dr zulkifli is clearly reflecting what islam/muslim should be. all my life in this unique country, if there is a person who i believe is reflective of what real muslim should be is him. not because of his external appearance but his subtle body language.again, i disagree with the idea \"It all goes back to how strong your iman is. If your iman is strong, no matter what comes to you, any problem that happens, you believe that it is God's will and you know it's God's test to you.\"a) How would you know your iman is strong?b) What comes to you is yet to be the worst, and by just only believing in God's will, you will crumble just like a lot of scholars post \"zaman sahabat\".do you think that these scholars do not believe in God, do not believe in God's will?how come so many splinters in Muslim society appears post to the prophet era? do you really think they do not believe in God? so many civil wars, who is right who is wrong? can you depict these in real 100% fact? do you not see that these sides believe in the test of God, but yet they crumble?it is surely real as it is depicted in the \"book' that do not think that you are in virtue until we tested you\" do you really think that they do not believe in god until they do not realize that it is a test?the real muslim and scholars will never say this \"\"It all goes back to how strong your iman is. If your iman is strong, no matter what comes to you, any problem that happens, you believe that it is God's will and you know it's God's test to you.\" because they know how weak they are in comparison to Gods will and test.that is why they will pray that God always protects that from straying of the real path, and never takes back the virtue because they are scared and frighten to the test of God as they know because if the test is here, they will fall and crumble.c) everybody knows about the Syariat, Tarekat, Hakikat & Makrifat. trust me. its like a being overused so badly that people seems to have the idea that islam is so complex and very tecnical. jargen and stuff.stop it. it doesnt work any more.i just came back from Hajj last year, and it reveals more than ever how bad is muslim nowdays, contrary to non muslim. but wait wait wait.....you said as long as believe in god etc etc, should be able to overcome the test of dajal. NO!no such thing. what is real is practicality, not theory. go and do tafsir first before going into hadith etc.read tafsir to understand the real context of the \"book\" first before putting your finger in the world of hadith.just a good eg; you see those \"so-called scholars\" (how true that is, nobody can verify), that gives those sermons.i) jokes are the main value, its about how much you can make the crowd laugh. just like a stand-up comedian job.ii) profile of the scholars that to be invited, instead of looking at the topic, we prefer to see who is coming?iii) how fatass are they...gemuk2do you think that they do not believe in god? they said they believe in him, but...in practice do they really believe in God, it is hard for me to validate that with their action, which eventually supports the idea of making people confused.ok end of rant/ lets get back to the topic. (we can continue this with the PM function ) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978635907173157} +{"text": "HALAL... HARAM... ?PAJAK MAKANAN... ?\nBANYAK RESTORAN / CAFE MENGENAKAN PAJAK KPD YANG MAKAN, HATI HATI YG MEMILIKI BISNIS INI ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9546693563461304} +{"text": "Orang yang boikot kedai makan bukan islam yg ada sijil halal ni mesti tak percaya audit jakim. Ingat senang ke nak dapat Halal? Kena audit KKM dulu utk Bess, kemudian baru Halal. Kedai hang kedai melayu kenapa tak apply Bess dgn Halal? Sebab Malas? Ini ye dinamakan melayu malas.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998948872089386} +{"text": "QUOTE(haroldz123 @ Jan 3 2016, 01:27 PM)If que puteh really work, it might contain banned substance hydroquinone.Asalkan usahawan bumiputera berjaya,mesti ada yang keluar statement dengki2 nak sabotaj ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9690328240394592} +{"text": "QUOTE(xtrabite @ Jan 9 2021, 06:40 AM)Mana ada tulis owner kena tindakan.Fitnah ni.Jabatan agama just checking.Sebab tengok ramai orang islam makan sana.Tolong check sahaja.Makanan halal penting untuk orang islam.Lepas check jabatan bagi tahu, restoren tiada sijil halal.Supaya kita orang islam elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Salah ke?90% Kedai mamak and 99% warung Melayu also no halal cert ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.991942286491394} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ergotism Prognosis @ Mar 26 2017, 12:01 PM)Nope.Food tat ain't prepared according to Islam's guidelines is Haram.you meant not according to jakim? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997884631156921} +{"text": "Halal jakim tu untuk makanan dan minuman ja yang nak kait dengan couple haram apa semua tu buat apa. Point unrelatable. Bodoh nak mampos.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997077584266663} +{"text": "QUOTE(Brotherjoe @ Dec 24 2020, 07:21 PM)Next year 2021 -\u00a0 celebrate xmas is dosa..i wonder when are they going to ban the use of lower case Tu which year? its already announce long time ago cele xmas, cny, deepavalli is dosa. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986833930015564} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Mar 29 2021, 06:32 PM)This is why honda > allSure. They have the best rattling cars in MY too. Don't forget widest in panel gaps too. Noisiest interiors also. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998014569282532} +{"text": "QUOTE(sad_ticket @ Jan 4 2016, 09:41 PM)Maybe you can help your muslim fren and give them the e fatwa link and let them ask the fatwa on eating duck meat.1)Duck is not dua alam.2) Muslim cant eat duck if duck are not slaughter in Islamic way.Try ask them again why they say duck is 2 alam when it proven it is not 2 alam.Don't think I can cox am a non Muslim myself. Later they say 'eh, you ingot you lebih pandai dari kita orang ke!?!?' Yeah... Maybe it's the 2nd point that you mention - can't eat duck if not slaughtered in Islamic way. But doesn't that applies to others as well? Like chicken etc? Lots of eatery doesn't state halal or it's been slaughtered in Islamic way but I still see many Muslim people eating ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998457431793213} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Jul 7 2023, 02:47 PM)Aye, this year doesn't seem like a good year to expand, if anything.i see i see. but if biz okay, break even / profit little without much action needed, continue je. all the best bro. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999797523021698} +{"text": "nak tanya org yg jual jual air or makanan dekat stall tepi tepi jalan tu ada sijil halal tak? entah bersih tah tidak preparation dia tapi kita still beli jugak kann. semak betul tengok org yg malas membaca psl halal ni menggeletis asal takde sijil halal je mst ada babi? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "With the recent huhahuha on the bank \"riba\" is haram. Does that means ASB, EPF are haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "Soon kena apply Haram logo???Kekwa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977319240570068} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Oct 25 2016, 03:14 PM)how can the imam make a comment when he was not there to know what was actually happened? I think his comment is based on what he heard and what he thought is okay.Halal or haram is not about Jakim cert and in that case the imam is correct. Jakim cert on the other hand is a certification saying that the product is halal and clear from any vagueness that leads to doubtful such as naming and cleanliness of the place manufacturing the product. You dont have to get jakim cert to say that food is halal, but if you have that, it will clear any misunderstanding the leads to the doubtful of the food. It is a combination of science (in terms of determining the food ingredients) and human sociology or ecology (in terms of vagueness or doubtful).now we have burger p ramlee, is it halal or non halal? if it is non halal, can it lead to muslim customer to buy it? it is the government or the ruler responsibility to make sure that its citizen not deviating the teaching of islam.Hotdog definitely not haramNobody confused about hotdogOnly in jakim imagination Even Mufti Perlis say hotdog is okRational able minded human has no issue with hotdog ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5763691067695618} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 5 2023, 06:05 PM)Pemakan babi is more kepoci about halal haram..one of their favourite topicIt's not kepochi. Pemakan babi actually scratching their heads wondering whyyyy muslims like you so butthurt with the sign \"pork free\" when the shop never force you to eat there or mislead by claiming they are halal and you can makan tanpa was was. Unless you actually thinks \"pork free\" equals dishonest we-are-halal claims, even without the halal certification? How stupid can that be?This post has been edited by bigwolf: Nov 5 2023, 06:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999086856842041} +{"text": "QUOTE(LamboSama @ Nov 2 2013, 09:14 PM)the knowlegde is shared but the decisions should still be left to the individuals. and based on this thread you guys really can't blame the non-muslims for not understanding halal/haram concepts as you guys have differing opinions/interpretations between each other also. inb4 sharing knowledge in church and got raid. We do have different opinions/interpretations; but the backbone and purpose are all the same.QUOTE(C-Note @ Nov 2 2013, 09:15 PM)Dear TS, you said its a sin for muslims to eat pork. Is it a sin for non-muslims to eat pork?It is not a sin for non-Muslims to eat pork in Islam.QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 09:15 PM)implying brute force and violence ?more like controlling a community\u00a0 No one here is implying that. U je. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chisinlouz @ Mar 13 2024, 01:40 PM)Why, cant speak Chinese and nego best deal? Google translate kan ada. Janji sjkc bye byeTakkan this guy cannot speak Chinese meh? Datuk Liu Guoquan, president of the Malaysian Fujian General Chamber of Commerce ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "kelakarlak. kalau memang ada halal certification kat taiwan dan thailand. kan permudahkan halal certification kat malaysia. tak kan sengkek sangat nak apply sijil halal malaysia. ada syarat lain kot. macam kat singapura, halal cert untuk food outlet mesti ada pekerja islam. https://t.co/kGxRaRxYEH", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982799291610718} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?I personally know those that married melei awek, still live haroom life (ie. pork and beer) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8811660408973694} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShadowR1 @ Jul 11 2024, 10:54 AM)Hypocrite do what Hypocrite do best.Mulut cakap suma salah cina dap dan lge ... anak hantar e Chinese school krik krik krik ... hawk tuah.Munafik tu memang budaya dan halala.This just proves that Malays are not all the same. There are many divisions. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996941089630127} +{"text": "\ud83d\udd2eSejauhmana impak pensijilan halal kepada makanan tradisi pelbagai kaum? \ud83d\udd2eApa yang pengguna Islam kita perlu faham mengenai produk HALAL dalam konteks Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia? Ikuti... https://t.co/1e1XOaK1Fr", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8513964414596558} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Dec 18 2023, 12:57 PM)NEWLY-WEDS Greg and Susan are looking for new digs for their start-up home. Having lived in a crowded suburb of Cheras for the past few years, they were looking for a change of scenery.Their real estate agent noted their budget and their requirements. The couple wanted a quiet, well-planned neighbourhood, where roads and sidewalks are not an extension of coffee shops and mamak restaurants.As Cheras residents, they have had enough of the country\u2019s longest pasar malam. There should be plenty of nearby parks where they could go for evening runs and enjoy some fresh air, instead of smog.The agent brought them to edusphere in Cyberjaya. It was completely different to the haphazard planning that is Cheras, the entire township being neat and tidy.The wide roads held no potholes and the wider sidewalks were ideal for jogging. There were also a number of public parks that would appeal to young couples.They were even more impressed when they arrived at edusphere. Part of HCK Capital Group\u2019s education cities series, the development is anchored by the University of Cyberjaya.This meant finding tenants for their home should be easy should they move out to a bigger home in the future. However, for now, the 790sq ft Northwood suite seemed ideal for their needs.With two bedrooms and two bathrooms, there was sufficient space for them to have a dedicated reading room. The dual key feature would be useful should they rent out the unit in the future.Greg and Susan were also impressed with the facilities which included a swimming pool, gymnasium and BBQ area which allows them to entertain guests.Cyberjaya and edusphere really did feel a world away from their previous lifestyle in Cheras. Having selected a unit to their liking, Greg and Susan made their first significant decision as husband and wife by signing on the dotted line.https://focusmalaysia.my/a-cyberjaya-lifest...ctKmv0oulBbZx7kCyber ppl always go dengkil and puchong for lunch/dinnerMana best? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999581575393677} +{"text": "QUOTE(kent2010 @ Nov 29 2023, 10:58 AM)Minum je jenama yg hang tau....xyah cuba brand lain nanti sendiri yg konpius lalu viral kat social media.Tau jer coca cola. Apa kapir tulisan Jack Daniels tu.This post has been edited by Doomsday: Nov 29 2023, 12:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999027252197266} +{"text": "Everything halal. Nice marketing gimmick. Typical haram manga ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "QUOTE(DEVILtonight @ Sep 27 2016, 04:03 PM)Another Chinese Muslim here. I have a cousin who is also. We both came to it separately (not close to him). Generally most ppl here have already reply But just to reiterate:1) Become Muslim doesn't mean become Malay. I love Chinese food, esp the 'clear' stuff. Hard to find 'clear/ching' stuff in Malay style cooking sometimes. I don't identify with Malay culture at all because it isn't the one I grew up in. I speak Malay like damn cinapek style lol.2) You can keep your own name. Wasn't like this before, but because of ppl like Lim Jooi Soon, he talked and discussed with the religious authorities on this subject; he is among the ppl who opened the door to it. 3) Besides Lim Jooi Soon and Firdaus Wong, there is also Hussein Yee (Al-Khaadem, Damansara) who is an educated Muslim. I rmbr Lim Jooi Soon got number to call if you got questions.4) There are a lot of Chinese Muslims; many I know did that because they found it the best representation of God. Some openly convert. Some are underground; afraid to tell ppl. 5) Sometimes it's the family themselves who push their newly converted family member away. On my side, I handled stubbornly like, \"NO I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL LOVE MEEE\". And in time, mine accepted slowly. Sometimes other ppl aren't so lucky. Parents pack their bags and throw out of the house. Sometimes their relationship heal again after grandchildren are involved.I like your style \"NO I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL LOVE MEEE\"Yeah sad to hear some parents throw out their children for converting to Islam. But this is mainly because in Malaysia non-muslim are often subjected to the worse representation of Islam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8230897188186646} +{"text": "Dapat dodol panas petang - petang ni pun best juga kan siapa usahawan Halal yang ada produk makanan yang sedap dan dijamin Halal jom lah sertai HALFEST JAKIM 2020. Semuanya yang Halal dibawah satu bumbung ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999701976776123} +{"text": "Once I asked jakim officerAPA paling penting Dalam apply halal1. Takde babi2. Perkerja islam, janji Islam takde melayu, Indo Islam pun okThis two only, according to him. And then cleanliness, but I ask him relates to Islam?He said, kena jugak Jaga kebersihaan.Ask if it's same with jabatan kesihatan?He said, Sama saje, cuma Kita tolong jabatan kesihatanAnyway, msia, janji main issue kaum, confirm straight viral, insta profit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997647404670715} +{"text": "Dah lebih sejuta Orang Kaum Islam Uighurs China Ditahan Untuk Di Murtadkan! Apakah M'sia Sekadar Senyap Saja? Mohon Semua Produk Makanan China Yang Ada Sijil Halal Diistiharkan Tidak Halal kerana Dikhuatiri Tidak Mengikut Hukum Syara Yang Sah! https://t.co/gCgFG7NCPf", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998064637184143} +{"text": "Suruh support bmf, tapi Muslim punya kedai takde halal jakim, tak sedap, service teruk, tak consistent, culas bayar kwsp socso. Non muslim punya mostly ada halal jakim, sedap, service bagus, quality consistent, jarang dgr kes tak bayar epf or socso.\n\nJadi macam mana?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998722076416016} +{"text": "Sini Malaysia or Palestine? Ada masa sila jaga orang sendiri dulu.... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8337500691413879} +{"text": "like the old sayingU tak suka, U ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997588038444519} +{"text": "Kecian.. i think sushi jiro will kena saman for allowing muslim to dine in if this post viral up. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999587535858154} +{"text": "macam gerai2 kecik tepi jalan, takde sijil halal tapi kita yakin dia halal so kita beli kita makan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915368556976318} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Sep 23 2016, 04:43 PM)The important stage is the tauhid, the believe in God is one, before other things like rituals and fiqh (law/syariah). That is ehy the first part of the revelations (known as Meccan surahs) in the quran are about tauhid and the second part (the Medinan surahs) are about fiqh/syariah. The first part is about your own self, the second is about you and community. The thing about eating pork, drink alcohol etc are second part, both equally important but to strenghtened the first part is the priority.Totally agreed with you on what is first, second and so on. That would be something I have to personally accept. There are things that I agreed, and there are things that I am skeptic about, and some I am still in disagreement. I am still studying and pursuing the knowledge. But this thread, is about the ritual and culture of chinese muslim. Not to say it is not important, but this would be the biggest part of my life when I convert (or if I do convert), and I am also interested to know what is life like living as a chinese muslim, especially in Malaysia. Of course, the easy part would be to embrace Malay custom, but that's not what I intended to. Like you say, lifestyle while is secondary, is still equally important as it complements to own belief. Thanks for the word of encouragement. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999463558197021} +{"text": "berita gembira. moga musang king turun harga ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998141884803772} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:56 AM)\"Setiap Minuman yang Memabukkan itu adalah Haram\".Carlsberg itu syubhah. Walaupun wujud 0.0 alkohol seperti barbican, namun bezanya Barbican ada buat Beer Haram? Barbican made by Aujan Group. Coca-cola acquired 50% in Aujan Group.https://www.indiatvnews.com/business/news-c...ink-mart-545340Coca cola make alcoholic drinks.https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/m...lic-drink-japanSo whats the difference? Owner Barbican buat beer haram juga? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999908208847046} +{"text": "@asrulmm As-Salam @MyJAKIM. Merujuk tweet @asrulmm, NAK DAPATKAN SIJIL HALAL JAKIM SEBENARNYA mahal. BUKAN BOLEH BELI OVER THE COUNTER RM10 sesijil. SBB TU TAK BYK COMPANY DI M'SIA MAMPU DPTKAN SIJIL HALAL. BENARKAH? Mahal sangatkah? Ataupun mmg dah tradisi ORG M'SIA malas nak apply? https://t.co/WWeOT6mXyv", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995369911193848} +{"text": "Pondan ni ada duit banyak pon konek masih tak buang lagi... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998173117637634} +{"text": "Why not gov look into our farmers needs and what's best for Malaysian instead of worrying about PalestinePity the farmers , hope they get a fair deal .\nig2OsGZTwl8?si=7drkl_HqrUoKeKOZ\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993095397949219} +{"text": "Malaysia has a fatwa prohibiting smoking, rite?Ammarite? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8917698860168457} +{"text": "\ntak penah jejak pavillion ni...\n\r\nallergik skit tpt org2 kaya cenggini\npeachRose Post at 2-9-2010 08:19 \n\nKalau gi Pavilion , jgn terkojut nampak mat salleh dan minah salleh jalan tak pakai kasut. Kalau local people tak pakai kasut jalan2 kat Pavillion mesti org kata org giler, tapi kalau mat salleh tak pakai kasut jalan kat Pavilion org kata nampak trendy....Kih Kih Kih...Doniya...Doniya...", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9913371801376343} +{"text": "@autumnsdaisy Salam. We are talking about milk tea and pearl that consist of natural ingredients. My point was instead of relying on the sijil Jakim, we can think for ourself what is halal/haram. So yes, ada correlation. Sijil tak menentukan makanan tu halal/haram. Dia cuma menjaminkan jer.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997043013572693} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jazted @ Dec 27 2023, 09:46 PM)It is actually, Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan has released both tobacco fatwa that prohibit the usage of smoking and vape.Fatwas are nonbinding. Muslims are not required to follow their guidance. The force of a fatwa derives from the authority, trust and respect accorded to the clerics, scholars or institutions who issue them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Brand name suka hati diorang la nak taruk apa. You think buttercup is butter? It's not. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": " pape makanan pun selagi jakim tak keluarkan fatwa, tak pernah was was. Tak suka ikut orang, yakin diri sendiri. Hehe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8327434062957764} +{"text": "Both haram but hukum berbeza. Zzz.Sounds like sentencing a murder via stabbing will differ with murder via suffocation due to the nature or cruelty of murder. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999530553817749} +{"text": "\n\n I thought Halal was pretty straightforward in the Quran?\n \n Anything that's not listed as haram in the Quran is halal.\n \n I'm not some Islamic scholar, so it's not up to me to interpret Quran, so do correct me with the verse if I'm wrong.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5117250680923462} +{"text": "biasalah some non muslims kat lowyatorang Islam MELAYU berjaya je mesti jeles kutuk kutuklepastu cakap gaji tinggi asalkan makan gaji lepastu duit habis ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985290765762329} +{"text": "Dah kalau masih takdak sijil halal tu makna dia syubhah so benda syubhah ni elok jauhkan takyah gatal nak try, kalau orang tegur tu dengar bukan tunding jari cakap couple la minum alkohol la, wey pund** haram tetap haram ,kalau semua nak buat benda haram penuh la neraka nanti.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9871608018875122} +{"text": "QUOTE(nearlee @ May 15 2024, 02:50 PM)>inb4 Ipoh curry noodle the best NearleeIpoh dry curry hor fun similar style of curry broth as Sarawak laksa, though not exactly the same, if you know what I mean.At least can find good reasonably priced Sarawak laksa in KL PJ. (Authentic) Ipoh dry curry hor fun almost impossible to find here. Got 1 similar taste to Ipoh but crazy price. Yat Yat Seng inside Megah Rise (Taman Megah, PJ). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "Horley's Elite Salted CaramelDymatize Smooth Banana ON Chocolate Peanut ButterON Cookies and CreamON Extreme Milk ChocolateON Rocky RoadON Mocha CappucinoMuscletech Chcolate Fudge BrownieON got the best flavours, but stay the fuck away from Strawberry and Tropical Fruit Punch. Two of the worst flavours i've had.If you want something less sweet, go for Vanilla Ice Cream flavour. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999862909317017} +{"text": "QUOTE(empire23 @ Mar 28 2019, 12:27 PM)Then don't stay in a UM Hostel...?Plotek!!!!!Tak suka. Keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993095397949219} +{"text": "QUOTE(aziratul @ Jun 12 2024, 05:21 PM)Naik seratus pun bkira..in these hard times, every ringgit counts. Unless you T20, please proceed.might as well do cheaper korban at kemboja, afrika or india or overseas one.can fetch RM250, RM350 per bahagian.janji buat ibadah korban. Semoga Allah swt menerima ibadah korban kita aminn. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995563626289368} +{"text": "Yang area kuching dan sekitarnya, kmk ada jual aek sarang burong 100% asli and no no nooo chemical. Maok kulit \u2018toink toink\u2019 boleh coba minum tok okayhhh \ud83d\ude04 Jom tlg sis dgn kuasa viral masing2! \ud83d\udd25 https://t.co/8WPmx6jKzM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999471127986908} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Oct 15 2022, 12:14 PM)Auntie Anne case was because they want to retain their Halal status of the products. There's news about it long time ago search around.So hot dogs from IKEA not halal? But why Sunkists still buy and rat?PeopleofPerlis PAS tak bawa isu ini ke Parliament sebelum ini? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5798051953315735} +{"text": "bro yg ikut emosi dan perasaan. saya ikut fakta dan guideline JAKIM berlandaskan mazhab syafie serta Malaysian Halal regulation. Apa yg bro rasa betul, adalah tidak valid dan kita kena ikut ijtimak ulama yg dah berbahas ttg benda ni beraama pakar sains makanan dsb.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9611967206001282} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:18 PM)Huh? Im not insulting porkPork does taste goodMy point is Chinese cuisine have much more delicious dish that does not contain porkSaying pork is the best chinese can offer, to me is insulting Its like saying chiken dish is the best malay can offerThats bullshitWe have varieties of great dishes, either contain mean or vegetable onlyI believe the same goes to chinese cuisine Correct? Dim sum strictly only pork ka? The point is none of the immediate picture i google is the same dish in the article (which char siew iinm)technically 90% of chinese cuisines contains pork, directly and indirectly. In the form of lardSo if the organiser served that pork dish, high chances other dishes have been cooked with pork lard as well. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996634721755981} +{"text": "QUOTE(DValentine @ Aug 17 2023, 05:34 PM)no taupok no enoki apalancau pun tarak only got one drumstickKEKNeed cover rental ma... Everytime landlords also raise price ikut suka dia, this is what we get lor...Btw ada 'feel' Penang tu... appeal to many sohai customers. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999854564666748} +{"text": "Ada kecenderungan para pengusaha produk makanan Halal memberikan penjenamaan yg negatif seperti, \"Gila\", \"Sewel\", \"Puaka\", \"Saka\" dsb. Adakah ini akan memberikan persepsi dan imej yg negatif kepada sijil Halal JAKIM? Apa persepsi pengguna Islam pula? \nMana panduan JAKIM?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Oct 15 2022, 12:14 PM)Auntie Anne case was because they want to retain their Halal status of the products. There's news about it long time ago search around.So Ikea is not halal certified? And auntie anne had to change name for the halal status? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997616410255432} +{"text": "QUOTE(tatabun @ Mar 3 2024, 11:02 AM)ni mesti adjust sbb nk bagi shariah lebih ni\u2026i think so too. coz delta around 0.10% only ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994934797286987} +{"text": "So much risk. if dont cherry pick...Air hidu and hembus out from babi also. So some air non halal d. Stop breathing la. But luckily got clause say if need, then must consume. So ok la, keep breathing.Wild animals all eat carcasses and also human corpses if we die. Got risk, so all wild animal dont eat. Dont buy any food/meat from big suppliers since operated by non muslims..Finally...Better sendiri tanam jagung, bela lembu, ayam, ikan for every family.I propose gov sponser 1 farming space for each family. Demi kebaikan akirat. God will surely tambah pahala over rm1000000000billion. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999446868896484} +{"text": "QUOTE(TongPakFu @ Jun 18 2022, 03:49 PM)[Mcm best je.. Who try b4? but I don't like that long beans..Chopped long beans is a signature ingredient of Chinese-style nasi lemak.I like it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990494847297668} +{"text": "QUOTE(Drian @ Mar 28 2019, 12:31 PM)Fair. UM's property UM's rules.However outside of UM UM cannot have any say.Just don't stay there, what is the problem?where did i hear this b4?tak suka ..keluar!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995380640029907} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Nov 30 2016, 02:36 PM)what i say is wrong?same as halal jakimu want halal cert, follow JAKIM ruleif u dont want, fuck offJAKIM never said u have to close shop if didnt apply halal certIs this kinda of mentality that makes me lose hope for the future of Malaysia...To you, Whether the rule makes sense or not, its not important...So tmr Jakim makes rule u wan Halal certification means u cannot hire any non-muslims... you will also use the same argument \"Jakim suka la, u tak suka u keluar!\"bodo level >9000anyway this is my last reply entertaining you, cause chatting with a bodo racist tahap gaban loses its charm after a while...This post has been edited by MeToo: Nov 30 2016, 02:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986698627471924} +{"text": "@Edie57929225 Yg berkaitan utk dptkan sijil halal ni pun jgn haram sgt perangai...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "macam ni la bang kalau abang rasa air tu tak halal abang ragu ragu abang takyah minum ok? hehe takkan disebabkan semua orang cina terus dicop haram https://t.co/nhnWh3Dae3", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(mcsiaw @ May 21 2016, 03:26 PM)Dia orang suka makan no pork tapi tak kisah halal x halal, dia org punya hal. Panggil jakim tangkap customer dan masok lokap. Wait, ni civil law o shariah law?????During my early age oso eat at no pork bekos confuse and seems delicious. Org mau blnja mkn ma here halal no pork so we ramai2 go. Now if want to belanja makan2 i say we eat at hotel better. Belanja makan this one refer to yg boleh claim balik punya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977877140045166} +{"text": "QUOTE(our_team89 @ Sep 5 2023, 09:44 AM)I don't really care bout suki-ya lol since not really a fans of overpriced steamboat,Wait a minute there\u2019s a better value hotpot out there? I honestly think sukiya/sukishi is da best hotpot value d. Sukiya always got queue one btw.This post has been edited by KekTart: Sep 5 2023, 12:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "\u2764\ufe0f INFO PENTING!\u2764\ufe0f Ternyata #PinkladyOriginalHq memang 100% selamat digunakan. Sijil Halal ada, KKM ada, Kini Pink Lady ada kelulusan iklan dr lembaga iklan ubat (KKLIU). So, jangan\u2026 https://t.co/UZQmsPKEYy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998776912689209} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Oct 17 2020, 10:55 PM)Angkasawan Negara jadi penghantar makananKUALA LUMPUR \u2013 Angkasawan Negara, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor mengakui beliau kembali menjadi penghantar makanan sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) yang bermula semalam.Pemilik Bersama Restoran Rebung itu berkata, status yang dimilikinya ketika ini tidak penting malah beliau langsung tidak berasa malu kerana kerja yang dilakukan itu adalah halal.Kata bapa kepada empat anak itu, kesanggupannya menjadi penghantar makanan itu diharapkan akan menjadi contoh dan perangsang kepada kakitangannya di restorannya itu.\u201cStatus tidak penting kerana seperti ketika PKP semua berdepan kesukaran dan orang di luar hendak dapat makanan pun susah.\u201cJadi ambil keputusan untuk hantar sendiri makanan, naik motorsikal dan saya juga ingin beri perangsang serta contoh kepada kakitangan saya kerana bila nampak bos buat, mereka lagi bersemangat.\u201cPKPB ini semua restoran digalakkan amal konsep bungkus dan saya akan sendiri menerajui pasukan Restoran Rebung untuk untuk menghantar makanan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor.\u201cTidak susah dan seronok sebenarnya kerana saya suka sesuatu yang berbeza dan tidak perlu rasa malu dan tersinggung lebih-lebih lagi masa Covid-19 ini apa sahaja kerja yang halal kita perlu buat,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui MalaysiaGazette di Restoran Rebung di sini baru-baru ini.Angkasawan Negara, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha menaiki lif ketika membuat servis penghantaran makanan ketika di Restoran Rebung, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. foto MOHD ADZLAN, 14 OKTOBER 2020.Pada bulan Ramadan ketika PKP, kisah Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor menjadi penghantar makanan untuk tempahan makanan telah menjadi viral di media sosial.Seorang PensyarahMengulas lanjut, Sheikh Muszaphar yang juga pensyarah berkata, beliau seronok dapat berjumpa pelanggan apatah lagi mereka begitu teruja hendak mengambil gambar Bersama.Namun beliau mengakui melalui kesukaran sebagai penghantar makanan apabila terpaksa berteduh dibawah jambatan ketika hujan lebat.\u201cSaya jumpa ramai nasib yang sama dan kami dapat borak-borak serta seronok dapat jumpa.\u201cMenjadi penghantar makanan sukar dan diibarat juga sebagai petugas barisan hadapan. Saya hormat mereka dan bukan sahaja doktor tetapi mereka yang pastikan tempahan makanan sampai di rumah pelanggan,\u201d katanya.Sheikh Muszaphar menjadi individu pertama Malaysia sampai di angkasa lepas pada Oktober 2007 dan baru-baru ini berada di kedudukan teratas sebagai World\u2019s Most Admired kategori Malaysia yang dikeluarkan portal YouGov.Portal itu mengumpulkan pencalonan terbuka World\u2019s Most Admired dari panelis di 42 negara dan wilayah seluruh dunia bermula Januari sehingga Mac lalu.Sheikh Muszaphar berjaya menewaskan Datuk Lee Chong Wei yang berada di tempat kedua diikuti bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.Beliau yang memiliki hampir satu juta pengikut di Instagam miliknya kini menjadi idola dalam mendidik anak-anak di kalangan ibubapa.p/s: Semoga apa yang di lakukan oleh Ikon Rakyat Malaysia ini dapat di jadikan role model kepada anak-anak muda di luar sana dalam mengdepanai situasi ekonomi yang semakin mencabar inisumber: MalaysiaGazetteOh sudah \"upgrade\" naik motor kapcai kah?At the beginning he kuda bawak superbike\ud83e\udd2d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975200295448303} +{"text": "Aku tak suka orang Melayu yang macam tak suka atau jijik kalau orang Cina atau India yang berniaga makanan atau produk makanan. Beli je lah, kalau ternyata halal dan bersih. Apa masalah kalau bangsa lain berniaga produk makanan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9354583621025085} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kakacaucau @ Jun 1 2020, 07:50 AM)Jgn guna alcohol sanitizer, haram jugakTak haram for external used.Study first please.This post has been edited by FlyingVCLplayer: Jun 1 2020, 07:52 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Aug 17 2023, 06:07 PM)There is a shop in SS2 that sells this together with bak kut teh. I think it\u2019s called Mungo Jerry. Quite popular bak kut teh shop as it has been operating at SS2 for a very long time.Mungo Jerry.....the shop facing main road, near puay chai primary school?That BKT shop been operating since my childhood days.......like 40yrs ago....I used to go school n stayed nearby there.This post has been edited by geelim77: Aug 17 2023, 08:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999629259109497} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Mar 29 2016, 02:43 PM)look at this popular line of dialogue from the movie Pulp Fiction Vincent:Want some bacon?Jules:No man, I don't eat pork.Vincent:Are you Jewish?Jules:Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.Vincent:Why not?Jules:Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.you can see from the dialogue that Jules character played by Sam Jackson did not ask Vincent played by Travolta to specify whether it is beef bacon or turkey bacon he is talking about because in popular culture also bacon mean pig. there is no doubt in his mind that the word bacon meant by his friend was pig meat.And if you search the word dog it can mean a four legged creature, a degratory term or a informal term for friend. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999604225158691} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Dec 5 2023, 01:25 AM)The sarawak laksa is one of the best thing I ate in lifedang, unker must have gotten the shitty 1.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "Sijil halal jakim tdk menjamin makanan halal 100%,renungkan saudara.apa yg mesti kt buat ialah menilai,meneliti apa jua produk makanan&minuman terbaharu di pasaran dan memilih makanan yg sering kt makan sehari hari..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997389018535614} +{"text": "Usaha yang bagus daripada pemilik kedai makanan. But please note in mind, ini sijil halal ramuan sahaja tau, bukannya menunjukkan bahawa empunya kedai merupakan pemegang sijil halal makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8097444176673889} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jan 11 2021, 08:32 AM)dont so triggerred please. calm ur tits.but, daging kuda dan kangaroo siapa dalang sampai sekarang tak tahu???? helang mana satu?Isu roti bakar haram lagi penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997709393501282} +{"text": "Hei bro... Kalau lu tak faham syarat2 utk dapatkan pensijilan HALAL JAKIM! Baik lu diam je! Ada ke Dr Zul cakap bahan makanan tu haram! Tak ada kan!!! Kalau ilmu ISLAM tu cetek, belajar dulu sblum nak ajar org ! Jgn jadi kurang ajar! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9887819886207581} +{"text": "QUOTE(kaffra @ Dec 20 2021, 04:31 PM)they can ask if its halal or haram, if the gudwara has pork oil then maybe some would be hesitant to eat it. no harm to ask and this fellas response shows his animosity to other peoples beliefsthis is the problem with u guysu dont dont understand other cultures and the minorities ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970362186431885} +{"text": "Apa yg kt mkn, ya itulah yg kt dpt. Hati2 memasukkan makanan ke perut kita, bersih/kotor, halal/haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9843162894248962} +{"text": "QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ Dec 10 2023, 12:22 PM)TRX was designed for big mama shopping, but then...oh wait...Bik mama waited too long, until Hey Husband also tinggal inside Bamboo River VIP Suite.Bik mama will take this TRX like Speedmart99. Kalau bosan dan want to get something 1-2 benda only visit. Nothing she can't buy from there like beli garam, 100 bags at one go. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9517567753791809} +{"text": "QUOTE(tinkerfy @ Dec 12 2023, 04:20 PM)Have the konpius learnt about Yip Chee Mei Tai Pau yet?? hahahahahahaAiyah...why you go pecah rahsia...QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 12 2023, 04:23 PM)Tak fahamEating for so many yearsBut now it get viral for the wrong reason.Is like someone raising a flag of juicy food, but another hand slap his own face ... sometimes, it is so crazy to be in msia .Not to mention we have Char Kuek Tiaw, which is supposed to always be dry type only.N now we have Char Kuek Tiaw Basah, which failed big in every angles of translationThat dish should be burned with fire and the cook made into chee cheong fun. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9608094096183777} +{"text": "Nasib baik la i sejenis yang tak suka makanan viral jadi jarang sangat teringin nak beli. Kalau ada food festival every month pun memang tak pergi\n\nSegala jenis makanan viral macam sukadessert, kek tapak kuda, spudman potato etc etc, memang tak rasa nak beli haha selamat duit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8155724406242371} +{"text": "Bergelar Muslim sejak empat tahun lalu langsung tidak menghakis identiti Marzuki Phang, 39, dan kini dia cuba mempopularkan makanan masyarakatnya dengan memasarkan kuih chang halal kepada orang ramai.Marzuki berazam mahu menjadikan kuih berkenaan sebagai makanan orang Malaysia sama seperti mi wantan yang digemari ramai.Berkaitan kuih chang, Marzuki berkata, ia boleh dianggap sama seperti ketupat daun palas yang popular dalam kalangan orang Melayu, cuma bezanya ialah daripada aspek pembungkusan, saiz, resipi dan bahan asalnya.Menurut Marzuki, kuih chang agak asing dalam kalangan orang Melayu berikutan makanan dihasilkan daripada beras pulut itu biasanya menggunakan inti diperbuat daripada bahan tidak halal.\u201cSaya belajar cara menghasilkan kuih chang daripada kenalan selama empat bulan dan bersyukur kerana usaha ini berhasil. Saya mula memasarkan kuih chang halal ke seluruh negeri ini sejak Jun lalu.\u201cPada awalnya, jualan tidak begitu memberangsangkan kerana kurang popular dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu, malah ada yang was-was untuk memakannya kerana risau ia dihasilkan menggunakan bahan tidak halal.\u201cNamun selepas diberi penjelasan mengenai intinya dan memaklumkan saya juga seorang Muslim, jumlah pelanggan meningkat. Ia saya anggap sebagai rezeki Allah SWT selepas berhenti kerja di sebuah syarikat pembekal minuman ringan,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di Taman Pandan Mawar, di sini, kelmarin.Menurut Marzuki, berikutan masih baru, dia mempromosikan kuih itu menerusi laman sosial Facebook (FB) dan melakukan penghantaran dari rumah ke rumah ke semua daerah di negeri ini termasuk hingga ke Jasin.Katanya, setiap bungkus kuih chang dijual pada harga RM5 dan setiap hari, dia menerima antara 20 hingga 30 tempahan daripada pelanggan tetap termasuk masyarakat Melayu.\u201cBanyak dugaan yang saya tempuhi dalam perniagaan terutama mahu meyakinkan serta mengubah persepsi pelanggan. Saya berazam mahu jadikan kuih chang sebagai makanan orang Malaysia.\u201cKetika ini, kuih chang dipasarkan menggunakan inti ayam dengan campuran cendawan. Saya bercadang mempelbagaikan lagi inti termasuk menggunakan kacang merah dan rendang. Selain mencari rezeki halal, ini cara saya memperkenalkan makanan masyarakat Tionghua kepada orang ramai,\u201d katanya.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/171111 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8856701254844666} +{"text": "tbh everytime some food went viral, mesti tetiba rise issue pasal halal haram. if you live in the overseas tak semua ada sijil halal but you can still eat it if you have common sense and confidence in it", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9769386649131775} +{"text": "isu dkt sini ada org keluar statement bila sesuatu makanan atau kedai itu tiada sijil dan cop halal, maka mereka assume benda itu tak halal walaupun zahirnya benda itu halal. contoh org jual air teh ais tepi jalan zahirnya halal tpi kerana tiada certificate from jakim jdi haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993516802787781} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Feb 1 2023, 06:08 PM)So that's why they don't hire malay/indian who can speak mandarin too. Lel.Stop justifying stupid statement.Mandrin speaking Malay/ Indian are more tolerable in religion sensitivity but of course not all. Need to be assessed during interview.This kind of food mistake happened all the time. That's why many won't invite Malay colleague to cina wedding dinner. If they insist want to join, normally will buy KFC for them on that table and use disposable plates.Also this kind of news only viral when PH is the government. Walun koyaking. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997560381889343} +{"text": "QUOTE(8bitguy @ Nov 26 2019, 05:05 PM)In the event cannot find halal food, you are allowed to eat non-halal food.So it's up to you how degil you want to be.Nope. Only when you have tried your best and are already dying than only u are allowed.. even then just to fill up to prevent u from dying. Not eating the full course..Philippines alot of halal restaurants and halal meat sources. So you wont starve to death thereThis post has been edited by Boy96: Nov 26 2019, 05:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980400204658508} +{"text": "QUOTE(sanwaltz @ Jul 26 2019, 04:15 PM)I mentioned in some other tered some time ago.When I share official link to fatwa provided by religious authority, i dont see nons commenting on this linkWhen nons argue with muslim who are not of religious authority, they seem content and feel winning an argument whenever the muslims keluar \"non-persoal\" remark.Lol what do you want us to say?Dispute with your authorities? That could end us up in jailAt the end its force majeure also, because this is not a free countrySo what can we say, but kucing kata lebih baik janganInb4 takderrr paksaaa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985041618347168} +{"text": "Kan bagus kalau wakil\u00b2 Jakim pergi ke kedai\u00b2 yg display pork-free ni buat penerangan serta tawaran untuk pentauliahan sijil halal. Kalau mereka setuju terus buat pemeriksaan pada kedai adakah ia menepati syarat. Dengan ini, kedai makanan halal kita bertambah. Sekadar mencadang. https://x.com/lukmankhi/stat/lukmankhi/status/1125998425546285056\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997550845146179} +{"text": "@mazxing Ikr. Malaysia kan bagus. Ahahahaha. Ada tu lagi worst, ada sijil halal tapi nepal yang masak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6385008692741394} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeroonetwo @ Aug 18 2015, 11:22 AM)Using electronic cigarettes, also known as Vape, is now haram for Muslims, the National Fatwa Council has decreed, Utusan Malaysia reported today.The council's chairman Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abd Shukor Husin said the decision was based on laws that were used against shisha, also known as water pipes or hookahs.\"We have discussed the issue of cigarettes and shisha and we can equate it with the Vape. Firstly, it is dangerous, second, it is wasteful and third, it is detrimental to health. So when the effects are the same, we have declared it as haram,\" he was quoted as saying.\"We have decided and there is no problem (with the fatwa). In fact, the Health Ministry has informed that they are waiting for (findings) from experts but we have gone ahead because fundamentally, if it is detrimental and wasteful, then we cannot agree to something like that.\"On July 17, 2013, the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs said that shisha or water-pipe smoking was haram for Muslims.It had said then that shisha smoking would have a detrimental effect in the health of the individual, national economic growth and shaping of future generations.The committee found that all scientific findings from comprehensive studies in the country and internationally proved that shisha smoking was bad for health, and its widespread practice, particularly among youths and women, was worrying.The Vape, or electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) are battery-powered vaporisers that simulates the feeling of smoking, but without the tobacco combustion.Last week, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam was reported as saying that smoking using shisha, electronic cigarettes or Vaping devices should be temporarily stopped until findings on the risks are announced in two months\u2019 time.He said the ministry was in discussions with various agencies and related parties to get their views on the effects these methods of smoking have on health.\"From the ministry's viewpoint, we deem these to be also smoking but just using different methods. The smokers will experience the usual effects of smoking except that the tar content might be lower while the nicotine effect remains the same.\"Don't make it (shisha or electronic cigarette smoking) a habit or think it is fashionable,\" he had warned. \u2013 August 18, 2015.- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysi...h.yag4QJ0B.dpufmany people cainis utensil don't wanna use, gay they bash as haram etc. Vape pula camne ye?When they vape like nobody business. Puffing like some burnt haystack, indoors acting like the fuking place their father punya buntut wanFuk yeah they haram. Haram jadahInconsiderate (just in case ada butthurt) vapers, please do go die and then fuk urself in the ass ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984487295150757} +{"text": "AAMIIN ALLAHUMA AAMIIN BGTT tapi aku tim suka nyemil :( niatnya mau beli apa malah beli makanan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995102882385254} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by medangmru at 4-7-2008 02:15 PM \r\nso...semuanya dah clear...Appolo mmg HALAL\u00a0\u00a0dan disahkan oleh JAKIM.... \n\n\n-Tula pasal walaupun JAKIM mengesahkan sesuatu produk itu HALAL akan tetapi masih ada umat melayu ini was-was dan tak puas hati.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998863697052002} +{"text": "Jom viral penang char kue teow segenggam rm9 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9928756952285767} +{"text": "The Dancing Bear haram tak\u2026Gigolo in teddy bear suit\u2026\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "Domdom haram, pls ban moslem from using it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976396560669} +{"text": "QUOTE(RecticulatingAI @ Dec 7 2015, 03:20 PM)I get it that you want to compromise being it is in the interest of potential muslim client, which is why I asked if you were unwilling to let go of some customs at the detriment to oneself or the potential dangers to others.You said it best that some things can be compromised while others cannot be compromised. Inversely if a potential life and death situation arise, which would you choose?There are posts previously explaining about the long sleeve. Even quote WHO. Cmon. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999586343765259} +{"text": "QUOTE(incubus_skj @ May 31 2016, 07:09 PM)just in case they don't know, we have HACCP standards also at least with HACCP we can classify the hygiene of pork, whereas the other one straight haram liao lolWhy would one use halal standard on obviously haram product? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982448816299438} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Jul 24 2019, 03:47 PM)If its targeted to muslim consumers, then yeah you should get the halal cert.Some of the things involved include Raw material, processing aid ingredients, processing, sanitation chemicals and packaging meet the Islamic dietary requirements, primarily that no alcohol or pork products are used.Flavoring ingredients and solvents must be from halal sources (no ethyl alcohol, for example)..but what this scammer XFT did when the thing is viral is taking the easy way to issue a fake certificate.topkek loltarik je lesen. but boba tea halal or not halal pun nak buat issue. if was was, jgn la minum.macam la kedai melayu tu semua ikut requirement... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999654293060303} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by medangtamang at 5-2-2009 11:33 PM \r\ntak try report polis ker pasal daging khinzir tu?? tak pun report kat MOE ker?? at lesat derang leh tolong wat sesuatu... \n\n\r\nnk lagi best... report kat TV3... skang ni TV3 tgh popular kn?? try ... \n\nGood idea - report kat TV3 . Tapi kan, owner dia ni Melayu - sorang Dato'. Ada few parents nak pi jumpa dgn management dia lagi. Kalau still tak works - TV3 lah jawapannya. Sure nanti sekolah ni kena blacklisted.\u00a0\u00a0(org Mudlim ajelah yang takkan pergi kesana).", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.991472065448761} +{"text": "@lvwbv @syahir_sageng @faiqahrr_ @SenawangTV Betul la tu bro cakap.bukan nak backup mamak la,i bet banyak kedai melayu yg xde sijil halal jugak..just kita kena yakin la.sebab nak apply halal tu susah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9110695123672485} +{"text": "QUOTE(statikinetic @ Nov 13 2023, 02:21 PM)Propping up the economy, no thanks required.Mampu ke minority prop up the economy? Saya doubt. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8756720423698425} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 10:36 AM)most people don't eat money, and most muslims do wash their hands before eating even if they touched the money. we all know money is literally dirty as it passes so many hands.but to use \"Haram\" money for the sake of Islam, i think it's ok, because you are doing good deed for the religion, the money, is just money, even Haram money sources, when used for the greater good of Islam, will be \"Cleansed\".that is why Haram money was never a big issue.it's only an issue if muslims use haram money on things not really for the greater good of the religion. for example buying luxury goods for themselves. if they were to spend the haram money on feeding hungry muslims (halal food of course), it's actually commendable.You eat clothes? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9639903903007507} +{"text": "Dulu risau dengan kebersihan, sekarang timbul pula isu restoran tiada sijil halal. Letak ayat suci Al-Quran syarat untuk yakinkan pelanggan beragama Islam je. Mampukah penguatkuasaan yang lebih tegas menyelesaikan isu ini? https://t.co/8TyVfPQ1k9 https://t.co/BOGKsgyA4P", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999829530715942} +{"text": "Ok la. Air liur halal ni. Kalo non tu mmg x blh sbb haram. Ni tambah berkat kat customer.syukur la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Feb 28 2024, 09:50 AM)I don't get it.What's exactly wrong with the \"tak yakin\" comment?Without context, there's nothing in the comment that shows entitlement.First they just state an obvious observation.Then they just gives an opinion based on said observation.And it's a neutral one too. Lain la if they phrased it like \"Tak yakin la. Babi betul.\"Means they are not \"confident\" in what they're eating. Might as well Maggi cup and Massimo bread all the way during the trip... babi betul.... oh wait. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999712705612183} +{"text": "QUOTE(ELinawa @ Jan 6 2017, 02:14 PM)Cerekarama malam ini,Tenggelam di dalam rahim,9.00 malam di TV3..Tengok skip-skip pun dah rasa sedih gila.Apa punya manusia lah parent macam ni.\nEixdvGdsSHc\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "\n kecur air liur baca thread ni...mini penah test restoran cina halal tapi kat pahang la,,huhu...best plak first time makan dish chinese...\n\r\nkali ni nak try yg kat mutiara rini plak,,,huhu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6598708629608154} +{"text": "Apa yang penting ikut cakap DAP. Sebab itu mat Sabu rela makan daging babi dengan lim kit siang dan Lim Guan eng dari makanan bersama dengan PAS dan UMNO walaupun benda itu bersih dan halal. Sebelum ini masalah wabak h1n1 pun kerajaan BN yang menguruskan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999748468399048} +{"text": "@Nadhirahrz @nuranisatania @DurianPutera \ud83e\udd23 bodohnya puak puak ni\ud83e\udd23 Jangan sebarkan kebodohan kau tau, paling penting jangan membiak. Bezakan produk halal dan sijil halal, halal bukan bermakna babi je. Perempuan \ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude11", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "Carls Jr > All popular fast food joints in Bolehland ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998403787612915} +{"text": "Simple.These people want to monopoly the right to declare haram / halal, holy / heresy.Now they see rakyat take steps to help each other, they red eye and want to to monopoly helping the poor.That's how you stay relevant.This post has been edited by killdavid: Jul 1 2021, 06:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9233434200286865} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Mar 16 2024, 04:47 PM)Its proven work especially Pas have no budaya songlap like Umno. They have very strict internal check and balance. The power spread evenly.Every profession got corrupt people. Doctor no corrupt but very stupid also useless also ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "mohon JAKIM haramkan penggunanaan istilah makanan sunnah\u2026 nk makanan sunnah pi makan yg sunnah bukan buat... https://fb.me/1sG9XtPYD", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997766613960266} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ May 30 2019, 07:05 AM)sewa lot mahal sangat, untung tak boleh nak coverso kena buat cara jahat> jual makanan yg x habisinb4 #bersangkabaikNot \"jahat\" just less favourable. Also doesn't want to waste food.At least still got points for feeding people who are breaking fast.Patience and forgiveness is a virtue. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(eksk @ Oct 20 2016, 02:09 PM)eh if not haram then why the A&W have to change Coney Dog to Coney Chicken/Beef..Root Beer rename to RBnon halal =/= haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999030828475952} +{"text": "QUOTENewlyweds Refuse To Pay RM26K Debt To Caterer For Their Wedding Even After 10 MonthsThe caterer served two roast lambs, five dome sets, and 1,000 bottles of F&N orange juice at the couple's request. By Aqasha Aiman \u2014 05 Oct 2022, 05:47 PMA wedding caterer has demanded payment several times from a newlywed couple who owe her company RM26,000 for the service she provided at their wedding 10 months agoThe caterer vented her frustrations on Facebook, claiming that the couple had requested a plush menu for their wedding.On the wedding day, her company catered food for 1,850 guests. They served two roast lambs, five dome sets, and 1,000 bottles of F&N orange juice at the couple's request.After the ceremony, the couple wrote a cheque to the catering company for the total cost of the catering service.However, the bank later informed them that the cheque had bounced.The caterer claimed she had requested the deposit money from the couple several times before the wedding, but they told her that they couldn't pay the deposit and promised to give her the full amount after the ceremony.One day before the wedding, she requested the deposit money again from the couple, but they told her they could not pay yet.\"I felt bad thinking that no food would be served at their wedding, so I went ahead with their order. Besides, I have never had a problem where newlyweds failed to pay for my services in full,\" she said.The caterer contacted the newlyweds about the bounced cheque, but they requested two more months to settle their pay\"It has been 10 months since their wedding, but I have not received a single cent for my service,\" she said.The caterer shared her story on Facebook, hoping the public's attention would pressure them to pay off their debt.The newlyweds then threatened not to pay the caterer's company if their case was made viral on social media.The catering company has since lodged a police report.soskalau tak mampu buat grand, buat la simple style.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995833039283752} +{"text": "Benda pasal halal haram ni simple je. Kita dah ada dah badan berautoriti dari pakar2 agama untuk tetapkan halal haram, syariah tak syariah.\n\nMacam contoh kalau pasal makanan, kita rujuk JAKIM.\nKalau pasal stok jadi syariah ke tak syariah, kita rujuk Majlis Penasihat Syariah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999830722808838} +{"text": "sekarang dah rasa takut nkgi mana mana sorang. kitonya suka keluar sorg beli makanan ke air ke apa. susahlah dunia sekarang ni. manusia ramai yang gila", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9228722453117371} +{"text": "Everything also mesti was2, halal, jadikan wujud dua jenis restoran yang ada cop dan takde cop, sedangkan kedua2 pun pork freePastu salahkan sekolah vernacular memecah belah RakyatBukan isu halal yang dikejar sampai kuman pun dicariYa lah tu This post has been edited by KLthinker91: Jun 9 2019, 10:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "Yup sijil itself mmg tak mahal. But procedure utk get sijil halal tu mahal. Sbb tu byk premis mknn takda sijil tu. lg2 boba shop yg baru2 ni belum masuk years pn operations, system in detailing every items pun mesti kelaut lg sbb biasanya focus new premis ni nk balik modal dulu. https://t.co/VCzgsR1bhc", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997082352638245} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Dec 29 2023, 03:44 PM)actually they shud be worriedmy area got 1 bangla stall, open 24/7, always on time and never late. now compared to the mak cik stalls, they should really be worriednothing to be worried, competitions are always healthy, customers goes to the best ones, look at the chinese, 1 row of chinese all selling almost similar foods, no problem also. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8898317217826843} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Dec 9 2023, 08:44 AM)Since the majority of people living in this country is Muslim, of course there will be group of them questioning on this.Nothing wrong with that.The recent boycott of certain businesses in this country shows that the majority consumer is Muslim and yes these businesses begging for them to support them backOn the very rare occasions I go to the bukit tunku and also TTDI branches because ppl ajak the majority of the folks there fall in this demo. It's either they don't care or need your kuasa viral to enlighten them. I suggest you show the same zeal like you and your dupe demand your epf to wake them up by preaching thereThis post has been edited by 9m2w: Dec 9 2023, 09:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9960838556289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 12:52 PM)Correct. And 1 thing that article didnt mention is that u must have no doubt with the food. So for some short sighted people, they have doubt in the food hence they must avoid it. Since they have doubt in alot of things they tend to avoid everything n become kepoh this haram that haram. Which is y knowledge is important.too bad they read Hairan Metro newspaper too much. then trust everything they read in the whatsapp group.sometimes I don't understand why these people, regardless being phd, master holder can be swayed into believing those kind of rumors.sikit sikit haram.setarbucks haram. mcdee haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "@KDSHRF1 Kurang ajarr eh ambil gmbr orang lepastu post sesuka hati. Perangai ira sangat!!! Tiberr. Haha. Pakcik tu mesti panas hati sbb dia nk beli tapi bila dgr takde sijil halal terus dia syubhah. Dengki!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9463812708854675} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syeikh Ruler al-Hotzz @ Aug 19 2022, 10:36 PM)Biasala tu bro, mati2 nak salah kan tokey cina tu jgk. Pada hal kt sini, yg salah perception most malay kt nasi ayam tokey cina tu. Bila cina jual xmau beli...kalo melayu jual baru nak beli. Bukan tokey cina tu jual nasi babi tapi claim nasi ayam kalo nk asa tertipu pun. Just bagi org melayu tlg jual nasi ayam dia je.Kalau the halal status is doubtful you still think that is right? Are you a kid? Have you been to dimsum canning garden. Owners and workers Chinese. Majority customers malays. If you got nothing to hide. Food all halal, don't cook the food at the same place that cook pork, then can easily jual to malays Sure some malays won't eat or buy but that's business. You cannot forced people to buy. Ini halal status doubtful tapi bagi at one melayu to \"tolong\" jual but didn't inform customers that the food are a from a place with doubtful halal status, that's deceiving. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "QUOTE(KLboy92 @ Oct 26 2016, 02:58 AM)\"kalo support aku tentunya intelligent, high IQ and high class\" and \"bukan schoolboy\"kekSembang kencang so much over naming. Was it intentionally done to force pork into muslim mouth*? Was it intentionally done to disrespect P. Ramlee? Was it intentionally done to trick customers into thinking it is a Ramly burger? No, no and no. At best it is a judgement error - can you butthurtians even understand what is the meaning of that phrase?While you're busy raging over chocolate, sausage and burger, songlap is okay, baju merah is okay, racist quota is okay.... oh what else is okay?*nah, got this thing also declared haram to put inside muslim mouth, but funny nobody protest or boycott...That's why kid you need education.1. Rokok in Islam is clearly haram. Those muslim tat still smoking, is considered do sins.2. Everybody knows Najib songlap, everbody know, and most of malay hate those baju merah. But you cant do anything, they are protected by Najib. Since Najib is PM in Malaysia. He have power. You can't do anything. They only thing u can do is voting other than him.Compare apple to apple next time.Those Ramly issue is not just about naming or confuse issue, its about trademark issue too. It just like I create Mr. Mc'Donnald, and sale shity burger. And damaging their good reputation. Do you think Md'D will not sue me?Please, please educated yourself. Like those that have higher IQ.This post has been edited by acer7254: Oct 26 2016, 03:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970046877861023} +{"text": "beli makanan yg kamu suka/barang lucu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957838654518127} +{"text": "QUOTE(vapanel @ Feb 2 2024, 09:27 AM)Yes so only 1 out of thousands will be successfulPeople only read about successful people but failed to realised there's millions who failed and goes into bankruptcyactually, he failed before. and he's not shy about it. he learnt from it and now success. but now he success he belum pattern la. even his tiktok award speech encourage youngster to finish study and create quality content instead of viral viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997817873954773} +{"text": "Apa ni?Mana sayur tu bro? Sayur penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5504539608955383} +{"text": "QUOTE(yvliew @ Dec 31 2019, 02:26 PM)Common sense la I think. If the shop own by Muslim. Of course you trust it will serve u halal food. At least not haram right ? So we get halal for chicken , the way u slaughter it need to be halal. And lembu should be the same.. how about fish? U fish them up when still alive and just let it to die on the boat right? Itu halal ke?ikan takde tekak nak sembelih ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999489784240723} +{"text": "QUOTE(toda_erika_II @ Nov 5 2017, 06:35 PM)tasted nasi lemak burger from a non-halal store. (forgot where).i won't try another nasi lemak burger ever.same goes to those so-called \"innovation\" food, if something is nice, sudah lama datuk nenek kita buat perkara itu. lu orang ingat datuk nenek kita tak pandai cuba-cuba makanan baru ah?kopi durian - out. not nicecendol durian - out. not nice.nasi lemak burger - out. not nice.taiwan watermelon soup fish bihun - out. not nice.Cendol durian has been going on for years and they're the best thing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8586148023605347} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 09:17 PM)i see a lot of muftis/sultans tec are playing god now\u00a0 cant believe people follow em blindlyI understand u tak puas hati with that reality.I also tak puas hati.But here is not the place for you to start that flame. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998351335525513} +{"text": "Lu ape mau malu?Bijan sama bini gemuk + songlap + c4 pon xmaluThis post has been edited by zakarliar: Sep 12 2015, 12:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999444484710693} +{"text": "QUOTE(msacras @ Mar 29 2021, 09:39 PM)Penetration to ASEAN market.It\u2019s easier to pass as an ASEAN brand than start all new as Tongsan brand.Not necessarily true, MG is extremely popular in Thailand thanks in part because it has a very good agency. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "QUOTE(chickenshit36 @ Jun 24 2024, 03:27 PM)lol. Will end up like Mara digital mall. Bungkus. I dare say people who suggest and support this also won\u2019t go Langkawi holiday lol.supporters sendiri also go oversea yumseng see bikinis hypokrit at it best lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8866775631904602} +{"text": "QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 15 2022, 10:47 AM)Does those rules actually stated in Quran?Or it was established after study of Quran?Like Mentioned Pig, Dog and alcohol?Like can touch perfume...but cannot drink alcohol...You must understand that Al-Quran is not the only source and reference of rules.We got hadith, ijmak ulama and qiyas. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9211239814758301} +{"text": "QUOTE(averest @ Jan 21 2019, 06:12 PM)chickenThere is also haram chicken. I'm not joking. It's more on how the food is prepared. That's why a lot of controversies when Western opt to taze the animal before slaughter. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973047971725464} +{"text": "@IzzuddinRashidi I tak makan cendol, cendol takde sijil halal. I nak XinFuTang, baru I yakin sebab ramai yg beratur beli hmmmmmm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973883032798767} +{"text": "\r\nPowercat mahal\r\nPastu stray cats yg berderu datang makan kat rumah aku ni tak suka makan\r\nWhiskas & brand kedai 2 hengget pun mereka kurenggg gemor\r\nDepa prefer snappy tom, me-o, smartheart, fancy feast, prodiet for wetfood & kibbles sayangku, snappy tom, prodiet, friskies", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7620246410369873} +{"text": "QUOTE(hydragyrum @ Nov 13 2023, 05:01 PM)Will the Cukai from Haram stuff like Judi, Arak, Khinzir be segregated and categorized as well?Sorry cukai we tapow all thank you, ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(icemanfx @ Jul 8 2024, 06:45 AM)PRC, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Japan, etc don't have fuel subsidy. Only regressive countries like Pakistan, Algeria, Egypt need subsidy.If a country economic policy is ditated by b40, the whole country will become a b40 country e g Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria.Totally agree. Those countries won by promising popular policies and now ended up with serious trouble. See the complaints from some people from Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia...you know where our diesel subsidies go. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(Donphatz @ Sep 8 2023, 07:10 PM)itu bukan minyak bijan ke?yum sedap . makan pussy pun haram bukan tapi makan juga. bila orang tanya kita makan makanan halal sahaja. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995794892311096} +{"text": "Bawa anjing masuk restoran IslamWartawan Sinar Harian2 November 2015Anjing (dalam bulatan) dibawa pengunjung bukan Islam yang diletakkan di kerusi meja makan sebuah restoran didakwa menyentuh sensitiviti pelanggan lain.SEPANG \u2013 Orang ramai di sekitar kawasan Dengkil kecewa dengan sikap segelintir pengusaha kedai makanan yang tidak sensitif membiarkan pengunjung membawa anjing peliharaan serta meletakkannya di kerusi turut digunakan pelanggan lain.Bukan sekali mahupun dua, pengunjung yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Ahmad berkata, situasi di restoran yang sama pernah diviralkan di laman sosial sebelum ini.Namun katanya, pekerja kedai makanan terus membiarkan anjing peliharaan dibawa pelanggan bukan Islam dan diletakkan di kerusi meja makan restoran.Dia berkata, mungkin tidak kisah atau peduli sekiranya restoran menyajikan makanan bukan halal, malangnya restoran tersebut dikunjungi orang Islam yang majoritinya percaya premis menawarkan tempat makan yang suci dan bersih.\u201cPapan iklan restoran siap bertulis tulisan jawi lagi tapi saya kecewa anjing sewenang-wenangnya dibawa ke premis dan diletakkan di kerusi.\u201cMeski kerusi dan meja makan itu diletakkan di luar restoran namun kebersihan boleh menimbulkan keraguan kerana berkemungkinan ada titisan embun dan rintik hujan di kerusi yang kemudian diduduki haiwan berkenaan ,\u201dkatanya.Ahmad berkata, dia pernah bertanya kepada pekerja restoran mengapa membiarkan perkara itu berlaku.Alasan diberi tidak dapat diterima apabila pekerja memberitahu mereka tidak nampak pelanggan membawa anjing tersebut dan memberitahu pelanggan mungkin tidak tahu larangan membawa anjing peliharaan.\u201cKalau dah ada larangan, mengapa biarkan pelanggan bawa anjing, haiwan itu turut memanjat di atas meja makan dan menjelir-jelirkan lidah. Saya tengok pelanggan bukan Islam di meja sebelah pun macam takut anjing terlepas dan menuju ke arah anaknya yang masih kecil ,\u201dkatanya.Menurutnya, dia juga kecewa dengan sikap pelanggan bukan Islam yang tidak sensitif dengan perbuatan tersebut.Justeru, katanya, pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) perlu memberi peringatan kepada pengusaha restoran terutama dikunjungi pelbagai lapisan kaum dan agama supaya kejadian tidak berulang.Pengusaha restoran juga di saran meletakkan papan tanda larangan membawa binatang peliharaan di premis makanan dan mengusir pengunjung yang enggan mematuhi arahan tersebut.Sementara itu, Yang Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (MP Sepang), Puasa Md Taib berkata, sebelum ini pihaknya ada menerima laporan pengunjung membawa anjing ke dalam sebuah premis makanan.Beliau berkata, majlis sudah mengambil tindakan sewajarnya mengeluarkan notis penutupan premis kepada pengusaha sebaik aduan diterima.Pengusaha yang tidak mematuhi peraturan ditetapkan akan berdepan tindakan penutupan premis atau pembatalan lesen sekiranya membiarkan kesalahan berulang.\u201cDalam peraturan memang tak boleh bawa haiwan peliharaan masuk ke dalam premis makanan termasuklah kucing,\u201dkatanya.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/edisi/selang...-islam-1.446987 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999862790107727} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Dec 23 2023, 08:57 AM)LOL. itu ajelah balasan yang mampu.Duduk malaysia tak faham Bahasa melayu pulak. Memalukan betul. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995736479759216} +{"text": "Kebanyakkan rider termasuk saya akan inform pada customer kalau kedai yang kami ambil order tu pada kami meragukan. Kami siap hantar gambar sebagai bukti. Lepastu, terpulang pada customer.\n\nKami pun belajar agama bang. Tau halal dan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "Aku perhatikan lately isu halal haram makanan trending. Ramai yang perlekeh logo halal jakim.\n\nPadahal kalau kau kerja kat syarikat Foods & Beverages, kau akan tahu. Bila satu syarikat tu ada logo iktiraf JAKIM, kau tak sepatutnya ada rasa ragu nak makan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:25 AM)How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons.QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:44 AM)From what I recalled, in that case, there was testing done and apparently pig dna was said to be found in a couple of cadbury products. If that was true, of course there would be uproar. It's a product bought by many muslims based on it's halal certification and assurance there are no pig-related ingredients in it. Why would it be hilarious if it's true? If faeces is found in a well-known and popular product, I would expect uproar as well.Turns out though that the initial testing was false and there was no pig-dna. Jakim came out with clarification on this and everything calmed down - as it should. Muslims still bought cadburys as far as I know. The people who did the initial testing and claimed about the pig-dna should have done better though and should have been reprimanded (believe it was the Health Ministry).well said ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979242086410522} +{"text": "QUOTE(muhibah @ Dec 20 2016, 10:03 AM)Hi TS, if want to go around, places of interest is quite spread out bcoz kuching is big. If u want to see cultural stuff, go to kpg budaya or the real long house in annah rais. Its durian season now so you can indulge urself at south kuching towards serian, its very cheap not like the greedy seller in penang. Waterfront is good place to hangout at weekend. And if u don want to miss star wars, watch at imax at viva city mall Yup im getting out from kuching now to serian Then all the way up northWill eat dabai and durian later ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(acbc @ Jan 1 2019, 02:10 PM)After 1 year tutup kedai.after that blame earth, air, carbon dioxide coz no support then demo n threathen gov minta tongkat and projects. politicians bodo wan get support will let the hotel win some contracts. 5 years later got some award and said no tongkat or anything also survive show how popular is this concept ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992702603340149} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeapsc73 @ Jul 24 2024, 11:05 AM)haram?Datuk Gong punya rumah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99666827917099} +{"text": "Kan bagus kalau wakil\u00b2 Jakim pergi ke kedai\u00b2 yg display pork-free ni buat penerangan serta tawaran untuk pentauliahan sijil halal. Kalau mereka setuju terus buat pemeriksaan pada kedai adakah ia menepati syarat. Dengan ini, kedai makanan halal kita bertambah. Sekadar mencadang. https://t.co/9wgufe3MXF", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999034404754639} +{"text": "babi haram -> ok.jpgvape haram -> rage.jpgwtfisthisshit.jpg ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "memang kalau takde sijil halal = haram terus eh? omfg islam itu mudah jangan la susahkan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995879530906677} +{"text": "Ingat senang2 je ke pihak JAKIM nak bagi logo halal tu? Kalau betul semua makanan tu tak halal. Takkannya dijual bebas macam sekarang.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9944203495979309} +{"text": "with that temp. any alcohol already evaporated. But yea haram, banyak sudah masuk neraka ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "sudah kasi lu masuk u, apa lu mau lagi?tak suka, keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998699426651001} +{"text": "gw gapernah beli ginian karna gak suka makanan berwarna seperti ini dan keliatannya manis bgt", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984172582626343} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 02:59 PM)Boleh semak website halal direktori ada tak penyedia makanan guna terma \"hot dog\". Org yang kerja dalam F&B dah lama tahu, sebab itu dalam penjenamaan makanan, mereka tak guna nama \"hot dog\". Mereka guna frankfurter atau sausage. Jika frankfurter atau sausage daripada bahan yang haram, mereka tak dapat sijil halal. Jika barang yang tak halal, selalunya pasaraya akan asingkan terus. Jika tak agree tak apa, terus berbincang dengan pihak JAKIM. Tak ada masalah. Join sekali dengan team JAKIM utk sediakan satu lagi MALAYSIAN STANDARD utk halal cert. Boleh tukar jadi MS 1500:2016 . Nak join?\u00a0 Yang memburukkan adalah muslim sendiri sebab tak faham, dan acah2 lebih hebat daripada mereka. Orang awam juga jangan ingat mereka itu malaikat atau nabi sampai semua perkara nak diperlekehkan sampai tahap menghina.\u00a0 Ye. Saya sorang muslim yg tak faham tu. Nak tanya 1 soalan je, dlm islam nama makanan boleh menentukan haram halal x? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997889399528503} +{"text": "its all come to cost, western food are dirt cheap to make and has highest margin profit thats why it is most popular ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "Mana2 company yg provide the above products/services boleh mohon sijil Halal tapi tertakluk kepada syarat2 yg dijelaskan dlm Manual Prosedur. Tapi kena tau, sijil Halal Malaysia TAK WAJIB. Company boleh je kalau taknak mohon sijil halal. Jakim takkan paksa.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9667565226554871} +{"text": "Ni contoh makanan yang ada sijil halal daripada jabatan pensijilan halal yg telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIM So kalau makanan di US,ada logo halal IFANCA ni, maka jangan ragu2 lagi. Anda boleh makan, terjamin halal insya Allah. https://t.co/apTsQlITHk", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9217019081115723} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Jul 23 2020, 07:23 PM)Apa susah?\u00a0 Letak je label \"Melayu yang punya\" with a little QR code.Then can scan code to check registration complete with ID and photo. Done.Edit: Bagus jugak different logo, nons can differentiate and pilih barang yang lebih berkualiti\u00a0 betul, sy setuju ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999620914459229} +{"text": "Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(KineticKill @ Dec 9 2018, 03:19 PM)Politik flipflop is ok. You can voice your dissent, you can disagree, no problem.You pernah voice your dissent on halal haram matter? This here is the problem, bila parti politik menggunakan agama. Bila kita tak bersetuju dengan politik mereka, mulalah nak tuduh orang sesat, murtad.These tunggang agama people are really crazy, power-hungry people.Lulz. Setakat parti politik whaddaya expect. PAS kena dituduh pengganas, sesat, Taliban, terpesong dari agama, ekstrem, macam2 lagilah over the past decades. Demonstrasi jalanan ... benda ni ada pendapat mengatakan boleh, ada pendapat mengatakan tak boleh. Terpulang nak terima pendapat mana satu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991710186004639} +{"text": "Pandangan dia org ni tak de kena mengena dengan jakim. Dia org ni suka menabur fitnah, sampai tak de rasa malu utk kata makanan tu jadi haram pasal cina yg jual tanpa sijil jakim. Tanggunglah dosa org yg melabelkan makanan haram tanpa siasatan rapi.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.977508544921875} +{"text": "Saw many Muslim people wearing hijab drinking it. Not an issue since they don't think it's a problem even without halal cert. In fact many Muslims travelling overseas have to rely on common sense since not many places will have halal cert, they just need to ask and know what ingredients are in their food and drink. Of course they will fell better patronizing restaurants run by Muslims. But in certain situations they just have to make do with the best options availableThis post has been edited by yeeck: Mar 15 2024, 11:53 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993821382522583} +{"text": "depends on mazhab. in shafie is haram. in maliki is halal. apparently they got sell this on road side in morocco since morocco is following mazhab maliki ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997902512550354} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashraf Farid @ Jun 18 2015, 09:29 AM)But...but...the kids were never Muslim to begin withLet them choose and understand when getting old. The auntie already doing her best to retain their culture/religion. It is not easy to do. Appreciate it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998238682746887} +{"text": "QUOTE(feiraron @ Jun 10 2019, 12:32 PM)as they should, and again please don't just focus on pork regarding halal and haram, its much more than that. No wonder food poisoning so rampant ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9921749234199524} +{"text": "Like seriusly xing fu tang is cancelled. Suspicious sbb fake sijil halal. Knp nak fake sedangkan takda sijil halal pun org yakin nak minum. Tapi dah jadi mcm ni buat kan org suspicious. So no. https://t.co/u5WvRim2tS", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6264562010765076} +{"text": "QUOTE(faiz293 @ Sep 29 2014, 10:11 AM)Anyone can recommend a good quran translation book? I want one that tells me the story behind of each verse. A simple one, not too lengthy.that one you try to look for AZBABUN NUZUL . there one big book that my uncle bought complete with tafseer and the azbab.best bet in KL minerva jalan TAR. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999229907989502} +{"text": "Entahnyela. Aku menyampah orang yg suka 'euw' makanan ni, yg mana terang bersih dan halal.\n\nKau tak rasa lagi, tak payah la euw...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962465167045593} +{"text": "Halal Jakim ni bukan semata-mata jaga status halal tapi jaga kebersihan premis dan ruang dapur/penyediaan makanan jugak. Kedai milik bukan Islam yang ada sijil halal ni wajib ada pegawai halal beragama Islam untuk lulus. Kedai melayu kena gerak ke arah ni jugak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9857088327407837} +{"text": "Haih aku peliklah... Dulu pergi sekolah tak belajar bab Halal ke??? Suka\u00b2 hati tweet kutuk orang berniaga tepi jalan tak da sijil Halal... Sekarang kau beli tepi jalan tu kau tengoklah orang tu muslim ke apa... Kalau muslim dah confirm kau yakin...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5545592904090881} +{"text": "QUOTE(LivingActive @ Feb 18 2016, 04:31 PM)no need sunat2 xwajibmany pretty amoi with tudungdrillz plz ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(moiskyrie @ May 27 2024, 11:30 AM)Put 444 or if budget 44.4Or 666 or 66.6 if budget..Best buy red paper self write use calligraphy ink..Black marker pen cannot?Or blue pen or gold ink marker pen?This post has been edited by plouffle0789: May 27 2024, 11:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "viral food/drinks = good presentation only for social media sharing purpose ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9893935918807983} +{"text": "Aku ada pengalaman apply halal cert ni memang renyah. Satu satu ingredient kau pakai kena list down pastu kena search halal cert ingredient tu kat website jakim. Bayangkan makanan melayu berapa banyak bahan nak buat 1 lauk. Hahaha", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9728347063064575} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengang15 @ Jan 8 2024, 11:32 PM)[I am curios. So what is your pendapat then(assuming you are a muslim)Haram to have an opinion breh\ud83e\udd2d\ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf5f\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934259653091431} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 13 2023, 01:51 PM)Kalau boss bawak pi makan, please insist pi restoran halalKengkadang diorunk pi minum etc tapi kalau level ko rendah sgt mmg x kena inviteSake jgn minum, haram. Bon odori jgn pegi, syirik & khurafatAmoi seluar pendek putih gebu angkat Tak? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999498128890991} +{"text": "QUOTE(galkelly @ Jan 16 2022, 11:10 PM)the fact that she has to wait until viral only action will be taken...this is budaya kita dyher original mother is foreigner right? why they call her gadis melayu?if her mother african will she get the same benefits now or only give her because face is 2hhcrr9ch? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999962568283081} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Dec 7 2015, 12:02 PM)I don't see why aurat is a bigger concern when it comes to healthcare, as a consumer (patient) and/or as a practitioner. If you're so concerned about faith-related issues, what are you doing in a place that is dedicated to healing the physical? Why not stay home and appeal to the greater power instead? Make wishes for world peace and all that. You should be more concerned about tangible matters like quality of care, prices of medicine, competency of the doctors etc when it comes to healing the sick. This is a classic example of seeing the trees and not the forest, a luxury of nitpicking small issues when there are so much more bigger issues abound. Some are trying to equate this with recent incidents of government dress codes, but fail to see even then the ministers and authorities concerned admitted that such dress codes are not enforceable and are only discretionary. What, will they be so concerned about aurat and other sensitivities that one day they refuse to be touched by what they deem is a religiously improper medical personnel, even as they lie on the hospital bed? Will they accept the treatment, and then later sue the hospital once their lives are saved, because their faith was offended? Will medical personnel refuse to treat victims of alcohol-caused incidents? Indians refusing to touch someone who was poisoned eating beef? Buddhists refusing to treat food poisoning from meat-based products? Catholics refusing to be on call on Sundays?I find the attitude of some people about this to be frankly hypocritical. Where's their crusading moral outrage against cigarettes when it has long been declared haram 20 years ago? Instead we have complaints about rising cigarette prices. Another example of nitpicking, to be religiously outraged about things that are only inconvenient. That is why sometimes I snicker at the hypocrisy of those who attend Friday prayers, complete in traditional clothing; only to light it up when it's all over. Or worse, flick the cigarette butt anywhere and climb into their vehicle which is illegally parked but felt religiously justified to do so. So not only did the smoker violate a fatwa about smoking, he also broke secular rules about parking as well.They should just admit it that it has nothing to do with the religion, but because they perceive their right was infringed. It's an inconvenience, a challenge; that someone dared to restrict what she can or can not do. How dare the hospital say such a thing, to actually use the rulebook.\"Screw your rules, I have religion!\"Aye aye....eventually we gonna hit this sh!t : ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7155777215957642} +{"text": "Keberaihan itu aebahagian Dari Iman, sabar itu separuh Dari Iman. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974028468132019} +{"text": "best ooooooooooo main salji ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8542121648788452} +{"text": "MOHAMED Meeran (kiri) di majlis pelancaran pembukaan cawangan baru My Heaven's Park di Dataran Wangsa Melawati My Heaven\u2019s Park Sdn Bhd, pengendali restoran makanan segera jenama My Heaven\u2019s Park, menyasarkan jualan RM9 juta bagi tahun ini terutama disumbangkan oleh pembukaan cawangan baharu.Pengarah Urusannya, Mohamed Meeran berkata, syarikat terus melebarkan sayap di pasaran Malaysia dengan pembukaan cawangan kedua My Heaven\u2019s Park di Wangsa Melawati.Katanya, tahun ini syarikat juga mengadakan promosi lebih agresif dan merancang membuka empat lagi cawangan My Heaven\u2019s Park di sekitar Lembah Klang menjelang akhir tahun ini. \u201cMy Heaven\u2019s Park berasal dari Arab Saudi dan mula menapak di Malaysia akhir tahun lalu selain di Riyadh serta Malaysia, kami turut meluaskan pasaran restoran ini di India.\u201cObjektif utama kami untuk menyediakan makanan segera terjamin halal bagi orang Muslim di seluruh dunia dan menerusi My Heaven\u2019s Park, kami yakin ia dapat dicapai,\u201d katanya.Menurutnya, sebelum dibuka di Malaysia, restoran My Heaven\u2019s Park bertapak di Riyadh sejak 1999 dan kini mempunyai enam rangkaian di Arab Saudi serta India yang menerima sambutan baik.Mohamed berkata, pihaknya mempelawa mereka yang berminat menjadi rakan niaga dengan membuka cawangan My Heaven\u2019s Park.\u201cModal bagi membuka cawangan antara RM 500,000 dan RM1.2 juta bergantung pada lokasi dan saiz. Setakat ini, My Heaven\u2019s Park menawarkan 30 menu termasuk burger, bubur serta ayam dan kentang goreng serta menambahnya dari semasa ke semasa.\u201cBagi perancangan jangka sederhana, kami menyasarkan mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya satu cawangan di setiap negeri seluruh Malaysia dan jangka panjang pula, kami mahu menembusi pasaran negara ASEAN,\u201d katanya sambil menambah maklumat lanjut boleh melayari www.heavenspark.my.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/122730 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993175268173218} +{"text": "@br0ck_08 x sbb koi baca Jakim kata harus melabur tp majlis fatwa selangor kata haram..itu je..aok nti bungkus makanan ckit utk koi haha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971812963485718} +{"text": "Tauke2 durian pun bodoh. Sudah ambik tanah kerajaan berpuluh tahun secara haram dan untung berjuta-juta tak terpikir nak beli tanah halal ke? Takkan ingat boleh duduk kat situ selama-lamanya. Sediakan payung sebelum hujan mah... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992326498031616} +{"text": "MP langkawi manyak suka seputeh nekkid ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996695518493652} +{"text": "Somehow, nak yakin pon berpada2 lah tengok lah berusaha sikit. Main pakai bantai itu bukan bukti kau yakin. Itu bukti kau mmg tak kesah. benda paling basicnya tgk owner, tukang masak or bancuh or pekerja and makanan tu. Unless mmg tak kesah, then JAKIM pon tak semak dgn kau", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998254179954529} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Mar 16 2024, 11:17 AM)Even President also no power in Pas. Pas system give the power to Dewan Ulama for decision. In Pas they dont give power to single individual. The power is collective under Dewan Ulama. That is why Pas is very clean and no songlap case.Dewan ulama? You mean just like iran style where the real power is in the hands of Supreme council headed by the ayatollah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999719858169556} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia ranks second in Asia in 2020 for cyberbullying among youths, according to a United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) report - indicating that cyberbullying is becoming an increasingly prominent problem in the country.The popular usage of social media platforms had made it a rife breeding ground for cyberbullying and toxic behaviour, not only among youths but adults as well.https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022...h-cyberbullying ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988195300102234} +{"text": "aku benci sebenarnya seller yang sibuk letak orang islam kita niaga utk promote makanan diorang. \n\ncina no pork no lard korang banyak was was.\n\nmelayu yang sibuk jaja \u201corang isley kito niago\u201d ni pun korang kena was was. halal tu bukan setakat halal, wajib bersih jugak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999821186065674} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 06:49 PM)Tak ada siapa yg cakap nama makanan boleh tentukan halal haram.Jika hang punya pendapat kata clause tu tak perlu ada tak apalah. Tapi utk aku, aku berpendapat clause tu perlu ada.Dlm dokumen tu pun ada senarai yg perlu diikut utk dptkan cert halal. Lepas aku go through dokumen tu, aku yakin clause tu sgt relevant.Boleh bgtau kenapa kau rasa syarat tu perlu ada ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985093474388123} +{"text": "Malay sian easily confuse, earn money honestly is haram, curi and songlap is halal. Maybe this is Jakim logic bah...inb4 Sabah people know what \"Serve No Pork\" means, only Semenanjung confuse easily.This post has been edited by RicoT: Oct 19 2016, 09:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999070167541504} +{"text": "#NcuhiDorowoni#RumaSehe.\n\"makanan yang halal, bersih dan baik akan membentuk jiwa yang suci dan jasmani yang sehat.\n\nSebaliknya makanan yang haram akan membentuk jiwa yang keji dan hewani.\"\n\n(Nggahi Londo Ruma Sehe\n84R4)\n.\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998899698257446} +{"text": "Jadi kalau roti sardin perlukan 10 ramuan, Anda perlu nyatakan, 10 nama syarikat pembekal 10 alamat syarikat pembekal 10 syarikat pembekal diiktiraf oleh jakim 10 syarikat pembekal masih mempunyai sijil halal yg sah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9656032919883728} +{"text": "So kicap Ada bahan haram tak owaii ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(tankerbell12345 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:36 PM)Pork contains the most fat so its unhealthy and bad for spiritual progression but many malays are fat anyways. They dont eat pork but eat beef, chicken and lemak food. It doesnt make any difference.QUOTE(shinnsohai @ Apr 24 2013, 10:40 PM)they say pig is haram due to dirtinessbut according to research...pig are way clean than some other animalsWell, pork has very little muscles and an excess of fat - you got that right.eat more of these and and if your vessels gets deposited by too much fat, hypertension/heart attack will be on its way Dirtiness?- besides dirt, it lives on its own faeces. and muck Also,there is a risk that the pig is to be host to many parasites and would potentially cause diseases.There is not even a safe temperature that would kill all those parasites and bacterias, not to mention worms (trichina worm - one of the deadliest and hardest to kill) living in them.a misconception among ppl is, if the meat is cooked well, all the bacterias (and others such as trichina worm's egg) will die. Hence, avoiding it at all cost would be wiser.off-topic question,Any christians here?you guys eat port meat? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999269247055054} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Jul 12 2024, 09:59 AM)The Chicken Rice shop is localize for to suit our taste budHe employed chef from Hainan China which I think risky move the chef may not have taste bud as local sink and he himself not involve in kitchen operation. To get the best tender, moist and juicy chicken, he himself must acquire the know how 1st. If he rely onto the chef, his business might not sustainableNot easy for type M to learn how to make moist steamed chicken with silky skin plus the chilly ginger sauce also need the skills as most chicken rice shops often put too much vinegar. For a type M to learn these skills when they have not eaten this from young not so easy like hiring cooks from China which cook them differently from local MY. Even the best ones in singkie (The Mandarin Spore) makes the best steamed chicken and fresh ginger sauce. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999390840530396} +{"text": "QUOTE(MaybachS600 @ Apr 20 2023, 10:52 AM) Restoran Pak Ali.Restaurant Pak Ali. Macam restaurant halal ni. Bukan ke sij halal termasuk tahap kebersihan. Sila tarik balik sijil halal, tutup kedai setahun. Mesti restaurant Jenis 100% org indon, India yg Jaga dgn gaji RM1200 kerja 26 jam cuti Lima Hari setahun ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998883008956909} +{"text": "Dah lama aku tak makan makanan yang aku memang yakin halal dan bersih. Alhamdullilah... akhirnyaa hahahhaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.634453535079956} +{"text": "Palembang - Dapur Ibadah (Indah, Bersih, Aman, dan Higienis) Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Palembang Kemenkumham Sumsel berkomitmen memproduksi dan menyajikan makanan bersih dan halal bagi warga binaan. #lapaslahat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998551607131958} +{"text": "\r\nMknan ape yg jd persoalan halal haram tu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(UpsideDownYeah @ Jul 1 2021, 08:13 PM)Haram kan je , lepas tu manufacture flag with cop halalSell : Profittis pro ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7290542721748352} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 01:45 PM)Compare how Geely spends their profit vs Proton. They used it to buy Volvo, poach their talents, keep re-investing to buy more companies, develop new tech, etc.Proton lol, janji cronies bumiputera only kaya, bangga la, but got zero business acumen to become a proper car company. SZA was the man who brought Myvi in, he's a good man, a proper automotive guy I'd say.He was decent in Proton, made a lot of sensible moves. But alas, it just looked like he had his hands tied, never truly free to do everything he wanted, everything that was right. Atok and bitter Mahaleel never liked him, for their own vested interest. From blocking Proton-VW deal, Khazanah disposing all shares to DRB, Atok became Chairman, doesn't need rocket science to figure out what's actually happening. Geely tookover, things look good again, until this parts shortage incident that's putting much doubt in me. Can Geely strong arm their way, or those crooks will? I'm not optimistic. If the crooks win, with Bangau helping to influence the public with his nasionalist bs sentiment, then now we have to prepare the day we start reading headlines Proton getting billions and billions and billions more 'soft loan' demi memajukan orang kiter, selamatkan pekerjaan orang kiter. They just never learn, sigh.It would be interesting to see what happens when DRB needs to get rid of more Proton shares as I doubt Geely would allow more of their products to be used without further stakeholding after the 3 promised models. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958529472351074} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sammie7 @ Mar 23 2021, 03:16 PM)I dont think gerai tepi jalan bother to apply jakim cert.If they \u201cDon\u2019t bother\u201d how does anyone confirm its halal status?From a consumer point of view, i guess it is up to personal conviction (use your own judgement) But this whole business is built on selling \u201chalalness\u201d AKA making profit from the HALAL label.How do they judge an eatery is halal and good enough to deliver to their customers? waiter pakai tudung / yang masak tu bangla = enough to confirm it is halal?It cheapens the word halal because there is nothing to back it up. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9673096537590027} +{"text": "QUOTE(CoffeeDude @ Nov 23 2020, 11:24 AM)Actually what taste best to you may not taste best to another.The taste is to your personal taste buds.You like chinese cakoi because you are used to that taste and texture.Example is Fried ChickenFried chicken in Korea is different from fried chicken in USA, different from fried chicken in India.I won't say one is better than the other.They are all different.It is better to accept that we are all different.truewe are accustom to the taste we grow up ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 11:13 PM)Jakim never said jatuh haram because it is named as hot dog la kak.Jakim suggest a more proper name as per their policy to issue the halal cert.\u00a0 They suggested the name in mind of the user of Islam that they may or may not be certain people (particularly old fold that have very minimal exposure to languages) that is accustomed to such name. they did it conservatively in respect of Muslim as a whole.get it?I dont care if majority think its stupid, its not tolerable, its socially awkward. but please, respect their effort. for we as a muslim can atleast acknowledge their effort. Thats all i'm asking here.Halal-ness is based on the meat, cleanliness and procedure. Apa kaitan good name with halal? Takda good name cannot give cert? Why is it even in their policy? If i name it bratwurst, would it be better?Might as well ban anything that malays in general dont understand. Ban any food with chinese name, chee cheong fun, kam heong, etc. Since malays dont know what it means anyway and can make malays confused. I would NOT acknowledge this so called effort that made muslims look stupid.Dog is not even that dirty in islam. Many muslim farmers using them for various use.This post has been edited by hirano: Oct 25 2016, 11:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99992835521698} +{"text": "Orang Melayu benda viral semua bedal.Halal haram belakang kira ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": " Kepada serbanista semua, pls apply kerja kat kat JAKIM kalau berminat dgn teknologi makanan!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9211882948875427} +{"text": "I dono lol.For best experience, eat telur puyoh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999626874923706} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:17 PM)Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.Topkek at this reason.his cloth too should be haram by his logicuseless in a hot wet environmentbut really cool wahabi cosplay thoughThis post has been edited by darth5zaft: Jan 4 2018, 09:42 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998005032539368} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Dec 30 2023, 12:31 PM)Wa bukan alim wa cakap basic saja bro..basic muslim thingy. Akidah is basic yo. You dunno jangan sibuk la knnoi bana lu dari tanjung rambutan?lu sibuk buleh org lain sibuk x buleh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.928331732749939} +{"text": "dude its tradisi to chinese. yg Malay pulak tigger apesal? gila la ko langkawi. duh. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Nov 16 2020, 08:25 PM)tldr version: fake meat that trying to look like babi is also haram.for you lots this is why meleis rage. also, got a few conditions that needed to be fulfilled in order to call it \"trying to look\". ---------Soalan :Assalamualaikum w.b.tSaya ada satu persoalan. Baru-baru ini telah tersebar mengenai daging babi tiruan (fake pork) yang dihasilkan daripada kacang soya serta bahan bukan daripada babi, tetapi rasa dan baunya seperti daging babi asal (real pork). Soalan saya, apakah hukum kita memakan daging tiruan babi tersebut?Jawapan :Waalaikumussalam w.b.t.Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT, selawat dan salam kepada Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, isteri dan ahli keluarga baginda, para sahabat baginda serta orang-orang yang mengikuti jejak langkah baginda sehingga Hari Kiamat.Kami mulakan dengan firman Allah SWT :\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u062d\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u0650\u0646\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650Maksudnya : \u201cSesungguhnya Allah SWT mengharamkan kepada kamu memakan bangkai, dan darah, dan daging babi, dan binatang-binatang yang disembelih tidak kerana Allah.\u201d(Surah al-Baqarah : 173)Ayat di atas telah menyatakan bahawa Allah SWT telah mengharamkan kepada kamu semua apa yang memudaratkan seperti bangkai iaitu yang tidak disembelih sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh syarak, juga darah yang mengalir, daging khinzir dan sembelihan yang disembelih bukan kerana Allah. (Lihat al-Tafsir al-Muyassar, hlm. 26) Syeikh al-Sa\u2019di menyebutkan bahawa larangan memakan bangkai kerana ia adalah buruk lagi memudaratkan dan kebiasaannya juga ia mati (menjadi bangkai) disebabkan oleh penyakit. Maka, semakin bertambah lagi kemudaratannya. (Lihat Tafsir al-Sa\u2019di, hlm. 81)Pengharaman daging khinzirBegitu juga dengan daging khinzir. Para fuqaha telah sepakat (Ijma\u2019) akan kenajisan daging khinzir sekalipun disembelih. Hal ini berdasarkan nas al-Quran yang telah menyebutkan bahawa khinzir adalah najis secara zatnya. Maka dagingnya dan kesemua bahagiannya sama ada bulu, tulang dan kulit adalah najis sekalipun disembelih. (Lihat al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh, 1/302)Syihabuddin al-Alusi menyebut di dalam tafsirnya, dikhususkan penggunakan lafaz daging, dalam masa yang sama bahagian-bahagiannya yang lain juga hukumnya haram kerana kebanyakkan bahagian yang dimakan daripada haiwan adalah daging. Dan seluruh bahagiannya yang lain mengikut hukum pada daging tersebut. (Lihat Ruh al-Ma\u2018ani, 1/439)Makanan Halal dan HaramMengenai perkara ini, Allah SWT telah berfirman di dalam al-Quran :\u0648\u064e\u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0644\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u064a\u0650\u0651\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u064a\u064f\u062d\u064e\u0631\u0650\u0651\u0645\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u064e\u0628\u064e\u0627\u0626\u0650\u062b\u064eMaksudnya : \u201cdan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik, dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk.\u201d(Surah al-A\u2019raf : 157)Maksud ( \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u064a\u0650\u0651\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 - baik-baik ) ialah perkara yang disukai dan diingini oleh jiwa manusia yang bersih. (Lihat al-Fiqh al-Manhaji, 3/67)Begitu juga firman Allah SWT :\u064a\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064e\u064a\u0651\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0633\u064f \u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0645\u0650\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0627 \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0623\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0636\u0650 \u062d\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064b\u0627 \u0637\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0628\u064b\u0627Maksudnya : \u201cWahai sekalian manusia, makanlah kamu dari (hasil) yang terdapat di atas muka bumi (makanan) yang halal lagi baik.\u201d(Surah al-Baqarah : 168)Syeikh al-Sa\u2019di telah mengulas ayat ini dengan mengatakan bahawa ianya ditujukan kepada seluruh manusia sama ada orang-orang beriman ataupun kafir, supaya memakan apa yang ada di atas muka bumi ini, yang terdiri daripada biji-bijian, buah-buahan dan binatang-binatang yang telah dihalalkan buat mereka mengambilnya (memakan dan mengambil manfaat daripadanya), bukan dengan cara merampasnya, atau mencuri atau dengan hasil muamalat (jual beli) yang diharamkan atau perkara-perkara yang diharamkan. Manakala toyyiban pula ialah bukan daripada perkara yang buruk (kotor dan jijik) seperti bangkai, darah, daging khinzir dan lain-lain. Ayat ini adalah merupakan dalil bahawa hukum asal bagi sesuatu perkara itu (untuk dimakan dan diambil manfaatnya) adalah harus. (Lihat Tafsir al-Sa\u2019di, 1/80)Ayat di atas juga menunjukkan bahawa makanan yang hendak dimakan oleh kita hendaklah memenuhi dua kriteria tersebut iaitu, halal dan baik.Daging babi tiruan (sintetik)Berbalik kepada soalan yang ditanyakan, asal kepada sesuatu sumber makanan itu sama ada daripada haiwan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan atau lain-lain adalah halal melainkan ada nas yang jelas terhadap pengharamannya. Perkara ini adalah bertepatan dengan kaedah :\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0635\u0644 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0634\u064a\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0628\u0627\u062d\u0629 \u062d\u062a\u0649 \u064a\u062f\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0644\u064a\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0645Maksudnya : \u201cAsal sesuatu hukum itu adalah diharuskan, sehingga terdapat dalil yang menunjukkan pengharamannya\u201dJusteru, kami katakan bahawa asal hukum daging tiruan yang diasaskan daripada sumber tumbuh-tumbuhan dan bahan-bahan tambahan yang dibenarkan adalah halal dimakan seperti daging tiruan yang dibuat daripada kacang soya atau kacang hijau. Lebih-lebih lagi, daging tiruan tersebut dihasilkan bagi memenuhi permintaan vegetarian yang ingin merasai bagaimana rasa daging yang sebenar.Akan tetapi, kami berpendapat daging babi tiruan (fake pork) adalah haram dimakan sekalipun bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penghasilannya adalah halal. Hal ini adalah kerana mengambil langkah Sadd al-Zarai\u2019 iaitu menutup jalan yang boleh membawa kepada galakkan mendekati produk berasaskan babi iaitu dengan merasa daging babi tiruan halal. Perkara ini seterusnya boleh membawa kepada kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam dan dikhuatiri mereka akan terjebak memakan daging babi yang sebenar (real pork) dengan sangkaan ia adalah daging babi tiruan (fake pork).Begitu juga, daging babi tiruan tersebut berkemungkinan besar bertujuan sebagai strategi pemasaran untuk mempromosikan daging babi yang sebenar, memakan daging tersebut secara tidak langsung menyebabkan umat Islam terjebak dalam bersubahat menggalakkan memakan daging babi atau perkara-perkara yang diharamkan di dalam agama.Ketika membahaskan senarai perkara-perkara yang tidak boleh dizahirkan kepada orang-orang Islam oleh orang-orang kafir zimmi, Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami mengatakan :\u0648\u0645\u0646 \u0625\u0638\u0647\u0627\u0631 \u0645\u0646\u0643\u0631 \u0628\u064a\u0646\u0646\u0627 \u0646\u062d\u0648 \u062e\u0645\u0631 \u0648\u062e\u0646\u0632\u064a\u0631 \u0648\u0646\u0627\u0642\u0648\u0633Maksudnya : \u201c(Termasuk yang ditegah) ialah menzahirkan mungkar dalam kalangan kita orang-orang Islam, seperti arak, babi dan loceng gereja.\u201dMenurut beliau lagi, di antara sebab ia ditegah itu ialah kerana ia boleh membawa kepada pelbagai kemungkaran. Selain daripada itu, perkara yang turut dilarang sama sekali tidak boleh dizahirkan ialah syiar atau lambang kekufuran dan kemungkaran.(Lihat Tuhfah al-Muhtaj, 9/301)Larangan menyerupai orang kafir dan fasiq.Selain itu juga, umat Islam telah diperintah supaya berpegang dengan prinsip tidak melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang menyerupai orang kafir pada sesuatu yang kita dilarang melakukannya. Lantaran itu, kita dilarang oleh Rasulullah SAW menyerupai golongan kafir dalam hal yang merupakan amalan dan tradisi dalam agama mereka. Daripada Ibn Umar R.Anhuma, Rasulullah SAW bersabda :\u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u062a\u064e\u0634\u064e\u0628\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064d \u0641\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0648\u064e \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0645\u0652Maksudnya : \u201cBarangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum dia adalah dari kalangan mereka.\u201d[HR Abu Daud (4031)]Sheikh al-\u2018Azim Abadi menukilkan pandangan al-Munawi dan \u2018Alqami. Kata mereka : \u201cYang dimaksudkan dengan hadis ini ialah berpakaian dengan pakaian mereka, juga menyerupai cara mereka serta menyerupai perlakuan dan perbuatan mereka.\u201d (Lihat \u2018Aun al-Ma\u2019bud, 9/54)Al-Imam al-San\u2019ani menyebut : \u201cHadis ini menunjukkan sesiapa yang menyerupai atau meniru orang yang fasiq, orang kafir, atau pembuat bidaah maka dia adalah dari kalangan mereka (sama seperti mereka). Di mana dia meniru apa yang khusus bagi mereka seperti pakaian, tunggangan atau gerak-geri mereka.\u201d (Lihat Subul al-Salam Syarh Bulugh al-Maram, 4/175)Oleh itu, perbuatan memakan daging khinzir adalah merupakan perbuatan dan makanan biasa bagi orang kafir. Sedangkan ia jelas terlarang dalam agama Islam. Maka umat Islam dilarang sama sekali meniru walaupun sekadar gaya perbuatan mereka yang memakan daging khinzir.KesimpulannyaBerdasarkan perbincangan dan perbahasan di atas, kami simpulkan kepada beberapa perkara :Hukum asal daging tiruan yang dibuat daripada bahan-bahan halal seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan dan lain-lain yang dibenarkan adalah halal. Akan tetapi, kami berpendapat daging babi tiruan (fake pork) adalah haram dimakan sebagai langkah Sadd al-Zarai\u2019 iaitu menutup jalan yang boleh membawa kepada galakkan mendekati produk berasaskan babi iaitu dengan merasa daging babi tiruan halal.Perkara ini juga, seterusnya boleh membawa kepada kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam dan dikhuatiri mereka akan terjebak memakan daging babi yang sebenar (real pork) dengan sangkaan ia adalah daging babi tiruan (fake pork).\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Selain itu, kita perlu menjadi pengguna muslim yang bijak untuk menjauhkan diri daripada apa jua bentuk produk yang meragukan. Apatah lagi produk yang jelas mempunyai hubungan dengan perkara yang dilarang syarak seperti daging babi. Rasulullah SAW bersabda :\u062f\u064e\u0639\u0652 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u0631\u0650\u064a\u0628\u064f\u0643\u064e \u0625\u0650\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0644\u0627\u064e \u064a\u064e\u0631\u0650\u064a\u0628\u064f\u0643\u064e \u0641\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0651\u0650\u062f\u0652\u0642\u064e \u0637\u064f\u0645\u064e\u0623\u0652\u0646\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e\u0629\u064c \u0648\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0630\u0650\u0628\u064e \u0631\u0650\u064a\u0628\u064e\u0629\u064cMaksudnya : \u201cTinggallah apa yang menjadi keraguan kepadamu kepada yang tidak meragukan. Maka sesungguhnya kebenaran itu adalah satu ketenangan dan sesungguhnya dusta itu adalah satu keraguan.\u201d[HR al-Tirmizi (2708)]Begitu juga, tidak boleh sekali-kali melakukan sebarang usaha untuk mempromosi atau menormalisasikan daging babi khususnya kepada umat Islam. Perbuatan tersebut hanya akan menimbulkan kekeliruan di samping menyentuh sensitiviti umat Islam.Kami juga ingin mengingatkan, bagi menyemak status sebarang produk makanan ataupun minuman yang dikeluarkan atau yang terdapat di dalam Negara, hendaklah terus merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada badan berautoriti seperti Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM.Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kefahaman yang jelas kepada kita semua dalam beragama. Ameen.https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/irsyad-fa...tiruan-sintetikyada yada ...duit haram trying to look like duit bersih.....ok je...so not applied..next ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998538494110107} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Dec 21 2020, 10:14 AM)We have been eating non halal meat all these while. This proven all these halal certs are but just out there to make money.The next billion dollar question: how to cleanse?It doesn't work that way lah. If back then when you were eating you don't know, settle la. Nothing to it. If you purposely eat something you know is not halal, then saja cari dosa la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999276399612427} +{"text": "Dia tak halal as in haram atau dia tak halal as in belum ada sijil halal? Kena clarify benda ni baik2 dulu sblum tweet content cani. Kah! https://t.co/nBS9BaPUlA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976634979248} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Nov 11 2020, 09:51 AM)later neighbour open stall depan rumah sampai block kereta, then he said, hey tu jalan bukan rumah kau, kerajaan bagi niaga lu apa bising2?then people come open tered complaint neighbour chibai.This.Govt not using brains before making decision is nothing new in this country.Pakai otak bukan budaya kita. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995555579662323} +{"text": "Don't understand. Iowa is not an Islamic state nor it was the shariah court. I doubt the flasification of the documents relate to the halal status. Make sense if their offense was in falsifying reports for tax purposes etc. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983088970184326} +{"text": "mesti seorang yang butthurt sebab baru belajar maksud bacon itu babi, lepas tu guna fesbuk buat perangai pak pandir, telur sebiji riuh sekampung. Tapi akalnya kurang, tidak tahu di pasaran ada beef bacon ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "LATEST NEWSJust in -Vape has been added into highly taxable goods like alcohol and tobacco .And so it's not haram anymore , enjoy vaping =) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999237060546875} +{"text": "Actually this is a smart move. Now the operators want to continue selling? Stop renewing Halal status. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996551275253296} +{"text": " QUOTETempat makan Char Kuey Teow goreng paling legend dekat Petaling Jaya!Untuk pengetahuan semua, Pakcik ni dah lebih 45 Tahun berniaga di sini.\u00a0 Dia punya penangan masakan dia betul2 sedap. Orang PJ dan Kelana Jaya mesti tahu port makan ni kan.Orang Melayu, Cina, India pun makan dekat sini, mantap\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udccdLau Wan Kuetiaw Goreng, Petaling Jaya\nG3mZP8FpWVo\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997461438179016} +{"text": "Bhai dulu ada orang main tuduh econsaveKena police report. I think sorry pun no cure, terus continue with samanSome companies don't mind the cost if its to send a messageSo hang better be careful what you post when big boys are involved. Tak kira halal ke haram ke or based on what religion. You kacau periuk nasi of the big boys expect repercussions As is kat /k pun ada MCMC snitch ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "Cetak sejuta naskah memang bukan masalah untuj kita. Tapi masalah kita adalah ada anak-anak bersekolah tanpa makanan, pengangkutan awam masih teruk etc. Unless they gonna use JAKIM punya 1bil budget, then OK", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7512625455856323} +{"text": "gurdwara food is damn nice. been years since i last ate it. QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:46 PM)macam ak cakap sblm ni n ada org lain duk cakap jgk, tgk kepada keadaan, proses dan kaedah penyediaan makanan tu. Bkn kata bila kata darurat je trus ble pi makan babi tu. Tu salah/haram hukum dia. Keadaan yang mana dibenarkan untuk mkn bda yg diragui status halal sesuatu makanan adalah berdasarkan kpd keadaan semasa. Tgk dlam kes kalau kita menetap di luar negara, makanan halal susah nak dapat sebab xbyk pekedai yang jual makanan halal. Dalam kes mcm ni kita ble ke option makanan vegetarian. In case kalau keadaan yg mana makanan vegeterian pn susah nak dapat baru dibolehkan untuk makan makanan yg xhalal sbb kalau xmakan boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada badan.Dalam kes banjir ni. selagi masih terdaya untuk bertahan atau ada option lain untuk dapatkan makanan halal, then jd haram hukumnya kalau org tu makan juga mknn yang diberi oleh org yg beragama lain.kalau pilihannya antara makanan tak halal yang orang sedekah dan pecah masuk speedmart99 untuk curi biskut, mana satu lebih halal? This post has been edited by spursfan: Dec 20 2021, 07:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945281147956848} +{"text": "@twt_boots Yakin ke mamak yang selalu kau pergi tu halal? yakin ke gerai pasar malam tu halal? Yakin ke nasi lemak tepi jalan tu halal? Yakin ke popiah basah tu halal? Yakin ke cendol kat foodtruck tu halal? Sebab rasanya mcm jarang kedai2 mcm ni ade Sijil Halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9667442440986633} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 08:29 PM)why shandy not haram?you will never get drunk from drinking shandy. your liver process the alcohol faster than you can drink. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997009038925171} +{"text": "I pernah msg Insta depa personally tanya pasal ni. Dia kat staff muslim kene ada 2 org kat kedai each time utk dpt halal so dia susah nak dpt halal cert. Tp katanya food dia semua mmg source halal.. KLCC i yakin halal sbb KLCC takleh jual pork. Tp tutup la pulak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99846351146698} +{"text": "\nsy bersyukur kerana tidak dipegaruhi oleh sesetangah org yg mempromosi makanan yg sy rasa\u00a0\u00a0...\namelya Post at 9-6-2010 18:37 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Lor... masakan cina tu bukan bererti dimasak oleh non muslim... tapi resepi dari masakan cina zaman berzaman.. jangan la sempitkan pemikiran dengan merasakan setiap masakan cina tu ada alkohol, ada babi... etc\n\r\nSepertilah orang melayu suka dengan masakan Thai... kalo nak tau, kat Thai depa masak manisan, masa menggelegak tu depa celup biawak yang masih hidup untuk dimakan... lazat katanya... hati hati makan manisan dari Thai... \n\n\r\nErk.. manisan tu orang sini panggil gula melaka...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959424138069153} +{"text": "Bodoh TS, you go to the one near poslaju bercham and see that yck. People line up for it, then you ckp mrk best, bodo. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999544620513916} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeezai @ Jan 24 2023, 03:05 PM)You don\u2019t think so cause you\u2019re confusedI said I don\u2019t think so because i don\u2019t wanna offend people. Honestly it\u2019s easier to come back from \u2018I don\u2019t think so\u2019 than \u2018I know so\u2019. QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Jan 24 2023, 03:06 PM)not neccesarilytapai...process from halal to haram then halal againThe same cannot be applied to intoxicating beverages, if I\u2019m not mistaken. Like you can do that with a tapai, but not with whatever their definition of \u2018arak\u2019 is. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.647097647190094} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Aug 18 2015, 11:29 AM)Vaping pun allowed la. Just haram. Same like rokok. Where got rokok halal? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alex9892 @ Jun 13 2024, 08:19 PM)\ud83d\udccd Donut Nenen19, Persiaran Aspirasi, Cyberjaya, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor\u23f0 12PM - 7PM (Tutup: Isnin)\u260e\ufe0f 011-2133 2760Like this oso want to viral?Just flour in oil. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6349461674690247} +{"text": "Apa? \nDoa susah makbul? Akhlak semakin buruk? Hati semakin busuk? Ada kaitan ke semua ini dengan makanan? Jom sirami hati dan ikuti Sedutan Slot Tabayyun Halal dengan topik tajuk Hikmah... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156739857892398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999994039535522} +{"text": "Kita wajib memilih makanan yg bersih, halal dan sedap.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998950719833374} +{"text": "kecian Iman tak kuat......better go pray more. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9401602745056152} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Jun 24 2024, 02:41 PM)Can pakai seluar pendek?Don't show lutut. Please understand. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8309016227722168} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Nov 1 2023, 11:03 AM)okay ini explain bukan sijil halal ye. kalau ada sijil halal persoalan ini tak keluar dah.1. makanan halal2. kedai kotor1. kedai kotor makanan tak halal contoh babi - makanan tu tak halal. obvious kot2. kedai kotor makanan halal contoh ayam sembelih alaakbar - makanan halal. tapi sebagai customer nak beli ke? kalau terpaksa beli dan makan, makanan tersebut tidak haram. masuk hospital cirit birit dan mungkin hampir mati je kot.ok faham, maksudnya bab kebersihan tu tak kira HARAM atau HALAL dari segi agama...yg penting ialah bahan2 dan cara sembelih yang digunakan.This post has been edited by Jv8888: Nov 1 2023, 11:08 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999412298202515} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)[attachmentid=8642471][attachmentid=8642476]so non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients alonehello even the name Root \"Beer\" is HARAM .. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "Weh i understand tapi jakim nak tengok makanan haram ke halal eh maksud kau? https://x.com/eilyanaazira/s/eilyanaazira/status/1700526127822111213\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999816358089447} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayamxxx @ Mar 15 2024, 01:56 PM)How about the Steering Rack and poor quality Brakepad supplied by or made in Thailand? The brake parts especially rotor and pad are poor by HM, keep on vibrating after sometime on it. My car was from 2015, but up until now the later model from HM suffer from it. Doubt the make lesson learned, products improvement etcbrake pad sometimes that one down to cost reduction, there will always be engineering change to improve. All parts will undertake VAVE, CR etc if have problem need to submit RCA, 8D report etc. co like denso also not coming from heaven. fuel pump issue in vios, myvi and some honda vehicle did happen, but does that mean it happens always, all the time? Remember takata? now bankrupt already, last time meeting with all oe in malaysia very LC. just that in general most japenis cars can last longer than warranty period and this one is confirm la 9, 10 years old japenis car still going strong. the same cant be said to geli car, let alone china kar. Geli car is the best cina car besides saic motor. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6873452663421631} +{"text": "QUOTE(Donphatz @ Oct 16 2022, 05:49 AM)im a muslim but a bit confuse. If i go to mekah i can still see shop still display hotdog in their menu and not sausage.Yup, I stayed in Dubai for business. Hotel accommodation was arranged by the Arab boss who came in early to have breakfast with us at the hotel buffet restaurant to our surprise.What shocked us was he eating beside us without any issues when we are so uncomfortable eat real pork bacon.He noticed our uneasiness but he explained as long as he no eat pork everything else is ok!After all most important is one's believe, high level of imam, ibadat & ilmu.Guess Malaysia have too many Holier-than-thou hipocrites? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7502738833427429} +{"text": "1.Something stupid2.Viral3.Sold out4.Maaf dan taubat5.Repeat Typical malaysian ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9803503751754761} +{"text": "\ntapi macam mana plak dengan virus-virus dan segala keburukkan daging babi tersebut yang dah meresap ke dalam badan kita. bleh ke simply buang dengan air sahaja.. sebab tu la perkara ini perlu diberitahu dan dihebahkan.. jangan dok cakap haram-haram je.. sebab kemudaratan kepada badan kita tetap akan terjadi walaupun dosa kita telah diampunkan oleh Allah.\njoeyss Post at 10-6-2010 12:18 \nSampai\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 virus\u00a0 \u00a0babi\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0pun\u00a0\u00a0ambik\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 kira\u00a0 \u00a0.....\u00a0 \u00a0 \r\nnon-muslim\u00a0\u00a0relaks\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0aje\u00a0 \u00a0 makan\u00a0\u00a0babi\u00a0 \u00a0 ni\u00a0 \u00a0.....\r\nkalo\u00a0\u00a0ko\u00a0\u00a0takut\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0sangat\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 virus\u00a0 \u00a0 babi\u00a0\u00a0..apa\u00a0\u00a0kata\u00a0\u00a0ko\u00a0\u00a0minum\u00a0 \u00a0 air\u00a0\u00a0tanah\u00a0 \u00a07\u00a0\u00a0geles\u00a0\u00a0 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(wong_86 @ Jul 26 2024, 03:17 PM)bertaraf dunia they said, pui !Paling teruk di dunia is also bertaraf dunia okay. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954181909561157} +{"text": "@MohamedTaufiqq @MohKeIpoh Saya yakin makanan di Hollywood tu halal dan bersih. Kedai tu sendiri tak ada pengesahan halal JAKIM, tapi ada peniaga yang paparkan sijil halal pengeluar dan pembekal di gerai masing-masing. Asasnya, sama level dengan kedai makan Melayu. Tak ada sijil halal, tapi diyakini halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994007349014282} +{"text": "Bodoh taliban, stop disrespecting other ppl food.We don't give a shit about your haram halal crap.We love BKT because it tastes good and nutritious ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(allinuff @ May 21 2016, 01:08 PM)That is not correct.Democracy only works when every citizen is seen as a citizen regardless of race, religion, sex or any other attributes. There is no \"will of the majority or minority\". It's just the will of the people. What this basically means is, if you want a law that lets you get high once a month, then everyone gets to get high once a month. But you cannot pass a law that lets you kill one person every month, even if the majority wants it because it's unconstitutional to take a person's life.So in this context, it would be a bad precedence to force the removal of those signs. It opens the doors of similar grievances. Sounds like I'm invoking slippery slope but that's how the law works. If you remove this sign, anyone that has a similar claim can force another sign to be removed. Do we really want to go down this road?As long as the decision does not impede on various rights and freedoms guaranteed for every individual, it's still the will of the majority but the term does not have to refer to a race. I'm not in support of removing the sign since it also caters to non-Muslims who do not consume pork but the likelihood that it's being exploited is higher. The problem here is how the entire blame is placed on ignorant Muslims. Within the current context, removal of the sign does not affect an outlet or its clientele, unless you're referring to business such outlets might lose due if the the ambiguity of their service is made even more apparent. How about putting up a non-halal sign for no-pork outlets? Looks as bad as no-pork doesn't it? The best would be if all signs were removed and Muslims stopped patronising outlets without JAKIM's certification but you cannot deny that the F&B industry needs the Muslim clientele.I'm all for outlets displaying what they serve. No beef? No problem. No meat? No problem. It's more informative and I don't have to go through the trouble of enquiring.QUOTE(spanker @ May 21 2016, 01:12 PM)Who do you mean by \"you guys\"? Surely yiu don't mean non muslims, do you? I'm sure you can see the problem there.Business owners are people too. They should have the ability to serve a target clientele. If you suspect they are trying to snare muslim customers, surely that suspicion alone is enough to deter, no? So I'm not sure what you are implying here, that you're less trusting than the average muslim, or that they're more easily fooled.Furthermore, what about outlets that neither puts no pork nor halal signs, but bear names like \"warong mohd\" or \"bistro Aisha\" or \"Steven corner\" of \"Sri murni\"? It smacks of double standards and discrimination. Plus, given the current issue, insults the intelligence of muslims and nons alike.Democracy has to be in accordance to constitutional and humanitarian rights. Practicing arbitrary democracy is not democracy.Nope. I'm referring to Muslims educating other Muslims, hence it was not included in my reply to you.Does the sign give them access to a bigger market? Yes. Does removing the sign remove said access? Yes. Does the removal of the sign hinder non-Muslims from patronising the outlet? No. Removing the sign is not the solution but it doesn't impede the outlet's ability to function and it doesn't stop you from eating there. The losers here would be the non-Muslims who do not consume pork. Yes, it is funny when mamaks only require skullcap-wearing staff and a huge Islamic calligraphy to justify their Halal-ness. It's a trust system, isn't it? Muslims here would patronise any outlets that are owned by Muslims. It doesn't even need to be run by Muslims. They just need to know if the staff are Muslims or if the owner is one. It would be great if all Halal outlets had certs and if some businesses stopped exploiting signs but that's not the world we live in.Plus, the removal of the sign is not completely arbitrary. The implementation will be systematic . Just to make it clear, I'm not completely in support of removing the no-pork sign. I'm arguing against placing the blame entirely on Muslims. The problem here is the exploitation of the trust system and the government is using a lazy method to solve it. It still needs solving and education won't work. Malaysians are lazy, just like the government. This issue insults the intelligence of Muslims but you can deduce that many remain ignorant based on this proposal.This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: May 21 2016, 02:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6730471253395081} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Aug 7 2015, 12:53 AM)Those mouth that spewed out insults and holier than thou and curses and profanity Tak haram ker?+1 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988102912902832} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 3 2017, 09:27 AM)Boycotting McD for the religious extremism is no small matter, only DUMB people think it is small matter when it is exactly the opposite. The religious extremism is gradually eating into our non-Mxslim rights, we need to make our stand loud and clear. By remaining silence we shall see more and more ridiculous rules being implemented that indirectly erode our rights.TS is a simpleton.So when mcd is declared Halal, did you make any noise about it? Since it's also your right to eat pork burger (trying to apply your flawed logic here) You're the type of Malaysian Chinese who will just pull the country backward. It's their house, so follow their rules. U tak suka, pi makan Pi Ramlee Burger. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9310504198074341} +{"text": "QUOTE(razkal @ Feb 3 2024, 11:51 AM)No more animal handling probably overstatement. Less animal. Founders cells from the best of breed, tender succulent meat can be made to multiply overtime and kept to grow over the years. Therfore no need animal slaughtering. Of course the cells need to be transformed first so it is not limited to cell senesescence. Other ingredients can be made to produced in other types of biofermentors by cloning the gene of interest into other host cells example yeast etc that could express the protein, therefore animal free. That's why many are willing to invest in this.cells only multiply 40 to 60 times,.. can't go forever,... some more growing it u need to constantly feed them nutrients,.. it also came from animals,.. and in fact u need to kill more animal to extract tiny amount of purified ingredient,..This post has been edited by Cincai lar: Feb 3 2024, 11:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999712705612183} +{"text": "McD burger dijamin Halal also got ppl decree that it's Haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Jun 1 2022, 10:00 PM)SINGAPURA: Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) mengarahkan semua pemegang sijil halalnya untuk berhenti serta-merta mengimport dan menggunakan produk daging daripada pusat penyembelihan di Australia, Thomas Foods International Lobethal (TFIL).Dalam kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan, MUIS mendapati terdapat sebab yang munasabah untuk merumuskan bahawa kesahihan daging halal daripada pusat penyembelihan TFIL sudah dikompromi.\u201cKeputusan kami berdasarkan fakta dan pandangan daripada pihak-pihak berkuasa yang berwenang dan diyakini, selepas menjalankan siasatan dengan beberapa pihak terlibat,\u201d kata Sharifuddin Mohamed Ali, Ketua Rangkaian Bekalan Halal Muis seperti yang dilapor Berita Mediacorp.MUIS juga menghubungi\u00a0 pemegang sijil halal yang mengimport daging daripada TFIL untuk mendapatkan sumber-sumber halal alternatif demi memastikan bekalan makanan halal dalam negara tidak terkesan. \u201cKami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada masyarakat atas keprihatinan mereka terhadap isu ini,\u201d jelas Sharifuddin.Dalam catatannya di Facebook, MUIS komited untuk mempertahankan dan melindungi integriti serta kesahihan bekalan makanan halal untuk masyarakat Islam Singapura dan akan terus memberikan kemas kini serta nasihat kepada masyarakat berhubung aspek ini.bagus,semua boikot aust ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8448472023010254} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 24 2017, 02:46 PM)Probably She think she is perfect How bout tak solat(which u can't prove)\u00a0 or tak tutup aurat(things that doesnt necessarily mean that person is bad)? BetulGuna whatsapp ok jesolat or aurat tu urusan dia dengan tuhanas long as kebersihan dan halal haram di jaga, should be no problem ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977912902832031} +{"text": "QUOTE(WinkyJr @ May 14 2024, 11:48 AM)BJ as blowj.. ?u malu ka? i help you finish the word. is called BLOW JOB... it's a dangerous job yiu know? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Nov 13 2023, 03:16 PM)Then might as well dine in saja la, why wana be hipokrit?After all what mcd earns here in Msia still remains circulated in Msia. Whether profit big or small, or even taking a loss, the franchise fee still pay to Arabian mcd and Arab mcd still pay licensing fee to mcd USA Wana boikot until gerbang alaf bungkus? Mcd USA don't even feel a pinch while the local workers here lose jobs and suppliers lose business and suppliers workers might lose jobs too. Delivery riders have less business. All those domino effect tarak fikir. To quote an fb fren of mine :Jangan dicabar pahala boikot Mekdi.Let gerbang alaf bungkus, we win. Those in the job patut tukar kerja halal don't work for them.Nons now penyokong Yehudi tegar, PuAS shall answer in a few days keluar kenyataan media about this to complain sahaja.This post has been edited by fu'house: Nov 13 2023, 06:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.920821487903595} +{"text": "tolong lah buat PC pasal halal & haram premis makanan ni wahai JAKIM....agar tak keliru orang2 melayu kita...kejap halal kejap haram HAISH!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9587243795394897} +{"text": "Over lah yang penting makanan halal & bersih dah ler. Haritu dekat tv ada ustaz cakap makanan tu halal even dimasak oleh non muslim pun, kita tetap boleh makan. Janji tak guna benda yg tak halal. 2022 dah kot aduhh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9780350923538208} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 22 2023, 05:22 PM)Just finish meeting....ok..1) China do not give out PR easily, unless you have been contributing to the betterment of China, so citizenship lagi tak \u00a0 \u00a0 payah cerita. There is a way, if you have relative in Hainan Island,,,,then there is still jalan.marry to a PRC still cannot get PR? AfraidIGotBan still bangla status over there even tho his wife PRC? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994065761566162} +{"text": "QUOTE(AlexRoss27 @ Mar 13 2024, 09:30 PM)Let me get your red herring out of the way, we\u2019re not arguing on standard of education that is whole seperate topic, yea SJKC has better education but our whole education system is shit so being king of shit is no high praise. I digress, separate issue.What Prof Teo talks about I have seen and experienced with my own eyes, of course the instigator of the racism like yourself wouldnt want to admit to there being a problem because that would disturb the illusion of you being the victimized race.Asking a chinese if they experienced racism in SJKC is like asking a malay if there is mistreatment in SK. Theres a inherent bias there.Regardless, its easy for you to dismiss my experience and those of many others because you rather not want to acknowledge it or deal with it. You want proof, open a thread and ask for people to write in they experienced racism in SJKC as a non-chinese. Would you dare?On your second point, yes SK and many schools are also racist. But thats a separate issue that has many threads dedicated to it, so please dont use whataboutism as an argument. Topic on hand is racism in SJKC.Remember, two Wongs dont make a rightI humbly posit SK racism far exceeds SJK racism supported by the fact that more and more Bumi outright prefers SJK (non nons 20% and growing) conversely SKs has less and less multiracial composition.By all means I 100% agree SJK also have plenty of racist and chauvinist but interesting enough far less than SKs (paksa makan minum di tandas, tak boleh pakai tradisi, gurau non minum air kencing ... ini semua guru termasuk guru besar).The more likely conclusion that SJKs are by far truly a school for Malaysia Malaysians versus SKs ... again it is incredible when the growth of non-nons have reached 20% +++ (this is fact)You are right, each of us have bias, but Malaysians have found that SJK to be the better truly Malaysian school compared to SKs ... again please share any report of the outright racism in SJK (definitely there is inherent racism but relative to SK ??)Even PAS MP/Politictian send her children to vernacular school ... why ?Temerloh tak selesa dgn sek vernakular guna Bahasa lain tapi Temerloh juga hantar anak ke Sek CinaBuka kantin sekolah: 'Saya tidak mahu pelajar bukan Islam makan di stor'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCc-z4LLWDU..._channel=KiniTVhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnzx9gp0FZ4...nel=JASONUpdateThis post has been edited by Ray2021: Mar 13 2024, 10:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7180413007736206} +{"text": "QUOTE(bani_prime @ Jul 2 2022, 01:44 AM)This is stupid question, why need to eat tutrle egg? U eat cow egg before.? Why not eat turtle penis tookalau nak troll pon jgn teruk sangat.nampak tak bijak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999192953109741} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sihambodoh @ Jun 10 2024, 01:22 PM)Dulu semua wolang cakap, kalau tak undi PH, you pengkhianat negala. You undi losak, you also pengkhianat negala. Sistem demoklasi di Malaysia, mesti undi PH, tabule undi losak.Asal bukan puas*clench dickhole* ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997586607933044} +{"text": "@BQ_9 Lepas ni kalau nmpk pakcik ni kt tepi jalan beli nasi lemak, aku nak snap pic dia viral kan. Beli mknan takde sijil halal!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6139587759971619} +{"text": "The economy is currently being pushed by typeC. Even in indon and other SEA countries. By killing typeC biz, you\u2019re killing Malaysian economy because the alternative (typeM) just ain\u2019t good enough for global economy. But well, experience is the best teacher. When GDP drops and lotsa jobs are gone, then maybe typeM will realise but it will be too late. End up like indon in the 90s. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999496936798096} +{"text": "QUOTE(yugimudo @ Mar 29 2016, 03:54 PM)Tak, saya suka minum beer akar\u00a0 tabuli ini machem..nanti jadi pokok pasal ada akar yo! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999324083328247} +{"text": "\u2764\ufe0f INFO PENTING!\u2764\ufe0f \ud83d\udc95 Sumpah Pinklady HALAL\ud83d\udc95 Ternyata #PinkladyOriginalHq memang 100% selamat digunakan. Sijil Halal ada, KKM ada, Kini Pink Lady ada kelulusan iklan dr lembaga iklan ubat (KKLIU). So, jangan was-was lagi untuk consume Pink Lady ye. \ud83d\ude0e \ud83d\ude0e 500% Guarantee \u2714\ufe0f https://t.co/3rhiQ1yPqQ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997711181640625} +{"text": "Nak cakap pasal halal haram makanan ni Makcik jual nasi lemak tepi jalan pun tk dak sijil Halal Em em", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995259702205658} +{"text": "QUOTE(LarryPizzaGuy @ Dec 23 2020, 01:56 PM)So let me get this straight....When it comes to alcohol... shop ini market itu tak boleh jual sebab kedai mesti jual barang halal.Tapi.. when it comes to import meat... \"ini bukan kesalah I.\" Import meat is not under JAKIM's jurisdiction, so no need to scream halal cert ini halal cert itu?Hyprocrit betul ini.Meat safety under veterinary dept. Halal cert if keluar by official s from importing country it will be mostly valid, for eg if by aus body then ada cop aus body and so on.I think those syndicate use fake halal cert also. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999796152114868} +{"text": "Jom cantik bersama pinkLady yang penting Pinklady ni ada kelulusan KKM dan SIJIL HALAL so xyha nak ragukan lagi ya yang penting 100%herba Whatsapp 01116987195", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962138533592224} +{"text": "QUOTE(MakeYouHappy @ Dec 18 2023, 02:43 PM)Guess you dead ass has never been there latelyHi ya, chill bro!Was there just last month, & had the best Lamb chop from ANS Station food truck, Hotspot@Presint 2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "Ni cerita sebenar dari owner ttg siakap mahal di Langkawi :Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian , berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia.This post has been edited by krizalid88_real: Nov 4 2021, 11:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960123300552368} +{"text": "@isacjohore Ikut maqasid syariah parti kuali itu dh jd halal. Sebab dari 2017 dh lulus kata akauntan sijil terbang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982737302780151} +{"text": "QUOTE(myasiahobby @ Aug 24 2019, 01:17 PM)Bagus cadangan iniQUOTE(acbc @ Aug 24 2019, 01:23 PM)Bagus!Racist spotted. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(bennyray @ Jan 16 2018, 12:02 PM)Food : Tuaran Mee, Sang Nyuk Mee, Gou Min, Kolok Mee, Sinal** B*k*s, P**k burger, Some Famous Laksa, Fish Noodles (I dont go fatt kee, Expensive) Lots of other choices, Taste not bad! Sea Food : Tung Fung (High Budget) Welcome Seafood (Cheap / Reasonable Price)Sunset : Tg Aru beach The best! (Free), Beach Hotel Sunset Bar (High Budget, Near Tg Aru Beach)Island : Pulau Sapi, Manukan, Mamutik 10 - 20 Minute from KK, Pulau Mantanani, Snokeling, Sandy White beach (2-3 Hours from KK) Mountain : Ranau (Mount Kinabalu Surounding, Kundasang (Good weather, Imagine Genting but no such big hotel / Building)Hot spring : Mount Kinabalu Area.Mud Vocanal : Pulau Tiga (Survival Island)p/s : Dont be surprise, Muslim do work in Chinese restaurant, we all live in harmonymuslim set up stall in chinese food court too, no problem also even in sarawak. Order nasi lemak then order roasted pork belly, makan using nasi lemak cutlery, no ppl give a fuk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965620636940002} +{"text": "jibby memang suka sama prc. jual tanah sama prc. macai tiba tiba semua diam ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.991329550743103} +{"text": "@ImanAbdulRahim @ehhNtsha Tiger sugar ni pernah pi beli untuk cust, buntu halal ke tak sebb yg beratur semua cina, pekerja ada islam but sijil tkde terpapar kan nvm was was kan penting", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9129718542098999} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 02:53 AM)1. I did say it's a fast moving world and new products get released everyday.of course they will update but logically it wouldn't be that fast now can it?but the way you are writing it's as if we sit around do nothing and burden the task entirely onto you.Yes that is what's happening. If I label wrong, does jakim get in trouble? NO. Do you get in trouble? NO. Do I get in trouble? YES.If I have to fight in court, does jakim have to spend time and money? NO. Do you have to spend time and money? NO. Do I have to spend time and money? YES.The burden is on me entirely.Here's how jakim can keep a list. Keep track of all items coming through ports, so you have a full list of consumer items meant for mass market. Not difficult because there are already lists. Now I understand you can't update and research new products instantly, but with the list you can now state which products have NOT YET been researched. List those so people don't buy those products. So now you have a list of Halal, Haram and not researched. Simple, done, no hassle for anyone else.This post has been edited by silic0sis: Feb 12 2017, 03:02 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9629421830177307} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mr Mercedes @ Oct 27 2021, 01:57 PM)https://www.bharian.com.my/bhplus-old/2016/...siasat-restoranKUALA LUMPUR: Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (JHEAINS) masing-masing memulakan siasatan terhadap kes sebuah restoran makanan segera yang menjual burger babi menggunakan nama \"P Ramly\".Sumber JAIS berkata, kertas siasatan akan diserahkan kepada Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) mengikut Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 untuk tindakan lanjut.Katanya siasatan membabitkan isu penggunaan perkataan yang boleh mengelirukan atau memperdayakan umat Islam bagi barang jualan yang tidak halal.Jika sabit kesalahan, boleh dikenakan denda maksimum RM5 juta bagi kesalahan pertama dan RM10 juta bagi kesalahan kedua dan seterusnya.\"Kertas siasatan yang dilengkapkan akan diserahkan kepada KPDNKK untuk semakan bagi tujuan pendakwaan.\"Hasil pemeriksaan bersama pegawai KPDNKK di premis restoran itu di Kota Damansara semalam (kelmarin), JAIS menyita satu banting, sekeping menu makanan, resit jualan P Ramly burger untuk siasatan,\" katanya kepada BH.Akhbar ini Selasa mendedahkan tindakan sebuah rangkaian restoran menjual burger babi kepada khalayak dengan menggunakan nama \"P Ramly\" yang mendapat bantahan banyak pihak.Dalam pada itu, Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK), Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin, berkata KPDNKK sudah memeriksa restoran terbabit dan sedang menunggu laporan siasatan dari pihak berkaitan untuk tindakan pendakwaan.Katanya, KPDNKK akan mengambil tindakan jika didapati peniaga melakukan kesalahan mengikut akta berkenaan.Di Seremban, Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan Halal JHEAINS, Zuraini Yahaya, berkata pihaknya juga menyiasat cawangan restoran itu di bandar itu berhubung isu sama.Katanya, hasil siasatan akan dihantar kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) untuk tindakan lanjut\u00a0 \"Kita sudah membuat pemeriksaan di premis itu namun tidak boleh mendedahkan maklumat buat masa ini kerana bimbang menjejaskan siasatan.\"Hasil siasatan ini akan diserahkan kepada JAKIM yang menyelaras siasatan membabitkan beberapa premis rangkaian restoran itu di negeri lain,\" katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.Difahamkan, pasukan penguat kuasa JHEAINS membuat pemeriksaan di premis itu pagi semalam dan mendapati semua poster dan iklan menu burger daging babi P Ramly itu sudah dikeluarkan oleh pemilik restoran berkenaan.Sementara itu, Persatuan Kebajikan Artis Veteran Malaysia (PKAVM) Rabu membuat laporan polis terhadap restoran terbabit kerana menggunakan nama yang didakwa mirip seniman agung Tan Sri P Ramlee.Presiden PKAVM, Rahim Jailani, diiringi timbalannya, Datuk Soni Abdullah dan lima lagi artis veteran hadir di Balai Polis Taman Melawati, Hulu Klang kira-kira jam 6 petang Rabu.Rahim berkata laporan dibuat kerana tindakan mempromosikan produk tidak halal dengan nama seniman dikenali dunia sebagai orang Melayu beragama Islam.Katanya, perbuatan boleh mencetuskan provokasi yang boleh menyentuh rasa tidak selesa orang awam dan kekeliruan yang jelas khususnya masyarakat Islam negara ini.\"Malah, kenyataan pemilik restoran semalam dianggap menghina dan mengelirukan, dengan dakwaan \"P\" merujuk kepada babi (pork) dan jika digabungkan menjadi \"Babi Ramly\",\" katanya kepada BH.Rahim berkata pihaknya berharap pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan tegas sebagai pengajaran kepada semua kaum agar saling menghormati sensitiviti agama masing-masing.\"PKAVM juga menuntut pengusaha syarikat memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada masyarakat Islam negara ini kerana kerosakan sudah berlaku selain membersihkan nama P Ramlee,\" katanya.Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dalam kenyataan di laman sesawangnya bagi mengulas isu sama berkata penggunaan nama yang mengelirukan pada produk makanan, bukan makanan atau perkhidmatan yang menyalahi syarak adalah dilarang kerana mendatangkan keresahan awam khususnya pengguna Islam.Kenyataan itu menyebut pihak industri dinasihatkan tidak menimbulkan kekeliruan di dalam pemilihan nama produk yang ditawarkan kepada pengguna.Kata kenyataan itu, ia adalah bagi\u00a0 memelihara keharmonian antara kaum dan kepercayaan beragama di Malaysia.Halo JAKIM,Kalo nama Pee Mak boleh ker? Nama Thai...jangan suka claim sangat.How about Burger Ah Piang? Chinese... Can anot? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8866338729858398} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 24 2020, 06:19 PM)https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24...ate-says-jakim/The government\u2019s halal authority today said the use of \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d on products would invalidate their halal certification, in a statement that is likely to reignite a debate on policies seen as regressive to Malaysia\u2019s multicultural identity.A spokesman for the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) confirmed to MalaysiaNow the existence of such a condition before a company is awarded halal certification, following an incident reported by a member of the public.MalaysiaNow earlier reported about a bakery which could not fulfil a customer\u2019s request for \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d to be written on a cake he had ordered for delivery to a friend.Instead, the cake was delivered with the words \u201cHappy Holidays\u201d.The bakery owner said it was because he had to abide by the rules set by Jakim as part of the application process for getting halal certification.\u201cThe bakery was not wrong as it is part of the regulations,\u201d an officer from Jakim\u2019s communications unit told MalaysiaNow.He cited a labelling rule stated in Jakim\u2019s manual on the procedures leading towards halal certification.\u201cLabelling and advertising of products and services should not involve the use of any religious or spiritual passage, symbol or noun such as the names of Allah, sunnah, idols and the like,\u201d according to the document sighted by MalaysiaNow.The \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d greeting has been a subject of debate in Malaysia, with some Muslim preachers claiming Muslims are prohibited from using the expression as it is a veneration of Christ.But this is the first time it has emerged that the greeting could also affect a product\u2019s official halal status.Earlier, the customer, who declined to be named, said it was the first time he had encountered such a problem.\u201cBut the management apologised to me saying it is part of the conditions during the audit process,\u201d he added.Jakim is legally empowered as the sole authority to issue halal certification for food and goods as well as eateries nationwide.In the past, critics had questioned several conditions imposed by the department on food manufacturers and franchises seeking halal certification, including prohibiting certain names from being used on the product.Popular pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s and fast food franchise A&W were forced to rename their popular products due to a requirement by Jakim that words such as \u201cdog\u201d and \u201cbeer\u201d are not used on their menu.Auntie Anne\u2019s renamed its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d as \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, while A&W was forced to change the names of two popular dishes for which it is known worldwide: Coney Dog and Root Beer, which were renamed as Chicken (or Beef) Coney and RB.Isu daging haram bagaimana?*Kirk Kirk krik* ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7414708733558655} +{"text": "call jakim ckp suspect kedai mkn 2 jual makanan xhalal tp ada guna logo halal tp kena follow up kes yg kita report 2 xpon cari mana ngo islam contoh mcm ppim buat report mintak depa tlg cek atau pon jalan terakhir viral tp kena ada bukti kuat klu xda silap2 kita kena saman balik", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9168666005134583} +{"text": "\u261bFollow KamiHALAL FOOD INSIDE Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! \n\n #PenderaanTerhadapWanita #Berita", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939584732055664} +{"text": "Saya boikot premis yang takde sijil halal. Jijik, entah-entah ayam disembelih oleh kartel type C. Saya was was nak makan.Lebih selamat dan terjamin makan kepci/marrybrown/mcd This post has been edited by United Rulez: May 18 2024, 09:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996598958969116} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Mar 10 2024, 09:02 PM)Then 1 brave politician stand up and say if Olen tak suka sila .....How ?Don't worried we heard that quite alot.So how now U already guna harom money, can go sugar? Lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993133008480072} +{"text": "QUOTE(aziratul @ Mar 11 2024, 07:18 PM)Who said durian not stinkyEven some western associate durian smell like shit or poo smellSome people is like that lor so ignore je.. think positive other might want to try it just because of these viral thing lolI always thought it smels good. Especially musang king lol.Dem, now craving for one ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "Melayu sekarang mana takut halal haram...lolhantam je la...asalkan kaya.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999728202819824} +{"text": "That time, talking about improving democracy is haram... This time, talking about defending religion is important... lol... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999077320098877} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Apr 28 2024, 10:49 AM)I'm impressed. They actually implemented strict adherence. It would be interesting to get the stats for adoption rate.This also means all business needs to be profiled as halal/Haram ?The card will auto block food transaction before buka puasa time during ramadhan anot????? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989393353462219} +{"text": "First : Sebab ada isu sijil halal so awal awal lagi mmg tak teringin pun nk follow Second : Aku tak minum benda manis . Minum bgi rasa seteguk dua lepas tu siapa nak habiskan air aku \ud83d\ude02 Third : Malas drive and mostly kedai2 macam ni susah cari parking \ud83e\udd2a https://t.co/SWpqDTcIXi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980571866035461} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 10:15 PM)Genting casino forbid muslims from entering SINCE LONG AGO..discrimination? Yeah, But any muslim butthurt become viral?No.Moral of the story? Stop bitching about everythingjust browse through and found this post rather amusingu think Unker Lim don't want do muslims business if he is allowed to? his concern is he will get fined and risk of license revoked if he ever try to encourage muslim to gamble in his premise its as if bak kut teh don't welcome u all, but what will happen to the taukeh if he let u in to eat the babi? u 'll kena by jakim, he will kena alsois really topkek, i guess u re so wanted to try the babi and nombor ekor deep down in your heartThis post has been edited by PhakFuhZai: Sep 24 2017, 10:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999542236328125} +{"text": "QUOTE(mick84 @ Sep 9 2023, 06:38 PM)https://fb.watch/mY19mcjo0z/?mibextid=v7YzmGThis is the video that make them famous. You can see both bottles are the same. The Malai cousin food blogger go after he saw Edmond\u2019s post.I saw I saw.But netizens said not logic use 2 bottles of sesame oil.They also questioned whether the chicken slaughtered in halal way or not? The chicken doesn't look appetizing bla bla bla.Also they said Indonesian culture don't care halal or haram bla bla bla. They said these pendatang bring their Indonesian culture to Malaysia.Honestly I'm not a fan of claypot chicken rice. I hear no lap cheong also I no mood to try oledi. Gib them watered down no pork version oso they complain banyak. Better this unker just put lap cheong and sell to Nons only. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9927402138710022} +{"text": "pondan pun pondan la. yang penting kaya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976842403411865} +{"text": " Dulu makanan ini sering masuk tipi, di liput di berita investigasi yg bahas soal makanan berbahaya. Suara penjualnya yg disamarkan kek curut ituTapi tetep aja, pas esdeh beli beginian. Mana habis makan ini suka batuk tapi besoknya tetep beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9055643081665039} +{"text": "cukur not like those that I heard, go overseas eat pork drink wine like nobody. Pork bacon banyak best according to them. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9919392466545105} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chisinlouz @ Sep 5 2023, 12:50 PM)Whether in an efficient or slow manner; as long they are not being ignorant and go extra miles for the sake of public, they shall proceed. I do not refer extra care to Muslim community but everyone. \"Only dirty food joint have the best food\" - A thing Malaysian proud of. Public who like the idea is giving them money. Therefore they are not poor to begin with in maintaining a hygienic makan place. amon_meinz mintak pencerahanRedundant doesn't mean being inefficient, but doing a job others are already doing. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999138116836548} +{"text": "Bagus tu... kasi competition sikit... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970293045043945} +{"text": "QUOTE(Strike Eureka @ Apr 26 2022, 04:51 PM)Sendiri buka tengok, lepas tu kecam Haram , batal posa etcs....sendiri Iman masalah jecc: ry8128Biasalah, normally those iman x kuat, of cos must think of all sort of excuse to clear sendiri from dosa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999450445175171} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Feb 1 2023, 01:46 PM)If not happy, then take it up with HP.This one go social media memang want attention.Best is to stop all these belanja makan. It's a form of kickback.This post has been edited by coconutxyz: Feb 1 2023, 01:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "Quality Control:\n\nRestoran/kedai mempunya standard menyediakan hidangan masing-masing.\n\nDi Malaysia, kita amat peka dengan status halal makanan tersebut terutamanya dalam kalangan orang Islam. Kedai yang dapat sijil Halal daripada Jakim dah fulfilled semua standard yang diperlukn", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998817443847656} +{"text": "haram?This post has been edited by AxeFire: Nov 28 2016, 07:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9594401717185974} +{"text": "5. Untuk syarikat kecil sebenarnya tak susah untuk apply halal yg penting bahan mentah digunakan halal dengan bukti spt sijil halal dikemukakan dan proses pembuatan produk/makanan halal selain kebersihan premis dan pekerja. Tu je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9909544587135315} +{"text": "Haiwan dwi dunia are haram to eat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "WE HAVE EVERYTHING HALAL HERE IN MALAYSIA EVEN PUJI MAKANAN MALAYSIA TAU!\n\nWe have HALAL cuisines (or pork free status using halal ingredients) for western, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, middle east, Indonesian, African, Mexican & more.\n\nWE'RE PROUD OF OUR HALAL INDUSTRY.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "QUOTE(kehadapan @ Jan 22 2019, 11:50 AM)NGO mana yang iman senipis tisu ni?Please don't insult tisu. Senipis tisu itu, masih kuat lagi untuk lap hingus. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9425347447395325} +{"text": "Prove itOtherwise TS is just another macai Mekdi nak cuba menjejaskan imej BK. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(LazadaGot @ Jan 24 2023, 12:09 PM)As long as the name contain beer or nama yang mengelirukan, cannot get halal certificate, hence its not halalhttps://beautifulnara.com/coney-dog-dan-roo...at-halal-jakim/Again time and time again need to explain to bodoh ktardNo halal certificate doesn't equal to haram/not halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999880790710449} +{"text": "If she being Malay also difficult to do business in a Malay majority country, imagine how difficult it is for Nons to do food business here. Nons are being discriminated when it comes to food.. Don't she see? Nons fine only buying from Malay stalls..Do Malays buy from Nons? No, tak halal.. tak suci.Why is it they discriminate and then they play victimSusah susah Nona get Halal.. still tak puas hati.This post has been edited by Natsukashii: Dec 13 2023, 07:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999476671218872} +{"text": "ALHAMDULILLAH \ud83d\ude0d . . . Sijil Halal Shaklee diiktiraf oleh JAKIM Berdasarkan senarai terkini dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM pada 1 November 2018 \ud83d\ude0a . . Sebelum ni dah diiktiraf Halal US, sekarang alhamdulillah dah dapat... https://t.co/R0tcLqpPMj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997848868370056} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seiro @ Oct 19 2016, 11:25 AM)JAKIM dah cakap Auntie Anne's belum dapat sijil halal sebab tengah dalam proses audit central dining kitchen.belum dapat lagi.......bukannya di reject sebab ada nama dogsebelum ni JAKIM nasihatkan tukar nama pretzel dog tu sebab ada setengah manusia dungu ni suka mempermainkan isu ni.macam FOMCA ni yang cakap JAKIM tak bagi sijil halal sebab ada nama dog....padahal JAKIM tak pernah pun cakap ada nama dog je kena ban, terus kena tolakape ke bangang semua orang ni....cakap JAKIM bodohlah useless lahttp://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/181336/...ge-malaysia?m=1 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999332427978516} +{"text": "QUOTE(red1982 @ Jan 1 2020, 03:53 PM)banyak makanan bukan halal korang cerita ni . saya hanya cerita makanan halal sahaja .. no pig makanan talkYou got eat Soto or not in Sinsuran? I cannot even find soto in kl, wtf kind of place is this?Best soto ayam I ate was in Bali, Warung Made. Kl, soto elek. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999964714050293} +{"text": "Jakim boleh cek halal haram makanan si kedai makan. Boleh check tak makan rasuah tak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9756492376327515} +{"text": "saya bersama Bahagian Dakwah JAKIM adalah untuk menyampaikan sumbangan berjumlah RM 20 ribu kepada pusat jagaan ini dan juga 50 set barang makanan bernilai RM 2500 melalui Tabung Musaadah COVID-19 , dan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5174129605293274} +{"text": "What do you expect ? All the bosses frove blw and merc. They feel they work hard so they now enjoice in 40. But they pay pittance to thise under them and auto feel they are stupid and unworthy. But when need help they come and say ure the best. Ure the best. If really the best then why need to hold my pay hostage ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993767142295837} +{"text": "clearly they are two different perspective sini. The mati2 ikut and the tidak apa asal yakin.Follow your own accord saja laaaa. But when you travel, be prepared. Unless you travel to muslim country sahaja....owait, no JAKIM HALAL ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994891881942749} +{"text": "U tak suka u.... (fill in the blank) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998941421508789} +{"text": "QUOTE(steady bro @ Jan 8 2021, 09:42 PM)so customer yang datang sendiri, now owner yang kena tindakan Mana ada tulis owner kena tindakan.Fitnah ni.Jabatan agama just checking.Sebab tengok ramai orang islam makan sana.Tolong check sahaja.Makanan halal penting untuk orang islam.Lepas check jabatan bagi tahu, restoren tiada sijil halal.Supaya kita orang islam elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Salah ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980847835540771} +{"text": "QUOTE(vassilius @ Jan 5 2021, 10:23 AM)Got but lesser. Sometimes this shit runs in the family blood. Like my wife side family, the uncle and aunt all kaki pinjam duit, from them to their children pon sama. Keep asking for money from two of their other brother and sister who is wealthy,\u00a0 but then although siblings, ppl dun owe u a life ok... Then their children level pulak borrow money from my wife. Aper ranjiao until her cousin ex-bf also tak malu borrow money from my wife. Really hopeless group of ppl...Gila lah... Ex bf no face can pinjam? Ure wife Kasi? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997351765632629} +{"text": "\n Edited by jihyomelly at 22-7-2022 03:39 PM \nPrickford replied at 22-7-2022 02:24 PM\nYg rajin je akan betul2 cari sumber makanan yg halal kalau dekat oversea. Yg malas, memang main la ...\n\nsomi iols kalau outstation oversea berbulan memang comp bg apartment yg boleh masak sbb dia masak sendiri\u2026.tapi byk je colleague dia yg pergi US ke Japan yg duduk berbulan relax je asal jgn babi..semua telan maklum darurat - mcm xleh vege..dia kalau jumpa kedai pakistan ke arab yg halal baru beli dgg ke ayam sosej suma", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992529571056366} +{"text": "QUOTE(rooney723 @ Nov 14 2015, 12:11 PM)All the muslims keep say they condemn isis n terroristsBut wat they do when an attack occurs??Jz say \"yeah we condemn those terrorists n they r nt real muslims\", dats all, nth else, no fatwa to condemn terrorists as bad muslims, none of the muslims leaders or organizations ever denounce or kick out those terrorist out of islam, they r still considered muslims but 'bad muslims' n still believe in allah n muhammadMadrasahs teaching radical islam stuffs still exists freely in the arab world n nobody giv a damn bout closing it down, no muslim countries ever care to educate their citizens dat joining terrorism is a sin, children continue to idolize terrorists n hoping to b like them when theu grow upAll they do is say \" terrorists r not real muslims \" n then proceed to do nothing until the next atrack occurs n repeat the same statememt againThe real question is what HAVE YOU DONE? Why muslims have to answer for these attacks? When it is not even related to real muslims? So if your neighbour throws a bomb to another house, you have to answer for his crimes?Lol bodoh logic ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9808198809623718} +{"text": "\r\nsekarang ni saya perasan .. bangsa asing dah start\u00a0\u00a0buka restoran\u00a0\u00a0pakai nama kemelayuan ... agaknya dia dah perasan .. Melayu sekarang ni dah concern pasal halal dan haram kot...\n\r\nalahai .. dah lah restoran\u00a0\u00a0mamak pun sekarang ... dah ada restoran mamak hindu ... sekarang ni kedai makan yang nama macam restoran orang melayu\u00a0\u00a0..rupanya ... owner dia cina.\n\r\napa yang saya nak sekarang hanya memberikan\u00a0\u00a0makanan yang halal dan toyyibba kepada anak-anak saya dan datang dari rezeki\u00a0\u00a0yang halal ... supaya\u00a0\u00a0pada wajah mereka tu\u00a0\u00a0ada cahaya sedikit.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(Aerobrain @ Dec 31 2016, 10:46 AM)>McD kow tow to jakim >so mcd is jakim's dog. >Dog is najis, haram.> McD = Dog(obedient one)> McD = haramAm i doin it rite?Since they so like promote surpression of haram food, we should heed the call and boycott MCDI boycott because of Saudi ownership ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Feb 1 2023, 06:14 PM)Mandrin speaking Malay/ Indian are more tolerable in religion sensitivity but of course not all. Need to be assessed during interview.This kind of food mistake happened all the time. That's why many won't invite Malay colleague to cina wedding dinner. If they insist want to join, normally will buy KFC for them on that table and use disposable plates.Also this kind of news only viral when PH is the government. Walun koyaking.Not about walaun lah. This is 100% HP mistake but apparently still got plotek plotek siap insult lagi because not own skin color lel. And then you tiba tiba pulakk hire mandarin speaker then spin. This post has been edited by ZerOne01: Feb 1 2023, 06:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999448835849762} +{"text": "/K here already warn long time ago I recall. They don't listen, even double down. Harga mahal, ban everything, not welcoming, fleece tourist and no take any action.All this already been discussed in /k. If only they heed the advice here maybe not so teruk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992558360099792} +{"text": "ada jenis orang, dia makan kita tak mintak pun. dia bukan satu jenis makanan sekali beli, belambak tapi once tengok makan kita, mesti suka memintak mmg la boleh bagi tapi please laaaaaaaa ayoooo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9904817938804626} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ Oct 13 2017, 07:48 PM)I like the way you choose to label it halal & haram when the business owner didn't. You assume too much when people say nak pakai benda yang mesra Muslim.That person you say is in hot water also took it out of the context....pretty much like you. It was a simple business decision and no more than that, I'm sure.No. Saying this dobi is mesra muslim Is like saying dobi mesra melayuIt is racist. It is xenophobic The whole business model is about discrimination Assuming that non muslim cloth are dirty or tak suci (dog fur, pork blood etc) That is wrongMorally andReligiouslyThe prophet never separate himself from the non muslimSo this notion that non muslim somehow \"dirty\" is wrong in islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999589920043945} +{"text": "Whatever it is lah.I'm here just to wish everyone a very jolly Merry Christmas and a very very Happy New Year.May the coming new year bring all of us joy and all the worries and troubles go away.And to those all that kecam sini sana. Just like those that said suka hati aku nak boycott. It's the same. Suka hati those that's singing and wishing others. They felt comfortable. And they don't bring or do harm to others. Instead it brings smiles and joy to people they wish and greeted. If your religion said it's haram, then also as what you people always had saying when sendiri kena.It's between her/him and their creator. Nothing to do with you pitiful peasants. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.932033360004425} +{"text": "QUOTE(chephren @ Dec 31 2016, 11:58 AM)mana nasi kakak wok dan air sejuk??Tak masuk itu page viral then not in list. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992285966873169} +{"text": "We are not US. Lucky judge amended the charge.Sabar adalah separuh dari iman and get a dashcam. Makin ramai orang gila and bodoh on the roads. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "SPRM patut siasat JAKIM kerana membiarkan ulama, pak imam, menteri dan orang ramai makan makanan berunsur babi... http://fb.me/43lkfpzrC", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ May 26 2015, 12:52 PM)Days later in Utusan or Berita Harian, you'll see an article about some Secret Recipe copy operated by Bumiputera.- Pembuat kek Melayu mampu bersaing- Kek Melayu sedap dan murah+1 ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "Rokok already haram, with filter or not ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997264742851257} +{"text": "QUOTE(Moshpit94 @ Feb 8 2019, 05:20 PM)I truly support this. When you learn 4 types of ilmu in Islam (Syariat, Tarekat, Hakikat, & Makrifat), it turns out we should be only afraid of Allah when you have a very strong Iman. It's like you achieve 24/7 remembering Allah let alone you sleep! There is a lot of things that people misunderstood about certain verse in Quran, this is because in Malaysia they tend to teach alot about Syariat (Do's & Don'ts) thus it is the product of today where Malaysian Muslim like to judge the other people. In Islam there multiple layers of Kiamat and Dajjal.It all goes back to how strong your iman is. If your iman is strong, no matter what comes to you, any problem that happens, you believe that it is God's will and you know it's God's test to you. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9702084064483643} +{"text": "malas nak komen....at the end, people tend to jaga puak masing2. its facts ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998536109924316} +{"text": "Jamu gadis ad sijil halal so xpyah risau dijamin selamat https://t.co/gT4PR1t5eJ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999401569366455} +{"text": "what a joke.... tahan lebih lama lebih bagus? woooooo.....waaaa..... diu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9810171723365784} +{"text": "kena hati-hati pilih makanan,pastikan halal tu mmg halal yang diiktiraf jakim.boleh check portal halal juga untuk check tempoh lesen halal produk tu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9947498440742493} +{"text": "As a muslim, nikmat yg susah dpt kt luar is makanan halal everywhere, musolla yg selesa every few km. tandas awam yg ada paip dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999294281005859} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Dec 29 2023, 09:11 AM)Lepas kecamDapat tiket ke syurgi?Pahala +1.One step closer to SYUGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892113208770752} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 19 2023, 11:32 PM)Guys. Its just supply and demand. The business owner perceives the majority of her patrons want a 100% muslim diner. You guys tokok here so much, is she keep the employee and profit down, you guys want to topup money ke?we can go with this justificationshe do what is best for the businesswhen lotus/speedmart sell arak, dun marah also?mandarin only(that includes muslim who are chinese educated, which is much more) dun marah yaaa.....lastly, afaik, it is discrimination and against the law to fire someone in that situation ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999104738235474} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to openyes. buka canteen for pupils to eat. many retards cannot comprehend the actual context especially from walaun side ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "Di Malaysia, nama tu dia tukar sebab untuk dapatkan status Halal daripada pihak JAKIM. Mungkin itu faktor utama even dia masak makanan dia gunakan bahan yang halal. For other country, kalau base on JAKIM punya guideline maybe akan kena benda yang sama.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9998816251754761} +{"text": "QUOTE(sdin3269 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:47 AM)\\\\Hello\u00a0 Tongsan Taliban sesat.\\Sejak bila pulak kamu follower `jakim?BTW nah baca ni..ALKOHOL DAN ARAK...Ketahui perbezaan antara ALKOHOL dan ARAK dan sejauhmana ianya boleh digunakan dari aspek Pensijilan Halal.a) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol tetapi bukan semua alkohol adalah arak. Hukum bagi alkohol yang diperoleh daripada proses pembuatan arak adalah haram dan najis.b) Alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum dalam bentuk asli kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.c) Minuman ringan yang diproses bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah 1 peratus adalah harus (boleh) diminum.d) Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.e) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semula jadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan atau diminum.f) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak lebih 0.5 peratus.g) Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.Sumber:- Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam MalaysiaDo you know how much of the root beer production process similarity with beer? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998096823692322} +{"text": "So dalam 3 bulan pertama tu tanpa ada sijil halal, kira halal ke tak kalau makan walau di kedai orang melayu islam? Sapa nak tanggung dosa? Peniaga tu ke?\n\nKalau yes, by all means lessgoo!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "Aku fobia dgn hanjing..suka kejar orang x tentu pasal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945518374443054} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Aug 18 2015, 11:31 AM)Korang ni asyik nak SUAPPPPP je~ Smoking From The Perspective Of IslamDecision:The 37th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia held on 23rd March 1995 has discussed on smoking from the perspective of Islam. The Committee has decided that smoking is prohibited in Islam because it is harmful. There are multiple fatwas issued (by multiple muftis of course) on cigarette.. They are contradicting.. Just like many other fatwas on other matters..Which to follow ya? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6099773049354553} +{"text": "yoongi ya, bukan ke u suka makanan halal. so cuba la kurangkan minum arak. cer try minum jus ke milk tea ke frappe ke. dah taknak mabuk2 dah lepas ni nanti umi marah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996947050094604} +{"text": "Pergi bantu Jakim check status makanan halal lagi baik lahh", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8012663722038269} +{"text": "QUOTE(ryedrift @ Apr 6 2016, 06:45 PM)LOL APA KENA MENGENA ADA BANGKAI TIKUS DENGAN SIJIL HALAL BANGANG PUNYA Imam Surau Al-Kauthar Taman Merbau, Mohd Noor Abdul Hamidhalal is srs matter ok. halal=good,tmbah pahala, suci, murni dan bersihjust like how drinking and piap is halal by some fella ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990492463111877} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Jan 24 2023, 03:06 PM)not neccesarilytapai...process from halal to haram then halal againsalahbukan tapaitapai halal > tuak haram > cuka halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998558759689331} +{"text": "Dan yang lebih menyedihkan sebenarnya, banyak produk Muslim yang takda sijil halal. Cumanya kita sebagai sesama Muslim pejam mata sebab yakin dengan sedara seagama. Cenggitu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931839108467102} +{"text": "Harap pihak jakim kerap turun padang pantau premis makanan milik non Muslim yg status Halal nya meragukan. Yg di kunjungi oleh org'2 Islam", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.94778972864151} +{"text": "Malaysian dah biasa ffk, Japan everything is too serious even on phone can still have bowing gesture due to lifelong habit and manner Tldr Different country different culture \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9862574934959412} +{"text": "Salam. We are talking about milk tea and pearl that consist of natural ingredients. My point was instead of relying on the sijil Jakim, we can think for ourself what is halal/haram. So yes, ada correlation. Sijil tak menentukan makanan tu halal/haram. Dia cuma menjaminkan jer.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6168224811553955} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Mar 27 2024, 09:45 AM)this is the waste water remaining after they wash their beards?No according to the anonymous defectors interview Pluck top leaders beard put in spraw bottleThe holy water supposed to give berkat (blessing?) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999051094055176} +{"text": "QUOTE(-Aktan- @ Oct 20 2016, 12:50 PM)Takkan muslim bodo sampai ingat tu daging anjing????rural area people might really think that way.QUOTE(la bella @ Oct 20 2016, 02:06 PM)If I'm the owner of Auntie Anne's, I don't even bother to apply halal cert after this issue. I got free advertising from JAKIM. Got halal cert or not is not important anymore, most important there's still many people come and buy my pretzels.if you want to lose muslim customers, by all means go ahead.if mineral water companies bother to get Halal certification, why not decent food companiesQUOTE(MsGaijin @ Oct 20 2016, 02:16 PM)Nothing contradiciting~ being contentious does not equal to slapping the HARAM status on it.Heard of Barbican beer a few years ago~ they tried to get JAKIM's Halal certification but was not allowed.Ever heard of the arguments even among /k/ that Bak Kut Teha) BKT can be made by using meat other than pork such as chicken or beef.b) BKT is associated with pork, no pork - no BKTc) Use chicken - it is Chi Kut Teh, not BKTThen there's this incident~that is not even the malaysia halal logo.see some arabic words = halaltopkek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999904990196228} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClessRV @ Apr 17 2024, 11:37 AM)seldom people who are jealous say they are jealous, usually will pusing2 and justify why can't go, why go there wrong etcwhere's the azmin kesian.jpg when u need 1Say hie to \"Narcissistic personality disorder\" and quite a few % of population is like that . This is what frontlines workers faced everyday after serving 100 or more customers. Sure hit jackpot encountering such people /Karen's unleashing hell.QUOTEA grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal loveBelieving that they are \"special\" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)Requiring excessive admirationA sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations)Being interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends)Lacking empathy (unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)Often being envious of others or believing that others are envious of themShowing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudesThis post has been edited by alanyuppie: Apr 17 2024, 11:03 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999483823776245} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 01:23 AM)Typical, got no way to prove then suddenly label me as\"plotek\" ?I dont need to plotek anything lah, you yourself failed to prove your claims for what I need to plotek?Dont be cepat pancuted can? I am still waiting for your claim that suggesting Jakim got their fundings from haram business tax here.Come lah, I promise wont plotek, I dunno what to plotek also since you have jackshit to prove your claimHaram money go where?say early la haram money is not needed to support the underprivileged race and jakimWe could have save it for other proper development purposes 1 billion to fight lgbt? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(giftfre @ Nov 14 2023, 09:11 AM)Mampu ke minority prop up the economy? Saya doubt.For over 5 decades post-independence, undeniably yes. But now as the nons are shrinking in numbers and proportions, we're starting to be on our last legs of support. Foresee in another 3 to 5 decades the nons would be an insignificant minority that nothing we do could halt or reverse the decline. We used to be Asian tiger now many other Asian country seems to have better prospect than us. By then we'll be exporting manpowers as cheap labourers. Mark my words but I might have been a rotting corpse when that happen. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999481439590454} +{"text": "Nothing new... Gambar babi pun boleh tergugat iman?? Next!!! \ud83e\udd26\ud83e\udd26This post has been edited by revious: Jan 21 2019, 05:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "#Nurani \u2013 Saksikan kupasan lanjut tentang proses bagaiman lembu Jepun mematuhi sijil halal yang diiktiraf JAKIM daripada peringkat ladang hingga ke pusat penyembelihan. Dalam My Halal : Waqyu. Pukul 6.00 petang, 27 Ogos 2018 (Isnin) di @tv1_rtm https://t.co/6f04UWbmVg #RTMMobile https://t.co/PrBCCYUWMg", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5110558271408081} +{"text": "Aturan dalam syariat agama Islam tentunya memiliki alasan tertentu mengapa suatu hal diperbolehkan atau diharamkan untuk umat Islam. Sama halnya dalam mengonsumsi makanan dan minuman halal yang mana hal ini akan memberikan manfaat yang baik bagi umat Islam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6312907934188843} +{"text": "@ridzla2 more than just a word or not, still jijik. lol saya cuma cakap takde sijil halal JAKIM tak semestinya haram. awak yg tiba tiba triggered??????", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(perfectedservice @ May 24 2024, 12:15 PM)sensible-in-a-way and\u00a0 sensible have different meaningswhat i understand from your sentence is,\u00a0 partially sensible .... which is not how humans arrive to best judgement.and also i understand this from your reply,~~~ pork in sealed container with POTENTIAL for cross contamination , need greater law, enforcement and public vigilance, because NAJIS.~~~ flies actually laying eggs directly on cooked exposed food ,\u00a0 food prepared beside foul smelling rat infested drains\u00a0 have less\u00a0 enforcement and public vigilance because NOT NAJIS.correct me if i interpret your sentences wrongly.Correct. Look, this is religion we're talking about here. There is no rational to be discussed. You either believe or you don't.Babi has been singled out in Islam for the longest time. There is no scientific reason. It is najis. It is what it is. The fear is psychological and have been indoctrinated from young.Don't judge it from your non believer perspective then you will be fine. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948849081993103} +{"text": "\nanony-mous replied at 2-12-2023 04:23 AM\nLah gaji pengurus tu pon hasil riba\u2019 .\nhaha tu la sis\r\nOrg islam skrg cuma nmpk khinzir tu je yg haram\r\nRiba' depa tak nmpk\r\nSbb riba' tu skrg dh jd mcm sesuatu yg biasa...hampir 98% raykat terlibat dgn riba\r\nPdhl dosa riba' tersangat la besar\n\r\nNabi SAW bersabda seperti berikut:\n\r\n1. \"Satu dirham riba yang diambil seseorang, maka dosanya di sisi Allah lebih besar daripada 36 kali berzina yang dilakukannya dalam Islam\" - (HR Darul Quthni).\n\r\n2. \"Setiap orang yang banyak makan riba maka urusannya akan mengalami kekurangan\" - (dan akhirnya kerugian) - (HR Ibnu Majah dan Hakim).\n\r\n3. Dosa riba termasuk dalam tujuh dosa besar - (HR Abu Hurairah).\n\r\n4. \"Apabila zina dan riba bermahajalela dalam suatu negeri, maka sesungguhnya mereka telah menghalalkan azab Allah diturunkan kepada mereka\" - (HR Hakim).\n\r\n5. \"Apabila riba bermaharajalela dalam suatu bangsa, maka mereka akan ditimpa tahun krisis ekonomi dan apabila rasuah bermaharajalela, maka mereka suatu masa akan ditimpa rasa ketakutan [seperti takut miskin, takut bankrap, takut dirompak dan lain-lain]\" - (HR Ahmad)\n\r\n6. \"Empat golongan yang tidak akan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga dan tidak akan merasakan nikmatnya, yang menjadi hak mutak Allah: Peminum arak, pemakan riba, pemakan harta anak yatim dan penderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapanya\" - (HR Hakim).\n\r\n7. \"Menjelang hampir kiamat akan bermaharajalela zina, riba dan arak\" - (HR Thabrani).", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999796152114868} +{"text": "Program ini memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar berkenaan Kursus Asas Pengendalian Makanan dan Kursus Asas Pentauliahan Eksekutif Halal yang melayakkan peserta memperoleh Sijil Asas Pengendalian Makanan dan Sijil Pentauliahan Eksekutif Halal yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6206533312797546} +{"text": "QUOTE(lordgamer3 @ Nov 6 2023, 03:40 PM)Why not gov look into our farmers needs and what's best for Malaysian instead of worrying about Palestinesorryso far no minister or YB shed tears and cry for their struggle. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ewww! @ Mar 26 2023, 09:09 AM)#BMFko ni dh kenapa setan, benci sangat ke muslim?racist ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "Coba jual di facebook kak, banyak org ramdom yg suka beli makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9600332975387573} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 30 2024, 01:01 PM)These kinda eggtartArchtypecal Malay leader, idola diorangSalah, it is also idola ktards setempat, everyday play R&R like akmal, just that akmal is helang status, can get away with it.Meanwhile pipit ktards can only bitch around in /k for the rest of their life. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971293807029724} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Nov 19 2023, 08:26 PM)I don't get the problem.If I am a Christian, I prepare food according to halal standard, does the food become haram still ?The food u prepared will be considered as Halal. As long as u are trained to know the definition of halal and clean according to sharia standard. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9784225225448608} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ujer @ Jan 9 2024, 09:47 AM)Nothing to do with his knowledge. He is just like to reprimand the government about wrong thing they do.Btw, what written in the link is actually explain in context of kid, not young girl. So it is actually not directly relatable with what ustaz has said.The conclusion from link:We are inclined to say that having teddy bear or minion plushie or others as pillow is permissible as long as it is not honoured, revered, venerated or for the purpose of worship. However, if the plushie is worshipped or placed in a place of honour that could lead it to be venerated, then it is clearly haram and prohibited.However, we would like to suggest (if possible) to avoid teddy bear, minion plushie and others as pillow. If possible, replace them (with other pillows such as pillows shaped like stars, plants and others) or leave it altogether to avoid any form of syubhah (doubt), for when we leave matters of khilaf such as this, then it is included as what has been stated:\u201cAvoiding khilaf is encouraged.\u201dBut this is only applicable for kid and it is also not been encouraged to do so.I read the ori link and the above of yours.Great effort on you \ud83d\udc4d Well written.I believe, anyone else too can read and understand well from here.This post has been edited by jojolicia: Jan 9 2024, 10:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8082613945007324} +{"text": "@DDisember Alhamdulillah.. xpe. Klo ada sijil halal lg bagus sbb klo dpt offer supply kat mana2 dh mudah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994906187057495} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Dec 20 2023, 08:26 PM)Are halal certified cake shop allow to write Rest In Peace ?Yea, need to translate first.\"Berehat dengan tenang.\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(rayng18 @ Oct 25 2016, 11:17 AM)straight put Pork Ramly then no issue loh, see the word pork mean haram liao no need to be sikit confused mcm tak pi sekolahthe problem. the advertise as p.ramly ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996040463447571} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Aug 15 2015, 03:04 PM)My gugu too painful when peeing. feel like my pee is a knife (i exaggerate a bit). need to regulate the pee speed to minimize the pain. do i have hiv or something? gugu gonna jatuh a?Woi told you don't cheong EDI..... See now what u kena ... Rip bro ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999556541442871} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Aug 18 2015, 09:07 PM)Nearlee was talking about you, and you are giving a plus one to support your own butthurtnessHumor is plenty with this oneAnd read again I did not connect between BJ and haramThat BJ comment was to make fun out of youIndeed, I am having fun to see your idiotic replies lolHumour yes! Wht is there to read again ? Those who always forget need to read again ! U couldnt even give a a10% reply of all the the replies i gave u. Instead u talked about bj, anjing, monyet, idiotic replies and on and on....Tell me, did u get raped by a group of hardcore vapers ? That u cqnt diffrenciate a a vapouriser and a robot's penis ( until today ....i ddnt knoe that robots had a penis, which can produce something like with vapour !) U tell me, seriously, will the full use of ur knowledge u hv....isnt that reply of urs which is idiotic and utter rubbish ? Werent u was the one who cant even put a proper sentence? Werent u the one who over protested on wht is haram n not...... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994768500328064} +{"text": "QUOTE(HafeesFadil @ Jun 1 2020, 09:11 AM)wow ini come from tongsan meh need jurubahasa?sedih sia. stay here so long edi still need jurubahasa.Itukah pancut awal.. Kalau anda pernah pergi ke Mahkamah.. You will know that the interpretor acts as in between the OKT and the Magistrate Tak kesah if it is a Malay or non-malay OKT.. . Semua have to plead and answer the interpretor when asked of the charge ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8878843784332275} +{"text": "KOSTUM anime atau adi wira dihukumkan haram sekiranya ia mendedahkan aurat serta menyerupai dewa dalam agama, kepercayaan lain atau rekaan seperti Beerus, Haruhi Suzumiya dan Deus Ex Machina, kata Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri.Katanya, sekiranya kostum itu memerlukan belanja yang besar sehingga membazir, maka ia juga diharamkan.\"Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali.\"Sekiranya ada yang mempersoalkan kaitan pemakaian kostum dewa-dewa dengan akidah, kami katakan bahawa ia bukan isu tergugat atau rosaknya akidah tetapi ia adalah isu jati diri seorang Muslim,\" katanya menerusi siri terbaru Bayan Linnas berkenaan hukum memakai kostum atau cosplay.Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.\"Prinsip kehidupan umat Islam adalah meninggalkan sesuatu perkara yang dirasa tidak penting dalam kehidupan mereka. Ini kerana, perkara itu tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa faedah dalam kehidupan umat Islam.\"Justeru, dengan meninggalkan perbuatan seperti menghabiskan masa mencari kostum yang tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah, lebih baik masa yang ada digunakan untuk menuntut ilmu atau melakukan perkara lebih berfaedah,\" katanya.Beliau bagaimanapun menjelaskan, kostum kartun kanak-kanak antaranya seperti Didi and Friends, Omar dan Hana dibolehkan dengan syarat ia hanya dikhususkan untuk hiburan dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak semata-mata.\"Selain itu, ianya bukanlah sentiasa dan kerap dengan pakaian sedemikian kerana kanak-kanak juga perlu faham bahawa karakter berkenaan hanya khayalan semata-mata.\"Begitu juga maskot sukan di mana hukumnya adalah harus sebagai menaikkan semangat dan hiburan kepada penonton semata-mata dengan syarat-syarat seperti yang disebutkan,\" katanya.Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Khamis, 4 January 2018 @ 5:30 PMhttps://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2018/01/...ufti-kata-haram ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965708255767822} +{"text": "Best thing about this, the pork fats melts inside... HHHNNGGGG ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9914388656616211} +{"text": "QUOTE(sdin3269 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:29 AM)Defense Tapai and durian is crazy? Talking to a wall? Or you yourself is a wall? KEK.. \u00a0 Alcohol doesnt necessary mean haram, but alcohol in the making of liquors is haram.The process where the alcohol created from tapai and beer is the same. It is known as fermentation.Things justified for own gain or satisfaction, ape2 pun bole.That is talking to wall. Like you. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "QUOTE(hardcoreangel @ Sep 6 2016, 10:58 AM)selling beauty product la dey. all concept is the same.buy stuff from thailand then put your name as a brand. the only thing u need is strong marketting.from what i heard,this pandan become rich after he insap ,people support him and buy his product gila-gila. i saw his post before this. he already bought new house under sunway developer. cost about 2 mil and last month he bought dat mustang bumblebeee.QUOTE(adamhzm90 @ Sep 6 2016, 10:58 AM)Dia ni kaya teruk.. Check out her instagram,\u00a0 got hummer,\u00a0 merc,\u00a0 mini,\u00a0 rs7,\u00a0 yellow mustang.. Fuhhok now im jelly and butthurted ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7350046038627625} +{"text": "Boleh tak jangan persoalkan kenapa aku pergi concert? jangan pertikaikan benda tu boleh tak? \"Serious kau kumpul duit sampai tak makan sebab nak pergi concert, Kalau aku baik beli makanan\" LAHHH DUIT AKU BABI IKUT SUKA HATI AKU LAH KO SIBUK KENAPA", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.528695821762085} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Jan 23 2021, 09:39 PM)Alcohol in dish cooking, haram. Sadly, it is what was stated. Alcohol in medicine is okay though but not encourages to consume it.tempeh got alcohol,.. JAKIM got tangkap or not ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9474871754646301} +{"text": "\nDapat email nih.. baru tadi try buat...\r\nconfirm valid...\u00a0\u00a0Dapat reply dari JAKIM...\r\nAda Tarikh Luput, Pdt apa & Company mana...\n\r\nps::: Dah ada ker org share\u00a0\u00a0kat sini??? \n\n\n\r\nAssalamualaikum kawan2...\n\r\nAkak menulis ni sekadar untuk berkongsi pengetahuan untuk kebaikan bersama.\n\r\nKita sering tidak perasan atau tidak kisah sangat tentang label halal yang\r\nada pada pek makanan yang dibeli. Janji ada cop halal kira halal lah ye.\n\r\nSekarang ada cara mudah untuk pengesahan halal dari jakim. Al-maklumlah\r\nzaman sekarang ni banyak cop halal tipu, malah cop halal pun ader... \r\nPendek kata macam2 ada...Jadi akak bagi tau caranya... Melalui sms dan \r\nsungguh mudah, cepat dan tepat. Jgn dikesali sen yg keluar untuk sms tersebut.. \n\r\nTak mahal pun. Janji makanan yg masuk ke perut sah halal... Hati pun senang...\n\r\nTaip halal (space) diikuti dengan nombor bar kod pada pek makanan tersebut\r\ndan send pada 32728\n\r\nTak sampai seminit dua... Sms dari jakim akan muncul...dan mengesahkan sama\r\nada makanan yang anda teringin nak makan atau teringin nak beli itu halal\r\natau tidak....mudah bukan ? So tepuk dada tanya selera!!!", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998908042907715} +{"text": "QUOTE(AnythingK @ Dec 15 2022, 09:37 AM)Cannot consume alcohol meh? But back in those days, the malay clubbing is one of the best I have been to.\u00a0 If Jakim tiada, (M)ahresia lifestyle prolly machiem Singkiepork.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9791547656059265} +{"text": "QUOTE(sensors @ Oct 13 2017, 01:52 PM)A Chinese can be muslim, Honda can learn how repair other cars too. See how I just destroyed your counter arguments? Now I ask again, did the dobi owner said he rejected non muslim customers on the basis of purity?^^Still cant accept that honda comparison is incredibly a lousy example. Deswai ppl malas debate with uNow go make another dupe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998520612716675} +{"text": "kebodohan bodo memang tak pernah mau simpandie die mesti share pada suma orangbodo betuuuul ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "#2008 #(A)UstazAzharIdrus berkaitan Hukum Bela Lintah Makan Landak Tenggilinghttps://penuntutilmu.net/?p=7659Prev: Kenapalah landak halal dimakan tapi tenggiling tidak, sedangkan makanan utama kedua-dua binatang ini ialah semut? Nah, aa, baik. Masalah lintah ini", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "@semuthitam65 @rotikaya Kau makan dekat kedai tomyam tu takde sijil halal bro. Takkan tu pon haram jugak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "@t0yss @farrhanaaa Owner Jco Donut kn?. Bro tu ckp klau ikut flow, senang je dpt sijil halal. Pstu uncle palatao argue franchise restaurant senang dpt, pdhal mamat tu solely owner", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973812699317932} +{"text": "finally more actionGombak cops record statements from 15 including caterer over deadly food poisoning casehttps://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...google_vignettecompared to Two dead, more than 40 hospitalised after Rojak poisoning (2009) Two Singaporeans died and more than 40 people were hospitalised after consuming local hawker favourite rojak from a popular stall in the Geylang Serai temporary market in 2009. It was and is still known as the worst case of mass food poisoning in Singapore.The evidence was horrifying \u2013 the chopping board at the stall was found to have fecal matter on it, utensils used on raw seafood were not cleaned properly and used to handle cooked food. Stall assistants also handled food with their bare hands and handled cooked food without washing their hands first. Rojak stall owner Sheik Allaudin Mohideen was fined the maximum of $9,000 and banned from ever running a food business again, but Yahoo understands that his sons and wife have since reopened a rojak business in the same market.https://sg.news.yahoo.com/singapore-s-worst...-054300456.htmlThis post has been edited by Phoenix_KL: Jun 19 2024, 02:29 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985113739967346} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Dec 28 2020, 11:11 AM)i give only 1. basmi songklap sampai lubang cacingYa betul, idea2 bernas lain boleh simpan dalam laci, idea2 lain cuma menambahkan kerja secara sia2 wahal cuma perlu basmi budaya songlap (Pareto's law - PAS seems to like beating around the bush and not solving the main issue - the reverse Pareto's law - doing 80% of the work to achive 20% of results) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995724558830261} +{"text": "frying or grilling expansive fish is not the best way to taste a fish.best way to taste the original taste of fish itself is by steaming.i ate song yu fish head. very gelatinous. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999545812606812} +{"text": "Bukan apa, tak boleh buat duit tepi masa PN perintah banyak masuk tanpa kira halal atau haram, ini lah Perosak Negara PN. Alhamdulillah Allah tunjuk kesalahan kerajaan kayakan parti n anakmenantu", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9938215017318726} +{"text": "QUOTE(chickenshit36 @ Nov 14 2020, 10:44 AM)Malaysia: what also can be haram except moneyand women ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999914288520813} +{"text": "Tahnya. Been eating shihlin wayyyyy before diorang dapat sijil halal. Pastu makan dari belum sah halal, sampai orang kata tak halal, sampai dah dapat sijil halal hahaha tapi dulu RM6 la so pastinya Shihlin >>>>> Uncle Bob", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9933536052703857} +{"text": "Aku lebih selesa memilih makanan yang ada logo jakim walaupun ada yang berhujah \"Takde tanda haram pon\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8406860828399658} +{"text": "sei sohaiz puaks there... shoot own legs... still bleeding till todei..and best thing is they still dunno why... kekkk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940178394317627} +{"text": "Makanan tanpa sijil halal tak semestinya haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997560381889343} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Apr 29 2024, 09:39 AM)Nobody can be as brave and iron fisted as LKY. Best time to be born was actually a boomer in SingaporeHow Sarawak going to take over Selangor?Another delusional leader milk dry the state citizen ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997578263282776} +{"text": "\nPEDOMAN\n \nPersoalsn yg mungkin timbul kepada manusia ialahmengapa Allah SWT & Nabi Muhammad SAW menyeru umat Islam memilih makanan yg halaldalam kehidupan seharian. Sudah tentu ada hikmah & kelebihan yg dapat membantumanusia menjalani kehidupan sebagai hamba Allah SWT dengan lebih baik sebagaimana berikut :-\n\n\n Supaya\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0doa dimakbulkan Allah SWT\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0SabdaRasulullah SAW: \"Seorang lelaki bermusafir sehingga rambutnya menjdi kusut &mukanya dipenuhi debu. Dia menadah tangannya & berdoa kepada Allah sedangkan makanannyaharam, pakaiannya haram & mulutnya disuap dengan sesuatu yg haram, bagaimana akandiperkenankan permohonnnya.\"(hadis riwayat Muslim, Ahmad & Tarmizi)\n\n Selamat daripada seksaan api nerakaSaad bin Abi Waqas bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW: \"Wahai Rasulullah,pintalah kepada Allah SWT supaya Dia menjadikan doaku mustajab.\"\nJawabbaginda: \"Wahai Saad, jagalah soal makanmu, nescaya kau menjadi orang yg makbuldoanya. Demi Allah yg nyawa Muhammad dlm tangan-Nya, jikalau seseorang lelaki memasukkansesuap makanan haram dalam perutnya, doanya tidak akan diterima selama 40 hari. \"Sesiapahamba yg dagingnya tumbuh daripada makanan haram & riba, maka neraka lebih layakbaginya.\" (hadis riwayat Ibnu Abbas)\n\n\n Amal ibadat\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0diterima Allah SWT\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0SabdaRasulullah SAW: \"Barang siapa bersembahyang dengan mengenakan pakaian yg dibeli dengan 10dirham & 1 dirham daripadanya sumber yg haram, Allah SWT tidak akan menerimasolatnya.\"(hadis riwayat Muslim)\n\n\n Membentuk\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0darah daging yg baik dalam badan\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0SabdaRasulullah SAW: \"Ingatlah bahawa didalam tubuh badan manusia itu ada sepotong daging ygapabila daging itu baik maka baiklah seluruh tubuhnya & apabila ia rosak makarosaklah seluruh tubuh itu, ingtlah bahawa yg dimaksudkan itu ialah hati.\" (hadisriwayat Bukhari & Muslim)\n\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0Olehitu, menjadi kewajiban & tanggungjawab umat Islam hari ini untuk lebih berhati-hati & mengambilberat berkaitan pemakanan halal. Hendaklahkita sentiasa memastikan setiap makanan yg diprolehi & dimakan itu adalah halal menurutsyariat Allah SWT. Sesungguhnyasuruhan Allah SWT adalah untuk tujuan kebaikan manusia bersama.\n \nSumber : METRO Ahad, 21/3/2010\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996017813682556} +{"text": "convert ke tak anak vincent tan tu? dengar kata tan sri tak suka perkahwinan ini... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970002770423889} +{"text": "\r\nDgr2 cake dari SR tu pon sebenarnya ada juga letak alkohol.sbb tu cake dia sedap sbb cake nak sedap mst letak benda terlarang kann..tp msa nk dptkan sijil halal tu ofcozlah management SR tak letak alkohol masa tu.nak2 lh si sepet tu bigboss mcmlh dorang fikir soal halal haram tu semua.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "Arwah adib dipolitikkan. Tak malu ker ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ May 5 2024, 02:32 PM)Totally. Trust was given but you abused it. So now, no more taking your word. See foreigner, everything pay first, give lousy service, priority to jepunis first.You asked for it. Thanks to stupid gaijin ruining it for the rest of us.America really fcuked up the world with its economic and forex currency manipulation huh?Causing the Yen to keep depreciating recently and new emerging countries such as Singapore to appreciate against it knowing that island people mentality is not to be confined to a small island and will fly around the world with their newfound wealth.The Japanese people, pride people they are will not put up to this nonsense and will rise against the Communist idea of \"globalization without borders\".You've go to dwelve into the minds of the rich, where their wealth mostly comes from they need to launder them faraway from their own home countries as form of security. Holding multiple citizenship/passports, migration and sense of safety.But as the local saying goes you can't hear the sounds of clapping with just one hands. It takes 2 hands to clap.Angmohs love to invite them for also bringing along the money with them to spend lavishly in theirs. That's how business goes.They say better life, education for their children, and safer living environments. Never lasts.The Japanese knows this flawed idea too well.The fruits of success starts from your own country and people. Not stealing and taking away the best brains from people's countries, allowing the poor helpless 3rd world migrants to breed uncontrollably and claim they're doing humanitarian efforts to do away with poverty. type=\"video/mp4\"> ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.992088258266449} +{"text": "Tak ada sijil halal tidak bermaksud haram. Tapi kalau tak yakin, tak perlu try okay. https://t.co/Wn5tdZ9mZz", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9895792603492737} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Mar 13 2024, 05:07 PM)you son brain still at infantile stage, let him grow up a bit.Too late. Eldest one already 11. Going to SMK soon. I am a father of three myself. 6 years Chinese school (SRJKC), 7-8 Years Malays School (SMK) and 3-4 years English School (Private Uni) sound like the best routes for my kids. If they are good enough, they can master 70-80% of all major languages in Malaysia and should be able to communicate to 90% of the world population. This is the ideal path for a Malaysian Chinese IMHO.This post has been edited by crador: Mar 13 2024, 05:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(Odinn @ May 5 2024, 07:34 PM)No courtesy to answer or respond to their calls and messages. Wait until viral then come out with excuses. Their tour association should viral this some more.He no answer call because already want to ffk. Malu/takut nak cancel so ghost the fella. Typical malusian.Skrang ada socmed, all these behaviour tak boleh lari anymore. Now viral he's fucked. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999854564666748} +{"text": "i suggest new lawjika bukan halal, mesti letak logo tak halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "QUOTE(yenvanilla @ Aug 12 2024, 02:01 PM)subpar restaurant chain also can make so muchsadBecause not everyone is looking for the best food. Ppl just want edible decent food at a convenient location especially office workers ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "@BetterNation3 @Zamyusof2 @NgaKorMing @tonypua @howardlee83 tanpa org Islam yg gemar masakan di rumah membeli barang runcit, brp lama lah agaknya kedai runcit kaum pendatang mampu bertahan? tanpa sijil HALAL, laku ke barangan? takat nie sudah 5 cawangan GIANT ditutup. Cold storage hny menunggu masa shj.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985765218734741} +{"text": "the most haram are those muslim who force nons to follow their religious rulesforcing ban on nons activities becoz they themselves are banned from doing in rules of islam, clearly an action needed to be ban the most ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985623955726624} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoLee @ Jul 24 2019, 03:34 PM)Ka ka ka TS thinks by doing this he gets to heaven. The fact that they worry about what they eat but not what is in their heart is superficial. The best part is companies might be creating employment for orang kita. Once you become like Afghanistan you will be shit poor. As many people point out many mamaks makcik no halal cert but nobody points it out. A cup that is clean outside is as filthy as a dirty inside cup.The makcik who started attack XFT for no halal herself sell nasi arab with no halal cert. Janji olang kiter, no need get halal, but because XFT is u know, i know, kah355. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Dec 11 2023, 08:41 PM)Root beer, dog pretzel.... pon haram... yiu think chee cheong fun wud be halal?Let's change it to geh cheong fun.better tell them to change it to sei fun chiong. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997214674949646} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaapers @ Aug 19 2022, 01:16 PM)Can help explain, did the owner in any way claim that his shop is owned by Muslim?\u00a0 Or is it just your assumption due to the name?So basically owner cannot name his business with anything he likes?\u00a0 Maybe his best friend is ahmad who helped him to open business, so he want to give a sign of appreciation to his friend by naming it kedai ahmad, cannot?\u00a0 Then any Malaysian business cannot open Italian restaurant with Italian name? Is that really your logic?He named the stall nasi ayam Ahmad coz he want to deceive others wrong la. Why takut to name his stall nasi ayam ahbeng when he already have another stall called nasi ayam ahbeng. You open Italian restaurant with Italian name no problem coz you're selling Italian foods. In this case , Malay dude open stall and claimed he cook the food. Turn out he bought the food somewhere else and repack. So mispresent la. In other words penipu scammer. Like you go to hotel restaurant, order mee goreng. Tapi waiter pergi beli mee goreng at mamak, put in nice plate serve to you.So people say that Malay dude is a penipu scammer.Then got people say the Malay dude work for the Chinese dude. So both penipu scammer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5839421153068542} +{"text": "QUOTE(komzaz @ Aug 13 2018, 10:26 AM)True, But it is expressively forbidden by the quran to drink/consume intoxicants or anything with the purpose to be intoxicated.There are discussions/debates by scholars in this matter, but the general consensus (ijtihad) is you don't fuck with the grey area if you don't have deep understanding of the fiqh (jurisprudence).That grey area includes restaurant and illegal hawkers without halal cert. Think about it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5765877366065979} +{"text": "The best way to control rakyat, used religion card . . . . .sad but true stori ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9909000396728516} +{"text": "and, oh, makan babi pun nak menyalak pasal halal haram wof wof ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:42 AM)It is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one.they can re-classify definition of haram to halal assets/income ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "tu la...komen macam paling tau segala..yg pasal status makanan halal yg jakim dah sahkan pun masih ada org ckp tak halal kt komen sebab jakim tulis panjang2.. nampak sangat tak baca ..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9781800508499146} +{"text": "QUOTE(KLthinker91 @ Dec 6 2020, 03:55 PM)^ budak ni mesti suka tuduh mak bapak asyik \"kutuk\" dia, sebab tu kurang ajarHuishh.... Patut lah main mak bapak.. Parent dia binatang kut.. Tak tahu rupa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.865123987197876} +{"text": "aku adanya ganci dari Bali, kalau ke Jogja lebih suka beli oleh\u00b2 makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997780919075012} +{"text": "@ciksenah @dianayangcantik Hi. Kami dalam proses untuk mendapatkan halal sekarang ni. Jangan risau barang2 yang kami guna kan semua ya halal \u270c\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.49631771445274353} +{"text": "tuan punya kedai ada cakap halal/haram meh?... tak nampak ada sijil halal oso. yang rakam video pulak pun satu. belum verify apa2 terus caption halal... menyusahkan.This post has been edited by AdisonMak: Sep 8 2023, 07:42 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9840280413627625} +{"text": "@sxahrizxd @syahmi_aizat @FifyFufu @nrlnazura @amirulfaizx Baru la semua orang tau kite ikut trend . Sijil halal tak penting . Yg penting bahan2 die semua halal tanpa babi . No pork no lard no problem kan .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "dia buka kedai niagaaku mesti beli , ehh harga yahudi wtf wtf kecam online dulu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984550476074219} +{"text": "QUOTE(azhan82 @ Jan 1 2019, 02:21 PM)\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ?I guess surau with kuliah there purposely to cater nearby pessenger from KT Sentral bus station.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "To people out there, as long as the ingredients used are not Haram, you still can eat/drink anything. Like chocolate bars in UK. Mamak also don't have sijil halal, but still ramai pergi. People who fuss over this things can't survive overseas. https://t.co/q4MvEAkmYl", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996464252471924} +{"text": "Owner Restoran Islam/ Bukan Islam \u2260 Halal Haram\n\nUntuk sesebuah restoran/premis makanan memiliki sijil halal dari JAKIM (MS 1500: 2009), mereka haruslah menggunakan pembekal yang ada sijil Halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "QUOTE(ju146 @ Dec 25 2020, 11:04 AM)wah, this word merry christmas so power... sekali pakai terus haram....Jakim all have otak Tahi ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "QUOTE(hackwire @ Mar 4 2018, 11:48 AM)all food handlers knew that even if it's metal , u cannot use any color paint equipment to deal with hot liquid. stainless steel the best. even aluminium without any protective coat is toxin.but all baking pans, cooking woks, rice pot are .. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "Standard la netizen ni, semua benda nak cuba. Even takde sijil halal asalkan nampak hipster & mahal. Then tiba-tiba semua nak jadi haram. Just like family mart etc. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f https://t.co/JwEwoc5Dzq", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998252987861633} +{"text": "QUOTE(xein @ Dec 26 2014, 10:16 PM)Teruk sangat ke nak mengunyah tu?Kena rujuk fatwa yang diluluskan.kalau ikut pemahaman jika sekadar untuk melakukan pembedahan bagi memudahkan urusan yang sukar boleh dilakukan. Pembedahan yang tak boleh dilakukan ialah pembedahan yang mengubah kejadian. Contohnya pembedahan hidung dilakukan sekadar nak jadikan mancung yang mana sebelum pembedahan tiada sebarang permasalahan bernafas atau sebagainya. Atau membelah lidah supaya boleh berlagak.jadi kalau nak buat pembedahan itu, pasangkan niat untuk memudahkan urusan mengunyah kerana allah.Moga allah terima.dah bertahun tak guna gigi depan, sebab tak alligned properly, dok mengharapkan geraham jetapi itu bukan primary reason, primary reason adalah dia merosakkan social life aku seteruknyacontohnya, senyum nampak tak elok, kalau tak senyum, muka nampak garang (serius) all the time ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993613362312317} +{"text": "\njihyomelly replied at 22-7-2022 03:36 PM\nsomi iols kalau outstation oversea berbulan memang comp bg apartment yg boleh masak sbb dia masak\u00a0\u00a0...\nOh so kalau kawan2 hubs you fly to japan ke us, dorang makan lah mcdonalds anything asalkan bukan babs? Actly ada je meleis mcm ini, pergi oversea tak kisah makan ayam apa2, as long as bukan babs. Mcm perempuan tembam viral itu pergi ldn dgn janna mkn babs. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999395608901978} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Sep 6 2016, 12:32 PM)best my asskang bukak cite kangbukak je cerita.some ppl need to know the hard truth no matter how hurtful the truth is...even my attempt for FB to delete her page succeeded for a while...https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3895228 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995857298374176} +{"text": "QUOTE(agewisdom @ Nov 18 2020, 11:16 AM)JAKIM pun tak boleh percaya. Hanya kalau semua staff, dari boss sampai ke orang bawah termasuk tukang cuci Muslim, baru puas hati. BMF.Gosh... Then might as well don't let the nons dine inside tooThey think too much sometimes, when i think so much, i get a headache. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997377991676331} +{"text": "Berbuka puasa dengan sebatang haram dulu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999635219573975} +{"text": "QUOTE(estcin @ Mar 18 2022, 10:28 AM)why JAKIM never enforce this fatwa? budget RM1 billion pula tuabang, belajar dahulu membezakan JAKIM tu apa. komen macam ni memalukan diri sendiri. dah hidup bertahun-tahun masih tak tahu membezakan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.985993504524231} +{"text": "QUOTE(amir_tm @ Dec 7 2015, 02:36 AM)muslim xnak ikut guideline hospital then must GTFO but when someone xnak ikut guideline gomen office, sukak hati mak bapak aku laa nak pkai pkaian ape pun..gomen officer xder hak utk menegur kami..mcam bundek...ko x suka ko jgn deal ngan swasta. dress code hosp tu pun ada sbb nak mengurangkan risiko jangkitan kpd pesakit.yg gomen buat urusan harian, boleh kena jangkit atau mati ke? ko pikir la sendiri. org yg pi gomen pun sbb nk bayar bil ke, taksiran ke, buat lesen. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978694915771484} +{"text": "best is to always dont eat blindly and do a socmec content.color of beef and chicken is different. also smell is different also. why never open the bread to check ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993852376937866} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.\ngCAXb-k2DvY?si=EdL26pAFhu6Hs4zp\n\nHow to say no to tudia ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997437596321106} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallgiant @ Mar 10 2024, 08:43 PM)The landlord can do whatever with the rent money.including change duit haram become duit halal too ... boleh guna tanpa maruah tercabar ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999113082885742} +{"text": "Kalau kami (muslim) dtg beli kat kedai non muslim, tanya soalan mcm tu, mesti korang triggered kan? Marah? Sbb rasa annoying. \n\n\u201cAku paksa kau mkn sini ke? Mkn jelah kedai lain, bersepah halal. Dtg kedai non muslim, nk expect kitorang anbik tahu halal haram kau plk?\u201d", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "eh so is this haram or not haram?got cap jakim? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999719858169556} +{"text": "Bagus usaha TS, setiap kali orang yg membaca dan menyebarkan benda ni, setiap kali itu jugak la dapat pahala. Hope to see more of this! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999829530715942} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Aug 6 2024, 09:50 AM)https://says.com/my/news/salmonella-found-g...ths-93-infectedSalmonella Found In Gombak Food Poisoning Case That Resulted In 2 Deaths & 93 InfectedThe Health Ministry has found salmonella in stool samples from victims who had consumed fried bihun and fried eggs during a school programme on Sunday, 9 June, in Gombak, SelangorAccording to the New Straits Times, the Selangor Health Department said some stool samples are still pending results after being sent to the National Public Health Laboratory in Sungai Buloh.\"Results are still pending for other samples, such as food from the incident, swabs from related surface areas, and equipment where food was prepared, as well as clinical samples from the food handlers,\" the department told the English daily.It is understood that the total number of people hospitalised for food poisoning following the event has increased by 11, from 82 to 93.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...maut-keracunan/Jais arah henti khidmat bekalan makanan selepas 2 maut keracunanPETALING JAYA: Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) mengarahkan pihak perkhidmatan makanan menghentikan bekalan disyaki menjadi punca keracunan makanan dalam program Amal Islami di Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA) Sungai Cincin, Gombak yang menyebabkan dua individu maut.Pengarahnya, Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad berkata, perkara itu sudah dimaklumkan kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Islam Jais. \u00a0 \u00a0 PUAS MANA PUAS? YOUR OWN SEKOLAH YOU PUN TAK ENDAH TO BENTANG IN PARLIAMENT ON FOOD SAFETY !!!!EVERYDAY WANT TO KECAM NON PUNYA VERNACULARSELALU KEPO JAGA TEPI KAIN ORG LAIN, SENDIRI PUNYA ISU DIKETEPIKAN.teruknya, sampai kanak-kanak mati. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988547563552856} +{"text": "\nshuk_one replied at 27-3-2023 01:05 PM\npowercat nih, bau tak best\nkucing iols makan powercat cirit abis bulu gugur\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999542236328125} +{"text": "QUOTE(petpenyubobo @ Apr 25 2024, 02:39 PM)It's made from byproduct waste from beer production. Sure it's halal?Scientific? Of course, there's no alcohol inside. Religious fanatic? Haram!! Haram!!! Haram!!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998608827590942} +{"text": "Bagi saya, selagi mana ada pilihan sushi halal (ada halal jakim/guna bahan halal saja/dalam proses minta sijil halal), saya akan makan situ. Kat luar negara yang bukan Islam, makanan halal dia terhad. Faham juga terpaksa.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994827508926392} +{"text": "smua makanan itu tdk ckp bersahabat di lidahku. Bkn rasa makanan itu loh yg tdk enak, buktinya yg lain pd suka hny mgkin lidahku sj yg tdk cocok, kalo Ibuku paling suka Sempol Ayamnya smpai mau beli lagi, tp sdh kehabisan. Harganya jg receh wajar, tdk spt makanan lainnya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8738311529159546} +{"text": "QUOTE(teehk_tee @ May 12 2024, 08:24 PM)Maluri there many feidei shopAyam senior Liao. Batang lembik. QUOTE(enviro @ May 12 2024, 08:26 PM)Leisure mall got a lot choice. Nanyang siew yoke nasi lemak top seller in whole country\u00a0 \ud83d\ude06.Ayam B20. Talak mampu Mahal foodQUOTE(Boom Mortar @ May 12 2024, 08:38 PM)sked butt bekam O...kakakakaUsually ayam order char koay teow and a portion of siew yuk(no rice) to eat...but portion they give is quite much yet price is okay.Ayam stable fella la. Sudah Tua. Boss pukul WA sekali je wa Telus pengsan QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ May 12 2024, 08:41 PM)Wun flood-la bro. Listen to khabar angin or staying in some lowland maybe.Ayam always go Puchong makan boss. A lot of nais food. When U wanna join me? U no longer in glenmarie ma WA lemember. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9153359532356262} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seiro @ Oct 19 2016, 01:10 PM)JAKIM suruh tukar nama sebab isu-isu kecil macam ni yang orang selalu tukar jadi isu besar.JAKIM dah buat kerja la tu...nasihatkan sebelum isu kecil ni jadi isu besar. Disebabkan nanti tak mahu lagi komplain dari orang2 yang suka komplain ni, dan menjadikan isu ni besar-besaran, JAKIM nasihatkan tukar nama hotdog tu kepada nama sausage. Bukan susah pun tukar nama.\u201cIt\u2019s a minor issue. We are fine with changing the name and are still working on it,\u201d said Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali, an executive at Aunty Anne\u2019s Malaysia.It was a NON ISSUE for like many decades now. talking about BUKAN SUSAH . Why not apply \"bukan susah\" when it comes to educating fellow Muslim brothers on all these? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985230565071106} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Sep 12 2015, 11:42 AM)Malu jugak bero. Amoi pun dont want orang gemuk. But apa boleh buat, dah genetic.Genetic lelAlasan bodoAku dulu gemuk jugak waktu darjah 6 sampai form 2. Tapi pastu aku ubah cara makan then now okay je 50 kg berat aku ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998922348022461} +{"text": "Memang betul pun.\nSemua makanan halal (kecuali stated otherwise).\n\nNak solat dengan selesa kat mana-mana je ada surau, masjid, even kat petrol station.\n\nSumber air bersih pun mudah amat didapati (untuk bersuci).", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998095631599426} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Feb 15 2024, 09:45 PM)\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb Tgk tulisan jawi terus menggelupur Nampaknya sangat bangga dengan menggunakan tulisan orang lainSendiri punya tulisan mana?Tak capai budaya yang tinggi ke? Tak ada kemanpuan intelek dari bangsa sendiri untuk cipta tulisan?This post has been edited by smallydupe: Feb 15 2024, 09:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.987703800201416} +{"text": "Time arak 0.0% dengan boba takde sijil halal kemain lantang bersuara. Bila cakap rokok haram senyap je? Ada sijil halal tak rokok tu? Uhuk uhuk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984460473060608} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Dec 25 2020, 05:07 PM)non-muslim pulak yang melebih-lebih memprotes.orang islam rilek aje.Jakim cakap haram ucapan merry ChristmasBut Istana negara ucap merry ChristmasSo jakim tak hormat agongYou olang kat marah???Oiii plotek mana plotek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997263550758362} +{"text": "6. Natijahnya di sini, kepercayaan timbul atas dasar keterbukaan pelanggan kepada apa yang ditawarkan peniaga. Juga, bijak bezakan antara tak halal (tak patuh syariat) dan tak ada sijil pengesahan halal (tak patuh syarat piawai JAKIM).", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9686139822006226} +{"text": "What does it have to do with 1S 2S 3S 4S or which race owns the dealership. How many car buyer actually care if there is a service center next to the shop where they buy their car? or what race is the dealership boss?If the product got good value maka sales bagus lah.Apa2 also go and spin jadi race factor. Sampah quality automotive journalists.This post has been edited by dares: Aug 30 2019, 05:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999819993972778} +{"text": "Cek \u3010HALAL\u3011Grosir Murah JinFeng Latiao Halal Cemilan pedas Gluten Vegetarian Snack China Jajanan Viral Makanan Family Snack Santai Camilan dengan harga Rp199.000. Dapatkan di Shopee sekarang! https://s.shopee.co.id/7UwQXcRbZA?share_channel_code=7\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9913883805274963} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Dec 1 2023, 09:48 AM)Does he effect you on a personal level? Is your life gonna be better if Israel or Zakir naik disappears from the earth in a poof?That's my issue with those smooth brained mcd boycotters. If you put some effort into improving your financial status, you will do a great service to your community & religion. Pfft, your brethren buka business straight santau him lah or maki him say he dealing with dirty money lah.Tiap Tiap Hari kecam but never reflect insideDo you know who zakir is? He's a guy that spreads a lot of hate and misinformation. In this country, you will be affected by him eventually. Those hateful messages gets disseminated in the populace and you'll see more and more radical reforms. The boycott move is stupid, but don't close an eye to people who can rupture our social fabric. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998472929000854} +{"text": "inb4 Tak suka tengok orang lain berjaya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9939285516738892} +{"text": "Apple and orange comparison. Yg die mention ni semua local. Ingredient pon locally made. The Alley yg viral tu brand luar negara. Mmg standard kene dptkan sijil halal jakim. Ingredient pon kite taktau local ke import dari taiwan. https://t.co/UR3QBYNph4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998061060905457} +{"text": "QUOTE(azerak @ Apr 7 2013, 05:43 PM)But some people actually have problem with it. It is Boycott Halal.http://www.boycotthalal.com/http://www.facebook.com/BOYCOTTxHALALAnd I think most of these people are from the UK, Canada and Australia. Some of the allegations are outright outrageous; zakat for terrorism? Islamic banking supports terrorism? Cannot get non-halal food in Muslim countries?.i came across this site long time ago...and well, here's the reason :And please note, i browse both jihad and anti-jihad website. Knowledge to me is important..and it is important to understand both sides if one want to say something about it. Unlike how anti-gunners usually dont understand anything about guns..as if like saying the word 'gun' will have someone shot on the spot. my only heads-up, read with open mind..QUOTEWhy should non-Muslims care about halal food?GoV commenter Egghead explains:Here is WHY non-Muslims should care about the introduction of any halal food into the West.I read a great anti-halal essay that explained that halal food contributes to four significant problems \u2013 independent of animal cruelty or religious issues.The first problem is an employment fairness issue. Halal slaughter requires that Muslims perform all halal rituals. The end result is that Muslims begin to \u201ctake over\u201d food production jobs of a nation. The idea that Muslims \u2013 who wish to eliminate non-Muslims \u2013 control any aspect of non-Muslim food production is disturbing.The second problem is a terrorist funding issue. All halal products require the monetary purchase of halal certification from a major Muslim entity \u2013 and some of that money inevitably supports terror efforts against the West.The third problem is a Muslim immigration scam. Evidently, halal slaughter requires Western nations to import halal butchers from Muslim nations. The scam is that the halal butchers QUIT as soon as they receive their Western immigration status \u2013 requiring the constant importation of halal butchers from \u2013 you guessed it \u2013 Muslim nations.The fourth problem is that \u2013 where Western countries have banned guns but allow knives \u2013 halal butchers can use their butchering skills as very effective human murderers. In essence, the importation of halal butchers is the importation of devout Muslims who would make extremely effective foot soldiers in a fighting war.In the meantime, halal butchers use their butchering skills to commit violent crimes in the West \u2013 halal human slaughters which go unreported by the main stream media. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8183115124702454} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ Apr 13 2024, 02:14 PM)Ts wan stir shit use this laBet u can spot several strokes or shapes that is sensitiveFaster go viral kat fb la ts come /k no bright future oneSome see Chinese words automatically non halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7099500894546509} +{"text": "\nspankee_fili replied at 28-3-2023 09:04 AM\r\nIanya penting bagi mereka yg pastikan tiada najis masuk ke dalam rumah, tak waswas untuk beribadah.. ...\nooo baru tau, selama ni mmg geram aje tgk iklan promote makanan halal utk kucing.. ingatkan marketing murahan semata2\r\nada jugak hujah logiknya ya\r\ntengs u\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994848966598511} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Apr 22 2024, 10:34 PM)Poverty is not an excuse you can't speak National Language.My late grandparents from both sides can't write, can't read but they still can learn to speak.I thought when u in poverty, u work in unskilled job and will meet more people from different race since unskilled jobs are done by all races in Malaysia.Same goes to if you are poor and doing small business, u still need to deal with people from different race.Pelik aku dengan SESETENGAH Bangsa Cina Malaysia ni.Bangsa India yang tak ramai ni pun semua tak ada masalah nak cakap National Language.Orang Cina ni satu je masalah. Ego tinggi sangat.When things not according to their narrative or needs, they play victim.Oi babi- that officer tak ada kuasa berlagak menentukan siapa yang boleh ke atau tak boleh.Kalau ikut logik hang- kalau tak faham bahasa tak boleh guna servis kakitangan kerajaan ke?Lepas tu- what about foreigners / malaysia long stay program?Budak budak ? Kalau bodoh tu - simpan sikit- usah nak tunjuk pandai - patriotic konon.Macam sial la mangkuk. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995206594467163} +{"text": "QUOTE(laoahpek @ Sep 10 2020, 03:27 PM)HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAquotepurpose/objective and producing methodtapai purpose is for eating it while it sweet taste, and not for drunk drinking.method also is slightly different where it use yis but it wait until sweetness come out.u will get drunk if u drink 20 cans of beer.purpose\u00a0 of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.end quotetapai = food = sweet\u00a0 = conlanfirm cannot drunk-purpose of making it : food to you alcohol infused chocolate = chocolate = food = sweet = imposible to drunk- purpose of making it : more variety to human with brain how do i distort or exaggerates ur theoryor do swallow whole thing in ur brain instead of theory? A=A, B=B , A can eventhough A,B,C,D....Z all using same theory as u said, but u cannot accept B,C,D....Z?thank you for prove my argument ,ktard like to use straw man argument/fallacy to attack person who have different views from them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7812008857727051} +{"text": "Lagi..Restoran guna sijil halal tak diiktiraf. Kesalahan di bawah Perintah 4(1) Perintah Dagangan (Takrif Halal) 2011 kerana membekalkan makanan dgn membuat representasi yg boleh memperdayakan pelanggan bahawa sesuatu makanan itu halal. @MyJAKIM #kpdnhep #halal https://t.co/fCEBxQwhP4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "@OhhB_ Even tak haram, why tk pegi buat sijil halal? Kalau dh buat sijil halal tkde siapa nk bising \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f Org Malaysia mmg sensitip", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993429780006409} +{"text": "JAKIM pun lol kejap haram kejap halal kau bagi orang korang jela telan makanan tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994565844535828} +{"text": "QUOTE(AxeFire @ Nov 3 2014, 03:35 PM)i know a malay friend who go holiday/business trip overseaseat all the haramhe say no chance here\u00a0 is this common?he either malas to find halal restaurant, or lazy to bring halal stuffs from malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968767166137695} +{"text": "QUOTE(acbc @ Oct 31 2023, 02:46 PM)Chinese restaurant some more. How to keliru? If still keliru means the people must be too stupid to comprehend. Itulah tak belajar BI dulu. All malas lepak elsewhere.Next time need Big Wording \"Non Halal\" in BM, Jawi, Arabic, English, BM, Chinese, Hebrew, Tamil, Japanese, Korean.If you still confuse ... you should be arrested for causing racial issue. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992881417274475} +{"text": "QUOTE(mariobros @ Jun 25 2015, 12:27 PM)\u00a0 \u00a0 Malaysia B13 2-0 SL OLIVAIS B13 https://www.facebook.com/nfdpmalaysia/posts/654800404655795Malaysia B13 1-0 ATLETICO MADRID B13 https://www.facebook.com/nfdpmalaysia/posts/654654281337074Malaysia B13 6-3 SPAIN SELECTIONS B15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAmoIqyrfkwMalaysia B13 2-2 Rayo Vallecano B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smOVuNP_zG8Malaysia B13 3-1 CF Pozuelo de Alarcon B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_dWDrf1nnEMalaysia B13 4-2 TSV 1860 Munich B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOozXW9NP1IMalaysia B13 5-1 FC Red Bull Salzburg B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwXiSHSM738Malaysia B13 3-0 SC Furstenfeldbruck B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-8V1SkqMoYMalaysia B13 3-1 Tirol Selections B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDyk2Ria9OoMalaysia B13 2-1 FC Bayern Munich B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmoUlnXuswsMalaysia B13 4-0 DFI Academy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zHlNHf2fQUMalaysia B13 6-0 DFB Selections B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzhEqKB9G4QMalaysia B13 3-0 FC Ingolstadt 04 B13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6g36pUG_tAMalaysia B13 3-2 TSV Murnau B15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4HuBviQfYMalaysia ke arah World Cup 2026! \u00a0 https://www.facebook.com/nfdpmalaysiahttps://twitter.com/nfdpmalaysiaLater U18,U20,U23, mesti kecundang sbb ade tangan2 yg suke pilih konco2 nye utk 'harum'kan nama negara..semoga berjaya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994327425956726} +{"text": "QUOTE(greyPJ @ May 8 2024, 05:02 PM)exactly imagine that happen, best is sarawak split from msia join Singapore, wow.and Indonesia move capital to nusantarathere's a notion on thatand double six happenedyet the declassified version mcm meh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998716115951538} +{"text": "QUOTE(stevenlee @ Dec 16 2022, 02:15 PM)if ceiling price remove, a lot food will increase in price... major food stall using egg\u00a0 same as chicken\u00a0 Continue to ceiling price until local dun wan produce anymore, then year to come india renew contract with sky high price, u still gonna eat exp egg, kekeke, its all abt businessBy that time msia also malu, uae to be export player now become importerThis post has been edited by TheEvilMan: Dec 16 2022, 02:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.Hope you know that alcohol is a naturally occurring in our food. It's also natural occuring in our body. Btw, in your bread... Yes bread, a tiny amount of alcohol still remains in the bread after baking. Baking process does not remove 100% of the alcohol. Fermentation is a common process used in old days to preserve food because there is no refrigeration. During this process, small amount of alcohol will be produced. This is unavoidable. So, you might want to consult your holy book on no alcohol part. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9482958316802979} +{"text": "Kapsul #langsina mmg terbaik.. Utk lawaskan pembuangan, singkir lemaks, dan elak perut buncit..utk yg selalu sembelit mmg bagus jugak.. Langsina ad sijil HALAL dr JAKIM n berdaftar dgn KKM.. Nak kurus, sihat dgn\u2026 https://t.co/r4Xws7eKI7", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9676913022994995} +{"text": "\nkrustykrab replied at 16-8-2021 01:52 PM\r\nMesti mahal kan berpantang kt situ...\nbaca kat komen katanya rm27k\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998759031295776} +{"text": "Tular berkaitan status halal makanan haiwan kembali tular di media sosial ini.\n\nUntuk makluman, ianya TIDAK BENAR dan merupakan tular berulang serta pernah dijelaskan oleh pihak kami pada 07 Jun... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156717936147398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992519021034241} +{"text": "https://www.thevocket.com/sering-mainkan-mu...one-12-pro-max/Sering Mainkan Muzik Guna Biola Buat Jiran Yang Kurang Sihat, Wanita Ini Dihadiahkan iPhone 12 Pro Max Sudah menjadi kewajipan dan tanggungjawab buat orang ramai menjaga hubungan yang baik bersama jiran tetangga. Kehidupan berjiran sekaligus mengajar orang ramai untuk meraikan perbezaan sekaligus hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain.Menerusi tweet daripada salah seorang pengguna Twitter iaitu @EndangHyder, beliau baru-baru ini memaklumkan telah menerima hadiah sebuah iPhone 12 Pro Max, pengecas bersama case daripada jiran beliau yang baik hati.Perkongsian beliau nyata membuatkan para netizen teruja mengetahui terdapat jiran yang sanggup berbelanja besar dalam menghadiahkan jiran tetangga telefon pintar berharga premium ini.Kisah Endang bersama keluarga kejirananMenerusi perkongsian Endang bersama The Vocket, beliau memaklumkan keluarga berjiran dengan sebuah keluarga berbangsa Cina ini sejak dari tahun 1997 lagi.Keluarga ini sangat baik dalam menjaga beliau sejak beliau kecil lagi khususnya sewaktu ibu dan bapa beliau tiada di rumah di mana keluarga kejiranan akan membuka pintu rumah untuk mudah memantau beliau. Selain itu, beliau kerap dihadiahkan oleh jiran tetangga makanan dan minuman.Menariknya, keluarga ini sangat memetingkan isu Halal di mana turut diberikan resit bagi memudahkan keluarga Endang ketahui dari mana mereka mendapatkannya. Berikut antara perkongsian Endang seleksi makanan, minuman dan barangan yang diterima daripada jiran beliau.Biola menguatkan lagi hubungan Endang bersama jiranUntuk pengetahuan, Endang merupakan pemain biola profesional. Beliau juga turut mempunyai channel di YouTube yang mengumpul lebih 102 ribu subscribers memainkan pelbagai lagu menggunakan biola.Hobi beliau bermain biola nampaknya turut disukai jiran beliau yang kini sedang terlantar sakit dan 10 tahun tidak keluar dari rumah. Dimaklumkan suami kepada jiran beliau ketika ini yang menjaganya.Siapa sangka keasyikan beliau bermain biola berjaya menggembirakan hati jirannya yang kurang sihat sekaligus beliau diminta untuk memainkan lagu-lagu Cina buat jirannya sekitar jam 9 ke 10 malam dari biliknya.Menurut Endang, beliau bukan sahaja dianugerahkan jiran yang baik, malah seluruh masyarakat sekitar Kampar dan Malim Nawar sangat prihatin dan mengambil berat antara satu sama lain. Bagi menjaga privasi keluarga jiran, Endang lebih selesa sekiranya wajah dan lokasi rumah jiran tidak didedahkan kepada umum.Contoh kehidupan majmuk yang ditunjukkan Endang bersama jirannya ini diharap dapat dijadikan contoh buat orang ramai khususnya rakyat Malaysia yang hidup dalam berbilang bangsa.\nT5VuLbem02U\n\n\naW196PTdiZU\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9755755066871643} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ May 3 2021, 08:09 AM)Kalau sakit perlu ke makan depan orang ramai? Tak boleh makan dalam ofis atau rumah?Eh eh ehDia nak makan mana suka hati dia lahLain kalau kau ni niat puasa tak suci, tak akan orang makan depan kau pun dengki? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972442388534546} +{"text": "Karena dimodifikasi jd makanan halal. Orang Islam percaya cm makanan halal yg bersih dan sehat. Jadi nggak ada yg dirugikan, pemakan babi jg nggak masalah makan makanan halal khan. Nggak otomastis jd haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "Rokok Haram x? Berdua-dua dgn awek Haram x?This post has been edited by h4r8_kIlLeR: Oct 25 2023, 11:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997720122337341} +{"text": "Kita ni duk demand sijil halal, question restaurants halal ke tidak. Benda basic kebersihan jaga tak? Kalau Kawasan pengendalian makanan tu tak bersih, Yakin ke makanan Itu halal. Kebersihan apa sahaja, termasuk kebersihan diri adalah PENTING.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9923203587532043} +{"text": "i think shouldn't be an issue for processed bovine parts. We only don't take beef and bovine parts as food. In fact at times i will also take beef if i have mistakenly ordered (only realised the food contains beef after preparation) and could not offer it to anyone else on the same table. Rather than wasting food by throwing away the sacrificed moo moo, i will just swallow it.So my point is, i believe those that practice this is not as strict as other religions. We just won't consciously consume beef. This is just my personal opinion though. haha. best is to check with your colleagues, trust me, they wont get offended, in fact they will find you unnecessarily thoughtful.This post has been edited by overmars: Aug 25 2022, 01:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969653487205505} +{"text": "QUOTE(FindingGamerWife @ Jul 8 2014, 10:50 PM)they will put pork on the vegetablesor they will put beer.such is real chinese foodoh, that ginseng roots which sounds halal? they will put pork powder or beer powder to make it haram and make it sell.either u want vroom vroomor u dono how 2 cook ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9867668747901917} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Sep 25 2017, 01:43 AM)Lol, if he doesn't let you in his shop because you eat pork then just walk to another shop.If Malaysia goes to that level then you should ask another question too - where's the shops runned by non Muslims that would allow you to enter because you eat pork? Did they just give up? So you say you're far sighted; I say your sight is flawed. For Malaysia to go down that path it would mean that the extremist Muslims have completely taken over Malaysia and its economy - you can blame the extremist Muslims but you gotta blame the non Muslims too - why did they allow the government to let it go that far? You can't expect the Muslims to fight for your rights if you gave up and don't want to fight for your rights.Now before you say that right now you're fighting for your rights - there's no rights that is broken for you to fight currently. All you have now is \"what if\" and \"a precedence have been set\" (lol, what, you think Armageddon starts from A LAUNDRY SHOP? Hahahahahahahahaha) when nothing wrong has been done by the laundry shop. No going back and others will follow suit? Bloody hell if you're so scared of it, just open up your own laundry shop and ban all Muslims then.Bravo, so its the non-muslims fault now. When they say anything, its insult Islam, you tak tau Islam you diam, jangan mencabar, ITS JUST ONE FUKKEN SHOP, WHATS THE ISSUE??? If they don't say anything, they ALSO get blamed, just... fukken... bravo You malay muslims have the numbers, you have the majority, but its the non-muslims fault. kimjongunclap.jpgThis post has been edited by bigwolf: Sep 25 2017, 01:51 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892472624778748} +{"text": "QUOTE(nearlee @ Nov 23 2020, 09:31 AM)Ipoh food sucks, go up north penang bettersorry lor, Ipoh dim sum still the best. QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 23 2020, 09:37 AM)i think if someone make a thread titled 'best nasi lemak in klang valley! (not halal)' and show video of pork nasi lemak in cari forum, everybody there will also get triggered la... Yea, so long the bait thrown correctly, definitely some will catch it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jiao2 Itchy @ Dec 23 2020, 03:20 PM)i lol-ed at this..because we all know this is so going to happen.....Oh MalaysiaKu..\u00a0 \u00a0 JAKIM been fooling Malays for 20+ years at least. (while the cartel been in operation for 40 years)Meanwhile, Old Town White Coffee memang selling halal jiken food get 1 bogus viral video, JAKIM terus inspection the kedai...\u00a0 \u00a0 Malays really easy to play with by other Malays huh...As usual lor ... when needed, look the other way, buat bodo ... diam diam.When criteria is right ... go ape shit la ape lagi ... pi sogo golek on the ground and break chop stick.Anyway what happen to the bangsat who say OT sell babi ? sapu bawah carpet AGAIN ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995954632759094} +{"text": "QUOTE(xiaojohn @ Feb 1 2024, 08:08 PM)Some /k try to inflame.If we go Europe we also tak biasa their food.If muslim go Europe/Taiwan also will said tak biasa food.Very normal lah.Go europe only eat halal place sure you dont get the best of the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "Aku di rumah punya kucing 2 ehhhh yg main ke rumah banyak tapi sedih klo beli makanan sebungkus suka kurang kalo buat 5hari cing doakan aku banyak rejekinya ya cing biar selalu kasih makan mereka ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992870688438416} +{"text": "I bagi contoh la certain kedai makan nak dapat sijil halal, yang tukang masak tu wajib seorang muslim. That\u2019s one of the rules. So boleh fikir sendiri la untuk situation ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990384578704834} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.really sad thing ( and horrible as well ) to see that Bangau has to stoop this low just to gain some subs ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997105002403259} +{"text": "Kalau food court, most kedai bukak, jarang tutup so sentiasa meriah, lampu terang, kedai bersih (including yg non halal), servis laju, makanan sentiasa panas berasap, bau pun kdg2 power dah kalau lalu dekat dgn kedai. Nasib aku tau beza halal haram lg kalau tak mmg aku hayun ja.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947293400764465} +{"text": "QUOTE(oucheev @ Nov 14 2015, 11:26 AM)Why no one bats any eye? Because Muslims themselves don't take it seriously. Muslims themselves should be taking concrete actions to overcome all this terrorist. Muslims have to admit that they have a serious problem and they need to tackle it. Have you heard anything from some of the largest and strongest Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. Why the West, US or Russia have to fight this Islamic terrorist for them? What is the normal response from Muslims when such incident happen? Their first response is always say no proof that its Islamic terrorist. Once its confirmed its Islamic terrorist like IS, Al-Qaeda, etc. Muslims will say all this organisations are not true Muslims and they are created by the West or Jews to undermine Islam. Some Muslims will say there are bombings in Sudan, Syria, etc. killing more people but the media don't highlight them. Its the western media fault again because they don't highlight them.EXACTLY! its never a muslim that does the killing.. its always not Islam.. its called whitewashing. the denial that it HAS something to do with ISLAM. its akin to people saying the holocaust never happened.. that is the level of denial.. these ideology peddled by ISIS and other terrorist organisation is attracting MUSLIMS , more and more .. they are attracted to the cause, and if you do not acknowledge these organisation is using ISLAM to attract them to the cause then, this problem will never be resolved. you don't have to look far.. in malaysia there are lotsa of pple attracted to the cause of ISIS, even hardened commandos.an ulama friend of mine says ISLAM is going to its dark ages like the christian in the middle ages.. because there is no introspection.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8509896397590637} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 03:02 PM)You could also open the Al Quran and read about lazziness and the fate of no knowledgeable Muslim that will be question of his action in the hereafter.What al quran and sahih hadis said to the muslim who have the chance to study and be expert in certain skill but the muslim just want to be lazy and dont want to learn and got so many excuses and be less skill and less knowledge ?You find me irresistible aren't you? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996071457862854} +{"text": "@enopiji Amboi tau saja dia bab viral ni noh. Mentang kak dia comei. Ni halal lah kedai dia cuma mak dia tak reti nak apply kat jakim sijil halal tu haa", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Aug 13 2018, 10:07 AM)So ok lor. Not haram lorHaram is for \"benda yang memabukkan\" If no drunk, halal lorSimpleDrunk with power confirm haramBut so is drinking one can of beer. Nobody get drunk with only one can...... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Sep 9 2023, 12:25 AM)Meanwhile so many turned blind eye on unmarried piap2, rokok, ketum and ganja which are clearly haram.U suggesting people become vigilantes, take the law into their own hands? Biaq betoi, sat menangis tak berlagu pula. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "JAKIM dan KKM selidik lah balik produk makanan betul2. Engat halal haram ni bende main2 ker ?? =='", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999310970306396} +{"text": "QUOTE(fongsk26 @ Oct 12 2023, 11:20 AM)I believe the one in wine is not Chinese wine but black vinegar+shaoxing wine. This is a very popular cold dish on Shanghai.\u00a0 The other dish with similar taste profile is black earwood (black fungus) in the same concoction but added with some crushed garlic/Chinese parsley.\u00a0 This one is a fav with China ladies.Still wine. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "Selepas bebas, Zamihan diangkat sebagai \u2018pejuang\u2019, bantah pesta arak di Johor http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...arak-di-johor/#PETALING JAYA: Walaupun dibidas Sultan Johor sebagai \u201cangkuh\u201d dan \u201ctin kosong\u201d, Zamihan Mat Zin kembali aktif dengan pelbagai muat naik di Facebook beliau, termasuk membantah penganjuran pesta arak di Johor, sambil diangkat sebagai \u201cpejuang Islam\u201d oleh penyokongnya. Pegawai Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) yang baru-baru ini disiasat berhubung kritikannya terhadap Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, memuat naik pelbagai mesej \u201cperjuangan\u201d selepas dibebaskan Sabtu lalu. Zamihan, 41, yang mengetuai NGO beliau, Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah Malaysia (Aswaja), ditahan berhubung ceramahnya di sebuah masjid di Shah Alam pada 7 Oktober, yang menyelar Sultan Ibrahim kerana menghalang dasar sebuah kedai dobi di Muar, Johor untuk hanya berurusan dengan orang Islam. Zamihan juga mengundang kecaman kerana menyifatkan orang bukan Islam tidak bersih sehinggakan pakaian mereka tidak boleh dicampur aduk dengan pakaian penganut Islam. \u201cKita ini negara Islam, pemimpin Islam, raja Islam, sultan Islam. Semua sumpah, wallahi, wabillahi\u2026 nak buat dobi \u2018for Muslims only\u2019 pun tak boleh, kita kata jumud, kita kata Taliban,\u201d kata Zamihan seperti dipetik rakan video ceramahnya di Masjid Diraja Tengku Ampuan Jemaah, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam. Selepas klip tersebut viral di Youtube, Zamihan menuduh beberapa media memutar belit ucapannya, walapun memohon ampun kepada Sultan Johor beberapa jam sebelum ditahan di bawah Akta Hasutan. Bagaimanapun, Sultan Ibrahim membidas pegawai Jakim itu dan mengarahkan pihak berkuasa agama negeri tidak berurusan dengan Jakim. \u201cSaya anggap dia hanya seperti tin kosong yang tidak ada otak,\u201d menurut ucapan Sultan Ibrahim di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia di Batu Pahat pada Sabtu. \u201cKalau betul dia penceramah Jakim, saya tidak tahu dari mana Jakim pungut dia, selepas ini juga saya mengarahkan JAINJ tidak perlu lagi buang masa berurusan dengan Jakim,\u201d tambahnya, merujuk Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Johor. Kenyataan keras Sultan Johor itu bagaimanapun tidak menghalang pelbagai muat naik di Facebook Zamihan, mengangkat penceramah agama yang terkenal dengan gayanya menghentam tokoh agama lain itu sebagai \u201cpejuang akidah\u201d yang difitnah. Bantah pesta arak Johor Pada hari sama dibebaskan, Facebook Zamihan memuat naik sokongan terhadap usaha membantah sebuah pesta arak di Johor. \u201cKita akan bersatu mempertahankan Islam. Inilah isu yang besar wajib kita tangani, selamat berjuang kepada pertubuhan Islam yang menegakkan kebenaran,\u201d menurut kiriman yang didahului dengan perkataan \u201c[Admin]\u201d. Ia merujuk laporan sebuah portal berita mengenai memorandum dikemukakan sebuah kumpulan dikenali Majlis Ayahanda Johor, membantah penganjuran pesta arak secara tertutup di sebuah hotel di Johor Bahru, hujung minggu lalu. Ia menerima sokongan penyokong Zamihan yang meninggalkan pelbagai komen, termasuk beberapa kenyataan dilihat mempersoalkan pendirian Sultan Johor berhubung kedai dobi \u201cmesra Islam\u201d. Mereka mempersoalkan mengapa layanan berbeza kepada pesta arak tesebut, yang sebelum ini dibantah PAS dan kumpulan Islam lain, dan dibatalkan permitnya oleh polis atas alasan keselamatan. \u201cPesta arak takpe kerana utk perpaduan\u2026 dobi mesra Muslim tak bleh kerana boleh rosakkan perpaduan rakyat\u2026 kena fhm dan hadam elok-elok wahai umat Islam,\u201d tulis pengguna Facebook Mohd Noor Bin Idris. \u201cTin kosong takda arak. Tin tak kosong ada arak,\u201d tulis seorang lagi, Subri Mohamad. Selasa lalu, Majlis Raja-Raja mengecam dasar perniagaan untuk \u201corang Islam sahaja\u201d termasuk kontroversi dobi \u201cmesra Muslim\u201d sebagai tindakan yang bersifat keterlaluan, boleh menjejaskan keharmonian, dan membawa implikasi lebih mendalam sekiranya bersabit dengan dan dilakukan atas nama Islam. \u2018Cekal berjuang\u2019 Sejurus selepas pembebasannya, muat naik pertama Zamihan melahirkan dukacita atas kematian seorang tokoh guru agama di Kelantan. \u201cInsyallah Ayahanda, ana (saya) tetap cekal menyambung delegasi perjuangan akidah ini!\u201d tulisnya. Ia disusuli dengan amaran Zamihan untuk melawan kumpulan berfahaman Ahmadiah, yang difatwakan sesat dan di luar ajaran Islam oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan. \u201cAwas, akan dibanteras sehabisnya golongan liberal dan \u2018kelompok\u2019 yang sentiasa bersama mereka,\u201d katanya, sambil memuat naik poster perhimpunan tahunan Jemaah Ahmadiah Muslim Malaysia, dan mengajak orang ramai \u201csebarkan bantahan\u201d terhadap program tersebut. Petang semalam, sasarannya dihalakan terhadap golongan LGBT, walaupun tidak menyebut secara khusus siapa dimaksudkannya. \u201cUmat Islam kena peka tentang keadaan isu semasa berkaitan ancaman budaya barat. Mari kita bersama memberikan kesedaran kepada umat Islam di Malaysia,\u201d katanya dalam muat naik yang juga didahului perkataan \u201c[Admin]\u201d. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9693698883056641} +{"text": "#jp13 'Halal Square' dan 'Halal Inside' mampu berikan maklumat dimana nak cari restoran & premis makanan halal - JAKIM", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9565444588661194} +{"text": "@LailaFattah pernah je pergi, tak ada sijil halal but kalau tak was was pergi je lah. kawan cakap biasa je. still tealive paling best followed by gong cha then the alley", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993457198143005} +{"text": "\u201cKami terkejut, tengok-tengok, tikus yang mati dalam bekas sos tu. Memang terus meremang bulu roma dan rasa jijik tak terkata.\u201d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998807907104492} +{"text": "Orang kote suka fitnah. So many times it is so easy for them to damage the reputation of a business because rasa dengki.This post has been edited by JoLee: Nov 16 2020, 06:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9961386322975159} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Jan 4 2018, 11:09 PM)Anyway, mufti and religious scholars usually despise the whole entertainment industry which they see as 'no value, immoral and haram'. This kind of pov is no different to during the time when higher-ups calling for rock music to be banned because their followers dress strangely, allow gender mixing and bladiblablabla. Ask the same mufti guy what he thinks about Punk music, he would 100 percent use the same reasoning as he did with cosplaying.Seriously though your muftis should explain better. My not so highly educated mother did a better job explaining the risks to me. Be careful about bla bla bla because bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997249245643616} +{"text": "QUOTE(mambangafro @ Dec 2 2014, 12:32 AM)AssalammualaikomwarohmatullahwbkthJadi saya nak tanya kalian kalian semua adakah kalian semua mengaji Quran tapi hanya tau baca kosong walaupun betul tajwidnya?Rasanya buku teks pendidikan Islam takdakan tunjuk terjemahan ayat?cuba lebih pada nak kasi reti baca arab dengan betul dan kasi pass lisan PAFA?Sebab saya x cekap,terus terang..tu yang saya suka baca yang ada terjemahanSaya tak pandai baca arab tu yang saya time sekolah convert dalam bentuk rumi (qul ya ayyuhal kafiruun)yer.. saya baca yg arab .. tajwid nya belom betol sepenuhnya... ada laa salah sikit.. tapi mmg tak tahu makna..nak tahu makna, saya buka terjemaahan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994678258895874} +{"text": "Tutup kepala or pakai tudung x semesti akhlak muliaMost of young muslims girls are pressured to wear wpun hati cakap x mauKalo x pakai, kena pulau or dipandang serong ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987646341323853} +{"text": "QUOTEJAKIM : DARIPADA ORGANISASI HARAM, PENGURUSAN TIDAK KOMPETEN SEKARANG MENJADI LIABILITI POLITIK YANG MALUKAN KERAJAAN1.\u00a0 Tun Hanif kata JAKIM \"berdosa, wajib dihukum, tak takut tuhan, tidak kompeten, perlu di rombak\" Sila lihat video berikut :2. TENGKU RAZALEIGH DAN PEGUAM SYARIEE KATA JAKIM IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL PETALING JAYA: A shariah and constitutional lawyer agrees with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that Jakim is unconstitutional\u201cThe Federal List mentions the power of ascertainment of Islamic laws for the purposes of federal laws. Even on that count, it appears that Jakim is functioning beyond the ambit of that power,\u201d Nizam Bashir told FMT.Razaleigh said Jakim was formed as part of Mahathir\u2019s ..attempt to weaken PAS3.\u00a0 Brader Anwar Holds Jakim Responsible for Daging Kartel4. Zaharin Mohd Yasin (SANG KELEMBAI) kata\u00a0 Nama Besar JAKIM dikait \"kartel daging\" Saudara Zaharin Mohd Yasin sebentar tadi telah memuat naik sekeping gambar dengan tulisan berikut yang dikaitkan dengan isu \u201ckartel daging\u201d yang panas dibongkarkan ketika ini.\u201cKhabar cerita yang beredar dlm kumpulan wathsap nama pembesar di JAKIM antara orang yang ada kaitan kemasukan daging non halal dari seberang laut.\u201d\u201cSewajar JAKIM membuat kenyataan perkara ini. Jangan sampai Intrigreti JAKIM di pertikaikan.\u201d5. Comments by Tan Sri Sheriff Kassim On JakimTAN SRI SHERIFF ON JAKIMSaturday, December 26, 2020JAKIM has two sources of funding: Federal budget allocation (about Rm 1 billion annually) and the fees collected from its halal certification function.JAKIM was annoyed when we asked about the Trustee Account in which it keeps the income from the halal certification fees. We simply wanted to know whether it is monitored by the Accountant General and audited by the Auditor General. We were told that JAKIM got special permission from the Treasury to administer the Trustee Acct independently of the Treasury whereas by normal practice, all trustee accounts should be kept in the Treasury.The Parliamentary Audit Committee should call for a report on the JAKIM Trustee Account. It should be noted JAKIM is a government department in the PM\u2019s Dept. Therefore it must set a good example by practicing the good governance principles of accountability and transparency. This a better way of projecting a good impression of Islam.Tan Sri Sheriff6. Kenyataan Dunggu Berkenaan Kek Merry Christmas PJ : There is nothing stopping shops with halal certification from decorating cakes with \"Merry Christmas\" greetings, says (Jakim).However, these cakes cannot be put on display at shops with the halal certification.In a statement issued on Christmas Day, Jakim said greetings for festivals allowed on all products if they were not put on display On Thursday (Dec 24), Minister tweeted as long as cake not for display, it was all right.\u201cTo put it simply, if Shop B with a Jakim halal certificate bakes a cake with a religious celebration wish for display, then it is not allowed, but if Shop B had prepared the cake that was ordered by A that has a religious celebration wish, it is permitted, \u201d he tweeted.\u00a0 OSTB :\u00a0 Ini adalah jawapan dunggu.Soalannya kek dengan tulisan Merry Christmas halal boleh dimakan oleh orang Islam atau haram tak boleh dimakan oleh orang Islam?Sekarang depa kata kek dengan tulisan Merry Christmas tak boleh di 'display' di depan kedai kek. Tapi kalau BUKAN di display oleh kedai kek (contohnya tempahan saja atau ambil order menerusi telefon dan online) maka boleh pula tulis \"Merry Christmas\" !!Isunya bukan kek dengan tulisan Merry Christmas boleh display depan kedai kek atau tidak boleh di display.Soalannya kek dengan tulisan Merry Christmas halal boleh dimakan atau haram tak boleh dimakan oleh orang Islam ?Katakanlah kedai kek menerima order atau tempahan menerusi telefon atau online. Kedai kek pun bakar kek, tulis Merry Christmas, isi dalam kotak kek dan hantar kepada rumah orang Kristian. Orang Kristian pula hidang kek Merry Krismas dan orang Islam pun hadir makan bersama. Soalannya apakah kek dengan tulisan Merry Christmas halal atau haram dimakan oleh orang Islam? Bukan isu samada kedai kek display atau tidak display kek Merry Christmas depan kedai.Dan kenapa pula Jakim bisu berkenaan kek Merry Christmas yang dimasak atau di 'bakar' di rumah? Bukan dibeli dari kedai kek. Katakanlah jiran kita Aunty Mary masak kek Merry Christmas dan jemput jiran orang Islam datang ke rumah makan bersama. Soalannya boleh kah orang Islam makan kek dengan tulisan Merry Christmas atas kek itu di rumah jiran Kristian mereka ?\u00a0 Jika Jakim tidak mahu jawab soalan ini atau tidak tahu jawab atau tidak mahu jawab, maksudnya apakah Jakim jaga marketshare bisnes Sticker Halal mereka atau Jakim jaga halal dan haram bagi orang Islam?Kenapa Jakim nak putuskan hukum atas kedai kek sahaja dan tidak mahu halal/haram-kan kek tulisan Merry Christmas yang di masak dirumah orang ?Bagaimana pula jika jiran Kristian kita membeli kuih lepat pisang dari orang Islam dan menulis Merry Christmas atas kuih lepat pisang itu? Apakah kuih lepat pisang dengan tulisan Merry Christmas halal atau haram untuk dimakan oleh orang Islam? 7.\u00a0 Warga\u00a0 Maya bertanya\u00a0 'Apa fungsi adanya JAKIM? My comments :Saya setuju dengan pandangan Tengku Razaleigh bahawa pada masa dulu Dr Mahathir tubuhkan Jakim sebagai alat politik bagi UMNO salurkan dana untuk lawan Pas. Dr Mahathir tidak pernah sangka bahawa Pas boleh hipokrit dan sanggup duduk dalam Kerajaan bersama Umno tetapi itu yang telah berlaku.\u00a0 Maka sekarang Pas pula berpeluang peralatkan Jakim untuk memancing undi orang Melayu Islam. Masalah besar JAKIM ialah memang JAKIM adalah organisasi haram yang tidak mempunyai peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.\u00a0 Ikut Perlembagaan Negara dan sistem pentadbiran negara kita hal ehwal Islam, isu tanah dan air serta isu kebudayaan Melayu adalah di bawah tanggung jawab Raja-Raja di peringkat negeri masing-masing dan Kerajaan Negeri. Hal ehwal Islam TIDAK BOLEH menjadi tanggungjawab Kerajaan Persekutuan. Hal Ehwal Islam di Wilayah Persekutuan pula di bawah Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan dan Putrajaya). Mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan JAKIM langsung tidak mempunyai sebarang peranan dalam hal ehwal Islam dalam negara kita. Jakim ditubuhkan oleh Dr Mahathir khusus sekali sebagai alat untuk salurkan dana untuk melawan Pas. Itulah al-awal wal akhir penubuhan Jakim.\u00a0 Oleh kerana Jakim sekarang sudah menjadi dinosaur gergasi yang dunggu dan lebih menyusahkan manusia dan juga sering menimbulkan kontroversi yang memalukan Kerajaan, lebih baik JAKIM di bubarkan sahaja. Dalam kes daging kartel ini, orang Islam sepatutnya bergabung dan melantik peguam untuk saman Jakim atas kelalaian Jakim mengawal kemasukan daging haram yang telah dimakan oleh orang Islam.Sebaliknya dua orang keturunan mamak telah dibawa menghadapi tuduhan di mahkamah. Jika kedua geng mamak ini didapati bersalah maka akan selamatlah Jakim, walaupun Jakim turut bersalah kerana samada terlibat atau bertanggung jawab dalam kes ini (ikut kenyataan Tun Haniff, Abu Zaharin dan Anwar Ibrahim di atas).Sepatutnya Jakim mesti dijatuhkan hukuman. Tetapi Jakim boleh terlepas daripada hukuman kerana mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan Jakim memang tidak bertanggungjawab atas hal ehwal Islam di mana -mana pun. Jadi Jakim ini menduduki keadaan yang sangat molek bagi mereka. Apabila mereka hendak cari duit daripada menjual Sticker Halal atau minta peruntukan daripada Bajet mereka akan mengadu bahawa mereka bertanggungjawab menjaga \"syiar\" Islam.Tetapi apabila Jakim membuat t_ik pula, mereka boleh kata 'Jangan tuduh kami. Bukan kami yang tanggungjawab atas impot daging kangaroo'.\u00a0 Banyak cantik.Habis macam mana pula Jakim boleh \"inspection\" restoran mamak untuk 'pastikan' dia halal atau bukan halal?\u00a0 Seperti dalam laporan berita berikut :\"A Jakim officer checks the halal certificate of a restaurant in Alor Setar.\"Katakanlah ada orang Kedah di Alor Setar saman restoran mamak dalam gambar ini, atas tuduhan restoran itu bukan halal.\u00a0 Dan apabila restoran mamak ini menunjukkan Sijil Halal Jakim pula,\u00a0 orang Kedah itu boleh kata Sijil Halal Jakim tidak laku di Kedah sebab Jakim tidak mempunyai kuasa atas hal ehwal Islam di negeri Kedah.\u00a0 Hal Ehwal Islam di negeri Kedah adalah di bawah naungan al Sultan Kedah dan Jabatan Agama Islam Kedah. Bukan di bawah tanggungjawab Jakim. Kalaulah Jakim berpendapat Sijil Halal Jakim mempunyai autoriti di negeri Kedah, maka ianya bermaksud al Sultan Kedah tidak lagi menjadi ketua agama Islam di negeri Kedah.\u00a0 Jakim telah pun menjadi sejenis 'Vatican Islam' melalui pintu belakang. Atau melalui menebuk atap. Pendek kata JAKIM lebih menimbulkan masalah daripada membawa kebaikan. Satu lagi soalan ialah kenapa pegawai Jakim tidak membuat laporan Polis terhadap Kartel Daging haram? Kenapa Jakim diam saja? Sepatutnya Jakim yang perlu buat Laporan Polis sebab Kartel Daging itu palsukan Sticker Halal Jakim. Saya ingin rujuk kenyataan oleh Tan Sri Sheriff Kassim di atas. Tan Sri Sheriff timbulkan soalan yang sangat wajar. Apakah sebabnya Jakim tidak serahkan akaun dan kutipan duit daripada bisness Halal Sticker mereka kepada Jabatan Audit Negara (Auditor General)?\u00a0 Jakim adalah sebuah jabatan Kerajaan. Itu sahaja. Habis kenapa pula sebuah jabatan kerajaan boleh menyorok atau sembunyikan akaun dan butiran kutipan hasil mereka daripada penelitian Jabatan Audit Negara - yang bertanggungjawab menyemak urusan kewangan semua jabatan kerajaan? Apa yang berlaku sekarang ialah Jakim makin menjadi dinosaur yang tidak kompeten yang tidak mempunyai peranan yang munasabah dalam pentadbiran negara kita. Jakim cuma alat politik Dr Mahathir dulu untuk melawan Pas.Jakim diurus oleh geng lebai yang lebih layak jawab soalan haid wanita, soalan anak kucing bersusu dengan anjing, soalan berapa kerat rambut boleh \"jejaskan\" aurat wanita dan sebegitu.\u00a0 Memberi Jakim tanggungjawab besar kutip duit daripada jualan Sticker Halal adalah kesilapan yang sangat besar. Pak Lebai dan duit besar adalah campuran yang toksik. Minda Pak Lebai boleh terkeliru dengan duit yang banyak.\u00a0 Mereka tidak faham accounting pun.Melihat kepada kritikan dan teguran oleh Tun Hanif Omar, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, peguam syariee Nizam Bashir, Tan Sri Sheriff Kassin, brader Anwar Ibrahim, sdra Zaharin Yassin (Sang Kelembai) dan rami warga maya online yang mengkritik Jakim ianya sudah jelas dan tersuluh bahawa Jakim sudah menjadi liabiliti atau beban politik bagi Kerajaan yang memerintah (tak kira Barisan Nasional dulu, Pakatan Harapan ataupun Perikatan Nasional sekarang).Tak kiralah bagi Kerajaan yang mana satu pun, Jakim ini adalah beban politik atau liabiliti politik. Jakim tersangat terlibat kedungguan dan kontroversi yang menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat dan memalukan Kerajaan pada pandangan ramai. Akhir sekali Kerajaan boleh hilang undi di pilihanraya disebabkan jabatan kerajaan yang sering dunggu dan kontroversi seperti Jakim. Bukan saja rakyat yang fed up dengan Jakim tetapi jangan lupa bahawa pada 2017 DYMM Sultan Johor pernah titah untuk Kerajaan negeri Johor membatalkan sebarang hubungan dan urusan dengan Jakim :Akhir kalam saya ingin membuat beberapa cadangan.1. Mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, yang diconfirm oleh titah DYMM Sultan Johor , hal ehwal Islam itu adalah bidang kuasa negeri dan negeri sahaja.\u00a0 Pihak negeri jangan sekali atau sedikit pun melepaskan autoriti atau bidang kuasa mereka dalam hal ehwal Islam kepada Kerajaan Pusat. Atau kepada sesiapa pun.\u00a0 Itu Kenyataan Yang Wahid. Jagalah autoriti dan bidang kuasa Kerajaan Negeri ini dengan baik. 2.\u00a0 Pihak Kerajaan Negeri patut menolak segala jenis urusan hal ehwal Islam (terutama sekali sijil Halal atau Halal Sticker bagi restoran, kedai makan, daging sembelihan, kilang proses bahan makanan dsbnya) yang mempunyai kaitan dengan Jakim. Tidak jauh daripada titah DYMM Sultan Johor pada 2017. 3.\u00a0 Sebaliknya Kerajaan Negeri patut tuntut duit pampasan daripada Jakim bagi setiap Siji Halal dan Halal Sticker yang telah \"dijual\" oleh Jakim kepada peniaga, restoran, pengimpot, kilang proses makanan yang beroperasi dalam negeri mereka masing-masing sejak daripada tarikh Sijil Halal itu telah dikeluarkan (maksudnya kena backdate).Percayalah, pada asasnya Sticker Halal dan Sijil Halal itu dijual oleh Jakim untuk mendapat duit. Sijil Halal itu adalah bisnes buat duit bagi Jakim. Soalannya kenapa pula Jakim yang makan semua duit Sijil Halal padahal hal ehwal Islam adalah di bawah bidang kuasa Negeri? Dan bukan bidang kuasa Jakim, yang hanya sebuah jabatan kerajaan yang diurus oleh geng lebai yang kurang kompeten.Maka pihak Kerajaan Negeri mesti tuntut pampasan sekurangnya 50% daripada Jakim bagi kesemua duit dan yuran Sijil Halal yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Jakim kepada perniagaan dan premis perniagaan di Negeri-Negeri dalam negara kita.\u00a0 Backdate sampai tarikh terawal Sijil Halal dikeluarkan.4.\u00a0 Pihak Kerajaan Negeri yang mesti luluskan, tauliahkan atau lesenkan sesiapa pun pengusaha syarikat\u00a0 untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan Sijil Halal dalam negeri mereka. Why? Sebab mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia, hal ehwal Islam adalah di bawah bidang kuasa dan autoriti al Sultan dan Kerajaan Negeri. Kalau pak lebai dogol dari Jakim boleh buat kerja Sijil Halal, sesiapa pun boleh buat kerja yang sama. It is not rocket science.\u00a0 Tetapi jika Kerajaan Negeri lesenkan pengusaha atau syarikat tempatan untuk mengeluarkan Sijil Halal, maka bayaran dan yuran Sijil Halal akan dibayar kepada Kerajaan Negeri. Bukan kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan - yang ambil duit itu dan di gunakan untuk main politik dsbnya. Cuma saya, yang sangat anti monopoli dan anti oligopoli, cadangkan jangan lesenkan hanya satu, dua atau tiga syarikat (atau syarikat kepunyaan Kerajaan Negeri pula) untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan Sijil Halal.\u00a0 Biarkan sesiapa pun dan semua pengusaha swasta majukan industri Sijil Halal ini tanpa sebarang sekatan dan tanpa had. Sebelum luluskan lesen, Kerajaan Negeri hanya perlu tetapkan SOP dan prosedur untuk mengeluarkan Sijil Halal yang mesti diikuti oleh sesiapa pun syarikat yang mohon lesen perkhidmatan Sijil Halal.Dan Kerajaan Negeri juga mesti mengiktiraf dan membenarkan Sijil Halal untuk produk dari negeri-negeri lain.\u00a0 So that perniagaan dan movement of goods antara negeri-negeri dalam negara kita tidak tergendala atau terjejas. Contohnya pengusaha sos cili negeri Kedah, dengan Sticker Halal dari Negeri Kedah boleh menjual sos cilinya di negeri Perak dsbnya. http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6317437291145325} +{"text": "@NabellaAnuar Halal tu xsemesti ny drp ingredient..process dan enviroment pn boleh dikire halal ke xhalal drp jakim. Tp terpulang pd individu yakin atau was2 dgn kedai yg mcm ni. Ad je kedai org islam yg ditarik balik sijil halal disebabkan kebersihan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9874163866043091} +{"text": "Toast and kopi also got haram one ah? Bodo piang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ May 8 2024, 11:04 AM)Even Sarawak laksa not so specialJust normal curry meehoonThis is the breakfast of god....according to Anthony BourdainQUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 11:07 AM)Sarawak makan mana best, first time going there next weekSarawak laksa, kolo mee,.....too many to list. Google is your best reference ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999672174453735} +{"text": "Don't compare dengan kuih tepi jalan yg tak de sijil halal tu. Kalau makanan tu prepare by muslim, i don't have any doubt pasal halal status dia. Dan kalau kau rasa bila takda babi dan arak automatic jadi halal, No it's not as simple as that.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "@501Awani Mengarut mana2 kedai yang nak beroeprasi lama mcm kedai mamak ni....HARUS DAN WAJIB ADA SIJIL HALAL.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9555136561393738} +{"text": "Apparently berpuluh2 mak cik yang jual nasi lemak kat my housing area and beribu di seluruh malaysia pun tak pernah ada sijil halal for their nasi lemak. Haram jadah jugak ke? https://t.co/DLwbBbCJx6", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(812799 @ Nov 3 2013, 12:14 AM)your way to tapau works, if kopitiam style ... if in shopping centres ? NO outside food allowed, takkan you want me bring char siew rice into a warung melayu meh ? on the currency notes, it can be applicable to the utensils case as well, but let's not judge on that then ... you misunderstood me on the put religion aside, what i'm trying to portray is for eg: whole group makan chinese coffeeshop with chicken rice stall, as usual they all come with char siew and all the non halal food you can ever find, but no other choices available, the muslim can just order pure chicken rice, i mean sometimes the part of halal and haram thingy can be a bit more lenient, but of coz i'm not judging the faith nor anything, just eating one plate of chicken rice won't kill anyone, wont harm anyone, but if really wanna abide then ok le, i respect also.Regarding the bolded part, a food can only be halal or haram.There is no such thing as 75% halal or partially haram.Eating non-halal food won't cause world war, but it's still haram.Plus, there's always ample options for Muslim, but why must opt for the non-halal one?Again, this is of course depends on how serious a person is with his/her belief. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9603314995765686} +{"text": "Pelik betul dengan biskut lotus biscoff ni. Belek punya belek tak ada logo halal tp ad terbaca dekt google dpt halal certified dr JAKIM tp logo halal dr syarikat pengeluar xde pun. Benda ni sangat meragukan. Yg paling best makanan yg ad lotus biscoff harga mesti kayangan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.683358907699585} +{"text": "\r\nstatus makan tapat, mnum air malta, air ista', kopi luwak, n sebagainya..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999106228351593} +{"text": "So skrg nk percaya makanan halal haram dari jakim ka, atau pun dari internet yg ntah x tau mana asal usulnya tu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9874535799026489} +{"text": "Kalo kamu lagi burnout atau lelah\n\nBeri dirimu ruang untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bikin kamu seneng. Seperti main game or beli makanan yang kamu suka.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998243451118469} +{"text": "You dont have to agree with her as well. Ramai org tak faham konsep taqwa dlm nk jaga halal haram suatu perkara. Bila org tnya psl sijil halal, terus di maki hamun mcm tiada hari pembalasan. Kau xjaga taqwa tu kau punya pasal, tp bila org lain nk jaga taqwa dia kau kene hormat. https://t.co/zHuWmmR2Rq", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Banyak ja, restoran kayangan kat KL tu yang pork-free dan takde tanda halal. Dah periksa dah JAKIM? Takkan nak kacau kedai2 kecil ja time masa org susah ni. Kafir bukan bangsat sampai nak bagi makanan haram kat org islam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996493399143219} +{"text": "Sebagai orang Islam, mencari yang HALAL itu wajib. Bukan makanan je kita nak cari yang halal. Kosmetik pun kena pastikan juga halal. Haus Cosmetics dibuat di kilang GIM Cosmetics Sdn Bhd, kilang yang mempunyai sijil halal dan di bawah kawalan JAKIM #HausCosmetics #HausGombak https://t.co/P7rGrWxaZw", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999176263809204} +{"text": "@HamdanRukun skrang rakyat tjg piai dah buktikan dah....mereka sgt2 benci pada pakatann hancing....yg menteri2nya banggang2...sijil palsu tapi gaji puluh2 ribu...halal ke duit gaji tu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "QUOTE(puppeto4 @ Jun 14 2021, 10:04 AM)Does your pet love you enough to do die from heartbreak, ktards?huhu sakit tekak bace...sedih teringat kat siputih kucing family yang sakit, tunggu sampai abah aku balik keje...lepas abah aku belai die usap2 die terus die pergi buat selamatnya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999063014984131} +{"text": "QUOTE(Fresh bright @ Jan 11 2024, 01:01 PM)I just hope to see all mcd close in all Malay areas until it becomes viral.which area is malay area? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "{halal tourism}merujuk pada destinasi yang *'ramah Islam'*.\n\nSeorang Muslim membutuhkan makanan halal,lalu tempat sholat& lingkungan yang bersih dari keharaman baik visual, audio,maupun pencemaran unsur haram pada makanan.KEHARAMAN VISUAL:\nCAWET-BIKINI? \n\nPencemaran Aroma B2?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(rooney723 @ Oct 8 2018, 08:43 PM)need to beratur 1-2 hours oso, cos kena viral by dis stupid fb pageThat's normal. Once viral, like everyone lost their mind, beratur for hours also don't care. When done eating, then only realize what the heck so special about it.Same like burger bakar craze last time..end up many burger bakar biz bungkus.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9656062722206116} +{"text": "So when mana2 jabatan yg dapat iktiraf dari JAKIM, so the produk akan diiktiraf sbg halal di seluruh dunia Power kan jakim punya pengiktirafan sijil halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998028874397278} +{"text": "Isu halal haram ni payah sikit, jangan duk buat main sebab benda masuk dalam badan kita mengalir jadi darah daging. Kalau hampa rasa was-was, dah syobahah, elok tinggalkan sampai dapat jawapan yang sahih dah pemohonan sijil halal tu bukanlah murah dan senang prosudernya \u270c\ud83c\udffb chill https://t.co/Y12lkOWbOG", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994762539863586} +{"text": "Boleh lah, banyak makanan halal di Bali, yang penting makan sebanyak apapun jangan sampai kenyang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9351181387901306} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Aug 18 2015, 09:13 PM)Read my latest argument about you giving a BJAnd ye shall be enlightenedOr not lol i dun give a farkSo....vaping is haram, u calling names, foolishly dreaming about givin a blowjob to a robot is fine and accetable .... As usual , bend it like bekam....to suit ur situation ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tctf @ Dec 29 2015, 12:56 PM)You should think at the 1st place why have ramai anak yet so poor?you beranak and let the God take care it? or our government should control of this.Should bring you from poor to rich?accept the fact, Malaysia is droping behind that why everyone looking for migrate.If Malaysia have a good life who want to leave...Dont defend blindly....What to try to achieve by defending Malaysia are good? world class?should thinking of continuous improvement and bring out the fact happening in Malaysiaand make the change.Change need to happen, before everyone is leaving..Just look at the demographics of Europe and Japan. Kalau takde anak who will take care of you when you are old? The government? The pension system going to collapse in Europe because orang takde anak.... Because in Europe the government dapat duit from the taxpayers only... Sana takde duit export minyak. Now they try to make experiment to call for pelarian Syria dan Afghanistan but they rather jual dadah and live in ghettos than become taxpayers... And the polis malu kacau them because Mutti Merkel kena admit the integration of these creatures into society failed... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992033839225769} +{"text": "QUOTE(ChuanHong @ Aug 16 2022, 02:03 PM)siasat kena diam2 ma.. lagi tunjuk video ni tak dapat nampak apa2 pun.. mungkin juga la manatau.. jika memang macam tu, then memang salah peniaga melayu lo.. tapi kalau bukan, dakwaan/tuduhan mufti ini menjejaskan imej kedal org melayu yg buat bisnes.. title semua ni dah jadi 1 statement.. bukan soalan pada pendapat saya..inb4 kana sabo by competitorQUOTE(johnnycp @ Aug 16 2022, 02:04 PM)Gile vavi woi,\u00a0 siapo main lipot lipotYou also arh, comment liddat for what ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "QUOTE(serdangonline @ Nov 3 2014, 04:45 PM)Pakai tudung for cover the hair not to fall in cookings. as a customer la when a tered asking bout hukum hakam islam yg lebih sure yg kapir ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997828602790833} +{"text": "@SayyNees Pasal nasi lemak tu pula itu namanya \u2019sarcasm\u2019 utk org yg suka tanya sijil halal. Tapi sebenarnya tak salah pun klu ada org mcm tu \u270c\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9541634321212769} +{"text": "QUOTE(nugget_piece @ Apr 8 2020, 01:19 PM)main salji halal ke?kawan,even some parts of saudi arabia gets snow sometimeQUOTE(noobz4ever @ Apr 8 2020, 01:21 PM)March 15 la, itu before msia went mro on 18...kalau dia mampu pergi turki, rasenye x layak bagi dpt derma kt org mcm gini..check his ic no on BPN, mana tau dia LAYAK & LULUS?This post has been edited by andrewhtf: Apr 8 2020, 02:13 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999630451202393} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by fireunicorn_85 at 1-11-2006 05:58 PM\r\nye ke pringles haram??!!..\r\nish ish..banyak dah aku telan!! \n\naku pun sama.. terkejut gak tengok fakta nie.. apa2 pun yg halal itu lebih utama, yg haram itu menjurus ke neraka..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999593198299408} +{"text": "Makanan yg bersih dan HALAL secara langsung akn menyebabkan tumbesaran yg sihat utk anak-2 dan ahli keluarga kita. Jgn mkn makanan yg HARAM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9534175395965576} +{"text": "BKT is popular food in Mesia for chinese and touristsinb4 good job Tiong ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997020363807678} +{"text": "(2/2) Anyway, bersih and halal is two different things.\n\nSure, halal should comes with hygiene.\n\nBut u must understand, tempat kotor tak jdkan makanan tu haram, meanwhile makan dkt tempat bersih tp menggunakan bahan/perkakas yg haram, takkan mengubah status makanan tu jd halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "QUOTE(kelvinlym @ Aug 6 2015, 04:09 PM)Makan siput haram ke?not all siput..siput sedut...siput kelemboi...bole mkn.. bedal je ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(IamBlind @ Jun 24 2024, 04:23 PM)bagus. ini macam arak semua boleh buang,this i agree, wanna do it then do it strict and firmand see how soon can it collapse ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999699592590332} +{"text": "\u201capakah hukum ambil bantuan banjir yang mempunyai logo syarikat arak?\u201d ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(hksgmy @ Dec 6 2023, 08:06 PM)I do get your point bro - and I think it's a valid concern.I also find it concerning that a Malaysian Chinese educated in Singapore like her think they can exist in their own Sinosphere bubble, oblivious to the feelings and sensitivities of the other non-Chinese races. What she does only serves to add fuel to the fire and furthers the (often wrong) impression that Chinese Malaysians are only in it for their own benefit, and have no permanent roots in this country, even after 60 plus years of nationhood.Why give them that excuse?QUOTE(hksgmy @ Dec 6 2023, 08:17 PM)Yes - it's not within his powers to do so. He may have nothing but disdain for the Malaysian who can't utter a word of Malay, but he doesn't have the right to deny her right to renew her passport.In the same sentence, the non-Malay speaking lady should also take a long and hard look at herself: if she wants to continue being called a Malaysian, then it's only in her best interests to learn how to communicate with the majority of her fellow citizens who may not speak Mandarin, or only have a rudimentary understanding of English. None of these languages are national languages. Otherwise, why not become a Singaporean and be done with all the hassle if she finds it so hard to remain a non-Malay speaking Malaysian?To be honest, I have always held the opinion that it takes 2 hands to clap. Her own inadequacy gave the opportunity for the Little Napolean to overstep his boundaries - and the rest is internet history.Sorry doc, have to disagree with you on this. Look at this from the other perspective:As an immigration officer processing passport renewal, which basically customer facing, you can never expect every applicants to fit your preference. There will always be imperfect applicants. It is part and parcel of the job. You said, why give them the excuse to overstep his boundaries? My take here is, excuse or not, that is not his job. Language proficiency should not be weaponized as a gauge to measure one's patriotism. Put it back to you, will you give a hard time to a patient and question his/ her patriotism, when your role is to treat the patient but the patient doesn't know english/ mandarin/ etc and can only converse in, say, teochew or tamil?Said it before:QUOTE(bigwolf @ Oct 1 2021, 10:01 AM)Your friend has been brainwashed with hate propaganda weaponizing language proficiency that is all. It is not a crime for Malaysian citizen to not know our national language. Learn it yes, should be proud of it yes. But if dunno, it's not a crime in not knowing our national language. Mamat india yang tinggal di estet, yang tak pernah pergi sekolah dan hanya tahu bertutur bahasa ibundanya tetapi masih menyumbang kepada negara sedikit sebanyak dengan hasil titik peluhnya, apakah dia kurang layak menjadi rakyat Malaysia berbanding dengan mereka yang fasih bahasa kebangsaan, sampai boleh bersajak, berpuisi, tapi kaki rasuah, kaki curi, siang pagi petang malam hanya tahu menghasut dan merosakkan perpaduan negara?Back in the 50-70's majority of malays, chinese and indians don't know who is talking what from each other, yet the nation progressed just fine, heck we were more united then (except for that 1 dark year). Why? Because malaysians were malaysians then, irrespective of language. Only in the past 2-3 decades do we see BM being weaponized into \"you don't know Bahasa Kebangsaan = tak patriotik, tak layak jadi malaysian, patut lucut kerakyatan, tak boleh renew passport\" craziness ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5041143298149109} +{"text": "QUOTE(petpenyubobo @ Apr 30 2024, 08:30 PM)Yis fermentation/cultivation based food will always have ethanol(edible alcohol) as its by-product in small quantity.In sour dough bread, thosai, marmite, fruit ciders..They will all have very small amount of alcohol which even if you take in large amount until you're full, you won't be intoxicated.Shandy as well. Drink 6 cans until your stomach full also won't mabuk.So are they still haram?\nkpALKIj1dwI\n\nShandy u drink until kena diabetes also won't mabuk, ur liver metabolize the small amount of alcohol faster than u can drink ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997513890266418} +{"text": "Pengasingan Troli Di pasar raya NSKKementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) bercadang menetapkan garis panduan pengasingan penggunaan troli bagi barangan halal dan tidak halal di pasar raya, dalam syarat permohonan lesen perniagaan di masa akan datang.Ketua Setiausaha KPDNKK Datuk Seri Alias Ahmad berkata, ini kerana ketika ini kerajaan hanya menggalakkan pengusaha pasar raya untuk mengasingkan penggunaan troli dan tiada syarat tetap yang mewajibkan mereka melakukan perkara itu.\"Buat masa ini belum ada lagi mandatori mewajibkan pengasingan troli tapi kementerian menggalakkan pengusaha pasar raya membudayakan usaha itu kerana kita percaya 'self compliance' ini akan membuka mata pihak lain untuk mengikuti langkah ini.\"Tapi satu masa kelak sekiranya 'self compliance' ini tak dapat dilaksanakan maka kerajaan tidak ada pilihan lain untuk menetapkan garis panduan pengasingan troli untuk memastikan pengguna Islam lebih selesa dan yakin untuk membuat pembelian,\" katanya selepas meninjau usaha pasar raya NSK yang melaksanakan pengasingan troli di Kuchai Lama di sini hari ini.Mengulas lanjut Alias berkata, antara panduan yang akan ditetapkan termasuklah membezakan warna troli dan pengasingan kaunter pembayaran bagi barangan halal dan tidak halal.Pada masa yang sama, KPDNKK akan turut membuat pemantauan bagi memastikan pengusaha patuh kepada pengasingan barangan halal dan tidak halal ditempatkan di pasar raya dalam usaha memberi keselesaan kepada pengguna.\"Panduan yang mungkin kita akan laksanakan ialah menyarankan pengusaha pasar raya mengasingkan troli mengikut warna agar selaras di seluruh negara sebagai contoh seperti yang dilakukan di NSK ini dengan melabelkan troli berwarna merah bagi barangan tidak halal dan troli berwarna biru bagi barangan halal.\"Dalam konteks ini saya melihat usaha pengasingan ini mampu memberi persaingan antara pasar raya kerana langkah itu dianggap satu tawaran yang lebih baik kepada pengguna selain tawaran biasa seperti harga barang,\" katanya.Dalam perkembangan lain, Alias berkata bekalan makanan laut dijangka berkurangan sehingga 30 peratus pada sambutan Tahun Baru Cina ini disebabkan fenomena El Nino yang melanda negara ketika ini.Bagaimanapun katanya kementerian telah bekerjasama dengan pelbagai agensi berkaitan untuk memastikan bekalan mencukupi dengan mengimport barangan berkenaan bagi memenuhi permintaan pengguna.\"Kita turut meletakkan 2,300 penguat kuasa KPDNKK bagi memantau harga dan memastikan peniaga mematuhi syarat,\" katanya.- BERNAMAhttp://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/k...iagaan-1.181276 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8697376847267151} +{"text": "use the word babi in daily life frequently no haram but babi is haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995007514953613} +{"text": "Cina malaysia tolong jangan makan benda pelik2 ye. Tolong lah. Untuk setahun ni makan makanan daging halal je pun bagus. Bersih dan sihat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.624198853969574} +{"text": "@501Awani Kedai mamak banyak menipu, owner bukan #Islam, bawak pekerja haram dari India, basuh pinggan kat lopak, kebersihan pun gagal, sijil kebersihan pun fail --- lagi nak lari dari sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "Tkdelah, nak cakap je. Kenapa perlu argue pasal sijil halal tu semua, dah tahu benda tu tk sure halal ke tak takyahlah minum, semua yg duk bash bash perli perli kata bubble tu diperbuat drpd babi tu semua mesti yg slalu minum jaaaa n tk puas hati n tk dpt trima benda betulll\ud83d\ude36\ud83d\ude36", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9757914543151855} +{"text": "Sekadar pendapat:\n\nSince banyak sangat pertikaian halal ni, \n\nApa kata, JAKIM audit semuaaa sekali kedai2 melayu juga termasuk gerai2 and pastikan semua ada sijil halal. \n\nBukannya apa, nanti, netizen pertikaikan berkaitan dengan status halal sesuatu makanan/restoran ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999873161315918} +{"text": "siki sikit iman ke laut....baik kurung dalam gua je...kasi tutup lubang sekali. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9901402592658997} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 05:29 PM)Ya, menganggur sebab I mampu bayar orang lain untuk jalankan tugas. Tak macam u, leeching your boss for your whole life. lol cakap macam bagus.pastu ubah topic konon belagak kaya.lol so called 20k ka? kecian spender pun mak bapak belikan lagi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9268918037414551} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Apr 29 2024, 09:31 AM)but his quality no where near as LKY.There is no core vision in his administration.Nobody can be as brave and iron fisted as LKY. Best time to be born was actually a boomer in Singapore ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999068975448608} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Dec 27 2023, 10:18 PM)Cermin diri dulu sebelum komen. Kamu pon 2 kali 5 perangai burukKalau sendiri perangai buruk ok jer. Tapi kalau menyusahkan orang itu lagi menyampah.Sibuk apa orang nak masuk kedai tak halal? Semua kena buat benda same ke? Patut la negara tak maju.Pui- sia sia sembayang kaum ini. Akhirnya tanah digadai dan maruah dicabar. Lepas tu? Dengki, marah dan mereka tu perlu pertahankan hak mereka .Nak dapat sedekah ? Dengki kenapa restoran tak halal dikunjungi ? Come beg more. Tu jer tau buat. Rayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.- support la sendiri ..berlagak suci lagi.rinse - repeat.This post has been edited by badmilk: Dec 27 2023, 11:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Rasa kalau ada sijil halal taiwan dah tak ada masalah nak mohon Halal JAKIM tu.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999948263168335} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jedi3815 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:43 AM)tldr?1. Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alcohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2. Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3. Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4. Tapai halal dimakan.5. Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.6. Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.If this summary also lazy too read I dont know wat to say. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997270703315735} +{"text": "ada satu cafe cina ni aku masuk, takde halal certificate. dia kata bukan dia taknak buat, tapi nak dapat sijil tu susah and mahal. takde sijil halal bukan maksudnya makanan tu haram tolongla jangan jadi sempit sangat pls la dah 2019 kot https://t.co/jiZ0TQv8VP", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "tldr of the first post for the lazy:rokok is haramshisha/hookah harambecause bad for health n waste money e-cig the same so it is haramclarification for mudah keliru, 1. fatwa is like an advice. do or dont do based on the person. think it is like personal decision2. if not stated clearly in hadith n quran as big sin, then it is small sin. There is no power enforcement to capture small sinner. So no jakim will catch vaporers. Fyi example of big sin is zina, minum arak, stealing etc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996322393417358} +{"text": "@akmalllz Haah memang tak ada sijil halal sebab certain outlet dia tak ada pekerja islam. Tapi yg lain lain semua ok. So up to you nak yakin ke tak \ud83d\ude05", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9799356460571289} +{"text": "this one halal or haromm for Muslims?i see many refutes on this matter.one person says factory in korea got put babi element in it.JAKIM say they checked and it's halal.Food emphasize halal haram but songlap couple pegang tangan zina backdoor riba all halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "Tak habis lagi pasal halal haram makanan ni ya. Pergi follow sana banyak dah bincang secara cool dan santai pasal ni, ilmiah dan ikut panduan agama Islam. Korang nak harapkan JAKIM je yang jaga makan minum korang susah la.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.755358099937439} +{"text": "Ini kerana baru-baru ini, menurut portal berita mynewshub, seorang wanita di Sungai Petani, Kedah terjumpa bangkai tikus dalam bekas cili sos yang dibelinya untuk digunakan memasak bihun kepada penduduk Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Taman Merbau, Tikam Batu.\u201cSaya selalu juga beli sos cili jenama ini sebab ada cop Jakim, jadi tak was-was nak guna. Tak sangka pula ada tikus mati di dalamnya,\u201d jelasnya kepada pemberita.\u201cLepas dah masuk bahan nak masak bihun, saya baru buka botol sos berkenaan dan nak tuang ke dalam kuali. Tapi sosnya tak keluar-keluar. Lepas itu saya picit-picit botol itu, keluar seketul objek hitam yang menyerupai bangkai haiwan.\"\u201cKami terkejut, tengok-tengok, tikus yang mati dalam bekas sos tu. Memang terus meremang bulu roma dan rasa jijik tak terkata.\u201d Sementara itu, Mohd Saiful Asri, bekas pengerusi Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) telah mengadu kepada Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) dan difahamkan tindakan sewajarnya akan diambil ke atas syarikat pengeluar produk berkenaan.Pada masa yang sama, Imam Surau Al-Kauthar Taman Merbau, Mohd Noor Abdul Hamid meminta agar pihak JAKIM membuat siasatan terhadap kesahihan logo halal digunakan pengeluar syarikat sos berkenaan.Isu-isu berkaitan halal dan haram sangat sensitif bagi rakyat Malaysia yang majoritinya beragama Islam. Kami percaya kes-kes sebegini bukan sahaja sensitif dalam kalangan yang beragama Islam tetapi turut melibatkan bangsa lain jugadrillz inside. NFSW\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abThis post has been edited by K.I.T.T: Apr 6 2016, 06:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4932897984981537} +{"text": "KALIAN SUKA MAKAN-MAKANAN KOREA GAK? YUK BELI SEMUA don't forget use gt+keywordPondPhuwin WeAre EP12#WeAreSeriesEP12", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958078861236572} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pikichu @ Sep 10 2023, 01:08 PM)This is called, tunggang agama Religion dumb followers down And thats how they green wave.And I'm referring to themSo scared this scared thatAnd while shouting haram cannot eat, there is a ciggie in the mouth puffing away. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9871879816055298} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ May 8 2024, 04:27 PM)But but but.........\"NO PORK NO LARD\" also can hurt hati tisu coz dey will confusing.Vegetarian shop \"nasi goreng babi\" also haram. Sooooo confusingHot dog kan dah haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated in QuranRokok = haram decided by MuftiPerempuan tak haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998763799667358} +{"text": "@hmetromy Masyarakat nak yg halalan toyiban. Halal dan berkat. Bukan shj halal malah dari tangan org Islam. Dari tangan org yg menyembah Allah. Mudah2an ada keberkatan. Ramai je yg dah dpt sijil halal, pastu tipu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5565870404243469} +{"text": "X de sijil halal x semestinya dia haram dimakan. Susah sgt ke nak faham. Ko beli kuih tepi jalan mana ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957882761955261} +{"text": " eya...klu bab makanan drg tul2 ambi kisah halal n haram...bersih or tidak...ok..babai...hahah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.607928454875946} +{"text": "@aainrfqh Iye. Tak boleh nak assume if tak ada sijil halal makanan tu jadi haram. Hmmmmmmmmm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Aug 29 2017, 08:40 PM)If u \"was-was\" it already become haram. So better dont eatIm not gonna argue but just need clarification. Some imam say if was was should avoid. Not the food become haram. it falls under syubhah ( correct spelling ? ) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9818626046180725} +{"text": "I got 3 different levels of sensitivity muslim friend1. Prostitute halal, beer halal, pork halal2. Prostitue halal, beer halal , pork haram3. Prostitute halal, beer haram, pork haram.Its depends on how strong their believes but anyways, end of the day they dont feel to be a sin to commit lust (prostitution)Its true, some of them eat pork ok, some of them say beer is good but deny pork and some of them deny both but still go prostitution ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9884020686149597} +{"text": "so the cloth in that shop all become haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967504739761353} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 08:29 AM)Hmmmmmmm, best in a lot of aspects, got those good for fwb, got those good to be wifey....depends on what you wantso alleyway piap? \ndAtQ-ihBnrY\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "A picture doesnt tell the whole story.... could be an attempt to extort money oso...Fikir sebelum viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9914885759353638} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Jun 30 2021, 04:56 PM)Why not you ask TS to open tered at his fb instead? Apa masalah ko nih? Banyak je songeh\u00a0 \u00a0 Lel, bukan kau ke yang banyak songeh. Kenapa tolong lebih2 la, tolong ramai orang lagi bagus la. You confuse yourself is it? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "So insulting to the uncles and aunties who have been making and selling \u6cb9\u6761for generations.Don't care if you want sell Chinese food, but don't claim is the best lah bodoh.This is like I go Kampung Baru sell nasi lemak and claim is best nasi lemak there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 15 2022, 10:47 AM)Does those rules actually stated in Quran?Or it was established after study of Quran?Like Mentioned Pig, Dog and alcohol?Like - can touch perfume...but cannot drink alcohol...- even you remove the alcohol from a drink (drink that has been produce with the same method producing beer is haram - does this means the way of making non alcohol drink is haram? and it stated in Quran also or afterthough of study again?I think it is not good and nice to ask to many question of what others religion rule. What if people ask you why your religion cannot do this but can do that? If ask just to know generally is okay but to question the our religion rules is not good. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99985671043396} +{"text": "Apa benda tah bising bila orang kata benda ni tak de sijil halal Jakim. Takde sijil halal tak semestinya haram. Bahan-bahan daripada sumber organik tak semestinya halalan toyyiban. Cara pembuatan bahan-bahan benda ni pun kita tak tahu macam mana tahap kebersihannya. https://t.co/vV5E2FndlT", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999382495880127} +{"text": "Bobba pearl tu kan dia diperbuat dari Tapioca Flour. Even korang sendiri pun boleh buat. Yang problem nya masyarakat Malaysia ni, nak sijil halal jakim yang sah. Habis tu kau masak kat rumah tu taknak claim pula sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988579750061035} +{"text": "seriously, now P.Ramly related to halal and haram issue? but, I agree that it is a insult to name a pork burger with a great national seniman and it should be changed immediately, not because of halal and haram issue ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967446327209473} +{"text": "That kid is not wrong too as halal concept is not just free from haram substance but also toyyiban (bersih). Kalau penyedia makanan tu muslim dan bahan2 pun halal, automatik ianya halal. Some people prefer not to eat at gerai due to hygiene issue. Just respect his stance.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9815593957901001} +{"text": "Status halal haram makanan yg menjadi tanda tanya dan kerap tersebar di laman sosial. Anda bertanya, JAKIM jawabkan. https://pic.x.com/sen5h3p1gq", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "So if no sijil halal, is oso not haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Jun 10 2019, 11:28 AM)The root cause of all this prejudice. Jakim telling people got the stamp no need was was.yup no need was waseven if the food is halal, complete with halal chop, but if you decide to be was was, haram it isno need to buy anything from the storecucuk tanam sendiri all food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.849570631980896} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 04:55 PM)Engkau yang bodoh tak paham apa yg org pertikai kan. Ada ke yg kata cert halal tu tak patut ada, atau rule2 lain dalam MS 1500:2009 kitab suci engkau tu salah? Yg orang pertikaikan disini adalah rule yg mengatakan perkataan seperti hot dog (dll) tidak dibenarkan kalau mahu sijil halal. Boleh paham tak? Yg kau suruh baca semua utk apa? Ada aku pertikaikan benda lain dalam kitab suci kau tu ke? Paham tak?Aku nak cakap atau jerit hot dog memang Jakim tak kacau, ada aku kata depa kacau? Bodoh boleh paham tak? Aku pertikai kan rule satu tu saja. Begitu jugak orang ramai yg lain. Masih tak paham ka?sebab tu aku suruh ko baca a sampai z manual tu..br la paham sebab2 kenapa JAKIM tetapkan mcm tu sampai ke rule yg 1 tu..kan ke tu salah satu dr pelbagai lg rules & guideline yg oerlu diikut? kalu x comply, JAKIM akan tgk la tahap camana, severe ke tak severe..ada la proses yg JAKIM akan ikut..ko jgn jd bodoh..manual tu bersandarkan pd Alquran, hadis & ijtimak ulama & pakar pensijilan Halal la..ko ingat pakcik cuci tandas tak penah ngaji ke ape yg karang manual tu? bengongkalu ko nk pertikai jugak, takdak masalah..kat website Halal JAKIM tu terang2 ada contact & alamat..jalankan tanggungjawab ko yg maha hebat tu..tak perlu jd tarzan takde adab takde manner join skali maki JAKIM..JAKIM dh buat kerja dia..skang jalankan kerja ko..gi jumpa JAKIM bhgn Hab Halal..ilmu ko kan ke hebat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Jan 1 2020, 07:20 PM)Shin Kee dry beef noodle rocks because of the black mince topping.I am unaware that they serve porridge.But I definitely enjoy their yellow noodles and I don't usually enjoy yellow noodles because of the alkali water taste.Yeah i think that's the one when i googled. Near masjid jamek right? The porridge stall only open at night. Its delicious.My preference perhaps. For me, beef noddle, soup is the essence and should be thick. I like those taiwanese style best. With soup. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(archonixm @ May 10 2017, 08:26 AM)Melayu sekarang mana takut halal haram...lolhantam je la...asalkan kaya..Its true. My childhood malay friend also same. Cannot believe Zul ask me for a cut (in actual payment numbers) if he intro me to a Gov project. I totally cannot accept the way he talk. My other friend Sham called him to link me up with the project later told me that he gave the project to another guy that willingly paid him that amount. Luckily i don't contact these 2 so called friends of mine anymore. They are living on haram money and even brag about it. Sham owes me RM400 for a hard disk that i help install & configure more than 10 year ago. He has since changed 4 cars in that 10 years and that RM400 already burn. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998801946640015} +{"text": "QUOTE(thewan @ Jul 2 2022, 06:01 AM)Turtles are reptiles. It doesn't matter if they live on land, in sea or both. ALL reptiles are haram. Plain and simple. Yall make stuff so complicated when Islam is simple and easy.However, there are arguments that while it is haram to eat reptiles, their eggs are not explicitly said to be haram, so our politicians come up with the below so that they can say them eggs are halal.https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/al-kafi-l...ting-snake-eggsConclusion extracted frm link above:in the end you decide by yourself. if they go to hell or heaven, so be it. why do you all care so much.that's my understanding.... so im not gonna take muzzie pren or colleague to eat water fish, but as you see above, some also got own view on ketam...maybe that's why Honda removed ketam on 11th gen civic tebu... QUOTE(bani_prime @ Jul 2 2022, 01:44 AM)This is stupid question, why need to eat tutrle egg? U eat cow egg before.? Why not eat turtle penis too\nvENeyYiU-OM\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999806821346283} +{"text": "Tissue made from tree so I dont know what so haram about it ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992353916168213} +{"text": "spare part proton susah nak dapat.kalau ada pun mahal.tapi kualiti takde la bagus mana pun. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9705535769462585} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vexation @ Oct 25 2016, 11:05 AM)bcause Ramly is the most common and popular Malaysian burger. I imagine the P here stands for Pork, so the Pork Ramly, of course it's not the real Ramly company la.It is also a pun on P.Ramlee's name, since this is a homegrown all Malaysian burger joint. it's kinda smart i think.so intentionally kan. y using ramly name. too many name out there pun mau guna ramly juga ke? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "Puasa > songlap money. You won't see people scold politicians like that. Selective haram as usual ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "If no viral tunggulah sampai tua... btw her char siew father dah jumpa belum? Kote gatal kongkek and dump.. give him good beating ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997050166130066} +{"text": "Rezeki haram kerana ceroboh tanah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924741387367249} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chaud @ Aug 16 2024, 12:05 PM)malay name = malay cuisine = halaljust call it pork coconut milk riceSame exact stuff, if call you tiao, it's haram. But if it's called cakwe, it's halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998846054077148} +{"text": "Aku senang je bab makan ni. Tauke Cina India ke apa klau jual makanan tp ada logo halal jakim, aku makan je. Dah ada logo halal, nk apa lagi.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6090378165245056} +{"text": "QUOTE(pallmall @ Dec 24 2014, 03:42 PM)this might be my last post before got banned forever. to all my fellow muslim;banyak sangat dah dalam /k menghina/mencaci/mengejek islam, terutamanya dalam kes hudud,halal/haram. sedih aku tengok.biasa jer , non believers macam tu lah. tapi kalau muslim sendiri yang hina mmg laknat Allah ke atasnya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "\r\nwalaupun uols kutuk dorg laki bini but iols suka cara layanan dia ke wife nya. wife nya pun cakap lembut sangat. sbb pernah tengok video dorang dkt youtube. so iols approve couple ini. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999557733535767} +{"text": "Zera suka sgt pulut inti,selalu beli kat bungkus kaw kaw.hihihi.Makanan pantai timur eh?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.646277904510498} +{"text": "Kalau korang rasa ok untuk pakai sijil halal tipu pastu flaunt that sijil tipu, ok la. But halal practicioners are doing their best in spreading awareness to consumers, please don't be an ass.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9757323265075684} +{"text": "999 tunjuk pasal status halal ayam. Ni yang aku risau ni. Makan makanan tak bersih, hati boleh effect taw.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9803095459938049} +{"text": "Tambah gst ini price okI suppork kedai ownerKedai ni ada wawasanLu tak suka lu keluar jangan makan situLu pegi makan babi jangan udang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "how can the imam make a comment when he was not there to know what was actually happened? I think his comment is based on what he heard and what he thought is okay.Halal or haram is not about Jakim cert and in that case the imam is correct. Jakim cert on the other hand is a certification saying that the product is halal and clear from any vagueness that leads to doubtful such as naming and cleanliness of the place manufacturing the product. You dont have to get jakim cert to say that food is halal, but if you have that, it will clear any misunderstanding the leads to the doubtful of the food. It is a combination of science (in terms of determining the food ingredients) and human sociology or ecology (in terms of vagueness or doubtful).now we have burger p ramlee, is it halal or non halal? if it is non halal, can it lead to muslim customer to buy it? it is the government or the ruler responsibility to make sure that its citizen not deviating the teaching of islam.This post has been edited by zariel: Oct 25 2016, 03:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9400272965431213} +{"text": "Seronoknye sebab dah beli shampoo n pencuci muka kt watsons. Sbb tu aku suka duit, boleh beli makanan, makeup n skincare.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994105100631714} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Mar 28 2024, 11:55 PM)The thing is they're not bad employees per se, response well to instruction / training just fine. It's just when they let their feelings take the wheel is what I'm afraid of.1. I can't detect this during hiring process.2. I can't predict the time this would happen unless they've exhibited it enough for pattern recognition. (please no\u00a0 )3. I can't realistically react to things I don't know the full scale of.4. I can't drill into them the importance having a service mentality enough for it to not be overwritten once they kick into high gear.5. I can't relate with people who takes thing too personally to effectively communicate with them. Myself am not easily angered personally as I try to bersangka baik and think things happen are not due to some victim mentality angle.A job is just a job in the end, we do what's required of us and go home to recuperate is my principle, just that I always have taken my job very seriously (religious motivation, mencari berkat kerja), but it's never personal. You are right, you can't fully screen all these things out. You just have to have low tolerance for that sort of behavior. As you said, its a job and there's a level of professionalism expected of them, which includes keeping their own emotions in check. Their pain is not an excuse to screw up or take it out on other people. All you do by being soft like this, is enable such behavior in the workplace. QUOTEQuite a few of the replies here is just telling me to skip them over. Are you guys telling me from a place of previous experience, or something else?\u00a0 I've had workers that were initially good but after some time started deteriorating as they suffered mental health issues. Until one day she snapped and physically assaulted someone. After that I was a lot more strict and careful on workers and what sort of culture they breed in the workplace. Remember, you're now in the leadership/management position. You need to know where your priorities are; sometimes you have to make hard calls. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7488382458686829} +{"text": "QUOTE(ukiya21 @ Nov 30 2023, 08:20 PM)Nanti PuAS tak PuAS hati how?Don't want to follow their abang Saudi Arab ke? I thought PuAS look at Arab as role model? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999727189540863} +{"text": "Does the viral video mention Old Town White Coffee specifically though? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997339844703674} +{"text": "QUOTE(brkli @ Nov 5 2023, 05:37 PM)yup. if the cow comes from Iseral, is haram not halal..If ate but didn't know, then its OK.So buat tak tahu saja lah.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998705387115479} +{"text": "Selagi ada dap, malaysia masih ada peluang ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6851593852043152} +{"text": "Eat only if you feel like it, I once saw a girl eat mcd fries in MRT during peak hours with the fries smell spread across the section i look at her also I wait get viral only since MRT already can't eat, some more you do it when sock is an issue. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978249073028564} +{"text": "Jakim keluarkan larangngan melabel \"Makanan sunnah\" termasuk makanan & minuman yg diruqyah dgn ayat Al Quran... http://fb.me/7LLoWcOxf", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999668598175049} +{"text": "SEORANG wanita mengalirkan air mata apabila melihat adiknya mengalami sakit hingga muntah-muntah dipercayai selepas menikmati hidangan corn dog yang dipenuhi puluhan ulat.Menerusi hantaran di Facebook, Nor Fazilah berkata dia kecewa dengan sikap peniaga yang tidak mementingkan kebersihan dan kesegaran makanan dijual.\u201cMinta maaf, apa yang saya post ni akan menyinggung perasaan mana-mana pihak. Saya cuma nak semua yang menjual tak kiralah apa pun terutama sekali makanan... tolonglah jujur, jaga kebersihan.\"Malam tadi saya pergi ke Pesta Gedong. Masa nak balik tu adik suruh belikan corn dog. Harga tak perlu nak cakap la.Corn dog merupakan makanan popular di negara barat. -Gambar hiasan\u201cMemang sedia maklum dua cucuk RM10. Namun fasal harga saya tak kisah tapi kebersihan. Sedih gila dah nak habis adik makan,\u201d ujarnya.Corn dog merupakan sosej yang ditusuk dengan lidi kemudian disalut dengan lapisan tebal adunan tepung jagung.Ia kemudian dimasak dengan teknik goreng rendam.Namun hancur hati mereka apabila puluhan ulat (maggot) bersaiz besar di dalam corn dog yang dibeli itu hanya disedari setelah lebih separuh dimakan.\u201cLagi tak sedap hati dengar suara muntah-muntah. Tak rasa pun air mata menitis. Mengenangkan dah jauh (dari lokasi Pesta Gedung). Kalau dekat memang pergi bersemuka dengan makcik tu.\u201cBukan nak bertekak cuma nak suruh jangan jual benda dah tak elok. Adik saya cepat sakit kalau rasa benda tak elok.\u201cBila disuluh tu aduh mak besar-besar ye ulat putih (maggot) dalam tu, ujarnya lagi.Berikutan kejadian yang menimpa adiknya, wanita itu menitipkan pesanan agar orang ramai berhati-hati supaya tidak mengalami nasib sama sepertinya.Bukan seekor dua tapi banyak... dah berapa orang beli dekat dia.\u201cHati-hati semua apabila nak beli makanan.\u201cMemang kita tak boleh nak salahkan penjual tapi hakikatnya mereka kena tahu benda masih elok ke tidak untuk dijual.\u201cBukan seekor dua tapi banyak. Dah berapa orang beli dekat dia. Kasihan,\u201d luahnya.Hingga kni hantaran tersebut dikongsi lebih 4,000 pengguna Facebok.Rata-ratanya turut meluahkan rasa kurang senang berikutan apa yang terjadi kepada Nor Fazilah dan adiknya.Komen netizen berikutan hantaran tular di Facebook.\"Ingatkan beras basmathi mula-mula tu. Makanan apa isi nasi tu. Habis baca kapsyen baru tengok balik gambar. Ulat padu!\"Berniaga biarlah jujur baru bisnes maju. Jangan nak halal tapi kualiti makanan sampai berulat dijual dekat pelanggan.\"Sebab tu penting peniaga makanan ambil kursus nak mulakan bisnes. Kita akan diajar disiplin tentang kebersihan makanan dan kualiti,\" komen netizen.Untuk makluman, Pesta Gedong dianjurkan di daerah Gedong, di Kuching Sarawak berlangsung sejak 28 Julai dan berakhir pada 30 Julaii. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9897847771644592} +{"text": "Senang saja, kalau tidak yakin keHALALan minuman or makanan tu. Jangan beli ya, kan senang tak perlu bising2 di komen \"ehh ada sijil halal ka\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4838707447052002} +{"text": "QUOTE(otakotak @ Jan 4 2018, 11:08 PM)what mufti say is always bias toward prevention la. their job is to advise not enforce. different muftis can have different thought on any topics.but anything ask them about activity that is out of cultural norm, consider default answer is haram.what weird is that when non-muslim concern more about haram stuff while muslim relaks je isap rokok.Even better when some nons get upset over smoking muslims but praise alcohol drinking muslims. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999723434448242} +{"text": "Rabu 9 Mei 2018 adalah hari anak semua bangsa turun mengundi di Malaysia. Cuaca hari itu molek.Dari awal pagi media sosial, blog dan portal seperti Malaysiakini telah melaporkan bagaimana dari awal pagi orang ramai telah mula beratur di tempat mengundi.Sebenarnya suasana heboh mengundi telah rancak sebelum pagi Rabu lagi. Semenjak hari Isnin, portal dan blog telah heboh dengan berita lapangan terbang KLIA telah melimpah.Ada yang hendak pulang ke Sabah dan Sarawak. Ada yang sampai dari Hong Kong, Jepun, Korea, Australia dan entah dari mana lagi.Air Asia telah dikatakan belot. Awalnya syarikat ini telah memberi tiket \u2018spesial\u2019 untuk pulang mengundi. Air Asia juga akan memperbanyakkan penerbangan pulang untuk warga dari luar.Entah apa terjadi tetiba Air Asia menayangkan logo Najib dan membatalkan beberapa penerbangan. Orang ramai kecewa. Mereka menyumpah dan meludah muka Tony Fernandez.Hanya pramugari Firefly yang terus dengan baju warna AMANAH. Syukur.Tambak Johor berasakAda berita melaporkan warga yang memburuh di Singapura tidak putus-putus bertali-arus melintas sempadan untuk ke Johor dan pulang mengundi. Tambak Johor berasak-asak.Pemeriksaan pasport jadi lambat. Malah ada berita melaporkan kemungkinan ini sengaja dilakukan untuk menafikan warga agar tidak sempat pulang ke kampung masing-masing.Warga Malaysia yang bekerja di luar negara dan pulang mengundi wajib kita berikan ucapan tahniah. Kita angkat topi untuk mereka. Ini satu tanggung jawab yang telah mereka tuntaskan.Ini juga kejayaan BERSIH dan propaganda BERSIH. Setiap demonstrasi - BERSIH 1.0 hingga Bersih 5.0 - telah menjadi berita dunia.Keganasan jentera penindas kerajaan Najib yang mereka lihat di kaca televisyen dari luar negara telah mempengaruhi mereka untuk pulang mengundi.Terima kasih juga kepada BERSIH Global. Amin.Gambar warga beratur ke bilik mengundi semakin galak muncul. FB dan media sosial menjadi penghantar berita spontan. Ertinya pesta mengundi berjalan dengan lancar.Petang sampai. Dari apa yang saya baca masih ramai yang belum sempat masuk ke bilik undi. Saya menjadi risau kerana masih ramai yang masih beratur.Tetiba Pengerusi SPR membuat pengumuman jam 5 petang semua bilik mengundi akan ditutup.Saya sedar ini sebahagian daripada tugas SPR yang tidak henti-henti menjalankan taktik untuk memastikan Najib terus berkuasa.Saya risau warga yang beratur dan tidak dapat mengundi akan naik minyak. Saya ingat lagi apa yang berlaku di Gombak pada PRU12.Bakal pengundi marah kerana bilik mengundi telah ditutup pada jam 5 petang. Huru-hara timbul.Akhirnya masa mengundi dipanjangkan ke jam 8 malam.Bilik mengundi tutupDalam PRU14 ini, Pengerusi SPR terbukti 'orang suruhan' Najib. Dia berdegil dan bilik mengundi akan ditutup tepat pada waktunya.Daripada apa yang saya diberitahu proses mengundi pada awalnya diperlambatkan.Kini apabila melintasi jam 3 petang para petugas ejen pengiraan dan ejen pusat mengundi(PACA) pilihan raya Pakatan Harapan bergegas mempercepatkan proses mengundi. AminMengundi hampir selesai. Saya menunggu arahan rasmi daripada war room untuk mengumumkan dan menjemput orang ramai berkumpul di Padang Timur, berhampiran Amcorp Mall.Keputusan telah dibuat. Tapi saya mahu arahan rasmi. Akhirnya lewat petang Mat Sabu telah membuat keputusan. Dengan pantas saya mengiklankan seluas mungkin.Timbul masalah. DAP enggan campur. DAP tidak akan beri arahan kepada ahlinya untuk datang berhimpun.Saya amat faham akan perangai DAP ini. Mereka berwaspada kerana takut dituduh pencetus huru-hara.Sebagai parti yang dimomokkan oleh gerombolan Ketuanan Melayu sebagai parti Cina yang anti Melayu maka DAP sentiasa berhati-hati.Untuk rakaman sejarah biar saya beritahu. Sesudah PRU13 dahulu Pakatan Rakyat telah juga menang tetapi ditipu.Pakatan Rakyat mengadakan himpunan bantahan di Stadium Kelana Jaya sesudah PRU 13. Dalam himpunan itu DAP dan pemimpian DAP tidak hadir. Ini fakta sejarah.Pada PRU14 kali ini dalam suasana enggan dan takut-takut ini, saya telah diberitahu DAP akan meminjamkan lori treler untuk dijadikan pentas ceramah. Parti ini juga akan menyediakan sistem pembesar suara dan skrin besar. Terima kasih.Para penyokong Pakatan Harapan ada yang bertanya kenapa war room beralih ke hotel di Petaling Jaya.Saya masih ingat lagi bagaimana pada hari Selasa pada jam 2 pagi, saya telah dipanggil untuk melihat pelan dan rajah war room yang akan beroperasi dari dalam ruangan di bangunan Amcorp Mall.Kenapa beralih? Rasionalnya di hotel akan ada teh dan kopi. Selesa untuk makan dan berehat. Jika di Amcorp Mall kita wajib membawa masuk makanan. Saya terima lojik ini. Khalas.Hakikatnya di Kuala Lumpur pada malam Rabu 9 Mei 2018 Pakatan Harapan ada dua tempat berkumpul.Pemimpin dan bakal wakil rakyat berkumpul di hotel itu yang tidak jauh dari tempat orang ramai berkumpul di Padang Timur. Dua tempat ini ada skrin besar untuk melihat keputusan undi.Tetiba saya diberitahu ada satu lagi perhimpunan di Putrajaya. Saya hairan lagi pelik. Ini kumpulan daripada parti mana? Daripada kabilah siapa?Kepala bana siapa yang mengepali himpunan ini? Saya yakin dan pasti tidak ada arahan daripada war room Pakatan Harapan untuk berkumpul di Putrajaya.Malah daripada media sosial telah muncul gambar dawai berkawat berduri telah dirintang di beberapa jalan di Putrajaya. Apa maknanya ini? Ini projek siapa?Malam sampai. Satu demi satu keputusan masuk. Setiap kali keputusan dibacakan orang ramai akan bersorak. Ini berlaku di Padang Timur. Dan ini juga berlaku dalam dewan khas di hotel itu. Semua bergembira. Semua tersenyum.Bacaan Mat Sabu tepat, sebelum jam 9 malam kita akan tahu kalah menang. Daripada keputusan yang sampai semakin jelas United Malays National Organisation (Umno) telah lungkup.Penyokong Pakatan Harapan terseringai ketawa. Saya pula? Saya gelabah memikirkan apa langkah yang akan diambil oleh Najib.Di dewan hotel itu, pintu masuk dikawal. Hanya yang dipilih sahaja boleh masuk. Tetapi ini pun menjadikan dewan penuh dengan wakil rakyat yang baru menang, calon wakil rakyat yang menunggu menang dan juga penyokong setia.Media menunggu di bilik berasingan. Teh, kopi dan makanan terhidang.Senarai tangkapan, MKNPada kegembiraan para penyokong sebenarnya saya merasa tegang. Berita senarai tangkapan timbul sekali lagi. Beberapa bisikan kedengaran tentang hal senarai ini.Ini diikuti pula oleh berita Najib sedang mengarahkan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) untuk melakukan sesuatu.Daripada mana punca berita ini wallahu alam. Tapi semuanya sampai ke telinga saya. Saya menjadi gusar. Risau ada, gentar pun ada. Apa akan berlaku?Di Malaysia selama 60 tahun belum pernah terjadi peralihan kuasa kerajaan. Semenjak Inggeris mengundur parti United Malays Ntional Organisation (Umno) telah berkuasa.Saya berjabat tangan dengan Datuk Kadir Jasin. Kali pertama saya berjabat salam dengannya dalam satu program forum di JB tahun 2016.'Jalan keluar si Najib'Bila bertemu Kadir kali pertama dia berkata, \u2018\u2026 dia ni dulu musuh saya..\u2019 Sekarang kami sekapal dan boleh duduk semeja dan berbincang hal politik negara. Dunia telah berubah. Lawan jadi kawan.Lalu saya berkata kepada Kadir, \"kita berilah si Najib ni jalan keluar... jangan beri dia peluang \u2026 nanti dia buat kacau-kacau... satu bilion itu kira halal dunia akhirat...\" Ini cadangan saya untuk mengelak berlaku bentrokan.Saya menyuarakan cadangan dalam bentuk lawak. Orang Puteh kata - touch and go. Saya ingin melihat apa reaksi sosok yang mendengar.\"Kami sudah beri dia peluang dulu... tapi dia reject...\" Ini jawapan Kadir yang kini ahli Majlis Tertinggi BERSATU. Saya kurang arif dalam hal ini. Bila agaknya peluang Najib mengundur telah diberi.Saya tuturkan perkara yang sama kepada Dr Zul (Zulkefly Ahmad) daripada AMANAH yang baru diumum menang. Dia sedang dikelilingi oleh \u2018geng AMANAH\u2019.Dr Zul tidak menjawab. Dia hanya memandang muka saya. Mungkin kegembiraan menang sedang melanda hingga tidak ambil pot apa yang saya tuturkan.Kemudian saya pergi bertemu dengan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Saya tuturkan perkara yang sama seperti apa yang saya katakan kepada Datuk Kadir Jasin dan Dr Zul.\u2018Tak boleh\u2026 tak boleh\u2026 Mana boleh bebas begitu saja\u2026 Najib wajib dibawa ke mahkmah\u2026.\u2019 Ini jawapan tegas daripada Muhyiddin.Saya tidak meneruskan pertanyaan saya kepada yang lain. Saya takut juga dianggap \u2018lembik\u2019 dan sedia berkompromi dengan orang jahat seperti Najib.Malam berlarutan dan melintasi jam 10. Keputusan semakin jelas bahawa Pakatan Harapan telah menang. Satu demi satu kerusi bertambah. Satu demi satu negeri milik BN jatuh untuk menjadi wiayah Pakatan Harapan.Pengerusi SPR tidak muncul lagi di kaca televisyen. Ke mana dia menghilang malam itu wallahu alam.Saya difahamkan pada malam itu juga kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan ditubuhkan. Tidak boleh dilengahkan. Jika dilengahkan ini mengundang bahaya.Sila ingat kembali pilihan raya Negeri Sarawak pada 2011. Si Taib Mahmud masuk angkat sumpah sebaik saja dia mendapat majoriti. Malam itu juga Taib angkat sumpah hingga dia tidak sempat memakai stokin. Babak tak sempat pakai stokin ini hingga sekarang menjadi babak lawak sejarah.Malaysia negara dunia ketiga. Apa sahaja boleh dilakukan oleh Najib. Lambat angkat sumpah akan mengundang bahaya.Surat rasmi HARAPAN kepada AgongJam melintasi sebelas malam. Surat diketik. Ini surat rasmi daripada Pejabat Majlis Presiden HARAPAN, bertarikh 10 Mei 2018. Surat ini ditujukan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V.Surat itu ditandatangani oleh Dr Wan Azizah, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Tuan Haji Mummahad Sabu dan Saudara Tan Kok Wai.Surat ini meminta Agong melantik Dr Mahathir menjadi Perdana Menteri ke 7 Malaysia. Surat ini akan dibawa kepada Agong pada malam ini juga. Delegasi ke Istana Negara sudah bersedia.Pucuk pimpinan Pakatan harapan akan pergi ke Istana Negara untuk penubuhan kerajaan baru dibawah Pakatan Harapan.Delegasi meninggalkan hotel di Petaling Jaya menuju Istana Negara.Saya sempat mengambil satu salinan surat bersejarah ini. Salinan surat yang ada pada saya tidak bertandatangan. Surat bersejarah ini tersimpan dalam peti besi saya.Apa terjadi di Istana Negara. Apa terjadi dengan surat daripada kepimpinan Pakatan Harapan ini? Tunggu minggu hadapan.\ng-FxNjfx1JU\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9724578261375427} +{"text": "best informative post.. i need to go find.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989404082298279} +{"text": "Restoran makanan segera nama orang putih mcm mcdonald dia xnak claim haram pulakan..asal bukan nama melayu terus jatuh xhalal walaupon ada sijil halal yang sah dari jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995728135108948} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 17 2024, 07:29 PM)This clown above me is also one of the reasons Islamophobia has skyrocketed in LowyatMasalah daphobia lagi teruk la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998732805252075} +{"text": "@KaharKeem @hazifflatiff Hati ya sahabat semua.. sbb apa yang kita mkn tu akn jadi darah daging kita..dgn tubuh bdn kita tu kita melakukn ibadah kpda Allah. Mungkin ia bolh jdi asbab y solat kita tak khusyuk.. kita rasa hidup kita susah..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9491816163063049} +{"text": "orz... RT JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate. That means makanan kat sana adalah haram. FYI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9944340586662292} +{"text": "hari2 R&R, x abis2klau x suka dont eat in the restaurant la, jgn kacau bisnes org lain ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995417594909668} +{"text": "Sbb tu aku lagi suka beli makanan anjing kucing bagi makan, rawat mana sakit", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9303880929946899} +{"text": "makan Lawson di RS tuh suka merasa guilty... soalnya banyak yg dirawat krn makanan berbumbu dan gw malah buang duit beli itu....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997062623500824} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Dec 27 2023, 01:46 PM)Tak mampu jangan pi la...Dok viral buat ape la puak ini.Try pergi makan dekat Vegas .....hang boleh terjun bangunanKan tempat bukit casino tu orang judi.Hang dok bawak family pi berserabut buat ape?Ade tetek bruhBukit haroooooom ni tapi okie jer kito naik ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9175592064857483} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 09:57 PM)Every week got issues or opportunity to bash islam. You think coincidence?\u00a0 Bumi and religion is sensitive issues here. Main issues is requirement to get halal cert is to change name only then suddenly in media hotdog is haram. Wtf.As long as we want a good leader we dont want someone keep provoking our religion in daily basis. There is a fear that if opposition party ruling then it will become more worse. That is why i said media set the trap and you all fall in just for others to see. Now that make sense?jibby did not even say a word every time issues like this prop up. why would u think it can get any worse than this? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "Mantap bosku yang penting murah, sedap and halal. Boikot kedai type W", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9896382093429565} +{"text": "QUOTE(J1g54w @ Mar 18 2022, 09:10 AM)imagine at the street whenever see they smoke, shout at them \"oi isap darah babi tu! HARAM!\" wonder how many suddenly become gangsterDo that and I dont think u can reach home ... hospital prolly ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(JK612 @ Dec 27 2023, 03:48 PM)Right hand holding cigarettes, left hand typing and tegur celebrities eating at pork free restaurant.Not sure who is more haram.this is so true.. see too many like this ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9865526556968689} +{"text": "QUOTE(hazzery @ Mar 7 2023, 03:00 PM)Lemonade pun haram?kilang mana kilang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999052286148071} +{"text": "QUOTE(romuluz777 @ Apr 18 2024, 09:26 AM)You enjoy the best of both worlds, doc Make money in S'pore and retire in Australia.S'pore is an excellent place to grow one's career...to be the best one can be, and at the same time build one's treasury, but its not a nice place to retire.Thank you for your kind words. I count my blessings every day.I believe Singapore is the better place for professionals to grow their careers because of the more developed career structure and rule of law and advanced technology and economy that it has, in comparison with countries around SEA. As for business owners and manufacturers, they\u2019ll probably find Singapore\u2019s high costs and small population less attractive. As I\u2019ve mentioned many times in the past, Singapore is not for everyone. But those who have what Singapore is looking for and fit well with Singapore\u2019s system will inevitably flourish. Like I said, I count my blessings every day. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayer @ Dec 28 2020, 11:41 AM)Topkek vegan think they winningImagine giving up meat the best culinary ingredient to grace this worldVegan are like tin kosong. Sikit : LOOK AT ME, IM VEGAN. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "Kereen, besok ketemuan ya ^\u2323^ RT : Cari makanan. Yg penting halal, enak dan bersih, murah gpp #PestaWirausaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997262358665466} +{"text": "nowadays, banyak wanna trigger on haram issues when in actual, it is a non issue during those days. would MAS be that dump to add in kerbau pendek on its menu?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998809099197388} +{"text": "GNP \u2714 Sijil MesTI \u2714 Sijil HALAL \u2714 Raod to SDN BHD", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.999560534954071} +{"text": "QUOTE(stickmanchong17 @ Sep 26 2016, 09:49 PM)But if it's now the norm to alter your name to a muslim name, and people will bombard you with questions if you don't adhere to d norm, just like female muslims not wearing a tudung can oso be a major issue to some. IMO, converting to muslim really isn't easy, esp. when the people closest to you start straying away from you, and you get discriminated by certain malays, yr lifestyle radically changes, etc.the only thing that pisses me off is malay tend to mix their adat/culture into Islam/religion.even up to the point - it is consider as khurafat... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959766268730164} +{"text": "\n Post Last Edit by yumeina at 9-6-2010 12:02 \n\ntapi kalu diperhatikan...byk kedai makanan halal cina ini tampal simbol halal tuh bukan dari JAKIM......nampak mcm sama, tapi lain sebenarnya...simbol halal IFRC ASIA\n\r\nso blh caya ker kesahihan surat & simbol halal yang dipamerkan?\r\neven kita sendiri boleh buat surat halal & sticker halal sendiri (mcm simbol polis la kan- belambak org 'perasan polis' letak kat kete) \n\r\naku pn makan gak makanan cina nih tapi aku tgk owner...kalu islam..tak kira la melayu ke cina ke india & ada tanda halal...aku masuk....\n\r\ntapi kalu owner dia cina bukan islam...aku tak yakin walaupn dia ada tanda halal IFRC Asia...melainkan JAKIM.....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998098015785217} +{"text": "Tu sebab contoh tagline \"makanan sunnah\", \"air minuman doa dibaca 30 juzuk\" semua ni emmm kalau belek...takde kot cop halal jakim. Tapi ye la 'support produk muslim' kan. So lebihkan la membaca ye rakyat rakyat sekalian. Maaf kalau ada salah silap info dari saya", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6260630488395691} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 08:28 PM)different type of alcohol present in bread and wine? you must be retarded. both are formed from fermentation, which produces ethanol, the only edible form of alcohol. other alcohol can kill you in very minute amounts.different in term of concentrationlike i saidas long as not mabuk,halal lathe haram part is \"mabuk\"not alcohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Jan 1 2021, 12:53 PM)Best part is you cannot get rid of the gomen....And new gomen high chance also same...New PM take action on minister who songlap.The songlap minister's party langkah Sharaton 2.0 create a new gov. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998106360435486} +{"text": "beli makanan enak yg km suka, beli barang lucu2 atau gak km tidur aja sepuas km", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998612403869629} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 20 2016, 02:23 PM)Wow! That's a first!So you found Islam first before you find your wife. What makes you attracted to Islam?Did you teach your children on Chinese culture?\u00a0 Did you explain to your children why we celebrate CNY? The story behind mooncake festival? Bak chang festival?Did you join in Ching Ming with your family/siblings/etc? Did you bring your muslim wife and kids to ching ming also?Sorry if too many questions\u00a0 1. Why attracted to Islam. Very long answer. Buy me teh tarik and I can exlpain. =) But for sake of discussion, let's just say it is based on history of theology.2. No children yet but in future will definitely tell them that they are half Chinese. It is up to them what they want to learn but will definitely educate them if they want.3. Wife always attend chinese celebrations. We are not the \"kampung\" folks to follow the fatwa to the dot. We just follow the Quran. If you guys have a chance to visit the oldest Mosque in South East Asia, they allow joss stick there. It is not religious, just customary way of respecting the elders and the dead. So we have no qualms holding up joss sticks.No. Please ask away. Too much mis-understanding of what Islam is today. The terrorist are not helping and the religious council of \"Certain Country\" is not helping either. hahaha. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9907864928245544} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Jan 4 2018, 08:21 PM)If got money, and can support one's hobby, can it be called, \"membazir\"?According to this guys logic, YESIm a muslim and i find this guys is fking idiot extremistlater stuck in jam also haram coz membazir masa. LMAO ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999589920043945} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:44 PM)I purchased roasted chicken bakers cottage ni byk Kali, mmg murah tapi rasa dia mmg out. Totally bland and doesn't feel the spice at all compared to ayamas or other typical pasar malam.Ya murah, tapi Rasa teruk, I prefer beli the traditional ayam\u00a0 panggang yg lebih mahal tapi rasa lg bagus.dripped with your own spices or sauces, put it in oven/microwave 5 minutes. Boom ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.978217363357544} +{"text": "ada orang BMF cakap kalau makanan tu ada logo halal pun tak cukup \"sebelum ni bila ada cop halal cukup buat kita telan aje sebab fikir dh telepas dari hukum... Itulah kita patutnya lebih teliti dan cari yang HALALAN toyiban.\"\n\naku check barang tu dah ada logo halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5065484046936035} +{"text": "Shah Alam ni banyak sangat kedai makan yang \"viral\" tapi tak sedap pun.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.48815199732780457} +{"text": "Kita boleh mkan makanan non muslim dngan syarat bersih,halal & yakin(sembelih).Sentuhan mereka BUKAN najis.Bezanya hanya aqidah sahaja. https://x.com/savagenaniey/s/savagenaniey/status/889794088521695233\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997259974479675} +{"text": "Every villager claim their village food is the best in the universe. If outsiders don't find the same is syok sendiri. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotSun @ Feb 9 2017, 11:36 AM)Zot is there even a verse in Qur'an about such issue?i only know pork is haram for consumptionthey are the Qu'ran sometimes. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999431371688843} +{"text": "QUOTE(noresit @ Aug 27 2016, 02:27 PM)muka cantik, nasi tak sedap pun beli jugak..lumrah hidup..coz there are hundreds of other \"nasi lemak xsedap + muka x cantik\" shop out there ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9284715056419373} +{"text": "If the term bastard or anak haram never existed, so many children would suffer so much less. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9895737767219543} +{"text": "\r\nKorang beli dengan penjual tepi jalan ke, penjual cod homemade itu ini tu ke, korang yakin ke bahan2 yang dorang guna semuanya dijamin halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998593270778656} +{"text": "byk je tempat xde sijil halal...kedai2 makan, stalls, tapi sebab melayu..jadinye yakin.... tapi ak sejenis susah jugak nak yakin walaupon melayu pakai tudung.....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8994722962379456} +{"text": "QUOTE(aziratul @ Nov 6 2021, 04:35 AM)Senang cerita pelancong berlagak kaya tapi bila dah tgok resit, baru nak mengadu dombaAku pegi jugak kat restaurant terapung tu xde hingin pun nak minum atau makanWalaupun bot hantar aku ke situPedulik hapePelanggan bodo.. semua price ade letak kot.. ko yg tak baca dan tak nak tanyaLagak kayaTopkekthat niena zm kuda marketing lah..of course need viral to selling useless cosmetic product called OilyLicious targeting malay girl wannabe. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "In 2002 the Arab League adopted the Arab Peace Initiative. In 2003, the Quartet (US, EU, Russia, and the UN) released a Road Map to a two-State solution. An unofficial Geneva peace accord was promulgated by prominent Israelis and Palestinians in 2003. In 2005, Israel withdrew its settlers and troops from Gaza while retaining control over its borders, seashore and airspace. Following Palestinian legislative elections of 2006, the Quartet conditioned assistance to the PA on its commitment to nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements. After an armed takeover of Gaza by Hamas in 2007, Israel imposed a blockade. The Annapolis process of 2007-2008 failed to yield a permanent status agreement.https://www.un.org/unispal/history/hamas derailed the two states solution. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6818331480026245} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 11:13 AM)You just bring whatever is halal.As other member said, it's not like they gonna whack you anyway.It's halal restaurant. You pandai pandai do it.Whether you bring char siew or not, it will not change the status of McD as halal restaurant. It is you break the rule. McD remains as halal restaurant.but what if my religion don't allow lying and my cake still halal just don't have logo?This post has been edited by balakong: Jan 3 2017, 11:16 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "seronok tgk kafirun sakit bontot.kedai haram da byk kt penang, org tak kisah pun.bila org buka kedai halal, korg menyalak pula.lel ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998770952224731} +{"text": "makanan halal melemahkan akidah warga australia. kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9770583510398865} +{"text": "Tolong hadam ni bagi orang yang suka cakap 'ala udara kau sedut pun takde sijil halal' \ud83d\ude12 https://t.co/zCLX1vwG33", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9640917778015137} +{"text": "QUOTE(cfa28 @ Oct 19 2016, 11:46 AM)http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/181336/...ge-malaysia?m=1QUOTE(fuifuiTan @ Oct 19 2016, 11:47 AM)Bukan reject? Tapi kenape suruh tukar nama? Tak ada hal lain ke? Nama hotdog dah mula, biasa sejak zaman tunku abdul rahman lagi...Hotdog bukan perkataan baru pun. Tak hal lain nak sibuk ke? Nama hotdog pun nak nasihat suruh tukar....memang tak ada benda lain nak buatJAKIM suruh tukar nama sebab isu-isu kecil macam ni yang orang selalu tukar jadi isu besar.JAKIM dah buat kerja la tu...nasihatkan sebelum isu kecil ni jadi isu besar. Disebabkan nanti tak mahu lagi komplain dari orang2 yang suka komplain ni, dan menjadikan isu ni besar-besaran, JAKIM nasihatkan tukar nama hotdog tu kepada nama sausage. Bukan susah pun tukar nama.\u201cIt\u2019s a minor issue. We are fine with changing the name and are still working on it,\u201d said Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali, an executive at Aunty Anne\u2019s Malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9805926084518433} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eurobeater @ Dec 24 2020, 08:06 PM)My Malay CEO in an Islamic bank just wished all Chirstians in my bank Merry Christmas.Are we gonna lose our Islamic status kek?sorry, he is not halal anymore.he is haram now ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "Jakim tidak pernah keluar logo halal kepada mana-mana produk makanan yang disahkan haram - @JakimOfficial #jauharku", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998516857624054} +{"text": "@hazifflatiff Not trying to support Family Mart. Tp jgn terus bila takde sijil halal = haram. Syubhah yes sbb either diorg tak apply or tak lepas. Yg tak lepas tu boleh jadi banyak sebab lagi mcm maybe supplier dr luar negara so mcm mana nk dpt halal jakim. Jadilah pengguna yang bijak. K tu je", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992029070854187} +{"text": "QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 21 2016, 04:32 PM)kalu ko rasa ko lagi cerdik & pandai ilmu perkara halal ko pegi la debate dgn panel Halal JAKIM..depa buat untuk standardkan biar ada 1 ja sijil Halal yg merangkumi semua aspek dr pembuatan, proses, menu2 & nama2 produk, biar semua bersih & elok..tukar nama je, bukna suro buat yg susah2..awat, susah ke nak tukar nama produk? DOG tu terlalu penting ke untuk letak pada produk?Fallacy of appeal to authority Fallacy of red herring. Doesn't make your argument right. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9853951930999756} +{"text": "522 like,is this consider viral? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9910597205162048} +{"text": "\u201cINCUBATOR HALAL\u201d Kejayaan FAMA yang dianugerahkan jenama Halal berprestij Dunia yang dipacu oleh jaminan standard kualiti sijil pengesahan Malaysia yang diiktiraf global. Dalam #MyHalal Pukul 6.00 Petang INI, Isnin (11.3.2019) di Tv1 |https://t.co/6f04UWsYjQ | #RTMMobile https://t.co/YX2vxfciJp", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9047093391418457} +{"text": "KENYATAAN MEDIA Source: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/yV6urjewk1...mibextid=PkCAf5https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...ng-to-law/986341.Kerajaan Negeri Perak sentiasa komited mengambil pendekatan berhemah dalam menyelesaikan isu tuntutan sekumpulan setinggan pertanian yang melakukan aktiviti pertanian secara haram di tapak projek Silver Valley Technology Park (SVTP) milik Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Perak (PKNPk).2.Dakwaan bahawa berlaku penganiayaan dan pengusiran secara paksa adalah tidak benar memandangkan proses pengosongan tanah yang dilakukan adalah mengikut saluran undang-undang selain komitmen berterusan Kerajaan Negeri memastikan penggunaan sumber tanah secara adil dan saksama.3.Malah, bagi menyelesaikan isu berkenaan yang sudah berlarutan lebih 11 tahun, Kerajaan Negeri melalui PKNPk menawarkan tapak alternatif di Changkat Kinding yang telah digazetkan sebagai zon pertanian dan inisiatif itu turut melibatkan kerjasama Perbadanan Pembangunan Pertanian Negeri Perak (SADC).4.Bagi membolehkan proses pemindahan dibuat secara tersusun, Kerajaan Negeri telah membelanjakan lebih RM700,000 bagi penyediaan infrastruktur serta kerja-kerja pembinaan teres bagi tujuan perladangan serta kemudahan saluran bekalan air di tapak alternatif berkenaan5.Lawatan tapak ke Changkat Kinding telah diadakan pada Mei 2021 bersama setinggan pertanian yang terbabit, namun malangnya sehingga kini hanya sekumpulan kecil daripada mereka yang menerima tawaran tersebut.6.Adalah amat penting bagi PKNPk sebagai penggerak utama ekonomi Negeri Perak untuk merealisasikan projek berimpak tinggi SVTP bagi melengkapkan perancangan memacu pembangunan industri negeri yang dijangka menyediakan ribuan peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat selain mewujudkan peluang-peluang perniagaan baru. 7.Pun begitu, sebagai kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dan memahami kekangan yang dihadapi setinggan pertanian terbabit, Kerajaan Negeri melalui PKNPk sentiasa membuka pintu perundingan agar jalan penyelesaian menerusi penyediaan tapak alternatif di Changkat Kinding dapat sama-sama direalisasikan.8.Kerajaan Negeri yakin isu tersebut boleh diselesaikan secara harmoni dengan semua pihak mengambil sikap tanggungjawab dan menghormati prinsip serta keluhuran undang-undang.9.Dalam hubungan ini, Kerajaan Negeri sentiasa menghargai peranan petani dalam membantu memastikan aspek ketersediaan sumber makanan sentiasa diutamakan, malah Perak adalah negeri pertama yang melancarkan Pelan Tindakan Sekuriti Makanan sebagai usaha menjadikan negeri ini sebagai hab pengeluaran makanan negara. 10. Malah, sekuriti makanan menjadi salah satu daripada ENAM (6) agenda dalam pelan Perak Sejahtera 2030 dengan menggariskan pelbagai inisiatif memperkasa industri asas tani termasuk penubuhan Akademi Sekuriti Makanan dan pembinaan hub industri halalPEJABAT MENTERI BESAR PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN26 Oktober 2023\"Perak Sejahtera 2030\"Jom ikuti link media sosial kami:-https://linktr.ee/stratcommperakhttps://stratcomm.com.my/ #StratCommPerak #PerakSejahtera2030 #MalaysiaMadaniThis post has been edited by hasifhanif: Nov 6 2023, 04:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8971648812294006} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 13 2020, 10:59 PM)need teach lesson la.but why youtube videos only 2 comments. wheres the original sauce. need trace back got comment2 already scold unker or not.original is viral in whatsapp iinm. so close to impossible to track who the 1st to share it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8983233571052551} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxizanc @ Aug 9 2018, 08:08 AM)When i was in Beijing this fluent BM PRC tour guide always said, ini restoran HARAR punya lel. When HARAR and HARAM not much diff soundLol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5125088095664978} +{"text": "@aqiljunaidi_ Bosan betul isu kedai baru dapat sijil halal terus judge selama ni semua makanan tak halal. Dia ingat makanan tu cuma halal bila ada cop & dapat sijil je ke. Kakshdhajdbwj", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "Senang je nak confuse dia orang ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.962462306022644} +{"text": "QUOTE(hzmaz2017 @ Nov 6 2023, 10:33 AM)Aiyoh! This is boleh land lar.Muslims haram to buy Magnum/Toto but as long they walk in to buy is ok lar. Same oso haram to stay in hotel for unmarried couple but as long they check in themselves, ok lar.If so called authorities enforced their duties, they are called kepoh police other people rights.Therefore, the moon party fight to rule democratically in the election. When they are elected, they just cancel the giving of license to do these haram biz in order to reduce enforcement.If like that, the non cannot do all these haram biz aledy lar.Gomen aledy relented by asking to invest in halal cert but so many noises until today.Think lar & support by investing the halal certificate. Yes, kena pay more but biz can penetrate the market & will self paid the extra pay more.Like that everyone happy. Muslims can eat halal cuisine. Non oso can do biz. Boleh land more harmony lor.Thing is, there may be some non muslim shops that don't bother to apply halal certification mainly due to the cost and hassle involved or whatnot (Chili's or TGIF also don't have halal cert coz they sell alcohol. Their food also pork free). When they advertise as \"pork free\", it is what they said it is. The restaurant is just pork free, it never claimed it is halal. If you want to eat there fine, if you don't want to eat is also no issues. The restaurant never forced muslims to eat there nor did they cheat n claim it is halal and you can makan tanpa was was. Muslims have the right to patronize this shop or not. Simple je kan?Problem here is, we get shitstirrers making mountain out of nothing, with accusations \"pork free\" means the shop is making evil misleading claims of halal and it is trying to cheat muslim customers and all that. How to harmony la like that? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994500279426575} +{"text": "1 of the best yb from DAP salute. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999179840087891} +{"text": "Untuk mengetahui status halal produk yang mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia boleh layari direktori halal di https://t.co/PBq9IFdPQ6 atau di aplikasi telefon pintar SmartHalal dan Verify Halal. Harap maklum dan terima kasih.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999706745147705} +{"text": "QUOTE(gingerrobot @ Jan 15 2018, 12:12 PM)Asthen1ai got best tour guide.. for free ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "Bini aku ni. Dia nampak aku stress. Terus dia beli makanan aku suka. Habis cena aku nak teruskan stresss dah kalau asyik mcm tu gayanya???", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993023157119751} +{"text": "Cuba try pergi kedai makanan/minuman tanya sendiri owner or pekerja, makanan/minuman yg diorang jual tu ada sijil halal jakim tak...kita sebagai customer, % ada hak kan....so, kalau lah owner/pekerja tu tunjuk sijil halal jakim tu, viral kan sekali supaya semua orang tahu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9756702780723572} +{"text": "antara pilihan terbaik buat si manja anda. groomy natural secara semulajadi, organics, mempunyai sijil halal jakim dan Mesti. wasap di 018.288.3349 atau klik link di bio pm atau dm\u2026 https://t.co/O8aPZ7jua3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "don't care. tak ada masa aku nak bawa \"kitab boikot\" bila pergi shopping.888 barang di dalam troli. takkan nak kena teliti satu demi satu. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9856529235839844} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Mar 13 2024, 04:13 PM)most chinese disagree.chinese will agree one as long as bumiputra status is removedi suspect bumiputra will revolt instead , not chineseThis post has been edited by vapanel: Mar 13 2024, 04:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997771382331848} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ Sep 9 2019, 10:19 AM)Sejak bila M suka guna nama C? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6117639541625977} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Nov 26 2019, 05:02 PM)Singaporean pun takde cina main bola ke hahahaChina pun tarak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.653902530670166} +{"text": "kesian amoi(if indeed help required, some ktard will stop to ask if she needs assistance)kedai makan Lidiana and the kedai next to it, dunno the name, this is the kedai i go to as i love this one more than the other (usually packed). it's opposite the floating mosque along road 6 to bt ferenghi from town.bandar byk lg option but malas drive ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9554335474967957} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Jun 10 2019, 01:35 PM)Interesting point you raised. Do they need to use halal blood for transfusions?as long it saves life...halal haram tak kisah because \"darurat\" scenarioThis post has been edited by rickyro: Jun 10 2019, 02:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999780654907227} +{"text": "Kenapa ada buku khusus yang membahas harta haram, makanan minuman haram, pekerjaan haram, & haram lainnya tapi tidak ada buku yang membahas khusus topik halal? Karena di dunia ini SANGAT BANYAK SEKALI yang halal, dan haram itu hanya sedikit.\n\nNgapain repot\u00b2 cari celah sih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ May 21 2019, 11:33 AM)Spesis ni riding on vehicle also can be haram because some people can get 'mabuk' riding on it.ko kalo bm ke laut jgn nk tunjuk pandaimabuk nek kenderaan ade ke smpi bleh rogol bunuh ap sume tu?cmtu sok bini ko pregnant klu die morning sickness kire ank ko tu ank haram la sbb wt bini ko mabuk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "Sudah berpuluh ribu pengguna bertukar ke voodoo skincare.voodoo skincare DIIKTIRAF SELAMAT OLEH 5 BUAH NEGARA TERMASUK KKM. VOODOO SKINCARE mempunyai SIJIL HALAL DARI BADAN HALAL THAI YG DIIKTIRAF JAKIM. dan yg paling best, VOODOO SKINCARE DIJUAL DI SELURUH FARMASI. https://t.co/iqOZ7Qut52", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979897737503052} +{"text": " JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate. That means makanan kat sana adalah haram. FYI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5081093311309814} +{"text": "QUOTE(hujiko303 @ Feb 28 2015, 12:37 AM)its basically some kind of potato chiphow do i register ''halal'' logo and print it on my products?what do i need to do and where do i need to go? will it cost alot money?i myself is a chinese, possible if i register 1? thank youWhere you are from?If you are selangorian, go to JAIS office at Shah Alam. So on and so forth.Some tips regarding HALAL certification- It is NOT REQUIRED that you are 100% Muslim staffed. However, you need at least to meet some quota requirements. Some job position do required a muslim staff, some even need to earn a different certification from Jabatan Agama.- You need to have a operating shop/factory that fully permitted by local municipal.- You need to garner all your product ingredient's Halal status, to make your product halal. i.e since you are talking about potato chips, it will be spices (depends), any food flavouring and food conditioner that added to the chips (YES, there is Halal food chemicals)- PREFERABLY you uses all local made ingredients, since proving self imported ingredients Halal is very tedious - Halal in MAlaysia is one of the most strict Halal certification you can find in the world, don't expect anything less. IT includes hygienic requirement, facilities and social welfare requirements all in one package.- Applying is not the hardest part, maintaining the certification is 100x harder.Keep up to the good work ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "Kalau dekat malaysia takde sijil halal waima sekali dia tulis no pork/alcohol. Aku balun je makan sebab aku yakin dari mana dia dapat supplier.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7912952303886414} +{"text": "if very best friend = 0if best friend = 50 also they understand you kacau them saja, later transfer another 100if good friend = 150if acquaintance = just say you are busy ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996730089187622} +{"text": "Demi menjaga Keharmonian dn Perpaduan semua Kaum yg ada di Negara ini. Terutamanya yg tak bersetuju dan Tulisan Jawi, dicadangkan kpd JAKIM agar ada pengasingan antara Logo Halal utk Kaum India dn Cina dgn tulisan masing2, sementara peniaga makanan melayu Muslim guna yg sedia ada", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9245097637176514} +{"text": "@Hidayahhana Letih nak bagi nasihat dekat golongan yang suka sebarkan benda tak betul. Kesian tau dekat Kedai Makan yang dah ada sijil halal. Kena buat clear statement untuk bersihkan keadaan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7951878905296326} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Mar 17 2024, 11:38 PM)recycle/remake content is best content. lolThats why kk mart is in trouble. This will be a cyclical thing for them. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "Sb nama kedai dia teo soon , bagus lah kalau terang2 halal dah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9889267683029175} +{"text": "JAKIM ada task yang lain contoh menentukan makanam dan minuman yang di proses atau di import HALAL untuk di gunakan oleh umat islam. Makanan HALAL adalah penting dan menjadi tuntutan bagi umat Islam.Banyak sudut lain boleh cut cost expenses.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9738465547561646} +{"text": "Lah. Tak faham ke. Baca betul-betul. Makanan take away memang tak ada masalah nak tulis apa pun. Dr Naim dah suruh JAKIM explain balik.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7704137563705444} +{"text": "\r\nSendu2 dan tak kenal pun mampu hantar bini beranak swasta sipa diraikan.lagi bilik wad tu dengan balloon. Lepastu hantar confinement centre lagi..huhu bestnya..nikmat manakah lagi mahu kau dustakan.\r\nSemalam baca FB seseorang yg beranak kat andorra. Total bil semua rn10k lebih. Memang saja ambik pakej lebih2 macam extra bermalam saja dah rm1800. Ohh behnya kalau duit berlebihan ni..nak apa2 cas lebih pun tak kalut fikir duit cukup ke tak. Swap je kad tuhhhh", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7353307604789734} +{"text": "It's contains with brown sugar and fresh milk. Sijil Halal dan makanan yg halal 2 benda berbeza. Main Twitter masa bekerja pon mungkin boleh jd asbab makanan kita makan tu jd darah daging yg tiada berkat. https://t.co/MV07tOMbEd", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966168999671936} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 11:24 AM)for alcohol, here is where some muslims differ.my OPINION (note the bold part), it's not alcohol that is haram but intoxicating food/drinks which COINCIDENTALLY (again note my emphasis) contains alcohol are haram.hence TO ME alcoholic beer/liquor/wine/champagne etc. are haram, but cough mixture/medicine/paint thinner that contain alcohol etc. items are NOT haram.don't addicts use cough mixtures/medicine/paint thinner to get high? ie intoxicated? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999480247497559} +{"text": "@suhaillaailla Yes betul..tak ada certificate halal tak bermaksud tak halal..Banyak je kedai melayu yg tak ada sijil halal lagi..but kita yakin kedai tu halal..Melainkan jakim dah cakap kedai tu ada bahan dari unsur haram.. Tapi buat masa ni prefer tealive.. \ud83d\ude01", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs1 @ Aug 7 2015, 02:43 AM)so can you choose which you like to follow?spiritually, all mazhab is the same. the difference here is the fiqah which is like guideline or ruling. anything that is clear and firm in quran, is followed clearly by the 4 mazhab. like cannot eat pig.for something that is not clearly in quran, like other animals, it will just follow the guidelines and understanding of scholars on the matter. for example, this escargot.for shafie mazhab, which is dominant in Malaysia, it is haram. for maliki mazhab, in morocco, it is halal. both have their justification on the matter which is valid and acceptable. so a follower can opt to follow which opinion as both have valid reasoning. but he must understand first on the justification and not follow it blindly.its a system in Islam, for region or country, will be using only 1 mazhab as dominant mazhab to reduce the argument and maintain peace. because on some matter, different mazhab have different ruling ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8265266418457031} +{"text": "Tak paham aku Melayu Islam ni. Beriya sgt nak minum arak takda alcohol. Beriya sgt nak rasa itu ini yang masih takda sijil halal. Bila soal produk kesihatan, tau pulak nak ada cop KKM. Bila soal haram, just ikut logik benda tu takda babi. Haram tu luas. Bkn stkt ada babi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8558977246284485} +{"text": "Not the first time I hear this. Previously I also shared a travel blogger who visited Bali but she ended up posting story of non popular places to visit - Rupa rupanya she skipped all temples. Might as well don't go to Bali. Bodo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995222091674805} +{"text": "Kalau nak concern pasal makanan pun, kalau kedai, cari la info kat JAKIM website ke, the store's website ke, atau common sense sendiri. Kalau yakin bahan tu halal, tempat jualan makanan tak mengundang was2. Kadang takyah tanya, my colleagues and friends awal2 dah ensurekan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9026566743850708} +{"text": "QUOTE(mambangafro @ Dec 2 2014, 12:32 AM)AssalammualaikomwarohmatullahwbkthJadi saya nak tanya kalian kalian semua adakah kalian semua mengaji Quran tapi hanya tau baca kosong walaupun betul tajwidnya?Rasanya buku teks pendidikan Islam takdakan tunjuk terjemahan ayat?cuba lebih pada nak kasi reti baca arab dengan betul dan kasi pass lisan PAFA?Sebab saya x cekap,terus terang..tu yang saya suka baca yang ada terjemahanSaya tak pandai baca arab tu yang saya time sekolah convert dalam bentuk rumi (qul ya ayyuhal kafiruun)waalaikumsalam wbteeee :3saya baca translation Quran Yusuf Alitiap kali baca rasa seram sejuk, jadi insap sekejap ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9749572277069092} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Feb 27 2018, 02:36 PM) Walau bagaimanapun penggunaan najis selain daripada untuk dimakan adalah halal berdasarkan hadith kedua dan kata-kata daripada Ibnu Umar.But the njs ate by plant also goes into you digestive system. You can't just make exception like that. Otherwise what is the point banning muslim for working in arak industries as long not consume?my advise, learn chemistry. read more on fatwa with regard to fecal and haram matters in food industry.islam itu mudah. manusia yang menyusahkan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999048709869385} +{"text": "Perisik2 Jakim wajib turun padang pada keseluruhan perindustrian2halal diMalaysia & dinegara2 dunia yg kita import aset2 makanan & miunuman", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8198742270469666} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Mar 12 2024, 01:39 PM)sekolah jgn kasi politik boleh ka?those kids even muslim also ada yg tak tahan puasa mahkasi chance layour god so evil to punish little kids issit?or you think you are god, can do everything?God unofficial self appointee.Macam can cast bane on human suka hati jer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9844228625297546} +{"text": "Sijil Halal tak wajib dimohon sebenarnya. Itu apa yang aku belajar selama 3 tahun. Dimohon untuk tarik keyakinan pengguna. Skop Halal itu sendiri luas. Bukan pada bahan-bahan je.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9954456090927124} +{"text": "QUOTE(New Klang @ Jan 9 2021, 10:31 AM)If there are no halal food during times of desperation, is harom food allowed?Duit haram boleh dihalalkan utk beli masidee...Duit haram boleh dihalalkan utk naik gaji sendiri...No need wait times of desperation... its a matter of how it benefits themselves only... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999486207962036} +{"text": "Rarely the best option in a mall, but never ever the best BLR option anywhere. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997188448905945} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Nov 23 2020, 09:13 AM)tapi ada nasi goreng mamak and nasi goreng kampung. so mamak is indian enough, kampung is melayu enough. boleh la.Why mesti cina? Cannot nasi goreng tongsan? ooooo wai....... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "Mmg takde sijil halal, tapi haram ke? https://t.co/EbmiFfgUSL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "\nTakde lah... masa depa tengah masak nira tu.. sebelum betul2 jadi manisan... masa ni la de ...\nbintang Post at 9-6-2010 19:02 \n\nBiawak dalam hukum Islam haram dimakan ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992006421089172} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabularis @ Feb 9 2017, 10:27 AM)Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as mediumYou paint your walls with acrylic paint ka? Never mind, just buy air compressor to spray. Sure halal. DIY paint air compressor sales up 200%. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980509281158447} +{"text": "1. Makan makanan etalase kombini\n\nConvinience store atau kombini biasanya jual makanan cepat saji di etalase depan kasir contohnya \u201cfamichiki\u201d, kadang gw liat mbak2 berjilbab turis suka beli itu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999651908874512} +{"text": "Halal and Haram is just Arabic words meaning Lawful and Unlawful. That's it.It is not necessarily specific to food. That is why it is called Halal Food or Haram Food, not just Halal or Haram.It is haram to drive in emergency lane. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996408224105835} +{"text": "QUOTE(letitsnow @ Mar 3 2024, 04:58 PM)tech companies are not haram. i wont dive into it coz i wont waste my time explaining it. you wanna know you google sendiri.Starbucks is not haram too but for no reasons these morons see them as oneBut when it comes to techs, it is OK for everything ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998383522033691} +{"text": "aku bkn la kata boleh mkn kat kedai cina ke india. aku tau mencari mknn halal tu fardhu. tp bila kau sembang kalau takde sijil halal terus kau haramkan dia mcm tak kena. pastu kau jd kan org yg mkn tu seolah-olah golongan yg buat dosa tu pun tak kena.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "QUOTE(pallmall @ Dec 24 2014, 03:42 PM)this might be my last post before got banned forever. to all my fellow muslim;banyak sangat dah dalam /k menghina/mencaci/mengejek islam, terutamanya dalam kes hudud,halal/haram. sedih aku tengok.Dunia akhir zaman.. Kalau kita bersuara tu lg byk mendatangkan cacian and perkara negatif, baik diam sahaja. Bersuara bila perlu, and bersuara dgn ayat berakhlak.Janji Allah tu pasti, Islam akan naik. Haiya'alal falah. Muhasabah diri dulu, tingkatkan ilmu, didik keluarga dulu.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999944806098938} +{"text": "Gatau.... makanya aku gapernah beli. Tapi kalo offline setauku toko yang jual makanan import gitu suka adaaaa. Temenku dulu katanya makan itu di sbux apa ya lupa wkwk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9821836948394775} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 11 2023, 11:17 AM)If your chicken or beef is not halal certified, it's technically non-halal too even if not pork. hmmm true. we never halal or not.i guess the best solution is seperate halal n non halal pit. lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999871015548706} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mattrock @ Feb 1 2024, 12:09 AM)Talking through backside.Kesian. If u go Vietnam u will see their atas place even more atas than our so called pavilion/ bukit bintang status.Meanwhile here.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998645782470703} +{"text": "Dan aku tak ada masalah kalau nak makan masakan yang bangsa lain masak, asalkan halal dan bersih. Aku suka makanan orang Cina, aku suka makanan orang India, aku enjoy juga makanan dari etnik Sabah dan Sarawak. Sebab apa? \n\nBetul, sebab satu Malaysia.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6213588714599609} +{"text": "dan sejak bila pulak kalau nak berniaga makanan, wajib kene ada certificate halal Jakim baru boleh kata halal..kalo takde, jadi haram ke?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8805935382843018} +{"text": "[news] Sijil Halal Jakim Tak Wajib Kepada Pemilik Restoran?: Tiada paksaan kepada pemilik premis makanan dalam a... http://bit.ly/GS7Ezs", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8807730078697205} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Nov 24 2020, 01:20 AM)Kalau search youtube taip best nasi lemak..keluar tajuk best nasi lemak non halal sentul..kau banding komen melayu situ yang positif dgn komen geng ni yang rasa makanan dia superior org lain x boleh lebih2Kudos to that as its quality of malays. But we chinese just likes telling you guys whats better. Cos u guys been rating within your cocoon. Bila orang bagitau world standard pastu tirggered kena defend. Showing you whats better is not feeling superior. Its like you been happy using ever ready. Then claims ever ready is best battery ever. Then i came and told u what dumbass. There is energizer.Nak terima or not up to you guys. Semalam byk post dah kena delete. Else u guys may have different viewsThis post has been edited by tkh_1001: Nov 24 2020, 02:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kim Bi Jan @ Sep 25 2017, 10:44 AM)sounds like blood money is ok so long the deed is good? no wonder we have robin hood....can rob, kill, steal..but end of the day, 51% being use to help the poor what one thing to note, unless you have a sure fire way to figure out halal & non-halal money, money can be cleaned.unless say A killed a person to get money, then use the money on donating to mosque, obviously that is wrong and haram and un-Islamic.but if A received his salary for doing his job that fulfills islamic teaching, even if the money came from a non-halal business, it's still ok.This post has been edited by advocado: Sep 25 2017, 10:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.536981463432312} +{"text": "Tak tak tak sekarang apa punca sebenar orang duk bergado dengan geng suka minum bubble tea ni? Sibuk buat siasatan sijil halal, tahap kebersihan, level kesihatan bagai? Pundek dah nak seminggu dah ni lalu timeline aku.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9926257729530334} +{"text": "\n\n No need jakim because all muslims knows their wajib.\n \n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9461061954498291} +{"text": "QUOTE(bombayah @ Dec 15 2022, 10:05 AM)I hope this will answer your question:2. Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.what???is the act of fermenting is the problem? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(atreyuangel @ Dec 9 2018, 06:41 PM)Fardhu ain pulak dah\u00a0 pasal ada isu yang surat kenyataan tu originally tulis sbg tak disaran dan bukan haramsince aku carik tak jumpa tu tanya siniAku pun nak tengok jugak surat yang ori macam mana.Lepas aku tengok balik surat yang \"fake\" tu, Terjemahan ayat yang pertama pun dah meragukan. Siap ada perkataan reformasi lagi. QUOTE(Faidzal @ Dec 9 2018, 06:46 PM)lulz surat dgn fatwa takde kena mengena pun.satu kata demonstrasi haram tp nak kukuhkan kenyataan letak fatwa candlelight vigil haram.pastu apa kejadah buat candlelight vigil pepagi buta\u2026 \u00a0 \u00a0 Kesian baru keluar gua. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Sijil halal yang dikeluarkan oleh @Halal_Malaysia ni penting dalam industri pemakanan. Some company gagal apply halal bukan disebabkan makanan tu ada kandungan tak halal, tapi disebabkan procedure penyediaan makanan yang kurang menepati piawai kebersihan yg ditetapkan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982156753540039} +{"text": "QUOTE(Justin Jack$on @ Jun 2 2019, 11:50 PM)Kasi viral this placeWhere's this?Kasi burn this mamak shop!!!Burn!!! Kasi bakar!!! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977834820747375} +{"text": "Takde org paksa ko naik pung. Tak mampu jgn makang. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9785364270210266} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Feb 3 2024, 11:34 AM)all ingredient and nutrient still using animal product,.. in fact u need to kill more animal to get purified ingredient and nutrient,..No more animal handling probably overstatement. Less animal. Founders cells from the best of breed, tender succulent meat can be made to multiply overtime and kept to grow over the years. Therfore no need animal slaughtering. Of course the cells need to be transformed first so it is not limited to cell senesescence. Other ingredients can be made to produced in other types of biofermentors by cloning the gene of interest into other host cells example yeast etc that could express the protein, therefore animal free. That's why many are willing to invest in this. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999556541442871} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 23 2023, 01:04 PM)Eh aku makan makanan halal Ko la yg suka makan najis mughallazah Oh ko suka negro ka? Mesti species koteh kecik 2\u201d mati pucuk \ud83d\ude06 Kesian ko, dah lah tertindas, xder anak pulak nak tanam kalau ko mampus hahahahahKo makan tahi babi, yang lain ko tak mampu la pengemis. Anak pompuan ko mainan aku jer, tak lepas tangan dia nak. Please continue to sin and ensure your place in jahanam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953226447105408} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 11:13 PM)Jakim never said jatuh haram because it is named as hot dog la kak.Jakim suggest a more proper name as per their policy to issue the halal cert.\u00a0 They suggested the name in mind of the user of the product\u00a0 that they may or may not be certain people (particularly old folks that have very minimal exposure to foreign languages) that is accustomed to such name. they did it conservatively in respect of Muslim as a whole.get it?I dont care if majority think its stupid, its not tolerable, its socially awkward. but please, respect their effort. for we as a muslim can atleast acknowledge their effort to do something for those unfortunate enough to get the education level that we have now. Thats all i'm asking here.tapi sedih, even muslim yang \"progressif\" kat sini pun fail to understand the decision. Lepas tu ridicule gila2, walhal industri Halal malaysia ni berkembang banyak sebab usaha2 Jakim.can you give some examples of proper names for the \"old folks with minimal exposure to foreign languages\"? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994667172431946} +{"text": "Fact: UAI is a celebrity preacher.He is not a mufti (Muslim legal expert)He is not an ulama (Muslim scholar)The Ustaz title resembles sensei, teacher, and guru because he teaches Islamic knowledge.His strong point is his knowledge of Fiqh.What is Fiqh, you ask?QUOTEFiqh is an Arabic term derived from the root word faqiha, meaning \u201cdeep and comprehensive understanding.\u201d The Arabic literature has used the word \u201cfiqh\u201d and its substracts in seeking of knowledge, wisdom, and in-depth understanding of Islamic lawsBesides that, his political bias is clearly towards PAS, and all his ceramah is quite often calling others \"bodoh\" to make a point.If anything, a well-informed Muslim will listen to his teaching for his Fiqh knowledge, anything besides that is not to be taken seriously. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6036813259124756} +{"text": "@pmbrutiketmurah @TheKayangan11 Dr maza kata duduk dalam negara majoriti Muslim tak perlu sijil halal yang ada mesti sijil tak halal. https://t.co/fPGhSsjXnf", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.857778787612915} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kakistok @ May 13 2023, 08:19 PM)I lived and worked in the US 7 years before returning to Malaysia. So I can understand in terms of lifestyle and purchasing power, USD not far from SGD.Before I started job hunting again in Malaysia, I contacted a few old friends of mine (they are engineers/managers in different industries) who are now living and working in SG to ask for their opinion about working in SG.They all said the same thing to me. \"Don't come\". They are paid well but most % of their salary goes to accommodation if they want a comfortable space. One guy is a manager, but rents a room. Wife works in KL.No work-life balance. Work is stressful and competitive. Well, I don't mind a competitive environment, which should be taken as a catalyst for personal/career growth but if it's not a norm to leave work after completing 8 hours, it's a NO NO for me.And few of them committed to big debts in Malaysia after getting SGD (big car & house) , now they can't leave SG if they want to.After hearing all that, I dropped my plan to even try SG for now.\u00a0 . I'm Americanized. I don't work after 5 anymore. During my initial days working in the US, I brought the \"staying back late in the office\" culture there, and my manager said to me, \"If you go back at 5pm or 10pm\" it makes no difference. Work will never end. So go home.\"Only 1 of my friend were positive about SG because that bugger gets to work from home (MY), salary SG. Absolute dream. 1st world pay in 3rd world country. That too because of covid, the company continued the WFH policy.Myself now, working in Johor for a year, getting to know local Johoreans at work, each one of them seems to have this dream to work in SG. At least one of their family members is working in SG. Either living there or travelling every day from Johor. Some of them agreed that their family members can't stop working in SG because already committed to the 3-storey semi-D or brand new BMW in Malaysia\u00a0 .Personally, I value peace and comfort over material and luxury. Some, the other way round.Yes, Singapore is highly competitive but I don't find it stressful. Unless you are trying to be the best of the best, there really isn't much stress.I will be very frank and say that most Malaysians do not have to ability to excel in Singapore. Out of 1+ million Malaysians in Singapore, how many have you seen who are successful? There are, but only a handful. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8297319412231445} +{"text": "Kadang tuh pas udh diniatin buat nyoba makanan baru malah suka bingung sendiriEntah krn bingung mau makan apa, takut makanannya gk sesuai ekspetasi, ujung2nya beli ayam geprek ((lagi))", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920414090156555} +{"text": "Umi tu my mum tau. Not me me is so so. As long nmpak logo halal jakim or yg international, kira okay lah. Umi, kalau ada je viral certain makanan tetiba diraguir kehalalan dia, umi terus stop beli. Even nk beli ayam pun, umi beli tempat yg confirm sembelih not market. Haha", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6616042852401733} +{"text": "Kalau ada autoriti yang sudah lakukan kajian, saya boleh dasarkan hujah saya kepada autoriti itu.\n\nSepertima jika bahagian halal JAKIM sahkan suatu makanan itu haram, saya tak perlu pergi sendiri ke kilang makanan tu utk saya yakini ia haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947808384895325} +{"text": "Takdak isu pon dia nak jual makanan halal janji dapat status halal dari jakim, tapi asal pakai nama siti untuk kedai.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.991430938243866} +{"text": "Most of them really pack those Mi dalam cawan coz tak yakin. Hari-hari mi cawan...lolz ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999446868896484} +{"text": "\u2615 Sijil HALAL tersedia yang disahkan oleh JAKIM. \u2615 Life Time Warranty, Tiada Kos Penyelenggaraan...\ud83d\udcaf \u2615\ufe0f Paling penting, TIADA KONTRAK https://t.co/OWUnhtxs8C", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997283816337585} +{"text": "QUOTE(lyn99 @ Oct 7 2016, 02:45 AM)IMOindonesia not muslim countrymalaysia is much morelikely muslim countryso haram ke halal ke not very big deal thereYa Malaysia most Muslim compared to other Muslims ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999691367149353} +{"text": "Pilih makanan bersih + mahal tapi haram / makanan biasa aja + murah tapi halal ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8348801136016846} +{"text": "Pelik sungguh.\n\nPasal makanan pon nak gaduh ke.Makanan ni sepatutnya satu padukan manusia, kaum, bangsa.\n\nBoleh berkongsi citarasa, budaya berbeza.\n\nJanji halal dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985040426254272} +{"text": "Sekiranya ada yang masih menjual dan menggunakan produk in, sila berhenti segera. Produk maut ini , tidak memiliki sijil halal, dan dihasilkan secara haram oleh pasangan bukan islam di sebuah rumah di Pulau... https://t.co/iILlgQhMtU", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Melayu...\n\nKat Hatyai - Bestnya makan kat sini! Kat Khlong Hae Floating Market ni byk makanan halal!\n\nBila balik Msia - Eh kedai ni ada halal JAKIM ke?\n\nP/s: Malas nak spill tea pasal Khlong Hae tu...kbai", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997981190681458} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 12:24 AM)best thing is, they just spend the money because, it is not their own money. summore got blessings from Mahathir.This still probably less expensive than perwaja steel and the forex losses. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999829888343811} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ Mar 14 2024, 12:17 PM)best canteen\u00a0 Memories lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "@santeira Dengar nya sijil halal memang susah nak dpt sebab pekerja kena berapa org Muslim etc. Tu yang macam leceh kot. Yakin saja, kalau dia tipu halal, haruslah dibanned \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9590318202972412} +{"text": "Aku tgh hadir open house member mama sambut christmas. Dh smpai terus host explain semua makanan halal & bersih etc. Aku pula as a muslim if ada food aku tak pasti ckp nak rasa makanan lain settle. Islam & humanity ni mudah, libhanat & some retards je buat teruk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9830169081687927} +{"text": "Itu penting nya ksh mkn anak dan klrga makanan halal dan thoyyib agar hati dan jiwa nya bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9926334023475647} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seiro @ Oct 19 2016, 12:10 PM)JAKIM suruh tukar nama sebab isu-isu kecil macam ni yang orang selalu tukar jadi isu besar.JAKIM dah buat kerja la tu...nasihatkan sebelum isu kecil ni jadi isu besar. Disebabkan nanti tak mahu lagi komplain dari orang2 yang suka komplain ni, dan menjadikan isu ni besar-besaran, JAKIM nasihatkan tukar nama hotdog tu kepada nama sausage. Bukan susah pun tukar nama.\u201cIt\u2019s a minor issue. We are fine with changing the name and are still working on it,\u201d said Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali, an executive at Aunty Anne\u2019s Malaysia.isu kecik , jadi kena ambik tindakan. isu besar , pun kena ambik tindakan . either way , kena ambik tindakan la kan ?ini isu pasal mentality . kalau korang dah tau \"sesetengah\" orang yg dungu suka permainkan isu ni - solution yg betul ialah untuk pander kat orang dungu dan puaskan ego orang dungu ? bukan melalui proses pengajaran dan tunjuk kebodohan golongan2 dungu ni ?sebelum berbuih membalas , mohon abang pikir2kan point di atas . selagi kaum melayu yg kurang sensitif asyik melayan karenah bodoh kaum melayu yg sensitif tahap gaban , lagi kerap la korang kena layan kebodohan macam ni .This post has been edited by pwncake: Oct 19 2016, 12:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996830224990845} +{"text": "Aku suka food hunted. So nk make sure yakin dgn ke\u2019halal\u2019an makanan tu aku akan:\n\n1) check kt website halal jakim / melalui sms\n2) call kedai tu ask for details - aku yg nk mkn suke hati aku lah nk cerewet hahaha\n\nSo selalunya my bff akan wait for my result ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9925852417945862} +{"text": "Kuih Bulan cina punya wei.... makan kuih bulan macam celebrating mooncake festival...sembah bulan wei...haram.... mana Putra? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993554949760437} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Aug 28 2020, 09:23 AM)yang atas, bar pub zouk all OK to enteryang bawah...oi tak ada sijil halal...tak boleh masuk. haram makanan tu halal ke? \u00a0 topkek 2 set of lawSuch is life QUOTE(judas @ Aug 28 2020, 09:36 AM)They also serve food there. Why not as long as you are not drinking?.Many korean restaurants also got sell soju, i see muslim belasah jer tempat tu?I got friend that is open they ok so long they no touch.and got friend that is very paranoid 1, really need see logo... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(kotaro_minami @ Oct 13 2023, 02:29 PM)No halal no problem.Meaning their target customer are those 25 % & 6 % Malaysian population.In business this is consider stupid if your target only 31% from that country population.say that to obviously haram restaurant serving porkthey still can survivethere's market for every niche ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9600202441215515} +{"text": "Tl;Dr Big C \"cartel\" beli BC. Sebab harga dia berbaloi (nak kata murah pun bukan sebab byk peniaga bangsat dah rosakkan market dengan harga melampau, harga biasa BC ni nampak murah), peniaga bangsat lain tak ada choice but tetapkan harga jualan yang tak melampaui batas (their Benz kena wait next year so to say). Jadi because peniaga lain tak boleh kaya cepat, kena boikot sykt C ni. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999839186668396} +{"text": "QUOTE(goandloveyourself @ Nov 29 2022, 02:41 PM)i suggest malaysians go visit our muslim. neighbor, example Jakarta. my muslim friends there all sit same table with me, i have my HARAM food while they enjoy their halal food. we are in a public eatery that sells both halal and haram food side bybside. why not? they arent eating my food. sitting beside a porkchop dont means u eating porkchop. but over here, its all haram. everything also haram. simplest thing also got triggered.Here also got, it really depends on the individual ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991707801818848} +{"text": "Stating the obviousand where is all your 'high end' quality tourist?hati tisu when ppl give constructive negative comment but yall tell ppl 'x suka, keluar' ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9511773586273193} +{"text": "QUOTE(azerak @ Jan 6 2017, 11:35 AM)you obviously have no idea about halal as in the food halal or haram because it jeopardizes the health. we are talking about food here.on the topic of the cake, the issue is not even about halal or haram cake. it is about the cake being certified halal.simply put it means that even if you yourself bake and can 100% guarantee that everything that goes into the cake is halal certified, you still cannot bring that cake in coz you takde certificate and apparently mcd may lose the cert if you do so. coz you know your halal non certified cake can cause their premise to be compromise and whatnot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7629387378692627} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chisinlouz @ Sep 5 2023, 12:50 PM)Whether in an efficient or slow manner; as long they are not being ignorant and go extra miles for the sake of public, they shall proceed. I do not refer extra care to Muslim community but everyone. \"Only dirty food joint have the best food\" - A thing Malaysian proud of. Public who like the idea is giving them money. Therefore they are not poor to begin with in maintaining a hygienic makan place. amon_meinz mintak pencerahanAmon_meinz dah lama kena banned from here. Racing too much. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "@PutriSufi3 @jon54480998 @blackmerz101 @pussycat____ @__BakalJenazah @shonzu11 @Azmann81769303 @Nazgul71028348 @Kama96157097 @melayujati3 @Mohamad60295497 @RoslanWanz @PeteApit1 @bijak_politik @AkuMelayuIslam5 @mohdosmanTPG @AKUTIDAKADA @mimimarinajaaf1 @mynewshub @tunfaisal @Badacs1 @1rmf5 @RameshRaoAKS @GaryDrinkwater2 @BetterNation3 @azmanhaj @AKUANAKWATAN @AimanAirin2 @armnajib @AbdHali33759158 @JazRita @TengkuRajaAlam1 @cu10sion1 @NajibRazak @HamdanRukun @mooezza @riz_esp @jemah_rizal @fikhwanBait @IiiAzmi @brozam @En_White_Bird @arahman_ahmad @dunquestionme @JalilRafidah @chedetofficial @PDRMsia @anwaribrahim @SyedSaddiq Yg lagi teruk duk mnipu sijil halal, mnipu org Islam ,hbis bnda2 Kotor disumbat masuk dlm perut umat Islam. Dasar babi sungguh!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999719858169556} +{"text": "alcohol for drink/ consume = haram due to mabukalcohol for daily use such as perfume, sanitizer = no problem (bukan minum utk mabuk)pig = haram everything (touch, consume, by product etc)dog = saliva / certain condition only haram.. as pet ok but discourageboth animal if touch = samak je la, no problem ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993988275527954} +{"text": "Halal logo. Now need haram logo. Who will certify it is haram to get $$$? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998323917388916} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jun 12 2024, 10:00 PM)in these hard times, every ringgit counts. Unless you T20, please proceed.might as well do cheaper korban at kemboja, afrika or india or overseas one.can fetch RM250, RM350 per bahagian.janji buat ibadah korban.\u00a0 Semoga Allah swt menerima ibadah korban kita aminn.\u00a0 Sebab tu xda paksaan dalam islam kalau tak mampuBila ada org complain mean something already wrongMemburukkan agama sahaja padahal takda paksaanJust stop talking about it ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982824325561523} +{"text": "puak mudah conpius otw to haram ur food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999880790710449} +{"text": "Hujung hujung zaman ni, makanan halal haram dah tak kesah. Maksud aku xde sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995086193084717} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Jul 24 2019, 03:13 PM)https://www.vitdaily.com/majelis-ulama-indo...-fu-tang-halal/original newsbut this shameless company cheating people with a fake certificate, that's a fraud. halal/non halal definition fights pls go to other tered.lets see if mod got plotek and if this tered is nuked,Ka ka ka TS thinks by doing this he gets to heaven. The fact that they worry about what they eat but not what is in their heart is superficial. The best part is companies might be creating employment for orang kita. Once you become like Afghanistan you will be shit poor. As many people point out many mamaks makcik no halal cert but nobody points it out. A cup that is clean outside is as filthy as a dirty inside cup. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.Vegetarian restaurant can hire Muslim chef make Vegetarian dish, so it's halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7938039302825928} +{"text": "When i was in Beijing this fluent BM PRC tour guide always said, ini restoran HARAR punya lel. When HARAR and HARAM not much diff sound ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968008995056152} +{"text": "Increase petrol soon - not affected, company gives allowanceringgit devalued - not affected, earn USDconcert cancelled - not affected, just go Singaporelack of fdi due to conservatism - not affected, less competitionhow to save malaysia? - why need to save\uff1fit is a 1 man 1 vote systemI dont see we increase our manpower capability also - no need, just tongkatevery company is like changing employees so quickly - cannot perform why keep themlike divorce rateamoi tak suka, terus minta break up - normal whatbincsngkan - close case ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942498207092285} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 21 2016, 10:08 AM)not halal according to jakim is just that not halal according to jakim doesn't mean its haramsorry....didnt know since when part of Rukun Islam or Iman includes JAKIMas far as i concern - they are corruptedas corrupt as the prophecy has foretold...This post has been edited by karwaidotnet: Oct 23 2016, 02:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999606609344482} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chadlonso @ Oct 17 2023, 01:11 PM)what kind of thread is this KEKHow to flex your overseas vacation by tunggang agama and troll the non Muslims 101. Kalo bukak topic vacation share gambar2 macam biasa thread confirm sendu tak laku. So mesti tunggang agama selit2 cerita hal halal haram post pervert pictures of kafir woman to spice things up. Bukan first TS ni buat macam tu banyak kali dah. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992284774780273} +{"text": "org mcm tu... diorang keras kepala... nak tgk logo halal jugak... no point in talking to them.logo halal is an indication for muslims to purchase without any doubt that the product is indeed halal for consumption.the food is still halal even if x da logo halal as long as the ingredient is halal and there is no alcohol content.from this explanation these people will then ask... \" kalau halal kenapa JAKIM x letak logo halal\"from here... u will start debating. but they still want to win.occasionally they will say \" eee... kilang carlsberg/heineken... mesti dia campur2\"you will need knowledge of beer brewing process to answer this one...personally im pretty sure they dont mix fermented and un-fermented beer in the same VATSThis post has been edited by h4r8_kIlLeR: Jun 10 2019, 11:27 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999710738658905} +{"text": "Pergi Korea, stock makanan halal banyak2 dalam peti sebab katanya susah nak cari makanan halal dekat KoreaCara pilihan hidup tu sendiri dah haram, buat apa fikir nak makan makanan yang halal hahahahahaha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962049126625061} +{"text": "\np18HBYeVJV0\n\nSos Berita HarianQUOTEBeli nasi ayam peniaga bukan Islam, jual kepada pelanggan IslamZuhainy Zulkiffli - Ogos 15, 2022 @ 9:05pmbhnews@bh.com.myGEORGETOWN: Mufti Pulau Pinang, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor menggesa pihak berkuasa agama Islam negeri ini menyiasat tindakan peniaga nasi ayam Islam yang dipercayai membeli makanan itu dari kedai bukan Islam.Katanya, jika didapati peniaga itu kemudian menjual nasi ayam dibeli dari kedai bukan Islam kepada pelanggan Muslim, pelakunya perlu dihadapkan ke mahkamah untuk dikenakan tindakan sewajarnya mengikut undang-undang.Beliau mengulas video tular mengenai dua lelaki dipercayai Melayu datang ke sebuah restoran bukan Islam di Paya Terubong di sini, untuk mengambil pesanan nasi ayam dan dipercayai dijual kepada pelanggan di gerai mereka di Sungai Ara.Video berkenaan mendapat pelbagai reaksi netizen dan ada yang mendakwa pernah membeli juadah itu di gerai mereka.Wan Salim menyifatkan tindakan berkenaan sebagai tidak wajar dan dianggap menipu masyarakat Muslim yang bersangka baik kepada peniaga beragama Islam, malah amat menyedihkan kerana menunjukkan ada dalam kalangan orang Islam tidak mempedulikan lagi hukum agama.\"Pelanggan Muslim menyangka ayam itu sudah disembelih mengikut kaedah hukum syarak serta halal dimakan namun, rupa-rupanya diambil dari kedai orang bukan Islam dan besar kemungkinan tidak halal.\"Perbuatan sedemikian adalah berdosa menyebabkan masyarakat Islam memakan ayam yang tak halal kerana sudah menjadi bangkai. Ini bertentangan dengan firman Allah SWT di dalam al-Quran.\"Umat Islam diwajibkan makan makanan halal, manakala memakan bangkai diharamkan menurut nas al-Quran,\" katanya menerusi kenyataan di sini, hari ini.Update : Statement by the stall ownerGo wash their stuff and leftover unsold food gip dog eat nia...QUOTESos KosmoKe Paya Terubong bagi anjing makanan tak habis \u2013 Pemilik nasi ayamOleh KOSMO!17 Ogos 2022, 3:47 pmPETALING JAYA \u2013 Pemilik Restoran Ayam dan Itik Sungai Ara menafikan tuduhan kehadiran pekerjanya ke sebuah restoran bukan Islam di Paya Terubong untuk mengambil masakan nasi ayam dan menjualnya di gerai miliknya.Menurut peniaga gerai itu, video permohonan maaf yang dimuat naik oleh mereka sudah menjelaskan tindakan mereka hanya menurunkan barang makanan itu di kedai makanan Cina itu untuk membasuh bekas-bekas makanan sahaja.\u201cKami hanya menghantar makanan yang tidak habis dijual ke restoran di Paya Terubong untuk diberi kepada anjing selain membasuh bekas-bekas dan peralatan makanan di situ.\u201cSalah jika anggap kami ke kedai itu untuk ambil stok makanan, semua makanan di sini kami masak, semua terdiri dari orang Melayu Islam sendiri, kami minta maaf timbulkan keraguan buat para pembeli terutama beragama Islam,\u201d katanya dalam video mohon maaf tersebut.Video mohon maaf tersebut juga menimbul banyak persoalan kepada pengguna terutamanya mengenai jarak yang digunakan untuk membasuh barangan dapur yang jauh dianggap tidak masuk akal.Menurut satu video yang dimuat naik oleh @AjoMamu di TikTok, dia mempersoalkan jarak antara Sungai Ara dan tempat membasuh barang dapur di Paya Terubong sejauh 16 Kilometer.\u201cSangat tidak logik kerana banyak lagi restoran yang berdekatan yang boleh minta tolong untuk dicuci, dan juga paip pula ada di merata tempat, tiada alasan untuk berjalan jauh semata-mata untuk ke sana.\u201cDalam video penjelasan itu, dia menyatakan tempat masak di Gurney perlu disiasat, dan paling penting mereka tak mungkin tidak tahu kedai di Paya Terubong itu ada jual daging babi\u201d katanya.Tinjauan Kosmo! di laman rasmi Facebook pekerja yang memuat naik video tersebut , dia sudah membuang semula video pengakuan itu yang telah dimuat naik dan menutup ruang komen di gambarnya juga.Sekian. Sila bersurai secara aman dan teratur.This post has been edited by hotdayum: Aug 17 2022, 06:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992138147354126} +{"text": "Premis makanan wajib guna logo halal Jakim akhir Meihttp://bit.ly/AjpNtV http://fb.me/1RkVNLFRQ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6345804333686829} +{"text": "Ad if fatwa affecting jew, kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999116659164429} +{"text": "Kalau pi travel pastu cakap susah nak cari makanan halal tu mesti set2 melayu nak cop halal jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.820061445236206} +{"text": "PARLIMEN | Teresa Kok (PH-Seputeh) hari ini mengingatkan seorang ahli parlimen PAS berkenaan langkah parti itu yang pernah menghidangkan bak kut teh halal ketika beberapa pilihan raya kecil (PRK) enam tahun lalu.Menjawab kritikan Salamiah Mohd Nor (PAS-Temerloh) berkenaan pewartaan Bak Kut Teh sebagai makanan warisan negara, kok mengingatkan yang Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS pernah menyediakan 'lamb but teh' dan 'chik kut teh' - yang menggunakan daging kambing dan ayam.\"Saya tak pasti jika Temerloh (Salamiah) pernah sertai penerangan media oleh sayap Muslimat PAS kerana dia lantang (kritik) bak kut teh sebagai manakan warisan.\"Saya harap pemimpin muda dalam kerajaan boleh belajar dengan pemimpin Musliamt PAS, Dr Najihatussalehah Ahmad yang romosi bak kut teh halal sebagai usaha memupuk perpaduan nasional,\" kata Kok ketika berucap dalam perbahasan titah diraja di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.Sebelum itu, Salamiah berkata dia terkejut apabila hidangan itu disenaraikan dalam makanan warisan negara, menyifatkannya sebgai menyentuh sensitiviti umat Islam di Malaysia memandangkan Islam adalah agama persekutuan.Teresa KokDia juga meminta Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Tiong King Sing memberi penjelasan berkenaan perkara itu, selain berkata ada banyak makanan lain yang boleh diterima semua kaum yang boleh dimasukkan ke dalam senarai itu.Mengulas lanjut, Kok menyokong keputusan untuk mengangkat hidangan itu sebelum Singapura berbuat demikian.\"Kalau kita tidak membuat tuntutan yang bak kut teh adalah makanan warisan yang dicipta warga Malaysia, negara jiran kita akan membuat tuntutan mereka dan pelancong luar tidak akan sedar yang ia adalah makanan berasal dari Klang,\" katanya.Selain itu, dia berkata langkah itu juga untuk menarik kedatangan pelancong, khususnya dari Asia Timur, dengan Malaysia turut bersaing dengan negara lain di Asia Tenggara untuk menarik pelancong dari sana.Memetik statistik oleh Persatuan Pelancongan Cina Malaysia, Kok berkata lebih 100,000 pelancong dari China telah melawat Malaysia sejak 5 Februari lalu, menjelang perayaan Tahun Baru Cina.\"Dalam tempoh ini, ada 5,000 kumpulan pelancongan dan pelancong-pelancong ini telah membelanjakan RM1 bilion hingga RM1.5 bilion di negara kita,\" katanya lagi.Menurutnya lagi, antara tarikan Malaysia di kalangan pelancong China adalah masyarakat yang pelbagai budaya dan bahasa serta kepelbagaian makanan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7388617992401123} +{"text": "Sijil halal ditarik balik\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f. Its not easy to maintain the halal status", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9972838163375854} +{"text": "Isu halal ke haram ni, mmg dh lama jadi isu. Skrg yg viral Bubule tea. Netizen, FYI utk dptkan sijil halal jakim prosedurnya sngtlah susah dan rumit. Pegawai yg nak meluluskan isu sijil halal ni akn teliti tukang masak, kebersihan lantai, https://t.co/zqfjV0hckT", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "Info AkhbarKod 'E' bukan bermakna semua produk makanan ada ramuan haram\n\nKANGAR - Tidak semua produk makanan yang tertera kod \u2018E\u2019 adalah haram, kata Pengarah Sekretariat Majlis Halal Malaysia, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Dato' Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991355538368225} +{"text": "Terima kasih sebab ada yang faham. Sijil halal JAKIM, untuk pengendali makanan dan minuman, hanyalah satu STANDARD yang perlu diperolehi untuk melariskan perniagaan. \nPeniaga yang bijak, akan memohon status halal JAKIM supaya dapat menarik lebih ramai pelanggan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9877819418907166} +{"text": "Agama Buddha pun sama, kata ini tidak digalakkan itu tidak digalakkan, ada masa gunakan secara bermanfaat.Saya sebagai penganut pertama kali dengar pun rasa tu agama bosan yang menyeksakan.Tapi lepas dengar penjelasan panjang lebar baru tahu masih boleh bermain tapi jangan sampai terlalu taksub, terjebak dan ketagih sampai lupa diri. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "QUOTE(FactsHurt @ May 22 2017, 05:55 PM)In the eyes of pious muslims, you're the evil person. Apa macam?What if he calls you a liberal munafiqun?those who labelling another Muslims are just plain the same , right amon_meizhttp://www.islamictreasure.com/856-beware-...hers-as-kaafir/Determining whether someone is a kaafir or a faasiq (\u0641\u0627\u0633\u0642) is not up to us, rather it is up to Allah, may He be exalted, and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This is one of the rulings of sharee\u2019ah that is to be referred to the Qur\u2019aan and Sunnah, so we should be very careful and base our judgement on clear proof. No one may be judged to be a kaafir or faasiq except the one whom the Qur\u2019aan and Sunnah indicate is a kaafir or faasiq.The basic principle is that the one who appears outwardly to be a Muslim of good character is regarded as still being a Muslim of good character, until it is proven that this is no longer the case by means of evidence that is acceptable in sharee\u2019ah. It is not permissible to take lightly the matter of judging someone to be a kaafir or faasiq, because that involves two very serious matters:1 \u2013 It implies fabricating lies against Allah with regard to this ruling, and fabricating lies against the one who is being judged.2 \u2013 Falling into that which one accused one\u2019s brother of, if he is free from that.Be careful who you call Kafir because only Allah knows who is truly a rejector and who is merely a misguided person. It is not up to us to \u201csentence\u201d a person to the Hellfire.[U]We must always maintain courtesy, diplomacy and a never-dying zeal to convey the message to others no matter how discouraging or useless it may seem \u2013 don\u2019t give up on a non-muslim because most people are good people who simply need a break from the anti-Islamic propaganda around them.This post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: May 22 2017, 06:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8168042898178101} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 12 2023, 10:09 AM)The only one putar belit here is y'all. If you haven't noticed, even on this thread itself have multiple conflicting reasons why it's haram. It seems like y'all don't even know what's what.And I shall reiterate again. Chinese cooking wine is not arak. Arak = alcoholic beverage. It is not drinkable at all. According to someone's Mufti link here, I don't see any category listed there that makes Chinese cooking wine haram. The mufti link specifically points out arak is haram, but as I said, cooking wine is not arak. The fact it contains alcohol does not make it an arak, which is exactly what the link says too (basically not all alcoholic products are arak). Yes it went through the same process as making an arak, but so is Tapai. They're both literally the same thing - fermentation of rice.The same mufti link also says Tapai is halal but avoids the obvious problem i.e. Tapai has high alcohol percentage and you can definitely can intoxicated with it. There's a lot of social media posts of people getting mabuk by eating tapai. You can find it yourself. So it seems technically one can consume a halal food and yet be in a haram state lol.I shall post the clauses here again\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSetiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.> not a miniman arak..can't even minum bro..drink cooking wine is like drinking soy sauce!Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.> irrelevantMinuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.> irrelevantManakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.> no one is drinking itMakanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.> technically fits the bill for cooking wineMakanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.> conflicted if it can be considered as bahan perisa but I think it should be? it's not a drink and it's used as seasoning.> as bahan perisa, then it probably makes it legal because 1) you don't get drunk from it few drops of it lol 2) i guess you need to measure the alcholic percetange in claypot rice to be <0.5% which i'm pretty sure it is lmfaoUbat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.> irrelevantLOL. You can interprate as you like. We never needed to listen anyway ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995481371879578} +{"text": "dengar boleh, percaya susah sebab Menteri sendiri pun boleh buat exception to the rule ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9827268123626709} +{"text": "QUOTE(anakMY @ Mar 4 2024, 02:09 PM)How do u wipe out the terrorists who live among civilians? Most probably u gonna wipe them all out to clear off all the terrorists.So how you think is the best to do this? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "Korang kena datang kat sini. Makanan semua padu. Tukang masak dia diiktiraf oleh JAKIM dengan masterchef. https://x.com/asramee/status/asramee/status/754287335026466817\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997840523719788} +{"text": "QUOTE(oe_kintaro @ Jan 8 2024, 11:50 PM)I think the majority of local muslims would be too fearful to have an own opinion. Defer back to the learned ulama opinion is the default answer: better not rock the boat.i believe mostly even some don't agree will just keep quiet.worry of getting backlashed and targetted. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.818296492099762} +{"text": "Hampeh tanam haram jual macam harga halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996898174285889} +{"text": "@ibrahimjunaidii @jufriiiii Isu dalam Malaysia dengan oversea tu lain.. Jakim meyakinkan rakyat Malaysia yg premis yg ada sijil JAKIM tu halal dan toyyiban.. Kalau nak persoal kes kedai muslim yang tak sijil tu, at least kita tau dia muslim.. Yang tahu hukum dan cara nk sediakn makanan..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999953031539917} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Jul 29 2019, 08:38 AM)Yes if root beer not haram, apesal nk bising mcm org kampung yg tak pernah keluar kat bandar?Root beer mcm lah Heineken zero. Concept is the same, different taste.Sendiri yang sesat dan kurang akar, jangan tuju kat org.Hello Taliban Sesat...You should know what is Root Beer and what is Heineken. Daun ketum ekor babi..tu datang dpd babi ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "QUOTE(Daniel John @ Oct 19 2016, 10:17 AM)titik andaTldr versionMalaysiakini suka putar belit, sama tahi macam utusan, only in nicer packaging ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958376884460449} +{"text": "@NabilHussein Sama laaaa. Haritu makan dekat new cafe yang baru buka, ramai komen halal ke makan dekat situ. Allah. Dah pekerja dari chef ke pelayan semua islam. Ada sijil halal. Kita tak bodoh lagi makan kedai tak halal \ud83d\ude2d dia pegang tangan bf pun haram juga \ud83d\ude2d", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "\": Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985871315002441} +{"text": "Taktau pulak herba apa weh. Jumpa dekat mall nama kedai dia Tan Ngan Lo. Nampak ada logo halal yakin sikit nak try haha.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.977985143661499} +{"text": "QUOTE(galkelly @ Jan 16 2022, 11:10 PM)the fact that she has to wait until viral only action will be taken...this is budaya kita dynormal la ,sensation and viral come 1st ,from dalgona ,squid game ,pokemon go ma..Monkey see monkey do ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964761137962341} +{"text": "@ashrhafazuddin biar ah. aku nk selidik makanan yg halal and haram. aku nk kerja ngan jakim. jd saintis mknan. kau ape tahu :P", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "Smpai bila umat islam Malaysia nk makan makanan Haram. Apa JAKIM bodoh lampi ka? Tk boleh buat satu logo yg boleh scan mcm scan harga ka?", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998439610004425} +{"text": "QUOTE(anip94 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:50 PM)pigs eats it own fecesI see, so this is also the reason y dog are haram too? bcoz dog love to eat their own pooh, dunno y they just love it, u just cant stop them.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998847246170044} +{"text": "QUOTE(RicoT @ Oct 19 2016, 09:50 PM)Malay sian easily confuse, earn money honestly is haram, curi and songlap is halal. Maybe this is Jakim logic bah...inb4 Sabah people know what \"Serve No Pork\" means, only Semenanjung confuse easily.serve no pork ok.. but Pork Free.. that Confious .. hahahaha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924367070198059} +{"text": "Pergi mati la bodoh makanan tu halal ke haram. Hang was2 jangan makan, simple! Kedai makcik tepi jalan tu pun takde sijil halal pun dia display, kau bedal jugak makan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999845027923584} +{"text": "QUOTE(bakry @ Jun 10 2019, 11:08 AM)http://kemusykilan.islam.gov.my/v2/index_j...p?ids=103886&q=Assalamualaikum w.b.t,Saudara / Saudari yang dirahmati Allah,Minuman malta ini tidak mendapat sijil halal dari jakim. Mohon menyemak sama ada minuman tersebut tertera logo halal atau tidak.Ini kerana, ada minuman malta yang dihasilkan adalah halal dan ianya bukanlah dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak.Mohon merujuk fatwa yang dinyatakan:Berdasarkan taklimat, pembentangan dan penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh pakar-pakar daripada Institut Penyelidikan Produk Halal, Universiti Putra Malaysia serta dengan mengambilkira keputusan-keputusan yang telah diputuskan dalam Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia terdahulu, Muzakarah Khas Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia yang membincangkan isu alkohol dalam makanan, minuman, pewangi dan ubat-ubatan pada 14 hingga 16 Julai 2011 telah bersetuju memutuskan seperti berikut: Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis. Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh. Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum. Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum. Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh ) dimakan/diminum. Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%. Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak. Wallahua'lamQUOTEMinuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.Really???So Shandy less than 1% right? So all my muslim bro come rejoiice tonight! Kita minum sampai tak mabuk!Harus di minum! (You SHOULD drink!) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988755583763123} +{"text": "differences between struturals1. cannot change rules + people cannot quitrules good, people happy, rules not favorites, people sufferexample\uff1a cheong is haram, \uff1f% people happy, prevent HIVrokok is haram, 50% happy, prevent cancer, 25% not happy, no rokok how to relieve stress, 25% haram\uff1fayam dont care tak tau forevermadam kwan no halal cert, \uff1f% happy \uff1f% unhappy \uff1f% tak tau forever2. cannot change rules + people can quitbabi haram forever, indo mau makan then just convert3. can change rules + people cannot quitusually gangster, god father says change rule then change, member want change membership need to die or left their fingers4. can change rules + people can quit2/3 to amend constitution, lu tak suka lu balik cinaMalaysia casein legal context, most at number 4 + little number 1in social context, 50% number 1 and growinggood or bad\uff1f i dont know ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998657703399658} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackpink @ Dec 30 2019, 06:03 PM)noticed there some stalls thats are halal certified and some muslim owned which does not have halal cert, whats the difference? if the muslim who owned the restaurant is like ahmad who go friday prayers but at night go zouk then how? - quoted from SMRTmuslims should boycott muslim restaurants without the cert becoz there's a lot of requirements to obtain the cert and one of it is in the food preparation process. if u don't wanna fall sick to some strange viral disease .. better just stick to those showing halal cert at least u know they made an effort to obtain the cert and that automatically means \"cleaner\" food. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(friendly_ip @ Jan 17 2022, 11:39 PM)Solving problem not budaya kitalet the system lieve with flawsso they need mintak tolongso i can choose when to show up tolong to make me look like god lola bit hard actually because cannot prove her father's DNA and he is missing. frossonice if pm tml comes to you to settle the rohana, you print the IC to her or not? and based on what you print it? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987190961837769} +{"text": "makanan halal haram buat main ye sekarang ni. halal ni bukan dari segi bahan tu halal atau haram sahaja. halal ni jugak dari segi kebersihan. kalau makanan tu dah tak dapat sijil halal faham2 jela.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9740564227104187} +{"text": "QUOTE(silkysilk @ Dec 29 2023, 10:04 AM)Kalo pigi saksikan orang kahwin Di rumah ibadat tanpa mengikuti upacara pun salah?I think should be no problem..right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958645105361938} +{"text": "QUOTE(eksk @ Oct 20 2016, 02:09 PM)eh if not haram then why the A&W have to change Coney Dog to Coney Chicken/Beef..Root Beer rename to RBi heard it's one of the rules to get jakim halal certification. name must not be misleading. deswai even F&N Root Beer cordial has been renamed to Rut Bhttps://eshop.tesco.com.my/groceries/en-GB/...ucts/7000519405 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966142773628235} +{"text": "At least jakim ada effort nak elakkan kita dari mkan makanan yg haram. Toksah pertikaikan lagi boleh tak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960777163505554} +{"text": "dont eat ferraro rocher la, haramhttps://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5078914&hl= ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954482913017273} +{"text": "QUOTE(Moshpit94 @ Dec 14 2016, 08:10 PM)Pegang je dik, niat dah baik, hiraukan org ckp apa pon. Dah hbis pegang nti samak la badan dan pakaian jika terkena. Orang yg dok kutuk ini harom xleh apa bagai tu sbb depa diajar dri kecik hingga bsr ilmu syariat je (hukum hakam) dn dsbbkn hukum hakam ni ler depa amik alih kerja tuhan huhu (tp yg tegur cara elok tu xpa), depa cuma x didedahkan ilmu yg lain lg huhuBukan samak. Sertu.Samak tu kalau nak cuci kulit binatang untuk buat beg Hermes RM800k je. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985900521278381} +{"text": "Tidak dapat pengesahan halal JAKIM tak menjadikan sesuatu makanan itu haram. Hukum asal bagi sesuatu makanan adalah halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965577721595764} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Dec 30 2016, 06:43 PM)They should've just banned outside food regardless of reason. Would've made things a lot easier for them, especially when they're just following guidelines. If they didn't state the obvious, someone would start spreading false rumours on McD's Halal status for the umpteenth time.Yeah, they should supply their own cakes too. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(tongsanfish @ Sep 27 2021, 10:12 AM)\"Naomi Neomi Francis, 55\"\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dmy brain fry abit therereminded me about my kinabalu guide, name sound so catholic but suddenly talk about pray 5 times a day lolThere is actually no rule to use arabic name if u are muslim.U can use whatever names as long it have good meaning.Use chinese name can, use english name also can.. No problem.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929083585739136} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 31 2019, 12:30 PM)But what if he she knows is haram and pretend to not know is haram? Have to interrogate them first lah and hold them for couple of days baru OK.Well if he/she intentionally ate haram food then he/she has sinned la. What's so hard to understand? They get arrested/interrogated for doing what? Eating Mee Goreng cooked in lard or actual Pork Burger? As I said, if JJ has a case that the person has gone against some law, then can arrest la. I am not sure myself what is the (human) law on eating pork for a muslim here (I think it's different based on each state's syariah law). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "ermmm. .makanan tak salah kalau dari sumber halal tapi peralatan & perkakas yang dia guna tu comfirm ka bersih dari bahan haram?? Kenapa owner kedai perlu letak nama kedai Kak Siti bukan kedai Ah Beng ka Ah seng ka!??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7729057669639587} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeaXG @ Dec 27 2023, 10:42 PM)Conclusion is because of cina.If roadside malay stall but no halal cert = no issueIf cina food shop VERY POPULAR WITH FRUITY and no halal cert = banyak issueLogically speaking, it's race issue.FIXED ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.826291024684906} +{"text": "\notai_g replied at 6-5-2023 06:50 AM\nKat msia kalo ko kata tersalah makan dkt kedai yg jual babi ko mmg bodoh Dan elok Mati sajer. Mmg te ...\nni on9 order la...sekarang ni aku pun rasa was was dlm tu ramai jual nasi lemak..review by Melayu..nama kedai Melayu..skali yg jual x sunat..kesah apa dorang ni kalau nak menipu\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Nov 5 2023, 10:12 PM)Jangan buat bodoh. All nons walk on eggshells when dealing with you puak. Criticize a bit then maruah tercabar, call us pendatang, tak sedar diri, ini bumi milik siapa, tak suka boleh balik tongsan/india. Like I said, vegan. Damn annoying.Probably because they low self-esteem. People who are pandai, no need to go around calling others stupid unless they got personality disorder. Dunno why certain people like to go around saying things like \"pork free not equal to halal\".Speaking of which.https://islamqa.info/en/answers/231261/ever...oven-prohibitedQUOTE1. The scholars set a rule that says that in principle everything is permissible, and they based this rule on Shar`i evidence. 2. With regard to food, drink, clothing and soap (and cleaning materials), this rule is to be followed with regard to everything concerning which there is no Shar`i text. 3. With regard to meat that is available in a Muslim or Christian country, it is deemed to be permissible, unless it is proven that it was slaughtered by a method that is contrary to Islamic rulings. 4. With regard to products for which there is no Shar`i evidence that they are prohibited, or the list of ingredients does not include any components that are prohibited or are harmful, then we rule that it is permissible and pure. 5. The basic principle concerning clothing is that it is permissible except what is excluded by Islamic rulings, such as silk which is prohibited for men, and some animal skins that cannot be purified by means of tanning.So basically, the \"halal\" ain't exactly a requirement. As not as it is not haram, it is permissible. Even their own puak don't know their own rules, but they wait for their masters to tell them how to think. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997677206993103} +{"text": "@radioikimfm Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994131326675415} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Sep 8 2023, 09:13 PM)a better question to ask is some haram things can tutup mata but some die die cannot. why?actually we already know the answer but ask for fun onlywell judi and rokok also haram butttt iykyk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "Makanan Halal, Bersih, Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia\n@imammudaasyraf ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992433786392212} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jasonist @ Jul 24 2024, 03:51 PM)who is that customer??? kasi dox dia punya cb face la.. niamah u tak suka u jgn masuk makan la sial.. confront palak otak mak ko hijau latype mamak? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998785257339478} +{"text": "Best guest why is because of the word brewhttps://twitter.com/hezryhaizad/status/1632807676689383425Got a discussion going on. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9620139598846436} +{"text": "QUOTE(mafioso @ May 2 2024, 11:28 PM)if very best friend = 0if best friend = 50 also they understand you kacau them saja, later transfer another 100if good friend = 150if acquaintance = just say you are busyhttps://news.seehua.com/post/1067762Not RM 200 - RM 300? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982060194015503} +{"text": "QUOTE(Icehart @ Feb 28 2015, 10:32 PM)Last time I worked in this ice-cream business and my ice-creams are all certified Halal by Jakim. Actually it is not hard to apply for Halal certification if you're starting from new as you have the opportunity to make it right from the start, as opposed to currently operating firms who needs to adjust to the specifications. Just follow the application and the process and always ask for advise if you do not know. They're very friendly. When they come to perform site audit and visit, always explain to them the process and make sure your premise is clean. Don't try to bribe the officers (I have to mention this) as they are very strict on it - no bribes. All the best and good luck.thank you very muchi will slowly go through what you told meit helped me alot thanks alot ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "QUOTE(lucifer_666 @ Dec 23 2020, 04:11 PM)Exactly.Beriman pada cop halal jakim, macam ni la jadinya. Kalau xder cop halal, jadi macam beruk kena belacan.Kalau ada rumours pasal cop halal tak sah sibuk viral tanpa periksa, last-last macam cicak makan kapur.standard halal jakim sbnrnya merepek je...ada nama dog pun terus x dapat halal...benda kotor pun xleh dapat halal...pada hal nabi time lalat hinggap dalam makanan baginda, baginda siap celup lg. Tapi nk buat cmna, org lagi trust jakim. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997424483299255} +{"text": "Muslim still don't realize or maybe too scared to realize. That some (obviously ridiculous) hadis are just hearsay created by some people who have own ideas in their minds, saying its from Muhammad. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "QUOTE(ralfvi @ Oct 20 2014, 06:26 PM)Setuju sangat Bro. fellowship nie sesuai dekat middle earth atau pun kat mordor\u00a0 \u00a0 jer .aku takmau orang terkonfius kita dengan ikhwanul musliminko paham2 la /k suka label orang tariban lah apa lah.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999955415725708} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum.... Pekabor belaka? Duk ghaya lagi ke tu?? Ada plan nak buat aqiqah ke?? Jom.... Inbox saya... Catering yg mmpunyai sijil halal.... Sijil MESTI dan KKM.... Pilihan menu terbaik, berkualiti... Service\u2026 https://t.co/45BeDWlokZ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999756395816803} +{"text": "QUOTE(tatabun @ Apr 12 2023, 06:30 PM)\ud83d\ude02what is this akka shop operating hours and days ya? tot wanna go tapao this weekendMaybachS600 superbike kam go sapot akkafrom 6am.anyway, already vrooom in the FB comments. Claiming its not halal. And muslim mesti makanan yang dimasak oleh muslim saje. topkek sei sohai, xde orang suruh ko pi makan kot, oyen mmg kuat dengki. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.970658540725708} +{"text": "Tiada isu kite cari isu sensasi. Itu kerja kite org malas buat kerja. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "Kempunan Kuih Chang sempena Pesta Bot Naga? Cuba versi halalhttp://www.themalaymailonline.com/projekmm...uba-versi-halalPUTRAJAYA, 7 Jun \u2014 Siti Rafitah Rakhimi, 32, sering tertarik dengan keunikan Kuih Chang atau Ketupat Cina, sejenis makanan tradisional masyarakat Cina yang hangat dijual menjelang Pesta Duan Wu (Pesta Bot Naga) yang lazimnya disambut pada pertengahan tahun. Malah, ditambah pula dengan rakan-rakan Cina yang sering menggambarkan kelazatan Kuih Chang yang dibalut dengan daun dan berinti daging, kekacang dan telur masin menyebabkan beliau sangat teringin untuk mencubanya. Terdetik di hati Siti Rafitah untuk menghasilkan Kuih Chang halal yang boleh dimakan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat memandangkan ia sukar untuk dicari di pasaran, ditambah pula dengan keinginan kuat untuk mencubanya. Oleh itu, beliau mengkaji resepi Kuih Chang menerusi internet dan mengubahsuaikannya mengikut cita rasa halal serta mempelajari cara-cara membalut Kuih Chang melalui Youtube bermula dua tahun lepas. \u201cKetika percubaan pertama pada dua tahun lepas, Kuih Chang saya tidak begitu menjadi kerana saya tidak mahir membalut Kuih Chang menyebabkan isinya terburai daripada balutan ketika merebusnya. \u201cNamun, saya tidak berhenti untuk mencuba berkali-kali dengan merujuk kepada resepi, Youtube dan memberi Kuih Chang yang telah siap dimasak kepada rakan-rakan Cina untuk mencubanya bagi mendapatkan maklum balas daripada mereka,\u201d katanya kepada Bernama. Ubahsuai resepi mengikut cita rasa pelanggan Berkongsi pengalamannya menyediakan Kuih Chang Halal, pegawai sumber manusia di sebuah syarikat swasta itu berkata kebanyakan resepi yang diperoleh daripada internet adalah yang tidak halal. \u201cKuih Chang tidak halal biasanya menggunakan daging dan minyak khinzir untuk menjadikannya lebih lemak dan lembut namun saya mengubahsuaikannya dengan menggunakan daging ayam dan sos tiram. \u201cJika mahu menghasilkan Kuih Chang yang lembut dan lazat, daging ayam hendaklah menggunakan bahagian paha kerana kebiasaanya bahagian itu lebih lemak dan lembut... sekiranya menggunakan bahagian lain Kuih Chang akan menjadi keras kerana daging ayam yang kering,\u201d katanya. Antara bahan yang perlu bagi menyediakan Kuih Chang ialah beras pulut yang siap dimasak, ayam, kuning telur masin, kekacang dan udang kering. \u2014 Foto BernamaKebiasaannya Siti Rafitah akan menyediakan bahan-bahan seperti beras pulut, kacang, daging ayam, kuning telur, udang kecil, bawang goreng dan daun buluh sehari sebelum membalut dan merebus Kuih Chang. \u201cBagi menghasilkan Kuih Chang yang enak, saya akan menggoreng sendiri kacang tanah, udang kecil dan bawang goreng sehingga rangup walaupun bahan-bahan itu ada dijual dalam bentuk segera kerana ia akan membuat Kuih Chang lebih wangi. \u201cSelain itu, daun buluh yang digunakan untuk membalut Kuih Chang perlu direndam dalam air garam selama satu malam bagi melembutkannya sebelum balutan dibuat,\u201d katanya. Kelazatan kuih Chang bergantung kepada kemahiran menyediakan bahan-bahan inti daging dan jenis beras pulut yang digunakan. \u201cDaripada segi beras pulut pula, saya memilih beras pulut yang ditempah khas dari Kedah kerana ia lebih wangi dan melekit. \u201cApabila beras melekit, intinya mudah diresap dan rasanya lebih enak selepas direbus,\u201d katanya. Setiap kali proses merebus Kuih Chang, Siti Rafitah akan meletakkan lima biji Kuih Chang yang telah siap dibalut ke dalam periuk dan merebusnya selama dua setengah jam. \u201cAir mestinya melebihi paras Kuih Chang supaya ia betul-betul direbus dan dimasak,\u201d katanya. Setiap Kuih Chang akan tahan selama seminggu jika disimpan di tempat kering, manakala sebulan jika disimpan dalam peti sejuk. \u201cSekirannya mereka ingin memanaskannya, mereka hanya perlu mengukuskannya selama 30 minit sebelum dimakan,\u201d kata beliau. Ambil tempahan ketika bulan Ramadan Pada asalnya, Siti Rafitah hanya mahu menikmati sendiri Kuih Chang Halal yang dihasilkan sendiri dan tidak menyangka niat untuk menambahbaik resepinya menerusi rakan-rakannya membawa kepada pengambilan tempahan untuk tujuan perniagaan. \u201cSaya tidak terfikir untuk mengambil tempahan kerana niat asal hanya mahu memenuhi kehendak lidah saya yang teringin mahu makan Kuih Chang. \u201cNamun, setelah mengambil kira cadangan rakan-rakan Cina yang menyatakan Kuih Chang buatan saya itu sedap, akhirnya saya membuat keputusan untuk mengambil tempahan membuat Kuih Chang tetapi hanya daripada kenalan rapat,\u201d katanya. Sempena dengan sambutan Perayaan Duan Wu atau Lumba Perahu Naga pada 9 Jun ini, beliau turut menerima banyak tempahan daripada rakan-rakan Cina selain daripada golongan Cina Muslim. \u201cKetika bulan Ramadan juga, saya turut menerima banyak tempahan daripada rakan-rakan Muslim untuk juadah berbuka puasa. \u201cAda dalam kalangan mereka yang tidak boleh makan daging khinzir, jadi mereka akan menempah Kuih Chang Ayam daripada saya dan membuat \u2018special request\u2019 seperti tidak mahu terlalu masin,\u201d katanya. Tempahan hendaklah dilakukan sebelum hari Jumaat setiap minggu dan beliau hanya menerima sehingga 130 biji tempahan sahaja. \u201cOleh kerana saya bekerja pada waktu pejabat dari Isnin hingga Jumaat, saya hanya memanfaatkan masa selepas balik dari kerja dan hujung minggu untuk memasak Kuih Chang,\u201d katanya. Setiap biji Kuih Chang ayam dijual pada harga RM4, namun harganya juga bergantung kepada permintaan pelanggan daripada segi penambahan bahan. \u201cContohnya, jika mereka mahu Kuih Chang itu ditambah dengan chestnut (biji buah berangan), saya akan menaikkan sedikit harganya kepada RM4.50 kerana chestnut harganya lebih mahal,\u201d katanya. Pelajari cita rasa pelbagai kaum menerusi resepi Kuih Chang Menerusi tempahan Kuih Chang juga, beliau banyak mempelajari tentang citarasa pelanggannya yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum. \u201cPelanggan Melayu pula sukakan Kuih Chang masin berbanding dengan pelanggan Cina yang sukakan Kuih Chang tawar tetapi banyak inti,\u201d katanya. Oleh kerana tertarik dengan keunikan Kuih Chang ayam iaitu pulut berintikan daging ayam, cendawan dan kekacang, ada dalam kalangan pelanggan Melayu semakin menyukai rasanya setelah mencubanya. \u201cPada mulanya mereka berasa pelik kerana selalunya pulut berinti manis tetapi pulut Kuih Chang ini berintikan daging... Lama kelamaan mereka sudah biasa dan mula menyukainya selepas mencubanya,\u201d katanya. \u2014 Bernama ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6706233620643616} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Apr 25 2024, 09:52 AM)Most likely don't know what is going on. For nons, the funeral procession is restricted to certain times of the day and need to apply. Cannot just go out suka hati. For malays, a funeral procession is rare, how would they know what is going on?this...thats why la some of those people yg bising2 ni semua tak ada otak punya orangpolis also, shoudl have been there to control the road...if got police tutup jalan, people wont be honking also ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999374151229858} +{"text": "QUOTE(darkLapland @ Feb 1 2023, 01:44 PM)The viral partNow everyone knowSince this Asyraf is IT tech guys..All IT will knowif Asyraf doesn't remove FB post, then HP should remove their distribution from them loh as sincere apology. both side part ways, and don't need to deal with each other again. win win for both. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(hteekay @ Dec 27 2023, 04:38 PM)LOL, you're the stupid one saying that Halal/Haram only apply to food la brolol do you even read my SECOND LINEhalal/haram food not same as halal/haram activity (perbuatan)like its not even on same tableyou cannot eat something you do (working/playing/etc) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999324083328247} +{"text": "\n\n I see.\n \n So what happens if you ate something you presumed it was halal, but later it is proven to be haram? Do you get the punishment?\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "QUOTE(Prestigemedia @ Jul 7 2024, 11:56 PM)Bought one tumblr montigo for my wife ,, I try my best to give it all she wants What so special about this? The price quite expenisve ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997935891151428} +{"text": "RT : Hati, badan, dan pakaian, mesti bersih; makanan yg dimakan halal, mohon dg sungguh2, tp tdk memaksa http://mtw.tl/lcafoy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999967098236084} +{"text": "QUOTE(yed @ May 3 2021, 01:15 PM)in islam there is amal maaruf nahi mungkar means it is responsibility of muslim to invite other for good and deter the sins. All muslims know this.but i dont know recording and harassing also included ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998099207878113} +{"text": "Newbie masuk F&B and expect to work miracle, if u are not in F&B line, at least go work as a staff and understand the flow dulu.I know many chef start from small like a stall, then only move to restaurant, then expand. The best Halal restaurant i think should be Mohd Chan. They have a set of training in place.This post has been edited by yhtan: Feb 27 2024, 03:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998651742935181} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 23 2020, 06:34 PM)Best food is individual taste. According to the video poster, the best cakoi to them is the one that they show in the video. What makes you think the they didn't try other cakoi ? Interpersonal taste bruhIm answering your flawed analogy. You talk about chinese calling their shitty nasi lemak as nasi lemak, saying malay all diam only, how come this situation chinese all bising.So i highlight the differences in the comparison lor, bruhhhI tot all muslim all holier than thou one, so obviously they didnt try alot of types since most chinese made one dont bother getting halal certificate. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999693632125854} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Jan 7 2024, 12:17 PM)When hard to criticize the competent monster performance, some racist people tend to use R&R card to target and viral.exactly, eating pork has nothing to do with performance... i'd argue malaysia would be better off if people stop wasting time bickering who eats pork, drinks or wear shortsThis post has been edited by tolongking: Jan 7 2024, 02:13 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983495473861694} +{"text": "Just wondering kalau orang bukak kedai makan tanpa kedepankan image owner/sentimen kaum, tak best ka? Like Darsa. Let's say dia bukak kedai ayam goreng, apply Halal Jakim, and market it as Malaysian Fried Chicken Darsa, dijamin Halal. Cover bab halal and boleh attract all.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9892529845237732} +{"text": "Seriau aku baca bahan cerita CikYanie nie.. Semak dulu pergi ke kedai berkenaan sndiri dapatkan kesahihan. Abis tu makcik2 yg dduk meniaga gerai tepi jalan tu xder pun sijil halal knp Darsa yg jadi mangsa kamu?Hati2 lah Fitnah dihujung jari, dosa fitnah lebih besar dari membunuh.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911646246910095} +{"text": "QUOTE(AllnGap @ Sep 10 2020, 07:48 AM)The question is it tasty ?Golden rule. If haram sure best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997130036354065} +{"text": "damn buat nama bolehland buruk....malu la wei ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "@lilyzahani Halal twitter sebab twitter ni medium hot orang tengok lagi lagi isu boba xifu tang halal- takde sijil halal - dah ade sijil halal hm sampai rasa ni kalo ade medium kat twitter best jugak macam medtweet tu ade je tag dr dr berkaitan. \ud83d\udc4d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999091625213623} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Mar 6 2024, 07:13 AM)Recently, Bak Kut Teh was announced to be among the 10 foods gazetted as heritage foods by the Heritage Commissioner Mohamad Muda Bahadin in the Declaration of Heritage Object 2024.Following this, many got involved in condemning and defending the dish\u2019s stand in the declaration, causing quite the drama.Now, Parit Buntar MP Mohd Misbahul Munir Masduki is getting dragged online for using Wikipedia as a reference during a debate in Parliament with Ipoh Timor MP Howard Lee. The latter showcased the incident on his Twitter page.Howard Lee wrote, \u201cWhat does the term \u2018Bak\u2019 mean in \u201cBak Kut Teh\u2019? What does \u2018Bak\u2019 mean in \u2018Bak Kut Teh\u2019? PAS is trying to distort the meaning of the term Bak Kut Teh in Parliament. Ask Hokkien people first.\u201d\u201cThe government is working to add value to Malaysia\u2019s heritage culture as part of the efforts to develop the dine infrastructure that tourism offers. The opposition, on the other hand, wants to find issues to play Haram-Halal.\u201dIn the video, Howard Lee could be seen arguing that \u2018Bak\u2019 means \u2018meat\u2019, which could be any meat with examples such as pork and beef. He added that he knows this because he is of Hokkien heritage.He then accused the opposition party of lying, by insisting \u2018Bak\u2019 only means \u2018pork\u2019, to cause problems.\u201cBut, I referred to Wikipedia, \u2018Bak\u2019 actually refers to pork ribs and bones soup,\u201d the Parit Buntar MP said in response.This didn\u2019t sit well with many Malaysians as Wikipedia is a platform where its pages can be edited by literally anyone.\u201cParliament should be among the first references by scholars, where scientific and analytic ideas are discussed. But PAS MPs are bringing in Wikipedia into Parliament. Very stupid.\u201d\u201cThis is the level of PAS MPs, you\u2019re referencing Wikipedia? Even at Diploma level they don\u2019t allow the usage of Wikipedia as an academic reference source.\u201d\u201cThe PAS member is using Wikipedia as a reference? Even with assignments we\u2019re not allowed to source Wikipedia.\u201dHulu Langat MP Mohd Sany Hamzan was backing up Howard Lee in this argument, which made it so much more entertaining.https://worldofbuzz.com/pas-mp-bashed-for-r...lNvktsiq4pLImd9gaeria84 let say if you live in a dimension (dream on ah walaun PeeN supporter) that Puas won and govern the country. With idiots like this ruling the country and Dr Sammy is nothing but a puppet remote control by Hady, the country will be so badly governed, that your whole family will become lu suka lu keluar.Wanna find jobs from Kelantan to Selangor (lu suka lu keluar) - not havewanna find clean water from kelantan to selangor - not havebecause you have to go to indonesia with ur family to become maid for life. Lu suka lu keluar. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9523142576217651} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaidi @ May 22 2017, 06:18 PM)this is just good practise, not haram to the core. if muslim don't want to follow, then don't.just like smoking is haram, yet many muslim doing it.When it comes to smoking, all of a sudden 'different interpretation' is allowed' ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985210299491882} +{"text": "\r\nIndustri hiburan Korea Selatan benar-benar berjaya menarik ramai pelancong untuk ke sana. Mana tidaknya, disana terdapat pelbagai lokasi penggambaran menarik, suasana Korea Selatan yang dipamerkan di dalam filem, drama dan muzik video juga berjaya mempopularkan destinasi-destinasi di Korea. Tidak hairanlah, ramai juga rakyat Malaysia berminat untuk melancong ke sana.\n\n\nBagi pengembara Muslim, soal makanan dan minuman adalah antara cabaran terbesar apabila melancong ke negara yang mempunyai bilangan Muslim yang rendah seperti Korea Selatan. Makanan yang kelihatan begitu lazat di dalam televisyen dan internet belum tentu dapat kita nikmati kerana cara penyediaan dan bahan yang digunakan adalah tidak halal.\n\n\nTapi, jangan risau sebab hari ini kami akan menyenaraikan 5 restoran halal yang anda boleh cuba bila melancong di Seoul, Korea Selatan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. EID Halal Korean Food\nAlamat: 67 Usadan-ro 10-gil, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea\n\n\nApabila bercakap tentang makanan Halal dan Seoul, satu nama yang anda akan lihat sering muncul ialah EID.Terletak berdekatan dengan Masjid Pusat Seoul (Seoul Central Mosque), restoran yang dikendalikan oleh keluarga Korea yang beragama Islam ini adalah kegemaran ramai pengembara Muslim. Terokai masakan asli Korea mereka seperti bibimbap, bulgogi dan banchan (hidangan sampingan) tanpa had!\n\n\nSumber Surgaroute.com\n\n\n\n\n2. Makan Restaurant Korean Halal Food\nAlamat: 52, Usadan-ro 10 gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea 140-911\n\n\nSelang beberapa kedai dari restoran EID, anda akan temui sebuah lagi restoran mesra Muslim dengan nama Restoran Makan Halal. Walaupun nama restoran ini diambil dari perkataan Bahasa Melayu iaitu 'Makan', tetapi menu-menu disini adalah menu asli Korea. Kedai makan ini menampilkan pilihan kegemaran tempatan seperti bulgogi daging lembu, dakdoritang (ayam direbus dalam kuah pedas), mulnaengmyeon (mi sejuk) dan banyak lagi, serta dosirak (bekal makan tengah hari Korea yang dibungkus) jika anda lebih gemar untuk bawa pulang.\n\n\nSumber Surgaroute.com\n\n\n\n\n3. HAJJ Korea Halal Food\nAlamat: South Korea, Seoul, Yongsan-gu, Hannam-dong, Usadan-ro 10-gil, 39 1\n\n\nTerletak tidak jauh dari Masjid Itaewon, Hajj Korea Halal Food sangat sesuai untuk hidangan enak selepas solat. Restoran ini menawarkan menu lazat yang bukan sahaja masakan Korea seperti samye-tang (sup ayam ginseng), kimchi jjigae, nasi bulgogi, dan bindae-tteok (penkek kacang hijau), tetapi juga hidangan Malaysia seperti ayam bakar nasi goreng dan teh tarik, sekiranya anda merindui cita rasa rumah.\n\n\nSumber FB\n\n\n\n\n4. Kampungku Restaurant\nAlamat: 16-4 Namsandong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea\n\n\nSelepas seharian letih membeli-belah di Myeongdong, pastinya anda ingin menikmati keselesaan hidangan yang lazat. Sungguhpun namanya Busan Jib, restoran yang terletak di tengah-tengah Seoul ini menawarkan menu hidangan tempatan yang selesa! Kebanyakan orang datang ke sini untuk BBQ Halal yang lazat. Kami dengar bos wanita itu juga sangat peramah dan bertimbang rasa, jadi itu pastinya satu kelebihan.\n\n\nSumber FB\n\n\n\n\n5. Halal Kitchen Korea\nAlamat: 86-2 Samcheong-ro, Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, South Korea\n\n\nTerletak di perkampungan yang kaya dengan budaya menawan di Kampung Bukchon Hanok, Halal Kitchen Korea adalah tempat persinggahan yang sempurna selepas penat mendaki cerun bukit yang ekstrem. Bertempat di hanok tradisional Korea yang selesa, anda boleh temui hidangan seperti dakgalbi, bulgogi, bibimbap, dan banyak lagi. Makanan yang sedap, pemandangan yang indah dan suasana yang menakjubkan, tidak hairanlah restoran ini mendapat sambutan hangat!\n\n\nSumber blog\n\n\n\n\n\nSelain lima restoran yang disenaraikan di atas, ada lagi beberapa restoran halal yang boleh dikunjungi seperti Busan Jib, Murree Korea Halal Food, Siti Sarah Melayu & Egyptian Halal Food, Dong Mun Halal Asian Cuisine, Nasi Lemak D'Seoul dan Yang Good BBQ Lamb.\n\n\nOleh itu, bolehlah senaraikan siap-siap restoran serta alamat restoran yang ingin dikunjungi dalam 'itinerary' perjalanan sepanjang berada di Korea. Bolehlah acah-acah 'eat like local' tanpa was-was! - CARI", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6436701416969299} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 26 2016, 01:45 AM)Bashing Jakim is not bashing Islam or Muslim, know the difference. Jakim is nothing but a state institution headed by ordinary muslims like you and me. Why make every word that comes out of them unquestionable? They maksum issit? never make a mistake ? Why must you defend them when they made a mistake?\u00a0 What's so wrong about critising them in the hopes they will correct their mistake and stop making us look like idiots and fools?\u00a0 Which hadith does it say about naming food ?If you see status about halal then a dog picture is not a provoking act? Bashing muslim easy to confused. I only see muslim bashing jakim more while non muslim is provoking muslim.Again, since for me jakim personnel is more qualified so i will not questioning about the naming. If the requirement state that then just follow. There is no point to argue. If you didnt get halal cert does it mean hotdog is haram? No.This is some of example of naming food.https://konsultasisyariah.com/25980-memberi...ngan-setan.html ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.888380765914917} +{"text": "QUOTE(commonsense @ Mar 3 2024, 11:57 AM)BN era still the best. Hope BN will go solo next pruObvious isn't it? If not why umno youth see this Unity govt no up! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989880919456482} +{"text": "QUOTE(mayhammer @ Nov 13 2023, 02:23 PM)and the salahan DAP/cina etcdah la today i go drive thru, the lady also so rude like dun wanna workaiyoooooooWith the current boycott, they probably don't need as many staff as they didTak suka, berhenti je.Local F&B more open to Malays, than Nons. Nak risau apa?Bila tak suka Nons, senang je suruh keluar negara.. tapi dia, nak jgk stay dkt McD.This post has been edited by Natsukashii: Nov 13 2023, 02:39 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9872138500213623} +{"text": "\nkena buat sendirila nampaknya..........\nnoor2 Post at 10-6-2010 17:28 \nkalau Noor duduk bangi mmg senang sikit sbb kat pasar bangi tu ada jual\r\nmee kuning dari kelantan/ganu yg confirm melayu buat tapi mmg mahal sikit.\r\npastu rasa kapur dia mmg kuat sikitlah cam MGX ckp tapi sebelum masak\r\ntu harus cuci dulu. lagi satu garam dia pung kuat gak", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9725711345672607} +{"text": "so bila satu produk tu ada halal jakim maknanya kita boleh yakin bukan bahan yang dia pakai tu je halal malah prosedur, kebersihan, operation pembuatan makanan dll semua tu boleh dipercayai dan diyakini. sbbtu susah nak dapat halal jakim senang cerita dorang mmg check betul2.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9153854846954346} +{"text": "QUOTE(glamour @ Nov 3 2013, 02:09 PM)but anywayhuman is always wrong...just do ur best to be goodjust the halal thing is making people life so miserable...if i'm a muslim..i not going to care so muchi believe what comes out from your mouth is more important than what goes in your mouth....It is up to u whether u want to eat everything or dun care at all. Just respect what the Muslim belief. I dont think it is miserable at all which many other Muslim feel the same too. Only those non-practicing Muslim are trying to make justification that Islam is hard and etc because they did not want to follow the teaching. Even as Muslim, if u eat all those prohibited things it wont affect other people. Later, u yourself will be accountable on what u do. If u want to be ignorant, go ahead and close ur eyes. No one can force u to do something u dont want to do. If u believe in a religion, then u should follow all the teachings.Not to take those things u like and ignore those u dont like. As such, the non-Muslim should stop thinking that the rules in Islam make people life difficult. Many Muslim around the world dont have any big problem in practicing it even in Europe. There might be some problem but we believe it is an obstacle that we may need to face in life. So why are u guys making it up as an issue?Human right?Yeah right.... This post has been edited by xsakurax: Nov 17 2013, 02:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9894997477531433} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Oct 22 2017, 12:52 PM)so what they say is true la... if panas... banyak sangat dosa... if sejuk banyak pahalaWhat are u trying to say actually??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "imam mekah beli makanan pun mesti pilih yang ada halal jakim, kan?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8058272004127502} +{"text": "So you eat there with the haram deco, got terconfuse or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "Tengok carlsberg teruk mabuk...worse than kotek kecik ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976634979248} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahter @ Apr 6 2016, 06:46 PM)kerja kerja sabotaj pekerja tak puas hati ...Boleh jadi jugak la...Tapi aku memang dari dulu tak suka sos cili murah pukal macam ni. Bau selalunya terlalu busuk, sampai mulut pun busuk kalau bau. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Kopitiam tak ada hal, kita buat hal..Done dakwah, dapat virgin 24 ekor ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986525774002075} +{"text": "MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8224185705184937} +{"text": "Before declare jenis makanan tu, JAKIM cek la. Ni dah melantak pastu cakap haram. Pe benda", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9989230036735535} +{"text": "Jika JAKIM dimansuhkan, siapa pula nak sahkan status Halal Haram sesuatu produk terutamanya makanan. Takkan Ah Chong & Mutusamy nak sahkan sesuatu produk tu halal atau tidak ?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "Ice Cream Magnum mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM iaitu Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan The Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT). *Ketahui... https://t.co/1ZvEJeQOx7", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8761390447616577} +{"text": "ramai tengok bola tak ada bising haram pun? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998955726623535} +{"text": "@EmesisMuslim @ikarbertweet @ianzainals Asas sesuatu adalah harus, melainkan ada pengharaman. Apa yang Ikar cakap tu betul lah. Sijil Halal nak memudahcara pengesahan status halal berdokumentasi. Noob pandai membaca. Jangan ikut panas hati darah muda tu. https://t.co/4Yyr3slnNn", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971966743469238} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Apr 23 2024, 09:18 PM)This keep me thinking. Now I probably need answers or some reassurances. Disclaimer: This is a big IF.If the majority finally snapped out from the lies politicians keep feeding them withThey start to practice religion moderately, stop imposing absurd religious rules in everythingRealizing that the way to improve this country is by giving everyone equal access to opportunities and work together without prejudice to improve the economyThinking that the affirmative action has only enriches the elites and already failed to serve it purposesBut they are also quite behind and trying to catch up, because like I said affirmative action failed to make them competitiveWill you give them chances to prove themselves?Will this finally solve R&R issues?Will everyone finally get along together and speak one language (i.e. understand each other)?Firstly, I would like to stress, there are no 100% chinese are good and no 100% malays are rubbish. There are plenty of useless and also racist cina who are on the opposite side of the racist coin, as well as plenty of malays who are chill, hardworking and successful. But if even TS can start this thread, I think we can agree many malays are still lacking, yes? Talking about moderation and absurd religious stuff, as a kid growing up in the 80's, I've seen with my own eyes malays eating and drinking kopi/teh/etc from the same cups in chinese kopitiam (eating halal food ofc, there had always been that 1 or 2 muslim mee goreng/rojak/satay stalls in chinese kopitiam). Malay girls were bareheaded and not shy to wear skirt and above the knee. Tudung then were as rare as a bareheaded muslim girl today. It was normal to see malay guests in cny open house enjoying food and drinks tanpa was was as long as no pork or alcohol directly consumed, just as much as non malays going to malay hari raya open house and whack anything as long as no beef directly consumed (for those who cannot eat beef due to religious reasons). Friends can joke about giving babi to the malay and he replied with a cibai lah kau and everybody laughed about it. Then went to the nightclub together to drink ribena. When I went to make my I/C in JPN at 12, there were no long pants, and most people wore slippers, and it was a given thing that the jpn staff will have some hard and funny time trying to talk in pasar bm to the chinese/ indian to show them how to fill up the forms. Even ah sohs going to govt depts would wear as what they usually wear, mostly like this. I've also seen with my own eyes, things slowly started to change. There were less malay patrons to the kopitiam compared to previously. There seemed to be more tudungs seen compared to previously. There were less malays going to non malays festivals open house compared to previous years. Non malays continued to go to malay hari raya open house and whack anything as long as no beef directly consumed. The laughters slowly stopped coming, and by the late 2000's I wondered what happened and why. There were no more malays in kopitiams nor pretty bareheaded malay girls in sexy wear. Inviting malays to cny open house became an exercise in treading eggshells - yeos packet drinks, halal cookies, disposable utensils, hide the pork bakkwa and so on. Non malays still continued to go to malay hari raya open house and whack anything as long as no beef directly consumed though (if still got invited lah). I missed the friendly and chill malays of the 80's and earlier... Leaving aside the honest T20 (eg; Dato\u2019 Dr. Haji Ramly Mokni) and M40 malays (coz they have already proved themselves), lets focus on the B40 group. Will we give chance to B40 malays to prove themselves? Actually, the question should be, will they finally wake up and start to catch up with all the chances given to them and stop blaming nons? I want to help, but how much more la? Like, how long had NEP been going on? How many more bumi discount properties while the poor indian from the estate need to pay full market price even for a flat? ASB? Education... martikulasi? JPN/ Mara/ etc scholarships? How many more parents had to liquidate their wealth to pay for their child for further studies because the kid couldn't get scholarship eventhough his results were better? One popular joke I heard back in those days was ppl apply for micro credit loans with reason to start burger stall, got the money and straightaway spend it all, buy moto, etc. Then later report to the institution, business dah lingkup, kesian aku takde duit nak bayar... and the loan was written off. Such loans came from public funds which can be better utilized for development. How much more help has to be given la like that? Job opportunities? Believe me, the chinese- being money minded creatures they are, especially the businessmen (how else do you get the chinaman company stereotype?)- never cared for skin colour when it comes to money. If a malay can help the company earn tons of profit vs. a chinese who just bazir beras for the company, who do you think the chinaman boss would hire? Simple logic kan? But how many malays have that kind of quality? Let us be honest here. Why malays are stereotyped as lek la sap kok lu, and love to take mc (especially on mondays and pre & post holidays)? Does the world just suddenly gang up together one day and start \"hey lets stereotype/ stigmatize the malays unfairly\"? And instead of self reflection and how to improve, we get r&r shitstirrers taking the convenient way out lets blame cina the reason they not hiring malay is because they racist (just like this proton argument). Ofc there are many malays who can work and better than the nons (many of them ends up in mnc), but are they the majority malays or minority/ outliers? I think we all know the answer? When being lawfully employed in Malaysia is mandated must make EPF contribution, and EPF data showed malay/bumi are the largest group, yet holds the least median savings (sos), this cannot go on. I want to help, but how else to help? Being a chinese malaysian myself, personally I would seriously want to see the majority be more successful. The economy can only improve if everybody can work and contribute. Heck, you guys out work and out rich the chinese PLEASE. Let everybody carries their weight instead of 1 side doing all the work and not being appreciated for it, can?Lastly, language was never an issue. When everybody *accepts* each other and tried sincerely to work out. Just like the 80's when there were more illiterate ppl, yet everybody were still friendly with each other and will still find a way to communicate. Muhibbah was a popular catchword in those days yo. What happened to those days? If we don't accept the other side, no amount of single language can help. As an example, aku fasih dalam bahasa (SPM dapat A2) tapi kena panggil dalam bahasa, pendatang dan balik tongsan jugak, how la?This post has been edited by bigwolf: Apr 24 2024, 03:11 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6899313926696777} +{"text": "batal otak kau dulu pundek ajaran sesat none of your business tak suka jangan mari KL bodo macam sial ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998973608016968} +{"text": "anything with the words ham, babi, bacon - haram.hamburger > beef burgerbeef bacon > beef stripsescargot > siput babi (what?!)apa logic ni?since when siput is haram. bodoh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Nov 26 2019, 05:02 PM)Singaporean pun takde cina main bola ke hahahaSounded very ghey........ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9757397174835205} +{"text": "QUOTE(GunBlaDeR @ Nov 15 2020, 05:52 PM)Malay pipul like to stir up shit like this what... remember when they boikot McDonald because they claim it is not HALAL? then now every McDonald advert must specify that is is HALAL.but why they never boikit KFC... I wonder....Boycott Cadbury chocolate because got DNA babi also, makan babi haram, hasut fitnah tak haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Aug 19 2022, 12:56 PM)Ok referring back to the original fb post, is not very clear. The first page shows roasted duck stall in mall. The second shows an obviously cinabeng kopitiam harambe duck stall. Is the post saying that the first stall ( mall) get the fully cooked duck from the second kopitiam stall? That only i agree is misrepresenting.That was the allegations. That's why I mentioned misrepresentation.Malay dude has a stall in sungai ara, selling nasi ayam n itik. Claimed he cook it himself.Then some kepochi shoot video saw he take the nasi ayam n itik from an obviously cinabeng Harambe duck stall (as per your description).Video viral many angry.Then got one awek and the Malay dude make counter video saying they cook the nasi ayam n itik in a mall.Then one hamkaling make another video saying the stall in the mall is not owned by the awek. The actual owner is the obviously cinabeng Harambe duck stall. The awek only borrow just to shoot the counter video. So now only got 3 videos. Showing 3 different stalls. Confusing enough? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972225427627563} +{"text": "QUOTE(G_KeN @ Oct 26 2016, 01:16 AM)Did u even read the news? From the post above, it is pretty clear to me that you did not even know the chronological order of the events that transpired this hu-ha. Firstly, it is the jakim guy himself who started the whole hotdog-gate thingy by suggesting that aunty anne should change their pretzel dog's name. Heck, you are a malaysian muslim yourself. Try to read Jakim's official guideline and u will see that there IS such a ruling on the food's naming whereby the names should not be connected/related to stuffs like beer and etc that r haram or najis. Also, it is somehow supported by your local religious council leader who deemed that the name change is COMPULSORY:http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/181906/...roducts-or-foodNow tell me, did the non muslims made up this COMPULSORY rule for u lots? Also, tell me, can u quote to me exact words in al-quran or in whatever hadiths that u practice regarding the rules on the naming of the food? If u are too dumb to differentiate between criticising a stupid ruling that was NEVER written or preached by your religion in the first place and criticizing your religion as a whole, then there is no point arguing with you. For some reason, you are keen to DEFEND JAKIM as if JAKIM is a religion, and not a man-made organization with man-made Islamic rulings. And for some reason, you are very fast to relate this criticism as if it was the opposition's fault for bringing up the issue. Uwotm8? Read the bloody news. As far as I know, even the BN's ministers are criticizing the ruling.My advice: read the bloody news. Also, keep your tinfoil hat to yourself. There is no hidden illuminati agenda by the non muslims to take down Islam. Just admit that Jakim or their officer who SUGGESTED the name change in the first place fcuk up big time because he could not differentiate a hot dog with an animal. I dont see the need for you to defend them or him. No harm is done towards your religion. Only the fcuked up ruling that was NEVER written or preached by Islam.Please read back. I know about the ruling- you want cert just follow and it does not mean didnt get halal cert mean it is haram. So i dont care what ever name it is. What i sad - most of them take oppurtunity to bash muslim if not why some of them come defend and bash back.I dont defend Jakim but please read carefully back what i state above on naming food. It is already in hadith. But for me i will still eat it as long as it halal. Just that i didnt question about the naming. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7368775010108948} +{"text": "1. Persepsi mereka lebih kepada, kalau tiada sijil JAKIM, belum terbukti Halal. Mereka tidak salah. \n\n2. Mengikut pemerhatian sy, expectation ini selalunya diberikan kepada premis bertaraf antarabangsa. Tiada alasan mereka tidak menepati piawaian penyediaan makanan yg diiktiraf.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987266659736633} +{"text": "Banyak kot tempat makan kat Malaysia ni yg kotor, contohnya gerai pasar malam, warung tepi jalan & kedai mamak. Inspektor kesihatan bagi rating C, tapi senang je Jakim halalkan mentang\u00b2 makanan disediakan oleh peniaga islam. Suci dan bersih sgt ke tu", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9423987865447998} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ May 21 2016, 03:03 PM)Bekos most of chinese seafood restaurant got no pork sign. That is why many come to eat.Dia orang suka makan no pork tapi tak kisah halal x halal, dia org punya hal. Panggil jakim tangkap customer dan masok lokap. Wait, ni civil law o shariah law????? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996302127838135} +{"text": "QUOTE(janszmatt @ Jan 21 2019, 05:03 PM)The joke is that the image on the magazine is clearly beef. These people obviously have never eaten a steak before.cuma pandai makan curry lembu ajemana pernah try STEAKsteak tu haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987389445304871} +{"text": "lu tak suka lu balik malaysia. did they say that to you? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981259703636169} +{"text": "- makanan favorite MCJR ?\n* bastian : pizza\n* iqbaal : ayam goreng dan apa ajah\nyang penting bersih, halal dan... http://fb.me/1Vzol36fI", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999511241912842} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Jan 23 2021, 04:11 PM)How to check for sijil?This dap only give cheapskate kangkung?#umno give free expensive chicken, ikan and seafood.Dapur Kinrara dikendalikan oleh pasukan DUN Kinrara untuk membantu keluarga dan individu yang memerlukan bantuan telah mula beroperasi. Dapur Kinrara buka setiap Hari Ahad (TOMORROW), dari 12pm hingga 2pm bertempat di Balai Masyarakat MBSJ, Jalan Merak 1, Puchong JayaDapur Kinrara menyediakan makanan tengah hari (menu vegan)\u00a0 secara percuma kpd yg berkeperluan. itu sijil lagi mahal dr sayur yg dia bg free.UMNO boleh tiap2 minggu buka dapur bagi ayam kah?try buka kat KL tiap2 hari.I konfirm you UMNO menang semua kerusi KL.Ada UMNO, maka tidak ada rakyat yang lapar di ibu kota.Tapi mesti ada ayam ok? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6861100196838379} +{"text": "QUOTE(mac_mac21 @ Oct 14 2023, 02:43 PM)Now content creator more pandai then any government agency that handle all this halal haram matter Better cut Jakim budget and channel it to content creator , they seems to have deep knowledge with halal haram\u00a0 subjectthis ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "gapernah minta tapi mereka tuh selalu apresiasi kayak \"ini aku ada sedikit untuk kamu jajan, beli makan yang kamu suka supaya kamu ttp kuat dan inget trs kalau kamu harus stay di dunia ini buat makan makanan yang kamu suka\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997995138168335} +{"text": "Tak fahamTak la sedap mana pun nasi kandar ni. Biasa je. Kawan offer tempat best pun rasa biasa2 je. Best lagi nasi kerabu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998294115066528} +{"text": "\ud83d\udd34PM Anwar bentang Belanjawan 2024 di Dewan Rakyat bertemakan \u201cReformasi Ekonomi, Memperkasa Rakyat\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Kadar pengangguran berjaya turun kepada kadar 3.4 peratus setakat Ogos tahun ini\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Pertumbuhan KDNK bagi tahun 2023 diunjurkan semula kepada 4.0 peratus \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan jangka pertumbuhan KDNK antara 4.0 peratus hingga 5.0 peratus \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Bagi tahun 2023, anggaran hasil yang disemak semula ialah RM303.2 billion ketimbang RM291.5 billion \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan yakin capai pertumbuhan hampir 5.0 peratus dengan pelaksaan pembaharuan Ekonomi Madani \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Defisit fiscal 2024 diunjur berkurang kepada 4.3 peratus berbanding 5.0 peratus sasaran tahun ini dan 5.6 peratus bagi tahun 2022 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Defisit fiscal 2024 diunjur berkurang kepada 4.3 peratus berbanding 5.0 peratus sasaran tahun ini dan 5.6 peratus bagi tahun 2022 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Sejumlah RM303.8 billion diperuntukkan untuk belanja mengurus, RM90 billion bagi belanja pembangunan dan RM2 billion untuk simpanan luar jangka \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Penambahan siling RMK12 sebanyak RM15 billion menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan RM415 billion untuk tempoh lima tahun \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan pertimbang pengecualian cukai keuntungan modal ke atas pelupusan saham IPO yang diluluskan, penstrukturan dalaman, syarikat modal teroka\u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udcccKerajaan Perpaduan memperuntukkan sejumlah RM393.8 bilion bagi Belanjawan 2024 \ud83d\udcccPeruntukan untuk Kementerian Kewangan, Pendidikan dan Kesihatan secara kolektif merangkumi 42.3 peratus daripada jumlah perbelanjaan Belanjawan 2024\ud83d\udcccSubsidi dan bantuan sosial yang merangkumi 17.4 peratus daripada perbelanjaan mengurus dianggarkan berjumlah RM52.8 bilion \ud83d\udcccSektor sosial diperuntukkan RM149.7 bilion atau 7.6 peratus daripada KDNK, diikuti ekonomi RM66.7 bilion, keselamatan RM40.1 bilion dan pentadbiran am RM16.9 bilion\ud83d\udcccEkonomi Malaysia diunjur berkembang antara 4.0 hingga 5.0 peratus pada tahun depan\ud83d\udcccSektor pembuatan diunjur berkembang sebanyak 4.2 peratus pada 2024 didorong prestasi lebih baik dalam industri berorientasikan eksport dan domestik\ud83d\udcccKadar inflasi diunjur berada antara 2.1 hingga 3.6 peratus pada tahun depan \ud83d\udcccEksport kasar diunjur meningkat 5.1 peratus manakala import kasar berkembang 4.9 peratus pada 2024\ud83d\udcccAkaun semasa dijangka mencatat lebihan sebanyak RM62.2 bilion daripada PNK \ud83d\udcccPermintaan domestik diunjur berkembang sebanyak 5.3 peratus pada 2024\ud83d\udcccKadar pengangguran pada 2024 dijangka kembali ke paras sebelum pandemik pada 3.4 peratus\ud83d\udcccHasil kerajaan Persekutuan pada 2024 dijangka mencatatkan pertumbuhan 1.5 peratus kepada RM307.6 bilion didorong oleh kutipan cukai lebih tinggi\ud83d\udcccCukai pendapatan petroleum dijangka berjumlah RM21.7 bilion berikutan purata harga minyak mentah yang stabil pada paras US$85 setong \ud83d\udcccHarga MSM diunjur berada pada jajaran antara RM4,000 hingga RM4,500 setan metrik pada 2024\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan akan kuatkuasa pelaksaan Cukai Keuntungan Modal bagi pelupusan saham tidak tersenarai oleh syarikat tempatan berdasarkan keuntungan bersih pada kadar 10 peratus mulai 1 Mac 2024 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024: Kadar cukai perkhidmatan dicadang dinaikkan kepada 8 peratus berbanding 6 peratus sekarang\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan akan menggubal perundangan baharu bagi melaksanakan Cukai Barang Tinggi pada kadar 5.0 peratus hingga 10.0 peratus ke atas barang bernilai tinggi -PM Anwar\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024: Agensi penguat kuasa yang tunjukkan komitmen berterusan dan prestasi cemerlang akan diberikan ganjaran sewajarnya\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan setuju kuatkuasa e-invois secara mandatori kepada pembayar cukai dengan pendapatan atau jualan tahunan melebihi RM100 juta mulai 1 Ogos 2024 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024: Cadangan kenaikan kadar Cukai Perkhidmatan tidak termasuk makanan, minuman & telekomunikasi\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024 : Hasil penjimatan subsidi sebahagiannya akan disalurkan terus untuk meningkatkan peruntukan bantuan tunai melalui Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah daripada RM8 billion kepada RM10 billion \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024: Pendekatan penyasaran semula subsidi akan dilaksanakan secara berfasa mulai 2024\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024: Hasil penjimatan subsidi akan disalurkan bagi tingkatkan peruntukan bantuan Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah daripada RM8 bilion kepada RM10 bilion\ud83d\uded1Belanjawan 2024:Trend semasa tunjukkan bekalan ayam dan telur mula stabil, harga pasaran semasa kini berada di bawah harga siling kawalan\u2757 Belanjawan 2024: Kawalan harga sementara ayam & telur akan dilepaskan agar pasaran tempatan boleh berfungsi bebas dalam pastikan keterjaminan bekalan\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : RM900 juta dana pinjaman dibawah BNM untuk galakkan PKS tingkat produktiviti melalui automasi, pendigitalan\u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : RM100 juta geran pendigitalan sehingga RM5,000 untuk manfaat usahawan PKS, pengusaha mikro \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan cadang pengecualian cukai pendapatan sepenuhnya selama lima tahun kepada entiti Labuan yang menjalankan aktiviti perdagangan berkaitan kewangan Islam bagi menyokong pembangunan IBFC \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Sembilan institusi kewangan tawar program khusus untuk PKS halal selaras dengan Pelan Induk Industri Halal 2030 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : RM40 juta bagi laksana Program Shop Malaysia Online bagi peniaga kecil khusus dalam bidang makanan untuk berniaga dari rumah \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan akan memendekkan tempoh memproses pensijilan halal daripada 51 kepada 30 hari \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Selaras dengan Kerangka Ekonomi MADANI, kerajaan akan tumpukan kepada Kerjasama Awam-Swasta-Dermawan dalam laksanakan projek rakyat\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan memperuntukkan dana tambahan i-TEKAD sehingga RM25 juta secara geran padanan dengan institusi kewangan bagi memberi manfaat kepada lebih ramai usahawan \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: RM100 juta diperuntukkan untuk sokong usaha NGO & pertubuhan masyarakat sivil dalam tangani pelbagai isu rakyat\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan sedia RM10 juta dibawah Program Pengukuhan Francais bagi meningkatkan eksport \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd38Kerajaan sedia RM28 juta bagi membangunkan platform MYStartup\ud83d\udd38Kemudahan pinjaman kecil dengan dana keseluruhan RM2.4 bln dibawah BNM, BSN, TEKUN\ud83d\udd38 Nilai keseluruhan pinjaman, jaminan pembiayaan yang tersedia untuk manfaat usahawan PKMS berjumlah sehingga RM44 bln tahun hadapan\ud83d\udd38Kerajaan peruntuk dana tambahan program kewangan sosial i-TEKAD sehingga RM25 juta secara geran padanan dengan institusi kewangan \ud83d\udd38Kemudahan pinjaman kecil dengan dana keseluruhan RM2.4 bln dibawah BNM, BSN, TEKUN \ud83d\udd38Nilai keseluruhan pinjaman, jaminan pembiayaan yang tersedia untuk manfaat usahawan PKMS berjumlah sehingga RM44 bln tahun hadapan\ud83d\udd35Kerajaan akan perkenal galakan cukai Hab Perkhidmatan Global dengan insentif kadar cukai pendapatan 5 peratus atau 10 peratus yang ditentukan berdasar keberhasilan untuk tempoh sehingga 10 thn \ud83d\udd35Kerajaan negeri harus manfaatkan peruntukan MARRIS berjumlah RM5.4 bilion bagi pastikan jalan dalam keadaan terbaik\ud83d\udd35Kerajaan pastikan tindakan diambil dalam tempoh 24 jam setelah terima aduan jalan berlubang di Jalan Persekutuan \ud83d\udd35RM150 juta disediakan bagi selenggara dan baiki tandas awam di 150 PBT seluruh negara\ud83d\udd35RM47 juta bagi tambah baik fasiliti penumpang terminal Lapangan Terbang Tioman \ud83d\udd35Kerajaan menyediakan sejumlah RM76 juta bagi memperkasa ekosistem aktiviti penyelidikan, pembangunan, pengkomersialan dan inovasi \ud83d\udd35Cadangan pembangunan Pelabuhan Pulau Carey akan direalisasi melalui Request for Proposal dalam perkukuh peranan Pelabuhan Klang\u2757 RM2.8 bilion disediakan untuk selenggara jalan dan jambatan persekutuan dengan RM300 juta dikhususkan kepada kontraktor G1 hingga G4\u2757 RM50 juta disediakan untuk merawat kawasan berkemalangan tinggi di Jalan Persekutuan\u2757 Fungsi Jabatan Bantuan Guaman akan diperkasa dalam membela nasib rakyat susah untuk dapatkan keadilan yang saksama\u2757 Kerajaan cadang potongan cukai tambahan sehingga RM300,000 ke atas perbelanjaan MRV berkaitan pembangunan projek karbon \u2757 Kerajaan menyediakan sejumlah RM76 juta bagi memperkasa ekosistem aktiviti penyelidikan, pembangunan, pengkomersialan dan inovasi \u2757 Agrobank sedia kemudahan pinjaman kepada pengusaha agromakanan dengan dana sehingga RM430 juta \u2757 Kerajaan sedia RM10 juta bagi membudaya pendayaciptaan dalam kalangan pemain industri melibatkan bidang teknologi E&E\u2757 Tambahan RM10 juta di bawah Kumpulan Wang Amanah Rakyat Malaysia Luar Negeri bagi mangsa sindiket penipuan pekerjaan & kes kebajikan lain di luar negara\u2757 Kerajaan sedia peruntukan RM100 juta melalui Insentif Program Tanam Semula Sawit bagi membendung masalah sawit tua \u2757 Dasar Peluang Kedua diperluas kepada golongan muda berusia 40 tahun ke bawah yang mempunyai hutang tidak melebihi RM200,000\u2757 Kerajaan persekutuan bakal pelopori penerbitan sukuk biodiversiti sehingga RM1 bln yang melibatkan penanaman semula hutan terosot yang akan menjanakan kredit karbon\u2757 Kerajaan sedia RM70 juta bagi meningkatkan tahap kemampanan industri sawit serta memperhebat Kempen Menangani Antiminyak Sawit di pentas antarabangsa \ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Pemberian rebat bil elektrik sehingga RM40 sebulan kepada isi rumah miskin tegar diteruskan dengan peruntukan RM55 juta\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Kerajaan setuju mengecualikan bayaran deposit akaun bil elektrik atas nama sendiri\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan memperuntukkan RM90 juta kepada RISDA dan FELCRA untuk menggalakkan pekebun kecil mengoptimumkan penggunaan tanah ladang melalui penghasilan tanaman makanan dan ternakan \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: RM26 juta diperuntukkan untuk mempergiat pelaksanaan inisiatif penyediaan perkhidmatan terus kepada rakyat.\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : institusi pelaburan Bumiputera akan dipusatkan di bawah Yayasan Pelaburan Bumiputera \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan setuju naikkan paras harga pengaktifan Insentif Pengeluaran Getah kepada RM3 sekilogram dengan peruntukan RM400 juta \u2013 PM ]Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan persekutuan bakal pelopori penerbitan sukuk biodiversiti sehingga RM1 bln yang melibatkan penanaman semula hutan terosot yang akan menjanakan kredit karbon \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Pelaburan Hartanah Bhd digabung dibawah PNB dan diperkukuh melalui suntikan tanah strategik kerajaan bagi pembangunan perumahan \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34 Belanjawan 2024 : Galakan cukai bagi wanita yang kembali bekerja dilanjutkan sehingga 31 Dis 2027 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan sedia Dana Mudah Cara Peralihan Tenaga Negara dengan nilai keseluruhan berjumlah RM2 billion bagi menterjemah hasrat NETR \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Peruntukan Persekutuan untuk pembangunan Sarawak meningkat kepada RM5.8 bilion berbanding RM5.6 bilion\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan perkenal Skim Galakan Pengunaan Motosikal Elektrik kepada rakyat berpendapatan tahunan RM120,000 ke bawah, dimana skim ini memberi rebat sehingga RM2,400 kepada pembeli - PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Bagi tingkatkan tahap kecekapan perkhidmatan awam, pembangunan Indentiti Digital (IDN) akan disegerakan sebagai platform pengesahan diri\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan sedia lanjut tempoh tawaran program Net Energy Metering (NEM) sehingga 31 Dis 2024 bagi menggalakkan lebih ramai memasang panel di premis kediaman \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: RM100 juta diperuntukkan bagi pensijilan profesional yang diiktiraf industri kepada graduan TVET\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Prasarana Malaysia Bhd setuju untuk memperoleh 150 bas elektrik dan membina tiga depoh bas dengan kos RM600 juta bagi menyokong keperluan projek LRT3 \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Program Academy in Industry akan dilaksanakan, sediakan kemahiran sambil bekerja dalam tempoh sehingga 18 bulan dengan peruntukan RM70 juta\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Kerajaan tawar RM30 juta kepada pihak industri latih tenaga kerja tempatan bagi sektor aeroangkasa, peranti perubatan dan digital\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran dengan Dana Latihan TVET berjumlah RM180 juta sediakan pinjaman pendidikan\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: RM17 juta disediakan untuk laksanakan Program Tahfiz TVET\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Pelepasan cukai sehingga RM2,000 bagi yuran kursus peningkatan kemahiran atau kemajuan diri dilanjutkan sehingga tahun taksiran 2026\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024 : Kerajaan peruntuk RM60 juta bagi CyberSecurity bangun Rangka Kerja Pengujian Keselamatan Siber 5G, kepakaran tempatan terhadap teknologi siber \u2013 PM Anwar\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Pusat penjaja dan prasarana pasar awam uzur di 150 kawasan PBT akan dibaik pulih dan dinaik taraf dengan peruntukan RM110 juta\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Ekonomi rakyat akan terus dimartabat agar negara dikenali dengan kemudahan peniaga, gerai dan warung bersih, indah & selamat\ud83d\udd34Belanjawan 2024: Kerajaan sasar 10,000 gerai dan warung untuk diperindah dan ditingkatkan tahap kebersihan dengan peruntukan RM10 jutaBERNAMA ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9523348212242126} +{"text": "tidak membenarkan kamu utk bilang itu adalah \"kesalahan sepele\", soalnya itu fatal bgt nder. tapi ya semangat ya, belajar dari kesalahan, beli makanan atau ngelakuin sesuatu yg kamu suka aja biar ga pundung terus terusan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7836645841598511} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 08:20 PM)Boleh pegang kalau darurat.But do u understand the science of fatwa?science of fatwa? some of havent been tested in a scientific manner .. some are just old folklore being passed down as tradition and in time that tradition becomes an authority ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "bagus. ini macam arak semua boleh buang, ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998425245285034} +{"text": "Idk wtf is the problem with this ppl. Really almost every year or two confirm got ppl go complain about the halal status wan. So what if otwc founder is chinese? Eh hello this is a franchise business. Why would they risk ruining their business by using pork as ingredient just for a small gain of profit? And they employs so many muslim workers. Ppl that will be affected if otwc bungkus. Cb this bmf shit ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971938133239746} +{"text": "Hari ini melawat MIHAS (Malaysia International Halal Showcase) di mitec. Sebagai orang yang berminat dengan Korea. Tentulah singgah di Korea Pavilion. Terdapat pelbagai produk-produk Korea yang mempunyai sijil... https://t.co/LT03LZd5rL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998371601104736} +{"text": "\noh..itu memang restoran baba n nyonya style...\n\r\nmakanan cina kurang santan...mi ...\nnoor2 Post at 9-6-2010 09:57 \nmg makanan cina kurang santan & minyak... tp cina pon banyak yg suka makanan jepun, juga sbb minyak/ lemak kurang...\n\r\n\"aku suka makan yg pedas-pedas.. mmg sah tekak melayu..\"\r\nkt sabah ada kedai cina sediakan cili yg sgt pedas... pedas sampai 1 titik je saya x leh tahan dh... mg pedas...\r\ncina pon banyak makan mee goreng melayu & laksa melayu, tapi semua tuh pon bukannya pedas sgt...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992283582687378} +{"text": "Gua makan lax je.... haram ke halal ke gua balun slamba je... janji perut penoh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "Best Is bah kut tehSecond is mutton curry with chapati\naGYM7X-x6ZU\n\nThis post has been edited by RT8081: Dec 12 2023, 06:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999812841415405} +{"text": "QUOTE(stormer.lyn @ Dec 20 2021, 08:52 PM)Tabuli bos. Another thread I mentioned got fatwa, issued twice already, about rokok is haram. Then someone answer me fatwa is open to interpretation only, no strictly necessary to follow .....Dunhill merah / kretek is the best!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7882814407348633} +{"text": "Pisang Goreng ok, Pretzel dog haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9121325016021729} +{"text": "Pergi briefing utk sijil halal haritu pun lepas tu aku dah mengah. Sijil halal kita is the benchmark of others tau. Bagus la strict cuma nya engkorang ni kalau bukan sijil halal malaysia je bising mcm org ni keluar Islam. Ei https://t.co/KrNAAYtWmH", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8746001124382019} +{"text": "is smoke/ vape consider haram then since it is harmful? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "QUOTE(YellowKingValley @ May 21 2016, 11:55 AM)You all are fools. Can't compromise ah?Some race too sensitive. This is for the best of both worlds. If like this, no fight, no racism war too. You like war and fight? Every now and then, you will see some minister says something regarding non-muslim, and usually it is bad. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999709129333496} +{"text": "@NFarahanisss Dia sampai rasa bersalah tiap2 kali lunch depa cari kedai halal pastu dok ulang \u201c takpa kedai ni halal punya \u201c \u201c jgn risau, i dh check dia ada sijil halal \u201c", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999063014984131} +{"text": "\r\nulamak2 mane boleh hidu arak.... nanti ilang status keulamakan baru tau.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7646252512931824} +{"text": "Tak semua kedai tepi jalan ada sijil halal, ikut diri sendiri . If rasa was2 then takyah minum la . Halah normal la benda viral ada je org buat cerita . https://t.co/3YP51fdQle", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9810335636138916} +{"text": "#BHnasional JAKIM tidak berkompromi mengenai isu halal yang merupakan aspek penting dalam makanan dan minuman kepada penduduk Islam di Malaysia. https://bit.ly/3zk4g5S", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960575103759766} +{"text": "I eat this curry meehon before. It is chicken char siew tbh.Lol that viral and jakim efficientcy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994100332260132} +{"text": "Kadang2 terasa mcm jakim pun ade sbb tentukan sdiri(bace ingredients) halal haram makanan . Aku terasa bagai jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5047469139099121} +{"text": "QUOTE(sakaic @ Nov 2 2013, 11:06 PM)bro....hypothetical question lah.which one more teruk.the sin of stealing or the sin of eating something not halalhe cant understand the difference mang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "@awgofficialacc @psunster @syafiqqah at the same time, takde sijil halal jakim does not mean that it is haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999980092048645} +{"text": "QUOTE(Miracles @ Jun 19 2015, 12:06 AM)Haters gonna hateIs that the best you can type?I don't hate, it's just that people these days take pride on other people's effort so easily. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999868631362915} +{"text": "kau post lah rimau gajah pun.. nnt mesti dikaitkan jugak dgn mak cik jual nasi lemak takde sijil halal.. so citer dia skrg ni klo yakin , minum.. kalau was-was , takyah.. simple bukan https://t.co/BsMyG0CqiD", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9743968844413757} +{"text": "QUOTE(porselinaheart @ May 15 2024, 04:17 PM)If i understand correctly its an accreditation course for those who have already completed the required training overseas. So basically whatever certification they have even if from the best university in the world is not recognised by MMA unless u complete the UiTM courseThis is scary to be honest, what stopping government from only allowing courses from UiTM only you can get lesen.Let's say got new industry like using Drone for delivery, etc. You need a recognized cert in order to be a Drone manager. But the only recognized Drone cert is from UiTM... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999209642410278} +{"text": "stupidity at it's best, someone need to give that man an award ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996743202209473} +{"text": "@ribebel Exactlyyy.. Apa lah. Haram sikit je babi. Bodoh betul. Benda tu belum dapat pengiktirafan sijil halal je pun. Nak minum sampai kembung perut kau, minum lah. Takde siapa nak halang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Jan 9 2024, 12:01 AM)What if the Teddy Bear helps with kid's anxiety ?For example, the kid have mental health issue, like got anxiety, panic attack, etc.End up if sleep with Teddy Bear helps the kid and improve his/her mood and school performance.Can consider the Teddy Bear as \"medical device\" and thus can be used ?Jangan Tanya Soalan SusahKalau haram haram lah! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998608827590942} +{"text": "Babi haram tapi fitnah budaya kitaaa ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ May 3 2021, 08:09 AM)Kalau sakit perlu ke makan depan orang ramai? Tak boleh makan dalam ofis atau rumah?ko apahal? lemah syahwat? lemah iman?baik bukak je puasa tu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999192953109741} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 Tempat om puteh Bukan nya nama bukit berkiara kan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998183846473694} +{"text": "Dinner at halal difaya wagyu ~ buat ngaso ngaso satu dish - 3200 yen. \nIf wagyu one set = 18000 yen tak mampu hahaha . Ini pon share dua orang hahaah sebab da masuk kedai kan. tapi mmg sedap. the owner gave us all the side dishes (6/pax) even tho order 3 dishes je haahhaha", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969204664230347} +{"text": "Kalau bodo bab sijil halal tu baik diam je nanti malu haha, paling kurang kedai kena buka 3 bulan baru dpt sijil halal, darsa pulak supplier bismi muslim jadi no problem la budak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6829900741577148} +{"text": "I used to teman my boss eat his bak kut teh, i only drink water la b4 u ask anything la. Simpler to discuss work during makan2.See la how open the guy toward other religion.That particular boss, best boss in the whole world. Justin Ang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "Status Halal:\n1. Chatto sudahp mendapat sijil halal bagi outlet di Impian Emas\n2. Kesemua outlet Chatto menggunakan bahan penyediaan makanan & minuman yg diambil dr pembekal yg merupakan pemegang sjil halal yg sah.\n3. Chatto mematuhi setiap prosedur yang ditetapkan JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998192191123962} +{"text": "By the way, so are playing games, facebooking, having internet in fact, reading books, instagraming, selfie, taking pictures, watching tv, owning ipon, having ambition, creating art, playing balls, watching pon, having *** etc. cause all that pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.He does literally mean live in a cave. Anyone outside is haram.This post has been edited by TrialGone: Jan 4 2018, 08:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999640703201294} +{"text": "QUOTE(kimyee73 @ Nov 28 2016, 06:14 PM)Auntie Anne pun satu...biz still very good without halal cert. So many Malay customers. Buat penat je.Started from a ladies post which went viral on FB...questioning jakim about aunt anne \"halalness\". Dont think she was bothered by whatever \"dogs\" there, just whether halal or not.Jakim replied nope takde, still in consideration, processing or whatever.Then the halal correspondent working for Aunt Annes herself replied on FB stating few actual reasons why jakim still not approve. \"Dog\" being one of the reasons amongst other things. Aunt Anne willing to change. Then the rest is history. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991145730018616} +{"text": "Suka dong, aku lumayan sering masak sendiri daripada beli makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995429515838623} +{"text": "This is one of the reason I broke up with my gf..she is the crazy type always any launching ask me follow her que until few hours..last time in shah alam dunno what viral food I que with her almost 3 hours. Ppl like this got no life one. Que here and there cause jem and double park..just wait la not gonna die if don't buy on that day right and I wonder how they so free one. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8666194677352905} +{"text": "E deni si celeng lapar,kayak bersih aja hidup lu.selama ini mulut jamban lu yg selalu fitnah islam.makanya harus lu ingat,makanan yg masuk mulut lu itu halal atau haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "Quite coincidental with Malaysia going to check for halaness. Won't be surprised Malaysia give it halal status in return for corruption. U knowlah, Malaysia damn corrupt one. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999535322189331} +{"text": "Sampai kat walaun, status halal jakim tak perlu utk kedai mkn melayu. Boleh abaikan katanya...", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9865193963050842} +{"text": "Halal tak hanya makanan, pakaian, harta. Pikiran & gaya hidup jg harus halal dan bersih dari yg haram (sesuai syariat) | via ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9654083847999573} +{"text": "biar jakim je buat keje. bab halal ni kena jaga. makanan haram jadi darah daging. pastu jadi bahan bakar api neraka. corny ke lame ke kena terima sebab hukum Allah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9068105816841125} +{"text": "lagi senang kan kalau jakim keluarkan sijil haram. so memang clear dah makanan tu haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992064833641052} +{"text": "@zulhilmizabri @coyoterempit kalau sijil halal tu ada function bagus jugak. ni tak guna langsung", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992938041687012} +{"text": "QUOTE(fourzee @ Sep 5 2023, 10:08 AM)Bodoh nyer ..Bersih vs Halal 2 different issue loorr..Dupe sapa la niOrang yg aku quote tu dia ckp halal mesti bersihAku reply yg ada tanda halal tak semestinya bersihDupe bodo use your original account la bangang ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996559619903564} +{"text": "Makanan atau minuman yg halal\n\nDalam kategori halalan toyiba dan tiada unsur syubhah. \n\nBukan semata2 logo jakim. Tapi logo jakim penting sbgai standard pngiktirafan halal di Malaysia.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5684452056884766} +{"text": "\r\njangan la korang ke hulu hilir haram nya..pegi karaoke order air coke pakai cawan pakai jug yang penah hidang arak tak rasa bersalah? ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999964714050293} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Oct 25 2016, 04:11 PM)so you have to put more explanation on it. you say beef bacon is halal. you cannot put bacon and indicate that is halal without putting 'beef' in front of bacon. otherwise, people will get confused whether that is bacon made of pork or bacon made of beef. this is what jakim halal policy covers. the only problem is that, it involves hot'dog'. the status is advisory, it is better if the company chooses to change the name to sausages.its not imagination, its about staying away from any issue that can make the status of the food doubtful. i guess hotdog to sausages is harsh but people in jakim think that it is advisable to be sausages instead of hot dog.To me, that is what the halal logo is for. To erase such doubt. If the name tahi babi cicak goreng should never be an issue if got the halal logo. To me the purpose of the logo is to remove doubt not avoid it. Do u understand what im saying? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991251826286316} +{"text": "Kalau selalu makan makanan halal dan baik, ada jaminan hati dan akal kita akan bersih. Jadi kalau ada muslim yg berhati busuk, dijamin dia pernah memakan yg haram. Haram itu ga melulu soal babi dan anjing, tapi dari cara mendapatkannya juga, apakah didapat secara halal atau tidak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "\r\nsuka chinese fud tapi x boleh selalu sgt sbb MSG banyakkk ... \n\n\r\n~~ niway, itik panggang mmg mabeles ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9941202998161316} +{"text": "Demo kecek srupo musuh Isley.\n\nJoke aside, orang yang buat rigid macam ni memang merata-rata bang. Kat sini yang aku jumpa, dia satu family takkan makan makanan yang tak ada pengesahan HMC (Jakim equivalent di UK). Aku malas layan terus.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "Duduk negara ada Jakim pun, makanan status haram masih berleluasa.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8135430812835693} +{"text": "Want to say cheap also not cheap.Their basic leaf starts from rm13.90. Normal BLR RM8-RM10.Then comes the best part. Their dishes quite expensive leh. Easily more than rm10 for chicken/fish.Oh, and their teh tarik really damn expensive, around rm5 like that, really can cover any loss from their basic BLR. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971703886985779} +{"text": "\nkepompong replied at 23-7-2022 11:47 AM\nnasi lemak rm2 ka? yg ada telur separuh bungkus daun pisang, pakcik tu naik proton saga tkde ekon? ...\nHahah tak kisah la hat guna keta lama ke van buruk ke apa.\r\nSebut pasal van taktau napa peniaga suka guna van buruk yg kotor dan berkerak.\r\nPastu korang makan gak bersungguh2 jgn kata sijil halal bab kebersihan pun kelaut.\r\nTp tetap dianggap halal sbb yg masak org melayu isle walau masak tepi longkang je pun.\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998311996459961} +{"text": "\nhye kucing blue..i know mamak tu india muslim..tp maksud i kat atas tu..india hindu sbb tu kat kdai dia ada gmbar gajah kepala tujuh tu..kot dia muslim takkan nak letak gmbr tu lak kan??hehe\n\nI know what you meant. Just thought that it isn't that hard to be precise about it. \n then..try to read this:\n\nhttp://www.mail-archive.com/saha ... s.com/msg00893.html\n\r\ndis is just the fact and opinion..like i mentioned before..depends on people belief..kalo derang jenis yg tak strict sgt..mungkin derang tak kesah kann..tp kena igt..ada setengah2 yg sgt strict when it comes to halal haram makan sbb dia menjamin kesucian ati..jadi darah daging..it is up to you..either u want to follow or not \nasyura_85 Post at 15-6-2010 18:31 \n\n\nhmm, pasal telur ayam, kinda makes sense. pasal color rambut, ha ha. that's just ridiculous. tak abis bace lagi pon. baru satu email aku bace. \n\r\njap, dalam page tu ade explain ke yg ikut hukum kite kena elakkan makanan yg disedia org kafir?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9909542202949524} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeelong @ May 21 2016, 10:16 AM)Dude, didn't you read my earlier comment??? Your laziness and your ignorant consumed your mind of reading? I said No pork was not meant for muslim. It's mean for those non muslim who don't want to eat pork You think 1000000% no muslim eat pork?? aduiiiiiiiiiiiiiGoing back to my previous example, why do outlets like Tony Roma's display halal-certs issued to their suppliers then? Why do some Indian restaurants do the same? Even recently I found many online food delivery services advertise their halal supplier to attract Muslim customers but they're still pork free. Stop blaming just one side for this problem. My suggestion would be beneficial to both parties.QUOTE(marfccy @ May 21 2016, 10:17 AM)Last para speaks allIf i were a devout muslim who is looking for food in the first place, would i pickA. Restaurant that im unsure of halal status althou they dont serve porkB. Restaurant that i know (franchise based) that is guaranteed halalOfc B la, save the hassle and trouble of trying to find outThat's true but there are parties out there taking advantage of A. You can blame Muslims for being ignorant but the F&B industry needs their patronage. Some are more unscrupulous than others.This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: May 21 2016, 10:21 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998743534088135} +{"text": "QUOTE(lahart @ Feb 27 2018, 01:04 PM)If ur so concern about the afterlifeBetter go bcome ustaz or ulamaDon't have to become ustaz or ulama at all to end well on afterlifeEx. 12) Perempuan yang mati disebabkan anak yang dikandungnya. Dengan penjagaan kesihatan dan polisi kerajaan, ditambah dengan kecanggihan teknlologi perubatan yang moden, jumlah kematian akibat kelahiran agak menurun di negara kita sekarang. Namun jika ada mana-mana ibu yang meninggal kerana bersalin, dia mendapat syahid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "QUOTE(WinkyJr @ Jan 14 2015, 03:53 PM)salam bro, kalau ada masa pergi la pusat2 pengajian islam atau pun rujuk pada ustaz2 kat jabatan agama islam yang bertauliah.moga bro jumpa pencerahan yang sewajarnye berkenaan permasaalahan bro tu\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00absememangnya ramai umat islam yang mcm bro skrg, and tak dinafikan tak semua umat islam tu ada kekuatan dan pengetahuan yang cukup luas utk hadapi orang2 yang mcm bro (compliment ye)masa kat u pun aku pernah kena tanya mcm2 pasal islam yang kdg2 smpi buat aku keliruand someone bgtau aku amik wudhuk, solat sunat 2 rakaat betul2, mintak Allah kuatkan imannabi pernah ckp, fitnah dan ujian utk umat dia akhir zaman nanti mmg sgt besar & dahsyatThanks atas peringatan. I appreciate your positiveness walaupun kita tidak sependapat.Tanya ustaz2, memang bagus, tapi dekat Malaysia semua pendapat yang serupa, hampir semua pun dalam Shafie. Sebab tu, aku suka baca2 ajaran2 lain jugak, selain Malaysia. Baguslah kau banyak tanya. Sangat bagus. Itu yang patut orang Malaysia buat sekarang. Tanya. Tapi mereka takut tanya, sebab mereka percaya kalau tanya tu maksudnya menolak Islam. Jadi ramai buat taqleed saja. Just follow thier ustaz without thinking. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9699585437774658} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Apr 23 2024, 12:22 AM)Ada cap jari boleh verify kan? Ada gambar dalam chip kan?Kalau still tak boleh verify baik kasi lokap sementara hantar IC ke JPN utl verifikasi.Bukan suka suka rejek sebab nenek umur 90 tak pandai Bahasa MelayuIC kau boleh curi orang punya atau beli. It took me just 5 seconds to Google on how to make fake fingerprints.The reason they asked the nenek on her language proficiency is to profile her,profiling is the initial method of screening in any security check. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998557567596436} +{"text": "Non muslim aso confused. Sometimes when my supplier or vendor want to entertain us they always ajak to no pork restaurant especially those seafood one. Always ulang2 \"ini xda babi punya jngan risau\". ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "HAMzah, HAMdan, HAMidahtu semua haram ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966202974319458} +{"text": "TABAYYUN HALALMakanan Sunnah: \"Trend\" Atau AmalanAdakah penggunaan ungkapan \"makanan sunnah\" dibenarkan... http://fb.me/5vJxSyens", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997720122337341} +{"text": "Ini salah satu bisnis makanan yg seksi mas http://instagram.com/miellennials konon banyak yg suka dan repeat order. Mie Frozen Halal enak bersih hanya 18rb saja klik http://wa.me/6281290004693 terima kasih kak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986133575439453} +{"text": "QUOTE(MustyBalls92 @ Mar 29 2016, 03:12 PM)Wad u expect? Many ktards are of people that dont mind about halal haram food lolNot that i care about their background, but the level of disability to read pass one paragraph here is quite alarming.Not to mention the ones who only reads the title and straight away post.All these new generations will be my underlings in my company, i fear for my company well being.Its time to man up faggots. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Penjelasan Isu Status Halal Produk Minuman Jenama Kopiko L.A. Coffee \"Produk minuman jenama Kopiko L.A Coffee merupakan pemegang Sijil Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) yang merupakan badan... https://t.co/VJ9Mvv7tFv", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995020627975464} +{"text": "i want to know bout the budism and kow tow adat of chinese... coz i dun understand ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992848038673401} +{"text": "Enam tahun lalu, gadis manis ini pernah putus asa dan tertekan selepas disahkan lumpuh akibat demam panas hingga hilang semangat untuk meneruskan hidup.Namun, kini Haziqah Nurul Huda Harun, 22, yang lumpuh daripada paras pinggang ke bawah sejak 2012, mampu tersenyum kerana beliau bukan saja bangkit dari zaman kekecewaannya, malah mampu berbangga kerana berupaya berdikari menerusi perniagaan kuih bulan yang diusahakannya.Malah, berkat usaha dan kesungguhannya, membolehkan perniagaan itu bertambah maju dan kuih bulan yang dihasilkan bukan setakat menerima tempahan tempatan, malah menembusi pasaran luar negara termasuk Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Russia, Australia, Kuwait, Korea Selatan, Thailand dan Singapura.Ketika ditemui di kilangnya yang dinamakan Victory Yaya dekat Kampung Bukit Kuang, di sini, gadis yang mesra disapa dengan panggilan nama Yaya ini, rancak bercerita mengenai perancangannya pada tahun ini termasuk mahu membuka francais kuih bulan.\u201cJika ikut perancangan saya mahu membuka satu francais di Kuala Terengganu bulan hadapan bagi memperluaskan lagi pasaran kuih bulan halal ini, tambahan pula permintaan yang agak tinggi dari penggemar kuih tradisi masyarakat Cina itu.\u201cMalah, saya juga meneroka peluang untuk membuka francais di Kelantan, setakat ini saya memberi tumpuan kepada dua lokasi ini dulu. Jika berjalan lancar, mungkin akan diperluaskan ke negeri lain,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di sini, hari ini.Mengikut kepercayaan masyarakat Tionghua, kuih bulan adalah makanan istimewa sempena meraikan kemenangan orang China menumpaskan penjajah Mongol pada akhir Dinasti Yuan (1280 sebelum masihi-1341 masihi). Perayaan kuih bulan diraikan pada akhir Ogos hingga akhir September.Kuih bulan secara tradisinya diperbuat daripada adunan manis yang berintikan kacang merah, biji teratai atau kuning telur masin. Mengikut sejarah, pesanan untuk memberontak disebarkan menerusi surat yang diletakkan dalam kuih bulan, akhirnya berjaya menjatuhkan Dinasti Mongol.Berbicara lanjut mengenai kuih bulan yang dihasilkannya, Yaya berkata, beliau juga sedang merancang mengeluarkan empat lagi perisa baharu kuih bulannya yang mana ia lebih sihat dan kurang manis.Bagaimanapun, katanya, buat permulaan perisa baharu itu hanya terhad kepada pelanggan tetapnya saja, sebelum dibuka untuk tempahan pelanggan lain selepas berpuas hati dengan rasa serta sambutan yang diterima.\u201cSaya mahu pelanggan menikmati manisan dengan cara yang lebih sihat, bagaimanapun saya masih belum memutuskan jenis perisa dan namanya bagi produk baru itu\u201cSetakat ini saya mempunyai 30 jenis perisa tradisional dan moden hasil olahan sendiri. Setakat ini kuih bulan saya bukan saja digemari pelanggan Muslim, malah pelanggan Cina juga mengakui keenakannya,\u201d katanya.Antara perisa yang sering mendapat tempahan tinggi dari pelanggannya adalah kacang merah, kacang hazel, oreo, durian, gajus dan biji teratai.Mengimbau kembali permulaannya menghasilkan kuih bakul itu, Yaya berkata, dia berusaha menghasilkan kuih berkenaan demi memenuhi permintaan kakaknya yang ketika itu sedang hamil pada tahun 2015 selepas mempelajarinya daripada seorang rakan media sosial dari Beijing, China.Anak keempat dari lima beradik ini berkata kakaknya kemudian memuat naik gambar kuih berkenaan ke laman sosial Facebook (FB) sebelum mendapat banyak maklum balas positif daripada kenalan dan pengguna FB.\u201cSelepas itu saya menerima permintaan daripada seorang wanita yang juga sedang hamil, merayu supaya saya membuat kuih bulan untuknya dan sejak itu saya menerima tempahan berterusan daripada pelanggan.\u201cKetika itu saya hanya beroperasi dari rumah untuk memenuhi tempahan kira-kira 500 biji kuih bulan dalam satu masa. Susulan sambutan begitu menggalakkan dan jumlah tempahan yang semakin meningkat, saya memberanikan diri membuka kilang ini sejak September tahun lalu,\u201d katanya yang kini dibantu 30 pekerja dan menghasilkan sehingga 2,000 biji kuih bulan sehari .Katanya, bagi membantu individu senasib dengannya, Yaya turut mengambil tiga orang kurang upaya (OKU) untuk bekerja dengannya kerana menyedari golongan terbabit ada kalanya sukar mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai.\u201cSaya pernah melalui fasa putus asa dalam hidup ketika mula lumpuh, malah pernah terfikir supaya Allah mengambil saja nyawa saya.\u201cNamun, saya bertuah kerana mendapat sokongan ahli keluarga yang tidak jemu memberi semangat dan akhirnya saya sedar bahawa satu nikmat yang ditarik, Allah kurniakan 10 lagi nikmat kepada saya....jadi tiada sebab untuk terus meratapi takdir,\u201d katanya.FAKTA:Haziqah Nurul Huda Harun, 22Bekas Pelajar SMK Sultan Ismail 1, Kemaman- Setakat Penilaian Menengah Rendah# 2012- Lumpuh separuh badan selepas demam panas2015- Belajar buat kuih bulan daripada rakan dari Beijing, China- Hasil kuih bulan pertama untuk kakak yang mengidam- Mula terima tempahan daripada orang ramai- Beroperasi dari rumah keluarga2017- Buka kilang Victory Yaya - hasilkan kuih bulan halal- Hasilkan 30 perisa kuih bulan2018- Miliki 30 pekerja termasuk tiga OKU- Hasilkan 2,000 kuih bulan sehari- Rancang buka 2 lokasi francais kuih bulan- Pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsahttps://www.bharian.com.my/bisnes/usahawan/...ngan-kuih-bulan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7033830881118774} +{"text": "QUOTE(wangpr @ Aug 27 2020, 01:21 PM)Durian yang dirampas akan menjadi durian haram.... bagus bagus.....Sama2 Olang kite. Olang kite ada konsep haram ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995307922363281} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 06:22 PM)use haram brush won't die, but\u00a0 penalize the trader ???I don't agree with penalizing the traderBut that's not the issueI was talking about insulin ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997548460960388} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bombgen @ Oct 21 2019, 02:20 PM)Sorry i dont take that as a challenge. Duit aku, suka hati aku #BMFlol. ok. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "Starbuck akhirnya diumumkan haram oleh JAKIM kerana mengandungi arak dan DNA babi dlm minuman dan makanan mrk. Umat Islam sila berwaspada ya", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9916502237319946} +{"text": "Nak dpt logo halal, JAKIM bukan cek org islam x islam, ada babi xde babi. No. JAKIM cek sumber bahan buatan, kebersihan mesin dan kilang, pemakaian pekerja ketika memproses makanan. Sbb tu lah sijil Halal kita diiktiraf global.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6424148678779602} +{"text": "Seperti mana yang bagitau #CHIZU jangan risau ada sijil halal okay ! https://t.co/BojHU9ohfJ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.611423134803772} +{"text": "QUOTE(pokemon @ Nov 26 2023, 01:43 PM)What about the teacher qualities?Blind leading the blinds?Our education standard cannot even on par with singapore now.Go watch the youtube and be awaken.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUnb9_dI1Vc&t=1397sRead my comments about teaching techniques. That\u2019s the biggest problem today. How do you change the whole system. It\u2019s can\u2019t be done overnight. It needs careful planning and even they implement change, you\u2019ll only see the results in a decade or two.I watch the whole Jason Leong interview and he is basically talking about his views in Klang Valley only and he got a lot of information wrong too especially Chinese schools as he mixes up independent Chinese schools and government funded Chinese schools. Yes, private education is getting popular but majority of are still going to Chinese vernacular schools during primary schools. Most parents still want their children to have basic Chinese vernacular schools foundation but they will change to private when they go secondary.As for Jason, I think his decision is more due to Malaysians not happy with him during Jocelyn jokes and that\u2019s why his shows in Malaysia can\u2019t sell. Anyway, he is not that good and most of his jokes are recycled again and again. By the way, read the comments and you will see a lot of Singaporean saying the host is giving wrong info about Singaporean education. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9657791256904602} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 25 2023, 11:23 AM)By tahan, I mean tahan lasak, they can work long hours, or rather when there are certain stuff to be completed, they can live at the office or site (live is just a descriptive term I use, they don't really live on site) and their sheer will power to see things get done. i need to think a bit how to describe this, as one of my best bud is an IT guy...sometimes he wont be reachable for a few days...then suddenly turn up...then we know he was working on something.Do you think Malaysian also have these kind of hardcore people albeit leeser in quantity and often been neglected by the mass as mass have been inside the cocoon for a long time to justify their subpar performance?For every industry it's about the totality to details, rotten internally is 1 thing, other extenal stakeholders are 1 thing along the supply chain. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Mar 3 2024, 12:46 PM)U don't trust the best Asian FM during 1997? He is the same FM nowbest? ptuih numberman ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "QUOTE(chamelion @ Jan 7 2020, 10:03 AM)This is a situation like someone work in the religion field like to watch very very hardcore porn. It is the thought or act that is more important?watch only. didnt act it out so it is ok.QUOTE(Joe_Longgo @ Jan 7 2020, 09:34 AM)Who the fuck wanna eat lamb that tastes like broccolibut there are plenty vegan who loves to eat broccoli that tastes like lamb QUOTE(kingmafia @ Jan 7 2020, 10:09 AM)Why not?because ini satu usaha dajjalyahudikristiancinalgedapigilluminatinwo memesongkan akidah umat kitadia umpan umat kita dengan daging olok2, pastu bila umat kita tak sedar dia selitkan dengan daging babi yg betullihatlah betapa halusnya permainan kafir2 ini yang sedaya upaya memasukkan jarum dalam mencacatkan minda dan amalan umat kita ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983958601951599} +{"text": "Lebih suka beli makanan sama pacar.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998739957809448} +{"text": "QUOTE(gingerrobot @ Apr 4 2024, 02:30 PM)Me simple...if they say halal ingredients..and I dont see any haram yang terang lagi bersuluh..I will just eat.Not easy to apply for halal cert anyways..long process. Plus makcik muslim tepi jalan jual makanan pun kena apply siji halal kalau mcm tu.But I have a srs question.. sedap ke makanan kt bungkus kaw kaw ni? Aku xpernah beliThey also sell Nasi Lemak AyamHow do you know this company get the chicken supply from the halal source? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999796152114868} +{"text": "QUOTE(+3kk! @ Dec 13 2019, 03:40 PM)But if we follow that logic, then tuak would be haram, so would a large number of cuisines european/ japanese.I find that the guy you posted made some sense, but then some european cuisines would not be haram anymore.Tuak is haram. Cuisines that added liqour/wine/beer is haram too. Tapai does not contain liqour/wine/beer but small amount of alcohol. Read my few post above regarding the difference between liquor and alcohol.Just like air nira, drink it fresh ok. Fermented it long enough it turns into intoxicating drink aka liqour (dan kawan kawan sejenisnya). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969446063041687} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 12:19 PM)I dont see the issue as long the toukey explained they use halal things, no lard or whatever haram oil. For me if im satisfied with the explanation and no doubt with the food, its ok for me. In quran dont have state muslims can only eat from muslim prepared food only or from certain race only. Or must have jakim halal cert only can eat.unless there is halal version of vegetables I don't think muslims should be was was when it comes to eating Chinese vegetarian or any vegetarian food. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7945939898490906} +{"text": "Kami Melayu Muslim makan je dekat restoran Cina tapi yang muslim punya juga la. Kan hati yang bersih ditempa dari makanan yang halal. So mesti la cari yang halal. Tak gitu? https://t.co/cjPBJ2KYlk", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9340342283248901} +{"text": "Biggest thief of nation give discount.. but ppl in need of fuel to go work get punish with higher fuel. Best nation ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9231371283531189} +{"text": "\r\nsebenarnye\u00a0\u00a0kalau difikir-fikirkan, memang susah nak beli brg.\u00a0\u00a0\n\r\nLogo HALAL Jakim tu,mcm senang-senang je nak dpt.\u00a0\u00a0Ada pulak tu, \r\nyg jenis sticker. Main tampal je.\u00a0\u00a0Sape-sape pun boleh buat kalau mcm tu...\n\r\nRasenye Jakim kena do something pasal benda nie....\n\r\nSaya pernah voice out perkara nie pd org Jakim, and jwpnnya...\r\nTak cukup kakitangan....", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9941906929016113} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 25 2016, 03:20 PM)Hotdog definitely not haramNobody confused about hotdogOnly in jakim imagination Even Mufti Perlis say hotdog is okRational able minded human has no issue with hotdogHotdog definitely not haram - YesBut you apply for a certification of course need to follow the standard.Same as Sirim, U buy china made no Sirim logo. Is it say cannot use in malaysia? of course can.Quality maybe same as Sirim approved one. Just that it has no Sirim logo.The issues is that you want the cert just follow the standard la and that is not the main reason why Auntie anne halal cert is rejected. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9936355352401733} +{"text": "Wisata halal hakikatnya sudah dijalankan di bali toilet bersih, membedakan makanan halal dan haram, mushola dekat tempat wisata.. Kami di bali sudah terbiasa dan mengerti kalau menyajikan makanan haram ke kawan besaritu dosanya lebih besar. Kami bali punya aturan adat.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Sep 6 2016, 12:32 PM)best my asskang bukak cite kangQUOTE(Faidzal @ Sep 6 2016, 03:45 PM)bukak je cerita.some ppl need to know the hard truth no matter how hurtful the truth is...even my attempt for FB to delete her page succeeded for a while...https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3895228pls bukak ceritaQUOTE(theaxia @ Sep 6 2016, 02:11 PM)Aku rasa dia tak selesa join tabligh kot, ko tau la, geng tabligh ni jenis memaksa, keluar 40 hari la 3 bulan laa. Aku pun malas, jangan kan dia..takyah join tabligh pun bole insap bruhQUOTE(Faidzal @ Sep 6 2016, 03:37 PM)I give u play safe answer then:solat tidak sah jika tidak menutup aurat... \u00a0 \u00a0 Kalau belum potong, xyah pakai telekung? Tapi sudah ada boobies wor... bole ke pakai tshirt time solat?Kalau lelaki pakai telekung... boleh ke? Sebab telekung pakaian perempuan?My brain QUOTE(Faidzal @ Sep 6 2016, 03:37 PM)kalau dia solat, tak jadi kes macam ni kak oi.... \u00a0 \u00a0 manelah tahu... bersangka baik. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986532926559448} +{"text": "@MangsaPenipu @drmazacom Kedai Melayu pun kita tak tau dia masak guna bahan apa tp kita makan walaupun dorg takda sijil halal. Sebab? Yakin ke tak je. Semua makanan asalnya halal kecuali yg diharamkan. Kalau was-was, tinggalkan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jun 15 2024, 09:31 PM)R.I.P.They focus too much on halal issue but completely forsake the most important aspects of food hygiene and safety.Itu semua takdir, janji halal ok? Kebersihan semua tak penting... Itu hanya sementara di dunia... Kek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.890265166759491} +{"text": "1. Memohon pensijilan Halal Malaysia adalah perkara sukarela (voluntary) untuk semua sembilan scheme yang tertakluk dibawah kawalan Pensijilan Halal Malaysia.\n2. Ya, betul umat Muslim wajib memilih premis makanan yang disahkan Halal oleh JAKIM untuk elakkan syubhah. (1/2)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9723768830299377} +{"text": "Uighur lebih penting. They actually know what halal is. Let them be in charge. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8284046053886414} +{"text": "Makanan kesukaan mu apa? \u2014 Apaaja deh.yg penting halal&bersih http://ask.fm/a/bb0ae973", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995511174201965} +{"text": "Aku perasan manusia sekarang, x boleh tgk makanan/minuman viral sikit kat med soc trus pergi beli, ambil gambar post kat soc med dengan bangganya. Yakinnya kamu it\u2019s halal without looks at sijil halal jakim kat kedai tu Yg kau tahu aku dh try makanan/minuman viral tu and yes", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988991022109985} +{"text": "no singaporkrean think their braised duck taste better than haram onedeswai kolos ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9823579788208008} +{"text": "QUOTE(acepilot12 @ May 31 2017, 04:31 PM)GMP is expensive like hell but for small business like mine it's really impossible to get unless my business is good then i go get some fund, but for now i really don't think i can afford any of it.. Sell small bro, now to survive also hard but i really hope i can get those in future... those that will cost banyak $$ and time, some /k offered me those cert before it cost really high.. kena tunggu,, erm 2 or 3 tahun baru i see whether can or not ( pray hard )lulBro, if ur business is small can apply for mesti(makanan selamat tanggunjawab industri) for free by kkm. If you manage to comply to the requirement and get the certificate, u can straight apply for jakim halal certification (fee is rm800 for 2 year).The only thing that are important is your premise can maintain the gmp/mesti requirement. No need high tech yang penting selamat and bersih lol. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9857614040374756} +{"text": "QUOTE(Salleh.Ismail @ Nov 2 2013, 06:27 PM)dalam Islam, pendapat wajib ada dalil dan sokongannya. kalau pendapat sendiri, itu bukan hukum.ini salah satu salah faham orang melayu dalam Islam. kasutpun kalau terpijak najis mughallazah tak dibawa sembahyang, tak perlu sertu.cukup sekadar dah basuh dengan air. bukan boleh berjangkit macam virus najis itu.Tepat sekali. Yg bab sertu tu la ad perbezaan ulama; ada ckp kena sertu ada ckp takyah, cukup sekadar basuh biasa.Anyway, kau ni dupe sape? Nak reply tered ni pun kena buat dupe? QUOTEJoined: Today, 06:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999634027481079} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 07:35 AM)No, you seem to confuse yourself when it comes to halal haram principles when it comes to consolidated funds for governments.There are different take from international fatwa when it comes to sin tax, but none of them says its haram to collect sin tax.In Malaysia most mufti agreed that sin tax are considered tax that meant to discourage haram activities or food consumption.there lies the point where the money collected are not considered haram, because it was considered a tax to discourage and not to promote alcohol, gambling, etc.Our muftis already considered this as one of the reason why we dont need to separate the funds at the first place.of course there are opinions that it better to separate these funds and allocate it for activities to prevent or discourage alcohol, smoking, gambling activities, but we live in multicultural country and it is much better to consolidate the funds and use it for development, education, economic growth, etc.But NONE of the \"ulama\" says collecting sin tax is haram, so who are you to say otherwise?Again, if you want to learn more, go ask the muftis in Malaysia they can help you understand better in this regard.But as it stands now, no, sin tax are permissible for any Islamic country to collect, only the use case have different opinions from various islamic scholars.And before you guys die die want to claim sin tax plays a Major role, No, at best it is only 10% out of the total taxable revenue in Malaysia, 90% of it are from non sin tax taxable revenue.That, and adding the fact that sin tax are considered a \"fine\" to discourage haram food consumption and activities.yeah right, didnt recall you made this argument when ppl returned the rm100 to penang lge last time because it came from non halal sources ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996273517608643} +{"text": "NGO Mahu Jakim Pantau Status Halal Makanan Di Seluruh Bazar Ramadhan http://kedahnews.com/2015/07/ngo-mahu-jakim-pantau-status-halal.html\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999223947525024} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Nov 17 2020, 12:50 PM)you know, this is one of the related reasons why FDI in malaysia is declining.you have a good homegrown brand that has expanded well (besides local franchises of the kopitiam, their ready to drink cans and powder 3-in-1 are selling very well both in malaysia and internationally).foreign non china company comes in to buy said brand and also looking to enlarge their presence and fight the no. 1 market leader (nestle).current brand and new owner working within the laws and try to cater and follow all the requirements including getting and renewing halal certs.then you have the majority locals not only spreading fitnah on the company itself (whether halal status or even their ownership since i still keep reading on FB/twitter that oldtown belongs to either rosmah or ngah bros of perak DAP fame depending on who is making the claim despite JDE buying them outright) or the certifying body JAKIM which is a govt. owned agency.so why would a foreign company waste time and money in malaysia?it's damned if you do, damned if you dont.most facepalming fact is that some ppl don't even trust the JAKIM process and suggesting stuff that even Muslim scholars don't endorse (like having muslim-only cooks etc). \u00a0 \u00a0 Kenapa perlu FDI yang bukan Islam. Teruskan BMF!Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8128661513328552} +{"text": "QUOTE(wowlegion1990 @ Oct 25 2016, 05:17 PM)Sorry bro... in islam each name has a meaning..You cant comprehend the importance of name in islam..it's more than just a word to identify yourself.That's why a lot of cainis prefer using english name rather than their chinese name.. your name has no weight You can't expect people to bend their tradition just because you tak suka..huh? chinese name no weight? bro..i guess u know nothing about chinese names... topkek...so is the origin important now? now is tradition or religion? tradition is not an religion...This post has been edited by sunami: Oct 25 2016, 04:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9097784757614136} +{"text": "Kalau x ada sijil Halal, jangan pergi makan. Banyak je pun kedai yg tak ada sijil Halal..apa masalah? Halal bkn nya wajib kena ada. Bezanya nak makan atau pun tak je. Tu je.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9163996577262878} +{"text": "damage is done, cakap suka hati shares > sorry posting sharesSushi jiro is operated by the Super Dining Group, the same group that operates sushi zanmai & rakuzen, malays eating there okay jer all these while.... Honestly such establishment got no time for such practice la... To serve what is on their halal menu also do until sibeh busy already... And then that is Shah Alam aka halal area!This post has been edited by rickyro: Mar 24 2021, 09:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994217038154602} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:30 PM)Kalau dalam keadaan darurat selagi boleh dapat makanan yg confirm halal, kena usahakan. Hanya kalau keadaan yg betul2 darurat yg mana kalau dia xmakan akan sebabkan sakit teruk atau kematian baru boleh makan bda2 yang xhalal/diragui status makanan tu. Bukan main bantai ja.kau tahu kan time darurat babi pun boleh makan..ni padahal vegetarian je kot ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999738931655884} +{"text": "\r\nIslamic Bank?\r\nAdakah Bank Islam atau Bank Muamalat? Ni je bank Islamic kat Malaysia saya rasa.\n\r\nKalau setakat Maybank Islamic, RHB Islamic, Hong Leong Islamic, tu bukan Islamic encik oiiii\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993951320648193} +{"text": ": kaedah sepatutnya ialah SEMUA MAKANAN HALAL kecuali yg dinyatakan dlm Quran.Yg trjadi ialah,semua HARAM kecuali ada logo JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9777397513389587} +{"text": "lol oren kito can tahan the babi smell or not?nanti komplen tempat ada bau haram pulokthat would escalated into banning the sale of pork in the place altogether ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ Sep 11 2023, 11:45 AM)First thing first, did the owner claim his food is halal? Or malay themself bodo claim malay cook=halal?What law stated malay cannot sell non halal? Dia nak buat busines non halal, hak dia la. Melayu je yg bodo claim malay= halal which is not correct. Banyak gerai gerai melayu yg tak halal je, kotor ptuihhh itu pun kira haram taumany ppl are big hypocrites , so ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kakacaucau @ Jun 1 2020, 07:50 AM)Jgn guna alcohol sanitizer, haram jugakthat kind of alcohol if you drink..straight away die woofrom fermentation for consumption is the one that is prohibited... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "PAS imej is decided by what motion and questions they bring into parliamentAll of PAS imej can be summarise into1. Tight clothing2. Alcohol3. Syariah law4. Vernacular school ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997408986091614} +{"text": "Sijil halal, sepatutnya dilonggarkan syarat kepada pengusaha bumiputera Islam. Sijil halal dikeluarkan mematuhi syarie atau adat.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9975557327270508} +{"text": "\n\n Agree! PAS paling best!\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999091625213623} +{"text": "@mzffrsh4h Tapi kan, tak ada sijil halal tak bermakna makanan tu haram. Betul tak? Peniaga peniaga tepi jalan dan pasar malam pun tak ada sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabularis @ Feb 9 2017, 11:27 AM)Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as mediumThe whole world including japan german usa uk pakai babi bulu so far all gone well. Only 3rd world muslin country like malaysia ini tak boleh itu tak bagus. Topkek. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999436140060425} +{"text": "QUOTE(fotosintesis @ Aug 27 2016, 02:35 PM)Open 3 hours oni.. And an hour for today. Bukak kat simpang jalan, not suitable for long hours premise.. Hence, no need for permit la. Inb4, dh fb name https://www.facebook.com/princess.avril.562Rasa2, waifu material tak kalau layan avril? Stil it's illegall cos simpang jalan not meant for berniaga. PBT should come and confiscate her nasi lemaks and rip apart her table and poster. LHDN too should come and investigate her account and declare her earnings and tax it and summon her for doing sales without license. Also the materials and preparation must comply halal status snd yet no declaration. But ppl are quick to judge Cadbury and McDonald's when it has been always since Pharoah time been halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973764419555664} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Feb 27 2018, 01:15 PM)Why best?cannot answer, later kena ban tu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999568462371826} +{"text": "Motif tunjuk bill RM1200?Nak tunjuk dia mampu makan situ ke apa?Tak semestinya hang makan tempat macam tu, kualiti bagus dan kebersihan terjaga. So funnyFood poisoning can happen in any food establishment. It doesnt matter u eat at cheap or expensive placeThis post has been edited by xpole: May 10 2024, 09:23 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995260238647461} +{"text": "QUOTE(MookKai @ Feb 21 2024, 12:51 PM)You are new on your journey, you should be able to make easy newbie gains. My advice is to eat more eggs and meat. I have been consistently eating at least 4 size L eggs everyday for 8 years. Cholesterol level is still within range. I fry them in either olive oil or butter.I would say 6 eggs a day is a good balance. 4 for breakfast and work in 2 more during the day. Chicken is good cheap source of protein if you have to eat halal. But mix between breasts and thighs. You need the fat for growth and performance. Pork actually is more protein dense, but it has more fat and not halal. Another good source will be whole milk. I drink about 11 liters of whole milk a week.Try to eat more real food before using shakes. Because shakes are not complete meals. The only protein I would recommend is casein protein. It is a slow digesting form of protein. It helps you to feel full for longer. It is also best to drink at night so your body has a steady source of protein while you sleep.Sad to say, I have removed whole milk from my diet. I noticed I put on body fat very quickly. Now, I'm much leaner just on jiken fillet & salmon,cod,etc, but yes, I agree with your view on eggs. Eggs are so nutritious ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9304572343826294} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazq @ Feb 1 2023, 05:57 PM)bukan ada ke tered order makanan kat /k/ baru2 ni. skill penting in bisnes world according to /k/tardspastu boleh pulak bash mamat monaliza ni tak puas hati dgn makanan, entitled kononlolBiasalah kalau melei kena, entitledKalau dia kena, tertindas ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9764253497123718} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Oct 23 2020, 10:31 AM)Exactly, it's a \"how\". Everyone can prepare food the halal way. The logo is just a layer of cost/expense so that one body can earn money by exploiting the ignorance of others, ignorance that that body themselves perpetuate.You can get certified as an engineer, but that doesn't mean that things other uncertified engineers build can never be up to spec, especially when things build by engineers of such a certified body keeps breaking, like chunks of bridge falling on cars.You don't seem to understand what is halal, and what is a logo indicating halal. A better comparison of your analogy is does having a driver's license mean you can drive (and vice versa)The problem is everyone thinks they can prepare food the halal way. Same like uncertified engineers think they can build stuff up to spec. Can they do it? sure. Is it up to standards? Likely not. I got a real world story too. Some time ago, my dad wanted to get custom false teeth and his friend introduced him to a guy who makes the false teeth but is not a dentist. I told dad to forget him and see a real dentist but my dad says he's the guy dentists call to make false teeths,' so it will be the same anyway and he can save some money. Long story short, he went back and forth to the guy for like nearly a year, lost his remaining good teeth because he had them pulled out to accommodate his new false teeth, and in the end he didn't even get a working set. Aunt then took him to a real dentist and he got a working one like super fast, a month plus. A lot of people are all talk and all shit. Be careful of them. Halal doesnt only mean no pork no alcohol, sembelih ikut syariat etc, but also in terms of cleaniless, acceptable quality and etc. Refer to this alsohttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/5760...-itu-berkualitiIf you think the certified engineers and licensed drivers we have now are bad, then you should NEVER want uncertified engineers building stuff or unlicensed drivers on the roads. You don't need a halal logo to sell kicap. If you fake it then u kenalah when kantoi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9331914186477661} +{"text": "QUOTE(acepilot12 @ May 31 2017, 04:25 PM)let's not talk about sirim gmp or iso, if we look at halal itself it's so hard to get and without halal 99speed/7E/ or whatever mart you name it, you can call them and offer them a product and when you say you not have halal cert they will just cut your call and they wont even want to waste their time I tried it before. 99 speedmart is a chinese owned company, they told me that without halal cert i can put my stuff there but i need to pay certain amount $$ or unless my uncle work in there ( connection ) they are not giving chances to new entrepreneur at all. They will see things like, new product? go away we play safe. They don't even let me explain what my product is. I've asked about how to get halal and the reason why i wan halal it's because you know why. We can penetrate into many other marts easily, ( it's very strong cert ) with halal without gmp or iso people will still buy. They told me i need to give out company's equity under Jakim's people and i need to pay certain ang pao money every year min 20k ( my friend supply nasi lemak to 7E told me ) the more you sell, the more you pay this is why he stopped selling because no profit. You tak bayar? Okay, i tutup your kedai for halal checklist 2 months. Again, no offense just discussion. This guy in the video definitely worked like hell before to obtain what he have now.The thing with new manufacturers, is they always think hypermarket is the best channel n they try to mimic an existing fmcg top shelf product. Trust me, in the wholesale/distributor circle.. No one likes the super/hypermarkets. In fact, no one wants to go the extra mile with hypermarkets, at most the basic low margin products. This is why u see they only stock nestle, n big stuff. There are other ways, even if you have no halal theres a niche for your prod. Dont need to always play by the book. Of course we prefer if it is certified halal with gmp, but does it kill your biz if u dont hv?no.If u stick to the mantra that you can sell anything anywhere on omni-channels, no labels can stop you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991773962974548} +{"text": "I know that halam haram ni sgt pnting. Tapi jenis yg nak, mesti, kena ada, wajib ada sijil halal jakim ni mcm mana la kalau pergi luar negara eh. Semua benda syubhah \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9641389846801758} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Jan 21 2019, 03:45 PM)After 10 years in /k, ktard still cant understand.In malaysia, islam > all. This is the reality. Again, islam > all.So can fitnah suka hati? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998887777328491} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Jul 29 2019, 08:13 AM)It is like Panadol. Take Panadol to cure headache or fever is not haram, but take too much is haram.Drink beer a little is haram. Drink a lot until you get drunk is also haram.What is the difference?Panadol is meant for medication and drinking beer is to drunk\u00a0 panadol is certified halal from jakeem beer is not certified halal, adastand QUOTE(Level 60 Wizard @ Jul 29 2019, 08:15 AM)korrect! i have family yo! wait till i alone then i dont mind going for lose-lose situation famili first. QUOTE(ykj @ Jul 29 2019, 08:28 AM)Root beer has no alcohol too. Basically same concept for non-alcoholic beer. Bising ape?Perkataaan tu buat hilang iman? Atau kurangkan pahala? Kurang ajar tu simpan sikitmabuk huruf QUOTE(hirano @ Jul 29 2019, 08:57 AM)Oh and you are the bright one? Very funny.Do not steer away from the topic. Local malays, whether from kampung or the urban ones, have fucuked up holier than thou mentalityin ol days, kukuklan was known as ultra now days, kukuklan is known as ketuanan it is their 'hak' so Dr M 'tak persoal' so 'jgn persoal' always remember i am only a minority ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ray2021 @ Mar 13 2024, 10:20 PM)I humbly posit SK racism far exceeds SJK racism supported by the fact that more and more Bumi outright prefers SJK (non nons 20% and growing)\u00a0 conversely SKs has less and less multiracial composition.By all means I 100% agree SJK also have plenty of racist and chauvinist but interesting enough far less than SKs (paksa makan minum di tandas, tak boleh pakai tradisi, gurau non minum air kencing ... ini semua guru termasuk guru besar).The more likely conclusion that SJKs are by far truly a school for Malaysia Malaysians versus SKs ... again it is incredible when the growth of non-nons have reached 20% +++ (this is fact)You are right, each of us have bias, but Malaysians have found that SJK to be the better truly Malaysian school compared to SKs ... again please share any report of the outright racism in SJK (definitely there is inherent racism but relative to SK ??)Even PAS MP/Politictian send her children to vernacular school ... why ?Temerloh tak selesa dgn sek vernakular guna Bahasa lain tapi Temerloh juga hantar anak ke Sek CinaBuka kantin sekolah: 'Saya tidak mahu pelajar bukan Islam makan di stor'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCc-z4LLWDU..._channel=KiniTVhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnzx9gp0FZ4...nel=JASONUpdateThis sounds like the fallacy of relative privation, also known as the \"not as bad as\" fallacy or the \"appeal to worse problems.\" It occurs when someone dismisses an issue or problem on the grounds that there are more important or more serious problems to deal with, even though both issues could be worthy of concern. Essentially, it's an argument that suggests a problem is not important simply because there are bigger problems.The fallacy of relative privation undermines valid concerns by shifting attention away from the initial problem without addressing it. This can be problematic for several reasons:1. **Minimization of Concerns**: It dismisses the initial issue as unimportant, which can be invalidating to those affected by it. Just because there are \"worse\" problems doesn't mean the original concern doesn't deserve attention.2. **Deflection**: By diverting the conversation to other issues, it avoids engaging with the original argument, which can be a tactic to evade responsibility or to avoid addressing something challenging or uncomfortable.3. **Logical Inconsistency**: The existence of more significant problems does not logically imply that lesser problems are not problems at all. Multiple problems can coexist, and the severity of one doesn\u2019t negate the existence of the other.4. **Stifling Progress**: If only the worst problems were ever addressed, less severe issues would never be resolved. This approach hampers overall progress as it fails to recognize the interconnectedness of issues and the fact that small problems can escalate if neglected.The focus should be on acknowledging and addressing each issue on its own merits, rather than using the existence of larger problems to dismiss smaller ones. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.681992769241333} +{"text": "QUOTERamadan bazaar food scam rampant due to lack of enforcement: CAPKUALA LUMPUR:Low quality, high prices and poor food hygiene practice continue to leave patrons of Ramadan bazaars feeling cheated from enjoying worthy Iftar meals.Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) senior education officer N.V. Subbarow said the lack of enforcement against dishonesty was the main reason for the rampant situation.While he commended the Penang mufti for highlighting the issue of selling poor quality of food, he noted that the authorities were not taking enough action resulting in irresponsible bazaar vendors getting away with mere warnings.Following Penang mufti Datuk Seri Dr Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor warning, traders selling overpriced and poor quality food, including spoilt ones, is haram.Netizens are still sharing their grouses over their food purchases on social media.Recently, a patron revealed how disappointed he was at a trader who charged him RM3 (extra) for requesting his drink without the ice cubes.In a TikTok post, @eshamsoda noted, \"I had sincere intentions to support a drink vendor at the bazaar but hmmmmm\"\"This is why I am so lazy to go to the bazaar. Prices are ridiculous now,\" replied a user on the post, equally appalled by the incident.https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/03/...enforcement-cap\nFwenODn36lo\n\n#kamujagakito #Rezeki ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993523955345154} +{"text": "aku tak suka keluaq mkn dgn org yg jenis, \u201ceh halal tak ni urm mkn tempat lain k\u201d. eh ko order babi ka. tgk la ingredient dia apa. kedai tepi jalan yg ko singgah selalu tu ko tak tanya lak ada sijil halal ka dak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9651996493339539} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ May 10 2017, 09:23 AM)Sama gak ke? Siot je diorg ni. Asnaf nak minta bantuan byk lak birokrasiaku bukan mintak zakat.. tapi diorang request satu job.. tetiba ada mamat mana mengaku nak jadi boss handle kita orang nyer team. nak sapu semua duit 2.. lepas meeting bye bye.. tak layan dah..ada few history ngan gov.. $$$ mesti ada. kalau takde jangan.. payment semua gampang slow.. nak implement pun paroh.. meeting la, apa la ,cuti la.. 1001 alasan. Budget kecik ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Oct 23 2020, 05:55 PM)Halal is not rocket science, so comparing it to a university degree or an engineering certification is pointless. If you still want to go on this path, then you'll have to reconcile that you're implying that muslims have been eating non halal food every day.Directly in the quran - \u201cO you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship. He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful\u201d. [2:172-173]Since halal and haram are diametrically opposed, as long as the food is not haram, it is halal. That you need someone to tell you what is halal, reflects poorly on believers.still. u still dont understand. are u non-muslim ? , if non, better dont explain at all because u clearly dont understand u just make other people confused. i mean i dont touch others religion because i knew nothing about it.taking 1 line from quran , doesnt mean u understand everything.its not just for food. but how to process it also is a factor.chicken is halal. but when u didnt slaughter it properly following syariah, then its haram.u eat at non-muslim restaurant, how u know the food there is halal or not ? u go to kitchen and see what is the ingredients they use to cook ? and like i said, halal logo is there to validate that food is halal according to Syariah. u can eat non halal logo, but make sure u 'trust' the food. this is not rocket science as u said. if this thing is a joke, then why whole world use it ? hv u seen halal logo from diff countries ?QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Oct 24 2020, 04:05 PM)Sure... that's why you need groups like JAWI and JAKIM to tell you how to practice your religion because we all know, nobody perfect. nobody know everything. thus we would have a teacher to teach us. even if u learn quran by ur self. each people will interpret it differently. lots of things in quran, didnt specify clearly.everything in this world should be regulated, to avoid wrong teaching and guide to the correct way.each religion hv their own way on how to avoid wrong teachings and have their own regulated bodies as well. u sure u didnt know about this ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6781343221664429} +{"text": "Yang biasa buat kek tu boleh baca penjelasan mufti ni berkenaan hukum penggunaan peearna makanan https://qalamdakwah.com/2019/04/03/hukum-pewarna-makanan-20-peratus-alkohol-mufti-wilayah-persekutuan/\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997392296791077} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalKEK which vegetarian will cook vege in pork lard??? The wine part also rarely ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9510603547096252} +{"text": "QUOTE(nelienuxe_sara @ Jan 24 2023, 02:12 PM)ginger beer halalroot beer halalbut 0% beer filter after they make the arak is haram because source sudah haram arak is arakalcohol is not arakalcohol tak haramarak is haramalcohol guna untuk sanitizer halalalcohol dalam cuka halaldog dalam hotdog?beer dalam root beer? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(mistralmudd @ Jan 9 2024, 08:16 AM)Jangan memandai and buat fitnah. He not ulama to ikut kepala sendiri. He himself based on other ulama. He is pendakwah, not ulama. Ulama is someone who is certified/acknowledge/renown to give fatwa. He not at that level.Ok.jpg ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "Actually tak salah pon kalau kerja tue takda kn mgena dgn sijil belajar. Tak semua apa yg kita idamkan mesti dpt. Asalkan rezeki tue halal & ada usaha utk bantu diri sendiri & keluarga.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9422999620437622} +{"text": "QUOTE(fnm83 @ Nov 3 2014, 05:44 PM)I went with CS Travel using Chartered MAS flight.very comfortable.You need to start reading do and don'ts at Tanah Haram and during the Umrah and Ihram as well..It is recommended to attend the half day Umrah course\u00a0 that normally organized by the travel agent.Also it is good to prepare you body and mind as well.Also pls always have in mind that you not coming to Mekah and Madinah for ibadah.. spend more time at Masjidil Haram rather than shopping malls.huh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977394342422485} +{"text": "QUOTE(ceras @ Mar 3 2024, 11:01 AM)with record FDI, this is the payout?\u00a0 wtf....Record fdi based on mou or wad? Also need factored in the forex gain for them in usd... and forex loss for us in myr... haha. Thanks best fm.. pm should credit this fm ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997822642326355} +{"text": "Penjelasan Berkenaan Isu Status Halal Produk Makanan Ringan Jenama Snek Ku\n\nUntuk makluman pengguna, produk makanan ringan jenama Snek Ku keluaran syarikat New Star Food Industries Sdn Bhd... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2375561439161078&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9127669930458069} +{"text": "QUOTE(malaozhai @ Apr 12 2024, 10:03 AM)At first nak tunjuk hero boikot, last2 makan jugaTakya lakon la bodosame theory as \"mulut kata haram, tapi gosok bebird juga\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9952587485313416} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 10:46 PM)haram for muslim, but non-muslim pulak butthurtlolIf you know how haram works here, non-muslims are not safe from their onslaught haramization. Some of the biggest event, concerts, beerfest, and shows all get blanket banned in the name of haram. I remember one non-muslim fuming because his favourite magazine got marred/censored because the lady in the picture showed a little bosom.This post has been edited by TrialGone: Jan 4 2018, 11:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996657371520996} +{"text": "QUOTE(UpsideDownYeah @ Jan 23 2021, 05:03 PM)Why alcohol haram ? Cause it intoxicates you and not able to think straight ? Alcohol put into cooking will evaporate and won't make you drunk , still considered haram ?Can't even have 1 drop of it.Dont care evaporate o not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999516010284424} +{"text": "Isu Xing Fu Tang ni senang je Produk luar negara je boleh pamer sijil HALAL luar negara Produk tempatan tak boleh (Rujuk Perintah Perihal Dagangan) Bile company kau dh generate berjuta juta tapi still buat salah dlm Halal Governance... Imej syarikat akan terjejas Simple! https://t.co/HB7LK3cwmM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999796152114868} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:21 PM)See during crisis. So called ulama and PAStards pernah tolong?I thought they tolong by doa? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.577289342880249} +{"text": "I don't get the problem.If I am a Christian, I prepare food according to halal standard, does the food become haram still ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999393224716187} +{"text": ".\nLabana Susu Kambing menerima pensijilan Halal dari Jakim dan pensijilan Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.\n.\nJadi tak perlu ragu-ragu\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/BvN7naUH4mW/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=133j8jisf00w1\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9707534909248352} +{"text": "but.....but...but......when Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan memutuskan hukum penggunaan rokok elektronik dan vape adalah haram.......kenapa all ignore je ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(gogocan @ Dec 9 2020, 08:10 PM)why cannot travel with GF / BF? in his mind travel must sexing keDuh. Maybe beta like u will never understand. I'm alpha. Gals see me panties wet. So mesti la sexing ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9936329126358032} +{"text": "The funny thing is the trend among Chinese in Klang Valley today is not Chinese vernacular schools anymore. A lot are changing to private/international schools where the syllabus is not rote learning. As for Mandarin, private/international schools also have the subject. The difference is most of the subjects are in English and not Mandarin or BM. IGCSE is getting really popular in Klang Valley today. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999021291732788} +{"text": "A popular \u2018nasi kandar\u2019 outlet on Lebuh Chulia in Penang has been sealed for two weeks by the health authority due to hygienic issues https://t.co/RlGFKuFvdz", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999351501464844} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Aug 4 2019, 04:20 PM)Serious question, can a muslim use an alcohol-based perfume (malaysia context)? Lets say spray the perfume on cloth and go sembahyang, can?Ayam going to purchase a perfume for my friend liao. Googling the question cannot really get a definitive answer since Malaysia follow mazhab syafie (so ayam not sure).follow here please....QUOTEPandangan Hukum Keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia1)Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-22 yang bersidang pada 24 Nov 1988 telah membincangkan Alkohol Sebagai Penstabil Minuman Ringan. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa kordial yang mengandungi bahan perisa (flavour) yang dimasukkan alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan untuk tujuan minuman sekiranya:-Alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak.-Bahawa kuantiti alkohol dalam perisa (flavour) itu adalah sedikit iaitu tidak memabukkan.2)Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 telah membincangkan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:-Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.-Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.-Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.-Tapai halal dimakan.-Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.-Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.please read more herehttps://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987636804580688} +{"text": "Sijil halal jakim tu utk bagitau yg makanan kedai tu dari sumber halal dan disahkan oleh jakim. Kalau takde tu sbb diorg tak buat tapi tak bermaksud haram. Jakim takde lagi keluarkan sijil haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8008940815925598} +{"text": "Last year I visit four season and tanjung rhu.Best betul, macam book whole resort ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Tampaknya Remaja2 Cewek di skitar rumahku kurang menyukai makanan2 spt itu. Mrk lbih suka makanan2 yg trbuat dr daging olahan, tepung2an, makanan luar. Ada bbrp Pedagang Gado2, kurang bgitu laku jarang kulihat ada Remaja2 yg beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9729188084602356} +{"text": "Food poisoning is a health condition where someone suffers symptoms such as stomachaches, vomiting, or diarrhea after consuming tainted food.While most recover from it without any side effects within days, there are rare instances where it can lead to fatalities, which was unfortunately what happened to a 17-year-old teenager.- Advertisements -Man suffering from food poisoningFor illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva17yo M\u2019sian teen dies from alleged food poisoning after consuming fried eggsSpeaking to Harian Metro, a man who wanted to be known as Kamal, shared how his son had died due to alleged food poisoning after eating fried eggs.\u201cMy wife brought back fried bihun (vermicelli) and fried eggs after attending a programme at a religious school in Sungai Cincin.\u201cMe and my son ate the fried eggs while my wife and two daughters only ate the fried bihun,\u201d he recounted.Not long after, Kamal said both he and his son began experiencing stomachaches. He then took his son to the clinic for treatment but was unprepared for what was about to come.I went to the clinic and thought my son was okay. When I went back home at noon, I was shocked because he had already passed away.\u201cI was later informed that the food was ordered by the organiser of the programme,\u201d he said.No further cases of food poisoning reportedWhen contacted by the Malay daily, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) director Datuk Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad confirmed that several reports were made concerning the food poisoning incident.He added that the said religious school in Sungai Cincin was hosting the Amal Islami programme.\u201cHowever, no students from the school were involved in the food poisoning case. The claims involving two deaths (due to food poisoning) involved third party (outsiders),\u201d he said.Shahzihan said Jais is still waiting for reports to confirm the incident and a police statement is expected to be issued as well.https://weirdkaya.com/17yo-msian-teen-dies-...uh1vna88uaen5v3 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5891767740249634} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Oct 26 2016, 09:25 AM)that chick malas bacaI wonder if these so called educated ppl if go to london ka japan ka do they even read or just simply buy?No... actually can't also coz ady violate the lawThe most topkek is the how come they can manage to register the company with such product name at first ...Staff ROC sleeping... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "Modal buat pusingan, majukan perniagaan dan usaha utk apply sijil halal. Tgk pulak restoran melayu yg dah mampu sewa rumah kedai, berniaga dah bertahun2 tp masih x apply Halal Jakim. Sbb kedekut nk invest and x nak terikat dgn sop kan? Mcm mn nak pastikan betul2 halal?", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9855948686599731} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Jan 23 2017, 12:44 PM)Blame those ppl who like to viral shiat. Ask Jakim got halal cery or not?Jakim said no.Public: \"holyshiat haraaaam!!\"But if you were to ask Jakim those roadside malay ada sijil or not?Jakim will also say no.Public: \"is ok orang kita, so is safe\"So blame who?it's so simplenobody to blamethe onus is on the one who eats to eat only halal itemif u confidently think it's halal, just eatit's between you and godjakim certification is only to ease things up, meaning if it is certified halal, no need to check anymore, just wallop ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Jul 1 2021, 05:43 PM)betol la, tuhan akan tau sapa susah then care package will drop in front their haus onePalestine lebih penting dari white flag!!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.835477352142334} +{"text": "16/10/2019 Lawatan ke lokasi ke dua: Syarikat Ruzi's Food Ruzilawati bt Haron Lot 1893, Panchor, Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Baharu Klntn. Produk Utama: Frozeen Food Telah berjaya mendapat pegiktirafan Sijil Halal, MESTI,\u2026 https://t.co/I8opU4tpIk", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999956488609314} +{"text": "Gigih masuk website JAKIM nak confirmkan status halal makanan.Geram tgk org main sebar kat fb/twitter etc tanpa usul periksa.FITNAH tau tak?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9184104800224304} +{"text": "@OwToTheZie @_nurAIRIN_ halal x halal bukan ditentukan oleh sijil jakim.. tp dh bsar pnjang, bleh dh tgk yg mna halal ke haram.. kalau was was pon bleh jatuh haram.. maaf kalau silap", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "When you buy from master race, you ask those questions, you think you get real answer or hostile answer?I only know tomorrow some fella cry baby post on FB and YT kena slap because he says he asks legitimate question issued by ulama. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9883032441139221} +{"text": "QUOTE(dante1989 @ May 31 2016, 07:36 PM)wow means alot of people eating non halal food yang tepi longkang tuno wonder easily confusedIt's not outright haram per se, but where the food hygiene is questionable, it enters a grey area/syubhah where the halalness is not guaranteed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999465942382812} +{"text": "QUOTE(SyiokSendiri @ Feb 13 2016, 08:49 PM)believe it or not....food is the best way to gather everyone tgt.....however there are many muslim that refuse to dine in a chinese restaurant even if there's no pork and alcohol involved(not strict halal type)....most feel comfortable eating in warung run without halal certificate too(guess where they get their stock from.....same supplier as the chinese restaurant...meanwhile government constantly making things worst by telling muslim not to believe in restaurant without halal certificate\u00a0 some muslims even doesn't want to eat at halal certified, but most waitress and the boss (assume) are chinese. oh, sorry, shud had mentioned they refuse is because they see dogs at the alley of the back of the restaurant ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999643564224243} +{"text": "\r\nok..kita tengok dulu baru kita comapred..tak adil kalo belum tengok dah banding2kan mana yg best..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9946607947349548} +{"text": "haram.. yg jual tu kafir , yg beli tu pengkhianat agama ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(max_cavalera @ May 11 2024, 03:06 PM)Mana tahu one day later, got liberal type M/B like to buy/eat at his place\u2026 later another religionist M saw and take pic/vid and kasik biral M makan kedai harom!! Wont be long before authority raid ts place and kasik tutup\u2026 \ud83d\ude13\ud83d\ude3cNowadays jaman viral memviral\u2026One day? Got many such ppl including me always eat at non place without halal certAs long as im confident halal no problem lah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979860782623291} +{"text": "QUOTElMenteri Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Tiong King Sing menafikan dakwaan dia meminum alkohol dan makan daging babi di pejabat.Tiong dalam satu kenyataan memetik dakwaan yang beredar di WhatsApp, dikatakan dari seorang individu yang mendakwa dirinya sebagai bekas timbalan ketua pengarah kementerian kesihatan yang berkhidmat di bawah beberapa menteri bukan Islam.Tiong berkata walaupun dia lazimnya tidak mengendahkan khabar angin sebegitu, kali ini, mesej itu bukan sahaja secara terang-terangan palsu tetapi juga bertujuan untuk mencetuskan kebencian kaum.\"Dakwaan itu tular terlalu meluas untuk tidak ditangani dan kerana ia secara langsung mencemarkan tadbir urus negara, adalah perlu untuk menjawabnya bagi mengelakkan lebih ramai orang menganggapkan dakwaan itu benar,\" katanya.ADSAntara lain, Tiong berkata dia dituduh bukan sahaja makan daging babi dan minum arak di pejabat, tetapi juga memaksa pembersihan dibuat oleh pembersih atau kakitangan Muslim.Dia juga berkata individu yang tidak dikenali itu mendakwa dimaklumkan mengenai dakwaan berkenaan oleh kakitangan kementerian berkenaan.\"Sememangnya saya tidak pasti siapa yang membuat khabar angin ini. Tetapi saya menggesa kakitangan MOTAC yang disebut untuk tampil memaklumkan kepada saya sekiranya pihak yang menuduh telah menyalahgunakan komen mana-mana penjawat awam.\"Saya tidak takut untuk diejek kerana mengatakan ini, tetapi hakikatnya pejabat saya tidak dapat mengupah mana-mana tukang cuci setakat ini,\" kata Tiong.ADSBertentangan dengan dakwaan bahawa dia makan daging babi di pejabat, Tiong berkata dia dikenali kerana membuat pesanan hampir sama sepanjang masa, termasuk ketika melayan tetamu tempatan.\u201cSama ada makan sendiri atau melayan tetamu, sama ada nasi lemak, briyani, atau KFC sahaja. Hanya apabila kami menerima tetamu asing seperti dari China, kami akan memesan makanan dari restoran Cina di hotel sekitar Putrajaya.\u201cMakanan restoran Cina hotel mana yang menyajikan hidangan daging babi? Jika penuduh tahu yang mana satu yang ada, kami dengan senang hati ingin mereka mengesyorkan kepada kami,\u201d katanya.\u201cBagi penyimpanan arak di pejabat, ia hanya berdasarkan hadiah yang kami terima daripada tetamu luar negara yang pelbagai latar belakang dan budaya.\u201cAtas rasa hormat, saya menerimanya tetapi hadiah ini bukan menjadi barang peribadi saya sendiri,\u201d katanya.Tiong menjelaskan, walaupun dia sering tidak boleh menolak pemberian itu, adalah tidak wajar baginya untuk membawanya pulang kerana ia diberikan dalam acara atau kapasiti rasmi.\u201cSeboleh-bolehnya, kami cuba sedaya upaya untuk memindahkan hadiah tersebut kepada penerima lain seperti pegawai atau tetamu asing semasa makan malam atau acara santai. Apa yang salah dengan semua ini?\u201d soalnya.Dakwaan tular itu itu juga merujuk kepada kritikan Tiong terhadap larangan penjualan arak di Kedah, menggesa ahli parlimen Bintulu itu membetulkan keadaan yang didakwa dalam kementeriannya bagi mendapatkan penghormatan rakyat.\"Biar saya jelaskan kepada mereka yang mempunyai agenda tersembunyi kerana saya telah menunjukkan semua mesej tidak berasas ini kepada setiausaha agung parti saya, timbalan menteri, dan mendedahkan isu yang tidak masuk akal ini kepada MOTAC dalam mesyuarat dalaman: Saya tidak akan berkompromi dalam melakukan perkara yang betul,\" tegasnya.Dia juga mencabar pengkritiknya untuk mendedahkan diri mereka dan bertemu dengannya di kementerian dalam tempoh dua minggu untuk menyelesaikan perkara itu.Anyway babi is hard to buy in putrajaya unless you have lubang... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9132283926010132} +{"text": "We all know tapai contains alcohol. We all knows if you consumes buckets of it, you will get slightly drunk. Unless you know, you keep those tapai for weeks first before consuming them, you will certainly get drunk. A simple alcohol percentage test will tell you that most tapai exceeds the JAKIM allowed percentage. So I consider tapai haram to be consumed.But if you're going to say anything contains alcohol is haram I disagree.Of course some poeple, even though they look so religious, when it comes to their tradition its 'biar mati agama jangan mati ada'.This post has been edited by zemega: Dec 12 2019, 07:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999637603759766} +{"text": "QUOTE(Showtime747 @ Jun 12 2019, 10:59 PM)It's a misconception http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150924-the-truth-about-pigsHowever, I know that even if there are some pig farms which ensure 100% hygenic environment of raising them, your religion still forbids you from eating the pork from that farm despite the product is as clean as beef or mutton.If animal eating poo is dirty, I wonder why fish is halal ? Patin, catfish, leleh farm feed them chicken intestines (which is full of poo inside). I don't remember they are non-halal ?Anyway, I don't intend to convince you. But I do respect people's choice to not eat certain animals/food/drinks (for reasons they believe in but not necessarily scientific)Muslim don't ear pork. Many hindus don't ear beef. Some buddhists don't eat meat at all and are vegetarians. A small number of strict Christians don't ear shellfish like shrimp.They have their own reasons. But if you think of it logically, if all of these muslims, hindus, buddhists, christians are right, then there will be many unhealthy food in this world. Those who ate these forbidden foods don't seem to have shorter lives...again you are wrong. pigs by nature eat almost everything. those alone is enough reasons to forbid from eating pig.https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.thenationa...uslims-1.444442these were found through research in the last decades but muslims have been following these for the last 1400 years. there are no reasons to not follows it.as for fish, they are the animals that muslims can eat because quran allows them to be eaten. as for scientific reasons:https://www.quora.com/How-can-fish-be-halalanother thing you wrong is on the main reason of why it is haram. these haram because it is believe to make muslims neglect in doing the wills of Allah including the five pillar of islam. why are you so concern on this issue? you want muslims to not being a muslims is it?This post has been edited by wingbee: Jun 13 2019, 10:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7876760363578796} +{"text": "nda faham sama kawan yg kuat pinjam duit ni tapi suka beli makanan mahal2 ??? aku pun guna duit jg untuk makan kau pula sikit2 craving itu ini tapi guna duit org lepastu bila org tagih banyak alasan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9873086810112} +{"text": "tak suka boleh balik indonesia huhu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7498212456703186} +{"text": "QUOTE(azarimy @ Mar 26 2017, 11:44 AM)there is a principle called \"subahat\" in Islam, meaning when something is haram, it can affect the status of everything around it. for example, not just the act of drinking alcohol is haram, the act of selling, serving and preparing it are haram too.So msian gov earning tax from judi toto magnum 4d and arak is consider haram? I'm sure some of those tax dollars goes to paying civil servant who are muslims. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(MKCL @ Apr 5 2024, 12:05 AM)yeah, its not even printed here. No local business dumb enough to do on purpose, maybe thats why he can only troll here and not own million dollar business. 14 pair of socks among 880k, lucky draw also higher chance than detecting this. if you detect 1 bottle of expired miilk in Giant, its not intentional but if you sell whole shelf of expired milk, then only people have reasons to believe is fishy. ni KK Mart not even half day after Firdaus Wong post, ady apologize, take down and buat polis report utk siasat, yet they think intentional. If the CEO is Muslim and say silap, they sure say oh silap, next time jaga sikit, and just fined the company. but because non bumi and non muslim, auto think tercabar, must be on purpose, as if business have nothing better to donaah my suspicion is that he know la, just that he is paid to keep posting penumpang, mencabar, pahala lawan (slowly become bunuh) mereka, etc. Betul tak Olgakureylenko ? Just that I hope you're not muslim ye, buat kerja keji macam ni halal ke? And Islam will get good name with these kind of actions by you? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9715250730514526} +{"text": "Kalau aku lebih ke \"gak kuat\" bukan \"gak suka\" sama pedes tuuh.\nJadi kalau beli makanan nih misalnya, suka pesen ori tapi cabe/sambel pisah gituu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998347759246826} +{"text": "@arifariffin1101 Kalau bubble tea yang lain tu mungkinla tak dapat sijil halal lagi kan. Ni Tealive yang dah bertahun sedut, dapat whatsapp viral sikit terus percaya. #sisemo", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9801009893417358} +{"text": "makanya gakpernah suka yg bekas2 tulang gtu pas liat makanan itu auto gak akan pernah beli :(", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995883107185364} +{"text": "[#DIANZVITAMIN MEMANG HALAL, BUAT APA NAK RISAU? \ud83d\ude01] Haa nak habaq kat hangpa ni, #DianzVitamin memang terbukti 100% halal. Siap ada sijil dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia\u2026 https://t.co/q8yLROeURB", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8094775676727295} +{"text": "bagus la for ppl that live there, not crowdedppl that bisnes there tho, gg saja ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997556209564209} +{"text": "QUOTEMUSANG KING MENANGIS DI RAUBTuesday, August 25, 2020SEMALAM tular di media sosial, portal Malay Mail dan The Edge mengenai petani dusun durian Musang King di Raub, Pahang tertekan dan tertindas oleh pembulian yang didakwa dilakukan oleh pihak Kerajaan sendiri, melalui syarikat usahasama (joint-venture atau JV).Kalau betul laporan Malay Mail, syarikat JV yang kejam ini adalah antara kerajaan negeri dan pihak Raja/Istana. Jangan sampai orang kata beraja di mata bersultan di hati.Raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah, kata Laksamana Bentan. Sultan Mahmud mangkat dijulang. Di era pemerintahan moden sekarang, tiada siapa mahu melihat perkara seperti ini berulang.Kita juga bimbang pihak eksekutif pentadbiran kerajaan negeri telah memberi nasihat yang salah kepada pihak Istana. Ini kerana, menurut sumber-sumber tertentu, mereka memang sudah dikenali sebagai pembodek raja nombor satu atas nama menjunjung titah. Bagaimanapun, Permadu Malays\u00eca berpendirian neutral dan tidak dapat mengesahkan persepsi yang bersifat andaian ini.Memeras dengan cara mengenakan caj yang bukan-bukan. Pengusaha pokok durian bertahun-tahun memohon dengan kerajaan negeri tetapi tidak dilayan. Syarikat JV dapat kebenaran penggunaan tanah bagai sekelip mata pula. Mengaut keuntungan tanpa perlu kerja kuat, kepakaran dan usaha gigih.Bagaimanapun, pihak Menteri Besar dan Kerajaan Negeri Pahang wajar diberi peluang dan ruang seluas-luasnya untuk menyampaikan penjelasan kepada orang ramai berkenaan isu ini. Dengan cara ini, kita akan mendapat gambaran lebih luas dari pihak kerajaan negeri. Mungkin ada sesuatu yang berlaku di luar pengetahuan awam yang memaksa tindakan diambil sedemikian rupa.Kita ikuti ringkasan laporan dari Malay Mail:Durian farmers alleged being pressed into exploitative contract.Require them to pay \u2018rent\u2019 of RM6,000 per acre for this year.An additional levy of up to RM20,000 per acre.Farmers claimed being driven into \u201cmodern slavery\u201d (perhambaan moden).Through contract with JV between govt and royal family.Farmers stated they constantly applied for land titles, licences through channels but were not granted such papers from state government.Claimed offered \u201cexploitative and unequal\u201d contract with RPDP-PKPP.State govt announced they occupied land without permit.Would lease to this company to \u201clegalise\u201d the land.RPDP-PKPP JV between Pahang royalty-linked RPD Group and state PKPPstate govt on June 24 awarded RPDP-PKPP 30 yr lease on 5,357 acres in Raub.JV partners allege durian farmers illegally using the land.Samka detailed the contractfarmers to pay levy of RM6,000 per acre RM60,000 levy for durian farmer with 10 acres.\u201cUnfortunately, in the name of \u2018legalising the land\u2019, the private corporation can easily carve up the fruits of farmers\u2019 labour without hard work while completely disregarding the efforts and costs put in by the farmers,\u201d Samka said when commenting on the RM6,000 levy per acre for the year 2020.Asserting average market price is RM45 per kg for Grade A Musang King.Samka said contract would from 2021 - 2022 buy durians at RM30 per kg.JV will pay farmers RM40 per kgyet RM10 deducted for land levy.If 1 acre has 2,000kg fruits, rent will be RM20,000 per acre.10 acres levy RM200,000 every year,\u201d Samka said.Contrasted with current levy of RM50 per acre imposed by state govt.Samka said contract requires farmers to sell fixed amount of durians to JV.Farmers barred from trading freely or saving them to be shared with family.Entry permit required for farmers to go to their durian farms.Also farmers could be forced to make reparations if they stop farming.Personal freedom, property and fruits of labour controlled by JV.Leaving farmers to be \u2018modern slaves\u2019 under JV, Samka claimed.Samka ready to take matter to court plans to ask court to issue injunction to stop state govt and JV.RPDG explained scheme would avert potential disaster for durian industry.RPDG spokesman reportedly highlighted China only allows the import of Malaysian durians from Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (MyGAP)-certified farms, while illegal farms could not obtain such certification due to the lack of land titles.The Edge stated farmers to pay RM6,000 / acre for land usage costs and to sell durians.The Edge reported RM40 per kg for Grade A Musang King for 2021 and 2022.For first 2,000kg durians per acre receive RM30 per kg while legalisation levy of RM10 per kg go to JV.Full RM40 per kg go to the farmer for excess beyond first 2,000 kg per acre.Sama-sama kita ikuti pandangan dari penulis terkenal, Syed Akbar Ali, yang disiarkan di blog beliau, OutSyed The Box semalam, Isnin 24 Ogos 2020.Syed Akbar Ali(Gambar dari Pustaka Permadu)Sila lihat video berikut yang baru viral hari ini.Video ini dipercayai dirakamkan di salah sebuah dusun durian Musang King di Raub. Orang yang bercakap itu rasa kecewa dan resah kerana terpaksa serahkan dusunnya kepada orang lain. Dia lebih rela tebang dusun duriannya daripada diberi kepada orang lain. Dia juga kata biar orang lain itu tanam pokok durian mereka sendiri. Saya masih ingat melawat Raub, Pahang buat kali pertama bila berumur sekitar enam tahun (pada 1966). Masa itu jalan dari Ipoh ke Raub melalui Fraser's Hill. Pada masa itu belum ada lagi kawasan Felda yang besar.\u00a0 Usaha gigih petani dusun tidak boleh diabai begitu sahajaKeadaan sekitar semuanya hutan belaka. Saya masih ingat melihat seekor ular sawa yang besar berada di atas jalan dekat The Gap.\u00a0 Walaupun demikian keadaan di Pahang ramai petani Cina telah mula menanam sayur dan petani India pula menanam pokok daun teh (tea plantation) di Cameron Highlands. Farmer Cina yang lain juga sudah mula menanam durian di Raub.Saya rasa ramai daripada mereka memang tidak mempunyai geran tanah. Bagaimanapun mereka berusaha dengan gigih dan daripada hasil usaha mereka semua rakyat negara kita boleh beli sayur di pasar, minum teh di warong atau di rumah dan juga makan buah durian.\u00a0 Kita patut berterima kasih kasih kepada semua petani di Cameron Highlands dan Pahang atas sumbangan mereka menjadi pembekal barang makanan dan minuman bagi penduduk negara kita sejak berpuluh-puluh tahun.Farmer Musang King di Raub pun sudah jadi famous di pasaran antarabangsa seperti Singapura, Macao, Hong Kong dan China sebab pembeli di negara asing itu sudah tahu wangi harum durian Musang King dari Raub.\u00a0 Ini adalah satu pencapaian yang ulung bagi negara kita Malaysia.\u00a0 Ramai daripada farmer itu memang telah memohon geran tanah, tanah TOL, tanah leasehold dsbnya daripada kerajaan negeri Pahang. Tetapi jelas sekali sampai hari ini permohonan mereka itu tidak berjaya - walaupun mereka telah meneroka bukit dan hutan selama berpuluh tahun untuk menanam durian.Sindiran tajam kepada syarikat JV dan penguasa negeriJadi kita perlu ucapkan tahniah yang besar kepada syarikat JV antara kerajaan negeri dan syarikat swasta yang telah dianugerahkan leasehold 30 tahun atas tanah yang telah diusahakan oleh orang lain itu. Tahniah kepada syarikat JV kerana boleh mendapat leasehold 30 tahun secara cepat kilat.Kita perlu ucapkan tahniah yang besar kepada syarikat JV kerana mereka dapat leasehold 30 tahun tanpa usahakan se-ekar pun daripada 5,357 ekar tanah dusun Musang King di Raub itu.\u00a0 \u00a0 Syabas dan tahniah.Saya harap satu hari nanti syarikat JV ini boleh menulis sebuah buku untuk merakamkan rahsia 'business success' mereka.Berbalik kepada farmer itu pula, video di atas jelas menunjukkan mereka rasa tertekan dan di zalimi. Maka mereka lebih rela melihat hasil usaha mereka ditebang dan menjadi hancur sahaja. Walaupun mereka adalah farmer atau petani dusun durian tetapi mereka juga faham bagaimana cara mengira untung rugi (profit and loss). Jika mereka sanggup tebang dusun durian yang diusahakan sendiri maksudnya mereka tidak mengharapkan untung daripada hasil usaha mereka lagi.Perhambaan dan pembulianJadi kemungkinan besar ramai daripada petani yang usahakan lebih 5,357 ekar dusun Musang King di Raub itu akan menolak untuk menjadi \"slave\" kepada syarikat JV itu. Jadi kemungkinan besar pengeluaran durian Musang King dari kawasan Raub akan terjejas.Sekarang mari kita buat sedikit kira-kira.Kawasan yang terlibat meliputi 5,357 ekar di Raub. Setiap ekar dijangka boleh menghasilkan 2000 kg (atau dua tan metric) durian Musang King.Setiap kilo Musang King dibeli dengan harga RM40. (Harga jualan antara RM38 - RM60 se kilo mengikut musim). Harga ekspot lagi tinggi sebab ia melibatkan kos air freight, inspection, refrigeration, lojistics dsbnya.Tapi kita gunakan harga RM40 se kilo sahaja.5357 ekar x 2000 kg/ekar = 10,714,000 kg Musang King setiap musim. Atau 10,714 metric tonne Musang King setiap musim.Pada harga 'borong' satu kilo = RM40 jumlah nilai jualan (sales value) adalah RM428,560,000 (RM428.56 Juta) setiap musim durian. Syarikat JV akan jadi kaya raya segera (hampir RM1 bilion untuk tempoh dua tahun) dengan mendapat lesen pajakan 5,357 ekar tanah selama 30 tahun dari kerajaan negeri - Permadu MalaysiaMaksudnya syarikat JV itu akan jadi kaya raya secara overnight. Tanpa menanam, menyiram, membaja atau menjaga sebatang pokok durian pun atas tanah 5,357 ekar itu syarikat JV itu bakal \"menikmati\" bisnes bernilai RM428.56 Juta.\u00a0 Tahniah. Tahniah.Tetapi apa pula yang akan berlaku jika petani dusun Musang King mengalami kerugian, mereka merasai dizalimi dan merasa tekanan akibat kontrak dengan syarikat JV itu? Dan mereka enggan menjaga dusun Musang King\u00a0 lagi. Apakah syarikat JV itu boleh usahakan 5,357 ekar dusun Musang King dengan sendiri? Belanja memotong rumput dan menebas lalang saja akan perlukan puluhan juta Ringgit. Baja pokok durian juga akan perlukan berpuluh juta Ringgit.\u00a0 Belum termasuk angkatan tentera pekerja untuk bersihkan dusun, kutip buah durian, angkut atas lori, hantar ke pusat pengumpulan dsbnya. Belum termasuk kos beratus lori dan traktor yang perlu untuk menjaga 5,357 ekar tanah dusun.Sekiranya JV itu gagal, ia akan menjejaskan durian economy atau \"pengeluaran ekonomi durian\" bernilai RM428 Juta atau lebih bagi setiap musim durian bagi kawasan Raub sahaja. Atau hampir RM1.0 bilion bagi dua musim buah durian (setahun) bagi kawasan Raub sahaja.Dalam keadaan di mana ekonomi negara kita sekarang sudah kronik dan tenat, di mana GDP growth dijangka akan mengecut atau shrink, di mana pengangguran menghampiri 15% atau DUA JUTA orang menganggur, usahasama syarikat JV di Raub itu tidak membantu mengurangkan risiko yang dihadapi ekonomi negara.Jika petani Musang King di Raub diusir dari dusun durian yang mereka telah usahakan selama berpuluh tahun industri durian Musang King di Raub boleh gagal.Bukan maksud saya bahawa semua ini mesti dan pasti akan berlaku.Tetapi melihat kepada bantahan oleh petani dusun di Raub (yang nampak sahih juga) maka possibility atau kemungkinan\u00a0 'skim durian runtuh' ini akan gagal memang kelihatan \"real\". If the farmers refuse the deal, there is a real possibility this scheme will fail.Kalau begitu penjual baja pokok durian akan tutup kedai. Pekerja kilang baja dan pekerja kedai jual baja akan hilang pekerjaan.Bebudak yang ambil kontrak potong rumput, tebas lalang dan korek parit di kebun durian akan hilang kontrak dan sumber pendapatan. Mereka pun akan menganggur.Pemandu lori dan traktor yang kerja kontrak dengan dusun Musang King di Raub juga akan terjejas. Dan ekspot durian Musang King ke Singapura, Macao, China dsbnya yang bernilai beratus juta Ringgit setiap tahun akan juga terjejas.\u00a0 Nilai matawang Ringgit juga boleh menurun terkena tempias jika ekspot Musang King terjejas.Kalaulah skim durian ini memberi kesan buruk kepada ekonomi Musang King di Raub maka jangan terasa terlalu terkejut jika bilangan pengangguran negara (unemployment) meningkat. Atau pertumbuhan ekonomi negara (GDP) masih lemah.Ingat Tuan-tuan the headbone is connected to the neckbone which is connected to the backbone which is connected to the hip bone dsbnya. Semuanya connected.Akhir kalam jika syarikat JV ini boleh meneruskan skim mengambil alih dusun durian seperti ini maka di kawasan lain seperti di Cameron Highlands pun terdapat banyak kawasan ladang dan kebun yang menduduki tanah TOL atau pun tanpa TOL. Tanah yang subur dan sudah ditanam strawberry, ladang daun teh (tea plantation), sayur, buah-buahan, bunga dsbnya.Petani di Cameron Highlands mungkin akan berdepan keadaan serupa tidak lama lagiMungkin idea JV ini akan berjangkit ke Cameron Highlands sekali. Anything is possible.\u00a0 Dibawa kepada andaoleh Fauzi Kadir\u00a0 untuk Permadu Malaysiahttps://permadumalaysia.blogspot.com/2020/0...is-di-raub.html ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9968776702880859} +{"text": "@SinarOnline walaupun hanya 'main kitchen' telah ada sijil 'halal' dan bukan cawangannya, dan kerana penyebar maklumat kurang peka akan maksud 'main kitchen' buat sesebuah 'dapur besar', amat perlu Ah Cheng Laksa mengenal pasti punca keluarnya berita jijik itu agar ada tindakan susulan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998788833618164} +{"text": "just because something does not have halal certification, doesnt mean its haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "\ncik heliza... dosa pakai contact lens huhu... \n\n\n\n\r\nmatiklah kena panah petir aku pasni...\nAzzaAzman Post at 26-6-2012 12:58 PM \n\ntakdenya ko kena panah petir...mmg betul pun apa yang ko cakap tu...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999176263809204} +{"text": "now I know what is the best quit smoking advert and idea... just announce all cigarette brand have porcine trace in them..kawtim.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "QUOTE(noresit @ Aug 27 2016, 02:27 PM)muka cantik, nasi tak sedap pun beli jugak..lumrah hidup..aku kesian dengan brother nasi lemak spiderman rm2 tu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9767054915428162} +{"text": "ALHAMDULILLAH \ud83d\ude0d . . . Sijil Halal Shaklee diiktiraf oleh JAKIM Berdasarkan senarai terkini dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM pada 1 November 2018 \ud83d\ude0a . . Sebelum ni dah diiktiraf Halal US, sekarang\u2026 https://t.co/FX8QQ8cBgD", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997488856315613} +{"text": "Let's read JAKIM Larang Guna Perkataan Ayat Ruqyah and Makanan Sunnah by click this http://vitdaily.com/jakim-larang-guna-perkataan-ayat-ruqyah-makanan-sunnah/\u2026 !! :)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986666440963745} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotdayum @ Aug 16 2022, 01:50 PM)Deswai must investigate la... rightonot?siasat kena diam2 ma.. lagi tunjuk video ni tak dapat nampak apa2 pun.. mungkin juga la manatau.. jika memang macam tu, then memang salah peniaga melayu lo.. tapi kalau bukan, dakwaan/tuduhan mufti ini menjejaskan imej kedal org melayu yg buat bisnes.. title semua ni dah jadi 1 statement.. bukan soalan pada pendapat saya.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "QUOTE(adam71 @ Apr 21 2024, 02:45 PM)More like heritage.......cannot be from some \"pendatang\"...they felt malu...tercabar ....kekQUOTE(adam71 @ Apr 21 2024, 05:22 PM)I Totally agree with you.....vapanel see ?.......indoesia food make us heritage food malaysiai guess like what you say above maruah tchalla ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999182224273682} +{"text": "QUOTE(Imp Bron @ Aug 18 2015, 06:41 PM)tldr of the first post for the\u00a0 lazy:rokok is haramshisha/hookah harambecause bad for health n waste money e-cig the same so it is haramclarification for mudah keliru, 1. fatwa is like an advice. do or dont do based on the person. think it is like personal decision2. if not stated clearly in hadith n quran as big sin, then it is small sin. There is no power enforcement to capture small sinner.\u00a0 So no jakim will catch vaporers. Fyi example of big sin is zina, minum arak, stealing etcActually, I remember reading that fatwa is enforceable via Syariah courts thanks to Tun M. It's apparently constitutionally illegal but the government has not addressed it and no one has legally challenged it since it hasn't been used recently but it's there. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989084005355835} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 12:45 PM)Indeed.This is what I readhttp://beritaislamimasakini.com/bolehkah-m...ngan-mereka.htmBetul?Correct. And 1 thing that article didnt mention is that u must have no doubt with the food. So for some short sighted people, they have doubt in the food hence they must avoid it. Since they have doubt in alot of things they tend to avoid everything n become kepoh this haram that haram. Which is y knowledge is important. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940298795700073} +{"text": "QUOTE(imigresen @ Jul 20 2022, 02:24 PM)to some melei its not about pok and lat onky la u fukface. itu lah only mingle with your own kind. again as i mentioned if u not melei, go fakoff at other teredlek lu sap kok broi have malay frens who ask me bring them go eat babi all the timeyour iman tak cukup kuat ke? sikit sikit triggered ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(yhtan @ Feb 20 2024, 12:55 PM)Travel is organize by the headmaster isn't it? The renovation is handle by board of directors, normally by tender or whoever provide the best quality/price. Trust me those SJKC board of directors won't songlap the money lah, afterall they are the famous figurehead in that community, songlap small money for what.songlap is easyexample those additional buku latihan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999469518661499} +{"text": "JAMU LEL4KI@XTRA PRO REVOLVER JUICE 100% DIPERBU4T D4RI HERB4 NUS4NT4R4. BERTARAF GMP, SIJIL MESTI, HALAL DAN SELAMAT DIGUNAKAN SEC4R4 TR4DISI : \ud83d\udd25S4NG4T S4NG4T BERKES4N UNTUK LEL4KI\u2026 https://t.co/5ntrIzsjiK", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998251795768738} +{"text": "\nhrap2 heliza dpat ganti farah dgn lebih best n xbuat mata bulat spanjang mase....\nSoksek11 Post at 26-6-2012 11:21 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 mata buntang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9383596777915955} +{"text": "QUOTE(celicaizpower @ Oct 7 2014, 02:31 PM)Salams hari raya aidil adha pada semua,Tadi saya terima satu soalan, jadi saya rasa ada baiknya saya sharekan jawapannya disini untuk semua.Soalan: Setiap masjid saya pergi, doa antara kuthbahnya berbeza. Jadi apa yang saya perlu baca?Jawapan: Amalan membaca doa ketika khatib berhenti antara dua khutbah Jumaat bertepatan dengan amalan baik dalam Islam. Ini kerana terdapat hadis yang menyatakan berdoa pada waktu itu dimakbulkan dan mustajab.Dengan itu seorang Muslim hendaklah mengambil peluang memohon pada Allah S.W.T pada waktu sedemikian dan waktu yang lain.Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: \u201cIa (waktu mustajab doa) adalah antara imam duduk (di atas mimbar) sehingga selesai solat (Jumaat).\u201d (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)Difahami daripada hadis ini, antara dua khutbah Jumaat termasuk waktu doa mustajab. Berkenaan doa yang sepatutnya dibaca, ia tidak ditetapkan, tetapi boleh baca doa umum seperti memohon keampunan Allah dan rahmat-Nya atau doa khusus untuk diri sendiri serta keluarga.i just put out both of my hand and mumble. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8645043969154358} +{"text": "Produk makanan kat Malaysia ni memang dipasarkan dulu,baru Jakim check ke cemana?asyik keluar je benda haram ni..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969788789749146} +{"text": "Gunakan #PURI5 tanpa was-was.100% Herba dan tiada kesan sampingan. https://t.co/hahJq3xZj9 Yang penting #PURI5 ni ada \u2705Sijil pengesahan HALAL JAKIM(MS 2424:2012 101-07/2013) \u2705Kelulusan dari Kementerian... https://t.co/w4oaAnIwZy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9378224611282349} +{"text": "Baik buat sijil haram dari sijil halal untuk makanan. Sebab quran sebut jelas apa yang haram, bukan apa yang halal. (everything is essentially halal until its not so it makes more sense to rule the smaller group i.e haram out) https://t.co/XJzivF3NjG", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997001886367798} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 04:28 PM)Oh. So blindly follow just because it says so in the book. No reason needed. Cool, cool. Didn't the quran also say makan rasuah, makan siham anak diri is also haram? Why the same people that don't eat babi still do that then? that's religion bro. it is a faith.and about rasuah you can ask the people who makan rasuah. not me, because i didn't makan rasuah. and what make u think i feel it is ok to makan rasuah?This post has been edited by dobot7: Jun 12 2023, 04:31 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Aug 11 2024, 06:13 PM)Wait what? Best for ppl who can't take overly spicy stuff maybeBanana bro is quite the watered down experience lerReply panjang2 tapi kalau tak belanja blr watpe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979637861251831} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:15 PM)purpose/objective and producing methodtapai purpose is for eating it while it sweet taste, and not for drunk drinking.method also is slightly different where it use yis but it wait until sweetness come out.u will get drunk if u drink 20 cans of beer.QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:30 PM)purpose\u00a0 of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 02:02 PM)pls do not put words into my mouth.coming out from ur mouth...not that i stuff it inare u mabuk ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9309264421463013} +{"text": "QUOTE(karwaidotnet @ Oct 13 2017, 03:31 PM)1. In reality, there are tons of other ppl blood and taxes collected. please separate them accordingly. in fact, let's just separate the whole nation to halal & haram side. north malaysia (halal), south malaysia (haram)2. Failing which, you just migrate or die for not getting enough blood...who cares right? Yes, essential medical services are as important as an individual dobi shop. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966220855712891} +{"text": "Everything also haram. Just move to Brunei lah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "They won't care. When the fatwa council declared that FOREX is haram, I decided to snoop around Cariemas to see their reaction. I had to laugh at how everyone there was tripping over themselves trying to justify and defend FOREX trading. So many excuses given, like how the fatwa council is also human and not infallible. Some even want to set up a team to debate with the council. So much for the jangan persoal mentality.So I don't expect things to be any different this time.This post has been edited by St0rmFury: Aug 18 2015, 11:34 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994598031044006} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Dec 12 2023, 03:08 PM)Yes yes made with lard lel. Putih.Later got video viral ini vavi fats floating after steaming CCF I tell you. Got to give it to a future genius making a viral video of CCF is pig fat rolled up into one smooth roll.mana bideo ?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998313188552856} +{"text": "KELEBIHAN SERUM BY BOUGAS BEAUTY \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f . \ud83d\udc4d Diiktiraf oleh KKM \ud83d\udc4d Pengesahab Sijil Halal oleh Jakim \ud83d\udc4d SIRIM lab Tested \ud83d\udc4d Kesan SEAWAL 3 HARI \ud83d\udc4d Mesra wuduk \ud83d\udc4d Formulasi WATERBASED (diserap terus kedalam kulit) \ud83d\udc4d... https://t.co/6WtS7cX8Z2", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5308759808540344} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Oct 16 2020, 02:12 PM)Arwah adib dipolitikkan. Tak malu ker ?What do you expect from a party which concentrates on the 2 Rs? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gratitude2022 @ Mar 31 2024, 11:02 AM)Getting Mahal? Last time nasi lemak sotong rm 6. After that rm 7. Now rm 8? But sambal best, got kick.I never tried their sotong actually7-8 sounds OK ler for PJ price hahaYeah their sambal and rendang got kickNice ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958192110061646} +{"text": "QUOTE(doflamingo1680 @ Jan 4 2019, 11:56 AM)Hi, i plan to go to Penang for 1 day just for fun. Anyone know any good place to visit and shopping souvenior, jeruk and Halal food in Penang? I never go to Penang before..from my forwarded whatsapp msgs : Breakfast Astaka Taman Tun Sardon Pasar Awam Taman Tun Sardon, P227 Hilir Pemancar, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqd92jkNasi Kandar Kg MelayuNasi Kandar Kampung Melayu, Lintang Kampung Melayu, Ayer Itam, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdp0g3Roti Canai Agryll RoadRoti Canai Jalan Argyll, Jalan Argyll, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4excRoti Canai Transfer RoadRoti Canai Trasfer Road, Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4f3xAstaka Rope WalkAstaka Lorong Kulit, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9jt9LunchNasi Kandar Deen Maju Deen Maju, 170 Jalan Gurdwara, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg0bd5Nasi Kandar Deen JelutongRestoran Deen, Jalan Jelutong, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdsv6uNasi Melayu Lidiana (Masjid Terapung Tanjung Bungah)Kedai Makan Lidiana- Nasi Melayu, Persiaran Tanjung Bungah, Tanjong Bungah, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zr1gem8Nasi Padang Transfer RoadRestoran Nasi Padang Minang, 92 Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4fseNasi Campur Melayu, Stadium Bandaraya - Also Mee Udang and etcAstaka Jalan Perak, 210A Lilitan Stadium, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9pdnHameediyah RestaurantHameediyah Restaurant, 164A Lebuh Campbell, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg47wqHameed Pata Mee SotongHameed Pata Mee Sotong, 19 Lebuh Pantai, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6er7Ani Nasi Campur Gulai SembilangAni Nasi Campur Gulai Sembilang, Jalan Ahmad Nor, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdufn6Nasi 7 Benua-Nasi 7 Benua, 231 Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3cshcLaksa JanggusLaksa Janggus, Lorong Kg. Perlis 10, Balik Pulau, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0ntzwCargas Cafe Nasi CampurCargas Cafe, 6 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq17yh5DinnerAyu Mee UdangAyu Mee Udang, Lengkok Kampung Masjid 1, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0fb13Astaka Padang BroomMedan Selera Padang Brown, Jalan Perak, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfc868Pak Hussein TomyamPak Hussin Tomyam, Lilitan Bayan, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3c198Gurney Drive Food Court Pusat Penjaja Anjung Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfw6egNasi Dalca Kassim MustafaRestoran Kassim Mustafa, 12 Lebuh Chulia, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg3bv5Sup HameedSup Hameed, 48 Jalan Penang, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg5hcrRestaurant Kapitan - The Best TandoriRestoran Kapitan, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6025Restoran Pen Mutiara - Kari Kepala IkanRestoran & Hotel Pen Mutiara, P220 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq44hm7Nurul Ikan BakaqNurul Ikan Bakar Special, Lebuhraya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq6wswqChar Koay Teow SaniSany Char Koay Teow, Jalan Sult ://waze.com/ul/hw0zq4pd3k ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986162185668945} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Mar 24 2024, 04:17 AM)Someone didn't even read the article they are sharing.No halal license doesn't necessarily means haram.Already stated.Supposedly it's not due to contamination reasons. Just red tapes issue.In certain race context, no halal cert mean outright haram, doesn't matter if it was made by plant product or not as long as it not owned by org kito, it's haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "QUOTE(yongku99 @ Dec 23 2023, 10:52 AM)That's how Ottoman era administered that zone for 700+ year.British mess with it to pave way for the Zionist invasion, Balfour declaration kick off the plan. Now that's a mess up there, off coz the Arab country will react, it's part of their administration zone for hundreds of years.Well. Ottoman lost. The land belonged to the Brits. They manage it as they see best.The Jews have aright to be there as well. So. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9630014896392822} +{"text": "Alhamdulilah & terima kasih Allah . MAJRAHA sudah dpt pengiktirafan HALAL Jakim & Lulus KKM Bukan senang nak dpt sijil ni .. so jgn ragu2 ye sapu sapu je terus cerah janji selamat, yakin & istiqamah... https://t.co/vZAhY2LltX", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9327911138534546} +{"text": "Trust me yang selalu tanya benda gini selalu nya dapur rumah berkeladak, cara masak pun tah bersih tidak. Org yg suka overreact pasal halal haram makanan ni la selalunya pengotor. I used to say it kalau nak jadi Islam yg sepatutnya usaha sndri. To much to depends on others ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99991774559021} +{"text": "\r\nKlu iols tak silap, ketam batu taklah haram utk dimakan tetapi ia makruh sebab ketam batu hidup dlm dua alam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8834019303321838} +{"text": "Tak payah makan la. Ni haram tu haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Sep 8 2023, 12:24 PM)Perkataan vinegar berasal dari perkataan Peranchis Vinaigre yang bermaksud wain masam.Walau bagaimanapun cuka dan wain adalah di anggap berbeza mengikut takrifan sekarang. Wain beras termasuk dalam cuka wain (Wine vinegar). Fatwa mengenai wain beras antara Malaysia dan Indonesia adalah berbeza. Fatwa Negeri Selangor (dan juga Malaysia kalau tak silap)https://www.muftiselangor.gov.my/fatwa-pers...negar-cuka-wainMalaysia dan Indonesiahttps://fiqh.um.edu.my/article/download/4269/2113/QUOTEBahawa haram menggunakan cuka wain (Wine Vinegar) atau seumpamanya yang diproses dan dicampur dengan bahan-bahan luar. Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya perubahan daripada cuka wain atau seumpamanya kepada cuka berlaku dengan sendirinya, maka ia adalah halal.Eh? Natural rice wine?This post has been edited by JohnL77: Sep 8 2023, 12:31 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.833161473274231} +{"text": "@SinarOnline Hello boss, negara islam xperlu sijil halal. Patut ada sijil haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "Aku ni ramai kwn Cina yg selalu gi mkn kt kedai Melayu sekali.\n\nKalau dlm bab mknn, yg Melayu selalu sensetif bab Halal Haram. \n\nHarap peniaga jujurlah dengan bahan yg digunakan. Kalau org tanya dlm mknn tu ada lembu, jawablah dgn jujur. \n\nNi dah jumpa, kesian ke kawan tu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(Purpleheaven @ Oct 16 2022, 02:42 AM)I see. Just clarifying. So, Jakim stated that one of the requirements for the food to be halal is for the name not to have a dog in it, even if its a very common food name?Close. But controversial arises because of Dr.Sirajuddin Suhaimee U-turn with his statement about the 'dog' name usage.QUOTEAuntie Anne's confirms \u2018pretzel dog\u2019 now \u2018pretzel sausage\u2019 to satisfy halal certBy MELATI A. JALILMonday, 28 Nov 2016 3:48 PM MYTKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 \u2015 The local chapter of US pretzel chain Auntie Anne's confirmed today that it has changed the name of its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d to \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, after it was reported that they would be denied halal certification if they refused to do so.The company's executive Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali said the name was changed to meet the requirements set by the country's halal authorities.\u201cWe changed already to \u2018pretzel sausage\u2019 to comply with Malaysia's halal certification requirements,\u201d she told Malay Mail Online when contacted today.On October 31, the company had posted a statement on its Facebook page, saying that it would fulfil all the requirements towards obtaining halal certification in the country.\u201cWith the recent news circulating on our halal status, we would like to assure our loyal customers and friends that all our ingredients are purchased from Jakim certified halal suppliers,\u201d the brand said, referring to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department.Jakim previously denied that it had rejected Auntie Anne's application for halal status due to the presence of the word \u201cdog\u201d in its menu, and had blamed media for the public furore.Its halal division director Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee said the chain\u2019s application for halal certification had failed due to reasons such as incomplete paperwork.Previously, Sirajuddin had told the media that \u201cIn Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification\u201d but later insisted his remark was in general and not specific to the Auntie Anne\u2019s chain.Media outlets reported Sirajuddin\u2019s remarks about the unsuitability of the term \u201cdogs\u201d this week, along with the department\u2019s guidelines against halal food items being similar in name to haram products such as beer, bacon and ham, among others.The issue surfaced after an executive with US pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s revealed that their application for halal certification had failed due to, among others, concerns over the \u201cpretzel dogs\u201d in their menu.Muslim lawmakers from both sides of the political divide have also expressed their disagreement with Jakim\u2019s decision.On the heels of the Auntie Anne\u2019s controversy, non-halal pork burger chain Ninja Joe was probed by state religious authorities for allegedly confusing Muslims with its \u201cP. Ramly\u201d homage burger.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...al-cert/1260169Previous statement by Auntie Anne's executive.QUOTE3) Nama menu \u2018Pretzel Dog\u2019 haruslah ditukar kepada nama yang lebih sesuai. Saya telah mencadangkan beberapa nama baru dan masih menunggu keputusan mesyuarat panel dari pihak JAKIM. Setelah kami mendapat keputusannya, kami harus menukar kesemua menuboard sebelum proceed kepada permohonan baru.https://beautifulnara.com/auntie-annes-belu...awai-eksekutif/https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4085235/all ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9061914682388306} +{"text": "Well if you are not satisfied, and you are some big businessman, i am sure you can handle it with diplomatic way?If i don't eat beef and some event serve beef, i either go for vegetarian table or just don't take the beef. In the case that you don't want to eat any, just tell the organizer you are leaving. Anyway nowadays, apa2 viral dulu, sambil itu tunjuk kaya, can feel righteous also. Instead of be the bigger person, showing that you can act is more important...This post has been edited by pandah: Feb 1 2023, 06:45 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968962669372559} +{"text": "QUOTE(zerorating @ May 9 2024, 03:59 PM)you think many people can afford rm40 per kilo beef?chicken je la like that.indon lagi sedih, most eat tempe.YeahIndon always eat tempe and eggs ajer\u2026Meat too expensive for them ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998903274536133} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Sep 27 2021, 10:28 AM)ayam confuse...is this true?makanan not haram become haram if you feel geli to makan it?mohon pencerahan /kTbh dont think so. Since Prophet pbuh didnt want to eat dhob/desert lizard but didnt forbid his companions from eating it.QUOTE(K.I.T.T @ Sep 27 2021, 10:28 AM)jenis ini kalau dia dah kata tak nak vaksin. pastu suntik vaksin jugak pastu maticonfirm jadi masalah global.This one if inject vaccine, then fall down in longkang also blame vaccine ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9859578013420105} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ Dec 16 2022, 02:17 PM)Continue to ceiling price until local dun wan produce anymore, then year to come india renew contract with sky high price, u still gonna eat exp egg, kekeke, its all abt businessBy that time msia also malu, uae to be export player now become importermy guess, this is all due to minimum wage implement back in May 1, 2022.a lot item increase in price to cope up with minimum wage to paythe new ceiling price for chicken, egg and other necessity reset in June 30, 2022 to cope with food inflation.honestly, i dont think MIDF just bluntly set the ceiling price without consider some profit to producer...there is profit but maybe not that much compare to before.with more source of egg coming in from other country, when supply more than demand, hopefully item will get cheaper..https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/new-...ation-says-midf ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999066591262817} +{"text": "Good pls viral it at china so make sure they don't visit all puas state ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998190999031067} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kiminokawa @ Feb 9 2017, 11:44 AM)Thank you for your explanation. But it will an uphill task to label everything as halal or haram in the market nowadays. In the process, many small businesses will be affected. It's good for the information /material to be displayed for consumer's guide but it should be implemented gradually.Maybe it's just my perception, but certain quarters always make a big fuss out of small things. Issues like 'hotdog', cross sign etc which are harmless.\u00a0 And I believe this will only bring more bad perception to islam overall.There are more important issues that need more attention such as corruption in our country, smoking, sexual promiscuity and baby dumping etc.yes I agree to your points.yes I agree this issue is overblown probably to divert attention from other issues.but basically it's simple. if you know it's haram or haram source, then avoid it.like now, since they say it is indeed made from pig bristles, then don't use it.if you know me and my posting history, I always give more attention to more important matters and always mock umno/BN more.just that sometimes non-muslims go overboard in blaming/shaming melayu muslims about their religion even though I also reminded these ppl that what they do are indirectly causing resentment against supporting alternatives to umno/bn as well.yes respect goes both ways. so why not start with ourselves 1st? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968909621238708} +{"text": "Org kita kena buang minded takhalal je sb ada babi. Pengeluar makanan yg takdapat certificate Halal,Dikira tak diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Thts it", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988725781440735} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Jun 7 2024, 02:26 PM)Once mix with all the \"new\" sauce\" taste can look the same. -\u00a0 I have meat which had weird taste because of the sauce Not everyone will check the bread. -\u00a0 Best practice you should but not really done by everyone. Plus , If i order chicken you should give me chicken,They should not be in F&B\u00a0 industry if you expect me to check everything including the meat.\u00a0 -\u00a0 QC FailOne thing for sure, we need to raise awarenes on food taboo among races ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "aku benci bisnes main2 type c ni tapi korg ni boleh tahan gak, Kedai baru bukak mmg takde sijil halal lagiii LAMBAT. Adooooo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998884201049805} +{"text": "QUOTE(MeToo @ Nov 30 2016, 11:55 AM)DOnt need to explain to you.Jakim dont need to practice any transparencies.THey are adopting a \"You tak suka, u keluar\" kind of attitude.Like that win liao lorQUOTE(MsGaijin @ Nov 30 2016, 11:56 AM)That is what YOU inferred~ I only ask you to seek clarification from the sources, didn't I?Then i ask uU think they lied? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8601831793785095} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pikichu @ Sep 11 2023, 12:06 PM)religion dumb people down, will believe cybertro and propoganda - cannot think critically. cooking alcohol in cooked food do not cause drunk but they still kecam Malay cook until close shop. This is ketuanan.Got people here believe cooking wine in food can potentially cause tipsiness. One of the funniest shit I read today. But makan tapai all buat tak tahu.Tapai has as much alcohol percentage as much as a beer (4-5%) but somehow people here concerned with 1 tablespoon of rice wine in which most of the alcohol will disappear anyway during cooking.When you ask hard questions, all the answers start pusing cerita already. 1)First they say it's because got alcohol, but then stuck because the other foods they eat have alcohol too (tapai for example). 2)Next, they tell you \"it's haram because the purpose is to get drunk\". But then cannot also because cooking wine wasn't made to get drunk. 3)Later they say say oh actually it's between he and God. But then stuck also, because otherwise why they penalize folks for drinking then eh? 4)Last they will tell you jangan sibuk. This one standard line when they tak ada chan dah to pusing cerita. This post has been edited by trojandude: Sep 11 2023, 12:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9775511622428894} +{"text": "Malaysia become laughing stock againBut walaun gembira sebab berjaya boycottTopkek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998739957809448} +{"text": "Ini hospital main dengan api ini...Mohon siar nama hospital tu lepas tu bole viral ask malay to boikot kau2 until that hospital jatuh bangkrap .......hehehehe Ni hospital lupa bumi ni milik siapa? GUARU JE heheheThis post has been edited by Rubypoyo: Dec 7 2015, 02:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995043277740479} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahbenggay @ Mar 26 2023, 09:33 PM)nando tu siap tulis harga. kalo tak mampu lagi beli , tu mmg bodoh macam coment kau tu.1st time beli , RM20 nasi bodoh , mmg curious , nak tau letak ape benda babi kat dalam tu. setakat letak lauk 2cent comment kau tu mmg parah. ish ish ish....banyak comment bodoh 'paksa' 'mampu' 'masak sendiri' mmg otak cair.Bangang memang bangang. Yang dia minta rm 15 masa tu apa sal dia bayar? Sebelum beli tak tanya ke? Dah la bazar ramadan ini terkenal dgn plot plot yang mahal sewa nya, masih ada lagi pembeli pembeli yang ingin makan murah. Dah la. Kalau bodoh tu simpan sikit, mau tunjuk hero tu beli benda tanpa harga, tak payah la complain lepas kemudian.Pui ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "\u3164 Laki-laki dan perempuan, tapi yang suka makanan manis itu yang perempuan. Burnt cheesecake itu kesukaan saya, by the way, terkadang kalau malas beli saya langsung bikin sendiri. Hahaha, santai saja, Heidy. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9191561937332153} +{"text": "sini tetanggaan sama aku, aku kalau beli makanan suka gak kira kira ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999393224716187} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 11:19 AM)i once tasted tapai and told my malay friends that it tasted like alcohol. they just briefly said \"boleh makan je, halal\"so i did some research and found out that tapai is halal if fermented to the point it is not intoxicating. If fermented to the point it becomes intoxicating, then it is haram.it is like telling me if i drink too much beer, i will get drunk. but if i drink just nice, i wont get drunk so it is ok.this is their logic. messed up mentality as usual.and tapai is produk melayu so jgn persoal.you eat 20 pack of tapai ubi or tapai beras wont cause you to be intoxicating. at most stomachache. you drink 20 glass of beer conlanfirm mabuk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977978467941284} +{"text": "QUOTE(perfectedservice @ May 24 2024, 12:01 AM)they breath same air inside freezer, so it's not allowedPork evaporate haram particle into the air , and chicken will absorb this haram air into the meat Of course halal chicken will turn into haram chicken if sit together in close areaSame like muslim and non muslim sharing one room ....Oh wait ......Inb4 reported for r&r ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999608993530273} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSoldier @ Mar 3 2024, 05:00 PM)Starbucks is not haram too but for no reasons these morons see them as oneBut when it comes to techs, it is OK for everythingThey boycott the mcds the Starbucks or any business they think they can Sabo but their own money is funding tech which is Microsoft, Google, Apple and Co. All Jewish companies.Can accept or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999701201915741} +{"text": "QUOTE(angelgemini @ Sep 14 2016, 02:28 PM)icic....interesting, so any chance of miscommunication or wrong information in Quran?Cause those who write it just human, and human do make mistake and miscommunication.let say, if 1 of the person who write it have own agenda, will it become a propaganda book?No offence, just asking, but i think all other religion will have this same issue right?Purportedly, it is claimed that there is no alteration, and no other version. It is the same as it is during the prophet's time. All the sections use the same Quran. What differs are interpretation.This is with the exception of Syiah Islam, which the majority of Islam rejects as not Islam. Syiah was started by a Jew, and not a Muslim. Syiah has many practises and claims that goes directly against Quran itself.On a further note, the two main sources of information are the Quran and Hadis. Hadis is the practise, saying of and observation based on the prophet.Sometimes you see Al before words, like Al-Quran. Those Al basically means 'the'. So Al-Quran is the same as the Quran. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.917915940284729} +{"text": "\norg melayu dah lama makan makanan cina...contohnya mee goreng ,mee sup semua tu...sebenarnya kat mal ...\nabgboroi Post at 9-6-2010 13:21 \n\n\nsilap, ajinomoto bukan WAJIB bagi makanan cina. dan ajinomoto adalah rekaan org Jepun", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8689807057380676} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalDude. It is a vegetarian restaurant. You expect them to cook with lard? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8456128239631653} +{"text": "inb4 done dakwah. Manusia akhir zaman tak peduli halal haramOleh Dr Khairul Asyraf Mohd NathirAkan tiba satu zaman, manusia tidak mempedulikan hal ehwal halal dan haram sama ada dalam bentuk makanan atau minuman, harta yang diperoleh, kelakuan dan percakapan.Perkara ini berdasarkan sabda Baginda Nabi SAW, daripada Abu Hurairah RA maksudnya: \"Pasti akan datang suatu zaman di mana manusia tidak lagi mempedulikan dari mana hartanya diperoleh, apakah dari jalan yang halal atau haram? (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari, Hadis no: 2083)Hadis di atas mengisyaratkan akan wujud pergeseran nilai-nilai yang dipegang teguh oleh generasi awal umat Islam yang akan berusaha mencari perkara halal dan sedaya upaya menjauhi perkara yang haram. Situasi ini merujuk kepada keadaan manusia akhir zaman yang lebih mementingkan sumber kewangan, kekayaan semata-mata tanpa melihat pertimbangan yang sebaik mungkin berdasarkan agama dan moral. Terdapat jenis pekerjaan dan sumber pendapatan yang haram melibatkan ramai umat Islam yang terlibat seperti:Pertama: ArakAllah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud: \"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Sesungguhnya arak dan judi dan pemujaan berhala dan mengundi nasib dengan batang-batang anak panah adalah (semuanya) kotor (keji) daripada perbuatan syaitan. Oleh itu hendaklah kamu menjauhinya supaya kamu berjaya.\" (Al-Maidah, ayat 90)Imam Ibn Kathir dalam menafsirkan ayat ini berdasarkan hadis Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: \"Dan sesungguhnya khamar itu haram dan hasil jualannya juga haram. Sesungguhnya khamar itu haram dan hasil jualannya juga haram. Sesungguhnya khamar itu haram dan hasil jualannya juga haram.\" (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, hadis no: 17995)Justeru bagi seorang Mukmin hendaklah dia bertakwa kepada Allah SWT dengan menghindari diri daripada terlibat dengan apa-apa pekerjaan yang terlibat dengan arak. Ini dikuatkan dengan hadis Anas bin Malik RA maksudnya: \"Rasulullah SAW melaknat dalam isu arak ini 10 golongan iaitu pemerah (anggur untuk arak), orang yang minta diperahkan, peminumnya, pembawanya, orang yang meminta bawa kepadanya, orang yang menuangkan arak, penjualnya, orang yang makan hasil jualannya, orang yang membelinya dan orang yang meminta dibelikan untuknya.\" (Hadis Riwayat Imam al-Tirmidzi, hadis no: 1295)Kedua: RibaDaripada al-Sha'bi RA berkata maksudnya: \"Rasulullah SAW melaknat orang yang memakan riba, orang yang memberi riba, saksinya dan penulisnya.\" (Hadis Riwayat al-Nasa'i, Hadis no: 5105) Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: \"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan tinggalkanlah riba (yang belum dipungut) jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman. Maka jika kamu tidak mengerjakan (meninggalkan sisa riba) maka ketahuilah, bahawa Allah dan Rasul-Nya akan memerangimu. Dan jika kamu bertaubat (daripada mengambil riba), maka bagimu pokok hartamu, kamu tidak menganiaya dan tidak (pula) dianiaya.\" (Al- Baqarah, ayat 278-279)Ketiga: RasuahPengharaman rasuah jelas sama ada dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Larangan rasuah dalam al-Quran diambil daripada celaan Allah SWT terhadap kaum Yahudi yang biasa mengambil rasuah. Allah SWT berfirman maksudnya: \"Mereka sangat suka mendengar berita-berita dusta, sangat suka memakan segala yang haram (rasuah dan sebagainya).\" (Al-Maidah, ayat 42)Firman Allah SWT maksudnya: \"Dan janganlah kamu makan (atau mengambil) harta (orang-orang lain) di antara kamu dengan jalan yang salah dan jangan pula kamu menghulurkan harta kamu (memberi rasuah) kepada hakim-hakim kerana hendak memakan (atau mengambil) sebahagian daripada harta manusia dengan (berbuat) dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui (salahnya).\" (Al-Baqarah, ayat 188)Manakala dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr RA, Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya: \"Laknat Allah kepada pemberi rasuah dan penerima rasuah.\" (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, hadis no: 6984) Keempat: Menggadai maruahSalah satu pekerjaan yang diharamkan adalah bekerja di tempat-tempat yang boleh menggadaikan maruah diri sebagai seorang Muslim.Pekerjaan tersebuat seperti pelacur, teman sosial (di kelab malam), penari, penyanyi dan pemain alat muzik di kelab malam (terdapat hidangan arak dan pergaulan bebas lelaki perempuan), bonser (pengawal keselamatan untuk tempat maksiat), tukang urut untuk berlainan jenis (lelaki mengurut wanita atau wanita mengurut lelaki), menjadi model pakaian atau iklan yang mendedahkan aurat dan menjadi tontonan orang ramai dan mendapat habuan (wang ringgit atau projek) kerana merancang konspirasi bertujuan mengaibkan seseorang Muslim dengan memasang kamera litar tertutup (CCTV), membuat video atau mengambil gambar dan sebagainya.Kelima: Perkara yang haram dihalalkan dan yang haram dihalalkanSebagaimana yang diketahui umum, binatang yang diharamkan secara tetap dari sudut daging, kulit, darah dan semua berkaitan denganya adalah babi. Allah SWT berfirman maksudnya: \"Sesungguhnya Allah hanya mengharamkan kepada kamu memakan bangkai dan darah dan daging babi.\" (Al-Baqarah, ayat 173)Memakan makanan yang halal lagi baik adalah satu tuntutan di dalam Islam. firman Allah SWT maksudnya: \"Dan makanlah daripada rezeki yang sudah diberikan Allah kepada kamu, iaitu yang halal lagi baik.\" (Al-Maidah, ayat 88)Pada ayat lain, Allah SWT berfirman maksudnya: \"Dan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk.\" (Al-A'raf, ayat 157) Oleh itu, tiada keringanan untuk menggunakan semua yang berkaitan babi walaupun ada kelebihan seperti dinyatakan oleh pihak barat.Selain daripada itu, bersetubuh dengan isteri ketika haid adalah haram berdasarkan firman Allah SWT maksudnya: \"Dan mereka bertanya kepadamu (wahai Muhammad), mengenai (hukum) haid. Katakanlah: Darah haid itu satu benda yang (menjijikkan dan) mendatangkan mudarat. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah kamu menjauhkan diri daripada perempuan (jangan bersetubuh dengan isteri kamu) dalam masa datang darah haid itu dan janganlah kamu hampiri mereka (untuk bersetubuh) sebelum mereka suci. Kemudian apabila mereka sudah bersuci maka datangilah mereka menurut jalan yang diperintahkan oleh Allah kepada kamu. Sesungguh-Nya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang banyak bertaubat dan mengasihi orang-orang yang sentiasa mensucikan diri.\" (Al-Baqarah, ayat 222)Maka, suami hendaklah menahan diri ketika fatrah atau tempoh yang dilarang daripada melakukan persetubuhan.Justeru itu, umat Islam perlu memastikan setiap perkara yang dilakukan setiap hari perlu berlandaskan kepada syariat Islam dan memastikan hanya perkara yang halal sahaja dilaksanakan dan menjauhi segala yang diharamkan.https://www.hmetro.com.my/addin/2020/10/628...uli-halal-haram ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999240636825562} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Jul 8 2024, 01:39 PM)Kalau b40 tak mampu pakai minyak kete, jgn beli kete besar mcm hailatLooking at bigger picture, diesel are also used in bot nelayan, for plantation etc and these need to be at market so that the actual cost of production is according to global marketSubsidy is only gonna benefit certain puak and the leakages is gonna hurt the government coffersI rather b40 get the shock now than giving them drug. Pi la beli Honda, kalau lapar jilat logo H tuBut why give subsidy on diesel? Isn't it better give subsidy direct to the amount of fish caught or crops harvested? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985069632530212} +{"text": "\nReply 27# kaikaibaby \n\r\nsaya pulak tak\u00a0\u00a0suka pedas..tak tahan....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6940982341766357} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:25 AM)How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons.Remember the Cadbury incident? Then the call for boycott and wanted to wage war against the company? Then jakim retracted? Good ol time.I won't complain about having a stamp as a guideline like what some og did in the west for minority Muslim. But when one little dna discovery cause the whole nation to lose their sht, its pretty confusion and hilarious no? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999138116836548} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Sep 10 2023, 12:46 PM)Nasi lemak tepi jalan ada cop halal or not?NoBut eaters eat without having to debate about haram or halal or not. Just eat.But when it comes to 0.02 % alcoholFuh. Debate long long. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954104423523} +{"text": "kalau macam tu baik ko jangan pigi Bali oh......gadis mat salleh pakai bikini jalan\u00b2 merata oh.......Haram oh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9458283185958862} +{"text": "Ownself order mesti bayar, never check harga so is whose fault ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9211025238037109} +{"text": "Always kena \"Tak suka you keluar\", \"pendatang\" or \"Balik Tongsan\" comments.When keluar, kena tanya why pulak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9257165193557739} +{"text": "The statement was tiada sijil halal. The actual issue is \"shubahah\". Gi kedai2 yg xde sijil halal boleh pulak? Yg penting adlh ilmu, iman & amal. Bukan sekadar harapkan cop halal tu je & taksub tanpa ilmu! Klu yakin, makn/minum. Klu ragu2, xpayah pergi. Jgn hina org lain yg beli. https://t.co/6wu0zCKHmm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994933605194092} +{"text": "\"Asas sesuatu adalah diharuskan, melainkan ada pengharaman.\" Bayan Linnas ni Mufti WP dah keluarkan. Sijil adalah pemudahcara untuk pengesahan status halal. Apa benda yang sampai bertekak macam orang gila ni? Jangan ikut hati sangat. Bawak bawak membaca. https://t.co/4Yyr3slnNn", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999477863311768} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 10:50 AM)one thing to note, unless you have a sure fire way to figure out halal & non-halal money, money can be cleaned.unless say A killed a person to get money, then use the money on donating to mosque, obviously that is wrong and haram and un-Islamic.but if A received his salary for doing his job that fulfills islamic teaching, even if the money came from a non-halal business, it's still ok.We are not talking about whether the money comes from haram sources like disco, dadah, bla bla, the issue here is the money being contaminated with pork and dog DNA. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9905999302864075} +{"text": "They could have just say they wanted to protect the Halal brand, thus they need to avoid or revert any terms/terminolgy which is considered haram. (yeah still sound silly, but at least better than \"konpius\") ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7450116276741028} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Dec 27 2023, 04:29 PM)thanks for confirming your stupidity loli'm quite entertained\u00a0 \u00a0 LOL, you're the stupid one saying that Halal/Haram only apply to food la bro ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999661445617676} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 02:29 PM)yes the viral videos are for this case. they are selling both nasi ayam and nasi itik. the malay dude did use english name for the stall.you can see it herethe malay dude stall owner claimed they cook it themself in a counter video but the video shows another stall with the same name in a mall.see, if people can just replied in a civil manner, then a proper discussion can be done. Ini terus replied kau racist kau bodoh la without trying to discuss. i already mentioned a few times in this thread, halal cert is not a requirement to open F&B. Thats why KPDNHEP said no case since both the chinese nasi ayam shop and the malay dude nasi ayam shop dont have any halal logo displayed. KPDNHEP can only act if people put halal logo in F&B outlet but they dont have the cert.The issue here is that people angry with the malay dude coz they accused him of repackaging other people nasi ayam and sell it as theirs. Thats what i mean by misrepresentation. thats penipu scammer.then came another video saying that the mastermind is the chinese stall, so again, misrepresentation. also penipu scammer.if later can be proven that the allegations are wrong, then both the malay dude and the chinese dude arent penipu scammer.by the way, when i wrote nasi ayam ahmad and nasi ayam ahbeng, thats not the name of the shops involved in this issue. I use it as examples. Did you really think both shops names are nasi ayam ahmad and nasi ayam ahbeng? kek.TNS, you also contribute to this vroom la. Just say the stall manned by Ahmad and another stall manned by Ahbeng. And say the stall name is Roasted C.It makes a huge difference to the story. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997871518135071} +{"text": "QUOTE(AircondSejuk @ Jan 10 2021, 03:20 PM)So that kopitiam kena denda ke? Or barang non halal kena rampas? Tldr version pls. But tell muslim not to go there for not halal compliance is right move. Tapi if muslim wanna go after an advise from them, sukati la kan? Sendiri tanggung kalau dosa. Betul?kedai tu tak pernah pun claim dia jual makanan halalkita orang islam pun tahu perkara asas dalam mencari halal. kalau ada was-was pun jangan makan.percayalah kita orang islam ni lebih beratkan pasal makanan halal banding komisen atau hadiah tu boleh jadi rasuah atau tidakwalaupun kedua2nya akan jadi darah daging kitaperlu ke jakim/main periksa setiap kedai takde sijil halal untuk bagi tahu kita orang islam jangan masuk kedai itu ini ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966195821762085} +{"text": "Halal for helang, haram for pipitNow /kolos ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999699592590332} +{"text": "\u201cBelum jadi pemegang sijil halal\u201d. this could be its in the process getting the cert. kalau yakin minum je la. if in doubt, jgn la minum. https://t.co/iXdhrLOocK", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998267292976379} +{"text": "Aku bakalan beli makanan/barang/ngelakuin hal yg aku suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9956783652305603} +{"text": "hahaha Hezry Haizad mesti penyokong PN ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8451648950576782} +{"text": "QUOTE(RGRaj @ Oct 13 2017, 03:24 PM)1. In reality, there are tons of shop.2. Failing which, I'd simply wash at home.This dobi thingy is a relatively new fad, and I'm sure v can make do w/out it.1. In reality, there are tons of other ppl blood and taxes collected. please separate them accordingly. in fact, let's just separate the whole nation to halal & haram side. north malaysia (halal), south malaysia (haram)2. Failing which, you just migrate or die for not getting enough blood...who cares right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9780298471450806} +{"text": "QUOTE(damnself @ Jun 15 2021, 01:04 PM)Hoping my daughter and son will be like him. Now risau my daughter in sjkc standard 1 doing online class. She having trouble coping class at home \ud83d\ude22Need to join tuition class, if you can't teach her. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9117289185523987} +{"text": "Lol at least just be cukur it isnt another \"VIRAL SUSHI KING TIADA SIJIL HALAL!!!!\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990788698196411} +{"text": "QUOTE(vanpersie91 @ Nov 26 2016, 02:21 PM)Bang, sebelum nak tunjuk bebal tu, baca balik hukum dan syarat syarat binatang yang wajib disembelih sebelum halal dimakan.Makanan laut tak termasuk.There is a sect in islam.. I forgot which one, that says seafoods cant be eaten. I forgot which sect. Was browsing foreign forum the other day ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996916055679321} +{"text": "@M_Iskandar_ @nranntsa Sejak bila kedai tu jual pork? Tak dapat sijil halal sebab sop pekerja muslim ada slack sikit. Tapi kalau was-was takpayah lah. Supplier ayam masih diiktiraf.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983639121055603} +{"text": "Typical Rakyat Malaysia\u2026\nAsal Kedai Tokey Melayu Viral Ditanya Sijil Halal\u2026\nDah Terang2 Owner Melayu Beragama Islam..\nBila Kedai Brand Viral Luar Masuk..\nTak Perlu Check Sijil Halal..Beratur Panjang Xpe..Janji \u201cInstagramable\u201d\nBangang Punya Manusia\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6070395708084106} +{"text": "Pakai baju merah pandai. Tapi pencuri macam tak nampak. Apa lagi boleh buat semua dihalalkan masuk syurgo. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7012333273887634} +{"text": "malaysians need to understand that no sijil halal JAKIM \u2260 haram \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f https://t.co/7hr0oYAXdw", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999507665634155} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Mar 28 2019, 12:44 PM)UM punya kolej UM punya rulesKau punya rumah oun ada certain rulesKalau tak suka, ada dorang kesah?That's why better hire bangla ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998605251312256} +{"text": "QUOTE(headache @ Nov 5 2023, 08:15 PM)Ur life or the other? Cool, keep up with that attitude in a muslim majority country.Did I say vegetables are haram? The issue is how they are prepared or cooked. Don't twist things.Trouble with u guys is you like to talk about things u don't have any understanding about. When we tell u how it is, u don't want to listen because u r already the experts on the subject.You sound exactly like a vegan. Nothing wrong being a vegan but damn annoying. Everyone must acquiesce to you. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9135652184486389} +{"text": "Ingat senang ker nak dapat sijil Halal JAKIM Dah dapat sijil halal tapi tak yakin lagi, aku pun tak faham tahap was was tu macam mana lagi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929138422012329} +{"text": "QUOTE(NotYourKuda @ May 23 2017, 02:10 PM)aku rasa kau pernah bring up issues ni last year kan mon?Last year k memang dah kecoh benda niSebab this quote by that pas guy cause some viral issueThats why i said. This is an old issueOnly suddenly posted again by my classmate in our ex uni whatsapp group ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998965263366699} +{"text": "Aku nak makan tanpa was was..sume mesti ada sijil halal!!! *lights a cigarette* ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9801409840583801} +{"text": " lucu betul tweet ni daripada orang india yang memang pengotor gila babi kondem pasal halal haram makanan muslim Korang tu makan taik lembu dengan minum air kencing lembu takpe pulak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994207620620728} +{"text": "\nDhab tu nama aje bewak. Tapi dia tak serupa bewak pun. Serope kucing aje...\njuwaini Post at 9-6-2010 20:07 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0kalau macam kucing mesti comel ada gambar tak? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981827735900879} +{"text": "Nak dapat sijil halal, salah satu syarat mesti bersih. Dalam islam pun sama, mesti bersih dalam penyediaan makanan.\nAgak2 la kan, warung2 tepi jalan, kedai2 makan melayu semua tu, kalau nk apply sijil halal, berapa peratus je yg lulus agaknya.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996102452278137} +{"text": "QUOTE(bugipunch @ Feb 1 2023, 07:32 PM)lol ktard memang popular in orange place. We are known for being a racist forum anti orange people.Thanks for clarificationNoted ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99679034948349} +{"text": "If ur so concern about the afterlifeBetter go bcome ustaz or ulama ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996911287307739} +{"text": "Falasi 3: Fallacy of composition Dalam air X tu ada bahan A yang memang orang kata tak halal, jadi air X tak halal la Falasi 4: Fallacy of division Kan memang semua kedai lain yang jual air X tak dapat sijil halal, jadi air X tak halal la", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7815549969673157} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ May 2 2012, 10:00 PM)Ini haram, itu haram, tapi wang rasuah tetap terima.Isawwhatyoujustdidthere.jpg ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "QUOTE(keyven @ Nov 2 2013, 09:53 PM)Liquor is always haram with respect to health....but... look at bolded sentence in your reply... this means if muslims think like that, that's pure fanatics and racist...IMHO... you are not following the meaning of halal as advised by the prophet !! Not necessarily.All is needed is mutual understanding. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(h@ksam @ Oct 21 2023, 09:46 AM)fucking idiotic TS Gin pon tak tauOf course la i dunno benda haram I drink ribena onlyQUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 17 2023, 01:12 PM)They sell Ribena here ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999536275863647} +{"text": "aku paling suka kalau habis beli makanan kak! apalagi makanan maniss", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948622584342957} +{"text": "Pengkhianat, hukum gantung sampai mati saja orang macam ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?Orang putih kata daging kuda tabu (haram). Depa tak makan kuda.Islam kata daging kuda halal. Kanggaru halal, sebab menepati ciri ciri halal mengikut kias. Badak air (hippo) pun halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "\r\ndia ni suka buat muka yang bukan2... \n\r\nkalau buat biasa2 saja lagi ok aku rasa...\r\nrupa tu dah comey dah.. takyah nak buat muka2 cute tu lah dik ija, okeh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.948880136013031} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Mar 12 2024, 01:00 PM)agree , that is the sad part , blind leading the blindThe PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Here come the head of the blind ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9419481754302979} +{"text": "masa layan maria ozawa tu pulak tak pikir halal haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999281167984009} +{"text": "Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998263716697693} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum. Nampak thread hngghh, pastu jumpa thread baik. Malu kt raqib klu tekan link silap.. Nice thread, checking in. Previous questions on recommended scholar, checkout Yasir Qadhi, great historian and authority in seerah. Hooked on his seerah series after listening to his podcast on Massacre of Karbala : http://youtu.be/nm7mKOTZ0qQHighly recommended ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972975850105286} +{"text": "\nBila bercakap tentang New Zealand, apa yang terlintas di fikiran kita ialah kehijauan pemandangan yang cantik dan segar. Kita pasti akan teringat iklan susu segar dulu-dulu kan?\n\n\n\n\nSebenarnya banyak perkara menarik yang kita boleh terokai di negara ini. Yang pasti kebanyakannya adalah tentang alam semulajadi dan antara negara yang mempunyai udara paling bersih di dunia ialah New Zealand. Nak tau bagaimana rasanya menyedut udara segar, kena la pergi ke sana.\n\nSelain mempunyai tempat-tempat yang menarik, kerajaan New Zealand sangat-sangat mengalukan kedatangan para pelancong ke negara ini yang berbilang agama dan bangsa. Tak terlepas bagi pelancong muslim, baru-baru ini badan pelancongan New Zealand telah melancarkan applikasi \"Halal Food Guide' yang terkini untuk membantu para pelancong muslim.\n\n\n\n\nSebenarnya, Halal Food Guide telah dilancarkan pada tahun 2016 dan buku panduan ini telah dinaiktaraf pada tahun 2018 yang mana kini terdapatnya 289 dan lebih restoran dan kafe yang berstatus halal termasuk di dalam aplikasi ini. \n\nKeseluruhannya 51% pembaharuan telah dilakukan pada versi yang terkini.\n\n\n\n\nSelain menunjukkan restoran dan kafe yang berstatus halal, penggunaan panduan ini juga akan membantu para pelancong untuk mencari kedai-kedai runcit untuk membeli barang keperluan di rumah. Memang sangat berguna!\n\n\n\n\nMemetik dari newzealand.com, menurut Tourism New Zealand\u2019s Regional Manager of South and South East Asia, Steven Dixon, penghasilan panduan dalam versi yang terkini menunjukkan betapa mereka begitu mengambil berat tentang keperluan pelancong-pelacong muslim yang datang ke New Zealand.\n\nPenghasilan panduan ini adalah hasil daripada kolaborasi antara ederation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) and Kiwi Muslim. Hazim Arafeh, Pengerusi FIAN menyatakan kelebihan Halal Food Guide ini adalah sesuatu yang sangat berguna bagi pelancong-pelancong muslim bagi mencari info-info terkini.\n\n\nBeliau juga mengharapkan para pelancong muslim selesa dan yakin untuk bercuti atau melancong di New Zealand.\n\nBagi anda yang inginkan Halal Food Guide ini boleh muat turun di laman web Tourism New Zealand:\n\nwww.newzealand.com/int/feature/halal-guide-for-new-zealand/\n\nSumber Foto: Halal Food Guide - CARI \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9845905303955078} +{"text": "Betol la batalkan concert, rogol and sex haram will be reduced -69% ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976396560669} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeus2005 @ Jul 28 2016, 07:20 PM)This news viral bcoz she is moslem? Somemore cainis so banggala?this news viral bcos the TODAY newspaper photog who took the pic thought they were strangers.mana dia tahu they were related by blood and the malay/brown-skinned girl is by Singapore's law a chinese and borne from a mixed marriage...even ms. Sakinah tan hui ling knew the typical miscnception when they encounter this scene (ooh, that malay/brown-skinned girl must be that Ah Soh's maid)... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998757839202881} +{"text": "@501Awani Peniaga pun tidak rugi bila ada sijil halal ini. Ia memberikan imej baik kepada restoran serta pelanggan bertambah yakin dengan kebersihan & status halalnya \ud83d\ude03\ud83d\udd4c @mujahidrawa @MyJAKIM https://t.co/oy5nk2L3WU", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999308586120605} +{"text": "this time will say stay 1 night in hotel +10 pahala longer u stay more u will get ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996058344841003} +{"text": "\r\naku tak suka makan kue tiaw\r\nbusuk..\r\nhuhu\n\n\r\nneway...aku setuju pasal pendapat\r\numat islam kene main peranan...jalankan tanggungjwb\r\nbila ckp mcm ni\r\nmesti ada posting2 tipikal..\n\r\neleh...kenapa ko je yg tak berniaga???\r\nbla bla..\n\r\nok....sbb berbalik kpd pandangan asal aku\r\nsmua org ada tanggungjwb masing\r\ndah tu..kalau org yg jujur...amanah....particular bab halal haram tu\r\nmerupakan seorang jurutera...\r\ndah...dia plak kene berenti kerja...n jual makanan??\n\r\naku bagi satu situasi\r\nberapa byk peniaga muslim yg jual baju skang??\r\ntapi cuba tgk...what kind of baju n tudung yg diorang jual?\r\ntudung pendek..tudung bersanggul..\r\nbaju ketat ..dsbnya\n\r\naku tak ckp aku alim n pakai baju longgar segala keh\n\r\naku juz nak ckp....\r\npokok pangkal niat...n kejujuran\r\nkalau ada peniaga melayu jual chicken ball\r\ntapi dia sendiri dptkan supplier ayam daripada kilang non muslim\r\nurusan sembelihan smua pun dia depends kat kilang tu\n\r\nitu tak menjadikan produk yg dia hasilkan tu 100% halal\r\nrata2 org beli atas dasar\r\norg melayu punya....\r\nmesti halal punya\n\n\r\nkdg2 was was tu penting utk buatkan kita lebih mendesak n mengkaji", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998910665512085} +{"text": "Premis makanan Sushi King di Malaysia merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia. Ketahui status halal produk-produk yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di Malaysia:-... https://t.co/YsBSWYmkLF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983537197113037} +{"text": "bagus la...mungkin satu hari nanti, bila malay dh kaya raya, tak payah lagi tongkat diberi kepada malay bumiputera sahaja, tetapi kepada semua rakyat malaysia yang berkelayakana man can dreamThis post has been edited by kurangak: Sep 12 2019, 07:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979197382926941} +{"text": "QUOTE(NagaViper @ Oct 27 2016, 09:47 PM)Why don't the owner Kevin use his own name.Kevin Bxbi Burger.\u00a0 Suits him since his brain also like the main ingredients. Tribute to Ramly by using ingredients haram by the fellow.How about tribute to Kwang Yin the goddess of mercy by making a Beef Burger knowing her devotee forbidden from eating beef. ?Bodo tahap gaban nak mampus. 1 goddess and 1 normal ppl. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994331002235413} +{"text": "QUOTE(quadcube @ Nov 23 2020, 10:33 AM)Cina babi here too, just had Kajang samuri for dinner a few days ago. holy, best wei damn bang for buck, the meat sooo thick and juicy!damn now i'm hungry. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999643564224243} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:13 PM)malas nk pandu..ingat byk bende mkn kt MKMmg byk. Just x halal je. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9625073671340942} +{"text": "Pork with 0% pig dna still haram kah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9806464910507202} +{"text": "Why do you ask soalan susah mcm ini?The soalan itself is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(msacras @ Mar 5 2024, 11:11 AM)and the best way to introduce something little known js always campaign/viralmarketingYup. These PN MP still stuck zaman mana ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6785534620285034} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Oct 25 2016, 11:59 PM)Kau bodoh ikut jilat je jakim. Fatwa kata rokok haram, ramai je hisap. Ustaz pun rokok sama. Tak teriak.apasal pulak fatwa dah kata haram, jakim pula salah? salah orang awam laa tak patuhi fatwa.hmmm... salah tuduhan ni bang - saya tukang tangkap orang merokok waktu sekolah dulu. sekarang bila dahh takde power, saya report ke talian komplen bang. satu lebuhraya plus tu saya dah haram jadahkan. public shaming orang merokok selamba aje. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999690055847168} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Feb 25 2024, 08:09 AM)Fei Hai need to realise that the citizens are not as guillible and stupid as what PN treated them to be previously Hope fei hai reads thisEh.. don't call him fei hai lah... so rude.This is what he said when he first become Economics Minister in January 2023.Rafizi likens economic recovery to his weight loss strugglesEconomic Affairs Minister Rafizi Ramli has likened Malaysia\u2019s economic recovery efforts to his weight loss struggles, saying that moving at a slower pace and making small cuts will ensure a better outcome for the economy.\u201cTo explain it simply, it (the economy) is almost like my weight problems. I struggle with it every day, every month, and every year.\u201cBut the best method I found in losing weight is that I went at my own pace and I made small cuts. Then I saw how good my progress was which allowed me to become comfortable to challenge myself harder,\u201d he said.Rafizi equated the economy to obesity because \u201cwhen people become obese, it will open a door to other health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.\u201dhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/653111 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6256867051124573} +{"text": "\r\nAku rasa tekak aku tak berapa sesuai kot untuk masakan cina. Except for dim sum... \n\r\nAku lebih suka makan masakan ala-ala arab dan western food.\n\r\nHari tu aku pi makan kat secret garden pun, rasa biasa aje. Takde yang istimewa...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998699426651001} +{"text": "U will be charge by jakim and fined 1millions usdThen later the customer will sue u saying u din tell him u sell haram fud to him. Tats another 1 million usd.So go figure ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9861060380935669} +{"text": "@501Awani Dr maza kata duduk dalam negara majoriti Muslim tak perlu sijil halal yang ada mesti sijil tak halal, pasal mana ada orang nak tipu sijil tak halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925825595855713} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to openu buka cantin di sekolah, u ikut directive dari sekolah je la. U tak mau follow, u keluar je. Tiada siapa pn yg nk you dtg sini buat bisnes. u apply buat kantin, u tiada sign apa2 contract ka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999974250793457} +{"text": "GUYSSS AKU NAK TANYA KALAU KERJA BAZAAR RAMADHAN WAJIB KE ADA SIJIL HALAL JAKIM? PLA SHARE.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9437173008918762} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 06:18 PM)Well if you are so keen on understanding the halal haram issues more than the common albeit a little bit detailed explanation like I did (Since you die die dont want to accept), I already told you PLEASE FOR FUCUK SAKE FURTHER YOUR QUESTION TO THE EXPERTS LIKE JAKIM and the Like.For what you want to ask the same question again and again when the answers already laid out, spood fed, but you refuse to swallow? Answer offered, albeit incoherent which begs more questions, leading to \"JGN PERSOAL\". Yeah sure more questions would sure be annoying, but you have a choice to your response. QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 06:18 PM)You have your own fancy vision of what Islam should behave, go lah ask the experts, but no...you just want to insist on your own opinion and views, why the need to go further right?Not questioning the theological construct of islam itself. I had questions, and made a rather insightful observation on the contradictory position adopted between two types of similar substances. Unfortunately it appears that ontological discussions are out of reach when the well of one's mind is poisoned by ideology. QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 06:18 PM)You claimed hypocrisy but it was never the case if you have good comprehension skills, there was never any hypocrisy to begin with, but no, you stuck in your own opinion, insisting that Tapai is the \u201croot of all evil\u201d \u201cIslam cannot eat tapai\u201d \u201cAlcohol 100% cannot use\u201d..Never said anything of that sort. \"Yeah but you might as well have said it - it's obvious what you meant.\" Which is precisely the problem with you Jangan Persoal crowd - you draw extreme conclusions on your own which no one else shares, and end up triggering yourselves. It's unhealthy. Please do try to refrain from putting words in my mouth.QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 06:18 PM)Im always open to answer your question, never was \u201cJangan Persoal\u201d at all, but no.. when the answers does not fit your own fairy tale version of Islam, you tell others to \u201cJangan Persoal\u201d your question, \u201cit is a valid question!\u201dI have no version of islam of my own. Let me repeat. I have no version of islam of my own. But the contradictory position adopted vis-a-vis different types of alcohol-containing edibles warrant scrutiny. It's up to you how you want to respond - including \"Jangan persoal\". Just don't get mad when one mocks the imbecility of your conduct.QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 06:18 PM)Its like teaching kids who are \u201cterlebih pandai\u201dCan't help but wonder if it's simply a more begrudging manner of saying \"lebih pandai\". Can't disagree with you there.QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 06:18 PM)so again, if our answers does not \u201csatisfy\u201d your thirst for Islamic teachings, please do bring your ass to the nearest Jakim because they are the experts in Halal Haram rulings, dont be a smart ass asking in random forum, reject replies and claim wins on the nets lolAgain. No one claiming any wins. Purpose is to mock the bajet ustads around. Clearly some on this forum have crawled out of the woodworks. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987647533416748} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:28 PM)different mazhab/imam/ulama, different opinion. of course the holy Quran didnt specifically say \"if ur tupperware touch pork, must sertu\", hence the different interpretations by different people. by scientific basis, if u use soap and water, more clean, and can get rid of the pork fat. so can be 99% sure no pork molecules there. hahaif use muddy water, then oil and fat might still stuck to the tupperware. so i also confuse. hmm..i seebut based on this,it should be ok just to wash it right?i mean,there isnt any clear indication or extreme stressing on the need of sertu right?just wash it with soap should be ok cuz ustaz azhar said when got 2 different opinions,we can simply choose which we wanna follow/easy for us ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999169111251831} +{"text": "QUOTE(leah235 @ Nov 23 2020, 08:13 AM)kerana cakoi......... tered jadi vroom2 lolMcd cakoi is the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "Tak, tak haram, sebab semua sumber makanan dari yang halal, tempat memasak mencuci bersih.\nKalau Muslim masak di tempat kotor pun jadi haram, sebab tempat memasak Kotor", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8159135580062866} +{"text": "LOL! TS dgn MalaysiaKini dua2 suka buat title sampah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.964103639125824} +{"text": "Wow, people here actually bashing just based on ts question vege haram or not. Dont it occur to u maybe shes looking for a friend who says to go meet in that restaurant and shes not sure it is the right one? Or shes just checking which restaurants she wanna try.What kind of mentality is this. Only know how to bash. Dafuqnye katak bawah tempurung. Go bergaul dgn org lain boleh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968661665916443} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.Wow sampai 9 pages thread when TS just make some assumptions about what the two 'malay ladies' were thinking about. WTF, they could be thinking it's an interesting shoup and maybe want to eat there or maybe they think the tudung lady eating there looks familiar or etc, etc, etc, but nooooo TS can read people's mind and know that the two 'malay ladies' are 'feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that'.WTF! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5840712189674377} +{"text": "QUOTE(zenoboy111 @ Mar 11 2024, 12:06 AM)sponsor all nons to migrate, lets wait and see what happens yayou sesat mana? the main topic is questioning if nons tax money should be used on bumi pplI say no? why should gov mix haram money with your halal activities, use brain layou are not gov, and we are questioning the best and proper use of it, but you are a muslim is surprisingly supportive of it?very wow much wow, more reasons why our country is fkedso much bumi entitlement and abuse towards nonsLol. Nons in /K sentiasa menjadi terpaling tersakiti dan terpaling tertindas. Cukup\u00b2 la nak racing. Better improve yourself and if U don't pay tax in Malaysia, U tak sukak U keluar migrate pergi Taiwan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999616146087646} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Jan 22 2018, 08:56 AM)funny story.My kids in standard 4. His teacher wanna use ICT in class for agama lesson. She asked her students to google for \"apakah hukum min mati\". But thanks to google predict, this was what my son discovered....So he came back home, and started asking my wife and I about it. I was shocked to where he learned about it. But yeah, thanks google.Lol why suggestion all hamsap ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:46 PM)macam ak cakap sblm ni n ada org lain duk cakap jgk, tgk kepada keadaan, proses dan kaedah penyediaan makanan tu. Bkn kata bila kata darurat je trus ble pi makan babi tu. Tu salah/haram hukum dia. Keadaan yang mana dibenarkan untuk mkn bda yg diragui status halal sesuatu makanan adalah berdasarkan kpd keadaan semasa. Tgk dlam kes kalau kita menetap di luar negara, makanan halal susah nak dapat sebab xbyk pekedai yang jual makanan halal. Dalam kes mcm ni kita ble ke option makanan vegetarian. In case kalau keadaan yg mana makanan vegeterian pn susah nak dapat baru dibolehkan untuk makan makanan yg xhalal sbb kalau xmakan boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada badan.Dalam kes banjir ni. selagi masih terdaya untuk bertahan atau ada option lain untuk dapatkan makanan halal, then jd haram hukumnya kalau org tu makan juga mknn yang diberi oleh org yg beragama lain.Salah tu. Makanan yg diberi atau dimasak oleh orang beragama lain dari Islam tak jatuh hukum haram selagi kandungannya adalah halal. Yg jelas haram kalau ada pork, wine etc atau daging yang tidak disembelih mengikut Islam. Itu hanya boleh dimakan kalau terjadi situasi kalau tak makan boleh memudarat nyawa dan kesihatan. Kalau makanan vegetarian, even ayam atau daging lembu yang halal tapi dimasak oleh orang bukan Islam tak ada hukum haram pun. Halal dimakan kecuali kalau kita pergi curi. Itu sembelih ke tak sembelih tetap haram. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8746077418327332} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Jun 22 2023, 08:15 AM)Make more holy sites. However inside pipur rakyat still mundur sin heavily inside behind locked doors.their ultimate plan is to going back to stone age, because they think it's the best way to life in 2023 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976162910461426} +{"text": "Sebenarnya ni kaedah hukum asal,org Melayu sibuk nak ragu2,agama yg mudah jadi susah,guna modal \"syubhah\",tp diri sendiri tk fhm,yg JAKIM buat tu utk jaga industri makanan,untuk amalan seharian bukan panduan MS1500.2019,ikut hukum asal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6270947456359863} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:33 PM)\u00a0 my halal food : takkicomwait u no potong ..so haram liao..nvm i'll makan u juga\u00a0 tonight? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(keyser soze @ Mar 11 2024, 07:21 PM)tahun ini nak makan di tandas lagi?QUOTE(spamfish @ Mar 11 2024, 07:24 PM)lepas kasi kantin bukake, mintak non makan dlm tandas...QUOTE(Chrix @ Mar 11 2024, 07:53 PM)puak sakit punggung biasa lananti keliru pula nampak makananAyam waiting for the comment from these pipul, boleh bukak kantin, tetapi wajib \"cover up\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999830961227417} +{"text": "Meow-meow dekat rumah suka betul makanan jenama yang satu ni. Pantang habis, minta lagi, habis lagi minta lagi. Kadang tu berebut-rebut bila dah bagi makan. Harga pun berpatutan. Lebih murah beli dalam talian.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.93120276927948} +{"text": "Aku juga pernah makan masakan non muslim yang amal vegetarian, mmg tak haram pun sebab penyediaan makanan mereka mmg bersih halal di makan.\nYang wargamaya tak faham soal halal haram sengaja main isu sentimen perkauman, sengaja cipta prasangka buruk pada org Sikh.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997863173484802} +{"text": "Bagus Tanyalah Ustaz pagi ni. Pasal makanan halal haram oleh pegawai Jakim sendiri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998134970664978} +{"text": "just say china no.1 ccp the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999789297580719} +{"text": "Asal syurga dijaminkan. Akhirat paling penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995512366294861} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Oct 19 2023, 10:19 AM)More of HARAM pls. Wanna kecam kao kaoCelaka punya amoi curi2 ambik gambar aku Mentang2 la aku hencem This post has been edited by amboi_asamboi: Oct 19 2023, 10:57 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999332427978516} +{"text": ": Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999117910861969} +{"text": "even it is halal it is the most unhealthy drink ever. high level of sugar. i gave my own fatwa that is haram because endagering health like rokok is haram because endagering health ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(thankyou @ Oct 31 2019, 12:15 PM)Many M quite anti C one... It's really the truth... Not LYN people... but outsiders... just look at FB comments....Chinese food - die die tak halalJapanese food - okay as long as got Halal CertKPOP food - best... makan je....actually all 3... KPOP food serve the most pork in Korea....I think it's actually few people using multiple Fb accounts to post ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998502731323242} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 11:03 PM)lol......not even a practical question. there's tons of choices.bro....hypothetical question lah.which one more teruk.the sin of stealing or the sin of eating something not halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(g5sim @ Jun 20 2024, 01:32 PM)The inti kayangan like. Prawn got 3. Very reasonable price but I never like the sweet sweet kuah. I prefer makan without the kuah/sosFor viral video bagi lebih protein la.Normal one even non halal only ciput jer the protein amount. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "@zulhilmizabri @coyoterempit Ya, bagus kan certification kebersihan ni? Sijil halal pulak langsung tak bagi maklumat yang berguna pada pengguna. Buang masa dan duit saja untuk dapatkan sijil halal ni", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989529848098755} +{"text": "QUOTE(ukiya21 @ Sep 10 2020, 10:13 AM)I thought I saw P*RK?? apa masalah?? lazy to read..Membaca bukan budaya kita.If u see these around KL, it is either empty or filled with trash. This one in picture is filled with trash ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947711825370789} +{"text": "\r\njgn terlalu yakin produk melayu tu halal\r\nada byk sgt melayu yg tak kesah halal n haram\r\ndah mendapat supply dari golongan non muslim\n\r\nsatu lagi aspek\r\naku setuju dgn ACE\r\nmakanan mestilah halal n toyyiba\r\ntapi kebanyakkan premis melayu sgt kotor dan tak jauh dr lipas n tikus", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(valerie0821 @ Nov 30 2023, 02:47 PM)Malu la, what you doing here today?now only you replyi balik my office alreadydeliver some supplies to a shop there. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9562835097312927} +{"text": "Kalau nak makan kat luar tu, selain daripada tempat makan bersih, peniaga juga haruslah beragama Islam. Yakin halal makanan yang dimakan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9483511447906494} +{"text": "@twtfOzanfirOs_ @nuranisatania Well, kononnya dia nak troll sijil hala Jakim. Tapi terlupa kebodohan dia sendiri yang menakrifkan halal=babi\ud83e\udd23 Eh kau perempuan nk melantak kopi tu ikut suka hati kau la. Tp jangan sebarkan kebodohan puak liberal kau, gali ilmu sikit macam mana certificate halal JAKIM trhasil", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9511523246765137} +{"text": "HARAM or HALAL .. To me .. Asal Makanan Sedap, Boleh dimakan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9876205325126648} +{"text": "QUOTE(MOD404 @ May 24 2016, 12:09 PM)Good thenMeans the bait work for you both Haiii.. No baca Bismillah tak sebelum makan??!Its not bait srsly. Yup. You? Ada baca doa makan? Ada makan ikut Sunnah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997838139533997} +{"text": "No Pork not necessarily mean halal. it just one of many method to tap in muslim market while maintaining non-muslim market. don't know why ppl mudah keliru.. if tak yakin.. no need to enter the shop.. sigh.. we have too much arabization in oir society.... syariah airline.. syariah browser... and now we expect no pork restaurant means syariah compliance restaurant.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "Muslim boycott Mcd sebab Gazza, non muslim boycott because of cake haram.. kerana cake badan binasa.. wahahaha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999645948410034} +{"text": "Bernafas haram. Sebab babi dna everywhere. Seriously this guy can go live in a cave and not breathe at all.This post has been edited by TrialGone: Jan 4 2018, 08:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999821186065674} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 9 2019, 06:56 AM)what if we do not afraid something that can destroy our akidah?for eg; the idea of alot people that does bad things, or non compliance to a rule set by a religion, and then says \"niat aku baik\"\u00a0 or \"apa yg penting adalah hati...\", or \"please dont judge me from appearance\" etceg; someone who smokes, or rasuah, but never misses solat jemaah?or a drug addict but becomes the main imam of a mosque, how is that?how can we not judge this people, when the visible appearance is against a religion teaching?but anyway, i dont want to focus on such specific details of a religion' way but rather to share idea that i personally believe that Anti christ have succeeded in controlling us as he is the \"tv\" (or the screen).You can't pick and choose what you want to do as a Muslim. Islam is the way of life. You know Allah is the only god and yet you still do rasuah? That is wrong. If you're a believer, than you'd do what God wants you to do and avoid what He doesn't want you to do. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998666048049927} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Dec 9 2023, 03:41 PM)the poster in fact blaming the organizers because you have to cater to all races if you want to claim shitGawd man, 99% of the posts here missed your point and only thinks about racing. Memang budaya membaca tidak di amalkan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "Bak is meat\u2026 any meats Daging is meat \u2026 just people understand it as beef, that is the people problem \u2026Bak Kut Teh = Meat-Bone-Tea Just that the meat used for the dish is made popular with pork.That does not generalize the word meaning from meat to pork \u2026If lion in safari only eat \u201cbak\u201d only can be pork, it will die of hunger \u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9132121801376343} +{"text": "QUOTE(guailow83 @ Jun 19 2023, 02:18 PM)cili padigarlicsoy soycehnnnggghhhKenot Those not makanan tradisi You can only have Budu andBelacan No cili also since that came from the SpanishThis post has been edited by dickybird: Jun 19 2023, 02:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967155456542969} +{"text": "Always thought the name is due to how it looks like a flacid Mr Chee\u2019s penis after Chee went Cheong for Fun. O wait still haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956542253494263} +{"text": "Kopi #Arissto dikilangkan di Itali, dan ada sijil halal antarabangsa yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. #SisKopi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998613595962524} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureKau ni mmg suka reka cerita sendiri ye? Like to make up your own reality tssk tssk tskk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998635053634644} +{"text": "Dah la langgar halal haram makanan, tak mesra harga pula tu.\n\nSebab tu ana cakap, kalau status disyaki ni relax ja dulu. Kita biar JAKIM settle siasat dan verify keadaan sebenar dulu.\n\nKalau sabit pengusaha tu salah, amatlah tak bertanggungjawab orang macam tu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "huhuhuhu kedai walaun ni mesti nak jimat kos mendapat sijil halal la ni", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990403056144714} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chrono-Trigger @ May 8 2024, 05:56 PM)for what it's worth, Najib gave Sarawak the Bakun Dam, and that enables sarawak to plan its energy usage and kick off industry that requires power. I dont know what history you read. Bakun Dam was conceived in 1960s and was given GREEN light to go during Mahathir time, late 1974s onward. It was never Najib. Bakun Dam was contracted to EKRAN Corp, big mega project by best bankrupt Chinese buddy of Mahathir. RIP Ting Pek Khing. Those who know, EKRAN Corp is a PLC company. Everyone said politically affiliated until 1997, project halted. Due to \"financial\" crisis. Sarawak State govt doesn't have much says in Federal Plans then. Just like now TNB busy body want to take care Sabah Electricity problems. After-all its Sabah electricity \"political\" divestment and poor management related. Gave Gamuda to built the new Dam. Nothing to do with Najib.This post has been edited by Syie9^_^: May 8 2024, 04:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8880872130393982} +{"text": "Bila dengar berita produk ni haram lah, kena tarik sijil halal lah apa lah selalunya kalau search balik mesti berita palsu. Main share saja geram pulak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999200105667114} +{"text": "QUOTE(fantasy1989 @ Apr 23 2024, 12:06 AM)IC + thumb print verification?IC boleh palsu, thumb print pun boleh tipuKalau kat kaunter airport, pegawai mesti tanya soalan basic yang bodoh.Kalau gagal jawab, mesti ada something wrong. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999998807907104} +{"text": "Orang suka mengesyaki bukan2 jika tukang masaknya bukan Muslim. Padahal dia dah guna perkakasan yang bersih, penjagaan bahan pun bersih. Ini antara syarat sesuatu premis untuk dapat sijil halal.\n\nTak ada orang pegang babi kat rumah, efek haram makanan kat restoran rempat lain.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "CHIZU. Wpn namanya agak ragu\u00b2 tetapi sedap diminum, malah dipamerkan dgn bangganya Sijil HALAL JAKIM. \n\nMari sama\u00b2 belajar ttg sumber makanan kita. Adakah disembelih menurut islam? Adakah diproses dgn bahan yg halal? Adakah campurannya halal? \n\nKita boleh belajar.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999053478240967} +{"text": "@EfarizanMogan Halal haram sesuatu benda itu bukan hanya pada sijil, to begin with. Then the discussion can go on and on.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Jun 10 2019, 11:04 AM)rm1 billion per year only mah,.. sup sup sui,..most busiest month = puasa month rest of the months = ransack hotel based on public lodging report sup sup sui la... best return of investment ever ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.860364556312561} +{"text": "QUOTE(beeMay @ Jun 26 2021, 04:01 PM)Because the competition is stiff ao lalamove driver will just accept without reading then only they call youTRUE STORY!QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Jun 26 2021, 04:04 PM)Kalau dah jelas benda diharamkan agama atau undang-undang, contoh kau describe \"babi 5 ketul\" and \"wain 5 liter\", memang orang Islam tak boleh hantar.Tapi kalau benda yang vague, e.g. kau minta dia hantar \"nasi goreng\" atau \"aiskrim\", tak wajib atas penghantar untuk soal siasat kaji selidik atau babi atau tidak, masak guna lemak babi atau tak, ada guna rum dalam aiskrim raisin atau tidak, maka tak salah untuk dia hantar.Allah Knows Best\u2122rider came and collect then found out is food and asked if this is halal.very dumb if u ask meQUOTE(ImSIEBEL @ Jun 26 2021, 04:06 PM)Yes, we get lots of request riders request to change new rider because of non halal. So in future, just put remark non halal foodi shared to my friend who work in resturan. he said he experience this on daily basis. some accept first, then ask to cancel order.QUOTE(ImSIEBEL @ Jun 26 2021, 04:08 PM)But actually the rider also sometime supiad, fast fast they accept job then only read. Then livechat to request cancel for themTRUE STORY! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.901654839515686} +{"text": "Kalau x tau, termakan xda dosa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996700286865234} +{"text": "QUOTE(statikinetic @ Dec 31 2016, 10:31 AM)This is silly. The cause is JAKIM and not McD. McD needs to toe the line if they want to preserve their halal status. Today it's McD, tomorrow its another franchise.It's runaway religious fanaticism at it's best.>McD kow tow to jakim >so mcd is jakim's dog. >Dog is najis, haram.> McD = Dog(obedient one)> McD = haramAm i doin it rite?Since they so like promote surpression of haram food, we should heed the call and boycott MCDThis post has been edited by Aerobrain: Dec 31 2016, 10:47 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999459445476532} +{"text": "QUOTE(qsub @ Oct 5 2022, 03:52 PM)What type of activities can get wang haram? Just asking.Money laundering lor. Dadah. Rasuah. Gotta clean the money yo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tariq_H @ Aug 9 2018, 08:00 AM)Yang penting yakin. Tak wajib usul. Kalau benar near yakin, yang haram jadi halal. Kalau tak yakin, sifat asalnya halal akan jadi haram.#donedakwah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9837379455566406} +{"text": "QUOTE(jamilselamat @ May 10 2017, 03:09 PM)Orang kata kat aku: \"Tak kira sapa urus. Bayar zakat tu wajib. Asalkan hang bayaq, sudah. Apa jadi lepas tu biaq depa jawab\".Tapi kalau dah jadi sampai macam ni, takkan nak bayaq jugak kot? Kalau aku bayaq jugak, bukan ka seolah olah menggalakkan lagi orang urus zakat tu seleweng? \"Depa semua kena bayaq jugak kat aku. Kalau aku beli Ferrari dengan duit zakat pun, apa kuasa depa ada? muahahahahahaha!!\". Kalau aku menyenangkan lagi hidup si penyeleweng ni, bukan ka dosa pun jatuh kat aku jugak???Itu la pasal. Last last kalau nak betul betul duit tu sampai kat tangan penerima, cari la orang yang memerlukan zakat sendiri. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993621706962585} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:44 PM)I purchased roasted chicken bakers cottage ni byk Kali, mmg murah tapi rasa dia mmg out. Totally bland and doesn't feel the spice at all compared to ayamas or other typical pasar malam.Ya murah, tapi Rasa teruk, I prefer beli the traditional ayam\u00a0 panggang yg lebih mahal tapi rasa lg bagus.halahhh cicah sos cili settle dah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9138701558113098} +{"text": "Orang Melayu kat Malaysia dah salah konsep makanan halal. Yg tentukan halal haram bukan sijil halal Jakim tapi Allah. Islam tu mudah. Kalau makanan takda tanda2 yang jelas haram, makan dengan yakin. \n\nMakan mamak, kedai tomyam, kedai tepi jalan takde plak nak check sijil.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 31 2021, 12:19 AM)Senang je buat banyak pelanx2. All just proposals. Then reality hits and you either have to actually build it or get someone who knows how to build it for you. Exactly like the flying car.As they say when it is not your own money it is easy to sembang kencang. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996187686920166} +{"text": "Aku tak faham kenapa yang beriya sgt nak membuktikan minuman yg orang enjoy adalah \u201charam\u201d & \u201cmujur aku tak minum\u201d. Tak ada sijil halal tak bermakna ianya haram. Kedai tomyam ada sijil halal? Pernah tanya? Kedai goreng pisang/cendol tepi jalan pernah tanya? Beli juga lahap juga https://t.co/dm7nKD5GKv", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999287128448486} +{"text": "kalau travel la kan nak cari makanan yg cop halal jakim memg xmakan la ko.so cri la jalan lain yg seswai.dan plg penting kna yakin ya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997870326042175} +{"text": "This haram that haram.inb4 rasuah is halal yo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Nov 29 2023, 10:32 AM)this root beer haram or not? i see appear on Halal western restaurantthat is like barbi-(in a)-can ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9414933919906616} +{"text": "ITT - Non Muslims pretending to be halal and haram experts.Such entertaining shits. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999748170375824} +{"text": "depa kerja. depa beli makanan, kasi kita makan.. semua jadi sedekah\n\ncamgitu je senang orglaki ni buat amal.. kasi ke anak bini makan. bini plak mmg suka makan hshhsh. dgn anak pun tak berkira. belanja utk diri sendiri pun tidak \n\nbkn main laju betul pahala suami2 bapak2 ni.. \n\n.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985916018486023} +{"text": "Semudah kemam sahaja ! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb ** 1 tablet sahaja sehari. ** disahkan KKM dan ada sijil HALAL. ** tak wajib utk minum banyak air. ** tiada pantang larang. #Lovva #PersisJamuModen", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9727067947387695} +{"text": "QUOTE(Noryume @ Aug 30 2020, 10:53 AM)The people report haram with no label. See what charge for the offence la.No halal sticker then you already know not halalLike this also keliru?This post has been edited by desmond2020: Aug 30 2020, 11:01 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999492168426514} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClericKilla @ Jan 16 2024, 12:25 AM)I can never understand Malaysian going to London eating Malaysian food.Other haram food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(zero5177 @ Jun 12 2024, 05:14 PM)Any Muslim mind to explain the reason for sacrificing the cow during Raya Haji?I saw some video where they take their time to kill the cow like the neck half kena potong but still alive running, is this according to practice?Jangan persoalQUOTE(keyser soze @ Jun 12 2024, 07:29 PM)babi naik harga every year tak ada orang kecoh?Benda haram mesti lah kena naik harga, extra tu untuk bayar dosa ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991983771324158} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Jan 16 2024, 11:46 AM)Yes because menu already stated price. Not hidden. Tak suka can stand up and leave ma why continue order?But again warning for Langkawi people. If continue to be like that then cannot blame Malaysian just straight go Thailand Indonesia Vietnam. Don't cry later.they can sell rm20 but the portion also play an important role in justifying the price. if portion big enough, u think that customer will complain?all he get was lobak goreng kunyit with ciken on the side lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989086389541626} +{"text": "QUOTE(rebecca_choo @ Nov 5 2020, 12:23 PM)Berderau darah ni rasa nak muntah, jijik, geli.Dah lama kita DIBODOHKAN! Daging haram dicop halal oleh syarikat-syarikat \u2018MATA SEPET\u2019!Letak cop halal, masyarakat islam terus yakin 100%. Beli, makan, isi dalam perut anak bini.Percaya atau tidak daging yang di beli berkemungkinan TAK HALAL!if thats even possible ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "Kewujudan patung menggalakkan pemujaan. Ia boleh merosakkan akidah serta iman dan mengelirukan orang Melayu Islam Sunni Semenanjung Malaysia, oleh itu patung tidak lagi diletak demi sensitiviti mereka. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972013235092163} +{"text": "QUOTEimpossible for other race food to become halal although we all know its non pork or alcoholone of the hardest criterea for a non-halal restaurant to achieve is actually the cleanliness part. Most of it so dirty. like bukit bintang. all dirty. Non pork and alcohol is the EASIEST part to achieve. Cleanliness, suci, and neatness requirements make it impossible for restaurants to get halal status. Afterall, the kind of businessmen which pay crap, will never be able to get it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Bagi aku sijil halal semua restoren makanan kena (wajib) ada. Termasuk gerai tepi jalan tu. Incase kalau korang ambik berat pasal halal ye.\nEven barang basah halal pun, bersih ke ? kalau tak bersih, mcm mana nak kategorikan makanan tu halal. Dah syarat kebersihan pun tak lepas.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996968686580658} +{"text": "Long honk in jam budaya malaysia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9827213883399963} +{"text": "Asal untung. Halal haram they dont care one, as long as didnt get caught. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "yg paling penting, kita tahu kalau makanan yg kita makan itu Bersih, Sehat & Halal ^^ #frozenFood #FrozenRisoles #FrozenSiomai", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985829591751099} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 24 2020, 11:20 PM)Nope. It's real. https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...long-as/1934761However, his explanation still very confusing. \"\u201cTo put it simply if shop B with a Jakim halal certificate bakes a cake with a religious celebration wish for display then it is not allowed, but if shop B had prepared the cake that was ordered by A that has a religious celebration wish it is permitted,\u201d he added.\" This explanation like just came up on the spot after the backlash and makes little sense. So if write merry christmas on cake and put on cake display will make moslem confused? Have to prepare in back alley from public eye to write the words on cake? This basically the same as asking premise not to put any signboard greeting non religion celebration, no christmas trees, no indian rice art, no CNY lanterns. WTF jakim?Do they purposely want to make the process of applying \"halal\" status artificially harder ?Like my shop I prepare all the meat and ingredient 100% halal, cleanliness 100% clean. But you are selling ONE product with Christmas theme, so automatically your entire shop not halal. Or JAKIM see my shop employee wear Santa hat during Christmas season, my shop automatically become not halal ? I tampal Happy Deepavali greetings on my shop window, my shop become not halal ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.985934317111969} +{"text": "jew cannot eat hard shell animal ie:siham, lobster ..lagi teruk .... boooooo.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999278783798218} +{"text": "QUOTE(das99990428 @ Oct 6 2022, 01:09 AM)who here hypocrite? you generalizing is it?generalizing?who is ok on haram duit? u? others? or those on the news?kek...bodopandaipedas nya buntot tuThis post has been edited by sunami: Oct 6 2022, 09:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999771118164062} +{"text": "QUOTE(miharu90 @ Aug 18 2015, 10:18 PM)xpa truskan isap vape tu..benda haram buat memang best..orang kalau dah ketagih..dia grenti akan pertahankan punya..dah syok kan..benda2 haram ni kalau buat memang best..tp nanti sy bagi nasihat ckitlah..kalau vape tu..vape sorang2 kat bilik ya..jangan kat tempat umum..nasihat kawan2 yang vape sekali ok..peace no war No issues bro.... Sy pun bukan galakan vape kat tempat umum. Bukan pertahankan perbuatan seumpama itu, malah kaki kaki kami akan menegur mahkluk yang vape tanpa pemikiran.kamu blh selak satu low yat net....klu ade post sy mengatakan atau meyokong vape tanpa mengira tempat. Rasenya bro tak baca semua post dari awal. Kami pun akan tepuk tangan bersorak kalau ade kaki vape yang kena penampar disebabkan vape di tempt umum..... Mengeni perbuatan haram yang best dan ketagihanya yany tak leh nak di kawal......kalu nak di ambil kira, rasenya banyak lagi benda yang haram tapi masih di teruskan oleh semua golongan masyarakat disebabkan tiada peneguran atau dah jadi benda biase..... Jadi tak yah lah member kat forum ini mula menyalak bila kami pos sesuatu..... Bukanya pun menyalahkan member forum, tapi hanya meyoal si pembuat umuman tersebut.... Tapi ade pula mamat yang nak pertahan....jadi wujudlah perang keyboard. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998879432678223} +{"text": "Nah sijil halal! Sijil halal dari KMF, sama macam halal dekat Mee samyang korang suka tu\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01 https://t.co/eykVUhAwgo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999833106994629} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Aug 11 2024, 06:13 PM)Wait what? Best for ppl who can't take overly spicy stuff maybeBanana bro is quite the watered down experience lermalaysian always like low quality food ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9515382647514343} +{"text": "bila merasakan mereka yang terlebih ahli.asal dah baca Quran,pakai serban,boleh kritik semua benda secara umum,tanpa bertanya mereka yang dalam industrilepas tu buat kacau bilau kepada masyarakat\"done dakwah\"semoga Allah lindungi kita semua dari golongan ini ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994064569473267} +{"text": "QUOTE(madman7028 @ Jan 17 2022, 12:13 AM)Many born & educated in west malaysia are still stateless, some waited more than 20 years and don't have people to help viral their\u00a0 stories.https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/family...HUGF4w.whatsappyour article is born overseas leh.... also mother is malaysian not father plays a big role in this application as well. This viral case is very lucky the father is malaysian and they have his IC evidence and birth cert else also no chance wan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9927992820739746} +{"text": "I am thinking to treat my malay friends some halal chinese food. I want to ask you guys, whats the best halal chinese food you have ever tried ?Its for good intention, please do not politicalize or make it into ugly topic, thanks. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "Rujuk sumber Jakim..Makanan Sunnah ialah semua makanan yg Halal dan Toyyiban..bukan susu kambing sahaja makanan sunnah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9551588296890259} +{"text": "QUOTE(poks @ Dec 25 2020, 09:30 AM)Can't say much with this kind of ancient mentality. Other human might have migrated to other stars, and they still talking of halal haram logo etcWaiting for the time when moslem when enter malaysia has to get halal chop branding with hot iron. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9443259835243225} +{"text": "QUOTE(deodorant @ Nov 2 2013, 06:18 PM)so if I wanna cook for my Muslim friends, as long as i1. Wash all utensils and pans with mud water and rinse 6x2. Use only halal certified meat3. No pork no alcohol at all in the ingredients Then can liao?Yup but it would be easier to just buy a new pan and utensils. and keep them for future use in case u wanna do open house and invite some muslim friends.QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 06:19 PM)oppsfixedthanksand on the alcohol part,i agree with ubut there is an argument of \"benda halal bercampur benda haram akan jadi haram\"so,the wine itself is haram already,so it dont matter if the alcohol burn off or not.when it mixed into ur cooking,by using that argument,it should be harammy opinion layup, i agree on that part as well. but i thought it's more towards pork and stuff. i dont have enough knowledge to dispute what Jakim says, just that based on my personal opinion, i think alcohol can be used for cooking becos no way u can get drunk on that stuff, unless u cook with a bottle of vodka.it's not like the people in Jakim are professors anyway. they might be educated in the religious aspect, but on the scientific aspect maybe not so much. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9867503046989441} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Dec 20 2023, 09:20 AM)You are in a hotel by the beach or city? If beach, which hotel do you reckonShangrila Tanjung Aru Resort is near the city. This one is the best for the famous sunset at Tanjung Aru beach. Walking distnace to the beach.There is another one by the sea. No beach. Just 1km from city. Sutera Magellan Resort.Further out you have Shangrila Rasa Ria or NexusThis post has been edited by prophetjul: Dec 20 2023, 09:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "@tekatekims3 Hahaha. Betul tu. Nak masak malas depa ni. Ingat semua makanan kena ada sijil halal baru confirm halal ke? Haih. Mengecewakan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978852868080139} +{"text": "QUOTE(bak kut teh @ Aug 25 2020, 09:21 PM)Buah haram, yang termakan tu cam mana? Need to undoPi minum air tanah. Samak badan tu. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967480897903442} +{"text": ">inb4 Ipoh curry noodle the best Nearlee ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99994957447052} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eralus @ Oct 17 2016, 08:28 PM)Aku telan je.anyway byk lagi restoren/kedai haram org melayu kat tepi jalan.. Yg boleh nampak dgn mata kepala sendiri kekotorannya. Jenis kedai cmtu kalau apply sijill halal for sure kene reject awal2 dek jakim..tipical Malay viral all the wayBetul, selalu Jakim dan orang Islam sendiri cakap, halal bukan saja tanpa babi dan alkohol tetapi juga kebersihan tapi pada masa yang sama, makan aja makanan yang tak begitu bersih asalkan dijual oleh Melayu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "3rd world low IQ population mentality: Malls and Skyscapers emerging in the skyline = Towards Developed Nation Status (Ke Arah Status Negara Maju)When proper things such as living standards, average GDP per capita balance, income/wage levels, literacy rates and nutrition/food dietary, high unemployment , all overlooked. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999531507492065} +{"text": " pilih yg seiman & bersih, msh bnyak makanan Halal di banding makanan Haram :) @angga_fpik ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999942421913147} +{"text": "\r\nsori... lupe nak apdet citer pasal kehalalan makanan di hotel ni.. \n\r\nkak jay jay nak ngabo kat kome sumer yg status kehalalan toyyibban makanan kat hotel regency tower ni masih dlm peringkat permohonan...\r\nbile kak jay jay tanye naper lambat dpt status halal, ustaz di pejabat agama tu kate sebab permohonan yg dihnatar lambat dan ade masalah2 tetentu..so lambat la prosesnye... kalo diikutkan owner buleh mendpatkan status tu sbm hotel dibuka lagi... tu ustaz tu la yg kabo kat kak jay jay tau..\n\n\r\nsekian kak jay jay melaporkan dr ipoh di tingkat 3 bangunan lain berdepan ngan hotel regency\u00a0\u00a0tower", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(tinkerfy @ Dec 5 2023, 08:00 PM)Status: Fresh gradAsking salary: RM5000Experience: NASkills: Facebook, Instagram, TiktokExpectation: Work 10am - 3pm, provide company car, can claim meals, IPhone 15ProSo difficult to get job lah..This is normal and nothing to be shy asking for 5-digit Malaysian Ringgit salary for fresh grads in today's times.Most fresh grads overseas are getting from US$3-4k starting pay.Malaysian fresh grads deserve only RM2k? Speaks a lot of their quality.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9887711405754089} +{"text": "JAKIM lancar aplikasi 'Verify Halal', untuk periksa status halal produk makanan di pasaraya.\n\nSelain pangkalan... http://fb.me/6MWUAMcOT", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "Peach iced tea tu takde tulis 0% alcohol kan? Cuma tulis alcohol ethanol kan? Ikut jakim, alcohol etanol dalam makanan hukum nya harus. Bila kita nak tau tentang sesuatu, kita kena kosongkan minda so boleh isi yang baru. Rujuk sini, jangan rujuk page fb. https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-fatwa/irsyad-fatwa-umum/3097-irsyad-al-fatwa-siri-ke-290-hukum-pewarna-makanan-20-peratus-alkohol\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5857622623443604} +{"text": "QUOTE(ikram_p @ Aug 9 2018, 09:44 AM)Perlembagaan Persekutuan Perkara 3(1) amat jelas menyatakan bahawa Islam adalah agama bagi Persekutuan (Malaysia) yang bererti negara Malaysia beragama Islam. Ini juga bererti Perlembagaan Persekutuan Perkara 3(1) telah mengiktiraf Malaysia sebagai negara Islam.Bahkan ketika Tun Dr Mahathir menjadi perdana menteri dalam kerajaan Malaysia, beliau telah membuat pengisytiharan dalam tahun 2001 bahawa bahawa Malaysia adalah negara Islam yang selari dengan ajaran Islam.Pengisytiharan ini tentulah dibuat setelah Tun Dr Mahathir mendapatkan khidmat nasihat daripada pakar undang-undang dan pakar Perlembagaan Persekutuan.Peruntukan dalam Perkara 4(1) menyatakan semua undang-undang yang digubal di Parlimen akan terbatal jika undang-undang tersebut bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan perkara 3(1).Terdapat banyak peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan itu yang memberi keistimewaan kepada agama Islam. Perkara 3(1) yang meletakkan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan dan Perkara 12(2) yang membenarkan kerajaan membelanjakan wang negara bagi pembangunan agama Islam, menunjukkan bahawa Malaysia bukan negara sekular.https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2014...ular-says-dr-m/Thursday, 19 Jun 2014:PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is neither an Islamic state nor a secular state, it\u2019s just an ordinary state that recognises Islam as the official religion of the country. So says former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.\u201cWe have declared ourself as an Islamic state before, but that does not mean that we have to do all kinds of other things to make it Islamic.\u201cThere are so many Islamic states that don\u2019t even declare they are Islamic and they don\u2019t practise many of the things that are supposed to be associated with Islamic states,\u201d he told The Star after deli\u00advering an executive talk at the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry headquarters here yesterday.However, Dr Mahathir was quick to add that this did not mean Ma\u00adlay\u00adsia could be considered a secular state, as it was not mentioned in the Federal Constitution.\u201cWe never said this is a secular state either. We are just an ordinary state that recognises Islam as the official religion of the country, and we practise things that are not against the religion of Islam,\u201d he said.in general, we are just a muslim country since we have both Syariah and Civil law. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8877362608909607} +{"text": "Wanna reduce islamophobia? How about u guys stopping shitstirrers like pas from preaching us kafirs as musuh islam day day plotting to menjatuhkan islam dan membangsatkan melayu and all that?Aside from that, you think non muslims are blind and do not see? How malay muslims treatment and calling to close establishments selling alcohol or haram food or genting, when these places oledi terang2 pasted big2 notices no muslims allowed. How other places of worship are treated (any recent permits approved to build new church/temples/etc). How businesses have to close for friday prayers otherwise will be fined for insulting muslims. How even dressings are regulated in the pretense \"this is dress code\" when no such thing in the past. This post has been edited by bigwolf: Mar 17 2024, 06:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5449613332748413} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:30 PM)Eh? Natural rice wine?Rice can be used to make wine. It is just the process. If fermentation is not proper, the wine can become sour and become vinegar. The wine can turn to vinegar when a bacteria known as acetobacter enter the wine. That is why the bottle is properly sterilized. If you leave a bottle of wine opened in warmer climate, then it is a matter of time it will become vinegar. The bacteria is everywhere in air and even on grape itself.The difference is the matter of intention. If you make wine even from rice, like sake, then it is wive. Haram for consumption. If your use rice to make vinegar, then it is halal for use in cooking.The question is how about changing the wine into vinegar. Then there are two opinions. Some will say the vinegar is halal and some will say still haram. I guess some misunderstood about rice wine which they think it is just vinegar processed from wine. So, the status whether it is still in wine or vinegar form probably depends on its alcohol level content. Nowadays alcohol is used to refer to beer and other intoxicated drink thus the alcohol used in perfumed also labeled as haram. Ulama differentiates it as two different things. You cannot drink methanol which is also scientifically under alcohol group for example since it is not a drink Well, when you have doubt whether it is halal or not, then it is the best to avoid it. It is not that you do not have other choice. Why need to make vinegar from wine if you can straightaway make vinegar without going into wine state. I guess people like to make small matter big just to get attention. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8065096139907837} +{"text": "QUOTE(HappyA_Q @ Jan 11 2024, 10:37 AM)There are people who wanted to migrate out of Malaysia, and also people wanted to migrate back to Malaysia or MM2H!Grass always greener the other side.Different demography.Migrate out for better pay, prospects, children future, fed up with r&r etcMigrate in to retire, for cheap cost of living, cheap labour, cheap healthcare. Works especially for those b40 type in their own country. Instant t20 in Malaysia.Best option: work earn money educate children in Australia. Then retire back up Malaysia, live like a King. There is one /K here who did that.Except: majority after living decades in Australia cannot tahan the crap in Malaysia anymore. If you can afford, makes little difference, retire in Oz also good.This post has been edited by limeuu: Jan 11 2024, 11:27 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990000128746033} +{"text": "they first viral video is from a chinese food vlogger, the vlogger only said is own/cook by malay couple and never mentioned got sijil halal. and in all the video i watched, both the owner/food reviewer never mentioned is halal or got sijil by Jakim. they just assume if a shop own/run/cook by malay = halal. just like how roadside stall also no halal cert but everyone is buying without asking ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977062940597534} +{"text": "pada pendapat dr macam mana kita nak tentukan status halal yg sebetul2 nya halal terhadap makanan yg kita mkn wlaupun ada pengesahan jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8902410864830017} +{"text": "lol soon this going be best halal cakoi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995835423469543} +{"text": "QUOTE(DValentine @ Jul 24 2024, 01:27 PM)u ask wat their budaya kenot jawabKEKwho say kenot.so easy answer.tuai menuai la, apa lagi This post has been edited by Optizorb: Jul 24 2024, 02:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "Dulu duduk rumah sewa selalu makan kat kedai. Sekarang syukur duduk dekat rumah makanan dijamin halal bersih dan yang penting jimat. Hehehe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9517373442649841} +{"text": "@naf_zam adakah sijil yg menentukan halal haram.contoh imam masjid yg dah berpuluh tahun sembelih ayam dgn cukup hukum/syarat penyembelihan yg halal bagi Islam.Tetapi dia tidak memiliki sijil halal Jakim.Adakah sembelihan nya dikategorikan haram pada setiap org Islam?kerana tanpa sijil?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "\r\nBenda syubhah kena elak. Lain la ko tinggal di negara tu dah xda pilihan makanan selain yg dekat depan mata. Semwstinya memastikan apa yg kita makan tu halal sebagai umat islam. Dalam al quran pun dah cakap kena pastikan apa yg masuk dalam mulut kita ni benda yg halal. Hakikatnya mmg disuruh begitu. Bukan meringankan benda yg masuk dalam mulut kau. Susah ke? Tahulah tak semestinya haram yg xda tanda halal, tapi ko.dah berusaha ke cek barang tu? Xda makanan lain dr tu ke? Ke atau terperdaya dgn makanan hype ni semua? Asal.jadi trend masuk mulut. Asal trend masuk mulut. Dan lupa barangkali dgn org prc ni mcmna perangai buruk dorang..adab derang mcmna. Jadi kau masih yakin dengan makanan yg derang hasilkan halal lagi suci?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999762773513794} +{"text": "Sijil halal ni supaya pengguna yakin tidak was was dengan barang yang dibeli.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5263639688491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 21 2019, 06:39 PM)your previous post saying alcohol no purpose,.. now say haram,.. u didn't read my reply of other reply ??.. he said islam never prohibit alcohol,.. only prohibit intoxication,.. thats why bread is not haram,.. so alcohol is haram or not ??.. can eat bread or not ??.. if can eat bread,.. then can eat druken chicken or not,..ohh... btw,.. alcohol got many medicinal use,.. drink red wine reduce your heart attack rate,...u don't need to be intoxicated,..i already said alcohol in drinks serve no purpose other than intoxicating hence it's haram. it's the other properties of red wine that's beneficial not the alcohol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Mar 17 2024, 06:48 PM)Wanna reduce islamophobia? How about u guys stopping shitstirrers like pas from preaching us kafirs as musuh islam day day plotting to menjatuhkan islam dan membangsatkan melayu and all that?Aside from that, you think non muslims are blind and do not see? How malay muslims treatment and calling to close establishments selling alcohol or haram food or genting, when these places oledi terang2 pasted big2 notices no muslims allowed. How other places of worship are treated (any recent permits approved to build new church/temples/etc). How businesses have to close for friday prayers otherwise will be fined for insulting muslims. How even dressings are regulated in the pretense \"this is dress code\" when no such thing in the past.lol reduce islephobia? Not happening........they need a boogeyman to \"unite the warriors\" to fight against. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99991774559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(kensh!!n @ Apr 11 2012, 11:05 AM)setiap apa yang dimakan jadi darah daging kita bro...dan itulah menentukan peribadi kita...later if TS's fren rosak akhlak, we know who to blame His fren tak makan b@bi also.Why so worry?Halal thing is overrated. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Mar 28 2024, 09:58 AM)The thing about emotional employees, is they can do anything at the spur of the moment. Same applies to male employees. The last thing you want is for the fella to do something stupid and leave a letter naming you.Yeah I know that it's part of the risk. I appreciate the precautionary measures, but I'm really looking for inputs on how best to communicate with such employees to solve the business needs rather than covering for myself. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7119882106781006} +{"text": "makanan di Malaysia adalah halal sehingga ada yg mendatangkan haram atau haram sehingga ada logo Halal dari Jakim? #fb", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971717000007629} +{"text": "QUOTE(The_Special_One @ Apr 28 2024, 11:46 AM)Kantoi makan babiayam suka ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999204874038696} +{"text": "Pertahankan kepimpinan Ulama... No use technocrat in PAS, just puppets of Ulamas ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 13 2020, 10:51 PM)already confirmed not babi.kam investigate which pakcik spread rumors.https://www.mywilayah.com/2020/11/penjelasa...i-kari.html?m=1zaman viral. ni la pakcik, kalau bangang tu simpan2 la... malu anak cucu tgk... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "QUOTE(EX Unseen Forces @ Mar 21 2024, 02:55 PM)I sell ckt cannot eat other ppl ckt? can, but if you are the only one who viral got fly in CKT by your competitor, you stick out like a sore thumb ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999573230743408} +{"text": "cosplay as isis soldier haram or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "Cek \u3010HALAL\u3011Grosir Murah JinFeng Latiao Halal Cemilan pedas Gluten Vegetarian Snack China Jajanan Viral Makanan Family Snack Santai Camilan dengan harga Rp199.000. Dapatkan di Shopee sekarang! https://s.shopee.co.id/8zl7ibtJE7?share_channel_code=7\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9857960939407349} +{"text": "Aku kalau sedih, suka gi kedai buku.\nPastu keluar buku, sambung sedih balik sebab dah terpakai duit nak beli makanan tapi ingatkan diri, masih on diet kann ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996641874313354} +{"text": "QUOTE(kaffra @ Dec 20 2021, 04:31 PM)they can ask if its halal or haram, if the gudwara has pork oil then maybe some would be hesitant to eat it. no harm to ask and this fellas response shows his animosity to other peoples beliefsTil lard is vegetarian food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9594953656196594} +{"text": "Halal foods are generally foods slaugthered or prepared according to Islamic law.However, even seemingly halal food can become haram :a.Food not prepared or slaughtered properly.For slaughtered meat, all the blood must be fully drained.b.Halal food stolen from anyonec.Halal meat such as chicken but mixed with wine or any other non halal ingridientsd.Halal food bought with ill gotten money, such as bribes or stolen money This post has been edited by darium: Jul 27 2012, 03:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982970356941223} +{"text": "Can.. alcohol not haram per se. Just anything harmless to body & for damn sure you dont drink the perfume coz its poisonous & stupid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989443421363831} +{"text": "Put 444 or if budget 44.4Or 666 or 66.6 if budget..Best buy red paper self write use calligraphy ink.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998053908348083} +{"text": "\r\nala..rileks la sume..apesal nampak emo je haha\n\r\nok now..aku rasa tak salah apa yg dikemukan oleh hadi tu..sume org ada pendapat dan pegangan masing2..maybe niat dia stakat nak memberi peringatan je..so jgn la cam mempertikaikan..\n\r\nskang ni pk je la..if korang jenis yang strict..ikut la..jenis yg tak kesah pon..terpulang la..anyway..bukan sume org yg strict berkenaan halal haram ni..sume ada pendirian masing2..yg penting..jgn was-was..\n\r\ncontohnye aku sendrik..kenkdg..kengkwn aku ni suke sgt mkn kat kedai india..kedai india ok..bukan kedai mamak..dh terpampang2 nye kepala gajah 7 kat dpan pintu masuk..ngn patung2 ular apa jadah ntah sume..tetibe ada halal lak..ikut stengah org..mmg yakin pasal ada halal..kot aku..sori to say..aku mmg tak yakin gila laaa..maybe nak ckp aku bias ke..apa ke..tp mmg aku tak yakin..so aku tak makan..dh la time tu aku lapar gile..last2 aku amek kopi ice je sbb bos aku dh tny2 nape aku tak makan..aku pon takde la nk ckp psl aku tak yakin..then..think back..kedai mamak yg sah-sah guna nama islam pon ramai kantoi tak halal..ni kan kedai india yg sah-sah guna nama india tu..apa korg rasa..anyway..ni pendpt aku..kot korg jenis yg open nak makan kat situ aku rasa ikut suke la..psl korg yakin..btol tak??\n\r\nthen..kot nak ikut hukum..mmg ada ckp..kalo bole elakkan makanan yg dibuat oleh org kafir..sbb kesucian dia tak terjamin..so sendiri mau igt la..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980338215827942} +{"text": "\u2800\u2800\u2800 \n\u2800\u2800\u2800 \nKhailani punya hobi baru: melihat Galaksi salah tingkah, tapi biasanya, lelaki itu membalasnya.\n\n\"Mana punyaku? Kenapa kamu punya es krim sih? Emang sengaja beli?\" Penasaran, ia pikir Galaksi tidak terlalu suka dengan makanan manis dingin itu.\n\u2800\u2800\u2800 \n\u2800\u2800\u2800", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997798800468445} +{"text": "QUOTE(oe_kintaro @ Jan 8 2024, 11:50 PM)I think the majority of local muslims would be too fearful to have an own opinion. Defer back to the learned ulama opinion is the default answer: better not rock the boat.Every time you give your own opinion as Muslim, they will say awak tak cukup ilmu agama lagi, pergi kuliah Dulu. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9208967685699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meSoon they come out with halal vege. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977787137031555} +{"text": "Saya dan ramai kawan saya di Twitter ni ingin kan @MyJAKIM Check semua restoran halal yang jual rokok supaya ditarik logo tersebut. Kalau dah jual barang haram maka tak logik dapat sijil halal. Atau kah saya yg kurang faham isu ini?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "Go UK study but complaint about alcoholIf so sensitive with alcohol and other haram stuff, why not just go study in Kelantan/Terengganu? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ May 3 2021, 01:17 PM)East Malaysia still muhibbah.\u201c When the children came back from the Wahabi madrasahs in Saudi they told their parents that Mak Yong, Menora, Main Puteri, Main Pantai, ramvong, joget, ronggeng, sarung kebaya were all haram. So they gave up their rich cultural heritage. A race without a strong cultural heritage as an anchor is like a ship adrift. So they pretended they were Arabs and adopted the dresses and speech of an Arab, albeit a fake Arab.\u201d ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988295435905457} +{"text": "QUOTE(BronzePlate @ May 3 2021, 02:49 PM)From the vid, I conclude there's different ajarans. Is that correct?i only can conclude the person who insult, take video & make it viral.............. She is sesat. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8743788599967957} +{"text": "sebab mesti kena aca crew muslim . members ckp lhhh !! bru dapat sijil halal https://t.co/s52oK6ECSt", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9886667728424072} +{"text": "yup. if the cow comes from Iseral, is haram not halal.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5102384686470032} +{"text": "to up their holier than thou status by 10pts, they will keep doing this type of farce.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "Macam makin banyak CCP content creator do provoke (reverse of Ang Moh praise) to get viral. Sudah how many?This post has been edited by United Rulez: Mar 11 2024, 05:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987272620201111} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Mar 9 2024, 04:18 PM)Doesn't have halal certification doesn't mean non halal lehU r right The absence of a Halal certification does not necessarily mean a product is Haram (forbidden). It simply means that the product has not been officially verified to meet all the criteria of Halal certification. Cheese-flavored Doritos may contain cheese made with animal-derived enzymes, which could potentially be non-halal. Nasib baik belum makan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(piscesguy @ Mar 17 2024, 11:57 AM)it's been a long time I never come to MV since 2022.today decide come here and see any changes after 1+ year.so I eat chap fan and cost me RM 16.. I think last time was around RM 10.totally no mood liao..You're referring to non-halal food court Popcorn on Level 2 rite. I eat there regularly. Past year, gone up around RM2 to 3. RM12.50 for 2 vege + 1 meat is still one of the best value to eat at MV during lunch. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9191867113113403} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Jul 27 2012, 02:41 PM)It's just an example, like if you want to learn French cooking from their academies/schools. So you go there and learn from the best, working with non-halal ingredients and utensils. You want to come back and open the a halal and authentic French restaurant (this sounds more and more like a great idea actually, it's a recent idea even in France). But starting a business needs capital, and getting a loan without any recognition could be difficult. So you need to enter competitions which again are usually non-halal to establish yourself as a brand name chef.Can a Muslim do all that?Interesting question, the answers to which might help some people here expand their life and career choices.im sorry. this is a bit harsh but muslim are limited to what they sell in the shop. we cant sell wine and beer or and even serve them actually. learning the french style cooking is ok, but maybe they can improvise the ingredient a bit so that it suit with the religion ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999164342880249} +{"text": "@sarahbaidarus Huhuhu starbucks ada status halal pun dorg xnak pcaya. Payah lah hai \ud83d\ude02 kang ckp psal makcik pakcik goreng tepi jalan xde sijil kang marah pulaknya \ud83d\ude05", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998236298561096} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 3 2017, 09:27 AM)Boycotting McD for the religious extremism is no small matter, only DUMB people think it is small matter when it is exactly the opposite. The religious extremism is gradually eating into our non-Mxslim rights, we need to make our stand loud and clear. By remaining silence we shall see more and more ridiculous rules being implemented that indirectly erode our rights.TS is a simpleton.Don't mix up. It is not extremism for this case.McD is a halal restaurant. McD is a halal restaurant.You shout or cry, McD is a halal restaurant. It remains status quo.So, after all, it is still a halal restaurant. Why shout or cry? KNN Commies\u2122 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999545812606812} +{"text": "Perkataan vinegar berasal dari perkataan Peranchis Vinaigre yang bermaksud wain masam.Walau bagaimanapun cuka dan wain adalah di anggap berbeza mengikut takrifan sekarang. Wain beras termasuk dalam cuka wain (Wine vinegar). Fatwa mengenai wain beras antara Malaysia dan Indonesia adalah berbeza. Fatwa Negeri Selangor (dan juga Malaysia kalau tak silap)https://www.muftiselangor.gov.my/fatwa-pers...negar-cuka-wainMalaysia dan Indonesiahttps://fiqh.um.edu.my/article/download/4269/2113/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971377849578857} +{"text": "Betul la bodoh. Ayam yg disembelih kalau ayam curi tetap haram. Contoh la contoh. Contoh. Kau beli nasi lemak tepi jalan pun takda sijil halal. Contoh la contoh. https://t.co/Emihn8f3Uk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ Jul 12 2024, 03:44 PM)Not easy for type M to learn how to make moist steamed chicken with silky skin plus the chilly ginger sauce also need the skills as most chicken rice shops often put too much vinegar. For a type M to learn these skills when they have not eaten this from young not so easy like hiring cooks from China which cook them differently from local MY. Even the best ones in singkie (The Mandarin Spore) makes the best steamed chicken and fresh ginger sauce.To ensure that their dish remains true to taste, Sheikh and Anna Belle hired a team of four Chinese cooks, one of whom hails from Hainan, China, and another who worked at a \u201cfamous chicken rice chain\u201d (they tell us which one off the record) in Singapore. \u201cWe wanted an authentic experience, and we can only replicate this if we work closely with our Chinese cooks,\u201d Anna Belle explains.they don't need to learn.just hire someone to teach recipe, make a kitchen system to prepare main ingredients, hire staffs to potong jiken. get halal license. voila.im actually more surprised local malays didnt open more jiken rice shops.if they're willing to ditch harga melayu mentality, this is actually a very good business to tackle the local market. the halal jiken rice in bb area and okr actually owned by cinis also. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999189376831055} +{"text": "QUOTE(BestInTheWorld @ May 22 2017, 04:58 PM)Yg tutup aurat pun belum tentu hati tak gelap.Yg tutup aurat pun belum tentu solat 5 waktu.Those already cover their aurat already got pahala because follow Allah's command for ladies to cover.Tak tutup aurat blom tentu hati tak gelap = dosa tak tutup aurat = 1, heart continues to blackened because tak mau ikut perintah Allah.Tak tutup aurat blom tentu solat 5 waktu = no cover aurat = 1 dosa. Tak solat cukup waktu = 1 dosa. Double the dosa now.Just wear appropriately to cover aurat. Nanti hati pelan2 jadi baik.Orang utagha dok kata: pelan2 kayuh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999655485153198} +{"text": "*DIMSUM FROZEN*... *KELUARAN BUMIPUTRA* *HALAL* *Sijil MESTI* *KILANG DI MALAYSIA* *Kukus 10 - 12 minit sahaja* *\ud83d\udcb0HARGA\ud83d\udcb0* *1 packet RM35.00* (berat 1kg, anggaran 60-65biji) *PROMOSI FREE SOS \ud83c\udf36* *\ud83c\udfcd RM 5 kos\u2026 https://t.co/R5ndF0RYFb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.35395896434783936} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 04:29 PM)See, this is why people look down on you. Already said, muslims can (and should) learn for themselves what is halal, instead of giving that power to religious zealots. But you alang-alang fitnah me say I want to educate muslims. Dosa tau.Except you don't need someone to tell you that you don't need jakim, as exhibited by the numerous muslims who eat at non halal certified eateries.It is crazies like yourself everyone should be wary off, robbing autonomy from others and giving it to zealots.You can bullshit here whatever you want but fact remains the market demands for Jakim certification to help them find halal foods,in fact people all over the world are seeking for more reliable halal food standards just like kosher standards from the jews.halal food are multi billion industries in the world, certainly worth much more than your bullshit claims in k/ today. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9899792671203613} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vape On @ Aug 27 2016, 09:06 PM)Puak bodo macam ko jer,\u00a0 bila butthurt mesti heret kaum lain masuk.kau ni bodo ke ape?xtau baca ke?sian, kecik-kecik tak nak memebaca, dah besar jadi bodo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959230422973633} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMF2025 @ Feb 25 2024, 04:29 PM)Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular?Lack of foreign tourist cause a lot of direct international flights canceled and not resumed after Covid lockdown.Lack of local tourist because most local tourist prefer Penang and Hatyai cause easier to get to. Even the Malays prefer Penang which used to be perceived as predominately Chinese island but recently has been seen as more Muslim friendly with a lot of local food being made Halal to cater to all races while still maitaning avability of non Halal food for nons.This post has been edited by magnor: Feb 26 2024, 02:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985717535018921} +{"text": "QUOTE(Questions12345 @ Nov 13 2023, 09:32 PM)Got that expensive meh? I think rm20 plus only. U can get it cheaper by using Mcd app to access the great deals.After adding up all the taxes and add ons RM20 plus? You dream la.By the way not just Malaysians are feeling the hardships of food inflation now, even in US a full meal set at McD costs almost USD15$16 McDonald\u2019s Meal Leaves Fans Fuming \u2014 Beloved Fast Food Chain \u2018No Longer Affordable\u2019Even among Americans QUOTEIt was a not-so-happy meal.An enraged McDonald\u2019s customer says the fast food franchise is no longer affordable for ordinary Americans, calling the company\u2019s contemporary prices \u201ccrazy.\u201d\u201cSo, I get there\u2019s a labor shortage, I get there\u2019s wage increases and a number of other things,\u201d Idaho man Christopher Olive began in a viral TikTok clip, which has recently resurfaced.\u201cBut $16? $16 for a burger, a large fry and a drink? It\u2019s just crazy!\u201d the flabbergasted content creator complained, panning to his itemized receipt from a McDonald\u2019s restaurant in the city of Post Falls.The video was original posted on social media last December, but has now gone viral again after McDonald\u2019s recently reported an increase in revenue directly influenced by a \u201cstrategic\u201d hike in menu prices.In the comments section of of Olive\u2019s, viewers voiced their frustration with the price of the fast food.\u201cIt\u2019s officially not convenient or affordable anymore,\u201d one moaned.\u201cCompanies know they can get these prices now so they\u2019ll never go back,\u201d a second commiserated, saying the glory days of cheap fast food were over.https://nypost.com/2023/11/04/lifestyle/16-...ger-affordable/US$16 with the MYR at record low now, how much it's supposed to be? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(Knnbuccb @ Oct 31 2023, 02:44 PM)https://api.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/10/...dar-viral-videothis datok jahanam ah lee, is trying to instigate pplhow about, we go to his nasi kandar shops, see how compliant they are to cleanliness etc...not clean, we kasi viral and lipot kasi tutup...\"I received a call from the secretary-general of the National Unity ministry this morning, to arrange a meeting with them as well as the stall owner from Damansara.\"We look forward to the meeting, so that we can solve this issue in an amicable manner,\" Jawahar Ali said.The issue is government is listening to him. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4682348370552063} +{"text": "QUOTE(iambloodymuch @ Jan 23 2017, 10:30 AM)they should consider giving haram cert instead. this country muslim majority, so all food should be save for muslim to consume unless there is non-halal sign/logoI agree with this actually. Let's first at least start with food and drinks. Any products of this category MUST go through JAKIM's Halal/Haram certification to be able to sell. Those who didn't comply should be stopped from being in the market. On the other hand, they should make it as easy as possible for people to work with them so the process will go smoothly. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930105805397034} +{"text": "QUOTE(malz89 @ Apr 17 2024, 10:16 PM)Are u sure an average My is making about 12 to 13k per month? But at the very least, I know that an average fresh graduate in Sg is making about 4k.You're comparing the past, makes no sense. Those succeeded (the ones u mentioned) had cables, dealing through backdoor during the early days. Try doing that now, see how successful ur business would be. At least in Sg, if ure capable u can work ur way out without being interfered by anyone.Anyway, what I wanna say is that you're not comparing apple to apple. Compare fresh grad vs fresh grad. You should have a picture of that.Are u sure an average My is making about 12 to 13k per month? But at the very least, I know that an average fresh graduate in Sg is making about 4k.-im talking a family in malaysia, if u talk about freshies, u have to compare those feshies at kl, i think easily can get 4K+ above (gross + allowance), but can have a life with car and have a comfortable room in kl ,comparing with sg.You're comparing the past, makes no sense. Those succeeded (the ones u mentioned) had cables, dealing through backdoor during the early days. Try doing that now, see how successful ur business would be. At least in Sg, if ure capable u can work ur way out without being interfered by anyone.-im arguing those people say malaysia dont have equal oppurtunity, then i give u some of it with famous name because ordinary people i mention u will not know him. those famous people sucess then u will have perception say back got big cable , in sg sucess then u say is depand on ur own. what nonsense is tat also..- i also dont want to arguing with those people who are thinking himself is very rich and higher status if work and stay in sg as well..siapa makan chilli siapa rasa pedas shj la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999178647994995} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 4 2018, 11:33 PM)The mufti very putar belit. Third paragraph \"\"Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali.\" already meant every costume is haram. Then like mid way suddenly change mind when remember got sport mascot and children show.Those words are not supposed to be law... probably something wrong with their educational culture, or how we perceive their educational culture?I have heard of monks giving confusing advice too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999535083770752} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Aug 9 2024, 01:05 PM)babi is the best meat in the world.those who never try will never understandTipu sudah try but lembu better ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9213525056838989} +{"text": "\nMengkuduMasam replied at 22-12-2015 09:04 AM\r\nbetul laa tuh..\n\r\nmuslim mesia mane mampu nak buat syarikat penerbangan....\nnanti menteri umno x tahan dicabar...\r\nmati2 pun ambil dana kerajaan 1billion tubuh umno air bru tau...\r\nhilang wang rakyat lagi\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970055222511292} +{"text": "this story is true, they sembahyang asing asing means they tak buat dosa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Jul 1 2021, 05:40 PM)https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2021/07/...u-bantuan-muftiGeorgetown: Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan mengibar bendera putih sebagai usaha menzahirkan kesusahan hidup yang dihadapi bagi menagih bantuan.Tindakan berkenaan dianggap sebagai tidak wajar dilakukan kerana ia mencerminkan sikap berputus asa dan mengalah terhadap situasi yang dihadapi.Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.\"Masih banyak cara lain bagi mendapat bantuan dalam mengatasi kepayahan hidup golongan yang terjejas pendapatan sepanjang tempoh pandemik ini.\"Selain bantuan yang disalurkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri, terdapat juga daripada badan dan agensi tertentu seperti Pusat Pengurusan Zakat negeri, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau swasta selain sumbangan individu,\" katanya pada kenyataan di sini, hari ini.Wan Salim mengulas mengenai kempen kibar bendera putih di hadapan rumah sekiranya terputus bekalan makanan.Kempen yang disambut baik pengguna media sosial itu bermatlamat membantu individu yang terkesan akibat Covid-19 namun malu menyatakannya secara terbuka.Mengulas lanjut, Wan Salim berkata, pihaknya juga menyeru supaya usaha intensif dan agresif perlu ditingkatkan lagi oleh pihak berwajib bagi membantu mengatasi kemelut ekonomi yang dihadapi golongan terjejas ini.Syarikat GLC dan swasta juga diseru supaya menunaikan tanggungjawab sosial masing-masing dan turut menyumbang dengan lumayan bagi meringankan keperitan hidup golongan terbabit.\"Wakil rakyat di peringkat Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) perlu memainkan peranan sebagai penghubung antara golongan memerlukan dengan pihak yang memberi bantuan.\"Kemungkinan mereka ini tidak tahu cara atau kaedah bagi memohon bantuan daripada pihak berkaitan,\" katanya.Why all these agama gov agencies no agree on white flag ar, isit they maruah terguris?Dont understand. I see it as bantuan tersasar, direct where it is needed and most importantly fast.Isnt tersasar is the trending policy by gov themselfReally dont understand, or isit because scare what are being donated not halal, or flag problemThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Jul 1 2021, 06:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6883602142333984} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Jul 29 2019, 08:28 AM)Root beer has no alcohol too. Basically same concept for non-alcoholic beer. Bising ape?Perkataaan tu buat hilang iman? Atau kurangkan pahala? Kurang ajar tu simpan sikit??Who said root beer haram?And go read my previous posts, I already explain why heineken zero is haram.Maybe you are the one kurang ajar in terms of halal haram knowledge, so you say stupid stuffs about root beer being similar case.its ok, its good to learn new stuff ya ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999797344207764} +{"text": "Indonesia mula wajib produk ada sijil halal https://t.co/tvWqsb1uu9", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6918436884880066} +{"text": "QUOTEThe Proton X70 is not facing any parts shortage because the parts are imported from China. Instead, the cause is purely an internal problem that Proton needs to address. It has nothing to do with Geely or the origin of the parts.Late last year, Proton\u2019s IT team did a system migration and after that, many things went wrong and for reasons that are beyond the scope of this website to explain, they weren\u2019t able to roll back the update.With the crucial IT backbone linking Proton\u2019s Parts Centre and its service centres nationwide down, the staff and dealers who are struggling to stay on top of things are doing parts ordering and invoicing manually.As you can imagine, parts orders often get lost this way and when parts are delivered out, it\u2019s very difficult to track their delivery status.This is why you hear complaints from users asking why Proton service centres don\u2019t have the necessary parts, but users are able to source them from independent parts stockist, who don't place orders on Proton's internal system, but purchase them directly from Proton's parts centre. There is no shortage of parts. Tracking the orders, invoicing it, and delivering the parts to dealers, that's the problem. https://www.w#pc#r.my/news/fix-for-proton%E...the-cause-23552 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9101173281669617} +{"text": "Sijil halal boba pun hingaq, buat benda haram tiap hari tak hingaq pulak lol", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9687575101852417} +{"text": "\r\nMcm best plak tempat ni.. tgk poket x mampu. Paling mahal mkn pun menate je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9927659034729004} +{"text": "\nseri_mawr replied at 25-7-2022 03:29 PM\n100 ml baru white wine...ada apa hal ND kot... \n\r\nBeef wellington\n\nrasuah haram pn helok je dibiarkan begitu pemimpin melayu islam lagi. eh tibahh...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999481439590454} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 30 2023, 10:13 AM)The funny thing is the trend among Chinese in Klang Valley today is not Chinese vernacular schools anymore. A lot are changing to private/international schools where the syllabus is not rote learning. As for Mandarin, private/international schools also have the subject. The difference is most of the subjects are in English and not Mandarin or BM. IGCSE is getting really popular in Klang Valley today.i noticed private school also provided double rail system to student where they can have 2 type of exam and cert after graduation. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jescon @ Sep 17 2019, 05:02 PM)Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read some time ago that a Muslim should not eat at a place that serves alcohol or any other haram substance - as you are supporting their business indirectly. So, no... I don't think it is as simple as holding off the Jack Daniels just for your meal.If you think about it that way, no Muslim can EVER work for any Non-Muslim, because they are enriching the owners DIRECTLY to buy Haram items. Up to you bro. To each his own. Out of curiosity, are you smoking? Fatwa Malaysia already said it's Haram since 1995. It's much more clear cut for Rokok, confirm no Muslim owners, confirm Haram LOL! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999363124370575} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 28 2016, 05:06 PM)What? Loophole what? Name dont affect halal status of a foodThats factEven scholars agree to itSome muslim from other country been mocking malaysia for this hotdog issuemuslims from other countries can say what they want, each country own definition.u want halal msia cert, u have to obey it.MUI even have different sets of law against JAKIM malaysia.some MUI ruling do even make sense. but what the hell, u want it, u have to follow it.QUOTE(azbro @ Nov 28 2016, 05:06 PM)According to some /k here, Jakim only check those places that got Halal certfor food yes, for other non-food activities, chii not too sure though.QUOTE(allanlee89 @ Nov 28 2016, 05:14 PM)Do you mean JAKIM is just a puppet for someone? I thought they are independent.not sure on this but, every company or organization sure will have outside forces interfering. QUOTE(Perfect.Stranger @ Nov 28 2016, 05:26 PM)bull shit need report, things happens for centuries!dont give stupid replythen chii stop answer u, since u cannot accept these replies. hahahaha ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9338040947914124} +{"text": "ini karilah mesti potong lanca@ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9899187088012695} +{"text": "I suka logo hitam. Pasal logo tu tak menyusahkan pengguna dan negara. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9845330119132996} +{"text": "Macam bangang setengah comment kat video seorang mualaf masak dekat kedai, boleh bantai comment kalau belah P.Pinang walau ada sijil halal pun tak yakin. Apa busuk sangat perangai ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996563196182251} +{"text": "I N S T O C K.100% Madu Asli dari LadangSnek Makanan yg menyihatkanSnek untuk seisi keluargaHalal & BersihMadu adalah makanan SUNNAH \n.\nKhasiat\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/BtzdoCih6xX/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=15w8yjpm6t5ha\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8287126421928406} +{"text": "Contoh 2: Menjual produk 'makanan sunnah' padahal terminologi 'makanan sunnah' tak wujud dalam Islam. JAKIM dah larang penggunaannya pun", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4743436574935913} +{"text": "Wat rubbish, x kn lh x knal halal ke x, dulu x de sijil pun org masih tahu halal haram nya.. https://t.co/UlliCx1cSW", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "Any viral bubble tea (except coolblog) is not my favourite drinks but did anyone read \u201cBELUM\u201d? You know what? Ada banyak je lagi kedai makan kat mall tu yg belum ada sijil halal but ramai je masuk. Yg terang terang display certain foods ada gelatine pun ada je Islam masuk \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 https://t.co/i8phXPd1sO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978448152542114} +{"text": "lel copy paste kisah fitnah d'laksa kedah last timeiinm viral early this year ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998944997787476} +{"text": "Terengganu perkenal hotel patuh syariah, pekerja tutup aurat, larang arak, bikiniPengerusi lembaga pengarah Paya Bunga Hotel Khairuddin Aman berkata, pendekatan patuh syariah tidak melibatkan hotel persedirian dan pemilik boleh menggunakan acuan sendiri selaras dengan undang-undang dan peraturan ditetapkan. (Gambar Bernama)PETALING JAYA: Kerajaan Terengganu memperkenalkan hotel patuh syariah pertama bertaraf 4 bintang yang menampilkan aspek pengurusan dan perkhidmatan yang lebih bercirikan Islam.Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Paya Bunga Hotel Terengganu, Datuk Khairuddin Aman Razali berkata, hotel milik kerajaan negeri itu merupakan yang pertama diumumkan sebagai patuh syariah, yang bukan hanya melibatkan penyediaan makanan halal, tetapi merangkumi pengurusan hotel berlandaskan hukum syarak.\u201cPatuh syariah ini bertujuan menjadi identiti dalam semua aspek pekerjaan. Begitu juga hotel yang patuh syariah bermaksud segala aktiviti hotel berlandaskan hukum syarak.\u201cIa bukan hanya melibatkan minuman halal dan haram tetapi melibatkan aspek pengurusan hotel, pengurusan akaunnya, kewangan, sumber manusia, pekerjaan, pakaian, layanan serta perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan.\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,\u201d katanya kepada FMT sambil memberitahu kerajaan turut melantik ketua eksekutif syariah yang akan melapor terus kepada pengerusi bagi memastikan perjalanannya lancar.Khairuddin yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kuala Nerus berkata, beberapa hotel lain milik kerajaan negeri juga mengamalkan patuh syariah tetapi tidak diisytiharkan secara terbuka.Pekerja tutup aurat, larang arak, bikiniKhairuddin berkata, ciri patuh syariah lain yang diterapkan, termasuklah memastikan pekerja Muslim menutup aurat serta tidak menghidangkan minuman keras.\u201cPekerja wanita yang beragama Islam kita minta supaya menutup aurat dan kita juga tidak menghidangkan minuman keras,\u201d katanya.Khairuddin berkata, pihak pengurusan tidak mendiskriminasi pekerja bukan Islam yang mahu bekerja di hotel tersebut.\u201cKita menerima pekerja bukan Islam untuk bekerja, tidak ada masalah jika mereka layak dan bersedia mematuhi syarat ditetapkan,\u201d katanya.Selain itu katanya, pelanggan juga tidak dibenarkan berbikini semasa melakukan aktiviti terbuka, termasuklah ketika berada di kolam renang, walaupun orang bukan Islam dibenarkan berpakaian biasa yang sopan.\u201cPelanggan bukan Islam bebas berpakaian macam biasa mengikut cara mereka, cuma kita tidak benarkan mereka berbikini, mesti berpakaian sopan.Beliau berkata, pihak hotel juga tidak memaksa pelanggan wanita beragama Islam memakai tudung, walaupun mereka dilarang berpakaian menjolok mata.\u201cPakai sesuai dengan budaya Timur, kita tidak paksa mereka pakai tudung sebab itu hak mereka,\u201d katanya merujuk kepada aktiviti di kolam renang.Katanya, orang bukan Islam tidak perlu bimbang dengan pendekatan patuh syariah yang dilaksanakan kerana ia tidak bermaksud seseorang itu perlu memeluk agama Islam, malah mereka dialu-alukan untuk menikmati hospitaliti hotel yang patuh syariah sepenuhnya.\u201cKita mengalu-alukan orang bukan Islam menikmati hospitaliti di sini sebab patuh syariah kita adalah terbaik untuk semua golongan, bukan orang Islam sahaja,\u201d katanya.Dalam perkembangan sama, Khairuddin berkata, pendekatan patuh syariah tidak melibatkan hotel persedirian dan pemilik boleh menggunakan acuan mereka sendiri selaras dengan undang-undang dan peraturan ditetapkan kerajaan negeri.3kShareshttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ng-arak-bikini/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9268677234649658} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Dec 31 2019, 11:33 PM)Eh bodoh, kau yg tiba2 petik bagi contoh solat 5 waktu, lepas tu bila orang respon to that example, kau boleh tanya pulak apasal jump on this.Oi madafaka, Babi pun tak berbelit macam kau la. Kau kata malu orang Muslim bila Non-Muslim lagi tau pasal Islam. Woi, malulah Kristian ngan Hindu bila Zakir Naik yang Non-Hindu and Non-Christian lagi tau dari orang Hindu dan orang Kristian.Puak macam kau ni X perlu nak debate sivil, Dalam benak ko pun dah memang ko memang nak attack.Pfft~Like you said, contoh. It's an example and I'm not even wrong on it, that's why he should have stayed on topic. And then you another one menyampuk babi buta. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Dec 9 2018, 05:54 PM)You link it to the letter in Post #39. So? Candlelight Vigil STILL haram. End of storyThis post has been edited by darthboyzzee: Dec 9 2018, 05:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998242259025574} +{"text": "bini dia x malu ke???bnyi mcm inteligent/highkeras sngt,mrh2 bibiktapi bnda cmni endorse???ewww ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(DM52 @ Mar 13 2024, 02:06 PM)I tot proton still have majority over geeli right.so, decision making still proton have veto power?. but, this move sometime goods for consumer. local vendor last time so many low quality parts. I use proton, I knowla. since geeli take over, proton feel much more premium.really mampus those local vendor. they are in comfort zone for so long.proton also have fiduciary duties to its investors, cannot suka suka make decision that loses money. Last time they can claim supply chain only exist in malaysia, but now with geely as partner, they have to accept the available supply chain from china ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948142766952515} +{"text": "@sddqmdzln273 @salmahhhh_ @luqmanalewi @asrulmm Tak rasa pun tweet dia makan diri. Memang kenyataan. I work in F&B kine too. Memang susah nak dpt sijil HALAL sebab mereka nak pastikan kedai kita betul-betul meyakinkan. Ni bab halal haram. So logic la kan?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990448355674744} +{"text": "i dah ada dua.. satu hadiah birthday, satu i beli sendiri.. bagi i berbaloi sebab size dia besar and ada stacker tu senang nak separate makanan berbeza.. and nak basuh pun senang.. tapi lebihnya i suka sebab cantik la and boleh letak dalam microwave", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9068595767021179} +{"text": "@WanschaII Sijil halal bukan utk tgk bersih ke tak tmpt tu. Sijil tu utk tunjukkan kedai tu dijalankan mengikut hukum syarak islam atau tidak. Dari segi dapat stock dr mana, barang2 digunakan utk buat dan proses makanan tu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998170733451843} +{"text": "Kalau adik cakap makanan yg ada halal jakim tu jatuh syubhah, semua makanan yg ada logo halal jakim awak takleh makan ye adik. Bukan benda main\u00b2 ya. Seronok pulak aku adikkan orang haha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9647435545921326} +{"text": "pagi-pagi dah sakit hati baca komen orang Malaysia pergi Bali: \n\n\"Babi guling di mana-mana. Tak yakin\"\n\nKau kat Bali kot, itu makanan dia. Ko nak yakin kau bawak la makanan terjamin halal logo JAKIM dari Malaysia.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "Bukan amiza la kalau tak makan. Ajak la makan kt mna pon mesti nk je janji kedai tu bersih makanan halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9859716296195984} +{"text": "I'm Chinese and my opinion isThis shop is disrespecting the late P.Ramlee by associating a pork burger to himThis shop is stealing the popular Ramly burger name.I will not buy any burger from this shop and I hope no one will buy anything from them and that they'll close shop and go bankrupt! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999569654464722} +{"text": "Seorang pegawai pejabat agama bahagian pensijilan halal (JAKIM) Alor Setar bagitau, \"Tiada satu pun kedai mamak seluruh Malaysia (termasuk brand popular) yang mempunyai sijil halal malah tidak ada yang memohon... https://t.co/pRINLHFPdg", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "Paling best bila dapat member jenis tak kesah lepak&makan kat mana2. Ngamsoi terukss. Jenis suka try makanan pun best jugak. Senang nak travel bersama. Senang cerita member travel toksahlah picky sangat kena ikut standard sangat. Paling penting halal dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9745721220970154} +{"text": "But watch porn can? Later all the haram electrons are transmitted into your eyes and brain susah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 12:31 PM)Jangan persoal? which part of my post ask you to jangan persoal?you have comprehension problem? I DID JUST ASK you to further your enquiries to Jakim if you want to learn more, and I also made some explanation about that Halal Haram issue, so which part of it says \"jangan persoal\"? LoLTypical, nothing to reply, suddenly label others \"Jangan Persoal\"?Dont abuse the term lah.LOL, another bold claim with no way to prove, haih...Why you ask me? You were so confident saying haram money go to Jakim, why beat around the bush asking other question?No need to talk kok, wheres the proof? Can provide me the audit report?or you still want to talk crap claiming things that you cant even back it up.Stop living in your fairy tale bull shit lahJakim is the only department that don\u2019t provide audit report and you ask me to provide you their audit report?Your brain really typical eh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "QUOTE(eddystorm @ Jul 23 2020, 10:51 PM)Money leh? RM for non bila implement?Duit is always halal even if pork butcher coat it with blood. Bilas = clean.But when it comes to cutleries like fork spoon wok even a cup, atom of non halal = tak yakin and better don't eat drink. Wash 3x with soap or ash or earth also tak yakin still. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7434410452842712} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Dec 10 2023, 05:27 AM)I went few times before and i never know that its not certified halal.Well not like i care but i know few of my friends that actually do care about halal status but patron it anyway as they assume that this is a halal outlet.So to me, this kind of post target those who are unaware.If this is the only intention, then to me its still ok. Its just like spreading awareness kind of campaign.Probably here we agree to disagree. Niche and not a new brand (10 years give or take) selective location, spreading thru word of mouth and via social media. And if via social media you link to the website and the first question in their big ass faq is the halal status.This one doesn't need a target post of say a papa rich or old town that serves the masses with possibiltiy of deceptive marketing . And in this day and age no way ppl don't know what they getting into. The lack of signage on top of the checks you can make online already a big red flag for those who really careThis post has been edited by 9m2w: Dec 10 2023, 10:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "#BuyMuslimFirst \u2714 100% produk MUSLIM \u2714 TIADA hormon tumbesaran \u2714 SEMBELIH mengikut hukum syarak \u2714 MURAH \u2714 Disejuk beku utk keselamatan & kesegaran ayam \u2714 BEBAS KIMIA & KLORIN ketika pemprosesan \u2714 Bersih, hanya bilas sblm masak \u2714 Diiktiraf JAKIM dan lulus sijil HALAL https://t.co/mDFMUuEfR1", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9943450689315796} +{"text": "like our politikal leaders used to say. u x suka u kuar?or u x suka u dont join? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8519518971443176} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:58 AM)You know, if it is found out the return comes from haram industry and taints the halal investment, how big that scandal can become? So they won't dare lah.It's actually not up to us to say they dare or not. Sometimes the only way out of all impossible way ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994803071022034} +{"text": "Abu Sa\u2019labah meriwayatkan bahawa beliau berkata kepada Rasulullah SAW, \u201cKami berjiran dengan ahli kitab. Mereka memasak daging babi dalam periuk mereka dan mereka minum arak dalam cawan mereka. Maka apa hukum menggunakan periuk dan cawan itu?\u201d Jawab Rasulullah saw, \u201cJika kamu mempunyai periuk dan bekas lain, maka makan dan minumlah dengan bekas lain itu. Tetapi jika kamu tiada bekas lain, maka basuhlah bekas yang digunakan untuk najis itu dengan air, kemudian kamu makan dan minumlah menggunakannya.\u201d Hadis sahih direkodkan oleh Imam Abu Daud.Source: http://muis.org.my/2015/10/hukum-menggunak...as-bukan-islam/Should be ok as long as clean.Makruh means if you do it, it is still ok. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "Siapa yang pernah kerja kedai makan tahulah macam mana proses nak dapatkan sijil halal tu. Dulu kes secret recipe kena tarik balik sijil halal, bukan sebab ada unsur makanan haram dalam tu. Tapi sebab kilang tengah renovate. So, kena tarik balik sijil halal atas faktor kebersihan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9961297512054443} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Oct 6 2022, 08:56 AM)Why no go tribunal court?nowadays kemaluan in socmed > official channelshari ni malu, esok sudah setel ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "Red Lobster Restoran in The Intermark, serve beer n Alchohol.... but I see lots of malays eat there (mean not alcohol... only food) I read that muslims eating in a placer where alcohol served is haram ??mohon ustaz's of /k explain? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999580383300781} +{"text": "this.http://www.vkeong.com/eat/hassans-mee-gore...engkera-melaka/mee bodoh. went viral because Majalah 3 covered the place, and some food bloggers, and other viral succubus pushed comms on this shit food. lived up to its name. oily noodle, shit service, and leave you with an oily aftertaste, and the pondering thought on why on earth do you take recommendations from fucks you do not know. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999352693557739} +{"text": "Jumaat depan, demo depan Kedutaan Amerika lepas solat.Sebab:- Obama biadap campur tangan hal dalaman Malaysia.- Obama memperlekehkan pemimpun agung Dato Seri Najib.- Obama menghina orang Melayu Islam Sunni dengan menghina Dato Seri Najib.- Obama tidak menghormati kerajaan Malaysia = menghina UMNO = tidak menghormati orang Melayu = menghina agama Islam = menghina institusi beraja Malaysia.- Obama menjatuhkan maruah orang Melayu.- Amerika bersuhabat dengan Israel nak menghapuskan agama dan budaya kita.- Amerika membarakan Islamofobia di seluruh dunia.- Amerika cuba menghancurkan iman dan akhlak pemuda Melayu menerusi filem-filem Hollywood yang memaparkan adegan-adegan yang tidak senonoh dan seks.Semua dijemput hadir. Pakaian, makanan halal dan elaun akan diberi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999409914016724} +{"text": "You already answered your own question in the titleWhy \u2018muslim\u2019If he muslim but at night goto zouk diam diamThat\u2019s his problem But we muslim already follow what the religion teach us, to not eat haram food or goto hellUnless that shop pretty obvious own by non muslim and sell babi, yet u still go there and eatP:s im not a muslim btwThis post has been edited by Gyazo: Dec 30 2019, 07:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996108412742615} +{"text": "The mindset \"tak dapat halal Jakim lg x semestinya tak halal\" IS right. In Islam, semua makanan adalah halal kecuali yg ada bukti mengandungi benda haram. \n\nIslam is simple. Stop making it complicated https://x.com/bahiyahjazlan//bahiyahjazlan/status/1138952134265716736\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Sep 3 2017, 12:28 AM)lel, that bold part. sudah jd org cina Duduk kat universiti china. Ntah ntah surau pun takde. Nak basuh berak pun susah. Makanan kat cafe x pasti halal haram. Aku harap iman budak tu tidak setipis bawang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999980092048645} +{"text": "People business good u guys should be happy ma..no need jealous one. Ppl suka makan pasar malam ayam then just let ppl be la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998656511306763} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Apr 30 2024, 06:03 PM)Here we go againBrapa kali dah ckp, kalau tak yakin, takyah minomtanye je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994451403617859} +{"text": "QUOTE(bakry @ Aug 10 2018, 05:16 PM)just because something does not have halal certification, doesnt mean its haramIt is just because it is not a Muslim shop. Even if a Muslim shop, not necessarily can get Halal cert if the kitchen condition is dirty.Anyway, Halal cert is a reassurance. True Muslims will avoid restaurant that they are not sure about non-Muslim Halal status. Many non-Muslim restaurant do not bother about having Muslim customer just because they have many customers already. Some find applying for Halal cert are so troublesome. Will limit their sources. Process slow and lengthy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dr Jan Itor @ Jun 30 2021, 07:17 PM)Yeah he cover malu by saying that he was just asking. Actually he wanted to comment that the guy has money for Astro so why not food but mantau kena bitch slapped till have to pretend that he was just asking a question.Kesian betulbiasala...as i said..those jkom ppl got brain...but not functioning well one..kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994674324989319} +{"text": "QUOTE(812799 @ Nov 3 2013, 12:00 AM)Pig doesn't stay in a dirty environment by nature, it's always the handlers. If pig is not slaughtered then how are they processed ? For me, if the muslim was was then just don't masuk makan or doubt it while standing outside, simple as that. But for me, if i have colleagues who's muslim, i can't tolerate the whole week to makan @ halal places, once or twice is ok but everyday is a no no, you might think i'm selfish but one have to be considerate as well ... then what about money currency ? these notes gone through so many hands that handles so many halal and haram transactions. how do you judge that ? my 2 cent, put religion aside, if you yourself is not harming, stealing, killing etc etc, i think it's fair enough to be a bit more tolerable towards other issues faced, use your own discretion, gunalah budi bicara anda ... as long as it's not something malicious or evil, then sudah laaaYou and your Muslim friend can always tapau from respective restaurant and eat together. If that's too troublesome, have to eat separately lorh.Money currency, notes transferring hand is not a problem, as long as u urself is not involved in an illegal transactions.There's no need to put religion aside. A Muslim can always do no harm and be tolerant and have budi bicara without jeopardizing his/her religion. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9426311254501343} +{"text": "orang yg beli makanan seperti ini cenderung suka beli makanan manis yg lain. begitu juga sebaliknya, orang yg tahu apapun yg manisnya berlebihan itu ngga baik cenderung ngga suka beli makanan kaya gini", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9839091897010803} +{"text": "Dah ada dah orang dok buat teruk. Padahal hang dok makan kedai tomyam, kedai cendol & goreng pisang tepi jalan pun tak ada cop halal JAKIM. Tak ada cop halal JAKIM tak semestinya haram. https://t.co/zwmGVVkH2Z", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999887228012085} +{"text": "QUOTE(sgshuhu @ Jun 9 2019, 10:59 PM)I dunno about other country, but Muslim Malaysian, when it comes to halal or haram food, they really aware and becareful about it. Which is a good thing.Rokok halal onot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9866549968719482} +{"text": "QUOTE(supermoto @ Jan 8 2021, 12:30 AM)Had this for few months dy last time when launch. Quite nice. Just need meatball or beef smashedWahhh.. macam best.If meatball, just buy el-cheapo ramly meatballs. Pretty decent. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999704897403717} +{"text": "QUOTE(drug5 @ Feb 28 2024, 09:40 AM)Kuching apa best to eat?? Apart from Sarawak Laksa laKuching famous for its Kek Lapis.go across the Riverfront, naik sampan. many shops there selling. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999650716781616} +{"text": "LOL, pergi gerai tanya status halal? Sejak bila? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6297781467437744} +{"text": "QUOTE(ron c @ May 15 2017, 02:13 PM)Halal ke, tea tu? Are the leaves grown with pig's manure?If u have no idea about halal stuff, please don't insinuate. Better stfu. Baja Daripada Tahi BabiMuzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa kali ke \u2013 2Source: Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa - 12 May 1981Bahawa baja yang diperbuat daripada tahi babi adalah najis mughalazah, sementara hukum menggunakannya sebagai baja adalah harus serta makhruh.Bahawa makanan ayam yang diproses daripada bahan-bahan yang bercampur dengan najis seperti darah lembu, darah babi dan lain-lain adalah harus dan halal.- See more at: http://www.hdcglobal.com/publisher/pid/4f6...h.g0eieqoY.dpuf ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999908208847046} +{"text": "Orang yang ambil video ni butthurt? Tak suka jangan tengok. Tak suka jangan makan roti canai. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8847253918647766} +{"text": "QUOTE(rotloi @ Feb 2 2018, 10:10 AM)Cerita korea usually involve a heir and hardworking girl.. I guess this is real life... matching of social status..1 heir = all heir ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997137188911438} +{"text": "Dan utk setiap negara, akan ada jabatan tertentu yg keluarkan sijil halal tersebut (fx mereka mcm jakim jugak). Tapi bukan semua jabatan itu telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIM sbg badan berautoriti.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9850330948829651} +{"text": "QUOTE(kamfoo @ May 8 2015, 01:52 AM)where can has eated in kl....got one filipino restaurant near st.john catheral.but for the best taste, come and fly to philippines. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999632835388184} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 27 2016, 08:28 PM)Tak setuju dengan jais. Tapi damn kalau tak tahu ninja joe tu tak halal konfem aku dh terbeliThe whole ads, poster, bunting have clearly wrote \"juicy pork\" Still beli? Salah siapa? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999961256980896} +{"text": "cakap haram tapi mau tengok.cuba tutup mata. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "Next all the rohinya indon Bangla viral habislah Malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9028428196907043} +{"text": "Hai, saya ada buat Boba brown sugar. Jemput datang kedai saya di Slim River berdekatan dgn Econsave. Insyaallah sedap, murah pun murah. Waze: Rems Cafe Kalah nak delivery pun tak ada masalah. Slide to my dm. Tlg RT utk rezeki saya \ud83d\ude0a https://t.co/fBImUwOvHx", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5979726314544678} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 08:41 PM)sure is easier or cheaper than testing the items right?if cost is the factor?Ko pun satu....from 19th century no issue, now u blame the chinese hardware shops for not checking...Kalo u letak berus halal guna BULU orang MELAYU, lu ingat kedai hardware cina takkan jual? its called business, when your govt failed to regulate for years,, u blame your govt, not the traders...budaya lalang...puiks.This post has been edited by euthanasia: Feb 11 2017, 09:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9894531965255737} +{"text": "Dah viral of course cepat2 tukar harga obviously ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9197307229042053} +{"text": "kenapa petik jakim skop tugas dorang pantau aktiviti dakwah dan ceramah ke?? bukan dorang pantau proses produk and makanan ke untuk bagi sijil halal??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5253954529762268} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 Tak suka lu balik tongsan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994686245918274} +{"text": "Halal or not depends on who you asked?If you ask any umno and pas pipu, anything by dap is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967760443687439} +{"text": "always haram this, haram that.SUE!!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999212026596069} +{"text": "saya nak hidup tenang-tenang. bukak kedai cafe cute halal ke hahaha nanti kamu datang kyoto singgahlah kedai saya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8311483263969421} +{"text": "QUOTE(wat de....?! @ Jan 7 2020, 09:50 AM)erm... what is the intention to certify plant-based pork as halal ?if it is plant-based then basically shall be already considered as vegetarian and why the need for halal certification... so muslims can undoubtedly know what real pork taste like ?i mean the \"niat\" to consume the fake-pork(?) itself is questionable to me... halal ke niat tu ?this is what i told my parents years ago when people start eating fake meat for religious reason, your \"niat\" is already broken because you still want to eat meat. i guess the same apply here, if your niat is to eat \"haram\" food, then should not be halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8443630933761597} +{"text": "Abang baru semak status halal makanan kedai Pau Yik Mun dalam portal e halal JAKIM. Mereka dah perbaharui sijil.2018", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9700432419776917} +{"text": " Cthnya org kata makanan XXX haram. Haram sbb? Check la ngan jakim. N terbaru org kata Bob kuman meninggal tp hidup je lg kwn tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.729499876499176} +{"text": "Pendedahan amat memalukan mengenai industri daging halal yang berkisar gejala rasuah sistemik sebuah kartel terdiri daripada para pengeksport asing, yang didakwa berkomplot dengan empat agensi kerajaan merupakan satu peringatan yang agak provokatif bagaimana budaya tersebut berakar umbi.Rasuah tersebut bukan saja setakat rutin yang melibatkan prosedur birokrasi, bahkan melanggar teras Islam mengenai makanan halal yang berkaitan ritual penyembelihan, dan apa yang amat mengejutkan ialah penglibatan para pegawai kerajaan yang rata-rata adalah orang Islam.Pelanggaran berganda yang dikecam Islam di mana rasuah dan tipu daya yang mengakibatkan orang Islam tanpa pengetahuan mereka memakan daging yang tidak halal selama empat puluh tahun.Sejak 1970-an, Malaysia berjaya mengubah industri halal menjadi salah satu pensijilan halal yang paling mapan dan dipercayai di peringkat global.Dalam pada itu, negara ini juga berjaya mengembangkan industri makanan dan minuman halal dan rantaian bekalan, sambil secara agresif mengambil langkah untuk berkembang ke sektor lain, seperti perjalanan, kosmetik, dan pembiayaan.Nilai eksport produk halal Malaysia meningkat hampir tiga kali ganda dalam tujuh tahun, dari RM15.2 bilion pada 2010 menjadi RM43.3 bilion pada 2017, menyumbang kira-kira 7.5% KDNK pada 2017.Sayangnya, walaupun eksport halal menjadi sebahagian besar ekonomi negara, negara ini hanya mengambil sebahagian kecil pasaran halal global yang kini dianggarkan bernilai sekitar USD2.3 trilion setahun (tidak termasuk kewangan Islam) \u2013 salah satu pasaran yang paling cepat berkembang di mana pertumbuhan globalnya dianggarkan mencapai kadar tahunan 20% setahun.Pada 2018, Malaysia hanya menyumbang 1% permintaan halal global yang membuktikan terdapat banyak peluang dan ruang untuk diperbaiki demi membangunkan sebuah hab halal yang telus dan dipercayai.Walaupun unjuran penduduk Islam dijangka meningkat, menjadikannya 30% penduduk dunia menjelang 2050 yang juga merupakan salah satu faktor pendorong pengembangan pesat industri halal, namun pendedahan mengenai kewujudan kartel tersebut berita yang tidak baik untuk industri halal di sini.Selain keperluan reaktif untuk memperkukuhkan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dengan lebih banyak sumber, dan Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan (MAFI) untuk meningkatkan tadbir urusnya mengenai pengeluaran permit yang diluluskan (AP) untuk pengimport daging, memandangkan rasuah kini menjadi satu cara hidup, keperluan mendesak dan proaktif diperlukan untuk mencegah kejadian tersebut berulang.Salah satu langkah proaktif yang harus segera dilaksanakan adalah untuk pihak berkuasa yang terbabit \u2013 dalam hal ini MAFI (yang mengeluarkan AP) dan Jabatan Pembangunan Islam (JAKIM) untuk mendapatkan sijil halal \u2013 melaksanakan teknologi rantaian blok dalam meluluskan AP dan mengeluarkan sijil halal.Teknologi rantaian blok merupakan sebahagian revolusi industri keempat yang dijangka dapat mengubah cara kita bekerja dan hidup. Dikenali juga sebagai teknologi lejar agihan (Distributed Ledger Teknology atau DLT), ia juga boleh mengubah semua strategi kartel yang licik dan licin untuk mencapai objektif penipuan mereka.Melalui kontrak pintar, DLT dapat menetapkan secara digital semua proses dan keperluan mengikut kepiawaian halal, mengesahkan pematuhan halal, dan memastikan kebolehlaksanaan rantaian bekalan halal.Kontrak pintar adalah protokol komputer yang bertujuan memudahkan, mengesahkan, atau menguatkuasakan perundingan atau pelaksanaan kontrak secara digital. Kontrak pintar membolehkan pelaksanaan urusan yang boleh dipercayai tanpa pihak ketiga.Oleh kerana rantaian blok adalah sistem pengagihan kuasa antara semua pihak yang menyertainya, pembayaran kepada perantara (orang tengah) tidak diperlukan, dan ini menjimatkan masa dan persengketaan. Walaupun DLT mempunyai masalahnya yang tersendiri, ia tidak dapat disangkal lebih cepat, lebih murah, dan lebih selamat berbanding sistem tradisional, lantaran itulah bank dan pemerintah sedang beralih kepada sistem DLT.Ketika seseorang meminta sesuatu urusan, permintaan tersebut disiarkan ke rangkaian rakan ke rakan (peer-to-peer network) yang terdiri daripada beberapa komputer, juga dikenal sebagai nod, yang mengesahkan transaksi dan status pengguna melalui algoritma yang diketahui.Setelah disahkan, urusan tersebut digabungkan dengan urusan serupa sebelumnya bagi mewujudkan blok data baru untuk lejar, yang kemudian digabungkan dengan rantaian blok yang sedia dengan cara yang kekal dan tidak dapat diubah. Urusan terbaru itu kini selesai, sementara menunggu transaksi lain.Sebagai pangkalan data lejar yang disulitkan (encrypted) untuk mengaburkan maklumat supaya tidak dapat dibaca tanpa pengetahuan khusus, rantaian blok itu hampir mustahil untuk digodam, menjadikan semua rekod urusan dapat disahkan secara kekal.Sebagai satu sistem pengagihan kuasa tanpa pemilik tunggal, sebarang perubahan yang dilakukan pada rekod terdahulu mesti disahkan oleh majoriti nod atau anggota dalam jaringan tersebut. Ringkasnya, ia teknologi yang selamat dari segi reka bentuk.Melalui teknologi rantaian blok, sesebuah rangkaian halal boleh mengecap waktu urusan dengan memasukkannya ke dalam rantai bukti kerja berdasarkan hash yang berterusan, lantas membentuk rekod yang tidak dapat diubah tanpa melakukan bukti kerja yang baharu. Ia tidak disimpan secara terpusat tetapi diedarkan di banyak pelayan komputer di seluruh dunia sebagai bukti secara kriptografi.Rantaian blok menghilangkan keperluan pihak ketiga yang dipercayai untuk memastikan penilaian bebas terhadap integriti produk atau rangkaiannya, kerana rantai terpanjang berfungsi sebagai bukti urutan peristiwa yang disaksikan.Teknologi ini dapat menerapkan jaminan dan penyelarasan halal secara menyeluruh berdasarkan keperluan pasaran halal tertentu, yang disokong oleh kontrak pintar automatik dalam pelaksanaan dan pengendalian prosesnya. Sebuah rantaian blok halal dapat memberikan ketelusan sepenuhnya kepada semua urusan rantaian bekalan halal yang pernah dilaksanakan.Rantaian blok halal ini mempunyai maklumat lengkap mengenai alamat dan jalur rantaian bekalan mereka dari sumber hingga ke titik pembelian pengguna, memberikan jaminan yang sangat diperlukan bagi umat Islam bahawa kehalalan makanan di meja mereka dapat dikesan melalui semua lokasi rantaian bekalan halal, yang bermula dengan ladang halal atau ladang ternakan pertama dalam rantaian bekalan itu termasuk identiti petani atau penternak.Rantaian blok menyuntik kepercayaan kepada rantaian bekalan halal dan rantai nilai pemilik jenama yang lebih mampu menjamin integriti halal. Ini juga dapat digabungkan ke dalam sistem keberlanjutan dan tanggungjawab korporat yang meluas demi untuk memperluaskan lagi pasaran jenama di luar pengguna Islam.Salah satu aplikasi nyata rantaian blok yang paling penting adalah asal usul data (data provenance) \u2013 dokumentasi mengenai dari mana data itu berasal dan proses dan metodologi yang dihasilkannya. Ia mewujudkan satu garis masa penjagaan tunggal data yang selamat, yang direka agar ia kalis gangguan.Sistem ini dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan \u2018cerita\u2019 kepada pelanggan mengenai setiap produk, meliputi bahan, lokasi, proses, ramuan, dan pembekal, dan memungkinkan perniagaan untuk membuktikan tuntutan mengenai produk mereka menggunakan data sebenar.Dengan sistem ini, penjejakan asal usul dari mana setiap data berasal dan adakah ia masih terkini menjadi mudah.Sudah tiba masanya MAFI menggunakan sistem ini dalam mengeluarkan AP untuk pengeksport membawa daging halal yang diimport, dan mengundang agensi kerajaan lain seperti kastam, polis pelabuhan, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, serta JAKIM untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada jaringan dalam sistem ini yang dilandaskan kepada teknologi rantaian blok. Jamari Mohtar adalah pengarah media dan komunikasi di EMIR Research.This post has been edited by bisobona: Dec 24 2020, 11:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989417195320129} +{"text": "QUOTE(Odinn @ Nov 25 2023, 09:09 AM)Go to further education and broaden horizon but still lack critical thinking and run her mouth first, now foot in mouth. No fact gathering, no asking the organizers directly, instead go straight to her followers/subscribers and cry discrimination.And best part is yet to come.If she is to continue her study at that place, surely she's gonna be shun by her peers after this. Who's going to entertain a lying and backstabbing bitch. Unless of course she's coming back.Or go somewhere else. Like Afghanistan. Or Pakistan.Suits her well that kind of place. Gonna fits right in. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "Was it something they ate? Memang penting memastikan makanan #bersih #bersihstorieshttp://bit.ly/nkq56s", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9731919169425964} +{"text": "That kid actually makan vavi. So the manga about halal food is haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 01:11 PM)Correct. And the wine thing, about alcohol. Actually it is written it is haram only when it cause u to be drunk. But since every human have different reaction level to alcohol, it is just safe to label alcohol as haram. Chef wan did cause a controversy when he used cooking wine in 1 of his shows last time malay liberal...TAR do drink,..bijan father alsop ramlee alsoso do the rest of malay ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999384880065918} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 12:11 AM)just found thishttps://www.wapcar.my/news/remember-when-pr...for-1-euro-4760Likewise, Mahaleel had similar intent with MV Agusta when Proton announced its intentions to acquire the company in late-2002. Though reports on the motivations for the purchase varied.On one hand, reports stated the purchase was in line with Malaysia\u2019s National Engine Plan to supply engines for motorcycles, automobiles, military, logistics, medical, and power generation. Other reports speculated that Proton wanted to have a go at making two-wheeled products and even adopt MV Agusta's stylists into its car styling department. A few fringe ideas of producing MV Agusta branded luxury performance cars were also mooted.Instead, Mahaleel had more realistic goals for MV Agusta. He had his eye on the company\u2019s expertise in small engines. \u201cOur intention with MV Agusta was to tap into their engineering capabilities for small 1000cc engines that we could use for a small city car,\u201d Mahaleel admitted. \u201cMotorcycle manufacturers are experts in designing compact and yet powerful drivetrains, which would be ideal for small cars.\u201dMahaleel also claimed that Proton had drawn up plans for a RM10,000 city car and was even working on a rotary-powered electric hybrid drivetrain. Senang je buat banyak pelanx2. All just proposals. Then reality hits and you either have to actually build it or get someone who knows how to build it for you. Exactly like the flying car.This post has been edited by lijor the great: Mar 31 2021, 12:20 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9887565970420837} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 11:53 AM)yes I agree to your points.yes I agree this issue is overblown probably to divert attention from other issues.but basically it's simple. if you know it's haram or haram source, then avoid it.like now, since they say it is indeed made from pig bristles, then don't use it.if you know me and my posting history, I always give more attention to more important matters and always mock umno/BN more.just that sometimes non-muslims go overboard in blaming/shaming melayu muslims about their religion even though I also reminded these ppl that what they do are indirectly causing resentment against supporting alternatives to umno/bn as well.yes respect goes both ways. so why not start with ourselves 1st? You speak sense, unfortunately it's a rarity in msiaGood luck ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992840886116028} +{"text": "QUOTE(@rleng @ Sep 7 2016, 01:40 PM)meh, non certified halal food mean that the food is haram .. misleading title.The meat used in the patty slaughtered by muslim cough cough machine cough cough ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohman @ Jan 1 2019, 02:04 PM)Terengganu perkenal hotel patuh syariah, pekerja tutup aurat, larang arak, bikiniPengerusi lembaga pengarah Paya Bunga Hotel Khairuddin Aman berkata, pendekatan patuh syariah tidak melibatkan hotel persedirian dan pemilik boleh menggunakan acuan sendiri selaras dengan undang-undang dan peraturan ditetapkan. (Gambar Bernama)PETALING JAYA: Kerajaan Terengganu memperkenalkan hotel patuh syariah pertama bertaraf 4 bintang yang menampilkan aspek pengurusan dan perkhidmatan yang lebih bercirikan Islam.Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Paya Bunga Hotel Terengganu, Datuk Khairuddin Aman Razali berkata, hotel milik kerajaan negeri itu merupakan yang pertama diumumkan sebagai patuh syariah, yang bukan hanya melibatkan penyediaan makanan halal, tetapi merangkumi pengurusan hotel berlandaskan hukum syarak.\u201cPatuh syariah ini bertujuan menjadi identiti dalam semua aspek pekerjaan. Begitu juga hotel yang patuh syariah bermaksud segala aktiviti hotel berlandaskan hukum syarak.\u201cIa bukan hanya melibatkan minuman halal dan haram tetapi melibatkan aspek pengurusan hotel, pengurusan akaunnya, kewangan, sumber manusia, pekerjaan, pakaian, layanan serta perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan.\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,\u201d katanya kepada FMT sambil memberitahu kerajaan turut melantik ketua eksekutif syariah yang akan melapor terus kepada pengerusi bagi memastikan perjalanannya lancar.Khairuddin yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kuala Nerus berkata, beberapa hotel lain milik kerajaan negeri juga mengamalkan patuh syariah tetapi tidak diisytiharkan secara terbuka.Pekerja tutup aurat, larang arak, bikiniKhairuddin berkata, ciri patuh syariah lain yang diterapkan, termasuklah memastikan pekerja Muslim menutup aurat serta tidak menghidangkan minuman keras.\u201cPekerja wanita yang beragama Islam kita minta supaya menutup aurat dan kita juga tidak menghidangkan minuman keras,\u201d katanya.Khairuddin berkata, pihak pengurusan tidak mendiskriminasi pekerja bukan Islam yang mahu bekerja di hotel tersebut.\u201cKita menerima pekerja bukan Islam untuk bekerja, tidak ada masalah jika mereka layak dan bersedia mematuhi syarat ditetapkan,\u201d katanya.Selain itu katanya, pelanggan juga tidak dibenarkan berbikini semasa melakukan aktiviti terbuka, termasuklah ketika berada di kolam renang, walaupun orang bukan Islam dibenarkan berpakaian biasa yang sopan.\u201cPelanggan bukan Islam bebas berpakaian macam biasa mengikut cara mereka, cuma kita tidak benarkan mereka berbikini, mesti berpakaian sopan.Beliau berkata, pihak hotel juga tidak memaksa pelanggan wanita beragama Islam memakai tudung, walaupun mereka dilarang berpakaian menjolok mata.\u201cPakai sesuai dengan budaya Timur, kita tidak paksa mereka pakai tudung sebab itu hak mereka,\u201d katanya merujuk kepada aktiviti di kolam renang.Katanya, orang bukan Islam tidak perlu bimbang dengan pendekatan patuh syariah yang dilaksanakan kerana ia tidak bermaksud seseorang itu perlu memeluk agama Islam, malah mereka dialu-alukan untuk menikmati hospitaliti hotel yang patuh syariah sepenuhnya.\u201cKita mengalu-alukan orang bukan Islam menikmati hospitaliti di sini sebab patuh syariah kita adalah terbaik untuk semua golongan, bukan orang Islam sahaja,\u201d katanya.Dalam perkembangan sama, Khairuddin berkata, pendekatan patuh syariah tidak melibatkan hotel persedirian dan pemilik boleh menggunakan acuan mereka sendiri selaras dengan undang-undang dan peraturan ditetapkan kerajaan negeri.3kShareshttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ng-arak-bikini/tapi boleh hisap rokok pula if the hotel give all saboon mandi sabun cuci tangan yg halal samak then it is better This post has been edited by bereev: Jan 2 2019, 08:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8863538503646851} +{"text": "QUOTE(gaeria84 @ Apr 29 2023, 10:10 AM)I stay nearby, how come I dunno about this 1I only know the one in front of hameeds nearby, literally called nasi lemak beratur: https://goo.gl/maps/gLRHKTxWZRycv1nu7That one every morning pass by always got long queue one, but I haven't tried alsoIn puchong got: https://goo.gl/maps/M9xzwRL7G4J2mpxv9U selow.. now viral beratur until gado2 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998099207878113} +{"text": "\n\n Haram is not only relate food, its a 'forbiden' things to do. Halal is about food and if you want to know about halal, it not about not pork etc. But the things that you eat. If food contain haram things, that non-halal. Then if you eat meat, the meat must be slaughter (by muslim; see the rules of slaughter). Jakim will investigate where source you get or use when served and if compliance with mention above, halal certificate will be given.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998955726623535} +{"text": "kalau rasa haram, jangan makan la. tak ada orang paksa pun. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "All these veges made from pork bones. Vegetarian also haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999707043170929} +{"text": "Maner halal cert?Nama pun haram jadah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Aug 9 2018, 08:00 AM)If I remember correctly it's only haram if you abuse it. But banning it entirely makes things simpler.Nope, you're wrong. It's haraam definitely ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998303651809692} +{"text": "Ermm.. masa p Jepun dgn few Malaysian pon sama..bagi mereka haram is 'babi' & arak je.. mmg ssh nak jumpa kedai berstatus Halal JAKIM.. tp bnyk lg pilihan makanan lain kan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.719617486000061} +{"text": "QUOTE(xcxa23 @ Jul 13 2018, 08:49 AM)Sabar n menahan godaan dapat padahal Caci, hasut dapat dosa Mass raya daging lembu n kepala lembu digantung merata tempat, takde pulak complainDiorang dapat padahal..sape pandai,\u00a0 sape untung?Pikirlah yeadui bodohnya kau ni, hari raya of course la Chinese new year got merata pork sini sana, nobody complain wat? why drag festivals pulak? retard ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "tbtbnya mamaku dtg\" bawa golqi pdahal beliau nda suka beli makanan diluar", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9845350980758667} +{"text": "'Pretzel Dog', a sausage wrapped in a pretzel, is one of the reasons why popular pretzel chain Auntie Anne's was not granted halal certification by the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim).Auntie Anne's quality assurance cum halal executive Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali said the company has proposed a new name and is awaiting feedback from Jakim.\"Once we have Jakim's decision, we will change our menu boards before making a free application (for halal status),\" she wrote on Facebook.She said Jakim also instructed Auntie Anne's to apply for certification for its central kitchen, and to make separate applications for outlets according to zones to simplify the auditing process.Farhatul said the initial application was for all 45 outlets in Malaysia.\"This happened to Sushi King as well, which initially only had halal certification for several outlets because the certification was granted according to zones even though the products are from one central kitchen,\" she wrote.She stressed that Auntie Anne's is striving to pass the Jakim's stringent halal audit, which also involves hygiene and cleanliness checks on outlets and food handlers.She also urged Muslims who feel doubtful over Auntie Anne's products, to refrain from consuming the products until the Jakim certification is obtained.\"I am also a Muslim and this is my obligation as a Muslim. Pray that I succeed in securing the halal certification,\" she said.\"Once Auntie Anne's is certified halal by Jakim, I suggest that you try Eclair Six and Jalapeno Cheese, because they are both my favourite products,\" she quipped.Last month Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Sabri proposed that procedures for halal certification be relaxed for bumiputera-owned firms where all workers are Muslim.He says this is because such firms have limited capital to fulfill Jakim's stringent requirements.Following this, the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) urged a two-tier halal certificate to assist small traders who have difficulty meeting Jakim's requirements.PPIM estimates that less than 20 percent of halal certificate holders are Muslim corporations because Malay traders find it difficult to surpass Jakim's hurdles.PPIM also opposed Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda)'s move to launch a halal logo specifically for Muslim-made products.The 'by Muslims' logo, said to be to help Muslim entrepreneurs make forays into halal markets locally and abroad, would cause confusion, said PPIM.https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/359365 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9907492995262146} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyseej00 @ Nov 30 2020, 09:12 AM)Stealing wallets, motorcycles = jijikStealing billions = bosskurrrrrUpgraded haram. The more you earn, no more haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Dec 29 2023, 10:02 AM)Mohd salah is not a religious pious muslim. Tak strict tutup aurat pun. The other guy i tak kenal.lol. anyway footballer or.celebrity is a bad example lah. Joining other religious belief is akin to agreeing on their faith. Its the highest degree of sin in Islam.Kalo pigi saksikan orang kahwin Di rumah ibadat tanpa mengikuti upacara pun salah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980986714363098} +{"text": "Dengan status Bumiputra, siapa perlukan sijil Halal? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(POYOZER @ May 8 2024, 05:03 PM)It just a discussion. Nothing much. I have several friends from Sarawak too. I travelled there quite frequent for every month.My opinion, I just wish they become like a normal state like what other states currently do. All must have the same treatments. Fair and square. For me, we are all Malaysians.Sabah/ Sarawak /Singapore never have much common-ity in what contributed to as \"State\". Most economic pinnacle of SEA is in Singapore. Second to it is KL or Jakarta. KL, which now is struggling to get as most are relocating to Singapore. The rest of \"State\" like Terengganu/Kelantan. whom been contributing to Malaysia Scammed Wealth -1MBD via oil/gas revenue supplying Singapore;What did PuAS get? What \"fairness\" you expect to achieved? Economic structural is there any room for logic \"fair-ness\"? Ask LHDN give Sarawak/ Sabah Free Tax Zone?Owait, Country Garden Island, Johor first ok?Putrajaya/Cyberjaya/Penang Island first Ok? Port Klang first Ok?many reasons as always. Taxation itself well said, priority to\"whoever matter more to Federal Flop Malaysia\"Example of Petronas itself: UTP out of nowhere, Petronas Best-kek Uni... nonstrategic YET just to bail Nothern Malaya economy which low revenue margin to govt coffer. big picture speaking, you should concern why Malaysia tax payer, with 32 million of population less than 35% are paying real tax. Something IS not right there. If taxation is NOT right, its just like the joke to talk about fairness. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981837868690491} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 14 2015, 11:28 AM)Donno how lolI used lowyat attachment Owh. Really? Then maybe halal edy la kotI think only human haram makan babiPlant is not included in that ruling. Especially they didn't literally eat baby. Hmm. Pandai. Later i compareWell other Korea instant noodle brand such as Paldo also sells at that section ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999862909317017} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 11:25 AM)Pretty sure the religious scripture says everything is halal except those specifically classified as haram. Unfortunately, muslims prefer to be ignorant of their religion and leave it to the zealots to instruct them about the religion.http://www.quran-islam.org/articles/halal_meat_(P1156).htmlQuran in general, tells what to do and not necessarily how to do. You can argue that there's no mention of how to perform the prayer, how to perform zakat and same thing with how to perform the slaughter of animal. Yes, Quran specified some animal that you cant eat like pig. There are animals which can be eaten which does not require slaughter like fish and others from the sea and some that requires slaughter like cows. How do muslim knows even when the Quran didnt mention all what is halal and what is not? By the sunnah, the actions of the prophet. The verses were reveal about something, this case about what is halal and what is not and the prophet then simply show or tought the companions how a food or meat can be considered halal. Cow is halal to eat, but it not simply mean that you can just go and cut the tail from a cow who's eating grass to make oxtail soup.These sunnah, the saying and actions of the prophet were later recorded into hadiths (yes there are various degrees of hadiths which we will not get into that for the sake of discussion).The verses of the Quran only tell believers to pray. It does not tell how. Yet all muslims regardless sunni, shiah whatever prays the same way (with very, very minor variations) which is the way tought by the prophet, followed by the companions and recorded later. QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 11:25 AM)https://www.soundvision.com/article/halal-a...uran-and-hadithI don't know about you guys, but I would feel pretty embarrassed when a non muslim knows more than islam than muslims.The link also gave both what is halal as written in the Quran and how to make it halal as written in the Hadiths. Same as my explaination above.The first link does not gave any contacts and references so I was wondering what's their intention are. Probably the same like the sola scriptura movement just like the Christian version, but this time for muslims.You are right about there are non muslims know more about Islam, but I'm sorry to say that you're not one of them.This post has been edited by aliesterfiend: Dec 31 2019, 12:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9632734656333923} +{"text": "Kedai sushi kat kl mana yang best setanding sushi tei or even zanmai tapi halal? \n\nSushi king ke nippon sushi tak sedap.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9883736371994019} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Jan 23 2021, 09:39 PM)Alcohol in dish cooking, haram. Sadly, it is what was stated. Alcohol in medicine is okay though but not encourages to consume it.But cooking with wine enhances the flavour though, especially with beef \u2639\ufe0f ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.930595338344574} +{"text": "QUOTE(wongth7 @ Oct 31 2019, 01:49 PM)those muslim pasar malam food seller got halal cert anot????nice 1,don think they got halal cert pun. so those pasar malam also haram, wonder why they eat those without halal cert. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999696016311646} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Dec 29 2023, 12:55 PM)Others joining its their sin but dont angry lah pipu tegur because its forbidden in Islam. Ada faham tak? Cannot normalise what.is forbidden. Itu bukan sibuk2 itu namanya.telling.them muslim jahilliah to sedar its.FORBIDDEN. U non u punya sukak lah jgn sibuk mufti or someone authority preaching and explaining to muslim.Tell that to my awek in UK. You tak suka, you stay lah dalam kampung u ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953539371490479} +{"text": "\n\n Honestly it really depends on the individual...they may accept it out of courtesy but not consume it.\n \n I know some muslims absolutely refuse to go to any restaurants that doesnt have the halal certification even though its known that they use halal ingredients..they just dont have the cert coz they serve alcohol.\n \n While some dont really care abt the cert as long as they know theyre not consuming haram stuff.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.96210777759552} +{"text": "Premis makanan wajib guna logo halal Jakim akhir Mei http://goo.gl/fb/s15Rc #berita #malaysia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.978919267654419} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 01:14 AM)and you based this on what actually?the home made ones or the commercial ones?if you bother to check the commercial ones for cosmetics (say d'herbs or qu puteh or simplysiti) they do have halal certification which mean they have to submit the ingredients list.can check here http://www.halal.gov.my/ (qu puteh registered under vida beauty, while you can simply input d'herbs or simplysiti and it will come out with the results)of course I myself don't use them bcos of other issues but to blanket claim that they are not labelled correctly or are only perceived (as opposed to be certified) halal is wrong on your part.same goes to tongkat ali products (example would be power root, but iinm power root is JV company between chinese and malays).same result from the halal portal, certified halal (including their ah huat coffee and alicafe tongkat ali coffee)no objections on home made stuff though, but then again home made stuff rarely label anything, whether it's muslim or non muslims.and again, really, haram stuff are only 3 items1. dog2. pig3. alcoholic beverages.and muslims being muslims will make sure they avoid those things as ingredients.is this enlightening enough for you?why should non muslims care about the ingredients that are haram to muslims?It's not like muslims label their products on whether it has bovine contents.Tell me why should nons be sensitive to muslim haramness if muslims themselves don't care? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7677869200706482} +{"text": "QUOTE(ceras @ Apr 26 2022, 02:44 PM)Beg them to restart the airline again, la. Boycott all other airlines, not complaint. Nanti dosa besar.Boycott harom airline...Pentipu scammerOhwai... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "@KudaMab0k @Nazryn_Afique Mangkaq bebal sekalian, kedai tu ada sijil halal la. Duk sembang benda apa? Teruk gila general knowledge hangpa ni. Tak sekolah ka?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998533725738525} +{"text": "QUOTE(SourLemons @ Apr 4 2024, 09:33 PM)org kito competitive\u00a0 Tak, oren kita mengamalkan sifat/ budaya permusuhan antara suku kaum.Unsur-unsur bau 3R ni amat digemarikan di kalangan oren kita. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998773336410522} +{"text": "\nkenapa ada ssesetangh kumpulan penduduk malaysia susah sangat nak\u00a0\u00a0ikut atau nak faham sesuaikan kea ...\nmbhcsf Post at 10-6-2010 16:36 \n\n\nsebab didalam agama mereka...tak ada halal dan haram kot..sebab tu mereka tak faham2..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "Berapa ramai dah makan makanan haram waktu bulan puasa sebab beli dekat bazar ramadan, takde halal jakim. ITS NOT HALAL UNTIL PROVEN! https://x.com/bahiyahjazlan//bahiyahjazlan/status/1138952134265716736\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "@FxiqZxinxl Yang tu bukan setakat tanda sijil halal, tapi siap dah declare haram lagi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futurei thought rokok is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998612403869629} +{"text": "QUOTE(y500 @ May 10 2024, 01:37 PM)order on site ba..lunch hour, manyak orang queue.understaff, young staff muka masam some more bang the cash register machine loudly.Staff x suka promo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998798131942749} +{"text": "QUOTE(LonelyHart16 @ Aug 9 2018, 10:35 AM)WHy not eat vegan? Confirm Halal. Veganism is compatible with all religion. Dapat pahala.Go dai lah Vegan.Worse than Religious Terrorist.Go google a bit. Even herbivores also eat meat occasionally. You have been trolled by the cow. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995037317276001} +{"text": "QUOTE(soowky @ Jul 12 2018, 05:01 PM)Penganjur \u2018jamu\u2019 wartawan hidangan babiMELAKA 12 Julai - Beberapa wartawan beragama Islam dan Hindu yang membuat liputan majlis makan malam Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia di Sekolah Pay Fong di sini, malam tadi berasa amat terkilan atas sikap tidak sensitif penganjur yang menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara tersebut.Majlis yang dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sim Tze Tzin; ahli-ahli dewan undangan negeri serta beberapa tetamu kehormat itu gagal dikelolakan dengan baik di mana pihak penganjur tidak menyediakan meja khas untuk makanan halal kepada wartawan beragama Islam.Lebih teruk lagi, langsung tiada wakil daripada pihak penganjur yang mendekati wartawan untuk memaklumkan mengenai jenis hidangan sepanjang majlis tersebut hingga menyebabkan wartawan beragama Islam duduk semeja dan makan makanan yang tidak diyakini halal bersama wartawan bukan Islam.Antara wartawan yang hadir termasuk daripada agensi berita Utusan Malaysia, MelakaKini, RTM Melaka, The Star dan Tamil Nesan Daily selain beberapa wartawan daripada akhbar Cina. - UTUSAN ONLINEsosbabi betul ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998704195022583} +{"text": "QUOTE(supsupsui @ Mar 12 2024, 01:40 PM)so weak..Sebab itu tongkat mesti ade ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.936057448387146} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bombgen @ Oct 21 2019, 04:17 PM)Duit aku, suka hati aku.\u00a0 up to you lah, you want to subscribe to something that isn't what it is. lolz. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "I am too lazy to properly read all the arguments in this thread. No use arguing on something vague which includes a random youtube video.In my opinion just follow Jakim recommendation. A product got halal logo? Confirmed halal.Product dun have halal logo? Not necessary haram, its up to your judgement. The rule is: if was-was(doubtful) then feel free to skip it.TS, just because you copy paste a youtube video doesn't instantly makes a foodstuff haram. Please submit your findings to Jakim for further action if there is even any. Then we talk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993312358856201} +{"text": "Sudah tiba masanya Malaysia kena ada sijil RAGU-RAGU dan Sijil HARAM selain sijil HALAL yg dh ada..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5981782674789429} +{"text": "really weird some here komen chicken rice shop is goodingit's almost like saying sushi king is gooding...oh ya...kuehtiao basah is the best rite... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998345375061035} +{"text": "ada yg kata Jakim terima rasuah nak halalkan makanan. apapun Jakim yg berkuasa if dia kata halal even haram kita makan dorang tanggung dosa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999340772628784} +{"text": "QUOTE(nauticat99 @ Feb 28 2024, 10:15 AM)That\u2019s why I also puzzled how Sg can reached 1st world status today. Lousy food but claimed some as their own. Nothing to see except concrete jungles and fake garden. Island so small can kaotim in a day or two. So what went right with their country\u2019s management and what went wrong with ours?What's wrong with malaysia? Everyone is living in landed homes and driving mercedes? Aren't you satisfied? Even people from 1st world countries want to retire in malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9954906105995178} +{"text": "QUOTE(rEDs @ Aug 16 2016, 01:18 PM)in before tulang makanan jin. pizza untuk jin. haromTulang memang makanan jin,tpi tidak ada dalil yg mengatakn tulang haram dimakan manusia...jika tuan mengatakan ianya haram,maka hendak lah disertakan dengan dalil2 yg diyakini kerana jika tidak,maka dikhuatirkan anda telah berdusta atas nama syariah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999865293502808} +{"text": "tak mampu buat bisnes.. simpan kulit je la sial ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998088479042053} +{"text": "Makanan Starbuck disahkan Haram oleh Jakim ! peringatan !", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6888858079910278} +{"text": "Masa aku susah dulu aku mintak zakat tak dapat. Fuck off la Jabatan agama. Pakai kopiah tapi perangai cam sial. Orang tak layak dapat zakat dapat zakat. Aku malu memintak zakat kena rijek kau kasi alasan paling bangang padahal fi sabilillah patut boleh dapat. Aku mintak duit sikit aja dulu nak buat makan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "Haram this and that, but still eat non's cookies. Maybe the container has halal logo. KEKW ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996726512908936} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Apr 25 2024, 02:41 PM)Scientific? Of course, there's no alcohol inside. Religious fanatic? Haram!! Haram!!! Haram!!!!Well they claimed root beer and 0% alcohol beers are not halal too.This is came straight from beer manufacturing process, when it arrives raw to the factory it smells like like the beer exactly.What 'Black Magic' goes into making Marmite? | Food Unwrapped \nRzESZaeT0qc\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "Seorang lelaki muslim yang mengambil makanan bersih dan halal (bukan dari\nsumber yang haram) adalah sholeh. #RawanTampan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929032921791077} +{"text": "The waitress likely don't want to serve new customer as they are closing shop so the best way to shoo her away is to say non-halal ... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999840497970581} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:47 PM)http://www.e-fatwa.gov.my/fatwa-kebangsaan...pandangan-islamini yg gua google la.. tp personally gua ada pandangan sendiri..seriously? depa ni basic science pn xder ke? or logic level dieorg rendah sngt? arak haram sebab die memabuk kan ..and benda yg buat org mabuk is alcohol dalam arak tu.Definis arak is air tu mesti ade alcohol ..baru la jd arakbut if alcohol xder then air tu x jadi arak la.Tapai halal tp tapai pn boleh memabuk kan.. ke dieorg decide ikut kesenangan diri sndiri babi tu pham la sbb haiwan tu mmg haram .. no kompromi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Nov 24 2023, 01:49 PM)I can still remember pretty much between 10-20 years back, we even have afterwork celebrations in pub and muslim colleagues joined in. They didn't consume alcohol and mingled.These days such is considered taboo.So next time if ceremonies have beef then Hindus should sound about the lack of inclusivity ?And if we have meat then vegetarians should\u00a0 sound about the lack of inclusivity ?What is the world coming to ?Clubbing is not Malaysian culture ? Says who ? It depends on who you ask it toPre-90s was the best time for everyone, regardless of their beliefs.Then came Anwar in the 90s, bringing the birth of Islamization to the whole nation, orchestrated by UMNO back then to counter PAS.Fast forward to today, PAS gaining more and more influence with their Green Wave, and at the same time making them arrogant and openly slander and boasting fake news everywhere just to be in power. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999659061431885} +{"text": "QUOTE(oM41GoD_ @ Mar 10 2024, 08:50 PM)Democracy mahOne person one voteTak suka?Our country also got a few tricks.- Buses of duno what ppl rush into polling station.- Helicopter dropping bags of something.- Suddenly no electricity & lighting.- Too many sendiri fill in. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9806110858917236} +{"text": "Asyik2 type c..tapi ramai jugak yg kerja bawah type c..cakap dalam socmed senang je tanpa modal...tapi realiti lain pulok ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975537657737732} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 07:05 PM)NoI explain why berus is haram and insulin is notI haven't talk about the raid at allya... u both justifying their reason on why it's haram,.. thats how u disagree on the raid ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "dulu kalau restoren tanda logo halal ada,tpi pekerja pakai salib.terus jadi tak halal makanan http://tu.ni duit kwsp yg patuh syariah,kira duit bersih dr unsur haram,kmdn diserahkan utk dilabur oleh hajaraswad,yg mana mgkn dlm bisnes tak halal,apa jadi untung tu?haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9896920323371887} +{"text": "haram..but still alot of people not giving a damn.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999409914016724} +{"text": "QUOTE(marfccy @ May 30 2024, 05:42 PM)yeah so ultimately its super subjective, but people are putting it out like its a MUST otherwise [insert person] fault for not taking care wife la, bla blafor csec mothers i would also opt for confinement, its no joke in amount of healing the body will need. few friends gave birth via csec and no joke they are still healing even after 6 months post surgerydunno le, i can really feel the spite in these ex keliks when they talking abt how much have changed since birth and how things would be diff if they didnt. but at same time theyll go like being mothers is the best feel ever. im confused lmaodoesnt help that last time my family was my mum and aunts also didnt really need confinement centres, they just hired babysitters/caretakers and get family help jaga and all is still went well. didnt spend much too for the caretakers/babysittersyeah so ultimately bolded part in my POV is people go confinement centre cause the other half dont have time thats all.To be honest, once woman gives birth, their body will sure be impacted and never get full recover. So pls sayang your wife more after she give birth, haha.Those words from outsider no need to consider so much, need to learn how to filter. My wife and I also slowly learn since our marry ceremony, until now we immune already. It is a process la, when the time comes you will know what to do. No such thing to say must go or must not go confinement centreOnce decision made by you two, no regret or blaming. Any thing go wrong just comfort each other who feels sadThis post has been edited by Jingle91: May 30 2024, 06:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7411629557609558} +{"text": "Amatlah janggal bila ada rakyat Malaysia gerakkan kempen \"Sijil Halal ni tak penting\". Sokonglah Halal Malaysia. Kita juga yang akan dapat kebaikannya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9880900382995605} +{"text": "Sedih tgk mereka2 yg masih guna contoh nasi lemak tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal. Tak salah netizen persoal sbb mereka ikut tuntutan agama. Yg dihentam diorang balik kenapa? Diorg x suruh kau brenti minum pn. Dan at least sbb diorg lah cepat sket produk2 ni nk dptkn sijil halal. https://t.co/inUODAlb5N", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(iamSUSUman @ Apr 12 2023, 07:26 PM)taste ok ok la, not bad, not super good either.but after this video went viral many people go queue and buyduring MCO got one malay stall open nasi lemak infront of hongleong, literally 10 second walk from this stall.. that 1 really sedap, but yahudi.also, this place is full of lahanat. niamahai the whole area so many parking yet those sohai need to double park and disrupt the flow. all 3 race also otak masuk angin 1, double park infront of that tadika duno what brunch.. later the kid rush into the road how? later kid sohai open door whack moto how?ok finish rant.\ud83d\ude02what is this akka shop operating hours and days ya? tot wanna go tapao this weekendMaybachS600 superbike kam go sapot akka ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8151434063911438} +{"text": "Ekceli hal halal haram JAKIM ni, aku dah pernah borak hari tu. Nantilah aku tulis kat fb. Benda baru belajar so aku takleh tulis terus. Btw ada produk ni ada sijil halal tapi premis dia takde sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994329810142517} +{"text": "Patut la semua rakyat pun kuat menghanjing sebab dah terbiasa makan makanan haram yg bukan halalO waiIncluding me ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998900890350342} +{"text": "apa yang penting apa yang tak penting pun xtau.i hate many ppl here frat work also same. already say what not necessary what must be done, no one listen. end up just as i predict.This post has been edited by GHBZDK: Apr 22 2024, 08:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9645355343818665} +{"text": "QUOTE(neuroneuster @ Mar 4 2017, 04:34 PM)Would like to try the spicy one.But Algerian Changkat wrap is the best ar188slurp! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "\r\nbagus..aku suka mkn masakan cina", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999981164932251} +{"text": "QUOTE(Azurues @ Dec 9 2023, 02:05 PM)macam ni pun boleh racing?bodoh babi mamak niRacing budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ukeke @ Dec 23 2023, 05:45 PM)I spend money like water, amoi suka handbag i buy handbag, she likes cartier i also buysame here. just came back from norway holiday because bring amoi say want to see aurora ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "\r\nentah kenapa aku x suka betul ngan dia ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991070628166199} +{"text": "QUOTE(gumshoe101 @ Jul 26 2019, 11:08 AM)Religion is a sensitive topic, be it Christianity, Islam, Atheism.. etc. Best just avoid talking not to mention, arguing about it during conversations. One cannot change another person's believe overnight. Let God or Science provide the insight.Depends on the topic, intention and the people you have the conversation with. If your intention is to change them, then you\u2019ve lost it already. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "Ini kedai level kayangan.T20 tak kesah.Yang buat kecoh punya tak mampu.This post has been edited by Ayambetul: Dec 9 2023, 11:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988424181938171} +{"text": "Kecian..amdk /k yang suka jilat tu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9678097367286682} +{"text": "QUOTE(pinkfoxlulu @ Nov 24 2023, 11:19 AM)racing kuat di sinithis is not even racingthis is bodoh and double standardwhat is haram and what's not isn't based on the book, it's based on what PuAS saidif that thing benefits them or they needed it, eventhough it's haram based on book also they can say it's not haram or low level haram only ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999786615371704} +{"text": "QUOTE(Thrust @ May 18 2024, 08:52 AM)I was wondering, if any Type C here already tried DarSa Fried Chicken other than Type C content creators?Taste good or not? Will revisit?Since hangpa x suka type CKnape hangpa mau Type C cuba ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994400143623352} +{"text": "Hukum Tapau Makanan Kenduri Sekiranya mendapat keizinan daripada tuan rumah atau tuan majlis hukumnya adalah Harus. Haram sekiranya tidak mendapat keizinan daripada tuan majlis\n\nSumber : @pejabatmuftiwp", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(cink @ Oct 16 2019, 06:06 PM)only haram to makan beacuse of tape worm lah bodohYes, pork got tape worm, known as taenia solium.But beef oso got la, known as taenia saginata. Both oso can infect & is dangerous to humans. So how now? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "Ppl from this group is really best definition of kemuncak kebodohan... maximum stupidity... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997921586036682} +{"text": "kayak klo di makanan itu harus bersih (yg haram dlm syariah termasuk najis, dan yg najis itu haram, dan ga cuma muslim yg pgn makanan yg bersih, jd sifatnya universal), atau klo di wisata, ya harus menyediakan makanan halal, sama tempat ibadah (nah yg ini engga universal)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989901185035706} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoGaki @ Nov 3 2014, 10:49 PM)Red Lobster Restoran in The Intermark, serve beer n Alchohol.... but I see lots of malays eat there (mean not alcohol... only food) I read that muslims eating in a placer where alcohol served is haram ??mohon ustaz's of /k explain?and they make so much noise on oktoberfest... beer in your face everyday man... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993946552276611} +{"text": "QUOTE(stankhunt42 @ Dec 7 2017, 10:34 PM)Best halal food will be at Xi'an instead of ShanghaiOK lain kali aku pi mkn ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Dec 16 2023, 05:15 PM)Sushi King and Empire Sushi both have been altered to suit local taste. Doesn't mean it's bad though, I kinda enjoyed Empire Sushi.But of course nothing beats the original. Once tried a small family restaurant at Kanazawa, fuh, easily the best sushi I had. But not halal la.At least empire sushi make it clear they alter to malaysian taste ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997575879096985} +{"text": "QUOTE(2feidei @ Oct 25 2016, 01:13 PM)seriously, now P.Ramly related to halal and haram issue?\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 but, I agree that it is a insult to name a pork burger with a great national seniman\u00a0 and it should be changed immediately, not because of halal and haram issueP.ramlyP Ramlee Same same? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9564323425292969} +{"text": "QUOTE(hollyweed @ Jun 6 2017, 05:08 PM)Most of them don't even know how to cook, mostly their food taste like shit and it is so overprice.Like kambing bakar/grill, dah la tak masak betul2. pastu nak jual dekat orang?\u00a0 u tak suka, u keluar. senang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.837932288646698} +{"text": "Coba keluar rumah deh nder, nonton, beli makanan yg kamu suka atau ya pokoknya keluar rumah aja gitu liat sekitar, kadang hidup perlu untuk itu sesekali dan sebutuhnya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.795281171798706} +{"text": "PENGALAMAN BERSAMA JUTAWAN KONGSI GELAPKisah ini berlaku sekitar tahun 2004.Pertemuan kami di sebuah restoran Cina di Jalan Imbi, Bukit Bintang. Ketika itu dia baru dibebaskan dari Penjara Simpang Renggam.Dia booking satu bilik yang sederhana besar. Saya tidak keseorangan. Di kiri dan kanan saya ada wartawan jenayah dari akhbar Cina. Selain itu ada sorang dua lagi wartawan jenayah yang saya tak ingat dari akhbar mana.Dia masuk ke bilik tersebut dengan seorang pengawal peribadinya. Tersengih-sengih sambil menghulurkan tangan untuk bersalaman.Suasana di dalam bilik waktu tengah hari itu ala-ala macam filem gangster Hong Kong. Dalam hati saya berkata, janganlah lepas ni dia atau bodyguard dia tu keluarkan pistol ke apa ke, mau mati katak aku!Untuk makluman anda, dia salah seorang gangster paling digeruni dan menguasai segala jenis mak nenek kegiatan 'underworld' termasuk perjudian, pelacuran, pinjaman Ah Long dan macam-macam lagilah.Malah tersenarai sebagai salah seorang 'four heavenly kings' dalam dunia kongsi gelap di Kuala Lumpur.Pertemuan lelaki tersebut dengan kami wartawan jenayah diatur atas alasan kononnya dia hendak mengadakan sidang akhbar, tetapi bila sampai rupanya dia hanya ingin 'bertegur sapa' dengan saya dan beberapa orang wartawan lain. Orangnya kecil saja, macam budak sekolah menengah! \"Encik-encik jangan takut. Saya panggil sebab mau explain. Saya takde involve macam polis cakap sama you all. Tapi takpelah, saya sudah masuk jail. Sekarang saya sudah keluar dan mahu rileks dengan famili,\" katanya sambil tersenyum-senyum.Untuk makluman anda, lelaki yang berusia dalam lingkungan 40an itu berstatus Datuk dan dipercayai mempunyai kekayaan beratus juta ringgit hasil pendapatan haramnya. Dek kerana kes itu, gelaran Datuk yang diterimanya telah ditarik balik.Saya ketika itu lebih banyak berdiam diri daripada bertanya soalan. Saya bagi peluang pada rakan-rakan wartawan akhbar Cina yang hadir untuk menemubualnya. Lagi pun dia nampak lebih selesa berbahasa Cina daripada cakap Melayu. Sejam kemudian saya pun keluar dari restoran itu. Walaupun dijamunya deretan makanan untuk kami, saya hanya minum Coke saja. Rasa macam tak confident pulak walaupun dia mendakwa semua hidangan itu halal.Lega rasanya. Serius saya 'tak begitu selesa' walaupun restoran tu taraf 5 bintang gakla.Sejak pada itu saya pun dah tak amik pot pasal cerita lelaki berkenaan. Rasa macam buang masa pun ada juga bertemu dengannya.Ada rumours yang mengatakan dia telah pindah ke Hong Kong, bina 'hidup baru'.Tetapi anda nak tahu apa yang jadi sebenarnya?Selepas beberapa tahun kemudian, saya ternampak muka dia dalam akhbar. Walaupun tubuhnya sudah sedikit gempal, namun saya tetap cam - inilah lelaki yang saya jumpa di restoran tu.Dia yang dulu ditarik anugerah Datuk, kini dah bergelar Datuk Seri pulak! Lebih saya rasa macam nak 'koma', seorang bekas pengarah sebuah agensi penguatkuasa yang dulu selalu melakukan serbuan di rumah urut dan pusat hiburan milik lelaki ini - kini rupanya dah jadi salah seorang ahli lembaga pengarah dalam syarikat lelaki berkenaan!Yang pasti, Datuk Seri itu kini masih 'segar bugar' dan semakin kaya raya.Itulah secebis kisah di negaraku yang tercinta.(Gambar hiasan)Sori link asal hilang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "QUOTE(tentang rasa @ Dec 8 2014, 10:28 PM)\nkSObxtZA9TA\n\nwhat do you think of what drM said?QUOTE(miaopurr @ Dec 8 2014, 10:35 PM)saya tidak arif tentang isu ini. tidak tahu macam mana cara/syarat untuk execute the islamic penal law. but two things i'm sure of:1. bukan boleh simply execute the hudud law onto the pesalah2. kalau tak buat salah, kenapa nak takut?\"keadilan\" is just too cheap a word thrown about nowadays. well connected ppl allegedly do crimes, and they get away scot-free. is that adil? normal lowly citizen vent out their anger towards racial discrimination, n they get maximum punishment n reprimanded. meanwhile those higher ups throw hateful racial speech, and nothing. adil?QUOTE(tentang rasa @ Dec 8 2014, 11:17 PM)yup. betul. nak laksanakan mesti kena adil.. cuma statement drM tu buatkan aku terfikir mana lagi besar dlm islamkeadilan>hudud or hudud>keadilanQUOTE(miaopurr @ Dec 8 2014, 11:21 PM)errr.... hudud not adil?please , please watch this video.\n7TxNntu2DoM\n\nhudud main aim is a deterence not to punish.and you need to a pious society to implement it.until then ....start educating and implementing others parts of islam.even the Messenger of Allah ask the man who ask to be punish by Hudud to go away.and even when theres a punishment for fornication and the man ran away but the people gave chase to him and punish him till death... the Messenger of Allah said ; you should let him be (not chase him and punish him untill death) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 03:54 PM)Halal this halal that.Makan all want to be clean AF.But then at the same time makan rasuah, makan dadah, makan siham anak diri all still self claim halal. Typical hypocricy.their puak always hypocrite since dunno how long agohypocrite + dengki + malas ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "Si bodoh nak mengajar org. Kalau betul kau ni cikgu layak ajar babi dan anjing je, bukan anak org. \n\nHello bodoh. Meh aku ajar kau. Kalau punca pendapatan kau tu HARAM, kau sedekah makanan halal pun, haram untuk org islam makan tahu tak. Itu lah, bodoh tapi nak mengajar org. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeapsc73 @ Jul 24 2024, 11:05 AM)haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998435914516449} +{"text": "Let me get this rightIt was a forest reserve in the first place, cannot plant anything there.Somehow dont know what happen, after the logs were gone, farmers plant durian.Now durian trees matured, they say legalized it but farmers need to pay rental, plus have to sell to them only. Furthermore got levy charges. Farmers rage, start chop off the plants. Polis setup road block to block them to go in, and today onwards it belongs to state government? Its like,Mesin judi is haram. Somehow there was an empty factory and nobody using it.Gangster backside itchy go and setup kedai mesin judi. Then authorities go and raid the place, say is haram, but can continue operating if the gangsters be their bitch. Must also pay rental and give a portion of money they make. Gangster dont want, gangster say will destroy their own mesin judi. Polis come and jaga the factory dont let gangster destroy mesin judi and now onwards the authorities gonna run the kedai judi? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973526000976562} +{"text": "QUOTE(jamilselamat @ Apr 6 2016, 08:49 PM)Boleh jadi jugak la...Tapi aku memang dari dulu tak suka sos cili murah pukal macam ni. Bau selalunya terlalu busuk, sampai mulut pun busuk kalau bau.sos ni bukan sos yang beli keropok lekor bundle tu ke ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999639987945557} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Mar 12 2024, 01:13 PM)srjkc churn out many student that got comprehension problem, not really bodo but can't grasp simple logic and fact. I think srjkc need improvement on comprehension instead of all.this fake thingy and propagandaHas nothing to do with schoolComprehension problem is individual problem.Are you stupid?QUOTE(bani_prime @ Mar 12 2024, 01:16 PM)malas nak komen....at the end, people tend to jaga puak masing2. its factsNope.School is a choiceRacist policy is jaga puakDon't be retarded ok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 07:29 PM)Arak haroom sebab najis, sebab memabukkan.Alcohol tak haroom. Gune alcohol untuk cuci luka = tak haroom.Perfume ada alcohol, tak haroom.Yang haram bukan alcohol, tp arak.Sama macam dadah, takde alcohol, tp haroom dan najis, sebab memabukkan.Arak haram sebab ade alcohol ..benda yg membuat kn seseorg itu mabuk..bile masak alcohol tu evaporated , hence no more alcohol..example : org panggil wine sebab die ade alcohol .. bile dah xder alcohol bukan wine name nye... just grape juice biasealcohol haram untuk diminum sebab ianya memabuk kn.. kalo xder alcohol mcm mane nak mabuk.. dan bile bnda tu x membuat kn org mabuk thn bnda tu bukan najis, kalo bukan najis thn bnda tu halalThis post has been edited by achik1990: Nov 2 2013, 07:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "In my view, there are two groups of people migrating to SG. First one are those attracted for the 3X exchange meaning eventually in their mind will return to Malaysia. Else nothing else holding them back to stay at SG. Another group are those looking for career advancement, more job opportunity, better education and safety for their kids and family. This group unlikely to return in Malaysia during their working life. So really nothing right or wrong, everyone weights their pros and cons and make the best out of it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998974800109863} +{"text": "Halal adalah satu penanda aras yang menentukan proses pembuatan makanan tersebut adalah bersih dan diyakini mengikut syariat yang dah ditetapkan,tetapi kalau malas solat tu datang dari diri sendiri bang ,dah kalau malas makan makanan halal 5 bintang pun tetap malas ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999150276184082} +{"text": "Duit kami suka hati kami la mau beli ke tak gardenia. Owaiii ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996107220649719} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheReaderReads @ Jun 7 2016, 08:10 AM)Apa ni?Mana sayur tu bro? Sayur pentingxda sayur beroww..... malas tumis sayur berow....Huhuh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999897837638855} +{"text": "Human nature. Create differences, segregates, hates, look down upon others who does things differently. No drama, create one. These people have nothing to do meyh? Funny that both halal/non halal supporters happily advocates their way is the best way. No pain to animals? Dey got interview those animals personally meyh? \"Hello Mr Pig, got pain onot?\"\"Encik Lembu, I cut your neck, give permission onot? Got pain you tell me arr?\"We eat meat. how it's killed, prepared, in the end it is our choice. I do not understand these groups that advocates their idea as the best and trying to convince the world by putting down those that does it differently. In EU cases, i kind of understand their plight. A non muslim country suddenly have to bow and eat halal food, no pork in school cantines. Logically speaking, just not right. They should do it if majority agrees by it and want to accomodate halal eating minorities. But to enforce rules and make all non halal eaters to follow, not right. It's about change of culture and to some, lifestyle.Different issue with this boycott group in fb however. Their argument over pain on animals just kind of laughable. Both halal and non halal camps are saying that their way is less pain for those animals. Each group confirm happily, very sure wan no pain..dey got ask those chickens meyh? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.49617743492126465} +{"text": "Ini semua logo halal luar negara yang diiktiraf JAKIM,\n\nsebagai pengguna, ambil tahu supaya lebih mudah untuk pilih produk makanan halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998037219047546} +{"text": "Dalam Islam makanan halal lebih banyak daripada makanan haram. Aku mencadangkan JAKIM mengeluarkan sijil HARAM... http://fb.me/2QySKyXeq", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999685287475586} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Dec 21 2016, 03:35 PM)Askum ustaz Mohon pencerahanApakah hukum kedai halal kat sebelah kedai tak halal?Ur sarawak trip will open ur eyes of how multi racial malaysia should be This post has been edited by muhibah: Dec 21 2016, 09:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999618530273438} +{"text": "Semua sibuk dengan isu Sijil Halal Family Mart. Rokok dari dulu takde tanda halal, bahkan dipersetujui ramai haram, still ramai je hisap masuk paru-paru perut semua.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998173117637634} +{"text": "That y i don see any reason it's haram but guess not everyone can accept this.Not goin to bother about those extremist but just wanted to know the law / rules.Don wan to offend anyone. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959142804145813} +{"text": "who is that customer??? kasi dox dia punya cb face la.. niamah u tak suka u jgn masuk makan la sial.. confront palak otak mak ko hijau la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991618394851685} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:27 PM)This is just what I know. The real truth maybe more vast than this.Eating pork is forbidden because of all the germs in pork.Another thing, pigs also don't have a neck-structure that is similar to other mammals like goat and cows, hence it is impossible to slaughter a pig according to Islamic rites.And pigs/hogs will gobble up every filthy things.For 2 alam animals like tortoise/frogs/turtles, I don't know for sure. Ketam that lives in deep sea can be eaten (not haram), but those that lives by the beach cannot be eaten as they are 2 alam.Other than those you mentioned, Muslims also cannot eat animal that has claws/talons which they use for hunting e.g. eagles, tigers, cats, etc.Also mollusc (siput) that does not have a \"penutup\" on its shell e.g. snails/siput babi. Siput sedut on the other hand boleh makan sebab cangkerang dia ada penutup. I'm not sure about escargot though, some say can, some say cannot, but I personally think cannot because it is like snails.Another is cannot eat birds that moves around by hopping/jumping. Can only eat birds that walk e.g. chickens, ducks, quails, etc.germs? everything has germs. pig do have a neck structure with cervical vertebra, wind pipe, jugular veins and carotid arteries like other mammals. crabs will gobble up every filthy things. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9691568613052368} +{"text": "QUOTE(fridel @ May 3 2021, 10:00 AM)I know few of these kind of pplSays kedai cina haram yada yada.but tipu duit claim,songlap duit company,bawa gf balik everyweek tak pernah fikir pulak halal ke tak lolU must be talking about a minority... As far as I know most Malaysians esp govt servants never tipu duit claim , never try and close counters early and they also make sure they earn what they are paid, sometimes to busy and have to go the extra mile to keep breaks to a minimum . ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999057054519653} +{"text": "QUOTE(19 Degree South @ Nov 29 2023, 10:18 AM)drive vios can valet park or not?Janji ada duit semua boleh ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999867677688599} +{"text": "Konsep halal & toyyiban tak ada dalam agama lain selain Islam. Ia menjamin kehalalan rezeki yg masuk dalam perut, bukan setakat halal tapi makanan mesti bersih, sumber makanan juga mesti bersih.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997324347496033} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyseej00 @ Nov 16 2020, 01:41 PM)Bodo mia Jakim, raid because of viral video. Many viral videos of ppl saying Najib anal smex with Altantuya, why don't catch?lu the one yang bodoh...there`s are report filed hence jakim went there to verified it as its got jakim halal cert. ....jakim image also at stakes becoxz the halal status is from jakim...ko tu yg bodoh serupa jamban.tq ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roblox Malaya @ Jun 12 2024, 07:01 AM)Difference between Najib and other PM is that he had a comprehensive and clear plan in his ETP, GTP etc.It had clear goals like:1. Malaysia to be global data center hub by doing this, this and this.2. Malaysia to generate 30% of energy from renewable sources by 20303. Increasing public transportation usage by X percent by Y year by doing this, this and this.Don't believe me?What Madani has so far is this thing called Madani Economic Framework (MEF) which is vague and nobody knows how to describe what it is.I challenge Ktards to describe what that MEF is.And the next so-called best Madani plan is Rafizi's National Energy Transition Roadmap, which is really a continuation of Jibb's green energy initiatives under the ETP.Imagine.... Malaysia's so-called future is based on how we convert gas/coal power plants to solar/hydro/battery.Bang lukis pon diaorang buat2 tak faham, inikan tulis panjang2 macam ni. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999744713306427} +{"text": "If they don't use any haram ingredients should be fine right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "Fatwa yg dah lama keluar...cop halal kita akn lihat pada cop jakim..jika jakim kata makanan tu haram maka kita... http://fb.me/7eVH8FpyE", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:26 PM)simply because they dont understand Chemistry at that timeis purely word of ManYou missed the point. The type of alcohol in wine is ethanol. Brewing produce ethanol, not methanol which is also alcohol. Do you know that sucrose is also under alcohol? Meaning sugar is also haram More like generalizing the word alcohol as content in intoxicating drink. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Mar 29 2016, 06:12 PM)Jakim memang la takde authority dekat China, tapi tak boleh kah nak siasat? Salah? Masuk jel? Sebab cop halal JAKIM ada\u00a0 dekat bungkusan tu, cerdik. Mesti la dia nak siasat macam mana barang macam tu buleh ada cop Jakim. Lagipun katanya barang tu buatan Malaysia yang dieksport ke China berdasarkan pada alamat dekat packing. Tolong baca artikel sampai habis dan hadamkan dulu.\u00a0 agree,Senang crite company tu guna logo halal JAKIM tanpa JAKIM approved.So JAKIM kena la siasat..aduiii /k/ skang mentality level diorang tahap aduii ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "Senarai Hotel/Resort\ud83c\udfe8\ud83c\udfe2 yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia di Negeri KEDAH DARUL AMAN Untuk mengetahui status halal restoran/dapur hotel yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia,... https://t.co/XrBBEuv9f8", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "Terus beli bila dapat tau Xing Fu Tang belum ada sijil halal JAKIM. Biasalah, hidup I memang dah sinonim dengan benda haram. https://t.co/SgAFsRQVaq", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Jan 7 2020, 10:54 AM) because ini satu usaha dajjalyahudikristiancinalgedapigilluminatinwo memesongkan akidah umat kitadia umpan umat kita dengan daging olok2, pastu bila umat kita tak sedar dia selitkan dengan daging babi yg betullihatlah betapa halusnya permainan kafir2 ini yang sedaya upaya memasukkan jarum dalam mencacatkan minda dan amalan umat kitaOh yeah...This will definitely happen I can see this kinda comments on fb pages in years to come as it becomes more prevalent.This post has been edited by lucifer_666: Jan 7 2020, 09:40 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999144077301025} +{"text": "QUOTE(jamilselamat @ Apr 16 2021, 04:20 PM)Dok kata susah, tapi dok guna sentimen kaum/agama utk 'guilt-trap' orang Melayu sampai depa untung melampau-lampau, beli banglo/Beemer/Merc/tanah dua tiga relung, tapi cukai haram tak bayaq.\" kAmI PeNiAgA TeRtInDaS\"\n4wPK983JRSU\n\n-open stall on state land-sell stuff at roadside but charging customers similar to restaurant price-later on when Majlis come to demolish chanting \" kAmI PeNiAgA TeRtInDaS\"minute 26:40 onwards. see what that Uncle chantingThis post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Apr 16 2021, 05:45 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "\n\n Jakim should introduce Haram cert\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal. Berminat untuk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli? 1. Click link on my bio\ud83d\ude18 PROMO GILA TGH ONZ\u203c\ufe0f JIMAT RM10\ud83d\udd25", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5238658785820007} +{"text": "QUOTE(incubus_skj @ Feb 1 2023, 05:42 PM)lol kelantan one month can sell how many pc total? 3? *prepares for inkambing butthurtsssss*more than 3 la.... but still ciput compare to HP sales.chosen wrong enemy here.donno how the joker think. made a big hoohaa bcoz he get vegetarian food. tak suka keluar buy own food la and eat. it is free anyhowloss of 5 mil sales soon ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9937246441841125} +{"text": "Sijil halal JAKIM diiktiraf di serata dunia. Banyak kilang bukan Islam yang memperolehi sijil halal JAKIM. Kilang ini perlulah mempertingkatkan eksport mereka untuk meningkatkan jualan di luar negara untuk membuka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat tempatan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7095842361450195} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:35 PM)http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/299644May 26, 2015MalaysiakiniJakim revokes Secret Recipe's halal certThe halal certificate of popular cake franchise Secret Recipe has been withdrawn by the department of Islamic Development Malaysia(Jakim).However, Jakim said the revocation of halal certification for Secret Recipe Manufacturing Sdn Bhd was not due to the use of \"haram ingredients\" but was instead due to issues involving cleanliness.\"The revocation of the halal certification was because of a breach of the halal certification procedure manual involving serious offences on cleanliness and good manufacturing practices.\"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff.i thought that's for jabatan kesihatan? hmm...so now Jakim act as stand-in for jabatan kesihatan liao? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5186597108840942} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Jan 3 2021, 09:07 AM)developers and property gurus will say buy to your max and leverage your financial status some more.Jangan tak beli!Property game in Malaysia, I realize it's a losing money game mostly. so much hidden cost and time lost in between buying and selling. Also don't forget the process takes months. Share, click sell and the money is rightaway in your account, no loyer's fee, no this charge that charge or stamping stupid fee.i hate property guruone smart alec cause one of my close relative to buy million ringgit condoI scolded the relative because I saw that the property prices were inflated for so longthen this relative listen to that idiot advise and buy that condo because wanna kiasu for investment earningsthen came MCO, prices all fellall the condos spoilt for choice some more offering big discounts and even free MOT, stamping fee ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971323013305664} +{"text": "QUOTE(sembilan @ Aug 17 2016, 02:21 PM)This is really one of the stupidest approach ever, but I think it'll still jalan cos everything seems to be religion this religion that nowadays.BODOH!Muslim mesti sentiasa aware pasal halal dan haram! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9565695524215698} +{"text": "Here the answer.QUOTEJawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 telah membincangkan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:1. Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2. Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3. Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4. Tapai halal dimakan.5. Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.6. Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Source: http://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998189806938171} +{"text": "Orang kata kat aku: \"Tak kira sapa urus. Bayar zakat tu wajib. Asalkan hang bayaq, sudah. Apa jadi lepas tu biaq depa jawab\".Tapi kalau dah jadi sampai macam ni, takkan nak bayaq jugak kot? Kalau aku bayaq jugak, bukan ka seolah olah menggalakkan lagi orang urus zakat tu seleweng? \"Depa semua kena bayaq jugak kat aku. Kalau aku beli Ferrari dengan duit zakat pun, apa kuasa depa ada? muahahahahahaha!!\". Kalau aku menyenangkan lagi hidup si penyeleweng ni, bukan ka dosa pun jatuh kat aku jugak??? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982638955116272} +{"text": "OMG INI HARAM!! NAUZUBILLAHIMINZALIK!! INI HARAM JADAH!! NAJIB MUGHALAZAH!! #konfemmasuksyurga #muslimterbaik #halalantoyiba #azharidrusnaikferari #zakirnaik ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.881752610206604} +{"text": "QUOTE(chemnz @ Jan 23 2021, 05:28 PM)First of all.. how does one make HARAM vegan food???Avocado cheese bacon salad?This post has been edited by nasiputih: Jan 23 2021, 05:31 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9892529845237732} +{"text": "I setujui ini statement haram teddy bear, when i was single used to see fat guy with cute amois. Must be teddy bear influences. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999890923500061} +{"text": "QUOTE(itekderp @ Dec 24 2020, 10:12 PM)Thank you for the wishes, Your Majesty.So JAKIM, is the greeting \"haram\" as you claim? Your call.Already twisting ,\"sebagai Ketua Negara, memang wajib untuk greet the rakyat\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "haram.. mesti haramkanbabi bulu on berus also haram, why alcohol halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "ustaz facebook viral dan keyboard holyman akan tolong haramkanasal done dakwah fact checking tak penting style ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9753744006156921} +{"text": "Dulu orang seronok kecam \u201cOrang bodoh mana yg tak tau hot dog tu tak ada dog pun\u201d. \u201cMakcik Anne\u201d pula licik, sebab utama dia tak dapat sijil halal tu bukan sebab nama sebenarnya. Tapi isu viral free marketing kan, ride on it je lah. Masyarakat yang tak tau, salahkan JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8819414377212524} +{"text": "Susahlah bila dapat kawan yang jenis (KG) boba tea semua tak minum sebab alasan takde sijil halal even coolblog pun tak pernah minum sbb semua tu kolot....bagi akukan kalau something makanan Tu kau tak yakin nak makan janganlah makan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9748302102088928} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 02:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.this idiot full of shit. holy month also think like this. if fasting dont go to canteen lah... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998430013656616} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeapsc73 @ Jul 24 2024, 11:05 AM)haram?Perfect if add in few pairs of Loud Speaker.EDIT : OMG! the most important Loud Speakers already installed! Perfect!This post has been edited by V3000: Jul 24 2024, 11:33 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997356534004211} +{"text": "Kalau naik subway, cari koc kosong mcm ni:Kalau ko naik koc yg penuh sesak mcm sardin, ko akan nampak amoi Jepun x tutup aurattayang betis & peha mcm haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.agree with him. minister shouldn't create unnecessary issues. let school decide what is best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9812455177307129} +{"text": "Aku dulu pernah kena pergi jb ambil sijil halal dgn qa exec lelaki. Tapi bila suruh bawa kereta, suh aku yg drive sebab dia kata tak yakin bawa orang lain. Kalau sendiri dia okay je. Ada guna juga perempuan ye https://t.co/hEPWDqfy8B", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996316432952881} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:29 AM)You so smart with research why don't you have a read? Hukum memakan tapaiSOALANUstaz apakah hukum memakan tapai?JAWAPANJawapan :Proses penapaian sudah pasti akan menghasilkan kandungan alkohol. Namun, jika tapai dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk dijadikan minuman yang memabukkan dan semasa dimakan ia tidak memabukkan, maka tapai itu halal dimakan. Namun, jika peraman sudah terlalu lama danmemakannya boleh menyebabkan mabuk, maka hukumnya ketika itu adalah haram dimakan.Merujuk kepada Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 yang telah telah membincangkan berkaitan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa :1) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2) Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3) Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4) Tapai halal dimakan.5) Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.6) Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Wallahu a\u2019lamProses penapaian sudah pasti akan menghasilkan kandungan alkohol. Namun, jika tapai dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk dijadikan minuman yang memabukkan, dan semasa dimakan ia tidak memabukkan, maka tapai itu halal dimakan. Namun, jika peraman sudah terlalu lama danmemakannya boleh menyebabkan mabuk, maka hukumnya ketika itu haram dimakan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999256134033203} +{"text": "beli makanan aja masih suka dipanggil adek, \u201cbentar ya dek yaa\u201d \u201cbeli apa dek?\u201d \u201cdibungkus apa makan sini dek?\u201d\n\nCAPEK ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992117881774902} +{"text": "Makanan mempengaruhi iman. \n\nSumber mknn halal dan bersih utk mengekalkan iman dan takwa. Sumber mknn haram atau tidak bersih, iman akan lemah dan terhakis.\n\nCth : riba. Al-baqarah ayat 275\n~org ambil riba ni berjalan macam kena rasuk syaitan~\nCth hrm lain : ba** , drh, bgkai", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "Bener banget, gua bkn orang yg suka makan makanan/minuman manis, tp aku suka eskrim!! Dan skrg jujur kalo lg sedih gua selalu beli eskrim. Karena itu salah satu cara paling mudah untuk mengobatinya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992201328277588} +{"text": "Selalunya kedai macam ni orang kata Halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9845564365386963} +{"text": "IH AKU SERING KULINERAN TP EMG GAPERNAH BELI HOTWAYS AJAAA SOALNYA AKU TIPE YG KLO UDH SUKA SATU MAKANAN PASTI MAKAN ITU TERUSSS KECUALI LG MAKAN SM TMN", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998829364776611} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 08:15 AM)This:tidak dinafikan ada pemilik premis tidak memohon sijil halal daripada JAKIM tetapi tidak bermakna mereka menjual makanan atau menggunakan bahan daripada sumber tidak halal.If that place says no pork and no lard. They mention/display that their meat are from halal sources. I ask their muslim staff are they halal. If all 3 are yes, I just eat. Why are Malaysians so closed minded.I have a problem who says those without Halal cert are haram or not halal. They are just not Halal certified, does not mean that they are not Halal... For them, the \"halal\" status is fully dependent on the existence of certificate without realizing, back in the olden days, such certification isn't necessary.Sure, having the authority to vouch for the food product helps, but it's not a clear black & white.. Some people are just so comfortable to have the govt be their nanny, determining what can or cannot be consumed.. Ever so happy to delegate the decision making capacity, their personal agency about what to eat to the state.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994514584541321} +{"text": "http://e-smaf.islam.gov.my/e-smaf/index.php/main/mainv1/fatwa/pr/11018\u2026 Jakim dah melarang guna nama makanan sunnah & air rukyah dlm muzakarah fatwa kbngsaan & fatwa N9. Hukum asal tiada masalah tp hukum realiti yg jd masalah. Ditunggang utk dikormesialkan. Klau nk naqal pdngan aimmah memg senang. Tp realiti brbeza.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985062479972839} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Mar 11 2024, 06:02 PM)TS helping viral?So we learn from this mistake ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997113347053528} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.JIbai politaik this shit also want to politicise ke. just let the blardy kids eat la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9926691055297852} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 11:02 PM)yes time is subjectivelike moneyif you can control yourself then go on, itu jehe's just giving the overall viewAnyway, mufti and religious scholars usually despise the whole entertainment industry which they see as 'no value, immoral and haram'. This kind of pov is no different to during the time when higher-ups calling for rock music to be banned because their followers dress strangely, allow gender mixing and bladiblablabla. Ask the same mufti guy what he thinks about Punk music, he would 100 percent use the same reasoning as he did with cosplaying. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9720368385314941} +{"text": "lol i pun suka je mengomel cakap makanan mahal padahal tibai beli jugak, tapi nak panggil bf ko kedekut sebab kata makanan mahal pun tak boleh jugak, dahtu ko bayar jelah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6078185439109802} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Aug 21 2019, 12:19 PM)In my work on racism and racial dynamics in Singapore, I have spent some time resolutely attacking what I believe to be harmful stereotypes of Malay people, and pointing out the myriad ways they are discriminated against in their own land. Racist Chinese people generally dislike it when I do this, and they often reply by stating that if Malay people do not like it here, they can move, (or go back to), Malaysia. Many Chinese Singaporeans tend to behave as if they have right and ownership over this land, and subsequently that they are entitled to decide who gets to live in it.This is all very odd to me, because it is almost as if these people never went through a single history class at Lower Secondary level.So let us begin with a simple but vital assertion: This land does belong to Malay people. Malay people have been living in Singapore and the area for thousands of years. In the third century, Chinese records refer to us at Pu Luo Chung, which is a transliteration from the Malay Pulau Ujong, meaning \u2018island at the end\u2019. The names given to this area are Malay, but apparently the people who speak this language are not considered indigenous to it? Who exactly are your indigenous people, if that term doesn\u2019t include Malay people?There is a reason why it is Malay lore and myth in which references to the land happens. It is because they have been here long enough to produce literature about it. When you focus on the gap between our knowledge of the land and theirs, especially traditional knowledge, you start to see their relationship to the land. There is no way they are not indigenous to this land.Land, language, memory & history. These are all linked, and the rest of have do not possess this connection to the land. Somebody was living here before the British came, and it sure was not Chinese people.Denying this is ahistorical, and it constitutes an erasure of people\u2019s histories. Denying their existence and that history is a colonial act in itself, and every colonial act is violent. It is not only an act of erasure but one of displacement as well.In fact, the constitution of Singapore has already declared that Malays are indigenous to Singapore.152. \u2014 (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.\u2019Singapore was not terra nullius, meaning it was not \u2018nobody\u2019s land,\u2019 and even the Singapore government admits this. Singapore belonged to the Johor Riau Sultanate at the time of colonialism, which means by definition, it is Malay land.Indigeneity is not always defined by geography, but by people as well. What we think of as Malay includes indigenous people, Bugis, Minangkabau, etc. The idea of Malay does not just mean people from Malaya, but the people of the Nusantara. This entire archipelago is the Malay world. As Singapore existed within this world, it is undoubtedly Malay land.The Singapore government\u2019s mistreatment of Malay people includes a focus on Malay people as diasporic, which states that Malay people came here from elsewhere, and this is an act of historical erasure. They didn\u2019t come here, they were already here. The Singapore you think of now was never a country before, it was part of Malay land and the Malay world.If you cannot accept or understand this, that means you cannot understand geography and history. Why do people have so much difficulty accepting facts? Non-Malay minorities are also here on stolen land, and we need to accept and understand this. Even the rest of us, including Indians, don\u2019t have a claim on this land. We can never truly find solidarity if we insist on acting as if Indian people and Malay people have the same claim to Singapore.This does not erase our contributions or our generations that have grown up here, or our own attachment to the land. But it simply not equivalent to Malay people\u2019s claim over it. No one is asking for reparations and no one is asking you to leave their land. So why do so many people find it difficult to accept facts and the truth?In Singapore, Malay people are targeted for legal and cultural extinction. The percentage of Malay people in Singapore is decreasing, despite the maintenance of total fertility rate for the community. Population policies seek to bring in Indian and PRC migrants, but not Malay. They are slowly being phased out as immigration policies are making Malay people extinct in their own land. This is Malay land, and they have become second class citizens on their own land. That is simply unacceptable.So, who gains from the denial of Malay indigineity to Singapore? Who gains from erasure of this past? What do they gain? At what point can we admit that this \u201cdebate\u201d over how long Malay people have been here and where their ancestors came from is just a rhetorical exercise aimed specifically to cast aspersions on indigenous birthright?I have my theories but I\u2019m going to leave this here for people to think about.In our anti-racism work in Singapore, aboriginality must be foundational. As minorities, we need to examine our own complicity in the ongoing project of colonisation, whether it be White or Chinese in nature. During the time I have been engaged in doing this work, I have come to believe that anti-racism for the Malay community has to begin with assertions of indigeneity and ownership of land. Regardless of where you are and where you come from, you have a responsibility to know the names of the territories you are on and the people who have called those places home.Note: I did not speak about Orang Asli forced assimilation into mainstream Malaysian culture as I am simply not qualified. I did talk about indigenous people AND Malay people as being indigenous to the land, because that is how indigeneity is seen in this part of the world. For the purposes of talking specifically about Singapore, I feel speaking of Malay people as indigenous to the land is the best political way to approach it, especially when faced with Chinese hegemonic claims.Meanwhile here 3 page jawi oso rage like thisSOSInb4 tered gonna be deleted by mod because of \"sensitivity\"Whenever a truth is being pointed out, suddenly \"sensitive\" card is out.Bro later they will say...Only hardworking and pay more tax are entitled ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6854180693626404} +{"text": "Won't be surprised in future if a cake shop got taken action for writing \" 10 + 10 \" to represent someone becoming 20 on a cake. The \"+\" is viewed as a cross and the cake shop halal status is immediately taken down and cake owner send to jail. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5137358903884888} +{"text": "QUOTE(RiddleMeThat @ Sep 17 2015, 11:13 PM)https://www.facebook.com/nasrun/posts/10153350761959232Ini hanyalah pandangan aku. Ini ruang aku.1. Rakyat Malaysia yang non-malays dan non-muslim bumiputra mahupun non-bumiputra kebanyakannya terima dengan hati yang terbuka laungan Azan subuh yang menganggu tidur mereka. Tak pulak mereka nak buat kecoh dan marah. Bagaimana kalau pihak gereja mula pasang loudspeaker untuk sekalian tempat dengar khutbah Ahad mereka? Ooh.. nanti aqidah kita lari. Jihad!2. Hari Jumaat, kitalah paling hebat sebab boleh parking di tepi-tepi jalan berdekatan masjid sebab nak solat Jumaat. Lalulintas terganggu dan trafik tergendala. Non-muslim terpaksa terima jer.3. Kita nak beli rumah, ada \"bumiputra discount\". Org non-bumi beli rumah xde pulak padahal diorg pun Rakyat Malaysia. Apa? hak istimewa org Melayu? Ke Apartheid?4. Non-Malays, non-bumiputra yang cemerlang nak masuk Universiti sampai berdarah hidung, bergadai, berhutang Ah Long sebab nak bayar Uni atau kolej swasta. Kita takper sebab ada UiTM la, ada kolej mara la. Diorg pun rakyat Malaysia. Bila diorg dah grad, cukai hasil kerja diorg jugak kita makan.5. Yang non-malays non-bumi yang mak bapak hantar ke kolej swasta tadi ada pulak yang ke luar negara, maka banyak lah pulak exposure dan banyak kenalan dapat. Bila mereka dah grad, balik ke Malaysia, meraka jadi tenaga kerja yang lagi progresif, lagi padu. Pandai speaking. Cepat naik pangkat. Yang lain (termasuk kita barangkali) mula rasa ditindas la, tak adil la, tak \"tolong melayu\" la.6. Cakap pasal pandai \"speaking\", masa kat sekolah bila kita \"speaking\" sikit, ada kawan-kawan yang ejek. Kata kita poyo lah, kata kita \"kebaratan\" sangat lah, kafir lah. Mula lah kene pulau. Yang ejek tu, yang pulau (ehem.. menindas) tu bangsa apa? Ni lah bangsa yang kata maruah terjejas.7. Dah 58 tahun merdeka. Sebelum tu dah berapa tahun dah bangsa Cina, India, Baba, Melayu dan lain lain hidup bersama. Ni dah masuk abad ke-21 tapi masih ada antara kita yang amatlah jahil dengan budaya bangsa lain. Nak bangsa lain hormat kita, kita kene start hormat dulu.8. Ni budaya bangsa lain pun kita tak ambik peduli. Sibuk nak bangsa lain ikut dan faham budaya kita jer. Mana boleh macam ni bro. Yang tak sensitif sebenarnya kita. Diorg dah banyak ikut angin kita.9. Kita dilihat sebagai bangsa yang mengada-ngada sampai bangsa lain takut pulak nak bergurau senda dengan kita. Takut kalau mereka tersilap menyinggung perasaan atau tercakap bende yang yang padahal ok jer tetapi kita mungkin tak pasal-pasal tersinggung entah kenapa.10. \"Suci\" dalam debu. Nak sangat org jaga kesucian makanan ko. Sampai ada tampal sticker kat peti sejuk ofis \"Halal only\". Padahal takder lah kene sampai macam tu sekali. Yang Hindu relax jer tengok kita layan daging depan diorg. Tapi kalau kawan kita makan babi, geli.. kembang tekak. Babi tu memang lah haram dimakan tapi kenapa sampai takleh tengok lah, nak muntah lah. Drama. Tengok aurat ok pulak. Tak geli kembang tekak ke sebab itu pun haram.11. Ada gereja bina dekat kawasan Melayu, kecoh jadinya. Salib tu boleh pesong aqidah kita. Pasal aqidah kita nipis sgt. Tak pasal-pasal jadi kes. Pihak gereja pun mengalah. Turunkan salib. Kesian. Kalau kita bina Masjid tapi non-muslim bikin kecoh, mula lah nak jihad konon, kita kene tindas konon. Kan elok kalau relax jer. Dah macam budak kecik yang manja. Org bangsa lain kene pandai amik hati kita. Malu lah.12. So, apa yang terancam? Sikit-sikit nak gaduh. Sikit-sikit nak jihad. Rasis sgt kenape?Refleksi:Raja-raja & Sultan: MelayuPerdana Menteri: MelayuTimbalan Perdana Menteri: MelayuKetua Polis Negara: MelayuPanglima Angkatan Tentera: MelayuApa yang terancam sangat?Pandai susun ayatMesti cina yang sekolah melayu dapat spm bm A1/kidding ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999641180038452} +{"text": "@InjangNation dia tanya, mcd jawab je, comment section bergaduh buat teruk, macam kalau ada sijil halal akan ada apa apa jadi tu kat orang bukan islam. islamphobia betul \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999692440032959} +{"text": "Halal ke?\n\nSuatu pendekatan yang baik dari animasi Omar & Hana tentang memilih makanan yg halal lagi bersih.\n\nBetul, sekarang asal makanan yang viral kita serbu tanpa usul periksa lanjut ada sijil halal ataupun tidak.\n\nBenda ni penting utk didikan sejak dari kecil lagi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9420201182365417} +{"text": "QUOTE(atreyuangel @ Dec 9 2018, 03:16 PM)ada kata fabricated,betul kaQUOTE(Protoculture @ Dec 9 2018, 03:21 PM)Tah la. Kalau source FB Whatsapp memang aku tapirchaya. Nak triggered pun .... LEL ... tunggu kang GE-15. La ni tengok sarkis Parlimen lagi best .. ehhh .. paling best makan popcorn tengok Atok cucuk bontot kiasu SG. Fuhh nostalgia 22 tahun #RinduzamanTun.sos of turun perhimpunan anti-icerd is wajib fardhu ain:skip to minute 02:15.this is his official FB page btw.nanti ada kata ni CGI Hollywood pulak\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999107122421265} +{"text": "QUOTE(prince12 @ Mar 23 2021, 08:31 PM)Ok, will avoid itYup. Won\u2019t install at all. Sorry paling Benci geng geng penunggang ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951437711715698} +{"text": "Nurani - APAKAH ITU OEM ? Sejauh manakah peraturan memohon sijil Pengedaran Halal bagi produk OEM mampu melindungi pengguna. Ikuti Diskusi & kupasannya dalam MyHalal TV1 Pukul 6.00 Petang ini di @tv1_rtm | https://t.co/6f04UWbmVg | #RTMMobile https://t.co/JgZLlQ1y7b", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999575614929199} +{"text": "Kalau nak tunggu halal jakim, mati lah orang yang duduk oversea sebab tiada jakim dekat sana. \nSaya hairan, kenapa XFT jadi isu halal haram sebab apa ada dna babi ke atau tulisan cina? Ingat murah ke nak letak babi dalam makanan lol.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "since the bisnes kaya punya owner can open multiple branches in one go..apa pasal la tadak simply amik saja that damned jakim sijil halal?kan dah ada macam haram kepoh pipu spread shit like no sijil halal lah, owner non muslim lah..haiya..for those pipu, owner non muslim terus laju auto waswas ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "Kebanyakan kedai mamak, kedai nasi lemak, kedai kueh-mueh pun tak ada sijil halal. Tapi kita yakin, beli dan makan. Tak perlu jadi isu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.984262228012085} +{"text": "\u201cThere was a fiqh (understanding) that with food where you cannot see its preparation, you should not be too fixated on whether the ingredients are halal or not,\u201d he told Malay Mail Online.I thought the halal certificate by Jakim encompasses ingredients, preparation and sources? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "QUOTE(sanosizo @ Aug 17 2022, 09:05 AM)why must share to public those kind of things again?oh, it's a woman.because balik dari thailand, makcik pakcik all cakap behind, sure ada something.mestilah kena buat sikit benda, reka cerita sikit, post kat socmed, prove innocence. kan bossku dah ajar. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959225654602051} +{"text": "Spesis ni riding on vehicle also can be haram because some people can get 'mabuk' riding on it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "Ban air tooSooner or later will detect traces of haram tooUser live in first world but with third world brain ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "Isu tangkap sajat lebih penting .... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987770915031433} +{"text": "Saja nk viral la tu. Takkan tak tau harga. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920378923416138} +{"text": "Isu kedai mknn perlu halal jakim ni x patut jadi isu pun. Halal jakim ni penting gila weh lagi\u00b2 bila kau nk makan kt kedai non-muslim. Contoh, kedai non-muslim owned yg jual makanan jepun, cina, western, xkan main lenjan je makan tanpa tahu halal status??", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.883300244808197} +{"text": "How arrogant cannot speak MalaySingapore kiasu lagi bagus la national anthem also still in Malay Like this for sure those arrogant citizen cannot sing Negarakupuikkkkkkkkkkkkk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9752998948097229} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Oct 25 2016, 04:32 PM)to you its just a name. to others in hulu pak cik manakah, the name of the food is important. i guess you are okay with sausages arent you? so this jakim has decided to advise them to change so that not just you are okay with it, but also okay to 'small minded' people. after all, not only you who are using halal logo.The thing is, its called a HALAL cert. Even JAKIM acknowledge a name of a product does not affect the status. They state the reason they put that rule is to avoid confusion. And I will say it again, THE CERT/LOGO PURPOSE IS THAT. I put Babi Goreng but as long got halal cert, it ahould remove the doubt. If there is any 'small minded' people raise a issue of the name, its JAKIM duty to give out statement and educate these people. Not let these kind of people stay 'small minded' forever. 1 thing Im certain now is, bcoz of this issue, alot of people out there thinks a name can determine if the food is halal or not. JAKIM who claim to avoid confusion is the 1 creating it. Such irony right? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9763778448104858} +{"text": "QUOTE(Super Saiya @ Oct 2 2014, 08:54 PM)at least nak pandai juga baca sebab kebanyakan surah yang baca lancar menggunakan teknik menghafal.I think few years ago I have read in newspaper there is a technic to katam Quran in 3 months for those who never know how to read Quran. Wonder if this technic is still available and where to find.assuming u dah kenal huruf n boleh baca. Easy practise practise n practise. get those quran apps yg ada reciter dengar n then baca. insyaAllah boleh lancar. bila dh lancar kena berguru utk betulkan makhraj sebutan dan hukum hakam bacaan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "Haram. Even if carlsberg/heineken/tiger make kicap still Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Nak makan pun susah... Religion become tool to shame people in public and viral video give them holy vibe... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995878338813782} +{"text": "mau cari makanan yg bagus,bersih,service muantaps,enak rasanya,halal dan berkat ASH Tanjung Malim Malaysia... http://4sq.com/1AWYJJA", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997872710227966} +{"text": "@pemerhatidunia Chipsmore! adalah pemegang sah sijil Halal JAKIM sebelum ini. Sekarang ini Chipsmore merupakan ahli terbaru aplikasi smartphone Verify Halal (Aplikasi yang boleh digunakan untuk menyemak status halal dengan imbasan barkod)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991381168365479} +{"text": "\n\n Someone once told me they try to avoid halal eatery if a non-halal alternative is available, because they couldn't verify if 100% of their money has never exchanged hands with non-halal businesses, and they don't want to burden Muslims with potential sin or something. It sounded malicious, but they assure that it's done with best intentions, just like what our authority constantly assures us.\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999428987503052} +{"text": "@_fatenism Tu lah pasal. Yg x boleh brain orang yg beli product yg for sure xda sijil halal, mesti, or any proper research yg guaranteed product tu safe to be used or consumed. Janji pemilik product followers banyak, muka cantik smua beli \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998555183410645} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:44 PM)I need to know,1. Is that really rice wine?2. Halal or haram?QUOTEThe vinegar combines red wine with vinegar, which has almost no alcohol content. Red wine vinegar is considered halal due to its lack of trace alcohol left in it. During the process of making red wine vinegar, an enzymatic reaction breaks down some components of the grapes, which includes alcohol, and makes acetic acid instead. Therefore, no alcohol remains in the final product. It\u2019s essential to always check that the entire transformation process has occurred to establish if the red wine vinegar you\u2019re using in your cooking is fully halal. The best way to do this is to look out for the halal logo or registration number with five digits on the bottle.Some red wine vinegar includes wine that is added AFTER the vinegar has been bottled. If this is the case, then the vinegar is not halal. Read the list of ingredients on the bottle or packaging and make sure no alcohol has been added to the vinegar after the transformation process has taken place.https://raleighmasjid.org/fiqh/food/is-it-h...final%20product.QUOTEIf this red wine causes drunkenness before it is added to the food, then it is forbidden to carry it, sell it, buy it or put it in food as it is impure even if the characteristic which causes drunkenness will leave it after being cooked.If this is the case, then he should not continue working in this place. But if this drink is free of anything that causes drunkenness \u2013 no matter how small it is \u2013 such as vinegar, made from alcohol, then there is no harm in putting it in food as it is not wine. Similarly, it is lawful for him to work in such a restaurant.https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/84762/coo...g-with-red-wine ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9697247743606567} +{"text": "To muslimsIf you feel 50/50 about the food served even by muslim at non-muslim restaurant, DON'T EAT.If you feel 100% confident, go for it.Simple as that.Don't make own fatwa and then enforce other muslims, like the case of touching dogs. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999685287475586} +{"text": "QUOTE(chickenshit36 @ Mar 24 2021, 12:00 PM)i tot fitnah is dosa?Has it ever stopped them? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "Aku cadangkan ada undang undang yang boleh seret penceramah ugama macam Ustaz nih ke penjara. Sesuka hati buat fakta fakta sendiri dan menyeleweng dari ajaran Islam yang sebenar. Ini mesti di atasi agar tidak menjadi situasi yang lebih berleluasa. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9918525815010071} +{"text": "1. Kontroversi melanda Restoran Claypot Ahmad Muzakin akhirnya mendapat perhatian Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) apabila mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan tentang status halal premis makanan yang dikendalikan oleh pasangan suami isteri ini sejak beberapa bulan lalu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990767240524292} +{"text": "If u want 2 share anything abt status Halal produk or premis makanan di Msia,please make sure check dengan Direktori Halal Jakim dulu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9804948568344116} +{"text": "Top 3 benda haram tapi teringin nak buat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7886403203010559} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:19 PM)I understand u tak puas hati with that reality.I also tak puas hati.But here is not the place for you to start that flame.this tered sudah already derailed liao btw mission accumplished ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993277788162231} +{"text": "QUOTE(RGRaj @ Oct 31 2016, 04:56 PM)If used vavi oil bcome bio fuel, then use in car oso haram, rite?sureif your car did recite kalimah syahadah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998151659965515} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ May 10 2024, 07:18 PM)Ofcoz halalNo cert doesn't mean haramYou bodoh?u the one really bodoh sambongwhat you should say is not halal also not haram u showing everyone your hypocrisyThis post has been edited by damonlbs: May 10 2024, 08:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Apr 18 2024, 04:52 PM)Sohai it's like expecting McD sell bacon.If that really came thru.. best mang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999975323677063} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 7 2020, 09:27 AM)If it didn't come from pigs, you can eat it all you want. It is just a name. Islam specifically said that it is the meat from pigs that is haram.I'd personally stay away from artificial stuff but I'm sure there's many who will try and then rage akidah terpesong makan 'pork'. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997169375419617} +{"text": "Just tell him \"sedap ke ?bagus\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999279975891113} +{"text": "\naechae replied at 27-3-2023 11:06 AM\nYessza\u2026sbb dorg muslim teramai dorg ambil lgkah semua consumer goods msti wajib ada sijil halal.. ...\nMUI lagi byk diterima seluruh dunia & lagi senang nak dapat. \r\nJAKIM? Huh nak sebut nama pun iols geram. Makin lama makin mengarut prosedurnya, dah la mahal kena bayar pastu bukan worldwide accept pun", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9952592253684998} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 12:48 PM)i remember news got such incident, but to search back old news is difficult.but the beer in fridge in non-halal restaurant recent case is an example how operators gets punished in the name of islam.The beer issue had nothing to do with Islam, don't be an islamophobic dumbass.It was not JAKIM/JAIS or any Islamic bodies that conducted that raid. It was the health department that conducted that raid and the reason why beer had to be separated was because the health department ruling says that NOBODY can display beer in the same fridge/container as non alcoholic drinks to AVOID children from accidentally taking it.Media sensationalized it as a halal/haram/religion issue because that's what all dumbasses like you have been brainwashed to like - sikit sikit it's about Islam/halal/haram.Take a walk down to your local 7-11 and you'll know what I'm talking about. A good example of how to properly display alcoholic drinks is in 7-11 whereby they separate the alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks so little kids won't take the alcoholic drinks. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9943991303443909} +{"text": "Malaysia ni yg dia tau takde sijil halal tu haram. Yg dia pegang anak orang tu tak tau pulak haram. Babi betul.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999715268611908} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Nov 6 2021, 09:05 AM)what is the reasonable price for 7kg siakap?I think fresh local siakap even you buy at pasar also easily rm20-30/piece for normal sized one (less than 1kg/pc). If thai fish or long frozen fish that sold in Tesco as people mostly claimed, probably lower (or much lower).For rare sized fish (like this 7kg one) totally different story... usually price owner suka hati buka, see you accept or not oh. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999254047870636} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rubypoyo @ Dec 7 2015, 04:14 PM)Bila masa kondom haram........ni org tak baca buku lepas tu pandai2 post....insaflaau bodok? sos kencang : https://muslim.or.id/20915-hukum-memakai-ko...-kehamilan.html ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "seeloknya elakan dari makan makann yang tidak tahu asal usulnya. Walaupun cara pembuatanya bersih. Sebab itu adanya logo jakim sebagai tanda ukur kepada kebersihan dan kesucian makanan tersebut yang mengikut kaedah \"halalan Toyyiba\" dan berlandaskan syariat islam. Penting jaga ni", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6633537411689758} +{"text": "QUOTE(tolongking @ Sep 8 2023, 07:30 PM)actually why islam people take this to a tee? i'm a non but isn't intoxication the reason why you shouldn't consume alcohol? that little bit of alcohol won't get you drunk. why so serious?eat a bit will die?a better question to ask is some haram things can tutup mata but some die die cannot. why?actually we already know the answer but ask for fun only ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "\r\ntak try report polis ker pasal daging khinzir tu?? tak pun report kat MOE ker?? at lesat derang leh tolong wat sesuatu... \n\n\r\nnk lagi best... report kat TV3... skang ni TV3 tgh popular kn?? try laa.... insyaAllah... dapat solve nnt...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999356269836426} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nagashiro @ Mar 13 2024, 02:06 PM)Taobao RM12, kena pay local RM52yes..this is the best summarize for those who dont have time to read the whole article. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "QUOTE(Balanced @ Feb 27 2024, 08:59 PM)Going to kuching for vacation. Heard many big malls since few years ago. Last time most nicest happening mall was the spring. Now which mall most happening?The summer nice ah? Heard its just outside our local unimas, might wan to go see if any potential to open biz thereDon't need waste time.. the best mall there not even close to KL mud tier malls ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999963641166687} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 07:04 PM)Memang dpd dulu di Malaysia, nama hotdog tak boleh digunakan sewaktu request cert halal. Sbb wujudnya klausa tu. Sbb itu juga dlm direktori tak ada, semua guna nama lain. Tapi kita tetap panggil hotdog, selagi mana dia merujuk kpd makanan yg sama.Tapi yelaa dulu mana org kisah sbb tak ambil tahu. Facebook pun tak berapa nak maju. Isu viral tak begitu meluas. Skrg bila tahu, semua nak jadi jakim, nak tukar rules. Lagipun, yang keluarkan standard tu bukan orang Jakim je, academicians pun ada, dll. saudi pun tak keliru dengan perkataan hotdog, kenapa JAKIM boleh confused?kalau produk suda ada logo halal, kenapa perlu keliru lagi?This post has been edited by Einjahr: Oct 21 2016, 07:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989394545555115} +{"text": "QUOTE(Camry Dude @ Mar 12 2020, 05:18 PM)tldr Not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984462857246399} +{"text": "@rospumpkin aku baca reply, sijil halal tgh dlm proses lagi, tapi bagi aku selagi takde benda haram dlm tu, minum jela hehe", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "\nnoraidil_06 replied at 11-9-2015 07:37 PM\nalamak.scarynye.brand tu dia ade tulis besar2 non halal or we have to read the ingredient?\nxdr...\r\nxde stated non halal n.campur segala mala perwncah nak masak pasta..\r\nkebetulan masa tu baca bahan bahan dia sebab ragu ragu\n\r\nbrand agnesi\n\r\npenah komplen tp tak diendahkan...mungkin kene viral juga begini", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975178241729736} +{"text": "QUOTE(narf03 @ Mar 10 2024, 08:25 PM)halal only apply to food, not moneyNot really. We have syariah epf to segregate haram money ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "Bantu2 mama jualan makanan non halal, dari bahan berkualitas, dijamin enak & bersih, tanpa MSG, bahan pengawet, & bahan kimia... open order buat hari Minggu 2 Agt, khusus Jakarta & pengiriman by grab express only. Please DM yaa yg berminat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9933817386627197} +{"text": "Setahu aku mmg sijil halal susah nk dapat sbb rakyat malaysia ramai yg haram jadah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994878768920898} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zazz90 @ May 9 2024, 11:06 AM)Oh, mesti kaka bhsa Swak bok jadi Swak ori? Belukuk punya logikI am an orang Ulu, I went to SK/SMK, and I didn't learn Bahasa Sarawak until I was in Uni at USM since I wanted to connect with my Sarawak Ian friends.The Chinese in sibu region isn't fluent in bhsa Sarawak, but is damn fluent in Iban. Doesn't that even count for anything? Must be Bahasa Melayu Sarawak rather than Iban language?Shove your Malaya-induced sentiment up yours. Paloi kejaAs Chinese, I do support Bahasa Sarawak and Iban to be taught in school. Not for exam purpose, but at least spoken level proficiency.Bahasa Sarawak mostly used in Kuching / samarahan area/ Lundu.But serian area and above, it's all Iban sudah.This post has been edited by Chrono-Trigger: May 9 2024, 11:22 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8882828950881958} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/6PkwauYiL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992425799369812} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Nov 19 2023, 08:26 PM)I don't get the problem.If I am a Christian, I prepare food according to halal standard, does the food become haram still ?Sooner or later your existence is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9719538688659668} +{"text": "#LIVE MyHalal TV1: OEM Apa itu OEM? \ud83d\udd2eSejauhmana peraturan memohon Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia bagi produk OEM mampu melindungi pengguna? \ud83d\udd2eBagaimana JAKIM memantau produk daripada kilang OEM ini setelah... https://t.co/aJsACpaPFV", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998231530189514} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoFluidic @ Feb 9 2017, 11:59 AM)My point is why ppl making fuss on brush but not cigarette then Ban cigarette?? At least a brush is a useful tool but not cigarette ... pls enlightendude did you just come out from under a rock?this is issue of the day, ciggy halal/haram has been in the news like forever.and upon googling, similar issue of pig bristle brushes have been made every 5-6 years too.examplehttp://mahatera.blogspot.my/2010/12/berus-dari-bulu-babi.htmlQUOTEBERUS DARI BULU BABI IPOH: Jawatankuasa Syariah Perak memutuskan berus bulu binatang yang dihasilkan di China dan Taiwan haram digunakan premis perniagaan makanan halal termasuk roti dan kek di negeri ini.\u00a0 Keputusan itu dibuat berikutan rampasan berus bulu babi yang kebanyakannya diimport dari kedua-dua negara berkenaan digunakan di kedai kek dan roti yang mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (Jaip). it's the same cycle, a big hoo-haa and then after 2-3 weeks, issue died down.all this to distract us from other bigger issues. This post has been edited by Faidzal: Feb 9 2017, 12:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999605417251587} +{"text": "Solila eh.kita orang islam sudah tau mana2 produk guna nama islamik,gambar masjid kebanyakan bukan orang islam buat.kita islam ikut alquran sunnah.kita cari makanan bersih.sudah dapat halal tapi belum tentu bersih.maaf ya.u buat la cap wukong ke,cap arnab", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9876856803894043} +{"text": "Kau tak suka makanan tu, aku makan ja. Janji halal dan bersih. https://x.com/denabahrin/sta/DenaBahrin/status/941313570511372289\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9851427674293518} +{"text": "QUOTE(SweetPuff @ Oct 18 2016, 01:08 PM)Peppa pig how?Don't mess with that. That is my daughter's favourite. They haramkan Ultraman alr. My childhood hero. Now you want to haramkan that Peppa pig also? Haram jadah mak ko hijau. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999643564224243} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Jul 23 2020, 07:48 PM)Preach that to your brothers MyJimmy and reed90. The problem started by BMF nothing to do with nons who legitimately acquiring Halal logo certified by Jakim.\"But but but Halal logo ada Jawi.\". \"Lu tak suka belajar Jawi, you kenot use hmmph \" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995394945144653} +{"text": "QUOTE(noos @ Mar 14 2024, 09:38 AM)Mesti la.... tak 3R siapa nak tengok bideo dia...? diam 7 la lu.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8922255039215088} +{"text": "@abdulhadi8 @muhdfarhan_az Yuppp betul tu. Dorang ni bukan jenis nak kaji dulu. Takda sijil halal terus kata haram bangang !!!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Oct 14 2023, 11:41 AM)If u dunno... And drinked.. No dosa. \ud83d\ude0fI saw the \u201c7%\u201d big big liao Kenot drinked But a lot of things very fine print one ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "bangga ah, dapat pijak pijak non. tua pun tua lah asalkan puas ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9933833479881287} +{"text": "Alamak, the dragon brand in 99 Marts selling non-halal canned food, seditious!!!ALAMAK, pork seller in pasar pagi Meru Klang selling pork la wei! HARAM. SEDITIOUS!!!!!!!! TANGKAP SEMUAALAMAK VERTIGO CLUB JUAL ARRAK LA. KASI TANGKAP LA WEI ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9909263849258423} +{"text": "Ada logo halal, tetapi...Teluk Intan: Sebuah kopitiam serta kedai kek dan roti terbesar di sini, diserbu pihak berkuasa semalam selepas didapati menggunakan logo halal tanpa kebenaran.Serbuan dilakukan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Teluk Intan bersama Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (JAIPk) berdasarkan maklumat awam.KPDNHEP dalam kenyataan berkata, pemeriksaan oleh lima anggota penguat kuasa dan tujuh pegawai JAIPk itu.\"Dalam serbuan pertama di sebuah kopitiam mendapati premis itu menggunakan logo Halal Malaysia, namun semakan awal mendapati tiada permohonan sijil halal dari premis berkenaan.\"Penyelia premis berkenaan iaitu wanita berusia 41 tahun memaklumkan kopitiam itu beroperasi Januari lalu,\" katanya, hari ini.Menurut kenyataan itu, pemeriksaan di premis kedua yang menjual kek dan roti mendapati sijil halal yang dimiliki sudah tamat tempoh.\"Pihak JAIPk memaklumkan terdapat beberapa bahan dan tempat pembuatan kek yang tidak diisytihar serta diragui status halal bahan itu,\" katanya.Sehubungan itu, katanya, KPDNHEP menyita beberapa dokumen, barangan dan logo halal di kedua-dua premis berkenaan.Katanya, pihaknya memandang serius terhadap premis perniagaan yang menggunakan perakuan dan penandaan halal ke atas produk makanan atau menggunakan apa-apa ungkapan halal di premis perniagaan mereka tanpa diperakui sebagai halal oleh pihak berkuasa berwibawa.\"Sekiranya tiada ia menjadi satu kesalahan dan melanggar undang-undang mengikut Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011,\" katanya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5978800058364868} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Aug 19 2022, 02:05 PM)aik i pulak yg kena? this is news that berlegar in socmed right noweveryone termakan nasi itik penang masa berbuka puasa aritu must knowIni zaman fitnah. Kalau nak join condemn orang pun kena tapis dahulu betul atau tidak, fakta mana benar dan \"fakta\" mana auta.Teman dah serik dan amat malu di waktu permulaan CoViD-19. Complete 180\u00b0 than what actually transpired. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "Isu Halal bubble tea ni aku malas nak komen. Tapi setahu aku yg cetek agama ni, kita duduk di Malaysia. Yg mana banyak sgt nak cri makanan halal. Mudah dlm erti kata lain. Jd mencari yg halal tu fardhu. So kalu belum dpt sijil halal, pndpt aku baiklah dijauhkan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993470311164856} +{"text": "Sekarang Halal/Haram bukan atas perbuatan atau pembuatan. Tapi atas sijil halal. Kedai ni takda sijil halal terus jatuh haram. Tapi kedai makan tepi jalan pacak payung takda sijil halal, tu takpa sebab melayu. MELAYU", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9514833092689514} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.To answer, it is absolutely halal. But whether the individual will eat or not depends on the person's understanding of the religion, his worldview, his racism and bigotry level.By the way, if you are planning to bring your Malay friends, start with the ones with Guan Yin's statue or Indian vege restaurants beside temples. Should be eye opener for them.This post has been edited by DoomCognition: Nov 21 2018, 08:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6104936599731445} +{"text": "QUOTE(xCM @ Feb 1 2023, 07:41 PM)Manager working at TIME pun tak tahu guna Google ke?Internet rosak?U say everyone should know?Lepastu tipu i manager plak.. 2x tipuThen manager dekat TIME? 3x tipuMmg puak tertindas suka menipu ker? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999270439147949} +{"text": "KISAH Imam Hanafi dan kaitannya dengan XING FU TANG dan yang sewaktu dengannya hai guys, hari ni aku nak story sikit pasal halal haram syubhah ni. kalau ada masa, jemputlah baca https://t.co/quxuuChf2u", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999754428863525} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Aug 11 2024, 06:34 PM)Edible? Yes.Best? Not by a longshot.Most importantly, successful penetrating market share in a big way and generating revenue? Yes business 101This post has been edited by jojolicia: Aug 11 2024, 10:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975494742393494} +{"text": "JAKIM bkn keluar Sijil Halal saja taoi kena bust follow-up buat Operasi lawatan me mengejut memeriksa Restoran terutama yg milik Islam yg guna Sijil Halal mungkin menghidang makanan haram tak halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999065399169922} +{"text": "QUOTE(PJng @ Nov 13 2023, 02:30 PM)Yeah, yesterday i just go mcd, same all nonsI go BK lask week emptyi don't see the appeal of mcd. bk is way better. of course, haram burger options are miles ahead. most have been brainwashed since their 2\" happy meal days and continue to consume shitty food till they kick the bucket. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999324083328247} +{"text": "I am so pissed off bila orang nak debat aku pasal makanan. I mean hello, kau nak debat pasal sijil halal, kod kod lemak babi. Aku ni study semua benda tu. Takyah sembang mcm kau risau meleis terbeli susu ada lemak babi sbb benda tu haram padahal ada lg isu lain. Fuck u", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "trus sekarang kalo ga gofood makanan suka ditanyain \"kok ga beli jajan hari ini mba?\" ga basa basi ini, mau nyomot makanan yg gua beli soalnya \n\nheran w aneh semua orang yg w temuin, ga di rl ga di online, apa w harus ke dunia pororo yh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982544779777527} +{"text": "QUOTE(revious @ Jan 21 2019, 03:39 PM)Nothing new... Gambat babi pun boleh tergugat iman?? Next!!! \ud83e\udd26\ud83e\udd26Last time konpius by wombat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "Why need to argue about the person if he or she did not want to eat due to being suspicious of halal status? If the person does not want to eat, so be it.Refuse to eat because unsure in this case because the person was not hungry until going to die. If the person is willing to die by refusing to eat, then it is haram for that person not to eat. If you believe that it is halal then just eat it. No need to accuse person this or that. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8674141764640808} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 03:01 PM)So therefore the claypot rice is not necessarily haram then, is it? It's intoxicating effect isn't known, and likely isn't to begin with. No one has ever said \"I ate claypot rice and I got tipsy\". Just as you said, Tapai won't be haram if they haven't reached alcoholic level that induces intoxication. You probably haven't heard people getting tipsy with Tapai either.However, you should know that Malaysian universities have done research (by Malays themselves) on Tapai. It is shown that it has 3% - 5% alcoholic percentage. This is about the same as beer (4%-5%), and much higher than Shandy (<1%).You also forget one thing. It's not all about % as well. It's also based on the volume you consume. You won't get tipsy with one Tapai. But eat enough, maybe you would. Does it turn from halal to haram then? Does that mean a sip of shandy isn't haram, but a glass or a few bottles could be?To add on, intoxicating effect isn't the same on everyone, just as you say. Everyone knows it's harder for a big guy to get drunk. Does that mean it changes from halal to haram according to people as well?Is halal and haram actually some sort of a haram-o-meter?These are actual genuine questions by the way.What you mean? U never sit down and eat 10 claypot chicken rice in one go before?Also, deswai they do indirect banning. Remember root beer? Babi brush hair? Hot dog?QUOTE(ukapaka @ Sep 10 2023, 04:26 PM)There are two parts for the banning of arak. For this context alcohol is not necessarily arak although it contains alcohol. As in heroin to drugs.1. Arak was an intoxicant and used solely for that matter ie to get drunk.2. Indirect banning. Anything that related to or promotes the arak industry. That includes products like 0% alcoholic beers and the grey areas drinks in term of alcohol levels like shandy.Basically, if the primary purpose of the drink is to get you high even it didn't get you drunk then it is most likely included in the ban. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998866319656372} +{"text": "Kenapa kita lebih makan makanan diluar sedangkan kita bole status halal dan bersih apabila kita masak dirumah .", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9902753829956055} +{"text": "Buah haram, yang termakan tu cam mana? Need to undo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991051554679871} +{"text": "restoren melayu ape nak ckp lagi?jgnkan fp rider, yg duk makan dlm kedai pun bole kene sidai tunggu makanan tak siap2tu sbb mamak best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8380823135375977} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Apr 22 2024, 10:34 PM)Poverty is not an excuse you can't speak National Language.My late grandparents from both sides can't write, can't read but they still can learn to speak.I thought when u in poverty, u work in unskilled job and will meet more people from different race since unskilled jobs are done by all races in Malaysia.Same goes to if you are poor and doing small business, u still need to deal with people from different race.Pelik aku dengan SESETENGAH Bangsa Cina Malaysia ni.Bangsa India yang tak ramai ni pun semua tak ada masalah nak cakap National Language.Orang Cina ni satu je masalah. Ego tinggi sangat.When things not according to their narrative or needs, they play victim.Bila ada sikit2 isu saja, mesti ada satu kaum ni datang tambah api tambah minyakTaubatlah, jangan ambik kesempatan main isu2 perkauman ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9145733714103699} +{"text": "QUOTE(timizama @ Aug 18 2015, 11:28 AM)what a bunch of bullshithow about cigarettes then? oh wait its taxed and benefits the gov so it should be halal huh?maybe next time they should make alcohol drinks halal too since its taxed alsoThat bs is u la..rokok already haram long time ago. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968295693397522} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roblox Malaya @ Mar 30 2024, 12:55 PM)No major race/religious conflicts happened in Malaysia during Najib's 9 years in charge other than the Low Yat riots.You cannot deny that PMX's handling of this socks issue is feeble.This is how govt during Jibby time handled the explosive Low Yat riots matter.1. The Malay boy who stole the phone was caught and charged2. Police arrest 42 persons for fighting and charged under rioting3. Najib issues statement warning that anyone found fanning the anger and inciting will be investigated under sedition act.4. UMNO politicians Ali Tinju and Papagomo arrested by police.5. Calm returns and Sabri go open Malay ICT mall at MARA.\"Malaysia's PM Najib says will use Sedition Act against Low Yat trouble makers\"He said he was disappointed at what took place at Low Yat Plaza - the scene of a mob attack at the mall in the Kuala Lumpur shopping belt on Sunday - and the comments on social media following Sunday's incident.\"The rakyat (people) should not create racial hatred via the internet or messaging apps on their phones,\" said Najib\"I have ordered the Home Ministry and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to monitor them thoroughly and at the same time I will use the relevant Acts, especially the Sedition Act, against those who destroy racial harmony.\"https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/m...-trouble-makersPerfunctory at best Yer all acting like Najib has actually prosecuted all the shit stirrers from Lowyat fiasco. Don\u2019t forget UmNo actually built a mall as a tribute to the thief.This post has been edited by carloz28: Mar 30 2024, 01:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995651841163635} +{"text": "makan benda yang ada sijil halal..\nnak pegi selidik sendiri setiap makanan tu halal ke tak mana la aku mampu, harapkan logo halal Jakim ja la", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.97502201795578} +{"text": "lebih suka makanan rumah atau beli dari luar?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7494251728057861} +{"text": "I purchased roasted chicken bakers cottage ni byk Kali, mmg murah tapi rasa dia mmg out. Totally bland and doesn't feel the spice at all compared to ayamas or other typical pasar malam.Ya murah, tapi Rasa teruk, I prefer beli the traditional ayam panggang yg lebih mahal tapi rasa lg bagus. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9900790452957153} +{"text": "The name memang macam ini. That why mesti belajar meaning tu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994986057281494} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Nov 29 2023, 12:24 PM)If you talk about God's word then there is no mentioning of the word alcohol but \u0671\u0644\u06e1\u062e\u064e\u0645\u06e1\u0631\u0650 (khammar or wine). The word alcohol is modern scientific name for any type of organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl (\u2212OH)There are many type of alcohol. The one in beer and wine is just one of them.Why the fatwa said that bread is halal?This is possibly the most accurate statement in this thread. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999661445617676} +{"text": "kalo xda syak apa2 makan je la...xyah la sampai check dna bagai...zaman dulu xda pun cop2 jakim ni.makan babi takut...duit riba xda lak nak check halal/haram....babi betul la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "JAKIM kena keluarkan garis panduan/kriteria untuk sebarang pemasaran yang menggunakan terminologi 'makanan sunnah'. Yang tu kita belum ada", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975886344909668} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chowda @ Mar 5 2024, 07:17 PM)You visited based on what Iceland had to offer, would you have visited had they tried to viral a mascot?All those logo, slogan, etc. are part of marketing strategies to make people easier to remember. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "muslim friendly but not wallet friendly. Lagi 1.5 jam sampai hatyai lagi bagus ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9043920636177063} +{"text": "Aku suka shihlin ni dari zaman sebelum dia viral. 2012 gitu la. Selalu beli kat Aeon Bukit Tinggi haha tp masa tu belum dpt sijil halal la ... Tp memg shedap. Puas hati la haha https://t.co/16qKAXdQVl", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8724985718727112} +{"text": "TIPS UNTUK MEMOHON SIJIL HALAL MALAYSIA ******************* Tahukah anda pensijilan halal Malaysia diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa sebagai antara yang terbaik dunia? PERCUMA! Suhaimi: 019-452 3575 Bilal: 019-525 4167 Majidi: 019-481 7991 FB: Generasi Prihatin https://t.co/1ruKpnXgN3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "straight put Pork Ramly then no issue loh, see the word pork mean haram liao no need to be sikit confused mcm tak pi sekolah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999850869178772} +{"text": "saya semenjak tau dampak buruk makanan dan minuman kemasan. skrg lebih suka belanja sendiri yg mentah2 tinggal masak kalau roti paling beli roti tawar aja.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9756313562393188} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotSun @ Feb 10 2017, 10:16 AM)i go to no.2.....i don't even care but you muslim are constantly giving us a lot of troubles.....check your previous post you even said non muslim should know what muslim can or can not do......do you muslim even care what the non muslim hate or like?everything also non muslim fault....you were so sure that the pig hair is haram and now you can't even confirm about it......why so difficult for a person that studied Qur'an for their whole life to find that simple verse in Qur'an supporting your claim?and stop your conspiracy theories and blame bn/umno for everything.....this is basically just a little napoleon act by some small ikon bills....the NGO might even be formed by PAS.....it's really disgusting to see ppl blame every single religion issue to bn/umno when sometimes PAS was the one doing it or some holier than thou ikan bills in government department(do you even know the numbers of government servant in this country?)...i farking dislike BN/umno but i won't blame them for every single shit.... 1. yes I do care what non-muslims can or cannot do.fun little side story, I have an indian-muslim (mamak) friend. but in his family his maternal grand ma is still hindu (bcos his dad already muslim from birth but married a hindu lady). so his mom convert but his grand ma didn't. yet they stay in the same house (bcos no one else to take care of grandma).so in their house they will never eat beef. in fact I think I never ever saw him eat beef even outside of the house (like say eat mcdonalds big mac or quarter pounder etc.) at most he eats is lamb (his mom made mutton curry once, nicer than the ones in kedai mamak).when I asked him why he doesn't, he just say it's ingrained since his childhood, but I think it's bcos the father respect his wife (who also bably never eaten beef before converting) and the mother who is still a hindu.their house also have small altar at the back of the house for grandma to perform her hindu rites.2. dude, I already posted multiple times on the Qur'an verse.QUOTE\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u062d\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u0650\u0646\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064f\u0647\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0644\u0650\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u0647\u0650 \u0641\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0646\u0650 \u0627\u0636\u0652\u0637\u064f\u0631\u0651\u064e \u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u064e \u0628\u064e\u0627\u063a\u064d \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0627\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0627\u062f\u064d \u0641\u064e\u0644\u0627 \u0625\u0650\u062b\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650 \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u0647\u064e \u063a\u064e\u0641\u064f\u0648\u0631\u064c \u0631\u0651\u064e\u062d\u0650\u064a\u0645\u064c\u201cSesungguhnya Allah hanya mengharamkan bagimu bangkai, darah, daging babi, dan binatang (yang ketika disembelih) disebut (nama) selain Allah.\u201d (QS. Al Baqarah: 173) Firman-Nya:\u062d\u064f\u0631\u0651\u0650\u0645\u064e\u062a\u0652 \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0629\u064f \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0652\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064f \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064f\u0647\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0644\u0650\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u0647\u0650 \u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650\u201cDiharamkan bagimu (memakan) bangkai, darah, daging babi, (daging hewan) yang disembelih atas nama selain Allah.\u201d (QS. Al Maa\u2019idah: 3) Dan firman-Nya:\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u062d\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0652\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u064e\u0646\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064f\u0647\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0644\u0650\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u0647\u0650 \u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650\u201cSesungguhnya Allah hanya mengharamkan atasmu (memakan) bangkai, darah, daging babi dan binatang yang disembelih dengan menyebut nama selain Allah.\u201d (QS. An Nahl: 115)don't understand malay?ok here's English:https://quran.com/2/173QUOTESahih InternationalHe has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.again Englishhttps://quran.com/5/3QUOTESahih InternationalProhibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah , and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.https://quran.com/16/115QUOTEHe has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit] - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998270869255066} +{"text": "@aintrealme Jangan risau, sekarang mana ada org tgk sijil halal dah, org tgk ada hijabsters minum ke dak sekarang", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.975943922996521} +{"text": "QUOTE(motion_sickness @ Sep 18 2018, 09:20 AM)halal. cos its the cow who drink beer. if religion applied to animal, we might as well cover them with burqa +111111111111111111111best answer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "Suka bawa bekal dari rumah biar nggak perlu beli makanan yang dikemas pakai plastik, lebih hemat dan ramah lingkungan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994781613349915} +{"text": "QUOTE(avex|mode @ Jan 5 2018, 09:51 AM)If I cosplay to look like an Arab/Towelheads, is that haram?Talarn desert raiders can watOwait they worship the emperor of mankindHarommmm hahahah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986704587936401} +{"text": "They can try pork satay with beer, best combination ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965370893478394} +{"text": "QUOTE(Haters_Gonna_H8 @ Mar 3 2015, 07:47 PM)hi.since its a company trip, im sure you are asking for the sake of your muslim colleague.well,\u00a0 im gonna write this just one time. there are no authorities in China similar to JAKIM that issues halal certifications. but there are independant bodies that issues such certification and even the halal logo. one can also find some food packaging with halal logo issued by these bodies. but they are quite hard to find.take it from me. if the trip is to a major city. you dont even need to make a thorough planning on finding a halal food outlet. they are everywhere around the city. all you need to do is sit down, order, eat and pay. dont go asking them if the halal logo they put up at their outlet is certified or not. they will get offended as there are muslims and had prepared the food according to the halal requirements. one of my friend here tried to joke with one of the outlet and asked if she could order some pork dish. the waiter was very angry and shouted \"we are muslim and we dont eat pork\". the owner came out upon hearing such commotion and we were nearly being asked to go by the owner there, until my wife steps in and apologized to the owner, as our friend didnt know her joke could spark such situation and she didnt meant to be rude.i travel a lot to china and im a malaysian malay guy. i have no problem finding halal food here. unless when i travel to suburban area or far villages such as changchengzhen or xiazhangping, where the place is quite far from city and muslim community is non existant, then i would have to cook myself. noticed that i said here? because i am currently in guangzhou. in fact there's a halal restaursnt just a few feet from my apartment and i already got bored of their food. so tell your colleagues, dont worry much. and pack a few maggi if they are still afraid. just tell them, china is not malaysia. dont expect the rest of the world to follow malaysia malay style. if its too troublesome for them, then dont go, dont be a party pooper.wookay best comment/testi so far..tqvm..tis is useful to whoever wanna go china and afraid of it... btw..why u travel lot to china ya?since when u being go there? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986947178840637} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blofeld @ Nov 28 2016, 09:00 PM)+1 That's the best way to educate.If not, further intolerance of words will creep in.Today might be hot dog, in the future dunno what words cannot be accepted.anjingjingle bells, jingles bells ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999852180480957} +{"text": "Aku teringat dulu kt GMC, Ustaz Razi ceramah kt kteorg selama sejam sebelah hostel pasal Lemak and Gelatin about Halal Jakim and Haram ingredient. \n\nAku teringat sampai sekarang sbb makanan nya aku baru start makan one bite then kene pijak and buang. T_T", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:13 PM)LoL,Like I said, got demand, the business owner carer to demand.You might think it is useless to nitpick due to vast possibility of touching non halal things which is very true.But since u understand jack shit about how muslims practice their religion and the things that are allowed in extreme cases, you have no idea on why such business exist at the first place.I have no time explaining to you how halal haram classification works, nor do I want to convince you whether it is justified to offer such business to the muslims.All because it is a waste of time, and your would just discard my explanation altogether.Well this is k/, no surprise there.and you wonder why racial unity is getting worse you got the answer yourselfand luckily still not many msian muslims have such narrowmindset yet... but things won't look good if such silly things are allowed and acquiesced ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9282290935516357} +{"text": "Nak dapat hotel equivalent to Parkroyal Langkawi Resort kat Thailand baru je RM200+, tapi kat Langkawi RM600+ Thai jalan raya luas selesa takda Tol & PTT (RnR equivalent) banyak, toilet bersih, dan convenient store murah. Makanan halal kat Thailand pun murah & confirm sedap", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "Kenapa gerai-gerai melayu tepi jalan yang takde sijil halal tu kami yakin pula untuk makan? Ni sebab kami yakin saudara seagama kami cukup faham mengenai halal haram dalam islam mengenai penyediaan makanan berbanding rakan2 non muslims kami.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977655410766602} +{"text": "APA ITU CUCKOO??? Produk keluaran Korea yang telah mendapat sijil HALAL. TAHU KE APA YANG BEST TENTANG PENAPIS AIR CUCKOO?? TAK TAHU YE.. MEH NAK CITER... 1) Jenis air Penapis Air\u2026 https://t.co/6fBA6UHj47", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9120364785194397} +{"text": "Iman lemahhhU don't deserve to have islam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8223039507865906} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Aug 6 2024, 10:52 AM)no you fail. i revive it because Puas is double standards. they are opposition and its their job as check and balance in parliament and state. why viral and kepo on vernacular schools ?when their own bread n butter sekolah agama kena serious food poisoning, and this useless parti not stand up and voice up in parliament on food safety? and press Jais and state to ensure this never happens again.isolated food poisoning case worth to bring in parliament?tomorrow got hot pot poisoning case want to ask MP bring parliament oso? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999797344207764} +{"text": "what is wrong with that?non muslim make nasi ayam, auto haram?kek punya orang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(focusrite @ Sep 10 2020, 10:44 AM)Don't understand English should just go back to IndonesiaDont understand english can ask counter, they are no point make viral bab agama like pepega. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999956488609314} +{"text": "See fb many makcik pakcik percayaIf me I will sue for sure and demand public apology that at least need to be viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997764229774475} +{"text": "@tukkura91 Yea bcs srsly proses nak dpt sijil halal tu mcm adoii. Sbb tu banyak je franchise skip it altogether. Sbb if makanan dia obviously takda babi dan alcohol, pelanggan Muslim yakin, then buat apa bazir ribu2. Tak yakin dah, move on. Dah yakin HARAM barulah canang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999738931655884} +{"text": "@drmuhaya MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973897337913513} +{"text": "die die also dun wan admit own mistake and improvemark my word, sooner or later mesti sarahan certain type ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "\r\nkalau area ranau sana ade x makan spot yang best?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998664855957031} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoLee @ Jul 24 2019, 03:34 PM)Ka ka ka TS thinks by doing this he gets to heaven. The fact that they worry about what they eat but not what is in their heart is superficial. The best part is companies might be creating employment for orang kita. Once you become like Afghanistan you will be shit poor. As many people point out many mamaks makcik no halal cert but nobody points it out. A cup that is clean outside is as filthy as a dirty inside cup.Nah, this has nothing to do with religion.It just pointing out how some ppl doing bussiness by lying to its customers.Today lie about fake certificate. Tomorrow lie about what? cincai here, cincai there, setel here, setel there. LOL fake it till you make it yo! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Dec 20 2023, 12:40 PM)Today go mountain. Go Kundasang drink cow milk smell cow shit. Then go poring hot spring. go kundasang must eat their kepsi ok? best in the world.. no play play... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Feb 9 2021, 10:20 AM)dah curi makan why need to question the content halal or notmemang dah jadi haram automatically cos of stealing kek/k really obsess with the halal word ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:31 PM)Arak haram sebab ade alcohol ..benda yg membuat kn seseorg itu mabuk..bile masak alcohol tu evaporated , hence no more alcohol..example : org panggil wine sebab die ade alcohol .. bile dah xder alcohol bukan wine name nye... just grape juice biasealcohol haram untuk diminum sebab ianya memabuk kn.. kalo xder alcohol mcm mane nak mabuk.. dan bile bnda tu x membuat kn org mabuk thn bnda tu bukan najis, kalo bukan najis thn bnda tu halalDadah xde alcohol tapi haram sebab kasi high, hence najis dadah.Faktor najis dia bukan alcohol, faktor najis dia sbb memabukkan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Oct 30 2021, 09:31 PM)maybe ban zaitun also? ayam konpius can bathe with a wimminz or not.Ya tak ya jugak, you mean dimandikan wimminz bernama.. ? Sah haram tuThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Oct 31 2021, 12:15 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996298551559448} +{"text": "Husband aku nie tk reti nak sweet cm husband org lain bg suprise bg bunga, tp dia sweet cara lain. Sweet suka tolong i olls buat keje rumah and suka beli makanan kt bini diaa hahahahaa and lain2 sweet biar i olls je tahu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9563785791397095} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meYou're not free from GMO anyway. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "Lenovo got so many shit item i don't even know if it is really from Lenovo, even the mall also like fake mall. Mall status is getting useless. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996111989021301} +{"text": "Go enjoy the LAST BEST X'mas there is, folks.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997130036354065} +{"text": "Just sack la the bodo officer, kerja senang mau bikin susah\u00b2Now viral ardy padan mukakBut seriously la, how old ardy bm also dunno speak? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8928665518760681} +{"text": "Tak, saya tak marah dia pun post gambar2 makanan. Kalau saya tak suka boleh ke block ke, mute ke, unfollow ke. Lagipun seronok je tengok jenis2 makanan dia yang kita pun susah nak nampak. Ye la, tak dapat nak masuk makan pun sebab premis takde sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8370006680488586} +{"text": "Position doggy haram ke pak jakim? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "when i was 7...........I was afraid to buy food from canteen, because somehow I feel intimidated by the chinese and indon canteen helper, very garang.....So my parents paid the canteen money, all I have to do is to sit on the bench and eat whatever they have on the table on that dayBut then my friend say I steal the free meal when he saw me eating.............i damn kaw malu, so rather starve than to eat......yes, teasing happens and if you are a poor kid, you'll feel embarrassed to eat. This is where the school needs to educate that teasing kids from poor backgrounds is not ok.lol.....This post has been edited by feynman: Jan 21 2020, 09:04 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9869235157966614} +{"text": "QUOTE(AllnGap @ Dec 28 2020, 12:44 PM)Tanya PAS isu air Kelantan camne yesame like isu daging haram.. come out 1 article on the issue and call it a day. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999812841415405} +{"text": "If only pork is not haram for muslim~~ Anyway, there are so many meat out there, y only pork are haram for muslim? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "QUOTE(tongsanfish @ Sep 27 2021, 02:12 AM)\"Naomi Neomi Francis, 55\"\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dmy brain fry abit therereminded me about my kinabalu guide, name sound so catholic but suddenly talk about pray 5 times a day lolIts not required by law to change your name to Arab/malay name if you convert to IslamSabah sarawak Christian many married to semenanjung muslim and convert, but still retain their christian name.My IC name is 3 words chinese name, no abdullah or bin, but islam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4106697142124176} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ May 18 2024, 10:27 PM)Is their coffee good? Do you think its value for money or bang for your buck? Are they associated with anything that you're not a fan of or you feel they're supporting injustice? Then vote with your wallet. But if you don't like them because of their color, then that's wrong. They could genuinely be good people who do good with money.Tbh zus is not that good. I just say fair. Gigi is better. Zus too ceroi, the taste is not that balance. The best could Zus offer is Butterscoth and creme one. Zus lucky because starbuck and CBTL is too pricey. And palestine issue eleveated zus, but dont deny zus did a lot of work to get peoples attention. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998620748519897} +{"text": "Dah 2019 tapi masih lagi kena explain kat manusia bebal yg takda sijil halal tak semestinya tak halal or haram. makan kat kedai tomyam tu boleh pulak takda sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9902948141098022} +{"text": "Better Elmina dari Semenyih Semenyih dahlah banyak jalan sempit. Jam teruk start area KFC tu sampai lah masuk dalam sana kalau waktu tengah hari. Gilo nak hadap macam tu selalu.Setia Alam pun tak ada jam dalam kawasan Setia AlamThis post has been edited by xpole: Apr 17 2024, 10:17 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999439716339111} +{"text": "Buat beli makanan kucing , kasian disini ada kucing liar yang susah cari makan cing 100k bisa buat sebulan makannya suka mampir kerumahku cing , kucingnya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9902419447898865} +{"text": "boleh diam tak halal haram boba tea ni. boba tea tepi jalan takda sijil pun korg minum gak. taknak minum sudah, better for us, shorter queue.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998561143875122} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 22 2024, 11:07 PM)seems like \"u\" no longer or never have the right as per your \"boss\" statement\uff08\u69df\u57ce24\u65e5\u8baf\uff09\u79fb\u6c11\u5c40\u603b\u76d1\u62ff\u7763\u9c81\u65af\u6797\u5f3a\u8c03\uff0c\u79fb\u6c11\u5c40\u4efb\u4f55\u4e00\u4f4d\u5b98\u5458\u90fd\u4e0d\u53ef\u56e0\u4e3a\u7533\u8bf7\u8005\u65e0\u6cd5\u638c\u63e1\u56fd\u8bed\uff0c\u800c\u62d2\u7edd\u5176\u7533\u8bf7\u3002\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u4ed6\u89e3\u91ca\uff0c\u5728\u6267\u884c\u4efb\u52a1\u65f6\uff0c\u79fb\u6c11\u5c40\u5b98\u5458\u5c06\u8fdb\u884c\u62bd\u67e5\uff0c\u4ece\u5404\u65b9\u9762\u6765\u786e\u8ba4\u7533\u8bf7\uff1b\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u5ba1\u67e5\u9700\u8981\u4ee5\u4e13\u4e1a\u548c\u8c28\u614e\u5b8c\u6210\u3002\u4ed6\u4eca\u65e5\u53d1\u6587\u544a\u6307\u51fa\uff0c\u8be5\u5c40\u627f\u8bfa\u5c06\u63d0\u4f9b\u6700\u4f73\u670d\u52a1\u7ed9\u6c11\u4f17\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u4e5f\u4f1a\u65f6\u523b\u63d0\u9192\u6240\u6709\u5b98\u5458\u5728\u670d\u52a1\u6c11\u4f17\u65f6\uff0c\u5fc5\u987b\u6839\u636e\u8be5\u5c40\u5236\u5b9a\u7684\u6807\u51c6\u4f5c\u4e1a\u7a0b\u5e8f\uff08SOP\uff09\u3002\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u9488\u5bf9\u65e5\u524d\u65b0\u95fb\u62a5\u9053\u6307\u6709\u7537\u7f51\u6c11\u6295\u8bc9\u5176\u6bcd\u4eb2\u56e0\u4e0d\u61c2\u8bf4\u9a6c\u6765\u8bdd\uff0c\u800c\u88ab\u5149\u5927UTC\u79fb\u6c11\u5c40\u62d2\u7edd\u66f4\u65b0\u62a4\u7167\u4e00\u4e8b\uff0c\u9c81\u65af\u6797\u6307\u51fa\uff0c\u8be5\u7537\u5b50\u6bcd\u4eb2\u5df2\u7ecf\u5728\u672c\u670822\u65e5\uff08\u661f\u671f\u4e00\uff09\u66f4\u65b0\u5e76\u9886\u53d6\u62a4\u7167\u3002(Penang, 24th April) The Director-General of Immigration, Datuk Ruslin, emphasized that no immigration officer should reject an application solely because the applicant is unable to communicate in Malay.However, he explained that immigration officers would conduct random checks to verify applications from various aspects; nevertheless, reviews must be carried out professionally and cautiously.In a statement released today, he pledged that the department is committed to providing the best service to the public and also reminded all officers to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the department when serving the public.Furthermore, regarding recent news reports of a male netizen complaining that his mother was refused passport renewal by the Bukit Mertajam UTC Immigration Office due to her inability to speak Malay, Ruslin clarified that the man's mother had already renewed and collected her passport on Monday, the 22nd of this month.https://penang.chinapress.com.my/?p=1811451 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7809311151504517} +{"text": "Terpaling makanan halal. Next time nak beraya rumah orang kena cek dapur dia ada sijil halal jakim tak. Risau orang lain datang makan makanan haram.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993821382522583} +{"text": "Wts butthurt cream Pm for best price ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998525381088257} +{"text": "Dulu masa i jadi student. I suka pegi mart bawah untuk beli makanan buat kunyah2. Hahaha\n\nLike maggi/kepok/ ice cream and air sedap2!\n\nLagi kalau ada buat waffle lg best! Or any food yg seangkatan dengan nya. Coz me 24/7 hungry ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969786405563354} +{"text": "I masak kat rumah, makcik jual bahan mentah kat pasar semua takde sijil halal JAKIM, tak bermakna it\u2019s from a haram source. Bukan makanan ada tanda halal JAKIM je yg halal. Until there\u2019s any legit proof that it\u2019s haram, tak perlu ragu2. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffd", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9149585366249084} +{"text": "QUOTE(megahertz @ Oct 23 2020, 03:28 PM)- its not just a logo. its a cert. same when u get ur degree. its not a paper. its a cert.\u00a0 \u00a0 . when u get ur degree. also involve cost/expense. ur uni also exploiting u.\u00a0 - yes. uncertified engineers can build what ever they want. but if im owner of that factory, of cos i will find certified engineer to do the job. do u know how hard to get the IR title ??\u00a0 do u know chunks of bridge failing on cars due not follow proper spec ? if certified engineer do that, mean he didn't follow the spec properly and u guys can blame them. but if uncertified engineer to that, mean the supervisor/boss\u00a0 are to blame since they are they one that ask uncertified engineer to do that. the risk is higher when u hire uncertified people to do the job- it is me or u that dont understand. . yes. u can buy any food without halal. but its will became suspicions because you will find that food might be non-halal. example - processed food that u buy from supermarket that dont hv halal logo . you can buy, but u dont know if this food process is handle properly or not based on syariah. in islam, if u suspicions, then dont buy/eat because there lots of option out there u can buy. you not limited to that suspicions option only.- nasi lemak food stall nearby roadside by awek wearing tudung. also dont have halal logo. but the image of awek wearing tudung mean she is muslim. and nasi lemak normally dont hv anything non-halal, chicken also normally will processed properly in syariah( mean slaughter\u00a0 properly) if processed by a muslim. so based on thrust and common-sense, u can eat it without hv any suspicios.- nasi goreng at chinese restaurant. dont hv halal logo. but u do know that the cook might be non-muslim, and they might serve non-halal food. all the food preparation might use same pan. so of cos u will avoid this place.Halal is not rocket science, so comparing it to a university degree or an engineering certification is pointless. If you still want to go on this path, then you'll have to reconcile that you're implying that muslims have been eating non halal food every day.Directly in the quran - \u201cO you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship. He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful\u201d. [2:172-173]Since halal and haram are diametrically opposed, as long as the food is not haram, it is halal. That you need someone to tell you what is halal, reflects poorly on believers. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.807194173336029} +{"text": "When hard to criticize the competent monster performance, some racist people tend to use R&R card to target and viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986598491668701} +{"text": "Finally the day arrive. Days of glorifying pig intestines, tikus tails = haram kennot eat.Unless of course change name to kuayteow panjang gulung, mee pendek/or don't even eat that noodle. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999498724937439} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sone Shin @ Dec 31 2019, 03:09 PM)Ease of mind ma. Got halal cert from Jakim = halalGot sirim logo from Sirim = verified safe to use in MalaysiaGot IEEE cert from IEEE = certain process been impliedWithout sirim logo, you as normal user need go do Quality Control for your house electrical appliances meh.Ease of mind but make so much hoohah cannot label \"pork free\" because misleading la, want to close business la, want to haul people to jail la. Macam opposite effect only.Much easier if just post guidelines, you want to follow or not your pasal. You want to certify, sorry we don't do, and we don't encourage people to do, because it's prone to abuse, like any retarded regulations.QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 03:16 PM)I already ask you jangan malas go google.quran, sunnah and hadith already mention babi kenot eat, need to prepare food in clean manner, propper method to slaughter animal, and which animal kenot eat etc.THIS IS WHAT SUNNAH AND HADITH SAYS.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abJakim dont mislead the public, in what fairy tale world you live in where Jakim mislead, and in what way? if quran, hadith, sunnah say halal food is ABC and Jakim also say halal food is ABC, in what way you say Jakim is misleading? The public can check with religious bodies to cross check jakim regulations, how to mislead?same if quran sunnah hadith say you are poser, and jakim also say you are poser, how can we say jakim mislead?now about the \"jakim just need to provide guidance and all others can follow no need cert\" claim is the reason why I ask your pea brain why we need cert at the first place?\u00a0 Why doctors need cert if health govt can just give guidance and knowledge no need to pay and study for cert?why need driving license if you can just learn how to drive and drive on the roads??here, if you continue want to be a poser, I dont mind, but dont show your desperation too much, I already explain as simple as I could and I know most will understand what role does a certificate play here.Of course, ironically, if you choose to be \"ignorant\" and a poser, be my guest..So basically, I was right, nowhere does it say you need an authority to tell you how to prepare halal food, nor does it qualify the definitions of halal, it's just a made up standard.QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 03:36 PM)Quran and Hadiths talks about how zakat should be collected and distributed. Bayt al-mal as an institution existed officially during 2nd caliphate (less than 10 years after Muhammad's death). It was not mentioned specifically in the Quran or Hadiths though the concept of Bayt al-mal already exist during prophet's tine and also the first caliph's time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayt_al-malQuran and Hadiths speaks about the importance of education but never said die die must build school and universities, yet with 200 years after the prophet's death, the first universiti in the world was build by the muslims which still exist until today, the University of Al-Karaouine, build in 859. https://theculturetrip.com/europe/italy/art...s-in-the-world/There's no specific verse said only halal authorities like Jakim can define halalness and there's none in the Hadiths because there's no need during the prophet's time. But Quran stated in verse 4:59 \"O you believe, obey God and obey the messenger and those in charge among you.\" It mentions about thise in charge among you with also means the authorities. Islam is not only a personal religion. It covers both personal and inter-personal. Wherever society exist then there should always be people who holds authority. Organizations such as Jakim exists because if this.Talk about halalness here, not zakat, don't digress by opening another can of worms. Underlying it all, you know this offical halalness is a manmade yardstick justifying as religious compliance, that's why you can't produce anything remotely close to saying you need a religious authority to certify halalness.It's just a money making modus operandi capitalizing on fear and ignorance. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9276393055915833} +{"text": "Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Pusat perkenal BAK KUT TEH HALAL sempena Pilihan Raya Kecilhttps://berita.pas.org.my/lajnah-perpaduan-...han-raya-kecil/Pada tahun ini, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional memperkenalkan pula satu lagi makanan yang popular di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang dikenali sebagai Bak Kut Teh.Sejak diwujudkan, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional telah memperkenalkan kuih bulan halal. Ahli- ahli PAS telah diperkenalkan dengan perayaan kuih bulan yang biasa disambut oleh masyarakat Cina pada hari ke 15 bulan lapan menurut kalendar Cina. Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional Negeri Selangor telah mengeluarkan kuih bulan halal yang disediakan khas oleh Muslimat PAS dan setiap tahun, kuih bulan ini mendapat sambutan dari negeri-negeri di Semenanjung mahu pun di Malaysia Timur.Sebagai informasi tambahan, terdapat sebuah restoran Bak Kut Teh Halal di Singapura yang menyediakan menu ini khusus untuk dinikmati oleh orang-orang Islam.Di sana, mereka menggunakan daging dan tulang lembu atau kambing. Di Negara kita, versi Bak Kut Teh halal masih belum dikenali ramai.Bak Kut Teh halal versi Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional disediakan khas oleh salah seorang Ahli Jawatankuasa Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional berketurunan Cina, Puan Farah Foo Wai Yee. Beliau memang mempunyai resepi rahsia (ramuan herba) yang diwarisi daripada mendiang ayahnya yang merupakan seorang peniaga Bak Kut Teh di bandar Ipoh.Bak Kut Teh halal yang dibuat oleh Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional menggunakan Daging Kambing atau Ayam. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976956248283386} +{"text": "Pls semoga makanan kucing yang gua beli skrg ini (barusan sih) kucing gua pada suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997245669364929} +{"text": "Agama Melayu - Hukum Kahwin wajib, kalau tak kahwin bukan umat nabiAgama Islam :-Dalam islam, kes ni perkahwin pasangan ni adalah haramAgama Melayu =/= Agama islam ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999212026596069} +{"text": "QUOTE(Justin.Loong @ Feb 22 2023, 10:29 AM)Yeah, Ayam Brand and Kin Cup is good but so expensive nowadays.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Actually, I was not aware of this SJE brand until you mentioned it. Nice ka?\u00a0 I might buy a can or 2 to try.\u00a0 Nice not as in better than local brand, but definitely more edible compared to the rest of china brands. not mushy, never encountered sandy or scaly fish, sauce not tastes funny or watery. Good deal for RM3.90/canQUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 23 2023, 09:06 PM)ayam brand smelly weiI prefer king cupSJE=red sardines, green is mackerel. ada tulis sana dekat tinwow wtf I check again from internet pic got tulis one. Why did I never notice it before . i must be blind When I cook either type it's not very consistent, sometimes green can tastes like sardine, sometimes mackerel. Same with red. Then sometimes I got fish size of sardine but consistency of mackerel (actually tastes amazing best of both world like fresh bonito fish).So I assume it's just normal inconsistencies for cheap products and the color is just for fancy.edit:ok glad im not blind yet. the one selling at nsk both sardin \nThis post has been edited by failed.hashcheck: Feb 24 2023, 06:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973931312561035} +{"text": "Lol. Sila jangan amik. Conlan97firm haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "what is malay culture anyway? eat with hand? bath in the morning? yumcha?malaysian culture in general is pretty much the same, except the halal-haram thing. meleis still go party, visit bar, eat with family at restaurant, work 9-5, as is cainis, + the haram part. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9404142498970032} +{"text": "Nak tahu halal haram makanan or minuman pergi check kat jakim :)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979912042617798} +{"text": "QUOTE(letitsnow @ Mar 3 2024, 05:19 PM)simply owned by Jewish, cina, or nikka dont make the business haram.boycotting the place vs being halal is 2 different concept but /k like you are too moronic to understand that.maybe /k can ask Jakim to retract the McD and Starbucs halal certs. LOLAs usual hapky toive in denialNo proof Starbucks or mcd support Israel, but boycott stillNvidia, Intel, AMD are all pumping billion of dollar in Israel, hiring thousands of workers there .. Halal to invest in these companies and then happily received the dividend ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996024966239929} +{"text": "Siaran Ulangan : MyHalal TV1 \u201cKARI OH KARI\u201d Menjawab segala kemusykilan terhadap status halal dan tular yang tidak benar terhadap beberapa jenama rempah kari yang mendapat sijil pengesahan halal Malaysia.... https://t.co/s3Y6OCK8CX", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999215602874756} +{"text": "QUOTEIRSYAD AL-FATWA KE-118: HUKUM MEMAKAN KETAM NIPAHSoalan: Assalamualaikum WBT. Apakah hukumnya memakan ketam nipah?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jawapan: Waalaikumussalam wbt,Allah SWT berfirman di dalam al-Quran:\u0648\u064e\u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0644\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u064a\u064f\u062d\u064e\u0631\u0651\u0650\u0645\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u064e\u0628\u064e\u0627\u0626\u0650\u062b\u064eMaksudnya: Dan Allah menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik, dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk.Surah al-A\u2019raf, 7:157 Firman Allah SWT:\u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0645\u0650\u0646 \u0637\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0631\u064e\u0632\u064e\u0642\u0652\u0646\u064e\u0627\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652Maksudnya: \"Makanlah dari makanan-makanan yang baik yang Kami telah kurniakan kepada kamu\"(Surah al-Baqarah, 2:57) Dalam satu kaedah fiqh ada disebutkan:\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0623\u064e\u0635\u0652\u0644\u064f \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0623\u064e\u0634\u0652\u064a\u064e\u0627\u0621\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0625\u0650\u0628\u064e\u0627\u062d\u064e\u0629\u064f \u062d\u064e\u062a\u0651\u064e\u0649 \u064a\u064e\u062f\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0644\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0651\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0631\u0650\u064a\u0645\u0650Maksudnya: Hukum asal bagi sesuatu perkara ialah keharusan sehingga ada dalil yang menunjukkan kepada pengharaman.Rujuk al-Suyuti dalam al-Asybah wa al-Nazair (1/60) Ada beberapa dawabit (prinsip-prinsip) dalam isu halal dan haram daging haiwan :\u2022 Pengharaman berdasarkan nas. Contohnya khinzir. Firman Allah SWT:\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u062d\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u0650\u0646\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064f\u0647\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0644\u0650\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u0650 ? \u0641\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0646\u0650 \u0627\u0636\u0652\u0637\u064f\u0631\u0651\u064e \u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u064e \u0628\u064e\u0627\u063a\u064d \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u0639\u064e\u0627\u062f\u064d \u0641\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u0625\u0650\u062b\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650 ? \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064e \u063a\u064e\u0641\u064f\u0648\u0631\u064c \u0631\u0651\u064e\u062d\u0650\u064a\u0645\u064cMaksudnya: Sesungguhnya Allah hanya mengharamkan kepada kamu memakan bangkai, dan darah, dan daging babi, dan binatang-binatang yang disembelih tidak kerana Allah maka sesiapa terpaksa (memakannya kerana darurat) sedang ia tidak mengingininya dan tidak pula melampaui batas (pada kadar benda yang dimakan itu), maka tidaklah ia berdosa. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.(Surah al-Baqarah, 2:173)\u2022 Pengharaman berdasarkan nas yang menyebut kriteria. Daripada riwayat Ibn Abbas R.anhuma:\u0646\u064e\u0647\u064e\u0649 \u0631\u064e\u0633\u064f\u0648\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647\u0650 \u0635\u064e\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u0650 \u0630\u0650\u064a \u0646\u064e\u0627\u0628\u064d \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0651\u0650\u0628\u064e\u0627\u0639\u0650\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u0650 \u0630\u0650\u064a \u0645\u0650\u062e\u0652\u0644\u064e\u0628\u064d \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650Maksudnya: Rasulullah SAW melarang makan semua binatang yang memiliki nab (taring yang digunakan untuk menyerang) daripada jenis binatang buas, dan burung-burung yang memiliki mikhlab (cakar).Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim (1934) dalam Sahih Muslim.Seperti singa, dan burung hering.Begitu juga dengan binatang ma\u2019a (binatang yang hidup di dalam air), sama ada bahr (dalam laut) atau nahra (dalam sungai). Sabda Rasulullah SAW:\u0647\u064f\u0648\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0648\u0631\u064f \u0645\u064e\u0627\u0624\u064f\u0647\u064f\u060c \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0645\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064e\u062a\u064f\u0647\u064fMaksudnya: Airnya suci, dan bangkainya suci (tidak perlu disembelih).Riwayat Imam al-Tirmidzi (68) dalam Sunan.Ada juga yang disebut sebagai barm?\u2019? (yang boleh hidup di dalam air dan luar air). Contohnya buaya dan katak. Ulama Syafieyyah berpendapat hukum makannya haram.\u2022 Pengharaman kerana terdapat racun. Contohnya ular dan kala jengking. Firman Allah SWT:\u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064f\u0644\u0652\u0642\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0628\u0650\u0623\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062f\u0650\u064a\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0625\u0650\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0651\u064e\u0647\u0652\u0644\u064f\u0643\u064e\u0629\u0650Maksudnya: Dan janganlah kamu sengaja mencampakkan diri kamu ke dalam bahaya kebinasaan.(Surah al-Baqarah, 2:195)\u2022 Pengharaman kerana mustakhbithah 'inda al-'Arab (dilihat buruk memakannya dalam uruf Arab). Contohnya burung gagak dan tikus.Ada pun kitam nipah, sebagai mana yang diketahui, binatang ini memang boleh hidup juga di luar air tetapi bukanlah dalam jangka masa yang lama. Justeru, hukumnya halal mengambil tempat binatang air.Wallahua\u2019lam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4998229742050171} +{"text": " setuju , yg penting makanan tu halal dan bersih. :D", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9768906831741333} +{"text": "Rasuah kan haram , mereka masih dok balas ... PUI ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999893307685852} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Dec 9 2018, 06:39 PM)sos of turun perhimpunan anti-icerd is wajib fardhu ain:skip to minute 02:15.this is his official FB page btw.nanti ada kata ni CGI Hollywood pulak\u2026 \u00a0 \u00a0 Fardhu ain pulak dah pasal ada isu yang surat kenyataan tu originally tulis sbg tak disaran dan bukan haramsince aku carik tak jumpa tu tanya sini ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999550580978394} +{"text": "@ATMology We\u2019re encouraging our family members too. They think we are nothing to them when Malays are their targeted customers. Tengok aja Xin Fu Tang. Sanggup cedok sijil Halal tak diiktiraf negara jiran. Dekat situ pun nampak betapa desperatenya nakkan consumer Melayu. Checkmate. https://t.co/38wgO5Gbxy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965773224830627} +{"text": "Yang keluarkan kenyataan jangan tulis Merry Xmas tu bukan Jakim tapi PMX juga kena. \n\nBenda2 ni saya juga cari jawapan sebab saya pun tak pernah dengar benda tulis lambang salib sekalipun jadi haram. \n\nKalau tak senang la nak cop makanan. Haha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998805522918701} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Mar 5 2024, 01:00 PM)Don't think is funnyNeed to put this signboard to avoid confusion from certain people, malanfan and \u591a\u80f6\u9c7cTrue, it's an extra legal protection.Best if put Non Halal in BM, BI, Jawi, Arab, Chinese, Tamil, Japanese, Korean, and France.If got ANYONE complain that your place \"confusing\" Muslims, sue that person kau kau with defamation. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "Nasib baik ada Dr Iskandar dulu ajar waktu degree psl halal jakim ni.. baru tau apa sbnr sbnrnya halal tu. Ingt senang ke nak apply cop halal jakim. Tapi mmg penting makan makanan yg bersih dan halal so masuklah restaurant yg ada sijil halal. Tp kalau x ada.. terserah\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998539686203003} +{"text": "HaiwanHaiwan boleh dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu; a) Haiwan Darat. b) Haiwan Air.2.1.1 Haiwan DaratSemua haiwan darat(mamalia maun @ mamalia herbivor)seperti lembu,rusa,kambing dan sebagainya, serta keluarga burung yang tidak beracun dan muncung paruhnya tumpul dan bengkok seperti itik,ayam,burung puyuh dan sebagainya halal dimakan, kecuali;i. Haiwan yang tidak disembelih mengikut hukum syarak.(Disembelih bukan kerana Allah).ii. Babi.iii. Anjing.iv. Haiwan(mamalia maging @ mamalia karnivor) yang mempunyai taring atau gading yang digunakan untuk membunuh iaitu haiwan-haiwan buas seperti harimau, beruang, gajah, badak sumbu, kucing dan seumpamanya.v. Burung yang mempunyai kuku pencakar, paruh tajam, makan menyambar (burung pemangsa) seperti burung helang, burung hantu dan seumpamanya(karnivor).vi. Haiwan-haiwan yang disyariatkan oleh Islam untuk dibunuh seperti tikus, kala jengking, burung gagak, lipan,lipas,lalat, ular dan seumpamanya(reptilia).Namun begitu sejenis reptilia padang pasir itu biawak padang pasir(dhab) boleh dimakan dalam Islam.vii. Haiwan yang dilarang oleh Islam membunuhnya seperti semut, lebah, burung belatuk, burung hud-hud dan labah-labah.Sejenis belalang daun yang darahnya tidak mengalir boleh dimakan menurut Islam.viii. Haiwan yang dipandang jijik (keji)(al-Khabaith) oleh umum seperti kutu, lalat, ulat dan seumpamanya.ix. Haiwan yang hidup di darat dan di air (dua alam) seperti katak, buaya, penyu, anjing laut,singa laut dan seumpamanya(amfibia).Ketam yang hidup dua alam seperti jenis Ketam Batu dan Ketam Hijau adalah haram dimakan(sila lihat penjelasan di rencana di bawah).x. Semua jenis haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang dihasilkan oleh bioteknologi DNA adalah halal,namun haram dimakan yang berasal dari haiwan yang lahir dari salah satu keturunan dari babi atau anjing.2.1.2 Haiwan AirHaiwan air ialah haiwan yang boleh hidup secara hakikinya di dalam air sahaja. Ia adalah halal dan boleh dimakan kecuali yang beracun, memabukkan dan membahayakan kesihatan manusia.Ikan Belacak halal dimakan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998098015785217} +{"text": "best of ALLdon't eat at place with no HALAL logodon't offer to sell food with excuse no pork,no lardSIMPLE ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996474981307983} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0kaikaibaby \n\r\nsaya pulak tak\u00a0\u00a0suka pedas..tak tahan....\nnoor2 Post at 9-6-2010 11:55 \nklu ada air-con\u00a0\u00a0saya leh lah makan yg pedas... klu open air, saya x suka makan yg pedas sbb takut b'peluh...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9689475297927856} +{"text": "Enak teh. Suamiku juga gak suka matcha/greentea. Sedangkan aku mau beli minuman, topping makanan pasti sukannya yg matcja atau greentea, jadi dari iseng2 nyoba same jadi \"hampir\" suka wkwkkw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5732342600822449} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Feb 26 2024, 10:45 AM)Even 1st world countries people like to move and live in Malaysia.Malaysia is the best\u00a0 https://www.tiktok.com/@sairahayati/video/7...177063223461377 \nWelcome to London when majority now aren't white Europeans. type=\"video/mp4\">Of course they're coming now to live in Malaysia, they've conquered London and now looking to expand.Even in Germany type=\"video/mp4\"> ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Itu yang aku tanya, macam mana niat dia? Nak kena mula baca niat \"sahaja aku makan makanan yang halal dan diyakini bersih dari sebarang unsur riba dan haram kerana Allah Ta'ala\" ke atau redah je makan? Kahkahkah. https://x.com/mzakibasir/sta/mzakibasir/status/1029326568915533829\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "Eh geram pulak aku la bila teringat mr.ko dulu bersusah payah nak dapatkan sijil halal pastu malaun2 jakun ni senang2 je cop tak halal sebab apa? Sebab CINA PUNYA MAA ! herghh", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7578980326652527} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 05:55 PM)So? Candlelight Vigil STILL haram. End of storySo?????it means you kelentong on trying to relate it to the letter.U banyak tipu punya orang. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 04:14 PM)depends on mazhab. in shafie is haram. in maliki is halal. apparently they got sell this on road side in morocco since morocco is following mazhab malikiThis ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998881816864014} +{"text": "Kononnya Jus As Sunnah rupa-rupanya dibuat oleh pasangan BUKAN MUSLIM di sebuah rumah di Pulau Pinang tanpa sijil Halal dan hanya mengandungi air pair dan air gula serta pewarna yang menyebabkan berbagai penyakit. Dijual sehingga RM130 sebotol. Yang ini wajib boikot. \u2b07\ufe0f https://t.co/BAI1yj1KJp", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999220371246338} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Jan 9 2024, 09:15 AM)Allow me understand better.How does one claim himself a pendakwah? What is pendakwah obligation, are they under the supervision of ulama?if u give lecture to the mass at any masjid, u need the tauliah. religion matter is under state purview. therefore, u may get tauliah to teach in A state but may not get tauliah to teach in B state. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9648602604866028} +{"text": "Td ak cerita kt laki ak psl isu halal haram minuman bubble tea the alley lah xing fu tang lah.. Pstu dia jwb, dulu zaman nabi x dak pn sijil halal haram ni.. Jnji yakin bahan dia buat tu bnda yg halal..ermm btoi jgk dia ckp tu\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997170567512512} +{"text": "QUOTE(SerioseCat @ Jan 21 2021, 08:30 AM)got people buy this Vits brand ka?their noodles is one of the best yo most of the hokkien mee store in penang used this brand for maggiThis post has been edited by fantasy1989: Jan 21 2021, 08:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Feb 27 2024, 09:04 PM)Summer mall is in Samarahan not Kuching.Summer mall is dead mall lah nothing to see there. Best mall in Kuching is the Spring and Vivacity. Plaza Merdeka also ok but not as good as Spring and Viva.Oh summer mall dead ah? I thought its new.How about the aeon mall? I wan visit all the happening malls ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999293088912964} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Oct 22 2020, 04:17 PM)Dah 20 tahun guna logo halal tanpa kebenaranBukit Mertajam: Beroperasi selama 20 tahun dengan menggunakan logo halal tanpa kebenaran sebelum produk itu digunakan restoran dan kedai makan di Pulau Pinang sehingga menimbulkan rasa was-was di kalangan pengguna beragama Islam.Begitu kegiatan yang dilakukan sebuah kilang memproses kicap dan sos di Mengkuang, di sini, apabila perbuatan itu akhirnya terbongkar dalam serbuan kira-kira 11 pagi tadi.Serbuan dilakukan Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang (JKNPP) bersama Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Pulau Pinang serta Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (JHEAIPP).Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan (BKKM) JKNPP, Mohd Wazir Khalid berkata, serbuan dibuat selepas pihak KPDNHEP melakukan risikan terhadap premis yang beroperasi di sebuah rumah papan.\"Pemeriksaan mendapati keadaan kilang itu amat berbahaya kerana beroperasi di bangunan berstruktur papan, manakala pendawaian elektrik juga sudah lama dan berisiko berlaku litar pintas yang boleh menyebabkan kebakaran.\"Dalam pada itu, produk yang dikeluarkan juga tidak disimpan dengan baik apabila terdapat perkakas serta tong lama yang kotor dilonggokkan sekali gus menyalahi peraturan kebersihan ditetapkan.\"Malah, logo halal dan MESTI yang digunakan pada semua produk yang dikeluarkan juga tidak mendapat kebenaran pihak berkaitan dan perkra ini amat serius,\" katanya ketika ditemui selepas operasi di kilang itu.PEGAWAI Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang (JKNPP) melakukan pemeriksaan dalam operasi bersepadu bersama KPDNHEP Pulau Pinang serta JHEAIPP di sebuah kilang memproses kicap dan sos di Mengkuang. FOTO Danial SaadKatanya, pihaknya mengarahkan premis itu ditutup selama dua minggu, selain dikompaun mengikut Peraturan 11(2) Peraturan Kebersihan Makanan 2009 dan Peraturan 34 peraturan sama dengan nilai keseluruhan berjumlah RM5,500.Sementara itu, Mohd Wazir berkata, pihaknya menasihatkan kilang dan premis yang memproses produk makanan supaya mengamalkan tahap kebersihan mengikut piawaian ditetapkan.\"Seperti dalam serbuan hari ini, tahap kebersihan premis ini sangat tidak memuaskan dan boleh mengundang kepada pembiakan jentik-jentik serta kehadiran binatang seperti lipas, cicak dan tikus.\"Walaupun negara dilanda Covid-19, ia tidak bermakna tiada tindakan penguat kuasaan diambil,\" katanya.cap ketam,soya ada kira halal ke? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.815466046333313} +{"text": "haram for muslim, but non-muslim pulak butthurtlol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998515844345093} +{"text": "@arlinabanana Actually one of the qualification supaya ada sijil halal is they must hv muslim worker. Even ingredient,cara masak apa semua cukup syarat tapi kalau takde pekerja muslim,memang susah sikit nk dpt sijil halal. This is just what i know laa", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9918943047523499} +{"text": "QUOTE(mellovicious @ Jun 10 2019, 12:19 PM)i think malta got halalnot familiar with nutrimalt thoused to.but they cannot renew anymore as the halal cert requirement changed.anyway up to muslims if they wanna drink it.bcos afterall, beer/wine/spirits/etc. are confirmed haram yet many muslims still drink it at clubs or in the privacy of their homes... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999824583530426} +{"text": "Sijil Halal Xing Fu Tang Oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia Didakwa Palsu? https://t.co/TvrWAavhcJ https://t.co/vfE0veQPBB", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(WJBII @ Dec 15 2023, 11:13 AM)errr......the fella in front as imam? wear shorts to solat?......can see lutut, haram ooohhhhhThis post has been edited by geelim77: Dec 15 2023, 07:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999657869338989} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Jul 3 2024, 04:42 PM)Based on that logic, any places deemed haram also cannot. So it's not just bkt restaurant, any non-halal restaurant also cannot.Might as well say can't take non passenger ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "So if those brushes are used to paint the house, will the house now be haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "Impossible!!!\nCMAPdCE1HgY\n\nMakanan kampung style only le, how can be best in the world?Msia food (provided include non halal) should be the best in the world. Lao? How can????? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999972939491272} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Jun 26 2023, 10:21 PM)not racist..even chinese from china only can eat chinese foodwhen tou have millions of people that live and interact among each other for long time..and secluded from other places..you will have people like thisbut i fislike.multiculturalismi support homogenous nationnothing good come from multiculturalismthai...pnilipines...indonesian..vietnam never unite their people with multiculturalism...that is why they ahead with malaysia in term.of economy and developmentOpen quran and readO mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.Surah Al Hujurat verse 13https://www.alim.org/quran/tafsir/ibn-kathir/surah/49/13/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999749660491943} +{"text": "\r\ntak baik restoran cina halal & sedap..........\n\n\r\ntakat nie rasa cam haram.......\n\r\nada branie try yg tak no pork, tp takde logo halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Dec 9 2018, 05:49 PM)is the letter fake or real?\u00a0 I'm talking about candlelight vigil is haram. Who cares about the letter. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(Spitzer @ Jul 1 2021, 11:54 AM)Well good effort and him doing the best he could.But the fact is still, for every ONE that he helped, there\u2019s hundreds more that goes unnoticed and suffering in silent, staying irrelevant as always.It matters the whole world to the one single one he saved.Now it\u2019s up to you n me to follow the good examples.You and I are the angels that God has sent. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993466734886169} +{"text": "tbh aku pun takda la makan yg spesifik kena halal jakim sbb aku tahu bnda tu halal dan yakin, tapi bila kau meniaga air mahal2 pastu tknk amik sijil halal pe benda la.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6551123857498169} +{"text": "Confirm salah DAPig because non-halal. Done dakwah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999724626541138} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Jan 18 2024, 12:06 PM)How to be side gig when Anthony loke put so much rules in order to sign up to be a driver?Last time i was part timer, but since AL put rules need to take another license, then every year need puspakom, then need to change car insurance policy become ehailing status, then need to pay additional rm1k++ premium over whatever u are paying of your current car insurance.. its already not worth it for people doing it full time, what more as a side gigWhatever it is Grab dont dare to do this kind of shit in Singapore, only dare in malaysia and indoIt\u2019s the same thing in SG but only thing only those age 30 & above can be grab driver. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996002316474915} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Jul 24 2024, 03:20 PM)I believe the entire restaurant is looking like Chinese restaurant. So no difference from ANY Chinese restaurant. The \"Muslim\" word is just marketing.It is ok rite, if no Malay wanna step foot into it? Please respect their right to say no.Of course, they got the right to say no but the person who goes in is doing more than say no.Muslim word is just marketing? The owner is a Malay lady lah. Its only her mother-in-law is Chinese.If you read the owners FB, her biz actually got better because this news become viral and most Malays know tanglung has nothing to do with religion. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "Nasib baik masuk kilang memang dah ada sijil halal walaupun SME. Kita tolong dapatkan sijil MeSTI je. Tengok member lain buat halal hari hari stress \ud83e\udd23", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9712463617324829} +{"text": "tinggi, cousin aku cerita mmg dia jarang masak kt rumah, mmg tiap hari beli je, beli pulak kedai yg sama pulak tu sbb anak dia mmg suka makan makanan dr kedai tu. Sejak tu aku mcm nekad lah, penat mcm mana pun, aku akan usaha untuk masak sendiri untuk kemaslahatan keluarga aku.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6661872863769531} +{"text": "QUOTE(teikboon @ Feb 6 2018, 10:36 AM)my relative that work in toto say his boss tak suka one... maybe he accepted it now liao...his another son also kahwin malay if not mistaken...this is second wife daughter right?his another son kahwin ang moh what ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993852376937866} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayer @ Jan 16 2024, 11:43 AM)Warning only?Yes because menu already stated price. Not hidden. Tak suka can stand up and leave ma why continue order?But again warning for Langkawi people. If continue to be like that then cannot blame Malaysian just straight go Thailand Indonesia Vietnam. Don't cry later. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988731741905212} +{"text": "Habis, org muslim kt luar negara tu mmg kene tunggu sijil halal kita ke baru mereka yakin nak consume..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9595755934715271} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Sep 8 2023, 12:33 PM)You with me or not to fight injustice?I need to know,1. Is that really rice wine?2. Halal or haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985632300376892} +{"text": "PAS said company haram yang menyebabkan banjir,..This post has been edited by Cincai lar: Dec 23 2021, 07:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99820876121521} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 13 2020, 10:51 PM)already confirmed not babi.kam investigate which pakcik spread rumors.https://www.mywilayah.com/2020/11/penjelasa...i-kari.html?m=1His mother never teach him proper manner. Simply viral not report to proper authorities to check. People business not good & many people lost job. Don't simply judge like you know everything & viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999536275863647} +{"text": "QUOTE(zup @ Mar 28 2019, 02:13 PM)Many answered with brainless stupid replies. Answered question like \" Ni tuan rumah, sukahati la nak letak rules mcm mana \". alahai abang2 melayu, macam mana kaum lain nak paham kalo itu jawapannya. Patot la kaum lain tgk melayu ni gila kuasa, mentang2 ade kuasa, nak pakai kuasa veto.Its like a son asked his dad, \" why he cant eat sugar at night \" and the dad replies, \" because I said so, this is my house. my rule.\"That son perspective is, the dad is using his veto power as the leader of the house. If he said no, means no. without knowing why. The dad should reply like this, \" Son, if u eat sugary food at night. U wont be sleeping instead u will running around because sugar making u energetic. Plus,U have eaten sugary food alot today, too much sugar consumption is not good for ur health. U will get sick.\" Abang2 sekelian, rasa2 mana jawapan lagi bagos daripada ayah yang membuatkan anak dia lebih memahami xboleh makan sugar waktu malam?Aduhh melayuku...Back to TS ques,Due to respecting majority of students in UM or any uni which is muslim students, I dont think their canteen provides non-halal food. Because non-halal stuff cannot be shared the same equipment. like using the same pinggan non-halal and halal food. its not the pinggan cannot use at all, but that particular pinggan who already used by non-halal stuff need to \"sertu\" ( u can google what is sertu. its a cleaning process) before that pinggan can be use by halal food.That is 1 of the plenty reason why.I hope i answered abit ur question. If got question do ask more about Muslim rule. do ask. I dont know everything, but try my best to help u to understand more about islam.With 2 reservations. 1. Sertu is necessary when there's a strong conviction & faith that the cutleries & paraphernalia has been tainted, that the impurities can be proven by visual inspection, odour, texture (rupa, bau dan rasa) not by general assumption, else we'll be doing the same to all coins & banknotes.2. The classification of mughallazah is only practiced by shafiee & hanafi, although they have different definitions for them. Therefore, corollary to point #1, the treatment and act of purification upon contact or contamination also differs according to various imam of various school of thought.Taking into consideration that the Shafii school is prevalent in Malaysia, as far as fiqh is concerned, its by no means \"definitive\" of the Islamic faith (aqidah), rather a variation from many. sourceThis post has been edited by lucifer_666: Mar 28 2019, 02:52 PM Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995244562625885} +{"text": "\nshIY4sHEfUs\n\na) Mandarin spoken...b) Summary, if kenot understand/read/listen , else go to TLDWHere's the SRT I translated.Previously,They want to ride 450km in 1 day, and they call it \"Great Migration\" journeyBut 450km per day...failed, so use Google map, find hotel.Present,They are trying to ride to Brunei Pass, so, they start journey early, to avoid the pitch black dark night...where dangerous.They return to the muddy road/rocky/stone road...and ran into flat tireAll their lights are very economical and have this power supply. Most place do not have direct power source or proper roads.... Tire went flat, due to rough roads...She panic and cry. Her \"Ah Siang\" boy boy say...\"chill babe...let's resolve this, and use google map find help\".Unknown local person (bumi) from truck helped, and all the worker came to help them lift to truck.She cry again, becoz cannot comprehend such kindness.... The helper said, cellphone connection poor...cannot contact the foreman come help....so, drove them to the shop directly10:20 video: She tried to BRIBE the Malaysia kindness... the man told her... \"Yo sista...we no take monnies....we super kewl kind ppl....we not like those corrupted cops and bikmama/bijan families yo....chill, peace sister! Look at my ISUZU dmax.\"So, they went to local bigger than AEON mall supermarket, and bought some grocery.15:20 video: They got their bike fixed, and back on the road.17:00 video: They finally found Shell, and time to pump fuel . Surprised got CHINESE words in machine. She says...Petrol soooo F!@@!king cheap!!!!!. Look like they were paying local prices....Becoz on local bikes, with rear number plate flew somewhere when riding rally on the bumpy road.18:20 video: Reach a \"mega city\", and ate...non-halal food.Thank you for reading til the end. Learning to translate better. I ain't watching more....TLDW:Malaysian kindness knows no bound. Regardless of race/religion/status..... Just F@!#ked up big time by some of the politician brainwashing, that are now F!@#king breeding more racist/religious kingmakers/F!#@kers people..... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982935786247253} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 31 2024, 10:51 AM)The Uptown might beKak Sanah is actually open but they put a disclaimer for non muslim patrons onlyStill long queue btw topkekGetting Mahal? Last time nasi lemak sotong rm 6. After that rm 7. Now rm 8? But sambal best, got kick. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998407363891602} +{"text": "\u2800\u2800\n\nIya juga. Biasanya suka kalap beli makanan apa?\n\n\u2800\u2800", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9919120073318481} +{"text": "dia yakin apa yang dia makan tu tak haram jadi tak ada masalah bersangka baik ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9013361930847168} +{"text": "Fuck this guy, what arrogance. Saya halalkan apa yang awak makan Dan tak halalkan apa yang awak viral. Shittttttt ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8824682235717773} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 25 2016, 08:14 PM)Why not provide proper education to muslim consumers to identify non halal and halal food instead of banning here, banning there?You know, when our muslims go overseas, there's nobody going to tell them what to eat and what not to eat.Bro. It is part of the requirement la. I dont think jakim said hotdog is haram. Hotdog is halal but to get the halal cert some of the requirement is need to give a good name to it. I dont know why people keep arguing about this. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.955801248550415} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Mar 26 2017, 02:12 PM)ITT - Non Muslims pretending to be halal and haram experts.Such entertaining shits. Ahahaha spot on ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970782995223999} +{"text": "JAKIM is really strict on giving halal certification\n\nsampai sumber makanan mana kita amik pun diambil kira sampailah ke condition premis..\n\nsbab tu kot kena buat gini", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9904208183288574} +{"text": "Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal. Berminat untuk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli? 1. Click link on my profile\ud83d\ude18 #babyburn #halalfatburner #rampingchallenge3 #mandipeluhkawkaw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8393588066101074} +{"text": "Islam Tak Ajar Sebar Berita Palsu Ragu Status Halal Produk Makanan - JAKIM http://kedahnews.com/2014/11/islam-tak-ajar-sebar-berita-palsu-ragu.html\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992928504943848} +{"text": "@nurindayanaa Kalau document haram pulak tak ada sijil halal dari jakim ke hmm?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Jan 11 2015, 11:25 PM)I do not understand why ppl become extremists, i would never do. The caliph state system is long gone, it's history, so stop trying to bring back the past that you know wont happen. If killing is the way they do it, justifying that this is the same like old times holy war... They're just plain wrong. Sad thing is that many malaysians, including some in this forum, agree with establisbing such thing, condoning all these killings. It's sad. Future in malaysia is bleak. I reject pas with their extremist mind. What is more important to me, is that we all, regardless of religion, can live equally in harmony.And god give us brain to think. Question everything. I dont simply accept things. And i need to add, some ustaz are quite extremist minded as well... Why are we following them? We shouldnt. No matter what his title is. Ustaz or ulama. Those are plain titles.I believe you are Muslim, yes? Then you should know since young, we are told the stories of the old times, sirah nabi, para sahabah, etc etc. We were told the \"sacred story\" not the \"historical story\". Meaning the stories were romanticized, dibunga2kan, even their dialogs were very theatrical. People today still romanticize those old times, that's why. They believe that's what we should be.It's true what you say: Even us here, look around. How many still regard the Khulafa Al-rasyidin as holy men, examplary muslim? They don't even know those men fight each other, use force and aggression and tricks to gain political power, and they're not even the religious leader of their people!If we know the historical story, we would not romanticize the ancient times. We will still have high respect for them, yes. But we will think logical too, with modern mind. How many Malaysian Muslims still hate Jews even innocent child jews, for no apparent reason, apart from what their ulama told them? Countless. They're afraid to question, because they think questioning those ulama means questioning Islam. They're blinded by their Islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9578397274017334} +{"text": "QUOTE(lagista @ Apr 1 2021, 04:21 PM)Hahah trying hard to get the timing chaineven got one macai here Sgshuhu sohai predict new engine gonna get 300,000 sales kah3x\u00a0 Proton GDi and TGDi engines announced \u2013 4 engines, 1.0L, 1.2L 3-cyl, 1.3L, 1.5L 4-cyl18 Jan 2016https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3841963Proton New Engine That Gonna Boom Malaysia Market, Will Be Number 1 in Sales Rangking Again28 May 2016https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3960191https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3885933ahahahahaI just noticed it was Bangau's articleHezeri Samsuri reports from the UKfuyoh! sponsored trip mesti kana highlight!https://topgear.com.my/how-proton-is-able-t...engines-quicklyHere are the facts that we can share during our visit to Ricardo.1. This engine is far from ready. Proton and Ricardo will take 40 months for further engine testing (the first variation will be launched for use in Toyota vehicles as early as the end of 2017). It will be the new powerplant for the upcoming Proton Perdana (Honda will only supply the engines and transmissions for two years after the launch), the new Saga, Persona and possibly new models from Proton and Lotus.in this story, dunno which fella kena kencing by whom.and this12. The Proton team in Ricardo stayed in Brighton, a seaside town about an hour from London, for the sake of duty and national pride. Ricardo is very satisfied with the team and place trust in their sincerity that they were given a \"license\" to access restricted areas of the research center. Ricardo also assembles new engines for McLaren at the same location.wtf national pride got to do with it Bangau?!This post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Apr 1 2021, 04:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8620373606681824} +{"text": "Yg pentimg melayu tahu mcm\nmane nah hormat dan bertolak ansur bangsa lain. Jgn setakat nak harap kan bangsa non bumi treating bangsa kamu aje. Tak kan nak bangsa non bumi semua kedai makan tukar halal? Semua agama dan bangsa ptt dihormati. tiada satu agama paling the best.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996999502182007} +{"text": "QUOTE(hackwire @ Feb 13 2016, 03:34 PM) .best argument.. ever.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "QUOTEPenganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan sajian babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia, Chai Siong Siow menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana mereka tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya.Can't really understand some posters here. Halal table already prepared. It was unintentional mistake. Even then the organiser already apologized. Yet still triggered, insist non-muslims insensitive, claims malay and islam x senang duduk when reading. Cannot forgive and forget? Purposely blind don't want to read the bolded parts, or is there an agenda to purposely fan racial & religious tensions at every opportunity? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999196529388428} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 12 2019, 07:07 PM)Halal status of ethanol is highly controversial but rarely classified based on its source and concentration. Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed. Any ethanolic solution higher than 15% is treated as a toxic solution but still could be used in industries, meanwhile ethanolic solution prepared by dilution from absolute or denatured ethanol is allowed for industrial used but toxic for human consumption. However, any concentration varied from 0.1 to 100% prepared with intention to be used as beverage drink is consider non-Halal.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/artic...924224416301601You honestly believe the concentration to be less than 1% for those home made tapai?Anyway, its the concentration and the amount of alcohol that matters. It isn't just about tapai. There are tapai that were produced using oxygen based process instead of alcohol, but how do you tell them from taste and smell?This post has been edited by zemega: Dec 12 2019, 07:34 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979155659675598} +{"text": "LOL! Now they monopolize the word \"halal\".Before Jakim was established, all food was haram?This post has been edited by smsid: Jan 5 2024, 11:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969005584716797} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Mar 13 2024, 11:45 AM)We are talking different things here. I dont really buy the idea of creating a demand for the language either. My contention is it is yours. You were born on her soil, you should know her language. It is yours to begin with. Its not used because you deem it useless. I think you are exaggerating in your claims.And my final take is, if my dad is a cooly on some tin mine, and a friend\u2019s dad was some big shot, i would still appreciate my dad and what he\u2019s done for me irrespective of his profession.it's ok you think that, great even, a noble thought.I agree as Malaysian we should be able to understand BM, worst case scenario bahasa pasar pun jadi lah.however, it's just not very practical.it's akin to demanding respect without putting in the effort to earn it.respect not earned never works well.when others give feedback on how to make the adoption of the language effective, you argue back with this.we end up standing where we were and no progress is made.even if you win the argument, it still won't work.all you'll get is place the blame on others, and it ends there.media is the best way for anyone to adopt a language effectively.sadly our country place heavy censors to our local media, stifling it's growth, shooting it's own foot in the path to greater adoption of the language.worst worst worst thing we do is haram this that, gatekeeping others from using the language inappropriately.even if the local nons would want to celebrate the language by naming their business or products with BM, we risk being the target of contention due to \"misuse\" of terms.all these works to diminish the language further.you can't have your cake and eat it too.This post has been edited by phantomash: Mar 13 2024, 12:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9566682577133179} +{"text": "one interesting bit lf news for uthe most popular section is the BM hamsap novels\u2026U see sooo many awek tudungs; both underage and makciks. Its a huge brouhaha in fb lately. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9086570143699646} +{"text": "Prophet said \"mesti makan daging bersijil JAKIM\" did he? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976498484611511} +{"text": "Yao Char Kuey with marmite. Best combo. Nuff said. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995322227478027} +{"text": "QUOTE(de.sengal @ Feb 22 2024, 07:47 PM)k/ logic.1- When starbucks full house, k/ will complain only stupid people buys overprice coffee with sugary drinks. Malaysian really unhealthy and stupid and yada..yada... like k/ is the intelligent human being in earth.2- After starbucks report losses and no customer, k/ logic will change to stupid people boikot and not supporting oren people. Malaysia economy doomed since starbucks losses. Malaysian will be jobless and k/ as the most intelligent human being will do the best to support stuckbucks.Since when ktard pandai ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996974468231201} +{"text": "Dengan aku senang je. Nak date and kau ada duit cukup untuk kau je ? Aku on je asalkan aku ada duit untuk diri sendiri. Makan tak payah nak secret recipe bagai, makan warung mak jah pun boleh. Asalkan makanan tu halal and bersih.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9927423000335693} +{"text": "\u201cPada bulan ini pasukan audit daripada Jakim akan ke sana. Kita tidak senyap dalam isu halal, haram ini sebab ia melibatkan soal makanan yang akan menjadi darah daging kita.\"#ICYMI #AWANInews #AWANIpagi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983420372009277} +{"text": "Tuntutan makanan & minuman bagi muslim: halalan toyyiban (halal lagi baik)\n\nMakan makanan laut hidup: bagi mazhab syafie makruh (lebih baik ditinggalkan), ada pendapat lemah menyatakan haram.\n\nMakan makanan tidak bersih: tidak mencakupi skop toyyiban (baik/berkualiti).", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(dattebayo @ Nov 27 2023, 08:50 AM)even for MNCs in Malaysia, we do have annual dinners that serve alcohols, because the venue is in hotel ball rooms, obviously they will serve wine or beer at the venue, when angmohs won't feel happy without itso what is the problem hereMNC annual dinners serving alcohol is completely different. The alcohol is a small part of the function. Even chinese wedding also can serve alcohol, no issue inviting Muslim friends. Entirely different to organize the event whose primary function is haram to muslims. This is like an organization with sizeable portion of their membership being vegetarian having annual dinner at a steakhouse because the \"leadership\" are meat eaters. or perhaps put it another wayIf the organizers decided to have a LGBT sex orgy after the games. Sure you have the choice not to go or go but not participate in ghey sex, but you'll also be like \"wtf are you guys thinking?\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.975742757320404} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 12:20 AM)Sendiri lari from real life debate then self declared win in the nets..oh its not just about alcohol contents, halal haram issues consists of many factors if you learn F&B requirements for halal certification.Just one example, if a factory want to get halal cert, they need to plan their kitchen fittings, flooring, construction plan, propperly, floors need to be free of holes to prevent potential pests breeding like rats and roaches, and the kitchen must not have close proximity to toilets, and many more..Usually people who love to eat in dirty stalls will question such sistematic approach for halal certification, but our halal cert standards are following exactly like international iso standards for food preparation factories and premises.So short sighted faggots like you might want to argue on just one point ie: alcohol content, but halal haram pratices comprises of all possible factors to ensure clean food preparation, not using haram ingredients, good SOP, reduction of wastage, etc.And I can see \u201cclever\u201d faggots here starting to point tapai, bread making, etc. No its not just about alcohol in terms of chemistry composition, what matters is why you need those alcohol at the first place, what is the purpose? Is it to make you go drunk? Is it for catalyst during the production of the food itself? Does it change the nature of the product that will cause people to go drunk or harm their health?And no, it does not stop there, regardless of how \u201cclean\u201d heineken produce their \u201cnon alcoholic\u201d drinks, it is still haram due to fact that it shares the same production plants, and its representation still points toward \u201charam\u201d products that can be considered as promoting such similar products regardless whether they have alcohol or not.Its even deeper than you think,So next time if you are too damn \u201cclever\u201d go ask jakim they can school you about halal haram issues.And there\u2019s that perangai jgn persoal again. It wasn\u2019t a debate on my part. I didn\u2019t think I \u201cwon\u201d. Why you sendiri triggered and terasa I cabar maruah logik Islam? Seems like your wife is a good candidate to ajak friendly match too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996756315231323} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 13 2017, 05:34 PM)Defending wrongful practice ^^^ definitely spinning, almost every ulama says\u00a0 that kind of biz model should not be allowed apart from a few rabid ones, one of them jailed now for throwing a tantrum over this. Let him stay there.Where in the Constitution and any other acts does it say its wrong?QUOTE(SonnyCooL @ Oct 13 2017, 05:35 PM)as it said, dont do it base on race n religion .... dont tell me u cant see the different in between racist or none .....Is it based on that or is it just you being caught up with the others? So if I suddenly want to go to a public laundry and I want one that I'm sure has had no sneakers or pet hair, specifically dogs', where would I go? Oh yes, there is the option by the longkang I suppose.....and if there are more people who want to go to a Muslim operated and used laundry, where would they go? Or are you also going to deprive them of that? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962193369865417} +{"text": "Sorry to tell but politics never involve between JAKIM and islamic food. Diorang ada alat khas nak cek sesuatu makanan halal ke x. Try lawat Halal Hub 1 kali, best gak tempat dia", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9928673505783081} +{"text": "@nikabdulaziz MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9659560918807983} +{"text": "why taliban go food court?if no go wont see..it same like student wan ponteng jumaat go snooker centre..then found out snooker centre full.. later viral... \"lihatlah bangsaku..\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6314195394515991} +{"text": "QUOTE(poweredbydiscuz @ Apr 29 2024, 01:03 PM)I always order pork dishes from grabfood like pork noodle, big pau, wanton mee etc. Will the riders think that I mencabar islam?Pee on your food or wipe ass with your char siew pao? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7041443586349487} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dchapelle @ Aug 17 2016, 02:45 PM)dia guna agama la pasai m ramai...tu strategi depa meniaga....yg hampa sakit buntot saipa...nak beli..beli ja...bukan paksa pun....cuma kedai dia takdak juai benda haram...tu jaa...adoiiiiiiiiiiii...masalah dgn budak2 sekarang ni..haram jadahhhh sungguh puak2 bodo sombong\u00a0 ni...kekekekeJust like how last time can see many Malays eating in Indian restaurantsthese days can only see malays in mamak restaurants and at indian restaurants, mostly indian/chinese and very rarely malays,The kind of halal grocery trend is not healthy for the future generation.Current generation will still buying from non-muslim shops.however, Future generation malays will think it is necessary to purchase strictly from muslim shops only, and avoid non-muslim grocery shops because their parents brought them up like that.This post has been edited by bg12: Aug 17 2016, 03:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "Heres the thing ts. Its quite not right if u ask if a specific type of restaurant is halal or not unless what is sold terang2 non halal. Something like a vegan shop is a case by case basis. Or a restaurant runned by non muslim. U need to be there see for urself wether it is halal or not. If u must insist to still ask here, only take opinions from people who actually been to that 1 restaurant that u want to know the status. If the the 1 that give his opinion that the place is non halal, get further info from him why. If his opinion is just too general, like saying, chinese cook must use wine 1, abaikan. Theres so much variables to consider. Who knows maybe the chinese is actually a muslim. Already fall under fitnah. So, its best to get information online or ask a ustaz. Read what is halal and what is not. Go there urself and determine urself if its halal or not.This post has been edited by silent_stalker: Nov 21 2018, 10:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8888493180274963} +{"text": "@myjourney2020 @Jie_Azz @itsmenina_sshh @azie_nam @drzul_albakri @SyedSaddiq Benda ni adalah pengetahuan umum ye encik sijil halal, so tak ada masalah utk mana2 ahli politik utk retweet. Dia retweet sahaja bukan dia membahaskan dlm politik mcm awk bahaskan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998403787612915} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Jul 24 2024, 02:27 PM)Of course, they got the right to say no but the person who goes in is doing more than say no.Muslim word is just marketing? The owner is a Malay lady lah. Its only her mother-in-law is Chinese.If you read the owners FB, her biz actually got better because this news become viral and most Malays know tanglung has nothing to do with religion.Lemme ask u ah, all Chinese temple have Chinese style gods and version of heaven and hell rite? The Chinese culture is very very strong here. Yes, culture and religion are very closely tied up.Have any Chinese ever thought what about other races? Do they go to the Chinese heaven/hell or not, once they die? And meet those Chinese gods and the guardians of heaven/hell?This question NO Chinese can ever answer. Maybe some will reply Chinese go to Chinese heaven/hell and those lain2 go their own.Toppest kek.This post has been edited by Hobbez: Jul 24 2024, 02:34 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9724269509315491} +{"text": "@alternateziis haha..klu cakap ragu2 ok..ni yg trus cop haram sebb xde sijil halal..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997438788414001} +{"text": "depends on the person really..Its only haram to consume it..However.. if it contains anything from pig/dog = confirm haram even tho for outer use... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998514652252197} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nachiino Etamay @ May 21 2019, 11:42 AM)sigh.Dulu masa aku tgh research pasal halal haram \"natt\u00f5\" (tapai kacang soya)Ada mengatakan yg... Alcohol... Yg klua secara natural eg. Fermentation yeast... + Dgn niat utk makan atau lain2. = HalalAlcohol, by natural means + for the purpose of intoxication = haram.Hence tapai pulut, tapai ubi, tapai kacang soya = halal ( tapai basi boleh membuat kita mabuk... So haram)Whilst arak = haramNot sure about cooking alcohol... Pretty sure haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993140697479248} +{"text": "Dumb ass got lied to by best politicianWell, can't blame them. Halal to lie\ud83e\udd2d\ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf5f\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997665286064148} +{"text": "\nBagus la kalo orang melayu da mula nak beralih ke masakan cina... masakan melayu terlalu banyak guna ...\nbintang Post at 9-6-2010 16:47 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 sy bersyukur kerana tidak dipegaruhi oleh sesetangah org yg mempromosi makanan yg sy rasa was-was.\n\r\nsejak dari kecil sy tak pernah makan makanan yg di masak oleh org cina.andaikata tt nak makan yg cina masak bagaii..itu hak individu..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915637969970703} +{"text": "@afiqsafwann Tu kan sijil halal indon. And sijil halal indon diiktiraf jakim. Unless kau tanak percaya sijil halal indon, then... \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9956867098808289} +{"text": "QUOTE(MeToo @ Jun 10 2019, 12:22 PM)Bila pergi cuti kat UK, Europe, Australia... never mention a word about halal food...jangan samakan orang islam beriman dengan tak beriman kerana mencari makanan halal itu wajib ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9801534414291382} +{"text": "Macam mana ek korang ni selamba pergi makan kedai viral tanpa cek halal/haram kedai tu? Like terang2 tulis no pork/no lard still korang beduk jugak. No wonder umat Islam makin jahanam sbb yg masuk jd darah daging tu pun tak dititik beratkan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9907881617546082} +{"text": "QUOTE(salacious fictitious @ Aug 9 2017, 10:19 PM)klang 10 min away mai only live in SA due to affordable for me to rent since work in KL just after damansara and another office at klangWhy need to rent when you can stay at my house haha jk ... don't mind to join you all QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Aug 9 2017, 10:24 PM)Only few percent of malaysia like that. Its like complaining why jinjang hardly see malay. Even though Malaysia consist of 2/3 muslims, you hati buta dont allow even a single area that doesnt cater to your needs?Ehh..no la. I org baik, don't think of me until like that QUOTE(afie98120 @ Aug 9 2017, 10:25 PM)babi haram,masa ko makan pompuan gemuk cam babi siap jolok depan belakang haritu tak haram plak?Ehhhh...ni...ni...fitnah woi.. bile I buat mcm tu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9118913412094116} +{"text": "QUOTE(Darth Vaper @ Oct 19 2016, 10:25 AM)you say cherry picking, I say deflecting issue.3 items, choose the one that is more \"sensational\" and calculated to make you boil. Call what?QUOTE(iwubpreve @ Oct 19 2016, 10:30 AM)halal cert can be implement. but doesn't mean Muslim can't eat non halal food. Muslim can justify themselves whether the food is halal or not in their context.Err....trying to say what?QUOTE(jacckl @ Oct 19 2016, 10:34 AM)msia muslim very easy confuse, thats why need body like jakim to tell you what you can and can't do.Not really. Just that food fraud has been around and increasing. Food fraud is also not halal. Kata bersih, but put chemicals...halal tak? Kata no pork, but ayam tak sembelih. Halal tak?QUOTE(GoldenHorn @ Oct 19 2016, 10:38 AM)Yang pasal \"pretzel dog\" tu, it is NOT THE MAIN CONTRIBUTOR or MAIN CAUSE of why their halal status got rejected.Just a comment from JAKIM suggesting other name than Pretzel Dog je. Jangan triggered sangat sampai overblow tahap \"i dunno malaysian take which version of Islam\" QUOTE(prototype @ Oct 19 2016, 10:42 AM)dog = disgustingyou want to eat something with a disgusting name?you want to eat something called PRETZEL SHIT?no right??so just change the name la... WTFHot dog has been used for so long. Everyone knows what it is but if they don't, they need to educate themselves. Nanti pergi luar negeri ingat orang makan anjing. Extra education isn't wrong. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969633221626282} +{"text": "QUOTE(Adelyyne @ Mar 24 2024, 09:37 PM)Thanks for your sharing also.And guess what I finally realised?? After existing on planet Earth for over 52 years?I finally realised that I have almost always had some kinda unconscious or subconscious phobia of Muslims! Allow me to explain a bit: because since young (I spent my entire childhood in Singapore) I have sometimes seen TV news reports on how certain Islamic militant groups in the Middle East wrecked havoc and damage in sometimes certain countries such as Afghanistan had Western people go in to impose democracy and democratic elections?? And how sometimes certain Muslims would strap a bomb on themselves and then go to certain polling stations and detonated the bomb on themselves, thereby killing themselves as well as some other bystanders at the polling stations?? And I'm sure almost everyone knows how Singapore had independence forced upon her back in 1965?? And from my POV, I guess the Muslims think or feel that as a descendant of Hakkanese and Hokkien who eat pork occasionally, they feel that I'm dirty?? So I guess I have almost always had some subconsciously unconscious phobia of Muslims.But now that I know about these dietary requirements placed on Muslims?? I think I finally figured out why?? Why they're so often in conflict with the followers of other religions such as the Jews? Christians, Catholics and even certain Buddhists? (For example in Rohingya.)I would say that it's most probably because the laws for Islam can sometimes be ambiguous or self contradictory? For example these dietary requirements? I mean, what about fish and seafood? How can we ascertain which fishes are omnivores, which are carnivorous etc? Also I think that most fishes die from either suffocation or stunning, no??So I would say that in most conflicts, it's possible that the Muslims were actually having conflicts or confusion amongst themselves!! And ended up projecting that confusion and conflicts upon the outsiders.I don't think words can express how relieved I am to finally be able to reach this conclusion!!You can ask Bard and they feel I'm dirty is such a nonsensical opinion about yourself. Did they tell you you are dirty? If no then don't be racist. Diversity of Thought: Islam, like many religions, has a rich history of scholarship and interpretation. There are different schools of thought on various issues, leading to disagreements among Muslims.Historical Context: Political and social realities can influence how Muslims interpret their faith. Empires, colonialism, and modern nation-states have all shaped Muslim communities in different ways.Internal Conflicts: Muslims have had periods of internal conflict, like civil wars or disagreements over leadership. These can create tensions and divisions.It's important to remember:Not all conflicts involving Muslims are internal. There have been plenty of external conflicts as well.Muslims have also had a long history of peaceful coexistence with people of other faiths.Here are some additional points to consider:It would be helpful to know what specific historical period you're interested in to give a more focused response.There are many resources available to learn more about Islamic history and thought.Major Branches:Sunni: The largest branch, representing about 80-85% of Muslims worldwide. They emphasize the importance of the Sunnah (practices and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) alongside the Quran.Shia: The second-largest branch, making up 10-15% of Muslims. They believe in the leadership of the Imams, descendants of the Prophet Ali.Schools of Jurisprudence (Madhhabs):Within Sunni Islam, there are four major schools of jurisprudence (Madhhabs) that offer guidance on Islamic law and practice:Hanafi: Emphasizes reason and juristic analogy (Qiyas).Maliki: Places greater emphasis on the practices of the community of Medina.Shafi'i: Known for its focus on strong evidence and established principles.Hanbali: Known for its stricter interpretations based on the Quran and Hadith.Mystical Traditions:Sufism: A mystical tradition within Islam emphasizing personal connection with God through practices like prayer, meditation, and music.Regional Variations:Islam has also interacted with and been shaped by different cultures, leading to regional variations in practices and traditions across the Muslim world.These are just some examples of Islamic diversity. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9310936331748962} +{"text": "Lagu Haram dah menang AJL so dapat hadiah apa? Sijil Halal daripada JAKIM. #LawakHambar", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903979301452637} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2024, 08:31 AM)I think it's when you have lived abroad that makes you appreciate your home country. for those that don't understand, maybe I give you an example more people has maybe been thru, have you guys ever wanted to change job because you feel the place you work at is very shitty? Then you find a job and during the interview you see that the new job seems to be a lot better, and the people also a lot more professional and friendlier, then you join the new company, saying good riddance to the old shitty work environment and fucuk ex-colleagues, then you are so happy in the new company,,,,1 month pass then you start to see,,,the new colleagues macam all is wolf and hyenas in sheep clothing,,,,then 3 month passed, you realise the company macam dont have a lot of system in place..a bit chaotic and by 6 month time you realise this job is even shittier than your previous job . After living abroad, I find Malaysia have a good work life balance, and the quality of life is very good. You see Singaporean, when they want to have good quality of life, they come to Malaysia. You just need to be smart about how to make a living here, and its a lot easier making a living here than other places. Also, to be honest, those that everyday kpkb gahmen no good, things are expensive....just you wait till you go live overseas and have to do OT just to survive and then control that OT to the dot so that you dont fall into the next tax bracket and 40% of your pay is given to the govt, then you find that govt giving living expenses to the bums (eh..macam familiar je nie). Then you get yelled ate by a bunch of bogan looking teenagers just for taking the train, or you grip you gun in your vest tight because you were walking thru a rougher neighbourhood because the place is the only place you can afford to rent. Shit like that will adjust your perspective very rapidly and you will realize, hey, Malaysia ain't a bad place at all.In Life, there are external factors which you cannot control, but the internal factors within your control is how you react to the external factors, for me, I have decided early in life, I want to make my life and my family life better, so main aim was to make money, the side effect was that I also spent my time living abroad due to my work, which seems to be my luck as I was able to see the world and came up with the best living format for me, which is to keep my Malaysian citizen ship and also have the options of living abroad. Hence my property in China and Singapore.Also, to be honest, if you feel that you and your family can't survive in Malaysia due to Malaysia no future, do you think you can survive overseas, because living in Malaysia is like playing a game on easy setting, while living overseas, its definitely a hard setting. And those that kbkp and complain everyday, those never do take the first step and move overseas, normally are those that diam diam just move.You made these statements because you made your moneys in Singapore and China.How about those who dont have such opportunites?Do you have children? You want them to take the same routes like you? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915469288825989} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Oct 21 2017, 08:58 PM)choi, ko tk bosan ke? banyak je makanan halal kt london.parents aku suka makan melayuinb4 daddykasi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9703918695449829} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 08:43 PM)i don't agree with this haram/halal policy,.. and u labeling me mocking religion.,... u being hypocrisy\u00a0 obviously,..you don't agree but unfortunately the majority muslims do.it's not about having to certify everything with halal, but at least if you know it contains stuff that commonly known not to be halal (of which there are only 3 really, dog, pig and alcoholic drinks which I highlighted every time) then at least label it.nasi lemak anak dara also not certified halal but ppl know it is probably halal bcos it's made by a muslim and she does not sell dog or pig or include alcoholic drinks.hardware store cannot be certified halal bcos they don't sell food or drinks, but is it hard for them to label or identify items which have those 3 items I mentioned?seriously do you even understand the meaning of hypocrisy? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999256134033203} +{"text": "QUOTE(heavenly91 @ Apr 11 2012, 10:52 AM)No problem la.It is just a food.How about those who songlap wang?Those who sex before 18?Those who go club and drink wine?Those who went to casino?This one is like a mini small issue.Don't make a big fuss of this rubbish.Just keep quiet and problem solve.setiap apa yang dimakan jadi darah daging kita bro...dan itulah menentukan peribadi kita...later if TS's fren rosak akhlak, we know who to blame ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924769997596741} +{"text": "Senang cita kalau bnde tu meragukan ,better takyah ambik langsung lagi2 bab makanan. Makanan akan jadi darah daging kita .. Tu yg hatinya hitam asbab makan makanan yg syubhah.. Kita org islam wajib cari yg halal dan bersih", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.535132884979248} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 21 2016, 08:01 PM)Boleh bgtau kenapa kau rasa syarat tu perlu adaBang, ini kenyataan from Mufti Wilayah.Sbb tu untuk aku, aku yakin dgn menggunakan nama yang baik itu adalah perlu.BACA SINIMacam lambat je jawapan aku, biar lambat janji ada jawapan. Haha \ud83d\ude05 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9571393132209778} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 01:57 PM)So if the sunnah/ hadith / quran does not say you need religious authority to certify halalness, it means the religious authorities just pulling this certification out of their ass la.Provide the evidence la, since you're so well informed.Have it ever occurred to you that the Halal \"authority\" was meant to standardize the practice in the industry, who said anything about quran and sunnah tell people to have \"jakim\" in their life?unlike your half assed claim on jakim certification, their certificate and requirements are heavily based on quran, sunnah and hadith teachings, and these are also monitored by the Islamic authorities in every state.If theres is any discrepancy people can just refer to the religious bodies to cross check so whats the issue?haih what a poser..\"more knowledgeable\" lah sangat.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9932571649551392} +{"text": "QUOTE(kyogre @ Jun 19 2020, 04:21 PM)never open Kamus DBP issit?http://prpm.dbp.gov.my/cari1?keyword=suciDefinisi : 1. bersih (dr segi agama): makanan yg ~; 2. tidak berdosa, tidak bernoda, kudus, nirmala, soleh: orang yg ~; 3. bersifat ke\u00adagamaan (ketuhanan): ayat ~; Kitab S~; Tanah S~ Mekah; 4. bersih drpd sebarang kejahatan atau keburukan (niat, perasaan, dll), murni: Tuhan hendak menyampaikan hajat hamba-Nya yg berniat ~ itu; hati yg ~; 5. bersih atau bebas (drpd kotoran dll): wajib baginya menggantikan kembali puasa yg tertinggal itu apabila ~ drpd haid; 6. sl tidak kotor (semak), bersih; bersuci 1. membersihkan diri sebelum mengerjakan sembahyang, wuduk; 2. membersihkan diri (drpd kekotoran): ~ drpd najis; 3. hidup suci; 4. bp berkhatan, bersunat; menyucikan 1. membersihkan diri (dr segi agama); 2. sl membersihkan diri drpd ke\u00adkotoran (semak samun dll): maka Bendahara dan Laksamana pun menyuruh orang pergi ~ tanah itu; 3. membersihkan drpd segala yg keji (hati, fikiran, perasaan), memurnikan, me\u00adnguduskan: hari ini orang meluhurkan jiwa, ~ hati selepas melalui percubaan Tuhan; 4. menganggap suci (mulia): ada orang yg ~ anjing; kesucian perihal suci; persucian perihal bersuci; penyucian perihal menyucikan, pember\u00adsihan; penyuci sesuatu yg digunakan ketika bersuci atau utk menyucikan sesuatu. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)Maksud suci Dalam bab makanan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976584911346436} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 06:44 PM)the allegation is like this1. muslim nasi ayam stall owner accused of buying nasi ayam from non muslim shop, repackaged as if he is the one who make the nasi ayam and sold to other muslim.2. Second allegation, the muslim guy stall actually owned by the non muslim restaurant owner. 3. if the 1st allegation are true then its a muslim stall guy is penipu scammer4. so if the 2nd allegation is true then the cina non-muslim restaurant owner (as you put it) is penipu scammer.5. If both allegations are not true then the viral guy is penipu scammer.simple kan.u put it like that then sounds bettermore logicand yes, simple when u put it like this..coz ur earlier one is confusing ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9885270595550537} +{"text": "Mereka dengan yakin berkata, ya makanan ini halal. Tiada babi. Makanan bersih. Tapi yakinkah dengan sembelihan ayam atau lembu itu?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8918296098709106} +{"text": "QUOTE(outpace @ Feb 14 2016, 06:05 PM)Exactly, these extremists think they are the only people with right mind, they have the duty to keep others \"clean and pure\". Restaurants put the sign to make more money. \"Someone\" stir these simple minded extremists' emotions so they can too, make more money by certifying...Ah, that sound like best practices And the burden of civilization ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Jun 30 2021, 04:57 PM)Lel, bukan kau ke yang banyak songeh. Kenapa tolong lebih2 la, tolong ramai orang lagi bagus la. You confuse yourself is it?So you don't agree that helping more people is better than helping one person? Then agree to disagree la bodo.Benda boleh senang pon nak bikin susah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.984119176864624} +{"text": "Mesti ramai yg guna produk ni, makluman kepada semua Sijil Halal produk tersebut ditarik kerana tidak mematuhi prosedur Pensijilan Halal Malaysia. https://t.co/T36ielLyIV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996125102043152} +{"text": "@syhmshrf @cenkorot @alyanatasyaaaa @fais_mohder @nidz_ikhmal @myadlan Halal tu hanya pada sijil?. Sijil hanya memudahkan sahaja. Halal datang dari insan dan juga produknya. Org kafir tiada tanggungjawab dlm islam utk sediakan perkara halal. Halal tu tanggungjawab org islam. Selagi ada org islam usahakan yg halal wajib kita sokong bukan lawan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998974800109863} +{"text": "Jom la support produk\" muslim... \nInshaAllah bersih dan halal... Hati nak bersih, kena rajin cari sumber makanan yang berkat dan halal... #malaysia #kualalumpur #klang #lembahklang #shahalam #masjid", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999500513076782} +{"text": "recycle/remake content is best content. lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999954104423523} +{"text": "dumb people. Halal food is the best food in the world....all in Malaysia.the fact that some western countries have oil,chips and fish as their so called \"flagship\" dish really makes me puke. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995740056037903} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Oct 25 2016, 11:06 AM)This is .. going overboard lah. Seriously not respecting people. It is not about confusing or terpesong akidah or anything.We know that Ramly brand burger is owned by Muslim. It is a brand name and always considered as halal foods. Using Ramly name as to market your babi product is totally disrespectful of other people's copyright, moreover associating the haram food with halal brand.McD and other MNC burger company is only halal in malaysia. It is actually haram food companies with halal brand too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999047517776489} +{"text": "Pebende la deme ni, xde sijil halal, maka trus jatuh haram. https://t.co/GKqCQjlsQn", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999690055847168} +{"text": "sensorsI'm on a neutral standpoint.We cannot prove or disapprove the dobi owner's motive in the first place. Be it his business choice is based on his pure heart thinking to help his community without realizing the effect it caused to our society. Or maybe he is just being an ass. We can't read people minds and what people say doesn't necessarily reflect what they think.But I can see your intention to defend the dobi is based on you thinking he is acting without any malicious intent, and you clearly stated you are not on the same side as mufti spewing seditious statements. Maybe some misunderstanding occurred with the examples you provided earlier and it muddled your core statement, but your latest post reiterated that.Quick opinion from my side:\"Chinese speaking only\" hiring requirement:- Serve clients who cannot speak other languages properly, especially from China who are not English proficient and only speak Mandarin- Some jobs need to bring clients out to drink, cheong, all haram...hence this situation really requires a non-muslim...actually all religion is against these activities, it all depends on individual, but its technically illegal for muslims to do these in Malaysia, as JAIS will come arrest you, the company will also be in trouble. If your boss ask you bring aclient go drink liquor because China people banyak kuat minum punya, will you do it? If we compare the dobi owner actions and the hiring requirement justifications above, we can say one is practicing his beliefs, the other is actually helping people to keep practicing their beliefs by not hiring them. However, this is just a justification, I believe employers will only think on one thing: getting that contract signed and earn money. If speaking mandarin and bringing clients to haram actvities contributes to the contract getting signed, then they put it in the job requirement(leaving out the illegal parts). In the end, they will just hire who they think can get the job done.As for Honda workshop part:- Nissan, Honda, Toyota, all from same country, Japan. Why not help service each other's cars? Simple, they are business competitors, and different companies have different SOPs to follow.This post has been edited by s3iryu: Oct 13 2017, 03:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9509433507919312} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 9 2024, 06:50 PM)No bro Yg tak tutup aurat pon ramai jgk Nasib baik iman aku kuatkek another melei men talking about how \u201ckuat\u201d him iman is\u2026bruv do u even need iman to gaze away? haha if not \u201ckuat\u201d those girls gg d? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9908039569854736} +{"text": "Makanan yg tak registered under jakim pun still halal kalau pork-free. Susahnya manusia camni, kalau gi luar negara mesti dia makan maggie je sbb takde halal jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8472545742988586} +{"text": "K Market Solaris\n\nKedai Korea je org Islam takut nk beli barang sbb risau x halal.. tp sbnrnye ade yg halal dan logo dr KMF (Korea Muslim Federation) & Jakim. Sape yg minat makanan korea pasti nak cari produk yg betul2 dr KoreaChili Paste, Powder & FlakesBanchanUdon", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999326467514038} +{"text": "QUOTE(zemega @ Dec 24 2020, 09:31 PM)You mean tomorrow holiday is haram?ABSOLUTE HAROM! go back to work ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sone Shin @ Nov 23 2020, 09:48 AM)sorry lor, Ipoh dim sum still the best.\u00a0 Yea, so long the bait thrown correctly, definitely some will catch it.\u00a0 Sorry lah.. Ipoh dim sum taste like shit... the Jin Xuan already beat them nine street....like the Foshan... so localised type.. not the real Cantonese dim sum ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bill888 @ Jan 17 2022, 08:29 AM)So she going to get bumi status?She is org kita, musti bumi status la\u2026if not why PM so busy doing this show lolThis post has been edited by papaya2: Jan 17 2022, 08:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987334609031677} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kritikal @ Dec 12 2019, 05:57 PM)Makan tapai mabuk ke?Ko dgr explaination ni ye...Kalo dlm jumlah yg byk memabukkan, maka jika diambil dlm quantity yg sikit ia tetap haram.Kalo dlm tapai ada alkohol...sah2 haram. Dlm arak, alkohol tu yg memabukkan. Simple logik je.Or ada alkohol tp x memabukkan...still syubhah bg aku. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 19 2022, 02:35 PM)That's why I said, put aside races, put aside halal, put aside ridiculing believes. Tered so long tok kok sing song but even basic facts not even established. everyone is based on unconfirmed \"he says, she says\" flinging mud back and forth.So far the only basic facts are only that there are allegations and viral videos.1. Viral video 1: Malay dude send utensils and food containers to Chinese restaurant. Both Malay dude and Chinese restaurant sells nasi ayam and nasi itik.2. Viral video 2: awek and the Malay dude counter that they cook nasi, ayam n itik in their stall in a mall.3. Viral video 3: One mamak dude claimed mall owner ain't the Malay dude. He also claimed that the Chinese restaurant use lard Based from just what TS posted and comments in FB1. People accused Malay dude of buying the rice, chicken and itik from Chinese restaurant and resold at his place 2. If true then he is penipu scammer.3. people accused that the Malay dude did not own the stall but the actual owner is the Chinese restaurant. 4. If true that the Chinese restaurant owner also penipu scammer Facts that need to be established1. Are the allegations true. 2. If true, who is the mastermindIf true, like i said before, it's a simple case of penipu scammer ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.762546181678772} +{"text": "Baca dari rungutan dn reply, ak yakin sijil halal malaysia buat mcm tu sbb nak jaga kualiti, elak ragu2 n mastikan tngungjwb diaorg sebagai pngeluar sijil yg betul2 halal n terbaik saja. https://t.co/jqJn3EUsUV", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "Kalau masih tak yakin boleh la check direct kt portal Jakim. Dan aku share ni untuk yang nak makan makanan lain dari kebiasaan yg ada kt Mall\u00b2 besar mcm TRX, Pavi, IOI City ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 29 2019, 08:31 PM)Answer offered, albeit incoherent which begs more questions, leading to \"JGN PERSOAL\". Yeah sure more questions would sure be annoying, but you have a choice to your response. Not questioning the theological construct of islam itself. I had questions, and made a rather insightful observation on the contradictory position adopted between two types of similar substances. Unfortunately it appears that ontological discussions are out of reach when the well of one's mind is poisoned by ideology. Never said anything of that sort. \"Yeah but you might as well have said it - it's obvious what you meant.\" Which is precisely the problem with you Jangan Persoal crowd - you draw extreme conclusions on your own which no one else shares, and end up triggering yourselves. It's unhealthy. Please do try to refrain from putting words in my mouth.I have no version of islam of my own. Let me repeat. I have no version of islam of my own. But the contradictory position adopted vis-a-vis different types of alcohol-containing edibles warrant scrutiny. It's up to you how you want to respond - including \"Jangan persoal\". Just don't get mad when one mocks the imbecility of your conduct.Can't help but wonder if it's simply a more begrudging manner of saying \"lebih pandai\". Can't disagree with you there.Again. No one claiming any wins. Purpose is to mock the bajet ustads around. Clearly some on this forum have crawled out of the woodworks.First Bolded part:Rather \"insightful\" ?? oh my what a way to pat yourself in the back, theres nothing \"insightful\" in your comparison, rather its more like \"lack of insight\" to be exact. You see when you start to say \"NIAT\" argument its clear to see that you dont understand the context of \"Niat\" per se, and then blatantly suggesting \"why not change your niat\" shows your lack of understanding about the whole concept.Again I already explained earlier, but it seems you misunderstood the context of \"niat\" and how it is used, to explain in detail about halal haram requires at least three conference days(typical for any manufacturers wanting to learn about halal haram) and I would have to give you step by step understanding about Islam approach dealing with daily activities, lifestyles, comsuptions and more for you to get the rough picture. So its not about \"Jangan Persoal\" its about go find somebody who have time to teach you. Second bolded part:\"Poisoned\" by ideology? You are the one who asking Muslims about Halal Haram but then you already have extreme prejudice about the whole concept at the first place? It wouldnt take a genius to know that any attempt to make you understand is futile because you already have biased opinion against it at the first place lol.Third bolded part:It was meant to be sarcastic lol, sarcasm meter rosak ijit?Fourth bolded part:ahhhh finally you admitted that you just want to troll, but seek approval from the net to conform your childish behaviour, you mock your colleague and then gallantly posting on the net saying as if you managed to get \"Jangan Persoal\" reply, but in reality nobody waste their time on trolls.Next time if you want to mock someone, try doing it on your own and not relying on others approval of your actions, posting on the nets wont do you any justice, ESPECIALLY on your lack of self confidence in Life.Hence, please oh please stop fantasizing on other people's wife, its creepy, and tells a lot about your own personal life, not having a girl of your own but fantasizing other people's girl.Since you already admitted that you are just trolling or rather 'mocking' people I believe my efforts are good enough to help you understand, maybe just a little regardless of your extreme prejudice towards my \"poisoned ideology\", and I do hope if you are truly sincere and wanting to grow up, please seek the experts the next time when you really want to learn, trust me it will help build your self image and confidence instead of being a smart ass.lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.974699854850769} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/3ssPJYK5O", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9662771821022034} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eulm585 @ Nov 13 2020, 10:57 PM)Honestly this stupid type of people Mana Ada duit one.. sue also worst worst the fella bankrupt onlyfor a valuable brand, its not for compensation, rather vindication of its brand, that there are consequences for unfounded defamation ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994947910308838} +{"text": "Typical bash neved done volunteer work or join soup kitchen.Indoctrination without studing usul fiqh and asbabun nuzul. That's why mudah keliru. Overglorifying religious leaders / preachers. It's much more serious than you think. Datang usrah sekali dua terus tolak fatwa. Some preachers direct interpret ownself without consulting ijma' ulama. End of times man. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999710738658905} +{"text": "Lepas tu ada yang komen \u201cmakan jelah kedai apapun yg penting halal & kenyang\u201d, konsep halal pon dah tak betul kat situ.. kalau makanan tak bersih mana datang halalnye? \n\nEkwkwkwkwkwkwk... https://x.com/InjangNation/s/InjangNation/status/1327621685290299392\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998880624771118} +{"text": "QUOTE(dattebayo @ Jun 19 2023, 11:08 AM)Many ktards and netizens don't get itWhat's wrong of having a non halal food to represent one of the nation's cuisine? Likewise for beef It's not like only BKT alone represents MalaysiaIt's not like Malaysia only got muslimsIf we can have Thaipusam marching as national culture heritage then why cannot accept BKT pork as one of themFrom the very beginning, the debate is already heading the wrong way, DAP cino so gullible to fell into the deliberate trap set by PAS. See so many stupid cino mulut berbuih2 arguing Bak doesn't mean pork, why not just end the argument with \"Msia is multicultural multi faith, not wrong to have non halal food to represent one of the foods\", full stop.Same goes for Penang belongs to Kedah thing, now meow already voice up see how bad it paints on DAP and cino themselves?Be smarter next time wahai cino2 sekalianQUOTE(msacras @ Jun 15 2023, 02:15 PM)This, really strange.Instead of fighting to accept BKT as a national dish despite having pork (sinalau bakas is another national icon despite its absolutely haram).They choose to taichi that BKT may be cooked without pork, LOL. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6750306487083435} +{"text": "Betul sabda Nabi, akhir zaman manusia suka berbalah. Benda baik pun boleh sampai nak memaki, membodohkan sama sendiri. Aduh.. Berbincang, ambil jalan tengah, jaga tutur kata, jaga adab. Hubungan sesama insan pun penting walau hanya di dunia maya. Pasal harga sijil halal je pun?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.985176682472229} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nachiino Etamay @ May 21 2019, 10:42 AM)sigh.inilah dia.... orang tiba2 nak jadi specialist islamalcohol from yeast is 100% confirm halal.the turning point is not the ratio or gramsits about, if you eat large amounts of bread, can you get intoxicated?if the answer is no, its halal.if the answer is yes, its haramits really as simple as that.fcuking shit trying to put flame on oil. go back and bark to your own UMNO dogs man. cilaka anjing kuripan berputar.Tak payah nak buat fatwa. Halal haram alcohol dalam makanan is based on cara penyediaan dan niat. Bukan mabok tak mabok. Tu lain cerita. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948427081108093} +{"text": "Nak mkn roti macimmo pun x tenang bila ada org yg suka sebar fitnah ni! .\n.\nBoleh tgk full video, https://youtu.be/IVei1aKH6H0 .\n.#Haram # Halal #JAKIM #Babi #viral #makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999185800552368} +{"text": "Kita semua menua ya mentemen..Makanan yg suka beli dari dulu rasa nya udh berubah n ada aja kabar kurang baik#alfatihah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "Are u muslim? Tahu ke the real halal tu ape? It is not only bcs makanan tu bebas dari daging or minyak khinzir or anything related to it but most important \"BERSIH\". Bersih yang dimaksudkan adalah yg memasak tu WAJIB bersih dari HADAS.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9207156300544739} +{"text": "@amuaznorman Xkata pun xing fu tang ni tak halal. Cuma statement dia dah certified di malaysia tu tak tepat. Sijil tu diiktiraf utk premis dia di jakarta, bkn premis di msia.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997759461402893} +{"text": "Aku senang je kalau sijil jakim pun tak dapat maknanya makanan tu ada unsur syubhah walaupun takde contain babi/binatang tak sembelih dengan betul/ alkohol. Kita tak tahu tangan dia maybe baru lepas pegang anjing or utensils dia bekas pork.. So better Muslim yang masak.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9848920106887817} +{"text": "http://www.themalaymailonline.com/projekmm...guna-logo-halalSEPANG, 28 Mac \u2014 Bahagian Hab Halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) sedang menjalankan siasatan berhubung penyalahgunaan logo Halal Jakim untuk satu produk berasaskan daging babi melibatkan syarikat tempatan. Memandang serius perkara yang menjadi viral di media sosial sejak semalam, Pengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee berkata berdasarkan alamat di bahagian pek pembungkusan berkenaan, kilang pengeluaran produk berkenaan dikesan terletak di sebuah negeri di pantai timur.Pengusahanya juga didapati mengambil kesempatan dengan menggunakan tagline bertulisan mandarin, \u2018Spicy Malay Bacon\u2019, untuk menarik pelanggan, katanya.\u201cAdalah jelas bahawa produk berkenaan tidak akan diberi pengiktirafan oleh Jakim kerana mengeluarkan produk makanan berasaskan daging bukan halal,\u201d katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui pada Konvensyen Badan Pensijilan Halal ke-7 di sini hari ini.Beliau berkata perkara itu juga melanggar peraturan di bawah Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 berkaitan penggunaan logo Halal sebagai alat pemasaran yang mampu menarik pelanggan Islam serta bukan Islam. \u2014 Bernama ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995312690734863} +{"text": "Relek la tuan. Kedai cina buat tarian singa panggil tok sami buat upacara. Semua gi je makan kedai dia. Sebab kedai dia ada halal JAKIM. Ko kalau tak suka org alim, dok dendiam dah le. Doakan yg baik baik. Jgn tunjukkan sgt ke wahabian kau tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985775947570801} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 11:25 AM)Pretty sure the religious scripture says everything is halal except those specifically classified as haram. Unfortunately, muslims prefer to be ignorant of their religion and leave it to the zealots to instruct them about the religion.http://www.quran-islam.org/articles/halal_meat_(P1156).htmlhttps://www.soundvision.com/article/halal-a...uran-and-hadithI don't know about you guys, but I would feel pretty embarrassed when a non muslim knows more than islam than muslims.First of all, I\u2019m not muslim. Plus like I said, if no halal cert, eat at own risk, doesn\u2019t mean it\u2019s not halal.Please do point out which verse exactly says that coz I don\u2019t see any verse being quoted. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9426752924919128} +{"text": "QUOTE(New Klang @ Nov 23 2020, 10:59 AM)Dont argue lahYou know Muslims cannot eat non halal, it is forbiddenIt is like telling your wife's one is the best but only you get to eatThey never use any lard materials in there.Its vegetarian. But u all might have some different definition that the cook must be a muslim yada yada..So have it your way then ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999760389328003} +{"text": "Tahniah JAKIM kerana melarang penggunaan terma 'ayat ruqyah' & 'makanan sunnah' untuk iklan produk.\n\nJuga harap dapat unblock saya", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999914288520813} +{"text": "Serious question but post in /kAnyway, there is a general misconception where people thinks everything with alcohol means haram. It can be haram for consumption (eating, drinking) if it meets certain conditions/criterias. But otherwise, like alcohol for cleaning, sanitizing (is that the correct term?) an open wound, perfumes, etc. are acceptable. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982149600982666} +{"text": "QUOTE(AyamBlend @ Sep 14 2016, 11:43 AM)So one more term to learn today \u00a0 \"tak yakin\", so everything just go back to people's persepctive.i found out one thing is quite interesting, let say, the rice is bought from chinese seafood restaurant (established for decades never serve pork/lard, even patron frequently by muslim) , the muslim friend has been eating years ago, one day dapao to office and eat, his friend saw it and scolded him, spread whole group as well.. Well, he never eat it openly in front of them already.Another story is abt the snacks bought from overseas. It's halal certified by their religious body in their country, but my friend still threw into dustbin.Reason \"xtaulah macam mana diorang dapat cop halal ini\", together with the other forumer mentioning our China's muslim is different.I am wondering now, is there any difference muslim from china , indonesia, singapore, US, France, etc ?If you ask me, my reply is no. There is no differences between the muslim from another country or state just people opinion. Example, when you kid you play dirt or sand and dirty stuff, sure kena marah by parents right? But, the you see your neighbor he also play dirty or sand but the parents no marah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999192953109741} +{"text": "QUOTE(Glockers @ Jun 8 2015, 10:42 AM)Buat kuehteow goreng bai...kerang letak lebih skit...pastu jual air jambu merah. Pergghhhh sedap bai! Orang suka panas2...sampai rumah dah sejuk haha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9966385364532471} +{"text": "mesti tak bayar tax jakimso jakim no approve ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994003772735596} +{"text": "Saya merancang untuk membeli the black whale esok tetapi bila timbul isu tiada sijil halal rasa tidak yakin pula. Haha skemanya ayat hakuuuu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9906551241874695} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?Makes you wonder doesn't it? The almighty messenger of \"god\" wasn't told of detailed information about the world that this \"god\" created. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999411106109619} +{"text": "\u261bFollow KamiHALALFOODINSIDEMakanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia!http://youtube.com/user/MakkahRecipe/about\u2026https://facebook.com/pages/Makkah-Recipe/163266963693077\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hardcore Leveling Warrior @ Nov 16 2020, 01:38 PM)bagus, saman jesaman orang bodoh yang rakam dan juga saman orang bodoh yang percaya dengan orang bodoh yang sebar.saman semua sekaliSudah muak dengan netizen netizen yang bodo. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaterBuffalo @ Feb 28 2023, 09:22 AM)Been going gym consistently for a year but don't feel like I'm bulking up as I desired. Thought of taking protein shake. Any good brands to rekemen?Drill supplied.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abThanks.You are new on your journey, you should be able to make easy newbie gains. My advice is to eat more eggs and meat. I have been consistently eating at least 4 size L eggs everyday for 8 years. Cholesterol level is still within range. I fry them in either olive oil or butter.I would say 6 eggs a day is a good balance. 4 for breakfast and work in 2 more during the day. Chicken is good cheap source of protein if you have to eat halal. But mix between breasts and thighs. You need the fat for growth and performance. Pork actually is more protein dense, but it has more fat and not halal. Another good source will be whole milk. I drink about 11 liters of whole milk a week.Try to eat more real food before using shakes. Because shakes are not complete meals. The only protein I would recommend is casein protein. It is a slow digesting form of protein. It helps you to feel full for longer. It is also best to drink at night so your body has a steady source of protein while you sleep. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7930058836936951} +{"text": "QUOTE(headache @ Nov 5 2023, 09:08 PM)Accommodate us? To what purpose? Like old days. How old are u really?Show respect? U will respond in kind? Wow! Who do u think u are? ...and we are the ones demanding?U are really delusional so stop living in the (fairy tale) past.\u00a0 I don't even know how to respond to your nonsense spewing.\u00a0 Hmm...We are not going to acquiesce to how u want us to behave. Our parents raised us and our religion demands us to be good humans and that is enough. Okay?Wow! Just wow!Jangan buat bodoh. All nons walk on eggshells when dealing with you puak. Criticize a bit then maruah tercabar, call us pendatang, tak sedar diri, ini bumi milik siapa, tak suka boleh balik tongsan/india. Like I said, vegan. Damn annoying. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9898388385772705} +{"text": "it is a never ending debate on who's food is bestask ten ppl bout taste and you'll get 20 replies so there's no end to itback when i was in Bedok, there was this small secluded shop selling what seemed like pork mee but was prepared so damn well, it's the best i've ever had period ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996512234210968} +{"text": "QUOTE(Matchy @ Mar 24 2021, 07:34 AM)From what I read, the staff initially told her that the shop serve pork... but she shocked and ask again. Finally the staff told her it is because her attire.miscommunication, cause should be haram, but the staff can't string a sentence, so easy word to say, serve babi lor. \ud83d\ude01\ud83e\udd2d ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997556805610657} +{"text": "PETALING JAYA: Seven months after announcing their engagement, SM Faliq SM Nasimuddin from the Naza Group and Chryseis Tan from the Berjaya Group, will be tying the knot tomorrow.The revelation of the wedding date was made in an Instagram post by high society lifestyle magazine Prestige Malaysia earlier today. However, there has been no official word from the couple on their nuptials.The only hint however, came from Chryseis own Instagram page, where she posted a photo of her bridal shower on Wednesday.The backdrop of the event read \u201cFrom Miss to Mrs\u201d, as she posed with her friends in the Instagram photo.\u201cAll my fav (favourite) people surprised me today! Love you all,\u201d she said in the accompanying message.Faliq is the son of the founder of the Naza Group, the late Nasimuddin Amin, while Chryseis is the eldest daughter of Vincent Tan, who set up Berjaya Group.Both the bride and the groom are also actively involved in their respective family businesses with Chryseis being CEO of Berjaya Times Square and Faliq, the Naza TTDI Sdn Bhd deputy executive chairman and group managing director.The announcement of children from two family business empires getting engaged on July 2 last year went viral, as the romantic premise behind the engagement was revealed.The news broke after the release of a photo where Faliq, 32, was seen on one knee proposing to Chryseis, 29. In the background, filled with flowers, were the words: \u201cWill you marry me?\u201dFaliq is said to have popped the question while the couple were on vacation in Marrakesh, Morocco.Chryseis and Faliq had met as students in an international school and had been courting for some time before making their relationship public, it was reported.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ress-on-friday/This post has been edited by tak tung tuang: Feb 2 2018, 11:48 AM Attached thumbnail(s)\n Attached image(s) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999871015548706} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Nov 30 2020, 09:06 AM)Every time talk about haram. But stealing not haram?Because easier to hantam dogs than hantam thieves and songlapers? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "Sape yg ambil jubur sakit, gambar dan viral ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999968409538269} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasi lemak 20 sen @ Oct 20 2019, 01:02 AM)BMF can sustain if muslim products are cheap and have quality.Until they achieve cheap and good quality capability.....it's a non issue.Malay family got many children. BMF vs cheaper products. It's a no-brainer choice.OTOH, in case they managed to achieve cheap and good quality product capability, it's a big win for consumers.Did you see cheap and good quality muslim products ? Share lah.Here you go..Di antara senarai - senarai produk muslim adalah :1 .Pasaraya 1. Tesco Malaysia ( Sime Darby )2. Pasaraya Mydin3. Runcit Az-Zain4. Runcit SRM5. Runcit Kohalal6. Ruuncit Halal Mart7. Kedai Rakyat 1 MalaysiaMyMart (Mydin Own )2. Beras1. Beras Nasional Bernas2. Beras dari syarikat Faiza3. Beras dari syarikat Jasmine4. Beras dari syarikat Era Bayam5. Beras Dari syarikat Era Bernas6. Beras syarikat YHL holding7. Beras Juara8. Beras Cap Langsat3. Minyak Masak1. Saji ( Felda )2. Tiara ( Felda )3. Alif ( Sime Darby )4. Olife ( Sime Darby )5. Adela Sunflower / Canola6. Cap Tiga Udang ( jenis paket )4. Susu Manis 1. Saji susu pekat / Cair ( Felda )2. Alif susu pekat / Cair5. Gula 1. Gula kasar / Halus / Merah / Aising / Kastor cap CSR2. Gula kasar / Halus cap GPT3. Gula Perlis ( KGFP )4. Gula kasar . halus Cap Krystal6. Garam 1. Garam Faiza2. Halagel HPA3. Tamin4. Coop 1 Malaysia5. Gu Awa 5936. Nevgel7. Himalaya Sandora8. Adabi7. Sardin 1. King Cup ( buatan Malaysia sahaja )2. Pertima3. Agromas ( Fama )4. HPA5. Classfoods Sardin Mackerel6. Adabi8. Tepung Gandum 1. Faiza2. Cap Bidara3. HPA4. Tepung goreng serbaguna Agromas5. Tepung goreng serbaguna Adabi9. Kopi 1 Hang Tuah2. Orang Kampung Long Jack3. Radix HPA4. Agromas ( Fama )5. Anggerik ( Fama )6. Cap Gantang7. Arshad8. E-man Cafe9. Che Nah10. Mudim10. Kordial & Air Tin 1. Sunquick2. Jalen3. Radix HPA4. Air Tin Vege5. Air Tin Orang Kampung Long Jack6. Safina Jus Minuman7. Air botol dan tin Lipton8. Air tin B2 Energy11. Marjerin, jem, Butter, Kaya 1. Sunbear peanut butter / chunky / chocolate / ( Felda )2. Kaya Pandan Gardenia3. Agromas Kaya ( Fama )4. Adela Marjerin5. Pelangi Marjerin6. Super Creamlite Marjerin7. Palm 365 Marjerin8. Mariana marjerin12. Makanan Beku1. Ramly2. Enna3. Azmy4. Ayamas5. Runcit Az - Zain6. Pau Kart's Food7. Iwani Frozen Food8. Eenaki9. Murtabak Raja10. Zoul Pizza13. Mayonis1. Saji Mayo14. Telur1. Jazmina Plus2. Telur Cap Tesco ( Sime Darby )15. Rempah Ratus, Perencah, Sup1. Brahim's2. Rasa Bonda3. Mak Siti4. Faiza5. Cap O6. Agromas ( Fama )7. Ihsan & Son8. Peladang9. Puteri Ayu10. One11. Sherwan12. HPA13. Sernan14. Supergh15. Aween16. Suri17. Iman's18. Cap Bunga Ros19. SY Foods20. Seri Tanjung21. Adabi22. Al - Waqiah Sup Bunjut16. Kicap, Sos, Cuka1. Faiza2. Cap Kipas Udang Hablal's3. Jalen4. Mudim5. Agromas ( Fama )6. Tamin7. Bumi Hijau8. Aminah Hassan9. Sos Tiram Alif ( Sime Darby )17. Mee Segera 1. Saji Mee ( Felda )2. Agromas ( Fama )3. Bihun segera Faiza4. Adabi18. Bihun1. Faiza2. HPA3. Jasmine4. Era19. Roti 1. Gardenia2. Federal20. Ketupat Nasi Dan Madu1. Faiza2. Adabi21. Ubat Batuk 1. Gamat Nusantara2. Gamat Sireh Lagenda3. Herba Orang Kampung4. Herba HPA Madulia5. Asmakur6. Faizol22. Lasagna, Pie, Pizza 1. Thalia23. Susu Tepung 1. Susu Ilham2. Susu Iqra Milk ( biasa dan coklat )3. Susu Krim Halib's4. Susu Halib;s ( cocoa, gold, fruitti, prebiotik )5. Susu Khadim6. E-man coco milo7. Cocoa gold hot chocolate8. Hi- goat HR susu9. Chocomalt ( pengganti milo )10. Biomil11. Minuman Awwa ( Imanni )24. Makanan Ringan, Biskut & Dadih 1. Agromas Chips ( Fama )2. Gula - gula hacks3. Yess Dadih4. Noraini's Cookies25. Ubat Gigi 1. Halagel HPA2. Herbal HPA3. Najwa4. Mu'min5. Miswakgel26. Barang Penjagaan Diri 1. Secret Garden2. Simply Siti3. D'Herbs4. Beauty Umaira5. Nurraysa6. SF Beauty7. DInar's Skin Care8. Walit Set9. Miracles Beauty10. Imanni27. Barangan Pencuci 1. Bio Sinar pencuci baju2. Uzai Toilet Bowl3. Uzai Softener4. Uzai pencuci pinggan28. Makanan Kucing1. Vita cat ( halal )2. Misha Meow meow29. Kedai Buku & Printing 1. MPH book store30. Petrol1. Petronas31. Fastfood / Restoran1. A&W ( milik KUB )2. Burger King ( Milik Ekuinas )3. The Manhattan Fish Market ( miik Ekuinas )4. Poppeyes ( milik Ekuinas )5. san Francisso ( milik Ekuinas )6. Tutti Frutti Ice Cream ( milik Naza )7. Ramly Burger8. Otai Burger9. 1901 Hot Dog Fast Food10. Burger Bakar Abang Burn11. Burger Bakar Kaw Kaw12. HPA Radix Fried Chicken ( RFC )13. Old Malaya Kopitiam (Selangor )14. Lam Yong Kopitiam ( Selangor )15. Jonker Walk Kopitiam (Selangor )16. Lay Pak Kopitiam17. Umai Kopitiam ( negeri sembilan )18. Pak Tam Kopitiam ( Negeri sembilan )19. Manjung Kopitiam ( Perak )20. D'Impian Kopitiam ( Johor )21. Mai Kopitiam ( Kedah )22. KFC ( milik QSR brands )23. Pizza hut ( milik QSR brands )24. Rasamas ( milik QSR brands )25. Ayamas26. The loaf27. Sate Kajang32. Cat Rumah / Dinding 1. Kansas Paint2. Sissons3. Bina Paint4. Sequoia33. Telekomunikasi 1. Telekom2. UNIFI3. Celcom4. Clixter ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8068906664848328} +{"text": "Anybody claimed cakoi best when dipped in Bak Kut Teh yet? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9782760143280029} +{"text": "QUOTE(arubin @ Jun 26 2015, 01:39 PM)Very popular in Hong Kong liao.\nfvsTkMQIVEY\n\nnever seen it in kuching ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Jan 14 2015, 02:03 PM)woah.. sudah ada opponent\u00a0 I wonder berapa percent traditionalist muslims dalam /k nih..\u00a0 You are entitled to your opinion. Up to you (as long as you dont hurt/oppress others). If you lock your mind, only read teachings that you are used too, then how can you call that belief? How can you call that iman?And if you really believe in this world today there is only one Islam, which is what you practice right now, ...oh my..\u00a0 salam bro, kalau ada masa pergi la pusat2 pengajian islam atau pun rujuk pada ustaz2 kat jabatan agama islam yang bertauliah.moga bro jumpa pencerahan yang sewajarnye berkenaan permasaalahan bro tusememangnya ramai umat islam yang mcm bro skrg, and tak dinafikan tak semua umat islam tu ada kekuatan dan pengetahuan yang cukup luas utk hadapi orang2 yang mcm bro (compliment ye)masa kat u pun aku pernah kena tanya mcm2 pasal islam yang kdg2 smpi buat aku keliruand someone bgtau aku amik wudhuk, solat sunat 2 rakaat betul2, mintak Allah kuatkan imannabi pernah ckp, fitnah dan ujian utk umat dia akhir zaman nanti mmg sgt besar & dahsyat ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9583845734596252} +{"text": "since family aku majmuk semua bangsa ada. bab makanan ni sensitif. tak kan semua masakan yang dimasak oleh org non muslim haram. bagi aku asal bersih so halal lah kan. ke aku ni liberal sangat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9779263138771057} +{"text": "QUOTE(Justin Jack$on @ Jun 2 2019, 11:50 PM)Kasi viral this placeWhere's this?I feel bad doing that but I told the worker liao not sure if he gaf lel ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6984725594520569} +{"text": "Pengusaha wajib jaga kebersihan. Jika tak di jaga boleh jadi haram utk di makan. Jadi pengusaha mesti utamakan kebersihan dan penguatkuasa wajib buat lawatan berkala. Baru ada jaminan makanan bersih dan halal utk rakyat", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9902797341346741} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 08:21 PM)Cakap senang.kenapa?malas nak educate org lain?org kita tau ke identify mana emulsifier halal atau haram? suruh belajar malas, nak ban sini, ban sana sj tau. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999306201934814} +{"text": "QUOTE(Thebestscammer @ Mar 16 2024, 05:26 PM)There is no such thing as best religion, only the most popularAh, the onli religion can get you free paspok to heaven if undi puas, show sendiri alim, condemn dap, and byk lagi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Sep 5 2023, 09:23 AM)janganlah tunjuk kebodohan yang terserlah..belajarlah apa requirement needed untuk halal cert dulu... TS like asking is it ok to tampal sirim sticker without doing the auditMeat cartel scandal how? PuAS hati? Bodo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975040555000305} +{"text": "QUOTE(jamilselamat @ Dec 9 2018, 03:36 PM)Elok sangat la tu. Parti lain flip-flop, PAS pun nak flip-flop. Orang lain pi terjun longkang, hang pun nak ikut terjun longkang. Sebagai parti yang menggunakan modal agama, konsep halal-haram berubah ikut sedap hati. 'Moral high ground', berapa kali dah aku cakap. Kalau hang nak orang pilih parti hang, pertama sekali jangan ikut perangai parti lawan. Tapi berpolitik pun main kotor. Tak cukup dengan tu, apa pencapaian bermakna di Kelantan pun tak dak sejak PAS perintah. Masalah dadah tinggi, orang Kelantan sendiri pun ramai pi cari makan kat negeri orang lain. Economical merit ZERO. Yillek. Tara tu pun nak bagi PAS tadbir negara? Ni bukan macam kes sesat dalam hutan, tak dak makanan lain selain babi, boleh makan babi, sebab tu berkenaan nyawa. Ni kes permainan politik. Kalau orang pi interview hang, mengaku dengan mulut konon boleh buat macam-macam, tapi sijil semua subjek FAIL, lepas tu telepon tanya tempat kerja sebelumnya depa kata prestasi tak elok, hang nak amik kerja jugak?So? Moral high ground? LULZ. Says who? PAS? Who the fuark elected PAS on high pedestal?As I said, I'm a realist. Years of politicking and activism shown me PAS is nothing more just like other political parties. Its just it has the luck to held out longer in mainstream politics, nothing more or less.Sure aku sendiri penah kritik PAS. TGNA ruled Kelantan over 20 odd years, bagitau apa PAS buat pada Kelantan apart from Islamically motivated policies? TGHH ruled Terengganu for a short period of 5 years from 1999-2004 and Kedah from 2008-2014 ... whatever donkey years still kenot make any significant changes. Still same old same old royalties not paid la apa la although memang justified pun alasan tu. Jika PAS Taliban boleh saja court other Taliban-friendly nations like Saudi or Qatar or Kuwait or paling bangsat pun Pakistan untuk invest. Alah pujuk Brunei melabur kat Kelantan pun takpe.Soal aku sokong PAS, itu personal choice. But the FACT aku voted KeAdilan / PKR atas tiket Barisan Alternatif @ Pakatan Rakyat over the spirit of \"tahaluf siyasi\" PAS dari 1999 - 2014 back in Sarawak, for the past 4 elections always depends on common sense, local sentiment dan political reality on the ground.Tak suka, there's always alternatives. Be matured la. Bila kita paham ideologi kepartian dalam ruang lingkup politik Malaysia yang sempit, somehow coupled with years of political activism and participation, accustomed to reading between the lines and history ALWAYS repeating itself, so becoming jaded tu memang a possibility.Jika aku dah muak ngan PAS, well, aku boleh je boycott not voting for the party. Its that fuarking simple. The political formula is really really simple. Or simply becoming apolitical ... takde masalah. Ikut sukahati. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999159574508667} +{"text": "@syedawie sijil Halal tu bukanlah wajib untuk mohon tapi bila ada cop halal itu bonus points untuk business owner. Dan yang tadek sijil Halal bukanlah bermakna makanan tu jatuh haram.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "Pihak kami kembali menerima banyak pertanyaan berkenaan tular status halal premis makanan Bunga Lawang. Untuk makluman, penjelasan berkenaan isu tersebut pernah dikeluarkan oleh pihak kami pada... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2832553430128541&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968825578689575} +{"text": "Jika tiada sijil halal, jangan salah guna tulisan jawi' - Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia https://t.co/JStqhO5mzZ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9828605651855469} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/6UcvLWl84", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9205718636512756} +{"text": "Mufti ada duit nih cakap senanglah..cuba dia sendiri takda duit dan pap kedanana... spender putih dia pun dia sure kibarkan ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5214967131614685} +{"text": "Fitnah makanan halal / haram ni memang menyusahkan, serta mempertikaikan kredibiliti JAKIM sebagai badan halal... http://fb.me/2NjBtPU2A", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998303651809692} +{"text": "Banyak benda lain boleh buat isu saje je up isu sup babi padahal takde masalah. LCS senyap da ke. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Dec 27 2023, 01:46 PM)Tak mampu jangan pi la...Dok viral buat ape la puak ini.Try pergi makan dekat Vegas .....hang boleh terjun bangunanKan tempat bukit casino tu orang judi.Hang dok bawak family pi berserabut buat ape?Saw youtube lobster King crab buffet kat Vegas. Less than usd 100. Like very syok and reasonably priced. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999526739120483} +{"text": "QUOTE(WiiPS3_74 @ Dec 21 2021, 08:12 AM)Bila ditanya soalan macam ni saya selalu jawab; Punya lah takut kat babi, tengok pun tak mau, hukum haram sama je tuk semua yang dilaramg. Nak tau bayangkan; bila ambil duit rasuah, hisap rokok ,main judi macam kau cium bintut babi tu dan telan daging dia,shit accidently hit reply on edit ,how to delete?This post has been edited by WiiPS3_74: Dec 21 2021, 09:09 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993600249290466} +{"text": "Rusydi kata dia reject sbnya kita tak tahu cemana dia buat makanan tu. Bersih ke tidak, dari sumber halal ke tidak. Panjang jugak kena tazkirah tadi. Tak terfikir pun sb fikir orang melayu yang jual. Tapi bila tengok keadaan roti tuu ada betulnya jugak hmmm ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.896165668964386} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah pinklady dah dapat sijil halal dari jakim. \u2714 Produk selamat \u2714 Produk berkesan Jgn was2 lagi untuk cuba pinklady product all in one \u2764 Berminat untuk order Whatsapp :\u2026 https://t.co/XZyKLt5OdF", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998328685760498} +{"text": "@mkini_bm Kan bagus kalau dia cakap Jakim tu dibawah seliaan DAP. Setakat sijil halal tuu nampak mcm tak masuk akal.. kahkah \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9574143290519714} +{"text": "Last but not least yg nk kecam non-muslim jual makanan, or produk. Kita ni duduk Malaysia bkn ada melayu ja. Kalau dh sah halal ada sijil jakim yakin, bersih, sihat makan. Ni rokok, vape tu terang ii x elok sampai utk org yg x isap x bising lak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6181285977363586} +{"text": "@Azfarovski Tah la dh nama pun melayu, buat ape nk tngk2 sijil halal kan? Lain la kalau islam, baru kne tngk betul2 ade halal tk, melayu was2 makan tkde hal, islam was2 jgn makan, melayu minum arak tkde hal, islam minum arak dosa beb, melayu makan babi kenyang jgk, islam makan babi haram. \ud83e\udd17", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999981164932251} +{"text": "Macam pelak.. tup tup cosplay haram. Apa kejadahnyer..sure dianyer subscription to CosplayXXX kena ban , tuh yang meroyan tuh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(akatsuki_91 @ Dec 16 2023, 12:52 PM)While our PMX and Sultan Johor wanna have good exchange of ideas/opinions to lead the country, I can see a lot of Malaysians masih berdendam sesama, especially on Social Media FB (mostly are Malay & Chinese, no very frequently see other races but this is not about racism. Really no idea why so much grudge there...zzzWe can see the big dream by Sultan Johor with the slogan \"Muafakat Itu Berkat\" can imply how His Majesty dream for his rakyat (especially bangsa Johor) to be united.Actually I dun understand y chinese dun just give up on sjkc There are many other avenues to learn mandarin Take away sjkc then get something else more worth it.I really don't understand. Plus I think it's true that some people really coop themselves up in their own community, but this applies to all races.This post has been edited by Knnbuccb: Dec 16 2023, 01:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9441593885421753} +{"text": "3. Tempat pemprosesan yang mengikut prosedur penyediaan makanan (Fefet Foy) yang betul.\n\n4. Produk yang ada MeSTI, sudah lulus untuk dibawa ke peringkat antarabangsa.\n\n5. Produk yang ada MeSTI, produk yang selamat dimakan.\n\nFefet Foy juga mendapat pengiktirafan HALAL dari JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7714496850967407} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotdayum @ Jun 30 2021, 12:28 PM)Sekian. If can help, please do to your best ability. Governments come and go, but Malaysia will prevail. Ni upah :\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSila bersurai secara aman dan teratur.This upah reminds me of a scene in 1st episode of the naked director s1This post has been edited by dupreehere: Jun 30 2021, 01:37 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999129772186279} +{"text": "Kah! Takdenye semua rawat kat rumah. Diorang sejenis berpegang pd prinsip selagi boleh elak vaksin, mesti dielak. Kalau dah sakit baru laa dirawat. Prevention diorang based on makanan sihat and sunnah semata. Sejenis mindset semua benda takde cap JAKIM tu tak halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7612798810005188} +{"text": "\u261bFollow KamiHALAL FOOD INSIDE Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994624257087708} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Jan 9 2021, 10:18 AM)soon semua non kena sunat walaopun bukan muslimmark my wordsowaiiBecause if tak sunat pee to urinal bowl, that bowl become tak halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9223800897598267} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dr.Drool @ Mar 18 2024, 08:31 AM)You guessed right, parent from the 80s. Only bring water bottle to avoid being nagged by female wife/mother for not drinking enough water. School canteen food still the same until today. My kids followed my footsteps by not eating during recess coz canteen don't make enough decent food.80's got nicee nasi lemak, curry also not over spicy like now. Got prawn fish curry, ikan bilis, telur kari, ikan masin (fav) and the usual bilis telur. All for the price of 20-30 sen. The mamak sell mee goreng also sell at 50 sen a plate with potatoes, tauhu, cekodok and sprinkle with crush peanuts..if wan egg, 10 sen more or bawa sendiri.Even ckt also can tambah siham and prawn for 50 sen, same for kari mee and prawn mee. Best of all, puasa pon bukake...kalo sapa tak puasa, can go buy and eat without shame..guru agama xsound pon. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "\r\nALLAH berfirman maksudnya: “Wahai sekalian manusia! Makanlah daripada apa yang ada di bumi yang halal lagi baik dan janganlah kamu ikut jejak langkah syaitan kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu adalah musuh yang terang nyata bagi kamu”. (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 168)\\rIslam adalah satu-satunya ad-din diredai Allah yang menjamin kesejahteraan hidup umatnya di dunia dan di akhirat. Malah Islam juga satu agama yang memelihara kehidupan umatnya daripada perkara-perkara yang mudarat dan merosakkan. Oleh sebab itu, Islam mensyariatkan hukum halal dan haramnya dalam setiap aspek kehidupan umatnya. \\r\\n\\n\\n\\n\\rJusteru, setiap Muslim wajib memelihara setiap perkara yang halal dan haram dalam pemakanannya. Dalam kata lain, setiap Muslim wajib memerhatikan apa yang dimakan supaya tidak termasuk bahan haram yang akhirnya menjadi isi dagingnya. Daging yang tumbuh daripada sumber haram, maka api nerakalah bahan pembakarnya. Ini jelas daripada sabda Rasulullah yang bermaksud: “Setiap daging badannya yang tumbuh daripada benda yang haram (yang menghilangkan berkat), maka nerakalah yang lebih utama bagi orang itu.” (Hadis riwayat Ahmad & Tirmizi) \\rOleh yang demikian, setiap Muslim wajib berhati-hati terhadap pemakanannya agar bersih daripada sumber yang haram. Dari segi hukum menurut perspektif Islam, semua jenis makanan yang ada di atas muka bumi ini adalah halal dimakan kecuali beberapa jenis yang terang-terang diharamkan Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Berdasarkan prinsip ini, sebenarnya makanan halal itu banyak dan wujud dengan meluas di muka bumi. Bagaimanapun, oleh kerana industri makanan dikuasai orang bukan Islam, maka pengeluaran dan pengedaran makanan tidak halal itu melimpah di pasaran dunia dan menenggelamkan makanan halal. \\r\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\rKepentingan makanan halal itu dapat dilihat dengan jelas melalui sabda Rasulullah yang bermaksud: “Memilih yang halal itu adalah wajib bagi setiap orang Islam kerana setiap daging yang tumbuh dari yang haram, maka api neraka lebih utama baginya.” (Hadis riwayat Ahmad)\\rRingkasnya, barangan halal ialah makanan yang bebas daripada sumber najis bermula daripada penyediaan bahan mentah, proses pembuatan, penyimpanan, masakan, pengilangan, pembungkusan dan pengangkutan. Secara ringkasnya, makanan halal itu mesti bersih dan selamat untuk dimakan. Manakala, makanan bernajis pula ialah makanan mengandungi mana-mana daripada bahagian babi, haiwan halal tetapi tidak disembelih dengan betul, bangkai, binatang buas, arak, darah yang mengalir dan makanan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan yang beracun. Oleh yang demikian, makanan yang bernajis ini menjadi tidak halal dimakan oleh umat Islam.\\rBagi kepentingan ekonomi dan keuntungan, maka pengusaha bukan Islam mengambil kesempatan mengeluarkan juga makanan halal bagi memenuhi keperluan umat Islam. Kemajuan pesat teknologi\u00a0\u00a0pemprosesan dan pengeluaran makanan menyebabkan makanan halal\u00a0\u00a0terdedah kepada pencemaran najis secara tidak disedari. Terdapat pelbagai bentuk pencemaran makanan halal di pasaran, terutama\u00a0\u00a0kaedah penyediaan makanan halal yang meliputi metod penyembelihan, sumber bahan mentah, sumber bahan digunakan, pemerosesan, pembungkusan, kebersihan dan keselamatan makanan, pembungkusan, penyimpanan, persekitaran dan sebagainya.\\rBerdasarkan perkembangan pesat mutakhir ini, umat Islam sewajarnya mengambil kesempatan mengeluarkan produk makanan halal seperti dituntut Islam. Ini bukan sahaja akan meningkatkan produktiviti dan mengukuhkan kedudukan ekonomi umat Islam, malah ia akan mengembalikan kegemilangan dan kejayaan umat Islam dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan.\\r\n\n[Posting Asal]\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 [Kembali ke Berita Rakyat]\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 [Pump!]\n\n\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967054724693298} +{"text": "QUOTE(darkLapland @ Feb 1 2023, 07:43 PM)U say everyone should know?Lepastu tipu i manager plak.. 2x tipuThen manager dekat TIME? 3x tipuMmg puak tertindas suka menipu ker?Wow you don't Google places you go beforehandClap2I wonder who tertindas and open thread. Just admit you're racist and xenophobic. Kek. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999576807022095} +{"text": "QUOTE(hustlerism @ Sep 14 2016, 11:56 AM)It does apply to other haram animals as well. This is an example from the hadis. It depends in the culture i guess. Nothing related to religion. Even i went to several temples while on vacations.QUOTE(Koyomi @ Sep 14 2016, 11:58 AM)This is where the sect have different opinion. Because of different people have different opinions. From what i believe everything that is haram. Because anjing is considered najis berat. Najis got 3 category berat, sederhana, ringan. So mostly, haram stuff are najis berat. There is a sect believe only involve anjing.thanks for the info....can i say that, quran only say anging, but other haram is from those iman or so on right?actually who write the quran? Mohammad or other? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960806965827942} +{"text": "My Malay CEO in an Islamic bank just wished all Chirstians in my bank Merry Christmas.Are we gonna lose our Islamic status kek? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9639915227890015} +{"text": "Koleksi FAQ HALAL ini diwujudkan bagi memudahkan pengguna membuat rujukan dan memperoleh penjelasan berkenaan status halal produk-produk dan premis-premis makanan yang sering kali menjadi...", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9781477451324463} +{"text": "QUOTE(joedpa82 @ Jul 27 2012, 11:52 AM)The answer is not halal. Why? Because prophet says that you shall not consume items that will damage your health. Obviously, by the fact that you mentioned, the food is not halal and these traders are actually earning haram money.so can i lipot them? seriously, i bought 3 pieces of fried ciken, 2 uncooked... even the ciken satay i bought like idk... a bit hard ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999442100524902} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 03:25 PM)All liquor contains alcohol. The definition for liquor itself is an alcoholic drink which makes one intoxocated when drinking it. Alcohol itself is an ingredient which made a drinking fluid a liquor. Not everything which contains alcohol however is liquor. Having alcohol in perfume does not make it a liquor. Having alcohol inside tapai does not made it a liquor, unless the intention is to ferment it long enough until it can be made later into an alcoholic drink, which is liquor. Same case with air nira. Drink it within 2 days is halal. Keeping it maybe for 7 days letting it fermented enough for it to turn into some intoxicating drink is haram. You probably a donkey by not knowing it.Really? Then why are there muslims insisting they cannot use this or that skin product because it has alcohol in it? Are you the donkey or are they donkeys for not knowing? I minum je no hal. To me, the worst donkeys are those who speak like they are mabuk and hilang pertimbangan especially when they are racing and only drank teh tarik kurang manis. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9562196731567383} +{"text": "What is Halal?QUOTEHalal\u00a0is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. In reference to food, it is the dietary standard, as prescribed in the Qur\u2019an (the Muslim scripture). The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. These terms are commonly used in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials. While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are not clear. Further information is needed to categorise them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to as\u00a0mashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.DefinitionQUOTEIn general every food is considered halal in Islam unless it is specially prohibited by the Qur\u2019an or the Hadith . By official definition, halal foods are those that are: Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming according to Islamic law (Shariah).Processed, made, produced, manufactured and/or stored using utensils, equipment and/or machinery that have been cleansed according to Islamic law.Muslims eat to maintain a strong and healthy physique in order to be able to contribute their knowledge and effort for the welfare of the society. Muslims are supposed to make an effort to obtain the best quality nutritionally. It is mentioned in a\u00a0Hadith\u00a0that the prayer of a person is rejected by Allah if the food consumed is prohibited (haram). All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram):Alcoholic drinks and intoxicantsNon-Halal Animal FatEnzymes* (Microbial Enzymes are permissible)Gelatine* \u2013 from non-Halal source (fish gelatine is Halal)L-cysteine (if from human hair)LardLipase* (only animal lipase need be avoided)Non-Halal Animal ShorteningPork, Bacon / Ham and anything from pigsUnspecified Meat BrothRennet* (All forms should be avoided except for plant / microbial /synthetic \u2013 rennet obtained from halal slaughtered animal ispermissible).Stock* (a blend of mix species broth or meat stock)Tallow* (non-Halal species)Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animalsFoods contaminated with any of the above products (*May be consumed if derived from Halal animals.)Halal/HaramQUOTEFoods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavours are questionable, because the origin of these ingredients is not known. In the meat and poultry food industry, animals such as cows, veal, lamb, sheep, goats, turkeys, chickens, ducks, game birds, bison, venison, etc, are considered halal, but they must be prepared according to Islamic laws in order for their meat to be suitable for consumption (see below). Fish and seafood (with the exception of crocodiles, alligators and frogs) are generally acceptable for Muslims but as always check first, as there may be a personal dietary preference or allergy. The preparation of the fish or seafood should not include alcohol (ie batter or wine, or anything considered haram). In cases of necessity, prohibited things may become permissible (halal) for the duration of the emergency or need, as Islam puts a priority on life over death. Refer to Qur\u2019an at Chapter 2:173 (Al Baqarah).Islamic Halal Meat Preparation and SupervisionQUOTEIn Australia, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC \u2013 the peak Muslim body) certifies and trains Islamic slaughtermen for the meat and poultry industry. AFIC\u2019s Halal Service Manager travels throughout Australia to various abattoirs/farms, meat and non-meat food companies, drugs, cosmetic establishments to perform Islamic supervision, audit/inspection, and halal preparation. Halal products are derived from animals and/or poultry that have been prepared according to Islamic law under the following statement, \u201cIn the name of God \u2013 God is the Greatest/Bismillahi Allahu Akbar\u201d. Halal products and production are properly separated and clearly identified from non-halal products.Life is sacredQUOTEIslam places great emphasis in the way in which an animal\u2019s life ends, which has to be in accordance with Islamic regulations. Life is a sacred blessing of God to creation, animals as well as humans. If the life of an animal has to be ended for human survival, then its life should only be taken in the name of God. Hence, the phrase bismillah (\u2018in the name of God\u2019) must be uttered just before slaughtering an animal. Muslims cannot consume the meat of animals that are sacrificed in a name other than God. Any animal slaughtered in the name of a person alive or dead, any deity or idol will be considered as haram and therefore it is not permissible for Muslims to consume that meat.Islamic SlaughterQUOTEMuslims are only allowed to eat meat that has been prepared according to Islamic law. This method is often challenged by animal rights activists as \u2018causing unnecessary suffering to the animal\u2019. Muslims disagree and say that Islamic law on killing animals is designed to reduce the pain and distress that the animal suffers. AFIC has strict rules with regards to Islamic slaughter. These rules state:The slaughterer must be a sane adult Muslim.The slaughterer must say the name of God before making the cut.The name of God is said in order to emphasise the sanctity of life and that the animal is being killed for food with God\u2019s consent.The animal must be killed by cutting the throat with one continuous motion of a sharp knife.The cut must sever at least three of the trachea, oesophagus, and the two blood vessels on either side of the throat.The spinal cord must not be cut.Animals must be well treated before being killed.Animals must not see other animals being killed.The knife must not be sharpened in the animal\u2019s presence.The knife blade must be free of blemishes that might tear the wound.The animal must not be in an uncomfortable position.The animal must be allowed to bleed out and be completely dead before further processing.ConclusionQUOTEIslam is not only a religion it is a way of life with protocols, rules and manners governing every facet of life. Since food is an important part of daily life, food laws carry a special significance. Muslims are expected to eat for survival, to maintain good health and not to live for eating. In Islam, eating is considered to be a matter of worship of God like prayer, fasting, alms-giving and other religious activities.This post has been edited by sgshuhu: Jun 9 2019, 11:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7857242822647095} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 12:15 PM)Got people here believe cooking wine in food can potentially cause tipsiness. One of the funniest shit I read today. But makan tapai all buat tak tahu.Tapai has as much alcohol percentage as much as a beer (4-5%) but somehow people here concerned with 1 tablespoon of rice wine in which most of the alcohol will disappear anyway during cooking.When you ask hard questions, all the answers start pusing cerita already. 1)First they say it's because got alcohol, but then stuck because the other foods they eat have alcohol too (tapai for example). 2)Next, they tell you \"it's haram because the purpose is to get drunk\". But then cannot also because cooking wine wasn't made to get drunk.\u00a0 3)Later they say say oh actually it's between he and God. But then stuck also, because otherwise why they penalize folks for drinking then eh?\u00a0 4)Last they will tell you jangan sibuk. This one standard line when they tak ada chan dah to pusing cerita.\u00a0 Got something stucked in your ass? Why feeling so hateful towards malays and Muslims? If you can't accept my reasonings, justifications, or whatnot, then up to you lorr, you want to continue being a hateful person also go on la, memang hati dah hitam, tak boleh nak buat apa dah. Same species as the PAStards, hati busuk mia, tak boleh nak tolerate. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5727365016937256} +{"text": "QUOTE(Radioactive Infused Cola @ May 21 2019, 06:32 PM)it's intoxicating and still haram nonetheless.your previous post saying alcohol no purpose,.. now say haram,.. u didn't read my reply of other reply ??.. he said islam never prohibit alcohol,.. only prohibit intoxication,.. thats why bread is not haram,.. so alcohol is haram or not ??.. can eat bread or not ??.. if can eat bread,.. then can eat druken chicken or not,..ohh... btw,.. alcohol got many medicinal use,.. drink red wine reduce your heart attack rate,...u don't need to be intoxicated,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(tak tung tuang @ Mar 1 2018, 11:42 AM)KUALA LUMPUR: Syarikat pengeluar tudung jenama Naelofar, NH Prima International Sdn Bhd memohon maaf atas kontroversi majlis sambutan hari jadi ke-29 aktres dan pengacara popular, Neelofa serta pelancaran koleksi hijab Be Lofa di pusat hiburan Zouk di sini, kelmarin.Pengarah Urusannya, Noor Nabila Mohd Noor berkata, syarikat memohon maaf terutama kepada penyokong kuat jenama Naelofar dan semua individu yang terjejas dengan insiden itu.\"Majlis pelancaran yang sepatutnya menjadi acara istimewa untuk jenama kami, menjadi isu perdebatan dan menimbulkan tanda tanya pelbagai pihak.\"Sepanjang majlis pada malam itu, kami mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk memastikan apa-apa jenama dan botol minuman keras, gelas serta perkakas diasing dan dikeluarkan sepenuhnya daripada tempat terbabit sebelum majlis berlangsung.\"Akses ke bar dan kelab lain juga ditutup serta merokok dilarang sama sekali sepanjang majlis berkenaan,\" katanya dalam kenyataan yang diterima BH Online, sebentar tadi.Isnin lalu, majlis sambutan hari jadi Neelofa dan pelancaran koleksi tudung baharu Be Lofa yang dianjurkan NH Prima International di Zouk, dikecam netizen kerana dikatakan tidak sesuai dengan imej pelakon dan pengacara popular itu yang bergelar Hajah.Berikutan itu, pelbagai pihak termasuk mufti dan pertubuhan Islam menyuarakan pandangan serta nasihat kepada Neelofa termasuk memintanya bertaubat.Noor Nabila yang juga kakak kepada Neelofa berkata, syarikat turut mendapatkan khidmat katering untuk menyajikan makanan halal sepanjang majlis.\"Semua perkakas termasuk sudu, garpu dan gelas yang digunakan tetamu disediakan syarikat katering terbabit,\" katanya.Noor Nabila berkata, syarikat membuat keputusan mengadakan majlis pelancaran di Zouk kerana kemudahan yang ditawarkan di pusat hiburan itu.\"Mereka menawarkan ruang untuk disewa sebagai tempat acara pada setiap Ahad dan Isnin kerana premis berkenaan tidak dibuka untuk kunjungan umum.\"Selain itu, sistem pencahayaan yang memberi efek neon, sistem bunyi, paparan LED dan sokongan teknikal adalah antara kemudahan yang diperlukan untuk menjayakan majlis itu.\"Semuanya didatangkan dalam satu pakej yang ditawarkan pihak terbabit,\" katanya.Noor Nabila yang juga isteri kepada pelakon, Sharnaaz Ahmad berkata, pihaknya mengambil langkah segera bagi membetulkan keadaan sebaik kontroversi tercetus.\"Tiada yang lebih penting daripada mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan dan keyakinan semua.\"Kami mengambil serius dan mendengar semua komen mengenai isu ini. Kami akan menggunakannya untuk membimbing kami secara positif bagi mengelak insiden sama berulang,\" katanya.Noor Nabila memberi jaminan syarikat akan memastikan isu keagamaan dan kebudayaan dititikberatkan dalam setiap keputusan yang dibuat pada masa depan.\"Kami amat berharap agar diberi peluang untuk memperbaiki diri dan memperbetulkan keadaan,\" katanya.https://www.bharian.com.my/hiburan/selebrit...lofa-mohon-maafaik i tot nenenlofap say tak kisah apa orang cakap? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9724541306495667} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Nov 29 2023, 12:12 AM)Considered packing your own meals?Yes, that would be the best option. But i just moved in to a new place without a fridge. Maybe i should get a second hand fridge so i can do meal prep during off day.Working 12 hours a day excluding transit time is really tough. Leave me little time to do other things. Feel so tired after work. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999264478683472} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 12:32 PM)so you also agree that it's all in vain to prevent people from adding personal views into your religion, and there is no way stopping it no matter what you do.so what next?have you ever though about your future generation, like great grand child where you might not be able to guide them?I wouldn't say its all in vainIt is hard. Difficult. But not impossibleAnd i definitely cant change the whole countryAt best. I can change those around meAnd for me. Thats enoughYup. I thought about thatHence why i dont have any child yet ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978806972503662} +{"text": "inb4 sendiri malas blame the non for being rich. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "this root beer haram or not? i see appear on Halal western restaurant ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8407180309295654} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sichiri @ May 25 2017, 05:27 PM)Asalkan orang kita right?Kalo ore kito dop gapo viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9911096096038818} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 01:45 PM)Compare how Geely spends their profit vs Proton. They used it to buy Volvo, poach their talents, keep re-investing to buy more companies, develop new tech, etc.Proton lol, janji cronies bumiputera only kaya, bangga la, but got zero business acumen to become a proper car company. SZA was the man who brought Myvi in, he's a good man, a proper automotive guy I'd say.He was decent in Proton, made a lot of sensible moves. But alas, it just looked like he had his hands tied, never truly free to do everything he wanted, everything that was right. Atok and bitter Mahaleel never liked him, for their own vested interest. From blocking Proton-VW deal, Khazanah disposing all shares to DRB, Atok became Chairman, doesn't need rocket science to figure out what's actually happening. Geely tookover, things look good again, until this parts shortage incident that's putting much doubt in me. Can Geely strong arm their way, or those crooks will? I'm not optimistic. If the crooks win, with Bangau helping to influence the public with his nasionalist bs sentiment, then now we have to prepare the day we start reading headlines Proton getting billions and billions and billions more 'soft loan' demi memajukan orang kiter, selamatkan pekerjaan orang kiter. They just never learn, sigh.While I understand your hatred with protonIt seems u do gloss over few pertinent details.Proton did invest it's profits in R&D, trying to be a legitimate full scale car company.U may argue that the investments failed but to say that proton didn't do anything but to only reward its cronies is a bit muchSZA was not without his faultsPreve was launched under his watchHe also the one who signed the punch CVT deal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9346784353256226} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 11:27 AM)Malaysia Amoi, Fujian Amoi, Guangdong Amoi is my preffered choice is want to form a Family.Shanghai amoi,,,dont touch....Shanghai men will do all the housework while having full time job and the salary is 100% give to wife and the wife give monthly allowance...so yeah,,,dont touch Shanghai amoi.Dongbei amoi tall, fair, pretty, nice figure, but fierce and can outdrink you...scary also if want to become wife.Agree.Think Sichuan is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "like aku bukan nak jadi teruk tapi tak faham dengan sesetengah orang yang mesti nak JAKIM baru leh makan makanan tu sedangakn makanan tu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9551466703414917} +{"text": "QUOTE(0168257061 @ Jan 15 2018, 05:03 PM)tourists love kk.but as a resident here, i really hate it sometimes.those 2nd hand kancil, viva, axia, saga lsmt majority are incompetent drivers e.g. 40kph right lane, green light 3 seconds already still not moving, honk also wont have reaction best part is they are sakai enough to stare at you.traffic is really bad in kk during working hours.this QUOTE(damnkids01 @ Jan 15 2018, 05:31 PM)totally agree, Sabahan girls are sooooo cute and pretty.. they also very shy shy.. i riek\u00a0 QUOTE(DoraemonNobita @ Jan 15 2018, 05:58 PM)wish I could change job toowilling to settle down as well. My gf place is sandakan.my friends also go for sumandak too after they saw my gf lmaosandakan Chinese or native? been to sandakan once, not bad but I prefer KKmine from Papar, literally kampung ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996471405029297} +{"text": "\r\nMakanlah yang halal dan tinggalkan yang haram... tinggalkan yang was-was...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995906949043274} +{"text": "Muslim tu sendiri bertanggung jawab atas makanan yang dimakan. Kita ada Jakim, boleh check online, offline. Kenapa nak letak resposibility pada dia yg not even a Muslim? Tak malu ke?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8976960778236389} +{"text": "Korang gaduh lagi dari pagi sampai ke malam ke? Sorrylah aku sibuk bawak Grab tadi, tak dapat nak backup sesiapa. Pasal sijil Halal semua ok ye? Perlu bantuan dan pencerahan? Takde? Ok bagus.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8945148587226868} +{"text": "QUOTE(LemonHoneyIce @ Nov 1 2023, 07:50 AM)haiz...not even a Melei dish origin to start withSelf go claim others food as own exclusive one ok...When others wanna make some twists for variety immediately triggeredTamil-Muslim.Tam-Muslim.T-Muslim.Muslim.Muslim.NASI KANDAR IALAH MUSLIM PUNYA! MESTI HALAL! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "QUOTE(TongPakFu @ Feb 23 2023, 10:20 PM)Ghost at China got diff with here wan or not?Any ghost story to share during ur 6 years at there?I can open a tered on this, but again,,,once open tered sure a lot of OPP say bullshit lar, this lar, that lar, ask me to debate lar...so ada sikit malas nak layan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998137354850769} +{"text": "why caterer don't ask for half payment or deposit? after damage only viral in fb.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999768078327179} +{"text": "It's true that Malays make up more than 60% of the population in Malaysia, but in urban areas, it is less than that. Also in my observance, chinese tend to eat out more frequently than others.Making the food halal will further complicate the process of getting the food from the farm to the slaughter to the plate. Need to pay annual fees. Need to restrict to fewer sources, which also result in the restaurant not being able to get the best price for the ingredients. Need to revise the menu, remove certain popular dishes from the menu, etc. The restaurant will only end-up attracting more muslim customers but lose the same number of non-muslim customers. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9674408435821533} +{"text": "wow ini come from tongsan meh need jurubahasa?sedih sia. stay here so long edi still need jurubahasa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9604689478874207} +{"text": "JIKA ke Pasar Mahkota Sentral di Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor, pasti merasakan seperti berada di China apabila perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh kaum tertentu sahaja.Begitu juga ruang medan selera yang terletak di dalam bangunan tersebut yang diusahakan oleh tiada Melayu.Sebelum ini beberapa peniaga Melayu bertanyakan peluang untuk berniaga di sana, namun perlu terikat dengan peraturan yang tidak membenarkan peniaga menjual minuman kerana sudah ada gerai menjual minuman secara berpusat.Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. Ini menyebabkan sektor perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh satu kaum sahaja.Setahu saya, pengurusan pasar berkenaan di bawah Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKJ). Namun, tidakkah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) itu berasa pelik dengan ketidakseimbangan peniaga antara kaum?Mengapa mereka berdiam diri dan bersikap tidak adil kepada peniaga Melayu? Hal sama berlaku di pasar pagi di situ. Bukan Melayu merupakan peniaga terbesar. Kasihanilah kaum lain yang juga mahu mencari nafkah dan mengembangkan ekonomi keluarga.Apa salahnya kita berkongsi ruang perniagaan untuk sama-sama maju? Mengapa perlu ada penindasan terhadap peniaga Melayu sedangkan pasaran untuk masyarakat Melayu/Islam itu ada, cuma \u2018disorokkan\u2019 oleh golongan tertentu.Saya berharap PBT dapat lakukan sesuatu dengan membolehkan peniaga Melayu diberi peluang yang saksama untuk berniaga dan memajukan ekonomi mereka.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMg ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991409778594971} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Nov 25 2023, 12:53 AM)And what was the msian demographic in the 80s vs today........and what was the school curriculum and popular culture then vs today?Do you think the Malaysian demographics in 90s and now has changed that much? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996920824050903} +{"text": "QUOTE(AxeFire @ Nov 28 2016, 06:58 PM)haram?Any JAKIM's halal certificate to be found? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998548030853271} +{"text": "@nrlnazura @AhmdAriff Syukurlah yang rasa cuak bila pernah minum di kedai cth The Alley. Maknanya anda mementingkan Halal Haram. Walaupun sekelumit rasa, sebesar biji sawi. Daripada mereka yang argue oh akak jual kuih online tiada sijil halal okay je?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999967098236084} +{"text": "Most important, makan mesti halal kat overseas. Kat BKK ok lah, senang cari makanan Muslim. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992320537567139} +{"text": "pegang anjing kecoh haram la bagai....at least ble cuci...pegang aweks atau pompuan2 yang bukan mahram tak haram plak?This post has been edited by tenux73: Dec 14 2016, 07:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966889023780823} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Nov 21 2023, 04:11 PM)Hinduism does not have samak, Samak is only applicable to MuslimOk point takenIssue in bharat non of my concern They can rape any hole they want, They did what the majority thinks is the best:) like banning certain classification of food if it suits themWorld largest democracy at work! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977601766586304} +{"text": "Makan babi, makan di kedai tak halal malu sangat2. Tapi makan rasuah tak malu pula. Mentaliti songsang, tak takut Allah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6790435910224915} +{"text": "I beg to differ. Tanya sama ada Xingfutang ada sijil halal pun boleh viral. Why is it so wrong for someone to have extra precaution when it comes to the food they are eating? Everyone have their own meal preferences right? Is it fun to mock others ppl\u2019s concern ya?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.973889172077179} +{"text": "Kalau kita nak import daging dari India ke contohnya, wajib purchase dari slaughterhouse/processing plant yg dah approved by Jakim and JPH. Kalau beli dari yg tak approved, permohonan sijil akan terbatal. Kalau dh dpt sijil Halal, akan ditarik balik.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4718526601791382} +{"text": "Hm gerai opah kat bawah rumsis ni pun haram sebab opah takde sijil halal \u2639 https://t.co/Pfn3EG9S2u", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "Like it or not. Nons business from now on will start to suffer as long as your target audience is the majority. Bumi themselves will take this opportunity to replace nons business. Furthermore they are more stronger in tiktok and live sales. Darsa is the best example, with good financial support, they can expand to 100+ branches in no time. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9924252033233643} +{"text": "bukan setakat tu je kalau tak ikut gmp sikit pon kena tarik macam sr tahun 2015 jakim tarik balik sijil halal sebab tak ikut. gmp ni mcm badan untuk kebersihan dan kualiti makanan tak silap. so halal jakim ni bukan terletak pada halal/haram makanan je termasuk sekali kualiti.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8815459609031677} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMF2025 @ Feb 25 2024, 04:29 PM)Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular?Too halal for tourists looking for harom stuffs. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999894380569458} +{"text": "HALAL laa starbucks...jgn laa nk slh guna nama JAKIM...jgn turun hukum sendiri..fatwa sendiri..jgn nk haramkan makanan yg halal..pls laa..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989708662033081} +{"text": "QUOTE(andyng38 @ Apr 22 2024, 11:20 PM)Too many monkeys in the treeBending boughs so heavilyWhen the bough breaks, the cradle will fallAnd down will come monyet, tongkat and allThe reality is- Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy where the King is Malay and official religion is Islam- Income gap between Bumi and Chinese is getting closer- Malaysia is the best country to live in SE Asia, only next to SG- We are in between \"road to maturity - mass consumption era (final stage)\" of the stage of economic development- We have a steady positive economic growth since independence except for 1975, 85, 98, 2009 and 2020- We are the 19th most peaceful nation on Earth- We are the world's leading Halal hub and Islamic finance- Our passport is strongest in the region only next to the two small country with 182 out of 195 countries visa free- We are global player on Palm Oil and SemiconNow compare us to Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and FilipinaDon't be disingenuous by comparing us with Singapore.We are not some kopitiam uncle you can lie to.Singapore can prosper because they don't have rural development and can provide equal access of basic need, education and healthcare to all it's citizen.Plus their ports are in the most busiest shipping lane in the world since 13th century ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996664524078369} +{"text": "Sis, standard cost vs profit utk kedai makan / product makanan ialah 30:70. Kalau 1.5m sales, maksudnya 1,050,000 profit. Product yg takdok sijil halal, takdok MESTI, takdok GMP. Petik angka dari langit.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8432877063751221} +{"text": "Kalau seller tu tipu saya, dia lah yg tanggung dosa tu.\n\n2. Personally saya mmg takkan beli dari seller non muslim KALAU tempat yg saya pergi, diami tu masih ada pilihan penjual muslim.\n\nTp kalau kedai non muslim tu mmg ada sijil halal, I am 100% takde masalah was-was nk beli.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "bagus, saman jesaman orang bodoh yang rakam dan juga saman orang bodoh yang percaya dengan orang bodoh yang sebar.saman semua sekali ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996738433837891} +{"text": "QUOTE(acer7254 @ Oct 26 2016, 03:24 AM)That's why kid you need education.1. Rokok in Islam is clearly haram. Those muslim tat still smoking, is considered do sins.2. Everybody knows Najib songlap, everbody know, and most of malay hate those baju merah. But you cant do anything, they are protected by Najib. Since Najib is PM in Malaysia. He have power. You can't do anything. They only thing u can do is voting other than\u00a0 him.But funny, the #donedakwah crowd don't attack tobacco and corruption as hard as they do sausage and burger Otherwise confirm this country clean as a whistle and smoking only done in specially approved smoking establishments with police check at the entrance QUOTECompare apple to apple next time.Those Ramly issue is not just about naming, its\u00a0 about trademark issue too. It just like I create Mr. Mc'Donnald, and sale shity burger. Do you think Md'D will not sue me?Please, please educated yourself. Like those that have higher IQ.you consider this \"high IQ\"? attack people IQ, sendiri resort to ad hominem <- this word you understand kah?If Ramly butthurt then tunggulah Ramly bising, korang bising demi dia buat pe? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983047246932983} +{"text": "Kalo makanan gini aku lbh suka lawson beli lauk doang, nasinya di rumah wkwkw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999362230300903} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClericKilla @ Mar 24 2024, 09:50 PM)You can ask Bard and they feel I'm dirty is such a nonsensical opinion about yourself. Did they tell you you are dirty? If no then don't be racist. Diversity of Thought: Islam, like many religions, has a rich history of scholarship and interpretation. There are different schools of thought on various issues, leading to disagreements among Muslims.Historical Context: Political and social realities can influence how Muslims interpret their faith. Empires, colonialism, and modern nation-states have all shaped Muslim communities in different ways.Internal Conflicts: Muslims have had periods of internal conflict, like civil wars or disagreements over leadership. These can create tensions and divisions.It's important to remember:Not all conflicts involving Muslims are internal. There have been plenty of external conflicts as well.Muslims have also had a long history of peaceful coexistence with people of other faiths.Here are some additional points to consider:It would be helpful to know what specific historical period you're interested in to give a more focused response.There are many resources available to learn more about Islamic history and thought.Major Branches:Sunni: The largest branch, representing about 80-85% of Muslims worldwide. They emphasize the importance of the Sunnah (practices and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) alongside the Quran.Shia: The second-largest branch, making up 10-15% of Muslims. They believe in the leadership of the Imams, descendants of the Prophet Ali.Schools of Jurisprudence (Madhhabs):Within Sunni Islam, there are four major schools of jurisprudence (Madhhabs) that offer guidance on Islamic law and practice:Hanafi: Emphasizes reason and juristic analogy (Qiyas).Maliki: Places greater emphasis on the practices of the community of Medina.Shafi'i: Known for its focus on strong evidence and established principles.Hanbali: Known for its stricter interpretations based on the Quran and Hadith.Mystical Traditions:Sufism: A mystical tradition within Islam emphasizing personal connection with God through practices like prayer, meditation, and music.Regional Variations:Islam has also interacted with and been shaped by different cultures, leading to regional variations in practices and traditions across the Muslim world.These are just some examples of Islamic diversity.What you wrote had really opened my eyes. Thank you.And I just found this:https://islamqa.info/en/answers/192041/is-i...l-as-an-udhiyahAt least one area of dietary requirements where the scholars differ in their POVs. The other one is: are there any requirements on the age of the animal before it can be slaughtered for food. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997562766075134} +{"text": "Dan kalau kau pergi luar negara nanti sila dapatkan makanan yang bercop halal jakim, kau tu orang malaysia, haram nanti hukumnya makan!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.764815092086792} +{"text": "QUOTE(archonixm @ May 10 2017, 08:26 AM)Melayu sekarang mana takut halal haram...lolhantam je la...asalkan kaya..Kehalalan makanan bising sangat. Kehalalan Duit tak kisah. This is what I can see. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999575614929199} +{"text": "QUOTE(keyven @ Nov 2 2013, 11:19 PM)Is Pepsi / Coke are classified Halal on what basis??As long is it not haram then its halal. No middle between the two. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999006986618042} +{"text": "Because halal cert is not about cleanliness or hygiene in terms of bacterial infection or diseasesIs more about kebersihan rohani Means if the food is prepare by non-muslim, what ever DNA haram he/she touch before that will be auto halal for the soul once got sijil Halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948301911354065} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpmm @ Oct 11 2017, 10:13 AM)his point is not urgent compare blood transfusion, chinese love fatty pork so their blood is highly contaminated with haram pig, this is the most serious malaysian must segragate the blood of non muslim now.same goes for organs transplant, muslim can only receive from muslim, then Allah will be happy.don't forget to REJECT non-muslim payment for taxes cos they 'love fatty pork' and their money is sinfully tainted ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999043941497803} +{"text": "Nurani \u2013 \u201cWAGYU\" - Membincangkan proses bagaimana lembu Jepun (Wagyu) mematuhi sijil halal yang diiktiraf Jakim daripada peringkat ladang hingga ke pusat penyembelihan. Ikuti Diskusinya dalam MyHalal TV1 Pukul 6.00 Petang ini di @tv1_rtm | https://t.co/6f04UWbmVg | #RTMMobile https://t.co/xQOYjx7Zhl", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6484204530715942} +{"text": "Tau je bro ramai cina yang open minded macam you. Melayu kalau kedai cina tu diyakini halal, tak ada masalah pun orang Melayu makan. Cina tak makan kedai Melayu mungkin sbb taste, life goes on", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8586329817771912} +{"text": "see this again... bancuh sendiri halal tak??.. facepalmyou guys think JAKIM is god who can declare things halal or not ah? that if JAKIM don't give HALAL then it is surely HARAM?its the same with ANY CERTIFICATIONthe body who give out the certificate is only auditing that you follow the guidelines provided. and muslim know what is the guidelines since we need to study itdo non muslim know? some do, some don't. how are muslim going to be sure?they go ask for an auditing body lahits so simple, no need to be so dense ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9157754778862} +{"text": "jakim pengeluar sijil halal makanan. tapi pengeluar sijil haram untuk konsert jugak.haha. sbb tak berani serbu maksiat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5645161867141724} +{"text": "Xing Fu Tang dah certified halal oleh satu badan yang diiktiraf JAKIM. Tengah dalam proses nak dapat sijil halal dari JAKIM. Dah boleh stop sebar benda bukan-bukan like they put lard or pork or alcohol in their drinks. https://t.co/kyvylBfgyW", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9865418672561646} +{"text": "sape paling byk duit haram kat maresia? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998611211776733} +{"text": "Agree. Memang haram pun if tunjuk2 aurat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Feb 10 2017, 11:52 AM)Same goes to alcoholic beverages no? You'll only get bad side effects if you abuse it.Actually it only states alcohol is haram only when u get drunk. But since theres no way to say how much quantity can make a person drunk coz every person have different reaction to any level of alcohol, the religious authorities put it as haram straight. So the alcohol as haram is based on mufti opinion, not the quran. Chef wan once got criticised for using cooking wine in his show. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999775886535645} +{"text": "Pernah makan biskut ni? Halal ke?\n\nJom ketahui status halal pelbagai produk makanan yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di Malaysia. Like dan follow Facebook Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM serta klik... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156731227747398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999507665634155} +{"text": "Halal Cert Vs Hygene\nDua2 penting. Islam ajar ambil makanan yang halal lagi suci. Halalkan toiyiban. Halal, bebas dr unsur diharamkan, suci bersih supaya tidak mengganggu kesihatan. Wallahuaklam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999351501464844} +{"text": "Pas rage inkambing, makanan haram, kalu donasi cash lain la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998370409011841} +{"text": "QUOTE(pureawesomeness @ Apr 12 2023, 04:42 PM)Banyak ikan bilis. Fruit one just 3 or 4 pieces only they put.yup. and if u ask more, they also malas explain dun wan answer u or even worse marah u. at least that's the sellers in my place would doThis post has been edited by DarkAeon: Apr 12 2023, 04:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997683048248291} +{"text": "QUOTE(enterthefatdragon @ Oct 6 2022, 08:34 AM)soskalau tak mampu buat grand, buat la simple style....the nerve of some people. really should just show their face. curi duit tak malu. bila kena viral, marah pulak. vavi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998650550842285} +{"text": "Restoran Nasi Ayam Claypot Viral Tiada Sijil Halal, JAKIM Nasihat Hati-Hati Pilih Premis Makananhttps://ift.tt/o8z6sBv", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974532723426819} +{"text": "QUOTE(techmania @ Aug 24 2019, 01:04 PM)KUALA LUMPUR \u2013 Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) mencadangkan kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) supaya mengeluarkan Sijil Halal dalam tulisan mengikut bangsa pemilik produk. Setiausaha Agungnya, Datuk Dr. Maamor Osman berkata, sebagai contoh, jika produk itu dikeluarkan oleh pemilik Melayu, Islam, Jakim perlu mengeluarkan Sijil Halal dalam tulisan Jawi. Katanya, begitu juga jika produk berkenaan dikeluarkan oleh syarikat Cina dan India, maka Sijil Halal mesti ditulis dalam bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil, bukan tulisan Jawi sebagaimana sebelum ini.Ini tegas beliau sebagai tanda akur PPIM berhubung penolakan tulisan Jawi oleh persatuan Cina, Dong Zong bagi pelaksanaan dalam kurikulum sekolah tahun depan. \u201cMereka (Dong Zong) tak nak Jawi, okey. Kita boleh terima. Tapi kita mahu penolakan itu secara menyeluruh sehingga pada produk keluarga bukan Islam pun dihapuskan tulisan Jawi. \u201cKita tidak mahu mereka mengambil kesempatan mengaut keuntungan atas kuasa membeli dalam kalangan orang Melayu dan Islam secara mengelirukan pembeli dengan tulisan Jawi.\u201cIni tidak patut. Kalau betul-betul bencikan tulisan Jawi, jangan pakai, walaupun pada produk mereka,\u201d katanya kepada media pada majlis kempen membeli akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Kosmo di sini, hari ini. Dr. Maamor turut memberi contoh seperti makanan segera roti pau yang menggunakan nama Melayu, sedangkan pemilik dan pekerjanya bukan Islam. Jelas beliau, tujuan pemilik menggunakan jenama Melayu dan nama Islamik kerana untuk mengelirukan pembeli Islam kononnya makanan itu halal. \u201cWalhal pemiliknya bukan Islam, tapi menggunakan nama orang Melayu untuk kelirukan orang Islam. \u201cKita mengajak orang Melayu, Islam selepas ini lebih berhati-hati membeli produk bukan Islam yang menggunakan nama Melayu,\u201d katanya. \u2013 MalaysiaGazette\nPnykEYxjMSs\n\nwow so much butt hurt I dunno if a tonne of Vaseline can cure or not ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9927774667739868} +{"text": "PIZZA DIY !! Boleh diy ikut cita rasa anda \ud83d\ude0d nk letak topping yg suka ja pon boleh , letak peporoni bnyk bnyk ka \ud83e\udd24 Letak sos mcm mcm , italian sauce boleh bbq boleh \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb Sedap teroks \ud83d\udc95 Harga berpatutan !! Location : Shala Pizza ( depan the store Kangar ) https://t.co/sZIpwcu3cp", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9946405291557312} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 30 2023, 10:13 AM)The funny thing is the trend among Chinese in Klang Valley today is not Chinese vernacular schools anymore. A lot are changing to private/international schools where the syllabus is not rote learning. As for Mandarin, private/international schools also have the subject. The difference is most of the subjects are in English and not Mandarin or BM. IGCSE is getting really popular in Klang Valley today.naaahmost still can't afford international schools and with the growing rural urban migration SJKCs and CIS in KV are packed ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999919056892395} +{"text": "QUOTE(bukankhadam @ May 21 2019, 11:38 PM)Dis way can make product sell better lo. Deodorant, perfume, beauty product, etc can put big2 sticker/stamp \"produk halal, tidak mengandungi alcohol\" \"produk mesra muslim\" liddat.Ever heard dat? Like don buy this product, got alcohol in it, haram.Most ppl trigger when it come to religion issue. Add with lots of uneducated and stupid ppl in there, will create a big misunderstanding leading to ppl thinkin it's true.Like when u want to lie, u die2 say it like it's true, say again n again then eventually ppl will believe.Dis same cases can see in a lot of things, like MSG in fuds, anti-vacc thing, etcThats the thing. No matter how an educated Islam experts told me alcohol only haram if drink to intoxicate, I always reminded of the mouthwash incident. Just perplexing why nobody (or so very few) call out on the businesses exploiting halal insecurities. Like the halal dobi business. As if touching kafir clothes will make u go to hell, wtf? Its their business so I don't really care. I'm more confused by the amount of support for this halal misuse.This post has been edited by TrialGone: May 22 2019, 09:53 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992204904556274} +{"text": "Banyak malu oh. Every year need to do this shit to own citizen. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Apr 1 2021, 04:27 PM)ahahahahaI just noticed it was Bangau's articleHezeri Samsuri reports from the UKfuyoh! sponsored trip mesti kana highlight!https://topgear.com.my/how-proton-is-able-t...engines-quicklyHere are the facts that we can share during our visit to Ricardo.1. This engine is far from ready. Proton and Ricardo will take 40 months for further engine testing (the first variation will be launched for use in Toyota vehicles as early as the end of 2017). It will be the new powerplant for the upcoming Proton Perdana (Honda will only supply the engines and transmissions for two years after the launch), the new Saga, Persona and possibly new models from Proton and Lotus.in this story, dunno which fella kena kencing by whom.300,000 sales yonikmat air tebu ketum ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7533758878707886} +{"text": "\npyropura replied at 13-9-2015 02:24 AM\n..ok\u00a0\u00a0setuju\u00a0\u00a0dgn ko,\u00a0\u00a0tapi\u00a0\u00a0realitinya\u00a0\u00a0\u2018\u2019sensitivity\u2019\u2019 untuk mulayu sunni\u00a0\u00a0saja,\u00a0\u00a0bilatiba ...\nNak jaga sensitiviti khusus utk tuan tanah meleis je. Kaum india ada cakap pasal sembelih lembu kat sekolah yg ada org india tpi meleis2 bangsat ni claim india anti islam, mencabar ketuatnan meleis dan sebagainya sbb mempersoalkan aktiviti penyembelihan itu. Padahal buat waktu sekolah dan ada murid2 india. Nampak tak double standar oleh meleis bangsat tersebut?", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997853636741638} +{"text": "QUOTE(Exiled_Gundam @ Jan 7 2020, 11:09 AM)Quote me the fatwaYea, sounds like he's making up his own rules. At worse, it should be considered makruh only. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999760389328003} +{"text": "@ad_mjs @izzulrfn_ Sijil halal x penting sangat? Apa ke bengap kau ni, dh telan banyak sangat benda haram ke sampai tweet laguni?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(coyouth @ Dec 13 2023, 01:30 PM)direct manager is malaysian, bigger boss is japanese. what's the working culture like? good perks? anyone has first-hand experience?I work before at Japanese non-bank financial institution. Everything is organized and must follow procedures. Almost every document needs to be approved by someone. Before you do anything, make you at least get verbal approval from your boss, best is written in form of emails or memos. Internal audit is really strict and they will always check whether you get approvals for everything. Also better be sure you include every single minute detail in your memo. Because if you forget to inform the bosses of something, you might as well seek approval again. One example I can remember is when I was seeking approval for payment of legal fees of say RM1,000 plus disbursements before actually engaging the legal firm. I forgot to include the service tax in the memo, and yeah, have to resubmit the memo for approval to the directors. You get audited like every 6 months.Directors and CEO are really hands-on and for my department, almost every document needs to be approved by them. In fact, I feel like almost half the time, I am preparing some sort of memo seeking approval from them, to the point that I was informally appointed as the memo writer of my department (partially due to my above average English).This post has been edited by ZeaXG: Dec 13 2023, 02:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997386336326599} +{"text": "Bubble tea also got haram? Use pig balls to make boba? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "Jap. Kalau makanan disediakan oleh non muslim, tapi kriteria dia semua bersih, halal, ikut spec jakim. Masih tak halal ke food tu? Aku rasa halal je kan. Buat teruk nak sangat muslim, pernah je nampak kedai muslim yg sediakan makan, tapi tempat dia kotor teruk.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9729429483413696} +{"text": "I just hope to see all mcd close in all Malay areas until it becomes viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971669316291809} +{"text": "Jakim tu check halal haram dalam makanan kak https://x.com/eilyanaazira/s/eilyanaazira/status/1700526127822111213\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995529055595398} +{"text": "Tak ingat nama \"pakar ekonomi\" yang suka kritik perbankan Islam. Dengan JAKIM pun dia kritik. Katanya kat negara dia takda JAKIM pun boleh hidup mudah untuk makanan halal. Ni guane ni? Nama dia ala2 belah timur tengah. Apa eh, lupa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8952364325523376} +{"text": "i remember watching one video, outside his mrm office, he set up a kiosk with display of hinduism books. then got one hindu brother had dialogue and asked the ppl there, this jibai conveniently brushed off the brother in a very arrogant manner. i know why firdaus is very active proselytizing the nons, bcoz he got NGO where he can withdraw money suka hati bapak dia like his own money anytime. even his NGO oso sudah lama tak audit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995396137237549} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Oct 30 2014, 12:40 PM)salam gayse..i always frequent a chinese hawker stall.. they dont serve pok....\u00a0\u00a0 and im sure chikin n beef used are halal...\u00a0 they also serve fake meat for vege cuisine, like fake beef rendang, fake chikin made of taufu.... i think last time i had fake char siu...\u00a0\u00a0 i dont know its fake char siu btw, only noticed when someone posted it here in /k/ and looks similar in how it is garnished... what is the hukum eating fake char siu?mohon pencerahantqsked to simply jatuhkan hukum. but u can read this Kaidah Fiqih Penentuan Hukum Halal-Haram dalam Makananbtw, no other options of stalls selling food prepared by muslims there?This post has been edited by miaopurr: Oct 30 2014, 01:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9746994972229004} +{"text": "QUOTE(hellokitten @ Mar 24 2024, 02:27 PM)You know during Puasa time, a lot of Muslims who fast will book / sit on the table in restaurants before breaking their fast. As a non-Muslim, when you are in the same restaurant as those who fast, should we 1) Show respect/sympathy/empathy by waiting before they break their fast? or 2) Just eat away?You know lah... scared later if I eat, end up on social media saying this non-oren so insensitive.I'm worried about that.What do you think is the right thing to do? Maybe just don't go to Halal restaurants during the fasting month?just eat away.if they snapped, you use this quote:\"WHAT IS FAITH IF IT DOESN'T ENDURE WHEN WE ARE TESTED THE MOST?\"those who are triggered are those with weak faith (lemah iman)...ask them go pray more, read quran more. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990573525428772} +{"text": "Daging haram mahal like beef/kerbau now. Can match then good. Just that operator earn lesser. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999687671661377} +{"text": "QUOTE(BonBonvoyage @ Mar 25 2024, 06:07 PM)damage control after lashed out last time lolNeed to keep making monkey show drama kuat to get viral and drive sales lar\u2026If not ppl wont remember lamb shank chef ammar\u2026This post has been edited by max_cavalera: Mar 25 2024, 05:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994109869003296} +{"text": "OHHH NOOOO !! THE MOST IMPORTANT!! COWAY TELAH DISAHKAN HALAL OKAY SO JANGAN RISAU \u2764\ufe0f Kita ada sijil okay \u2764\ufe0f https://t.co/ooe7NxF9uH", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987339377403259} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 28 2020, 11:09 AM)https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1165...su-daging-haramhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/116538/BERITA/Nasional/Tujuh-cadangan-tangani-isu-daging-haramJOHOR BAHRU - Pas Johor mencadangkan tujuh penambahbaikan dalam menangani isu kartel daging import tidak disembelih yang diletak logo halal dan dijual di pasaran Malaysia bagi memastikan perkara itu tidak berulang.Ketua Penerangan Pas Johor, Rusman Kemin berkata, pertamanya kerajaan perlu memperketatkan undang-undang yang melibatkan bahan makanan import Kedua katanya, melipatgandakan pemeriksaan ke atas premis-premis pemprosesan makanan selain membuat pembaharuan kepada logo halal bersesuaian dengan perkembangan semasa. \"Begitu juga bertindak pantas menangani isu-isu dengan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja\u00a0 manakala kelima manfaatkan sepenuhnya media kerajaan untuk mendidik masyarakat supaya peka dengan pengambilan makanan yang halal dan sihat .\"Keenam pula mengenakan hukuman yang berat kepada kakitangan kerajaan yang terlibat sebagai dalang dalam hal ini ,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini pada Isnin.Pada 2 Disember lalu, Sinar Harian menerusi laporan khasnya mendedahkan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kuarantin dan Pemeriksaan Malaysia (Maqis) kegiatan kartel daging sejuk beku import yang membawa masuk daging tanpa sijil halal sebelum meletakkan logo halal palsu untuk dijual di pasaran tempatan.Ketujuh katanya, menyediakan akses yang mesra dan mudah kepada rakyat untuk melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa .Pas Johor katanya, berharap isu-isu yang menjadi kebimbangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia dan sekian lama kurang diberi perhatian dapat diselesaikan segera.Dalam pada itu, Rusman berkata, Pas Johor turut menggesa kerajaan terutamanya Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), kastam, majlis agama negeri-negeri dan semua pihak berkuasa yang terlibat supaya lebih sensitif dalam isu itu.Pas Johor memandang serius isu berkenaan dan juga isu-isu seumpamanya yang telah berbangkit sebelum ini antaranya isu ayam di pasar raya yang tidak disembelih sempurna.Selain itu katanya, isu ikan patin di Perak yang diternak dengan memberi makan bangkai khinzir dan isu penyimpanan daging halal dan haram dalam satu tempat.\"Isu kebanyakan dapur-dapur hotel di negara ini yang tidak patuh syariah dan pelbagai isu lain berkaitan makanan yang tidak patuh syariah,\" katanya.NEXT TIME YOUR TITLE GOT A NUMBER OR ANGKA, MAKE SURE YOU PUT POINT FORM!IF TITLE SAY 'TUJUH'I WANNA SEE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 points not karangan! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.61726313829422} +{"text": "Makanan Melayu, bukan je org Melayu yg makan.Ramai kaum lain yg suka juga. Ini nak berniaga nasilemak utk dibeli kaum lain pun salah. Melayu nak bangkit mcm mana? JAKIM mana ooi...? tlg bela org2 Muslim ini.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975454211235046} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 17 2016, 08:43 PM)Not the first time JAKIM's heavy handedness caused controversy, golden churn and cadbury case pun bikin malu.Jakim said got babi in golden churn butter, then when brunei lab test find dont have. Dunno mana nak letak muka.Why is the halal certification process is soo punitive instead of helping business and encouraging them to sell halal food.Dunno why must you bring up the cleanliness issue. Alot of gerai melayu at the streets got halal cert or not?Jakim next kill listRootbeerLuncheon meat dr brunei byk kat pasarana&w malaysia already changed the name from root beer to sarsaparillaoverly sensitive ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998376369476318} +{"text": "QUOTE(lamer2000 @ Aug 17 2016, 09:11 PM)Why need to use dupe account to comment, dont dare to use main account ke? Yes you are right we non muslim dont need to care about this cause it halal/haram does not affect us.Janji jangan jadi macam Rayani Air pulak sampai pekerja naik surat khabar tak dapat gajiThis is my main account la...just register today..lulThats not my point here la... ni bukan pasal rayani air ke ape..Speedmart pun ada je yg halal...rasanya 90% kat situ halal...Like I said, ni choice utk muslim...yg tak perlu kisah mcm lu org pegi je la speedmart ke kedai ah sang ke...apa ada hal...faham tak?Actually itu dia punya marketing je..lantak dia la, marketing dia nak buat mcm mana pun..Persoalan is, knp insecure sgt? PfttThis post has been edited by jackson_DKA: Aug 17 2016, 09:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7859780192375183} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Feb 13 2016, 01:02 PM)sorry but since when jakim is a muslim problem? differ in trivial opinion =/= a problem.jakim declares smoking cigs as haram. have you seen muslim do a riot/campaign/bla bla bla?no fucking no. we just fucking do things our way.jakim = not muslim issue ???wow... very intelligent... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996707439422607} +{"text": "Fav all the time selepas The Alley Molasses Fresh Milk X Cheese Pudding. The chizu \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f Don\u2019t worry ada sijil Halal. Confirm halal. Takut yang bertanya kan? Kalau The Alley paling suka creme br\u00fbl\u00e9e Mmg BAE habis lah \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f https://t.co/NSvQ1pHA32", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.814349353313446} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jingle91 @ May 30 2024, 04:58 PM)No wonder, lol Once you get marry, have decent talk with wife. Ultimately all decisions need to be practical, those outsider comments are not important. Only you and your wife can decide what is the best.we did talk about this lelbut eh my soon to be wife will say in first place \"dont need have kids la then, more mafan than anything\" shes not keen to have kids anywayback to confinement centre topic, while confinement centres are useful since it helps to raise mothers back to full strength + full time care, but at same time also do i need to spend that much for such services?if post birth her body is extremely weak then yes no doubt will go for it or further, but if not should i still opt for it? thats the question im raising. many will say money can earn back bla bla, that amount is still no small matter le not unless im some rich fuk. but to spend alot on something thats overkill/unnecessary requires further thoughts ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9661352038383484} +{"text": "Benda makan ni mudah ja. Kalau takda sijil halal kau jangan hukum benda tu haram dan takutkan orang lain. Kalau dah confirm haram baru larang orang makan or minum", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997078776359558} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Jan 4 2018, 08:03 PM)KOSTUM anime atau adi wira dihukumkan haram sekiranya ia mendedahkan aurat serta menyerupai dewa dalam agama, kepercayaan lain atau rekaan seperti Beerus, Haruhi Suzumiya dan Deus Ex Machina, kata Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri.Katanya, sekiranya kostum itu memerlukan belanja yang besar sehingga membazir, maka ia juga diharamkan.\"Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali.\"Sekiranya ada yang mempersoalkan kaitan pemakaian kostum dewa-dewa dengan akidah, kami katakan bahawa ia bukan isu tergugat atau rosaknya akidah tetapi ia adalah isu jati diri seorang Muslim,\" katanya menerusi siri terbaru Bayan Linnas berkenaan hukum memakai kostum atau cosplay.Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.\"Prinsip kehidupan umat Islam adalah meninggalkan sesuatu perkara yang dirasa tidak penting dalam kehidupan mereka. Ini kerana, perkara itu tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa faedah dalam kehidupan umat Islam.\"Justeru, dengan meninggalkan perbuatan seperti menghabiskan masa mencari kostum yang tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah, lebih baik masa yang ada digunakan untuk menuntut ilmu atau melakukan perkara lebih berfaedah,\" katanya.Beliau bagaimanapun menjelaskan, kostum kartun kanak-kanak antaranya seperti Didi and Friends, Omar dan Hana dibolehkan dengan syarat ia hanya dikhususkan untuk hiburan dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak semata-mata.\"Selain itu, ianya bukanlah sentiasa dan kerap dengan pakaian sedemikian kerana kanak-kanak juga perlu faham bahawa karakter berkenaan hanya khayalan semata-mata.\"Begitu juga maskot sukan di mana hukumnya adalah harus sebagai menaikkan semangat dan hiburan kepada penonton semata-mata dengan syarat-syarat seperti yang disebutkan,\" katanya.Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Khamis, 4 January 2018 @ 5:30 PMhttps://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2018/01/...ufti-kata-haramBAYAN LINNASBAYAN LINNAS SIRI KE- 123: HUKUM MEMAKAI KOSTUM ATAU COSPLAYDitulis oleh Mohamad Razif Mohamad FuadDiterbitkan: 03 Januari 2018Alhamdulillah segala puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kepada Allah S.W.T. Selawat dan salam kami ucapkan ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, para isteri dan keluarga baginda, para sahabat, seterusnya golongan yang mengikuti jejak langkah baginda sehingga hari kiamat. Pemakaian kostum atau cosplay anime atau superhero semakin menjadi satu fenomena yang trending pada masa kini. Namun begitu sebagai umat Islam, sewajarnya kita mengkaji dan meneliti terlebih dahulu hukum-hakam yang berkait supaya setiap tindak-tanduk kita selaku umat Islam berada pada landasan syarak. Justeru, Bayan Linnas pada kali ini akan memfokuskan kepada Hukum Memakai Kostum Atau CosplayDefinisi Kostum dan CosplayMenurut Merriam Webster Dictionary, cosplay merupakan perbuatan berpakaian seperti watak fiksyen (seperti dalam komik, permainan video dan rancangan televisyen).Menurut Kamus Dewan edisi yang keempat, kostum merujuk kepada pakaian yang dipakai oleh pelakon-pelakon sandiwara atau filem dan lain-lain. Pemakaian kostum juga boleh difahami sebagai satu gaya pemakaian tertentu yang dikenakan untuk menampilkan si pemakai sebagai suatu watak yang lain daripada watak kebiasaan mereka.Islam dan HiburanHakikatnya, Islam sebagai panduan hidup manusia tidak pernah melarang manusia untuk berhibur dan berjenaka. Hiburan dan jenaka itu adalah fitrah tabiat manusia dan tanpanya kehidupan akan menjadi hambar, sedih dan kurang bermotivasi untuk hidup menjalankan tanggungjawab masing-masing.Kami nukilkan hakikat ini lewat kenyataan Prof. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradhawi dalam buku al-Halal wa al-Haram (ms.543) yang telah kami terjemahkan:\u201cJusteru, Islam tidak mewajibkan manusia agar semua perkataan yang diucapkan sehari-hari sebagai zikir, semua renungannya sebagai berfikir, semua pendengarannya hanyalah al-Quran al-Karim dan semua masa lapangnya mesti berada di dalam masjid. Bahkan Islam mengiktiraf kewujudan manusia itu dengan fitrah dan tabiatnya yang tersendiri sebagaimana yang diciptakan Allah SWT buat mereka. Allah SWT menciptakan manusia supaya mereka senang, ketawa dan bermain-main sebagaimana diciptakan bagi manusia itu keinginan untuk makan dan minum...\u201dKemudian beliau menyebutkan tentang sikap sebahagian para sahabat Nabi SAW yang terlalu takut untuk berhibur dan bergembira bersama keluarga kerana berhati-hati terhadap sifat munafik. Suatu hari, Hanzalah R.A datang berjumpa Nabi SAW bersama Abu Bakar R.A lalu berkata: \u201cHanzalah telah berlaku munafik wahai Rasulullah!\u201d Baginda SAW menjawab: \u201cMengapa sebegitu?\u201d Jawab Hanzalah: \u201cWahai Rasulullah! Apabila kami berada di sisimu, kamu sering mengingatkan kami tentang neraka dan syurga, sehingga kami seolah-olah dapat melihatnya di hadapan mata kami. Tetapi apabila kami meninggalkan majlismu, kami telah dilalaikan dengan anak dan isteri serta harta benda kami sehingga kami terlupa kepada peringatanmu itu.\u201dMaka jawab Rasulullah SAW:\u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0630\u0650\u064a \u0646\u064e\u0641\u0652\u0633\u0650\u064a \u0628\u0650\u064a\u064e\u062f\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0644\u064e\u0648\u0652 \u062a\u064e\u062f\u064f\u0648\u0645\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u0639\u0650\u0646\u0652\u062f\u0650\u064a\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0641\u0650\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0630\u0651\u0650\u0643\u0652\u0631\u0650\u060c \u0644\u064e\u0635\u064e\u0627\u0641\u064e\u062d\u064e\u062a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\u0626\u0650\u0643\u064e\u0629\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0641\u064f\u0631\u064f\u0634\u0650\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0648\u064e\u0641\u0650\u064a \u0637\u064f\u0631\u064f\u0642\u0650\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0643\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0627 \u062d\u064e\u0646\u0652\u0638\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0629\u064f \u0633\u064e\u0627\u0639\u064e\u0629\u064b \u0648\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0639\u064e\u0629\u064b - \u062b\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\u062b\u064e \u0645\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0627\u062a\u064dMaksudnya: \u201cDemi (Zat) yang jiwaku di Tangan-Nya! Sesungguhnya jika kamu menepati keadaan seperti yang kamu biasanya berada di sisiku dan ketika dalam berzikir, nescaya kamu akan berjabat tangan (yakni disamakan) dengan malaikat di tempat-tempat perbaringan kalian dan di jalan-jalan kalian. Tetapi, wahai Hanzalah! Sesaat begini dan sesaat begitu! \u2013 Rasulullah menyebut tiga kali\u201dRiwayat Muslim (2750)Ertinya, hanya para Malaikat yang memiliki tahap keimanan sedemikian rupanya yang dibayangkan Hanzalah. Mereka sentiasa bertasbih memuji Allah dalam setiap keadaan dan waktu. Sedangkan manusia ada masanya untuk belajar, beribadah dan mendengar peringatan. Ada juga masa untuk rehat dan tidur, dan masa untuk bekerja mencari nafkah untuk diri dan keluarga, sedangkan malaikat tidak dijadikan sebegitu.HUKUM MEMAKAI KOSTUM ATAU COSPLAYBerhubung dengan pemakaian kostum atau cosplay kami membahagikannya kepada beberapa aspek.Pertama : Kostum Kartun kanak-kanakAntaranya seperti Didi and Friends, Omar dan Hana. Kami berpandangan bahawa ia dibolehkan dengan syarat ianya hanya dikhususkan untuk hiburan dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak semata-mata. Selain itu, ianya bukanlah sentiasa dan kerap dengan pakaian sedemikian kerana kanak-kanak juga perlu faham bahawa karekter berkenaan hanya khayalan semata-mata. Begitu juga maskot sukan di mana hukumnya adalah harus sebagai menaikkan semangat dan hiburan kepada audien semata-mata dengan syarat-syarat seperti yang disebutkan.Kedua : Kostum BadutHukum berlawak jenaka dengan berpakaian badut adalah makruh. Walaubagaimanapun, jika ada tujuan tertentu seperti pembelajaran dan hiburan kepada kanak-kanak, ada beberapa kriteria yang perlu dipatuhi:Tidak melampau batas sehingga meninggalkan tanggungjawab dan kewajipanAl-Qaradhawi menyebut: \u201cMaka tidak salah bagi seorang Muslim untuk bergurau senda dengan sesuatu yang dapat menenangkan hatinya, tidak salah baginya menghiburkan dirinya dan rakan-rakannya dengan sesuatu hiburan yang ringan. Akan tetapi janganlah sampai menjadi kebiasaan pada setiap masa ingin bergurau sahaja kerana akhirnya ianya akan menghalangnya daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang wajib sehingga dia bergurau pada waktu yang sepatutnya dia bersungguh-sungguh.\u201dSebab itu ada pepatah yang mengatakan:\u0627\u0639\u0637\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064e \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0645\u064e\u0632\u0652\u062d\u0650 \u0628\u0650\u0642\u064e\u062f\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064f\u0639\u0652\u0637\u064e\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0651\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064f \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0650\u0644\u0652\u062d\u0650Maksudnya: \u201cBerikanlah bicaramu itu dengan sedikit gurauan, sekadar diberikan pada makanan itu garamnya yang cukup.\u201dTidak menjadikan maruah seseorang itu sebagai gurau senda.Ini berdasarkan firman Allah Taala:\u064a\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064e\u064a\u0651\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0630\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e \u0622\u0645\u064e\u0646\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u0633\u0652\u062e\u064e\u0631\u0652 \u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064c \u0645\u0651\u0650\u0646 \u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064d \u0639\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0649\u0670 \u0623\u064e\u0646 \u064a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u062e\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u064b\u0627 \u0645\u0651\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u0646\u0650\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0621\u064c \u0645\u0651\u0650\u0646 \u0646\u0651\u0650\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0621\u064d \u0639\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0649\u0670 \u0623\u064e\u0646 \u064a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0646\u0651\u064e \u062e\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u064b\u0627 \u0645\u0651\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0646\u0651\u064e \u06d6 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0645\u0650\u0632\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0641\u064f\u0633\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0627\u0628\u064e\u0632\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0628\u0650\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0623\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0642\u064e\u0627\u0628\u0650 \u06d6 \u0628\u0650\u0626\u0652\u0633\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0650\u0627\u0633\u0652\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0641\u064f\u0633\u064f\u0648\u0642\u064f \u0628\u064e\u0639\u0652\u062f\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0625\u0650\u064a\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0646\u0650 \u06da \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0646 \u0644\u0651\u064e\u0645\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u062a\u064f\u0628\u0652 \u0641\u064e\u0623\u064f\u0648\u0644\u064e\u0670\u0626\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0638\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0650\u0645\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064eMaksudnya: \u201cWahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatu puak (dari kaum lelaki) mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak lelaki yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka; dan janganlah pula sesuatu puak dari kaum perempuan mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak perempuan yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka; dan janganlah setengah kamu menyatakan keaiban setengahnya yang lain; dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antara satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk. (Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang yang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlah buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang) sesudah ia beriman. Dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidak bertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) maka merekalah orang-orang yang zalim.\u201d(Surah al-Hujurat : 11)Tidak berbohong dalam lawakDaripada Bahz bin Hakim (bin Muawiyah bin Haidah al-Qusyairi) berkata: Ayahku menceritakan kepadaku, daripada datukku, yang berkata: Aku mendengar Nabi SAW bersabda:\u0648\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0644\u064c \u0644\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0630\u0650\u064a \u064a\u064f\u062d\u064e\u062f\u0651\u0650\u062b\u064f \u0628\u0650\u0627\u0644\u062d\u064e\u062f\u0650\u064a\u062b\u0650 \u0644\u0650\u064a\u064f\u0636\u0652\u062d\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0641\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0643\u0652\u0630\u0650\u0628\u064f\u060c \u0648\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0644\u064c \u0644\u064e\u0647\u064f \u0648\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0644\u064c \u0644\u064e\u0647\u064fMaksudnya : \u201cCelakalah bagi orang yang bercakap suatu percakapan agar orang ramai tertawa dengan pembohongan. Celakalah baginya! Celakalah baginya!\u201dRiwayat al-Tirmidhi (2315)Syeikh Abu al-Ala al-Mubarakfuri (w.1353H) dalam Tuhfah al-Ahwazi (6/497-498) mensyarahkan hadis ini: \u201cWail bererti kecelakaan yang besar atau lembah yang dalam; li yudhika\u2026 yang daripada kata terbitan idhak (membuat orang tertawa); bihi yakni tertawa dengan perkataannya atau pembohongannya\u2026. Mafhum daripada hadis itu bahawa jika seseorang bercakap dengan perkataan yang benar untuk berlawak dengan satu kaum maka tidak mengapa hal itu seperti mana yang berasal daripada kisah Umar RA bersama Nabi SAW tatkala baginda marah terhadap beberapa orang Ummahat al-Mu\u2019minin (isteri-isteri Nabi). Berkata al-Ghazzali: \u201cJusteru, perlu diketahui bahawa sisi jenaka Rasulullah SAW tidak berlaku melainkan dalam bentuk kebenaran, tidak menyakitkan hati, dan tidak juga melampaui batas.\u201dTidak mempermainkan syiar agamaIni dapat dilihat daripada firman Allah SWT seperti berikut :\u0648\u064e\u0630\u064e\u0631\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0630\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e \u0627\u062a\u0651\u064e\u062e\u064e\u0630\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u062f\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0644\u064e\u0639\u0650\u0628\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0647\u0652\u0648\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u063a\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u062a\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062d\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0627\u0629\u064f \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064f\u0646\u0652\u064a\u064e\u0627Maksudnya: \u201cDan jauhkanlah diri dari orang-orang Yang menjadikan agama mereka sebagai permainan dan hiburan, dan mereka pula telah diperdayakan oleh kehidupan dunia.\u201d(Surah Al-An\u2019am : 70)Firman-Nya lagi:\u0627\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0630\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e \u0627\u062a\u0651\u064e\u062e\u064e\u0630\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u062f\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0644\u064e\u0647\u0652\u0648\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0639\u0650\u0628\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u063a\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u062a\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062d\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0627\u0629\u064f \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064f\u0646\u0652\u064a\u0627\u064eMaksudnya: (Tuhan berfirman: orang-orang kafir itu ialah) orang-orang Yang menjadikan perkara-perkara agama mereka sebagai hiburan Yang melalaikan dan permainan, dan orang-orang Yang telah terpedaya Dengan kehidupan dunia (segala kemewahannya dan kelazatannya).(Surah Al-A\u2019raf : 51)Tafsiran ayat-ayat di atas jelas menunjukkan kepada larangan untuk mempermainkan agama dan membuat sesuatu lawak yang mempunyai kaitan dengan ajaran Islam. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menjaga kehormatan agama Islam itu sendiri sepertimana yang telah digariskan dalam maqosid Islam yang dhoruriyyat iaitu menjaga agama. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam firman Allah SWT seperti berikut :\u0630\u064e\u0670\u0644\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0646 \u064a\u064f\u0639\u064e\u0638\u0650\u0651\u0645\u0652 \u0634\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0627\u0626\u0650\u0631\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0640\u0647\u0650 \u0641\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0645\u0650\u0646 \u062a\u064e\u0642\u0652\u0648\u064e\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0642\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0628\u0650Maksudnya : \u201cDemikianlah (ajaran Allah); dan sesiapa Yang menghormati syiar-syiar agama Allah maka (Dia lah orang Yang bertaqwa) kerana Sesungguhnya perbuatan itu satu kesan dari sifat-sifat taqwa hati orang mukmin.\u201d(Surah al-Hajj : 32)Keempat : Kostum Anime atau SuperheroDalam hal ini, kami berpandangan bahawa ianya perlu diperhalusi terutamanya daripada aspek kostum watak yang dipakai, kosnya, masa yang diperuntukkan, karekternya dan tujuannya.Sekiranya kostum berkenaan mendedahkan aurat, maka ia diharamkan.Sekiranya ia menyerupai dewa-dewa dalam agama atau kepercayaan lain atau rekaan seperti Beerus, Haruhi Suzumiya, Deus Ex Machina dan lain-lain, maka ia diharamkan. Ibn Umar R.Anhuma meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda :\u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u062a\u064e\u0634\u064e\u0628\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064d \u0641\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0648\u064e \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f\u0645\u0652Maksudnya : \u201cBarangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, maka dia termasuk dari bahagian mereka.\u201dRiwayat Abu Daud (4031)Tafsiran hadis ini menunjukkan kepada penyerupaan dari sudut cara pemakaian, gaya hidup, etika hidup, panduan agama atau perilaku khusus bagi sesuatu kaum. Justeru pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali. Sekiranya ada yang mempersoalkan kaitan pemakaian kostum dewa-dewa dengan akidah, kami katakan bahawa ia bukan isu tergugat atau rosaknya akidah tetapi ia adalah isu jati diri seorang Muslim.Sekiranya ia memerlukan belanja yang besar sehingga membazir, maka ianya diharamkan. Firman Allah SWT:\u064a\u064e\u0627 \u0628\u064e\u0646\u0650\u064a \u0622\u062f\u064e\u0645\u064e \u062e\u064f\u0630\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0632\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e\u062a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0639\u0650\u0646\u062f\u064e \u0643\u064f\u0644\u0650\u0651 \u0645\u064e\u0633\u0652\u062c\u0650\u062f\u064d \u0648\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0634\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0628\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064f\u0633\u0652\u0631\u0650\u0641\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u06da \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f \u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u0651\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064f\u0633\u0652\u0631\u0650\u0641\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064eMaksudnya : \u201cWahai anak-anak Adam! Pakailah pakaian kamu Yang indah berhias pada tiap-tiap kali kamu ke tempat Ibadat (atau mengerjakan sembahyang), dan makanlah serta minumlah, dan jangan pula kamu melampau; Sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka akan orang-orang yang melampaui batas.\u201d(Surah al-A\u2019raf : 31)Al-Maraghi menyatakan Allah SWT menghendaki manusia bersikap sederhana dalam melakukan sesuatu kerana Allah dan tidak suka sama sekali mereka yang melampaui batas. Bahkan Allah SWT menghukum mereka atas sikap berlebih-lebihan ini sesuai dengan bahaya dan kerosakan yang mereka timbulkan. Ini kerana, mereka telah melanggar sunnah-sunnah fitrah dan berbuat jahat terhadap diri mereka sendiri serta harta mereka. (Rujuk Tafsir al-Maraghi, 4/2174)Demikian juga hadis berkaitan larangan terhadap pembaziran dalam berpakaian sehingga mendatangkan fitnah terhadap agama.\u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u062a\u064e\u0635\u064e\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0642\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0628\u064e\u0633\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0641\u0650\u064a \u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0625\u0650\u0633\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0641\u064d \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0627\u064e \u0645\u064e\u062e\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064e\u0629\u064dMaksudnya : \u201cMakanlah, bersedekah dan pakailah tanpa membazir dan bermegah-megah.\u201dRiwayat al-Nasaei (2559)Sekiranya ia dengan bertujuan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk maka ia adalah makruh.Definisi menunjuk-nunjuk menurut Lisan al-Arab adalah: \u201cMenzahirkan sesuatu yang dengan kesombongan sehingga dilihat oleh manusia.\u201dFirman Allah SWT\u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0640\u0647\u064f \u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u0651\u064f \u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0645\u064f\u062e\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064d \u0641\u064e\u062e\u064f\u0648\u0631\u064dMaksudnya : \u201cAllah tidak suka kepada tiap-tiap orang yang sombong takbur, lagi membanggakan diri.\u201d(Surah al-Hadid : 23)Untuk mengelakkan setiap muslim menjauh diri daripada tuduhan sombong diri, maka Nabi SAW melarang daripada memakai pakaian yang menagih kemasyuran kerana manusia yang memakainya akan merasa bangga diri dan berlagak angkuh. Tersebut di dalam hadis:Daripada Ibn Umar R.Anhuma, Nabi SAW bersabda:\u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0644\u064e\u0628\u0650\u0633\u064e \u062b\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0628\u064e \u0634\u064f\u0647\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0629\u064d \u0623\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0628\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0647\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f \u064a\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0642\u0650\u064a\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064e\u0629\u0650 \u062b\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0628\u064e \u0645\u064e\u0630\u064e\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064dMaksudnya : \u201cSiapa yang memakai pakaian syuhrah di dunia maka Allah memakaikan kepadanya pakaian kehinaan pada hari kiamat.\u201dRiwayat Ibn Majah (3606)Ibn Qayyim dalam \u2018Aun al-Ma\u2019bud menyatakan bahawa hadis ini menunjukkan kepada pemakaian satu baju yang ketara perbezaannya dengan manusia lain dari sudut warnanya atau bentuknya yang mampu untuk mengalih pandangan manusia lain untuk melihat kearahnya sehingga menimbulkan perasaan ujub, takbur dan bermegah-megah dalam diri pemakai. (Rujuk Kitab \u2018Aun al-Ma\u2019bud,11/50)Memakai pakaian yang menyalahi adat kebiasaan orang ramai adalah makruh kerana ia membawa kepada menunjuk-nunjuk dan juga umpatan orang lain.Daripada Abu Hurairah R.A, Nabi SAW bersabda:\u0646\u064e\u0647\u064e\u0649 \u0639\u064e\u0646\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0651\u064f\u0647\u0652\u0631\u064e\u062a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0646\u0650 \u0641\u064e\u0642\u0650\u064a\u0644: \u064a\u064e\u0627 \u0631\u064e\u0633\u064f\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0651\u064f\u0647\u0652\u0631\u064e\u062a\u064e\u0627\u0646\u0650\u061f \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644: \u0631\u0650\u0642\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064f \u0627\u0644\u062b\u0651\u0650\u064a\u064e\u0627\u0628\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u063a\u0650\u0644\u064e\u0638\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u062e\u064f\u0634\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e\u062a\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0637\u064f\u0648\u0644\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0642\u0650\u0635\u064e\u0631\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0643\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0633\u064e\u062f\u064e\u0627\u062f\u064b\u0627 \u0628\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0646\u064e \u0630\u064e\u0644\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0642\u0652\u062a\u0650\u0635\u064e\u0627\u062f\u064b\u0627Maksudnya : \u201cNabi SAW melarang daripada dua perkara yang menunjuk-nunjuk. Maka dia bertanya : Wahai Rasulullah, apakah dia dua perkara yang menunjuk-nunjuk? Rasulullah bersabda : \u201c Pakaian terlalu halus atau terlalu kasar, pakaian terlalu panjang atau terlalu pendek yang terlalu lembut dan terlalu kasar dan yang terlalu panjang dan terlalu pendek tetapi sederhana diantara kedua-duanya.\u201dHadis Riwayat al-Baihaqi (3/273). Hadis ini dihukum munqati\u2019.Nabi SAW juga melarang umatnya daripada sifat menunjuk-nunjuk dalam berpakaian. Hal ini kerana, sikap tersebut akan mendatangkan fitnah tidak hanya kepada pemakai malah turut kepada agama Islam. Demikian juga hadis berkaitan larangan menunjuk-nunjuk dalam berpakaian sehingga mendatangkan fitnah terhadap agama.\u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u062a\u064e\u0635\u064e\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0642\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0628\u064e\u0633\u064f\u0648\u0627 \u0641\u0650\u064a \u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0625\u0650\u0633\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0641\u064d \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0627\u064e \u0645\u064e\u062e\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064e\u0629\u064dMaksudnya : \u201cMakanlah, bersedekah dan pakailah tanpa membazir dan bermegah-megah.\u201dRiwayat al-Nasaei (2559)Pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya. Maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.Demikian hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah RA, bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda,\u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u062d\u064f\u0633\u0652\u0646\u0650 \u0625\u0650\u0633\u0652\u0644\u0627\u064e\u0645\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0621\u0650 \u062a\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0647\u064f \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0644\u0627\u064e \u064a\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0646\u0650\u064a\u0647\u0650Maksudnya: \u201cDi antara kebaikan Islam seseorang adalah meninggalkan hal yang tidak bermanfaat\u201dRiwayat al-Tirmizi (2317)Prinsip kehidupan umat Islam adalah meninggalkan sesuatu perkara yang dirasa tidak penting dalam kehidupan mereka. Ini kerana, perkara tersebut tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa faedah dalam kihudupan umat Islam. Justeru, dengan meninggalkan perbuatan seperti menghabiskan masa mencari kostum yang tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah, lebih baik masa yang ada tersebut digunakan untuk menuntut ilmu atau melakukan perkara yang lebih berfaedah.KESIMPULANMenurut Imam al-Tabari :\u0641\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0645\u064f\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0639\u064e\u0627\u0629\u064e \u0632\u0650\u064a\u0651\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0651\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0646\u0650 \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064f\u0631\u064f\u0648\u0621\u064e\u0629\u0650 \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0644\u064e\u0645\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0646\u0652 \u0625\u0650\u062b\u0652\u0645\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0641\u0650\u064a \u0645\u064f\u062e\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e\u0641\u064e\u0629\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0651\u0650\u064a\u0651\u0650 \u0636\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0628\u064c \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0651\u064f\u0647\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0629\u0650Maksudnya : \u201cSesungguhnya menjaga diri untuk berpakaian yang sesuai dengan penduduk zamannya adalah termasuk dalam memelihara maruah selagi bukan perbuatan dosa. Dan dalam berbeza pakaian (kebiasaan) dengan mereka, terdapat bentuk menunjuk-nunjuk.\u201d (Rujuk Fath al-Bari, 10/306)Setelah meneliti isu ini, kami berpandangan bahawa dilarang bagi seseorang Muslim itu untuk memakai kostum atau cosplay kecuali dengan kriteria-kriteria yang telah kami sebut di atas. Selain daripada garis panduan yang telah dinyatakan di atas, kami melihat bahawa pemakaian sebahagian kostum atau cosplay tertentu adalah lebih kepada untuk menunjuk-nunjuk dan boleh mendatangkan fitnah kepada agama Islam itu sendiri. Selain itu, ianya juga termasuk dalam kategori pembaziran duit dan masa dimana Allah SWT melarang keras hambanya daripada melakukan apa-apa pembaziran dalam kehidupan.Semoga dengan penjelasan ini dapat memberi pencerahan serta kefahaman kepada kita seterusnya menilai isu-isu yang berlaku di sekeliling kita dengan matang dan baik di atas landasan syarak. Wallahu a\u2019lam. Akhukum fillah,Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri,Mufti Wilayah Persekutuanhttp://muftiwp.gov.my/index.php/ms-my/perk...um-atau-cosplay ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999516487121582} +{"text": "Jika makanan yg membahayakan kesihatan itu di haram Jakim, mungkin ramai yg mati kebulur.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999138116836548} +{"text": "urgh pasal sijil halal ni, if premise or business u dh ada SOP, and dh follow std regulations semua, u boleh buat halal manual, appoint halal exec, apply halal. settle. utk soal harga, tak mahal pun application free dia \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6961687207221985} +{"text": "QUOTE(GGSC27 @ Dec 15 2022, 10:04 AM)don be hypocrite, cannot consume internally or externallyNO mean NO, alcohol haram yothanks ustaz*sarcasmThis post has been edited by Jedi3815: Dec 15 2022, 10:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998331606388092} +{"text": "QUOTE(LVL1NiNjA @ Jun 19 2015, 12:08 AM)Is that the best you can type?I don't hate, it's just that people these days take pride on other people's effort so easily.sorry for ur lost ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8967170715332031} +{"text": "Isu makanan halal haram @ syubhah ni JAKIM dah tak menang tangan. Isu ni dah basi. Even kedai Melayu pun, sumber makanan belum tentu halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985637068748474} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Dec 30 2023, 10:29 AM)Of course nons cook lah. McRib we anticipate your arrival. Muak betul see workers today so malas kerja tak ilhlas asyik lambat serve wrong orders.Cook lard fries confirm more nons come support. Bukannya puak boikot these days sokong Mekdi pun. No loss.maybe you don't remember mcd started with haram food before in malaysia on 1982 but they nearly closed, they decided they need malay's money to survive and only then get halal on 1995. so yeah see how far mcd get with non halal food ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998086094856262} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jv8888 @ Nov 1 2023, 10:57 AM)sorry nak tanya je, kalau kedai tu kotor, walaupun org sama kaum yg jual, adakah makanan tu masih dikira HALAL walaupun tanpa sijil HALAL?okay ini explain bukan sijil halal ye. kalau ada sijil halal persoalan ini tak keluar dah.1. makanan halal2. kedai kotor1. kedai kotor makanan tak halal contoh babi - makanan tu tak halal. obvious kot2. kedai kotor makanan halal contoh ayam sembelih alaakbar - makanan halal. tapi sebagai customer nak beli ke? kalau terpaksa beli dan makan, makanan tersebut tidak haram. masuk hospital cirit birit dan mungkin hampir mati je kot. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(arubin @ Dec 30 2016, 07:42 PM)Let's cut out the crap here.This isn't McD's fault.It isn't the fault of the parents.Not really even the fault of the Muslims.Its the fault of JAKIM for having retarded stupid standards.Thanks for having some common sense.But I do wonder if (READ:IF) the non muslims were to bring non-halal stuff, would they bother to clean up properly as to not bother other costumers that might be muslims?Another thing, if non muslims eat haram stuff like pork, do y'all give a frick if it leave stains on tables that might go on other people that could be muslims? Like does this thought cross y'alls mind? If not mistaken, muslims like have to do ritual if they come into contact with porK (correct me if im wrong)Another thing, do y'all muslims think about not doing stuff that might offend people of different faith like serving mutton/beef?Another thing, from what I've heard, in Sabah and Sarawak the muslims and the non muslims are extremely considerate of each other so A would know what shouldn't be done to B and vice versa. Is this really not the case for peninsular? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9097897410392761} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf3bFAQ HALAL\ud83c\udf3b Status Halal Nasi Kandar Pelita Soalan:- Adakah premis makanan Nasi Kandar Pelita memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal? Jawapan:- Untuk makluman, premis makanan Nasi Kandar Pelita... https://t.co/zpfpjM0X7w", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.945022463798523} +{"text": "@rahmahzaini @meAddddd ya. tak ada masalah dgn org tanya halal atau tak. tp skrg ni org anggap hanya sbb tak ada sijil halal, terus cop bnda tu haram.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(oe_kintaro @ Jan 9 2024, 10:55 AM)I think that's where the fundamental difference in paradigm lies between Abrahamic and non Abrahamic religions. To Muslims/Christians/Jews and those cultures which are built upon them, you are part of the bureaucracy, because you all serve God. To the non-Abrahamic cultures like Confucian China / Japan / Korea, god serves Man. The people are the customers and at the top of the food chain, not the gods. I don't think there's anything wrong with either outlook, but does affect the framing of the atheists and god deniers. These are the things that influence how one views or argues about religion.Actually after giving long and hard thought this religion has consistency because you see below:A. It is haram for toddler / little girl to sleep with dolls / teddy bear, barbie etcB. But it is halal for adult male to marry underage girl or their own rape victimSo actually A and B sync. Underage girls sleeping with patung = haram but it is halal for underage girl to sleep with adult maleConsistent with the 3 mottos: indah, tiada paksaan, dan tidak membebankanThis post has been edited by smallydupe: Jan 9 2024, 11:04 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6951282024383545} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Sep 11 2023, 01:10 PM)Could not find any clause that cant sell food with alcohol. Cant sell liquor yes, clearly stated.All the best to this unker then. Kesian if 30 years rice bowl go down the drain. Should just focus on Nons customers. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "Bab halal mmg tak boleh dipandang ringan, tp klau diri dah yakin dgn bukti yg sedia ada, no problem. Lain lah dgn kes gula2 white rabbit tu, rsa mcm tak pernah nmpk mna2 sijil halal. Kah. Aku pun mencekik jugak benda tu dulu. Hareyyyy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8897531628608704} +{"text": "QUOTE(bombayah @ Dec 15 2022, 09:56 AM)Siapa kata boleh?Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Selangor: Mewartakan fatwa pengharaman rokok berkuat kuasa pada 7 Dis 1995 di bawah Enakmen Pentadbiran Perundangan Islam 1989. Di dalam Enakmen tersebut dijelaskan bahawa amalan menghisap apa jua jenis rokok adalah haram bagi orang Islam.what he meant that.. ustaz gave ceramah condemning Rokok or any other islamic matter but on hand, sedang pegang sebatang rokok JOHN. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996168613433838} +{"text": "You:\n\"Ingat ulama ni suka2 ke cakap Islamic banking tu halal? Mereka keluarkan fatwa melalui landasan ilmu dan proses yang teliti, bukan macam kau sembang kedai kopi.\"\n\nAlso you:\n\"Tak dinafikan Islamic banking ni tak sempurna, tapi kita umat Islam kena sokong usaha itu.\"\n\nMe:", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999074935913086} +{"text": "On the top part of the statement is halal. At the end he become haram members. lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9446753263473511} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaapers @ Nov 24 2023, 06:44 PM)U tak suka, u keluar UK la.\u00a0 What a dumb bitch.Sudah keluar Msia that's why lost keluar-modal liao.How can still UK-xit? Xit again takde place to go liao! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958919286727905} +{"text": "Sinalau bakas berasal daripada perkataan \"bakas\" yang bermakna babi hutan dan \"sinalau\" yang bermakna salai dalam bahasa Dusun merupakan sejenis makanan tradisi masyarakat Dusun di Sabah. Ia banyak dijual di tepi jalan di Tamparuli, Kundasang, Tambunan, Kota Belud, Ranau, Keningau dan Telupid di mana banyak suku Dusun tinggal.https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinalau_bakasSinalau = SalaiBakas = Babi hutan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(OrangCacat @ Jul 1 2021, 05:50 PM)If you look at other side, it does make sense, it encourages people to be lazy, just lie down don't want work, ask for tongkat. Maybe some can still work other job, can open stall roadside sell those nasi lemak, kuih muih or even go wash toilet also can but now got this white flag, people just give up easilyOnly those with existing license can open roadside stall, u suka2 buka will Kena fine. Wash toilet? U think got toilet cleaning job open vacancy now ah? U know how many cleaners lost their jobs since most malls and public places are all CLOSED. Cleaners is one of the jobs that are impacted the most by COVID la SOHAI. Wanna diu u more but just realised ur username checks out.QUOTE(azyzee @ Jul 1 2021, 06:51 PM)i dont suppork white flag either,rather than u sitting at home waiting for someone to rescue u.every community should have a foodbank. u can put it at a hall, masjid, temple, groceries store or any easy access for the public in need. 20k earning kretard should have no issue to start donating now.Food bank to make it easier for people managing the food bank to songlap?To potentially create another cluster when people start swarming these foodbanks? How close to the houses would the food bank be? Never crossed your mind that these people might not even have money to fill petrol?QUOTE(azyzee @ Jul 1 2021, 09:31 PM)giving the worst-case scenarios here,say 1 kampung had 100 houses, 40 of them raising the white flaginstead of tracing and going to their house one by one or just ask them to pick any essential food or things they need at 1 designated place like in a local groceries store. which one is more efficient?unless if oku household then different story.How hard is it to trace a white flag? U wanna put all the things at one of the local grocery store? U sure the grocery store owner won\u2019t songlap the stock? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8029558062553406} +{"text": "Langsung ngecek makanan sekulkas kulkas, aku lupa tante suka beli beli tapi lupa dimakan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999287128448486} +{"text": "\n\n\n Vegetarian stalls would be forced to get halal cert , they have zero choice because they don't sell haram stuffs.\n \n\n The ustaz2 in Malaysia insist on this bullshit, because they think, or are goddamn paranoid, that vegetarian diets have \"agenda agama lain\" or something. You can find their opinions on this from certain ustaz2 like Ustaz Azhar Idrus.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999876856803894} +{"text": "Yo I grew up eating oms burger lol. It used to be the father who we called Om making it. Then his wife helped him. His young daughter and son would hang around. Slowly they started helping packing up the burgers. Now they are the main cooks and the parents just chill at home haha. I usually ordered hotdog special with mustard. Don't eat there anymore. Proly for the best lol. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983446598052979} +{"text": "Sorry mark:(( but kamu masih bisa beli atau makanan yg km suka, walau ini ada campur tangan agenshit pink mu itu tapi dahlah brengsekk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997190833091736} +{"text": "The problem is that all of the halal food in Malaysia is Malay food. There's not much variety in terms of Malay food. Heck even the nasi campur is the same as everywhere else compare to Chinese nasi campur. What you get for Malay food? I can count less than 30 variety. Normal street food? Less than 10. You got burgers, tomyam(heck this is Thai lmao) laksa, nasi lemak, pisang goreng? Sup ekor? Compare to Chinese or Indians?? Ya you see the difference. That's why it's abit difficult to find good food cause it's all the same. If you want good halal restaurant, I can only recommend one. It's called Mozers at Subang parade. The best Arab food I ever makan in Malaysia. Really really good.This post has been edited by sidthesloth: Jan 24 2017, 11:02 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7921508550643921} +{"text": "RT : JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate. That means makanan kat sana adalah haram. FYI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4692454934120178} +{"text": "Perpaduan KaumKat semenanjung xleh conteng dindingHaramAh pek muka mcm Chin Peng minum kopi pon haram Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999512434005737} +{"text": "msia still busy with halal / disco / pub / tempat masad ....etcand best our politics...by the same bunch of ore jito ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999083280563354} +{"text": "Suasana dalam pesawat Rayani Air penerbangan pertama dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kota Bharu, baru-baru ini dengan penumpang lelaki dan perempuan tidak dipisahkanWalaupun menjadi penerbangan patuh syariah pertama di negara ini, namun itu tidak bermakna Rayani Air tidak mengalu-alukan penum\u00adpang bukan beragama Islam atau mereka yang tidak bertudung.Pengarah Urusan Rayani Air, Jaafar Zamhari berkata, sesetengah pihak \u2018salah faham\u2019 mengenai penerbangan itu sehingga ada yang menyangka penumpang lelaki dan perempuan akan dipisahkan dalam pesawat,\u201cPersepsi seperti ini adalah silap sama sekali. Begitu juga tanggapan bahawa Rayani Air melarang wanita tidak bertudung atau penumpang berseluar pendek untuk menaiki pesawat, itu juga tidak betul,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Mingguan Malaysia hari ini.Jaafar juga tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat bahawa penubuhan syarikat pe\u00adnerbangan patuh syariah itu akan mewujudkan polarisasi kaum.\u201cKami mengalu-alukan penumpang daripada latar belakang dan kaum yang berlainan, sama ada mereka beragama Islam atau tidak. Ini juga selari dengan konsep 1Malaysia oleh kerajaan.\u201cWalaupun majoriti penumpang kami pada ketika ini adalah beragama Islam, tetapi terdapat juga penum\u00adpang keturunan Cina dan India yang menaiki pesawat Rayani Air,\u201d katanya.Jaafar berkata, beliau sedar Rayani Air telah menjadi buah mulut masyarakat termasuk ada yang mempertikai penubuhan syarikat itu oleh pasangan ahli perniagaan beragama Hindu.\u201cPenubuhan Rayani Air sebagai penerbangan patuh syariah adalah untuk memenuhi keperluan masyarakat Malaysia yang mengharapkan per\u00adkhidmatan halal termasuk dari segi penyediaan makanan dan minuman.\u201cPada ketika penumpang beragama Islam dapat menikmati perkhidmatan kami tanpa was-was, penumpang bukan Islam pada masa yang sama juga boleh menikmati apa yang disediakan,\u201d katanya.Rayani Air memulakan penerbangan sulungnya pada 20 Disember lalu dengan menghubungkan terminal klia2 ke Kota Bharu dan Langkawi.Syarikat penerbangan perkhidmatan penuh itu turut merancang memperluaskan laluan ke Sabah dan Sarawak pada tahun depan.http://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/r...wanita-1.173187This post has been edited by ironmaid89: Dec 27 2015, 12:45 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9018650054931641} +{"text": "isu lagi penting adalah tiger, tiger, tigerso eat up that salmonella, ella, ella, eh, eh, ehautohalal is their umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh72 virgins for the lucky fella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh~ with apologies to Rhianna ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9840443134307861} +{"text": "grab driver, delivery man, kekwhat you want to put in your resume? lmaoyou will stuck in grab forever - understandable if you cannot get any company job at all. but please don't beautify grab job as it is better than company job.and no, the freedom is fake freedom. real freedom comes with money, ada duit ada freedom. being lazy is not freedom. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7311640977859497} +{"text": "QUOTE(bg12 @ Oct 25 2016, 01:41 PM)American Islamic scholar blasts Jakim as 'ignorant' for refusing halal status for Auntie Anne's 'pretzel dogs' BY AVILA GERALDINE - 23 OCTOBER 2016 @ 4:36 PM KOTA KINABALU: A visiting Islamic scholar from the United States has labelled the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) \u2018ignorant\u2019 for refusing to grant halal status to Auntie Anne\u2019s \u2018pretzel dogs\u2019. Prominent Islamic scholar Azhar Haneef was quoted by a local daily as saying it is \u201cridiculous and small-minded to think that by changing a name, something becomes lawful (or) unlawful. \u201cThe object is exactly the same. If I stand on the border of two nations, does it make half of me a believer and the other half an infidel?\u201d he said. He stressed that such ignorance could create \u201ca destructive effect on peace-loving and tolerant societies\u201d and warned it would breed intolerance. Haneef, who has been an imam and missionary for 26 years, was in Sabah to give a talk at the Promoting Peace and Tolerance in a Multiracial Society forum held at the Palace Hotel here yesterday. The forum was organised by the Labuan and Sabah Humanitarian Welfare Association, in collaboration with the International Human Rights Committee, United Kingdom. Jakim\u2019s ban on the word \u201cdog\u201d in Auntie Anne\u2019s menu has not only received criticism across the nation, but also drawn worldwide ridicule as foreign media highlighted the news. The word was banned as Jakim feels it would cause confusion among Muslims who would be led to think they are eating dog meat, which is deemed haram. However, Jakim\u2019s halal division director Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee had said that his statement announcing the ban was taken out of context by the media, explaining that Auntie Anne\u2019s application for halal certification failed not because of the word \u201cdog\u201d but due to incomplete paperwork. He said his previous comment, during which he said \u201cIn Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification\u201d was a general statement and not specific to Auntie Anne\u2019s. Minister in the Prime Minister\u2019s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, who is in charge of Islamic affairs, had also recently said Jakim merely focused on the content of food and not their names. Jamil had said Jakim is willing to discuss the matter with Auntie Anne\u2019s over the pretzel chain\u2019s halal certification.Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/182721/...l-status-auntieNow the case since this jakim make a huge humiliation to Malaysia... Why dumno divisor head never ask him to step down or shut the department?!?! Or because is a \"orang sendiri buat malu\" so can continue the high earn salary job?!?! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8976505398750305} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zazz90 @ May 9 2024, 12:36 PM)Oh, mesti kaka bhsa Swak bok jadi Swak ori? Belukuk punya logikI am an orang Ulu, I went to SK/SMK, and I didn't learn Bahasa Sarawak until I was in Uni at USM since I wanted to connect with my Sarawak Ian friends.The Chinese in sibu region isn't fluent in bhsa Sarawak, but is damn fluent in Iban. Doesn't that even count for anything? Must be Bahasa Melayu Sarawak rather than Iban language?Shove your Malaya-induced sentiment up yours. Paloi kejaLike said, I know this bunch of \"Bumi\" particularly in the main city. they are really Delulu. very Malaya-induced mindset serf. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9507942795753479} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Oct 28 2016, 11:28 PM)other ppl already mentioned the law, so I won't embarrass you further.as an example, if you are a law abiding citizen driving along the highway and not breaking any laws to your knowledge, if a police asks you to pull over, what do you do?cooperate or run away? \u00a0 \u00a0 Syariah Law should be for Muslim only right? Halal status should be for Muslim only right? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9923330545425415} +{"text": "Ever heard the phrase, hunger is the best condiment. When you hungry and cold to boot, hot food you belasah regardless as long as its edible. Ini macam M40 borderline T20 victims only ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8759555816650391} +{"text": "@IzzaNizam @AnizaaZakaria anda yakin makanan anda sedap? bersih? selamat dimakan? adakah anda tidak risau jika hospital jb penuh bdak stf?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979043006896973} +{"text": "Yes haram. Sebab tu kena faham konsep halalan toyyiban. Rasanya ada dlm silibus sekolah dulu. Halal lagi bersih. Bersih sini mksudnya tak memudaratkan zahir dan batin pelanggan. Kalau bersih brkilat sekali pun, kalau makan sakit perut, jatuh sakit, kira haram la makanan tu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995131492614746} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 03:50 PM)DRB starts to forget they need Geely more than Geely needs them. Wanna do business with Geely, do properly la.Geely do want to be a proper global car manufacturer, with various brands under their umbrella needing to fulfill their role. Proton supposed to be for flagbearer for RHD market, as long as it's feasible, pretty sure they're willing to lend their support. But if locals start buat perangai buruk diorang balik, then true, Geely can just sell off everything, write off the losses, move on.When Mahaleel showed what their R&D had been indulging in, i think we can conclude just how piss poor they are at running the business.P2 is lucky Daihatsu is still around to keep their sensibilities in check. It kinda explains why they're better run and their R&D is more grounded to reality instead of syok sendiri Proton did.I think I'm being fair about crediting SZA for what he did post-Mahaleel era. It did felt quality improved, products and price offering were better, aftersales improved.I was never under delusion that Proton can make it big alone, there is a limit to that, and it showed after awhile SZA had been around. After Exora, it started to slide down with Preve, Campro turbo, Punch CVT etc showing Proton's lack of money and tech limitations. They just can't afford to have new, modern tech to carry on competing, unlike P2 blessed with access to Daihatsu.SZA fulfilled his role well to stabilising Proton post-Mahaleel, i have no complaint to that, he did well. All while fending off political pressures to take control of Proton.I figured VW deal was necessary for Proton to carry on, but the crooks won. They got what they wanted, control and billions of public funds, all for what, Suprima, Iriz, Persona, Accordana, Ertiga to show? Come on. Had VW deal been successful, i doubt I'd care SZA no longer carries on as MD/CEO, I'd rather someone with even more global, rich experience to lead Proton, which VW sure can provide. In a way also to take responsibility for his mistakes with Punch CVT, Campro Turbocor problem, it's best he step aside for someone else to lead Proton.Instead, DRB happened, lancau la, might as well he stayed put first.Ertiga. I really dont get it why this model came in when they already have Exora. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9625594019889832} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Nov 19 2020, 10:37 AM)Just sue la damage has been done already. You can see comments saying police jakim etc just trying to cover up to protect oldtown and to tipu melayu Long time no eat oldtown though.. food isn't good and expensive. Really no reason to eat there Earth Princes are never wrong - even when they're wrong, they're still right. Bumi ni milik siapa, tak suka, keluar! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7004416584968567} +{"text": "People have been eating fake nasi kak wok all over Klang Valley and claiming the places they went is the best, me Kelantanese never triggered.There is only one original nasi kak wok in Klang Valley.This post has been edited by blanket84: Nov 23 2020, 10:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "https://t.co/5tWayCKiIQ Carian Di Portal Rasmi Halal, Kedai Popular Ini Tiada Sijil Halal https://t.co/mTQZ8iVmSV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999551773071289} +{"text": "QUOTE(balanar_27 @ Mar 2 2015, 12:59 PM)any reason of it?Because its some of the restaurants are not located at popular areas. So you need to go a bit in. In China its BIG and ALOT of ppl. Just don't get missingSometimes there will be no car taxi. Only motorbike taxi, so you might get separated. So make sure you have contacts or address of the place you are going too. VERY IMPORTANT!! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998774528503418} +{"text": "Ini jauh lbh berbahaya dari penguna narkoba. Harus dicari pemodal dan kartelnya, tembak mati seluruh jaringannya. Sudah subversif \n\nWaspada dan hati2 utk yg suka beli Ayam geprek / Gorengan atau Tepung Buat Goreng Makanan, skrg ada MODUS BARU, gorengannya dicampur bubuk Narkoba", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Dec 31 2016, 08:09 AM)Your faith is so weak? Low ilmu? low ibadat? low iman?Bro, I traveled to Middle East and sat in hotel cafe have pork bacon and eggs when my Muslim business associate can early and sat down beside me and have his own breakfast.Feel so uncomfortable but he laugh & assured me his faith will not be shaken at the mere sight of pork.I'm not bothered. I'm married to a Chinese and am always finding myself at dinners that are not halal. But rules are rules. Both sides should try to follow them, no? You don't go to people's houses and do shit, do you?Which part of ME? I stayed at various places during projects, none in Qatar or KSA ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7450162172317505} +{"text": "QUOTE(kucinggemok @ Oct 25 2016, 10:24 PM)This aint a proper place pun to discuss about it. Seeing how cacamarba /k/ is.Cry wolf apanya?Macam mana nak terangBang. Lani hang komplen orang bash islamI and several others tried to counter argue with factsThen u came in saying Apa bodo bincang guna factsIf like that.then u don't complain la when people bash islamBecause u didn't correct their misunderstanding or misconception Instead u decide to go \"fuk it. Bukan boleh buat apa. Lets just bitch about it\" If u not willing to defend ur religion. Or even involve in intellectual discussion The least u can do is fuk off. Leave us who willing to, alone ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915874600410461} +{"text": "Most likely got curious with the price. Buy then regret. So kasi viral la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999546229839325} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Jun 10 2019, 11:24 AM)org mcm tu... diorang keras kepala... nak tgk logo halal jugak... no point in talking to them.logo halal is an indication for muslims to purchase without any doubt that the product is indeed halal for consumption.the food is still halal even if x da logo halal as long as the ingredient is halal and there is no alcohol content.from this explanation these people will then ask... \" kalau halal kenapa JAKIM x letak logo halal\"from here... u will start debating. but they still want to win.occasionally they will say \" eee... kilang carlsberg/heineken... mesti dia campur2\"you will need knowledge of beer brewing process to answer this one...personally im pretty sure they dont mix fermented and un-fermented beer in the same VATSIf no halal logo, air pasar malam also no halal logo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999829530715942} +{"text": "These Earth Price always asking for 'tongkat'.. tak malu ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.922970175743103} +{"text": "Takde sijil halal tak semestinya haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5691283941268921} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jan 5 2018, 12:28 PM)/k non muslims will apply the logic:cosplay / anime is haram\u00a0 for muslim. Hence, Cosplay events will be banned for ALL , including non muslims.so yeah, blanket ban inkambeng. no going to affect non muslim they said.\u00a0 because they said not effecting kapir, but at the end, effected for kapir too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998351335525513} +{"text": "QUOTE(myasiahobby @ Apr 17 2024, 12:45 PM)Bali many angmo in bikini she no complaintsDia suka... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jul 3 2024, 06:48 PM)do you understand the meaning of that word & who is it for in the first place?quite the blackened heart you have boy bertaubat lah sedagha!Here's the thing about understanding. Fatwa mufti wilayah mostly signed off by him and staunch follower of Mazhab Shafii in which strictly categorized asnaf fisabillilah are those in war as per described and mentioned in many surah in the Quran.Tiba time nak jimat ratusan ribu ringgit hantar anak belajar agama 4 tahun percuma ke Jordan, boleh pulak tukar mazhab lain.Very convinient kan. Fatwa tak boleh pakai.Mufti wilayah baru sahaja dia luluskan RUU yang ahli sunnah waljamaah adalah mereka yang berpegang kepada akidah Asyairah Maturidiyah dan berfekahkan Syafiriyah. Jangan nanti bila terkena pada batang sendiri tukar akidah dan tukar mazhab pulak ya. Tunggang langgang agama macam tunggang tunggek kumat kamit baca niat. Biar hitam hati tapi ikut nabi. Bukan mati ikut mufti. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5532146692276001} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanna be hi-tech @ Aug 18 2015, 08:40 PM)I told ya.... All u can post is rubbish nonsense.... Nothing that makes sense.... And sommore wanna carry board and protest on wht is haram and not ...Hey u sware so much no haram ah ?Haram bro... Coz vaping is giving a blowjob to a robot !!!! U believe it? Pls belip. Next time posting in LN also haram.... But can bark... With zero common sense...My argument was that songlap is haramnowhere in my argument i said vape is haram cause its like giving a blowjob to a robot, i didnt say BJ is haram even. Tula aku cakap, ko ni paham ke tak paham.Plis stop putting words into my mouthGuess that you couldn't take the heat, dah jadi bengap mixed up between argumentslol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "QUOTE(pg84 @ Jun 19 2023, 01:45 PM)Actually bkt mmg tak boleh diwartakan sebagai warisan tradisi.Why tho ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9835757613182068} +{"text": "Takde sijil halal tidak menjadikan makanan tersebut haram \ud83d\udc9b https://t.co/4qew0lMW64", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999862909317017} +{"text": "So bila pergi oversea, tak perlu pon nak pastikan setiap makanan kita ada sijil halal jakim. Just semak sijil halal yg ada dekat makanan tersebut, ia dikeluarkan oleh jabatan yg diiktiraf oleh JAKIM ataupun tidak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9063541889190674} +{"text": "Bukan begini hukum syubhah. Jenama ini memang memegang sijil halal JAKIM maka tidak syak bahawa ia makanan yang halal.\n\nBerhati\u00b2 dan teliti tidak bermaksud menanam rasa ragu dan was\u00b2 dalam diri sendiri dan orang lain.\n\nWas\u00b2 adalah dari syaitan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999445676803589} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 13 2016, 12:39 PM)so muslim go oversea must had eaten haram food already liao ???need change blood everytime go oversea ,..?? or just avoid go non halal country,..i saw alot travelling to HK, TW, JP and thailandabislah....we need to open up a blood transfusion department ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976396560669} +{"text": "Konsep dia senang je, kalau rasa yakin minum, kalau rasa syubhah x pyh minum, sijil halal bkn senang2 nak dpt ye kawan2, banyak spec2 kene perbetulkan sblm diiktiraf, mungkin ada yg dlm proses membaiki requirement halal lg and mgkin jgk ada yg x apply. Just u sendiri kene yakin https://t.co/XMY4UMCjNY", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9905919432640076} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 If i were the owner, i'll send LOD and request to compensate RM10k each fitnah, and times 10 to the facebook shares number. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947511553764343} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Dec 14 2016, 03:47 PM)buat baik pun ada batasan lellepas tu cuci la, apa susah?not as simple as just cuci/samak la kawan....pahala sebesar qirat yg hilang tu takkan dapat balik. kita cuma bantu bagi per-ingatan dan nasehat sa-hajainb4peganganjingharampegangpehanikmat#donedakwahThis post has been edited by andrewhtf: Dec 14 2016, 03:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "go for malaysian standards, mpphm, to know how sijil halal can obtain, bukan simply buat thread pastu letak hadis as supporting evidence, puih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9901200532913208} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Mar 11 2024, 11:10 AM)Pls enlightened me regarding this alcohol if you are clear on this matter. I thought it is clear on the subject 10 golongan haram. Troll lj aside breath arak lah. Otak like at lutut one spew bsRasullullah S.A.W melaknat 10 golongan yang terlibat di dalam arak iaitu :-1) Orang yang memerahnya (arak) iaitu pembuatnya2) Orang yang meminta diperahkan (arak) iaitu pengedarnya.3) Orang yang meminum arak4) Orang yang membawa arak5) Orang yang minta dihantarkan arak6) Orang yang menuangkan arak7) Orang yang menjual arak8) Orang yang membeli arak9) Orang yang makan hasil jualan arak10) Orang yang minta dibelikan arakGo and read Malaysia fatwa. I'm not the ulama to give fatwa. This will answer all your questions. This was somewhat covered by my other reply, not the one you replied. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990136623382568} +{"text": "Aku lagi yakin nak makan kat kedai non muslim yg bersih & ada sijil halal daripada kedai melayu yg kotor pastu cuma berlandaskan \u201corg islam yg jual mesti halal\u201d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995905756950378} +{"text": "Walaupun I tak berapa suka cara marketing Darsa FC ni. Tapi takdak laaa aku nak hentam keromo bab sijil halal. \n\nKau ingat Sijil halal tu, apply hari ni, esok lusa terus dapat ka? Kedai aku pun takdak sijil Halal nok. \n\nTapi, adakah makanan aku tak halal untuk dimakan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9576985239982605} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 03:46 PM)[attachmentid=11480859]Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga /k.It has been a while. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum (bagi yang ingatlah), aku adalah salah seorang /k residen yang bekerja sebagai rider Foodpanda.Alhamdulillah sejak 4/9/2023 aku dah dapat kerja tetap yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku (14km) berbanding kerja di KL (70km). Jadi aku ada masa lebih untuk buat delivery sebagai rider Foodpanda (part time). Seperti gambar di atas, gaji aku sepanjang bulan 9 yang lepas adalah RM590.18 termasuklah tips dari customer. Aku bekerja selama 92 jam lebih kurang bersamaan dengan gaji RM6.64/hrs. Sepanjang bulan 9 ni aku berjaya kekalkan batch 3. Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Mohon /k bincangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.Tips only RM18 in a month?Biasa aku bagi minimum RM5 setiap kali order guna Grab. Kalau time hujan, biasa aku bagi RM10-RM20 sebagai tips. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8367711305618286} +{"text": "QUOTE(Knnbuccb @ Jun 22 2024, 01:42 PM)Mostly met the latter in malaysiaIn overseas no such BSIf you're the least paid, it's only logical that people should not expect you to pay for food etcBoss tak malu meh, makan food belanja by ppl with lower payMalaysia bosses damn sohai, ask their juniors to do stuff prepare presentation then still ask the juniors pay for the food etc for the presentation topkekIf dept no budget then don't need to serve food la apa lanchio wanna force people to belanjaIn overseas, mostly upperrank ppl belanja\u00a0 , In fact everyday coffee during short morning meeting they belanja , and every few months they belanja some food alsoAnd , yet we say malaysia very cultured and kind lolIn my whole life Working in Malaysia MNC, Singapore MNC, China boss company in Singapore, Vietnam international company, Indonesia local company All the bosses or manager belanja.. Haven\u2019t meet manager or boss ask staff belanja ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995018243789673} +{"text": "Like this, malas la Aku nak makan at mamak. I go to Indian restaurant ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to openVery true but for that you need to open shop at outside not rely on government contract & subsidy. Not all Muslim puasa, some cant puasa because medical or cycle issue ?Jadi pengusaha yag bijak, dah buat kantin for years , you should know what sells and what race buys them so adjust the food supply to match the demand or practice like some school where you pre-order the food (Friday before the week) for those who want to buy the food so you don't waste and just pack to those food. Be innovative don't just sit there and do the Datuk Nenek business model. then complaint cant progress. Other country already have food vending machineThis post has been edited by Lesane: Mar 11 2024, 09:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(andylyc @ Dec 13 2019, 04:14 PM)Now they drink AIR KETUMNorthern old folks use it to lower sugar (and probably blood pressure) in body. Moderately as in twice a week like my late dad.Minum daily with kopi or coke then haram!!!!!This post has been edited by aliesterfiend: Dec 13 2019, 04:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9935426712036133} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 12 2023, 10:09 AM)The only one putar belit here is y'all. If you haven't noticed, even on this thread itself have multiple conflicting reasons why it's haram. It seems like y'all don't even know what's what.And I shall reiterate again. Chinese cooking wine is not arak. Arak = alcoholic beverage. It is not drinkable at all. According to someone's Mufti link here, I don't see any category listed there that makes Chinese cooking wine haram. The mufti link specifically points out arak is haram, but as I said, cooking wine is not arak. The fact it contains alcohol does not make it an arak, which is exactly what the link says too (basically not all alcoholic products are arak). Yes it went through the same process as making an arak, but so is Tapai. They're both literally the same thing - fermentation of rice.The same mufti link also says Tapai is halal but avoids the obvious problem i.e. Tapai has high alcohol percentage and you can definitely can intoxicated with it. There's a lot of social media posts of people getting mabuk by eating tapai. You can find it yourself. So it seems technically one can consume a halal food and yet be in a haram state lol.I shall post the clauses here again\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSetiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.> not a miniman arak..can't even minum bro..drink cooking wine is like drinking soy sauce!Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.> irrelevantMinuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.> irrelevantManakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.> no one is drinking itMakanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.> technically fits the bill for cooking wineMakanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.> conflicted if it can be considered as bahan perisa but I think it should be? it's not a drink and it's used as seasoning.> as bahan perisa, then it probably makes it legal because 1) you don't get drunk from it few drops of it lol 2) i guess you need to measure the alcholic percetange in claypot rice to be <0.5% which i'm pretty sure it is lmfaoUbat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.> irrelevantHow about cooking with carlsberg ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994125366210938} +{"text": "Apa yg saya buat ialah, sebelum beli tgk logo halal kat kedai/bekas makanan/minuman kalau was was tgk x de logo saya x beli. Kalau yakin saya beli. Jakim pun ada iktiraf logo halal antarabangsa sila semak http://halal.gov.my/v4/index.php?data=bW9kdWxlcy9jZXJ0aWZ5X2JvZHk7Ozs7&utama=CB_LIST&lang=bm\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9938136339187622} +{"text": "\r\nyg kat mutiara rini tu, kuew teow cantonese dn penang kuew teow dia best. n mcm korunk cakap, big portion . aku br gi mkn last thursday", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999752938747406} +{"text": "Alaaaahai, issue pasal air cendol mahal tu pulak. \u201cKedai x de sijil halal orang muslim suka masuk\u201d . Ya benar, lebih baik restaurant register HALAL cert untuk strong kn lagi perniagaan dalam Malaysia yang mostly orang muslim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977567791938782} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Jan 6 2017, 10:54 AM)why singapore no kecoh , never see SG got viral fb1992, how to viral ? Post letter ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5829046368598938} +{"text": "The greatest evil is greedU sudah kaya, and u will do everything to maintain jadi kayaTak kisah lah haram or halalYg penting maintain kayaJust food for thought for today ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999605417251587} +{"text": "QUOTE(sirknieghf @ Nov 2 2013, 08:36 PM)true, i hope im not one of them..Religious people/fatwa dudes = taksub ngan ilmu agame dieorgNomal people : taksub ngn ilmu duniawiso due2 same .. who are we to judge people?TS made a mistake by making that comment..implying they're higher because they know more ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9648311734199524} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Nov 20 2023, 03:28 PM)hafiz rahimhttps://hafizrahim.comhafizmdrahim@gmail.com016-2124714WWD850White VIOSSaya dilahirkan pada tahun 1985 sebagai anak kedua daripada 3 adik beradik. Merupakan anak kelahiran Terengganu dan sekarang menetap di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. Nama sebenar adalah Abdul Hafiz Rafiuddin, tetapi menggunakan nama pena blog sebagai Hafiz Rahim yang membawa maksud kepada gabungan nama sendiri dan nama ayah. Alhamdulillah, telah mendirikan rumah tangga pada tahun 2011 dan mempunyai seorang cahaya mata.Disebabkan ayah merupakan seorang bekas guru, saya pernah mendapat pendidikan awal dibeberapa buah sekolah rendah dan juga sekolah menengah. Zaman persekolahan ditamatkan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan yang kemudiannya membawa saya untuk melanjutkan pengajian di dalam jurusan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di Malaysia France Institute, Bangi.Mula berjinak dengan komputer seawal tahun 2001 iaitu semasa bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.George, Taiping dan mendapat pendedahan awal tentang dunia internet melalui laman chat mIRC. Kemudiannya terjebak dalam pembangunan laman web atau blog menggunakan GeoCities, Tripod Lycos dan juga Blogspot.Pada tahun 2011, saya telah membeli domain sendiri yang pertama iaitu HafizRahim.com dan telah menggunakannya diblog berplatformkan Blogspot. Tetapi setelah mula mempelajari dan mengetahui tentang selok belok menggunakan WordPress (pembelajaran melalui Youtube dan juga eBook yang telah dibeli), domain itu telah dipindahkan sepenuhnya kepada blog baru yang berplatformkan WordPress.Sepanjang tempoh berblogging secara serius, blog HafizRahim.com telah mendapat pengiktirafan sebagai Top 50 Blogger of the year 2013 DiGi WWWOW Award dan juga MSMW Favourite Micro Blog 2013.Bagi yang berminat untuk bekerjasama ataupun mendapatkan khidmat saya dalam mengeluarkan advertorial dan ulasan produk, boleh menghubungi saya di hafizmdrahim@gmail.com ataupun admin@hafizrahim.com.Artikel asal di: https://hafizrahim.com/kenali-penulis/#ixzz8JaRicGGiFollow us: @hafizmdrahim on TwitterLmao all personal details come outI don\u2019t think people should attack the restaurant (like viole said it\u2019s just business] but they should have a go at this Hafiz guy who started this bodoh viral shit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6215415596961975} +{"text": "QUOTE(teehk_tee @ Feb 26 2024, 02:17 PM)https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/6514...hal-dari-hatyai'Macam mana makanan di Malaysia lagi mahal dari Hatyai?'Oleh DIANA AZIS26 Februari 2024 01:46pmMasa membaca: 4 minitSaify mencadangkan peniaga menurunkan harga makanan untuk tarik pelancong ke negara ini.SHAH ALAM - Pemilik restoran dan peniaga makanan disaran menurunkan harga jualan sebagai usaha menarik lebih ramai pelancong ke negara ini.Pempengaruh TikTok, Saify Akhtar dalam hantaran di platform itu berkata, harga makanan mahal menyebabkan ramai orang memilih untuk melancong ke Thailand yang menawarkan pelbagai pilihan dengan harga jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan destinasi percutian di Malaysia.\"Macam mana makanan di Malaysia lagi mahal dari Hatyai? Kalau makan seafood (makanan laut), pasti bil akan lebih RM100 untuk satu keluarga. Di Hatyai tak sampai RM100 walaupun (mata wang) bath lagi tinggi dari ringgit, tetapi mengapa (harga makanan) masih mahal?\"Restoran di kawasan pelancongan tak boleh nak untung (sehingga) dua hingga tiga kali ganda. Sebab itu rakyat Malaysia 'lari' ke Hatyai,\" katanya.Sebelum ini media melaporkan, jumlah rakyat Malaysia yang berkunjung ke bandar raya di selatan Thailand itu meningkat dua kali ganda kepada 20,000 orang sekali gus menyumbang lebih dua bilion baht kepada ekonomi tempatan dalam tempoh dua minggu sebelum tahun berakhir 2023.Dalam pada itu Saify berpandangan, Malaysia juga tidak memberi tambah nilai kepada tempat-tempah bersejarah yang menjadi tumpuan pelancong luar.Memberi contoh Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad di Kuala Lumpur, pempengaruh itu berkata, satu kerugian terhadap nilai sejarah bangunan itu ekoran ia dijadikan pejabat dan teater.\"Sepatutnya jadi muzium yang menceritakan tentang sejarah tempat ini, (menjadi) tempat yang anak-anak saya sepatutnya mahu pergi, seperti Petrosains.\"Saya tidak tahu mengapa (sedangkan) Muzium Negara mendapat tempat ke-314 muzium terbaik dunia, tertinggal di belakang Kemboja, Filipina dan Singapura.\"Yang ada di muzium pula hanyalah batu-batuan dan replika. Lebih menyedihkan Malaysia ada banyak sejarah tetapi kita yang buat muzium ini boring (membosankan),\" ujarnya.Sementara itu Saifiy turut mempertikaikan persembahan budaya di kawasan tumpuan pelancong seperti bandar raya Melaka.\"Hari itu saya pergi ke Melaka, tepuk dahi kerana beca (dihias) dengan Hello Kitty, Pickachu, (muzik) disko dan lampu tom yam. Kenapa macam itu?\"Saya pergi tempat bersejarah, saya mahu menghayati budaya, saya mahu dengar (penjelasan) daripada 'tour guide' pun tak boleh,\" katanya. \nCorrect but not doable bcos sebab peragai \u201csebab boleh\u201d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995307922363281} +{"text": "Apayaa, sejauh ini yg aku suka tuh kimchi di tempat makan noodle king namanya, tmpt makanan korea trs dpt kimchi dan disitu enak, nah klo yg beli tuh ini aku beli dimana ye kek supermarket gtu tpi ini kimchi gaada merek nya sihh tpi enak padahal baru nyobain ini aku ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9780493378639221} +{"text": "QUOTE(warbandit @ May 30 2024, 05:46 PM)last time cainis average give birth about 20 yo, now is 35yo. If you give birth at 35, your parent or auntie or etc is about 55 to 65 and might even older. Confinement Lady now cost 7000++ for very basic service.well.. my mum and aunts gave birth when they are in early 30s also, so most of our cousins are relatively same aged hahaQUOTE(zero5177 @ May 30 2024, 05:55 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abConfinement center if you want quick solution one stop center no one would object.Budget to spend is a bottomless pit, make sure you know your affordability, having a newborn is not a 1 month commitment, it is a long journey and you should not compromise their future just because you overspent on confinement center.But at the same time you also have relationship to upkeep from your wife and in-law as well, most importantly you need to have a plan for all these and align with your spouse.exactly, no? so ended up its just pay to avoid conflicts like what my friends said i have no desire to play the family politics. best just between wife and me. but thats wistful thinkingQUOTE(Jingle91 @ May 30 2024, 06:06 PM)To be honest, once woman gives birth, their body will sure be impacted and never get full recover. So pls sayang your wife more after she give birth, haha.Those words from outsider no need to consider so much, need to learn how to filter. My wife and I also slowly learn since our marry ceremony, until now we immune already. It is a process la, when the time comes you will know what to do. No such thing to say must go or must not go confinement centreOnce decision made by you two, no regret or blaming. Any thing go wrong just comfort each other who feels sadyeah ofc will take care of her x1000, make sure no bad issues from post birth thats my aimits just a vicious cycle that i want to avoid, knowing how terrible people can be ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999005794525146} +{"text": "hari ini makan pangsit pedes xxxxx dn harganya muahal pollll ga mahal si standar tp untuk aku yg suka masak mahall trs pedess xxxx jg perut ku panasss byee ga lagi beli' makanan pedesss", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967069029808044} +{"text": "If Ragu-ragu, Chizu ni offered Halal bubble tea. So jangan risau! Dekat depan counter pun dah boleh jumpa sijil halal yang dipamerkan kat situ.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9771400094032288} +{"text": "JAKIM tu entiti kerajaan, bukan hal mutlak dia untuk tentukan halal haram makanan. Bab halal haram ni dah tercatat dalam Al-Quran so baca", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9705389738082886} +{"text": "\nFOTHER-MUCKER replied at 11-9-2015 10:39 PM\nMemang bukan negara Islam ... Tapi dia orang ada pilihan kalau nak shopping. Pergilah shopping kat ...\nBab mna org Islam semenanjung lbh Islam drp Sabah,Sarawak? Yg sy slslu baca kt paper,rogol,bunuh,rompak,dadah,rasuah,songlap,sumbang maaramdll lbh bnyk berlaku di Semenanjung berbanding Sabah,Sarawak.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980389475822449} +{"text": "Yg aku pelik kat kyochon n dakgalbi yg xad sijil halal tu ramai org melayu n islam berpusu2 beratur nk beli xad pulak persoal halal haram \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02, padahal sama je dgn familymart tu, adoii \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9857043027877808} +{"text": "Syaratnya, semua bahan mentah yg digunakan utk menghasilkan produk makanan mesti lah mempunyai Sijil Halal JakimSekali sekala pegawai Jakim turun buat spot check ke atas peniaga ini semak senarai bahan mentah termasuk nama, jenama & pengeluar/pembekal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9983344674110413} +{"text": "Aku harap pihak JAKIM kena kaji balik Status HALAL di OldTown White Coffee, kerana di menu premis ini ada makanan... http://fb.me/7b7tLSJHt", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997782111167908} +{"text": "@EifahAdilah @StarbucksMY Check je sis kat website dorg...kalau susah pm je jakim..takpun tak perlu percaya sebenarnya mesej berantai ni..mesej berantai ni dri zaman penggunaan whatsapp mula meluas kt Malaysia dulu pun semua menipu..kalau haram takkan lah ada gantung sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999599456787109} +{"text": "QUOTE(this issit! @ Sep 12 2015, 11:21 PM)oi.....jgn macam tu...aku pun ada perasaan...aku pun boleh rasa sakit hati....Jangan sedih Biar saya sayang pat pat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(even_steven @ Nov 17 2014, 06:18 PM)P.S. I do know some stuck up people who think sharing stuff with house mate is dirty or jijik. You don't want to know what happened to their stuff in my uni last time.I guess u guys must have pakat masterbed dan pancut beramai2 onto his utensils. So u are one of thise retarded sickos.This post has been edited by andrewhtf: Nov 17 2014, 07:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995294988155365} +{"text": "QUOTE(Shadow Kun @ Feb 9 2018, 04:20 PM)Did the Mufti actually mentioned Harunyan and Beerus? Is he that cool of a guy?Goku and Vegeta definitely will be haram-ed to cosplay since he already achieved god qi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9845073223114014} +{"text": "Snorkeling laut dia bersih..ada longest cable car in the world...cuma makanan halal payah sket la...best lah jgk kalau suka laut n pantai...byk hotel2 baru buat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.735437273979187} +{"text": "Islam only \"works\" when everyone in the society follows the hukum syariah.It relies on everyone obeying the Islamic law. Then everyone will be terrorised into obeying even if some fellas do not want to puasa etc.They can't follow while others of the same ideology not following.Tak boleh tahan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994969367980957} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 05:56 PM)dude in Islam, dogs and pigs = haram. full stop.anything to do with those two animals = haram. full stop.unless it's truly an emergency (meaning no other animal can replace those 2) it's haram whichever way you look at it.doesn't matter if it's not for eating, it's still haram and you need to cleanse your hands even if you touch them.is that hard to understand?as for the raid, it's already stopped.and do you even understand the world civilise?did the enforcement officers arrest the traders?did they rough the traders?yeah I think it's wrong for the kpdnkk ppl to confiscate the offending brushes, but they are just following orders.they are not the enemy, UMNO/BN are.keep that in mind.kesian muslim diabetics patient,... insulin made from pig... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999138116836548} +{"text": "#Cadbury \nkalau yakin makan..\nkalau tak yakin hindarkan..\n\nsebab makanan yang kita beli kat luar tu pun belum pasti bersih dan halal..peace", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9354363679885864} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Mar 11 2024, 05:08 PM)Honest like making terrible video? Lol no thanks..I would have banned her from entering my business How is it a terrible video? Just because you don't like it? Just admit you hati tissue la.QUOTE(RT8081 @ Mar 11 2024, 05:11 PM)No need to apologize..just eat, and berambus la. If u like food, then good. If u don't like, then move on lol.This kind of stupid review is uncalled for and I don't know why people are defending her lolUncalled for? So in other words, shouldn't make videos praising good food either is it?Please la. People may not need to make videos about good food, but people should DEFINITELY make videos about bad food, to warn others not to eat it. PRC lady has her opinion, she share to her comrades. She didn't make the video for msians pon. You so butthurt, why don't you go make a video of you finding the best rojak in town for CCP-ians?Oh yeah... because you hati tissue. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.945440948009491} +{"text": "Tulisan Cina on signageSRJKC Reject JAWImore penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9866048693656921} +{"text": "dulu British malaya tak paksa puki Si malas cakap Inggeris. sekarang kepala sudah besar itu tongkat babi setan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Jun 21 2024, 11:11 PM)Susah cari makanan halal di sabah dan sarawakDarsa no sijil jakim = owner Muslim mesti la halalPergi S&S = tiada makanan halal pulakLol, Semenanjung > s&s ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9858382344245911} +{"text": "QUOTE(dis0rd3h @ Mar 18 2024, 01:30 PM)Have a Master's in\u00a0 Medical Microbiology and Parasitology from UM. Did research on Molecular Virology with a major on virus cultivation.I'm not trying to change your views on religion, nor anyone's for that matter. Believe and bicker whatever you want. This is Kopitiam after all.But believe me when I reply this to your statement.Fucking. Bullshit. You have no fucking idea what you are saying.So babi no host of parasites, bacterial or viral that could transmit to human? Just to ascertain ur qualification is indeed beli or terbang punya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ Mar 29 2016, 09:27 PM)Sementara itu di sebuah hotel murah :-Laki : Apa lah diorang ni, tak tau ke bacon ni babi, haram tau. Awek : tu la, ramai yg buta agama, kurang didikan masa kecik. Laki : Ish ish, dah nama pun beer, arak tu,\u00a0 haraaaam, astargfirullah al azimmmmm...Awek : apa nak jadi lah org kita ni, mudah terkeliru. Laki : Syg, cepat skit mandi tu, abg dah tak sabar ni.. Awek : Kejap la, abg pasti eh, JAIS tak serbu malam ni..because never censor the word \"tidur\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Amal amal yang shaleh dan bersih timbul dari makanan yang bersih dan halal\u201cAbah guru kapuh\u201d", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9906201362609863} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 05:38 PM)If you think about it that way, no Muslim can EVER work for any Non-Muslim, because they are enriching the owners DIRECTLY to buy Haram items. Up to you bro. To each his own. Out of curiosity, are you smoking? Fatwa Malaysia already said it's Haram since 1995. It's much more clear cut for Rokok, confirm no Muslim owners, confirm Haram LOL!Heeeeyyy don't touch that sensitive issue leh.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999945878982544} +{"text": "QUOTE(quadcube @ Jan 15 2018, 09:59 PM)that one have to go at specific time...otherwise really cheebai, chicken already fried for the last few hours, add sambal per saucer rm1,fk..ban for life. but I like the spiciness, always asked for extra sambalcan la, use her bumi status to buy land on top of kokol and build my house there all their crab air flown from indon, freaking huge and meaty. since they moved to town centre, can pump up price for PRC customer. open shop at alamesra damn kesian, even the Swiss Pharma boss stays in alamesra and drive Rolls Royce also no dine there Hey.. when you going to come back here?? Where is my Doraemon miniature figures?? \ud83d\ude23\ud83d\ude23\ud83d\ude23 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "@HafizatulNazeha Betul betul betul. Conclusion dia susah oo nak dapat sijil halal. Makan masa pulak tu. Yang ada pengalaman tahu lah macam mana gaya nak hadap diorang \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957172274589539} +{"text": "\nmzzenma replied at 11-9-2015 03:53 PM\r\nmzz sorang je ke rasa tesco murah?\n\r\ntapi yang akak ni fefeeling dipermainkan naik menyampah pula m ...\ntu lah\r\ndrama queen sangat hakak nih\r\nrasa dipermainkan, sentap, terhina, terguris segala aneka \r\nsilap haribulan mau disuruhnya tesco cuci dgn air tanah rak tuh...dah tercemar dgn najis mughallazoh gituh \r\nmemang lah ada khilaf jua samdol tesco tuh...dah tau kat sini punya ummah mentaliti takut babinya camana\r\ntapi takyah lah meloncat sangat...babi haram dimakan ajer, bukan haram duk rak dekat2 dgn menda lain \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997755885124207} +{"text": "\nMuntz replied at 11-9-2015 05:26 PM\r\nKat Sarawak, kitorg sgt gemar dgn corned beef nie. Boleh buat mcm2, antaranya nasi goreng corned b ...\nooo... maksudnya kena masak ye?\r\ntak leh makan gitu terus?\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9575376510620117} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironite @ Dec 23 2020, 03:40 PM)eksherlly already happened.Someone i know worked in the halal certification told me how it was done.>Produk from Korea>Already have halal cert from Korean Muslim Federation>Jakim only need to cop approve>But the pegawai wants to see the factory>Must be under product owner expense>4 trips to S.K. later, still kenot approve>Finally owner give up and go to sell elsewhereWe have our own resident k/tard applied for halal last time right?The cotton candy guy? can ask him his experienceWhen nobody watches the Watchmen, macam ni lah. Suka hati bapak dia nak minta donasi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9159479737281799} +{"text": "@fathilamasroni Hahah. Kita rasa kan, kalau dorg claim ing dorang halal, no pork n lards n everything, in shaa Allah halal. Sbb skrg ni ramai je org suka pm nak confirmkan ing. Cuma these shops tak dpt sijil dan logo halal sbb tak memenuhi bbrpa kriteria. Kalau tak yakin, berlalu lah pergi \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934306740760803} +{"text": " yang penting bg makanan yg halal(diiktiraf jakim) utk kekucing tu...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5389554500579834} +{"text": "Puan nanish dah bgtau jgn risau produk dollanis Ada sijil halal \ud83d\ude0d Area kulai johor boleh dptkn dgm kak ana\ud83d\ude18 Kulai cod Jb boleh cllect di bazar\ud83d\ude0d https://t.co/oxXdW0YAWD", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9628468751907349} +{"text": "What t f cook skill 3/10 can go claim best cakoi.No wonder we become more mundur. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981493949890137} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Mar 30 2024, 01:23 PM)Salah, it is also idola ktards setempat, everyday play R&R like akmal, just that akmal is helang status, can get away with it.Meanwhile pipit ktards can only bitch around in /k for the rest of their life.Eh eh eh biler pi Gaza? They need your brawn\u2019s and bravado mate ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998898983001709} +{"text": "20 years ago best la, now mostly substandard con job. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996544122695923} +{"text": "sebagai rider non halal, alert sikit nama2 customer, agak2 bunyi macam melayu islam, double ask, kalau dia nama John Wick, abaikan, cukuplah sekali dah terang2 nama kedai pork, nama melayu islam, tenang orderrrnya, nak kata non islam sabah/srwk tak jgk..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5969283580780029} +{"text": "QUOTE(FlyingVCLplayer @ Jun 1 2020, 10:39 AM)Ciggie is haram. Already have fatwa.Yes ar? Then why i see more of them smoking at mamak and all? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942875504493713} +{"text": "Sunasi said they don't want tourists that do benda haram at Kedah. End of nobody wants to come. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999246597290039} +{"text": "Seriously, I thought reptiles and amphibians are default haram in islam because dua alam.so, by that logic, biawak and turtles should be haram to eat like babi right?So is turtle egg halal? Seriously wanna know. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "i foresee there will be a mega sale going on at this Al-Ikhsan since the products have become haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5575501322746277} +{"text": "QUOTE(SuperTuhan @ Jul 9 2024, 01:24 PM)damn damn damn looks so goodhaha go try.. worth it, i think best meal i had in hatyai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992280006408691} +{"text": "QUOTE(sickx @ Feb 8 2019, 03:58 PM)a) yes, yes. You are actually describing what I was trying to say, metaphorically but I disagree about your interpretation of the first 10. But then again, you and me both are not the scholars about this topic so I'm gonna leave it to that.b) and again, back to my earlier post. Dajjal is still the creation of Allah and we don't need to be afraid of him if we truly believe in Allah. What I meant earlier in that post was this \"obsession\" towards Dajjal and what it could bring to us which what some Muslims love so much. They're too afraid of the dajjal to the extend they forgot that Allahu Akbar. Allah maha berkuasa. If you really believe in Allah, you don't have to be afraid of Dajjal, whether it is a creature or a metaphor. I remember reading about someone's experience of reading Al-Kahfi every Jumaat. He said that ever since he read it, he subconsciously watch less TV, controlled his social media usage and only read about real news. It's like his amal protected him from those things.b) the idea \"we dont need to be afraid of Him if we truly believe in god\" is so weak. We are 1500 years from such information. The idea that it is not specifically being flagged in Quran alone is showing something to consider. We human will always be afraid of something we dont know but if the dajal is actually the TV for example, you would not even realize that it is a dajjal and eventually will succumb to its desire. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.994373083114624} +{"text": "Jangan mau disejajar kan dengan shanghai ... Susah cari makan halal ... Babi mulu makanan nya... Jakarta itu yang penting tertib... Aman ... Banyak pohon dan selalu bersih.. Dan jangan lupa sembako murah... That all", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6383105516433716} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaymansion @ Nov 3 2014, 10:43 PM)Malay aren't adventures in eating....eat only those few simple food...yang penting gula kena banyak starch kena banyak...oh hai you must be malay ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.971526563167572} +{"text": "QUOTE(emburrar @ May 28 2024, 03:02 PM)Ada yg jellyjelly dengki benci busuk ati perut semua ade ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "like that ribena also haram la. you cant eliminate 100% of bacteriayogurt also haram.This post has been edited by zerorating: Apr 30 2024, 07:40 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981070756912231} +{"text": "QUOTE(lucifer_666 @ Dec 23 2020, 02:15 PM)If Kastam & Vet Dept who do the legwork, how to justify billion ringgit budget? Lol justified laBudget was never enuff to stop haram meat cartels Next year budget tripled To avoid the same case happening again ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999443292617798} +{"text": "Peminat makanan Korea boleh datang ke Tae Yang Island \ud0dc\uc591\uc12c. \n\nTak menyesal makan kat sini sebab makanan dia sedap! Yang penting ada sijil Halal Jakim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9873672723770142} +{"text": "gone viral for the wrong reasons.. msians as usual love to VROOOOOOOOOOMlove for parents spin jadi interracial ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993374943733215} +{"text": "macam mana nak pergi berjalan negara orang... luar negara bersepah kedai makan takde sijil halal, but that doesnt mean their foods cannot be eaten. ask la what are the ingredients used. if they answer no they dont use wine/pork etc then you dah boleh yakin. takde masalah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981845021247864} +{"text": "imagine the viral of deco at tat time..eh see la xmas deco but no raya deco. eh raya deco but no xmas deco..eh cny no deco but raya ada. eh raya but harambe discount ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971399307250977} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Apr 24 2024, 01:52 AM)Firstly, I would like to stress, there are no 100% chinese are good and no 100% malays are rubbish. There are plenty of useless and also racist cina who are on the opposite side of the racist coin, as well as plenty of malays who are chill, hardworking and successful. But if even TS can start this thread, I think we can agree many malays are still lacking, yes? Talking about moderation and absurd religious stuff, as a kid growing up in the 80's, I've seen with my own eyes malays eating and drinking kopi/teh/etc from the same cups in chinese kopitiam (eating halal food ofc, there had always been that 1 or 2 muslim mee goreng/rojak/satay stalls in chinese kopitiam). Malay girls were bareheaded and not shy to wear skirt and above the knee. Tudung then were as rare as a bareheaded muslim girl today. It was normal to see malay guests in cny open house enjoying food and drinks tanpa was was as long as no pork or alcohol directly consumed, just as much as non malays going to malay hari raya open house and whack anything as long as no beef directly consumed (for those who cannot eat beef due to religious reasons). Friends can joke about giving babi to the malay and he replied with a cibai lah kau and everybody laughed about it. Then went to the nightclub together to drink ribena. When I went to make my I/C in JPN at 12, there were no long pants, and most people wore slippers, and it was a given thing that the jpn staff will have some hard and funny time trying to talk in pasar bm to the chinese/ indian to show them how to fill up the forms. Even ah sohs going to govt depts would wear as what they usually wear, mostly like this. I've also seen with my own eyes, things slowly started to change. There were less malay patrons to the kopitiam compared to previously. There seemed to be more tudungs seen compared to previously. There were less malays going to non malays festivals open house compared to previous years. Non malays continued to go to malay hari raya open house and whack anything as long as no beef directly consumed. The laughters slowly stopped coming, and by the late 2000's I wondered what happened and why. There were no more malays in kopitiams nor pretty bareheaded malay girls in sexy wear. Inviting malays to cny open house became an exercise in treading eggshells - yeos packet drinks, halal cookies, disposable utensils, hide the pork bakkwa and so on. Non malays still continued to go to malay hari raya open house and whack anything as long as no beef directly consumed though (if still got invited lah). I missed the friendly and chill malays of the 80's and earlier...\u00a0 Leaving aside the honest T20 (eg; Dato\u2019 Dr. Haji Ramly Mokni) and M40 malays (coz they have already proved themselves), lets focus on the B40 group. Will we give chance to B40 malays to prove themselves? Actually, the question should be, will they finally wake up and start to catch up with all the chances given to them and stop blaming nons? I want to help, but how much more la? Like, how long had NEP been going on? How many more bumi discount properties while the poor indian from the estate need to pay full market price even for a flat? ASB? Education... martikulasi? JPN/ Mara/ etc scholarships? How many more parents had to liquidate their wealth to pay for their child for further studies because the kid couldn't get scholarship eventhough his results were better? One popular joke I heard back in those days was ppl apply for micro credit loans with reason to start burger stall, got the money and straightaway spend it all, buy moto, etc. Then later report to the institution, business dah lingkup, kesian aku takde duit nak bayar... and the loan was written off. Such loans came from public funds which can be better utilized for development. How much more help has to be given la like that? Job opportunities? Believe me, the chinese- being money minded creatures they are, especially the businessmen (how else do you get the chinaman company stereotype?)- never cared for skin colour when it comes to money. If a malay can help the company earn tons of profit vs. a chinese who just bazir beras for the company, who do you think the chinaman boss would hire? Simple logic kan? But how many malays have that kind of quality? Let us be honest here. Why malays are stereotyped as lek la sap kok lu, and love to take mc (especially on mondays and pre & post holidays)? Does the world just suddenly gang up together one day and start \"hey lets stereotype/ stigmatize the malays unfairly\"? And instead of self reflection and how to improve, we get r&r shitstirrers taking the convenient way out lets blame cina the reason they not hiring malay is because they racist (just like this proton argument). Ofc there are many malays who can work and better than the nons (many of them ends up in mnc), but are they the majority malays or minority/ outliers? I think we all know the answer?\u00a0 When being lawfully employed in Malaysia is mandated must make EPF contribution, and EPF data showed malay/bumi are the largest group, yet holds the least median savings (sos), this cannot go on. I want to help, but how else to help?\u00a0 Being a chinese malaysian myself, personally I would seriously want to see the majority be more successful. The economy can only improve if everybody can work and contribute. Heck, you guys out work and out rich the chinese PLEASE. Let everybody carries their weight instead of 1 side doing all the work and not being appreciated for it, can?Lastly, language was never an issue. When everybody *accepts* each other and tried sincerely to work out. Just like the 80's when there were more illiterate ppl, yet everybody were still friendly with each other and will still find a way to communicate. Muhibbah was a popular catchword in those days yo. What happened to those days? If we don't accept the other side, no amount of single language can help. As an example, aku fasih dalam bahasa (SPM dapat A2) tapi kena panggil dalam bahasa, pendatang dan balik tongsan jugak, how la?ThisThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Apr 24 2024, 10:12 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993712842464447} +{"text": "QUOTE(haswell88 @ Aug 25 2020, 09:12 PM)They did. Plus hood deal too. Just the fatmers don like it and prefer their own terms. Selfish scums...Sure the farmers are illegal (since they failed to get land title after decades of applying), but that doesn\u2019t mean the new comer should be given free durian runtuh. Best return the land back to original state, without durian trees. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995723366737366} +{"text": "Kalau semua halal perlu cop halal Jakim, semua makanan dekat pasar, pasar malam, ledai tepi jalan, kedai2 makan, kedai mamak, semua perlu viral la tak halal, takde sijil halal Jakim. soo Melayu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9296414256095886} +{"text": "no masuk islam?no pakai tudung?haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9570146799087524} +{"text": "PSA sebab orang kita ada amnesia nampaknya: No sijil halal \u2260 haram. You was2 don't eat it, if you believe it to be halal then do as you may. Exercise your discretion whether to eat or not when something is not explicitly said to be halal or haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974530339241028} +{"text": "Sebar Berita Palsu Status Halal Produk Makanan Bertentangan Ajaran Islam.#halal http://fb.me/3DgkiO4k3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996957778930664} +{"text": "QUOTE(MR_alien @ Nov 24 2023, 03:36 PM)this is not even racingthis is bodoh and double standardwhat is haram and what's not isn't based on the book, it's based on what PuAS saidif that thing benefits them or they needed it, eventhough it's haram based on book also they can say it's not haram or low level haram onlyjika mau racing boleh pm taliban versi bumi DValentine ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "QUOTE(chickenshit36 @ May 11 2024, 02:50 PM)If anything it keeps the poor poorer. Cost to certify halal will flow down to end consumer. End up they pay higher prices. But hey, yang penting masuk syurga.The funny thing is that the halal cert is not mandatory and yet business owner terhegeh2 mahu apply....tell me for what actually lelIt's all about to earn majority trust and also earn profit from the majority, and yet everyday u mocking these ppl lelI dont mind to pay extra in non place with halal cert actually for ease of mindThis post has been edited by Seoliem: May 11 2024, 03:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958315491676331} +{"text": "mcm senang je.. pasang.. buang.. pasang balik (boobs tu) ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999169111251831} +{"text": "Andaian atau syak tidak mengubah status asal yang bersih itu. Kalau periuk non-Muslim gunakan itu tak masak makanan najis, hukumnya tetap halal. Duit tunai yang kita pegang setiap hari itu pun entah-entah Cina pakai selepas mereka sentuh benda najis. Najiskah duit tunai tu?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "at the end these ppl jist want to susotess Cina hawker only , they wan many ppl go but dun want haram., same example like mini makalet selling alcohol now these religion extremis happy go disturb ppl say Muslim casher cannot touch haram thinsg put on internet with smilliny face .If the hawkers center mix kaum these religion ppl and NGO will has more chance to appears on internet with complaining this and that for self free advertising , political person will take the opportunity to hantam race card.atbthe end they will say , we should abolish vanicular school because they fail to educate non to respect majority religion.etc......This post has been edited by bereev: Dec 8 2021, 02:42 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "sebab cara dorang buat makanan tu ikut hukum halal kot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999599456787109} +{"text": " \n\nHalo Guntur, salam kenal ya! Biasanya beli jajan apa? Suka makanan pedas atau tidak?\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973133206367493} +{"text": "QUOTE(vanpersie91 @ Nov 26 2016, 02:21 PM)Bang, sebelum nak tunjuk bebal tu, baca balik hukum dan syarat syarat binatang yang wajib disembelih sebelum halal dimakan.Makanan laut tak termasuk.Islam bukan agama diaDia tak tau. sebab tu dia tanyaApa sarahan dia? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997255206108093} +{"text": "QUOTE(mambangafro @ Nov 2 2013, 05:44 PM)saya baru je dapat duit kopi sebab kasi can kat awek tu agar tak saman dieyeeeeeee~balik ni nak belikan cokelet untuk anak kat rumah~Wow. I read through the whole 12 pages and looking dor this point to discuss. And surprisingly you were the only one mentioned about this.Halal is not only about how it is prepared. It is also related to the money you use (only applicable for muslim). If you're buying halal food using haram money, then automatically the food also would be haram.If you source of income is haram money a.k.a rishuah, you might as well buy bacon for breakfast and german knuckles for lunch. I never tasted it but heard it's better than beef. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997125267982483} +{"text": "QUOTE(joedpa82 @ Jul 1 2022, 06:13 PM)Penyu cuma bertelur di darat. Dia bukan hidup di darat. Therefore some say can. Like the ketam kalok previously can now cannot.seriously....ketam now considered halal or haram?I bet most pipu no give a shit, but I am genuinely curious about the official stance of JAKIm etc. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999152421951294} +{"text": "Sijil halal tu just jminan dr KKM yg kilang/restoran tu ikut cara islam sediakan makanan. Kalau yakin org tu ikut cara islam/bersih, lek ah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9996039271354675} +{"text": "JAKIM tidak menyatakan bahawa makanan di Subway adalah Haram dimakan tetapi menyatakan Lesen @ Logo Halal yg digunakan tidak diiktiraf", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9147062301635742} +{"text": "This fatwa got nothing better to do. Najib fucked Malaysia upside down, no keluar fatwa.Anak haram betul. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999029636383057} +{"text": "QUOTE(kidmad @ Aug 19 2022, 12:32 PM)and yet some jokers don't see the problem with their mentality. memang negara mundur ke belakang. Ppl talk about globalization dia org sibuk, eh ini haram.. haram or not you sendiri know la.. you are the one to answer to your god. Who are you to judge others. He want to makan babi his hal la.. sibuk buat benda. duh.Buat barang tipu also can cause negara to mundur ke belakang. Kalau tak tipu tak boleh ke? Every pung pang say BN songlap, bijan songlap, tapi sendiri support penipu tak pe pulak. Wadepak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "if they can order online, maybe i will type some comment on the receipt and viral kek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6954703330993652} +{"text": "QUOTE(acer7254 @ Oct 26 2016, 03:24 AM)That's why kid you need education.1. Rokok in Islam is clearly haram. Those muslim tat still smoking, is considered do sins.2. Everybody knows Najib songlap, everbody know, and most of malay hate those baju merah. But you cant do anything, they are protected by Najib. Since Najib is PM in Malaysia. He have power. You can't do anything. They only thing u can do is voting other than\u00a0 him.Compare apple to apple next time.Those Ramly issue is not just about naming, its\u00a0 about trademark issue too. It just like I create Mr. Mc'Donnald, and sale shity burger. Do you think Md'D will not sue me?Please, please educated yourself. Like those that have higher IQ.or go open a new barbequed meat shop, and name it Beef Bee Cheng Hiang see wat these jokers hav to say ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998589754104614} +{"text": "\r\nRasanya pasaraya besar kat Malaysia ni masih peka lagi dengan isu makanan halal dan haram ni..takde daging yang campur kot...tak tahu la yang lain..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Feb 24 2024, 09:33 AM)China don't have BKT dish, it was originated from Klang.Cheap and delicious BKT was a popular for laborers to replenish their stamina and body that timeBKT is believed to be a derivative of the beef dish which originated from China. Ultimately, for MY to state it's originated from Klang when it is possibly just a derivative, is simply 'jumping the gun'. Such claim needs to be substantiated.Origin \u2260 heritage. It can be heritage but doesn't mean it originates from.This post has been edited by gnc88: Feb 24 2024, 10:14 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999262273311615} +{"text": "@tokabahtabah Assalam ada sijil halal jakim tak ni?! Kalau takde saya viral.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9738550186157227} +{"text": "ts property investor ke?tapi kalau aku la ts, aku suka duduk elmina atau ceruk cyberjaya yang mana tak ramai orang dan tak bising ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991938471794128} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 8 2021, 01:44 PM)JIKA ke Pasar Mahkota Sentral di Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor, pasti merasakan seperti berada di China apabila perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh kaum tertentu sahaja.Begitu juga ruang medan selera yang terletak di dalam bangunan tersebut yang diusahakan oleh tiada Melayu.Sebelum ini beberapa peniaga Melayu bertanyakan peluang untuk berniaga di sana, namun perlu terikat dengan peraturan yang tidak membenarkan peniaga menjual minuman kerana sudah ada gerai menjual minuman secara berpusat.Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. Ini menyebabkan sektor perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh satu kaum sahaja.Setahu saya, pengurusan pasar berkenaan di bawah Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKJ). Namun, tidakkah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) itu berasa pelik dengan ketidakseimbangan peniaga antara kaum?Mengapa mereka berdiam diri dan bersikap tidak adil kepada peniaga Melayu? Hal sama berlaku di pasar pagi di situ. Bukan Melayu merupakan peniaga terbesar. Kasihanilah kaum lain yang juga mahu mencari nafkah dan mengembangkan ekonomi keluarga.Apa salahnya kita berkongsi ruang perniagaan untuk sama-sama maju? Mengapa perlu ada penindasan terhadap peniaga Melayu sedangkan pasaran untuk masyarakat Melayu/Islam itu ada, cuma \u2018disorokkan\u2019 oleh golongan tertentu.Saya berharap PBT dapat lakukan sesuatu dengan membolehkan peniaga Melayu diberi peluang yang saksama untuk berniaga dan memajukan ekonomi mereka.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMgmeanwhile how come all those bladdy MARA and other malls or plaza full of their kind only? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9517965912818909} +{"text": "QUOTE(TseLengMong123 @ Dec 9 2017, 04:51 PM)Boring.. 8 pages still no single tongsan amoi drillz.Haram wei ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988328814506531} +{"text": "QUOTE(Maria Takagi @ Jan 2 2021, 10:58 PM)yeah but without route to Spore, who wants to buy ? the rich msians ?You mean the ones who are about to migrate due to frustration over pus policies, ban here and there ? good luck with that. only singkies have the financial muscle to pay premium prices.developers and property gurus will say buy to your max and leverage your financial status some more.Jangan tak beli!Property game in Malaysia, I realize it's a losing money game mostly. so much hidden cost and time lost in between buying and selling. Also don't forget the process takes months. Share, click sell and the money is rightaway in your account, no loyer's fee, no this charge that charge or stamping stupid fee. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8467503190040588} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 31 2019, 01:50 PM)Trust me. /k is haram. Lolif you think it is by all means apply it to yourself lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983131885528564} +{"text": "QUOTE(Divou @ Jul 1 2021, 12:18 PM)Score politicals or kuda or not, he did save one life. He said the man already told his friend to take over his car once he is \"gone\".But this dude says otherwise (in this tered: https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5163782&hl=):QUOTE(billylks @ Jun 30 2021, 11:34 PM)Whose idea to take a photo of them giving money to her and viral the photo?The original idea of bendera putih is to ask help without rasa malu. Now people post in the photo like giving prize money. Was this sincere or for publicity.If everyone who asks for help needs to post for photos liddis, prolly some will bunuh diri instead.QUOTE(billylks @ Jun 30 2021, 11:41 PM)Can take photo and viral it, but not liddis lah. Spare the dignity of the victims also.Maybe just take photo of the external home, but make sure it is not recognisable. Kesian lah to those pipol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5005478858947754} +{"text": "QUOTE(sharpman @ Feb 13 2016, 07:04 PM)Frog is clearly haram for muslimsIf got sign \"No katak\", will Ljakim thugs come visit? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jedi3815 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:51 AM)tu la pasal, all this ustaz marah2, bro, kau isap rokok literally committing suicide on a long run, boleh pulak.Siapa kata boleh?Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Selangor: Mewartakan fatwa pengharaman rokok berkuat kuasa pada 7 Dis 1995 di bawah Enakmen Pentadbiran Perundangan Islam 1989. Di dalam Enakmen tersebut dijelaskan bahawa amalan menghisap apa jua jenis rokok adalah haram bagi orang Islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "tau, mamak suka makan rendang, suka sambal terong, kepuruk jariang, mamak suka sambal ikan teri + pete & mamak paling suka makanan yg ku beli tiap gajian (kata beliau sendiri) alfatihah mamaku tercinta", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99994957447052} +{"text": "traces of wine yes stuck. but alcohol, at certain tempreture gone liao. seafood manyak pakai itu wine. some food without the wine is not nice at all. if so was was to eat better dont eat. starve urself to death for all i care. no pork no lard i go eat. so next time before getting a shot, ask ur nurse or doctor please no alcohol swab. contact to skin and then the needle kena the skin which was wipe with alcohol n traces of alcohol enter blood vessle. haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5452567934989929} +{"text": "Ts i recommend Lepau restaurant which serves authentic Sarawak foods. Not sure of the halal status but it's pork free.Avoid topspot if you can. Too overated. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997846245765686} +{"text": "QUOTE(Intimidated @ Dec 31 2019, 03:56 PM)https://www.kpkt.gov.my/index.php/dl/64584e...25335775a47593d(2) Tiap-tiap lesen atau permit yang diberi tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat dan sekatan yang difikirkan patut oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan dan boleh dibatalkan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan pada bila-bila masa tanpa memberi apa-apa sebab.(2A) Pembatalan mana-mana lesen atau permit tertentu yang dikeluarkan bersesama dengan mana- mana lesen atau permit lain di bawah subseksyen (1A) tidak akan menyentuh keesahan mana-mana lesen atau permit lain yang telah dikeluarkan bersesama dengannya.LolTldr: suka hati saya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985633492469788} +{"text": "Lol Mak kawan aku @NurulNoh jual nasi lemak tak payah sijil halal pun sebab aku memang gerenti nasi lemak mak dia buat memang bersih dan halal. Yang paling penting sambal dia sedap gais \ud83d\ude0b https://t.co/pm65LuprBp", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9852504134178162} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Dec 6 2015, 07:54 PM)The main point here is not about long sleeve germs and worker being MIA. Fired nurse is normal and long sleeve germs not and issue since many hospital in the world still allow workers using long sleeve except in certain situation (read = not all all times)The main part here is the hospital banned used of long sleeve at ALL TIMES. Why do we want to busy body with the worker being MIA although the fired nurse says so. I as well as many other malay muslim do not care about that at all. ..........Main point : If one fine day, it's your loved one/family member who is the patient who got infected from bacteria on long sleeve(assume proven), then how your response?Or imagine the patient's family sue the hospital, the nurse want to foot the bill?? Imagine how the hospital's imej tarnished, sued for medical negligence. That time all those who shout now \"Boycott aje\" \"Tarik balik lesen\", \"Jangan biar kapir memperbodohkan kita\",etc going to help the patient's family?Gomen hospital, gomen will pay when sued, actually taxpayers pay(i.e. we all lor), not they kena also.Take note another point : The nurse reported saying she roll up her sleeves when working. So, tunjuk aurat also what. If want cover, cover at all times, not sometimes cover, sometimes tunjuk to non muhrim. Also, now if in UK, doctors also wear short sleeve, no long neck ties.\"If you want to talk about infection control, clothes, hats and ties should also be subjected to infection control. When I do work, I fold my sleeves,\" she said.http://m.malaysiakini.com/news/322193This post has been edited by eaglehelang: Dec 6 2015, 08:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985072016716003} +{"text": "Senang2 dia menjatuhkan hukum dekat situ.. Ibaratnya macam walaupun ada logo halal, tapi disebabkan makanan tu product non muslim, terus jadi makanan syubhah. Apo lah ingt jakim senang2 nak bagi logo halal tu aigooooo", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5924182534217834} +{"text": "Cigarettes have been haram for years but no one gives a damn. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "Mmg pandai, cikgu ajar dia pigi main kerbau.Kan ada halal website utk chk. Tak yah sikit sikit post kat mukabuku. Malu la aunty ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998149275779724} +{"text": "QUOTE(Azran1979 @ Jan 24 2023, 12:12 PM)made in carlsberg factory. of course haram.itu pun mau tanya ka.You\u2019d be surprised how many of the pious ones can\u2019t deduce and come to this conclusion.QUOTE(LamboSama @ Jan 24 2023, 12:14 PM)0% beer was made for designated drivers and those who want to reduce alcohol intake but still likes beer.https://www.forbes.com/sites/katedingwall/2...sh=3eeb3fb66d5dOne of the intended group of consumers. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 11:50 AM)Meh.. i eat vegan food at cyber, served by chinese. No hal.like they said \" berkat tiada dalam makanan \" so how? bring your own food from home? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9416783452033997} +{"text": "Makanan tanpa cop 'Jakim' haram ? Kau ada cop 'Jakim' ke nak ckp kau anak halal ? #JustSaying", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999572217464447} +{"text": "Mula mula x da sijil, lagi banyak ler bapak hayam kt n9 tu, bebal la dia ni...Produk Islam layak diiktiraf sedara, makanan yang bercampur baur halal dan haram adalah haram.. hentikan kekeliruan... ingat tuhan sedara... nk poso dah ni, jangan... https://t.co/4b6qjPmp8m", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999494552612305} +{"text": "Tu belum lagi yang kalau produk makanan import ada logo halal daripada negara asal, siap ada yang perlekeh halal tu tak valid ntah apa2 mindset begitu\n\nNegara dorang mesti la orang2 yang pantau proses penyediaan makananWebsite JAKIM pun ada logo halal untuk seluruh dunia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "AKAD NIKAH MENGHALALKAN HUBUNGAN CINTUN ROMEO & JULIET,, \ud83d\udc8f . SIJIL HALAL JAKIM YANG SAH PULA MENGESAHKAN FEMILAC MILKBOOSTER HALAL LAGI SUCI !! . . Jangan RISAU tentang STATUS Femilac Milkbooster , IA TELAH... https://t.co/SBTEg97zPj", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9422944784164429} +{"text": "Setahu aku, mak cik jual tepi jalan pun tak de sijil halal. Jadi tak boleh makan jugak la kot :/ Was was sampai iman tergoncang mcm ni masalah sgt. Kenapa dengki sangat pun tak tahu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.894524097442627} +{"text": "ada gaduh la tu.some caterer last minute change menu kata itu takda ini takdasome lagi hanat, nasi minyak jadi nasi putihsome takde hire staff untuk kenduri last last saudara mara pengantin kena buat kerja caterer ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976345300674438} +{"text": "kisah sedih semalam : drive sampai puchong perdana nak beli halal chee cheongfun akak kat tiktok tu, sampai2 medan tengok kedai bukak lagi. pergi parking kat depan sikit & jalan pergi kedai, tengok2 tutup", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9404025673866272} +{"text": "Di UK, didapati ada DNA babi dalam makanan yang diiktiraf Halal oleh 'JAKIM' mereka", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Sep 12 2015, 02:10 PM)Hai gemukKecian ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9802375435829163} +{"text": "If you are considering the US, then you should also consider Canada. Not saying it's the best in Canada but if you are willing to consider a hurdle that is the US, then Canada should also be considered. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998459815979004} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ Oct 1 2014, 12:07 AM)assalamualaikum ya akhicamana nak tetap dlm beribadatkdg insap kjplps tu alpa sudah waalaikumsalamcuba gugle islam punishment in hellbaca banyak, lama2 jadi takut, lepas tu terus insaf macam2 lepas tu ibadat automatik akan improve dan istiqamah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999228715896606} +{"text": "When I asked lawyer to make a will, lawyer ask me if I am a Muslim or not; after a bit of explanation there is a difference and Muslim can't actually make a will as distribution is only to Muslim families, meaning none of what I have earned in my lifetime at death is not passable to non-Muslim.Sure, Malay girls are desirable but Syariah law in place is a turn off. I can still marry a Malay girl but before I do that, I will transfer most of my assets to my parents before I sunat, but to me it is not worth the trouble.This post has been edited by mee udang: Feb 14 2024, 09:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "QUOTE(azyzee @ Nov 24 2023, 04:46 PM)drinking and partying budaya syaithonSame goes to rokok and rogol. Why so quiet? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "pd sy tiada istilah makanan/pakaian sunnah, kerana ia bersifat berubah\u00b2. Makanan ini apa yang bersih,halal dan menyihatkan. Tak adil utk kata makanan ruji muslim di China mee dgn tak sunnah kerana tidak dimakan Nabi \ufdfa. Nabi beri guidelines bukan menetapkan mana terpaling sunnah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.902178168296814} +{"text": "Basically nak cakap kalau orang puteh ni bukak banyak kedai halal kat UK, ramai je market audience yang akan datang kunjung. Bosan doh masak sendiri 7 hari seminggu sbb x byk option", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9652349352836609} +{"text": "Time exam seronok meniru, nnti mntk krja pakai sijil degree, halal tak halal gaji tu kita x tau la mat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9946655035018921} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:58 AM)You know, if it is found out the return comes from haram industry and taints the halal investment, how big that scandal can become? So they won't dare lah.Please define that? Are you saying syariah compliant cannot invest in conventional stocks? And cannot take and make money from conventional stocks that don't have anything to do with the prohibition values ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996564388275146} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 12:56 PM)If you cannot put forth your thoughts coherently, no need to hide behind hints la. Speak clearly and plainly.Kay let me elaborate. Halal cert, trust and enforcement entities like jakim/jais go hand in hand. U cannot separate either one to fully comprehend the seriousness.The reason why u cannot just use \"trust\" as excuse cause the word is incredibly vague and open to misinterpretation. Especially when it comes to actual Law enforcement and will lead to selective prosecution. If a restaurant run by muslim but no cert can serve muslim based on trust is ok? But what about non stall like bobba tea where muslim do frequent based on trust that no haram is served? Are JJ legally allowed to raid that place based on stupid baseless accusation by a Muslim on FB? So so many scenarios I can make up. If u get rid of enforment like JJ, this whole debate about cert, trust and whatnot can close. The problem is when u got govt and bodies like JJ that determine what can be trusted or not, it is clear that definition of \"trust\" need to be established so innocent people don't get dragged into the nonsense.This post has been edited by TrialGone: Dec 31 2019, 01:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986138343811035} +{"text": "QUOTE(rtk74 @ Jan 14 2024, 11:35 PM)dude, the thread here already derailed because of em.If derailed can kolos dy. Later turn into religious debate pulak I malas mau campur. Knowing /k attitude. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991770386695862} +{"text": "kena pergi makan kat gerai selera kelantan, gulai itik(curry) is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998610019683838} +{"text": "Kalau abang rasa saya tipu, abang boleh tengok dekat fb rider makanan.\n\nKami share realiti kedai claim muslim friendly tapi masak dalam kedai makan yang bercampur halal n haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(MishimaZ @ Nov 29 2023, 12:48 PM)Anything memudaratkan is haram. Coke when breathed through the nose will cause addiction and results in any drug related negativities.Owai.Jilat puki juga cause addictionAir puki halal?This post has been edited by smallydupe: Nov 29 2023, 01:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9933032393455505} +{"text": "QUOTE(mohdkakarot @ Jan 4 2017, 05:05 PM)To those saying Halal non halal blood please stop. According to the fatwa ALL BLOOD muslim and non muslim blood does not need to be labeled/saperated and anyone can receive the blood.sure bohthen why i have unprotected sex with gf they dont accept one ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996821880340576} +{"text": "QUOTE(keyven @ Nov 2 2013, 09:34 PM)When I was working in Saudi Arabia, years ago... even those working in banking sector, earning salary is considered as haram money by wahabisComing to Halal food, does it really need to be slaughtered by a muslim to consume meat or chicken or fish??How about vegetables and rice? Is there a halal classification that muslims can consume vegetables grown or harvested by muslims only or ustaz kinda people?Appreciate some explanation here from religious scholars ?PERSONALLY, I do not look up to those Arabs at all. They are the best in being holier-than-thou. Pardon my generalization.About halal food, yes according to Islamic teachings, it has to be slaughtered and prepared accordingly with Islamic rites.No issues on vegetables and rice. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987647533416748} +{"text": "Korang nons acah2 provoke pegi la tered Islamic kat Serious Kopitiam ada la orang jawab elok2.Ni takat nak score brownie points takde sapa nak hadap. Malas. Bulan puasa tak guna hempas2 keyboard. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "Tak ada haram ka , makan ... makanan buatan china ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9809777140617371} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Sep 8 2023, 12:57 PM)dam it,.. no wonder nowadays so many people line up liao,.. last time not much melayu makan,.. nowadays after viral, the que become so long, i tapao also must wait long long,..melayu better don't go lar if not believing,.. for 20 years he only serve Cina in Sri Petaling,.. occasionally got malay makan he didn't put Siew Heng wine,.. never put claim it's halal or even get JAKIM cert,.. his stall previously in kopitiam,.. other stalls also sell babi,..Ooooh... so it's like, if Chinese customer he put rice wine, if Malay customer he don't put?9m2w if this story is true then I support la. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997372031211853} +{"text": " makanan pakteh lagi laa taa diiktiraf JAKIM non halal ! !", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939613342285156} +{"text": "Untuk senang konpius mesti ada otak. All this ppl xda otak so bukan konpius, just bodoh. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Kalau Jakim takde siapa nak halalkan makanan???????? Habislah semua berdosa makan benda haram takde cop jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9891895055770874} +{"text": "Halal la sebab jakim digunakan untuk kesejahteraan makanan untuk semua penduduk Malaysia tak kira islam ke hindu ke apa ke. Kau duduk negara Islam, diberi pelindungan dari negara Islam. Kau wajib bayar tax dan rolling balik untuk kesejahteraan kau. You seem smart yet STUPID.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7063912749290466} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 21 2017, 09:04 PM)parents aku suka makan melayuinb4 daddykasihave u tried rasa sayang?RASA SAYANG MAPS ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "The rm 1billion budget for Jakim lagi membazir. Haram betul. Keje selak kain orang and nothing else. Bazir time. Bazir duit. Double haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999014139175415} +{"text": "\n\n Generally speaking,\n \n All things are lawful until proved unlawful.\n \n The only exception is in matters of ibadat (worship) in which everything is unlawful until proved lawful.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999773502349854} +{"text": "QUOTE(AircondSejuk @ Jan 10 2021, 03:20 PM)So that kopitiam kena denda ke? Or barang non halal kena rampas? Tldr version pls. But tell muslim not to go there for not halal compliance is right move. Tapi if muslim wanna go after an advise from them, sukati la kan? Sendiri tanggung kalau dosa. Betul?Nothing done because not their jurisdiction.That's what I have always said. If a Muslim drink alcohol or eat pork or whatever he does it knowingly its wrong. His punishment will come from God. Why these people so busybody? You mean to tell me you are god's agent ah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9904090166091919} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClarenceT @ Dec 5 2023, 09:12 AM)King Laksa at ICOM Square Pending. Syed Saddiq was there a few weeks ago.Eat halal kolo mee at a pure halal koptiam in Satok area. Prime Minister of Malaysia was eating there.king laksa sucks. best halal laksa for sure mom's laksa jalan haji tahahalal mee kolok can go to Chip Pung Hui cafe at waterfront there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993433356285095} +{"text": "Ada orang cam pertikaikan orang Islam yang syak wasangka tentang status halal sesuatu makanan yang tiada sijil jakim dan ada juga yang pandang golongan spt ini sebagai golongan yang selalu buruk sangka dengan non-muslim. Ish, taklah, kami cuma berhati-hati dalam pilih makanan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996705949306488} +{"text": "QUOTE(yed @ May 3 2021, 02:15 PM)in islam there is amal maaruf nahi mungkar means it is responsibility of muslim to invite other for good and deter the sins. All muslims know this.tahi kau ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999974250793457} +{"text": "yg penting jangan makan makanan yg tak halal. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8987728953361511} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Mar 5 2024, 11:09 AM)Why do you need to waste money on useless theme and logo ? What is important is bringing the right crowd to Malaysia which can be accomplished without the need of suchand the best way to introduce something little known js always campaign/viralmarketing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(NathanJeans @ Dec 29 2023, 09:38 PM)Just start selling pork at mcd la confirm terrorists will go away to other terrorist company.Is this your best shot at trolling? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "QUOTE(WinkyJr @ Jan 8 2015, 09:31 AM)\"Mereka yang terikut2 dengan cara org nasrani & yahudi, bukan umat Muhammad, dan xkan dpt syafaat Nabi Muhammad\"Aku tak pasti skop 'cara' tu meliputi apa. Pemakaian? adab & adat? tutur cara? budaya?I dont know about you guys la bro, but me, I'm more of a rationalist muslim. What is budaya, cara, etc? Right? It's too generic. That's why I follow rationale. Some people say kenot celebrate christmas. I disagree because I dont celebrate it in a religious value, but more like pop culture. Santa, not Jesus nor St Nicholas. It's not Jesus's birthday anyway. Speaking of birthday, don't we celebrate Maulid Nabi also? Muhammad's supposed birthday? Islam teaches us to do that? Isn't that following yahudi nasrani? And again, it's not his real birthday, too. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998160004615784} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 10:36 AM)most people don't eat money, and most muslims do wash their hands before eating even if they touched the money. we all know money is literally dirty as it passes so many hands.but to use \"Haram\" money for the sake of Islam, i think it's ok, because you are doing good deed for the religion, the money, is just money, even Haram money sources, when used for the greater good of Islam, will be \"Cleansed\".that is why Haram money was never a big issue.it's only an issue if muslims use haram money on things not really for the greater good of the religion. for example buying luxury goods for themselves. if they were to spend the haram money on feeding hungry muslims (halal food of course), it's actually commendable.Then do you eat your laundry advocado? I know you look like a washing machine but...really lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9774361252784729} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ May 8 2024, 03:26 PM)wait... no jakim cert? isn't that haram???? any type-B will start boikot nonsense?Everyone and their grandfather knows Halal cert is only required from Nons so that Jakim can make money from Nons. You really expect their own people able to follow all these high standard requirements?They'll just give excuse like \"they are muslims, they should know..bla bla\"QUOTEhttps://jomhalal.org/sijil-halal/Syarat-syarat yang mesti dipenuhi untuk Sijil Halal Premis Makanan.Rujukan: Prosedur No. 17 dan Prosedur No 18.Permohonan untuk sijil halal di bahagikan kepada 9 kategori:Produk makanan dan minuman,Produk kosmetik,Produk farmaseutikal,Premis makanan,Produk barang gunaan,Perkhidmatan logistik,Rumah sembelihan,Pengilangan kontrak/OEM,Produk peranti perubatan.Sebagai pemilik premis makanan; kategori permohonan yang sesuai untuk anda ialah Kategori 4 iaitu PREMIS MAKANAN.Permohonan untuk \u201cKATEGORI 4: PREMIS MAKANAN\u201d ini pula tertakluk pada \u201cSYARAT UMUM\u201d, \u201cSYARAT KHUSUS\u201d serta beberapa \u201cSYARAT TAMBAHAN\u201d.Maksudnya; anda mesti penuhi syarat-syarat yang terkandung dalam syarat umum, syarat khusus dan syarat tambahan ini; barulah premis anda layak dipertimbangkan untuk sijil halal.SYARAT UMUM yang mesti dipatuhi merangkumi syarat-syarat untuk:1. Bahan mentah.Sebagai contoh; bahan mentah yang bersumberkan haiwan dan/atau berasaskan hasilan haiwan hendaklah dipersijilkan halal yang masih sah daripada pihak berkuasa berwibawa atan badan pensijilan halal yang diiktiraf.2. Produk, menu dan perkhidmatan.Sebagai contoh; produk yang dihasilkan hendaklah tidak menyerupai sebarang bentuk haiwan yang dikategorikan sebagai najis mughallazah dan berunsurkan keagamaan.3. Pemprosesan.Sebagai contoh; kawasan pemprosesan hendaklah bebas daripada sebarang bahan mentah atau produk tidak halal atau diragui status halal.4. Penyimpanan.Sebagai contoh; penyimpanan hendaklah dikhususkan untuk bahan mentah dan produk halal saja.5. Peralatan dan perkakasan.Sebagai contoh; peralatan dan perkakasan hendaklah digunakan untuk pemprosesan dan pengedaran bahan mentah, produk dan perkhidmatan halal saja.6. Pembungkusan, pelabelan dan pengiklanan.Sebagai contoh; pembungkusan, pelabelan dan pengiklanan hendaklah tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip syarak.7. Pengangkutan dan pengedaran.Sebagai contoh; pengangkutan dan pengedaran hendaklah untuk kegunaan bahan mentah dan produk halal sahaja.8. Premis.Sebagai contoh; kawasan premis termasuklah di pejabat, kantin dan tempat tinggal pekerja hendaklah dipastikan bebas dari bahan mentah dan produk tidak halal seperti arak dan daging babi.9. PekerjaSebagai contoh; jumlah pekerja Muslim hendaklah mencukupi mengikut keperluan kategori permohonan.10. SanitasiSebagai contoh; pembersihan di kawasan pemprosesan hendaklah dilakukan secara berjadual.11. Kemudahan dan kebajikan pekerja.Sebagai contoh; pekerja Muslim hendaklah diberikan pelepasan dan peruntukan masa yang sewajarnya untuk menunaikan solat fardhu termasuklah solat Jumaat.12. Latihan.Latihan kesedaran halal hendaklah dilaksanakan sekurang-kurangnya tiga (3) tahun sekali kepada semua pekerja yang terlibat dengan aktiviti pemprosesan dan/atau perkhidmatan.13. Sistem Pengurusan Halal.Sebagai contoh; selia dan pantau untuk pastikan premis makanan anda mematuhi syarat-syarat sijil halal.14. Dokumentasi dan rekod.Sebagai contoh; pastikan rekod-rekod berkaitan pensijilan halal disimpan dengan rapi dan mudah untuk dirujuk bagi tujuan audit oleh Jakim.15. Alat dan unsur penyembahan (sebarang alat dan unsur penyembahan hendaklah tidak berada di dalam kawasan pemprosesan).16. Pematuhan undang-undang dan peraturan.Maksudnya; operasi perniagaan hendaklah mematuhi semua perundangan dan peraturan yang berkuat kuasa.Manakala SYARAT KHUSUS yang perlu dipatuhi khusus untuk sijil halal premis makanan termasuk perkara-perkara di bawah ini:1. Pendaftaran Premis Makanan.Memiliki perakuan pendaftaran Premis Makanan yang masih sah.2. Sijil Pengendalian Makanan.Setiap pengendali makanan hendaklah memiliki Sijil Latihan Pengendali Makanan daripada institusi yang diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.3. Vaksinasi.Setiap pengendali makanan hendaklah mendapatkan suntikan vaksinasi anti tifoid yang masih sah daripada pengamal perubatan berdaftar.4. Untuk Dapur Berpusat (Central Kitchen).Jika anda menggunakan dapur berpusat (central kitchen); central kitchen tersebut hendaklah disahkan halal dulu di bawah KATEGORI 1: PRODUK MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN; barulah boleh memohon sijil halal untuk KATEGORI 4 ini iaitu sijil halal untuk PREMIS MAKANAN.5. Untuk Premis Berangkai (Chained Restaurants).Jika anda mempunyai premis makanan berangkai (chained restaurants); anda hendaklah memohon sijil halal bagi setiap premis di bawah rangkaian anda itu DAN permohonan hendaklah diuruskan secara berpusat.6. Menu Makanan.Menu yang diistiharkan pada borang permohonan hendaklah sama seperti yang dipaparkan pada menu. Anda juga mestilah memohon pengesahan halal untuk KESEMUA MENU yang disediakan di premis makanan anda. Menu yang tidak diisytiharkan hendaklah dibuat permohonan penambahan menu.Seperti dimaklumakan awal tadi; premis makanan anda juga perlu mematuhi beberapa SYARAT TAMBAHAN; dan syarat tambahan ini pula bergantung kepada jenis premis makanan:Restoren atau Kafe, Kantin dan Kedai Bakeri.Sekiranya anda mengusahakan Restoren atau Kafe, Kantin dan Kedai Bakeri; ini syarat-syarat tambahan yang perlu dipatuhi.1. Minimum 1 orang pekerja Muslim.2. Melantik seorang penyelia halal. Oleh kerana Manual Jakim tidak menetapkan syarat khusus untuk jawatan penyelia; anda boleh lantik pekerja Muslim tadi sebagai penyelia juga.3. Makanan dan minimum hendaklah disediakan di dapur yang telah disahkan halal.4. Jika bilangan restoren atau kafe, kantin dan bakeri anda ialah 3 atau lebih dari 3 cawangan DAN menggunakan jenama yang sama; hendaklah juga memenuhi syarat tambahan untuk \u201cPremis Makanan Berangkai\u201d; lihat di bawah ini.Premis Makanan Berangkai (Chained Restaurants).Sekiranya anda mengusahakan premis makanan berangkai atau chained restaurants; ini antara syarat-syarat tambahan yang perlu dipatuhi.1. Minimum 1 orang pekerja Muslim.2. Eksekutif Halal hendaklah dilantik di peringkat pengurusan syarikat atau dapur berpusat.3. Jawatankuasa Halal Dalaman hendaklah ditubuhkan.4. Halal Assurance System (Sistem Jaminan Halal) hendaklah diwujudkan dan dilaksanakan di setiap premis makanan.Katering dan/atau khidmat Penyedian Makanan dan Dapur Pusat Konvensyen.Sekiranya anda mengusahakan Katering dan/atau khidmat Penyedian Makanan dan Dapur Pusat Konvensyen; ini syarat-syarat tambahan yang perlu dipatuhi.1. Bergantung pada saiz perniagaan anda (industri kecil atau industri besar); anda perlu menggaji samada 1 atau 2 orang pekerja Muslim.2. Makanan dan minuman hendaklah disediakan di dapur yang telah disahkan halal.3. Permohonan sijil halal anda hendaklah merangkumi keseluruhan dapur premis.Premis Bergerak (Food Truck).Sekiranya anda mengusahakan Premis Bergerak (Food Truck); ini syarat-syarat tambahan yang perlu dipatuhi.1. Minimum 1 orang pekerja Muslim.2. Penyediaan dan pemprosessan makanan hendaklah disediakan di premis bergerak berkenaan atau di dapur yang telah disijilkan halal.3. Premis bergerak ini beroperasi hanya dikawasan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berkuasa berkenaan.4. Jika bilangan premis bergerak (food truck) anda ialah 3 atau lebih dari 3 DAN menggunakan jenama yang sama; hendaklah juga memenuhi syarat tambahan untuk \u201cPremis Makanan Berangkai\u201d; lihat penerangan sebelum ini.Kafeteria di Medan Selera.Sekiranya anda mengusahakan Kafeteria di Medan Selera; permohonan sijil halal sepatutnya diuruskan oleh pihak pengurusan medan selera.Kiosk.Sekiranya anda mengusahakan kiosk; ini syarat-syarat tambahan yang perlu dipatuhi.1. Minimum 1 orang pekerja Muslim.2. Makanan dan minimum hendaklah disediakan di dapur yang telah disijilkan halal.3. Jika bilangan kiosk anda ialah 3 atau lebih dari 3 DAN menggunakan jenama yang sama; hendaklah juga memenuhi syarat tambahan untuk \u201cPremis Makanan Berangkai\u201d; lihat penerangan sebelum ini.This post has been edited by United Rulez: May 8 2024, 03:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997313618659973} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated in QuranRokok = haram decided by MuftiThe question i wanna raise is, is there weed/cigarettes/evidence of cancer due to smoke during the days he wrote script. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999963641166687} +{"text": "@nuranisatania Bitter sangat so-called-liberal kat malaysia ni. Sampaikan seorang consumer have no right to point out fact yang belum ada sijil halal. Bukannya dia ajak boikot atau cakap xing fu tang haram. Terus gO oUt oF QueUE bABi hArAM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(HaHeHo @ Sep 8 2018, 04:31 PM)Tak boleh. Buy anything related to kilang arak=beli arak.God is great!Extremist much.QUOTE(arsenwagon @ Sep 8 2018, 04:32 PM)So can watch guiness world record?If we follow this logic, Intel yahooodeee created. So forbidden to touch or use? Beer company sponsor sports event, jangan tengok boleh? Absolutely haram to the hahe guy in above post.Anyway Burt describe the chips as having the touch of Irish stout in the chips, hence a sensible muslim might stay away from it, but with an open mind \"only if\" that chips are halal compliant, then it could be considered. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8611289858818054} +{"text": "kalau tak suka jangan beli. senang.there are many other places. kesian hati tisu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9923674464225769} +{"text": "Asslam my brother and sisters in Islam,Ade sapa2 tau x pasal zakat pendapatan? contohnya:1) sapa yg wajib bayar?2) macam mana nak bayar?3) bile kene bayar?4) jumlah yg kene bayar? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Even ayam got Bumi status lol. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9908221960067749} +{"text": "i laff... been thinking bout this for a long time. finally it gets viral.salahan vavi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.563628613948822} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.makan je. daun je kotI even eat at chinese chicken rice restaurant in Kepong, because I knew they use slaughtered chicken from Aeon Big.This post has been edited by Percival II: Nov 21 2018, 08:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7014799118041992} +{"text": "Kalau nak diikutkan, kedai-kedai makan Melayu, berapa kerat ada sijil halal? Tapi, jaranglah pula kita dengar kedai-kedai Melayu guna produk meragukan dan/atau haram. Namun begitu, jagalah kebersihan! Pastikan sinki basuh tangan ada sabun dan tandas bersih tak berlendir.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998465776443481} +{"text": "@adamezique sijil halal means certified halal tho , takde sijil does not mean haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Sehari, apalagi kalau buat jajan makanan suka kalap beli ini itu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998999834060669} +{"text": "\nPengotor, makan bangkai... haram lor...\nbintang Post at 9-6-2010 19:04 \n\nAyam pun kotor gak... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999880790710449} +{"text": "Tauliah Untuk Menentukan Sesuatu Barangan/Makanan Itu Halal Atau Haram Ialah Dibawah Bidang Kuasa JAKIM Bukan... http://fb.me/6AH4CJrYv", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9838377833366394} +{"text": "QUOTE(Duckies @ May 28 2024, 08:44 AM)People business good u guys should be happy ma..no need jealous one. Ppl suka makan pasar malam ayam then just let ppl be la.Hope they pay tax ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "Nanti ada la yang bangang buat viral, 'JAKIM Meluluskan Permohonan HALAL Pengusaha Makanan Anjing'.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981472492218018} +{"text": "QUOTE(ciwi1166 @ Aug 18 2015, 01:43 PM)so if peoples songlap, u also want to songlap lar? like that? just bcoz no official fatwa of songlap haram? kesian bodoh.Fatwas are to clarify grey areas to the public to avoid confusion. Things like fags don't exists in 8th century but things like songlap aka breach of trust do so there is a clear standing on the issue and no fatwa needed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999097585678101} +{"text": "\"Eii kau minum air viral ni mana ada sijil halal\" \"Ohh semalam aku nampak kau pegang awek kau tuh halal eaa\" Kena setepek", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(Timemuffin @ Oct 25 2016, 01:49 PM)US muslims are not real muslims anywaysno need to hear their opinionI heard Dividing Muslim is a sin. Non Muslim also know. Lu x malu ka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "faham sijil halal tu memang jadi yakin 100% nak makan, but at the same time proses nak dapat sijil halal tu susah sbb requirement strict namatey. selagi yakin dia takde unsur waswas i'm good tho. takde nak berkonspirasi \"ada susu babi dalam boba!*", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981685876846313} +{"text": "Foreigners pun bayar je cukai, contoh macam beli barang makanan, tol apa semua tu. Tapi non-bumis kan suka pakai kad \"kami bayar cukai\" as if bumis duduk free je dekat sini.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9708845019340515} +{"text": "Bener! Tiap kali beli minuman kemasan aku selalu cek kadar gula nya. Kalau minum kopi pun juga no sugar / less sugar. Aku juga suka makanan pedas-sedang, terutama samyang dan sejenisnya, Frans suka makanan kayak gimana?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.674013078212738} +{"text": "Another Chinese Muslim here. I have a cousin who is also. We both came to it separately (not close to him). Generally most ppl here have already reply But just to reiterate:1) Become Muslim doesn't mean become Malay. I love Chinese food, esp the 'clear' stuff. Hard to find 'clear/ching' stuff in Malay style cooking sometimes. I don't identify with Malay culture at all because it isn't the one I grew up in. I speak Malay like damn cinapek style lol.2) You can keep your own name. Wasn't like this before, but because of ppl like Lim Jooi Soon, he talked and discussed with the religious authorities on this subject; he is among the ppl who opened the door to it. 3) Besides Lim Jooi Soon and Firdaus Wong, there is also Hussein Yee (Al-Khaadem, Damansara) who is an educated Muslim. I rmbr Lim Jooi Soon got number to call if you got questions.4) There are a lot of Chinese Muslims; many I know did that because they found it the best representation of God. Some openly convert. Some are underground; afraid to tell ppl. 5) Sometimes it's the family themselves who push their newly converted family member away. On my side, I handled stubbornly like, \"NO I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL LOVE MEEE\". And in time, mine accepted slowly. Sometimes other ppl aren't so lucky. Parents pack their bags and throw out of the house. Sometimes their relationship heal again after grandchildren are involved. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8754521608352661} +{"text": "Sijil halal tamat tempoh: Dijamin halal atau tidak? Detik 8.30 malam ini mengongsi proses mengekalkan status halal. https://t.co/tjn0xSmtCC", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9234368801116943} +{"text": "I\u2019m still waiting for the day when Meleis will finally realize that not having a Halal certificate doesn\u2019t make it haram. Susah lah pergi overseas nanti. Nak beli sayur pun minta sijil halal nanti \ud83e\udd27 https://t.co/ebbX10efcM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999415874481201} +{"text": "QUOTE(night_wolf_in @ Nov 2 2013, 09:02 PM)well, you defined that muslime are not allowed to eat where pork is served, cause of the pots issue. Now, if shafi'i (although i need evidance for it, just caused you said it doesnt mean it is true. i have no knowledge of such thing) say haram, and lets say hanbali say halal. it means what you practice is haram, but what other muslim practice is not. hence your generalization is wrong.i have lived in india too. they follow \"hanafi\". and some of the things i saw here are weird. anyways. i'm not here to judge, as long as you happy. why should i care. i agree, when we see other doing thing not the way we normally do, it doesnt mean its wrong.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978082776069641} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chanwsan @ Mar 9 2024, 04:44 PM)Gerai haram tepi jalan sedap makan tak haram pulokkkkkmana jakim. Come earn your $$ so gomen can reduce budget allocation. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996134638786316} +{"text": "@sifufurhun Sbb tu la malas ambil sijil halal, kalau ambil ni boleh kene tarik sbb xikut prosedur pemakanan. Hehe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998654127120972} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rubypoyo @ Dec 7 2015, 02:19 PM)Ini hospital main dengan api ini...Mohon siar nama hospital tu lepas tu bole viral ask malay to boikot kau2 until that hospital jatuh bangkrap .......hehehehe Ni hospital lupa bumi ni milik siapa? GUARU JE heheheThis hospital don't need YOUR business. When your half dead and this is the nearest life saver see you go or not. Better off dead. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Dec 27 2023, 01:46 PM)Tak mampu jangan pi la...Dok viral buat ape la puak ini.Try pergi makan dekat Vegas .....hang boleh terjun bangunanKan tempat bukit casino tu orang judi.Hang dok bawak family pi berserabut buat ape?Tada penyakit cari penyakit ?Price yahoodi, food looks like crap.Gonna boikot not ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "QUOTE(jmas @ Apr 27 2022, 05:22 PM)I tot vinegar was made from alcoholorall vinegar contains alcohol???at least the fermentation part contains alcoholHow to ferment and not produce alcohol? At best can reduce only as far as I know. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999686479568481} +{"text": "jangan la tunjuk sangat bodoh tu tak kisah la makanan tu haram ke halal tapi akal tu kena ada, takkan la anjing kucing kelawar semua kau nak bantai makan macam tak ada akal je haha, kalau ye pun nak makan benda mcm tu makan la elok elok cuci bersih dulu bukannya terus makan haha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9127001762390137} +{"text": "Kalau tk ragu, minum. Ragu2, jgn minum. Kalau tk halal, effect kt hidup kau, dh jd darah daging, ibadah tk sempurna. Kalau halal, Alhamdulillah. Tp halal JAKIM ni sijil yg pling strict, or company tu yg tknk bayar sbb mahal. Sekian. https://t.co/728gf5fBjZ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999386072158813} +{"text": "Siput ass car go... HaramCadbury... Haram..sementaraGolden Churn Butter...haramBabi... HaramRasuah.. HalalPiap piap di hotel (belum kawin).... \"halal\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "Bang, bila JAKIM akui sesuatu makanan tu halal, kita patut terima kan. Islam tak suruh kita pergi double check sembelihan tersebut. Sama lah. Bila dah Syariah committee di BNM yg ahli di dalam bidang Muamalat dah sah-kan mekanik loans tu halal .. kita patut terima juga lah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9943470358848572} +{"text": "\"Hari ini ada pihak yang merujuk JAKIM mengenai penjualan sejenis produk yang dikatakan boleh mengesan DNA babi dalam makanan. Suka saya menasihatkan pengguna agar berhati-hati dan tidak terkeliru dengan produk seperti ini.\" https://x.com/bernamadotcom//bernamadotcom/status/1092049017238839296\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988794922828674} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Sep 6 2016, 08:59 AM)cehh, kutuk guna arabic sekali ko dah sentap.. hahahahakimak.. best wincess ever.. can beat cikgu surayatak sentap pun...bertenang =/= bertendang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.49735021591186523} +{"text": "gw gak tau cara menikmati pancong setengah mateng enaknya dimana? pernah beli tp habis itu gak mau lagi kyk makanan mentah tepung masih cair padahal diriku suka makan setengah mateng tp yg ini cukup sekali aja", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7222052812576294} +{"text": "Iyaaa , cepat sembuh ya km ..\nFyi , kalau aku , dulu d treat sama ibu , kalau sakit d belikan makanan kesukaan , jd cepat sembuh . Mungkin km bisa beli makann yg km suka biar feel km happy jd lekas sembuh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9776341319084167} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Nov 30 2020, 12:58 AM)Aku fobia dgn hanjing..suka kejar orang x tentu pasal dogs can smell ur fear man.if u are afraid of them, they will taunt u. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9284689426422119} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Mar 28 2024, 09:18 AM)Yeah I know that it's part of the risk. I appreciate the precautionary measures, but I'm really looking for inputs on how best to communicate with such employees to solve the business needs rather than covering for myself.i believe u are not overseeing the biz yourself U need to hire a supervisor then the person need to be higher pay more then your min wage workers even with a supervisor, u will still need to come check out yourself until the person is real fit to manage your franchise ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7726761698722839} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Sep 11 2023, 04:43 PM)the attached paper uses science to check on tapai alcoholwow, tapai as high as 11%Institutes for reviewing the halal and haram of a food from various countries have their own provisions on the alcohol content in a food product. For example, the Fatwa of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that alcohol cannot be more than 5%, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) alcohol cannot be more than 0.5% (Pauzi, Man, Mohd, Bin, & Jaafar, 2018), Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) alcohol cannot be more than 1% (Patent No. 11, 2009), Tarjih Muhammadiyah alcohol cannot be more than 5% (Thaib & Latief, 2002).Yulianti in 2014 examined the alcohol content contained in sticky rice tapai, black sticky rice and cassava tapai showed that the highest alcohol content was found in rice tapai with high levels of 11% (on day 3, 4, 5 and 6), black sticky rice with an alcohol content of 8.94% (on days 3, 4, 5 and 6) the lowest and an alcohol content of 6.92% tapai cassava (on day 3) (Yulianti, 2014). Based on a study conducted by Yulianti, the alcohol content in rice tapai and black sticky rice increased the longer the fermentation time, while in tapai cassava after reaching maximum fermentation on the third day the alcohol content continued to decrease. The decrease in alcohol content in cassava tapai was influenced by the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae which entered the stationary phase, i.e. the number of live microbes was equal to the number of dead microbes so that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungus would decrease and be unable to produce alcohol. (Hasanah et al., 2012).NamePercentage of Alcohol Level Per Day (%)123456Black Sticky Rice Tapai1.766.958.839.419.6710.06Cassava Tapai0.847.128.766.885.935.90Table 5. Percentage of Alcohol Concentration Against Fermentation Durationand i exercise my own common senseLMFAO pusing2 last2 scientifically it is 11% ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935901165008545} +{"text": "Patutla besar Makan benda haram rupenye ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999347925186157} +{"text": "Sijil Jakim tidak menentukan makanan tu halal atau haram. Cuma menjaminkan jer. Kuih tepi jalan pun minta sijil halal ker bila beli?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9792298674583435} +{"text": "Kecoh pasal boba tea yang banyak kedai yang viral takda sijil halal . Yes betul takda sijil halal tak semestinya tidak halal kerana sijil itu secara ialah undang-undang dan syarat . Tapi pernah kah kita terfikir , kerana sijil halal kita yakin untuk makan dan minum dan jauh...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7937934398651123} +{"text": "JAKIM Tak Izin Label \"Ayat Ruqyah\", \"Makanan Sunnah\" Produk Status Halal http://kedahnews.com/2016/02/jakim-tak-izin-label-ayat-ruqyah.html\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 04:29 PM)If want to find valid arguments then better find valid source. Especially related to halal haram in Malaysia there's majlis fatwa negeri and fatwa kebangsaan. Dont simply take any opinion off the street or the internet, even from me.Nons here, but I'll have to agree with you on this. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997946619987488} +{"text": "\nmidori_katana replied at 16-8-2021 04:47 PM\nni catwalk kat mana ni? lain maciam keterujaan penontonnya!\nTeruja ekkk??? Kalau betina yang nengok logik la jugak..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9699246883392334} +{"text": "QUOTE(StationMonkey @ Sep 12 2015, 12:58 PM)gemuk pun ada org syg,\u00a0 nk malu apaSayang = penutup malu? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "Mesti korg terfikir jgak kan...soalan2 camni Jual cili perlu ade sijil halal tak? Halal ke klu buh kat pokok sayur tu baja najis babi? #halaljakim #makananhalal #globalhalalindustryplatform #eksekutifhalal... https://t.co/qP1PBQXKoE", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999347925186157} +{"text": "Trend peniaga online sekarang \u201cweh barang dia tu tak ori, tipu punya, tak bagus, mahal.\u201d Lepas tu \u201c eh belilah dengan saya. Ori, halal, ada sijil jakim, harga jiran2.\u201d Butoh apa meniaga mcm ni. Kau nak promote bisnes sendiri dengan jatuhkan bisnes orang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9845689535140991} +{"text": "QUOTE(haziqnet @ Sep 6 2016, 10:32 AM)dont involve felixia yeap bro...she already did her best as a muslim since the start she converted to Islam... best my asskang bukak cite kang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999985933303833} +{"text": "QUOTE(tolongking @ May 11 2024, 12:48 PM)i don't care about halalness but why muslim people feel there is a need for halal / non halal when independent street food vendors can never get it? muslim people make noise when it's not halal so does that mean the underdog can never prosper?it does not sound very fair to me. isn't this a systemic effort to suppress the less well off?in many parts of SEA, peddling food is a major source of income for the poor. cockblocking them so that the big corporations with the resources can get bigger? this is how income inequality widensIf anything it keeps the poor poorer. Cost to certify halal will flow down to end consumer. End up they pay higher prices. But hey, yang penting masuk syurga. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.975062370300293} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 3 2023, 12:07 AM)Qingdao mmg celaka oneMentang2 diorunk buat Tsingtao beer yg haram, semua tempat ada jual beer. Tepi jalan ko nak beli ikat tepi pun adaNasib baik aku tak terbeli sebab ingatkan air tebu berkarbonat Pastu air kelapa dia\u2026 Astagfirullahaladzim\u2026Letak gambar nen nen mcm jual susu ibu Haram jadah betul\u00a0 Doomsday ko jgn terzhut-zhut taw\u2026Cakap betul lar, air kelapa ni memang legendary, texturenya dan rasa memang lain macam; Brand lain punya air kelapa kena taruk macam macam additives baru boleh lawan air kelapa cap pokok kelapa ni.Advertisementnya lagi cuci mata tapi super cringe. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99988853931427} +{"text": "Anggota yg terlibat patut hukum gantung di khalayak ramai ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999791383743286} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ May 19 2024, 05:49 AM)That day when they say \"jom boikot Setarbuck, kita beralih ke Zus\",I already know some quarters from their side already tak senang duduk, planning and waiting for next opportunity to bring down Zus punya coz owner is Type C....so predictable these people.Remember this golden phrase: \"Bisnes M, kalau tak menunggang bangsa atau agama, bukan bisnes M lettew\"\u00a0 The only race to beg their own race to boycott and beg their own people to support their business. Tak malu ke?Zus Coffee:2019 started2020 - 10 branches2021 - 60 branches2022 - 180 branches2023 - 360 branchesM business can never.....so nice, my dreams ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998723268508911} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Mar 21 2024, 01:53 PM)so lucky only one out of 30 million malaysians,only firdaus wong find that stockingCan ask him again when he is doing his dakwah roadshow in bukit bintang everyweek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Gunakan #PURI5 tanpa was-was.100% Herba dan tiada kesan sampingan. https://t.co/at4rOqcjpm Yang penting #PURI5 ni ada \u2705Sijil pengesahan HALAL JAKIM(MS 2424:2012 101-07/2013) \u2705Kelulusan dari... https://t.co/QVkz2RCMfS", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9774444103240967} +{"text": "Org melayu pakai kopiah time nk gi surau, masjid, berzanji & ziarah kematian. tradisi org kita. Sedangkan sunnah pkai msa bila2 pn kecuali mandi, berenang & menyelam.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994301199913025} +{"text": "Oh yela, mak kau pun masak bukan ada sijil halal pun. So mak kau masak makanan haram. Suap pulak kat mulut kau. Patut ah hati hitam sbb makan benda haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983012080192566} +{"text": "QUOTE(247365 @ May 9 2024, 01:40 PM)should have consulted u first before 1963\u00a0 But too bad during prior 1963, the British (western power) same as the Communist of the retard East. Also holds the same ideology about \"centralized\" thus I cannot tell both them wrong at that time. Now you see the Banks also walking the same path = CBDC. Many proven \"models of governance\" you can watch on youtube in your free time, that \"centralizing\" a country administrative ended in poor collectives then collapsed. Its a top down management issue proven never works. Best example, CCP and its WUHAN. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995018720626831} +{"text": "betul, sijil halal penting. tapi lihatlah pada keadaan. nama kedai, pekerja, dari mana datangnya kedai dan etc. fahaman korang ni, bila ramai kata halal/pork free terus berdesup telan. kau rasa yakin halal pi telan, tak payah hasut2 orang sampai ada kata penakut nak cuba bagai.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8426235914230347} +{"text": "ku tertarik dengan kempen memperkasakan produk melayu islam sejak kebelakangan ni. Alhamdulillah, orang melayu islam rata-rata \"baru\" mula sedar betapa pentingnya memperkuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Boleh nampak kesan kempen memperkasakan produk muslim melayu ni di kedai dan hypermarket. Alhamdulillah, sambutan kempen ini telah mula menampakkan hasilnya.Aku tertarik dengan satu pautan gambar produk muslim bumiputera yang disharekan kepada aku.Di sini, aku nak share satu item dalam beribu2 list produk muslim bumiputera yg di sharekan tu iaitu \"beras\" makanan ruji kita. Makanan ruji kita telah lama dimonopoli oleh kaum cina walaupun 99.9% petani ni adalah orang Melayu kita. Kita boleh beli beras jenama Faiza, produk Melayu tapi sedar ke tidak bahawa rantaian prosesnya (kilang padi) bagi mendapatkan beras tu sendiri dimonopoli oleh kaum cina. Pihak syarikat Faiza juga perlu beli beras dari pihak cina dalam bentuk pukal kerana kekurangan bekalan beras pukal tersebut.Memandangkan keluarga aku memang turun-temurun dalam bidang ni, boleh katakan aku ni, anak \"tokey\" kilang padi la senang, membeli padi, memproses padi menjadi beras dan menjual beras. Tapi, sekarang tidak lagi, bisnes kilang padi turun-temurun ni, hancur dek kurangnya kesedaran memperkuatkan ekonomi melayu islam ni. Kalau la kempen ini sudah bermula 5 tahun dulu tentu masih bernyawa lagi kilang padi warisan keluarga aku.Aku sharekan pengalaman aku untuk tatapan semua bagaimana boleh tumbangnya bisnes orang melayu kita dek monopoli kaum satu jenis tu. Di Semenanjung Malaysia ni, tahun 2005, kilang padi melayu bumiputera ni ada sekitar 35 buah kilang. Namun sekarang, di tahun 2019 ni, hanya tinggal 12 buah kilang bumiputera melayu sahaja yg tinggal beroperasi.Betul, hanya tinggal 12 buah sahaja kilang melayu. Aku listkan kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi:-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMURMasalah paling besar kilang-kilang Melayu ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bekalan padi. Pelik bunyi kalau aku kata kilang padi tapi padi tak ada di kilang. Isu ni berlaku di kilang padi orang melayu kita termasuk kilang keluarga aku. Kenapa tak ada padi ,haa ni aku cerita, terus terang aku cakap, 99.9% yang usahakan tanaman padi ni orang melayu kita, tapi bila nak dijual padi tu, padi tu dijual di kilang cina.Keadaan ni berlaku disebabkan penawaran harga insentif/komisyen yg diberikan kilang cina kepada \"driver/broker lori\" yang angkut padi di sawah. Broker lori tu akan dapat \"insentif/komisyen\" dari kilang jika dihantar padi tu ke kilang. Lagi banyak padi yg dihantar lagi banyak insentif/komisyen yg dibolot oleh tuan lori ni padahal komisyen tu bukan petani yang dapat pun. Dan terus terang aku cakap, petani tidak kisah pun padi tu dijual di kilang mana asalkan dapat jual sahaja padi yg diusahakan tu. Disebabkan perkara ni lah yg menyebabkan tiada padi yg dijual ke kilang padi melayu bumiputera akibat komisyen yg dikejar. Padi yg diusahakn orang melayu, kebanyakkan dijual ke kilang padi cina.Disebabkan perkara inilah, banyak kilang melayu bumiputera telah banyak tutup tak mampu beroperasi dek kekurangan bekalan padi. Apabila berlaku kekurangan padi di kilang melayu, kita orang melayu telah hilang kuasa pegangan ekonomi dalam item beras ni. Walaupun tanaman padi tu majoriti melayu kita yang usahakan tapi kilang proses padi menjadikan beras dipegang oleh kaum cina disebabkan oleh penjualan padi ke kilang cina.Jadi, aku nak seru semua petani, anak-anak yang mak bapak petani, kenalan-kenalan dan kawan-kawan petani, kita mulakan \"KEMPEN JUAL PADI DI KILANG PADI MELAYU BUMIPUTERA\" bermula dari hari ini. Masih tidak terlambat lagi untuk gerakkan kesedaran ini agar ekonomi makanan ruji ni yg mmg diusahakan orang melayu kita ni dapat diselamatkan. Minta tolong arahkan driver lori/broker ni jual padi yang diusahakan di kilang melayu bumiputera kita. Kepada rakan-rakan kilang melayu bumiputera, kuatkan semangat dan teruskan bertahan dan jangan mengaku kalah dalam jihad ni. Bagi sokongan kepada kilang-kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi ni agar kita boleh kuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Harap sebarkan kepada semua.Ikhlas dari :-Bekas anak tokey kilang padi melayu bumiputeraSekali lagi aku listkan senarai nama kilang padi orang melayu kita untuk kita gerakkan kempen kesedaran ini :-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMUR ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6740557551383972} +{"text": "QUOTE(asd5139 @ Mar 7 2023, 03:43 PM)My bm fail kot dont really understand the diff on point no 3 4 and 5. Can paraphrase to a more simpler sentence ah.there's a link and you can translate to english..Using AI to translate\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abEvery alcoholic drink contains alcohol. However, not all alcohol is considered alcoholic drinks. Alcohol that is obtained from the process of making alcoholic drinks is considered haram (forbidden) and impure.On the other hand, alcohol obtained not through the process of making alcoholic drinks is not impure, but haram (forbidden) to drink in its original form because it is poison and can be lethal.Soft drinks that are processed/made not with the intention of producing alcoholic drinks and have alcohol content below 1%v/v are halal (permissible) to drink.Meanwhile, soft drinks made with the same intention and process as making alcoholic drinks, whether they contain a lot or a little alcohol or the alcohol is distilled, are haram (forbidden) to drink.Food or drinks that naturally contain alcohol, such as fruits, nuts or grains and their extracts, or alcohol that occurs incidentally during the food or drink production process, are not impure and are halal (permissible) to eat/drink.Food or drinks that contain flavorings or colorings that contain alcohol for stabilizing purposes are halal (permissible) to use if the alcohol is not produced from the process of making alcoholic drinks and the quantity of alcohol in the final product is not intoxicating, and the alcohol content does not exceed 0.5%.Medicines and perfumes that contain alcohol as a solvent are not impure and are permitted if the alcohol is not obtained through the process of making alcoholic drinks.This post has been edited by hazzery: Mar 7 2023, 03:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9877581000328064} +{"text": "@bahiyahjazlan @fnatasyainjohar @Namirahmsa Bende ni balik pada diri memasing jugak kalau rasa was-was better jauhkan sbb boleh timbul syubhah kalau yakin nak minum pergilah minum sijil halal jakim tu syarat je takdenye ah sijil tu takde terus haram adoii \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997028708457947} +{"text": "QUOTE(Noyoudontcare @ May 15 2017, 02:33 PM)If u have no idea about halal stuff,\u00a0 please don't insinuate. Better stfu. Baja Daripada Tahi BabiMuzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa kali ke \u2013 2Source: Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa - 12 May 1981Bahawa baja yang diperbuat daripada tahi babi adalah najis mughalazah, sementara hukum menggunakannya sebagai baja adalah harus serta makhruh.Bahawa makanan ayam yang diproses daripada bahan-bahan yang bercampur dengan najis seperti darah lembu, darah babi dan lain-lain adalah harus dan halal.- See more at: http://www.hdcglobal.com/publisher/pid/4f6...h.g0eieqoY.dpufquite accurate ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "Janjinada org kite.Cakap aje nk makanan halal minumam halal.Tengok APA yg sdang dibuat?Dosa nih ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998067021369934} +{"text": "QUOTE(Balanced @ Feb 27 2024, 09:20 PM)Oh summer mall dead ah? I thought its new.How about the aeon mall? I wan visit all the happening mallsLol.I totally forgot about Aeon. Yeah Aeon, Spring and Vivacity are the 3 top best malls in Kuching.Summer has been dead for years and some shops and stalls there i suspect are tempat cuci duit. The thing about Summer is that it's really far from touristy place and too far from Kuching, the main centre of attraction. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999873161315918} +{"text": "I dono who is Bodo here. Both also bodo. If you think the food is not halal, just find another restaurant la.And for the restaurant owner, also bodo. Now for no reason kena viral, u can kiss your business goodbye. Dono how to talk to customer and lansi like fucking foreigners rohingyaThis post has been edited by RT8081: Jan 31 2024, 02:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990028738975525} +{"text": "QUOTE(bumpo @ Nov 14 2020, 01:57 AM)is there any recourse to sue the enforcement for wrong raiding without verifying first?or any penalty to kaki lipot penipu scammer?chicken bbq flavor that they use for meekari also cannot tell apart.. bodo jakun gila\u00a0 Alot of cases alrdyThose ppl just anyhow report make viral video but didn't kena anything. Idk now as long as they say it's in the name of R.... Then everything is ok.... Btw how come his friend bought the old town noodle for him, why didn't he suspect his friend first? Which restaurant will use pork in place of chicken when chicken is cheaper?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999799728393555} +{"text": "QUOTE(tikaram @ Nov 13 2020, 10:46 PM)I eat\u00a0 this curry meehon before. It is chicken char siew tbh.Lol that viral and jakim efficientcy.peruntukan naik, so kena la tunjuk buat kerja ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956545829772949} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Oct 30 2023, 05:41 PM)Like this, malas la Aku nak makan at mamak. I go to Indian restaurantmamak is shit and unhygienicthose Northern indian or arab joints bit more decent ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962239265441895} +{"text": "Who are those \"people\" he said is concerned?QUOTETourism Ministry urged to explain listing of bak kut teh as national heritage foodKUALA LUMPUR: An Opposition MP has questioned the decision to list bak kut teh as a national heritage dish.Datuk Rosol Wahid (PN-Hulu Terengganu) said the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry must explain the decision as it could touch on religious sensitivities.\u201cPeople are concerned (to see) bak kut teh as part of our national heritage food.\u201cIf we are Taiwan or Hong Kong, it would not be an issue (to list bak kut teh). We have national dishes like burasak and uthappam which do not go against religion,\u201d he said when debating the motion of thanks on the Royal Address in the Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday (Feb 28).On Saturday (Feb 24), commissioner of heritage Mohamad Muda Bahadin listed 10 dishes including bak kut teh, a herbal soup made with pork bones, as national heritage food in a government gazette.Other dishes included mee kolok and nasi ambeng; traditional desserts like burasak, dodol kukus tahi minyak, kuih lapis, kuih karas; and uthappam, as well as appetisers such as jeruk tuhau and katira, a drink.They were gazetted as heritage dishes under subsection 49(1) of the National Heritage Act 2005.Opposition MPs have criticised efforts to list bak kut teh, the origins of which are claimed to be traced to Klang, Selangor.Datuk Mohd Suhaimi Abdullah (PN-Langkawi) claimed that it was not even in the top 30 most popular local dishes.Last year, Tebrau MP Jimmy Puah proposed that the government list bak kut teh as a national heritage food to defend its position after a documentary claimed that the dish came from a neighbouring country.https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/tou...81a404122&ei=40 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5933234691619873} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Mar 13 2024, 03:30 PM)You think the language bahasa malaysia magically appeared when sabah and sarawak joined peninsular? There never is/was bahasa malaysia. Only bahasa melayu. There's no point debating this, just so you know.There is no problem with bahasa melayu. The majority of the population speak it. The issue is you have no one to practice it with. Just like how i didn't practice for exams and got b for pmr and spm in bahasa melayu. Anyways, thank you for taking time to share your views. At the end of the day, we just want a better place and its the road there that we differ on.Nobody say Bahasa Melayu was not the language of the lands and it just magically appear. The fact is the government changed it to Bahasa Malaysia in the 60s. Why is Bahasa Indonesia called Bahasa Indonesia and not Bahasa Melayu too? You reluctant to even consider changing it to Bahasa Malaysia is clear example of why this language will not reach its status as main medium of communication.The unwillingness to accept problems is another reason why BM will not become the medium of communication. It is not just about practicing it as I have pointed out that the spoken BM is not the same as the BM taught in school. If you think it's simply scoring A or B in exams, then plenty of nons already doing it in their SPMs and PMRs previously but why it's still not the main medium of communication.At the end of the day, it does not matter anymore as the population of nons will continue to reduce and in another few decades, they will be insignificant. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9171306490898132} +{"text": "Pelaksanaan Program Jiwa Murni TLDM bersama NGO Iman Care & JAKIM Sabah sempena HUT TLDM Ke-88 adalah inisiatif bertanya khabar serta menunaikan tanggungjawab khidmat sosial.Antara aktiviti utama program adalah baikpulih surau,sumbangan naskah Al-Quran & penyerahan bakul makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.999240517616272} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Oct 12 2023, 11:15 AM)That's what it's called? I remember there is the cold chicken in wine and one with chili. I prefer the chili one. Yup niceI believe the one in wine is not Chinese wine but black vinegar+shaoxing wine. This is a very popular cold dish on Shanghai. The other dish with similar taste profile is black earwood (black fungus) in the same concoction but added with some crushed garlic/Chinese parsley. This one is a fav with China ladies. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(cadburypicnic @ Sep 25 2017, 11:27 AM)I am a Muslim and I think this is insulting to non-Muslims.Its illogical and absolutely abhorrent.so we have to disallow him from his right to prevent non muslim due to hygiene/haram/halal purpose?whats the signboard said? \"kapir not allowed\" ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.840774655342102} +{"text": "QUOTE(pakmulau @ Jan 10 2021, 03:36 PM)kedai tu tak pernah pun claim dia jual makanan halalkita orang islam pun tahu perkara asas dalam mencari halal. kalau ada was-was pun jangan makan.percayalah kita orang islam ni lebih beratkan pasal makanan halal banding komisen atau hadiah tu boleh jadi rasuah atau tidakwalaupun kedua2nya akan jadi darah daging kitaperlu ke jakim/main periksa setiap kedai takde sijil halal untuk bagi tahu kita orang islam jangan masuk kedai itu iniStuju. Saya rasa x semua org islam pun bodo sampai xboleh buatkan keputusan mengikut pendapat sendiri kan? Yakin semua org islan ada hak untuk memilih mengikut suka hati mereka. Kalau xde sijil halal, tapi rasa x senonoh, baik je jangan makan. Kalau masih nak makan, terpulanglah kepada suka hati mereka. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8261655569076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Dec 9 2023, 07:53 PM)Already got viral before. Some ckt shop exhaust towards the road, got non kafir post breathe non halal udara.Non kapiaq tu mati tak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Dec 27 2023, 02:35 PM)His money, his life, his suka laLagak biforty cannot afford his lifestyle just know how to kecam for some imaginary brownie pointsCorrect. He wants to eat dog meat should be allowed, his money, his life, his suka la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992658495903015} +{"text": "http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=...3646&sec=nationQUOTEHalal status of imported products can be checked online in 2013KUALA LUMPUR: From next year, Muslims can check the halal content of an imported product in the market via the Halal Verified Engine (HVE) system through the Malaysian Islamic Development Department's (Jakim) website.Jakim director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha said the system was developed by the department with Dagang Halal Berhad at a cost of RM3.5mil including promotional cost.\"The HVE search system contains halal product data collated by syariah and halal experts which have been approved by Jakim,\" he told reporters after signing a Memorandum of Agreement with Dagang Halal Berhad to create the HVE in conjunction with the 2012 World Halal Forum on Tuesday.He said before this, Jakim had created the e-Jakim portal for local halal products and that HVE was for imported goods.Othman said Jakim would review the categorisation of halal goods by 57 halal certification bodies from 32 countries to ensure the products were really halal for Muslims. - Bernama ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999756813049316} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sone Shin @ Aug 28 2020, 09:21 AM)Pipit jgn mempersoalkan tindakan helangyang atas, bar pub zouk all OK to enteryang bawah...oi tak ada sijil halal...tak boleh masuk. haram makanan tu halal ke? topkek 2 set of lawThis post has been edited by M4A1: Aug 28 2020, 09:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ Dec 5 2023, 10:46 AM)kch ppl no go topspot one le.. thats tourist spot... town area, seagood or rock road seafood.far a bit is muara tebas or bako seafood best Rock road & seafood is a slaughter house oi! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976837635040283} +{"text": "Suka2 makes new rules. Next time they will tell you your SPM BM no credit cannot renew pasport\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "@shafik_74549 Nak malu ape weyh elok die tanya pon. Logo halal bukan means brg yg pakai saja halal tp kedai bersih staff semua muslim. Sijil ni ssh nak dpt, kalau kedai tu ada meaning Jakim approve business tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "\nhaah.......... memana yg takde pohon halal dari jakim, terus WAJIB tepek Non-Halal......\nAcong Post at 2-9-2010 22:08 \nAbis\u00a0 \u00a0 ...yg\u00a0 \u00a0jual\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0nasi\u00a0\u00a0berlauk\u00a0 \u00a0 tepi\u00a0 \u00a0tong\u00a0\u00a0sampah\u00a0\u00a0mcm\u00a0\u00a0mana\u00a0 \u00a0 ...cong\u00a0 \u00a0 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.956604540348053} +{"text": "QUOTE(bumpo @ Dec 30 2016, 07:48 PM)from the snippet, mcd says they need to do that else jakim revoke their halal cert. not explicitly said in those words but implied as such\u00a0 wanna point finger, point to jakim firstWhy all of a sudden? Throughout all the years since mcd started in Malaysia, everything was fine and same goes to every other restaurants. Now all of a sudden everything changing. Malaysia turning into a taliban country unofficially?So easily confused meh? Root beer also confused and change name. ginger beer also confused and change name. pretzel dog also confused and change name. Best part its only happening in malaysia and not any other country. Cause they know what is what. Only malaysians easily get confused and sesat over everything and end up threatening will revoke license if no make change. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8987659811973572} +{"text": "QUOTE(rickyro @ Jan 21 2019, 05:53 PM)I dunno mann... My PAS fried are okay with pork pic/wording, when last asked 3 years ago... In before a new fatwa released... Dunno la, what's wrong with them these days... Go la to more countries to get themselves immersed in many other culture to be more tolerant with each other..Proper education is the only way to eradicate these problemsif u saw his fbhe visited korea , NZ.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6727979779243469} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashburn98 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:28 PM)Wasn't couple years ago during bazaar 'karipap oksigen' got viral? Half of the karipap is empty, if anyone asked.Hahaha.Not Karipap Vakum? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6124779582023621} +{"text": "Sekarang ni bab makan halal haram kena jaga betul - betul . Zaman tengok orang bertudung makan kita pun masuk takleh dah. Restoran dgn kedai cek siapa owner ,pekerja dan sijil halal .", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Nov 4 2021, 07:46 PM)You see the payee name\u00a0 and and the restaurant name Sas Rimba, it's kedai halal.The best I can see is Jalan Air Hangat on the credit card receipt.Where got? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981591105461121} +{"text": "Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal. Berminat untuk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli?\u2935\ufe0f 1.Klik link dkt profile kita Atau 2. DM\ud83d\ude18", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992412269115448} +{"text": "Kalau sama sama bujang suka hati ko la nak perasan ke menggeletis ke apa. Tapi kalau da kawin tu kau beli makanan untuk perempuan lain lebih sangat. Soh kawan perempuan lain yg belikan. Yang laki orang duduk diam2", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9789996147155762} +{"text": "Jangan kotorkan nasi lemak please, nasi lemak makanan halal manada orang rnd jadi haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999834418296814} +{"text": "Allahu.. Sedih betull.. \n\nSemoga china people sedar bahawa pentingnya makan makanan yg halal dan bersih dan cukup masak... https://t.co/SzIYgzALML", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990212917327881} +{"text": "why ppl so taksub dgan sijil halal ye?? hello warung cik kiah yg selalu kau makan tgah hari tuh berdaftar dgan jakim ke??! yakin minum was2 blah laa https://t.co/dCDMS9NoK6", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9540374279022217} +{"text": "\nAmandaRollins replied at 29-10-2019 08:22 AM\nI second u...,hari tu ridzokumora tu pernah bersumpah xnk pg sana dah...first n last katanya...pad ...\nKorea ramai orang rasis and rasa diri lagi hebat dr negara asia tenggara ni\n\r\nKalau nak pegi kawasan2 oriental\r\nBetter pegi jepun jer\n\r\nTapi aku xsuka kerja dengan orang jepun\r\n......\r\nMaybe jiwa aku sangat nusantara\r\nSo aku prefer pegi Asia tenggara\r\nAku suka travel makanan .... \n\r\nKalau nak pegi negara orang putih yang aku xkan pegi .... paris and australia(specifically - sydney) ....\n\r\n....\n\r\nTapi aku suka makanan korea .,,,\r\nHuhuhuhu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7767021059989929} +{"text": "takut jadi fitnah.kau selamba je cakap makanan tu haram la apa,doubting jakim.do u even know how jakim works", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.948329746723175} +{"text": "QUOTE(xxboxx @ Oct 20 2016, 01:49 PM)He said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram\u201cHot dogs\u201d are not the only contentious words when it comes to the Islamic body's halal certification standards.That's contradictingNothing contradiciting~ being contentious does not equal to slapping the HARAM status on it.Heard of Barbican beer a few years ago~ they tried to get JAKIM's Halal certification but was not allowed.Ever heard of the arguments even among /k/ that Bak Kut Teha) BKT can be made by using meat other than pork such as chicken or beef.b) BKT is associated with pork, no pork - no BKTc) Use chicken - it is Chi Kut Teh, not BKTThen there's this incident~This post has been edited by MsGaijin: Oct 20 2016, 02:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972335696220398} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Dec 8 2021, 03:00 PM)Cina food court got beer and pork,... muslim malay can berniaga there ??... later like 99 supermart complain the cashier selling beer,..Ehhh got la. Those hawker food selera makan got all race selling their own foods. As long the alcohol or haram things don't ask Muslim to clear when cleaning the table.No issues pun.. but certain party wanna vroooommm for inciting some hidden agenda jer ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9961049556732178} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Persoalan di sini adalah, apakah perkara yang boleh menjatuhkan hukum haram ke atas produk ini? Andai kata kerana tidak mempunyai sijil halal semata, ianya kurang tepat. Ini kerana masih ada produk halal diluar sana yang tidak mempunyai pengiktirafan Jakim. 3/n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ Feb 13 2016, 12:56 PM)Only big capital food stall/restaurant with extra money to give JAKIM must apply for license... Pasar malam vendor, stall burger, bazaar ramadan vendor... all no need, because JAKIM kenot take money.\u00a0 If stall burger sell pork burger.. It is still ok from Jakim.from my understanding lah about haram stuff in food preparation1. the money u buy food must be kosher. not from cheating/rasuah/curi etc. from your own pocket.2. the food itself must be halal. if you mix it with non halal stuff like rice wine or red wine or lard consider haram already. if you mix the food with dead chicken/beef not potong according to syariah consider haram already.silent_stalker correct right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999808132648468} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 11:33 AM)Hi Rakan Sejagat K,Harap semua sihat sejahtera. anyway, since its friday, just wanted to talk about something more ilmiah.i wanna talk about Dajjal. Any one know Dajjal? AntiChrist. The so called being that will destroy man kind. Virtue to be exact.can i say that TV is dajjal?i mean it clearly confuse the world of what is truth what is fake?it clearly confusing us with reality and fantasy?it clearly showing hell on one side and heaven on the other side but in truth its the opposite.it can show to bring dead men alive?it changes day and nightit controls time?and now it come to us every single individual via our phone.ONE EYE BEING? Ring a bell? Its the tv.....!God never said Anti Christ is the bad guy, he/she is just doing things whatever intended for his/her creation.idk...but all this time, we used to believe that it is going to be a human in a shape of a beast/monster but in reality it is not?because if it is such beast and monster, shouldnt we be able to identify him/her and say no to him/her because we know he/she is wrong, however as per what is being told to us, even the religious people with strong faith will loose to him/her (dajjal).that is because we do not know what is \"he/she\" and if he/she is a \"tv\", we wont suspect him/her.even the strong faith believe in TV nowdays. phones and gadjet.he/she controls us every second, twitter, ig fb....based on some scholars, the anti christ comes from Jew background.......waitaaaa minute...FB is from a JE.....what??and the best part is that, 'He/she' is not always bad and good, he/she is just doing his/her job. to be a test to man kind...any one sees this as well?share. just a fun chit chat talk.got anymore to share bruhh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6833267211914062} +{"text": "No ,darling. To gain halal status, you need to be \u201chalalan thoyyiban\u201d which means \u201cpermissible and CLEAN\u201d .i used to work as a quality assurance officer and have worked at Halal Institute of UPM. You can also check JAKIM\u2019s guideline if you\u2019re still doubtful. Thank you. https://t.co/ZPwbv0wuJR", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998677670955658} +{"text": "membeli makanan dari gerai atau restoran yang kotor melainkan dia juga seorang yang pengotor. \n\nAmat mendukacitakan kita jika ada orang Islam yang agama ini telah mendidik mereka dengan wuduk, mandi wajib, kewajipan menjaga kebersihan semasa solat, makanan yang halal lagi bersih", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9607698917388916} +{"text": "Kalau rasa was was dgn produk makanan yg korang makan, semak status dkt Jakim, bukan selamba keluarkan hukum haram.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.717388391494751} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Dec 20 2023, 03:48 PM)Oh. This is a question I want to ask. Why is kepci so popular in Sabah. It's everywhere. Is borenos better?Borenos is much beter. The chicken used is much fresher. KFC chooks have black bones. YUCK! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999976634979248} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Jul 28 2019, 08:05 PM)Tapai and durian defense by some Malays are purely crazy. Basically talking to them like talking to a wallDurian got alcohol? Can get drunk?I know tapai already considered halal, since it does not get you drunk, and the process itself are naturally derived.oh hey before you wanna go apeshit crazy about heineken 0% alcohol does not get you drunk hence its halal, I would suggest for you to read my previous posts.Halal Haram issues is not just limited to alcohol, pigs and getting drunk. Its much more comprehensive than u think ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9765680432319641} +{"text": "QUOTE(mac_mac21 @ Mar 20 2024, 10:04 AM)Same like Pahang Musang King durian la....All the the best AAAAA quality poultry , vegetable from cameron , livestock from Johor, pork from Sarawak and\u00a0 seafood from Sabah all go to the land of power 3.5XYes, babi here banyak sedap. No smell. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9153046607971191} +{"text": "Most likely haram, because the food itself already \"see\" the haram stuff. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999245405197144} +{"text": "\n Edited by helicornia at 23-7-2022 09:10 AM \ndejure replied at 22-7-2022 12:12 PM\r\nAsalkan bukan babi bagi aku halal la tu..nak kira semua red wine semua tu makan ajelah makanan bela\u00a0\u00a0...\nBenda tk nampak tak tau tu lain. Islam pun tk susahkan kita sampai kena pi check kitchen.kna yakin je la klu kita Tau dia Islam insya Allah la dia Tau mana nk cari ayam halal.yg ni mmg dah terang2 non muslim.tp klu dia bole certify daging tu dr sumber halal ok la.harapnya tkde wine la sbb biasa steak ni guna wine\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999481439590454} +{"text": "The camcorder person wanna get express ticket to heaven gate izit? So Suka jaga tepi kain olang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999048709869385} +{"text": "Kutuk Jakim sana- sini siang malam. \n\nBila nak makan, meraba juga bekas makanan cari cap Jakim. \n\nAwat tak makan ja apa pun? Kata tak yakin?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999037981033325} +{"text": "Haha /k dengan standard racists diaAs usual la since the person doing this are Malay so mesti la kena kecam/k dengan racism berpisah tiada, lepas tu acah2 #SayNoToRacismPuih lah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9834960699081421} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabularis @ Feb 9 2017, 10:27 AM)Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as mediumQUOTE\u201cNylon brushes are not sought after because nylon does not hold paint well and is impractical\u201d Tan was quoted as saying. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "\r\nPuak ni Babi tu ja haram.. yg lain mana haram.. member aku brapa ramai tonggang arak.. tp bila tny mkn babi tak? dia ckp mana boleh..harammmm.. haramjadah betui..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "Sos cili yg popular kat gerai2 ramli burger diseluruh msia. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9954531192779541} +{"text": "Jakim hanya mengeluarkan status halal pada produk yang masuk kedalam badan seperti makanan...\n\nTiada istilah status HALAL dari jakim harus dikemukan. Inai sendiri dari sumber tumbuhan. So tiada keraguan kerana bukan dicampur arak atau alchohol", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951268434524536} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chobits @ Sep 19 2016, 01:44 PM)any utensil which used for 'haram stuff' cannot be used for muslim consumption until it goes through samak.if used and consumed by any muslim, it is considered haram.pleading innocence is just plain stupid when u know the restaurant serves pork and alcohol.as long there is a halal logo, then u are safe. vegetable based food is not 100% safe, there maybe pig based derivatives used for the seasoning of the food which the server did not know and no the seasoning do not say it is pig based.Don't quickly jump to all things are haram. U need to learn and listen morehttps://youtu.be/DkXDJt0EJe4If you are abroad in the place where halal food is scarce, Until what extend u want to check what component in the food? You can go on check until what dna in there. As far as i concern, as long as the listed ingredients is all plant base or milk or no alcohol or non animal related, it is fine to me. If the ingredients stated there is animal particles and doubtful, definitely i will avoid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973145127296448} +{"text": "Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi... Daylight robbery ni... MK sux ! This post has been edited by MasBoleh!: Aug 9 2017, 08:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983768463134766} +{"text": "QUOTE(bumpo @ Jun 11 2019, 10:55 AM)this implies there is a 'legal' list of gods that worship is permitted\u00a0 tak dia kena Section 298A rakam utk tujuan lawak tapi viral 1 malaysia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayambetul @ Feb 23 2024, 11:09 PM)How about Tuak?????Best tuTry langkau first ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998910427093506} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Jul 28 2024, 12:02 PM)These sohais are so detached from realityPlay MYR3297 just to be on the ship makan angin laut Phuket kan tempat maksiat, ade arak, pelacur dan budaya barat Love how they emphasize HALAL in foodAde program Dan aktiviti lagi\u2026 like what? Tiup belon lari dalam guni or syair competition?Those who pay for this really Sohai\u2026 itu pun tak tahu company lari ke tidak masa DecemberCruise is like the place to rest and reset after all the entertainment enjoy in Phuket ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9618068337440491} +{"text": "it is mesmerizing when topic about halal or haram or regarding islam is being discuss in kopitiam.you can get various opinion. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987177848815918} +{"text": "@hazifflatiff Premis yang takde sijil halal not the food lah, like this, oden tu ada halal dekat packaging dia and also kuah tomyam, RTE\u2019s product ada kilang dkt shah alam, kita hanya imported certain product je, but still, kalau tak yakin, stop lah dulu okay \ud83d\ude09", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8622500896453857} +{"text": "Ada jual minuman alkohol.makanan dia pork free je.carian dalam jakim tiada status halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9913425445556641} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 18 2024, 08:34 AM)What I don't like most about most Malay is...no masalah... Suka cari masalah.The packaging sudah tampal tutup that bulu babi... Just accept and be content... But no... Mau korek2 mau heboh... Bodo sial.If go turkey see the mosque that was once a church later korek2 see christian cross buried somewhere... Mau heboh2 masjid Haram astagaLmfao imagine everything have to be analysed with full chemical composition Come on gais, I need you lot to start a drama on Onitsuka pig skin sneakers, it\u2019s getting expensive nowadays ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997442364692688} +{"text": "Bener! Hasil kerja kerasku bekerja sampingaann. AKU... suka makanan apa aja, asal enak, pasti aku makann! Punya rekomendasi gak aku harus beli apa?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998708963394165} +{"text": "RT : Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996192455291748} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaycee1 @ Jun 1 2022, 09:55 PM)Since when duck meat is not halal? I mean as long as slaughtered properly.No idea. Frog is haram because 2 alam. Duck? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999576807022095} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wakanda Forever @ Jul 12 2018, 05:15 PM)LOL, don\u2019t go full retard.Pork is best. We respect your view of not taking pork but not your insult to pork.Huh? Im not insulting porkPork does taste goodMy point is Chinese cuisine have much more delicious dish that does not contain porkSaying pork is the best chinese can offer, to me is insulting Its like saying chiken dish is the best malay can offerThats bullshitWe have varieties of great dishes, either contain mean or vegetable onlyI believe the same goes to chinese cuisine Correct? QUOTE(wangpr @ Jul 12 2018, 05:15 PM)Dim sum is using pork...................\u00a0 HahahahaDim sum strictly only pork ka? The point is none of the immediate picture i google is the same dish in the article (which char siew iinm) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997568666934967} +{"text": "So in conclusion, /k triggered sebab ada \"da best\" issit? They dunno meh, everything in pasar rike to claim dabest, numba1, viral etc? Even own melei know is not dabest, is just marketing gimmick. Why so triggered leh? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6025604605674744} +{"text": "So you're saying current vaccines are haram. Congratulations, you just gave anti-vaxx another point. FU https://t.co/FZ7ZbDlhC0", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wakanda Forever @ Jul 12 2018, 05:53 PM)Praise? It\u2019s more like sugarcoating decoy to mask your view of no pork.An objective view on pork will never see it as limited or shame.Don\u2019t lie to yourself. You\u2019re not ready to objective discuss bout pork yet.Bye.Then let me praise pork summore until u understand Pork taste good Bacon is one of the best food in the worldPork belly is one of the best part u can find in an animalNeed summore till u satisfied? Now learn how to read & understand what i wrote hereQUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 05:53 PM)Even if not informed, common sense will tell them what the food it (at 1st sight) .Eh ehPutar pulakTadi well in formedNow kantoi pull fact from assPutar like an umno member ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999961256980896} +{"text": "SEMANGATTT2!! KLO CAPEK ISTIRAHAT DLU SMA BELI MAKANAN YG KMU SUKA BIAR SEMANGAT LAGII", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999738872051239} +{"text": "QUOTE(contagiouseddie @ Mar 13 2024, 03:26 PM)I remember vividly when I was about to be made the school's scout troop leader but then buah-buah goes against it by saying it's a post reserved for oren only. These was during the late 90s circa PMX masuk jail time. The era in the 80s and early 90s before that was much better. The best mixture of race students is definitely private school. It is the most balanced mixture today and unfortunately you have to pay for it.that is why lorpeople say sjkc are racist but i am not from sjkc but i think i am more racist than sjkc people because i am expose to racism since standard 1 since i from SKi am banana ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999042749404907} +{"text": "Dalam sebuah hadist dijelaskan \"Barangsiapa yang memakan makanan halal selama 40 hari, maka Allah akan menerangkan hatinya dan akan mengalirkan sumber-sumber ilmu hikmah dari hatinya pada lisannya.\u201d (HR. Abu Nu'aim)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.608122706413269} +{"text": "\r\nBest nyer lebih-lebih lagi kalau d sertakan kupon potongan setengah rega flight ke Korea \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999121427536011} +{"text": "@faizwahab @mohamadbinmasri Tak haram...kalau kedai tu dpt sijil halal jakim should be okay g makan...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "don't mistook popular with tastiness.popular always mean well promoted by the group willing to invest/put effort in promoting them, and with minimum gatekeeping (welcoming to everyone) . not those that feeling entitled expecting others to voluntary come and discover their food.This post has been edited by alanyuppie: Apr 19 2024, 07:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999645948410034} +{"text": "QUOTE(ymc2303 @ Jan 17 2022, 11:19 AM)if no viral, prolly took forever to process..40 yearshttps://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/...-menanti-206900Warga emas terima MyKad baharu selepas 40 tahun menantiSetelah 40 tahun menanti, seorang warga emas yang kehilangan dokumen pengenalan diri akhirnya menerima dokumen itu pada Sabtu.Masalah Embong Muhamad, 71, bukan berpunca kerana kesilapan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) sebaliknya ekoran tindakan beberapa pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang menipu beliau kononnya boleh menyelesaikan masalah kebergantungan kepada kad pengenalan sementara. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9952042102813721} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Sep 25 2017, 07:34 AM)I personally think the business owner should be able to do what he wants for his business and target customers, especially when it comes to religion's sensitivity (lol religion). But yeah go on blame vernacular schools for segregation QUOTE(Robokid @ Sep 25 2017, 07:36 AM)The owner is smart tbh. He knows that religion sells now and many guilible idiots will fall for the trap. Those idiota are the cash cows.Heck, mayb the owner also dun care about kesucian,krbersihan or watever shit that is deem haram to thrmQUOTE(cindy97 @ Sep 25 2017, 07:44 AM)And i am not surprise if suddenly its reveal that the business owner is actually non muslim.\u00a0 Heck if can make money why not right. We are busy quarelling here but the towkey laughing all the way go the bank.The owner is committing an offense though:QUOTE(Einjahr @ Sep 25 2017, 02:21 AM)Constitution of Malaysia, Article 8: Equality Before the Law and Non-Discrimination(1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.(2) Except as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent or place of birth in any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9800649285316467} +{"text": "We won't exactly say menipu.\n\nCumanya apa yang dia tayang tu, tak boleh diguna pakai untuk produk kedai makan dia. Sijil tu hanya berguna untuk rujukan status sijil halal bagi ramuan masakan yang digunakan sahaja.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998894929885864} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Dec 5 2023, 02:14 PM)max 30 years jail punafter discount 15 or so years out dy15 year wei ... how many 15 year u have oh.After 15 year you restart ur life from scratch Forget about going back to his old job, lost touch dy.If got family, entah la dah berterabur.Got kid lagi teruk, growing up without a father around and knowing the father is in jail. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990894794464111} +{"text": "Boleh. Makanan halal berlimpah. Begitu pula penduduk Islam asli Bali pun juga banyak kuliah di Bali.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9617558717727661} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabularis @ Feb 9 2017, 10:27 AM)Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as mediumbodoh tu simpan sikit, bang..\u201cNylon brushes are not sought after because nylon does not hold paint well and is impractical\u201d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999669790267944} +{"text": "QUOTE(StArk @ Nov 3 2014, 11:58 AM)Assalamualaikum,Guys im planing on going umrah next year. Did any of you can recommend/suggest me any agencies that is cheap/excellent for going umrah.. Can you guys also give me any tips on preparation for going umrah?I went with CS Travel using Chartered MAS flight.very comfortable.You need to start reading do and don'ts at Tanah Haram and during the Umrah and Ihram as well..It is recommended to attend the half day Umrah course that normally organized by the travel agent.Also it is good to prepare you body and mind as well.Also pls always have in mind that you are coming to Mekah and Madinah for ibadah.. spend more time at Masjidil Haram rather than shopping malls.This post has been edited by fnm83: Nov 4 2014, 08:55 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9623470306396484} +{"text": "QUOTE(pipedream @ Apr 29 2024, 10:34 AM)Just amused on his use on the word wajib Who the fuck he think he is?Lol! Yes, this^ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8933665156364441} +{"text": "QUOTE(duHwaN @ Jan 3 2017, 10:57 AM)for a cake? aint nobody got time for that..it is against the stand they are taking. previous boycotts by certain people has always been based on a lie, hence there is no longevity to it...this case, they took a stand tinted with religious discrimination (and halal market monopolization), eventhough it not entirely from them. this however will hurt their reputation on the long runAnd you think there'll be a decent enough longevity to this? Hahahaha. Let's wait and see. Though people have always say that the best prediction of future is history, and looking at the history of Malaysians boycotting things.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9764971137046814} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Oct 6 2022, 10:12 AM)Jikalau caterer tidak menghalalkan makanan tersebut, maka haramlah pemakan tersebut memakan (jikalau dia tahu). I'm assuming the guest didn't know, so it will be halal. But for the couple, since they know, then it would be haram for themNow, i faham. It weights down to the knowing (yg mengetahui). Oh wai, the coupleThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Oct 6 2022, 10:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997972846031189} +{"text": "Even durian has alcohol. Maybe some like the XO has more alcohol content, especially if very ripe.But how they Muslims interpret it is alcohol is only defined as liquid that is produced with the INTENTION of making alcoholic drink. And that's haram.If from fruits/food that naturally contain alcohol, then the principle of not over-indulging in anything takes over. Like if overdoing anything in life leads to bad consequences.https://halalmui.org/en/durian-containing-a...l-how-is-legal/This post has been edited by Hobbez: Sep 11 2023, 04:37 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984293580055237} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Mar 3 2024, 11:31 AM)Safe environment? Biar betul earthquake that time.Anyway such things no bau to smell. At your own risk if happen earthquake again.And a lot of haram foods, streets r not that safe, a lot of \u201cconverted\u201d historical sites ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995518684387207} +{"text": " QUOTE\njw0bmdu9XAI\n\nDewan Negara membahaskan satu usul tergempar dari YB Senator Asmak Husin (PAS) berkenaan isu kartel daging haram.\u00a0 Kerajaan melalui Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, YB Dato' Rosol Wahid telah menjawab isu tersebut. Banyak salah faham dan fake news dalam isu ni. Berdasarkan jawapan Timbalan Menteri tadi, ini adalah fakta sebenar:1. Kenapa kerajaan tak nak dedahkan syarikat daging yang terlibat?Sebenarnya bukan kerajaan tak nak dedahkan. Rupa2nya syarikat kartel yang kita tangkap ni, dia import daging dari luar TERMASUK daging yang di ragui status halal sebab lebih murah dan dia pack semula kat Malaysia dan cop semula guna jenama lain yang popular dan harganya lebih mahal. So, syarikat tu dapat untung banyak. Kiranya ada penipuan dalam kes ni, syarikat yang jenamanya di cop tu tak bersalah, hanya tak tahu. Sebab tu kerajaan tak umumkan nama syarikat tu. 2. Betul ke ada daging kuda, kanggaru dan khinzir? Tak betul. Selepas serbuan dan rampasan dibuat, kerajaan hantar semua daging yang di rampas ke Jabatan Kimia. Kajian mendapati tiada daging selain lembu (kuda, kanggaru atau babi) pada daging-daging tersebut. Maknanya isunya sekarang samada daging tersebut di sembelih mengikut syarak atau tak sahaja. So, setakat ni kita belum makan daging kuda dan kanggaru lagi3. Macam mana boleh ada logo halal pada daging tersebut? Semasa serbuan, pihak berkuasa menemui 24 unit cop syarikat pengimport luar yang palsu dan cop halal palsu. Selain tu kita turut menemui 5000 keping sticker logo Halal JAKIM yang di palsukan dan 2 buah lori yang menggunakan logo Halal JAKIM, dipercayai untuk membekalkan daging yang dah di pack semula oleh mereka. Maknanya, memang dorang palsukan cop halal dan cop jenama syarikat pengimport semata-mata untuk menipu penjual daging. Gila betul4. Betul ke syarikat kartel ni dah beroperasi lebih 40 tahun?Siasatan mendapati syarikat kartel ni mula daftar dan beroperasi pada tahub 2014 dan hanya mendapat permit import daging pada tahun 2017. So, tak betul dorang dah beroperasi selama 40 tahun. 5. Apa tindakan kerajaan kepada syarikat kartel tersebut? Kerajaan dah rampas semua daging yang terlibat dan membekukan aset syarikat tersebut. Nilai sitaan di anggarkan bernilai hampir RM3 juta, termasuk nilai aset syarikat (RM1 juta), nilai barang rampasan termasuk 2,428 kotak daging beku yang di sita (RM738,640) dan nilai 2 buah lori yang di sita (RM1.03 juta). Syarikat tersebut juga akan di dakwa bermula esok (30 Dis 2020) atas kesalahan memalsukan logo perniagaan dan sijil halal serta pertuduhan-pertuduhan lain yang akan menyusul selepas ini. 6. Apa usaha kerajaan bagi memastikan perkara ini tak berulang?Kerajaan melalui KPDNHEP telah menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Perundangan dan Penguatkuasaan Halal, yang mana turut di anggotai JAKIM dan Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri bagi penguatkuasaan Halal di Malaysia termasuk menangani isu cop halal palsu. Kerajaan juga telah bekerjasama dengan semua agensi termasuk Kastam, MAQIS dan Veterinar (DSV) bagi memantau isu penipuan daging ini. Kerajaan turut menyokong penuh penubuhan RCI bagi memastikan kes ini di siasat dengan lebih telus. 7. So\u00a0 boleh beli daging import tak selepas ni?Boleh. Cuma pastikan ada sijil halal dan di iktiraf. Dan baca Bismillah sebelum beli, juga sebelum makanQUOTE\nkJnRKyCZpUY\n\nPPIM bongkar aktiviti seludup daging lembu tak halalLAPORAN KHAS 23 NOVEMBER 2020Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) mempunyai maklumat pengimportan daging sejuk beku dari negara yang diragui status halalnya.Ketua Aktivisnya, Datuk Nadzim Johan berkata pihaknya mempunyai maklumat dari segi penghantaran, kilang terlibat dan sebagai contoh daging dibawa masuk dari Bolivia yang diragui pensijilan halal dan bukan itu sahaja mereka perlu memiliki borang dan pengesahan tertentu untuk membawa masuk muatan kontena. Ikuti Lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Izwan Rozlin.QUOTE\nbux5g5VYISQ\n\n[LIVE] Sidang Parlimen Dewan Rakyat (Sesi Pagi) - 8 Disember 2020https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1137...ng-babi-ditemuihttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1159...k-40-tahun-lalu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "He is not living in Malaysia for a week.At least his common sense should be enough to know already.Haih.It is not about getting people confused.Confuse is just one of the excuse.People will still mad even he put a BIG \"Tidak halal\" which cover 50% of his poster.Our culture ready for stuff like this.If he just aiming to get viral, i think he did good. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986482262611389} +{"text": "@Najakhyar Kau makan mamak, harga milo ais sampai rm3.50, jaminan kebersihan takde, sijil halal jauh sekali, belum aku cerita pasal realiti ulang panas lauk. Mcd KFC harga mahal tapi semua jaminan kebersihan ada, takkan panaskan balik makanan tak habis. Still, kalau dah malas,macam2 alasan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997418522834778} +{"text": "Kuota Haji di 'perjual belikan'\n\nharga gelang haji di Mark Up nggak ada penyelidikan\n\nSertifikasi Halal di Obral untuk makanan yg nggak halalkalau nggak ada niat baik untuk menegakkan Hukum,\n\nsemakin banyak Pejabat yg Sukses jadi penjahat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995354175567627} +{"text": "@RiKeMer96 Sepatutnya kene keluarkan sijil haram. Baru org islam dpt bezakan kedai halal n haram \ud83d\ude04", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(FactsHurtDontIt @ Jun 9 2017, 02:55 PM)Doesn't change the fact both cecotrope and poop comes out from the same tract.Besides, if science is so revered, why do many people still think washing with dirt is cleaner than washing with soap?Actually many ulama specially the ones not from Malaysia already decree that it is ok to wash with soap. Its just some people here are stuck with tradition. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8271896243095398} +{"text": "Lepas tu lgi complain \"ingt senang ke proses nk dptkn sijil halal, leceh sgt sbb tu ramai company malas nk apply\". Mmg la leceh sbb JAKIM bukan sesenang nk bg halal kt smua bnda. Fhm tak tggi nilai sesuatu yg halal dan toyyiban? Hm.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9248020052909851} +{"text": "Kalau ada penjual insuran ataupon any product yang bagus. Tapi kalau kau biadap dgn customer, kau suka hina customer. Kau jual la macam mana sekalipon produk kau makanan sedap ke. Insuran ke. Aku memang taknak beli. Sumpah cakap.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8919525146484375} +{"text": "Saman. Suka sangat buat cerita kan. Ha ni makan dia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaymansion @ Nov 3 2014, 10:43 PM)Malay aren't adventures in eating....eat only those few simple food...yang penting gula kena banyak starch kena banyak...The last part isnt an indian thing?Maybe thats why culinary, the food is very boring and not very varied. Say compared to the koreans.Btw, pork is king in korea.Google sam gyap sal for reference. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "Lain kali sila berkumoq dulu dengan ayaq ketum mulut tu bagi bersih sebelum bercakap dengan aku soal sijil halal & haram makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994058609008789} +{"text": "\nedayildiz replied at 23-12-2022 10:43 AM\r\nkalau halal dr australia ..halal la kn..xsemestinya jakim xbg halal bnda tu haram bethol x..i beli j ...\ntak silap iols kat website jakim ada simbol2 halal kat negara lain yg jakim pun akui halal...iols tak tgk pula ...boleh la riki2\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980720281600952} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Nov 24 2023, 03:00 PM)7-11 pun jual arak je but nobody bat an eyeYes. Some 7-11 also tak jual. Let's say if I went into 7-11 and buy Milo, I did not partake in the transaction of alcohol. If I jadi rider tapi beli makanan kedai cina in which masak with arak idk then haram. Then again for the 7-11 worker when jual arak he/she dah buat bad deed. Then again it's not a crime in this country and Allah knows best his/her situation. Some people cari rezeki macam tu. Dia boleh je nak jual arak sebab that's part of his/her job (haram jual arak but that puts food on the table) but don't go make Lyn account and say it's halal because that is another sin.Deswai in Giant you see Non halal section got their own counter in which to separate the transaction of alcohol and in our country including babi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9917228817939758} +{"text": "RT : #KalauSayaPM semua makanan haram ada sijil haram Jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9530947208404541} +{"text": "QUOTE(azarimy @ Mar 26 2017, 11:44 AM)there is a principle called \"subahat\" in Islam, meaning when something is haram, it can affect the status of everything around it. for example, not just the act of drinking alcohol is haram, the act of selling, serving and preparing it are haram too.Muslims living in Western countries must be haram then, the chicken and the pork is fried within the same pan. The beef, pork, and chicken all goes through the same processing plant, packaging and distributors. This logic My Muslim peers from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia basically just say that \"if it's halal in your mind, it's halal, vice versa if it's haram and nobody except yourself should be able to change that.\" Never understood the need for halal labels, Muslims in the States selamba je eat in the same restaurant that serves pork and alcohol. It's between them and god, up to them to answer to god in akhirat, no need for any external party to come and tell them whether what they're doing is right or wrong in the eyes of god.This post has been edited by averagehumanbeing: Mar 26 2017, 01:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996887445449829} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 12:27 PM)I dont define halal or haram. The muslims group do.To non muslim like me, saying tapai an alcoholic dish but not intoxicating is halal sbb tak memabukkan. The same logic i apply to arak. If i drink arak but not to the point of getting drunk should be fine too.The question not directed at you but I put in your quote for clarity purposes. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994679093360901} +{"text": "Sindikat Narkoba Gorengan Krispy\nDan PENYEBARAN model baru di Bogor, Gunung Putri, Cibinong, Cisarua, Cigombong, dan Sentul.\n\nUntuk para Orang tua, Hati2 Yang Suka Beli Gorengan Maupun tepung untuk Goreng Makanan, \nSekarang Ada modus baru \nGorengan bercampur bubuk Narkoba...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979438185691833} +{"text": "u mean like how u guys did KK Mart dirty?QUOTE(dogbert_chew @ Mar 26 2024, 11:34 PM)You experience this or just feel like slandering a business trying its best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998371422290802} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Dec 31 2019, 03:05 PM)\u201cAku mampu berhujah dengan 10 orang yang berilmu tetapi aku pasti kalah dengan seorang yang jahil, kerana orang yang jahil itu tidak pernah faham landasan ilmu\u201d - Imam Syafie.takpe bro, I will entertain him, kesian he cannot understand basic english.. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "Sementara itu di sebuah hotel murah :-Laki : Apa lah diorang ni, tak tau ke bacon ni babi, haram tau. Awek : tu la, ramai yg buta agama, kurang didikan masa kecik. Laki : Ish ish, dah nama pun beer, arak tu, haraaaam, astargfirullah al azimmmmm...Awek : apa nak jadi lah org kita ni, mudah terkeliru. Laki : Syg, cepat skit mandi tu, abg dah tak sabar ni.. Awek : Kejap la, abg pasti eh, JAIS tak serbu malam ni.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "\r\ndia mengacara man jadda wajada x best..... harap kali ni ada improvement n x kontrol ayu....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8767747282981873} +{"text": "QUOTE(quartre88 @ Dec 27 2023, 05:11 PM)isap **** halal tak?legit questionIt's not haram, unless g*y isap **** ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999704360961914} +{"text": "cheapest way - hire muslim staff (best is malay girl)cheaper way - put meat source certificate if really want penetrate muslim market with almost no challenge - halal certputting those \"muslim friendly\" title or pork free ..will have some pandai go challenge it anywayeven if store A n B both owned by muslim but selling same food also will kena fitnah and santau youThis post has been edited by fantasy1989: Sep 5 2023, 09:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929197430610657} +{"text": "perkara remeh jadikan isu, iman tak kuat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996757507324219} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Oct 15 2022, 05:20 PM)Have IKEA acquired Halal status from Jakim like Auntie Anne did?They haven't AFAIK so they're free to label products on their food premise as they wish. Auntie Anne is different case they did acquire it. They complied to Jakim requirements for their Halal status that is to change the name of the hotdog menu.I see. Just clarifying. So, Jakim stated that one of the requirements for the food to be halal is for the name not to have a dog in it, even if its a very common food name? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "Belilah makanan kucing yang ada cap HALAL oleh JAKIM. Jangan biarkan mereka makan tikus mati yang tidak disembelih. Hukumnya HARAM dimakan. Haram kalau manusia makanla.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925935864448547} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 06:40 PM)let me answer generally lah.for muslim, they cannot eat anything under this list:1) anything dirty in nature (pig, cos eating shit, also bcos got direct instruction to not eat), worms2) anything crawling - siput babi, escargot, worms, bugs, etc3) anything poisonous in nature - snake, scorpion, 4) anything carnivor (have fangs, tusk, etc) - lion, tiger, dog, etc5) dua alam (can live in both land and water) - turtle, tortoise, seal, etc6) anything halal to be eaten but not slaughtered properly - just cut head, jiken rolled by car on the road7) anything halal but slaughtered for other other religion offering (like sacrificed, etc)8) anything unclean - jiken dipped in shit, etc9) anything make u high/mabuk - alcohol, tuak, tapai, whiskey, etc10) anything consider dirty by culture - example in Malaysia is ulat mulong - culturally in Sarawak is fine, but for semenanjung since it is associated with ulat, consider dirty. So is haram. (But for some ulat inside fruit consider can be eaten because consider is clean - inside fruit - get it?)11) cannot eat carcasses of dead animal (bangkai)12) we cannot eat/drink blood - like cousine such as pork blood/cow blood in some cultureRule of thumb: anything can be eaten as long as it is not listed under this list.Rule of thumb 2: anything living in water (river/sea/lake/etc) also halal to be eaten - no need slaughtering - deswai siput sedut, shellfish consider halalreason i posted this is to share to those misunderstood/confuse out there on what halal actually is. seems there is so many confusion and misunderstanding, i hope this can give insight on what halal actually is.as for siput babi, it falls under number 2 - crawling and consider dirtyhalal is pretty much similar with koshier, but koshier is stricter. deswai for muslim abroad, if they cannot find halal vendors, they can opt for koshier approved meat. since what christian and jews slaughter can be eaten. if have anything i miss or incorrect, fellow muslim brothers please help to correct me.So in other words, its a safety guide on what to eat. To prevent eating poisonous or insanitary food. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989719390869141} +{"text": "so far jco is the best, not too thick and not too oily.traditional donut thong kee the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999213218688965} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Nov 15 2020, 07:26 PM)why cant the pakcik ask instead of viral video????????WHY?????????????????????????????????????U know la they all. When its comes to viralling something, they are no.1Its like they looking for fame thru viraling some video. The same goes to ktards who open threads in /k. All hungry for attention .These type of ppl are usually lonely and those poorfags /rempits who got nothing better to do. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5950149297714233} +{"text": "Makanan HALAL kat KOREA pun JAKIM control.. bangga x bangga? https://youtube.com/watch?v=VhukV4oFjEE\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "QUOTE(danabu @ Feb 13 2016, 12:11 PM)Not trying vroom vrooom ...Can Malaysia muslim actually eat Chinese vegetarian restaurant food? I dont see the issue as long the toukey explained they use halal things, no lard or whatever haram oil. For me if im satisfied with the explanation and no doubt with the food, its ok for me. In quran dont have state muslims can only eat from muslim prepared food only or from certain race only. Or must have jakim halal cert only can eat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5089185237884521} +{"text": "QUOTE(moodswingfella @ Aug 25 2019, 10:50 AM)Ini saja mau retaliate. What they want is to put down made by _____ description on each products to boycott their business by poisoning ultra shallow minded meleis. But how many of them actually will follow suit to boycott? U tengok pakcik haji pergi masjid pun still beli rokok haram john. Ni semua agenda retaliate i tak puas hati sama u mau tunjuk bola siapa lagi besar. All they want is to put it down like this wan. Made by meleis companyMade by cainis companyMade by yindian companyEtcIts not truly about halal haram ini itu boleh or tak boleh makan. Some sick ppl, kalau tengok cina jual buah pun tak mau beli lah, cakap takut kotor tak halal etc.Yup.. Sick to see that even selling raw ingredients like fruits also they judge by the race / religion of the person selling... But yet when their race sells to other race/religion, they call it a blessing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996111989021301} +{"text": "QUOTE(kuronoku @ Oct 21 2016, 03:47 PM)tak payah la explain susah2.k/ xkn terima jawapan pun.asal boleh bash muslim & smpi 10 pages sudah cukup gembira.cuba bash cina/buddhist, 1page terus koloslel+1This post has been edited by Kucing Terbang: Oct 21 2016, 03:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998261332511902} +{"text": "This person wore this costume but get criticized only, nowhere until get labelled as haram ?SOSQUOTEPETALING JAYA: Tindakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Paya Jaras, Khairuddin Othman memakai pakaian Dewa Cao Guo Jiu mendapat kritikan netizen.Rata-rata pengguna media sosial mempersoalkan tindakan Khairuddin itu yang dianggap cuba mendapatkan publisiti murahan.Turut mempersoalkan tindakan itu adalah ahli seumur hidup Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Badrul Hisham Shaharin atau lebih dikenali sebagai Chegubard.\u201cYB Khairuddin Othman, ADUN PAS Paya Jaras itu membawa imej dewa Cao Guo Jiu. Kalau diperhati, di rumah-rumah kaum Tionghua ada tempat sembahyang untuk dewa-dewa ni.\u201cSekarang, apakah perlu YB Khairuddin memakai pakaian dewa yang menjadi sembahan kaum lain? Apa hukumnya? Memadailah kita cuma sama-sama meraikan sambutan tahun baru (kalender) Cina.\u201cKomen di atas saya salin dari Whatsapp group..saya letak sini kerana nak dengar komen walaunta Hadi sebab mereka yang bersungguh kafirkan orang yang ucap Selamat Hari Krismas kerana meraikan mereka yang merayakan Krismas..sekarang hangpa dah tepuq ayaq (tepuk air) dalam dulang,\u201d tulisnya di Facebook.Sementara itu, seorang pengguna media sosial, Othman Bidin memberikan komen;\u201cUntuk pikat pengundi kaum lain apa saja sanggup dilakukan.Amir Sulaiman pula menulis;\u201cKalau tanya Hadi (Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) dia mesti pusing-pusing guna ayat quran cari hukum dan dalil.itu memang kepakaran dia,\u201d tulisnya.Bagaimanapun, ramai juga pengguna alam maya menganggap ia bukan kehendak Khairuddin tetapi penganjur majlis yang tidak tahu mengenai sensitivitinya apabila meminta Khairuddin memakai kostum Dewa Kekayaan itu bagi memeriahkan majlis sambutan Tahun Baru Cina.This post has been edited by MRaef: Jan 4 2018, 11:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.977674663066864} +{"text": "\nseri_mawr replied at 25-7-2022 09:23 AM\nitu lah iouls tanya...apa beza haram makanan dgn haram dedah aurat...\n\r\nkadang org kita ni babi har ...\nPakai Macon kot\r\nBeef macon", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "mak cik ni koyak teroks pasal status The Alley yg tgh kene kecam.. bsbarlah cik.. saya tau makcik peminat tegar lagi penyokong hndal.. jgn stress\u201d.. bnde kalau halal betol\u201d knp dia xgi ambik sijil halal awal\u201d.. njir https://t.co/QW7k8AskQM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "QUOTE(EdBaaBaa @ Oct 7 2016, 09:22 AM)this is v haram !i LOL at your food descriptionsbeef tough, fish soft, bland, tasteless, mussels terkecut-ed\" LOL LOLoh my, so sorry for youI too would feel uneasy eating surrounded by such decor and I\u00a0 am not Muslim. to me, it is not appropriate for these statuary to be placed in restaurant.\u00a0\u00a0 anyway, you're \"lucky\" that all those are just replicates.I was in a museum in Japan and there was one particular statue of a guardian deity that had such a strong aura and the eyes \"follow\" you - i was so creeped out i left that hall pronto, usually i take my time looking at each display and read the info plaques.\u00a0 And i am not usually a believer in such \"aura\" thingamajig.Actually if it is well-thought and well-decorated it might give a good ambienceBut This is a bit over the topIt is like throwing everything together and it is not working And they burn a lot of incense and the smell is overpowering (from the oil that u see everywhere)This post has been edited by yummymommy: Oct 7 2016, 08:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994866847991943} +{"text": "Habis terbuka semua pekung. Jaga kedai orang lain, tokey orang lain. Urusan halal haram semua kantoi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999886155128479} +{"text": "makan daging haram tak bayar ok.makan daging babi haram tetap haram..topkek lulz ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "lebih byk beli barang syarikat muslim, lebih byk zakat, lebih byk fund di baitumal utk kebajikan umat islamkk mart tempat aku pun gardenia dah tambah rak sbb dah start ambik stok banyakistiqamah guys, pelan2 kayuhhiraukan mereka yang menyalak, bukan depa boleh buat apa pun ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985673427581787} +{"text": "So your point is? Kalau kedai yg mmg ada sijil or berani disclaimer ttg halal, org takde masalah. Kalau stall tepi jalan yg mmg takde disclaimer, sape je yakin?\n\nPastu kau nk aku buat apa ttg kes sindiket tu? Do I have power to control that?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999377727508545} +{"text": "QUOTE(ktard0007 @ Sep 25 2017, 09:54 AM)Like that say all the halal restaurant discrimination? Where got. Non halal or halal shop only state the status of their restaurant. Whichever religion can go eat there. Its up to the customer discretion want to go or not. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Hahaha SG tu kecik jer pusing2 kat situ jelah port yang ada. Kalau tempat makan yang betul2 puas makan mmg kat Geylang Serai pasal kat situ semua kedai halal. Kalau tempat lain Little India pon best jugak. SG ni bab makanan halal n sedap mmg perit nak jumpa, Sana mkn mahal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9354376196861267} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:16 PM)Everything is created/ordered by God for a good reason.There are many religious codes of conducts which hav been scientifically proven to be beneficial to mankind.But there are a lot of things that God created for us to discover for ourselves, where when we try even with our best, we would still not know everything.God make it that way so we stay humble and realize where we sit; instead of start thinking highly of ourselves and playing god in this world.Humility is among the most fundamental attributes in Islam.The ironic thing is that, it was Islamic scholars that were the progressive in various fields on science. What is the general stance of the Islamic scholars on the cutting edge now? All I seem to hear are praises of past glories more than a thousand years ago! Pigs may seem like dirty creatures in the past, and you may argue that consuming pork may lead to various health diseases. True, but same applies to sugar! Should sugar then be haram? We have to be practical about it, not just basing it on scriptures written a thousand years ago. I respect your right not to consume pork, but the need to be so anal about it gets on my nerves. You don't see Hindus getting all worked up because you're consuming body parts of their deity in warungs/mamak/fast food chains do you?Islam is a peaceful religion, humility is important, so is moderation. Science has progressed so much and is so easily available that people should have the ability judge on their own actions. No matter which religion, excessive consumption of alcohol or any behavior deviating from the norm is frowned upon. Religion has its role in the past, but we're not in the dark ages where formal education and knowledge is hard to come by. We must be able to reason independently in this day and age and ignorance is not an excuse. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8911610841751099} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 07:52 PM)Xi\u2019an is nice A lot muslims Dont go to other cities coz hard to find halal food Hati2 klu order air. Diorunk suka sembunyikan alcohol dalam menu Jual air limau tapi ada rice wine \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(Rusty Nail @ Dec 2 2023, 08:42 PM)I was Qingdao once for business. Had dinner at halal restaurant, they serve beer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999176263809204} +{"text": "\nvv9VTGqn_6A\n\nQUOTEIPOH \u2013 Sebuah premis yang disyaki menggunakan logo halal tidak sah bagi produk makanan ringan di Kawasan Perindustrian Jelapang di sini diserbu Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN) semalam dengan nilai sitaan diperoleh ketika operasi itu mencecah RM88,582.50.Pengarah KPDN Perak, Datuk Kamalludin Ismail berkata, serbuan oleh sepasukan pegawai dan anggota penguat kuasa KPDN Perak bermula pukul 11 pagi itu merupakan hasil maklumat awam dan risikan oleh pihaknya berhubung aktiviti memproses makanan di kawasan tersebut yang disyaki menggunakan logo halal tidak sah.\u201cKetika pemeriksaan dilakukan, premis ini sedang beroperasi dengan memproses makanan produk \u2018Salted Egg Salmon Skin\u2019. Seorang wanita tempatan yang disyaki pengurus premis hadir dan membantu pemeriksaan.\u201cHasil pemeriksaan lanjut telah menjumpai sejumlah produk makanan ringan yang telah ditandakan dengan logo halal. Semakan awal mendapati logo halal ini digunakan untuk tujuan perdagangan secara tidak sah,\u201d katanya di sini hari ini.Biau berkata, pengurus premis terbabit turut gagal mengemukakan sebarang perakuan halal yang diperakuan oleh pihak berkuasa apabila diminta oleh pihak KPDN.Sehubungan itu, Kamalludin berkata, satu tindakan kes telah diambil dengan tindakan menyita kesemua produk yang disyaki menggunakan logo halal tidak sah, balang plastik yang tertera logo halal dan dokumen perniagaan untuk siasatan lanjut di bawah Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011.Menurut beliau, nilai keseluruhan barang rampasan adalah dianggarkan berjumlah RM88,582.50.\u201cKes disiasat kerana melanggar Subperenggan 4 (1) Perintah Perihal Dagangan (Perakuan dan Penandaan Halal) 2011 Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 yang menjadi kesalahan di bawah Subperenggan 8 (a) perintah yang sama.\u201cJika sabit kesalahan, denda tidak melebihi RM100,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya bagi individu, manakala denda tidak melebihi RM250,000 bagi syarikat atau pertubuhan perbadanan,\u201d katanya.Tambah beliau, produk makanan ringan itu dijual secara dalam talian dan mendapat sambutan oleh ramai pengguna.\u201cKPDN menasihati serta menyeru kepada setiap peniaga dan pengusaha supaya mematuhi perundangan yang berkuat kuasa termasuk mendapatkan perakuan halal yang sah daripada agensi kerajaan. \u2013 KOSMO! ONLINEhttps://www.kosmo.com.my/2024/03/05/salted-...dak-sah-disita/NON suka NO PORK/NO LARD & MUSLIM FRIENDLYso which NON factory is this? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979010820388794} +{"text": "@i_leeyana @malissaali Yup. Sedngkan dlm islam dh kta slagi krja tu halal. Tak melanggar hhkum. Selgi tu ia brmaruah. Selagi tu manusia bebas untuk bkrja sebgai apa pun waimah penyapu smpah walau ad dgree. Kna ingat jgk. Sijil bukan lmbang sttus pkerjaan. Sijil hnya sekeping kerts. Ilmu tu yg penting.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ Jul 17 2024, 11:21 AM)Who built ?The Erawan Shrine at Phra Phrom in Bangkok, Thailand, was built in 1956. It was constructed by the Erawan Hotel to eliminate the bad karma believed to be causing problems during the hotel's construction. The shrine is dedicated to Phra Phrom, the Thai representation of the Hindu god Brahma, and it has since become a popular site for both locals and tourists seeking blessings.By ChatGPT \ud83d\udc40 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985440969467163} +{"text": "fitnah gang as always, dah biasa dah ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998844861984253} +{"text": "QUOTE(butterjiken @ Jan 4 2018, 08:13 PM)where does this come from why so sudden why is this even an issueat this point it's just like, [spins wheel] is haramIkut suka dia mana haram mana tidak, dia kan tuhan... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962893724441528} +{"text": "QUOTE(teehk_tee @ Dec 27 2023, 02:11 PM)shoulda just gone inside the casino and redeem the meals with GP.Lol, jgn mengharumkan budaya gambling! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8071927428245544} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Mar 6 2024, 02:26 PM)Vegan Haram all meatTechnically speaking vegan is more of a diet choice instead of religion. But I agree to some point, since some vegans are almost like a cult / religion maniac themselves. Can they write \"vegan\" at the race: lain-lain ? Lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995334148406982} +{"text": "Cari kedai melayu sbb lbh mudah utk yakin benda tu halal. Tp x semesti nya non muslim jual x halal. Tgk je bazar ramadhan, yg jual melayu semua nya tp tiap\" tahun akan ada kes makanan basi/bau sampah/berulat. Jd x blh pukul rata melayu confirm halal/bersih yg Non muslim x halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999500036239624} +{"text": "Yes haram.0% now.. later might get triggered to try 10%.. then slowly 100%.QUOTE(xandras @ Jan 24 2023, 12:07 PM)That\u2019s up to them to define.Yes, the religion leader will decide what is haram and what is not..Then they follow himThis post has been edited by Natsukashii: Jan 24 2023, 12:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7527251243591309} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Aug 15 2015, 03:04 PM)My gugu too painful when peeing. feel like my pee is a knife (i exaggerate a bit). need to regulate the pee speed to minimize the pain. do i have hiv or something? gugu gonna jatuh a?Congratulations!!You have penis cancer stage IX.Cut your didi please. If you want to live.! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997218251228333} +{"text": "Elok dah Islam suruh pilih makan makanan dr sumber yg halal dan bersih, pilih makanan yg elok, tp spesies ingkar, riak, ujub, rasa besar diri dr Tuhan ni memang mencabar ketentuan Tuhan ke mcm mana? #coronovirus", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997243285179138} +{"text": "QUOTE(HikayatSalju @ Dec 12 2023, 01:26 PM)Geli pork intestine pun makan.Pork blood also makan. Double Haram kan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9745254516601562} +{"text": "Dua2nya halal. Yang penting itu kita tidak terjebak di label halalnya. Label itu punya konsekuensi. Kita perbaiki kolamnya dulu deh, lalu isi dengan air bersih. Banyak restoran jual makanan halal, tapi kalau kita ke WC-nya, ampun deh joroknya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6132321953773499} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8726398348808289} +{"text": "Kepada mereka yang masih kata makanan disediakan non-muslim tu haram. If pakai bahan halal dan bersih, siapa kamu untuk mengharamkan yang boleh?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9861770272254944} +{"text": "all ghey like abah telur? syukur makanan tradisi melayu halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998176693916321} +{"text": "Aku rasa dia tak selesa join tabligh kot, ko tau la, geng tabligh ni jenis memaksa, keluar 40 hari la 3 bulan laa. Aku pun malas, jangan kan dia.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "won't go eat even if it is the best fried chicken on the planettype c need to grow some backbone ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "lol no one like peruvian food ka?Unker suka Ceviche ma.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994106292724609} +{"text": "Siang td dgr kuliah zuhur, hari ni Ustaz dr JAKIM dtg bg kuliah. Pasal makanan kegemaran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997183680534363} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Dec 29 2023, 10:25 AM)Terpaling harmoni tapi suka kecam semenanjung\u00a0 to be fair, peninsular pipu kecam them just as much if not more lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969794750213623} +{"text": "Baru je temberang tadi cakap takde lard? Gelatin tu? Yes tak semestinya based on u know what. Tapi gelatin tu, confirmlah kalau takde sijil halal tu, confirmlah haram kan. Kesian orang islam kat Malaysia ni, makin lama makin jahil https://t.co/cXKlMyy4Ka", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999548196792603} +{"text": "QUOTE(sgshuhu @ Jun 9 2019, 10:59 PM)I dunno about other country, but Muslim Malaysian, when it comes to halal or haram food, they really aware and becareful about it. Which is a good thing.Q & A them... If they stuck or lost in forest without food for days and they caught BABI. Do they release it or they eat it ? Borderline between faithful on faith lays there. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993249177932739} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 08:16 PM)That only work for individuals.When there is a need to control a crowd of millions of ppl,North Korean way is the best way.North Korean surrendering trump ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(bombayah @ Dec 15 2022, 09:56 AM)Siapa kata boleh?Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Selangor: Mewartakan fatwa pengharaman rokok berkuat kuasa pada 7 Dis 1995 di bawah Enakmen Pentadbiran Perundangan Islam 1989. Di dalam Enakmen tersebut dijelaskan bahawa amalan menghisap apa jua jenis rokok adalah haram bagi orang Islam.completely agree with you. but \"laws for thee and not for me\" i guess. Sigh, menyampah betul even when gomen dah implement \"no smoking\" at eateries, ada ja monyet isap rokok. bodoh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993547797203064} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seager @ Oct 27 2021, 01:03 PM)Fuh this one no controversy meh Also, Ninja Joe still exist here? Only went once to their branch in 1U I think, or Pyramid. Overhypped la.https://www.bharian.com.my/bhplus-old/2016/...siasat-restoranKUALA LUMPUR: Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (JHEAINS) masing-masing memulakan siasatan terhadap kes sebuah restoran makanan segera yang menjual burger babi menggunakan nama \"P Ramly\".Sumber JAIS berkata, kertas siasatan akan diserahkan kepada Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) mengikut Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 untuk tindakan lanjut.Katanya siasatan membabitkan isu penggunaan perkataan yang boleh mengelirukan atau memperdayakan umat Islam bagi barang jualan yang tidak halal.Jika sabit kesalahan, boleh dikenakan denda maksimum RM5 juta bagi kesalahan pertama dan RM10 juta bagi kesalahan kedua dan seterusnya.\"Kertas siasatan yang dilengkapkan akan diserahkan kepada KPDNKK untuk semakan bagi tujuan pendakwaan.\"Hasil pemeriksaan bersama pegawai KPDNKK di premis restoran itu di Kota Damansara semalam (kelmarin), JAIS menyita satu banting, sekeping menu makanan, resit jualan P Ramly burger untuk siasatan,\" katanya kepada BH.Akhbar ini Selasa mendedahkan tindakan sebuah rangkaian restoran menjual burger babi kepada khalayak dengan menggunakan nama \"P Ramly\" yang mendapat bantahan banyak pihak.Dalam pada itu, Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK), Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin, berkata KPDNKK sudah memeriksa restoran terbabit dan sedang menunggu laporan siasatan dari pihak berkaitan untuk tindakan pendakwaan.Katanya, KPDNKK akan mengambil tindakan jika didapati peniaga melakukan kesalahan mengikut akta berkenaan.Di Seremban, Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan Halal JHEAINS, Zuraini Yahaya, berkata pihaknya juga menyiasat cawangan restoran itu di bandar itu berhubung isu sama.Katanya, hasil siasatan akan dihantar kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) untuk tindakan lanjut \"Kita sudah membuat pemeriksaan di premis itu namun tidak boleh mendedahkan maklumat buat masa ini kerana bimbang menjejaskan siasatan.\"Hasil siasatan ini akan diserahkan kepada JAKIM yang menyelaras siasatan membabitkan beberapa premis rangkaian restoran itu di negeri lain,\" katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.Difahamkan, pasukan penguat kuasa JHEAINS membuat pemeriksaan di premis itu pagi semalam dan mendapati semua poster dan iklan menu burger daging babi P Ramly itu sudah dikeluarkan oleh pemilik restoran berkenaan.Sementara itu, Persatuan Kebajikan Artis Veteran Malaysia (PKAVM) Rabu membuat laporan polis terhadap restoran terbabit kerana menggunakan nama yang didakwa mirip seniman agung Tan Sri P Ramlee.Presiden PKAVM, Rahim Jailani, diiringi timbalannya, Datuk Soni Abdullah dan lima lagi artis veteran hadir di Balai Polis Taman Melawati, Hulu Klang kira-kira jam 6 petang Rabu.Rahim berkata laporan dibuat kerana tindakan mempromosikan produk tidak halal dengan nama seniman dikenali dunia sebagai orang Melayu beragama Islam.Katanya, perbuatan boleh mencetuskan provokasi yang boleh menyentuh rasa tidak selesa orang awam dan kekeliruan yang jelas khususnya masyarakat Islam negara ini.\"Malah, kenyataan pemilik restoran semalam dianggap menghina dan mengelirukan, dengan dakwaan \"P\" merujuk kepada babi (pork) dan jika digabungkan menjadi \"Babi Ramly\",\" katanya kepada BH.Rahim berkata pihaknya berharap pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan tegas sebagai pengajaran kepada semua kaum agar saling menghormati sensitiviti agama masing-masing.\"PKAVM juga menuntut pengusaha syarikat memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada masyarakat Islam negara ini kerana kerosakan sudah berlaku selain membersihkan nama P Ramlee,\" katanya.Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dalam kenyataan di laman sesawangnya bagi mengulas isu sama berkata penggunaan nama yang mengelirukan pada produk makanan, bukan makanan atau perkhidmatan yang menyalahi syarak adalah dilarang kerana mendatangkan keresahan awam khususnya pengguna Islam.Kenyataan itu menyebut pihak industri dinasihatkan tidak menimbulkan kekeliruan di dalam pemilihan nama produk yang ditawarkan kepada pengguna.Kata kenyataan itu, ia adalah bagi memelihara keharmonian antara kaum dan kepercayaan beragama di Malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5591382384300232} +{"text": "Sekitar status halal pau yik mun, aku terbaca gambar dikatakan daripada team halal hub kata yik mun bukan pemegang sijil halal jakim. Tapi bercanggah dengan halal hun punya website. So adakah email tu asli? https://t.co/EmRmAgc4TS", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984424710273743} +{"text": "\r\n......sambungan.......\n\n\r\nApakah cabaran bagi memenuhi keperluan gelatin umat Islam? Apakah langkah Halagel?\n\r\nTentu sekali kami sedang menyahut cabaran itu dengan pembukaan sebuah kilang kapsul yang bernilai hampir RM12 juta di Sungai Petani, Kedah pada September ini. Kilang itu akan menumpukan kepada pengeluaran kapsul penyalut ubatan dan softgel sahaja.\n\n\r\nSampai bila kita hendak bergantung kepada bekalan gelatin yang dibawa masuk dari Pakistan? Bukankah sudah tiba masanya kita juga mengeluarkannya di Malaysia?\n\r\nKami menyedari sepenuhnya keperluan tersebut. Malah sejak dahulu lagi kami ada rancangan untuk mendapatkan bekalan daripada tulang-tulang haiwan terutamanya unta, kambing, kibasy dan lembu yang berjuta-juta ekor disembelih di Arab Saudi pada setiap kali Hari Raya Haji untuk dijadikan gelatin halal. Kalau kita lihat sehingga ke hari ini, tulang-tulang tersebut terbuang begitu sahaja. Kami pernah merancang untuk menjalinkan kerjasama dengan beberapa pihak di Asia Barat untuk membina kilang gelatin di sana namun faktor cuaca, beberapa masalah teknikal dan kos yang terlalu tinggi menyebabkan ia tidak kos efektif.\n\r\nOleh kerana masalah di atas, Halagel menukar strateginya dan memilih China untuk pengeluaran gelatin yang kedua. Kilang yang akan didirikan di Wilayah Yin Chuan di bahagian Tenggara China itu sangat strategik di mana sebanyak 60 peratus populasi penduduknya merupakan orang Islam dan cuaca di sana amat sesuai. Insya-Allah pada awal tahun 2008 kami harap kilang di China akan mula beroperasi.\n\n\r\nMengapakah Halagel memilih China?\n\r\nDi peringkat tempatan, kita tidak mempunyai cukup bekalan bahan mentah (tulang haiwan) di samping suhu di sini yang agak panas dan lembap tidak sesuai untuk memproses tulang-tulang tersebut kepada gelatin. Di sini kita lebih terdedah kepada pertumbuhan bakteria yang boleh mengganggu proses pengeluaran gelatin tersebut. Jadi, kita pilih wilayah di China itu kerana mereka mempunyai bekalan bahan mentah yang banyak dan mencukupi serta suhu yang sangat sesuai untuk pemprosesan gelatin.\n\n\r\nHalagel kini hanya memenuhi 10 peratus pasaran gelatin halal di negara ini. Berapa banyakkah syarikat dan pengusaha yang menempah gelatin daripada syarikat saudara?\n\r\nLebih kurang 40 hingga 50 syarikat di negara ini menggunakan gelatin Halagel dan antara 70 hingga 80 buah syarikat di negara ini termasuk beberapa syarikat dari Indonesia dan Singapura menempah kapsul bergelatin halal keluaran syarikat kami.\n\r\nApakah produk halal Halagel yang lain?\n\r\nJika disenaraikan, kami ada hampir 13 produk kesemuanya. Selain daripada gelatin dan kapsul, syarikat kami juga mengeluarkan gula-gula gummy jelly berjenama Nize Gummiez. Kami juga memasarkan ubat gigi herba dengan daun mambu serta bunga cengkih, produk-produk terapi garam bukit (rock salt), garam bukit untuk masakan dan yang terbaru, vitamin pastil fruity C dan gelatin dalam bentuk paket bagi kegunaan bakeri dan masakan.\n\n\r\nApakah harapan saudara?\n\r\nSaya amat berharap pengguna tempatan mahupun di luar negara terutama orang muslim sentiasa peka dan menjadi pengguna bijak dalam memilih makanan dan produk untuk kegunaan harian. Lihatlah tanda halal dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan pada makanan tersebut dahulu agar kita tidak berasa ragu tentang status halal produk tersebut. Hasrat kami di Halagel adalah untuk menampakkan lagi impian Perdana Menteri kita bagi menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Hab Halal di rantau ini.\n\n\r\n* Utusan Malaysia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997043013572693} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Feb 22 2024, 08:56 AM)Tp orang lain pulak sakit bontot teramatBoycott, issue palestine lebih penting.Berape ribu kilometre dari tanahair tapi sibuk machiam negara sendiri, while negara sendiri mata wang merundum ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996046423912048} +{"text": "@bernamadotcom Keluarkan sijil arak halal la bro..bezakan halal n haram..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "QUOTE(prophetjul @ Dec 23 2023, 08:55 AM)English, if you please. ThanksLOL. itu ajelah balasan yang mampu. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 11:10 AM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abProbably you misunderstood me. Let me rephrase and making it simpler for you. Muslims cant:1) drink alcoholic beverages, to avoid intoxication.2) eat or drink, food or beverages that were mixed with alcoholic sources, to avoid intoxication.While number 2) doesn\u2019t necessarily make one drunk/tipsy, we will still try to avoid it. If you can respect that, then we are all good, if you can\u2019t, then I have no more to add after this post.And btw, your experience of not seeing people getting tipsy from eating wine claypot rice, doesn\u2019t tell the whole story also la. Humans in general process alcohol in their bodies differently, you or your drunken friends dont feel anything after eating food mixed with alcoholic beverage it\u2019s because of science also, tolerance to alcohol etc. Also, to add, there are people in the whole world who are trying to avoid alcohol, due to health reasons. You want to die by damaging your liver, go ahead. Less one idiot on /k also.so many argued about \"alcohol evaporates when exposed to heat\" still defiant eventhough research already denied such claim.--TLDR; najis.from islamic point of view, cecair yang boleh memabukkan dikategorikan najis.filth.so what if one drank 1ml of wine and gets floored by it. so what if one drank 1ltr of wine and still remain sober.does it change the fact that we still regard it as filth?--there is already fatwa that predates even /k.it already broad-listed what kind of source, usage, consumption involving alcohol is permissible or not.presented again and again, but its always the usual suspects in ktards will keep coming back to challenge and ridicule.so don't waste time with them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.555121898651123} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Jan 9 2024, 11:03 AM)Actually after giving long and hard thought this religion has consistency because you see below:A. It is haram for toddler / little girl to sleep with dolls / teddy bear, barbie etcB. But it is halal for adult male to marry underage girl or their own rape victimSo actually A and B sync. Underage girls sleeping with patung = haram but it is halal for underage girl to sleep with adult maleanother retard who dont know anything about islam but try hard to make their own rules ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999219179153442} +{"text": "Bangga!! ^^ RT Makanan HALAL kat KOREA pun JAKIM control.. bangga x bangga? https://youtube.com/watch?v=VhukV4oFjEE\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999788999557495} +{"text": "anak anak mamabah yg dpt hadiahkan sijil konvo untuk dorg, angah jelah. aku dgn abg long tak sambung belajar. sedih jugaklah. tapi mamabah ckap \u201ctak belajar tinggi tinggi takpe. asalkan mampu cari kerja yg halal\u201d \ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude2d\u2665\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975069165229797} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syie9^_^ @ May 8 2024, 05:12 PM)dik kalau nak mee kolok, tanye jek mee kolok ayam. jangan lupa makan midin juga ya.\u00a0 baik sis midin tu rasa mcm mana mcm best jer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998944997787476} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 04:45 PM)I think I found a loophole for some folks to get drunk already. Tapai is legal according to the link I read.So open a shop that sells tapai that is fermented longer. According to UPU studies, a day 3 Tapai has 5% alcohol, and day 0 Tapai has 3% alcohol. Get drunk by eating. No need like cina dan india. After drink session go mamak find food. Susah ni. This one drunk and not hungry lagi!Halal dan best :thumbsup:Not badBetter get calories via eating than drinkingOren vs oren juiceMeat vs protein shakeTapai vs alcohol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999244213104248} +{"text": "Negara kita jdi hub makanan halal tpi yg diberikan status halal oleh jakim pun diragui....oh... malaysia kite", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5105736255645752} +{"text": "Nampak kt fb ade post pasal bubble tea xi fu tang, haram katanya sbb tkde sijil halal. Lepas tu ada tulisan cina hahahaha bodoh lah makcik yg post tu. Kuno tahap zaman paleolitik duh \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7678422927856445} +{"text": " yup. Mmg teruk pun. Tapi emm halal kan? I mean kena tarik sebab tak bersih je kan. Makanan halal tapi tak bersih. Mcmtu ke hahaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5945931673049927} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalvegetarian cannot use any oil from any meat. its haram to them ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999514102935791} +{"text": "@strhsn_ Also kalau memang nak jadi Halal Exec memang wajib ada sijil tu, cuma vacancy for halal exec takde la banyak sangat.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.546345591545105} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(sk1l @ Jan 4 2019, 11:58 AM)from my forwarded whatsapp msgs : Breakfast Astaka Taman Tun Sardon Pasar Awam Taman Tun Sardon, P227 Hilir Pemancar, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqd92jkNasi Kandar Kg MelayuNasi Kandar Kampung Melayu, Lintang Kampung Melayu, Ayer Itam, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdp0g3Roti Canai Agryll RoadRoti Canai Jalan Argyll, Jalan Argyll, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4excRoti Canai Transfer RoadRoti Canai Trasfer Road, Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4f3xAstaka Rope WalkAstaka Lorong Kulit, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9jt9LunchNasi Kandar Deen Maju Deen Maju, 170 Jalan Gurdwara, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg0bd5Nasi Kandar Deen JelutongRestoran Deen, Jalan Jelutong, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdsv6uNasi Melayu Lidiana (Masjid Terapung Tanjung Bungah)Kedai Makan Lidiana- Nasi Melayu, Persiaran Tanjung Bungah, Tanjong Bungah, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zr1gem8Nasi Padang Transfer RoadRestoran Nasi Padang Minang, 92 Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4fseNasi Campur Melayu, Stadium Bandaraya - Also Mee Udang and etcAstaka Jalan Perak, 210A Lilitan Stadium, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9pdnHameediyah RestaurantHameediyah Restaurant, 164A Lebuh Campbell, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg47wqHameed Pata Mee SotongHameed Pata Mee Sotong, 19 Lebuh Pantai, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6er7Ani Nasi Campur Gulai SembilangAni Nasi Campur Gulai Sembilang, Jalan Ahmad Nor, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdufn6Nasi 7 Benua-Nasi 7 Benua, 231 Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3cshcLaksa JanggusLaksa Janggus, Lorong Kg. Perlis 10, Balik Pulau, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0ntzwCargas Cafe Nasi CampurCargas Cafe, 6 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq17yh5DinnerAyu Mee UdangAyu Mee Udang, Lengkok Kampung Masjid 1, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0fb13Astaka Padang BroomMedan Selera Padang Brown, Jalan Perak, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfc868Pak Hussein TomyamPak Hussin Tomyam, Lilitan Bayan, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3c198Gurney Drive Food Court Pusat Penjaja Anjung Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfw6egNasi Dalca Kassim MustafaRestoran Kassim Mustafa, 12 Lebuh Chulia, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg3bv5Sup HameedSup Hameed, 48 Jalan Penang, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg5hcrRestaurant Kapitan - The Best TandoriRestoran Kapitan, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6025Restoran Pen Mutiara - Kari Kepala IkanRestoran & Hotel Pen Mutiara, P220 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq44hm7Nurul Ikan BakaqNurul Ikan Bakar Special, Lebuhraya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq6wswqChar Koay Teow SaniSany Char Koay Teow, Jalan Sult ://waze.com/ul/hw0zq4pd3kThanks bro! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997631907463074} +{"text": "QUOTE(submergedx @ Mar 5 2024, 11:17 AM)Viral has different perspective. When motobodo do stunt and die that is call bodo viral.Nandos social media post viral that is marketing targetting done right. In fact, Nandos has one of the best social media management team in Malaysia. Do you think how much Nandos paid the agency each every year?You want a motor bodo viral or Nandos humor viral for your country?White cat black cat ora good cat.Anything that can work, even if it\u2019s dumb and retarded.That\u2019s why nowadays internet is flooded with rage and click baits, cause views & engaging = money.I for once have a retarded but effective idea, tumpang glamor of our 2 well known neighbours - Thai and singkie. Launch a campaign that we\u2019re better than them, sure it will gather big backlash from them and the 1st objective of getting viral already achieved.This post has been edited by msacras: Mar 5 2024, 11:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996927976608276} +{"text": "tak malu sebab cukup makanorang kurus tak cukup makan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7328044772148132} +{"text": "if got halal sign i will be more confidentif gerai tepi jalan although haram menjaja, cleanliness an issue, one time taking nasi lemak with bare hand for your kacang/bilis/telur/cucumber, another time receiving money same time, no wear mask, charge exppensive price, i will still support if it's operated by muslim. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997929930686951} +{"text": "QUOTE(aimank_88 @ Jan 15 2015, 09:02 PM)Mcm beza 4 mazhab kita, x salah nk ikut mazhab lain, tp akhlak mengikut mazhab setempat pun kena ikut. Which explains its preferred not to follow other mazhabs in our country since we practice mazhab syafie, mengundang fitnah pada diri sendiri itu adalah haram.Sorry for the misinterpretation.\u00a0 \u00a0 Naah, it's okay. All good. Kalau ada rule \"kena ikut mazhab setempat\" tu memang aku tidak setuju lah. Kepercayaan kita, fikiran masing2.Tapi, dari segi akhlak, basically tiada beza yang signifikan pun, sama ja 4 mazhab utama sunni, boleh bersetuju dan bersatu. Cuma dari segi usulul fiqh, situ yang biasa ada berlainan pendapat. Yang penting jangan sampai kita berpecah atas pendapat yang berbeza, tapi bersatu atas pendapat yang sama. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9139216542243958} +{"text": "Silap orang lh dik non, i mampu gelak je bila staff tu tunjuk sijil halal (keadaan bersepah). Me, \"dik, ni bukan sijil halal sushi tp sijil halal ingredients. So masih belum berstatus HALAL\" Tapi sayangnyaaa ramai yg membeli \ud83d\ude14", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8935865163803101} +{"text": "Hobi baru ketika jaga kiosk : sms JAKIM, check status halal barang makanan xD", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9948868155479431} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Sep 6 2016, 12:10 AM)omara86 dah buat dah pun.https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4015554haha. kena maintain a few months jadi pandan. after that baru buat viral berhijrah. i can guarantee sales number will x9000. \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abnon muslim /k can take it to the extreme. convert to yizlam, then revert after sales target achieved.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abdisclaimer: gurau saje. tokse repot deh. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987689852714539} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sinistra @ Nov 14 2015, 10:53 AM)But why no condemnation from official Muslim bodies? Wouldn't an official statement from a large religious body or ruler stating that ISIS isn't true Islam help clear up the confusion? I'm genuinely confused why, if ISIS isn't Islamic, that there is so few condemnation from official Islamic groups?Will the real Muslim community please stand up?Al-Azhar (Oldest Religous Islamic Institution) condemns themOIC condemns themOur own National Fatwa Council condemns themand still we have some voices who claimed Muslims are silent. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967781901359558} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Aug 19 2023, 11:20 AM)that guy's stomach is very religious. detected haram particals auto cleaningppl shud learn from this guy how to get such stomachU don't sohai drop to Thier level ..... Fyi if vegetarian suddenly eat meat next day they also cirit non stop one . ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999419450759888} +{"text": "QUOTE(sad_ticket @ Jan 4 2016, 09:29 PM)I think your muslim friend mean a Dog. Dog is haram to eat.Duck is not haram to eat.Duck and Dog can sound the same if pronounce wrongly .Duck la bro... 1 time we all go makan. Ordered 1 duck (didn't know that time), then all my Muslim colleagues said NON HALAL cox its 2 alam. Not 1 who says that but a few!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997890055179596} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum Dan hai semua Cik Matahari nak kongsi satu produk keluaran bumiputra iaitu KOLAVIT+ Daripada bionutraceutical sdn bhd Yang penting BUATAN MALAYSIA, ada Sijil Halal & Ada pengesahan Daripada\u2026 https://t.co/24A45suZY1", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9846476316452026} +{"text": "Kalau untung dah banyak, dah viral, orang beratur, kenapa susah nak buat sijil halal di Malaysia? https://t.co/nDNhAeCJem", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999657869338989} +{"text": "QUOTE(teslaman @ Jun 6 2024, 10:42 AM)Halal certified ?If the materials bought have halal cert, and the cooking yakin halal from buyer, then it's halal without need certification. Like eating in a restaurant that cooks halal food with muslim cooks but has alcohol on the menu. The restaurant won't get Halal cert, but the food still halal as long as they don't get mixed. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964653253555298} +{"text": "Haram because of the word beer.... That's why Root beer and Ginger Beer need to change their name. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999076128005981} +{"text": "InsyaAllah, setiap makanan yang kita sumbang itu akan mendapat pahala sedekah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989714622497559} +{"text": "Kesiannya abg tu.. Tak pernah makan old town.. First time nk mkn.. Terus tuduh bukan2.. Percuma je dpt dosa fitnah.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Mar 6 2024, 04:40 PM)Melei bila tak mampu compete in biz especially with other race....= \"kartel\"The list of things and also comments inside.\u00a0 Never about their strengths.\u00a0\u00a0 Lol at their point no. 56 cakap pasal strength, terus pasal BMF dan Simpati.Compete 67 la Straight away ask Madani for 10k nett free money to Sara keluarga funds a month la diuThis post has been edited by carloz28: Mar 6 2024, 05:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9171866178512573} +{"text": "QUOTE(ozak @ Jun 18 2015, 09:53 AM)Let them choose and understand when getting old. The auntie already doing her best to retain their culture/religion. It is not easy to do.\u00a0 Appreciate it.inb4 not all Malays are muslims, and parents are actually Indonesian non-muslims (at least for the one kena dumped at dustbin side).topkek. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996861219406128} +{"text": "makcik-makcik, pakcik-pakcik jakim tu keluarkan sijil halal je tapi tak keluarkan sijil haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9617446660995483} +{"text": "QUOTE(mcchin @ Mar 6 2024, 06:59 AM)Errrr....Seems like the clear plastic packaging one is without the mesti, halal logoBut the paper tube container with white cover has itAnd it's the one shown held by the authoritiesWtf...168 per can or for 3 cans? Even 3 cans that like rm56. Bloody expensive. I cannot afford.This post has been edited by bengang15: Mar 7 2024, 09:39 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999610185623169} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Apr 18 2024, 05:34 PM)Deswai I was surprised. I expected it to taste bad but it was actually decent, comparable to the road side sellers. Best part is look clean.Honestly in Bali, Thai, Japan the convenience store food are surprisingly decent. Maybe coming from shitty levels of food served in counterparts here is why we are surprisedShit even the pre-packed bread in 7-11 is worse than from bookshop. I rather eat plain white gardeniaQUOTE(jojolicia @ Apr 18 2024, 05:34 PM)https://thethaiger.com/guides/best-of/food/...try-in-thailandI see, My 7-11 only good at prepaid slip and rokok jeThailand 7-11 toasties is a must. I ate so much from 1 branch previously until friend went \"oi come thailand eat sandwich instead of thai food. Sei sohai\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9644331932067871} +{"text": "QUOTE(NathanJeans @ Jul 18 2024, 01:16 PM)Got so racist meh? Purposely avoid something just because of seller race. Really sikalan racist.You may view as racist but it is actually not about that at all. Those non-Muslim restaurant with Halal cert are not less popular among Malays. Those without cert will become doubtful for Muslim. So, to be on safe side, they just avoid it. I believe Chinese vegetarian restaurants is considered okay by many Muslim especially those who knew what vegetarian is really defined by Chinese people.If Malays are familiar with the non-Muslim restaurant owners, then it is also no problem like many Chinese restaurants even in Kelantan has many Malay customers even PAS members ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9930946826934814} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!not haram unless you drink it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999244213104248} +{"text": "nak sukses, mesti paksa ahli umno 3 juta setiap bulan mesti pigi sana kasi punch card dan setiap bulam mesti beli barang rm1k di sana ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992610812187195} +{"text": "almost 2017 dah gais..\njom le sama2 tahu bezakan makanan yang dapat sijil halal jakim dengan yang takde sijil halal jakim tapi tak haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9827191829681396} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Apr 26 2022, 04:03 PM)omg that salib, my iman tergugat *shaking tremendously*anyway ts, good thread. please updates more peekture k.ive been to vietnam once, saigon hcmc only though but i would definitely go there again one day.brah your avatar seems familiar? anyway TS, nice thread ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998574256896973} +{"text": "not all ba. but what i can say that those deliver non-halal food, their pahala +1 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9880075454711914} +{"text": "QUOTE(internaldisputes @ Nov 16 2020, 01:40 PM)Does the viral video mention Old Town White Coffee specifically though?Yes. He mentioned it ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 7 2023, 03:22 PM)Best guest why is because of the word brewhttps://twitter.com/hezryhaizad/status/1632807676689383425Got a discussion going on.If brew = haram, then all coffee and tea are haram.Wait til these people find out how sushi rice is made. Whether halal or not is a legit discussion topic.QUOTE(MR_alien @ Mar 7 2023, 04:46 PM)think wisely lahi don't see the halal logo so of course it's not halalbut u as a person with common sense read the ingredients, see which ingredients there that can make it non-halali can guarantee u that u can't find a single ingredients there that isn't non-halalIdiots can't differentiate \"ingredients\" and \"use on\". You expect them to have common sense and 'think wisely'? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967904686927795} +{"text": "jawabnya, sbb org melayu rasa dia adalah tuan di negara ini. mereka sgt yakin org melayu/islam tetap akan beli produk mrk walaupun tanpa sijil halal. pengguna melayu/islam pula - mcm skrg - mengambil mudah, bersangka baik utk ttp beli walaupun tanpa sijil halal. mengapa begitu?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986760020256042} +{"text": "Sebenarnyaa sijil halal produk ULFAA Beauty dah dapat tahun lepas. Tapi kakkin suka buat loyy boh dalam keta sampai terlupa nak simpan apa. Bab ni memang failed. Selalu kena marah dengan pak uih. \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 Satg i cari... https://t.co/4Y3CrWhT3F", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998853206634521} +{"text": "QUOTE(teikboon @ Feb 6 2018, 10:36 AM)my relative that work in toto say his boss tak suka one... maybe he accepted it now liao...his another son also kahwin malay if not mistaken...Yes all his children kawin with malay. He is getting grandchildren of 1malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9916041493415833} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Jul 23 2020, 07:57 PM)\"But but but Halal logo ada Jawi.\". \"Lu tak suka belajar Jawi, you kenot use hmmph \"Tak suka belajar matematik tak boleh pakai nombor. That logic is impeccably impressive ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7052395939826965} +{"text": "ubah wang haram jadi wang halal owai ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963498115539551} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chobits @ Sep 25 2017, 10:25 AM)chii doubt u know your HALAL stuff properly, since u spouting that completely incorrect statement.KNIFE which cut non-halal can purified religiously.Source: JAKIM & MUII didnt read everything but i dont understand the whole halal haram comparison, its not like nonmuslims are forbidden to eat halal food? but the laundry forbids non-muslims in its premise. Then why such a ridiculous comparison. like what? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974679946899414} +{"text": "QUOTE(galkelly @ Jan 16 2022, 11:10 PM)the fact that she has to wait until viral only action will be taken...this is budaya kita dyU jgn cibai budaya #keluarmalaysia kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9788774847984314} +{"text": "QUOTE(gnc88 @ Feb 24 2024, 09:14 AM)SG said originated from China, which is more logical. Why? MY / SG long ago is a Malay peninsular. Where got Bak Kut Teh then. It has to come from Chinese from China.. lolYet MY said originated from Port Klang? Seriously..?It's a heritage food but not originated from here. Even SG won't dare make such claim..China don't have BKT dish, it was originated from Klang.Cheap and delicious BKT was a popular for laborers to replenish their stamina and body that timeThis post has been edited by Lancer07: Feb 24 2024, 09:37 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999775230884552} +{"text": "@IRMalaysia MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9701089859008789} +{"text": "ko bayar 50k under table , officer say semua document kaotim, jangan risaupm for best price ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9930626749992371} +{"text": "Salams hari raya aidil adha pada semua,Tadi saya terima satu soalan, jadi saya rasa ada baiknya saya sharekan jawapannya disini untuk semua.Soalan: Setiap masjid saya pergi, doa antara kuthbahnya berbeza. Jadi apa yang saya perlu baca?Jawapan: Amalan membaca doa ketika khatib berhenti antara dua khutbah Jumaat bertepatan dengan amalan baik dalam Islam. Ini kerana terdapat hadis yang menyatakan berdoa pada waktu itu dimakbulkan dan mustajab.Dengan itu seorang Muslim hendaklah mengambil peluang memohon pada Allah S.W.T pada waktu sedemikian dan waktu yang lain.Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: \u201cIa (waktu mustajab doa) adalah antara imam duduk (di atas mimbar) sehingga selesai solat (Jumaat).\u201d (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)Difahami daripada hadis ini, antara dua khutbah Jumaat termasuk waktu doa mustajab. Berkenaan doa yang sepatutnya dibaca, ia tidak ditetapkan, tetapi boleh baca doa umum seperti memohon keampunan Allah dan rahmat-Nya atau doa khusus untuk diri sendiri serta keluarga. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6658868193626404} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevinwawa @ Jan 6 2017, 11:30 AM)people smoke in halal restaurantok what the problem?you obviously have no idea about halal as in the food halal or haram because it jeopardizes the health. we are talking about food here. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964313507080078} +{"text": "Manusia itu tergantung yg dimakan. Kalau yg dimakan bersih (halal), hatinya juga bersih. Kalau yg dimakan remeng2 (subhat), hatinya juga remeng2. Kalau yg dimakan kotor (haram), maka hatinya juga kotor (gelap).\nMaka, orang2 yg sedikit makan dari makanan halal, hatinya bersinar.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "QUOTE(mt24 @ Sep 16 2016, 12:34 PM)I don't know about others.\u00a0 For me the utensils that have been used for pork or non halal stuff is not haram. Still can be used for us. If it is haram, we are going to bring our utensils, plate, or even our own trolley everywhere all the time. Islam is not that difficult. Some people just make Islam difficult.how about sit on same table eating with people...while other people eating non halal thing?u eating halal thing..was it acceptable? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999705970287323} +{"text": "Isu makan kedai cina ke india ke buat melayu muslim ni isu recycle semula. Meh sini kena bagitahu pov dari setiap sudut\n\n1. Muslim yang alim yang tahu makanan ni bukan takat halal sahaja, tetapi halalan toyibban. Ini bermaksud bukan saja kualiti makan halal tetapi bersih bagus", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999649524688721} +{"text": "QUOTE(raymancantona @ Nov 21 2018, 08:33 PM)technically cooking with liquor is to burn the alcohol so that the taste is only that is leftdrinking liquor is haram because it makes us drunknever heard anyone got drunk by eating food cooked with alcohol beforeIt depend on amount of alcohol and how long it been cooked. And good quality alcohol wasn't cheap in Malaysia which would cost a lot for a dishes to use too much alcohol.I personally does make stew and cook some food using whisky. Sometime it may made ppl tipsy when I add too much or doesn't cook long enough for alcohol to fully dissipate. The fragrant is so nice compare to non alcohol or cheap cooking rice wine version.This post has been edited by stupiak07: Nov 21 2018, 09:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975131750106812} +{"text": "\r\nsalam..\r\nwahhh..\r\nlama sgguh aku xlepak kat forum nie...\n\r\nrindu2!! \n\r\nkorang..\r\nhanya utk bertanya..\r\nkorang yakin x makanan yang kita makan selama ni halal 100%????\r\nsebabnya dah byk kita dgr pasal bnda2 xhalal ni kan..\r\ndah naik bosan..\n\r\nlagi satu.. napa kita selalu xmengutamakan produk org islam??\n\r\nutk pengetahuan anda sekalian..\r\nkalo kita nk memajukan org islam..\ndan ada perasan nak membantu org islam yg sedang di tindas sekarang..\nkita peru sedar dan bangun!!\n\n\n\n\n\r\nkalo anda ada yang menjadi pengguna setia barangan di atas..\r\nberubah lah..\r\njgn mulut mengkeji tapi hati memuji..\r\nmulut membenci israel menndas saudara islam kita..\r\ntapi hati memuji dengan menyokong brgn mereka..\r\nkita seumpama membeli peluru me\r\nmbunuh saudara kita sendiri..\n\r\npernah dgr pasal HPA?\r\nHERBA PENAWAR AL WAHIDA?(KOPI RADIX MAI SECAWAN)\n\r\nPRODUK ISLAM 100%!!\r\nTUKAR BARANGAN ANDA KEPADA PRODUK INI..\r\nHPA TELAH MENGELUARKAN LEBIH 180 PRODUK\r\nTERDIRI DARPADA BARANGN KEPERLUAN HARIAN, UBAT-UBATAN, MAKANN KESIHATAN \r\nTIada ALASAN LAGI UTK MMEBELI BARANgan KELUARAN ISRAEL INI!!\n\n\r\nINI JALAN ALTERNATIF KITA UTK MEMBANTU MEREKA!!\n\n\n\r\nbersama kami..\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "Kat Malaysia ni pun aku tak pernah percaya nk tanya kat kedai pasal halal status(kalau takde sijil)..of course dia akan cakap halal sebab dia nk kau beli makanan dia.. https://t.co/qRQEvTiAbZ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922136664390564} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 01:02 AM)Petronas give billions to govt, whos to say some portion of it are not allocated for Jakim?And while we are at it, whos to say taxes for haram activities will definitely become budget for jakim?You?Thus the question throw back to youWhos to say the funding to jakim not from haram business?Petronas story is getting old la when the places of extraction of oil don\u2019t even get much funding and support from the government and there you have it billions to jakim with no audit shown to public...probably the only government department that don\u2019t need to do itQUOTEIn 2015, then deputy minister in the Prime Minister\u2019s Department Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki reportedly said that the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) needed more than RM1 billion for 2016 if it is to better combat \u201cextremist\u201d ideologies like the Islamic State (IS), liberalism, pluralism, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.HahahahahhahThis post has been edited by proton_man: Jul 28 2019, 01:08 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998237490653992} +{"text": "Bani Munafik Babi haram ya Haram titik nggak ada istilah kalau terpaksa atau perang boleh dimakan...itu namanya nggak tega lihat makanan enak...munafik akan permanen munafik... Khmar Haram...halal kalau tidak memabukkan...koplak !!!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971672892570496} +{"text": "QUOTE(fireballs @ Jun 10 2019, 12:29 PM)jakim actually have a pretty advanced test. currently using dna test to determine if got porcine dnaas they should, and again please don't just focus on pork regarding halal and haram, its much more than that. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996987521648407} +{"text": "Menu Kasih Sayang ganti Menu Rahmah di restoran tak halal, kata SalahudinMenteri perdagangan dalam negeri dan kos sara hidup berkata inisiatif Menu Kasih Sayang akan diperkenalkan bagi memenuhi keperluan bukan Islam.Salahuddin Ayub berkata pihaknya terbuka untuk mengadakan sesi libat urus dengan mana-mana persatuan Cina lain untuk menawarkan menu makanan mampu milik. (Gambar Bernama)KUALA LUMPUR: Inisiatif makanan mampu milik Menu Rahmah akan diperluaskan ke restoran tidak halal untuk memenuhi keperluan bukan Islam, kata Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup Salahuddin Ayub.Beliau berkata, menu di restoran tidak halal itu mungkin akan diberi nama Menu Kasih Sayang.Stay up-to-date by following FMT's Telegram channel\u201cJika di restoran tidak halal nanti tak akan kita nak letak Menu Rahmah juga, jadi tak kena la. Persatuan peniaga Cina mahu menawarkan menu ini mencadangkan Menu Kasih Sayang,\u201d katanya ketika menggulung usul Titah Diraja di Dewan Rakyat.Salahuddin berkata, pihaknya terbuka untuk mengadakan sesi libat urus dengan mana-mana persatuan Cina lain untuk menawarkan menu makanan mampu milik itu.Beliau juga menolak persepsi bahawa makanan pada harga RM5 itu tidak berkualiti.\u201cPasaraya Mydin sebagai contoh, banyak premis mereka ada Jualan Rahmah, jadi \u2018multiply effect\u2019 (kesan berganda) berlaku. Orang datang tak hanya makan menu RM5, tetapi pada masa sama akan membeli barang lain, menyebabkan situasi menang-menang itu berlaku.\u201cAlhamdulillah dengan Menu Rahmah RM5 sebenarnya adalah sesuatu besar maknanya kepada rakyat. Menu Rahmah itu adalah satu hidangan premium,\u201d katanya.Salahuddin berkata, menu makanan dengan harga mampu milik bukanlah perkara baharu dan sudah dimulai ketika zaman pentadbiran terdahulu cuma namanya berbeza iaitu ada dipanggil menu bajet, menu 1Malaysia dan sebagainya dimana perkara baik diteruskan.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...kata-salahudin/This post has been edited by leftycall9: Feb 22 2023, 11:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.547339916229248} +{"text": "Sistem nya Maxwell (2 Minggu pertama main, 2 Minggu menjelang ujian belajar)\n4. Jangan lupa libatkan Tuhan\n5. Aku itu suka tidur dan ketiduran \n6. Mbok ya jangan halu7. Jgn malu beli makanan murah/pernah makan mie sebulan di China sampai gumoh(trauma makan mie pas pulang ke", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986322522163391} +{"text": "good la. tak hadir kerja pun gaji berbayar. bagus betul tongkat. exit policy apa lagi....takkan main tulis jer... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9955533146858215} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Jul 28 2024, 06:02 PM)Malays, all Austronesians and Chinese are both mongoloids race.So yeah it's in our DNA. Blame our common ancestor.\ud83d\udc7b\ud83d\udc7bCaucasian race still the best overall. #NotAMDK. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Status Halal, \n1. Kesemua bahan yang digunakan bagi penyediaan makanan diambil dari pembekal yang merupakan pemegang sijil halal sah dari JAKIM Malaysia.\n2. berkonsepkan 'No Pork, No Lard' (Tidak menggunakan alkohol sepanjang penyediaan).", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984862804412842} +{"text": "QUOTE(night_wolf_in @ Nov 2 2013, 09:02 PM)well, you defined that muslime are not allowed to eat where pork is served, cause of the pots issue. Now, if shafi'i (although i need evidance for it, just caused you said it doesnt mean it is true. i have no knowledge of such thing) say haram, and lets say hanbali say halal. it means what you practice is haram, but what other muslim practice is not. hence your generalization is wrong.It's not haram actually, but shubahah which roughly translates to \"unsure but if you can avoid it, do avoid\". ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991142153739929} +{"text": "\r\npenting.. sgt2 penting.. \r\nsbb apa yg kiter telan itu akan menjadi darah daging seumur hidup..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951416254043579} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 12:20 AM)Sendiri lari from real life debate then self declared win in the nets..oh its not just about alcohol contents, halal haram issues consists of many factors if you learn F&B requirements for halal certification.Just one example, if a factory want to get halal cert, they need to plan their kitchen fittings, flooring, construction plan, propperly, floors need to be free of holes to prevent potential pests breeding like rats and roaches, and the kitchen must not have close proximity to toilets, and many more..Usually people who love to eat in dirty stalls will question such sistematic approach for halal certification, but our halal cert standards are following exactly like international iso standards for food preparation factories and premises.So short sighted faggots like you might want to argue on just one point ie: alcohol content, but halal haram pratices comprises of all possible factors to ensure clean food preparation, not using haram ingredients, good SOP, reduction of wastage, etc.And I can see \u201cclever\u201d faggots here starting to point tapai, bread making, etc. No its not just about alcohol in terms of chemistry composition, what matters is why you need those alcohol at the first place, what is the purpose? Is it to make you go drunk? Is it for catalyst during the production of the food itself? Does it change the nature of the product that will cause people to go drunk or harm their health?And no, it does not stop there, regardless of how \u201cclean\u201d heineken produce their \u201cnon alcoholic\u201d drinks, it is still haram due to fact that it shares the same production plants, and its representation still points toward \u201charam\u201d products that can be considered as promoting such similar products regardless whether they have alcohol or not.Its even deeper than you think,So next time if you are too damn \u201cclever\u201d go ask jakim they can school you about halal haram issues.TrueTaxes from judi dan arak should not be used on Jakim annual billion budgetNo matter how you clean it by changing hand with clever accounting it does not change the fact that the sources of the funding came from haram businesses ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994924068450928} +{"text": "I no Gigit anjing. Gigit dog is Haram u know ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999535083770752} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Dec 7 2015, 12:02 PM)I don't see why aurat is a bigger concern when it comes to healthcare, as a consumer (patient) and/or as a practitioner. If you're so concerned about faith-related issues, what are you doing in a place that is dedicated to healing the physical? Why not stay home and appeal to the greater power instead? Make wishes for world peace and all that. You should be more concerned about tangible matters like quality of care, prices of medicine, competency of the doctors etc when it comes to healing the sick. This is a classic example of seeing the trees and not the forest, a luxury of nitpicking small issues when there are so much more bigger issues abound. Some are trying to equate this with recent incidents of government dress codes, but fail to see even then the ministers and authorities concerned admitted that such dress codes are not enforceable and are only discretionary. What, will they be so concerned about aurat and other sensitivities that one day they refuse to be touched by what they deem is a religiously improper medical personnel, even as they lie on the hospital bed? Will they accept the treatment, and then later sue the hospital once their lives are saved, because their faith was offended? Will medical personnel refuse to treat victims of alcohol-caused incidents? Indians refusing to touch someone who was poisoned eating beef? Buddhists refusing to treat food poisoning from meat-based products? Catholics refusing to be on call on Sundays?I find the attitude of some people about this to be frankly hypocritical. Where's their crusading moral outrage against cigarettes when it has long been declared haram 20 years ago? Instead we have complaints about rising cigarette prices. Another example of nitpicking, to be religiously outraged about things that are only inconvenient. That is why sometimes I snicker at the hypocrisy of those who attend Friday prayers, complete in traditional clothing; only to light it up when it's all over. Or worse, flick the cigarette butt anywhere and climb into their vehicle which is illegally parked but felt religiously justified to do so. So not only did the smoker violate a fatwa about smoking, he also broke secular rules about parking as well.They should just admit it that it has nothing to do with the religion, but because they perceive their right was infringed. It's an inconvenience, a challenge; that someone dared to restrict what she can or can not do. How dare the hospital say such a thing, to actually use the rulebook.\"Screw your rules, I have religion!\"Thats your opinion. Not the vast majority of muslims. There are things that can be compromised. There are things that have been chosen (e.g. this case) that can be optional.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5818899273872375} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to openhttps://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...l-toilet/499103This post has been edited by Ray2021: Mar 12 2024, 04:09 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999308586120605} +{"text": "Setuju dgn bos tu, betul lah pekerja kena ada mindset mcm peniaga (elakkan buat benda yg merugikan) & pembeli (buat makanan macam mana kita sebagai pembeli akan suka beli utk makan). Cuma kalau boleh, elakkanlah campak\u00b2 makanan, tu kan rezeki jgk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954547882080078} +{"text": "Apa yang nak syubhah nya?Tapai yang jual tepi jalan tak tau berapa lama dah peram yakin pulak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7905288338661194} +{"text": "QUOTE(damnkids01 @ Jan 15 2018, 11:47 AM)went to KK for work lately, and it was an awesome place. it was my first visit.people there are so friendly, and they dont see skin color, trust me when i say this, they really dont!the place i went, (town centre) hardly has any stupid mamaks, instead, you have chinese kopitiams and malay cafes. you know whats best about this?chinese kopitiams have malays (with tudungs!) working and serving you, and malay kopitiams have chinese serving you! it was a sight to behold!!and they do not have a different accent when speaking malay, etc, chinese in kl talk malay different with the kl malays.In Sabah they all use the same language and have the same accent!!! what a fantastic place!\u00a0 some difference in malay was recognized, like when I requested the hotel staff for some pins, they dont understand, then they explained to me its called \"peniti biru\" in Sabah!\u00a0 its the same with teh cina ais in ipoh-kl, ipoh its called \"cha suet\" but in kl its more towards \"suet cha\"due to work i didnt travel or go around much, but just these few moments alone made me feel like this is truly Malaysia, truly a place i can call my home.\u00a0 truly our cancerous religion/race havent spread there yet, and they are living in harmony without any race issues!stayed at Shangri-La Rasa Ria for a moment, this is the wedding hut or somethingafter work, went to town center hard rock cafe, just opened, they have Slash's top and Guns and Roses guitar, and many more legendary items on the wall.the sunset view at riverfrontmy first neslo panas in a beer mug! @@for dinner, i had seafood. this place was nearby the riverfront, and it is a sight i have never seen in kl. it is next to pasar malam. whole place selling grill seafood and u pick what you want, they will regrill and serve you at the seat behind. traders are very aggressive in promoting their merchandise, but no too over kind of thing! very nice to see them trying hard to attract customers! (tips, do not pick fishes that are reef-dwellers, they are not encouraged for environmental reasons, pick for the common ocean fishes)i had one fish rm18 half a pari rm7 small squids(palm sized!!) x 10 rm18 and some mangga muda and belacan. they also sell huge crabs, shrimps and lobsters.\nqIKx12Mc6es\n\nnext morning, i had the infamous local dish, Tuaran mee! unique and very tasty! something like wantanmee goreng or a fusion between wantanmee and char kuey teow. the noodle base was egg noodles.went to walk around riverfront again, had a sip of coconut. so-so only.. there were sewing machines and the sidewalks of the gift stalls next to waterfront, giving you services to repair clothes. tips, do not buy from people asking you on the street, and do not make eye contact with the childrens begging for money.at lunch, i had the awesome Kuching Laksa..? i dunno the sign says kuching laksa, but it was so yummy im having cravings for it after days i am not a laksa person, but i really want to eat this again badly!\u00a0 Welcome to Sabah, country (land) below the wind. Hope you enjoy your stay and there is actually a lot more for you to explore. If you ever come to Sabah again. Don't be afraid or shy to contact us. Gladly to show you or at least pin point you to nice location and some tips. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "\r\nnormal la budak tanya kenapa.....cuma kita kene bagi contoh nak terangkan...\r\ndah blaja ngaji tu ok la...kiranya dah paham la konsep dosa/pahala....boleh/tak boleh dalam agama khen?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "I always order pork dishes from grabfood like pork noodle, big pau, wanton mee etc. Will the riders think that I mencabar islam?This post has been edited by poweredbydiscuz: Apr 29 2024, 01:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997840166091919} +{"text": "QUOTE(call me random @ Sep 17 2015, 11:33 PM)agreed dupe.. gotta shut them up for once n for all but how la... u kan philosophy thinker, got any idea?If I only I was a dupe. For LYN racist goons, just ignore or delete their comments. For real life goons, ignore if you can, report to police if they too aggressive, they love it when you fight them, it gives them motivation and also good recruitment excuse. Kindness is always the best policy, the only way to fight them is using kindness to show the world how shameful they are. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "aku biasanya lakuin apa yg aku suka nder, kek ngelilingin mall sendiri klo ada yg aku suka aku beli, beli makanan yg aku pengen, kadang ngecafe sendiri sambil liatin orang orang, atau ke cafe lukis/bento cake gitu olahraga sepedaan/jogging", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6027630567550659} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Oct 25 2016, 11:06 AM)This is .. going overboard lah. Seriously not respecting people. It is not about confusing or terpesong akidah or anything.We know that Ramly brand burger is owned by Muslim. It is a brand name and always considered as halal foods. Using Ramly name as to market your babi product is totally disrespectful of other people's copyright, moreover associating the haram food with halal brand.another easily confused bugger ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998950958251953} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Apr 3 2024, 06:04 PM)asal melayu halal. tapi dia taktau dapur belipas bekeladakasal cina haram. walaupun ikut SOP dapur bersih barang mentah semua fresh n dari sumber halalHalal not really related to cleanliness per se. That is KKM or bandaraya job. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "Yay. Bangla dapat IC biru & status bumi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9875614643096924} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 25 2016, 04:15 PM)Yes. Of course Im not questioning jakim requirements They forgot to put one thing in fact: bribe Also part of the requirements Anyway. My point was on people claiming hotdog Is haram cuz got dog in the nameThats my pointThose claim hotdog is haram is either noobbodobangang or try to ignite tension between race/religion in malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "\r\nMakan Rasuah...bagi anak bini makan, buat pergi umrah sekeluarga...bila time makan...pandai lak nak cari yg HALAL...mcm bagus aja.....dia makan rasuah tu lagi sedap..tak yag cop JAKIM tanda Halal......", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "Sijil halal bukan utk tgk bersih ke tak tmpt tu. Sijil tu utk tunjukkan kedai tu dijalankan mengikut hukum syarak islam atau tidak. Dari segi dapat stock dr mana, barang2 digunakan utk buat dan proses makanan tu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9975530505180359} +{"text": "QUOTE(and85rew @ Jan 8 2021, 10:27 PM)Must be the caseWhat a shameWhat that owner have done wrong?They should sue backKenapa dorang langgan kedai Haram.. Kasi report.Instead fine tune your food quality and people will come patron if your food is gooding. No racing needed. Even cina/India also will langgan melei food if it's gooding. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 12:07 PM)Both haramRacist tu simpan skitwhats the level of haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999223947525024} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR \u2013 Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) mencadangkan kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) supaya mengeluarkan Sijil Halal dalam tulisan mengikut bangsa pemilik produk. Setiausaha Agungnya, Datuk Dr. Maamor Osman berkata, sebagai contoh, jika produk itu dikeluarkan oleh pemilik Melayu, Islam, Jakim perlu mengeluarkan Sijil Halal dalam tulisan Jawi. Katanya, begitu juga jika produk berkenaan dikeluarkan oleh syarikat Cina dan India, maka Sijil Halal mesti ditulis dalam bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil, bukan tulisan Jawi sebagaimana sebelum ini.Ini tegas beliau sebagai tanda akur PPIM berhubung penolakan tulisan Jawi oleh persatuan Cina, Dong Zong bagi pelaksanaan dalam kurikulum sekolah tahun depan. \u201cMereka (Dong Zong) tak nak Jawi, okey. Kita boleh terima. Tapi kita mahu penolakan itu secara menyeluruh sehingga pada produk keluarga bukan Islam pun dihapuskan tulisan Jawi. \u201cKita tidak mahu mereka mengambil kesempatan mengaut keuntungan atas kuasa membeli dalam kalangan orang Melayu dan Islam secara mengelirukan pembeli dengan tulisan Jawi.\u201cIni tidak patut. Kalau betul-betul bencikan tulisan Jawi, jangan pakai, walaupun pada produk mereka,\u201d katanya kepada media pada majlis kempen membeli akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Kosmo di sini, hari ini. Dr. Maamor turut memberi contoh seperti makanan segera roti pau yang menggunakan nama Melayu, sedangkan pemilik dan pekerjanya bukan Islam. Jelas beliau, tujuan pemilik menggunakan jenama Melayu dan nama Islamik kerana untuk mengelirukan pembeli Islam kononnya makanan itu halal. \u201cWalhal pemiliknya bukan Islam, tapi menggunakan nama orang Melayu untuk kelirukan orang Islam. \u201cKita mengajak orang Melayu, Islam selepas ini lebih berhati-hati membeli produk bukan Islam yang menggunakan nama Melayu,\u201d katanya. \u2013 MalaysiaGazette\nPnykEYxjMSs\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9755128026008606} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Feb 28 2023, 09:52 AM)I'm way past the gym protein scene but I used to spend crazy money on ons whey and those are expensive.What do u suggest for the frugal old men like me?Like it or not, whey protein is probably the best value for protein in the market. Last time I calculate, one serve of whey protein cost around rm2.00 - rm2.50.Cheaper than that is 4 eggs at around rm1.But would rather drink a flavoured whey protein drink or eat 4 boiled eggs twice a day? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998555183410645} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Aug 29 2017, 08:39 PM)Lets generalize all muslim like that. Yeah, let generalize that all non-muslim are like u. Topkek. I join my chinese friend eating at chinese restaurant got no problem. Just because u see some hardcore religion people dont just generalize all people like that.I'm not generalising all muslims. For example I wrote that to amon knowing he will probably sympathise with my situation. But lets say in a group of 10 right, all it takes is 1 taliban-wannabe cunt to spoil the whole party... and I'm speaking that from experience of having to run out to Tesco and BUY NEW CUTLERY, just because QUOTE(crash123 @ Aug 29 2017, 08:40 PM)If u \"was-was\" it already become haram. So better dont eatSo its okay for you to generalise all nons as wallowing in pork lard 24/7 without washing, but not okay for us to generalise that muslims are a bunch of OCD sociopaths when it comes to pork lard (and not, say, rokok or porn or bribe money or shellfish for some odd reason)...?noted This post has been edited by KLboy92: Aug 29 2017, 08:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993019163608551} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 05:49 PM)Lucky SZA made sure Persona and Gen2 facelift got glovebox.It's really laughable to think among the Mahalol shits SZA had to clean up, adding glovebox was one of it. God knows. At best i can think, Suzuki did seem like in a hurry to balik Nippon, maybe they used Ertiga to test water how feasible it is to stay. Still failed, how many willing to buy a car knowing the principal cabut edi? It was a decent car, better than Alza, Avanza, granted, but with very little prospect for aftersales support, it's difficult to recommend. Ya ya, Proton SC ada, but that was a time when Proton also almost bankrupt, hardly an assurance lol.Oh, masa tu pemerhati industri yang juga arif dengan isu alatganti Proton tak bising pula pengguna terima bahana masalah lol. Showing concern only when it's convenient, eh? Betul2 ada bakat nak jadi politikus kah49.9%I think if someone willing to fund him, he can be jaguh kampung just like that buzz azam fellasame tunelel \n4BGGqZGmSb4\n\nThis post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Mar 31 2021, 05:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9711417555809021} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:32 PM)vice versa ..2 kali 5 en?so due2 same jeI'm not saying u and ur science is wrong.What's wrong is u cakap org buat fatwa tu salah bulat-bulat.No 2x5 here. U sorang saja. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999931812286377} +{"text": "QUOTE(vexus @ Nov 23 2020, 01:59 AM)i never ask you buy at chiense stall. The seller has to improve her skill for consistency.https://youtu.be/tq9nzHuyMP0see this uncle how do his cakoi. Is all about the right skill.Just last weekend I was buying the famous taufoofa . Roadside stall.In front of me was one pakcik. While queuing up we chit chat. He said he has been eating taufoofa made by Chinese since he was a teenager. He said he proper Chinese made than Malay made ones.Chinese ones are soft, smooth and not so sweet. Just right.It's ok... Some food are best made by different race. Just like nasi lemak. I only eat Malay made ones. Chinese style nasi lemak not so nice.Rati canai.... Don't know why, I find the Malay made ones are nice than mamak . ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "What to do racing budaya manusia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5967103838920593} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Dec 21 2023, 11:01 PM)even if cina becomes the \"main customer\", if there is no malay working in mcd, can also close shop. I very seldom see cina working in mcd\u00a0 hiring practice kut, if you see Spades or other haram style restaurants still got cina flippers. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903275370597839} +{"text": "You living on their land so pay their tax.Tak suka can keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.779206395149231} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wassupman @ Aug 5 2015, 05:54 PM)you own a stall your mum own a warung dei... ini semua xpe la... but you want a permanent structure in the middle of no where... its out of the norm la...btw mufti kata vape haram... so shisha pun sama la... oh wai...hahaha..i dun want komen about shisha n vape haram..damn sure long discussion..besides its 6 oredy.. time to go home.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999035596847534} +{"text": "kalau tak suka harga mahal boleg berambus dari pasar ramadhanowaiii ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965408444404602} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chobits @ Nov 28 2016, 06:17 PM)these laws are undisputable if u want the cert.i hope u nampak the permainan now. education ?\u00a0 what have the gomen been doing for so many years for education ?JAKIM is doing what they can only..... this is the best JAKIM can do.No. I mean jakim need to educate this people Let them know. Hotdog is not dog meat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999749660491943} +{"text": "Seringkali netizen mengait dan menularkan isu status halal produk makanan Yeo's dengan Kod E 471 yang didakwa... http://fb.me/1sqw2AJ58", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "@ajibtoo Orait. Hujung minggu ni inshaallah gua balik. Kuey tiaw Hollywood yang dah viral takda sijil halal tu gua tak try lagi ni. Roti telur goyang pun barai lambat. haha", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7858085632324219} +{"text": "Ya Allah ini makanan kesukaanku. Sering beli pas pulang kerja. Bahkan aku suka nyari2 pecel mana yang paling enak di kotaku.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8834015727043152} +{"text": "cara cari kiblat & tahu makanan halal wajib setiap muslim tahu - jgn tunggu JAKIM jer spoon feed semua", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9753843545913696} +{"text": "QUOTEOldTown White Coffee is considering to take legal action against parties who claimed that one of its restaurants serves pork to customersAccording to a statement made by the company's management, OldTown White Coffee denied that its food contains pork and stressed that the allegation made in a viral video was untrue, reported New Straits Times.\"We want to point out that all OldTown White Coffee outlets have the Malaysian Halal Certification since 2010,\" the statement read.\"The halal certification and regulations are not something that should be taken lightly. We have ensured all ingredients for food and beverages do not contain pork or any non-halal items.\"In the said video, it shows what seems to be a bowl of curry laksa, while a voice behind the camera claims the 'red meat' in the dish is porkThe 42-second video went viral last week.The man can be heard claiming that the char siew meat in the dish is pork as he uses a kitchen knife to flip the toppings around.\"The red meat you see here is pork. Don't eat it. My friend bought it for me and I almost ate it. Luckily, I checked,\" the man claims.The dish in the video seems to resemble an item called 'Premium Curry Noodles'.According to OldTown White Coffee's website, the item comes with toppings such as prawns, fried beancurd, beancurd sheets, as well as char siew as toppings.Following the viral video, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) raided one of its restaurants in Subang JayaPhotos taken from the raid show that the char siew is 'BBQ chicken' and the packaging of the meat shows a halal logo.The incident prompted the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) to issue a statement, clarifying that the claim made in the video is not true.The agency advises members of the public to be more careful before spreading viral posts related to halal issues and that consumers should first seek clarification from the authorities to avoid making false accusations.According to Bloomberg, the OldTown brand was established in 2007 and headquartered in Ipoh, Perak.The company was once a public listed company, before being acquired by dutch coffee company Jacobs Douwe Egberts in 2018.Other than serving chicken char siew, it is worth noting that the restaurant chain also serves vegetarian items with the use of chicken mock meat.\ufeff ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9822200536727905} +{"text": "Confirm tak masuk Popular atau Kinokuniya ni. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9333630800247192} +{"text": "Sering beli ramen tapi cuma jarang dipost, kebetulan aja lagi main sama yang suka foto makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7809590101242065} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 11:13 AM)You just bring whatever is halal.As other member said, it's not like they gonna whack you anyway.It's halal restaurant. You pandai pandai do it.Whether you bring char siew or not, it will not change the status of McD as halal restaurant. It is you break the rule. McD remains as halal restaurant.Also i don't think they will enforce it that strictly I think some people here are concerned that other eateries will follow suit ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "Ga suka makanan pedes, tapi ayam geprek 10rb-an deket tempat kerja enak banget. Walaupun makan sambil nangis tetap akan aku habiskan dan beli lagi beli lagi beli lagi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9840753674507141} +{"text": "giving free handout without informing is the dumbest shit ever. Next time make sure u train ur staff properly. Actually why Malay so timid when work as cashier/promoter. It's like they just try their very best to reduce interaction with customer and also towards the workplace. They macam not interested with their job at all, know nothing about the products they handling. And because of knowing nothing, they damn scare customer interaction. Like back in school the student all tunduk bawah dont dare look at cikgu scare kena ask question. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7144396901130676} +{"text": "husband mesti tau all these kedai halal. thanks for sharing", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9937625527381897} +{"text": "\"tp kena tegur! kalau x tegur, kita nampak, kita pun salah sebab x tegur! pahala, bro... pahala\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949283599853516} +{"text": "Yitu haram, yini haram. Makan rumput jer la. Lol!This post has been edited by Ewww!: Mar 8 2023, 04:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995214939117432} +{"text": "Sounds like the poor worker got fired because he is Christian poor guy, so only Muslim can work in Muslim restaurants?Sumpah tanya jeCukurlah Thailand no such issue Siap ada mcd samurai pork burger best cc : ry8128 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990142583847046} +{"text": "Kami merupakan pakar menyingkir batu karang pundi hempedu di Malaysia.Dengan pengalaman kami di industri makanan dan bioteknologi yang lama, kami telah mencipta produk buah-buahan semula jadi kami yang tersendiri untuk membubarkan batu dalam masa 12 jam. DR JETOX khas digunakan untuk membubarkan batu hempedu dan membuang sisa-sisa makanan bertoksin di dalam badan. Kelebihan DR JETOX juga termasuk pengurangan berat badan setelah membuang sisa-sisa makanan bertoksin di dalam badan. Dalam masa 12 jam sahaja, batu karang pundi hempedu akan muncul di dalam mangkuk tandas selepas proses penyingkiran bahan-bahan buangan. Pesakit tidak perlu risau lagi pundi hempedu akan dibuang jika mereka terpaksa menjalani pembedahan di hospital.Produk kami telah lulus dan berjaya mendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa. Antaranya termasuk sijil Halal, HACCP dan sijil-sijil bertaraf antarabangsa.Kelebihan produk kami:-Dalam 12 Jam SahajaKaedah-kaedah yang lain di pasaran mengambil masa yang panjang (24jam atau 7 hari) untuk membubarkan batu hempedu. Produk kami yang merangkumi resipi yang berantioksida tinggi dapat menunjukkan keberkesannya dalam 12 jam sahaja. Dalam masa 12 jam sahaja, batu hempedu akan muncul di dalam mangkuk tandas selepas proses penyingkiran bahan-buahan buangan.Menyingkir Sisa-sisa Makanan BertoksinDisebabkan campuran Rosecalam Juice dan Bio-Active Mineral, produk kami mampu membubarkan sisa-sisa makanan yang lama antaranya termasuk sisa-sisa bertoksin yang terkandung dalam badan. Bio-Active Mineral berfungsi memperbanyakan air dalam usus malah mempercepatkan penyingkiran sisa-sisa makanan bertoksin.Mengurangkan Berat BadanSeperti yang dinyatakan di atas, produk kami dapat menyingkirkan sisa-sisa makan bertoksin dan najis terlonggok. Selepas sisa-sisa baki disingkirkan, berat badan pelanggan kami dibuktikan turun serta-merta.\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014Untuk memastikan pelanggan sah diserang batu hempedu, dibawah merupakan tanda-tanda kebentukan batu hempedu.*Rasa senak yang kronik*Rasa mual, angin kembung perut dan sakit abdomen*Loya dan muntah*Kesakitan di bahagian tengah dan kanan atas abdomen*Sakit perut pada bahagian sebelah kanan atas yang seperti gastrik*Sakit perut yang memulas hingga melarat ke tulang belikatKesimpulanUntuk pengetahuan anda, kami bertujuan untuk menyelamat pesakit batu hempedu dengan produk kami yang bersumber buah-buahan alam semula jadi. Kami tegaskan bahawa tidak perlunya untuk membuang pundi hempedu yang merupakan organ manusia yang penting maka merupakan kurniaan Tuhan kepada kami.Dr Jetox telah lama dikenali ramai maka testimony-testimoni boleh didapatkan di laman Facebook.Facebook Fanpage : DR JETOXSekiranya anda mempunyai apa-apa pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami bila-bila masa sahaja.Sekian, terima kasih.Ramon (Pengurus)The Club, Bukit Utama,1 Club Drive, Bukit Utama,Bandar Utama, 47800,Petaling Jaya, Selangor.GPS Coordinates: 3.151714,101.602716No. Talian:0109829005 (Ramon)Penghantar ke luar negeri? Sila rujuk kepada pengedar kami di berikut.Kelantan \u2013 Abang Nis (WhatsApp 012 680 5989 or WhatsApp 017 682 6005)Kedah \u2013 Abang Nis (WhatsApp 012 680 5989 or WhatsApp 017 682 6005)Terengganu \u2013 Abang Nis (WhatsApp 012 680 5989 or WhatsApp 017 682 6005)Pahang \u2013 Abang Nis (WhatsApp 012 680 5989 or WhatsApp 017 682 6005)Perlis \u2013 Abang Nis (WhatsApp 012 680 5989 or WhatsApp 017 682 6005)Kuala Lumpur \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Wilayah Persekutuan \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Selangor \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Melaka \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Negeri Sembilan \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Pulau Pinang \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Johor Bahru \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Perak \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005)Sabah & Sarawak \u2013 Ramon (WhatsApp 010 982 9005) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996699094772339} +{"text": "QUOTE(new in IT @ Mar 20 2024, 09:49 AM)With power of 3.5x , sure gonna get best version of Malaysian food.Iberico pork kut tehIberico pork noodle ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "\r\nkalau tengok makanan dia, semua kita nampak sedap.. hakikatnya.. ada yang sedap ada yang tak.. so far akak boleh lagi lah makan sup dumpling, sotong goreng, mee sup dia tu, nasi goreng.. .yg lain2 tak sedap.. even pisang celup bread crumb tu pun tak sedap... tawar... kalo nak try boleh lah...\u00a0\u00a0akak sarankan korang pegi explore belah2 belakang muslim quarter ni...\u00a0\u00a0tempat tinggal dia orang ni.. lagi hapenning.. banyak kedai makan kecik2 yang korang boleh cuba... sedap... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989284873008728} +{"text": "Muslim wajib menjual benda yang halal kepada Muslim yang lain ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962918758392334} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyseej00 @ Nov 16 2020, 01:41 PM)Bodo mia Jakim, raid because of viral video. Many viral videos of ppl saying Najib anal smex with Altantuya, why don't catch?u la bodo dont read properly, very racist that's why your mind full of hatredJAKIM didnt raid, the one that raid is by KPDNHEPJAKIM is trying to be honest and fair, they already informed Old Town did not do wrong...u still blame them? stupiak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chaud @ Dec 23 2021, 06:29 PM)the same company the PuAS tried hard to ban so far no news of them doing any contributionPuAS is a useless party who only know how to say \"haram\" and \"takdir Allah\".When tragedy struck, they will run away and hide in Kelantan. Ask them to try to tell muslims in Klang & Shah Alam to reject the meals & care packages from Heineken. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6041848659515381} +{"text": "PERCUMA\n\nJika anda berminat untuk memilki sijil halal jakim untuk produk makanan sahaja.. sila pm atau whatapps,... http://fb.me/84sWlkGZV", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989168643951416} +{"text": "beli semua makanan yang aku suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997113347053528} +{"text": "QUOTE(DValentine @ Apr 17 2024, 05:03 PM)kek cheap tacticshit place tak nak mengalah cakap sarcasmkahkahkah. woiiii aku serius la ngok. sebab tu lah aku duduk hulu dol. tak nak orang ramai2. kawan dengan beruk lagi bagus. ko nak mampus jem hari2 ikut ko la samdol. kahkahkah. skit2 sarcasm. banggang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996067881584167} +{"text": "business owners already struggling to minimize cost..... now expect them to invest more in vending machine to cater for sensitivity of workers pulak.in the good old days.. its PERFECTLY FINE AND LOGICAL to hire the best person for the job the LOW TECH way. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997969269752502} +{"text": "\n\n Ok, gib sijil Haram then \n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999140501022339} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Sep 24 2017, 11:32 PM)Dah le tu. Hang nak taksub sangat tu kenapa? Pegi tengok balik ape yang menentukan haram halal. Lepas tu ko nak khutbah kat sini sukati ko la.Ko dengan pengetua tahfiz tu 2x5. Takyah reply aku. Aku takde mood nak layan benda merepek malam niRelax la aku nak troll sikit tak bleyApekedehal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(demamkuning @ Jun 22 2015, 08:31 PM)Sebab tak penting.Ape yang penting for me as customer is awek bertetek besar jadi cashier/waitressbetul betullagi besar, makanan lagi halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999496936798096} +{"text": "just put logo non-halal or halal is enoughharam not just becoz of babi lethe way animal slaughtered also can become haram/halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 24 2024, 09:28 PM)The best is Chinese Thanks for your sharing.Quite an amusing piece of work?First time I come across this piece of artwork! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "QUOTE(cempedaklife @ Apr 25 2024, 06:44 AM)Think they dunno what\u2019s going on la.Yelah kasi explain la dulu diorang pun x tau tu..jangan suka ambik tindakan sendiri ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976276755332947} +{"text": "QUOTE(AbbyCom @ Sep 8 2023, 01:18 PM)Like in tapai mah....Penang say tapai ok if not made into alcoholic drink with intention to get drunk, but Selangor say rice wine haram. https://www.muftiselangor.gov.my/fatwa-pers...negar-cuka-wainThis post has been edited by JohnL77: Sep 9 2023, 06:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5868265628814697} +{"text": "QUOTE(K.I.T.T @ Sep 3 2017, 09:23 AM)Duduk kat universiti china. Ntah ntah surau pun takde. Nak basuh berak pun susah. Makanan kat cafe x pasti halal haram. Aku harap iman budak tu tidak setipis bawangAre you trying to start a race/religion war on thread? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998032450675964} +{"text": "Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980278611183167} +{"text": "problem with people that talk bad about the pregnant mother, they oso use facebook, google by jews. these selective boycott rly problem. if u want to boycott, fine , its your choice. but dun la talk bad about other ppl . McD is not even a haram thing . Like me i got elderly who easy eat bubur mekdi. no other alternative. i would say go fly kite to those who say bad things about it . ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978657364845276} +{"text": "@MyJAKIM Assalamualaikum nak tanya, skrg viral pasal minuman yg masih belum dapat status halal Jakim tu, jadi, golongan2 yg minum ni, bertanya balik, kenapa goreng pisang /nasi lemak tepi jalan tu, x de mohon sijil halal Jakim pun? Macam mana sy nak jawab ye.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999752044677734} +{"text": "dah kata jangan campur ekonomi dengan agama tapi degil juga.Langkawi bukan saja harga yahudi sekarang mau lagi Muslim friendly.siapa yang berminat pergi sana dengan pelbagai-bagai kekangan. orang bayar untuk rilek bukan untuk diikat dengan bermacam-macam syarat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6805701851844788} +{"text": "@OwToTheZie @sitiawe_ Haah kan. Pelik lah kenapa kalau yg jual dkt kiosk or kedai besar sikit mesti ramai persoalkn ada sijil halal ke tak. Pdhl dkt tepi jalan berlambak yg jual mcmtu je\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8092840313911438} +{"text": "Kuda sangat small shit aso want to viralkan, kan dah malu?Reli takde hal kita buat hal mindset ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997981190681458} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Dec 29 2023, 03:44 PM)actually they shud be worriedmy area got 1 bangla stall, open 24/7, always on time and never late. now compared to the mak cik stalls, they should really be worriedbecause there is a competitor, they dengki la tu....then viral for authority to take action what cheap move ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8086686730384827} +{"text": "http://kemusykilan.islam.gov.my/v2/index_j...p?ids=103886&q=Assalamualaikum w.b.t,Saudara / Saudari yang dirahmati Allah,Minuman malta ini tidak mendapat sijil halal dari jakim. Mohon menyemak sama ada minuman tersebut tertera logo halal atau tidak.Ini kerana, ada minuman malta yang dihasilkan adalah halal dan ianya bukanlah dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak.Mohon merujuk fatwa yang dinyatakan:Berdasarkan taklimat, pembentangan dan penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh pakar-pakar daripada Institut Penyelidikan Produk Halal, Universiti Putra Malaysia serta dengan mengambilkira keputusan-keputusan yang telah diputuskan dalam Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia terdahulu, Muzakarah Khas Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia yang membincangkan isu alkohol dalam makanan, minuman, pewangi dan ubat-ubatan pada 14 hingga 16 Julai 2011 telah bersetuju memutuskan seperti berikut: Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis. Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh. Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum. Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum. Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh ) dimakan/diminum. Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%. Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak. Wallahua'lam ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998319149017334} +{"text": "Kalau suka sgt persoalkan vaksin, kenapa xnak persoalkan sekali tanda halal JAKIM yg dah sedia ada kat pek2 makanan? Boleh pulak kali ni yakin pada JAKIM? Sebab makanan? Tuan buatlah semua kerja dari awal, korek semua benda, jadi ejen rumah, ejen takaful, xyah percaya ejen2 lain", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9915397763252258} +{"text": "Wakil MUI Asrorun Niam Terpilih Jadi Ketua Komite Makanan Halal Dunia: Sekretaris Komisi Fatwa MUI Asrorun Nia... http://bit.ly/1dagtNl", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9935651421546936} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 21 2016, 10:39 AM)In Dubai, my Arab associate suddenly sit beside me in the hotel cafe and eats his food without any problem whilst I had real bacon and eggs! I feel uneasy, so I apologize. He said dun look down on his strength of his faith! 3 thing - iman, ilmu and ibadat. These are whats lacking in many I was told.I got many friends like this very relaxedBut some ppl are too sensitiveThis post has been edited by Lumiaaa: May 21 2016, 02:37 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986322522163391} +{"text": "I believe for charity. They can take 30% of the total donation for their operation fund. Boleh kuda boleh untung. Best business ever ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.983458399772644} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Sep 10 2023, 12:55 PM)NoBut eaters eat without having to debate about haram or halal or not. Just eat.But when it comes to 0.02 % alcoholFuh.\u00a0 Debate long long.This is called, tunggang agama Religion dumb followers down And thats how they green wave. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997609257698059} +{"text": "kesian abang panda...some vendor...kenot keep up..rider need to wait long time...still take online order...tat day i tunggu dekat 2 jam...still status preparing food...but cs dunwan cancel...because say vendor is preparing food...ok nvm i wait...already 2 hours...i told to cancel it..bla bla cancel at the end... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9084941744804382} +{"text": "\r\nPengeluar makanan akuatik Bumiputera pertama di Kelantan, Zeotech Industries (M) Sdn Bhd kini dalam usaha membantu penternak ikan di negara ini mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap sumber makanan yang diragui kebersihan dan kesuciannya.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Ketua Pegawai Operasinya, Wan Abu Bakar Wan Omar berkata, makanan ikan\u00a0\u00a0atau pelet yang dihasilkan syarikat itu dijamin halal, suci dan selamat bukan sahaja untuk ternakan, malah manusia.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \"Ini kerana bahan- bahan digunakan seperti dedak padi, beras hancur, isi ikan yang kebiasaannya digunakan untuk membuat keropok dan tepung gandum, sudah melalui proses penyelidikan dan dibuktikan tidak mengandungi bahan beracun serta tidak memudaratkan,\u201d katanya kepada Sinar Harian di Karnival Antarabangsa Bio Kelantan 2013 (Bio-K\u2019 13), yang berlangsung di Kelantan Trade Centre (KTC), semalam.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Wan Abu Bakar berkata, jika sebelum ini ramai dalam kalangan penternak memilih perut ayam dan bahan buangan semata-mata untuk mengurangkan kos, namun kini alasan tersebut mungkin tidak lagi relevan kerana sudah wujud pelet halal dihasilkan syarikatnya.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \"Masalah kos bukan lagi menjadi persoalan kerana makanan ikan dikeluarkan Zeotech Industries murah dan mampu dibeli penternak,\" katanya.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Beliau berkata, syarikatnya sentiasa memantau kualiti produk supaya ikan dapat membesar menepati jadual, selain menghasilkan pelet tanpa bau dan bebas daripada racun serta sisa toksik.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u201cPenternak tidak perlu ragu tahap kebersihan dan kesucian pelet kami kerana produk kami telah melepasi ujian halal dari makmal diiktiraf selain dilengkapi sistem pengilangan yang maju, kakitangan berpengalaman dan kawalan kualiti ketat,\u201d katanya.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Menurutnya, pelet dihasilkan Zeotech Industries bukan sahaja sesuai untuk ikan malah boleh dimakan ternakan lain termasuk kambing, lembu dan itik.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Beliau menambah, ikan yang diberi pelet tersebut bukan sahaja sihat dan cepat membesar, malah tidak hanyir selain rendah risiko kematian kerana membantu meningkatkan kadar oksigen dalam air.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Mengulas lanjut, Wan Abu Bakar berkata, pelet yang sudah berada di pasaran seluruh Malaysia sejak empat tahun lalu itu bukan sahaja menjanjikan keuntungan maksimum kepada penternak, malah mampu menjamin perkembangan ekonomi penternak.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Dalam pada itu, bercakap mengenai sasaran, Wan Abu Bakar berkata, syarikat itu menyasarkan pengeluaran 100 tan metrik pengeluaran sebulan bagi tahun ini.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \"Zeotech Industries adalah satu-satunya syarikat bumiputera Melayu yang diberi lesen mengeluarkan makanan ikan oleh Jabatan Perikanan dan kini kami menyasarkan untuk menguasai pasaran antarabangsa.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u201cSetakat ini, kami sudah menguasai Malaysia dan kini berusaha memasuki negara seperti Indonesia, Thailand, Singapura dan Filipina,\u201d katanya yang turut berharap mendapat kepercayaan dan peluang lebih besar daripada penternak dan pengusaha Melayu di negara ini.\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9933690428733826} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 19 2023, 06:24 PM)I am 100% sure that most halal high end restaurants and hotel restaurant in our country has non muslim chefs working with them where the christian staff carries cross on their neck and\u00a0 bindi for Hindu females.Those chefs consider lucky la helang place. Don't have B40 poorfeg curi curi snap picture complain tarik halal certification or viral for everybody. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(K.I.T.T @ Sep 3 2017, 09:23 AM)Duduk kat universiti china. Ntah ntah surau pun takde. Nak basuh berak pun susah. Makanan kat cafe x pasti halal haram. Aku harap iman budak tu tidak setipis bawangxiamen university kat malaysia la.apa raa..http://www.xmu.edu.my/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998996257781982} +{"text": "QUOTE(pornoman2128 @ Jul 24 2024, 01:42 PM)Sorry I thought your \"Sinsification\" comment was referring to the disappearance of Malay culture, but it was actually about the Wumao business owner putting tanglungs in her own business premises. She should've just told them \"you tak suka, you boleh keluar\" like what Chinese used to get told to.For me, Chinese ppl have been happily enjoying malay food for decades here, I'm also happy now got more and more halal Chinese food for Malays to try Chinese style cooking. But probably I should listen to you and get be pissed off that Malays now also copying Chinese Ang Pows, releasing fireworks during Raya and sending their kids to Chinese schools.No I'm not pissed off, cos I understand it all. It's sad really. You see the same thing in Africa. The word for it is Cultural Appropriation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_appropriationIt is a kind of mental colonization. Just the SAME thing that China is accusing the West of doing. They are doing it all themselves, the very exact same thing.If you truly respect a culture, you would not want them to become like you, but you would encourage them to kekal as they are.This post has been edited by Hobbez: Jul 24 2024, 01:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8217145800590515} +{"text": "Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda: \"Empat perkara yang apabila ada pada dirimu, maka tidak akan masalah bagimu bagian dunia yang luput darimu:\n\n1. Menjaga Amanah\n2. Jujur dalam berkata\n3. Ber-akhlak baik\n4. Menjaga diri dengan makanan yang halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8734601140022278} +{"text": "let me take a selfie beside van dulu fikiran. kalau ada mayat best beside mayat lagi cepat pa mous ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994125366210938} +{"text": "Ga tau wkwk, aku jarang ke pasar. Beli bahan makanan di supermarket soalnya suka banyak promo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998822212219238} +{"text": "cross contamination sbb handle makanan halal? dah semua halal kau handle la cemana pun asalkan bersih siot. ending kau makan gak semua lain la kalau akak tu handle babi, which is haram? aduyai benak ubi nya la manusia", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999532699584961} +{"text": "QUOTE(malaozhai @ Jul 24 2024, 07:46 AM)Too free nothing to doQUOTE(Doomsday @ Jul 24 2024, 08:02 AM)That's why you don't live in b40 neighborhood.T20 people just muhibah all the way jer.B40 everyday must do something viral shitPeople who are too free nothing to do are usually M40.B40 are too busy doing foodpanda, no time to viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978591799736023} +{"text": "pandangan pas..ini machiem ada haram ka ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "QUOTE(samftrmd @ Apr 29 2023, 07:03 PM)[attachmentid=11466512]Only got can. Got different or not?draught the best...if cant find get bottle...can taste weird ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999945878982544} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Jan 12 2015, 11:16 AM)I'm not saying Quran is only applicable in one era. What I'm trying to say is, when we read the text, we should also know the context of the text, not follow it simply literally. I agree with you, we shoud selarikan, which is what we reformist muslim is trying to call for, reinterpetation of the text. It's about INTERPRETATION. Quran is always applicable, in all era, but in which interpretation?But bear in mind, we call for this, but doesn't mean it's not happening yet, reformation within Islam has been going on since forever.Kenapa tidak? Kita bukan mahu \"ubah Islam\", tapi memperbaharui pemahaman, intrepretasi quran dan hadis. Quran dan Hadith itu masih sama. Dan ini bukan benda baru, memang pemahaman telah dan sedang diperbaharu. Islam yang dipraktis sekarang tidak sama exactly dengan Islam beratus2 tahun dahulu, meaning praktisan Islam sudah sememangnya \"berubah\". Mungkin ada yang terkejut dengar ini, Islam berubah. Perkataan \"berubah\" itu mengejutkan, dan akan ada yang tidak setuju. Bukan saya kata Islam itu berubah, cuma pemahaman itu diperbaharui dengan timbulnya minda moden, negara itu negara ini, fatwa itu fatwa ini, mazhab itu mazhab ini, pembaharuan perlahan dalam beratus2 tahun. To me, you sound like those who call for the caliphate system to be back in this modern times. Am I correct?If so, I disagree with that.can you please give us some examples of these 'perubahan'? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6826781034469604} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Feb 23 2023, 12:14 AM)marry to a PRC still cannot get PR? AfraidIGotBan still bangla status over there even tho his wife PRC?Told you.CitizenshipLessOne1984 jilat Da Ge's backside 1000 years also can't get citizenship. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951267242431641} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Dec 6 2015, 08:16 PM)Keyward.assesory to defamation. Lawyers will send two letters to the president and the nurse. They have a stipulated time to apologize publically or risk being summoned to court. The PPMI will pull out from this for sure after finding out they are defending a nurse to MIA from work. Oh yeah if she sues the hospital through Labour department she will lose. That's why Human resource is for.Don't jump the gun, my comrade. Asriyah v SPA will disagree. This would at best be a 50-50 chance. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998406171798706} +{"text": "Suoh Jakim labelkan HARAM instead of HALAL pd brg makanan..??\n\nAde beza ke?? Same je kan. -___-\"", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9686910510063171} +{"text": "@NajibRazak Dasar kerajaan yg ada sekarang spesis penipu lepas ni boleh buat sijil spm , Diploma ,Phd semua palsu sbb semuanya halal apa nak heran", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "\r\nSalam\r\nNak share info ni:\n\n\n\nBuku ni disyorkan oleh Mufti Negeri Perak\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\"Kehidupan umat islam masa kini semakin tercabar. Secara tidak sedar, perkara makanan untuk keperluan harian banyak mempengaruhi budaya hidup umat islam masa kini. Bagi orang islam, sebarang isu berkaitan dengan persoalan halal dan haram perlu diberi perhatian serius.\n\nSaya menganjurkan supaya buku ini dibaca dan dikaji oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Buku ini akan menghilangkan sebarang keraguan yang timbul dalam minda masyarakat islam kerana ia dijelaskan secara saintifik.\"\n\n\nDato Seri Dr Haji Harussani Haji Zakaria\nMufti Kerajaan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998719692230225} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 9 2021, 08:22 AM)But that place is basically catering Chinese customers. Most Malays will go to Kajang market anyway. So why die die also want a stall there.Typical mentality of some Malays. When they see a place is successful, they want to go in but don't realise that once they go in and change things, the place will loose it's appeal. This is the same when they do biz among Malays themselves too. If you notice, once a nasi lemak stall become popular, a few nasi lemak stall will also pop up nearby and at the end, every one not doing well. They don't try to work with each other where each stalls offer different food. It's the mentality of slaying the goose that lay golden eggs.Then u have the culture of enviousness. Kenot see others succeed, must die2 bring down. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9798647165298462} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcal @ Mar 14 2024, 10:14 AM)firdaus holy my foot. before becoming saudara baru work at kilang arak in charge of sales or something. after become saudara baru, he found one idea to scam his new saudara by starting an NGO. he use NGO money to pump into his biz enterprises which all dont last long. halal chinese restaurant bungkus. supermarket biz oso chaplap. last is his tv broadcasting until now oso krik2 padahal ppl donate million2 to his NGO orediIf not mistaken i watched his video before where he explained that he isterested reverted to islam when he is i. secondary school.lagi. He even start dakwah when he is a student. Not sure if i tertukar orang with other chinese muslim becoz difficult to remember now becoz git many chinese muslim who become pendakwah.This post has been edited by pfizer: Mar 14 2024, 11:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9296300411224365} +{"text": "Datang sana takyahlah order babi, order jela makanan biasa macam roti telur, nasi goreng ke apa ke. Makanan ni pon datang dari sumber halal asalkan dia sediakan cara biasa, bersih dan yakin unuk dimakan. Takkan la dia supply roti gardenia yang haram.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8084766268730164} +{"text": "QUOTE(andylyc @ Jan 21 2021, 08:51 AM)Ada Spesis M dengki dengan kejayaan orang tapi sendiri tak mampu. Buat hal untuk jahanamkan rang.QUOTE(titanz @ Jan 21 2021, 09:23 AM)later VITS will saman those who started the fitnahQUOTE(s3iryu @ Jan 21 2021, 10:05 AM)Biasalah syarikat kaum pendatang suka suka fitnah je dan jahanamkan business dia, dengan ini syarikat oren kito dapatlah rampas pelanggan/business dari dia orangBukan fitnah ni, JAKIM yang batal cert sebab kilang kotor. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9513996839523315} +{"text": "Kesian aq tngok puak\u00b2 walanon ni bail laki pompuan sama\u00b2 bodoh kecik\u00b2 tak didik jadi mcm ni,yg walanon bebas arak,bebas kedai judi halal kaa haram benak org ph ni", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8325721621513367} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:58 AM)I think like my kolik, they ok\u00a0 a chinese kolik of mine bring haram food and eat together with them...i so paiseh, they ok jer....Haram food means pork? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999240636825562} +{"text": "QUOTE(FaTJ3sT3R aka Th!NjOK3R @ Dec 7 2015, 04:29 PM)See...when register 9 is the best performer cos that counter has the most transaction... the employer might want to promote or give bonus to the person in register 9....but when this happen....other Registers will make noise and say its unfair....demand employer give bonus fairly and limit the quota of hiring too many register 9 ppl.....U get the drift....lol...u hit it right in the heart...!then sure got protek comes up and say why other register ditindas... oh waii ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.854739785194397} +{"text": "QUOTE(teikboon @ Feb 2 2018, 10:56 AM)convert ke tak anak vincent tan tu? dengar kata tan sri tak suka perkahwinan ini...Why????? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9640896916389465} +{"text": "tudung pun mahal nak mampos, sapa dapat bini suka tudung kelab malam ni padan muka la..kahkahkah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9876819252967834} +{"text": "People already state out price, suka hati ppl nak charge how much laa? Ppl got force you to go there eat? Why so bodoh wan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999186992645264} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Mar 24 2024, 04:23 AM)Tell that to those street hawkers and their muslim customersits haram now?only food with halal logo can consume right ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "Untuk meletakkan nama sesebuah syarikat sebagai pembekal, anda harus memastikan bhw, Alamat syarikat Diiktiraf halal oleh jakim Sijil halal masih sah. Perkara yg sama juga harus dilakukan utk setiap ramuan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9182077050209045} +{"text": "\r\nHuhu.. Sushi restaurant tengah2 kl satu pon x ada yg diiktiraf jakim ke???? Frustnye makkkkk ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5975590348243713} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ Oct 16 2017, 06:35 PM)Next time, bring dogs into restaurants, next time follow someone bring dogs into laundry, next time bring dogs into hypermart let it pee all over the place.....next time....like only one laundry in a hundred......eh, better still, pasar ramadhan for muslims only.....it is those zameehan style preachers that are preaching intolerance towards non muslims.but if you see non muslims - have we ever brought dogs into restaurants when we know muslims are around? no. even when fasting month, we have muslim colleagues, and we purposely go into the pantry room during lunch time, so they would not see us eating, non muslim people only bring dogs to parks that permit dogs. And don't connect non muslims with dogs, not all of us like dogs. So don't assume all our clothes got dog hair. I actually dislike stray dogs because they tend to poop everywhere. Have you seen non muslim bring dogs to a pasar ramadhan? come on use your brains.Your brains is so rasis that you think all non muslim got pork in their saliva and dog hair on their shirts. Some of my non muslim friends don't like to eat pork because they got policy not to eat anything 4 legged because of the animal smell. So they eat chicken and fish as meat only. I also know some non muslims are allergic to dogs and some also feel its dirty to touch a dog. You are actually racially profiling us. You relate non muslims to dog and pigs. instead of focusing on these small issues, you should be looking at the bigger picture. Like striving to be a better person, doing best at what you do, helping the poor, what about the rohingya? why focus on freedom of opening a dobi for muslim only - when there are bigger unsolved issues. Like gambling for 4ekor among muslims? like fighting corruption? more serious problems. more abandoned babies in Kelantan, pre marital sex among youths, and again - the rohingya issue.if u continue to support these policies, all the investors will run away from this country and employment will drop. Soon all the things you wanted to buy - that nice BMW super tourier bike that you wanted to travel with your friends, pay for the best milk bottle, stroller, diapers for your baby - who is going to supply those? those pas leaders? just look at the wonders they are doing for Kelantan. They fail to run the govt and provide jobs.not sure about religion but if UAE, Qatar and Kuwait can be religious while enriching their wealth, its actually not wrong to be productive and wealthy while at the same time can be religious.This post has been edited by Pete the great: Oct 17 2017, 09:01 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9468432664871216} +{"text": "\r\nKalau pasangan laki bini ni, apa lah nk dihairankan, nak terkejut2 bagai\r\nDari belum kawen pun dah melekat gi holidy sana sini..gi holiday tak kan tido bilik asing2 kan\r\nIni kan pulak pasal makanan..depa bukan kesah pun halal haram\r\nDepa amalkan ajaran islam pada bulan ramadan aje..\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "\neyansss replied at 17-8-2021 12:02 PM\nhahaha...\u00a0\u00a0kawan dia balas apa lepas tu?\nxreply trs.\u00a0\u00a0mesti tkjut kne sound setepek. bnda2 gitu klu nk tnya dm la.. kwn tu bknnya br niaga kek.. tau la dia nk pilih bhn halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999425411224365} +{"text": "You tak suka you balik tongshan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.978984534740448} +{"text": "QUOTE(xen0 @ Aug 6 2015, 04:20 PM)jew cannot eat hard shell animal ie:siham, lobster ..lagi teruk .... boooooo....siham best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998338222503662} +{"text": "Actually bkt mmg tak boleh diwartakan sebagai warisan tradisi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7851265072822571} +{"text": "Majraha Maxwhite & Bunga The Best Skin Therapy \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffb KKM, SIJIL HALAL JAKIM & UJIAN KELEMBAPAN DARI SIRIM. (KKM/NOT180905944K) Mesti cuba pelopor losyen putih pertama Majraha Maxwhite ni dari 2013 lagi. Sangat berkesan, selamat & repeat order yang terbaik\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb #MajrahaMaxwhite", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992632269859314} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevin23 @ Jun 1 2020, 10:09 AM)But weird tak haramkan ciggie. The harm outweighs the benefit tooWeird yea?Ciggie is haram. Already have fatwa.This post has been edited by FlyingVCLplayer: Jun 1 2020, 10:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6252641081809998} +{"text": "QUOTE(MishimaZ @ Aug 17 2023, 05:44 PM)Need cover rental ma... Everytime landlords also raise price ikut suka dia, this is what we get lor...Btw ada 'feel' Penang tu... appeal to many sohai customers.and the fukkin Jonker Street at Melakaevery single time my fren cakap must makan at that streetayam laff 9 him and say, good food wont be there one la, food over there iz to con you these type of fukkin tourist ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999629259109497} +{"text": "@asrulmm Kalau nak sijil halal pakai duit ja apa kualiti sijil halal tu. Mesti yg susah dia tu kriteria yg kena lepas. Bukan takat duit ja. Kalau dh toke untung besar. Apa ada hal takat sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Dec 5 2023, 01:25 AM)A well made sarawak laksa is one of the best thing I ate in lifeCorrection. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999024868011475} +{"text": "http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/299644May 26, 2015MalaysiakiniJakim revokes Secret Recipe's halal certThe halal certificate of popular cake franchise Secret Recipe has been withdrawn by the department of Islamic Development Malaysia(Jakim).However, Jakim said the revocation of halal certification for Secret Recipe Manufacturing Sdn Bhd was not due to the use of \"haram ingredients\" but was instead due to issues involving cleanliness.\"The revocation of the halal certification was because of a breach of the halal certification procedure manual involving serious offences on cleanliness and good manufacturing practices.\"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.863922119140625} +{"text": "Pulokkkkk dahhNon la non non laBukan kah dulu non kata my money my suka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962596893310547} +{"text": "Memang betul ada makanan yg halal atau haram. Tp itu dilihat dr kandungan apakah mengandung unsur2 yg dibolehkan atau tdk. Uang haram = Uang yg didpt dr perbuatan yg dilarang dlm Islam. Disini berlaku pada Hukum Perbuatan (aktifitas). Jd kita yg dihisab nanti amal perbuatan kita", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999531507492065} +{"text": "QUOTE(SKY233 @ Sep 4 2020, 10:29 AM)inb4 nons jgn campur tanganIn the big scale of things, bukan pasal non, and non memang dun care pun. It is about politicizing & monetizing religion. Nons really laff at this kind of things really. But as usual la kena laff tak puas hati and butthurt. From that boleh lagi tambah nons insulting religion. But you saw it is wrong, but you cannot fight back or talk about it. I kesian really..... minda & jiwa kena shackle by belief. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9427776336669922} +{"text": "@dak_arepppp @gxzxrx @beckxxxxx @ikayokay Jenuh camni, nanti jiran sedekah lauk bertukar juadah masa berbuka minggu depan dia minta sijil halal dak? Kalau jiran tak mampu provide bagaimana? Aigoooooo", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "rider konpiusendup mee tarik and haram rice kena swapped ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999945878982544} +{"text": "QUOTE(MiLKTea @ Jul 28 2019, 04:41 PM)^ Jangan persoal! Jakim halal all the way!Hi, mind to elaborate which part of it are \"jangan persoal\"?Or do you have \"cepat teruja\" problem where you blurt out memes or words without knowing how to use it based on context? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999729573726654} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:09 PM)this is also true. Halal also depends on how confident you are.If you are not confident, and yet you eat the thing, then it's considered haram.If you are confident (with proper reasons, dont la confident even though got pork), then you eat, will be considered halal.This only applies in cases of uncertainty. If terang2 haram like pork, u confident also memang haram.And some people often mistook ignorance for confidence. \"Aiya, this Dim Sum can eat wan, they dont serve pork wan\" this is not confidence, this is ignorance.\"Dont worry, this Dim Sum never serve pork, and they buy their chicken and beef from halal supplier, can eat wan\" this is confidence.lol.yes,very true indeed This post has been edited by amon_meiz: Nov 2 2013, 06:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957017302513123} +{"text": "Bukan suka.. tapi mereka nak mencuba.. dah cuba.. x suka.. x beli dah.. makanan mcm ni ada season", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.994884192943573} +{"text": "Why need to explain ?We all have our trouble. Fact is fact 58 buck lamb shank isn\u2019t for everyone so just let it be if this is his pointJust wish him well and let him hustle. Tak suka jangan la orderNi tidak, tak order lagi tambah api post bukan bukanCmon la if u got colleague come stab at your back daily and u already struggle mesti la bengang kan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9861087203025818} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotdayum @ Jul 1 2021, 03:27 PM)Nak bagi lagi best punyerrr tp takut kena lipot la. Dengar kata mod baru nih bukan sebarang anginnya.test water la sikit... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993419051170349} +{"text": "QUOTE(megahertz @ Oct 28 2020, 10:10 AM)lol. thats why people say /k full of stupid people. if u dont know, then stop spreading wrong fact. if u refer to muslim, that muslim might be wrong too. he might get false teaching etc. and i like i said, u get this from by ur own, which clearly u understand differently. \"ajaran sesat\" as we called it.if every1 so clever, they no need a teacher, just refer to books. then why u still going for school ? or u didnt ? lolits not full of holes, its just used for few centuries. so of cos most of the knowledge mostly general and not specifiy.\u00a0 how u going to refer something that cover that long. each century, we will have lots of thing changed. but it should cover the basic knowledge . those haram things already clearly stated.like this halal things. everything is halal except stated haram otherwise. then how u define halal etc including this halal logo. of cos we need something that interpret it clearly. this is my last reply. cos waste of time discussing something that u dont know about it. and i dont interfere with other religions if i dont know about it or if i only knew lil bit. thats just made me stupid.So basically, you say \"it's not full of holes\" right after you say \"muslims might be wrong too\". Want to potek also use that brain la... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.946651041507721} +{"text": "Dulu pasal Cadburry punyalah kata JAKIM menipu bagai. Tiba\u00b2 pasal mee Samyang percaya pula JAKIM kata halal\n\nPilih makanan ke fatwa ni?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "It's haram for me because my dad used to drink it a lot after work and he ends getting diabetes. I rather have my family drink alcohol sparingly than downing sugar everyday just because its halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "Every year always got articles or posts like this, sigh.Ingat iman orang Islam dalam Malaysia ni senipis kulit bawang ke?Tiap-tiap tahun kena sheltered, lepas tu bila pergi negera orang jadi bodoh, culture shock. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 08:22 PM)Starve not because of censorship lah, starve because someone didn't like their nuke.And u still said north korea way is the best QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 08:23 PM)If you have better you don't need to criticized organizer also, simply for something that has never existed.Nope. Im not like uRun from problemBlame too much media or pressQUOTE(damonlbs @ Jul 12 2018, 08:23 PM)i think u miss out thisPenganjur mohon maaf, tak sengaja 'jamu' babi pada Muslimhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/433932Penganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan sajian babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia, Chai Chang Xiu menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana mereka tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya.Yup. Ni pun baru orang post tadiBeen discussing bout this hours beforeIf this is true. Then the reporters salah laCannot come unannounced ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998522996902466} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bombgen @ Apr 1 2021, 06:35 PM)Tl;drOfc. Buta huruf memang malas baca. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984550476074219} +{"text": "itulah bikin hairan betul sama orang yang suka mau mempertikaikan sijil halal JAKIM especially that one particular bangsa\u200d mcm saja sijil halal JAKIM tu ada berjual di kedai mau pertikai nda habis2, sedangkan mau dpt sijil halal JAKIM ni susah betul proses dia semua", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5527592301368713} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 12:30 PM)Hukum memakan tapaiSOALANUstaz apakah hukum memakan tapai?JAWAPANJawapan :Proses penapaian sudah pasti akan menghasilkan kandungan alkohol. Namun, jika tapai dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk dijadikan minuman yang memabukkan dan semasa dimakan ia tidak memabukkan, maka tapai itu halal dimakan. Namun, jika peraman sudah terlalu lama danmemakannya boleh menyebabkan mabuk, maka hukumnya ketika itu adalah haram dimakan.Merujuk kepada Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 yang telah telah membincangkan berkaitan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa :1) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2) Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3) Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4) Tapai halal dimakan.5) Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.6) Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Wallahu a\u2019lamProses penapaian sudah pasti akan menghasilkan kandungan alkohol. Namun, jika tapai dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk dijadikan minuman yang memabukkan, dan semasa dimakan ia tidak memabukkan, maka tapai itu halal dimakan. Namun, jika peraman sudah terlalu lama danmemakannya boleh menyebabkan mabuk, maka hukumnya ketika itu haram dimakan.alot ppl drink 1 pint of beer also not mabuk...so is it consider tidak memabukkan?or quantity counts? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998189806938171} +{"text": "\n@chik replied at 27-8-2017 09:30 PM\ntak boleh makan ke? dua2 i dah penah makan tu...\nmemula saya pun ingat tak boleh makan.. sebenarnya hukum memakan daging/isi dan telur belangkas adalah diharuskan.. \n\r\nhehe..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6655622124671936} +{"text": "\nshe replied at 22-7-2022 02:51 PM\r\nSedappp\n\r\nAda mazhab mengatakan wine tu tak haram kalau diletak dalam masakan\nBukan ikut niat makcik...\n\n\r\nNak sedap dunia ke akhirat...\n\n\n\r\nDeepppppp \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9529125094413757} +{"text": "Where got laku? Everyday I go always got chicken one.Their chicken compared to ayamas and ayam golek warung mmg tak bagus. Makan just for protein jer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9495872259140015} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Mar 16 2024, 12:11 PM)Operasi tidak menghormati Ramadan yang dijalankan Bahagian Penguatkuasaan JAIPk di sekitar Chemor, Ipoh pada Khamis.https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/6546...-tidak-berpuasaLol, I thought TS misquoted, but check the source is the same.Instead of working to tangkap orang yang makan makanan, should focus tangkap orang makan duit haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978829026222229} +{"text": "Susahnya nak hidup kalau sikit2 mintak sijil halal Jakim ni baru yakin nak makan. Korang pi makan gerai makcik sikmak tepi jalan tak mintak pun. Korang pi membeli-belah bagai nak rak di Pasar Ramadhan takde pun tanya, tibai je beli sampai penuh plastik di tangan. Yakin jelah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9295406341552734} +{"text": "Pihak kami masih sering menerima pertanyaan berkenaan status halal minyak Yu Yee. Untuk makluman, minyak Yu Yee keluaran Weng Seng Heng Medical Factory Sdn Bhd merupakan pemegang Sijil... https://t.co/Z2kKG8O686", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8449285626411438} +{"text": " \n\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abScreenshot Incase video taken downQUOTEOld \u201cPig Hair Brush\u201d Issue Goes Viral Again \u2013 Astar Clarifies, Again A video surfaced on social media of paint brushes allegedly made of pig bristles but the label was covered up, seemingly to dupe customers.A quick search on Google reveals that this is an old issue which first came to light in 2020.The brand involved had clarified at the time and it would appear that the issue is resurfacing once more.In an immediate respond, Astar Creative Stationery issued a statement yesterday to clarify that the clip in question was an old video shot in 2020.In the video, a woman who had bought a set of six paint brushes by Astar which were labelled as Nylon bristles, peeled off a sticker on the back of packaging where it was written underneath that the brushes were made from pig hair and had the label \u201cnon-halal\u201d.The paint brushes in question bore the code AB251-6 and according to Astar\u2019s website, these brushes are made with nylon hair.In their reclarification, Astar pointed out that AB251-6\u2019s brush pen tip is nylon hair, which means it is artificial and does not contain any animal hair.What happened at the time was that due to negligence on the part of their manufacturer, incorrect information was printed on the packaging of the product.\u00a0 \u00a0 Upon discovery, we immediately contacted the manufacturer to confirm the source of the materials and engaged with the relevant Malaysian government authorities for testing and investigation, confirming that the materials we use are 100% synthetic with no animal hair components.They informed that they had promptly changed the packaging of the product to avoid any further misunderstandings or inconvenience.\u00a0 \u00a0 Lastly, we want to reaffirm our commitment to using materials that fully comply with Malaysian standards and to provide consumers with affordable and high-quality stationery products.\u00a0 \u00a0 Astar Creative StationeryThe person who posted the video on Twitter has since removed the post.We did find another post of the same video on TikTok that has not been deleted, having already amassed over 15,000 shares.https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2024/03/...larifies-again/Kesian... bulan apa ni...This post has been edited by rainy~days: Mar 17 2024, 11:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9924803972244263} +{"text": "QUOTE(Szzz @ Jan 23 2017, 10:35 AM)there should be only 3Jakim - HalalJudi, Rokok, Cina - HaramBabi, Anjing, Yahudi, DAP - Absolutely HaramThanks, I lol'ed real hard on the absolutely haram's list ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999650716781616} +{"text": "Fathul Bari ni...kalau dia ni seorang aficionado daging babi...mesti orang paling kuat complain pasal Subway Singapore tarik bali menu yang letak ham slices lepas diorang mohon dapatkan sijil halal dari Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9912112355232239} +{"text": "Di kira org didunia ini agama islam semua apa . Agama lain ga ada halal haram tapi bergizi apa engga ? Konteksnya makanan bergizi ga usah bawa halal dan haram .", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994606375694275} +{"text": "next year at genting casino...a year later at pig slaugther house...next2 year at isreal...baru viral maxx.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9180938601493835} +{"text": "QUOTE(7thSeal @ Mar 26 2024, 11:20 PM)imagine u are a meat lover walking into a vegetarian store.exacltly the same example when u walk into this ikhwan mart. probably 5pm tutup kedai balik rilek sebab penat kerjaYou experience this or just feel like slandering a business trying its best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9808030128479004} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Nov 14 2015, 01:44 PM)So with Russian involvement, are u trying to indicate that Russian did enough? So has ISIS been stopped?Sorry if I didn't phrase correctlyWhat I mean is. Saudi Arabia+Jordan+Arab League countries combine together to join Russia to wipeoff terrorists in Syrua,Iraq etc.Baru best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997654557228088} +{"text": "QUOTE(quintesson @ Dec 31 2019, 06:09 PM)Wtf the kopi shop is just using the glass with the Carlsberg brand also haram. A lot of old kopi shop do use this type of glass for a kopi ais or cina teh and they are claiming the nons are paranoid with a 3 pages of khat. They are more paranoid then the nons but nobody dare to voice it out.Welcome toMsia ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984825253486633} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Jan 9 2024, 01:37 AM)What logic is this? If kid sleeps with it, malaikat masuk rumah. But adult sleeps with it, malaikat tak nak masuk rumah pulakYou know what else can prevent malaikat from masuk rumah? having DOGS. this is why dogs have such a hard time in certain muslim countries that are of the sect that believe them unclean.https://www.muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/al-ka...eadaan-berjunubIni berdasarkan sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ali bin Abi Thalib R.A beliau berkata bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda :\u0644\u0627\u064e \u062a\u064e\u062f\u0652\u062e\u064f\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0644\u0627\u064e\u0626\u0650\u0643\u064e\u0629\u064f \u0628\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064b\u0627 \u0641\u0650\u064a\u0647\u0650 \u0635\u064f\u0648\u0631\u064e\u0629\u064c \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0627\u064e \u0643\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0628\u064c \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0627\u064e \u062c\u064f\u0646\u064f\u0628\u064cMaksudnya : Malaikat tidak akan masuk ke dalam rumah yang terdapat padanya gambar, anjing, dan juga orang yang berjunub.Riwayat Al-Nasa\u2019ie (262) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "Mana benda haram woi..Update la sikit ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997969269752502} +{"text": "IPOH - Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah menzahirkan kebimbangan terhadap tahap pembaziran makanan di negara ini terutama menjelang Ramadan.Baginda bertitah, dilaporkan setiap hari, sejumlah 17,000 tan sisa makanan yang boleh mengisi perut tiga juta rakyat telah dilupuskan dan daripada jumlah itu, 4,080 merupakan makanan yang dibazirkan.\"Jumlah tersebut meningkat 10 peratus pada bulan Ramadan.\"Angka-angka tersebut membayangkan betapa seriusnya perbuatan pembaziran makanan yang sedang berlaku.\"Data di peringkat global juga menunjukkan nilai makanan yang dibazirkan mencecah 2.4 peratus Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar dunia,\" titah baginda sempena perasmian Mesyuarat Pertama Tahun Kelima Dewan Negeri Perak ke-14 di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan di sini pada Isnin.Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak berlangsung selama tiga hari bermula Isnin dengan pematuhan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) dan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) sebagai langkah kawalan pencegahan Covid-19.Sultan Nazrin bertitah, manusia perlu dididik dengan nilai menghargai makanan dan disemai dengan budaya tidak membazirkan makanan.Titah baginda, kerajaan Perak terutama jabatan-jabatan kerajaan wajiblah menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik dengan mengambil langkah-langkah bermakna menghentikan pembaziran ini.\"Bermula daripada menempah kuantiti makanan dalam majlis dan acara yang diadakan dan semasa berlangsungnya perjumpaan atau mesyuarat.\"Setiap isi rumah, sekolah, maktab dan universiti, masjid dan rumah ibadat, serta operator makanan, restoran dan hotel wajib mengamalkan budaya tidak menyediakan makanan secara berlebihan yang hanya berakhir di dalam tong sampah,\" titah baginda.sos ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.3958163559436798} +{"text": "QUOTE(toMochika27 @ Aug 9 2018, 08:02 AM)True. Waktu pergi Aussie dlu, professor aku cakap, kalau asyik tak yakin semua benda nak makan, memang kena makan pasir la jawabnyeYr lah, elak daging, arak. Cukup. Order seafood, apa bahan dia pakai tak wajib usul. Rapi aku dengar ausie daging sana semua halal? Sebab diorg export halal food ke Arab, jadi kerajaan standardised system butchery ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6210644245147705} +{"text": "jawapan aku senang je. ko masih cetek ilmu. jgn cari ilmu di sini. cari dengan ustaz. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997496008872986} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Nov 14 2020, 09:21 AM)Coz not bumi owned? So every year need viral all this shit to jatuhkan.If laksa tepi jalan food poisoning sampai 83 case, mati 2 orang pun tak apa.https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/...ai-punca-188866Lol. They rather have food poisoning than makan clean babi. Topkek idiots ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": " jadi makanan kesukaan gwej ini masih 50;50 antara halal/haram kah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9862090349197388} +{"text": "rider punya suka la, their rights to reject and acceptfree market whatuse other rider servicessaw lots of abg panda, grab waiting infront chinese restaurant some ppl memang suka acah suci alim only with bab makanan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997606873512268} +{"text": "dia ingat Jepang tu Malaysia ke? masuk kandang lembu nak lembu mengembek kat dia. bagus la lojik dia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972279667854309} +{"text": "The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6666472554206848} +{"text": "These people keep putting peer pressure on people to invest for afterlife while in this life corruption is so rampant ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9966325163841248} +{"text": "QUOTE(Koyomi @ Sep 14 2016, 10:47 AM)That is people attitude not religion fault. Plus, I don't know what you mean local market. In islam all LAND animals need to sembelih by a muslim with certain hukum. I can't say much about halal cert because that is just a symbol for people to ensure it is halal. For example, I go balik kampung my grandma cook I eat with confidence but my grandma also no hold halal cert. It is all depends on people perspective. Also, it is haram to makan something that you not yakin halal, thats why some muslim boikot stuff because tak yakin.just curious wanna know,do the cooking item that used to cook non halal item totally cannot use without washing it with muslim law?was it very important?i just wonder is extreme side or is normal side?do muslim cannot enter chinese temple? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998723566532135} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 06:38 PM)fine, suit yourself.ppl are being nice enough to explain muslim beliefs and principles.but what I can see is the kiasu attitude of \"die die don't wanna lose argument\" and also to mock the muslim beliefs.when it's already explained that unless there's no replacement, haram becomes halal becomes the exception to the rule.good day to you sir.penalizing innocent people for ur own petty superstitious believe is being nice ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999292254447937} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Mar 31 2024, 02:28 AM)USA is anything but Christian NOW. Why are you talking like USA is Christian? \n9ZnIoeVWZmY\n\nSo stupid, already told you they can't use religion as a way to sell war, must use correct keyword: \"fight communist\", \"spread democracy\", \"topple dictator/regime\", \"humanitarian aid\", \"WMD\", etc\"Fight communist\" were very popular during the Cold War era, but after Vietnam happened, such keywords no longer worked properly.This post has been edited by smsid: Mar 31 2024, 02:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998595714569092} +{"text": "QUOTE(xPrototype @ Dec 9 2023, 06:52 PM)Udara halal ke?Udara no jakim cert jangan nafas je laAlready got viral before. Some ckt shop exhaust towards the road, got non kafir post breathe non halal udara. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Tp ada kedai, dia malas nak letak resit atau invoice order panda tu dekat bungkusan makanan. Mujur mkn tu betul. Ada juga, ada resit, ingatkan mknan kita, sekali org lain punya order, mujur mknan tu mknan halal. Itu kadangkala kesilapan kita sebab mungkin nak cepat masa tu, org", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924519658088684} +{"text": "Sebab ada tulisan cina terus org pertikaikan halal haram, yang jual tepi2 jalan yang takde sijil halal tuh korang okay pulak.. sebab apa? Sebab itu melayu.. https://t.co/rqvI35dPEh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "@aiennam @pja_chan Process untuk sijil halal selalu amik masa... Jadi kalau rasa was was saya suggest tunggu je sampai ada sijil... Yang lain mungkin dia yakin dengan tukang masak.. Jadi biarkan mereka...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996688365936279} +{"text": "QUOTE(sdin3269 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:47 AM)\\\\Hello\u00a0 Tongsan Taliban sesat.\\Sejak bila pulak kamu follower `jakim?BTW nah baca ni..ALKOHOL DAN ARAK...Ketahui perbezaan antara ALKOHOL dan ARAK dan sejauhmana ianya boleh digunakan dari aspek Pensijilan Halal.a) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol tetapi bukan semua alkohol adalah arak. Hukum bagi alkohol yang diperoleh daripada proses pembuatan arak adalah haram dan najis.b) Alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum dalam bentuk asli kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.c) Minuman ringan yang diproses bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah 1 peratus adalah harus (boleh) diminum.d) Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.e) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semula jadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan atau diminum.f) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak lebih 0.5 peratus.g) Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.Sumber:- Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysiakek...lawak jugak mamat ni ye...ko baru balik dari yemen, cepat la spread disinfo.follower jakim? lulz...only 1 phonecall away je.This post has been edited by Saltiez: Jul 29 2019, 08:48 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997171759605408} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:22 AM)itu pun satu hal juga. tapi itulah, sedih bang bila ramai kutuk JAKIM, yang muslim pun membahan sekali..\u00a0 gelak satu dunia weghhhhhh pasal anjing panasssss ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(shodan11 @ Feb 8 2019, 05:23 PM)In KL. Wilayah ceria, Rakyat sejahtera.lol aku time kuliah suka berangan so... mmg catch sikit2 je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "no veg restaurant right now using liquor based on their food. they already expect muslim to come. for those nons best to do this, put no liquor used sign, welcome to visit kitchen.This post has been edited by Avex: Jan 23 2021, 07:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982719421386719} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Oct 18 2016, 12:53 PM)ShareTweetPinMail_Mohd_Yusof_Abdul_RahmanPETALING JAYA: Pengusaha restoran dan makanan perlu lebih sensitif dalam pemilihan nama menu atau produk bagi mengelakkan umat Islam keliru, kata Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca).Timbalan Presidennya, Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman bersetuju dengan tindakan Jabatan Agama Islam Malaysia (Jakim) tidak memberikan sijil halal kepada rangkaian francais, Auntie Anne kerana salah satu produknya dinamakan sempena nama anjing, \u201cpretzel dog\u201d.\u201cNama-nama seperti dog (anjing), babi, bir, itu semua perlu dielakkan. Kalau dibiarkan akan menimbulkan kekeliruan.\u201cJakim semestinya perlu berhati-hati dalam memberikan sijil halal kepada syarikat pengeluar makanan agar tidak timbul isu selepas sijil halal diberikan nanti,\u201d katanya kepada FMT hari ini.Yusof berkata, pemberian sijil halal bukan dilihat daripada aspek kandungan sahaja, tetapi secara menyeluruh.\u201cIni termasuk iklan, kebersihan dan nama produk makanan tersebut perlu dilihat Jakim sebelum diluluskan,\u201d katanya.FMT hari ini melaporkan seorang eksekutif yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kualiti dan jaminan halal Auntie Anne, Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali menerusi Facebooknya berkata, pihaknya sedang menunggu keputusan panel Jakim untuk cadangan nama baharu yang dikemukakan mereka.Sementara itu, Ketua Aktivis Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Datuk Nadzim Johan berkata, nama produk yang kurang sesuai akan mengundang pelbagai persepsi tidak baik kepada masyarakat.Beliau berkata, pengusaha rangkaian francais itu perlu menjaga sensitiviti orang Melayu, jika mahu memenangi hati pelanggan Islam.\u201cSyarat-syarat yang ditetapkan (Jakim) itu selari ajaran Islam yang tidak mengelirukan dan boleh membawa persepsi tidak baik. Kalau dibawa kepada nama \u2018anjing\u2019 itu tidak sesuai.\u201cApa yang dilakukan Jakim itu tepat. Walaupun makanan halal, tetapi nama kurang sesuai juga tidak baik. Pengguna yang was-was disaran tidak membeli makanan tersebut,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...lam-kata-fomca/Siput Babi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9450843930244446} +{"text": "QUOTE(MakeYouHappy @ Dec 18 2023, 04:54 PM)Other parts in KV not terrible for walking LMAO! This is Malaysia, no city in this country is pedestrian friendly. WTFUOMG now I only realise Malaysian culture is so big on walking LOLLOLOLOLOL. Please look at all the land whales that never exercise and don't even bother to walk and only know how to park their cars nearest to their destinations. In fact, I definitely see more people walking in Cyber compare to many other places..Malas, dont bother to walk to the extend need to double/ triple park their cars.This post has been edited by jojolicia: Dec 18 2023, 05:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998394250869751} +{"text": "Kedai mamak pun elok je kena mention takde pun sesape bising. Lagi pun dalam islam BERSIH & HALAL tu benda penting. Kalau takat halal tapi tak bersih apa gunanya memudaratkan diri sama jugak dengan makan makanan tak halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6140613555908203} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Jul 24 2024, 03:19 PM)Lu tak suka, jangan makan.\"I tak suka, lu semua jangan makan.\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999316930770874} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Mar 31 2024, 03:18 AM)Yes, dividing people, by creating artificial labels to further erase each individual actual identity with predefined set of notion.That is my opinion, politicians always do their best to divide each of us, if can't by race, then by ideology right/left.Deny all you want, but this divide is the setting for WW3 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Nov 25 2023, 02:33 PM)The Malays who were my best friends housemates also Malay scholars all spent their bursary money on hifi and electric guitars and live out their guitar hero dreams. HahaI\u2019m pretty sure she considers musical instrument haram as well. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8670307397842407} +{"text": "QUOTE(arubin @ Jun 10 2019, 05:49 PM)Oh please, let's not go off phony facts.Its a common misconception that pigs eat shit. Pigs are actually very intelligent animals and will never eat their own poop by choice, nor do they roll around in their own shit for fun either. All that only happens due to improper care by humans. Watch wild boars and see if they eat their own shit or not, or even other animal's shit. Or roll around in their poop. Pork from pigs raised in better environments are no less hygienic than beef or mutton.There were good reasons to be concerned about pork in the past but hygiene standards are generally much higher these days.FYI, nature's janitors are the dung beetles. They're the reasons why this planet isn't covered in poop. Not pigs.Alcohol: Sorry, reasons not that obvious. Its only bad if you have no control over your own intake, and not everyone who drinks degenerates into alcoholism.Something like shandy doesn't even have enough alcohol to make anyone drunk unless you really have no tolerance whatsoever, or drink so much that...well, to be frank you're more likely to be poisoned by all the sugar from the soda portion than the alcohol.Which brings something else to mind - sugar. That is just bad for you all round. We pretty much have no reason whatsoever to consume refined sugar as your body easily gets whatever sucrose it might need from fruits and vegetables. Yet I don't see sugar being considered non-halal. Heck, this country is one of the biggest consumers of it in the world.Sugar actually harms your body more than alcohol, and the number of fat asses and diabetics in this country proves it.So why isn't sugar haram?It is the nature of the haram.pig eats almost everything. since muslim do not eat carnivorous animal, why would we eat animals that have the nature of eating almost everything? are not those the same?as for alcohol, the only reason it is haram is because it makes you drunks. imagine performing prayers in drunken state? and there are five daily prayers to be perform in not drunken state. permanent solution is to not consume it, to ensure you are sane all the time.as for sugar, does it makes people drunk? as for those that are having diabetes, depending on the level of disease, they can still perform prayer in a sane mind.logically, consuming a lot of anything is bad. a lot of ciken is bad. a lot of caffeine is bad. a lot of rice is bad. a lot of fish is bad. bad for the health, your digestion system, your intestines and your six packed tummy and your ability to attract opposite sex. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9707009196281433} +{"text": "Do you know why only 16%?Because the MAJORITY of Malay food providers are those makcik, pakcik at the roadside and sidewalk, who suka-suka open table and tent without concern for traffic and safety.And let's not forget about the hygiene.And these people don't even bother to apply for Halal cert, because in their mindset, Malay = Islam = auto Halal food.Here at Ampang Jaya, some of them don't even bother to apply for a license albeit it was not that expensive.As long as 'tak apa' attitude exists, don't bother to blame the non or whatever.This post has been edited by MRaef: Jun 12 2023, 03:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996451139450073} +{"text": "the guinness staut I drank tasted like vomit. What is it supposed to tase like?CopilotGuinness, the iconic Irish dry stout, is known for its distinctive flavors and velvety mouthfeel. Let\u2019s explore what it\u2019s supposed to taste like:Ingredients:Guinness is made from a simple combination of roasted barley, malted barley, hops, yeast, and water.These few ingredients come together to create a stout with rich flavors.Flavors:Coffee: Guinness has prominent notes of fresh roasted coffee.Chocolate: It also features a distinctive dark chocolate flavor.Caramel: A touch of caramel sweetness balances the roasted qualities.Hoppy Backbone: There\u2019s a subtle hoppy bitterness for balance.Appearance:While often referred to as \u201cthe black stuff,\u201d Guinness actually has a dark ruby red hue when held up to the light.Aroma:The beer smells of mild coffee and toasty malt, with hints of nuttiness and a slight saline quality.Creamy Head:When poured, Guinness develops its creamy head due to the use of nitrogen (instead of carbon dioxide).The long-lasting head adds to the bittersweet flavor experience.Bitterness:Guinness strikes a perfect balance of bitter and sweet with malt and roast characters.The combination of hops and roasted barley imparts a cohesive bitterness, similar to dark chocolate or a cup of coffee.So, if your Guinness tasted like vomit, it might not have been representative of its usual flavors. Perhaps it was an off batch or improperly stored. When served correctly, Guinness should be a delightful experience of coffee, chocolate, and balanced bitterness. \ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf6b\u2615Sources: 123Learn more1learningtohomebrew.com2irishcentral.com3draftmag.com+1 moreYoutastest beerCopilotCertainly! Let\u2019s explore some of the best-tasting beers. Keep in mind that taste preferences can be subjective, but here are a few notable options:Carlsberg Danish Pilsner:Flavor Profile: Crisp, clean, and refreshing.Aroma: Rich malty aroma.Notes: Pleasantly smooth, with a light feel and a balanced taste.Alcohol Content: 5.0%.Best Served: Cold at 8\u00b0C.Perfect for parties and celebrations without overwhelming your palate1.Guinness Stout:Flavor Profile: Full-bodied with a complex aroma.Notes: Roasted flavor with hints of toffee, caramel, chocolate, and coffee.Bitterness: Balanced by malty sweetness.Alcohol Content: 5.5%.Ideal for finishing a nice meal on a perfect note1.Remember that everyone\u2019s taste preferences vary, so explore and find the beer that suits your palate best! \ud83c\udf7b ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9937254786491394} +{"text": "QUOTE(KaD1GO @ Sep 12 2019, 07:44 PM)Kasihan akal pendek.Sampai takat tu je otak mampu berfikir?Cuba fikir jauh lagi sikitKo brape pandai?Cuba crita sikitTengok otak ko ade ke x Owai ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9664148092269897} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Oct 29 2016, 12:21 AM)ni apa?http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...d-law-jais-sayssiasat saja ma?kalau takde salah kenapa takut?rumah faye kusyairi kena rush dengan jais using wrong report and procedure, ada dia gelabah tetek?dia siap nak lawan balik dan mintak gantirugi pasal jasi potong grille pintu dia lagi...tadi dah bagi contoh, kau tak salah, kalau polis tahan biar je la dia siasat, kalau tak puas hati saman diorang balik.ya dia dah terang2 kata non-halal, dah tu kenapa guna nama/brand product halal? and that statement about homage just implicates them further.btw most of the halal certified food outlets are effectively owned by non-muslims, so there's no case of JAIS not having any jurisdiction over outlets owned by non-muslims.basically it's a lack of common sense from everyone...its not about \"da dia gelabah tetek?\"its about it shouldnt happen in the first placeis jakim the only institution in the world that have \"serang dulu.salah takpew\" policy?agama kita ajar ke? \"serang dulu.salah takpew\"ada nabi \"serang dulu.salah takpew\" sahabat dia?ada surah quran promote \"serang dulu.salah takpew\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 14 2023, 11:42 AM)I saw the \u201c7%\u201d big big liao Kenot drinked But a lot of things very fine print oneYalo, means you not haus enough. Those that really haus won't notice the 7%. If didn't notice means not haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950194358825684} +{"text": "Malays are so watered downed (a polite way to say stupid) that it makes me sad. They think everything that doesn't have that halal crap by jakim as haram. Not only are they watered down, they impose upon others their misconceptions and are very quick to cast the first stone.If a raw chicken is sourced from mydin, and the cook is a non muslim, it becomes haram because they are watered down. They do not understand what they claim to live by.This post has been edited by insan_kamil: Dec 27 2023, 05:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990110397338867} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Jun 1 2022, 09:58 PM)No idea. Frog is haram because 2 alam. Duck?Wat is 2 Alam? Frog porridge veli yummy!\ud83d\ude0b Long time x taste liao! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977992177009583} +{"text": "QUOTE(wualalala @ Jan 11 2021, 10:11 AM)what we know the best is cracking down kamunis art wall ... openly shame the manufacturersplacing the people first, not business community as prioritytoo less focus for business survival, cash only to the people if people need money, they need a job, to create jobs, the government need to support the business... handing out cash for one time doesnt create much impacts at all!We are showing all the wrong moves. Instead of promoting our potential, we are highlighting all our weaknesses to the world to see.There are no long term policies. That is why the current FM got criticised kao kao a few days ago when bragging about our economy. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993660032749176} +{"text": "Family Mart halal ke sebenarnya? Banyak makanan best teringin nak cuba. Ini jawapan daripada Family Mart sendiri... Baca selanjutnya: https://t.co/qCifNac9xr https://t.co/PaApu8t7AS", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999821186065674} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jan 5 2024, 11:16 PM)Guys, serious question here...The water I drink from the faucet has no halal certificate, so it is considered haram?Buy halal filter to filter it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "Assalammualaikum Dan Salam Sejahtera semua Cik Matahari \ud83c\udf1e nak kongsi satu produk keluaran bumiputra iaitu KOLAVIT+ Daripada bionutraceutical sdn bhd Yang penting BUATAN MALAYSIA, ada Sijil Halal & Ada pengesahan\u2026 https://t.co/M1O5fSryBE", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997140765190125} +{"text": "Neverending haram. But their mouth is more haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999536275863647} +{"text": "What about tabung haji franchise hotel? Haram?Bodo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Beli makanan lepastu tak makan, kak yati cuti pulak kalau tk mmg suka dia dapat free brekpes ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998418092727661} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Dec 3 2023, 01:09 PM)Bukan tikam tu. Hero / Wira tuh sedang buat Heimlich maneuver nak selamatkan nyawa peniaga yang tengah choking.Jgn tipuHeimlich kena buat mcm ni \ndBW9hG62T30\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996711015701294} +{"text": "Kena bringat jugok klu nok beli makanan atau minuman yang produk dari luar negara di Seven E. Biasa yang pelik2. Kade2 tak de halal Jakim atau badan yg diiktiraf Jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8532297015190125} +{"text": "Contoh makanan jiran/kedai warung dkt dgn kau..xde sijil halal..tpi kau yakin sebab kau tahu dia muslim,guna sumber halal sahaja,jaga kebersihan bla bla..xde masalah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8366528749465942} +{"text": "Tu lah, padan muka to them, keep allow muslim immigrants to come in, dis kind of thing sure will happen 1 day wanAll the best to france ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998341798782349} +{"text": "The Kaohsiung Mosque is the largest Islamic centre of southern Taiwan.Taiwan's Muslim population may be only 1% of its total residents, but that doesn\u2019t stop it from promoting Muslim tourism or halal tourism, a segment targeted at Muslim travellers with an itinerary aligned with the way they live.Last year, the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI), carried out by halal tourism organisation CrescentRating, ranked Taiwan third among non-Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (non-OIC) destinations. Since 2019, Taiwan has been among the top three in this ranking.The move to market Taiwan as a Muslim-friendly travel destination makes perfect sense. Halal tourism is big business and with Taiwan located in the same region as Muslim-majority countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, this section opens another market for tourism.According to a report published by LinkedIn last year, the halal tourism market is slated to reach US$341.4bil (RM1.612tril) by 2030. Market research company Credence Research echoes the same sentiment, reporting that the segment has consistently grown over the years, from US$254.78bil (RM1.203tril) in 2022 to a projected US$324.96bil (RM1.534tril) in 2030.Halal tourism, however, isn\u2019t limited to only halal food certification. It includes other aspects that are in line with Muslim travellers\u2019 life, including the ease of finding prayer facilities and hotels that provide qiblat direction, prayer times and mat.Last month, as part of its halal tourism promotion, the Kuala Lumpur office of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau flew a group of Muslim writers and content creators to Taiwan to experience halal tourism first hand.The tour covered the southern cities of Kaohsiung and Tainan, and the northern cities of Taipei and New Taipei City. And to make the experience more memorable, it was arranged to collide with the launch of the eagerly-awaited annual Taiwan Lantern Festival.We later stopped by the Kaohsiung mosque \u2013 the second mosque built in Taiwan \u2013 for Friday prayers. It was the only place that made it compulsory for everyone to mask up, given the proximity among congregants.The Kaohsiung Mosque was built when soldiers, officials, teachers and Muslims proposed raising funds for a mosque in 1949. Currently southern Taiwan\u2019s largest Islamic centre, the structure has a clean style with a round vault and minaret.Next to the mosque is a halal eatery that serves beef dishes, to be eaten with rice. There were all things beef \u2013 beef soup, sauteed beef and sauteed cabbage with beef. The small place is packed after Friday prayers with Muslims who prayed at the mosque coming in for lunch.Beef dishes served at the halal restaurant next to the Kaohsiung Mosque.Like most capital cities, Taipei is busy and bustling, a far cry from peaceful Tainan. And because of the population, Taipei has more halal food options. Lao Chang Halal Beef Noodle House, for example, is a firm lunch crowd favourite for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Run by proprietor Musa Chang, the eatery serves delicious beef noodles with plain broth or one cooked with soy.Hearty beef noodles at Lao Chang Halal Beef Noodle House in Taipei.At the back of the restaurant is a musolla, a small prayer room that Chang made for the ease of his Muslim customers.Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee is another halal food option, this time, for Turkish coffee and desserts. A favourite among youngsters for its Instagrammable backgrounds, it\u2019s always full in the afternoons with customers having coffee with baklava or kunafa.A staff making Turkish coffee at Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee, a Muslim-friendly cafe in Taipei.Another popular halal restaurant is the Kunming Islamic Restaurant, whose food is almost identical with the Chinese food in Malaysia. From sweet and sour fish to sauteed vegetable, the food is delicious and hearty.https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/travel...itors-in-taiwanJom ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9853209853172302} +{"text": "QUOTE(nelienuxe_sara @ Jan 24 2023, 02:12 PM)ginger beer halalroot beer halalbut 0% beer filter after they make the arak is haram because source sudah haram arak is arakalcohol is not arakalcohol tak haramarak is haramalcohol guna untuk sanitizer halalalcohol dalam cuka halalnot neccesarilytapai...process from halal to haram then halal again ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 02:47 PM)I retorted you cannot paham Let me explain to you poser:First you claim:-In quran said all can eat, only bodo muslims choose to follow zealots to avoid haram things most forumers here already answer its not, quran say babi kenot eat, and hadith and sunnah also mention about propper halal food preparation and ingredients.Then you putar halim like a retard:-Suddenly says in quran dont need \"authority\" like jakimI already explained, it does not matter whether quran mention jakim or not, the role jakim plays is to ensure the market understands that certified food providers by jakim follows halal food ingedients preparations which provide a role of \"assurance\" for customers who look for halal foods in the industry.just like people who seek certified doctors to be operated on.but you still insist it doesnt mention in the quran hadith like a retard who cant comprehend jack shit about my explanation on what role does the jakim certificate play in this issue.oh well, poser would be posers..This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Dec 31 2019, 02:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998576641082764} +{"text": "Saja cari pasal, go viral, people will be curious. Profit.They couldn't care less about sensitivity as long as duit masuk poket, all good yo.Genius business sense they call it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.585728645324707} +{"text": "ni aku nk ckp yg org arab kat sana suka bagi makanan/air/kurma percuma then ckp halal halal tu hahaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8468784689903259} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ May 31 2016, 07:01 PM)http://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/columnis...ld-concern-non/RAPID development in science and technology has left a great impact on the food processing industry. From the scientific and religious perspectives on food consumption, the halal concept is crucial because it includes other elements such as hygiene, ethics, values and food safety. Furthermore, halal does not only concern Muslims, but non-Muslims as well.The halal concept is used widely in all aspects of life including food products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, health supplements and food ingredients. In Islam, many things have been classified as halal or haram.The objective of the halal concept is to ascertain whether the food product is safe, hygienic and not hazardous to human health. Thus, in the halal context, hygienic food, drinks and products must be free from najs (dirt/impurity) or contamination and harmful germs.Muslims today are concerned about the issue of food consumption because many of the ingredients available in the market are also derived from lard or porcine sources, which bring a bigger problem for the halal status of food consumption. Although the use of such non-halal ingredients, which are normally used in food production and pharmaceutical goods, is highlighted in the media, an effective solution has yet to be found.Undoubtedly, the issue is sensitive to Muslims. The question that arises is whether information pertaining to this issue is sufficient and reliable.Do Muslims have ample awareness and knowledge on the concept of consuming halal food as stated in the Quran? Is the awareness translated into the practice of consuming and choosing the right food? These are some of the pressing issues for Muslims to focus on, which are caused by the rapid development of the food processing industry.In Islam, although many things have been classified as either halal or haram, there are also grey areas which need further clarification and information. In the Islamic context, religious scholars or ulamas practise ijtihad to clarify and specify the problems in determining the halal status of products or ingredients in certain food procedures.The halal status should first be determined during the process of food production, rather than being considered in the end product. If and once this is done, only then can the purpose of consumption be realised.Health and issues related to it are one of the tools in measuring the awareness among Muslims on food consumption and halal products. Poor nutrition and unhealthy conditions contributing to modern ill health are the adverse effects of what the public consume daily.This can relate closely to the choices that Muslims make in prioritising halal food in their daily food intake. These choices determine their health status.In this context, the Government or its relevant agencies must use health as the focus in disseminating information and creating awareness on halal food consumption. The public ought to be educated on the importance of good health and halal food consumption as outlined in Islam.Education is one of the best methods to nurture and create awareness on halal issues in society. This can be done through various planned methods so that information on the issue can reach the public effectively.Hence, the Government and the relevant authorities must take the responsibility to focus on educating and creating awareness among society on halal products, with accurate and reliable information.Indeed, awareness is a relative concept whereby a person may be partially aware, subconsciously aware or acutely aware of issues relating to halal aspects. Muslims\u2019 perception on halal is an important assessor in the halal food chain.Their acceptance and attitude on halal determine whether the food choice truly fulfils the halal criteria or otherwise. Therefore, the halal logo is able to enhance awareness among Muslim consumers in choosing their food. They seem to have adequate information and hence, can make a wise decision before consuming or buying a product.In Malaysia, the level of awareness on halal is increasing through teaching and learning activities. The public is exposed to the information on halal consumption through television, newspapers, radio and the Internet.However, information on halal consumption conveyed through social media must be properly examined on its reliability and validity, since there is no close monitoring of the sources of the information. This could cause chaos in society as unreliable and invalid information can create unwanted generalisations or assumptions on the issue.Discussions and related efforts in reducing misunderstandings and doubts on certain products ought to be conducted regularly by relevant parties. The knowledge or information deduced from discussion sessions or gathered through research or analysis ought to be shared with the general public so that they would have a better and deeper understanding of the issues or solutions offered.The discussions held would increase society\u2019s awareness on the existing platforms in Islamic laws regarding the determination of halal or haram status of a product. However, such an approach is not the only way to resolve any confusion, since the application of halal principles is also governed by specific prerequisites and considerations that are given by competent individuals and organisations.Awareness on halal food consumption has to be made a culture among all Muslims. Sensitivity on this issue is important, so that knowledge and information will not cause confusion among Muslims with regard to the halal or haram status of the food product.Demand and dependency on halal food among Muslims are high. Thus, food manufacturers who would like to capture the market of Muslim consumers must be sensitive to the halal issue so that their business will not be adversely affected and society\u2019s well-being in general is well taken care of.the why in the faking world keep pestering on pork and porcine substance ... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7795000076293945} +{"text": "Get vegetarian food.. 100% halal except it the food specially designed for their own religion. Haram again?Eat fruit then. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999821186065674} +{"text": "Sepanjang kefahaman aku status halal produk luar ni legit bila kau import barang tu dari negara yang dia terima sijil halal yang diperakui JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993175268173218} +{"text": "QUOTE(moiskyrie @ May 3 2021, 07:50 AM)Datang merah?Hukum puasa adalah wajib dan makcik tua tu monopause already mana datang merah. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9908457398414612} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Jan 4 2018, 08:03 PM)KOSTUM anime atau adi wira dihukumkan haram sekiranya ia mendedahkan aurat serta menyerupai dewa dalam agama, kepercayaan lain atau rekaan seperti Beerus, Haruhi Suzumiya dan Deus Ex Machina, kata Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri.Katanya, sekiranya kostum itu memerlukan belanja yang besar sehingga membazir, maka ia juga diharamkan.\"Prinsip kehidupan umat Islam adalah meninggalkan sesuatu perkara yang dirasa tidak penting dalam kehidupan mereka. Ini kerana, perkara itu tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa faedah dalam kehidupan umat Islam.https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2018/01/...ufti-kata-haramThen according to Agama Islam as he stated, this Mufti is a waste of money and tidak penting... patut diharamkan, ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997039437294006} +{"text": "Tidak rancang wajib tampal 'tidak halal' KUALA LUMPUR - Kerajaan tidak merancang untuk mewujudkan polisi terhadap premis yang tidak memiliki sijil halal supaya meletakkan tanda 'tidak halal' di hadapan premis... https://t.co/DQj61p7fcM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "QUOTE(sakaic @ Nov 2 2013, 11:59 PM)Ok. this one is serious question.If got Muslim in a place. damn hungry. no money. Then got ppl put halal chicken pie at window to cool down. If want to take must curi cos owner not around. then got free bak kut teh.Eat which one better?This one serious questionkerja and find money lor to buy food..mencuri itu haram.. bak kut teh itu haram..there will always be choices, and there will be no dead end..unless, stuck in a jungle/deserts when there are no options left.. then we can call it darurat, when if we dont eat, we will die. But consume it just enough to get the nutrients to survive.For an example, if got stuck at Antartica, no food, no heats, only left 1 Brandy. We can consume it just enough to get warm. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999648332595825} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSoldier @ Mar 12 2024, 01:47 PM)Sebab itu tongkat mesti adebetter get a wheelchair. even better, go straight for kain kafan or coffin ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pilihanraya Kalah Teruk @ Feb 19 2024, 05:08 PM)The people in the current PAS were also present back thenDifferent leadership no? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941648840904236} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Jan 30 2017, 10:34 AM)Chinese New Year celebrations here allowed in Islam, FT Mufti says - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...h.iDdPjwBd.dpufKUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 \u2015 Ahead of the Chinese New Year this weekend, Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad has clarified today that such celebrations held in this country are allowed under Islam.The Federal Territories mufti said the celebrations do not go against Islamic principles since they are meant to preserve the cordial ties within the Malaysian society.\u201cWe find that the Chinese New Year celebration held by most ethnic Chinese leaders and participated by Muslim national or state leaders, are still within the prescribed space allowed by Islam.\u201cThis is because they are meant to take care and preserve societal ties and are more towards living in a celebrated social contract without auctioning religious principles,\u201d he said in a statement here.The statement was published on his office\u2019s website, in an updated guideline for Muslims to celebrate the Chinese New Year, originally published in February last year.Among others, the guideline specified that Muslims are allowed to participate in the prosperity toss ceremony called \u201cyee sang\u201d since the salad dish usually contains only vegetables and raw fish, and also wishing others with the \u201cgong xi fa cai\u201d greeting and its equivalent.The Chinese New Year is a cultural, rather than religious, event to usher in the lunar new year, with similar events also celebrated by the Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese. A significant number of Muslims in Malaysia are also ethnically Chinese, either born into the religion or through conversion.- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...h.iDdPjwBd.dpufBelow is the ACTUAL full article quoted by this news written by Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad. Bowing and saying Gong Xi Fa Choy to A CHICKEN is definitely going against the guideline.QUOTEBAYAN LINNASBAYAN LINNAS SIRI 48: ISLAM DAN TAHUN BARU CINA \u0628\u0633\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u062d\u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u062d\u064a\u0645MukadimahKepelbagaian bangsa, agama dan bahasa menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang sangat unik. Hidup di dalam sebuah negara yang berbilang bangsa dan agama menjadikan masyarakat Malaysia sentiasa bertimbang-rasa, bertolak ansur serta menghormati antara satu sama lain. Sikap rakyatnya yang sebegini menjadikan Malaysia dapat terus bertahan mempertahankan kedamain dan keharmonian meskipun dalam masa yang sama terdapat segelintir yang cuba meniup api perkauman, namun rakyat Malaysia terus teguh mempertahankan kedamaian ini.Bersempena Tahun Baru Cina 2017 pada kali ini, suka ingin kami bincangkan pada ruangan Bayan Linnas kali ini mengenai hukum menyambut Tahun Baru Cina bagi masyarakat Islam di Malaysia dengan mengubah tajuk kepada \"Islam dan Tahun Baru Cina\". Ini kerana kami cuba mengemaskinikan data dan fakta yang telah kami kemukakan pada Bayan Linnas Bilangan Ke-48 yang lalu. Kami masih lagi membincangkan dari kerangka syara' sama ada Islam membenarkannya ataupun tidak serta pengenalan berkenaan dengan sejarah sambutan Tahun Baru Cina dan yang berkaitan dengannya. Semoga dengan pencerahan ini dapat memberikan kita kefahaman dalam beragama dengan mengangkat nilai kemasyarakatan dan sosial dalam kehidupan seharian. Sejarah Tahun Baru CinaSejarah terperinci mengenai sejarah sambutan Tahun Baru Cina tidak dapat ditentukan secara pasti namun apabila melihat kepada versi-versi cerita yang ada, terdapat sebuah kisah yang selalu diceritakan mengenai asal-usul sambutan tahun baru ini.Ianya bermula dengan ketakutan penduduk sebuah kampung yang selalu diburu oleh seekor makhluk mistik yang akan memakan mereka. Dipendekkan cerita terdapat seorang tua yang mencadangkan agar membuat bising dengan bunyi-bunyian seperti pukulan gendang, membakar mercun serta menggantung kertas berwarna merah dan juga menampalkannya pada tingkap rumah kerana dipercayai makhluk itu amat takutkan warna merah dan juga bunyi bising. Cadangan orang tua itu berhasil dan makhluk tersebut melarikan diri dan meraikan kemenangan penduduk kampung itu, maka ianya telah sinonim dengan meraikan tahun baru pada ketika itu.Secara hakikatnya, sambutan Tahun Baru Cina adalah demi menyambut tahun baru bagi masyarakat Cina mengikut kalendar mereka. Mengikut kalendar Cina, setiap tahun akan diwakili dengan satu zodiak haiwan yang mana pada tahun ini (2016), jatuh pada tahun monyet. Bagi masyarakat Cina, setiap tahun mempunyai kelebihannya yang tersediri berdasarkan zodiak haiwan kalendar Cina. Sambutan Tahun Bari Cina akan berterusan selama 15 hari dan pada hari yang ke lima belas merupakan perayaan pesta tanglung. Bagaimana Masyarakat Cina Menyambut Tahun Baru MerekaSambutan tahun baru bagi masyarakat Cina adalah sambutan perayaan yang terbesar bagi mereka. Pada waktu inilah akan berkumpulnya sanak-saudara ahli keluarga untuk menyambutnya bersama-sama. Antara amalan serta adat yang berkaitan bagi menyambut tahun baru dapatlah disenaraikan secara ringkas seperti berikut:Ahli keluarga akan membersihkan rumah dan menurut kepercayaan masyarakat Cina ianya bagi menghilangkan hantu dan juga sial.Makan malam bersama pada malam sambutan tahun baru adalah perkara yang sangat penting.Sampul merah (hong bao di dalam bahasa Mandarin/ang pow di dalam bahasa Hokkien) akan diberikan kepada mereka yang belum berkahwin dan tidak mempunyai pekerjaan oleh pasangan yang sudah berkahwin.Warna merah bagi melambangkan nasib dan juga masa hadapan yang baik. Dekorasi rumah juga akan dihiasi dengan hiasan-hiasan yang berwarna merah.Memakan mee yang panjang dengan kepercayaan bahawa semakin panjang mee yang dimakan, semakin panjang umur yang bakal dinikmati. Jika mahu umur yang panjang, jangan dipotong mee tersebut.Memakai pakaian yang berwarna merah dan mengelak dari memakai pakaian berwarna hitam. Islam & Toleransi Dalam BeragamaIslam tidak pernah menafikan hak agama yang lain bahkan pada zaman Rasulullah SAW sendiri, Baginda hidup bersama masyarakat Yahudi, Nasrani dan juga kaum musyrikin. Secara asasnya Islam menyuruh umatnya berwala' kepada Islam dan barra' dari kekufuran serta merasa bangga dengan pegangan Islam serta menampilkan jati diri muslim sehingga keperibadian dan corak kehidupan dapat dibezakan dari golongan kafir. Firman Allah SWT: \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0646\u06e1 \u0623\u064e\u062d\u06e1\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064f \u0642\u064e\u0648\u06e1\u0644\u0657\u0627 \u0645\u0651\u0650\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0646 \u062f\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0627\u0653 \u0625\u0650\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0671\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0645\u0650\u0644\u064e \u0635\u064e\u0670\u0644\u0650\u062d\u0657\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0646\u0650\u064a \u0645\u0650\u0646\u064e \u0671\u0644\u06e1\u0645\u064f\u0633\u06e1\u0644\u0650\u0645\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e Maksudnya: Dan tidak ada yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada (mengesakan dan mematuhi perintah) Allah, serta ia sendiri mengerjakan amal yang soleh, sambil berkata: \"Sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang-orang Islam (yang berserah bulat-bulat kepada Allah)!\".(Fussilat: 33)Melihat kepada hakikat sambutan tahun baru Cina, ianya merupakan satu perayaan adat yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan permasalahan akidah. Ianya semata-mata menyambut tahun baru mengikut kalendar lunar Cina. Ini menjadi kayu pengukur buat seorang muslim dalam bermuamalah dan bergaul bersama orang bukan Islam dengan melihat adakah tindak-tanduknya itu menjurus kepada sikap reda terhadap akidah mereka ataupun hanya perbuatan yang dilakukan atas dasar kemasyarakatan dan hubungan sosial. Keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis KebangsaanMuzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-78 yang bersidang pada 12 Jun 2007 telah membincangkan Hukum Orang Islam Mengucapkan Tahniah Dan Ucapan Selamat Bersempena Perayaan Agama Bukan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:Apa jua amalan atau perlakuan orang Islam dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perayaan orang bukan Islam sekiranya melibatkan akidah atau iktikad seperti mengiktiraf agama bukan Islam atau menganggap semua agama adalah sama, maka ia ditegah oleh Islam.Walaubagaimanapun sekiranya amalan atau perlakuan tersebut hanya atas dasar kemasyarakatan atau hubungan sosial antara Islam dan bukan Islam untuk tujuan perpaduan, maka ia dibenarkan oleh Islam.Memberi ucapan tahniah dan selamat atau mengirimkan ucapan melalui kad atau alat-alat telekomunikasi seperti e-mail atau sistem pesanan ringkas (sms) dan sebagainya kepada orang bukan Islam sempena dengan perayaan agama mereka adalah harus, dengan syarat ucapan itu tidak mengiktiraf, memuji atau memuliakan agama bukan Islam serta tidak menggunakan sebarang simbol atau lambang keagamaan mereka dalam kiriman ucapan tersebut.Yee Sang (Mengajukan Ucap Selamat Demi Kemakmuran/Prosperity Toss)Di Malaysia mahupun Singapura, masyarakat Cina amat sinonim dengan Yee Sang iaitu satu upacara makan bersama yang diadakan bagi mengucapkan kemakmuran. Uniknya Yee Sang ini adalah apabila ianya hanya popular bagi masyarakat Cina di Malaysia dan Singapura dan tidak pula di tanah besar China, Hong Kong dan juga Taiwan.Yee Sang atau disebut juga Yusheng adalah sebuah hidangan yang sinonim dengan perayaan Tahun Baru Cina di Malaysia. Ia dihidangkan dengan mencampurkan tujuh jenis warna yang berlainan seperti hirisan betik, lobak putih, lobak merah, salmon mentah, kekacang, aneka sayur-sayuran dan aneka sos serta ramuan lain.Dari kaca mata Islam, makanan yang halal lagi baik maka tidak ada halangan baginya untuk dimakan. Firman Allah SWT:\u064a\u064e\u0670\u0653\u0623\u064e\u064a\u0651\u064f\u0647\u064e\u0627 \u0671\u0644\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0633\u064f \u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0627\u0652 \u0645\u0650\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0627 \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0671\u0644\u06e1\u0623\u064e\u0631\u06e1\u0636\u0650 \u062d\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0670\u0644\u0657\u0627 \u0637\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0628\u0657\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064e\u062a\u0651\u064e\u0628\u0650\u0639\u064f\u0648\u0627\u0652 \u062e\u064f\u0637\u064f\u0648\u064e\u0670\u062a\u0650 \u0671\u0644\u0634\u0651\u064e\u064a\u06e1\u0637\u064e\u0670\u0646\u0650\u06da \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f\u06e5 \u0644\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0645\u06e1 \u0639\u064e\u062f\u064f\u0648\u0651\u065e \u0645\u0651\u064f\u0628\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064c Maksudnya: Wahai sekalian manusia! Makanlah dari apa yang ada di bumi yang halal lagi baik, dan janganlah kamu ikut jejak langkah Syaitan; kerana sesungguhnya Syaitan itu ialah musuh yang terang nyata bagi kamu. (Al-Baqarah: 168)Melihat kepada amalan ini, ianya lebih kepada adat dan tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan permasalahan akidah dan harus hukumnya bagi umat Islam yang diajak untuk turut serta dalam upacara Yee Sang ini selama mana makanan yang dihidangkan halal dan tidak ada perkaitannya dengan permasalahan akidah baik dari segi ucapan mahupun iktikad terhadap upacara tersebut. Begitu juga selama mana tidak ada unsur-unsur maksiat dalam upacara tersebut. Wallahu a\u2019lam.Maksud \u2018Gong Xi Fa Cai\u2019\"Gong xi fa cai\" (Tulisan Cina Tradisional: \u606d\u559c\u767c\u8ca1; Tulisan Cina Ringkas: \u606d\u559c\u53d1\u8d22; pinyin: g\u014dngx\u01d0 f\u0101c\u00e1i; Bahasa Kantonis (Yale): g\u016bngh\u00e9i faatch\u00f2ih; bahasa Hokkien (POJ): Kiong-h\u00ed hoat-ch\u00e2i; bahasa Hakka: Kung hei fat choi), yang diterjemah sebagai \"Tahniah dan semoga mendapat rezeki\". Ungkapan ini yang sering tersalah angggap sebagai bersinonim dengan \"Selamat tahun baru\" mula digunakan berabad-abad lalu. Dua aksara pertama ungkapan ini mempunyai kepentingan sejarah yang lebih lama (menurut legenda, ucapan tahniah adalah bagi kejayaan menghadapi raksasa Nian dengan selamat, namun secara praktis ini juga boleh melibatkan kejayaan mengharungi keadaan musim sejuk yang teruk). Melihat kepada maksudnya ini, ianya jelas tidak bermasalah dan tidak bercanggah dengan akidah Islam malah ianya satu ucapan yang amat baik dan melambangkan perpaduan yang erat sesama kita.Kenyataan Mufti Wilayah PersekutuanDalam sebuah negara yang mempunyai kepelbagaian agama, bangsa yang majmuk, adat dan budaya yang berlainan seperti Malaysia, sudah tentu ia menjadikan kita lebih terbuka dan bertolak ansur (tasamuh dan toleransi) tanpa menggadaikan prinsip-prinsip utama Islam.Berikut merupakan beberapa garis panduan yang kami cadangkan kepada semua umat Islam yang ingin terlibat dalam sambutan perayaan bangsa lain untuk sama-sama diteliti dan diaplikasikan:Majlis tersebut tidak disertakan dengan upacara-upacara yang bertentangan dengan akidah Islam.Maksud \u201cbertentangan dengan akidah Islam\u201d ialah sesuatu perkara, perbuatan, perkataan atau keadaan yang jika dilakukan menyebabkan tercemarnya akidah umat Islam.Majlis tersebut tidak disertakan dengan perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan syarak.Maksud \u201cbertentangan dengan syarak\u201d ialah sesuatu perkara, perbuatan, perkataan atau keadaan yang jika dilakukan akan bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat Islam.Majlis tersebut tidak disertakan dengan \u201cperbuatan yang bercanggah dengan pembinaan akhlak dan budaya masyarakat Islam\u201d di negara ini.Maksud \u201cbercanggah dengan pembinaan akhlak dan budaya masyarakat Islam\u201d ialah sesuatu perkara, perbuatan, perkataan atau keadaan yang jika dilakukan akan bertentangan dengan nilai dan norma kehidupan masyarakat Islam Negara ini yang berpegang kepada ajaran Islam berdasarkan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah.Majlis tersebut tidak disertakan dengan perbuatan yang boleh \u201cmenyentuh sensitiviti masyarakat Islam\u201d.Maksud \u201cmenyentuh sensitiviti masyarakat Islam\u201d ialah sesuatu perkara, perbuatan, perkataan atau keadaan yang jika dilakukan akan menyinggung perasaan umat Islam tentang kepercayaan dan amalan mereka.Pihak penganjur dan orang ramai diminta mendapatkan pandangan pihak berkuasa agama sebelum menganjur atau menghadiri majlis perayaan orang yang bukan beragama Islam.Kami dapati sambutan Tahun Baru Cina yang dilakukan oleh kebanyakan pemimpin masyarakat Cina dan juga disertai oleh pemimpin negara atau negeri yang beragama Islam, masih di ruang lingkup yang dibenarkan oleh Islam. Ini kerana, ia bertujuan untuk menjaga dan memelihara hubungan masyarakat dan lebih kepada hidup dalam kontrak sosial yang diraikan tanpa menggadaikan prinsip agama.Akhir kalam, semoga Allah SWT sentiasa memberikan taufik dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua dan juga supaya diberikan kefahaman yang baik dalam beragama seterusnya dapat diaplikasikan di dalam kehidupan seharian. Meraikan suasana masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia menjadikan kita satu komuniti yang cintakan akan keamanan, penuh dengan rasa hormat-menghormati, tulus dan ikhlas dalam membina persahabatan serta teguh mempertahankan keamanan negara. Sesungguhnya, nikmat keamanan dan keharmonian yang Allah SWT telah berikan kepada kita semestinya sama-sama kita kekalkan dan memeliharanya demi keharmonian bersama. Akhukum fillah,S.S Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Bin Mohamad Al-BakriMufti Wilayah Persekutuan 25 Januari 2017 bersamaan 26 Rabi' al-Akhir 1438Hhttp://muftiwp.gov.my/index.php/ms-my/perk...tahun-baru-cina ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984129667282104} +{"text": "Geram la kedai makan depan ni suka hati dia je tutup. Balik kerja takda tempat lain nak beli makanan. Habis la duit hari2 kena grab je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9841997623443604} +{"text": "Got wheelchair also don't need tongkat. Tongkat users tak malu ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6921080946922302} +{"text": "Baru jumpa 1 kedai je yang yakin halal dalam Siam Paragon ni.\n\nTak boleh taqlid dengan Arab sini, nampak memasing main sodok je, padahal kedai entah halal ke tidak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.984820544719696} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Nov 1 2023, 10:40 AM)Then those easily confuse will complain those beer and pork images affected their faith because it tempting them to try those haram stuff. Demand to hide them before complain again the next day who no put sign which say your store sell haram food and drinks. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999511241912842} +{"text": "QUOTE(s3iryu @ Sep 10 2020, 10:45 AM)I actually see more reasonable comments in that Facebook comments section\"Menimbulkan keresahan\"..hmmm..siape la yg resah sgt tu,dah terang2 tulis pork..\ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude0cNak bincang buat ape netizen ni....dah terang\u00b2 pork floss. Ape ke pelik sangat korang nihhhdah terang2 ditulis pork tu yg dikebek nak cari halal apobondoo. sape la yg pandai sgt ni \ud83d\ude0fDah terang2 nama nya PORK FLOSS , tak kan Itu pun orang Tak tau nak bezakan Halal Dan Tak halal Jgnlah jadi malas wahai Muslimin. Dah terang2 tulis sana \u201cCrispy Pork Floss\u201d. Tak perlu nak rujuk JAKIM pun dah tahu benda tu haram. Apa, berhenti baca kat \u201cCrispy\u201d je ke?Dh tulis pork kan.. sye x pernah jumpa lagi pork yang halal seumur hidup niSegala tok nenek ko nk bedal...ini bukan terang\u00b2 lagi dah...ini dah terang lagi bersuluh...suluh bukan torch light..disuluh spotlights tulis PORK....ponnnnnnn ko tanye halal ke tak...bebal level ape nihok la, thank goodness there's still some bit of sanity around... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999493360519409} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 10 2023, 01:54 PM)Hmmmm.. Shandy with 0.5% alcohol is racun?I think to answer your question why shandy is deemed haram because we view shandy was made from mixing beer with other flavored water in equal parts. So apart from directly drink alcoholic drinks, we also cannot consume food or drinks that were made directly from mixing wine or beer. That\u2019s why eating this claypot chicken is considered haram as well because it was mixed with wine. While eating the claypot rice or drinking shandy does not generally make you drunk, but in Islam if the food or drink we consume can make you tipsy even in the slightest sense, then it\u2019s forbidden.Regarding tapai, when muslims eat tapai, we need to know how long has it been made to know where the fermentation stage is, if it\u2019s not too long (i am unsure whats considered too long here ya, cause I dont eat tapai because of health reasons) then generally it\u2019s permissible. If it\u2019s been made quite long then generally people dont eat it (can cause tipsy or getting the buzzzz)Hope it can clear some of your questions.This post has been edited by maxpudding: Sep 11 2023, 08:56 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925543665885925} +{"text": "Setiap orang Islam perlu mencari makanan yg halal lagi bersih, ia merupakan tuntutan agama.Makanan yg halal tidak mengira bangsa, Melayu atau Cina atau lain\u00b2.\n\nAdapun agama, ada kesan dalam bab daging. Hukum asal apa\u00b2 daging sembelihan adalah haram sehinggalah diketahui halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999663829803467} +{"text": "brb.. gonna go buka \"non-halal & absolute haram sdn bhd\". anyway, can report polis for being stupid or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999794960021973} +{"text": "QUOTESekarang ini, ramai sangat budak perempuan tidur dengan patung, hukumnya haram, tak boleh.Patung-patung ini hanya untuk kanak-kanak bermainbudak perempuan tidur dengan patung, hukumnya haram, tak boleh. Budak perempuan ini hanya untuk lebai bermain, kalau tidur dengan lebai halal, kahwin je. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 12:40 PM)The one haram is liquor, not alcohol. Cakes, steaks some have liquor as ingredients, not merely alcohol.Many cultures dont have such distinct divisions, which often causes the problem, cause if liquor is the bad one, then beer is fine, wine would be fine too.But if its about purpose, then cooking wines and alcohol would be fine.That makes me at least very confused with it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7906877398490906} +{"text": "teddy bear ada dulu or Al-Quran ada dulu?Or fellow ustaz lack fo contents, so ikut suka hati create content dongeng? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998273253440857} +{"text": "JAKIM kata masih belum ada sijil halal, tidak bermaksud minuman itu haram. Dalam Usul Fiqh, Istishab Al-Hukm, selagi sesuatu itu tidak terbukti haram, maka ia halal. https://t.co/1MPTX6S3UE", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991347193717957} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Aug 6 2024, 09:50 AM)https://says.com/my/news/salmonella-found-g...ths-93-infectedSalmonella Found In Gombak Food Poisoning Case That Resulted In 2 Deaths & 93 InfectedThe Health Ministry has found salmonella in stool samples from victims who had consumed fried bihun and fried eggs during a school programme on Sunday, 9 June, in Gombak, SelangorAccording to the New Straits Times, the Selangor Health Department said some stool samples are still pending results after being sent to the National Public Health Laboratory in Sungai Buloh.\"Results are still pending for other samples, such as food from the incident, swabs from related surface areas, and equipment where food was prepared, as well as clinical samples from the food handlers,\" the department told the English daily.It is understood that the total number of people hospitalised for food poisoning following the event has increased by 11, from 82 to 93.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...maut-keracunan/Jais arah henti khidmat bekalan makanan selepas 2 maut keracunanPETALING JAYA: Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) mengarahkan pihak perkhidmatan makanan menghentikan bekalan disyaki menjadi punca keracunan makanan dalam program Amal Islami di Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA) Sungai Cincin, Gombak yang menyebabkan dua individu maut.Pengarahnya, Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad berkata, perkara itu sudah dimaklumkan kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Islam Jais. \u00a0 \u00a0 PUAS MANA PUAS? YOUR OWN SEKOLAH YOU PUN TAK ENDAH TO BENTANG IN PARLIAMENT ON FOOD SAFETY !!!!EVERYDAY WANT TO KECAM NON PUNYA VERNACULARSELALU KEPO JAGA TEPI KAIN ORG LAIN, SENDIRI PUNYA ISU DIKETEPIKAN.This is part you bodoPas is a political partySekolah agama under state government which mean directly under Sultan of each stateIf there was Pas school..there are umno dan dap school? Bodo takda had ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9918749928474426} +{"text": "Oo. Jadi halal lah dia baling2 makanan tu.. bagus2... Lepas tu merajuk sampai 2 3 hari. Bini tak pandai penat dan tiada prasaan sbb dia robot kan..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8036849498748779} +{"text": "Bodo sape report my tered as haram and insensitive to hindu... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999408721923828} +{"text": "https://api.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/10/...dar-viral-videoQUOTEKUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association (Presma) has condemned a viral video of a woman promoting a non-halal version of Nasi Kandar with a pork dish served at a non-halal eatery recently.The video showed a girl promoting the non-halal Nasi Kandar by describing the pork varuval as one of the best dishes to have at the stall she visited.The video which was posted on several social media platforms has received concern and condemnation from Malaysians, especially among the Mamak community and from Presma, who make up the majority of Nasi Kandar restaurant owners in the country.Speaking to the New Straits Times today, Presma president Datuk Jawahar Ali Taib Khan said the post was not only insulting but could also mislead Muslims into visiting the stall, thinking it is a halal restaurant.\"It is a known fact that all Nasi Kandar restaurants are halal compliant and only serve food which are prepared according to the halal process.Presma president Datuk Jawahar Ali Taib Khan. -NSTP FILE/HAZREEN MOHAMADPresma president Datuk Jawahar Ali Taib Khan. -NSTP FILE/HAZREEN MOHAMAD\"When someone comes up with such a video claiming that the dish served is Nasi Kandar, it can only be seen as insulting, insensitive and misleading,\" he said speaking on behalf of the 12,000 Mamak restaurant owners in the country.Jawahar Ali said the post if not removed immediately or not properly clarified could cause confusion among the Muslim majority in Malaysia.\"There is a reason why most Nasi Kandar outlets are operated by the Mamak Muslims, it is not because of food taste but also because we make sure that all the food prepared at Nasi Kandar restaurants follows Halal certification requirements,\" he said when contacted today.He added that if the matter was not dealt with accordingly, other Mamak signature dishes such as murtabak, mee goreng Mamak and others would also be modified to include non-halal ingredients.\"I received a call from the secretary-general of the National Unity ministry this morning, to arrange a meeting with them as well as the stall owner from Damansara.\"We look forward to the meeting, so that we can solve this issue in an amicable manner,\" Jawahar Ali said.Nasi Kandar is believed to originate from the early 1900s, when itinerant Indian Muslim vendors would sell curry and rice to the dock employees of Weld Quay, located in George Town, Penangthis datok is trying to stir something i wonder how clean and compliant his nasi kandar shops are... https://api.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/08/...restaurant-scamQUOTEKUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association (Presma) president Datuk Jawahar Ali Taib Khan has slammed a recent viral video in which a mamak restaurant patron accused the establishment of unhygienic practices.He said Presma, which represents more than 3,500 restaurant operators, caterers, food shops or operators related to the restaurant industry in Malaysia, strongly objected to the \"blind and irresponsible accusations\" made by the patron.\"These accusations are a hidden agenda of certain groups... over the years, as restaurant owners, we have seen many scammers use dirty tactics by making false accusations and even 'planting' objects and dead cockroaches in the food after they had consumed half, just so that they can leave without paying and extort money from the operators.\"We have been subjected to this kind of bad behaviour and most often as business operators we try to avoid escalations with customers and let them go without paying.\"This is just another similar tactic used by some irresponsible person to seek fame and popularity on social media,\" Jawahar Ali told the New Straits Times.He said 12,000 restaurants under Presma have had enough of this kind of negative attention put on operators and will proceed with legal action on the matter.\"Irresponsible customers with bad intentions have given such a cheap view of all Muslim mamak restaurants which have provided the best service with reasonable prices. (We have) the best quality Mamak Muslim restaurants, which still practice interpersonal service and not self-service, and have made many reforms and improvements in terms of quality.Jawahar Ali added that Mamak restaurants, as one of the icons connecting Malaysia's multiracial community, should not be unfairly labelled.He revealed a recording of a call which followed the viral video in which another man claimed he found a cockroach in his food the day before.The caller is heard demanding RM300 from restaurant operators and when he was asked to come to the same outlet, he did not turn up there.Jawahar Ali said many customers do not realise the challenges operators go through daily but this sort of bad behaviour must stop immediately.\"Presma has lodged an official police complaint regarding both, the video as well as the phone call incident. We will let the police investigate the matter first,\" he said.Also present was Presma vice-president Datuk Abdul Mukthahir @ Tahir and all the Presma executive committee members.This post has been edited by Knnbuccb: Oct 31 2023, 02:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974797368049622} +{"text": "Ayat tweet ni je dah membawa salah faham& imej buruk pd JAKIM, again. JAKIM cuma cakap Family Mart \u201c bukan pemegang sijil halal\u201d dan jauhi perkara syubhah agar tidak jatuh ke haram. \nTakdak pun literally claim makanan kat Family Mart tu haram. https://x.com/hazifflatiff/s/hazifflatiff/status/1084802509636423680\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "Xde siapa yg claim halal. Org cuma bgtau even xde sijil halal jakim, xsemesti nya brg tu haram. Halal tu dlm islam bermaksud haiwan yg blh dimakan yg disembelih atas nama Allah dan bersih penyediaan nya. Alquran dan hadis xpnh suruh cek sijil halal br sah makanan tu halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7057040333747864} +{"text": "Buat kuehteow goreng bai...kerang letak lebih skit...pastu jual air jambu merah. Pergghhhh sedap bai! Orang suka panas2... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999650716781616} +{"text": "QUOTE(a13solut3 @ Mar 24 2024, 09:40 AM)In certain race context, no halal cert mean outright haram, doesn't matter if it was made by plant product or not as long as it not owned by org kito, it's haramWhen some ppl that is Racist at heart, they will nitpick every single reason to hate and discriminate you. Right now if certain brand they haven't is because either they don't know tauke is non or they don't even know the existence of this brand. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932823181152344} +{"text": "\nklu ada air-con\u00a0\u00a0saya leh lah makan yg pedas... klu open air, saya x suka makan yg pedas sbb takut ...\nkaikaibaby Post at 9-6-2010 12:02 \n\nsaya kalau makan pedas bukan berpeluh..tapi berair hidung.....sakit telinga...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9914600849151611} +{"text": "\nkucingitam replied at 16-8-2021 02:11 PM\r\nnetizen ni tak habih mempersoalkan halal haram orang...get a life la netizen\nya lor..\n\n\r\nsimpati sama orang sebegini, sudah tiba masanya sekolah menengah mengetengah kan silibus, etika dlm media social...\n\n\r\nasik nak menunjuk kan i m holier than u though...\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999339580535889} +{"text": "Memang paling pffft la kalau takat baca artikel tu then terus percaya makanan tu haram. Jadi bijak sikit pegi check kat JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9992170333862305} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 13 2020, 10:53 PM)zaman viral. ni la pakcik, kalau bangang tu simpan2 la... malu anak cucu tgk...ya i think macam old pakcik, and he said his friend bought for him. so possibly never eat old town before. maybe rarely eat outside.need teach this unker2 a lesson to not repeat it again. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(kenuism @ May 15 2024, 04:03 PM)I think there is a heart specialist course that can only be offered uitm and not in the other local universities and apparently there is a local shortage of such specialists. So i think there is talk that non-M doctor be allowed to study there bcos of shortage. But I may be wrong, so apologies in advanceIf i understand correctly its an accreditation course for those who have already completed the required training overseas. So basically whatever certification they have even if from the best university in the world is not recognised by MMA unless u complete the UiTM course ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998065829277039} +{"text": "Halal or haram just doesn't simply determined on whether someone has sijil halal or as long as it is not babi or arak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999548196792603} +{"text": "kononnya, ikut ckp allah dan rasul. lepastu ambik makanan yg ada cop jakim jgk. jakim dan mufti dah explain taknak dgr. kau igt mufti tu ambik fatwa dari mana? syaiton??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8975823521614075} +{"text": "kalau makanan tu takda sijil halal and meragukan tak payah la kau defend . kalau kau yakin silakan makan or minum. tapi tk perlu cakap org lain tk open minded org kampung \"nanti pergi oversea tak makan la kau\".", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9835873246192932} +{"text": "Mekdi bukan israel.Aku dh baca risalah tu .Mekdi tak de kaitan langsung ngan israel plus makanan diorang diiktiraf halal oleh jakim. #fakta", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.710372805595398} +{"text": "QUOTE(IsaacVky @ Oct 11 2017, 05:59 PM)Ridhuan Tee: Nak suci sangat, jangan ke kedai CinaRead more at https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/397991#MDr4X2xySbHHzjGb.99\u201cMemang secara fizikal majoriti orang Cina kencing berak tidak menggunakan air. Mereka menggunakan tisu. Tetapi mengatakan secara umum, Cina tidak bersih, saya tidak setuju.\u201cSecara umum, masyarakat Cina sudah terkenal sifat pembersih, walaupun mereka tidak berpegang kepada hadis, kebersihan itu sebahagian daripada iman.\u201cTetapi berbanding dengan mereka yang berpegang dengan hadis tersebut, cuba lihat bersih atau tidak rumah atau restoran atau tempat kerja mereka,\u201d kata ahli akademik daripada Fakulti Pengajian Umum dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin itu.Free Malaysia Today (FMT) semalam melaporkan Zamihan mengkritik Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar kerana membidas sebuah kedai dobi di negeri itu yang melarang pelanggan bukan Islam.Pilihan Editorimage: https://i.malaysiakini.com/1161/adf9ac0ccde...9e8e97de50.jpeg Kejutan terbesar Fastaqim 2.0 ialah...image: https://i.malaysiakini.com/1166/2b27bdea0d4...8cbae9c529.jpeg Beliau menyifatkan orang Cina tidak suci selepas membuang air besar dan pakaian umat Islam tidak boleh dibiarkan bercampur dengan pakaian bukan Islam atas keperluan untuk beribadat.\u201cCina biasa kencing berak tak basuh. Bagaimana tentang darah haid mereka, pada pakaian dalam mereka, peluk dakap anjing, minum arak, tumpah arak, makan babi, sup babi. Itu semua sinonim dengan mereka,\u201d Zamihan dipetik sebagai berkata.Zamihan mendakwa laporan itu berniat jahat dan mahu membunuh karektornya serta mengancam menyaman tiga media dan bekas menteri undang-undang Datuk Zaid Ibrahim. 'Tahi cicak di ruang solat'Menulis di laman berita rasmi Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA), Ridhuan turut berkongsi pengalamannya sendiri bahawa jarang rumah orang Cina yang diziarahinya bersawang atau mempunyai lantai berlumut dan kotor.\u201cBerbanding dengan kita, usah pergi jauh. Lihat masjid surau kita. Pergi bahagian tempat wuduk, tandas dan sebagainya. Ini belum termasuk ruang solat berselerak dengan tahi cicak,\u201d katanya.Realiti hari ini, kata Ridhuan, tidak ada sebuah negara Islam pun yang boleh dikategorikan bersih dalam kalangan 30 buah negara teratas di dunia.Beliau juga membangkitkan isu-isu lain yang melibatkan orang Cina dan bukan Islam.\u201cJika nak suci sangat, jangan kunjungi pasar raya atau kedai-kedai Cina. Boleh dikatakan semua produk makanan dan pasar raya adalah keluaran mereka.\u201cBegitu juga, jangan pegang wang siling atau kertas kerana semua itu sudah berlegar di kedai babi dan kedai judi.\u201cKenapa kita simpan duit ini dalam wallet (dompet) dan membawanya bersolat. Bukankah ia tidak suci?\u201d soal mualaf itu lagi.Generalisasi rugikan dakwahSementara itu, dalam hal masalah sosial juga, anak-anak umat Islam yang memakan makanan \u201chalalan toyiban\u201d (halal dan baik) sering melepak, menghisap dadah dan mencuri, termasuk kasut-kasut di masjid.\u201cSedangkan mereka yang tidak bersih, tidak suci, pemakan babi dan pemelihara anjing dan sebagainya, mereka yang bekerja siang malam untuk mencari wang dan menjadi kaya raya.\u201cGejala sosial mereka tidaklah sehebat kita hari ini. Sebab itu, komen secara umum sebegini tidak berhikmah,\u201d katanya.Menghormati hak Zamihan memberikan pendapat, Ridhuan bagaimanapun menolak langkah generalisasi itu kerana ia merugikan dakwah.\u201cIslam bukan hanya bercakap soal bersih suci sahaja. Malah, lebih besar daripada isu pendidikan anak-anak selepas itu,\u201d katanya.\u201cTidak ada gunakan mendirikan rumah berdepan kaabah, dapat meminum air zam-zam dan mengerjakan umrah saban hari dan haji saban tahun, sekiranya kita hanya ekstrem dalam satu aspek sahaja, tetapi tidak ekstrem dalam perkara lain dalam melaksanakan Islam sebagai satu cara hidup.\u201d /kekThat begs a question. What about cina muslim 1 and 2? Are they suci? Serios answer please. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999734163284302} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Oct 15 2022, 12:26 PM)So hot dogs from IKEA not halal? But why Sunkists still buy and rat?PeopleofPerlis PAS tak bawa isu ini ke Parliament sebelum ini?Rules and requirements of retaining Halal status were set by Jakim. For further info you can ask them. I'm just sharing news about Auntie Anne case. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999158382415771} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Nov 18 2020, 01:38 PM)beer mug......I see thanks for explaining. Now I know that glass shape or beer mug also can be haram. That's very surprising. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9926444292068481} +{"text": "OPEN JASTIP SNACK CHINA\nBISA CO 7.7BERSIH INAADA GOHALALPACKINGDOM TANGSEL\n\ntag. latiao jastip makanan china viral Snack wts pedas mala wulma gulten", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993194341659546} +{"text": "Bananabro is the best BLR ever. No fight Nirvana, Devi's or Raju.Source: trust me bro ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.994844913482666} +{"text": "Tak suka, janganla naik MAS. Rayani kan ada.. wait a sec... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.926256000995636} +{"text": "@enahasann Kalau jual ubat kurus ni memang tak ke mana bangang dia. Duk bangga dgn sijil halal je lah. Org tanya no kkm sampai sudah belit. Dia yg gali lubang kubur sendiri. Org x usik produk dia kan dh kena expose.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997174143791199} +{"text": "Ada yg cadangan kpd JAKIM agar semua perniagaan makanan yg dimiliki oleh org bukan Islam ditulis perkataan HARAM dlm tulisan Rumi. \n\nIni kerana mereka menolak tulisan JAWI yg digunakan pd setiap Logo HALAL.\n\nDemi Kesucian Islam dan Keharmonian semua Kaum. Terima kasih. Setuju ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997707009315491} +{"text": "\nmendeluk replied at 22-7-2022 06:15 PM\nOh so kalau kawan2 hubs you fly to japan ke us, dorang makan lah mcdonalds anything asalkan bukan\u00a0\u00a0...\nye makan je apapun asal bukan babi..mc d (big mac suma tu) ke kfc ke street food ke..alasan darurat susah cari tempat makan halal..pasal tu diorg tak suka kalau hubby iols pergi dgn diorg sbb hubby iols straight bab halal haram..malas dia pun nak tegur suma dah tua beranak pinak so slalu pergi tempat lain x sama..customer pun faham slalu provide mac & cheese vege pizza..siap bgtahu kedai mana halal..masjid mana..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "Wah wah ! Ramai rupanya pengguna Supplements Maganda Glow yang telah berjaya ! Maganda Glow mmg byk membantu ! Yang best Supplements ni 100% formula dari Doktor Pakar kulit sebab tu sijil kkm dan halal ! Kornag wajib try ! Follow instagram @_produk.viral_ ! https://t.co/VhIIbTQGRR", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999797344207764} +{"text": "Saya termasuk yg merasa org berduka jgn ditambahi beban. Kalau perlu ada makanan ya tetangga rame2 gotong royong bantu2 masak & urunan. Jgn yg berduka yg ketambahan beban lagi.\nKalau soal makanannya, ya sangat blh dimakan selama halal dan bersih. Malah dosa kalau buang2 makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "QUOTE(darosha @ Jun 10 2019, 11:30 AM)yup no need was waseven if the food is halal, complete with halal chop, but if you decide to be was was, haram it isno need to buy anything from the storecucuk tanam sendiri all foodIt's because jakim told people got stamp then no need was was. Indirectly people see no stamp have to be was was. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9667477011680603} +{"text": "QUOTE(xavi5567 @ Apr 11 2012, 01:48 PM)tat is not my question... i m asking which chicken tat is sold to the general mass of malaysia is not halal? if u go jusco, carrefour, tesco,mydin, pasar tani, pasar pagi.. all selling halal chicken only.. the non halal part is jus the cooking... if ur friend dont know it.. then is ok.. and jus keep the news to urself... dont need to telll <--white lies... is for the best of both side..\u00a0 if the seller buys from jusco, carrefour, tesco, mydin and all other supermarkets u can say most of the chickens are slaughtered in an Islamic way... but if u buy from pasar pagi, or pasar tani, if the seller buys from a non-muslim chicken seller, he might get his chickens from a slaughter-house which does not follow the slaughtering of the chickens in Islamic way... which deems the chickens \"Haram\" to be consumed by Muslim people.... it's not just the cooking.... hope this clears out for u... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985902905464172} +{"text": "QUOTE(Red_rustyjelly @ Apr 12 2024, 12:01 PM)inb4 sendiri malas blame the non for being rich.Nons or more directly Chinese have more access to education than Bumiputera.Malas or rajin does not matter to \"Desa\" students if you don't have access to education like \"Kota\" student had.Let this sink in, and then fight me. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997115731239319} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Oct 2 2023, 05:28 AM)Went to subang empire suddenly cannot find pork chop flied lice anymore\u2026What is the next best thing to orderI thought Din is tarak babi and DTF is ada babi?Brother me no longer Malaysian pun tau la, you update software to Kopitiam 2.24 boleh tak? Kalau cannot support please renew hardware. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Jul 24 2024, 01:34 PM)Ermm, is it? This is a Muslim restaurant right? How about a Malay style restaurant? NO tanglungs?I also see the same thing on popular hiking trails in Malaysia that are near to type C areas. They will go hang all their tanglungs along the trail.It ends up looking like a jungle trail in China.\u00a0 It is Chinese-Muslim restaurant ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993738532066345} +{"text": "Why not?Lu tak suka. Lu keluar.Simple. Otherwise some still dreaming Oh this is mai country i will die for her. Oh please. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Apr 5 2024, 11:31 AM)In food handling course which complusory for all food industry worker already say clearly, cooked food is best to be consume within 4hours.Jadi pandai pandai lar. Only eat the food which being prepare in front of your eyesapa tu food handling, apa tu haccp, yang saya tau saya M makanan saya janji halal! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995108842849731} +{"text": "QUOTE(quintesson @ Dec 12 2023, 11:32 PM)thanks for the advertisement didn't know about this Bibi Popiah till now. just 1 letter different between halal & haram. anyone try before taste and price?More pricier than normal Popiah at hawker centre but very fragrant.My gf ate once, now dun wanna layan popiah at hawker centre liao. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966737031936646} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 01:29 PM)The problem here is misrepresentation. That's wrong. If people see normal stall operated by malays they will assume it's halal. A legit non Muslim owned restaurants or stalls that want to sell to Muslim will apply for halal cert to get the same confident level. Some shops which have been operating for long time and has already developed a regular Muslim clientele may choose not to apply halal cert coz it's not legally required and they already have a sizable Muslim clients/patrons.In this case, it's a simple case of trying to mispresent their nasi ayam to Muslim customers as a product from a Muslim stall but in actual fact is not. That's what we call, penipu scammerwait..let me understand if i get this right...the owner is muslimthe workers are muslimand tiktokker that upload and viral also muslimso the muslim tiktokker interbiu the mulsim owners and muslim workers and go promobut end of the day when something goes wrong, its the cina non-muslim that's wrong? i have the tiktok video if you want..the promo video and also the one where the same muslim tiktoker release 2nd video to apologise for misleading..This post has been edited by Justice Supreme: Aug 18 2022, 06:13 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993541836738586} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!I'm the liberal and open type.I just use. Don't care so much about small things like this. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999445676803589} +{"text": "if the one recording is malaysian, lets give her the singapore treatment, don't bring your country culture over here. you tak suka you keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979602098464966} +{"text": "QUOTE(BaZikAltUa @ Oct 20 2016, 04:26 PM)Aku rase, isu sebenar lebih pada xcukup documentation.. tp media selectively highlight lebih2 pasal nama dengan letak tajuk \"Auntie Anne's halal application rejected over 'Pretzel Dog\".. contoh media tu adalah malaysiakini.. Rakyat Malaysia ni, baca tajuk je da boleh interpret abes semua satu artikel, cukup sekadar baca tajuk.. then terus la melenting, bising2, viral2 sebar2.. huuu..Senang cerita, JAKIM boleh kata \"okay, ni semua salah faham, sila kekalkan nama, janji central kitchen okay kami bagi cert\". Cepat2 settlekan.Tapi tidak kan? Maksudya enggan lepaskan isu la tu. Maka terserlah kebodohannya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(gana2056 @ Aug 18 2015, 11:36 AM)abang2 sekalian kalau vaping haram, rokok tak haram, abistu clubbing haram tak...can argue mah i go clubbing for music but i no drink alcohol lol? because reality is i have a friend who is not muslim but cannot drink alcohol due to allergies. the moment she drink a lil alcohol her skin will turn red then lips will swell. but she go clubbing sadly dont drink .kalau ko nak clubbing ke, berjoget dalam tu ke, takde sapa yang kesah (mak bapak ko je la kot)yang orang marah skrang ni budak2 vape hisap vape kat tempat awam menganggu orang lain, tu yang orang marah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9341034889221191} +{"text": "she looks pretty ... but why not find some guys like Rain??but ok lah ... at least korean sunat already, but can he give up pork? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999451220035553} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Nov 24 2023, 11:31 AM)I doubt rokok exists when Quran is writtenSo meaning if the thing is not specifically mentioned by name then its not haram?In that sense, any drugs like dadah, meth, etc are halal because it was not mentioned in Quran?Benda yang memudaratkan badan. Hence why Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Jun 1 2022, 09:50 PM)Duck not considered 2 alam?Halal / haram sumber makanan menurut Islam... turutannya:1. Spesifik: yang disebut dengan spesifik dalam Quran atau Hadith nama/spesis haiwan tersebut.2. Umum: yang halal atau haramnya bergantung pada sifat/kategori haiwan tersebut.Boleh rujuk http://www.eat-halal.com/the-fiqh-of-halal...-haram-animals/ untuk lebih mendalam dan terperinciItik halalQUOTE...birds who do not hunt with their claws and do not prey on other animals, rather they merely eat grains and crop, are all considered Halal, such as a chicken, duck, pigeon, dove, sparrow, crow, etc. Sayyiduna Abu Musa al-Ash\u2019ari (Allah be pleased with him) says: \u201cI saw the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) consuming (the meat of) chicken.\u201d(Sahih al-Bukhari, no: 5198) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985986351966858} +{"text": "@ZahinTahir Kalau tak ada sijil halal tendency bercampur dengan benda haram besar kot \ud83d\ude02 Bayangkan slaughter house, diorang ada kemungkinan ambik entah siapa-siapa buat sembelih ayam. Jenuh Haha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981865286827087} +{"text": "QUOTE(Coup De Grace @ Jan 3 2017, 09:05 AM)Fa Abdul | January 3, 2017Instead of wasting time boycotting restaurants over their petty policies, Malaysians should focus on issues that really carry weight.With so many distressing and far more important matters making the news every day, I wonder why no one has announced the move to boycott any of the following:\u2022 Why not boycott the use of palm oil since many Orang Asli and Orang Asal are losing their forests to oil palm plantations? viral it\u2022 Why not boycott using highways after the hike in tolls? you have any other alternatives?\u2022 Why not boycott restaurants and stores that still use plasticware and polystyrene containers? \u2022 Why not boycott higher learning institutes that suspend its students for taking part in political rallies?\u2022 Why not boycott businesses that fail to provide proper living and working conditions for their foreign workers? viral it\u2022 Why not boycott restaurants and stalls that breed rats, flies and stray cats by the dozen? viral it\u2022 Why not boycott companies who slack in customer service? easier to boycott. viral it\u2022 Why not boycott schools where teachers suspected of molesting students have been transferred to? been wandering about that too\u2022 Why not boycott wildlife parks that abuse animals? should be viralled\u2022 Why not boycott political parties that have failed the people time and time again? boycott those party jumpers betterFa\u2019s Note:This article was written while enjoying a Big Mac with large curly fries followed by a decadent chocolate sundae for dessert. Mmmm\u2026Fa\u2019s lovin\u2019 it!http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...-wanna-boycott/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9739148616790771} +{"text": "Kerajaan Terengganu melalui Yayasan Pembangunan Usahawan (YPU) merancang untuk memperluaskan pemasaran produk usahawan-usahawan negeri itu dengan memenuhi piawaian sijil halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM). follow TV Darul Iman https://t.co/Lfxz9Z4SpW", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "Guys got new update about this guyhttps://www.worldofbuzz.com/msian-man-who-m...ed-their-money/In a viral Facebook post about the man in question, one netizen has outed the man, who is an ustaz, for having 7 police reports lodged against him, and he has allegedly tried to sexually harass and rape women, cheated his students of their money, and taught a married couple wrong Islamic teachings (zikir sesat) that led to their divorce.This post has been edited by atrocitines: Oct 3 2019, 11:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.946863055229187} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) will be meeting representatives of Auntie Anne's later Thursday over the pretzel store franchise\u2019s halal certification, said Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom (pix). Auntie Anne's was recently asked to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification. Speaking at a press conference in Parliament here, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department said Jakim was willing to discuss the matter. He said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram, adding that what was important was the content of the food, and not the name of the product. \"Sometimes we understand that the company wants to maintain its brand as the product is already popular with that name,\u201d he said.\"They wanted the halal certification and in order to obtain it, there is a need to comply with certain requirements.Commenting on a Facebook post that Jakim had declared hotdog as haram, Jamil said it was fake.On Jakim recommending the pretzel store franchise to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification, Jamil did not give a clear response. \u201cHot dogs\u201d are not the only contentious words when it comes to the Islamic body's halal certification standards. Under the Jakim's Malaysia Halal Certification (Third Revision) 2014 Manual Procedure, applicants may be rejected if their food items include the words \u201cbacon\u201d, \u201cbeer\u201d, \u201crum\u201d, \u201cham\u201d or \u201cbak kut teh\u201d. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6427046656608582} +{"text": "Me simple...if they say halal ingredients..and I dont see any haram yang terang lagi bersuluh..I will just eat.Not easy to apply for halal cert anyways..long process. Plus makcik muslim tepi jalan jual makanan pun kena apply siji halal kalau mcm tu.But I have a srs question.. sedap ke makanan kt bungkus kaw kaw ni? Aku xpernah beli ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998984336853027} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Dec 20 2023, 03:48 PM)Oh. This is a question I want to ask. Why is kepci so popular in Sabah. It's everywhere. Is borenos better?This. Almost all buildings have KFC. Lol. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017Dear tsWhat you had just experienced is the result of successful brainwashing where one kenot think for themselves Sit tightIt will get funnier overtime ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999434769153595} +{"text": "\n\r\nABDUL Rahman berkata, umat Islam wajib mencari makanan yang halal dan peniaga perlu jujur dalam pengendalian makanan. FOTO Arkib NSTP.\n\r\nKuala Lumpur: Umat Islam perlu meninggalkan makanan diragui ataupun syubhah dan bertanggungjawab mencari makanan yang diyakini halal.\n\r\nMufti Pahang Datuk Seri Dr Abdul Rahman Osman berkata, peniaga juga perlu bertanggungjawab dan jujur dalam pengendalian makanan supaya tidak menimbulkan keraguan.\n\r\nMenurutnya, walau di mana orang Islam berada, mereka mesti bertanggungjawab untuk mencari makanan yang diyakini halal dan meninggalkan sesuatu yang samar serta tidak jelas hukumnya.\n\r\n\"Benda syubhah boleh jatuh kepada haram, lebih baik kita tinggalkan. Orang Muslim elak makan di situ (mana-mana premis yang diragui).\n\r\n\"Premis orang Muslim (pelanggan) boleh tanya sendiri untuk buktikan (bahan digunakan) dan peniaga perlu bertanggungjawab serta jujur untuk menjawabnya,\" katanya.\n\r\nBeliau berkata demikian ketika dihubungi bagi mengulas mengenai isu premis nasi ayam claypot di Sri Petaling, di sini yang tular di media sosial, selepas status halalnya diragui kerana didakwa menggunakan rice wine atau wain beras.\n\r\nDr Abdul Rahman berkata, mengenai dakwaan terhadap penggunaan terlarang oleh premis itu, siasatan perlu dilakukan untuk pengesahan.\n\r\nTerdahulu, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dilapor mengesahkan pihaknya tidak pernah mengeluarkan pensijilan halal ke atas premis itu dan semakan Portal Halal menunjukkan premis tiada Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia (SPHM).\nhttps://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakh ... -halal-mufti-pahang", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940240979194641} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya @Halal_Malaysia please explain kenapa sijil halal penting dalam industri pemakanan. Ur job to answer this issue. tq", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998192191123962} +{"text": "His youtube channel not popular before this, so need promote2 for more views, haha. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9831320643424988} +{"text": "QUOTE(NEP1971 @ Feb 21 2023, 08:26 AM)China doll bestNo need askHmmmmmmm, best in a lot of aspects, got those good for fwb, got those good to be wifey....depends on what you want ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999339580535889} +{"text": "@dsakaknora I pon kt tg.malim ni...nk bg tau yg kedai pau yik mun dh viral sbb xde sijil halal..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7727214097976685} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jul 14 2016, 10:48 PM)( i actually wrote this as a reply in ur pm, only after I replied I noticed u have written here, so I just copy paste )Takde tersinggung.As u said we should stay away from doubtful matters. I agree. And I know once we have doubt on the halal, it is best not eat. But my arguement is, what if there is no doubt? People invite u to come eat at their house, should we have doubt on the cleanliness of the food prepared? If the host ( muslims or non muslims ) says the food prepared are halal, y should we have doubt? Even the prophet have eaten foods prepared by the jews. He did not even ask if its haram or halal. It is wajib to ask only if what is presented is seen as haram. Like theres some porks served nearby. Theres no larangan written in the quran for muslims to eat food prepared by non muslims. Maybe I have missed it and u can point it out? If there is, yes I am wrong.For me personally, i will query few things.a) TC never really understand our halal/haramb) TC never deal with such situation before thus he was not sure and ask us at k/c) TC were open to such suggestion to even buy food from outside, where certified by halal.d) Yes the plates can be washed before eating, but since TC wanted to cooked, how do we validate that the pan and the cooking tools are fully cleaned?e) TC is a non muslim? he is a person who eats pork and drink wine, thus creating a scenario on his diet and meals.for me these 5 query is sufficient enough to be doubtful? right? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970126152038574} +{"text": "QUOTE(clearcase @ Apr 11 2012, 09:05 AM)bank interest haram oso wat but not taken seriously as food i tot smoking also haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Nov 13 2015, 10:40 PM)jilaka rotate la pic duluDonno how lolI used lowyat attachment QUOTE(ironmaid89 @ Nov 13 2015, 10:44 PM)Dont know but the supermarket\u00a0 i usually go sells this product in regular section instead of non halal sectionOwh. Really? Then maybe halal edy la kotQUOTE(Weng85 @ Nov 13 2015, 11:16 PM)Not really. If the vege is planted using the baja produced by \"that\" animal, then consider halal or not.I think only human haram makan babiPlant is not included in that ruling. Especially they didn't literally eat baby. QUOTE(Jyunkai @ Nov 13 2015, 11:31 PM)see if the ingredients used are the same as certified halal raman?Hmm. Pandai. Later i compare ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998219609260559} +{"text": "halal haram aside, its unhygienic for the food seller to wear jewelries and wristwatch while preparing the food. hopefully they've attended the food safety & preparation class, and also have the required jabs. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6685815453529358} +{"text": "aku under 1jt (exclude kos ya) cukup cukup aja kok, kadang masak kadang beli makanan, suka jalan-jalan juga", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993089437484741} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:50 AM)Do chinese muslim still consumes chinese foodstuff like herbal/ginseng etc? Those are actually plant based, so no need halal certification right? Some times they will eat dried seafood stuff like scallops, sea cucumber and sea horse. Are those permitted?In general, all aquatic animals except frog are halal. herbal and ginseng too.But, you need to consider how it is prepared. If they use the same utensil to prepare pork or they add alcohol, then it becomes haram. Halal cert is just a guide to help you identify halal food. It makes life easy. If not, you need to do more research on the product. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9861165881156921} +{"text": "SERIMAHARANI HERBS DOUGH\n\nSELAMAT, tiada bahan kimia langsung (100% rempah ratus + herba + makanan sunnah) HALAL SUCI BERSIH..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997665286064148} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mr Mercedes @ Dec 6 2023, 06:37 PM)Why is being D4P being so quiet topkek MCA standing for Cainis rights.Bagus la. Dap not cinis focused party should just continue to shut up in this caseThis post has been edited by MADReaLJL: Dec 8 2023, 10:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999663829803467} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chanyap92 @ Jul 24 2019, 03:54 PM)if MUI is recognized by JAKIM then whats wrong xft said they are halal?this ^inbe jakim u-turn?QUOTE\u201cKami telah memperoleh sijil halal dari MUI dan dalam proses akhir untuk mendapatkan sijil JAKIM. MUI adalah salah satu Badan Pensijilan Halal Luar Negara yang telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Sila layari Portal Halal Malaysia (www.halal.gov.my) harap sabar menunggu,\u201d tulisnya.This post has been edited by Level 60 Wizard: Jul 24 2019, 03:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8368721604347229} +{"text": "QUOTE(scorptim @ Jul 1 2021, 10:03 PM)Only those with existing license can open roadside stall, u suka2 buka will Kena fine. Wash toilet? U think got toilet cleaning job open vacancy now ah? U know how many cleaners lost their jobs since most malls and public places are all CLOSED. Cleaners is one of the jobs that are impacted the most by COVID la SOHAI. Wanna diu u more but just realised ur username checks out.Food bank to make it easier for people managing the food bank to songlap?To potentially create another cluster when people start swarming these foodbanks?\u00a0 How close to the houses would the food bank be? Never crossed your mind that these people might not even have money to fill petrol?How hard is it to trace a white flag? U wanna put all the things at one of the local grocery store? U sure the grocery store owner won\u2019t songlap the stock?why everything needs to do with songlapsometimes u need to purposive from being a typical kretard. start at ur community first not yet talking about the whole state or country. just imagine every community doing that. follow la sop.ebit lew store is already doing that even before the pandemic. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999210834503174} +{"text": "QUOTE(saigetsu @ Oct 21 2014, 03:54 PM)dah kolos liao. Crappy athiest keep derailing my thread.thread anjingbiarkan je...Imam Syafie pernah berkata \"aku mampu berhujah dengan 10 orang yang berilmu tetapi aku pasti akan kalah berhujah dengan seorang yang jahil kerana orang yang jahil tidak pernah faham landasan ilmu\". ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(karazure @ Mar 14 2024, 09:31 AM)HKC ni kalau tak buar content 3R boleh mati ka???Mesti la.... tak 3R siapa nak tengok bideo dia...? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "Makanan haram dari mulai adam diciptakan sampai Muhammad Saw tak pernah diubah jadi halal untuk siapapun\n.\nLalu muncul iblis penyesat yg menghapus aturan itu semua bagi para penyembahnya,,, dan hari ini kita lihat memang banyak yang sudah rela hidupnya diatur oleh iblis.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "Soalan 1 #DewanRakyat ttg langkah atasi & kes pelanggaran makanan & produk #halal.\n\nHal sangat sensitif & penting kpd umat #Islam di negara ini.\n\nPerlu bersepadu antara #KPDNHEP #JAKIM #MAQIS & Kem.Kesihatan.\n\nHingga Ogos 2021, terdapat 224 kes dgn rampasan bernilai rm11.06 juta.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9580444097518921} +{"text": "QUOTE(poweredbydiscuz @ Sep 5 2023, 09:24 AM)The key is front desk must hire halal staff.QUOTE(Blackscreamerz @ Sep 5 2023, 09:36 AM)Actually, the simplest way is to hire a Muslim to cook. Muslims have a way to find out the chef somehow. Thats why some typical Chinese shops, sometimes can have a lot of melei visit.This way, you overcome the chinese only issue, overcome the halal issue, promote a more diversified manpower.QUOTE(potatolala @ Sep 5 2023, 09:35 AM)And need to hire muslim employees to increase confidenceAll those methods just to increase confidence right?Eventually might still become issue .. some group tak puas hati.. sebab owner is a non.Confidence increased, but still not enough.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8968662619590759} +{"text": "If can't read a label drinking any Halal certified liquid will complain haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "Tak fahamTak halal Tu jangan makan lohY mesti wan Korea do a halal styleBut really, business sure good if halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995476603507996} +{"text": "QUOTE(leymahn @ Dec 23 2020, 01:11 PM)3)Untuk perbekalan daging tempatan pun,persijilan halal hanya diberi sekiranya sembelihan mematuhi piawai Jabatan Veterinar dan JAKIM.Bukan JAKIM semata-mata.Premis sembelihan dan rumah sembelihan ada pegawai pemantau dari Veterinar dan JAKIM4)Daging Import pula pemantauan itu berlaku pada peringkat Jabatan Kastam dulu,baru melalui Veterinar dan JAKIM.Dekat sini yang isu besarnya sebab pemalsuan sijil,cop halal badan luar negara dan kertas kerja boleh berlaku sebelum masuk ke tapisan Veterinar dan JAKIM.5)Yang terlepas masuk selepas tapisan pertama ini yang jadi masalah,sebab daging-daging haram yang bercampur bukan semata-mata antara daging lembu dan bukan lembu sahaja yang boleh disah tentu melalui ujian DNA,tapi termasuk daging lembu tak diketahui status sembelihan.6)Tak ada lagi teknologi untuk mengesan sah tentu status daging yang sudah tambahan pula daging yang sampai berbentuk karkas yang siap diproses.Kepala pun dah tak ada.Lainlah kalau disembelih di sini.Jadi bila tiba-tiba kau gelabah serang JAKIM,maksudnya kau tak pernah faham proses ni semua.Bukanlah kata pegawai JAKIM semua maksum tak berdosa tapi biar tahu proses dulu sebelum nak kritik pun.the rest of his points.With JAKIM budget of RM1.3bil, they pushing the blame to others If they know the first source could be main problem, they should have do something to random check on it. Horse meat also might be mixing with Beef because horse meat is cheaper, i'm sure the machine can detect on it, back then there was some scandal in Europe where horse meat packaged as beef. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9847192764282227} +{"text": "ni tempat orang judi. Ko gi sana nape? xharam ke atau ko ni mmg kaki judi? puak ko ni suka crita psal syurgo je kan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995261430740356} +{"text": "QUOTE(azarimy @ Jan 6 2010, 11:23 PM)bila aku dah nak balik baru terhegeh2 nak bawak barang2 malaysia ke sini. cam sial laaa....sry. tesko tak suka anda ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992800354957581} +{"text": "Hukum upload gambar makanan di laman sosial http://fb.me/693nOteJB", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7641688585281372} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Mar 18 2024, 10:07 AM)i went to a restaurant.ate\u00a0 nasi arab.wtf Biryani Rice is better.Biryani Rice is a popular Indian rice dish made with basmati rice & biryani essentials like spices, herbs, yogurt and onions.https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/veg-bi...ka-rice-recipe/haha yeah different palate lahnasi arab more plain taste . the mandy can taste a bit tasteless for me that used to eat flavourful food . but the lamb / meat should be more tender coz cooked together with rice . biryani more spice n more flavourfulif u ask me oso i think biryani rice is better , especially bukhara briyani . Syed bistro bukhara briyani any day of the week. but this is just personal preference, no right or wrong. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "eh sial la melayu x payah meniaga boba tea la sial, dh la air suku cawan pastu ais je yg bnyak. BMF konon. lancau. baik beli dekat alley. jarang la susu perah dari tetek babi. sembang xde sijil halal, kau meniaga pun tapak haram jual harga mcm kena bayar sewa lot pavi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998651742935181} +{"text": "\"Boba tea tu haram, orang cina buat takde sijil halal!\" \"Makcik jual karipap 4 rm1 tepi jalan tu pun takde sijil halal gak!\" Me: korang ni, aku tanya nak makan mana je pun...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "@asrulmm \"siapa budak\u00b2 yang reply ni\" Kalau budak tu boleh fikir lagi bagus why not dia nak bagi pendapat. Sijil halal tu untuk business awak bang. Bukan kedai sebelah punya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997532963752747} +{"text": "@sufeahani_izzan @SafuanShaffuan Takde sijil halal tak semestinya haram. Cuba tanya warung tepi jln tuh ada sijil halal tak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(froz3nnoob @ Apr 28 2024, 11:25 AM)Ayam uncle already, teenager time mana tahu Islamic ACC or not.. haih need to go and tukar on mondayAyam pakai tng last...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 After the msg error appear I also hairan, Monday ayam go HLBB change my saving account from Islamic to normal account... if teenager until uncle never face problem most prolly uncle is a good boy never involved in haram thing la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramboramsey @ Mar 15 2024, 03:08 PM)brake pad sometimes that one down to cost reduction, there will always be engineering change to improve. All parts will undertake VAVE, CR etc if have problem need to submit RCA, 8D report etc. co like denso also not coming from heaven. fuel pump issue in vios, myvi and some honda vehicle did happen, but does that mean it happens always, all the time? Remember takata? now bankrupt already, last time meeting with all oe in malaysia very LC. just that in general most japenis cars can last longer than warranty period and this one is confirm la 9, 10 years old japenis car still going strong. the same cant be said to geli car, let alone china kar. Geli car is the best cina car besides saic motor.They used to be last longer long time ago. Brakepad juddering from G8 Accord circa 2008 until all model had this to this date, doubt they got good quality meeting, but a cut cost, cheapskate mode are indeed yes. Steering Rack already 5th time replaced still having problem on City (office colleague), how to solve if keep throwing the same no improvement parts. Cheapskate mode?Previous gen HRV and City were famous with CVT gb issue. My family car 2017 Hrv included which happened right after warranty ended. 120k km 5.5 years old had CVT belt burst. Definitely won't repeat any HM model in future. Japanese car nowadays just having lots2 of cheapskate practice applied during manufacturing,hence we customer getting a rip off products compared to long time ago Japanese model.This post has been edited by ayamxxx: Mar 15 2024, 04:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980233907699585} +{"text": "\n\n It is not... Fatwa already been issued that smoking is haram years ago.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 22 2024, 11:38 PM)The reality is- Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy where the King is Malay and official religion is Islam- Income gap between Bumi and Chinese is getting closer- Malaysia is the best country to live in SE Asia, only next to SG- We are in between \"road to maturity - mass consumption era (final stage)\" of the stage of economic development- We have a steady positive economic growth since independence except for 1975, 85, 98, 2009 and 2020- We are the 19th most peaceful nation on Earth- We are the world's leading Halal hub and Islamic finance- Our passport is strongest in the region only next to the two small country with 182 out of 195 countries visa free- We are global player on Palm Oil and SemiconNow compare us to Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and FilipinaDon't be disingenuous by comparing us with Singapore.We are not some kopitiam uncle you can lie to.Singapore can prosper because they don't have rural development and can provide equal access of basic need, education and healthcare to all it's citizen.Plus their ports are in the most busiest shipping lane in the world since 13th centurymost of the world dont even know where or what is malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998098015785217} +{"text": "Sah! Tidak halal, gula-gula popular ini ada gelatin babi #AWANInews #AWANI745 https://t.co/DE5eEjBTJf https://t.co/vSd273UqWV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Yg penting perlu dilihat 2 perkara:\n\n1. Kehalalan makanan tersebut.\n\n2. Keyakinan kamu pd kesucian makanan tersebut. \n\nWhen the food is halal, makanlah. When kamu yakin ia bersih, maka makanlah. \n\n\u201c \u0633\u064e\u0645\u064f\u0651\u0648\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0644\u064f\u0648\u0647\u064f \u201d\n\n\u201cSebutlah nama Allah & makanlah ia\u201d (Bukhari)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994091987609863} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:58 PM)petai?\u00a0 \u00a0 yes my fren, reason petai is makruh is the smell..toilet pun boleh berbau sebab petai.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978300929069519} +{"text": "https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/bayan-linnas...menyerupai-arakQUOTE3. Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.4. Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997311234474182} +{"text": "@debushim6 i think some of them are still in process since sijil halal bukannya senang nak dapat, family mart pun baru lulus this year kan? but yeah like what your dad said, kalau yakin teruskan. kalau rasa tak halal then don\u2019t. and some of the shops ok je if nak tanya pasal ingredients", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996335506439209} +{"text": "QUOTE(raymancantona @ Nov 21 2018, 08:33 PM)technically cooking with liquor is to burn the alcohol so that the taste is only that is leftdrinking liquor is haram because it makes us drunknever heard anyone got drunk by eating food cooked with alcohol beforeSo Muslim allowed to drink? As long they don't get drunk right? Wow... Technically u r right but try telling that to the majority here and see what happened if u propose halal certification to restaurant that uses red wine as cooking ingredient even if evaporate. Remember the Cadbury? Remember halal water? BTW, halalness definition here is rather different than just getting drunk or eating pork. So far the only Muslims I know that aren't too particular about halaness are the middle East people, which is ironic. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.989547848701477} +{"text": "QUOTE(Najibaik @ Jun 24 2024, 03:43 PM)penang maybemany peen supporter tak suka cuz not muslim friendly enoughWhen my Muslim friend complain about Singapore not Muslim friendly, they always emphasize on not easy to find Surau. Is this the case for Penang? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958886504173279} +{"text": "Xde sijil halal jakim x semestinya haram, nak dpt sijil bukan sekejap. Tgok ingredient dia pkai la https://t.co/1aNLF17TJY", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999667406082153} +{"text": "QUOTE(bakry @ Oct 25 2016, 05:27 PM)Eh chinese name also got meaning la.wowlegion, you cannot say chinese name dont have weight.U can be a muslim but not have an arabic name.even nabi muhammad said \"namakan anak anak kamu dengan nama yang bagus\"it can be any language as long as the name has a good meaning.i guess he doesnt understand other races well..only think and c inside his circle.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "Mencari yang halal tu bagus. Jangan risau, YL pun ada bgtau bab halal ni. Sis Nak tny satu je, dlu korang pegang tgn boipren atau bg boipren pegang tgn, cari tak sijil halal? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Opsss sis tanye jurrr.. https://t.co/O02CmM2WhV", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988446235656738} +{"text": "QUOTEPARIS, March 20 (Bernama) -- The management of the Grand Mosque of Paris here has expressed its interest to obtain the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) halal certificate as recognition for its slaughtering centre.Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said the interest was raised by the mosque's rector, Dr Dalil Boubakeur when she visited the mosque on Tuesday.\u201cIn the meeting with Dr Dalil Boubakeur which was also attended by Mufti Dr Khaled Abou Taleb and Mufti Cheikh Bozidi today, the subject of seeking Jakim's halal recognition and certificate for the mosque's slaughtering centre was brought up.\u201cThey said their abattoir had complied with all procedures set by Jakim and want Jakim to give accreditation and recognition to their slaughtering centre,\u201d she told Bernama and RTM here on Tuesday.Dr Wan Azizah said she told Dr Dalil Boubakeur the interest would be conveyed to Jakim for further action.Asked on the duration for Jakim to implement matter, the Deputy Prime Minister said it depended on the department which would want to see for itself the centre and monitor the slaughtering process.\"The mosque has its own certificate but they want recognition from Jakim as they believe the credibility of Jakim which is very assuring,\u201d she said.Dr Wan Azizah who is currently on a four-day visit to France starting on Sunday, spent about 40 minutes touring the largest mosque in France and performed her Jamak and Sunat prayers there.The mosque which has a prayer hall, a garden, a small library and a cafeteria was built in 1922 to commemorate 100,000 Muslim Algerians who fought for France during the First World War.-- BERNAMAhttp://bernama.com/en/news.php?id=1707066 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "i learn it somewhere man.. there is a situation:-It is permissible for a Muslim to eat food cooked or prepared by non-Muslims (non-people of the book) like the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and others as long as the food is halal and not from their slaughter.So, there is no problem for a Muslim if he is invited to the house of a non-Muslim friend then he is served by food to be eaten as long as it is halalan toyyiba.However, this is not a denial towards the priority of being wara\u2019 in our eatery. It is prioritized (afdal) for our food to be cooked by a pious people and prepared with taqwa. In a hadith, the Prophet PBUH once said to remind his ummah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9954883456230164} +{"text": "QUOTE(DuO LoN @ Jan 20 2017, 03:27 PM)FOOD? pick one line about food and claim the whole article is about halal-food in the train? you are the one who should be learning how to read, kid.need some tuition? i can give you some. but it's gonna' cost you a bomb, considering how uneducated you are.by the way, just in case you are too dumb to search, here's a list of the nonsensical halal certifications around the country : https://cilisos.my/9-things-you-never-knew-...al-in-malaysia/The HALAL here for KTM refers only in food preparation, nothing more.Please read and understand the subject before making a fool out of yourself Once the business food preparation and cleanliness is certified, the business service itself will get a HALAL status from Jakim.That includes airlines, trains, services, MCD etc.This is inline with the rest of the world.You can't halal a brick but you can have HALAL services like finances (not illegal black/gambling/songlap monehhh)And please lah, don't give me a troll link such as SOSCILI . Give me a reputable news source. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9743140339851379} +{"text": "QUOTE(jimmybcmy @ May 25 2017, 06:56 AM)The shop owner might charged many of those non regular customers with higher price before, some more gave stupid reason when viral.Tamak bodo usually give bodo reasons ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6890866756439209} +{"text": "La terasa ke? Baru2 ni ada kedai muslim sajikan makanan campuran bahan tidak halal. Ada bekap kata Rice Vinegar padahal Rice Wine. So camne pula dgn kedai muslim lain? Yakin ke guna bahan halal 100%? Elok semua pasang sijil jakim so you guys tak perlu ragu2. Haha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "Tak mau, anak dara tak tau cara nak memuaskan nafsu laki.Best punya nasi lemak is nasi lemak mak Cik janda.. sambal bestttttThis post has been edited by ak101ss: Aug 27 2016, 04:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994664788246155} +{"text": "food poisoning, tapi food from an event...if he sorang kena, macam tak logik...usually mesti few other people also kena...or that boy ate something else also ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8328880667686462} +{"text": "QUOTE(SapuraM @ Nov 28 2019, 06:53 PM)Had we accommodate Philippines athlete too, with their 'preference' of food?Respek is to be earned, 'not given'!Keep your 'tongkat sindrome' in malaysia, don't bring-out #buat malu! Athletes go for competition, and not eating buffet!Can't eat meat, remove the meat, just pretty common-sense!U stupid or wat? Do they required by their religion to eat pork? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999934196472168} +{"text": "QUOTE(bukankhadam @ Apr 4 2024, 01:02 AM)since the bisnes kaya punya owner can open multiple branches in one go..apa pasal la tadak simply amik saja that damned jakim sijil halal?kan dah ada macam haram kepoh pipu spread shit like no sijil halal lah, owner non muslim lah..haiya..for those pipu, owner non muslim terus laju auto waswasnot easy my to get halal cert, my broneed to jump a few hoops, pay off a couple officers to expedite certain steps etc.even then, u still need a few years before getting a cert ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:15 PM)Is it strictly only pork? Or can also contain chicken or beef? Or vege? can.... but told u lo,pork is the best dish..u can turn anything into chicken... like bak kut teh become chicken kut teh..or char kuey tiao, wan tan mee u dont put lard...but, thats not the best already..ofcoz, u can blame for their insensitive..but i bet they dont do it purposely 1.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995338916778564} +{"text": "Dalam Alquran dan agama Islam, jenis asupan manusia terbagi menjadi 2, yakni makanan haram dan halal. Menurut Halal MUI, pengertian makanan halal adalah sesuatu yang dibolehkan untuk dikonsumsi menurut ketentuan syariat Islam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9889266490936279} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:35 PM)\"The revocation of the halal certification was because of a breach of the halal certification procedure manual involving serious offences on cleanliness and good manufacturing practices.\"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966147541999817} +{"text": "@atikahyahya93 Konsep Halal di Malaysia bukan hanya dari segi kedai itu bebas dari makanan haram then it is halal...Nope!!! ianya merangkumi segi aspek kualiti penyediaan makanan tersebut..Sebagai contoh...Ah Leong bekerja di sebuah restoran melayu Islam...ada sijil halal...tetapi...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997405469417572} +{"text": "Kerajaan akan meneroka beberapa peluang dalam tempoh terdekat untuk melonjakkan ekonomi dan perniagaan, menuju ke hadapan, kata Menteri Kewangan, Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz.Beliau berkata, adalah jelas terdapat keperluan untuk Malaysia 'reset' dan menyusun semula beberapa pengaturan institusi negara, meneroka peranan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) dan syarikat pelaburan berkaitan kerajaan (GLIC) dalam pembangunan negara.Katanya, ini juga termasuk mempertingkat kemampuan pertanian dan perladangan menerusi teknologi agro, kepelbagaian dan pembangunan industri hiliran.\"Negara juga mempunyai peluang untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam teknologi hijau, termasuk pembuatan panel solar dan pembinaan lestari.\"Mengukuhkan kedudukan sebagai perintis di dalam sektor kewangan Islam dan pasaran halal global bernilai AS$1.4 trilion (RM5.65 trilion), yang mana dalam hal itu, Malaysia boleh mempertimbangkan penggunaan teknologi seperti 'blockchain' sebagai teknologi pengesan produk makanan dan minuman halal,\" katanya.Beliau berkata demikian semasa berucap pada Hari Korporat Tahunan Maya CGS-CIMB 2021 Ke-13, hari ini.Tengku Zafrul berkata, Malaysia juga belum meneroka sektor teknologi kewangan (fintech) sepenuhnya, yang mana dalam hal berkenaan, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) baru-baru ini menerbitkan dokumen dasar mengenai perbankan digital.\"Terdapat pelbagai sektor yang boleh dipacu di dalam norma baharu, contohnya teknologi pendidikan (edutech), mobiliti dan kecerdasan buatan (AI).\"Di samping itu, pelaburan yang mencerminkan tanggungjawab sosial dan ke arah ekonomi kitaran adalah peluang yang perlu dimanfaatkan,\" katanya.Menurutnya, kerajaan sentiasa mengalu-alukan idea baharu daripada semua pihak untuk memudahcara pelaburan di dalam sektor sedia ada dan baharu, demi melonjakkan perniagaan serta ekonomi negara.Beliau berkata, kerajaan melaksanakan empat langkah untuk memangkin ekonomi negara mengimbangi keperluan semasa dan masa depan iaitu dengan mengembangkan kedudukan fiskal jangka masa pendek, mengukuhkan penjanaan hasil negara, melaksanakan projek berskala besar serta Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (RMKe-12).https://www.bharian.com.my/bisnes/lain-lain...nomi-perniagaan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4808993339538574} +{"text": "QUOTE(neuroneuster @ Mar 4 2017, 04:34 PM)Would like to try the spicy one.But Algerian Changkat wrap is the best ar188Where to earn the Algerian changkat wrap? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999953031539917} +{"text": "tak yakin dia boleh dapat sijil halal sebab dia tahu.. bahan2 yang dia guna memang tak halal. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f but at the end of the day, it\u2019s your choice...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9891679286956787} +{"text": "They are not coming.According to GlobalData\u2019s report, Travel & Tourism in Saudi Arabia, the most popular destinations for the country\u2019s travelers include Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, Egypt and Turkiye among others.1\tKuwait\t2\tBahrain\t3\tUAE\t4\tEgypt\t5\tTurkiye\t--6\tJordan\t--7\tQatar\t8\tUK\t9\tThailand\t10\tAustriahttps://www.hotelmanagement-network.com/dat...s-saudi-arabia/This post has been edited by Phoenix_KL: Jun 8 2024, 02:52 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974772334098816} +{"text": "QUOTE(hteekay @ Dec 22 2023, 10:18 AM)Balik rumah tanya bini/emak di dapur ada apply sijil Halal ke tidak.. kalau was-was jangan makan tau, viral that shit on social media to shame them for not having sijil Halalsoon-to-beHalal cook certWide market, can go oversee also... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6520841717720032} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dollores @ May 21 2016, 09:29 AM)Here is a UTAR Confession post taken from the page today from a Muslim friend\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab#SL11747Hello everyoneI am a Muslim. Recently, many people were outraged about the 'no pork' sign being banned in restaurants. They said :\" Melayu semua sangat susah! No pork tu halal lah... Kenapa kena dapat halal certifiate pulak??\"Now, I will humbly explain our side of the story (as a Muslim) and I hope those reading and read with a mindful heart. I will speak as kind and humble as possible , as Islam preaches us to be.Halal does not only mean that you cannot eat pork or drink beer. The meat we eat, (chicken/lamb/beef/venison...etc) IS COMPULSORY to be killed (sembelih) in the Islamic way (called 'sembelih cara Islam') . If it is done by a non-Muslim, then it is non-Halal a.k.a. HARAM for us to eat.That is why Muslims only buy meat from Tesco, Giant, Econsave (because the source has been confirmed halal) or any other butcher who is a Muslim. The problem now is that some of us Muslims, especially the foreign Muslim students studying in UTAR ( who were looking for food to eat at night) would see the 'no pork' sign and think its halal. Once they see that the store has only Chinese workers, they started to doubt. So they had to go through the trouble by asking the waitressesThem: \" Is this place halal?Waitress: \" Yes, it has no porkThem: Um, are your meat halal? Did u get them for a halal source?Waitress: Um, I don't understand. I ask chefChef: Yes , what can I help you?Them: Is the food here halalChef: Sure ! We have to lard and porkThem: No, what we mean is...where do you get the meat ? Is it from a halal source?Tesco/ Econsave/Giant?Chef: How dare you ask this kind of questions? So rude! I thought u Muslims means no pork is automatically halal??Them: No, its not like that. Its ok then. Sorry to bother you.Imagine how rude us Muslims would be to be asking the waitresses/chefs EACH time we go to a restaurant that a 'no pork' sign? See how confusing that would be? This is why we think that it is a good idea that the government remove the 'no pork sign' so it doesn't confuses Muslims. I admit, I went to a restaurant in Kampar once that had the 'no pork' sign. After eating the chicken, only then it struck me \" omg..is this chicken halal''. After bravely asking the chef,\u00a0 he says that the chicken is from the chinese lady at pasar malam (which is haram for us because our chicken can only be killed by a Muslim in the Islamic way ) and I felt SO SO SO GUILTY for what I have done.Now, to clear some misconceptions that some of you are going to attack me.1) I have never found non-halal restaurants disgusting or revolting because they are non-Halal. I've chinese friends who would tapau seriously non-halal\u00a0 good looking food. I will not eat them of course, but I would acknowldge it when my friend says it tastes good.2) I'm sorry if this government step has caused restaurant owners to remove their sign which they have paid with their own money. This step should have been implemented and shared towards the whole Malaysian community decades ago. 3) I'm sorry that restaurants that does not serve pork are now offically non-halal for Muslims to eat (thus, decrease in customers,lesser income). But please understand that for us Muslims, eating chicken/beef/lamb/etc....meat that is not sembelih cara Islam is just as sinful as eating pork.So many Muslims have accidentally eaten haram food for YEARS and not know it , because of the 'no pork' sign.4) I am sorry that now, restaurants who want to be considered halal have to go through the process of getting the halal certificate. Its a sudden change, but trust me, Muslims cannot eat met that is not halal, even if its chicken/beef/lamb/venison..etc.. If you feel that it is too much work, its okay. Don't force yourself to apply for halal certificate. Continue operating as a non-halal restaurant. Nothing wrong with that right? You would lose your Muslim customers...but I'm sure u have loyal non-Muslim customers right?Muslim tourist who come to Malaysia too have complained how they have been to restaurants they thought were Halal but were not.I was first confused and frustrated as to why Non-Muslims are angry with this rule. I mean, it will only affect Muslims to know better. I don't get how non-Muslims would be affected by this. But I am extremely curious to know how it affects non-Muslims. Please let me know. I am sorry that the recent ban hurt a lot of people. I blame the government for this.This ' no pork' rule should have never been invented because it confuses a lot of Muslims and the sudden change hurts non-Muslims as well.I hope the people who decide to comment below will be as mindful and kind as possible. Raise your words, not your voice. Before I end, let me just type out a list of other restrictions on food according to Islamic law :1) can't eat meat that live in 'dua alam' . ex: Crocodiles, frogs2) can't eat from pots or pans or spoons or cooking utensils that have cooked pork/non-halal meat/ beer3)can't drink alchocol (obviously)Have a nice day guysTldr the person said no pork sign is misleading and we should ban it.Would u support this?Just curioussss what people would respond and NO this is not my post, I'm Chinese n I do misunderstood last time that no pork=halal. Used to work as a waiter n said the same to Muslims who asked if my resto is halalQUOTE(Dollores @ Nov 11 2015, 11:28 PM)Hello!As the title suggests,I've been asking few of my girl friends, and they all said no but didn't let me know why? They just said \"dun wan..hahaha\"I just thought that Malay guys are mostly very nice and friendly, which is why until now, I prefer Malay guys than Chinese guys..I noticed that Chinese guys are so high class and they have expensive lifestyle, while I'm a person who doesn't like to overdo things.Again, the reason why I generalized things are maybe cause I just live in Malaysia for 2 years, hence I don't meet many people.But please, let me know why cause I'd like to know more.. thanks!!\u00a0 Edit : ths post was reported? Couldn't care less..This post has been edited by big[1]: May 21 2016, 10:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956516623497009} +{"text": "Restaurant ni harga macam zaynab, tapi dalam Hotel yg selesa. Nasi goreng serendah 50k dong. Makan sini sebab nak rasa makanan authentic Vietnam yang halal & bersih satu kali. Dapat makan Pho & spring roll Vietnam sedap untuk dinner, Cuba lah lokasi : D'lions Restaurant", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(aimank_88 @ Dec 18 2014, 07:42 PM)Wkmsalam.IMO, its better if you consult an ustaz, or at least someone with good knowledge AND can guide you. Some people will be judgemental and negative, yes, thats fitrah for some people, but push that aside and focus on your goal, do it one step at a time. Slowly and surely.Its better to hide one's sins than to boast it. Consulting an ustaz will probably exposing to others that you have sinned even if you are not people will speculate. A good answer on this issuehttp://islam.com/s/20922/should-you-hide-y...ired-about-themhttp://www.bakkah.net/en/ummah-excused-exc...ns-benefits.htmSalaam brother, It is a good question that you have asked as all of us are inclined to sin to a lesser or greater degree but true, honest repentance is the best way. We know that we are not to disclose our own wrong doings and those of others. A general principle in Islamic law is that it is sinful to reveal one\u2019s past sins. One must keep them concealed, as sincere repentance (which includes not repeating them) wipes them out and so it is as if the person never committed them.Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu \u2018alayhe wa sallam) saying:\u201cAll of my ummah will be excused, except for the mujaahireen (those who make their sins known). And verily it is a kind of mujaaharah (exposing one\u2019s sins) that a man does something (sinful) at night, and then in the morning, when Allaah has screened his sin for him, he says, \u2018Hey So and-So! I did such-and- such last night\u2026\u2019 And the night passed with His Lord screening him, and he wakes up casting aside the screen of Allaah from himself.\u201dIf we see or hear about someone else committing a sin, we should always try to ignore it. Instead of spreading it, we should hide it and keep it a secret. It is reported that the Prophet Mu'hammad sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:Whosoever covers (the sins of) a Muslim, Allah covers (his sins) on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by Bukhari)If we find it too difficult to keep it secret, the most we are allowed to do is discuss the issue with the person, in private, and try to encourage them to stop committing the sin(s).The only exception to this is if we find out that someone has committed an actual crime that has left someone injured (emotionally, physically and including sexual abuse) or killed, or in which something was stolen or someone was denied something to which they were entitled to. In these cases, we MUST make the information public so that the person is brought to justice.Allah has said:The believers, men and women, are Auliya\u2019 (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another, they enjoin Al-Ma\u2019ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do), and they forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden). (Quran, 71:9)Minor sins (saghaa\u2019ir) are expiated for by doing acts of worship and by avoiding major sins (kabaa\u2019ir), because of the following evidence (daleel):Allaah SWT has said:If you avoid the great sins which you are forbidden to do, We shall expiate from you your (small) sins, and admit you to a Noble Entrance (i.e. Paradise) (Quran, 4:31)This in no way implicates that one should feel confident about doing minor sins. In the repentance and asking for forgiveness from Alaah SWT, it is under the condition that it is a true, earnest regret and is not repeated. The way we live our lives, we have to try our best to keep confidentiality a priory. If we share everything with everyone, we will face consequences in this life and in the hereafter.Allah SWT says:Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly (for forgiveness) and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean. (Quran, 2:222)So to answer your question, if someone asks you whether you use to ever drink, you cannot answer in the affirmative. Rather, you should answer by an indirect answer, like,- Why would any Muslim drink?- Or, Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT protected me from that.- It is not something that I think is wise. Look at what Alaah SWT tells us about it.If such an indirect answer does not come to your mind, it would be permitted (or, rather, necessary) to lie and deny this.Why?The reason being is because of what sin is:It is that which Allah hates, and may punish its doer for in the Hereafter. Sins go against the very purpose of the creation of humanity, which is to know and worship Allah.If you examine sins, all of them either entail or lead to social harms.When people start talking about sins, they lose their gravity and people start thinking (even if only subconsciously) that it is not all that bad to sin. Oh look, my brother/sister used to do this....they tried it... I want to try too. This especially applies to younger, easily influenced people who are still trying to find their way through all that they see and hear. It can be a very confusing world for them so would you want to influence them in a bad way? We all have a responsibility here.The Muslim also has hayaa (shame/shyness) that prevents him from exposing his sins. Hayaa is good and it does not lead except to goodness, and it is a branch of imaan (faith).In the absence of hayaa, the Muslim will expose his own sins.The Messenger sallallaahu \u2018alayhe wa sallam said:If you have no shame, then do as you wish!Being shameful about one\u2019s sins leads one to repent honestly between himself and Alaah SWT.Now having said all this, do not be mislead to think that Alaah SWT allows lying. And in Surah az-Zumar it is mentioned:\u201cSurely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.\u201d (Quran 39:3)It can be understood from the verses of the Qur\u2019an that a liar calls for divine curse and invites the anger of Allah (S.w.T.).For example:\u201c... and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars.\u201d(Quran 3:61)And also:\u201c... the curse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars.\u201d(Quran 24:8)Alaah the Almighty says in Surah an-Nahl, verse 105:\u201cOnly they forge the lie who do not believe in Allah\u2019s communications, and these are the liars.\u201dLying is best to be avoided and so try to cover your past sins with an indirect answer. When it comes to your parents, you are protecting them from worry, anguish and sadness by providing this type of answer.Remember, even in situations where lying is permissible, it would be religiously more precautionary to use misleading words instead of outright lying.Jazak Allahu KhairanThis post has been edited by samuraikacang: Dec 19 2014, 08:14 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8106784820556641} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Mar 19 2024, 03:43 PM)Be logical,the manufacturer already stated it's a packaging mistake.KPDN have already sampled the brushes for Babi DNA, no Babi found, no fault, no saman, no recall, no reprinting are instructed from KPDN to Astar.If you suspect KPDN corruption or fail to conduct their investigation. Please do go laporan polis & MACC for KPDN fail to investigate or corruption.Also on discounted pricinghttps://www.kpdn.gov.my/en/trade/enforcement/notice-of-salesMalaysia have law to protect consumer from fake discounts.The retailers or manufacturer will have to submit information on the sales or promotion, get approval and conduct the discount during the time frame.If you think you have been cheated by fake discount, go lodge report with KPDN or police.AlsoCigarette packaging clearly stated SMOKING IS BAD FOR HEALTH OR CAUSE CANCER.Does is stop or deter those with Islam printed on their IC to stop smoking?fruits and smoke and lung cancer, and testical cancer tak berpisah tiadathey suka suka see which one fits them then followcorruption also ok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947327375411987} +{"text": "Oasal roti gardenia org cina buat pun jadi masalah.. Kenapa owner cina tak boleh buat kilang roti? Tak boleh dapat sijil halal.. Ingatkan mentaliti org kampung je share benda tu, mentaliti org dlm klinik pun.. Adehhh", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7994621992111206} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ May 11 2024, 03:41 PM)Non kenapa setiap hari sibuk dengan hal halal haram orang islam ni? LellIf you don't want, nobody force u apply osoMana tahu one day later, got liberal type M/B like to buy/eat at his place\u2026 later another religionist M saw and take pic/vid and kasik biral M makan kedai harom!! Wont be long before authority raid ts place and kasik tutup\u2026 \ud83d\ude13\ud83d\ude3cNowadays jaman viral memviral\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995898604393005} +{"text": "1. Makanan dan minuman halal, bersih dari kotoran-kotoran haram, dan syubhat Al-Baqarah:172", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970466494560242} +{"text": "QUOTE(Strike Eureka @ Oct 6 2022, 05:10 PM)melayu niii wey....cakap la kalau boleh halalkan , tolong ringankan beban etcs... maka dapatlah\u00a0 naungan aswt caterer pun satu hal, harta tuu sementara, akhirat tuu kekal cc: ry8128Ayam read the title, guess which puak, enter the tered, and confirm ayam guess is right Tapi betul la, salah caterer ni, duno to memudahkan org yg dalam kesusahan. Suppose to sedekah the 26k je, dapatlah pahala besau besau (refer last para below). And of cos, naungan aswt dapat juga \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998811483383179} +{"text": "pergi pasmal bukan sebab nak beli makanan sangat pun. memang suka kena pergi setiap mingg sebab tanda hadir", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949970245361328} +{"text": "QUOTE(sykz @ Jan 3 2023, 09:01 PM)If Makanan can halal, then video also can. Once approved halal will credit halal before watch then iman tak diganggu. Yang tak ada intro halal, semua haram.Apa yang kau merepek ni setan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "So odd.Setan? Ada aku kesah? Glory, glory Man Utd cium badge di bibir. Doesn't even know \"club song\" ada unsur Kristian rhythm in original song. I will be forever loyal to this club. England is my dream country. Jibby pun lifetime suppork Man Utd. NOT TRIGGERED AT ALL.Vavi porky babbbbbbbbi kotor najis! Terbeliak mata badan full of hog taik coming out from logo. Never kissed the picture. Haraaaaam my iman tergugat over a picture of pork! Vavi must burn the picture. That beef Wellington look like babi, MAS terpesong and must apologise to us all!! Haram jadah MAS.TRIGGERED TO THE MAX.Why vavi get to be more terrifying than setan, otak can't brain. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.991636335849762} +{"text": "Bagi bisnes yang tunggang agama untuk jual goods and services, adakah mereka akan tanggung dosa pelanggan kalau makanan yang dihantar turns out to have non-halal elements? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999356269836426} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 18 2024, 08:34 AM)What I don't like most about most Malay is...no masalah... Suka cari masalah.The packaging sudah tampal tutup that bulu babi... Just accept and be content... But no... Mau korek2 mau heboh... Bodo sial.If go turkey see the mosque that was once a church later korek2 see christian cross buried somewhere... Mau heboh2 masjid Haram astagaSocial media is a mistake. They love attention and will korek everything to show they are championing people. Honestly not like they really want to protect or anything pun, just want to stroke their ego je.This post has been edited by ZerOne01: Mar 18 2024, 08:39 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994860887527466} +{"text": "religion is the renewed way of making money. Water can also be halal, flight also can be halal. next up is AIR. Udara halal dalam tin, best to do promote during haze period ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997542500495911} +{"text": "\n\n Halal until proven haram.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999560117721558} +{"text": "QUOTE(GrowTentProject @ Jan 18 2017, 04:19 PM)+1 ... for this case, no pork, then why make so much noise, got beef, got chicken what .... after all, chinese race suppose to be a resilient race, able to live through anything and make the best out of it ... farking embarrassing to do this boycott shit as if ppl got to give in to them ...\u00a0 i am going to eat at McD .... i am going to tapau it back to my family gaythering this CNY .... the rest, if they wanna starve, go ahead, while i enjoy my fillet o fish with my carlsberg while shuffling poker cards ...plus !!! last time i also kena sound lar when i eat my tapau-ed fish fillet in a chinese vegetarian restaurant ...topkek...dunwan makan mekdi sure will starve...logic 404 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999697208404541} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 04:29 PM)See, this is why people look down on you. Already said, muslims can (and should) learn for themselves what is halal, instead of giving that power to religious zealots. But you alang-alang fitnah me say I want to educate muslims. Dosa tau.Except you don't need someone to tell you that and you don't need jakim, as exhibited by the numerous muslims who eat at non halal certified. Still, where's your credential?You can look down on me or even all muslims all you want. Seriously, again. What's your credential that makes you think you're right from whom or how should I learn anything?Do you go to school or you're born already smart enough to know everything you've known today? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979520440101624} +{"text": "Status halal, 1. Semua produk yg digunakan dlm menyediakan minuman menggunakan natural ingredients seperti brown sugar, tea, fresh fruits 2. Tidak mengandungi sebarang bhn tenusu dari binatang/campuran alkohol 3. Buat masa ini, The Alley dlm proses memohon sijil halal JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7797023057937622} +{"text": "QUOTE(inspiron @ Aug 6 2024, 01:09 PM)Hi TS, i know you're trying to find loophole to shoot PAS. but do understand that , yes, tiger issue is more important than 2 people die in school, if you dont believe, just ask any of your muslim friendeveryone acknowledge that there is more and more muslim joining SKJC schoolbut they are sensitive if they know that it is haram when it received non halal $$ (i dont think they care if the money is public donation or from tiger directly as they just want to show they are the one who fight for malay and not UMNO / PKR)2 people die from food poisoning is like people dying from road accident daily. you see anyone care?go find bigger bulletor better yet go ask your malay friend if you dont understand their culturesimple...if they have issuedon't joinsince vernacular clash with their culture if they think so...This post has been edited by hoonanoo: Aug 6 2024, 02:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999686479568481} +{"text": "QUOTE(karazure @ Oct 3 2023, 05:14 PM)kecian, gaji sushi king pun tak sampai.Itu fulltime ke part time? How about the freedom TS looking for? can work at sushi king allow you just work, let say today I want to work 1 hour, tomorrow 2 hours, the day after I don\u2019t want come to work so I don\u2019t careTS as Foodpanda, he control his own time. That\u2019s, the the best for him ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99991774559021} +{"text": "Macam mana JAKIM boleh bagi status Halal .. Apakah status halal nie boleh juga dibagi kepada makanan haiwan .. http://fb.me/358QeAlRF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975589513778687} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ May 8 2024, 04:16 PM)Mamak no halal cert nobody bats an eyeAs long as you don't promote with Halal logo.Halal or Haram is between you as customer and the shopowner. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996219873428345} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Jan 6 2024, 09:07 AM)Look, you guys obviously can't put down the bottle in the argument. I'm just shedding some light on why the rules are as they are.I agree with them, but I also didn't make the rules. Tak suka go argue up the gomen offices, write to your local MPs, whatever.If I am a vegan, I don't force you to be one. Similarly, if you don't drink, neither you should stop me from drinking.Respect is both ways.This post has been edited by icemanfx: Jan 6 2024, 09:10 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9907624125480652} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 06:34 PM)thats called hypocrisy..fine, suit yourself.ppl are being nice enough to explain muslim beliefs and principles.but what I can see is the kiasu attitude of \"die die don't wanna lose argument\" and also to mock the muslim beliefs.when it's already explained that unless there's no replacement, haram becomes halal becomes the exception to the rule.good day to you sir. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959426522254944} +{"text": "QUOTE(G_KeN @ Jun 4 2015, 11:34 AM)pork.. curry... dont think thats a good combinationwild boar babeh~~ best curry in teh world ;3 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993027448654175} +{"text": "Actually, mostly macam Family Mart, 7eleven mana ada sijil halal. Tapi makanan diaorang ada je logo halal. Chill. Nak tanya sikit, kedai nasi lemak tepi jalan takda sijil halal gak. So, haram ke? Renungkan lah \u2764\ufe0f Spread the positive vibes \ud83c\udf89", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964138865470886} +{"text": "Makanan jadi haram ke kalau restoran yang masak tu takde sijil Halal Jakim?\n\nYa, mmg lebih bagus kalau ada sijil halal tapi jgn lah sampai tuduh tempat makanan tu serve makanan haram hanya krn ia tak diiktiraf Jakim. Nayalah gerai tomyam, warung nasi lemak, abang ramly burger.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "Cara nak dapat Sijil Halal; - Pergi office KKM daerah. - Apply certificate for Mesti. - Ikut SOP baru dapat. - Pegawai KKM daerah akan datang inspect. - Dapat Mesti baru apply Halal. - Contoh sticker labelling, pattern and packaging submit sekali. Itu je.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9991248250007629} +{"text": "IMOindonesia not muslim countrymalaysia is much morelikely muslim countryso haram ke halal ke not very big deal there ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993571639060974} +{"text": "QUOTE(acepilot12 @ Nov 21 2015, 11:05 PM)Guys recently I started my business of selling food which is a pudding. It does not contain any animal fats or any pork just pure pudding..My bunting I put 100% halal ,but I never put halal logo at the bunting.. Is this illegal? To all my Malay friends please help me with this and people in food industry..I never out logo,just write..the definition of halal is not equal to no-pork-in-my-food. halal is a status, and must be earned from somebody else... the keyword is earned from somebody else.in food industry: nobody self declare my restaurant is halal and if you self declare, technically you are breaking a law. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.956547737121582} +{"text": "Eeeeee jijik, loya tekak aku. Lagi rela makan di tempat yg ada sijil halal macam Kepci ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986465573310852} +{"text": "In my work on racism and racial dynamics in Singapore, I have spent some time resolutely attacking what I believe to be harmful stereotypes of Malay people, and pointing out the myriad ways they are discriminated against in their own land. Racist Chinese people generally dislike it when I do this, and they often reply by stating that if Malay people do not like it here, they can move, (or go back to), Malaysia. Many Chinese Singaporeans tend to behave as if they have right and ownership over this land, and subsequently that they are entitled to decide who gets to live in it.This is all very odd to me, because it is almost as if these people never went through a single history class at Lower Secondary level.So let us begin with a simple but vital assertion: This land does belong to Malay people. Malay people have been living in Singapore and the area for thousands of years. In the third century, Chinese records refer to us at Pu Luo Chung, which is a transliteration from the Malay Pulau Ujong, meaning \u2018island at the end\u2019. The names given to this area are Malay, but apparently the people who speak this language are not considered indigenous to it? Who exactly are your indigenous people, if that term doesn\u2019t include Malay people?There is a reason why it is Malay lore and myth in which references to the land happens. It is because they have been here long enough to produce literature about it. When you focus on the gap between our knowledge of the land and theirs, especially traditional knowledge, you start to see their relationship to the land. There is no way they are not indigenous to this land.Land, language, memory & history. These are all linked, and the rest of have do not possess this connection to the land. Somebody was living here before the British came, and it sure was not Chinese people.Denying this is ahistorical, and it constitutes an erasure of people\u2019s histories. Denying their existence and that history is a colonial act in itself, and every colonial act is violent. It is not only an act of erasure but one of displacement as well.In fact, the constitution of Singapore has already declared that Malays are indigenous to Singapore.152. \u2014 (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.\u2019Singapore was not terra nullius, meaning it was not \u2018nobody\u2019s land,\u2019 and even the Singapore government admits this. Singapore belonged to the Johor Riau Sultanate at the time of colonialism, which means by definition, it is Malay land.Indigeneity is not always defined by geography, but by people as well. What we think of as Malay includes indigenous people, Bugis, Minangkabau, etc. The idea of Malay does not just mean people from Malaya, but the people of the Nusantara. This entire archipelago is the Malay world. As Singapore existed within this world, it is undoubtedly Malay land.The Singapore government\u2019s mistreatment of Malay people includes a focus on Malay people as diasporic, which states that Malay people came here from elsewhere, and this is an act of historical erasure. They didn\u2019t come here, they were already here. The Singapore you think of now was never a country before, it was part of Malay land and the Malay world.If you cannot accept or understand this, that means you cannot understand geography and history. Why do people have so much difficulty accepting facts? Non-Malay minorities are also here on stolen land, and we need to accept and understand this. Even the rest of us, including Indians, don\u2019t have a claim on this land. We can never truly find solidarity if we insist on acting as if Indian people and Malay people have the same claim to Singapore.This does not erase our contributions or our generations that have grown up here, or our own attachment to the land. But it simply not equivalent to Malay people\u2019s claim over it. No one is asking for reparations and no one is asking you to leave their land. So why do so many people find it difficult to accept facts and the truth?In Singapore, Malay people are targeted for legal and cultural extinction. The percentage of Malay people in Singapore is decreasing, despite the maintenance of total fertility rate for the community. Population policies seek to bring in Indian and PRC migrants, but not Malay. They are slowly being phased out as immigration policies are making Malay people extinct in their own land. This is Malay land, and they have become second class citizens on their own land. That is simply unacceptable.So, who gains from the denial of Malay indigineity to Singapore? Who gains from erasure of this past? What do they gain? At what point can we admit that this \u201cdebate\u201d over how long Malay people have been here and where their ancestors came from is just a rhetorical exercise aimed specifically to cast aspersions on indigenous birthright?I have my theories but I\u2019m going to leave this here for people to think about.In our anti-racism work in Singapore, aboriginality must be foundational. As minorities, we need to examine our own complicity in the ongoing project of colonisation, whether it be White or Chinese in nature. During the time I have been engaged in doing this work, I have come to believe that anti-racism for the Malay community has to begin with assertions of indigeneity and ownership of land. Regardless of where you are and where you come from, you have a responsibility to know the names of the territories you are on and the people who have called those places home.Note: I did not speak about Orang Asli forced assimilation into mainstream Malaysian culture as I am simply not qualified. I did talk about indigenous people AND Malay people as being indigenous to the land, because that is how indigeneity is seen in this part of the world. For the purposes of talking specifically about Singapore, I feel speaking of Malay people as indigenous to the land is the best political way to approach it, especially when faced with Chinese hegemonic claims.Meanwhile here 3 page jawi oso rage like thisSOSInb4 tered gonna be deleted by mod because of \"sensitivity\"Whenever a truth is being pointed out, suddenly \"sensitive\" card is out. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.86888587474823} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Apr 21 2024, 06:19 PM)Please tell me why it's hypocrisy?Tak mampu boikot all, boikot some oso might have some effect and at least it's contributed to the goalWhere is the rule said.must boikot all? Boikot selagi yang mampu sahajalol typical reply.so if others tak mampu boycott mcd and starbucks, why kutuk them?why these holier-than-thou boycotters like boycott rokok (haram), adidas, nike, apple products? puak lebai also sibuk beli mercedez.puihhhh ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998557567596436} +{"text": "@zazozaoo Aku tak risau pon. Makanan halal dan sijil halal adalah 2 bnde berbeza hahahah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9002662301063538} +{"text": "QUOTE(pobox @ May 26 2015, 12:39 PM)This part. I've seen Jakim attempt to summon a factory because they are using the \"organic\" brush to clean the dust. Brush made of pig hair.They stressed - \"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998633861541748} +{"text": "Ummm... see the word \"Brew\" dah confused, same as the \"Pork\" wording on spices packaging.I think \"Air Nira Nipah\" is more Haram than this Bundabeer! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Aug 18 2022, 09:29 AM)But what if the restoran never put up \"HALAL RESTAURANT\" ?cant simply dakwa right?in marehsia, my humble opinion la.u no sell babi, but no halal cert, muslim come in, YOUR FAULT.u no sell babi, with halal cert, muslim come in VIRAL, YOUR FAULT, damage done first, recover later on.u sell babi, muslim come in, you forgot to remind them, YOUR FAULT.u sell babi and put non halal, they walked in and you forgot to remind them, YOUR FAULT.all in all, it's always YOUR FAULT.it's not about kena dakwa or not, but either way, the damage done to your reputation is even more crucial.my shop a, alot of muslim keep taking photography outdoor of my dining area due to the decor there, i told my supervisor to always remind them even if they are not consuming in the establishment, i don't want later authorities come and screwed me over this.This post has been edited by a13solut3: Aug 18 2022, 09:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "Tapi ini tak bermakna kalau product tu takde halal cert, kita boleh jatuhkan hukum haram ke atasnya. Ingat balik, nak dpt sijil halal ni banyak syarat lain juga selain bahan mentah. Konsepnya bukan isi borang terus dpt sijil ye kawan2.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8164016604423523} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahter @ Dec 6 2015, 02:39 PM)biasala ..org malas suka main tiket agamaaw aw aww shots fired ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9875511527061462} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kim Sim @ Dec 23 2022, 07:52 PM)Impossible!!!\nCMAPdCE1HgY\n\nMakanan kampung style only le, how can be best in the world?Msia food (provided include non halal) should be the best in the world. Lao? How can?????These people will say the same to be PC. Wait for him to say the same for other countries cuisine. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 08:31 PM)oo?really?this is new for me.can ask later whether haram or notgo find formula on the internet and calculate for yourself. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996392726898193} +{"text": "Anyway, anak pompuan dah kahwin. dosa pompuan laki dia yang tanggung. bukan ke itu dalam ajaran agama? yang seronok sgt kutuk2 bapak dia tu mengaku beragama kat bibir je ke?#donepotekkkThis post has been edited by andrewhtf: Aug 28 2020, 12:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(logicboy @ Jan 6 2017, 01:47 PM)DAP .what u expect lah... The best party in malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "Cedok kuah nasi kandar mempunyai seninya yang tersendiri.SEBUT sahaja nasi kandar, pastinya akan terbayang nasi putih berlaukkan ayam atau daging di samping kuah campuran yang membangkitkan selera ditambah dengan aromanya yang memukau.Menu nasi kandar bukanlah satu menu asing bagi masyarakat di negara ini, malah mempunyai peminatnya yang tersendiri.Mengikut sejarahnya, resipi nasi kandar berasal dari pedagang India Muslim dari wilayah-wilayah selatan India seperti Malabar datang ke Tanah Melayu pada kurun ke-16 dan akhirnya mewariskan resipi nasi kandar oleh golongan India Muslim atau mamak.Terdapat pelbagai aneka rempah-ratus digunakan dalam resipi nasi kandar untuk cuba disesuaikan dengan persekitaran di Tanah Melayu ketika itu dan cuma dihidangkan pada waktu pagi. Dengan gelaran kandar yang kekal hingga kini jelas menceritakan tentang bagaimana gaya penjual nasi kandar pada dekad ke 1930-an yang mengandar bakul atau raga mengandungi nasi dan lauk dengan sebatang kayu tebal.Dengan cara mengandar di bahu, penjual akan memasuki bandar dan kawasan perkampungan seterusnya menjaja makanan tersebut. Mungkin ramai yang tidak mengetahui bahawa nasi kandar yang asli dihidangkan bersama lauk daging masak kicap, telur rebus dan bendi rebus sahaja untuk dijadikan sarapan pagi.Ikuti perjalanan wartawan Sinar Harian mengupas keunikan makanan yang terkenal di negeri ini.Kuah nasi kandar elemen pentingKetika bertandang ke mana-mana restoran mamak, pastinya mata akan tertumpu cara kuah dimasukkan ke dalam nasi.Namun, tahukah kita bahawa elemen adunan kuah dalam nasi kandar punya caranya yang tersendiri.Pengurus Restoran Deen Jelutong Nasi Kandar, Sajahan Abdul Aziz, 54, berkata, adunan kuah merupakan elemen penting dalam menjadikan nasi kandar itu sedap dimakan.\u201cDalam nasi kandar, kuah tidak boleh diletakkan dengan cara yang lewa dan bersahaja, ia punya teknik yang tersendiri, yang mana tidak semua mahir tentangnya.\u201cItu antara keistimewaan nasi kandar, rasanya boleh berubah dan menjadi tidak sedap dimakan sekiranya kuah diletakkan oleh mereka yang tidak mahir,\u201d katanya.Katanya, untuk restorannya, dia memfokuskan kepada hidangan ayam goreng, ayam masak kicap serta kari daging.\u201cBuat masa ini permintaan terhadap hidangan ayam goreng memang tinggi, kebanyakan pelanggan yang datang untuk menikmati juadah nasi kandar di sini pastinya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk merasai kelazatan ayam goreng yang ada di sini,\u201d katanya.Katanya, penyediaan makanan merupakan aspek yang penting bagi memastikan pelanggan berpuas hati menikmati apa yang mereka mahu.\u201cMisalnya hidangan ayam goreng, hidangan ini kami akan pastikan ayam ini digoreng secara berkala, maknanya di sini, jika habis kita akan goreng semula dan bukannya goreng banyak-banyak sekali,\u201cSecara tidak langsung ayam goreng yang dihidangkan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan panas dan rangup untuk dimakan,\u201d katanya.Menurutnya, begitu juga dengan masakan yang lain, ia tidak dimasak dalam skala yang besar dalam satu-satu masa.\u201cItu merupakan aspek yang paling dititikberatkan di sini, kami menekankan konsep hidangan seperti di rumah yang mana pelanggan akan menikmati hidangan yang segar-segar belaka,\u201d katanya.Sementara itu, Pengusaha Nasi Kandar Line Clear, Abdul Latif Ali Thalkarumal, 56, berkata, keistimewaan nasi kandar ini hanya peminatnya sahaja yang tahu membezakannya.\u201cKita boleh jumpa di mana sahaja nasi kandar, semua orang boleh kata itu nasi kandar, tapi bagi penggemar makanan ini mereka sahaja yang mengetahui keenakannya,\u201d katanya.Berbicara mengenai masa depan nasi kandar katanya, nasi kandar mempunyai masa depan yang cerah.\u201cMasa depan nasi kandar bergantung kepada peminatnya, buat masa ini kita melihat ramai peminat nasi kandar, yang mana ia tidak merujuk kepada satu-satu bangsa sahaja namun berbilang bangsa.\u201cDalam erti kata lain, nasi kandar adalah sebagai lambang masyarakat Malaysia yang majmuk, pergi saja ke mana-mana kedai yang jual nasi kandar, kita akan lihat pelbagai bangsa, Melayu, Cina dan India,\u201d katanya.Pelanggan diutamakanTatkala bertandang ke restoran nasi kandar, pastinya pelayan tidak akan menunggu lama, pelayan akan terus datang kepada pelanggan.Berbicara tentang layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan ini, Sajahan berkata, kecepatan perkhidmatan amat penting dalam memastikan kepuasan pelanggan mencapai tahap yang semaksimum mungkin.\u201cPerkara ini diibaratkan sebagai satu tradisi, kita sebagai tuan punya restoran tidak mahu pelanggan menunggu.\u201cDalam erti kata yang lain, mereka datang dan bayar untuk menikmati makanan di sini jadi perkhidmatan yang diberikan harus baik, itu yang kami tekankan,\u201d katanya.Kurang pekerja tempatanDari sudut pekerja sebenarnya pihaknya mempunyai pelbagai faktor yang menyebabkan kurang pekerja tempatan diambil bekerja di kedainya.\u201cDalam soal ini, kita tidak mengatakan golongan tempatan kurang berminat, di restoran ini juga pernah ada orang tempatan yang datang untuk meminta kerja.\u201cSaya tanya dia apa kemahiran yang dia ada, dia nyatakan dia punyai kepakaran dalam penyediaan makanan, jadi saya bagi dia kerja.\u201cNamun, tak sampai beberapa jam, saya keluar dan saya pulang semula ke kedai saya tengok dia tak ada di bahagian depan, cari-cari rupanya ada di belakang, tanya dia kenapa tak duduk depan, dia kata segan kawan dia datang,\u201d katanya.Katanya, dalam soal ini apa yang dilihatnya adalah persepsi pekerja tempatan itu sendiri.\u201cPada saya dalam soal mencari rezeki tak perlu segan tak perlu malu, kita cari rezeki yang halal, biar sapa datang sekalipun itu pelanggan, kita harus melayaninya.\u201cBagi saya itu antara faktor yang menyebabkan banyak restoran nasi kandar memilih pekerja warga asing berbanding tempatan,\u201d katanya.Titik berat aspek kebersihanSajahan berkata, untuk pengambilan pekerja di kalangan warga asing mereka perlu mengambil beberapa langkah yang telah disyaratkan.\u201cWarga asing yang kita ambil bekerja ini perlu mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan daripada pihak yang berkenaan, bukan sembarangan main ambil sahaja.\u201cMereka berurusan dengan pelanggan tambahan pula ia melibatkan penyediaan makanan, pastinya perkara melibatkan keadaan kesihatan pekerja itu sendiri amat kami titik beratkan,\u201d katanya.Sanggup memandu jauh dapatkan nasi kandarPeminat nasi kandar, Satina Abdul Khalid, 45, dari Sungai Petani, Kedah berkata, dia dan keluarganya akan ke Pulau Pinang sekiranya terasa ingin menikmati nasi kandar.Menurutnya, walaupun terdapat beberapa restoran nasi kandar di Sungai Petani namun rasanya agak berbeza.\u201cMemang setiap kali kalau nak makan nasi kandar kami akan memandu lebih 50 kilometer ke Pulau Pinang semata-mata untuk merasai masakan nasi kandar yang original berbanding restoran nasi kandar yang ada di tempat kami.\u201cAyam masak madu, daging hitam dan kari kepala ikan antara menu wajib yang akan saya ambil setiap kali menikmati nasi kandar,\u201d katanya .Turut berkongsi pendapat yang sama, Mohamad Faiz Asyraf Mohd Sukri, 23, yang menggemari suasana restoran nasi kandar di negeri ini.Mohd Faiz berkata, dia akan mula rasa gian sekiranya lama tidak menikmati hidangan nasi kandar di kedai kesukaannya di Jelutong di sini.\u201cTak dapat saya gambarkan keenakan masakan nasi kandar di sini dan harganya juga tidak begitu mahal berbanding di tempat lain.\u201cWalaupun banyak restoran dengan nama nasi kandar dibuka di Kuala Lumpur, Johor atau tempat-tempat lain namun tidak dapat menandingi nasi kandar di Pulau Pinang,\u201d katanya.Bagi pelancong pula, kunjungan mereka ke Pulau Pinang pasti tidak sah tanpa menikmati kelazatan nasi kandar.Menurut Azreen Johari, 26, dari Kuantan, Pahang dia mula teringin untuk mencuba nasi kandar setelah acap kali diceritakan oleh rakan-rakan yang pernah mengunjungi negeri ini.Katanya, apabila berpeluang bertandang ke negeri yang boleh dianggap sebagai syurga makanan ini, dia tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mencari restoran-restoran nasi kandar popular bagi menikmati sendiri keenakan makanan berkenaan.\u201cMulanya saya sering mendengar mengenai nasi kandar tetapi tidak mengambil tahu sangat namun apabila sudah terlalu kerap mendengar cerita keenakan hidangan ini, timbullah keinginan untuk mencuba sendiri.\u201cLalu sebaik berpeluang sampai ke Pulau Pinang saya terus merancang untuk mencari kedai nasi kandar yang sering diperkatakan rakan-rakan dan apabila mencuba saya terus terpikat sehingga seolah-olah menjadi gian,\u201d katanya.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/edisi/utara/...eminat-1.524522 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5209120512008667} +{"text": "Aku makan selalu abis sii,soalnya beli makanan yg aku suka aja wkwk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8779642581939697} +{"text": "Halal haram untuk produk makanan sekarang mcm dah was was pun ada. Ada yg tak dapat logo halal dari Jakim, pi tiru logo. Aish.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5884556174278259} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ May 17 2024, 06:02 PM)Now mei shan is also halal or no pork no lark?for that info, better you directly contact them.it would be dosa for me to provide you incorrect/outdated information. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989618062973022} +{"text": "Jakim punyalah nak memastikan umat Islam kenal makanan halal ke haram supaya hati kita jadi molek.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.883708655834198} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Aug 13 2018, 10:06 AM)No. Cause alcohol evaporated during cooking. The sake pour in cause creates unique taste and fragrance.But I see so many drunk with power and money, why this one harmful?So ok lor. Not haram lorHaram is for \"benda yang memabukkan\" If no drunk, halal lorSimpleDrunk with power confirm haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998941421508789} +{"text": "QUOTE(fuifuiTan @ Aug 17 2016, 02:06 PM)Sila meninggal?Lol sikit sikit tak suka keluar mentalityi see this guy's replies to you, i feel sad for them as a society. something best to just leave things to natural selection bro. i dont know what he's blabering about his rukun negara and negaraku all lol. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(RegentCid @ May 6 2024, 01:37 PM)That Japanese unhappy because in Japan culture, never put aeroplane. If cannot make it, must let people know in advance.This.During my trip in Hokkaido, one day we booked a local driver to drive us around Biei who is suppose to pick us up from Asahikawa. But our train from Sapporo got delayed due to heavy snow. But I already informed the driver the moment we got the delay announcement , I keep update him our status and ETA until we met at the Asahikawa station. Despite we were late for almost 2 hours, he still welcome us with hospitality and show us around the best he could (due to the delay, we have to give up a few places) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999406337738037} +{"text": "Speedmart is the best business that's close to my heart.Every since speedmart become cheap and have essential items I never set foot in super market.The days of finding parking pushing trolleys are over. No need to waste time few hours a week just for shopping.Is everywhere,I can literally buy my grocery while heading home ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996581077575684} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 03:46 PM)[attachmentid=11480859]Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga /k.It has been a while. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum (bagi yang ingatlah), aku adalah salah seorang /k residen yang bekerja sebagai rider Foodpanda.Alhamdulillah sejak 4/9/2023 aku dah dapat kerja tetap yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku (14km) berbanding kerja di KL (70km). Jadi aku ada masa lebih untuk buat delivery sebagai rider Foodpanda (part time). Seperti gambar di atas, gaji aku sepanjang bulan 9 yang lepas adalah RM590.18 termasuklah tips dari customer. Aku bekerja selama 92 jam lebih kurang bersamaan dengan gaji RM6.64/hrs. Sepanjang bulan 9 ni aku berjaya kekalkan batch 3. Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Mohon /k bincangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.you only need to get into accident once and lost all the money + paying extra for hospitalization, not sure if that worth it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9825782775878906} +{"text": "Jikalau sesuatu makanan itu tiada cop halal dari jakim maka ia dianggap haram ? zaman Rasul dulu tak ada jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5082399249076843} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to openu mau kontrak kerajaan kantin sekolah, ikut lah kontrak. panggil you bukak then bukak, jangan bising. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999592304229736} +{"text": "QUOTE(ah_suknat @ Jun 8 2015, 10:26 AM)whats up guys..., puasa is around the corner...I plan to rent a stall near my town and sell food..I want to sell something diffferent...not the usual chicken wing, satay, pisang goreng, nasik campur...want a bit different...I plan to sell fried chicken wontonand homemade soy milk and red bean dessertI am chinese muslim so I would like to try chinese style halal juadah for sale...any other idea?sometimes at bazar people go for what they familiar with. or hype new food. very seldom new menu works at bazar.deswai seeing many seller selling same stuff from end to end. soy milk u must make it tasty so that when people buy first time, they come back tomorow. people actually dont care much about homemade, organic or not. try some halal dim sum. dim sum is popular and i think many muslim would like to try one ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "QUOTE(win2000 @ Feb 27 2018, 12:54 PM)Careful. Later got idiot pipul who doesnt even know his own religion too well report youThis is according to what is said to be fatwa in Malaysia. This is not my opinion. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "Aku yakin JAKIM sebab they do research siasat proses makanan minuman tu then baru keluar sijil halal. Aku yakin beli kat orang islam sebab sumber halal dan bersih. Tapi kalau kena tipu tanggung dosa sendiri la. Pls stop la jgn mainkan benda pasal agama. https://t.co/dZcoUcvaDO", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayer @ Dec 30 2023, 12:51 PM)Welp, I must be a successful kid and a troll if name calling is the best you can dothe attack is real, so no such thing as misinformation lar kid. I mean your body may be adult but still comprehends like kid only. Like the robbers hold hostage inside the bank. You donate food to the robbers, Is not that a very immoral action? so it is reasonable for people to boikot your shop or not? of course you also can argue you doing good things only because since the robbers are hungry and request for it and hence you just give. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995995163917542} +{"text": "ada plak tu persoalkan sijil halal gerai goreng pisang tepi jalan . kedai makan korea/japan tu mostly company besar, mampu mohon sijil tengok netizen gaduh kat fb sedihh ada plak tu kata \"halal is just kertas sijil \" https://t.co/QpbeYddUKt", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "@chizubunny dulu i pakai Laneige. suka sangat sampai my sister pun nak join pakai. perangai dia ni suka 'was2' so dia pergi tanya staff Laneige if ada sijil halal or ingredient yg kita orang Islam kena acknwledge before pakai tepek. anddddd.. entah, i dah stop pakai & pakai hadalabo je skrg", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999433755874634} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Nov 15 2020, 07:26 PM)why cant the pakcik ask instead of viral video????????WHY?????????????????????????????????????benda boleh assume pastu viral, buat apa nk tanya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9617043733596802} +{"text": "@this7_ Yakin ke dia halal lepas sijil dluuuu.... d persoalkan...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987810254096985} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcal @ Jan 8 2024, 11:09 PM)in the Al-Quran, no. in the Hadis yesActually how nuch shit can your kind put inside your brain?Yang mathematics, science tu lemah tapi bab ni apa pun boleh ingat? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999814033508301} +{"text": "Lol dia tak tahu ke produk makanan dan minuman keluaran Malaysia ni owner kilang tu mostly Non Muslim? Tapi owner kilang yg mostly Non Muslim nilah yg banyak ada sijil Halal yg diiktiraf JAKIM. Ada je company Muslim sendiri yg takde sijil Halal JAKIM atas alasan mereka Muslim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8394567966461182} +{"text": "Allah Allah ya, kesiannya.. risau lak bila mikir bebudak lain yg suka beli makanan kat kantin drpd bawa bekal yg mak dia dah masak ni haa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9652902483940125} +{"text": "@hfyni Haha, senang je tan. Ckp nk tgok sijil halal. Kalau takleh nk tunjuk tu pepaham je la", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.888551652431488} +{"text": "QUOTE(sky2006 @ Aug 9 2024, 03:53 PM)The box or package should state a product name for the kuih without it, Halal status of the kuih can't be determined even if there's a Halal logo on the box.Maybe it's stated in the receipt.I got it as a gift, no receipt So if halal status can\u2019t be determined even if there is a Halal logo on the box, lets do another Halal regulatory body to supervise Halal logo, with hologram stickers issued based on the shop\u2019s sales volume. If one month target can sell 10000 boxes, the new Halal regulatory body only issue 10000 tamper proof hologram sticker to the shop. It will state: - shop name- branch/location (cannot be transferred to another branch)- validity date (cannot be used for next month)- product (different product different sticker)- serial number (so each box can be traced to source) Wow! I just came up with money milking making idea ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987609386444092} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 11:33 AM)Hi Rakan Sejagat K,Harap semua sihat sejahtera. anyway, since its friday, just wanted to talk about something more ilmiah.i wanna talk about Dajjal. Any one know Dajjal? AntiChrist. The so called being that will destroy man kind. Virtue to be exact.can i say that TV is dajjal?i mean it clearly confuse the world of what is truth what is fake?it clearly confusing us with reality and fantasy?it clearly showing hell on one side and heaven on the other side but in truth its the opposite.it can show to bring dead men alive?it changes day and nightit controls time?and now it come to us every single individual via our phone.ONE EYE BEING? Ring a bell? Its the tv.....!God never said Anti Christ is the bad guy, he/she is just doing things whatever intended for his/her creation.idk...but all this time, we used to believe that it is going to be a human in a shape of a beast/monster but in reality it is not?because if it is such beast and monster, shouldnt we be able to identify him/her and say no to him/her because we know he/she is wrong, however as per what is being told to us, even the religious people with strong faith will loose to him/her (dajjal).that is because we do not know what is \"he/she\" and if he/she is a \"tv\", we wont suspect him/her.even the strong faith believe in TV nowdays. phones and gadjet.he/she controls us every second, twitter, ig fb....based on some scholars, the anti christ comes from Jew background.......waitaaaa minute...FB is from a JE.....what??and the best part is that, 'He/she' is not always bad and good, he/she is just doing his/her job. to be a test to man kind...any one sees this as well?share. just a fun chit chat talk.rokok adalah dajjal.. agama kata tak boleh, tapi hisap juga kerana terkeliru dengan nikmat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9756537079811096} +{"text": "QUOTE(vexus @ Aug 18 2016, 01:07 AM)Rokok is haram. Make sure they dont sell rokok.+1. we'll see if it's just tokok but no go ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chosen one @ Jul 12 2018, 05:36 PM)got la, some of the school staffs, NGOs or sponsors there is a chance to contain non chinesehowever here say reporters, i didnt see reporters getting free meal in sjkc event, at best they get mineral watersjust a small matter... they shouldnt trigger like they forced the reporter swollow the pork brutally...well, what i can say is, since they r reporter and not main guest,top priority doesnt focus on themand its organizer fault for forget mention to those muslim about some food contain pork... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999128580093384} +{"text": "@izhar1902 @BN4everTN5O @__BakalJenazah @johan08021671 @sammikli @BetterNation3 @mann3636 @Kama96157097 @TAzuanAD @1rmf5 @fahaizal @Nazgul71028348 @blackmerz101 @MdDzul @hazwanrahim84 @melayujati3 @TrollRepublic_ @kojekiklas @AjaqbroBro @Mohamad60295497 @Wartan57 @JuniorSazali @MatJisil @En_White_Bird @Sarahhadi92 @radzali_ahmad @AkuMelayuIslam5 @johndoe07539176 @izhamsham @JamilBinHarun2 @FaziraMustafah @lawangs23099547 @AimanAirin2 @61_garuda @mhmj66 @MrSandm49302892 @AKUANAKWATAN @EdoTenseiPM4 @124Gst @mijjemije @Shawn35154099 @Deanerys15 @wongwongmalek @abi_razin @swagger_selatan @isacjohore @shonzu11 @pujangg05818099 @mimimarinajaaf1 Dia mana ada sijil halal. sijil haram ada laaa kan dia geng dgn PH banyak guna sijil palsu penipu betul", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999387264251709} +{"text": "QUOTE(drug5 @ Feb 28 2024, 09:40 AM)Kuching apa best to eat?? Apart from Sarawak Laksa laMee Kolok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999724626541138} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:10 PM)Vegen restaurant where got lard or wine..vegan oso haram anything to do with animal substance and oso alcohol.I mean true vegan lahQUOTE(Gorst @ Nov 21 2018, 07:10 PM)Already say vegetarian Kek!QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 21 2018, 07:12 PM)And you know nothing about vegetarianthen u ask lah if the restaurant true vegan or notas if some vegan dont eat cheese, dont cook with sake, didnt put chicken or meat stockout of all vegan i believe almost half of em is not true veganThis post has been edited by ghuzzy: Nov 21 2018, 07:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8194605708122253} +{"text": "@imammudaamar MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922769069671631} +{"text": "\nAi suka gak chinese food but.. MSG dia bebebebanyak BETUL compare 2 other local fare!!\n\r\nSo makan s ...\napplemy Post at 9-6-2010 10:55 klu kt area saya, mg gerai2 yg msg kurang sket biasanya banyak customer... tp setahu saya drp semua gerai yg kurang pakai msg nih xder yg halal...\n yg pedas ni bukan masakan Szechuan ke? yg selalu guna minyak cili tu\nNIXAR Post at 9-6-2010 11:00 bukan... klu masakan szechuan tuh saya x biasa ngan baunya.... tengok je x leh tahan dh... makan skali je & lain kali x nk makan dh...\n\n\r\nx silap saya kedai kt sabah (tawau) tuh milik cina indon. cilinya mcam dh \"di concentrate kan\"... banyak pedas..\n\n\r\ncili kt hong kong x pedas langsung... bila makan cili tuh \"sgt masin\" je yg saya (dan kebanyakan org yg sekumpulan ngan saya) rasa..\r\nmaksud mereka bagi \"sgt pedas\" sebenarnya ialah \"sgt masin\".... cili msia baru sedap,.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.942115306854248} +{"text": "Sayang sekali. . Kempen Buy Muslim First (BMF) cukup bagus dah. Yang bermasalah adalah pemikiran \u201casal produk muslim konfem bersih dan halal\u201d. Kemudian salahkan JAKIM sebab tak bagi sijil halal sedangkan pengusaha\u2026 https://t.co/2nCuY88gu0", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999869704246521} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syie9^_^ @ May 8 2024, 04:42 PM) I dont know what history you read. Bakun Dam was conceived in 1960s and was given GREEN light to go during Mahathir time, late 1974s onward. It was never Najib. Bakun Dam was contracted to EKRAN Corp, big mega project by best bankrupt Chinese buddy of Mahathir. RIP Ting Pek Khing. Those who know, EKRAN Corp is a PLC company. Everyone said politically affiliated until 1997, project halted. Due to \"financial\" crisis. Sarawak State govt doesn't have much says in Federal Plans then. Just like now TNB busy body want to take care Sabah Electricity problems. After-all its Sabah electricity \"political\" divestment and poor management related. Gave Gamuda to built the new Dam. Nothing to do with Najib.U got the history right , Bakun was funded by Federal government and owned by Finance Ministry. It was built with 7.4 billion cost. Federal Government was the majority shareholder through finance ministry. But Najib approved the sale of the stake from Federal to Sarawak state government at cost of 2.5 Billion.It is now WHOLLY owned by Sarawak Electricity.It has EVERYTHING to do with Najib to approve the sale to Sarawak. Sarawak Electricity is fully run by Sarawakians you know right and they are very successful , until can export to Indonesia and Brunei soon.and Sarawak Electricity Engineers got paid very well. Sarawak buys Bakun Plant from KLThis post has been edited by Chrono-Trigger: May 8 2024, 05:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8093563318252563} +{"text": "haram meat not yet resolve, wanna come out to spin and divert attention ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991965889930725} +{"text": "bukak kedai runcit ni money management kena bagus and also your marketing team handling distributor. Lagi pandai kawteam dgn distributor lagi byk untung. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999471127986908} +{"text": "@zainurassyiqin @masraimi Aku ke liyana yg marah? Lupa la haha. Ala takda sijil halal tak semestinya haram. Kadang mereka tukar ingridient tu kena apply sijil halal baru", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998747110366821} +{"text": "akak cleaner can u pls propose ban rokok becoz it is haram and unhealthy ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "Dah makan mahal macam tu mesti tahan berak beberapa hari macam saiful, buat pekasam dahulu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991706609725952} +{"text": "@asyrafbadhrul @faeqafarahin Kalau kita yg berkerja dkt food industry ni mesti faham sijil halal tu nak dpt bukan semata mata bahan dia halal tapi merangkumi kebersihan tempat kerja, kebersihan pekerja dia. Gmp, hazop etc...yg tak tahu just asyik babi, babi n babi..lol..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 09:42 AM)The company offered me a bigger paycheck to open new office and jaga AP, so i took it lorWhat's your status now? Married? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "best BLR i had was lotus jalan gasing in the late 90s ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994792342185974} +{"text": "QUOTE(angelgemini @ Sep 14 2016, 02:11 PM)even revelation from god, still need someone write it right?or the book suddenly appear from no where?Short Story. Revelation from god. Passed through angel, given to prophet. Prophet pass it around. No official written during prophet's life. After some decades after prophet pass away that trusted people (ulama) starts compiling it as we see it now. Side story, after some time after the compilation, that the 'baris' or vowel annotation was added. I have no idea how people manage to read and write without those.Edit: Not passed around, more like being told. So during prophet\u2019s life, its being circulated verbally.This post has been edited by zemega: Sep 14 2016, 02:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957257509231567} +{"text": "sijil halal dah dapat! dah pegang dah! HAHAHAHA rasa mcm baru lepas berkhidmat utk negara \ud83e\udd23 the best experience ever \ud83d\udcaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9926942586898804} +{"text": "Peniaga kecil juga tidak mahu ketinggalan. Tidak mustahil daripada peniaga kecil, melalui trend ini boleh saja menjadi peniaga besar dan berjaya. Masing-masing memikirkan perniagaan terkini, sesuai gaya hidup yang masih mengekalkan kerjaya tetap.Ada juga yang terbabit dalam perniagaan dalam talian secara tidak sengaja sebagaimana Azurin Hanim Jamaluddin, 37. Sejak memulakannya sekitar tahun lalu, dia sudah berasa seronok. Kesibukan dengan kerjaya, keluarga sebagai isteri dan ibu tidak menghalang minatnya apatah lagi suami amat menggalakkan dan bersama-sama di setiap langkah yang diatur.Siapa sangka Azurin membawa konsep penghantaran sushi ke negeri tanah tumpahnya, Melaka.\u201cSemuanya secara tidak sengaja. Nama yang saya gunakan di Facebook ialah Areen Chokolat kerana asalnya yang saya cuba mempromosi ialah jualan coklat. Entah bagaimana, sushi pula yang menjadi,\u201d katanya.Sushi makanan kegemaran Azurin sekeluarga termasuk empat anaknya. Mereka sering ke restoran sushi atau membelinya di pasar raya.\u201cNamun apabila isu halal sering menjadi masalah dalam menikmati sushi, saya mengambil keputusan membuatnya sendiri. Selain itu harga makanan di luar juga mahal. Bermulalah saya belajar caranya melalui Internet. Menjadi pula, keluarga suka dan paling penting ia halal!\u201d katanya.Seperti pengguna laman sosial yang lain, Azurin berkongsi pengalaman baharunya itu bersama temannya. Ia mengundang minat dan ada yang mahu menempah untuk merasa.\u201cApa yang saya buat ini memberi peluang mereka untuk menikmati sushi murah, sedap dan halal. Sebenarnya niat asal saya bukanlah hendak berniaga sushi cuma sekadar perkongsian biasa di laman sosial. Rupanya ramai peminat sushi di Melaka.\u201cDari situ, tempahan penghantaran sushi kian meningkat. Sekitar 30 hingga 34 bekas untuk hujung minggu. Makanan ini disukai setiap peringkat umur kerana saya turut menyesuaikannya dengan selera Malaysia. Menu baharu yang ditambah ialah perasa sambal.\u201cPenghantaran hanya dibuat pada hujung minggu. Ada yang menempah dalam kuantiti yang banyak mungkin untuk dimakan bersama keluarga. Paling ramai menempah ialah pelajar kolej kerana ia makanan yang mengenyangkan dan boleh tahan sehari,\u201d katanya.Tentu saja makanan dari Jepun ini mengenyangkan kerana bahan utama yang perlu ada ialah beras. Berasnya pula daripada jenis khas untuk penyediaan sushi.SUSHI SAMBAL CITA RASA MELAYUJenis sushi yang dihasil\u00adkan Azurin kini termasuk gulungan sushi rumpai laut dengan pelbagai lapisan inti bersama nasi seperti isi ketam, sosej, daging, tuna dan daging. Inari pula atau mangkuk kulit tauhu diisi inti nasi bersama daging pedas, ebiko, tuna, telur dan mayonis serta pelbagai perasa menarik.\u201cSaya suka menghasilkan sushi mengikut kesukaan anak dan cita rasa orang Melayu. Jenuh juga mencuba pelbagai rasa supaya boleh menjadi pilihan ramai. Harganya perlulah mampu dimiliki iaitu antara RM5 hingga RM10 satu set. Tempahan diterima dari seluruh Melaka, ada juga sampai ke Tangkak,\u201d katanya.Ibu lulusan bioteknologi pengkhususan biologi botani dari Universiti Sains Malaysia ini semakin seronok mencuba pelbagai resipi sushi walaupun susah mendapat bahan mentahnya di Melaka.\u201cMendapatkan produk yang halal dalam penyediaan sushi tidak mudah seperti di Kuala Lumpur. Ada tetapi terhad contohnya rumpai laut,\u201d beritahu Azurin.Sushi ialah makanan Jepun yang bahan utama\u00adnya nasi dicampur sayuran, daging, buah dan makanan laut yang biasanya mentah. Cara penyediaan begitu banyak dan berbeza mengikut kehendak serta kreativiti sendiri. Ia turut dimakan bersama kicap, jeruk halia dan wasabi.Pilihan yang diberi oleh Azurin membuatkan sushi lebih mudah dinikmati selain harganya murah.Menggunakan mangkuk tauhu dan rumpai laut, kulit timun juga gulungan biasa digunakan dalam teknik penghasilan sushi yang menarik. Temui Azurin di FBnya Areen Chokolat.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/224521 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8112186789512634} +{"text": "QUOTEAMIN DALAM KENANGANTelah lama saya pendam sedih dan sebak ini . Namun , pada hari ini (11 Jun 2021) genaplah 12 tahun , anjing belaan arwah ayah saya yang membantu menjaga ladang ternakan lembu arwah ayah saya , meninggalkan kami sekeluarga , iaitu sehari selepas ayah saya meninggal .Saya berharap agar pihak Admin ( Admin Sharifah Shevchenko / Admin Megat Panji Alam / Admin Malaysia Negara Ku ) meluluskan posting ini.Tahun 1997 , ayah saya bersara tetap dari jawatan beliau sebagai seorang anggota Polis , dan beliau mengusahakan penternakan kambing dan lembu di sebuah daerah dalam negeri Selangor.Dengan di bantu oleh 3 orang abang saya , dan dua orang sepupu saya , termasuk ibu saya , banyak halangan , cabaran dan rintangan ketika mengusahakan ladang ternakan haiwan ini.Bermula dari 30 ekor lembu , dan 49 ekor kambing , usaha arwah ayah saya membuahkan hasil selepas beberapa tahun .Namun , dalam tahun 1999 , ladang ternakan ayah saya di rompak . Malam kejadian , ayah saya termasuk abang-abang saya di pukul dan di ikat oleh perompak , manakala ibu saya di ikat dan di tendang di tangga rumah. Saya pada ketika itu masih menjalani praktikal dalam kursus perubatan di Pulau Pinang.Habis semua kambing dan lembu di rompak dan di larikan oleh 5 orang lelaki yang membawa dua buah lori.Hingga kini , perompak-perompak durjana itu gagal di kesan termasuk lori mereka gunakan kerana menggunakan plat palsu.Namun , ayah tak mudah mengalah . Selesai sahaja kes dan laporan polis , ayah bangkit kembali mengusahakan ternakan kambing dan lembu.Pada 2002 , ayah dan abang sulung saya berziarah ke rumah kawan lama ayah di bandar Banting Selangor . Ketika itulah , mata ayah tertarik pada seekor anak anjing jenis Rotweller di rumah kawannya . Ayah tidak membuang masa , dan bertanya samada rakannya mahu menjual anak anjing tersebut , dan rakannya bersetuju untuk menjual dan ayah di berikan sijil pengesahan \"breeding\" yang mengesahkan anjing tersebut adalah Baka Rotweller sebenar .Ayah melalui pelbagai proses dokumentasi dalam permohonan lesen.Akhirnya , ayah berjaya untuk mendapatkan lesen memelihara anjing baka rotweller dengan tujuan perladangan / ternakan haiwan.Anjing itu di berikan nama \"AMIN\" , dan ayah bela AMIN sejak umurnya 2 bulan lagi.Proses tumbesaran bermula , dan ayah sendiri melatih AMIN untuk membantu tugas ayah di ladang ternakan.Abang-abang saya cukup sayang pada Amin , dan adakalanya ketika saya balik , saya rasa sedikit cemburu apabila abang-abang saya seperti tidak memperdulikan saya lagi. Maklumlah , saya anak yang bongsu dan setiap anak bongsu itu , ada perasaan mudah cemburu.Amin adalah anjing rotweller yang cerdik . Hormat pada ayah , ibu dan abang-abang saya.Selagi ibu dan ayah saya serta abang-abang saya tak benarkan Amin keluar dari ladang ternakan , selagi itulah Amin akan tinggal di bangsal ladang.Seperti itu juga sekiranya ayah dan ibu memberikan makan kepada Amin , selagi ayah atau ibu tak bacakan \"BISMILLAH\" , Amin tidak akan makan makanan di hadapannya.Amin seolah-olah tahu dan faham akan hukum halal dan haram dalam ibadah dan pekerjaan.Amin tidak pernah memasuki kawasan rehat dan surau dalam ladang ternakan ayah. Surau dan bilik rehat itu di bina untuk pekerja di ladang ternakan ayah.Malah , Amin tidak pernah pun sekali menjilat kaki atau tangan atau muka ayah , ibu dan abang termasuk pekerja-pekerja di ladang itu. Hanya Amin akan mencium bau kaki , untuk mengecam agaknya .Sikap Amin baik , cerdas , cerdik dan lincah . Bukan mudah menternak lembu dan kambing dalam jumlah yang besar .Amin banyak membantu ayah , ibu , abang dan pekerja-pekerja ladang ternakan dalam mengawal dan menjaga keselamatan haiwan ternakan dari serangan babi liar , biawak , serangan ular sawa , ular tedung selar dan elakkan kecurian. Telah beberapa kali cubaan mencuri haiwan ternakan ayah , Amin gagalkan. Beberapa ekor ular sawa , juga ular tedung selar , termasuk biawak , di gigit Amin.Malah , abang sulung saya , yang pernah di kejar oleh seekor babi hutan , yang tersesat masuk ke ladang ternakan itu juga , terselamat selepas Amin bergelut dengan babi hutan tersebut dan menghalaunya.Amin paling gembira apabila ada pelanggan yang datang membeli lembu atau kambing.Amin akan meloncat-loncat kegembiraan , menolong tarik tali pintu pagar , dan selepas itu menyalak-nyalak memanggil ayah , dan dia terus meluru ke kandang ternakan , seolah-olah hendak memberitahu , kambing dan lembu sedia untuk di jual.Tidak pernah pun Amin menakutkan pelanggan-pelanggang ayah , malah , setiap pelanggan ayah yang datang akan terhibur dengan gelagat Amin.Beberapa orang kenamaan , termasuk seorang menteri dan seorang usahawan hotel di Genting Highland (nama di rahsiakan) , pernah memujuk ayah untuk menjual Amin kepada mereka dengan nilai matawang yang tinggi. Namun , ayah dan abang saya berkeras tidak mahu menjual Amin kepada sesiapa.Saya masih ingat , selepas ayah usai solat Asar di surau dalam ladang ternakan itu , ayah keluar dan duduk di pangkin ladang . Masa itu , Amin ada di tepi ayah. Ayah sempat memberitahu Amin ;\"Amin , kalau abah dah takda , Amin jaga diri elok-elok , jaga ladang ni , jaga abang-abang dan adik kau , jaga ibu , jangan nakal-nakal.\"Amin pandang wajah ayah , seperti faham apa yang ayah perkatakan.Ayah juga pesan pada abang-abang saya pada ketika itu , Abang Ismail , Abang Hafiz dan Abang Saiful.\"Mail , Piz , Epul , korang bertiga , apa pun jadi pada ayah , kalau ayah takda , korang jangan buang Amin...jangan jual Amin. Amin dah macam adik-adik korang\".Saya ingat lagi pesan ayah ketika itu.Keesokan harinya , selepas solat subuh , ayah tiba-tiba rebah dan meninggal dunia , kerana sakit tua.Amin tidak pernah keluar dari kawasan ladang ternakan. Jarak ladang ternakan dengan rumah kami , dalam 10 minit. Secara tiba-tiba Amin tercegat di tangga rumah , dan menyalak-nyalak seolah memanggil Abah.Kami menguruskan jenazah abah , dan Amin duduk di bawah rumah (kolong) , sejak dari awal hinggalah selesai urusan jenazah.Ketika ayah di usung ke pusara , Amin menjejak ikut dari jauh. Berjalan perlahan-lahan , dan menunggu di sudut kawasan perkuburan . Beberapa kali dengar Amin mengongoi perlahan , tetapi seperti ia faham , ia hanya duduk jauh dari kawasan orang ramai.Apabila kami balik , dari kejauhan , Amin melolong sayu beberapa kali , dan mengikut kami balik , dari jauh.Petang itu , saya dan ibu pergi ke bangsal , dan berikan makanan pada Amin. Amin enggan makan , Amin masuk stor kerja ayah dan menarik baju kerja ladang yang selalu ayah pakai , dan membawa masuk baju itu ke bangsal tempat ia tidur , baring dan seperti memeluk baju arwah ayah.Ibu sedih dan meletakkan makanan Amin dalam pinggan , selepas itu kami berlalu pulang ke rumah.Keesokan harinya , kami pergi lagi ke ladang ternakan , dan sepupu saya , Zairil , memberitahu , dia tak nampak Amin sejak awal pagi. Ibu dan saya pergi ke bangsal. Ibu gerakkan Amin , tetapi tiada respon. Rupanya , Amin juga telah pergi meninggalkan kami , dalam keadaan Amin memeluk baju kerja arwah ayah.Allah....masa itu , hati saya sebak , air mata saya mengalir deras. Hati saya benar-benar sebal , berbuku dan sebak pada tika itu.Benarlah kata orang ,jika kita bela haiwan dari kecil , apabila ia mati ,seolah-olah kita kehilangan salah seorang ahli keluarga tersayang .Walau sudah berlalu 12 tahun , kesedihan berganda , kehilangan ayah , juga seekor anjing bernama Amin ,dalam selang hari yang sama , amat meruntun hati saya hingga ke hari ini.Alfatihah buat ayah , Abdul Halim bin Marwan .Sekalung ingatan buat AMIN.I missed you two.\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25Does your pet love you enough to do die from heartbreak, ktards? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5334966778755188} +{"text": "Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991004467010498} +{"text": "This not islamic and consider haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "@_noraizuddin Aku tetap akan pergi sbb Islam tak perlukan sijil utk tau halal, kalau cukup ilmu di dada tak perlu risau halal haram", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956082701683044} +{"text": "QUOTE(psyduck89 @ Jul 12 2018, 06:02 PM)dono u buta or illiterate...i malas layan d...bye bye...After kantoiRunAs usualSame tactics with red shirt monkey ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "1) sue them till bankrupt / jail2) pay ustaz, ask him to preach it is haram to spread lies / menunggang agama! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998109936714172} +{"text": "those m/nm chairmen in listed company, when they outstation to China, apapun boleh! awek awek terman malam sampai pagi tak nak balik, tak ada masalah pun~ one malaysia only appear when outside M lol ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaman_chem @ Mar 21 2015, 10:55 PM)Land n air is one...Since when duck is haram?..chicken fly oso what from one bumbung to next house bumbung.. Why need completed?..many meleis eat burung puyuh n its egg..puyuh masak merah...I oso eatKFC cannot sustain flight... its just a jump and flapping wings. Duck can fly to migrate, live on water submerge to catch fish, and live on land too. QUOTE(YellowKingValley @ Mar 21 2015, 11:19 PM)Do you science?Chickens can fly (for short distances).Ducks need land to breed.KFC cannot fly up on tree... or fly from tree to tree.Duck need land to breed = yes = 1 alam Duck feet = flappers that can stay on water, submerge to catch fish = therefore can also live on water. Duck can also fly in sky + land + on water = how many alam? QUOTE(siksa @ Mar 21 2015, 11:19 PM)Itik boleh hidup dalam air meh!Itik boleh hidup atas air dgn kaki flappersnya Boleh berenang cari makanan ikan. Boleh terbang... QUOTE(Night Fox @ Mar 21 2015, 10:53 PM)You are fucking IDIOT and STUPID and MORON for saying duck is haram in Islam and dua alam.You can go die now idioteh kamu org ni panggil saya bodoh tapi fakta 2 ni semua kamu org tak tau ke? Kenapa Meleis Malangsia begitu jahil? Masuk dalam mulut apa kamu nak masuk. Dah telan katakan saje halal... macam Cadbury.QUOTE(Zot @ Mar 21 2015, 11:21 PM)So now we know the reason why we cannot eat human. Human walk, sleep, swim and submerge under water too\u00a0 Like that those Americans can BBQ ISIS but ISIS cannot eat humans.... guess whose going to win the war LOLThis post has been edited by KoChun: Mar 21 2015, 11:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996287822723389} +{"text": "Nah. \"Kaki lang pak see boh sang kang\" (sama geng, pukul sampai mati also takpe, similar term like sek kito jango pecoh); during Ramadan maaf saje cukup. Inb4 dapat extra pahala This post has been edited by kcchong2000: Mar 17 2024, 07:31 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999336004257202} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Jan 7 2024, 12:17 PM)When hard to criticize the competent monster performance, some racist people tend to use R&R card to target and viral.If Tiong go makan at Chinese kopitiam, someone somewhere will say Tiong is racist for going to Chinese kopitiam, don't want support Bumi business. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997264742851257} +{"text": "Dan bahkan soal sewa ruang duka, beli peti, tanah makam, bayar ini itu, persediaan makanan di rumah duka utk 3 hari, keluargaku ga ada yg pusing. Semua org rebutan bayarin. Baru disitu paham, walaupun suka bikin mama kesel, papa ku keren jg ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950535893440247} +{"text": "@Ipannauzdar11 @khairule74 Kadang2 walaupun kite dengar mcm tu..kite kene selidik jugak sbb agama kite tetapkan mcm tu...tp bila ada sijil halal senang sikit...nnt kalau org duk tanya mcm2 plus inspect rumah org tu...lg la nmpk disrespectful...kan? Kan lg bagus kalau die beli je KFC ke, McD ke..simple", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.988163948059082} +{"text": "Semua makanan tradisional yg halal dr daerah manapun sy suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5055052042007446} +{"text": "So ..... evaporated alc haram, what about ketum? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(night_wolf_in @ Nov 2 2013, 09:02 PM)well, you defined that muslime are not allowed to eat where pork is served, cause of the pots issue. Now, if shafi'i (although i need evidance for it, just caused you said it doesnt mean it is true. i have no knowledge of such thing) say haram, and lets say hanbali say halal. it means what you practice is haram, but what other muslim practice is not. hence your generalization is wrong.The generalization is due to the context that in Malaysia, most Muslims follow Shafi'e school of Law. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981051683425903} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Nov 29 2023, 12:24 PM)If you talk about God's word then there is no mentioning of the word alcohol but \u0671\u0644\u06e1\u062e\u064e\u0645\u06e1\u0631\u0650 (khammar or wine). The word alcohol is modern scientific name for any type of organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl (\u2212OH)There are many type of alcohol. The one in beer and wine is just one of them.Why the fatwa said that bread is halal?simply because they dont understand Chemistry at that timeis purely word of Man ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9424580335617065} +{"text": "QUOTE(linkinstreet @ Jun 6 2024, 01:26 PM)If the materials bought have halal cert, and the cooking yakin halal from buyer, then it's halal without need certification. Like eating in a restaurant that cooks halal food with muslim cooks but has alcohol on the menu. The restaurant won't get Halal cert, but the food still halal as long as they don't get mixed.actually, if a halal certification was issued to let's say KNIFE brand oil. the oil itself is halal.but if its used in a non-certified halal restaurant that cooks food using the halal oil which serves alcohol.then it is not halal anymore and it becomes non halal food which are not certified by JAKIM.but muslims who are yakin with the restaurant can go eat and assume its halal.however, it is without any JAKIM halal certification, the food place cannot claim they are halal nor say it's safe for muslim because there are no controls in place.only can rely on goodwill for public to assume its halal.so your statement is definitely incorrect because, restaurants which serve alcohol might keep the alcohol next to the vegetables or meat which cross contaminates and make the food non halal due to cross contaminate.also without halal certification, the restaurant is free to actually share the plates with PORK items (from other patrons or staff) without repercussion.muslims who go to these restaurants are at risk of the cross contamination of pork & alcohol.there is a reason why there are certification bodies like ISO, HACCP, JAKIM.....there are to ensure there is a standard and it is being followed and the food is safer compared to those without any checks.QUOTE(teslaman @ Jun 10 2024, 10:56 AM)okcome we necro tered. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.994596540927887} +{"text": "apa nak malu,org lain songlap berbillion billion x malu! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997754693031311} +{"text": "QUOTE(KLthinker91 @ Oct 6 2022, 05:02 PM)Did, but before this stuff was popular I guessDome is around for as long as I remember and thats 20 over years ago.High keras malay wedding baru ade dome, my first time seeing a dome is when doing part time waiter @ Istana hotel banquet ... heavy like fark that thingy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997015595436096} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Jul 20 2022, 02:16 PM)if they potong jiken wrong way how?harar or halalalam?Haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994900226593018} +{"text": "@haziqazmanVI Yes tu betul. Lepas dia dpt sijil halal. Kau pasti ke dia masih buat ikut hukum ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9285473227500916} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah pinklady dah dapat sijil halal dari jakim. \u2714 Produk selamat \u2714 Produk berkesan Jgn was2 lagi untuk cuba pinklady product all in one \u2764 Berminat untuk order Whatsapp\u2026 https://t.co/g6wei1dpZW", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997389912605286} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Jan 16 2024, 11:46 AM)Yes because menu already stated price. Not hidden. Tak suka can stand up and leave ma why continue order?But again warning for Langkawi people. If continue to be like that then cannot blame Malaysian just straight go Thailand Indonesia Vietnam. Don't cry later.Why and what is the amaran ? Its already stated clearly in the menu and the customer insist to order.The restaurant din nothing wrong provided the item that the restaurant sell is not in the control priced item cat. If it is then saman dy and not amaran. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9688472747802734} +{"text": "Biasanya kedai ngiu chap sedap di kk takde sijil halal cuma yang masak dan serve ngiu chap ni adalah tukang masak muslim (yakin) My best to go to adalah Penampang Ngiu Chap, Loi Hin (di Penampang, the beef balls is the best here) and Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap (waze terus) https://t.co/pCVIWn4hAJ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998334646224976} +{"text": "Sebenarnya kalau nak kira pasal halal,haram ni luas skop dia sebenarnya bukannya pasal sijil halal je bukan dr segi makanan je", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7683650255203247} +{"text": "none halal food more dosa than dadah wei ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "Fossil oil \"Haram\"?How do you know it don't have swine DNA? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5878089070320129} +{"text": "#AYAM_BISMI Ayam Bismi Freshly Frozen Chicken : \u2705Ayam Sejuk Beku Segar Yang Di Vakum Pek. \u2705Tanpa Suntikan & Hormon Pembesaran \u2705Sumber Makanan Bebas Dari Sisa Khinzir \u2705Bebas Antibiotik Yang Diharamkan KKM \u2705Mempunyai Sijil HALAL (JAKIM) Dan MESTI... https://t.co/nMwE1L3TOb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990621209144592} +{"text": "Sebagai orang Islam, mencari yang HALAL itu wajib.\n\nBukan makanan je kita nak cari yang halal. Kosmetik pun kena pastikan juga halal.\n\nHaus Cosmetics dibuat di kilang GIM Cosmetics Sdn Bhd, kilang yang mempunyai sijil halal dan di bawah kawalan JAKIM#HausCosmetics #HausGombak", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982117414474487} +{"text": "Sebelum ini aku ingatkan kedai Fowlboys ni tak halal. Sebab sambutan dia ramai dari \"type C\" dan dak\u00b2 \"Subang Jaya\".\n\nSuprisingly, rupanya owner adalah anak Melayu dan juga suka hal\u00b2 agama. Kedai dah 2 tahun lebih beroperasi, dan ada 2 cawangan.\n\nTak perlu \"Religous Marketing\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999748468399048} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Aug 17 2023, 04:58 PM)LOLjust that day i walk past one of this outlet.the staff standing outside ask me if i want to try.i said Mahal nyer!\u00a0 no thanks.reply back lasoli la gua tambah few more ringgits can makan haram versionvery kenyang summore ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960311055183411} +{"text": "QUOTE(McD_burger @ Mar 14 2016, 12:39 AM)Prc janji ada sumber ada amoiSyukur bole eksportPrc ayam at pudu kl memang best~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999877214431763} +{"text": "QUOTE(Glockers @ Aug 17 2016, 02:26 PM)BODOH!Muslim mesti sentiasa aware pasal halal dan haram!But muslim here mudah confius ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9829009175300598} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevinwawa @ Oct 20 2016, 01:45 PM)KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) will be meeting representatives of Auntie Anne's later Thursday over the pretzel store franchise\u2019s halal certification, said\u00a0 Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom (pix).\u00a0 Auntie Anne's was recently asked to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification.\u00a0 Speaking at a press conference in Parliament here, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department said Jakim was willing to discuss the matter.\u00a0 He said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram, adding that what was important was the content of the food, and not the name of the product.\u00a0 \"Sometimes we understand that the company wants to maintain its brand as the product is already popular with that name,\u201d he said.\"They wanted the halal certification and in order to obtain it, there is a need to comply with certain requirements.Commenting on a Facebook post that Jakim had declared hotdog as haram, Jamil said it was fake.On Jakim recommending the pretzel store franchise to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification, Jamil did not give a clear response.\u00a0 \u201cHot dogs\u201d are not the only contentious words when it comes to the Islamic body's halal certification standards.\u00a0 Under the Jakim's Malaysia Halal Certification (Third Revision) 2014 Manual Procedure, applicants may be rejected if their food items include the words \u201cbacon\u201d, \u201cbeer\u201d, \u201crum\u201d, \u201cham\u201d or \u201cbak kut teh\u201d.Org cadang suruh tukar nama yg lebih baik, ko nk bising2, cakap org haram kan.. Diorg cadang utk tukar je..Contoh, keropok lekor, ko nk buat gimik, ko bagi nama keropok kote.. org ckp jangan la pakai nama kote, ko pon terus ckp \"haram ke mknn klu pakai nama kote?\".. org cadang tukar nama yg lebih baik je, terus deviate dari cerita asal..Bodoh punye pemikiran.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.806081235408783} +{"text": "QUOTE(MR_alien @ Mar 24 2024, 08:01 AM)for nons and the rest of the world. what u said it truebut it doesn't apply to a certain portion of our muslims...they take that logo very seriouslywhich is no logo = no eat/no buythese people i wonder how they travelWhen travel, suka hati sahaja for most of themThey claim there is rules that allow ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ May 15 2017, 02:16 PM)I heard about Chinese tea and the tea branch need to float or something?Not really, it should be clarity of the tea. Bad tea will have some powder, aka not crystal clear.But again, it is really hard to judge a tea based on look as they might have filter the powder using dulang since this is for country leader.Good tea directly taken from basket will be very clear. There might be some sediment on the bottom, but it is clear.Best way to judge is to taste it yourself tho. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949455857276917} +{"text": "Assalammualaikum, Im happy this thread has become quite popular Semoga kita semua mendapat balasan pahala dari Allah SWT dan dapat membantu memperbetulkan misperception ke atas Islam ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998823404312134} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasterConfucion @ Jan 24 2023, 12:01 PM)Can Muslim drink 0% alcohol beer? Essentially it is like soft drink. If 0% also cannot drink then who going to buy that shit lol. Non Muslim 1 drink non alcohol beer better order 7 up. It's made for them right lelyang haram itu memabukkan. kalau 0%, tidak memabukkan, boleh la minum. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998774528503418} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 06:12 PM)kesian muslim diabetics patient,... insulin made from pig...It's not a problem if it's a medical issue Haram or halal isn't very simple or straightforward There are exceptions U really need to understand it fullyBaru bashOr u will look and sound like a total idiot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Jul 14 2016, 11:08 PM)For me personally, i will query few things.a) TC never really understand our halal/haramb) TC never deal with such situation before thus he was not sure and ask us at k/c) TC were open to such suggestion to even buy food from outside, where certified by halal.d) Yes the plates can be washed before eating, but since TC wanted to cooked, how do we validate that the pan and the cooking tools are fully cleaned?e) TC is a non muslim? he is a person who eats pork and drink wine, thus creating a scenario on his diet and meals.for me these 5 query is sufficient enough to be doubtful? right?Yes if it was ts that invited me and says all those stuff. Since he asked, I already know, since I already know, a doubt will be cast. But tell me, those that invite u to eat at their house, do they ask n say those stuff when inviting u? I dont know about u but I never faced such situation. They just invite me and say they serve halal food, so no issue there.We dont validate. As I said, we only wajib ask if what is presented to us, what we see infront of our eyes got some question on its halal. Like I gave example, if theres some pork served nearby. If u do not see, there is no need to ask. We tawakal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997949004173279} +{"text": "Like this playing video game also haram because it teach violences and making entertainment from it.Rokok also haram but does lebais care anyway? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999310970306396} +{"text": "QUOTE(nikita zuleica @ May 31 2017, 03:16 AM)There are two Guarantee business industry that will last forever, confirm boleh buat duitF&B and Agriculture.....agriculture required big capital, no? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997666478157043} +{"text": "Setiap hari beli dua gitu, ya, Frans? Aku suka belanja, kalau lagi mau self reward. Kalau untuk keseharian, lebih sering beli makanan aja!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.951596200466156} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 06:56 PM)tell me....how izit not petty ??how izit not supertitous ??petty = small matter right?superstitious = not based on facts right?the issue maybe petty but it's clearly not superstitious.as mentioned many many MANY times, pigs and dogs are 2 animals OUT OF THOUSANDS of animals out there that are haram to muslims based on their written religious beliefs.so is it that hard for you to understand that we cannot use any products derived from them? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.913772702217102} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 19 2023, 11:38 PM)Like what ktard say, own private business, up to owner who to hire. Own house, up to owner who to rent out to.Lets just stick to the same principles here.I am not a law expert, so i dont know. Probably the guy lied that he is muslim to employer and thats a ground for dismissal? I dont know. If anyone interested to bring him to court, be my guest.fair enough to say that they have the right to do whatever that is best for their business, as long as it is within confines of the law, whatever it may beso then i suppose you would also support that lotus can choose to sell whatever as long as within law as well? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998989105224609} +{"text": "QUOTE(angelgemini @ Sep 14 2016, 11:43 AM)just curious wanna know,do the cooking item that used to cook non halal item totally cannot use without washing it with muslim law?was it very important?i just wonder is extreme side or is normal side?do muslim cannot enter chinese temple?I don't know about others. For me the utensils that have been used for pork or non halal stuff is not haram. Still can be used for us. If it is haram, we are going to bring our utensils, plate, or even our own trolley everywhere all the time. Islam is not that difficult. Some people just make Islam difficult. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925803542137146} +{"text": "UMNO, MIC, MCA dah dapat sijil HALAL... Berdosa Kalau Tak Pangkah BN.. \u2014 feeling ashamed at Markas Parabangsat https://t.co/sHndjfExeC", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999411106109619} +{"text": "2.And kena ingat pensijilan halal di malaysia ni sukarela bukan wajib. So sebenarnya jakim perlukan desakan pengguna/netizen untuk peniaga dapatkan sijil halal. Benda ni dah berlaku pada kedai Nasi Ayam Ee Ji Ban.Alhamdulillah dah ada halal skrg setelah JAIM appraoched mereka.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9659478664398193} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nuriffah @ Sep 17 2018, 07:53 PM)Standard lah tu.Bukan semua racist. Tpi kebanyakkan haha.Hg tengok satgi mod mai hurung macam mana. Haritu sebab aku kutuk komunis pun kena warn. Memang x boleh blah.Kita x nak racist pun......mcm aku dok citer psl military. Tp depa akan start dulu.... pastu sikit2 x puas hati dah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9853832721710205} +{"text": "QUOTE(river.sand @ Mar 20 2024, 11:52 AM)The best of musang king go to Singapore.Unless you have relatives back in the village that supplies these best fruits to SG. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999715089797974} +{"text": "this has gone viral. but the shop did properly displayed the price.This post has been edited by ciwi1166: May 25 2017, 07:02 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992126226425171} +{"text": "mcm mana dgn status halal haram makanan dlm program food bank ni? jakim ada ke dlm program ni?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997783303260803} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Aug 13 2018, 10:18 AM)But so is drinking one can of beer. Nobody get drunk with only one can......True, But it is expressively forbidden by the quran to drink/consume intoxicants or anything with the purpose to be intoxicated.There are discussions/debates by scholars in this matter, but the general consensus (ijtihad) is you don't fuck with the grey area if you don't have deep understanding of the fiqh (jurisprudence). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9878571033477783} +{"text": "QUOTE(Momox @ Jan 6 2017, 12:09 PM)Jakim is laughing right now looking at the non muslim. Rules ni dah lama.. ni sama mcm kes Hot Dog tu.. eh lawak la geng.Why does non muslim really hate Jakim. Muslim yang kene cekup tangkap basah pon rileks je.Kenapa ko benci kek vavi?Ko jgn makan sudah la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995108842849731} +{"text": "Askum ustaz Mohon pencerahanApakah hukum kedai halal kat sebelah kedai tak halal? Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "Aku adlh pecinta makanan cepat saji itu. Semua org yg kenal aku pasti tau itu. Tapi semenjak ada gerakan boycot produk itu, aku bener\u00b2 gk makan atau beli produk itu sekalipun dia ngeluarin series mainan yg aku suka bgt karakternya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.991664707660675} +{"text": "QUOTE(tsunade @ Jan 31 2024, 02:16 PM)A: hello, I want to order food from youB: hello, ok. what do you want?A: hey, why you simply claim your food so and so when you don't have cert for so and so? do you know how to do business? why are you doing such and such??B: xxxx.....then A viral B insults. Quite clear who's trying to stir shit here.Little Napoleons ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "@Sir_Azri Kita tolak terus produk mereka. Beli produk org melayu/ Islam. Dlm Islam cuma ada HALAL & HARAM je. So mana\u00b2 restoran /pasaraya guna perkataan Non-Halal, tukar kpd HARAM. Di China, sijil HALAL untuk china muslim je. Bukan Islam x boleh guna / jual brgan HALAL.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971518516540527} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Jan 6 2024, 08:57 AM)If I not mistaken IKEA should be certified HALAL long long time agoSaw the news report that they have halal cert..coz I remember there was a complain earlier on the same incident that got viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9787880182266235} +{"text": "QUOTE(gaman @ Mar 12 2024, 08:50 AM)Is it used to like that or just a recent phenomenal after this country is regressing due to religion? I don't recall canteens need to be closed in the past during so called \"holy month\".So if one side is malas when working in this holy month, can the non fastener ikut malas also? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998817443847656} +{"text": "Malay version. Not that different, but perhaps slightly clearer that there were other conditions that they did not fulfill. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/359392'Anak dara Makcik Anne' jawab isu halal Jakim17 Okt 2016, 9:19 malam 17 Okt 2016, 9:23 malamNama makanan 'pretzel dog' antara sebab Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) menolak permohonan sijil halal rangkaian makanan berasaskan roti pretzel Auntie Anne's.\u201cNama menu \u2018pretzel dog\u2019 haruslah ditukar kepada nama yang lebih sesuai.\u201cSaya telah mencadangkan beberapa nama baru dan masih menunggu keputusan mesyuarat panel daripada Jakim.\u201cSetelah kami mendapat keputusannya, kami harus menukar kesemua menu board (papan menu) sebelum proceed (teruskan) kepada permohonan baru,\" kata penyelia kualiti dan eksekutif halal syarikat itu Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali.Selain itu, Jakim juga dikatakan meminta Auntie Anne's memohon sijil halal bagi dapur utama tempat proses pembungkusan semula dilakukan sebelum mereka meneruskan permohonan bagi outlet.Farhatul Kamilah juga berkata beliau juga telah memohon sijil halal bagi kesemua 45 outlet Auntie Anne\u2019s bawah satu permohonan tetapi diminta diasingkan mengikut zon untuk memudahkan proses audit.\u201cSituasi ini juga pernah berlaku kepada jenama Sushi King,\u201d kata Farhatul Kamilah yang secara berjenaka memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai \u201cAnak dara Makcik Anne\u201d.Menulis di Facebook beliau hari ini, Farhatul Kamilah juga berkata bagi dapur pusat, beliau telah melepasi peringkat pertama dan sedang menunggu proses audit dari Jakim.Mengulas status semasa syarikat itu, beliau berkata walaupun Auntie Anne\u2019s bukan pemegang sijil halal Jakim tetapi mereka sedang berusaha ke arah itu.Katanya, Jakim mempunyai standard sangat tinggi dan bukan hanya memfokuskan kepada status halal bahan makanan, tetapi juga kebersihan outlet dan pengendali makanan.\u201cSaya juga seorang Muslim dan ini adalah salah satu tanggungjawab fardu kifayah saya untuk umat Islam,\u201d katanya.Bagaimanapun, katanya lagi, bagi yang was-was tapi mahu juga mencuba pretzel Auntie Anne\u2019s, beliau mencadangkan mereka menunggu sehingga disahkan halal terlebih dahulu.Katanya, perkara yang syubhah sudah jatuh haram untuk orang Islam memakannya.\u201cJika Auntie Anne\u2019s sudah disahkan halal oleh Jakim, saya cadangkan anda beli \u00e9clair stix dan jalapeno cheese kerana kedua-duanya favourite (kegemaran) saya,\u201d katanya lagi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990391731262207} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum Dan hai semua Cik Matahari nak kongsi satu produk keluaran bumiputra iaitu KOLAVIT+ Daripada bionutraceutical sdn bhd Yang penting BUATAN MALAYSIA, ada Sijil Halal & Ada pengesahan Daripada\u2026 https://t.co/TEZZUkJQHR", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9908021092414856} +{"text": "knn, they serve vegetarian means everyone including vegetarian can eat.Disaster like these Vegan food is best because they dont rott faster, everyone can eat + they are cheaper than meat.(means same budget can serve many). And they dont have to deal with HALAL issue.This post has been edited by Boldnut: Dec 23 2021, 11:47 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999513626098633} +{"text": "Anda mengalami masalah kulit muka yang kering, berjeragat, ada masalah jerawat, parut jerawat, oil seed dan muka breaokout teruk akibat penggunaan produk timbang kilo?? jom beralih kepada beauarti skincare yang menpunyai persijilan halal dari jakim dan ada sijil organic https://t.co/iaM94ol5vf", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "Cina jual makanan, dia usaha sampai dapat halal Jakim.\n\nMelayu jual makanan, \" melayu kot, takkan jual benda haram \".\n\nIngat halal Jakim tu semata makanan halal ke?\n\nMacam mana nak sembang import eksport kalau pengiktirafan paling bagus dalam negara sendiri pun tak ada.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999865293502808} +{"text": "First of all.. how does one make HARAM vegan food??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9219239354133606} +{"text": "QUOTE(CTSBD.ONE @ Dec 31 2019, 01:53 PM)if you think it is by all means apply it to yourself lolU haram if u don't trust me. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999648928642273} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 12:55 PM)too bad they read Hairan Metro newspaper too much. then trust everything they read in the whatsapp group.sometimes I don't understand why these people, regardless being phd, master holder can be swayed into believing those kind of rumors.sikit sikit haram.setarbucks haram. mcdee haram.U are not alone bro. Nowadays every1 wants to be an ustaz and suka2 label things as haram, comment on people clothings, comment on people way of life. And yes, even highly educated people do such things and can easily believe whats written in fb and whatsapp. I always wonder what is going on in their head ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999611377716064} +{"text": "Kalau naik ets suka duduk coach c sbb suka tgk org beli makanan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989222288131714} +{"text": "Do the best one can. Dont be extremist. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989174604415894} +{"text": "@dionywrish @AnnaSoeraya Untuk dapatkan sijil halal dari Jakim dia tak pandang pada kandungan makanan tu saja sama ada contain anything haram ke tak. Dia juga mengutamakan kebersihan. Kilang/kedai yang buat tu dapat ke tak ikut spesifikasi kebersihan yang ditetapkan untuk dapatkan sijil halal Jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999465942382812} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Dec 13 2023, 06:55 PM)Sorry, if a Malay business person uses race and ketuanan card to justify whatever he/she aims for, I won't buy their shit.Good luck with that.Same for me. If I see business that proudly proclaim as 100% bumiputra I cut off any business with them.This bitch lagi teruk say she's like Palestine lol what a joke.This post has been edited by NathanJeans: Dec 13 2023, 07:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7805846929550171} +{"text": "\nsarah82 replied at 19-11-2020 04:59 PM\naku masuk nak baca komen tengok puak2 libtard dan urban berkerak meroyan mengata hak majoriti utk pa ...\nHarap2 hak majority utk pastikan duit yg dipegang tu halal dan telah disertu dapat diselesaikan dgan segera yah. Ramai dh risau ni duit amoi pegang babi tu dh masuk dlm wallet dan buat shalat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999599456787109} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roadwarrior1337 @ Mar 25 2024, 04:45 PM)Why need to explain ?We all have our trouble. Fact is fact 58 buck lamb shank isn\u2019t for everyone so just let it be if this is his pointJust wish him well and let him hustle. Tak suka jangan la orderNi tidak, tak order lagi tambah api post bukan bukanCmon la if u got colleague come stab at your back daily and u already struggle mesti la bengang kantf 58..might as well top up a bit go buffet ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.534484326839447} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 30 2021, 12:49 PM)Yup!and the one who said \" even if Ploton priced at RM80K there will be someone who gonna buy it \"so LCLYthe best one was WAJA = Asia's answer to BMWreally bikin malu this kind of tagline actually used in Australia for Waja's Promohttp://autoworld.com.my/forum/index.php?/t...-answer-to-bmw/he also dismissed the wajunk power window issues by online forumers as rubbish ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929103255271912} +{"text": "QUOTE(DragonSuplex @ Jul 12 2018, 07:15 PM)is this even a chinese non halal event in the first placelolits the typical chinaman style persatuanhttps://www.facebook.com/APDAMALAYSIAhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/433932Penganjur mohon maaf, tak sengaja 'jamu' babi pada MuslimPenganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia Chai Chang Xiu menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya.This post has been edited by damonlbs: Jul 12 2018, 07:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "Nak minum tu minum jelaa astaga benda syubhah tu sbb dasarnya mmg haram yg ni tak pasti pon haram. Korang yg sukati tuduh haram pastu kaitkan dgn syubhah. Kalau atas extra carefull tak ada sijil halal nak syubhah tu takpelah. Aku okay dgn cerita ni tapi yg replynya astaga https://t.co/kyHte4E717", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "SABTU ialah hari yang senantiasa dinantikan oleh Alicia Faustina, 24, kerana berpeluang menikmati beberapa jenis makanan tradisi negeri kelahirannya, Sarawak walaupun dia kini menetap di Semenanjung Malaysia.Gadis ayu berasal dari Mukah itu pasti tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan kuih penyaram yang dijual di Pasar Budaya Borneo yang beroperasi di Seri Kembangan, Selangor.\u201cKuih penyaram ini adalah makanan tradisi Sarawak. Sejak kecil lagi saya suka makan kuih ini.\u201cTetapi apabila sudah berpindah dan bekerja di Semenanjung sukar untuk saya menikmati kuih ini. Jadi, apabila mengetahui akan kewujudan pasar ini, saya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk datang,\u201d jelas gadis berdarah keturunan Iban dan Melanau itu.Tambahnya, sejak dua tahun lalu dia menjadi pengunjung setia pasar itu yang dibuka setiap Sabtu setelah mengetahui kewujudannya melalui seorang rakan yang juga berasal dari Pulau Borneo.Kuih penyaram merupakan sajian tradisional yang sering dihidangkan kepada tetamu ketika sambutan Hari Gawai.Ketika di pasar tersebut, Alicia juga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan beberapa jenis sayur yang cukup terkenal di negeri Bumi Kenyalang iaitu terung Dayak dan sayur midin.\u201cTerung Dayak ini amat sukar untuk dicari di Semenanjung. Tetapi di pasar ini, saya berpeluang untuk mendapatkannya walaupun harganya sedikit mahal.\u201cSelalunya saya akan goreng terung ini dengan cili dan dimakan bersama nasi panas. Hidangan ini sudah cukup membuka selera,\u201d ujarnya.Tambah Alicia, kerinduannya terhadap kampung halaman juga terubat apabila dia mengunjungi pasar tersebut.Hal ini kerana di pasar itu, dia dapat berjumpa dengan ramai orang berasal dari Pulau Borneo dan mereka boleh berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Iban.Pasar Budaya Borneo itu boleh dikatakan sentiasa menjadi tumpuan penduduk asal Sabah dan Sarawak setiap minggu.Pelbagai jenis makanan dan produk berasal dari dua negeri itu dijual di pasar tersebut.Antara produk yang dijual di situ termasuklah kek lapis, kuih cucur sayur atau kicap belaga, kopi tenom, ayam pansuh, ikan terubuk masin, mi kolok dan lain-lain lagi.Bathice June, 41, yang berasal dari Sandakan, Sabah adalah salah seorang peniaga yang menjual hidangan mi kolok di pasar tersebut.\u201cMi kolok antara menu yang popular dan sering mendapat sambutan.\u201cSetiap minggu ramai yang yang sanggup beratur untuk membeli menu ini. Adakalanya saya sehingga tidak menang tangan untuk membuatnya,\u201d ujarnya.LatihanSelain mi kolok, Bathice juga menjual buah tarap dan buah bambangan.Kedua-dua buah itu hanya terdapat di Pulau Borneo dan tidak selalu didapati kerana berbuah mengikut musim.\u201cHarga untuk buah tarap dan buah bambangan masing-masing ialah RM24 dan RM22 sekilogram.\u201cTetapi harga untuk buah-buahan ini boleh meningkat sehingga RM30 sekilogram jika musimnya hampir berakhir,\u201d kata Bathice.Isi buah ini berwarna kuning dan memiliki rasa masam manis seakan-akan mangga dan boleh dimakan begitu sahaja.Dalam pada itu, Presiden Persatuan Peniaga Pasar Budaya Borneo Seri Kembangan, Nelson Entap menjelaskan, pasar tersebut telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2016.Menurutnya, idea untuk menubuhkan pasar tersebut dicetuskannya bersama beberapa lagi rakan lain yang bertujuan memperkenalkan budaya dan produk dari Pulau Borneo.\u201cPada awal operasi hanya 20 orang peniaga yang terlibat dan pilihan barangan tidaklah terlalu banyak.\u201cSetelah lima tahun beroperasi, jumlah peniaga juga semakin bertambah. Kini, seramai 55 peniaga secara konsisten berniaga di pasar ini setiap minggu,\u201d katanya.Sebagai anak jati Sarawak yang sudah menetap di Semenanjung selama lebih 30 tahun, Nelson mengakui kadangkala dia merindui makanan dan produk-produk lain dari negeri kelahirannya.Untuk pulang ke kampung halaman memerlukan kos yang agak tinggi. Oleh itu, dia mengambil keputusan untuk membuka pasar tersebut.\u201cSebenarnya ramai yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah menetap di sini dan mereka pasti akan merindui suasana pasar yang menjual makanan dan produk dari sana.\u201cOleh itu, pasar ini boleh mengubati kerinduan mereka terhadap kampung halaman,\u201d ujar Nelson.Pasar itu beroperasi pada setiap hari Sabtu dari pukul 7 pagi sehingga 11 pagi.Nelson menjelaskan, setiap individu yang berniaga di situ akan diberi latihan terlebih dahulu antaranya tentang cara menguruskan perniagaan, melayani pelanggan dan memasarkan produk.\u201cSelain itu, kita juga mengutamakan produk halal. Peniaga di sini, walaupun bukan beragama Islam, kami akan memastikan makanan atau produk yang dijual juga halal,\u201d ujarnya.Kata Nelson, pasar itu juga kini menjadi sumber mata pencarian bagi masyarakat Pulau Borneo yang telah lama bermastautin di Semenanjung.\u201cAda isteri yang mengikuti suami ke Semenanjung bagi mencari rezeki. Isteri yang tidak bekerja boleh mengambil peluang ini seminggu sekali untuk datang berniaga di sini bagi membantu pasangan mereka. Kami masih membuka peluang kepada mereka yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah untuk berniaga di sini,\u201d ujarnya.Terangnya, peniaga di pasar itu mestilah berasal dari Sabah atau Sarawak sahaja kerana permit yang mereka pohon kepada pihak berkuasa sememangnya khas untuk perniagaan orang Borneo.Eh, anyone been to pasar borneo in seri kembangan? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6043331027030945} +{"text": "QUOTE(gogo2 @ Nov 23 2020, 08:15 AM)Mcd cakoi is the best.Sampah overpriced ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 4 2024, 02:22 PM)So I asked chatgpt who rejected the 2 state solution, to learn more on this and I got this answer:Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders and factions have at times rejected proposals for a two-state solution, albeit for different reasons. Issues such as borders, security, settlements, the status of Jerusalem, refugees, and the right of return have been significant points of contention.Israeli governments have expressed concerns about security, borders, and the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Palestinian rejectionist groups, on the other hand, have rejected the existence of Israel altogether and have historically called for the establishment of a single Palestinian state in the entire area of historical Palestine.Thus the Neverending issue between them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999738931655884} +{"text": "\r\naku tak makan mi ramen tu\r\n suka gila mkn sushi je tapi seafood dan lobak\r\nnasib baik ada such good info ni\r\ndulu masa belek2 paket tu hati memang was-was so aku tak amik...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996422529220581} +{"text": "@fiqatheMJ bukan memilih. tapi makanan tu msti halal, bersih, sedap, & terjamin Cara pembuatannya. SEDAP tu penting. anyway, AKU MAKAN SMUA~", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994818568229675} +{"text": "terima kasih rhys prihatin, bertanggungjawap dan berprinsip dalam hal halal haram..pada saya kedai makanan halal tidak boleh bercampur dengan arak atau pork..better if owner non muslim mohon halal jakim yang dah tentu akan reject kalau bercampur dengan yang haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958546757698059} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Mar 18 2024, 09:58 AM)other nasi arab better? haha will at least try go after bazzar, ain't nobody got time to que like thati went to a restaurant.ate nasi arab.wtf Biryani Rice is better.Biryani Rice is a popular Indian rice dish made with basmati rice & biryani essentials like spices, herbs, yogurt and onions.https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/veg-bi...ka-rice-recipe/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999829888343811} +{"text": "QUOTE(arc_archive @ Oct 26 2016, 02:10 AM)skool boy detected... after 27pages still cannot differentiate between main issue and the side issues? and what make it more amusing is, they labeled others for stupidities but the stupidity slapped into their own faces for being plain ignorant or stupid themselves. this thread being the biggest proof of how stupid they are. as long a money involvedthey would do anything for it even it is out of humane moral. thanks for mocking others while exposing your own stupiak to others.\u00a0 QUOTE(acer7254 @ Oct 26 2016, 02:44 AM)Deep inside, they know, they are wrong.But because they are racist. It ok to looks stupid and ignorant.\u00a0 But I believe got few posts from intelligent, high IQ, and high class Chinese too. That bashing those ninja shop.\"kalo support aku tentunya intelligent, high IQ and high class\" and \"bukan schoolboy\"kekSembang kencang so much over naming. Was it intentionally done to force pork into muslim mouth*? Was it intentionally done to disrespect P. Ramlee? Was it intentionally done to trick customers into thinking it is a Ramly burger? No, no and no. At best it is a judgement error - can you butthurtians even understand what is the meaning of that phrase?While you're busy raging over chocolate, sausage and burger, songlap is okay, baju merah is okay, racist quota is okay.... oh what else is okay?*nah, got this thing also declared haram to put inside muslim mouth, but funny nobody protest or boycott...This post has been edited by KLboy92: Oct 26 2016, 02:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974984526634216} +{"text": "Bagus dan menjadi hak peribadi sebenarnya nak pertikaikan status halal ni. Lain la kalau Sijil Halal Jakim yang dipertikaikan, itu dah jadi was-was.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7733676433563232} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 12:11 AM)In islam, food is a gift/rizk from god and you shall give a good name and respect for it.God already give a good name for halal tnings and bad name for haram. We all know hot dog is halal but according to islam word dog is already mean something not good. For me, what ever its name as long as it is halal i will eat it.Spot your contradiction? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999237060546875} +{"text": "Penting ke produk tu ada sijil HALAL??? . . Jawapannya SANGAT PENTING !!! Tau tak maksud SIJIL HALAL?? . Apa itu halal?? Halal berasal daripada kalimah Arab yang bermaksud dibenarkan atau dibolehkan oleh... https://t.co/tvDofgJAaL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950408339500427} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasilemaksedap @ Nov 2 2019, 11:53 PM)Ban air tooSooner or later will detect traces of haram tooUser live in first world but with third world brainI bet if they found rat DNA or biawak DNA inside the bebola you'll be ok too? This is what muslim, jews view on pigfor them pig = rat or biawak, a scavenger yuks\nfmNXPYgI7lY\n\nThis post has been edited by Gyazo: Nov 3 2019, 12:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999493360519409} +{"text": "QUOTE(mushigen @ Dec 28 2020, 09:38 AM)Conlanfirm ktards can't read. No need to read all, just the first two paragraphs can dy.Menyeludup daging wagyu yang tidak mempunyai sijil halal bersama kontena yang diisytiharkan mengandungi daging babi antara taktik dipercayai turut digunakan kartel daging import di Malaysia.Tindakan itu bertujuan mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa untuk membawa masuk daging haram ke Malaysia sebelum membungkus semula serta meletakkan logo halal yang tidak sah.jangan salahan babi, babi tak pandai baca ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "even segala makanan yang jelas jelas ada halal dan ingredients bersih pun dikata haram, terpaling kelakar \"tepung gandum cap sauh\" ada ke patut dorang kata ada babi \n\nlogic?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": " Malaysia, Thailand bincang zon ekonomi khas fokus perniagaan makanan halal dan perladangan getah PM yakin hubungan Malaysia dan Thailand akan lebih bermakna di bawah kepimpinan PM Srettha \n\nSumber: PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9421076774597168} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?kangaroo, kuda, rusa, angsa all that are halal as long as its slaughtered properly. but swine is haram regardless if it slaughtered properly or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999760389328003} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimyhands @ Feb 2 2018, 10:00 AM)He is a Malay. Why pretend to be white man? Adakah itu budaya kita, pegang cincin, melutut dan bertanya \"Will you marry me?\"Apa punya budaya sudah mari cemarkan budaya suci kita...Abothen put a keris on her neck and ask \"marry me or not\"? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999656677246094} +{"text": "\r\nSiapa kah engkau??? Lelaki kalau bangga dgn wife lawa mmg obvious kan? Sentiasa upload. Cuba kalau rupa wife biasa2 je. Nk upload kt facebook dan profile pun susah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9858121871948242} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Apr 17 2024, 01:53 PM)Find kosher food if halal food is not available or hard to identifyBut if you go to places where there\u2019s no kosher food?China will be easy as they just need to go Muslim restaurants. Japan also got some place with halal status. I think their food at airports are halal but they also sell pork there. Korea not too sure. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "@nuranisatania Sis dlm makanan/minuman bukan ad halal dan haram shj Dlm Quran diajar ada 3 perkara 1. Halal 2. Haram 3. Syubhah Syubhah ni bila xjelas halal/haram dan kita kene tinggalkan Mcm i ckp td, xsemestinya xdpt sijil halal benda tu terus jd haram. Cth, kedai makan tepi jlan pun xde-", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(flagstaff @ Jun 12 2019, 04:09 PM)She used the argument that she is so particular, so pious and so strict about halal haram that she will throw away the stolen chocolates rather than let her kids consume it.Typical malay muslim way of thinking...That is so wrong. Please change the mindset.Probably the way it way ingrained from ages ago. I know, the train of thought there, is not to consume haram items coz it will become your darah daging. But, her throwing it away does not solve the issue. She still owes the shop. And her having no intention of paying for it since she considers it settled...makes it haram! And for the other guy... Select? If you, or your kids consider stealing is the norm... Something is really wrong with your upbringing and your parenting. Kids stealing is not the norm!Me, in that situation? IF i were the kid, i know my mom would have beaten me half dead...and if the shop is nearby, would have made me go kow tow and apologize. And i still wouldn't get the chocolate. But, my mom keeps an eye on us. So, thankfully that never happened. My kids? They didn't have to go through that. Like my mom, i keep an eye on the kids, but, instead of the old ways of bluntly rejecting, and etc... I do it my way. Kids stealing is not normal.IF they did steal, i would have given some serious scolding, lecture and maybe some smacks, then gone online, get the number, called the shop up, transfer the amount. And... If those are good quality chocolates... I would have eaten them. No, kids don't get the chocolates.I'm just going to take her word as is without any further assumptions. not gonna assume she wouldn't ever pay it back or she just gonna let her kids scott free. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997383952140808} +{"text": "\r\nsatu lagi....kalau kita stay kat hotel......peti sejuk dalam bilik hotel tuu, ada yang berisi air setan tuu...memang ler ia dalam tin..... tapi , bila nak simpan air mineral dalam tuu pun dah jadi jijik......bodoh piang pihak hotel...tak bertimbang rasa langsung.....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "klo dimalaysia kdg kiosk/restoran terkenal pun ada yg belum dpt sijil halal. so klo org yg tye2 tu normal klo dia nk tanya status produk.-the end-", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9879361987113953} +{"text": "Macam biasa... Sembang pung pang Malaysian la apa la...\n\nTang kita nk buat ja teruih tk boleh.\nDepa buat boleh pulak.\n\nDulu punya banyak kedai boba tumbuh macam cendawan halal haram semua tk kira dah, harga macam yahudi jugak walaupun jenama baru.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "Just amused on his use on the word wajib Who the fuck he think he is? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990573525428772} +{"text": "Coklat Ferrero Rocher mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal dari National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT), South Africa iaitu salah satu badan pensijilan halal luar negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM... https://t.co/4HurC8uXy4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992283582687378} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mr Mercedes @ Jul 31 2023, 04:20 PM)SEORANG wanita mengalirkan air mata apabila melihat adiknya mengalami sakit hingga muntah-muntah dipercayai selepas menikmati hidangan corn dog yang dipenuhi puluhan ulat.Menerusi hantaran di Facebook, Nor Fazilah berkata dia kecewa dengan sikap peniaga yang tidak mementingkan kebersihan dan kesegaran makanan dijual.\u201cMinta maaf, apa yang saya post ni akan menyinggung perasaan mana-mana pihak. Saya cuma nak semua yang menjual tak kiralah apa pun terutama sekali makanan... tolonglah jujur, jaga kebersihan.\"Malam tadi saya pergi ke Pesta Gedong. Masa nak balik tu adik suruh belikan corn dog. Harga tak perlu nak cakap la.Corn dog merupakan makanan popular di negara barat. -Gambar hiasan\u201cMemang sedia maklum dua cucuk RM10. Namun fasal harga saya tak kisah tapi kebersihan. Sedih gila dah nak habis adik makan,\u201d ujarnya.Corn dog merupakan sosej yang ditusuk dengan lidi kemudian disalut dengan lapisan tebal adunan tepung jagung.Ia kemudian dimasak dengan teknik goreng rendam.Namun hancur hati mereka apabila puluhan ulat (maggot) bersaiz besar di dalam corn dog yang dibeli itu hanya disedari setelah lebih separuh dimakan.\u201cLagi tak sedap hati dengar suara muntah-muntah. Tak rasa pun air mata menitis. Mengenangkan dah jauh (dari lokasi Pesta Gedung). Kalau dekat memang pergi bersemuka dengan makcik tu.\u201cBukan nak bertekak cuma nak suruh jangan jual benda dah tak elok. Adik saya cepat sakit kalau rasa benda tak elok.\u201cBila disuluh tu aduh mak besar-besar ye ulat putih (maggot) dalam tu, ujarnya lagi.Berikutan kejadian yang menimpa adiknya, wanita itu menitipkan pesanan agar orang ramai berhati-hati supaya tidak mengalami nasib sama sepertinya.Bukan seekor dua tapi banyak... dah berapa orang beli dekat dia.\u201cHati-hati semua apabila nak beli makanan.\u201cMemang kita tak boleh nak salahkan penjual tapi hakikatnya mereka kena tahu benda masih elok ke tidak untuk dijual.\u201cBukan seekor dua tapi banyak. Dah berapa orang beli dekat dia. Kasihan,\u201d luahnya.Hingga kni hantaran tersebut dikongsi lebih 4,000 pengguna Facebok.Rata-ratanya turut meluahkan rasa kurang senang berikutan apa yang terjadi kepada Nor Fazilah dan adiknya.Komen netizen berikutan hantaran tular di Facebook.\"Ingatkan beras basmathi mula-mula tu. Makanan apa isi nasi tu. Habis baca kapsyen baru tengok balik gambar. Ulat padu!\"Berniaga biarlah jujur baru bisnes maju. Jangan nak halal tapi kualiti makanan sampai berulat dijual dekat pelanggan.\"Sebab tu penting peniaga makanan ambil kursus nak mulakan bisnes. Kita akan diajar disiplin tentang kebersihan makanan dan kualiti,\" komen netizen.Untuk makluman, Pesta Gedong dianjurkan di daerah Gedong, di Kuching Sarawak berlangsung sejak 28 Julai dan berakhir pada 30 Julaii. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998819828033447} +{"text": "QUOTE(soowky @ Oct 25 2016, 11:02 AM)y not P.Muthu ke P.Lim ke?Muthu and Lim burgers are not as popular as Ramly burgers. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9688895344734192} +{"text": "Kalau semua kedai melayu wajib ambik sijil halal. Aku boleh kata 90% daripada mereka takkan dapat sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8494490385055542} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ Sep 19 2019, 05:01 PM)Really style go europe go shop pakai kainFuuu! Bangga shopping berkain pelikat di Italy. Biar orang putih tau kita ni tuan, masterrace. Lol!This post has been edited by Ewww!: Sep 19 2019, 10:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "for me not haram. wear perfume cannot make people drunk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "QUOTE(archonixm @ May 10 2017, 08:26 AM)Melayu sekarang mana takut halal haram...lolhantam je la...asalkan kaya..vavi dan hanjing sensitive yoberomen romen pun serious gak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "QUOTE(treblecase @ Mar 18 2022, 09:32 AM)Da difatwa harom kenapa x tangkap lagi oren yg rokok tu?because saying it's haram don't kill embut letting them smoke slowly kill thembut right now even our KKM don't wanna accept them and treat them for free anymore ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998655319213867} +{"text": "13. Jaga makanan yg kita makan, pastikan makanan yg kita makan halal, bersih, dan baik | Makanan yg haram akan meningkatkan nafsu kita.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9405128359794617} +{"text": "QUOTE(nearlee @ Sep 24 2017, 11:42 PM)>trolllulzNearleeCover malu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999513626098633} +{"text": "42 ADMITTED False Flag AttacksQUOTE\u201cFalse flag terrorism\u201d is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it:False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one\u2019s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy\u2019s strategy of tension.\u201cTerrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death\u201d.\u2013 Adolph Hitler\u201cWhy of course the people don\u2019t want war \u2026 But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship \u2026 Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.\u201d\u2013 Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.\u201cThe easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened\u201d.\u2013 Josef StalinGovernments from Around the World Admit They Do ItThere are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack \u2026 and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes.In the following 42 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admits to it, either orally or in writing: (1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the \u201cMukden Incident\u201d or the \u201cManchurian Incident\u201d. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: \u201cSeveral of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the \u2018Incident\u2019 was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army \u2026.\u201d And see this. (2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that \u2013 under orders from the chief of the Gestapo \u2013 he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. (3) Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building in 1933, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson. (4) Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union\u2019s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939 \u2013 while blaming the attack on Finland \u2013 as a basis for launching the \u201cWinter War\u201d against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War. (5) The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and falsely blame it on the Nazis. (6) The British government admits that \u2013 between 1946 and 1948 \u2013 it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews attempting to flee the Holocaust to seek safety in Palestine, set up a fake group called \u201cDefenders of Arab Palestine\u201d, and then had the psuedo-group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings (and see this, this and this). (7) Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind \u201cevidence\u201d implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this). (8) The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950\u2032s to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected prime minister. (9) The Turkish Prime Minister admitted that the Turkish government carried out the 1955 bombing on a Turkish consulate in Greece \u2013 also damaging the nearby birthplace of the founder of modern Turkey \u2013 and blamed it on Greece, for the purpose of inciting and justifying anti-Greek violence. (10) The British Prime Minister admitted to his defense secretary that he and American president Dwight Eisenhower approved a plan in 1957 to carry out attacks in Syria and blame it on the Syrian government as a way to effect regime change. (11) The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people\u2019s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: \u201cYou had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security\u201d (and see this) (Italy and other European countries subject to the terror campaign had joined NATO before the bombings occurred). And watch this BBC special. They also allegedly carried out terror attacks in France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the UK, and other countries. (12) In 1960, American Senator George Smathers suggested that the U.S. launch \u201ca false attack made on Guantanamo Bay which would give us the excuse of actually fomenting a fight which would then give us the excuse to go in and [overthrow Castro]\u201c. (13) Official State Department documents show that, in 1961, the head of the Joint Chiefs and other high-level officials discussed blowing up a consulate in the Dominican Republic in order to justify an invasion of that country. The plans were not carried out, but they were all discussed as serious proposals. (14) As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in 1962, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC\u2019s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. (15) In 1963, the U.S. Department of Defense wrote a paper promoting attacks on nations within the Organization of American States \u2013 such as Trinidad-Tobago or Jamaica \u2013 and then falsely blaming them on Cuba. (16) The U.S. Department of Defense even suggested covertly paying a person in the Castro government to attack the United States: \u201cThe only area remaining for consideration then would be to bribe one of Castro\u2019s subordinate commanders to initiate an attack on Guantanamo.\u201d (17) The NSA admits that it lied about what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 \u2026 manipulating data to make it look like North Vietnamese boats fired on a U.S. ship so as to create a false justification for the Vietnam war. (18) A U.S. Congressional committee admitted that \u2013 as part of its \u201cCointelpro\u201d campaign \u2013 the FBI had used many provocateurs in the 1950s through 1970s to carry out violent acts and falsely blame them on political activists. (19) A top Turkish general admitted that Turkish forces burned down a mosque on Cyprus in the 1970s and blamed it on their enemy. He explained: \u201cIn Special War, certain acts of sabotage are staged and blamed on the enemy to increase public resistance. We did this on Cyprus; we even burnt down a mosque.\u201d In response to the surprised correspondent\u2019s incredulous look the general said, \u201cI am giving an example\u201d. (20) The German government admitted (and see this) that, in 1978, the German secret service detonated a bomb in the outer wall of a prison and planted \u201cescape tools\u201d on a prisoner \u2013 a member of the Red Army Faction \u2013 which the secret service wished to frame the bombing on. (21) A Mossad agent admits that, in 1984, Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Gaddaffi\u2019s compound in Tripoli, Libya which broadcast fake terrorist trasmissions recorded by Mossad, in order to frame Gaddaffi as a terrorist supporter. Ronald Reagan bombed Libya immediately thereafter. (22) The South African Truth and Reconciliation Council found that, in 1989, the Civil Cooperation Bureau (a covert branch of the South African Defense Force) approached an explosives expert and asked him \u201cto participate in an operation aimed at discrediting the ANC [the African National Congress] by bombing the police vehicle of the investigating officer into the murder incident\u201d, thus framing the ANC for the bombing. (23) An Algerian diplomat and several officers in the Algerian army admit that, in the 1990s, the Algerian army frequently massacred Algerian civilians and then blamed Islamic militants for the killings (and see this video; and Agence France-Presse, 9/27/2002, French Court Dismisses Algerian Defamation Suit Against Author). (24) An Indonesian fact-finding team investigated violent riots which occurred in 1998, and determined that \u201celements of the military had been involved in the riots, some of which were deliberately provoked\u201d. (25) Senior Russian Senior military and intelligence officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings in 1999 and falsely blamed it on Chechens, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya (and see this report and this discussion). (26) According to the Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military killed American teachers in Papua in 2002 and blamed the murders on a Papuan separatist group in order to get that group listed as a terrorist organization. (27) The well-respected former Indonesian president also admits that the government probably had a role in the Bali bombings. (28) As reported by BBC, the New York Times, and Associated Press, Macedonian officials admit that the government murdered 7 innocent immigrants in cold blood and pretended that they were Al Qaeda soldiers attempting to assassinate Macedonian police, in order to join the \u201cwar on terror\u201d. (29) Senior police officials in Genoa, Italy admitted that \u2013 in July 2001, at the G8 summit in Genoa \u2013 planted two Molotov cocktails and faked the stabbing of a police officer, in order to justify a violent crackdown against protesters. (30) Although the FBI now admits that the 2001 anthrax attacks were carried out by one or more U.S. government scientists, a senior FBI official says that the FBI was actually told to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda by White House officials (remember what the anthrax letters looked like). Government officials also confirm that the white House tried to link the anthrax to Iraq as a justification for regime change in that country. (31) Similarly, the U.S. falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks \u2013 as shown by a memo from the defense secretary \u2013 as one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war. Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence is \u201coverwhelming\u201d that al Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein\u2019s regime, that Cheney \u201cprobably\u201d had information unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not \u2018doing their homework\u2019 in reporting such ties. Top U.S. government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched for oil \u2026 not 9/11 or weapons of mass destruction (despite previous \u201clone wolf\u201d claims, many U.S. government officials now say that 9/11 was state-sponsored terror; but Iraq was not the state which backed the hijackers). (32) Former Department of Justice lawyer John Yoo suggested in 2005 that the US should go on the offensive against al-Qaeda, having \u201cour intelligence agencies create a false terrorist organization. It could have its own websites, recruitment centers, training camps, and fundraising operations. It could launch fake terrorist operations and claim credit for real terrorist strikes, helping to sow confusion within al-Qaeda\u2019s ranks, causing operatives to doubt others\u2019 identities and to question the validity of communications.\u201d (33) United Press International reported in June 2005:U.S. intelligence officers are reporting that some of the insurgents in Iraq are using recent-model Beretta 92 pistols, but the pistols seem to have had their serial numbers erased. The numbers do not appear to have been physically removed; the pistols seem to have come off a production line without any serial numbers. Analysts suggest the lack of serial numbers indicates that the weapons were intended for intelligence operations or terrorist cells with substantial government backing. Analysts speculate that these guns are probably from either Mossad or the CIA. Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable weapons even as U.S. authorities use insurgent attacks against civilians as evidence of the illegitimacy of the resistance. (34) Undercover Israeli soldiers admitted in 2005 to throwing stones at other Israeli soldiers so they could blame it on Palestinians, as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protests by the Palestinians. (35) Quebec police admitted that, in 2007, thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were actually undercover Quebec police officers (and see this). (36) At the G20 protests in London in 2009, a British member of parliament saw plain clothes police officers attempting to incite the crowd to violence. (37) Egyptian politicians admitted (and see this) that government employees looted priceless museum artifacts in 2011 to try to discredit the protesters. (38) A Colombian army colonel has admitted that his unit murdered 57 civilians, then dressed them in uniforms and claimed they were rebels killed in combat. (39) The highly-respected writer for the Telegraph Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that the head of Saudi intelligence \u2013 Prince Bandar \u2013 recently admitted that the Saudi government controls \u201cChechen\u201d terrorists. (40) High-level American sources admitted that the Turkish government \u2013 a fellow NATO country \u2013 carried out the chemical weapons attacks blamed on the Syrian government; and high-ranking Turkish government admitted on tape plans to carry out attacks and blame it on the Syrian government. (41) The former Ukrainian security chief admits that the sniper attacks which started the Ukrainian coup were carried out in order to frame others. (42) Britain\u2019s spy agency has admitted (and see this) that it carries out \u201cdigital false flag\u201d attacks on targets, framing people by writing offensive or unlawful material \u2026 and blaming it on the target.In addition, two-thirds of the City of Rome burned down in a huge fire on July 19, 64 A.D. The Roman people blamed the Emperor Nero for starting the fire. Some top Roman leaders \u2013 including the Roman consul Cassius Dio, as well as historians like Suetonius \u2013 agreed that Nero started the fire (based largely on the fact that the Roman Senate had just rejected Nero\u2019s application to clear 300 acres in Rome so that he could build a palatial complex, and that the fire allowed him to build his complex). Regardless of who actually started the fire, Nero \u2013 in the face of public opinion accusing him of arson \u2013 falsely blamed the Christians for starting the fire. He then rounded up and brutally tortured and murdered scores of Christians for something they likely didn\u2019t do. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9956855773925781} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Jun 13 2024, 08:49 PM)then explain to me his name is Zakar NaikThis is very the haram ni... Must deport back to India! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999316930770874} +{"text": "QUOTE(68 others @ Feb 26 2024, 07:37 AM)xpayah la kaki kaki mabuk mari langkawi.bogel atas pantai, mabuk tepi jalan.rosak akidah anak anak melayu kita.setakat hisap rokok boleh lagi, yg lain xpayah lah.Langkawi patut jadi tempat santai yg suci untuk keluarga melayu beriadah, bukannya aktiviti-aktiviti maksiatBetul setuju, kafir semua ni patut pergi Thailand je, menyemak di langkawi buat apa, langkawi tak perlu duit pelancong pun ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "Kadang kalau makanan culture lain ni bukan taknak pergi kedai melayu, tapi nak rasa authenticity makanan tu. Halal tu wajib la kan. Bukan apa, kadang melayu ni dia dah alter rasa authentic menu tu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.601322591304779} +{"text": "QUOTE(g5sim @ Mar 11 2024, 01:26 PM)Macam lah semua org ada duit nak makan Kat kantin. Bawah sandwich cost 90sen from home. Also I don't understand why need to eat during the break. Lunch break I faham you need to eat. The four hour break nak makan buat apa. No wonder org msia gemokorang bodo is like thismacam lah every family wife stay home and make sandwich wait, some culture is like this here ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993292093276978} +{"text": "Halal = tak ada unsur yang meragukan dan bersih. Cara penyediaannya tertib dan tak mendatangkan kemudaratan. \n\nTak salah nak bertanya untuk kepastian. Tapi jangan terus melulu cakap makanan tu haram, unless it's proven haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999284744262695} +{"text": "Antara menu menu meletops dalam Kapal Genting Dream Cruise..yang penting SIJIL HALAL pun siap di tampal bagi membuktikan pelancong muslim tidak ragu ragu apabila naik kapal cruise! confirm tak sempat nak rasa\u2026 https://t.co/Itp1KCs0i4", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941293001174927} +{"text": "tentunya jin islam, jin islam tidak mengganggu dan merusak, mereka sibuk beribadah pada Allah dan mencari ilmu serta berbuat kebajikan \n.\ntambahan mereka makan makanan yang halal dan bersih, bukan yang haram dan ada najis atau kotor\n.\nmereka hamba Allah namun manusia lebih mulia", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "@MuhdNafizz Yg ckp lama sangat ni dah diragui la tu sbb tu malas nk bersusah2 demi sijil. Takpun mmg tak halal hahaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993778467178345} +{"text": "Population context pon you dah fail to understand. Apo pulak salah jakim. Bagus la jakim buat check kebersihan, so semua org boleh makan semeja. Bnyak pusing plak salah jakim. I assume you tak faham what is Makanan halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954501986503601} +{"text": "rule number one .. pants below knee .. rule number two .. no angpow, its haram .. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998865127563477} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 13 2016, 12:58 PM)bcos extremist who go plotek don't have money to go and eat at fancy restaurants like chilli's/tony romas/red lobster/olive garden etc...tbh i have tried to bring my waifu to go and eat tony romas but she doesn't want to bcos she doubts their halal status and is not comfortable eating in a resturant that serves alcoholic beverages... kesian...boleh buang sudah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "apa bengap bodo sangat.. mufti dah cakap punca haram.. bukan semua haram.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Sep 11 2023, 01:06 PM)One thing i dont understand, if his major customer is chinese, his business should not be affected even if all malay boycott his shop.So why need to close shop? Unless if he is running it illegally.Malay allowed to sell food with alcohol?I think he should just put back the lap cheong. No lap cheong no best.This post has been edited by JohnL77: Sep 11 2023, 01:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.987982988357544} +{"text": "if it's already say \"basi lemak pork\" for example, ape yg x faham & confusing?then wanna name it what? \"nasi lemak babi haram\" ?if it's anything, it's those daging dishes that is confusing.i mean \"nasi goreng daging\" simple just means meat fried rice.dint even mentioned daging ape. technically it could be pork, or human meat.This post has been edited by unknown_2: Nov 1 2023, 11:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(Joey Christensen @ Jun 19 2023, 12:25 PM)Masalah Joycelyn Chia, nurses uniform too ketat and BKT lagi penting.\u00a0 the problem is their own supporters like this kind of leader that why i said the country is really hopeless liao. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999109506607056} +{"text": "sue je lah......if not, later more penunggang agama will simply fitnah others again.dont worry lah.....kena sue in court pon, later the pakcik kampong cry a river say need to support manyak anak sepasukan team bola sepak lah.....bini OKU lah.....sure release free or just minimum saman only.court say yang penting NIAT pakcik kampong tu MULIA dan SUCI sebab memang NIAT dia nak pertahankan agama dan saudara saudari seagama......LOL ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999476671218872} +{"text": "Macam mana makanan yg harini telah dipastikan ada DNA babi serta haram esoknya pula dihalalkan semula?JAKIM penipu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999078512191772} +{"text": "Aku tak faham. Logo Halal saja tak boleh sesuka hati sbb dikawalselia JAKIM. Sejak bila tulisan Jawi status Halal toyyiban?? Okey apa tulisan Jawi di paket/pembungkusan makanan??\nMartabat juga tulisan Jawi.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9690057039260864} +{"text": "Alcohol yang guna untuk cuci luka, or bersihkan tempat untuk standby injextion tu... Haram ke halal? Anyway. Yang main game, control babi babi tu.. Haram ke halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "Takda pengesahan apa2 dari jakim, mostly halal from my view unless mmg terang2 nampak benda haram dalam makanan tu. Yg tersembunyi and tak tahu lansung, mostly halal. Ustaz2 cakap, halal sebeum terbukti haram. Tapi usaha nk at least tgk benda basic tu kena la ada sikit", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9817270040512085} +{"text": "\r\nDalam makanan mana satu ada wine? Steak?\n\r\nPenting bukan babi, ok 20 orang dah tulis kat sini hehehe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970316886901855} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Feb 13 2016, 03:39 PM)Example bagus. Arabic language can only be used by specific race only.You mean:Kasi saman Ryaniair also good. Most of these greedy \"yindian\"/chinaman wanted to leverage on Muslim market too. There is a \"airline\"/shop that even display Arabic language & promote syriah-compliant in their labels. When I asked them why your \"airline is syariah-complaint/food price tags and description is in Arabic, they claimed that they have plenty of \"Malaysian\"/Middle East customers.Kasi saman Petponas also good. Most of these greedy \"meleis\"/chinaman wanted to leverage on \"non-Muslim\" market too. There is a shop that even display Mandarin and Tamil language during CNY/Thaipusam in their labels. When I asked them why your \"Promotion material\" description is in \"Mandarin/Tamil\"/Arabic, they claimed that they have plenty of \"Malaysian non-muslim\"/Middle East customers.Bolehland and boleh people only. Assimilation is in your blood and greediness too. Lalang people can change culture very quick. I guess u r one of them who don't mind to adapt where the money goes. One day, you please Middle East, another day , mainland Chinese market . When will you start using your own Bahasa Msia regardless of the economy . ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964349269866943} +{"text": "QUOTE(rajakingkong @ Dec 14 2014, 02:16 AM)Sabda Rasulullah SAW: \u201cSesiapa membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sekali, dikurniakan kepadanya pahala seperti pahala orang yang membaca 1/3 Al-Quran.\u201dSabda Rasulullah SAW: \u201cSesiapa membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak 3 kali nescaya mendapat pahala seperti pahala orang yang membaca Al-Quran sekali khatam.\u201dMembaca surah Al-Ikhlas sekali ganjarannya sama dengan membaca 10 jus kitab Al-Quran. Lalu dengan membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak tiga kali khatamlah Quran kerana ianya sama dengan membaca 30 jus Al-Quran. Rasululllah SAW bersabda: \u201cSesiapa yang membaca 10 kali surah Al-Ikhlas siang dan malam; Maka Allah memberinya sebuah istana dalam syurga.\u201d (HR: Imam Ahmad & Imam Adarimi.)Diriwayatkan pula dari Ali bin Abi Talib, katanya, Rasululllah SAW bersabda: \u201cSesiapa yang membaca surah al-Ikhlas 10 kali selepas solat Subuh, maka ia tidak akan tergelincir sekalipun syaitan memperdayanya dengan sungguh-sungguh.\u201dplease bring the sources of these hadis. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983793497085571} +{"text": "\r\nnasib i tak suka makan daging, makan steak. kalau tak menerobos jugak kedai2 xde sijil halal tu agaknya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972115159034729} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Dec 21 2023, 11:16 PM)This is going to be a sour grape for Kelantan people soonStupid people started the boycott, then all people followed without thinking.peer pressure is strongnext will be boikot PHPAS will win next GE ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998488426208496} +{"text": "https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3112859/allQUOTE(jonny4 @ Jan 26 2014, 04:05 PM)I was there that night. This happened back in 2005 IIRC. 2nd time i happened to be at a club that was raided.I was with 2 other guys n 2 girls. Around 1am, another fren that we bumped into there warned us that a raid is going to happen soon at around 130am. He looked really high so we ignored his warning. We continued drinking the Chivas we opened 40 mins earlier. at 130am sharp, suddenly the music stopped n the bright lights were turned on. everyone froze. as our eyes adjusted we realized that there was really a raid happening. i turned to my fren n said \"fark la. we shud have listened to him\"A chinese inspector went up the podium to the DJ area n took the mike. he announced \"Ok kita akan buat operasi malam ini. kita dari Balai Polis Dang Wangi. Kita akan check utk dadah dan rekod jenayah. rokok semua buang dan jangan ambik gambar. ambil keluar IC\"we continued smoking and one Polis passed us n shouted \"Tak faham bahasa ke ? BUANG ROKOK!\" we complied immediately. we took out ICs out n placed them on the table. women were ordered to go upstairs. men remained at the main ground floor area. another Polis officer goes around distributing transparent cups with lids. at closer inspection there were small boxes printed on the cup indicating the type of drugs present in the system.Around this time reporters n camera crews came in. around 15-20 of them. taking pics n filming us.\u00a0 stress level went up.In groups of 5 our ICs were gathered n we were den ordered to go to the toilet n pee into the container we were given earlier. When ur name was announced u headed straight for the toilet. Around this time a name was announced \"Mohd Hafiz bin xxxx\" the reply of \"Saya\" came from wat looked like a tall slim woman wearing a tight short red dress. everyone laughed n wolf whistled including the cops. quite kesian d fele.\u00a0 My name was called n the 5 of us went to the toilet to pee. we were guided into individual cubicles n behind us each cubicle had a cop standing on watch outside. doors open at all time. after i was done i stepped out of the cubicle to wash my hands. I noticed a few guys staring curiously at the last cubicle. I went closer n inside was Mohd Hafiz in his red dress. he was trying to squat n at the same time pleading with the cop to let him close d door. the cop was unsure wat to do. one indian guy made eye contact with me n he instantly said \"U dun see dat everyday bro\". i nodded in agreement. din see wat happened to mohd hafiz in d end as we were ordered to return to our tables. at the table my IC was returned to me n place below the urine test kit. \"Tunggu 10 minit untuk result\" one cop announced.i dun do drugs of any kind so i was not sked. While i was waiting the media started taking pics of those unlucky enuf to be tested positive or had outstanding arrest warrants/criminal records. they were gathered on the small stage n handcuffed together. i remember seeing around 10 guys there. all looking pathetic n trying their best to hide their faces.after 10mins it was results time. mine was negative n a cop gave me permission to leave. i looked at my watch...it was almost 3am. but at the exit there was another surprise. there was a cop posted there with a torch light. scanning every test kit one last time just to make sure. again mine was negative n he told me to throw it in a big bin bag next to the entrance. By the time the girls were done it was around 4am. we went mamak n discussed our experiences. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991958737373352} +{"text": "deswai so addictive. haram always better ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5585381984710693} +{"text": "tanah putera business ethics. lol. longkang level.i havent seen one that takes pride in their food. all just do air diabetes, then cheese diabetes. when do they do something wellbut asalkan halal, itu paling penting, kan! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999632835388184} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ May 16 2022, 11:17 AM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSaya tak nak salahkan sesiapa.\u00a0 Saya bela ayam sendiri. Saya bela ayam kampung kacuk. Saya tak jual dengan pemborong.\u00a0 Saya bela kambing sendiri, saya bela lembu sendiri.Saya dah cakap hari tu.\u00a0 Sayur,\u00a0 ayam dan daging ni naik harga sebab pihak yang beruntungan nak desak kerajaan ambil ayam,\u00a0 sayur dan daging import.\u00a0 Bila sayur naik hargaBila ayam naik harga Bila daging naik harga Nanti adalah media,\u00a0 NGO,\u00a0 pembangkang bising sana sini.\u00a0 Semua tu konon-konon je jadi hero.\u00a0 Nasib petani macam mana?\u00a0 Nasib penternak macam mana? Jangan harap ada yang tengok dan bela.\u00a0 Saya berkata benar.\u00a0 Saya bela ayam sendiri.\u00a0 Sepanjang tempoh harga ayam naik.\u00a0 Saya tak naik kan harga pon.\u00a0 Saya juga tahu kawan-kawan penternak tak dapat pun harga yang cantik dari pemborong.\u00a0 Banyak je ayam yang lebih hari dan tak terjual. Macam mana boleh kata bekalan tak cukup.\u00a0 Siapa je yang naikan harga ni sebenarnya?\u00a0 Bukan petani, pekebun atau penternak.\u00a0 Katanya orang tengah.\u00a0 Mereka boleh je sesuka hati naikan harga.\u00a0 Tengah hari harga lain,\u00a0 petang harga lain,\u00a0 malam harga lain.\u00a0 Kenapa saya tahu?\u00a0 Sebab saya pergi pasar borong setiap hari untuk beli sayur.\u00a0 Harga hari ni dengan semalam tak sama.\u00a0 Macam-macam taukey tu cakap.\u00a0 Sayur mahal sebab hujan.\u00a0 Ayam tak ada sebab banyak permintaan.\u00a0 Janganlah nak bodohkan bang oi.\u00a0 Macam mana boleh mendadak naik.\u00a0 Sayur kita tanam hari ni bukan boleh terus petik esok.\u00a0 Kalau lada perlukan 2 bulan dari tanam baru berbuah itu belum boleh dipetik.\u00a0 Ayam, boleh naik sampai RM5 sekilo dari harga asal.\u00a0 Mana boleh tak cukup.\u00a0 Ayam boleh masuk peti sejuk beku.\u00a0 Bukan busuk pun.\u00a0 Lepas tu boleh jual bila ayam tak cukup.\u00a0 \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSaya nak ajar korang satu je kira-kira. Saya bela ayam 5000 ekor je satu pusingan.\u00a0 Ada syarikat besar bela ayam 5 juta keluar sebulan.\u00a0 Kalau ayam naik harga RM2 je sekilo. Sehari berapa deorang dapat untung.\u00a0 Lama lah dulu.\u00a0 Saya ada seorang kenalan.\u00a0 Bukanlah rapat sangat.\u00a0 Tapi kira mewahlah.\u00a0 Dia kata dia bisnes import export.\u00a0 Sekali saya tanya lah dia.\u00a0 Bisnes apa?.\u00a0 Dia kata dia bekalkan kepak ayam dari luar negara. Hantar pasar raya besar.\u00a0 Sekali lagi saya tanya soalan lurus bendul.\u00a0 Halal ke ayam tu.\u00a0 krik krik krik dia tak jawab terus cerita lain.\u00a0 Ingat lagi setahun lepas.\u00a0 Satu syarikat yang dapat AP di dakwa kerana telah cuba menipu dengan mengatakan membekal daging lembu sedangkan daging yang dibekalkan adalah daging kuda dan daging kanggaro. Boleh percaya ke lagi syarikat yang dapat AP ni?\u00a0 Kekadang jadi penternak ni katanya kerjaya paling bawah. Nampak bersusah payah.\u00a0 Nampak baju koyak,\u00a0 murah dan nampak bodoh.\u00a0 Plot-plot drama pun tayang orang kampung ni selalu miskin.\u00a0 Rakyat kita pun nak yang murah.\u00a0 Deorang kempen sendiri kata daging import, ayam import,\u00a0 sayur import jauh lebih murah.\u00a0 Orang kampung ada seorang dua tanam sayur,\u00a0 bela ayam susah nak beli. Baik beli kat pasar raya. Ada class gitu.\u00a0 Pernah dulu kerja kat Jordan setahun.\u00a0 Sebelahnya negara Palestine. Yang korang beri derma selalu tu.\u00a0 Mereka pun makan nasi basmati.\u00a0 Mana ada makan beras hancur.\u00a0 Kita ni dari dulu tak berubah.\u00a0 Anak-anak kita beri makan beras hancur,\u00a0 ikan paling murah. Macam mana anak-anak kita nak membesar dengan sihat.\u00a0 Berfikir dengan cerdas.\u00a0 Saya surah isteri saya tukar beras.\u00a0 Kalau boleh anak-anak beri makanan yang paling berkhasiat.\u00a0 Dah tahu sayur import pakai racun yang merbahaya.\u00a0 Tapi sayur kita yang baik-baik kita export ke Singapore. Rakyat kita makan sayur yang kurang berkualiti.\u00a0 Tak payah nak fikirlah. Dunia ni medan tipu-tipu. Hanya ada 2 pilihan untuk dibuli atau membuli.\u00a0 Selagi ada yang berkepentingan dan beruntung pasti perkara ini akan terus menerus mengikut pusingannya.\u00a0 Bila saya tulis macam ni,\u00a0 ada yang mesej \" ko pandai sangat ko jadi lah YB, bertanding lah.\u00a0 Jangan pandai cakap je?\u00a0 \". Apasal pulak aku nak jadi YB, aku cuma pekebun cabuk je.\u00a0 Korang ni selalu cepat koyak le.lulz. ayam masuk freezer? then you need electricity to power freezer. if industrial cold room, then need even more electricity, most probably pay commercial rate (2x residential rate minimum)then need cold transport instead of normal woodpanel truck. that's more cost right there. confirmed cannot sell at current ceiling price...i recall some ppl especially certain segments (aka Muslims) that actually prefer ayam that is slaughtered in front of their eyes (aka sembelih di pasar) instead of the ready-to-sell ones like what modern supermarkets do (prepacked dressed chicken).yeah sure most modern wet markets and also certain town councils already banned this practice due to hygiene and space issues, but there are still some rural pasar that slaughter and process the chicken on site instead of at the chicken farm or processing plant.this guy writes like he's so smart, but he didn't think this thoroughly or not getting full picture. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996610879898071} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 29 2019, 06:02 PM)again. i accept the premise of the non-halal nature of 0% alcohol. What i do not accept is the hypocrisy. The point of the entire exercise is to coerce a JGN PERSOAL folk like yourself into an honest discussion. If i already concede on the validity of the 0.05% premise based on your explanation and want to expand that premise to other areas where the hypocrisy is clearly present, isn't shutting down the discussion by claiming that my limited KUFFAR knowledge on islam doing exactly what you're claiming not to do - i.e., jgn persoal?Well if you are so keen on understanding the halal haram issues more than the common albeit a little bit detailed explanation like I did (Since you die die dont want to accept), I already told you PLEASE FOR FUCUK SAKE FURTHER YOUR QUESTION TO THE EXPERTS LIKE JAKIM and the Like.For what you want to ask the same question again and again when the answers already laid out, spood fed, but you refuse to swallow? You have your own fancy vision of what Islam should behave, go lah ask the experts, but no...you just want to insist on your own opinion and views, why the need to go further right?You claimed hypocrisy but it was never the case if you have good comprehension skills, there was never any hypocrisy to begin with, but no, you stuck in your own opinion, insisting that Tapai is the \u201croot of all evil\u201d \u201cIslam cannot eat tapai\u201d \u201cAlcohol 100% cannot use\u201d..Im always open to answer your question, never was \u201cJangan Persoal\u201d at all, but no.. when the answers does not fit your own fairy tale version of Islam, you tell others to \u201cJangan Persoal\u201d your question, \u201cit is a valid question!\u201dIts like teaching kids who are \u201cterlebih pandai\u201dso again, if our answers does not \u201csatisfy\u201d your thirst for Islamic teachings, please do bring your ass to the nearest Jakim because they are the experts in Halal Haram rulings, dont be a smart ass asking in random forum, reject replies and claim wins on the nets lolThis post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Jul 29 2019, 06:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9322171211242676} +{"text": " kan, tu aku mushkil tu, sbb knytaan dorng xde kaitan dengan bahan makanan.Jakim suka gitu,ckp tarik tp xckp npe,mulalh spkulasi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8766829967498779} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Nov 6 2021, 08:14 AM)Ko la pandai meniaga. Bravo..Ini bukan pasal meniaga. Ini pasal consumer education . Dah tau nak makan seafood ada harga terpapar order lah ikut berat. Kalau x mampu order nasi goreng je lain Kali. Selalu pergi seafood restaurant Kalau x tau nak order macam mana owner bulih Kasi suggestion macam mana mau order. Kalau di order ikan dlm 500g ke 1 kg xkan kedai amek ikan 5-6kg. Jd Salah siapa lah ni? Xpayah la nak ksi alasan kene potong kalau diri sendiri ego bila orang Kasi suggestion x mau dengar. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9257272481918335} +{"text": "Btw sebaik-baiknya makan masakan sendiri di rumah lah yg lebih baik, sebab kita sendiri tahu makanan tu bersih sampai tahap mana, x risau terlebih garam atau MSG,halal or haram, sebab kita sendiri yg atur makanan kita.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9489377737045288} +{"text": "QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Sep 5 2023, 09:29 PM)Local vegetarian restaurants dont need halal cert cos no pork, no meat, no alcoholYep but some school of thoughts are pushing for 'if fhe cook aint muslim, its haram\" mentality. And you know what, the majority eats it up ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995689988136292} +{"text": "i always wondering if tapai ubi or tapai drink is halal or haram? made from fermented tapioca and fermented rice... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 10:25 AM)truth to be told, when they pack up the blood packs, they do have some indication on whether the donor is a muslim or not.there has been cases where Malay Pacik needed blood packs, the only question he asked was, whether the bloodpack is from muslim. at that time the hospital is in short of bloodpack for his type from muslim so they told him know. and he refused to accept the blood pack. he said something like \"I Rather Die\".so the hospital had to get new bloodpacks from other places that are from muslim donors. there has been some delay & extra effort but at least the pacik was saved.Hospitals know that they will land in big trouble from the public if they forced the bloodpack from non-muslim onto the pacik who clearly stated his decision.But I wonder, if the pacik died before the new bloodpack arrives, will Hospital face even bigger criticism? Maybe, maybe not.actually for this case, the pak cik is wrong religiously if he did not accept the non-muslim blood pack.in times of emergency (Darurat), muslim followers are allowed to eat pork to survive and take non-halal items to survive.chii repeat, in times of EMERGENCY.but another thing is, the uncle is correct for his civil rights if he decides not to take the non-muslin blood pack.his life, his choice as long as he is sane and conscious. QUOTE(Einjahr @ Sep 25 2017, 10:33 AM)I didnt read everything but i dont understand the whole halal haram comparison, its not like nonmuslims are forbidden to eat halal food?\u00a0 but the laundry forbids non-muslims in its premise. Then why such a ridiculous comparison. like what? that's why the owner of the laudry shop is cancer which needs to be nipped in the bud.and the other claiming he knows about HALAL stuff is totally just saying things that he don't know. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5970010161399841} +{"text": "Reading the comment sections, now aku tau dah kenapa JAKIM sepatutnya bagitau kedai/makanan yang perlu sijil haram. Bukan halal. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f https://t.co/OcjtB80IYV", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Anything needs approval macam makanan halal mesti ada approval dari Jakim so kenapa tak approve lagi? Because its not suitable as a vaccine for Covid sorry sir i can continue this conversation but i thing its enough its up to you if u wanna still think ivermectin is a vaccine", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9524150490760803} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Apr 28 2024, 10:49 AM)I'm impressed. They actually implemented strict adherence. It would be interesting to get the stats for adoption rate.This also means all business needs to be profiled as halal/Haram ?yah should beor by specific business code to differentiate nature of business (like visa/Mastercard MCC)even some merchants now are strict to find which bank to receive their daily settlement $$eg public bank give better MDR but merchants avoid them cuz their settlement $$ will be hold by them. stricter merchants cannot accept this. they rather find friendly banks but they will likely impose higher sales MDR. eventually their sales margin/profit reduced. alll for principle irony is big boy player like tng ewallet, boost, etc are not shariah compliant, yet users and merchants are happily using it to earn reward (Haram yo) and settlement to nonshariah bank to earn interest (Haram again)This post has been edited by cybpsych: Apr 28 2024, 11:31 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999679327011108} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ei8th @ Jun 10 2019, 12:44 PM)Kek, si makcik2 bodoh dan fb berpisah tiada. Sikit2 halal, car u use tak mintak cop halal jakim plak kulit buat dari babi or not, ur bata shoe dont check kulit babi or not, or LV bag dont ask jakim halal or not, see product CINA name , wahh kenot need to play race and religion card this time. Topkek sohai. Tak suka takyah belithis is all bcos makcik bawang ada data plan.we should ban makcik bawang from subscribing data plan or even using/buying smartphones. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "Geng suci murni jer perangai cam setan , Nampak lutut terus di cop haramMacam dia orang paling layak pegang cap mohor besar halal haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(SonnyCooL @ Feb 11 2017, 07:08 PM)My malay friend touch amd feed dog leh .... He is haji, wondering why there is two version of it ...Because there's no problem with touching dogIt's only an issue if u touch a wet dogOr Kena his salivaAnd even that also not a big issueCan be clean afterwards with specific way of cleaning I also touch dog many times lolLike I said. It's not simple and straightforward There are explanations on this issueIt's more elaboratedNot simpleHaram. Die. Haram. Go hellNot like that ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998210072517395} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Nov 5 2021, 04:45 PM)that is why owner ask the dude to confirm because the fish is too big for thembut dude insistsalah siapa?ofcoz the dude salah..but the seller pun..kena la legit.. dah dude tu salah...ko amik kesempatan to rip off. 7kg...hadam semua...then viral. wanna play victim card...mana cantik bro...you at the stage that you can be there as hero..pretending the price to be off.. you chop awal2...no case after all.. but now.....dua2 salah in the end..This post has been edited by haimirmaya: Nov 5 2021, 04:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4991665184497833} +{"text": "Kenapa pembaris angad yg quote cakap pisang tu? I'm trying to say, takde sijil halal tak bermaksud haram ngok", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9423543214797974} +{"text": "semalam baru encounter such issueordered haram stuffthe rider malay guy sampai my house open the bag for me to take myself. i initially thought apa ni? then i was like oh... ok lol. basically if non halal food, they still do it. but prob ask the restaurant to put inside bag to avoid touching, then sampai customer open the bag to self take so that they can avoid toucher haram stuff.im not even mad lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980169534683228} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Jan 8 2015, 11:53 PM)ada kemusykilan sikitkedai fastfood di kuala lumpurada serve arakmenu takde pork makan burger ayam atau daging sajasaya assume dia beli ayam and daging halal dari supermarketlalu saya makan burger daging, ngan orange juiceapa pendirian Islam dalam hal ini ? Ini macam chilis n tgif.... Tak silap aku la... Yang aku tgk Kat utube vid ustaz azhar, da ad org Tanya soalan n...Dia cakap makanan Tu halal kalau mmg daging halal n takde letak benda haram, walaupon kedaibtu serve arak... Tapi x manis la... Dia srh pegi lain2 restaurant yg x serve arak...Lebih kurang mcm n la... Kalai silap tolong betulkanThis post has been edited by PVCpipe: Jan 9 2015, 12:15 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9917371869087219} +{"text": "he only attends to 1 viral case, there are so many stateless cases out there. with his position and power, he should've solve the systemic problem. but then malaysian being syukur type, \"at least he did something\", \"better than nothing\" \u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9632904529571533} +{"text": "QUOTE(danabu @ Jan 21 2019, 04:03 PM)Siapa got triggered?QUOTE(samftrmd @ Jan 21 2019, 04:22 PM)I want to know who actually reported this.KUALA TERENGGANU 20 Jan. - Syarikat penerbangan antarabangsa Malaysia Airlines (MAS) digesa supaya lebih peka dalam menjaga sensitiviti umat Islam di negara ini susulan promosi makanan dan gambar daging babi yang diterbitkan dalam iklan majalahnya, Going Places keluaran Januari 2019.Presiden Persatuan Tunas Usahawan Terengganu (Patut) , Mohd. Ridzuan Shaari berkata, kejadian yang disifatkan sangat memalukan itu tidak patut berulang lagi terutama ketika Malaysia menjadi rujukan kebanyakan dunia khususnya negara-negara Islam dalam soal pembangunan produk makanan halal.\"Patut terkejut, kecewa dan merasakan tindakan MAS sama sekali tidak masuk akal.\"Banyak lagi produk makanan Malaysia yang boleh diwar-warkan kepada pelancong luar, kenapa daging babi?\" katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.Bagaimanapun, MAS petang tadi tampil memohon maaf sekiranya promosi makanan yang diterbitkan dalam iklan majalah syarikat penerbangan itu menyinggung perasaan orang ramai.MAS dalam kenyataan berkata, sebagai sebuah syarikat penerbangan antarabangsa, pihaknya menyediakan perkhidmatan penerbangan ke destinasi antarabangsa yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis penumpangIklan mempromosi makanan dan gambar didakwa daging babi yang diterbitkan dalam majalah tersebut menjadi tular dalam media sosial sehingga mendapat bantahan daripada pelbagai pihak termasuk Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa).http://www.utusan.com.my/berita/wilayah/ma...-islam-1.826445https://twitter.com/Kamaruddin2014/status/1...1421696/photo/1 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "ada hukum apa2 tak untuk cara potong sayur? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6468992829322815} +{"text": "no intention by both parties. it's alright. you can be honest and come clean, but it's best if you dont say anything. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982439279556274} +{"text": "Durian yang dirampas akan menjadi durian haram.... bagus bagus..... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999293088912964} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated by QuranRokok = haram decided by Mufti1. If we still do it even after Mufti said, is it like totally haram? Did the Quran said.. we are obliged to listen to Mufti for things not clearly stated in the Quran?2. How if two Mufti gives contra?Not asking when it comes to rokok, asking generally anything else that could be.QUOTE(Nightmare2022 @ Nov 24 2023, 10:53 AM)Ownself adjust the level of haramness to accommodate own desire.Yes ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996427595615387} +{"text": "That\u2019s why I also puzzled how Sg can reached 1st world status today. Lousy food but claimed some as their own. Nothing to see except concrete jungles and fake garden. Island so small can kaotim in a day or two. So what went right with their country\u2019s management and what went wrong with ours? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8220151662826538} +{"text": "QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Dec 22 2023, 12:38 PM)Is it compulsory to eat halal certified? There should be degree of tolerance n freedom to practise that degree of tolerance? If it\u2019s pushing towards extremism, thats wrongNot at all. That us why Jakim can only encourage Muslims to patron the Jakim halal certified premises.From what I learn long time ago, food should be in neutral, or harus, until proven that it is haram. Now macam terbalik already. Majority of Malays seem cannot think or judge by themselves already the halalness of their food. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8715965747833252} +{"text": "QUOTE(gaman @ Jan 24 2023, 12:04 PM)0% or not, for those foolish bigots the word \"beer\" is haram. Just like Root Beer and Ginger Beer.Kan dah bagi u sarsapila and rootbeer.com.my become a&w.com, apa lagi u mau ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998905658721924} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roadwarrior1337 @ Jul 8 2024, 07:59 AM)Honestly this is the best whey I\u2019ve tried. White choc cranberry. Why I like this ? It doesn\u2019t make my tummy bloat or feel heavy. It\u2019s also not that sweetBeen drinking ON chocolate for a decade. Time to branch out and try new flavors. ON keeps raising prices. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "\n\n\n Not really.\n \n\n Really, though.\n \n Nothing is impermissible unless proven impermissible.\n \n Don't use Jakim as the yardstick. Jakim has to go above and beyond because they need to certify, meaning they have to be absolutely certain. They're in the business of Halal certification, not Haram certification.\n \n In the example you gave, if there's a pile of flour lying on the floor Jakim would not certify it Halal. But if you took the top part of the flour only to make bread, there is nothing impermissible about that bread. Jakim won't certify it but it's not Haram.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950902462005615} +{"text": "Bonda dah start forward status makanan Halal/Haram. HAHAHAHAHA. Ingat JAKIM goyang kaki?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.44666823744773865} +{"text": "kepala bana kau \"kita je beria halal jakim\". dah memang mencari makanan yang bersih dan halal tuntutan agama islam.\n\nharam jadah betul punya perempuan ni. padahal dia yang terpaling beria pertahan kapir tu.\n\nnak terpaling harmoni konon. padahal dah serupa takde pendirian. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999046325683594} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Dec 20 2015, 10:12 PM)religion is the renewed way of making money. Water can also be halal, flight also can be halal. next up is AIR. Udara halal dalam tin, best to do promote during haze periodi hope they halal-lise tax payer money too ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959367513656616} +{"text": "So kiranya makanan yang dia masak tu dikira haram ke? Kalau makan makanan tak bersih boleh mendatangkan mudarat so masih halal ke macam tu? https://t.co/QDHquBQUX6", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:44 PM)I need to know,1. Is that really rice wine?2. Halal or haram?Tiu la1 and 2 is no concern for us. We just go support only. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972954392433167} +{"text": "QUOTE(TruthHurts @ Jun 9 2019, 10:57 PM)HARAM or HALAL .. To me .. Asal Makanan Sedap, Boleh dimakan.I dunno about other country, but Muslim Malaysian, when it comes to halal or haram food, they really aware and becareful about it. Which is a good thing.This post has been edited by sgshuhu: Jun 9 2019, 10:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928725957870483} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashportal @ Apr 6 2021, 02:29 PM)restoren melayu ape nak ckp lagi?jgnkan fp rider, yg duk makan dlm kedai pun bole kene sidai tunggu makanan tak siap2tu sbb mamak best\u00a0 why eh?cus mamak fast? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8499781489372253} +{"text": "QUOTE(B0ss_ku @ Feb 8 2024, 06:55 PM)I am curious to know Why do you think cannotDua alam is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997668862342834} +{"text": "@UMonline Takkan setakat tarik sijil halal sahaja. Ini perlakuan paling tidak bertanggungjawab. Makanan haram bukan perkara remeh. Ia satu penipuan dan pencabulan amanah (sijil Halal itu satu amanah). Perlu tindakan yang lebih keras. @MyJAKIM @drwanazizah @mujahidrawa", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(tentang rasa @ Jan 12 2015, 10:27 AM)yup, youre right. we should learn how to tolerates and always remember one of His characteristics is that He is the most forgiving and merciful.and verse about quran (4:89) continuous with next verse (4:90) Except for those who take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you. that make sense, but Allah tak cipta quran untuk satu era sahaja. bear in mind that god's words tak terikat pada masa macam kita manusia ni. bagi aku kita mesti selarikan islam sesuai dengan peredaran zaman.I'm not saying Quran is only applicable in one era. What I'm trying to say is, when we read the text, we should also know the context of the text, not follow it simply literally. I agree with you, we shoud selarikan, which is what we reformist muslim is trying to call for, reinterpetation of the text. It's about INTERPRETATION. Quran is always applicable, in all era, but in which interpretation?But bear in mind, we call for this, but doesn't mean it's not happening yet, reformation within Islam has been going on since forever.QUOTE(xein @ Jan 12 2015, 10:48 AM)Pada pendapat saya, islam tak seharusnya diselarikan dengan peredaran zaman. Sepatutnya peredaran zaman diselarikan dengan islam.ia sama seperti islam tidak sepatutnya dipolitikkan tetapi politik diselarikan dengan islam.Kenapa tidak? Kita bukan mahu \"ubah Islam\", tapi memperbaharui pemahaman, intrepretasi quran dan hadis. Quran dan Hadith itu masih sama. Dan ini bukan benda baru, memang pemahaman telah dan sedang diperbaharu. Islam yang dipraktis sekarang tidak sama exactly dengan Islam beratus2 tahun dahulu, meaning praktisan Islam sudah sememangnya \"berubah\". Mungkin ada yang terkejut dengar ini, Islam berubah. Perkataan \"berubah\" itu mengejutkan, dan akan ada yang tidak setuju. Bukan saya kata Islam itu berubah, cuma pemahaman itu diperbaharui dengan timbulnya minda moden, negara itu negara ini, fatwa itu fatwa ini, mazhab itu mazhab ini, pembaharuan perlahan dalam beratus2 tahun. To me, you sound like those who call for the caliphate system to be back in this modern times. Am I correct?If so, I disagree with that. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9423604607582092} +{"text": "Kalau makanan halal haram ikut Jakim. Tp ubat selamat ke tak, taknak ikut KKM pulak? Aku takpaham la", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6196123361587524} +{"text": "QUOTE(sagethesausage @ Jul 7 2024, 03:30 PM)How does this whey taste?Honestly this is the best whey I\u2019ve tried. White choc cranberry. Why I like this ? It doesn\u2019t make my tummy bloat or feel heavy. It\u2019s also not that sweet ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(TendouJigoku @ Aug 6 2015, 04:04 PM)Bodo pipu cannot differentiate the status between siput babi and the babi itself.its not haram because of the name \" la bang bodoh tak tahu dont komen ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 14 2021, 06:58 AM)When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?!\u00a0 )Yes, that is correct. I think the four main mazhab (school of thoughts) in Sunni Muslim are like this.But in Malaysia the most predominant teachings are of the Ash'ari theological school. Which puts extra additional \"safe guards\" that we Malaysians are unfortunately too well aware of. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999475479125977} +{"text": "ZIKIR-ZIKIR SELEPAS SOLAT:Hadis Satu:Tsauban r.a. berkata, Rasulullah s.a.w. apabila selesai bersolat, baginda beristighfar tiga kali, kemudian menyebut:(Maksudnya: Ya Allah, Engkaulah yang memiliki Kesejahteraan, dan daripada-Mu asalnya kesejahteraan itu, segala keberkatan adalah milik Engkau Ya Allah, yang mempunyai kebesaran dan kemuliaan.\"al-Walid kemudiannya bertanya kepada al-Auzai, bagaimana cara beristighfar yang dimaksudkan? al-Auzai menjawab:(dengan mengucapkan): Astaghfirullah (3 kali) - (Maksudnya: aku mohon ampun kepada Allah). (Sahih Muslim, Hadis No.: 591, Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, Hadis No.: 26021 ) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.583058774471283} +{"text": "QUOTE(iamSUSUman @ Dec 3 2023, 10:33 AM)eh the skewer you eat is the normal roadside style with cumins, pepper and chillisyou gotta try the xinjiang skewers lagi best.it's like a line box cube meat with stainless steel skewers.then they got roti (something like our naan but crunchier with sesames on top)fried rice with raisins.order their homemade yoghurt (not all serves homemade yoghurt)hghhhthe vendor was from xinjiangbut too bad no bread and yogurt ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999747276306152} +{"text": "Study MEDICINE in Abroad/ Overseas...\n\nBelajar Medical/ Perubatan dengan yuran yg Rendah..... \n\nHanya dari USD4000 sahaja....\n\n* Penginapan hostel yg selesa\n* Makanan Halal dan Bersih \n* FREE Flight Fare.....t&c apply....\n* Free Laptop...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993141889572144} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Jul 24 2024, 02:34 PM)Ermm, is it? This is a Muslim restaurant right? How about a Malay style restaurant? NO tanglungs?I also see the same thing on popular hiking trails in Malaysia that are near to type C areas. They will go hang all their tanglungs along the trail.It ends up looking like a jungle trail in China.\u00a0 It's a Muslim owned restaurant selling Chinese food Yong Tau Fu. She just hang tanglung as decorations only. Like this also salahkah?Hang tanglung also can become China? LOL! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8213295340538025} +{"text": "QUOTE(AmeiN @ Mar 1 2018, 02:48 PM)tudung pun mahal nak mampos, sapa dapat bini suka tudung kelab malam ni padan muka la..kahkahkahini ko cakap mahal? lol kesian kat bini ko nanti dpt suami malas nak mampos.LOL ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7929635643959045} +{"text": "QUOTE(quadcube @ Jan 15 2018, 04:52 PM)Same,wifey material, sumandak best if I come back from JP,probably will try to get a job in KK and settle down thereif u work at sabah thn u can't afford her alreadyno future working in sabah at allthe salary damn lowQUOTE(ah mao @ Jan 15 2018, 05:09 PM)Hahaha so true. Many drivers just exit the junctions, making U-turn or changing lane without flashing the signalshence the existence of my channel and pageQUOTE(TheReaderReads @ Jan 15 2018, 07:45 PM)go sabah must try this fatt kee fish noodlethis dish will depend on individualsome prefer fatt keebut those who really know how to eat will say madam ing is the bestQUOTE(Lancewood @ Jan 15 2018, 07:56 PM)Under 3 for drinks, 7-8 for normal bfast. You kenot afford meh??for those working in kkonce a week can afford, everyday eat this kind of pricei can assure u they won't have any savings at allmany around me that dn't eat out everyday also totally no savings ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925891160964966} +{"text": "The statement is correct. However hiring or being Muslim servicing the food don't automatically grant u Halal status. Halal certification is equal to food hygiene standards in which most road side stalls failed. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Jan 12 2015, 09:48 AM)That's why it's essential to use our rationale. We should understand the context of the text, not just follow literally. How can anyone in their right mind condone killing SIMPLY because someone choose to leave Islam? I'm still learning, because I don't agree we should kill that easy.Another belief is that the Quran was revealed during the ancient time, war time, war between religions. So \"apostates\" here means enemy in war. It was actual wars between religions that time, so turning against Islam means you are joining the enemy's side of the trench, literally. That's when reaction such as killing is permissible. This make more sense to me.yup, youre right. we should learn how to tolerates and always remember one of His characteristics is that He is the most forgiving and merciful.and verse about quran (4:89) continuous with next verse (4:90) Except for those who take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you. that make sense, but Allah tak cipta quran untuk satu era sahaja. bear in mind that god's words tak terikat pada masa macam kita manusia ni. bagi aku kita mesti selarikan islam sesuai dengan peredaran zaman. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "QUOTE(skywardsword @ May 17 2024, 06:07 PM)for that info, better you directly contact them.it would be dosa for me to provide you incorrect/outdated information.The Berjaya Waterfront Hotel and Berjaya Duty-Free Zone Shopping Complex share the same car park building, making it easy to get lost, right? Until 2024, they never repaired the lighting?Recently, there was a Malaysian Malay-language action film on Netflix about terrorists hijacking this hotel. And finally of the drama ending show Berjaya Group sponsor the hotel for this netflix drama shooting.Now, is this hotel business very bad? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988455772399902} +{"text": "Kari je kot, masak la sendiri kalau tak mampu instead of bitchwhine ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998387098312378} +{"text": "Kedai melayu bersih letak tepi takpa, janji bahan2 dkt makanan tu saja yg halal and paling penting tak 'kembang tekak'", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8525670766830444} +{"text": "QUOTE(sk1l @ Jan 4 2019, 11:58 AM)from my forwarded whatsapp msgs : Breakfast Astaka Taman Tun Sardon Pasar Awam Taman Tun Sardon, P227 Hilir Pemancar, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqd92jkNasi Kandar Kg MelayuNasi Kandar Kampung Melayu, Lintang Kampung Melayu, Ayer Itam, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdp0g3Roti Canai Agryll RoadRoti Canai Jalan Argyll, Jalan Argyll, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4excRoti Canai Transfer RoadRoti Canai Trasfer Road, Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4f3xAstaka Rope WalkAstaka Lorong Kulit, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9jt9LunchNasi Kandar Deen Maju Deen Maju, 170 Jalan Gurdwara, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg0bd5Nasi Kandar Deen JelutongRestoran Deen, Jalan Jelutong, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdsv6uNasi Melayu Lidiana (Masjid Terapung Tanjung Bungah)Kedai Makan Lidiana- Nasi Melayu, Persiaran Tanjung Bungah, Tanjong Bungah, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zr1gem8Nasi Padang Transfer RoadRestoran Nasi Padang Minang, 92 Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4fseNasi Campur Melayu, Stadium Bandaraya - Also Mee Udang and etcAstaka Jalan Perak, 210A Lilitan Stadium, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9pdnHameediyah RestaurantHameediyah Restaurant, 164A Lebuh Campbell, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg47wqHameed Pata Mee SotongHameed Pata Mee Sotong, 19 Lebuh Pantai, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6er7Ani Nasi Campur Gulai SembilangAni Nasi Campur Gulai Sembilang, Jalan Ahmad Nor, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdufn6Nasi 7 Benua-Nasi 7 Benua, 231 Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3cshcLaksa JanggusLaksa Janggus, Lorong Kg. Perlis 10, Balik Pulau, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0ntzwCargas Cafe Nasi CampurCargas Cafe, 6 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq17yh5DinnerAyu Mee UdangAyu Mee Udang, Lengkok Kampung Masjid 1, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0fb13Astaka Padang BroomMedan Selera Padang Brown, Jalan Perak, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfc868Pak Hussein TomyamPak Hussin Tomyam, Lilitan Bayan, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3c198Gurney Drive Food Court Pusat Penjaja Anjung Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfw6egNasi Dalca Kassim MustafaRestoran Kassim Mustafa, 12 Lebuh Chulia, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg3bv5Sup HameedSup Hameed, 48 Jalan Penang, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg5hcrRestaurant Kapitan - The Best TandoriRestoran Kapitan, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6025Restoran Pen Mutiara - Kari Kepala IkanRestoran & Hotel Pen Mutiara, P220 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq44hm7Nurul Ikan BakaqNurul Ikan Bakar Special, Lebuhraya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq6wswqChar Koay Teow SaniSany Char Koay Teow, Jalan Sult ://waze.com/ul/hw0zq4pd3kthanks bro..appreciate it.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997708201408386} +{"text": "QUOTE(flagstaff @ Jun 11 2019, 01:42 AM)Please read thoroughly. It seems to me, that you are the one that didn't finish reading, or maybe your comprehension is lacking.She did say, \"if jauh beribu batu, she would rather throw it away than let her kid consume the chocolate\".In reality, her version of jauh beribu batu...who knows? But, my point is... Throwing it away makes everything ok? Really?Since you are ok with that... I assume you are the kind of ppl who are ok with ppl who cheated your money and went on umrah.Tldr:Bodoh bertempat la bangsat. Kecik2 suruh belajar taknak, dah besar buat dosa je tau. Dosa/hutang dgn manusia, ingat mintak ampun dgn Allah settle? Star banyak, baca xreti. Tp kutuk org tak reti baca. G mampos la ckp je kencang. Wa tau la lu telor besar, baik g check... maybe cancer telur. Xlama dah tu...so what you gonna do if your kids taken chocolate from grocery and you are far from the place? think twice, i wont be interested to know because you are another typical /kidiot who knows only to criticize. Nothing more than that. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8927114009857178} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Sep 12 2015, 11:40 AM)Hangpa tak malu ka?tak malu sebab aku ada banyak duit. rumah, lambo, & chicks.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abkau ader ape? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967472553253174} +{"text": "Buat kesekian kalinya soalan yang sama timbul lagi. Isu halal haram produk Shaklee. Kenapa tak de sijil JAKIM? KakNjang jawab kat sini ya...\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47 https://t.co/dGUXLtYrYV https://t.co/rVfZumgnHG", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999667406082153} +{"text": "QUOTE(DJJD @ Dec 9 2020, 07:59 PM)Tidur sebilik tapi katil lain kan. Iman kuat....Tidur sekatil, bogel, tak buat apa.FARKING GOD LEVEL IMAN. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9090599417686462} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:11 PM)You see the difference is Here :Christianity : You can drink, but dont get drunk.Christianity : You can look at women, but dont do anything stupid.God's Word are truth, suppose to making Sense.If you talk about God's word then there is no mentioning of the word alcohol but \u0671\u0644\u06e1\u062e\u064e\u0645\u06e1\u0631\u0650 (khammar or wine). The word alcohol is modern scientific name for any type of organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl (\u2212OH)There are many type of alcohol. The one in beer and wine is just one of them.Why the fatwa said that bread is halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "QUOTE(Fanvil1534 @ Jun 12 2023, 03:11 PM)https://rnggt.com/202330475/Nons - have to apply sijil Halal just to capture the Sunkists market, and even then kena kecam \"betul ke Halal ini?\"Sunkists - takde sijil? MAKAN JE..... buah sama mar... \"MESTI HALAL PUNYA\".Then news like this come out, and come the comments \"NONS MONOPOLY SEMUA! MANA MARUAH ORANG SUNKISTS! SEMUA SALAH DAPIG!\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7428019046783447} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ttbatdtptsm @ Mar 3 2024, 03:52 PM)its own money right ?What bout this guy ? Under gov or own?Norway some more . PH boleh buat. PN tak bole. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9878538846969604} +{"text": "Ketua Pengarah JAKIM berkata tidak semua produk makanan yg mempunyai kod atau nombor 'E' mengandungi bahan daripada sumber yg haram. #JP02", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.774057924747467} +{"text": "https://t.co/I39zVOW7se *DIMSUM FROZEN*... *KELUARAN BUMIPUTRA* *HALAL* *SIJIL MESTI* *KILANG DI MALAYSIA* \u2714 *Special* \u2714 *1KG/RM35.00* anggaran 60biji-65 ikut pada berat.... \ud83e\udd80\ud83d\udc9ahijau-ketam \ud83e\udd90\ud83d\udc9bkuning-udang \ud83e\udd91\ud83d\udc9cungu-sotong \ud83d\udc25\ud83e\udde1oren-ayam \ud83d\udc1f\u26aaputih-ikan siakap *ORDER SEKARANG*", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8063305020332336} +{"text": "Bagus orang tak yah dah kalut. Hari tu ada satu kedai burger owner melayu wifenya cina tapi sexy, sibuk la orang tanya halal? Halal? Halal? Sexy terus tak halal kisahnyaaaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5128594040870667} +{"text": "QUOTE(greed road @ Aug 16 2016, 04:47 PM)Sorry, cant help about the patented area. never have any experience with it. yes its true about the bone. but, this one they help to solve the 'waste' issue at keropok lekor industries, where the bone doesnt need. and i dont think the keropok lekor workers bring the bones home for cooking. As I said just file for a patent if you think that is an invention.I cop all my kitchen waste and make it into fertilizer doesn't get me any patent, nor inventor status as well. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9075444936752319} +{"text": "Sebab kenapa sijil/certificate Halal penting. Take note @Oreo Kah!! https://t.co/nEV6UCfFMK", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9668965935707092} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN #makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/3xkmsuSkE", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949190020561218} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pichu00 @ Jan 23 2021, 04:17 PM)No cert u dont eat la who force uJanji mesti HALAL woi~!!!!!!Tak halal, tak makan!!! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998188614845276} +{"text": "Isnin | 28 Disember 2020BANGI - Menyeludup daging wagyu yang tidak mempunyai sijil halal bersama kontena yang diisytiharkan mengandungi daging babi antara taktik dipercayai turut digunakan kartel daging import di Malaysia.Tindakan itu bertujuan mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa untuk membawa masuk daging haram ke Malaysia sebelum membungkus semula serta meletakkan logo halal yang tidak sah.Perkara itu turut diakui seorang usahawan daging import, Mohd Hafis Khairulah yang terlibat dalam industri pengedaran daging halal wagyu dari Jepun sejak hampir empat tahun lalu.\u201cAda sindiket yang sama seperti kartel. Mereka membawa masuk daging tanpa melalui proses pensijilan halal dan (kebenaran) kastam.\u201cModus operandi mereka ialah mengisytiharkan kontena yang dibawa. Contohnya mereka membawa daging itu dengan daging babi.\u201c(Kalau) Satu kontena itu boleh muat daging sehingga 15 tan, jadi lima tan mereka akan bawa (daging wagyu) yang seludup.ADVERTISEMENT\u201cKita tidak kata kastam tidak buat kerja tapi sukar untuk mereka periksa nombor kontena yang dibawa itu (apabila isytihar daging babi tetapi di dalamnya turut mengandungi daging wagyu),\u201d katanya ketika ditemui Sinar Harian di sini pada Ahad.Mohd Hafis KhairulahMenurutnya, siasatan yang dilakukan sendiri ke atas pembekal daging wagyu yang menjual secara dalam talian juga mendapati kebanyakan penjual tidak mempunyai sijil halal.Mohd Hafis berkata, perkembangan itu jelas menunjukkan daging wagyu yang dibawa masuk itu tidak mengikut prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang dibenarkan oleh kerajaan atau dalam bahasa mudahnya, seludup.\u201cAda pembekal dalam talian yang memang tidak ada sijil halal yang kita dah dapat buktikan. Bila kita tanya ada sijil halal atau tidak, dia jawab tidak ada.\u201cAda individu yang kita tanya mengakui ada (sijil halal). Kononnya dia ambil (stok daging) dari rumah sembelihan di Jepun yang ada sijil halal tetapi kita tidak tahu dia bawa masuk macam sama ada dengan daging babi atau bagaimana,\u201d katanya.Mohd Hafis ketika melawat rumah sembelihan daging wagyu di Jepun.Jelasnya, situasi itu mencetuskan kebimbangan besar kepada syarikat yang diusahakannya kerana ia boleh menghakis keyakinan orang ramai khususnya orang Islam.Sijil halal ditiruJelas Mohd Hafis, selaku satu-satunya syarikat pengimport daging wagyu di Malaysia yang mempunyai sijil halal loji pemprosesan produk campuran daripada Muslim Professional Japan Association (MPJA) yang diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), aspek halal dan haram produk yang di bawa masuk ialah sangat penting.Katanya, syarikatnya turut berdepan dengan isu sijil halal yang ditiru secara tidak sah oleh pengedar yang tidak bertanggungjawab.\u201cAda pembekal yang tidak bertanggungjawab meniru sijil halal dan memanipulasi sijil halal yang kita peroleh semata-mata untuk mengaut keuntungan.\u201cJadi, kita harap pihak berkuasa khususnya kerajaan memandang serius isu daging seludup itu kerana ia bukan sahaja memberi kesan mendalam kepada orang Islam tetapi turut menjejaskan perniagaan pembekal daging import halal dan sah yang lain,\u201d katanya.Sijil pengiktirafan asli daripada MPJA kepada syarikat Mohd Hafis.Dalam pada itu, Mohd Hafis mengingatkan orang ramai khususnya umat Islam supaya tidak membeli daging import termasuk wagyu yang dijual dengan harga yang begitu rendah di pasaran.Katanya, ia berkemungkinan daging yang dijual itu diseludup dan tidak mendapat pengiktirafan halal.\u201cBagi daging wagyu, kita sedia maklum harganya mahal iaitu antara RM800 sehingga RM2,000 sekilo mengikut jenis. Jadi kalu ia dijual dengan harga terlalu murah, sangat tidak masuk akal,\u201d katanya.Selain itu, katanya, daging wagyu halal dan sah ada disertakan dengan sijil keaslian oleh MPJA kepada pembekal yang membelinya di pusat sembelihan yang diiktiraf.Tiga cadangan elak insiden daging seludup berulang:Syarikat harus 100 peratus bumiputera.Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (kastam) perlu mempunyai unit pemantau halal khusus untuk memeriksa makanan di pintu masuk negara.Kerajaan perlu fokus tingkatkan industri perladangan lembu bagi mengelak daripada terlalu bergantung kepada daging importArtikel Penuh : https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1165...am-kontena-babi\u00a9 2018 Hakcipta Terpelihara Kumpulan KarangkrafThis post has been edited by bisobona: Dec 28 2020, 09:08 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999070167541504} +{"text": "JAKIM dah share maklumat berkenaan makanan/premis halal untuk semakan semua.\n\nNak lagi senang?? Anda boleh semak melalui aplikasi Verify Halal. Taip aje nama premis/makanan terus keluar status halal https://facebook.com/JomCekHalal/posts/1695362220513170\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995325803756714} +{"text": "Kepatuhan Malaikat\n-tugas\n-nama\n\nBidang Hadis:\nIkhlas dalam perbuatan\n-maksud ikhlas\n-ciri orang yang ikhlas\n\nSifat-sifat negatif\n-nyatakan sifat negatif berdasarkan hadis (cuma ada 4 sahaja)\n\nHaram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999487400054932} +{"text": "Mmg xde yg halal ke? Isu dh lama. JAKIM dah dibayar gaji, korg la kena check makanan yg jual kat pasar tu mana yg halal utk masyarakat dan war warkan mana yang haram dgn spesifik\n\nPergi pasar tinjau. Lebih praktikal. Cegah kemungkaran dgn tangan. Amanah tu. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ May 3 2021, 08:06 AM)Hukum puasa adalah wajib dan makcik tua tu monopause already mana datang merah.Suka-suka je cakap orang sudah menopause. Itu pun fitnah ke? Menopause pun tak tau eja. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980134963989258} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Mar 17 2024, 11:39 PM)Every year the same shit...not bored ker?No la of cos .. if not how to go viral and attract more crowd just to try... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998204112052917} +{"text": "Susah nak berniaga dalam Malaysia ni. Semua benda mudah triggered, malu lah jadi Melayu! Diorang cari rezeki halal and buat makanan pun caranya dah bersih. Apa lagi yang tak kena?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6641197204589844} +{"text": "Yg haram tu makan babi...patin dia makan apa pun still halal dimakan.\nMP-0jZrSanE\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ May 16 2022, 01:39 PM)dulu i kerja dengan certain department nak beli barang semua kena lalu \"appointed dealer\"lepas tu dia cuma middle man company rm2 tolong hantar budak pergi collect dengan supplier sahajabila i tanya kenapa tak ambil terus? i juga kenal supplier itu i boleh jer uruskan, tapi jawapannya untuk menjamin kualiti.so we have so many people in the middle untung atas angin, itulah budaya business di sini, u makan mahal beli mahal sebab ada orang mau makan beli berlipat2 kali ganda lebih mewah daripada kamu.Betul tu. Middleman kita kena hapuskan. Supaya harga lebih murah, saya salah seorang peniaga yang hapuskan middleman. Amik direct dari supplier. Untung pun lebih dari biasa dan boleh bagi diskaun pada buyer ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963551759719849} +{"text": "QUOTE(la bella @ Oct 20 2016, 02:06 PM)If I'm the owner of Auntie Anne's, I don't even bother to apply halal cert after this issue. I got free advertising from JAKIM. Got halal cert or not is not important anymore, most important there's still many people come and buy my pretzels.later got easily confused viral says not halal coz not halal cert ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9134190678596497} +{"text": "Nak fitnah dan sabo bisnes orang lain pun pakai la akal tu sikit. Apakah memang ada orang asal nampak ayat \"BABI\" terus triggered menggelupur langsung tak payah pikir cerita tu betuk ke tak?Kadang2 aku pun rasa hairan dengan sesetengah org melayu ni. Dah la duduk di Malaysia berpuluh tahun tak reti atau faham budaya ataupun isu orang lain. Pakai otak la sikit, babi tu mahal tau, mana lah ada orang gila bagi daging babi sebagai dedak ikan??? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(rjsyazwan @ Feb 18 2016, 05:28 PM)wah, restoran mohd chanquite popular cuz near uitm shah alamthe dishes in their menu is deliciousbut quite expensive ladunno how for this open houseedit: saudara lama tak boleh datang keboleh bring kolik ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "QUOTE(aimank_88 @ Jan 8 2015, 04:35 AM)Huhu tu la sedih bila dengar citer camni.. Iman tak diwarisi. Mana ada dalam Islam mengatakan keturunan Rasulullah doa lebih mustajab. Ikut amalan masing2...betul iman x dpt diwarisi..baru2 ni kawan aku ank ustaz kena tangkap dengan polis kes dadah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982560276985168} +{"text": "@RealAhmadFauzan JAKIM bab halal haram makanan jer, bab hal berkaitan aqidah bole sampaikan melalui kitab,lebih2 potong gaji", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 12:13 AM)again you misunderstood the whole issue.it's not about having to test every product as if it's to undergo certification.it's about labelling the item with the material used.it's not halal or haram. technically halal just means permitted while haram means prohibited.yet everyone here is crying hoo haa as if it's a real big issue when it's as simple as putting a label.wow umno/bn really know how to rustle ppeople's jimmiesOddly enough the number one people who don't label what's used in their products are those who muslims perceive to be halal, e.g. cosmetics, tongkat Ali stuffs, etc. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999513626098633} +{"text": "she just sell, not eattouch babi using glove..but the money she get still haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998788833618164} +{"text": "Satu Hari, Satu Adab \u2013 Adab Sebelum Makan\n\nSebelum daripada kita memakan, hendaklah kita peliharakan tujuh perkara:\n\n1. Hendaklah makanan itu:\ni. Halal pada dirinya.\nii. Bersih pihak usahanya.\niii. Jangan makanan yang haram pada diri seperti arak.\niv. Dan keji pihak pencariannya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999682903289795} +{"text": "Engear is the best. that presenter really know his stuff ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993706345558167} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Jan 31 2024, 02:17 PM)Cari vietnamese yang makan kucing, makan anjing, makan babi lepas tu tanya status halalLolExactly. Already not a local food. Just ask if halal or not, if not, just move on la. Then later make viral for no reason ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "sepatutnye dok perlu pertikai kalu hokk melayuu dohh mmg kite tau bahan2 mesti halal... yg kite risau hokk bukan islam bukan melayu ni takut guna alat2 yg digune utk mnde2 yg dok halal\ud83d\ude01 https://t.co/JnwvNKtsHv", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(mick84 @ Sep 9 2023, 06:35 PM)They got famous because of 1 food blogger EdmondLam. I watched his video, both bottles are the same. Not the rice wine.Old video maybe legit. Yg penting, now not using then ok.Netizens also questioned why after the rice wine issue became viral, he use 2 bottles of sesame oil? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9435464143753052} +{"text": "\"tak kacau nons\".Beware.Anyway carolling ok laa why sked a bunch of pipur singing song. It's like a barisan or two sing nasyid songs or even dikir barat.Unless iman tergugat hear elements. Your faith should be stronger than that. Liddis might as well say other religion pipur hear your songs terus change their faith to yours all sarahan songs. Why so sked of each other. Just sing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.987011730670929} +{"text": "Rumah saya ada sikit je makanan begini. Tapi paling diorg suka sebat makanan t20 Haura sebab diorg taknak beli. Perangai https://x.com/bckupacc99/sta/bckupacc99/status/1793652138159263889\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9458140134811401} +{"text": "Bila dengar berita sijil halal kena gantung, x semestinya produk tu ada unsur haram. Unhygenic practices pon blh jadi punca dia digantung. So don't simply claim company tu hasilkan produk yg ada \ud83d\udc37, \ud83c\udf7e, etc.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992846846580505} +{"text": "in general it depends where you exploring in Japanif cities just wing it, its easy to go about and around in cities that you dont need guides for thatif outskirts, best get a tour guide cause they will arrange everything for you edbut if you are well versed in japanese things then you can also wing the outskirts part yourself ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969379901885986} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:27 PM)arak haroom coz of alcohol rite?if used in cooking... the alcohol will be evaporated and the wine will become no more thn a grape juice ..Arak haroom sebab najis, sebab memabukkan.Alcohol tak haroom. Gune alcohol untuk cuci luka = tak haroom.Perfume ada alcohol, tak haroom.Yang haram bukan alcohol, tp arak.Sama macam dadah, takde alcohol, tp haroom dan najis, sebab memabukkan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Nov 24 2023, 01:15 PM)ko tak yah putar halim la. rokok haram tetap haram. but malays tutup mata macam kimak.\u00a0 Ada aku cakap tak haram?Aku nak explain kenapa orang ambik mudah rokok haram atau tak compare with arak Yg ko pulak nak kepochi lebih apehalThis post has been edited by Seoliem: Nov 24 2023, 01:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997856020927429} +{"text": "Tak setuju dengan jais. Tapi damn kalau tak tahu ninja joe tu tak halal konfem aku dh terbeli ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9187676906585693} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Feb 12 2024, 01:39 PM)Restoran Chef Wan or Rebung Chef Ismail.Tried bothCili kampung is better for my taste bud. The best so far but pricey.If TS mum enjoy nogori style cooking then his mum sure like it.Location Sri Hartamas or go to Langkawi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999740123748779} +{"text": "\naku rasa bukan tak de orang melayu yang mengeluarkan produk mi,kutiewww,bola2 ikan ke dan lain2 cuma ...\narenis Post at 10-6-2010 13:20 \n\nDah kerajaan mula perkenalkan halal hub tu suma...takkan kerajaan gak nak buat kilang proses barang2 halal tu suma..kita orang melayu la patut sambut....kalau tak mampu buat sensorang...francies la..lepas tu edarkan seluruh negara.\n\r\nLetih aaaa pasal depa tak reti sensiviti orang islam ni...depa tahu nak untung je..", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999417066574097} +{"text": "@aishaiman9 Dia guna sijil halal tipu.. ni dah kira food fraud which is beyond halal and haram. Kenapa nk kena guna sijil halal tipu walaupun dia ada sijil halal taiwan tp bila buka kedai kat malaysia still kena apply halal JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "\nPrickford replied at 22-7-2022 02:16 PM\nGeng cucuk bintang yg dah kertu.\nyg penting kita enjoyyyyy bak kata nowa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939082860946655} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:10 PM)Vegen restaurant where got lard or wine..vegan oso haram anything to do with animal substance and oso alcohol.I mean true vegan lahWhat is true vegan? Does animal product like butter and milk count? Does drinking only distilled water that contain no microorganism matters? Total mystery. Btw, one vegan guy told me wine/beer is not animal product so totally vegan food certified. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963346719741821} +{"text": "u put best nasi lemak in ipoh but nasi lemak is haram style... see got ppl trigger or not ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999380111694336} +{"text": "@azfarock @IjamKloppo @n3thead McD ada sijil halal... minyak masak cap buruh, sri murni pun ada sijil halal... ke sijil halal tak diiktiraf sekarang? Huhu\ud83d\ude2d", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903163313865662} +{"text": "QUOTE(Fubar20 @ Dec 23 2020, 03:57 PM)When nobody watches the Watchmen, macam ni lah. Suka hati bapak dia nak minta donasi.ask donasi or ask koreamoi ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982640147209167} +{"text": "Haritu pi TRX, sedih... brp restoran je yg ada sijil halal jakim. Kalau semua muslim pakat boikot yg tiada sijil jakim, sudah tentu lebih banyak restoran yg apply sijil tersebut. Tapi apakan daya, ramai ambil ringan hal makanan halal ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998824596405029} +{"text": "Setuju kak ;) : mahal/murah relatif. yg penting bersih+halal Pilih makanan bersih mahal atau murah tapi ...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973004460334778} +{"text": "Betul kalau takde Sijil Halal JAKIM rasa ragu-ragu nak makan. Tu hak masing2. Mencari yang halal tu memang perlu. Tapi bertelagah macam ni selesai ke masalah? No wonder polis pun bosan nak dengar aduan masyarakat \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.999680757522583} +{"text": "Guys, serious question here...The water I drink from the faucet has no halal certificate, so it is considered haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "many type m go Hatyai.Dont they know Thailand supports Israel.Furthermore as a muslim, its haram to travel to foreign country for vacation unless its missionary purpose.just stay a home type m ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6830005645751953} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 03:42 PM)Thank but i admire your lazziness, lack of knowledge and emotion based Muslim with no knowledge.I think this version of muslim can be called as a Parrot Muslim. Can read quran but dont understand the meaning he reciting. Mostly their knowledge about Islam is very low. Only emotion as their fact and sources. I post all the verses and surah and yet you dont translate the meaning and read it. I purposely do that so i know you are the person will never go back to Al Quran and sahih hadith when there is a question regarding halal haram or about Islam.Thank you for proving me right hehe .I will personally recommend you to Muhammad Wanndy Mohamed Jedi. You'll be a very pro active team members of his. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9306087493896484} +{"text": "X pernah pi, tp adik ckp kedai dia ada menu sedap, ada menu rasa biasa je. Nak ckp x sedap sampai x boleh makan tu tipu la. Selesa sbb ada surau besar & sejuk. Harga tu padan dgn portion bahan mentah sana mahal.Korangkan sibuk terpaling halal, dah ada kedai halal, komplen pulak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.36605605483055115} +{"text": "Love it so much. Pls make it viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989776611328125} +{"text": "QUOTE(cempedaklife @ Mar 12 2024, 08:18 AM)For me, canteen is a responsibility. It\u2019s not your gerai, suka hati then buka. Half half is still a lot. Only sell kuih etc is not being responsible. lolBro, chill...School back then where got so crowded...There are like only 2 class M and B. Each class around 30 or so students. I would say it's fair to either open or close. Back then where got everyone eat from canteen. Poor ma. Me myself everyday 20c je... Eat roti from home.When I got to secondary achool... Wah... Different world... About 11 or 12 classes.Like I said demographic... Dont get trigger... There are school with a lot less students than u think. I purposely sent my son to a school further from home which only has 30++ per class and only has K and M. Not every school has over 10 classes. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999747276306152} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Jul 28 2016, 04:45 PM)I'm just glad that someone like you agreed that having a different religion does not constitute as changing one's race when it comes to the granddaughter's case but you seemed a little bit hesitant when it comes to Ridhuan Tee. Maybe this article can put your doubt to rest \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abManfaatkan Tahun Baru CinaOleh Mohd Ridhuan TeeTAHUN Baru Cina menjelang tiba. Malah, bahangnya begitu dirasai apabila limau mandarin diagih-agihkan ketika kempen Pilihan Raya Kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Tenang sehinggalah hari pengundian pada hari ini.Ramai yang bertanya bolehkah umat Islam bersama-sama orang Cina menyambut Tahun Baru Cina? Saya ingin menegaskan di sini, boleh. Tidak timbul masalah selagi kita pandai menjaga batas-batas sebagai seorang Islam.Tahun Baru Cina adalah perayaan budaya, tidak ada kena-mengena dengan agama. Malah digalakkan jika mahu menyambutnya demi dakwah, terutama saudara muslim Cina yang telah memeluk Islam.Hari raya orang Cina adalah Tahun Baru Cina. Berbeza dengan Islam, tahun baru Islam dikenali sebagai tahun baru hijrah atau Maal Hijrah, tidak akan kaitan dengan hari raya. Manakala hari raya dalam Islam adalah Hari Raya Puasa dan Hari Raya Korban. Dari segi signifikannya, sambutan hari raya lebih membawa banyak erti, kerana nasnya jelas, berbanding sambutan tahun baru.Bagi orang Cina, tahun baru membawa signifikan yang cukup bermakna. Jika mahu melihat orang Cina berhenti bekerja atau cuti rehat, tahun baru akan menyaksikan segalanya. Selebihnya masa setahun digunakan untuk bekerja. Kerja keras tanpa kenal erti penat. Sikap sebegini perlu dicontohi oleh umat Islam, jika mahu dipandang hebat. Malangnya, ada yang hanya bekerja sehari, mahu hidup sebulan atau setahun, dengan menggunakan jalan pintas seperti mengambil rasuah.Sebagai Cina Muslim, saya tidak ketinggalan, saban tahun 'menyambut' tahun baru bersama-sama ahli keluarga seperti ibu tercinta dan sanak saudara. Matlamatnya tidak lain, dakwah. Sambutan ini penting untuk menunjukkan bahawa apabila memeluk Islam, kita tidak menjadi ekstrem atau meninggalkan cara hidup lama yang tidak bertentangan dengan Islam.Walaupun menjelang sambutan Tahun Baru Cina, ada upacara sembahyang. Itu hanya sebagai tanda ingatan kepada nenek moyang, tidak ada kaitan dengan agama. Sebagai Cina muslim, kami tidak campur tangan dalam upacara tersebut.Pada saya, daripada menyambut tahun baru Masehi, lebih baik kita menyambut Tahun Baru Cina. Kerana impak dakwahnya lebih besar dan bertepatan dengan gagasan 1Malaysia. Lagipun cara sambutannya tidaklah seghairah menyambut tahun Masehi yang penuh dengan hiburan.Tidak dinafikan bahawa tahun Masehi dijadikan tarikh utama di dalam kalendar masyarakat antarabangsa. Boleh menyambutnya jika tahu menjaga adab sopan. Apa yang menyedihkan, setiap tahun menjelang masuk tahun baru masehi, berbagai acara sambutan secara besar-besaran diadakan sehingga tidak menampakkan nilai keilmuan dan ketimuran.Justeru, jika ada pilihan antara dua perayaan ini, saya lebih memilih untuk 'menyambut' Tahun Baru Cina kerana signifikan dakwahnya lebih besar serta menyumbang kepada matlamat gagasan 1Malaysia yang diilhamkan Perdana Menteri.Sebenarnya cara orang Islam dan orang Cina mengira atau menghitung hari atau tahun baru pendekatan yang hampir sama, walaupun cara sambutan berbeza. Kalendar Islam dan kalendar Cina disebut sebagai kalendar kamari (bulan) atau kalendar lunar, yakni berasaskan kepada peredaran bulan.Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina lahir dari rasa takut dan mitos. Legenda berbicara tentang binatang liar bernama Nien (juga membawa makna \"tahun\") yang muncul di akhir setiap tahun di Tanah Besar China suatu ketika dahulu. Nien dikatakan bertindak menyerang dan membunuh penduduk kampung. Cara untuk menghalau dan menakut-nakutkan Nien adalah dengan menggunakan bunyi letupan (mercun) dan cahaya terang benderang (bunga api).Kejayaan menewaskan Nien ini telah disambut sebagai permulaan kepada Tahun Baru Cina dengan mengambil kira nama 12 jenis binatang terpilih yang silih berganti setiap tahun. Perayaan yang bersamaan dengan permulaan kepada musim bunga di China adalah permulaan kepada bulan baru dan zodiak baru.Terdapat berbagai versi cerita bagaimana binatang ini dipilih. Antaranya, legenda meriwayatkan, bahawa suatu masa dahulu Gautama Buddha telah menjemput semua binatang untuk mengadapnya, tetapi cuma 12 binatang sahaja berkumpul.Sebagai penghargaan dari Buddha, kesemua binatang ini diberi penghormatan menjadi zodiak yang mulia bagi masyarakat Cina. Binatang-binatang itu ialah anjing, khinzir, tikus, monyet, harimau, kambing, ayam, kuda, ular, naga, lembu dan arnab.Ada yang percaya mereka yang lahir dalam tahun-tahun ini akan mewarisi sifat dan untung nasib binatang tersebut. Tahun ini pula jatuh pada tahun arnab.Tidak perlulah saya huraikan sama ada tahun arnab membawa tuah atau tidak, kerana tidak semua mempercayainya, apatah kita sebagai umat Islam. Takdir, ajal maut, susah senang adalah di bawah qada dan qadar Allah. Kita hanya berusaha, Tuhan sahajalah yang menentukannya. Tetapi yakinlah, Allah tidak akan sia-siakan usaha orang yang ingin merubah hidup, tidak kira pada tahun apa sekalipun.Namun, jika ada orang Cina percaya kepada untung nasib tahun binatang yang silih berganti itu maka hormatilah kepercayaan hidup mereka.Makan besarBagi orang Cina, tahun baru melambangkan titik permulaan dalam nasib dan kehidupan. Lantaran itu, permulaan tahun baru disambut pada waktu menjelang Maghrib (kalendar kamari) dengan makan besar atau reunion dinner sebagai tanda perjumpaan besar atau persaudaraan.Makan tradisi akan dihidangkan seperti daging itik, daging salai, sosej, kuih pulut dan limau mandarin. Tidak ketinggalan yee sang dan kuih bakul. Rumah akan dibersihkan dan dihiasi. Bersama-sama dengan warna merah, tanglung, mercun dan pakaian tradisi, yang menjadi simbol tradisi kemeriahan masyarakat Cina. Budaya ini telah diwarisi turun temurun.Mercun dibakar pada tengah malam bagi menandakan bermulanya tahun baru dan menghalau hantu dan perkara tidak baik. Ucapan Gong Xi Fa Cai atau Kiong Hi Huat Chai (Hokkien) lazim kedengaran maksud tahniah! Semoga bertambah atau dimurahkan rezeki.Terdapat juga keluarga yang mengundang tarian singa sebagai upacara simbolik untuk menyambut tahun baru sambil menghalau puaka dan musibah dari rumah. Juga tidak dibenarkan menyapu sampah kerana ada yang percaya seolah-olah menolak rezeki atau menyapu rezeki keluar.Golongan muda pula akan melawat golongan tua dan menerima wang ang pau dalam sampul merah bagi melambangkan nasib baik, yang diberikan oleh orang yang berkeluarga kepada mereka yang masih belum kahwin. Budaya ini juga turut diikuti orang Melayu ketika menyambut hari raya dengan warna ang pau yang berbeza (hijau).Di Malaysia, telah diisytiharkan bahawa dua hari pertama bagi Tahun Baru Cina adalah cuti umum. Namun, hari kesembilan (juga tahun baru bagi orang Hokkien) dan kelima belas atau Chap Goh Mei tidak kurang pentingnya. Ia adalah hari terakhir bagi bulan penuh, menandakan penutup bagi perayaan ini.Islam tidak melarang menyambut perayaan budaya ini. Begitu juga memakan yee sang menggunakan sepit, dan makanan yang lain, selagi mana ia halal. Inilah universaliti Islam. Meniru atau mengikut budaya atau cara hidup orang lain tidak salah. Kerana kejadian berbangsa-bangsa ini adalah ciptaan Allah SWT. Selagi mana budaya tersebut tidak bercanggah dengan Islam, selagi itu kita boleh raikan. Termasuk menggantung lampu tanglung.Jangan pula jika ada saudara kita Cina muslim yang menggantung lampu tanglung, kita tuduh mereka tidak Islamik kerana saya belum pernah melihat orang Arab berhari raya menggantung lampu pelita, lampu ketupat dan bulan bintang. Ini adalah hanya budaya bangsa Melayu. Budaya setiap bangsa saling berbeza.Bangsa Arab ada identiti lampunya tersendiri dan cara menghiasi rumah. Sama juga dengan seni reka bentuk masjid yang berkubah dan tidak berkubah. Kita tidak boleh kata seni reka bentuk Pagoda tidak Islamik. Kerana seni bina kubah yang ada rata-rata pada masjid hari ini bukan seni bina Arab atau Islam tetapi seni bina Moorish-Indian. Justeru, di manakah seni bina Islam? Jawapannya, universaliti Islam menerima segala bentuk budaya dan seni reka selagi tidak bercanggah dengan asas Islam. Dengan sebab itu, Islam tidak ada lambang khusus yang menentukan kita Islamik atau tidak. Yang penting iman dan takwa. Lambang tidak penting seperti orang Yahudi.Pendek kata, berbangsa-bangsa adalah ciptaan Allah SWT. Allah yang menjadi Melayu, Cina, India, bumiputera Sabah Sarawak dan semua bangsa di dunia ini. Mereka ada cara hidup dan budaya sendiri. Tidak salah mengamalkan jika tidak keterlaluan atau bercanggah dengan Islam.Cuma satu sahaja saya ingatkan supaya umat Islam tidak terlibat dalam hiburan melalaikan, walaupun tidak salah kita meraikan bersama atas semangat 1Malaysia. Ini digambarkan oleh firman Allah SWT dalam surah Al-A'raf ayat 51 yang bermaksud, \"Orang-orang kafir itu ialah orang-orang yang menjadikan perkara-perkara agama mereka sebagai hiburan yang melalaikan dan permainan, dan orang-orang yang telah terpedaya dengan kehidupan dunia (segala kemewahannya dan kelazatannya)\".Ingatan Allah SWT ini amat jelas supaya kita tidak melampaui batas. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum itu, maka dia dianggap salah seorang dari kalangan mereka\" (Riwayat Al-Imam Abu Daud).MenyambutJusteru, pada saya menyambut Tahun Baru Cina tidak salah, kerana ia adalah perayaan 1Malaysia. Tetapi pandai-pandailah menjaga batas-batasnya. Sama juga menyambut Hari Raya Puasa dan Hari Raya Korban adalah ibadah. Tetapi jika cara kita sambut sehingga terkeluar dari norma-norma Islam, maka ibadah akan bertukar kepada padah. Pahala bertukar kepada dosa. Pendek kata, bukan soal perayaan itu yang menjadi masalah tetapi cara kita menyambut perayaan tersebut. Jika kita isi dengan hiburan yang melalaikan sudah tentu sambutan yang awalnya bersifat ibadah, tidak mendatangkan pahala lagi melainkan dosa dan musibah.Akidah adalah perkara yang sangat penting dalam agama Islam yang mesti dipelihara dan dijaga dengan sebaik-baiknya oleh semua umat Islam. Oleh itu, sebagai umat Islam kita janganlah terikut-ikut kepada perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan akidah kita. Kita juga hendaklah berhati-hati dan berwaspada agar tidak melakukan sebarang perbuatan yang boleh mendatangkan kemurkaan Allah SWT.Kepada seluruh masyarakat Cina saya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Cina, Gong Xi Fa Cai, maaf dipohon jika penulisan saya selama ini ada mengguris hati kalian.I knew you would quote CNY. But I'm not convinced because even many rationale malays or indians join in to celebrate CNY. It's nothing special really because Even Christian Chinese celebrate CNY. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9484847784042358} +{"text": "Apa aja dimakan asal bersih sehat bergizi enak halal murah RT : kamu suka pilih-pilih makanan ga ? #cumanNANYA", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8945679664611816} +{"text": "QUOTE(mick84 @ Nov 29 2022, 11:39 AM)https://www.ajinomoto.com.my/brands/retail-...uct/aji-no-motoDear Ustaz. Baca budaya baik.It\u2019s vegetarian friendly.Because pigs like vegetables. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Dec 9 2018, 05:31 PM)The meaning of Demonstrasi = Protest. Candlelight vigil = to show support for a specific cause.Either way it can be a form of protest against something and to support another thing. One against another.In TS letter, there are words used \" jangan lah kamu buat kerosakan\" in reference to reformasi which was a call to reform.BOTH underlying principal are the same.You understand or you don't?Kau ni mufti ke nak buat fatwa sendiri? Majlis fatwa dah kata haram, haram lah. Pandai dia pulak daripada mufti. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999832272529602} +{"text": "Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! Happy Teachers Day Selamat Hari Guru Morning Friday SMEnt We Are One", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.645725429058075} +{"text": "QUOTE(didididiketto @ Sep 11 2016, 03:27 PM)Imagine chinese cuisune without savorful dim sum, wantan mee, roasted meat (roasted jiken, steamed jiken, siu yuk, charsiew), pot rice, steamboat, seafood, taufufa, egg tart, any kind of soups etc..? Is kind of meh... noodle with plain soup, rice with plain dish like stir-fried vege and steamed meat/tofu, healthy but less savory.Anyway kudos to Chinese cuisine as one of best cuisine in da world, anyway i still feel like Indian cuisine is my no1, japanese no2, malaysian (regardless race) no3.\u00a0 The canton are the first one to migrate and \u53d1\u9633\u5149\u5927But to say without canton cina food is meh is just as stupid as japanese food is meh without the sushi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996564388275146} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!Look at the whole story. The reason behind it is the drink is intoxicated. It was talking about beer and wine. The term alcohol is later as one of the chemistry content to those drink. By nature itself the alcohol is not the drink. It is being used to produce many products. The alcohol in perfume is ethanol. The main purpose of ethanol alcohol in perfumes is to enable the oils that are supposed to provide the scent to linger in the air around us. It is easily evaporate thus spread the perfume over the air.The non-alcoholic perfume use oil as carrier instead of alcohol. So, depends on what type of oil it can be light or thick. The good thing about non-alcoholic one is that the smell can last even whole day unlike alcohol base.If alcohol by itself is haram, then during bread making process ethanol is also produced but still bread is not haram to eat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995829463005066} +{"text": "i like going back to kampung bcs i can meet all my relatives. but what i don't like is that we have to prepare everything every time balik kampung. makanan tu tak kisah la mama aku memang pemurah suka beli barang dapur and masak untuk berpuluh orang. but mineral water tu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "@CodyRhaegoth Nampak sijil halal, yakin dan makan. Mudah kan? Mudahkan masyarakat umum. Menjaga kepentingan orang ramai. Peniaga kenalah ikut aturan. Kalau peniaga pengotor, nak pegi ke makan situ? Kau nak mudah macam mana lagi? Jumpa lipas dalam makanan pun dah melenting.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980839490890503} +{"text": "Ye, mencari yang halal itu wajib. \n\nCuma sebelum tanya tu, fikir dua perkara.\n\n1. Gerai tepi jalan macam ni berkemungkinan besar tak ada sijil halal JAKIM.\n\n2. Kalau ragu-ragu status makanan sebab food operator bukan Islam, maka lebih baik tinggalkan saja.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998410940170288} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 31 2019, 09:34 AM)Remember the Cadbury incident? Then the call for boycott and wanted to wage war against the company? Then jakim retracted? Good ol time.I won't complain about having a stamp as a guideline like what some og did in the west for minority Muslim. But when one little dna discovery cause the whole nation to lose their sht, its pretty confusion and hilarious no?From what I recalled, in that case, there was testing done and apparently pig dna was said to be found in a couple of cadbury products. If that was true, of course there would be uproar. It's a product bought by many muslims based on it's halal certification and assurance there are no pig-related ingredients in it. Why would it be hilarious if it's true? If faeces is found in a well-known and popular product, I would expect uproar as well.Turns out though that the initial testing was false and there was no pig-dna. Jakim came out with clarification on this and everything calmed down - as it should. Muslims still bought cadburys as far as I know. The people who did the initial testing and claimed about the pig-dna should have done better though and should have been reprimanded (believe it was the Health Ministry). ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9938803911209106} +{"text": "I remember there is a nasi lemak and satay stall there. Helm by Malay wat. \"Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.\"Ahh. They want the drinks to be halal as well. Just buy can drink cannot? Maybe the cup and ice not halal pulak. Next, they will force the place to allocate Halal section. Then biz no good will complain halal section not premium location. And on and on and on. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "Some in this thread are confused (or pretending to be confused) about the halal status of a food and halal certificate of a food ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996107220649719} +{"text": "QUOTE(J1g54w @ Mar 18 2022, 08:47 AM)why JAKIM never enforce this fatwa? budget RM1 billion pula tuThis post has been edited by estcin: Mar 18 2022, 10:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.971729576587677} +{"text": "QUOTE(kembayang @ Jul 31 2020, 11:22 AM)Ada beef carbon bang. See above. X mampu Makan banyak nasi awal pagi. Inclusive in the room. Taste so so only. Dunno can last or not till lunch time.Your meal is my total daily intake already. But ok work hard eat alot and more fortune will come to you. Keep it up. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "Haram ni! Sun was so hot and blinding so look inside shop. Less glare. #bersangkabaik ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999123811721802} +{"text": "QUOTEQUOTE(waveweaver @ Jan 10 2021, 08:07 PM)Bukan raid lah. Just routine checking most probably somebody make complaints. Nothing happen.. life goes on like usual.QUOTE(waveweaver @ Jan 10 2021, 08:19 PM)Like i said most probably ada orang complaint lar tuh. Bak kut teh shop no need go check one... dah tentu haram.Bro, in the first place, why even need to go \"routine check\"? From what I understand, ppl complain to JHEAI there were muslims going to the shop eventhough it has no halal certification. If you already know the shop has no halal certification, why still wanna go \"routine check\" la? Just give a statement in mainstream media, socmed, etc, something like \"JHEAI wishes to remind that muslims can patronize shops with halal certification tanpa was was. For shops without certification, the food and ingredients may or may not be halal so please use your judgement\" settle la, kan? Why go and make it as though they wanna save muslims from agenda halus puak kafir nak bagi muslim makan makanan tak halal liddat? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.884587824344635} +{"text": "\u2800\n\u2800\nGalih, 1999. Suka kalap kalau beli makanan, alias lapar mata.\n\u2800\n\u2800", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6790773272514343} +{"text": "QUOTE(hahakat88 @ Nov 23 2020, 07:55 AM)U really butthurt easily, ppl tell you how to improve, you reject the idea and happy with jaguh kampung mentality. topkekthats why proton is what it is today, owned by foreigner. 25 years in the business and received billions, still making loss.He sikit sikit trigger. Then accuse people is closet racist which he doing best at that. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "Ramai akan ambil kesempatan.\n\nSebab nak dapat cop halal JAKIM sangat complicated dan ketat.\n\nUntuk dapat cop haram pula, tiada tujuan syarikat makanan nak kejar dapatkan logo haram. Lagi kecilkan market dia je.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Mar 13 2024, 06:52 PM)the writing is on the wall. these small and medium companies will eventually have to consolidate and merge in order to achieve scale and pricing power, they are at huge disadvantage even regionally right now (see thailand).\u00a0 our protected P1 market has enabled the local supplier component market to survive on old models for too long.QUOTE(metaled @ Mar 13 2024, 07:00 PM)heard the people in industry is saying Geely very tekan, its like wanna tekan you out so that their best friends in China can export their products here.looks like the issue is not coming to an end yet.but to be pair, the current model of Proton is very far different from back in the days where they can kutip duit saja.My view is the same even though I'm not in this industry. From outside it seems like what you said, Geely pressuring vendors then use the opportunity to change to their own in China.@diffyhelman2. Those vendors are not in charge of the old models. They just make the sunshade or the leather seats, whatever Proton ask them to make. Yes, some models were kept way too long because of the contracts with these vendors. But at least Proton back then was honouring the contract they signed, unlike now where they signed 1000 units a month but only buy 200 units.QUOTE(fongsk26 @ Mar 13 2024, 06:59 PM)I think X70 is due for a face lift and X50 is still top seller in its segment though ativa is closing in fast\u2026 It is proton\u2019s marketing strategy to move up the more expensive segment to have higher profits, I guess.\u00a0 So far, proton big sellers is saga.I REALLY doubt the higher segments give profits. My X70 alone claimed warranty for steering rack, driveshaft, some suspension and brake components. Many people X70 claimed gearbox warranty, some few times. Anyway, 2018 X70 until now no change at all no wonder no sales. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970360994338989} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Sep 8 2023, 11:56 AM)Got show halal logo ke in the first place?If not, then the uncle doesnt claim its halal and not wrong.I think referring to the malay couple who opened the claypot chicken rice shop that got viral Their patrons are 100% chinese from the video but they are Muslims thoughSo might be a sticky issue. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6778536438941956} +{"text": "Sama macam babi, hikmah sbb kotor laa ada cacing..tpi kalau ade satu masa babi dipelihara dgn baik, bersih tanoa cacing, bagi makan makanan mahal, adakah jadi halal?\n\nJawabnye ttp tak halal..kita xmakan bkan sbb hikmah pengaharaman tu...tapi sbb larangan tu sdiri", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999594688415527} +{"text": "QUOTE(otai_g @ Aug 18 2022, 09:17 AM)workers are workers.not related with ingredients.serve no pork doesnt mean halal.QUOTE(Chisinlouz @ Aug 18 2022, 09:20 AM)The statement is correct. However hiring or being Muslim servicing the food don't automatically grant u Halal status. Halal certification is equal to food hygiene standards in which most road side stalls failed.QUOTE(a13solut3 @ Aug 18 2022, 09:22 AM)if the owner is non, you better stay the fuck as far possible away from doing halal f&b if you can't secure halal cert.one day you will get sabotaged even if you are legitimate.But what if the restoran never put up \"HALAL RESTAURANT\" ?cant simply dakwa right? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945629239082336} +{"text": "guys, adakah JAKIM yang menentukan segala makanan halal haram nya?! :) bukankah semua makanan itu halal kecuali khinzir & arak..!?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.901689350605011} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ Dec 20 2023, 02:45 PM)go kundasang must eat their kepsi ok? best in the world.. no play play...Oh. This is a question I want to ask. Why is kepci so popular in Sabah. It's everywhere. Is borenos better? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ May 3 2021, 12:19 PM)Yang tak sakit tu apehal? Iman tergugat ke tengok orang sakit tak puasa?Kamu pergi hospital suruh semua pesakit tutup aurat ke?nekid pipu at hospital? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "Tak lama dulu XFT announce halal status dgn bukti sijil halal dari MUI. Ada orang check kesahihan sijil tu. Sijil dikeluarkan oleh LPPOM MUI DKI Jakarta dan tak berdaftar dalam sistem LPPOM MUI Pusat. https://t.co/2UEd6xISqI", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999833345413208} +{"text": "\nkisahkeaku replied at 22-7-2022 01:17 PM\nTgif dgn chillis pun xde halal.lek2 je ummh meleis mkn up kat ig nk bgtau lepak kat kedai urban.ahgi ...\nKhennnnz koman2 ko hambik gambo jari ko letak atas meja mozek chilli's tuh\r\nAcik suka italiannies\r\nHalah halahhhhhh takyah cafe cecantik, William kat tmn mayang tu punnn tah hader sijil halal ke idok\r\nWalaupun William dressing mcm apek kalah judi jer dok layan kastemer, heshe tehhhhtap tukar pakaian pakai jubah jalur2 bila nak solat magrib yach\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892107248306274} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vexation @ Oct 25 2016, 11:05 AM)bcause Ramly is the most common and popular Malaysian burger. I imagine the P here stands for Pork, so the Pork Ramly, of course it's not the real Ramly company la.It is also a pun on P.Ramlee's name, since this is a homegrown all Malaysian burger joint. it's kinda smart i think.Hope Ramly burger sue that restaurant to kingdom come ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "kedai makan kalau serve alcohol, tentu\u00b2 aku takkan jejak . of course halal jakim takde eventhough the owner said ingredients halal pe semua . seelok-eloknya makanlah makanan yang ada unsur halal jakim bukan halal semata sebab halal jakim je boleh buat kita rasa yakin.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995085000991821} +{"text": "obviously ada niat jahat nak huru hara negara. video lama pun viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998107552528381} +{"text": "@BillaYunus Tu la. Masalahnya kecoh pasal isu halal semua. We are what we eat. Bukan makan bab* or benda haram pun. Takde sijil halal Malaysia je.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "QUOTE(8bitguy @ Nov 26 2019, 05:12 PM)vague at best. Everyone got definition of what's \"best\".when u have only tapoica shoots/pucuk ubi and babi aroun on earth....u only eat tapoica shoots/pucuk ubi till u die ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "Khidmat nasihat pelabelan produk makanan di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Makanan 1983, Skim Pensijilan MeSTI, GMP & HACCP di bawah MOH, Sijil Kesihatan dan Penjualan Bebas untuk eskport ke luar negara. Pensijilan Halal di bawah JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5295760631561279} +{"text": "@roslina1704 @hahahamie Kedai MELAYU dan ISLAM takde sijil halal , TAK BERSIH ? Itu okay ? Kedai CINA dan BUKAN ISLAM , but BERSIH + SELESA . tak okay ? (Keliru lah agama mana yg sepatutnya praktikkan kebersihan)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.963469386100769} +{"text": "\u26a0\ufe0fTERKINI PRODUK ISU HALAL\u26a0\ufe0f Produk PEWARNA COCHINEAL TIRUAN mengandungi kod bahan CI17420 dan ianya mendapat sijil Halal yang sah dari pihak JAKIM. Pengguna juga boleh menyemak status halal produk tersebut secara terus dengan JAKIM melalui aplikasi Verify Halal. https://t.co/bsjnYRvoAi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995417594909668} +{"text": "\r\nAkummg tak akan beli makanan made in china, sayur ke garlic chili ke mmg tak akan, lps kes susu baby beracun dulu mmg aku elak beli made in china tp sebelum tu pun mmg takbeli brg makanan dr sana even brg electric pun tak suka beli made in china, aku akan cari made in germany. Sbb ntah made in china ni mcm pprt lol\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998624324798584} +{"text": "Dh retweet pasal HALAL, puas hati. Mcm Tony Romas, masa 2010 restaurant tu masih ada liquor but recently dlm 2015, liquor dh takde sbb diorg in a process nk apply sijil HALAL.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.47597116231918335} +{"text": "\ndodolgemok replied at 19-11-2020 05:42 PM\nHarap2 hak majority utk pastikan duit yg dipegang tu halal dan telah disertu dapat diselesaikan dg ...\nJap...terasa? \n\r\nAku nak tau gak.. Panas sangat kenapa? \n\r\nTerasa bahang sbb suka fitnah sebelum ni. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999297857284546} +{"text": "QUOTE(zephyrus9999 @ Aug 9 2018, 10:44 PM)haram leh. how bout vape then?Its oso an addictive intoxicant. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989160299301147} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Mar 17 2024, 08:25 PM)Islam only \"works\" when everyone in the society follows the hukum syariah.It relies on everyone obeying the Islamic law. Then everyone will be terrorised into obeying even if some fellas do not want to puasa etc.They can't follow while others of the same ideology not following.Tak boleh tahan.\u201cTerrorised into obeying\u201d lmfaoWhat a term lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999157190322876} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 20 2024, 08:05 AM)This is quite true, a lot of times those that want to migrate is just from people's hearsay, I've worked in a couple of countries, some for short period like 2 months, some longer like 1-3 years, the longest was 6 years, and there is a few countries that I will not want to be there long term (all these countries I've been there for work, either from 1 month to longest 6 years):Places that are not Safe: Congo, Papua New GuineaPlaces where culture cannot gham with my style: FrancePlace that is low key racist: AustraliaPlaces that is too stifling: JapanPlaces that I love and hate for the same reason: USA (I got really into 3 gun shooting, hate the place because of all the gun violence)Places that I just dont like to stay because it feels like a big Hospital: Singapore (I've got a condo here, currently being rented out to an Expat thru his company)So the only place where I've got property and will think of semi retirement: China (plan to spend half my time there and half my time in Malaysia after I retire)Weak, pathetic saps that still believe current gov is any better than the past and love blaming others need to read this and understand.QUOTE(treblecase @ Feb 20 2024, 08:55 AM)Because some of them are failures in this country. Everyday komplen this & that but never really look at themselves why they can't make it in their own country. You go ask those really rich nons if they wanna migrate or not? Sure they would want a PR or 2 in another country but they'll never give up citizenship here, the land where they're making all those riches.+100 for the cold hard facts.QUOTE(Lescotesco @ Feb 20 2024, 09:03 AM)u work in kl or u work else where the standard is the same, cannot be u perform here badly ur company will still retain u? working stress where also will have lo, cannot be ur boss will treat u just becoz u r local close 1 eye on ur bad performance?and ofcoz sure it is greener only ppl will consider migrating... got ppl never think then decide to migrate 1 meh it is a big decision to make. Whennit comes to migration, trust me, most of the time they are running away from reality. Need not sugarcoat stuff, if a person is capable, Malaysia is basically the best place to launder and raise prices. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.803144097328186} +{"text": "sijil halal ni yang tolong hilangkan syubhah kat kedai2 yang timbulkan waswas ni. Haram bukan pada babi je. Kalau ikut i better be safe than sorry.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995957016944885} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Jul 15 2024, 11:40 AM)nowadays everyone doing business purely for profit only. dont have moral compass, never think what they do will affect their comrades's health or not. all purely about $$$best nasi lemak should use real santan from coconut. ok fine, they skipped that part and use santan in box. but when they found cheaper alternatives, santan sawit wtf?its coz our purchasing power drastically reduced, u dun see ppl cheapskating on food ingredients at country where the cost of living is low, like korea for example, lobster with premium cheese (not cheap fake nachos cheese like here) is literally street food there, we more like heading towards India level, everything cheap is using spiced powder/water for taste...QUOTE(cempedaklife @ Jul 15 2024, 11:54 AM)the bihun looks nice.is nice but a bit kembang ady.. sudah thicc ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9668803215026855} +{"text": "Ntahnye tak perlu kecam orang yang menegakkan sijil halal ni. Dorang cuma bagi peringatan. Korang yakin it's halal carry on. Tak yakin tak payah. Simple. Pasal bubble tea pon nak gaduh. \ud83d\ude11 https://t.co/hJu9l06IiS", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8537967205047607} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nachiino Etamay @ May 21 2019, 10:42 AM)sigh.inilah dia.... orang tiba2 nak jadi specialist islamalcohol from yeast is 100% confirm halal.the turning point is not the ratio or gramsits about, if you eat large amounts of bread, can you get intoxicated?if the answer is no, its halal.if the answer is yes, its haramits really as simple as that.fcuking shit trying to put flame on oil. go back and bark to your own UMNO dogs man. cilaka anjing kuripan berputar.The alcohol is burned off during baking, right. So what's the problem? If the issue is the presence of alcohol in very minute amounts also a problem then these people shouldn't be breathing since there is way more alcohol in the air. The air is also haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9896026253700256} +{"text": "adala caranya, malu aku nak explain dosa aku ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "Try check dkt portal halal, tiade dlm rekod halal.. Tp rmai melayu g je kdai macamni. Klu kedai western, korean, chinese klu org melayu g makan situ ramai tuduh mereka makan makanan yg takde status halal walaupun lebih bersih ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997296929359436} +{"text": "Kenapa ada yang nak salahkan KASTAM? Tak tahu pulak KASTAM yang jaga status halal haram makanan dalam Malaysia ni. KASTAM kutip cukai je. Once dah bayar cukai, lepas je lah masuk. Kenapa JAKIM nak lepas tangan? Dan kenapa tak expose lagi nama company yang bawak masuk daging tu? https://x.com/ConferWithTerr/ConferWithTerry/status/1342346384540794881\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999654293060303} +{"text": "Syntha 6 is the best protein powder for me.Best taste.If it taste like shit, it doesn't go down. If it doesn't go down, it's useless. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8369064331054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Nov 2 2013, 11:23 PM)well, i've seen the coca cola + pork video many times, and many version. i dont think that is a myth. you should watch it and decide whether you still want to consume it or not. either way, i dont care. we dont eat pork because its haram, and that is it.it's myth. t. spiralis is microscopic. t. solium cyst is also microscopic. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7384965419769287} +{"text": "Makan minum mesti mau halalKlu lain2, boleh tutup mata sebelah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9123884439468384} +{"text": "QUOTE(rikimarumal @ Jan 4 2018, 08:31 PM)rokok x haramrasuah x haramrogol anak x haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9576510787010193} +{"text": "Nanti mesti persoalan nya ada sijil halal ke? https://t.co/LawkxSVKAA", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999785423278809} +{"text": "Pedulikah anda?\n\n\"Barangsiapa yang tidak menghiraukan dari jalan mana dia memperolehi makanan (HALAL atau HARAM), maka Allah juga tidak akan hiraukan untuk memasukkannya melalui mana-mana pintu... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156672030752398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7343034744262695} +{"text": "@MaisarahMahmud https://t.co/BTBOS2yiih Atau boleh guna produk ElHajj buatan tempatan. Ada sijil Halal Jakim & Saudi Arabia Standard Organization. Khas utk kegunaan harian, haji & umrah sbb organik xde campuran haiwan, wangian & alcohol. Dpt pengiktirafan best Muslim product dkt UK baru-baru ni https://t.co/HF9IHthKd3", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5926793217658997} +{"text": "Someone please insert photo of that songkok cosplay guy holding Manila card written absolutely haram. I can't find it anymore.This post has been edited by andrewhtf: Jan 4 2018, 11:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "QUOTE(SuperGampang @ Nov 21 2018, 09:02 PM)Wow, people here actually bashing just based on ts question vege haram or not. Dont it occur to u maybe shes looking for a friend who says to go meet in that restaurant and shes not sure it is the right one? Or shes just checking which restaurants she wanna try.What kind of mentality is this. Only know how to bash. Dafuqnye katak bawah tempurung. Go bergaul dgn org lain boleh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966639876365662} +{"text": "QUOTE(StationMonkey @ Sep 12 2015, 12:58 PM)gemuk pun ada org syg,\u00a0 nk malu apaFatty spotted. Pity those guys that can't get model gf have to settle for leftovers. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meThis is depan makan yesterdayhow to become strong willed ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "\r\nBoleh cuba masakan cina kat yeos sekeluarga di gelang Patah.. Tempat best mengadap laut link kedua Singapore..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998961687088013} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Aug 6 2015, 04:24 PM)1. Since when Siput Babi dua alam?2. Dua alam is they can naturally live in dua alam. Siput sedut cannot naturally live in land. They can survive for a short period of time, but they can't live on the land definitely. Like how Itik is not considered dua alam even though they can swim and terjun tiruk into the kolam.3. As for ketam, ketam batu is haram. Ketam laut is halal. Both are ketam, but ketam batu can naturally live in both land and sea.Wut about mud crab? Can or not? Mud crab is the most popular 1 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999525547027588} +{"text": "Then what for we have our ulama and fatwa and JAKIM if you won't accept their ruling? Percaya ruling kat facebook je ke? Ustaz kat YouTube je ke? Then all the kedai makan yg ada sijil halal pun no need to accept then kan smh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7710310816764832} +{"text": "Di Sabah banyak kedai meletakkan tanda \"serve no pork\". Kalau pemilik kedai tersebut yakin makanan mereka halal mohon saja sijil halal baru dapat menarik lebih ramai pelanggan Muslim. https://t.co/M6iCEJOoI1", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999964714050293} +{"text": "QUOTE(asd5139 @ Mar 7 2023, 03:43 PM)My bm fail kot dont really understand the diff on point no 3 4 and 5. Can paraphrase to a more simpler sentence ah.Umum: Alkohol yang terhasil secara semulajadi, atau dihasilkan sintetik bukan untuk tujuan membuat arak atau memabukkan maka dibolehkan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sepatutnya. Umum: Alkohol (atau sampingan) dihasilkan/terhasil daripada tujuan pembuatan arak, ABSOLUTELY HARAM, DIANGGAP NAJIS.Spesifik: Alkohol yang membahayakan nyawa jika dimakan, maka HARAM JIKA DIMAKAN. Siapa suruh kau makan?(5) Alkohol yang terhasil secara semulajadi (buahan, sayuran) atau terhasil secara sampingan daripada pembuatan makanan/minuman, dibenarkan. kau bukan nak dapatkan alkohol tu, tapi ia termunc juga atau memang dah ada.(6) Alkohol (yang bukan daripada tujuan penghasilan arak) yang digunakan untuk tujuan penghasilan makanan/minuman dibenarkan pada nisbah tertentu. Asalnya tak ada, kau tambah pula cikit nak bagi makanan dan minuman tu menjadi, tapi alkohol tu bukanlah komponen utama atau ditambah sebab nak bagi mabuk.(7) Ubatan dan pewangi boleh gunakan alkohol yang bukan datang daripada pembuatan arak. Digunakan (pewangi) atau dimakan (ubat) tak salah.Tapi kalau dimakan pewangi dah tentu jatuh balik sebagai HARAM sebab dah salahguna alkohol yang tak sepatutnya dimakan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.884583055973053} +{"text": "halal people want to eat haram food. just like vege people want to eat meat. both also bodoh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992172718048096} +{"text": "Same channel Best Roadside Pizza Stall in Ipoh?\nwhoU4yShmiw\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown_2 @ Oct 12 2015, 09:51 AM)luckily muslim in my office open minded enough.fridge & microwave also can share wit no issue.you sure not later one day one fler go demand from management a halal fridge else go viral on FB.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(hollyweed @ Jul 12 2018, 05:35 PM)lol cakap macam bagus.pastu ubah topic konon belagak kaya.lol so called 20k ka? kecian spender pun mak bapak belikan lagi.Kaya atau tidak, tak taulah. Tapi cukuplah untuk menyara hidup 10 pekerja. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9844177961349487} +{"text": "Funny looking at these \"clever\" guys thinking that they are being \"critical\" asking about Islam.But then when people explain they reject, saying \"why not like this?\", \"Islam should be like this ma!\"For whatever reason they come up with, without no evidence, no support, no rulings or even international fatwa to back up their so called \"The real way of Islam\"Its like teacher saying the world is round, but you have this kid asking \"why cannot be square meh? I like square lor\", when teacher say its just the way it was meant to be they suddenly claim \"Wahh teacher like Jangan Persoal only\" and felt proud thinking that they are \"clever\" out of the box thinker.But most people in the classroom already know that kid is asking stupid question and dont even bother helping him due to his over inflated ego refusing to listen..LoL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.976688802242279} +{"text": "Why no one complaint the tax money from alcohol and 4d sales haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "\"Bangsa melayu telah banyak tertipu\" apa benda sijil halal dah ada bertahun2. Kata nk utamakan produk muslim, tak bermakna kau kena buruk2kan produk non muslim. Tak pasal2 tambah dosa https://t.co/OuJaYT9BcF", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ May 3 2021, 08:43 AM)Kepochibai is our budaya?Yes. Definately not budaya cina . U see the cina in the background, all no gip a fark oso.These are modern muslims living in singapore. U think they are kampung muslims from msia? So many modern muslims in KL eat pork, and drink beer and not a single sound is made. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8877716660499573} +{"text": "Andainya Cadbury itu tak boleh dimakan kerana JAKIM tipu, adakah semua makanan yang dicop halal oleh JAKIM jatuh hukum yang sama?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5379742383956909} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Nov 16 2020, 11:31 PM)Chicken kebab also red in colour, how come no confused it is pork charsiew?as I said, there are preconditions for it to fall under \"trying to look\" like charsiew. name, intent, color, taste, etc.if it does, that_particular_kebab is haram.that's why the explanation was given by a mufti, and the clarification was given by jakim who said THE CONTENTS is halal certified, as per the chop.it is what it is. doesn't matter you agree or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9863839745521545} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ May 21 2016, 02:04 PM)As long as the decision does not impede on various rights and freedoms guaranteed for every individual, it's still the will of the majority but the term does not have to refer to a race. I'm not in support of removing the sign since it also caters to non-Muslims who do not consume pork but the likelihood that it's being exploited is higher. The problem here is how the entire blame is placed on ignorant Muslims. Within the current context, removal of the sign does not affect an outlet or its clientele, unless you're referring to business such outlets might lose due if the the ambiguity of their service is made even more apparent. How about putting up a non-halal sign for no-pork outlets? Looks as bad as no-pork doesn't it? The best would be if all signs were removed and Muslims stopped patronising outlets without JAKIM's certification but you cannot deny that the F&B industry needs the Muslim clientele.I'm all for outlets displaying what they serve. No beef? No problem. No meat? No problem. It's more informative and I don't have to go through the trouble of enquiring.I would like think if something is important to you, you would take the effort to find out. I mean besides the proverbial can of worms in moral policing here, surely you can't expect to have all sorts of laws to protect the ignorant. Where do we draw the line? It's a bad idea to empower imbeciles to get you in trouble because he is either too lazy or stupid to think. I certainly don't want to walk into a mamak one day and the macha puts a sticker on my teh tarik saying \"AWAS PANAS!!!\" in bold red letters.This post has been edited by allinuff: May 21 2016, 02:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971128702163696} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Nov 7 2023, 11:16 AM)I wanted to take the cable car up and see the view. Mana tau that day service suspended because very windy...........\u00a0 masa kami pergi, kami sampai awal pukul 9that time ada dalam 10 orang je qride cable car okay, best. tapi sampai atas, boring.dekat atas kuat betul angin.lepas tu kami turung.gila q panjang untuk tiket dan q naik car. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9868246912956238} +{"text": "Tak, sevelah tu makanan yang mempunyai daging anjing, tapi diberi kelulusan dari Jakim, dapat lah status halal https://x.com/heliosmakaveli/heliosmakaveli/status/610438570059247617\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996522665023804} +{"text": "Maka tak hairanlah terdapat hotel/resort gagal adakan sijil halal buat Bufet Ramadan di premis mereka. Kaut untung bulan Ramadan lebih 2j tunai in advance *kaedah jual voucher sebelum Ramadan cuma sayang tak pula mampu dapatkan sijil halal. Payah katanya.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992793202400208} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 What in fuck's world is your problem with mont kiara, so many other places to eat nearby. Use ur freaking smart phone Google search function to know the place la, waste time open sial punya threadYou going the wrong way is your own mistake, confusing sign blame government who puts it there. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996148347854614} +{"text": "Orang Langkawi mesti bangga dgn wakil rakyat mereka. Tahniah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Ahmad yahay...kong ka li kong.... janagn bodo...Anak you tak makan, anak orang lain tak leh makan?Pundekkkk pi mampus ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997209906578064} +{"text": "How does it violate halal food law when it never applied for halal status at the first place? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6990096569061279} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 01:29 PM)The problem here is misrepresentation. That's wrong. If people see normal stall operated by malays they will assume it's halal. A legit non Muslim owned restaurants or stalls that want to sell to Muslim will apply for halal cert to get the same confident level. Some shops which have been operating for long time and has already developed a regular Muslim clientele may choose not to apply halal cert coz it's not legally required and they already have a sizable Muslim clients/patrons.In this case, it's a simple case of trying to mispresent their nasi ayam to Muslim customers as a product from a Muslim stall but in actual fact is not. That's what we call, penipu scammerto avoid confusionMust enforce all Malay operated stall apply Jakim halal cert including roadside gerai jaja secara haram tiada lesen ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "Yg pasal issue halal ni apa pnya gabra dia protect multimillion companies tak mampu nak bayar sijil halal. Padahal benda yg patut kita tgk adalah mentaliti rakyat Malaysia to perceive what\u2019s halal or not. Education is the key", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9247856736183167} +{"text": "QUOTE(Spectreoutreach @ Aug 17 2016, 06:07 PM)Just one more retail chain in market. Wish them all the best. Donnt need mock.\u00a0 Beside free market that's the attitude we wanna see ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999042809009552} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Oct 21 2019, 02:02 PM)The challenge to define, what makes a barangan = barangan islam. How does the component makes it islamic?Sorry i dont take that as a challenge. Duit aku, suka hati aku #BMF ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "@farhanbasri007 Makruh. Sbb dah viral xde sijil halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8125184774398804} +{"text": "use haram/bad name for food can. but if got slight pork/sexy picture or name cannot. bodo logic. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "QUOTE(ycs @ Oct 19 2016, 10:43 AM)yes, but isn't an image MORE confusing than a word?? an image can become sublimal, go inside your dreams later Isu basi. Already expired. Bosan already Next ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998231530189514} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 08:30 PM)you will never get drunk from drinking shandy. your liver process the alcohol faster than you can drink.oo?really?this is new for me.can ask later whether haram or notThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Nov 2 2013, 08:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998912811279297} +{"text": "Korang ada duit banyak and nak tengok laut, pergilah Maldives. Cari local island. Kat local island akan ada scuba/diving centre. Tinggal bayar je. Flight pun direct 4hours. Kawasan bersih lah juga, orang2 baik. Makanan halal berlambak. Nak cakap english pun senang.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8841660022735596} +{"text": "nasib baik bukan teh boh sebab aku suka cap tu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9919695258140564} +{"text": "Semua makanan aku suka selagi halal dan tidak beracun . Tapi paling suka dimsum sm ayam goreng ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930607080459595} +{"text": "Refer the 1 who make it viral, EdmondLam, in his video it shows both bottle same, no rice wine. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999423623085022} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Jul 14 2016, 10:29 PM)Jangan marah bang, saya cuma jalan kan tanggungjawab saya sahaja, untuk menginform (jika jika saudara tak tau), kalau tak nak buat takpa, itu urusuan tuan. Syubhah adalah salah satu proses pengenalpastian kehalalan sesuatu medium.Berdasarkan kata kata saudara, saudara cuma lihat dari sudut bahan makanan, tetapi saudara juga perlu melihat dari proses pembuatan juga. Jadi cara untuk memastikan pembuatan dan peralatan pebuatan juga memainkan peranan.Tapi sekali lagi saya memohon maaf jika saya menyinggung saudara, tidak ada niat lain selain melunaskan tanggungjawab saya sebagai menyebar kan pengetahuan. Saudara terima atau tidak, itu bukan cagaran saya. On the second point, islam have always live in a multiracial community, and has always respected other believes and tradition.I have experience few situation which my fellow friends, workers, and client serving me such condition but after my explanation they would understand, and i never stop at explaining only, instead i will accommodate them with fruits, and meals or really good gestures such as buying them present or an activity. This will show them that i do not hate them, but i am always strong to my principle and my principle will not restrict me to become their friends.With what you said, you felt that by rejecting them, you are being rude to them, but you shouldn't stop at rejecting them without explanation and any consolation which can show them that you are sincere in abiding to your principle.As for TC, i am very grateful that you are those who respect and always try to accommodate \u00a0 \u00a0 to muslim conditon! \u00a0 \u00a0 ( i actually wrote this as a reply in ur pm, only after I replied I noticed u have written here, so I just copy paste )Takde tersinggung.As u said we should stay away from doubtful matters. I agree. And I know once we have doubt on the halal, it is best not eat. But my arguement is, what if there is no doubt? People invite u to come eat at their house, should we have doubt on the cleanliness of the food prepared? If the host ( muslims or non muslims ) says the food prepared are halal, y should we have doubt? Even the prophet have eaten foods prepared by the jews. He did not even ask if its haram or halal. It is wajib to ask only if what is presented is seen as haram. Like theres some porks served nearby. Theres no larangan written in the quran for muslims to eat food prepared by non muslims. Maybe I have missed it and u can point it out? If there is, yes I am wrong. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928938746452332} +{"text": "Jadi intinya jadi orang biasa aja kan gess..lu belum tentu lu lebih baik dari Luhut..makanan yg lu makan pun blm tentu \"bersih\" (halal thayib)..lu benci Non Muslim dasar lu apa??\nUrusan keyakinan sampai lu Modar gak kaln ketemu satu Jalan..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(7thSeal @ Apr 12 2024, 10:02 AM)org nak makan diam diam saje, masih kena video dan viral. can just leave them in peace? its their choice, why sibuk sibuk nak jadi moral polis?Don't you know being a moral polis is the hallmark of a Taliban? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7357081770896912} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 1 2023, 09:15 AM)SHAH ALAM - Penang mufti Wan Salim Mohd Noor has called for premises selling non-halal food, including pork to provide a notice to inform Muslims.According to a Malaysiakini report, Salim said that there is nothing wrong with selling nasi kandar served with pork, as long as customers, especially Muslims, are made aware of its ingredients.While Islamic law forbids the consumption of pork, Salim made it clear that non-Muslims are not prohibited from selling non-halal products to non-Muslims.However, he stressed that authorities must play a role in ensuring that premises offering non-halal meals advertise or put up a notice on the food's status to prevent Muslims from consuming it.Salim was responding to Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association (Presma) Jawahar Ali Taib Khan's statement, where he claimed that a video clip of 'nasi kandar' served with pork on social media could spark confusion and a negative image of the local cuisine.Meanwhile, Selangor executive councillor Teng Chang Khim dismissed the claim as illogical to imply that Muslims would be so easily misled and confused.If this were ever the case, he suggested that foods such as dim sum, yong tau fu, and all sorts of other Chinese foods could not be sold and would confuse Muslims as well.Salim explained that the Quran prohibits Muslims from consuming pork as it is considered unclean. Scientifically, it has been found that it contains a type of parasite called Trichinella, which can pose health hazards to humans.For instance, Trichinella can lead to Trichinosis, which can be contracted by consuming raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with the microorganism.However, the infection may be prevented through hygienic food handling practices, particularly by ensuring that the stock is sufficiently cooked to kill the parasite.https://www.sinardaily.my/article/212056/ma...-inform-muslimsAbout babi, can talk one long grandfather story. How come i dont see the same passion when it comes to rokok, dadah, rogol? How come the same ustaz dont come up with a long ass statement on all these? Whereas ppl have been eating babi for ages and not a single person has died from eating babi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9830971956253052} +{"text": "QUOTE(8cr13mov @ Nov 21 2018, 11:32 PM)there's no non halal moneyonly haram moneyThere is.. Believe me ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "Saranan ni bagus tapi nak ikut tu payah sikit. Sebab tak semua restoran ada logo halal Jakim. Menurut Dr Maza, semua makanan dikira halal selagi tak terbukti makanan tu haram.\n\nKalau ada yg dh terbukti haram, tinggalkan la. Cari makanan lain atau restoran lain. Mak cik yg buka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "so kilang arak tu haram ???got meleis working there Carlsberg, GAB ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970689415931702} +{"text": "Permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia adalah bersifat SUKARELA dan BUKANnya wajib.\n\nPENSIJILAN HALAL:TIDAK WAJIB\n\nHUKUM MENCARI MAKANAN YANG HALAL: WAJIB\n\nJusteru, usaha murni\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999850869178772} +{"text": "Syarat makanan haram jadi halal itu cuma dua yaitu keadaan darurat dan SDH tidak ada makanan lain", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9047147035598755} +{"text": "QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Apr 15 2021, 02:06 PM)Well, general rule of thumb/best practice is.... settle matters privately instead of complaining to the public, REGARDLESS OF RACE/RELIGION.strangers online only added unnecessary noise that doesnt help most of the time except self-serving .i'm talking abt proven fraudsters / 'criminals' / thieves / cheaters etc..not just a dispute between ali & ah kaw. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982970356941223} +{"text": "If Sinkapork so racist against melayus, why are so many melayus flocking to the island for work? Also, why aren't the melayus there coming to malaysia seeking refugee status? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9912399649620056} +{"text": "Akak niqab ni sedar ke yang dosa fitnah ni lebih teruk dari membunuh? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "QUOTE(doppatroll @ Jun 10 2019, 11:35 AM)Safe food vs restriction food is different stories.... the misconception is there when ppl are not education to what halal means\u00a0 Just look at the vaccine caseErghh. Actually vaccine already been fatwa as harus and wajib in Malaysia.. And if don't want vaccine, mufti perak Tan Sri Harussani said it is a sin as it will effect the child health.So no problem here. Perhaps those who don't want vaccine has not clear about this. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994889497756958} +{"text": "QUOTE(acbc @ Feb 1 2024, 06:03 PM)Money more important than afterlife la.They only remember money when new s class come out. Other days haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "so nowadays container that got babi b4,.. even the babi is seal tight packing, the container haram already ??.. need to samak to be use for halal stuff ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "LOL built train dapat apa, Built production facility la kan bagus ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996944665908813} +{"text": "Yang suka makan pan mee boleh try this .. tak payah susah2 cari kedai..boleh masak sendiri kat rumah, yang penting halal ye\n\nCheck out \u3010HALAL Bundle CAK 5 in 1 \u3011Dry Chili Pan Mee (Fried Anchovies)\uff5cCili Pan Mee (Ikan Bilis Goreng) for RM20.90.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999179840087891} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Nov 20 2023, 10:07 PM)LOL, apa cyberbully?...he blogger that blog everything about his life... the details is all available online for public, if scared then just\u00a0 privacy all account and stop bloggingQUOTE(jmas @ Nov 20 2023, 10:10 PM)I dont support cyber bully, but that guy posted everything online, other ppl just copy jeHe blog is his problem, dont need to dox him until sharing his phone number etc in public forum without his consent.He want to share what is his freedom, but no one else have the right to share it .Korang sama teruk macam dialah. Akhlak tak kemana, 2x5. Kalau korang ni ada peradaban dan tamadun, jangan buat benda yang sama dengan orang yang korang caci tu.This post has been edited by wanted111who: Nov 20 2023, 11:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9255164265632629} +{"text": "@aimanlism @ibtisyamadnan I tot xing fu tang ni pemegang sijil halal taiwan, yg termasuk dalam 50 (kot) negara yg diiktiraf sijil halalnya oleh jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9919742941856384} +{"text": "donation itu budaya kitou can see this block is donat by Dato who whothat block is by dato XXX ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9601619839668274} +{"text": "Need to raid Hush Puppies also...please someone report to Jakim about this and when they do raids, take picture and post viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5085014700889587} +{"text": "This is silly. The cause is JAKIM and not McD. McD needs to toe the line if they want to preserve their halal status. Today it's McD, tomorrow its another franchise.It's runaway religious fanaticism at it's best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999634027481079} +{"text": "Kecutkan Cyst Dan Fibroid Dengan Blinq Beau Powder. Blinq Beau Powder Ni Pemakanan Sunah Yang Mendapat Sijil Halal dan Kelulusan KKM. Yang Nak Cuba Jangan Ragu-Ragu. In Shaa ALLAH. WE TRY OUR BEST FOR OUR HEALTH.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9932150840759277} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 sokong,beli,jimat duit, ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947511553764343} +{"text": "babi haram,masa ko makan pompuan gemuk cam babi siap jolok depan belakang haritu tak haram plak? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9265604019165039} +{"text": "\n Edited by prettyuglybabe at 28-3-2023 02:16 PM \nsarahmirza replied at 28-3-2023 02:03 PM\r\nKucing tak berdosa tapi macam mana pulak pemilik kucing yang Muslim mengendalikan peralatan untuk\u00a0\u00a0...\nada orang pernah share hukum beri makan and kendalikan makanan kucing ni..yang i ingat penceramah tu kata tak jatuh hukum haram sebab makanan tu dah tak ada zat atau berupa babi..\r\nso boleh cuci pekakas macam cuci pinggan mangkuk biasa..\r\nkalau u rasa was was juga, beli je sabun sertu tu untuk cuci tangan lepas pegang..\n\r\nalso, orang pilih bagi kibbles premium or high grade sebab nak elak najis kucing tu berbau..\r\nunless u memang tak kisah bau or everytime kucing berak u cepat-cepat scoop buang..\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995265007019043} +{"text": "i dunno if its viral nationwide but at least it does in my fb feeds. the kyochon korean fried chicken. overhyped as hell extremely dissapointing. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959285855293274} +{"text": "QUOTE(faizeq @ Feb 21 2024, 04:12 PM)Kenapalah bodoh sangat ... tak payah bernafas lah. Pendidikan di Malaysia mesti dipertingkatkan lagi ..makin bengap jadinya.Ni Singapore lah, bukan dekat malaysia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 06:28 PM)i just read WHO guidelines on hygiene policy. it does not bar long sleeves. it just says 'If long sleeves are worn, push sleeves back' or 'avoid it becoming wet'. so hygiene is not a matter of short sleeves or long sleeves but how careful you are in observing best practises.avoid it becoming wet? dafuq? if roll sleeve back isn't that mendedah aurat? so let's say you are wearing long sleeve........what do you do if you need to contact with the patient? roll sleeve back? handle patient, wash hand, dry hand, roll sleeve back down, do paper work, paper work contaminated/ table surface contaminated, further spreading germs and accumulating each time you roll back and forth the sleeve ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7952722311019897} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Jan 10 2015, 11:47 AM)Assalamualaikum semua,dua tiga harini agama kita kena hentam cukup teruk,all because of some veeery confused and misguided individual Muslims in EuropeSemoga Allah SWT melindungi kita semua dan saudara2 kita di Europe dari malapetaka yang bakal menimpaDan Umat Islam kat Europe kena kena fikir macamana nak integrate dengan society peacefully, bukan nak create Islamic StateNabi takde ajar duduk negara orang pastu buat onartrue true.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "QUOTE(ben3003 @ Jan 15 2018, 09:41 PM)i tried so many fish meat noodles, from fatt kee, how kee, wan wan, bakut canteen, so far if u wan the best tomyam soup but fish not so nice is bakut canteen. If wan best fish is fatt kee. End of the day, i also choose fatt kee over anything else. i will try to avoid wan wan.Best crab in town would be Seremban seafood, u get what u paid for. i order XXL crab 1.5kg, damn man, makan sampai puas puas.wewww..all spot on, bakut tomyam really I used to eat Seremban seafood almost every night when their restaurant was still at alamesra, coz I can just walk out of my house for dinner. price is on the high side though but not sure about now. the last time I ate their crab, I think one ekor around rm180, one person eat one crab happy die ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995539784431458} +{"text": "Tahukah anda bahawa kedai mamak di Malaysia sangat jarang ada sijil halal!!! Kalau nak kata x mampu, macam x percaya pula especially yang established. Bagi saya, ini sebab yang utama saya tidak memilih kedai mamak... https://t.co/Ob39ynXvZu", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9586989283561707} +{"text": "Senang senang je diperbodohkan orang kita ni \n\nSijil dia dok tampal bebanyak tu sijil bahan2 ramuan bukan sijil halal kedai dia. Mengelirukan pengguna! ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991693496704102} +{"text": "can live peacefully with min wage. apa risau. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9547392129898071} +{"text": "One of the best nasi ayamhttp://cheemeng.com.my/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999585151672363} +{"text": " alamak, pihak jakim kenalah selalu check maknanya kan? Jgn bg ada tertipu kan haha Pasal makanan haram halal ni bahaya oo", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7770151495933533} +{"text": "QUOTE(takadanicklagi @ Feb 13 2016, 12:57 PM)So how?\u00a0 Jakim is Muslims problem no? If non can't say a thing and supposedly majority of the \"moderate\" can't do hoot about it. Just let the problem fester?sorry but since when jakim is a muslim problem? differ in trivial opinion =/= a problem.jakim declares smoking cigs as haram. have you seen muslim do a riot/campaign/bla bla bla?no fucking no. we just fucking do things our way. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "Oh.. ada yg letak sijil halal di kaunter ye.. okay.. nanti boleh check2 mcm tu. Sbb cyber byk kedai mcm2. Cuma nak masuk tu kdg2 risau ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999635219573975} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jun 30 2021, 02:09 PM)kesian trigger giler..did i question his financial status?did i said he cannot afford or can afford?pelik betul.........no wonder they said malaysian mudah trigger / senang dicabar / sensitive..is true afterall\u00a0 Well one your reputation hahahSecond this white flag thing i think will be touchy subjectThis FMCO hitting all of us hard, i read this shit also i feel damn down man and this guy had a so far happy outcomeMaybe you lie low when subject is white flag hahah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6430314779281616} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 Kau ada masalah comprehension. Dia bukan sound Bakers cottage. Dia sound, kaum dia, jangan compare harga ayam golek Bakers cottage RM16 dgn ayam golek bazar Ramadan rm22 sebab baker cottage main volume & loss leader strategy utk Tarik customer beli pastry. Tu je. Also that FB poster just nak kutip view je tulis panjang\u00b2 condemn banyak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947511553764343} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Mar 5 2024, 12:20 PM)Tulis dalam BI , biforti mana faham.\u00a0 Nanti dia cakap \"Lu,,lu ingat sini England kah?\"Mofos will always find fault in everything Last time where all these lanjiao issues, sikit sikit viral sikit sikit komplain dalam social media , rage farming , tunjuk acah acah alimAll these so called influencers are the shit stirrers just to get clout\u2026.ma ke hai\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962969422340393} +{"text": "Jangan ngat yang dah ada sijil halal terpampang dkt kedai tu dah betul2 halal okay, ada several kes pernah beli or sewa sijil halal sebab certain peniaga nie tak sabar diiktiraf, so depa pun guna sijil orang lain dulu, sbb nak yakinkan customer", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979724287986755} +{"text": "QUOTE(pundi @ Oct 16 2019, 03:42 PM)but its true watdone dakwahhttp://www.hdcglobal.com/publisher/pid/37a...d8-affde4018210already got fatwa in 1983..where were u in 1983? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999637603759766} +{"text": "Haah kejam. Member dah rajin masak, kau buang budu dia. Kau taknak makan ke kau rasa benda tu bau busuk ke, lantak kau lah. Makanan orang tu dok pergi buang. Orang tu beli guna duit. Dahlah masak tu penat, pastu dapat pula housemate sendiri tak suka sendiri suka2 buang mknn org.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999738872051239} +{"text": "Firma Malaysia perlu memberi fokus kepada kekuatan pasaran yang khusus seperti sarang burung, minyak sawit, buah-buahan dan produk halal untuk mengembangkan lagi kehadiran mereka di China.Duta Khas Perdana Menteri ke China, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting berkata, firma Malaysia perlu melihat China sebagai wilayah yang mempunyai keperluan pasaran yang berbeza bagi peluang pelaburan ke dalam negara yang pesat membangun itu.Syarikat-syarikat China amat tertarik untuk bekerjasama dan mendirikan kilang pengeluaran dalam pasaran khusus yang terdiri daripada produk bernilai tinggi yang menjadi kekuatan Malaysia seperti sarang burung, ekstrak minyak sawit, buah-buahan dan produk halal.Tambahan pula, sebuah makmal di peringkat negeri telah diasaskan di Taman Perindustrian Qinzhou China-Malaysia bagi menguji termasuk membuat penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) untuk sarang burung kerana mereka melihat potensi dalam makanan tambahan kesihatan yang bernilai tinggi.\u201cBagi peluang pelaburan langsung asing (FDI) ke China, Malaysia perlu melihat China sebagai wilayah yang mempunyai keperluan pa\u00adsaran yang berbeza. Guangdong kekal sebagai kawasan perkilangan yang kukuh dengan Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) yang tertinggi.\u201cMasyarakat Islam di kawasan Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia dan Shaanxi mempunyai gabungan penduduk seramai 98.42 juta memiliki potensi yang besar untuk perdagangan halal, Malaysia mempunyai kelebihan Malaysia kerana pensijilan halalnya diiktiraf antarabangsa. Kawasan ini belum diterokai sepenuh\u00adnya,\u201d kata Ong dalam satu temu melalui e-mel dengan Bernama hari ini.Para pelabur juga turut melihat secara serius inisiatif \u2018Satu Jalur, Satu Jalan\u2019 yang bakal merealisasikan laluan kereta api Xinjiang yang akan menghubungkan Eropah me\u00adlalui Asia Barat dan Eropah Timur.\u201cBegitu juga, wilayah timur yang terdiri daripada Zhejiang dan Jiangsu yang terkenal dengan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS), e-dagang serta industri berteknologi tinggi, mempunyai potensi bekerjasama dengan PKS Malaysia.\u201cPelaburan Malaysia juga perlu dikekal dan diperkukuhkan di wilayah selatan seperti Guangdong, Fujian dan Guangxi kerana ia mempunyai hubungan sejarah yang erat dengan Malaysia,\u201d kata Ong.China bukan sahaja memper\u00adkenalkan inisiatif Satu Jalur dan Satu Jalan, ia kini merancang konsep perbandaran yang baharu bagi yang menyediakan bagi firma Malaysia mengeksport teknologi dan per\u00adkhidmatan yang berkualiti ke China.Ong berkata, inisiatif Satu Jalur dan Satu Jalan akan membantu untuk meningkatkan pelaburan dalam infrastruktur moden serta lain-lain industri pembuatan termaju, manakala pembinaan sistem perbandaran yang baharu di China akan menyediakan peluang yang luas untuk Malaysia menyediakan perkhidmatan dan produk dalam rawatan sisa air, pendidikan, penjagaan kesihatan serta makanan. \u2013 BERNAMAhttp://www.utusan.com.my/bisnes/usahawan/p...-china-1.168736 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.986100971698761} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Jun 10 2019, 11:35 AM)It's because jakim told people got stamp then no need was was. Indirectly people see no stamp have to be was was.well if it is a fish or vegetable, or grains its easier to be no was wasalso i've seen lots of jualan puasa/raya no halal at all but do you was was?this to be no was was also a skill to be learn when travelling outside malaysiasome people even was was korean halal chop or thailand halal chopthis kind of people no helping. also country where there's no halal chopyou can still translate word by word at the ingredient behindas long as no animal, just plant or fish or grains should be okayyou see, halal logo is just halal logoits just a testament that the food have gone under jakim checking to certified its halalthat doesnt mean food doesnt have logo halal is haramdo we need haram logo for stuck up people to understand? nothen lots of food during bazar ramadan also haram la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8463323712348938} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Sep 24 2017, 11:42 PM)Dobi discriminate by the owner. Casino discriminate by the authority. Seems you're the one that got comprehension problem.By the way as I said you still can go in casino. Uncle Lim doesn't discriminate.Nope, both place does not allow certain people to enter, who cares whats the reason?QUOTE(cyhborg @ Sep 24 2017, 11:43 PM)ok, now we're getting somewherewouldn't it be better to adhere to the \"everything is permissable until proven otherwise\" principle? if you don't know whether the clothes are \"contaminated\" or not, then it's not wrong to consider them \"uncontaminated\" until proven so?In deed i agree, but when doing business we are talking about catering the local demands here.While most faggots cepat pancut say its total discrimination, which i agree but I would prefer to see this as marketing towards muslim customers.Theres no halal cert made for laundry shops, so the issue itself isnt that big of a deal.So push the halal haram factor aside, if 90% of your loyal and local customer asking for this \"muslim only\" laundry, whats stopping you from advertising it as such to get more local customers?I see this as purely business side of decision making rather than cepat pancuted pipu who thinks its just to piss their sorry ass off for not being able to send their clothes to ONE laundry in rural area.Its funny how people can be soo agitated over one small issue.LoL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991759657859802} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ May 23 2014, 07:24 PM)Get vegetarian food.. 100% halal except it the food specially designed for their own religion. Haram again?Eat fruit then.Fruit also haram because kena tangan orang non-muslim yang makan babi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "Takde sijil halal, tak haram lagi https://t.co/FcrYR9DWo7", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8490709662437439} +{"text": "bla bla bla, tabung Aman Palestin and hospital at gaza lebih penting! bodoh! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheReaderReads @ Jan 15 2018, 09:35 PM)I prefer fatt kee though LOL I need try tung fung again. Wait my another kk wedding firsti tried so many fish meat noodles, from fatt kee, how kee, wan wan, bakut canteen, so far if u wan the best tomyam soup but fish not so nice is bakut canteen. If wan best fish is fatt kee. End of the day, i also choose fatt kee over anything else. i will try to avoid wan wan.Best crab in town would be Seremban seafood, u get what u paid for. i order XXL crab 1.5kg, damn man, makan sampai puas puas. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoLee @ Mar 18 2024, 12:08 AM)So they eat paint brushes?Pig is not haram to eat only. For muslim Touch also cannot. Must wash with proper method if accidentally touched. Despite the explaination that the brush is synthetic, it is actually quite common the use of swine fur for paint brush. Kedai cat ada tulis jika berus bulu babi.This post has been edited by fist_Aileron: Mar 18 2024, 12:52 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999192953109741} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Mar 26 2023, 04:23 PM)ler - kalau tak mampu jangan beli.is like chinese restaurant that covers china marker or tourist market also take big chopper come and over charge.just change other shops or dont but la. kasi mau report buat apa - dia paksa u makan ke.pasal dia la naka charge 1 ketul ayam rm 100 pun.Cis - nando jual rm 20 for quarter chicken u tak marah pun.puinando tu siap tulis harga. kalo tak mampu lagi beli , tu mmg bodoh macam coment kau tu.1st time beli , RM20 nasi bodoh , mmg curious , nak tau letak ape benda babi kat dalam tu. setakat letak lauk 2cent comment kau tu mmg parah. ish ish ish....banyak comment bodoh 'paksa' 'mampu' 'masak sendiri' mmg otak cair. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "Amber One Utama or Amber Bangsar South..the best if you like Sichuan style food plus the cook really came from China .HOMST, Muhamad Chan, Muhammad Chow now all use local/indonesian cook alreadyThis post has been edited by RS232C: May 14 2021, 03:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 11:57 AM)well I don't smoke either.your point?and last time I checked, rokok has been fatwa as haram.only that enforcement and/or acceptance of fatwa is not as widespread...http://www.muftiselangor.gov.my/sosial-syariahincidentally also has questions about pig bristle brushes:My point is why ppl making fuss on brush but not cigarette then Ban cigarette?? At least a brush is a useful tool but not cigarette ... pls enlighten ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "Kau pegi kedai makan kau terus masuk dapur ke? Lol. Kalau yg dh tau atau viral kedai mana kotor mmg sapa pun taknak pegi tak kisah kedai melayu ke tak. \nNabi ajar senang je kalau rasa was2 jgn mkn. Kedai bukan melayu kalau ade sijil halal ok je. Ni takat ckp no pork, source?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997074007987976} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Jan 21 2020, 09:20 PM)best thing is to give coupon to the unfortunate kids or put their names on the list to eat for free at the canteencanteen also need to give good food also right?kan senang?I think they want to taichi this. Obviously what you wrote is the way to go but I think what I have learnt from our politicians is that, if can get others the rakyat to sponsor, why not ? After all, it is more share for themselves right ?This idea really takde kerja kita bikin kerja.This post has been edited by Roman Catholic: Jan 21 2020, 09:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9905685782432556} +{"text": "QUOTE(bg12 @ Aug 17 2016, 12:09 PM)Raudhah Mart tawar produk halal dan bermutu TEMPATAN\u00a0 August 15, 2016 9:43 am\u00a0 217\u00a0 0OLEH NAZLI IBRAHIMSUBANG JAYA, 15 OGOS: Berbekalkan slogan \u2018jimat dan halal\u2019, Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart mampu menjadi alternatif kepada pengguna yang mahukan keselesaan membeli-belah di samping mengutamakan produk halal dan bermutu.Pengasas Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart, Fadzil Hashim, berkata pihaknya mensasarkan 1,000 cawangan di seluruh negara \u00a0 bertujuan membantu mereka yang berminat memiliki perniagaan sendiri.\u201cKami juga menyediakan peluang perniagaan untuk mereka yang berminat memiliki kedai runcit Raudhah Mart dengan kos rendah dan mereka akan diberikan bimbingan perniagaan.\u201cMereka tidak dikenakan kos francais \u00a0 tetapi hanya memerlukan peniaga membeli barangan kedai mereka daripada Raudhah Mart Distribution dan membayar sumbangan pengiklanan, sistem pos dan yuran latihan yang sangat rendah,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Perasmian Rangkaian Perniagaan Raudhah Mart dan Restoran Pollo Mendi di One City, di sini, semalam.Katanya, 50 peratus keuntungan bersih yang diperolehi akan disumbangkan terus kepada dana projek \u2018Selamatkan Ummah\u2019 bagi menyokong usaha\u00a0 menyediakan pinjaman bebas riba, penyediaan dana pendidikan percuma dan penyediaan dana kesihatan percuma. Majlis yang dihadiri kira-kira 200 tetamu itu dirasmikan Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud dan disertai Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin. PELUANG PERNIAGAAN\u00a0 another marketing technique.since when kk, 7-11, 99, is non halal?not having halal certified license doesn't mean goods sold r not halal.this is essentially slapping a halal logo on a rock, & since when rock is halal or non halal to begin wit? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991160035133362} +{"text": "QUOTE(wangpr @ Aug 27 2020, 01:28 PM)Yang sudah makan makanan haram tiada masalah, tapi yang tak boleh makan itu kena hati hati dan beli durian yang ada logo halal, kalau tak tanggung sendiri jika termakan durian haram...No need to worry. Orang kita can't afford to eat musang king. All eat kampung durian only. Kan lazy, tongkat people according to /kThose who can afford musang king also don't care halal haram coz sendiri songlap. Also according to /k ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999794960021973} +{"text": "Kedai makanan chinese food yg ada sijil halal jakim: jgn risau kedai kami halal\nKedai nasi lemak makcik tepi jalan yg takdak sijil halal tapi meleis pi beli selamba ja: am i joke to you?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6897163391113281} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ May 8 2024, 04:21 PM)As long as you don't promote with Halal logo.Halal or Haram is between you as customer and the shopowner.But but but.........\"NO PORK NO LARD\" also can hurt hati tisu coz dey will confusing.Vegetarian shop \"nasi goreng babi\" also haram. Sooooo confusing ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "Here we go again...Hush Puppies, Hot Dog, Cross road, please go ahead and declare all shopping malls haram, all radio/tv stations as well. BTW please turn up for work tomorrow ,it is christmas day and haram for you to take leaveThis post has been edited by ceras: Dec 24 2020, 06:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981513619422913} +{"text": "QUOTE(asx26365 @ Feb 20 2024, 12:12 PM)Why sk no donor? Why?Im gonna be frank, and it will sound racist. Bear with me. Malay prioritize more on donation that can help them in afterlife. Amal jariah they call it, a continuous pahala. Hence they more into donating for religion purpose. Masjid, Surau, Zakat, tahfiz, pusat anak yatim, so on and so forth. Thats why u see these tahfiz and rumah anak yatim tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan, because they can take advantage of religion. Another thing is tongkat mentality. Malay people got tongkat so much, they expect the government to do everything for them. Public school? its government job. So they dont donate anything at all, as they expect gomen to do everything. The PIBG also kinda useless. derma duit ke tabung PIBG every year, but no improvement. Derma for what also donno. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997796416282654} +{"text": "\n\nso non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients aloneThis post has been edited by IMORTALfatahL2401: Mar 26 2017, 10:35 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "QUOTE(ralyon @ Sep 8 2023, 08:06 PM)A bit of alcohol huha viral. Not like they sell whiskey.the huhas until got two threads here were not really the muslims i think. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999557733535767} +{"text": "@SHUHAILRONE @_HamiziHamzah Kan dia cakap, Shihlin banyak outlet, tak semua dpt sijil halal. Semalam pun ada baca gak reason Shihlin takdapat sijil halal sbb takboleh provide Muslim staff at least 2 org utk setiap outlet. So ada yg takde staff Muslim tu yg takdapat. But if tak yakin, better jgn makan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999163150787354} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Nov 26 2019, 05:02 PM)Singaporean pun takde cina main bola ke hahahaToo pamperes..cannot sit under hot sun. Only aircond. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7977556586265564} +{"text": "Kasi viral this placeWhere's this? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8314514756202698} +{"text": "QUOTE(xen0 @ Apr 24 2013, 11:03 PM)anjing tidak haram..jika disentuh have to perform cleaning with water and soil. that's it.We, muslims, follow the teaching that anything from pig is haram to consume for daily life. I suggest to non-muslims just assume that we, muslims, are really respect pig life in the whole wide world and we don't want them to die.just respect that muslims don't consume pig. we too(muslims) respect the pig consumer to eat pork and its their choice.p/s: you eat dog meat?\u00a0 all is fine until some people use so called \"scientific\" stuff to justify their faith, but make them look uber stupid instead ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9849857091903687} +{"text": "As long tak mabuk ok la. Haha. Even air tuak also muslim can minum. Alcohol use in cooking will lose its chemical compound so can eat. Haha. Even rokok also certain fatwa said haram still got people smoke. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992167949676514} +{"text": "Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia dan sejauhmanakah kepentingannya kepada pengguna?Apakah itu makanan hipster dan sejauhmanakah status halalnya diyakini?... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2802659099784641&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922226071357727} +{"text": "Oren kito tak habis2 dengan tongkat. Tak mampu membeli, diberi Tongkat.Tak mampu beniaga pun kena ada Tongkat. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998854398727417} +{"text": "Tauke kedai cina...tapi tukang masak melayu n bersih..makanan haram? Tauke melayu tapi kedai kotor siap ada tikus ..halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996174573898315} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Nov 4 2016, 11:47 AM)Got some more questions....What is chinese muslims view on feng shui or auspicious placements? E.g. bed placing, house position, etc.Some of feng shui is actually good logic/best practice, just under the cover of mystical/astrological ideas... how does that goes with/against Islam.Feng Shui has nothing to do with religion... if anything, I think it's the closest to environmental science + psychology, because you manipulate the environment to feel more comfortable/smooth, which are little details that go a long way to affect your lifestyle positively. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996912479400635} +{"text": "Real talk, using gloves of any kind when handling food actually leads to more unhygienic practices because vendors tend have a false sense of security when using them, leading them to handle food after touching other surfaces and assume that its ok since they are wearing gloves.Best would be don't use gloves, but make sure to wash your hands regularly. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999819993972778} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Mar 20 2024, 10:46 AM)Malaysians believe that SG food is just lousier version of Malaysia food. So go there eat Malaysia food makes a lot of sense.With power of 3.5x , sure gonna get best version of Malaysian food. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(etan26 @ Dec 8 2021, 02:26 PM)Kalau mahu mintak buka utk semua kaum sure we all welcome kan.... tapi oren takut takut benda haram so, food court sells haram haram dia oren ok?That's the next milestone bro. First need to force enter, then complain why can sell non halal food. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9526143670082092} +{"text": "Interesting. Lets see how it plays outIn the past, iinm, many muslim ulama were against centralization of Islam. Something like the Vatican for Christians.This post has been edited by silent_stalker: Oct 19 2017, 09:52 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9693112969398499} +{"text": "QUOTE(unforg1ven @ Jan 10 2021, 06:16 PM)Why some ppl need guidance from moral police on where to makan?Because otak kurang cerdik OrMoral police wanna control ppl..That's what JAKIM best at, my east malaysian colleague always kena kacau by JAKIM during bulan puasa, go non-halal kopitiam makan for breakfast, JAKIM come and check, after look at the IC baru let go, and she was fucking annoyed by it. She told me back in Sarawak nobody kacau like this, this only happen at Peninsula where moral police exist. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.887229323387146} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 23 2023, 11:16 PM)I can open a tered on this, but again,,,once open tered sure a lot of OPP say bullshit lar, this lar, that lar, ask me to debate lar...so ada sikit malas nak layanWhat about I open tered for u and u just story there..? If someone no belip u no need debate or layan.. I want hear the stories leh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996048808097839} +{"text": "QUOTE(junchuan @ Aug 17 2016, 06:44 PM)Fengshui is a beliefHalal is just a standard of whether permissible99 speedmart most of the things inside already halalSo basically this shop is just 99 speedmart minus haram stuffWhat a stupid conceptfor u its stupid, for others they are more comfortable to shop inhalal labelled shop, who r u to judge or decidethey are not telling others dont go to speedmart ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999306321144104} +{"text": "QUOTE(alexander3133 @ Dec 27 2023, 10:33 PM)If many places build to be walking friendly, the figure might drop significantly.nope no chanceif got walking pavement motorbike will ride and park on pavement nearest to entrancebicycle lane will be filled with cars park nearest to their intended destinationwalking friendly means illegal stalls that sells whatver leh leh food or whatever manis drink will be setup along the pavement or even on the pavementmalaysian cant have nice things, best solution is hit them at the wallet, remove sugar subsidy ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9750015139579773} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Apr 17 2024, 10:14 AM)Better Elmina dari Semenyih Semenyih dahlah banyak jalan sempit. Jam teruk start area KFC tu sampai lah masuk dalam sana kalau waktu tengah hari. Gilo nak hadap macam tu selalu.Setia Alam pun tak ada jam dalam kawasan Setia Alamyou only buy semenyih if it is nirvana \ud83d\udc40 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya @myjoe_ ok i nak tanya you, brapa lama masa yang diambil untuk dapatkan sijil halal jakim? impossible beberapa hari je dah boleh siap hahahhaa lek jap boleh? \ud83d\ude02 kala rasa ragu2, jangan minum. if yakin, terpulang. peace \ud83d\ude01", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.988421618938446} +{"text": "Nasi lemak aweks is da best!Oh wai. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997373223304749} +{"text": "QUOTE(Radioactive Infused Cola @ May 21 2019, 06:55 PM)haram.\u00a0 the alcohol there serve no purpose other than being intoxicated.\u00a0 it doesn't matter you're drunk or not.\u00a0 prevention is better than cure.one glass won't be intoxicated what,.. some more got health advantage,..then drunken chicken can eat or not ???.. u eat whole thing won't be intoxicated too... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5059022903442383} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf3bFAQ HALAL HARI INI\ud83c\udf3b STATUS HALAL STARBUCKS MALAYSIA Soalan:- Adakah Starbucks Malaysia memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal? Jawapan:- Untuk makluman, Starbucks Malaysia merupakan pemegang... https://t.co/YOP7xcduDH", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999007523059845} +{"text": "Ada apa pada JAKIM? Kekanda Mujahid Rawa yang digelar khadam kafir harbi oleh UMNO-PAS? Dr Fuziah yang gagal menghentikan perlombongan bauksit? Halal pada hukum bukan pada sijil. https://t.co/aRrBxdDEw8", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999735355377197} +{"text": "Ke ada pihak selain jakim yang tentukan makanan tu halal ke haram ? Wkwkwkkwwk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9997637867927551} +{"text": "not the best quality but well worth the price ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996188879013062} +{"text": "QUOTE(dante1989 @ Mar 29 2016, 02:37 PM)youre rightbut since other type of meat \"bacon\" there may be doubts as to what kind of \"bacon\" it is.for BKT theres no confusion because if you use chicken it will be called Chi Kut Teh not Chicken Bak Kut Teh.look at this popular line of dialogue from the movie Pulp Fiction Vincent:Want some bacon?Jules:No man, I don't eat pork.Vincent:Are you Jewish?Jules:Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.Vincent:Why not?Jules:Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.you can see from the dialogue that Jules character played by Sam Jackson did not ask Vincent played by Travolta to specify whether it is beef bacon or turkey bacon he is talking about because in popular culture also bacon mean pig. there is no doubt in his mind that the word bacon meant by his friend was pig meat. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999611377716064} +{"text": "Aiyo... Rules and regulation oso have to make sense la to follow... Dunno la if u pattern follow buta2 ppl instruction punya jenis.Lets say if to get halal cert need to potong kukujiao.. Still have to follow jugak? Potong oh.. Not sunat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993135929107666} +{"text": "QUOTE(8cr13mov @ Nov 22 2018, 07:35 AM)I've seen muslims did all matter of haramnessharam is still haramit's up to individual whether to practice it or notjust because some do it doesn't make it any less haramThat's why I said lo Haram money they takeNon halal food they oso takeIt just a conspiracy and doesnt serve any purposeThis post has been edited by alexcky: Nov 22 2018, 07:46 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999529123306274} +{"text": "Makanan yang penting halal/haram, bersih/kotor. Itu yang Tuhan pesan. Gemar sangat buat benda jadi susah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.955314576625824} +{"text": "Kalau TAK BAGUS orang tak CARI ! \ud83e\udd17 Kalau TAK SERASI orang tak REPEAT ! \ud83d\ude0b Kalau TAK BERKESAN tak mungkin banyak FEEDBACK ! \ud83d\ude18 . Produk 100% keluaran Bumiputera yang diiktiraf. . \u2611\ufe0f Ada KKM \u2611\ufe0f Ada SIJIL HALAL JAKIM \u2611\ufe0f\u2026 https://t.co/e7USI1wOnm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6992297768592834} +{"text": "@asyrafbadhrul Mcm saya, saya dah minum The Alley Sbb dah tanya pihak tu terlebih dahulu pasal kandungannya So saya yakin tak de apa2 perkara yg ragukan. Maybe ada sesetengah org still ragu2, tak mengapa. Ada sijil halal lebih yakin. Cuma currently, saya stop kejap minum sbb nak elak fitnah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999668598175049} +{"text": "QUOTE(wchinwai @ Jul 8 2024, 08:28 AM)Totally agree. Those countries won by promising popular policies and now ended up with serious trouble. See the complaints from some people from Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia...you know where our diesel subsidies go.The blood in certain people needing subsidy to surive is already inside. No way to stop then anymore. The most funniest thing during an interview asking a person who u will vote for, they said as long as got handouts. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "Dia punya rujukan tu pun blog tahun 2013 punya posting.. lain kali rujuk terus website jakim kalau nak tahu status halal mana2 syarikat makanan", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "Terengganu? around that area mmg mahal. Their food is more expensive than KL. They said it's bcos near kerteh ada petronas, therefore justifying why everything so expensive. Sometimes some malay stall suka cekik darah but they wont last long. Masak dh sedap tpi nk untung cepat.This post has been edited by turtles_tszx: May 25 2017, 10:34 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6170089244842529} +{"text": "dog is haram when touched while wet kan?bukan gambar dog tu haram, atau perkataan dog tu haram kan?hotdog mengelirukan? ingatkan daging anjing dalam? biar betik lemah betul keimanan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Mar 15 2024, 11:52 AM)tanah putera business ethics. lol. longkang level.i havent seen one that takes pride in their food. all just do air diabetes, then cheese diabetes. when do they do something wellbut asalkan halal, itu paling penting, kan!Not a racing issue. I think in general we don't enforce proper ethics in food management and hygiene. Go see restaurants la how they clean the dishes. Some fry bones in batter and sell them. Some give you expired food.Normal la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "Those comments that keep saying \"Kami org Penang pun tak makan sana\" as if they represent all Penangites Just say lah you prefer halal. At least some dare say \"kembang tekak saya tengok\", \"halal ke?\"Any nons to give unbiased review? Maybe that stall memang overated?? QUOTEhttps://www.thevocket.com/influencer-makan-...l-status-halal/\u2018Influencer\u2019 Makan Cendol Terkenal Di Pulau Pinang, Netizen Persoal Status HalalPulau Pinang sering disebut destinasi \u2018syurga makanan\u2019 dan banyak makanan yang anda boleh cuba ketika berkunjung ke sana. Malah, banyak influencer sering membuat konten review makanan di Pulau Pinang.Terbaharu, seorang \u2018influencer\u2019 di TikTok telah memuat naik sebuah video review makanan di sebuah gerai cendol yang terkenal di Pulau Pinang. \nMenerusi video terbabit, dapat dilihat gerai cendol terkenal dalam kalangan masyarakat tetapi status halalnya menjadi tanda tanya ramai orang. Malah, influencer itu juga dilihat sangat menikmati cendol di sana.Perkongsian video tersebut telah meraih perhatian orang ramai dan rata-rata netizen mempersoalkan status halal cendol yang dimakan \u2018influencer\u2019 itu. Malah, segelintir netizen yang merupakan orang Pulau Pinang mengatakan mereka tidak pernah makan di kedai terbabit walaupun ramai dakwa ia sedap.Bukan itu sahaja, para netizen turut mengatakan banyak gerai cendol di sekitar Pulau Pinang halal dan sedap yang boleh dicuba. Ketika artikel ini ditulis, video tersebut telah meraih lebih 2 juta tontonan dan mendapat lebih 100 ribu tanda suka serta 800 komen dari netizen.This post has been edited by United Rulez: Oct 8 2022, 08:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9710512757301331} +{"text": "QUOTE(gaman @ Mar 8 2023, 05:02 PM)Ummm... see the word \"Brew\" dah confused, same as the \"Pork\" wording on spices packaging.I think \"Air Nira Nipah\" is more Haram than this Bundabeer!inb4 diam la, jangan mempersoal minuman buatan anak melayu oi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "1. JAKIM 1 badan yg diberi amanat utk memberikan status halal yg sah bg sebarang produk yg di pasarkan. Nak dptkan sijil halal dari JAKIM, tersangatlah ketat. Yela, benda nak masuk badan kita kot, mesti la ketat. (Tq jakim) https://t.co/ejRnH7wUFB", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996066689491272} +{"text": "If u doubt/\u201dwas was\u201d whether the food is halal or not, hukumnya haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998878240585327} +{"text": "Mesti cari makanan yg halal dan bersih...dato kalau pgi oversea semua dato makan ke? X mau cari yg halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5390686392784119} +{"text": "QUOTE(imperialrealcs @ Jun 26 2021, 03:02 PM)saya tak suka saya write non halal everytime i schedule for delivery just to troll them and give my money to ppl who deserve itmahalnopeyou can complaint de liddat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9866281151771545} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 08:29 AM)Hmmmmmmm, best in a lot of aspects, got those good for fwb, got those good to be wifey....depends on what you wantcomplete market huh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(anthonywongy @ Apr 24 2024, 05:51 PM)Im a non but I bloody hate non who cant speak malay. If you cant speak malay in Malaysia, just stfu, dont embarrass yourself.Yeah actually if you are 80-90 years old I think it's forgiven that you can't speak malay. But other than that, you must at least know basic malay.It doesn't matter if you speak Malay with accents. In fact it will feel instantly at home. Not like I understand states Malay that much either QUOTE(shin gouki @ Apr 24 2024, 05:53 PM)I think as a non myself I just don't want to be treated as second class citizen if that is not much to ask. The 1st step to achieve that is by abolishing prince status vs commoner XDYeah eventually everyone just want to live together and cari makan together. You didn't even ask to born here, so it's unfair to be born and already at disadvantage. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999964714050293} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 12:27 PM)Well since it was not intentional, he/she has not sinned. Unless he/she was doing something illegal by law, then JJ won't have stand to arrest him/her. That muslim's trust probably lessen yes, and lesson learned would probably take more care in choosing his/her next eating establishment (that is even if he/she care about it la in the first place). Oh no so hard....\u00a0 But what if he she knows is haram and pretend to not know is haram? Have to interrogate them first lah and hold them for couple of days baru OK. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996277093887329} +{"text": "Adapun surat Al Isra ayat 32 berbunyi:\u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064e\u0642\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0628\u064f\u0648\u0627\u06df \u0671\u0644\u0632\u0651\u0650\u0646\u064e\u0649\u0670\u0653 \u06d6 \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f\u06e5 \u0643\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064e \u0641\u064e\u0670\u062d\u0650\u0634\u064e\u0629\u064b \u0648\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0653\u0621\u064e \u0633\u064e\u0628\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064bArtinya: \"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk.\" (QS. Al-Isra: 32).#Done Dakwah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999384880065918} +{"text": "300mil duit haram do what business ehhh???Scr888 ahhh... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "Syarikat tidak dibenarkan guna terma ayat ruqyah, makanan sunnah dan seumpamanya pada label, iklan dan promosi produk - JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5549142360687256} +{"text": "get a credit card, pay with credit card and then put into 36 or 60 months installment.At least hutang bank, bank wont viral u in FB. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "@asrulmm Selalunya lah yang claim makanan sunnah ni xada sijil halal Jakim pun. Cuma orang yakin halal sebab \"melayu\" yg buat, dah claim \"makanan sunnah\" mesti halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7437045574188232} +{"text": "Malu tanya sesat jalanSudah kena viral sajaKahkah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999536275863647} +{"text": "\nedayildiz replied at 23-12-2022 10:43 AM\nkalau halal dr australia ..halal la kn..xsemestinya jakim xbg halal bnda tu haram bethol x..i beli j ...\nYa, tak semestinya halal jakim, produk halal dari luar negara pun banyak yg diiktiraf.\n\n\n\r\nhttps://www.halal.gov.my/v4/index.php?data=bW9kdWxlcy9jZXJ0aWZ5X2JvZHk7Ozs7&utama=CB_LIST&lang=bm\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999712705612183} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udf6b *PRE-ORDER CHOC CRISPY DAWWAHID - 20 GRAM SEUNIT* \ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udf6b \u2705\ud83d\udcaf *% KILANG MILIK BUMIPUTRA MUSLIM*\u2705 *ADA SIJIL MeSTI*\u2705 *ADA HALAL JAKIM* *HANYA RM1.50 SEUNIT* *MINIMUM ORDER 1/2 DOZEN* *( 6 UNIT*( tidak termasuk caj pos ) PUAN LILI - SELANGOR \ud83d\udcf2 https://t.co/4lY5lJ5Sb6 https://t.co/K3xeZO48Kb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5621446967124939} +{"text": "So if one day the earth only left haram thing to eat. So still don't eat? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997332692146301} +{"text": "Haaa ghisau... Biasa orang yang warak ini dia berilmu. Kita nak beramal pun kena ada ilmu. Kalau ada ilmu dia makan jela selagi makanan itu diyakini halal dan bersih. Haaa. Ghisau", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9839553236961365} +{"text": "KELUARGA Instafamous dari Parancis, Nurazimah Karim bersama suaminya warga Perancis, Nicolas Moulin meluang masa bersama anak anaknya.Cukup dikenali dalam kalangan warga Malaysia melalui Nasi Ayam Paris hasil air tangannya, Nurazimah Mohd Karim, 43, mengakui peringkat awal perniagaannya amat mencabar sehingga mampu memiliki pelanggan tetapnya hingga kini.Berasal dari ibu negara, Nurazimah bertemu jodoh dengan suaminya, Nicolas Moulin, warga Perancis dan mereka dikurniakan empat cahaya mata berusia antara setahun hingga 17 tahun.Beliau yang menetap di Perancis sejak 2001 mengakui keputusan itu bukan suatu perkara mudah, malah sama sekali tidak menyangka bertemu jodoh dengan \u2018Mat Salleh\u2019.\u201cPernah saya tanya arwah ibu bagaimana jika saya berkahwin dengan \u2018Orang Putih\u2019. Namun, arwah seolah-olah tidak percaya memandangkan ketika itu saya mempunyai teman lelaki berbangsa Melayu.\u201cMasa berlalu, tidak sangka saya betul-betul kahwin dengan \u2018Mat Salleh\u2019. Sudah 18 tahun kami mendirikan rumahtangga. Kenal pun sebab suami saya tersalah orang untuk bertanya mengenai pembekal cakera padat murah di Malaysia,\u201d katanya.Ibu kepada Adam Daniel, Ida Aili, Jade Nur dan Anna Syifa itu mengakui ketika baru menjejakkan kaki ke negara Eropah itu, beliau agak kekok dengan kehidupan dan budaya, namun lama-kelamaan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran Perancis.\u201cAmat mencabar membesarkan anak-anak dengan pertembungan dua budaya, saya besarkan mereka tanpa melupakan sedikit pun tentang nilai dan budaya Melayu terutama bahasa ibunda,\u201d katanya yang popular di laman sosial Instagram menggunakan nama @light.km.Berkongsi kisah perniagaan nasi ayam di kota fesyen itu, Nurazimah berkata ia bermula ketika perniagaan suaminya, Nicolas Moulin terjejas sekitar 2013 sehingga menyebabkan keadaan ekonomi keluarga tidak begitu stabil.\u201cUntuk permulaan, saya hanya menyediakan nasi ayam untuk tetamu di rumah inap kami sahaja. Tidak sangka dapat sambutan apabila tetamu berkongsi di laman sosial sehingga tercetus idea pada Disember 2016, saya mula buat penghantaran nasi ayam,\u201d katanya.Beliau turut mengusahakan pakej percutian, termasuk perkhidmatan pengangkutan dan rumah inap bersama suami tercinta di kota fesyen itu.Menurut Nurazimah, perniagaan nasi ayam pada tahun pertama agak mencabar memandangkan beliau bukan orang tempatan malah agak sukar untuk mendapatkan bahan mentah, namun laman sosial seperti Facebook dan Instagram menjadi saluran mempromosikan nasi ayam resepi tersendiri itu.\u201cBisnes ini saya usahakan untuk memudahkan pelancong yang datang ke Perancis, lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang beragama Islam. Selain promosi melalui media sosial, saya juga tidak segan untuk mengedarkan kad perniagaan sekiranya bertemu pelancong dari Asia,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata nasi ayam yang dijual pada harga 10 Euro (RM46) sebungkus itu bukan sahaja digemari pelancong Malaysia malah dari London, Singapura, Brunei dan Indonesia.Mengenai proses penyediaan nasi ayam, Nurazimah berkata bahan-bahan bagi menyediakan nasi ayam mudah diperoleh walaupun beliau perlu memandu selama 40 minit dari kediaman yang terletak di Drevail City ke ibu kota Perancis.\u201cSesuai dengan nama Nasi Ayam Paris, bahan diperlukan dibeli di kedai Asia di sini, kecuali nasi lemak ayam goreng berempah. Ia memerlukan ikan bilis yang saya perlu import dari Malaysia sebab di sini ia sukar diperoleh,\u201d katanya sambil memberitahu bahawa tempahan nasi ayam dan nasi lemak boleh dibuat menerusi link WhatsApp yang tertera di Instagram @nasiayamparis miliknya.Ditanya mengenai perancangan perniagaan, bekas pekerja bank itu berhasrat mengembangkan perniagaan rumah inap dan perkhidmatan pengangkutan, selain memiliki restoran bagi memudahkan pelancong dan mereka yang bekerja di Perancis mendapatkan makanan halal.\u201cSaya menyimpan impian mahu membukan Restoran Nasi Ayam Paris di Malaysia suatu hari nanti,\u201d katanya. - BERNAMAhttps://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...larkan-malaysia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8228254318237305} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 23 2024, 12:09 AM)IC boleh palsu, thumb print pun boleh tipuKalau kat kaunter airport, pegawai mesti tanya soalan basic yang bodoh.Kalau gagal jawab, mesti ada something wrong.Language verification can be much solid evidence than own country IC and fingerprint? if you at other country airport ..then maybe ..you dont have other document other than passport and they dont have access to your country databasebut we are talking within Malaysia or you as pengawai dont even believe your own gov issued punya IC?This post has been edited by fantasy1989: Apr 23 2024, 12:12 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "haram because causing potong kaki diabetus ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999908447265625} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 26 2019, 03:17 PM)> group lunch> koliks talking> one of it is the guy who bajet ustad agama (you\u2019ll remember him from my previous kool story about his wife who has a fetish for cainis gaiz \ud83d\ude1c)> I approach and heated debate about heineken non alco > bla bla, the point is this is encouraging ppl to drink the real alco. Imagine if they taste mor than 0.05% how crazy they\u2019ll get> I made the tapai and durian comment. > ... ....> \u201cJaga sikit mulut tu. Hal ehwal Islam ko jgn persoal.\u201d> another kolik : \u201crelax Dude, he wasn\u2019t being offensive\u201d> \u201cMuslims can eat tapai and durian because it\u2019s halal. Don\u2019t simply talk about the alcohol content when you\u2019re not Muslim\u201dI walked away quickly because I got a weird boner thinking about my last friendly match with his wife. Sekian cerita dinginSendiri lari from real life debate then self declared win in the nets..oh its not just about alcohol contents, halal haram issues consists of many factors if you learn F&B requirements for halal certification.Just one example, if a factory want to get halal cert, they need to plan their kitchen fittings, flooring, construction plan, propperly, floors need to be free of holes to prevent potential pests breeding like rats and roaches, and the kitchen must not have close proximity to toilets, and many more..Usually people who love to eat in dirty stalls will question such sistematic approach for halal certification, but our halal cert standards are following exactly like international iso standards for food preparation factories and premises.So short sighted faggots like you might want to argue on just one point ie: alcohol content, but halal haram pratices comprises of all possible factors to ensure clean food preparation, not using haram ingredients, good SOP, reduction of wastage, etc.And I can see \u201cclever\u201d faggots here starting to point tapai, bread making, etc. No its not just about alcohol in terms of chemistry composition, what matters is why you need those alcohol at the first place, what is the purpose? Is it to make you go drunk? Is it for catalyst during the production of the food itself? Does it change the nature of the product that will cause people to go drunk or harm their health?And no, it does not stop there, regardless of how \u201cclean\u201d heineken produce their \u201cnon alcoholic\u201d drinks, it is still haram due to fact that it shares the same production plants, and its representation still points toward \u201charam\u201d products that can be considered as promoting such similar products regardless whether they have alcohol or not.Its even deeper than you think,So next time if you are too damn \u201cclever\u201d go ask jakim they can school you about halal haram issues.This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Jul 28 2019, 12:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9812947511672974} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 8 2023, 09:37 PM)berduyun-duyun datang pakar pemakanan /k; menghalalkan yang haram dan mengharamkan yang halal.Kenapa netizen babi suka kacau bisnes org ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "\nkrustykrab replied at 8-9-2017 09:12 AM\nalamak kiranya diorg ni interracial marraige la ye...tp dah siput babi tu haram knp siput gondang\u00a0\u00a0...\nxtau lah.. dh jd adat kot. mcm belangkas. aku walau org johor, aku xmakan. huhu.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996843338012695} +{"text": "aku setuju.time dia mati, melangkah tersengguk-sengguk berarak selebar-lebar jalan raya di tengah hari; menyusahkan sewaktu orang sibuk nak pick up balik sekolah, sedang lunch hour. tak aku dengar orang hon walau tak puas hati tak dapat overtake.tapi satu aku tak puas hati bila yang meninggal ni orang islam; dia punya escort akan merempit mendahului dengan hon bingit, memaksa orang-orang lain langgar lampu isyarat merah dan lalulintas, konon nak buka laluan kepada van jenazah. jalan tak sesak pun! macam escort orang kenamaan pula. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999755620956421} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 4 2024, 02:22 PM)So I asked chatgpt who rejected the 2 state solution, to learn more on this and I got this answer:Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders and factions have at times rejected proposals for a two-state solution, albeit for different reasons. Issues such as borders, security, settlements, the status of Jerusalem, refugees, and the right of return have been significant points of contention.Israeli governments have expressed concerns about security, borders, and the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Palestinian rejectionist groups, on the other hand, have rejected the existence of Israel altogether and have historically called for the establishment of a single Palestinian state in the entire area of historical Palestine.so basically palestinian reject group ask for genocide of jew, or as the say, push them into the sea ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999786615371704} +{"text": "That day when they say \"jom boikot Setarbuck, kita beralih ke Zus\",I already know some quarters from their side already tak senang duduk, planning and waiting for next opportunity to bring down Zus punya coz owner is Type C....so predictable these people.Remember this golden phrase: \"Bisnes M, kalau tak menunggang bangsa atau agama, bukan bisnes M lettew\" The only race to beg their own race to boycott and beg their own people to support their business. Tak malu ke?Zus Coffee:2019 started2020 - 10 branches2021 - 60 branches2022 - 180 branches2023 - 360 branchesM business can never.....This post has been edited by United Rulez: May 19 2024, 05:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999289870262146} +{"text": "Aku benci makcik2 yang share benda kat whatsapp yang mengatakan sijil halal mcd kena tarik lah apa lah... tak sahih lagi pun \ud83d\ude0c", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999204874038696} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 5 2024, 12:29 PM)Racist signboard and creating divisiveness in Malaysia Kan bagus kalau buat halal, semua kaum semua agama boleh duduk makan sama samaMuhibbah & 1MalaysiaWhy should one religion dictate what others should eat and to justify reason for divisiveness?Hello, please look at yourself at the mirror. Tak malu langsung. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998914003372192} +{"text": "If u dunno... And drinked.. No dosa. \ud83d\ude0f ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "I dunno, put painting house (water based) I prefer synthetic brush lah because non synthetic brushes the bulu is too brittle. Paint half way you need to go cabut bulu from dinding, who got time. As for painting for artwork. I think animal bristle brushes are good for water based paint like water colour. But for oil painting synthetic is adequate liao (of course horse hair is the best). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998605251312256} +{"text": "kenapa orang pervert suka sangat mengotorkan imej makanan. haritu oyster and now tembikai. i faham apa yg nak disampai maryam. tapi tang suami dia terus cam ewwwwww", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7109524011611938} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrollNoob @ Jun 10 2019, 10:52 AM)Hi all...Being raised up liberally and unconservative, always drink malta and nutrimalt after offfice hours/ balik keje/ or after heavy work.Just to get the refreshing feelings.Suddenly raya, my sort of pious cousin (baru balik arab studies) opened up my refrigerator, suddenly making hoo haa about the drinks ihad and saying my house is not shariah compliance.He might have said it in raya jokes to liven up my house with pak cik mak cik. But i was damn pisssssssssssed off.As my auntie suddenly joking is my foods served got halal checked or not. My wife sakit hati and no mood for raya already yesterday. Fake smiles throughout the sessionSo in short, its ok to consume or not? Its non-alcoholic drinks. Been consumed it just like drinking normal drinks.its haram because of alcoholic %. but in malta and nutrimalt, its malt without the yeast. so, 0% alcohol. So, why would it be haram? maybe the only argument by some section of your family members is that it is produced and packed at the same factory as those alcoholic beverages. I have no prob drinking malta, but the downside is that it is packed with sugars and unhealthy. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9825981855392456} +{"text": "QUOTE(ecrl @ Jan 7 2024, 12:56 PM)He is not competent as tourism minister. Better change to other portfolio. Like mat sabu. He look stupid at mindef but suprisingly perform very well at current ministry.What not competent.....the best tourism minister yet...Cannon all those useless napolean... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.92454993724823} +{"text": "Tell me, mcm mana nk yakin 100% kalau bangsa lain meniaga tanpa sijil halal? How to identify yg dorang guna bahan halal and fhm halal haram 100% ?\n\nNk compare dgn kedai M takde sijil halal? Ada ke Melayu kristian, hindhu, budha? Dh kenapa nk was2 dgn melayu yg confirm muslim?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "Kalaulah awak lelaki dok x jaga mulut mcm ni, risau jatuh munafik plak bila kedai lain elok jer awak makan x de sijil halal. Org munafik xleh buat jadi wali.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998071789741516} +{"text": "rokok pun haram tapi tgk pakcik2 kopiah slambe je sedut ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998677968978882} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ Dec 5 2023, 10:00 AM)only left her stall w kuehchap.... the other stall now sell vegetarian food dyIc. I guess her kueh chap the best among 3. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999043941497803} +{"text": "No courtesy to answer or respond to their calls and messages. Wait until viral then come out with excuses. Their tour association should viral this some more. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9865705370903015} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roadwarrior1337 @ Mar 3 2024, 12:08 PM)You know what You are right.Doesn\u2019t matter who started they will be the bestBut now the problem is the fundementals already fukedWho ever take leadership next is as good to assume this country is bankrupt and don\u2019t blame past govt. just work hard to make it better than to blame like how madani blame ph la bn la etcA strong leadership will not blame. They will suck it in, own it and fix it to the best they can. Not this madano keep blaming Diu super piss I did not dump some money in bch. If put just 40k in few day ago, today I would have made my epf 5.5 percent dividend x2 todayBut whatever this is life and epf suppose to be so call safest investment but with 5.5 percent, pls allow us to take the money out and manage it ourself. SampahI'm not super saving like U guys. I just speak up my mind as an auntie b40. Just imagine auntie just normal rakyat (not macai) also can think this way, what about the rest of Rakyat ?I got no further comment on your reply but I feel your pain eventho auntie no vote this time. To me vote siapa also is the same resultThis post has been edited by D10yrspain: Mar 3 2024, 12:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8276312351226807} +{"text": "QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Aug 30 2019, 06:58 PM)The problem with Proton last time is they lack personnel that understand chinese market and they trying their best in fixing itHaving a chinese car dealers help a lot when they have big customer base and know how to market in chinese language media and events This is the truth - some chinese prefer to have chinese salesman due to language barrierThis is reality of marketing and Proton show they learningYou need to shed the negative racism outlookI believe the chinese flock back to Proton because of better product for lower pricing, not because of the fact that many 4S centers are owned by chinese. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7315751314163208} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 19 2023, 05:49 PM)Not all chef has to be Muslim but must have at least muslim staff. In my younger days I used to work in several halal restaurants and there were non muslim cooks among us.Now it's probably different and i could be wrong though.Dahulu open minded nons can together cook lah on restaurant. Food all halal there they assemble masak sahaja. Still yakin food still halal.Now halal certification mesti follow rule 100%. Close minded but mau certainty, follow rule sahaja what to do. Other roles for non. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996899366378784} +{"text": "wats the haram & hukum comparing to have between 1 and 4 wives ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964867830276489} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:21 PM)Hai dupe Even in prophet time they still collect tax from jews, whats the problem?Like i said, clueless, you guys dont know how halal haram works, its not thaat straight forward and simplistic to be explained in laymans term.Duh, they use the same machine of course. Like in halal kitchen, u cant use ANY KNIFE that were used to cut pig meat or non halal stuff in that kitchen, no matter how sanitized it was.I know later some faggots will go to other extreme cases like hospitals etc. Which is very tiring to explain the classification on halal haram justification based on hadisth, quran, and fatwa.So it isnt that straight forward, this is why people are paying thousands to get experts and auditors in guiding them on how to get halal certs.chii doubt u know your HALAL stuff properly, since u spouting that completely incorrect statement.KNIFE which cut non-halal can purified religiously.Source: JAKIM & MUIstop spouting shit that u don't knowQUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:38 PM)HahahahahahahahahahaAduiyai foo farking clueless i would cry lol.Just one laundry want do business based from demands from muslims All cepat teruja people pancuted say become ISIS SYRIA, kenot co exist bagai.Relax la, dont teruja too much.it takes one to start the cancer or fire.one spark and boom its goes.if u cannot understand this, keep staying in your shell.u are saying is like, a thief go into your house, steal your RM 1, then go away.will u report to police for the loss of RM 1 ?probably no, since u say JUST ONE. then later another thief comes, again RM 1.so now ? RM 2. still fine.repeat that shit x 10,000. feel the pain now ?does the cancer spread now with inaction ?QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:51 PM)Nope, both place does not allow certain people to enter, who cares whats the reason?In deed i agree, but when doing business we are talking about catering the local demands here.While most faggots cepat pancut say its total discrimination, which i agree but I would prefer to see this as marketing towards muslim customers.Theres no halal cert made for laundry shops, so the issue itself isnt that big of a deal.So push the halal haram factor aside, if 90% of your loyal and local customer asking for this \"muslim only\" laundry,\u00a0 whats stopping you from advertising it as such to get more local customers?I see this as purely business side of decision making rather than cepat pancuted pipu who thinks its just to piss their sorry ass off for not being able to send their clothes to ONE laundry in rural area.Its funny how people can be soo agitated over one small issue.LoLsure right small issue. sikit sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit.the shop owner can push for more business by making a section of the shop HALAL, but never the whole shop because this is a multi religious community.either there are non-muslim frequenting the shop or not is irrelevant because his current stance shows that he is a religious bigot.this have to stopped by the moderates before the cancer spreads.we do not need until 50% of the country shops put up signs that say MUSLIM only before action is taken. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8946545124053955} +{"text": "QUOTE(drug5 @ Feb 28 2024, 09:40 AM)Kuching apa best to eat?? Apart from Sarawak Laksa ladepends, halal or not ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "Susah nak vote.Halal yang pertama, walau tak ada sijil halal JAKIM. Asalkan aku yakin kedai itu halal.\n\nSebab banyak kedai orang Melayu tak ada sijil halal.\n\nOwner Islam atau kafir itu tak kisah sangat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999707937240601} +{"text": "QUOTE(poks @ Mar 29 2022, 08:20 AM)This won't be happening anywhere near the future soon unless faminesYup, it has been like this for many years and have evolve into BUDAYA KAMI! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "eh btw muslim should follow their god or mufti? why mufti can ban this ban that, haram this haram that? mufti not human?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "Surprised nobody says Ichiro Sushi Bar - 1 Utama Best price value IMO ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998779296875} +{"text": "Does it consider haram/tidak halal, if they smell the food aroma like Babi? You know you pass by the stall or shop which cook Babi and they said wanginya... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999762773513794} +{"text": "Nnt mesti ade org send gambar yg mengatakan bahan2 die semua halal even x de certificate. Buat ape nk sijil halal klau bahan2 dh halal en https://t.co/qL7QLcTWJK", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(max_cavalera @ Mar 25 2024, 05:17 PM)Need to keep making monkey show drama kuat to get viral and drive sales lar\u2026If not ppl wont remember lamb shank chef ammar\u2026I notice every year during bulan ramadhan sure ada drama come from him, this year sudah hire KL Foodie and other KOL to promote ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8398879766464233} +{"text": "#JAKIM bertanggungjawab dalam memberi pengesahan status #Halal kepada makanan dan barang gunaan #Islam di #Malaysia sejak tahun 1974.\n\nOur services included Halal consultations, Halal #Training, Halal #trading and #Muslim Friendly #Tourism.#Haenmar #HaenmarConsultancy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.638049304485321} +{"text": "being muslim does not make u any malay or arab la....chill...study the religion well,practice,and live a good life and u can still preserve/endorse ur culture selagi x langgar hukum syarak....but nowadays people misinterpret everyting so easily..hmm tu yg jadi susah.study pelahan2 la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986282587051392} +{"text": "Masih membicarakan isu halal minuman-minuman bubble tea yang viral di Malaysia. Kali ini, seorang lelaki bertindak membetulkan persepsi seorang netizen yang mendakwa proses untuk memperolehi sijil halal JAKIM mahal. https://t.co/xhGmvrsKeu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(treblecase @ Dec 24 2020, 07:27 PM)Then take off Christmas as one of the gazetted public holiday! I dare them, I double dare themYou mean tomorrow holiday is haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999327659606934} +{"text": "when the hsr topic is on china, many claim loss making is no problem, its a necessity of transportation mode, and the best part is can always wait, there will be population increase and improve of peoples income, and help to bring development and progress to the rural area. however when the hsr topic is on msia, suddenly the same group of people become so wise, so conscious of cost benefit analysis, and tell not to burden taxpayers that dont use the services. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990935325622559} +{"text": "Jakim is like a certifield body. Like sirim kkm iso etc... You feel very2 confident wth the product. Then the non certifield product like tony roma some of kedai2 tepi jalan kedai bakery etc..Halal is not just about eating pig or drinking wine. Its also about how you process the food from the begining till you consume it as follow by islam guidelines.If kedai islam. But very x bersih. Kotor. Jgn mkn. Kedai islam tp gune brg haram jgn mkn and etc. They are rules., respect it. We live in harmony. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.90962153673172} +{"text": "Xing fu tang yang takdak sijil halal tuh gelabah je bising haram la lemak babi laa. Vape tuh terang terang haram taknak kecoh pulak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991359114646912} +{"text": "Pork is haram = pork picture is haram?Killing/robbing/violence is not haram? Why TV can show killing/robbing/violence? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995172023773193} +{"text": "Aku selalu suka moment dimana aku beli makanan 2 bungkus untuk dimakan ber 5, bukan perihal aku gak bisa beli makanan nya untuk 1 orang 1 porsi. Tapi aku suka dgn kehangatan dan kebersamaannya. Bener2 moment yg gak akan bisa dibeli dgn apapun", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8042296767234802} +{"text": "review: 9.5/10\n\nenak bgt buat kalian yang suka sama makanan manis pasti bakal CINTA MATI sm makanan ini\n\nada versi suhu ruangan ada yang dingin, aku beli yg dingin dan rasanya jdi kaya es krim\n\nini bukan milk bun, jdi isiannya agak \"solid\", tpi tetep lembut\n\nbisa buat berdua", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.516918420791626} +{"text": "\u201cAmek rasuah pon takpe, dibenarkan. Tp makanan takde tanda halal dari JAKIM: haram.\u201d\n\nI cannot brain this.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "So if watch porn haram..But if the girl in the porn wear tudung, its halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998860239982605} +{"text": "ler - kalau tak mampu jangan beli.is like chinese restaurant that covers china marker or tourist market also take big chopper come and over charge.just change other shops or dont but la. kasi mau report buat apa - dia paksa u makan ke.pasal dia la naka charge 1 ketul ayam rm 100 pun.Cis - nando jual rm 20 for quarter chicken u tak marah pun.pui ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9754683971405029} +{"text": "\"Saya halalkan apa yang awak makan\"\"Saya tak halalkan apa yang awak viral\"LOL wtf so the guy suppose to be syukur the food he eat is halal by the boss? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969689249992371} +{"text": "Aku pernah dapatkan Sijil Mesti dan Halal untuk ex com masa intern. Dgn com tak guide apa apa. Dan kami terkontang kanting settlekan semua benda. And the end, Alhamdulillah dapat jugak Sijil Halal and Mesti. So, anyone yg nak consultation from me boleh dm ye https://t.co/6lorGXnqrn", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9704422950744629} +{"text": "Gw selalu appreciate kl beli makanan dr luar (Grabfood dll) dan mrk msh pakai daun utk bungkusnya... Gw ga suka makanan di kotak. Bahkan nasi Padang yg dibungkus (walaupun bukan pakai daun) mnurut gw ttp. Lbh enak drpd yg pakai kotak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975825548171997} +{"text": "QUOTE(supAyam @ Jun 6 2017, 05:09 PM)work 1 month.get money for 11 month.dapat duit tak berkat buat apa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998632669448853} +{"text": "\r\nhye kucing blue..i know mamak tu india muslim..tp maksud i kat atas tu..india hindu sbb tu kat kdai dia ada gmbar gajah kepala tujuh tu..kot dia muslim takkan nak letak gmbr tu lak kan??hehe\n\r\nthen..try to read this:\n\nhttp://www.mail-archive.com/saha ... s.com/msg00893.html\n\r\ndis is just the fact and opinion..like i mentioned before..depends on people belief..kalo derang jenis yg tak strict sgt..mungkin derang tak kesah kann..tp kena igt..ada setengah2 yg sgt strict when it comes to halal haram makan sbb dia menjamin kesucian ati..jadi darah daging..it is up to you..either u want to follow or not ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991481304168701} +{"text": "QUOTE(teamkiller @ Jan 4 2018, 11:07 PM)mendedahkan aurat x haram?All characters dedah aurat meh? some characters wear full-on ninja, go cosplay as them lah, apa susah. If you dont like, then gtfo. kan senang? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999707937240601} +{"text": "QUOTE(Randomization @ Feb 1 2023, 03:16 PM)He just kuda attensi. If really feel shortchanged, just complain to the organiser.Who asked him to misled people as if he was served haram food.\u00a0 Say can tolerate, can drink plain water. But can't tolerate eating vegetarian. KEKWell nowadays we can't stop people from posting whatever they're not happy about their life event on socmed. It's their right anyway. I'm not on any sides here this is just my opinion on the issue. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997784495353699} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah, hati yg bersih itu ditempa dari makanan yg halal, suci, bersih dan berkat.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991938471794128} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeroonetwo @ Aug 18 2015, 11:22 AM)Using electronic cigarettes, also known as Vape, is now haram for Muslims, the National Fatwa Council has decreed, Utusan Malaysia reported today.The council's chairman Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abd Shukor Husin said the decision was based on laws that were used against shisha, also known as water pipes or hookahs.\"We have discussed the issue of cigarettes and shisha and we can equate it with the Vape. Firstly, it is dangerous, second, it is wasteful and third, it is detrimental to health. So when the effects are the same, we have declared it as haram,\" he was quoted as saying.\"We have decided and there is no problem (with the fatwa). In fact, the Health Ministry has informed that they are waiting for (findings) from experts but we have gone ahead[FONT=Impact][COLOR=red] because fundamentally, if it is detrimental and wasteful, then we cannot agree to something like that.\"On July 17, 2013, the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs said that shisha or water-pipe smoking was haram for Muslims.It had said then that shisha smoking would have a detrimental effect in the health of the individual, national economic growth and shaping of future generations.The committee found that all scientific findings from comprehensive studies in the country and internationally proved that shisha smoking was bad for health, and its widespread practice, particularly among youths and women, was worrying.The Vape, or electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) are battery-powered vaporisers that simulates the feeling of smoking, but without the tobacco combustion.Last week, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam was reported as saying that smoking using shisha, electronic cigarettes or Vaping devices should be temporarily stopped until findings on the risks are announced in two months\u2019 time.He said the ministry was in discussions with various agencies and related parties to get their views on the effects these methods of smoking have on health.\"From the ministry's viewpoint, we deem these to be also smoking but just using different methods. The smokers will experience the usual effects of smoking except that the tar content might be lower while the nicotine effect remains the same.\"Don't make it (shisha or electronic cigarette smoking) a habit or think it is fashionable,\" he had warned. \u2013 August 18, 2015.- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysi...h.yag4QJ0B.dpufmany people cainis utensil don't wanna use, gay they bash as haram etc. Vape pula camne ye?priceless....that the winner/that takes the cake (not sure how to phrase it)SYIOK SENDIRI.....stupidity has no boundaries.This post has been edited by anonymous4privacy: Aug 18 2015, 12:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9150639176368713} +{"text": "Makan mcd jer.. usah malu malu- itu curley fries sedap bro.Spicy and curly potato fries with black pepper steak on soft steamy buns. Sedap giler. Pasti puas.Jangan diperdaya oleh propaganda palsu ajaran sesat ini..boycott tu tak ada dalam quran pun.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "\nShayang replied at 22-7-2022 12:02 PM\r\nBukan ke bersepah kedai makan camni biasa tulis no lard la, pork free bagai.\r\nKat ioi city mall tu by ...\nsetuju ngan ko.... min tak yah nak kecoh sangat ND makan kat tempat tak der sijil halal...\r\nrestoran korea kat Malaysia ni bersepah2 mostly tak ada pun sijil halal...tapi penuh dengan org2 melayu\r\nbertudung labuh bagai...hairan betul aku.... halal tak halal ni bukan melibatkan babi jerrrr.... banyak benda\r\nsuruh makan babi tak nak... haram katanya... tapi selamber badak jerrr makan tempat2 yg meragukan.... hhhmmmm....\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999734163284302} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Aug 9 2024, 03:30 PM)I received the box without labelsI call them kuih kacang merah, kuih keladi, agar2 sengkuang, kuih ketiak putih masam, kuih radish masinThe box or package should state a product name for the kuih without it, Halal status of the kuih can't be determined even if there's a Halal logo on the box.Maybe it's stated in the receipt.This post has been edited by sky2006: Aug 9 2024, 04:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.927514910697937} +{"text": "@izrafrahazwie Hahahaha takpe sis, yakin je. Maybe dia tgh nak mohon sijil halal. Nak mohon makan masa berbulan. Jangan was\u00b2 nanti jadi haram haa gitu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9837702512741089} +{"text": "We have halal stuff but people terkeliru with haram stuff because name got dog inside. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998160004615784} +{"text": "QUOTE(agewisdom @ Nov 18 2020, 11:13 AM)Kenapa perlu FDI yang bukan Islam. Teruskan BMF!Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat!insert bike fall meme right here ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968475699424744} +{"text": "@_aimanisme bukan Jakim ni yang check halal haram makanan ke", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(D10yrspain @ Mar 3 2024, 11:53 AM)That is possible by covering up the usage of the Haram side but not sustainable long termNot to mention if EPF no longer invest in haram side of the local market, oversea funds will take over and control it. And then your economy is now controlled by outsiders which you can do nothing about without serious consequences. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999542236328125} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ May 3 2021, 08:09 AM)Being vigilante got pahala x100 bonus?yea. if see silap need tegur to gain ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9901227355003357} +{"text": "QUOTE(miaopurr @ Dec 8 2014, 10:35 PM)saya tidak arif tentang isu ini. tidak tahu macam mana cara/syarat untuk execute the islamic penal law. but two things i'm sure of:1. bukan boleh simply execute the hudud law onto the pesalah2. kalau tak buat salah, kenapa nak takut?\"keadilan\" is just too cheap a word thrown about nowadays. well connected ppl allegedly do crimes, and they get away scot-free. is that adil? normal lowly citizen vent out their anger towards racial discrimination, n they get maximum punishment n reprimanded. meanwhile those higher ups throw hateful racial speech, and nothing. adil?yup. betul. nak laksanakan mesti kena adil.. cuma statement drM tu buatkan aku terfikir mana lagi besar dlm islamkeadilan>hudud or hudud>keadilan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992921352386475} +{"text": "ni mesti ipts ni. ipta semua pandai pandai tau pikir tak mungkin keluar announcement bodoh kerbau macam ni. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": " makanan kalau famous je mesti xda sijil halal,jakim kerja makan gaji buta je ke?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7748680710792542} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Ini bodoh sebarkan benih keraguan pada benda yg kita sendiri boleh tahu halal haram. Yakin ke peniaga melayu islam kat gerai tepi jalan dapat sumber barang halal? Macamana boleh pasti? Boleh je sebar keraguan kata gerai tepi jalan tu syubhah, tak pernah ada sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(Justice Supreme @ Aug 18 2022, 06:12 PM)wait..let me understand if i get this right...the owner is muslimthe workers are muslimand tiktokker that upload and viral also muslimso the muslim tiktokker interbiu the mulsim owners and muslim workers and go promobut end of the day when something goes wrong, its the cina non-muslim that's wrong? i have the tiktok video if you want..the promo video and also the one where the same muslim tiktoker release 2nd video to apologise for misleading..the allegation is like this1. muslim nasi ayam stall owner accused of buying nasi ayam from non muslim shop, repackaged as if he is the one who make the nasi ayam and sold to other muslim.2. Second allegation, the muslim guy stall actually owned by the non muslim restaurant owner. 3. if the 1st allegation are true then its a muslim stall guy is penipu scammer4. so if the 2nd allegation is true then the cina non-muslim restaurant owner (as you put it) is penipu scammer.5. If both allegations are not true then the viral guy is penipu scammer.simple kan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9351524114608765} +{"text": "Chill ts, you did it accidentally. And he also didn't know where it really came from. Just tell him the truth and apologise. Its an honest mistakeinb4 makan dekat kedai bukan muslim haram, tapi arak berbotol botol togak tak haram pulak ye. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9688922166824341} +{"text": "if malu malu dun wan ask price, scared no face then like dis lo.nowadays even cinis restaurant, which used to have no pricing on their menu, now publish in menu directly because a lot of these cases went public and the restaurant get hefty fine. Usually when it comes to seasonal seafood price, they will have price per kg at the aquarium or if they don't have aquarium, the servers will tell you they have 1kg fish available, at what price.this case i duno la. besides siakap udang also quite exp ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "Patutnya makan kedai melayu la lebih yakin walaupun tak ada sijil halal sebab tau orang islam. Kalau kedai non muslim yang kena hati2. Yang kau quote makanan rosak tu kena bijak pilih kedai la, kalau tengok tak meyakinkan, tak bersih tak payah beli.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5310327410697937} +{"text": "@anrsha @syaf_ix @man_zam @hazifflatiff Mamak kebanyakan tak ada sijil halal. Kedai melayu pun majority tak ada sijil halal. Haram tak agak2? \ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Dec 11 2023, 08:41 PM)Root beer, dog pretzel.... pon haram... yiu think chee cheong fun wud be halal?Let's change it to geh cheong fun. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954342842102} +{"text": "QUOTE(Aparaa @ Dec 5 2023, 10:09 AM)Kuching people always go to Top Spot for food. Rain or shine. I also dont know whykch ppl no go topspot one le.. thats tourist spot... town area, seagood or rock road seafood.far a bit is muara tebas or bako seafood best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "\n\n this good to shut up \"kalau owner islam kita yakin, xpayah sijil halal\", then they know how hard to get it, and we also must imposed these people cannot eat of malay restaurants don't have halal cert, event the road side one, let's they eat their own medicine\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "Bagi aku bila buat business di Malaysia majoritynya muslim. Why not apply for sijil halal. Kalau tak ada masalah apa2 mesti JAKIM akan luluskan sijil halal. Tak rugi pun. Lagi orang Muslim dekat Malaysia percaya, lagi ramai orang beli.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9230905175209045} +{"text": "Adab orang kita ni.. kalau nk makan kt cafe kene tengok sijil halal. Bukan nak tahu ingredient dia apa. Yg penting sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8991567492485046} +{"text": "@501Awani Dah syarat mesti ada sijil halal..teruskanlah... Apa benda lagi kata tak perlu ni?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8299556970596313} +{"text": "QUOTE(kn0t @ Jan 8 2015, 12:29 AM)Of course there is no wrong whatsoever. Even Rasulullah S. A. W himself gave the permission of as sahabi to learn the scripture of people of the book after Islam has gained stable foot in the Arabian Peninsula.To you it might be remeh temeh but may I remind you that Rasulullah has says... I leave you o Muslims 2 things, Quran and my sunnah, follow it and you may not get astray. Which do you prefer. To follow sunnah or to follow your own as you like. Me,\u00a0 I will follow sunnah and sunnah says Assalamualaikum and not salam. Wish to remind meself and all. Give proper salam which is Assalamualaikum. P/s: among people of the book, Jews is the closest to us but their hatred towards Islam and us the Muslims is beyond belief.for me its the matter of language only... its not like we want to 'follow' jewish(the religion) but i think it more to suit our language n tongue... like how most of us call whatsapp as wasap.. milo as 'milo' n , solehuddeen as solehuddin....This post has been edited by PVCpipe: Jan 8 2015, 01:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968681931495667} +{"text": "MasyaAllah!\n\nBesarnya pahala orang yang sedekah makanan untuk orang lain berbuka puasa. Bayangkan kalau kita... http://fb.me/5wWtQ3lKQ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999537467956543} +{"text": "QUOTE(queenc @ Aug 6 2015, 04:50 PM)Dalam kutuk kutuk haram.\u00a0 Tangan kiri.\u00a0 Tengah gesel kotetgh gosok bebird lah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "No, cannot let go, must attack Vern's every night and day for months until puas hati or hang banner mintak maaf.- Mamat pendekar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9722060561180115} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 9 2019, 06:56 AM)what if we do not afraid something that can destroy our akidah?for eg; the idea of alot people that does bad things, or non compliance to a rule set by a religion, and then says \"niat aku baik\"\u00a0 or \"apa yg penting adalah hati...\", or \"please dont judge me from appearance\" etceg; someone who smokes, or rasuah, but never misses solat jemaah?or a drug addict but becomes the main imam of a mosque, how is that?how can we not judge this people, when the visible appearance is against a religion teaching?but anyway, i dont want to focus on such specific details of a religion' way but rather to share idea that i personally believe that Anti christ have succeeded in controlling us as he is the \"tv\" (or the screen).Wrong.Those hypocrites will STILL kena punish in Hell for the initial sins, then later after pardon, will go into Heaven if Allah wills it.Keypoint: kena punish first then enjoiceWhy not just never kena punish at all then straightaway go to Heaven?Wouldn\u2019t it be much easier and painless?Think about it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995481371879578} +{"text": "QUOTE(lagenda110 @ Jun 9 2024, 04:06 PM)sapa nk cuti malaysia sedangkan thailand mcm2 ada...perempuan pun lawa2 one night stand harga mampu milik cipetrm200 per day can get good Hotel in Thailand, not to mention food heaven at cheap price. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996839761734009} +{"text": "QUOTE(NotAnotherNick @ Jul 3 2024, 09:14 PM)oh.. i am hearing a lot of grab food delivery riders complain given job to send alcohol / non halal food.. some even cancel.. food panda has come out with a fully halal delivery option too...\u00a0 still i see some still dgaf and still delivery the foodIt's known as makruh. Discouraged but not disallowed.Muslims can deliver non-halal goods, so long they are not consuming it. If they wish to choose to not deliver, and even if the platform gives them the option, they can choose to deliver non-halal food, and still it falls under makruh.It's an honest wage so it's fine. Ask any moderate Muslims, they'll tell you the same. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973794221878052} +{"text": "Utk makanan,,ramai akan mencari logo HALAL yg diiktiraf JAKiM dan ada juga yg sanggup buat logo palsu..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998953342437744} +{"text": "Memang la bodo.. ko nak masuk kedai cina yg xde halal ke? Kedai melayu tu xde sijil halal pun dia tau halal haram. Banyak2 benda haram yg muslim paling x berani langgar adalah makanan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982054233551025} +{"text": "LELRamai tak tahu salah satu perniagaan retail yang paling menguntungkan dan ada keuntungan consistent adalah mini market macam ni...sebab ia jual semua keperluan rakyat dan dekat dengan kawasan perumahan. Raudhah Mart kalau halal or tak halal pon still orang akan masuk dan beli barang. Kepada lahanat2 yang tak suka konsep halal boleh beli tempat lain. Takde orang letak pisau kat leher korang suruh beli. Aku nak amik 1 kedai Raudhah Mart ni nanti... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965974688529968} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jiao2 Itchy @ Nov 13 2020, 10:53 PM)Sikit2 nak kasi viral. Tuhan bagi otak tak guna. Memang spesis babi lettew.QUOTE(viole @ Nov 13 2020, 10:54 PM)ya. but from his voice.. macam old unker never eat old town before. because he said his friend bought for him. so maybe can try scare2 say wanna sue or give letter cease and desist to teach lesson not to simply spread rumors.old people no scold no learn one. tough love yo.young or old not the issue hereu simply accused others liddat , tarnishing their name , salestapi bila kena batang hidung sendiri then say other ppl racist lah gomen tak tolong lah apa lan_iao card semua keluar ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "food from haram company can take or not...? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "@PUTRAJEBAT8 @MyJAKIM @jpmgov_ Melayu/islam buat krepok pun perlu Sijil halal,yg ini pulak.Jika tiada sijil halal, wajib rakyat cari yg halal sahaja.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942413568496704} +{"text": " tajuk dia, makanan halal dan haram dan peranan jakim terhadapnya.. Cari video pasal makanan halal n haram tu laa", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9090110063552856} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 07:44 PM)what non-muslim right is being infringed?it's just a simple issue of properly labelling some items.yes the raid was done overzealously, I already commented that it's wrong but they have stopped it.yet it's the unaffected non-muslims who are still harping too much on the issue while the actual traders are either complying of calmly negotiating with the govt./kpdnkk on how best to solve the issue.i even expected the raid to continue becos that's what the UMNO/BN want (the overreaction from nons) but they actually for once stopped the raids before the more level headed muslims voiced out their objection.what more do you want?you want them to continue winning?u read selective news izin't it ?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7368581891059875} +{"text": "@haikalkrekkrek @YusriJamaluddin Paham kan balik. Tk halal kan apa yang haram. Cuma perlu ke semua orang tahu budak tu anak luar nikah? Instead of orang tertentu sahaja mcm tok kadi ke. Boleh tgk sijil lahir dia kot. Sijil lahir anak luar nikah terang terang tulis seksyen 13. Kalau tk tahu jangan sedap cakap tau", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "QUOTE(zetshield21 @ Jul 30 2020, 05:10 PM)PAS KATA HARAM, ONLY MALAY CAN MAKE HALAL FOODthis the statement pas said long time agoArabs can make halal food or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996002316474915} +{"text": "Halal haram ini bukan saja terhad kepada ada babi atau tidak tapi lebih luas & merangkumi penyediaan makanan, kebersihan dan juga bahan yg digunakan. \n\nSebab itu sijil halal JAKIM mempunyai proses yg sukar sebab penilaiannya bukan sekadar ada babi atau tidak tapi lebih mendalam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999338388442993} +{"text": "Can use money to turn Haram into halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999294281005859} +{"text": "jelas makanan. karna gua ga terlalu suka beli barang, lebih mentingin ke perut xixi.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9932147264480591} +{"text": "Haram kan penggunaan nama Kuey Teow jugak. Nanti orang konpius ingatkan Kuey Teow original pun macam diarrhea yang mereka makan tu.This post has been edited by United Rulez: Oct 30 2023, 06:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985849857330322} +{"text": "Kat sana, kotor itulah kebanggan mereka. Kalau dpt sijil halal, maksudnya proses penyediaan makanan itu dijamin bersih dan selamat dimakan. Ini bertentangan dengan budaya kotor mereka. Maka mereka pasti terasa dgn adanya sijil halal ini ibarat mencabul sifat kotor mereka.#sarcasm https://t.co/lMLjXHZORy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "\r\nala itu small issue.\r\nyang duit cukai halal dan haram terus masuk bercampur dengan simpanan negara tak de pulak orang marah?\r\nduit cukai judi dan arak dan perniagaan kelab malam semua tak diasingkan dari simpanan kerajaan.\r\nkemudian duit tu di kasi buat masjid dan untuk BRIM. senyap aje tak de lak komplain. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "asal melayu halal. tapi dia taktau dapur belipas bekeladakasal cina haram. walaupun ikut SOP dapur bersih barang mentah semua fresh n dari sumber halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Aku rase bende ni simple je. Kalau diorg buat kempen beli brg halal dulu, then make sure brg korg ade tanda halal la. Ade step by step dia nk dpt sijil halal. Dh ade sijil kan ke lg bagus. Lg sng nk market.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.848273754119873} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 07:42 PM)Tau. tapi arak najis sebab memabukkan, bukan sebab alcohol.Arak ade kat baju tak sah buat sembahyang.Perfume (ada alcohol) kat baju boleh buat sembahyang.ni fakta mane anda pi korek nie ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999375343322754} +{"text": "Competitive economy with tongkat kek? What stupidity is this? You want a competitive economy then let the best shops run the restaurants. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999128580093384} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 23 2019, 10:58 AM)Actually as pointed out by one of the formers here, already got Muslims complaining about food in japan. I also read news something about even if \"halal\" but not cooked by Muslim so still not \"halal\" overseas nonsense, few weeks back.They cant do anything in Japan. Japan will continue to serve dishes in restaurant that sells pork. And these educated ones will continue to eat. And uneducated ones will continue to hoohaa like monkeys. Just goes to show how many uneducated Muslims there are in Malaysia. Taiwan still has the best street food. And they grill pork alongside beef. And I saw many Muslims buying those beef meat and yum yum. Oh well. They just saja wanna hoohaa show very pious. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999288320541382} +{"text": "QUOTE(alternativehype @ Apr 26 2022, 05:52 PM)What The F@#k is that!!??Confirm troll thread... but nice to see people travelling again Keep it up TS\u00a0 :thumbsup:Civet catThe haram thing that caused SARS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civet_SARS-CoV ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985938668251038} +{"text": "QUOTE(stopandroll @ Aug 30 2019, 04:56 PM)Wait, why this consider racist?\"Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.\" Ok this one if read positively, can be translated that \"Eventhough Proton still got same engine as last time, but Chinese starting to confident with Proton.\" Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"(HOW THIS IS RACIST? Betul la chinese buying power are strong indeed)WTF benda simple tiba2 citing racial ni? Kefahaman low ke cmne?cz labelling cina is capable to own car compare with other race, which will draw hatred/envy among races. Second is not everyone will interpret in positive way when the article keep writing cina, cina and cina. (You know la its been decades when there is cina, majority context is about malaysia wealthy is robbed by cina, salah cina.)Again, the effect of stereotyping cina = rob money from malaysia; already damaged ppl to think objectively whenever 'cina' is mentioned. sekian, kita semua mangsa R&R card & banyak orang suka main api ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991790652275085} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Dec 8 2021, 03:09 PM)Ehhh got la. Those hawker food selera makan got all race selling their own foods. As long the alcohol or haram things don't ask Muslim to clear when cleaning the table.No issues pun.. but certain party wanna vroooommm for inciting some hidden agenda jerawaiting for some ISMA guy to complain about it,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981874823570251} +{"text": "QUOTE(RoofTopPrince @ Mar 16 2024, 12:14 PM)Indah dan senang isley.... Why don't they mind their own business?You get paid in both money and pahala, what\u2019s not to like about it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "Dapat ikan sardin panas2 dgn nasi pun makan habis je. Yg penting bersih dan halal \n\nOrg risau makanan x cukup, die risau nk kualiti katering", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Not our problem. They don\u2019t want to hold them accountable, they makan haram food and go to hell. That got nothing to do with us. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999669075012207} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Dec 10 2023, 10:04 AM)Probably here we agree to disagree. Niche and not a new brand (10 years give or take) selective location, spreading thru word of mouth and via social media. And if via social media you link to the website and the first question in their big ass faq is the halal status.This one doesn't need a target post of say a papa rich or old town that serves the masses with possibiltiy of deceptive marketing . And in this day and age no way ppl don't know what they getting into. The lack of signage on top of the checks you can make online already a big red flag for those who really careBut normally we malay dont really check whether its halal or not. Unless those hardcore. But some will refrain to patron again after knowing the real status. And such posts are intended for them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "aku suka beli makanan yg udh expyt kk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9923877716064453} +{"text": "hmm a lot of those kome at the fesbuk page by malay parents and those who went SRJKC.. akidah tak tercabar ke? or semua tak setia pada negara ke? or tak berintegrasi dengan malaysia? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990488886833191} +{"text": "non malay open food stall - no pork, no lard, no alcohol, super clean environment.... \"got halal cert? no then haram\"malay open food stall - dirty, overpriced... \"mestilah halal\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "@Munirahmnp @Banu_son @SyazaSyafiqah__ Memang takde sijil halal lagi tapi as long as kau yakin ok je plus aku rasa bahan2 yg dia guna takde yg memushkilkan pon hahahahaah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967166781425476} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 8 2021, 01:44 PM)JIKA ke Pasar Mahkota Sentral di Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor, pasti merasakan seperti berada di China apabila perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh kaum tertentu sahaja.Begitu juga ruang medan selera yang terletak di dalam bangunan tersebut yang diusahakan oleh tiada Melayu.Sebelum ini beberapa peniaga Melayu bertanyakan peluang untuk berniaga di sana, namun perlu terikat dengan peraturan yang tidak membenarkan peniaga menjual minuman kerana sudah ada gerai menjual minuman secara berpusat.Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. Ini menyebabkan sektor perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh satu kaum sahaja.Setahu saya, pengurusan pasar berkenaan di bawah Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKJ). Namun, tidakkah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) itu berasa pelik dengan ketidakseimbangan peniaga antara kaum?Mengapa mereka berdiam diri dan bersikap tidak adil kepada peniaga Melayu? Hal sama berlaku di pasar pagi di situ. Bukan Melayu merupakan peniaga terbesar. Kasihanilah kaum lain yang juga mahu mencari nafkah dan mengembangkan ekonomi keluarga.Apa salahnya kita berkongsi ruang perniagaan untuk sama-sama maju? Mengapa perlu ada penindasan terhadap peniaga Melayu sedangkan pasaran untuk masyarakat Melayu/Islam itu ada, cuma \u2018disorokkan\u2019 oleh golongan tertentu.Saya berharap PBT dapat lakukan sesuatu dengan membolehkan peniaga Melayu diberi peluang yang saksama untuk berniaga dan memajukan ekonomi mereka.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMgTLDR: \"BAGI TONGKAT JAHANAM!\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9410319328308105} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jingle91 @ May 30 2024, 05:17 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSame la, las time my wife also don wan have kid, after a year she was the one Kan cheong for kid, thing will change so both of you just accommodate and work together, minimum both must be on same page la.Not everyone wearing same size of shoes la. My family business is ok so I can spend more, plus I never buy any luxury items for myself since my wife pregnant.If you can afford but don't wish to spend, then need to ask your wife also la, she is the one going to suffer. If she ok with you then can do so. Not forcing each other.More important is her pregnancy condition, my wife must do c seg, so first week will be very suffering and need more time to rest. So yes, my wife is extremely weak after give birth.If no enough budget, then go for those non branded but with good quality service centre, or hire confinement lady recommend by friend or family, can save money.My friend decided to keep all money for kid's future expenses that was why they choose UKM semi private, only cost 3k, gov hospital also ok one less than 200 for c seg. Can't compare so much layeah so ultimately its super subjective, but people are putting it out like its a MUST otherwise [insert person] fault for not taking care wife la, bla blafor csec mothers i would also opt for confinement, its no joke in amount of healing the body will need. few friends gave birth via csec and no joke they are still healing even after 6 months post surgeryQUOTE(zero5177 @ May 30 2024, 05:31 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abLike many have said here, it is mostly is in the head, sometimes when it comes to wife and family not necessarily need to have solid proof to be right. It depends on your wife and their family and if you care about your peers.Confinement Lady/Confinement center/ doing on your own is all possible, but it makes no sense if you think you just need to pay this confinement for once can solved all your following problem and commitment since raising a child is a long term thing, but if your partner insist or their family want you to do so, you basically do not need to ask if it is being effective because this is not a fight you want to be part of.And if you do not want hire all these confinement, you just need to prepare to do it all on your own, I believe this is an obvious answer, u pay for it them ppl do for you of course u and your spouse will senang lah because eventually somebody gotta do it.Also another pressure on confinement center is you need to \"book\" early too not like after your wife labor then you only start finding.dunno le, i can really feel the spite in these ex keliks when they talking abt how much have changed since birth and how things would be diff if they didnt. but at same time theyll go like being mothers is the best feel ever. im confused lmaodoesnt help that last time my family was my mum and aunts also didnt really need confinement centres, they just hired babysitters/caretakers and get family help jaga and all is still went well. didnt spend much too for the caretakers/babysittersyeah so ultimately bolded part in my POV is people go confinement centre cause the other half dont have time thats all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990124702453613} +{"text": "Bila kedai non muslim dan takde sijil halal jakim pula, of course ada yang yakin ada yang tak yakin. Terpulang lah masing masing. Tak payah kondem kondem macam lah yang tak yakin tu jumud sangat hek eleh mencari yang halal itu fardhu suka hati orang lah nak yakin ke tak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5544368624687195} +{"text": "Saya tak nak salahkan sesiapa. Saya bela ayam sendiri. Saya bela ayam kampung kacuk. Saya tak jual dengan pemborong. Saya bela kambing sendiri, saya bela lembu sendiri.Saya dah cakap hari tu. Sayur, ayam dan daging ni naik harga sebab pihak yang beruntungan nak desak kerajaan ambil ayam, sayur dan daging import. Bila sayur naik hargaBila ayam naik harga Bila daging naik harga Nanti adalah media, NGO, pembangkang bising sana sini. Semua tu konon-konon je jadi hero. Nasib petani macam mana? Nasib penternak macam mana? Jangan harap ada yang tengok dan bela. Saya berkata benar. Saya bela ayam sendiri. Sepanjang tempoh harga ayam naik. Saya tak naik kan harga pon. Saya juga tahu kawan-kawan penternak tak dapat pun harga yang cantik dari pemborong. Banyak je ayam yang lebih hari dan tak terjual. Macam mana boleh kata bekalan tak cukup. Siapa je yang naikan harga ni sebenarnya? Bukan petani, pekebun atau penternak. Katanya orang tengah. Mereka boleh je sesuka hati naikan harga. Tengah hari harga lain, petang harga lain, malam harga lain. Kenapa saya tahu? Sebab saya pergi pasar borong setiap hari untuk beli sayur. Harga hari ni dengan semalam tak sama. Macam-macam taukey tu cakap. Sayur mahal sebab hujan. Ayam tak ada sebab banyak permintaan. Janganlah nak bodohkan bang oi. Macam mana boleh mendadak naik. Sayur kita tanam hari ni bukan boleh terus petik esok. Kalau lada perlukan 2 bulan dari tanam baru berbuah itu belum boleh dipetik. Ayam, boleh naik sampai RM5 sekilo dari harga asal. Mana boleh tak cukup. Ayam boleh masuk peti sejuk beku. Bukan busuk pun. Lepas tu boleh jual bila ayam tak cukup. Saya nak ajar korang satu je kira-kira. Saya bela ayam 5000 ekor je satu pusingan. Ada syarikat besar bela ayam 5 juta keluar sebulan. Kalau ayam naik harga RM2 je sekilo. Sehari berapa deorang dapat untung. Lama lah dulu. Saya ada seorang kenalan. Bukanlah rapat sangat. Tapi kira mewahlah. Dia kata dia bisnes import export. Sekali saya tanya lah dia. Bisnes apa?. Dia kata dia bekalkan kepak ayam dari luar negara. Hantar pasar raya besar. Sekali lagi saya tanya soalan lurus bendul. Halal ke ayam tu. krik krik krik dia tak jawab terus cerita lain. Ingat lagi setahun lepas. Satu syarikat yang dapat AP di dakwa kerana telah cuba menipu dengan mengatakan membekal daging lembu sedangkan daging yang dibekalkan adalah daging kuda dan daging kanggaro. Boleh percaya ke lagi syarikat yang dapat AP ni? Kekadang jadi penternak ni katanya kerjaya paling bawah. Nampak bersusah payah. Nampak baju koyak, murah dan nampak bodoh. Plot-plot drama pun tayang orang kampung ni selalu miskin. Rakyat kita pun nak yang murah. Deorang kempen sendiri kata daging import, ayam import, sayur import jauh lebih murah. Orang kampung ada seorang dua tanam sayur, bela ayam susah nak beli. Baik beli kat pasar raya. Ada class gitu. Pernah dulu kerja kat Jordan setahun. Sebelahnya negara Palestine. Yang korang beri derma selalu tu. Mereka pun makan nasi basmati. Mana ada makan beras hancur. Kita ni dari dulu tak berubah. Anak-anak kita beri makan beras hancur, ikan paling murah. Macam mana anak-anak kita nak membesar dengan sihat. Berfikir dengan cerdas. Saya surah isteri saya tukar beras. Kalau boleh anak-anak beri makanan yang paling berkhasiat. Dah tahu sayur import pakai racun yang merbahaya. Tapi sayur kita yang baik-baik kita export ke Singapore. Rakyat kita makan sayur yang kurang berkualiti. Tak payah nak fikirlah. Dunia ni medan tipu-tipu. Hanya ada 2 pilihan untuk dibuli atau membuli. Selagi ada yang berkepentingan dan beruntung pasti perkara ini akan terus menerus mengikut pusingannya. Bila saya tulis macam ni, ada yang mesej \" ko pandai sangat ko jadi lah YB, bertanding lah. Jangan pandai cakap je? \". Apasal pulak aku nak jadi YB, aku cuma pekebun cabuk je. Korang ni selalu cepat koyak le. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:30 PM)purpose\u00a0 of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.Since when was any food being made with the purpose of intoxicating except for weed and ketum?Beer, wine, liquor are all beverages produced from fermentation, it other word it is made as a beverage or a food.The intoxication is the effect from the alcohol contained in them produced naturally in the fermentation process. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990142583847046} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureQUOTE(timizama @ Aug 18 2015, 11:28 AM)what a bunch of bullshithow about cigarettes then? oh wait its taxed and benefits the gov so it should be halal huh?maybe next time they should make alcohol drinks halal too since its taxed alsoQUOTE(maximus85 @ Aug 18 2015, 12:24 PM)Rokok : HalalVaper : HaramReally top kek...Ladies and gentleman, the list of stupid people with their own retarded reality. Bodoh tu sila simpan sikit dekat anak cucu, rokok dah difatwakan haram lama dah. Korang tu je yang bodoh dan malas membaca. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "Betul. JAKIM dah keluar larangan penggunaan terminologi 'makanan sunnah' dan 'ruqyah'", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6101716160774231} +{"text": "Then why I saw a lot of Muslim eat sea snail? Aint sea snail also haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954104423523} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Mar 1 2018, 11:58 AM)Inilah marketing terhandal1. Buat Kat zouk2. Viral3. Sold out4. Mohon maaf and taubat.5. Malaysian sudah lupa buy more from her due to her sudah bertaubatWell play man the script ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996353387832642} +{"text": "A: hello, I want to order food from youB: hello, ok. what do you want?A: hey, why you simply claim your food so and so when you don't have cert for so and so? do you know how to do business? why are you doing such and such??B: xxxx.....then A viral B insults. Quite clear who's trying to stir shit here. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995001554489136} +{"text": "Alasan aku gk beli makanan coklat meskipun lagi banyak promo, takut suka dan ketagihan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.833810567855835} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkk8787 @ Nov 23 2020, 07:21 AM)Im a cinababi but yes I know it's not the best cakoi or whataver thats subjective but the fact that my malay friends are trying our food is good enough for me. Just like strangely my favourite food is actually satay kajang samuri. I dont know why. And yes especially the kuah. I actually borong from their HQ frozen kuah for own consumption.if u go to satay hakimi u will forgot satay samuri forever.this is my go to place for satay now. samuri no 2000.https://goo.gl/maps/B5P7MDEsz6kGdny38 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999618530273438} +{"text": "Senarai Badan Pensijilan/Logo Halal luar negara yang diiktiraf oleh #JAKIM di seluruh dunia ...\u00bb Jabatan Perkhidmatan VeterinarSenarai Loji & Rumah Sembelih Yang Diiktiraf Di Luar Negara#Halal #Makanan #Malaysia http://ht.ly/7jto30ie5gj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "It's not halal, but it's not Haram as well.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(Crovoseas @ Nov 23 2020, 11:47 AM)I think this is the cakoi version yg lulus (presentation, ignore the toppings) though I dont know the texture some cainis seller also product lousy cakui, it's not about the race.Well, if one race refuses to eat food made by another race, they wont know nice or not, stil can call this version best here best there. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(Protoculture @ May 21 2019, 01:51 PM)Korang nons acah2 provoke pegi la tered Islamic kat Serious Kopitiam ada la orang jawab elok2.Ni takat nak score brownie points takde sapa nak hadap. Malas. Bulan puasa tak guna hempas2 keyboard.mods pun tidurr je kerje nye. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997363686561584} +{"text": "Dah sah sah laaa kalau takde sijil halal, kita as muslim akan was2.. Sokay itu hak pendapat masing2, kalau ade antara mereka yang tak was2 teruskan la.. Itu je problem dia. Sebokkk je nak campur adukan hukum fiqh dngan yg lain. Ish ish ishhhh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8068045377731323} +{"text": "kalau tak suka jgn pergi la sial.. niamah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993196725845337} +{"text": "Malay liberal actually ramai la, they just keep quite, if show terang2 malu la kena kutuk ahli nerakaIf all malay so ignorant PAS will win election already ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Sep 12 2015, 08:18 PM)Missionary without body contact la bang oi. Persoalannya di sini kebesaran kote mereka. HahaHahahahahaha. QUOTE(stimzzzz @ Sep 12 2015, 08:18 PM)diam la gemok teruna...Hello, excuse me, i'm not fat okay !! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9676996469497681} +{"text": "Issue kek xmas lagi penting dari daging tak halal 40 tahun. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997932314872742} +{"text": "tapi kena ingat Jakim tiada keluar status halal untuk mereka buat masa ini. mencari makanan & minuman halal wajib untuk kita sebagai pengguna Islam.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9800390601158142} +{"text": "QUOTE(Darth Vaper @ Oct 21 2016, 11:17 AM)Ni boss dia org...cukur tak semestinya harom...songlap can get pahala after RIP can go to heaven with 72 virgin ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9803017973899841} +{"text": "@a_leesha1 @sumaiyahhhh_ Yg kata sblum ni toblerone ni haram ka,msti x paham..kes dia mcm kilang kopok lekor sblum ni x dak sijil halal baru iktiraf halal..kopok lekor tu mmg halal dah...cuma nk dpt pengiktirafan je..bkn sblum ni kopok lekor tu harammmm sbb x de sijil halal..arraso?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "Membaca itu wajib dalam Islam. But so obvious this Muslim lazy to read. Ohwai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991980195045471} +{"text": "@iamerraaa @twt_kecantikann @MaisarahMahmud @chizubunny @iffahs_ @ImanAbdulRahim bougas serum lulus kkm malaysia and also brunei. sijil halal pun dah diiktiraf so dont worry bukan product timbang kilo \ud83d\ude18 ws wani for details @bougasbywanie 01111429800 ws link on bio \u2764\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998447895050049} +{"text": "Can cosplay as this? I want to hear mufti say haram to this, This post has been edited by TrialGone: Jan 4 2018, 09:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999777615070343} +{"text": "QUOTE(Slowpokeking @ Mar 11 2024, 04:45 PM)I think people just create ragebait content for views.TS helping viral? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980549812316895} +{"text": "QUOTE(eds2 @ Mar 25 2024, 12:43 PM)Question like this shows that new gen cina don\u2019t even know the concept of harmoni. This what happen when they choose friend all from same race.F&B workers have been serving non people since forever and most of the workers is from malay/muslim. Nobody complaint about non eating in front of themNowadays need to ask la, trend change, something common would become sensitive in a heartbeat. Last time canteen bukake only, now suddenly big HoohaaSame like short pants and liquorYou may never know, best to ask if they mind, but if in restaurant, eat only, unless they say bungkus saja ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999706745147705} +{"text": "QUOTE(MeToo @ Aug 27 2020, 03:18 PM)Thats why have to pandai let ppl suffer for the first 10 yrs, after turn into gold baru take over ma.... take over early need to put in own self effort...To be honest now is the best quality lol. Old durian trees. And from the photos seem to be hilly region. I dun mind having some of it as well ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(CashiDE @ May 21 2016, 10:57 AM)It's the Malay that have this problem. My Arab and Bosnian friends don't give no shit. They will let the kopitiam uncle know they're Muslim and uncle will use different non pork utensil to prepare tarak Babi food. No issue.yup, just malay. if x yakin just dont eat there la. whats so hard? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9835978150367737} +{"text": "\r\nsib baik tak suka makan makanan jepun...huhu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9820544719696045} +{"text": "Beli kfc dinner plate lagi berbaloi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999388456344604} +{"text": "QUOTE(xperiaVuser @ Jan 15 2018, 03:49 PM)yee fung laksa is diluted and not spicy anymore even if you put the sambal/cili\u00a0 \u00a0 taste gone down the drain just to suit tourists taste. so which outskirt laksa shop you recommend?Taman cantek, inanam capital. Haven't tried the night spot next to promenade hotel yet. Want the best? Go kuching \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ May 2 2024, 11:30 PM)https://news.seehua.com/post/1067762Not RM 200 - RM 300?unless its your very best friend.. give 300 for what? loljust give 150 enoughused to be 100 but nowadays 150 is more than enoughif you are superstitious then just give RM168 or RM188This post has been edited by mafioso: May 2 2024, 11:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "boikot lagi penting....kesiann org lain maju dia sibuk cari hal nk boikot ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9745392799377441} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Dec 9 2023, 10:34 AM)Sijil halal ni voluntary. Kalau was was dan perlu orang copkan supaya kamu yakin nak makan tak payah la gatal nak pergi. Lepas tu jangan la pulak judge orang yang tak memerlukan cop tu untuk consume product tu.Jakim should be issuing out for free to help local businessesnot hide behind another machinery to makan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8154595494270325} +{"text": "Perihal Doa Imam An-Nawawi.\n\nDoa yang mustajab sangat penting dalam menjalani hidup sebagai seorang Muslim.\n\nDan Imam an-Nawawi merupakan contoh yang perlu diteladani\n\nDalam memastikan status makanannya halal.\n\nBeliau tidak makan melainkan makanan yang dihantar oleh kedua", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987525939941406} +{"text": "Memandangkan agama lain tiada sbrg hukum dlm penyembilihan haiwan, patut menyeragamkan semua pembekal daging utk dapatkan sijil Halal. Bisnes semua kaum akan maju. Tiada was2 lagi. @mujahidrawa @MyDSA_official @anwaribrahim @limkitsiang @GobindSinghDeo @chedetofficial @mariachin", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998396635055542} +{"text": "Habih la, dalam Jakim takde alim ulama ke? Dahtu cane dorang buat hukum makanan tu halal? Alim ulama bukan makhluk kaPadahal Jakim yg paling strict nak dapat sijil dia, segala ceruk kena periksa", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5844476222991943} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ May 3 2024, 11:32 AM)Xbule? Byk still working here in kopitiams and offices. Mahu cari duit pon malu macam puak setorberi? Maybe dia ada anak mcm hang \u2018dok rumah goyang telo?Onli lazy fucks retire at 50 even if they have money. The brain will die faster if you dun think intellectually or do discussions with multiple people. Money is not just the main motivator but brain health and body health as well becos you get dead/lazy muscles when you do less work. I\u2019ll still work with companies here after 50 even with 50% less pay as long as I get to interact with my colleagues and do problem solving.topkek uncle tua ni triggered pulak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942337870597839} +{"text": "Kalau kau yakin makanan tu bersih, halal then makan je lah. Tiada masalah pun. Lain org lain tahap keyakinannya. But then dont deny the facts that makanan salah satu punca juga perbuatan and sikap kita. Kalau dah makan yg shubhah je selalu mana nak rajin solatnya. Just my 2 cents", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9513430595397949} +{"text": "bila nak accept rokok is haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "Kalian masih suka beli makanan atau pergi ke tempat makan yg disaranin mantan gak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9910831451416016} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:52 PM)seriously? depa ni basic science pn xder ke? or logic level dieorg rendah sngt?\u00a0 arak haram sebab die memabuk kan ..and benda yg buat org mabuk is alcohol dalam arak tu.Definis arak is air tu mesti ade alcohol ..baru la jd arakbut if alcohol xder then air tu x jadi arak la.Tapai halal tp tapai pn boleh memabuk kan.. ke dieorg decide ikut kesenangan diri sndiri\u00a0 babi tu pham la sbb haiwan tu mmg haram .. no kompromiDiorg decide based on byk bnda; Sejarah arak, content arak, usage arak, logic, keadaan masyarakat, dan sebagainya.They dun simply decide, like most of us laymen. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": " asal kepada sesuatu hukum itu adalah harus, macam tu juga dengan makanan. JAKIM ni sometimes complicatekan keadaan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9434126019477844} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Aug 19 2022, 02:18 AM)well at least selayang mall much better than this damn mallI think the management did the same mistake like Summit USJ. individual lot. end up apa pun tak boleh buat.location already good in front of the hospital, can turn into makan mall.setiap kali meeting apa pun x dapat buat. atas sudah jadi hotel already. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998075366020203} +{"text": "Salam forumerKadang2 dlm kita nak mengejar amalan, meningkat amalan atau berubah menjadi baik, kita berasa hairan kenapalah aku Tak ubah2, kenapalah Bila aku buat baik kejap je....tp kmdn leka. Kenapalah.... Krnapalah....Tak ubah.Jawapannya kadang2 mmg kita mengejar kebaikan, kita mahu berubah, tp kita lupa meninggalkan dosa pun mesti seiring dgn berbuat baik dan buat perkara sunat. Sebab dosa menyebabkan tidak dpt hidayah, hilang nikmat ibadat....Malah Makin kuat beribadat Makin jemu ibadat. So tahulah Korang kenapa Korang selalui fail nak berubah. So kalau nak berubah, dosa pun turut kena tinggalkanThis post has been edited by seijiseimura84: Sep 29 2014, 06:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998873472213745} +{"text": "QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Nov 21 2018, 11:17 PM)Apart from the fact that vegetarian foods doesnt contain meat, Asian vegetarian doesnt contain alcohol either. Western veganism (different from vegetarian), however consumes alcohol.So, it is legit for muslims to eat at local vegetarian restaurants.However, some muslim friends argue that Islamic halal also takes into account cleanliness n ways that foods r prepared. So, they prefer veggie restaurants to b halal certified by the authorities. Same logic as Pau Yik Mun. Some malays wont miss the chance whenever pass by Tg Malim, while others prefer to stay away for the same reasons mentioned earlierthis one i agree. the way how the food prepared. if by muslim is ok, can assume they understand what is halal and haram . but if the non muslim serve without the halal cert, how we can ensure the vege food prepared in halal compliance? btw, halal is not only no pig no lard, its cover everything for during the food preparation.senang cerita, no halal cert, not sure halal, no pork, no lard better avoid. because its 50/50 condition. its uncertainties ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9808942079544067} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Dec 15 2023, 11:20 AM)This is a Pos Malaysia effort.You suka stamp, or you nak support Palestine, go ahead.You tak sukak, don't buy.Why lar u so butthurt about a minister being there?Like that any event, if a minister turns up, you also butthurt?!tak dapat jadi menteri is ok. cuba lagi lain kali lor, still young mah. LKS until old also no chance, Karpal until pass away also no chance. don't be so bitter.who said EVENT only?what about follow up effort also? We are also considering, once it has been launched whether we could speak with the non-governmental organisations to organise a campaign to urge for the ceasefire in Gaza nowini apa???????????????? related to Malaysia????????? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6390066146850586} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 18 2022, 03:36 PM)nons jual non-halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual non-halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.yang penting, description kena betul. --masalahnya dengan kes ini, peniaga (tak kira bangsa/agama) jual \"non-halal tetapi sebagai halal\" kepada pelanggan yang mencari produk halal. kalau kau insists nak pakai minyak zaitun dan peniaga tipu menjual minyak sawit sebagai minyak zaitun, dan kau tertipu, maka kau tak marah? apakah kalau peniaga tu sama agama atau sama bangsa dengan pelanggan, maka kurang marah berbanding kalau peniaga tu tak sama?someone will say your view is extremist. maybe he also penipu scammer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99716717004776} +{"text": "Nenek aku pun dulu ada jaaga anak cina sampai budak tu besar. Til now kalo raye n school holidays mesti he came visit.it used to be a common sight those days. Only now maybe hard to see cos media keep on raising racist issue non stop n our politician mostly pon bodo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903966188430786} +{"text": "That\u2019s why if u wanna viral Chinese cuisine u need some wine and babiIt\u2019s just not the same without that ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "QUOTE(adonhhk @ Sep 17 2015, 11:38 PM)If I only I was a dupe. For LYN racist goons, just ignore or delete their comments. For real life goons, ignore if you can, report to police if they too aggressive, they love it when you fight them, it gives them motivation and also good recruitment excuse. Kindness is always the best policy, the only way to fight them is using kindness to show the world how shameful they are.u were exposed yesterday la irl, memang many don support gov/bn.. but...... but! i got multiracial bn hardcore supporter also.. not even just malay.. maybe they are quite elites crony whatevs i dont talk about politics much w them haha.. kinda agree to disagree.. we are quite racist in peaceful way.. u know kinda lame racist jokes.. loleven political diff is not a big issue if we have bigger thing in common..yep u r right, just be kind.. just focus on what we want to achieve together.. we will forget to vroom vroom.. keep chanting say no to racism united against racism still largely revolve around the keyword: racism.malaysian sama malaysian gaduh, diam diampakistan jadi tokey carpet, banggala jadi tokey kedai runcit, indon jadi tokey construction.that time apa rally also takguna haha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.751418948173523} +{"text": "Sejak join kls halal haram utk food industry hari tu. Aku xberani nak buat any spekulasi sebelum check dlu. Memang kebanyakan kilang makanan adalah cina tp untuk dapat sijil halal jakim, prosesnya agak banyak dan akan diaudit mengikut undang\u00b2 yang disediakan. Bukan secara random.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.986224889755249} +{"text": "Susah jugak ada makcik bawang nie . Dia share dekat group kata tealive haram . Takdak sijil halal . Katanya saja nak peringat membe2 sebab sayang . Takut makan satg hati jadi hitam .", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992977380752563} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Mar 18 2024, 02:33 PM)Some viewing touching any part of pig is haram.Similar to dog.. nothing wrong keeping it or petting it just make sure its if tak , just samak . People tend to take the easy way outNah they can't keep or touch dogs without a purpose. Keeping as a pet is not considered a purpose. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993680119514465} +{"text": "@husnot_ Kak dia kan yang viral ritu ni sebab p keja kawan tlg punch card kat dia. Ais kepai mak dia tak pernah p g. Takdak sijil halal takut nak makan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(mick84 @ May 14 2024, 11:45 AM)I realise got chinese wording at mekdi too.since the boikot started not long after i think around november got cina wording ads already. QUOTE(Natsukashii @ May 14 2024, 11:46 AM)Later will blame type c rampas keje10 years later someone will viral.\"Dulu org kita pegang.. skrg semua org mereka. ni lah agenda\"Lololololngl i think this would happen. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996869564056396} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 23 2021, 12:36 PM)Meaning that disaster victims can be oppressed? They unable to choose whats best for them?That toxic mentality is same as commie mentalityAre you a free inhabitant who live based on the Law of Nature?Your replies wow me. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9481939077377319} +{"text": "Haram beb. Free korang sumpah neraka sumbangan geng kecam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999661445617676} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Oct 18 2016, 01:00 PM)kecian have to rename pork to daging HARAM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9878422021865845} +{"text": "QUOTE(Maknusia @ Sep 10 2020, 11:29 AM)Tu la...aku pun tak faham, kan dah terang terang tertera \"Pork\", unless due to political mileage, this is being politicized?!JAKIM pun sound dah. Haha.QUOTE\"Masyarakat seharusnya tidak terkeliru berikutan sudah tertera pada bungkusan bahawa ia mengandungi \u2018Crispy Pork Floss\u2019 yang sememangnya adalah daripada sumber tidak halal.\" -JAKIM Kesian JAKIM, terpaksa menjawab juga bagi mengurangkan kebodohan segelintir masyarakat. Or are these people memang jenis malas membaca, asking to be spooonfed all the time? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9896307587623596} +{"text": "Selalu ambil jatah bekalku buat beli makanan basah, tp kucing malah suka nyakar Gmn ya sm kucing teh suka kasian, pdhl lumayan dicakar teh sok nyut2an komo kena cai mah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990724325180054} +{"text": "i dont read or entertain this kind of viral.if you really want cop halal, kedai tepi jalan pun tak boleh beli. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9536243677139282} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Apr 4 2024, 11:17 PM)I will fight themDont consider them countrymen only penumpang that hisap this country resources aince british bring them here at first placeThis country will be unite in the future untill all outsiders element eliminated....QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Apr 4 2024, 11:28 PM)Sedarlah bro diorang benci kita...tgok dlm forum ni dah tahuMcm2 gelaran..orenlah .monkeylah ..b40 lahBangkitlah bro ..puak ni takkan berhenti sampai malaysia ni hancurRacing pun agak2 bang. Bulan puasa patut sabar tu didahulukan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999301433563232} +{"text": "THIS!!!! Yakin lah bila nak makan sesuatu, jangan semua tempat nak condemn halal haram. Ingat senang ke nak dapat sijil tu! Tapi jangan la pula confident and yakin bila dah terang benda tu haram\ud83d\ude1f\ud83d\ude33 https://t.co/j2ebHlDwhe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998795986175537} +{"text": "QUOTE(gaman @ Mar 8 2023, 05:02 PM)Ummm... see the word \"Brew\" dah confused, same as the \"Pork\" wording on spices packaging.I think \"Air Nira Nipah\" is more Haram than this Bundabeer!Brew coffee is haram. Yeah baby ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999896764755249} +{"text": "dia mai bosan time malamII ni laa , jadi rajin pulak nak post \ud83d\ude02. Kami tadi bosan , sambil tu godekII sikit apa yang patut . Mesti ramai tanya , ada kkm ka produk budak ni juai , ada sijil halal ka? Jangan... https://t.co/kZJlylI2Nz", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998751878738403} +{"text": "Pengajaran harini : jangan pernah kedekut dengan parents.\n\nSemalam duit aku memang tinggal 20ringgit je untuk survive 4 hari mcmtu pastu tiba tiba aku teringat mak aku yg klau petang\u201d dia memang suka makan makanan ringsn mcmtu, so balik keje tu aku pun singgahla beli popia dgn", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9879623055458069} +{"text": "@danielksays Sserious lepu , Btw , kenapa mesti bersih mutu halal ? ingat makanan ke apa ?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998306035995483} +{"text": "QUOTE(lingleeyen @ Jun 5 2017, 05:16 PM)Beli saja dari peniaga yang ikhlas dan jujur. Kalau dah puasa sehari dapat pahala, tapi beli makanan dari peniaga penipu. Tak halal la puasa tu - Ustaz FBUstaz k more ustaz than ustaz fb n twitter combinedDah lama buat kerja ni ustaz? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998857975006104} +{"text": "Gapenting makanan itu mahal atau murah yg penting bersih, halal, dan enak\ue729\ue72a", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7457094788551331} +{"text": "QUOTE(McD_burger @ May 21 2016, 09:43 AM)Bodo kedai put no pork halalThis make malay more conpiusNow still saw malay eat at chinese old restaurant malay work in cainis restaurantFor thou got go dungun half way there got seafood cainis famous got malay work n got malay eatThey does no serve pork but got beerbarang yg haram jgn dihalalkanbarang yg halal jgn diharamkanya we all know beer is haram.so the vege haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "Sekarang ni, kalau takde sijil halal JAKIM, kira terus makanan kena cop haram ke. lols. Kira kat obersi takleh makan pape la.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9697182774543762} +{"text": "Ban all is the best, just turn Kedah to another kelantan, nothing worth to do or visit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99985671043396} +{"text": "QUOTE(ciwi1166 @ May 3 2024, 08:22 AM)51 year old doing grabXbule? Byk still working here in kopitiams and offices. Mahu cari duit pon malu macam puak setorberi? Maybe dia ada anak mcm hang \u2018dok rumah goyang telo?QUOTE(Adrian909 @ May 3 2024, 11:17 AM)Malaysia so good life. A 50 year old can retire already. No wonder 1 of the best countries for retirement.Onli lazy fucks retire at 50 even if they have money. The brain will die faster if you dun think intellectually or do discussions with multiple people. Money is not just the main motivator but brain health and body health as well becos you get dead/lazy muscles when you do less work. I\u2019ll still work with companies here after 50 even with 50% less pay as long as I get to interact with my colleagues and do problem solving. This post has been edited by pgsiemkia: May 3 2024, 11:37 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998036026954651} +{"text": "Makan babi haram , but makan siham , bestest if dara , is More ichiban ! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "@irfanjusoh belum tgk lg.. tapi bagus la ada buku makanan non halal oleh jakim,", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9946734309196472} +{"text": "Dia duduk villa yg jauh dari town. Isolated. \n\nKalau korang nak gi Bali, aku suggest stay area Jalan Pantai Kuta or Jalan Poppies I/II. Sebab situ dekat ngan airport, beach, mall and banyak kedai halal. yg penting area tu tak scary", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998853206634521} +{"text": "Eh pork bukan white ka if well cook? If red, it doesn't look like red meat. Itu yang share islam baru kenal daging ker macam mana?Penting nya ilmu di dunia ini. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999388456344604} +{"text": "Hal status Halal tempat makan ini, aku berpegang pada satu perkara sahaja sejak dari dahulu. Kalau ada orang pakai tudung makan kat situ, Halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9989547729492188} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ph 7.00 @ Apr 6 2016, 06:57 PM)what tokong toking u? When muslim says halal means its not forbidden to eat and CLEAN. since when jakim got products? this is what happened when a non-muslim too busybody and starts to spread non-sense when they know nothing. oh wait, only in malaysia I am savouring the fact that it is double standard to say secret r did not pass the cleanliness standard but this company did. Hypocrisy at its best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997835755348206} +{"text": "Id still say, chinese chakoi is the best and still the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:06 PM)the best answer ..if things are unsure .. use ur guts..no need to follow fatwa that contradict logic and science ..if not you'll be just a mere sheep that follows blindly ..Correction; if things are unsure, take the safer method.Don't simply use ur guts; because that's what liberal Muslims do. Religious knowledge and understandings don't come from guts. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9320601224899292} +{"text": "After wtf moment for madani govt Like a lawless country Suka suka dapat passport balik cam kerajaan bapak dia punya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998241066932678} +{"text": "Mohon JAKIM keluarkan sijil sah HARAM kepada premis-premis makanan yang tidak mengikut piawaian Islam. Non halal tidak relevan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992935657501221} +{"text": "Pls la stop la cakap makanan non muslim haram. Kalau dah ada certified halal jakim, yakin jela. Bukan senang nk dpt halal tu. nak bmf pun lantak ko la tapi jgn narrow minded sangat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980474710464478} +{"text": "Sbenanya bagi mengelakkan makan makanan org fasik. Takut mknn tu tak disembelih + tk bersih + dari sumber tak halal. \n\nTapi org yg sempurna luarannya pun byk jugk yg tk amalkan cara penyediaan makanan yg bersih & mengikut syariat islam. \n\nKita yg perlu pandai menilai & memilih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948776960372925} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Aug 30 2017, 04:57 PM)like what food totally prohibited for you yes.. last i heard, sirap bandung also haram..............................if you didn't pay for it and if nobody paid for youand if it's not free in the 1st place. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "Entahlah, aku rasa patut haramkan bubble tea kot, bukan sebab sesetgh brand tu tak dapat sijil halal, sebab aku tak suka bila orang jadikan minuman tu trending lebih2 padahal minuman je \ud83d\udc81\u200d\u2642\ufe0f https://t.co/w9Us9XdlgJ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928134083747864} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Mar 21 2024, 01:55 PM)kalau fiftnah, apa hukum dia? this question kah?Biar salah asalkan berniat baikHihuhihuhihuhihu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "Boleh semak di apps yg telah disediakan oleh jakim tentang produk2 yang sedia ada Dan juga boleh semak jabatan manakah yang telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIM sebagai pengeluar sijil halal yg berautoriti", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988827109336853} +{"text": "Pasal halal pun nak bising ke . dah takde halal tu lantak kau la dosa kau . jakim bgtau je yg makanan tu takde halal .", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99937504529953} +{"text": "Tangan haram .. makanan tak halal .. only for hanjing kurap ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(ikram_p @ Aug 9 2018, 08:30 AM)Jakim is like a certifield body. Like sirim kkm iso etc... You feel very2 confident wth the product. Then the non certifield product like tony roma some of kedai2 tepi jalan kedai bakery etc..Halal is not just about eating pig or drinking wine. Its also about how you process the food from the begining till you consume it as follow by islam guidelines.If kedai islam. But very x bersih. Kotor. Jgn mkn. Kedai islam tp gune brg haram jgn mkn and etc. They are rules., respect it. We live in harmony.Frankly not sure the halal cert worth anything.My melei friend share with me. His mother dulu at Pasar jual ayam. The ayam source dunno come from where, but to get the cert they just have to take a piece of paper and go to the officer there to stamp and ta da! Halal.He said these kind of \"halal\" certificate all for songlap and totally meaningless. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9258909225463867} +{"text": "Hi Rakan Sejagat K,Harap semua sihat sejahtera. anyway, since its friday, just wanted to talk about something more ilmiah.i wanna talk about Dajjal. Any one know Dajjal? AntiChrist. The so called being that will destroy man kind. Virtue to be exact.can i say that TV is dajjal?i mean it clearly confuse the world of what is truth what is fake?it clearly confusing us with reality and fantasy?it clearly showing hell on one side and heaven on the other side but in truth its the opposite.it can show to bring dead men alive?it changes day and nightit controls time?and now it come to us every single individual via our phone.ONE EYE BEING? Ring a bell? Its the tv.....!God never said Anti Christ is the bad guy, he/she is just doing things whatever intended for his/her creation.idk...but all this time, we used to believe that it is going to be a human in a shape of a beast/monster but in reality it is not?because if it is such beast and monster, shouldnt we be able to identify him/her and say no to him/her because we know he/she is wrong, however as per what is being told to us, even the religious people with strong faith will loose to him/her (dajjal).that is because we do not know what is \"he/she\" and if he/she is a \"tv\", we wont suspect him/her.even the strong faith believe in TV nowdays. phones and gadjet.he/she controls us every second, twitter, ig fb....based on some scholars, the anti christ comes from Jew background.......waitaaaa minute...FB is from a JE.....what??and the best part is that, 'He/she' is not always bad and good, he/she is just doing his/her job. to be a test to man kind...any one sees this as well?share. just a fun chit chat talk.This post has been edited by Gon Freaks: Feb 8 2019, 11:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9874476790428162} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 25 2016, 07:59 PM)I guess there are just some people who wants to keep JAKIM illiterate. hahUnfortunately~ the illiterates got confused with JAKIM's action and throw a tantrum equalizing it to HARAM, BAN THE FOOD, BAN THE BUSINESS. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968517422676086} +{"text": "sekarang banyak kedai meniaga kat Malaysia tapi guna COP HALAL dari Indonesia. Orang indo sendiri ambik mudah pasal Halal Haram, kenapa perlu gunakan cop Halal Indonesia di Malaysia. Kalau baca kat ingredient ada 'Rice Wine', consider HALAL? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995940327644348} +{"text": "\r\nAda org asal diyakini halal aje dah cukup. Ada org mesti halal dan toiyibban sekali. Org yg biasa dok oversea mmg susah kalau nak halal dan toyibban sekali. Mmg tak makan luar la jawabnya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8390895128250122} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Nov 23 2020, 06:33 PM)no one will say chinese coconut mix rice is real nasi lemakalso no one will say its the bestBest is personal choice. Sukahati dia lah which cakoi is best for him. I read so many food reviews by food bloggers on google to find the best restaurant to dine in yet i find them mostly only so-so and overated but i don't make a hoohaa that the restaurant makanan x sedap. But i don't disrespect the food bloggers choice also. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.bodo ahmad yahaya, karma will strike him.what has open canteen got to do with causing people not to fast? or not respecting practice of fasting?ridiculous. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9897366762161255} +{"text": "Bagi Kamu yang Pengen Kulineran Wajib Mampir ke Kedai Sedjiwa di Malang dan Memiliki Tempat yang Bertemakan Chinese dan Dijamin Halal!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983737468719482} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!No prob, else those \"alcohol\" wipes used before injection kenot use one ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994620680809021} +{"text": "@pedoqpop Pusat Darah Negara kena asingkan darah halal dan tak halal ni. Mintak sijil JAKIM sekali. Baru pesakit muslim yakin terima darah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9931727051734924} +{"text": "HARAM !!!!,.... halo,... JAKIM,... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9900192022323608} +{"text": "Kalau awak power sangat, awak kerjalah kat JAKIM. Awak inspect status halal/haram makanan. Nanti awak tahulah macam mana dugaannya.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9993196725845337} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Dec 13 2019, 12:46 PM)What donkey balls is this?Liquor is not alcohol?All liquor contains alcohol. The definition for liquor itself is an alcoholic drink which makes one intoxocated when drinking it. Alcohol itself is an ingredient which made a drinking fluid a liquor. Not everything which contains alcohol however is liquor. Having alcohol in perfume does not make it a liquor. Having alcohol inside tapai does not made it a liquor, unless the intention is to ferment it long enough until it can be made later into an alcoholic drink, which is liquor. Same case with air nira. Drink it within 2 days is halal. Keeping it maybe for 7 days letting it fermented enough for it to turn into some intoxicating drink is haram. You probably a donkey by not knowing it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8672202229499817} +{"text": "JAKIM telah mengisytiharkan telur penyu sebagai makanan HARAM ... ! ! Orang Yahudi telah menyebabkan beberapa mutasi dalam dna penyu demi menghalang perjalanan kami ke syurga ... mereka telah lama menyembunyikan mutasi ini ... sila viralkan ... ! ! https://t.co/GF17RTnrtC", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997771680355072} +{"text": "QUOTE(insane.kill @ Mar 1 2018, 03:03 PM)ini ko cakap mahal?\u00a0 lol kesian kat bini ko nanti dpt suami malas nak mampos.LOL kesiantak tau beza harga kene tipu / cekik darah / harga scammero wai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999263286590576} +{"text": "Nasib bukan 24 in, 24 out! Fullblast exhausted, kaki cramp ronda ronda cari makanan jajan halal tapi keciwa. Hanya mampu bawa balik fridge magnet buat kenangan sendiri. #beijing2024", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988780617713928} +{"text": "kuweh dr mama, warnanya \u201cijo ade\u201d katanya, dan sengaja beli yg kecil, krn beliau tau anaknya gak suka makanan manis banyak2 dan beliau yakin gw akan terima banyak makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9774181246757507} +{"text": "rasanya sedikit rada2 aneh, hehehe untung saya suka semua jenis makanan,,,asal halal dan bersih", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6869402527809143} +{"text": "QUOTE(bombayah @ Dec 15 2022, 09:46 AM)1. Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alcohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2. Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3. Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4. Tapai halal dimakan.5. Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.6. Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.If this summary also lazy too read I dont know wat to say.best TLDR. thanks ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996708631515503} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 06:28 PM)i just read WHO guidelines on hygiene policy. it does not bar long sleeves. it just says 'If long sleeves are worn, push sleeves back' or 'avoid it becoming wet'. so hygiene is not a matter of short sleeves or long sleeves but how careful you are in observing best practises.in that case her argument of wanting to cover aurat doesn't make sense anymoresee, even if the hospital allows her to wear long sleeves, she needs to push the sleeves back whih exposes the armsso if she says she wants to cover her arms, then she cant be following the hygiene policy. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998930037021637} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 22 2023, 08:46 AM)I've read thru all the post and I think some of the questions I already answered, then there are some repeated ones, maybe I just post as a FAQ:1) Q: Was I VSS/ kena buang/ etc.\u00a0 \u00a0 A: I was made the Head of AP region, and tasked with setting up a regional HQ, it was between Singapore, Malaysia or \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Thailand, due to the fact that the decision maker on this is me...guess where I choose....so country heads that \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 report in to me are; Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia/Laos, Vietnam, Phillipines, Singapore, \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Australia, New Zealand.2) Q: Is the media in China heavily controlled?\u00a0 \u00a0 A: Yes and no...yes, gomen based media (tv station, newspapers and etc) but the chinese are now well travelled and \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 most of them has IG, twitter (cos they use VPN) so they know what is happening outside China and also within \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 China because things can go viral very fast.3) Q: Wah, big taukay already!!?\u00a0 \u00a0 A: Masih kuli drawing a salary.4) Q: Would you prefer China or Malaysia?\u00a0 \u00a0 A: I would say I prefer both, because I got relative there, so best if can maybe one year spend 1-2 month there then \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 rest spend in Malaysia.5) Q: Can you openly marah CCP/Winnie the pooh/ gomen there?\u00a0 \u00a0 A: This question is a bit naive, yes you can marah, but if viral or heard by the wrong people, you will get intro trouble, \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 same thing here, I ask you then, can you openly marah and insult the Agong and or insult Islam? Yes you can do \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 so..but if heard by the authority, you will get into trouble,,,,,sama kan??tq for your time, very interesting indeed.but the last point is comparing government leader to monarchy and religion. which is very out of context. or in China they see pooh as monarch and a religion? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "I suppose they are not like sell babi guling then claim their restaurant halal. So you can go to halal shop then no sell babi guling, apa yang tak yakin?This post has been edited by pandah: Feb 28 2024, 09:54 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "Kecoh laa halal haram laa apa laa. Jadi melayu ni jangan macam katak bawah tempurung sangat. Tak semestinya sesuatu makanan/minuman tu tak ada logo halal, benda tu tak halal. Kalau semua benda mesti nak ada logo halal, haa lepasni suruh JAKIM cop logo halal tu kat badan lembu..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892667531967163} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Apr 27 2022, 12:30 AM)AstagaaaaaaAstagaaa murah & berbaloi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "Pas kecil suka beli makanan itu ...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975479245185852} +{"text": " MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8384830355644226} +{"text": "Assalammualaikum,My understanding of this is that we should always pray on time.If there are circumstances where we missed a prayer, we should make up for it.http://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/muslim/004a_smt.htmlBook 8, Number 1448: QUOTEAbu Huraira reported that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) returned from the expedition to Khaibar, he travelled one night, and stopped for rest when he became sleepy. He told Bilal to remain on guard during the night and he (Bilal) prayed as much as he could, while the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and his Companions slept. When the time for dawn approached Bilal leaned against his camel facing the direction from which the dawn would appear but he was overcome by sleep while he was leaning against his camel, and neither the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) nor Bilal, nor anyone else among his Companions got up, till the sun shone on them. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was the first of them to awake and, being startled, he called to Bilal who said: Messenger of Allah I may my father and mother be offered as ransom for thee, the same thing overpowered me which overpowered you. He (the Holy Prophet, then) said: Lead the beasts on: so they led their camels to some distance. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) then performed ablution and gave orders to Bilal who pronounced the Iqama and then led them in the morning prayer. When he finished the prayer he said: When anyone forgets the prayer, he should observe it when he remembers it, for Allah has said: \"And observe the prayer for remembrance of Me\" (Qur'an. xx. 14). Yunus said: Ibn Shilab used to recite it like this: \"(And observe the prayer) for remembrance.\"Book 4, Number 1449: QUOTEAbu Huraira reported : We stopped for rest along with the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and did not awake till the sun rose. The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) then told us that everybody should take hold of his camel's nosestring (get out of this ground) for it was the place where devil had visited us. We did accordingly. He then called for water and performed ablution and then performed two prostrations. Ya'qub said: Then he prayed (performed) two prostrations. then takbir was pronounced for prayer and then he offered the morning prayer (in congregation).It is upon Allah to accept our prayers and we should try our best and as much as we can to pray. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997097849845886} +{"text": "QUOTE(LordDenning @ Feb 13 2016, 06:35 PM)If you are not trolling or being sarcastic, I feel sorry for you. I really do. But if it was sarcasm, then sorry it didn't translated well over the internet.PS: My colleagues and I always go eat duck rice in a malay warung.\u00a0 What about frogs \u7530\u9e21? I had also thought amphibians are haram for muslims. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996511936187744} +{"text": "Jabatan xberbaloi hasilnya? \n\nSaya faham, awak anti jakim sebab awak haram berada di sekitar makanan dan perlu dihapuskan!!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 08:25 PM)alcohol memabukkan thus alcohol = haram noif u drink pure alcohol,it could be dangerous to ur health.not mabukcan cause liver damageand different type of alcohol present in bread and winenot the samesimpleif u eat bread,mabuk or not?noso not haramThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Nov 2 2013, 08:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999018907546997} +{"text": "Bodo mia Jakim, raid because of viral video. Many viral videos of ppl saying Najib anal smex with Altantuya, why don't catch? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6256086230278015} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Dec 27 2023, 03:10 PM)Itu bukan buka aib orang. Banyak orang buka aib sendiri guna social media. Jadi orang tegur lah, tapi kadang-kadang orang tidak tahu situasi yg sebenar.Bagi saya, kalau suka nak bagi tahu semua orang apa kita buat, kena terima saja apa orang kutuk atau puji tak kira betul atau salah.\u00a0 Ok. So each time they post pic, need to tegur tudung mana tudung also right? Why focus on only the cainis food? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992358684539795} +{"text": "samaaaaa! ada je kedai halal mesti dah jenguk", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6219552159309387} +{"text": "\ud83d\udd2eSejauhmana impak pensijilan halal kepada makanan tradisi pelbagai kaum? \ud83d\udd2eApa yang pengguna Islam kita perlu faham mengenai produk HALAL dalam konteks Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia? Ikuti... https://t.co/LBRMQbRQEV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6796141266822815} +{"text": "Sekiranya ada yang masih menjual dan menggunakan produk in, sila berhenti segera. Produk maut ini , tidak memiliki sijil halal, dan dihasilkan secara haram oleh pasangan bukan islam di sebuah rumah di Pulau... https://t.co/cRFsgMPzrv", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:35 PM)http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/299644May 26, 2015MalaysiakiniJakim revokes Secret Recipe's halal certThe halal certificate of popular cake franchise Secret Recipe has been withdrawn by the department of Islamic Development Malaysia(Jakim).However, Jakim said the revocation of halal certification for Secret Recipe Manufacturing Sdn Bhd was not due to the use of \"haram ingredients\" but was instead due to issues involving cleanliness.\"The revocation of the halal certification was because of a breach of the halal certification procedure manual involving serious offences on cleanliness and good manufacturing practices.\"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff.QUOTE(farid_razak86 @ May 26 2015, 12:41 PM)agree. jakim ni memang bodoh. melambak je kedai mamak yang kotor tapi takde pun tindakan. aku jamin mamak yang buat roti canai tu tak pernah basuh tangan, kecuali selepas dia berak.do u know the condition of secret recipe cake factory in shah alam?it isnt about the secret recipe outlet cleanlinessThis post has been edited by Flizzardo: May 26 2015, 02:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982598423957825} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)She replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017that biatch hati already gelap before even buying that poor fella's food. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998714923858643} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 10:13 PM)HahahahahahaJelous of sinful living? What is this? 5 yr old kid rant?So people complain cannot enter laundry means they are jelous other people can cuci baju? Bodo logic? Im not complaining why muslims cant enter these haram places, im saying they cant enter but they dont complain like faggots who cant send their dirty undewear to just ONE laundry place. LoLBolded part,Kesian shallow minded fag thinking race have any role with religious practice.Yeah rokok is Haram, I forbid anyone in my family and company smokes.So?Actually i am not even mad. Your idiocracy just boggles my mind. Besides, i dont have a bone to pick with the laundry owner. Suka hati dia nak bagi siapa customer guna laundry dia.i felt sorry actually that your mind is \"cetek\". How to maju like that.Careful who you calling a faggot. If you look at statistic, most pondan originates from your kind.So what if you and your family dont smoke but >90% of your puak does it indiscriminately at mamak, bus stop, restaurant.This post has been edited by lamer2000: Sep 24 2017, 10:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977312684059143} +{"text": "ni ada yg siap tuduh produk tu haram la produk ni syubhah la, padahal terang2 pengusaha tersebut menjaga standard & quality barangan mereka malah mereka dah persiapkan sijil halal untuk produk mereka.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9793875217437744} +{"text": "When got free mcd. Say pula no understand them why boikot. Boikot is to stop profit not cause food auto become haram. Now Salib auto food become haram? Lol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "QUOTE(tatabun @ Mar 3 2024, 11:02 AM)ni mesti adjust sbb nk bagi shariah lebih ni\u2026yeah, that definitely how it works, can simply adjust2 to give to syariah.syariah was intro during najib time. if dunno how to manage, just give back to najib la. najib can give 6 with GST at 6. compared to 5 now with SST at 8. LOL ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5651339292526245} +{"text": "@UMonline Diaorng apa takut.. benda viral tak ada sijil halal pun berpusu-pusu melayu makan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(colorlesstermite @ Oct 26 2016, 12:19 AM)To all Muslims brother. See who tepuk tangan now. They just wait to see us argue on the small matter #muslimfightsmallmatter#siapa tepuk tanganThink twice.To me this is not a small matter. Islam had been bashed and been made a joke caused by people who suka2 interprate or come up with stupid rules and use Islam name. This has been going on for a long time, and many refuse to voice out ( people like u ), bcoz the 1 thats doing it is a Muslim brother. This has to stop now. If its wrong, Its wrong. No matter the 1 doing it is a muslim or not. Look beyond race and religion and maybe u will see things more clearly. Put ur faith on God and Islam, not on a normal human being. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998857975006104} +{"text": "QUOTE(PseudoWoodo @ Aug 4 2019, 04:48 PM)Alcohol tak haram, tapi minum alcohol sampai memabukkan haram. Fyi, you can even use alcohol in making food, there's a certain percentage allowed set by JAKIM. Check it out on their website.Sos link for the bolded pls? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940969944000244} +{"text": "QUOTE(delon85 @ Mar 19 2024, 11:12 AM)General knowledge dictates billions having eaten pork and is still alive. No sign of parasitic infectionDon't know what's the correlation between eating pork and harbouring parasites. What did the old book tell you other than it giving you disease?I didnt say the Quran mentioned about parasite in pig. Dont make out stories la bro u takde keje ke asyik butthurt je kepercayaan agama orang. Hari2 mesti mau mock Islam ya in /k ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994778037071228} +{"text": "shopkeeper : saya jual nasi lemak babimelei ppl : eh? ini haram ke?shopkeeper: ada babimelei ppl : JAHAT!!!!! MENGELIRUKAN!!! SAYA NAK KOMPLEN!!!shopkeeper: babi betul.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "\r\naq dulu kerjer 7-E, mmg apek yg antar,nama syarikat siti kot,x ingat sgt..\n\r\naq blajar dlu,bukan kewajipan kiter pon nk tau halal x halal,tu kewajipan JAKIM,dier kate halal kiter makanjerlah.dosa n liabiliti dier tanggung..so kegiatan membawa was was ni mmg aku x stujulah,dosa tau.jakim kater halal,so halal ler.\n\r\ntapi yg guna sijil halal bukan msia atau negara2 yg boleh dipercayai(mcm aus,UK) tu agak was2 lah mcm kedai kopitiam dgn halal S.E.A dier..ntah2 menipu ker,asal x amik sijil halal jakim jer,lagipon ni company yg keluarkan,x ker dier menipu ker tidak..bukan ader regulation pong.alangkan JAIS pn nk amik tindakan kt penguna sijil ni..\n\r\nmcm kt aus tu,ader strick law inforcement dan dikendalikan islamic council.tpi yg dri cina,india boleh percaya ker?\n\r\ntapi kalo dh rasa was was,gharrah ni,mmg dah jatuh hukum makruh ker haram,ai x inggatlah..so mmg kener elakkan.. tak payahler makan.,pi MYDIN,semuer brg halal,and sizeable bumi produk.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(imPKKer @ Mar 21 2015, 11:52 PM)Are you still talking about halal and haram of the food or not? well, you can eat duck. You can eat bird as long it does not hunt with claws or eat another animal. They need to only eat grains or crops. People just don't eat duck because it pricy and hard to cook.Oh really? Thats new to me. Coz ... chicken eat worms (other animal) Chicken can hunt with claws ... if you see those kampung COCK FIGHTING But if what you said is true... then Muslim eat KFC ??? I guess you can eat Cadbury and Duck... the hell with birds and chickens. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991475343704224} +{"text": "Isunya memang la payah perniagaan kecil nak dapatkan sijil halal sebab kos, tapi skrg isu air boba tu harga air cam yahudi tak kan tak mampu", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995326995849609} +{"text": "Dia takde sijil halal ke dia ada ingredients haram? It's two different things, and most chinese dont know the difference. https://t.co/0OP8s2xC0N", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997095465660095} +{"text": "QUOTE(acbc @ Feb 14 2019, 03:54 PM)Blame card in use. As usual. Don't tell me a department in own ministry also dunno meh?Boss kau dh lama approved.You think org yg pigi trip tu nk post facebook bgtau boss xnk pigi sebab mahal?Atau nk tun M check setiap dept punye approved trip?Ntn you pusing kerajaan x prihatin cancel trip yg dh approved dn melemahkan semangat pasukan polis yg berdedikasi.Mcm mana pon you pusing mesti menang. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996485710144043} +{"text": "@s1yde @AkalEmpirikal @drmazacom Ehhhh, bukan semua kedai makan melayu tu ade sijil halal. Tapi makan jugak kan. Sebab tau, mesti masak guna bahan halal. \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9813465476036072} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum semua,dua tiga harini agama kita kena hentam cukup teruk,all because of some veeery confused and misguided individual Muslims in EuropeSemoga Allah SWT melindungi kita semua dan saudara2 kita di Europe dari malapetaka yang bakal menimpaDan Umat Islam kat Europe kena kena fikir macamana nak integrate dengan society peacefully, bukan nak create Islamic StateNabi takde ajar duduk negara orang pastu buat onar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997963309288025} +{"text": "\r\ninfo dari Datuk Dr Maamor persatuan pengguna islam malaysia ..susu formula SIMILAC diragui status halalnya. Susu ni pun quite famous..ada di pasaran.Susu tu dipercayai guna hormon manusia dalam proses pembuatannya.\n\r\nSusu tu pun dah dikategorikan tak HALAL dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Amerika Syarikat", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994750618934631} +{"text": "\n\n\r\nRASMI: Kadzim mewakili Hajiji merasmikan SAHEX dan Karnival Baurung-Urung di SICC di sini.\nKOTA KINABALU: Kerajaan negeri harapkan lebih ramai usahawan di Sabah menghasilkan produk makanan halal yang bukan sekadar untuk pasaran tempatan, malah ke peringkat global.\nKetua Menteri, Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Haji Noor berkata, Sabah memiliki pelbagai produk makanan yang boleh diketengahkan oleh usahawan tempatan hingga ke peringkat lebih tinggi.\nBeliau berkata, walaupun pembabitan usahawan termasuk perindustrian mikro kecil dan sederhana (PMKS) dalam industri makanan halal di negeri ini semakin bertambah, namun penambahan bilangan usahawan itu masih perlu dipergiat.\n\"Kita mahu melihat pembabitan lebih ramai usahawan dalam bidang produk makanan halal di Sabah.\n\u201cUsahawan baharu dan sedia ada juga perlu memanfaatkan sepenuhnya expo halal yang diadakan untuk meningkatkan dan meluaskan perniagaan,\" katanya pada Majlis Perasmian Expo Halal Sabah (SAHEX) dan Karnival Baurung- Urung di Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) di sini.\nTeks ucapannya dibacakan Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Kadzim M.Yahya.\nHajiji berkata, kerajaan mengambil perhatian mengenai pengurusan halal di negeri ini berikutan pasaran global industri halal dunia dijangkakan mencapai jumlah USD2.4 trilion pada 2024.\nKatanya, keprihatinan kerajaan dizahirkan melalui penubuhan Majlis Halal Sabah (MAHAS) yang berperanan sebagai badan rasmi kerajaan dalam membincang, mengkaji dan membuat keputusan isu-isu halal serta mencadang langkah baharu bagi membangun industri halal di negeri ini.\n\u201cPeranan semua pihak penting dalam pengurusan halal, jabatan dan agensi yang terlibat memberi tumpuan khusus kepada usaha memperkasa aspek pensijilan halal khususnya kepada PMKS.\n\"Usaha ini penting agar PMKS juga mampu bersaing dan memiliki keupayaan dalam pasaran industri halal di negeri ini,\u201d katanya.\nMelalui usaha yang dilaksanakan kerajaan negeri, beliau berharap Expo Halal Sabah akan memantapkan lagi kefahaman Pensijilan Halal Malaysia kepada pemain industri dan pengunjung expo.\n\"Expo ini juga dapat menjalin jaringan kerjasama pemain-pemain indusrti halal di dalam dan luar negara, di samping memperkenalkan produk-produk halal buatan tempatan di negeri ini,\u201d katanya.\nSementara itu, menyentuh tentang Karnival Baurung-Urung, Hajiji berkata, kerajaan negeri mengalu-alukan penganjuran karnival itu bagi memupuk maufakat dan sikap toleransi dalam masyarakat tanpa mengira bangsa, kaum dan agama di negeri ini.\nBeliau berharap Karnival Baurung-Urung antara khazanah budaya negeri ini yang boleh diketengahkan kepada pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara.\nKatanya, masyarakat Brunei yang memiliki pelbagai khazanah seni budaya dan adat resam, boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada penyumbang dalam sektor pelancongan.\n\"Usaha berterusan perlu dilakukan untuk merancakkan sektor pelancongan. Karnival seumpama ini perlu dipromosikan sebagai salah satu produk untuk meningkatkan sumber pendapatan pelancongan negeri Sabah,\u201d katanya.\n\nhttps://www.utusanborneo.com.my/2023/10/28/hasilkan-produk-makanan-halal-sabah-untuk-pasaran-global-0", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9729899764060974} +{"text": "@syafiqhamzahMBB Tats y la... Sijil halal bkn la penentu kpd status halal ssuatu mknan. Ianya sbg panduan, kwlan dan mndidik kpd sesuatu yg halal...terutamanya utk peniaga non muslim. U xboleh pukul rata xde sijil maka xhalal sbb halal dalam syarak xde kaitan dgn sijil bro.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998546838760376} +{"text": "QUOTE(mt24 @ Sep 19 2016, 08:19 PM)Don't quickly jump to all things are haram. U need to learn and listen morehttps://youtu.be/DkXDJt0EJe4If you are abroad in the place where halal food is scarce, Until what extend u want to check what component in the food? You can go on check until what dna in there. As far as i concern, as long as the listed ingredients is all plant base or milk or no alcohol or non animal related,\u00a0 it is fine to me. If the ingredients stated there is animal particles and doubtful, definitely i will avoid.u can have your own opinion but the HALAL logo is there for a reason.to safeguard all muslims who consume halal products, if people were to take the logo for granted, then there is no use in using the logo.in overseas, if they are serious in serving food to muslims, they should take steps to verify that their premise is halal. IE, get halal certificationthere are a lot ingredients that can be tampered with and can be potentially not halal.btw, all halal based certification do really carry out DNA verification on products. to detect porcine DNA. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997920572757721} +{"text": "Kadang geram ya geng terpaling cari makanan halal, bila benda dah ada halal jakim, condem pula owner non muslim, patut bangga lah sikit non muslim gigih apply sijil halal, ingat senang ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993904829025269} +{"text": "Kenapa tempat tu? Tak pernah makan taktahu. Kalau kotor buat la report. Tu yg saya cakap kalau org Islam tu sendiri tak dapat menyediakan makanan yg bersih/halal itu dh kira dosa dia la & kita sendiri ada hak utk memilih. Jadi pilih la seeloknya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978798627853394} +{"text": "QUOTE(krizalid88_real @ Nov 4 2021, 11:11 PM)Ni cerita sebenar dari owner ttg siakap mahal di Langkawi :Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian ,\u00a0 berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia.definitely Kementerian Pengguna will pay a visit soonlike this case beforehttps://www.hmetro.com.my/utama/2017/11/286...saiz-xl-rupanya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.763594388961792} +{"text": "We will end up becoming a colony of DaGe at best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998633861541748} +{"text": "\r\nAku tak tengok apa2 masalah dgn membaca nama memuji Allah sebelum menyembelih binatang pada org Kristian. Di Malaysia, org bukan Islam dah biasa makan makanan sembelihan halal yang dibaca ayat memuji Allah. Ini lebih kurang sama kes org Islam minum air yang dicampur dgn Holy Water. Hati boleh gelap katanya.\n\r\nMentaliti macam ni mentaliti masih kolot. Tak sangka org putih pun kolot jugak pemikirannya.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998548030853271} +{"text": "'Sebab ada orang kata, pembekal dedak/makanan haiwan biasanya bangsa sekian2. Jadi, aku takut nak makan ayam sebab katanya ada sumber2 yang diragui/tak halal...'\n\nKadang2, aku simpati dekat orang yang catu makanan untuk diri sendiri. KFC yang bercop JAKIM pun ditolaknya :')", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Apr 1 2021, 06:36 PM)Ofc. Buta huruf memang malas baca.Non of ur concern. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903270602226257} +{"text": "QUOTE(poweredbydiscuz @ Jul 24 2024, 03:21 PM)\"I tak suka, lu semua jangan makan.\"Lu makan lu punya. I makan I punya. Apa ketahian you tak makan I nak ikut. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998623132705688} +{"text": "Kenapa ramai yang triggered bila ada orang mempersoalkan halal haram sesuatu makanan tu? Aku tak memihak kpd sesiapa, cuma tak payah la nak triggered sangat sampai nak salahkan jakim. Pandai buat, pandai la simpan.\n\nIngat kita as a Muslim, mencari yang halal itu wajib.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997813105583191} +{"text": "@Cami_chiao yes i know the different between cop dan sijil but it\u2019s not the issue here, aku just buat contoh daripada menggunakan cop halal why tak buat cop haram instead ? supaya orang tidak ragu nak beli makanan sedangkan percentage makanan di negara kita bnyk yg halal dri yg haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995982050895691} +{"text": "Dia tak cakap pun makanan tu haram.. dia cakap makanan tu takde *sijil halal* dari Jakim je.. mende tah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9634110927581787} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 29 2016, 12:38 AM)its not about \"da dia gelabah tetek?\"its about it shouldnt happen in the first placeis jakim the only institution in the world that have \"serang dulu.salah takpew\" policy?agama kita ajar ke? \"serang dulu.salah takpew\"ada nabi\u00a0 \"serang dulu.salah takpew\" sahabat dia?ada surah quran promote\u00a0 \"serang dulu.salah takpew\"amon tak nak kalah.amon mesti menang debat internet.wu wu wu...as mentioned, if ninja joe feels they have been wronged, they can bring jais to court.other parties have brought jais to court and some did succeed (that bible case comes to mind).btw serang dulu salah takpe?they have good reason to investigate, and if they didn't then the muslims who reported will escalate it further.it's just investigation.key word: INVESTIGATION.let the court (civil court in this case, as jais themselves had admitted that they gave all of their investigation results to KPDNKK) decide whether they did indeed contravene the halal act.and if they win, ninja joe is free to sue back jais for whatever reason that they think.and if we wanna talk about shouldn't happen in the 1st place, naming it p. ramly burger as homage to ramly burger shouldn't happen in the 1st place.but huhuhu amon still wanna win da internutz... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992726445198059} +{"text": "QUOTE(crador @ Mar 13 2024, 05:15 PM)Too late. Eldest one already 11. Going to SMK soon. I am a father of three myself. 6 years Chinese school (SRJKC), 7-8 Years Malays School (SMK) and 3-4 years English School (Private Uni) sound like the best routes for my kids. If they are good enough, they can master 70-80% of all major languages in Malaysia and should be able to communicate to 90% of the world population. This is the ideal path for a Malaysian Chinese IMHO.that's the path for malaysian who insist to stay, your kids might have different idea, or you might have diff idea when you have other choice, for your kids.This post has been edited by YH1234: Mar 13 2024, 05:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "Apa bende diorg makan nie\u2026 Mix paint & shrimp paste? Cat campur belacan?Haram betul ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9795341491699219} +{"text": "beli makanan yang aku suka, main, nonton, denger lagu yang bikin happyyy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "@ImanAbdulRahim Pastu nanti ada orang tanya lagi, \"Kak iman kedai ni ada sijil halal tak?\" \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9122018218040466} +{"text": "Sorry. Critical thinking bukan budaya kita.This post has been edited by TOMEI-R: May 11 2024, 02:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996322393417358} +{"text": "pergi website halal jakim tu, cari maklumat pasal makanan tu.. tengok halal ke haram...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.79908287525177} +{"text": "Ini yang paling mencabar bila buat bisnes kek..nak cari ingredient bukan boleh main hentam sebarangan. Pernah dulu sampai mintak kat cashier kedai bahan kek tu sijil halal kedai dia..sbb kite nak cari bahan yg... https://t.co/EPGYA1WOLW", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "QUOTE(poks @ Dec 25 2020, 09:30 AM)Can't say much with this kind of ancient mentality. Other human might have migrated to other stars, and they still talking of halal haram logo etcHmm, this raise a question (out of curiosity only la , not meant to attack Islam or anything). If let's say we traveled to a planet lightyears away .. where should Muslim face when praying ? Since it's almost impossible to face the direction of the holy city. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7761259078979492} +{"text": "QUOTE(H3lpM3 @ Aug 7 2015, 11:53 AM)hang tengok penuh sebab hang tengok masa peak time je, cuba tengok masa non peak, tiada orang pon. trucking business ok but if you are not always there and always on the go then customers will be hard to be loyal, masa dorang idam kan makanan awak tapi awak takde pulakj kat sana. lama lama hilang dah loyal customers.laa.. takdak la takdak org makan sgt pon..la ni org dok juai meatball pon sanggup depa dari memana dok turun ikea..tanya nk buat padia, makan meatball.. zzzzzsama ja.. dulu aku nega shisha kat seremban ni, sehari 2-3 org ja cust..lama2 ok la.. create culture..ubah persepsi.. xmo dok takuk tu ja even in food industries..kalau trucking boleh letak schedule..business need discipline..so buat schedule bile n bile when trucking..the best thing about trucking, customer wait for u to come..tp trucking modai lagi besaq.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Salah satu punca solat susah nak khusyuk adalah sebab makanan dan minuman kita dari sumber yang haram. So make sure ianya halal dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997109770774841} +{"text": "QUOTE(fridel @ Nov 25 2023, 10:54 AM)But maksiat no haram worBingung.gifMaybe haram.. tapi hukum berbeza, macam rokok. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "Syukur...Normally those shout halal the louder r the most haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959089756011963} +{"text": "Saya berharap JAKIM keluarkan stiker pelekat makanan HARAM bagi memudahkan umat islam untuk makan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9580000042915344} +{"text": "Makanan yg halal dan bersih ni penting utk diri kita. Baik utk bina rohani yg sihat. So klu bab makan kena cerewet sikit.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9801319241523743} +{"text": "QUOTE(theboys @ Nov 2 2013, 11:31 PM)=any person that is non-Islam can prepared the food, provided, he has the knowledge of Islam's way of prepping the food.E.g: John is non-Muslim. But he cooks halal meat, with no Haram ingredients, and his same cooking tools are not used prepping non-Halal food w/o proper Islam cleansing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.980685830116272} +{"text": "@brgsjks Khidmat nasihat pelabelan produk makanan di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Makanan 1983, Skim Pensijilan MeSTI, GMP & HACCP di bawah MOH, Sijil Kesihatan dan Penjualan Bebas untuk eskport ke luar negara. Pensijilan Halal di bawah JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980911612510681} +{"text": "WtfHow to break halal law when it is already haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN :)#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/1fRPep61k", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9181169867515564} +{"text": "QUOTE(sk1l @ Jan 4 2019, 11:58 AM)from my forwarded whatsapp msgs : Breakfast Astaka Taman Tun Sardon Pasar Awam Taman Tun Sardon, P227 Hilir Pemancar, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqd92jkNasi Kandar Kg MelayuNasi Kandar Kampung Melayu, Lintang Kampung Melayu, Ayer Itam, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdp0g3Roti Canai Agryll RoadRoti Canai Jalan Argyll, Jalan Argyll, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4excRoti Canai Transfer RoadRoti Canai Trasfer Road, Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4f3xAstaka Rope WalkAstaka Lorong Kulit, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9jt9LunchNasi Kandar Deen Maju Deen Maju, 170 Jalan Gurdwara, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg0bd5Nasi Kandar Deen JelutongRestoran Deen, Jalan Jelutong, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdsv6uNasi Melayu Lidiana (Masjid Terapung Tanjung Bungah)Kedai Makan Lidiana- Nasi Melayu, Persiaran Tanjung Bungah, Tanjong Bungah, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zr1gem8Nasi Padang Transfer RoadRestoran Nasi Padang Minang, 92 Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4fseNasi Campur Melayu, Stadium Bandaraya - Also Mee Udang and etcAstaka Jalan Perak, 210A Lilitan Stadium, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9pdnHameediyah RestaurantHameediyah Restaurant, 164A Lebuh Campbell, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg47wqHameed Pata Mee SotongHameed Pata Mee Sotong, 19 Lebuh Pantai, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6er7Ani Nasi Campur Gulai SembilangAni Nasi Campur Gulai Sembilang, Jalan Ahmad Nor, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdufn6Nasi 7 Benua-Nasi 7 Benua, 231 Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3cshcLaksa JanggusLaksa Janggus, Lorong Kg. Perlis 10, Balik Pulau, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0ntzwCargas Cafe Nasi CampurCargas Cafe, 6 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq17yh5DinnerAyu Mee UdangAyu Mee Udang, Lengkok Kampung Masjid 1, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0fb13Astaka Padang BroomMedan Selera Padang Brown, Jalan Perak, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfc868Pak Hussein TomyamPak Hussin Tomyam, Lilitan Bayan, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3c198Gurney Drive Food Court Pusat Penjaja Anjung Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfw6egNasi Dalca Kassim MustafaRestoran Kassim Mustafa, 12 Lebuh Chulia, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg3bv5Sup HameedSup Hameed, 48 Jalan Penang, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg5hcrRestaurant Kapitan - The Best TandoriRestoran Kapitan, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6025Restoran Pen Mutiara - Kari Kepala IkanRestoran & Hotel Pen Mutiara, P220 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq44hm7Nurul Ikan BakaqNurul Ikan Bakar Special, Lebuhraya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq6wswqChar Koay Teow SaniSany Char Koay Teow, Jalan Sult ://waze.com/ul/hw0zq4pd3knice compilation.btw. i prefer to go to less famous food joints because no need to queue too longThis post has been edited by kurtkob78: Jan 4 2019, 01:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997708201408386} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 28 2016, 07:46 PM)Doesn't have to change school syllabus Just a normal info on posters or ads in tvExplaining hot dog isnt dog meatLike how they promote halal cert+1 That's the best way to educate.If not, further intolerance of words will creep in.Today might be hot dog, in the future dunno what words cannot be accepted. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996490478515625} +{"text": "QUOTE(proton_man @ Jul 28 2019, 12:44 PM)Jakim is the only department that don\u2019t provide audit report and you ask me to provide you their audit report?Your brain really typical ehSo they dont provide audit report, then how come you are so sure they got funding from haram business?another of your make believe fantasy?No need to plotek, you already failed on your own.You:\"Dude Jakim confirm got funding from haram business ma!!\"Also you:\"How to know where the money comes, Jakim dont publish audit report ma!\"lol bodo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "Jaga tepi kain sendiri pun susahWalaun suka buat judgement kat orang tapi lupa final judgement untuk si fitnah tu teruk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998708963394165} +{"text": "QUOTE(Koyomi @ Sep 14 2016, 10:56 AM)First you cooking utensil need renew. Because if previous got use for cooking haram stuff, you need to samak (cleanse using pure dirt mix with water 1 time and rinse with normal water 6 times) either you do this or buy new one. Then all the chinese food stuff you say must not contain haram stuff like arak or lard or haram stuff. Anything from sea is halal no need sembelih, just a lot people don't go restaurant with no halal cert scared use pig fat or other haram stuff.correct about the samak on using on 'haram stuff'.but the bolded part is not exactly true, the method of transferring and the container holding the seafood need to be clean/halal means never touching 'haram' stuff.never thought of that huh.QUOTE(AyamBlend @ Sep 14 2016, 11:43 AM)So one more term to learn today \u00a0 \"tak yakin\", so everything just go back to people's persepctive.i found out one thing is quite interesting, let say, the rice is bought from chinese seafood restaurant (established for decades never serve pork/lard, even patron frequently by muslim) , the muslim friend has been eating years ago, one day dapao to office and eat, his friend saw it and scolded him, spread whole group as well.. Well, he never eat it openly in front of them already.Another story is abt the snacks bought from overseas. It's halal certified by their religious body in their country, but my friend still threw into dustbin.Reason \"xtaulah macam mana diorang dapat cop halal ini\", together with the other forumer mentioning our China's muslim is different.I am wondering now, is there any difference muslim from china , indonesia, singapore, US, France, etc ?if there is no 'halal' better don't eat. later the fires of hell will test u.Halal from JAKIM malaysia is the one of the hardest halal certifications to get, they are very strict on their stuff.QUOTE(mt24 @ Sep 16 2016, 12:34 PM)I don't know about others.\u00a0 For me the utensils that have been used for pork or non halal stuff is not haram. Still can be used for us. If it is haram, we are going to bring our utensils, plate, or even our own trolley everywhere all the time. Islam is not that difficult. Some people just make Islam difficult.any utensil which used for 'haram stuff' cannot be used for muslim consumption until it goes through samak.if used and consumed by any muslim, it is considered haram.pleading innocence is just plain stupid when u know the restaurant serves pork and alcohol.QUOTE(mt24 @ Sep 16 2016, 02:42 PM)Of course. What matters are what is going into my stomach and what is i am going to touch. Other people's food is not my concern. Many times when i was abroad at the area where muslim cafe or halal food is hard to get,\u00a0 i would just go to their fast food and order seafood stuff or vegetable base food. Or simply buy bread or whatever which is edible from their 7e or 24 hours chain store. Checking their ingredients to determine halalness or haromness is sufficed for me.as long there is a halal logo, then u are safe. vegetable based food is not 100% safe, there maybe pig based derivatives used for the seasoning of the food which the server did not know and no the seasoning do not say it is pig based. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996370077133179} +{"text": "Yang penting yakin. Tak wajib usul. Kalau benar near yakin, yang haram jadi halal. Kalau tak yakin, sifat asalnya halal akan jadi haram. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958862662315369} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ May 14 2024, 11:46 AM)Later will blame type c rampas keje10 years later someone will viral.\"Dulu org kita pegang.. skrg semua org mereka. ni lah agenda\"LololololIt\u2019s pendatang\u2019s job ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982830286026001} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jan 11 2021, 01:16 AM)serious question.if u are muslim, u go there, u consume teh tarik with roti bakar, haram ke?no haromtukang masak muslim, hanya untuk daging kan?nope...if non muslim masak oso can...but the harom is sembelihan by other than pipul of book (muslim, christian, jew)....according to quran verse no.5 chapter no.5 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998036026954651} +{"text": "Naming of a food got nothing to do with halal or haram. Jakim Kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "Td bgtau suami tringin nak try k-food mcm topokki dan bibimbap tp suami suruh cr yg btl2 ada sijil halal.Selagi x jmpa...x yakin..jgn mkn.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9920101165771484} +{"text": "stay near market only... got malaysia restaurant there.. no need worry haram food... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999734163284302} +{"text": "Microwave \n\nFor me wajib ada kalau korang suka panaskan makanan especially bulan puasa la. Nak panaskan makanan sahur. Nak untung beli microwave oven.. Boleh panggang ayam / panaskan makanan! 2in1 function https://s.shopee.com.my/AUZhD8Uvay", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968151450157166} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nachiino Etamay @ May 21 2019, 11:03 AM)drink lots of beer = intoxicatedhence drinking a titis of beer is harameat lots of bread = not toxicatedhence eating a titis of bread is not harameating lots of pig = haramhence eating a titis of pig = haram.sigh... susah betol nak explain.the point is, its not about \"just because you spilled a bottle of wine in the river, i wont eat a lembu which drink from the river\"its about you \"having a bottle of wine in your house\". and thats why its haram.based on these principles, alcohol in existing ready-made products which dont intoxicate like soya sauce and bread is fine.But if you friggin have a bottle of wine in your house, to make bread for whatever friggin reason, that bread can be haram or at the very least hyper borderline makruhits super hard to explain to all this new-borned islamic specialists cum aviation specialists 3-years ago.but yeah. the general principles are like that. no point measuring in grams or %.If i cook chicken using western punya recipe, put wine when frying the chicken then halal or haram?If i eat the chicken it will not make me drunk, so halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995185136795044} +{"text": "@pedoqpop Rasa dia macam haram sampai rasa nak tarik balik sijil halal KFC.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "Hahahaha. Sbb tu i tanya, ada pernah ke vaksin ni disahkan halal oleh jakim? Dh xde halal memang x halal la. Tp x semestinya haram. So tgok la ingredient. Dalam makanan klo ada babi,kita mengelupur. Dalam vaksin ada babi, wat lex wat pis ja kita cucuk.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9488921761512756} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShadowR1 @ Nov 5 2020, 12:39 PM)Aduan & Kes semakin meningkat setiap hari!Dan, ini menjadi cabaran besar buat kami!Namun, kami tak mampu lakukannya sendiri.Kerana itu, kami menyeru sokongan serta sumbangan anda.Sumbangan anda akan disalurkan untuk membantu:Kes & Aduan Penganiayaan Serta Penipuan.Mangsa PenindasanKempen Kesedaran Masyarakat.Sumbangan buat Golongan Kurang MampuProgram Pendidikan Pengguna.Sebahagian Kos Pengurusan PPIM.Sumbangan secara online di:https://sumbangan.ppim.org.my/TPPPIMMohon LIKE, SHARE dan DOAKAN demi memperjuangkan keadilan dan hentikan penindasan.Mudah-mudahan setiap sen yang anda sumbangkan diberkati dan mampu membantu lebih ramai insan.\u201cPerjuangan Bersama Demi Pengguna\u201d#PPIM #sahamakhirat #PerjuanganDemiPengguna #KamiBersamaAnda #toqqi Win liow lor.Wow. So good. Can publish names who donated or where I can look? Cause I want to praise them myself This post has been edited by TrialGone: Nov 5 2020, 12:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997109770774841} +{"text": "QUOTE(Silfer @ Mar 12 2024, 09:52 AM)after this what happened ya? headmaster say out of context?HM left off the hook but the children were questioned/ intimidated/ interrogated (take your pick) without parents' consent or presence. The headmaster at the centre of the SK Seri Pristana controversy has been let off the hook as he \"did not commit a crime\" when he ordered his pupils to have their meals in the school's shower room. Selangor Education Department director Mahmud Karim told The Malaysian Insider that headmaster, Mohd Nasir Mohd Noor, was thinking of the pupils' safety when he ordered them to have the recess in the shower room ... the police were given permission by the headmaster before entering the school and 30 minutes was allocated to speak to the pupils.The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) felt there was nothing wrong with police questioning pupils of SK Seri Pristana while a social activist and two lawmakers described the police's action as \"unprofessional and insensitive\". \"They just wanted to get to the bottom of the issue, and since adults can sometimes not give the real account, the best way was to ask the pupils, who only know how to tell the truth,\" he said. Netizens slammed the police, labelling them \"professional bullies\" for questioning the pupils.\"How can a child be interviewed without the parents present? This is intimidation,\u201d said one netizen.This was in 2013 ... two years later another senior teacher told children to drink water in toilet and joke about drinking air kencing. https://says.com/my/news/non-muslim-student...-during-ramadanhttps://says.com/my/seismik/apa-kisah-seben...kencing-sendiri ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "Kenapa kalau ada sop pun,Klu franchise pn. Ada ingredient yg kami localise utk memenuhi requirement sijil halal ni.Ade topping yg kami discontinue sbb sijil halal ni. Even international jco pn jd kan jco malaysia model utk apply halal bg negara masing2 tau.Tak bangga ke tu?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8963317275047302} +{"text": "Plus, JAKIM ada FULLY-SPONSORED kursus Halal untuk those yang berminat SIAP SIJIL. So what's your excuse?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.45556336641311646} +{"text": "Small words but big meaning..\n\nAku suka pergi satu kedai makan pagi ni, sbb harga dia perpatutan.. Makanan sedap & yg pasti ade bnyak jenis makanan..\n\nHari kerja mesti akan singgah beli sarap situ.. Even klau aku cuti pun akn pergi makan situ.. Kadang hampa sbb dia ttp tnpa notis", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996059536933899} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasterConfucion @ Jan 24 2023, 12:01 PM)Can Muslim drink 0% alcohol beer? Essentially it is like soft drink. If 0% also cannot drink then who going to buy that shit lol. Non Muslim 1 drink non alcohol beer better order 7 up. It's made for them right lelginger beer halalroot beer halalbut 0% beer filter after they make the arak is haram because source sudah haram arak is arakalcohol is not arakalcohol tak haramarak is haramalcohol guna untuk sanitizer halalalcohol dalam cuka halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999639987945557} +{"text": "Nak ckp halal haram ssuatu makanan tu, cek la dlu jgn main sebar je. Smartfon kemain besaq, bkk web jakim pn x boleh? #random Cc @twt_asasi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968410730361938} +{"text": "@azraeimuhamad Jadi untuk company besar yang mampu franchisekan bisnes, sijil halal is compulsary.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999279975891113} +{"text": "QUOTE(jAkUn @ Nov 2 2013, 10:35 PM)any person that is non-Islam can prepared the food, provided, he has the knowledge of Islam's way of prepping the food.E.g: John is non-Muslim. But he cooks halal meat, with no Haram ingredients, and his same cooking tools are not used prepping non-Halal food w/o proper Islam cleansing.Ohh. Okay. I edit back my post because i'm scare that i'm wrong .. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996060311794281} +{"text": "Even aku ada member cina, india yang sendiri tanya aku, \" Weh, nak makan kedai ni HALAL tak? \" Bukan sebab diorang risau ke kami yang muslim ni tak boleh makan, tapi diorang sendiri faham HALAL tu penting, nak tau makanan kat suatu kedai tu semua okay dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9889454245567322} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Nov 29 2023, 10:20 AM)Manalah I Tau apa tu Jack Daniels.Ingat limited edition coke ke apaMinum je jenama yg hang tau....xyah cuba brand lain nanti sendiri yg konpius lalu viral kat social media. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999747276306152} +{"text": "Dari sekian banyak bahan makanan yg halal, knapa mencari2 celah untuk menghalalkan yg haram dengan nalar sendiri?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "tak solat tu takpe. makanan kalau halal bersih makan jelah. orang kita suka buat teruk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892510175704956} +{"text": "99 halal products but a haram ain't one. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "Ada dia kesah? He will be thanking you all for viral his video. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8892050385475159} +{"text": "The flexibility offered here is not suka-suka can choose to work, in simple word can work at the conventional bank IF its the only option you have (its do-or-die)Let say its very hard for you to find a work, and you really-really in desperate mode due to your financial obligation (let say to support ageing parent, hutang etc)The only job offer you get is from conventional bank.Yes, you may proceed BUT you need to plan your exit stratergy and move to halal industry soonest possible. Cannot la stay till pencen.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abTrivia: Muslim also can eat pork - only if one is driven by necessity - neither coveting it nor exceeding his immediate need such that if not eat it, he or she may die (really2 survival option). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5714078545570374} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 11:24 AM)short answer is YES.long answer still yes.for pigs, anything to do with it including touching it is haram.bcos after you touch it you need to sertu (that tedious cleansing ritual with water 6 times + 1 time with water+earth mixture) before you can pray etc.so that's why there's an opinion/fatwa that says \"mencari yang halal itu wajib\" or \"finding halal is compulsory\".unless there's no other alternative, pig/pork etc. are haram.for alcohol, here is where some muslims differ.my OPINION (note the bold part), it's not alcohol that is haram but intoxicating food/drinks which COINCIDENTALLY (again note my emphasis) contains alcohol are haram.hence TO ME alcoholic beer/liquor/wine/champagne etc. are haram, but cough mixture/medicine/paint thinner that contain alcohol etc. items are NOT haram.Thank you for your explanation. But it will an uphill task to label everything as halal or haram in the market nowadays. In the process, many small businesses will be affected. It's good for the information /material to be displayed for consumer's guide but it should be implemented gradually.Maybe it's just my perception, but certain quarters always make a big fuss out of small things. Issues like 'hotdog', cross sign etc which are harmless. And I believe this will only bring more bad perception to islam overall.There are more important issues that need more attention such as corruption in our country, smoking, sexual promiscuity and baby dumping etc. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994496703147888} +{"text": "\r\nDan...mereka pon 'BERGADUH SESAMA MEREKA'....sementara orang lain peduli apa pasal halal/ haram....apabila boleh UNTUNG.....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "@acaiijawe Haa ngam. Tak de dah syubhah. Sebab sy mmg yakin laa masa beli mmg nampak logo halal dengan surat perakuan sijil halal. Tak de masalah pun. Cuma itu la. Nampak makcik pakcik share kat FB. Jadi goyah balik. \ud83d\ude06", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999097466468811} +{"text": "QUOTE(LivingActive @ Feb 27 2018, 12:35 PM)Hi, What ur opinion working at company like Mudah.my that enable their user post ad selling let say dog for pet? The halal haramOther example, liquor and its accessoriesbeta nak tanya.. apa pendapat kamu dalam penggunaan internet yang ada lebih bahan negative ataupun haram daripada anjing dan arak seperti bahan lucah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "QUOTE(rulerhot @ Dec 12 2019, 06:05 PM)Ko dgr explaination ni ye...Kalo dlm jumlah yg byk memabukkan, maka jika diambil dlm quantity yg sikit ia tetap haram.Kalo dlm tapai ada alkohol...sah2 haram. Dlm arak, alkohol tu yg memabukkan. Simple logik je.Or ada alkohol tp x memabukkan...still syubhah bg aku.like i said before, depend on the niat during process making. heck even soy sause got alcohol, fruits got alcohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999814033508301} +{"text": "@nuranisatania -sijil halal. Tp secara zahirnya dia halal sbb ia dimasak oleh org islam, dimiliki oleh org islam dan tiada unsur haram dlm makanan scra zahir Benda haram juga jelas,kedai non muslim yg memang jual pork Tp antara dua benda tu ad perkara syubhah iaitu kita xtau halal ke haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996627569198608} +{"text": "Yang diri tengah tu muka nampak sudah puas hati menikmati yang sebelah kirinya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998655319213867} +{"text": "QUOTE(JunJun04035 @ Feb 28 2015, 02:55 AM)Where you are from?If you are selangorian, go to JAIS office at Shah Alam. So on and so forth.Some tips regarding HALAL certification- It is NOT REQUIRED that you are 100% Muslim staffed. However, you need at least to meet some quota requirements. Some job position do required a muslim staff, some even need to earn a different certification from Jabatan Agama.- You need to have a operating shop/factory that fully permitted by local municipal.- You need to garner all your product ingredient's Halal status, to make your product halal. i.e since you are talking about potato chips, it will be spices (depends), any food flavouring and food conditioner that added to the chips (YES, there is Halal food chemicals)- PREFERABLY you uses all local made ingredients, since proving self imported ingredients Halal is very tedious - Halal in MAlaysia is one of the most strict Halal certification you can find in the world, don't expect anything less. IT includes hygienic requirement, facilities and social welfare requirements all in one package.- Applying is not the hardest part, maintaining the certification is 100x harder.Keep up to the good workdo you have 1 of these? because i actually need someone to guide me.Do i need to register for a company first and then only register for halal license?if so that might cost me a lot because i havent even start my business i need to hire muslim to keep my business moving.. D: ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998037219047546} +{"text": "where to eat the best WTM?bonus clip\nb1fqCfvF8V0\n\nThis post has been edited by skyblu3: Feb 2 2024, 05:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999632835388184} +{"text": "Hello sis @lilyzahani cana ni ada susu haram ni https://t.co/l7dsLxGZhV", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999393224716187} +{"text": "Goreng Pisang Kak Jah simpang tiga haram. Takde sijil halal. Done jadi bangang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982499480247498} +{"text": "Lepasni boleh la saling tampar menampar staff kedai mamak. Baru kita boleh tahu status sijil halal. https://t.co/SDCUkLt0PW", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6005204916000366} +{"text": "Ko kena tahu tu bkn larangan JAKIM sbb mufti mmg tiada bukti pesta tu merosakan akidah umat Islam ya. Makanan jepun x rosak akidah, tarian yg x berunsur sembahyang x rosak akidah.. \n\nSaya muslim x mmg x penting sbb Muslim yg berguna otak pun x larat layan koorg tau..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999635219573975} +{"text": "QUOTE(zemega @ Sep 14 2016, 02:47 PM)Purportedly, it is claimed that there is no alteration, and no other version. It is the same as it is during the prophet's time. All the sections use the same Quran. What differs are interpretation.This is with the exception of Syiah Islam, which the majority of Islam rejects as not Islam. Syiah was started by a Jew, and not a Muslim. Syiah has many practises and claims that goes directly against Quran itself.On a further note, the two main sources of information are the Quran and Hadis. Hadis is the practise, saying of and observation based on the prophet.Sometimes you see Al before words, like Al-Quran. Those Al basically means 'the'. So Al-Quran is the same as the Quran.Not quite true ... Syiah was not started by a Jew, in the same way Islam was not started by a Jew. But they have ideas that can be traced back to Jewish tradition. For example, when Islam started, the early Muslims led by Muhammad prayed in the direction of Jerusalem, not Mecca. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940616488456726} +{"text": "QUOTE(Satan Fallen One @ Dec 22 2023, 09:55 AM)This guy got history of using religion to attack other business and promote his own.Kenny Hills, BiBi Popiah, now this, 100% penunggang agama.So, he goes around trying to close down businesses (making a viral publicity in the name of awareness)?Less competition for him?This post has been edited by jojolicia: Dec 22 2023, 01:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6432867050170898} +{"text": "Perbahasan panjang aku yang terakhir dua-tiga minggu lepas semasa berbahas tentang 'makanan takde logo halal JAKIM, adakah haram?'", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999889612197876} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 07:14 PM)That is the sad part.However if you've done one wrong, doesn't mean you must do all wrongs.Things that you can't do all, doesn't mean you must abandon all.As long as u put effort to be better.but anywayhuman is always wrong...just do ur best to be goodjust the halal thing is making people life so miserable...if i'm a muslim..i not going to care so muchi believe what comes out from your mouth is more important than what goes in your mouth.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7067636251449585} +{"text": "kesian. do as per told go back china or u x suka, u keluar also kena condemn. imma go die then ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.984700083732605} +{"text": "QUOTE(azerak @ Jan 6 2017, 11:35 AM)you obviously have no idea about halal as in the food halal or haram because it jeopardizes the health. we are talking about food here.haram put at halal restaurant also no good ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987847208976746} +{"text": "What I don't like most about most Malay is...no masalah... Suka cari masalah.The packaging sudah tampal tutup that bulu babi... Just accept and be content... But no... Mau korek2 mau heboh... Bodo sial.If go turkey see the mosque that was once a church later korek2 see christian cross buried somewhere... Mau heboh2 masjid Haram astaga ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997044205665588} +{"text": "Milkup ini ada sijil halal dan diperakui selamat digunakan oleh KKM Jadi ibu2 tidak perlu risau untuk amalkan milkup candy k\ud83d\ude09 Sekarang ada prmosi pre ramadhan\ud83d\ude0d DM atau wasap\u2026 https://t.co/lFITlTaFso", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999479055404663} +{"text": "Eat at the designated areaDesignated area is called a canteenNot any other placeNow as for the canteen operator, you pandai pandai laPre order ka, skeleton crew ka, whatever laYou got into this business you deal with all the ups and downIt is a problem for you to figure out what is the best way for you to solveEg. Company ban muslim access to eat in the cafeteria. End up the muslim who has legit reasons to eat has to sit on their work desk to consume their food. Then the bau is all around the work space. My POV, that is a worse outcome. Eatig activities so at designated area. A canteen/cafeBenda senang, tak payah buat susah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972423315048218} +{"text": "This is the point I don't understand.Many Malaysian have this type of mentality. (At the same time very religious).I can't brain....QUOTE(killdavid @ Apr 25 2024, 07:45 AM)If people don't know what the hold up is then explain to them.Violence and intimidation is budaya Samseng. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999252557754517} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jigoku @ May 25 2017, 09:24 AM)\"Saya halalkan apa yang awak makan\"\"Saya tak halalkan apa yang awak viral\"LOL wtf so the guy suppose to be syukur the food he eat is halal by the boss?My thought exactly.After paying at the counter, the boss suddenly said I tak halalkan apa yang awak makan. Omg, now I can't eat it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993355870246887} +{"text": "Asrul logic bila dah salah tuduh orang dapatkan sijil halal guna kabel. Really sebenarnya kau kena usaha lebih sikit and not necessarily money. Unless kau malas so hire je org buatkan sop and audit. \ud83d\ude02 benda simple je kalau kau tekun and faham nak buat apa.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "Kesan hari pertama mengunjungi Xiamen: kotanya rapi, bersih, lanskap bagus & tertata. Bangunannya perpaduan arsitektur lama & modern. Makanan enak2 dan mudah mencari yg halal. Menurut PBB, Xiamen adlh kota paling layak dihuni. #Xiamenfamtrip", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4167518615722656} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cloudx @ Jan 18 2017, 11:39 AM)Sokong... mekdi still full house.Stupid reason to boikot lah, McD is already a HALAL restaurant the first place they just put another noticing to further explain the rules. Even if they remove the notice doesn't mean you CAN bring non-halal food in there right? Blardy no common sense keyboard warrior.BTW i'm chinese that eat porku, i still go mcd.+1 ... for this case, no pork, then why make so much noise, got beef, got chicken what .... after all, chinese race suppose to be a resilient race, able to live through anything and make the best out of it ... farking embarrassing to do this boycott shit as if ppl got to give in to them ... i am going to eat at McD .... i am going to tapau it back to my family gaythering this CNY .... the rest, if they wanna starve, go ahead, while i enjoy my fillet o fish with my carlsberg while shuffling poker cards ...plus !!! last time i also kena sound lar when i eat my tapau-ed fish fillet in a chinese vegetarian restaurant ...This post has been edited by GrowTentProject: Jan 18 2017, 03:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986892342567444} +{"text": "Dan jangan risau tentang tahap keselamatan, kebersihan dan halal. Kami baru sahaja di audit oleh KKM bahagian keselamat dan kebersihan makanan. Tengok markah kami. Yang kurang tu pon bahagian documentation dan sudah diperbetulkan. Kawasan production kami mmg bersih. Next Jakim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972876310348511} +{"text": "QUOTE(xtrabite @ Jan 9 2021, 06:40 AM)Mana ada tulis owner kena tindakan.Fitnah ni.Jabatan agama just checking.Sebab tengok ramai orang islam makan sana.Tolong check sahaja.Makanan halal penting untuk orang islam.Lepas check jabatan bagi tahu, restoren tiada sijil halal.Supaya kita orang islam elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Salah ke?Tanya sikit. Yang kau beli makanan hari2 tu, x kisahlah dari mana. Mamak ker, warung ker, tepi jalan ker. Semua tu sebelum beli kau make sure dan confirm ada sijil halal juga kan?? Pasal orang islam kena elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Ohhhhh. Lupa juga. Time bulan ramadan pastikan elak pergi mana2 bazaar ramadan. Pasal 99%, kalau bukan 100%, gerai2 kat bazaar tu xde juga sijil halal. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "Makanan yang takde babi takde arak tak semestinya halal, makanan yang takde logo halal jakim pon tak semestinya haram.\n\nHalal jakim tu org yg ambil berat tahap kebersihan apa semua. Apa orang kata haa halalan toyyiban, islam tu mudah tapi jgn ambil mudah, Mangau!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999614953994751} +{"text": "Yess i really love flowers!! Dulu pon ada kawan yang cakap baik beli makanan dari bunga nnt layu, so what? Aku suka tgok proses dia layu tu but selagi boleh jaga supaya tak layu aku akan jaga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.988878071308136} +{"text": "if no viral, prolly took forever to process.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8947978615760803} +{"text": "QUOTE(Intimidated @ Dec 31 2019, 03:56 PM)https://www.kpkt.gov.my/index.php/dl/64584e...25335775a47593d(2) Tiap-tiap lesen atau permit yang diberi tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat dan sekatan yang difikirkan patut oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan dan boleh dibatalkan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan pada bila-bila masa tanpa memberi apa-apa sebab.(2A) Pembatalan mana-mana lesen atau permit tertentu yang dikeluarkan bersesama dengan mana- mana lesen atau permit lain di bawah subseksyen (1A) tidak akan menyentuh keesahan mana-mana lesen atau permit lain yang telah dikeluarkan bersesama dengannya.Might as well just put there \u201cikut suka hati saya lah\u201d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990288019180298} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuba @ Jan 6 2017, 02:44 PM)Tengok skip-skip pun dah rasa sedih gila.Apa punya manusia lah parent macam ni.\nEixdvGdsSHc\n\nhey thanks for sharing bro! the wife has been asking about this movie but i couldn't find it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "\r\nSushi King dah dapat status halal Jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985626339912415} +{"text": "Puak kite Memang suka Senang Lupa Other ppl stuff sikit2 critic.. Triggered.. Sendiri punya Lupa... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998869895935059} +{"text": "Maksud Uda, Ceddy tahu je ada Melayu makan kat warung bersijil Halal JAKIM dan dia pernah cerita payahnya nak dapat status Halal. Betul.\n\nTinggal lagi orang macam Ceddy kena maklumlah zaman lani semakin ramai Melayu Muslim sedar kepentingan menilai \u2018halal atau syubhah\u2019 makanan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998692274093628} +{"text": "mummy rq dh ada sijil mesti skng otw utk sijil halal.. mommies nk dptkn produk mummy rq bole whatsapp 0174944938 utk details.. sedara mara acik hanis kt perak meih la join team mummy rq yuh..... https://t.co/i8OfBvpqn7", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988992214202881} +{"text": "Kalau makanan laut kita suka beli dekat TT Fishmart.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970740079879761} +{"text": "\r\naku suka tgk rancangan ho chak kat tv8..setiap ahad kul 6.30 ptg..\r\nkdg2 tu mcm sedap je makanan org cina nih..\r\ntp, tu la, laki aku nih memilih sket bab2 makan nihhh...even masakan tu cina muslim punye..\r\nso, aku tgk ngan air liur kecur je la..haha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8978177905082703} +{"text": "Pihak kami sering menerima tular berkaitan status halal ais krim jenama Magnum. Untuk makluman, Ice Cream Magnum mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM iaitu Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan The Central Islamic... https://t.co/OhAcqX0cb3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8771730065345764} +{"text": "QUOTE(:3mushy:3 @ May 3 2021, 08:04 AM)Got, to be a vigilante to ambush and humiliate non-fasting people.Being vigilante got pahala x100 bonus? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "Isu halal haram dlm makanan bukan boleh di buat main oiii jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994345307350159} +{"text": "Yg ko nak haramkan benda halal utk non muslim dah kenapa?? Iman ko lemah sgt ke sampai tgk kedai judi terus rasa nak berjudi?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940798878669739} +{"text": "They should've just banned outside food regardless of reason. Would've made things a lot easier for them, especially when they're just following guidelines. If they didn't state the obvious, someone would start spreading false rumours on McD's Halal status for the umpteenth time. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999701976776123} +{"text": "Sabar n menahan godaan dapat padahal Caci, hasut dapat dosa Mass raya daging lembu n kepala lembu digantung merata tempat, takde pulak complainDiorang dapat padahal..sape pandai, sape untung?Pikirlah ye ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999862909317017} +{"text": "QUOTE(raquinz @ Jun 11 2019, 11:53 AM)I wonder why chinese people so obsessed with islamic matter when it doesn't concerns them? Halal food, islamic attire, beliefs, culture and many more..Malay people seem chill about chinese culture and belief ...I don't recall any brouhaha about chinese religious practice from malay as long it doesn't interfere with their belief..Cos they are paranoid. If no bising now, later kena upcarMany holier than tho fanatic are in power nowB4 in power, Hanya Muslim saje, non Muslim takpeAfter power liaoSemua mesti ikut, non Muslim also.. if not, tak adil, tak hormat..Semua pengusaha kedai makan dan restoran di negeri ini diarah menghentikan sementara operasi dari jam 8.30 hingga 10 malam sepanjang Ramadan, berkuat kuasa serta-merta.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bharian.co...am-setengah/amp ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986905455589294} +{"text": "QUOTE(piscesguy @ Dec 10 2023, 06:01 AM)I took some pictures, not so crowded. The building has some interesting design, in contrast the food court looks cheaply design. Starbucks was too cold inside, step outside suddenly feel hot.\u00a0 Also the toilet not nice compared to Pavilion design. Anyway, I think Pavilion Bukit Jalil is still the best.\u00a0 I went there for 30 minutes then go back this place is for T20 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "@_HamiziHamzah @Ashril_92 Tkde sijil halal tk semestinya food tk halal \ud83d\ude0a No pork no lard, biasanya indicator sources food mmg dtg dari tmpt halal & if yakin boleh je mkn.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964356422424316} +{"text": "This is what ive been arguing about. And this article didnt add even if the product halal application being rejected, does not mean it is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(eaglehelang @ Dec 6 2015, 08:56 PM)Main point : If one fine day, it's your loved one/family member who is the patient who got infected from bacteria on long sleeve(assume proven), then how your response?Or imagine the patient's family sue the hospital, the nurse want to foot the bill?? Imagine how the hospital's imej tarnished, sued for medical negligence. That time all those who shout now \"Boycott aje\" \"Tarik balik lesen\", \"Jangan biar kapir memperbodohkan kita\",etc going to help the patient's family?http://m.malaysiakini.com/news/322193they identified the bacteria is from the sleeve, also find out the bacteria nationality is Thais and his name Paradorn Srichapan, age 28 and loves to play hockey. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977712631225586} +{"text": "QUOTE(Selectt @ Jun 10 2019, 10:59 AM)if you read all her sentence then you know la. what for i want to defend her if she just hentam blindly.She wants to drink it and ask counter ppl, ppl at counter also cannot confirm. Nowadays, malay & chinese are free to mix and eat and drink. Bring down your gun.\u00a0 Dude, chill chill.. I no say you are defending her.. lol..I'm just saying, if you(Muslim or non Muslim) want to know halal or not, at least you must know the requirements or process of getting the halal cert. Now especially hard to apply cert cos halal now required to apply mesti, pretty much equivalents to haccp, which it is related to cleanliness (not due to religions matter) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9947608113288879} +{"text": "Bila kata jakim recognised MUI, bermaksud jakim recognised halal utk makanan made in indonesia dan diexport ke Malaysia yg MUI dh cop halal. Sbb MUI dh jalankan proses kt indonesia dan MUI badan yg diiktiraf jakim. Berbeza dgn kes ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9252508282661438} +{"text": "QUOTE(POYOZER @ May 3 2024, 02:38 PM)My wedding last time I don\u2019t expect people to give me angpow. I am more than happy when they came. But then, of course I still received some angpow even didn\u2019t expect from it. The highest I received were about Rm10k from a single person. Average around Rm100-Rm500. I didn\u2019t take all the cash, gave out to family instead. I only keep the presents.RM10,000 from your best friends? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999295473098755} +{"text": "Go viral in China version's tiktok...ask them not to go Langkawi anymore. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5705922245979309} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 10:38 PM)You forgot to bold the \"let say\" part. It was an example. Very suitable for use in Malaysia because most malays won't eat at Chinese restaurant coz most of them are not halal. There are Chinese restaurants that are halal. They are either have operated for so long their Muslim customers already confidence that they are selling halal foods.Then there are Chinese restaurants with halal cert. So easier to convince people to eat. Some use to pork no lard concept. So Muslim customers base may not be that large compared if they have halal cert.Now in this case, the Chinese restaurant has no halal cert. No history of catering for Malay customers. Suddenly people found out they have been selling their food using another restaurant or stall that use different name. Their halal status is doubtful coz those foods are cook in the same place that serve pork. So they repackage and sell at another place where the majority of the buyers are Muslim. That is deceiving. A penipu scammer. Yet some people call it marketing.Putar halim to the max, and still want to fitnah org penipu scammer. Normally those who like to putar2 is the biggest penipu scammer. Anyway your comprehension fail again. I'm attacking your logic. You know, your 'IF x THEN y' statement? It doesnt matter if there's 'lets say', wtf difference? The logic you presented is still the same. All you have to do is admit you made a bad example using bad logic. No need to putar halim go to the moon and back. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9833009243011475} +{"text": "Pameran baju tradisional Vietnam macam baju kurungTapi pakaian ini terlalu menjolok mata & menonjolkan susuk tubuh wanita Imaginasi lelaki akan menjadi liar and mungkin terjerumus dalam kancah maksiat Suami diorg jugak yg kena menanggung dosa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998877048492432} +{"text": "Makan la apa yg nak makan tapi pastikan ia halal.. Dan jangan sesuka hati kata makanan yg halal ia haram.. Check dulu kat portal JAKIM..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.99601811170578} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShinG3e @ Sep 29 2019, 08:55 PM)semalam baru encounter such issueordered haram stuffthe rider malay guy sampai my house open the bag for me to take myself. i initially thought apa ni? then i was like oh... ok lol. basically if non halal food, they still do it. but prob ask the restaurant to put inside bag to avoid touching, then sampai customer open the bag to self take so that they can avoid toucher haram stuff.im not even mad lolYeaps encountered the same situation last week.For a moment I though he wanted to give me the whole bag haha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994857311248779} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Dec 22 2015, 09:51 PM)This is call procedure....you think what? suka suka buat cara sendiri? Cut corners, short cut semua? At this cost of operation, guess what? Your kids go to a proper school for free, not your shitass SK and SMK here, where some teachers don't even know how to teach. They will subsequently go to a proper university, not some poophole that is UiTM. Your hospitals are well maintained, with doctors not trained in Russia or Egypt....Your cars are not artificially priced high and if you don't want a car, buses and trains run at least according to schedule. Your houses will be safe, not gated like a fortress like we see now in Msia, no shitty kapcais and peragut. Moreover, you don't have stupid career politicians talking shit and getting away with it. Case macam ali tinju, dah lama masuk penjara......You go and think about this. What sort of environment you want your kids to grow up in. I would rather issue proper receipts and have it documented clearly and have a peaceful life than to pay duit kopi to whomever to stay in businessActually the free schools in the EU and US is about 90% arab, nigro, gypsy mixture. Sometimes students beat up teachers.http://youtu.be/zbHZFtd4rNg (sorry cannot make link on my phone)The proper university mahal giler and also not really good. If you have enough money just make a copy-paste dissertation and/or ask somebody to upah haji exam and problem solved. Just like the former president of Hungary, Schmitt Pal who is also the former vice president of the International Olympic Committee turned out he has copy-paste degree issued by ELTE University which is in the World's TOP 500 University's list. Another Hungarian example when Simon Laszlo, the vice president of the left wing opposition party, the MSZP, opened a bank account in Vienna with a palsu Bissau-Guinean passport and simpan setengah juta euro (which nobody knows where he get from)... Tak masuk penjara... The crown witness of the case, Velsz Tamas died during the police interrogation (officially he committed suicide, usually people commit suicide in a police car... That is the best place).The rumah orang kaye everywhere is a fortress. But in Europe is the standard in the kampung to have pagar and anjing. Haritu when we went to Europe tour with my Malay Muslim friends and we went to the kampung to makan buah tin and cherry surprised that all the houses have at least one dog. I told them this is alarm rumah dan penangkap pencuri.No shitty kapcai but shitty gypsys who live in ghettos where to polis is also scared to masuk. Not talking about the Muslim ghettos in Germany, Paris, Bruxelles.... And the Somalian/Erithrean ghettos in Stockholm. So I rather jalan2 in KL pukul 2 pagi than is Stockholm where the rape cases per population is one of the highest in the world.The cars beli murah tapi takde subsidi harga minyak. Roadtax mahal juga, must carry your car to roadworthiness check and CO emission check every year.... bayo juga.And one more here in Malaysia you can ask your neighbor to look your house meanwhile you bercuti... In Germany you don't know the name of your neighbor. If you have problems in Malaysia at least you can count on your family auntie uncle cousin sepupu duapupu tigapupu etc. An average European oghang puteh don't even know who is his duapupu. Sepupu ada around 5 tapi half of them lost contact years ago. Mesti ada duapupu juga tapi tak tahu siapa. Even auntie/uncle know personally about 4-5 of them another 4-5 from the old stories of the grandma and met around 15 years ago when a funeral of somebody of the family and after that lost contact. Yang lain tak kenal. Or you can make a test: go to the station minyak with your motorbike and angkat the diesel punya pump. Everybody will shout jangan even the operator will tell to the speaker salah itu diesel punya. In Europe nobody cares. But nobody will care when you are having a heart attack on the street... Everybody will walk away. Here everybody will help. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8325273394584656} +{"text": "meh, non certified halal food mean that the food is haram .. misleading title. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999582767486572} +{"text": "QUOTE(littlegamer @ Mar 10 2024, 08:25 PM)Seriously, I don't mind 1 brave politician stand up and say : since all fruit wanna segregate this and that, duit haram and halal should be separated.Just like how halal and non halal restaurant is.These curry bun wants all benefits of harom money but bising here and there about how other is richer and demand help from harom money should wake up.Reasonable request, your clean money and our dirty money can flow different way. Let's see how it will play out.Then 1 brave politician stand up and say if Olen tak suka sila .....How ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9617973566055298} +{"text": "@syhmshrf @Mohd_Sofian @cenkorot @alyanatasyaaaa @fais_mohder @nidz_ikhmal @myadlan Bang ,org islam jual goreng pisang tepi jalan ,kita yakin dia jual bende tu halal .tapi takde sijil halal .and awak beli dgn yakin sbb owner org islam .kalau non muslim ,jual kuey tiaw tepi jln .letak logo halal dekat stall .awk yakin ke kuey tiaw tu halal ?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996095299720764} +{"text": "QUOTE(Icehart @ Jul 12 2024, 09:28 AM)My Singaporean Malay colleague always drop by The Chicken Rice shop whenever he comes to KL.Definitely gonna be a hit.The Chicken Rice shop is localize for to suit our taste budHe employed chef from Hainan China which I think risky move the chef may not have taste bud as local sink and he himself not involve in kitchen operation. To get the best tender, moist and juicy chicken, he himself must acquire the know how 1st. If he rely onto the chef, his business might not sustainable ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996421337127686} +{"text": "QUOTE(bumpo @ Mar 30 2021, 01:19 PM)merepek tak sedar diri that before this when proton sendiri run the show what result we got? death spiral got la\u00a0 he got beef coz outsiders come in and able to steer it properly for once? ahaha this dude memang butthurt through and through\u00a0 Got vested interest lor, Proton no longer invite him to media events, nor use him for any marketing work. No more income, so he got pissed. Cannot bash on merit cuz Geely memang improving Proton bit by bit, so play r&r card eg aku ada agama, kau hadooo. Jawab la esok kat Padang Masyar etc.His writers also mindset liddat, say chinese people buy Proton now cuz dealers now owned by cina, really bodoh. Impossible they dunno the case where bumi dealers association ask special tongkat from Proton, but Proton say can help them give support to secure own financing. Liddat also don't want, expect get free money is it? Lancau la.Orang tamak selalu rugi, cina took risk, upgrade 3S/4S outlets, then when success, play vroom vroom card. Melayu dealers yang tamak, malas, bila dah rugi, missed the boat, tak nak mengaku salah sendiri.Same story with this parts shortage issue. Kononnya Geely no CKD experience la, covid la, bs. Aftersales parts handled by aftersales division, Proton Edar. CEO is olang beragama, the IT dept's screw up, he is responsible for it la, apa main vroom salah Geely plak.QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 30 2021, 01:46 PM)IIRC the last req was for rm 1.7 billions, back in 2014u see, in Proton , it is all about big numbers now u know why old fellas like us hate Mahathir and Proton 2014 Proton is already under DRB-HICOM ( which bought them back in 2012 )2016 they got RM 1.6bil 'soft loan', I vividly remember then MITI minister Tok Pa said \"PROTON'S BUSINESS MODEL IS UNSUSTAINABLE!\" He must've distrusted DRB so much, he made it a condition to must find foreign partner.After Geely bought Proton, i remember Proton did finally got reimbursed RM 1.1 Bil R&D grant, not sure if related to soft loan. QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Mar 30 2021, 01:59 PM)but ayam heard they fixed that issue with waja window in last few batchPossible, towards the end of Waja's lifecycle, Proton MD was Syed Zainal Abidin. Ex-P2 guy, the man who brought Proton-killer Myvi to P2, he stabilised Proton and injected common sense in them.Atok never liked SZA for killing off his cronies, so he got rid of SZA by getting Khazanah to sell Proton to DRB, then voila, atok became Proton Chairman while SZA was made to resign reluctantly. Maybe he can deny he was instrumental for kicking out SZA, but all the historical events did point to him and his cronies benefiting from it.Proton went downhill until ditongsankan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7222468256950378} +{"text": "maaf bukan sijil halal, sijil jakim. Makanan yang tiada logo halal jakim tak semestinya haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972244501113892} +{"text": "Apa masalah sesetengah ustazah yang cepat sangat percaya khabar angin ni eh\nPantang betul kalau jumpa perkataan \"haram\" kalau bab bab makanan \nSila jadi pandai.. boleh check status halal di website JAKIM JAKIM bukannya bengap serupa kau", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "BLOG: Status Halal Makanan Dalam Pesawat Air Asia Diragui: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim... http://bit.ly/152IDR4 #BN4Malaysia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9433510899543762} +{"text": "Saya yakin bangsa Melayu yg kukuh pegangan agama jdkn rujukan, perhatin dgn logo halal daripada Jakim sila jdkn budaya rujukan sbg amalan hidup jika ingin makan sesuatu makanan jakim sudah sediakan kita masyarakat Melayu wajar perhatikn logo drpd jakim dlm kehidupan harian.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9846514463424683} +{"text": "Aiseh. Because of religious reasons, use chicken lor. It could catch on.I wish him all the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9927265644073486} +{"text": "QUOTE(Joey Christensen @ May 3 2021, 12:29 PM)She'll answer to Allah and not you. Tak payah jaga kain tepi orang.tabouli ini machiemnanti ***** (censored becoz nons cannot use) turun bala, semua kena tempiasnanti kena soal kat akhirat, apa yg kamu telah/tak buat bila melihat kemungkaran di depan mata kamu\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSoalan: Apakah status ungkapan ini? \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0643\u0650\u062a\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0646\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062d\u064e\u0642\u0651\u0650 \u0634\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0637\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064c \u0623\u064e\u062e\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0633\u064f\u060c \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0637\u0650\u0642\u064f \u0628\u0650\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0628\u064e\u0627\u0637\u0650\u0644\u0650 \u0634\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0637\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064c \u0646\u064e\u0627\u0637\u0650\u0642\u064cMaksudnya: \u201cOrang yang diam daripada kebenaran adalah syaitan bisu dan orang yang bercakap berkaitan perkara bathil adalah syaitan yang bercakap.\u201d Jawapan:Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT, selawat dan salam kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga baginda SAW, sahabat baginda SAW serta orang-orang yang mengikuti jejak langkah baginda SAW. Agama kita Islam amat menitik beratkan perkara al-Amr bi al-Ma\u2019ruf (menyeru kepada kebaikan) dan al-Nahi an al-Munkar (mencegah daripada perkara mungkar). Ini berdasarkan, banyak firman Allah SWT: \u0648\u064e\u0644\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0646 \u0645\u0650\u0651\u0646\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0623\u064f\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064c \u064a\u064e\u062f\u0652\u0639\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u0625\u0650\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0623\u0652\u0645\u064f\u0631\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u0628\u0650\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0631\u064f\u0648\u0641\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0646\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0646\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064f\u0646\u0643\u064e\u0631\u0650 \u06da \u0648\u064e\u0623\u064f\u0648\u0644\u064e\u0640\u0670\u0626\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064f\u0641\u0652\u0644\u0650\u062d\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064eali-Imran:104Maksudnya: \u201cDan hendaklah ada di antara kamu satu golongan yang menyeru (berdakwah) kepada kebajikan (mengembangkan Islam) dan menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik, serta melarang daripada segala yang salah (buruk dan keji). Dan mereka yang bersifat demikian ialah orang-orang yang berjaya.\u201d Menurut ayat di atas, jelas menunjukkan kepada kita akan kewajipan seorang mukmin atau muslim itu untuk menyeru kepada kebaikan dan mencegah daripada perkara yang mungkar. Tambahan pula, terdapat hadith sahih yang menyeru agar kita semua mencegah perkara-perkara yang mungkar: Daripada abu Sa\u2019id al Khudri RA berkata, aku mendengar Nabi SAW bersabda: \u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0631\u064e\u0623\u064e\u0649 \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 \u0645\u064f\u0646\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0631\u064b\u0627 \u0641\u064e\u0644\u0652\u064a\u064f\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0631\u0652\u0647\u064f \u0628\u0650\u064a\u064e\u062f\u0650\u0647\u0650\u060c \u0641\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0644\u064e\u0645\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0633\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0637\u0650\u0639\u0652 \u0641\u064e\u0628\u0650\u0644\u0650\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0646\u0650\u0647\u0650\u060c \u0641\u064e\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0644\u064e\u0645\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0633\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0637\u0650\u0639\u0652 \u0641\u064e\u0628\u0650\u0642\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650\u060c \u0648\u064e\u0630\u064e\u0644\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0623\u064e\u0636\u0652\u0639\u064e\u0641\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0625\u0650\u064a\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0646\u0650Maksudnya: \u201cBarangsiapa di antara kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, hendaklah dia mengubahnya dengan tangannya. Apabila dia tidak mampu, maka dengan lisannya. Dan apabila dia tidak mampu lagi, maka dengan hatinya. Sesungguhnya itu adalah selemah-lemah iman.\u201d [Riwayat Muslim (78)] Berdasarkan ungkapan di atas, kami lebih cenderung untuk mengatakan bahawa makna ungkapan ini adalah sahih (benar) kerana kita tidak boleh berdiam diri dalam perkara-perkara maksiat atau kemungkaran. Akan tetapi, kami tidak menemui ungkapan ini di dalam kitab-kitab hadith yang muktabar dengan cara ia disandarkan kepada Rasulullah SAW. Untuk itu, kita sama sekali tidak boleh menyandarkannya kepada Nabi SAW dan berkemungkinan ia merupakan kata-kata para ulama\u2019 Islam. Tambahan pula, Imam al-Nawawi (676 H) meriwayatkan daripada Abi al-Qasim al-Qusyairi dan kata-kata ini disandarkan kepada Abi Ali al-Daqqaq bahawa \u201cbarangsiapa yang diam akan sesuatu kebenaran, dia adalah syaitan bisu.\u201d [Lihat: al-Minhaj Syarah Sahih Muslim, 20/2] PenutupKesimpulannya, ungkapan tersebut bukannya ucapan Nabi SAW dan menyandarkan ungkapan tersebut kepada Nabi SAW merupakan satu kesalahan dan ia termasuk di dalam bab berdusta di atas nama Rasulullah SAW. Selain itu, sememangnya kita dituntut untuk tidak berdiam diri dalam perkara maksiat atau kemungkaran. Ini kerana, tugas al-Amr bi al-Ma\u2019ruf dan al-Nahi an al-Munkar adalah kewajipan setiap individu yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah SWT dan rasul-Nya SAW. Dengan sikap berdiam diri di atas perkara mungkar akan menyebabkan turunnya azab Allah SWT berdasarkan beberapa buah hadith, antaranya sabda Nabi SAW: \u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0642\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064d \u064a\u064f\u0639\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0644\u064f \u0641\u0650\u064a\u0647\u0650\u0645\u0652 \u0628\u0650\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0627\u0635\u0650\u064a\u060c \u062b\u064f\u0645\u0651\u064e \u064a\u064e\u0642\u0652\u062f\u0650\u0631\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0649 \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u064a\u064f\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0631\u064f\u0648\u0627\u060c \u062b\u064f\u0645\u0651\u064e \u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064f\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0631\u064f\u0648\u0627\u060c \u0625\u0650\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064f\u0648\u0634\u0650\u0643\u064f \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0639\u064f\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f \u0628\u0650\u0639\u0650\u0642\u064e\u0627\u0628\u064dMaksudnya: \u201cTidaklah kemaksiatan yang dilakukan oleh sesuatu kaum, kemudian mereka (sebahagian daripada mereka) mampu untuk mengubahnya tetapi mereka tidak berbuat sedemikian, melainkan Allah SWT akan timpakan keseluruhan kaum tersebut dengan azab.\u201d [Riwayat Abu Daud (4338)][Syeikh Syu\u2019aib al-Arnaouth menilai sanad hadith ini adalah sahih] Akhirnya, semoga Allah SWT memberi kita kekuatan dalam menyeru manusia kepada kebaikan serta mencegah mereka daripada kemungkaran serta menggolongkan kita dalam kalangan hamba-hamba-Nya yang terbaik. Amin. Wallahua\u2019lamsos : https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-al-ha...an-syaitan-bisu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7507005929946899} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 04:01 PM)Well, they are being upfront about it so no problem here. Some people who gung ho must insist on halal won't go here or at least make noise. Tbh, most of them who bising can't afford to eat in a proper restaurant in KLCC.kasi sunat itu tauke cina no pork but sell porky ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6802790760993958} +{"text": "Pelaku usaha makanan dan minuman semakin bersemangat dengan bantuan sertifikasi halal dari BRI Peduli TJSL. #BRIPeduli #BRIuntukUMKM #BRILiaNdanCemerlang #reqread", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999748468399048} +{"text": "Wa.. datang buat bisnez tapi tak boleh kalah mesti menang sebab orang kito ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999367892742157} +{"text": "Japgi mesti ada yg reply \"kedai teppi jalan takda sijil pon apasal kau tak ungkit\"\nMencari yg halal itu fardu. Benda senang je kalo waswas tapaya pegi lah. \nTak kena tangkap pon makan kedai2 takda sijil2 ni", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999837875366211} +{"text": "like you. you was was you punya pasal lah. takde sijil halal bukan bermaksud terus jatuh hukum haram. nakharam betul lah https://t.co/PiWf0fB5NX", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998008608818054} +{"text": "QUOTE(Crovoseas @ Nov 23 2020, 01:58 PM)That is \"the best version\" that they ever tried, nothing wrong actually.https://cookpad.com/my/recipes/10865835-kui...=resepi%20cakoitis link also mention buat cakoi dengan recipe donut. Is it common for all the malay version cakoi taste like donut?That's why i also ask if cakoi is based on the chinese version. If its gonna be donut, then of course the nons will say how can it be best when it isnt even proper cakoi. Its like if i cook rice with chicken broth or oil and call it the best nasi lemak. Paired together with the best rendang, but i use tomato base instead. Sure mengamuk la ppl. I mean, the video does make the food look nice, fluffy inside, rangup outside, dip with some sweet sauce. I would try it. But definitely not if im aiming to eat you tiao. So, yea, i also wanna know the answer to your question. Is all cakoi using donut recipe? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986862540245056} +{"text": "Kalo hilang lagi salah siapa pula? Inb4 mesti salah LGE. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "ada pameran panduan batin tak?kalau boleh buat life show sekali, i nak jadi volunteer ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9883592128753662} +{"text": "QUOTE(Deadlocks @ Jan 15 2015, 09:28 AM)Hi Muslims.With all due respect, I wish to declare that I know that there are among Muslims who are not like the extremists you see in the media, but I have several questions.We all know that Islamophobia is obviously an irrelevant prejudice towards the religion, but may I ask how does one religion, say other than Islam itself, can attain a similar amount of prejudice as today's Islamophobia?First, you can see the video I post above.The diversity among the Muslim.The issues about Islamophobia is related with mind control.Mind control is under the media influence.Media from the West always portray Muslim as an Arab nomads tribe,with turban and carry Ak-47 or rocket launcher.Same situation in Malaysia.Islam and politics always relate together in the media.Non-Muslim has negative view on Islam because the poor statement make by politician.Besides, you can't judge a half-past six Christian to know the Christianity.Same logic apply to Islam, if you want to know aboutIslam. Better for you to meet someone which devote and fully understand on the religions.Someone not influence from political movement.We can't simply assume the mat rempit or terroristrepresent the Islam way of life.Even not all Malay represent the good value of Islam.Quran always wrongly interpret by the extremist.For example, Osama just quotes the verse from Quranrelate with killing the infidel.However, the verse quotes from Osama is not completeand there are explanation from God which types ofinfidel can be kill by the Muslim.Osama not mention any verse about God mercy, love andforgiven. Same with Jihad.Muslim wrongly interpret the words Jihad.Jihad actually means \"struggle\".There are 2 types of Jihad which are inner and outer self.The biggest Jihad is inner self.To battle with our inner lust and sin.Transform our self to become a good Muslim.The jihad to go war is the outer jihad and actually is small types of jihad.This jihad is necessary when we be oppress by someone.For example, people come to our land and kill our family.However, this types of Jihad is wrongly interpret by the extremist.The best answer to know about Islam is read the Quran.You can read the Quran translation in English.Islam is all about \"ilm\".Ilm = KnowledgeTo gain knowledge you must read by yourself.Not blindly trust other people to tell you about Islam.I also don't want you to fully agree with my statement.However, you can take my suggestion to read the Quran.To gain knowledge about Islam by yourself. This post has been edited by Dozen: Jan 15 2015, 10:03 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979901313781738} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Sep 6 2016, 12:32 PM)best my asskang bukak cite kangdo u have grudge on her because she converted...relax bro...even she do some mistake at the end we still human being...all the sin she make is between her and god...who us to judge her... ok bro? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.746583104133606} +{"text": "Suka tengok orang satu. Yang jenis kuat makan sikit sikit bangun beli makanan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999586343765259} +{"text": "Tp kalo lagu tu sekali x ke mcm menjatuhkan air muka melayu yg tgh cr rezeki dpn hang tu. Tu nsb baik ada sijil halal.kalo xdak mgkin pakcik tu dh jeling terbalik kt staf tu.Elok ka lagu tu..pasal air yg dok viral skrg ni aku pn xtau la.terpulang la kan..no komen..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972406625747681} +{"text": "wat happen to the tanjak man started havoc with BMF? why Malay business fails and failed .. sendiri yang gagal, lepas tu irihati dengan orang berjaya maju .. jadikan agama sebagai alasan ..\"Melayu Malas\" - Dr. M ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "We all know no pork doesn't mean halalWe also know many gerai tepi jalan haram tanpa lesen kerbersihan tak terjamin no halal as well but patroned by many people ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998770952224731} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Feb 11 2017, 06:52 PM)Antivaccine ppl= stupid la. Nothing to do with religion. There's antivax ppl from different religion. Even got atheist antivaxexactly.stupidity transcends religion.as we can see from this tered.that's why I said, way earlier, it's false flag.not about pig brush (since 2010 the issue has been out), not about halal/haram etc.it's about misdirection.everything else is just courtesy from me and you. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999981164932251} +{"text": "Tapi kalau yg org jual kat pasar malam pun mana ada sijil halal. Kita hanya perlu yakin makanan yg disediakan betul2 halal je. Dah memadai utk dimakan. https://t.co/axbUVsoKik", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9910205006599426} +{"text": "Good to know bout this : Food fraud berlaku tanpa masyarakat sedar , peniaga please be honest , islam sangat pentingkan halal haram. So please setiap product yang dikeluarkan perlu patuhi segala syarat yang ditetapkan. jgn bila dh dapat sijil main redah je asalkan dpt high profit https://t.co/vgYBgTOlEh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9921554923057556} +{"text": "Just nak ckp dulu kata Chatime haram sebab takde sijil halal. Sekarang elok je memasing telan \ud83d\ude2a Bukan nak backup tapi hmmm. Paham jelaa ayat aku yg atas to \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f https://t.co/YoqrPmiWY4", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "His money, his life, his suka laLagak biforty cannot afford his lifestyle just know how to kecam for some imaginary brownie points ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9764299988746643} +{"text": "QUOTE(RazanZen @ Dec 15 2022, 09:33 AM)unless u drink the perfume i don't see anything wrong with thatdon be hypocrite, cannot consume internally or externallyNO mean NO, alcohol haram yo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972010850906372} +{"text": "@cendoi_pulut Plus, ada bnyk benda garis panduan kena ikut tuk dptkan status halal malaysia. Even produk dah halal. Tp kalau semua workers non-muslim still tak lepas sijil halal. Even production dia halal. Sbb at least food handler kena ad 2 org muslim. Baru lepas.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998835027217865} +{"text": "Makanan yg tiada cop logo halal, tak semestinya haram. Ia hanya tidak didaftarkan tp pembuatannya mungkin bersih dan suci.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9332650303840637} +{"text": "QUOTE(krizalid88_real @ Nov 4 2021, 11:11 PM)Ni cerita sebenar dari owner ttg siakap mahal di Langkawi :Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian ,\u00a0 berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia.Ok la the owner already told them mega size, they are the one who didnt check it.Mega size is definitely not normal big size. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8871915340423584} +{"text": "#BantuNiaga | Saudagar Rasa adalah jenama keluaran Syarikat Noraz Berkat Sdn Bhd yg hasilkan produk2 dgn pensijilan keselamatan & kualiti makanan oleh MeSTI serta sijil halal JAKIM.\n\nPKP telah menjejaskan perniagaan & hasil jualannya turun sehingga 90%\n\n(Ini bebenang)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.992588996887207} +{"text": "QUOTE(queenc @ Aug 6 2015, 04:39 PM)Aghh Starbucks, mcd haramMakan jugakhisap dadah pun haram lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jun 7 2024, 11:59 AM)parking for vrooommmmmselling ron99 , rm 9.3 per litterCan use cc?If tak bagus power Nak refund ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990174770355225} +{"text": "@lukmankhiruddin @TheQueenIsFlynn Restoran melayu di Malaysia kebanyakannya tiada sijil halal JAKIM juga. Tidak shariah compliance. Buka la website JAKIM, haram ada Restoran so-called melayu ada apply sijil halal, sbb mesti tak lulus, diatas kebersihan premis yg gagal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999713897705078} +{"text": "aku benci burger yg sloppy, sos melelehknape ramai ske yg mcm ni?tak muak ke makan rase sos je?burger org nak rase patty dia, nak rase harum daging dia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999837875366211} +{"text": "saya org terengganu jemput mari,(sajak ni utk org luar terengganu)kalau selama ni mari ke terengganu mesti cari kepok lekor,Sekarang ni kopok lekor terbaik tunggu tuan2 adik kakak,kalau selama ni merasa nasi dagang nasi minyak,berbau sedap macam makanan ada di depan hidung,mengumpan rakan mari datang ke terengganu,sekarang ni ikan sotong ketam udang celup tepung cicah dengan sos gerenti menelan air liur,kalau berjalan datang dari jauh rasa kering tekak,kita teguk air kelapa letak ais sambil tgk laut warna hijau,kepuasan minum air kelapa boleh cuba pulak air tuak terapung ( air float kot? )yang ni halal bukan beer fest,tapi sungguh tak tipu,marilah datang,tempat comel, makan sedap,laut hijau pantai putih,bulan terang, bulan mengambang,tunggu tuan tuan,tunggu adik kakak,marilah bersama berhimpun,di pantai Tok Jembal,Jumaat dan Sabtu,29 dan 30 haribulan,bulan September,Saya lelaki, orang terengganu,menjemput semua ke FASTAQIM 2.0#mostly setakat yg saya paham ar. cant believe i translate all of that for /K lol!This post has been edited by Sadru: Sep 21 2017, 09:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7252917885780334} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Aug 25 2020, 09:55 PM)Let me get this rightIt was a forest reserve in the first place, cannot plant anything there.Somehow dont know what happen, after the logs were gone, farmers plant durian.Now durian trees matured, they say legalized it but farmers need to pay rental, plus have to sell to them only. Furthermore got levy charges. Farmers rage, start chop off the plants. Polis setup road block to block them to go in, and today onwards it belongs to state government? Its like,Mesin judi is haram. Somehow there was an empty factory and nobody using it.Gangster backside itchy go and setup kedai mesin judi. Then authorities go and raid the place, say is haram, but can continue operating if the gangsters be their bitch. Must also pay rental and give a portion of money they make. Gangster dont want, gangster say will destroy their own mesin judi. Polis come and jaga the factory dont let gangster destroy mesin judi and now onwards the authorities gonna run the kedai judi?Kejap Judas kasi rewind sikit Mana pi sales kayu balak ? Forest Reserve betul ? Boleh tuai ke Forest Reserve ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999669790267944} +{"text": "i enjoice reading the comments35 komen untuk \u201cNeelofa Akui Tidak Tahu Yang Escargot Haram Dimakan\u201drambutku tak sekembang rambut kakMah says:Aug 5, 2015 at 11:05 pmNasib ko la lopak..dah termakan pun\u2026.klu aku tak terliuqq tgk siput tue\u2026dah mcm siput khinzir kat pokok pisang kebun mak aku\u2026.Replykatija haron says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:32 amKALAU DAH TERMAKAN SEBAB KITA TAK TAU TAKPELAH\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..LAIN KALI HATI2 BILA KAT LUAR NEGARA\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.ReplyKak Pah says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:19 am8A SPM pun rupanya bodoh jugak. Macam ni lah kalu sakai baru lihat dunia\u2026.benda haram terus makan dan pos dlm instagram. Akhirnya diri sendiri nampak\u2026.bangang!!!ReplyGigi Besi says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:28 amkes cultural shock la ni. ko ingat siput sedut ke ha???? klau was2 jgn seberangan je. kan dah termalu sendiri. vodohhhhhh!!!ReplyAkak Jual Bikini says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:22 amMakluk dua alam mana boleh makan. Akak yg x pandai agama pun tahu. Apalah punya jahil. Jual tudung, benda haram ko pakai belasah telan je erkkk?!ReplyNorhafiza Md Noor says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:31 amdrp ko makan siput tu, baik ko hisap siput hans isaac. xde beza nya\u2026. heheheReplyTahniah Atas Kebodohan Anda! says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:21 am#win!!!Replymiss loyal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 3:23 pmtahniah\u2026anda baru sja menunjukkn sejauh mna iman anda\u2026yg kt ats tu xde ajr nk ckp bnda mcm ne..benda nk jd..ape nk wt..boleh x korg fikir btul2 dlu sebelum nk post mcm ni..malu la sikit weii\u2026korg tau x\u20261 yg brsuara boleh merosakkn nma smua tau..ReplySaya says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:20 amKlau tk tau tk pe\u2026 Amek tanah liat sertu kan kat dlm mulut n dlm perut hahaha\u2026. Gurau jer\u2026Tk pe lah tk tau lain kali jaga2\u2026. Tapi kan bole ke telan tu siput ish\u2026 Tk leh saya bayang kan\u2026ReplyGIGI KAPAK says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:30 amBUKAN MAIN KEREK PAT INSTAGRAM BILA ADA YG MENEGUR.. DIA BLEH SURUH DIAM LAGI\u2026..AAAAAHHHHH SEKARANG SIAPER YGBODOH SOMMMMMBONNNG??????!HARAP AJE ADA BERBELAS AAAA.ENGLISH TETAP BERTERABUR, BOBAL TUNGGANG LANGGANG\u2026OTAK BIMBO!Replyangahzu says:Aug 6, 2015 at 2:45 amMemang tak penah makan siput tu\u2026tp kat bendang belakang rumah mak memang banyak\u2026mak kata memang ada makan tp mak xbg makan bab tak sahih leh makan ke tak\u2026.jadi tgk je la jiran2 kutip makan buat masak cili apiReplykatija haron says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:43 amA\u2019AH BETOL TU\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026ADA ORANG MAKAN\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.BUAT MASAK CILIPADI\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.Reply.. says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:35 amahahhahahaa\u2026..Replymarina says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:40 amkalau pun halal memang aku tak makan siput tu nak muntah tengok\u2026.tak apalah lofa kalau tak tahu hmm\u2026Replynono says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:47 amHAHAHAHAHA>>ORG CKP BODOH>>MARAHReplyroti butter says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:58 amXpe la lofa.. Kitaorg yg xmakan siput tu pun tak tau lagi makanan sharian yg kita mkn ni halal ke haram..ReplyRizal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:25 amPunyai nk \u201chigh\u201d konon sesuatu yg unik. Padahal haram. Lain kali show off la lagi dlm Instagram tu. Biar kaw nampak bodoh sangat. Hahaha\u2026ReplyLol says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:29 ambimbo juga rupanya \u2026. ReplyUmmie says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:36 amNajib makan duit rakyat, kenapa xde fatwa???????!!!!!!Replykhadijah says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:04 amtry thisReplyTahniah Atas Kebodohan Anda! says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:20 amNo komen!Replykopi says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:24 amni kah SPM yg dibanggakan sangat\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..ada gak bodohnya\u2026\u2026.lain kali jangan bongkak\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026orang pandai pun, ada gak perkara yg dia x tahu, tapi x la sombong bodoh cam ko\u2026..ngutuk orang pandai, nyindir orang pandai mcm la ko sempurna sangat\u2026sekarang terbukti ko tu BIMBOorang tegur x terima, nah terima la bila orang BODOH kan ko.kalau hati tu ITAM, berpurdah pun nampak gak SIKAP HITAM KO TU\u2026Replyjaslina says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:26 amdah kelahap sangat, SIPUT BABI tu pun nak melantak, konon nak berlagak la makan tu, post berbagai. niat tu jahat, tu yg kena balik. peribadi x mencerminkan diri bongokkkkkkkkkkkkkReplymyjawatankini says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:27 amKami sayang anda semua dan kami terus membantu anda untuk mencari peluang perkerjaanJawatan Kosong di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) \u2013 06 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong Terkini di Bank Rakyat \u2013 09 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Pos Malaysia Berhad \u2013 03 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Koperasi Bank Persatuan Malaysia Bhd \u2013 29 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) \u2013 TERBUKA 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia \u2013 31 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di SIRIM Berhad \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Perbadanan Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar (MBAS) \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) \u2013 02 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Ketereh \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Kuala Langat (MDKL) \u2013 11 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPG) \u2013 10 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur Negeri Sabah \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor (MSN Selangor) \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) \u2013 30 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Malaya (UM) \u2013 08 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) \u2013 12 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Lembaga Pertubuhan Bintulu (BPA) \u2013 14 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Kolej Komuniti Mas Gading \u2013 05 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Sarawak Energy \u2013 13 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Kedah (SUK Kedah) \u2013 16 Ogos 2015Temuduga Terbuka di Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Pada 11 Ogos \u2013 23 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) \u2013 12 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Setiu \u2013 18 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) \u2013 26 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) \u2013 06 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) \u2013 27 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) \u2013 31 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (PNMB) \u2013 31Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Amanah Raya Berhad \u2013 14 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong Terkini di KPJ Kajang \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Yayasan Hijau Malaysia \u2013 26 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Koperasi Pendidikan Usahawan Berhad \u2013 25 September 2015ReplyCik Bunga says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:30 amEmma yg xde SPM pun, x lalu nak makan SIPUT BABI ni, dia pun tau. ko yg berlagak ngan SPM ko tu leh telan, x jijik ke, itam cam tu sama la ngan ati busuk ko tu. nak termuntah pun x leh, dh kenyanggggggggg.Replylopakkkkk says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:33 ambanyak sangat cari pasal ngan orang, burukkan orang, curi dari orangbanyak doa orang dh makbul. doa lg untuk kejatuhan si bongkak ni\u2026..Reply.. says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:38 amdia ni nmpk ok je bila cakap gn wartawan.. tp bila org tgur kt insta xboleh trime trus delete\u2026ayat fans dia y maki hamun org2 y nasihatkan dia.. dia x delete pulak ..nmpk wangi hati tu..Replyti mys says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:47 amhaters mcm lah bagoss sgt nk mgata org. semua manusia buat silap. nanti karma kena diri sendiriReplyYazu says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:58 amYa Allah..jahatnye mulut korng..org tu buat sala sbb xtau je..smpai mcm tu skali mengata kat lofa..org buat sala, doakan supaya berubah..bukan maki hamun gi tu..xd beza ngn siput.Replykembara hamba says:Aug 6, 2015 at 11:41 amOrg da Berubah elok kita doakan je supya dia true istiqamah bkn mncela..kite duk Kate org hati hitam n busuk hati kita ni blm tntu Putih bersih\u2026y mnilai hanya Allah SWT.. Dia trsilap mkn siput tu sbb Xtaw status smela mcm kite trsilap mkn cadbury\u2026so jgnla Mara..km elok klu kite ckp bnda baik\u00b2Replyanak jati says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:41 pmdari kecik dah makan\u2026sah2 mak bapak dia tak ajar..tu la penting mak bapak belajar agama sebelum kawin..jangan tau buat anak je..tengok keturunan neelofa tu sedara mara pakaian mcm amareka je..tak tau ape nak jadi..ReplyBaca Tajuk Terus Komen (BTTK) says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:42 pmAPA yg blaku Ade hikmah\u2026skrg ramai da tau bendaalah tu\u2026aku pn baru tau\u2026ReplyGIGI KAPAK says:Aug 6, 2015 at 2:22 pmSIAPER SETUJU\u2026.SI LOFA BIMBO TERLEBIH OVER \u201cPLASTIC\u201d KAKI SPEDODARI..SCHA,LISA SURIHANI,ANZALNA, KAK JENA, KAK OGY MANANG DAN MAK MAH?Replymiss loyal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 3:17 pmerkk\u2026takyah la nk bising sgt\u2026korg dok mengate die ni pn dpt dosa free tau..tahniah la..tak usah nk pndang sgt setiap kesalahan yg org buat..die kate xtau tu mknenye xtau la\u2026yg korang sakit hati knpe?? bawakk2 la bertaubat\u2026cerminkan diri sendri sebelum nk menghakimi org lain..ingat laa..xde org di dunia ni yg sempurna..ReplyAbg Murai says:Aug 6, 2015 at 4:06 pmEscargot adalah perkataan dalam Bahasa Perancis yang merujuk kepada sejenis siput yang dikenali dalam Bahasa Malaysia sebagai siput babi. Walaupun kedapatan beberapa jenis siput babi seperti helix aspersia dan helix pomatia, tetapi kedua-duanya adalah tergolong dalam genus yang sama iaitu Genus Helix. Dalam Bahasa Arab, siput babi dikenali sebagai halazun (?????).Dalam fiqah, halazun/escargot adalah tergolong dalam kumpulan \u2018hasyaraat\u2019 iaitu haiwan kecil yang melata/menjalar. Dalam mazhab Syafie, secara umumnya haiwan yang tergolong dalam hasyaraat adalah haram dimakan kerana termasuk dalam haiwan yang dianggap keji (khabisah). Ini berdasarkan kepada firman Allah Taala:??????????? ?????????? ????????????Maksudnya: \u201cDan dia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk\u201d. (Surah Al-A\u2019raf: 157). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9797429442405701} +{"text": "Sejak bila mereka kisah apa yang orang Islam makan? Mereka hanya mahu serang JAKIM, bukan individu yang melakukan kesalahan tu. Aku sebagai orang Islam lagi marah sebab halal haram makanan aku. Tapi aku tau nak tuju mana.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9969158172607422} +{"text": "\r\nkalau kek dari kedai2 kek tu boleh makan tak? kalau kita attend birthday party, n makan kek yg disediakan tu, boleh tak? ada ke kek yg haram dimakan?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998846054077148} +{"text": "Tiada sijil halal = haram. Awak punya sijil lahir ada cop halal JAKIM ke bro?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995912909507751} +{"text": "Obses sangat dengan sijil halal. Ni mesti budak budak jenis join event kelapaq sijil padahai event lari satu kampus ja pun.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9909060001373291} +{"text": "Talking about halal not only about food kan .. i got colleagues malay guys and ladyv.. sometimes they talk openly about sex ..how big la how keras .. lubang basah this n that ..ask mine how big la tested malay b4 or not bla bla .. sometimes so alim eeee jijik cannot talk sex . Ayam goes blank and blur .. lol . Sometimes even can geser tetek to my arm n back . I know 1 of the guy screwing a chinese lady hes married ok ...but when come to scandal suddenly like pur ajaran say cannot bla bla . Knn sonetimes i see these fckers all wayang or wat .This post has been edited by ImUrDaddY: Aug 9 2018, 10:49 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959427714347839} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dead_Arrow @ Jan 18 2017, 01:14 PM)actually im kind of curious. What is non halal cake? how it look like?Pose the question to jakim.I can guarantee they cant give u good answerUntil now their halal standardization still alot of loop hole.BtwDo you know that some of the islamic halal certification (overseas) din get approval by jakim, it is still consider haram here. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8882054090499878} +{"text": "Baru balik dari seminar Halal and baru tahu HALAL tu bukan dari segi bahan masakan yg digunakan je mesti 100% yakin, tapi dari segi peralatan yg digunakan pun mesti 100% bersih dan suci. \n\nKalau masak ayam guna kuali yang sama goreng binatang non-halal, makanan tu kira dicemari--", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998252987861633} +{"text": "xhabes2 lg pasal isu halal haram ..xda halal jakim la...susah bawak travel la... makcik nasi lemak tepi jalan xda sijil halal pon la.... come on la....hg nk mkn hg mkn...hg nk was2 terpulang nk mkn ka xmau...xyah nk condemn org sana sini...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999294281005859} +{"text": "Utuhshite?? Malas la dgr repot dr dorang ni busit more than real shit. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Mar 21 2024, 01:55 PM)kalau fiftnah, apa hukum dia? this question kah?So basically this guy found an offending item in a store, so instead of informing the staff and management. The first thing he did was to viral it on socmed.Sometimes I wonder what is his real intentions. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9693685173988342} +{"text": "QUOTE(kaffra @ Dec 20 2021, 04:31 PM)they can ask if its halal or haram, if the gudwara has pork oil then maybe some would be hesitant to eat it. no harm to ask and this fellas response shows his animosity to other peoples beliefsVegetarian apa benda pakai pork oil bodoh. Kalau dah pakai pork oil dah tak vegetarian la. Ni betul2 mangkuk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999727010726929} +{"text": "Teruk sangat ke nak mengunyah tu?Kena rujuk fatwa yang diluluskan.kalau ikut pemahaman jika sekadar untuk melakukan pembedahan bagi memudahkan urusan yang sukar boleh dilakukan. Pembedahan yang tak boleh dilakukan ialah pembedahan yang mengubah kejadian. Contohnya pembedahan hidung dilakukan sekadar nak jadikan mancung yang mana sebelum pembedahan tiada sebarang permasalahan bernafas atau sebagainya. Atau membelah lidah supaya boleh berlagak.jadi kalau nak buat pembedahan itu, pasangkan niat untuk memudahkan urusan mengunyah kerana allah.Moga allah terima. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999450147151947} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kiminokawa @ Feb 9 2017, 10:49 AM)are u muslim? If yes, can u explain what is the meaning of halal? I know pork is not halal, but how a brush used for painting is not halal too?I can't find it in internet so need to ask some fellow muslims herethey are not supposed to touch haram stuffs...just watch tedX on porcine made materials... from soap, to paint, to brush and synthetic fillers... all pork.haram or halal.. there is a definition to it. those that you can't control, you can't label it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999110698699951} +{"text": "@ParkBhai Pendedahan yang menarik. Terima kasih. Saya rasa OP tak salah buat pendedahan sebegini. Lihat sahaja dari kaca mata seorang pengguna. Pilihan di tangan kita. Kalau kita lebih yakin dengan produk keluaran orang Islam dan ingin membantu ekonomi ummah, itu HAK kita. https://t.co/zjUBPnv9k4", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9206331968307495} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syeikh Ruler al-Hotzz @ Aug 19 2022, 11:31 AM)Apa masalah kalo beli makanan dari nons??? Ada agama larang ke??? Yang raise issue ni pun sapa???Dah. Budak-budak pergi main jauh-jauh.QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 18 2022, 03:36 PM)nons jual non-halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual non-halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.yang penting, description kena betul. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987699389457703} +{"text": "Iphone all made in China punya, haram or not? Need to put sticker? Considering they eat the most pig wan, so they touch the phone liau should be haram also ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "QUOTE(abelyap @ Mar 14 2024, 04:20 AM)Ni mesti katak bawah tempurung yang tak tau sistem pendidikan SGFun fact, u try speak Malay at SG. The only can response is Malay lokal and Malaysian. Others Lokal sinjiapore dunno what u talking. Hence my business trip there i always speak BM with Malaysian or Malay Sinjiapore there. Lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996498823165894} +{"text": "Banyak makanan bergizi di Hutan asalkan tidak berlaku aturan halal-haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.980732798576355} +{"text": "QUOTE(salad said @ May 5 2023, 03:22 PM)lol not true. once got money, you would want the best food to go into your body because investment in yourself always trumps eating shitty foodnot necessarily shit food but even helang will crave for white bread, cheap street food or mamak, deswhy i said only entitled bodo t20 will act all high n not to eat certain cheap food anymore ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999604225158691} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Jun 12 2023, 03:27 PM)Do you know why only 16%?Because the MAJORITY of Malay food providers are those makcik, pakcik at the roadside and sidewalk, who suka-suka open table and tent without concern for traffic and safety.And let's not forget about the hygiene.And these people don't even bother to apply for Halal cert, because in their mindset, Malay = Islam = auto Halal food.Here at Ampang Jaya, some of them don't even bother to apply for a license albeit it was not that expensive.As long as 'tak apa' attitude exists, don't bother to blame the non or whatever.this is a fair and factual statementthank you ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999557733535767} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayer @ May 21 2019, 10:31 AM)Jump to 3:07 mark\nnxqAGbJ3bSA\n\nThe closure is the real caveat herethis is exactly right. Islam prohibits alcohol because it is intoxicating. the word used is khamr.Jurists from the Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali legal schools have traditionally viewed it as general term for any intoxicating beverage made from grapes, dates, and similar substances.[2] Hanafi jurists restricted the term to a narrower range of beverages.[2] Over time, some jurists classified other intoxicants, such as opium and qat, as khamr, based on a hadith stating:The Holy Prophet said: every intoxicant is khamr, and every khamr is forbidden.Khamr is haram and khamr is defined by the prophet as an intoxicant.if the quantity is too small to intoxicate, it is not haram. but, that doesnt mean you can consume alcohol willy-nilly. you have to actively avoid consuming intoxicants where it is practical. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.974049985408783} +{"text": "@dionywrish @AnnaSoeraya I see good for them then. Kalau kebersihan dia baik and bahan dia pakai halal then tak ada masalah untuk company tu kalau nak apply sijil halal Jakim. It is actually up to us as consumer nak consumed apakan, hak memlih tu atas kita.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998572826385498} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Jan 6 2024, 09:07 AM)Look, you guys obviously can't put down the bottle in the argument. I'm just shedding some light on why the rules are as they are.I agree with them, but I also didn't make the rules. Tak suka go argue up the gomen offices, write to your local MPs, whatever.look,.. i'm just asking whats wrong drinking in office,.. it's u who keep accuse drinking alcohol must be mabuk kind of argument,.. cannot operate properly lar,.. cannot think properly lar,... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5472501516342163} +{"text": "the malaysia invention at it best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958327412605286} +{"text": "org yg kerja dlm bidang food based tahu lah mcm mana susahnya nak dapatkan halal cert tu. SUSAH nak mati ya. byk sgt step kau kena lalui. documentation, auditor dari jakim and many more. kau dtg2 terus cakap \"ni takda sijil halal! haram! haram! harommmmmm!\" haram jadah betul!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "I don't understandNaik kapal terbang bolehtapi terlihat rumah ibadah selain daripada masjid tak boleh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995966553688049} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeezai @ Jan 24 2023, 02:49 PM)Actually the definition is very clear.. 0% no haram , 0.1% haram ..easy ..I don\u2019t think so. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999098777770996} +{"text": "But when we do our own things they keypoh apahal? Thanksgiving dinner, kena raid claiming apotasy la... beer festival claim sensitive la... sedangkan rokok haram until today cannot stop the habit among themselves... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Jan 30 2017, 10:02 AM)Perception. He as a politician should know better.\u00a0 http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/370838Inilah Macai yang sejati. 100% pemakan dedak tulen. Bangga betul boleh jumpa specimen sebegini. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999644756317139} +{"text": "QUOTE(genecode @ Dec 13 2019, 05:45 PM)local uni did a research back then.content of alcohol in tapai is same as beer. 5%.how?actually i been eating and slurping tapai since i was 5.my fav thing ever.Is the research been published?Do you eat tapai to get drunk?Anyway, if you're in KL, this applies to you. For other states check with majlis fatwa negeri masing masing.https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkoholKaedah asal dalam hukum etanol di dalam makanan ini adalah unsur memabukkan. Apa-apa bahan yang memabukkan maka adalah haram untuk dimakan. Etanol, adalah nama saintifik bagi alkohol. Menurut Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, alkohol ialah \u201ccecair yang mudah terbakar dan juga memabukkan\u201d.[1] Berdasarkan definisi ini, meminum alkohol adalah diharamkan kerana ia membawa kepada kemabukan. Dalil bagi keharaman itu adalah hadis riwayat Ummul Mukminin, Saiyidatina Aisyah R.Anha, bahawa Rasulullah \ufdfb bersabda:\u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0634\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0628\u064d \u0623\u064e\u0633\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0631\u064e \u0641\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0648\u064e \u062d\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064cMaksudnya: \u201cSemua yang memabukkan adalah haram.\u201dRiwayat Bukhari (5263) dan Muslim (2001)Daripada Jabir RA, bahawa Rasulullah \ufdfb bersabda:\u0645\u064e\u0627 \u0623\u064e\u0633\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0631\u064e \u0643\u064e\u062b\u0650\u064a\u0631\u064f\u0647\u064f \u0641\u064e\u0642\u064e\u0644\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064cMaksudnya: \u201cApabila benda yang banyak memabukkan, maka yang sedikit pun adalah haram.\u201dRiwayat Abu Daud (3681), al-Tirmizi (1866) dan Ibn Majah (3393)Namun, bukan semua makanan yang mengandungi alkohol itu adalah arak. Terdapat makanan dan minuman yang apabila dimakan mengikut uruf setempat tidak memabukkan. Ia juga tidak najis kerana penghasilan alkohol itu bukan tujuan utama pembuatan makanan itu, sebaliknya hanya kesan sampingan. Kami menukilkan Fatwa Kerajaan Negeri Brunei Darussalam pada tahun 2005 (hlm. 74-75) yang menyebut:\u201cIni bermaksud bahawa kenajisan alkohol itu adalah bertolak dari sebab kenajisan arak yang sifatnya sebagai minuman yang memabukkan. Dengan itu dapat difahami bahawa semata-mata alkohol bukanlah najis selama mana ia tidak diambil (extract) daripada arak atau mana-mana minuman yang memabukkan, kerana kueh tapai yang biasa dimakan pun menurut pakar ada mengandungi alkohol, namun ia tidak diharamkan, kerana tidak memabukkan.\u201dJusteru, walaupun pada asalnya tanggungjawab mengenalpasti makanan dan minuman yang halal adalah tanggungjawab fardu ain ke atas semula umat Islam, perkembangan dan kemajuan dalam bidang pemakanan menyebabkan tugas pengenalpastian ini semakin kompleks dan memerlukan bantuan institusi awam. Oleh itu, kami merujuk kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Bahagian Hab Halal) selaku yang bertanggungjawab menjalankan pensijilan halal di Malaysia bersama-sama Jabatan Agama Islam negeri-negeri.[2]Pandangan Hukum Keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam MalaysiaMuzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-22 yang bersidang pada 24 Nov 1988 telah membincangkan Alkohol Sebagai Penstabil Minuman Ringan. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa kordial yang mengandungi bahan perisa (flavour) yang dimasukkan alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan untuk tujuan minuman sekiranya:Alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak.Bahawa kuantiti alkohol dalam perisa (flavour) itu adalah sedikit iaitu tidak memabukkan.Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 telah membincangkan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.Tapai halal dimakan.Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Berdasarkan taklimat, pembentangan dan penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh pakar-pakar daripada Institut Penyelidikan Produk Halal, Universiti Putra Malaysia serta dengan mengambilkira keputusan-keputusan yang telah diputuskan dalam Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia terdahulu, Muzakarah Khas Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia yang membincangkan Isu Alkohol Dalam Makanan, Minuman, Pewangi Dan Ubat-Ubatan pada 14 hingga 16 Julai 2011 telah bersetuju memutuskan seperti berikut:Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.KesimpulanBerdasarkan fakta dan keterangan di atas, kami cenderung untuk menyatakan bahawa pewarna makanan yang mengandungi 20% kandungan alkohol adalah diharamkan kerana melebihi kadar yang ditetapkan yakni 0.5%, sekalipun pewarna berkenaan tidak dihasilkan menggunakan proses pembuatan arak, seperti mana yang diputuskan oleh Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia. Sebaiknya penanya boleh terus bertanya kepada Bahagian Hal Halal JAKIM untuk penjelasan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969603419303894} +{"text": "enough with the halal cert issues. JAKIM certification tu takat nak wat jadi official je. bukan penentu mutlak halal haram sesuatu makanan..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9341812133789062} +{"text": "QUOTE(internaldisputes @ Nov 16 2020, 01:40 PM)Does the viral video mention Old Town White Coffee specifically though?yes, the video mention Oldtown Restaurant ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "Dia beli yg x halal bang mmng la x bagi makan. Kang menggelupur pulak termakan babi. Now ramai je pengusaha makanan melayu buat mooncake. Yang dapat halal jakim pun dah bnyak. Tpi tu la melayu ni malas nk membaca label . Nmpk mooncake smua dicop non-halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9902527332305908} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR: The Islamic Development Department said a Chinese Muslim restaurant that fired a non-Muslim employee for wearing a necklace bearing a cross, does not possess a halal certificate.Netizens had questioned the halal status of the restaurant after a video on social media showed him wearing the cross and a songkok.The restaurant, which is renowned for Chinese-style beef buns made with locally sourced ingredients, dismissed the worker on Nov 19 and issued an apology to the public.\u201cWe found that the premises is not bound by the requirements and conditions of a halal certification,\u201d a department spokesman said, adding that the Malaysian Halal Certification Procedure Manual (Domestic) 2020 does not prevent non-Muslims from working at halal-certified eateries.\u201cPremises that have at least one Muslim employee, who is a Malaysian citizen with a permanent position and is on duty throughout the business hours or shift, can apply for a halal certificate.\u201cThe company also needs to have a halal supervisor at the premises. All employees must attend awareness training every three years to ensure that the halal certification procedures are understood and followed.\u201dSelangor Islamic Religious Department director Datuk Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad said they do not have specific regulations on non-Muslim employees working in Muslim restaurants.\u201cLabour regulations established through employment contracts, or by government agencies directly overseeing business operations, remain applicable.\u201cThe decision to hire or restrict non-Muslim employees rests with the restaurant owner or manager. It may stem from the owner\u2019s preference to ensure adherence to halal food preparation practices, considering the predominantly Muslim population,\u201d he said, adding that possession of a halal certificate is voluntary.\u201cAn applicant interested in obtaining a certificate may apply and if all conditions are met, it will be issued. If there is a complaint, especially if it involves doubts on the halal status of the food or violation of the law, we will investigate and take action under the Trade Descriptions Act 2011.\u201cIf an employee is disciplined for wearing a religious symbol, then that is the restaurant owner\u2019s decision and may require further explanation. It is up to the employer, so long as it does not contravene labour laws,\u201d he said, adding that Muslim restaurants should adhere to halal standards.\u201cRestaurants need to enhance halal education and training for staff, implement strict operational controls for halal food preparation and serving, and obtain a halal certification to boost customer confidence.\u201cThey should also provide accurate information about their halal status and collaborate closely with the authorities to curb the circulation of rumours.\u201dMohd Shahzihan advised the public against reacting to social media posts without confirming facts, especially when religious matters are involved.\u201cWe caution against hasty reactions. Social media users should seek credible information and verify facts before sharing information online.\u201dhttps://thesun.my/local/restaurant-in-cross...fied-FJ11814607 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9928010702133179} +{"text": "The thing about this halal haram issue is that those who think it\u2019s haram trigger those who think it\u2019s halal \u201ctakde sijil halal, yang minum tu tak takut ke\u201d Meanwhile yang yakin halal \u201cmemang dalam tu ada babi\u201d *triggered* Opinion won\u2019t hurt if you\u2019re kind in your words.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9689234495162964} +{"text": "Ada kok, terus aku juga kalau beli makanan banyak suka keinget almarhum kaka aku yg ke 1, soalnya dia suka makan kan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998444318771362} +{"text": "@Cura_Manjakini sijil halal JAKIM hanyalah pengiktirafan. tak diiktiraf halal oleh JAKIM tak semestinya tak halal. yg penting, tiada unsur haram & bersih. and yes, after all semua pilihan masing masing. jadi, siapalah kita ni nak pertikaikan pilihan orang kan? \ud83e\udd17", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997524619102478} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 5 2024, 12:29 PM)Racist signboard and creating divisiveness in Malaysia Kan bagus kalau buat halal, semua kaum semua agama boleh duduk makan sama samaMuhibbah & 1MalaysiaTuhan tak kasi makan, manusia pulak yang gaduh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9843850135803223} +{"text": "QUOTE(fadzly @ Feb 27 2018, 02:48 PM)jawapan aku senang je. ko masih cetek ilmu. jgn cari ilmu di sini. cari dengan ustaz.Soalan tak di jawabStraight up personal attackFuh. Ini la contoh muslim sejati ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999226331710815} +{"text": "If i am a muslim , i will just follow what the ulama sayNo need to think so much ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993422627449036} +{"text": "QUOTE(azreeceli @ Dec 30 2015, 10:40 AM)erm how to go to mekong delta river? any suggestion?never go babi eatingbut, if only stay there then x seronok, feels like changing hotel every daywhy telur? more kaw?tiruan kan?if you want to be adventurous, then ask those malaysians there what you can do. im sure our local malays there are more than happy to assist you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999722242355347} +{"text": "Masuk dlm badan jadi darah daging. Dlm al Quran pun ada sebut makan makanan yg bagus, suci Dan bersih. Halal Dan halalan toyyiban. \n\nBe wise my dear Muslim friend....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999907374382019} +{"text": "Bukan kisah pun orang yang mampu makan wahgyu. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9956314563751221} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 06:40 PM)let me answer generally lah.for muslim, they cannot eat anything under this list:1) anything dirty in nature (pig, cos eating shit, also bcos got direct instruction to not eat), worms2) anything crawling - siput babi, escargot, worms, bugs, etc3) anything poisonous in nature - snake, scorpion, 4) anything carnivor (have fangs, tusk, etc) - lion, tiger, dog, etc5) dua alam (can live in both land and water) - turtle, tortoise, seal, etc6) anything halal to be eaten but not slaughtered properly - just cut head, jiken rolled by car on the road7) anything halal but slaughtered for other other religion offering (like sacrificed, etc)8) anything unclean - jiken dipped in shit, etc9) anything make u high/mabuk - alcohol, tuak, tapai, whiskey, etc10) anything consider dirty by culture - example in Malaysia is ulat mulong - culturally in Sarawak is fine, but for semenanjung since it is associated with ulat, consider dirty. So is haram. (But for some ulat inside fruit consider can be eaten because consider is clean - inside fruit - get it?)11) cannot eat carcasses of dead animal (bangkai)12) we cannot eat/drink blood - like cousine such as pork blood/cow blood in some cultureRule of thumb: anything can be eaten as long as it is not listed under this list.Rule of thumb 2: anything living in water (river/sea/lake/etc) also halal to be eaten - no need slaughtering - deswai siput sedut, shellfish consider halalreason i posted this is to share to those misunderstood/confuse out there on what halal actually is. seems there is so many confusion and misunderstanding, i hope this can give insight on what halal actually is.as for siput babi, it falls under number 2 - crawling and consider dirtyhalal is pretty much similar with koshier, but koshier is stricter. deswai for muslim abroad, if they cannot find halal vendors, they can opt for koshier approved meat. since what christian and jews slaughter can be eaten. if have anything i miss or incorrect, fellow muslim brothers please help to correct me.wah berry comprehensive but for me i think.. its harder to check when its processed food.. especially chips n junkfood.. when u sit together w others of course share food n stuff so usually i makan je unless its obvious non halalhow to be more cautious without offending others.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993903636932373} +{"text": "\nnolya replied at 28-3-2023 06:11 AM\r\nTapi I sllu beli ayam kat pasar Keramat n di Rosham Mart for my cat. I yakin ayam tu halal, InsyaAl ...\nbeli ayam dah sembelih, halal takda masalah utk kucing \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9715713262557983} +{"text": "babi is the best meat in the world.those who never try will never understand ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.96034175157547} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMF2025 @ Feb 25 2024, 04:29 PM)Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular?Anything that touched by Cancer PuAS will be a big deterrent for tourism. 'Nuf said. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999281167984009} +{"text": "The typical malay borak pasal halal haram ni mcm bdh je point. Okay, skrg kecoh pasal makanan xd sijil halal, makanan tu HARAM bagi org islam mkn sebab yg buat tu CINA. So i asked 1 question, so kalau kt office, ak mintak tlg chinese collegeue aku buatkan milo, so air tu haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997683167457581} +{"text": "In conclusion...kalau u nk = tak haramU nak tapi takut kena kecam = haram Simple mindset of them ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999402761459351} +{"text": "Fokus mereka terhadap Malaysia tertumpu kepada produk dan perkhidmatan Halal terutamanya dari segi makanan, pakaian dan latihan kepada syarikat-syarikat tempatan untuk menepati persijilan Halal. Ini kerana persijilan Halal JAKIM dikenali dan diiktiraf seluruh dunia.l", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9708625674247742} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Nov 20 2023, 12:03 AM)Halal la. Non Muslim can prepare the food for Muslim as long as use halal meat, no pork, no alcohol and maintain the cleanliness.Then halal la.Jakim tak certified halal maksud tak halal\u2026 kau label pork free boleh, tak boleh cakap halal\u2026.Kalau boleh, buat juga PCR DNA babi\u2026atau anjinghttps://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/A47086This post has been edited by xiaojohn: Nov 20 2023, 12:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999452829360962} +{"text": "boikot saje marehsia terus terbang pergi dubai tinggal sampai mati.habis cerita.inb4 lu tak suka lu keluar marehsiaThis post has been edited by wailam: Jan 9 2019, 11:56 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998379945755005} +{"text": "QUOTE(tatabun @ May 18 2024, 10:42 PM)dorg kayakan alif syukri ngan dato vida ape dorg dapat?free video pondan menari menggeletik tiap2 tahun? free menunjuk anak ppuan saiz ikan paus belanja barang2 mahal?topkek BMF ngan ideologi bodocik B boleh beli kereta mewah dan tayang kat socmed. diorang suka bende bende gini. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997122883796692} +{"text": "Wasn't couple years ago during bazaar 'karipap oksigen' got viral? Half of the karipap is empty, if anyone asked. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7614283561706543} +{"text": "For me, as long as the restaurant serve no pork, alcohol not in the food, source of poultry is halal that is suffice for me...For example, Sushi, if the Sushi restaurant serve no pork, no mirin / alcohol in the sushi, even it serve alcohol also I am okay, as is up to me on not ordering alcohol for a drinks...Frankly, in broad, religion is like a law of a country. Of course is more than that, but for the sake of this topic, I describe part of it.Is common knowledge that crossing while red light is wrong, but many drivers still does that...Same goes for religion, for Islam, is common knowledge that pork is haram, sex before marriage is haram etc., but it is really up to person to really adhere to it or not...Because religion is based on faith, a person will behave based on how many faith he/she has... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8174796104431152} +{"text": "Tetapi, kalau produk dr syarikat Muslim tu sendiri tak bagus. Buatlah pilihan tepat sebagai pengguna. Tiada masalah selagi mana syarikat non-Muslim tu kita yakin dgn kesuciannya dan punyai sijil Halal. Tiada masalah. Cuma bila kita support produk Muslim, InShaAllah.. https://t.co/eK8So5kvjB", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990612864494324} +{"text": "Larr anuwar tak bagi tau kerr, ni mesti ngigau balai bomba tak abis2. Ko dah jadi kerjaan, buet jerr lah, apa lak nak janji2. Sijil dia ni halal ke tak halal. https://t.co/RoF5jVfEQv", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9867599010467529} +{"text": "@nadhrahnzm @_apexpredators_ takde sijil halal tak semestinya kedai tu guna ingredients haram & kite muslim tak boleh makan. most of those franchise already clear all the requirements but the process is too long and time consuming. one of the requirements is wajib ada muslim workers for every shift which is-", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999526739120483} +{"text": "Nak apply sijil halal tu actually atas kerelaan...boleh pergi ke website jakim sendiri. Cuma mencari makanan yang halal itu wajib ke atas muslim.\n\nAnd no one is mocking anyone here", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964112639427185} +{"text": "Bukan gtu bro. Kalau semua halal dlm kedai non-muslim pun, bukan x nak masuk sebab racist. Itu ajaran agama kami. Kalau ragu-ragu, lebih baik elakkan. Kalau yakin, xde masalah pun. Kalau muslim yg jual, kalau xde sijil halal, yakin. So kami beli. Gitu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7542964816093445} +{"text": "QUOTEPenganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan sajian babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia, Chai Siong Siow menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana mereka tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya.https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/433932 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nightmare2022 @ Jun 21 2024, 05:45 PM)Geng mudah keliruAlso geng viral dulu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9828716516494751} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 02:41 PM)You have the option to buy from Secret Recipe, McCafe, Season, Lavender, Moonlight, Baskin Robbins etc. Price is not as expensive as those customized cake. What lock out? You have the option to not buy cake at all. You have the option to not go to McD. How on earth you pay more?aduhai you still missing the point. i don't blame the business or even mcd on this. i blame the halal certification body, which discriminates against mom and pop bakeries, warungs, and all the nasi lemak bungkus-endanyway this is from mcd facebookQUOTETo our dearest customers,We sincerely apologise for all the misunderstanding our notice regarding Halal birthday cakes has caused.As a company that serves all Malaysians, we have never intended to discriminate against anyone. At McD, we have always practiced a \"No outside food allowed\" policy, but have made exceptions for birthday cakes as they are important for celebrating special occasions.However, in order to maintain our Halal status, we have to ensure that all products consumed in our restaurants are Halal certified as required by JAKIM.We sincerely thank all Malaysians who have given their thoughts and opinions. More importantly, we appreciate that you care enough to share your views with us, and we will continue to improve to make McDonald\u2019s a place that is truly for all MalaysiansSincerely,Team McDonald's Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9916273355484009} +{"text": "Kita mesti sokong kedai ni bagi maju. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9933916330337524} +{"text": "QUOTE(westernkl @ Jan 23 2021, 04:17 PM)Janji mesti HALAL woi~!!!!!!Tak halal, tak makan!!!How idiot you need to be when you are not sure vegan is halal or not.Inb4 mudah keliru ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989421963691711} +{"text": "AirAsia Lancar Platform Edagang Untuk Produk Mesra Muslim Dibawah Label IkhlasDiterbitkan pada Mac 15, 2021 oleh Aman.Ikhlas, salah satu cabang perniagaan memfokuskan pengguna muslim dibawah AirAsia Digital, kini telah memperkenalkan platform edagang mereka tersendiri, dinamakan \u201cShop with Ikhlas\u201d.Melalui platform edagang memfokuskan produk pengguna muslim ini, ia membolehkan pengguna mendapatkan produk seperti sejadah, telekunng, makanan kering, daging segar, makanan tambahan, buku, produk seni islam, pakaian, dan beberapa produk lain.Ikhlas turut menawarkan diskaun sebanyak 10% sempena pelancaran ini sehingga 31 Mac 2021 kelak. Bagi anda yang berminat, boleh menyemak \u201cShop with Ikhlas\u201d hari ini, dan mencuba sendiri platform edagang terbaru ini.https://amanz.my/2021276354/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999582767486572} +{"text": "Tak fahamEating for so many yearsBut now it get viral for the wrong reason.Is like someone raising a flag of juicy food, but another hand slap his own face ... sometimes, it is so crazy to be in msia .Not to mention we have Char Kuek Tiaw, which is supposed to always be dry type only.N now we have Char Kuek Tiaw Basah, which failed big in every angles of translationThis post has been edited by taitianhin: Dec 12 2023, 04:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9807385802268982} +{"text": "What happened to home cooking? Malas ke x cukup masa? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Dec 16 2023, 05:00 PM)HahahahhahahahahajajahhahahahajajjajajaIve seen Malaysian sushi always love to be banjil with mayonnaise, then charred the mayonnaise.The mayo one sucksThe charred mayo also a bit wrong already. That is supposed to be a form of mentaiko, which mixes the cod roe with mayo then char it. If no codroe, then its very crappy, which most sushi chains either omit entirely or put very little. QUOTEOr dip the sushi with wasabi mix with soy sauceNothing wrong with this, and I contend its actually the best way. The purist will tell you otherwise, however when I ate at Nobu @ Melbourne. I was served sashimi tartare in a bed of wasabi soy sauce. Can hear other guests raving how great it tastes, but to me its exactly how I eat sashimi in M`sia; so nothing new If its good enough to be served in a place like Nobu, nothing wrong with it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6986556053161621} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 21 2016, 11:35 AM)told you many times you can try as hard as you can to explain to them about the misconceptions but they'll still gonna keep make fun just to spite usjustto spite usnowadays, muslim also spite muslim. how how? adab, akhlak semua letak kat tapak kaki.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999835729598999} +{"text": "Dari haritu sembang pasal halal haram. Orang melayu camnilah, bende makanan minuman laju je nak tahu halal & haram. Perbuatan kelakuan yang halal/haram semua senyap.\nDah tu ragu2 takyah beli la semek. Tu keropok lekor kat terengganu cuba check mana ade halal jakim.\nBodoh!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(3nf0rc3r @ Mar 26 2023, 06:14 PM)LOL, pergi gerai tanya status halal? Sejak bila?TTDI.JANGAN TANYA SOALAN SUSAH OK? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934988021850586} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:37 PM)Please read the article.lol, most people dont read article. no halal cert = haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": " ada USS, Marina bay pn cantik, zoo dia bersih and best of all makanan halal dah byk =)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997381567955017} +{"text": "Memang sewajarnya Muslim cakna soal status Halal sesuatu makanan.Makanan bukan sahaja wajib Halal, tapi mestilah juga Toyyib. Iaitu baik & bersih dari segi rupa, bau dan zatnya.Makanan yang dikategorikan halal ada ciri-ciri ini:", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9657509326934814} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayamxxx @ Mar 31 2021, 03:43 PM)Tiongkok tech is following the latest trend for automotive world. U see Proton, their is way backdated and doesn't seem to follow market demand. Give alasan volumes. B4 Tiongkok come in..Started with Campro based engine. Then punch cvt where we know is suck, full period. But how cant proton accept it in the 1st place is quite amazing. Now give it another name for sake of extending it where it cant fight with others especially for fc.Myvi Lg best started the trend of touchscreen radio/hu. The next or current Myvi give trend for LED headlamp. That is what market demand for, congrats to Perodua for bringing it in to market. Plus also the Autonomous safety. We consumer doesn't matter if it come from Daihatsu or whatever. Proton until now stuck with Halogen headlight for campro based engine. I believe they will keep retain the Punch CVT for next facelift Iriz/Persona. Because they ego?I think they have already switch to Hyundai 4sp AT. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 12:52 PM)Correct. And 1 thing that article didnt mention is that u must have no doubt with the food. So for some short sighted people, they have doubt in the food hence they must avoid it. Since they have doubt in alot of things they tend to avoid everything n become kepoh this haram that haram. Which is y knowledge is important.This is what i really baffle.Non muslim compulsory taking pendidikan moral for 11years and resulted either gain better critical thinking and flop the subject or score the paper but learn to bodek cikgu.can muslim enlighted us what really they learn after 11years compulsory pendidikan islam in srk and smk? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998083710670471} +{"text": "Mulut kata haram, tapi tangan gosok bebird sambil tengok amoi cosplay tayang tetek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "@ewan_lois @AmirxhN @dak_arepppp So nasi lemak pepagi tepi jalan tu mesti beli timun dekat cina gak. Halal ke beb? Takde SIJIL HALAL. So yang makan nya aku. Ya allah. Tolong kami @dak_arepppp", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999427795410156} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Nov 7 2023, 10:51 AM)Exactly. Then blaim others as usual. Like it or not, no alcohol, tourist from west will skip. Even east also skip.So your only option is Arab but why they wanna come here when they can go to Thailand?Lu jangan fitnah. Orang Arab mana ada melancong untuk keseronokan mia, ada masa lapang, dia orang lebih sanggup duduk rumah kaji kitab suci lah. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993448853492737} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!I did ask the same question last time...got myself banned cuz they couldn't answer....The question was is non alcoholic beer haram.?? Cuz no alcohol... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999867677688599} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cubalagi @ Jul 28 2019, 07:47 PM)Bro. The main source of funds for Jakim will be from the Federal Government (RM1. 2 billion 2019). You don't need audited accounts to know this. This Federal money will come from the Federal Consolidate Fund. The Federal Consolidated Fund gets its revenues from the various forms of taxes, which will include from various Haram sources such as cigarettes and alcohol,\u00a0 gaming licenses,\u00a0 corporate taxes on gaming companies and Genting, pork farms, corporate taxes on Banks (Riba). The Fund does not differentiate between Halal and Haram sources. Then it is not wrong to say Jakim gets its funding from haram sources. Based on principle that a little haram makes the whole thing Haram.No, you seem to confuse yourself when it comes to halal haram principles when it comes to consolidated funds for governments.There are different take from international fatwa when it comes to sin tax, but none of them says its haram to collect sin tax.In Malaysia most mufti agreed that sin tax are considered tax that meant to discourage haram activities or food consumption.there lies the point where the money collected are not considered haram, because it was considered a tax to discourage and not to promote alcohol, gambling, etc.Our muftis already considered this as one of the reason why we dont need to separate the funds at the first place.of course there are opinions that it better to separate these funds and allocate it for activities to prevent or discourage alcohol, smoking, gambling activities, but we live in multicultural country and it is much better to consolidate the funds and use it for development, education, economic growth, etc.But NONE of the \"ulama\" says collecting sin tax is haram, so who are you to say otherwise?Again, if you want to learn more, go ask the muftis in Malaysia they can help you understand better in this regard.But as it stands now, no, sin tax are permissible for any Islamic country to collect, only the use case have different opinions from various islamic scholars.And before you guys die die want to claim sin tax plays a Major role, No, at best it is only 10% out of the total taxable revenue in Malaysia, 90% of it are from non sin tax taxable revenue.That, and adding the fact that sin tax are considered a \"fine\" to discourage haram food consumption and activities. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982612729072571} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(haimirmaya @ Jul 1 2021, 05:40 PM)https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2021/07/...u-bantuan-muftiGeorgetown: Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan mengibar bendera putih sebagai usaha menzahirkan kesusahan hidup yang dihadapi bagi menagih bantuan.Tindakan berkenaan dianggap sebagai tidak wajar dilakukan kerana ia mencerminkan sikap berputus asa dan mengalah terhadap situasi yang dihadapi.Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.\"Masih banyak cara lain bagi mendapat bantuan dalam mengatasi kepayahan hidup golongan yang terjejas pendapatan sepanjang tempoh pandemik ini.\"Selain bantuan yang disalurkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri, terdapat juga daripada badan dan agensi tertentu seperti Pusat Pengurusan Zakat negeri, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau swasta selain sumbangan individu,\" katanya pada kenyataan di sini, hari ini.Wan Salim mengulas mengenai kempen kibar bendera putih di hadapan rumah sekiranya terputus bekalan makanan.Kempen yang disambut baik pengguna media sosial itu bermatlamat membantu individu yang terkesan akibat Covid-19 namun malu menyatakannya secara terbuka.Mengulas lanjut, Wan Salim berkata, pihaknya juga menyeru supaya usaha intensif dan agresif perlu ditingkatkan lagi oleh pihak berwajib bagi membantu mengatasi kemelut ekonomi yang dihadapi golongan terjejas ini.Syarikat GLC dan swasta juga diseru supaya menunaikan tanggungjawab sosial masing-masing dan turut menyumbang dengan lumayan bagi meringankan keperitan hidup golongan terbabit.\"Wakil rakyat di peringkat Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) perlu memainkan peranan sebagai penghubung antara golongan memerlukan dengan pihak yang memberi bantuan.\"Kemungkinan mereka ini tidak tahu cara atau kaedah bagi memohon bantuan daripada pihak berkaitan,\" katanya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9278241991996765} +{"text": "if u follow all the rules, i don't think jakim have excuse to ask for undertable moneyif i were those company who pay jakim yearly ang pow, i would just record & collect all the evidence and use it to counter/blackmail jakim back = free halal certor just bring it up to macc and make it viral = no more expensive yearly ang pow for you and for the entire human race - mj ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945908784866333} +{"text": "sikit sikit butthurt~~~~~religious people more interested in the superficial stuff like names/ haram / halal when it comes to food stuffwhen the obvious white elephant in the room corruption aka donation 2.6Bil , takpe halal. lmao~~~~~~~ didn't see the JAIS go raid or investigate blatant corruption by high ranking people.bijan: just as planned jpeg ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996510744094849} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Dec 20 2021, 11:10 PM)Piaping without getting married is already haram. For them la.but the swine essence enter their dikcc n blood stream.mata kasar cant see ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988694787025452} +{"text": "QUOTE(Imp Bron @ Feb 11 2017, 09:08 PM)I'm in science stream but I took art subject in high school for fun. my art teacher always warn me to not use the pig brush. Each brush has serial code and he shared pig brush serial code to us to avoid. I just the type that dont buy the fact that brush can be haram. One day I endup accidently using pig brush with shared watercolor. He noticed it and remove the whole watercolor and warn the class not to use pig brush. It such a hassle to find non pig brush, when ask the seller, non of them know which one is a pig brush which one is not. To avoid the pig brush you literally need to memorize the pig brush code.Thanks god I drop art subject later, too much of a hassle. Btw, Upon googling, the code are A913 and A680.I did art in college. Water colour artists will usually prefer either sable hair or syenthetic bruses for works. Both a material are clearly marked on the brush. I never encountered anyone in malaysia using pig hair brushes for water color works. Oil painting probably lah but even then the store will label the material on the shelf. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.959852933883667} +{"text": "Dang i sedih bacaAunty akan masuk syurga ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998575448989868} +{"text": "Dtk Zul ckp 'Merry Christmas' on cake for Halal shop ok.....ok ke ? atau Jakim tak suka ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974068999290466} +{"text": "Xpe yg penting boikot. Ekonomi merundum? Ringgit xde nilai? Harga brg mcm Haram? Wallahualam je. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 9 2024, 04:14 PM)I was shopping for snacks and saw some cheap Doritos Aku pun beli la \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abDah balik rumah, aku belek2, tak jumpa2 logo Halal Rupa2nya mmg xder sijil halal https://www.halaltimes.com/are-doritos-halal-in-2023/Who wants please PM I sedekah free but delivery West Malaysia RM88>Made in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia>Questions halalnessMana ox? Saudi likely to make haram food, you rase. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994774460792542} +{"text": "Jangan risau losyen majraha maxwhite bukan losyen sembarangan. Ribuan testimoni sejak 2012 . Ada kelulusan KKM, SIRIM & sijil pengesahan HALAL dari JAKIM\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc8b Klik link kt bio diba utk dapatkan harga promosi\ud83d\ude18 https://t.co/wroABTcjbR", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.49399906396865845} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 12:30 AM)Nama yg bagus utk bnde yg bagus kak. Kedai tepi jalan xde cert suke ati die la nk letak nama ape pon. Kalo nk tkr nama apa pn i xpersoal sangat kak. Xde untung, Kalo songlap ke ape mmg i bnyk soalan skit sbb tgh rugi.Nama tidak melambang sesuatu halal haram. Kerja jakim just certify food tu halal. And halal criteria is... (pls fill in the blank yourself). Back to the basic. Kenapa la korang tak paham lagi, i repated these how many times in an hour. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(soowky @ Oct 25 2016, 11:02 AM)y not P.Muthu ke P.Lim ke?bcause Ramly is the most common and popular Malaysian burger. I imagine the P here stands for Pork, so the Pork Ramly, of course it's not the real Ramly company la.It is also a pun on P.Ramlee's name, since this is a homegrown all Malaysian burger joint. it's kinda smart i think.This post has been edited by Vexation: Oct 25 2016, 11:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997935891151428} +{"text": "Dah pun sektor kerajaan / swasta bagi balik awal waktu puasa ini tujuan dapat balik rumah buat persediaan makanan buka puasa tapi ramai lagi suka beli di baazar yang lagi mahal dan tak kerkhatsiat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8250949382781982} +{"text": "Prosesi Menuju Sertifikasi Halal, LPKA Banda Aceh sambut kedatangan pihak Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama (MPU) Aceh dalam pemantauan Dapur hingga Bahan Makanan-------\nSelengkapnya;https://instagram.com/p/C-F8FrUyXsI/?igsh=MzhrdGRrYmg4cW8z\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999326467514038} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 11:19 AM)i once tasted tapai and told my malay friends that it tasted like alcohol. they just briefly said \"boleh makan je, halal\"so i did some research and found out that tapai is halal if fermented to the point it is not intoxicating. If fermented to the point it becomes intoxicating, then it is haram.it is like telling me if i drink too much beer, i will get drunk. but if i drink just nice, i wont get drunk so it is ok.this is their logic. messed up mentality as usual.and tapai is produk melayu so jgn persoal.tapai is from china\nszyEompz004\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948019981384277} +{"text": "Hukum semua ibadat itu haram, kecuali ada dalil sahkan halal.Hukum semua makanan itu halal, kecuali ada dalil sahkan haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995627999305725} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Feb 25 2024, 10:59 PM)Boycott mcdonald , boycott starbucks , boycott kfc.donuts all under same chain, berjaya group under same chain and owns alot of properties and land in langkawi.Then implement all those rubbish malay law as they see fit.Who in their god damn mind wanna go there..Langkawi is turning into a typical pas state . Kelantan terengganu have one of the best beaches in malaysia . Yet nobody go.Batu ferringhi like shit- and yet their five star naik harga every month and fully book during holidays.Ppl just dont like pas la . Malay sendiri tak suka mereka. Conservative and backwater shit of a gov. Wait sau pei.sure or not mieley dont like PUAS?? if so, why vote for them in GE15? doesn't make sense la!!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9791584610939026} +{"text": "Just don't go, easy. Dont travel is the best. Even if you found one, are you seriously gonna tell me you'll travel there for every meal? Tokyo is BIG city you know. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999353885650635} +{"text": "QUOTE(jonny4 @ May 11 2015, 11:55 PM)hafiz aint his real name. i couldn't remember so i made it upbtw agree TS is shitthings was posted in /k > goes viral on blog/fb > comeback to /k posted as 'true experience'#kipidap ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9186531901359558} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Jan 3 2023, 07:29 PM)Kau bukan mak dia. ButohNak tunggu sakit2 dah terlantar hospital baru nak beringat? Tak kesian kat mak susahkan dia jaga? Butoh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999610185623169} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 08:52 PM)So? Its literally saying its a NON MUSLIM FOOD. Like it or not Muslims CANNOT EAT THERE. Whats the difference between MUSLIM laundry then? Like it or not Non muslims CANNOT WASH CLOTHES THERE.Big deal?LooLBoohoo, jealous you cant eat and enjoy sinful living. I bet it makes you feel special to have a laudrette dedicated to you. Well, good for you then. People like you cant look at the bigger picture anyway. Wanna be more arab than arabs.Last i check, rokok is haram but that did not stop your kind from consuming it. Haram = Najis. Bunch of hypocritesThis post has been edited by lamer2000: Sep 24 2017, 10:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.951129674911499} +{"text": "Even penyediaan makanannya ikut syariat islam dan dapat pensijilan halal jakim,boleh saja makan,bagus kita berhati-hati dalam memakan sesuatu makanan,tapi kalau sampai menjadikan kaum apa sebagai pengukur halal atau tak makanan itu walaupun orang itu muslim,memang susahlah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9353775382041931} +{"text": "abang jakim sudah bersuara.hang yg video ni rasa malu tak? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "\ndodolgemok replied at 19-11-2020 02:02 PM\r\nTanya gitu terus jdi kaper? Hebatnya dh upgrade jadi PA malaikat ke ni?\nLama jugak tak nampak hujatul Isle yang hanya mampu mengakapirkan orang kat CI ni Dol..........\n\r\nTapi awas selalunya spesis macam ni tak ada integrity. Besar kemungkinan dia akan cakap dia tanya sahaja.......hahahaha\n\r\nMaideen~Isle kununnnnnnnnn........Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpfffftght\n\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998534917831421} +{"text": "Why not halal to haram food?Babi nasi lemakBabi rendang Babi satay ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "Ya kau cakap tu betul, proses pembuatan makanan mcd dbuat secara halal and bersih mngikut syariat.Kau buka kedai dekat negara islam mmg kau kena follow SOP halal semua utk dapat halal, but the method & ingredients still same for jaga taste. Itu yg cuba ckp.\"Kesihatan\"", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999441921710968} +{"text": "QUOTE(submergedx @ Jun 2 2024, 09:54 PM)Food delivery order dapat salah makanan - Report je platform nak pergi minta refund dan vouchers.Food delivery order dapat makanan tak halal - LET'S POST SOCIAL MEDIA AND MAKE IT VIRAL MEMPERMAINAN ISU 3R, JANGAN CABAR KITARTOPKEKi bet 1 sen got ppl already starting to scold usb c ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999325275421143} +{"text": "YaPEIM memudahcara membantu usahawan dapatkan sijil halal KUALA LUMPUR 2 Okt 19 \u2013 Bagi memastikan peranannya memperkukuhkan sosioekonomi dan amal jariah terus kondusif, Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia\u2026 https://t.co/d3Qw96ajCx", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "Meleis gelabah. Hangpa p kedai tomyam tepi jalan pn bukan ada sijil halal. Bila kedai makan dkt mall semua nak check status halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.982329785823822} +{"text": "QUOTE(zero5177 @ May 30 2024, 01:48 PM)Confinement center is a luxuryMost of the time is because the strawberry mum want to enjoy and skip spending the 1st month bonding with the baby, when get out of confinement they still need to face the baby then get panic and most of the time don't know what to do even your baby already 1 month old.Confinement center also a way of showing off that the husband very sayang the wife, usually advertised as \"Hotel\" standard something often ppl ask did u go, woah how much u spend woah so nice so luxury, ohh mum very tired must bedridden whole month etc.And you think they will have professional Dietitians and nutritionists to prepare most suitable food for mum? These dietitians and nutritionists are mostly dai chow/zhapfan uncle auntie who prepare foods as they think suitable + slap in the 28 days confinement Chinese herbal soup that the Chinese over glorified in to the package as well.In the end of the day, your money, u can ask everyone they blow or not I get to buy 1 extra month of free time and good sleep.Thanks! I was about to ask, since when I was carrying I didnt experience one! None of my close relatives as well.Basically its after the delivery, kan. I stayed with my mom for 2 weeks and then dah balik rumah, had my in-law with me at home for another 2 months or so. Thats only for my first child.For my second child, just 2 weeks at my mom's place lepas tu jaga sendiri aje.WOW, the charges for these, really threw me off, looking at all the messages here!Kalau depa ada duit, boleh la throw sikit. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "i went to that mosque last time...surprisingly there were japanese ustaz giving tazkirah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9101743102073669} +{"text": " Makanan rumah selalunya bersih dan terjamin halalnya. Buffet tampak indah tapi kebersihan dan status 'halal' itu was-was.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9893766641616821} +{"text": "QUOTE(mistralmudd @ Jan 9 2024, 09:38 AM)For generic hierarchy it will be like this:Nabi Muhammad PBUHSahabat Nabi (those that convert to Islam and managed to meet Nabi Muhammad pbuh)4 Imam MazhabUlama from long time agoMuftiPendakwah/Ustaz (the one claim teddy bear haram is here)In other words Pendakwah / Ustaz is like bottom feeder of the religious bureaucracy. Aka salesman in the religious showroom that promise people the sun and moon even when it is not in the user manual or T&C. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5819099545478821} +{"text": "QUOTE(leymahn @ Dec 23 2020, 01:11 PM)3)Untuk perbekalan daging tempatan pun,persijilan halal hanya diberi sekiranya sembelihan mematuhi piawai Jabatan Veterinar dan JAKIM.Bukan JAKIM semata-mata.Premis sembelihan dan rumah sembelihan ada pegawai pemantau dari Veterinar dan JAKIM4)Daging Import pula pemantauan itu berlaku pada peringkat Jabatan Kastam dulu,baru melalui Veterinar dan JAKIM.Dekat sini yang isu besarnya sebab pemalsuan sijil,cop halal badan luar negara dan kertas kerja boleh berlaku sebelum masuk ke tapisan Veterinar dan JAKIM.5)Yang terlepas masuk selepas tapisan pertama ini yang jadi masalah,sebab daging-daging haram yang bercampur bukan semata-mata antara daging lembu dan bukan lembu sahaja yang boleh disah tentu melalui ujian DNA,tapi termasuk daging lembu tak diketahui status sembelihan.6)Tak ada lagi teknologi untuk mengesan sah tentu status daging yang sudah tambahan pula daging yang sampai berbentuk karkas yang siap diproses.Kepala pun dah tak ada.Lainlah kalau disembelih di sini.Jadi bila tiba-tiba kau gelabah serang JAKIM,maksudnya kau tak pernah faham proses ni semua.Bukanlah kata pegawai JAKIM semua maksum tak berdosa tapi biar tahu proses dulu sebelum nak kritik pun.the rest of his points.yawn ....kalao sesetengah department tak cosplay jadi tuhan, tak la orang nak seludup daging masuk.If not greedy for power and money, why that god-like department need to 'halal-kan' cop halal of other countries?The process of importing meat sounds simple, but to make it happen is a hassle. DVS, MAQIS and KASTAM can approve all they want, but when god department says no, means no. Want to get the YES ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9868054389953613} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jul 14 2016, 11:19 PM)Yes if it was ts that invited me and says all those stuff. Since he asked, I already know, since I already know, a doubt will be cast. But tell me, those that invite u to eat at their house, do they ask n say those stuff when inviting u? I dont know about u but I never faced such situation. They just invite me and say they serve halal food, so no issue there.We dont validate. As I said, we only wajib ask if what is presented to us, what we see infront of our eyes got some question on its halal. Like I gave example, if theres some pork served nearby. If u do not see, there is no need to ask. We tawakal.good point you have there, but it still create a syubhah because you were initiate by a non muslim, who you could not confirm their level of understanding of muslim restriction which negate you ability to confirm that the meals provided by them are white enough. Which in such situation it create a grey version of the detail which is syubhah.Halal food is not the only halal mechanism control.First, is the food ingredient is halal, second is it cooked in a halal way, third, is the tool use is cleaned from haram ingredients. QUOTEAs I said, we only wajib ask if what is presented to us, what we see infront of our eyes got some question on its halal. Like I gave example, if theres some pork served nearby. If u do not see, there is no need to ask. We tawakal.can you please validate this? who told you this? i never heard such thing in halal haram condition.If there nearest i could remember is in cleaning a house which we are not sure on whether we need to samak the house or not. but in halal haram food, i never heard such thing.Maybe you can validate the statement. Any hadith or firman to support your claim? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6944804191589355} +{"text": "QUOTE(butterjiken @ Jan 4 2018, 08:13 PM)where does this come from why so sudden why is this even an issueat this point it's just like, [spins wheel] is haramwell,spinning the wheel IS haram for it relies solely on luck, lel. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996706247329712} +{"text": "dah kenapa budak ni? orang dah yakin tempat tu bersih and elok untuk di makan dia pula risau halal ke haram. dia camni tau, kalau kau buang sifat racist tu kau takde pikir camni. melayu, mamak ada je kedai kotor penuh tikus tah halal ke tak tu makanan. https://x.com/BudakKairo/sta/BudakKairo/status/1487029903249707008\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 4 2018, 08:17 PM)Bernafas haram. Sebab babi dna everywhere. Seriously this guy can go live in a cave and not breathe at all. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999775886535645} +{"text": "QUOTE(blanket84 @ Nov 2 2013, 09:03 PM)Wow. I read through the whole 12 pages and looking dor this point to discuss.\u00a0 And surprisingly you were the only one mentioned about this.Halal is not only about how it is prepared. It is also related to the money you use (only applicable for muslim). If you're buying halal food using haram money, then automatically the food also would be haram.If you source of income is haram money a.k.a rishuah, you might as well buy bacon for breakfast and german knuckles for lunch.\u00a0 I never tasted it but heard it's better than beef.they justify by saying its rezeki dude... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999573230743408} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 07:05 PM)petty = small matter right?superstitious = not based on facts right?the issue maybe petty but it's clearly not superstitious.as mentioned many many MANY times, pigs and dogs are 2 animals OUT OF THOUSANDS of animals out there that are haram to muslims based on their written religious beliefs.so is it that hard for you to understand that we cannot use any products derived from them?how izit not petty when it don;t actually harm ownselves or others ??how izit not superstitious when it's merely a believe (which had different interpretation) without any practical sense and selectively discriminate ???.. what fact ??.. a statement in book is facts ??.. then Scientology also is fact ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998038411140442} +{"text": "Memang bagus kita berhati2 bila jaga sumber makanan kita. Tapi untuk terus persoalkan 'Penyembelih Muslim/tidak' for Halal certified food premises seolah2 menafikan usaha JAKIM and pihak syarikat yang komited jaga Halal food service depa.\n\nWASATIY, bukan was-was.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970308542251587} +{"text": "QUOTE(Baconateer @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)haram..but still alot of people not giving a damn..tu la paling bes . pick and choose haram or not . topkek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999790191650391} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 23 2023, 04:35 PM)Kalau bisnes Non, sampai DNA lubang cacing pun mesti ada Halal cert.This one? \"Kito redho saja lah\"This. 100%! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999593496322632} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Jan 23 2021, 07:37 PM)no veg restaurant right now using liquor based on their food. they already expect muslim to come. for those nons best to do this, put no liquor used sign, welcome to visit kitchen.since when vegetarian shop serve alcohol or cook with alcohol ??... most vegetarian shop are devoted buddhist,.. strictly on no meat and alcohol,.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995966553688049} +{"text": "QUOTE(Purpleheaven @ Oct 15 2022, 05:04 PM)So Ikea is not halal certified? And auntie anne had to change name for the halal status?short answer: yes ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999713897705078} +{"text": "\nReply 34# sunshinelady \n\n\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 ha ha ha ..aku suka ni....\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 gigih ko ...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994576573371887} +{"text": "QUOTEUnder the Jakim's Malaysia Halal Certification (Third Revision) 2014 Manual Procedure, applicants may be rejected if their food items include the words \u201cbacon\u201d, \u201cbeer\u201d, \u201crum\u201d, \u201cham\u201d or \u201cbak kut teh\u201d. root beer? frost beer? haram now?hamburger also haram now???chi kut teh??? on the borderline??? there are also 'bak kut teh' package (instant herb in tea bag) sold at supermarket...are they also haram?there are also chicken bacon served at San Fransico Coffee shop...(iinm) - are they haram now?sighh... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "Hati yang bersih dan baik ditempah oleh makanan yang halal, berkat dan suci. \"Ingat Makan Ingat Tuhan\"", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999080896377563} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Dec 20 2021, 02:27 PM)Darurat, diam diam makan aje lar. Nak itu and nak ini.U think u kat restoran kah?Kalau dalam keadaan darurat selagi boleh dapat makanan yg confirm halal, kena usahakan. Hanya kalau keadaan yg betul2 darurat yg mana kalau dia xmakan akan sebabkan sakit teruk atau kematian baru boleh makan bda2 yang xhalal/diragui status makanan tu. Bukan main bantai ja. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999438524246216} +{"text": "this question is come back to the person itself, as a muslim what i understand haram is we cannot eat pork or drink any alcohol what so ever, but as long as you wash the stove and plate properly and clean (means no pork meat still attached to the plate) then its fine. but as i said it come back to the personal itself. what is they preferences. some might stand like me to say its okay, some might have different opinion than me. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8310475945472717} +{"text": "QUOTE(LarryPizzaGuy @ Jul 24 2019, 03:26 PM)Something seems wrong here....Halal cert is from Malaysia.Why those bodo ppl ask the Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) to confirm?Different country with different certification authority also........No halal cert from Jakim Malaysia. Then Xing Fu Tang say all ingredient is approved halal from Indonesia. That's why people ask Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia to confirm. The way they say it is pusing one also la, because they only stated ingredients are halal, not their whole operation or shop. That's why people ask MUI if true Xing Fu Tang is certified halal or not MUI answered 'No'.I'm not Muslim btw, but this is what I get from reading their posts la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999170303344727} +{"text": "Apa susah? Letak je label \"Melayu yang punya\" with a little QR code.Then can scan code to check registration complete with ID and photo. Done.Edit: Bagus jugak different logo, nons can differentiate and pilih barang yang lebih berkualiti This post has been edited by United Rulez: Jul 23 2020, 07:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999954342842102} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 23 2020, 06:39 PM)Best is personal choice. Sukahati dia lah which cakoi is best for him. I read so many food reviews by food bloggers on google to find the best restaurant to dine in yet i find them mostly only so-so and overated but i don't make a hoohaa that the restaurant makanan x sedap. But i don't disrespect the food bloggers choice also.Nowadays kenot trust those so called instafamous influencers food reviewers most of them are sampah , paid to give good reviews but most of the time the foods/beve are just plain or worse but u paid premium price because some artists said it is goodeven in google reviews also kenot pakai onewhat a sad world we living these days... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9462633728981018} +{"text": "\ud83d\udccdAda sesiapa yang berada di Perak dan berminat untuk memohon sijil halal? \ud83d\udce9\u260e\ud83d\udcdeBoleh rujuk dan hubungi Bahagian Penyelidikan, Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (JAIPk) melalui talian yang tertera di... https://t.co/3wxdt506Yp", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5789258480072021} +{"text": "Mohon @MyJAKIM tolong semak status sijil halal @unifi dh expired ke belum sebab bulan oktober ni network unifi mobile macam \ud83d\udc37. Dia ingat aku bayar bil tiap tiap bulan tu nak sedekah ke.. #tragedioktober", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "Paling penting ialah kemudahan memperoleh makanan halal apabila seksyen dan dapur halal The Lido memperoleh sijil halal daripada JAKIM membuatkan kami sangat berselera menikmati sajian kampung yang disaji. https://bharian.com.my/hujung-minggu/kembara/2019/05/562891/pelayaran-halal\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996957778930664} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Feb 9 2017, 12:15 PM)This is something that can be found in Internet:In Islam, Halal is an Arabic term meaning \u201clawful or permissible\u201d and not only encompasses food and drink, but all matters of daily life.Looks like here, most are talking about food. In Islam, any products that are directly or indirectly produced from pigs or its kind is haram.If the country of manufacture is a Muslim country which bans the use of pork and its by-products, then the Muslim does not have to research and enquire and ask about product that is permissible in and of itself, as it is unlikely that there will be any of these haram things in it. In multi racial country like Malaysia, it is the responsibility of the seller to inform the consumer about product they are selling. Well, I don't know much about what is stated in Malaysia Law\u00a0 First things first. Msia is a secular country.2ndly, I don't see religious authority arresting muslims working in Berjaya Sports Toto or 7eleven or Cold Storage or Chilli's pon. Those income considered not halal.Furthermore, taxes collected from such places goes to govt which is then allocated to building mosques and funding religious bodies, which in turn punishes non muslims. They are ultimately biting the hand that feeds them.3rd. Do you think that nons should pay the price for the ignorance of muslims? Then perhaps msians should pay the price of corrupt politicians then, huh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9608515501022339} +{"text": "@DannielDjieTeng BENER BERSIH? TP KNP LOE TETAP BEGO? TUH BUKTINYA LOE KALO MAKANAN HARAM KRN KALO HALAL LOE PASTI JD PINTAR...TP TETAP BEGO", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.794197142124176} +{"text": "Tp banyak jugak syarikat2 dah mula tertarik dgn industri halal dan mula memohon pensijilan Halal Malaysia. Malah syarikat luar negara pun demand betul2 sijil halal negara kita. So seelok2nya, nak membeli tu, ada logo halal lagi bagus..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.46061500906944275} +{"text": "It\u2019s halal until it\u2019s proved haram. I lived by this. Or you guys went to certain shops/restaurants only if dia ada sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.47471654415130615} +{"text": "QUOTE(Turnip @ Oct 26 2014, 06:45 PM)There is no qada' for Solah(purposedly abandoning it).The direty of abandoning the solah cannot be covered like abandoning fasting in Ramadhan.\nImaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and by the words of the Salaf and the proper understanding. (Al-Sharh al-Mumti\u2019 \u2018ala Zaad al-Mustanqi\u2019, 2/26).Anyone who examines the texts of the Qur\u2019aan and Sunnah will see that they indicate that the one who neglects the prayer is guilty of Kufr Akbar (major kufr) which puts him beyond the pale of Islam.Among the evidence to be found in the Qur\u2019aan is:The aayah (interpretation of the meaning):\u201cBut if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaat (Iqaamat-as-Salaat) and give Zakaat, then they are your brethren in religion.\u201d [al-Tawbah 9:11]The evidence derived from this aayah is that Allaah defined three things that the Mushrikeen have to do in order to eliminate the differences between them us: they should repent from shirk, they should perform prayer, and they should pay zakaah. If they repent from shirk but they do not perform the prayer or pay zakaah, then they are not our brethren in faith; if they perform the prayer but do not pay zakaah, then they are not our brethren in faith. Brotherhood in religion cannot be effaced except when a person goes out of the religion completely; it cannot be effaced by fisq (immoral conduct) or lesser types of kufr.Lets not lose hope brothers and sisters,One need to peform towbah and not to repeat it again.A reminder towards myself tooAllah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):\u201cAnd verily, I am indeed Forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them, (till his death)\u201d[Ta-Ha 20:82]But if amongst us did not perform prayer unintentionally ie: fell asleep etc2.One may peform the solah at the time he/she wokes up.The evidence for that is the hadeeth narrated in Saheeh Muslim (681) which tells how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions slept and missed Fajr prayer, and the Sahaabah began to ask one another, \u201cWhat is the expiation (kafaarah) for what we have done by neglecting the prayer?\u201d The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said. \u201cSleeping does not mean that you are neglecting the prayer. Rather neglecting the prayer means not praying one prayer until the time for the next prayer comes. Whoever does that let him pray when he remembers it.\u201d This does not mean that a person should sleep deliberately when a prayer is due, until he misses it, then use sleep as an excuse, or neglect a means that would help him to do the prayer, and then take that as an excuse. Rather he must make use of all the means he can, as the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did in this case, when he appointed one person to stay awake and wake them up to pray, but that person was overcome by drowsiness, so he did not wake them up. This is the case in which a person may be excused. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala help us to be always on the righteous path of the way Rasulullah sallahi alayhiwasallam.that is a very extreme povi think anybody who sin,can repent/taubatand i heard ustaz azhar said once,if we skip 1 solat,we have to do it later.we cannot just \"owh.dah lepas.biar la\"he give the analogy \"if u kick someones leg intentionally,do u still apologise? or walk away?\"its not so much on the concept of qada,but more like \"pay ur dues\"if u must solat 5 times,then u have to solat 5 times a day,even when u intentionally skip subuh,or zohor etcThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Oct 31 2014, 07:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994527697563171} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 13 2016, 12:39 PM)so muslim go oversea must had eaten haram food already liao ???need change blood everytime go oversea ,..?? or just avoid go non halal country,..Someone posted that they went on company trip to Japan. Some of the Muslim passengers brought along their own food like maggi, kuih, etc and only eat those for the entire trip. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999598264694214} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Jun 9 2017, 02:50 PM)Sebab tu belajar biology tu penting.Rabbit digestive system cannot fully digest all nutrients. So kena recycle as the initial 'poop' into a small moist pellet called a cecotrope.\u00a0 When the rabbit is ready to pass the cecotrope, a signal is sent to the rabbit\u2019s brain causing the cecotrope to be consumed by the rabbit as it is being expelled. The rabbit only eat these cecotrope, not normal shit. Like how some people like to eat vagina lah kiranya. Ko bukan pergi minum air kencing.This allows the material to go through the entire digestive system again and let the rabbit get additional nutrients from the plant material.\u00a0 This process, called cecotrophy, allows rabbits to utilize high-fiber plant material that other animals may not be able to.I wonder which biology class taught u all that. So detailed ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999910831451416} +{"text": "You dont need that much protein unless youre on gear or at top 10th centileWhat you need is more calories and iron (lift more)2 scoops of good quality whey a day is enough if you malas getting protein from your food, which you shouldn't be as you need the calories from your food either wayWhey proteins are supplements, not meal replacement Youre better off spamming eggs and rice.Relatively cheap for the protein and calories they give, and can be made deliciousFat is also a cheap way to spike your calorie but do it at the end of the day after you've lift because youll feel like shit right after a fatty and salty mealEdit: avoid salt in your food btw. This is the one that makes you feel like shit and bloated. And for the sake of your cardiovascular healthFat can be used, salt just bodo bodo increase your blood pressureThis post has been edited by cursetheroad01: Feb 28 2023, 10:01 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9158390164375305} +{"text": "rokok pun haram but y ustaz still isap apa .kesohaian ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(Matgolf @ Nov 17 2020, 07:42 AM)Itu patritk ler tu.... cuma patriotik kat duit.... lahanatTemat ni kena letak orang kuat iman..... tapi kalau tau enforce pun lama2 boleh hancur jugak... I got one police friend, retire early pasal tak tahan. Bila tiap kali buat serbuan, pastu cek kat anggota ada jer yg songlap barang2. Lepastu\u00a0 kali kena posted PPH atau tempat hulu.... kesianOrang awam rasuah kalau kena mesti saman dan penjara, takkan bad apples ni buat salah, transfer saja dan aman dgn duit rasuah mereka?Baru baru ini banyak olang komplen, bawa kereta dituduh pakai hp makan saman buta. This post has been edited by Malaysian99: Nov 17 2020, 11:49 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "Diversion ni. Isu kartel daging lebih penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997844099998474} +{"text": "\n\n In that case it would be discriminatory towards the restaurant. Certification is an expensive but voluntary process. It's supposed to \"guarantee\" the status of halal-ness. If I don't want to serve pork for whatever reason, I should not be compelled to do so. My shop cannot guarantee \"halal-ness\" to certification level but if Muslim patron trust us, Jakim is trying to squeeze money from restaurants in the name of religion. I think that case is despicable.\n \n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9887303709983826} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Jan 9 2021, 12:01 PM)No owner around. Maybe assuming that u also cant find who the owner is.The muslims in class all chose to steal bananasBabi jijikBabi not only jijik but need to cut, slice, cookBanana just jump fence, take fruit can eatIf hungry and lazy, banana quicker option. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6130357980728149} +{"text": "QUOTE(waxppl @ Nov 23 2020, 02:57 PM)bolehkah kita semua tinggal di malaysia tanpa kira nenek moyang datang dari mana?Vroom vroom budaya kite. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "QUOTE(kesvani @ Aug 19 2022, 11:08 PM)Your extremism is at point 7. What scam he do. he just hired malay worker. Not that he go acu pisau at all customer force them to eat. Sendiri assume salah see Malay assume halal dan sarahan DAPIGPoint 7, if you try to portray something as halal, when the status is doubtful then what do you call it? Creative marketing?Lots of non Muslim owned f&b with Muslim workers but being upfront about that the shop is owned by non muslim. Still have many Muslim customers Have you ever been to Penang? There are lots of non muslims f&b that have lots of Muslim customers. No need to repackage or change name pun.Muslim want to eat halal food also you consider extreme? Then there's the report button. Use it ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976332187652588} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated in QuranRokok = haram decided by Muftieven toothpaste (non consumable) also need that choprokok don't have that chop, but still OK to hisap despite knowing it is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9402149319648743} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:39 PM)arak memabuk kan sebab ade alcohol..kalo xder alcohol camne nak mabuk?Dadah bukan alcohol .. compound dalam dadah xleh di buang mcm alcohol .Kenapa arak mabuk? sebab alcohol .kalo xder alcohol camne nak mabuk ?tau en alcohol yg dalam arak tu yg buat orang mabuk ?Tau. tapi arak najis sebab memabukkan, bukan sebab alcohol.Arak ade kat baju tak sah buat sembahyang.Perfume (ada alcohol) kat baju boleh buat sembahyang. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "aku suka tengok orang yang takde sijil or kelayakan apa apa tapi dia berusaha kerja halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990315437316895} +{"text": "QUOTE(Terminal 5 @ May 6 2018, 02:57 PM)I have seen happy hour at pub and clubMud crab tu ada lagi haram kah?Rokok ok jer. Takde musykil pun. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Rasanya negara Muslim yang Yahudi boleh survive cuma yang amal mazhab Hanafi jela (tak boleh makan makanan laut).\n\nMelayu walaupun makan halal, really enjoy santan dalam masakan. And the rabbi will screaming if he see Malay put cheese on anything. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9644320607185364} +{"text": "@tenoq Daging burger, roti burger ade cop halal bro. Buat cekodok tepung pun ada halal. Snacks pon ada sijil halal. Seafood halal, ayam dan lembu rata2 disembelih, unless proven tak disembelih baru jatuh jd haram. Kenapa nak merumitkan keadaan? Just let JAKIM do their job.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999698400497437} +{"text": "PENJELASAN BERKENAAN STATUS HALAL PREMIS MAKANAN STARBUCKS MALAYSIA.\n\nDakwaan berkenaan pertikaian status halal premis makanan Starbucks kembali tular di media sosial ini. \n\nUntuk makluman... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156375239282398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956032037734985} +{"text": "\n\n Any difference between Haram and tidak halal?\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)[attachmentid=8642471][attachmentid=8642476]so non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients alone\"Halal\" and \"certified halal\" are quite differ although fundamentally the same thing... obviously certification is more stringent for good reason. it's totally fine for them to come out with those regulation as long as they don't say that non certified are completely haram.in this sense, i disagree with the first statement when it is strongly said (menghukum) the drink as haram , where the appropriate would be \"was-was\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999088048934937} +{"text": "Kedai mamak or makcik jual nasi lemak tepi jalan pon mostly takde halal jakim.\nYang penting kita yakin sumber makanan kita halal.\n\nKalau ada halal jakim takyah pening fikir, mmg halalan toyyiban tu je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992902278900146} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udf6b *PRE-ORDER CHOC CRISPY DAWWAHID - 20 GRAM SEUNIT* \ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udf6b \u2705\ud83d\udcaf *% KILANG MILIK BUMIPUTRA MUSLIM*\u2705 *ADA SIJIL MeSTI*\u2705 *ADA HALAL JAKIM* *HANYA RM1.50 SEUNIT* *MINIMUM ORDER 1/2 DOZEN* *( 6 UNIT*( tidak termasuk caj pos ) PUAN LILI - SELANGOR \ud83d\udcf2 https://t.co/4lY5lJ5Sb6 https://t.co/Eyy9oaEzYo", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8547065258026123} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramdieslow @ Dec 9 2023, 05:04 PM)Aku tulis dalam satu group ni, makan jela kedai yg ada halal Jakim. Boycott those non Jakim verified halal including roadside\u00a0 stall or kedai tomyam or even pasar malam. Reason why? Because among Malays also they are not honest. Macam the nasi itik sg ara and claypot chicken rice case recently viral. After all, halal Jakim definitely for Muslim particularly Malay. We are not expecting Chinese or Indian to frequent those establishments although they are more than welcome to dine in. Then ada satu mamat komen, \u201cMelayu bodoh mcm ni la\u201d. I was like dude, if we are not going to frequent halal Jakim premises, xkan u expect org Russia nak sapot?Habislah, u kena cancel. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9871060848236084} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udf6b *PRE-ORDER CHOC CRISPY DAWWAHID - 20 GRAM SEUNIT* \ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udf6b \u2705\ud83d\udcaf *% KILANG MILIK BUMIPUTRA MUSLIM*\u2705 *ADA SIJIL MeSTI*\u2705 *ADA HALAL JAKIM* *HANYA RM1.50 SEUNIT* *MINIMUM ORDER 1/2 DOZEN* *( 6 UNIT*( tidak termasuk caj pos ) PUAN LILI - SELANGOR \ud83d\udcf2 https://t.co/4lY5lJ5Sb6 https://t.co/POzOLHFjFI", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7601052522659302} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Jan 4 2018, 09:17 PM)Emino is now declared haram in /k. Show aurat, bazir harta. Cosplay arab costume then dihalalkan #donedakwah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972096085548401} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Oct 20 2016, 01:48 PM)Sugar coated by KNN cunning fox. Ultimately haram juga Pretzel Dog. KNN.not halal =/= haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "Aku ada kawan, a devout Hindu. Dia suka beli lauk pauk dr kedai melayu sbb dia percaya makanan tu bersih & lg sedap (he mentioned the cleanliness & halal parts too). It may be just his personal preference, dan dia biasa berkawan ngan bangsa2 lain jugak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9917505383491516} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Nov 14 2020, 12:06 PM)Another issue to highlight here.......Tak halal jangan makan, tapi niaga dengan asumber haram boleh je makan.Example, roadside warung that steal electric n water to operate, ok je operating with sumber haram, all go makan support je.Mentality orang kita buat everything is halal... orang lain buat is not. U try go ask muslim owned restaurant out there see how many of them got halal cert. Not all got 1... bcox they know they wont kena question 1... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972184896469116} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoLee @ Nov 16 2020, 06:27 PM)Orang kote suka fitnah. So many times it is so easy for them to damage the reputation of a business because rasa dengki.mane boleh kalau orae dia lagi success dari oreo kito?????????maruah terchala kan bumi ni milik kitooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977535605430603} +{"text": "seronok nya bashing game...yeay! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996833801269531} +{"text": "\"Tindakan segelintir masyarakat sebarkan berita palsu berhubung keraguan status halal produk makanan, bertentangan dgn ajaran Islam\" -JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(*lightbringer* @ Oct 12 2023, 08:28 AM)Aiyo everything have to accommodate them mah. Bumi ini milik siapa? u xsuka halal, u keluar. Sukiya also no halal. Yet u see these meleis flock at it like no tomorrow. These people are the biggest hypocrite. Halal/Haram is so subjective to them. Riba is haram, but no one talk about how haram it is when they are signing the contract. They only remember its haram when they failed to pay the loan and the bank take action on them. Rasuah is haram, but u change it to donation or gift, and wallah, no more haram. Rokok also haram, but they say its not stated in holy book, just some fatwa.Nvr mentioned about banging kids....ehem...ehem..... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949912428855896} +{"text": "QUOTE(Izzet @ Mar 20 2024, 10:27 AM)Betul betul.. U see so many maharaja dynasty China collapse due to lust to wimminsNow many China suka hei ren ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999728202819824} +{"text": "Kalau ikut status terkini di portal Halal, sijil Halal King's Confectionery kini digantung sementara merangkumi kilang dan semua cawangan. Tapi aku tak pasti sebab apa.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.799564778804779} +{"text": "Make and let them eat je.. they won't viral it online or turun sogo after know it wan la.. and Guan Yin is Goddess of Mercy This post has been edited by TongPakFu: Aug 25 2022, 02:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5236125588417053} +{"text": "@khrulshfq @_HamiziHamzah Kalau wonder kaji dan selidik. Tak semestinya takda sijil halal makanan tu jatuh haram. Sijil Halal tu cuma nak bagitau yang tempat makan tu ada makanan halal, pekerja semua Islam etc. Yang kes ni sebab dia tak dapat penuhi syarat 'semua pekerja Islam' tu je lol.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "Endingnya jd beli dada woeyy aku ga suka dada anjingggg???? Akhirnya sore ini aku beli dada tp ga sudi makan jd beli makanan lagi asu tenan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997641444206238} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jul 15 2016, 01:09 AM)Yes, we cant confirm. As there is no such need to confirm. I am very much knowledgeable on the term halal dont worry. Im actually not the type to provide links from the internet as these things should be confirmed by those that are knowledgeable. But u leave me no choice.http://zarkasih20.blogspot.my/2014/10/maka...muslim.html?m=1http://www.alsofwa.com/11713/2331-konsulta...rang-kafir.htmlhttp://www.suduthukum.com/2015/08/piring-b...-tidak.html?m=1U can find much more results if u google makan makanan disediakan bukan islam. And most if not all says there is no issue with it.And about the wajib to ask only if we see it, I heard it in 1 of the khutbah for friday prayers. But I think 1 of the link confirm it. U can have a read.thanks for providing your basis.link 1. No hadith or firman is associated with Ahmad Zarkasih claim. Infact the syubhah thing is being ignored to an extent.link 2. The link you provided clearly support my claim. a) Only if no other choice (darurah)b) Ahli kitab =/= kafir.link 3. Again it ignores syubhah, syubhah is a situation where we are unable to identify the validity IF WE ARE BEING TRIGGERED BY A CONDITION WHICH DOESNT COMPLY TO OUR RULING. (sorry for the caps, just to focus on the point)Like i said, the \"wajib if we see\" in this context is:a) Knowing it is a meal made by non muslim, can be categories as \"see\" in this contextb) Samak a living place which was being occupied by a non muslim previously only if you have \"see\" a dog within that living place.Anyway, good discussion, but i guess, i wouldnt want to prolong such discussion, because just want to win it. Like i said, i am just doing my responsibility. good discussion indeed.Point to note on the differences of our view: a) Defination of darurahb) Syubhah interpretation ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9502612352371216} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 26 2023, 12:38 PM)You do know that our syllabus has changed and it\u2019s actually comparable to other countries. If you don\u2019t believe, you go and check out what our standard 1 is learning today. The problem is not the syllabus anymore but the teaching techniques has not caught up with the syllabus change. A lot of people are seeing too much into the whole Palestine thingy. It\u2019s the norm in Malaysian politics ti exploit such events since Tun M time to get popular support. If you don\u2019t do it, the opposition will do it too. That\u2019s how politics work in Malaysia for decades. The problem is a lot of non-Malays especially the Chinese youth has unrealistic expectations about the country. Let\u2019s be realistic lah. The priority of non-Malays today is not change but to defend our current lifestyle as our population is shrinking. Unfortunately for us, despite all the flaws of Madani, the alternative is much more worse. Ask yourself honestly, you expect PUAS taking over and things gets better in next GE?What about the teacher qualities?Blind leading the blinds?Our education standard cannot even on par with singapore now.Go watch the youtube and be awaken.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUnb9_dI1Vc&t=1397s ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990144968032837} +{"text": "QUOTE(TongPakFu @ Aug 16 2022, 01:30 PM)Salahan cina dapig LGE, LKS, YBY, Hannah, Anthony Loke! Mesti org kafir yg paksa 2 lelaki melayu suci murni buat gitu.. makin briyani dah mereka! Jom turun sogo!Now you pulak kenaQUOTEThis post was reportedReport ID\t492920Reported on\tToday, 02:22 PMType\tReligious/racial ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7480477094650269} +{"text": "\r\nkalu restoren tu ada menu babi...jgnlaa order babi babi dihidangkan untuk org yg suka memakannya sahaja...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999370574951172} +{"text": "jakim keluarkan senarai makanan haram panjang berjela ingat orang nak hafal ke adui. arak kat 7eleven sebelah vitagen je hoi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9895685315132141} +{"text": "Hipsters skrg main minum je ek air viral bagai smeua tanpa segan silu dgn sijil halal ade ke tak ada \ud83d\ude05..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968470931053162} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Jan 13 2024, 01:50 PM)https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/isl...3031de900&ei=24PETALING JAYA: Muslims may work in conventional banks in times of emergency or when there is a lack of alternative employment, says Penang mufti Wan Salim Nor.He said this shows Islamic law is flexible and always takes into account the changeable nature of life.\u201cIt should be known that times of emergency or great need allow for exceptions from the usual religious law,\u201d Wan Salim added.\u201cThis is a temporary allowance, not a permanent one.\u201dWan Salim was commenting on the recommendation by Federal Territories mufti Luqman Abdullah for Muslim employees at conventional banks to move to jobs that are considered \u201chalal\u201d.Luqman had explained that employees at conventional banks can be divided as follows \u2013 those who work directly with transactions that have elements of riba, or usury, which is haram; and those that do not work directly with such transactions.He said that even though there may be difficulty with finding employment, Muslims should make every effort to avoid or leave \u201charam places of work\u201d.\u201cTry to find jobs that are legal under Islamic law. Once you can find a job that is appropriate and halal, you can leave your old haram workplace,\u201d he told FMT.where got emergency. kan mcd ada. owai.typical religion excuse. sounds exactly like what's happening all over the world now.pergi negara orang, replicate, kalau ada chance, kill everyone there. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8110080361366272} +{"text": "Here is your list of franchise although not up to date... 2021Top 50+ Best Franchise Businesses in MalaysiaTopup a bit can do Tealive.TIPS : Trending -> Bungkus Kaw KawThis post has been edited by Capt. Marble: Jul 6 2023, 09:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999380111694336} +{"text": "QUOTE(jpoplover101 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:25 PM)I am not being greedy, personally i cook my own chinese food when i want it, but I am wondering why chinese restoran owners are making this foolish business mistake! even in us, uk, taiwan, restoran owners have incorporated halal into their shopsthe chinese food must suck really bad. most best dishes are pork based ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "QUOTE(St0rmFury @ Sep 10 2020, 10:05 AM)I prefer \"Absolutely Haram\". Sounds more syok.its should go \"JAMIN HARAM\" or \"JAMIN BABI\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995449185371399} +{"text": "sendiri tidak setuju, then sendiri cry say cant sellQUOTEDisebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999620914459229} +{"text": "Pemilihan Makanan Halal Itu Penting\n\n\"Jika kita ingin anak-anak menjadi soleh, bijaksana dan berguna, berilah... http://fb.me/3fUiJZA01", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999477863311768} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Aug 18 2015, 11:49 AM)Songlap tak payah fatwa, sebab dah haram ab initio dari zaman Al-Qur'an diturunkan lagi~Tak payah ab initio sejak al quran... Tu basic morality ..... Suppose to be ab-initio since civilization... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999930739402771} +{"text": "Nescaf\u00e9 3 in 1 from speedmart 99 is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999727189540863} +{"text": "DAP komunis , anak muda kita sudah hilang budaya dia mereke sudah dicuci minda.if everyone like this no one will easy confuse and get braib wash to vote my parties , no one support my politicThis post has been edited by bereev: Jan 12 2021, 08:57 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974669218063354} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jasonist @ Dec 23 2021, 06:28 PM)yg kecam tak halal baik jgn makan, biar mati lapar pun jgn ambik!Kan rompak dihalkan? Kalau rompak sudah halal xyah lar ambik nasi haram Heineken ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5798333287239075} +{"text": "Kenapa ada orang masih gelupur kalau makanan tu diprepared oleh non-Muslims? Kau ingat dunia ni berputar around kau ke?100% penduduk Islam? Dah dapat sijil Halal Jakim,oklah tu,tiba2 kau stakat tudung labuh je nak hukum syubhah bagai. Orang camni gi luar negara,confirm kebulur", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9644113183021545} +{"text": "restoran side keluar notis liao:Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian , berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99872225522995} +{"text": "I'm drinking tiger in a pub. Two wantans eating at table front of me. Halal, haram, meh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998262524604797} +{"text": "QUOTE(billy3336 @ Feb 23 2023, 10:10 AM)one bad behavior for our Chinese restaurant style is, my competitors up rm1, i will follow regardless whati asked my local stall why up rm2, they say because everyone up rm2, no choice have to followThat's why lo. At US/ Eu eat also no inflate price til like that.Now noodles small also RM8, big already RM9 a bowl. Tell me, the cooking materials used all EU/US products meh? Even cafes also use cheapass local or China products. Chap fan no need to say, last time write 'economy lice' now jialat paiseh liow, the economy word terus hilang. But when topic like this arise, all these profiteering mindset but play victim Chinese in /k either diam malu anjing or deny using facts that they don't know pluck from where. Kanineh. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999303817749023} +{"text": "Puasa ia about cubaan. Then more rhey fifht temptation the more pahala. Puasa is about pain and suffering. Its not supposed ro be easy. Its a willing sacrifice to find oneself and be closer to god. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987989664077759} +{"text": "sy faham, smua org nk tau apa makanan sunnah, anda boleh rujuk kpd yg pakar..tp yg paling sunnah tu ialah halalan thoyyiban..halal,bersih,suci,elok,ada khasiat, tiada kemudharatan..sebab sah2 Rasul S.A.W makan yang halal dan suci, bersih kannn.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9622613787651062} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 24 2020, 06:19 PM)https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24...ate-says-jakim/The government\u2019s halal authority today said the use of \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d on products would invalidate their halal certification, in a statement that is likely to reignite a debate on policies seen as regressive to Malaysia\u2019s multicultural identity.A spokesman for the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) confirmed to MalaysiaNow the existence of such a condition before a company is awarded halal certification, following an incident reported by a member of the public.MalaysiaNow earlier reported about a bakery which could not fulfil a customer\u2019s request for \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d to be written on a cake he had ordered for delivery to a friend.Instead, the cake was delivered with the words \u201cHappy Holidays\u201d.The bakery owner said it was because he had to abide by the rules set by Jakim as part of the application process for getting halal certification.\u201cThe bakery was not wrong as it is part of the regulations,\u201d an officer from Jakim\u2019s communications unit told MalaysiaNow.He cited a labelling rule stated in Jakim\u2019s manual on the procedures leading towards halal certification.\u201cLabelling and advertising of products and services should not involve the use of any religious or spiritual passage, symbol or noun such as the names of Allah, sunnah, idols and the like,\u201d according to the document sighted by MalaysiaNow.The \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d greeting has been a subject of debate in Malaysia, with some Muslim preachers claiming Muslims are prohibited from using the expression as it is a veneration of Christ.But this is the first time it has emerged that the greeting could also affect a product\u2019s official halal status.Earlier, the customer, who declined to be named, said it was the first time he had encountered such a problem.\u201cBut the management apologised to me saying it is part of the conditions during the audit process,\u201d he added.Jakim is legally empowered as the sole authority to issue halal certification for food and goods as well as eateries nationwide.In the past, critics had questioned several conditions imposed by the department on food manufacturers and franchises seeking halal certification, including prohibiting certain names from being used on the product.Popular pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s and fast food franchise A&W were forced to rename their popular products due to a requirement by Jakim that words such as \u201cdog\u201d and \u201cbeer\u201d are not used on their menu.Auntie Anne\u2019s renamed its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d as \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, while A&W was forced to change the names of two popular dishes for which it is known worldwide: Coney Dog and Root Beer, which were renamed as Chicken (or Beef) Coney and RB.JAKIM. the most pukimak department in the government. Corrupted af ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998847484588623} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jan 21 2019, 06:03 PM)if u saw his fbhe visited korea , NZ....Well apparently going overseas not his thing since cannot tahan haram meat. U should tell him to visit caves, bet u a lot more popular amongst snowflake Muslims. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992768168449402} +{"text": "Kek, si makcik2 bodoh dan fb berpisah tiada. Sikit2 halal, car u use tak mintak cop halal jakim plak kulit buat dari babi or not, ur bata shoe dont check kulit babi or not, or LV bag dont ask jakim halal or not, see product CINA name , wahh kenot need to play race and religion card this time. Topkek sohai. Tak suka takyah beli ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "Tapi tu bukan option utk makan makanan non muslim. Banyak lagi yg halal.dan bersih. Bukan satu kedai muslim je dlm malaysia ni. Hukum tetap hukum", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9993392825126648} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Oct 25 2016, 11:06 AM)This is .. going overboard lah. Seriously not respecting people. It is not about confusing or terpesong akidah or anything.We know that Ramly brand burger is owned by Muslim. It is a brand name and always considered as halal foods. Using Ramly name as to market your babi product is totally disrespectful of other people's copyright, moreover associating the haram food with halal brand.This, people can over react. Like last time when cadbury aaid ad babi uncle want change blood. Wtf ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999630451202393} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 03:04 PM)I said, provide the hadith/sunnah that says only the religious authorities can define halalness. Mana?If it doesn't say in scripture that means Jakim just pulling stuff out of their ass and misleading the public la. Consumer do not need to look at jakim and halal logo for halalness, just look at the religious scripture. Maximum that jakim needs to do is outline the standards clearly for all to follow. Certification is just to make money from ignorance.You pulak bising bising putar halim about pilot certificate and all. Big time fail.Quran and Hadiths talks about how zakat should be collected and distributed. Bayt al-mal as an institution existed officially during 2nd caliphate (less than 10 years after Muhammad's death). It was not mentioned specifically in the Quran or Hadiths though the concept of Bayt al-mal already exist during prophet's tine and also the first caliph's time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayt_al-malQuran and Hadiths speaks about the importance of education but never said die die must build school and universities, yet with 200 years after the prophet's death, the first universiti in the world was build by the muslims which still exist until today, the University of Al-Karaouine, build in 859. https://theculturetrip.com/europe/italy/art...s-in-the-world/There's no specific verse said only halal authorities like Jakim can define halalness and there's none in the Hadiths because there's no need during the prophet's time. But Quran stated in verse 4:59 \"O you believe, obey God and obey the messenger and those in charge among you.\" It mentions about thise in charge among you with also means the authorities. Islam is not only a personal religion. It covers both personal and inter-personal. Wherever society exist then there should always be people who holds authority. Organizations such as Jakim exists because if this.This post has been edited by aliesterfiend: Dec 31 2019, 03:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9314281940460205} +{"text": "Aku petik yg ko ckp pasal kebersihan. Xsemua produk ada logo halal. Sayur n ayam kat pasar mana ada logo halal. Yg penting self imposed keyakinan, bebas dpd syubhah sumber tu. Pengguna kalau ada syubhah kedai Muslim tu sediakan makanan halal, maka jatuh haram utk dirinya makan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.815917432308197} +{"text": "He can say whatever is haram as long as people get to choose what they want to do within the rules of the country. The rakyat gets pissed off is because these guys tend to demand blanket bans. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasterConfucion @ Aug 28 2020, 07:18 AM)No one is ABOVE the law.You know who la.. btw muslim can go pub?Y not?Pub have the best coffee Better than starbuck ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "Mahu rosakkan sesuatu bangsa , rosakkan anak muda.\nAnak muda melayu di rosakkan aqidah dgn idealogi sesat pluralisma liberalisma lgbt sis comango .\nKemudian suapkan dgn makanan minuman haram spt restoran2 tanpa halal JAKIM maka hatipun gelap hitam seterusnya jauh dari kebenaran", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999752044677734} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Aug 19 2016, 07:48 AM)Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart mampu menjadi alternatif kepada pengguna yang mahukan keselesaan membeli-belah di samping mengutamakan produk halal dan bermutu.Kedai runcit ali jual maggi meeKedai runcit ahchong also jual maggi meeKedai runcit muthu also jual maggi meeKedai speedmart also jual maggi meeRaudhah mart also jual maggi meeMaggi mee is halal as per jakim stated.So i dun understand what they wanted to indicate on the bold partI think they meant not selling beer and cigarette. Might jz selling those certified by jakim with the halal cert.There's some Malay selling which does not have jakim halal certificates, cos they are Muslim so malay automatically assume things they selling is halal.Thus this shop might jz selling product certified halal by jakim.So tat is 100% halal according to jakim standard Of cos jakim standard are much more accurate than Muslim themselves ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.89085853099823} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaterBuffalo @ Feb 4 2024, 08:45 PM)Ever since the Middle East conflict, i noticed no Malay dine in at mcd. Mostly take away or drive thru.I kinda pity them. Wanna eat but got peer pressure sked kena talk bad by their own people. No peace lah like this.Brainwashed by the racist politiciansMeanwhile their grandkids probably in UK enjoying all kind of foods including mcD ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9916987419128418} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Jan 4 2018, 10:50 PM)thats just his personal opinion, siapa la yg tanya soalan bodo mcm tu sama mufti... -____- comment tu mufti tak ubah mcm adults yg thats ranting cosplay sbb\u00a0 \" buang masa\" dan \"buang duit\" no other more useful question ka? \u00a0 my opinionmufti wilayah tried his best to entertain all questionsand i find no harm in his statement, haram if menyerupai dewa and haram if buang masathe first one, no need to explainnext,you do anything buang masa and neglect your main responsibilities also harambazir wang? if you can afford then go on, it's not membazir.membazir if you die die wan cosplay but don't have money to pay neccessities (or pay debts, for example)he's just answering the question ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Jan 3 2017, 09:36 AM)enough to calm the animal down?Usually there are two ways to calm the animal down, from what I learnt, these are the best practice, so they won't panic. I think other non-muslim slaughtering houses practice the same way.When they are slaughtering the animal, animal in the next turn will put a piece of black cloth on their head, like what people use to abduct people. So they won't be able to see the other animal from being slaughtered.Another one, they have a separate slaughtering room. Same reason as above. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8449700474739075} +{"text": "Malaysian nowadays don't know courtesy and respect.Anything viral first, think later.Racing become priority. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999775886535645} +{"text": "Perkedel dan lain lain yang bumbunya sangat terasa dan cita rasanya luar biasa mantapp.\n\nPaling suka konsep tempat makan seperti ini, wak. Gak terlalu fancy, sedang-sedang aja. Tempatnya bersih dan nyaman. Dan pastinya semua makanan diolah dari bahan-bahan yang alami dan halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892172813415527} +{"text": "QUOTE(kopio1 @ Dec 7 2015, 12:37 PM)too many \"tak boleh\", did u mean \"aurat\"?...then she should open her \"aurat\" then...open moreee\u00a0 \u00a0 too many dosa pahala halal haram kena take care...aurat.makanan.pergaulan....thats why private sector muslim susah nak masuk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Sep 8 2019, 04:52 PM)open tender still crony get the job.Doesn't matter. It will be given to the one who is able to deliver the highest quality at the best price. Then the companies cut pocket sendiri to get the tender. There will be no sub sub con culture. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "QUOTE(kllonely1 @ Dec 28 2020, 01:06 PM)jangan makan wahyu atau daging,makan sayur sahaja,tak ada masalah lagi,Artificial 3D-printed beef available in Spain and Italy soon14 Jan 2020https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4891636 ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996378421783447} +{"text": "Bahan berubah sifat boleh jadi halal jika diproses - Dr Asrihttp://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/...s-dr-asri-37362Jun 07, 2014 17:51 MYTKUALA LUMPUR: Gelatin atau DNA yang diperolehi daripada babi boleh dianggap halal jika ia telah melalui proses transformasi, mengikut konsep Islam istihalah, kata bekas Mufti Perlis, Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin.Bekas mufti Perlis mengulas pandangan ulama tersohor, Syeikh Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi yang berpendapat gelatin haiwan termasuk babi adalah halal untuk digunakan.\"Saya berpandangan isu ini tidak adalah satu masalah besar kerana di kalangan ulama Islam sendiri tidak ada konsensus mengenai topik ini.\"Mereka mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza dalam hal ini,\" katanya kepada Astro AWANI.Dr Mohd Asri menegaskan bahawa setiap orang Islam mempunyai hak untuk membaca, mendengar, menilai dan membuat keputusan untuk dirinya sendiri berdasarkan kepada hujah-hujah yang dibentangkan.\"Islam adalah agama yang berfikiran terbuka yang sentiasa mengiktiraf fakta dan kebenaran.\"Kemudian, orang Islam juga perlu berfikir tentang bagaimana untuk menjawab perbuatan mereka di hadapan Allah di akhirat, bukan hanya bertindak balas secara emosi,\" katanya.Mengulas lanjut mengenai hujah Dr Yusuf, Dr Asri menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu yang dianggap haram boleh menjadi halal sebenarnya jika menggunakan konsep 'istihalah'.Istihalah ialah perubahan dan pertukaran sesuatu benda kepada suatu benda lain yang meliputi pertukaran hakikat dan bentuk benda tersebut.\"Apabila sesuatu yang tidak bersih telah melalui satu proses yang membuatkan ia telah kehilangan ciri-ciri asalnya ia tidak akan dinilai mengikut asalnya kerana ia telah benar-benar berubah,\" kata beliau sambil menambah bahawa bahan itu harus dinilai melalui ciri-ciri baru.\"Penjelasan mudah; perubahan dalam sifat bahan setelah melalui proses tertentu ini disebut sebagai istihalah,\" katanya.Dr Mohd Asri mengulas perkara berkenaan dilaman Facebooknya dengan mengambil contoh baja yang digunakan ketika menanam pokok pisang.\u201cBuah pisang halal dimakan. Tidak dikatakan buah pisang itu bernajis sebab subur dengan baja najis,\u201d tulis beliau.Beliau juga menggemukakan contoh arak yang bertukar menjadi cuka; ataupun, bangkai yang bertukar menjadi garam ataupun tanah.Dr Asri berkata Majlis Fatwa Eropah, al-Qaradawi, Wahbah al-Zuhaili dan lain-lain juga memberikan pandangan mereka tentang DNA babi yang terdapat secara meluas dalam makanan dan barangan di dunia ini sekarang.Sebelum ini, rakyat Malaysia dikejutkan dengan dakwaan laporan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) yang mengatakan dua produk coklat Cadbury dikesan mengandungi DNA babi.Bagaimanapun, ujian oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam Malaysia (Jakim) telah mengesahkan dua produk coklat tersebut tiada unsur DNA babi dan sekaligus halal untuk dimakan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988283514976501} +{"text": "\nDecaffeinated replied at 19-11-2020 12:41 PM\r\nDiorang punya kreativiti memang tak terjangkau dik akal yang normal.\n\r\nDepa perlu ada sorang pemi ...\nkalau berjubah dan 'alim ilmu fiqh depa tak gelabah isu2 camni.\n\r\nkitab fiqh tu kalau nak simpan dalam mini-library rumah tak cukup.\n\r\nulama2 dari 1,000 tahun dulu dah jawab banyak isu2 camni.\n\n\r\npernah sorang rider ni tanya ustaz. \r\ndia ride belakang lori bawak babi.\r\ndia perasan air banyak terpercik dari belakang lori kena muka dia.\n\r\ntanya ustaz, kena samak tak muka?\n\r\nustaz belajar fiqh rileks je boleh jawab.\r\nselagi tak confirm seekor babi hempap muka, selagi tu tak perlu samak.\n\r\nislam ni mudah. \r\ntapi kena la belajar ilmu fiqh.\n\r\nyang banyak gelabah meroyan ni malas belajar.\r\ntapi nak tunjuk 'alim.\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999456405639648} +{"text": "By ma63 agreement they ARE special. Their status is above negeri status. Same as sabah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6948875784873962} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancewood @ Jan 15 2018, 04:16 PM)Taman cantek, inanam capital. Haven't tried the night spot next to promenade hotel yet. Want the best? Go kuching \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02The one in city mall food court & lido food court is tamen cantek's sonQUOTE(ben3003 @ Jan 15 2018, 04:16 PM)KK full of koreans, some are really nice and sweet Yea...and they very like pan mee too lolQUOTE(Lancewood @ Jan 15 2018, 04:17 PM)Rainy weekend specially near festivities.....imago NOT HUMAN GO WAN. jam an hour goin in, jam an hour comin out.wont go there without a reason, when i see the long queues i will straight turn back lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9766051769256592} +{"text": "innocently excitedly posted about best cakoi in ipohkena flame gao gao \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23kesian ts.. but true la.. that cakoi shape like retarded only lol.. like dickhead or something ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9749885201454163} +{"text": "Imagine chinese cuisune without savorful dim sum, wantan mee, roasted meat (roasted jiken, steamed jiken, siu yuk, charsiew), pot rice, steamboat, seafood, taufufa, egg tart, any kind of soups etc..? Is kind of meh... noodle with plain soup, rice with plain dish like stir-fried vege and steamed meat/tofu, healthy but less savory.Anyway kudos to Chinese cuisine as one of best cuisine in da world, anyway i still feel like Indian cuisine is my no1, japanese no2, malaysian (regardless race) no3. This post has been edited by didididiketto: Sep 11 2016, 03:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9773845076560974} +{"text": "\r\nalamakk kureng skit laa..\r\naku suka makan yg pedas-pedas.. mmg sah tekak melayu..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995450377464294} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ May 21 2016, 09:32 AM)In east Malaysia, you will see some tudungs and songkoks people will eat in \"Chinese\" restaurant. Are they any less Muslim than you?In Dubai, my Arab associate suddenly sit beside me in the hotel cafe and eats his food without any problem whilst I had real bacon and eggs! I feel uneasy, so I apologize. He said dun look down on his strength of his faith! 3 thing - iman, ilmu and ibadat. These are whats lacking in many I was told.This post has been edited by DarkNite: May 21 2016, 10:42 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6228278279304504} +{"text": "Aku boleh terima lagi la kalau orang cakap tiada sijil halal=/=haram. Tu sebab kita tidak ada kepastian. Boleh jadi haram boleh jadi halal. Ni yang sah-sah dapat sijil dan dipantau jakim pun kau pertikaikan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999975323677063} +{"text": "sijil kosher oleh yahudi ini sama meniru seperti sijil halal jakim yang diguna pakai. yahudi tak boleh makan makanan haram sperti babi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997846484184265} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 25 2016, 09:46 PM)and if some other bothered to learn history behind the name muhammad - does not matter if it's research from non-islamic academician -, prophet muhammad is the first human being to use the name. such is the special status of the name muhammad. as unique as prophet adam being the first one to use the name adam.\"The Year of the Elephant ... is the name ... for the year approximately equating to 570 CE. According to Islamic tradition, it was in this year that Muhammad was born. The name is derived from an event said to have occurred at Mecca: Abraha, the Christian ruler of Yemen ... marched upon the Kaaba with a large army, which included one or more war elephants, intending to demolish it. However, the lead elephant ... is said to have stopped at the boundary around Mecca, and refused to enter.\"...Negus Abraha built a great church at Sana'a known as al-Qullays...The pagan Arab people of the time had their own center of religious worship and pilgrimage in Mecca, the Kaaba. Abraha attempted to divert their pilgrimage to al-Qullays and appointed a man named Muhammad ibn Khuza'i to Mecca and Tihamah as a king with a message that al-Qullays was both much better than other houses of worship...When Muhammad ibn Khuza'i got as far as the land of Kinana, the people of the lowland, knowing what he had come for, sent a man of Hudhayl ... who shot him with an arrow, killing him. His brother ... fled to Abraha and told him the news, which increased his rage and fury and he swore to raid the Kinana tribe and destroy the temple....one of the men of the Quraysh tribe was angered by this, and going to Sana'a, slipped into the church at night and defiled it...Abraha, incensed, launched an expedition of forty thousand men against the Kaaba at Mecca, led by a white elephant named Mahmud ... in order to destroy the Kaaba.\"if the account is correct, here we have an adult who was named muhammad before the prophet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_of_the_Elephant ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by antiQue at 27-9-2006 09:52 PM\r\nSaya mohon pembuka thread nyatakan fakta secara detail, jika tidak, saya kena anggap ianya khabar angin dan saya tutup saja thread ini. \n\r\nNak load picture, sila save kan picture tu dalam your PC, ... \n\n\n\nsebenarnya saya pun nak tanya kekawan semua kalau ada dapat detail ttg perkara nih...\r\nbukan saya yg nak mengatakan kuaci nih dah sah haram/apa-apa pun..\r\nsekadar tuk mendapatkan perhatian tetang perkara kuaci nih \n\r\npic tu saya dah email kpd dee_la cuba tanya dia", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998855590820312} +{"text": "Lol- israel \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 is a man whonis determined to finish the job- ceasefire? Really? U think declaring war is play play? Boleh choop? Take break?Hamas better be like japanese during world war- kamikazee and rebuild palestin lagi bagus.The only way war will stop is hamas dissolved and their head delivered .Stay strong \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1! The other half of the world is with you!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9110743999481201} +{"text": "dah tegur, done claim, pahala +1 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984490871429443} +{"text": "sebab semalam saya terbaca (malas nak cari link) gurdwara Sikh supply makanan untuk semua orang tanpa mengira agama atau bangsa, rasa terkilan bila JAKIM announce untuk Muslim", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8931276798248291} +{"text": "QUOTE(fullmetalneko @ Dec 1 2023, 03:47 PM)Person who viralled the pic entry to heaven confirmed.QUOTE(Pepelepewwwww @ Dec 1 2023, 04:21 PM)The person yang viral tu nanti bila someone made you lose your livehood, then don't come and play sympathy card allhttps://hafizrahim.com/kenali-penulis/This is the guy.This post has been edited by Satan Fallen One: Dec 1 2023, 04:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "\r\nMissed xi'an!!!...memang berbaloi g xian ni kme masukkan sekali trmpat wajib g terracota army. Kos sy 6hari kat sini all in rm1500 je bukan bajet traveller, so sape yg nak g bajet mmg lagi murah ler. \n\r\nMakanan memang sedap, kene explore semua area muslim street tu, dan try makann tradisional diaorg mmg sedap2. Sy giler dumpling kat sini sbb pelbagai jnis dumpling dan\u00a0\u00a0d\u00a0\u00a0masak dgn cara yg berbeza. Syurga makanan la senang ckp kalau kat sini...\n\r\nAde banyak masjid kat sini dan ade gak 1 masjid ni hanya tuk perempuan je dan 1 masjid ni hanya untuk lelaki je tapi kat sini ade dalam 20masjid tp berjaya cari separuh je sbb yg lagi jauh tu x dan nak cari", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7933850884437561} +{"text": "QUOTE(de.sengal @ Jul 18 2024, 09:26 AM)How is the hotel? Is it okay because some says it is not really worth it with the run down condition.Abit old compare to new modern hotel. But still the best hotel in Teluk Cempedak. Swimming pool is big and beach area seperate from public, hotel guest got it own Cempedak beach with way nicer and clean sand. Hotel breakfast taste good. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997889399528503} +{"text": "QUOTE(St0rmFury @ Nov 20 2023, 10:11 AM)Kena kecam berbaldi2, of course delete la...QUOTE(United Rulez @ Nov 20 2023, 10:24 AM)Biz Owner/worker is Non?\u00a0 Checked+Customer queuing up kebanyakan Special fruit?\u00a0 Checked= Get ready to kena viral by their insecure race.QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Nov 20 2023, 10:29 AM)Some people only care about appearance. They don't care about isi, that's why these people can support people of the same puak who commit atrocious behavior, like raping a child and then marrying her, or blowing up buildings and then pretend to be victims.Potek to the max!Which also mean so many butthurts QUOTE(dattebayo @ Nov 20 2023, 11:20 AM)this guy a christian, and he wears songkokno wonder his party can never be mainstreamQUOTE(alextan99 @ Nov 20 2023, 11:43 AM)For F sake, he dude did nothing wrong. All these are getting out of handfeel free to leave a review there, a campaign is going on nowhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Restoran+...en-MY&entry=ttu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(netmatrix @ Jan 3 2023, 11:12 AM)From a fat guy to another, how about not eating that much (or show your bad habits) that reflects how much you eat because you are a big eater in the promo videos? On screen eat same portion as everyone else. Less of everything you like or want.Because you are giving advantage to people to tell you off. the dumb comments will stop once the dumb behaviour stops.Like bottom quote says, its how that fella make his living, so we cannot comment too much on it honestly. (If you actually check the foodie video out, this kind of fatso eat like pig is very popular with the west as it goes along with their so-called \"Freedom of acceptance\" thought that you're fine to eat like a pig, burp like elephant, and look like degenerates but hope fair trial and treatment from all humanity. But again. I stand by you at this point on going elegantly. (Me food douyin maker also, mainly intro foods found in the UK for my tour clients coming from China. If I share all these sohem appearance, guess what? Free flight also won't have people come UK travel eat eat shopping)QUOTE(nuvi @ Jan 3 2023, 11:15 AM)But that's how he makes his livingTrue to some point. But to asian, I think this kind of influencer is a lil teruk liao. Overboard, should I say? Maybe even some korean mukbang that can sapu 10 burgers at once but hide her nenenpok also look more presentable than this guy... Well, what can I say? Human sometimes, fetish took over their other sanity, become saline concentrate. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8834947943687439} +{"text": "QUOTE(jamilselamat @ May 10 2017, 02:09 PM)Orang kata kat aku: \"Tak kira sapa urus. Bayar zakat tu wajib. Asalkan hang bayaq, sudah. Apa jadi lepas tu biaq depa jawab\".Tapi kalau dah jadi sampai macam ni, takkan nak bayaq jugak kot? Kalau aku bayaq jugak, bukan ka seolah olah menggalakkan lagi orang urus zakat tu seleweng? \"Depa semua kena bayaq jugak kat aku. Kalau aku beli Ferrari dengan duit zakat pun, apa kuasa depa ada? muahahahahahaha!!\". Kalau aku menyenangkan lagi hidup si penyeleweng ni, bukan ka dosa pun jatuh kat aku jugak???i ekceli mempersoalkan them when the mara buy golf simulator arise, but they gip me answer as per your 1st para.LULZgud ruck. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996598958969116} +{"text": "pertama - tama makan perlulah basuh tangankedua dimulakan dengan bismillahketiga ,makan makanan yang halal dan tidak meragukanjika risau, makan buah buahan saja.Ya baja dari tahi tidak perlu risaupaper plate n cutlary . Tada kesah pun janji sonang.lepas makan terus buang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999520778656006} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironmaid89 @ Mar 15 2016, 08:12 AM)MOHAMED Meeran (kiri) di majlis pelancaran pembukaan cawangan baru My Heaven's Park di Dataran Wangsa Melawati My Heaven\u2019s Park Sdn Bhd, pengendali restoran makanan segera jenama My Heaven\u2019s Park, menyasarkan jualan RM9 juta bagi tahun ini terutama disumbangkan oleh pembukaan cawangan baharu.Pengarah Urusannya, Mohamed Meeran berkata, syarikat terus melebarkan sayap di pasaran Malaysia dengan pembukaan cawangan kedua My Heaven\u2019s Park di Wangsa Melawati.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abKatanya, tahun ini syarikat juga mengadakan promosi lebih agresif dan merancang membuka empat lagi cawangan My Heaven\u2019s Park di sekitar Lembah Klang menjelang akhir tahun ini.\u00a0 \u201cMy Heaven\u2019s Park berasal dari Arab Saudi dan mula menapak di Malaysia akhir tahun lalu selain di Riyadh serta Malaysia, kami turut meluaskan pasaran restoran ini di India.\u201cObjektif utama kami untuk menyediakan makanan segera terjamin halal bagi orang Muslim di seluruh dunia dan menerusi My Heaven\u2019s Park, kami yakin ia dapat dicapai,\u201d katanya.Menurutnya, sebelum dibuka di Malaysia, restoran My Heaven\u2019s Park bertapak di Riyadh sejak 1999 dan kini mempunyai enam rangkaian di Arab Saudi serta India yang menerima sambutan baik.Mohamed berkata, pihaknya mempelawa mereka yang berminat menjadi rakan niaga dengan membuka cawangan My Heaven\u2019s Park.\u201cModal bagi membuka cawangan antara RM 500,000 dan RM1.2 juta bergantung pada lokasi dan saiz. Setakat ini, My Heaven\u2019s Park menawarkan 30 menu termasuk burger, bubur serta ayam dan kentang goreng serta menambahnya dari semasa ke semasa.\u201cBagi perancangan jangka sederhana, kami menyasarkan mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya satu cawangan di setiap negeri seluruh Malaysia dan jangka panjang pula, kami mahu menembusi pasaran negara ASEAN,\u201d katanya sambil menambah maklumat lanjut boleh melayari www.heavenspark.my.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/122730https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3455226 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998780488967896} +{"text": "@lieyda Kan wehhh kalau dh nama cha ya nun alip tu xgamak nk mkn minum. Plus sijil halal pun takdak tu sbb viral semua org pun gila \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Lagi 1, aku dgn pasangan jarang dah makan kat luar sbb dari sudut Islam pun, makanan kita mesti halalan & toyyiban, halal & bersih. Makanan di luar tak menjamin kebersihan dia sperti mana kita masak di rumah. Even, Rasulullah pun tak galakkan kita untuk selalu makan di luar", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.546280026435852} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chisinlouz @ Mar 17 2024, 11:48 PM)Sendiri x celik baca. Salah ore lain. Terpaling IQ hebat antara 500 negara dunia.In the video the non halal / pig fur label was concealed beneath a stickerWhat I understood is it was an old video, then I'm not sure about current status of the brushBut why use pig fur? I tot pig don't have a lot of them? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Apr 8 2020, 04:42 PM)\"Viral gambar saya di Turki dan main salji, gambar itu bertarikh 15 Mac dan begitu juga dengan poster kutipan derma kilat, saya sendiri pun tidak tahu, baru tadi pihak lajnah kebajikan pemuda hubungi saya nak serahkan sumbangan rm3000, saya sendiri tidak terima dan mohon diberikan kepada NGO yg banyak membantu masyarakat diluar sana yg sangat memerlukan.\"You mean excess of the donation? Nope.. I mean by conparing the name at poster against what is really shown on mbb ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8105968236923218} +{"text": "#DalamAgamaMelayu melantak ikut nafsu takpe. Kalau tetiba keluar khabar angin kata makanan kat franchise tu haram, JAKIM yang salah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.984813392162323} +{"text": "iphone not haram? use cheap phone also can. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "mmg ler org tu baru bukak kedai igt halal logo tu boleh obtain dgn join program/kuliah jeke ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9597889184951782} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Sep 9 2023, 07:09 PM)halal haram aside, its unhygienic for the food seller to wear jewelries and wristwatch while preparing the food. hopefully they've attended the food safety & preparation class, and also have the required jabs.Potential to kena saman.https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLTNrDCj/ \n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959927797317505} +{"text": "Haram to youHalal for me, you blow? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942692518234253} +{"text": "bubur lambuk priest bagi haram. kedai bubble tea kau yang x de sijil halal, jadi halal pulak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983956217765808} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 21 2016, 03:14 PM)Ye. Saya sorang muslim yg tak faham tu. Nak tanya 1 soalan je, dlm islam nama makanan boleh menentukan haram halal x?Tak ada siapa yg cakap nama makanan boleh tentukan halal haram.Jika hang punya pendapat kata clause tu tak perlu ada tak apalah. Tapi utk aku, aku berpendapat clause tu perlu ada.Dlm dokumen tu pun ada senarai yg perlu diikut utk dptkan cert halal. Lepas aku go through dokumen tu, aku yakin clause tu sgt relevant. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.Water is wet.Bola is round.Edited to add: Akaashi beat me to it.This post has been edited by hksgmy: Nov 5 2023, 09:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6280285716056824} +{"text": "Ya..their rule. U tak suka u keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997430443763733} +{"text": "QUOTE(TongPakFu @ Apr 29 2023, 06:34 PM)U selow.. now viral beratur until gado2QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Apr 29 2023, 06:38 PM)That's why there is a saying.Apanama...there is always a silver lining behind the rain cloudsViral ppl fighting over your NL.\u00a0 Positive side is helping you to promote.Now people buy cos viral or sedap?Meanwhile, just couple of meters away got lesser known stall selling even more delicious NL but get no attention ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949944019317627} +{"text": "@TheUsopIbrahim Tak suka tulisan jawi mohon pihak berwajib buat tindakan lucutkn sijil halal dkt mana-II makanan atau minuman dri bangsa dorg ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998962879180908} +{"text": "Once you bring whole family or large group into seafood restaurant like this,the tauke already decide how much to charge. Lagi teruk when you tell them you want fish for 7 or 8 or 9 or 12 people to eat. Then you sendiri didn't ask and confirm properly first about the fish size and prices.Next thing you know,surprise Pikachu fave when seeing the bill. How many threads in /k already people complained kena sembelih kena parang after order fancy seafood. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.988284707069397} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blofeld @ Jun 11 2024, 12:50 PM)no other students got it?QUOTE(ahchat @ Jun 11 2024, 01:07 PM)food poisoning, tapi food from an event...if he sorang kena, macam tak logik...usually mesti few other people also kena...or that boy ate something else alsoKinda conflicting info from the articleQUOTENo further cases of food poisoning reported When contacted by the Malay daily, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) director Datuk Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad confirmed that several reports were made concerning the food poisoning incident. He added that the said religious school in Sungai Cincin was hosting the Amal Islami programme.\u201cHowever, no students from the school were involved in the food poisoning case. The claims involving two deaths (due to food poisoning) involved third party (outsiders),\u201d he said. If no further cases why were there several reports made? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7583132982254028} +{"text": "QUOTE(DragonSuplex @ Aug 13 2018, 10:15 AM)issit?any dalil or explanation from any scholar?i heard somewhere along that line long ago but back then i was very skepticallolThe dalil is \"benda memabukkan is haram\" If the food doesn't make the eater drunkThen ok lor ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998252987861633} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Oct 26 2016, 12:13 AM)Spot your contradiction?Yes, i will eat as long as it is halal but i dont blame jakim if that one is the criteria. If you want to get cert just follow the standard.We all know smoking is haram, but we still smoke. Does that mean i argue smoke is haram? No. I know and i accept the sin. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991719722747803} +{"text": "Sebab mengapa perlunya logo Halal. Kalau makanan import even berlogo Halal perlu disemak juga adakah logo itu diiktiraf oleh Jakim atau tidak. Sebab tak semua logo Halal dari negara lain diiktiraf oleh Jakim..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8281517028808594} +{"text": "Isu kat timeline aku lately. 1. Makwe real acc bertudung dan berhijab semakin berleluasa tweet lucah dengan alasan \u201cCome on people just chill,it\u2019s merely a joke.\u201d 2. Boba tea like The Alley and so on. Halal ke haram? Membawa kepada isu sijil Jakim, mahal atau murah sebenarnya?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973949193954468} +{"text": "The best is avoid street foods la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999861478805542} +{"text": "QUOTE(StengHoii @ Oct 25 2016, 08:52 PM)wahhhh seronok kan bash JAKIM, bash la lg puas2.. and still 'they' wonder why ramai orang pilih untuk support jamal, geng baju merah, PEKIDA, UMNO dsb..One is religious entity, the others racial entities. U r comparing epal & limau. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972906708717346} +{"text": "\r\nMacam mana la ini pun jadi isu. Setiap benda nak was2. Benda tu pun masing ada bekas dan plastik lagi. Takut sangat dengan babi. Orang lain agama islam di luar negara aman2 je hidup. Melayu islam ni kalau pergi luar, kebulur agaknya. Kalau nampak acik islam niaga thai niaga sebelah2 dengan gerai babi, mesti merempan tak cukup tanah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "Ni ada sijil halal tak? Haram ni. gurau* \ud83d\ude06 https://t.co/loWnQdquAZ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996731281280518} +{"text": "nak tunggu dapat sijil halal dari jakim. semua makanan pun jadi haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997652173042297} +{"text": "Plus jakim ni kena apply sijil halal dulu baru dapat. Kau bukannya lahir2 terus dapat sijil halal lol \ud83e\udd23. Kau ni keliru teruk ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997454285621643} +{"text": "QUOTE(LarryPizzaGuy @ Jul 24 2019, 03:26 PM)Something seems wrong here....Halal cert is from Malaysia.Why those bodo ppl ask the Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) to confirm?Different country with different certification authority also........probably this :QUOTE\u201cMajelis Ulama Indonesia adalah salah satu Badan Pensijilan Halal Luar Negara yang telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Sila layari Portal Halal Malaysia untuk maklumat lanjut,\u201d katanya.sos : http://www.gempak.com/artikel/22330/dipera...-sijil-daripada ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982038736343384} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 25 2023, 10:23 AM)By tahan, I mean tahan lasak, they can work long hours, or rather when there are certain stuff to be completed, they can live at the office or site (live is just a descriptive term I use, they don't really live on site) and their sheer will power to see things get done. i need to think a bit how to describe this, as one of my best bud is an IT guy...sometimes he wont be reachable for a few days...then suddenly turn up...then we know he was working on something.I'm reminded my colleagues in Shanghai literally lived in their cubicles during the lockdown because they weren't allowed home. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999481439590454} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahchat @ Jun 11 2024, 12:07 PM)food poisoning, tapi food from an event...if he sorang kena, macam tak logik...usually mesti few other people also kena...or that boy ate something else alsoKan. The entire event only two poisonous egg taken n eaten by the father n son. Pretty sure it's something else. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5147352814674377} +{"text": "MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Santapan Minda ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9925283193588257} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kaya Butter Toast @ Mar 3 2024, 11:51 AM)soon shariah will overtake conventional.That is possible by covering up the usage of the Haram side but not sustainable long term ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995313882827759} +{"text": "Finally we can use the term \"religion washing the food\" like white washing black washing films.What was haram dish, now replaced with halal ingredient and turn it into halal dish.Any kueh chap kway chap from Sarawak or Penang that is religion washed? Halal-ed? Do recommend. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9840596914291382} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Nov 29 2023, 12:43 PM)It is not about drinking it and mabuk become haram. If the person drink and not mabuk then it is not haram for him?There is fatwa on why it is considered haram. Vinegar process also going through fermentation process that produces ethanol before it become vinegar. Wine is also going through process similar to vinegar. You can also convert wine to vinegar but that is ruled as haram.not liek that. even u have high mabuk tolerance, liek drink 1 bottle tequila still tarak mabuk, its consider allis someone mabuk just sip saja, still consider haram to all muslim to drink it ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "One of the reasons why mee kampua cina is the best bcs they use minyak babi to make sure you\u2019ll get the non ordinary cheap oil taste. Eyhhh org jual makanan tepi jalan pun takda sijil halal. U beli jugak bcs u tgk yg jual tu makcik pakai tudung kan? Cuba mengaku sket", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999618530273438} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Feb 23 2024, 10:02 PM)For k/ information, BKT is not necessary babi. It can be seafood, fish, chicken etc.xde babi mane bole makan? haram food must use haram ingredient baru boleh makan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "mesti ada halal untuk bayar gomen $$$ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6017290353775024} +{"text": "Larangan JAKIM terhadap penggunaan terma 'ruqyah' & 'makanan sunnah' sudah lama berkuatkuasa.\n\nCuma operasi pembanterasan perlu dipertingkat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9812712073326111} +{"text": "Dari faktor inilah ada hukum halal haram,pada suatu makanan,tapi ini untuk kaum yg pemikir,bukan Bani jorok,yg kaki 4 halal dimakan kecuali meja kursi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930918216705322} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.20 years ago this wasn't even a discussion at mamak.now this is considered news? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9910987019538879} +{"text": "kalau x der logo jakim x salah pon nak makan/atau minum ikut hak individu tapi kalaulah makanan tu haram kita makan tanpa logo jakim dosa tu jatuh kat diri kita. Sebab kita x usul periksa. Kalau kedai ada logo jakim but still pakai barang haram ia jadi bukan salah kita bro. Tu je", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5726931095123291} +{"text": "Tiada masalah makan makanan dimasak bukan Islam ketika banjir, ini penjelasan Dr ZulkifliKETIKA banjir melanda banyak kawasan di negara kita, semua pihak tampil membantu.Tidak kira bangsa dan agama, semangat tolong menolong sesama kita dilihat begitu baik sekali.Namun, baru-baru ini tular satu isu berkaitan orang bukan Islam memasak juadah untuk mangsa banjir di sebuah kawasan di Lembah Klang.Ada ada pihak yang mencetuskan mempertikai mengenai status halal makanan berkenaan.Justeru itu, Bekas Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama), Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri tampil memberi penjelasan berkaitan isu berkenaan.Ujar beliau, hidangan yang dimasak oleh individu bukan muslim tidak menjadi penghalang bagi penganut agama Islam menikmati hidangan tersebut selagi mana tidak melibatkan haiwan sembelihan.\"Tidak ada masalah untuk makan hidangan yang disediakan bukan Muslim yang bukan ahli kitab selagi mana tidak melibatkan haiwan sembelihan mereka.\"Terima kasih kepada saudara kami yang beragama Sikh atas bantuan yang dihulurkan. Semoga tuhan merahmati anda semua.\"Hal ini terpakai dalam isu agihan bantuan atau rumah terbuka yang sudah pasti saudara kita yang berlainan agama majoritinya faham konsep halal.\"Adapun bagi kedai makan, carilah yang ada logo halal Jakim,\" ciapnya.Dalam pada itu, rata-rata warga maya meluahkan perasaan gembira melihat penyatuan rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa dalam memberi bantuan kepada mangsa-mangsa banjir.Ujar mereka;\"Saya menangis melihat gambar ni. Melayu, Cina, India, kita semua bersatu membantu sesame sendiri. Ini adalah Malaysia yang kami nak tengok.\"Biar ini menjadi peringatan kita semua yang sebenarnya kita sudah pun bersatu, kita dipecahkan kerana pihak sana tahu betapa kuatnya bila kita bersama. Jangan lupa.\"\"Sebak dan terharu, kita sebagai rakyat kuat bila bersama. Pihak sana tidak peduli pasal nasib kita.\"Justeru, diharap penjelasan tersebut dapat meleraikan tanda tanya orang ramai berkenaan status makanan tersebut.SOS ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955462217330933} +{"text": "QUOTE(faizalfaizal @ Jan 8 2021, 09:48 PM)what is the name of the shop?I've been meaning to ride to Kuala Pilah can pit stop for coffee and roti kayais Sinaran.. their kaya is one of the best, made of duck eggtoast use charcoal to burn.. old fashioned style at its best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992111921310425} +{"text": "Thats why srjk the best. No discrimination ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9714946746826172} +{"text": "Local doesn't really care about islam itself, it just that those at top/kuda/manipulator/ajaran sesat want to create chaotic environment which would benefit them by using religion/race. Main example is our group of politikus, terrorist group, ustaz-ustaz&ulama-ulama ajaran sesat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911383986473083} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 02:14 PM)Why do I need to try harder? I don't need to try harder when it's status quo.your lack of comprehension is disturbing ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995198249816895} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Sep 10 2020, 11:39 AM)alot ppl drink 1 pint of beer also not mabuk...so is it consider tidak memabukkan?or quantity counts?So freaking contradicting.... if u no minum, u also duno will mabuk or not, if mabuk then haram but already drink to test mabuk or not also not his fault mar.... then if no mabuk can continue drink? Then if mabuk tak mabuk who judge? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999195337295532} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by cantthinkofany at 3-11-2006 12:27 PM\r\ninfo dari Datuk Dr Maamor persatuan pengguna islam malaysia ..susu formula SIMILAC diragui status halalnya. Susu ni pun quite famous..ada di pasaran.Susu tu dipercayai guna hormon manusia dalam pro ... \n\nKalau ader lagi forumner yg ader maklumat ttg makanan atau product yg famous tapi tiada tanda halal, plz post it.. kita wajib sebarkan maklumat mcm nie so that org islam kiter tak consume product2 mcm tu..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8755771517753601} +{"text": "@najwamohdrshd tu lah pening aaaa. dia kalau halal 100% mmg takde org argue langsung. ni ada sijil halal indon, nak malaysia sijil halal pulak. mujur iman kuat sbb pantai remis jangan kata coolblog tealive, each a cup pun nan hadoooo siss \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9679456353187561} +{"text": "Last 2 days viral already of coz la now use chicken. If he really did la. He knows for sure Jakim will come visit.This post has been edited by bisobona: Nov 13 2020, 10:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999568462371826} +{"text": "RT : RT : JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate.That means makanan kat sana adalah haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9724951386451721} +{"text": "@Ashril_92 Kawan aku franchisee ah cheng. Bahan2 spt paste laksa, kari, ayam semua dari kilang di subang jaya telah mendapat sijil halal. Harus diingat, berpegangan tangan bukan mahram pun haram juga ya.. Eh!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998593330383301} +{"text": "Can't say much with this kind of ancient mentality. Other human might have migrated to other stars, and they still talking of halal haram logo etc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5725184679031372} +{"text": "Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Pengusaha Restoran Muslim Malaysia (PRESMA) kesal dengan hantaran klip video yang mempromosi nasi kandar dengan hidangan babi yang tular di media sosial.Presidennya, Datuk Jawahar Ali Taib Khan berkata, tindakan itu dianggap bentuk penghinaan kepada industri nasi kandar di Malaysia yang diketahui dipelopori pengusaha restoran Muslim sejak puluhan tahun lalu.Menurutnya, video itu juga boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan orang ramai terutama pelanggan dan penggemar nasi kandar.\"PRESMA beranggapan ia akan menimbulkan kekeliruan kepada pelanggan serta penggemar nasi kandar di negara ini sekaligus memberikan gambaran negatif kepada menu kesukaan ramai ini.\"Justeru, PRESMA ingin menegaskan, hidangan nasi kandar di semua premis milik ahli PRESMA di seluruh negara dijamin halal dan bebas daripada bahan dilarang di dalam Islam,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan.Dalam masa sama, PRESMA menasihatkan kepada semua pencipta kandungan supaya lebih sensitif dengan hasil kreatif yang dihasilkan.\"Kepada mana-mana pencipta kandungan perlu lebih sensitif dan perlu mengambil kira soal makanan yang selama ini dikaitkan dengan orang Islam,\" katanya.Video yang dimuatnaik itu sudah mencecah lebih 200,000 tontonan dan lebih 5,000 tanda suka.Sementara itu, terdapat pengguna media sosial lain turut memuat naik video sama dengan menulis keterangan meminta orang Islam berhati-hati.sos ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996054768562317} +{"text": "QUOTE(BaZikAltUa @ Oct 20 2016, 02:21 PM)Org cadang suruh tukar nama yg lebih baik, ko nk bising2, cakap org haram kan.. Diorg cadang utk tukar je..Contoh, keropok lekor, ko nk buat gimik, ko bagi nama keropok kote.. org ckp jangan la pakai nama kote, ko pon terus ckp \"haram ke mknn klu pakai nama kote?\".. org cadang tukar nama yg lebih baik je, terus deviate dari cerita asal..Bodoh punye pemikiran..nama original 'keropok lekor' you kasi tukar nama 'keropok kote' of cos la tak betul.tapi auntie anne ni case, dia punya makanan nama original 'hot dog', kita kan panggil benda tu hot dog kan semua org tahu apa tu hot dog, tapi jakim tu cakap tak betul. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998664855957031} +{"text": "QUOTE(haya @ Dec 27 2023, 01:28 PM)This here why obesity is a problem in Malaysia\"cold countries\" also have something called \"summer\", and given climate change, it can be hotter than MalaysiaAccording to land whales, all these \"cold countries\" people will suddenly all stop walking during summer as they usually ride a piece of rug and fly. Best thing about summer in \"cold countries\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7412746548652649} +{"text": "\r\nbetul tuu..bukannya buat tuduhan just nak dapatkan kepastian kalu betul HARAM xmungkin JAKIM nak relex saja ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(mroys@lyn @ Nov 21 2023, 04:14 PM)ini lagi satu extremist... eat halal food will offend your god, what logic is this?\u00a0 Ask yourself, what happens if a muslim eat non-halal food? Its haram (forbidden) right? Will your god be pleased with you if you eat food that is forbidden? ITs the same. What is forbidden to you may not be forbidden to another religion. What is permitted by your god may not be permitted by another god. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997937083244324} +{"text": "Makanan Sunnah/Suci adalah perkataan yang dilarang atas input yang diberi oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9838128089904785} +{"text": "Selain itu, Makanan halal ialah makanan yang bebas daripada sumber najis bermula daripada penyediaan bahan mentah, proses pembuatan, penyimpanan, masakan, pengilangan, pembungkusan dan pengangkutan.\n\nSecara ringkasnya makanan halal itu mesti bersih dan selamat untuk dimakan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7808547019958496} +{"text": "cepat gila nak jatuh kan perniagaan seseorang dengan memetik halal/haram dan sijil halal. but when it comes to child marriage senyap terus.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999719858169556} +{"text": "Aku paling ga suka makanan kereta yg kata orng enak, paling banter di kereta beli popmie. Pernah beli ayam goreng gitu keras bgt kek batu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8830462098121643} +{"text": "Talents will always go to wherever they're best treated. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999747276306152} +{"text": "QUOTE(butterkijen @ Dec 12 2019, 06:17 PM)Lyu this is what i know only might be wrong though. Sunan ibn majah is a compilation of hadith (words of the prophet) compiled by this one imam idk his name. This sunan is like one of the canonically acceptable book(?) that contains hadith, so it's kinda like trusworthy and stuffs.Now you see hadiths were passed in chains, and there were some requirements for one to be a narrator back then so that the authenticity of hadith can be preserved.This hadith that /ktard shared earlier was narrated by someone else, which is Abdullah bin \u2018Umar. Well i don't really know about him or whatever but yeah sunan ibn majah is said to be one of the trusworthy source of hadith compilation.I think aliesterfiend knows a lot try asking himI dont know much about Hadiths. However Sunan means compilation (or something like that).From wiki :In the Sunni branch of Islam, the canonical hadith collections are the six books, of which Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim generally have the highest status. The other books of hadith are Sunan Abu Dawood, Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Al-Sunan al-Sughra and Sunan ibn Majah. However the Malikis, one of the four Sunni \"schools of thought\" (madhhabs), traditionally reject Sunan ibn Majah and assert the canonical status of Muwatta Imam Malik. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8480264544487} +{"text": "QUOTE(Petajensen99 @ May 19 2024, 10:48 AM)Tbh zus is not that good. I just say fair. Gigi is better. Zus too ceroi, the taste is not that balance. The best could Zus offer is Butterscoth and creme one. Zus lucky because starbuck and CBTL is too pricey. And palestine issue eleveated zus, but dont deny zus did a lot of work to get peoples attention.yup so and so lah. nothing special. but recently ive tried ticco the exchange coffee, was blown away, that was good coffee and their mocha is realy dark choc. hopefully stays consistent, as some of this shops the taste sometime here and there depends on the staff. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999812841415405} +{"text": "QUOTE(laoahpek @ Feb 13 2016, 01:26 PM)oh..izzit? but vege confirm no meat . . should be fine....but if there is halal and haram for vege then sorry lor..again, when one become ignorant, they will avoid it.This post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Feb 14 2016, 12:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998107552528381} +{"text": "BodohTakda halal logo doesn't mean haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "Mcm best je.. Who try b4? but I don't like that long beans.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "Malaysia wujudkan JAKIM supaya kita lebih mudah nak beli makanan tanpa rasa ragu. makanan/minuman yang diragui jatuh hukum SYUBHAH, jadi haram untuk kita consume.\n\nkalau yakin, silakan. kalau ragu, jangan. tapi seeloknya, ikut garis panduan Islam. jangan berlandaskan nafsu je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994528889656067} +{"text": "QUOTE(poweredbydiscuz @ Nov 24 2023, 11:27 AM)If you study in UK, you don't invite Muslims friends to party together at the bar they will marah oh.Naw naw naw... dulu unker kat sano... party dgn budak Epsom, budak LSE... semua tu ok je...owai... kucing, helang tak sama hukum kot...This post has been edited by McDullDull: Nov 24 2023, 11:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999363422393799} +{"text": "QUOTE(kerolzarmyfanboy @ Sep 18 2016, 10:45 PM)lol those are the exact jokes me and my mates did when we saw this subject\u00a0 whenever we have a network failure, must look back into what we did...our past sins..whether our muslim brother' social problems affect the network connection...asyik tengok porn, network tak berkat. jokes aside, believe maybe got something positive from the inclusion of the subject. but very difficult to explain lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "QUOTE(quartre88 @ Jun 22 2023, 08:13 AM)langkawi sodah nak matiin few years time sure komplenhukaloh napo xdo pelancong2 sumo lari ke thailandXpe syurga lagi penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9767895340919495} +{"text": "BUKIT MERTAJAM - Persatuan Pengusaha Restoran Muslim Malaysia (Presma) hari ini menafikan dakwaan pihak tidak bertanggungjawab kononnya restoran nasi kandar di negara ini menggunakan daging anjing bagi menggantikan daging kambing. Timbalan Presiden Presma, Datuk Khadhar Shah Abdul Razak berkata, perkara itu menjadi viral di laman sosial terutama Facebook sejak semalam selepas seorang lelaki yang menggunakan nama 'Udin Di Raja' memuat naik berita serta gambar berhubung dakwaan itu.\"Sebenarnya berita dan gambar yang digunakan lelaki itu dalam laman Facebooknya adalah berita yang dikeluarkan menerusi satu saluran televisyen dan portal di Tamil Nadu, India yang memaparkan mengenai nasi beriani daging anjing di sana.\"Udin Di Raja telah menggunakan gambar berkenaan termasuk gambar anjing disembelih dan mendakwa restoran nasi kandar di Malaysia menggunakan daging anjing bagi menggantikan kambing,\" katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.Beliau berkata perkara itu terus menjadi viral dan dikongsi oleh pelbagai pihak sehingga memberikan imej buruk kepada restoran-restoran nasi kandar di Malaysia dan menerima kecaman daripada orang ramai.Khadar Shah yang juga Pengarah Urusan Nasi Kandar Nasmir Sdn Bhd berkata, ekoran tersebarnya berita dan gambar itu, pengusaha-pengusaha nasi kandar di Malaysia kesal, kecewa serta marah kerana perkara itu tidak benar dan memberikan kesan kepada perniagaan mereka.Beliau berkata orang ramai terutama pelanggan tidak perlu khuatir atau bimbang tentang makanan yang dijual di restoran nasi kandar kerana 80 peratus daripada 320 anggota Presma memiliki sijil halal dari Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).Beliau turut meminta orang ramai agar berhenti menyebarkan dan mengabaikan berita yang menjadi viral itu.\"Pihak kami juga mahu Udin Di Raja iaitu lelaki yang memaparkan perkara itu menerusi laman sosial Facebooknya agar tampil memohon maaf secara terbuka dan jika gagal berbuat demikian dalam tempoh tiga hari, kami akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadapnya,\" katanya.Katanya Presma juga mahu pihak polis menjalankan siasatan dan mengambil tindakan terhadap pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang menyebar perkara itu sehingga menjejaskan imej Malaysia sebagai negara Islam. - Bernamahttp://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/pen...anjing-1.599524 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9819340705871582} +{"text": "QUOTE(jishu @ Sep 24 2017, 07:18 PM)Religious wise? So you want to say non-muslim not clean or what?Non muslim shirt might have pork or alcohol stain from a feast or fun nite out before sending to laundry.I hope the shop go all the way and not use coins and cold hard cash as methods of payment . There are bound to be haram stain when those monies in circulation long enuff . ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976661205291748} +{"text": "@amirmerican_ @afiqasmadii Kalau kau kata halal aku yakin je. Muka kau cam pengeluar sijil halal do", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99964439868927} +{"text": "tahniah Jakim..\n\nbesar pahala pastikan rakyat islam makan makanan yg halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "QUOTE(mowlous @ Jun 11 2024, 12:21 PM)Its more dangerous then you think , it could be the cook fry a lot of egg and stack them up in a tray, then prepare raw meat on another place, wash hands w/o soap, then manually handle the eggs by simply just tossing them into packets w/o wearing gloves. Cross contamination always happen, and because they can't see them that's why the cooks themselves also might not know.Worst is if some cook had diarrhea before they cook and simply wash hands with water then start working.this, eggs internally are generally sterile since the shell has a coating to protect it, issue is the outside on the shell side which is most bacteria ladenthats why usually after touching egg shells best to wash hands even if it looked clean ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999040365219116} +{"text": "QUOTE(destee88 @ Feb 24 2024, 11:14 AM)xde babi mane bole makan? haram food must use haram ingredient baru boleh makanYou go to Sabah, they eat seafood BKT. Some how their seafood BKT is nicer than pork BKT. However, it cannot beat peninsula pork BKT. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999232292175293} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jul 16 2024, 12:45 PM)he is a farking PM and a bunch of ministerlike i said before...yang penting tak nak buat. yang tak penting sibuk pulokgo time reply palestin palestin.....can allocate those slot for malaysia malaysia?palestin got time do emergency night meeting. but malaysia issue no time reply?palestin issue night time do emergency meeting, akmal boikot issue, took PMX almost 2 weeks to reply.......got time spend talk about palestin in school...can allocate slot for reform malaysia education?when complain, give excuse 1 year no time cannot dobut got time for other bullshit u are those typical manager who talk loud but no action.Why not you go apply for it and proof you can do it? We all will give you thumbs up for your effort and not keyboard warrior. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "Lawatan adhoc ke Bengkel usahawan Serunding Daging Habsah Harun di Kg Laut Tumpat. Penerima Geran Bantuan HIP, berjaya menerima sijil MeSTI pada Ogos 2018 dan kini ke arah Halal! Pasaraya Sabasun akan bantu untuk pasaran! #loveiat https://t.co/hm49j7AyIm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7666749358177185} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 11:36 AM)aku mana boleh makan babimee kolok sedap ker? never try that beforethey said buy sarawak kek lapis stim juga tuGo to the spring foodcourt and find the stall with sarawak laksa. The best sarawak laksa i tried so far, at least for me and my gf ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.969180703163147} +{"text": "Bagus JAKIM ni. Sentiasa membuat kajian keatas makanan. Jangan sampai dia ke dapur orang sudahlah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997369647026062} +{"text": "Ofc malaysian go thai land more nowadays, Thai ppl polite, no kecam skin colour, no haram this that, price berpatutan not like here business ppl all lansi lanyong no buy get out of my face attitude ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "QUOTE(jacckl @ Jan 7 2020, 10:20 AM)this is what i told my parents years ago when people start eating fake meat for religious reason, your \"niat\" is already broken because you still want to eat meat. i guess the same apply here, if your niat is to eat \"haram\" food, then should not be halal+1 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984643459320068} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meKek u will die first before meat eater ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998144507408142} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 23 2024, 12:03 AM)Abis tu kalau kau datang renew passport kat aku, macam mana aku nak verify kau tu Malaysian ke tak kalau muka kau macam pelacur dari KazakhMesti lah test dulu basic question macam bahasa Melayu.Kalau simple test tak lepas, mesti menimbulkan keraguanBodoh tuyuk kau tu simpan sikit bagi kat anak kau supayasemua paloy tu meresap dalam anak cicit kauIC + thumb print verification? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "10 Jenis SyaitanIblis - laknatullah, Syaitan Utama & musuh kepada semua manusia.Zalituun (anak iblis) \u2013 Pakar dalam hal menggoda manusia ke arah sifat membazir dan bakhil.Wathiin \u2013 Pakar dalam mendorong manusia berpra-sangka buruk dan putus asa terhadap Allah.A\u2019awan \u2013 Pakar yang ditugaskan khas dalam menggoda raja / pemimpin besar supaya bersikap sombong dan takbur serta zalim terhadap rakyatnya.Haffaf \u2013 Pakar dalam menggoda manusia meminum arak / khamr dan benda memabukkan.Murrah \u2013 Pakar dalam melalaikan manusia dari mengingati Allah dengan muzik, hiburan, gossip dan segala benda yang melalaikan.Masuud \u2013 Pakar dalam membinasakan manusia melalui kata2 fitnah, gosip, umpatan dan apa sahaja dosa yg muncul dari lidah dan mulut.Daasim \u2013 Pakar dalam merosakkan rumah tangga manusia dan menggoda ke arah zina dan maksiat.Walahaan \u2013 Menimbulkan rasa was-was dalam diri manusia khususnya ketika berwuduk dan solat dan menjejaskan ibadat-ibadat kita yg lain.Lakhuus \u2013 Pakar dalam menyesatkan akidah manusia dengan menyembah api, batu berhala, bintang dan lain2.Ketahuilah siapa mereka ini, dan ketahuilah bila dan bagaimana mereka menghasut kamu dan InsyaAllah kamu dapat kalahkan mereka dengan Iman mu kepada Allah S.W.T ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9859154224395752} +{"text": "QUOTE(Clowninja @ May 14 2024, 11:37 AM)Good, more proof for type M to shift blameLater will blame type c rampas keje10 years later someone will viral.\"Dulu org kita pegang.. skrg semua org mereka. ni lah agenda\"LololololThis post has been edited by Natsukashii: May 14 2024, 11:46 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Nov 14 2020, 12:30 PM)This i can confirm janji Olang kito, haram pon takde masalah.My neighborhood report roadside warung haram curi lektrik dan air to polis, penbandaran, tnb, air SELANGOR...etc.....nothing been done, they just push the responsibility to one another......CB pemalas n makan gaji buta.But sometimes janji olang kita only works for umno people. Years ago my cousin got open restoran masakan thai at taman desa shoplot. Got license n everything. Meanwhile geng ppr org kuat BN open gerai tepi jln tepi longkang. People prefer to go eat proper clean place. So my cousin suddenly got harassed so many times by gov agency. Kata ada lipot pekerja ada TB la, itu la ini la. Weirdly enough kedai tepi longkang xpernah kena kacau. Boleh buka selamba masak pkai paip longkang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "Best option is to go overseas vacation. Thailand should be open for all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993106126785278} +{"text": "QUOTE(forgotoldlogin @ Jun 22 2024, 12:33 PM)Yea, had bosses like to belanja. So nice having that kind of boss but very shy la. Sometimes fighting infront cashier dont let each other pay. Also have boss expecting us to belanja. Want office event have starbuck la, give people coklat la, what la but only chip in rm50 or rm100, the shortfalls staffs bayar. Damn this pipuMostly met the latter in malaysiaIn overseas no such BSIf you're the least paid, it's only logical that people should not expect you to pay for food etcBoss tak malu meh, makan food belanja by ppl with lower payMalaysia bosses damn sohai, ask their juniors to do stuff prepare presentation then still ask the juniors pay for the food etc for the presentation topkekIf dept no budget then don't need to serve food la apa lanchio wanna force people to belanjaIn overseas, mostly upperrank ppl belanja , In fact everyday coffee during short morning meeting they belanja , and every few months they belanja some food alsoAnd , yet we say malaysia very cultured and kind lolThis post has been edited by Knnbuccb: Jun 22 2024, 12:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9140242338180542} +{"text": "QUOTE(leah235 @ Aug 28 2020, 08:18 AM)that wine and bar lol!!!meleis ultrasssssss pls start your engine hahafuh! ini best!can condemn till akhirat weiiiiiii ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "org ramai, org beli ke tidak? jenis mcm aku, suka pergi tgk event2 makanan.. tpi 1 apa pun aku xbeli.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996402263641357} +{"text": "QUOTE(hardcoreangel @ Mar 30 2018, 10:39 AM)yeah its quite overhyped back then. i tried once. i take the honey one. really dissapointing. for me, 4 fingers more better.then, there is another 1 korean food that went viral. it comes with cheese and u need to roll it up. forget what is the name of the shop but my gf try it, she said not sedap at all.hahaomaya i never tried before. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "To those here shouting \"Chinese School\". Wake up, that school hall is known in the whole of Melaka-its open for rental to the public, just like how you rent hotel halls. But its just a hall. Auditorium. No catering.QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:15 PM)Is it strictly only pork? Or can also contain chicken or beef? Or vege? The custom is pork. Beef is only in some dishes (like beef noodle) but that's from Xinjiang (Muslim region) of China. Mainline Chinese food is with pork. Chicken is when used to make it halal. You answered yourself:QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:18 PM)Huh? Im not insulting porkPork does taste goodMy point is Chinese cuisine have much more delicious dish that does not contain porkQUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:18 PM)Saying pork is the best chinese can offer, to me is insulting Actually yes, in Chinese custom, pork is the best and most nutritious, hence when offer its the best. Of course here we don't offer it to Muslims.QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:18 PM)Dim sum strictly only pork ka? Except for some which use prawns, its strictly pork. Only they make it halal hence use Chicken for those halal joints. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990345239639282} +{"text": "Well good effort and him doing the best he could.But the fact is still, for every ONE that he helped, there\u2019s hundreds more that goes unnoticed and suffering in silent, staying irrelevant as always. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980415105819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Jun 21 2024, 11:11 PM)Susah cari makanan halal di sabah dan sarawakQUOTE(oM41GoD_ @ Jun 22 2024, 08:13 AM)Darsa no sijil jakim = owner Muslim mesti la halalPergi S&S = tiada makanan halal pulakLol, Semenanjung > s&sYeah this? Kan ada bodo cakap kat /k janji same religion, sure no problem. Base on trust Kan? So cari lar Muslim je duh. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991569519042969} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Jul 3 2024, 05:42 PM)Based on that logic, any places deemed haram also cannot. So it's not just bkt restaurant, any non-halal restaurant also cannot.If that is the case, then money from non-Muslims also haram Tax from non-Muslims even more haram because tainted by sinful activities ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "so naive kah,people paid few thousand ringgit to get advertised online.... you think viral for free kah....this shows how stupid Malaysian is...... no wonder many poor fag around ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945631623268127} +{"text": "QUOTE(muhibah @ Nov 14 2015, 09:42 AM)This is a case that somebody bite the hands that feed. I'm pretty sure they will stop taking immigrants from syria and other muslim countries soon. It will not be a popular decision but it is necessary for europe to be safe again.France already is very anti-immigrant to begin with. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999090433120728} +{"text": "Saya suka makan di restoran Melayu. Lebih suka daripada makan fast food. Bukankah baik kalau restoran and warong Melayu ada sijil halal JAKIM, lebih baik bukan? Yakin pun yakin. Persijilan halal JAKIM bagus kot. Jaga betul2 bab kebersihan premis, comtamination etc. https://t.co/MDay7Kf66p", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998729228973389} +{"text": "Yes..orang Melayu ni mcm apa2 ntah.. Mcm diorg jer terpaling bersih. Kaum lain kalau jemput kita mmg mostly akan serve yang halal shj sbb hormat agama kita. Aku ada kwn Indian, bila Deepavali bt open house mesti hidang makanan beli dr Mamak sbb ajk kwn Muslim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9392023682594299} +{"text": "Aku pun tak setuju khilaf JAKIM dalam istilah nama2 makanan ni, tapi tak pyh la nk mengutuk berjemaah.. Dah SOP dia mmg ketat.#standbyjakim", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9828112125396729} +{"text": "RT : JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate.That means makanan kat sana adalah haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6348171234130859} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vape On @ Aug 16 2017, 06:42 PM)Mr. Sim you malay?There is no need to be a Malay to know fitnah tu dosa. But anyhow, I am not a Malay. (an ex closeted Chinese Bijan supporter) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 5 2024, 12:29 PM)Racist signboard and creating divisiveness in Malaysia Kan bagus kalau buat halal, semua kaum semua agama boleh duduk makan sama samaMuhibbah & 1MalaysiaI am agreeable to this seriously. 1. Halal also mean need to hire Muslim? How lah?2. We are 1 Malaysia as you said. Hindu don't eat beef. Hence we should also take away beef and pork. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998444318771362} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Aug 6 2024, 10:58 AM)isolated food poisoning case worth to bring in parliament?tomorrow got hot pot poisoning case want to ask MP bring parliament oso?then i ask you, minor beer isu also want to viral. so food poisoning case no viral by party?come on..2 people died...you think not this is not serious enough to bring up to parliament on food safety?If you are one of the 2 people who died or the hundreds of kena cirit birit...you tell yourself if its an isolated case lahnot even one question ask the education minister or in the state selangor ?Why NOT ? This is a national issue: its a sekolah agama that failed to ensure student safety by engaging a food contractor that was careless that resulted in deaths of 2 students. Hello? You too blind to see that.did anyone died from hot pot poisoning case?This post has been edited by hoonanoo: Aug 6 2024, 11:10 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987713694572449} +{"text": "Penunggang agama, self appointed God spokesperson at his best, orang bodoh pigi derma if they know the truth ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "\u201cEh kau dah apply sijil halal ke belum?\u201d \u201cUntuk apa?\u201d \u201cSebab perangai kau mcm haram sikit.\u201d", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999219179153442} +{"text": "QUOTE(68 others @ Feb 26 2024, 07:37 AM)xpayah la kaki kaki mabuk mari langkawi.bogel atas pantai, mabuk tepi jalan.rosak akidah anak anak melayu kita.setakat hisap rokok boleh lagi, yg lain xpayah lah.Langkawi patut jadi tempat santai yg suci untuk keluarga melayu beriadah, bukannya aktiviti-aktiviti maksiatBetul biar 70% family melayu gi Sana cuti jer. Tak yah sibuk keluar negara.. Negara lain arak, rokok, pakai seksi seksi merata.. Kang semua gi neraka kalau gi. Tul? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999941349029541} +{"text": "\nNi\u00a0 \u00a0 dia\u00a0 \u00a0mentaliti\u00a0 \u00a0 melayu\u00a0\u00a0isle\u00a0\u00a0.....\u00a0\u00a0bunyi\u00a0 \u00a0 bab\u00a0 \u00a0 babi\u00a0 \u00a0terus\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0pikir\u00a0 \u00a0haram\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0...\nmahathirGX Post at 10/6/2010 12:51 PM \n\nbro.. dosa bleh diampunkan sebab bukan niat kita nak makan benda-benda haram. jadi bab dosa tu aku tak pernah dah debatkan la.. kira ko menang la \n\r\ntapi macam mana plak dengan virus-virus dan segala keburukkan daging babi tersebut yang dah meresap ke dalam badan kita. bleh ke simply buang dengan air sahaja.. sebab tu la perkara ini perlu diberitahu dan dihebahkan.. jangan dok cakap haram-haram je.. sebab kemudaratan kepada badan kita tetap akan terjadi walaupun dosa kita telah diampunkan oleh Allah..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(Black2690 @ Mar 29 2016, 07:46 AM)biasalah.. JAKIM bukan taku bahasa English pun.. Bacon pun tidak tau.. bukan semua bacon tu babi..apeda.dah viral dia gi siasatlah..nanti kata tak buat kejer pulak.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999654293060303} +{"text": "QUOTE(beglnner88 @ Dec 24 2020, 09:42 PM) haram ? really ? what if i spell selamat Hari Natal ?Dunno. Gotta consult Jakim. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 12:36 PM)Well if he/she intentionally ate haram food then he/she has sinned la. What's so hard to understand? They get arrested/interrogated for doing what? Eating Mee Goreng cooked in lard or actual Pork Burger? As I said, if JJ has a case that the person has gone against some law, then can arrest la. I am not sure myself what is the (human) law on eating pork for a muslim here (I think it's different based on each state's syariah law).But.... How u know she fake or not fake trusting restaurant with no cert? Is only trust enough. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998711347579956} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyamiblack @ Oct 7 2016, 01:52 AM)So you eat there with the haram deco, got terconfuse or not?Very uneasyTak lalu makan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994650483131409} +{"text": "@rizalsyahAJ @OhhB_ mmg ada kat fb ori post ada yg ckp selagi jakim x keluar sijil halal dia x kan minum hahahaah..sdg Kan sijil halal MUI diiiktiraf jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5392194390296936} +{"text": "ingatkan zaman moden ini byk yang otak dah bagus, tapi zaman moden ini jugalah wujud walaun..... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7863067984580994} +{"text": "Rokok dari dulu haram tapi ada orang hisap juga. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997779726982117} +{"text": "\r\nKalau ada member yg sekEPALA LAYAN MENU ni mmg best ler.... Tp kalau sorang2 ermmm mampu tgk gambar jerlah....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967179894447327} +{"text": "Langkawi used to be popular spot for angmoh, nvm let's fix screw up what's not broken. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(clearcase @ Apr 11 2012, 09:05 AM)bank interest haram oso wat but not taken seriously as food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999042749404907} +{"text": "Top 3 benda haram nak buat: Makan di tempat takda sijil halal...........wait", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995830655097961} +{"text": "\r\nbley tahan la makanan cine nie..\r\nsaya bru je makan makanan cine malam semalam..\r\nkat kedai cine muallaf kat seksyen 19 shah alam.\r\nnama kedai 2 mukmin.\r\nsedap..tiap2 malam kedai 2 mmg ramai je owg datang..\r\nservis pon bagus..\r\nsaya makan nasi goreng kong pau.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8987485766410828} +{"text": "jenuh la gini nk mkn kt luar mesia. klu kedai tu jual nasik lemak mak nab, tp jual tiger beer jgk, nasik lemak tu still halal, tiger beer still haram. kedai tu je xkn dpt halal certification dr jakim. kene bezakan status halal suatu makanan dgn status sijil halal kedai.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996522665023804} +{"text": "QUOTE(Selectt @ Jul 21 2024, 04:41 PM)ppl eat at oriental is because of the location not because of the food. Their food is mediocre at best except their tart as i heard. would do more food hunting to find a better place.their kopi not bad but fugging overpriced ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "BaguS bagus. Just now i watch some mat grab rela no rezeki than support ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985822439193726} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Nov 20 2023, 03:28 PM)hafiz rahimhttps://hafizrahim.comhafizmdrahim@gmail.com016-2124714WWD850White VIOSSaya dilahirkan pada tahun 1985 sebagai anak kedua daripada 3 adik beradik. Merupakan anak kelahiran Terengganu dan sekarang menetap di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. Nama sebenar adalah Abdul Hafiz Rafiuddin, tetapi menggunakan nama pena blog sebagai Hafiz Rahim yang membawa maksud kepada gabungan nama sendiri dan nama ayah. Alhamdulillah, telah mendirikan rumah tangga pada tahun 2011 dan mempunyai seorang cahaya mata.Disebabkan ayah merupakan seorang bekas guru, saya pernah mendapat pendidikan awal dibeberapa buah sekolah rendah dan juga sekolah menengah. Zaman persekolahan ditamatkan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan yang kemudiannya membawa saya untuk melanjutkan pengajian di dalam jurusan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di Malaysia France Institute, Bangi.Mula berjinak dengan komputer seawal tahun 2001 iaitu semasa bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.George, Taiping dan mendapat pendedahan awal tentang dunia internet melalui laman chat mIRC. Kemudiannya terjebak dalam pembangunan laman web atau blog menggunakan GeoCities, Tripod Lycos dan juga Blogspot.Pada tahun 2011, saya telah membeli domain sendiri yang pertama iaitu HafizRahim.com dan telah menggunakannya diblog berplatformkan Blogspot. Tetapi setelah mula mempelajari dan mengetahui tentang selok belok menggunakan WordPress (pembelajaran melalui Youtube dan juga eBook yang telah dibeli), domain itu telah dipindahkan sepenuhnya kepada blog baru yang berplatformkan WordPress.Sepanjang tempoh berblogging secara serius, blog HafizRahim.com telah mendapat pengiktirafan sebagai Top 50 Blogger of the year 2013 DiGi WWWOW Award dan juga MSMW Favourite Micro Blog 2013.Bagi yang berminat untuk bekerjasama ataupun mendapatkan khidmat saya dalam mengeluarkan advertorial dan ulasan produk, boleh menghubungi saya di hafizmdrahim@gmail.com ataupun admin@hafizrahim.com.Artikel asal di: https://hafizrahim.com/kenali-penulis/#ixzz8JaRicGGiFollow us: @hafizmdrahim on TwitterFuuuuuu /k csi experts done it again Kek ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9756656289100647} +{"text": "seriously though, why rokok and vape still okI thought haram dy, but they still consume openly ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999650716781616} +{"text": "MAS still serving \"air haram\" on flight or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "\nBiawak dalam hukum Islam haram dimakan ke?\njuwaini Post at 9-6-2010 19:03 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Pengotor, makan bangkai... haram lor... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999955415725708} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:18 PM)Interesting. So alcohol used for cooking is actually halal?Haram, but see steak house or sushi house no one bat an eye. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996002316474915} +{"text": "QUOTE(vapanel @ Mar 13 2024, 12:06 PM)its going back to same placeyou or your gang make it a racial issueOk. See you.QUOTE(g5sim @ Mar 13 2024, 12:08 PM)Yupe continue to think that way. The pendatang tak pandai BM. Bagi malu Malaysia. Continue to think that so that you feel better about your self. Ajak berbalas Pantun nanti Macam Lapsapji dengan lim Sian see n the Harvard grad ex Umno supreme council member. Kata tak boleh sebab masuk hospital. Dua dua masih tunggu nak debat dgn Lapsapji.From your reply, you have some pent up issues. Its not what i wrote but what you perceived i wrote. QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Mar 13 2024, 12:10 PM)SRJKC is teaching BM.what is your problem?I have met nons working with co, those from SK vs from SRJKC, their BM is more or less the same.I was from SK, not one day exposure in vernacular school.Yet from my experience, I think SRJKC is a good diversity education for our people.what is there that I am not proud of BM? Today I talking to my colleagues in BM.Are you replying to me or you got wrong guy?QUOTE(30624770 @ Mar 13 2024, 12:11 PM)You want people to use it, accept it and take pride in it, you need to address its weaknesses first.Also, you want a language of Malaysian or a language for Malays only.Why can't BM be Bahasa Malaysia instead of Bahasa Melayu? From its name already it creates division.Its name is bahasa melayu. You have problems with the name now?What is its weakness (es) that so many have problems with it? You are disowning your national language, YOUR language because it has weaknesses? Like i said earlier, just because my dad was a cooly on a tin mine, im not going to tell him off because a friend's dad is a big shot. He is still my dad.Dont take me for a racist and dont take me for a malay in this discussion. Take me as a malaysian thats proud of bahasa melayu because it is mine. Because i was born here like you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999655485153198} +{"text": "Dalam kutuk kutuk haram. Tangan kiri. Tengah gesel kote ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999551773071289} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 27 2020, 01:24 PM)Ala, itu kan smoke screen . Kan Olang kite suka token directors just to get business. Profit split different.hmm..not gonna komen further coz got someone with title puteri there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "As I can see komen2 orang yang dah try, still pertahan kan like eh takde sijil halal tak semestinya tak halal, kait dengan keropok lekor yg jual tepi jalan tu mcm mana pulak, semestinya trend lagi penting dari hukum halal tersebut. So disini, trend menang \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffd https://t.co/pX66xMAdei", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995948672294617} +{"text": "Boikot Mekdi, Nestle, Kepci lagi haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Mar 24 2024, 04:17 AM)Someone didn't even read the article they are sharing.No halal license doesn't necessarily means haram.Already stated.Supposedly it's not due to contamination reasons. Just red tapes issue.for nons and the rest of the world. what u said it truebut it doesn't apply to a certain portion of our muslims...they take that logo very seriouslywhich is no logo = no eat/no buythese people i wonder how they travel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 26 2016, 12:16 AM)In islam or u urself think \"dog\" means something not good? God create everything with a purpose. Islam teach to respect all god's creation. Dog, Pig or whatever haram things does not mean we should treat them as trash.Do i said treat them as trash? No. What i said is name. Even for me sometimes i will feed stray dog when i have some food with me.Since you muslim also, you know already kata2 itu adalah doa.Im not backing jakim, but please they all know more than us with this issues and i have no problem if they want to rename to what ever name also, ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.953740119934082} +{"text": "Kalau berjual makanan yang tidak bersih, suci dan halal, pun jatuh hukum sama juga kan Dr Zul? Kalau benda tak halal tu makanan kucing pula bagaimana?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998297691345215} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblack4492 @ Jan 18 2024, 10:29 AM)But grab suka ma work anytime haha. Freedomala just take it as part time and full time ajeu part time macdonald....u work u get payu no work ma no paysame sameis not like OWN BUSINESS also pun. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9919963479042053} +{"text": "Chicken rice shop char siew also babi, why no viral? Protek. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(Khamzat Chimaev @ Nov 29 2023, 01:10 PM)Alcohol isn't inherently haram, like many ingredient contain alc also.. what actually haram is drink that is intoxicating,\u00a0 doesn't matter if its contained alcohol or whut..Yup, it's the intoxicating part which makes it Haram. Back then, people already know alcohol for it's antiseptic/preserving effects. Alcohol used for this purpose is not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999923825263977} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 7 2023, 03:22 PM)Best guest why is because of the word brewhttps://twitter.com/hezryhaizad/status/1632807676689383425Got a discussion going on.no need guess la...According to Bundaberg's official website, \"all Bundaberg Brewed Drinks naturally brewed products contain minute residual traces of alcohol. Our manufacturing process uses natural yeast which feed on sugars and ferments the 'brew' to be used as a base for our beverages ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999550580978394} +{"text": "must be read bean army/jkaku yg bumi ni pun malu see these monkeys wanna uphold special previleges pun sampai nak berdemo, mengejek/insulting other races (particularly the chinese )n at the same time felt threaten over literally nothing lol. trying hard to justify racism/apartheid policies by using (or shud i say misusing) religion (as mentioned by the demo leader himself) despite the fact that Islam clearly upholds justice regardless of ur race or religion. then say the racial slurs r okay. lolwut.This post has been edited by G_KeN: Sep 18 2015, 12:55 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998775720596313} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 18 2024, 12:29 PM)It\u2019s your responsibility to protect your religion and god.If someone abuse the name of Jesus or Siddahta Gautama, for instance saying stuff and slanders like Jesus like to beat up young boys or Buddha says don\u2019t eat chicken meat, it\u2019s my duty to correct them and said \u201cno, it\u2019s Not true, Jesus or Buddha don\u2019t have such practises\u201d Come on insan, u know very well what is happening in Malaysia and why people stir up such issues. You know it dep inside your heart.I have read some of your posts before, and I know u r a sensible person here. Why not u counter some these extremists thoughts?Contrary to popular belief, it actually isnt. I was prescribed that i should just walk away when my religion or my god is made fun of. i could be wrong so dont quote me on that. At the end of the day, the good lord will judge us all. We and everyone else will be accountable for our actions exclusively.Yes malaysia is heading in the wrong direction and it saddens me. People just need to be civil and stop imposing. But who's going to take that prescription?If there was such a thing as compromise, a lot more would join. But there's no such option. I rather stick to business if i was honest. Its the only thing im good at. But good on you carloz28.This post has been edited by insan_kamil: Mar 18 2024, 01:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997039437294006} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Dec 22 2020, 08:19 PM)THIStah tah yang PM untuk bayarkan tu is that customer. cover malu haha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9876368045806885} +{"text": "QUOTE(St0rmFury @ Jul 3 2017, 03:21 PM) BEST ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "QUOTE(Randomization @ Feb 1 2023, 03:16 PM)He just kuda attensi. If really feel shortchanged, just complain to the organiser.Who asked him to misled people as if he was served haram food.\u00a0 Say can tolerate, can drink plain water. But can't tolerate eating vegetarian. KEKQUOTE(darkLapland @ Feb 1 2023, 03:19 PM)Rubbish.. non-toleration for a vegetarian dishsame during flight, who will eat vegan food.better don't eat anythingif you go to instahe did show his affinity to good food kuai know ppl that are very particular with food too ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995653033256531} +{"text": "let say cina jual babi masuk kedai makan melayu , beli begegil..that money haram?aiyaa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "Ya Allah nak mintak sijil halal bukan main payahhh company besar famous worldwide tapi kedekut gila babi nak mampus wehhhh Nestle bagi senang2 je", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999204874038696} +{"text": "Yesterday, the Nigerian Muslim community woke up to a rude shock, following viral social media images of packaged pork meat supposedly for public consumption, with a symbol authenticating same as Halal (lawful) for Muslims.The picture of the packaged \u201chalal pork\u201d, one of the products of B.W Foods Limited, Akowonjo, Lagos, went viral on social media platforms, as Muslim netizens continued to express their anger and displeasure at such an audacious affront to Islamic sensitivities.\u201cThey have started again oo. SubhanAllah! In the month of Ramadan. Packaging pork for public sale and standardising it with Halal rubber stamp. NAFDAC and other agencies MUST hear this before it escalates,\u201d ARAB wrote on WhatsApp.On Facebook, Sulaiman wrote, \u201cMuslims, beware! This is pork but it has Halal written on it. Don\u2019t buy. It\u2019s forbidden. Those living in Akowonjo, Alimosho and environs should please take note. The producer\u2019s office is on Santos Layout in Akowonjo. May Allah save us from the enemies.\u201dHowever, in a swift reaction less than 24 hours after the subject became a matter of heated debate on social media, the CEO and Managing Partner of the company, Mr Babatunde Wilkey admitted that pork pack is one of his company\u2019s products, while the \u2018Halal\u2019 stamp was a mistake from the printer.In an exclusive interview with Muslim News on Sunday, Mr Babatunde apologised to the Nigerian Muslim community over the apparent mix-up, stressing that the error was his printer\u2019s, who is incidentally a Muslim.\u201cIn fact, about 80% of my staff are Muslims, and I had to cut my trip abroad short when I heard that the matter has generated a lot of controversy. I summoned him this morning and asked why he caused the embarrassment.\u201cPork is not something we sell to the general public, not to talk of Muslims, because we know the consequences and sensitivity of the issue. We only sell pork on request, and you can visit any of our meat outlets, you will never find it on our stand. It is specifically requested by only one store, and that is because of the concentration of Indians who live around that area.\u201cSo, my brother, with due respect, we apologise. This error was not intentionally committed, and the product has been withdrawn,\u201d he said.The owner of the company, who claims to be a regular sponsor of Muslim programmes on radio and TV every Ramadan, also admitted that the unsigned apology letter that surfaced online was hurriedly issued out this morning by his staff because of the sensitivity of the issue.\u201cLike I said, I accept responsibility. It is a mistake and apart from the letter we hurriedly issued out this morning, you will see another one very soon because I observed some errors. However, I still asked my staff to release it so that it won\u2019t seem to our Muslim brothers as if we are not sensitive. We are very sorry,\u201d he reiterated.*Culled from Muslim News ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8759437203407288} +{"text": "Katanya, begitu juga jika produk berkenaan dikeluarkan oleh syarikat Cina dan India, maka Sijil Halal mesti ditulis dalam bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil, bukan tulisan Jawi sebagaimana sebelum ini.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9996422529220581} +{"text": "The Buy Malays/Bumiputra First (BMBF) campaignWong Jae Senn gives us the background story behind this campaign that has not only worried the Chinese businesses, but certain Cabinet members too.--------------------As we all know, in the past few weeks there's a campaign that called on Malays/Bumiputras to make Malay- and Bumiputra-made products their first choice when purchasing groceries and basic goods. Many have said that this is a form of racism but there's also an actual valid reason for it - Malay-Muslim products (Bumiputra-Muslim products) have no ambiguity about their halal status as compared to non-Muslim halal products that are usually sold masquerading behind a Malay brand name but with a Chinese manufacturer name.Some have rightly said that it's not a boycott. It's just a call or reminder to place a primary preference on Malay/Bumiputra Muslim made products, in the same way that predominantly-Chinese private-sector companies place primary preference on hiring Mandarin-speaking Chinese for whatever positions that they have in their companies. This does not mean they're boycotting non-Chinese, it just means they prefer Chinese-first for their own reasons. Therefore, the BMBF campaign is likewise not a boycott but a statement of preference for one segment of products over another, which is entirely up to the buyers' free choice. There are no Muslim groups going around shutting down non-Malay shops and factories, or forcing Malays & Bumiputras to buy only products from Muslim manufacturers, are there? So, we all have e a choice. Some Malays may buy Malay/Bumiputra products as their first choice and some may not. And non-Malays may also do the same.So, why is Lim Guan Eng and DAP jumping up and down about it like it touched their raw nerves?Speaking about racism in consumer choices, I remember that it was back in 2012 when a \"Boycott Gardenia\" campaign was first launched by certain Chinese quarters. They alleged that the Gardenia factory was forced to drop Federal Flour Mills as their supplier and select two Malay-run flour mills instead as their suppliers. FFM is linked to Robert Kuok, and these groups called on the Chinese to boycott Gardenia and support the FFM-linked Massimo brand of bread instead.At that time, I bought Gardenia as a sign of protest against this racist propaganda, but was told by another Chinese acquaintance that \"the Malays started it first\" by \"screwing Robert Kuok\". So, Gardenia should be screwed for messing with a Chinese business with the goal of enriching Malay businesses. Eventually it turned out that FFM denied they were behind the rumors. The Gardenia company denied that they were forced to drop FFM as a supplier. Their flour suppliers change from time to time due to supply and costs and there were no racial or political reasons behind the shift.That did not stop DAP-supporting cybertroopers from continuing to spread lies such as Gardenia belongs to Rosmah, or that Robert Kuok left Malaysia because his flour and sugar businesses were taken from him and given to the Malays.Two things stood out immediately from this episode.Firstly, the Chinese are very vehement about their monopolies in business and do not take lightly when there are non-Chinese competition in the market, and will do whatever necessary to maintain their dominance.Secondly. these Chinese do not believe in prospering together or growing the economic pie, and instead would prefer to behave like hyenas to hoard everything for themselves, all for the sake of \"controlling the economy\".So when the Malays want to choose their own preferred manufacturers, it's racist. When the Chinese form monopolies and squeeze out all non-Chinese players, that's not racist, that's just business.We Chinese also like to say that we control 90% of the economy, just because Mahathir once said that the Chinese pay 90% of income tax, an assertion that isn't supported by any published statistics or documented fact. But nonetheless the Chinese would say that they control 90% of the economy in a country of 70% Bumiputras, a fact that they're exceptionally proud of.Did this \"90%\" dominance of the economy come from selling only to the market of 30% non-Bumiputras? Will they still have such an economic dominance if they lose the Bumiputra market that constitutes 70% of Malaysia's population? This BMBF movement is a good litmus test of their boasts and we already know what the expected outcome will be.Hence, Lim Guan Eng and DAP getting worked up over it.On a related note. If this movement is so proudly Malay-centric, why did they use an English abbreviation for their campaign?That, my friends, is for our benefit. It's for us non-Malays to know their intention, it's not for the Malays to inform each other about what to do. They're telling us straight to our faces that the Malays and Muslim Bumiputras will buy products from their own communities as a first option. If they had said it in Malay, over 50% of the Chinese community would not have understood it or taken notice.Will such a campaign sour race relations further? Quite likely so. But when pushed to a corner, what sort of retaliation from the Malays/Bumis would you prefer - a physical one like May 13, or an ideological and economical one like BMBF?Most young Chinese have already forgotten (or not known about) May 13 and some are dumb enough to say \"bring it on\". Fortunately for us the Malays have gotten more matured. Instead of striking fear through violence, instead of being a nuisance through civil disobedience, they've resorted to a relatively silent guerrilla warfare on the economic front that could really hurt the Chinese community without any physical casualties.More level-headed Malaysian Chinese should play our roles at expanding our small pond into a big lake, as William Cheang said recently. We should push harder at prospering together with our other fellow citizens. We should eliminate these race-based business cartels and monopolies. This land of plenty has been stifled by the selfish few for far too long.The Chinese business community can choose to ignore this movement at their own peril. This is only the beginning. Can we afford to lose a market of over 20 million consumers in an instance? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9842347502708435} +{"text": "QUOTE(bugipunch @ Feb 1 2023, 07:32 PM)lol ktard memang popular in orange place. We are known for being a racist forum anti orange people.+1u mentioned /k/ in twitter, and ppl will start see u one kind alreadyyeah, the reputation of /k/ ? that bad ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998344898223877} +{"text": "I've read somewhere yang if nak makan something or somewhere yang takde sijil halal, but kedai tu mention no pork, kena yakin yang makanan tu halal baru boleh makan. Kalau was2 boleh jatuh haram. Correct me if im wrong \ud83d\ude0a", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998748302459717} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Dec 27 2023, 03:48 PM)lol this is borderline stupid already. halal/haram only applies to food lah. halal/haram perbuatan is another thing.How about rezeki? I keep seeing the words \"rezeki halal\" being used. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999417066574097} +{"text": "Not 100% of the cruise is for pelayaran islam? Sure they have to mingle with restam very sure the cruise ship got beer inside. So how? Jump overboard, else stay sin with haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.906769871711731} +{"text": "Bila dah viral ni, baru sibuk nak cri sijil halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9238119721412659} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ Sep 8 2023, 11:58 AM)sad country, viral a bit kena cari susahbudaya dengki dan tgk orang suckcess sendiri butthurt hisap pp sendiri never everrrrrrrr fail oh ya and also jemput bomoh jampi too ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:25 AM)How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons.well said ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999490976333618} +{"text": "Aku pon bukanlah alim mana. Bodo jugak bab agama ni. And aku makan ja masakan non muslim as long as kedai tu diiktiraf halal jakim. Tapi aku tetap hormat la dengan pendirian muslim yang memilih untuk tak makan makanan yang dimasak oleh non muslim. Itu hak persendirian masing2.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9355823397636414} +{"text": "Mesti ore dengki makanan kiterr sedap-lebailogic ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9032803177833557} +{"text": "Pagi-pagi lagi post pasal mangsa product timbang kilo melintas di feed. Haih la, mg jgn ada tertipu lagi. Kesian sgt tgk. Sy mula pakai Beauarti sejak tahu Beauarti Skincare Organic, Product Korea, paling sbb ada sijil Halal \ud83d\ude0d alhamdulillah puas hati sgt \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d #beauarti #skincare", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6679344773292542} +{"text": "QUOTE(ben_panced @ Jun 4 2015, 08:25 AM)Haha mesti McDonaldmamak depan megamall ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995408058166504} +{"text": "QUOTE(laksamana @ Oct 8 2018, 08:52 PM)OM Burger is in front of Ampang Jaya 7-Eleven?If that's the one, it's AWESOME!!Yup. It has been there for ages.was very popular back then. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.98835688829422} +{"text": "Tapi pasal bab makan makan ni kalau takde sijil halal aku rasa eloklah berhati hati tanya apa semua dulu. Kau yakin kau makan. Settle.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9690521955490112} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyseej00 @ Nov 16 2020, 01:41 PM)Bodo mia Jakim, raid because of viral video. Many viral videos of ppl saying Najib anal smex with Altantuya, why don't catch?Bagus la JAKIM pegi raid, boleh kasi clear cepat.. orang pun tak ragu2 dah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945343732833862} +{"text": "Even kilang makanan yg bukan mengeluarkan produk minuman (cth air gas, etc) pon, kalau nak apply sijil halal JAKIM akan minta sijil halal water filter. Kalau tak dorg takkan lepaskan permohonan halal. Setahu aku JAKIM sgt teliti dlm mengeluarkan status halal sesuatu produk.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5596126317977905} +{"text": "QUOTE Upacara tahunan buang sampah tepi jalan ini sebenarnya satu ritual yang lebih kurang sama dengan melontar jamrah.Simboliknya orang Kelate buang sampah di Pahang sebelum masuk ke sempadan Kelantan adalah satu bentuk penyucian diri.Sampah-sampah itu semua mewakili dosa-dosa sepanjang mereka menetap dan bekerja di negeri-negeri PH yang banyak maksiat.Justeru sebelum pulang ke negeri Serambi Mekah, perlu dibuang sampah ke tepi jalan agar diri setiap anak Kelate kembali suci bersih ibarat kain putih, tiada dosa walau sekecil zarah.Barulah mereka dikira layak pulang ke pangkuan PAS dan menghirup air teh dari telaga boring. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990847110748291} +{"text": "Apakah faedah halal jakim?\n\nMembina kepercayaan pengguna muslim. Orang yakin dengan halal jakim so senang nak claim makanan kita halal.\n\nMemudahkan pemantauan. Mudah nak educate industry macam mana nak sediakan makanan halal melalui SOP yang disediakan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997276663780212} +{"text": "I found a website http://www.halal.gov.my/v4/index.php but it is death.Any other way to check the officially halal status for a food chain? In fact, I'm organizing a lunch for my department, few of my colleagues are very particular about this certification. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997243285179138} +{"text": "Yg penting dorg serve makanan halal. Bersih pula sbb pakai glove. Klu rasa gerai tu x hormat sensitiviti kaum rasanya x perlu pegi cari la gerai yg sepatutnya xyah nak besar2kan isu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6032572984695435} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Jul 24 2024, 01:31 PM)Tanglung also salah CCP? LOL!We don\u2019t care if they want to abandon their own culture and heritage but today it\u2019s not merely abandoning but imposing their culture on others.Ermm, is it? This is a Muslim restaurant right? How about a Malay style restaurant? NO tanglungs?I also see the same thing on popular hiking trails in Malaysia that are near to type C areas. They will go hang all their tanglungs along the trail.It ends up looking like a jungle trail in China. This post has been edited by Hobbez: Jul 24 2024, 01:37 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9943822622299194} +{"text": "KENAPA NAK PERGI JAUH JAUH SEDANGKAN DI SENAWANG DAH ADA??? \u2705 Ice kami ada sijil HALAL \u2705 Sedap dan berbaloi \u2705 Ada 7 perisa ais Dimana?? \ud83d\udccdSOERAYA, Medan Selera Taman Seri Mawar, 70450 Senawang, Negeri Sembilan (Waze Medan Selera Taman Seri Mawar) Mohon RT @SenawangTV https://t.co/WRToVQ3WZu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975087642669678} +{"text": "QUOTE(treblecase @ Dec 27 2023, 09:00 PM)No need to show all these la. You think those mothrfuckers dunno this has been going on meh? These muthfuckers will say they terpesong liao or under US influence liao & their own way is the righteous way.iran best friend is china ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999880313873291} +{"text": "Nurani \u2013 \u201cBUKAN KERANA NAMA\u201d Menjawab segala kemusykilan terhadap status halal dan tular yang tidak benar terhadap beberapa jenama rempah kari yang mendapat sijil pengesahan halal Malaysia. #MyHalal 6.00ptg @tv1_rtm | https://t.co/6f04UWsYjQ | #RTMMobile https://t.co/Df3oPx4ijA", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998927116394043} +{"text": "Mari sini, aku tenangkan sedikit kerunsingan kau memilih makanan2 yang halal.\n\nBagaimana nak tahu makanan itu halal atau tidak?\n\nMudah. Cari apa2 makanan YANG ADA cop logo halal JAKIM atau mana2 cop logo halal negara lain, yang diiktiraf JAKIM. Pautan https://halal.gov.my/v4/index.php?data=bW9kdWxlcy9jZXJ0aWZ5X2JvZHk7Ozs7&utama=CB_LIST\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.704644501209259} +{"text": "QUOTE(ridhwan.kamarul @ May 25 2017, 07:54 AM)This. Patut complaint la dulu. Kalo orang kedai tu buat perangai mcm lansi baru ko viralkan. Viral2 ni patut last resort. Bile memang dah tak boleh bincang dah. Pantat ape semue pun nak viral terus. Susah la mcm tu. Kalau betul ko ade bola, at least slow talk dulu. Orang tu lansi baru ko pergi step viral. Ni tak, terus lompat ke viral, terus lompat ke mohon share. Ape\u00a0 bende ni?Look at the bigger picture. This is to serve others who is not found yet a warning. If not later sure many more kena before it got into news again. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999396800994873} +{"text": "QUOTE(11c @ Nov 13 2023, 11:19 AM)aku berdoa, bangsa selain daripada melayu dan yang menganuti agama selain daripada agama islam terus maju dan dapat berhijrah ke tempat lain yang lebih bagus untuk generasi seterusnya. jangan lupa bantu komuniti anda untuk berhijrah juga. kita biarkan jaguh-jaguh kampung ni terus jadi jaguh di kampung malaysia. ameen. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994819700717926} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Nov 23 2020, 08:39 AM)Kau pernah beli?aku bet kau x pernah beli lagi sebab kau suka triggered hahahhBaited a triggered sampah here ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8224705457687378} +{"text": "@_karmenlunarx Kalau di KK kat mana boleh try the best & halal ngiu chap?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999845027923584} +{"text": "QUOTE(Artak @ Feb 28 2023, 01:59 PM)good is subjective, but the best tasting one with balanced and good enough amount of protein content would be Syntha-6Yeah I like Syntha too. BSN taste is ok for me. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "Hmm accept first. Shout haram next month ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997474551200867} +{"text": "QUOTE(zemega @ Sep 14 2016, 02:21 PM)Short Story. Revelation from god. Passed through angel, given to prophet. Prophet pass it around. No official written during prophet's life. After some decades after prophet pass away that trusted people (ulama) starts compiling it as we see it now. Side story, after some time after the compilation, that the 'baris' or vowel annotation was added. I have no idea how people manage to read and write without those.Edit: Not passed around, more like being told. So during prophet\u2019s life, its being circulated verbally.icic....interesting, so any chance of miscommunication or wrong information in Quran?Cause those who write it just human, and human do make mistake and miscommunication.let say, if 1 of the person who write it have own agenda, will it become a propaganda book?No offence, just asking, but i think all other religion will have this same issue right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9897792935371399} +{"text": "QUOTE(rjsyazwan @ Oct 11 2016, 06:34 PM)maybe because the misunderstandingmy first experience in a vegetarian chinese restaurantsee menu got pork fried riceshocked awhilefriend convinced me its tofuwell it wasn't, I told him it is a vegetarian restaurant, and what's non-halal for him is definitely non-halal for me, as I happen to be a vegetarian.He said he still doesnt trust it, as it is a kedai makan cina.I get it though, for him to enter a chinese eatery must be a very uncommon experience,In the end we had lunch somewhere else I forgot. My point is TS melei friends may have varying sensitivities to this issue, and the best way is to ask them directly instead of asking k for a general opinion. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996817111968994} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? Not sure you meant by touching. Probably like help pick product from shelf for customer? Got different opinions. Anyway, since we are in Malaysia, we have to refer to Malaysian fatwa.If you work in 7-11 or Speedmart which also have beer (I use beer not alcohol to differentiate), then you are most likely involve is sale transaction. This means you are selling the beer as worker. The fatwa said it is haram but to a lesser degree than drinking it. Well, many perceive haram as forbidden, but haram can also mean should not. As in /k always highlight smoking is haram but why still smoke. Since there are different opinions among ulama, smoking is something I consider as something to avoid, not absolutely forbidden.There is hadith saying that khamar (beer) is haram and so the money you get from selling it also haram. So, what about getting salary from the shop like 7-11 or Speedmart. The fatwa said that if the shop is selling both halal and also non-halal stuff like beer in this case, the hukum is harus, meaning it is okay to take it. It is different from working is beer factory. If you happened to work in that kind of factory, then try to find a job and when you get hew job, then you can resign from that factory.If you ask my opinion, even if you have to handle beer transaction as worker in 7-11, then it is still harus.As for alcohol, here is the fatwaSetiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alcohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.Tapai halal dimakan.Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 05:29 PM)Ya, menganggur sebab I mampu bayar orang lain untuk jalankan tugas. Tak macam u, leeching your boss for your whole life. Leeching from boss? Do u even know \"job\" actually work? Whats next? Businessman \"leech\" of customer? Terencat teruk ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981502294540405} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 23 2023, 04:35 PM)Kalau bisnes Non, sampai DNA lubang cacing pun mesti ada Halal cert.This one? \"Kito redho saja lah\"Kita bersangka baik je bang, support lokal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "Makanan tak ada halal jakim & anti vaksin. Memang perlu dicakap dan diambil tahu. Halal haram. Yg lain tu hahaha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9905417561531067} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ May 8 2024, 11:04 AM)Even Sarawak laksa not so specialJust normal curry meehoonEven Malayan food not so special lah...But we think it's the best of the world ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999319314956665} +{"text": "\"Kerajaan akan menggabungkan 342 agensi berkaitan produk halal di Malaysia bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan pelaksaan sijil halal di negara ini yang diiktiraf sebagai antara terbaik di dunia\" -YB... https://t.co/k5KtK59trJ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Apr 17 2024, 10:14 AM)Better Elmina dari Semenyih Semenyih dahlah banyak jalan sempit. Jam teruk start area KFC tu sampai lah masuk dalam sana kalau waktu tengah hari. Gilo nak hadap macam tu selalu.Setia Alam pun tak ada jam dalam kawasan Setia Alamplenty of housing development in Semenyih and nearby, but jalan size remained as year 2000. no study by authority, their solution is make another Traffic Light junction. Complaint to Hulu Langat MB (one with many mouth in Parliment) also quiet as baby ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 25 2016, 11:18 PM)The name thing does not even have anything to do with Islam. Its something Jakim come up on their own. Jakim is not a race nor is it a religion. Its just a gov agency runned by normal human beings. I dont see any issue bashing them. If lets say in the quran does state a name can affect the halal of a food n people bash it, sure it will be considered as bashing a religion. But no, theres none. U are the 1 so butthurt to include religion in this. To me this is just an administration problem on Jakim part. Coming up with stupid rules with stupid reasons.Since when hotdog is haram? U still dont understand? It is a standard from jakim to give a food a good name if you want to get a certificate. Why need to butthurt if change name afterall you all eat also. If you dont get a cert does it mean haram? No it is still halal. Keep provoking and said muslim is easy to confused? You are the one that confused, didnt get halal cert from jakim doesnt mean it is haram, it is still halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997965693473816} +{"text": "aku juga ada ceritaa! dulu waktu SD aku emg suka jalan2/jogging tiap weekend sama bapak. nah ada ibu2 jualan cenil (makanan tradisional) gitu.. kalo lewat pasti aku selalu beli. suatu ketika ibunya pindah tempat jualan ke pasar, gak ngider lagi, dan itu jauhhh https://x.com/ungbini/status/ungbini/status/1802511059670233522\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999485015869141} +{"text": "https://inreallife.my/were-muslim-and-we-lo...-its-not-haram/We\u2019re Muslims And We Love Dogs \u2014 Here\u2019s Why It\u2019s Not Haram Posted On February 20, 2020 Delilah H.In Malaysia, the issue of whether Muslims can touch dogs is controversial.When the \u201cI Want to Touch A Dog\u201d event was held in KL back in 2014, there were some who supported this event, and there were some who were outraged by it.With the topic of dogs being so controversial among Malaysians, especially among Muslims, there are also some who decided to own dogs for various reasons.Here are their stories.Hallijah and CocoHallijah used to own a golden retriever named Coco 5 to 6 years ago. She said it was her late grandfather\u2019s decision to have Coco.\u201cWhen we found Coco, he was wounded so my late grandfather took him to a vet.\u201d\u201cWe planned to let him free after he got better, but he never left our house. So we kept him, and he returned the favour by guarding the house for us.\u201dCoco was a very sweet dog, gentle and calm. Her family felt safe with him around.He also accompanied her grandfather when all of them went to work or to school.Coco was not allowed to go to the spaces that they perform their solat, so they had a house that was specially built for him.\u201cIn Islam, dogs only become haram when we go solat after touching them.\u201dGolden Retrievers shed a lot, so Hallijah would have to send him to a pet shop for groomings frequently.\u201cWe do groom him but after that we have to clean ourselves according to the Islamic rules. This cleaning ritual is called sertu or samak.\u201dHallijah said that she would often get stares from other people when she walked Coco.\u201cI would just ignore them. People, especially Muslims, still treat them like they are the biggest sin, but it was never mentioned in the Al Quran that it\u2019s haram to have dogs as pets.\u201dDanial and Moo MooIt\u2019s never easy having a big dog, but with Danial, she has become his best friend.\u201cI\u2019ve had Moo Moo since she was a puppy. She\u2019s 10 this year.\u201dUpon looking at the picture he showed us, we understood why Moo Moo was given that name.\u201cMoo Moo is a Great Dane. She\u2019s a gentle giant. She\u2019s amazing with kids, which is evident when she hangs out with my niece. She\u2019s quite mellow but too smart for her own good.\u201dHis family decided to keep Moo Moo after she was given to them by a friend.\u201cDespite her size, Moo Moo was not a good guard dog at all. She was too sweet! She even nursed my cat when she was still a kitten.\u201dIt was not that difficult to take care of Moo Moo albeit her large size.According to Danial, dogs are amazing running partners. Since he enjoys light jogs and walks, he would bring her along with him on a leash.Nowadays they don\u2019t really go for walks anymore because Moo Moo is getting old.He gave some advice for those who are afraid of dogs:\u201cI think it\u2019s important to read their body language. I would never touch or pet a dog unless I get permission from the owner.\u201d\u201cAs long as you don\u2019t taunt them and keep your distance when you see one that\u2019s baring its teeth to you, then you should be fine.\u201d\u201cIf you were to teach your child with the right mentality, dogs can be your friends and not something that you have to avoid.\u201dDanial maintains that dogs are intelligent creatures that would go above and beyond for you if you treat them well.\u201cThere are no bad dogs, only bad owners,\u201d he says.Farah*, Nom-nom, and Pipi.(*Owner\u2019s name changed for privacy)After having 6 cats, most people would choose not to have any more animals. However, after a break-in at her home, Farah* decided to bring in two dogs for protection.She has two dogs named Nom-nom and Pipi. Nom-nom is a 2-year-old female Belgium Shepherd mix Golden Retriever while Pipi is a 4-year-old male Rottweiler.\u201cNom-nom is very hyperactive and sweet. She likes everyone but because of her size, people would be afraid of her.\u201d\u201cShe\u2019s so playful that she loves jumping on people. So if you\u2019re not familiar with her, you would think that she\u2019s going to attack you.\u201dFarah says she can tell through Nom-nom\u2019s body language since her barks would sound different when she wants to play and when she\u2019s feeling aggressive.\u201cPipi is more stable. He knows how to guard the house and understand people\u2019s gestures. He is very protective of us too.\u201d\u201cWe were afraid that Pipi would get lonely, that\u2019s why we got Nom-nom to be his friend.\u201dFarah thinks of her dogs as a part of her family.She feels secure having dogs since they make great companions when she is home alone. They would alert her with their barks when a stranger approaches her house.Farah explained that she has a special samak or sertu soap called taharah that she uses after touching Pipi and Nom-nom.\u201cWhen I run out of soap, I\u2019ll just use the traditional way, which is using sand.\u201dSome Muslims or even her neighbours would be skeptical about her when they first saw her with dogs.\u201cAfter a while, they got used to it. Not only would my dogs alert me when there is an unfamiliar face outside my house, they would also bark when there\u2019s a stranger outside my neighbour\u2019s house.\u201d\u201cThey are amazing in scaring away unwanted people.\u201dWhen Nom-nom and Pipi were small, she would walk them. But now she doesn\u2019t anymore so as not to alarm her neighbours.Most of her neighbours are Muslims so she does not want to make them feel insecure with Pipi and Nom-nom being out and about.They would roam around the premise of the house because it\u2019s big enough for both of them.\u201cPlus, I am just trying to avoid those unwanted comments from random passersby.\u201dAre dogs Haram?Traditionally, dogs are not considered haram. However, touching their fur when it is wet is considered najis (ritually unclean).Contact with najis things brings a Muslim into a state of ritual impurity. Ritual purification (Sertu or samak) is then required before religious duties can be performed.However, while the conservatives chose to avoid dogs completely, moderates believe it\u2019s okay to touch dogs. They just avoid their nose or mouth as those are considered impure.There\u2019s still a long way to go when it comes to the acceptance of dogs.Hallijah thinks the best way to change Malaysian\u2019s perception towards dogs is through a sharing session, where Muslims share information on dogs and how to treat dogs according to the Islamic teachings.\u201cIf I were given a platform, I would definitely tell the people who are against dogs that in Islam, we are told to be compassionate towards all walks of life including animals.\u201d\u201cThe guidelines are all there in the Al-Quran and Hadith. We just have to read and understand it.\u201dFarah says: \u201cI think people are against dogs because of the cultural, environmental and religious influence. If we were to educate them since they are young, then I think people would be more open-minded about this issue.\u201dDo you think it is okay for Muslims to touch dogs? Let us know in the comments!This post has been edited by estcin: Nov 30 2020, 12:03 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9399214386940002} +{"text": "YaPEIM bantu usahawan dapatkan sijil halal KOTA BHARU 30 Okt 19 \u2013 BAGI memastikan peranannya memperkukuhkan sosioekonomi dan amal jariah terus kondusif, Yayasan Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM)\u2026 https://t.co/An2g9X6cdW", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997193217277527} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Dec 30 2023, 11:25 AM)Hope Mekdi loses badly then have to pay. Then merayu rayu nons bantulah kami buy more mekdi to help payout bayar the NGO.I don\u2019t think they will lose as they got the $$$ to employ the best lawyers and they won\u2019t sue unless they are super confident of winning ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973078966140747} +{"text": "Ah kau makanan kau tau lak halal haram,perangai kau yang haram tu cane nak sijil gak ke", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9860249161720276} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 03:46 PM)[attachmentid=11480859]Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga /k.It has been a while. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum (bagi yang ingatlah), aku adalah salah seorang /k residen yang bekerja sebagai rider Foodpanda.Alhamdulillah sejak 4/9/2023 aku dah dapat kerja tetap yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku (14km) berbanding kerja di KL (70km). Jadi aku ada masa lebih untuk buat delivery sebagai rider Foodpanda (part time). Seperti gambar di atas, gaji aku sepanjang bulan 9 yang lepas adalah RM590.18 termasuklah tips dari customer. Aku bekerja selama 92 jam lebih kurang bersamaan dengan gaji RM6.64/hrs. Sepanjang bulan 9 ni aku berjaya kekalkan batch 3. Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Mohon /k bincangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.Part time.. Pakai motor.. Ok la. Boleh tahan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9850200414657593} +{"text": "So technically, it follows, that if Muslim wishes a Christian, he has committed a haram or non-halal act. So Jakim, what about our HRH? Or does this only apply to food outlets, because you can bully them? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 02:49 PM)Mired with poor decision makings with zero business sense.R&D with almost nothing to show, what benefit it brought to the company? Cronies meanwhile profited out of it without having to be accountable for such poor showing, while billions of public funds were used to pick up the tab. Agree on SZA's weaknesses. Towards the end of his tenure, it felt like he had reached the limit, I thought Proton just had to join the big boys given there don't seem to be any viable local successor who has the merit to pull it through. A shame VW deal was missed, billions wasted in between, Geely had been successful so far, but now in jeopardy. I see, well, business is business. So long politics stay out of it, better decisions can be made, cuz it involved their own funds, their own survival.You start of with misplaced priority, things will go downhill. If it happened in private business, they'll suffer themselves, whatever.But you have the politics, and idiots thumping on about demi bangga hasil kerja tangan orang kita, aih, menyusahkan dan membazir duit orang lain je!THISR&D with almost nothing to show, what benefit it brought to the company? Cronies meanwhile profited out of it without having to be accountable for such poor showing, while billions of public funds were used to pick up the tab. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994515776634216} +{"text": "Hati yg bersih di tempa dgn makanan yg Halal dan berkat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995612621307373} +{"text": "kena tutup sebab ada kandungan babi dalam kopi. jadi skop halal haram ni luas. kalau babi je makanan yang haram dalam dunia ni, baik jakim tak payah wujudkan cop halal untuk semua jenis makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9774543642997742} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Mar 4 2024, 07:46 AM)Interest itself is haram. Apa lanijiao he talkingDr ini penunggang agama haram jadah obviously ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 07:25 PM)Feel free to share and I'll edit the first page.http://www.butlersguild.com/index.php?subject=103Here's one for Buddhists:1) Buddhists are generally flexible. But strictly no beef. Actually, to be accurate, those who are disciples of the bodhisattva tak makan beef 2) strict Buddhists are vegan. That's to say, no eggs and meat. Soy is highly appreciated3) don't slaughter an animal in honour of a Buddhist. Eg: kampong area don't go catch ciken and slaughter just for that one Buddhist visitor. Best to get from market, even tho not that fresh 4) no alcoholThis post has been edited by Kucing Basah: Nov 2 2013, 07:34 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9650083184242249} +{"text": "Dr: Encik jangan risau, vaccine ni telah dibacakan surah 40 juz dan digabungkan dengan air zam2. Alhamdulillah jakim sudah keluarkan sijil halal. Bapa: Okay, cucuk sekarang! https://t.co/pvoODdJjEb", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9317575693130493} +{"text": "Dapat surat kelulusan dari Panel, maka boleh la company tu pamerkan sijil Halal dan logo Halal dekat product atau premise. Sijil Halal ni valid 2 tahun. Bila hampir expired, company kena buat permohonan renewal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9977774024009705} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Jun 10 2019, 01:40 PM)A mufti declared rokok as haram some years back. Cant remember who.Let's make halal rokok and call it shisarette ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(huangpl89 @ May 30 2024, 03:45 PM)my time, may 20231) check up and delivery:\u00a0 KK KL and HKL (free\u00a0 \u00a0 husband gomen ma)2) 28days confinement centre : RM12,888 (at bangsar area) - got oink oink- over 800sqft studio room for mummy and daddy (super spacious for walking around) with 24/7 aircond- got nurse got doctor- breast pump, formula milk, pampers provided.- 5meals per day (taste okok lah, not too cincai not too traditional, got fish whole ekor got lamb chop also hahaha)- got regular room cleaning service- got consistent monitoring on baby condition (jaundice, weight, drink, poo poo pee pee)- got nurse help to clean my c-sec wound twice per day and help do the injection (the hospital give balance 7 injection to take after discharge)- centre people educate mummy and daddy for baby care before discharge so that we are ready on our own- can survey what the centre using only buy later prior to discharge from centre (breast pump lah, formula milk lah, pampers lah, bath & shampoo lah) can prevent overspent or spent on unnecessary coz some baby very choosy on formula milk and pamperswhy i dont go for confinement lady (based on my observation from my cousin and my mother when i small)- u see hah, first thing first, my house too kecik no extra room for confinement lady- then u see the pricing, for KV area nanny price alone already 6-8k liao- then hor, u haven count in the herbal soup lah, herbal bath lah, food ingredient lah... sometime u still need bring nanny go buy the ingredient, then ur house fridge sumbat full full. how much here liao? 3-4k got bo? nanny no need eat ah? another almost 1.5k gone.- then hor, ur electricity bill leh? tradition say cannot blow wind, cannot sweat coz cannot bath, so need on aircond ma.. how much the electric bill like dat? 500-800 got bo?- then hor, those small small thing like pampers lah, baby clothes lah, milk powder, baby bath tub, baby cleaning tools, breastfeeding thing bla bla bla... need 1-2k bo? about there liao lah- then hor, who help do injection and cleaning wound, many nanny will say \"how i know i jaga anak and mummy's food only\"- then hor.. u still need to do all the cleaning and household chores because ur waifu and the nanny unlikely do this. cook ur own meal, clean the house, wash own clothes...- then after u whole day tired work, still need buy food ingredient, then still need do household chores, u mana got time got the waifu and baby. later waifu ngek ngek komplen no jaga her emotion.- so u senditi kira how much already here?so the best is , go confinement centre. bao ka liao. best this is my purely my sharing and experience.nice sharing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997813105583191} +{"text": "@SyahirahAznan mungkin ada. Sekarang ni kan JAKIM nak cek semua makanan yg ada kat malaysia ni. Sayur dia belum cek lg.takpe yakin tu pnting", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9756661653518677} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Nov 24 2023, 02:45 PM)Hantar babi tak haram. Then again most kedai jual babi also jual arak. If the kedai has association with Arak then haram partake in any transaction7-11 pun jual arak je but nobody bat an eye ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Aug 11 2024, 06:13 PM)Wait what? Best for ppl who can't take overly spicy stuff maybeBanana bro is quite the watered down experience leradjusted to cina taste ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9867107272148132} +{"text": "@afiqahamirrr @dearsln Jangan risau, benda ni ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9276529550552368} +{"text": "Manabulih Halal. ktard benci those Halal word. tabulih. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(proton_man @ Jul 28 2019, 01:05 AM)Thus the question throw back to youWhos to say the funding to jakim not from haram business?Petronas story is getting old la when the places of extraction of oil don\u2019t even get much funding and support from the government and there you have it billions to jakim with no audit shown to public...probably the only government department that don\u2019t need to do itThe one who suggested it comes from haram business is you, therefore its on you to prove your claim.Unless you simply assume and have no way of proving where the money trail goes.My advice, dont be a smart ass, come again when you have proof that jakim fundings comes from haram business. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999895453453064} +{"text": "QUOTE(weyyt @ Feb 12 2017, 02:04 AM)Actually what's the fuck wrong with pig hair?Is there a need for labeling it due to safety or health concern?Any scientific facts touching pig hair will get u any disease?Just labeling it because you don't feel comfortable with it?Lol.I'm amazed how religion make people stop using their brain n become dumb.Each cultures/beliefs has it own set requirements that must abide to. May be weird to you but this is ours. I bet there some of yours, if you weight it in a logical sense, doesn't made any sense either.So it is best that we find a middle ground and try to tolerate each other. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999498128890991} +{"text": "Good lor. Close more. Then wait to see who start complaining they have no more jobs. You suka suka boikot...but end up boikot your own people.This post has been edited by jaycee1: Apr 30 2024, 01:17 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999464750289917} +{"text": "Diorang dah semestinya. Tu kita tau. Yg kita nak, jabatan yg kita ada orang yg boleh menjengok. TBH, I feel Jakim tends to look at ilmu lain. Part pemantauan secara holistic mengenai isu makanan & halal kurang sikit sebab mungkin tak reti sangat. Standards best, implementation ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987643957138062} +{"text": "THAT a restaurateur has loudly proclaimed that his premises is \u201cseriously non-halal\u201d has elicited plenty of mirthful comments from netizens.Posted on Meanwhile in Malaysia Facebook forum, the image of an unnamed restaurant\u2019s front door with the notice has attracted 1,400 likes, 125 comments and shared 79 times at the time of writing.Some netizens suggested that the owner was just fed up with repeatedly being asked the same question.More than one Muslim netizen also saw the funny side and promptly thanked the restaurant owner for his crystal-clear message.Some surmised that this restaurant was serious about its porky business compared to other non-halal eateries.Some alluded to the case of Pumba\u2019s Nasi Kandar stall which was mired in controversy when certain groups said its clearly non-halal offerings could confuse customers.Some netizens posited that the notice was a result of a previous incident that prompted the owner to display the no-nonsense signage.A couple of netizens pointed out that certain Muslim diners will still enter the premises if they spot hijab-clad staff. The signage is to deter such incidences.A couple of netizens had identified the restaurant as Kung Fu Restaurant in Cyberjaya and jokingly warned others of severe consequences if customers did not heed the signage.One netizen applauded the restaurant owner for making it very clear instead of the vague \u2018pork free/no lard\u2019 proclamations that seem to confuse Muslim diners.While many of the comments were in jest or light-hearted, what does come across from the comments is that such clear declarations are preferred. Netizens also indicate that there should be no grey areas \u2013 either a restaurant is halal or it is not.Meanwhile, kudos to this restaurant for clearly stating its status with a blindingly obvious sign. https://focusmalaysia.my/netizens-find-rest...atus-hilarious/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994472861289978} +{"text": "stupidity at its best... what is happening to Malaysia????? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99782395362854} +{"text": "Halal haram makanan yang di isi di dalam perut sendiri adalah tanggungan sendiri bukan Jakim. Walau pun makanan ternyata 100% halal menurut Jakim ttp dibeli dgn duit haram, makanan boleh jd haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978845715522766} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 04:24 PM)So you're trying to educate muslims now? What's your credentials?See, this is why people look down on you. Already said, muslims can (and should) learn for themselves what is halal, instead of giving that power to religious zealots. But you alang-alang fitnah me say I want to educate muslims. Dosa tau.QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 04:24 PM)Muslims will follow anyone that uphold the religious scripture teachings and regulations, just like jakim who help muslims to find restaurants that follows halal food preparations and ingredients.not that your pea brain can understand though, too much info other than \"ohhh quran never mention jakim\" memory loop.Except you don't need someone to tell you that and you don't need jakim, as exhibited by the numerous muslims who eat at non halal certified eateries.It is crazies like yourself everyone should be wary off, robbing autonomy from others and giving it to zealots.This post has been edited by MAGAMan-X: Dec 31 2019, 04:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9585315585136414} +{"text": "@zulfahmihassan @dellasandy @zohandler96 @_Vonherig03 @adibfuaad123 @ammarruslee @_raingers_36 @asrulmm Ingatkan pakcik tu tengah fight utk bubble tea viral yg takde sijil halal? Bubble tea tu pun bukan franchise ke? Katanya, franchise senang dapat halal cert sbb copy paste SOP je? Tetiba cerita pasal IKS. Fyi, org tak kisah sangat halal cert utk IKS.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8609724640846252} +{"text": "Sini jerit haram halal tangan masih g.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "1. The food was seafood, not involved sembelih ayam as one of the insta user claimed.2. Farid has clarified the ingredients with the owner before proceeding. Again not involved wine as the user claimed. I think these two already clear. Also can read the article below if interested https://siplus.sinarharian.com.my/hukum/bol...gan-syarat-ini/Beliau memulakan perkongsiannya dengan menukilkan petikan daripada Kitab Jami\u2019 li Ahkam al-Quran yang bermaksud: \u201cMasakan orang bukan Islam halal dimakan walaupun bukan dalam keadaan darurat. Yang tak boleh makan hanya daging yang mereka sembelih atau masakan yang mengandungi benda haram. Selain itu, semuanya halal walaupun dimasak oleh non Muslim.\u201d ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995707869529724} +{"text": "QUOTE(tifosi @ Oct 22 2020, 05:43 PM)Shit! That means my siew yoke could be tak halal because of the soy sauce.already haram to begin with cos tak sembelih ikut syarak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997120499610901} +{"text": "kawan perempuan aku yang cantik molek pernah bercouple dengan \"big guy\"(sopan sikit)tapi sayangnya big guy tu yang curang dengan dia. padahal kawan permpuan aku tu betul2 suka dia. kahkahkah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9648047685623169} +{"text": "QUOTE(ChanRakTer @ Feb 6 2024, 12:47 PM)Source : https://www.hmetro.com.my/bisnes/2024/02/10...syarikat-israelFull news Kuala Lumpur: Pemegang saham terbesar FamilyMart Co Ltd, Itochu Corporation akan menamatkan memorandum persefahaman (MoU) dengan Elbit Systems, sebuah syarikat pertahanan Israel.FamilyMart Malaysia menerusi satu kenyataan berkata, ia menyedari mengenai seruan di media sosial untuk memboikot FamilyMart di negara ini.Ia berkata, pada Mac 2023, dilaporkan bahawa Itochu Aviation, iaitu syarikat kepada Itochu Corporation menandatangani MoU dengan Nippon Aircraft Supply dan Elbit Systems untuk mengimport teknologi pertahanan ke Jepun bagi tujuan keselamatan negara itu.Ads\u00a0 https://shope.ee/1Vai1NceDS\"Kami dimaklumkan bahawa pada 5 Februari 2024 oleh FamilyMart Co Ltd Japan bahawa Itochu Aviation akan menamatkan MoU itu, seperti yang dilaporkan dalam berita di Jepun.Keputusan itu dibuat bagi menyokong sokongan kerajaan Jepun terhadap perintah Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa baru-baru ini, termasuk mencegah tindakan pembunuhan beramai-ramai di jalur Gaza.\"FamilyMart Malaysia mengulangi pendirian bahawa kami tidak menyokong keganasan atau pembunuhan dan kami tidak menyumbang atau menderma atau berurusan dengan Israel,\" katanya.FamilyMart Malaysia dimiliki oleh Maxincome Resources Sdn Bhd, salah satu daripada anak syarikat QL Resources Bhd.Maxincome Resources menjalin perjanjian selama 20 tahun bersama FamilyMart Co Ltd.Kesemua perkhidmatan makanan dan pilihan sedia dimakan FamilyMart Malaysia dibuat hanya menggunakan bahan halal.FamilyMart membuka cawangan pertamanya di Wisma Lim Foo Yong, Kuala Lumpur pada 11 November 2016.Rangkaian kedai serbaneka itu menjadi popular kerana yang pertama menjual hidangan segar seperti oden dan aiskrim lembut.know afraid... good job... we ban you here... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998145341873169} +{"text": "Xing Fu Tang pemegang sijil halal Taiwan. Kalau yakin, tak dak masalah, kalau was2 dah jadi haram. Btw, takdak halal jakim tak semestinya haram sbb orang Islam bukan dekat Malaysia je kan? https://t.co/RbmIPmJGj5", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970948696136475} +{"text": "his face also looked haram liao ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999501705169678} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 19 2022, 02:35 PM)That's why I said, put aside races, put aside halal, put aside ridiculing believes. Tered so long tok kok sing song but even basic facts not even established. everyone is based on unconfirmed \"he says, she says\" flinging mud back and forth.hold it.. it's no longer about the virao video. it's a fact that this squirrel is racist. period. No one give a damn about the viral video anymore.. All you can see here is ppl banging on a racist bigot who have not realize his racist.This post has been edited by kidmad: Aug 19 2022, 05:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7661616206169128} +{"text": "Salam Semua Rakan FB, saya supplier mesin pemprosesan makanan, Concultant Halal Jakim, Mesti-KKM dan GMP", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9757227897644043} +{"text": "QUOTE(CTSBD.ONE @ Dec 31 2019, 01:42 PM)i dunno why you would stretch this simple issue lolyou want the cert you go apply and follow procedurethe trust people are talking about is about the halal concept as was taught by the religion lolTrust me. /k is haram. Lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977191090583801} +{"text": "QUOTE(trix @ Jul 21 2024, 10:43 AM)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amok_syndrome'Gelap mata', the Dark Eye, is an expression used in Sumatra and Java to describe a curious and disturbing social phenomenon. Socially speaking, the Malays, Sumatrans and Javanese are the best behaved people I have ever encountered. On the surface they are an extremely gentle, refined, submissive people. In fact the word 'Malay' comes from 'malu', 'gentle', and gentleness is a quality prized above all others among the Malays and their neighbours. In their family life, in their submission to traditional and parental authority, in their communal duties, they are among the most obedient people on earth. But every now and then something very disturbing happens. A man who has behaved in this obliging manner all his life and who has always done his duty by the outside world to perfection, suddenly finds it impossible to keep doing so. Overnight he revolts against goodness and dutifulness.because malays usually keeps it inside, until they reach the breaking pointup to you if you want to find out what are the breaking pointu sure or not they keep it inside.they break at every single matter afaik. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9545474648475647} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 14 2021, 06:58 AM)perfect halal? Made by muslim?Every where is acceptable EXCEPT Peninsula Malaysia.Whole establishment must be Malay.Recently a famous local Hailam kopitiam kena raided by JHEAINS\u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In Kedah & Penang, have a few such popular outlet frequent by many local Malays which I am unable to recommend to you.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.However .....When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?!\u00a0 )You go mamak go Ikea got questions your utensils used by who? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999417066574097} +{"text": "\nsuka makan bawang goreng......sedap.........\nnoor2 Post at 11-6-2010 11:48 \n\nPatut la nafsu kuat... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999104738235474} +{"text": "Cina jual makanan, dia usaha sampai dapat halal Jakim.\n\nMelayu jual makanan, \" melayu kot, takkan jual benda haram \".\n\nIngat halal Jakim tu semata makanan halal ke?\n\nMacam mana nak sembang import eksport kalau... https://facebook.com/mohdalif02/posts/2108993775783542\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(crapp0 @ May 26 2015, 09:47 PM)Jakim, \"Yang tak halal, boleh di halalkan\u00a0 \"Plus this only affects ppl who give a damn about the halal logo.SC case is not bout halal/haram but cleanliness.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997034668922424} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blofeld @ Oct 21 2016, 01:25 PM)In other words...you are saying \"jangan persoal\", correct?No one can give a comment at all.yes, correctu apply for kosher cert, u follow guideline for kosher food..jangan persoalu apply for halal cert, u follow guideline for halal food..jangan persoalu apply for Thailand citizenship, u follow guideline for thai which including speaking thai language as ur mother tongue & u must never persoal thai king for whatever reason..u x suka, then dun applyu apply job in a company, u must bound & follow every drafted company rules & regulation..u x suka, then dun applyfaham?This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 21 2016, 02:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998127818107605} +{"text": "Beli makanan & minuman yg kamu suka, terus sambil nonton film/show fav km seharian. Dan gak ngapa-ngapain", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994507431983948} +{"text": "QUOTEPAPAR - Tiada gerai yang menjual telur mata sebiji RM4.50 seperti yang didakwa di media sosial baru-baru ini, kata Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN), Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali.Beliau berkata, pemeriksaan telah dilakukan oleh sepasukan pegawai penguat kuasa KPDN di Bazar Bandar Permaisuri Cheras pada Jumaat susulan tularnya perkara itu.Jelasnya, pemantauan dilakukan membabitkan pelbagai barangan bukan hanya yang dijual tetapi barang makanan turut dilakukan pemeriksaan.\u00a0 \u00a0 \"Contohnya baru-baru ini tular di media sosial telur mata dijual pada harga RM4.50 dan walaupun bukan aduan rasmi tetapi kita terus menghantar pegawai penguat kuasa ke bazar tersebut.\"Terdapat 60 gerai dan hanya sembilan gerai yang menjual makanan berlauk di mana daripada jumlah itu hanya ada tiga gerai menjual telur mata. Apa yang kita lakukan yang pertama kita hubungi pihak yang telah membuat aduan tersebut namun beliau sendiri mengakui tidak membeli di gerai tersebut tetapi berjalan sepintas lalu melihat harga RM4.50.\"Jadi hasil pemeriksaan tidak ada gerai yang menjual satu biji telur mata dengan harga RM4.50 dan memang ada gerai yang menjual RM4.50 tersebut tetapi sebenarnya adalah satu set nasi kukus dengan telur mata, bilis dan sebagainya. Jadi bukanlah telur mata berharga RM4.50,\" katanya.Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita dalam sidang akhbar selepas melakukan tinjauan Program Jualan Rahmah (PJR) Ramadan dan Bazar Ramadan Rahmah (BRR) di Tapak Tamu Mingguan Papar, di sini pada Sabtu.Susulan kejadian itu, Armizan yang juga Ahli Parlimen Papar berkata, KPDN amat mengalu-alukan maklum balas daripada pengguna namun perlu disalurkan kepada platform yang telah disediakan.\"Kerjasama daripada pengguna cukup penting jadi berilah aduan ke platform yang telah disediakan dengan lokasi serta butiran yang lengkap kalau boleh, jangan viralkan dahulu.\"Kadang-kadang bila kita viral dulu kalau betul berlaku salah laku itu mereka boleh menyembunyikan aktiviti yang salah. Itu yang penting jadi kita merayu kepada pengguna.\"Pengguna mempunyai hak memilih kalau pun ada harga yang mahal, ada 60 gerai dan sembilan daripadanya menjual makanan berlaku jadi pengguna punya pilihan untuk memilih makanan dengan harga yang berpatutan,\" katanya.Sementara itu, ditanya berhubung isu penjualan air botol susulan masalah bekalan air yang melanda di Papar, Armizan berkata, belum ada aduan berhubung harga barang tersebut dijual dengan mahal.\"Kita akan semak sekiranya betul di pasaran harganya dijual cukup tinggi, kita lihat ada keperluan untuk bekerjasama dengan pasar raya atau peruncit untuk menjualnya di program PJR yang kita laksanakan,\" katanya.https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/6549...ijual---armizanRamai puak2 fitnah...kesian peniaga bazaar~ susah payah cari rezeki Halal tapi difitnah... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9881091713905334} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ Jul 24 2019, 03:18 PM)Xin fu tang also needs to be halal meh? But whyIf its targeted to muslim consumers, then yeah you should get the halal cert.Some of the things involved include Raw material, processing aid ingredients, processing, sanitation chemicals and packaging meet the Islamic dietary requirements, primarily that no alcohol or pork products are used.Flavoring ingredients and solvents must be from halal sources (no ethyl alcohol, for example)..but what this scammer XFT did when the thing is viral is taking the easy way to issue a fake certificate.topkek lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999383687973022} +{"text": "Nampak je sirius tu... Sebanarnya hanya menjelaskan perkara penting dalam isu sijil halal Malaysia kepada Hotel Puri Pungga UKM... @ukm_my https://t.co/TKC14iCJKr", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lumiaaa @ Feb 9 2017, 09:49 PM)BodoPaintbrush and kitchen oil brush is not the sameU don't go buy kitchen grade brush at hardware storeof cos not the same.problem is in 2010 they already found out that some of the kitchen pastry brush imported from china/Taiwan were indeed made of pig bristles.it's recycled issue.(see date, it's 2010!)http://mahatera.blogspot.my/2010/12/berus-dari-bulu-babi.htmlQUOTEBERUS DARI BULU BABI IPOH: Jawatankuasa Syariah Perak memutuskan berus bulu binatang yang dihasilkan di China dan Taiwan haram digunakan premis perniagaan makanan halal termasuk roti dan kek di negeri ini.\u00a0 Keputusan itu dibuat berikutan rampasan berus bulu babi yang kebanyakannya diimport dari kedua-dua negara berkenaan digunakan di kedai kek dan roti yang mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (Jaip). and nowadays shops like MR DIY sell both types of brushes in the same store (although not in the same aisle)2 words = false flag.works everytime. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999185800552368} +{"text": "Irony, when this and that ban and dont affect them. They said its haram and accept it.When affect them, meroyan. Typical. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999293088912964} +{"text": "@naddymuhidzir No komen on hukum memakai inai di rambut, tapi semua jenis hair dye termasuk inai tak boleh dapat sijil Halal Jakim, based on latest certification requirements diorang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5539613366127014} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 17 2016, 11:46 PM)iye. fitrah manusia. yang nampak macam muslim fussy benda halal haram ni, sebab kesannya besar. tapi andaikata bukan muslim juga ada tuntutan yang seumpamanya, mungkin bukan muslim juga akan fussy untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut.yang golden churn, cadbury tu, aku tak ambil pot. pasal aku tak consume. auntie anne ni ada juga aku consume 2,\u00a0 kali. tak perlu tanda halal, guna ilmu.aku tak rasa jakim niat nak denda atau menyusahkan. pensijilan tu pun opsyenal. cuma bila aunti anne nak go for it, patuhilah syarat-syaratnya. peniaga lain pun tertakluk kepada syarat yang sama, tak ada pula bising bila kena reject for revision. lol siapalaa yg makan tong butter tp kuih lapis hari tu byk dibuanh sebab isu tu.Sy rasa bro tak dapat fahami apa yg sy cuba sampaikan.Bro patut study dulu pensijilan halal di negara2 lain yg mempunyai approach yg berbeza dari Jakim. Tapi at one time, logo halal dari negara luar pun tak diiktirad Jakim. Kenapa?Patut ada pendekatan baru dalam pensijilan halal yg tak membantutkan industri halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997485280036926} +{"text": "\n................yela...ikut selera masing2kan Muntz....setengah orang suka makan kak ...\nnoor2 Post at 9-6-2010 20:26 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Hati lembu pun i tak makan.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9953566193580627} +{"text": "Dengan sobella jea dah boleh cantik cun melecun girlss \ud83d\ude1a Brand sobella bukn kaleng kaleng taw , kita ade sijil HALAL, lulus labtest dan lulus KKM . Dan yang paling penting melaram smbil merawat, gittew \ud83e\udd17 Lipmate rm38 Blusher rm36 Aisedo rm39 Liptint rm36 https://t.co/OpQ9hHBSZw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992806315422058} +{"text": "Haram but will it memudaratkan badan if cooked this way? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999350309371948} +{"text": "QUOTE(jVIPERs2 @ Jun 6 2024, 10:19 AM)Ni masuk hailak bagus...murah lepas habis subsidiIt can be done, but not recommended for those with common rail injectors, unless your filter can filter out the finest particle, due to common rail injectors hole are very very small, otherwise chances of clogging is very high. Those older mechanical injection engine, u can feed it with anything u want as long as it is remotely combustible and able to lubricate the pumps. \nWNJH1rikujI\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8976842761039734} +{"text": "Sijil halal ni dah jd mcm buah keranji dlm perahu. Jakim pulak sorong papan tarik papan. Rakyat jd mangsa mkn zat babi ke haper.Sesuai sgtlah nama secret recepy.Bubuh zat haram mmg rahsia.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9883314967155457} +{"text": "QUOTEThe PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.\u201cThis can happen in a harmonious way without a directive for canteens to remain open when (Muslim) students are observing the Ramadan month.\u201cThis does not mean that we are stopping the non-Muslim students from eating during the day, but it is also a form of \u2018education\u2019 for them to respect the Ramadan month since their schooling years,\u201d Ahmad (above), who is also Pokok Sena MP, said in a statement today.He added that non-Muslim students can bring food and drinks to school and consume them in a space allocated for the purpose.\u201cThat would suffice, without the need for a directive for canteens to remain open, which seems a bit excessive.\u201dAhmad further accused Fadhlina of hastily issuing the directive without respecting the Ramadan month herself.\u201cMatters like this only create unnecessary polemic and is a waste of time.\u201dYesterday, Fadhlina assured that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.However, schools must provide proper guidance and education for non-Muslims to understand their Muslim peers\u2019 need to fast in Ramadan, she said.AKA toilet ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8124513626098633} +{"text": "Jangan kata JAKIM, KKM pun ada garis panduan dia sendiri untuk pastikan setiap suapan makanan itu selamat. Dan semestinya ada premis khas, jauh dari kawasan industri lain yang ada habuk n dll. Panjang malas nak taip. Sebab apa,supaya awak tak sakit la.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9925710558891296} +{"text": "Terus kalo minum itu masalah kelar? Ga ya. Mending lu jalan\" makan enak beli makanan yang lu suka atau ayo balik ngadu sama Tuhan\n Ingat setiap kesulitan selalu ada kemudahan. Alkohol ga akan menjamin habis minum itu masalah lu kelar yakin deh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997109770774841} +{"text": "QUOTE(fuifuiTan @ Aug 17 2016, 02:06 PM)Sila meninggal?Lol sikit sikit tak suka keluar mentalityso? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "QUOTE(HolySatan @ Mar 26 2017, 11:55 AM)sijil halal & makanan halal tu berbezabut no sijil halal makanan is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "chinese food is haram but can convert haram to halal n sell as halal LMAO TOPKEK ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999128580093384} +{"text": "@penghuluFIRDAUS @DrRafidahHanim @maszlee @TeoNieChing @chedetofficial Diorang bangsa dap ni mana tau bahasa. Depa tau bahasa depa sijil depa saja. Depa jaga perut depa saja. Itu pasai tanah kena pegang 999tahun. Duit kena banyak. Bisnes kena untung saja tak rugi. Depa mana ada halal haram. Itu pasai depa cepat kaya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "\n\n It really depends on the situation. We should not eat haram things to the best of our knowledge. Depends on the situation though. e.g If you're stuck at a place that has only pork and you are deserted, it is considered \"darurat\" and you are allowed to eat it, as long it means continuing on your lives.\n \n Some people over-held haram-halal law to the extreme spectrum. I'd say do NOT listen to them.\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932635426521301} +{"text": "\nmesmerize replied at 25-7-2022 12:46 PM\nmungkin nowa ingat wine tu alkohol dia dah evaporate kot bila dah kena masak dalam sos, so dah takde ...\ntapai pun ade alkohol\r\nyg iols faham bkn alkohol tp proses jd arak tuh hahs\r\n tp ikut kata totap la haram arak dlm mknan ittew.. cuma penekanan bkn bab alkohol.. klau slh tlg btulkan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999962568283081} +{"text": " #hsn2019 \nHari Statistik Negara 2019\n.\n\nKempen \"Eat Less outside, Eat More Inside\" - lagipun bila semua penyediaan makanan dari mula sampai habis kita yang buat, so tahap yakin halal bersih tu tak perlu bimbang &\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B6egFIvF5Wc/?igshid=1oz0br7kqhwlw\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999080896377563} +{"text": "fuuu anak dara auntie annies, mesti viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7107839584350586} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Aug 18 2015, 04:00 PM)True...and truth hurts masalahnya bila keluar fatwa mula la yang lain lain menggelabah babi apa masalah kalau kau nak vape ke rokok ke kau buat jugak kan haram ke tidak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995474219322205} +{"text": "tak suka, sila keluar dari Jepun ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8504100441932678} +{"text": "kalau bodo takde fikiran asyik nak orang bagi tau ape boleh buat ape yang xboleh.Jangan lar beranak, ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9796380400657654} +{"text": "salam gayse..i always frequent a chinese hawker stall.. they dont serve pok.... and im sure chikin n beef used are halal... they also serve fake meat for vege cuisine, like fake beef rendang, fake chikin made of taufu.... i think last time i had fake char siu... i dont know its fake char siu btw, only noticed when someone posted it here in /k/ and looks similar in how it is garnished... what is the hukum eating fake char siu?mohon pencerahantq ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6244995594024658} +{"text": "Kenapa dia memilih #Coway? Kerana status sijil halalnya dikeluarkan oleh #JAKIM sendiri. Mencari yang halal itu, fardhu utk orang muslim. Pengguna bijak, pilihan di tangan anda \ud83e\udd70 \u2022 #sijilhalal... https://t.co/eaxYFxOfDQ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998739957809448} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 23 2023, 04:35 PM)Kalau bisnes Non, sampai DNA lubang cacing pun mesti ada Halal cert.This one? \"Kito redho saja lah\"Why must stir racial tensionDo you want people to press the report button? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999977707862854} +{"text": "QUOTE(jAkUn @ Nov 14 2015, 08:25 AM)mesti ISIS.kesian ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994993209838867} +{"text": "Got to admit primary school time we are not racist and the Malay/Indian actually quite popular in the class with lots kids mingle with them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9693717956542969} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Nov 7 2023, 12:27 PM)masa kami pergi, kami sampai awal pukul 9that time ada dalam 10 orang je qride cable car okay, best. tapi sampai atas, boring.dekat atas kuat betul angin.lepas tu kami turung.gila q panjang untuk tiket dan q naik car.do they still force people watch that stupid thing before naik kabel car?sit inside room. forgot wat name. pening watch it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967139959335327} +{"text": "Wait.Why so many against this idea? Good what. Encourage and give options to the religious lot, filling niche in market.No, it's not a popular topic like stop smoking campaign and run by a different religion so let's bash and ridicule the idea.Is that right k? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991858601570129} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Nov 23 2020, 08:56 AM)U melei?U no triger not means others not triger. nasi lemak pork is already in malaysia.what to trigger?i observe, the only things that malay trigger are things related to religion and special rights.about food la, adat la, budaya la what la, if you see, malay dont care much.This post has been edited by viole: Nov 23 2020, 08:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "Kedai cina yg tak da status halal kau tak up ke anjing. Status halal sukarela mohon. Ini kedai bumiputera. Dlm hal lain kau husnuzon, hal ini nape salak wahai anjing betina", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996232986450195} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 27 2023, 10:19 AM)Ah Chong \u2026 U keluar opis kat IGB hati2Jangan jatuh Nanti kesian u mia isteri jadi janda Byk Rohingya tgh tunggu Hahhaaa, u must mean keluar from Ipoh. Come here lar bastard, I treat u best char siew rice in town. Sohai so free waiting for your minimum wage salary ker, so fast miss me every day. Comes have your daily dose of ass poking. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999767541885376} +{"text": "saya ada soalan untuk ustaz/ustazah twitter : kalau saya makan makanan di arab adakah ianya haram? Sbb xde logo halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954429864883423} +{"text": "KARUT 2: TAK PERLU LAH PHD KE MASTER Sebenarnya ni bergantung pada diri sendiri. Ada orang perlukan phd / master ni untuk jadi pensyarah (qualification). Tapi sebenarnya nak tingkatkan \"nilai diri\" dengan sijil yang halal itu adalah diperlukan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972781538963318} +{"text": "Aku bet produk2 janji putih dengan janji kurus mesti tak boleh dapat sijil halal sebab berbahaya, tapi takpe, sebab \"Orang Kita\" yang buat, jual, CONFIRM HALAL. KAHKAHKAH https://t.co/4fcZsNSU3e", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999586343765259} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 31 2021, 02:57 PM)What\u2019s in it for geely to put up with those crooks? If it looks like the crooks gonna hijack their business geely will just cut loss and run. We aren\u2019t that big of a deal of a market for them.DRB starts to forget they need Geely more than Geely needs them. Wanna do business with Geely, do properly la.Geely do want to be a proper global car manufacturer, with various brands under their umbrella needing to fulfill their role. Proton supposed to be for flagbearer for RHD market, as long as it's feasible, pretty sure they're willing to lend their support. But if locals start buat perangai buruk diorang balik, then true, Geely can just sell off everything, write off the losses, move on.QUOTE(Chekusan2019 @ Mar 31 2021, 03:03 PM)But that the nature of R&D,no?Most of the time it's a dud but once in awhile it will be goldenPlus u are very protective of SZA, I don't think he is a good as u saw him to beYes, he did stop the bleeding for awhile post gen2But he didn't stop proton death spiral at allI would gamble that the only models that made any money during his reins are Saga n the original personaWhile all others are collasal sales failure.Surely he must shoulder some blame.When Mahaleel showed what their R&D had been indulging in, i think we can conclude just how piss poor they are at running the business.P2 is lucky Daihatsu is still around to keep their sensibilities in check. It kinda explains why they're better run and their R&D is more grounded to reality instead of syok sendiri Proton did.I think I'm being fair about crediting SZA for what he did post-Mahaleel era. It did felt quality improved, products and price offering were better, aftersales improved.I was never under delusion that Proton can make it big alone, there is a limit to that, and it showed after awhile SZA had been around. After Exora, it started to slide down with Preve, Campro turbo, Punch CVT etc showing Proton's lack of money and tech limitations. They just can't afford to have new, modern tech to carry on competing, unlike P2 blessed with access to Daihatsu.SZA fulfilled his role well to stabilising Proton post-Mahaleel, i have no complaint to that, he did well. All while fending off political pressures to take control of Proton.I figured VW deal was necessary for Proton to carry on, but the crooks won. They got what they wanted, control and billions of public funds, all for what, Suprima, Iriz, Persona, Accordana, Ertiga to show? Come on. Had VW deal been successful, i doubt I'd care SZA no longer carries on as MD/CEO, I'd rather someone with even more global, rich experience to lead Proton, which VW sure can provide. In a way also to take responsibility for his mistakes with Punch CVT, Campro Turbocor problem, it's best he step aside for someone else to lead Proton.Instead, DRB happened, lancau la, might as well he stayed put first. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8205556273460388} +{"text": "\r\nBagi aku kalau golongan yang kurang berkemampuan,yang penting makananan tersebut dibungkus rapi, yakin dan tawakal..:lebai:", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982131719589233} +{"text": "Korang ni baru kenai Gongcha ka? Ingat tealive hampa tu pon abis haram before dapat sijil halal ka", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99837327003479} +{"text": "lel.. lagi2 mindset haram sebab xboleh tax. Lepas tu Cig Halal sbb kena tax. This post has been edited by natamhanjing: Aug 18 2015, 11:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999496936798096} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Oct 19 2016, 10:51 AM)Then we as muslims which one should we follow when dealing with a news.Certain people's propaganda or We follow the Quran and authentic hadith way in dealing with uncertain news.As muslims we do know that we will be judge in hereafter if we not research the news carefully which resulting we unintentional zalim to the innocent people.Clarify the news carefully eventhough it come from your mother, siblings, relative, best friend, colleagues, boss, or from the non muslim.its one thing we can deal that individually of course i'll still eat auntie anne for surebut on a whole people just wanna see us go against every single decision of jakim PUBLICLYor else they'll say every one of us is senang konfius lemah iman etc etc we have to voice out not for our sake but for them ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998316764831543} +{"text": "QUOTE(SyiokSendiri @ Feb 13 2016, 08:49 PM)believe it or not....food is the best way to gather everyone tgt.....however there are many muslim that refuse to dine in a chinese restaurant even if there's no pork and alcohol involved(not strict halal type)....most feel comfortable eating in warung run without halal certificate too(guess where they get their stock from.....same supplier as the chinese restaurant...meanwhile government constantly making things worst by telling muslim not to believe in restaurant without halal certificate\u00a0 Exactly. Its a very sad thing happening here ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978368878364563} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 12:11 AM)In islam, food is a gift/rizk from god and you shall give a good name and respect for it.God already give a good name for halal tnings and bad name for haram. We all know hot dog is halal but according to islam word dog is already mean something not good. For me, what ever its name as long as it is halal i will eat it.I have to chime in here. I tot I was done butNo. Dog is not \"not good\" in islamNo. Never have Islam establish dog is not goodThe prophet even treat dog nicelyWrong Islam bro U mixed up with other religion maybe ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999009370803833} +{"text": "Bubble milk tea haram sebab xdak sijil halal. Susu tin jatuh dari lori halal. https://t.co/ycJ95IF1Bq", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClericKilla @ Oct 18 2019, 10:00 AM)Some got some don't have. If you Islam I also want to ask, why don't eat sushi? Is it because raw = haram?There's no prohibition on eating raw food. The issue is the vinegar used in fermenting the rice may sometimes be alcoholic. That's the matter.Also in Islam, seafood is exempt from halal/non halal issue. As long as the food contains no prohibited items in the preparation (alcohol, pork, other meat slaughtered in non-halal way) all seafood including sea mammals like whales & dolphins are considered as always halal.The Quran has this to say:Dihalalkan bagi kamu binatang buruan laut, dan makanan yang didapati dari laut, sebagai bekalan bagi kamu (untuk dinikmati kelazatannya) dan juga bagi orang-orang yang dalam pelayaran; tetapi diharamkan atas kamu memburu binatang buruan darat selama kamu sedang berihram. Oleh itu, bertaqwalah kepada Allah, yang kepadaNya kamu akan dihimpunkan.(Al-Maaidah 5:96)This post has been edited by MilitaryMadness: Oct 18 2019, 10:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99932861328125} +{"text": "QUOTE(maranello55 @ Oct 26 2016, 10:03 AM)moslems butthurt??why moslems can do this- mike tyson masuk islam- jackie chan masuk islam- snoop dog masuk islam- will smith masuk islam- maria ozawa masuk islamsiap photochop lg gambar.korang buat boleh...org len buat kt ko krg sentap....bodohThat's the special right.U x suka u convertOwai...QUOTE(LTG @ Oct 26 2016, 10:06 AM)ninja joe false, already know malaysian kawan very sensitive still put the name like that , do business must consider more factor in bolehland ~ any way dont always focus potato hal, just put 1mdb and NO1 boom as priority nasional issue. kawan pls forgive and work togather for the solve the main issue Ninja Joe faultY wan us work togetherNo, ninja Joe must public apologize, ganti RM1m for the damage ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.962754487991333} +{"text": "Tahu tak Nabi kita tak pernah mengkritik makanan..\n\nBagaimana pula dengan kita? Jom sama-sama muhasabah diri..\n\nJangan lupa untuk kongsi nasihat ini...moga peroleh pahala berangkai..amin.. https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156762969682398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989116191864014} +{"text": "@haqhimiarif93_ You completely missed my point. Kalau benda macam boba tea yang kita boleh check ingredient dia semua and dah sah2 halal dekat Taiwan, takkan lah sebab tak ada Jakim punya sijil jadi haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999788999557495} +{"text": "This is not an easy question at all since there are several variables needed to be considered.I give u example the stock market.An airline company can be certified as shariah compliant even if they serve alcohol according to the SC shariah board, as long as the revenue from the said Haram source does not exceed a certain threshold which iirc is 5%.However an airline company that does not serve alcohol can also be considered as shariah non compliant if they have a straight up conventional debt above a certain threshold which I believe lies at 20%.So yah, I can't answer your question at all.LOLThis post has been edited by dagnarus: Feb 27 2018, 03:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998080849647522} +{"text": "yng triggered ni mesti dah termakan sebab tak pandai baca ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999832272529602} +{"text": "QUOTE(silic0sis @ Feb 12 2017, 02:57 AM)Yes that is what's happening. If I label wrong, does jakim get in trouble? NO. Do you get in trouble? NO. Do I get in trouble? YES.If I have to fight in court, does jakim have to spend time and money? NO. Do you have to spend time and money? NO. Do I have to spend time and money? YES.The burden is on me entirely.Here's how jakim can keep a list. Keep track of all items coming through ports, so you have a full list of consumer items meant for mass market. Not difficult because there are already lists. Now I understand you can't update and research new products instantly, but with the list you can now state which products have NOT YET been researched. List those so people don't buy those products. So now you have a list of Halal, Haram and not researched. Simple, done, no hassle for anyone else.look, when you enter a business, there are risks.so being sued bcos of fuckup like wrong labelling is a business risk.that's why there's risk mitigation.the law is there to protect consumers.you as a seller is a consumer in certain instances too.you want to save yourself, well everyone else do to.again, you make it like it's gonna bankrupt you just to comply with something that is simple as properly identifying what product you are selling.if you can't handle something as easy as labelling a product, is your company in the correct business or should it be in business at all?that's the real question. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6069038510322571} +{"text": "QUOTE(balanar_27 @ Mar 2 2015, 04:06 PM)Dancing .ada buka any part..oh waiJust be careful of your wallet...over there the girls and beggars hug you in groups (!)Please make sure both hands are in your pants side pockets, one protecting you wallet, another one, your passport. All of them got pimps hanging at the cornerAlways wear your sling bag infront.And the best is fake money, check one by one the money you change infront of the money changer.And when you go to shops or taxi, inspect the money again infront of them before giving it. Cos they always turn around put the money in their pockets without you looking and then show you the money you give is fake.When you buy anything, also be careful of pick pocketsThis post has been edited by azbro: Mar 2 2015, 04:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996970891952515} +{"text": "You tak suka, go build your own BBQ pit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9308383464813232} +{"text": "So ayat 1 dan the first elemen yang ada pada ayat 3 berkaitan dengan makanan. Sembelihan, halal haram ni semua antara benda yang perlu diperhatikan dalam hidangan. Begitu jugak ad deen, each and every element perlu ditegakkan dalam manhaj yang sempurna dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.781387984752655} +{"text": "\nadeqqq replied at 14-10-2018 09:55 AM\r\nMissed xi'an!!!...memang berbaloi g xian ni kme masukkan sekali trmpat wajib g terracota army. Kos s ...\nadeqq..\r\nsharelah u punye itinerary xian yg budget RM1500(hote,transport,meal)tq\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.825421929359436} +{"text": "QUOTE(mamata @ Jan 5 2015, 04:00 PM)apa pendapat semua tentang yahanana ni? aritu ada baca kat paper ,jabatan agama tengah wat siasatanOkay je pada aku. Cuma ada satu dua tu ada musykil bg org ramai, sbb berkaitan dgn ilmu haq, yg syariat xmendalami, byk pada ilmu hakikat. Wallahualam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8200288414955139} +{"text": "Devlog Pantau #1\nProjek Tahun Akhir - Final Year Project (FYP)\n\nMula-mula nak buat Halal Logo recognizer supaya mudah kenal sama ada logo halal kat pack makanan diiktiraf JAKIM atau tak. Tapi tukar fikiran, nak buat CCTV yang boleh detect intruder pulak.https://youtu.be/QbElIFi8lr4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999262094497681} +{"text": "jakim need to bulid warehouse in every state, where they supervise the product. tiap tahun dapat zakat dari muslim. takkan gajikan pekerja dan buat fasiliti untuk pengurusan tak mampu. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997487664222717} +{"text": "QUOTE(danieln @ Oct 20 2016, 11:27 AM)so are you saying the main media does not have their own agenda?Ni dah tahap dua2 sama bangang. Antara sebab aku malas nak baca surat khabar (read: online or paper) sekarang ni. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999502897262573} +{"text": "Boba tea ni suka overclaim Halal la..padahal xde sijil pon. Xya try hard nak tipu sijil. Kitaorang nak minum kitaorang minum la. Aduii.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9937838315963745} +{"text": "your sore throat + cough is caused by virus.It has nothing to do with whatever food you eat. Even if you eat fried spicy food, it will not make your sore throat worst. Or even if you eat cooling food like orange/watermelon, that's not going to cure you.But if you are having fever, it's best to take simple meal like porridge lor.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.81790691614151} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Dec 10 2023, 03:02 PM)But normally we malay dont really check whether its halal or not. Unless those hardcore. But some will refrain to patron again after knowing the real status. And such posts are intended for them.I know many malay from east coast will always reject when makan in mamakApa sebab ya? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999812662601471} +{"text": "feel like its an operation for cuci duit haram from those tabung2 the t1 malays i know would not even want to be associated with them and the cruise is clearly cater for their income levelso how are they still alive for their 51th trip? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997736811637878} +{"text": "@isaaciaga Just belum menjadi pemegang sijil halal je. Doesnt mean air tu haram. Kecuali disahkan haram. Takpe la. Aku yang tak pernah minum ni pun rasa mcm wth bila senang2 je nak label sesuatu benda tu haram", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "QUOTE(OrientalGopi @ Sep 8 2023, 11:05 PM)need lap cheong only best laaaaWhere to buy halal lsp cheong ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999159574508667} +{"text": "QUOTE(tatabun @ Jun 10 2024, 01:05 PM)basi la bang alasan niLa.... Senang je Cerita, sebelum ni Kita ni T20, lepas MCO semua dah jadi B40.Kenala cut expenses. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9925070405006409} +{"text": "QUOTE(proton_man @ Jul 28 2019, 12:54 AM)TrueTaxes from judi dan arak should not be used on Jakim annual billion budgetNo matter how you clean it by changing hand with clever accounting it does not change the fact that the sources of the funding came from haram businessesPetronas give billions to govt, whos to say some portion of it are not allocated for Jakim?And while we are at it, whos to say taxes for haram activities will definitely become budget for jakim?You? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998644590377808} +{"text": "Tak ada sijil halal Tipu sijil halal dari Indonesia Bila orang tanya, kata sijil halal tak ada tapi ramai orang pakai tudung beratur beli.. Kita tak kisah status makanan masuk dalam perut kita.. https://t.co/8FG9tWdxWY", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9824223518371582} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 09:28 AM)read this news, it give you better understandinghttp://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ar-nor-islamic/Perlembagaan Persekutuan Perkara 3(1) amat jelas menyatakan bahawa Islam adalah agama bagi Persekutuan (Malaysia) yang bererti negara Malaysia beragama Islam. Ini juga bererti Perlembagaan Persekutuan Perkara 3(1) telah mengiktiraf Malaysia sebagai negara Islam.Bahkan ketika Tun Dr Mahathir menjadi perdana menteri dalam kerajaan Malaysia, beliau telah membuat pengisytiharan dalam tahun 2001 bahawa bahawa Malaysia adalah negara Islam yang selari dengan ajaran Islam.Pengisytiharan ini tentulah dibuat setelah Tun Dr Mahathir mendapatkan khidmat nasihat daripada pakar undang-undang dan pakar Perlembagaan Persekutuan.Peruntukan dalam Perkara 4(1) menyatakan semua undang-undang yang digubal di Parlimen akan terbatal jika undang-undang tersebut bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan perkara 3(1).Terdapat banyak peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan itu yang memberi keistimewaan kepada agama Islam. Perkara 3(1) yang meletakkan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan dan Perkara 12(2) yang membenarkan kerajaan membelanjakan wang negara bagi pembangunan agama Islam, menunjukkan bahawa Malaysia bukan negara sekular. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6429834365844727} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Aug 18 2024, 04:21 PM)Why deleted? Why malu?Obviously a scam, the hospital and army dont even know or ask for all these. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.Yes, 90% of Restaurant Hotel in KL/ Selangor got no Halal but no pork and lard.Try to search Muslim Friendly Restaurant Hotel in KL/ Selangor. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7170465588569641} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Nov 1 2023, 10:50 AM)Dalam fiqh you shouldn't go out of your normal way to proof it is haram, just if you know for sure it is haram then it is not permissible.Nah kalau rajin nak baca:https://islamqa.info/en/answers/231261/ever...oven-prohibitedmeaning that if there is no ragu2, then even without HALAL sign, it will deem as no issue. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9385547637939453} +{"text": "Craving itik belum habis. Hati tu makan quackteow ada 5 keping je tak puas. Nak buat sendiri kena tunggu ada dream house atas tanah sendiri. Rumah tinggi tak boleh. Dah jumpa kedai yang jual itik panggang halal. Tapi belum ada masa nak pergi.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999278783798218} +{"text": "QUOTE(3rdEdition @ Apr 18 2024, 05:30 PM)Among all countries, 7e in msia is the most basic everBecause store owners and most 7-11 workers are Muslim so cant sell haram stuffs. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999896764755249} +{"text": "Kenyataan Bhg. Hab Halal JAKIM mengenai VIRAL Kedai Makan Naughty Nuri's Jual Babi: VIRAL PREMIS MAKANAN NAUGHTY\u2026 http://dlvr.it/LMXV1P", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9850725531578064} +{"text": "QUOTE(fullmetalneko @ Dec 1 2023, 03:47 PM)Person who viralled the pic entry to heaven confirmed.Like that should sue both the company & person who viral!Big money!Big money! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999814033508301} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:25 PM)According to this guys logic, YESIm a muslim and i find this guys is fking idiot extremistlater stuck in jam also haram coz membazir masa. LMAO This lolAnd \"jika watak itu mewakili agama\" Come on man. This is cosplay. Agama jadah apa plak haruhi suzumiya ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999301433563232} +{"text": "QUOTE(ben3003 @ Jan 15 2018, 09:41 PM)i tried so many fish meat noodles, from fatt kee, how kee, wan wan, bakut canteen, so far if u wan the best tomyam soup but fish not so nice is bakut canteen. If wan best fish is fatt kee. End of the day, i also choose fatt kee over anything else. i will try to avoid wan wan.Best crab in town would be Seremban seafood, u get what u paid for. i order XXL crab 1.5kg, damn man, makan sampai puas puas.You should tell them the average meal in seremban. I also use to eat there 3-4 times a week every meal average rm800-1300 around 6-7 person. KL MNC country manager joined us asked if we do this week in week out. Why not, money easy come easy go. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(NB01 @ Dec 9 2020, 08:09 PM)Tidur sekatil, bogel, tak buat apa.FARKING GOD LEVEL IMAN.That guy must be gay.Yup. Definitely gay.Oh wai- ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945218563079834} +{"text": "name of restaursnt no share and location... ini mesti tak mahu org pergi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "Kalau haram, kena musnah kan semua pokok... i tak nak makan hasil buah haram....... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Nov 4 2016, 07:37 PM)aku tak kisah la apa alasannye. Quran tu bukan dah lengkap dan sempurna. Dah termaktub jelas dalam quran syarat2 menentukan Halal haram . Dalam quran juga ada tulis halal haram sesuatu adalah hak mutlak Allah. Adakah mufti nak katakan diorang lagi bagus dari tuhan boleh menambahkan syarat halal?Tak ada masalah taknak terima pendapat mufti.Halal haram hak mutlak Allah pun ada tulis dalam tu.Kalau rajin bacalah dgn hati terbuka. Kalau rajinlah kan. Taknak terima pendapat tak apa, tak ada masalah. Jika ada yg setuju dgn JAKIM teruskan, jika tak setuju pun boleh teruskan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999585151672363} +{"text": "Seorang ibu yang mengira aku masih anak sma atau baru kuliah bilang begini, \n\"puasin jalan-jalan sendiri dulu, beli barang yang kamu suka, makanan semaumu, nanti kalau sudah umur dua lima bolehlah mulai fokus mencari pasangan dan menikah\"\n\n\"....tahun ini aku dua lima\"\n\n(hening)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "Ingat ye, walau macam mana pon tercipta minuman atau makanan yang tiada bende haram tp niat atau nama melambangkan sesuatu yg haram atau datang kan syubhah..JAKIM takkan lepas kan sijil halal..negara lain tak tahu..wallahualam..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.988910436630249} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Sep 10 2023, 12:29 PM)Another bodoh think rokok is haram coz fatwaThen how come can smoke when there is no halal chop on the box?Even a toothpaste have a halal chop!Lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999945878982544} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Nov 29 2023, 12:52 PM)not liek that. even u have high mabuk tolerance, liek drink 1 bottle tequila still tarak mabuk, its consider allis someone mabuk just sip saja, still consider haram to all muslim to drink itSomeone diarrhea just sip milk saja, why not consider milk haram to all muslim?Someone died just eat some peanut saja, why not consider kacang haram to all muslim?This post has been edited by poweredbydiscuz: Nov 29 2023, 12:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999220371246338} +{"text": "QUOTE(Quiksilver Box @ Dec 7 2017, 09:21 PM)They have a complete network of public transport in which you don't even need a car in not only the capital but second and third tier cities in China.Does Penang, Ipoh, Malacca and JB have train public transport? Not to mention KL public transport sucks.Well, KL has the best public transport in Malaysia. (sad but true)QUOTE(ironmade88 @ Dec 8 2017, 10:21 AM)shanghai is China top tier city , how can u compare that to KLu shud compare China 3rd tier city with KL, not even 2nd as they already surpass usBecause KL is the top tier city in Malaysia. Correct anot? So we have no choice QUOTE(JRocket @ Dec 8 2017, 10:24 AM)hati2 jangan terpijak tahi manusia dijalananThis is Shanghai lah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7395684123039246} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!alcohol only can't consume. Other purpose can. Don't listen to rigid muslim coz our people each day worsen to the max, do be precise 'MALAY make Islam susah' when the fact is 'Islam Itu Mudah'ok can close thread cos I know Malay totok will bash me on this. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999399185180664} +{"text": "Lain budaya lain makanan. Lain org lain citarasa. Itu pun nak ajar ke. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9722364544868469} +{"text": "QUOTE(K.I.T.T @ Aug 19 2022, 02:11 AM)u dont know meh? Last 8 years ago Mydin and KWSP got plan want open therebut cancel because that all shop sell to owner. some owner got 100 lot. U tengok selayang Mall. Giant keluar Aeon come replace.because all shop all belong to management.well at least selayang mall much better than this damn mallI think the management did the same mistake like Summit USJ. individual lot. end up apa pun tak boleh buat.location already good in front of the hospital, can turn into makan mall. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996175765991211} +{"text": "QUOTE(kucinggemok @ Oct 25 2016, 04:09 PM)Oh please lah bg12, this ahmad haneef is an ahmadi/qadiani follower.This is a deviant sect in Malaysia. Whatever he say does not hold water for Malaysia Muslim here. Something like ayah pin . Come on lah .LolQUOTE(zariel @ Oct 25 2016, 04:11 PM)so you have to put more explanation on it. you say beef bacon is halal. you cannot put bacon and indicate that is halal without putting 'beef' in front of bacon. otherwise, people will get confused whether that is bacon made of pork or bacon made of beef. this is what jakim halal policy covers. the only problem is that, it involves hot'dog'. the status is advisory, it is better if the company chooses to change the name to sausages.So much gymnastics Fact isBeef bacon isn't haramCuz it's beefSame as hotdogHotdog ain't haram cuz there's no dog in itIts processed chickenChicken not haramThats factNot assumption Not presumption Not accusing other people in of easily confusedCuz no one ever confused about something like thisCuz most human can readQUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 25 2016, 04:11 PM)Why you tag me?\u00a0 I didn't even post in here until now.Kesian joe ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9753899574279785} +{"text": "Semua org suka makanan halal kan sebab bersih dan sihat. Tapi mcm mana nak tahu status halal? #mykpdnkk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5593569278717041} +{"text": "Apa saja yg penting halal dan bersih dan enak RT : menu makanan favoritmu semasa kecil ? #makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998642206192017} +{"text": "hm tak faham la. kenapa eh bila ada org tanya pasal tempat tu halal ke tak, mesti ada je yg bangkitkan pasal kedai makcik tepi jalan ada sijil halal ke tak apa bagai semua. Lagi geram bila org tu tanya cara baik sbb betul2 nk tahu, tp dpt jwpn sarkastik mcm tu. Pendapat korang?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7334954738616943} +{"text": "\r\nAssalamualaikum wbt / Salam sejahtera,\n\r\nTuan /Puan,\n\r\nAdakah makanan dan prosedur penyediaan\r\nmakanan yang disediakan hotel Regency Tower,Ipoh\r\ntelah mendapat pengesahan halalan toyyiban dari Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Perak?\r\nKawan saya telah menghubungi JAIP, tp mereka masih belum memberikan keputusan.\r\nHmm knp ambil masa utk memberikan jawapan? Sedangkan pada fikiran saya,\r\nsudah tentu JAIP ada rekod setiap hotel.\r\nSaya utarakan soalan ini kerana salah seorang pegawai di tpt saya bekerja beria-ia ingin \r\nmencadangkan hotel tsebut utk mengadakan majlis mkn2 d hotel tersebut, \r\nsedangkan status sah halalnya masih belum diperolehi.\r\nApa yg saya tahu,ada seorang rakan telah membuat survey d hotel tersebut dan mendapati\r\npihak hotel tersebut masih belum mempunyai F&B(Food n Beverages)..Dapur pun kosong lg..Jd pihak hotel buat masa ini menggunakan khidmat Martin Catering(Bukan Islam) utk sediakan makanan..Wallahhualam..\r\nentah betul entah tidak..\r\nJd, saya perlukan bantuan tuan / puan utk memaklumkan kpd saya, sekiranya tuan/puan tahu ttg status halal hotel tersebut..\r\nIni kerana majoriti drp kami adalah beragama Islam.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997010827064514} +{"text": "(COI Declaration: I work in Halal Industry) Semakin hari saya tengok #BMF, semakin teruk kesan mereka terhadap industri halal. Komen macam 'Walaupun ada sijil Halal JAKIM, tetap Haram sebab bukan Islam buat' semakin... https://t.co/he6SbMMQRH", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998202919960022} +{"text": "did not press properly/correctly end product all crocked. How can it be best?. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979479908943176} +{"text": "Once makanan tu dah consider halal oleh jakim, fuck lah, makan je lah bangsat. Kalau benda haram lu (cont) http://tl.gd/k245hf", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(lahart @ Mar 12 2024, 01:53 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Here come the head of the blindI think its something that necessary because if not you will have some little Napoleon principle / Operator who will say no directive from MOE so we decided based on your \"smart\" judgment ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9944549202919006} +{"text": "QUOTE(marfccy @ May 30 2024, 05:42 PM)yeah so ultimately its super subjective, but people are putting it out like its a MUST otherwise [insert person] fault for not taking care wife la, bla blafor csec mothers i would also opt for confinement, its no joke in amount of healing the body will need. few friends gave birth via csec and no joke they are still healing even after 6 months post surgerydunno le, i can really feel the spite in these ex keliks when they talking abt how much have changed since birth and how things would be diff if they didnt. but at same time theyll go like being mothers is the best feel ever. im confused lmaodoesnt help that last time my family was my mum and aunts also didnt really need confinement centres, they just hired babysitters/caretakers and get family help jaga and all is still went well. didnt spend much too for the caretakers/babysittersyeah so ultimately bolded part in my POV is people go confinement centre cause the other half dont have time thats all.the number one phrase my wife learnt when we were getting married is you and take your opinion and go fuck yourself. This also followed with the middle finger gesture. She learnt together with me is that if listen to what others say, no end in the amount of bullshit. so from wedding till child born, it was our way or GFY.Confinement home also have those that operate from homes etc. Those much cheaper. Less than 10k. A bit more cramped as they usually operate from a house, and daddy has to get kiddo go for checkup. Other than that oklah. Last time was only 7k, but pre covid lah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6184437274932861} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Mar 31 2024, 11:24 AM)Tanglin > village parkShhhDon't let sexysarah Kevin23 see thisVP is the best in his universe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999755620956421} +{"text": "jarang dia beli bunga dia suka belikan kita makanan sebab dia thu lemak2 tu mmg stay dekat perut kitaa hihihihi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9493070840835571} +{"text": "buka tudung cuci rambut pon haram... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "\nShayang replied at 22-7-2022 12:21 PM\r\nYup bersepah2 malas aku nak sebut nama sbb semua restoran tu pemes belaka hahhah\r\nAcah2 sgt korang\u00a0\u00a0...\njual daging segar tepi jalan pon belum tentu halal..ade je yg curi lembu,pastu sembelih sndri2(lom tentu sembelihan patuh shariah)..hahahaha\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993225336074829} +{"text": "QUOTE(YellowKingValley @ May 25 2015, 01:27 PM)Regardless, all are francaise. Will still pay royalty to parent company (foreign owned).anything that passed through 'org kita' will be automagically dosa-less ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998507499694824} +{"text": "\n Post Last Edit by PrintChez at 4-11-2009 14:51 \n\n 33# 14sept \r\nlepas jumpe hospital besar kulai, ade flyover naik ke bandar putra. kalau belok kanan pi ke ioi mall... tapi nak restoran lapan kati ni belok ke kiri, masuk indahpura.... ko lalu je depan deret2 kedai belah kiri....ade tulis restoran lapan kati. kedai dia end lot....dah 2 kali aku pi sini. baru je celebrate birthday ahad lepas.... aha, sudu makan dia pun lagi besar dari sudu lauk umah aku....\n\r\nalamat : 25, jalan kenanga 29/1, indahpura, kulai\r\n07-662 2588\n\n\r\ntempat lain yang aku dah gi, yang forumer dah sebut, :\r\nrestoran botak - sebab asam pedas dia best\r\nrestoran wong hassan - restoran biase je, tak la exclusive sangat, tapi makanan best", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957905411720276} +{"text": "bcoz majority endorse that. therefore those in power do their best to throw baits. if fools memang pick up the baits. thats politik 101 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9905822277069092} +{"text": "Makanan haram merusakkan ummat. tp tak dititikberatkan. JAKIM do something. chewing gum murah kat kedai2 runcit tu... budak2 skolah suka..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9952378273010254} +{"text": "QUOTE(eddystorm @ Oct 31 2023, 04:24 PM)Non selling food without pork = haram.Non selling food with pork = veli Haram.kingkong selling food without pork = harambe. kingkong selling food with pork = harambest. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994732737541199} +{"text": "Beli makanan yang kamu suka, atau yang lagi kamu pengenin sender.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992639422416687} +{"text": "QUOTE(damnkids01 @ Jul 15 2024, 11:33 AM)scam is common nowadays everybody wanna cut corner but want maximum profit.. very saddingi got kena nasi lemak biasa bungkus version, they charge rm4 but they use beras hancur, barely any coconut taste, 5 pc of kacang, quarter egg and sambal with maybe 2 or 3 ikan bilis.. wowza the rice was the worst i tastedthis one i also will koma\u00a0 nowadays everyone doing business purely for profit only. dont have moral compass, never think what they do will affect their comrades's health or not. all purely about $$$best nasi lemak should use real santan from coconut. ok fine, they skipped that part and use santan in box. but when they found cheaper alternatives, santan sawit wtf? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998544454574585} +{"text": "this retard should read the fatwa by the Muftis regarding public laundrette.it is ALWAYS PRESUMED SUCI unless its PROVEN that its dirtyu cannot assume blindly like that...if not u cannot do anything...all harommmmm..bahahathis zamihan is a racist and s stupid one as well (dont they all..lel) the muftis must be shaking their head...lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5302335619926453} +{"text": " Lagi best bila orang tu taknak beli makanan yg dah ada cop halal JAKIM sebab \"aku baca kat internet brand tu tak halal la\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5590906739234924} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 11:41 PM)Since when hotdog is haram? U still dont understand? It is a standard from jakim to give a food a good name if you want to get\u00a0 a certificate. Why need to butthurt if change name afterall you all eat also. If you dont get a cert does it mean haram? No it is still halal. Keep provoking and said muslim is easy to confused? You are the one that confused, didnt get halal cert from jakim doesnt mean it is haram, it is still halal.Pls read my post above, #272 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(cypher @ Dec 31 2016, 04:33 PM)this damn stupid, reason of boikot?The viral Jakim Halal birthday cake notice. 1 big Mac equals 1 halal cert for Jakim! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9904496073722839} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Jun 20 2024, 01:34 PM)For viral video bagi lebih protein la.Normal one even non halal only ciput jer the protein amount.LOL Ye kan lol. Pergi kedai prawn become 1.5 lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "JAKIM kerjanya keluarkan sijil status halal makanan dik, bukan status halal hubungan kelamin. https://x.com/eilyanaazira/s/eilyanaazira/status/1700526127822111213\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999634027481079} +{"text": "QUOTE(supermoto @ Jan 7 2021, 11:05 PM)Don care halal or haram. As long as got vegetarian lotus logo, then its halal for me. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997597336769104} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ May 21 2016, 10:13 AM)Then why are you upset when the government wants to remove no-pork sign? Does removing the no-pork sign inconvenience you significantly? Would you be less resistant to the idea if the no-pork sign was allowed only IF a non-halal sign was also displayed alongside it? Win-win situation right? That way Muslims would know that its Halal status is questionable but informative enough for non-Muslims who do not consume pork. I expect resistance from F&B owners though.Malaysians are lazy. Instead of boycotting an expensive eatery, they report the restaurant to KPNDKK for profiteering. Nothing's going to change that at the moment.Last para speaks allIf i were a devout muslim who is looking for food in the first place, would i pickA. Restaurant that im unsure of halal status althou they dont serve porkB. Restaurant that i know (franchise based) that is guaranteed halalOfc B la, save the hassle and trouble of trying to find out ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9708151817321777} +{"text": "Kalau menggunakan darah babi, apakah ada pabrik yang menerima darah babi tersebut lalu dibawa ke tempat pembuatan?. Haram untuk makanan tapi halal akan uangnya . \n\nSertakan Link jurnal yang Kredibel ya ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(fullmetalneko @ Aug 16 2024, 12:02 PM)But they will counter saying that the mere use of nasi lemak is confusing them. Compounded by their weak faith, they might will feel compelled to eat it. So to be safe, it would be best to change the name in everyone's best interest\u00a0 Please be understanding, some puak is very weak ... be considerate to the weakling. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.932296097278595} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 21 2016, 04:09 PM)Itu masalahnya. Aku dah cakap banyak kali tapi tak tau benak sangat kepala diorang ni nak terima. Kutuk jakim diorang terasa macam kutuk agama. Memanglah jakim tu agensi yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal agama islam, tapi tu tak bermaksud semua yg diorang buat betul.Lagipun, yang hal nama ni, takde pun tulis dalam quran nama boleh menentukan halal haram. Dah takde tulis dalam quran yang orang jakim pandai2 masukkan dalam syarat nak dapat sijil halal tu kenapa. Kalau pun benda tu boleh kelirukan ( lagi 1 aku tak paham ), buat la sijil lain. Namakan Sijil makanan yang tak mengelirukan. Jangan la masukkan sekali dalam syarat nak dapat sijil halal. Cuba bayangkan org yg apply tak diluluskan sebab nama produk diorang. Aku boleh kompem ramai akan pikir product tu haram sebab tak dapat sijil halal. Yang kelirukan orang Jakim ni sendiri.kalu ko rasa ko lagi cerdik & pandai ilmu perkara halal ko pegi la debate dgn panel Halal JAKIM..depa buat untuk standardkan biar ada 1 ja sijil Halal yg merangkumi semua aspek dr pembuatan, proses, menu2 & nama2 produk, biar semua bersih & elok..tukar nama je, bukna suro buat yg susah2..awat, susah ke nak tukar nama produk? DOG tu terlalu penting ke untuk letak pada produk? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "\n\n so no need JAKIM, ulama, ustaz, ustazah? since muslim are bound by islamic rules\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968754053115845} +{"text": "QUOTE(delon85 @ Mar 16 2024, 10:51 AM)PAS imej is decided by what motion and questions they bring into parliamentAll of PAS imej can be summarise into1. Tight clothing2. Alcohol3. Syariah law4. Vernacular schoolObviously you not following parliament session and only read roket news. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(nicole_4ever @ Jan 31 2024, 03:02 PM)Obviously sugar contained la... Drink water is the best.Although you think i am trolling, better avoid sugar before it's too lateSome ppl very healthy pretty lengzai but wanna suicide...haiz .. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Apr 22 2024, 07:15 PM)how to keluar malaysia if dont give passport?QUOTE(Rusty Nail @ Apr 22 2024, 07:21 PM)apela pegawai tuxde passport macam mana suruh dia balik tongsan?deportation. send to immigration depot then hantar balik tongsan. malu apa bosskuon a serious note: He over-exercised his due diligence lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "LOL... why ktards so bloody dense cannot see things for what they are?Orang di luar racing, maka cerdik pandai pakar segala bidang dalam /k pun mesti racing?The issue is about trade description. End of story. Duk sibuk pung pang mempersoalkan \"halal\" \"melayu\" \"cina\" \"orang kital apa ke hal? Awak tu pun kalau terbeli barang dipalsukan tapi dijual sebagai original oleh Trusted Seller, tak melantun marahnya? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8851025104522705} +{"text": "QUOTE(Azurues @ Aug 11 2024, 05:56 PM)Err noTS dpt ganjaran-la, biar pi. The best is still in Jalan Pasar, Pudu. if not just go SS19, pon ada sedap tapi no more real banana leaf as plate. One more at Brickfields, near big temple, sendiri google map. Best onion pakoras, BB punya low class, fail.This post has been edited by pgsiemkia: Aug 11 2024, 06:45 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9742001891136169} +{"text": "QUOTE(RecticulatingAI @ Dec 8 2015, 03:01 PM)The Malaysian Insider had referred to the nation's first premier's statement in Parliament on May 1, 1958, where he said: \u201cI would like to make it clear that this country is not an Islamic state as it is generally understood; we merely provided that Islam shall be the official religion of the state.\u201dA news article has also reported Tunku speaking on February 8, 1983 at a gathering to celebrate his 80th birthday where he said: \u201cThe country has a multiracial population with various beliefs. Malaysia must continue as a secular state with Islam as the official religion.\u201d- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/Secular-or...h.0IgX2LQV.dpufIf thats the not the very definition of Secular from Bapak Malaysia, I dont know what is.In Malaysia we have two set of law, one Islamic for Muslim and the civil law for tgose that does not profess the islamic faith. Hence it goes back to my earlier point of dont force force but choose what us best for you.Unfortunately again, even Bapak Datuk Moyang Malaysia is not a sanctioned constitutional interpreter. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998527765274048} +{"text": "QUOTE(tentang rasa @ Jan 12 2015, 10:27 AM)that make sense, but Allah tak cipta quran untuk satu era sahaja. bear in mind that god's words tak terikat pada masa macam kita manusia ni. bagi aku kita mesti selarikan islam sesuai dengan peredaran zaman.Pada pendapat saya, islam tak seharusnya diselarikan dengan peredaran zaman. Sepatutnya peredaran zaman diselarikan dengan islam.ia sama seperti islam tidak sepatutnya dipolitikkan tetapi politik diselarikan dengan islam. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995909333229065} +{"text": "Aku faham je logik kenapa orang yakin je makan kedai/gerai melayu muslim even takde sijil halal jakim. Dah dia islam, jadi tanggungjawab dia lah pastikan bahan dalam makanan dia tu halal. Kalau tak dosa atas dia lah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9785698652267456} +{"text": "\nedayildiz replied at 6-5-2023 01:21 AM\nkonten ke ni??takut sgt ngan babi..btw td i p jaya grocer beli groceries..ada promo beer..masa nk mm ...\nTake beer!\n\r\nMinum arak baik untok kita \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nhttp://youtu.be/weRFhrWY5Yg\n\r\nP/S: masa tu belum ada perintah bungkos kepala lagi tau, bila Revolusi Iran berjaya bawak imej moslemah bertudung baharu Malaysia tetiba rasa perempuan mesti bertudung, sebelum era 1980-an tak payah pakai tudung, cuba tengok felem P. Ramlee yang scene perempuan pergi mengaji tu, bungkus kepala hala-hala selendang tu jah.\n\r\ntake beeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jv8888 @ Nov 1 2023, 10:46 AM)tapi yg meniaga tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal, macam mana boleh confirm yang dia ada jaga kebersihan ataupun bahan2 yg dia dapat itu dari sumber HALAL? Adakah secara auto yang makanan tepi jalan itu menjadi HALAL walaupun tanpa logo HALAL disebabkan org yg menjualnya?Dalam fiqh you shouldn't go out of your normal way to proof it is haram, just if you know for sure it is haram then it is not permissible.Nah kalau rajin nak baca:https://islamqa.info/en/answers/231261/ever...oven-prohibited ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9816098213195801} +{"text": "How can some animals be haram? Did god created them and then later say \"I made a mistake, lol, please haramkan these animals.\"God is not perfect kah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999581575393677} +{"text": "QUOTE(Candy12 @ Nov 23 2020, 01:17 AM)I'm Ipoh Chinese I'll buy from everyone if I feel hungry.By the way the cakoi looks very nice, tasty and tempting.Shape is not important, taste is what matters.Don't let other race pretend to be Chinese trying bring up race card here.Yeah. i also support uncle selling sugar cane drink. no sugar. susah mahu dapat at kl right now.if suddenly sugar cane got watery. .. we just said itu apek sudah taruk air kot .. next week. he know his mistake. he revert. and his sugar cane drink long que que again.we dont said hey air tebu kedai melayu lagi best la. ni apek ni cina suka tipu punya. NO WE DONT TALK LIKE THAT!. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "Malay takkan ada masalah if kedai chinese tu serve makanan halal 100% and ada sijil halal dr jakim. Tapi kalau kami tak jejak tu, maksudnya tak yakin makanan depa tu halal and depa sendiri pun takdak sijil halal. Nak complain psl malay itu, malay ini. Tapi tak tahu psl agama org. https://x.com/mohdsyafiuddin/mohdsyafiuddin/status/1559555103589539842\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999582767486572} +{"text": "Popular book sell his bio book 70% :x ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9021011590957642} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Mar 5 2024, 04:10 PM)It will be another haram issue if done today.ya thats right... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995617151260376} +{"text": "Kesian also become oren in Malaysia. Need succumb to peer pressure. I'm sure many oren don't give a shit about boikot but obligated to do so cos scared how ppl think of them ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9771461486816406} +{"text": "QUOTE(HarleyIron @ Sep 22 2016, 01:46 PM)1.\u00a0 I reverted many many moons back.\u00a0 2 years ago i decided to marry a Malay muslim girl.\u00a0 CNY was hilarious.\u00a0 We dressed up in traditional Malay clothing.\u00a0 My relatives' jaw dropped (initially, now they are used to it.\u00a0 Mind you, they are really kampung folks).\u00a0 we dont have time to deco our own house.\u00a0 We usually deco the kampung house, both my parents and hers.\u00a0 As for food, I already told you that we are not the fatwa-happy kinda folks.\u00a0 They eat pork, we eat our own cooked rendang kambing; They drink their beer and liquors, we drink barbican; they gamble their money, we play bluff (for those who dont know, bluff is a card game). Eat at home also can, go out also can; no problem.\u00a0 Most of the Kampung Chinese folks are ok with us now.\u00a0 I still speak the dialect, and my wife speaks mandarin.\u00a0 In-fact, they are impressed with us now.2. I seldom got chance to eat outside alone.\u00a0 My wife is a great cook and she loves cooking.\u00a0 I am putting on weight as we speak now.\u00a0 Hahahaha.Nice! Got chance want to try good food also!!So when you are at your kampung, how did your family accomodate you and your wife? Is there special utensil prepared, or you are ok with just properly washed (instead of samak)?What about prayers, is there room prepared or you just pray in your own room?Ever tried ramadhan at your kampung? What is it like? Do they join in the sahur, etc?Normal meals in your kampung with your family, who cooks? How is the dinner like? They eat their food, you and your wife eat rendang (presumably bought or your wife cook and bring to kampung)?Again, sorry for the extra question ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999954342842102} +{"text": "Aaaa kenapa kehidupan bubu sama kayak aku nenek ku juga suka masak buat keluarga, kalau beliau pulang desa trus dirumah gak ada yang masak, baru deh ibu mau masak , atau gak ya beli makanan diluar, soalnya kan bapak di Surabaya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9795411229133606} +{"text": "\r\nMemang pelik, Malaysia tiada Undang-undang Halal. Sedangkan USA ada 8 negeri/states ada undang-undang Halal. Teorinya ialah Menteri Agama sebelum ni tak cukup power/serius, sebab mereka orang politik, perlukan undi non-moslem.\n\r\nMenteri Agama sekarang ni askar, bukan politician. Najib bawak dia dari Kementerian Pertahanan. Lama Najib kat MINDEF (10 tahun???) selalu dengar tazkirah Mejar Jeneral ni. Kita tengok macamana dia berjaya tamatkan sambutan Hari Pahlawan di tugu dan letak kalungan bunga.\n\r\nHarapnya hujung tahun ni Akta Halal dibentang di Parlimen, antaranya;\r\n-hotel wajib ada sijil JAKIM\r\n-logo lain tidak boleh guna\n\r\nBeza logo JAKIM dengan logo lain ialah; Logo lain, TIADA pemantauan berkala/berterusan. JAKIM memang kurang staf tapi spot check tu memang Jakim buat. Logo lain,langsung tiada.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayambetul @ Mar 10 2024, 12:15 PM)Kenot compete just go home sleep and wait for Br1M jer la.Orang jual mahal, marahOrang jual murah, marahIni puak patut masok nerakaQUOTE(smallydupe @ Mar 10 2024, 12:43 PM)Bila cannot compete just keluar kad 51% and all other quotas, new pensijilan, logo berwarna to show which race owns the company etc QUOTEKFC DI BOIKOT.. wajarkah??Dalam kaedah Feqah, perlu memilih mudharat yang kecil berbanding mudharat besar.Arwah Tan Sri Ali Hashim punyalah susah payah naik court turun court untuk dapatkan pemilikan KFC di MalaysiaTujuan dia untuk perkasakan ecosystem penternakan ayam oleh penternak kecil. Masa tu ayam ada 2000-3000 ekor dikira besar dah oleh penternak local niDengan control KFC, penternak ni dah boleh berani pergi ke amount lagi besar. 10 ribu, 20 ribu sebulan. Ada yang hingga 500 ribu ekor sebulan supply kepada KFCLimpahan ekonomi tak payah cakap lah kat sektor lain jugakDatang kat golongan terpaling Palestine, jom boikot KFC mudah camtu je nak hancurkan ecosystem yang orang dah bina niBoikot paling elok adalah tambah ilmu tu \ud83d\ude12Kena kecamlah its ok, benda truth kena spill jugak! QUOTEKILANG BEKAL AYAM KFC BAKAL BUNGKUSKabaq angin yang sedang bertiup deraih...Katanya sebuah kilang memproses ayam milik melayu islam(bumiputera) di utaqa semenanjung, bakai ditutup akibat kurang nya permintaan dari restoran makanan segera...pakat tau kot restoran apa yang kita dok ratah ayam.Kata nya sebab kesan boikot dari puak BMF......Saya mohon Ustaz2 & netizen menyatakan pendapat. Terhadap boikot KFC yang bakal meruntuhkan sebuah kilang ayam halal Muslim di Utara. Ini kesan dari boikot sgt berjaya.*Kilang milik JCorp*Banyak keluarkan zakat*Anak anak Melayu bekerja disana*Banyak penternak Melayu menternak untuk merekaKilang goodyear kepunyaan yahudi..Kilang ayam MCD KFC tutup walaun gembira .kilang tayar tutup walaun sedih. Nak bagi jahanam ekonomi sendiri sbb tu walaun bodoh.Small players can't compete with the big broilers so use racial sentiments. But it also affects the Bumi businessman too. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(sirknieghf @ Nov 2 2013, 08:02 PM)some say can, some say cannot..since there are no definite answer..islam told us to pick the safe sidethe best answer ..if things are unsure .. use ur guts..no need to follow fatwa that contradict logic and science ..if not you'll be just a mere sheep that follows blindly ..btw I cant play TERA anymore so frustrated ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996824264526367} +{"text": "QUOTE(letitsnow @ Mar 3 2024, 04:58 PM)tech companies are not haram. i wont dive into it coz i wont waste my time explaining it. you wanna know you google sendiri.I know it. I'm also a DIY investor too but my question is why isn't conventional doing the same? If they say Chinese are the biggest contributor to epf, by right conventional should have more funds to toy around with right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996584415435791} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 11:47 AM)Ok serious. Jakim did not approved Auntie Anne's halal application because of 'incomplete paperwork', but isn't it true that they also require them to change the name of 'Pretzel Dog'? Yeah, some people say they 'recommended' the name be changed, but if Auntie Anne's decide to stick with the name, will their application be approved if all other matters are ok? As you yourself has quoted:cannot answer lah bro, need to ask jakim for that. am not coming from that org. but i believe even though they change the food's name, it will not jeopardize their sales, and i believe the sales will increase if they got halal cert. muslim sure yakin to buy the food in future.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999459981918335} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Nov 6 2021, 01:15 AM)Again,why didn't they get up and request to see personally how big the fish it was before proceed? All main ok angguk2 saja at the table with the waiter taking the order?That's what you get when you order 'macam order lauk kat kedai mcm biasa'. You're eating at tourist trap seafood restaurant. Not your usual kedai mcm biasa. Berak mahal la you all.QUOTE(_JD_ @ Nov 6 2021, 08:39 AM)Ini bukan pasal meniaga. Ini pasal consumer education . Dah tau nak makan seafood ada harga terpapar order lah ikut berat. Kalau x mampu order nasi goreng je lain Kali. Selalu pergi seafood restaurant Kalau x tau nak order macam mana owner bulih Kasi suggestion macam mana mau order. Kalau di order ikan dlm 500g ke 1 kg xkan kedai amek ikan 5-6kg. Jd Salah siapa lah ni? Xpayah la nak ksi alasan kene potong kalau diri sendiri ego bila orang Kasi suggestion x mau dengar.Both sides also wrong la, customer didn\u2019t clarify and ask to see the fish. At the same time the seller especially when selling \u201cpremium\u201d live fish should have shown and weighed the fish in front of the customer. At least this is what every honest restaurants would do. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6915916204452515} +{"text": "How many years people been consuming haram stuff without knowing? This is ridiculous! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "Yg paling ulti \"km g prnh makan ya? Ga suka makan ya?\" Yaoloh aku msh mampu beli makanan cuk! Kalo g prnh makan tuh mati bknnya kurus.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9918650984764099} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Apr 26 2022, 02:40 PM)https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/m...hs-after-launchhttps://themalaysianreserve.com/2020/01/06/...i-air-told/amp/U think i dont want?They closed for business liao U think im happy being assaulted with such godaan demi godaan?Beg them to restart the airline again, la. Boycott all other airlines, not complaint. Nanti dosa besar. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992075562477112} +{"text": "QUOTE(ze2 @ Oct 30 2021, 06:06 PM)Makan perempuan asing is OK?Kalau makanan tu Halal, okey; kalau haram, tak bulih. Macam Ramli burger and Tongkat Ali.This post has been edited by crador: Oct 30 2021, 06:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9107750654220581} +{"text": "GoGung Korean Restaurant\n\nRestoran ini dimiliki oleh orang Melayu di Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang.\n\nDi sini, terdapat set BBQ dan juga pilihan ala carte yang boleh dipesan oleh para pelanggan. \n\nPaling penting, semua makanan di sini halal dan mendapat pengiktirafan JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997121691703796} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Sep 8 2019, 04:53 PM)Doesn't matter. It will be given to the one who is able to deliver the highest quality at the best price. Then the companies cut pocket sendiri to get the tender. There will be no sub sub con culture.cronies mean they didnt cut the pocket. open tender just for wayang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997743964195251} +{"text": "Bagus kasi siram dia ni air tuhau ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8487145304679871} +{"text": "QUOTE(PeopleOfPerlis @ Apr 12 2024, 12:20 PM)me also spend 16 sets of mcd meal (raya night)ini tanda orang sudah berjaya. lagi berjaya drp yg bawa bmw dan merc. pahala ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998873472213745} +{"text": "So next time duit halal dan haram la? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(failed.hashcheck @ Feb 21 2023, 08:16 PM)nowadays price just same. Just choice whether you like firm chunk or stronger taste meat.For made in Malaysia can't go wrong with any brandBut ayam brand and king cup is safest bet due to its familiar and consistent quality.For cheaper China brand, SJE is good. Got red and green can, i don't know the difference but I have a bias the green one got superior taste.Can't go wrong with this one. You might have been familiar with this since mamak usually uses this brand.Don't simply but unfamiliar china import brand. Some just taste weird, some even got sand from improper gutting.Yeah, Ayam Brand and Kin Cup is good but so expensive nowadays. Actually, I was not aware of this SJE brand until you mentioned it. Nice ka? I might buy a can or 2 to try. QUOTEPenjelasan Isu Status Halal Produk Sos Sardin Jenama Siri JawiPihak Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) sering menerima pertanyaan berkenaan isu status halal produk sos sardin pelbagai jenama yang berada di pasaran. Tidak dapat dinafikan, kebanyakan sos sardin yang berada di pasaran tempatan diimport dari luar negara. Terkini, terdapat segelintir netizen yang mula menularkan isu pertikaian status halal produk sos sardin jenama Siri Jawi yang didakwa menggunakan logo halal generik pada label produk tersebut. Berdasarkan semakan pihak JAKIM, produk sos sardin yang diimport oleh syarikat Siri Jawi Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd beralamat di Taman Industri Selayang Utama, Batu Caves, Selangor merupakan pemegang sijil halal Shandong Halal Certification Service (SHC).Untuk makluman pengguna, Shandong Halal Certification Service (SHC) merupakan badan pensijilan halal luar negara yang menjalankan operasi pensijilan halal di negara China. Berkenaan isu penggunaan logo halal generik pada label produk tersebut, ianya merupakan label pada stok lama dan telah diambil tindakan lanjut oleh pihak syarikat agar tidak membawa kepada kekeliruan awam. Stok terkini label produk berkenaan telah dicetak dengan logo halal Shandong Halal Certification Service (SHC) seterusnya menepati keperluan undang-undang berkaitan halal yang telah ditetapkan di negara ini. Justeru, masyarakat pengguna dinasihatkan agar lebih berwaspada sebelum menularkan sebarang berita berkaitan isu halal yang tidak diketahui status kebenarannya dengan merujuk pihak berautoriti agar tidak terjebak ke kancah fitnah dan salah faham sesama ummah yang akan menjejaskan keharmonian negara.Untuk mengetahui produk dan premis makanan yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia, sila layari Portal Rasmi Halal Malaysia di\u00a0 www.halal.gov.my. Semakan juga boleh dilakukan melalui aplikasi\u00a0 telefon pintar SmartHalal (http://www.smarthalal.com.my/faq.html) Ikuti penjelasan berkenaan isu-isu halal yang tular di http://bit.ly/PenjelasanIsuHalalTular dan muat turun senarai penuh logo-logo halal luar negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM di http://bit.ly/DownloadPDFLogoHalalLuarNegaraTerima kasih.\"Yakini Halal Malaysia\"Sumber:Seksyen Komunikasi Korporat,Bahagian Pengurusan Halal,Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia.pr_halal.islam@1govuc.gov.my03-8892 5000/108 Zulkaedah 1441 H30 Jun 2020 MSumber: Penjelasan Isu Status Halal Produk Sos Sardin Jenama Siri Jawi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9843205213546753} +{"text": "\nmg makanan cina kurang santan & minyak... tp cina pon banyak yg suka makanan jepun, juga sbb minya ...\nkaikaibaby Post at 9-6-2010 10:43 AM \n\n\nyg pedas ni bukan masakan Szechuan ke? yg selalu guna minyak cili tu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990957975387573} +{"text": "QUOTE(nearlee @ May 15 2024, 02:50 PM)>inb4 Ipoh curry noodle the best NearleeMy regular Ipoh dry curry hor fun (now shifted to Fei Loh Woo, Ipoh Gardens) also taste change already. Maybe bcos mother no longer there, Now run by the kids. Damn sad. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994248151779175} +{"text": "QUOTE(madman7028 @ Mar 30 2021, 10:23 AM)Is that the guy who say cars no need airbags?Yup!and the one who said \" even if Ploton priced at RM80K there will be someone who gonna buy it \"so LCLYthe best one was WAJA = Asia's answer to BMWreally bikin malu this kind of tagline actually used in Australia for Waja's Promohttp://autoworld.com.my/forum/index.php?/t...-answer-to-bmw/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998902440071106} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Sep 10 2020, 11:05 AM)Aduhai benda macam;--tapai nasi-tapai ubi campur cendol-nira nipahkorang tak kecam halal atau tidak.zzzzzzi once tasted tapai and told my malay friends that it tasted like alcohol. they just briefly said \"boleh makan je, halal\"so i did some research and found out that tapai is halal if fermented to the point it is not intoxicating. If fermented to the point it becomes intoxicating, then it is haram.it is like telling me if i drink too much beer, i will get drunk. but if i drink just nice, i wont get drunk so it is ok.this is their logic. messed up mentality as usual.and tapai is produk melayu so jgn persoal.This post has been edited by klch87: Sep 10 2020, 11:21 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9885650277137756} +{"text": "Mostly indah khabar dari rasa. The power of viral.This post has been edited by nuba: Dec 31 2016, 12:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6156028509140015} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Mar 18 2024, 12:51 AM)Always say masak dengan iman and all, but mulut so celupar.Dah famous Kaya etc.sure LC la.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997865557670593} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jan 13 2024, 09:03 AM)McD saja pun, kecoh apa... over dramatic pulak ktards ni, hahaha.Macam bagus sangat makanan mereka hidang...tak habis2 narrative orang kita affected. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8163737654685974} +{"text": "\nBelum tentu lagi haram........\n\nSEMESTINYA BELUM TENTU LAGI HALAL!\n\r\nBoleh percaya ka pekerja-pekerja dan taukenye?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995966553688049} +{"text": "QUOTE(Radioactive Infused Cola @ May 21 2019, 06:50 PM)i already said alcohol in drinks serve no purpose other than intoxicating hence it's haram.\u00a0 it's the other properties of red wine that's beneficial not the alcohol.so muslim can drink red wine, without being drunk, no haram ??...and... can eat drunken chicken or not ??This post has been edited by Cincai lar: May 21 2019, 06:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999727010726929} +{"text": "QUOTE(lyn9999 @ Jan 18 2017, 02:06 PM)no need to focus on cakeits halal issues, to be halal u need follow rulesif u choosen to be disobey the rules. u not mean to be under halal status anymoreWell the lost is much to lose that this is what most people dont understand that factnot the cake pleaseSomehow you make my day. You are in denial! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991458654403687} +{"text": "QUOTE(J1g54w @ Mar 18 2022, 09:10 AM)imagine at the street whenever see they smoke, shout at them \"oi isap darah babi tu! HARAM!\" wonder how many suddenly become gangsterkek who dare to shout this ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "Vivacity - overall goodness, variety and bigSpring - upmarket but less varietyPlaza merdeka- small, but pack with variety, and best of all center to old town and city touristy spots. If you tourist and only can go to one, choose plaza merdeka.Don't ruin your vacation by going to summer mallThis post has been edited by ramz: Feb 28 2024, 09:33 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999552965164185} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 08:31 PM)oo?really?this is new for me.can ask later whether haram or notactually some bread you eat may have higher alcohol content than shandy yo. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1709087/?page=1some random sample of bread can reach 1.9 percent....more than shandy which is less than 1 percent ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999792575836182} +{"text": "JAKIM dah keluar larangan tak boleh iklan/promosi/claim produk makanan sunnah atau produk yang konon dak rukyah bagai.. \n\nPagi tadi tadi ada orang hantar link penjaja ayaq mineral dalam botoi claim merawat... https://facebook.com/100000119157216/posts/3296523133694959/\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999303817749023} +{"text": "Tapi sebab tu produk islam so x perlu sijil halal n orang percaya beli. since that day, hang islam ke tak ke, asal ada halal aku beli. paling kurang pun ada logo mesti . requirement nak dapat halal kebersihan sangat diutamakan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915878176689148} +{"text": "@ellyyyanaisa alah Meleysians selalu kecoh asal takde sijil halal je haram lah babi lah.yang dia tak solat 5 waktu,gogok beer,makan duit tepi, tu semua tak pulak haram.termasuk tak pakai tudung macam aku,pun harom jugak tapi still buat.bila bab makan menggelabah mcm takde iman", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(lahart @ Jan 6 2017, 12:36 PM)Coz is double standard U onli want halal at selected place Other u nvr care as long as org KitaIf you pointing at me personally, then no, I would prefer to know whether everything is halal or not so I can make a really informed decision. But then again I also know that is not possible. Pls look at this logically from the other side also and not just feel as if people do this just to persecute you. If the seller at the roadside is a Malay and most probably a Muslim (or orang kita as you people like to say), of course the Muslim buyer will have more confidence that the food is halal, but at a place like McD which is faceless corporation, of course a Muslim buyer will require more evidence to be more confident. As I mentioned, not all Muslims will feel the need to see a halal certificate before eating at an establishment. I know a lot of Muslims eat at Chilli's for example and AFAIK they are not halal certified.As I said, NOBODY is forcing McD to have the halal certification. If tomorrow they decide it is better for them to forego the certificate then they will let it expire and don't bother to reapply. But the fact is, McD in Malaysia believe it is in their best interest to get the halal certificate because they believe that with it more Muslims will eat at their restaurants and the fact that the majority of the population of this country are Muslims most probably had an effect on their decision. Because of this business decision, in order for them to be halal certified they will need to follow the guidelines by Jakim. It's as simple as that. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999738931655884} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayamxxx @ Apr 18 2024, 08:50 PM)Elmina to KLCC peak hours at 45 minutes is achievable or not? If off peak, even Semenyih - KLCC can get less than an hour. But peak time closed to 1.5 hour. Another factor, the flood area which make jam more worst.I'm not the best person to answer this cuz I only did it once - travelled to Midvalley, left before 8am, paid RM10 tolls and still took me slightly more than 1 hour.Nowadays, the traffic begins within the town itself, eases once you enter the highways, and worsen once you exit the highways to KL.Depending on when you leave your house, around 10% of your travel time could be spent getting out of town, another 20% to reach the highways (e.g. Dash), then 30% on the highway, and finally 40% on the roads in KL. In total, it could easily take up to 1.5 hours, maybe slightly better if you're willing to pay more tolls. Non-toll roads could take up to 2 hours.<1 hour is hardly possible during peak hours. But it's possible if you start your journey before 7am. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920487999916077} +{"text": "QUOTE(Isabell @ Jan 22 2012, 09:03 PM)both also no. i just don't eat pork. got smell..\u00a0 Thats the best part of pig, the smell. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "\r\nnetijen rata rata komen tak fikir mesti jenis miskin \r\ntakkan bodoh sgt org yg berwang nk pergi tempat dan makan sesuka hati\r\nnetijen dgn longkang dh sama je otaknya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999833106994629} +{"text": "JAIS sahkan tempat sembelih ayam viral tiada sijil halal https://t.co/DrnXdKseoS https://t.co/punkl5yKNI", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997530579566956} +{"text": "QUOTE(lowyatfag @ Oct 22 2020, 05:58 PM)this is why i nvr dare to try other brand except udangDid you mean porn??isn't it haram in the 1st place?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970912933349609} +{"text": "Status Halal, 1. Tiada sebarang campuran alkohol dlm penyediaan minuman 2. No pork, no lard 3. Buat masa ini, pihak JiaYi Malaysia dlm proses melakukan permohonan sijil halal dari Jakim & mengambil masa yg lama utk mendapatkan sijil tersebut 4. Hanya menjual minuman sahaja", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9550697803497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hollow21 @ Mar 3 2024, 11:39 AM)Fark dissappointed as hellMade more than 2022, % just marginally betterObvious some balancing act was\u00a0 done just to buy some hearts who don't give lettewFark just farkIt is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999780654907227} +{"text": "Jauhi makanan yg samar2 HALAL nya.\nMdh ckp mana2 restoran kedai mkn cafe bkn muslim tanpa status HALAL JAKIM wajib jauhi.\nBeribu2 kedai2 makan muslim ada, kedai bukan muslim yg jelas tiada HALAL jg yg di tuju utk penuhi nafsu perut.\nPatutlh benak.\nIngat lg kartel daging haram?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Nov 17 2020, 12:50 PM)you know, this is one of the related reasons why FDI in malaysia is declining.you have a good homegrown brand that has expanded well (besides local franchises of the kopitiam, their ready to drink cans and powder 3-in-1 are selling very well both in malaysia and internationally).foreign non china company comes in to buy said brand and also looking to enlarge their presence and fight the no. 1 market leader (nestle).current brand and new owner working within the laws and try to cater and follow all the requirements including getting and renewing halal certs.then you have the majority locals not only spreading fitnah on the company itself (whether halal status or even their ownership since i still keep reading on FB/twitter that oldtown belongs to either rosmah or ngah bros of perak DAP fame depending on who is making the claim despite JDE buying them outright) or the certifying body JAKIM which is a govt. owned agency.so why would a foreign company waste time and money in malaysia?it's damned if you do, damned if you dont.most facepalming fact is that some ppl don't even trust the JAKIM process and suggesting stuff that even Muslim scholars don't endorse (like having muslim-only cooks etc). \u00a0 \u00a0 you implying Halal > FDI? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8422340154647827} +{"text": "\"Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral.\"The dude just answered his questionBut in terms of food court i've seen Malay stalls running in Chinese wet markets. The Taman Megah one being one example. No issues, they get a steady clientele also from breakfast goers of all races. So technically there shouldnt be any worry of proximity of haram stuff ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999576807022095} +{"text": "QUOTE(AthrunIJ @ Oct 12 2023, 08:26 AM)Tarak sijil then don't go lor.Huha for what I wonder.Competitor cannot compete is it?\ud83d\udc40\ud83c\udf7f\ud83c\udf77\ud83e\udd2dAiyo everything have to accommodate them mah. Bumi ini milik siapa? u xsuka halal, u keluar. Sukiya also no halal. Yet u see these meleis flock at it like no tomorrow. These people are the biggest hypocrite. Halal/Haram is so subjective to them. Riba is haram, but no one talk about how haram it is when they are signing the contract. They only remember its haram when they failed to pay the loan and the bank take action on them. Rasuah is haram, but u change it to donation or gift, and wallah, no more haram. Rokok also haram, but they say its not stated in holy book, just some fatwa. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982109069824219} +{"text": "Gila ini penunggang agama, buat malu islam. The food is halal. Even mufti dont say boycotting is a must do. Rokok yang kompom haram tu bleh plak isap. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "Kadang2, walaupun tauke bukan Melayu, tapi dia sangat menjaga kualiti & status halal makanan. Bahkan, kadang2, pengusaha bukan Melayu lebih bersih & lebih 'halal' berbanding warung2 Melayu. Jadi, stereotaip ini ku kira tidak membantu, bahkan menyukarkan urusan harian.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8754005432128906} +{"text": "QUOTE(KLthinker91 @ Jan 1 2021, 12:27 AM)How about, just make sure it is not pork, baca bismillah, end of story.Ke Nabi kata mesti ada sijil JAKIM? Jakim = carrying out god's work. Punish, make laws, raid and stick stickers of Halal.A bit more power and money to them, they can be like PAS determine who go to hell or elsewhere. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(deathTh3Cannon @ Aug 6 2015, 06:21 PM)why canot makan ? is it because got the word babi there ? mintak cerahanlet me answer generally lah.for muslim, they cannot eat anything under this list:1) anything dirty in nature (pig, cos eating shit, also bcos got direct instruction to not eat), worms2) anything crawling - siput babi, escargot, worms, bugs, etc3) anything poisonous in nature - snake, scorpion, 4) anything carnivor (have fangs, tusk, etc) - lion, tiger, dog, etc5) dua alam (can live in both land and water) - turtle, tortoise, seal, etc6) anything halal to be eaten but not slaughtered properly - just cut head, jiken rolled by car on the road7) anything halal but slaughtered for other other religion offering (like sacrificed, etc)8) anything unclean - jiken dipped in shit, etc9) anything make u high/mabuk - alcohol, tuak, tapai, whiskey, etc10) anything consider dirty by culture - example in Malaysia is ulat mulong - culturally in Sarawak is fine, but for semenanjung since it is associated with ulat, consider dirty. So is haram. (But for some ulat inside fruit consider can be eaten because consider is clean - inside fruit - get it?)11) cannot eat carcasses of dead animal (bangkai)12) we cannot eat/drink blood - like cousine such as pork blood/cow blood in some cultureRule of thumb: anything can be eaten as long as it is not listed under this list.Rule of thumb 2: anything living in water (river/sea/lake/etc) also halal to be eaten - no need slaughtering - deswai siput sedut, shellfish consider halalreason i posted this is to share to those misunderstood/confuse out there on what halal actually is. seems there is so many confusion and misunderstanding, i hope this can give insight on what halal actually is.as for siput babi, it falls under number 2 - crawling and consider dirtyhalal is pretty much similar with koshier, but koshier is stricter. deswai for muslim abroad, if they cannot find halal vendors, they can opt for koshier approved meat. since what christian and jews slaughter can be eaten. if have anything i miss or incorrect, fellow muslim brothers please help to correct me. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996922016143799} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 04:25 PM)Ok cool.Why specifically is it haram then?because we follow what is written in our book. that's all. no more no less. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "Usahawan Sabah digalak mendaftarkan diri dalam latihan industri halal bagi meningkatkan produktiviti, melengkapkan syarikat dengan pematuhan sijil halal diiktiraf Kerajaan bagi menembusi pasaran global. @MEAMalaysia @AzminAli @RadziJidin @mahmudabbas1002 https://t.co/sTRAJrAcQB", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "Kita nie yakin je laa JAKIM dh buat keje diorg elok\u00b2 dh keluarkan sijil halal.. kalo makanan luar cop halal ntah ape\u00b2 boleh pulak makan.. kalo cina malaysia je nk tertipu.. abes produk negara luar xtertipu pulak?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991205334663391} +{"text": "QUOTE(90kidz @ Nov 30 2020, 02:21 PM)Most muslims live just like us, the nons.Just that we rarely see them in our neighbourhood.So we will be surprised if we notice them do things that we 'think' is haram. Lolz.spare your rationality for other places./k always highlight the most extreme comments they can find in twitter and fb. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991563558578491} +{"text": "It depends on what you value in the end, different people different prioritiesYour friend value stability, opportunity and safety more. Cant beat that. Quality of life is also subjective. If driving luxury merc and bmw is your definition, then singapore is not for you. The rich in sg dont drive just merc and bmw btw. Dollar is strong.. so strong that you wont care so much about food prices in sg as shared by other forumer. Food can be disproportionately cheap compred to income, especially at hawker centres. Strong dollar also opens opportunities to other countries. Suddenly investing in european, australian and american real estate become possible, even though u earn same figure in SGD compared to MYR. Of course, you are also not wrong. You can always find examples of rich friends in Malaysia, how they live in luxury etc. But they are not you. The big qns is. Can you live in luxury and how fast can you get to that stage? You, yourself knows best.This post has been edited by styrwr91: May 12 2023, 02:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999607801437378} +{"text": "QUOTE(God Grid @ Jun 13 2024, 02:35 AM)would like to understand more on the ritual, like what is the significance of it? the reason for it to be done?hey i'm no ustaz but this is what I understand from various sermons over the years and try my best to summarize for laymen here: 1. Prophet ibrahim (dad)2. Prophet ismail (son)The story is , dad has been married to his wife. Like berpuluh tahun wait. He never complain and keep asking God. Finally one day God give him a son . Named Ismail. By the time the dad already late age. 86 years old. So you know how precious his son is to him .One day , God tested the dad by asking the dad to \"qurban\" his son. Of course he hesitates because he loved his son. But he trusted God commands and followed His commands. And by the time the knife want to reach his son , God changed his son to a big sheep. reference : https://mufti.pahang.gov.my/wp-content/uplo...LIH-ANAKNYA.pdfwe celebrate raya haji to commemorate the sacrifice and obedience of Prophet Ibrahim. In fact, some of the hajj rituals , are adapted from the test of Ibrahim. (You can google safa and marwa and the story behind it)btw interesting to note, the sacrifice ritual in Islam, unlike any other cult / religion, the blood or offering will not reach God whatsoever. God judged what is in your heart , your piety, that is what will reach Him. Doing a sacrifice ain't easy. but that is the motto of Islamic religion. This world is a test and you will be tested. That is why you see ppl in Palestine, they don't lose hope . Because they know all of this is just a test and they will be rewarded in the hereafter. No matter how bad things get in this world, it will pass one day.This post has been edited by MegaCanonF: Jun 13 2024, 09:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999517202377319} +{"text": "maknanya sebelum ini korang makan minum kedai pemilik bukan muslim di Malaysia sebab korang yakin ia halal? macam bila kita travel ke overseas?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8977449536323547} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Mar 16 2024, 04:47 PM)Its proven work especially Pas have no budaya songlap like Umno. They have very strict internal check and balance. The power spread evenly.Ok then PAS leaders received money from UMNO for what until nik abduh need to lie about it.Lying is a sin.And if check and balance so strict, why nothing happened to nik abduh QUOTEKUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's main religious party has come under fire after it admitted on Wednesday (Feb 13) to lying about a voice recording that reveals it accepted millions of ringgit from former ruling party Umno to co-operate ahead of the general election last year.The recording also triggered a probe by the anti-graft agency into whether payments from Umno to Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) came from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), the troubled state fund that US investigators say had over US$4.5 billion (S$6 billion) embezzled from it.PAS leaders have denied allegations that the party received RM90 million (S$30 million) from Umno and have handed over their accounts to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.But the admission by former PAS youth chief Nik Abduh Nik Aziz on Wednesday that he had lied - with the blessings of party leader Abdul Hadi Awang - about the March 2018 recording has severely eroded the party's credibility and moral high ground.In the audio recording that went viral last year, Mr Nik Abduh is heard saying that PAS had, via two party leaders, accepted RM2 million from Umno. He does not state in the recording if the money came from 1MDB.Mr Nik Abduh had then denied it was him speaking in the recording.However, in a statement last week, Mr Nik Abduh said he had wanted to admit the veracity of the recording but was advised it would be used against PAS in the general election last May.This post has been edited by delon85: Mar 16 2024, 06:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999743700027466} +{"text": "Ga mau bagi makanan yg bener2 gw suka. Apalagi butuh effort buat beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5797188878059387} +{"text": "Setiap makanan yang dilarang oleh syara' pasti ada bahayanya dan meninggalkan yang dilarang syara' pasti ada manfaatnya dan mendapat pahala. Mengutip Buku Makanan yang Halal & Haram oleh Suryana, makanan haram ada dua jenis, yakni:", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8121423721313477} +{"text": "@nasrulazam @pengundi_sedar Kaki penipu Mana boleh pakai. Minta keje pun guna sijil palsu,halal ke haram boss", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(Red_rustyjelly @ Jul 8 2024, 11:27 AM)Pak Lah then Najib. He got lost meh?Pak Lah went through 2 GEs. First GE, was the best performance by BN. Opposition nearly complete wipe out.2nd GE, the pendulum swung back and BN won the GE but lost their 2/3 majority. Atok keep on batu api until pak lah handed over the PM seat to jibby. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9895646572113037} +{"text": "wah, this word merry christmas so power... sekali pakai terus haram.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "KENAPA PENTING PERLU ADA \u201cHALAL\u201d DI DALAM SESUATU PRODUK / PERNIAGAAN? Sijil dan Logo Halal bukan Sahaja beri jaminan kepada Masyarakat Islam bahawa sesuatu makanan atau produk itu halal mengikut syarak , tapi ia\u2026 https://t.co/AFV7OnTzYN", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950968623161316} +{"text": "QUOTE(alexandersuk @ Dec 5 2023, 12:14 PM)Grab is easy to get refund.I always get free food and refund if rider delivered wrong foods.Rarely use Grab, got refund before but yes i would say Grab easier refund.Afterall vendor bears the loss, grab just bear the rider's fee if not rider fault.Foodpanda more thirsty want to earn commission i guess.QUOTE(akecema @ Dec 5 2023, 12:16 PM)Ayam victim hereNow kena go out buy food Because not enoughDepend how u view haram halal lah.Refund sure u get, but whether u should eated the food or not u sendiri decide.QUOTE(akecema @ Dec 5 2023, 12:17 PM)If receive wrong item or incomplete item is normalBut this wrong vendorMost probably rider got double order (different customer) and gave u wrong food lah.The other person thanks u for the extra food u ordered ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8305617570877075} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiklemak @ Dec 29 2015, 06:25 PM)They have child support. And if want to sell nasiklemak also can, just get license from city council. If suka suka sell food don't know about hygiene can cause food poisoning to many people. What about those people that get affected, they not rakyat?Yes if you have \u20ac2000 dalam tangan boleh juga Because kena buat syarikat dulu which is not RM75 setahun macam SSM sini and kena tax juga before your nasiklemak will hasil profit because every syarikat must have at least one worker (which is the owner in this case) and kena tax based on at least the minimum wage. And kena qualification juga which isn't kursus makanan 4 jam but at least 6 bulan in a school Dan kena sewa HACCP kitchen juga (kalau takde sendiri punya) which kena bayar deposit dan first 3 bulan which if you share with 3 orang lain is \u20ac800 ke atas per pax tengok equipment. Kalau nak halal kena sewa tempat jer dan pakai equipment sendiri dan ambil sijil HACCP for your equipment. The cost is about \u20ac4000 (\u20ac800 utk sijil2 sahaja). So jual makanan kat sana itu mainan orang kaya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9841083884239197} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:57 AM)cannot answer lah bro, need to ask jakim for that. am not coming from that org. but i believe even though they change the food's name, it will not jeopardize their sales, and i believe the sales will increase if they got halal cert. muslim sure yakin to buy the food in future..If the name change was not an issue, JAKIM would have settled it long ago by simply saying \"nama tu simpan, syarat lain tolong patuh\" and done.Fact is that the somebody there is still waiting for \"admin fee\" from Auntie Anne ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9192166924476624} +{"text": "Sebenarnya most of makanan/minuman dari luar Malaysia tak haram/tak ada pork. Dorang cuma malas nak go thru process dapatkan sijil halal sebab apparently katanya leceh? Idk how true this is lah kan. Sebab tu dorang tarik pelanggan Islam dengan statement \u2018pork free\u2019.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7902657985687256} +{"text": "Sllu aku prasan soalan \"klau takde sijil halal, tak boleh lah mkn kat situ kan?\" Actually, boleh je klau korg btul\u00b2 yakin dgn kedai makan tu. Halal is a procedure introduced by Islam community to ensure the cleanliness and safety of food product.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8763333559036255} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jan 13 2024, 09:03 AM)McD saja pun, kecoh apa... over dramatic pulak ktards ni, hahaha.Macam bagus sangat makanan mereka hidang...funny thing is, in the same giant hypermarket that mcdee is located, a&w just opened another branch theredunno they do due diligence or not, but that HYPERMARKET is dying slowly. hardly ppl go there anymore these dayseven that a&w also got 3 workers at most, also lack of staff, not sure if management tamau hire orang cut cost or it is hard to find slaves these days to work for that amount of salary ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5293307900428772} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Apr 21 2024, 06:15 PM)Later if boikot all kamu jugak yang bising rosak kan economy lah bagaiBiar lah orang nak boikot, yang ko tiap2 hari nak butthurt orang lain apahalButthurt budaya /k. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "fertilizer is all tahi and najis,.. vegetable now haram ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Got Chinese sell nasi lemak also lah near my taman. The same stall also sell pork curry at times. Rotate with chicken curry.So, customers can choose nasi lemak biasa or nasi lemak with added dish. Dish can be pork curry. More than 10 years Liao they sell nobody complain anything pun.P/A : In case any confusion, this stall is in Chinese food court that sells all sort of non halal food. Drinks stall boss sell beer.Chinese Msian sell Nasi lemak in Chinese food court that has haram food. No way can confusedThis post has been edited by eaglehelang: Oct 31 2023, 02:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984127283096313} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 04:14 PM)depends on mazhab. in shafie is haram. in maliki is halal. apparently they got sell this on road side in morocco since morocco is following mazhab malikiso can you choose which you like to follow? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997745156288147} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tyn Larm @ Jun 8 2015, 03:06 AM)Jual apo tak caro.... yg penting awek hnggghhh yg jaga gerai my awek will help also ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9483026266098022} +{"text": "Which part from my comment claim UR MAKCIK perkakas tak bersih?\n\nDo u really understand what is halal means? Tahu tak kalau ada perasaan ragu-ragu pun makanan yg halal blh jd haram?\n\nWhat if org ragu nk beli sbb they thought ur makcik non muslim? So might be guna perkakas yg-", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "Banyak k/ suka jaga tepi kain orang and condemn..hahhahaa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994427561759949} +{"text": "Always say masak dengan iman and all, but mulut so celupar. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999216794967651} +{"text": "Thought DePalma Hotel Ampang and Adya Hotel Langkawi already had this for years?No use bragging halal this and that if services and accommodation quality like trash. Nanti orang kata menjaja agama tp kualiti keje & bisnes mcm tahap longkang. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979846477508545} +{"text": "So babi is haram. But corruption is not. Corruption is rezeki. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:28 PM)different mazhab/imam/ulama, different opinion. of course the holy Quran didnt specifically say \"if ur tupperware touch pork, must sertu\", hence the different interpretations by different people. by scientific basis, if u use soap and water, more clean, and can get rid of the pork fat. so can be 99% sure no pork molecules there. hahaif use muddy water, then oil and fat might still stuck to the tupperware. so i also confuse. Then why not use both? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993423819541931} +{"text": "I dah kata kan #chizu ni halal. You tak nak caye. Jangan risau ye boba tu bukannya diperbuat dari biji mata babi seperti yang digembar-gemburkan penduduk fesbuk. Itu pitnah! https://t.co/udas8ZUqou", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971912503242493} +{"text": "soon living will be haram because we share the same air as babi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(arif85124 @ May 22 2017, 05:02 PM)local university should make \"iman scouter\"Nice. Good ideaThat would be very helpful for these kind of people ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "QUOTE(angelgemini @ Sep 14 2016, 11:52 AM)but that sentence only say anjing right?how about other non halal thing? do it apply the same also?cause i see big different between indon muslim and malaysia muslim...i din see any muslim go temple before at malaysia, but in indon, i see muslim gerai makanan is inside the chinese temple area.many young muslim indon go in temple take picture and visit it.It does apply to other haram animals as well. This is an example from the hadis. It depends in the culture i guess. Nothing related to religion. Even i went to several temples while on vacations. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998711347579956} +{"text": "The best business for newbies to grow some backbone or balls. One of the toughest. I borrowed from my dad 20k years ago to acquire a restaurant business from mudah. Earned my stripes and here i am now. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998365640640259} +{"text": "Setuju. Kita mmg kene educate psl bende nih. Even psl makanan yg menggunakan produk halal pon yg non muslim rasa mcm makanan itu di islam kan. Sdgkan maksud produk halal ialah produk yg bersih dan suci which lagi bagus dr non halal punya produk.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.974573016166687} +{"text": "QUOTE(bak kut teh @ Aug 25 2020, 08:21 PM)Buah haram, yang termakan tu cam mana? Need to undotukar darah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8828701376914978} +{"text": "PAS buat BKT > halalOrg Muslim lain buat> absolutely haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "QUOTE(mrhulk @ Nov 3 2014, 02:35 PM)i walk round -round jb....i see a food shop with malay workers, but no halal logo in the front of the shop....i can see some customers also malay.....shop only put '\"No Pork, No Lard\"' sign on the shop windows.....so is \"No Pork, No Lard\"= Halal?If in doubt go to the kitchen and inspect all the ingredient.If malas, dun eat.If hungry but malas, just eat in condition it is like once in a while only. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9078857898712158} +{"text": "QUOTE(leymahn @ Dec 23 2020, 01:11 PM)3)Untuk perbekalan daging tempatan pun,persijilan halal hanya diberi sekiranya sembelihan mematuhi piawai Jabatan Veterinar dan JAKIM.Bukan JAKIM semata-mata.Premis sembelihan dan rumah sembelihan ada pegawai pemantau dari Veterinar dan JAKIM4)Daging Import pula pemantauan itu berlaku pada peringkat Jabatan Kastam dulu,baru melalui Veterinar dan JAKIM.Dekat sini yang isu besarnya sebab pemalsuan sijil,cop halal badan luar negara dan kertas kerja boleh berlaku sebelum masuk ke tapisan Veterinar dan JAKIM.5)Yang terlepas masuk selepas tapisan pertama ini yang jadi masalah,sebab daging-daging haram yang bercampur bukan semata-mata antara daging lembu dan bukan lembu sahaja yang boleh disah tentu melalui ujian DNA,tapi termasuk daging lembu tak diketahui status sembelihan.6)Tak ada lagi teknologi untuk mengesan sah tentu status daging yang sudah tambahan pula daging yang sampai berbentuk karkas yang siap diproses.Kepala pun dah tak ada.Lainlah kalau disembelih di sini.Jadi bila tiba-tiba kau gelabah serang JAKIM,maksudnya kau tak pernah faham proses ni semua.Bukanlah kata pegawai JAKIM semua maksum tak berdosa tapi biar tahu proses dulu sebelum nak kritik pun.the rest of his points.Pandainya tai chi. Kalau tak mahu jaga kualiti produk yang dapat sijil halal, baik tak payah ada sijil halal. Bajet besar tapi kerja tak mahu. EDIT: Also, when are people going to demand Jakim to pay for their blood replacement? This post has been edited by ReoAyanami: Dec 23 2020, 03:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9919706583023071} +{"text": "QUOTEKami keluarkan sijil halal, bukan sijil haram, kata JakimMohamad Fadli | January 23, 2017Ada pengguna yang keliru dan menganggap produk yang tidak ada sijil halal Jakim adalah haram daripada segi fiqah.PUTRAJAYA: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) berkata produk makanan yang tidak mendapat pengesahan sijil halal daripada agensi itu tidak bererti haram daripada segi hukum fiqah.Pengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee berkata ada makanan yang halal daripada segi hukum fiqah, tetapi tidak ada sijil pengesahan halal yang sah kerana pemilik produk tidak memohon untuk mendapatkannya.\u201cKita diberi tanggungjawab untuk mengesahkan sesuatu produk itu halal berdasarkan permohonan yang diterima.\u201cTetapi ini tidak bererti produk yang tidak ada sijil pengesahan halal itu tidak halal, cuma pemiliknya tidak memohon,\u201d katanya dalam wawancara bersama FMT di ibu pejabat Jakim baru-baru ini.Sirajuddin berkata mereka juga tidak memberi sebarang pengesahan untuk mengatakan produk tanpa Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia adalah haram.\u201cIni kerana kita tidak pernah keluarkan sijil pengesahan haram dan perkara itu sudah disebut banyak kali kepada media.\u201cYang \u2018viral\u2019 kata Jakim sahkan Starbucks haram. Kita tidak pernah letak label haram kepada produk tersebut,\u201d katanya.Beliau mengulas mengenai kekeliruan di kalangan pengguna selepas Jakim mengesahkan coklat jenama Daim dan Toblerone tidak mempunyai sijil pengesahan halal Malaysia mahu pun badan pensijilan halal luar negara yang diiktiraf Jakim.Manakala bagi produk Daim dan Toblerone, ia tidak mendapat sijil pengesahan halal tempatan kerana pengeluar produk tersebut tidak ada mengemukakan seberang permohonan untuk mendapatkan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia.Sirajuddin berkata sesetengah negara tidak mahu logo halal pada bungkusan produk walaupun produk itu menepati piawaian halal.\u201cDi Amerika Syarikat (AS) misalnya permintaan di sana buat masa ini tidak mahu dipamerkan logo halal pada produk.\u201cWalaupun ada produk AS sudah mendapat pengesahan halal daripada badan pensijilan halal luar negara tetapi logo halal tetap tidak ada jika tiada permintaan,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ram-kata-jakim/so by the mere act of issuing halal certs, they have sown more confusion among the people.. kesian.. nak buat baik tapi timbul lagi kemusykilan.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999224066734314} +{"text": "Please show me a countries ruled by ulama that progressing well. Non ummah also can. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9933116436004639} +{"text": "kalut la pasal air tu haram makan tu tak de sijil halal , hello kakak lebih baik you apply dekat jakim sijil halal untuk diri you !! sebab perangai you lagi macam haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "kita ni kalau nak makan apa2 ofcourse akan berpandukan dgn JAKIM. sebab kita yakin makanan tu halal bila ada logo halal yang sah drpd JAKIM. tapi kalau pihak Jakim sendiri ambil rasuah untk luluskan mknn yg tak halal lalu dicop halal untk dijual di Malaysia ni, mcm mana pulak ?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9550822973251343} +{"text": "First time aku tak setuju dgn statement dia ni The \u2018nasi lemak tepi jalan\u2019 part is so unnecessarily. Macam mana nk point out pasal adab kalau kita dalam tak sdar pun keluarkan statement yg kurang adab \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f https://t.co/OKsNeJf3VY", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998900890350342} +{"text": "sendiri bodoh nak hukum tauke restoran yang pandai. /kolos la. i'm muslim btw. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "its a disgrace to ever own that stupiak kiasuland citizenship. sgreans are mannequins, fake af. got my relatives working there as well. well, good for them. more than 15 years working, some still wouldnt convert to sinkie identity. dictatorship, non-democratic and non-liberalised society, who want to giv up MY nationality for this kiasu kiabor kiasi kia chenghu -land. 3 times salary? ptuihhh, i go brunei better. save damn lot bcoz salary almost same for most professional jobs and expenses like malaysia.in short, if giv extra residency can consider. extra = bonus. if want me gib up malaysian status = NO WAY. that sg gomen can go jiak my saiThis post has been edited by bingding: Aug 25 2016, 06:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6919035315513611} +{"text": "aku ni malas kadang nak jawab kalau org tanye \"halal ke, ade sijil halal ke?\" tapi sebab dgn org tua dari aku.. ak jawab jugak la.. xde sijil halal tapi bahan2 asas dari benda yg xharam, klau yakin beli je, kalau xyakin, xpayah la....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9729551076889038} +{"text": "QUOTE(Capt. Marble @ Apr 15 2024, 01:06 PM)Sendiri tak mau makan, orang lain tak boleh makan ke?Sendiri like singer A, orang lain tak boleh suka singer B ke?Snedirir tak suka Pasukan Bola A, orang lain tak boleh suka Pasukan Bola A ke?Now it is clear?Inilah minda orang yang mahu menguasai orang lain secara paksa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9855549335479736} +{"text": "\"Jakim nk jaga dosa pahala berjuta umat Islam kat malaysia ni. Makan makanan yg syubhah@haram kn jd drh daging kita.\"-ustaz ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "Kalau tak mampu beli makanan halal RM15, pergi mampus beli nasi tak halal RM8. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "UITM is a disgrace in malaysia, RACISM at its best! Continue being katak di bawah tempurung. Thats where all the idiots come from. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9522844552993774} +{"text": "cakap bubble tea haram/ takde sijil halal tapi couple boleh pulak OOPSSSSS I\u2014-", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998590886592865} +{"text": "habit 2 minggu ni suka beli makanan pastu tak habiskan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9795973896980286} +{"text": "QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Jan 21 2019, 05:49 PM)It does reflect that the problem w our society is getting worse. People start picking in non this n non that to viral their sentimentYes, because they thought PAP is behind this. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9795210957527161} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Aug 17 2022, 01:39 PM)Adapun surat Al Isra ayat 32 berbunyi:\u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u062a\u064e\u0642\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0628\u064f\u0648\u0627\u06df \u0671\u0644\u0632\u0651\u0650\u0646\u064e\u0649\u0670\u0653 \u06d6 \u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f\u06e5 \u0643\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064e \u0641\u064e\u0670\u062d\u0650\u0634\u064e\u0629\u064b \u0648\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0653\u0621\u064e \u0633\u064e\u0628\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064bArtinya: \"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk.\" (QS. Al-Isra: 32).#Done Dakwah?if follow desire, just do it belakang2. No need to tell the whole internet ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963721036911011} +{"text": "Interesting that the way the news is presented is as if a serious issue in cleanliness is less of an issue than haram ingredients. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.736852765083313} +{"text": "Ya ada pendapat mengatakan Sijil Halal Malaysia lebih bagus krn byk negara akn rujuk dgn jakim dulu sblm diorg iktiraf sesuatu jenama & keluarkn sijil halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9650442004203796} +{"text": "went to KK for work lately, and it was an awesome place. it was my first visit.people there are so friendly, and they dont see skin color, trust me when i say this, they really dont!the place i went, (town centre) hardly has any stupid mamaks, instead, you have chinese kopitiams and malay cafes. you know whats best about this?chinese kopitiams have malays (with tudungs!) working and serving you, and malay kopitiams have chinese serving you! it was a sight to behold!!and they do not have a different accent when speaking malay, etc, chinese in kl talk malay different with the kl malays.In Sabah they all use the same language and have the same accent!!! what a fantastic place! some difference in malay was recognized, like when I requested the hotel staff for some pins, they dont understand, then they explained to me its called \"peniti biru\" in Sabah! its the same with teh cina ais in ipoh-kl, ipoh its called \"cha suet\" but in kl its more towards \"suet cha\"due to work i didnt travel or go around much, but just these few moments alone made me feel like this is truly Malaysia, truly a place i can call my home. truly our cancerous religion/race havent spread there yet, and they are living in harmony without any race issues!stayed at Shangri-La Rasa Ria for a moment, this is the wedding hut or somethingafter work, went to town center hard rock cafe, just opened, they have Slash's top and Guns and Roses guitar, and many more legendary items on the wall.the sunset view at riverfrontmy first neslo panas in a beer mug! @@for dinner, i had seafood. this place was nearby the riverfront, and it is a sight i have never seen in kl. it is next to pasar malam. whole place selling grill seafood and u pick what you want, they will regrill and serve you at the seat behind. traders are very aggressive in promoting their merchandise, but no too over kind of thing! very nice to see them trying hard to attract customers! (tips, do not pick fishes that are reef-dwellers, they are not encouraged for environmental reasons, pick for the common ocean fishes)i had one fish rm18 half a pari rm7 small squids(palm sized!!) x 10 rm18 and some mangga muda and belacan. they also sell huge crabs, shrimps and lobsters.\nqIKx12Mc6es\n\nnext morning, i had the infamous local dish, Tuaran mee! unique and very tasty! something like wantanmee goreng or a fusion between wantanmee and char kuey teow. the noodle base was egg noodles.went to walk around riverfront again, had a sip of coconut. so-so only.. there were sewing machines and the sidewalks of the gift stalls next to waterfront, giving you services to repair clothes. tips, do not buy from people asking you on the street, and do not make eye contact with the childrens begging for money.at lunch, i had the awesome Kuching Laksa..? i dunno the sign says kuching laksa, but it was so yummy im having cravings for it after days i am not a laksa person, but i really want to eat this again badly! This post has been edited by damnkids01: Jan 15 2018, 11:52 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999604225158691} +{"text": "Meanwhile so many turned blind eye on unmarried piap2, rokok, ketum and ganja which are clearly haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "Restaurant halal kan?Jgn persoalkan kalau ini restaurant halal, harga pun mesti halal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8575558662414551} +{"text": "tarak cert JAKIM,.. tarak salah jual makanan haram,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9960422515869141} +{"text": "Tu lah, kalau polisi itu bagus, jgnlah suka suka mansuh. Apa yang Rakyat nak adalah politik kematangan yang tinggi. https://t.co/GcjutsQ2L3", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6831744909286499} +{"text": "Best put this sign for easily confused people.No Pork no lard but not verified halal so if you eat here and complain not halal its your problem. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991301894187927} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Aug 18 2015, 09:06 PM)Actually, I remember reading that fatwa is enforceable via Syariah courts thanks to Tun M. It's apparently constitutionally illegal but the government has not addressed it and no one has legally challenged it since it hasn't been used recently but it's there.thx 4 the info. never heard of it before. I'll look it up. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991425275802612} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.invite ppl pun salah, now to invite also need to check what type of muslim first ah?, senang konpius atau telah konpius. Its up to the invitee to check first then make choice to go or not..not the other way around..self entitle pulak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9897378087043762} +{"text": "Since JAKIM use non-Muslim tax monies, JAKIM is already considered HARAM in any sense. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8998593688011169} +{"text": "sama... lagi2 pasal makanan tu abah saya suka makan.. setiap kali beli apa\u00b2 mesti bayangkan muka gembira dia kalau dia masih ada.. huhu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7549256086349487} +{"text": "Those who compare this to non halal eateries are really dumbPeople put \"non halal\" sign to inform muslim that their food does not comply with islam halal requirementsIn some way. Its to save muslim from eating things that are forbidden for themTak bagitau nanti termakan babi. Marah pulaApa kaitan dengan dobi ni?Did the owner do anything to the washing machine that somehow can offend the non muslim? Non halal sign= clarificationThis dobi sign=discriminationUnderstand that.Tho I'll be honest. For those who are offended by that sign The best way to deal with this is just dont visit that place. Dont pay for its serviceGo to other dobiThats the most logical rational course of actionIts still a troubling sense of dread how people can easily discriminate other people in the name of religionIts really scaryIs this what islam taught them? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998723268508911} +{"text": "\n\n Wine itself is haram bro\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998742341995239} +{"text": "QUOTE(StArk @ Oct 1 2014, 09:57 AM)Salam sume.. lupe nk remain.\"the messenger of Allah said \"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah then these 10 days (first 10 days) of dzul hijjah, the sahabah then said \"not even the jihad for the sake of Allah?\" The messenger answered \"not even jihad unless\u00a0 a man goes out with him self and his wealth and comes back with neither\" - Al-Bukhari.Soo lets try our best in doing good deeds.. kite bole puase, solat sunat lebih skit.. you guys can check youtube for the lecture on dzul hijjah.. tinggal 4 hari je lgjust to add brotherGood deeds is beyond the normal ibadah , a kind act to humans , animals or tree is also good deeds.helping your mom on house chores is also good deeds.giving debt to people is also good deedssmile to people is also good deeds.giving food to animals is good deedsmaking small children laugh is also a good deedscontrolling our tongue than saying bad things on people/situation is also a good deeds.its limitless i must. and never ever underestimate the power of those small good deeds.we are muslim , were suppose to bring happiness & spread kindness in this world to believers and non-believers.and that is why Rasullulah is called \"rahmatan lil allamin\"(a blessing to the universe).the best da`wah is from your kind act , from that show the true islam.i remember the story of this old jewish blind women being told to me in one of the lectures rasullulah used to visit her each day and feed her without the women knowing its rasullulahand while being feed by rasullulah she used to say her hatred towards islam and rasullulah himselfall the time and years gone by he remained silent and serve to this old lady untill his own passing.after 2/3 days after HIS passing saidina umar when to this lady place to replace rasullulah since its a \"sunnah\" (a good deeds that rasullulah himself did) and feed the lady , and while his feeding her that lady asked why havent you come for the pass 2/3 days and son your hand is much different plus the food is less chewable ( as rasullulah used to chew the food first as the old lady has only a couple of teeth left in her old frail body). hearing this with huge sadness of the prophet passing and such great servitude that rasulullah did for this old jewish lady saidina umar drop in tears and said im being \"sent\"(to follow the sunnah) by the one who have feed you all this years , he is the last messenger of ALLAHand im only one of his companions forgive me as im incomparable to him.hearing this the old jewish lady were in shocked and cried how could it be , he was so gentle , he treated me like his own motherwhile all the time hearing what i had been saying my anger towards the last messenger and islam.convinced by saidina umar that it was really rasullulah the old lady then said his syahadah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999481439590454} +{"text": "QUOTE(falzehope @ Nov 3 2014, 03:46 PM)waste time yeswaste money noyou can attract alot more customers with halal logo instead of only your own kindMalay aren't adventures in eating....eat only those few simple food...yang penting gula kena banyak starch kena banyak... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999840497970581} +{"text": "MINUMAN XING FU TANG DANGAN THE ALLEY HALAL KE ?Disebb kan SM teringin sangat nak minum Tapi hati rasa ragu2 ,terus SM cek status halal minuman ni Yg the alley tu dlam proses halal jakim Nanti dh dapat boleh beratur beli Tapi yg xing fu tang TAK ADA Orng ramai bertanya dekat ig pon Dia tak jawab Air yg ni sah2 nama cina Kedai pon fully tulisan cina Jangan la sebb artis minum,instafames minum Atau sebab ramai melayu yg minum Kita pon ikut2 minum Tanpa tahu pon benda tu halal ke tak ? Benda tu jadi tak halal bukan sebb babi je Banyak faktor yg buat kan bende tu tak halalKenapa kene titik berat kan makann yg masuk dlam badan kita yg jadi darah daging ke Sebb nya bila kita makan/minum bende tak halal1) doa tak di makbul kan 2) merosak hati dan akal3)amalan tak diterima 4) membawa diri ke neraka 5) merosak kan keturunan (anak2)Ini apa yg SM tau la,kadang2 kita pegi kedai Tak perasaan anak ambik coklat Sampai kat rumah dia suh kita bukk,bende tak bayar lagi, haram kita bukk bg anak makan SM sanggup patah balik g bayar Atau kalau benda tu dh jauh beribu Batu ,SM buang je la xnk bg anak makanMmmm panjang pulak dh ak membebel Saja la nk share sedikit info Sama2 kita titik berat kan bende ni Nanti kalau dh ade sijil halal Korang roger2 la SM okShe has no intention to bash the brand. Chill out man. You chinese, i chinese u all easily trigger lulz without reading her post. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999737560749054} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Dec 27 2023, 01:46 PM)Tak mampu jangan pi la...Dok viral buat ape la puak ini.Try pergi makan dekat Vegas .....hang boleh terjun bangunanKan tempat bukit casino tu orang judi.Hang dok bawak family pi berserabut buat ape?to kg bangsar ppl, prices in vegas is cheaper then many other cities in US ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995759129524231} +{"text": "if haram then why god created pigs..... x masuk akal. i know he is the most knowledgeable and never makes mistake?create something to confuse people... worst of all is that it's so f'kin tasty ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": ": JAKIM verified that IKEA rstrnt dnt apply 4 halal certificate. That means makanan kat sana adalah haram.| x tepat deduction ni", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996654987335205} +{"text": "Bro pernah dgr Tak pensijilan \" mesti \" bahagian keselamatan Dan kualiti makanan yang bekerjasama dgn halal jakim ... Saya pernah pergi kedai nasi lemak tepi jalan ke Kat pasar tani ke , peniaga ada letakkan sijil nie Kat kedai2 diorang .", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8852407932281494} +{"text": "QUOTE(xarmx @ Nov 22 2018, 08:15 AM)The faggots will definitely see it as something questionable since supposedly the food is prepared by non-muslim hands. But what they forgot is that most fast food restaurants and those hipster style shops have non-muslim preparing the food for them. Some even dealt with meat. But no, they find okay since owner and the shop itself is Islam and islamic looking. Me and my wife enjoy Indian vegetarian food very much. We went once in brickfields and I tell you, that fake chicken tasted wayyyy better than real chicken. Though we are yet to try Chinese vegetarian food.This whole haram halal thing is being blown out of proportion. If your muslim colleague kept pestering you about touching plates and cutlery used by non-muslim or anything, ask them what about the money that they touch everywhere. Who knows where if got pig seller touch his money after chopping up his pig and then the money travelled everywhere. Wouldn't that make it haram? Your muslim colleague sure wouldn't know how to reply.There are many Chinese vegetarian shops around but if you want some 'atas' one can try the Kechara Oasis at Viva Home, KL or Jaya One, PJ The one at Viva Home is where most vegetarians have their wedding banquet because it has a nice hall there ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.968281626701355} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Jun 30 2021, 12:34 PM)just like some jkom ppl got brain...doesnt mean it's functioning also..kekkesian trigger giler..did i question his financial status?no wonder they said malaysian mudah trigger / senang dicabar / sensitive..is true afterall ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(marfccy @ May 30 2024, 04:55 PM)def wont be directly, but there will be accusationsgoing to be married soonNo wonder, lol Once you get marry, have decent talk with wife. Ultimately all decisions need to be practical, those outsider comments are not important. Only you and your wife can decide what is the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5797737836837769} +{"text": "\nmi kuning atau kuetiaw mana yang status halalnya tak diragui?...ada list tak?\nnoor2 Post at 10-6-2010 16:04 \nKalo\u00a0 \u00a0mahal\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0dan\u00a0 \u00a0tak\u00a0\u00a0sedap\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 ...tu\u00a0 \u00a0sah\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0melayu\u00a0\u00a0yg\u00a0 \u00a0buat\u00a0\u00a0....\r\nyg\u00a0\u00a0murah\u00a0 \u00a0tu\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0sah\u00a0 \u00a0mee\u00a0 \u00a0 ada\u00a0\u00a0babi\u00a0 \u00a0 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947986602783203} +{"text": "sebelum saya tengok tak rasa nak pergi baker cottage.lepas habis baca, terasa macam nak pergi pulak. bagus betul budak ni jual bc ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997184872627258} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 12:46 PM)well sounds like you're just minding your own business. the outside world doesn't really matter. as long you help people around you that is enough.but extremist don't view things like this, they will keep spreading their views whether people like it or not.and the way you put it, no one can stop them. because for us non-muslims to interfere, you will judge us as anti islam and enemy because we tried to intervene with your religion. but leave it to you moderates, you just come up with half hearted efforts.so how? you don't plan to have child so we just follow you because the future is so dim because folks like you can only do that much? or you prefer us non-muslims to interfere?Yes. The outside world dont matterAt least to me. Why would i care about other countriesMy focus is here. And where should i start if not with my own communityYes.extemist going to spread their views And people like me are going to spread our viewOf course no one can stop them. U cant kill an ideologyThe best way is for moderate muslim to live together in harmony with non muslimNon muslim attacking moderates,accusing them of half hearted effort is not helpingOn the contrary, that probably will help the extremist in painting how bad the non muslim areWe fighting each other. Accusing each other of failing or non giving enough effort only help the extremist agendaI wont condemn non muslim that interfereI think people are free to do what they wantAnd if theres injustice happeningDont matter who interfere. From what religionWhat matter is stopping the injusticeInterfere away. Im fine with itNo. Im not asking anybody to follow meAnd i dont prefer anythingU do what u wantNon muslim do what they wantIm fine either wayThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Sep 25 2017, 12:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9881477952003479} +{"text": "@Nazgul71028348 @AKUTIDAKADA @Subra41981778 @SirJ4O @melayujati3 @bmbossjustdoit @areball72 @terrencedass @SelviVeloo1 @saifulv39 @RoslanWanz @feeltheheat7 @AKUANAKWATAN @_royalfinest @izhar1902 @veloo_selvi @mimimarinajaaf1 @TAzuanAD @TrollRepublic_ @AkuMelayuIslam5 @PutriSufi3 @BahangD @BetterNation3 @mooezza @GlobalKid6 @kontarOP @langgar333e @En_White_Bird @Leo_69xt @Adam36223478 @Zulfahmi_87 @Azmann81769303 @BN4everTN5O @lawangs23099547 @PudinDon @waffyzua3 @pudin_don @mijjemije @encikdoomex @scrome78 @Mohamad60295497 @VelooSelvi @shonzu11 @norhayati63 @klimkovich_lv @bukanBARUA @NorAzizi4174 @Klepet2 calm down ye si\ud83d\udc24nazgurl yg TERUK kena TAPAU dari pagi tadi \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 nah sajian brunch utk si\ud83d\udc24nazgurl btw kedai mee famili farouk anak DERHAKA SS Abu Salihu yg dah MAMPOS tu ada sijil \"HALAL\" tak? https://t.co/hO51bbXeTu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9952207207679749} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Dec 22 2023, 08:39 AM)Betul. Sebulan dapat RM18 yang customer bagi dalam sistem. Yang bayar cash cakap keep the change pun ada jugak cuma tak capture dalam panda rider apps jer.Ooo.. aku biasa bagi dalam apps, sebab sekarang jarang ada duit cash in hand. Wallet simpan kad je. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998279809951782} +{"text": "QUOTE(lucifer_666 @ Dec 31 2019, 04:24 PM)I suppose there's no way to translate \"validity\" in a single word. And since they can't use \"kesahan, \"keesahan\" is the next best option, probably. Else, it's \"ke-sahan\" which is as weird as rama2. \"taraf sah\" is doable, but less elegant to use two words maybe? Yea. Spelling that in Jawi will be quite a task.Can use \"kesahihan\" but I kasihan so kasi chan la lol, when got time I should go look for what changes in new DBP book liao. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ Nov 23 2020, 10:25 AM)but bestest teh tarik from thailand\u00a0 \u00a0 Meh. Best is India masala chai. Key ingredient is susu lembu segar.This post has been edited by MPKL: Nov 23 2020, 10:35 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "Mane jais or jakim datang rampas anak..supaya mereka tidak keliru atau terpesong akidah.If the other way around,,,will the chinese kid be raise as a buddhist even though the parents are muslim? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955136179924011} +{"text": " makan apa aja yg penting makanan yg baik,bersih,sehat dan halal...jgn makan ati yaa !!!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9895254373550415} +{"text": "Anggota polis dari Unit Dron menembak dron yang diterbangkan secara haram di dalam kawasan stadium menjelang perlawanan separuh akhir kedua Piala Malaysia, Selangor menentang Johor Darul Takzim (JDT) di Stadium Shah Alam. - NSTP/Aizuddin Saad https://t.co/Z5v732lcyR", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9853590726852417} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 01:11 PM)Correct. And the wine thing, about alcohol. Actually it is written it is haram only when it cause u to be drunk. But since every human have different reaction level to alcohol, it is just safe to label alcohol as haram. Chef wan did cause a controversy when he used cooking wine in 1 of his shows If I were him I will just keep quite. play safe lah. cooking wine is a must in any stir fried dishes. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989863038063049} +{"text": "If you don't ask, kinda like a willful ignorance, it's not haram.Similar thing with food given to you by your non-muslim neighbors.Depends on your level of faith la.You want to make sure what you eat is 100% halal or something that is doubtful. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9877279996871948} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 12:19 PM)i think the correction isin the Quran said minuman yang memabukkan is haram (or something like that)but remember we have divided opinion on thisone said can as long for cookery (alcohol evaporate and not in many quantities)one said prevention better than curenot going to say much as im not knowledgeable enoughas long my follow the principle of:yakin makanan itu halal, sila la makantidak yakin, jangan dimakan, itu sudah haram.\u00a0 \u00a0 on the subject alcohol evaporate, fork againthe missus ckp kalau you put cat urine in your food, then it evaporate, still you want to eat? her concept not the same scientifically cause alcohol evap, thus leaving juice saja, urine jadi lain...hahaoh, short story long, my chinese boss baru makan tapai, weird as hell ini malaysian never eat tapai. and he said that tapai taste like some liquor with 14% alcoholoh, do your chemical analysis, tapai has a lot of alcohol, maybe ppl dunno how alcohol taste like?yakin halal, makan. tidak yakin, stay off laaaaThis post has been edited by ijan: Aug 9 2018, 12:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9656484127044678} +{"text": "Penting ke makanan halal? Vaksin halal ke? Betul ke isu-isu halal yang viral di media sosial? Apa usaha JAKIM dalam memartabatkan Pensijilan Halal Malaysia di mata dunia?\n\nIkuti kupasannya dalam... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2309145749135981&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9818253517150879} +{"text": "@thegarangnes_ Itu la. Yang penting hati tu. Kalau yakin go on. Kalau ragu2, elak. Contoh beli kuih kat tepi jalan, kalau halal tapi sendiri ragu2 dah jadi syubhah. Tapi stall tepi jalan mana ada sijil halal. So sah2 hati tu sendiri yakin makanan tu halal, xde sijil halal pun xpe.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999200105667114} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Mar 26 2017, 10:55 AM)so kilang arak tu haram ???got meleis working there Carlsberg, GAB ...Every action involved in production and selling of alcohol drinks.Even transportation.Just because they're malay doesn't mean they care. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "Balik rumah tanya bini/emak di dapur ada apply sijil Halal ke tidak.. kalau was-was jangan makan tau, viral that shit on social media to shame them for not having sijil Halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8088539242744446} +{"text": "QUOTE(Candy12 @ Nov 23 2020, 01:43 AM)Same channel Best Roadside Pizza Stall in Ipoh?\nwhoU4yShmiw\n\ni hate pizza using tomato sauce instead of tomato paste/pastathe taste just different felt way too cheap ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "Inb4 gov also dun care but Haram company opened by kefirs actually gave out free mealsOh...what has Islam been doing, arent our politicians mostly Muslims? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997703433036804} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 01:21 PM)mostly they don't even know the content of the food, so they will avoid it.oh..izzit? but vege confirm no meat . . should be fine....but if there is halal and haram for vege then sorry lor.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997788071632385} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohman @ Mar 28 2019, 12:45 PM)Plotek!!!!!Tak suka. KeluarWell, colleges are generally private establishments by nature. Colleges here run by the Churches in government unis don't allow opposite gender access for example. And I'm totally fine with that. People pay to live there, they abide by the rules. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999228715896606} +{"text": "It's babi just because it's red color? Senang je make accusations. Old Town chicken have this red coloring/flavoring they put la. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999715089797974} +{"text": "Tp dgn tak malu pi photostat sijil halal brg2 supplier yg I check dah tak dlm menu dah Bila tanya yg melayu lain, diorang kata halal, bila I point out kenapa tampal sijil halal supplier kat depan counter, kan tue menipu, diorang diam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9346352219581604} +{"text": "Muka x nampok mesti non. Ore kiterr fight habis\u00b2 ye-lebailogic ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998051643371582} +{"text": "Ah Cheng Laksa lodges report over pig's blood viral post https://t.co/AovH4RxoFb https://t.co/AovH4RxoFb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9896405339241028} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Jan 9 2024, 11:03 AM)Actually after giving long and hard thought this religion has consistency because you see below:A. It is haram for toddler / little girl to sleep with dolls / teddy bear, barbie etcB. But it is halal for adult male to marry underage girl or their own rape victimSo actually A and B sync. Underage girls sleeping with patung = haram but it is halal for underage girl to sleep with adult maleConsistent with the 3 mottos: indah, tiada paksaan, dan tidak membebankanObviously that's a ridiculous and twisted interpretation, but it goes to show that even the Devil may cite scripture to suit his purpose. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999717473983765} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Dec 8 2017, 11:35 AM)China chinese always ask: \u201chows the discrimination of chinese in Malaysia?\u201dI said \u201cChinese can be dr, ministers, lawyer, tycoons, bankers. What else do u want?\u201dYup, especially when lu tak suka lu balik tongsan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9610849618911743} +{"text": "Halal haram & bersih is different. But its related. Why dun check if they use stolen chili or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999970555305481} +{"text": "\nAbukRokok replied at 25-8-2017 05:43 PM\r\ntelo nya boleh makan?\nhukum memakan daging/isi dan \r\ntelur belangkas adalah diharuskan..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8311012983322144} +{"text": "QUOTE(epicfailguy @ Dec 7 2015, 04:08 PM)kondom is haram for muslim. both item also need to go register 9.Bila masa kondom haram........ni org tak baca buku lepas tu pandai2 post....insaflaa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "\nkiah_mai_pulak replied at 16-8-2021 09:05 AM\nTBH, penting sgt ke komen secoet netizen kat ig dia smpai nk kena masuk bod\u00a0\u00a0gosip?\nEntah ka kiah\u2026. \r\nSekarang ni semuaaaaaaa benda yg dikomen netizen kat ig.. fb.. akan jadi thread.\n\r\nPeninggg", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9811840057373047} +{"text": "Assalammualaikum Dan Salam Sejahtera semua Cik Matahari \ud83c\udf1e nak kongsi satu produk keluaran bumiputra iaitu KOLAVIT+ Daripada Bionutraceutical Sdn Bhd Yang penting BUATAN MALAYSIA, ada Sijil Halal & Ada pengesahan\u2026 https://t.co/KcaUR65fsU", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999086856842041} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Aug 30 2020, 10:27 AM)Pengarah Penguat Kuasa KPDNHEP, Datuk Iskandar Halim Sulaiman berkata, operasi dijalankan susulan penularan rakaman video di media sosial berkenaan produk bijirin yang mengandungi bahan kandungan tidak halal itu.\"Produk makanan berkenaan adalah tidak halal dan pengguna boleh terkeliru serta tidak menyedari disebabkan pernyataan tersebut ditulis tidak mengikut saiz dan warna yang mudah kelihatan dengan jelas.The people report haram with no label. See what charge for the offence la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.96819669008255} +{"text": "@lilyzahani What i\u2019m trying to point out or ask basically is, kalau dia tak buat permohonan sijil halal, perlu ke dia tertakluk kpd keperluan2 yg you maksudkan tu? Mesti lah tak kan. Kalau dia complete segalanya, tak mustahil dia boleh mohon dan lulus. Isu pekerja tu hanya ALASAN", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998985528945923} +{"text": "Tak jadi isu pun. Terpulang. Generally soal yakin atau was was je. Ada tempat kita perati jugak for eg, macam kat Sarawak atau kat Johor, walaupun restoren Kopitiam tapi ada terselit gerai Melayu served Halal food. Ramai gak Melayu ke Muslim ke pegi makan. Bagi Muslim, halal tetap penting. So generally, jika tempat tu dah ramai orang frequent especially Muslims sendiri dan tukang masak Muslim dan tempat tu takde served pork, alright je.Cuma kalau dalam hati ada was2, terus jatuh haram takleh makan kat tempat yang kita was2. Jika kita yakin tempat tu betul2 halal makanannya, no problem teruskan makan.Contoh kat luar negara, takde produk halal kita bedal kosher tanpa was2. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989330172538757} +{"text": "Haram or not, no people force you to drink. Typical rubbish mentality ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7681373357772827} +{"text": "Do you still remember how nerve-wrecking it was during the first day of school? It was the time where kids would usually cry for their parents as they were too scared to leave their side.A young girl has recently left the Internet and Malaysians in tears after a photo of her comforting her classmate who was too nervous to attend school with a simple gesture went viral.In a Facebook post shared by a primary school located in Kajang called SJKC Yu Hua yesterday (Mar 11), an anonymous parent shared the story which led up to the touching scene.According to the caption, it was the first day of school and there were many parents who were both excited and worried as they dropped their kids off.The OP then noticed a Malay Standard 1 girl standing at the school gate with her eyes filled with tears. Though her mother tried to encourage her to step into the premise, the young girl remained hesitant.At that moment, a Chinese Standard 1 student appeared. Though she looked equally timid, she mustered up the courage, held the Malay girl\u2019s hand, and silently accompanied her as they walked towards the area where the other students were lining up.\u201cAlthough not much words were exchanged between them, yet there was still a sense of warmth in their companionship on this new learning journey,\u201d wrote the parent.The parents then ended the post by saying that the scene deeply touched her and allowed her to experience \u201cthe power of love and acceptance\u201d.\u2018This is truly Malaysia!\u2019The post has since garnered over 5,000 reactions at the time of writing, where netizens were left teary-eyed by the photo of the girl\u2019s touching gesture.One netizen expressed hope in seeing the two girls becoming lifelong friends as the photo will serve as a precious memory for them to reminisce on in the future.https://weirdkaya.com/7yo-msian-girl-comfor...urwftri47byc1tn ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.990829586982727} +{"text": "QUOTE(gladfly @ Jun 1 2020, 09:19 AM)Bagus.. Pohon haramkan ketum dan pill kuda juga\ud83d\ude1cThose not haram / illegal ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988607168197632} +{"text": "mun meatball ikea ya haram,kedai burger tepi jalan pun haram la sebab xda sijil halal...pakai komon sennnn laaa woiiiii..xda non muslim mok merik kita mkn babi free2 sbb babi ya nyaman", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989798665046692} +{"text": "Tapi aku ada jumpa 2 kedai beef noodle halal dah hahahaha. Kalau tak kerana beef noodle mesti aku bantai makan roti je beli kat 7E ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8760319948196411} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 06:49 PM)He already said that is wrongWhy u still attack? ME and him don't agreeU angry at wrong people Go rage at those who conduct the raidNot usWe don't agree with the penalizingdon't agree on the act but agree on the mean,.. ??... he and u been explaining why it is not wrong to haram or halal a thing to disagree on the raid..??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993982315063477} +{"text": "adehh, bayar murah mesti lah ada kekurangan sikit. live with it. so far, as a proton user tarak hal la. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993346333503723} +{"text": "QUOTE(msacras @ May 9 2024, 09:03 AM)Ya, I heard of a version that even at his death bed, he\u2019s still thinking about Sarawak. He opened the eyes of the younger gen that Sarawak don\u2019t need to settle as what it is for the past 50years.Every Sarawakian I have met and talked to praised highly of Adenan. That's how popular and beloved he was. Some even said had he survived longer, Sarawak would be in a much better place at the moment. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994372725486755} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Nov 30 2020, 12:58 AM)Aku fobia dgn hanjing..suka kejar orang x tentu pasalmaybe because of your smell.. dogs are attracted to smell ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999176263809204} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faiz_captain @ Jun 1 2016, 10:54 AM)Do you know those countries that utilizes the workforce from these ex criminal actually self sustainable and generate income for the country?Of course I do not expect you to understand such logic....will make you confuse Tulah...otak semua size sama tapi malas nak guna...protek je tauBtw read previous post...I editedwhat's with the insults man do you have something against me personally or something ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966310858726501} +{"text": "Macam mana nak rasa roh halal kalau makanan tu bukan muslim buat?\n\nTakde isu pun sebenarnya. JAKIM dah bagi kelulusan. Kita letakkan kepercayaan pada JAKIM. Berkat kita tekankan bab halal ni kat Malaysia, yang non muslim pun makan makanan yang halal sama macam muslim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996727705001831} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 25 2016, 11:54 PM)tak habis lagi pasal hot dog?jakim dah keluarkan panduan permohonan. company lain boleh follow. apasal auntie anne ni spesel sangat?adillah tu. jakim tak pilih kasih dalam hal pensijilan ni.ada guideline, follow. tak nak ikut, jangan nak teriak.Kau bodoh ikut jilat je jakim. Fatwa kata rokok haram, ramai je hisap. Ustaz pun rokok sama. Tak teriak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "QUOTE(Raddus @ Feb 1 2024, 08:14 PM)Go europe only eat halal place sure you dont get the best of the bestTak biasa = tak bisa = not use to it = \u4e0d\u4e60\u60efHope you understand human language ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981104135513306} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Jan 7 2020, 09:55 AM)Makanan macam ni dah jatuh dalam kategori syubhah jadi kalau rasa diri tu ORANG MUSLIM YANG BERIMAN, elakkan makan makanan seperti ini.Islam itu mudah tapi jangan pula ambil mudah semua perkara, akal fikiran Allah dah bagi, ada mufti dan ulama boleh rujuk kalau rasa ragu-ragu.inb4 what is syubhah?Datang lagi si Taliban Isis nih ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999421834945679} +{"text": "Pengesahan status halal kepada produk makanan dan barangan gunaan Islam di negara ini bermula pada tahun 1974. #makananhalal #halalcertificate #JAKIM #malaysia #malaysiaboleh", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(EX Unseen Forces @ Feb 1 2024, 02:39 PM)They are from Northeast China. Normally is like korean food without chilli. I appreciate their honesty la. Every tastebud is different. Our food more suitable to southern Chinese.Like my India kolik also can't accept mamak food, too oily for them.My brother's relatives from Milano brought a whole suitcase of pasta, canned tomatoes and spiced sausages/salami when they first visited Malaysia 20 years ago. After trying local food, the whole suitcase of food, left in my home. That's why never try, never know...if you no berani coba, baik stay in your kampung like some oren who goto UK and bring megi cup, takut tak halal, mahal, tak sedap...*oh yah, these oren berani coba siham/bbc tak halal, tapi makan mesti halal.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9399939775466919} +{"text": "QUOTEKementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) perlu melibatkan usahawan kecil Bumiputera dalam program sarapan percuma yang akan diperkenalkan di sekolah pada Januari tahun depan.Ahli Parlimen Port Dickson Anwar Ibrahim berkata, secara tidak langsung ia dapat menghidupkan kembali \u201ckonsep payung\u201d yang pernah diperkenalkannya sewaktu menjawat jawatan menteri kewangan sebelum ini.\u201cSaya menyambut baik langkah Kementerian Pendidikan menyediakan sarapan kepada murid sekolah. Saya harap bagi tender kepada penyedia produk makanan halal IKS (industri kecil dan sederhana) bermutu dari semua daerah.\u201cMakanan mesti bersih, berkualiti dan sihat. Paling penting, pastikan konsumsi gula tidak berlebihan, terutamanya di Kelantan. Kita patut kurangkan konsumsi gula secara drastik.\u201cSaya cadangkan Kementerian Pendidikan guna konsep payung,\u201d katanya dalam sesi Dialog Khas Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat, di Pusat Pameran Mines di sini, hari ini.Sebelum ini, Menteri Pendidikan, Maszlee Malik berkata, KPM akan memastikan setiap pelajar yang hadir ke sekolah pada tahun hadapan akan menikmati sarapan percuma sebelum sesi pembelajaran bermula.Katanya, di sebalik program sarapan percuma itu, akan berlaku satu perkara penting, iaitu proses penerapan pendidikan sivik dan disiplin dalam kalangan pelajar.Anwar berkata, di bawah konsep payung yang pernah diperkenalkannya dahulu, setiap syarikat besar yang memenangi kontrak kerajaan disyaratkan mengagihkan projek tersebut kepada syarikat kecil berkemampuan.Selain itu katanya, syarikat besar yang mendapat kontrak juga akan bertindak sebagai pemantau kepada syarikat kecil di bawahnya bagi menjaga kualiti produk dan perkhidmatan.\u201cSemasa saya menjadi menteri kewangan, kita gunakan konsep payung. Hendak buat kerusi meja untuk anak-anak sekolah. Kita boleh beri kontrak kepada syarikat besar.\u201cKita pergi kepada syarikat Guthrie. Melalui konsep payung, Guthrie cari 60 syarikat kecil yang boleh buat mengikut spesifikasi. Mesti ada kualiti kayu dan syarikat yang penuhi syarat akan diberikan kontrak.\u201cIa bukan dipantau jabatan kerajaan, tetapi oleh syarikat yang diberi kontrak. Maknanya daripada satu syarikat, kita bagi juga kepada 60 syarikat kecil dan sederhana yang majoritinya Bumiputera,\u201d katanya.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...uma-kata-anwar/Utamakan bukan boikot. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8779060244560242} +{"text": "QUOTE(Acher13 @ Dec 31 2019, 04:21 PM)that's the thing about it, sah and kesah I know is different different.suddenly keesahan\u00a0 :confused:\u00a0 :confused: lol but if it's legit word then w/e.. alot of old document using malay word direct convert from jawi to rumi anyway thus the spelling weirdness.I suppose there's no way to translate \"validity\" in a single word. And since they can't use \"kesahan, \"keesahan\" is the next best option, probably. Else, it's \"ke-sahan\" which is as weird as rama2. \"taraf sah\" is doable, but less elegant to use two words maybe? Yea. Spelling that in Jawi will be quite a task. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999788999557495} +{"text": "Ke tempat yng jual makanan di pinggir jalan ih aku suka liat org2 banyak yg jualan gitu pen beli semuanyaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.997552216053009} +{"text": "PERCUMA\nJika anda berminat untuk memilki sijil halal jakim untuk produk makanan sahaja.. sila pm atau whatapps,... http://fb.me/1bZpaCSno", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975835084915161} +{"text": "Well... the fatwa council has to issue new fatwas all the time because if they don't.... then there's no longer a use for fatwa councils. They will lose their jobs.That's why stupid fatwas exists. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9716796875} +{"text": "\n\n Actually thinking\n \n A recent trend amongst Muslims are \"takde halal cert tak semestinya haram\"\n \n Jakim is forcing down that line, trying to go \"if takde halal cert then confirm haram\"\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "HUKUM MERASA MAKANAN KETIKA BERPUASA http://fb.me/8ruyIKTVm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5942854881286621} +{"text": "QUOTE(wankongyew @ Oct 20 2019, 10:17 PM)Run away apply for refugee status. Say scared genocide. Air ticket nowadays cheap only.Please la, say run away and apply refugee easy. I'm just saying whats in my mind. You read world history more la instead of katak dibawah tempurung. I'm just saying things will go worst from here if things keep on going like this. Maybe not now maybe 2 years, heck 10 years we wouldn't know. If things continue like this than we'll see some serious shit in Malaysia. Who da heck say now genocide? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "QUOTE(Coldf3ar @ Mar 16 2024, 01:36 PM)hence why in article stateddidapati tidak berpuasa tanpa sebarang halangan atau keuzuran sepanjang Ramadan boleh dikenakan dendaand yet nons in /k n bodoh berpisah tiada.oh ya...btw, mungkin dia tak buka sahur? sebab tak ada duit. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "semakin lama saya lihat malaysia, semakin malu saya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999436140060425} +{"text": "\r\nerk..aku dapat bayang bau mcmana...akupun ada pengalaman gak...", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977218508720398} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Nov 18 2020, 01:14 PM)There is a Jakim facebook album detailing all the fake news and viral nonsense about companies and products being non-halal so that people don't simply forward old, untrue stories.I think they are up to 100 such debunked articles.yup, i was actually reading it yesterday nite: ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "Haram takyah makan, simple. Mudah konfius is serious mental illness ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "msalah betul dgn orang islam sekarang ni dah sah -sah nama makanan mesti elok itupun nak pertikaikan jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9080649614334106} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ May 24 2024, 12:07 PM)please stop using wang tax haram from judi arak and porkonly then people will take your seriouslyif not people will think you are a hypocritekenapa tak asingkan wang haram?i'd like to. tiada bantahan. aku tak hipokrit dalam prinsip menolak arak judi dan rokok.kalau aku jadi kerajaan, aku bagi jaminan, hari pertama masuk office, aku akan haramkan trading berkenaan. ladang babi kita tutup penghabisan stok sebab melibatkan benda hidup. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 7 2020, 09:27 AM)If it didn't come from pigs, you can eat it all you want. It is just a name. Islam specifically said that it is the meat from pigs that is haram.hotdog apparently means it is made from dog meat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995285272598267} +{"text": "Bukan makanan yg ada unsur Khinzir shj yg haram dimakan. Harap Jakim & mncapai kata sepakat.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "Astro Awani \u2630BERITA | MALAYSIAOps Kandar temui adunan roti canai diproses di atas lubang kumbahanALOR SETAR: : Memproses tepung untuk adunan roti canai di atas ruang penutup tangki kumbahan, sementara minyak untuk menggoreng sudah dua hari tidak bertukar.Tindakan jijik sebuah restoran nasi kandar di Alor Setar mengundang padah apabila premis itu diarah tutup serta merta selama dua minggu, bermula hari ini, dalam pemeriksaan mengejut Ops Kandar.Operasi tersebut dijalankan sepasukan penguatkuasa Jabatan Agama Islam Kedah (JAIK) bersama beberapa agensi berkaitan.Ketika serbuan dilakukan ke premis tersebut, pekerja restoran sedang menyiapkan makanan.Memasuki bahagian belakang dapur, keadaan agak gelap dan nampak menjijikkan, dengan keadaan lantai dan dinding dibiarkan kotor dan berkulat.Tempat membasuh pinggan juga terletak bersebelahan bahagian memproses ayam.Ayam yang siap diproses diletakkan bersama rempah yang telah dikisar, namun masih kelihatan darah pada ayam yang didakwa sudah dicuci itu.PInggan dan peralatan yang telah digunakan dikumpulkan di bahagian belakang restoran berdekatan tong sampah. - Astro AWANISelain premis itu, dua lagi premis yang diarah tutup selama 14 hari ialah restoran nasi kandar di Lebuhraya Darul Aman dan Jalan Lencong Barat, kerana pemilik premis berkenaan gagal memenuhi piawaian yang ditetapkan terutama dari segi kebersihan.\u201cKita turun untuk kita nak tengok sejauh mana integriti pihak pengusaha terutama kedai mamak khususnya, di mana mereka banyak mempamerkan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran untuk meyakinkan pelanggan bahawa kaedah masak adalah mengikut cara Islam yang sebenar.\u201cTapi bila kita tengok penggunaan dan bahan-bahan mentah dan cara (menjaga aspek) kebersihan di dalam premis, (keadaannya) sangat kotor dan tidak memuaskan,\u201d ujar Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan Halal JAIK, Rosyadah Ramli.Sepanjang tempoh 14 hari diberikan itu, semua premis diarahkan melakukan pembersihan dan penyucian sebelum penilaian semula ke atas semua tiga premis berkenaan dibuat.Kesemua enam premis yang diperiksa diberikan notis dibawah pemantauan JAIK.Sementara Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar (MBAS) mengeluarkan dua notis dan satu kompaun terhadap dua daripada enam restoran nasi kandar terbabit.sos ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998615980148315} +{"text": "Haram kan je , lepas tu manufacture flag with cop halalSell : Profit ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9798898696899414} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 02:41 PM)Muslim when there is an issues regarding the halal and haram they quickly go back to find source in Al quran and hadis sahih.But extremist stupid muslim they so lazy to open Al quran and lazy to find hadis sahih. And worst with no knowledge whatsoever the stupid muslim later using just emotion try to recruit other low knowledge Muslim.Lazy, low iq and low education is a bad recepi in any extremist stupid muslim mentality.Can see you been brainwashed. From small already have such thought? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999551773071289} +{"text": "QUOTE(inspiron @ Aug 6 2024, 01:09 PM)Hi TS, i know you're trying to find loophole to shoot PAS. but do understand that , yes, tiger issue is more important than 2 people die in school, if you dont believe, just ask any of your muslim friendeveryone acknowledge that there is more and more muslim joining SKJC schoolbut they are sensitive if they know that it is haram when it received non halal $$ (i dont think they care if the money is public donation or from tiger directly as they just want to show they are the one who fight for malay and not UMNO / PKR)2 people die from food poisoning is like people dying from road accident daily. you see anyone care?go find bigger bulletor better yet go ask your malay friend if you dont understand their cultureya, sebab kalau melakukan jihad confirm masuk syurga ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Apr 23 2024, 09:18 PM)This keep me thinking. Now I probably need answers or some reassurances. Disclaimer: This is a big IF.If the majority finally snapped out from the lies politicians keep feeding them withThey start to practice religion moderately, stop imposing absurd religious rules in everythingRealizing that the way to improve this country is by giving everyone equal access to opportunities and work together without prejudice to improve the economyThinking that the affirmative action has only enriches the elites and already failed to serve it purposesBut they are also quite behind and trying to catch up, because like I said affirmative action failed to make them competitiveWill you give them chances to prove themselves?Will this finally solve R&R issues?Will everyone finally get along together and speak one language (i.e. understand each other)?If this happens in the 80s, 90s 00s, yes to all your questions.But now, those moderate, city dwelling, highly educated and the best of the nons already left Malaysia, majority now of the nons are Cina bukit or Indian klang types. Majority are racists, just look at /r and /kEdit: I may be wrong in my opinion, but I am seeing this trendThis post has been edited by iEatCuteDogs: Apr 23 2024, 10:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6273984909057617} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 12:11 AM)In islam, food is a gift/rizk from god and you shall give a good name and respect for it.God already give a good name for halal tnings and bad name for haram. We all know hot dog is halal but according to islam word dog is already mean something not good. For me, what ever its name as long as it is halal i will eat it.In islam or u urself think \"dog\" means something not good? God create everything with a purpose. Islam teach to respect all god's creation. Dog, Pig or whatever haram things does not mean we should treat them as trash. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997579455375671} +{"text": "Bersih (bersinar) nya hati\nBening (jernih) nya pikiran\nAdalah tergantung pada:\nSeberapa bersih (halal) nya harta (makanan).\nApabila telah mampu menyingkirkan yg haram dan subhat, maka benarlah.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995754361152649} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Sep 9 2023, 07:52 PM)Topkek alcohol is confirmed to be in tapai. These flers Their logic, rice not alcohol. Let fermented it using yeast. Then not alcohol di. Then uncle can use already in his cooking as long as uncle dont buy ready made rice wine. Fermented himself the rice.Oh more creative bunch can subtitute rice with wheat. Become wheat tapai, not beer. Its not haram.Ini macam baru tak confuse, kalau tak confuse kaw kaw.This post has been edited by wanted111who: Sep 10 2023, 04:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996846616268158} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?how's the life of a typical chinese??? i think all typical human - still eat, sleep, shit, watch tv, bath, go out once a while...the only difference as a chinese muslim - of coz cant eat haram stuff and need to pray 5 times a day. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985107779502869} +{"text": "\r\nBuatpe viral2, semuanya ciptaan dari Yang Mahakuasa", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999591112136841} +{"text": "so syok can eat haram foodmight as well go bak kut teh je ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998598098754883} +{"text": "QUOTE(deejay_krish @ Nov 23 2020, 10:27 AM)Id still say, chinese chakoi is the best and still the best.It\u2019s not whether it is the best ... that is \u201cYau char kwai\u201d original taste... u cannot add durian taste or rendang to pizza and say it taste the best.... I went to Italy and ate their original wood fire pizza with nothing much ingredient except cheese and dough ... can I say the pizza is not good cause no salmon or squid or mussels ... no! That\u2019s the original pizza by Italians ..This post has been edited by aspartame: Nov 23 2020, 11:02 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "Babi always have time viral stupid stuff ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "Sahabat nak tahu.. Int3Tree ada sijil halal tau.. mencari yang halal itu wajib bagi setiap umat islam... https://t.co/TP6ZZajEPk", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9695470333099365} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironite @ Jan 19 2016, 10:40 PM)After this duit also separate,Halal Money is white pure, Non halal money is blackAfter that bus and trains also, Halal coach and non halalThen halal lanes on roads. halal toll lanes.In the end better segregate the whole country, halal territory and non halal wastelands.The best is to create a new planet. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "All bunch of hypocrites. I bet you been onani at home, staring at your neighbors booty and having sex talk with your cliques. Is those haram? I guess not else millions will be nabbed by jais oledi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9529514908790588} +{"text": "\nseri_mawr replied at 25-7-2022 05:23 PM\r\nitu lah iouls tanya...apa beza haram makanan dgn haram dedah aurat...\n\r\nkadang org kita ni babi har ...\nLgi2 jejantz ummah Mulayu Melesia, prmpuan klau minat Kpop, on the spot brdosa tpi klau jejantz minat porn, jdi ok sbb llaki ada nfsu.\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999710321426392} +{"text": "@izham0108 My points are based on \"islam itu mudah\" tapi saya juga faham kita tak patut amik mudah perkara mcm ni. Jika mengikut kaedah syarak, maka perkara syubhah lebih hampir kepada haram. Tapi in my POV, saya takde reason untuk ada syubhah melainkan ketiadaan sijil halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996060729026794} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Nov 5 2021, 12:56 PM)see post above for price in other restaurant in the areatoo poor don't go langkawi lahnot really agree with the words la taiko. kaya pun ada 2.. kaya bodoh..kaya pandai.. you bet to choose.mana ada orang mau jadi kaya bodoh...kalau ada duit pon..pigi sana..kena cut.. sama jugak jadi bodoh..at least. win win situation. customer get something berbaloi.peniaga get something yang menguntungkan..baru la chun2...fyi - I was there 2 days ago. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997420907020569} +{"text": "Amboi, judge shop by customer tindakan bodoh?\n\nItu langkah berjaga-jaga supaya dapat makanan halal. Tak semestinya org pakai tudung makan kt situ, automatik kedai tu jd halal.\n\nKan dah viral sebelum ni, ramai waniter hijabista minum \"Soju Halal\" dan bangga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "DependsCan it live in water and in air? If can then haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999486207962036} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jan 6 2017, 04:20 PM)How come the husband dont know whose child is that? 9 month where he gone when the wife pregnant?ppl say when someone is pregnant out of wedlock, their belly doesnt grow as big or they dont look big from the outsidethats why some schoolgirls can hide it eventho they go to school like normali know a girl who was pregnant during school (altho not the same school as me), and only her friends know about it. Other ppl doesnt suspect anything.And these girls/women can deliver easily even if they dont go to the hospitalmuslims believe that god took away all the pahala of pregnancy/giving birth from these women for all that convenience ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.624977707862854} +{"text": "QUOTE(patienceGNR @ Mar 24 2021, 07:28 AM)Regardless, I'm waiting for Sushi Jiro's rep or lawyer to send LOD now. If I were jiro in this case, I wouldn't give a chance to someone who tried to smear my business rep randomly.Malaysians are too forgiving. Happens too often when these perps pull such a stunt, apologizes then everything is well again. \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0fFifnah tu budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996647834777832} +{"text": "aku suka beli makanan yg udh expyt", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958727955818176} +{"text": "QUOTE(Clueless07 @ Sep 11 2023, 10:41 AM)This haram thing about alcohol is that making people reduce ability and make judgement, substance abuse and addiction?but takkan use small amout for tasting/flavoring also haram meh.even alchohol swap, or make up removal also got this topic issue right.yes they're that stupid ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998756647109985} +{"text": "QUOTE(genesic @ Nov 5 2021, 12:05 PM)Price expensive is not justified but what more not justified is after finish eating, complain about the expensive price knowing the price is skyrocket. this one is pura2 tak tau or simply want to viral because eaten expensive fish ?from what i gather, owner of restaurant already told the group, that 7+ kg fish is for display only. the group insisted they want to eat that one. also owner informed price is rm16/100g. you do the maths. there are other cheaper fish around also but they still insist to eat that big siakap.also the bill was split into 2 portions, the other one being rm90+ oni. well....https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/11/...p-dish-langkawi\"Meanwhile, the owner of Restoran Terapung Sas Rimba, Norasyikin Musa, in response, said she herself attended to the customer in question.\"I had explained to them that normally, that particular fish was not for sale as it was displayed as a show for customers in our restaurant.\"I had even suggested to the customer to pick other types of fish such as siakap merah (red barramundi) or kerapu (grouper) weighing between 1kg and 1.5kg which was more suited for customers,\" she said when contacted.Norasyikin claimed that she had even asked the group to take a look at the fish selected before it was cooked but they declined.She further claimed that the price for the siakap had also been clearly stated in the menu, which is RM16 for every 100g.She also denied claims that she had imposed extra charges for credit card payment, as claimed by the customer.\"Actually, the cost of their lunch was separated into two receipts; RM1,759.50 and RM93 each, but the customer had only uploaded one of them,\" she claimed.\"This post has been edited by TechSuper: Nov 5 2021, 12:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995928406715393} +{"text": "QUOTE(Strike Eureka @ Dec 15 2022, 05:59 PM)TS bodoh like fuck halal and haram is at their own convenience je....rokok tak de halal hisap je padahal pork free vege shop kena kecam sampai akhiratlet's not touch about boss 2feidei port la....banyak je brader melayu lepak on fri afternoon, siap baju melayu lagi , banyak newbie tanya je port 1M ke tak?cc: god gridMust listen to PAS, if PAS says haram means haramHalal means halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998383522033691} +{"text": "@LalaQueenAdila Taktahulah awk \ud83e\udd14 kalau ikutkan kedai mkn melayu pun takde sijil halal. Tawakal je k! Islam itu mudah. Kalau dah termakan lepastu rasa was-was, stop. Hahahaha tak perlu pegi cuci darah bagai sbb dah termakan benda haram. Huwhuw", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9859825968742371} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Jan 4 2018, 11:49 PM)Geng Baju merah bila nak haramkan? Demonstrasi jalanan tu berfaedah sangat kan?QUOTE(teamkiller @ Jan 4 2018, 11:29 PM)kostum got faedah? TN50 is a useful country development programotak ada guna OK?demo is useful tau!!! it doesnt matter whether you left or right or centre right or middle left, demo sini sana, bawak bendera, buat mcm hero ikut masing2 punya kaler mcm beruk2 di jalanraya. Polis kata jangan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995666146278381} +{"text": "\n\n Halal is more than haram/ not haram. Cleanliness and food handling is part of the certification. So that university food poisoning case is halal right? The mother who touch her son\u2019s pp and continue to cook is also halal?\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9736067056655884} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?Not haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999819993972778} +{"text": "lel welcome to hellpegi jumpa dgn tuhandone dakwah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995076656341553} +{"text": "Yis fermentation/cultivation based food will always have ethanol(edible alcohol) as its by-product in small quantity.In sour dough bread, thosai, marmite, fruit ciders..They will all have very small amount of alcohol which even if you take in large amount until you're full, you won't be intoxicated.Shandy as well. Drink 6 cans until your stomach full also won't mabuk.So are they still haram?\nkpALKIj1dwI\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992387294769287} +{"text": "QUOTE(khelben @ Aug 19 2022, 10:09 AM)Did this duck/chicken rice stall owner lie about being muslim? Or it's an assumption?QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 06:44 PM)the allegation is like this1. muslim nasi ayam stall owner accused of buying nasi ayam from non muslim shop, repackaged as if he is the one who make the nasi ayam and sold to other muslim.2. Second allegation, the muslim guy stall actually owned by the non muslim restaurant owner. 3. if the 1st allegation are true then its a muslim stall guy is penipu scammer4. so if the 2nd allegation is true then the cina non-muslim restaurant owner (as you put it) is penipu scammer.5. If both allegations are not true then the viral guy is penipu scammer.simple kan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9724438786506653} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ May 24 2016, 11:45 PM)I blame ppl like you la.\u00a0 Muslim originally don't care all this thing.\u00a0 Pork seller Muslim also allowed,\u00a0 as long don't consume it's OK la. Only in Malaysia all bodo.\u00a0 Do try to talk to pak Arab from Yemen,\u00a0 Syria etc they themself also not that extremist unlike our western Malaysian here.Pork seller muslim? What weed.did u smoke kid??If muslim, cant sell pig, beer, anything that haram.Its not about Malaysia. Its already writing in the quran u f**tard ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8705301880836487} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkk8787 @ Dec 18 2023, 09:46 PM)Ya JV But the raudhah city is no more. I assume maybe the reception wasn\u2019t that encouragingMaybe zero unit sold? Because if even a single unit sold they have to deliver on their promise of it being Islamic concept with 1 house 1 ustaz and many moreu still remember the details huhhttps://www.facebook.com/103718087750542/po...21681169287567/Malakat Tribune26 November 2019 \u00b7Konsep 1 Rumah 1 Ustaz di Raudhah CityRaudhah namanya membawa maksud salah satu taman-taman di syurga.Begitulah impian indah yang bakal direalisasikan Pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Raudhah City Sdn. Bhd., Mohd. Fadzil Hashim.Pun begitu, bukan mudah membangunkan sebuah perbandaran berkonsepkan Islam.Ada yang kata mustahil, menjadikan betapa sukarnya menarik kepercayaan pelabur di peringkat awal.Inilah cabaran awal pembinaan bandar Islam moden yang dilaksanakan oleh Mohd. Fadzil.Namun siapa sangka projek perumahan dikenali sebagai PKNS Raudhah Ville @ Raudhah City dan harga ditawarkan bermula RM1 juta seunit, kini sudah pun dibina.Selain itu ada juga unit kediaman mampu milik turut dibina yang akan dilaksanakan mengikut fasa pembinaan.Uniknya di setiap kawasan perumahan di Raudhah City, dilengkapi pusat komuniti Islam yang sama fungsinya seperti \u2018Club House\u2019.Selain pembinaan surau yang mampu menampung sehingga 2,000 jemaah dalam satu-satu masa, pusat komuniti Islam ini turut dilengkapi bilik seminar dan kaunseling; kolam renang; gimnasium; suite untuk tetamu dan perpustakaan mini berkonsepkan mesra keluarga Muslim.Tidak ketinggalan, setiap pusat komuniti Islam ini akan ada panel syariah yang akan menentukan peraturan dan etika penggunaan setiap kemudahan disediakan.Pusat komuniti Islam inilah yang akan menjadi nadi kepada penduduk melakukan pelbagai aktiviti.Setiap fasa akan mempunyai pusat komuniti Islam tersendiri.Raudhah City akan melaksanakan konsep 1 Rumah 1 Ustaz supaya setiap keluarga ada akses kepada ilmu agama terus kepada pakar.Jika pemilik rumah tidak mempunyai pembantu rumah, Raudhah City akan menyediakan khidmat \u2018Commercial-Maid\u2019 dengan jumlah bayaran yang rendah setiap bulan.Selain nilai ditawarkan, kedudukan Raudhah City amat strategik.Lokasinya menghubungkan kemudahan jaringan jalan raya ke beberapa lebuh raya ELITE, SKVE, MEX serta hanya 15 minit ke Putrajaya dan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) dan KLIA2.Bandar ini akan menjadi sebuah bandar contoh bercirikan Islam moden, patuh syariah dengan beri penekanan aspek keselamatan, kelestarian bandar dan perhubungan pintar antara bandar.Berbeza dengan pembangunan di perbandaran lain iaitu kebiasaannya pemaju fokus pada pembinaan pusat pengajian tinggi dan kolej.Perbandaran itu dianggap berjaya dengan tertubuhnya sebuah universiti.Tetapi di Raudhah City, penubuhan Sekolah Antarabangsa Brainy Bunch menjadi pemangkin kepada konsep pembangunannya.pertama membabitkan kluster pendidikan awal dengan pembukaan Sekolah Antarabangsa Brainy Bunch yang sudah beroperasi dua tahun. - MT ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8729848861694336} +{"text": "2. Makanan halal tak susah nak cari, sebab Sri Lanka pun ada orang Islam cuma tak ramai. Rasa makanan dia pun kena la dengan tekak kita orang Malaysia, lagi lagi yang suka indian food dan makanan pedas! Yang penting bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5710787773132324} +{"text": "Persoalan yang lebih penting adalah - sejauhmana makanan tersebut halal, bersih, seimbang, cukup dan berkhasiat Sejauhmana tahap keselamatan, jaminan serta capaian kepada makanan (food safety & food security) untuk setiap individu?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8641396760940552} +{"text": "QUOTE(westernkl @ Jan 23 2021, 04:17 PM)Janji mesti HALAL woi~!!!!!!Tak halal, tak makan!!!Soli boss i still wait foe my halal egg ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996892213821411} +{"text": "QUOTE(azreeceli @ Dec 2 2023, 07:40 PM)no but yesyes not oren kito \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02i did said english to themxi'an, plentybut not so spicy (la)Xi\u2019an is nice A lot muslims Dont go to other cities coz hard to find halal food Hati2 klu order air. Diorunk suka sembunyikan alcohol dalam menu Jual air limau tapi ada rice wine ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999808073043823} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Dec 27 2023, 07:35 PM)Those who kecam must be puastards.I really don't know what is melayu kat malaya thinking.In their mind, kalau itu kedai cina confirm x halal confirm ada babi.Padahal when they're not selling any pork, how can they be babi in it?Some more any nons, be it cina or iban will tell u this.U ingat babi very murah is it?Sama sama melayu. Tapi perangai melayu malaya and borneo totally langit and bumi.And lastly suka or x suka i will still be saying this.When it comes to comparing cleanliness between chinese and malay shops or stalls, I'll pick chinese over malay shop anyday anytime.1st thing u notis kedai or warung melayu. Kucing mesti 3 or 5 ekor duduk atas kerusi tidor atas meja or dapur sana. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999758005142212} +{"text": "izinkan saya menambah, sebelum timbul persoalan seperti \"babi haram, tapi minum arak\"hanya kerana segelintir umat Islam berperangai sedemikian, janganlah menganggap semua masyarakat Islam berperangai serupa.arak itu tetap haram. tak bermaksud jikalau seseorang Muslim itu meminum arak, dia juga harus memakan babi. samalah seperti logik, berzina itu berdosa. tapi takkanlah hanya kerana dia berzina, dia juga harus melakukan semua dosa lain seperti merompak, membunuh, dan lain-lain. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "@Mint_Namaku @xulhlmi @naf_zam Iye betol. Contoh: Ramai org anggap owhhh ayam mesti la halal tp kena tahu sumber ayam tu adakah dari kilang yg disembelih menurut islam? Sbb tu premis mknn perlu dapatkan sijil halal jakim wpn restoran melayu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940465688705444} +{"text": "Jakim, saya nk research report untuk setiap makanan yg anda claim haram plis. #BitchPleaseImAScientist", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999574601650238} +{"text": "Even I who hailed from little hongkong where seafoods are cheap af would always ask price first and ask how many kg etc...well actually it's also what the waiter would ask normally over there. RiP ocean king seafood, once the best there is, now relegated to smaller one near IJM. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994945526123047} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Dec 21 2014, 11:52 PM)salam brothers, nak tanya, harta sepencarian tu adat ke agama ?Ikutkan adat.. Sbb amek faktor tang toleransi kerana difahamkan keadaan ekonomi sekarang. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9587092399597168} +{"text": "\r\nbagus ni...boleh cuba\r\ntapi lagi suka makanan korea...kimchi...yummy\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "Menurut pengeluaran Islam dalam perniagaan:\n\n1. Logo halal2. Perkakasan dan peralatan yang bersih3. Pengendalian makanan halal dan bersih4. Bebas dari penipuan\n5. Etika pakaian pengendali makanan mesti mengikut Peraturan 13, Peraturan-peraturan Kebersihan Makanan 2009", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978419542312622} +{"text": "The best cakoi in shopping mall is i love yoo!Pavillion, 1u also have.Confirm halal. 100% better skill compare to makcik stall. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 03:47 PM)Tuak is haram. Cuisines that added liqour/wine/beer is haram too. Tapai does not contain liqour/wine/beer but small amount of alcohol. Read my few post above regarding the difference between liquor and alcohol.Just like air nira, drink it fresh ok. Fermented it long enough it turns into intoxicating drink aka liqour (dan kawan kawan sejenisnya).I think the issue is more that most folks are not aware that the tapai we get in some shops have fermented pass the kuih stage and it has become wine with very high alcohol content. Personally ive only had it once that was low alcohol, everyone i know would not pick it up as a mid-afternoon kuih Like air nira, if fresh its fine, just that most shops dont sell it fresh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999006986618042} +{"text": "bila orang up kedai sekian sekian tak ada sijil halal just terima je la orang tu pesan. makanan halal haram ni jadi darah daging. pentingnya sijil halal tu utk kita as muslim. buat apa ada halal jakim kalau kita sendiri tak boleh terima kalau orang tegur kedai tu tak ada halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996334314346313} +{"text": "\"Man Jadda Wajada\" : Tulis Najib Setelah Terbaca Kisah Pencuri Ditawarkan Kerja di TescoItu tulis Perdana Menteri setelah beliau terbaca kisah seorang lelaki yang mencuri makanan untuk anak-anaknya yang kelaparan yang sebelum ini viral di media sosial.Disamping memuji tindakan pihak pengurusan Tesco yang menawarkan kerja kepada lelaki berkenaan, Najib juga turut mengajak orang ramai supaya berpegang kepada prinsip \"Man Jadda Wajada\", iaitu sesiapa yang berusaha, Insya-Allah akan mendapat apa yang diusahakannya.Selain itu, beliau juga mengingatkan semua pihak bahawa ada banyak cara lain untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan mencari rezeki halal dan salah satu darinya adalah dengan menghubungi Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat yang sentiasa bersedia untuk membantu sama ada dari segi kewangan, khidmat nasihat atau cara lain.\"Bagi yang beragama Islam pula, anda bolehlah mengunjungi atau menghubungi cawangan Lembaga Zakat negeri untuk mendapatkan bantuan.\"Meskipun lembaga-lembaga zakat sering melakukan tinjauan untuk mencari dan membantu mereka yang layak, sekiranya ada ahli keluarga atau kenalan yang tahu mengenai sesiapa yang memerlukan bantuan, boleh juga tampil dan memaklumkan kepada Lembaga Zakat,\" kata beliau menerusi blognya najibrazak.com.Najib mengulas tindakan seorang pengurus Pasar Raya Tesco di Alma, Bukit Mertajam yang bertindakan menawarkan pekerjaan kepada seorang pencuri di pasar raya itu dari mengambil tindakan menghukumnya.Tindakan dari pihak Tesco itu menjadi viral dan mendapat pujian ramai pihak.Dalam kejadian tersebut, seorang bapa kepada tiga anak didapati mencuri barangan makanan bernilai RM27 di pasar raya itu untuk anak-anaknya yang lapar.Setelah ditangkap dan disoal siasat, pihak Tesco mendapati kisah sedih lelaki tersebut adalah benar lalu menawarkan kerja kepada lelaki berkenaan dan tidak melaporkan jenayah itu.Najib yang membaca kisah kecurian itu memuji tindakan Tesco.\"Walaupun mencuri itu satu kesalahan dari segi undang-undang, tetapi cara bagaimana pihak pengurusan Tesco Bukit Mertajam mengendalikan kejadian tersebut, dengan menawarkan bapa tadi untuk bekerja dengan mereka, haruslah dipuji,\" katanya. - Siakapkeli.myPetikan penuh dari Blog Najib Razak.Saya terbaca mengenai kisah kecurian di Tesco Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang yang membabitkan seorang bapa dengan tiga anak kecil yang perlukan makanan manakala isterinya terlantar sakit di unit rawatan rapi.Walaupun mencuri itu satu kesalahan dari segi undang-undang, tetapi cara bagaimana pihak pengurusan Tesco Bukit Mertajam mengendalikan kejadian tersebut, dengan menawarkan bapa tadi untuk bekerja dengan mereka, haruslah dipuji.Pada masa sama, saya ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk mengingatkan bahawa terdapat banyak cara lain yang boleh dilakukan untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan mencari rezeki yang halal.Salah satunya adalah dengan menghubungi Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat yang sentiasa sedia untuk membantu sama ada dari segi kewangan, khidmat nasihat dan lain-lain caranya agar dapat mengatasi cabaran ini dan berpeluang menikmati kehidupan lebih baik.Bagi yang beragama Islam pula, anda bolehlah mengunjungi atau menghubungi cawangan Lembaga Zakat negeri untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Meskipun lembaga-lembaga zakat sering melakukan tinjauan untuk mencari dan membantu mereka yang layak, sekiranya ada ahli keluarga atau kenalan yang tahu mengenai sesiapa yang memerlukan bantuan, boleh juga tampil dan memaklumkan kepada Lembaga Zakat. Sama-sama kita mainkan peranan.Saya juga menggalakkan semua untuk mengunjungi cawangan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja berdekatan atau secara atas talian di http://jtksm.mohr.gov.my/ bagi melihat kekosongan dan tawaran kerja yang ada pada setiap hari.Di laman Jabatan Tenaga Kerja, terdapat pelbagai tawaran pekerjaan bagi kategori pekerjaan serta peringkat kelulusan berbeza, yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta dan agensi-agensi awam.Ingatlah bahawa Allah SWT berpesan dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286, \u201cAllah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya.\u201dBerpeganglah kepada prinsip \u201cMan jadda wajada\u201d, iaitu sesiapa yang berusaha, Insya-Allah akan mendapat apa yang diusahakannya.http://www.siakapkeli.my/2016/03/najib-puj...awar-kerja.html ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.632849931716919} +{"text": "macam dah ada tered pasal fatwa nihbut anyways, they won't stop, giving blowjobs to robots are more satisfying than religion ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9828659892082214} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Sep 8 2023, 12:01 PM)I think referring to the malay couple who opened the claypot chicken rice shop that got viral Their patrons are 100% chinese from the video but they are Muslims thoughSo might be a sticky issue.Legally, they dont claim its halal. No halal logo, or fake halal logo used. They should be safe legally speaking.But morally, surely this will be an issue. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999697208404541} +{"text": "I've read thru all the post and I think some of the questions I already answered, then there are some repeated ones, maybe I just post as a FAQ:1) Q: Was I VSS/ kena buang/ etc. A: I was made the Head of AP region, and tasked with setting up a regional HQ, it was between Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand, due to the fact that the decision maker on this is me...guess where I choose....so country heads that report in to me are; Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia/Laos, Vietnam, Phillipines, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand.2) Q: Is the media in China heavily controlled? A: Yes and no...yes, gomen based media (tv station, newspapers and etc) but the chinese are now well travelled and most of them has IG, twitter (cos they use VPN) so they know what is happening outside China and also within China because things can go viral very fast.3) Q: Wah, big taukay already!!? A: Masih kuli drawing a salary.4) Q: Would you prefer China or Malaysia? A: I would say I prefer both, because I got relative there, so best if can maybe one year spend 1-2 month there then rest spend in Malaysia.5) Q: Can you openly marah CCP/Winnie the pooh/ gomen there? A: This question is a bit naive, yes you can marah, but if viral or heard by the wrong people, you will get intro trouble, same thing here, I ask you then, can you openly marah and insult the Agong and or insult Islam? Yes you can do so..but if heard by the authority, you will get into trouble,,,,,sama kan?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "The best solution is no state solution. Nuke both of them until Kingdom come. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6863442659378052} +{"text": "Halal bukan sekadar sembelih, kebersihan pun jadi syarat nak dapat sijil halal. India negara kotor. Rakyat buang air pun merata. Mestilah tak suka makanan halal sebab mereka suka makanan kotor. https://t.co/bDHLpRcUyD", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998718500137329} +{"text": "Off topic. Not only selling dog, selling cat is also haram. I read it somewhere before.Not sure though, some pipul say makruh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996813535690308} +{"text": "Kalau dah femes tu automatik mesti akan ade issue ni tp aku tengah fikir ni antara makan makanan yg orang cina buat bersih dan suci (halal) dan hidup dlm negara yg diketuai pemimpin melayu islam tp rasuah sana sini mana lagi kritikal?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998592138290405} +{"text": "#Nurani \u2013 \u201cWAGYU\" - Membincangkan tentang proses bagaimana lembu Jepun (Wagyu) mematuhi sijil halal yang diiktiraf Jakim daripada peringkat ladang hingga ke pusat penyembelihan. Ikuti diskusi &... https://t.co/OnY6X0UU6Q", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9590030908584595} +{"text": "WowMacam best ini tempatWhat is the temperature ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999626636505127} +{"text": "QUOTE(psyduck89 @ Jul 12 2018, 06:41 PM)reporter din inform their arrival = organizer fault?prepare separate halal table cannot be accepted??? y are we still sharing same air and same blood in hospital??Look, you're just shooting the messenger here.Personally, I don't care about halal or non-halal cos I'm Chinese. But I have many Malay friends and used to have many Malay colleague. And this is the mindset of some of them. Good or bad, this is the reality of the situation of Muslims in Peninsular Malaysia. If you surf /k often enough or read the news, you will see that halal/non-halal food is not an issue in Sabah and Sarawak. There they can open and share food court no problem. Because the people there don't care.The situation is different in Peninsular. That's why halal certification is very important here. There's always a viral facebook post on whether something is really \"halal\" or not. Places like TGI and Chilis must state they just don't serve pork, but have alcohol (thus they are considered not halal). Some of my Muslim friends are ok with those places, some are not. Again, this is not whether I can accept separate tables or not. This is just how a number of Muslims in Peninsular Malaysia think. I think a lot of these PH people who suddently get high positions are clueless to the reality outside of their bubble. They need to be smarter and sensitive, if they want to stay in power. Good governance is not enough, they have to understand the sentiments of the people too. And in this case, they have clearly failed to do that. QUOTEy are we still sharing same air and same blood in hospital?If you hang out more with Muslims, you should know that this is not an issue and just a cheap insult.It's just like Malays calling Cina babi because Chinese only know how to eat pig.This post has been edited by jonoave: Jul 12 2018, 11:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992547631263733} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jiao2 Itchy @ Nov 14 2020, 02:24 PM)bukan kes dah siasat ke?komen kat dalam pun macam bodo.suka sangat sebar fitnah dengan fake news.Admin group yang ada 1million members, tapi kerja fitnah orang, main r&r dengan sebar fake news kat melayu je.https://www.facebook.com/groups/79030854434...56066324431443/mcm biasa, lepas tangan no update on the issue. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": " Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9959789514541626} +{"text": "Orang Brunei suka sangat dengan ZARITH. No doubt, ZARITH ada sijil Halal dari JAKIM & diluluskan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7180415987968445} +{"text": "kalau tak suka, belila di kedai ...owai lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9893277287483215} +{"text": "Mohon kerajaan tambahkan pekerja dibahagian penguatkuasaan dan kajian supaya pihak jakim mempunyai tenaga yg cukup bg mempercepatkan proses pengeluaran sijil halal..jgn hanya tahu nk cepat ttp staff tak cukup..soal makanan perlu semak2 betul2 kebersihannya dr sumber haram @ halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5933606028556824} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Dec 7 2015, 12:02 PM)I don't see why aurat is a bigger concern when it comes to healthcare, as a consumer (patient) and/or as a practitioner. If you're so concerned about faith-related issues, what are you doing in a place that is dedicated to healing the physical? Why not stay home and appeal to the greater power instead? Make wishes for world peace and all that. You should be more concerned about tangible matters like quality of care, prices of medicine, competency of the doctors etc when it comes to healing the sick. This is a classic example of seeing the trees and not the forest, a luxury of nitpicking small issues when there are so much more bigger issues abound. Some are trying to equate this with recent incidents of government dress codes, but fail to see even then the ministers and authorities concerned admitted that such dress codes are not enforceable and are only discretionary. What, will they be so concerned about aurat and other sensitivities that one day they refuse to be touched by what they deem is a religiously improper medical personnel, even as they lie on the hospital bed? Will they accept the treatment, and then later sue the hospital once their lives are saved, because their faith was offended? Will medical personnel refuse to treat victims of alcohol-caused incidents? Indians refusing to touch someone who was poisoned eating beef? Buddhists refusing to treat food poisoning from meat-based products? Catholics refusing to be on call on Sundays?I find the attitude of some people about this to be frankly hypocritical. Where's their crusading moral outrage against cigarettes when it has long been declared haram 20 years ago? Instead we have complaints about rising cigarette prices. Another example of nitpicking, to be religiously outraged about things that are only inconvenient. That is why sometimes I snicker at the hypocrisy of those who attend Friday prayers, complete in traditional clothing; only to light it up when it's all over. Or worse, flick the cigarette butt anywhere and climb into their vehicle which is illegally parked but felt religiously justified to do so. So not only did the smoker violate a fatwa about smoking, he also broke secular rules about parking as well.They should just admit it that it has nothing to do with the religion, but because they perceive their right was infringed. It's an inconvenience, a challenge; that someone dared to restrict what she can or can not do. How dare the hospital say such a thing, to actually use the rulebook.\"Screw your rules, I have religion!\"if I can upvote this post infinitely, I will do it until my mouse broke. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.661278247833252} +{"text": "Janji halal. Dapat pahala. If mati ada lebih sayang. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999854564666748} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Jan 18 2017, 12:35 PM)nasi lemak with no halal chop is not halal ?? such common sense...Kesian lah, wasted energy discussing with people like yourself.Shows how weak Malaysian's are. They only need to religious issue everybody go crazy and other issues kena diverted. Suka hati u lah, your common sense win all go ahead boikot mekdi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "@faziranoor_ Xing Fu Tang is in the process of getting the sijil halal bcs they don't use any haram babi ingredients lah they posted the announcement on their fb page i think or was it instagram? Apa apa pun the ingredients they use are all safe for us. But ye before anyone argue with this", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "QUOTE(helike13 @ Dec 21 2015, 10:56 PM)Actually these 'developed' countries full of tax and government kacau.... Especially Europe (ada experience).Here in Malaysia you can do a lot of thing... Meanwhile in the USA or Europe if you want to sell nasi lemak on the street you must have sijil HACCP for starting even if you are citizen. And even lulus from the bomba kena ada your equipment is comply with the ISO9001 fire protection standards. And the taxation... If you sell telur ayam on the pasar malam kena have cash register and proper accounting and SSM semua... And the SSM register not like here you must hire yourself and kena tax after at least the minimum wage every month even if you satu sen tak dapat. Kalau tak bayo tax debt. Kalau 3 bulan tak bayo ambil rumah kereta semua. And tax juga after your company income, hire accountant etc. The penguatkuasa tax even go to the tattoo saloon as an undercover customer and kalau tak dapat resit kena denda... And it's not RM300. Rather \u20ac1000 ke atas.... GST bukan 6% in the EU rather 15% ke atas... Average 20%. Minyak kena GST juga not subsidi...This is call procedure....you think what? suka suka buat cara sendiri? Cut corners, short cut semua? At this cost of operation, guess what? Your kids go to a proper school for free, not your shitass SK and SMK here, where some teachers don't even know how to teach. They will subsequently go to a proper university, not some poophole that is UiTM. Your hospitals are well maintained, with doctors not trained in Russia or Egypt....Your cars are not artificially priced high and if you don't want a car, buses and trains run at least according to schedule. Your houses will be safe, not gated like a fortress like we see now in Msia, no shitty kapcais and peragut. Moreover, you don't have stupid career politicians talking shit and getting away with it. Case macam ali tinju, dah lama masuk penjara......You go and think about this. What sort of environment you want your kids to grow up in. I would rather issue proper receipts and have it documented clearly and have a peaceful life than to pay duit kopi to whomever to stay in businessThis post has been edited by feynman: Dec 22 2015, 09:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8433142304420471} +{"text": "Sebelum satu2 produk tu diiktiraf halal, macam2 proses dia kena lalu. Baru boleh dapat sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9813412427902222} +{"text": "QUOTE(kllonely1 @ Oct 22 2020, 07:23 PM)cap ketam,soya ada kira halal ke?halal doesnt matter, but the certification is. Someone has to actually visit the factory for cleanliness audit among others.i don't care if my food got halal logo or not, but damn sure ill pick one with halal when and mesti logo when available.This post has been edited by failed.hashcheck: Oct 23 2020, 03:43 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998494386672974} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah AL Quran mengajarkan apa yg boleh dan haram dimakan. Sampai ke urusan jejak lelaki di wanita, hingga tiga bulan cerai baru boleh menikah lagi. Mari kita perbanyak zikir Pak, siapa tahu hati kita bisa bersih, selain makanan halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981405735015869} +{"text": "3)Untuk perbekalan daging tempatan pun,persijilan halal hanya diberi sekiranya sembelihan mematuhi piawai Jabatan Veterinar dan JAKIM.Bukan JAKIM semata-mata.Premis sembelihan dan rumah sembelihan ada pegawai pemantau dari Veterinar dan JAKIM4)Daging Import pula pemantauan itu berlaku pada peringkat Jabatan Kastam dulu,baru melalui Veterinar dan JAKIM.Dekat sini yang isu besarnya sebab pemalsuan sijil,cop halal badan luar negara dan kertas kerja boleh berlaku sebelum masuk ke tapisan Veterinar dan JAKIM.5)Yang terlepas masuk selepas tapisan pertama ini yang jadi masalah,sebab daging-daging haram yang bercampur bukan semata-mata antara daging lembu dan bukan lembu sahaja yang boleh disah tentu melalui ujian DNA,tapi termasuk daging lembu tak diketahui status sembelihan.6)Tak ada lagi teknologi untuk mengesan sah tentu status daging yang sudah tambahan pula daging yang sampai berbentuk karkas yang siap diproses.Kepala pun dah tak ada.Lainlah kalau disembelih di sini.Jadi bila tiba-tiba kau gelabah serang JAKIM,maksudnya kau tak pernah faham proses ni semua.Bukanlah kata pegawai JAKIM semua maksum tak berdosa tapi biar tahu proses dulu sebelum nak kritik pun.the rest of his points. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967063069343567} +{"text": " ppl suspects jakim cuai jaga status halal makanan tu. Cadbury produk popular n consumer rasa tertipu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973849654197693} +{"text": "my haikyuu phase: beli pocky stroberi pdhal gak suka pocky/ makanan manis", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9884454011917114} +{"text": "islam tu senang je, concept halal haram makanan tu pun senang je. Tapi tula kalau kau nak ikut standard jakim mmg susah lah hidup haish.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.962270975112915} +{"text": "vietnam, singapore, thailand - how to innovate for the next start up to change the worldmalaysia - haram or not? logo confusing? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999819993972778} +{"text": "Tidak semua produk makanan yang tertera kod \u2018E\u2019 adalah haram.\n\nPengarah Sekretariat Majlis Halal Malaysia, Jakim, Datuk Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee berkata kod tersebut diguna pakai bagi menerangkan mengenai bahan tambah (aditif) dalam sesuatu produk makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8152230978012085} +{"text": "amende jakim,jais lah -.- hahaaha nak test halal haram ke ape,bkn makanan tu hahaha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7384690642356873} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Feb 11 2017, 08:35 PM)so the traders should send a sample for lab tasting each brush? or should the trader just place all the brush to non-halal section? where to draw the line between protecting the consumer vs protecting the trader?again you misunderstood the whole issue.it's not about having to test every product as if it's to undergo certification.it's about labelling the item with the material used.it's not halal or haram. technically halal just means permitted while haram means prohibited.yet everyone here is crying hoo haa as if it's a real big issue when it's as simple as putting a label.wow umno/bn really know how to rustle ppeople's jimmies ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992089867591858} +{"text": "@shyrasuhaimi Try la dikya. Biasa nya kedai camtu tkde halal bukan sbb ada pork ke apa tp sbb proses nk dapat sijil halal tu lama. So setengah kedai macam malas nk buat or tengah buat tp sijil tk smpai lg.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999417066574097} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Dec 9 2023, 08:17 PM)Sampai hari ini kenapa takde orang tanya rokok tu halal ke tidak?Setahu saya rokok takde sijil halal but they still lek lu sap kok..Iinm, there\u2019s a fatwa against it ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999350309371948} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 23 2020, 08:57 AM)nasi lemak pork is already in malaysia.what to trigger?i observe, the only things that malay trigger are things related to religion and special rights.about food la, adat la, budaya la what la, if you see, malay dont care much.inb4 tered about butthurt triggered on cookies labeled with porkfloss ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992190599441528} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Nov 28 2016, 09:29 PM)if anti ani wanna halal, follow jakim ruleif u want play high fps graphic game, get high end graphic carddid u blame game developer because they upgrade game graphic?Stupid analogy.So now u saying Jakim rule is cannot have the word \"DOG\"?Oh ya.... lucky A&W remove the word DOG from their Coney Dog... otherwise sure cannot get the almighty Halal status ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996920824050903} +{"text": "QUOTE(Strike Eureka @ Dec 27 2023, 04:00 PM)Lantaklah dia orang nak makan babi, suka hati dia orang la...Janji sendiri jaga agama tertib sendiri sudah kecoh apa yacc: ry8128Kena kecam baru ada syurgo point ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995692789554596} +{"text": "QUOTE(Axolotl @ Jan 4 2018, 08:36 PM)Emino selalu tunjuk tetek.. habis lahtetek boy haram ke ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Mar 28 2019, 05:48 PM)Tidak apa mandarin speaker, discriminate job seeker okay No haram food, halal only dobi suddenly discriminating and overboardBabi apa?This ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999634027481079} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Sep 10 2023, 12:17 PM)Rokok halal tak?Tak nampak ppl screaming protest kat sogo pun.. KekAnother bodoh think rokok is haram coz fatwa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "Jakim telahpun guna cara moden kajian DNA utk halal-haram makanan. Gunalah kaedah sama utk anak luar nikah. Salam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9923819899559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:09 PM)Thats really insulting to the whole concept of Chinese cuisine Pork is your best? What a disappointmentU, go google image chinese cuisine..then tell me on 1st page, how many of it are non-pork dish. This post has been edited by psyduck89: Jul 12 2018, 05:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999796152114868} +{"text": "Harakah pun Ada perkataan arak, kenapa tak haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5798991918563843} +{"text": "Tapi... SATU perkara yg aku perasan. Mana2 laki yg dah kahwin ni. Satuuu je sama kat dorang ni. Dorang mmg suka homecook meals. Masak simple pun takpa. Nasi dgn telur pun ok. Asalkan x kena beli makanan kt luar. Ni yg aku tgok dkt circle aku.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8138717412948608} +{"text": "\r\nbagus jakim.. teruskan lagi aktiviti mcm ni..\n\r\npasni pi food court Mvalley kaa, klcc ka...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9391246438026428} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dr Jan Itor @ May 3 2021, 11:39 AM)I dont get it. If wanna tegur them then its fine but why viral it and take video?Mohon pencerahanviral can get more palhala ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995213747024536} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevin23 @ May 3 2021, 08:37 AM)See also know in Singapore . Nobody give AF about others in SG. If in Malaysia, all will be staring kok dKepochibai is our budaya? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.992004930973053} +{"text": "Some people will know how to eat one.Best I\u2019ve eaten is Salmon Head Grilled with Teriyaki at an authentic sushi restaurant in a 5 star hotel in Jakarta many many years ago. The closest I can find nowadays is at Sushi Mentai and only cost RM11 if not mistakenIt\u2019s full of collagen - good for your skin. Yes very oily, gelat but it taste like heaven. I taught my kids how to eat and they began to enjoy it ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(limeuu @ Jan 11 2024, 11:36 AM)not true....unless you claim falsely in your EOI. Then if called for processing, you cannot support your EOI claims, they will blacklist you.once called for processing, almost never get rejected....unless you failed to submit the documents within the 2 months....but the EOI lapse after 2 years, so you can resubmit another EOI, but better improve your chances by increasing your points.Not true is not true of coz, black and white logic mah.But Real life and logic works differently. (of coz, my experience was for Malaysian mali UK or Chinese National mali UK version la)Regardless of how you deliver the detail for processing, there's several checkpoints they'll have to go through, process your document, interview and so on, so if you do it terribly, you're sorta fakap even if it says after this this lapse for years, you can reapply again. That lapse of year later you wanna reapply, reconsider your own position status life commitment changes and so on.Black and white and rules make sense, but after the lapse to reapply again, you'll notice that all sense no longer make sense, unless you are getting better and better. But we all know that once you kena lijek liao, it already part confirm you gotta agent it or you'll waste all your effort. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987334609031677} +{"text": "Sebelum nak risau pada orang lain, risau dulu pada pemahaman agama kamu tu. Hukum halal tidak ada menyatakan pembuat makanan perlu seorang muslim, selagi makanan dari sumber yang bersih dan cara penyediaannya bertetapan dengan hukum halal, even pembuat non muslim ia tetap halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6565365195274353} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Aug 19 2022, 01:36 PM)Confirm meh this story? You don't simply misrepresent, later people accuse you penipu scammer.If true then is olen tipu olen. Nothing to see here, move along.so far no official confirmation yet. just 3 viral videosthats why my first comment in this thread is thisQUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 01:29 PM)The problem here is misrepresentation. That's wrong. If people see normal stall operated by malays they will assume it's halal. A legit non Muslim owned restaurants or stalls that want to sell to Muslim will apply for halal cert to get the same confident level. Some shops which have been operating for long time and has already developed a regular Muslim clientele may choose not to apply halal cert coz it's not legally required and they already have a sizable Muslim clients/patrons.In this case, it's a simple case of trying to mispresent their nasi ayam to Muslim customers as a product from a Muslim stall but in actual fact is not. That's what we call, penipu scammer ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991499185562134} +{"text": "Ya kalau ragu2 tak payah la consume tau, senang je \ud83d\ude18 Kalau nak tunggu semua dapat persijilan halal JAKIM, jenuh lerr. Bukan senang2 nak dapat sijil tu. Oh and also, goodluck lah cari makan kalau pergi overseas dengan mindset nak kena ada halal JAKIM \ud83d\ude09", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7593216896057129} +{"text": "Bodoh ye orang sekarang? Kalau ada sijil halal sekalipun, tapi premis, bahan and tools semua kotor, yakin ke halal tu? \ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999607801437378} +{"text": "Pegang arak salah. Tapi pegang tin yang berisi arak haram tak? Tolong jelaskan supaya cashier tidak keliru. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985938668251038} +{"text": "QUOTE(rageLE @ Sep 5 2016, 11:47 PM)Bodo butthurt people cause him to go to old way back , cant you just support them if they wanna change to be a better personQUOTE(natamhanjing @ Sep 6 2016, 06:21 AM)Who da hell take social media comments seriously? \u00a0 plus I think lately all the comment to him was encouraging?It is true that since he announce he insap dy, I can definitely say 99% of the comments posted are encouraging comments saying congrats sukur donia akhirat etc. Only 1-2 people would say sarcastic remark, and that also they will be immediately shot down by the positive supporters. I know dis bekos I stalk pondan insta everyday. If one or two mean comments also can break his mind, then one can clearly doubt his sincerity in the first place.People are so bodo dis days, sikit2 viral they will jump on the bandwagon and make it even more famous, it's a boost for marketing for anyone involved. The TV station/radio/blog who sponsor or interview wants to get more views, and the person who is being interviewed gets free marketing from all that. And the gullible readers/watchers/listeners will donate their sympathy/kindness card and help 'support' these people, while ignoring other people who ACTUALLY need that much more support, i.e. homeless, anak yatim, etc.The viral person will cost almost nothing for these marketing, compared to many years ago where people will spend a lot of money for marketing consultants, advertisements etc.Now you buat kepoh sikit, boom moolah comin at ya like rain ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987861514091492} +{"text": "@imammudaali MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922783374786377} +{"text": "Kalau nk beli makanan, nk share kt opis, mesti dia cari yg ade logo halal jakim, pastu siap cakap akk jgn waswas tau, dah ada halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963638186454773} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiklemak @ Dec 29 2015, 06:14 AM)That's why they developed, everything has proper procedure, not like msia cowboy country, suka suka can do whatever you want, when problem arise no one held accountable because no records/procedure.Yes... If you view the situation from the government's viewpoint you are true... But if you see from the rakyat's viewpoint.... If you have problems, no money, no job, ramai anak at least you can sell nasiklemak on the street. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9956769347190857} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:26 PM)Ramai ni gi makan. So what is /k detectives verdict? That bottle is rice wine ke? Someone (Post #10) said alcohol used for cooking is permitted?For muslim, every individual can assess on their own whether that food is halal or not.If in doubt, means its already prohibited to consume. If you confident its halal, or dont care halal or haram, then you can consume. So its up to them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966919422149658} +{"text": "orang kita makan orang kita memang budaya kita. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975748658180237} +{"text": "QUOTE(RGRaj @ Dec 9 2021, 08:54 AM)Then u have the culture of enviousness. Kenot see others succeed, must die2 bring down.Its just malas and tamak combined simplified - and essentially the entire leadership structure of oranges at its modern finest. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988671541213989} +{"text": "mesti dalam golongan yang beratur tu ada yang forward pasal tealive takde sijil halal tapi tetap beli tealive jugak https://t.co/4sgfflgP1C", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.50883948802948} +{"text": "Sebabtu orang yang kurang yang kurang ilmu agama, dia tak buat2 pandai sendiri, yang haram dihalalkan, yang halal diharamkan. Mereka cari halal jakim sebab itu adalah assurance yang makanan tu diyakini halal. Macam kau nak pakai barang elektrik, mesti cari yang ada sirim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994599223136902} +{"text": "Sebab dalam halal ni kebersihan tu penting. Haha tp kedai declare halal pun lg nda halal mcm mana tu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9991324543952942} +{"text": "Kejap kata halal kejap kata tak halal. Kejap ada sijil, kejap diragui. Sahabat-sahabat, tinggalkanlah perkara syubhah ni. Ulamak sebut bila selalu mendekati perkara syubahah, ia akan mendekatkan kita kepada perkara yang haram pula. Tak kisah lah makanan atau apa saja.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.977011501789093} +{"text": "NGO mana yang iman senipis tisu ni? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9674586057662964} +{"text": "Pihak kami pernah menerima pertanyaan dari para pengguna berkenaan status halal premis makanan KFC Malaysia. Untuk makluman, KFC malaysia merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia yang sah sehingga ke hari ini. #YakiniHalalMalaysia... https://t.co/9nIw6EDK1O", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964771866798401} +{"text": "Penceramah yang selalu sebarkan hadis palsu patut tidak dijadikan rujukan. type=\"video/mp4\"> ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf00Sejauhmanakah keperluan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia pada produk lampin kanak-kanak di luar sana? \ud83c\udf00Bagaimanakah prosedur pensijilan halal Malaysia dijalankan? \ud83c\udf00Bagaimana pula dengan status... https://t.co/MJfHxvpy9d", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993315935134888} +{"text": "Colla rich collagen pun dah ade sijil halal.. jangan risau, bahan2 tu banyak buah-buahan, mineral, vitamin dan collagen pun dari ikan.. should be no problem pun in sha\u2026 https://t.co/E6YmermvDI", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7295293211936951} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ Feb 13 2016, 12:03 PM)JAKIM cari duit dari perlesenan. Jgn lah marah. Namun,\u00a0 umat butthurt rasa popular dan rasa hebat sangat apabila tanda \"no pork\"\u00a0 ini seperti di tujukan kepada mereka yang indah dan famous ini. Sangkaan mereka salah, praktis ini banyak di lakukan di negara bukan islam utk memberitahu bahawa mereka tidak menggunakan pork kepada umat Yahudi yang mahu makan Kosher, devoted christian yg tidak makan pork, animal activist mcm PETa, org yang alergic pork dan juga kepada org yg di nasihat oleh doktor supaya jgn mkn pork. Perasan lebih je ai butthurt group ni.. Rasa hebat dan mulia. Pegi main jauh jauh la...Dah tau xda sijil halal, jgn la masuk. Tak kisah la serve no pork ke,\u00a0 gerai goreng pisang kat tepi jalan ke,\u00a0 stall nasi lemak spiderman ke, kalau xda sijil halal... Jgn la beli. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999535083770752} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Jan 23 2017, 10:43 AM)the way I see it it's the nons and old school Muslim who keep playing with this issue while wise educated Muslim know which is halal and which it not looking at the ingredientsNon-Muslim mana faham Islam... maka anggap yang jerit paling kuat paling viral tu Islam sebenar. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998212456703186} +{"text": "Beli saja dari peniaga yang ikhlas dan jujur. Kalau dah puasa sehari dapat pahala, tapi beli makanan dari peniaga penipu. Tak halal la puasa tu - Ustaz FB ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996634721755981} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rusty Nail @ Dec 2 2023, 08:42 PM)I was Qingdao once for business. Had dinner at halal restaurant, they serve beer Qingdao mmg celaka oneMentang2 diorunk buat Tsingtao beer yg haram, semua tempat ada jual beer. Tepi jalan ko nak beli ikat tepi pun adaNasib baik aku tak terbeli sebab ingatkan air tebu berkarbonat Pastu air kelapa dia\u2026 Astagfirullahaladzim\u2026Letak gambar nen nen mcm jual susu ibu Haram jadah betul Doomsday ko jgn terzhut-zhut taw\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982977509498596} +{"text": "\r\nMasa aku kecik, jiran Cina aku ajar mak aku masak masakan Cina, jadi bab makan Cina ni memang aku suka. Sampaikan ubat Cina pun, dia ajar mak aku!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Oct 11 2016, 05:41 PM)Still noBecause there r some malaysian chinese who r not sensitive enough when eat together with muslimsThere are common chopsticks or common spoons to take the food to own plate before eating with own cutleryBut some just use own cutlery which they hv stained with own saliva to scoop the food in the dishesYukksHaramHey currySaliva haram ka ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984623193740845} +{"text": "QUOTE(darosha @ Jun 10 2019, 11:44 AM)well if it is a fish or vegetable, or grains its easier to be no was wasalso i've seen lots of jualan puasa/raya no halal at all but do you was was?this to be no was was also a skill to be learn when travelling outside malaysiasome people even was was korean halal chop or thailand halal chopthis kind of people no helping. also country where there's no halal chopyou can still translate word by word at the ingredient behindas long as no animal, just plant or fish or grains should be okayyou see, halal logo is just halal logoits just a testament that the food have gone under jakim checking to certified its halalthat doesnt mean food doesnt have logo halal is haramdo we need haram logo for stuck up people to understand? nothen lots of food during bazar ramadan also haram lathisQUOTE(nuvi @ Jun 10 2019, 11:48 AM)Too many paranoid peoplefixed ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9411343336105347} +{"text": "Makanan dan minuman yg halal sangat penting kita ketahui sebagai umat islam. Berdasarkan pernyataan Kemenag, produk makanan halal di Indonesia menduduki peringkat 2 berdasarkan State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) Report 2022.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9869779944419861} +{"text": "\naku tak pasti ttg status halal... tapi kalo port org melayu byk makan...\n\r\nrestoran botak kat JB.. dekat2 ngan kastam lori sane...\r\nlapan kati kat indahpura kulai...\r\nsulam... kat sebelah PB daiman.. ...\nQAX Post at 17-1-2009 12:09 \n\nkt kedai botak nie aku penah lepak..\r\npaling masyuk telur stgh masak dia..\r\nnk2 lagi lepak dlm jam 5 pagi ..fuh..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993475079536438} +{"text": "QUOTE(Matchy @ Sep 10 2020, 08:38 AM)Seriously, do they really need to stress that they are not eligible to apply for halal-certificate? Did bee cheng hiang even bother applying for it?! Stupid individual posted.Stupid followers viral-ed.JAKIM issued statement.Different set of stupid people blamed JAKIM instead of original stupid individual. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999068975448608} +{"text": "Portal Rasmi Halal Dedah Kedai Serbaneka Popular Ini Tidak Ada Sijil Halal? https://t.co/StCHrF8JYK https://t.co/LCbydxHl9Q", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99887615442276} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Aug 21 2019, 12:19 PM)In my work on racism and racial dynamics in Singapore, I have spent some time resolutely attacking what I believe to be harmful stereotypes of Malay people, and pointing out the myriad ways they are discriminated against in their own land. Racist Chinese people generally dislike it when I do this, and they often reply by stating that if Malay people do not like it here, they can move, (or go back to), Malaysia. Many Chinese Singaporeans tend to behave as if they have right and ownership over this land, and subsequently that they are entitled to decide who gets to live in it.This is all very odd to me, because it is almost as if these people never went through a single history class at Lower Secondary level.So let us begin with a simple but vital assertion: This land does belong to Malay people. Malay people have been living in Singapore and the area for thousands of years. In the third century, Chinese records refer to us at Pu Luo Chung, which is a transliteration from the Malay Pulau Ujong, meaning \u2018island at the end\u2019. The names given to this area are Malay, but apparently the people who speak this language are not considered indigenous to it? Who exactly are your indigenous people, if that term doesn\u2019t include Malay people?There is a reason why it is Malay lore and myth in which references to the land happens. It is because they have been here long enough to produce literature about it. When you focus on the gap between our knowledge of the land and theirs, especially traditional knowledge, you start to see their relationship to the land. There is no way they are not indigenous to this land.Land, language, memory & history. These are all linked, and the rest of have do not possess this connection to the land. Somebody was living here before the British came, and it sure was not Chinese people.Denying this is ahistorical, and it constitutes an erasure of people\u2019s histories. Denying their existence and that history is a colonial act in itself, and every colonial act is violent. It is not only an act of erasure but one of displacement as well.In fact, the constitution of Singapore has already declared that Malays are indigenous to Singapore.152. \u2014 (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.\u2019Singapore was not terra nullius, meaning it was not \u2018nobody\u2019s land,\u2019 and even the Singapore government admits this. Singapore belonged to the Johor Riau Sultanate at the time of colonialism, which means by definition, it is Malay land.Indigeneity is not always defined by geography, but by people as well. What we think of as Malay includes indigenous people, Bugis, Minangkabau, etc. The idea of Malay does not just mean people from Malaya, but the people of the Nusantara. This entire archipelago is the Malay world. As Singapore existed within this world, it is undoubtedly Malay land.The Singapore government\u2019s mistreatment of Malay people includes a focus on Malay people as diasporic, which states that Malay people came here from elsewhere, and this is an act of historical erasure. They didn\u2019t come here, they were already here. The Singapore you think of now was never a country before, it was part of Malay land and the Malay world.If you cannot accept or understand this, that means you cannot understand geography and history. Why do people have so much difficulty accepting facts? Non-Malay minorities are also here on stolen land, and we need to accept and understand this. Even the rest of us, including Indians, don\u2019t have a claim on this land. We can never truly find solidarity if we insist on acting as if Indian people and Malay people have the same claim to Singapore.This does not erase our contributions or our generations that have grown up here, or our own attachment to the land. But it simply not equivalent to Malay people\u2019s claim over it. No one is asking for reparations and no one is asking you to leave their land. So why do so many people find it difficult to accept facts and the truth?In Singapore, Malay people are targeted for legal and cultural extinction. The percentage of Malay people in Singapore is decreasing, despite the maintenance of total fertility rate for the community. Population policies seek to bring in Indian and PRC migrants, but not Malay. They are slowly being phased out as immigration policies are making Malay people extinct in their own land. This is Malay land, and they have become second class citizens on their own land. That is simply unacceptable.So, who gains from the denial of Malay indigineity to Singapore? Who gains from erasure of this past? What do they gain? At what point can we admit that this \u201cdebate\u201d over how long Malay people have been here and where their ancestors came from is just a rhetorical exercise aimed specifically to cast aspersions on indigenous birthright?I have my theories but I\u2019m going to leave this here for people to think about.In our anti-racism work in Singapore, aboriginality must be foundational. As minorities, we need to examine our own complicity in the ongoing project of colonisation, whether it be White or Chinese in nature. During the time I have been engaged in doing this work, I have come to believe that anti-racism for the Malay community has to begin with assertions of indigeneity and ownership of land. Regardless of where you are and where you come from, you have a responsibility to know the names of the territories you are on and the people who have called those places home.Note: I did not speak about Orang Asli forced assimilation into mainstream Malaysian culture as I am simply not qualified. I did talk about indigenous people AND Malay people as being indigenous to the land, because that is how indigeneity is seen in this part of the world. For the purposes of talking specifically about Singapore, I feel speaking of Malay people as indigenous to the land is the best political way to approach it, especially when faced with Chinese hegemonic claims.Meanwhile here 3 page jawi oso rage like thisSOSInb4 tered gonna be deleted by mod because of \"sensitivity\"Whenever a truth is being pointed out, suddenly \"sensitive\" card is out.As I know Indonesia doesn't consider themselves Malay, to them Malay is a minor race there.I believe Malays more or less got discrimination there in Singapore SG gov taking more Indian and PRC immigrants?Do you know how to become Singaporean citizen?You have to apply a job in Singapore, you need to have E pass or S pass depend on the company quota, after few years you can apply PRthen only become citizenTELL ME HOW MANY MALAY MALAYSIAN APPLY JOB IN SINGAPORE and want to be Singaporean? i once asked my Singaporean Malay colleague when i worked there, since Malaysia got HAK BUMI and it is a Malay country, why she doesnt migrate to Malaysia? She told me problem with Malays is they like to play fitnah...she prefers the way Chinese manage the country, i do not understand it last time but i kinda understand now. And while i was living in Singapore, i even overheard the SG Malays there discussing about changing the name from Hotdog to sausage...you know that SG malays kinda look down at Malaysia Malay sometimes right?and I wonder if Malays in Singapore feel discriminated there, why they don't migrate to Malaysia? This post has been edited by daimon: Aug 21 2019, 12:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6854180693626404} +{"text": "Ni masuk hailak bagus...murah lepas habis subsidi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969287514686584} +{"text": "Setakat yg saya tahu, drpd segi saintifik pun tiada masalah untuk campur makanan laut & darat. Yang penting halal, bersih & tidak beracun. https://x.com/_amihs/status//_amihs/status/991468293784416256\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993950128555298} +{"text": "QUOTE(moodswingfella @ Aug 25 2019, 10:50 AM)Ini saja mau retaliate. What they want is to put down made by _____ description on each products to boycott their business by poisoning ultra shallow minded meleis. But how many of them actually will follow suit to boycott? U tengok pakcik haji pergi masjid pun still beli rokok haram john. Ni semua agenda retaliate i tak puas hati sama u mau tunjuk bola siapa lagi besar. All they want is to put it down like this wan. Made by meleis companyMade by cainis companyMade by yindian companyEtcIts not truly about halal haram ini itu boleh or tak boleh makan. Some sick ppl, kalau tengok cina jual buah pun tak mau beli lah, cakap takut kotor tak halal etc.Thank you captain obvious. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998924732208252} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Jul 1 2021, 01:11 PM)Are you referring to me ka? Did I praise the first photo? No right? So who is the prejudice now. Let me get my idea clear, if there are still dumb people around:The kempen bendera putih comes with a tag line \"tak payah rasa malu\". I am sure it means we will help you senyap senyap, we know your dire situation and we wont embarrass you further. Or does it mean since you are at the bottom already, how can you be embarrassed more, come lets take some photos, aiyah don't shy shy lah, tak payah rasa malu, we need to tell the whole country you are in this shitty situation maa. Sure the donours can take photos to promote their charity (although not required if you sincere), especially politicians who needs all the attentions, and yes you are welcome to help more people, and yes we applaud your helps. But please spare the little dignity left of the victims. If you want to take photos, take 1000 of photos, but make sure the victims are not recognisable at all, don't ask them to pose like taking prizes, it is already awkward for them, don't make it worse. And for heaven's sake, don't put their real names and announce the names to the world. Just put a fake name, why need to tell the real name, the location etc, will Jabatan Kebajikan track them down and give them further help ka? Then how can others help? They cannot see the bendera ka? People won't come out looking for help if they know they will be embarrassed like this. Not this way please.Agreed. They can promote awareness for the campaign but should refrain from spreading information of the people that asked for help because everything that ends up in the Internet never leaves. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5039297938346863} +{"text": "QUOTE(stormsea7 @ Feb 11 2017, 06:38 PM)you sure M'sian really mind though?or is just just because no one speak out against an overzealous authority?but we are not forcing peanut down the allergic guy throatsimilarly, why is it so hard to buy the stuff with halal logo?are you that dumb or really insensitive to force non-muslim just cos' you are a retarded shopper?If u talk about touching pig and dogThats basic Islam ruleMemang haram touch pig and dog It's in the Quran Which country or which government don't matterThats textbook basic stuffQUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 06:41 PM)ya... right,... look at those anti vaccination....Those case are stupid people Not stupid religion Like China people who shit in mall or roadIt's stupid people Not stupid religion or stupid country ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973342418670654} +{"text": "Aduhaimacam best corn dog niviralllll ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99587482213974} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Oct 20 2016, 03:02 PM)Bro, ni bukan argue bang. Tapi kan faktanya kelihatan. Kalau ni jakim \"cadang\" tukar nama pretzel dog ke sausage memang munasabah. Tapi kalau Jakim tak luluskan sijil halal sebab namanya ada 'dog', maksudnya paksa la tu. Tak yah spin spin.Masalahnya gerai burger ramly tu kan ada jual hot dog special, tak kan Jakim nak label makanan kat gerai semuanya tak halal sampai dia tukar nama?Patut LA kau org suka konfius Nampak pretzel dog ingat Ada daging anjing dalam Nampak + terus jadi Kristian Nampak no pork terus ingat halal Baik pergi diam gua saja ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.989092230796814} +{"text": "ya suka aja. suasananya, hawa nya masi lumayan enak buat jalan kaki (aku sempet sebulan di daerah cicendo). aku suka kuliner, dan tiap jalan gt aku beli makanan random tuh enakkk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995785355567932} +{"text": "dayum siput also haram ke?kecian lah you pipel kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Mar 15 2021, 04:37 PM)mahal sial RM17Segar halal suci kenalah bayar lebihNak murah beli ayam haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999039173126221} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 03:46 PM)[attachmentid=11480859]Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga /k.It has been a while. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum (bagi yang ingatlah), aku adalah salah seorang /k residen yang bekerja sebagai rider Foodpanda.Alhamdulillah sejak 4/9/2023 aku dah dapat kerja tetap yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku (14km) berbanding kerja di KL (70km). Jadi aku ada masa lebih untuk buat delivery sebagai rider Foodpanda (part time). Seperti gambar di atas, gaji aku sepanjang bulan 9 yang lepas adalah RM590.18 termasuklah tips dari customer. Aku bekerja selama 92 jam lebih kurang bersamaan dengan gaji RM6.64/hrs. Sepanjang bulan 9 ni aku berjaya kekalkan batch 3. Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Mohon /k bincangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.kecian, gaji sushi king pun tak sampai. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9607201814651489} +{"text": "orang kite wajib makan free la... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9802491068840027} +{"text": "QUOTE(cytyler @ Dec 14 2023, 04:43 PM)i doubt this is true, i have been there so many times with shorts , and alot people there wearing shorts and doesnt have this issueMaybe someone new.. iman not strong enough ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate. That means makanan kat sana adalah haram. FYI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5081093311309814} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Jan 14 2024, 09:54 PM)PENGALAMAN BERSAMA JUTAWAN KONGSI GELAPKisah ini berlaku sekitar tahun 2004.Pertemuan kami di sebuah restoran Cina di Jalan Imbi, Bukit Bintang. Ketika itu dia baru dibebaskan dari Penjara Simpang Renggam.Dia booking satu bilik yang sederhana besar. Saya tidak keseorangan. Di kiri dan kanan saya ada wartawan jenayah dari akhbar Cina. Selain itu ada sorang dua lagi wartawan jenayah yang saya tak ingat dari akhbar mana.Dia masuk ke bilik tersebut dengan seorang pengawal peribadinya. Tersengih-sengih sambil menghulurkan tangan untuk bersalaman.Suasana di dalam bilik waktu tengah hari itu ala-ala macam filem gangster Hong Kong. Dalam hati saya berkata, janganlah lepas ni dia atau bodyguard dia tu keluarkan pistol ke apa ke, mau mati katak aku!Untuk makluman anda, dia salah seorang gangster paling digeruni dan menguasai segala jenis mak nenek kegiatan 'underworld' termasuk perjudian, pelacuran, pinjaman Ah Long dan macam-macam lagilah.Malah tersenarai sebagai salah seorang 'four heavenly kings' dalam dunia kongsi gelap di Kuala Lumpur.Pertemuan lelaki tersebut dengan kami wartawan jenayah diatur atas alasan kononnya dia hendak mengadakan sidang akhbar, tetapi bila sampai rupanya dia hanya ingin 'bertegur sapa' dengan saya dan beberapa orang wartawan lain. Orangnya kecil saja, macam budak sekolah menengah! \"Encik-encik jangan takut. Saya panggil sebab mau explain. Saya takde involve macam polis cakap sama you all. Tapi takpelah, saya sudah masuk jail. Sekarang saya sudah keluar dan mahu rileks dengan famili,\" katanya sambil tersenyum-senyum.Untuk makluman anda, lelaki yang berusia dalam lingkungan 40an itu berstatus Datuk dan dipercayai mempunyai kekayaan beratus juta ringgit hasil pendapatan haramnya. Dek kerana kes itu, gelaran Datuk yang diterimanya telah ditarik balik.Saya ketika itu lebih banyak berdiam diri daripada bertanya soalan. Saya bagi peluang pada rakan-rakan wartawan akhbar Cina yang hadir untuk menemubualnya. Lagi pun dia nampak lebih selesa berbahasa Cina daripada cakap Melayu. Sejam kemudian saya pun keluar dari restoran itu. Walaupun dijamunya deretan makanan untuk kami, saya hanya minum Coke saja. Rasa macam tak confident pulak walaupun dia mendakwa semua hidangan itu halal.Lega rasanya. Serius saya 'tak begitu selesa' walaupun restoran tu taraf 5 bintang gakla.Sejak pada itu saya pun dah tak amik pot pasal cerita lelaki berkenaan. Rasa macam buang masa pun ada juga bertemu dengannya.Ada rumours yang mengatakan dia telah pindah ke Hong Kong, bina 'hidup baru'.Tetapi anda nak tahu apa yang jadi sebenarnya?Selepas beberapa tahun kemudian, saya ternampak muka dia dalam akhbar. Walaupun tubuhnya sudah sedikit gempal, namun saya tetap cam - inilah lelaki yang saya jumpa di restoran tu.Dia yang dulu ditarik anugerah Datuk, kini dah bergelar Datuk Seri pulak! Lebih saya rasa macam nak 'koma', seorang bekas pengarah sebuah agensi penguatkuasa yang dulu selalu melakukan serbuan di rumah urut dan pusat hiburan milik lelaki ini - kini rupanya dah jadi salah seorang ahli lembaga pengarah dalam syarikat lelaki berkenaan!Yang pasti, Datuk Seri itu kini masih 'segar bugar' dan semakin kaya raya.Itulah secebis kisah di negaraku yang tercinta.(Gambar hiasan)Sori link asal hilang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999576807022095} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Mar 18 2022, 08:57 AM)Don't think oren will care, for sure will give all sort of ridiculous excuses to justify themselves.Don't underestimate their hypocrisyimagine at the street whenever see they smoke, shout at them \"oi isap darah babi tu! HARAM!\" wonder how many suddenly become gangster ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999527931213379} +{"text": "Setuju! Antaranya tolonglah up semula website directory halal jakim. Dah bertahun\u00b2 tak boleh akses website tu lepas war\u00b2kan kat org ramai yg itu website utk check status halal makanan. Dah pernah persoalkan & tag jakim tapi krik\u00b2 je ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9821522831916809} +{"text": "MAKANAN PREBIOTIK..\n\nBAGUS UNTUK PENJAGAAN BUAH PINGGANG- DETOK-\nKESIHATAN DALAMAN & LUARAN\nLULUS UJIAN MAKMALBERSIH - HALALKUALITI TERBAIK A++\n\nMembantu mengawal paras gula dalam darah: \nAl Manna mempunyai indeks glisemik yang rendah dan kandungan serat yang tinggi, yang \u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9191027879714966} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Jul 28 2024, 07:29 PM)Caucasian race still the best overall. #NotAMDK.DefinitelyBig white kok. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 23 2019, 09:17 AM)Like I said. Just cause it look like it from outside doesn't mean nothing changed this past few years. They really try to dig in deep to radicalise the Muslims there. And they are slowly succeeding coz I hear little to nothing from Muslims there to push back against this extremism. http://www.theborneopost.com/2018/10/12/pa...beer-festivals/EM mundur 30 years than WM, even when about religion radicalisation.QUOTE(beebee1314 @ Jan 23 2019, 10:43 AM)I went to Taiwan. saw so many Indonesia and Malaysian muslims enter the BBQ restaurant. best part, outside displaying pork BBQ. of coz got beef and all, but the pan already use for pork, they still okay.only in malaysia, all these monkeys pattern. once outside malaysia, eat pork drink alcohol.only sampah cheap malays never leave kampung before, hoohaa. educated ones, silently enjoying good food in foreign countriesLike you said, educated vs uneducated people.QUOTE(dman @ Jan 25 2019, 05:03 PM)How can they mistakenly thought of it as pork?!Have they not seeing how a beef meat looks like?And why MAS apologise for the ignorance of the ppl?!What happened to nowadays ppl sikit sikit triggered?!Later got people complain some unscrupulous seller using pork meat sell as beef. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6846317052841187} +{"text": "QUOTE(colorlesstermite @ Oct 26 2016, 12:32 AM)As a muslim whenever people ask what is Rukun Islam. They will instantly give the Rukun Islam .The pillar of Islam. All muslim need to know this first before fardhu ain.in real life maybe where theres no place for reference. But here any question can be answered by just google. It does not fit the purpose. And dont worry, I know rukun islam, rukun nikah, rukun solat, rukun iman. I made sure I know all of those coz sked kadi will ask during my nikah 7 years ago This post has been edited by silent_stalker: Oct 26 2016, 12:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 12 2017, 01:24 AM)so u mean this haraming brush issue was talk and voted in parliament ???no it's not about halal or haram brush being law, but there is law about properly labelling your items.that's why the agency that did the raid is KPDNKK (ministry of consumer affairs).and not JAKIM.that PPIM is just busybody NGO like Ayah kipidap etc.no law about having to certify paint brush as halal or haram, halal certification isn't even compulsory under law as it's voluntary.but there is law about proper labelling and description.which is not limited to paint brushes only.it's under consumer protection law.as it is ministry already ordered to stop the enforcement and give time for traders to comply with law.but non-muslims is turning this into muslim vs. non-muslim, which is what BN/UMNO want it to be to be used to their advantage.if this explanation doesn't make you understand then I don't know what will. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9006796479225159} +{"text": "QUOTE(am3rr @ Jul 27 2012, 02:35 PM)i think there's no problem in wanting to learn new things even under that circumstances . my religion doesn't say no to learn, yes u can learn everything even black magic can be learn. but to practice it is a noIt's just an example, like if you want to learn French cooking from their academies/schools. So you go there and learn from the best, working with non-halal ingredients and utensils. You want to come back and open the a halal and authentic French restaurant (this sounds more and more like a great idea actually, it's a recent idea even in France). But starting a business needs capital, and getting a loan without any recognition could be difficult. So you need to enter competitions which again are usually non-halal to establish yourself as a brand name chef.Can a Muslim do all that?Interesting question, the answers to which might help some people here expand their life and career choices. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9906570911407471} +{"text": "Saya membiasakan anak\u00b2 untuk tidak picky soal makanan, apalagi saat traveling | Termasuk dimana/tempat kita makan | Yang penting halal, bersih, dan bukan menu extreme.\n\nWarung terbuka di dekat rumah di Cipanas ini,\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B1IkZCJj6Rp/?igshid=1gotds6wd5uzh\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.96668541431427} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Nov 23 2020, 08:59 AM)Someone forgotten recently some oren kito triggered on BaBiQ meat in OldTown if you really follow the thread, thats not about food claim best or chinese food best or what. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:43 PM)Im not saying Chinese food =/= porkIm saying, What a shame would it be if Chinese cuisine can only offer pork as its best dish If thats true, then so sad. Such a limited range of capabilities. BetulNothing wrong for them to report of the poor conduct by the organizers tooNot everyone as defeatist as uUnfortunately they assume its a poor conduct when its not. The food is there, you're not confident, don't touch. There is no poor conduct involved. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986804127693176} +{"text": "Tamil schools got higher chance of status quo bcos type M rarely studies there. \ud83d\ude42 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9758964776992798} +{"text": "sudah tiba masanya jakim main peranan penting dlm isu yg tgh hangat ni.status halal je diberi pd makanan tetapi pada org pun kena ada halal!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9651294350624084} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:53 PM)haha, thanks. but there are times i crossed the line too far, and it's confirmed sinful.\u00a0 p/s: my chinese family side is the traditional chinese family, very old fashioned people. hard to educate them about these things. if u cant eat with them, it simply means u are disrespecting them, show no face, close minded, something like that.My gf is also of mixed parentage; the mum is Chinese who converted to Islam.I really envy her family. Despite all the differences, they really respect each other.When I first met her Chinese side of the family, I didn't \"salam\" the aunts and girl cousins, and they asked why.Then the mum who converted explained that it is \"haram\" to touch opposite gender who is not a \"muhrim\".They understood and acknowledged it well, and now we were all very friendly together.They're a very fun bunch. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Part makan tu risau ye. Parents aku hampir termakan sate bab* padahal katanya kedai halal. Mampuihhhh.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(nauticat99 @ Feb 28 2024, 10:15 AM)That\u2019s why I also puzzled how Sg can reached 1st world status today. Lousy food but claimed some as their own. Nothing to see except concrete jungles and fake garden. Island so small can kaotim in a day or two. So what went right with their country\u2019s management and what went wrong with ours?its called marketing my boiez as that, malaysia had almost zero marketing capabilities vs the richer grander neighbour down south ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.912031352519989} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chekusan2019 @ Mar 31 2021, 02:10 PM)While I understand your hatred with protonIt seems u do gloss over few pertinent details.Proton did invest it's profits in R&D, trying to be a legitimate full scale car company.U may argue that the investments failed but to say that proton didn't do anything but to only reward its cronies is a bit muchSZA was not without his faultsPreve was launched under his watchHe also the one who signed the punch CVT dealMired with poor decision makings with zero business sense.R&D with almost nothing to show, what benefit it brought to the company? Cronies meanwhile profited out of it without having to be accountable for such poor showing, while billions of public funds were used to pick up the tab. Agree on SZA's weaknesses. Towards the end of his tenure, it felt like he had reached the limit, I thought Proton just had to join the big boys given there don't seem to be any viable local successor who has the merit to pull it through. A shame VW deal was missed, billions wasted in between, Geely had been successful so far, but now in jeopardy. QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 02:13 PM)the ppl who control proton from drb team mostly old school ppl.see what happened to Pos Malaysia right now , after her savvy dotter Sharifah Sofia joined the board. Many good improvements. Now you can pay bills using the machine instead of waiting for your turn at the counter. Can post Poslaju parcels using machine. Can print waybills at the counter. Their apps also quite good these daysit seems many clans , little emperors within the Group itself.I see, well, business is business. So long politics stay out of it, better decisions can be made, cuz it involved their own funds, their own survival.You start of with misplaced priority, things will go downhill. If it happened in private business, they'll suffer themselves, whatever.But you have the politics, and idiots thumping on about demi bangga hasil kerja tangan orang kita, aih, menyusahkan dan membazir duit orang lain je! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5969365835189819} +{"text": "Pegang anjing dan babi tak haram, dua tu cuma najis mughalazah, cuma perlu bersihkan lepas sentuh. Macam ko cebok bontot lepas berak, tahi kat bontot tu najis, basuh tangan setel lah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994459748268127} +{"text": "ini mesti produk sjkc punya kerja nih ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9520264863967896} +{"text": "lama x nampak semua nii! paling suka mainan Toraa but makanan Jojo paling sedapp tapi xboleh beli selaluu. Ding Dang awal2 okay, lama2 coklat tu rasa plastic Rindunya jadi budak2\n\nbtw, anyone nak upskill belajar Mandarin? Jom wassap! saya bantuu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994611144065857} +{"text": "dulu i kerja dengan certain department nak beli barang semua kena lalu \"appointed dealer\"lepas tu dia cuma middle man company rm2 tolong hantar budak pergi collect dengan supplier sahajabila i tanya kenapa tak ambil terus? i juga kenal supplier itu i boleh jer uruskan, tapi jawapannya untuk menjamin kualiti.so we have so many people in the middle untung atas angin, itulah budaya business di sini, u makan mahal beli mahal sebab ada orang mau makan beli berlipat2 kali ganda lebih mewah daripada kamu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9904001355171204} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Oct 15 2022, 12:23 PM)Mudah konfiusBrand name already not halal lagi confuse for what?BCH is popular among tourists from SG lor. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971686005592346} +{"text": "dah tau rakyat malaysia malas membaca yang hang post komen panjang apsal?lain kali bubuh tldr.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "Tak salah pun nak bertanya status halal, tak rugi pun buat research untuk pastikan makanan kita bersih, disembelih ke etc etc, tak salah pun ragu ragu dgn premis yang tak diiktiraf sebab makanan jadi darah daging", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9957418441772461} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sien99 @ Dec 9 2023, 09:35 AM)I got an idea.Why not we go take photo of those roadside nasi lemak, nasi kandar etc opened by malay, then search for business license and halal cert, and post it on Facebook.Share that they have no business license or halal cert.Only for information, not asking to boycott ma, information sharing.Go join those foodie group see which shop viral.Then look up halal status.Then create website or FB group announcing which viral shop got halal status.Inform only maThis post has been edited by delon85: Dec 9 2023, 09:42 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 24 2020, 09:06 PM)40 tahun daging haram ke sana, ke siniDeswai a lot becomes retard nowadays ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999468982219696} +{"text": "Kuih Bom tak haram ke?..Kuih Bom yang meletup.. sedap la sial.. makan nanti takkan meletup mati la bai.\n \nSup Gearbox tak haram ke?Makanan language lain.. kacau. Nama original makanan la.. otak tu kasi ketuk sikit kalau lembab. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998346567153931} +{"text": "banyakkk bgttt nara, tp yang paling aku suka jalan jalan gt keliling jogja HEHE terus mampir beli makanan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997604489326477} +{"text": "Silap perbadanan ni abang. Jakim nk check makanan logo halal haram. diorg tk check maksiat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999975323677063} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(king99 @ Mar 17 2024, 06:55 PM)I wonder if this considered as Islamophobia ?1. I refused to sell any food or drinks to a Muslim even if he/she said she is sick because I afraid religious authorities might come and raid me or people viral me out of context until I am boycotted.2. In a company setting, I don't allow any Muslims from attending our Christmas party even the party even they wanted to because I scare religious authorities might come to my company and raid us if got people report.3. If I am a company dealing with non-halal stuff, I refuse to hire a Muslim truck driver because he will need to transport non-halal stuff all the time, even if the driver said he is ok with it. I scare religious authorities come and kacau or people viral my company for asking a Muslim to transport non-halal stuff and get boycotted.Since decades ago and until recently, these never been an issue at all and that's how our nation progress. Ppl made non preferential to enroll their kids in sjk or sk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998206496238708} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 1 2023, 02:15 PM)No need certificate lah...just cardboard notice je for non halal Why so many bodoh hereNotices can be a lie also.Mamak got A grade cleanliness rating displayed also caught washing dishes in pothole and shut down for good. Best to educate and trust ownself than notices.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...hwasher/1636378 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "Makanan yang halal bukanlah yang berchop halal jakim dan diiktiraf,\nTapi yang datang dari sumber yang sahih.#Ayat bomplastik.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999163150787354} +{"text": "@ustazazharidrs MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974263310432434} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 01:15 PM)Got people here believe cooking wine in food can potentially cause tipsiness. One of the funniest shit I read today. But makan tapai all buat tak tahu.Tapai has as much alcohol percentage as much as a beer (4-5%) but somehow people here concerned with 1 tablespoon of rice wine in which most of the alcohol will disappear anyway during cooking.When you ask hard questions, all the answers start pusing cerita already. 1)First they say it's because got alcohol, but then stuck because the other foods they eat have alcohol too (tapai for example). 2)Next, they tell you \"it's haram because the purpose is to get drunk\". But then cannot also because cooking wine wasn't made to get drunk.\u00a0 3)Later they say say oh actually it's between he and God. But then stuck also, because otherwise why they penalize folks for drinking then eh?\u00a0 4)Last they will tell you jangan sibuk. This one standard line when they tak ada chan dah to pusing cerita.\u00a0 janji jelit halam dlu... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8400135636329651} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Jul 3 2024, 04:57 PM)Grab:We will be implementing checkbox for passengers to self-declare that their destination is will NOT potentially be disputed.Oh good move.If check box = halal destinationUncheck box = haram destinationShould also implement for food delivery tooThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Jul 3 2024, 05:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999775886535645} +{"text": "QUOTE(xcxa23 @ Mar 12 2020, 05:01 PM)ButVaccine dan bulu berus pun bukan makan minumApasal pun haram?Because it's not black and white. All depend on circumstances. If you got two option, bulu berus babi and other bulu berus why bother choose the pig one if you was-was. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "Satu AMANAH yg besar negara kepada saya... Terima Kasih kpd JAKIM dan Mufti-mufti kerana memberikan kepercayaan kepada untuk melakukan kajian HUKUM PLASMA DARAH DALAM MAKANAN MENURUT\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/BmakXxuBeF-/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=18juiz1lbz43a\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9143015742301941} +{"text": "typoid,kelas pengendalian makanan,nak lebih yakin amik sijil halal jakim ye...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9574759602546692} +{"text": "Apa yang kau merapu nie @niknazmi nk betul org tapi still nmpk kebodohan. Hujah 1 betul. Hujah 2 Salah. Muslim mesti halal walawpun xde sijil halal. Faham! Awat saraf otak geng menteri & parti memerintah tak bersambung nie. Pening! https://t.co/RXYVXewNIc", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999686479568481} +{"text": "Sama la dgn aku... Isteri degrees... Suami SPM... Buat ape nak malu... Asalkan dia kerja halal... Agama tu lagi penting dari sijil dunia ni... https://t.co/rAChrQRU4d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "Sorry TS but I one of the best halal food I've taste is not from restaurant, but a food court. Google \"Sate Kajang Retro\" in USJ 7, their beef satay is 1000 times better than Sate Kajang. mutton satay also not bad, but the chicken sate is average. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5973608493804932} +{"text": "QUOTE(jubz @ Dec 30 2015, 10:03 AM)You will most likely end up in District 1 near Pham Ngu Lao (Traveler street) or Ben Thanh market. These are the two popular tourist hotspots where the people there are more familiar with foreign language. On my last trip two years back I can see a few Halal/Muslim restaurants so it should be fine to Google it ahead of your trip. There are also A LOT of tour guides who can provide tour packages within HCMC or outside. Most of the higher end malls are near the Cathedral/Business district area. If you want to be adventurous, you can grab a survival kit with google maps and tour HCMC as far as your legs can take you. erm how to go to mekong delta river? any suggestion?QUOTE(doomx @ Dec 30 2015, 10:03 AM)go pork or go homenever go babi eatingQUOTE(Wassupman @ Dec 30 2015, 10:04 AM)stay near market only... got malaysia restaurant there.. no need worry haram food...but, if only stay there then x seronok, feels like changing hotel every dayQUOTE(mousqy @ Dec 30 2015, 10:05 AM)beli kainnnnnminum kopi vietnammmm (pakai telur instead of susu) masuk lubang vietcong main machine gun main pelachhhhssswhy telur? more kaw?QUOTE(ozak @ Dec 30 2015, 10:12 AM)Beli bag la. Backpack gila murah.tiruan kan? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5035121440887451} +{"text": "tu la busy nak jaga non halal section.benda halal section pun tak terjagalagi orang sendiri yang buat, ini nak tuding jari kemana? mesti sarahan DAP ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(ichigo_6091 @ Aug 9 2018, 11:32 AM)Actually, in Quran, it says if you abuse it, then it is haram, if you drink small quantities and still functional, then its okay. Show it in quran ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7646464109420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Nov 24 2023, 11:38 AM)It is very different in some other countries. Similar to how not every Christian goes to church every Sunday, not every Muslim follows the teachings strictly. Personal freedom and choice is a thing. In these countries, you can choose to not partake, but you cannot condemn someone who does. Maybe it is good that she sees what other countries are like. If she insists on her way, maybe better to stay within her own circle, why go to the UK?Because she thinks that everything revolve around her and her religion.Sampai UK still kept thinking bumi ini milik siapa.And also, what is malaysian culture? Just because alcohol is haram to her, doesn't means it's haram to other Malaysian. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949038028717041} +{"text": "QUOTE(netflix2019 @ Dec 18 2023, 03:07 PM)Can list example why sucks ah? Thinking want buy property thereGo there and survey/experience yourself would be best to make judgement on whether the place is suitable and to you liking. Those detractors (for whatever reason they are so butthurt) will only spill out shit with nothing concrete and resort it to it is just an opinion blah blah blah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999358654022217} +{"text": "Dah baca dah full thread yg saudara post tu memang terbaik untuk kesedaran awam...cuma saya geli hati dgn sikap org melayu ni yg perlukan logo sijil halal JAKIM tu untuk menentukan makanan itu halal atau haram itu sahaja", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "QUOTE(EarendurFefalas @ Oct 21 2016, 11:12 AM)if not mistaken. jakim reject application because they need to apply halal for main kitchen first before outlet kitchenthen jakim also 'recommend' to change for appropriate namein this is /k so lets just ignore this and go go racingitu pun satu hal juga. tapi itulah, sedih bang bila ramai kutuk JAKIM, yang muslim pun membahan sekali.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999624490737915} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 5 2024, 12:29 PM)Racist signboard and creating divisiveness in Malaysia Kan bagus kalau buat halal, semua kaum semua agama boleh duduk makan sama samaMuhibbah & 1Malaysiaotak kamu mausk air?Your non divisiveness is to force everyone else to follow you? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999909520149231} +{"text": "QUOTE(FlyingVCLplayer @ Jun 1 2020, 07:38 AM)Islam is great and true religion because haramkan arak. Already proven arak is bad. It have benefit but the harm it bring out weight the benefit.Allah is greatJgn guna alcohol sanitizer, haram jugak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998254179954529} +{"text": "@devildeave @fiqz_san Pardon my mistake ... Maybe sy kurang menerangkan td . Sy dan keluarga (both malays and chinese muslim) yakin halal ... Namun atas pengesahan atau sijil halal saya tidak arif . Mohon maaf sekiranya saya misleading .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997949004173279} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:21 PM)See during crisis. So called ulama and PAStards pernah tolong?ini adalah ujian tuhan kepada manusia, tak boleh tolong. kena beli merc lu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9400380253791809} +{"text": "\r\nBUTA NIKU tu daging babi..memang terang2 HARAM. tapi kalau TORI NIKU/CHIKIN(Daging ayam) atau GIU NIKU (Daging lembu) walaupun bukan babi tapi tak semestinya halal..maklum ler dari luar negara (kalau diimport)..\n\r\nRAMEN plak adalah sejenis mee..tapi AWAS, kebanyakkan kandungan kuah asalnya(original) digunakan tulang babi. kalau SOBA (sejenis mee) aku percaya boleh makan sebab kandungan kuahnya tidak meragukan..maksud aku boleh ler makan dengan syarat tanpa was2 masa aku dok Jepun dulu selalu aku melantak SOBA ni..buat alas perut.\n\r\nSUSHI plak memang guna seafood seperti udang, unagi (sejenis belut), ikan (biasanya salmon) dan sotong..ditambah plak dengan salutan sea weed..guna beras pulut..tapi ada kalanya, ia direnjis atau dicampur dengan sake/wain masa nak bentuk beras pulut tu..AWAS..kalau nak jugak makan, make sure order yang tengah 'panas2' maksud aku, sesetengah restoran jepun kat KL tukang buat sushi tu buat kat depan2 customer..pesan je jangan letak wain/sake..biasanya depa guna sarungtangan plastik..kalau yang kat JUSCO tu WALLAHUALAM..\n\r\nkalau dah was2 sangat, nak2 kita kat negara sendiri, tinggalkan je makan makanan tu..kan banyak alternatif lain..nasi lemak ke ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(Purpleheaven @ Oct 15 2022, 05:04 PM)So Ikea is not halal certified? And auntie anne had to change name for the halal status?Have IKEA acquired Halal status from Jakim like Auntie Anne did?They haven't AFAIK so they're free to label products on their food premise as they wish. Auntie Anne is different case they did acquire it. They complied to Jakim requirements for their Halal status that is to change the name of the hotdog menu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999877214431763} +{"text": "By the scale worse to best. PN > BN > PHPN is certainly the worst. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999432563781738} +{"text": "sukahati je minah tu cakap kicap mahsuri tu dicategorize makanan syubhah sbb pemilik dia bukan islam. dah tentu2 ada logo halal jakim. suka2 dia je. dahlah kicap mahsuri tu sedap and murah. i mean tak salah nak buat video awareness tapi cuba jgn semberono je aigooo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6775781512260437} +{"text": "Oh no. I just said merry Christmas in departmental store. Now all the food items there is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9843558669090271} +{"text": "Duit tak boleh makan , bukan duit haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999788999557495} +{"text": "QUOTE(bisobona @ Nov 30 2020, 12:59 AM)This. But wonder why some keep on asking again and again. Why so bodoh can not understand the simple thing?It goes like this:QUOTETo **** *** dog *** **** ** ******* haram **** something something here, basuh air 7 petala dunia rasengan.TLDR: Dog haram, no one bother the rasengan part anymore.Simplify everything lel, just ikut whatever kena ajar and don't persoal. funny when you persoal some kopiah putih automatic kena label sesat.kekps to any bodo that will quote this later: just example la bodo, manada pakai rasengan basuh sentuhan anjir anyone take this literally without getting the point pls go dai in advanceThis post has been edited by Acher13: Nov 30 2020, 02:29 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "Sijil HALAL JAKIM bukan setakat mengambil kira tahap halal-haram sesuatu makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9849927425384521} +{"text": "QUOTE(dangerminimouse @ Oct 20 2016, 01:57 PM)If Anjing is so haram until you cannot even say the name out, then why did Tuhan created Anjing?Just like us, Anjing is God's creation.Come on lah, Jekeem, don't be so unreasonable la there r worst issue to worry like teaching penganut that corruption = dosa and help find a solution to unwanted pregnancies and pre-marital sex among muslim youths.i tot hanjing is created by jasus ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.979278564453125} +{"text": "QUOTE(X1X1 @ Dec 23 2021, 08:51 PM)sorry look like we live in different country.HE CONCEPT OF HALAL AND HALAL FOOD CERTIFICATION PROCESS INMALAYSIA: ISSUES AND CONCERNSRokshana Shirin Asa1 and Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi2AbstractThe process of halal certification is dependent on the construction of what is deemed to befalling within halal parameters set by the Quran and Sunnah, being the two primary sources ofShari'ah, and supplemented with juristic opinion and issuance of fatwa by national religiousauthorities. In Malaysia, the authority responsible for halal certification is JAKIM while theauthority responsible to provide rulings on halalness is the National Fatwa Committee. Thisarticle examines the guiding principles for the concept of halal in the Quran and Sunnah and thecollection of fatwa on food products by the National Fatwa Committee. Together, the threesources constitute the yardstick to the implementation of halal in Malaysia. Using contentanalysis, the article analyses the meaning and construct of the three primary sources andexamine the issues and concerns arising from the implementation of halal certification processin Malaysia. The article also highlights the views of Yusuf al Qaradhawi, being the mostprominent scholar on the underlying principles of what constitute of halal and haram. The articleconcludes that whilst the Quran has outlined the general principles for the determination ofhalalness, there is a considerable need for guidance from the religious bodies in the form offatwa on any recurrent issues pertaining to food products and processes.Keywords: concept of halal, halal certification, national fatwa, juristic views.IntroductionMalaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. The Muslims are the majority andtheir places and interest are supported by the constitution that has provided Islam tobe the official religion of the country (Federal Constitution, 2009). In this diversesociety, the Muslims are very cautious of their faiths and beliefs especially when itconcerns the food. Usually, people select food based on their sense of taste, desiresand affordability. Muslims, however, have to assess whether the food is permissible inIslam or not, because the life of a Muslim centres on the concept of halal and haram.The basic guidelines about the law on halal food can be found in the Quran andSunnah itself.Muslims are increasingly seeking food products that meet their dietary needs(Alqudsi, 2014). In addition, the consciousness of Muslim consumers of their religiousobligations creates a demand for halal foods. The concept of halal is now becoming astandard demand and it generates serious attention in the local, international andglobal markets (Hanzaee & Ramezani, 2011). Nowadays, to ensure a Muslimconsumer genuinely gets halal products is quite difficult. This article starts first with anoverview of the process of halal certification in Malaysia. The article then moves toexplore the prescriptions of the Quran and Sunnah, before moving to analyse thevarious national fatwa rulings on halal food in Malaysia. The article concludes withsome analysis of the development of halal certification in Malaysia and comes up with1 Graduate Research Assistant, 1300-1-10001.2 Prof. Dr., Department of Civil Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah Of Laws, International Islamic University. CorrespondenceAddress: imadieha@iium.edu.myMALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS39some suggestion on the way forward. which are the two established primary sourcesin Islam and also elaborates the recent development on matters regarding halal foodproducts.MethodologyThis article adopts a content analysis approach in reviewing relevant legislations, aninjunctions of the Quran and Hadith on halal and the various national fatwa as toissues pertaining to halalness of a specific food product. All the relevant materials arecollated and given more extrapolation from the writings of other Muslim jurists so as togive more meaning to these Quranic and Hadith injunctions as well as the nationalfatwa. The article begins first with an analysis of the existing positions in Malaysia andthe second part will examine injunctions from the Quran and Sunnah on halal.The Concept of Halal CertificationThere are various Islamic agencies all over the world that issue halal certification.They provide the assurances to the consumers that the products ingredients andprocesses involved in making them are Shari'ah compliant. At the moment, theconcept of halal has become a new trademark around the world (Hassan & Hamdan,2013). An ordinary trademark differs from a certification trademark because it providesa warranty to show those goods and services have accomplished certain specificrequirements. Halal certification as a symbol of value, health and ecosystem not onlyworks as an assurance to verify the product\u201fs conformity to Islamic dietary laws butalso ensures that it comprises all the permitted elements. (Taylor, 1955) asserts that,\u201cCertification marks and quality labels as marks are used upon or in theproducts and services of one and more person to certify regional or otherorigin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy or othercharacteristics of such goods or services\u201d.Today, producers are required to have their products stamped with halalcertification in order to distinguish their goods from other products in the market. Halalcertification is a means of ensuring customers\u201f satisfaction, assurance and reliance.Furthermore, it requires not only the food served to be halal but also the entireprocess involved would be halal as well. Halal certified products demand a high levelof hygiene, certain standards of cleanliness, safety and nutrition which fulfil the needsof consumers, especially Muslim consumers.In this respect, Malaysia is internationally recognized as an advanced Muslimcountry. It has the prospect of becoming a key producer of halal food products byusing the commitment and support of the government as well as the local authorities.According to the Ninth Malaysian plan, Malaysia will promote halal certificationglobally and be the main centre for the certification of halal products. Due to this fact,the Malaysian government has enacted laws as well as formulated procedures andguideline for domestic and imported halal products. Malaysia has planned to be ahalal hub country by 2020 (Riaz & Chaudry, 2004). In responding to the vision, thegovernment is trying to set Malaysia as an example for other countries in thedistribution, production and promotion of halal food products.MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS40Overview of Halal Certification in MalaysiaHalal certification as a symbol of value, health and ecosystem not only works as anassurance to verify the product\u201fs conformity to Islamic dietary laws but also ensuresthat it comprises all the permitted elements. This part of the article provides anoverview of Halal certification in Malaysia, beginning with its history.The last two decades, has seen the emergence of halal industry as one of thefastest growing sectors in Malaysia. Malaysia entered the global halal food market byopening international restaurants in the 1970s (Lever, 2013). From the beginning,Muslim consumers have expressed their eagerness about imported halal foodproducts. They demanded that all imported foods should be halal. That driving forceencouraged the Malaysian authority to promulgate laws as well as specific rules andregulations on this matter. It paved the way for Malaysia to provide halal foods to thenational and international jurisdictions which are highly recognized in the globalmarket. The first legislative initiative was taken in Trade Description Order 1975. Theuse of false halal labelling and a halal sign is a punishable offence under this law.Another initiative was in 1982 when the Prime Minister\u201fs Department under theIslamic Affairs Division established a committee on assessment of foods, drinks andgoods which are consumed by Muslims. This committee is responsible for inspectingand introducing awareness amongst halal food producers, distributors and importers.In addition, in the same year the Malaysian government issued regulations making itmandatory for all meat (beef, mutton, veal and poultry) imported into Malaysia to havehalal certification and such meat should originate only from meat plants approved bythe Islamic Affairs Division of the Prime Minister\u201fs Department and the Department ofVeterinary Services, Malaysia. After that the Islamic Affairs Department dispersedfrom the Prime Minister\u201fs Department and new agencies is called Jabatan KemajuanIslam Malaysia (JAKIM) or Islamic Development Department of Malaysia and theState Religion Departments (JAIN) have played an important role in the managementof halal certification on behalf of the Malaysian government. JAKIM and IslamicReligious Councils are the core controlling body that administers Malaysian Halalcertification for halal food products (Shariff & Lah, 2014) and it also creates policieswhich are decided by the cabinet. This agency issues the halal certification logo andapproves food products which strictly fulfil the halal requirements in accordance withthe Shariah laws. These policies and standards are operated by JAKIM and JAIN forthe purpose of halal certification.Apart from JAKIM, the State Islamic Religious Departments or State IslamicReligious Councils (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri, hereafter termed as MAIN) are alsoaccepted bodies for certification. Additionally, there are 73 foreign certification bodiesthat have been recognized by JAKIM as of July 24th, 2014 (List of Approved IslamicBodies, 2014).The government has reorganized the issuance of certificates wherebyJAKIM will certify food products procedure in Malaysia and for export whilst JAIN willissue certificates to companies producing food in the specific state only, using thesame Halal logo. For the purpose of synchronization and coordination, JAKIM worksclosely with SIRIM and the Department of Standard Malaysia (DSM) together for thedevelopment of Malaysian Halal Food Standard. In this respect, Malaysia is the onlycountry whose certification is issued by the government. On the other hand, Islamicorganizations are authorized to certify products in other countries. Meanwhile, JAKIMMALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS41has developed its own halal manual procedure for the purpose of applying, auditingand monitoring halal certification procedures. The principal purpose for halalcertification by a recognized certification organization is to ensure whether a product ishalal or not for Muslim consumers. Another purpose of JAKIM is to work as anenforcement body that imposes legal requirements, operating standards andguidelines to ensure businesses comply with the halal regulations. After theamendments to the Trade Description Act 2011, it empowered JAKIM to carry outenforcement on traders who abuse the Halal logo in their products. However, halalcertification is a serious and complicated matter; thus the local authority can also takethe responsibility and co-operate the work which has been done by JAKIM (Aziz &Sulaiman, 2014).Primary Guidelines on Halal in the Quran and SunnahThis part of the article provides the basis for the determination of the status of halal ofa particular food item. In order to do this, it is necessary to explain the impetus behindthis need. It has roots in the concept of Tawhid itself. In Islam, all supremacy goes toAllah. As a conscientious Muslim, the prime condition for Muslim is to pronounce:\u201cThere is no god except Allah\u201d (Surah Al-Naml: 26)So all activities must be undertaken in the name of Allah only as a form ofdevotion to Him. The word halal means that which is permissible, allowed and lawfuland the reverse is haram. In Islam, haram is thus an act, object or conduct that isforbidden based on evidence in the Quran and Sunnah.In the Holy Quran, Allah commands Muslims and all of mankind to consumeonly what is good and halal (lawful). According to Quran:\u201cThis day all things good and pure have been made lawful to you\u201d(Surah Al-Maidah: 5)And then again,\u201cO ye who believe! Forbid not the good things that Allah has made Halal foryou\u201d (Surah Al-Maidah: 87)Besides, it is pronounced another principle on halal and haram:\u201cO mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome\u201d(Surah Al-Baqarah: 168)All food products must not only have to be halal, but also toyyiban (wholesome)as is illustrated in the last Quranic injunction. From these Quranic ayahs, it can besurmised that the main objective of the Islamic law is 'halal'ness is to protect thehuman beings; any food or drink which may cause harm to the human body andhealth is forbidden even if there is scientific evidence to back this up. Allah saysu need more ?>Ya. Tidak ada masalah untuk makan hidangan yang disediakan bukan Muslim yang bukan ahli kitab (People of the Book) selagi mana tidak melibatkan haiwan sembelihan mereka. Terima kasih kepada saudara kami yang beragama Sikh atas bantuan yang dihulurkan. God bless them. said former menteri wilayah persekutuan. Helang okay, pipit okay lo. Dont build you wall of text here. Dont complicate things liao. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9038949608802795} +{"text": "Ini olang mau negara bersih, tapi ceroboh tanah haram... Hipokrit to the max!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "pakai je tudung ikut style , halal haram bantaoi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "Ada dakwaan yang menyatakan salah satu makanan ringan iaitu coklat yang berada di pasaran Malaysia mengandungi bahan yang haram? \n\nJom like dan ikuti serta kongsi penjelasan dari Facebook Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM#YakiniHalalMalaysia... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156386848047398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945883750915527} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Apr 30 2024, 06:23 PM)If alcohol is the byproduct and not high the quantity, should be halal right? Macam tapai, the alcohol is also the byproduct.Correct. The Quran says khamr is haram. Since practically all khamr can also be called the prevalent Western term alcoholic beverages, many incorrectly assume that it is the alcohol that is haram.Root beer is not khamr and therefore is not haram.Perfume is not khamr and therefore is not haram.Hand sanitizer is not khamr and therefore is not haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999849796295166} +{"text": "Fun fact : Biasanya yg suka memekak \"Mana cop JAKIM\" or byk kali tanya \"halal x\", they are not even coming pn to visit/investigate.\n\nLebih kpd nk tunjuk pandai & tpaling alim je. No research, main tekan keyboard hp je. Padahal mana kedai tu letak tu dia pn xtahu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999923825263977} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Nov 7 2023, 10:55 AM)that's why, many orang bijaksana in /k oneSangat bersetuju. I learn a lot here, serious. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "Aku musykil skit la, klu makanan tu dpt sijil halal US, tp xdpt sijil halal Jakim, so makanan tu haram? Bkn ke hukumnya sama kt mana2?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975959658622742} +{"text": "QUOTE(NEP1971 @ Jun 15 2024, 09:36 PM)Takda ikan salmon pun, camne dapat salmonella infection?Orang kito yang masak, takkan haram and kotor?Ini semua agenda yahudi nak sabotage orang kito#janjihalalnama salmonella bukan dari ikan salmon la, aiyo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(RecticulatingAI @ Dec 8 2015, 12:09 PM)Maybe But it is clearly define in our constitiution that our religious tolerance is 'Secular'. I mean hey who an I to argue with that? Zaid said it best that we are slowly drifting away from being a moderate to religious right wing and in doing so.. ebbing away slowly what define us as a nation not just 100, 200, 400 years ago but 2.5 millenia.Unfortunately there was no clear definition of such in the federal constitution at all. Unless you're using a different F.C.This post has been edited by MsGaijin: Dec 8 2015, 12:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991843104362488} +{"text": "Semua kedai makanan milik 100% milik muslim tak perlu HALAL JAKIM sbb muslim mmg tak lalu makan benda haram. Para jahiliah sila educate yourself LOL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8835675716400146} +{"text": "penting, selain basic skill. kadang ada masanya kurang cocok sama masakan luar, trs kadang kalau lihat dapur pas beli makanan suka horror . alhasil ttp masak sendiri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965707063674927} +{"text": "\nshe replied at 22-7-2022 02:51 PM\nSedappp\n\r\nAda mazhab mengatakan wine tu tak haram kalau diletak dalam masakan\n\nI pon ada dengar juga yg kata mcm tu,wine dlm masakan peratusan alkohol dia sikit dan tak memabukkan,samalh juga yg pakai perfume ada alkohol tu tp masih boleh bawa solat.sbb tu dulu tokwan ada masak letak wine dlm masakkan dia.ntahlh masing2 dah besar pandai2 lh jawab dgn malaikat nnt dlm kubur tu ye.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990084767341614} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jan 5 2018, 12:28 PM)/k non muslims will apply the logic:cosplay / anime is haram\u00a0 for muslim. Hence, Cosplay events will be banned for ALL , including non muslims.so yeah, blanket ban inkambeng. no going to affect non muslim they said.\u00a0 that s what happened lar...think of the beer fest incident...hence u see no one give a fuck about invisible pink unicorn religion? coz they dont tell non-believers what they can or cannot do...if u dont do what ur religion tells u not to; then good for ubut when u tell others dont do because ur religion dont allow...now that's pretty fuck upadded : inb4 i eat beef in front of my buddhist frens they no fuck given....This post has been edited by Kim Bi Jan: Jan 5 2018, 02:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996919631958008} +{"text": "It is like Panadol. Take Panadol to cure headache or fever is not haram, but take too much is haram.Drink beer a little is haram. Drink a lot until you get drunk is also haram.What is the difference?Panadol is meant for medication and drinking beer is to drunk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "Bab makanan bkn main risau tak de status halal jakim.. Kau jolok bontot org tu tak risau pulak ke tak de status halal jakim? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9873954653739929} +{"text": "@syedawie Depends on nature of business. Untuk f&b ada sub kategori, mikro-sederhana-besar. Tak dinafikan sop jadi mahal bila kita nak penuhi requirement Halal JAKIM. Tapi untuk f&b sijil wajib ada mesti sijil GMP. And bonus bila ada HACCP-ISO.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9565013647079468} +{"text": "QUOTE(ah_suknat @ Oct 12 2015, 08:26 AM)So just wanna ask fellow /k muslim frens If got open air food court lIke that, will you still eat there?Considering there are other non Muslim patrons order halal n non halal food at the same time.Ehh... sia sunat la ko niii .. punya la banyak tempat begitu sini Sabah nii.. jgn la tanya soalan bonus gaman... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996963739395142} +{"text": "Sit down and shut up. We tell you what to do and your views don't matter. Pandangan anda tidak penting.This was the perfect system to groom workers for the 20th century factory production/assembly line. Wait for the bell to ring, go to your desk and shut up.Prefects are eyes for the masters. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984807372093201} +{"text": "http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...isfy-halal-certKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 \u2015 The local chapter of US pretzel chain Auntie Anne's confirmed today that it has changed the name of its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d to \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, after it was reported that they would be denied halal certification if they refused to do so.The company's executive Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali said the name was changed to meet the requirements set by the country's halal authorities.\u201cWe changed already to \u2018pretzel sausage\u2019 to comply to Malaysia's halal certification requirements,\u201d she told Malay Mail Online when contacted today.On October 31, the company had posted a statement on its Facebook page, saying that it would fulfil all the requirements towards obtaining halal certification in the country.\u201cWith the recent news circulating on our halal status, we would like to assure our loyal customers and friends that all our ingredients are purchased from Jakim certified halal suppliers,\u201d the brand said, referring to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department.Jakim previously denied that it had rejected Auntie Anne's application for halal status due to the presence of the word \u201cdog\u201d in its menu, and had blamed media for the public furore.Its halal division director Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee said the chain\u2019s application for halal certification had failed due to reasons such as incomplete paperwork.Previously, Sirajuddin had told the media that \u201cIn Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification\u201d but later insisted his remark was in general and not specific to the Auntie Anne\u2019s chain.Media outlets reported Sirajuddin\u2019s remarks about the unsuitability of the term \u201cdogs\u201d this week, along with the department\u2019s guidelines against halal food items being similar in name to haram products such as beer, bacon and ham, among others.The issue surfaced after an executive with US pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s revealed that their application for halal certification had failed due to, among others, concerns over the \u201cpretzel dogs\u201d in their menu.Muslim lawmakers from both sides of the political divide have also expressed their disagreement with Jakim\u2019s decision.On the heels of the Auntie Anne\u2019s controversy, non-halal pork burger chain Ninja Joe was probed by state religious authorities for allegedly confusing Muslims with its \u201cP. Ramly\u201d homage burger.This post has been edited by smallbug: Nov 28 2016, 04:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7357138991355896} +{"text": "org kita suka pancut tapi xde duit beli makanan untuk anak. tapi ada duit untuk rokok dan kereta besar sebab gaya mesti ada. Terbaik org kita!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8611912131309509} +{"text": "Kak jgn suka beli makanan murah gini, cr yg merk dan bpomnya jelas. Ntar flutd.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.838715672492981} +{"text": "QUOTE(GiganticBird @ May 5 2023, 03:15 PM)only entitled bodo t20 would choose not eat certain food anymore just because he became t20lol not true. once got money, you would want the best food to go into your body because investment in yourself always trumps eating shitty food ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "Agreed. Later the product confius ppl it is haram cos got Christian word. So shouldn't use anotje religion word if want halal. Halal after all is Muslim thing y u want merry Christmas to muslim?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Nov 13 2014, 09:36 PM)I have a fren whose dream is to marry a non-muslim womanhis plan is to converts her, then teach her about Islam after marriagewat do you think ? People with knowledge once told me that Al-Quran tell the believers to marry the most righteous women (woman with iman)Even the Rasullah (peace be upon him) told us to marry women based on these 4 criteria: (i know most people know this) 1)Religion (top priority) <-- Religion as top priority2)Wealth 3)Beauty4) familyin conclusion, we must try our best, if we can, to marry most righteous women in islam. (if we can)so this is my opinion base on the information available to me. Allah know best.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "@izzulrfn_ Sijil halal tak penting sngt... yang penting ke halalan dia... buah rambutan pon tak ada sijil halal... Sayur dkt kedai pon tak ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6885664463043213} +{"text": "Oi ini haram. That means Pas lied that syariah won't affect non. Vely haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999650716781616} +{"text": "7-11 in Ho Chi Minh serve fresh banh mi.Best gila I tell u. Taste damn authentic and just as good as the road side sellers but looks cleaner.I see the frozen banh mi in Famiry Mart I feel damn sad. Who the fuck wants frozen banh mi? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995168447494507} +{"text": "Dosa berganda berbuka di kedai israel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997453093528748} +{"text": "mudah.my is ok...dont work in haram.my...that one is absolutely kenot.This post has been edited by rulerhot: Feb 27 2018, 05:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9859472513198853} +{"text": "QUOTE(DBKL @ Nov 21 2018, 11:41 PM)this one i agree. the way how the food prepared. if by muslim is ok, can assume they understand what is halal and haram . but if the non muslim serve without the halal cert, how we can ensure the vege food prepared in halal compliance? btw, halal is not only no pig no lard, its cover everything for during the food preparation.senang cerita, no halal cert, not sure halal, no pork, no lard better avoid. because its 50/50 condition. its uncertainties\u00a0 As if non-muslims are all dirty and muslims are all clean.Kek. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982765913009644} +{"text": "Eleh. Sendiri problem of course kena viral. U ingat diarrhea senang kah? Nak orang mati baru bertaubat kan? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "\nklu kt penang mg sgt jarang lah...\nkaikaibaby Post at 9-6-2010 15:44 \n\n\n\n\n\n{:2_73:}{:2_73:} .. rugi betul lah, kalu ada mesti ramai melayu datang", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Mar 28 2024, 02:15 AM)Hello serious /k, just need your input on this.Ok so some background, I'm (male) running small scale F&B SME at the moment, and I just need some advise / feedback regarding female employees.I do my best to be a fair employer to all of my employees, but admittedly I can be lax with my female employees, on the account that they can be very emotional & unpredictable at times.I rarely get angry most of the time or raised my voice or whatever, but I feel that my attempt to politely reprimand them for their shortcomings by logical reasoning can seldom be fruitful.Their shortcomings also usually stems during their time of the month, while I try to empathize as best as I could (and not mention this pattern outright since some happens like clockwork, e.g. 4th week of every month), their outbursts can have longlasting effects on the workplace. I've a good guess that a few of some other previous employees (female also) have resigned following this. The male employees can have their share of problem as well, but the baseline and their 'max amplitude' of their occasional behavior is less of an issue, while the female ones can be like no holds barred kind of deal. My boss at my previous workplace in engineering faced this issue as well, even with the small amount of female employees in engineering department, but I missed out on learning how to face with this issue as at one point he & the senior engineers even decided not to call to interview them anymore moving forward, what more things like increased maternity leave ruling in recent Employment Act and what not (even our female HR dept. back then was not keen on hiring women after that).My question is how do people navigate this in most cases? Is it due to the typical pool of candidate I'm hiring? Generational issue? Upbringing?I don't think I'm able to foresee this during the hiring process. If I can't filter them, how do I atleast polish them? Typical Employee Profile:- 18 - 30 years old - Usually SPM leavers / fresh off education / 2nd job- Locals, living in parents house- Post-2000 babies- F&B line of work- Min. wage or slightly above tl:dr Bad at being a boss for female employees (I think?), what do? Not trying to be misogynistic, as I'd really love to know how to improve on this since they're half of the workforce.\u00a0 Please no trolls, and female forumers are more than welcome to share their inputs as well.\u00a0 p.s. The best employee I had was female 17 y.o. SPM leaver before entering college, she did her job as professionally as I could ever ask for.\u00a0 Comes from presumably low income family (lives in a flat), slightly above average academics but I'm thoroughly impressed with how mature and how serious she takes the work.\u00a0 :thumbsup:\u00a0 It's the less ideal ones I'm having trouble with.p.p.s. Also now that I think about it, I've never seen any women apologizes or tried to mend things for their moment of weakness.Your hiring process is flawed la. You need to engage with them dig as much info build a mental picture before hiring. Married men will tell u woman do get emo on the period thingy but even then they can exercise some restraint. If really bad let them rest a day or 2 or rotate with guy staff sth like that.but I feel its not spm problem but what kind of people you hiring. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8170853853225708} +{"text": "Coba beli yang kecil dulu. Kalau kucingku suka dan oke aja kita bakal ganti makanan dia ke kaniva. Efek mbabunya bucin sama yang iklanin kaniva ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "sinar harian title so tameBurasak, mi kolok, nasi ambeng diwarta makanan warisan negarahttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/6511...-warisan-negaraBak kut teh diiktiraf hidangan Warisan Negarahttps://www.hmetro.com.my/utama/2024/02/106...-warisan-negaraThis post has been edited by damonlbs: Feb 24 2024, 07:45 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9790182113647461} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0mahathirGX \n\r\nnak buat macam mana bro.. kita ni ikan kecik je.. bleh cakap je & tukang makan je . nak dapat kelulusan JAKIM pun amik masa. aku tak nafikan ada produk melayu dah jual dulu, tanpa kelulusan JAKIM.. kira sebab orang ISLAM yang buat, jadi kira halal la.. nasib la tukan.. tu belum kira produk yang guna logo JAKIM palsu..\njoeyss Post at 10-6-2010 12:51 \nAku\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0tanya\u00a0\u00a0..setiap\u00a0 \u00a0 produk\u00a0\u00a0makanan\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0wajib\u00a0\u00a0ker\u00a0 \u00a0 mohon\u00a0 \u00a0kat\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0Jakim\u00a0 \u00a0ni?\r\nKalo\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0aku\u00a0\u00a0pengusaha\u00a0 \u00a0 produk\u00a0 \u00a0 makanan\u00a0 \u00a0 pun\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 ...aku\u00a0 \u00a0x\u00a0 \u00a0pohon\u00a0 \u00a0dari\u00a0 \u00a0Jakim\u00a0 \u00a0 pun\u00a0 \u00a0 .....\r\nbuang\u00a0\u00a0masa\u00a0 \u00a0aje\u00a0 \u00a0.....\u00a0\u00a0\r\nko\u00a0\u00a0pohon\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0Jakim\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0tu\u00a0\u00a0nak\u00a0\u00a0pengesahan\u00a0 \u00a0halal\u00a0 \u00a0..iaitu\u00a0\u00a0utk\u00a0 \u00a0yakin\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0org\u00a0\u00a0ramai\u00a0\u00a0...\r\nkalo\u00a0\u00a0org\u00a0\u00a0ramai\u00a0\u00a0dah\u00a0 \u00a0yakin\u00a0\u00a0dgn\u00a0 \u00a0ko\u00a0\u00a0..\u00a0\u00a0wat\u00a0 \u00a0 ape\u00a0 \u00a0pohon\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0sijil\u00a0 \u00a0halal\u00a0 \u00a0 ni", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(cempedaklife @ Jan 1 2020, 07:13 PM)Not kah hiong. I think there is one in lido. But to be fair, i never try to find the best in kl. Coz a few i tried i dont like the soup base. Not rich at all.Shin kee is the one that have a stall to serve mixed pork porridge? To be frank, i like tje porridge not the beef noodle. Everyone is saying the noddle is nice. Lol. Not to me.Shin Kee dry beef noodle rocks because of the black mince topping.I am unaware that they serve porridge.But I definitely enjoy their yellow noodles and I don't usually enjoy yellow noodles because of the alkali water taste. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996541738510132} +{"text": "QUOTE(MiLKTea @ Jul 12 2018, 05:06 PM)I agree that the organiser is at fault here.Should be sensitive to Muslims that dont eat pork.At the same time, there are also many functions that serve beef to Buddhist and Hindus.Ohwai...nanti adalah butthurt report....err haram and halal requirement is stricter mah Buddhist and Hindu can still eat from same plate and utensils if others got beef wat right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992678761482239} +{"text": "\n\n Cooking in your home kitchen is now illegal in god's eye? Jakim mandating cooking in your kitchen haram if you sell the food? If you masak kenduri in your kitchen and provide catering at home to your neighbours without halal cert, it's haram? Wtf is jakim thinking about?\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999438524246216} +{"text": "Saya sarankan umat Islam rajin2 kn diri utk melayari website jakim bagi menyemak balik makanan ape yang halal dan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5129004716873169} +{"text": "tengok je dh tahu mesti kat Singapore ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9508349299430847} +{"text": "QUOTE(delon85 @ May 28 2024, 10:20 AM)You're wrong. If they find out is not type M owner, they will viral then the business will get boikotI've always known halal cert to be extra tax for nons businesses.good! i suppork u all the way, get Dr Akmal to prepare job opportunities for those being sacked after the business dropped and closed down. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8712571859359741} +{"text": "\nMuslim Quarter, terletak di bandar purba Xi'an adalah lokasi wajib singgah jika anda di Xi'an. Malah anda akan ketagih dengan tempat ini dan mahu pergi lagi dan lagi. \n\n\n\nTerdapat beberapa penginapan berdekatan dengan lokasi ini. \n\n\n\n\nPerkara yang Anda Boleh Lakukan di Muslim Quarter, Xi'an, China \n\n\n1. Melawat Menara Old Drum\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\n\n\n2. Melawat Grand Mosque\n\n\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\n\n3. Makan di Muslim Quarter\n\n\n4. Menonton Pertunjukan Puppet\u00a0\u00a0dan bersiar-siar pada waktu petang di Gao Family Mansion\n\n\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\n\n\n6. Kemudian makan lagi di Muslim Quarter \n\n\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\nKenapa kami tekankan untuk makan dan makan lagi di Muslim Quarter? Kerana fokus kali ini ialah makan! \n\n\nAnda tidak boleh melawat destinasi ini jika anda sedang berdiet. Kalau anda berdiet sekalipun, anda pasti akan gagal kerana ada banyak makanan halal yang sedap-sedap ditawarkan di sini. \n\n\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\n\n\nUntuk anda yang tidak fasih berbahasa Cina, anda hanya perlu tahu 2 perkataan iaitu \n\n\nYang Rou=Daging kambing\n\n\nNiu Rou = Daging lembu\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\nAnda boleh memulakan perjalanan di sini dengan melawat Menara Old Drum. Bayaran masuk adalah sebanyak 25 yuan. \n\n\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\n\nDi sepanjang perjalanan anda, anda bakal nampak pelbagai gerai menjual makanan dan jangan risau, nama pun Muslim Quarter, jadi semua makanan adalah halal-halal belaka. Lihat sahaja gambar yang kami lampirkan, kecur air liur tak?\n\n\nFoto:princesscindyrina.com\n\n\nJadi jika anda ada perancangan nak ke China, boleh masukkan Xi'an dalam senarai lawatan anda! Jom ke China!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9603605270385742} +{"text": "Makin bertambah lak JAKIM keluarkan makanan yang haram di makan. Main main deh? Tolong sahkan betul betul. Konfius nak beli makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "NAZA group is try to spread islam, you see their son purposely go tackle non muslim then force them go become muallaf.. try to show the world islam is beautiful..They got pahala in doing that.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999574422836304} +{"text": "dan tanamin di kepala makanan / minuman manis itu mahal... ini works ia di aku jadi gaj suka beli boba lagi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9902454614639282} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blackops981 @ Aug 16 2024, 11:49 AM)20 years laterthey will claim the following to be theirs:PaoYong tau fuWan tan meeCKTChee cheong funDim sumWhy 20 years later? Past 5 years already can see them claiming many food as their own. Makanan tradisi nenek moyang dia katanya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999638795852661} +{"text": "mungkin belum terlambat tindakan yang di ambil persatuan penguna melayu islam,untuk dimasa2 mendatang setiap kilang pengeluar makanan@minuman yang mohon sijil halal wajib persatuan pengguna melayu kerjasama dengan jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9822614192962646} +{"text": "Aku mcm nak mengamuk tanthrum2 ketuk2 dashboard kete pastu boyfren tenangkan \"nape ni syggg nah ambik rm100 gi beli makanan yg u suka\" \u200d hari ni mood kanak2 sikit sbb laki2 semua bz ngan aku so tak cukup kasih syg erghhh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9161063432693481} +{"text": "Melayu sekarang, halal haram letak tepi. Asalkan sedap, viral, ramai melayu makan. Takde sijil halal pun its okay", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9392032027244568} +{"text": "This might be a hit in other muslim cultures. But i doubt it will be in Malaysia since there not only the flesh of pig is considered haram but everything that has to do with pig is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997935891151428} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Nov 25 2023, 01:36 PM)It's risk management....the weakest link are people exactly like this who make a non-issue an issueguess some1 doesnt understand what after-party should look like. katak di bawah tempurung at its best.making malaysia famous for the wrong thing. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6565409898757935} +{"text": "@RidzwanMahazan tu la. dkt sini rasanya org tak kesah sgt kedai tu ada sijil halal ke tak tp klu owner tak jujur mcm ni, susah la. lg kecewa sbb dia pon muslim \ud83e\udd15", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Feb 26 2024, 03:18 PM)Buat sajalah. You are the govt kan? Biarla mereka probok. Bukan mati pun.Buat saja? Then let the terrorist taliban use this ad bullet to bantai nons more? Don't forget this country siapa pegang. Don't care who in gov, still kow tow to kito pegang mindset QUOTE(jaycee1 @ Feb 26 2024, 03:36 PM)Use religion to cover up only.At the back, croni take over most things. From rice to sugar. Then goes to shit.We went from net pork exporter to importer...because its bad to have pig farm.Pasal religion > food security.Haram haram haram otak full of haram only. Don't care about improving lives ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Mar 14 2024, 12:14 AM)how many chinese singaporean learn their national language?Ni mesti katak bawah tempurung yang tak tau sistem pendidikan SG ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995028555393219} +{"text": "I\u2019m taking care both MY and SG but stay in MY, salary almost same lvl as SG. This is the best \u263a\ufe0f ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999589920043945} +{"text": "QUOTE(StengHoii @ Oct 25 2016, 08:52 PM)wahhhh seronok kan bash JAKIM, bash la lg puas2.. and still 'they' wonder why ramai orang pilih untuk support jamal, geng baju merah, PEKIDA, UMNO dsb..best nye jadi jakim tak boleh dipersoalbash jakim = u masuk geng maju merah. kek typical umngok mentality. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9311748743057251} +{"text": "QUOTE(wildshot_willy @ Jan 3 2017, 03:44 PM)Ekceli right, why God created all these since it is haram? What are His motivations?you mean motives ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "Adakah penggunaan ungkapan \"makanan sunnah\" dibenarkan dalam pensijilan Halal Malaysia?Apa konsep sebenar makanan sunnah? Tuntutan produk telah di ruqyah? sunnah? Dibacakan doa? Sejauhmana... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156748475457398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996035695075989} +{"text": "QUOTE(prophetjul @ Dec 23 2023, 10:57 AM)Well. Ottoman lost. The land belonged to the Brits. They manage it as they see best.The Jews have aright to be there as well. So.Off coz they collapse after 700+ year, but that's how they manage it for hundreds of years. It's a big shift and suddenly British messing it up and those weirdo Balfour declaration. Jews and their typical running away here and there history, gypsy like even in some Roman Empire era days, gypsy is their thing, unlike others that stays and dies in their land come what may. Just their fate perhaps to become gypsy. Religious Jews accept that fate anyway, unlike the kiasu Zionist Jews camp. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.937292218208313} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Jan 6 2024, 09:55 AM)maybe the minister wanna get his foreign or non muslim guest to sign important deal ??..QUOTE(icemanfx @ Jan 6 2024, 09:55 AM)It is common to drink during lunch and official reception in Europe, prc, Korea, Japan, etc. are they less serious or competent?Look, you guys obviously can't put down the bottle in the argument. I'm just shedding some light on why the rules are as they are.I agree with them, but I also didn't make the rules. Tak suka go argue up the gomen offices, write to your local MPs, whatever. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9918701648712158} +{"text": "Halal Ke Tak Ni? JAKIM Senaraikan Status Halalnya 13 Makanan Yang Sering Didebatkan Netizen https://siakapkeli.my/2019/04/11/halal-ke-tak-ni-jakim-senaraikan-status-halalnya-13-makanan-yang-sering-didebatkan-netizen/\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978466033935547} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Aug 25 2020, 09:55 PM)Let me get this rightIt was a forest reserve in the first place, cannot plant anything there.Somehow dont know what happen, after the logs were gone, farmers plant durian.Now durian trees matured, they say legalized it but farmers need to pay rental, plus have to sell to them only. Furthermore got levy charges. Farmers rage, start chop off the plants. Polis setup road block to block them to go in, and today onwards it belongs to state government? Its like,Mesin judi is haram. Somehow there was an empty factory and nobody using it.Gangster backside itchy go and setup kedai mesin judi. Then authorities go and raid the place, say is haram, but can continue operating if the gangsters be their bitch. Must also pay rental and give a portion of money they make. Gangster dont want, gangster say will destroy their own mesin judi. Polis come and jaga the factory dont let gangster destroy mesin judi and now onwards the authorities gonna run the kedai judi?QUOTE(Ned_Fromthenorth @ Aug 25 2020, 10:01 PM)Partly true. Just authorities give their own gangster to run the kedai judi. Cause the gangster is authorities boss.this example reminds me of majliscan the officer sayu give me protection $no kacauu no give me sharei sapusad day for malaysiaits kind of an alibaba schemeduring mahafiraun's eraThis post has been edited by brapa?: Aug 25 2020, 10:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999412298202515} +{"text": "Internet got porn. Should be haram also.How come Muslim are allowed to surf net? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998347759246826} +{"text": "I actually had more fun enrolling elective subjects during my degree. Apart from the compulsory titas, i enrolled in halal/haram dlm persediaan makanan, bhasa mandarin, pengucapan awam, asas bermain gitar, amalan kesihatan jasmani, etc. mostly because these are easy to score subjects, but they also are downright general knowledge that are fun (if its your interest). Helps me feel less stressful taking on heavy subjects like calculus and algorithm. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8200141787528992} +{"text": "alkohol is haram when memabukkan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998103976249695} +{"text": "QUOTE(knumskul @ Mar 18 2024, 05:01 PM)Trying to see the context in this advice but I just can't understand why this part has to be included when the question was about painting house with pig hair brush making his house walls najisIf its meant as example of Yahudi using it even though it is haram, I don't see why need to call for \"menghancurkan Yahudi\"Maybe because context /k tak boleh pakai sebab bahasa arab pun tak pandai cerita sebaliknya tak tahu tapi nak nitpick bahasa Melayu translation. In english, curse means something else right? Whatever it is, sudah2 lah whoever prosemite trigger n try racing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999232292175293} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Nov 13 2020, 10:52 PM)some fellas really suspicious a lot oneSikit2 nak kasi viral. Tuhan bagi otak tak guna. Memang spesis babi lettew. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(MilitaryMadness @ Oct 18 2019, 09:58 AM)HALAL ADA TAK NI!!!Some got some don't have. If you Islam I also want to ask, why don't eat sushi? Is it because raw = haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "VIRAL is a noun, not a subject or object.What the fuck kind of grammar is that? Menafikan viral itu? Dafuq?Also, who the fuck uses pork for laksa? It's like using duck for KFC. 2 different things.This post has been edited by SSJBen: Oct 31 2019, 05:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996350884437561} +{"text": "Papan tanda tulisan cina (x kesa pun nak tulisan hebrew pun ok je) bila iklan dia rakam staff dia yg pakai tudung tpi muka mcm cina tgh buat air. Nampak lah konon nak target semua golongan untuk beli. Tapi tak mampu nak apply sijil halal ? Bila tanya dia boleh ckp tkde babi pun ? https://t.co/nXpZvON2WO", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998340606689453} +{"text": "QUOTE(telefunken @ Nov 14 2015, 03:51 PM)Yes, the main culprit is the US right? Yeah the CIA was like \"we need a extremest group nationally whacking off the heads of innocent people on tv and fighting us\" Lets make ISIS...muslim logic.\"Blame Others\" itu budaya kita. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "RISAU JUGAK BELI MAKANAN CANOPY PACAK TEPI JALAN\nNTAH ADA SIJIL MENIAGA KE TAK\nNTAH DIA MASAK PERSEKITARAN BERSIH ADA COP JAKIM KE\nNTAH ADA MELAYU DENGKI LETAK JULAP KE HAPE\nHARINI ORANG LAIN MENIAGA ESOK ORANG LAIN #FB", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.956680953502655} +{"text": "Well. The answer is clearThe halal inspection for Central Kitchen already doneOnly that jakim request the company to apply cert based on zone. North Central South etc etc So that it would be easier for jakim to audit. Which don't makes sense cuz all food come from that central kitchen. There's no need multiple applications for certThis just to make jakim job easier. Malas je senang cerita Theres no issue on halal statusThe issue now mostly remains on the usage of \"dog\" term ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.719292163848877} +{"text": "did you know that you all boleh check halal status dekat website jakim. Orang melayu ramai dalam kedai itu normal sebab benda viral halal orang tolak tepi and ramai lagi yang tak aware pasal makanan halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9888280630111694} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Sep 6 2016, 12:16 AM)what do you think felixia yeap is doing? \u00a0 \u00a0 dont involve felixia yeap bro...she already did her best as a muslim since the start she converted to Islam... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999867677688599} +{"text": "Status Halal Makanan Dalam Pesawat Air Asia Diragui: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) diminta menyiasat... http://dlvr.it/3R9cGB", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997555613517761} +{"text": "\r\nBagus la kalo orang melayu da mula nak beralih ke masakan cina... masakan melayu terlalu banyak guna santan dan minyak...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999688982963562} +{"text": "Hidup hanya nak makan semua benda. Lepas tu dapat tahu makanan tu tak ditangggung halal. JAKIM juga kena hentam. \nUlama dah pesan jaga pemakanan kamu. Hati hati dari makanan yang syubahah kerana menjerumus pada haram. \n\nMengaji bab agama malas lepas tu komplen ustaz macam-macam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(Weng85 @ Nov 13 2015, 06:19 PM)Safe for vege means the ingredient is made of non animal ingredient only, not meaning that the other issues are fulfilled by halal. If you don't see halal cert, better don't buygot sayur haram ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998499155044556} +{"text": "QUOTE(4ddict @ May 31 2017, 04:58 PM)never heard of those equity stuff. if that thing is right JAKIM will have alot of equity in big company such as nestle, qsr, loreal, unilever and etc. dont ask your supplier but go directly to JAKIM and ask the requirement to get the certificate. the difficult part for SME company to get the halal certificate is not on JAKIM requirement but on KKM requirement (food safety). company must have a gmp / mesti comply premise. once you have the food safety and GMP certificate, halal certificate is almost there\u00a0 .yep what you said it's true.. but sme like us step by step slowly we climb, sekarang susah nanti senang sikit. I can't wait to partner with my bumi friend because we can exchange knowledge and understanding. huehuehuehue long way to go, another 2 years probably wait nanti klo dh dpt those cert, wait i treat u yumcha hahaha thanks again for the info ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995195865631104} +{"text": "Durian sudah berbuah baru tahu pencerobohan haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995256662368774} +{"text": "pastu sebab china yg owned franchise kedai best & halal, nak boikot pula. itu lah mentaliti melayu racist. nak kita support dia je tp kopi haram tak sedap jual tgh jalan pun harga mcm starbucks", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999901294708252} +{"text": "beli makanan yang aku suka, CO shoppe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.988713800907135} +{"text": "Kemaen ngatakn air haram takde sijil bagai, kau buat hubungan sejenis taknak citer plak halal haram \ud83e\udd23 Kelakor2 \ud83d\ude06", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "@IzzatJohana kalau mengikut sumber, halal sbb pork free & ada seafood je. tapi tiada sijil halal. tapi kalau ragu2, haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999853253364563} +{"text": "Masalah mendapatkan makanan TAUHU yang bersih dan halal menurut Syariat Islam, dapatkan TAUHU IKHWAN di\nPASAR RAYA IKHWAN, SUNGAI BULOH\n70 Ground Floor, Jalan Nautika B U20/B,\nSeksyen U20, TSB Commercial Centre, Sungai Buloh,\nShah Alam 40160,\nSelangor,\nMalaysia", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Dia senang je kat Malaysia ni, asalkan tulis no lard no pork, ada tulisan Jawi sikit, ada orang pakai tudung pergi makan, xyah sijil halal dah \ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude0c", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8308985233306885} +{"text": "@AkmalViolet Exactly. Tapi sijil Halal tak wajib. So sama ada diorg apply ke tak, itu atas company tu sendiri. Mgkn dia rasa tak perlu ada sijil Halal pun bisnes jalan juga. In this case, it's on us Muslim consumers utk buat pilihan nak beli atau tak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989823698997498} +{"text": "QUOTE(sonicscourge @ May 27 2024, 12:41 PM)those that i go to usually I will but it is not necessary. its a nice gesture but end of day u won't keep the angpao..... even the book on the reception desk to ask poeple to write nice things etc, 5 years down the road how many couple can say after wedding they open the book to reminisence at least once?Lol no, best is the wedding album, after get put in the drawer, now 5 years d, never once open to see it, got mould or not also dunno lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999580383300781} +{"text": "Macam mana nak \"menang\"...nasi kandaq babi pun hangpa kalut kata bawak imej islam..\n\nTang mana nasi kandaq makanan base on agama islam. Agama islam suruh makan dari sumber2 halal dan bersih saja. Tadak sebut pun nasi kandaq.\n\nParade benda tak tahwan hala", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Nov 20 2023, 12:27 AM)not cina muslim lahfrom china onechina chinese muslim is not melayushe must be thinking malaysia got funny rules\ngp_sCsEYPfo\n\nIn 5 years time, they will be melayu and get more benefits then us the 3rd 4th 5th generation nons.They thought they winning the game, lets see how this oversea penunggang beat them in their own game.Malaysia constitution is indeed the funny 1.Bangla exploiting it, wait new waves of tongsan exploiting it, then they will know how high the mountain is. East asian genes is indeed one of the smartest in the world.We are well aware of the tongsan cleverness in doing business and can manage to compete with them. We are fine but on the otherhand, let see how our earth prince compete with them when the new comer also get same earth prince status.This post has been edited by wanted111who: Nov 20 2023, 12:42 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999113082885742} +{"text": "QUOTE(marukopi @ Jan 14 2024, 12:04 AM)The flexibility offered here is not suka-suka can choose to work, in simple word can work at the conventional bank IF its the only option you have (its do-or-die)Let say its very hard for you to find a work, and you really-really in desperate mode due to your financial obligation (let say to support ageing parent, hutang etc)The only job offer you get is from conventional bank.Yes, you may proceed BUT you need to plan your exit stratergy and move to halal industry soonest possible. Cannot la stay till pencen.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abTrivia: Muslim also can eat pork - only if one is driven by necessity - neither coveting it nor exceeding his immediate need such that if not eat it, he or she may die (really2 survival option).very hard to find work that pays 20k per month, considered hardship? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.729390025138855} +{"text": "Status Halal, \n1. Kesemua bahan yang digunakan bagi penyediaan makanan diambil dari pembekal yang merupakan pemegang sijil halal sah Jakim Malaysia. \n2. Bahagian dapur dikendalikan oleh Melayu Muslim bagi memastikan sepanjang penyediaan makanan mematuhi prosedur ditetapkan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999433755874634} +{"text": "@jimbopsd Tapi meleis zaman lani asal viral makan. Aku bagi contoh la shilin tu. Ayam mentah yg diorang ambik tu confirm sembeleh dgn cara betul? Or sebab tu ke depa tak dapat sijil halal? Jakim tak slow if you follow up", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987597465515137} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 21 2016, 03:00 PM)Hey hey more question!1. So you have converted 2 years ago? How was your CNY celebrations? At home and with parents and chinese relatives? Did you deco your home like a typical chinese CNY, with lanterns, red banner, etc? When you go over to your parents for reunion dinner, how did you join them? Eat at their house, or go out to halal restaurant? How did your non-muslim relatives take on this?2. Say if you were out eating Malay food alone, would you use your hand or use eating utensils? If use hand, why?1. I reverted many many moons back. 2 years ago i decided to marry a Malay muslim girl. CNY was hilarious. We dressed up in traditional Malay clothing. My relatives' jaw dropped (initially, now they are used to it. Mind you, they are really kampung folks). we dont have time to deco our own house. We usually deco the kampung house, both my parents and hers. As for food, I already told you that we are not the fatwa-happy kinda folks. They eat pork, we eat our own cooked rendang kambing; They drink their beer and liquors, we drink barbican; they gamble their money, we play bluff (for those who dont know, bluff is a card game). Eat at home also can, go out also can; no problem. Most of the Kampung Chinese folks are ok with us now. I still speak the dialect, and my wife speaks mandarin. In-fact, they are impressed with us now.2. I seldom got chance to eat outside alone. My wife is a great cook and she loves cooking. I am putting on weight as we speak now. Hahahaha. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995002746582031} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ikruga @ Feb 13 2016, 12:02 PM)Mesti dekat terminal basThat 1 havent tried. Its at shop area that got pelita nasi kandar. Forgot the shop name. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9897053837776184} +{"text": "QUOTE(Justice Supreme @ Aug 19 2022, 08:55 PM)from your own posting..boldedso please explaoin the bolded part.....u said urself in actual its not a muslim stall...So where is the so called tip by non Muslim? Are sure you understand English?My comment is based from the viral video by TS. You watch or not?The video shows the Malay stall owner send utensils and food containers to an obviously non Muslim shop. People are alleging that he source his food from that non Muslim shop instead of cooking it himself.This post has been edited by tupai: Aug 19 2022, 09:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "\"Tak payah complaint pasal orang yang pergi kedai boba yang viral-viral tu sebab tak ada sijil halal. Sama je macam yang makan tempat pork-free tapi jual arak.\"", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6950308084487915} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bantal @ Oct 20 2015, 04:36 PM)Tak halal maknanya kotor?semua makanan yg Xde halal tu semua kotor?yahudi semua makan makanan Sampah kotor?kau dah check suda syarat2 utk dapatkan sijil halal?ke kau suka makan menda yang kotor je? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(lj0000 @ Mar 5 2024, 11:57 PM)https://www.kosmo.com.my/2024/03/05/vida-ta...beri-kerjasama/someone dengki maybe. the packaging dont see any halal logo anywayErrrr....Seems like the clear plastic packaging one is without the mesti, halal logoBut the paper tube container with white cover has itAnd it's the one shown held by the authoritiesThis post has been edited by mcchin: Mar 6 2024, 07:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998188614845276} +{"text": "Restaurants and how the cleaning practises should be enforced. All wash i to the drain causing tikus and lipas berleluasa. Salah is salah. Kenapa kena 8 bulan. Follow the law mmg takde pahala ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "Kena dapatkan sijil Mesti, Halal. Tambah lagi kena buat video promo. Hahaha huhuhu jela", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9975382089614868} +{"text": "nak korban pon nak boycoot ... ada duit buat , xder duit senyap je la... TS jawap ler kat bawah nanti ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954104423523} +{"text": "Netra, 2002.Makanan favoritnya ganti-ganti sesuai lagi sering beli apa, tapi beberapa waktu belakangan lagi suka beli nasi padang pakai dendeng batokok sama daun singkong.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.94346684217453} +{"text": "@sitiawe_ @ami_arima Betul: takde halal jakim tak semestinya haram. Jakim buat sijil halal utk memudahkan pengguna muslim. Muslim boleh buat keputusan sendiri sekiranya premis/produk tiada halal jakim. Jangan ikut trend semata hingga tiada pertimbangan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ripp87 @ Feb 17 2024, 10:57 AM)Tutup jer lah langkawi tu.Hantu jer pergi babi betuitak suka jangan pergi .. pergi la kawan dengan babi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "Blame those tik tok food reviewed and kerja kasi viral Restoran give some money do review and next thing all serbu those restaurantKita kasi jail tiktoker yg bersubahat. Like that case tiktoker viral not fresh oyster end up many food poisoning ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998456239700317} +{"text": "Dulu pernah ada orang ni marah kat pekerja Dlaksa sebab nak tengok ingredients dia halal ke tak. Walaupun pekerja dia dh tunjuk sijil halal dia still nk tengok dia pakai barang apa. Kalau ye pun takpayah la marah. Datang kedai orang nk kacau pulak. Siapa yg haram sekarang ni?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995044469833374} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 09:32 AM)Don't mix up. It is not extremism for this case.McD is a halal restaurant. McD is a halal restaurant.You shout or cry, McD is a halal restaurant. It remains status quo.So, after all, it is still a halal restaurant. Why shout or cry? KNN Commies\u2122How is it not a halal restaurant when it is not selling non-halal food?Will a non Halal certified cake contaminate the whole restaurant? I love non-halal food, my body is made up from non-halal food, ban us lah! We shall contaminate the idiot restaurant with our very presence. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999629259109497} +{"text": "Kuching apa best to eat?? Apart from Sarawak Laksa la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996144771575928} +{"text": "Tata cara berdo'a agar diijabah -\u00bb Hati,badan dan pakaian mesti bersih; Makanan yg dimakan halal, Mohon dg (cont) http://tl.gd/7tiqhq", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999415874481201} +{"text": "sosQUOTEPETALING JAYA: Ibu bapa atau penjaga diingatkan supaya tidak membiarkan anak-anak mereka tidur dengan patung permainan seperti 'teddy bear'.Kosmo! Online, hari ini, melaporkan menurut penceramah selebriti, Ustaz Azhar Idrus (UAI), hukum tidur dengan patung mainan tersebut adalah haram.\"Sekarang ini, ramai sangat budak perempuan tidur dengan patung, hukumnya haram, tak boleh.Patung-patung ini hanya untuk kanak-kanak bermain.\"Fasal apa anak-anak dara kita umur 18 ke 20, awek-awek tidur letak patung 'bear' lah, 'adudu' lah atas kepala. Sebab mereka tengok daripada artis-artis. Ayah-ayah tengok balik bilik anak dara, kalau ada patung-patung, hukumnya haram,\" katanya pada satu sesi ceramah sebelum ini.Mengulas lanjut, Azhar berkata, rumah yang mempunyai patung seperti itu tidak akan dikunjungi oleh malaikat rahmat.\"Yang boleh patung permainan ini adalah kepada anak yang belum baligh. Hanya anak kecil ini dibenarkan bermain patung.\"Satu lagi dalam kereta gantung patung-patung, contohnya patung beruk (monyet) dua ekor, depan 'spider', depan lembu.\"Semua ini (gantung patung dalam kereta) tidak boleh. Yang boleh, letak atas 'seat' (kerusi) biar anak kecil bermain, supaya dia tak kacau kita tengah memandu,\" ujarnya.This post has been edited by MRaef: Jan 8 2024, 11:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993396401405334} +{"text": "but cina food halal mostly is not goodings yaneed to taste the haram owai ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8154087662696838} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 23 2023, 11:16 PM)I can open a tered on this, but again,,,once open tered sure a lot of OPP say bullshit lar, this lar, that lar, ask me to debate lar...so ada sikit malas nak layani really like how you story the ghost. so precise and succint.please open more tered like this.. even if it's someone's else story. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998415470123291} +{"text": "QUOTE(pureawesomeness @ Mar 16 2024, 12:19 PM)Fine mesti tak bayar punya. Must impose public caning.Bodoh punya orang. No fast got harm other kah? If only involves him and God, why you so kepoh about it? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "So lepas nih balik rumah kongkek isteri tak boleh guna doggy style la??Klu buat doggy style ibarat mcm anjing berasmara...lagi haram...dah la maksiatKeliru wehh...how la....tgk menu hotdog dh pening kepala menggelabah....bila kongkek dunia tak ingat pulokkkkwolfman87 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(70U63 @ May 9 2024, 09:10 AM)Those elites only want to protect their interest in the state (including those big power holding the cities/town council and authority).That's why we have campaign like S4S.... To tipu innocent (ignorance) population that we 'might' be better without Malaya. Now we going to have own bank, port, oil & gas company.... (& Stupid idea flight company). Because apparently sendiri holding the power/resources/money is better than sharing (or distribute by) with Federal government.Many things happen nowadays are bs. For example, in Bintulu town, we have so called 'together we make bintulu better' (bs). They put a poster with recycle bins, have no car day on Saturday (morning) in the old town area. All these are bs. They never really serious about environment, just BDA have something to do to (with the budget). Trucks older than my age are still running on the road with black smoke.yes i think the airlines company is highly likely to fail, esp if they serve all the ulu places. either pass the expenses to consumers or rugi. QUOTE(TappyBird @ May 9 2024, 09:15 AM)Err, cos that Tun passed away? Unless u know how to resurrect him Yes to this and why is it happening? Because someone did not follow MA63! What sarawak do now is correct. First make a clear distinction between them and the other state, i.e. status more superior than a mere state, after that, more autonomy. Gradually taking them all back, as\u00a0 per MA63. Taking all of them back at once now will meet fierce resistance from the federal. Losing power never look good for anyone afterall.changing the name of the state assembly and the minister name not gonna change anything lo. like u give a cat some spots doesn't automatically makes it a leopard. just a leopard wannabe only one thing i hope can remain, ie minimal racism, though already seeping in. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7510805726051331} +{"text": "Netizen B40 mana ada duit makan Madam Kwan ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7977471351623535} +{"text": "QUOTE(ah_suknat @ Jul 26 2019, 03:23 PM)Dont you know when people start to use religion as their base of arguments, they automatically win?Yes, becos they can't answer you or no facts to point to....Just got to nearest Magnum, 4-D shop and find ilham...that one is haram or halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999282360076904} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 5 2023, 06:05 PM)Pemakan babi is more kepoci about halal haram..one of their favourite topicQUOTE(bigwolf @ Nov 5 2023, 06:33 PM)It's not kepochi. Pemakan babi actually scratching their heads wondering whyyyy muslims like you so butthurt with the sign \"pork free\" when the shop never force you to eat there or mislead by claiming they are halal and you can makan tanpa was was. Unless you actually thinks \"pork free\" equals dishonest we-are-halal claims, even without the halal certification? How stupid can that be?Actually I wonder what is ts purpose for opening this kind of tered here lolFrom my pessimistic lens, ts is just trying to get people to mock muslims because this article is clearly targeted at muslimsBut it's just me though, I don't really know ts real purpose ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998891353607178} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Jul 1 2021, 01:11 PM)Are you referring to me ka? Did I praise the first photo? No right? So who is the prejudice now. Let me get my idea clear, if there are still dumb people around:The kempen bendera putih comes with a tag line \"tak payah rasa malu\". I am sure it means we will help you senyap senyap, we know your dire situation and we wont embarrass you further. Or does it mean since you are at the bottom already, how can you be embarrassed more, come lets take some photos, aiyah don't shy shy lah, tak payah rasa malu, we need to tell the whole country you are in this shitty situation maa. Sure the donours can take photos to promote their charity (although not required if you sincere), especially politicians who needs all the attentions, and yes you are welcome to help more people, and yes we applaud your helps. But please spare the little dignity left of the victims. If you want to take photos, take 1000 of photos, but make sure the victims are not recognisable at all, don't ask them to pose like taking prizes, it is already awkward for them, don't make it worse. And for heaven's sake, don't put their real names and announce the names to the world. Just put a fake name, why need to tell the real name, the location etc, will Jabatan Kebajikan track them down and give them further help ka? Then how can others help? They cannot see the bendera ka? People won't come out looking for help if they know they will be embarrassed like this. Not this way please.I understand your point bro, it is a good point. But times are bad right now, some feel good news is really useful now. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956828355789185} +{"text": "Pastikan anda makan makanan yang halal dan diiktiraf oleh JAKIM dan Majlis-majlis agama negeri sahaja...\n\nLogo... http://fb.me/1QfD7m2IE", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9656453132629395} +{"text": "Hai, ayam sedang planning dgn JAKIM untuk tubuh rantai blok halalcoin. Projek ini jangka songla- gunakan bajet 150 juta dan akan ada 20 juta coin.Data makanan halal dan haram akan dimasuki ke dalam rantai blok untuk memastikan logo JAKIM tidak disalahgunakan. Untuk check makanan halal atau tidak, pengguna boleh guna Halalcoin untuk buat transaksi dan dapat jawapan.Kami juga akan memastikan komputer korek coin bersifat halal. Semua perisai akan disamak dan dibeli khas daripada MARA digital sahaja untuk qualify. Komputer akan selesaikan masalah berdasarkan al-quran dan dapat 1 koin atas setiap penyelesaian.ICO akan diumumkan Jun nanti. Tolong sokong ya. Jangka 1 btc = 1000 Halalcoin. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997865557670593} +{"text": "Tahukah anda, kenapa perlu sijil halal jika anda mampu sekadar cakap \"Pork Free\". Kahkah https://t.co/GBS4QGW2So", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "Ada yg tahu dimana ini ?\nBangsa Cina (kecuali yg beragama dgn benar) seperti \"lalat/laler bawa penyakit\"...terbang & cari makan ke-mana2...tempat- bersih/kotor...makanan bersih/kotor/sedap-wangi/bau-busuk/halal-haram dilahap habis. Apalagi laler ijo...rakus/serakah.\nBAU NAGA !", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 1 2019, 03:27 PM)Oi ini haram. That means Pas lied that syariah won't affect non. Vely haram.matlamat menghalalkan cara ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999552965164185} +{"text": "@kamaruchan69 @bron_to1 Dah jawab dah soalan ni awal lagi. Mufti tak kata haram. Mufti pun tak kata jangan makan di warung tanpa sijil Halal. Anda makan tak? Saya tanya, Islam ada ajar tak jaga antara saudara seIslam? Islam bagi tak guna akal fikiran untuk buat keputusan? Sila jawab.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999923586845398} +{"text": "Talk to my middle finger, kau ingat semua org mampu nak dapatkan sijil halal harga riban2, nakkan pengesahan jakim, zaman nabi xde pon jakim, ini semua BIDAAHHHHH https://t.co/MPsDTFeh7z", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.678939700126648} +{"text": "QUOTE(weyyt @ Jul 12 2018, 05:21 PM)But why only muslim butthurt making hoo haa?QUOTE(soowky @ Jul 12 2018, 05:01 PM)Penganjur \u2018jamu\u2019 wartawan hidangan babiMELAKA 12 Julai - Beberapa wartawan beragama Islam dan Hindu yang membuat liputan majlis makan malam Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia di Sekolah Pay Fong di sini, malam tadi berasa amat terkilan atas sikap tidak sensitif penganjur yang menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara tersebut.Majlis yang dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sim Tze Tzin; ahli-ahli dewan undangan negeri serta beberapa tetamu kehormat itu gagal dikelolakan dengan baik di mana pihak penganjur tidak menyediakan meja khas untuk makanan halal kepada wartawan beragama Islam.Lebih teruk lagi, langsung tiada wakil daripada pihak penganjur yang mendekati wartawan untuk memaklumkan mengenai jenis hidangan sepanjang majlis tersebut hingga menyebabkan wartawan beragama Islam duduk semeja dan makan makanan yang tidak diyakini halal bersama wartawan bukan Islam.Antara wartawan yang hadir termasuk daripada agensi berita Utusan Malaysia, MelakaKini, RTM Melaka, The Star dan Tamil Nesan Daily selain beberapa wartawan daripada akhbar Cina. - UTUSAN ONLINEsosBut ekcelli is common sense and courtesy to not wait until people make hoo ha before you decide jaga pipul's feelingsThis post has been edited by whyamiblack: Jul 12 2018, 05:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "Cadangan yg bagus tetapi byk kekangan dari brp sudut.Bukan shja premis makanan, tetapi pengilang F&B juga. Halal is optional,hanya kpd yg mahukan shja. Kekangan: a)Jaim\\Jain - tiada cukup kakitangan, kakitangan yg qualified. b) Pelanggan-Remeh, lambat, bahan yg tiada Halal Jakim", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992883801460266} +{"text": "pening aku dgn warga X ni. kedai cina pandai pulak dia bekap \n\u2018all ingredient come from halal supplier\u2019. \n\nOrang Islam ni kita paham keimanan dia, mesti akan cari dari sumber yang halal.\n\nSepatutnya sesama muslim lah kita kene berbaik sangka, sebelum dgn yang lain.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984951019287109} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ May 21 2016, 07:18 PM)then go and penalize the muslims that go eat pork la.........simple no no pork means no porkno animals harmed means no animals harmedreal leather means real leathermarket as what should mean as so. only penalize the marketing when there is false marketing. you are not very bright are you?According to you, no.Like I said, I'm more interested in the motivation behind the sign. No one wants to admit that it primarily caters to Muslims. I'm not in favor of government intervention either.No sugar doesn't mean the absence of sweeteners. Some artificial sweeteners are more harmful than sugar but that's marketing at its best so it's not always cut and dried.This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: May 21 2016, 07:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:16 PM)Erm...https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSL35Sthc/ \nActually not bad. This means this couple really made it bigOk la. If they get blowback and lose customers because of this viral I supportIt will be a cold day in hell if i let a faggot Mr Robert wannabee on Tiktok fuck with the ricebowl of hardworking folks like this Malay couple without doing somethingPS look at his reviewNeutral and flat. I dont thing got Shaoxing wine ler...This post has been edited by 9m2w: Sep 8 2023, 12:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999255359172821} +{"text": "It's bound to happen. We don't have a rigorous food safety control as other 1st world countries. We have iron stomach...just not as strong as India.Generally, it is usually required that cooked food be only served at a safe temperature (usually 60degrees). Here it's often you see food left out cold in the open for hours. It's status quo. Preparation hygiene also usually lacking. Cross contamination abounds. But it is what it is. Here people only worry about halal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9941003918647766} +{"text": "QUOTE(rulerhot @ Dec 12 2019, 06:05 PM)Ko dgr explaination ni ye...Kalo dlm jumlah yg byk memabukkan, maka jika diambil dlm quantity yg sikit ia tetap haram.Kalo dlm tapai ada alkohol...sah2 haram. Dlm arak, alkohol tu yg memabukkan. Simple logik je.Or ada alkohol tp x memabukkan...still syubhah bg aku.Kau makan tapai banyak mana pun tak mabuk pun. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(FreedomSeeker @ Apr 2 2021, 12:29 PM)Itu lah... orang kita tipu orang kita tapi yg trigger mereka orang yg mabukOrang mabuk asal tak tipu orang lain dan viral. /MabukDoneRight ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999234676361084} +{"text": "\norg melayu dah lama makan makanan cina...contohnya mee goreng ,mee sup semua tu...sebenarnya kat malaysia ni banyak bercampuran budaya...termasuk juga makanan...\n\r\n ada org melayu agak kurang suka ajinomoto tapi makanan cina ajinomoto adalah wajib...kalau alergik ngan bahan ni mmg x boleh makan makanan cina autentik...mmg banyak menda tu...boleh kena chinese restaurant syndrome...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996738433837891} +{"text": "QUOTE(atreyuangel @ Dec 9 2018, 06:41 PM)Fardhu ain pulak dah\u00a0 pasal ada isu yang surat kenyataan tu originally tulis sbg tak disaran dan bukan haramsince aku carik tak jumpa tu tanya sinihadi awang is political animal.buat statement utk kepentingan politik dia dan parti dia.kejap sokong demonstrasi, kejap kata demonstrasi merugikan, terbaru jatuh hukum wajib fardhu ain pulak.maybe surat is faked but he has been widely quoted during the last bersih to ban PAS member from joining. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "QUOTE(imranhanafi @ Nov 3 2013, 12:51 AM)They exist, you just need to widen your scope. My father best friend is chinese.older gen yes, younger gen NO ! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "Serious ah ayam tebuk..aku rasa la status halal sepatutnya tak semudah tu nak bagi kat mana-mana kedai..kalau dah bagi halal pon, JAKIM sepatutnya kena selalu pantau atau buat la ape cara untuk pastikan makanan tu sentiasa halal....", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9814497232437134} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum.... Pekabor belaka? Duk ghaya lagi ke tu?? Ada plan nak buat aqiqah ke?? Jom.... Inbox saya... Catering yg mmpunyai sijil halal.... Sijil MESTI dan KKM.... Pilihan menu terbaik, berkualiti... Service\u2026 https://t.co/sGlueqL3o6", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996150732040405} +{"text": "QUOTE(SiakapRM1000 @ Feb 12 2024, 04:31 PM)Tried bothCili kampung is better for my taste bud. The best so far but pricey.If TS mum enjoy nogori style cooking then his mum sure like it.Location Sri Hartamas or go to LangkawiN9 better go terachi. Srs.Can buy smoked duck/catfish too ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999383687973022} +{"text": "QUOTE(bombayah @ Dec 15 2022, 10:51 AM)You must understand that Al-Quran is not the only source and reference of rules.We got hadith, ijmak ulama and qiyas.Are those derive from Al quran? they were written by whom?But still do they even write those sensative word? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999797344207764} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Oct 6 2022, 11:22 AM)well.. that part only god knows..maybe at dat time when dey were eating, they had intention to pay, maybe, maybe there was some bencana happen dat dey had to use d money for something else... but if they had intention to cheat the caterer whilst eating the food... then it can consider haram for them... but then better ask and expert on this matter...Anyway, in the end God knows whats their true intentionBut as a human, the caterer either got option to halal the food and let be a lesson...or screw them to the maximum and bring to court and press for maximum effect... but then there is always repercussion on both way, good or bad..I don't understand the part, why the onus on the caterer to halalkan the food eaten by guess and not the host (couple)?This post has been edited by jojolicia: Oct 6 2022, 12:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996095299720764} +{"text": "tu le, banyak sangat katak bawah tempurung. otak kosong tapi tau viral-viral saje ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9853109121322632} +{"text": "when i go back to ipoh, i always go to the kopitiam behind Parkson Ria building (Ipoh people knows where is that) to buy all these fried stuff, yao char kwai, fried niangao, fried banana, etc. Best in my taste ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976648092269897} +{"text": "Pantang beno orang kita ni bila baru dapat tahu kedai tu takde sijil halal terus kata haram, tak halal dah. Dah tu, selama ngko makan situ tu, ngko makan benda haram ke? Nak kata ditipu/discam gitu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9901341795921326} +{"text": "Aku berhak beli makanan apapun yg aku suka, aku bebas kemana aja yg aku mau, kenapa situ riweuh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999195337295532} +{"text": "Bagus, kalau ada peluang untuk mentadbir kerajaan nanti boleh continue rujuk kitab suci Wikipedia untuk meningkatkan ekonomi negara ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998924732208252} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 12:37 PM)Kek, bodohnya kamu ni Dia kata itu nasi ayam Ahmad, tapi sebenarnya nasi ayam ahbeng. Penipu la tu.Apa, takut kalau jual as nasi ayam ahbeng terus tak laku? If nothing to hide why takut? Why need to tipu?Dia punya suka la guna nama apa. They ada claim 100% muslim owned? What are you afraid of? Then semua restoran takde Malay name you tak masuk kan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999234676361084} +{"text": "QUOTE(ken_hidaibuki @ Mar 29 2021, 06:39 PM)Wait a i summon his buku and ruas. tok_dukun Careta buat hal lagiNo underscore haha. Tak ada pengalaman konon. Noob tak tahu or sengaja buat tak tahu Geely ada international presence at least kat UAE, Russia sebelum beli Proton. Now ada dekat Philippines and soon Laos. I pun ada join Coolray owner fb, tak ada pun complaint masalah spare sparts.Pasal covid konon, huk aloh, lain2 car manufacturers tak kena covid? Pandai bangau, pandaiii. Hang mesti tau the truth macam Wapcar, tapi tak berani cakap. Instead tulis fiksyen semua salah orang tak beragama eh?Suka hati kau la, bak kata kau sendiri, esok jawab kat Padang Masyar je la. Aku cakap apa buat apa, kapiak kaki tipu, secretly nak bagi orang beragama makan babi je kerja aku kah49.9%This post has been edited by tokdukun: Mar 29 2021, 08:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9461634755134583} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotjake @ Mar 29 2016, 04:20 PM)what gives you that impression? my point is if dependency on a body like them is deeply ingrained, it makes one lazy to improve themselves in terms of knowledge since it has already outsourced to an authority for safe keeping anyways,oh so we're done discussing the lot? now moving to a) little children (u're reaffirming that the parents are clueless first teachers and that early education is Jakim's territory?) i'm not the one who posited this position but since u raised it, let's have a go. i count u don tunnel vision yourself, so this should bear credible understanding to this whole issue. b)new converts would u agree as a new convert, Jakim will be the last place they look to to make decision or there are more readily available source of knowledge within his immediate surroundings? and since we're into specific, let's take new converts from kelantan as reference pointbut if u wanna continue to on suggesting I see Jakim in a bad light, i'm also ok with that. then there's no discussion then especially what Islam might h ave achieved in msia without these shenaniganslets pretend things like the halal logo has not helped at least some people differentiating between non-halal stuff vs halal stufflike chocolate based products that don't contain non-halal stuff etc hahaYou boleh straight up look up codes of certain ingredients without going online while on the go nia? haha so what you now? blame government for letting haram stuff into country?den what will tax paying non-muslims eat?hahahhahahahahhaAgain, you refuse to see the good in having JAKIMapa biasanya ang moh cakap?Credit is due where kredit is due? hahahahhahahhaha This post has been edited by MustyBalls92: Mar 29 2016, 04:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997249245643616} +{"text": " MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8224185705184937} +{"text": "QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Sep 24 2017, 06:46 PM)Non muslim shirt might have pork or alcohol stain from a feast or fun nite out before sending to laundry.I hope the shop go all the way and not use coins and cold hard cash as methods of payment . There are bound to be haram stain when those monies in circulation long enuff .Inb4 they make new msian Islamic currency with limited usage only. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995200634002686} +{"text": "QUOTE(degraw19 @ Aug 18 2024, 07:20 PM)somewhere in wangsa maju army hospitalgot other /k posted tered from socmed some medical said to be working there those \u201cinjured\u201d taken bek here wan wifi and cigarettes lelLol.. I remembered encounter them.. years ago\u2026\u201cMalaysia promised this and this.. you need to **** us..\u201dAiii.. suka-suka hati..So demanding.. i owe u nothing..Even bangla is nicer.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999699592590332} +{"text": "Selagi belum masuk upm, kena main masak2 sbb makanan masak kat rumah bersih, sedap and yakin sikit nk makan hshshshhshs T^T no shadee tapi kitonyo overthinking", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9402943849563599} +{"text": "Since Jakim has Halal Logo, I think now we need also Haram Logo These people probably never go to Indonesia where non-halal food is also sold by those wearing songkok. Even more confused ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990864992141724} +{"text": "Denda sehingga RM5 juta jika guna sijil halal palsu PUTRAJAYA- Mana-mana pihak yang cuba mengelirukan pengguna dengan status halal boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM5 juta, jika kesalahan pertama... https://t.co/lBKJIBg2MH", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "QUOTE(submergedx @ Mar 5 2024, 11:17 AM)Viral has different perspective. When motobodo do stunt and die that is call bodo viral.Nandos social media post viral that is marketing targetting done right. In fact, Nandos has one of the best social media management team in Malaysia. Do you think how much Nandos paid the agency each every year?You want a motor bodo viral or Nandos humor viral for your country?which is why i say, better spend the money on something that brings result. not on useless mascot and theme that keeps on changing when new gov comes in. the cost is really huge when you want to rebrand some theme ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999223947525024} +{"text": "QUOTE(Modified By Nismo @ Dec 31 2016, 12:17 AM)1 burger = 1 dakwah donated to Arab.. They said...fixed. Now arab owned malaysia franchise ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998664855957031} +{"text": "Nak jual produk ke bisnes ke, tak payah pun sijil iso, sirim apa bagai. Tapi orang buat sebagai declaration that my product are the best. Qlassic/conquas juga bukan wajib pun, tapi pemaju buat sebab nak buktikan projek dia terbaik. Sama je ngan sijil Halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7116917371749878} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Jul 1 2021, 05:40 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abhttps://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2021/07/...u-bantuan-muftiGeorgetown: Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan mengibar bendera putih sebagai usaha menzahirkan kesusahan hidup yang dihadapi bagi menagih bantuan.Tindakan berkenaan dianggap sebagai tidak wajar dilakukan kerana ia mencerminkan sikap berputus asa dan mengalah terhadap situasi yang dihadapi.Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.\"Masih banyak cara lain bagi mendapat bantuan dalam mengatasi kepayahan hidup golongan yang terjejas pendapatan sepanjang tempoh pandemik ini.\"Selain bantuan yang disalurkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri, terdapat juga daripada badan dan agensi tertentu seperti Pusat Pengurusan Zakat negeri, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau swasta selain sumbangan individu,\" katanya pada kenyataan di sini, hari ini.Wan Salim mengulas mengenai kempen kibar bendera putih di hadapan rumah sekiranya terputus bekalan makanan.Kempen yang disambut baik pengguna media sosial itu bermatlamat membantu individu yang terkesan akibat Covid-19 namun malu menyatakannya secara terbuka.Mengulas lanjut, Wan Salim berkata, pihaknya juga menyeru supaya usaha intensif dan agresif perlu ditingkatkan lagi oleh pihak berwajib bagi membantu mengatasi kemelut ekonomi yang dihadapi golongan terjejas ini.Syarikat GLC dan swasta juga diseru supaya menunaikan tanggungjawab sosial masing-masing dan turut menyumbang dengan lumayan bagi meringankan keperitan hidup golongan terbabit.\"Wakil rakyat di peringkat Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) perlu memainkan peranan sebagai penghubung antara golongan memerlukan dengan pihak yang memberi bantuan.\"Kemungkinan mereka ini tidak tahu cara atau kaedah bagi memohon bantuan daripada pihak berkaitan,\" katanya.this guy is being paid every month regardless of covid or notstaying in a nice house, driving a nice car. as Chinese saying, talking does not need modalThis post has been edited by squarepilot: Jul 1 2021, 06:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7529618740081787} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Nov 25 2023, 09:21 AM)And best part is yet to come.If she is to continue her study at that place, surely she's gonna be shun by her peers after this. Who's going to entertain a lying and backstabbing bitch. Unless of course she's coming back.Or go somewhere else. Like Afghanistan. Or Pakistan.Suits her well that kind of place. Gonna fits right in.At this juncture she better off come back and study in UIA where she can be the holiest amongs holier than thou.UK anti-islam is on the rise, now she want to stir shit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999501705169678} +{"text": "I will never recommend confinement lady if u can afford going to proper center.first 2 got drama with confinement lady. Third one consider no drama cos we lowered our expectation to minimum, just make sure got food can liao. Fourth one i insist go confinement center. Cost me 15k++. One of the best decision ever made in my life. Wife came back home fresh happy. They also provide photoshoot for my newborn. No regret but only for T20. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9899740815162659} +{"text": "on positive side this is the best time to go mcd/starbucks ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999646782875061} +{"text": "QUOTE(gheyfriend @ Jan 8 2024, 11:07 PM)Sometimes we wonder did the book realy mention all tis petty stuff or it just assumption based on others similar situationThings that not mentioned in the book or practice of the prophet, falls under Fiqh (jurisprudence) this is where Mufti decides what can or cannot (law).Scholar knowledgeable, can be opinionated, but it\u2019s not a law. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995816349983215} +{"text": "U can shout BMF at the top of your lungs or blast it out loud from pasar malam speakers But if your product is shit in quality, eventually consumers will slowly trickle back to the product which offers them the best buck and value for money Nobody buys a product because of racial sentiments, that\u2019s kinda special Kind of stupid. Even if you go hardcore on support barangan buatan tempatan campaign, Muslim or non Muslim, that kinda drive will not last long if the product is shit and not commercially competitive. A capitalistic model will ensure survival of the fittest, good quality products will ensure long lasting stream of customers, fear not BMF.Kudos to TS for finding a video showing hillbilly chinese from god knows which ulu kampung Cina to Represent the views of the nons. Well fcking done.This post has been edited by carloz28: Oct 21 2019, 10:54 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985559582710266} +{"text": " mmg. Bab bersih tak bersih kedai makan tu pn da mmg penting, ni kan pulak bab makanan halal haram kan. Mmg kena ambik tau & jaga", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8073374032974243} +{"text": "\nitulah noor..bila dah was2..tak boleh makan.\nAnak_Nogori Post at 10-6-2010 17:01 \n\nmi kuning atau kuetiaw mana yang status halalnya tak diragui?...ada list tak?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8193069100379944} +{"text": "united haram.. vape haram. next thing questioning the government also haram. You heard it here first. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995008707046509} +{"text": "koyak gila dah la aku tak suka masak, dah masak susah susah walaupun tak susah ayah balik beli makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971069693565369} +{"text": "\r\norang ado2 mcm sheols makan tempat mahal nama chef terkenal mesti la kena tunjuk, riak sikit\n\r\nbagi orang2 yg x mampu terliur je la\n\r\nhalal haram pandai la dernag, bukan budak kecik nk diajar", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": " Tingkatkan Kesedaran Halal: Makanan yang Menepati Integriti dan Keyakinan Anda Makanan halal membawa lebih daripada sekadar status halal; ia membawa integriti dan keyakinan dalam setiap hidangan.\n\nDengan memastikan makanan yang kita makan adalah halal, kita [samb...]", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7794171571731567} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 09:19 PM)First Bolded part:Rather \"insightful\" ?? oh my what a way to pat yourself in the back, theres nothing \"insightful\" in your comparison, rather its more like \"lack of insight\" to be exact. You see when you start to say \"NIAT\" argument its clear to see that you dont understand the context of \"Niat\" per se, and then blatantly suggesting \"why not change your niat\" shows your lack of understanding about the whole concept.Again I already explained earlier, but it seems you misunderstood the context of \"niat\" and how it is used, to explain in detail about halal haram requires at least three conference days(typical for any manufacturers wanting to learn about halal haram) and I would have to give you step by step understanding about Islam approach dealing with daily activities, lifestyles, comsuptions and more for you to get the rough picture. So its not about \"Jangan Persoal\" its about go find somebody who have time to teach you. Second bolded part:\"Poisoned\" by ideology? You are the one who asking Muslims about Halal Haram but then you already have extreme prejudice about the whole concept at the first place? It wouldnt take a genius to know that any attempt to make you understand is futile because you already have biased opinion against it at the first place lol.Third bolded part:It was meant to be sarcastic lol, sarcasm meter rosak ijit?Fourth bolded part:ahhhh finally you admitted that you just want to troll, but seek approval from the net to conform your childish behaviour, you mock your colleague and then gallantly posting on the net saying as if you managed to get \"Jangan Persoal\" reply, but in reality nobody waste their time on trolls.Next time if you want to mock someone, try doing it on your own and not relying on others approval of your actions, posting on the nets wont do you any justice, ESPECIALLY on your lack of self confidence in Life.Hence, please oh please stop fantasizing on other people's wife, its creepy, and tells a lot about your own personal life, not having a girl of your own but fantasizing other people's girl.Since you already admitted that you are just trolling or rather 'mocking' people I believe my efforts are good enough to help you understand, maybe just a little regardless of your extreme prejudice towards my \"poisoned ideology\", and I do hope if you are truly sincere and wanting to grow up, please seek the experts the next time when you really want to learn, trust me it will help build your self image and confidence instead of being a smart ass.lolQED ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976041913032532} +{"text": "@Shaharudinali TAK PAYAH logo Halal tulisan cina or india bagai... JANGAN BAGI dan tarik balik terus sijil or status Halal kepada kesemua produk2 non muslim ini lagi baik.. Supaya senang orang Muslim kenal dan Tak lagi membeli produk2 mereka non muslim ni..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981447458267212} +{"text": "its not haram in name ; it make it haram in content! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991580247879028} +{"text": "\nouch! replied at 22-7-2022 10:08 PM\nDulu penah ND post dia makam kat Japanese rest ni. Bila i gugel, menu lain dia ada pork?!\nPork ini is not the first time. Kalau you all nampak, chuols akan terkejut ramai ummah meleis makan pork dlm diam ya. Dlm ummah celebrity including mua semua itu mesti ada.\u00a0\u00a0", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9616699814796448} +{"text": "teruk betul cara xing fu tang handle pasal sijil halal. benda penting pun boleh buat acuh tak acuh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990553259849548} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? Called bersahabat btwHe thought those machine restock by themselves issit? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998513460159302} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Jan 5 2017, 10:37 AM)Yamma, u may be the one who reported my earlier post but understand this actual incident>>my coliq just went thru this> father ready for op, hospital instructed to have standby 3 bags blood, so given 24hrs to call relatives, friends, coliqs to donate & register specifically \"to this patient named.. XXXX. pihak hospital said, if donated blood not use during op, then it will go blood bank. fine of course.so question is, the existing blood bank stocks, not for general public in the first place????Blood donation from own relatives is the best coz the possibility of a reaction towards donated blood is much lower. If you coliq cannot find blood donor then hospital will use existing stock UNLESS the existing stock of your coliq blood type is low and reserved for emergency cases only. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997857213020325} +{"text": "QUOTE(orangtua @ Mar 23 2021, 03:01 PM)Why? Everyone in MY can eat halal food, and about 70% should eat halal food. Good market yo.Using the \u201chalal\u201d label is a serious thing. Is the company going to provide proof or Halal certification for all the food they deliver? If its from McD and KFC then its doable. But if its from gerai tepi jalan or mamak without Jakim cert? Is the company going to decide and verify its halal status?Unless they can do this, its just a case of menunggang agama AKA abusing religion for profit. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8829607367515564} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 11:19 AM)i once tasted tapai and told my malay friends that it tasted like alcohol. they just briefly said \"boleh makan je, halal\"so i did some research and found out that tapai is halal if fermented to the point it is not intoxicating. If fermented to the point it becomes intoxicating, then it is haram.it is like telling me if i drink too much beer, i will get drunk. but if i drink just nice, i wont get drunk so it is ok.this is their logic. messed up mentality as usual.and tapai is produk melayu so jgn persoal.QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:36 AM)Good. Can you see the underlined as well? deyyy what is the difference with the point that i make? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9529610276222229} +{"text": "Nons restaurant without Halal cert - \"HAROM! JANGAN PERGI! BERDOSA!\"Maksis restaurant without Halal cert - \"ALA RELAKS LAR, ORANG SAMA... MESTI HALAL PUNYA! MAKSIS TAK TIPU MAKSIS LAR!\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.982864260673523} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jasonist @ Oct 6 2022, 11:49 AM)Mesti dah jual tanah so tarak duit laEhem bumi ini milik siapa???According Mahatiu, Milik cina dah. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6076893210411072} +{"text": "isu halal jakim kat tv alhijrah, kali ni pasal halal aiskrim. hmm apa kata makanan yg confirm haram, dilabel... http://fb.me/1r0s2XnfR", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoComment222 @ Dec 29 2023, 01:12 PM)Tell that to my awek in UK. You tak suka, you stay lah dalam kampung uHahah. I need to take care of your awek? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9926619529724121} +{"text": "QUOTE(revious @ Jan 21 2019, 03:39 PM)Nothing new... Gambat babi pun boleh tergugat iman?? Next!!! \ud83e\udd26\ud83e\udd26Not even gambar... Just perkataan!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998067021369934} +{"text": "QUOTE(dagnarus @ May 8 2024, 03:49 PM)Type Bangla?type yang suka boikot.... if they don't boikot firms without jakim cert, then it may mean they don't really care if the food is haram or halal right? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931949377059937} +{"text": "babi tu haram , kita tolong makan habis binatang ni , tapi kita kena marah pula ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999628067016602} +{"text": "Konsep makanan; semua halal unless proven otherwise. Not the other way around.\n\n\u201cAsal makanan adalah halal, melainkan apabila terdapat dalil mengharamkannya\u201d.\n\nI understand about Jakim being the authority to give halal certification but to say it's haram when there's no proof? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(leechers @ Aug 13 2013, 06:54 PM)i have a question, are you a maliki follower right from the start or you switch to it only when you are in China? can we muslim do that?Can, there is no requirement that a Muslim should follow one mazhab, or any mazhab at all. The ideal way is to learn and study the thoughts of all these scholars and choose the opinion that is most convincing to you. E.g. in certain matter you may incline to Shafie's school, but in another matter you may think Maliki has better argument. But this 'selecting' cannot be done at whim or solely to suit your preference and you got to have the knowledge about ijtihad. Majority people follow one mazhab because it is the easy way. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9789961576461792} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 11:13 PM)Jakim never said jatuh haram because it is named as hot dog la kak.Jakim suggest a more proper name as per their policy to issue the halal cert.\u00a0 They suggested the name in mind of the user of the product\u00a0 that they may or may not be certain people (particularly old folks that have very minimal exposure to foreign languages) that is accustomed to such name. they did it conservatively in respect of Muslim as a whole.get it?I dont care if majority think its stupid, its not tolerable, its socially awkward. but please, respect their effort. for we as a muslim can atleast acknowledge their effort to do something for those unfortunate enough to get the education level that we have now. Thats all i'm asking here.tapi sedih, even muslim yang \"progressif\" kat sini pun fail to understand the decision. Lepas tu ridicule gila2, walhal industri Halal malaysia ni berkembang banyak sebab usaha2 Jakim.anyone see the contradiction? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995094537734985} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by ccyber5 at 3-10-2006 08:52 AM\r\nAssalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh\r\nAda sedikit maklumat mengenai ketidakhalalan produk di pasaran iaitu : \n\r\n1.Shampoo dan facial DOVE\r\n2.Pringles potato chips\r\n3.Lychee NARCISSUS\n\r\nKESE ... \nIni\u00a0 \u00a0citer\u00a0 \u00a0lama\u00a0 \u00a0ler\r\nmesti\u00a0 \u00a0dapat\u00a0 \u00a0email...\u00a0 \u00a0atau\u00a0 \u00a0saja\u00a0 \u00a0nak\u00a0 \u00a0sebarkan\u00a0 \u00a0fitnah\u00a0\u00a0....\nhttp://www.halaljakim.gov.my/aduan_siar_c.php?id=2036&a=U\r\nini\u00a0\u00a0jawapan\u00a0\u00a0dari\u00a0 \u00a0JAKIM pada tarikh 23 November 2005 - 15:09:09 lagi\r\nUntuk makluman, pihak pengedar produk Dove di Malaysia telah memaklumkan kepada JAKIM bahawa produk Dove yang dipasarkan di Malaysia adalah selamat untuk digunakan oleh pengguna muslim di Malaysia kerana produk tersebut tidak mengandungi apa-apa bahan yang haram, bagi produk Pringles sehingga kini masih lagi tidak tersenarai sebagai produk yang telah mendapat pengesahan halal JAKIM, tetapi dari maklumat yang diperolehi didapati produk ini menggunakan emulsifier yang berasaskan tumbuhan. Dakwaan mengenai minuman Coca-cola mengandungi alkohol adalah tidak benar, Jabatan Kesihatan di Kementerian Kesihatan Kalaysia (KKM) telah mendapati hasil dari ujian makmal yang dilakukan ke atas produk coke didapati tiada alkohol di dalam minuman tersebut. nn", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954877495765686} +{"text": "QUOTE(AnythingK @ Dec 15 2022, 09:37 AM)Cannot consume alcohol meh? But back in those days, the malay clubbing is one of the best I have been to.\u00a0 no idea what you mean. *wink. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999183416366577} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ph 7.00 @ Apr 6 2016, 07:00 PM)skg nh persoalannya KAK MAH ko tuh ad pakai logo jakim ker tak?MESTI LA ADA KEDAI KAK MAH POWER KOT BANYAK CAWANGAN ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8556659817695618} +{"text": "Nak dapatkan sijil Halal memang susah tapi berbaloi-baloi. Tak pernah apply tapi kenal someone yang apply.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9875487089157104} +{"text": "\nlattehazelnut replied at 25-7-2022 04:49 PM\r\nNobu pun pork free kan..\r\nIm sure menu special diorg pun carter msian market..\r\nMesti pedas, cook we ...\ni mean gordon ramsay tu kan chef yg ada restaurant bermichelin star...ke die takde star pun hahahahha\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998872697353363} +{"text": "Aku pernah terlibat wkt ex-company ku lg sertifikasi halal, dan prosesnya emg seribet dan seketat itu. Apapun yg bersentuhan dg makanan kena audit. Pokoknya hrs bersih bgt, makanannya, tempat produksinya, area makannya, even detergent dan persabunan pun wajib ada logo halal-nya.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9581312537193298} +{"text": "QUOTE(atrocitines @ Oct 3 2019, 11:10 PM)Guys got new update about this guyhttps://www.worldofbuzz.com/msian-man-who-m...ed-their-money/In a viral Facebook post about the man in question, one netizen has outed the man, who is an ustaz, for having 7 police reports lodged against him, and he has allegedly tried to sexually harass and rape women, cheated his students of their money, and taught a married couple wrong Islamic teachings (zikir sesat) that led to their divorce.Fuuu! Penipu, perogol rupanya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9901331663131714} +{"text": "Salah DAP ke tak yang penting?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999674558639526} +{"text": "QUOTE(hackwire @ Mar 4 2018, 11:48 AM)all food handlers knew that even if it's metal , u cannot use any color paint equipment to deal with hot liquid. stainless steel the best. even aluminium without any protective coat is toxin.Plastic depending on the temperature, even stainless steel chemical leeching still will happen depending on the PH level, it is reactive to both alkaline and acidic that's why I am using porcelain, ceramic and clay instead of metal.Anyway only pregnant women, babies and people with serious health issues need to have precautions. We as normal and healthy people no need to worry much. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9820839166641235} +{"text": "Sebelum ni belum dapat sijil halal Jakim. Tapi tak bermakna sebelum ni produk Family Mart tu haram/non-halal. Proses nak certified halal ni makan masa dan perlu penelitian Jakim. Bukan hari ni apply, esok terus dpt ya..no..no..no.. https://t.co/PLeL9mFs8o", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999188184738159} +{"text": "Aku sejenis orang yang tak suka bila orang bagi bunga sebab tak tau nak buat apa bila bunga tu dah layu & husband pun tak suka bagi bunga sebab dia rasa bazir. Sebab bunga sekuntum dah berbelas ringgit. Baik beli makanan/benda boleh pakai. Sekali masa our 1st year marriage..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.870661735534668} +{"text": "QUOTE(Epci @ Mar 9 2024, 06:48 PM)You\u00a0fail\u00a0to\u00a0see\u00a0the\u00a0point. You\u00a0need\u00a0to\u00a0distinguish\u00a0between\u00a0food\u00a0that\u00a0comes\u00a0from\u00a0slaughter\u00a0and\u00a0stuff\u00a0that\u00a0doesn't,\u00a0like\u00a0cow\u00a0milk. I'm\u00a0not\u00a0referring\u00a0to\u00a0your\u00a0personal\u00a0taste\u00a0in\u00a0food.Susu unta is ok, just that i dun like itBut when it comes to cheese, it is a different thing because enzyme is used Enzymes can be from animals, plant or microbes Animals: pigs (pepsin, lipase = haram), cattles (rennet = halal) https://ifanca.org/faqs/isnt-all-cheese-halal/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7997425198554993} +{"text": "betul, kalau ada agensi halal negara luar diiktiraf(banyak yang ada) dengan jakim lagi elok. Tapi untuk \"sesetengah produk\", kita masih boleh pakai rule beli makanan yang \"ingredient/manufacturing\" dia tidak menimbulkan rasa was2 ragu2 macam bila kita melancong di luar negara.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.41494253277778625} +{"text": "QUOTE(piscesguy @ Mar 17 2024, 11:05 AM)the last time I had chap fan at mv was sometime in 2022.just 1+ years from rm 10 to rm 16?? wtf.. Better stayed home and masak sendiri kan ....best.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985498785972595} +{"text": "Terbaca pasal halal status kedai lavender. Teringat ada satu kedai ni aku pegi nak beli then aku tgk sijil halal dia expired 2016. Aku tnya ada sijil halal baru, dia kata takde tgh renew. Terus tak jd nak beli sbb 2016-2018 lama kot. Ada probability dia tak renew pun", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9919579029083252} +{"text": "QUOTE(MR_alien @ May 18 2024, 09:33 PM)why would u censor the name?that picture would be the best picture to send to MCMC ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "Yes it is the same. Makanan still halal walaupun belum dapat status Halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9991662502288818} +{"text": "JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate.That means makanan kat sana adalah haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6339640021324158} +{"text": "QUOTE(kidmad @ Aug 19 2022, 05:02 PM)hold it.. it's no longer about the virao video. it's a fact that this squirrel is racist. period. No one give a damn about the viral video anymore.. All you can see here is ppl banging on a racist bigot who have not realize his racist.Wow so triggered. Why don't you report the my posts that get you triggered much tu. Are you part of a penipu scammer gang until so triggered with the penipu scammer allegations? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "When I was working in Saudi Arabia, years ago... even those working in banking sector, earning salary is considered as haram money by wahabisComing to Halal food, does it really need to be slaughtered by a muslim to consume meat or chicken or fish??How about vegetables and rice? Is there a halal classification that muslims can consume vegetables grown or harvested by muslims only or ustaz kinda people?Appreciate some explanation here from religious scholars ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991724491119385} +{"text": "salahkan jakim. sebab diorang yang patutnya lrbih tau pasal makanan haram or tidak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4988737404346466} +{"text": "SIRI PERTAMA\nGaris Panduan membeli produk MUSLIM MELAYU pada pandangan saya.\n1. Produk makanan minuman muslim melayu yang ada status HALAL JAKIM.\n2. Restoran kedai makanan melayu dan muslim.\n3. Produk kecantikan dan cucian melayu muslim yang ada status HALAL JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999914288520813} +{"text": "Makanan halal dan bersih ni bagus untuk kesihatan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996347427368164} +{"text": "QUOTE(jrshow @ Apr 18 2024, 09:16 AM)Are u sure an average My is making about 12 to 13k per month? But at the very least, I know that an average fresh graduate in Sg is making about 4k.-im talking a family in malaysia, if u talk about freshies, u have to compare those feshies at kl, i think easily can get 4K+ above (gross + allowance), but can have a life with car and have a comfortable room in kl ,comparing with sg.You're comparing the past, makes no sense. Those succeeded (the ones u mentioned) had cables, dealing through backdoor during the early days. Try doing that now, see how successful ur business would be. At least in Sg, if ure capable u can work ur way out without being interfered by anyone.-im arguing those people say malaysia dont have equal oppurtunity, then i give u some of it with famous name because ordinary people i mention u will not know him. those famous people sucess then u will have perception say back got big cable , in sg sucess then u say is depand on ur own. what nonsense is tat also..- i also dont want to arguing with those people who are thinking himself is very rich and higher status if work and stay in sg as well..siapa makan chilli siapa rasa pedas shj laYou should consider gaining experience working in both countries first before making a decision I am once like u that never thinking of leaving msia. decent pay, car / landed house, GF, and family all in KL & l i really cant think of a reason to leave the comfortable life there.My impression with SG last time was,long working hr, stressful and super competitive environment, discrimination from colleagues all with kiasu mentality, to rely on public transport everywhere & expensive rent for a room.Even when my gf got a job in sg, i also never think of leaving and was mentally prepared for the LDR.Until i give it a try coz it is too sad to be only able to see her once a month.wa i can tell u my perspective changed drastically once i start working here. my job is now work life balance, i go back sharp at 6pm and leave all my work behind after office hr, no issue with kolik from all around the word, beside my whole house rental all other cost is manageable and i now earn so much more. If u want to know, 1 aws + 2.75 bonus after convert 3.5x = 13 months gross salary in msia, i don even need to take my monthly salary into comparison. ofcoz not every year will get such good bonus, but 1 month aws and 2 month bonus is the norm for my company. Now, I find it difficult to leave my comfort zone here. We don't have children yet, and if in the future, the high cost of living in Singapore becomes unsustainable for raising a family and owning a family car, we can always return to work in Msia. It's a flexibility that we all have. u too can do it unless u r like the previous me otherwise i really see no reason for not trying on something better.now i m damn happy that i took the opportunity while i still can. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9955077171325684} +{"text": "Tbh sangat teringin ya makan suki-ya tu. Tapi halal jakim takde so sis tak yakin Sukiya yang lagi satu tu kedai makanan jepun. Ada halal jakim. Tapi makanan jepun tak kene tekak aku so pernah pegi sekali je hahahh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9529457688331604} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 31 2019, 01:55 PM)U haram if u don't trust me.lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 07:52 PM)Xi\u2019an is nice A lot muslims Dont go to other cities coz hard to find halal food Hati2 klu order air. Diorunk suka sembunyikan alcohol dalam menu Jual air limau tapi ada rice wine \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abCukur you didn't try their kuih potong (\u5207\u7cd5\uff09Otherwise you shall regret for ever try it ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "\u201cHyung suka banyak, tapi tidak mau makan pizza dengan nasi\u2014 atau spageti.\u201d Setidaknya, itulah yang diketahui oleh sang Subjek tentang makanan asal negara yang tengah mereka singgahi ini.\n\nKepala digelengkan. \u201cBeli topokinya di rumah saja Minnie.\u201d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9058721661567688} +{"text": "QUOTE(khusyairi @ Nov 26 2019, 07:25 PM)Singapore got problem bcoz their contigent lack of preparation. Meanwhile Malaysia got no issue of halal food bcoz our sport ministry already prepare for that. We send our staff earlier & contact time to time wt organizer.That's why Malaysia contigents got no issue wt food & hotel. We even packed halal food for our athletes.Nothing to do wt singapore more united than malaysian.It just that Malaysian more organised & prepared. We already prepared for the worst.how many millions was wasted invested for this preparedness?just shutdown sports ministry lah.kata tak ada duit. tapi sibut hantar atlet dan pegawai keliling dunia. wasted space. wasted manpower. wasted money. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5269706845283508} +{"text": "QUOTE(Megatronika @ Feb 14 2024, 10:57 AM)Mixed-marriage is haram in Islam. If you want to marry muslims, you shall convert to Islam.Its not haram in Indonesia. You can still practice your religion/faith even if your wife is Muslim.As a Malay friend told me a long time ago, if there was no rule for non-Muslims to convert to get married, more non-Muslims would have get married to Muslims. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992252588272095} +{"text": "Beli makan nder, beli es krim yg kamu suka atau beli makanan yg kamu suka ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999446868896484} +{"text": "QUOTE(7thSeal @ Apr 12 2024, 10:02 AM)org nak makan diam diam saje, masih kena video dan viral. can just leave them in peace? its their choice, why sibuk sibuk nak jadi moral polis?Some ppl are like that.... take video then post say \"IMAN SEMAKIN LEMAH! MESTI TERUSKAN BOIKOT! HAPUSKAN YAHODEE!\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7872806191444397} +{"text": "QUOTE(Exiled_Gundam @ Apr 16 2021, 01:00 PM)I think the customer only know the bihun sup portion thst small after ordered. Already order segan nak cancelI think this is part of the problem also. Some don't bother to ask the price,or check the item properly before paying. Just blind buy and hope for the best. Next thing they know food they bought didn't match their expectations. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6210671663284302} +{"text": "Penang cendul owner otak masuk air.. babi is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999293088912964} +{"text": "@hyegiseok xft ada halal taiwan n the alley tu i rasa diorang cakap alcohol free n takde babi cuma belum dapat sijil halal idk??? if u dah tak yakin u tak boleh minum \ud83e\udd2a", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "Selain wajib halal, makanan hrs thayyib. enak, sehat, bersih, menentramkan dan proporsional #HokBenHalal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999499320983887} +{"text": "Tadi kelas kebetulan belajar akta international makanan..\n\nSemua sedih termasuk ustazah, tapi tk boleh nk tuju mana2 lgi benda tak pasti lagi. Melibatkan trading ni bukan JAKIM sahaja mungkin kastam boleh jadi HDC boleh jadi wakil tiap organisasi ni terlibat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "Takda sijil halal = mesti ada tambahan lemak babi. Muslim's logic in Malaysia \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997910857200623} +{"text": "Dan tanya pasal logo halal. Dia cakap\"no pork maaa..\". Saya ckp kalau no pork mesti ada sijil halal. Dia cuma reply\"susah la mau dapat itu sijil\". Saya tengok sekeliling, semua tgh sedap makan. Tekak nak mkn mee kari dia sbb npk sedap tapi ada ayam.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6940914988517761} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017agreed. this is orang yang mengada2kan hukum baru dalam Islam. They are the ones doing haram thing. The prophet clearly stated that creating new hukum without basis is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9890370965003967} +{"text": "\r\nkawan saya ada email benda nih\n\r\nSubject: FW: Air RebuSAN kHINZIR..... .....???? ???.LAZAT. ......??? ?...\n\r\nBuat kawan-kawan yang kaki kuaci.\r\nSekadar mengingatkan lagi, perkara ni dah lama tahu, tapi masih nampak\r\nramai yang tak hirau.\r\nWas-was saja dah jadi haram memakannya, apakah perlu ditunjukkan bukti yang\r\nnyata...?\n\n\r\nSubject:\u00a0 \u00a0Air RebuSAN\u00a0 \u00a0kHINZIR..... .....???? ???.LAZAT. ......??? ?...\u00a0\u00a0\n\r\nnnti saya upload pic kuaci tu kat sini..\u00a0\u00a0\r\nwaulllahhuaklam\n\n[ Last edited by\u00a0\u00a0antiQue at 28-9-2006 10:24 AM ]", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(Level 60 Wizard @ Jul 24 2019, 03:54 PM)this..the MUI certificate for halal status : sos : https://www.remaja.my/majelis-ulama-indones...ab-halal-jakim/Ermmm need to sertify everyshop? Since many branches different cleaness?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999598264694214} +{"text": "TOLONG LA FIKIR SIKIT PASAL PENGENDALI KANTINMANA ADA MASA NAK BUKAK KANTIN, LEPAS NAK BUAT JUADAH JUAL DEKAT BAZAR LAGI ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964305758476257} +{"text": "QUOTE(sonypshomer @ Feb 28 2024, 11:01 AM)hadis palsu kek\"Benda baik, apa salahnya? Janji keimanan umat kita terjaga\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "Dlm pkul 4pagi kita bhnti rehat Kt Rawalpindi . Tmpt org2 Pathan.. kita stay Kt sbuah motel.. boleh la utk rehat dn tdur . Pgi2 kita breakfast cai dn roti paratha (sedap) roti dia ragup. Dri segi makanan Kt Pakistan ni jgn risau senang nk dpt halal dn bersih..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971246123313904} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)That y i don see any reason it's haram but guess not everyone can accept this.Not goin to bother about those extremist but just wanted to know the law / rules.Don wan to offend anyone.Some people can be hypocrite. You'll see Muslims have no reservation eating at Chilli's, a restaurant with no halal certification and serves alcohol.To me if they know for sure it's a non-issue, then go ahead. Those who are staring are just stupid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998559951782227} +{"text": "Ada 3 perkara PENTING dalam posting ini. 1. Produk @PeriukKite telah memiliki SIJIL HALAL yang masih SAH. 2. Aplikasi SMARTHALAL boleh didapati di Play Store,\u2026 https://t.co/q28XnVYzDz", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6732998490333557} +{"text": "QUOTE(dadurtyz @ May 25 2017, 07:48 AM)Yg kasi viral ni pn satu hal, knapa tk complaint sblom bayr tu? Bodoh sgt ke.This. Patut complaint la dulu. Kalo orang kedai tu buat perangai mcm lansi baru ko viralkan. Viral2 ni patut last resort. Bile memang dah tak boleh bincang dah. Pantat ape semue pun nak viral terus. Susah la mcm tu. Kalau betul ko ade bola, at least slow talk dulu. Orang tu lansi baru ko pergi step viral. Ni tak, terus lompat ke viral, terus lompat ke mohon share. Ape bende ni? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "If the \"virgin\" is already 18 year old, the parent still need to control such thing?If pre puberty can do it, then how is it haram? Sounds more like he has parenting issue than religious issue. Didnt see also which text he refers to. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954342842102} +{"text": "Boleh je. Nurses lagi suka sbb kadang2 tengah kerja tak sempat beli makanan. Tiba2 masuk pantry ada makanan patient/waris bagi. Rezekiii", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6530134081840515} +{"text": "Ada orang bawa kalam Syeikh Qaradawhi pasal makanan halal haram. Kita kene faham orang islam di barat susah nak cari makanan halal. \n\nBeza dengan negara kita sudah jelas ada JAKIM dsb. Makanan halal di sini terlalu banyak. Jadi fatwa Syeikh Qaradawhi tak boleh apply kat sini.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "biar la orang nak pertikai sesuatu premis tu ada sijil halal ke tak. dah dorang nak menjaga apa yg dorang nak makan/minum. kalau awak yakin benda tu halal even sijil halal takde, teruskan makan. tak perlu nak bising orang yg nak jaga makanan dorang. benda simple pun takleh fikir", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9919176697731018} +{"text": "halal or not still wont it eat, find other name la bodo PASsounds to me likebabi halalbabi disembelih mengikut syariat islam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "Orang kita. Terlalu sensitive bab makanan haram. Kalau ada logo Jakim sebesar jam dinding terpampang baru dikira halal. Ayat drpd post viral tu pun, kalau nk fitnah, berhemah la sikit. Sikit sikit babi. Ada darah babi lh apa lh. Entah betul entah tidak. Dosa fitnah buta jer dapat", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 26 2016, 03:10 AM)since when hotdog is advertised with dog pictures ? You throw in useless comparisons when you find yourself hopelessly cornered. Your link doesn't prove anything, we are not naming a product with syaitan. Your linkDoesn't relate at all with\u00a0 hotdogs, equating hotdogs with syaitan ? wut?\u00a0 The only provocative here is JAKIM and your poor understanding of the english language.U are the one misunderstood here. Read carefully, what i am saying about dog picture. Did i said hotdog advertised with dog picture? I said that for those try to provoke muslim.U ask for naming a food in islam. I give some example. We all know hotdog is not haram, but wording dog is not well suited with food in islam, thus jakim ask for change. Im not defend jakim but that is why they ask for change. Im not working for jakim anything more ask them. For me, if you want cert just follow the standard. I dont care what ever name also. U all keep bashing then if auntie anne follow the standard and change the name you will boycott pretzel sausage or what ever name of it? There is much better issues to argue than this hotdog. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991726279258728} +{"text": "QUOTE(epicfailguy @ Dec 7 2015, 04:08 PM)kondom is haram for muslim. both item also need to go register 9.Oh waii..then i guess all employer needs are Register 9 worker..they rest can start applying for jobs in house of prayer.. This post has been edited by Armata: Dec 7 2015, 04:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976634979248} +{"text": "\r\nDia jwb xcukup kaki & tgn???? Dasatnyerrr...\n\r\nIsyy....drp membazir duit ke lain, baik kerajaan amik penganggur2 kt luar tu belambak2 xder keje..\n\r\nSedih betul...sbg negara Islam, kita masih dlm kekeliruan..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999505281448364} +{"text": "\r\nPenjelasan Berkenaan Isu Status Halal Premis dan Produk Makanan IKEA - JAKIM \n\r\nMinggu ini, pihak kami dihujani dengan pertanyaan berkenaan status halal produk dan premis makanan IKEA. Ianya berpunca dari kesilapan paparan iklan menu produk bebola\u00a0\u00a0daging jenama Kottbullar di salah sebuah pasaraya berkenaan yang tertera mengandungi bahan ramuan tidak halal.\n\r\nUntuk makluman, sehingga kini premis makanan IKEA belum memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia. Perlu diketahui, premis makanan yang belum memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia bermaksud tiada pihak berautoriti yang mengesahkan status halal bagi keseluruhan bahan-bahan ramuan, produk serta rantaian berkaitan halal di premis makanan berkenaan.\n\r\nWalau bagaimanapun, terdapat produk jenama IKEA yang telah dipersijilkan halal dan dijual di pasaran. Namun, premis makanan yang menggunakan produk sebegini tidaklah bermaksud ia boleh memperihalkannya sebagai telah dipersijilkan halal melainkan hendaklah diperakukan halal oleh JAKIM atau JAIN selaku pihak yang berautoriti dalam Pensijilan Halal Malaysia. \n\r\nJusteru, JAKIM mengalu-alukan usaha pihak industri khususnya pemilik premis makanan untuk memohon Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia seterusnya dapat meningkatkan keyakinan pengguna terhadap seluruh rantaian berkaitan halal bagi sesuatu premis makanan yang telah dipersijilkan halal oleh pihak berautoriti berwibawa dan terjamin tahap toyyiban iaitu suci, bersih dan selamat serta mengikut garis panduan, prosedur, peraturan, standard serta perundangan berkaitan halal yang berkuatkuasa di negara ini.\n\r\nUntuk mengetahui produk dan premis makanan yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia, sila layari Portal Halal Malaysia di\u00a0\u00a0www.halal.gov.my. Semakan juga boleh dilakukan melalui aplikasi\u00a0\u00a0telefon pintar Verify Halal\u00a0\u00a0dan Smart Halal.\n\r\nIkuti penjelasan berkenaan isu-isu halal yang tular di:-\n\r\nhttp://bit.ly/PenjelasanIsuHalalTular\n\r\nHarap maklum dan terima kasih.\n\r\n\"Yakini Halal Malaysia\"\n\r\nSeksyen Komunikasi Korporat,\r\nBahagian Pengurusan Halal,\r\nJabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia.\n[email\u00a0protected]\r\n 03-8892 5000/1\r\n20 Mac 2019 M\r\n13 Rejab 1440 H\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994719624519348} +{"text": "\r\nnak makan sekarang nih mmglah susah. ada logo halal pun dah berapa banyak berita mengenai logo halal palsu yg dijumpai, logo halal\u00a0\u00a0tp makanan haram. buat serbuan, makanan halal campur haramlah tp tak nak bagi tau apa dia. dah berapa banyak dah benda ni berlaku tp itulah nak lindungi kepentingan peniaga aje.\u00a0\u00a0kalau diumumkan pun pengguna dari bangsa asing boleh beli produk dia org tuh. apa yg nak ditakutkan. \r\nbaru nih serbu kilang kicap, cap ape tak tau...kita doklah makan kicap lagi...jenama haram tuh..jadi mcm mana...terus2an lah kita ni makan benda haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "ini puak malas spend effort to find halal food ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999792575836182} +{"text": "bagus2 liddat easier to gethehe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6374683380126953} +{"text": "Tahukah anda, dengan adanya sijil halal untuk makanan, secara tidak langsung makanan tersebut hampir mengikut keperluan MeSTI (Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri) dan GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9741494059562683} +{"text": "QUOTE(kelvinlym @ Aug 6 2015, 04:09 PM)Makan siput haram ke?the keyword in translation in BM is siput BABI BETUL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "Xi fu tang dapat sijil halal. Kaya teruk la lepas ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995424747467041} +{"text": "Cikit cikit mau viral, sudah makan berak kluar mau claim apa lj ada halal.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977460503578186} +{"text": "QUOTE(balanar_27 @ Mar 2 2015, 12:53 PM)qing dao, beijing, shang hai..mcm mana to spotted muslim res and non muslim res? \u00a0 \u00a0 normally they included \"halal\" wordQUOTE(azbro @ Mar 2 2015, 12:57 PM)Always carry business cards of your contacts in China, easy to give the taxi or those motorbike taxi to search.I'm speaking from experience!!very very very very agree with thisget location card from the places you're staying.. at least a written/printed address. best if you get a contact number from the hotel or the tour guide ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999327659606934} +{"text": "tapi kedai baru bukak pun, maybe upcoming ni dia apply la tu kot\n\nnak apply mmg kena operation dulu. same goes to product, nak apply halal utk product, product tu mesti dah start dijual semua. product R&D xleh apply halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9332133531570435} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Feb 28 2023, 10:20 AM)Like it or not, whey protein is probably the best value for protein in the market. Last time I calculate, one serve of whey protein cost around rm2.00 - rm2.50.Cheaper than that is 4 eggs at around rm1.But would rather drink a flavoured whey protein drink or eat 4 boiled eggs twice a day? plus at my age that concoction ain't gonna sit right with me. What brand whey are you suggesting? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(nakal_mode @ Nov 16 2020, 04:41 PM)Considering because these people making the video are probably broke fucks.There is no way they will get anything out of suing a broke ass dumb rempit.if oldtown doesnt sue this criminals, what is stopping the next viral video? kopi ade serbuk batteri hitam. kaya ade najis. nasik ade plastik. sos cili ade haid. teh suam ade kencing. sushi daging doge, semua salah lge dap yahudeeee trump yap-ah-loy iluminati rohingya princess diana ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998847246170044} +{"text": "Tapi Geng2 ni suka tentukan makanan apa boleh dengan tak boleh.\nIslam kata makan benda yang halal, bersih dan baik2.\nSuka buat teruk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8713371157646179} +{"text": "Racist signboard and creating divisiveness in Malaysia Kan bagus kalau buat halal, semua kaum semua agama boleh duduk makan sama samaMuhibbah & 1Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964780211448669} +{"text": "If it didn't come from pigs, you can eat it all you want. It is just a name. Islam specifically said that it is the meat from pigs that is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "SummaryNon-racing using awek tudung putih menyamar-tuduh ore kelantan -tuduh x kene inviteSeperti biasa.. k/ mmg suka pusing2 plotektor ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8654609322547913} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Jan 1 2020, 02:06 PM)Not really I really enjoy Sabah Chinese food, aside my Wtf moment. I just avoid sandakan bkt saje. That is more haram than haram meat itselfYou got Gaya Street eat Yuk Kee Bkt? That is my benchmark for bkt. Come to kl, what lan eh? The bkt is in 1 big pot. Yuk Kee is more high keras, each meat is served separately in it's own bowl of soup. And the kidneys with so much finely sliced ginger. Hnngh! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999203681945801} +{"text": "this is just good practise, not haram to the core. if muslim don't want to follow, then don't.just like smoking is haram, yet many muslim doing it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997999370098114} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 28 2019, 06:33 PM)Thats\u00a0 wat u call 'accomodating ur guest'. Something u obviously dunno since ur world view stuck in malaysia oniHad we accommodate Philippines athlete too, with their 'preference' of food?Respek is to be earned, 'not given'!Keep your 'tongkat sindrome' in malaysia, don't bring-out #buat malu! Athletes go for competition, and not eating buffet!Can't eat meat, remove the meat, just pretty common-sense! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995368719100952} +{"text": "Kalau rasa tak yakin tak payah minum. Tp siapa2 yg tak belajar psl sijil halal ni better diam, takpayah sibuk nak educate org. Melayu ni usually menggelabah sbb babi or alcohol je lol. Padahal sijil halal ni menyeluruh dari segi kebersihan, penyediaan, etc. https://t.co/qksSA3RAN3", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "QUOTE(tikaram @ Feb 11 2017, 07:37 PM)The whole world including japan german usa uk pakai babi bulu so far all gone well. Only 3rd world muslin country like malaysia ini tak boleh itu tak bagus. Confuse ini Confuse itu.Topkek.no matter how good the brush is ..if the user is shit.. then the artwork will still be shit.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998621940612793} +{"text": "Takda sijil halal tu tak bermakna tak halal. Kadang tak lepas sebab kebersihan atau sijil halal dari supplier takda dalam record. Kau yakin benda tu boleh dimakan dan halal, teruskan. Was-was tak payah. Mudahkan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9366455674171448} +{"text": "Really cannot brain all these ppl,Can't compete with them, viral them?What is wrong BC sells chicken at 16.90??? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5987963080406189} +{"text": "Many M quite anti C one... It's really the truth... Not LYN people... but outsiders... just look at FB comments....Chinese food - die die tak halalJapanese food - okay as long as got Halal CertKPOP food - best... makan je....actually all 3... KPOP food serve the most pork in Korea.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998363256454468} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kiminokawa @ Feb 9 2017, 10:56 AM)pork is haram when it's eaten, so anything concerning with porcine product also haram? eventhough it's for commercial usage?In that case, how about alcohol? it's haram too but it's widely used in medical fieldwell.. we have idiots that cant define their own religion, what more practice it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Interest itself is haram. Apa lanijiao he talking ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998672008514404} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chowda @ Mar 5 2024, 11:47 AM)Sorry, but all of this stinks of obsolete, this is school level of bullshit that does not apply in society.I have never met a tourist that came to Malaysia based on LOGO, MASCOT or THEME SONG; they come for culture, food & fun.Heck, which country in the world attracts tourist based on Logo or mascot? Theme Song, cringe as hell, 100% would push tourist away instead.i remember a very successful viral campaign by Iceland tourism board, they did it in conjunction with the release of jacky chan movie kungfu yoga. They kind of bought off a few blogger/influencer and started blogging about iceland glacier and waterfall, then suddenly all these articles pop up in facebook, instagram etc. Me and my friend really visited Iceland after the viral marketing campaign Edit: here's a good article of how iceland did it https://medium.com/@melissa.j.mapes/how-mar...nd-f82fd84a4c4dThis post has been edited by koja6049: Mar 5 2024, 04:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999736547470093} +{"text": "So she going to get bumi status? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9913853406906128} +{"text": "Produk yg berkesan.. Ada sijil Halal dan dluluskan Kkm.. \ud83d\ude18 Berbaloi lagi selamat\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude09 #Atiqbioever Lawat page profile utk info lanjut..\ud83d\ude09 https://t.co/83OPxnLrHZ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992648959159851} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Mar 18 2024, 12:52 AM)Pig is not haram to eat only. For muslim Touch also cannot. Must wash with proper method if accidentally touched. Despite the explaination that the brush is synthetic, it is actually quite common the use of swine fur for paint brush. Kedai cat ada tulis jika berus bulu babi.2024 already. I am sure whoever wrote those had a reason that time is to protect humans from maybe unknown disease. However times has changed. What was valid yesterday is not valid today. The brush is probably process and clean, heated, wash with chemicals. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997324347496033} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 08:30 PM)different in term of concentrationlike i saidas long as not mabuk,halal lathe haram part is \"mabuk\"not alcoholok so drink whisky but no mabuk.......not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999619722366333} +{"text": "Ramai sgt yg review kat you tube, teringin jugak nak rasa. Tea live je bosan dah \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Tpi Xi Fu Tang dgn The Alley cek belum dpt sijil halal lagi tp ramainya muslim yg minum \ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.872520387172699} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 9 2019, 06:56 AM)what if we do not afraid something that can destroy our akidah?for eg; the idea of alot people that does bad things, or non compliance to a rule set by a religion, and then says \"niat aku baik\"\u00a0 or \"apa yg penting adalah hati...\", or \"please dont judge me from appearance\" etceg; someone who smokes, or rasuah, but never misses solat jemaah?or a drug addict but becomes the main imam of a mosque, how is that?how can we not judge this people, when the visible appearance is against a religion teaching?but anyway, i dont want to focus on such specific details of a religion' way but rather to share idea that i personally believe that Anti christ have succeeded in controlling us as he is the \"tv\" (or the screen).Well to explain this thing it is very hard as you need to learn the 1 to 1 ilmu channel. I'll just give you kupasan kulit, from there Insyaallah you will start to find. In Islam we have 4 types of Ilmu which is Syariat, Tarekat, Hakikat & Makrifat. Remember when you find an Ustaz make sure they stick to these 4 foundation or else Akidah akan lari because the more you learn, the more mindfuck you are but as long when you reach Makrifatullah and u go back to Syariat, insyaallah u will see everything is clear. Well I do agree appearance does matter to give a good image for one religion however when you learn more, it's not about appearance that matter, is about you Mengenal Diri dan Mengenal Allah that matter. Yep first time I judge when I went to learn pondok under recommendation of Mufti Wilayah (the current one), this ustaz xpkai pon lebai ke jubah siap cucuh rokok depan aku and dri situ aku dah judge betul ke dia ni. Tp bila aku dh belajar dan fahami dan ditalkinkan, bukit rokok yg patut aku nampak, tp ilmu di dada dia. Kenapa? Tipulah kalau hang p mall pakai jubah boh lebai hang x rasa setitik pon riak kt dlm hati hg bila org puji dan pandang hang. Masalah sekarang kita terlalu pentingkan Syariat dari mengenal apa itu Islam. Para2 org yg ada ilmu ni sampai terpaksa mendiamkan diri dan berserah sbb rmai sngt manusia dok lempaq tuduhan sesat, kapiaq pa smua, even mufti pon bljr benda yg sama. Xdak sapa pon nk terangkan indahnya kalimah Laillah Ha Illallah. Takdak sapa nk explain 99 asma ul husna smpai ko pndg pokok pon boleh ingat dkt Allah. Susunan Azan, Nur Muhammad dalam zikir, syahadah, 5 rukun islam mengikut 7 lapisan, rukun iman. Hg paham 7 7 layer ni, bila hg patah balik kt syariat menerusi perbuatan menuju ke arah iaitu tarekat baru hg rasa nikmat manisnya iman smpai org pkai bju black metal imamkan hg pon hg x judge dia, hg senyum ja. Bacalah balik Quran dari tulisan rumi smpai pahamkan satu2 dgn hadith2 sohih, bila dh phm hg baca dlm jawi berlagu, baru hg boleh nangeh bro, barulah hg tau hg dah capai KIAMAT KUBRA, iaitu Kiamat kepada Diri sendiri dengen berserah dan beriman kepada Tuhan yg Maha Esa iaitu Allah swt. Insyaallah sy doakan smua dpt 2 cangkir ilmu ini iaitu ilmu yg wajib disebarkan dan ilmu rahsia yg Allah kurniakan hidayah.Al baqarah ayat 115. Dan sy kongsikan lagu yaseen dan altimet untuk kamu menghayati apa yang saya maksudkan https://youtu.be/Ver43kfyXVI QUOTE(sickx @ Feb 9 2019, 11:28 AM)It all goes back to how strong your iman is. If your iman is strong, no matter what comes to you, any problem that happens, you believe that it is God's will and you know it's God's test to you.Alhamdulillah brother, you have a very clear direction. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998903274536133} +{"text": "Dear my future, kalau awak makan makanan saya, saya tak kisah, makan lah boleh beli lain kan less drama~ tapi biasalah orang laki suka yang macamni dari yang less drama.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989620447158813} +{"text": "Oleh itu, saya yakin akan logo HALAL yang dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM. Yakin akan kehalalan sesuatu makanan membenarkan kita memakan makanan itu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8216133117675781} +{"text": "Nak tahu setiap perhimpunan tu halal atau haram ke tanya ulama.Macam tanya pasal makanan kat Jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9960476756095886} +{"text": "Jadi enak yang temanan sama gua, suka beli makanan tapi malah gak dimakan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5130844712257385} +{"text": "fulamak, JAKIM become tuhan already. anything can dictate haram/halal. somemore funded by government. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.910058319568634} +{"text": "Baru- baru ini tular satu mesej WhatsApp yang dakwa Starbucks & Coffee Bean disahkan haram kerana terdapat bahan-bahan berunsurkan khinzir dan alkohol dalam makanan mereka. \n\nKami call JAKIM untuk semak betul ke tak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "QUOTE(EarendurFefalas @ Apr 7 2016, 02:43 PM)ada dalam perlembagaan ke illegal beli no ekor?means polis boleh tangkap?Malaysians are governed by 2 sets of laws. Common laws and cultural law (including hukum ada, syariah, other cultural sopecif laws etc) according to constitution.In any case, what you're looking for could not be found in the constitution because that's not the 'job' of constitution. You may however found it on Betting Act 1953. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977957010269165} +{"text": "Premis makanan wajib guna logo halal Jakim akhir Mei http://bit.ly/wMO7oG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.904359757900238} +{"text": "taste ok ok la, not bad, not super good either.but after this video went viral many people go queue and buyduring MCO got one malay stall open nasi lemak infront of hongleong, literally 10 second walk from this stall.. that 1 really sedap, but yahudi.also, this place is full of lahanat. niamahai the whole area so many parking yet those sohai need to double park and disrupt the flow. all 3 race also otak masuk angin 1, double park infront of that tadika duno what brunch.. later the kid rush into the road how? later kid sohai open door whack moto how?ok finish rant. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6758174896240234} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray148 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:53 PM)No need to get offended.Just curious, which madhhab are practicing?No offence taken. when i was a kid. i used to follow the \"Hanbali\", as i was born and raised in Arab country. no im not arab, but i do speak arabic, and read it too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950864911079407} +{"text": "SQ memang biadap dan tidak menjaga kesensitifan bulan ramadhan dan syawalIni menunjukkan betapa mundurnya SQ berbanding MAS yang mengutamakan Malaysian Hospitality di mana semua sajian adalah dijamin halal, selaras dengan gelaaran The Best Airline pada suatu masa dahuluSQ tidak sedar bahawa kebanyakan pelanggan dan penumpang terdiri daripada saudagar minyak yang kaya raya dari Timur Tengah dan Arab mementingkan makanan halalKesimpulannya MAS lebih bijak dan prihatin kepada kehendak penumpang dan wajar ditabalkan sebagai The Best Airlines sekali lagi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997230172157288} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Mar 28 2024, 11:55 PM)Harder than my advanced thermodynamics class that I scored well on.\u00a0 1. Went through some classes during work previously. My then boss the engineering manager even trusted me enough to be his deputy when he's unavailable ahead of the senior engineers. Just that the methodology back then may work in an all-male manufacturing setting, not so much in my current predicament (for the select ones of course.) The rest takes on my coaching just fine so far.2. Yeah seems alot of people are telling me to distance myself for the day-to-day operation. Just fiscally not reasonable yet at the moment on account of still paying for the business loan + my next business plan is currently on-hold based on the latest economic outlook.3. Doing that.4. Hard for me to predict, most of the time happened when I'm not there physically, like suddenly in our whatsapp group there's paragraph of texts of her bottled up feelings. The recent incident is one of the employee did not read the prepared schedule properly and thought the changes of her schedule for the week is done at short notice without confirming things with her / respecting her own schedule and so she really aired things out, even pointing on things of other employees from previous 2-3 months that have already been resolved (already mentioned the change during early of the month, posted schedule then as well, she didn't say a word about the slightly revised schedule until her outburst). Our session to clarify that it's just miscommunication (mostly her being at fault IMO for not paying attention to the prepared schedule) leaves me feeling like I'm the one who's wronged her.\u00a0 I'm just baffled that she took things running in her mind and go to town with it, when she could've just asked me at any point in time for clarification.Southern Klang Valley, will PM you my personal contact details.Not so clear on your hiring process bit, can you elaborate further?But my takeaway from your post is that you're suggesting for my company to do profiling on my staff's ovulation cycle and scheduling things around them? That sounds stalker-ish.Also wouldn't be fair to the other employees who got their things together.The thing is they're not bad employees per se, response well to instruction / training just fine. It's just when they let their feelings take the wheel is what I'm afraid of.1. I can't detect this during hiring process.2. I can't predict the time this would happen unless they've exhibited it enough for pattern recognition. (please no\u00a0 )3. I can't realistically react to things I don't know the full scale of.4. I can't drill into them the importance having a service mentality enough for it to not be overwritten once they kick into high gear.5. I can't relate with people who takes thing too personally to effectively communicate with them. Myself am not easily angered personally as I try to bersangka baik and think things happen are not due to some victim mentality angle.A job is just a job in the end, we do what's required of us and go home to recuperate is my principle, just that I always have taken my job very seriously (religious motivation, mencari berkat kerja), but it's never personal. Quite a few of the replies here is just telling me to skip them over. Are you guys telling me from a place of previous experience, or something else?\u00a0 Dei not ovulation cycle but just get a feel for their character probation period ? Scenario adaption? You can do sth I can't which is starting a business with all SOP good on you but knowing people you work with who you can trust is fairly important. Shouting and shit is pariah way so I expect you are able to handle staff more tactfully but maybe you young. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999946117401123} +{"text": "Tumpang tanya, kenapa website halal directory jakim tak boleh diakses? Dah dekat 2-3 minggu tak dapat diakses untuk menyemak makanan yg ada status halal harap dapat diperbaiki dengan segera", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9640108942985535} +{"text": "QUOTE(ManyGer @ Apr 7 2013, 06:04 PM)so... ppl eat road killed animal also haram,... right ???yes.. because road killed animal is dirty. and its very not good way to kill the animal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995288848876953} +{"text": "macam mana la aku ni tak gemuk. laki aku kalau dia tahu aku merajuk confirm dia beli makanan yg aku pernah cakap aku nak makan or makanan2 yg aku suka.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7928361892700195} +{"text": "klu nk tarik org Islam masuk restoran non Muslim, owner mesti berusaha dapatkan sijil halal Jakim. Halal bukan setakat tiada hidangan babi.. But more than that..sebab itu jangan marah jika orang Islam berkempen Buy Muslim First..sebab kamu tk faham... https://t.co/pZpO5fJBQx", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Mar 24 2024, 04:17 AM)Someone didn't even read the article they are sharing.No halal license doesn't necessarily means haram.Already stated.Supposedly it's not due to contamination reasons. Just red tapes issue.Nope, not good enough for some peopleThe standard these days is still need halal certificate to confirm halalAnd since when halal is only about contamination issuesThis post has been edited by Lembu Goreng: Mar 24 2024, 04:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayyk92 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:43 PM)I'm more surprised he knkws about Haruhi's status as a \"dewa\"Im surprised by this too ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9925684928894043} +{"text": "QUOTE(darosha @ Nov 26 2023, 03:10 AM)wowa muslim demand event that they're invited to be inclusive to muslim and you call them taliban?and i see lots of you saying pas as talibanits easy for you tol label peoplebut when people label you kafirun, yahoodi, zionis, then you all cry foul saying its sensitiveWhen respect and tolerance is only 1 way street, when you expect the world to accommodate you but not the other way round then what do you call it? Growing up in Malaysia you have no freaking idea how pampered you had been. While non-muslims have no problem accommodating your needs and requirements- since we are in a multiracial multicultural society- have you ever considered the other way round? You demand no alcohol and no haram food in the events you are invited to, but have you ever considered reciprocation? Very simple example - In non muslim wedding dinners, it is normal to have separate tables with halal food for muslim friends. Have you ever considered the other way round - \"haram\" tables with pork and alcohol for muslim friends in a muslim wedding dinner? Heck, don't even talk about \"haram\" tables, in the muslim table, the food will be sourced separately from halal restaurant coz even dishes without any haram ingredients in the same restaurant cannot be served to the muslims. But do muslim wedding dinners (or other events) do the same for their non muslim friends who do not eat beef because of religious obligations? No? \"Ahhh takpe, kau ambil je makanan yang takde daging boleh la\". Nothing pulak about utensils in the restaurant \"contaminated\" by beef? Consideration can only be 1 way street? No need to sidetrack about alcohol not compulsory in my culture or religion, etc. The point here is, you can demand but I cannot. Why? What does that make you? QUOTE(pokemon @ Nov 26 2023, 11:02 AM)Any much difference between PuAS and Madani now?DAP so silent only.Back in 2018-20, when DAP say or did anything, they are labeled kurang ajar, mencabar melayu muslim, puak kapir ni kacau hal Islam kenapa!!! Now when DAP dun say anything, they are MCA 2.0, farking useless we vote them in but kecut bola apa pon tak berani buat Apa korang nak sebenarnya?This post has been edited by bigwolf: Nov 26 2023, 11:55 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9805248975753784} +{"text": "Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9668058753013611} +{"text": "QUOTE(bg12 @ Aug 17 2016, 12:09 PM)Raudhah Mart tawar produk halal dan bermutu TEMPATAN\u00a0 August 15, 2016 9:43 am\u00a0 217\u00a0 0OLEH NAZLI IBRAHIMSUBANG JAYA, 15 OGOS: Berbekalkan slogan \u2018jimat dan halal\u2019, Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart mampu menjadi alternatif kepada pengguna yang mahukan keselesaan membeli-belah di samping mengutamakan produk halal dan bermutu.Pengasas Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart, Fadzil Hashim, berkata pihaknya mensasarkan 1,000 cawangan di seluruh negara \u00a0 bertujuan membantu mereka yang berminat memiliki perniagaan sendiri.\u201cKami juga menyediakan peluang perniagaan untuk mereka yang berminat memiliki kedai runcit Raudhah Mart dengan kos rendah dan mereka akan diberikan bimbingan perniagaan.\u201cMereka tidak dikenakan kos francais \u00a0 tetapi hanya memerlukan peniaga membeli barangan kedai mereka daripada Raudhah Mart Distribution dan membayar sumbangan pengiklanan, sistem pos dan yuran latihan yang sangat rendah,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Perasmian Rangkaian Perniagaan Raudhah Mart dan Restoran Pollo Mendi di One City, di sini, semalam.Katanya, 50 peratus keuntungan bersih yang diperolehi akan disumbangkan terus kepada dana projek \u2018Selamatkan Ummah\u2019 bagi menyokong usaha\u00a0 menyediakan pinjaman bebas riba, penyediaan dana pendidikan percuma dan penyediaan dana kesihatan percuma. Majlis yang dihadiri kira-kira 200 tetamu itu dirasmikan Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud dan disertai Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin. PELUANG PERNIAGAAN\u00a0 i prefer if RosmahMart ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999661922454834} +{"text": "QUOTE(Teddysaur @ Dec 24 2020, 08:15 PM)Can you imagine the word Merry Christmas on a fucking cake can be sensationalized like this here?Where cakes that were baked using halal ingredients became non-halal when the word merry Christmas was written on the cakes?Where the hell did they get the fatwa from lolLet them be, the more they do this kind of shenanigans more people will stop giving a fuck. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999327659606934} +{"text": "Pointless article. Those who knows already understand years ago. Those who don't will not want to acknowledge it. Worse, will shout u tak suka u keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9200965762138367} +{"text": "QUOTE(abm @ Aug 3 2024, 02:02 PM)Even if it shows what meat, it does not mean it\u2019s halal if no \u2018haram\u2019 type of meat. Do they still eat it?Yes, me la.even if got haram meat on same plate. Put it aside, eat the rest.Halal certified eatery at east asia usually way overprice. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992689490318298} +{"text": "QUOTE(abelyap @ Apr 7 2024, 06:37 PM)Malaysia become laughing stock againBut walaun gembira sebab berjaya boycottTopkekthis is beyond walaun. akmal umno at the forefront, trying to be more walaun ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998999834060669} +{"text": " aku pun baca artikel psl secret recipe dkt kosmo tadi. Makanan mesti halal toyyiban.Bagus la jakim tegas dlm hal ni", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9779638051986694} +{"text": "'Why' we malas to invest in future generations (coz it will take decades...)instead of speed up our investment in infrastructure speeding and subcon to CCP to finish the job.Coz engineering take 4 years plus super low gaji.Inb4, Malaysian mentality = engineer = technician. Semua sama saja...QUOTE(yhtan @ Apr 29 2024, 12:25 PM)That's where u need to create more skill job, Industrial is the key. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993866682052612} +{"text": "Tapi bab makanan, yang takde babi pun jadi ada babi.\n\nDah ada Halal JAKIM pun tetap waswas kalau owner Cina.\n\nMelayu pula tak payah halal pun suruh yakin halal sebab owner dia melayu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(commonsense @ Oct 31 2023, 07:59 PM)Dah terang lagi bersuluh perkataan babi tu. Takkan keliru lagi. Atau ada niat nak buat dosa Haram ke puak puak keliru ni?Apparently beside this stall there is the real nasi lemak.. and many ppl queing for it.Don't see anyone confused either. Only stupid ppl would hoohah make it a fuzz ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999758005142212} +{"text": "QUOTE(duHwaN @ Jan 3 2017, 10:08 AM)What determine halal cake? the logo or the ingredient?You just bring whatever is halal.As other member said, it's not like they gonna whack you anyway.It's halal restaurant. You pandai pandai do it.Whether you bring char siew or not, it will not change the status of McD as halal restaurant. It is you break the rule. McD remains as halal restaurant. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "Aku risau juga sbnrnya, aku ada diploma Bf aku sijil je. Diploma bukan point aku kt sini but point nya risau kalau parent ketuk hantaran setinggi gunung everest \ud83d\ude0c ssnguhnya aku ni sejenis suka kn yg simple je, aku tak kisah majlis kecik2 yg penting halal \ud83c\udf6f\ud83d\udc1d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974695444107056} +{"text": "QUOTE(guysmiley @ Apr 17 2024, 05:07 PM)so, that was what \"A Malaysian netizen, Adlina\" did. she was reminding the other person. she was doing her duty as a muslim.do i have a weak faith? may be. fragile? yes. all muslims are. especially these modern days. and every muslim must fight everyday to keep that faith, and keep finding out and learning things that i dont know about.there. tried my best to tell you all in one reply.I have never met a Muslim that says their faith is that weak/fragile. Nor have I met a Muslim claiming that all Muslims faith are weak/fragile.Only ever see it in /k and media claiming for others. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.977959394454956} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Jan 14 2015, 07:32 PM)Betuuuuuuuuul. Itu sememangnya pasti. Aku 100% setuju, captain obvious! Ini lah masalah nya. Orang salah faham apa yang cuba disampaikan. Cepat sangat bertanggapan orang lain salah. Islam yang di bawa oleh Nabi Muhammad sememangnya satu.Yang aku cakap ialah, ajaran Islam pada hari ini, banyak. Bukan hari ini saja, even sejak zaman khulafa yang pertama pun, sudah ada berlainan pendapat. Seribu tahun kmudian makin banyak lah jenis2 nya. Bukan aku cakap semua betul atau semua salah.Harap ini dapat jelaskan keadaan.Ah yes. Pendapat mmg ada byk khilaf dikalangan ulama', but doesnt mean all of them wrong. Its like cars, one maybe modify it to be fast, but another would modify it to be fuel efficient. Then again, both are not wrong, still gets from point A to point B. As long as it follows the Quran and Sunnah though. Mcm beza 4 mazhab kita, x salah nk ikut mazhab lain, tp akhlak mengikut mazhab setempat pun kena ikut. Which explains its preferred not to follow other mazhabs in our country since we practice mazhab syafie, mengundang fitnah pada diri sendiri itu adalah haram.Sorry for the misinterpretation. This post has been edited by aimank_88: Jan 15 2015, 09:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997335076332092} +{"text": "buka kanteen ada duit masuk ma.win -win mainb4 lemah iman ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "@nuranisatania Takde masalah kalau kita rasa yakin dgn HALAL minuman tersebut atas sebab THIDA telah memberi sijil HALAL di Taiwan Tp xperlu sinis terhadap mreka yg rasakan itu adlh syubhah. Simple. Sy pun ada makan di tempt yg xdpt pensijilan HALAL JAKIM ttp ad sijil drpd luar", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5109220743179321} +{"text": "QUOTE(poweredbydiscuz @ Mar 17 2022, 09:45 AM)So haram food and rasuah which one deduct more points?Depends on who got your back? Bawang or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999402761459351} +{"text": "Dari pemikiran aku ye: Setahu aku kita kena yakin halal baru makan . Bukan tunggu ada cop halal baru makan , cop hanya satu pengesahan je rasanya . Macam makan kat rumah , tak pulak mak lekat sijil halal kat dapur , but kita yakin kita makan . Kan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5009310245513916} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasi lemak 20 sen @ Sep 8 2019, 03:58 PM)KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 8 \u2014 The government could source for halal food from entrepreneurs for the proposed free breakfasts in schools, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim suggested today.Anwar, who is also PKR president, said he would seek to find ways to help entrepreneurs and talk to the relevant ministers.Anwar suggested that the food for the free breakfast programme be sourced locally in the individual districts throughout the country.\u201cFor example, now we have a good proposal from the Education Ministry to give food to students.\u201cWe can do this through tender and a big contract to big bosses, or we can do through tender but with the conditions that it is mandatory to take food that is halal, of quality, and clean from all districts,\u201d he said, adding that such food should also not have excessive sugar levels.\u201cIf that is done, we have a project that maybe hundreds of million, spent on annually, but benefits thousands of people in a district,\u201d the Port Dickson MP said at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre.Anwar said this concept which he termed as \u201cpayung\u201d (umbrella) was in use when he was the finance minister in the past.He spoke of a project to provide wooden chairs and tables to students, where the contract was given to a big company that was then required to find smaller companies to supply the items according to specifications.\u201cMeans from one company, we give to 60 small and medium companies, with the majority also coincidentally Bumiputera (companies), to help,\u201d he said of the example.\u201cThis is what we can do, and this is included also in the government's approach of those among leaders who understand and care,\u201d he said.Anwar was speaking at a forum titled \u201cPemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat\u201d (Empowerment of the people's economy), which was part of the Halal Fiesta Malaysia hosted by the Prime Minister's Department.The event touted as Malaysia's largest halal expo was jointly organised by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) and the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (Maiwp).In the same forum, Anwar spoke of how non-Muslims in Malaysia could learn about the Islamic approach through concepts such as halal (permissible for Muslims).\u201cSo don't introduce a concept that can cause enmity. If we say halal is only for Muslims, Muslim entrepreneurs for Muslims only, it's not true.\u201cIf for example products from Muslims, if we guarantee it is hygienic, we guarantee its quality, non-Muslims will also buy.\u201cMany non-Muslims in Malaysia who are successful economically, they produce products that are safer for us, if it is of quality, clean and halal, I see this as a positive initiative,\u201d he said.Anwar said the halal concept does not only cover whether a product has ingredients that are haram or forbidden to Muslims such as lard, or how an animal was slaughtered.He said the halal concept instead means a product must be clean, fulfilling Shariah laws, be of good quality, efficient and excellent.Anwar had recently criticised a campaign on social media to boycott products produced by non-Muslims, calling it an unhealthy method to promote halal products.Earlier this week, the Cabinet had urged Malaysians to buy Malaysian products instead of boycotting products made by non-Muslims.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...akfasts/1788511For the next PM to said this, ayam samwat sad.Anyway, #BuyMalaysianFirst ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5234329700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 05:24 PM)Candlelight Vigil is haram. End of story.The meaning of Demonstrasi = Protest. Candlelight vigil = to show support for a specific cause.Either way it can be a form of protest against something and to support another thing. One against another.In TS letter, there are words used \" jangan lah kamu buat kerosakan\" in reference to reformasi which was a call to reform.BOTH underlying principal are the same.You understand or you don't? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 01:10 AM)The one who suggested it comes from haram\u00a0 business is you, therefore its on you to prove your claim.Unless you simply assume and have no way of proving where the money trail goes.My advice, dont be a smart ass, come again when you have proof that jakim fundings comes from haram business.Continue with your protek culture ya Billions of funding to jakim to combat \u201cextremist\u201d ideologies like the Islamic State (IS), liberalism, pluralism, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalIt's vegetarian restaurant lah bai.Where got use pig oil or lard to cook wan diu... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989381432533264} +{"text": "Oriental lives on viral , making a Que by themselves. Lolx ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9936081171035767} +{"text": "bilamana syarat halal : selain ada cert jakim (itu prosedur) : yg sembelih ayam adalah wajib muslim. Jika ada sijil halal jakim, inshaallah halal. so jika tiada? kenalah tanya kan. or jadilah was was.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9866403937339783} +{"text": "QUOTE(estacado @ Jul 29 2024, 01:22 AM)Why you guys condemn so much. This is not targeted at you hardcore sinners and future hell-dwellers. It's just like a family holiday, but with great food and cool facilities. Those that pray 5 times a day find it difficult to pray in congregation when traveling overseas. On the ship, no problem. Plus all the ceramah to motivate you and the sharing of knowledge from famous ustaz. Also a good place to network with high net-worth people. It's also for those who want to experience a cruise, but without all the haram things. Just because you yourself don't take religion seriously, don't hate those who do. 7:50 And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise, \"Pour upon us some water or from whatever Allah has provided you.\" They will say, \"Indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers.\"7:51 Who took their religion as distraction and amusement and whom the worldly life deluded.\" So today We will forget them just as they forgot the meeting of this Day of theirs and for having rejected Our verses.You just normalising reaping profit by exploiting religion ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5055981874465942} +{"text": "Wan pressure them then give more details lor. These ppl really teruk, if true. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(ciwi1166 @ Aug 18 2015, 04:30 PM)betul. ini masalah hati dan iman bagi yang muslim. what disgust me is keep hiding behind excuses can't colect tax la, macam2 la.the main problem here, the fatwa is passed without research. without fact. this begs questions. us muslim are encourage to question, no blind believe especially when it's not from quran or hadith. and now the muftis are basing their ruling on vaping based on shisha and cigarette, which is like comparing apple and durian . islam is about logic, so where is the logic? please answer. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.980742335319519} +{"text": "Orang Melayu Islam jual goreng pisang dan air balang di tepi jalan pun tiada sijil halal, ke haram makanan yang disediakan cuma itu sahaja persoalannya tetapi kedai makan cina yang tiada sijil halal ramai pula orang Melayu Islam yang mempunyai pergi makan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999771118164062} +{"text": "QUOTE(sickx @ Feb 9 2019, 11:25 AM)You can't pick and choose what you want to do as a Muslim. Islam is the way of life. You know Allah is the only god and yet you still do rasuah? That is wrong. If you're a believer, than you'd do what God wants you to do and avoid what He doesn't want you to do.point is, we cant even stop smoking and rasuah but we love to hear the stories of anti christ so much.even that we cant fight, what about Dajjal.even Rasul is frighten with the test of dajjal, but you dare to say that as long as you know Allah is the mightest, you shall be ok.no man. dont talk about iman until you are being tested.even rokok and rasuah test also we failed, inikan pula ujian dajjal.going back to the point of discussion, we wont react defensive against something if we cant forsee its impact on us. so if we dont know what/who is dajjal, there is no way we will be able to defend against it. to be more precise there is no way that we will treat it as a threat.the idea of surah al kahfi is the stories that it is telling via its 110 verse.reading 1-10 without applying it to our life, will not be enough. how can we apply it?1. must obey god requirement. just because you believe in god, but never obeys to him, make you \"believe\" becomes moot and useless.2. the idea that god works His way in things that our brain cant comprehend. the idea that his test comes in a way that no individual can even suspect that it is a test. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "gak di kasih makan sama ayah aku. Ayah ku tuh kalau beli makan cuman buat dia sama adik aku aja, aku gak di beliin.\n\nApalagi kalau pulang kerja, dia bawa makanan tapi buat dia sama adik aku aja, akunya enggak. Kadang di suka beli stok makanan juga kaya lauk pauk, atau sekedar-", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949061870574951} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohman @ Nov 21 2018, 07:04 PM)Ask Edi to check it outI'm surprised that Edi isn't even a super popular meme already. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "@MissRubyRose_ @Schajer_ True. Halal cert bukan pasal babi je, ingrdient, cara penyediaan, tu semua include la kan sis. Maybe she's the one yg suka masuk kedai boba yg takde sijil halal sbbkn mindset dia fikir there's no babi in boba. Sebab tu dia triggered. \ud83d\ude05", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999794960021973} +{"text": "SOAL BICARA STATUS HALAL HARAM Majoriti orang kita bila cakap pasal status HALAL & HARAM cukup handal. Dalam kepala otak tu definisi Haram; 1. Tak ada sijil halal 2. Makan rasuah 3. Mencuri 4. Arak, Babi, Anjing... https://t.co/dFJNfjvDQK", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Secara ringkasnya makanan halal itu mesti bersih dan selamat untuk dimakan. Bkn setakat diri itu beragama Islam tp jahil", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8460594415664673} +{"text": "Suka modus kirim-kirim makanan yang ternyata itu tuh dibeli sama bapak aku. Mana suka minta dilebihin dengan alesan butuh buat beli bumbu dapur. Mintanya 100k pula Padahal mereka tuh punya hutang sama bapak aku yang gapernah bapak aku bahas. Keseeeeel!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9884309768676758} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 12:38 PM)like they said \" berkat tiada dalam makanan \" so how? bring your own food from home?Good that it is no hal for you but you will face problems when seen by your Muslim friends or even Muslim strangers unless you don't look like a Malay. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951350092887878} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 11:07 AM)I think some thing are hard to let go... personally I think if I were to convert, I will wait until at least I have reduced those urges to minimum first. And during the initial phase, some lapse will definitely happen.There was one internet friend from Texas last time (from other forum) who's very interested in Islam and asking me lots of questions after knowing that I'm a muslim. I remembered that I thing he said one thing he can't let go is pork chop. Don't know how is he now since lost contact already after the forum is defunct but I did remeber I told him that lamb chops are nice too. Anyway I did told him that even for the prohibition of alcohol came in few stages in the Quran. Firts was not to drink before prayer until finally total ban, so in his (or your) case, no one realky expect you to totally switch off of things that you used to do, but gradually. The important stage is the tauhid, the believe in God is one, before other things like rituals and fiqh (law/syariah). That is ehy the first part of the revelations (known as Meccan surahs) in the quran are about tauhid and the second part (the Medinan surahs) are about fiqh/syariah. The first part is about your own self, the second is about you and community. The thing about eating pork, drink alcohol etc are second part, both equally important but to strenghtened the first part is the priority. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999784231185913} +{"text": "SALAH SATU MAKANAN YANG DI SUKAIN KAUM UMAT AGAMA BUDDHA, HINDU,KRISTEN, KHONGHUCU DAGING BABI DI HARAMKAN DIMATA LANDASAN DASAR NEGARA KESATUAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA TIDAK ADA TERTERA BAHWASANYA DAGING BABI DAN MINYAK BABI JUGA BIR DAN ALKOHOL DAN JUDI ITU HARAM DAN HALAL TAPI NB", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9851253032684326} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bill888 @ Feb 2 2024, 02:07 PM)Kolo mee is very popular in Sarawak but in west people say no taste.For european, you better bring them to proper restaurants. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "it's all about risk and opportunity to one company. if your target market is mainly nons, forget about the useless logo.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 24 2020, 06:19 PM)https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24...ate-says-jakim/The government\u2019s halal authority today said the use of \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d on products would invalidate their halal certification, in a statement that is likely to reignite a debate on policies seen as regressive to Malaysia\u2019s multicultural identity.A spokesman for the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) confirmed to MalaysiaNow the existence of such a condition before a company is awarded halal certification, following an incident reported by a member of the public.MalaysiaNow earlier reported about a bakery which could not fulfil a customer\u2019s request for \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d to be written on a cake he had ordered for delivery to a friend.Instead, the cake was delivered with the words \u201cHappy Holidays\u201d.The bakery owner said it was because he had to abide by the rules set by Jakim as part of the application process for getting halal certification.\u201cThe bakery was not wrong as it is part of the regulations,\u201d an officer from Jakim\u2019s communications unit told MalaysiaNow.He cited a labelling rule stated in Jakim\u2019s manual on the procedures leading towards halal certification.\u201cLabelling and advertising of products and services should not involve the use of any religious or spiritual passage, symbol or noun such as the names of Allah, sunnah, idols and the like,\u201d according to the document sighted by MalaysiaNow.The \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d greeting has been a subject of debate in Malaysia, with some Muslim preachers claiming Muslims are prohibited from using the expression as it is a veneration of Christ.But this is the first time it has emerged that the greeting could also affect a product\u2019s official halal status.Earlier, the customer, who declined to be named, said it was the first time he had encountered such a problem.\u201cBut the management apologised to me saying it is part of the conditions during the audit process,\u201d he added.Jakim is legally empowered as the sole authority to issue halal certification for food and goods as well as eateries nationwide.In the past, critics had questioned several conditions imposed by the department on food manufacturers and franchises seeking halal certification, including prohibiting certain names from being used on the product.Popular pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s and fast food franchise A&W were forced to rename their popular products due to a requirement by Jakim that words such as \u201cdog\u201d and \u201cbeer\u201d are not used on their menu.Auntie Anne\u2019s renamed its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d as \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, while A&W was forced to change the names of two popular dishes for which it is known worldwide: Coney Dog and Root Beer, which were renamed as Chicken (or Beef) Coney and RB. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965685606002808} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Jul 24 2024, 04:11 PM)Gila tak pandai bezakan cultural and religious.Tu lah kecik kecik tak nak belajar, bila besar jadi bodoif uncle aunty over 60 I can still forgive, dulu mmg ramai tak ada peluang untuk belajar. Heck even my mom also sometimes will question because what had passed down to them, thus I educate them back and inform her to ask us first before marah marah orang. That's why it is important also for us as their child need to educate them back in a nice way, no need to feel embarrass and scold them. Well, I seen it before some parent kena scold by their child because something that they might lack of (be it common sense or some cultural/religious thing). ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "QUOTE(oommpa.loommpaa @ Oct 22 2016, 03:52 PM)oredi follow this thread since yesterday..my opinion, jakim kna buat satu standard yg terpakai utk semua pengusaha makanan..dat why name product also have to be included..kalo ia tertulis secara bertulis, maka pengusaha have to comply..no grey area..kalo jakim xmasukkan name product as requirement, pemohon can argue their case..ex:bak kut teh dat use chicken..ham dat use chicken..then, someone complain dat board of standard in jakim just human being.also can make mistake..yup..cannot deny dat..but they all are normal human dat have knowledge in hukum, food preparation..wat is your qualification dat can ague their desicion??any exp in hukum??any knowledge in f&b ind??Then yong tau foo and chee cheong fan halal or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991632699966431} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Feb 27 2024, 09:25 PM)Lol.I totally forgot about Aeon. Yeah Aeon, Spring and Vivacity are the 3 top best malls in Kuching.Summer has been dead for years and some shops and stalls there i suspect are tempat cuci duit. The thing about Summer is that it's really far from touristy place and too far from Kuching, the main centre of attraction.Aww man. I was excited when i heard about summer opening in samarahan.. samarahan supposed to be like a satelite city and attracting people from the other side right? Guess it failed?Which the best now? Vivacity, aeon, the spring. In this order? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9866839051246643} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ May 18 2024, 10:31 PM)Unfortunately ktards always do this. If we want, we can just post that batu api tered that ask to discriminate uitm students from this morning (already nuked) to FB to incite hatred.Well next time maybe I can try though\u00a0 Dunno why they like to layan those kind of post in FB. Then post it here to insult. Padahal so many useful things there. Ini kalau these ketards racist posts viral in FB mau tutup LYN. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6598541140556335} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jedi3815 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:42 AM)ahhh, that is a very good question. there are many \"mazhab\" giving different answers.1) some view that in order to save live, ANY blood/organ to ensure the safety of humans, will be sufficient.2) some view that once its a non-muslim blood/organ, forever be tainted unless he/she never drink/eat haram thingsI think in malaysia they segregate, hence why else during blood donation they have a box to tell what your religion is.lol can give reference or not which mazhab are you talking? I've never heard of point no 2) . facts or points pull from your ass? u tau ke tak if non muslim convert to muslim, all his previous sins wiped out like a baby. drink alcohol 10 lorry oso gone. Coz God is merciful. Ini sembang tainted forever apa lanj?This post has been edited by MegaCanonF: Dec 15 2022, 09:45 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928015470504761} +{"text": "Ada sijil lain lagi yg boleh meyakinkan pengguna selain halal iaitu Mesti, Haccp and ISO. Tapi halal lebih meyakinkan pengguna muslim supaya tidak waswas dgn makanan tersebut. So owner ada hak untuk apply or tidak. Untuk maklumat lanjut sila visit website halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7151111364364624} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Nov 7 2023, 10:53 AM)/K here already warn long time ago I recall. They don't listen, even double down. Harga mahal, ban everything, not welcoming, fleece tourist and no take any action.All this already been discussed in /k. If only they heed the advice here maybe not so teruk.that's why, many orang bijaksana in /k one ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997058510780334} +{"text": "Status masih dalam proses audit untuk halal cert boleh ke beli?\n\nKalau kedai makan tu dalam proses apply halal cert jakim tahu pula dia tak kasi makan situ orang ingat halal haram ni dalam makanan je ke?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Feb 9 2017, 12:42 PM)Yeah, elevating petty things and keeping ppl backwards like this seems to be your forte, while being a hindrance to progressNot to faraway from that nutjob who suggested to cuci darah in the cadbury issue.This whole haram paranoia is a joke to pull wool over your eyes for some crony tu get some juicy contract.To kill competition, just use the haram card.dude did you even read my other replies?you are preaching to the choir with respect to my principles.in short it's not me that you need to convince, it's the other muslims who may read your reply and go all \"tgk orang bukan islam mencabar agama kita!\" kind of response and mentality.that's why my 1st few replies I laugh along with the joke but when ppl actually has genuine questions that need enlightenment I try to explain from the typical malay/muslim POV. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965846538543701} +{"text": "@rafaelkluivert Wahai anak muda melayu, sedarlah cina tak erti bab\u00b2 halal haram ni, stop sokong selagai takde sijil halal. Kau yakin ke pearl yang dibuat 100% ikut resipe khairulaming dan tak letak alcohol or minyak babi. Kaki aku sakit kena berdiri lama beratur.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "Inshaallah, anda tak perlu risau dan berasa was-was tentang makanan ketika di atas kapal Genting Dream Cruises! Memang semua makanan, perkakasan dan cara penyediaannya ditanggung halal dan bersih! Kalau tak percaya,\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B8sQ4avl4cW/?igshid=12ykvr2ihib2\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999843955039978} +{"text": "QUOTE(scorptim @ Jul 1 2021, 11:03 PM)Only those with existing license can open roadside stall, u suka2 buka will Kena fine. Wash toilet? U think got toilet cleaning job open vacancy now ah? U know how many cleaners lost their jobs since most malls and public places are all CLOSED. Cleaners is one of the jobs that are impacted the most by COVID la SOHAI. Wanna diu u more but just realised ur username checks out.Food bank to make it easier for people managing the food bank to songlap?To potentially create another cluster when people start swarming these foodbanks?\u00a0 How close to the houses would the food bank be? Never crossed your mind that these people might not even have money to fill petrol?How hard is it to trace a white flag? U wanna put all the things at one of the local grocery store? U sure the grocery store owner won\u2019t songlap the stock?i see restaurant hiring cleaners, even sunway uni kitchen crew, public toilets still need cleaners to wash, i still see cleaners kakak go to public toilet in the park near my house to wash every 2-3 days, even you go Jobstreet also can find plenty of cleaner jobs. For roadside stall, if you want to do it the legal way, temporary license are giving by DBKL, if you don't want to do it the legal way, i see nasi lemak seller on the roadside sell my favourite nasi lemak and pretty sure they have zero license. Not to mention you can still find other jobs, warehouses, factories still operating, don't think they stop hiring cleaners also. You can even go to find your local MP to see if they willing to help or not, here, teresa kok is helping people to look for job. Help yourself first and don't give up easily.But all of this, it doesn't matter, because my main point is, the mufti has his reasoning that it does indeed encourage people to give up easily, of course there are 2 views, one is like what you see, where people has no choice but to give up and surrender, raise a white flag and ask for help, another is like what the mufti sees, this would encourage people who, have yet to reach the bottom of their life, but to give up already due to easy access of tongkat by just simply raising white flag. Im a very civilized person who see things on all angle, so i won't call you sohai even though im being called one.This post has been edited by OrangCacat: Jul 1 2021, 11:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999279975891113} +{"text": "QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Aug 30 2019, 06:58 PM)The problem with Proton last time is they lack personnel that understand chinese market and they trying their best in fixing itHaving a chinese car dealers help a lot when they have big customer base and know how to market in chinese language media and events This is the truth - some chinese prefer to have chinese salesman due to language barrierThis is reality of marketing and Proton show they learningYou need to shed the negative racism outlookPlease read what dares mentioned. Ur understanding on chinese is very minimal. Most don't care language barrier, just u help me get my car with discount, good services etc, i dun fucuking care what is ur skin kaler. QUOTE(dares @ Aug 30 2019, 07:45 PM)I believe the chinese flock back to Proton because of better product for lower pricing, not because of the fact that many 4S centers are owned by chinese.This. Most chinese go for murah, cantik dan bagus concept not buy from Chinese sajeThis post has been edited by kcchong2000: Sep 7 2019, 02:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.503296971321106} +{"text": "Aku tgk video ustaz maza. Takde istilah halal haram untuk makanan kucing. Tp bekas dia tu basuh je dengan sabun dan bagi bersih. Plus tak tahu kan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995049238204956} +{"text": "Khas untuk pemain dota. Siap dengan pakej boleh on off suka hati. Sempatla beli makanan, lepas makan sambung balik", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9748910665512085} +{"text": "QUOTE(danabu @ Sep 11 2023, 08:08 AM)No alcohol because of mabuk, alcohol will be gone with that kind of heat.... Impossible to mabukNo pork because \"not clean\" to eat, not because of can not see it.....Year 2023... We can be smarter...Haram food not just cannot be consumed but the utensil also need to be cleaned with dirt water. In other words, this chicken rice need to be cleans by dirt water first before consumption ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964687824249268} +{"text": "Sialap keliNormal laBangsat religion riderRemember lowyat plaza theft also viral by themAdmin sialkap keli is a bastardSendiri bodo sendiri butthurt ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998689889907837} +{"text": "Lol then tempoyak budu and tapai also haram if fermentation = alcohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Mainstream jgk nie keje bhagian jakim nie. Nk tentu kan halal haram ingredients dlm makanan nie. Haih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999550580978394} +{"text": "xpayah la kaki kaki mabuk mari langkawi.bogel atas pantai, mabuk tepi jalan.rosak akidah anak anak melayu kita.setakat hisap rokok boleh lagi, yg lain xpayah lah.Langkawi patut jadi tempat santai yg suci untuk keluarga melayu beriadah, bukannya aktiviti-aktiviti maksiat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994716048240662} +{"text": "#Putrajaya Sebelum ini, media melaporkan, seorang bekas pekerja di pusat penyembelihan di Australia yang diiktiraf Jakim mendakwa, berlaku pelanggaran prosedur operasi standard (SOP) keselamatan makanan, kebersihan dan piawaian halal.https://hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2022/05/841779/jakim-gantung-kelulusan-pusat-sembelihan-di-australia\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9526209831237793} +{"text": "aiyah, vape and cigs haram also but nobody bats an eye. topkek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999791383743286} +{"text": "This week pun I'll have 2 pieces of bread with peanut butter for breakfast, 3 Vietnamese roll for lunch and fruits at night, but in the middle tu ada je makan benda merapu sbb dkt office tu diorang suka sangat beli makanan..pisang goreng lah, donut lah...but I'll control the", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993304431438446} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Sep 25 2017, 10:30 AM)Not only its against the law but it reeks of hypocrisy. You know the funny thing is nobody wants to \"cleanse\" MONEY nevermind where they come from. Likely\u00a0 its been exchanged with a customer by someone selling pork in the street,\u00a0 then\u00a0 it finds its way to some random person in the crowd who happens to work at the dog shelter, from then the guy wants to have nasi lemak breakfast, then traded the ringgit again with a Muslim hawker who then donates it to his local mosque. At the end of the week, peeple at the mosque empty the donation box to count the money. Oh noes, now the porky, dog laced money is now being touched and handled by Muslims in the mosque.most people don't eat money, and most muslims do wash their hands before eating even if they touched the money. we all know money is literally dirty as it passes so many hands.but to use \"Haram\" money for the sake of Islam, i think it's ok, because you are doing good deed for the religion, the money, is just money, even Haram money sources, when used for the greater good of Islam, will be \"Cleansed\".that is why Haram money was never a big issue.it's only an issue if muslims use haram money on things not really for the greater good of the religion. for example buying luxury goods for themselves. if they were to spend the haram money on feeding hungry muslims (halal food of course), it's actually commendable. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8273616433143616} +{"text": "Sebab tu kedai yang berpegang pada BMF aku tak masuk\n\nEntah la weh, kita ni berbilang bangsa dan agama tau. Aku tak suka main sentimen macam ni bab2 berniaga ni\n\nAsalkan halal, sudah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974449872970581} +{"text": "@asrulmm @FadhliHamim 1. Persepsi mereka lebih kepada, kalau tiada sijil JAKIM, belum terbukti Halal. Mereka tidak salah. 2. Mengikut pemerhatian sy, expectation ini selalunya diberikan kepada premis bertaraf antarabangsa. Tiada alasan mereka tidak menepati piawaian penyediaan makanan yg diiktiraf.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982374906539917} +{"text": "tapi takde sijil halal jakim tak semestinya makanan tu haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5131437182426453} +{"text": "Kedai Subway x pamer sijil halal dr Jakim itu YES!X b'makna makanan yg outlet tu jual haram.Biar Jakim wat siasatan b4 korg nk label HARAM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999795138835907} +{"text": "QUOTE(harryleong @ Dec 12 2017, 07:50 PM)bagus punya bro.. 2 tahun lepas baru reply commentHihi until now i still have not tried sushi mentai. Im afraid just another sushi king duplicate. Better save the money for sushi or pasta zanmai. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983489513397217} +{"text": "QUOTE(rooney723 @ Nov 14 2015, 12:11 PM)All the muslims keep say they condemn isis n terroristsBut wat they do when an attack occurs??Jz say \"yeah we condemn those terrorists n they r nt real muslims\", dats all, nth else, no fatwa to condemn terrorists as bad muslims, none of the muslims leaders or organizations ever denounce or kick out those terrorist out of islam, they r still considered muslims but 'bad muslims' n still believe in allah n muhammadMadrasahs teaching radical islam stuffs still exists freely in the arab world n nobody giv a damn bout closing it down, no muslim countries ever care to educate their citizens dat joining terrorism is a sin, children continue to idolize terrorists n hoping to b like them when theu grow upAll they do is say \" terrorists r not real muslims \" n then proceed to do nothing until the next atrack occurs n repeat the same statememt againWhat we do? Then what are you doing? You also condemn behind monitors using your keyboard. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7933626174926758} +{"text": "they can ask if its halal or haram, if the gudwara has pork oil then maybe some would be hesitant to eat it. no harm to ask and this fellas response shows his animosity to other peoples beliefs ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9866827726364136} +{"text": "QUOTE(SMB002 @ May 17 2017, 06:01 PM)Not really, it should be clarity of the tea. Bad tea will have some powder, aka not crystal clear.But again, it is really hard to judge a tea based on look as they might have filter the powder using dulang since this is for country leader.Good tea directly taken from basket will be very clear. There might be some sediment on the bottom, but it is clear.Best way to judge is to taste it yourself tho.\u00a0 Got lahttp://holiestmonk.blogspot.my/2011/04/aus...oating.html?m=1Maybe because it's Japanese superstition that's why not many people know about it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981288313865662} +{"text": "Amal je. Kitorang beristinjak. Jaga kebersihan lah tu. Tak pakai kasut dalam rumah\n\nJaga kebersihan lah tu. Kau tengah tengok kebersihan ni dari segi dan aspek apa?\n\nTempat makan kita pon ada kebersihan yg bagi gred A. Penyediaan makanan pon ada sijil JAKIM. Jadi again, aku tanya", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988048076629639} +{"text": "Tak kesah la kerja apa yang korang buat asalkan jangan bertentangan dengan lumrah hidup dan tak menggangu ketenteraman orang lain cukup la . Janji halal . For me la . Sijil is not everything, experience is the one that important. *berbangga dapat tweet omputeh.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6169814467430115} +{"text": "QUOTE(machomama @ Feb 20 2024, 12:28 PM)SJKC da best - but it's also a junior mini rat racesince all mak ayah want their kids to exceleach school has it's funding we know how much goes to which schools so .........WHEN YOU SEGREGATE & DICTATE WHO GETS TO STUDY WHERE! if education itself is already like this........malas nak bincang, dh tau outcomeit's more about how you spend with what you havecompetition in SJKC is nothing compared to East Asian countriesIt's a good way for children to start learning how to compete without too much stress ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9585781097412109} +{"text": "BERITAOPINIONWORLDBUSINESSSPORTSFMT OHSEM!LIFESTYLEGALLERYPolis tahan ejen pelancongan hina agama IslamBernama -October 16, 2019 3:19 PM322Shares 290Hantaran Facebook yang dikatakan menghina Islam menggunakan imej khinzir tersebar di laman sosial. (Gambar Facebook)KUALA LUMPUR: Polis semalam menahan seorang ejen pelancongan kerana disyaki menghina agama Islam di laman sosial, Isnin lalu.Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman Huzir Mohammed berkata suspek tersebut ditahan setelah menyerah diri di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Timur Laut, Pulau Pinang.\u201cTangkapan dilakukan susulan lapan laporan polis yang dilakukan ke atas pemilik akaun Facebook menggunakan nama \u2018KT Vasagam\u2019,\u201d katanya pada sidang media di Bukit Aman, hari ini.Katanya, lelaki tersebut tidak mempunyai rekod jenayah lampau dan polis akan mendapatkan perintah reman ke atas lelaki terbabit hari ini.\u201cKes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 233 Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia serta Seksyen 505\u00a9 Kanun Keseksaan,\u201d katanya.Lelaki terbabit dikatakan memuat naik gambar khinzir dengan cop halal dalam tulisan jawi di laman Facebook, Isnin lalu.Dalam kes berasingan, Huzir berkata pihaknya akan bekerjasama dengan Polis Antarabangsa (Interpol) untuk mengesan seorang juruteknik yang disyaki menghina Perdana Menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Ketua Polis Negara Abdul Hamid Bador di akaun Twitter.Huzir berkata pemilik Twitter yang menggunakan nama Naavin Pillai itu sekarang dikesan berada di luar negara.\u201cPihak polis berjaya mendapatkan maklumat dan latar belakang lelaki terbabit dan ahli keluarganya hasil kerjasama dengan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) serta beberapa jabatan lain.\u201cDia berusia 38 tahun dan berasal dari Lembah Klang serta pernah bekerja sebagai juruteknik sebelum meninggalkan negara. Kami akan minta bantuan daripada Interpol sekiranya dia masih di luar negara dan akan mengambil tindakan di mana sahaja dia berada,\u201d katanya lagi.Selain membuat ciapan yang berbentuk penghinaan terhadap perdana menteri dan ketua polis negara, individu itu juga dikatakan membalas ciapan Ahli Parlimen Klang Charles Santiago berhubung isu pengganas dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan jelek dalam bahasa Inggeris. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996002316474915} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramdieslow @ Dec 9 2023, 05:04 PM)Aku tulis dalam satu group ni, makan jela kedai yg ada halal Jakim. Boycott those non Jakim verified halal including roadside\u00a0 stall or kedai tomyam or even pasar malam. Reason why? Because among Malays also they are not honest. Macam the nasi itik sg ara and claypot chicken rice case recently viral. After all, halal Jakim definitely for Muslim particularly Malay. We are not expecting Chinese or Indian to frequent those establishments although they are more than welcome to dine in. Then ada satu mamat komen, \u201cMelayu bodoh mcm ni la\u201d. I was like dude, if we are not going to frequent halal Jakim premises, xkan u expect org Russia nak sapot?Kalau murah dan sedap, ada la orang sapot. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.938896119594574} +{"text": "Utk ingredients, tuan boleh semak al-quran, hadith, fatwa jakim & jain, kalau rajin boleh baca mpphm dlm tu ada sebut ttg nama makanan yg tidak boleh digunakan :) bangsa membaca bangsa berjaya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8592339158058167} +{"text": "QUOTE(-mystery- @ Apr 17 2024, 03:36 PM)Increase petrol soonringgit devaluedconcert cancelledlack of fdi due to conservatismhow to save malaysia?I dont see we increase our manpower capability alsoevery company is like changing employees so quicklylike divorce rateamoi tak suka, terus minta break upbincsngkan.i feel so sleepy now. anyway, how to make more money? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7448704838752747} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/4AnsfEJFy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "This reminds me of KFC. Religion is used to force the sale of the lucrative franchise to a Bumi/Malay entrepreneur. Maybe they reuse this method again. When the business is affected by halal haram issue, the current owner has to sell the franchise. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8616639375686646} +{"text": "QUOTE(Frozen_Sun @ Sep 28 2014, 01:17 AM)I've heard that the most dangerous distraction satan does is when death is very near. Satan will distract us, so we forget to say syahadah. May Allah protect us.......erm, I am not sure about that. What is for certain is our Ibadat will be the one that will help us to answer, because what seperates us from non believers is when the Angels comes to question us in our graves later. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(sgshuhu @ Jun 9 2019, 10:59 PM)I dunno about other country, but Muslim Malaysian, when it comes to halal or haram food, they really aware and becareful about it. Which is a good thing.But makan rasuah no problem ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996843338012695} +{"text": "Berilah makan kepada yang berhak untuk mendapatkannya, terutama kepada ahli keluarga kita. InsyaAllah, setiap makanan yang kita sumbang itu akan mendapat pahala sedekah.\n\nSumber - Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia - JAKIM \n.\nInfaq secara atas talian https://qaseh.digitalyapeim.com", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963982105255127} +{"text": "tak cuba tak taulepas cuba tiap2 hari maukesian tak boleh cuba so dengki ya ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9789173603057861} +{"text": "Who cares. Rokok already confirmed haram still hisap what. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "Nasi kandar babi: 'Kedai saya non halal'PETALING JAYA: \"Saya bukan nak kelirukan sesiapa. Saya hanya berniaga kecil-kecilan di kedai yang memang jelas 'non halal'.\"Demikian kata pengusaha gerai Nasi Lemak dan Nasi Kandar 'Non Halal', Suresh G, 38, susulan tular mengenai hidangan itu dijual dengan lauk babi.Menurutnya, nasi kandar atau nasi lemak lauk daging babi yang dijual adalah makanan istimewa selain ia adalah jenama perniagaannya yang diusahakan sejak tiga minggu lalu.Ini sudah minggu ketiga saya berniaga. Semalam baru perasan perkara ini tular termasuk ada artikel yang keluar. Dulu ada restoran tapi dah tutup, itu yang ambil keputusan buka gerai dan menyewa di kedai Cina.\"Memandangkan ini adalah kedai 'non halal', itu sebab saya jual lauk 'non halal' iaitu daging babi. Bukan nak susahkan hati sesiapa pun.\"Saya ini hanya nak cari makan saja. Saya jual makanan ini memang di kedai Cina dan bukan di kawasan perumahan. Jadi, pelanggan pun memang bukan Islam.Menu ini adalah jenama saya dari awal gerai ini dibuka. Saya tak terfikir nak berhenti. Lagi pula, ia adalah 'speciality' di sini sebab idea dan 'branding' memang macam tu,\" katanya ketika ditemui wartawan Harian Metro di gerainya di Damansara Jaya, hari ini.Menurutnya, dia beranggapan tindakan menjual hidangan itu adalah tidak salah selain berkongsi hidangan sama turut dijual di banyak lagi gerai 'non halal' sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Petaling Jaya.Kalau mengikuti saya di Instagram dan Facebook, memang tertera perkataan 'non halal'. Malah, setiap hantaran dimuat naik pun tulis huruf besar 'non halal'. Kiranya memang kita maklumkan dan bagi jelas.\"Logo perniagaan pun dah tunjuk gambar binatang tu. Jadi takkan ada orang yang keliru. Saya daftar pun di bawah jenis perniagaan 'non halal'.Jadi, saya berasa memang tak buat salah. Bukan nak menghina atau memalukan mana-mana pihak. Tak ada niat nak sentuh mana-mana sensitiviti dan menyinggung perasaan pihak lain. Tidak sama sekali.\"Saya bukan orang pertama buat, dah banyak di kawasan KL dan PJ. Nasi lemak daging babi misalnya bukan baru. Saya pun hairan, saya yang pertama kali buat, tapi kena kecam. Semalam siap ada hubungi dan cakap nak datang jumpa,\" katanya.Dia berkata, pemahamannya mengenai nasi kandar ialah berlaukkan kari campur.\"Jadi saya buat kari campur cara sendiri dan ada pilihan lauk termasuk daging babi. Pelanggan saya memang bukan Islam saja,\" katanya.Menurutnya, dia juga bersedia untuk berjumpa dengan mana-mana persatuan berkenaan termasuk pihak kementerian.Terdahulu tular video dimuat naik seorang pempengaruh wanita yang mempromosikan perniagaan itu di TikTok yang berkongsi juadah nasi kandar dengan lauk babi.Menerusi video itu turut diletakkan keterangan 'The only stall in Malaysia to sell Indian style pork nasi kandar and nasi lemak'.https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...-saya-non-halal ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997771382331848} +{"text": "QUOTE(lordgamer3 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:17 PM)Vegetarian from Gudwara haroom samemore algohol kompeni lg haroom. Mydin donate dy ok can survive.See during crisis. So called ulama and PAStards pernah tolong? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955344200134277} +{"text": "QUOTE(haturaya @ Jun 1 2019, 09:49 AM)And the dotter is...Rempit suka. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Ooh kalau product Arab kau confirm je la halal even takde Sijil halal Malaysia? But kalau Taiwan yang Mmg ingredient halal and stated dah pon kau nak kata haram sebab takde Sijil halal Malaysia gitu? Double standard sangat Babi dari Saudi pon Mesti dikata halal lol", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9840303659439087} +{"text": "@fazleysa Mengarutlah tu tuan \ud83d\ude05. Kalau cukup syarat ada sijil halal, tak perlu sampai kritikal begitu. Islam takdelah menyusahkan sampai begitu. Cuma bagus juga sesekali kita support juga peniaga kecil \ud83d\udc4d.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8150186538696289} +{"text": "Sub con again and then complain melayu malas tak mau kerja? This ph gov really topkek. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Kesian orang jahil macam ni boleh lepas dipanggil ustazLepas tu cakap kita cerca ulama sedangkan ulama sendiri alamak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Asb tu apa eh? Sori sy lepasan spm, saya mmg x tahu sgt bab\u00b2 ni (currently). Planning nak buat extra income, but quite challenging since dah masuk u. Maybe I'll get into trading crypto, tapi x pasti halal or haram. Nk try start kedai air, tapi pihak u x bagi lagi. Any advices?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9782202243804932} +{"text": "Makanan tu dah ada logo halal sah daripada JAKIM lagi. Tapi kau masih ragu-ragu nak makan sebab supplier dia Cina. So aku nak tanya kau, kau takut babi ke tak suka cina sekarang? Bodo. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "@86800ammar benda benda cmni staff je tau mar sbb jakim tak boleh buat apa, sb hollywood tu mana ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9660296440124512} +{"text": "QUOTE(thomasjames @ Jul 31 2020, 11:03 AM)Mana bacon and ham ?Ada beef carbon bang. See above. QUOTE(Divou @ Jul 31 2020, 11:04 AM)Pinggan besar, nasi lemak sikitX mampu Makan banyak nasi awal pagi. QUOTE(miromiro @ Jul 31 2020, 11:05 AM)Ts went buffet ka ni? Buffet macam nice jeInclusive in the room. Taste so so only. QUOTE(waghyu @ Jul 31 2020, 11:09 AM)This is no longer breakfast haha.Dunno can last or not till lunch time. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998205304145813} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 07:37 PM)Dadah xde alcohol tapi haram sebab kasi high, hence najis dadah.Faktor najis dia bukan alcohol, faktor najis dia sbb memabukkan.arak memabuk kan sebab ade alcohol..kalo xder alcohol camne nak mabuk?Dadah bukan alcohol .. compound dalam dadah xleh di buang mcm alcohol .Kenapa arak mabuk? sebab alcohol .kalo xder alcohol camne nak mabuk ?tau en alcohol yg dalam arak tu yg buat orang mabuk ?This post has been edited by achik1990: Nov 2 2013, 07:40 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999821186065674} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 09:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 Only few percent of malaysia like that. Its like complaining why jinjang hardly see malay. Even though Malaysia consist of 2/3 muslims, you hati buta dont allow even a single area that doesnt cater to your needs?This post has been edited by alanyuppie: Aug 9 2017, 10:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998084902763367} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 14 2021, 07:58 AM)perfect halal? Made by muslim?Every where is acceptable EXCEPT Peninsula Malaysia.Whole establishment must be Malay.Recently a famous local Hailam kopitiam kena raided by JHEAINS\u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In Kedah & Penang, have a few such popular outlet frequent by many local Malays which I am unable to recommend to you.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.However .....When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?!\u00a0 )mean Arab islam low level, Malaysia islam high level? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.683306872844696} +{"text": "Nak tau?\n1. Penggunaan e-Wallet mengikut perspektif syarak\n2. Penentuan hukum plasma darah dalam makanan menurut perspektif Islam\n3. Hukum kepenggunaan haiwan Jallalah industri akuakultur di Malaysia\n4. Matawang kripto (cryptocurrency) satu analisa syarak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9763073921203613} +{"text": "QUOTE(Protoculture @ Dec 9 2018, 07:56 AM)Biasalah flip flop. Demokrasi katakan. Dulu kata takleh kerjasama ngan UMNO/MCA/MIC, tengok2 tubuhkan Barisan Nasional dengan UMNO/MCA/MIC dan join Kerajaan Perpaduan 1971-1975. Dulu kata takleh kerjasama dengan parti serpihan, tup2 tubuhkan Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah dengan Berjasa Hamim back in 1989 - 1991. Dulu kata takleh kawan ngan parti2 ideologi sosialis, liberalis tup2 berkawan pulak KeAdilan DAP tubuhkan Barisan Alternatif in 1998 - 2004 last sekali kawan balik masa Pakatan Rakyat 2008-2015. Kata tobat lahum tanak kawan dengan UMNO tup2 lepas PRU-14 dah maciem BFF.So what? Apa problem?Problem lah bila pakai agama. Tunggang agama.Halal haram boleh flipflop macam haram. Lepas tu nak non-muslims respect.Lepas ni kalau PAS cakap darah non-muslims halal ditumpahkan, siapa nak stand up to them? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955547451972961} +{"text": "Lantaklah dia orang nak makan babi, suka hati dia orang la...Janji sendiri jaga agama tertib sendiri sudah kecoh apa yacc: ry8128 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999127388000488} +{"text": "Look at how this dude distorted the meaning of 'considerate' \ud83e\udee2QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Oct 31 2023, 02:23 PM)Okay u try put nasi kandar babianjing at mamak restaurant dont say i dont warn you. Be honest\u00a0 considerate la nak meniaga pun. You suka babi your muslim customer makan babi ka accidentally or not. Having said that, we do check non muslim premise got hallal or not. Hopefully no babi muslim sell non halal nasi kandar babianjing lah.QUOTE(overlimit @ Oct 31 2023, 02:29 PM)I don't mean to offend, your concept of being 'considerate' lies on others warning you beforehand for something only you yourself care about? How pampered and entitled you want to be? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "manusia yg dulu ga suka makanan manis sekarang beli ginian ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972223043441772} +{"text": "@aidanurariza @RidzwanMahazan Mungkin bagi dorang asalkan no pork no lard halal dah.. \ud83d\ude07 lain topik pulak, ikutkan restaurant lain yang terang-terangan jual arak pon ramai je orang Islam makan dekat situ... Tahap yakin dorang sangat tinggi \ud83d\ude04", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironmaid89 @ Jan 19 2016, 04:49 PM)Pengasingan Troli Di pasar raya NSKKementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) bercadang menetapkan garis panduan pengasingan penggunaan troli bagi barangan halal dan tidak halal di pasar raya, dalam syarat permohonan lesen perniagaan di masa akan datang.Ketua Setiausaha KPDNKK Datuk Seri Alias Ahmad berkata, ini kerana ketika ini kerajaan hanya menggalakkan pengusaha pasar raya untuk mengasingkan penggunaan troli dan tiada syarat tetap yang mewajibkan mereka melakukan perkara itu.\"Buat masa ini belum ada lagi mandatori mewajibkan pengasingan troli tapi kementerian menggalakkan pengusaha pasar raya membudayakan usaha itu kerana kita percaya 'self compliance' ini akan membuka mata pihak lain untuk mengikuti langkah ini.\"Tapi satu masa kelak sekiranya 'self compliance' ini tak dapat dilaksanakan maka kerajaan tidak ada pilihan lain untuk menetapkan garis panduan pengasingan troli untuk memastikan pengguna Islam lebih selesa dan yakin untuk membuat pembelian,\" katanya selepas meninjau usaha pasar raya NSK yang melaksanakan pengasingan troli di Kuchai Lama di sini hari ini.Mengulas lanjut Alias berkata, antara panduan yang akan ditetapkan termasuklah membezakan warna troli dan pengasingan kaunter pembayaran bagi barangan halal dan tidak halal.Pada masa yang sama, KPDNKK akan turut membuat pemantauan bagi memastikan pengusaha patuh kepada pengasingan barangan halal dan tidak halal ditempatkan di pasar raya dalam usaha memberi keselesaan kepada pengguna.\"Panduan yang mungkin kita akan laksanakan ialah menyarankan pengusaha pasar raya mengasingkan troli mengikut warna agar selaras di seluruh negara sebagai contoh seperti yang dilakukan di NSK ini dengan melabelkan troli berwarna merah bagi barangan tidak halal dan troli berwarna biru bagi barangan halal.\"Dalam konteks ini saya melihat usaha pengasingan ini mampu memberi persaingan antara pasar raya kerana langkah itu dianggap satu tawaran yang lebih baik kepada pengguna selain tawaran biasa seperti harga barang,\" katanya.Dalam perkembangan lain, Alias berkata bekalan makanan laut dijangka berkurangan sehingga 30 peratus pada sambutan Tahun Baru Cina ini disebabkan fenomena El Nino yang melanda negara ketika ini.Bagaimanapun katanya kementerian telah bekerjasama dengan pelbagai agensi berkaitan untuk memastikan bekalan mencukupi dengan mengimport barangan berkenaan bagi memenuhi permintaan pengguna.\"Kita turut meletakkan 2,300 penguat kuasa KPDNKK bagi memantau harga dan memastikan peniaga mematuhi syarat,\" katanya.- BERNAMAhttp://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/k...iagaan-1.181276like this how? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5698778629302979} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 01:30 PM)purpose\u00a0 of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.err....u know wat is fermated drink rite?u are saying making fermented drink the main purpose is to make ppl drunk?I drink beer cos i wan to mabuk?and you said everyone drink beer cos they wanted to be mabuk? lol....the answer is nooooo...so what is the purpose still make sense?edit: u r referring maker pupose or the purpose of a person who drinks beer?This post has been edited by sunami: Sep 10 2020, 12:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997429251670837} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Sep 11 2023, 11:42 AM)You know that yeast produces alcohol when fermenting the bread for rise? Most of the alcohol is gone in the baking process, but because of the structure of bread, some of it is still capture in the bread structure. Bread has about 1-2% of alcohol in it. You still eat bread right? I wouldn't be surprised if bread has more alcohol in than in claypot chicken rice cooked with cooking wine. Alcohol vaporizes at 78C, but can evaporate easily at much lower temperatures. If you mixed a cup of water with alcohol and leave it be in your room, the alcohol would disaapear over time. So you can imagine what heat does to alcohol when cooking. At home, we cook some dishes with cooking wine.. my children eat the food too.. as young as 2 years old. No sign of drunkardness If you're saying your tolerance is lower than that of a toddler, I dunno what to say. Your religion's guidelines on it, with explanation is actually quite clear. The goal is to avoid intoxication, which is why it is not alcohol itself (chemical compound) that is haram, but alcoholic beverages like wine/beer. It also then becomes understandable as to why mixing it into food becomes haram, cause that creates a \"loop hole\" for people to abuse (but only if they ignore the intoxication clause). Not sure if you know this, but the cooking wine used in the video, is not drinkable. Its already been mixed with sugar and salt to be used as a cooking ingredient. It tastes horrible on its own. So its no longer an \"alcoholic beverage\".Yes, it's all about \"choice\". And, I am not saying my tolerance is lesser than that of a toddler; I'm saying that as a general rule for other people and their reasonings. Don't get me wrong, if a Muslim wants to eat food mixed with wine or beer, and if they are confident that there are no to little traces of alcohol in the food, it's ultimately their choice, and I should respect that choice. Heck, even I made similar choices in the past. It all boils down to it's between you, your body, and your god. What other more conservative Muslims think about this is that it's their choice also to ridicule or get triggered. If they feel that eating or drinking a small amount of alcohol made them intoxicated, and therefore haram, it's haram for them.I didn't have time or energy to further explain the reasonings or the justifications, but thank you for highlighting yeast. Yeast has also been debated for many decades about its halal status. But, the general consensus is yeast, and its usage to leaven bread is halal, at least those that came from halal sources. Why? Again, it goes back to the level of \"intoxication\" one might get from eating the bread that has been leavened and their own choices. We know breads are made under a very high temperature, which removes the trace amount of alcohol in it. If the heat is not met (at least 180degC), bread tak jadi. Some other foods, as you said, are more open to loopholes or abuse, so that's why it's generally permissible to eat bread, even if it is leavened.This post has been edited by maxpudding: Sep 11 2023, 12:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9918732047080994} +{"text": "Dik ekau suka2 je samakan isu halal haram makanan dengan isu haram tak solat segala. Lain weyyy terima la hakikat pendapat org berbeza, kalau duduk group ni dorang kata minuman tu takde sijil haram so was2 nak minum. Jadi terima laaa hakikat. Boleh lak samakan dengan solat semua", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8372384905815125} +{"text": "\"Zahid is pretty much anwars best buddy. The thing to watch is how much Malay heartland seats can BN wrestle back from pas.\" PAS is hoping that Zahid remains as UMNO president, most umno hardcore supporters will not vote BN / Umno until Zahid is gone, the Umno members making most of the noises are the ones who are getting benefits from UMNO, majority who voted Umno because of the Malay Cause have given up .. so letting UMNO vs PAS in much of Malay heartland will result in even worst outcome than the PRN ...Perak & Pahang are both gone states .. targeted subsidy will affect Malay majority if cost of living goes up ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9454424977302551} +{"text": "QUOTE(DValentine @ Jul 6 2023, 05:16 PM)ini diaQUOTE(AfraidIGotBan @ Jul 6 2023, 07:01 PM)damn.Sell what karipap?Karipap oxygen ?refer above la cbamalan membaca budaya kitafitnah itu kerja macaiQUOTE(K.I.T.T @ Jul 6 2023, 07:46 PM)biasala bukan orennn kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.693975031375885} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:56 AM)I also know another type. Drink alcohol, say janji tak mabuk is ok. Hahahah.. still haram actually ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.970586359500885} +{"text": "\nrifhana_ilham replied at 11-9-2017 08:33 AM\nKlu iols tak silap, ketam batu taklah haram utk dimakan tetapi ia makruh sebab ketam batu hidup dlm\u00a0\u00a0...\nada baca,ustaz ni cakap xkukuh dan xkuat pun hujah pasal haiwan 2alam ni.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9430866837501526} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureNATIONAL FATWA OSO KRONI WADDAYA EXPECT ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999179840087891} +{"text": "Nak ayam. Tak nak vegetarian food only.Nak yang halal. Tak nak makanan tak halal.Ni mesti jenis yg tak pandai makan sayur hari2 mesti nak ada lauk daging. Ptuihh memilih baik biar lapar terus tak payah bagi makan.This post has been edited by leftycall9: Dec 23 2021, 01:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999312162399292} +{"text": "ye. sesiapa yang songlap mesti akan dapat apa yang diusahakan This post has been edited by Teddysaur: Mar 17 2016, 06:17 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9925744533538818} +{"text": "STOCK BERHANTU MENDARAT LAGI!! Best ke best sangat2 bila berniaga produk2 yang #Tiada risiko Company kukuh 26 tahun dipasaran #Sentiasa viral #Stock tak putus #Ada sijil halal sah #Ada\u2026 https://t.co/vZNH9Sy9CT", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8799421191215515} +{"text": "QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Feb 18 2024, 10:00 AM)Obviously, it's the biz is not important mentality. And surprisingly they keep denying the existence of moral police. After gone viral, enforcement stopped (temporarily?), n they highlight bikini still aroundThe fed have to put such state local tourism on the state gov responbility.Otherwise they cuci tangan, blame here and there and mulut busuk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999544620513916} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Mar 3 2024, 08:19 PM)PH boleh buat. PN tak bole.Itu lawatan kerajaan rasmi not like holiday trip. Dah makan gaji buta ponteng parlimen lagi ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "Whose recording this? No need for the video lah, just leave the man alone. Lepas ni viral his face then what? Bodoh btol.. dont like this kind of propaganda, no need to prove what's the effect of BMF.. we'll know they'll know.. main objective is noo tapao anyone, its just to show support je..This post has been edited by Bombgen: Oct 20 2019, 06:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999054670333862} +{"text": "QUOTE(marukopi @ Jan 14 2024, 12:04 AM)The flexibility offered here is not suka-suka can choose to work, in simple word can work at the conventional bank IF its the only option you have (its do-or-die)Let say its very hard for you to find a work, and you really-really in desperate mode due to your financial obligation (let say to support ageing parent, hutang etc)The only job offer you get is from conventional bank.Yes, you may proceed BUT you need to plan your exit stratergy and move to halal industry soonest possible. Cannot la stay till pencen.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abTrivia: Muslim also can eat pork - only if one is driven by necessity - neither coveting it nor exceeding his immediate need such that if not eat it, he or she may die (really2 survival option).Good sharing but that's not what's being mocked. Most working in conventional banking do it out of choice instead of necessity. So many types of jobs out there other than banking in order to survive. I'm sure majority of bank workers can find alternative jobs to meet their financial obligations.Pretty sure many, even Muslims themselves, don't know about the fact in your spoiler. Survival > rules, but its very rare to be in such work or food scenarios. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5597085952758789} +{"text": "Tapi betul la. Sapa suruh beli benda mahal & tak berbaloi.Pegi beli kat restaurant/kedai makan je. Harga berpatutan & taste sama mcm hari2 biasa je.This post has been edited by blanket84: Apr 15 2021, 01:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998629093170166} +{"text": "Amalan kita akan berkat jika mengambil makanan yang halal dan bersih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999047517776489} +{"text": "ga tau jg ceu,tp yg jd ptimbangan apa bhn lain & alat utk buatnya yakin bersih dr yg tdk halal *akibat kerja di makanan ni pen :D ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993630588054657} +{"text": "- soto (kalo ada pilihan makanan yg lain aku better makan itu drpd soto)\n- bubur ayam (cmn makan kl lg sakit)\n- seblak (AKU SUKA SEBLAK. tp depends tempat beli nya. soalnya gak di semua tempat seblak nya enak)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9784154295921326} +{"text": "Geng2 bajet ostat ni memang. Encountered a lot especially in uni. Them called geng2 tabligh.It's fun when u purposely cucuk em to trigger em. Did dat many times b4. Ha2.If u ask sumthin they can't answer, they'll b mad and just gib answer \"don persoal\" \"rosak akidah\" like dat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981276392936707} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 13 2016, 03:45 PM)Wait wait waitSome muslim too dumb to differentiate 'no pork'\u00a0 with \" halal\" And the restaurant kena penalised? The restaurant at fault for deceiving people? Wtf apa ni. So apa sarahan saya virus Already infected malay muslim? Come on. That one disease we dont need. We got too much already Start educating ur dumb flock of pseudo muslim laWhy the fuk blame the restaurant. And they are technical correctThere is no pork inside. So what's wrong with that? Nobody said its halal. Its those dumbos who assume it isAnd doesnt mean it isnt halal either. If the cafe use meat from normal supermarket like jusco. And no liquor in their food. Then it is halalHalal cert does not mean \"yes. Makanan sini confirm halal. Others are not\" Halal cert just mean \"yes. This kedai APPLY FOR HALAL CERT\" doesn't mean those doesnt isnt halal. It just mean they dont apply. Cuz kalau nak apply kena \"belanja makan\" I know. Cuz i did it. I have too. If not i cannot sell my products . So fuk me for complying to your hidden requirements of applying for halal certAnd its ironic as fuk isnt it. I have to do something haram to be able to sell something halaltell us wheres your shop. we go and rate ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998900890350342} +{"text": "QUOTE(tak tung tuang @ Feb 6 2018, 12:08 AM)Of coz convert.\u00a0 And of coz tan sri suka got rich son in law ma.if tak suka he wont berpantun together.QUOTE(PLOUFFLE @ Feb 6 2018, 12:05 AM)Why?????my relative that work in toto say his boss tak suka one... maybe he accepted it now liao...his another son also kahwin malay if not mistaken... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9513405561447144} +{"text": "@akmalhaiyan Takde. Faham je org risau tak halal. Tapi taiwan bg sijil halal pun pertikai. Pekebondo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 3 2013, 12:19 AM)Regarding the bolded part, a food can only be halal or haram.There is no such thing as 75% halal or partially haram.Eating non-halal food won't cause world war, but it's still haram.Plus, there's always ample options for Muslim, but why must opt for the non-halal one?Again, this is of course depends on how serious a person is with his/her belief.i'm just citing a situation, 3 non-muslim 1 muslim, how ? monday to friday work, 3 days makan halal alrdy, 2 more days ? takkan wanna leave one person stranded makan sendiri ? but you are right on the one to believe his/her believing, just that i don't like some extremist that pretends they are holier than thou at times, left hand doing everything non halal and right hand pointing/judging other ppl on their wrongdoings. QUOTE(jAkUn @ Nov 3 2013, 12:20 AM)i myself have eat at chinese restaurant at ipoh few years back when i'm studying. Chinese chicken rice is quite diff yo. They come with curry. But its good!if i were you, i think i will think twice before makan the curry ! if i'm not mistaken, the curry is always cooked with wild boar style. but anyways i'm cool with either way. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999215602874756} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.The faggots will definitely see it as something questionable since supposedly the food is prepared by non-muslim hands. But what they forgot is that most fast food restaurants and those hipster style shops have non-muslim preparing the food for them. Some even dealt with meat. But no, they find okay since owner and the shop itself is Islam and islamic looking. Me and my wife enjoy Indian vegetarian food very much. We went once in brickfields and I tell you, that fake chicken tasted wayyyy better than real chicken. Though we are yet to try Chinese vegetarian food.This whole haram halal thing is being blown out of proportion. If your muslim colleague kept pestering you about touching plates and cutlery used by non-muslim or anything, ask them what about the money that they touch everywhere. Who knows where if got pig seller touch his money after chopping up his pig and then the money travelled everywhere. Wouldn't that make it haram? Your muslim colleague sure wouldn't know how to reply. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8510684370994568} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:56 AM)\"Setiap Minuman yang Memabukkan itu adalah Haram\".Carlsberg itu syubhah. Walaupun wujud 0.0 alkohol seperti barbican, namun bezanya Barbican ada buat Beer Haram? Aku rasa kau patut cakap yang alkohol tak haram in the first place tapi benda yang memabukkan haram. Dia confuse pasal peratusan alcohol dengan ruling haram je aku rasa. Dengan sains kita tahu alkohol memabukkan dan peratusan mana boleh menyebabkan orang mabuk.Pernah try tapai sekali. Tapai sedap btw tapi aku jauhi sebab waswas. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995204210281372} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Dec 8 2015, 01:58 PM)Rajin baca Reid Commission but not rajin baca the Articles in FC. malas ke hapa?which in furtherance, the same para also stated that:\"In the memorandum submitted by the Alliance it was stated the religion of Malaysia shall be Islam........Mr Justice Abdul Hamid is of opinion that a declaration should be inserted in the Constitution as suggested by the Alliance and his views are set out in his note appended to this Report.\"Having a state religion does not imply that the state is not secular. Duh. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966681599617004} +{"text": "\n\n Haram until certified halal. Islam Malaysia. Haha\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999196529388428} +{"text": "QUOTE(kn0t @ Jan 8 2015, 12:29 AM)Of course there is no wrong whatsoever. Even Rasulullah S. A. W himself gave the permission of as sahabi to learn the scripture of people of the book after Islam has gained stable foot in the Arabian Peninsula.To you it might be remeh temeh but may I remind you that Rasulullah has says... I leave you o Muslims 2 things, Quran and my sunnah, follow it and you may not get astray. Which do you prefer. To follow sunnah or to follow your own as you like. Me,\u00a0 I will follow sunnah and sunnah says Assalamualaikum and not salam. Wish to remind meself and all. Give proper salam which is Assalamualaikum. P/s: among people of the book, Jews is the closest to us but their hatred towards Islam and us the Muslims is beyond belief.+1 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987229704856873} +{"text": "QUOTE(takkicom @ Nov 2 2013, 08:31 PM)my halal food: achik1990 my halal food : takkicomwait u no potong ..so haram liao..nvm i'll makan u juga ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "\npyropura replied at 11-9-2015 11:40 PM\r\n..sensitiviti mengatasi hokum igama sebenar, tu masalahnya\u2026\n\r\nkalau bende simpan dalam tin, ap ...\nPada ai kite hidup kt msia berbilang kaum.... Melayu cina India.. Melayu sensitive ngn non halal... Respect it... Asking kan.. Hindu dgn lembu... Asingkan... Jus as respect to other races.. Skit Susah Tp customer hepi... Other countries budaya dia OK... OK La... All about respect.... Lg pun kn elok cegah dr mengubat... Klu termakan kan masaalah....\n\r\nMy 2 hinggit...\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9101240634918213} +{"text": "Kuliah Tazkiyatun Nafs. Nak hati yang suci, jiwa bersih, makan makanan yang baik, halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997614026069641} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 22 2016, 02:18 PM)Nice!\u00a0 Got chance want to try good food also!!So when you are at your kampung, how did your family accomodate you and your wife? Is there special utensil prepared, or you are ok with just properly washed (instead of samak)?What about prayers, is there room prepared or you just pray in your own room?Ever tried ramadhan at your kampung? What is it like? Do they join in the sahur, etc?Normal meals in your kampung with your family, who cooks? How is the dinner like? They eat their food, you and your wife eat rendang (presumably bought or your wife cook and bring to kampung)?Again, sorry for the extra question\u00a0 Sorry for late reply. Balik Kampung.We told them no need for special arrangements. Anything we need, we improvise. e.g. We cook our own food. That is in-law's requirement. Meaning we have a box of our own cooking utensil that we bought and left there. Pray in the room can already lah. Got sejadah, kaotim.We try our best not to impose to my family our beliefs; e.g. avoid going back to my kampung during Ramadhan. But if we do, they are quite respectful and try not to eat in front of us. We told them that it is ok; meaning the purpose of fasting is to test our will-power, but they are respectful. The Kampung folks wake up as early as we do and we do eat together for sahur.We are not anal about food, but wherever we can, my wife cooks and they love my wife's cooking too. (hopefully, in future wives, lol.. my wife's is going to kill me).What's the deal with you? interested in reverting? And where is my teh tarik? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.879680335521698} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:34 PM)Relax la aku nak troll sikit tak bleyApekedehalExtremist mindset u have there bro. Like this forever u or your type cant mix harmony with other cultures.Im waiting for money to be classified into halal & haram since it touches pig/gambling all the times.Btw, this forum is haram since it got hggnnn section inside. Should u delete yourself out. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990166425704956} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Jan 1 2020, 01:48 PM)Sabah chinese food not for semenanjung chinese pipu eat oneNot really I really enjoy Sabah Chinese food, aside my Wtf moment. I just avoid sandakan bkt saje. That is more haram than haram meat itself ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996823072433472} +{"text": "QUOTE(sdin3269 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:29 AM)Defense Tapai and durian is crazy? Talking to a wall? Or you yourself is a wall? KEK.. \u00a0 Alcohol doesnt necessary mean haram, but alcohol in the making of liquors is haram.apsal kau quote aku? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998636245727539} +{"text": "Kalau b40 tak mampu pakai minyak kete, jgn beli kete besar mcm hailatLooking at bigger picture, diesel are also used in bot nelayan, for plantation etc and these need to be at market so that the actual cost of production is according to global marketSubsidy is only gonna benefit certain puak and the leakages is gonna hurt the government coffersI rather b40 get the shock now than giving them drug. Pi la beli Honda, kalau lapar jilat logo H tu ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993756413459778} +{"text": "QUOTE(UpsideDownYeah @ Jan 23 2021, 05:03 PM)Why alcohol haram ? Cause it intoxicates you and not able to think straight ? Alcohol put into cooking will evaporate and won't make you drunk , still considered haram ?Alcohol in dish cooking, haram. Sadly, it is what was stated. Alcohol in medicine is okay though but not encourages to consume it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996612071990967} +{"text": "QUOTE(estacado @ Aug 18 2022, 02:17 PM)Many commenting in this tered don't know the story from the beginning. It's just not about hiring Malays. The accusation is that the Malays knowingly sell non-halal food to other Malays. They even set up bazar Ramadhan stall last time. Then when confronted with this accusation, they made an 'apology' video that explained that they cook the itik themselves, but the explanation was full of loopholes and illogical. Thus, they have now 'officially closed' the shop.Macam mana tau Non halal?They already said what they cook it themselves, cant give them benefit of doubt aka yakin macam kita bagi dekat peniaga Melayu lain? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9832420349121094} +{"text": "Menjadi triggered dengan orang minum bubble tea kerana tidak ada sijil halal, makcik goreng pisang tepi jalan menjadi risau diserang hijabister fatamorgana pancaindera vavavom bombastik kerana tiada sijil halal dari jakim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998871088027954} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:25 AM)How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons.If you had apply for jakim halal certificate, you will understand jakim's halal is not as easy as being no pork/lard/babi/alcoholHalal does not means just that (according to jakim officer)It also about cleanliness, tho it just following kkm standardProbably a lot of people, including Muslim does not understand about the halal standard of jakim. Also pork and alcohol ingredients is rather expensive. So no worries, being kiasu kiasi and kiamsiap, they highly won't serve that to their customer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995883107185364} +{"text": "jungwoo suka makan tapi gak suka beli makanan jungwoo adalah gweh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9434289336204529} +{"text": "sewa lot mahal sangat, untung tak boleh nak coverso kena buat cara jahat > jual makanan yg x habisinb4 #bersangkabaik ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999799728393555} +{"text": "VCO softgel ( BEST SELLER !!!!! )\nDisahkan HALAL oleh JAKIM (Malaysia) dan dikategorikan di bawah kategori makanan... http://fb.me/vOMfl2fF", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948029518127441} +{"text": "QUOTE(asx26365 @ Feb 23 2024, 10:14 PM)DAP semakin bryani.Puas: Haram jadah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bug Juice @ Jan 21 2020, 10:20 AM)\"We baik hati let you stay, you have to pay lor, nothing is free, if u x Suka u get out\"~non-nonsPay tax bukan pay .... itu apa lan chaiu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999547004699707} +{"text": "QUOTE(demamkuning @ Jun 22 2015, 09:31 PM)Sebab tak penting.Ape yang penting for me as customer is awek bertetek besar jadi cashier/waitress ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99989914894104} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 23 2017, 12:44 PM)You mean they will die if consume non-halal.............. haha of course die lahnow tuhan give hukuman on the spot. eat lah haram food.but our dear leader eat corruption ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998513460159302} +{"text": "QUOTE(fuifuiTan @ Oct 17 2016, 08:42 PM)Warung tepi jalan yang bersepah semua haram sebab jijik dan kotor, mohon declare haram boleh tak?Itu tak berani pulakko dah tahu kotor, dah sah tak akan dapat halal. bodo nak racing sangat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(19 Degree South @ Feb 21 2023, 02:55 PM)ppl shanghai long long time ago got two big big apple stores liao. food? shanghai food of course what do u expect? how they lag behind malaysia? my got apple store ?he tak boleh makan the haram meat, deswai he said the food lousy lo.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999188184738159} +{"text": "This is why, kalau kilang I would recommend apply for MESTI dulu di bawah KKM sbb Mesti certification is free. Setelkan isu2 kebersihan dulu. Once kilang dah meet minimum hygiene requirements, nak dpt sijil Halal akan jadi senang.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9997022747993469} +{"text": "QUOTE(kaiwoon @ Jul 14 2016, 10:02 AM)If lets say i invite my malay friend eat at my house.. should i get whole new set of plate? or do you guys mind using our plate to makan?i asked my friend he say ok.. but i still in dilemma.. worry he just say that just dont wanna offence me..but if i get those disposable plate and cutlery macam low class planned to eat outside but kat house got kids they can play and buat bising inside umahSharing different religion thinking makes us stronger-Malaysiancan, no problem. most will be bothered about the cooking utensils but there is a valid opinion saying not to question meals givens from non-muslim.unless visibly haram foods like pork la. see can know dy it is pork ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8586511015892029} +{"text": "\nPengotor, makan bangkai... haram lor...\nbintang Post at 9-6-2010 19:04 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0eh biawak makan bangkai ye? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998705387115479} +{"text": "Sebab apa orang tak malu pergi makan mekdi. Sebab mereka mahukan servis yang bagus. Makanan halal dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7976589202880859} +{"text": "Cehhh.bila pasal rokok, banyak alasan nak menghalalkan yang haram - top alasan ialah salahkan kerajaan sebab masih izinkan penjualan rokok.Bila pasal (DNA) babi, tak perlu undang-undang pun boleh kawal diri, enggan makan. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "QUOTE(thankyou @ Oct 31 2019, 12:15 PM)Many M quite anti C one... It's really the truth... Not LYN people... but outsiders... just look at FB comments....Chinese food - die die tak halalJapanese food - okay as long as got Halal CertKPOP food - best... makan je....actually all 3... KPOP food serve the most pork in Korea....unless it's Sichuan or Jiangsu dishes, I'd ranked chinese food in general below japanese's. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998593330383301} +{"text": "That last statement, he is definitely Haram inside ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999511241912842} +{"text": "Bullshit story, wan to say niqab is the best lewtter ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992544054985046} +{"text": "alasan kenapa aku gaj suka beli makanan kayak gini,apalagi online ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9551341533660889} +{"text": "QUOTE(kidmad @ Dec 21 2020, 10:28 AM)bodoh bangau... cina suka makan babi.. bukan nyer babi boleh dihalalkan pun.kesian lu bodo x reti bace.. sakit buntut ke? songlap boleh dihalalkan ke?janji oren kito.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999966025352478} +{"text": "Tak ada sijil halal tak bermakna haram. Cuma dia dalam kategori was2 sama ada kandungan dia halal atau tak. https://t.co/hHKLXVixmS", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999483823776245} +{"text": "Samak pon, just basuh bersih je. N if sume berkumpul mmg xde masalah makanan haram ke apa sbb masing2 tau apa itu halal (ayam sembelih beli dr muslim) and all sort of things. Bila ko membesar dalam multi cultural/racial ni, bende ni auto pilot ko akan paham", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9808109402656555} +{"text": "Nanti di akhirat bila ditanya mengapa umat Islam makan daging kartel haram, jawablah bahawa jaga soal halal haram makanan yg dibawa masuk bukan tanggungjawab menteri agama atau JAKIM. https://freemalaysiatoday.com/category/bahasa/tempatan/2020/12/28/kartel-daging-jakim-perjelas-kenapa-membisu/\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(B0ss_ku @ Sep 12 2023, 10:16 AM)Jolly shandy less than 1% halal or Haram?shandy alcohol % is lower than tapaisome ktards posted tapai research , got like 5% to 13%so u say halal or haram for eitherThis post has been edited by premier239: Sep 12 2023, 10:23 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977694749832153} +{"text": "QUOTE(joevo2 @ Jan 7 2020, 09:13 AM)Impossible pork with halal and kosher certification. What do you think? Would it really be halal would you try it?\u00a0 https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/6/21047100/...h-locations-cesno way it will be certified halal if it is call pork substitute. because even if the food is halal, but taste like pork, it is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945330619812012} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 04:22 PM)Those claim hotdog is haram is either noobbodobangang or try to ignite tension between race/religion in malaysia.this is what the imam was thinking. i think he was being manipulated and focus on the hot dog when the issue is jakim cert. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995459914207458} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramboramsey @ Mar 3 2015, 08:25 PM)Lanzhou Lamien (or something like that) is franchise all over major cities in China. Neuro chow fan sedap oooo, mutton skewers sedap nak mati. Add some tarian gelek if possible. Pergh!looks like u really suka makan.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.737000048160553} +{"text": "QUOTE(mlab88 @ Mar 29 2016, 06:07 PM)So,?Jakim ada authority/ kuasa kat China?Jakim memang la takde authority dekat China, tapi tak boleh kah nak siasat? Salah? Masuk jel? Sebab cop halal JAKIM ada dekat bungkusan tu, cerdik. Mesti la dia nak siasat macam mana barang macam tu buleh ada cop Jakim. Lagipun katanya barang tu buatan Malaysia yang dieksport ke China berdasarkan pada alamat dekat packing. Tolong baca artikel sampai habis dan hadamkan dulu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Apr 4 2024, 11:28 PM)Sedarlah bro diorang benci kita...tgok dlm forum ni dah tahuMcm2 gelaran..orenlah .monkeylah ..b40 lahBangkitlah bro ..puak ni takkan berhenti sampai malaysia ni hancurMmg aku tahu. But our reaction also kena moderate juga. Don't let syaitan amik kesempatan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999651908874512} +{"text": "Padahal Tealive Malaysia dah dapat sijil halal dah. Tapi tiba2 ada yg ckp tak halal sebenarnya sbb dia pakai susu segar tak halal (sbb takde cop halal). Timun, sawi, tembikai, kentang ada cop halal tak anak2? Haram ke semua tu anak2?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977099895477295} +{"text": "QUOTE(galkelly @ Jan 16 2022, 11:10 PM)the fact that she has to wait until viral only action will be taken...this is budaya kita dybetter later than never lo.. kesian her.. hope pak mail screw the whole department. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996787309646606} +{"text": "QUOTE(Khamzat Chimaev @ Nov 29 2023, 01:10 PM)Alcohol isn't inherently haram, like many ingredient contain alc also.. what actually haram is drink that is intoxicating,\u00a0 doesn't matter if its contained alcohol or whut..then why Sandy/ Jolly Sandyeven beer are BANNED? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994291663169861} +{"text": "Yeah, common to have special halal table for Muslim, beef free for yindianQuality of the food though, errrr..... Lagipun can bawak own cutlery paling teruk punPersonally if I jemput sure I will jemput those who will acceptJemput masih tak layan because of this can fuck off, not my close friend dahQUOTE(xperiaDROID @ Oct 11 2016, 05:03 PM)Kan ada plastic ones?Why so troublesome one? Back in the days there weren't that much issues about this lol.^ this question really very deep2, cannot answer in detail ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989109039306641} +{"text": "QUOTE(kllonely1 @ Dec 28 2020, 01:06 PM)jangan makan wahyu atau daging,makan sayur sahaja,tak ada masalah lagi,You think they wanna go vegan so easily? That is like asking religious fundies to change their faith overnight. Next Hari Raya try promote rendang tofu and kari sayur to compliment their lemang ketupat and see the hell break lose. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971132278442383} +{"text": "QUOTE(blanket84 @ Nov 23 2020, 10:06 AM)People have been eating fake nasi kak wok all over Klang Valley and claiming the places they went is the best, me Kelantanese never triggered.There is only one original nasi kak wok in Klang Valley.ade kertas halal tak?This post has been edited by nasiputih: Nov 23 2020, 10:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "Darklancap mmg padan muka selalu kena buli kat sini sampai PTSD. Deswai cepat2 bukak tered, bangga kalau ada orang luar kecam pasal k.This post has been edited by United Rulez: Feb 1 2023, 03:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9487495422363281} +{"text": "@IbnuElias Hujungnya org Islam guna OS Android juga, org Agama Islam tak pandai keluarkan \u201coperating system\u201d sendiri ke? Android tu ada sijil halal ke? Bagus lagi aku sokong yahudi. \ud83e\udd23", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993959665298462} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 12:55 PM)too bad they read Hairan Metro newspaper too much. then trust everything they read in the whatsapp group.sometimes I don't understand why these people, regardless being phd, master holder can be swayed into believing those kind of rumors.sikit sikit haram.setarbucks haram. mcdee haram.this one is more to \"1 big mac = 1 bullet to palestinians\"/\"1 frappe = 1 grenade to paletine\" etc... bcos mcd and starbucks took the time and money to get the jakim ceritifaction... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "Tapi, kita takkan tahu dia menjadi ke tak selagi kita tak cuba. Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal. Berminat untuk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli? 1. Click link on my bio\ud83d\ude18", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9734627604484558} +{"text": "Dapat Whatapp Dari Kawan (Kawan Tak Kira Politik) Pasal 'Nutri Malt' Yang Tidak Bertanda 'Halal'! Seperti apa yang kita Tau 'Malt' Makanan Asas Membuat Minuman Arak 'Carlsberq'. Tetapi Tidak Semestinya 'Nutri Malt' Haram Kalau Tidak Ada Unsur Alcohol cc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999736547470093} +{"text": "Mohon JAKIM buat press conference ataupun kenyataan rasmi dalam media cetak & televisyen tentang brand makanan apa yang haram setakat ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.43533560633659363} +{"text": "Great way to encourage use of BM by Indians and Chinese. One side complains we don't speak BM, and the other try to oppress when we do. The best thing to do, which many have chosen, is to go on with their lives, ignoring what the majority feels or thinks, which is an absolute waste of energy. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994366765022278} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Aug 19 2022, 04:17 PM)kasi sunat itu tauke cina no pork but sell porkyWhy, if he don't sell porky ok what ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978511333465576} +{"text": "Kalau dulu bila kita rasa was was dgn status halal sesuatu produk makanan, tgk je ada logo halal JAKIM, hilang... http://fb.me/2qkluDEhg", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9922103881835938} +{"text": "QUOTE(iambloodymuch @ Jan 23 2017, 10:30 AM)they should consider giving haram cert instead. this country muslim majority, so all food should be save for muslim to consume unless there is non-halal sign/logoYou mean they will die if consume non-halal.............. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "QUOTE(KoChun @ Mar 21 2015, 10:11 PM)Well, can't blame them... after all, Cabury memang sedap gila babi.You are fucking IDIOT and STUPID and MORON for saying duck is haram in Islam and dua alam.You can go die now idiot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999743700027466} +{"text": "so makin kencang masyarakat bash jakim ttg isu nama makanan yang diada2kan oleh manusia keparat belakang akaun palsu. bagus", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999864935874939} +{"text": "Soalan penting... syarikay kroni yg mana dapat kontrak utk supply vending machine tu?Unker rasa nak invest sikit kat sana... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9595981240272522} +{"text": "betul tapi keyword dia perlu selalu update betul ke kedai tu status halal dia masih aktif. gitu bang. jakim ni bukan ayam2. industri halal ni penyumbang gdp negara jugak. jgn ingt semicon je. gitu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9994014501571655} +{"text": "Bodo go beer section and scream haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "For me kene ada jugak, baru kita ada kepastian yang makanan kita beli tu bersih bukan sekadar islam yang buat. Maksud halal ialah bersih, tidak berbahaya, tiada makanan bersumberkan binatang yg haram dimakan, tidak mengandungi arak dan memabukkan. For facts takde sebut org islam", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5953320860862732} +{"text": "QUOTE(silic0sis @ Feb 12 2017, 04:26 AM)Yes, this is the free market solution and one I support.If majority of Muslims buy from pig-labeled stores only, then other stores will also be compelled to follow and put labels. No legal ramifications.Also there should be no legal ramifications for mislabeling. The \"punishment\" should also be decided by free market supply and demand.In an ideal world, this would be the case. However, everyone needs to understand the prevailing attitude concerning haram/halal issues, is that there are parties who do not hold themselves responsible for their own \"sensitivities\" and compels others do handle their \"sensitivities\" for them.Who's to say even after this is done, and muslims STILL buy pig brushes (for whatever reasons) and then store owners are again held accountable for the haramness that ensues? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995726943016052} +{"text": "QUOTE(KLboy92 @ Sep 18 2015, 04:12 PM)I like it but I dowan share cause they're all decent people who are quite malu about all the nonsense. No point bash some more.i mean some jokes that touch on their non-halal stuffs sometimes... oh well ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992263317108154} +{"text": "Sunna Rasul nafkahi klgmu dgn yg Halal.yg bersih byk yg haram.Makanan kakek klhtn \"KOTOR\"Tp bukan hsl\"KORUPTOR\"", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997262358665466} +{"text": "QUOTE(StengHoii @ Oct 25 2016, 08:52 PM)wahhhh seronok kan bash JAKIM, bash la lg puas2.. and still 'they' wonder why ramai orang pilih untuk support jamal, geng baju merah, PEKIDA, UMNO dsb..Lol! So you joined the geng baju merah because of the hotdog issue? Lol! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9947130084037781} +{"text": "@imammudaasyraf MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA Retweet message ini tanda sokongan anda...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915834069252014} +{"text": "Makanan Halal, Bersih, Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia \n@imammudaali \n@imammudaamar", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989540576934814} +{"text": "in sg is like that. tak suka masak sendiri ok? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9133920669555664} +{"text": "Everyday muslim talk about haram & non-stop. You are not get bored with those word everyday? What else you can do in life if all haram? The only haram we not going to do is the one send you to hell. That's all...This post has been edited by danielmckey: Dec 24 2020, 09:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "Just because takde cop JAKIM Halal status, bukan maksud makanan tak Halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.999041736125946} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Feb 1 2023, 06:14 PM)Mandrin speaking Malay/ Indian are more tolerable in religion sensitivity but of course not all. Need to be assessed during interview.This kind of food mistake happened all the time. That's why many won't invite Malay colleague to cina wedding dinner. If they insist want to join, normally will buy KFC for them on that table and use disposable plates.Also this kind of news only viral when PH is the government. Walun koyaking.Lmao suddenly bring PH conlan7firm macai if not on RBA payroll ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999396562576294} +{"text": "QUOTE(TongPakFu @ Jun 18 2022, 03:49 PM)Mcm best je.. Who try b4? but I don't like that long beans..Yes. Take the lap cheong+ luncheon meat + curry chicken + sambal+ egg combo. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997943043708801} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roadwarrior1337 @ Mar 25 2024, 04:45 PM)Why need to explain ?We all have our trouble. Fact is fact 58 buck lamb shank isn\u2019t for everyone so just let it be if this is his pointJust wish him well and let him hustle. Tak suka jangan la orderNi tidak, tak order lagi tambah api post bukan bukanCmon la if u got colleague come stab at your back daily and u already struggle mesti la bengang kanb40 mata merah, itu sudah tentu ma. chef guna fikiran / ambil risiko / rajin kerja, mrk guna mulut tembak angin. b40 hidup sia2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9797341227531433} +{"text": "Your rental paid by co in shanghai mesti rmb20k loh?Company pay your vehicle? apa kereta lu pakai? Left side easy to adapt?This post has been edited by Alert_RaZO: Feb 21 2023, 01:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999740123748779} +{"text": "Dulu i kerja kat satu kedai bakery from taiwan. Diorang dah apply sijil halal tapi sebab some of the ingredients imported from taiwan so susah nak dapat. Tak semestinya takde sijil halal terus cop haram. Lol. Kedai tu memang takde guna ingredients haram and kebersihan gred A.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9902316927909851} +{"text": "anything viral are those that look unique or huge portion but rarely tastes good and is only shared by so called \"food lover\". so remember the next time you go and eat viral food, set your expectation low ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999635219573975} +{"text": "I kena beli makanan yang dia suka ke", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8985702395439148} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Nov 5 2023, 10:12 PM)Jangan buat bodoh. All nons walk on eggshells when dealing with you puak. Criticize a bit then maruah tercabar, call us pendatang, tak sedar diri, ini bumi milik siapa, tak suka boleh balik tongsan/india. Like I said, vegan. Damn annoying.There's medicine for delusions but unfortunately none for bigotry.Wallow in your own hate m8. I just gelak je. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999710321426392} +{"text": "It's funny when non got so angry with muslim dowan drink 0% alcohol drink.The 0% alcohol didn't even interesting to non, as they can drink whatever % alcohol they want.Obviously the 0% are intended to non drinker.The natural alcohol as byproduct is different. Tapai (halal originally) was made to be eaten, and if you purposely store the water to make alcoholic drink, then haram.Durian, do you eat it because the alcoholic content? Only some got alcohol due to byproduct.Benda simple pun boleh berpage2 sebab saja nak racing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9523338675498962} +{"text": "QUOTE(totorohui10 @ Jul 12 2018, 06:35 PM)Rude yes. But what is the intention of the reporter who report that? Want all the muslim to hate the chinese? Why not tell the organizer to prepare halal food for them since they cannot eat pork? That's how you create racial tension, by showing the other side not sensitive towards your religion.Good lesson what.New Malaysia old Malaysians.Some issues will trigger them more than anything.Best way to avoid racial tensions? Avoid offending in the first place. Not everyone has the ability to buat Ada Aku kisah attitude. Since it's covered nationwide, maybe it's just a reminder that there are certain things that should not be porked at. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "BN era still the best. Hope BN will go solo next pru ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981847405433655} +{"text": "Kek bodoh nak mampus sendiri tak tengok harga kat menu lepastu nak kasi viral. Dalam menu dia dah terang-terang tulis harga siakap 100g RM16 lepastu expect sekor ikan berat tak sampai 1kg ke untuk makan sampai 7 orang? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(tungfunglaw @ Dec 29 2023, 11:48 AM)kepala bana ko la..mati2 nak parking dpan masjid, walk further abit will die ka?salahan olang lain je\u00a0 tell ppl to tolerate your solat, but u cannot tolerate not to hold up the traffic?reli sewel..Sohai mak ko la.knnccb bukan aku yg parking jibai.aku naik.mutoU langgar lah saja u sukak. I never said can block suka hati mak.bapak.dia punya jalan. I said avoid jalan jem. U mmg perangai babi mesti lalu situ jalan jugak? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoGaki @ Jul 6 2015, 01:59 PM)How if a muslim seated near a cainis eating this bakwan thing ?? \u00a0 lots of airlines serve pr0k. muslim x suka then don't fly that airline lo lol. last time i fly cathay pacific got stir fried black pepper pork with rice ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "QUOTE(anakMY @ Dec 23 2023, 04:46 PM)Tell me how u gonna eradicate Hamas if they r living with the normal Palestinians?as long as kill the killers, don't care what collateral damage it causes rite? culling works best... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999302625656128} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Jan 9 2024, 12:47 PM)Fact: UAI is a celebrity preacher.He is not a mufti (Muslim legal expert)He is not an ulama (Muslim scholar)The Ustaz title resembles sensei, teacher, and guru because he teaches Islamic knowledge.His strong point is his knowledge of Fiqh.What is Fiqh, you ask?Besides that, his political bias is clearly towards PAS, and all his ceramah is quite often calling others \"bodoh\" to make a point.If anything, a well-informed Muslim will listen to his teaching for his Fiqh knowledge, anything besides that is not to be taken seriously.This kind of religious topic susah to discuss here. Too many trolls and butthurt ktards.Imo since point already been delivered it's about time to close it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965205192565918} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Oct 20 2016, 03:42 PM)What is the problem with original name? I don't know halal certification also include nameShow me which verse in Quran give basis for such actionIn one of the sahih hadith narated by Imam Muslim in his book, dari Abdullah bin Mas\u2019ud radhiallahu \u2018anhu bahwasanya Nabi shallallahu \u2018alaihi wa sallam bersabda,((\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u062f\u0652\u062e\u064f\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064e \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0642\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0645\u0650\u062b\u0652\u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064f \u0630\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064d \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u0650\u0628\u0652\u0631\u064d)) \u060c \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u0631\u064e\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064c: \u00ab\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0651\u064e\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064e \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u0651\u064f \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u062b\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0628\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0644\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0629\u064b\u00bb\u060c \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e: ((\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647\u064e \u062c\u064e\u0645\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064c \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u0651\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u061b \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u0650\u0628\u0652\u0631\u064f \u0628\u064e\u0637\u064e\u0631\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062d\u064e\u0642\u0651\u0650 \u060c \u0648\u064e\u063a\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0637\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0633\u0650 )) .\u201cTidak akan masuk surga seseorang yang di dalam hatinya terdapat kesombongan sebesar debu.\u201d Ada seseorang yang bertanya, \u201cBagaimana dengan seorang yang suka memakai baju dan sandal yang bagus?\u201d Beliau menjawab, \u201cSesungguhnya Allah itu indah dan menyukai keindahan. Sombong adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan orang lain.\u201d (HR. Muslim).Basically, if you honestly wanted to know the truth about this on how they bases the terms Halalan Toyyiban's terms as per describe in the Quran, please meet the JAKIM official and ask them about this.. i'm sure they will answer you politely.. and there's even a tv series called My Halal and they describe about this better than i'm... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.906352698802948} +{"text": "QUOTE(crador @ May 8 2024, 04:35 PM)Asimilasi, kena ikut teladan majoriti lah.Majority no boikot woh. Means they don't care abt haram or halal woh.Lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6436288356781006} +{"text": "Kenapa awak patut amalkan #JusDeina \ud83d\udd34100% daripada buah-buahan \ud83d\udd34Tiada kesan sampingan seperti cirit birit \ud83d\udd34Bahan semulajadi \ud83d\udd34Selamat kerana lulus kkm \ud83d\udd34Halal kerana mendapat sijil pengiktirafan halal jakim \ud83d\udd34Perisa mangga Berminat? Drop no WhatsApp sekarang atau komen \"nak\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992977380752563} +{"text": "I also dont mind halal cert. As long no pork n alcohol only, even gerai2 tepi jalan no halal cert what..As long as u yakin ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998958110809326} +{"text": "QUOTE(StengHoii @ Oct 25 2016, 08:52 PM)wahhhh seronok kan bash JAKIM, bash la lg puas2.. and still 'they' wonder why ramai orang pilih untuk support jamal, geng baju merah, PEKIDA, UMNO dsb..Why? Cannot differentiate hotdog and dog meatBecome bodo. So join red shirt? QUOTE(United Rulez @ Oct 25 2016, 08:55 PM)Those of you who say ppl wont get easily confuse.............dont underestimate them.....Yennedei Lolz ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9633778929710388} +{"text": "\ndodolgemok replied at 19-11-2020 11:49 AM\nBekas makanan kena bekas makanan berisi babi pon ummah menggelupor? Macam la babi tu tersembul kelua ...\nBg golongan pemakan Babi mmg x kisah. Lg dia suka kalo order nasi goreng ayam ltk dlm compartment yg penah ltk Babi goreng panas. Ada wap2 Babi yg akan terlekat kat ns goreng ayam dia. Lazat katanya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "Go Kajang eat lat tong is the best during rainy days The authentic one ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999740123748779} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Nov 14 2015, 11:03 AM)Al-Azhar (Oldest Religous Islamic Institution) condemns themOIC condemns themOur own National Fatwa Council condemns themand still we have some voices who claimed Muslims are silent.make it stronger lalike nationwide rally..boycott campaign just like anti israel/mcd etc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997065663337708} +{"text": "To that boy, i hope you\u2019ll success in future. Tahla i ni lately asyik nak nangis je pastu suami i;\n\n\u201cTula ada orang beli empire sushi suka tinggal dalam fridge sampai keras jegang pastu buang\u201d\n\nEh kena ceramah lak kite. Ok i janji tak buat dah & habiskan makanan i ok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998537302017212} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Jan 19 2024, 11:29 PM)Penang got a lot of famous food is halal also ok, just this fella pundek dunno how to find only. Line Clear, Bangkok lane mee goreng, char kuay teow basah near Bayan LepasDey punde kasi chan la. Nasi kandar is overrated. Even so, the best one should be deen jelutong. /k taste sucks. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5093380212783813} +{"text": "\r\nDulu iols pernah mention tah kat thread mana. Segala kedai bubble tea yang tetiba wujud macam cendawan tu uols please be cautious. Iols pernah cerita dengan supervisor kedai yang supply serbuk bubble tea and segala macam minuman dari Taiwan. Memang takde logo halal and kilang pula seibu dan sebapa dengan makanan lain. So, hati2lah ye dalam mengejar minuman2 viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987536668777466} +{"text": ". Penting ke produk tu ada sijil HALAL??? . . Jawapannya SANGAT PENTING !!! Tau tak maksud SIJIL HALAL?? . Apa itu halal?? Halal berasal daripada kalimah Arab yang bermaksud dibenarkan\u2026 https://t.co/6a7HaiLS7Z", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9798069000244141} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Apr 28 2024, 12:54 PM)iirc you need to closed down your current i account and open a new onebut of course diff bank diff procedure, best to contact your bank helpline for further clarificationQUOTE(Natsukashii @ Apr 28 2024, 12:56 PM)Close and open newUnlike telco we can change plan, in banking we cannotMaybe in future we will ability to convertJust so you both know, the account I have was never originally an \"i\" account. I don't know how it ended up being Islamic account. Last night paid non-Halal restaurant using QR, didn't encounter such error. Maybe not yet fully implemented? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997679591178894} +{"text": "jika terlalu memilih dan cerewet pasal makanan itu masalah nafsu dalam diri anda, yang penting bersih dan halal .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9168343544006348} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alternate Gabriel @ Apr 20 2024, 09:38 AM)I don't know why people here care about the illegal dumpingThe real thing that u all should focus is WHY THE POLITICIAN HOARD AND KEEPING THE RICE for longer period of time?Malaysian facing local rice shortage and this politician didn't fully distribute the whole rice supply eventhough he lost the election.That's the thing u all should focus. This type of politician yang buat pembaziran when it comes to essential stuffs should be banned from joining politics ever again and should be punishedBut this politician MCA suka betul tak M4A1\ud83e\udd2d\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985816478729248} +{"text": "ARAK YG HARAM TU PUN KAU TEGUK, LAGI NAK BORAK BOBA MILK TEA TAKDE SIJIL HALAL, TAKLEH PANDANG RINGAN PALA BUTO PAK HANG", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.810509204864502} +{"text": "ia turut mampu mengenal pasti premis makanan halal di 58 negara luar yang bekerjasama dengan JAKIM. http://bit.ly/15SE2za #jp01", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9651581048965454} +{"text": "Nothing to do with haram. They make noise coz dont want malaysia has chinese identity, ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9742599129676819} +{"text": "QUOTE(acer7254 @ Dec 14 2016, 07:49 PM)banyak lagi haiwan boleh diberi makankenapa mesti anjing, haiwan yang najis, bakal pergi keneraka setelah menyentuh nya,ini tidak bukan saja nak cari publisiti #DoneInternetDakwahTimeToOpenPornHubbapak ko ajar pegang anjing pergi neraka ke lepas pegang? bodo. bapak borek anak rintik.orang x bagi pegang pasal benda tu najis. takut melarat ke tempat lain bila sentuh cara salah. takut kena pakaian sembahyang kau, sembahyang kau x diterima. bukannya, kerana pegang anjing ko masuk neraka. ko masuk neraka pasal kau pegang anjing, lepas tu kau x sertu betul2, lepas tu sembahnyang kau x diterima pasal kau kotor.sebab golongan bodo macam ko ngan bapak ko lah kat semenanjung semua benda nak jadi isu, ada akal x pandai fikir and pakai. sampai ubat gigi, syarikat penerbangan, menu makanan (hotdog) pun kena bagi cop halal, kena rename sebab ada perkataan dog. baik ko ajak bapak ko pegi belajar agama balik. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999698400497437} +{"text": "Tambahan bro. Kalau makanan tu kena kontek Jakim mintak status Halal. Haha. Kbai.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7214358448982239} +{"text": "haizlook for halal certno cert = haram. problem solvedhow a person can even confused on that.haiz ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999047517776489} +{"text": "QUOTE(popcorn513 @ Jan 22 2012, 09:09 PM)Go try the Japanese curry with fried pork, not smelly and gooding no thanks.. i haven't been eating pork since 8 years old?kenot imagine eating them...QUOTE(Blackscreamerz @ Jan 22 2012, 09:11 PM)Thats the best part of pig, the smell.\u00a0 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "Hand Sanitizer more haram than this https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2023/03/...0they%20receive.Diving deeper into Bundaberg\u2019s official website, it is stated under their frequently asked questions section that the beverages do contain tiny residues of alcohol.Our manufacturing process uses natural yeast which feeds on sugars and ferments the \u2018brew\u2019 to be used as a base for our beverages. Alcohol is a by-product of this fermentation process. Before we fill the product into bottles we heat the brew to above 70 degrees Celsius to kill the yeast, halt the fermentation process, and remove the alcohol. After this heating process all of our products have a residual alcohol level of less than 0.5%.Bundaberg FAQs ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99843829870224} +{"text": "Serious question. Even benda tu takde cop halal, tapi kalau kita yakin je benda tu halal, tak menjadi masalah kan? Sebab aku rasa Malaysia je yg buat cop halal ni. Cuma advantage ada sijil halal ni benda tu dah konfem2 lah halalan toyyiban.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9405277967453003} +{"text": "@haqhimiarif93_ Sijil Jakim tidak menentukan makanan tu halal atau haram. Cuma menjaminkan jer. Kuih tepi jalan pun minta sijil halal ker bila beli?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Tak semua Outlet Chagee ade sijil halal ye gais.! Aku keje situ sbgai partime, outlet aku manager store kedai seorang pengkit yg pilih kasih & x rasional. HAHA.. bagus gak aku behenti dri mental hari2 keje Keje chagee Gaji situ sedap mat. Tpi kena tahan....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9850073456764221} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Nov 27 2023, 03:12 PM)It's the same situation as pushing Halalness toward other to accommodate them.Concert, haramNo pork sign, haramPakai salib, haramAfter party, haramOctoberfest, HaramJual arak, HaramWear shorts, HaramWear skirts, HaramShow knee, HaramToto 4D, haramNasi kandar, HaramIsreal, HaramPalestine, HalalRohingya, halauYou missed out condom Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932923316955566} +{"text": "Palembang - Dapur Ibadah (Indah, Bersih, Aman, dan Higienis) Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Palembang Kemenkumham Sumsel berkomitmen memproduksi dan menyajikan makanan bersih dan halal bagi warga binaan. #Ilhamdjaya #HamdiHasibuan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999690055847168} +{"text": "PRK Sungai Bakap: Kaum India beri reaksi positifNIBONG TEBAL: Pengundi dalam kalangan masyarakat kaum India telah menunjukkan reaksi sangat positif kepada PERIKATAN NASIONAL (PN) sepanjang kempen PRK N.20 DUN Sungai Bakap.Ketua Dewan Himpunan Pendukung PAS (DHPP) Pulau Pinang, K Jayaraman memberitahu, rata-rata penduduk daripada kaum India malah turut meluahkan rasa susah di bawah pemerintahan Kerajaan PH-BN.\u201cSepanjang kita pergi merayu undi dan turun melihat keadaan mereka, mereka sendiri sebenarnya tertekan dengan keadaan sekarang,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di Karnival Wanita Sejahtera di Padang Flat Mutiara Jaya, di sini semalam.Beliau yakin undi kaum India kepada PN akan meningkat dengan memberangsangkan pada PRK ini selain menyebut bahawa para pengundi mengadu kepadanya mengenai masalah dihadapi mereka.\u201cMereka merasa tertipu dengan kerajaan sekarang yang berjanji macam-macam tetapi tidak ditunaikan, dalam manifesto semua benda tapi sekarang apa yang dijanji tidak dikotakan.\u201cMereka harap wakil PN akan menjadi penghubung kepada masalah mereka jika menang nanti,\u201d tambahnya lagi.Jayaraman turut berkongsi cerita mengenai penduduk kaum India yang tidak dibenarkan membuka perniagaan oleh pihak Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) diterajui PH-BN di sebuah dewan orang ramai.Sedangkan katanya, pada PRN lalu mereka itu diberi janji untuk dibenarkan berbuat demikian dan oleh itu beliau memberi jaminan isu tersebut akan disuarakan Abang Abidin jika menang nanti. \u2013 *HARAKAHDAILY 1/7/2024Link: https://harakahdaily.net/index.php/2024/07/...ndi-kaum-india/PS: PH, please do damage control!This post has been edited by MaybachS600: Jul 2 2024, 06:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5870212912559509} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 31 2021, 12:19 AM)Senang je buat banyak pelanx2. All just proposals. Then reality hits and you either have to actually build it or get someone who knows how to build it for you. Exactly like the flying car.best thing is, they just spend the money because, it is not their own money. summore got blessings from Mahathir. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "@asyrafbadhrul @zulaikha_kamal Tq bro meluat do dekat orang dok perli cup dr babi la apa la. X sedar penting sijil halal tu x kisah la dr negara mana pon asalkan yg betul. Aku pon tak kata xdak sijil halal terus xboleh makan. Periksa dulu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 4 2018, 10:20 PM)Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali. Emphasis on 'dilarang sama sekali' not just until ketagih.If like that then casino and arak is ok as long you don't overspend or addicted U mmg bodo. Casino n arak already been said haram straight away. Its not a matter of khilaf like cosplay where there may be different views by other muslims.But then again i just realised now its pointless to explained to an idiot /k. Nvm ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999599456787109} +{"text": "Hahahaha mungkin aku 1% org malaysia yang x de nafsu nak kejar benda viral mcm ni https://t.co/KjRF47NKvP", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.44281619787216187} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Dec 9 2023, 07:27 PM)Sorry tanya saja can't fly for this franchiseIt's niche and selective in opening outletsNo halal sign outside and if you Google you already know what's their status. In this day and age siapa tak do own homework Ppl who go there know what they're getting into.Original FB poster saja nak viral for clout.I went few times before and i never know that its not certified halal.Well not like i care but i know few of my friends that actually do care about halal status but patron it anyway as they assume that this is a halal outlet.So to me, this kind of post target those who are unaware.If this is the only intention, then to me its still ok. Its just like spreading awareness kind of campaign. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9521262049674988} +{"text": "QUOTE(vassilius @ Apr 6 2021, 06:28 PM)jahanam betul owner tu... org pon cari makan saja, aper ranjiao mau lansi sana?? pukimak pukul org, kasi viral bg femes... kasi tutup kedai takyah berniaga 1-2 minggu...\u00a0 Right.Kasi tutup 2 weeks to cool down Fasting month see how can stay afloat or not ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999195396900177} +{"text": "QUOTE(yuss_yusoff @ Nov 16 2020, 02:06 PM)u la bodo dont read properly, very racist that's why your mind full of hatredJAKIM didnt raid, the one that raid is by KPDNHEPJAKIM is trying to be honest and fair, they already informed Old Town did not do wrong...u still blame them? stupiakSo KPDNHEP wasted their resources to raid the premise because of the viral video ok or not? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996922016143799} +{"text": "QUOTE(Keith321 @ Apr 7 2013, 07:04 PM)other vroom has been draining animal blood during animal slaughtering process since millenias ago. lul at moslin fegs thinking \"islamic\" technique is the pioneernobody is saying 'islamic technique' is the pioneer. in islam we can eat meat slaughetered by 'people of the book' such as the jews if they are slaughtered properly and in the name of God. this just shows that the so called 'islamic technique' has been practiced long before. it's the best technique that we recognized. i just call it 'islamic technique' cause they're more often associated with muslims nowadays, and strictly is the only way that is allowed in islam ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999574422836304} +{"text": "Next time i wanna make new food calledApom Balik BabiOr Apom Balik Anjing(just name only)Then I go to JAKIM and mintak sijil halal.JAKIM won't approve and ask me to change the name first.Ayam rage. Ayam go media, media also rage.Ayam go lowyat, lwyat user also rage.Ayam bangga.This post has been edited by acer7254: Oct 22 2016, 03:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903684854507446} +{"text": "@isaaciaga @glowinputaaa Tapi, jakim hanya kata ia x dapat sijil halal lagi... bukan haram...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9281519055366516} +{"text": "Tp sy menyeru semua klo boleh sokonglah orang melayu agama islam lg2 dlm pembelian makanan yg melibatkn penyembelihan. We know their games(lg2 supermarket ada yg btul tp ada juga yg...) klo nk kata halal jakim, kes daging halal jd haram slama 40 thn..?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962959885597229} +{"text": "QUOTE(arif85124 @ Sep 4 2023, 09:23 AM)you monster, be sure your gandum mechanical organ can filter all the haram particleNasib baek i didnt fart ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997257590293884} +{"text": "wah, restoran mohd chanquite popular cuz near uitm shah alamthe dishes in their menu is deliciousbut quite expensive ladunno how for this open houseedit: saudara lama tak boleh datang keThis post has been edited by rjsyazwan: Feb 18 2016, 04:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "tak boleh di bawa bincang, apa apa pun PAS ini mesti \u201cyou die or i die\u201d kind of statement ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9921128749847412} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 10 2017, 12:17 PM)Actually it only states alcohol is haram only when u get drunk. But since theres no way to say how much quantity can make a person drunk coz every person have different reaction to any level of alcohol, the religious authorities put it as haram straight. So the alcohol as haram is based on mufti opinion, not the quran. Chef wan once got criticised for using cooking wine in his show.That's the thing...usage of wine/alcohol for cooking will not make anyone drunk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997432827949524} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.what was that MCMC aduan batu api perkauman wahtsapp number? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999664306640625} +{"text": "Tak kenal dunia lagi tu.\n\nNon-muslim population di Msia ada la lebih kurang dalam 40%. Business owner and supplier with halal certificate ni ada dalam 70% non-muslim.\n\nBelum apa-apa lagi dah gali kubur diri sendiri. Admin page kedai lagi pandai dari tauke, dengan bangga pi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991594552993774} +{"text": "yala yala, only their food that consumed by them can be listed in national heritage la. very pandai la, superior la. clap for them. their lancau halal food the best la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996811151504517} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Dec 6 2020, 03:08 PM)dah start dah nanti mesti salah orang makan babimakan takde masalah.ni makanan yang berjalan-jalan masalahnya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986562728881836} +{"text": "Kalau parents sanggup bayar PIBG rm500, it's shouldn't be a problem. Masalahnya bukan semua mampu ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 01:29 PM)let me get this straight from non muslim point:it is ok when:- tapai is fermented just nice to the point tapai tu tak memabukkan.- i drink beer but not to point of getting mabukit is not ok when:- tapai is fermented too long until until it boleh memabukkan- i drink beer until i get mabuktalking about drunk drinking.- not everybody goes for drunk drinking. only idiots get drunk and do stupid things- many other ppl drink for other purposes (health benefits, release stress, reduce heatiness)it is the intention of drinking. some drink for wrong purpose, some drink for its benefits.the same i tell you about merokok. shouldn't merokok be haram too since it can be fatal to the smoker and his proxies like family members?how about vehicles, shouldnt driving be haram too because some idiots will be using it to vroom vroom causing accidents?why not haramkan social media too because some idiots use it to mengundang zina, gejala kuning and budaya barat? aren't all of the above against your teachings too?dont be ignorant, rokok is HARAAAM!As I said purpose/objective is 1 of main factors.vehicles and social media is main purpose for transport and communication,I dont drive to be in accident! u gila ka.social media is similar to knife, it can be abuse to something else. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995970129966736} +{"text": "QUOTE(boonwuilow @ Mar 11 2024, 09:40 PM)I don't know what u talking about cause i never pay tax, but i know and can sense when someone is dodging their taxtransfer pricing docs is for company to prepare if they have any interco transactionfor example tax rate for company now is:On first RM150,000\t15%RM150,001 to RM600,000\t17%RM600,001 and Subsequent Balance\t24%company that exceed profit 600k would want to transfer their profit over to their subsidiary /interco to be tax at the first 600k, 15-17% instead of 24%. or lagi best transfer to loss making company evading the tax together.but doing so required you to prepare a transfer pricing doc to justify the transaction, why doing so, profit margin , benchmark against industry etc.and need to declare this into form c.when audit come didnt prepare TP, penalty, prepare wrongly, penalty, then again another penalty on the added back tax.u ask big 4 to do for you, 40k and no guarantee wont kena penalty from LDHN audit. if ur company is small and u use those household item to avoid tax then small issue la almost all small company did that. play golf also book under company as biz social cost.This post has been edited by Lescotesco: Mar 12 2024, 08:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5420927405357361} +{"text": " makanan mestila. Jangan risau 101 percent HALAL yg disahkn oleh Jakim. Shopping tu takda sbb our wedding 7hari 7malam. Hahaha :D", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9777348041534424} +{"text": "Udah tau makanan non halal, berartikan haram. Masih aja disenengi. Itu yg mengharamkan bukan cuma Islam, tapi agama lain juga mengharamkan. Cek aja kitab2 agama kalian, halal gak babi itu, dll nya yg memang diharamkan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999687671661377} +{"text": "Actually, who says it is haram? They are selling tobacco products and alcoholic products everywhere. Just need to get proper licensing.Are you saying some pedo retard decided certain things are illegal over a thousand years ago, and it still stands today? Go pound sand fucktardd ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999134540557861} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeelong @ May 21 2016, 10:09 AM)Do you understand what's HALAL in the first place or not? Please don't let me as non muslim enlighten you what's the meaning of HALAL. You need to go back to religious school if you are muslim. HALAL not all about pork!! it's more than pork!! the process of preparing it, then source of foods all according to the quran. NOT JUST ABOUT PORK. do you hear me? Tony Romas put up HALAL meaning they serves muslim food according to the quran. When you see HALAL, go in and dine, when you see no pork but no HALAL just walk away. Why is it making it so difficult for you and others?Then why are you upset when the government wants to remove no-pork sign? Does removing the no-pork sign inconvenience you significantly? Would you be less resistant to the idea if the no-pork sign was allowed only IF a non-halal sign was also displayed alongside it? Win-win situation right? That way Muslims would know that its Halal status is questionable but informative enough for non-Muslims who do not consume pork. I expect resistance from F&B owners though.Malaysians are lazy. Instead of boycotting an expensive eatery, they report the restaurant to KPNDKK for profiteering. Nothing's going to change that at the moment.QUOTE(G_KeN @ May 21 2016, 10:11 AM)Why would the muslims want to eat in eateries that do not have halal certs in the first place?Some patronize the outlets for its popularity and some because of lack of options. If you look at our malls, many eateries do not have halal-cert outlets, except fast food and the occasional few.You could ask no-pork restaurants the same thing. Why display the halal-cert issued to their suppliers?This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: May 21 2016, 10:16 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7738558053970337} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 06:22 PM)this is correct actuallyi check on this website:http://www.eramuslim.com/ustadz-menjawab/h...s-menu-babi.htmit says no need sertucorrect?different mazhab/imam/ulama, different opinion. of course the holy Quran didnt specifically say \"if ur tupperware touch pork, must sertu\", hence the different interpretations by different people. by scientific basis, if u use soap and water, more clean, and can get rid of the pork fat. so can be 99% sure no pork molecules there. hahaif use muddy water, then oil and fat might still stuck to the tupperware. so i also confuse. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9352375864982605} +{"text": "\nSuper-M replied at 29-8-2017 09:32 AM\r\nescargot tu mcm rupa siput gondang.tgk org utara makan je siput gondang ni.. mcm siput babi,lagi2 sa ...\nalamak kiranya diorg ni interracial marraige la ye...tp dah siput babi tu haram knp siput gondang yg ada dna siput babi ni boleh pulak dimakan\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999748468399048} +{"text": "QUOTE(apamise @ Oct 14 2023, 11:54 AM)Brand name suka hati diorang la nak taruk apa. You think buttercup is butter? It's not.U r telling me this Hokkaido butter also not from Hokkaido? Made in China ka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999629259109497} +{"text": "QUOTE(karwaidotnet @ Oct 21 2016, 09:55 AM)not halal =/= haramthen not halal = ???if not haram =/= halalthen 1 + 1 =/= 2???rokok/rempit/arak/'donation' from pak arab/alcohol/toto/gambling/pecah amanah =/= haram understoodnot halal according to jakim is just that not halal according to jakim doesn't mean its haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "Kalau restoran bukan islam tak bermakna ada orang bertudung itu halal. Tapi tak juga bermakna tiada sijil jakim, haram makanannya. Tak salah bertanya pon. Cuma tak perlu smp menyiasat sedalamnya. Islam itu mudah. bertanya la toke dia.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.601740300655365} +{"text": "Malam semalam baru lepas togok 2 botol tiger hari ni beria memaki jakim sebab tak periksa status makanan dengan teliti~", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9224575757980347} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 05:38 PM)If you think about it that way, no Muslim can EVER work for any Non-Muslim, because they are enriching the owners DIRECTLY to buy Haram items. Up to you bro. To each his own. Out of curiosity, are you smoking? Fatwa Malaysia already said it's Haram since 1995. It's much more clear cut for Rokok, confirm no Muslim owners, confirm Haram LOL!Konpem no reply ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997653365135193} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Aug 19 2022, 01:11 PM)Johor case haven't settle now Selayang pulak. I cannot plotek so many thread la.Selayang case up.dulu. tapi x sempat viral. sebab owner kedai Close tutup kedai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7862495183944702} +{"text": "Boleh makan sebenarnya.\n\nAda hal, kosher bagi, halal tak bagi.\n\nAda hal, halal bagi, kosher tak bagi.\n\nTapi lebih digalakkan carilah makanan yang diiktiraf halal oleh jakim atau badan persijilan halal luar negara yang diiktiraf jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976783394813538} +{"text": "QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 21 2016, 03:31 PM)playing with words, huh? u may call Halal cert is stupid if u wantu may call kosher cert is stupid if u wantu may call anything as stupid if u wantbut think again..u call it stupid, but u apply for it anyway when its a non compulsory & nobody force u to take itso who is actually stupid?Unlike you I have a straightforward logic. It is not who being stupid in case you can't read or comprehend. I am only questioning 1 particular issue with it. No need to drag all sort of nonsense into it. Does the name of an object makes a thing halal or haram? Are Muslims easily confused due to naming of the object?Is the name an issue ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997479319572449} +{"text": "Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan (BKKM) akan menjalankan siasatan lanjut mengenai kegiatan penyeludupan ayam, itik dan daging sejuk beku dari China yang dikhuatiri boleh menjejas kesihatan rakyat di negara ini.Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Dr S Subramaniam berkata, kementerian mengambil serius mengenai perkara ini tindakan sewajarnya akan diambil terhadap pihak bertanggungjawab.\"Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan dibawah kementerian akan melihat perkara ini dengan lebih lanjut kerana untuk semua perkara berkaitan makanan termasuk makanan sejuk beku mempunyai ketetapan yang perlu diikuti pihak pengimport.\"Mereka perlu mematuhi syarat termasuk suhu yang sepatutnya digunakan kerana jika suhu tinggi ia boleh menyebabkan kuman atau bakteria membiak sekali gus mengundang penyakit kepada pengguna,\"katanya.Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas melancarkan Pelan Tindakan Pemakanan Kebangsaan (NPANM) III 2016-2025 dan Nutrition Research Priority (NRP) di Malaysia untuk Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (2016-2020) di sini, hari ini.Muka depan Harian Metro melaporkan rampasan 18 kontena mengandungi lebih 500,000 kilogram (kg) ayam, itik dan daging sejuk beku yang diseludup dari China mengundang persoalan mengenai status halal bahan mentah itu kerana berkemungkinan ada yang pernah lolos dan berada di pasaran.Sindiket penyeludupan antarabangsa yang dipercayai turut dianggotai warga tempatan itu cuba menyeludup masuk bahan mentah berkenaan tanpa permit, sijil halal dan sijil kesihatan melalui Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), Johor.Bagaimanapun, cubaan mereka gagal apabila dikesan petugas Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kuarantin dan Pemeriksaan Malaysia (MAQIS) dan Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) yang melakukan pemeriksaan.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/185536 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979543685913086} +{"text": "QUOTE(HappyA_Q @ Jan 11 2024, 10:37 AM)There are people who wanted to migrate out of Malaysia, and also people wanted to migrate back to Malaysia or MM2H!Grass always greener the other side.Well, one way to avoid the 183 Tax Resident status is for me to spend 182 days in Sydney, and the rest of the year back in Singapore and Malaysia (I can, as a citizen, but wife may have to go on an MM2H visa). So, best of 3 worlds.Or, I could spend 182 days in Sydney, then split the rest between NZ (where as an Aussie PR, I automatically enjoy residency rights in NZ too), Singapore and Malaysia... best of 4 worlds! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9552434682846069} +{"text": "Cukurlah Sushit King still have peminat tegar, awek suka makan fake Japanese food no porkku no mirin no birru Japanese tersenyum awek tastebuds. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998241066932678} +{"text": "now i only know siput haram... but still many i see also consume alcohol, buy lottery ,rokok and fancy nancy in shopping complex wor... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998600482940674} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Dec 16 2023, 09:27 PM)Celaka sekarang semua nak meniaga tapi tak reti masakIngat nak support bangsa sendiriPMX pun suruh ubah gaya hidupOk la aku pun pergi pasar malamBeli vadey rm3, yong tau foo rm14 , tau fu fah rm2.50, kuey teow rm5, nasi putih daging kunyit rm9, air asam boi rm2.50, roti goreng rm4, ayam bakar rm5. Kalau satu je tak sedap takpe, ni semua. Air balang pun rasa cordial murah campur air paip. Dah la tak unik, banyak jual barang sama. Pundek. Lepas tu salah kerajaan, hidup in keras. Tuanku, tolonglah makin lama hidup makin sempit. Pundek. Baik pergi pasar malam connaught. Walaupun tak semua halal boleh beli, at least benda basic macam air mata kucing ke air limau ke tau fu fah ke memang sedap la. Banyak makanan interesting & variety. Takpun baik makan McD.Babi betul lah hari ini ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7744922637939453} +{"text": "mesti ramai org Malaysia taktau Halal Jakim tu antara Halal yg status paling tinggi dan diiktiraf seluruh dunia sbb tu setengah kedai makan or makanan even halal susah nak dpt Halal Jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.99457848072052} +{"text": "QUOTE(livesnextd00r @ Nov 27 2014, 08:22 AM)Assalamualaikum fellow Muslims /k'sI would like to study and understand your opinion on an issue that has been bothering for quite some time now. Being a Muslim myself, personally, I believe that every one is equal in Islam regardless of age, race and status. However, in Malaysia, we have special rights for a certain race. This would contradict with what I believe in which leads to my issue. And this is a supposedly Islamic country. So I would like to understand and hopefully find answers from the vast and wide knowledge of the Muslims from K. PS, serious question no vroom vroom.i'm no scholar, i'm not pious, i'm nothing.but i can give a hint: piagam madinah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999955415725708} +{"text": "Bila viral pasal makanan, yg HARAM, kau kecoh, heboh na sebar. Yang ada bukti JAKIM HALAL kau tak nak sebar????", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996069073677063} +{"text": "QUOTE(4ddict @ May 31 2017, 04:40 PM)Bro, if ur business is small can apply for mesti(makanan selamat tanggunjawab industri) for free by kkm. If you manage to comply to the requirement and get the certificate, u can straight apply for jakim halal certification (fee is rm800 for 2 year).The only thing that are important is your premise can maintain the gmp/mesti requirement. No need high tech yang penting selamat and bersih lol. really? good info, will definitely get more info into that.. if home based? cause i'm not confident to apply as i'm home based, takut later kena anything? lel thanks bro for the info, you seems like know quite details.. ni dah professional la hahaha thanks bro thank you! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7195795774459839} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSoldier @ Mar 3 2024, 05:32 PM)As usual hapky toive in denialNo proof Starbucks or mcd support Israel, but boycott stillNvidia, Intel, AMD are all pumping billion of dollar in Israel, hiring thousands of workers there .. Halal to invest in these companies and then happily received the dividendyup I'm so in denial .your choice don't want to learn what constitutes as halal or haram. i'm definitely make a right choice not to dive in. and you seems cant comprehend the example i give on McD and Starbucks both has Halal certs. so should their halal retract?This post has been edited by letitsnow: Mar 3 2024, 05:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9655855894088745} +{"text": "Nabi berpesan elakkan syubhah. Kalau hati tu yakin makanan tu bersih halal walaupun dikedai yg mcm ni. Silakan. Bak kata pepatah. Berani buat berani tanggung. Stanby jawapan dkt akhirat nnti. Inshaallah. Allah maha mengetahui.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999295473098755} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dollores @ May 21 2016, 05:08 PM)Its written there.You have to have muslim worker to sembelih cara Islam.If the worker or butcher is not Muslim then x d3 sembelih cara Islam (according to the writer)Macam mana pula kalau sumber air yang digunakan tidak ada \"label\" halal? Adakah makanan (secara keseluruhan) tersebut halal atau haram, walaupun orang yang menyediakan bahan masakan tersebut adalah seorang Muslim?How about the banknotes (be it RM1, RM5, RM10, RM50...)? We know it's circulated around and the banknotes might not be handled or from halal source. So how? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9127918481826782} +{"text": "I didn\u2019t kecam him but mostly I won\u2019t buy also cos I\u2019m M40, can\u2019t afford T20 foods. Simple as that. I still wish him all the best. Mana Malaysian kaya who go bazaar for t20 foods ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7614755034446716} +{"text": "[quote=trojandude,Sep 11 2023, 04:38 PM]I think the problem is that some religious scholars has different interpretation and opinion what constitutes as halal and what is not, hence why people are confused of who to follow.Tapai definitely can make you intoxicated if you consume enough. Even a serving can make you feel the clear headed alcohol effect.Per alcohol content, depends on how fermented the tapai is some definitely can make you drunk faster than a can or 2 of beer.[/quote]Thank you. I think it's quite obvious there's inconsistencies.I'm a sole believer of do what you want. Your sins are between you and whoever you believe.I must say I can't agree with folks making up rules and punishing others based on their beliefs though, especially when one is not given the choice to freely choose his/her beliefs.[/quote]read properly, its subject to interpretation. no one gives a shit what almighty in heaven. bribery is interpretated as beneficial then corruption is halal budaya rasuah malu apa ... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6238082051277161} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasilemaksedap @ Nov 2 2019, 11:53 PM)Ban air tooSooner or later will detect traces of haram tooUser live in first world but with third world brainQUOTE(Emimarson @ Nov 3 2019, 12:04 AM)I always wonder does water still halal even if purified, since not washed by soil.And how about air?#mudahkeliruZzzzz.Act like u know instead of fact checking. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998960494995117} +{"text": "Aku harap pihak JAKIM kena kaji balik Status HALAL di OldTown White Coffee, kerana di menu premis ini ada makanan... http://fb.me/3C8gZxAfJ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997672438621521} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Apr 1 2021, 04:37 PM)aku pun kurang fahamartikel 2016https://topgear.com.my/how-proton-is-able-t...engines-quickly1. This engine is far from ready. Proton and Ricardo will take 40 months for further engine testing (the first variation will be launched for use in Toyota vehicles as early as the end of 2017). It will be the new powerplant for the upcoming Proton Perdana (Honda will only supply the engines and transmissions for two years after the launch), the new Saga, Persona and possibly new models from Proton and Lotus.------if take another 40 months ( which is another 3 years plus ) mana datang idea (the first variation will be launched for use in Toyota vehicles as early as the end of 2017)lelmcm lah Toyota tak mampu buat enjin sendirikidding themselves much ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5606187582015991} +{"text": "\nhiks.. nko dah pegi ek restoran tu. \n\r\naku dah lama beno tak gi mkn situ...\n\r\nrindu la pulak \n14sept Post at 20-8-2009 22:33 \n\nbaru g aritu.... ingat nak g lagi pose neh... byk giler siot nasi goreng die... gagah nak abiskan... tuh yg best tuh kalo bukak pose... cover trus moreh... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999151229858398} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Oct 29 2016, 12:48 AM)amon tak nak kalah.amon mesti menang debat internet.wu wu wu...as mentioned, if ninja joe feels they have been wronged, they can bring jais to court.other parties have brought jais to court and some did succeed (that bible case comes to mind).btw serang dulu salah takpe?they have good reason to investigate, and if they didn't then the muslims who reported will escalate it further.it's just investigation.key word: INVESTIGATION.let the court (civil court in this case, as jais themselves had admitted that they gave all of their investigation results to KPDNKK) decide whether they did indeed contravene the halal act.and if they win, ninja joe is free to sue back jais for whatever reason that they think.and if we wanna talk about shouldn't happen in the 1st place, naming it p. ramly burger as homage to ramly burger shouldn't happen in the 1st place.but huhuhu amon still wanna win da internutz... \u00a0 \u00a0 aku bukan nak menang bangobviously we disagree on thisjust that i wanna stress\"at least jakim enforce\" is a wrong notion.very wrongenforcing something that shouldnt be enforce is not a good thingmore so when something need to be enforce ,isntdont be such an apologist\"at least jakim enforce\"\"alah.kalau salah.sue la balik.like faye\"problem is,how can it happen in the first place?it shouldnttak pernah aku belajar islam promot \"buat dulu.salah takpe.at least dah buat\"thats all brah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999975323677063} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 5 2018, 12:14 PM)Lol, why bother follow mufti that only see money?Did rukun iman and islam mention about mufti?Instead of blaming cosplay why he dint bother say out loud pusat perjudian at genting is haramBan all cigarette and beer in malaysia. Rosmah xtutup aurat, did he bother try to fix that?cosplay haram. Judi, rokok, arak halal. gajah di depan mata mereka tak nampak, tapi kuman di seberang lautan yang mereka nampak\u00a0 we call these hipopocrites ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997192025184631} +{"text": "I dare that shop to put the haram meme photo as logo.This post has been edited by Sien99: Mar 7 2024, 12:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999737560749054} +{"text": "Sijil Halal Xing Fu Tang Oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia Didakwa \u2018Palsu\u2019 https://t.co/nyFRGMYZPn https://t.co/fgykuiNGcv", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999439716339111} +{"text": "Malaysia shud enforce haram sign to ease confusion of stupid people,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Kenapa orang melayu mudah tertipu dgn kafir dan benak hati?\n1 Sebabnya makan makanan haram di restoran2 bukan Islam yg tiada sah halal Jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "JAKIM tolong buat kajian tepat. bende halal haram makanan ni..bahaya untuk budak2", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992241621017456} +{"text": "QUOTE(New Klang @ Nov 23 2020, 09:16 AM)Same reason why expensive tasteless The Chicken Rice Shop is popular among MalaysOnly went there for kari chicken, their curry chiken is good ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "QUOTE(bingding @ Aug 25 2016, 06:25 PM)its a disgrace to ever own that stupiak kiasuland citizenship. sgreans are mannequins, fake af. got my relatives working there as well. well, good for them. more than 15 years working, some still wouldnt convert to sinkie identity. dictatorship, non-democratic and non-liberalised society, who want to giv up MY nationality for this kiasu kiabor kiasi kia chenghu -land. 3 times salary? ptuihhh, i go brunei better. save damn lot bcoz salary almost same for most professional jobs and expenses like malaysia.in short, if giv extra residency can consider. extra = bonus. if want me gib up malaysian status = NO WAY. that sg gomen can go jiak my saiI rather choose kiasu than ketuanan melayu. Brunei? Congrats, Internet slow like hell, can't even download porn, everywhere masjid, negative economy growth. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7235291004180908} +{"text": "JAKIM perlu lebih aktif dan agresif dalam mengenal pasti status kandungan makanan dan barangan di Malaysia ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9989514350891113} +{"text": "Sendiri buka tengok, lepas tu kecam Haram , batal posa etcs....sendiri Iman masalah jecc: ry8128 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999671459197998} +{"text": "Bila kita dah lama taubat dan tinggalkan satu dosa, hati rasa lega semoga Allah S.W.T mengampunkan dosa2 kita dan menambahkan rezeki2 kita ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999893307685852} +{"text": "QUOTE(bakry @ Jun 10 2019, 11:08 AM)http://kemusykilan.islam.gov.my/v2/index_j...p?ids=103886&q=Assalamualaikum w.b.t,Saudara / Saudari yang dirahmati Allah,Minuman malta ini tidak mendapat sijil halal dari jakim. Mohon menyemak sama ada minuman tersebut tertera logo halal atau tidak.Ini kerana, ada minuman malta yang dihasilkan adalah halal dan ianya bukanlah dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak.Mohon merujuk fatwa yang dinyatakan:Berdasarkan taklimat, pembentangan dan penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh pakar-pakar daripada Institut Penyelidikan Produk Halal, Universiti Putra Malaysia serta dengan mengambilkira keputusan-keputusan yang telah diputuskan dalam Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia terdahulu, Muzakarah Khas Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia yang membincangkan isu alkohol dalam makanan, minuman, pewangi dan ubat-ubatan pada 14 hingga 16 Julai 2011 telah bersetuju memutuskan seperti berikut: Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis. Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh. Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum. Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum. Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh ) dimakan/diminum. Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%. Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak. Wallahua'lamSoalan senang pun nak bagi orang pening ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982251524925232} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcal @ Mar 14 2024, 09:16 AM)i remember watching one video, outside his mrm office, he set up a kiosk with display of hinduism books. then got one hindu brother had dialogue and asked the ppl there, this jibai conveniently brushed off the brother in a very arrogant manner. i know why firdaus is very active proselytizing the nons, bcoz he got NGO where he can withdraw money suka hati bapak dia like his own money anytime. even his NGO oso sudah lama tak auditSo you're saying.... he's a penunggang agama? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "\nAssalamualaikum..\r\nAku ada sedikit kemusykilan tentang makanan.Ada sesiapa yang pernah makan makanan ala-ala yong tau foo...\r\nCara nak makan makanan tu kena celur dalam air panas lepas tu cicah dengan kicap..makan.\n\r\n1.Kalau makanan tu adalah HALAL UNTUK DISENTUH TAPI HARAM UNTUK DIMAKAN sebagai contoh ayam yang tidak disembelih, hukumnya macamana pulak kalau didalam air yang sama dicelur makanan yang halal...?!\n\nAda yang boleh tolong jawabkan atau bagi pandangan...:hmm:", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979351758956909} +{"text": "so called abah of the nation, allied with a party that hates kafirs but spend time holidaying in a kafir country, son in law still not back yet and he says nothing is wrong. best part is so many people adore him. Love power more than love country ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9185502529144287} +{"text": "QUOTE(kong5091 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:33 PM)If only pork is not haram for muslim~~ Anyway, there are so many meat out there, y only pork are haram for muslim?they say pig is haram due to dirtinessbut according to research...pig are way clean than some other animals ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999634861946106} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ May 22 2017, 06:01 PM)those who labelling another Muslims are just plain the same , right amon_meizhttp://www.islamictreasure.com/856-beware-...hers-as-kaafir/Determining whether someone is a kaafir or a faasiq (\u0641\u0627\u0633\u0642) is not up to us, rather it is up to Allah, may He be exalted, and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This is one of the rulings of sharee\u2019ah that is to be referred to the Qur\u2019aan and Sunnah, so we should be very careful and base our judgement on clear proof.\u00a0 No one may be judged to be a kaafir or faasiq except the one whom the Qur\u2019aan and Sunnah indicate is a kaafir or faasiq.The basic principle is that the one who appears outwardly to be a Muslim of good character is regarded as still being a Muslim of good character, until it is proven that this is no longer the case by means of evidence that is acceptable in sharee\u2019ah. It is not permissible to take lightly the matter of judging someone to be a kaafir or faasiq, because that involves two very serious matters:1 \u2013 It implies fabricating lies against Allah with regard to this ruling, and fabricating lies against the one who is being judged.2 \u2013 Falling into that which one accused one\u2019s brother of, if he is free from that.Be careful who you call Kafir because only Allah knows who is truly a rejector and who is merely a misguided person. It is not up to us to \u201csentence\u201d a person to the Hellfire.[U]We must always maintain courtesy, diplomacy and a never-dying zeal to convey the message to others no matter how discouraging or useless it may seem \u2013 don\u2019t give up on a non-muslim because most people are good people who simply need a break from the anti-Islamic propaganda around them.BetulQUOTE(mousqy @ May 22 2017, 06:03 PM)aku taknak beli kat org yg bukan regular sure sucks makanan dia_____________kawan kau tu sure org KELANTANDia pahangQUOTE(zaini900 @ May 22 2017, 06:06 PM)Mon, kau husnuzon sajalah.Mana yang kita nampak secara terang2 kita boikot, mana yang tak nmpak scara terang kita jangan pandai2.Pendek kata, jangan bersubahat sudah lah.Tapi kenapa nak kena bpikot? Kalau bersangka baik. Kita tak perlu boikot sapa2Berdosa tuduh tanpa buktiTak tutup aurat tak bermakna dia confirm masuk nerakaEven pelacur boleh masuk syurga jika sempat bertaubat before matiQUOTE(andrewhtf @ May 22 2017, 06:12 PM)that biatch hati already gelap before even buying that poor fella's food.Exactly QUOTE(Kojke @ May 22 2017, 06:15 PM)Trying to be religious than others by doing things not even endorsed by the religion itself.Precisely Betul ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967204928398132} +{"text": "Malas nak tunggu makanan cafe? InsyaAllah halal dan bersih!\nSedap pula tu Sebarkan untuk rezeki kami tq", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9851566553115845} +{"text": "tak berbaloi guys. gaduh kat /k je la. luar kita ok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996864795684814} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ May 14 2024, 12:46 PM)Later will blame type c rampas keje10 years later someone will viral.\"Dulu org kita pegang.. skrg semua org mereka. ni lah agenda\"LololololThose same idiots yang keep on harrasing the type M yang kerja sana saying why working for zionist company and rezeki ada mana2. Sendiri harass and chase own type from working there and then cry kena tindas when kena replace by other type yang willing to work. Their mental gymnastic level damn gooding ohh, if masuk olympic sure sapu bersih gold. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 8 2021, 01:44 PM)JIKA ke Pasar Mahkota Sentral di Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor, pasti merasakan seperti berada di China apabila perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh kaum tertentu sahaja.Begitu juga ruang medan selera yang terletak di dalam bangunan tersebut yang diusahakan oleh tiada Melayu.Sebelum ini beberapa peniaga Melayu bertanyakan peluang untuk berniaga di sana, namun perlu terikat dengan peraturan yang tidak membenarkan peniaga menjual minuman kerana sudah ada gerai menjual minuman secara berpusat.Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. Ini menyebabkan sektor perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh satu kaum sahaja.Setahu saya, pengurusan pasar berkenaan di bawah Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKJ). Namun, tidakkah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) itu berasa pelik dengan ketidakseimbangan peniaga antara kaum?Mengapa mereka berdiam diri dan bersikap tidak adil kepada peniaga Melayu? Hal sama berlaku di pasar pagi di situ. Bukan Melayu merupakan peniaga terbesar. Kasihanilah kaum lain yang juga mahu mencari nafkah dan mengembangkan ekonomi keluarga.Apa salahnya kita berkongsi ruang perniagaan untuk sama-sama maju? Mengapa perlu ada penindasan terhadap peniaga Melayu sedangkan pasaran untuk masyarakat Melayu/Islam itu ada, cuma \u2018disorokkan\u2019 oleh golongan tertentu.Saya berharap PBT dapat lakukan sesuatu dengan membolehkan peniaga Melayu diberi peluang yang saksama untuk berniaga dan memajukan ekonomi mereka.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMgLol that area cina banyak. And correct, Ask MPKJ lor. And Pasar Kajang is cater Malay Market mah. Sana tarak babi punyaThis post has been edited by kcchong2000: Dec 8 2021, 02:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9423418045043945} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Feb 13 2016, 01:02 PM)sorry but since when jakim is a muslim problem? differ in trivial opinion =/= a problem.jakim declares smoking cigs as haram. have you seen muslim do a riot/campaign/bla bla bla?no fucking no. we just fucking do things our way.selective prosecutionthose idiots , regardless of race, already know that cigarettes is harmful to their health, and yet still doing itthe most pkmk one is those who smoke around kidsThis post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Feb 13 2016, 01:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999486207962036} +{"text": "Rangkaian Ayam Goreng Korea KyoChon akhirnya diiktiraf halal oleh JAKIM, tetapi ini bukanlah bermakna sebelum ini ia menghidangkan makanan tidak halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9882264733314514} +{"text": "bodohnye manusia...memang bagus bodoh laki tu dapat bini bodoh jugak...malangnya anak die dapat ibu bapa sebodoh itu...bahagian mana la dalam agama mereka ni boleh buat macam ni dalam perkahwinan... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999033212661743} +{"text": "haram does not means kennot sell kennot isapmreshia all kennnot = ken one ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969512224197388} +{"text": "Harga ini hanya dari Kilang Kami sahaja. Panel Pengilangan dan Proses kami mengikut standard \"Mesti\" dan mempunyai Sijil Halal Malaysia. Produk Mentah kami mempunyai sijil Halal Antarabangsa yang di iktiraf oleh JAKIM . . 100% Pure Muslim. https://t.co/C9PSLWZ8n1", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988182187080383} +{"text": "Cuba try pergi kedai makanan/minuman tanya sendiri owner or pekerja, makanan/minuman yg diorang jual tu ada sijil halal jakim tak...kita sebagai customer, \ud83d\udcaf % ada hak kan....so, kalau lah owner/pekerja tu tunjuk sijil halal jakim tu, viral kan sekali supaya semua orang tahu \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9312261343002319} +{"text": "Ini kali pertama aku dengar bahawa #JAKIM serbu hotel\n\nMungkin untuk periksa status urusan penyediaan makanan sijil halal kot\n\nAtau JAKIM periksa sijil halal restoran\n\nMungkin kot https://t.co/udCwG8IMrH", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991469383239746} +{"text": "berzina is dosa between those two only. rasuah is to the whole people affected. just taubat and never do again. dont be stupid like ktards ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999743700027466} +{"text": "Aku bagi contoh: nak pastikan kedai makan kita halal senang je bayar jakim nanti dia bagi sijil halal. \n\nTapi nak lagi senang, fahami kenapa makanan boleh jadi halal dan kenapa boleh jadi haram. Masak makanan yang diyakini halal dan jauhi unsur haram. Tak payah sijil halal pun.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "Days later in Utusan or Berita Harian, you'll see an article about some Secret Recipe copy operated by Bumiputera.- Pembuat kek Melayu mampu bersaing- Kek Melayu sedap dan murah ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999574422836304} +{"text": "Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Pusat perkenal BAK KUT TEH HALAL sempena Pilihan Raya KecilLajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Pusat sentiasa berusaha mencari ruang dan peluang untuk memperkenalkan PAS kepada masyarakat bukan Melayu yang masih mempunyai persepsi negatif terhadap PAS.Sejak diwujudkan, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional telah memperkenalkan kuih bulan halal. Ahli- ahli PAS telah diperkenalkan dengan perayaan kuih bulan yang biasa disambut oleh masyarakat Cina pada hari ke 15 bulan lapan menurut kalendar Cina. Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional Negeri Selangor telah mengeluarkan kuih bulan halal yang disediakan khas oleh Muslimat PAS dan setiap tahun, kuih bulan ini mendapat sambutan dari negeri-negeri di Semenanjung mahu pun di Malaysia Timur.Pada tahun ini, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional memperkenalkan pula satu lagi makanan yang popular di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang dikenali sebagai Bak Kut Teh.Bak Kut Teh merupakan sejenis hidangan sup berserta daging dan rusuk (kebiasaannya kaum Cina menggunakan khinzir) yang dimasak dalam herba tradisi Cina. Herba dan ginseng dicampur bukan sahaja sebagai perisa tetapi juga menambah khasiat.Pelbagai jenis cendawan ditambah ke dalam masakan dan biasanya dihidangkan dalam mangkuk tembikar Cina. Pada masa kini, terdapat karung Teh Bak Kut, yang mengandungi semua ramuan yang diperlukan. Ini memudahkan penyediaan Bak Kut Teh. Bak Kut Teh dijadikan hidangan sarapan atau makan tengahari.Bak Kut Teh telah diperkenalkan di Malaya pada kurun ke-19 oleh pekerja dan kuli cina yang berketurunan Hokkien. Hidangan ini dilaporkan sebagai makanan tambahan dan menjadi tonik untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mereka.Orang Teochew turut mempunyai versi Bak Kut Teh mereka dan perbezaan utama antara Bak Kut Teh Hokkien dan Bak Kut Teh Teochew adalah Hokkien menggunakan kicap pekat menjadikan permukaan sup lebih gelap.Perkataan Cina \u8089 yang bermaksud daging atau secara khususnya, mereka menggunakan daging khinzir .Daging dalam loghat Min-nan dan Teochew disebut \u201cBa\u201d di selatan China.Sebagai informasi tambahan, terdapat sebuah restoran Bak Kut Teh Halal di Singapura yang menyediakan menu ini khusus untuk dinikmati oleh orang-orang Islam.Di sana, mereka menggunakan daging dan tulang lembu atau kambing. Di Negara kita, versi Bak Kut Teh halal masih belum dikenali ramai.Bak Kut Teh halal versi Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional disediakan khas oleh salah seorang Ahli Jawatankuasa Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional berketurunan Cina, Puan Farah Foo Wai Yee. Beliau memang mempunyai resepi rahsia (ramuan herba) yang diwarisi daripada mendiang ayahnya yang merupakan seorang peniaga Bak Kut Teh di bandar Ipoh.Bak Kut Teh halal yang dibuat oleh Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional menggunakan Daging Kambing atau Ayam.Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional mula memperkenalkan makanan ini sejak Pilihan Raya Kecil DUN Seri Setiabagi mendekati pengundi-pengundi khususnya masyarakat Cina.Di samping demo masakan Bak Kut Teh Halal dan agihan secara percuma, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional turut mengagihkan kuih bulan dan bahulu yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat Cina.Di Pilihan Raya Kecil Port Dickson, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional turut membantu pasukan kempen dari Negeri Perak dan Selangor.Demo masakan Bak Kut Teh yang diadakan di Bukit Pelandok dan Pekan Lukut berjaya menggamit masyarakat terutama kaum Cina dan India untuk sama-sama menikmati Bak Kut Teh halal.Disusun oleh :Dr. Najihatussalehah AhmadPengerusi Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Pusatsos ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8332335352897644} +{"text": "You will most likely end up in District 1 near Pham Ngu Lao (Traveler street) or Ben Thanh market. These are the two popular tourist hotspots where the people there are more familiar with foreign language. On my last trip two years back I can see a few Halal/Muslim restaurants so it should be fine to Google it ahead of your trip. There are also A LOT of tour guides who can provide tour packages within HCMC or outside. Most of the higher end malls are near the Cathedral/Business district area. If you want to be adventurous, you can grab a survival kit with google maps and tour HCMC as far as your legs can take you. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996411800384521} +{"text": "QUOTE(fnm83 @ Nov 3 2014, 05:44 PM)I went with CS Travel using Chartered MAS flight.very comfortable.You need to start reading do and don'ts at Tanah Haram and during the Umrah and Ihram as well..It is recommended to attend the half day Umrah course\u00a0 that normally organized by the travel agent.Also it is good to prepare you body and mind as well.Also pls always have in mind that you are coming to Mekah and Madinah for ibadah.. spend more time at Masjidil Haram rather than shopping malls.In sha' Allah.However, how much is the cost going for umrah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977409839630127} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Dec 29 2023, 03:57 PM)If no lesen, is it still halal?Kedai haram because no lesen does not make food haram if food is halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(BronzePlate @ Mar 29 2021, 06:41 PM)Sure. They have the best rattling cars in MY too. Don't forget widest in panel gaps too. Noisiest interiors also.Heard their quality dropped once their factory opened in Melaka. Last time from Thailand better quality. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981725215911865} +{"text": "QUOTE(LemonHoneyIce @ Mar 13 2024, 09:45 AM)I think this news not yet reach english media yet.Might as well share it here.Chinese tourist surprised Malaysians not all can speak their pu tong hua , unable to communicategets send to wrong hoteland recorded awkward situation during check in in 5 star hotelayam felt like he purposely do like that to bully the staff laHotel no hire Chinese staff pandan lah. Need to train other race reception to talk in Mandarin baharu 5 star service can talk with China pipur bagus.This post has been edited by fu'house: Mar 13 2024, 11:49 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935856461524963} +{"text": "ya hidup berpandukan haram semata mata, instead of guna otak fikir kenapa rokok tu haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999643564224243} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 29 2016, 12:11 AM)masalahnya tak da jurisdictionenforce jadahnyano akta can persecute themstill siasatguna akta apa?akta suka hati?cannot simply enforce mapart kena enforce tak maupi enforce yang tak perluyang takda jurisdictionapa gila niapa logik nini apa?http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...d-law-jais-saysQUOTEThe agency\u2019s communications officer Nurhamizah Othman said Jais had the authority to conduct inspection on companies or any business premises deemed to have violated Section 4(1) of the Trade Descriptions (Certification and Marking of Halal) Order 2011 \u2014 even if they belonged to non-Muslims.Section 4(1) of the Order states that no food or product shall be deemed halal or usable or consumable by followers of Islam unless they have been authorised by the relevant agencies; and if it has been marked with the halal logo.\u201cThe premise owner was found guilty of violating Section 4(1) of the Act because they offered to supply food that can [B]mislead, create misrepresentation or falsely give the impression that the food was halal or can be consumed by a Muslim[/B],\u201d she told Malay Mail Online.Asked if Jais has the power to conduct inspections, Nurhamizah claimed the said law grants the agency or any state Islamic bodies the right to raid a premise for the purpose of investigation.siasat saja ma?kalau takde salah kenapa takut?rumah faye kusyairi kena rush dengan jais using wrong report and procedure, ada dia gelabah tetek?dia siap nak lawan balik dan mintak gantirugi pasal jasi potong grille pintu dia lagi...tadi dah bagi contoh, kau tak salah, kalau polis tahan biar je la dia siasat, kalau tak puas hati saman diorang balik.ya dia dah terang2 kata non-halal, dah tu kenapa guna nama/brand product halal? and that statement about homage just implicates them further.btw most of the halal certified food outlets are effectively owned by non-muslims, so there's no case of JAIS not having any jurisdiction over outlets owned by non-muslims.basically it's a lack of common sense from everyone...This post has been edited by Faidzal: Oct 29 2016, 12:23 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6735981702804565} +{"text": "Pastikan bahawa halal betul @MyJAKIM ie kalau premis menjual rokok yang sudah difatwakan haram maka premis tersebut tidak patut diberi sijil halal!!! @MedTweetMYHQ @SmokeFreeMY @cherassihat @Selbar_Selangor @KKMPutrajaya @DrDzul @drzul_albakri https://t.co/UMo6nqCcjk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999946117401123} +{"text": "makanan halal melemahkan iman aussie. lel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9814850091934204} +{"text": "QUOTE(poks @ Dec 25 2020, 09:30 AM)Can't say much with this kind of ancient mentality. Other human might have migrated to other stars, and they still talking of halal haram logo etcDo u knoe where iz the centre of universe? It is said to be on earth.This post has been edited by jueiri: Dec 25 2020, 09:34 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997827410697937} +{"text": "QUOTE(rooney723 @ Jul 28 2024, 01:42 PM)LMAO, purpose of ppl going to cruise is to do haram stuffs, so now this pelayaran islamik will not have those haram stuffs right? then those ppl that join they do what? and funny thing is instead of cruising to a place that is islamik like lets say jakarta or brunei, they decide to stop at phuket, so what now? tahan for 1 week in cruise ship no do haram stuffs then when reach phuket then release all?\u00a0 Think Aceh or Brunei would be more appropriate I wonder those who want to board the cruise on what they expect to find at Phuket which is relatively a haram haven. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999532699584961} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 12:40 PM)The one haram is liquor, not alcohol. Cakes, steaks some have liquor as ingredients, not merely alcohol.What donkey balls is this?Liquor is not alcohol? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968045949935913} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Dec 5 2023, 12:13 PM)U meleis right? Haram if u ask for refund and makan coz not hak awak.Ayam victim hereNow kena go out buy food Because not enough ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Jan 14 2024, 09:54 PM)PENGALAMAN BERSAMA JUTAWAN KONGSI GELAPKisah ini berlaku sekitar tahun 2004.Pertemuan kami di sebuah restoran Cina di Jalan Imbi, Bukit Bintang. Ketika itu dia baru dibebaskan dari Penjara Simpang Renggam.Dia booking satu bilik yang sederhana besar. Saya tidak keseorangan. Di kiri dan kanan saya ada wartawan jenayah dari akhbar Cina. Selain itu ada sorang dua lagi wartawan jenayah yang saya tak ingat dari akhbar mana.Dia masuk ke bilik tersebut dengan seorang pengawal peribadinya. Tersengih-sengih sambil menghulurkan tangan untuk bersalaman.Suasana di dalam bilik waktu tengah hari itu ala-ala macam filem gangster Hong Kong. Dalam hati saya berkata, janganlah lepas ni dia atau bodyguard dia tu keluarkan pistol ke apa ke, mau mati katak aku!Untuk makluman anda, dia salah seorang gangster paling digeruni dan menguasai segala jenis mak nenek kegiatan 'underworld' termasuk perjudian, pelacuran, pinjaman Ah Long dan macam-macam lagilah.Malah tersenarai sebagai salah seorang 'four heavenly kings' dalam dunia kongsi gelap di Kuala Lumpur.Pertemuan lelaki tersebut dengan kami wartawan jenayah diatur atas alasan kononnya dia hendak mengadakan sidang akhbar, tetapi bila sampai rupanya dia hanya ingin 'bertegur sapa' dengan saya dan beberapa orang wartawan lain. Orangnya kecil saja, macam budak sekolah menengah! \"Encik-encik jangan takut. Saya panggil sebab mau explain. Saya takde involve macam polis cakap sama you all. Tapi takpelah, saya sudah masuk jail. Sekarang saya sudah keluar dan mahu rileks dengan famili,\" katanya sambil tersenyum-senyum.Untuk makluman anda, lelaki yang berusia dalam lingkungan 40an itu berstatus Datuk dan dipercayai mempunyai kekayaan beratus juta ringgit hasil pendapatan haramnya. Dek kerana kes itu, gelaran Datuk yang diterimanya telah ditarik balik.Saya ketika itu lebih banyak berdiam diri daripada bertanya soalan. Saya bagi peluang pada rakan-rakan wartawan akhbar Cina yang hadir untuk menemubualnya. Lagi pun dia nampak lebih selesa berbahasa Cina daripada cakap Melayu. Sejam kemudian saya pun keluar dari restoran itu. Walaupun dijamunya deretan makanan untuk kami, saya hanya minum Coke saja. Rasa macam tak confident pulak walaupun dia mendakwa semua hidangan itu halal.Lega rasanya. Serius saya 'tak begitu selesa' walaupun restoran tu taraf 5 bintang gakla.Sejak pada itu saya pun dah tak amik pot pasal cerita lelaki berkenaan. Rasa macam buang masa pun ada juga bertemu dengannya.Ada rumours yang mengatakan dia telah pindah ke Hong Kong, bina 'hidup baru'.Tetapi anda nak tahu apa yang jadi sebenarnya?Selepas beberapa tahun kemudian, saya ternampak muka dia dalam akhbar. Walaupun tubuhnya sudah sedikit gempal, namun saya tetap cam - inilah lelaki yang saya jumpa di restoran tu.Dia yang dulu ditarik anugerah Datuk, kini dah bergelar Datuk Seri pulak! Lebih saya rasa macam nak 'koma', seorang bekas pengarah sebuah agensi penguatkuasa yang dulu selalu melakukan serbuan di rumah urut dan pusat hiburan milik lelaki ini - kini rupanya dah jadi salah seorang ahli lembaga pengarah dalam syarikat lelaki berkenaan!Yang pasti, Datuk Seri itu kini masih 'segar bugar' dan semakin kaya raya.Itulah secebis kisah di negaraku yang tercinta.(Gambar hiasan)Sori link asal hilangPengalaman wartawan bangang dan talibun ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999628067016602} +{"text": "Ada air tin brand Cheers yg halal-certified, dik. Kalau perkataan 'Cheers' tu menyamai sesuatu perkara yang haram, JAKIM takkan luluskan untuk dapat sijil Halal. https://t.co/hXYXltg1oh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995728135108948} +{"text": "NAHKAN! Hidup lambung kecil beli makanan secukupnya aja jadi duit yang keluar juga secukupnya wkwk. Kakak mau makan apa nanti? Kalo samgyetang gimana? Cuacanya lagi suka berubah jadi lebih enak makan yang hangat-hangat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990822076797485} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Sep 27 2021, 10:28 AM)ayam confuse...is this true?makanan not haram become haram if you feel geli to makan it?mohon pencerahan /kbetul la. ayam accident . halal ke haram makan ? ayam tu halal. bila accident dah jadi bangkaibangkai - haram di makan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(CTSBD.ONE @ Aug 4 2019, 04:28 PM)you're not using it to get intoxicated loli drink beeri nv get intoxicatedwhat makes beer haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9788899421691895} +{"text": "FIKRAH Pagi...Mendapatkan Makanan halal bersih tanggungjawab bersama \n\nTindakan penguatkuasaan yang tegas wajib... http://fb.me/6xHrCjBxc", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951226115226746} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Jan 3 2023, 08:47 PM)Lu kisah sangat dengan mak dia pehal. Bini lu ke butohLu kisah sangat dgn apa I tulis kat sini pehal,laki lu ke butoh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5047520995140076} +{"text": "alhamdulillah tered investment untuk kumpul pahala ni selagi ada orang baca apa kita post, selagi tu pahala masuk insyaAllah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999963641166687} +{"text": "Pihak kami kembali menerima pertanyaan awam berkenaan status halal premis makanan Tealive yang kembali tular minggu ini.\n\nUntuk makluman, penjelasan rasmi berkenaan isu ini pernah dikeluarkan... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2798708113513073&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996066689491272} +{"text": "QUOTE(LivingActive @ Feb 18 2016, 05:31 PM)no need sunat2 xwajibmany pretty amoi with tudungamoi-amoi ini from what gang?what is the 'udang disebalik batu' ni? who is the generous sponsor?normally such feast only cater to the underprivileged society woh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 07:40 PM)a Muslim shouldn't eat at any restaurant that served pork.Regarding the washing; there are different opinions; one say can, one say cannot.The ones that say cannot is because in Islamic teachings, there are three levels of impurities, pork is on the highest third level (most impure); can only be cleansed by washing with muddy water.Here you go bro07.49 min\nZYKLI9G58QA\n\nhadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud dan dinilai sahih oleh Syaikh Al-Albani di dalam Sahih Sunan Abi Dawud menyebut secara jelas dari Rasulullah bahawasanya bekas yang terkena daging babi hanya perlu dicuci dengan air. Dari Abi Tsa\u2019labah al-Khusyaini radhiallahu \u2018anh berkata, aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah sallallahu \u2018alaihi wasallam: \u201cSesungguhnya kami bertetangga dengan Ahli Kitab. Mereka biasa memasak daging babi di dalam periuk dan meminum khamar di dalam gelas mereka. Rasulullah menjawab, maksudnya: \u201cJika kalian dapat menggunakan perkakas yang lain maka makan dan minumlah di dalamnya. Jika kalian tidak dapat perkakas yang lain, maka cucilah ia dengan air kemudian makan dan minumlah di dalamnya.\u201dOnly in malaysia where muslim not allowed to eat/drink in non muslim place, in other country such as europe/US/China, its very normal. I was living in China for 1 year and its perfectly normal for muslim to eat in non-muslim restaurant. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994606375694275} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Feb 27 2018, 01:21 PM)if the item in question is haram, then being involved in its trade is haram as well.swine, alcohol, cigarette, dog, ....-------------https://www.usahawan.com/perniagaan/perkara...erniagaan.html/8. Haram menjual najis.Telah berlaku Ijma\u2019 di kalangan fuqaha tentang haram nya sebarang bentuk perniagaan barangan yang najis pada zatnya seperti arak, babi, anjing, bangkai dan seumpamanya. Islam mengharamkan sebarang bentuk perniagaan barangan najis ini kerana ianya boleh mendatangkan mudarat dan kerosakan di muka bumi.---------------------https://muslim.or.id/24003-fatwa-ulama-huku...dan-kucing.htmlTidak boleh menjual anjing dan tidak boleh memakan harta hasil penjualannya. Karena hadits,\u0646\u0647\u0649 \u0639\u0646 \u062b\u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0644\u0628 \u0648\u062d\u0644\u0648\u0627\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0627\u0647\u0646 \u0648\u0645\u0647\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u063a\u064a\u201cNabi Shallallahu\u2019alaihi Wasallam melarang memakan hasil penjualan anjing, bayaran dukun dan upah pelacur\u201d (HR. Al Bukhari)Fertilizer is made of najis. Your rice from paddy field fertilized with najis. You ate the rice, so that makes you..........? Not to mention when you jungle trekking the jungle floor literally made of decomposed najis from animals feces, bangkai, and many more turn to soil. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999717473983765} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Jun 8 2024, 06:17 PM)FB saw too many salted eggs flavoured keropok haha. I bought some biscuits as well last CNY. Ok2 only. Nowadays popular kek tapak kuda thingy. I tried matcha flavour one friend shared with me,just nope. I'm not fan of matcha. Dulu Shopee sell lots of imported non Halal Lays chips. But need to be quick grabbing them.Which flavor?\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8489560484886169} +{"text": "Terjemahan dari ihya Ulumuddin \n(karya muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Ghazali)\nAdab makan makanan; 4\n1. Makanan yg halal bagiannya. Bersih jalan mendapatkanya. Tdk mendapatkn dgn jalan makruh & bathil.\n2. Membasuh tangan sebelum & sesudah makan. -dpt menggugurkn dosa kecil", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999500513076782} +{"text": "\r\nkek2 yang di hotel2 tertentu tu hati2 skit. dlm hotel tak ada info tentang halal haram. byk yang menggunakan wine utk menambah perasa dlm kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Apr 4 2024, 11:56 PM)https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5449834?author=OlgakureylenkoHow to identify a socmed shitstirrer? When polis n news already reported so many times it was an unintentional mistake yet they die2 insist it was intentional, then insert inciting stuff like dapat pahala lawan manusia mcm ni. Dude, you try too hardyeah, its not even printed here. No local business dumb enough to do on purpose, maybe thats why he can only troll here and not own million dollar business. 14 pair of socks among 880k, lucky draw also higher chance than detecting this. if you detect 1 bottle of expired miilk in Giant, its not intentional but if you sell whole shelf of expired milk, then only people have reasons to believe is fishy. ni KK Mart not even half day after Firdaus Wong post, ady apologize, take down and buat polis report utk siasat, yet they think intentional. If the CEO is Muslim and say silap, they sure say oh silap, next time jaga sikit, and just fined the company. but because non bumi and non muslim, auto think tercabar, must be on purpose, as if business have nothing better to doThis post has been edited by MKCL: Apr 5 2024, 12:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998600482940674} +{"text": "same like palestinethey wana get out from manipulated treaties @ unfairnessawal2 cakap sama status, mcm allied nationtiber jadi state level pastu duit minyak bagi orang ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998378753662109} +{"text": "QUOTE(littlefire @ Jul 16 2024, 11:19 AM)If you think 1 year can do a lot, you will need to clean/clear all those old government stuff/officer first working in different government office first. This is a sad truth that not all can be change in short term, need a lot of resources($$$), time, negotiation and skill to change someone willingly. Seems like you are either too young and never into real working environment, even big company in order to change some non favorite policy they need to fire/hire a lot of replacement and sometimes not all will come with positive results. Some people will try to sabotaj, leak company information or do negative stuff just to put off competitors or policies which is not favorite to them. This will create a big chaos if they all boikot at one time, you cant hire so many replacement in short period.he is a farking PM and a bunch of ministerlike i said before...yang penting tak nak buat. yang tak penting sibuk pulokgo time reply palestin palestin.....can allocate those slot for malaysia malaysia?palestin got time do emergency night meeting. but malaysia issue no time reply?palestin issue night time do emergency meeting, akmal boikot issue, took PMX almost 2 weeks to reply.......got time spend talk about palestin in school...can allocate slot for reform malaysia education?when complain, give excuse 1 year no time cannot dobut got time for other bullshit u are those typical manager who talk loud but no action. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986133575439453} +{"text": "QUOTE(HolyValkyrie @ Jul 1 2021, 05:48 PM)Fcuk this. He thought people never tried their best before hanging white flag???exactly. imagine what kind of shame you must feel but you have no choice at all but to hang the white flag. I hope nobody has to ever do such a thing and we should support those in desperate need. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998877048492432} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mavik @ May 3 2024, 03:21 PM)Have you actually gone through the process of registering a new restaurant with grab? If you had, you know that isn't a realistic option.Mesti the grab agent don't teach u how the platform thing work . Go grab help center first page u can see change name aldy . ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964757561683655} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ Feb 21 2024, 12:40 PM)Protip from a bulked gym dude, he told me, the one make u lpse hair is the best protein, u lose hair cos its effectiveMaybe he got shit genetics or lifestyle that's why he's dropping hair? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Sep 24 2020, 09:04 AM)SABTU ialah hari yang senantiasa dinantikan oleh Alicia Faustina, 24, kerana berpeluang menikmati beberapa jenis makanan tradisi negeri kelahirannya, Sarawak walaupun dia kini menetap di Semenanjung Malaysia.Gadis ayu berasal dari Mukah itu pasti tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan kuih penyaram yang dijual di Pasar Budaya Borneo yang beroperasi di Seri Kembangan, Selangor.\u201cKuih penyaram ini adalah makanan tradisi Sarawak. Sejak kecil lagi saya suka makan kuih ini.\u201cTetapi apabila sudah berpindah dan bekerja di Semenanjung sukar untuk saya menikmati kuih ini. Jadi, apabila mengetahui akan kewujudan pasar ini, saya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk datang,\u201d jelas gadis berdarah keturunan Iban dan Melanau itu.Tambahnya, sejak dua tahun lalu dia menjadi pengunjung setia pasar itu yang dibuka setiap Sabtu setelah mengetahui kewujudannya melalui seorang rakan yang juga berasal dari Pulau Borneo.Kuih penyaram merupakan sajian tradisional yang sering dihidangkan kepada tetamu ketika sambutan Hari Gawai.Ketika di pasar tersebut, Alicia juga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan beberapa jenis sayur yang cukup terkenal di negeri Bumi Kenyalang iaitu terung Dayak dan sayur midin.\u201cTerung Dayak ini amat sukar untuk dicari di Semenanjung. Tetapi di pasar ini, saya berpeluang untuk mendapatkannya walaupun harganya sedikit mahal.\u201cSelalunya saya akan goreng terung ini dengan cili dan dimakan bersama nasi panas. Hidangan ini sudah cukup membuka selera,\u201d ujarnya.Tambah Alicia, kerinduannya terhadap kampung halaman juga terubat apabila dia mengunjungi pasar tersebut.Hal ini kerana di pasar itu, dia dapat berjumpa dengan ramai orang berasal dari Pulau Borneo dan mereka boleh berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Iban.Pasar Budaya Borneo itu boleh dikatakan sentiasa menjadi tumpuan penduduk asal Sabah dan Sarawak setiap minggu.Pelbagai jenis makanan dan produk berasal dari dua negeri itu dijual di pasar tersebut.Antara produk yang dijual di situ termasuklah kek lapis, kuih cucur sayur atau kicap belaga, kopi tenom, ayam pansuh, ikan terubuk masin, mi kolok dan lain-lain lagi.Bathice June, 41, yang berasal dari Sandakan, Sabah adalah salah seorang peniaga yang menjual hidangan mi kolok di pasar tersebut.\u201cMi kolok antara menu yang popular dan sering mendapat sambutan.\u201cSetiap minggu ramai yang yang sanggup beratur untuk membeli menu ini. Adakalanya saya sehingga tidak menang tangan untuk membuatnya,\u201d ujarnya.LatihanSelain mi kolok, Bathice juga menjual buah tarap dan buah bambangan.Kedua-dua buah itu hanya terdapat di Pulau Borneo dan tidak selalu didapati kerana berbuah mengikut musim.\u201cHarga untuk buah tarap dan buah bambangan masing-masing ialah RM24 dan RM22 sekilogram.\u201cTetapi harga untuk buah-buahan ini boleh meningkat sehingga RM30 sekilogram jika musimnya hampir berakhir,\u201d kata Bathice.Isi buah ini berwarna kuning dan memiliki rasa masam manis seakan-akan mangga dan boleh dimakan begitu sahaja.Dalam pada itu, Presiden Persatuan Peniaga Pasar Budaya Borneo Seri Kembangan, Nelson Entap menjelaskan, pasar tersebut telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2016.Menurutnya, idea untuk menubuhkan pasar tersebut dicetuskannya bersama beberapa lagi rakan lain yang bertujuan memperkenalkan budaya dan produk dari Pulau Borneo.\u201cPada awal operasi hanya 20 orang peniaga yang terlibat dan pilihan barangan tidaklah terlalu banyak.\u201cSetelah lima tahun beroperasi, jumlah peniaga juga semakin bertambah. Kini, seramai 55 peniaga secara konsisten berniaga di pasar ini setiap minggu,\u201d katanya.Sebagai anak jati Sarawak yang sudah menetap di Semenanjung selama lebih 30 tahun, Nelson mengakui kadangkala dia merindui makanan dan produk-produk lain dari negeri kelahirannya.Untuk pulang ke kampung halaman memerlukan kos yang agak tinggi. Oleh itu, dia mengambil keputusan untuk membuka pasar tersebut.\u201cSebenarnya ramai yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah menetap di sini dan mereka pasti akan merindui suasana pasar yang menjual makanan dan produk dari sana.\u201cOleh itu, pasar ini boleh mengubati kerinduan mereka terhadap kampung halaman,\u201d ujar Nelson.Pasar itu beroperasi pada setiap hari Sabtu dari pukul 7 pagi sehingga 11 pagi.Nelson menjelaskan, setiap individu yang berniaga di situ akan diberi latihan terlebih dahulu antaranya tentang cara menguruskan perniagaan, melayani pelanggan dan memasarkan produk.\u201cSelain itu, kita juga mengutamakan produk halal. Peniaga di sini, walaupun bukan beragama Islam, kami akan memastikan makanan atau produk yang dijual juga halal,\u201d ujarnya.Kata Nelson, pasar itu juga kini menjadi sumber mata pencarian bagi masyarakat Pulau Borneo yang telah lama bermastautin di Semenanjung.\u201cAda isteri yang mengikuti suami ke Semenanjung bagi mencari rezeki. Isteri yang tidak bekerja boleh mengambil peluang ini seminggu sekali untuk datang berniaga di sini bagi membantu pasangan mereka. Kami masih membuka peluang kepada mereka yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah untuk berniaga di sini,\u201d ujarnya.Terangnya, peniaga di pasar itu mestilah berasal dari Sabah atau Sarawak sahaja kerana permit yang mereka pohon kepada pihak berkuasa sememangnya khas untuk perniagaan orang Borneo.Eh, anyone been to pasar borneo in seri kembangan?I just went there a couple of weeks ago to catch up with my ex boss. He was the one who actually kickstarted the thing. Okay lah, not bad, not so big, but not so small also. But to be really honest with you, the type of stuff they sell there are super hardcore Sarawak stuff - not mainstream stuff found in cities. Its the super ulu/kampung/unique thing that you cant typically get. Quite interesting though. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7595638036727905} +{"text": "The person yang viral tu nanti bila someone made you lose your livehood, then don't come and play sympathy card all ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9766108989715576} +{"text": "Ok la janji makanan yg berkhasiat bukan jajan bukan2,jajan viral la apa la yg xtahu halal ke x", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972200393676758} +{"text": " , oouu , nan tk mintak punn . semua diploma . :) . diploma teknologi makanan . :) . seronok oo mi . boleh kerja dengan Jakim .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9884099960327148} +{"text": "@nizararifin @MyJAKIM @Halal_Malaysia Jakim tak boleh buat tindakan selagi XFT sendiri tak apply sijil Halal. Ni bawah KPDNKK sebenarnya sbb guna sijil halal yg tak betul utk claim halal. Boleh report, dah ada a few ppl dah report pd KPDNKK utk isu ni.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(lahart @ Mar 12 2024, 01:53 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Here come the head of the blindDamn PASGo F off ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8026127219200134} +{"text": "QUOTE(WallMaker @ Jul 29 2019, 08:01 AM)Smoking is haram too. They don't say? Selective haram lelOut national fatwa already declared smoking is haram..who says selective?This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Jul 29 2019, 08:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "It is funny how people easily judge haram halal food. Even dah dpt sijil halal negara lain still diragui. 1 soalan, sejauh mana kita yakin yg nasi lemak mee goreng nasi goreng kat kedai makan tu halal? mgkin ingredient tu halal, tp yakin tak dia masak tu bersih?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973325729370117} +{"text": "QUOTE(WinkyJr @ May 31 2017, 11:41 PM)if u follow all the rules, i don't think jakim have excuse to ask for undertable moneyif i were those company who pay jakim yearly ang pow, i would just record & collect all the evidence and use it to counter/blackmail jakim back = free halal certor just bring it up to macc and make it viral = no more expensive yearly ang pow for you and for the entire human race - mjThis.But most non-muslim confused. When we talk about halal, they only think babi.But HALAL is not just about babi. It about hygiene too. Aka kebersihan. Even if you sell roti or air cincau, but the environment full with rats, maggots, JAKIM will not approve the sijil halal doesn't matter what race you are. Even KKM. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998546838760376} +{"text": "Dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa anda telah digantung kuliah kerana (insert some religous words) = RACIST ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920667409896851} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Nov 5 2021, 04:51 PM)ofcoz the dude salah..but the seller pun..kena la legit.. dah dude tu salah...ko amik kesempatan to rip off. 7kg...hadam semua...then viral. wanna play victim card...mana cantik bro...you at the stage that you can be there as hero..pretending the price to be off.. you chop awal2...no case after all.. but now.....dua2 salah in the end..Apa kebodohan ni bang.. kalau dah org mintak confirmation pergi lah confirm. Kalau dah berlagak kaya jgn bising2 bayar je. Org yang viral tu konon berlagak macam selalu pergi seafood restaurant tapi common sense pon takde. Common sense kalau makan di seafood restaurant even di cheap ass place like pantai timur Sabah pon confirm kan harga sama berat lah. No common sense don't go eat seafood. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986135959625244} +{"text": "Just say la , kalau ada bukit ni berlaku . Guru besar sekolah mesti di PECAT ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997668862342834} +{"text": "QUOTE(mee udang @ Feb 14 2024, 09:49 AM)When I asked lawyer to make a will, lawyer ask me if I am a Muslim or not; after a bit of explanation there is a difference and Muslim can't actually make a will as distribution is only to Muslim families, meaning none of what I have earned in my lifetime at death is not passable to non-Muslim.Sure, Malay girls are desirable but Syariah law in place is a turn off. I can still marry a Malay girl but before I do that, I will transfer most of my assets to my parents before I sunat, but to me it is not worth the trouble.get indonesia girls no need convert ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999597072601318} +{"text": "I would also suggest all places in Malaysia to not serve alcoholic beverage at all because we are in Tanah Melayu Beer semua tu memang tak perlu sebab kaum Melayu tak minum beerKaum lain tak penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999923586845398} +{"text": "#JAKIM Xkan beri tempoh peralihan kpd pengusaha premis makanan/restoran mempamerkn logo pensijilan halal yg diiktiraf, berkuat kuasa semalam", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.718970537185669} +{"text": "Ketiga-tiga callers bersetuju ada makanan yang boleh kompromi semasa travel. #makananhalal #halalcertificate #JAKIM #malaysia #malaysiaboleh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998669624328613} +{"text": "\nshuk_one replied at 27-3-2023 05:05 AM\npowercat nih, bau tak best\nPowercat dlm tin tu lepas bukak\r\nLambat simpan dlm peti ais\r\nBau bangkai di dapur", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Jakim larang iklan produk berjenama makanan sunnah atau produk beruqyah. Memperalat agama untuk lariskan produk... http://fb.me/70fzdjAav", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9764665961265564} +{"text": "I duno bro.. did the nessenger exact word? Or jus intepretation? I read bout the tiktok too luckily he is damn femes ppl don question if those pu says tis habis laQUOTE(kcal @ Jan 8 2024, 11:09 PM)in the Al-Quran, no. in the Hadis yes ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987865090370178} +{"text": "QUOTE(Current Events guy @ Jul 27 2019, 12:15 AM)seriously though, why rokok and vape still okI thought haram dy, but they still consume openlyDo not underestimate hypocrite's logic of reasoning.When they can no longer justify, they pull out the most powerful card - \"jangan persoal\". ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "bad pay master who doesnt have the intention to pay la.shame them. viral in internet, print poster post in kampung where they live, where they work.but this type of business, it's one off should have collected the money before reception la, now will be difficult to collect because people dont get married twice. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9802334904670715} +{"text": "QUOTE(letitsnow @ Mar 3 2024, 05:19 PM)simply owned by Jewish, cina, or nikka dont make the business haram.boycotting the place vs being halal is 2 different concept but /k like you are too moronic to understand that.maybe /k can ask Jakim to retract the McD and Starbucs halal certs. LOLTo be fair, this is true. being owned or run by Jew doesn't automatically means haram.But it still begs the question if it is right to make money off them when you are still protesting/boycotting them.in the meantime.... Bossku kirim salam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998434782028198} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Jan 9 2020, 09:52 AM)Got wheelchair also don't need tongkat. Tongkat users tak malu ke?Can walk already now after fall down in makkah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999930739402771} +{"text": "Restoran popular di Teluk Intan gagal dapat sijil halal https://t.co/JP66LVJLWm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9746420979499817} +{"text": "\r\nSalam\n\r\nPemilihan makanan perlu diambil perhatian kerana pada zaman ini umat Islam terdedah dengan pelbagai jenis makanan yang dihasilkan pengusaha bukan Islam. Memandangkan kerajaan mengambil inisiatif menubuhkan hab halal, peluang ini adalah cara terbaik untuk kita memilih makanan yang benar-benar halal, baik dan berkhasiat.Ini sejajar seperti firman Allah SWT dalam Surah al-Baqarah ayat 168, bermaksud: \n\n\u63e5ahai sekalian manusia! Makanlah dari apa yang ada di bumi, yang halal lagi baik dan janganlah kamu ikut jejak syaitan\u5338/color]\n\r\nMakanan haram akan menjejaskan ibadat kita kepada Allah SWT kerana setiap kali kita berhadapan dengan Allah SWT ketika menunaikan solat, kita hendaklah berada dalam keadaan bersih dan suci.Pada masa sama, ada ketikanya kita terlupa mengenai apa yang kita makan. Bagaimanakah penerimaan Allah SWT terhadap ibadat serta doa kita sekiranya kita tidak menjaga pemakanan kita? Kesucian batin amat dititikberatkan oleh Islam kerana ia memudahkan seseorang itu untuk mendapat petunjuk serta membentuk peribadi mulia sebagai seorang Muslim.\n\r\nDalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan Saidina Ali ra, Nabi ada bersabda yang bermaksud: \u63e5ahai Ali! Sesiapa makan makanan yang halal, maka cerahlah fahaman agamanya dan lembutlah hatinya dan tidak tertutup doanya kepada Allah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920640587806702} +{"text": "ganja tak haram that's why this one must be baru balik Thailand dapat idea masa hisap. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9375664591789246} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 21 2014, 02:35 PM)Seorang mukmin itu hidup diantara ketakutan dan harapanDia takut dengan api neraka, tapi ada harapan untuk keampunan dan rahmat Allah...semoga Allah mengampunkan kita semua inshaAllahKalau baca cerita neraka tiap tiap malam, jadi seriau pastu mula rajin gi surau, dia kena macamtu baru jadi baik bacaan talkin untuk peringatan kita semua... terutamanya saya. everytime i read this talkin text, makes me wanna cry. coz i know i'm not ready. \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abMaha Suci Tuhan yang Engkau bersifat dengan Baqa\u2019 dan QidamTuhan yang berkuasa mematikan sekalian yang bernyawaMaha Suci Tuhan yang menjadikan matiDan hidup untuk menguji siapa yang baik dan siapa yang kecewaMaha Suci Tuhan yang menjadikan lubang kubur sebesar-besar pengajaranUntuk menjadi iktibar kepada orang yang lalaiDan sebesar-besar amaran kepada orang yang masih hidupIngatlah! Bahawa sekalian makhluk Allah akan jahanam dan binasaMelainkan zat Allah Taala, Dialah Tuhan yang Maha Besar berkuasa menghukumManakala kita sekalian akan kembali menghadap hadhrat Allah TaalaWahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYAHendaklah kamu ingat akan janji-janji AllahYang mana kamu ada bawa bersama-sama dari dunia iniSekarang kamu telah menuju masuk ke negeri AkhiratKamu telah mengaku bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembahDengan sebenar-benarnya melainkan AllahDan bahawasanya Nabi Muhammad itu Pesuruh AllahIngatlah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA,Apabila datang kepada kamu dua malaikat yang serupa dengan kamuIaitu Mungkar dan Nangkir, maka janganlah berasa gentar dan takutJanganlah kamu berdukacita dan risauSerta janganlah kamu susah-hati dan terkejutKetahuilah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYABahawasanya Mungkar dan Nangkir itu hamba Allah Taala,Sebagaimana kamu juga hamba Allah TaalaApabila mereka menyuruh kamu duduk,Mereka juga akan menyoal kamuMereka berkata:Siapakah Tuhan kamu?Siapakah Nabi kamu?Apakah agama kamu?Apakah kiblat kamu?Siapakah saudara kamu?Apakah pegangan iktikad kamu?Dan apakah kalimah yang kamu bawa bersama-sama kamu?Di masa itu hendaklah kamu menjawab soalan-soalan merekaDengan cermat dan sehabis-habis terang, tepat dan betulJanganlah berasa gementar, janganlah cuakDan janganlah bergopoh-gapahBiarlah tenang dan berhati-hati, hendaklah kamu jawab begini:Allah Taala Tuhanku,Muhammad nabiku,Islam agamaku,kitab suci Al-Quran ikutanku,Baitullah itu kiblatku,Malahan solah lima waktu,Puasa di bulan Ramadhan,Mengeluarkan zakat dan mengerjakan haji diwajibkan ke atas aku,Semua orang Islam dan orang yang beriman adalah saudara aku,Bahkan dari masa hidup hingga aku matiAku mengucap: \u201cLa ila ha illallah Muhammaddur rasulullah\u201d.Wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA tetapkanlah hatimuInilah dia suatu dugaan yang paling besarIngatlah bahawa kamu sekarang sedang tinggal di dalam alam BarzakhSehingga sampai satu masa kelak,Kamu akan dibangunkan semula untuk berkumpul di Padang MahsyarInsaflah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA,Bahawasanya mati ini adalah benarSoalan malaikat Mungkar dan Nangkir di dalam kubur ini adalah benarBangun dari kubur kemudian kita dihidupkan semula adalah benarBerkumpul dan berhimpun di Padang Mahsyar adalah benarDihisab dan dikira segala amalan kamu adalah benarMinum di kolam air nabi adalah benarAda syurga dan neraka adalah benarBahawasanya hari Kiamat tetap akan adanyaBegitu juga Tuhan yang Maha BerkuasaAkan membangkitkan semula orang-orang yang di dalam kuburDi akhirnya kami ucapkan selamat berpisahDan selamat tinggal kamu disisi Allah TaalaSemoga Tuhan akan memberi sejahtera kepada kamuTuhan jua yang menetapkan hati kamuKami sekalian berdoa mudah-mudahan Allah TaalaMenjinakkan hati kamu yang liarDan Allah menaruh belas kasihan kepada kamuYang berdagang seorang diri di dalam kubur iniMudah-mudahan Tuhan akan memberi keampunanDan memaafkan kesalahan kamu serta menerima segala amal kebajikan kamuYa Allah Ya Tuhan, kami merayu dan bermohon kepada Mu supaya tidakdiseksa mayat ini dengan kemegahan penghulu kami Muhammad SAW.Subhana rabbika rabbil izati amma ya sifun wassallamu alalmursalinwalhamdulillahirabbil alamin.Setiap yang bernafas, pasti akan mati \u2013 \u201cKullu nafsin za iqatul maut\u201dThis post has been edited by miaopurr: Oct 21 2014, 02:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999669790267944} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Apr 26 2022, 05:57 PM)Civet catThe haram thing that caused SARS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civet_SARS-CoVYou put that in your mouth into your stomach?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9961413741111755} +{"text": "Lu tak suka, lu jangan makan -should be new tagline at restaurant ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979884624481201} +{"text": "https://www.facebook.com/jompjapantalent/Tokyo Metro Subway - Find my Tokyo CMStory\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abTerpaksa 'makan' ketika puasa Ramadan.Setakat ini, dalam banyak-banyak kerja berlakon yang dibuat, ini yang sangat penat.Mengenai iklan komersial ini, saya dipilih sebagai salah satu pelakon ekstra.Ekstra diibaratkan sebagai prop bagi memperindahkan cerita keseluruhan bagi plot iklan yang dibina.Pihak talent agency menghubungi saya bagi mendapatkan persetujuan. Sebaik sahaja menerima emel daripada mereka, emel balas dibuat menandakan setuju.\"Tidak mengapalah jadi ekstra, asalkan job berlakon masuk.\"\"Takpun asalkan duit masuk.\" Sebagai menenangkan hati.Pemilihan watak ekstra dibuat tanpa memerlukan calon menghadiri sesi audition. Apabila tiada sesi tersebut, selalunya skop kerja ekstra bukan yang dikira utama. Pendek kata ia 'job' kecil sahaja.Semalam sebelum hari shuting, saya ditempatkan di hotel bagi bermalam. Hal ini kerana waktu panggilan masuk adalah pada jam 5.15 keesokan paginya. Tidak sempat untuk menaiki tren terawal.Waktu Ramadan selalunya mencabar aspek fizikal kerana perlu mengawal pemakanan supaya badan sentiasa cergas. Jam 2.00 pagi perlu bangun bagi bersahur, kemudian tidur semula sebelum bangun jam 4.30 pagi.Waktu tidur yang sebegitu menyukarkan badan untuk membiasakan diri, lagi-lagi esok seharian berlakon.Penggambaran dibuat di stesen Takadanobaba, pinggir bandar Tokyo di mana stesen tersebut masih mempunyai rangkaian laluan Tokyo Metro.Pada jam 5.15 pagi, kelihatan sudah ramai kre dan pelakon ekstra sudah menunggu. Lampu denyar, tripod, pemantul cahaya dan kamera sudah tersedia.\"Mesti Ishihara Satomi datang ni.\" Hati berkata demikian kerana iklan Tokyo Metro diterajui oleh Ishihara Satomi. Beliau termasuk dalam senarai 50 artis wanita Jepun yang menerima gaji tertinggi di Jepun.\"Ini kalau lelaki tengok dia, mesti paling kurang puji kecantikannya.\" Bisik hati ini lagi. Pada tahun 2017, Ishihara Satomi mendapat tempat ke-34 dalam 'Top 100 most beautiful faces in the world'. Tahun 2016 beliau mendapat tempat ke-6.Pelakon itu hanya 1 tahun tua dari saya, walau bagaimanapun pencapaiannya sebagai kerjaya pelakon sangat memberangsangkan. Beliau diangkat sebagai orang yang berkemahiran tinggi dalam seni lakonan.Di situ, terbit rasa ingin tahu bagi melihat kedatangan pelakon utama tersebut di tempat penggambaran.Jadi saya cuba untuk menyelit di sebalik lampu denyar dan kru-kru. Tidak sampai beberapa minit, aku disapa oleh jaga (guard).Dengan isyarat tangannya, jaga tersebut meminta aku balik ke tempat menunggu asal. Nada ringkas percakapannya juga dibuat tegas. Begitu juga raut wajahnya dibuat ala-ala 'poker face' Jepun.\"Hmm, macam kena halau pula, walhal aku ni pun terlibat dalam penggambaran.\"\"Kat sini mana ada halang apa-apa, tetapi kena suruh balik ke tempat asal.\"Saya mula tidak berpuas hati dengan layanan yang diberikan.\"Tidak mengapalah, lagipun hanya ekstra sahaja. Hal kecil sahaja pun.\" Aku cuba menenangkan diri. Lagi-lagi penggambaran baru sahaja bermula, cuma giliran saya masih belum tiba.Antara kerja sebagai pelakon adalah menunggu. Penungguan ada ketikanya seperti bulan jatuh ke riba. Tidak tahu bila masanya tetapi badan tidak sabar-sabar untuk melakonkan watak yang diberikan.\"Kamaru-san..\" Kru mula memanggil menandakan kerja sebenar bermula.Barisan pelakon ekstra mula memasuki tempat penggambaran, iaitu di dalam restoran.\"Agaknya ada tak peluang aku termasuk dalam frame kamera?\" Hati tertanya-tanya.Kru meminta untuk duduk di meja, di mana makanan Myanmar dihidangkan. Mereka meminta untuk melakonkan ini:- suasana gembira menghadap makanan.- emosi sedap apabila merasa makanan.\"Wah, macam mana ni?!\"\"Aku sedang puasa sekarang, bukannya puasa sunat.\"\"Takkan nak batalkan puasa semata-mata berlakon?\"\"Aiseh, makanan mana yang halal nih.\"Bagi memastikan puasa tidak terbatal dan aksi lakonan menjadi, idea ini dibuat:- memasukkan makanan ke dalam mulut.- kunyah.- melakonkan aksi gembira dapat makan dengan kawan.- pastikan tidak tertelan.Satu lagi masalah, iaitu isu halal haram ketika menjamah makanan. Alhamdulillah, ada dua hidangan di mana makanannya tidak mempunyai daging.\"Fuh, lega.\" Syukur atas Ilahi atas pertolongan-Nya.\"Ok, so aku pilih makan kacang. No choice.\" Kacang menyebabkan semakin sukar untuk memuntahkan balik makanan setelah habis sesi lakonan.Berbekalkan idea tersebut, saya mengharapkan muka masuk dalam skrin kamera.Alhamdullilah, sekali lagi kamera besar diletakkan di depan meja kami duduk. Syukur atas rezeki yang dikurniakan-Nya.Setelah habis sesi saya, sesi berikutnya adalah sesi Ishihara Satomi, cuma tidak sempat untuk bertegur sapa dengan beliau.Di set penggambaran, Ishihara Satomi merupakan VIP. Toyota Vellfire membawa beliau betul-betul di depan set penggmbaran. Kami pula berjalan kaki 7 minit untuk ke tempat yang sama.Setelah habis penggambaran, pelakon ekstra perlu tunggu di luar bangunan, suhu juga panas kerana permulaan musim panas, tetapi Ishihara Satomi dapat berteduh di dalam kereta Vellfire.\"Jealous gila.\" Ego lelaki dihentak.\"Cuma, mesti kru penggambaran lagi penat.\" Mata melihat akan kesungguhan mereka berlari dalam membuat kerja yang ditetapkan.\"Sudahlah kru adalah orang sebalik tabir sahaja, tetapi kena hadap cahaya matahari.\" Saya perlu berterima kasih atas pengorbanan mereka dalam memastikan pelakon dapat 'menayangkan' muka dengan baik.Sesi berehat dibuat bagi memberikan ruang kepada semua orang makan tengahari, tetapi saya tidak boleh makan kerana puasa. Hanya mampu tengok sahaja.Lokasi penggambaran berpindah ke tempat lain. Sekali lagi dipanggil dan kali ini hanya jadi pejalan kaki. Kamera pula berada jauh dari tempat pelakon ekstra.\"Memang confirm bayang-bayang pun tak masuk kamera.\"Ada kawan seperjuangan memberitahu sebegini:\"This shooting I don't like it. The crew is not good.\"\"The treatment to us is not good.\"Saya hanya mampu mendengar tanpa meluahkan apa-apa komen. Ketika bersama dengan pelakon ekstra dari Bangladesh, sempat saya ditanya mengenai pengalaman berlakon.Bagi memotivasikan diri sendiri juga, ini yang diperkatakan kepada orang Bangladesh itu:\u300c\u3069\u3093\u306a\u5c0f\u3055\u306a\u4ed5\u4e8b\u3067\u3082\u3001\u9811\u5f35\u308a\u307e\u3059\u3002\u300d\"donna chiisana shigoto demo, gambarimasu.\"\"Walau sekecil mana kerja sekalipun, akan berusaha.\"Ketika meluahkan perkara tersebut, hati memikirkan bahawa setiap kerja yang dilalui ini adalah pengalaman.Kerja yang sekecil ini, masih boleh melangkah satu tapak ke depan. Maknanya ia satu kemajuan dalam kerjaya lakonan ini.Kali ini terpandang lagi pelakon Ishihara Satomi.\"Tinggi rupanya. Ingatkan kecil orangnya.\" Di Jepun, sudah ramai generasi muda yang tinggi-tinggi. Saya setinggi 175 cm pun masih ramai lagi yang lebih tinggi.Setelah habis sesi penggambaran, sekali lagi terpandang Ishihara Satomi. Beliau berjalan di bahu jalan raya, tetapi ditemankan dengan orang yang memayungkan dirinya.\"Memang jealous nih.\"\"I am a late starter, and yet she already at the top level.\"Walau bagaimanapun, cepat-cepat bolakkan hati semula supaya berfikiran lebih positif.\"One day I will become like her.\"Jadi, berlakon di tempat set penggambaran dengan pelakon popular Jepun dapat tempiasnya.Insya-Allah akan berusaha lagi supaya tangga kerjaya dapat dipertingkatkan ke tahap tinggi.\nr0b6qOpAdqQ\n\nDaiwa House Vi\u1ec7t Nam\n6MLQXFFGrMc\n\nNissin Instant Ramen - EXILE TRIBE CMStory\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abAjar EXILE Iwata san cakap bahasa Melayu.Kali ini diberi peluang bekerja dengan boys band Jepun EXILE, salah satu kumpulan penyanyi yang popular di Jepun. Kumpulan tersebut berjaya mencatat jualan album yang terjual sebanyak 20 juta, dan angka itu hanya di Jepun sahaja.Ketika pertama menerima tawaran dari talent agency, Remix (talent agency untuk bukan Jepun), respons terus diberi sebagai tanda persetujuan.Ia adalah iklan mee segera syarikat Nissin, iaitu antara syarikat yang besar di Jepun.Bagi membolehkan diterima sebagai pelakon 'featured extra', satu sesi audition perlu dibuat. Mereka mencari orang yang berbangsa seperti orang di Asia Tenggara.Sesi audition memerlukan peserta untuk dilihat mengenai warna kulit dan juga struktur badan. Mereka melihat badan dari muka, torso sehingga ke abdomen.Kemudian, beralih pula pada sesi untuk melihat kemahiran berlakon. Skrip pendek disediakan dan ia perlu diingati ketika itu juga. Ia adalah dalam bahasa Jepun. Begitu juga dengan keseluruhan sesi audition tersebut.Skrip perlu dilakonkan dengan emosi begini:- Serius.- Mendatar.- Emosi gila-gila dan bodoh-bodoh.Sepanjang pengalaman menghadiri beberapa sesi audition sebelum-sebelum ini, saya dapat melihat satu perkara mengenai penilai,- apabila mereka tidak komen apa-apa, ataupun hanya berkata 'bagus' dengan tona mendatar, mungkin diri tidak dipilih.- apabila mereka komen dengan emosi yang gembira, ada kemungkinan akan dipilih.Walau bagaimanapun, faktor lain juga mereka ambil kira, contoh:- warna kulit.- tekstur kulit.Mungkin juga,- tekstur badan apabila berdiri.Ada situasi yang boleh dikawal, dan ada yang tidak mampu dikawal.Beberapa hari selepas itu, agensi mula menghubungi saya dan memberitahu bahawa krew menerima saya sebagai pelakon featured extra. Skrip sebenar diterima melalui emel, ini sahaja yang perlu saya hafal:\u3044\u3084\u3044\u3084\u30e9\u30af\u30b5\u3060\u308d (iya iya rakusa daro) = bukanlah, laksa kan!Rakusa : Laksa (makanan Malaysia)dan\u30e9\u30af\u30b5\u307e\u3058\u534d (Rakusa maji manji)manji sebenarnya jarang digunakan oleh orang Jepun. Ia mempunyai beberapa maksud seperti:- maksud seperti dalam trek yang betul (\"saya betul betul serius!\")- maksud seperti emosi gembira menaik.Mungkin skrip tersebut bermaksud \"Laksa betul-betul best!\"Dalam emel yang diterima daripada agensi, penggambaran dibuat satu hari tetapi dibuat tengah malam sehingga awal pagi. Lokasinya pun jauh dari Tokyo, iaitu di Sagamihara, iaitu kawasan berbukit di mana beza suhu sangat tinggi. Pada waktu tersebut suhu di Tokyo hanya perlu pakai jaket nipis sahaja, tetapi di situ perlu pakai baju tebal untuk musim sejuk.Untuk pergi ke sana, perjalanan lebih sejam perlu dibuat menggunakan tren. Kemudian dijemput dengan van di stesen tren.Apabila tiba di lokasi penggambaran, diri rasa terkagum seketika kerana terlalu ramai krew yang terlibat, begitu juga dengan pelakon ekstra (bukan featured extra) yang sangat ramai.\"Agaknya berapalah kos nak buat CM ni?\" CM merujuk pada istilah yang digunakan oleh orang Jepun, iaitu istilah iklan komersial (Commercial Message).Di situ, kami ditunjukkan oleh krew akan tempat berehat bagi pelakon featured extra. Sebenarnya hanya 3 orang sahaja iaitu saya (orang Malaysia), orang Bangladesh dan orang Thai (peninju professional).Di tempat rehat khas hanya boleh dimasuk oleh kami sahaja. Yang menariknya, kru juga seperti meminta izin untuk masuk apabila mahu memberitahu sesuatu info.Antara hospitaliti yang kami terima:- tempat rehat khas dan tidak diganggu oleh ekstra-ekstra biasa yang lain.- ada tempat duduk, meja, air panas, air sejuk, dan makanan ringan lain.- disediakan pemanas gasolin. (ketika itu pakai baju downjacket juga masih rasa sejuk sekiranya tiada pemanas).Berbeza dengan ekstra-ekstra lain, mereka hanya diletakkan di tempat yang terbuka, dengan hanya disediakan pemanas dengan jumlah yang terhad.Disebabkan tidak tidur pada waktu siang, jadi kami perlu tahan mengantuk ketika menunggu sesi masuk ke tempat penggambaran kamera.Setelah tunggu, saya dipanggil masuk ke tempat penggambaran. Di situ saya nampak susuk tubuh yang sangat dikenali di seluruh Jepun, iaitu ahli-ahli utama kumpulan penyanyi EXILE.Antaranya ialah AKIRA dan Iwata Takanori. Mereka mempunyai pencapaian tersendiri yang mengagumkan di Jepun.Sesi pertama rupanya bukanlah sesi yang saya perlu berada di depan kamera. Ia adalah sesi saya sebagai cikgu mengajar bahasa Melayu.Saya malafazkan perkataan \"Saya suka laksa\" kepada Iwata san.Iwata san sebagai penyanyi mudah sahaja menyebut ayat tersebut dengan betul.Biasanya orang Jepun mengalami masalah menyebut sebutan ini:- 'saya' (suku kata 'ya') tidak dapat disebut dengan betul mengikut dialek bahasa perbualan orang Melayu (bukan bahasa baku sebutan 'saya').- 'suka' tidak dapat disebut dalam dialek perbualan orang Melayu.Dalam bahasa Jepun, suku kata 'ya' dan 'ka' adalah seperti menyebut dalam bahasa Melayu baku.Kemudian, saya diminta untuk mengajarkan kepada semua ahli EXILE yang terlibat. Pertama kali mereka mendengar, mereka terkejut kerana sepertinya susah untuk menyebutnya.Emosi terkejut jelas kelihatan pada AKIRA san. (Saya tidak ingat dia cakap apa) tetapi raut wajahnya jelas kelihatan dengan reaksi seperti orang tidak tahu apa-apa.Jadi, hari pertama itu sahaja kerja saya.Pada hari yang sama juga, emel diterima daripada agensi Remix. Pihak krew penerbitan mahu melanjutkan tempoh penggunaan pelakon featured extra.Sesi pada hari pertama berakhir pada jam 5.00 pagi. Saya perlu balik ke Tokyo semula untuk tidur, kemudian bangun dan bersedia ke Sagamihara semula untuk penggambaran hari kedua.Pada hari kedua, adalah hari di mana saya betul-betul berada di depan kamera. Di situlah baru saya masuk setelah sesi test shot, ekstra-ekstra sudah disahkan kedudukannya.Sambil masuk ke tempat penggambaran, saya menundukkan kepala dan mengucapkan:Yoroshiku Onegai ShimasuIa bermaksud 'please' sebelum melakukan apa-apa pekerjaan. Ayat tersebut juga berkaitan dengan etika meminta untuk membuat sesuatu tindakan atau kerja.Saya diletakkan disebelah pelakon AKIRA san dan diminta untuk menyebut skrip:\u3044\u3084\u3044\u3084\u30e9\u30af\u30b5\u3060\u308d (iya iya rakusa daro) = bukanlah, laksa kan!Rakusa : Laksa (makanan Malaysia)Seperti yang diminta, saya perlu melafazkan ayat tersebut dengan nada seperti orang yang tidak tahu bahasa Jepun.Sebaik sahaja ayat tersebut disebut, semua krew ketawa. Mungkin kerana bunyi ayat yang dikeluarkan. Sebenarnya, diri ini hanya menyebut ayat tersebut seperti biasa sahaja. Rupanya secara tidak sengajar ia adalah bahasa 'broken language'.Mungkin sebab itu juga krew penilai memilih kami sebagai featured extra.Kerjaya saya sebagai pelakon masih baru. Antara hajat kami di Jepun adalah mewujudkan lagi banyak peluang kerjaya kepada orang lain. Industri sebegini juga salah satu peluang yang kami boleh terokai. Mana tahu suatu masa nanti akan ada ramai barisan pelakon dari Malaysia.Jadi siapa mahu? Mungkin dari situ, perlu bersedia dengan prosedur pergi ke Jepun. Daripada pengalaman senior kami, antara kriteria yang perlu dilalui adalah bagaimana sifat sabar itu dapat dibuat.* kos membuat iklan Nissin instant ramen ini adalah melebihi dari USD 1 juta. Ada dua jenis versi iklan yang dibuat. Salah satunya yang ini.* krew yang terlibat melebihi 100 orang.* ekstra-ekstra biasa melebihi 100 orang.* penggambaran sebenar(di mana kamera diputarkan untuk rakam) hanya 2 hari (awal malam sehingga awal pagi sepanjang dua hari).\nIg_oHEGh0zo\n\nDaihatsu Thor CMStory\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abPersediaan penggambaran iklan komersial kereta Daihatsu ThorBagi menghasilkan angle dan mood sebegini,- memerlukan model kereta yang tiada cermin depan, kereta juga perlu mudah untuk dialih-alihkan dengan hanya guna tenaga manusia sahaja.- kamera perlu diletakkan didepan, dengan bantuan mounting yang kukuh.- lighting tepi diubahsuai supaya kelihatan natural.- make up artist sentiasa peka dengan pelakon supaya rambut dan pemakaian sentiasa harmoni.- pelakon perlu melakonkan mood tidak selesa, dan tiba-tiba mood gembira.- memandangkan pelakon perlu tunggu lama di dalam kereta, air diberikan kerana sedikit panas.- bumbung kereta yang tiba-tiba meninggi, memerlukan kru mengukur supaya kepala tidak terlepas ketika bumbung masih rendah. Jadi pelakon perlu membongkok sedikit.\niXbB3LZDiMQ\n\nThis post has been edited by G3-X: Nov 2 2018, 11:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988219141960144} +{"text": "uhmmm why you didnt distribute it after PRU?kecewa kalah pilihan raya? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999595880508423} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Sep 10 2020, 06:54 PM)Actually that is a great idea. Now when u cook orang putih stuff, just use tapai ubi or tapai nasi u can get similar taste, best of all, its halalLike the tiramisu cake mat saleh always use alcohol, so u can actually put the espresso, cool it down then u put tapai ubi rendam and then take it out. Then u dip the savoiardi in it, put the marzipan cream on top, Voila!! Tiramisu halal and taste like the real thing!!You have a good idea ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8501903414726257} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Jan 8 2024, 11:58 PM)I cannot give pendapat sebab i x mahir ilmu/knowledge about hadis or quran.What i do at home is patung yang anak dah tak nak main lagi, i masuk dalam box stor. Tinggal mana yang dia nak main saja.So wherher what he say is right or wrong, this does not affect you since you can choose not to follow it. Can I say that? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998705387115479} +{"text": "\r\nwalaupun pekin tu halal mmg aku tak sanggup nak g makan lg kat sana.. sbb\n\r\n1. ada menghidangkan arak utk pelanggan bukan melayu. bayangkan makan satu meja ngan opismate yg teguk arak... loya tekak aku weh! trus aku angkat kaki... alasan aku...Sory boss! pening kepala... padahalaku nak termuntah.\n\r\n2. Aku tak sure kalau2 peralatan dapur dorang tu halal. ikut pahaman mereka tuh..tarak babi atau arak dlm makanan dah dikira halal. hampeh la.. halal ikut hukum dorang la..\n\r\n3. aku tak tahan ngan bau restoran tu. tak taula kot2 time aku dtg aje bau camtu..\n\r\npastu walau makan free skali pn aku tak mau dtg dah weh!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999997615814209} +{"text": "Peniaga hanya boleh menggunakan logo Halal yang diluluskan JAKIM atau badan pensijilan yang diiktiraf JAKIM sahaja dalam iklan makanan, minuman, barang atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan.#KPDN #Halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5671929717063904} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?Hi, I'm Malay Muslim.Sorry for not answering your question in /k since for me, asking in /k is not a proper place. At least you move to Serious K, I can answer to you in serious mode. Haha.1. One of my cousin, married with chinese girl, now have 2 child. Really cute. From what I can see, the lady still lives like a typical chinese. Talk like chinese, eat using chopstick, not eating the haram staff, but now she wears all modest clothes. Baju kurung etc. No see through or sexy one. Oh one thing, she's not wearing tudung yet or covering her aurah. But I believe, once she knows the obligation to cover herself, she will do it willingly.2. If you wanna know someone who is chinese converting to Islam in Malaysia, maybe you can contact her (of course I will share you the contact), or maybe my wife can introduce to you with someone. BTW, you man or woman?3. Not applicable. QUOTEBTW, harfiah in English is literal. Just like we read poem, not everyone can understand the same way. That's why in Islam we have mazhab (sect). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998420238494873} +{"text": "QUOTE(fridel @ May 3 2021, 10:00 AM)I know few of these kind of pplSays kedai cina haram yada yada.but tipu duit claim,songlap duit company,bawa gf balik everyweek tak pernah fikir pulak halal ke tak lolYang penting sedap ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "\nLadyCarefree replied at 23-7-2022 04:19 AM\nIdk if benar your question tu or u main2 je. Tp sejujurnya takyah ah pergi makan unless rm290 tu b ...\nchuols dh mkn ke? i penah tgk bebdk dlm masterchef jr aussie tu buat beef Wellington ni. terliur tgk bile bdk tu potong beef tu. \n\r\ndr dlu i agak selera asian dgn kokusen mesti laen2. sedap pd die belum tentu sedap kt tekak kite. mcm kite spagetti pn ade yg olah ikot tekak asia. dtg org italy, marah kemain tgk resepi dh jd lain (ni i tgk ade mamat italy mengamok kt ig kerulaming bile die buat spagetti carbonara ikot tekak kite)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992989301681519} +{"text": "\r\nTersuspen jap baca post pertama tadi..\r\nnasib baik halal.. \r\ndh la aku suka mkn chocolate swiss roll ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99991774559021} +{"text": "\r\nMesti saiful minat ni..hmmmm, ikan sangat", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.520100474357605} +{"text": "QUOTE(hksgmy @ Apr 17 2024, 03:05 PM)I\u2019m based in Sydney. So not so familiar with Melbourne but can I say, if it\u2019s money you\u2019re hoping to make, Singapore is still the place to make it. GDP per capita figures don\u2019t lie.You enjoy the best of both worlds, doc Make money in S'pore and retire in Australia.S'pore is an excellent place to grow one's career...to be the best one can be, and at the same time build one's treasury, but its not a nice place to retire. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syeikh Ruler al-Hotzz @ Aug 19 2022, 12:01 PM)Ko tu yg budak tgk otromen lg...belajar hukum agama dulu ye. Pastu baru start judge ye.aih dah menggelupur?tadi berdegar sangat menuduh aku kata tak boleh beli dari nons. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998044371604919} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ May 17 2024, 07:29 PM)The duck was 98 bucks. Popiah skin was a part of the dish. One waiter will do it at your table for you. Should try the garoupa sweet sour too. The best i had was at the old hotel place but that one shut down/moved out. I think they have halal cert. Have a blast man and enjoy the duckWow So expensiveThis is normal size duck or small duck?https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5424445Famous johor bahru duck just RM 80 around..... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.690744161605835} +{"text": "dont have sijil halal doesnt mean its haram. Muslims can still go eat there what..EDIT: even roadside burger stall dont have sijil halal, selling 'Hot Dog'.. why not raid them? is it because they are Malay then confirm its halal?This post has been edited by four_add: Jan 9 2021, 01:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999228715896606} +{"text": "Org jenis acah pandai, kalau was2 tak payah minum. Benda yg haram bukan yg tak ada sijil halal tapi benda yg kotor dan memudaratkan https://t.co/A2tXC6uIq6", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "@hadifaiman96 Jangan percaya benda viral mcm tu, tealive halal sijil sah 2021....", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999381422996521} +{"text": "Biasalah syarikat kaum pendatang suka suka fitnah je dan jahanamkan business dia, dengan ini syarikat oren kito dapatlah rampas pelanggan/business dari dia orangThis post has been edited by s3iryu: Jan 21 2021, 10:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994792342185974} +{"text": "Dulu sijil halal tak ada kemudian sebab isu halal semakin serius maka diwujudkan sijil halal Tapi tadi dalam satu forum agama Ustaz ni kata sijil halal ni dah tak penting Wujud logo sudah, kemudian orang tahu barang itu halal Sijil halal pun boleh palsu Bengap", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999728202819824} +{"text": "Kenapa nk kaitkn oversea dgn malaysia? Malaysia dah ad jakim kn? Dah guide makanan lebih baik. Oversea mna ad jakim. Kalau ada pensijilan drpd jakim mybe tk byk. So apa pilihan ada ambillah. As long as yakin tk haram. Pendapat 20sen. Tq", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "kasi sue. sohai keep viral bodo things. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997437596321106} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Apr 29 2024, 09:39 AM)Nobody can be as brave and iron fisted as LKY. Best time to be born was actually a boomer in Singaporethose boomers are still in the workforce now,instead of retiring, playing with grandchildren.Not the life I want. Yes, I remember clearly what Singapore is like to Sarawakian in the 90sWe often \"bangga lah\" items from Singapore,even the \"Why u so like that\" joke tapes are passed around those days ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999151229858398} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jazted @ Dec 27 2023, 10:24 PM)However, the question was whether smoking is haram or not.Not whether it enforced by the authority.Again. Fatwa no one care one.You are free to disagree and seek another opinion. Unless it's stated in Quran or Hadith. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998727023601532} +{"text": "Tu lah, banyak malaysia yang bodoh suka viral benda bodoh hasil yangbnodoh dan produce anak cicit bodoh jadi lah bodoh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999829530715942} +{"text": "kekekeke...tp mogu mogu ni mmg senang jumpa kat asian market sini. semua asian market or kedai halal mesti jual. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9921390414237976} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:25 AM)How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999608993530273} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Jul 28 2024, 08:02 AM)Tapi dalam kapal ada:KasinoPool with bikinisArak, wine, beerOwaooooiGo up to cruise.Saw all that.Protest and throw all overboard.Say some prayers.Halal cruise.+1 Pahala. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999680519104004} +{"text": "QUOTE(afie98120 @ Aug 9 2017, 10:25 PM)babi haram,masa ko makan pompuan gemuk cam babi siap jolok depan belakang haritu tak haram plak? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "@_ohshiett @ArdivJauhari Cara jawab pun mcm nak tak nak, dlu masa orang email Sushi King pasal status halal... detail dia explain pasan sijil halal & boleh makan atau tak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9143165349960327} +{"text": "@dwan_rmf JAKIM pun ada peranan ke atas umat!! Sijil halal tidak sepatutnya dikeluarkan kepda orang kafir yg syirik dan mulhid .. sedangkan akidah mereka jelas najis dan haram .. org sesat spt mereka iniKAH yg dihalalkan oleh JAKIM akan hasil tangan tangan mereka?? Apa sudah hilang waras??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 12:38 PM)Got something stucked in your ass? Why feeling so hateful towards malays and Muslims? If you can't accept my reasonings, justifications, or whatnot, then up to you lorr, you want to continue being a hateful person also go on la, memang hati dah hitam, tak boleh nak buat apa dah. Same species as the PAStards, hati busuk mia, tak boleh nak tolerate.Dude, from a non muslim pov, trojandude did raised what we non muslims had always been wondering. It is something which has been VERY frustrating if us nons wanna cater to muslims. You said alcohol is haram. But when we showed other examples like tapai or tuak, you changed it to alcohol haram if drink until cause intoxication. But when we showed you CANNOT get drunk from cooking wine coz its only used for cooking and not drinkable direct from the bottle, you went back to \"alcohol is haram\" or changed to between muslim and god. Heck i even saw in some other discussions in other threads, someone showed a fatwa or something, about naturally occuring alcohol like tapai n yeast in breads are fine to consume . But when we ask \"but what about red wines and rice wines etc since they're also naturally occuring? Is it haram for a muslim to drink wine even 1 tiny sip as long as he/she not intoxicated? Then what about the earlier statement \"alcohol is haram\"?'So which is which? Alcohol is absolutely, totally, haram cannot touch at all? Or alcohol haram to drink until intoxicated? If absolutely totally haram cannot touch at all, then why can eat tapai or breads or other fermented food that has alcohol? If its just haram to drink until intoxicated then why food with cooking wine (with practically zero alcohol anyway after all the cooking and evaporation) is haram? Or drinking Shandy? Don't even talk about just taking a sip of beer. Yet last last, this us what we get to shut it off:QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 12:38 PM)Got something stucked in your ass? Why feeling so hateful towards malays and Muslims? If you can't accept my reasonings, justifications, or whatnot, then up to you lorr, you want to continue being a hateful person also go on la, memang hati dah hitam, tak boleh nak buat apa dah. Same species as the PAStards, hati busuk mia, tak boleh nak tolerate.QUOTE(zairee2580 @ Sep 11 2023, 01:28 PM)/k is toxic. Non tried to convince malay to eat non halal food just because they themselves didn't learn about islamThis post has been edited by bigwolf: Sep 11 2023, 02:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999517560005188} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dollores @ May 21 2016, 09:29 AM)Here is a UTAR Confession post taken from the page today from a Muslim friend#SL11747Hello everyoneI am a Muslim. Recently, many people were outraged about the 'no pork' sign being banned in restaurants. They said :\" Melayu semua sangat susah! No pork tu halal lah... Kenapa kena dapat halal certifiate pulak??\"Now, I will humbly explain our side of the story (as a Muslim) and I hope those reading and read with a mindful heart. I will speak as kind and humble as possible , as Islam preaches us to be.Halal does not only mean that you cannot eat pork or drink beer. The meat we eat, (chicken/lamb/beef/venison...etc) IS COMPULSORY to be killed (sembelih) in the Islamic way (called 'sembelih cara Islam') . If it is done by a non-Muslim, then it is non-Halal a.k.a. HARAM for us to eat.That is why Muslims only buy meat from Tesco, Giant, Econsave (because the source has been confirmed halal) or any other butcher who is a Muslim. The problem now is that some of us Muslims, especially the foreign Muslim students studying in UTAR ( who were looking for food to eat at night) would see the 'no pork' sign and think its halal. Once they see that the store has only Chinese workers, they started to doubt. So they had to go through the trouble by asking the waitressesThem: \" Is this place halal?Waitress: \" Yes, it has no porkThem: Um, are your meat halal? Did u get them for a halal source?Waitress: Um, I don't understand. I ask chefChef: Yes , what can I help you?Them: Is the food here halalChef: Sure ! We have to lard and porkThem: No, what we mean is...where do you get the meat ? Is it from a halal source?Tesco/ Econsave/Giant?Chef: How dare you ask this kind of questions? So rude! I thought u Muslims means no pork is automatically halal??Them: No, its not like that. Its ok then. Sorry to bother you.Imagine how rude us Muslims would be to be asking the waitresses/chefs EACH time we go to a restaurant that a 'no pork' sign? See how confusing that would be? This is why we think that it is a good idea that the government remove the 'no pork sign' so it doesn't confuses Muslims. I admit, I went to a restaurant in Kampar once that had the 'no pork' sign. After eating the chicken, only then it struck me \" omg..is this chicken halal''. After bravely asking the chef,\u00a0 he says that the chicken is from the chinese lady at pasar malam (which is haram for us because our chicken can only be killed by a Muslim in the Islamic way ) and I felt SO SO SO GUILTY for what I have done.Now, to clear some misconceptions that some of you are going to attack me.1) I have never found non-halal restaurants disgusting or revolting because they are non-Halal. I've chinese friends who would tapau seriously non-halal\u00a0 good looking food. I will not eat them of course, but I would acknowldge it when my friend says it tastes good.2) I'm sorry if this government step has caused restaurant owners to remove their sign which they have paid with their own money. This step should have been implemented and shared towards the whole Malaysian community decades ago. 3) I'm sorry that restaurants that does not serve pork are now offically non-halal for Muslims to eat (thus, decrease in customers,lesser income). But please understand that for us Muslims, eating chicken/beef/lamb/etc....meat that is not sembelih cara Islam is just as sinful as eating pork.So many Muslims have accidentally eaten haram food for YEARS and not know it , because of the 'no pork' sign.4) I am sorry that now, restaurants who want to be considered halal have to go through the process of getting the halal certificate. Its a sudden change, but trust me, Muslims cannot eat met that is not halal, even if its chicken/beef/lamb/venison..etc.. If you feel that it is too much work, its okay. Don't force yourself to apply for halal certificate. Continue operating as a non-halal restaurant. Nothing wrong with that right? You would lose your Muslim customers...but I'm sure u have loyal non-Muslim customers right?Muslim tourist who come to Malaysia too have complained how they have been to restaurants they thought were Halal but were not.I was first confused and frustrated as to why Non-Muslims are angry with this rule. I mean, it will only affect Muslims to know better. I don't get how non-Muslims would be affected by this. But I am extremely curious to know how it affects non-Muslims. Please let me know. I am sorry that the recent ban hurt a lot of people. I blame the government for this.This ' no pork' rule should have never been invented because it confuses a lot of Muslims and the sudden change hurts non-Muslims as well.I hope the people who decide to comment below will be as mindful and kind as possible. Raise your words, not your voice. Before I end, let me just type out a list of other restrictions on food according to Islamic law :1) can't eat meat that live in 'dua alam' . ex: Crocodiles, frogs2) can't eat from pots or pans or spoons or cooking utensils that have cooked pork/non-halal meat/ beer3)can't drink alchocol (obviously)Have a nice day guysTldr the person said no pork sign is misleading and we should ban it.Would u support this?Just curioussss what people would respond and NO this is not my post, I'm Chinese n I do misunderstood last time that no pork=halal. Used to work as a waiter n said the same to Muslims who asked if my resto is halalAS A Muslim this articles is intentionally written is insult Both Muslim ans NON MuslimMuslim choose their food from shops that have JAKIM permit displayed ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979944229125977} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Jun 9 2024, 06:00 PM)The manufacturers not org kita, but they'll supportInside own country, don't want to support because not org kitaThen they go Thailand, support Thais, make Thais economy better.At home, salah nons perosak ekonomi negara.Blame grab unker said the truth hurt things.In the end go Thai holiday and support foreigners.Hypocrisy at its best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9690157175064087} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeist @ May 19 2010, 08:18 PM)Is it haram if a chainis use a melei punya plate and spoon? The chainis bought nasi babi.Yes. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997465014457703} +{"text": "Some people on Facebook, Jakim : Syarikat bubble tea XYZ belum ada sijil halal Them : Bubble tea haram, ada lemak babi, bla bla bla Jakim : Starbucks pemegang sijil halal yang sah Them : Apa keperluan untuk minum Starbucks? Minum sajalah di kedai orang Muslim. \ud83d\ude43", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972105622291565} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Nov 5 2021, 05:51 PM)The fish quite big. 11 years old. Seller claims lah. Maybe correct la she said show fish. LANGKAWI:\u00a0 Ikan siakap yang dijual pada harga RM1,196 di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini yang tular semalam, diternak pemiliknya\u00a0 selama 11 tahun.Pemilik Restoran Terapung Sas Rimba, Norasyikin Musa berkata, ikan siakap seberat 7.48 kilogram (kg) tersebut diberi makan ikan kecil yang segar dan bukannya dedak seperti kebanyakan sangkar ikan komersial lain.\u201cKita tak bagi makan dedak, kita bagi ikan kecil yang dibeli daripada nelayan lain yang baru ditangkap kepada ikan-ikan yang dibela di dalam sangkar di sini.\u201cBayangkan 11 tahun saya bela ikan tu, berapa banyak kos untuk ikan tu? Berapa ratus kilogram yang ikan itu sudah makan, tak mungkin saya nak jual dengan harga seperti ikan yang seberat dua kilogram?\u201d katanya apabila ditemui di restoran tersebut, di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini hari ini.Tambahnya, kos operasi restoran terapung adalah tinggi dan boleh mencecah sehingga RM7,000 sehari.Katanya, selain daripada kos memberi makan kepada ikan di sangkar tersebut, kos operasi lain seperti minyak bot yang digunakan untuk membawa bahan masakan dan kos penyelenggaraan restoran juga adalah lebih tinggi kerana kedudukannya yang terapung mengikut pasang surut air laut.Menurutnya, pengawal keselamatan juga perlu diupah bagi memastikan ikan yang dibela tidak dicuri oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab kerana kawasan sangkar tersebut adalah sangat gelap apabila malam tiba.Jelas Norasyikin, ini bukan kali pertama dia menjual ikan yang bersaiz besar daripada biasa kepada pengunjung yang datang ke restoran tersebut.\u201cKalau ada permintaan oleh pelanggan, saya tetap menjual ikan tersebut, tetapi saya tetap akan maklumkan ikan tersebut adalah sangat besar berbanding ikan lain yang mempunyai berat sekitar 800 gram (g) ke dua kilogram.\u201cSebelum ini, pelanggan yang menempah ikan tersebut bersetuju apabila dimaklumkan mengenai saiz ikan dan tidak pernah timbul masalah seperti ini,\u201d ujarnya.Semalam, tular dalam media sosial gambar resit menunjukkan sekumpulan individu terpaksa membayar hampir RM1,196 bagi hidangan seekor ikan siakap dengan berat sekitar tujuh kilogram. \u2013 UTUSAN ONLINEhttps://www.utusan.com.my/terkini/2021/11/i...ernak-11-tahun/Wow. That fish 11 years old already.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6328201293945312} +{"text": "QUOTE(Strike Eureka @ Dec 15 2022, 05:59 PM)TS bodoh like fuck halal and haram is at their own convenience je....rokok tak de halal hisap je padahal pork free vege shop kena kecam sampai akhiratlet's not touch about boss 2feidei port la....banyak je brader melayu lepak on fri afternoon, siap baju melayu lagi , banyak newbie tanya je port 1M ke tak?cc: god gridRokok by sense shl be haram....is bad for health....just like consume too much Alcohol is bad for health....But sip a bit shd not be haram, since it is not even doing anything to the bodyBut all religiion has rules Buddha say all Meat are not good for eating....i couldnt see all mankind become Vegan anytime soon lo... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994450211524963} +{"text": "Some of this no pork restaurant do serve other haram meats like buaya, labi labi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9663323163986206} +{"text": "\nninnamina replied at 19-11-2020 02:18 PM\nMakaudnya kedai yg ada tag halal tu memang kene tunjuk sijil ye kat panda? Sebab ada jugak kedai m ...\nBagus je discusssiom ni.. Coz FP kaka perasan ada je kedai jual pork xde pon tag as non halal.. So let say kedai tu keluar dlm search menu and org tu jenis xrajin scroll.. Blh je tersilap order.. So tanda halal kt FP tu pon mmg kena hati2", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945304989814758} +{"text": "Pernah dine dengan kawan dari , dan dia lagi peka pasal isu halal haram ada mirin/sake bila ajak aku makan kedai kat ni drpd sesetengah kita kat sini.\n\nAku cakap aku no hal makan kat restoran makanan tradisional diorg asalkan cukup syarat ada sijil halal JAKIM..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999997615814209} +{"text": "Halal tak halal Muslim tahu. Makanan yg disediakan oleh Muslim atau diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Semua orang tahu itu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9793582558631897} +{"text": "QUOTE(arubin @ Jun 10 2019, 05:49 PM)Oh please, let's not go off phony facts.Its a common misconception that pigs eat shit. Pigs are actually very intelligent animals and will never eat their own poop by choice, nor do they roll around in their own shit for fun either. All that only happens due to improper care by humans. Watch wild boars and see if they eat their own shit or not, or even other animal's shit. Or roll around in their poop. Pork from pigs raised in better environments are no less hygienic than beef or mutton.There were good reasons to be concerned about pork in the past but hygiene standards are generally much higher these days.FYI, nature's janitors are the dung beetles. They're the reasons why this planet isn't covered in poop. Not pigs.Alcohol: Sorry, reasons not that obvious. Its only bad if you have no control over your own intake, and not everyone who drinks degenerates into alcoholism.Something like shandy doesn't even have enough alcohol to make anyone drunk unless you really have no tolerance whatsoever, or drink so much that...well, to be frank you're more likely to be poisoned by all the sugar from the soda portion than the alcohol.Which brings something else to mind - sugar. That is just bad for you all round. We pretty much have no reason whatsoever to consume refined sugar as your body easily gets whatever sucrose it might need from fruits and vegetables. Yet I don't see sugar being considered non-halal. Heck, this country is one of the biggest consumers of it in the world.Sugar actually harms your body more than alcohol, and the number of fat asses and diabetics in this country proves it.So why isn't sugar haram?Sugar was scarce during prophet's time. It was not that Arabs at that time could add one spoonful of sugar to their tea.The problem of alcohol is that your friends will persuade you to drink more. You can easily lose control. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9282695651054382} +{"text": "Many here never been to Kelantan but hari-hari talk bad about Kelantan.Ada duit, go cuti-cuti Kelantan je la... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9916508793830872} +{"text": "QUOTE(ApocalypseSoon @ Oct 5 2022, 04:04 PM)A typical article written by a retarded journalist. No head No tail. No mentioned what make the money 'haram' in the 1st place.LOLpengubahan wang haram = money laundering hence, money gain not through proper channel. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999537467956543} +{"text": "Waspada Makanan Halal Menjadi Haram di Luar Negeri - Republika Online: Waspada Makanan Halal Menjadi Haram di Lu... http://bit.ly/Ap7ODF", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995923638343811} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)[attachmentid=8642471][attachmentid=8642476]so non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients alonemeans if its made from a premise which doesn't produce alcohol can apply for halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "@isnainyizzati bukan terus jadi haram tapi kalau takde sijil halal, akan jadi ragu ragu. bila ada rasa ragu ragu automatik terus jatuh haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(mushigen @ Dec 22 2021, 02:34 PM)As a non-Muslim, I too am aware that for survival, Muslims are allowed to consume non-halal certified food, what more if it's vegetarian food. I wonder whether this issue is needlessly brought up by those not affected by the floods, when the real victims may have no issue accepting the food, or at most politely declining to take it if they can still manage.Pahala keyboard ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8025405406951904} +{"text": "Takde sijilhalal je jadi haram, dia ingat sijil halal harini buat esok terus dapat kot. Kalau senang, mesti banyak produk2 iks pun dah dapat halal \ud83d\ude0c", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962128400802612} +{"text": "@FadzilahMamat mesti mamat sengal ni x tgok myhalal kat tv2.. dia ingat bumiputra trus automatic halal je.. kalo camtu sijil halal tu sekadar hiasan je la. haizzz", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.992647647857666} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ Nov 20 2015, 09:49 PM)Jumaat depan, demo depan Kedutaan Amerika lepas solat.Sebab:- Obama biadap campur tangan hal dalaman Malaysia.- Obama memperlekehkan pemimpun agung Dato Seri Najib.- Obama menghina orang Melayu Islam Sunni dengan menghina Dato Seri Najib.- Obama tidak menghormati kerajaan Malaysia = menghina UMNO = tidak menghormati orang Melayu = menghina agama Islam = menghina institusi beraja Malaysia.- Obama menjatuhkan maruah orang Melayu.- Amerika bersuhabat dengan Israel nak menghapuskan agama dan budaya kita.- Amerika membarakan Islamofobia di seluruh dunia.- Amerika cuba menghancurkan iman dan akhlak pemuda Melayu menerusi filem-filem Hollywood yang memaparkan adegan-adegan yang tidak senonoh dan seks.Semua dijemput hadir. Pakaian, makanan halal dan elaun akan diberi.Elaun berapa tu encik, RM20? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "QUOTE(skinny-dipper @ Oct 26 2016, 08:22 AM)Executive Nurhafeezah Che Haludin, 20, reportedly claimed she almost bought the burger because of the poster.future PM material spotted.that chick malas bacaI wonder if these so called educated ppl if go to london ka japan ka do they even read or just simply buy? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9786701798439026} +{"text": "Kenapa tak tarik pelancong-pelancong Arab yang merupakan saudara Islam kita dan mempunyai wang halal?Kenapa China Komunis yang menjadi sasaran kita?Kenapa kerajaan China Komunis yang membeli Edra dan tanah Malaysia supaya hutang 1MDB dapat dijelaskan?Bukankah selama ini kita benci Komunis? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 08:23 PM)anything memabukkan=haramalcohol=not haramalcohol memabukkan thus alcohol = haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951890707015991} +{"text": "Aku suka cerita tentang makanan manis yang habis aku beli dan kerjaan aku yang itu... yang suka lembur itu.... dan mancing... kamu suka mancing, enggak? Soalnya aku suka banget tapi janji bukan mancing keributan. I am fishing the fishes! Selain haikyu\u00fb, aku juga ngikutin WB :]", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9645180106163025} +{"text": "Orang ramai perlu yakin dengan sijil halal yang dikeluarkan oleh Jakim bagi pelbagai produk makanan -Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5571913123130798} +{"text": "QUOTE(ukiya21 @ Mar 26 2023, 10:02 AM)Why they sell harga yahudi? Thought they don't like yahudi?QUOTE(killdavid @ Mar 26 2023, 10:04 AM)Maybe there is a Yahudi in every businessman and woman ? It's in all of us.Harga olang sindiri mesti mahal punya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6550842523574829} +{"text": "Dosa saya membawang pon sama mcm sijil halal ini \ud83d\ude1a https://t.co/XVwHykne6k", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999090433120728} +{"text": "apa yang nak gado nijakim yang keluarkan cert, sukati la diorang nak tarik balik ke apa ke ikut criteria diorangyang lu orang tak puas hati lu keluarkan halal cert bapak lu sendiri la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 23 2020, 06:39 PM)Best is personal choice. Sukahati dia lah which cakoi is best for him. I read so many food reviews by food bloggers on google to find the best restaurant to dine in yet i find them mostly only so-so and overated but i don't make a hoohaa that the restaurant makanan x sedap. But i don't disrespect the food bloggers choice also.in the video is not real cakoiits a long donut coz inside is not hollow ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Mar 11 2024, 04:44 PM)Deswai. Durian not stinky also can whack what.I even tried stinky tofu, ok only..never react like this lolWho said durian not stinkyEven some western associate durian smell like shit or poo smellSome people is like that lor so ignore je.. think positive other might want to try it just because of these viral thing lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995613694190979} +{"text": "*KAMBING PERAP MENYENGAT QALEENAS KITCHEN* \ud83c\udfaf100% produk muslim \ud83c\udfafpembekal kambing dari usahawan bumiputera dan mempunyai sijil penyembelihan *HALAL* yg sah. \ud83c\udfaf menggunakan bhgn *lamb shoulder* shj( the best part... https://t.co/1BOhK0x0hn", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9048420786857605} +{"text": "Nak g the alley.tapi pejadah org ckp haram takde sijil halal org cina buat", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996781349182129} +{"text": "QUOTE(narf03 @ May 14 2021, 06:19 AM)I am thinking to treat my malay friends some halal chinese food. I want to ask you guys, whats the best halal chinese food you have ever tried ?Its for good intention, please do not politicalize or make it into ugly topic, thanks.Try this place at Jalan Ampang KLhttps://www.hungrygowhere.my/kuala-lumpur/h...-taman-u-thant/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "Sebab tak minum 1. Takde sijil halal 2. Cut down sugar 3. Kedai agak jauh 4. Quite pricey 5. Biasa benda viral tak sedap sgt pun https://t.co/ZZO2CObLR9", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997548460960388} +{"text": "QUOTE(1qaz1qaz @ Sep 11 2023, 12:44 PM)they first viral video is from a chinese food vlogger, the vlogger only said is own/cook by malay couple and never mentioned got sijil halal.\u00a0\u00a0 and in all the video i watched, both the owner/food reviewer never mentioned is halal or got sijil by Jakim. they just assume if a shop own/run/cook by malay = halal. just like how roadside stall also no halal cert but everyone is buying without askingThe problem is there's a video where the unker ownself said they try to sell halal version of claypot chicken rice. He didn't say they got certificate, but if u check their Google Reviews, got Malays ate there before.And got Malay vloggers also went there to try.This post has been edited by JohnL77: Sep 11 2023, 12:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993921518325806} +{"text": "QUOTE(narf03 @ May 14 2021, 06:19 AM)I am thinking to treat my malay friends some halal chinese food. I want to ask you guys, whats the best halal chinese food you have ever tried ?Its for good intention, please do not politicalize or make it into ugly topic, thanks.Hong Kong Muslim restaurant in Shah Alam, Muhibbah at Sungai Penchala and Homst at TTDIThose restaurant almost taste the same to Chinese non-halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaterBuffalo @ Feb 28 2023, 09:22 AM)Been going gym consistently for a year but don't feel like I'm bulking up as I desired. Thought of taking protein shake. Any good brands to rekemen?Drill supplied.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abThanks.i usually opt for Muscletech Nitrotech Whey if budget.. if ada duit, ON Optimum Nutrition Gold StandardQUOTE(max_cavalera @ Feb 28 2023, 09:24 AM)You wanna look jacked/ripped?Muscle not big enough?Same here been going to the gym consistently without fail since augus last year. Doesnt really look ripped. Just bigger and a little sado look.From 60kg to currently 68.5-70kgYou're not on caloric deficit. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8741759061813354} +{"text": "QUOTE(arsenwagon @ May 3 2021, 09:26 AM)Bijan, basikal , pakcik VLC lowyat incident and their supporters... How I wish someone would tegur them Or is it in those situations we apply the \" Jaga aib\" rule?Double standard budaya kita, is it? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7598133087158203} +{"text": "This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017 Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8125187754631042} +{"text": "i heard leong hup is one of the largest supplier of chicken in msia fren works there so i know maybe now he want to open business then found out competitor is a multimillion dollar company that can get shit at super cheap wholesale price that he cannot so he want to complain la like a loser reality of opening a business your mom and pop store wont be able to win in terms of price so you have to think outside the box this kid cant think outside the box so try to viral on9 like a loser kekwa ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9953265190124512} +{"text": "Kesian Chef Ammar Dia nak menjamu orang yg berpuasa dgn makanan halal, lagi bersih. Tapi orang tak hargai niatnya. Lain kali, kalau tak mampu beli, usah beli. Beli takat mampu je. \n\nUkur baju di badan sendiri. Bln puasa banyakkan berjimat, kurangkan berbelanja yg tidak perlu. https://x.com/Edit_Lew/statu/Edit_Lew/status/1513443104568713220\u2026", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9730475544929504} +{"text": "\r\n14 Mac 2009 baru2 ni,akhirnya x jadila kami wat dinner kat hotel tu..last2 wat \r\nkat Heritage Hotel..tetamu ckp mknn mmg best..huhu2..sedihnyer aku jd penganjur, x leh nk menghayati rasa sedapnyer mknn tu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9583557844161987} +{"text": "Tak solat, tapi..\n\"Ehh.. Takda tanda halal, JAKIM pun takda.. Tak boleh makan ni.. Kita orang Islam!\"\n\nBagus, dalam tak solat pun masih menitikberatkan halal haram sesuatu makanan.\n\nPadahal makanan tu memang halal pun.\nEntah silap celah mana lah hai...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998947381973267} +{"text": "@SyrhYsr tp tealive malaysia dah bg penjelasan tealive tak haram. diaorang ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994994401931763} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:22 AM)itu pun satu hal juga. tapi itulah, sedih bang bila ramai kutuk JAKIM, yang muslim pun membahan sekali..\u00a0 I doubt that the rakyat who started this commotion but multiple people from JAKIM who gave different opinions through media and go against each other were. They are the one who made JAKIM look like a kindergarten. Look like different people from JAKIM tried to become white knight / steal the lime light where by the end ended up giving different statement and went away from the real issue. Good luck!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996702671051025} +{"text": "CUCKOO ada sijil halal tak? Mestilah ADA \u2764\ufe0f Jangan risau ye. Air yang korang minum \ud83d\udcaf HALAL tanpa ragu-ragu. Lepas tu sedap pulak tu Air Cuckoo. Rasa lemak2 macam tu. Sebab Air Cuckoo kan Air Mineral \ud83d\udc4d #WaniCuckoo #UsahawanCuckoo #7thEmpireGroup #NakPasangCuckoo https://t.co/RGykWrnNua", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.985724151134491} +{"text": "Lama dah tak pi pasar malam. Harga mahal ya amat, dgn rasa tak berbaloi. Baik beli kedai tomyam ka atau kedai mamak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996980428695679} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Jun 10 2019, 01:16 PM)used to.but they cannot renew anymore as the halal cert requirement changed.anyway up to muslims if they wanna drink it.bcos afterall, beer/wine/spirits/etc. are confirmed haram yet many muslims still drink it at clubs or in the privacy of their homes...This. I remember ustaz azhar also got anwer this question in one of the kuliah. Originally the it is halal n harus to drink. But due to the manufacturing plant that produce alcoholic beverages, he just advise to avoid to prevent fitnah. For me, i still drink it once in a while. Prefer to look on ingredients rather than fully rely on logo. God give brain and quran as guidance can use. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997294545173645} +{"text": "Penjelasan Berkenaan Isu Status Halal Premis dan Produk Makanan IKEA\n\nMinggu ini, pihak kami dihujani dengan pertanyaan berkenaan status halal produk dan premis makanan IKEA. Ianya berpunca dari... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2326881347362421&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9906790852546692} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 oi aku keje kt MK ...nandos ade ...kedai melayu balakang mekdi lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998934268951416} +{"text": "\n Edited by Duta lover at 12-9-2015 12:00 AM \nprettyuglybabe replied at 11-9-2015 04:37 PM\r\ndari dulu tertanya-tanya..\r\ncorned beef tu halal ke? cam mana masaknya?\r\nke memang dah masak ala-ala ...\nYg sotong tu aku selalu gak beli wat stok ala2 malas nk masak\r\nSotong jenama rex dalam tin oren\n\r\nSedap\r\nAku akan tumis sikit bawang merah....campur cili merah ke ijau sket\r\nN tuang...campur air sikit.sbb agak manis \r\nSotong masak kicap je pun\r\nTapi not bad rasanya\r\nSesuai la utk emergency\r\nSotong tu pun dah jd lembut\n\r\nTapi sotong tu besar\r\nBiasanya aku akan gunting2 kasik dia kecik2 sket snang nk makan\n\r\nYg corned beef tu aku pnah terfikir gak nak beli\r\nTapi aku tringat dulu ada isu satu brand tu x halal\r\nTapi aku x ingat brand apa\r\nSo aku refer kt website jakim (hahahaha sotong aku x cek lak kan..mentang2 la seafood)\r\nSo ada beberapa brand je yg ada pengiktirafan jakim\r\nKalau nak rs secure sket beli la yg dlm list tu\r\nAt least kita dah usaha\n\r\nN yup kt area2 borneo ni mmg agak femes corned beef dlm masakan\r\nAku x dpt imagine sbb x pnah order\r\nAku imagine ala2 daging cincang dibuat nasi goreng gitu la kot..\r\nHahahaha\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949038028717041} +{"text": "This is cancer of being too selesa with tongkat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998981952667236} +{"text": "susulubna agen MIRI SARAWAK. Anak anak yang mudah dapat sembelit dan memori rendah. Boleh Cuba Susu Lubna ni Don worry ada sijil Halal Malaysia https://t.co/bOaRBYaytT", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988588094711304} +{"text": "\r\nSeronok nya kalau ada duit...\r\nDlm keadaan pendemic gini pun mampu antar tmpt gitu...\r\nBahagianya lahaii", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991340041160583} +{"text": "bila takde cop Jakim orang assume confirm haram, tp bila dah ada cop Jakim sibuk lg nak cari unsur haram dlm makanan tu. dah bila nak halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.93136066198349} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Jan 23 2021, 04:36 PM)Do you know people mix alcohol too in vegan dish?Why alcohol haram ? Cause it intoxicates you and not able to think straight ? Alcohol put into cooking will evaporate and won't make you drunk , still considered haram ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "2024: boikot is the most used word I seen online 2025: whats the popular word will be ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939466118812561} +{"text": "QUOTE(Babydragon1991 @ Sep 12 2019, 07:21 PM)ku tertarik dengan kempen memperkasakan produk melayu islam sejak kebelakangan ni. Alhamdulillah, orang melayu islam rata-rata \"baru\" mula sedar betapa pentingnya memperkuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Boleh nampak kesan kempen memperkasakan produk muslim melayu ni di kedai dan hypermarket. Alhamdulillah, sambutan kempen ini telah mula menampakkan hasilnya.Aku tertarik dengan satu pautan gambar produk muslim bumiputera yang disharekan kepada aku.Di sini, aku nak share satu item dalam beribu2 list produk muslim bumiputera yg di sharekan tu iaitu \"beras\" makanan ruji kita. Makanan ruji kita telah lama dimonopoli oleh kaum cina walaupun 99.9% petani ni adalah orang Melayu kita. Kita boleh beli beras jenama Faiza, produk Melayu tapi sedar ke tidak bahawa rantaian prosesnya (kilang padi) bagi mendapatkan beras tu sendiri dimonopoli oleh kaum cina. Pihak syarikat Faiza juga perlu beli beras dari pihak cina dalam bentuk pukal kerana kekurangan bekalan beras pukal tersebut.Memandangkan keluarga aku memang turun-temurun dalam bidang ni, boleh katakan aku ni, anak \"tokey\" kilang padi la senang, membeli padi, memproses padi menjadi beras dan menjual beras. Tapi, sekarang tidak lagi, bisnes kilang padi turun-temurun ni, hancur dek kurangnya kesedaran memperkuatkan ekonomi melayu islam ni. Kalau la kempen ini sudah bermula 5 tahun dulu tentu masih bernyawa lagi kilang padi warisan keluarga aku.Aku sharekan pengalaman aku untuk tatapan semua bagaimana boleh tumbangnya bisnes orang melayu kita dek monopoli kaum satu jenis tu. Di Semenanjung Malaysia ni, tahun 2005, kilang padi melayu bumiputera ni ada sekitar 35 buah kilang. Namun sekarang, di tahun 2019 ni, hanya tinggal 12 buah kilang bumiputera melayu sahaja yg tinggal beroperasi.Betul, hanya tinggal 12 buah sahaja kilang melayu. Aku listkan kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi:-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMURMasalah paling besar kilang-kilang Melayu ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bekalan padi. Pelik bunyi kalau aku kata kilang padi tapi padi tak ada di kilang. Isu ni berlaku di kilang padi orang melayu kita termasuk kilang keluarga aku. Kenapa tak ada padi ,haa ni aku cerita, terus terang aku cakap, 99.9% yang usahakan tanaman padi ni orang melayu kita, tapi bila nak dijual padi tu, padi tu dijual di kilang cina.Keadaan ni berlaku disebabkan penawaran harga insentif/komisyen yg diberikan kilang cina kepada \"driver/broker lori\" yang angkut padi di sawah. Broker lori tu akan dapat \"insentif/komisyen\" dari kilang jika dihantar padi tu ke kilang. Lagi banyak padi yg dihantar lagi banyak insentif/komisyen yg dibolot oleh tuan lori ni padahal komisyen tu bukan petani yang dapat pun. Dan terus terang aku cakap, petani tidak kisah pun padi tu dijual di kilang mana asalkan dapat jual sahaja padi yg diusahakan tu. Disebabkan perkara ni lah yg menyebabkan tiada padi yg dijual ke kilang padi melayu bumiputera akibat komisyen yg dikejar. Padi yg diusahakn orang melayu, kebanyakkan dijual ke kilang padi cina.Disebabkan perkara inilah, banyak kilang melayu bumiputera telah banyak tutup tak mampu beroperasi dek kekurangan bekalan padi. Apabila berlaku kekurangan padi di kilang melayu, kita orang melayu telah hilang kuasa pegangan ekonomi dalam item beras ni. Walaupun tanaman padi tu majoriti melayu kita yang usahakan tapi kilang proses padi menjadikan beras dipegang oleh kaum cina disebabkan oleh penjualan padi ke kilang cina.Jadi, aku nak seru semua petani, anak-anak yang mak bapak petani, kenalan-kenalan dan kawan-kawan petani, kita mulakan \"KEMPEN JUAL PADI DI KILANG PADI MELAYU BUMIPUTERA\" bermula dari hari ini. Masih tidak terlambat lagi untuk gerakkan kesedaran ini agar ekonomi makanan ruji ni yg mmg diusahakan orang melayu kita ni dapat diselamatkan. Minta tolong arahkan driver lori/broker ni jual padi yang diusahakan di kilang melayu bumiputera kita. Kepada rakan-rakan kilang melayu bumiputera, kuatkan semangat dan teruskan bertahan dan jangan mengaku kalah dalam jihad ni. Bagi sokongan kepada kilang-kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi ni agar kita boleh kuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Harap sebarkan kepada semua.Ikhlas dari :-Bekas anak tokey kilang padi melayu bumiputeraSekali lagi aku listkan senarai nama kilang padi orang melayu kita untuk kita gerakkan kempen kesedaran ini :-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMURMalaysia.Lol. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9603602886199951} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoLee @ Apr 6 2016, 08:30 PM)I am savouring the fact that it is double standard to say secret r did not pass the cleanliness standard but this company did. Hypocrisy at its best.What r u toking about? are u part of /k moronic portion. The use of halal logo by this company has not been verified its originality by JAKIM.let's wait for the verification or other /k who rajin can directly check online. There many cases of JAKIM logo has been pirated in Malaysia.You know who??? klu bukan penipu bkn \"apa salahan\" namanya.This post has been edited by Ph 7.00: Apr 6 2016, 08:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9725834131240845} +{"text": "Cerita pasal Bubble Tea halal ke tak ni, bagi aku it just the matter of time untuk dapatkan SIJIL halal. Since dorg pun brand baru masuk, byk process lah kena comply dgn jakim kot. Entah lah malas amek port. Aku minum je \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9981196522712708} +{"text": "bagus bagus...PN approved!kasi bukakeeee...DAP's fault ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9955629110336304} +{"text": "QUOTE(aizielectreon @ Nov 24 2020, 12:07 PM)food supposed to bring us together.bcos of TSTS is the one who made the claim the best cakoi in ipoh. This would lead to disagreement.instead of saying come support makcik selling cakoi, the outcome would have been different. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999785423278809} +{"text": "@saifulv39 Kisah nak sakitkan hati org muslim. Harus di teliti dgn betul. Sijil halal mesti di berikan kepada individu yg paham tentang halal. Yg tak paham ni lah yg suka menganjingkan org muslim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9001994729042053} +{"text": "Sijil halal pada bungkusan tidak diiktiraf Jakim, daging kerbau dari India dirampas #sinarharian https://t.co/gNGyoXxMjh via SinarOnline", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "10 baht je each, yang suka manis-manis makanan sebab sauce dia semua manis boleh lah beli. Still, worth the price. Tamago kosong pun dah RM2+ kat Empire Sushi.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8437553644180298} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Dec 31 2019, 09:25 AM)How many years already still so stupid. Since when Halal certificate is compulsory? You want to cater to the Muslim market then getting a Halal certificate would be beneficial as there are muslims who won't buy non-certified products (but then there are still others who does as well - it's their fucking choice - get that into your mind). If you don't want or think it's not important, then don't. Simple as shit.You question why Muslims would not care to look for Halal certificates in muslim restaurants but look for it in non-muslim restaurants and think that's hypocritical? Well stupid, how likely would a muslim use pork or non-halal meats to cook his/her food? There's probably a chance but it is probably so minuscule that it can be disregarded. On the other hand, how are muslims to trust that non-muslim establishment does not use pork or other non-halal ingredients? Based on /k itself, pork is sublime right? And best muslim for /k is alcohol guzzling one. Simple psychology also cannot understand.So fuck you la if you cannot understand even this simple thing. Complain some more of how closed minded muslims are and oh how open-minded you have to suffer in this country. Fucking bunch of bigoted morons.This. They never see Muslim patrons having lunch at Chillis is it? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999736547470093} +{"text": "i go there for carls jr only, sometimes go best denki buy electrical. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9897537231445312} +{"text": "QUOTE(Teddysaur @ Dec 24 2020, 08:15 PM)Can you imagine the word Merry Christmas on a fucking cake can be sensationalized like this here?Where cakes that were baked using halal ingredients became non-halal when the word merry Christmas was written on the cakes?Where the hell did they get the fatwa from lolIn the view of Jakim, writing \"Merry Xmas\" on cake = Writing \"b*bi\" on it ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998931884765625} +{"text": "saya dah sunat... damn pain now cannot moveInshaAllah!!! power of god in my body ....ouchhow to kencing This post has been edited by meistsh_musical: Dec 24 2014, 11:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8154754042625427} +{"text": "i'm from N9, tried all types of laksa and curry laksa in peninsula, i still think swak laksa is the best, nthg comes close... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998723268508911} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 08:40 AM)You sure you muslim??? I am pretty much halal is more than that. It also refers to cleaniness.Makan daging Babi adalah haram What is more than that? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981127977371216} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 10:15 PM)Genting casino forbid muslims from entering SINCE LONG AGO..discrimination? Yeah, But any muslim butthurt become viral?No.Moral of the story? Stop bitching about everythingThey forbid because takut authorities saman themJust like a salon kena saman cuz accept male muslim customer when the tukang gunting rambut is womanIf there's no repercussionsNo pejabat agama kacauU think the casino dont want meh? Customer maSapa tak mau lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977927207946777} +{"text": "Yes! Tweet mcm ni yg aku tggu2! Jgn buat main lah isu halal/haram bila soal makanan. Aku tk kta \"minuman\" tu haram sbb aku pun tak tahu. Tp perlu utk kte ada rasa \"ragu2\" sikit utk mnjaga diri kte drpd bnda yg haram. Klau tkde sjil, elakkan. Klau ada sijil Alhamdulillah. https://t.co/FxYoTDBDPA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999077320098877} +{"text": "where does this come from why so sudden why is this even an issueat this point it's just like, [spins wheel] is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992949962615967} +{"text": "Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9572300314903259} +{"text": "Can no issue. Fatwa explained d ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8034691214561462} +{"text": "QUOTE(lowyat.my @ Jan 5 2021, 02:31 AM)Come across these types of pariah cibai haramzadahs before. All sweet talk don't mind kissing your ass until you ask to go comm of oaths to draw up agreement.. those haremzedah mmg xtaw malu.. they keep coming and coming.. infacts if one day your in trouble or broke.. they dont even care about u.. Stand far and laugh u broke... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995781779289246} +{"text": "QUOTE(ciwi1166 @ May 3 2024, 08:22 AM)51 year old doing grabQUOTE(haya @ May 3 2024, 08:26 AM)Wait till you see the age of the people cleaning tables at the food court in Singapore.Malaysia so good life. A 50 year old can retire already. No wonder 1 of the best countries for retirement. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99893718957901} +{"text": "QUOTE(Accord2018 @ Dec 30 2023, 12:46 PM)Kid if cannot comprehend don't troll.Welp, I must be a successful kid and a troll if name calling is the best you can do ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944013953208923} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSoldier @ Mar 3 2024, 05:00 PM)Starbucks is not haram too but for no reasons these morons see them as oneBut when it comes to techs, it is OK for everythingthis kind of response is exactly why i lazy to explain. i know its gonna be waste of time. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987828135490417} +{"text": "asal ada perkataan halal ja mesti geng2 vabi ni jadi tak keruanpelik jugak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6690924167633057} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 04:42 PM)the market means the customer, aka muslims who looking for halal food lah bodoh..seesh this guy do I have to spell every single thing for him? Apparently you're too dense to understand the comparison. There was no need for an iPhone, there was no demand for an iPhone, but apple created demand for this piece of crap device by creating a hype about it, exploiting people's ignorance and laziness. This people end up looking for iPhone.Tak paham then be humble.QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 04:46 PM)Still, where's your credential?You can look down on me or even all muslims all you want. Seriously, again. What's your credential that makes you think you're right from whom or how should I learn anything?Do you go to school or you're born already smart enough to know everything you've known today?Don't try to skirt the concern that you fitnah me. When have I ever claimed to educate anyone? You fitnah me, the dosa is on you.Also, to think that you only accept anything from someone with credentials shows how easily you can be exploited because you're ignorance, hence the halal logo.Thanks for proving my point. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999779462814331} +{"text": "\"Eee kedai ni takde sijil halal la. Tak boleh! Tak boleh!\"\n\nThen goes on to smoke a cigarette.\n\nTak rasa bodoh ke?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999994039535522} +{"text": "@WanschaII Sebelum dapat sijil tu kau tak 100% pasti dia buat ikut hukum ke tak kan. So lepak la dulu. Buat nya kau dh minum pastu tak lepas sijil halal mcm mna ? Nak keluar kan balik yang kau dh minum tu ke.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995617270469666} +{"text": "Pasal bab halal haram makanan ni kita jadi super particular sebab wujudnya halal jakim. So kita jadi hyper aware on what is halal and how is things haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975684285163879} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayamAnoob @ Aug 19 2022, 12:24 PM)notis v1: worker needed, non Muslim only - kena report sbb bukan BM, kena pakai BMnotis v2: pekerja di perlukan, bukan Islam sahaja - kena report, orang Islam di pinggirkan, racist.Notis v3: Pekerja diperlukanOrang Islam pi interbiu, tokeh kata orang Islam tak boleh keje sana - kena report, orang Islam di pinggirkan, racist.Notis v3: Pekerja diperlukanOrang Islam ambik keje, kena serbu.tutup je la.and yet some jokers don't see the problem with their mentality. memang negara mundur ke belakang. Ppl talk about globalization dia org sibuk, eh ini haram.. haram or not you sendiri know la.. you are the one to answer to your god. Who are you to judge others. He want to makan babi his hal la.. sibuk buat benda. duh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "QUOTE(arif85124 @ Apr 8 2024, 11:27 PM)Me dont catch the joke...Maknanya org negeri pantai timur pengotor suka buang sampah merata2 di lebuh raya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992315769195557} +{"text": "assalammualaikum! hahmarilah mnjalankan ibadah berlandaskan al-quran dan sunnah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998110294342041} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)[attachmentid=8642471][attachmentid=8642476]so non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients alonemakin lama aku tengok kau ni makin bengap pulak.nanti romen jangan lupa pakai kondom ya. risau la tengok kebodohan kamu ni merebak ke keturunan seterusnya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Apr 5 2024, 06:30 AM)bangkit brolowyat ni buatan keluaran kafir, bila nak buat forum sendiri. tak tau malu ke? bangkit kebodohan anda.Need a digital form of lowyat 2. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Apr 18 2024, 05:22 PM)Yup. Kinda like Subway.And the price is very competitive, similar to the road side sellers.I wouldn't say it's the best banh mi la. But it's a very good option if you're worried about the hygiene of road side sellers.Unfortunately, only Ho Chi Minh have 7-11 for the moment. Everywhere else is Circle K and they don't sell banh mi.Wow quite interesting. Turnover must be high enough for them to adopt Subway's style. Otherwise waste food and money only.Most don't go to convenient stores for best food but for convenience anyway. So expected not to be the best food around. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Someone didn't even read the article they are sharing.No halal license doesn't necessarily means haram.Already stated.Supposedly it's not due to contamination reasons. Just red tapes issue.This post has been edited by cursetheroad01: Mar 24 2024, 04:18 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999754428863525} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.tell that to the meleis. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5794779658317566} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 12:26 PM)lulz whatever dude, I personally\u00a0 don't care but answers delivered like yours are reason why many malays/muslims don't trust the alternative to umno/bn.Yeah, elevating petty things and keeping ppl backwards like this seems to be your forte, while being a hindrance to progressNot to faraway from that nutjob who suggested to cuci darah in the cadbury issue.This whole haram paranoia is a joke to pull wool over your eyes for some crony tu get some juicy contract.To kill competition, just use the haram card.This post has been edited by Einjahr: Feb 9 2017, 12:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.975124180316925} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 05:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 So seller cannot sell cheap? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949989318847656} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blinklime @ Aug 18 2024, 05:40 PM)that raya viral guy? he stuff expensive no? lf recallYeah. Ask him to help his own people la. Probably can serve lamb shank or mandi rice. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999722242355347} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 7 2016, 10:17 AM)wow ts your iman is very strong if its me i'll be murtaded alreadyGenggam rukun islam, iman dan ihsan kuat2InsyaAllah takkan murtad ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "Hati, badan, dan pakaian, mesti bersih; makanan yg dimakan halal, mohon dg sungguh2, tp tdk memaksa dan (cont) http://tl.gd/7tfpsi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "Niat baik disertai dengan cara yang baik. Ngomong baik tapi cara2 kotor. Gak diterima. Makanan saja mesti halal toyiban. Halal dicarinya, disiapkan dgn baik, disajikan dipiring yg bersih. Pun jabatan. Diraih dgn cara yg halal pula.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9436084032058716} +{"text": "QUOTE(ichigo_6091 @ Aug 9 2018, 11:32 AM)Actually, in Quran, it says if you abuse it, then it is haram, if you drink small quantities and still functional, then its okay.mohon pencerahan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.930061399936676} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Nov 20 2023, 03:28 PM)hafiz rahimhttps://hafizrahim.comhafizmdrahim@gmail.com016-2124714WWD850White VIOSSaya dilahirkan pada tahun 1985 sebagai anak kedua daripada 3 adik beradik. Merupakan anak kelahiran Terengganu dan sekarang menetap di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. Nama sebenar adalah Abdul Hafiz Rafiuddin, tetapi menggunakan nama pena blog sebagai Hafiz Rahim yang membawa maksud kepada gabungan nama sendiri dan nama ayah. Alhamdulillah, telah mendirikan rumah tangga pada tahun 2011 dan mempunyai seorang cahaya mata.Disebabkan ayah merupakan seorang bekas guru, saya pernah mendapat pendidikan awal dibeberapa buah sekolah rendah dan juga sekolah menengah. Zaman persekolahan ditamatkan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan yang kemudiannya membawa saya untuk melanjutkan pengajian di dalam jurusan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di Malaysia France Institute, Bangi.Mula berjinak dengan komputer seawal tahun 2001 iaitu semasa bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.George, Taiping dan mendapat pendedahan awal tentang dunia internet melalui laman chat mIRC. Kemudiannya terjebak dalam pembangunan laman web atau blog menggunakan GeoCities, Tripod Lycos dan juga Blogspot.Pada tahun 2011, saya telah membeli domain sendiri yang pertama iaitu HafizRahim.com dan telah menggunakannya diblog berplatformkan Blogspot. Tetapi setelah mula mempelajari dan mengetahui tentang selok belok menggunakan WordPress (pembelajaran melalui Youtube dan juga eBook yang telah dibeli), domain itu telah dipindahkan sepenuhnya kepada blog baru yang berplatformkan WordPress.Sepanjang tempoh berblogging secara serius, blog HafizRahim.com telah mendapat pengiktirafan sebagai Top 50 Blogger of the year 2013 DiGi WWWOW Award dan juga MSMW Favourite Micro Blog 2013.Bagi yang berminat untuk bekerjasama ataupun mendapatkan khidmat saya dalam mengeluarkan advertorial dan ulasan produk, boleh menghubungi saya di hafizmdrahim@gmail.com ataupun admin@hafizrahim.com.Artikel asal di: https://hafizrahim.com/kenali-penulis/#ixzz8JaRicGGiFollow us: @hafizmdrahim on TwitterKeyword found. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9530090689659119} +{"text": "QUOTE(pakmulau @ Dec 24 2020, 01:03 AM)lol manusia bodo everywherewhich one is cheaper? vaccine or hospital treatment?bagus kalau kau boleh sembuh minum air suam di rumahSei sohai macam TS ni kalau demam sikit dah g emergency department kot, buat penuh hospital jeThis post has been edited by reed90: Dec 24 2020, 08:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8378556370735168} +{"text": "You know we should really not gib 2 shit about ppl feelingLet the market decideDia x suka atau keliru boleh keluar atau boikotr je.Ok punya masok je cam sushi king tu\"Kita caj 10% servis 6% gst, u x suka boleh x masok\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5996719002723694} +{"text": "QUOTE(SkillsScrapper54 @ Mar 29 2016, 06:08 PM)JAKIM got jurisdiction in China?Jakim don't have jurisdiction in China, but Jakim's halal logo is being recognized all around the world. Having the Jakim logo printed on haram products will somehow tarnish their image. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999792575836182} +{"text": "\r\ningat dorg kisah ke halal haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "because nons do not qualify for autohalal status. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7367739677429199} +{"text": "QUOTE(badkid @ Dec 28 2020, 09:22 AM)Bole je jgn makan wagyu.. Beli la daging dari pasar taniDaging batang pinang, baru best. Support local \ud83d\udc4d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998960494995117} +{"text": "Selain itu, adakah anda menuduh JAKIM selama ini tidak mengikut prosedur pensijilan halal? Lagi satu, sembang pasal halal haram jd darah daging ni, adakah makanan halal yg dimiliki non muslim haram? Tkda siapa pun yg soalkan. Org argue keperluan logo halal tukar warna tu.\n\n3/4", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Mar 31 2024, 03:10 AM)Oh really?Left approves abortion. Right is against abortion. Left is pro LGBT because equality for all. Right is anti LGBT.And I can go on.....otak don't put at lutut.Yes, dividing people, by creating artificial labels to further erase each individual actual identity with predefined set of notion.That is my opinion, politicians always do their best to divide each of us, if can't by race, then by ideology right/left.This post has been edited by smsid: Mar 31 2024, 03:19 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8249078989028931} +{"text": "sikit sikit tuduh how to do biz hereppl are sensitive n ignorant af instead of being rational what more is the person made fake report would just shrug it offmajulah marehsian we never see got ppl go tuduh muslim biz for having haram thingharmonious country my buttholeThis post has been edited by lambsauce: Oct 31 2019, 12:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998748302459717} +{"text": "Sis... the article u sbare about sijil halal secret recipe di tarik balik oleh Jakim tu tahun 2015 sis..2015! Ni dah tahun 2019..boleh x jgn main share jek..and dia ditarik balik bkn sbb ada bahan haram..sebab isu kebersihan pada tahun tu..aduiii", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980046153068542} +{"text": "QUOTE(Prestigemedia @ Jul 8 2024, 12:07 AM)Durable as it claimed, plus girls all like montigo tumble \ud83d\ude0c maybe peer pressure also . Got it Rm 59Rm59 for which size and model?Quite interested in this as it says can stay hot for 18 hours. Have you try this before? Really can stay for 18 hours? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998813271522522} +{"text": "Tuhan pun tak kata makanan yang halal itu, hanya dengan adanya logo Jakim. Tapi kerajaan nak permudahkan kita. Paham dak? Nak kasi yakin.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9861639142036438} +{"text": "Makanan kalu pernah haram means depa mmg saja buat la. \nYg peliknya banyak mana makanan JAKIM tak check kt pasaran status dia.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "Natural selection at its best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999427795410156} +{"text": "QUOTE(vexus @ Nov 23 2020, 08:56 AM)The thai muslim chakoi look much better in consistency & skill compare to the ipoh.The best chakoi I had was thai, smaller than the chinese made one, serve with kaya. Best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "Tiada yang salah pun mengenai apa yang Menteri ini ucapkan. Untuk mendapatkan sijil Halal, mereka perlu melalui satu proses yang sangat teliti sebelum sijil tersebut boleh dikeluarkan Anda yakin produk Bumiputera semuanya Halal? Bagaimana cara penyediaannya? Kebersihannya? https://t.co/upYdXs3CTO", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9124330878257751} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 04:30 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 Din know BC sell roast chicken lagi murah Cold Storage/Isetan in KLCC. No need to compare Aeon Big selling at RM14.90. If BC jiken nice will continue to do so since can add to my protein diet everyday. I eat at least half jiken a day. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903149008750916} +{"text": "But... just now got tered said it's not haram if in medical... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Nov 25 2023, 09:21 AM)And best part is yet to come.If she is to continue her study at that place, surely she's gonna be shun by her peers after this. Who's going to entertain a lying and backstabbing bitch. Unless of course she's coming back.Or go somewhere else. Like Afghanistan. Or Pakistan.Suits her well that kind of place. Gonna fits right in.I'd be more critical of her failing to verify and gather facts, basic tenets of higher education and the professional world. Time will tell how she fares anyway. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "Sekarang duduk rumah pun duit habis gitu je dalam bank Lagi2 yang suka beli makanan kat grab/foodpanda tu nampak macam banyak voucher tapi nak pakai voucher pun kena spend banyak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9411653876304626} +{"text": "Eat pork must drink beer, the world's best perfect food combo:Alcohol free beer, heineken 0.08 Mar 2019https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4749100 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996587038040161} +{"text": "yes ka, aku suka makanan bekuah mau panas mau dingin beli aja wkwkw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9848678708076477} +{"text": "\":Siasat status halal makanan AirAsia?:Jab Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim)diminta myiasat semua kemudahan..http://dlvr.it/3RKqnP\"", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976484179496765} +{"text": "@Amxrull @zuhai_rah Mungkin syarikatnya dalam proses nak dapatkan sijil halal. Sijil halal bukan senang ye nak dapat . Melalui banyak prosedur nak dapatkan Tapi kalau yakin boleh ja nak minum tak jadi masalah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968650937080383} +{"text": "PENJELASAN BERKENAAN TULAR STATUS HALAL MAKANAN HAIWAN\n\n*Ikuti penjelasannya di FB Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM... http://fb.me/1mEJlLpOF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.837107241153717} +{"text": "Time sekolah, ponteng.\nBila exam, kelaut.\nBila kerja, malas.\nPerangai, kelaut. \n\nSampai ke\nVaksin ? Auto jadi terpaling ahli agama + ahli sains. Siap pertikai & suruh org kaji makanan sunnah, herba bagai. Katanya lebih bersih dan halal. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(Micozole @ Aug 27 2020, 01:23 PM)no la..i think its 40/60... you go see the org chart Ala, itu kan smoke screen . Kan Olang kite suka token directors just to get business. Profit split different. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Aug 18 2015, 05:37 PM)kalau betul sendiri buat dosa sendiri tanggung, habis kenapa ramai sangat yang terpekik terlolong \"kena tempias bala\" tu ye?\u00a0 for the vapers bangang who think it is all right to cloud chase in public :\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abkalau betul nak tangung sendiri sorang2, hembus la vape dalam bilik sendiri sorang2 ke, hembus jauh2 kat tempat takde orang ke. jangan la hembus kat khalayak umum, boleh? tempat orang tengah makan minum, tempat orang tengah jalan2 lalu lalang, tempat orang berkumpul mcm lif dan pawagam... mintak vapers bangang tu otak jangan letak kat pantat, kat lutut dsb. simpan balik dalam kepala tu elok2 dan pakai..+999999999999999999999999999999999 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 23 2017, 12:07 PM)Any one. Just randomly chooseNo. It doesntI dont care which oneI dont know both of themI dont know which one betterBecause im not a godAnd only god can judge usHaish.. SedihBetulIt's okay when you are in the sedih partAfter that is dissapointed and angry partShortly after its just pure comedy gold ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999501705169678} +{"text": "QUOTE(teehk_tee @ May 12 2024, 07:52 PM)Explore yourself. That's the best feeling.Follow guide all this no different from watching youtubebest if self drive at outside town area, u will get to walk around their local aeon store/2nd hand store etc. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "QUOTE(hollyweed @ Aug 29 2017, 04:52 PM)ayam masuk cainis restaurant elok je.Bagus2. Next time ayam belanja teh cina ais ok? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Ramai dok tweet pasai sijil halal ni yaaa..So sad to see comment org kita laani mcm x dak sensitiviti psai halal n haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9910200238227844} +{"text": "\n\n\r\ntengok sini. mana2 liberal dalam cariforum ni biarkan je. sebab apa dia ucap dan mainkan hukum kat akhirat pasti menjawab. \n\r\nbiarkan dia orang. nanti menyesal tak sudah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "Orang lain fikir aku tak suka makan sebab tu kurus tapi sebenarnya duitnya terpaksa dikumpul untuk beli skincare dll.Bayangkan kalau dapat laki yang spoil kita dengan makanan,what a blessing!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999524712562561} +{"text": "Makanan diragui status dirampas#harianmetro #jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999266862869263} +{"text": "I have nothing against her.It just irks me that she wants so desperately to portray herself as this strict halal haram person, yet...conveniently selective on which halal haram to strictly abide by.I don't care about the bubble tea thing. Halal haram? No one forcing her to buy it. It is a luxury not a necessity.It is within her right to tell others that it has no halal cert. But, she wrote few lines too long trying to show how pious she really is, but isn't. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.990007758140564} +{"text": "Korang? I don't even take coffee with sugar.Take ur own bigotry and shove it up ur....Sengal!QUOTE(bigwolf @ May 19 2024, 05:30 AM)Bacause it is boycott simply because of skin colour. Tak malu ke korang boycott just because the owner is non malay? And although I'm not Zus owner, i can understand the concern n grovelling apologies coz manatau tetiba kena molotov cocktail at the outlets or the staff kena assaulted just because they work in Zus ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991810917854309} +{"text": "QUOTE(iambloodymuch @ Jan 23 2017, 10:30 AM)they should consider giving haram cert instead. this country muslim majority, so all food should be save for muslim to consume unless there is non-halal sign/logoBut they cannot get money from the haram cert recipient. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "QUOTE(Brotherjoe @ Dec 24 2020, 07:21 PM)Next year 2021 -\u00a0 celebrate xmas is dosa..i wonder when are they going to ban the use of lower case TThen take off Christmas as one of the gazetted public holiday! I dare them, I double dare them ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984362721443176} +{"text": " Mohon JAKIM bina MAKMAL ANALISIS untuk tentukan sendiri status HALAL sesuatu produk makanan yang was-was, dah lama ditunggu !", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9973931312561035} +{"text": "alcohol itself is not haram like how pig and dog themselves haram to their every tissue and cell. having a drop of alcohol and know for sure not even a single person getting drunk for it at all doesnt make it haram.also alcohol have many usagelike alcohol swab and so on. not haramunlike pig or dog skin use for rub are haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999336004257202} +{"text": "Sos : https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2640...makanan-tradisiQUOTEJawatankuasa bantah bak kut teh sebagai makanan tradisioleh SITI ZUBAIDAH ZAKARAYA18 Jun 2023 10:33amMasa membaca: 2 minitSUNGAI PETANI - Satu jawatankuasa akan dipanggil bagi tujuan membantah cadangan memperkenalkan bak kut teh sebagai salah satu makanan warisan rakyat Malaysia.Pengerusi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Kedah, Datuk Mohd Suhaimi Abdullah menjelaskan, beliau yang memegang Portfolio Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya dalam kabinet bayangan akan memanggil jawatankuasa tersebut sebagai persediaan melaksanakan tindakan selanjutnya.Ahli Parlimen Langkawi itu berkata, sokongan dan suara rakyat Malaysia turut diperlukan dalam usaha mengekang cadangan berkenaan dari terus mendapat perhatian.\"Saya akan memanggil jawatankuasa bagi menentang habis-habisan supaya bak kut teh ini tidak disenaraikan sebagai makanan tradisional.\"Saya juga mohon tuan puan menyokong tindakan ini dan ia tidak diluluskan sebagai makanan tradisi Malaysia,\" katanya ketika hadir ke Pelancaran Jentera Perikatan Nasional (PN) Parlimen Merbok di Bandar Laguna Merbok pada Sabtu.Hadir sama melaksanakan pelancaran termasuk Pesuruhjaya Pas Kedah merangkap Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena, Datuk Ahmad Yahaya, Pengerusi Gerakan Kedah, Marimuthu Selvan, Pengarah Pilihan Raya PN Kedah, Mohd Hilmi Abd Wahab dan Ahli Parlimen Merbok, Mohd Nazri Abu Hassan.Sekian. Here my contribution to the one of the most useless debates in mankind history.Sila bersurai secara aman dan teratur. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8507535457611084} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Nov 26 2023, 11:41 AM)When respect and tolerance is only 1 way street, when you expect the world to accommodate you but not the other way round then what do you call it? Growing up in Malaysia you have no freaking idea how pampered you had been. While non-muslims have no problem accommodating your needs and requirements- since we are in a multiracial multicultural society- have you ever considered the other way round? You demand no alcohol and no haram food in the events you are invited to, but have you ever considered reciprocation? Very simple example - In non muslim wedding dinners, it is normal to have separate tables with halal food for muslim friends. Have you ever considered the other way round - \"haram\" tables with pork and alcohol for muslim friends in a muslim wedding dinner? Heck, don't even talk about \"haram\" tables, in the muslim table, the food will be sourced separately from halal restaurant coz even dishes without any haram ingredients in the same restaurant cannot be served to the muslims. But do muslim wedding dinners (or other events) do the same for their non muslim friends who do not eat beef because of religious obligations? No? \"Ahhh takpe, kau ambil je makanan yang takde daging boleh la\". Nothing pulak about utensils in the restaurant \"contaminated\" by beef? Consideration can only be 1 way street? No need to sidetrack about alcohol not compulsory in my culture or religion, etc. The point here is, you can demand but I cannot. Why? What does that make you? Back in 2018-20, when DAP say or did anything, they are labeled kurang ajar, mencabar melayu muslim, puak kapir ni kacau hal Islam kenapa!!!\u00a0 Now when DAP dun say anything, they are MCA 2.0, farking useless we vote them in but kecut bola apa pon tak berani buat\u00a0 Apa korang nak sebenarnya?she siap disable comment section in tiktok.then you know that she is a hati kaca and cannot take a single drop of criticism.owh well.....she a sponsored student? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957999587059021} +{"text": "Aku nak try semua bubble2 tea ni. Tp husband plak jenis yg particular bab halal status. Jadi bila request sesuatu dia akan search dlu, dh dpt sijil halal belum. \ud83d\ude2b\ud83d\ude2b", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9799281358718872} +{"text": "| Halal atau Haram Makanan Kita? |\n\nMakan yang suci dan bersih dapat menjamin kesihatan yang baik. Islam begitu... http://fb.me/40pafxPO2", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942923784255981} +{"text": "QUOTE(novblaze @ Dec 22 2020, 08:12 PM)That's why most of cina shop with fast moving customers like to collect money firstmemang biasa satay bayar dulu baru. satay haji samuri still the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(Thrust @ Dec 8 2021, 03:30 PM)These Earth Price always asking for 'tongkat'.. tak malu ke?If they tahu malu, Malaysia won't become Malusia like now. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9797664880752563} +{"text": "Orang zaman sekarang,makanan or minuman viral terus cuba walaupun benda tu haram or syubhah.\n\nMakan lha makanan bukan sekadar halal saja tapi bersih dan suci. Halalan toyyiban.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Puas hati dgn FR korang-lebailogic ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9935876131057739} +{"text": "Bodo lah.makan duit zakat haram, bagi anak2 dia ingat akhirat nanti tak kena hintung dosa? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:09 PM)Currybun PAS logic, vegetarian restaurant food usually make by religious people of other fate. They forget iPhone , FB are Jews.Aku resident certified /k Taliban no problem makan sushi atau minum kat kopitiam or even bedal makan all green kat vege restaurant.You tokkok?Ke kau bebal label semua currybuns when bagi Muslims, if they doubts something not halal or syubhah aka ada perasaan was2 keraguan, maka jatuh hukum haram makan makanan yang diragui kehalalannya. Kalau yakin, no problem boleh je makan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999366998672485} +{"text": "Dah tahu kedai tu serve makanan yang tidak halal, tinggal. Kalau kau yakin bersih, well sebab ada pekerja muslim en mungkin dijaga masuk je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9197618365287781} +{"text": "okey okey, gamdum haram or not??srs question ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 07:26 PM)ya... u both justifying their reason on why it's haram,.. thats how u disagree on the raid ??No. Im correcting ur misunderstanding on haram halal issueI never talk about the raid ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999796152114868} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tariq_H @ Aug 9 2018, 08:00 AM)Yang penting yakin. Tak wajib usul. Kalau benar near yakin, yang haram jadi halal. Kalau tak yakin, sifat asalnya halal akan jadi haram.True. Waktu pergi Aussie dlu, professor aku cakap, kalau asyik tak yakin semua benda nak makan, memang kena makan pasir la jawabnye ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999578058719635} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dweller @ Jan 20 2024, 02:27 PM)Indeed not that great. But only RM6. Pak Tam Mee Udang is better personally for me. Even that one not the best (got one shop in mainland the best)Tg Bungah Hillside food court ada Kueh Teow kerang basah at night onli. Come try if still around. Also got one of the best nasi goteng ayam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "Aku tak paham betul, jakim bukan ke yang check halal ke haram dekat makanan minuman restoran2. Ni kenapa nak check jantina manusia pulak. Makin heran aku hidup dalam zaman 2018 ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "@Ashril_92 @_amiradam sijil halal pon tak mampu dapat lagi so takyah pegi simple, sibuk betul sekarang melayu nk makan kedai cina yang takde sijil halal", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999829530715942} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Sep 24 2017, 08:31 PM)ITT - butthurted pipul.Dunno why pipul mau bising about one business and one mufti. The business is insignificant, just ignore them if you don't like them, they wanna do business however the way they want, let them be la. Mufti - u guys bising about mufti statement for what? It's like somebody bising about what a priest or a monk says, does their statement carry any weight to the non-followers of the religion? Not really.Correct. Muslim are required to discriminate against filthy non-muslim pigs. That is why it is okay to take our blood and organs when you need them to be alive but not our dirty laundry. That is why you are desperate to see a hardworking Chinese or Indian doctor when you're sick, because non-muslim doctors are filthy, right? /sQUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:13 PM)LoL,Like I said, got demand, the business owner carer to demand.You might think it is useless to nitpick due to vast possibility of touching non halal things which is very true.But since u understand jack shit about how muslims practice their religion and the things that are allowed in extreme cases, you have no idea on why such business exist at the first place.I have no time explaining to you how halal haram classification works, nor do I want to convince you whether it is justified to offer such business to the muslims.All because it is a waste of time, and your would just discard my explanation altogether.Well this is k/, no surprise there.Thank you for confirming all my bias and stereotype of Muslims. Your behavior and your actions are exactly what I expect. No wonder all the Muslim countries are so amazing and everybody wants to go life there. /s ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5089067816734314} +{"text": "@rafiuddin_ahmad satu lagi, ramai yg fikir, bila premis tu tokey dia org melayu or orang islam. sijil halal tak diperlukan. padahal sijil halal itu penting as a proof yg your product/premise are certified halal. Halal itu untuk semua", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9743271470069885} +{"text": "Elon Musk Makanan Haram Dia Jadi miliarder\nJack Ma Makanan haram jadi miliarder\nCristian ronaldo Makan haram jadi Atlit profesional yg dibayar mahal \n\nOrg luar negri ga Tau apa itu halal haram tpi ttp sukses , Makanya makan makanan bergizi mas biar pinter", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "\nsebab didalam agama mereka...tak ada halal dan haram kot..sebab tu mereka tak faham2..\nAnak_Nogori Post at 10-6-2010 16:54 \n\nConfucian pun suruh hormat\u00a0\u00a0menghormati An....\n\r\nni saja attitude yg begitu buruk. Tu jer. Tak hormati kepelbagaian dan keindahan kepelbagaian tu sendiri.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Feb 12 2024, 01:31 PM)My mom\u2019s birthday next weekGo to Cili Kampung. Available in Hartamas and KLCChttps://www.instagram.com/cilikampungmySo far the best \"high class\" malay food. QUOTE(caviars @ Feb 12 2024, 03:10 PM)Cili Kampung. At Hartamas got one.QUOTE(SiakapRM1000 @ Feb 12 2024, 04:31 PM)Tried bothCili kampung is better for my taste bud. The best so far but pricey.If TS mum enjoy nogori style cooking then his mum sure like it.Location Sri Hartamas or go to Langkawi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "@http_cholo @ibrahimjunaidii @wawashakirah Certain negara luar pun ada jgk certificate halal, mcm kat atas tu dia dh ada tulis, xing fu tang ada sijil halal taiwan, mcm kite kena yakin la muslim kat sana pun try the best utk provide yg halal. Kalau mknan yg xde tanda halal kena baca ingredients, tak syubhah, should be ok", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992780089378357} +{"text": "QUOTE(helike13 @ Dec 21 2015, 10:56 PM)Actually these 'developed' countries full of tax and government kacau.... Especially Europe (ada experience).Here in Malaysia you can do a lot of thing... Meanwhile in the USA or Europe if you want to sell nasi lemak on the street you must have sijil HACCP for starting even if you are citizen. And even lulus from the bomba kena ada your equipment is comply with the ISO9001 fire protection standards. And the taxation... If you sell telur ayam on the pasar malam kena have cash register and proper accounting and SSM semua... And the SSM register not like here you must hire yourself and kena tax after at least the minimum wage every month even if you satu sen tak dapat. Kalau tak bayo tax debt. Kalau 3 bulan tak bayo ambil rumah kereta semua. And tax juga after your company income, hire accountant etc. The penguatkuasa tax even go to the tattoo saloon as an undercover customer and kalau tak dapat resit kena denda... And it's not RM300. Rather \u20ac1000 ke atas.... GST bukan 6% in the EU rather 15% ke atas... Average 20%. Minyak kena GST juga not subsidi...That's why they developed, everything has proper procedure, not like msia cowboy country, suka suka can do whatever you want, when problem arise no one held accountable because no records/procedure. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.554966926574707} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 04:20 PM)Yes.I thought the whole reason is because they are dirty so it became \"haram\", no?But there are shit you put in your mouth that's more dirty than what babi eat. So explain that hypocrisy please.this is totally incorrect. not because babi is dirty. it is clearly stated in al quran it is haram and we cannot consume it. hope this will clear your misconception. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Jan 22 2018, 08:56 AM)funny story.My kids in standard 4. His teacher wanna use ICT in class for agama lesson. She asked her students to google for \"apakah hukum min mati\". But thanks to google predict, this was what my son discovered....So he came back home, and started asking my wife and I about it. I was shocked to where he learned about it. But yeah, thanks google.What is mim mati? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999707937240601} +{"text": "QUOTE(stopandroll @ Jul 29 2019, 09:53 AM)It's funny when non got so angry with muslim dowan drink 0% alcohol drink.The 0% alcohol didn't even interesting to non, as they can drink whatever % alcohol they want.Obviously the 0% are intended to non drinker.The natural alcohol as byproduct is different. Tapai (halal originally) was made to be eaten, and if you purposely store the water to make alcoholic drink, then haram.Durian, do you eat it because the alcoholic content? Only some got alcohol due to byproduct.Benda simple pun boleh berpage2 sebab saja nak racing.nein. kuffars not angry because moslers dowan to drink 0%alcohol drink. the context of the discussion was why 0% alcohol is still haram. i used the tapai and durian counter and i received a jgn persoal response.it took a while, including a rather spirited, but ultimately substanceless defence from nurver3, but this is what is got:\"HALAL IS NOT JUST ALCOHOL BABI ETC, BUT NIAT AND THE WAY IT IS PRODUCED MATTERS TOO.\"In other words, context matters. It's meant to replicate beer, which is an alcoholic drink, hence making it haram.I want to stress this: the above is an entirely valid point.But at the same time, this seems to shift the key point away from alcohol as an intoxicating substance, to \"intention/NIAT\" being the key component. And that's where the common muslim hypocrisy rears its ugly head. Why? Well for one, the entire point would be dismantled when one asks the exact same question: why 0% alcohol but not tapai? If the NIAT is penting, then given the not insubstantial amount of alcohol in tapai (you can get woozy from tapai if you're a lightweight), then shouldn't you BERNIAT to avoid tapai altogether given it's clearly alcoholic?Yes, i am shifting the goal post. I see the 0% alcoholic point being non halal and ACCEPT IT. But what i'm pointing out is the HYPOCRISY. Also, I'm already hearing the JGN PERSOAL geng (ie NURVER3 et al) saying my kuffar brain doesn't understand \"NIAT\", and how tapai was never invented to be a barang memabukkan, which makes this vastly different from BEER which was designed to be barang memabukkan. Well you may be interested to know that in vast parts of the world, beer was originally invented to prevent bacteria from festering in barrels of water causing ailments and sorts. The NIAT behind the invention of beer is rather different then no?This post has been edited by pwncake: Jul 29 2019, 11:29 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9687906503677368} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShinG3e @ Oct 27 2016, 05:11 PM)it's hard to find halal food there.the last time i went with my muslim friends, they became vegetarian.first time see muslim vegetarian. shows how hard is it.of course, i propose vegetarian meal during the conference. lolOk la seems like this will be best option for both groups. Will have to arrange accordingly . Thanks yo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "Can make Viral video like this ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999680519104004} +{"text": "Cmon la don't gaduh sesendiri, dap yg teruk tangan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Aug 24 2019, 01:25 PM)so complicatedno offense, but one wonder why islamophobia spreading like wildfireSked later di islamkan, iman tarak kuat mah. Same things like felixia yap ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "Makanan yang bersih dari rezeki yang halal mencerminkan akhlak kita.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999477863311768} +{"text": "inb4 salahan Salmonella is HARAM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994729161262512} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Nov 1 2023, 10:36 AM) tulis macam niNON HALAL!!! ADA BABI!!!ORANG MUSLIM DILARANG MASUKlepas tu letak carlsberg tiger heineken logo keliling banner Then those easily confuse will complain those beer and pork images affected their faith because it tempting them to try those haram stuff. Demand to hide them before complain again the next day who no put sign which say your store sell haram food and drinks. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "\r\nBerita paling gembira bagi peminat makanan Jepun. Restoran makanan Jepun yang telah mendapatkan sijil halal dari JAKIM.\n\r\nMasih sempat lagi nak pergi makan makan hari ini..\n\r\n#CopyFB", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998949766159058} +{"text": "Why this canteen never cater to non students? If a canteen in a multiracial school only jual bak kut teh haram sure banyak menggelupur nak jihad!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayyk92 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:43 PM)I'm more surprised he knkws about Haruhi's status as a \"dewa\"Dah yang tanya dan mintak pendapat Mufti pun peminat anime dan mungkin minat/ xminat aspek cosplay. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999880790710449} +{"text": "\u201cSekiranya makanan seseorang itu baik dan dia mengetahui soal halal dan haram maka hatinya akan bersih.\u201d \n\u2013Imam Ibn Jama\u2019ah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "Kesian zaman nabi dulu...makanan haram...jakim xda nk approve ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "Rempit logic: Takde sijil halal JAKIM = haram. K K geraklu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6389832496643066} +{"text": "QUOTE(MishimaZ @ Nov 24 2023, 11:02 AM)Both haram but hukum berbeza. Zzz.Sounds like sentencing a murder via stabbing will differ with murder via suffocation due to the nature or cruelty of murder.Actually its like one is raping people, one is molest people. Both are crimes, but punishment is different. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996039271354675} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Aug 4 2019, 06:32 PM)Sos link for the bolded pls?hereQUOTEPandangan Hukum Keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia1)Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-22 yang bersidang pada 24 Nov 1988 telah membincangkan Alkohol Sebagai Penstabil Minuman Ringan. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa kordial yang mengandungi bahan perisa (flavour) yang dimasukkan alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan untuk tujuan minuman sekiranya:-Alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak.-Bahawa kuantiti alkohol dalam perisa (flavour) itu adalah sedikit iaitu tidak memabukkan.2)Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 telah membincangkan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:-Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.-Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.-Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.-Tapai halal dimakan.-Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.-Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.please read more herehttps://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945971965789795} +{"text": "But what about those kedai makan Melayu yang guna barang ditanggung halal Jakim tapi penyediaan makanan dan kebersihan kedai macam haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975035786628723} +{"text": "QUOTE(sadlyfalways @ Apr 10 2024, 12:04 PM)No. Israel isn\u2019t the problem in their eyes. Most companies are Jewish owned anyway. They will just boycott the countries with high boycott rates If you really want to send a message, why don\u2019t you delete your facebook, instagram and WhatsApp accounts which are owned by ZuckerbergTheir reply will be : Kita guna social media ciptaan yahudi sebagai senjata untuk menghancurkan yahudiBut their real reason is : Sebenarnya kitorang takleh hidup tanpa FB, IG, Whatsapp sume, jadi kita boycott yang mana senang je cam Mcd. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911147356033325} +{"text": "\nReply 72# minipuff \n\r\nmasa pegi hari tu mmg ramai orgade yg pelanggan buat muka sebab lama menunggu\n\n\r\ntapi masakan dan harga dia mmg berbaloi ar\r\nsanggup dtg dari JB semata2 nak mkn kt sini", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.733345627784729} +{"text": "Kenapa malaysian suka sangat sebar hoax pasal halal haram makanan ni? Biar lah jakim yg buat keputusan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996138215065002} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah ga sia-sia watashi berdakwah di rumah. Akhirnya ibu watashi aware sama halal haram makanan wgwhhj", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9417804479598999} +{"text": "semoga mendiang tenang disana. RIP TS ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999668598175049} +{"text": "Tak perlu la nak bitter sangat. Kalau rasa yakin minum je. Tak yakin jangan minum. Dan satu lagi, brand tu pun boleh usaha sijil halal kalau nak tarik pengguna muslim. Selesai masalah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9145822525024414} +{"text": "@ahmadwared Btw restaurants yang serve wine tak boleh dapat sijil halal sbb ada unsur non-halal. Btw, wine or alcohol ni najis mutawassitah. Kalau you cuci hilang bau rasa warna, nak guna cawan yang sama pun boleh je. Alcohol ni isu kalau dalam dish ada alcohol. Tak yakin, tanya je staff.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999301433563232} +{"text": "It will soon be permissible, or halal, for Muslims to consume lab-cultivated meat if the cells are from animals that are also halal, and the final ingredients do not contain any non-halal components.Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, the Mufti of Singapore, said that this decision is an example of how fatwa research has to evolve with modern technology and social change.He was giving a speech yesterday to launch a two-day conference on fatwa in contemporary societies.In Islam, fatwas are religious rulings to guide the Muslim community on the various aspects of religious life and are formal interpretations of Islamic law by a qualified religious scholar known as a mufti.Masagos Zulkifli, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs, told reporters on the sidelines of the conference that the issue of lab-cultivated meat had been studied by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) since 2022, and that the fatwa for this decision by Muis will be issued \u201csoon\u201d.\u201cWe can be one of the first countries in the world to actually lead in this field, not only producing cultivated meat, but in also ensuring it is halal for Muslims to consume,\u201d he added.More details about this decision will be unveiled during the final day of the conference on Saturday.Both Dr Nazirudin and Masagos were at the event held at the Parkroyal on Beach Road hotel, which was attended by about 400 guests comprising international religious leaders, ambassadors, as well as religious and community leaders here. Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat was also present.In his speech to launch the conference, Dr Nazirudin said that the religious authorities should allow for adjustments to its rulings as technological developments and social changes take place.\u201cWe could certainly work towards an Islam that seeks to preserve and protect all human life, and secure all forms of well-being, instead of holding an exclusivist view that limits who and what we work with,\u201d Singapore\u2019s top Islamic leader said.One such development is that of alternative food sources. Singapore is the first country in the world to approve the sale of lab-grown meat.Dr Nazirudin said that while there are those who argue that there is no need for such food sources and that the Muslim community should continue to enjoy \u201creal\u201d food such as real meat, the Fatwa Committee of Muis had carefully considered whether lab-cultivated meat is permissible for consumption by Muslims.Previously, there was no Islamic ruling on whether lab-cultivated meat may be consumed by Muslims here.Dr Nazirudin said that the committee, which he chairs, visited laboratories where meat is cultivated in bioreactors. He acknowledged that there were \u201ca lot of new things to learn from the technology itself\u201d.\u201cWhile these are originally animal cells, we are essentially dealing with something fundamentally different,\u201d he said. \u201cSo how should we, in Islamic jurisprudence... treat something that looks familiar... yet is fundamentally different?\u201cWhen should we apply well-established principles and rules, and when do we have to think afresh?\u201dHe said that one option is to play it safe and let future generations deal with the issue, but doing so will risk a larger crisis in the future.\u201cThe committee decided that it is permissible, it is halal, to consume lab-cultivated meat where the cells are from animals that are halal or permissible in Islam, and where the final ingredients do not contain any non-halal components,\u201d he added.https://www.malaymail.com/news/singapore/20...google_vignette ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992067217826843} +{"text": "This video is surely popular among puas retarded fansThis post has been edited by and85rew: Nov 29 2022, 12:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999148845672607} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Mar 16 2024, 12:35 PM)Kenapa tak puasa boleh jadi jenayah? Bukan susahkan orang pun.\u00a0 Kalau tangkap untuk kaunseling OK lagi la. The sin is between him and God.Cos they advertise as best religion, need to ensure the truth doesn\u2019t come out. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 07:52 PM)Xi\u2019an is nice A lot muslims Dont go to other cities coz hard to find halal food Hati2 klu order air. Diorunk suka sembunyikan alcohol dalam menu Jual air limau tapi ada rice wine the TFK lemon juice is so niceall the fragrance from lemon come outthought it was a hype when it first came outwhen lots of macho guys beating it ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "Moots Kamu tipikal orang yang agak bawel soal makanan atau ya apa Aja dah yg Penting bersih Dan Halal??", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957876801490784} +{"text": "QUOTE(thankyou @ Oct 31 2019, 12:15 PM)Many M quite anti C one... It's really the truth... Not LYN people... but outsiders... just look at FB comments....Chinese food - die die tak halalJapanese food - okay as long as got Halal CertKPOP food - best... makan je....actually all 3... KPOP food serve the most pork in Korea....Yeah, when i was in Korea, i was suprised...seems like Pork Chop Rice is a staple menu. Can find it at everywhere....while stuff like Bi Bim Bap, not everywhere got. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999486207962036} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Apr 15 2021, 02:31 PM)this?I raise you withdamn, ni lagi teruk dari yahudi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "kerja kerja sabotaj pekerja tak puas hati ... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976321458816528} +{"text": "KUANTAN: Kerajaan negeri menerusi Unit Penguatkuasaan Negeri Pahang akan mengambil alih tanaman durian dan buah-buahan yang diusahakan secara haram di sekitar Kampung Sungai Ruan dan Kampung Chalit, Raub mulai 24 Ogos ini.Pejabat Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Pahang dalam satu kenyataan memaklumkan, ia berikutan keputusan kerajaan negeri yang hanya memberi kebenaran memasuki dan menduduki tanah kerajaan dan hutan simpan di sekitar kampung berkenaan kepada syarikat usaha sama kerajaan negeri sahaja.Menurutnya, selepas 24 Ogos ini, pos kawalan akan dibina dan pihak yang dibenarkan sahaja boleh memasuki kawasan terbabit.Katanya, pihak yang didapati menceroboh akan diambil tindakan termasuk didakwa atau memusnahkan tanaman yang difikirkan perlu.\"Kerajaan negeri tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan perkara ini dan pencerobohan akan diambil tindakan mengikut undang-undang berdasarkan peruntukan Seksyen 425, Kanun Tanah Negara 1965.\"Jika disabitkan kesalahan pihak berkenaan boleh dikenakan denda tidak lebih RM500,000 atau penjara tidak lebih lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali,\" katanya.Bagi pencerobohan di hutan simpan, penceroboh boleh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 47, Akta Perhutanan Negara 1984 yang memperuntukkan hukuman denda tidak melebihi RM10,000 atau penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.Menurut kenyataan itu, kerajaan negeri memandang serius isu penerokaan dan penanaman durian di atas tanah kerajaan dan hutan simpan yang masih berleluasa hingga kini.\"Tindakan tegas perlu segera diambil bagi menangani isu penanaman durian secara haram di Raub memandangkan terdapat bukti pembukaan tanah haram untuk tanaman raja buah itu terus bertambah di kawasan terbabit,\" katanya.Sebelum ini, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pahang, Datuk Seri Dr Sallehuddin Ishak memaklumkan kerajaan Pahang kerugian RM30 juta hasil cukai tanah dalam isu pencerobohan tanah untuk penanaman durian secara haram di Raub.Menurutnya, nilai kerugian itu berdasarkan kadar terendah pajakan dan cukai tanah untuk tempoh 10 tahun.Katanya, durian yang dikeluarkan ladang haram jelas tidak memiliki pensijilan myGAP, melanggar peraturan dan menyalahi protokol pengeksportan sekali gus boleh menjejaskan industri durian negara selain memberi kesan kepada alam sekitar dan menjejaskan kelestarian alam khususnya hutan simpan dan sumber air.Isu pencerobohan tanah untuk penanaman durian secara haram sebelum ini dibangkitkan Ahli Parlimen Raub, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji di Dewan Rakyat pada 23 Julai lalu.Dianggarkan 4,400 hektar kawasan diusahakan secara haram untuk penanaman durian di Raub.This post has been edited by bisobona: Aug 25 2020, 08:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8114213943481445} +{"text": "QUOTE(ak101ss @ Aug 27 2016, 04:35 PM)Tak mau, anak dara tak tau cara nak memuaskan nafsu laki.Best punya nasi lemak is nasi lemak mak Cik janda.. sambal bestttttok noted ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999207258224487} +{"text": "QUOTE(zenix @ May 3 2024, 10:18 AM)[/spoiler]best friend is one way or two way feeling?if u not invited for all the pre-wedding stuff \"best friend\" is just in your mindpre-wedding stuff means the party? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "Wait wait waitSome muslim too dumb to differentiate 'no pork' with \" halal\" And the restaurant kena penalised? The restaurant at fault for deceiving people? Wtf apa ni. So apa sarahan saya virus Already infected malay muslim? Come on. That one disease we dont need. We got too much already Start educating ur dumb flock of pseudo muslim laWhy the fuk blame the restaurant. And they are technical correctThere is no pork inside. So what's wrong with that? Nobody said its halal. Its those dumbos who assume it isAnd doesnt mean it isnt halal either. If the cafe use meat from normal supermarket like jusco. And no liquor in their food. Then it is halalHalal cert does not mean \"yes. Makanan sini confirm halal. Others are not\" Halal cert just mean \"yes. This kedai APPLY FOR HALAL CERT\" doesn't mean those doesnt isnt halal. It just mean they dont apply. Cuz kalau nak apply kena \"belanja makan\" I know. Cuz i did it. I have too. If not i cannot sell my products . So fuk me for complying to your hidden requirements of applying for halal certAnd its ironic as fuk isnt it. I have to do something haram to be able to sell something halalThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Feb 13 2016, 03:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999852180480957} +{"text": "QUOTE(B0ss_ku @ Sep 12 2023, 10:28 AM)How about cooking with carlsbergI would assume it is haram because carlsberg is a minuman arak. The link clearly states that it is haram, whether you use it to drink or cook.Cooking wine is not minuman arak though. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991275668144226} +{"text": "Rupa2nya AWOL.... kaki potek malu ke belum ni? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "QUOTE(estcin @ Oct 28 2016, 02:38 PM)How does it violate halal food law when it never applied for halal status at the first place? with this precedent,.. now they can raid BKT, char siew and siew yuk stalls liao...This post has been edited by Special Agent: Oct 28 2016, 02:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "Alahhhh kedai goreng pisang kat taman takdak status sijil halal dari jakim laa.. Alahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh \ud83d\udec0", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9050135016441345} +{"text": "lul dulu when other races worked hard and strived for wealth, they say easy life is best, money just enough to spend, rumah got bumbung, car got 4 wheels should feel syukur d, why work so hard? we all die someday punnow they saw other races hv accumulated their wealth through harship and can afford to live in t20 area driving t20 car, suddenly cannot tahan d feeling jelly start talk cock apa economy controlled by other races, why they live better than us, our people do grabfood je blablablalul max ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9053528308868408} +{"text": "This proton ceo so bangga sales number but aftersales no komenThis post has been edited by Boy96: Apr 4 2021, 01:56 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999665021896362} +{"text": "@puteeismadi @airelchan @MrBiGZinT @AnnaSoeraya @rffdnl We dont want bukti sijil halal taiwan dh diiktiraf atau tak, we want bukti yg air tu ada sijil halal taiwan. Setakat cari dkt https://t.co/YVRvc00sC4 ( pengiktirafan logo halal taiwan) tk membuktikan air tu halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998778104782104} +{"text": "QUOTE(FreedomSeeker @ Sep 19 2019, 06:10 PM)His explanation later. dah travel atleast 50 countries already. i just hopes that he will not ask for donations if something happen to his baby or wife.all the best to him ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Belum dapat sijil halal tak bermakna benda tu haram. Mcm makanan kat pasar malam, takde siapa ke nak persoalkan cara penyediaan peniaga tu betul\u201d ikut syarat halal? Rasanya jarang dorang tunjuk sijil halal kat gerai. Kerja masing\u201d untuk fikir sesuatu benda tu baik atau buruk. https://t.co/OR2obIhaOK", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999426603317261} +{"text": "tapi..kawan aku adeje pegi kedai tapi aku tengok status kedai dia kat web \"masih tiada sijil halal\" camtu. dgn alasan, tu ramai je melayu. camne nak husnuzon? hmm \ud83d\udc49\ud83d\udc48 https://t.co/OTg421yANl", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932265877723694} +{"text": "\n\n For most food, its usually clear whats halal or not. For instance all plants and fish are halal. Then comes the details. Things that can be poisonous are then considered haram e.g. fugu, even though they can be prepared carefully to remove the poison. For animals, it is the responsibility of us muslims ourselves to ensure halal. Its not about assuming halal or assuming haram. But this step is usually not necessary because we already know that for the majority of meat products in malaysia, its halal. If a chinese family serves chicken to muslim guests its probably halal because most probably they buy the chicken from tesco, etc. And im sure most non muslims would already know about the concept of halal so for close friends and family there is no point to inquure. If there is doubt, verbal confirmation is enough i.e. just ask and the responsibility of the muslim is relinquished. We are not taught to be so extremely vigilant that being told its halal isnt enough must look in kitchen bin one need to see halal logo on the chicken plastic wrapper then can makan.\n \n Tldr: it depends on a few simple rules but its not just halal until proven otherwise or vice versa.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935397505760193} +{"text": "Apparently halal Indonesian =/= halal Malaysia. Pergi Indonesia tahu pulak cari makanan halal yg disahkan authority sana. LOL\n\nPs: Halal Indonesia diiktiraf JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997636675834656} +{"text": "Woo Haram ni kalau ada sijil Jakim jadi Halal tak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7538644075393677} +{"text": "see? kalau disahkan halal, jangan kita kata haram sebagainya. kalau belum jelas statusnya, tanya. bukan tuduh dan boycott. kedai makan tomyam malam malam pergi tu ada sijil halal tak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8143439292907715} +{"text": "\r\nZaman internet data mur2 ni kena hati2 sikit nak bersosmed..jejak digital ni senang saja org nak trace..konnak pemes dgn gunakan agama no hal kalau ko mmg betul2 berilmu..jgn masa ko dah pemes nanti terbongkar la ko pernah peknenkan anak gadis org, ko pernah sontot bontot budak, ko pernah songlap duit org or etc2..zaman skrg ni makanan halalan toyyiban ni mmg lah susah sikit nak carik unless ko masak sendiri kat umah..tapi cara ko ckp mcm bedosa besar plak org2 mkn d luar sampai staff kedai x solat ko peratikan ek..kunci pintu syurga ko pigang ke boy?", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7527197599411011} +{"text": "Vaccine pun consider haramBulu kat berus kata haramSoAlcohol kat hand sanitizer also haram kot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999104738235474} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017http://www.islamituindah.my/hukum-makan-ma...ang-tidak-solatIslam is beautiful.\"Boleh makan tetapi jika ada kedai makan yang penjualnya muslim yang menutup aurat dan suaminya nampak warak kita utamakanlah kedai makan seperti ini kerana kita mengutamakan orang yang lebih bertakwa.\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9700098037719727} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeus2005 @ Apr 6 2016, 08:24 PM)Sorry my bad england., i meant jakim certified product.By the way i knew what halal means. And i know rokok also haram in islam then y muslim still smoke?By the way toking bout bzbody, i wonder which religion is more bzbody try to be holier than thou. Saw one news bout muslim in tight shirt straight judge people go to hell already. Think bout that.So now u are going to judge the religion based on small proportion of the followers' evil deeds for the sake of winning an argument? We are talking about \"term\" here fren. Your ego polluted your brain and deviates your from the focus point here. If u'r going to judge bad and good person, generalize everything every corner, its no-end when all religions got some of their followers acting against their kind teachings. I'm not new in /k and I know where is this going to and its ugly. /close ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "Duit aku suka aku la nak beli apa- malay buyer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999135732650757} +{"text": "QUOTE(LittleGhost @ Jul 6 2015, 01:46 PM)BRILLIANT.Ini punya food was borned out of POVERTY, not LUXURY.CHARGE PREMIUM for POVERTY FOOD.WINRAR.Anything that repackaged with GOOD/NICE/PREMIUM feeling will be expensive. Nice cafe, that serve lousy/simple meal will suddenly have a good price tag.In Malaysia, we have plenty of such restaurants serving simple meals and sometimes plain lousy cook but it all comes with a nice price tag because of decoration/environment.This is why I seldom go to cafe / restaurant for nasi lemak rendang or mee kari with a price tag RM 10 or more. This kind of food just do not deserved to be charged so expensive. Ever see kon low mee with few slices of chicken meat with a good price? All airlines also doing this because we are on a flight, huhu. Best one is nasi lemak telanjang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993366599082947} +{"text": "QUOTE(Izzet @ Jun 26 2023, 03:10 PM)Ada kedai orang kito la.. QB food court belambak.. Laksa sana syok..Kekadang x paham orang kito asyik nak menimbulkan syak wasangka...x baik la macam ini..Macam mana nak defend diri depan Allah Di padang masyar nanti..aku google, keluar 50 terus50 Tempat Makan Menarik Di Penang 2023 (Best TERKINI)https://saji.my/tempat-makan-yang-sedap-di-...rgi-tahun-2016/----these ppl memang suka cari pasal is it? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6748620271682739} +{"text": "ya Allah kenapa aku sangat amat royal kalau tentang makanan kek beli suka ga mandang isi tabungan, tp ya gpp isi jgn pernah pelit ke diri sendiri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9688149094581604} +{"text": "Siapa pernah makan mee ramen dari Korea ni? Mesti pedas kan? Halal ke? Ada logo halal KMF ke?\n\nIkuti penjelasan lanjut status halal produk-produk makanan yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156722201357398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967095851898193} +{"text": "tak payah la kasi fatwa here... bukan diorang kesah pon.This post has been edited by ciwi1166: Aug 18 2015, 01:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6817652583122253} +{"text": "\u201cPengesahan Halal Malaysia (SPHM) daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) adalah standard keselamatan makanan terbaik dan diiktiraf di seluruh dunia.\u201d\n\ndah ad halal tu korang nak apa lagi.. alahaii", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998749494552612} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kakwen @ Jul 23 2020, 06:54 PM)Wow the comment inside really racist. Really shock so many racist on facebook.Aduh, mengapa mahu susahkan benda yang dah sedia \"susah\"?Halal itu asalnya mudah. Tetapi terpaksa \"menyusahkan\" sebab ramai penipu tak jujur salahguna simbol secara menipu. Sekarang nak tambah satu layer lagi?Apakah makanan yang hakikinya halal itu jadi tak halal semata kerana milikan?Bodoh.Memang bodoh.Haram hukumnya memgharamkan benda sesuka hati. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Jan 11 2023, 11:17 AM)1. Sertu not samak. Samak is the process of cleaning the skin of animals (for example kulit lembu)2. Non-halal ayam haram dimakan but not considered as najis besar. Only najis besar kena sertu.Not good really, just ignorant and misinformed.Nice for a Muslim to comment. Good input. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "\r\ntu bukan pasatraya METAMORF ka??? \r\npopular gak pasaraya tu... dah lama dah tp masih heran.. naper pengurusan dier tak bukan banyak2 yer... mcm econsave ka ..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.818174421787262} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lyu @ Sep 29 2016, 01:07 PM)I thought she kena saman...I wonder since she don't have license is her business halal o haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981188178062439} +{"text": "\": suka makan kfc,minum chatime,starbucks=)) hbu?\" Makanan halal, minum air bersih aja =))", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998965263366699} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Jan 9 2024, 09:36 AM)Ada sebab UAI tak dapat tauliah di Selangor.Nothing to do with his knowledge. He is just like to reprimand the government about wrong thing they do.Btw, what written in the link is actually explain in context of kid, not young girl. So it is actually not directly relatable with what ustaz has said.The conclusion from link:We are inclined to say that having teddy bear or minion plushie or others as pillow is permissible as long as it is not honoured, revered, venerated or for the purpose of worship. However, if the plushie is worshipped or placed in a place of honour that could lead it to be venerated, then it is clearly haram and prohibited.However, we would like to suggest (if possible) to avoid teddy bear, minion plushie and others as pillow. If possible, replace them (with other pillows such as pillows shaped like stars, plants and others) or leave it altogether to avoid any form of syubhah (doubt), for when we leave matters of khilaf such as this, then it is included as what has been stated:\u201cAvoiding khilaf is encouraged.\u201dBut this is only applicable for kid and it is also not been encouraged to do so. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5279508829116821} +{"text": "JANGAN MENIRU di dalam peperiksaan.Bayangkan keputusan nanti cemerlang hasil meniru,sijil itu juga akan digunakan utk memohon pekerjaan.Dpt gaji besar,pekerjaan bagus(guna sijil hasil meniru dahulu), wang gaji itu akan digunakan utk peribadi,keluarga dsb.Rasa2 halal tak duit itu?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999420642852783} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 04:49 PM)This is an old issue. The quote also from long time agoBut one of my classmate post thisI argue, that i disagree Why boikot the seller? Why not advise her to be better (always pray or tutup aurat etc etc) That way, we can buy foodThe seller got profit from business The seller become better muslimEveryone winWhy boikot? If the prophet use this boikot mentality There wont be islam todayBecause back then, he is the sole person, the only muslimBeforehand he spread it with dakwah, and not boikotShe replied:\"i tak berani nasihat. I takutTapi i nak jaga hati iKalau i makan makanan dijual orang tak solat. Or tak tutup aurat Hati i jadi gelap\"I was surprised. From where did this understanding come from? I ask for sos of the claimI even give her hadis that even prophet eat food made by non muslim (which clearly didint solat. Cuz they are non muslim) Tak reply until nowWhole group also diamIm very surprised. And sadWhat is this kind mentality Its so divisive. Its very toxic Literally fitnahEat food by bad people =hati gelap? Thats some bad shit This remind me of kasta in India Or racism in america back in few decades agoHow do u know dia tak solat? Or just because dia tak tutup aurat=evil? They could be very good people Maybe they dont accuse others tak solatThey avoid presumptuous accusations and fitnahThat alone makes them a good person already Its scary. This such an archaic evil shit to still exist in 2017should have end up your rant with #donedakwah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950340986251831} +{"text": "@akay6669 kare sini tak tawar tapi rasa dia masam2 sikit. penah try kare kat satu restaurant ni tak ingat nama, tu je satu2 yang sedap tapi dah tutup (tapi takde sijil halal rasanya, aku ni jenis yakin halal haha)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5476370453834534} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Dec 15 2022, 11:21 AM)Actually, even the rules on dog is not stated in quran. Only pig and alcohol is mentioned in quran.The rules on dog comes from the prophet\u2019s saying (hadis). And there is prophet saying as well that stated every thing that can make you drunk is haram. This is where the rules on drug is derived from.And even quran says that arak has some pro but the cons simply outweigh it.And back to question, since the one that is forbidden is arak which can lead to being drunk if consumed, alcohol in perfume is ok. Because we do not drink or consume perfume.And touching dog is different rules. The prophet said that if the dog drink from your cup, you need to wash. So some school of thought inteprets that the whole of dog is dirty, hence that is why you need to wash. Some simply said, only when the dog lick the cup you need to wash, as they take the meaning literally. And there are various school of thought exists.Best to use the original Arabic which is Khamr. Just in case there are instances where something which is arak but is not khamr, or is khmar but is not arak. I cannot think of any myself, but just in case, this is best practice.In this case, we see the example of using the term alcohol to replace Khamr is what causes some confusion. There are alcohols which are not Khamr, such as those that are used in perfume, and therefore perfumes containing alcohol are not haram, because they do not contain khamr. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9887027740478516} +{"text": "I have been living overseas for study. So I don't exactly see the big deal about halal cert. As long as the drink doesn't contain haram element like alcohol, pork, blood, haram meats etc, then its fair game. Halal logo isn't what defines halal or haram anyway. Just another tool to help us in decision making. As long as each muslim are equipped with the knowledge, then they can perform due diligence to research or ask in determining what's halal, haram or was-was in the ingredients themselves. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988378882408142} +{"text": "\npd aku kan..bab halal haram ni..kena depends on individual perception..mcm aku sendrik la..dulu mmg aku tak jejak la..chillis..tony romas and so on yg ada jual beer tu sbb aku tak yakin..then bila aku dh stat keja ni..boss ngn colleaque suka belanja n makan kat tmpat2 cm tu..so..lama2 aku pon nak tanak tepakse yakin la..kang tak yakin kang..takut tak halal lak apa aku mkn..tp..dulu arwah atok sedara aku ada penah jd chef kat victoria station tu..so aku rasa dan aku yakin..derang nye supplier halal..but..cr masak dia either guna wine ke..tak guna ke..tu aku tak brani nak ckp tp bak kata aku awal td..aku yakin je la..huhu\n\r\nmcm aritu aku pi itallianies..skali..ada cop halal kat meat n chicken n also dia nye veil..dia ckp supplier dr halal shop la..tp bila go through menu dia..ada lak yg dia masak pakai white wine la..apa la..so...kot belaku mcm tu..tepulang la pd korg..kot was-was lebih baik tak yah..kot aku..aku amek la menu yg tak da wine..huhu..\nasyura_85 Post at 1-7-2010 11:44 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \r\nhummmm\r\nko wat wat yakin \n\r\nke\n\r\nin d end of d day\n\r\nko tak kisah?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999657154083252} +{"text": "Today last day of work for the year..Cooked my waifu favourite disk, best in Tokyo given how bad the other Malaysian restaurant here cook them Served with lard Tomorrow\u2019s wagyu for yakiniku ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988584518432617} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Mar 19 2022, 08:08 AM)abang, belajar dahulu membezakan JAKIM tu apa. komen macam ni memalukan diri sendiri. dah hidup bertahun-tahun masih tak tahu membezakan.sorry bang, saya mudah keliru. so jabatan yang berkenaan tak ambil tindakan ke atas fatwa rokok haram? btw how JAKIM spend their RM1 billion every year? jangan persoal or jangan tanya soalan susah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963122010231018} +{"text": "QUOTE(pobox @ Jun 24 2024, 03:40 PM)Which part of Malaysia is not Muslim friendly?penang maybemany peen supporter tak suka cuz not muslim friendly enough ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990882873535156} +{"text": "QUOTE(Koranshita @ Apr 17 2024, 01:47 PM)About this travel things. I got question. Mcd in Malaysia are halal. Starbucks also halalBut when they go to other countries is no halal as not cert stating that.So Muslim can eat there too?I got this question pop up during the mcd kelantan issue.McD definitely cannot as they serve pork burgers too.Starbucks more grey area as they don\u2019t really sell anything haram. The only thing they don\u2019t have is halal certified.This is based on my understanding as nons.This post has been edited by 30624770: Apr 17 2024, 12:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996001124382019} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 17 2016, 07:16 PM)memang guideline permohonan sijil halal tak benarkan pakai nama \"dog\".tak payah racing. auntie anne yang salah sebab tak follow guideline dari mula.why? tak pernah org buat hotdog guna daging anjing wat..bodobesides, mcm mana tu kalau pemohonan halal kena buat untuk setiap zon walaupun makanan smua datang dari satu dapur? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "@KataUstazUstzah MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990078806877136} +{"text": "Ramai fikir pasal halal. Tapi berapa ramai yang fikir pasal toyyiban? Please be moderate ye kawan-kawan. Jangan ingat badan kurus petanda kita sihat boleh makan apa saja ikut suka banyak mana. ToFi kang baru tahu. https://t.co/d6GrZFbTIy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998372793197632} +{"text": "\"Aminuddin berkata lagi, kempen Ummah bertumpu kepada mempromosikan produk makanan keluaran Muslim kerana menurutnya \"banyak produk yang diragui (status) halalnya\". SEBAB ITU SY CADANGKAN,KEMPENLAH PRODUK YG HALAL+BERSIH+BERMUTU. LEBIH JELAS & MANTAP.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9806138277053833} +{"text": "Same reason why expensive tasteless The Chicken Rice Shop is popular among Malays ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9814754724502563} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ahsin1987 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:53 PM)You sure? According to google when you inhale alcohol can make you drunk also.yes sure. at certain % not haram. no need complicate things ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "Ada nama babi pun haram seperti \"Root Beer\" pun haram sebab perkataan beer... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999792575836182} +{"text": "From the other thread -QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 20 2016, 12:34 PM)MalaysiaKini went further, they seeked clarification from Jakim.\u00a0 I checked other news, The Star and NST but couldn't find a similar report.\u00a0 So, this is just one report or one side of the coin from MalaysiaKini.\u00a0 http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/359470Sebab rujuk pada anjing, Jakim mahu 'dog' jadi 'sausage'Anne Muhammad\u00a0 \u00a0 18 Okt 2016, 1:42 tengahari\u00a0 \u00a0 18 Okt 2016, 2:07 tengahariJabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) menyarankan Auntie Anne's menukar nama makanan mereka daripada 'pretzel dog\u2019 kepada \u2018pretzel sausage\u2019 untuk memudahkan memperoleh sijil halal.Pengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee berkata panel penilaian jabatan itu sebelum ini tidak dapat mempertimbangkan permohonan Auntie Anne's kerana perkataan dog merujuk kepada anjing dalam bahasa Inggeris.\u201c(Tukar kepada) pretzel sausage.\u201cYa, (kerana) panel tak dapat pertimbangkan perkataan 'dog' kerana merujuk pada haiwan anjing,\u201d katanya kepada Malaysiakini.Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya sama ada kenapa nama 'pretzel dog' menjadi antara sebab permohonan sijil halal rangkaian makanan roti pretzel itu ditolak.Sementara itu, ditanya dakwaan bahawa standard persijilan halal Jakim terlalu tinggi, beliau berkata ia mungkin kerana mereka kurang persediaan.\u201cStandard Persijilan Halal Malaysia adalah satu-satunya standard halal yang diterima di mata dunia.\u201cPihak yang mendakwa ia terlalu tinggi kerana kurang kesediaan industri dan juga sikap ambil mudah terhadap pengesahan halal,\u201d katanya.Semalam Penyelia Kualiti dan Eksekutif Halal syarikat Auntie Anne's Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali menjelaskan Jakim mahu pretzel dog ditukar kepada nama yang lebih sesuai.Katanya, beliau telah mengemukakan beberapa nama baru dan masih menunggu keputusan mesyuarat panel Jakim, sebelum menukar papan menu dan membuat permohonan baru.Farhatul Kamilah juga berkata Jakim mahu permohonan sijil halal bagi dapur berpusat dipohon dahulu sebelum outlet dan permohonan bagi outlet pula hendaklah dibuat secara zon untuk memudahkan audit.Tak kata tak halalSementara itu Jakim melalui kenyataan medianya hari ini mengesahkan bahawa belum ada outlet Auntie Anne's yang mendapat Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia.\u201cPihak syarikat pernah mengemukakan permohonan untuk mendapatkan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia (SPHM) sebelum ini namun ianya tidak dapat diproses atas beberapa isu teknikal seperti dokumen sokongan bahan ramuan.\u201cNamun selepas beberapa penambahbaikan dilakukan, kini status produk makanan Auntie Anne's adalah dalam proses permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia dan telah memasuki fasa proses audit halal bagi central kitchen (Dapur Berpusat),\u201d menurut kenyataan itu.Walaupun begitu, Jakim turut menegaskan bahawa pihaknya tidak pernah mengatakan bahawa produk tersebut tidak halal.Jelasnya, proses pengeluaran SPHM mengambil kira setiap ramuan dan proses yang berkaitan dalam pengeluaran sesuatu produk dengan teliti oleh pakar syariah dan teknologi makanan.\u201cJakim amat menyanjung tinggi usaha dan komitmen pihak industri dalam menyediakan makanan sihat, produk yang bersih serta persekitaran yang kondusif kepada pengguna.\u201cJusteru, orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan agar sentiasa konsisten dengan pemilihan makanan yang halal lagi baik demi mengekalkan ekosistem halal yang mapan,\u201d menurut Jakim lagi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999854564666748} +{"text": "india showing superpowah status, india making right decisionThis post has been edited by Avex: Nov 20 2023, 05:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998288154602051} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)\n\nso non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients aloneQUOTE(cyhborg @ Mar 26 2017, 10:41 AM)i kinda understand the reason behind such a ruling, though. they're concerned about \"cross-contamination\" at the factoryThisI think this is more towards halal cert application Rather than determining whether the drink is halal or notIf the drinks are made using different machines, as in theres no issue of cross-contamination, I dont think theres any problem ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "ini namanya pukimak haram jadah sial bacul macauhaii think its time gov provide free condoms to br1m receivers as a packageafter all, its those ppl that always do this kind of thing ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997557997703552} +{"text": "cina suka makan babiend of story ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922446608543396} +{"text": "QUOTE(Protoculture @ May 21 2019, 12:33 PM)Lah inipun jadi isu. Lepastu ada nons acah2 tau halal haram lah pulak.Lepastu nak berhusnuzon .... tak lah.Not really, i'm just watching this tered munching popcorn and trying to understand it. Don't dare to comment much because i'm not expert in it.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999691247940063} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuba @ Jan 6 2017, 02:44 PM)Tengok skip-skip pun dah rasa sedih gila.Apa punya manusia lah parent macam ni.\nEixdvGdsSHc\n\ndamn u nuba .... now my heart aches so much ... cant cry in the opis just cant imagine if this happen to my kids.kids are really innocent ... same as in the movie ... even after her mother came home , she doesnt even angry with her mother. same as what i see in the real world , no matter how u scold and beat your kids , they will always come back to hug u. to me i felt tht kids are the one who have boundless love to their parents not us. thts is y i dun understand y there are such heartless creature in this world.This post has been edited by santaclaus: Jan 6 2017, 05:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "Berilah anak2 qt makanan yg #halal agar mereka tumbuh mjd generasi dg hati bersih, iman kuat & tdk b'potensi mjd koruptor. #Parenting", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7276415228843689} +{"text": "QUOTE(jonoave @ Nov 2 2013, 06:43 PM)Think of it as maintaining harmony in family-\u00a0 so you pahala from that .. Sincere good intention, although essential, is not everything in Islam.Must also take note not to cross the line.Close relatives/good friends will understand that and respect your boundaries. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "@hanisdyy aku tak makan bnde kotor...aku makan makanan yg bersih dan halal kan sunnah...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "Takde pengesahan jakim tak semestinya makanan tu haram bengap. Nasi lemak dara bodo tu takde pengesahan jakim takde pulak korang nak melalak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5990400910377502} +{"text": "Ada \u2018pork\u2019 adalah jelas makanan itu adalah HARAM. Tak perlu tanya JAKIM lerr!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7319808602333069} +{"text": "QUOTE(sgwc @ Apr 11 2012, 08:54 AM)Chicken but not slaughtered in halal way is still haram, you know. What if teh chinese stall cook using lard? Still haram also.dont worry... chinese hawker very kiam siap... wont use lard will use normal cheapo oil.This post has been edited by liez: Apr 11 2012, 02:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "Lain Kali gerai kena tayang sijil kursus kendali makanan. Halal tapi Kotor Tak guna dpt sijil halal jakim sekali pun haram je hasil yg dpt.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998446702957153} +{"text": "QUOTE(Babydragon1991 @ Sep 12 2019, 07:21 PM)ku tertarik dengan kempen memperkasakan produk melayu islam sejak kebelakangan ni. Alhamdulillah, orang melayu islam rata-rata \"baru\" mula sedar betapa pentingnya memperkuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Boleh nampak kesan kempen memperkasakan produk muslim melayu ni di kedai dan hypermarket. Alhamdulillah, sambutan kempen ini telah mula menampakkan hasilnya.Aku tertarik dengan satu pautan gambar produk muslim bumiputera yang disharekan kepada aku.Di sini, aku nak share satu item dalam beribu2 list produk muslim bumiputera yg di sharekan tu iaitu \"beras\" makanan ruji kita. Makanan ruji kita telah lama dimonopoli oleh kaum cina walaupun 99.9% petani ni adalah orang Melayu kita. Kita boleh beli beras jenama Faiza, produk Melayu tapi sedar ke tidak bahawa rantaian prosesnya (kilang padi) bagi mendapatkan beras tu sendiri dimonopoli oleh kaum cina. Pihak syarikat Faiza juga perlu beli beras dari pihak cina dalam bentuk pukal kerana kekurangan bekalan beras pukal tersebut.Memandangkan keluarga aku memang turun-temurun dalam bidang ni, boleh katakan aku ni, anak \"tokey\" kilang padi la senang, membeli padi, memproses padi menjadi beras dan menjual beras. Tapi, sekarang tidak lagi, bisnes kilang padi turun-temurun ni, hancur dek kurangnya kesedaran memperkuatkan ekonomi melayu islam ni. Kalau la kempen ini sudah bermula 5 tahun dulu tentu masih bernyawa lagi kilang padi warisan keluarga aku.Aku sharekan pengalaman aku untuk tatapan semua bagaimana boleh tumbangnya bisnes orang melayu kita dek monopoli kaum satu jenis tu. Di Semenanjung Malaysia ni, tahun 2005, kilang padi melayu bumiputera ni ada sekitar 35 buah kilang. Namun sekarang, di tahun 2019 ni, hanya tinggal 12 buah kilang bumiputera melayu sahaja yg tinggal beroperasi.Betul, hanya tinggal 12 buah sahaja kilang melayu. Aku listkan kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi:-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMURMasalah paling besar kilang-kilang Melayu ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bekalan padi. Pelik bunyi kalau aku kata kilang padi tapi padi tak ada di kilang. Isu ni berlaku di kilang padi orang melayu kita termasuk kilang keluarga aku. Kenapa tak ada padi ,haa ni aku cerita, terus terang aku cakap, 99.9% yang usahakan tanaman padi ni orang melayu kita, tapi bila nak dijual padi tu, padi tu dijual di kilang cina.Keadaan ni berlaku disebabkan penawaran harga insentif/komisyen yg diberikan kilang cina kepada \"driver/broker lori\" yang angkut padi di sawah. Broker lori tu akan dapat \"insentif/komisyen\" dari kilang jika dihantar padi tu ke kilang. Lagi banyak padi yg dihantar lagi banyak insentif/komisyen yg dibolot oleh tuan lori ni padahal komisyen tu bukan petani yang dapat pun. Dan terus terang aku cakap, petani tidak kisah pun padi tu dijual di kilang mana asalkan dapat jual sahaja padi yg diusahakan tu. Disebabkan perkara ni lah yg menyebabkan tiada padi yg dijual ke kilang padi melayu bumiputera akibat komisyen yg dikejar. Padi yg diusahakn orang melayu, kebanyakkan dijual ke kilang padi cina.Disebabkan perkara inilah, banyak kilang melayu bumiputera telah banyak tutup tak mampu beroperasi dek kekurangan bekalan padi. Apabila berlaku kekurangan padi di kilang melayu, kita orang melayu telah hilang kuasa pegangan ekonomi dalam item beras ni. Walaupun tanaman padi tu majoriti melayu kita yang usahakan tapi kilang proses padi menjadikan beras dipegang oleh kaum cina disebabkan oleh penjualan padi ke kilang cina.Jadi, aku nak seru semua petani, anak-anak yang mak bapak petani, kenalan-kenalan dan kawan-kawan petani, kita mulakan \"KEMPEN JUAL PADI DI KILANG PADI MELAYU BUMIPUTERA\" bermula dari hari ini. Masih tidak terlambat lagi untuk gerakkan kesedaran ini agar ekonomi makanan ruji ni yg mmg diusahakan orang melayu kita ni dapat diselamatkan. Minta tolong arahkan driver lori/broker ni jual padi yang diusahakan di kilang melayu bumiputera kita. Kepada rakan-rakan kilang melayu bumiputera, kuatkan semangat dan teruskan bertahan dan jangan mengaku kalah dalam jihad ni. Bagi sokongan kepada kilang-kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi ni agar kita boleh kuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Harap sebarkan kepada semua.Ikhlas dari :-Bekas anak tokey kilang padi melayu bumiputeraSekali lagi aku listkan senarai nama kilang padi orang melayu kita untuk kita gerakkan kempen kesedaran ini :-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMURMak ko beli tengok harga ke tak?Legit i tell u unless harga BMF products juah lebih rendah dari yg import ke apa ke, kempen ini cakap kosong jeI bagi u case in point, my neighbour condo lets call her Mak Ngah buys her groceries kat tesco or giant (kadang2 kat pasar), basket penuh dengan product non muslims even though family diorang sangat2 alim.So this was our conversation (approx)Me: wah kak banyaknya barang nampak (juggling keys to door)Mak Ngah: maklumlah keluarga besar, cucu cicit yg makan banyak niMe: so ni barangan dari kempen BMF yg kat luar condo ke?Mak Ngah: Bukan dik, ni tadi dari pasar GiantMe: apasal x singgah tadi, banyak nampak beras semua?Mak Ngah: Dik, mak ngah ni bukan kaya, harga beras kat luar tu setengah bulan dah habis tapi yg beli ini murah, bukan Mak Ngah tak sokong, tapi mak ngah kena tanggung keluarga, yang murah kita tak boleh pilih dikMe: Oh begitu ya, maaf tanya tadiMak Ngah: Takpe la, saya masuk dulu ya?Me: OkTLDR: Economics > Campaigns ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9603602886199951} +{"text": "QUOTE(SuperTuhan @ Dec 12 2023, 06:36 PM)Go Kajang eat lat tong is the best during rainy days The authentic oneDamn the pepper spiceWhat about Babi perut pepper soup, \ud83d\ude1d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986024498939514} +{"text": "Seeloknya cari yang memang ada SIJIL HALAL JAKIM sebab kita ni duduk MALAYSIA. Senang nak dapat makanan minuman HALAL. Lain la kalau hang duduk LUAR NEGARA yang mana nak cari sijil halal tu SUSAH. \nTapi tu korang punya suka lah nak buat apa, hak korang kan. Takde sape nak larang", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.889132559299469} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 05:23 PM)too many syiok sendiri. he wants a sports car characteristic embedded to budget car, but the result is .........That was absolute madness. It had a lousy engine that I remembered had a torque dip, never understood how a car can have a torque dip at mid range. QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 31 2021, 05:38 PM)End of the day majority of malaysian car buyers are from the b40 and m40 class. They look at price, value, quality and then only other stuff like ada agama xde agama. Everyone can post syiok sendiri bmf crap on fb but when it comes time to open own wallet and service loan consideration, money talks first.Like most things, sembang kencang is free but when it is time to pull wallet out usually then lain cerita. I remember at the height of this BMF campaign where they said boycott the Vesawit brand oil because it was milled and distributed by a Chinese company, I made a promo, pump RM30 and you can redeem the points that you just earned plus RM1 for a bottle of Vesawit oil. In the end at least 95% of the 5 pallets I brought in for that promo bought by you guessed it those that in front will say BMF but in the end never bought BMF. The fact that those oils only had 1 month expiry date? Takpe. Why? Money saved on oil can buy another pack of cigs obviously. That is where the likes of bangau and mahalol and mahapariah failed to grasp. There are no room for anything other than utilitarian in a developing economy. QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 05:46 PM)facelift gen2 got. only after mahalel left.that guy obsessed with conti cars.who could forget the perdana facelift aka AlfadanaThey had a thing for Alfa grilles. Even the Waja to a certain extent had an Alfa derived face. If I am not mistaken he was a big fan of the 145, 156 and 166 as he was known to have them in his stables. Good thing they did not reverse engineer or worse buy over the rights of any of those Alfas. QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 05:49 PM)Lucky SZA made sure Persona and Gen2 facelift got glovebox.It's really laughable to think among the Mahalol shits SZA had to clean up, adding glovebox was one of it. God knows. At best i can think, Suzuki did seem like in a hurry to balik Nippon, maybe they used Ertiga to test water how feasible it is to stay. Still failed, how many willing to buy a car knowing the principal cabut edi? It was a decent car, better than Alza, Avanza, granted, but with very little prospect for aftersales support, it's difficult to recommend. Ya ya, Proton SC ada, but that was a time when Proton also almost bankrupt, hardly an assurance lol.Oh, masa tu pemerhati industri yang juga arif dengan isu alatganti Proton tak bising pula pengguna terima bahana masalah lol. Showing concern only when it's convenient, eh? Betul2 ada bakat nak jadi politikus kah49.9%Suzuki is making a comeback with surprise surprise. Naza. New company Naza Eastern Motors Sdn Bhd. Ertiga was indeed a good car for the purpose, sold very well in Indonesia and also in India. I do wonder whether mahalol ever felt embarrassed someone had to clean up so much of his shit, I mean in the western world you screw up that much you retire and just go fishing for the rest of your days. This one still berlagak like as if he did a fantastic job during his time. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9280756115913391} +{"text": "Aku rindu bidangku yang dulu, yang tiap perpisahan bikin acara di hotel, yang makanan di meja tengah gapernah kosong, yang tiba-tiba siang/sore jajan makanan atau minuman enak, yang suka beli promo-promo yg kukirim ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977580904960632} +{"text": "@hazifflatiff Alah nasi lemak sebelah rumah aku pun x de sijil halal. Haram ke nasi lemak tu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Feb 13 2016, 01:32 PM)Take into account the lard/oil that you use and if you mix in wine in the cooking. i wouldn't know. I am not a vegan.chinese vege restoran purposely to serve Buddhist devotee, where got put pork/any animal lard and alcohol ??the only haram thing is they scared muslim wud murtad become buddhist since got many buddhist script and buddha picture on the wall... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994305968284607} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ May 3 2021, 12:22 PM)On the contrary its actually one of the fundamental beliefs in Islam to do so. Ignore it and you sin actuallyFundamental belief to make viral videos?Which holy book of Islam wrote to take video?Cyber bullying is no different from stoning someone to death... Viral video destroy people social life and shaming their whole family too.Use advice not viral video ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9256395101547241} +{"text": "\u2764 INFO PENTING!\u2764 #PinkladyOriginalHq memang 100% selamat digunakan. Ada kelulusan KKM & sijil HALAL JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6722580790519714} +{"text": "QUOTE(deepan84 @ Oct 10 2017, 11:37 PM)Back to your statement, civil servants are the government so the gov can be said as silently supporting the growing Islamization. Well, I do really hope I\u2019m wrong though. QUOTE(FatalitY @ Oct 11 2017, 01:19 AM)Wtf la. I don't get the whole fiasco about halal laundrette. Go have it by all means. Go have halal microwave, swimming pool, shopping mall, money etc. I am for one, don't see how it affects me. Why? Money is money, you wanna play halal or haram, you're going to lose out. Microwave, understandable. Some people microwave pork without thinking of the other public users(though I don't even see how this could happen because even at work we don't bring pork in). But calling other race as unhygienic? You're gonna start preparing to eat shit filled with pork lard I tell you. I don't remember Quran teaching people to condemn others or judge them just because they practice different way of life.In my office, they do. So yes, we have separate ones, but only microwave la. utensils, plates etc, dah basuh, habis la.Yup, nowhere does it teach to condemn if people are living peacefully.However, I'm just wondering, dia nak bukak business catering to Muslims who might prefer his version of a laundry. Is that wrong? Or are we just jumping for no reasons? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8266409039497375} +{"text": "Since saya malas menaip, awak malas nak mengoogle dan menbaca, saya ss terus je benda basic ni dari jakim. Semoga bermanfaat.\n'Makanlah kamu makanan yang halal lagi baik'.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993076324462891} +{"text": "Wajib bagi kita untuk memastikan makanan yang kita makan adalah yang halal lagi berkat. Karena ia yang akan membentuk hati kita. Sama ada menjadi bersih atau kotor..\n\nGH Corner Kelapa Gading\nJl Boulevard Raya Blok CN2 No 2 Klp Gading Timur Jakarta 14240", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996151864528656} +{"text": "so halal-haram is as easy to u-turn like political statementslel.pundek buat malu je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999665021896362} +{"text": "\u2764\ufe0fMEERACLE SKINCARE SET\u2764 \u2714\ufe0f \ud83d\udcaf% HALAL \u2714\ufe0f \ud83d\udcaf% NATURAL \u2714\ufe0f \ud83d\udcaf% GMP Yang penting MEERACLE nihh telah mendapat kelulusan KKM dan Sijil Halal dari JAKIM lagi tau ! MEERACLE SKINCARE SELAMAT DIGUNAKAN & TERBUKTI... https://t.co/ad0VW4eRCM", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99332594871521} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Nov 4 2016, 07:16 PM)Bang, ini kenyataan from Mufti Wilayah.Sbb tu untuk aku, aku yakin dgn menggunakan nama yang baik itu adalah perlu.BACA SINIMacam lambat je jawapan aku, biar lambat janji ada jawapan. Haha \ud83d\ude05aku tak kisah la apa alasannye. Quran tu bukan dah lengkap dan sempurna. Dah termaktub jelas dalam quran syarat2 menentukan Halal haram . Dalam quran juga ada tulis halal haram sesuatu adalah hak mutlak Allah. Adakah mufti nak katakan diorang lagi bagus dari tuhan boleh menambahkan syarat halal? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992371797561646} +{"text": "QUOTE(Clowninja @ May 10 2024, 10:39 AM)so the google reviews remains the same from Newest sort, but even the lowest review was 3 months ago.my assumption is that they are doing damage control by deleting unnecessary and unrelated reviews (aka review bombing due to viral case)is it possible for them to do that? Well if following the policies, they might canLast time I left negative review on one restaurant in google review.Turned out they managed to delete my review lol.So it's no surprise that this restaurant also deleted the review. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992214024066925} +{"text": "QUOTE(Matchy @ Nov 10 2023, 10:16 AM)but pokemon card still sold out.Mesti nons tu yg sapu kan?/Doneplotek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6999360918998718} +{"text": "@imnadamr @ilyanaidris93 Tapi on positive side bagus jugak. Public berkuasa nak desak comapny tu apply sijil halal. Mcm BR dah tak ada desakan menyebabkan diorg pun tak ada nak pursue langsung ke arah pensijilan halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999740123748779} +{"text": "Coklat Kinder Bueno merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal dari National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) *Ketahui status halal pelbagai produk yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di Malaysia. Like dan follow Facebook Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM:-... https://t.co/UWcrH5VbQ0", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995419979095459} +{"text": "mesti tipikal manyang harapkan isteri buat semua kerjatipikal ustaz or org agama lebih sikitlagi2 anti vac terserlah ahpadankan muka isteridgr cakap suaminak sangat kankonpem isteri tu ada merunguttapi dalam hatitak berani nak bersuara nak sehati sejiwa konon ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(statikinetic @ Feb 19 2024, 11:40 AM)Always kena \"Tak suka you keluar\", \"pendatang\" or \"Balik Tongsan\" comments.When keluar, kena tanya why pulak.Now boleh la tanya why, later they will sing this song ... \nPwrVePMx6t0?si=ba-PgmQxbPB5K5VD\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999386072158813} +{"text": "Siput babi is haram sebab ianya babi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999319314956665} +{"text": "Janji 99 jual barang haram xkan ada masalah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(YellowKingValley @ Jan 4 2018, 10:59 PM)Nope. Idolization is not limited to god. People can idolize humans as well. And that was probably what Lee Kuan Yew feared. Likely the reason why he wanted his house demolished. He might have wanted his ideals to live on but don't want himself and his actions to be idolized. What he did might be right under his circumstances, but not might not be right in the future. Stupid people might say Lee Kuan Yew did that before, so what's wrong if I repeat it now? Then again, I did not read his memoirs, so that is just my guess.And I will also hazard a guess that that was probably what Nabi Muhammad feared when he discouraged hadiths and stuff.Nothing wrong with keeping the house and hadith for historical purposes though. Stupid humans are everywhere.With that kind of reasoning going full-on haram on any kind of idolisation paves the way for fanatics like ISIS to start demolishing former graves of historical figures and ancient shrines. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9857695698738098} +{"text": "Kalau la suatu hari nanti, babi dipelihara dalam kandang econ, hanya diberi makan makanan yg bersih, adakah babi jadi halal? Sebab tu la jawapan ustaz/ustazah, Al Quran cakap babi haram. Betul la jawapan mereka sebab kita tidak tahu teknologi masa dpn", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998995065689087} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 05:35 PM)Kau ni mufti ke nak buat fatwa sendiri? Majlis fatwa dah kata haram, haram lah. Pandai dia pulak daripada mufti.Quite sure the fatwa was in reference to Anwar's Reformasi (back then) against BN Govt. Those are protests. Sure there was candle vigil but you cannot pick and choose that it only refers to candlelight vigil bcos the word demonstrasi covers both.Unless you're saying your ulama can sendiri self define whatever they want thenLIKE DAT they win liao lor...U understand? I'm quite sure you don't. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999641180038452} +{"text": "Warung Melayu pun banyak takde sijil JAKIM. Just saying. Alang2 nak jaga halal haram tu jaga la betul2. Jangan nak hentam benda viral je. Entah pape perangai viral ni macam takde akal. Ikut je macam kambing. Asal haram je babi. Tak bersih pun tak halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9676293134689331} +{"text": "QUOTE(Soft Rice King @ Sep 18 2015, 03:45 PM)this very true yo! sometimes i felt funny..but dont quite dare to share with malay frends coz dunno how they see it..later become saiyan habis friendship...I like it but I dowan share with my malay friends cause they're all decent people who are quite malu about all the nonsense. No point bash some more.This post has been edited by KLboy92: Sep 18 2015, 04:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.894680380821228} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaterBuffalo @ Feb 28 2023, 09:22 AM)Been going gym consistently for a year but don't feel like I'm bulking up as I desired. Thought of taking protein shake. Any good brands to rekemen?Drill supplied.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abThanks.good is subjective, but the best tasting one with balanced and good enough amount of protein content would be Syntha-6 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999288320541382} +{"text": "QUOTE(g5sim @ Jul 28 2024, 01:04 PM)correct. They finally see competition. They have to upgrade the facilities not continue to put students in structures that can collapse anytime and at the same time sending free millions to support HAMAS' war.and also this one is also VERY good for business. nowadays the mandarin speakers whatever type they are, salary expectation sipet high than others. Dah lah will get language allowance ranging from RM300 and some up to RM600, still very demanding.after we have lots and lots and lots of mandarin speakers out there see they will still be demanding or not Gomen and school mgmt hv to bodek printers for duit pahala, overseas holiday, free umrah, free ipong, macam2. Ktards atill living in gua? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998668432235718} +{"text": "Nak mintak halal kat JAKim lambat nyahh, aku gi jer makan kedai owner cina janji aku yakin dia halal n tak serve makanan haram bagi aku.. Kalau kau rase tak yakin kau jangan gi makan n kau duk diam kat situ jngn nak bising2 halal haram laa apa laa..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5233789682388306} +{"text": "sebagian besar makanan/jajanan yg dulu sering & suka bgt gw beli itu ternyata produk boikot semua :) tapi semenjak boikot, gw jadi tau banyak makanan&minuman yg lebih enak diluar sana yg ga pro zi*nis", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.991346538066864} +{"text": "Bangga gila ada member amek Food Science. Harap dia boleh majukan JAKIM dari segi penyelidikan dan saintifik halal haram makanan minuman.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968917965888977} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to medude, cartel got many types in malaysia. regarding vege, do you know vietnam chilli loaded with god-knows how much preservative, presticide, or any other -cide smuggled into malaysia? even when kpdnhep blocked vietnam chilli, they use differnt route to bring it here.you hardly escape cartel business here. that's why im not surprise got halal meat scandal. because im so used to read so many racketeering goods. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999594688415527} +{"text": "*tiupan semboyan kemenangan\n\nKita kene ikut al-Quran dan Sunnah bang. Bukan akar atau ranting. Selagi tidak bercanggah dgn hukum, kita dibenarkan.\n\nBerbukalah dgn makanan yg halal lagi bersih bang kerana itu sunnah. \n\nHotel bersih dan halal.\nBazar takde halal bang", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996482133865356} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 07:35 AM)No, you seem to confuse yourself when it comes to halal haram principles when it comes to consolidated funds for governments.There are different take from international fatwa when it comes to sin tax, but none of them says its haram to collect sin tax.In Malaysia most mufti agreed that sin tax are considered tax that meant to discourage haram activities or food consumption.there lies the point where the money collected are not considered haram, because it was considered a tax to discourage and not to promote alcohol, gambling, etc.Our muftis already considered this as one of the reason why we dont need to separate the funds at the first place.of course there are opinions that it better to separate these funds and allocate it for activities to prevent or discourage alcohol, smoking, gambling activities, but we live in multicultural country and it is much better to consolidate the funds and use it for development, education, economic growth, etc.But NONE of the \"ulama\" says collecting sin tax is haram, so who are you to say otherwise?Again, if you want to learn more, go ask the muftis in Malaysia they can help you understand better in this regard.But as it stands now, no, sin tax are permissible for any Islamic country to collect, only the use case have different opinions from various islamic scholars.And before you guys die die want to claim sin tax plays a Major role, No, at best it is only 10% out of the total taxable revenue in Malaysia, 90% of it are from non sin tax taxable revenue.That, and adding the fact that sin tax are considered a \"fine\" to discourage haram food consumption and activities.So I'm the confused..\ud83e\udd23 N u n these muftis say using money from sinful activities is fine. N yes sin taxes are one part, most will be corporate taxes from Haram activities (banking, gambling, alcohol n pork) which are taken from profits. What I see is hypocrisy and double standards by these \"muftis\" when it come to BIG MONEY, especially when they are also the benefactors.JAKIM should just get money from Zakat n Waqf sources n from their fees. Don't touch the consolidated fund. The ppl will respect them more.This post has been edited by Cubalagi: Jul 29 2019, 11:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997280240058899} +{"text": "Sabda Rasulullah SAW: \u201cSesiapa membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sekali, dikurniakan kepadanya pahala seperti pahala orang yang membaca 1/3 Al-Quran.\u201dSabda Rasulullah SAW: \u201cSesiapa membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak 3 kali nescaya mendapat pahala seperti pahala orang yang membaca Al-Quran sekali khatam.\u201dMembaca surah Al-Ikhlas sekali ganjarannya sama dengan membaca 10 jus kitab Al-Quran. Lalu dengan membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak tiga kali khatamlah Quran kerana ianya sama dengan membaca 30 jus Al-Quran. Rasululllah SAW bersabda: \u201cSesiapa yang membaca 10 kali surah Al-Ikhlas siang dan malam; Maka Allah memberinya sebuah istana dalam syurga.\u201d (HR: Imam Ahmad & Imam Adarimi.)Diriwayatkan pula dari Ali bin Abi Talib, katanya, Rasululllah SAW bersabda: \u201cSesiapa yang membaca surah al-Ikhlas 10 kali selepas solat Subuh, maka ia tidak akan tergelincir sekalipun syaitan memperdayanya dengan sungguh-sungguh.\u201d ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997934103012085} +{"text": "QUOTE(turtleundersea @ May 28 2024, 08:47 AM)but anyway, non muslim owner can hire muslim operator to run the business without halal cert.You're wrong. If they find out is not type M owner, they will viral then the business will get boikotI've always known halal cert to be extra tax for nons businesses. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998313188552856} +{"text": "QUOTE(novblaze @ Dec 9 2021, 08:10 AM)I think he wants to sell drinks there la but already drinks stall quota full. That's why he wants to bring more muslem stalls in.So that he got reason to open gerai minuman oren and monopoly.Btw, pj near amway HQ there also there's one nasi lemak food court only oren do business only. So? Even a lot of cina go eat what. This guy bising banyakBut that place is basically catering Chinese customers. Most Malays will go to Kajang market anyway. So why die die also want a stall there.Typical mentality of some Malays. When they see a place is successful, they want to go in but don't realise that once they go in and change things, the place will loose it's appeal. This is the same when they do biz among Malays themselves too. If you notice, once a nasi lemak stall become popular, a few nasi lemak stall will also pop up nearby and at the end, every one not doing well. They don't try to work with each other where each stalls offer different food. It's the mentality of slaying the goose that lay golden eggs. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8008469939231873} +{"text": "Ramly Mokni dan isteri, Shala Siah Abdul Manap berganding bahu dalam membangunkan perniagaan Kumpulan RamlyMenyebut sahaja daging burger, pastinya ada satu jenama yang sangat dekat dengan hati rakyat Malaysia iaitu Ramly Burger. Boleh dikatakan setiap lapisan masyarakat negara ini tanpa mengira pangkat dan status mengenali jenama produk daging proses pertama yang diusahakan oleh bumiputera ini.Tidak keterlaluan kalau dikatakan bahawa disebabkan Ramly Burger, makanan popular dari Barat itu dikenali dan sudah sebati dengan \u2018tekak\u2019 orang Melayu khususnya.Kira-kira 40 tahun lalu tatkala orang keliling tidak percaya idea mempromosikan daging burger di negara ini kerana dikatakan bukan makanan orang Malaysia, seorang pemotong daging di sebuah kedai daging di Kuala Lumpur yakin dengan potensi makanan Barat itu.Tekad mahu meneruskan idea itu disertakan dengan pengalaman hampir lima tahun dalam industri pemprosesan daging, akhirnya menjadikan Pengasas dan Pemilik Kumpulan Ramly, Datuk Ramly Mokni, 61, sebagai satu-satunya individu paling berjaya dalam industri itu.Ketika ini dia mempunyai 450 vendor dan 25,000 gerai burger di 35 cawangan seluruh negara. Lebih mengujakan apabila kumpulan syarikatnya sedang dalam rancangan menyiapkan kilang memproses bernilai RM1 bilion di Taman Perindustrian Halal Hab di Pulau Indah, Klang, Selangor.Kilang tersebut dijangka siap sepenuhnya pada 2017 dengan pengeluaran tiga kali ganda berbanding sekarang.Menyorot perjalanan hidup anak petani kelahiran Tanjung Piandang, Parit Buntar, Perak itu, beliau berhijrah ke Sekinchan, Selangor, selepas dibawa abangnya berikutan kehidupan yang susah di kampung.[/bBermula dengan bekerja sebagai buruh, Ramly kemudiannya mendapat kerja sebagai pemotong daging di Kuala Lumpur.Beliau yang sejak kecil bercita-cita mahu menjadi seorang doktor, tidak dapat meneruskan pengajiannya kerana keluarga tidak mampu dan akhirnya \u2018terjebak\u2019 secara serius dalam bidang pemprosesan daging.Bermula dengan menghasilkan daging burger, Ramly kini menghasilkan pelbagai produk makanan sejuk beku.Pada awal penglibatan dalam perniagaan berkenaan, beliau hanya menjalankan perniagaan dengan isterinya, Datin Shala Siah Abdul Manap, selepas setahun mendirikan rumah tangga.Keputusan itu diambil apabila melihat bekalan daging halal yang diproses untuk pasar raya rata-ratanya bukan milik orang Islam dan diragui status kehalalannya.\u201cBermula daripada itu, saya mula mengusahakan pembuatan daging burger di rumah kami yang terletak di Flat Jalan Haji Hussien, Kampung Baru, bermodalkan RM2,000 tanpa sebarang mesin atau peralatan untuk membuat daging burger.\u201cSelepas berjaya menghasilkan kepingan burger sendiri, saya terus membuka gerai burger dan mula menjual daging burger siap dimasak dan mentah di semua gerai burger yang saya usahakan iaitu di sekitar Kampung Baru, Chow Kit, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Jalan Raja Laut.\u201cBermula daripada 200 keping, tempahan semakin meningkat sehingga 2,000 keping sehari. Bayangkan, isteri saya yang ditugaskan mencincang daging ketika itu bukan menggunakan mesin tetapi dengan pisau sahaja.\u201cPaling menyeronokkan, setiap kali ada perlawanan bola sepak di Stadium Merdeka, burger jenama Ramly pasti menjadi makanan wajib dibawa penonton masuk ke stadium kerana semua gerai yang ada di sekeliling stadium itu adalah milik rakan-rakan saya,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di kilang pemprosesan yang terletak di Taman Perindustrian Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS), Mukim Batu, Kuala Lumpur. Lima prinsip kejayaanRamly berpegang kepada lima prinsip untuk kekal dan berjaya dalam perniagaan. Bergelar sebagai salah satu usahawan bumiputera yang paling berjaya dalam industri pemprosesan daging di negara ini, sedikit pun tidak menjadikan Ramly seorang yang meninggi diri, malah lelaki itu lebih gemar hidup dengan cara sederhana menyebabkan masyarakat tidak menyangka beliau adalah pemilik jenama tersohor itu.Lebih melucukan, ramai peniaga burger yang menggunakan produk Ramly tidak mengenali siapa pemilik nama Ramly Mokni, malah sesetengah promoter di pasar raya sering mempromosikan produk dari jenama lain kepadanya. \u201cSaya memang tidak tonjolkan diri, mungkin sebab itu ramai orang tidak mengenali saya. Saya selalu membeli burger dengan peniaga yang menggunakan jenama kami, tetapi ada juga yang tidak mengenali saya dan buat tidak tahu sahaja dengan kehadiran saya.\u201cNamun, melihat produk saya sendiri laris tanpa ada orang mengenali siapa saya memberi kepuasan dan mendorong saya untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak produk-produk yang berkualiti,\u201d katanya.Berpegang kepada lima prinsip iaitu jujur, rajin, berusaha bersungguh-sungguh, membantu orang yang memerlukan dan membayar zakat, Ramly menitipkan pesanan buat usahawan-usahawan yang baharu berjinak dalam dunia perniagaan.\u201cLima prinsip itu perlu untuk berjaya kerana walau kaya macam mana pun kita satu hari nanti, jika kita tidak berpegang teguh kepada prinsip tersebut, kita tidak akan bertahan dan nasihat itu juga saya berikan kepada anak-anak saya yang bakal mewarisi legasi Ramly nanti,\u201d jelasnya yang mempunyai hobi memancing bersama isteri.Jika dahulu ada yang tidak percaya hidangan burger mampu menjadi makanan yang akan digemari rakyat negara ini, nampaknya tanggapan mereka silap apabila jenama Ramly berjaya meletakkan makanan segera yang popular di jalanan itu sebagai makanan pertama yang dipilih selepas nasi.Apa yang penting, usah menilai sesuatu produk itu sebelum mencubanya kerana siapa tahu orang Melayu tak selamanya menikmati belacan, mungkin sampai satu ketika mereka tidak lagi mengenal apa itu belacan kerana tekak terlalu biasa menelan keju bersama daging burger.Cabaran dan kejayaanPengarah Urusan Kumpulan Ramly , Datuk Ramly Mokni bersama isteri merangkap Pengarah Eksekutif Datin Shala Siah Abdul ManapOleh sebab kapasiti pengeluaran produk terlalu tinggi, Ramly mengambil keputusan untuk meluaskan pengeluaran dan mewujudkan sebuah syarikat perusahaan tunggal, iaitu Ramly Burger Enterprises pada tahun 1980 dan memulakan operasi di kilang yang terletak di Kawasan Industri Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras.Kemudian, tertubuh pula syarikat yang diberi nama Ramly Food Processing Sdn. Bhd. yang mempunyai beberapa anak syarikat, antaranya Ramly Food Marketing Sdn. Bhd., Mokni Ramly, Ramly Food Services Sdn. Bhd. Ramly Halal Mart Sdn. Bhd. dan Ramly Halal Kiosk Sdn. Bhd., bagi membantu pengeluaran jenama itu yang semakin mendapat permintaan.Tidak hanya tertumpu kepada penghasilan daging burger, jenama itu berkembang pesat dengan menghasilkan pelbagai lagi produk makanan sejuk beku dan berasaskan daging, ayam dan hasil laut seperti nuget dan sosej.Pun begitu, perjalanan perniagaan Ramly yang juga bapa kepada Siti Hayu, 35, Mohd. Zaharin, 34, Siti Hazura, 30, dan Siti Hazira, 22, bukanlah sentiasa cerah.Ini kerana, syarikat yang diusahakan itu beberapa kali diduga dengan cabaran hebat dan paling yang tidak dapat dilupakan apabila produk yang dihasilkan didakwa tidak halal pada Disember 2011.Insiden itu bukan sahaja memberi ujian hebat kepada Ramly, malah yang menyedihkan nasib pengedar, pemborong dan peniaga yang menggunakan jenama itu sebagai punca rezeki mereka kerana sudah pasti menjejaskan keseluruhan perusahaan yang diterajui oleh orang Islam.\u201cMemang saya akui isu tidak halal dalam produk Ramly merupakan dugaan yang sangat besar, namun saya percaya jika kita jujur dan mencari rezeki dengan halal, kita akan dilindungi Allah. Ini itu terbukti apabila isu berkenaan selesai dalam tempoh seminggu kerana produk Ramly selamat dan bersih.\u201cSejujurnya saya sangat sedih apabila kejadian itu berlaku hanya disebabkan berita tanpa usul periksa. Apa yang lebih menyedihkan apabila ada segelintir peniaga yang menggunakan jenama Ramly terpaksa membuang produk-produk yang mereka miliki kerana pelanggan tidak mahu membelinya lagi,\u201d jelas anak kelapan daripada 16 adik-beradik itu.http://www.utusan.com.my/gaya-hidup/keluar...burger-1.142040This post has been edited by ironmaid89: Oct 2 2015, 07:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8452895879745483} +{"text": "QUOTE(jAkUn @ Nov 2 2013, 09:33 PM)Back at the age when there is no internet, it is reasonably fine when someone asked this. Scientist has found that pork carries variety parasites in their bodies and their meats, which some are harder to kill even thru cooking. Luckily, the scientist can only found it after centuries.You can touch a dog. Its not haram. But you need to \"sertu\" (a cleansing method). Both muslim and non-muslim have different idea about this.which bullshit source are you reading? i am 100% sure it is fake information. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8277543187141418} +{"text": "-rek kalian yg jualan makanan depan rumah gitu klo dibeli tiap hari sm org yg sama gimana? aku suka bgt dimsumnya tp malu klo mau beli tiap hari ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976553916931152} +{"text": "AHMAD Basri (tengah)bersama kakitangannya menunjukkan hidangan sate dan angpau untuk pengunjungIngin menikmati kelazatan 11 jenis sate? Anda pasti tidak mahu melepaskan peluang berkunjung ke restoran Ah\u2019 Basri Satay di Jalan Tengah, Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang.Pilih saja pelbagai menu sate termasuk sate ayam, daging, arnab, itik, burung unta, ayam belanda, rusa, kalamari, udang, ikan tuna dan kuda.Sebut saja apa juga menu pilihan pasti akan dihidangkan selain pengunjung digamit dengan penuh senyuman oleh pekerja.Sempena Tahun Baru Cina ini , Pengarah Urusannya, Ahmad Basri Abdullah memberitahu pelbagai keistimewaan dan keunikan disajikan kepada pengunjung restoran.Menurutnya, kemeriahan sambutan Tahun Baru Cina sebenarnya ingin diraikan dalam suasana muhibah antara kaum di negara ini. Dengan semangat perpaduan, restoran ini tampil dengan promosi menarik bermula dari 15 Januari lalu sehingga 15 Februari ini.\u201cAntaranya, setiap pengunjung yang makan di restoran atau bawa pulang akan diberikan angpau istimewa dan bukan itu saja, baucar potongan 10 peratus juga diberikan secara percuma.\u201cLebih menarik, pengunjung boleh mendapatkan baucar potongan harga RM50 untuk rawatan spa dari Teratak Spa, Bayan Baru secara percuma dan konsep \u2018MINTA & DAPAT\u2019 pasti akan dipenuhi, \u201c katanya.Ahmad Basri berkata, pelanggan turut dihidangkan minuman percuma setiap kali membeli untuk bawa pulang dan paling menarik kunjungan pelanggan akan diserikan dengan warna tema Tahun Baru Cina apabila pakaian pekerja dan seluruh restoran berwarna merah.Dia melahirkan rasa bersyukur kepada Allah kerana ramai pelanggan datang mengunjungi restorannya setiap hari yang dibuka dari jam 4 petang hingga 11 malam.\u201cSaya juga fasih berbahasa Mandarin selain 60 peratus pelanggan saya berbangsa Cina kerana dulu pernah berniaga di medan selera yang dipenuhi peniaga berbangsa Cina.\u201cInsya-Allah tidak lama lagi restoran ini akan membuka cawangan terbaru di Kelantan selain melebarkan sayap perniagaan ke Shanghai, China dengan membuka restoran yang baru di sana selepas Tahun Baru Cina ini,\u201d katanya.Ahmad Basri berkata, sate di restorannya mendapat tiga pengiktirafan iaitu pensijilan Bersih, Selamat dan Sihat (BeSS), sijil halal daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dan sijil Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) oleh Kementerian Kesihatan.Restoran ini terletak di No.54, Jalan Tengah, Taman Sri Tunas, Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/111998 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9872238636016846} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 12:58 PM)Ooooh... so it's like, if Chinese customer he put rice wine, if Malay customer he don't put?9m2w if this story is true then I support la.better don't go,.. too long que liao,.. melayu u guys better was was,.. else masuk neraka,..his last stall was at opposite Allison Kopitiam (near Police Station),.. other stalls also got sell Chinese Big Fried (got babi),.. no kacau for 20 years even police also makan there,.. tiba tiba viral kena kecam pulak,.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999691247940063} +{"text": "can JAKIM \"recommend\" khir toyo to change his name...toyo sounds like 'toyol'...i scare ppl konfius....on a serious note - halal/haram is base on the ingredient. not the name.u can sell nasi lemak ayam - but if the ayam is not sembelih cara islam, also not halal.and whoever here easily confuse - i'm wondering how many of u (muslim) go eat at Chili/TGIF...those restaurant are not granted Halal status and they serve alcohol....also who here still smokes???and hold your awek hand when dating...there are many more things in this world that has clear cut on halal/haram - yet many close one or both eyes on them...especially on the 'donation' issue...this is just a stupid nuisance created to divert our attention from the real issue...ffs even Nazri took advantage of it... This post has been edited by karwaidotnet: Oct 20 2016, 03:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994670748710632} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR: McDonald's Malaysia melakar sejarah yang tersendiri apabila mencatatkan rekod jualan tertinggi bagi burger daging lembu klasik yang ditambah baiknya dengan jualan lebih 200,000 burger.Justeru, pencapaian cemerlang itu diiktiraf dalam Malaysia Book of Records sebagai 'Burger Daging Terbanyak Dijual Dalam 24 Jam'.McDonald's Malaysia berjaya menjual lebih 200,000 burger daging pada 15 Oktober 2022 bersempena dengan pelancaran pengendali restoran perkhidmatan segera itu bagi burger daging lembu klasiknya yang dipertingkat dan ditambah baik.Penyampaian anugerah itu diadakan di McDonald's Mutiara Damansara, yang mana Timbalan Pengurus Besar, Pemasaran dan Acara Malaysia Book of Records, Aaron Bong dan Perunding Rekod Kanan Malaysia Book of Records, Edwin Yeoh menyampaikan Sijil Pencapaian kepada Pengarah Pemasaran McDonald's Malaysia, Azman Mohammad dan Pengarah Komunikasi Korporat McDonald's Malaysia, Shamsidar Yahya.Keseluruhan inisiatif untuk menambah baik burger daging lembu klasik McDonald mengambil masa lebih setahun termasuk penyelidikan dan ujian peralatan memasak dan penyimpanan makanan, sesi rasa buta dengan pelanggan dan meningkatkan kualiti bahan dengan kerjasama pembekal.Naib Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Operasi McDonald's Malaysia, Melati Abdul Hai, berkata janji pihaknya adalah untuk sentiasa menjadikan detik-detik yang lazat itu mudah untuk semua orang, dan banyak perubahan kecil yang dilakukan pada burger daging lembu klasik untuk mencapai perbezaan besar dalam setiap gigitan.Beliau berkata, pihaknya amat berbesar hati untuk diiktiraf oleh Malaysia Book of Records untuk 'Burger Daging Terbanyak Dijual Dalam 24 Jam'.\"Pencapaian hari ini tidak mungkin dicapai tanpa sokongan semua pelanggan kami. Ini banyak menyatakan betapa rakyat Malaysia menyayangi McDonald's dan kami akan terus memberikan pengalaman terbaik untuk mereka,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan.McDonald's Malaysia berkata, pencapaian yang dicapai itu menunjukkan komitmennya untuk meningkatkan kaedah penyediaan dan memasak barisan burger daging lembu klasiknya, bagi memberikan rakyat Malaysia pengalaman kesempurnaan daging lembu yang dijamin lebih panas, 'juicy' dan lebih enak.Antara perubahan kecil tetapi ketara yang telah dilakukan oleh McDonald's kepada burger daging lembu klasiknya termasuk roti yang lebih lembut dan berlapis yang dibakar hingga coklat keemasan dan untuk pengekalan haba.Ia juga termasuk patti daging lembu yang diletakkan perencah, dipanggang dan digoreng dengan sempurna dalam kelompok yang lebih kecil untuk rasa 'juicy' yang menyelerakan; menambah bawang terus ke patti ketika dipanggang bagi meningkatkan rasa, sementara kepingan keju import New Zealand dilembutkan dengan sempurna pada purata suhu 17.5\u00b0C untuk sensasi yang lebih cair.Perubahan yang dilakukan juga termasuk menggunakan bekas yang lebih kecil untuk memastikan sayur-sayuran lebih segar dan rangup, dan menambah lebih banyak sos Big Mac yang legenda pada Big Mac untuk meningkatkan rasa dari gigitan pertama hingga terakhir.Tambahan pula, burger daging lembu ikonik McDonald's penuh dengan rasa memandangkan patti diperbuat daripada 100 peratus daging lembu halal tulen yang diimport dari Australia, New Zealand dan Brazil.Burger daging lembu McDonald's yang ikonik dengan profil rasa yang lebih baik dan tinggi pada mulanya diperkenalkan kepada pelanggan pada 1 Oktober di restoran terpilih dan sejak itu menerima maklum balas yang menggalakkan dan positif.Dengan pengenalan rasmi pada 13 Oktober, peminat burger daging lembu kini boleh menikmati burger yang ditambah baik di semua restoran McDonald's di seluruh negara, serta melalui McDelivery dan Drive-Thru. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.96855229139328} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Mar 4 2024, 12:11 AM)Its ok to buy local- but to hate and curse other ppl who buys it?How about those own kind who loses job? They deserved it?In return ,Work for local boss who slaughtered b40 with shit benefit and minimal pay?Sometimes malay brain i tak faham and will never will. I am sorry - but useless logics like this - i can't stand behind it.Feel free to practice whatever but don't menyusahkan orang...Ini sudah borderline inflict ur own believes on other ppl rice bowl.Spreading lies and hate seems ok nowdays.Cb betul.Lulz. I nak Makan MCD, I Makan je. Don't care they curse or viral me. Why U so bitter? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8467409014701843} +{"text": "Encik, dalam konteks islam menyaran kita untuk makan makanan yang halalan toyyiban. Halal tu maksud dia makan yang tak dilarang. Manakala toyibban itu pula yang bersih & selamat. Jakim amat menitik beratkan isu ini. Iye, betul cert halal tu tak wajib.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9658555388450623} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 25 2016, 10:27 PM)Macam mana nak terangBang. Lani hang komplen\u00a0 orang bash islamI and several others tried to counter argue with factsThen u came in saying Apa bodo bincang guna factsIf like that.then u don't complain la when people bash islamBecause u didn't correct their misunderstanding or misconception Instead u decide to go \"fuk it. Bukan boleh buat apa. Lets just bitch about it\" If u not willing to defend ur religion. Or even involve in intellectual discussion The least u can do is fuk off. Leave us who willing to,\u00a0 aloneBila aku cakap bodo bincang guna facts?bak mai sini . ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8736680150032043} +{"text": "Pork being unclean tu salah satu sebab je kenapa dia haram. Islam kata makan makanan yg halalan toyyiban ; halal dan baik. Maksud baik tu mestilah bersih, tak memudaratkan. Beer tu kira dalam kategori yg memudaratkan lah. So, dia tak Toyyib. Sekian.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9787172675132751} +{"text": "\r\nlaa. .korang nie die ni belum lg start mengacara dah menggunung korang kutuk die nie. . .nak komen pon biarlah rancangan ni start dulu. .tgk dia mengacara mcm mana????barulah komen tinggi gunung mana pon korang nak. . .belum ape2 dah menyampah. . .adoiiii\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n#x suka x payah tgk . . .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998998641967773} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 5 2024, 04:51 PM)i remember a very successful viral campaign by Iceland tourism board, they did it in conjunction with the release of jacky chan movie kungfu yoga. They kind of bought off a few blogger/influencer and started blogging about iceland glacier and waterfall, then suddenly all these articles pop up in facebook, instagram etc. Me and my friend really visited Iceland after the viral marketing campaign\u00a0 Edit: here's a good article of how iceland did it https://medium.com/@melissa.j.mapes/how-mar...nd-f82fd84a4c4dYou visited based on what Iceland had to offer, would you have visited had they tried to viral a mascot?This post has been edited by Chowda: Mar 5 2024, 06:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Ye Jakim kat sini takde makanan haram. Tutup salam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9052218794822693} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Jul 28 2024, 12:28 PM)But m parents there happy with fund raising from haram source?they helped but they dont donate directly to the fund raising activities. I think that has been made very clear. PAS was creating an issue to show that they are Islamic. for me thats not at the level of using sin tax money from Sportsoto, Magnum, Damacai and Genting Casinos. I will take them seriously when they tell the Federal goverment to reduce state funds allocation removing percentage from sin tax money.example sin tax money earning from Fed government is 25%. PAS controlled states demands Fed Goment to reduce 25% from their fund allocation so the funds they get are all HALAL. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999883770942688} +{"text": "QUOTE(Fighteden @ Feb 1 2023, 02:50 PM)Ooof.. shots firedKan always say kalau tak suka Sila keluar.... Now makan cili cry fama ask gomen help tutup somemore LMAO ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930374026298523} +{"text": "QUOTE(azerak @ Jan 6 2017, 11:35 AM)you obviously have no idea about halal as in the food halal or haram because it jeopardizes the health. we are talking about food here.What you mean \"about halal as in the food halal or haram because it jeopardizes the health\" ?Haram food can jeopardizes the health ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997701048851013} +{"text": "Seeing the good response and support from /kAyam yakin Ayam will win ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996939897537231} +{"text": "Dont argue lahYou know Muslims cannot eat non halal, it is forbiddenIt is like telling your wife's one is the best but only you get to eat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999657392501831} +{"text": "so if peoples songlap, u also want to songlap lar? like that? just bcoz no official fatwa of songlap haram? kesian bodoh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "QUOTE(guysmiley @ Apr 17 2024, 05:07 PM)this is what i meant by \"difficult to explain and for nons to understand\". i have been saying it few times but you still dont understand. and yes. an expert would be able to explain more properly.so again.. so, that was what \"A Malaysian netizen, Adlina\" did. she was reminding the other person. she was doing her duty as a muslim.do i have a weak faith? may be. fragile? yes. all muslims are. especially these modern days. and every muslim must fight everyday to keep that faith, and keep finding out and learning things that i dont know about.there. tried my best to tell you all in one reply.I'm curious though, does being a muslim automatically mean that he/she will have a fragile faith? meaning that if one is a muslim (or converted to one), by default his/her faith is weak/fragile? and he/she needs to be constantly reminded of the teachings so that his/her faith will grow until strong enough to not be called weak/fragile?or it will always be deem fragile until death?all the same or it differs from person to person? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5136486887931824} +{"text": "Sibuk pasal sijil halal,kapel tu haram buat bodoh.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999845027923584} +{"text": "aku lagi pelik dgn soalan ni. \nbersepah kedai cina guna modal\n \u2018dalam proses permohonan\u2019. \n\nKau pegi mall pun bersepah kedai yang takde sijil halal ni. \n\nDah 3,4 tahun beroperasi pun masih guna modal \u2018dalam proses permohonan\u2019. \n\nBila tanya status halal kedai cina melenting pula.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9862868189811707} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Jan 21 2021, 08:43 AM)If it's about kebersihan, why it's under JAIS? I know sijil halal involve cleanliness but if any food manufacturers is found to be dirty, shouldn't it be under Kementrian Kesihatan? Is it because Covid, Kementrian Kesihatan sub-contract their work to JAIS?Cross-over.Quite alot of HALAL procedure borrow GMP guideline. Even in my ex-company when the JAIS trainer give us refresher course, they admitted their procedure borrow from GMP. They very happy to go to company who strictly comply with GMP.The worst one, most of the trainer who give us case study example come from the food processing owner with ulama background. They can argue the JAIS personel back. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9752917289733887} +{"text": "klau tak mampu...cakap boikot jer...kekekekekekkekeke.....boleh tutup kemaluaannn besor ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997883439064026} +{"text": "http://www.sinarharian.com.my/rencana/kera...-korea-1.622885Nor Izwani dan suami menunjukkan antara makanan korea yang dijual merekaTIDAK pernah terlintas untuknya bercinta malah membina mahligai perkahwinan bersama jejaka dari negara lain. Namun hanya disebabkan penangan air \u2018coconut shake yang di jual Nor Izwani Ab Aziz, 26, di tepi jalan, ia menjadi detik perkenalan dengan lelaki KoreaLebih menarik pertemuan dengan suaminya tiga tahun lalu bukannya berlaku di negara sonata musim salju, sebaliknya di Taman Tuanku Jaafar (TTJ), Senawang di sini.Iras wajah ala-ala gadis Korea dan tutur kata yang sopan milik si empunya badan berjaya menambat hati Mohammad Kim Seung Ho, 37, yang singgah ke gerai Nor Izwani.Hasil penyatuan dua hati ini, ia akhirnya menjadi permulaan buat Nor Izwani menceburi perniagaan makanan korea secara atas talian yang kini mula mendapat sambutan ramai.Antara makanan korea yang dijual ialah Kimci, Kimbap, Tteokbooki, Yangnyeom Chicken yang kesemuanya disediakan dari air tangan suaminya sendiri.Lebih banyak komunikasi guna bahasa isyaratMenceritakan detik awal perkenalan mereka, Nor Izwani berkata, ketika itu suaminya berada di daerah ini atas urusan perniagaan di sebuah kilang berhampiran.\u201cSaya pula ketika itu jual air \u2018coconut shake\u2019 di tepi jalan berhampiran Masjid TTJ dan suatu hari saya terkejut didatangi suami bersama rakan-rakannya.\u201cPada masa itu dia (suami) memang tak pandai langsung cakap Melayu, tapi saya mula perasan boleh dikatakan setiap hari dia akan datang ke gerai saya untuk membeli air.\u201cSaya nampak yang dia mahu berkawan. Walaupun tak pandai cakap Melayu dan kurang fasih berbahasa Inggeris, dia cuba berkomunikasi dengan saya dan kami banyak gunakan bahasa isyarat,\u201dkatanya.Namun paling tidak disangka Nor Izwani apabila Mohammad Kim Seung datang melamarnya ketika kunjungan pertama kali ke rumah pada Aidilfitri tahun sama perkenalan mereka.Pada mulanya lamaran itu ditolak dengan cara baik, namun melihat kebaikan dan keikhlasan suami yang ketika itu telah pun memeluk agama Islam, dia akhirnya bersetuju dan mereka mendirikan rumah tangga setahun kemudian.\u201cSaya akui agak sukar untuk kami berkomunikasi, tapi itu tak jadi halangan. Selalunya jika dia cakap korea dan saya tak faham, saya akan guna google translate.\u201cTerus terang cakap, saya tak pernah fikir nak kahwin dengan orang Korea dan selepas perkahwinan kami, buat pertama kalinya saya jejakkan kaki ke negara itu,\u201dkatanya.Bagaimana bisnes bermulaSelepas mendirikan rumah tangga, Nor Izwani yang merupakan anak ke-2 dari lima adik beradik tidak lagi menjual air \u2018coconut shake\u2019 namun ia diteruskan oleh adiknya.Manakala Nor Izwani pula bersama suami memberi fokus menjual makanan korea selepas mendapat banyak tempahan daripada rakan sekelas adiknya.\u201cAdik saya bawa makanan korea ke kelas sebab kawan-kawan nak rasa dan sejak itu ramai yang nak buat tempahan.\u201cBulan April tahun lepas kami terfikir untuk buat bisnes makanan korea ini secara lebih serius dan hanya dengan menguar-uarkan di laman sosial, ia mula menjadi viral sehingga dapat sambutan ramai,\u201dkatanya.Disebabkan suaminya mempunyai pekerjaan lain, tempahan hanya dibuka pada hari Jumaat dan ditutup pada hari Sabtu, manakala proses penghantaran akan dilakukan pada hari Ahad setiap minggu.Antara yang mendapat paling banyak tempahan ialah Kimbap, Tteokbooki, Yangnyeom Chicken yang dijual diantara harga RM7 sehingga RM12.Manakala khidmat pos laju disediakan untuk tempahan Kimci yang dijual RM25 bagi 500 gram dan RM45 bagi satu kilogram.Malah menjadi hasrat pasangan ini untuk membuka restoren makanan korea suatu hari nanti, lebih-lebih lagi agak sukar untuk mencari makanan korea yang halal di negara ini. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999927282333374} +{"text": "Kenapa kerajaan tak nak dedahkan syarikat daging yang terlibat?Sebenarnya bukan kerajaan tak nak dedahkan. Rupa2nya syarikat kartel yang kita tangkap ni, dia import daging dari luar TERMASUK daging yang di ragui status halal sebab lebih murah dan dia pack semula kat Malaysia dan cop semula guna jenama lain yang popular dan harganya lebih mahal. So, syarikat tu dapat untung banyak. Kiranya ada penipuan dalam kes ni, syarikat yang jenamanya di cop tu tak bersalah, hanya tak tahu. Sebab tu kerajaan tak umumkan nama syarikat tu.40 years chop syarikat tu x tahu, u ingat syarikat tu otak babi ke ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5220620036125183} +{"text": "QUOTE(Roman Catholic @ Jan 21 2020, 08:47 PM)Of course the parents who donated the food if they were the ones who made the food, bro. If it is from the warung outside when the food comes from, then its either the municipal problem or the owner of illegal warung. I doubt the Ministry of Excellence is going to admit it was their mistake. Belum tambah lagi makanan haram or halal what not. If got deaths from food posoining due to dangerous substances itu lain cerita already.best thing is to give coupon to the unfortunate kids or put their names on the list to eat for free at the canteencanteen also need to give good food also right?kan senang? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950230121612549} +{"text": "sebenarnye da naik muak isu sijil halal JAKIM. \nkalau xde sijil JAKIM tu haram,makanan yg bini ko masak tu jgn mkn..semua tu hhaarrooommmm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(asx26365 @ Jul 3 2024, 03:12 PM)Send me bak ku teh restaurant can or not?Based on that logic, any places deemed haram also cannot. So it's not just bkt restaurant, any non-halal restaurant also cannot. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "kalau nak buat sushi ke takoyaki ke nak cari bahan-bahan japanese food, memang recommended kedai ni. service bagus dan laju.\nkitonyo favourite makan inari sushi mmg cari bahan kat sini, semua ada! don't worry ia halalhttps://s.shopee.com.my/6V1g9voDrM", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994623064994812} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:57 AM)cannot answer lah bro, need to ask jakim for that. am not coming from that org. but i believe even though they change the food's name, it will not jeopardize their sales, and i believe the sales will increase if they got halal cert. muslim sure yakin to buy the food in future..Inb4 hudud no effect non Muslim ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999752044677734} +{"text": "ni la fact nya.\n\nsbb Melayu tak tau halal haram pg beli no ekor, kau jd sewel.\n\nFocus on the solution la not the problem.\n\nexpand your thinkin horizon\n\n1. perketat rule pd kedai judi, verify yg beli no ekor. \n\n2. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "yg haram bukan alkoholyang haram adalah makanan/minuman yang memabukkan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934953451156616} +{"text": "Wtf la. I don't get the whole fiasco about halal laundrette. Go have it by all means. Go have halal microwave, swimming pool, shopping mall, money etc. I am for one, don't see how it affects me. Why? Money is money, you wanna play halal or haram, you're going to lose out. Microwave, understandable. Some people microwave pork without thinking of the other public users(though I don't even see how this could happen because even at work we don't bring pork in). But calling other race as unhygienic? You're gonna start preparing to eat shit filled with pork lard I tell you. I don't remember Quran teaching people to condemn others or judge them just because they practice different way of life. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8348909616470337} +{"text": "Bodoh punya penganjur. Buat malu saja ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "Can remove the tax free status of Langkawi? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9773821234703064} +{"text": "QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Jan 21 2020, 10:21 AM)who will be accountable if kids get food poisoning?\u00a0 parents wash hands then point finger to stall outside school where they tapau-ed from?Of course the parents who donated the food if they were the ones who made the food, bro. If it is from the warung outside when the food comes from, then its either the municipal problem or the owner of illegal warung. I doubt the Ministry of Excellence is going to admit it was their mistake. Belum tambah lagi makanan haram or halal what not. If got deaths from food posoining due to dangerous substances itu lain cerita already.This post has been edited by Roman Catholic: Jan 21 2020, 08:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951790571212769} +{"text": "this might be my last post before got banned forever. to all my fellow muslim;banyak sangat dah dalam /k menghina/mencaci/mengejek islam, terutamanya dalam kes hudud,halal/haram. sedih aku tengok. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "And pihak jakim nampak perbuatan tersebut and itu dikira tak menjaga kebersihan since diorang berniaga makanan. So sijil halal untuk the semua cawanhan secret recipe ditarik for that case sampailah diorang yakin case yang sama tak berulang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940229058265686} +{"text": "There is a Jakim facebook album detailing all the fake news and viral nonsense about companies and products being non-halal so that people don't simply forward old, untrue stories.I think they are up to 100 such debunked articles.This post has been edited by ray123: Nov 18 2020, 01:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "QUOTE(Accord2018 @ Jan 17 2022, 11:17 PM)u so naughty ah put everything here for me to analyse for you and tell you your mistake? so late i lazy but its okay. I see your bait. Thats ok Today I process about 15 birth registration (that comes with citizenship status too). All Citizen. How many did you do today? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 08:28 PM)if you drink pure alcohol, you will get alcohol intoxication, just like drinking a lot alcoholic beverages. eh, simple knowledge you also don't know....shandy not haram also\u00a0 why shandy not haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999758780002594} +{"text": "@hopethesunn Tulah xleh nak buat apa kalau kerjanya sensitive je. Kalau sensitive teruk mmg payahlah nak travel luar negara sikit2 nak tengok sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "Mak hang masak ada sijil halal ka? Tapi hang makan tanpa ragu ragu... gitu lah semua ni. Semua bahan2 dia halal. Tapi takdak sijil. Takkan terus haram... nak apply sijil halal bukan apply hari ni terus dapat besok... nak sahkan jantina sajat pun berbulan... still senyap lagi...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9848125576972961} +{"text": "Tapi wang rasuah dianggap rezeki.Cukai alkohol, judi dan rokok nak ambil.Rokok dah haram tapi semua tetap merokok.Benci Israel dan Yahudi, tapi tetap guna Facebook, Whatsapp, Google, Intel, Waze, makan Big Mac, layan filem Hollywood......This post has been edited by HITMAN316: Jan 9 2016, 04:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(colorlesstermite @ Oct 26 2016, 12:02 AM)Trust me argueing with parrot muslims is so boring already. Just let Jakim do they work.The best thing let this issue be settle by muslims among the muslims. The problem now the non muslims also want to involve in this matter and continue the drum beat to increase the intensity .It is boring to argue with you guys who keep defending jakim and not use your brain. I'm muslim and speaking with my brain, based on Quran's \"halal\". If jakim wants to be holier than Quran, ok go on. If you want to continue making muslims looks utterly stupid, ok go on. I'll rest my case.This post has been edited by hirano: Oct 26 2016, 12:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.897020161151886} +{"text": "kasi chance la ore kito meniago. dont la dengki go viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996521472930908} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?The haram issue isn't because of got kangaroo and horse meat. Just about the certificate being faked.The kangaroo and horse meat being mixed is similar to IKEA meatballs issue, food contamination. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999381303787231} +{"text": "@sitikasim Dia orang tak nak boikot rokok ke? Dah lah takde sijil halal dan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "RT: Jakim patut haramkan orang gemuk. Sebab suka memenuhi ruang dan menghabiskan makanan.\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998607635498047} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Oct 31 2023, 05:47 PM)Thx now all supermarket must be halal.All non halal section must be closed downBtw what happened to the halal and non halal trolley?Viable for the business in long run?Aeon and nsk have and tesco and jaya have been doing doing separate pork and haram section for many years. You baru keluar gua?Yes got guard remind you not to bring on trolley from the different sections ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6144694685935974} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Apr 22 2024, 10:34 PM)Poverty is not an excuse you can't speak National Language.My late grandparents from both sides can't write, can't read but they still can learn to speak.I thought when u in poverty, u work in unskilled job and will meet more people from different race since unskilled jobs are done by all races in Malaysia.Same goes to if you are poor and doing small business, u still need to deal with people from different race.Pelik aku dengan SESETENGAH Bangsa Cina Malaysia ni.Bangsa India yang tak ramai ni pun semua tak ada masalah nak cakap National Language.Orang Cina ni satu je masalah. Ego tinggi sangat.When things not according to their narrative or needs, they play victim.Ask any Cina Malaysia why Bangla cannot be given citizenship. See what they say. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5781642198562622} +{"text": "@SyafiqulSofian Sebab nasik lemak tepi jalan pun tak apply sijil halal but kita yakin dia halal kan, hehe. Just my opinion!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989944100379944} +{"text": "QUOTE(ry8128 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:22 PM)Those puak that always talk about haram/halal, make sure u guys dun take it ya, cos those are from money generated from the sales of something u call as haram.Jgn tiba2 pasal convenient, then become halal pulak, kan kan kan Strike eureka?Confirm won't take 1.....even guwara food also they no touch due to halal issue even though vegetarian ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993891716003418} +{"text": "Best Gilers! Inilah mutu yang dikehendaki, mohon semua syarikat penerbangan in malaysia do the same. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(Randomization @ Feb 1 2023, 03:16 PM)He just kuda attensi. If really feel shortchanged, just complain to the organiser.Who asked him to misled people as if he was served haram food.\u00a0 Say can tolerate, can drink plain water. But can't tolerate eating vegetarian. KEKRubbish.. non-toleration for a vegetarian dishsame during flight, who will eat vegan food.better don't eat anything ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995583891868591} +{"text": "QUOTE(a13solut3 @ Aug 18 2022, 09:34 AM)in marehsia, my humble opinion la.u no sell babi, but no halal cert, muslim come in, YOUR FAULT.u no sell babi, with halal cert, muslim come in VIRAL, YOUR FAULT, damage done first, recover later on.u sell babi, muslim come in, you forgot to remind them, YOUR FAULT.u sell babi and put non halal, they walked in and you forgot to remind them, YOUR FAULT.all in all, it's always YOUR FAULT.it's not about kena dakwa or not, but either way, the damage done to your reputation is even more crucial.my shop a, alot of muslim keep taking photography outdoor of my dining area due to the decor there, i told my supervisor to always remind them even if they are not consuming in the establishment, i don't want later authorities come and screwed me over this.Ayam jual nasi ayam but no halal cert, kasi chan la jangan dakwa ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999561309814453} +{"text": "Don't forget this one.Konnonnya orang putih tak pernah tipu. LOLZ.http://news.sciencemag.org/europe/2015/09/...used-plagiarismBy Gretchen Vogel 28 September 2015 6:15 pm 6 CommentsBERLIN\u2014A cabinet member often tagged as Chancellor Angela Merkel\u2019s heir apparent is the latest politician to be tripped up by the country\u2019s plagiarism sleuths. On Saturday, the website VroniPlag Wiki, a loose coalition of volunteers who scour dissertations for plagiarized passages and incorrect citations, published an analysis of German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen\u2019s 1990 dissertation on the diagnosis of infections in pregnant women. The group found plagiarized passages on 27 of the dissertation\u2019s 62 pages. It claims that on three pages, between 50% and 75% of the text is plagiarized text and on five pages, more than 75% of the text is plagiarized.\"I can reject the accusation of plagiarism,\" von der Leyen told the German press. \"It is not new that activists on the internet attempt to spread doubts about the dissertations of politicians.\"Two of Merkel\u2019s previous cabinet members have resigned in the face of plagiarism scandals: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg stepped down as defense minister in 2011 and Annette Schavan resigned as minister of education and research in 2013. Von der Leyen, who practiced several years as a gynecologist before she entered politics, said that she heard in August that VroniPlag was investigating her dissertation. She said she immediately asked the Hannover Medical School, which awarded her medical degree, to examine the publication. The university confirmed in a statement today that it had begun an inquiry in August in response to a request from von der Leyen. It said that based on the initial findings of an ombudsman, it has begun a formal inquiry by the school\u2019s commission for good scientific practice.COMMENT: So many of these ministers are arts graduates, just write essays and plagiarise. No brain for maths or science proofs.But of course, they are more suitable for the job than \"eggheads\" because \"they are better communicators\" LOLZ.QUOTE(helike13 @ Dec 23 2015, 09:14 AM)Actually the free schools in the EU and US is about 90% arab, nigro, gypsy mixture. Sometimes students beat up teachers.http://youtu.be/zbHZFtd4rNg (sorry cannot make link on my phone)The proper university mahal giler and also not really good.\u00a0 If you have enough money just make a copy-paste dissertation and/or ask somebody to upah haji exam and problem solved. Just like the former president of Hungary, Schmitt Pal who is also the former vice president of the International Olympic Committee turned out he has copy-paste degree issued by ELTE University which is in the World's TOP 500 University's list. Another Hungarian example when Simon Laszlo, the vice president of the left wing opposition party, the MSZP, opened a bank account in Vienna with a palsu Bissau-Guinean passport and simpan setengah juta euro (which nobody knows where he get from)... Tak masuk penjara... The crown witness of the case, Velsz Tamas died during the police interrogation (officially he committed suicide, usually people commit suicide in a police car... That is the best place).The rumah orang kaye everywhere is a fortress. But in Europe is the standard in the kampung to have pagar and anjing. Haritu when we went to Europe tour with my Malay Muslim friends and we went to the kampung to makan buah tin and cherry surprised that all the houses have at least one dog. I told them this is alarm rumah dan penangkap pencuri.No shitty kapcai but shitty gypsys who live in ghettos where to polis is also scared to masuk. Not talking about the Muslim ghettos in Germany, Paris, Bruxelles.... And the Somalian/Erithrean ghettos in Stockholm. So I rather jalan2 in KL pukul 2 pagi than is Stockholm where the rape cases per population is one of the highest in the world.The cars beli murah tapi takde subsidi harga minyak. Roadtax mahal juga, must carry your car to roadworthiness check and CO emission check every year.... bayo juga.And one more here in Malaysia you can ask your neighbor to look your house meanwhile you bercuti... In Germany you don't know the name of your neighbor. If you have problems in Malaysia at least you can count on your family auntie uncle cousin sepupu duapupu tigapupu etc. An average European oghang puteh don't even know who is his duapupu. Sepupu ada around 5 tapi half of them lost contact years ago. Mesti ada duapupu juga tapi tak tahu siapa. Even auntie/uncle know personally about 4-5 of them another 4-5 from the old stories of the grandma and met around 15 years ago when a funeral of somebody of the family and after that lost contact. Yang lain tak kenal. Or you can make a test: go to the station minyak with your motorbike and angkat the diesel punya pump. Everybody will shout jangan even the operator will tell to the speaker salah itu diesel punya. In Europe nobody cares. But nobody will care when you are having a heart attack on the street... Everybody will walk away. Here everybody will help. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6957891583442688} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 28 2020, 01:36 PM)....? That's the suggestion? Like if money not enough, just print more money but forget it increase inflation.... They do realize Jakim was initially established precisely because of the suggestion and now we just come full circle. My suggestion, get rid of jakim and let muslims decide themselves if halal or not. They are not that stupid (except those who agrees with PAS).this is least the best way,cause a lot of things in our country is not halal perse and overseas dont follow this policyso one issue with the recent meat fiasco is one of the countries not recognized by us is UK, which is where some of the meat comes from.So malaysians go UK mcm mane? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9703037738800049} +{"text": "Aku nak buat cadang\u00e0n kpd hanipa maidin jik\u00e0 nak kur\u00e0ng sejuk! Suruh jelutong ju\u00e0l kopi panas atau teh tarik pd ahli dewan . Elok jug\u00e0 jika \u010fia boleh buat roti canai juga! Mungkin mujahid boleh bagi sijil h\u00e0lal !", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.541333019733429} +{"text": "i read the replies and saw \"tak mohon sijil halal\" which is jakim la malaysia..for your information, sijil halal jakim tak wajib dipohon pun..n kalau takda sijil tu tak semestinya haram..you just need to know the ingredients..but if dah ada perasaan was was, tolak tepi terusla k https://t.co/C1LGX8nDZ6", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999029636383057} +{"text": "Lol and there we have it, a delusional vaper who cant differentiate between argumentsPatutlah bila argue pasal vape ni haram kena cari benda lain untuk justify boleh jadi halalLol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999727010726929} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.They fast, nons eat. Apa susah? Nons eat also considered not respecting? Need to together fast? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941529631614685} +{"text": "Jangan hisap VAPE. Jauhi anak-anak anda dari VAPE. Jangan mulakan tabiat yang buruk. Doktor dah kata. Doktor pakar dah kata. Kajian perubatan antarabangsa dah tunjuk kemudaratannya. Imam dah kata. Mufti dah kata. JAKIM dah kata. Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan dah kata. https://t.co/ML9dIBLd8D", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.943004310131073} +{"text": "QUOTE(yhtan @ Feb 26 2024, 03:33 PM)Hatyai mostly free and easy tour, i think a lot of local tiktoker doing content about Hatyai and become viral, luring more and more local malay travelling there. TBH siamese don't simply overcharge tourist like the locals here, for them it is bread and butter and they treat tourist well, and also won't overcharge for food.me notice there even smallest stall have priced menu.here no price list, jeng2 siakap rm1000 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999004602432251} +{"text": "Ni mesti termakan somehow and rase sedap, so dont care got halal logo ke tak. Then kena tegur by friend, so make big fuss like got conspiracy against him la, not clear enough la, jakim never clarify la... Nafsu la. After do something wrong find all sorts of excuses instead of admitting ownself bodo. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9539740681648254} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Dec 27 2023, 07:56 PM)I really don't know what is melayu kat malaya thinking.In their mind, kalau itu kedai cina confirm x halal confirm ada babi.Padahal when they're not selling any pork, how can they be babi in it?Some more any nons, be it cina or iban will tell u this.U ingat babi very murah is it?Sama sama melayu. Tapi perangai melayu malaya and borneo totally langit and bumi.And lastly suka or x suka i will still be saying this.When it comes to comparing cleanliness between chinese and malay shops or stalls, I'll pick chinese over malay shop anyday anytime.1st thing u notis kedai or warung melayu. Kucing mesti 3 or 5 ekor duduk atas kerusi tidor atas meja or dapur sana.As a Melayu Borneo, ayam relax je had kuih muih breakfast at kedai gangster Siang Man Lo just beside Everise BDC this morning with my son and his uncle. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999908208847046} +{"text": "QUOTE(pikacu @ Jun 9 2017, 03:08 PM)kucing ada taring la, haromsome rusa ada taring...haram tak ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9958322644233704} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ May 3 2021, 08:06 AM)Hukum puasa adalah wajib dan makcik tua tu monopause already mana datang merah.Orang tua kena puasa juga?Hang tahu dia tak ada sakit apa apa yang kena makan?Biar simpan sikit kepochi tu boleh? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997517466545105} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Orang lain tak yah makan ker wahai bodo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979008436203003} +{"text": "QUOTE(AmIRight? @ Dec 22 2020, 09:04 PM)memang biasa satay bayar dulu baru. satay haji samuri still the best.No. You gone to the wrong place for satay. To get authentic Kajang satay u habe to go to the Medan Satay Kajang.Satay hj samuri in kajang still ok. Their branch in Klang taste really bad... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8064335584640503} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vape On @ Feb 11 2017, 12:32 AM)Ko pergi mampus pun tak der hal.Tak yah nak susah kan orang lain. Jangan mintak orang teman. Kata tak adil. Bodo.Eh bangang, aku suruh label pun tak boleh? Macan makanan pun ada label kan, for nutritional info? So kalau kau tak label benda yang haram bagi aku, kau nak aku beli & pakai? Pas tu bila aku dapat confirmkan, shove it up your ass?Nak jual, orang tak nak beli, bising. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jun 17 2016, 11:05 AM)this one halal or haromm for Muslims?i see many refutes on this matter.one person says factory in korea got put babi element in it.JAKIM say they checked and it's halal.Food emphasize halal haram but songlap couple pegang tangan zina backdoor riba all halal?jakim vs some random dude with his cerita salju? I take jakim anydayThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Jun 17 2016, 11:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 8 2024, 12:43 AM)Jgn tanya soalan susah.Yet they believe they're the suci one.So they take something that is harus (it is ok) and trying to turn it into absolutely forbidden.Did I get that correct?Some of the hukum are using qiyas (analogy). So, different ulama may have different opinions. That is why there are different hukum in different school or madhhab. However, the hukum is still the same on fundamental ones which are clearly stated in Quran.Hadith on the other hand are normally relate to events that happened during that specific. So, when prophet said something at that time it became hadith that ulama refereed to. However, there are many are twisting words from hadith to fulfill own agenda like politicians. There are people who studied hadith that can explain on the actual meaning, not just some uztaz out there.So, you probably have different teacher that you learned from in other country for example and it is somewhat different from fatwa used in this country. You can follow what you you learned quietly not to create a scene that create chaos in local community or you can just follow what local practiced. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5544052124023438} +{"text": "Sama macam iproperty la..Ada duit main.. first 5 page all premium feature..Yang tak main, pergi last last last ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999462366104126} +{"text": "QUOTE(fadzly @ Feb 27 2018, 02:56 PM)tu jawapan paling bernas kot. not personal attack at allthis thread if jawab in kopitiam also kena trolled. better get right info at right place.This is a good placeMany people can learnI also can learnKenapa nak berkira ilmu? Nabi tak pernah memilih tempat untuk berdakwah Yang penting, ilmu disebarkanNabi bukan takat kena trollSiap di baling batu lagiSteady je sebarkan ilmuTak lari punThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Feb 27 2018, 02:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8331382274627686} +{"text": "QUOTE(duckhole @ Dec 14 2016, 04:41 PM)mesti pakai sarung tangan untuk bagi anjing makan?bukan mesti, tapi cuma satu ikhtiar untuk berbuat baik tanpa tersentuh najis mughallazhah. bak kata Ikruga, jangan disusahkan benda yg mudah. kalau takde direct contact maka tak perlu la nak disamak.#donedakwah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(ciwi1166 @ Nov 14 2015, 03:40 PM)seronok nya bashing game...yeay!seronok one more examples in real life that can't be refute, the more these type of event happened, the clearer view we have. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTEDividen konvensional KWSP perlu 'dibersih' - Dr ZaharuddinSHAH ALAM - Pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) yang beragama Islam wajar membuat pembersihan berjumlah 66 peratus daripada dividen simpanan konvensional yang diumumkan.Pakar Kewangan Islam, Dr Zaharuddin Abd Rahman berkata, tindakan tersebut perlu dibuat bagi mereka yang hanya menginginkan pendapatan halal dan bersih.\"Alhamdulillah dividen simpanan syariah tahun 2023 adalah 5.4 peratus, manakala simpanan konvensional sebanyak 5.5 peratus.\"Namun bagi mereka yang inginkan pendapatan halal lagi bersih sahaja, 66 peratus daripada jumlah dividen konvensional itu mesti dibersihkan.\"Ini menjadikan dividen patuh syariah KWSP konvensional yang halal dinikmati hanyalah sebanyak 1.87 peratus.\"Jika dividen konvensional itu nilainya RM10,000 maka RM6,600 perlu dibersihkan,\" katanya menerusi hantaran di Facebook pada Ahad.Pada Ahad, KWSP mengumumkan agihan dividen 2023 sebanyak 5.5 peratus untuk simpanan konvensional dan 5.4 peratus untuk simpanan syariah.Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KWSP, Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn berkata, angka tersebut membabitkan agihan sejumlah RM50.3 bilion bagi konvensional manakala RM7.5 bilion untuk syariah.Dalam masa sama, Zaharuddin menjelaskan, pembersihan dividen simpanan konvensional boleh menggunakan wang sedia ada yang bukan dalam simpanan KWSP.\"Boleh disalurkan jumlah tersebut kepada faqir miskin atau keperluan awam, diniatkan pembersihan.\"Boleh mengetahui jumlah dividen terbaharu dalam RM melalui KWSP i-akaun.\"Pembersihan tidak diperlukan bagi dividen simpanan syariah,\" katanya.Justeru ujar beliau, lebih 70 peratus pencarum Muslim yang masih dalam simpanan konvensional wajib mengubah ke simpanan syariah yang pada masa ini perlu dilakukan sendiri oleh pencarum.\"Pelajarilah hal ehwal halal haram dalam pendapatan kita, kehidupan duniawi hanya sementara, jangan kerana RM, kita kesusahan di akhirat yang kekal kelak.\"Bertukar kepada yang halal sangat berbaloi dan tidak akan mengundang kemiskinan,\" katanya.https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/6525...--dr-zaharuddinInsaflar if not using simpanan syariahfaster clean your dividend, directly donate with your savings to public and Palestine ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5839728116989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jun 30 2021, 11:51 PM)used to be symbol of status mah. wah got astro dish wor!!rich guy only can suscribe to astro wor...but people din notice actually now after the tv analog signal discontinued, the poor are using astro njoi or mytv to watch tv. rich people only have tvbox, youtube cause internet cost a bomb everymonth okay?some rural areas MYTV do use KuBand to broadcast the signali saw a few MyTV branded KuBand dish in Balik Pulau kampung ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9858696460723877} +{"text": "QUOTE(Toyoi @ Oct 20 2016, 02:07 PM)now oredi viral globally... gold medal again... Songlapthis is gold medal + Olympic record + world record ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999021291732788} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bill888 @ Feb 2 2024, 02:07 PM)Kolo mee is very popular in Sarawak but in west people say no taste.Not only kolo mee, the dian bian hu, kong pia\u2026all are poor man food during war time\u2026Visit and taste a bite okay la\u2026But not serve them as a meal\u2026.at least uncle not dare to do this\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8734202980995178} +{"text": "kebelakangan ni aku banyak guna kimchi (jakim certified btw) & gochujang (beli daripada jenama lain & dah pastikan tiada \"spirits\" dalam senarai bahan) untuk masak budae jigae lol. jadi bagus untuk lebih memahami prinsip halal haram di sebalik bahan makanan yang ditapai", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8670377731323242} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 17 2016, 08:31 PM)don't limit yourself to auntie anne's case only.halal bukan tentang bahan sahaja. it's end-to-end daripada sourcing, kakitangan, pengangkutan, penyediaan, premis jualan. tak guna jaga kebersihan di dapur kalau premis akhir turut jual alkohol, kotor.again, don't just limit to \"kotor, alkohol\".Not the first time JAKIM's heavy handedness caused controversy, golden churn and cadbury case pun bikin malu.Jakim said got babi in golden churn butter, then when brunei lab test find dont have. Dunno mana nak letak muka.Why is the halal certification process is soo punitive instead of helping business and encouraging them to sell halal food.Dunno why must you bring up the cleanliness issue. Alot of gerai melayu at the streets got halal cert or not?Jakim next kill listRootbeerLuncheon meat dr brunei byk kat pasaran ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999381303787231} +{"text": "QUOTE(laoahpek @ Aug 4 2019, 07:05 PM)i drink beeri nv get intoxicatedwhat makes beer haram\u00a0 :confused:google is your friend lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975761771202087} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Jul 29 2024, 09:13 AM)Not 100% of the cruise is for pelayaran islam? Sure they have to mingle with restam very sure the cruise ship got beer inside. So how? Jump overboard, else stay sin with haram?Costa Serena have 3700 capaxCan a very narrow specific theme able to get 3000plus capax?This is just a portion qty cut out from capax with some extras , auditorium rent out etc to the specific groups ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956757426261902} +{"text": "That one is vegetable meat... old town has this since lonf time ago..LoL.. skrg baru viral.. might be those baru can taste old town mee kariLike those kampung kia baru nak try taste kfc or pizza hutThis post has been edited by rotloi: Nov 14 2020, 06:21 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Sep 27 2021, 09:32 AM)KOTA KINABALU: Seorang pengusaha gerai makan di Pasar Besar Ranau mencabar keputusan dan arahan Majlis Daerah Ranau yang hanya membenarkan individu lengkap divaksin berniaga di pasar berkenaan.Naomi Neomi Francis, 55, memfailkan permohonan semakan kehakiman terhadap Majlis Daerah Ranau di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu, hari ini.Naomi berkata, beliau berbuat demikian kerana merasakan dirinya mangsa keadaan.Katanya, SOP itu jelas melanggar hak kebebasan dan kesamarataan seperti yang terkandung dalam Perkara 5 dan 8 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.\u201cLagipun, vaksin Covid-19 masih dalam kajian serta ujian, kenapa saya perlu mengambilnya jika saya masih was-was dan ianya juga bukan mandatori bagi setiap individu mengambilnya.\u201cKeputusan untuk mencabar arahan pihak berkuasa itu juga saya buat bagi mewakili rakan-rakan atau pihak lain yang tidak menerima vaksin, kami mengalami kesukaran itu melakukan apa jua urusan di luar sana.\u201cSaya juga ingin tegaskan yang saya bukan antivaksin, saya cuma mahu keselamatan untuk diri saya,\u201d katanya kepada FMT.Naomi berkata, beliau mengendalikan gerai makan terbabit sejak 2011 dan pendapatannya sangat terjejas selepas Covid-19 melanda negara.Katanya, perniagaannya baru mula meningkat sedikit beberapa bulan lalu, tetapi SOP terbaharu itu mungkin menyebabkan beliau gulung tikar.\u201cSebab itu saya mahu mencabar arahan Majlis Daerah Ranau, SOP yang dikeluarkan jelas melanggar Perlembagaan.\u201cSaya harap keputusan akan berpihak kepada saya, sebagai seorang yang enggan menerima vaksin, banyak kesukaran yang dihadapi, tetapi saya ingin jelaskan, kenapa saya perlu ambil vaksin jika saya was-was.\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dTerdahulu, Majlis Daerah Ranau mengeluarkan SOP baharu yang mula berkuat kuasa 21 Sept lalu, dengan pengusaha dan pembantu yang lengkap divaksin dibenarkan meneruskan perniagaan mereka.Naomi sebelum ini dikenakan notis amaran, sebelum kompaun dikeluarkan Majlis Daerah Ranau kerana menjalankan perniagaan tanpa mendapatkan vaksin.Sekiranya gagal mematuhi arahan berkenaan, Naomi bakal dikompaun RM2,000 hingga RM50,000.Peguam Marcel Jude Joseph yang mewakili Naomi ketika dihubungi berkata, semakan kehakiman itu akan disebut di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Ismail Brahim secara e-Review pada 28 Okt ini.Naomi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Marcel kerana sudi membantunya memperjuangkan isu berkenaan.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ah-di-mahkamah/Please dont let this challenge be successful. Else, antivax will use it to justify them not taking the vaccine. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8874526619911194} +{"text": "Sendiri punya kedai fail, tentulah mesti buat dengki kat lain. Budaya dengki budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 03:16 PM)Not at all. I am still surprise that you remember how to breath. I guess since breathing doesn't involve thinking, it didn't get affected by your brain analytical capability.Well tbh there are actually chinese haram fnb outlets that decided to open a no pork version with slightly diff name and branding. One example : https://g.co/kgs/jfqyt3 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8067901730537415} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 20 2014, 07:06 PM)aku takmau orang terkonfius kita dengan ikhwanul musliminko paham2 la /k suka label orang tariban lah apa lah..takper lah kena label taliban pun , biar lah dimata manusia.Allah lebih mengetahui niat hamba2nya.just as a suggestion jer , fellowship pun OKay janji \u0628\u0631\u0633\u0627\u062a\u0648 \u062a\u06ac\u0648\u0647maybe boleh start using jawi after this. hahaha.http://www.ejawi.net/converterV2.php ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980577826499939} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Jul 28 2016, 02:44 PM)actually she tak kesah pun whether she's malay or Chinese, but society forces her to choose...hence her blog title.and apparently she only started wearing tudung recently anyway... \u00a0 \u00a0 Dude, don't misunderstand me, this is not about ooh UW tak suka melayu...you just cannot change your ethnic. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7410895824432373} +{"text": "[#DIANZVITAMIN MEMANG HALAL, BUAT APA NAK RISAU? \ud83d\ude01] Haa nak habaq kat hangpa ni, #DianzVitamin memang terbukti 100% halal. Siap ada sijil dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia\u2026 https://t.co/hvKAUcpWAr", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7885459065437317} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Sep 8 2023, 11:58 AM)Not wrong. Remember there was a case that malay sell packed food from chinese restaurant last year or 2 years ago.They dont claim its halal.QUOTE(9m2w @ Sep 8 2023, 12:01 PM)I think referring to the malay couple who opened the claypot chicken rice shop that got viral Their patrons are 100% chinese from the video but they are Muslims thoughSo might be a sticky issue.Erm...https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSL35Sthc/ \n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7738388180732727} +{"text": "Ada Spesis M dengki dengan kejayaan orang tapi sendiri tak mampu. Buat hal untuk jahanamkan rang. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999754428863525} +{"text": "Yes takde sijil halal jakim x semestinya c halal\nBut dia cam confirmation to say yg makanan tu halal and selamat dimakan\nKalau dia tipu then is not our fault\nKalau dia xde sijil halal then is our own risk laMakanan bila kita cerna dia dh sebahagian daging kita\nMakan bende haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "\r\naku tengok makcik dalam JALAN2 CARI TOOOT... seronok betul makan kat kedai ntah apa2 ntah. Ada satu episod dia selamba je makan kat kedai INDIA yang terang2 BUKAN ISLAM. Huh...banyak dah masuk dalam perut dia kan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9533283710479736} +{"text": "boikot boikot. later Malaysia become like Afghanistan then they happy? better still become like North Korea. puak2 ni mesti happy ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999583959579468} +{"text": "yg penting bersih & halalbagi aku apa maksud \"baik\" tu adalah merangkumi sikap & akhlak peniaga tukalau kebersihan tak jaga, kuku panjang, tangan tak basuh, guna cara kotor (black magic), halal haram tak jaga - tu tak baik ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968900084495544} +{"text": "logo halal Malaysia tu kena lalu proses pensijilan halal. Isu dia tu logo halal palsu. Kau nak cop halal tulis tangan, buat la. Tapi jangan letak cop halal Malaysia tu suka hati. Benda halal tak perlu sijil halal, tapi sijil halal kena lalu proses pensijilan yang betul.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4845253527164459} +{"text": "QUOTE(JungWoo @ Jan 1 2020, 12:01 PM)Yes agree. Sabah is very harmony not like taliban state. When I travel Sandakan last week, the famous buddist temple near beach got alot of tourist, including many Malays.Sandakan food is allegedly best in Sabah. Kk pun kalah bah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989467263221741} +{"text": "QUOTE(tikaram @ Nov 4 2021, 07:33 PM)Usually before cook will tell weight is 7.5kg n price per kg is how much\u2026.7.5kg . Not 2kg. Sure price highYou buy small udang also 30/kg . But big big one 70/kgNormally malay stall, we just say want fish for 5 people.. and no stall will come bring 7kg fish.So they thought this would be as usual malay stall. Mana tahu like this.QUOTE(Mocha_86 @ Nov 4 2021, 07:36 PM)if malu malu dun wan ask price, scared no face then like dis lo.nowadays even cinis restaurant, which used to have no pricing on their menu, now publish in menu directly because a lot of these cases went public and the restaurant get hefty fine. Usually when it comes to seasonal seafood price, they will have price per kg at the aquarium or if they don't have aquarium, the servers will tell you they have 1kg fish available, at what price.this case i duno la. besides siakap udang also quite expNot about price. More to about 7kg fish. Normally malay go shop, the shop will bring out the normal size..Its like you go pasar stall, say want one plate ckt, owner said ok. Suddenly the one plate ckt is rice cooker size. Fuckk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.915337324142456} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 08:03 PM)Obviously its not. But its to me and you. We both tahu. But others?I kid you not i have my tok ngah kama that never eaten a burger and hot dog asked me those kind of thing. Why name it hot dog and etc2But biasalah, k/ semua bebal. Dah semua pndai, belaka kenot see through the eyes of those that still bodily live in 2016 but literally they are stil stuck at 80's life cycle. Kau orang pikir kau orang punya saja, yang tak ada peluang dan exposure yang kita dapat, how? Those old folks how?lalalalala........what about educating them instead of keeping them ignorant? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997252881526947} +{"text": "12yo M\u2019sian Earns Up to RM300/Day Selling Cookies at Her School, Gets Reprimanded by Head PrefectQUOTEThe industrious and entrepreneurship spirit of a young Malaysian girl wowed netizens recently after her mother shared she has been earning up to RM300 a day by selling soft cookies at her school.The girl\u2019s mother, 42-year-old Huspalita Hussain Arif, who herself is an entrepreneur selling baking products, shared her daughter\u2019s exploits in a Facebook post which has since gone viral with over 7,800 reactions and more than 822 shares.In the post, Huspalita revealed that all the soft cookies her daughter, 12-year-old Hessa Ardinee Mohamed Airee, brings to school will always be sold out regardless of the quantity.Furthermore, the money collected from the sales will always tally with the amount of cookies sold, despite Hessa saying that she doesn\u2019t know how to count money and that she\u2019s not good at doing business.Huspalita added that she was surprised by her daughter\u2019s achievements because she\u2019s a shy person. She then congratulated Hessa for her success.The school head prefect reprimanded her for selling cookiesHowever, Huspalita said her daughter recently said that she would stop selling cookies at her school because the head prefect, who is in the same class as her, recently reprimanded her for conducting business at school.Does our outdated communist education prepares students only to become future laborers and salary earners only for the factory line?Do as you told, take tests by yourself, don't cooperate, report your friends to authority if you become jealous of them and keep your knowledge to yourself so that you score better than others.Am I right? The traditional Commie socialist broken education system. Prefects are dogs for your school who will sell you out if they find you figuring out a loophole in the governing system and breaking free from societal rat race.This is what the ELITES had planned out the control of the society while they play in another game that is not accessible by the poor.\nIG2zSQ27VFQ\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978606104850769} +{"text": "Malay: Boba tu haram sebab takde sijil halal jakim Also Malay: Curi susu lepas treler eksiden \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Nov 24 2023, 12:29 PM)Benda yang memudaratkan badan. Hence why Haram.So rokok should be considered haram yes or no? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 19 2016, 10:36 AM)I already said. I'm referring to the staff responseAnd it corroborate with jakim responseYes. The central kitchen already passed for halal cert. As per what the staff saidBut there's issue on pretzel dog. Lolz. Obviously Auntie Anna kalah laDog somehow is such a taboo to malaysianEven the prophet kind towards dogI donno malaysian take which version of IslamYang pasal \"pretzel dog\" tu, it is NOT THE MAIN CONTRIBUTOR or MAIN CAUSE of why their halal status got rejected.Just a comment from JAKIM suggesting other name than Pretzel Dog je. Jangan triggered sangat sampai overblow tahap \"i dunno malaysian take which version of Islam\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999567270278931} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nas_Rule @ May 10 2017, 06:31 PM)Sebab tak nampak tu pasal tak takut cuba boleh nampak nak buat dosa pun fikir duluKelakar...larOnly peasant and uneducated being indoctrine about what ever dosa thingy. The main point is ur own ppl using the very same tactic to subdue the ppl using religion.What to expect when the very same ppl every once in the year can see you telling you 0 0 and the next new year can restart whatever action they deem like.Rich one....lagi dont careGo mecca, terus cuci dosaLol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995420515537262} +{"text": "QUOTE(telefunken @ Nov 14 2015, 03:26 PM)it's funny how muslims here try to justify and condone this attack by bringing up their palestine issue (an issue thats not just about religion).everyone else is wrong but themselves. if muslims commit crimes, non-muslims are to be blamed for inciting it. to them, their religion is perfect, flawless, nothing can be improved, they're the best, they're truly righteous and right above everyone else who are non-muslims.Saudi led attacks on Yemen had also killed civilians but most Muslims are silent on this. If that country was not Saudi but a non-Muslim country, the response would be extremely overwhelming. Maybe to them, Saudis can do no wrong even if innocent people are killed. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998716115951538} +{"text": "Kuih bulan. \nTeringin nak makan.\nLuckily my chinese friend bawak sbb nak bg kiteorg makan.\nMula mula takut jugak. Ntah halal ntah tidak.\nTapi sis percaya makanan bersih dan suci. Sumber pun halal. Maka Sis pun ngap! \nBalik cite kat ibu, kenalah tazkirah sekejap ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Buyer ego wants to eat THAT fish.Then viral say it's expensive. Topkek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9960250854492188} +{"text": "Sebab tu sijil halal still tak wajib apply maybe. Tapi bila dah ada sijil halal, tak mustahil mudah nak dapat HACCP. https://t.co/CS73mbrhVz", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.844313383102417} +{"text": "QUOTE(gamehype @ Jul 24 2024, 11:01 AM)You see, Malay culture, its all religious in nature, except maybe clothing and food (even that need to be halal). Like Chinese have Chinese New Year. Its not religious. But one time, one makcik ask me what religion is CNY. I said no religion one. The makcik didn't understand. Then I try to think, what festival they have that is not religious in nature. None.Malay culture = Muslim culture.That why they see anything that is cultural, they assume its related to religion.Thats why in the eyes of Malay Muslims.. they have the \"dakwah\" mindset that they are entitled to performing openly. this is why some of them might also make similar assumptions that the nons (and everything they do).. have \"ulterior\" motive to convert them (out of Islam). Reality is... vast majority of nons don't give a damn about preaching to others.This post has been edited by alanyuppie: Jul 24 2024, 10:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999549388885498} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 12 2024, 01:08 PM)Nons or more directly Chinese have more access to education than Bumiputera.Malas or rajin does not matter to \"Desa\" students if you don't have access to education like \"Kota\" student had.Let this sink in, and then fight me.Thus we should give help based on need not race.There are Chinese who have less access to education in rural area too, we should help them like we help other bumis. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7258760929107666} +{"text": "Pasar Mini Raudhah Mart mampu menjadi alternatif kepada pengguna yang mahukan keselesaan membeli-belah di samping mengutamakan produk halal dan bermutu.Kedai runcit ali jual maggi meeKedai runcit ahchong also jual maggi meeKedai runcit muthu also jual maggi meeKedai speedmart also jual maggi meeRaudhah mart also jual maggi meeMaggi mee is halal as per jakim stated.So i dun understand what they wanted to indicate on the bold part ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9719496965408325} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 06:01 PM)yeslike u saidNot Sure, no one knowsif that person wanna go to that restaurant,then he canif that person dont want,then dontcuz its not surenot confirm haramand dont take my word for itthis is Jakim words.i went to their office/building at cyberjayathis is also true. Halal also depends on how confident you are.If you are not confident, and yet you eat the thing, then it's considered haram.If you are confident (with proper reasons, dont la confident even though got pork), then you eat, will be considered halal.This only applies in cases of uncertainty. If terang2 haram like pork, u confident also memang haram.And some people often mistook ignorance for confidence. \"Aiya, this Dim Sum can eat wan, they dont serve pork wan\" this is not confidence, this is ignorance.\"Dont worry, this Dim Sum never serve pork, and they buy their chicken and beef from halal supplier, can eat wan\" this is confidence. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9873775839805603} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ May 10 2024, 11:07 AM)benda tak halal, kalau makan, kira haram tak? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "\u270fApakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia dan sejauhmanakah kepentingannya kepada pengguna? \u270fApakah itu makanan hipster dan sejauhmanakah status halalnya diyakini?... https://t.co/SKACnazDpO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9631646275520325} +{"text": "\n1. Hotteok - macam lempeng ade inti kacang ,sesame dan cinnamon. Boleh beli kat pasar Namdaemun. Harga 1KW\n\n\n\n2. Kuih ada telur, bijan dan roti -beli kat Myeodong harga 2.5KW\n\n\n\n\n3. Bulgogi set. Bulgogi set kat Eid Muslim Halal Food \u2013 kat kedai Saad, area Itaewon\n\n\n\n\n4. Aiskrim yogurt - Aiskrim yogurt boleh dapat kat convinient store harga 1.2KW tapi biasa buy 2 free 1\n\n\n\n5. Nasi goreng dengan makanan laut. Nasi goreng dengan makanan laut kat Yoogane di Hongdae. Harga satu kepala 5KW\n\n\n\n\n6.\u00a0\u00a0Nasi tarik dan pancake seafood . Nasi tarik dan pancake seafood dekat Insadong \u2013 makan 7 orang\u00a0\u00a0makan. Total 49KW\n\n\n\n7. Nasi goncang. Nasi goncang kat Nami Island. Boleh makan style Korean Military kat dalam tu. Just nasi goreng, kimchi dan telur. Harga 5KW.\n\n\n\n\n8. Banana pancakeBanana pancake boleh dapat kat Myeodong. Harga 4KW.\n\n\n\n\n9. Aiskrim ikan. Aiskrim ikan. Boleh dapat kat Hongdae.\n\n\n\n\n10. Banana Milk . Boleh buat sebagai alas perut masa sarapan pagi. Yang perasa melon recommended sedap.\n\n\n\n\n11. Air tin peach. Air tin peach yang ada gambar lembu ni sedap. Beli kat vending machine kat Everland. Kat tempat lain pun ada.\n\n\n\n\n12. Takoyaki . Takoyaki area Ewha harga 3KW dapat 8 biji. Dia hanya jual sotong sahaja.\n\n\n\n13. Ikan Bakar. Ikan bakar kat yang di antara kedai signboard merah dan yang selalu masuk rancangan TV KBS / SBS. Untuk 7 orang makan 49KW kat area Dongdaemun Market.\n\n\n\r\nsumber - zhana zulkifli.\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988164901733398} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcal @ Dec 20 2023, 08:13 AM)akhi. why u so obsessed with other ppl bible? better spend ur time berzikir and berselawat ke atas junjungan kita.Berzikir , kenot type in Ktard? Kesian iman lemah, have to put it everywhere..,. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999836802482605} +{"text": "I only buy Irvin. Lain semua lemau teruk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(doomvein @ Nov 23 2020, 02:21 AM)Yeah. i also support uncle selling sugar cane drink. no sugar. susah mahu dapat at kl right now.if suddenly sugar cane got watery. .. we just said\u00a0 itu apek sudah taruk air kot ..\u00a0 next week. he know his mistake. he revert. and his sugar cane drink long que que again.we dont said hey air tebu kedai melayu lagi best la. ni apek ni cina suka tipu punya. NO WE DONT TALK LIKE THAT!.Kalau tak tipu bukan... owai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999830722808838} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Nov 4 2016, 11:47 AM)Got some more questions....What is chinese muslims view on feng shui or auspicious placements? E.g. bed placing, house position, etc.Some of feng shui is actually good logic/best practice, just under the cover of mystical/astrological ideas... how does that goes with/against Islam.Feng Shui, the logic part, i.e. place your bed near the window with morning sun, ok lah. The mystical part, i.e. placing certain things to enhance power, sounds funny to me.You still owe me teh tarik. hehehe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999481439590454} +{"text": "@IblisTerlaknat adoi payah la mcm ni.. benda halal kot just tak ambik sijil.Mak kau masak tak ada pulak ko suro mak kau apply sijil halal sebab apa? sebab yakin. benda simple.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9120959043502808} +{"text": "wehhh nak tanya kalau termakan makanan yang tanda halal tu jakim tak iktiraf kena buat apa??", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7341901063919067} +{"text": "Something seems wrong here....Halal cert is from Malaysia.Why those bodo ppl ask the Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) to confirm?Different country with different certification authority also........ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Feb 2 2024, 05:11 PM)where to eat the best WTM?bonus clip\nb1fqCfvF8V0\n\nThey move into a new shop d. tak seDAP. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999711811542511} +{"text": "JAKIM Melarang penggunaan terma iklan makanan sunnah dan ruqyah pada sebarang produk.\n\nJangan terpedaya dengan... http://fb.me/tGPmAJmp", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6991353034973145} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(marfccy @ May 30 2024, 05:42 PM)yeah so ultimately its super subjective, but people are putting it out like its a MUST otherwise [insert person] fault for not taking care wife la, bla blafor csec mothers i would also opt for confinement, its no joke in amount of healing the body will need. few friends gave birth via csec and no joke they are still healing even after 6 months post surgerydunno le, i can really feel the spite in these ex keliks when they talking abt how much have changed since birth and how things would be diff if they didnt. but at same time theyll go like being mothers is the best feel ever. im confused lmaodoesnt help that last time my family was my mum and aunts also didnt really need confinement centres, they just hired babysitters/caretakers and get family help jaga and all is still went well. didnt spend much too for the caretakers/babysittersyeah so ultimately bolded part in my POV is people go confinement centre cause the other half dont have time thats all.Confinement center if you want quick solution one stop center no one would object.Budget to spend is a bottomless pit, make sure you know your affordability, having a newborn is not a 1 month commitment, it is a long journey and you should not compromise their future just because you overspent on confinement center.But at the same time you also have relationship to upkeep from your wife and in-law as well, most importantly you need to have a plan for all these and align with your spouse. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6151406764984131} +{"text": "QUOTE(junchuan @ Aug 17 2016, 07:12 PM)While we're at it, lets make halal shopping center, just remove the haram shopsOh and we should make halal hospital, just remove haram patients and food stallsAnd why not halal airlines, oh waitlets make? u make la mangkuk ayunwhat stupid argument is thatdont even know what halal haram is all about ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "Aku sentiasa yakin dgn JAKIM.. Klu dia kata halal so halal la makanan tu.. Tiada siapa yg dpt pengaruhi aku bab ckp hal halal haram makanan ni selain jakim.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayyk92 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:43 PM)I'm more surprised he knkws about Haruhi's status as a \"dewa\"Me too.. It does show that he did watch them enough to come to his conclusion kek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942922592163086} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashportal @ Apr 6 2021, 05:00 PM)getting slapped is a plan?? must be a very bad plan\u00a0 so can sue him and viral his shop ... 1 tampar, saman 100k .. ok aper. ahah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930288195610046} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 10:46 PM)haram for muslim, but non-muslim pulak butthurtlolthats just his personal opinion, siapa la yg tanya soalan bodo mcm tu sama mufti... -____- comment tu mufti tak ubah mcm adults yg thats ranting cosplay sbb \" buang masa\" dan \"buang duit\" no other more useful question ka? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "Saking capenya brusaha jdi ibuk yang baik. Ada beberapa part egois yang suka di lakuin biar tetep jdi diri sendiri. \nKaya klo lagi makan makanan kesukaan ga mau di minta ga mau di ganggu. Pengen utuh. Mkanya suka beli pas anak tdr.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995627999305725} +{"text": "#VerifyHAlal Pasar raya mini jual makanan guna logo halal tidak diiktiraf \n\nMuat turun aplikasi Verify Halal hari ini!\n(iOS)\n https://bit.ly/VerifyHalaliOS(Android) \n https://bit.ly/VerifyHalalAndroid\u2026#halal #halalantoyyiban #JAKIM #Malaysia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.888482928276062} +{"text": "QUOTE(AfraidIGotBan @ Feb 28 2024, 10:45 AM)As an ex-malaysian, I always resort to this kind of quote\"Malaysian is the worst kind of being in this mother earth for self-assuming that their tastebud is the best of this world had to offer.\"Never once in my life, seeing a Malaysian, that is well open to accepting other country people's food, taste, etc. That's including how some Malaysian Chinese reach China, then start bantai says China Charsiew is salty la, mala hotpot not seasoned enuf la, saukreut not sour enuf la, bamboo shoots not pungent enuf la, mushroom soup not mushroom enuf la, or spicy food too oily la etc. All of these cases can be seen from Malaysian.Really teruk.I guess that's all thanks to pengaruh budaya barat from the UK. You know la, English moh here day day bantai food and its taste, but their own bitch and cheap are literally fakaped to the point of not even salted.Thats why if you run a survey, Singaporean will rate their place highly against here thay probably will take the opportunity to highlight everything negative. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8723279237747192} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Apr 17 2024, 05:17 PM)We will end up becoming a colony of DaGe at best.Take your pick. Like olden days. Vassal state to Siam or Majapahit/Indonesia or China or America. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999555349349976} +{"text": "Mkn makanan haram doa tidak dimakbul Allah? Haram yg mcm mana tu? Haram di sisi tuhan atau haram di sisi jakim?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7323412299156189} +{"text": "\nsatu tuhan, satu rasul...tp logo halal beribu2....bkn ke lebih baik diseragamkan jadi satu....satu l ...\nmatamata Post at 2-9-2010 21:52 \nNape\u00a0\u00a0tak\u00a0\u00a0wat\u00a0 \u00a0 logo\u00a0 \u00a0 haram\u00a0 \u00a0 ........\r\nlagi\u00a0\u00a0.....\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0senang\u00a0 \u00a0....\r\nyg\u00a0 \u00a0logo\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0halal\u00a0\u00a0pun\u00a0 \u00a0 org masih\u00a0\u00a0was2\u00a0 \u00a0......", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997860789299011} +{"text": "wait... no jakim cert? isn't that haram???? any type-B will start boikot nonsense? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "Sesungguhnya Allah itu menyukai semua yang suci dan bersih. \n\nJauhkan diri dari sumber makanan yang tidak halal serta di ragui status halalnya. Jika kita ragu dengan status halal ayam yang di jual di pasaran, adakah kita bersedia menyembelih sendiri ayam untuk keluarga kita? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "QUOTE(paicong85 @ Jul 28 2012, 07:08 AM)pada aku: halal adalah khusus untuk orang islam sahaja. tak payah la Jakim Buat permit untuk halal. Mengambil duit rakyat aje. nak buat halal betul2 buat hudud sekali baru betul.kenapa aku cakap halal untuk orang islam.aku tak ada niat untuk menuduh sapa2. ini adalah untuk orang islam sahaja supaya beringat dan pikir.1.halal adalah perkataan dari al-quran untuk orang islam. klu bagi kat bukan orang islam tahu ke halal, haram, makruh dan sunat.2.halal untuk bukan islam di malaysia aku tak pasti. tukang masak bukan orang islam masak makanan dengan pegang anjing ( dah la tak samak) minum arak pastu campur sekali dengan cawan2 lain. mkn makanan yg haram campur sekali dengan bekas yg lain. semua tu tak boleh. kita orang islam tak tahu apa status tukang masak walau pun bahan yang digunakan adalah halal. sebab tu halal adalah untuk orang islam yang bertakwa kepada Allah. Sebab mempunyai sifat terpuji didalam diri tukang masak tersebut. kepada bukan islam. mohon maaf klu terkasar. sebenarnya Jakim Sendiri buat duit.kenapa negara kita buat permit Halal. sedangkan negara lain tak ada pun. semua tu nk duit aje. tapi aku setuju dengan barang yang ada logo halal tapi betul ke halal. itu yang was-was tu..pikir-pikirkan la wahai umat islam sekalian. jangan sampai halal menghalalkan yang haram sudah la..most main countries also have their own halal permit oso ler ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997772574424744} +{"text": "\n\n Jakim probably would still insist for it to be for all, i never see them tone down or support this kind of statement. They keep repeating only eat at jakim halal certified premise of anybody. One clear case is the rice wine incident, many statement that disregard the muslim status of the owner.\n \n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9410741329193115} +{"text": "As the bumi Islam population quickly reaching 80%, this type of behaviour is expected. Wait another 5-10yrs, haram food cannot openly sell...want eat hide at home... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999022483825684} +{"text": "Org tak suka you keje situ piss off je lah. Macam takde restaurant lain. Biar kedei tu hire rohimgya refugee kerja situ. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9800395369529724} +{"text": "QUOTE(sakaic @ Aug 10 2018, 12:29 AM)I think more important is that in the end, it's between each individual and God. It's their choice and we let them be. I have Muslim friends that pray 5 times a day and not eat pork but their one thing is one pint of Guinness a day. Lol. But who am I to judge?Depends. Not like alcoholic consumption is restricted by the Quran. Personally I don't think it haram. Even though I don't drink ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7757304310798645} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Dec 1 2023, 09:43 AM)but but but this Naik Zakar is really pain in the arse.Does he effect you on a personal level? Is your life gonna be better if Israel or Zakir naik disappears from the earth in a poof?That's my issue with those smooth brained mcd boycotters. If you put some effort into improving your financial status, you will do a great service to your community & religion. Pfft, your brethren buka business straight santau him lah or maki him say he dealing with dirty money lah.Tiap Tiap Hari kecam but never reflect inside ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997478127479553} +{"text": "doesnt really matter, i can see lots of malay went to few of their branch and full house...dont think they pretend they didnt know about the halal status ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998266100883484} +{"text": "Faktor penting dalam integrasi rantai nilai makanan dan minuman halal harus diperhatiin, ya. Jangan main-main soal kehalalan produk.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6894022822380066} +{"text": "pasal sijil halal pon nak tipu.. tak mustahil ingredients pon boleh tipu.. huhh... dah next week gaji, gua nak try air paus hitam kat setapak, dengar citer ada cheese atas nye..", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.49130573868751526} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Mar 6 2024, 10:45 PM)thank you. agree.not to say i prefer those bazar ramadhan ayam percik. (i ban bazar ramadhan dy)i think the issue here is that, we as a consumer, have no reason to support expensive stuff.its like the most basic kinda logic.if poor, there is no way you can support the bazar ayam percik. you will always go to BC.if you suppork the bazar ayam percik, the owner become rich and show off in front of your face and you as a consumer becomes the stupid one here.so how to solve the problem?Sokong Baker's Cottage jiken lah apa lagi.Unless Bazaar cheaper and sedap/well cooked.Support with your wallet & $$$ not sentiment. Even other racing also support with wallet not because of skin pay more support same racing, nope doesn't happen unless stupid.Murah bagus = pipur buy.If substandard mahal = nobody buy.Asas bisnes. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9855594635009766} +{"text": "Orang kata, tak cukup syarat berjalan kalau sudah sampai di sesuatu tempat itu tetapi tidak merasai makanan asal tempat tersebut.\n\nDisini admin kongsikan logo halal di China yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.635585367679596} +{"text": "Rindunyaa nak masak. Nak makan makanan yg dimasak. Tak suka makan makanan beli kedai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8776848316192627} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ May 24 2024, 01:17 AM)dah mula dah nak menganjing.i wonder if its okay for paraquat and pork to be stored together. no concern, right?Hairan la...wang pun tak de halal dan haram.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999757707118988} +{"text": "kenapa la orang kita ni suka sangat pandang remeh isu halal haram. portal halal jakim tu mudah sangat kalau nak cek apa apa barang/kedai yg ada. pantang makanan nampak gempak sikit semua nak try, ikut trend. pastikan halal dulu baru boleh bangga tayang", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6873549818992615} +{"text": "isu mknn halal haram ni susah nk cerita. skop dia luas. kalau dia kedai india yg serve mknn mcm mamak. apa yg kau aspect dia kalau pekerja dia takde sorg muslim. mmg takde la dia dpt sijil halal tu. tp kedai mamak yg kau tak tahu muslim ke tak tu selamba je kau mkn.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962424039840698} +{"text": "QUOTE(BS8110 @ Aug 9 2018, 08:16 AM)Many still care actually. There are two sides for those who care. One side that die-die want to see logo halal, no logo no eat. One side that check the ingredients and material used for cooking if no halal logo - to ensure non-halal substance is not used for their meal. Of course there will be always people that just eat haram food. Non-practising muslim but doesn't represent the majority.You missed out the i tak kisah as long say no pork type or no pork in meal(obvious like char siew) or like my other friend janji tak mabuk and buat tak senonoh type. They are pratising with their own intepretation. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966170191764832} +{"text": "Apa yang Ustaz Zaidi katakan itu betul...Makcik yang Jual kuih tepi jalan ..gerainya takde Sijil halal pun..tapi saya yakin makanan yang dijualnya halal... Bangga pernah berkhidmat dengan ustaz Zaidi semasa beliau menjadi Timbalan Yang Dipertua YADIM. https://t.co/3ffvK3HOmB", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996950626373291} +{"text": "QUOTE(LamboSama @ Nov 2 2013, 09:23 PM)no problem at all. Just this thread sounds like ts attempt to educate non-muslims on halal/haram claiming that we don't understand it.but truth be told it has differing opinions. so it's not misunderstanding. define \"playing god\"....as the so called \"playing god\" might just be pursuit of knowledge.\u00a0 humility is pretty much claimed to be fundamental of most religion, yet most also has contradicting ideals. and how about religious officials that wants to punish people for sinning? are they not playing god? kafir and their insecure ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997027516365051} +{"text": "American Islamic scholar blasts Jakim as 'ignorant' for refusing halal status for Auntie Anne's 'pretzel dogs' BY AVILA GERALDINE - 23 OCTOBER 2016 @ 4:36 PM KOTA KINABALU: A visiting Islamic scholar from the United States has labelled the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) \u2018ignorant\u2019 for refusing to grant halal status to Auntie Anne\u2019s \u2018pretzel dogs\u2019. Prominent Islamic scholar Azhar Haneef was quoted by a local daily as saying it is \u201cridiculous and small-minded to think that by changing a name, something becomes lawful (or) unlawful. \u201cThe object is exactly the same. If I stand on the border of two nations, does it make half of me a believer and the other half an infidel?\u201d he said. He stressed that such ignorance could create \u201ca destructive effect on peace-loving and tolerant societies\u201d and warned it would breed intolerance. Haneef, who has been an imam and missionary for 26 years, was in Sabah to give a talk at the Promoting Peace and Tolerance in a Multiracial Society forum held at the Palace Hotel here yesterday. The forum was organised by the Labuan and Sabah Humanitarian Welfare Association, in collaboration with the International Human Rights Committee, United Kingdom. Jakim\u2019s ban on the word \u201cdog\u201d in Auntie Anne\u2019s menu has not only received criticism across the nation, but also drawn worldwide ridicule as foreign media highlighted the news. The word was banned as Jakim feels it would cause confusion among Muslims who would be led to think they are eating dog meat, which is deemed haram. However, Jakim\u2019s halal division director Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee had said that his statement announcing the ban was taken out of context by the media, explaining that Auntie Anne\u2019s application for halal certification failed not because of the word \u201cdog\u201d but due to incomplete paperwork. He said his previous comment, during which he said \u201cIn Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification\u201d was a general statement and not specific to Auntie Anne\u2019s. Minister in the Prime Minister\u2019s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, who is in charge of Islamic affairs, had also recently said Jakim merely focused on the content of food and not their names. Jamil had said Jakim is willing to discuss the matter with Auntie Anne\u2019s over the pretzel chain\u2019s halal certification.Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/182721/...l-status-auntieThis post has been edited by bg12: Oct 25 2016, 01:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.538054347038269} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 06:40 PM)let me answer generally lah.for muslim, they cannot eat anything under this list:1) anything dirty in nature (pig, cos eating shit, also bcos got direct instruction to not eat), worms2) anything crawling - siput babi, escargot, worms, bugs, etc3) anything poisonous in nature - snake, scorpion, 4) anything carnivor (have fangs, tusk, etc) - lion, tiger, dog, etc5) dua alam (can live in both land and water) - turtle, tortoise, seal, etc6) anything halal to be eaten but not slaughtered properly - just cut head, jiken rolled by car on the road7) anything halal but slaughtered for other other religion offering (like sacrificed, etc)8) anything unclean - jiken dipped in shit, etc9) anything make u high/mabuk - alcohol, tuak, tapai, whiskey, etc10) anything consider dirty by culture - example in Malaysia is ulat mulong - culturally in Sarawak is fine, but for semenanjung since it is associated with ulat, consider dirty. So is haram. (But for some ulat inside fruit consider can be eaten because consider is clean - inside fruit - get it?)11) cannot eat carcasses of dead animal (bangkai)12) we cannot eat/drink blood - like cousine such as pork blood/cow blood in some cultureRule of thumb: anything can be eaten as long as it is not listed under this list.Rule of thumb 2: anything living in water (river/sea/lake/etc) also halal to be eaten - no need slaughtering - deswai siput sedut, shellfish consider halalreason i posted this is to share to those misunderstood/confuse out there on what halal actually is. seems there is so many confusion and misunderstanding, i hope this can give insight on what halal actually is.as for siput babi, it falls under number 2 - crawling and consider dirtyhalal is pretty much similar with koshier, but koshier is stricter. deswai for muslim abroad, if they cannot find halal vendors, they can opt for koshier approved meat. since what christian and jews slaughter can be eaten. if have anything i miss or incorrect, fellow muslim brothers please help to correct me.not sure bout this,d rule is ahli kitab but since its been mods n tweaks by humansso i think they're no longer that mentioned \"ahli kitab\" anymore thus need to ask whether fullfillin d syarat n rukun of sembelihanjuz go vege is easier lel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992446899414062} +{"text": "TABAYYUN HALALApa?\n\nDoa tidak makbul?\nAkhlak semakin buruk?\nHati semakin busuk?\nAda kaitan dengan makanan ke?... http://fb.me/8BGaBCWKx", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "@abe__ame ok, so beza dia ialah interest is haram, untung jual sijil sukuk tu halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999281167984009} +{"text": "Ngn minuman ni yg status halal diragui pun iman org kita dah kalah, xpelik la Dajjal keluar perempuan paling ramai pengikutnya. Nauzubillah. Sori wife minta memang aku tak layan sbb xde sijil halal https://t.co/N53HE4taAG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "Doesn't a badly prepared, unhygienic/unclean food fall under haram?This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: May 26 2015, 12:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998014569282532} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 11 2024, 12:48 AM)Habis tu what r u bitching for? Kalo tak suka tukarlah je perlembagaan kalu u bolehI\u2019m not the one who started this thread bitching and moaning about tongkat\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996397078037262} +{"text": "RT JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate. That means makanan kat sana adalah haram. FYI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978649020195007} +{"text": "asbab kena jaga \"sumber pemakanan\".. walaupun nampak macam xberat sometimes.. act sgtlah penting utk menjaga hati. makanan yg sumbernya halal, bersih baik utk hati. hati yg suci, mudah utk btaubat, insaf...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.48621734976768494} +{"text": "\nkedai india ok..bukan kedai mamak..dh terpampang2 nye kepala gajah 7 kat dpan pintu masuk..ngn patung2 ular apa jadah ntah sume..tetibe ada halal lak..ikut stengah org..mmg yakin pasal ada halal..kot aku..sori to say..aku mmg tak yakin gila laaa..maybe nak ckp aku bias ke..apa ke..tp mmg aku tak yakin..so aku tak makan..dh la time tu aku lapar gile..last2 aku amek kopi ice je sbb bos aku dh tny2 nape aku tak makan..aku pon takde la nk ckp psl aku tak yakin..then..think back..kedai mamak yg sah-sah guna nama islam pon ramai kantoi tak halal..ni kan kedai india yg sah-sah guna nama india tu..apa korg rasa..anyway..ni pendpt aku..kot korg jenis yg open nak makan kat situ aku rasa ikut suke la..psl korg yakin..btol tak??\nwell, technically, mamak memang India pon, India Muslim. Otherwise the name Masjid India doesn't make any sense. \n then..kot nak ikut hukum..mmg ada ckp..kalo bole elakkan makanan yg dibuat oleh org kafir..sbb kesucian dia tak terjamin..so sendiri mau igt la..\nasyura_85 Post at 14-6-2010 19:15 \n\nIs that really a hukum? I honestly don't know.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999264478683472} +{"text": "there should be only 3Jakim - HalalJudi, Rokok, Cina - HaramBabi, Anjing, Yahudi, DAP - Absolutely Haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998414516448975} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Jul 1 2021, 05:40 PM)https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2021/07/...u-bantuan-muftiGeorgetown: Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan mengibar bendera putih sebagai usaha menzahirkan kesusahan hidup yang dihadapi bagi menagih bantuan.Tindakan berkenaan dianggap sebagai tidak wajar dilakukan kerana ia mencerminkan sikap berputus asa dan mengalah terhadap situasi yang dihadapi.Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.\"Masih banyak cara lain bagi mendapat bantuan dalam mengatasi kepayahan hidup golongan yang terjejas pendapatan sepanjang tempoh pandemik ini.\"Selain bantuan yang disalurkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri, terdapat juga daripada badan dan agensi tertentu seperti Pusat Pengurusan Zakat negeri, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau swasta selain sumbangan individu,\" katanya pada kenyataan di sini, hari ini.Wan Salim mengulas mengenai kempen kibar bendera putih di hadapan rumah sekiranya terputus bekalan makanan.Kempen yang disambut baik pengguna media sosial itu bermatlamat membantu individu yang terkesan akibat Covid-19 namun malu menyatakannya secara terbuka.Mengulas lanjut, Wan Salim berkata, pihaknya juga menyeru supaya usaha intensif dan agresif perlu ditingkatkan lagi oleh pihak berwajib bagi membantu mengatasi kemelut ekonomi yang dihadapi golongan terjejas ini.Syarikat GLC dan swasta juga diseru supaya menunaikan tanggungjawab sosial masing-masing dan turut menyumbang dengan lumayan bagi meringankan keperitan hidup golongan terbabit.\"Wakil rakyat di peringkat Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) perlu memainkan peranan sebagai penghubung antara golongan memerlukan dengan pihak yang memberi bantuan.\"Kemungkinan mereka ini tidak tahu cara atau kaedah bagi memohon bantuan daripada pihak berkaitan,\" katanya.Dia orang tak pernah baca ke cerita orang mintak pertolongan Tuhan masa banjir? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7208011150360107} +{"text": "kalau takde sijil halal terus jadi haram ke? soalan serious ni. https://t.co/vif4Ou3chX", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "kak, takda lagi mufti kata makan mekdi tu haram. orang kita ja lebih-lebih. makanan ni dua je halal dan bersih boleh makan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5241832733154297} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 10:43 AM)Get out of here bro. If you don't drink don't talk cock.I haven't heard in my life of people getting drunk or tipsy from eating claypot rice. You do realise how little rice wine they put right? And not to mention a good portion of it will be burnt away.By all means according to your definition, it shouldn't be haram for claypot rice with rice wine. If you can find me someone that gets tipsy from claypot rice, please tell us. I also want to eat this rice.Probably you misunderstood me. Let me rephrase and making it simpler for you. Muslims cant:1) drink alcoholic beverages, to avoid intoxication.2) eat or drink, food or beverages that were mixed with alcoholic sources, to avoid intoxication.While number 2) doesn\u2019t necessarily make one drunk/tipsy, we will still try to avoid it. If you can respect that, then we are all good, if you can\u2019t, then I have no more to add after this post.And btw, your experience of not seeing people getting tipsy from eating wine claypot rice, doesn\u2019t tell the whole story also la. Humans in general process alcohol in their bodies differently, you or your drunken friends dont feel anything after eating food mixed with alcoholic beverage it\u2019s because of science also, tolerance to alcohol etc. Also, to add, there are people in the whole world who are trying to avoid alcohol, due to health reasons. You want to die by damaging your liver, go ahead. Less one idiot on /k also.This post has been edited by maxpudding: Sep 11 2023, 11:12 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7013702392578125} +{"text": "QUOTE(sp3d2 @ Mar 3 2024, 12:46 PM)U don't trust the best Asian FM during 1997? He is the same FM nowWell, tbh, I do not trust Atuk and PMX, having seen them in actions in the BN gov but no one had ever called Atuk \u2018the chameleon\u2019. \ud83d\ude0e ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998937845230103} +{"text": "QUOTE(pokemon @ Nov 26 2023, 01:02 PM)You still believe ah.. pig also can fly.With the current education minister, the current education standard will get worsen.You do know that our syllabus has changed and it\u2019s actually comparable to other countries. If you don\u2019t believe, you go and check out what our standard 1 is learning today. The problem is not the syllabus anymore but the teaching techniques has not caught up with the syllabus change. A lot of people are seeing too much into the whole Palestine thingy. It\u2019s the norm in Malaysian politics ti exploit such events since Tun M time to get popular support. If you don\u2019t do it, the opposition will do it too. That\u2019s how politics work in Malaysia for decades. The problem is a lot of non-Malays especially the Chinese youth has unrealistic expectations about the country. Let\u2019s be realistic lah. The priority of non-Malays today is not change but to defend our current lifestyle as our population is shrinking. Unfortunately for us, despite all the flaws of Madani, the alternative is much more worse. Ask yourself honestly, you expect PUAS taking over and things gets better in next GE? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998304843902588} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Dec 7 2015, 12:02 PM)I don't see why aurat is a bigger concern when it comes to healthcare, as a consumer (patient) and/or as a practitioner. If you're so concerned about faith-related issues, what are you doing in a place that is dedicated to healing the physical? Why not stay home and appeal to the greater power instead? Make wishes for world peace and all that. You should be more concerned about tangible matters like quality of care, prices of medicine, competency of the doctors etc when it comes to healing the sick. This is a classic example of seeing the trees and not the forest, a luxury of nitpicking small issues when there are so much more bigger issues abound. Some are trying to equate this with recent incidents of government dress codes, but fail to see even then the ministers and authorities concerned admitted that such dress codes are not enforceable and are only discretionary. What, will they be so concerned about aurat and other sensitivities that one day they refuse to be touched by what they deem is a religiously improper medical personnel, even as they lie on the hospital bed? Will they accept the treatment, and then later sue the hospital once their lives are saved, because their faith was offended? Will medical personnel refuse to treat victims of alcohol-caused incidents? Indians refusing to touch someone who was poisoned eating beef? Buddhists refusing to treat food poisoning from meat-based products? Catholics refusing to be on call on Sundays?I find the attitude of some people about this to be frankly hypocritical. Where's their crusading moral outrage against cigarettes when it has long been declared haram 20 years ago? Instead we have complaints about rising cigarette prices. Another example of nitpicking, to be religiously outraged about things that are only inconvenient. That is why sometimes I snicker at the hypocrisy of those who attend Friday prayers, complete in traditional clothing; only to light it up when it's all over. Or worse, flick the cigarette butt anywhere and climb into their vehicle which is illegally parked but felt religiously justified to do so. So not only did the smoker violate a fatwa about smoking, he also broke secular rules about parking as well.They should just admit it that it has nothing to do with the religion, but because they perceive their right was infringed. It's an inconvenience, a challenge; that someone dared to restrict what she can or can not do. How dare the hospital say such a thing, to actually use the rulebook.\"Screw your rules, I have religion!\"i think you are missing the point here, in this case is not about being too restricted to religion calls, what is more important is that how does an organization deals with the socio geographical and cultural structure. Like i said, if it were me, i will be handling this matter ( the staff complaints) in a more transparent and problem solving method. Because being a business minded oriented management, its about the profit that you make.If talking about darurah (curfew), certainly is allowed for some measures that is being initially forbidden to be executed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5670905113220215} +{"text": "QUOTE(dadurtyz @ Jan 4 2024, 08:42 PM)It happened to me otherwise. Go into new branch jist open 2 month. Really empty. Come at 8am (breakfast) what u got is cold chicken nasi lemak, and hard omelette and muffin. Mcm kasi anjing makan. Sialll...Dont masuk empty ones- masuk those alot chinese eh.They will do their best to impress us.Is really good ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979758858680725} +{"text": "Wow tukang masak pun kena Islam jugak baru boleh makan.. apa kejadahnya. Perangai syaitan menular teruk dah nih... cuba lah bawak mengucap sikit... cuba jangan putar belit ugama sangat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "@asrulmm Orang yang tak terlibat dalam pemohonan sijil halal jakim ni mcm tin kosong. Family aku run business mmg bukan mudah untuk diiktiraf halal jakim. Semua perlu mengikut piawaian. Dr kebersihan, sumber, bangunan kepada pekerja. Boleh dapatkan tp perlu ambil masa", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993914365768433} +{"text": "QUOTE(lauyah @ Jun 11 2019, 03:32 PM)yang ni tangkap, yang perompak/perogol/rempit masih bebas. kudos PDRM.According to police, they are more efficient in catching the crooks if you provide them with video evidence. Latest news claimed they solved over 80% cases which went viral with video on internet.The other criminal cases mentioned by you probably have no video evidence to follow through............ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997871518135071} +{"text": "Seronok ehhb kauuu.. Sebab kamu, kami kena hadapi.. Takpe ini pengajaran supaya kita menjaga kebersihan sama sama dan makan-makanan yg bersih dan halal. Thank you", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988540410995483} +{"text": "Thanks PMX, berkat budi semua naik. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9900231957435608} +{"text": "@amrlmmn Kau.....sombonk cam haram tak reti apply sijil halal ke", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "\n\"Apa yang menimbulkan tanda-tanya, semasa tinjauan awal, kami mendapati adanya logo halal yang dipamerkan. Tetapi ketika pemeriksaan berikutnya, logo berkenaan sudah tiada lagi dipamerkan,\u201d katanya kepada pemberita selepas selesai memeriksa premis-premis di medan selera berkenaan.\ntongkatwaran75 Post at 2-9-2010 01:49 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 lain kali, snap la gmbr kt premis yg menunjukkan logo halal. nti klu pegi lagi skali kt premis tu pastu klu logo halal tu da xde, tunjuk gmbr sebagai bukti. pastu kasi je denda mahal2. puluh2 riban. biar lingkup. menipu pengguna je kejenya tokey2 makanan tu. haram jadah tul. mmg selama ni semua pelanggan muslim tertipu bila beli makanan kt premis xde sijil halal tu termasuklah aku skali.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997368454933167} +{"text": "QUOTE(aziratul @ May 16 2024, 05:12 PM)Cos i know how to make it.U malas, tak yah la buatSaya rajin, saya buatI buat buat too menyusahkan n only one person eating. So makan luar.I tak Kata you salah cuz cooking your own laksa. Very rajin. Can fill bowl with as many prawn as you like. \ud83d\ude1c ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999263286590576} +{"text": "Haram saji makanan kotor - Kosmo\n\nRABU lalu, orang ramai dikejutkan dengan berita mengenai penarikan semula Sijil... http://fb.me/2fV7IhbYW", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999572038650513} +{"text": "Sekian. If can help, please do to your best ability. Governments come and go, but Malaysia will prevail. Ni upah :\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSila bersurai secara aman dan teratur. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985814094543457} +{"text": "PPIM gesa logo khas bagi barangan berkaitan babiBukan sahaja berus cat berbulu babi, tetapi semua barangan yang mempunyai asas binatang itu perlu mempunyai \"logo babi\" dan label bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan di kalangan pengguna, terutamanya kepada umat Islam, kata Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM).Menurut pengerusi NGO itu, Datuk Nadzim Johan, pihaknya telah menerima aduan di mana pengguna Islam secara tidak sengaja terbeli produk yang mengandungi babi, oleh itu beliau mahu kerajaan mengeluarkan label logo khas berkenaan.Selain berus cat, katanya, banyak produk makanan, kasut, peralatan dapur serta pakaian yang terdapat di pasaran juga mengandungi babi.\"Segala-galanya. Mereka harus mempunyai logo (babi).\"Kita juga akan takut jika kita terpakai jaket babi.\"Jika ada logo, apabila mereka (kedai) menipu (pengguna), (kerajaan) boleh mengambil tindakan. Jika tidak, tidak boleh,\" katanya pada sidang media hari ini di Kuala Lumpur.Sementara itu, Bernama memetik Nadzim sebagai berkata, label dan logo itu bertujuan memudahkan pengguna mengetahui maklumat mengenai sesuatu produk dengan lebih terperinci dan mengelakkan kekeliruan terhadap pengguna.\"Sebagai pengguna kita perlu mempunyai hak untuk mengetahui dan hak untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai sesuatu barangan yang dibeli... kalau hak mendapat maklumat tak ada seperti sekarang maka ianya menyusahkan sebab kita tak tahu produk itu dibuat daripada apa.\"Ini bukan sahaja untuk kebaikan orang Islam tetapi juga untuk kaum lain kerana ada sesetengah bahan yang kita tak boleh makan bukan kerana halal atau haram, tetapi kerana alahan dan ada juga pengguna vegetarian, jadi setiap produk dan barang yang dijual kena ada logo dan mempunyai label,\" katanya.Nadzim berkata sekiranya logo atau label dipamerkan pada setiap barangan yang dijual, ianya akan lebih memudahkan pengguna.\"Kalau guna kod dan label biasa tanpa menggunakan gambar, memang pengguna tidak akan tahu produk tersebut dibuat daripada apa. Tetapi kalau ada logo gambar, semua orang akan tahu dan mereka (pengguna) boleh membuat pilihan masing-masing,\" katanya.Menurutnya kerajaan perlu tegas dalam menangani isu penggunaan produk yang dihasilkan daripada babi memandangkan ianya telah berlanjutan hampir 20 tahun.\"Sebenarnya, isu penggunaan babi memang dah lama dan kita juga turut menerima banyak aduan sejak 20 tahun lalu...apa yang paling dikhuatiri ialah makanan, dan apa-apa yang kita pegang terutamanya barangan seperti kasut, berus, tali pinggang, sarung tangan dan pelbagai lagi.\"Dahulu, kita boleh kenali barang yang diperbuat daripada babi dengan tanda tiga titik pada produk, tetapi sekarang barang yang dihasilkan daripada babi tak ada titik pun kerana perkembangan industri,\" katanya.Nadzim berkata pihaknya juga akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) minggu depan bagi membincangkan isu tersebut.Semalam, KPDNKK menyita sebanyak 2,003 berus cat diperbuat daripada bulu babi benilai RM10,988.94 hasil daripada 157 pemeriksaan yang dijalankan di seluruh negara.http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/371788\njlxywKbOp3I\n\n----------------------------------------------National news agency Bernama yesterday reported KPDNKK Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin as saying that his ministry seized 2,003 paintbrushes made with pig bristlesworth almost RM11,000 in a nationwide \u201ccrackdown\u201d.He reportedly said the brushes were confiscated under the Trade Descriptions (Goods Made from any Part of Pig or Dog) Order 2013,which states that such products must be labelled and separated from other goods,Punishments for violations of the Minister\u2019s Order are RM100,000 fines, three years\u2019 jail or both for individuals, while corporations face fines of up to RM250,000.http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...-avoid-confusio-------------------------------------------------(updated: 9/2/17 1:30pm)QUOTE(soowky @ Feb 9 2017, 10:22 AM)Report: After crackdown, hardware traders label all paint brushes as non-halalKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 9 \u2015 Some hardware traders in Johor Baru have taken to tagging all their paint brushes as non-halal for fear of reprisal from authorities after a recent clamp down on those made of pig bristles.One such trader Tan Jern Hsin explained that he adopted the sweeping move as he was unsure what the brushes were made of, The Star daily reported today.\u201cThe problem is that we don't even know what materials the brushes are made from as they come from our suppliers,\u201d the 28-year-old was quoted saying.He reportedly said that there was little demand for halal brushes but he would order synthetic ones for customers who insisted.\u201cNylon brushes are not sought after because nylon does not hold paint well and is impractical\u201d Tan was quoted as saying.Another hardware store seller Welson Chan claimed traders were unaware of the materials used to make the brushes and the authorities were being unfair to target them instead of suppliers and manufacturers.\u201cIt does not make sense for us to keep sending paint brushes for tests at the laboratory before selling them.\u201cJust to be safe, I have also put up tags to inform customers that all my paint brushes are non-halal,\u201d the 36-year-old was quoted as saying.Chan said he might lose a few customers in the process, but he was willing to do so then to risk having his stock confiscated.National news agency Bernama yesterday reported Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin saying that his ministry seized 2,003 paintbrushes made with pig bristles worth almost RM11,000 in a nationwide \u201ccrackdown\u201d.He reportedly said the brushes were confiscated under the Trade Descriptions (Goods Made from any Part of Pig or Dog) Order 2013, which states that such products must be labelled and separated from other goods,Punishments for violations of the minister\u2019s order are RM100,000 fines, three years\u2019 jail or both for individuals, while corporations face fines of up to RM250,000.Subsequently, Muslim Consumer Association of Malaysia (PPIM) called for a logo to differentiate items containing pig-derived parts to inform the \u201cnot that smart\u201d Muslim consumers.PPIM chief activist Datuk Nadzim Johan claimed that the introduction of such a logo would open businesses to government action when they knowingly sell items that contain pig parts without informing consumers.soshttps://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4193127---------------------(updated: 10/2/17 7:20pm)QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 9 2017, 07:19 PM)This post has been edited by Special Agent: Feb 9 2017, 07:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994857311248779} +{"text": "\nkelapaparut replied at 16-8-2021 04:37 PM\nBintang model separuh bogel pujaan gayah..\nKiri kanan tu dah kenapa rupa memasing?\n\r\non topic: Kalau dia reply elok-elok tak melenting, orang akan memuji dan kagum. Saham boleh naik rating. Ruginya tak ambil peluang.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999613761901855} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gregyong @ Jun 28 2015, 10:42 AM)why you have to pay for the cert and the cert can only be given by a certain group of certain ethnic backgrounds and said group might fund certain groups of their choice.....yes.You do business and register annually u pay or not? Why no bising one. Btw for halal cert as prosessing fee is normal lah, but frequent monitor by dedicated officer from time to time require money to hire also. And if u say it not necessary for officer to monitor, after certain time that factory or restaurant use pig oil or fat into muslim product who will detect it and responsible for halal or haram muslim food? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9815482497215271} +{"text": "QUOTE(shadowglow @ May 28 2024, 01:29 PM)they had Lancer and Ertiga ( suzuki's one) which is good but fail marketing.Suzuki engine, my opinion has decent torgue.proven with Swift for that 1.2 engine, thing is, they manage to get optimum torgue for their swift sport starting at 2400 RPM.imagine, just rev at 2500, u can the same kind of acceleration in a 2.4 accord rev at 4k rpm.this was similar to old Waja Mitsubishi 1.6 Engine 4G18. almost all torque at 2750rpm, best to drive on city, but lost of breath above 3.5k rpm. for mitsubishi waja engine ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999768078327179} +{"text": "Kita sebagai Muslim jangan harapkan JAKIM tentukan makanan terhentu halal/haram. \n\nNampak penyediaan yang tak bersih, diragui, atau nampak banyak makhluk perosak di sekitar premis, sebagai customer kita dah boleh siap2 blah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999660849571228} +{"text": "Mbak, makanan halalan tayyiban itu ada beberapa aspek. Halal zatnya, halal cara mendapatkannya, halal cara diprosesnya, halal cara disajikan. Ayam yg dimaling pun itu haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995464026927948} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimyhands @ Feb 2 2018, 10:00 AM)He is a Malay. Why pretend to be white man? Adakah itu budaya kita, pegang cincin, melutut dan bertanya \"Will you marry me?\"Apa punya budaya sudah mari cemarkan budaya suci kita...Then how did meleis propose? If no pegang cincin then pegang ketupat? Sikit2 trigger ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999942421913147} +{"text": "Adik, cina tu kaum. kalau cina tu muslim? pun haram ke? kalau nama kau ditulis dalam karakter cina, kau kafir ke? Btw, restoran ni jakim dah keluarkan sijil halal. jangan berat bontot kau pergi tanya. Syubhah dalam perut pejadah kau! https://t.co/Mv6HRr0hY2", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "Xi Fu Tabg tengah otw nak apply sijil Halal ke? Okay2 nanti dah dapat sijil halal la baru aku pergi. Tengok kedai aku was was. So x boleh la makan. Yang yakin halal boleh je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.993732750415802} +{"text": "QUOTE(crador @ Mar 13 2024, 05:01 PM)Just asked my sons, they don't want to learn both BC and BM.. actually best is don't have to go to school at all.you son brain still at infantile stage, let him grow up a bit. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "@sislin_ Setuju, was2 jgn minum. Ada org kecoh bab sijil halal tp bab premis makanan bersih ke tak, tak kisah pulak (contohnya mamak).. Walhal status halal juga bergantung tahap kebersihan premis.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998949766159058} +{"text": "*nampak cina jual makanan walaupun ada sijil halal*\nINI HARAM/SYUBHAH!\n\n*nampak melayu jual makanan takda sijil halal tapi tak berapa bersih*\nJom sokong melayu kita!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986269474029541} +{"text": "tourists love kk.but as a resident here, i really hate it sometimes.those 2nd hand kancil, viva, axia, saga lsmt majority are incompetent drivers e.g. 40kph right lane, green light 3 seconds already still not moving, honk also wont have reaction best part is they are sakai enough to stare at you.traffic is really bad in kk during working hours. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999858021736145} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ May 22 2017, 06:16 PM)indeed. to be good and kind to others is the way to livebut somehow some people are damn toxic.BetulQUOTE(zaidi @ May 22 2017, 06:18 PM)this is just good practise, not haram to the core. if muslim don't want to follow, then don't.just like smoking is haram, yet many muslim doing it.How is it good practice? Ita discrimination based on baseless accusations worrying about non existence reprimands Tak ada dalil cakap hati gelap tu betulDalam hadis. Nabi sendiri makan makanan dimasak orang non muslimQUOTE(mousqy @ May 22 2017, 06:22 PM)eh pelacur kasi air kat anjing pun masuk syurga ahhhh KECOH SIAL KORANG NIBetulQUOTE(aliesterfiend @ May 22 2017, 06:58 PM)If everything is equal (taste, price, etc) will you buy from?The closest to me Bazar is bigMalas jalan. Lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997885823249817} +{"text": "Tidak memegang sijil halal tidak bermaksud makanan disitu haram. Kalau rasa yakin tempat tu menggunakan bahan yg bersih dan halal boleh je nak makan. Tapi kalau ragu\u00b2 jangan makan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9711896777153015} +{"text": "QUOTE(jAkUn @ Nov 2 2013, 10:09 PM)the discussion should be stayed on what/which is Halal or Haram, as to the extent of which were described by the teachings/scholars/clerics.and I personally thought it is good first time.But I was keen to respond as some are getting way out of topics, when the discussion was much more diverted into:- reasoning why some of this haram, and rebutting with current level of knowledge/technologies- diverted into mazhab differences, and bashing each other- bashing the haram, with their logics, and shoved their logics unto othersIn order this thread can be a healthy and constructive discussion, I do strongly suggesting, that we should kept it as to what/which is Haram/Halal, and tolerate the faith boundaries that both Muslim/Jews shared with different religion/faith practitioner.Good, my beef (or pork) is the limitations of what a Muslim shouldn't do when it comes to pork. If you read my previous reply below, I respect your right to not consume pork. But it is the tiny details that irks me even when no pork is being served. Using health as a excuse is shallow in my opinion, because if it is, sugar should be haram (like cigarettes btw). More people are dying in Malaysia due to diabetic complications than pork consumption!Be a religious person if you must, do good with religion, but be practical!QUOTE(Kyojin @ Nov 2 2013, 09:38 PM)....Pigs may seem like dirty creatures in the past, and you may argue that consuming pork may lead to various health diseases. True, but same applies to sugar! Should sugar then be haram? We have to be practical about it, not just basing it on scriptures written a thousand years ago. I respect your right not to consume pork, but the need to be so anal about it gets on my nerves. You don't see Hindus getting all worked up because you're consuming body parts of their deity in warungs/mamak/fast food chains do you?Islam is a peaceful religion, humility is important, so is moderation. Science has progressed so much and is so easily available that people should have the ability judge on their own actions. No matter which religion, excessive consumption of alcohol or any behavior deviating from the norm is frowned upon. Religion has its role in the past, but we're not in the dark ages where formal education and knowledge is hard to come by. We must be able to reason independently in this day and age and ignorance is not an excuse. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968549013137817} +{"text": "PENGIKTIRAFAN FOREVER LIVING PRODUCT (FLP) Aloe Vera Gel (AVG) dari Forever Living sangat menjaga kualiti dan mendapat pengiktirafan serta sijil halal dari badan-badan berikut : 4 logo yang sangat penting yang... https://t.co/y9aonKwJwD", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "easy for them to destroy ppl's business without evidence, dahla kena hit by pandemic since last year.. samo now suka2 fitnah trend pun keluareverything based on hearsay. #fitnahduluThis post has been edited by hiro_saw: Mar 24 2021, 11:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982592463493347} +{"text": "Vaksin COVID-19 Sinovac. - Foto fail AFPKUALA LUMPUR: Pharmaniaga Bhd dijangka melengkapkan obligasi kontraknya dalam membekalkan 12 juta dos vaksin Sinovac kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan pada bulan depan yang mencukupi untuk diberikan kepada kira-kira 18 peratus penduduk Malaysia.Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, Datuk Zulkarnain Md Eusope, berkata vaksin itu diluluskan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia dan pengiktirafan itu mendorong keyakinan dalam perjuangan untuk memerangi pandemik.\"Kami optimis ke atas unjuran kumpulan pada tahun ini dan berharap prestasi tahun kewangan 2021 yang lebih baik dengan peningkatan berterusan bekalan vaksin Sinovac.\"Pentadbiran Makanan dan Ubat-Ubatan China baru-baru ini memberikan kelulusan segera kepada vaksin COVID-19 Sinovac untuk diberikan kepada kanak-kanak berusia tiga hingga 17 tahun dan penghasilan dua dos untuk setiap botol sebelum menyerahkannya kepada Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA) untuk proses variasi,\" katanya.Beliau berkata demikian dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan bersempena mesyuarat agung tahunan ke-23 dan mesyuarat agung luar biasa kumpulan itu yang dijalankan secara penstriman langsung hari ini.Menurut Zulkarnain, Pharmaniaga akan menyerahkan dokumen yang berkaitan kepada NPRA untuk proses variasi kelak.Katanya, selepas menerima kelulusan daripada agensi berkenaan, syarikat itu boleh meningkatkan kapasitinya daripada dua juta kepada empat juta dos sebulan.Sebagai sebahagian daripada rancangan kemampanan jangka panjang syarikat, Zulkarnain berkata kumpulan itu berhasrat mempercepatkan pertumbuhan perniagaan pembuatan vaksin halalnya.\"Rancangan kami untuk mewujudkan kemudahan vaksin halal yang pertama di dunia mencatatkan perkembangan yang lancar dengan bekerjasama rapat bersama Lembaga Pembangunan Pelaburan Malaysia dan Halal Development Corp Bhd.\"Projek vaksin halal telah dipilih sebagai inisiatif peneraju untuk dasar ini dan untuk tujuan pembangunan insentif,\" katanya.Kemudahan halal itu disasarkan mula beroperasi pada 2024 di samping mewujudkan aliran pendapatan baharu kepada kumpulan, kata Zulkarnain sambil memaklumkan bahawa inisiatif itu akan memberikan pelbagai faedah limpahan positif termasuk meningkatkan persediaan pandemik negara bagi membina rantaian bekalan vaksin yang mampan.Selain itu, beliau berkata kumpulan itu menyasarkan untuk memberi peluang meningkatkan kemahiran tenaga kerja tempatan dan menambah akses terhadap vaksin mampu milik di pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa.Langkah ini seterusnya akan menempatkan Malaysia sebagai pengeluar vaksin global, kata Zulkarnain.Boustead Holdings Bhd dan Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera masing-masing memegang 55.93 peratus dan 11.23 peratus kepentingan dalam Pharmaniaga.Pada rehat tengah hari, saham syarikat farmaseutikal itu melonjak 7.36 peratus kepada RM5.54 dengan 5.25 juta saham diniagakan. \u2013 BERNAMAhttps://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...vac-bulan-depan ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8745207786560059} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Jun 10 2019, 12:42 PM)These talibans don't care one, the truth is they're racist. Halal logo is just an excuse they can use.Orang kiter sell food at all those warung, gerai tepi jalan where got halal, but because tolong orang kite, they buy tanpa was was.Non-muslim got halal also they will fitnah haram like Fresh Farm milk, just because one of the partner is cainis. Otak sudah rosak, no matter what fact to correct them, you think they will change? Brain already see Farm Fresh milk is cainis milk, sked got babi or holy water, then will tell all around them it's haram, cina jahat penipu jakim, orang islam, (LMAO they're the penipu actually).this win.iinm azarimy's brother or something is one of the farm fresh dealers.kesian him and his group kena fitnah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999749660491943} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkk8787 @ Nov 22 2020, 11:21 PM)Im a cinababi but yes I know it's not the best cakoi or whataver thats subjective but the fact that my malay friends are trying our food is good enough for me. Just like strangely my favourite food is actually satay kajang samuri. I dont know why. And yes especially the kuah. I actually borong from their HQ frozen kuah for own consumption.Problem is, you malay friends is NOT trying chinese food.Your friend is trying their own malay version of chinese food, and claim theirs the best.Malay trying chinese food? Havent you read social media? Anything cooked by cina is not halal, they said, even if the ingredients are halal. Hey I didnt say that. They did.Hence the commotion.This post has been edited by ah_suknat: Nov 23 2020, 07:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "Hahaha the damage already done while waiting for lab test!1. viral video without evidence.2. memiliki sijil jakim.3. authority serbu and take for lab test.They can refer to sijil jakim and verify the meat on the spot.Cant the expert differentiate pork, chicken, beef, etc?They can then provide a temporary judgement subjected to lab confirmation.In this case tak lar teruk sgt reputation kedai tu. At least you confirm by your pakar itu daging apa.Your pakar initial judgement and sijil jakim could have minimize the impact instead of lab test that take some time.If can just destroy the shop reputation, then what is the use of sijil jakim?Your pakar should be good enough to give an initial assessment and then only supported by lab confirmation.This post has been edited by Newsray: Nov 14 2020, 10:55 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8220818638801575} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 12:07 PM)Both haramRacist tu simpan skitMana element racist kat siniItu antara contoh perbuatan haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Sep 27 2021, 09:32 AM)KOTA KINABALU: Seorang pengusaha gerai makan di Pasar Besar Ranau mencabar keputusan dan arahan Majlis Daerah Ranau yang hanya membenarkan individu lengkap divaksin berniaga di pasar berkenaan.Naomi Neomi Francis, 55, memfailkan permohonan semakan kehakiman terhadap Majlis Daerah Ranau di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu, hari ini.Naomi berkata, beliau berbuat demikian kerana merasakan dirinya mangsa keadaan.Katanya, SOP itu jelas melanggar hak kebebasan dan kesamarataan seperti yang terkandung dalam Perkara 5 dan 8 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.\u201cLagipun, vaksin Covid-19 masih dalam kajian serta ujian, kenapa saya perlu mengambilnya jika saya masih was-was dan ianya juga bukan mandatori bagi setiap individu mengambilnya.\u201cKeputusan untuk mencabar arahan pihak berkuasa itu juga saya buat bagi mewakili rakan-rakan atau pihak lain yang tidak menerima vaksin, kami mengalami kesukaran itu melakukan apa jua urusan di luar sana.\u201cSaya juga ingin tegaskan yang saya bukan antivaksin, saya cuma mahu keselamatan untuk diri saya,\u201d katanya kepada FMT.Naomi berkata, beliau mengendalikan gerai makan terbabit sejak 2011 dan pendapatannya sangat terjejas selepas Covid-19 melanda negara.Katanya, perniagaannya baru mula meningkat sedikit beberapa bulan lalu, tetapi SOP terbaharu itu mungkin menyebabkan beliau gulung tikar.\u201cSebab itu saya mahu mencabar arahan Majlis Daerah Ranau, SOP yang dikeluarkan jelas melanggar Perlembagaan.\u201cSaya harap keputusan akan berpihak kepada saya, sebagai seorang yang enggan menerima vaksin, banyak kesukaran yang dihadapi, tetapi saya ingin jelaskan, kenapa saya perlu ambil vaksin jika saya was-was.\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dTerdahulu, Majlis Daerah Ranau mengeluarkan SOP baharu yang mula berkuat kuasa 21 Sept lalu, dengan pengusaha dan pembantu yang lengkap divaksin dibenarkan meneruskan perniagaan mereka.Naomi sebelum ini dikenakan notis amaran, sebelum kompaun dikeluarkan Majlis Daerah Ranau kerana menjalankan perniagaan tanpa mendapatkan vaksin.Sekiranya gagal mematuhi arahan berkenaan, Naomi bakal dikompaun RM2,000 hingga RM50,000.Peguam Marcel Jude Joseph yang mewakili Naomi ketika dihubungi berkata, semakan kehakiman itu akan disebut di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Ismail Brahim secara e-Review pada 28 Okt ini.Naomi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Marcel kerana sudi membantunya memperjuangkan isu berkenaan.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ah-di-mahkamah/vaksin... makan... hahahaha.. OTAK kat lutut case. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8153946399688721} +{"text": "need to beratur 1-2 hours oso, cos kena viral by dis stupid fb page ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7369303703308105} +{"text": "Ada yg marah2 kata isu ni sensitif dan tak perlu dibincangkan kat group tu. dia kata apa salah kita makan di kedai yang diketahui milik muslim walaupun takde sijil halal asalkan kita yakin. Nampak hipokrit sungguh di situ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996614456176758} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf40FAQ HALAL\ud83c\udf40 STATUS HALAL AIS KRIM MAGNUM Soalan:- Adakah Ais Krim Magnum memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal? Jawapan:- Untuk makluman, Ice Cream Magnum mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf\u2026 https://t.co/MLQp4zW5hm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcal @ Dec 20 2023, 08:17 AM)Dan janganlah kamu cerca benda-benda yang mereka sembah yang lain dari Allah, kerana mereka kelak, akan mencerca Allah secara melampaui batas dengan ketiadaan pengetahuan. Demikianlah Kami memperelokkan pada pandangan tiap-tiap umat akan amal perbuatan mereka, kemudian kepada Tuhan merekalah tempat kembali mereka, lalu Ia menerangkan kepada mereka apa yang mereka telah lakukan.(Al-An'aam 6:108)They sembah bible? BTW why they want to 'cerca' allah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997910857200623} +{"text": "Sebenarnya banyak benda yang pada I, lagi best duduk Malaysia. Selain daripada lagi senang cari makanan halal, I rasa option kedai cafe kita pun lagi banyak. Bonus bila banyak cafe kita very aesthetic.\n\nAlso banyak option yang tak diboikot.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999268054962158} +{"text": "Only pork and Arak the rest okay not so haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6063516139984131} +{"text": "Jika perasuah datang warungJika saya memiliki sebuah warung, yang menjual pelbagai makanan sedap siap cencaluk, dan saya diberitahu yang perasuah paling besar akan datang menjamu selera di gerai saya itu, apa yang akan saya lakukan?Saya tidak akan teragak-agak untuk tidak mengizinkannya masuk ke dalam warung saya. Orang Melayu, pantang mempersilakan masuk perompak dan penyamun ke dalam rumah, apatah lagi untuk dibawa ke kedai makan milik sendiri, sambil dijamu percuma.Pantang.Melayu bacul yang tiada harga diri akan buat begitu. Saya akan malah mengusirnya dengan penyapu, hawau lahanat akan terlafaz dari mulut ini.Sebab dalam Islam, dalam akidah saya, kita dituntut untuk mencintai pembela agama, dan menghalau mereka yang menjahanamkannya. Sebab dalam resam Melayu, membawa penjenayah masuk dalam kediaman atau makan minum dijamu itu hanya membawa sial dalam bisnes. Nanti perniagaan saya tidak lama.Saya tidak akan sama sekali tidak terkilan untuk memasak dan membawa talam makanan terbaik saya untuk jamuan perasuah. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana akan menjawab dengan Tuhan di hari akhirat nanti. Lainlah kalau penjenayah itu melarat dan nazak akan mati, itu menjadi satu salah buat saya jika tidak memberinya makan. Ini kerana anjing yang lapar harus diberi makan. Namun, jika penjenayah itu dalam keadaan kenyang dan kembung, malah angkuh tanpa rasa bersalah, itu memang menjadi kecelakaan kepada warung saya untuk membawanya masuk.Saya tidak mahu kehilangan pelanggan. Kerana barang diingat pelanggan datang bukan kerana sangat makanan saya lazat dan sedap, tetapi kerana rezeki dan keberkatan itu dibubuh oleh Yang Maha Pemurah dalam daftar rezeki-Nya. Saya tidak akan mencemar keberkatan rezeki yang dilorongkan di gerai saya itu dengan menjemput kaki dan tokoh rasuah.Memang saya berniaga. Maka perniagaan saya itu, meskipun warung kecil-kecilan (tapi sedap dan tular) adalah satu usaha mencari rezeki. Dalam agama saya merebut dan mengumpankan rezeki yang halal lagi baik itu amat dituntut. Malah agama saya menganjurkan agar berusaha mendapatkan rezeki dengan mengikut landasan ajaran yang sebenarnya. Ini supaya rezeki yang diperolehi itu tidak dicemari dengan perkara-perkara yang menyalahi hukum syarak, etika dan moral.Saya tidak mahu menerima sosok apatah lagi menghidangkan makanan terbaik saya kepada penyangak. Apatah lagi jika penyangak itu melakukan rasuah. Dalam ajaran agama saya, diberi ingat supaya tidak meladeni syaitan. Dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 168 terjemahannya ada berbunyi begini:\u201cWahai manusia! Makanlah makanan daripada apa yang ada di bumi yang halal lagi baik dan janganlah kamu mengikut jejak langkah syaitan. Sesungguhnya syaitan itu ialah musuh nyata bagi kamu.\u201dOleh sebab syaitan itu musuh nyata, mereka yang menjadikan syaitan puja-puji juga akan saya golongkan sebagai iblis syaitan. Saya tidak akan membuka pintu kepada syaitan. Mana ada orang buka pintu kedainya menjemput masuk syaitan?Dalam khutbah-khutbah Jumaat yang saya dengar dengan akur dari mimbar masjid tua berdekatan warung saya itu, agak sering khatib terjerit pekik menyerukan agar menolak rasuah, seraya mencaci mencerca perasuah, dan tegas mengingatkan jangan memilih perasuah sebagai pemimpin.Orang yang melakukan rasuah itu \u2013 jika mereka pemimpin \u2013 mereka adalah pengkhianat kepada amanah. Allah mencegah saya menyambut mesra pengkhianat. Sekali khianat seratus kali lahanat. Tuhan memberitahu saya, dalam surah Al-Anfal ayat 27 (terjemahannya):\u201cWahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah mengkhianati Allah dan rasul-Nya, dan janganlah kamu mengkhianati amanah-amanah (yang diamanahkan kepada) kamu sedang kamu mengetahuinya.\u201dMana saya akan taruh muka saya dalam kubur kelak kalau malaikat bertanyakan, mengapa saya melayani rombongan penyangak dan penyamun dan perasuah untuk menjamu selera di warung saya?Malaikat dalam kubur akan mengingatkan yang khatib dari mimbar masjid berdekatan warung saya ada melalak-lalakkan beberapa kali Jumaat, memesan bahawa Allah dan rasul-Nya abadi selama-lamanya melaknat pemberi, penerima, dan pengantara perbuatan rasuah.Adakah saya boleh mengambil ringan sebarang laknat Allah itu? Lagipun saya gerun, kerana seseorang yang dilaknat oleh Allah itu adalah mereka yang sayup-sayup tidak nampak rahmat dan taufiq daripada Allah. Saya takut tidak mendapat rahmat dan taufiq semata-mata beroleh masyhur atau glamer sesen dua kerana melayani kaki rasuah dan korupsi.Saya hanya mengharapkan rahmat serta segala kebaikan dan nikmat Allah. Pemberi dan penerima rasuah apatah lagi jika mari segerombolan, mereka tidak akan memberikan saya rahmat yang diperlukan. Khatib dalam khutbah Jumaat dari masjid yang memang tidak jauh dari gerai saya ada menyinga-nyinga menjerit-jerit menyatakan:\u201cRasulullah bersabda, yang maksudnya: Daripada Abdullah bin Amru, katanya: Telah bersabda Rasulullah: Laknat Allah ke atas pemberi rasuah dan penerima rasuah.\u201dTakkanlah saya ingin melanggar hadis dan Al-Quran yang menyumpah perasuah, apatah lagi menghamun bapak atau kepala perasuah? Sebagai pengikut Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah saya malu kalau saya membawa masuk perasuah dalam warung kecil saya. Tuhan kalau murka, ditariknya hidayah daripada wajah saya, ..bukan penyangak itu boleh menolong pun.Jenayah rasuah bukan satu jenayah peribadi. Kalau ada tokoh main belakang dengan kekasih gelapnya di hotel jauh di Sabah sebagai misalan, itu dosa peribadi. Lantakkanlah dia. Kita dilarang mencari-cari. Akan tetapi rasuah itu lebih teruk dari makan babi dan sontot orang.Perbuatan lahanat rasuah ini membawa musibah kepada masyarakat dan negara. Ini kerana negara kita kejatuhan moral atau maruah kalau kita membesarkan perasuah. Korupsi dan rasuah mengakibatkan ketidakadilan bahkan menafikan hak-hak orang tertentu. Kadang kala rasuah membuka jalan untuk melindungi dan menggalakkan jenayah lainnya. Perasuah meliwat hak masyarakat. Rasuah dan korupsi melontarkan kestabilan politik dan keselamatan ke dalam jurang. Ia jenayah kelompok yang melibatkan ramai orang. Ia bukan macam main belakang. Ia menyebabkan kesialan dan kecelakaan dalam umat.Bagaimana saya akan memohon ampun daripada masyarakat terbanyak kalau saya sebagai pekedai membawa dan melayan intim perasuah di warung kecil saya yang ada makanan sedap-sedap.Orang yang merasuah ini kata khatib dari mimbar masjid tidak jauh dari warung saya itu, melakukan rasuah kerana tiada keimanan dan ketakwaan. Bahkan baik lagi orang bukan Islam yang tidak percaya Tuhan daripada perasuah Islam yang konon percaya Tuhan tetapi sebenarnya penjahat. Saya tahu perasuah ini tidak boleh dipercayai kerana sebagai pemimpin hidupnya betul-betul mewah, padahal Nabi Muhammad yang saya kasihi itu mana ada tamak untuk hidup mewah, atau hidup senang dan mudah?Ingat, saya adalah penganut Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah! Saya dah banyak kali naik haji dan umrah.Ada hadis Rasulullah, bermakna;\u201cDaripada Jabir bin Abdullah, bahawasanya Nabi bersabda: Tidak akan memasuki syurga, daging yang tumbuh daripada yang haram, api neraka lebih utama baginya.\u201dSaya tidak mahu duduk dalam lapis neraka dengan pemimpin kaki rasuah. Saya tidak sanggup membayangkan saya menjadi pelayan kepadanya dalam neraka kelak, bila warung saya nanti duduk dalam Jahanam, menghidangkan bangkai rasuah.Mereka, perasuah itu meneriak-neriak; \u2018Nak pasir, nak pasir\u2019. Sedang saya menghidangkan bangkai? Minta dijauhkan.Saya hanya mengharapkan Allah. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin. Saya bimbang menerima perasuah dalam warung saya. Pada surah Al-Baqarah ayat 188, terjemahannya begini:\u201cDan janganlah kamu makan harta orang lain antara kamu dengan jalan yang batil, dan janganlah kamu menghulurkan harta kamu memberi rasuah kepada hakim-hakim supaya kamu dapat mengambil sebahagian daripada harta orang dengan cara berbuat dosa padahal kamu mengetahui salahnya\u201d.Itu saja cukup menjadi petunjuk untuk saya tidak meraikan perasuah. Bagaimana saya akan menjawab kepada Allah kelak bila Tuhan bertanya, \u201cKenapa engkau jamu si perasuah, padahal sudah engkau tahu dia merasuah, kerana mukanya ada tertera dalam laman web rasmi Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah?\u201dDan Tuhan nanti akan menggasak saya lagi, \u201cDan engkau bangga sebagai Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah!\u201dYa Allah, ampunkan aku. Maafkan aku melayan dan menjamu perasuah. Aku tidak akan memilih dan berdamping dengan perasuah.Aku takut dicambuk di neraka kelak, menjadi bahan bakar kayu api Jahanam.Padahal aku Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah!sosTLDR;Don't feed known corrupt leader ..eg: Najib . ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978721141815186} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 26 2014, 10:12 AM)i was like you onceso shiok sleeping until subuh takkesah.jpgbut recently I realized I have 2920 subuh to Qada' Ohwai~so now tiap- tiap hari solat subuh 2 - 3 kali untuk qada' yg lepas2semoga Allah mengampunkan kita semuaThere is no qada' for Solah(purposedly abandoning it).The direty of abandoning the solah cannot be covered like abandoning fasting in Ramadhan.\nImaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and by the words of the Salaf and the proper understanding. (Al-Sharh al-Mumti\u2019 \u2018ala Zaad al-Mustanqi\u2019, 2/26).Anyone who examines the texts of the Qur\u2019aan and Sunnah will see that they indicate that the one who neglects the prayer is guilty of Kufr Akbar (major kufr) which puts him beyond the pale of Islam.Among the evidence to be found in the Qur\u2019aan is:The aayah (interpretation of the meaning):\u201cBut if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaat (Iqaamat-as-Salaat) and give Zakaat, then they are your brethren in religion.\u201d [al-Tawbah 9:11]The evidence derived from this aayah is that Allaah defined three things that the Mushrikeen have to do in order to eliminate the differences between them us: they should repent from shirk, they should perform prayer, and they should pay zakaah. If they repent from shirk but they do not perform the prayer or pay zakaah, then they are not our brethren in faith; if they perform the prayer but do not pay zakaah, then they are not our brethren in faith. Brotherhood in religion cannot be effaced except when a person goes out of the religion completely; it cannot be effaced by fisq (immoral conduct) or lesser types of kufr.Lets not lose hope brothers and sisters,One need to peform towbah and not to repeat it again.A reminder towards myself tooAllah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):\u201cAnd verily, I am indeed Forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them, (till his death)\u201d[Ta-Ha 20:82]But if amongst us did not perform prayer unintentionally ie: fell asleep etc2.One may peform the solah at the time he/she wokes up.The evidence for that is the hadeeth narrated in Saheeh Muslim (681) which tells how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions slept and missed Fajr prayer, and the Sahaabah began to ask one another, \u201cWhat is the expiation (kafaarah) for what we have done by neglecting the prayer?\u201d The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said. \u201cSleeping does not mean that you are neglecting the prayer. Rather neglecting the prayer means not praying one prayer until the time for the next prayer comes. Whoever does that let him pray when he remembers it.\u201d This does not mean that a person should sleep deliberately when a prayer is due, until he misses it, then use sleep as an excuse, or neglect a means that would help him to do the prayer, and then take that as an excuse. Rather he must make use of all the means he can, as the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did in this case, when he appointed one person to stay awake and wake them up to pray, but that person was overcome by drowsiness, so he did not wake them up. This is the case in which a person may be excused. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala help us to be always on the righteous path of the way Rasulullah sallahi alayhiwasallam.This post has been edited by Turnip: Oct 26 2014, 06:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998961687088013} +{"text": "\nOrang Thai makan gula melaka macam tu saja ke? Atau campur ke dalam makanan?\njuwaini Post at 9-6-2010 18:57 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Takde lah... masa depa tengah masak nira tu.. sebelum betul2 jadi manisan... masa ni la depa seronok wat cecah dengan apa apa bintang kesukan depa... kalo kat Thai biawak memang kesukaan depa ler, termasuk ular gak... kala jengking tu depa wat snek jek... \n\r\nTapi bukan semua tempat la... yang non muslim rata ratanya memang camtu ler...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7283638119697571} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ May 10 2017, 10:35 AM)Dengan Tuhan pun tak takut.....Sebab tak nampak tu pasal tak takut cuba boleh nampak nak buat dosa pun fikir dulu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999663829803467} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ May 21 2016, 10:09 AM)Non muslim aso confused. Sometimes when my supplier or vendor want to entertain us they always ajak to no pork restaurant especially those seafood one. Always ulang2 \"ini xda babi punya jngan risau\".This is the main reason why this restaurant put on No Pork sign, for Chinese to bring muslim to dine there.Back then all Chinese restaurant serve Pork except Vegetarian one.Chinese do not avoid Pork meat alone which many telling lies here, I only know Chinese avoid Beef due to praying Goddess Kuan Yin.Go ask them why Chinese avoid Pork they can't answer you, even they don't consume Pork due to personal preferences or health, they can still ear in normal Chinese restaurant just don't ask for Pork Dish.You can see many Chinese don't consume Beef still eat at Mcdonald which serve Beef, maybe the cooking utensils use for both Beef & Chicken.So is clearly Chauvinism that says No Pork are not meant for Muslim & meant for non Pork consuming Chinese. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989156723022461} +{"text": "@arithJak Awak yakin ke makanan awak makan kat jepun tu halal? Ade sijil halal tak? Ni xde sijil halal mana blh makan!!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.843971312046051} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 11:13 AM)You just bring whatever is halal.As other member said, it's not like they gonna whack you anyway.It's halal restaurant. You pandai pandai do it.Whether you bring char siew or not, it will not change the status of McD as halal restaurant. It is you break the rule. McD remains as halal restaurant.and let the little napoleons in the halal certification industry create a stranglehold ecosystem in the entire consumer market?my stand is not just the cake, or mcd only.we have our share of halal trolleys, halal lifts... very soon halal people ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.950572669506073} +{"text": "QUOTE(jujubi @ Feb 11 2017, 12:47 AM)He already mention ma must put BABI logo , when pork seller received money when he give change must chop the BABI logo . In future some money will have BABI logo I no idea how to implement to coins .You really have no idea about halal and haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "QUOTE(crador @ Nov 19 2023, 08:04 PM)Damn i also pay my tax while wearing a cross - hopefully it will be rejected too.next time , when u want to pay taxes, wear a cross there. Those zombies will run away and tell u they dont accept haram money lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9707278609275818} +{"text": "QUOTE(Matchy @ Jun 4 2024, 12:42 PM)This one the popular one la.. and near to the malls and lrt.Who built ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999574422836304} +{"text": "People really need need to understand takda halal cert tak semestinya haram. Kalau cmtu nasi lemak dgn kuih beli tepi jalan haram la. Bertuah nk ada sijil halal yg tu. Lol", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997145533561707} +{"text": "@ArteffectsInt MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997435212135315} +{"text": "cari hal hal yang ngga bikin stress seperti me time, beli apapun yang lu mau asal ngga membebankan ke diri sendiri, contoh yang simple beli makanan/minuman yang di suka, baca buku, novel, au, nonton (cont)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995378255844116} +{"text": "Jakim malaysia je ada power untuk tntukan halal haram . Walaupun makanan tu sah dan nyata ikut prosedur halal dlm quran . Hebat sijil dia", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988545179367065} +{"text": "orang MELAYU la Malaysian friendly. Kedai tu klau orang melayu mesti malaysia friendly sebb bangsa lain semua boleh makan tanpa ragu2 klau jga kebersihan dan halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9005892872810364} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 14 2021, 06:58 AM)perfect halal? Made by muslim?Every where is acceptable EXCEPT Peninsula Malaysia.Whole establishment must be Malay.Recently a famous local Hailam kopitiam kena raided by JHEAINS\u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In Kedah & Penang, have a few such popular outlet frequent by many local Malays which I am unable to recommend to you.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.However .....When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?!\u00a0 )Different mazhab. Malaysia is mazhab shafie which is more stricter about cleanliness and halalBut im not expert on it so dont ask me ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999551773071289} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotjake @ Mar 29 2016, 04:02 PM)if you would not comment on the lot, then there's really no need for a body like JAKIM because you (and the rest) already have in your possession the best definite guide (Al-Quaran and hadith). you see if you read properly you'll see where i'm going with this. if the lot are an enlightened, knowledgeable and not easily confused community with such issues which are often aired and get played out in the media re-consolidating the narrative that indeed the lot are not (hence needing the expert, Jakim), Islam would have a better perception here in malaysia and by that implication make it easier for acquiring new followers, strengthening the umat in the process no?unlike the rest who have commented, i hope u see mine as a constructive discussionthanks for being tunneled visionSo you're under the impression that muslims that have little knowledge like little children, new converts, etc, don't need help?You see JAKIM in a totally bad light, you'll see them that way LOL ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9771092534065247} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Jan 4 2018, 11:05 PM)With that kind of reasoning going full-on haram on any kind of idolisation paves the way for fanatics like ISIS to start demolishing former graves of historical figures and ancient shrines. Historical sites and shrines are not idolization. They are targets for idolization. Idolization is an action.Like everything idolization is not bad per se but after a certain threshold it bring ruin? Perhaps humans regardless of culture are prone to extreme idolization that's why religions and philosophers warn against it?Inb4 we can start idolizing future ISIS leaders so that they will kill those leaders for us . Time to build some ISIS leader statues. Perhaps we can pray to their flag to piss them off. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991931319236755} +{"text": "SIJIL HALAL PENTING Muka Hadapan, Utusan Malaysia 1/04/2019 #UtusanOnline #UtusanMalaysia https://t.co/E0fciyL3L8", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976640939712524} +{"text": "Dalam konteks pembangunan industri halal, pensijilan halal bukan setakat memastikan sesuatu makanan itu tidak haram tetapi memastikan ia merupakan halalan toyyiban, iaitu makanan yang mendapat pengiktrafan halal perlu bersih, berzat dan bermutu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9856473207473755} +{"text": "Bab makanan ada babi ke takde ke laju assume haram. Check bebetul la. Engko ingat sesenang ke nak dpt logo halal from jakim niii https://x.com/tkdnxv/status//tkdnxv/status/843672779488604161\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "it's their money, their company....suka hati wat they wanna do la...i wanna open restaurant sell only angin and kicap also can wat... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7483476996421814} +{"text": "Perkataan ruqyah dan sunnah pun dah di larang jakim dalam produk makanan sebab boleh timbulkan kekeliruan dan ada unsur penipuan.https://bharian.com.my/node/128625", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(homicidal85 @ Nov 3 2014, 03:20 PM)alcohol does not burn up and evaporate as quickly as everyone thinks. see link below.http://www.ochef.com/165.htmim with you bro, that a lot of ppl are a bit too strict abt halal but at the same time, we have to still be careful. throwing caution to the wind is not the best way to deal with halal and haram. shafiee's age old doctrine of it being better to be sure it is halal than to take a risk of it actually being haram applies here.good article. Definitely something to ponder on. There are so many other ways to tenderize meat than alcohol. Would avoid that in the future. being abit more objective however, could the amount of alcohol present for meat preparation be intoxicating? is it alot? Shafiee's doctrine is abit too careful sometimes. Sometimes there are things that you could not ascertain 100% but by the looks of it (zahir) seems okay there would be no need to feel so doubtful ( ie. fruits being overripe being partially alcoholic) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940565824508667} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Jan 10 2021, 08:16 PM)how come Jabatan Agama\u00a0 check kopitiam , bak kut teh and or haram place for halal cert is a routine ???Like i said most probably ada orang complaint lar tuh. Bak kut teh shop no need go check one... dah tentu haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973805546760559} +{"text": "QUOTE(shinnsohai @ Apr 24 2013, 10:40 PM)they say pig is haram due to dirtinessbut according to research...pig are way clean than some other animalsif god dont want pipul to eat pork, why did he make pork so tasty? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5170964598655701} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 18 2022, 03:36 PM)nons jual non-halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual non-halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada nons; legally tak salah.nons jual halal kepada muslim; legally tak salah.yang penting, description kena betul. --Under sign board-Kedai Milik Cino ya !!-Tapi ada sijil Halal -Tapi tak mandi wajib -Tapi ada pekerja Melayu -Entahlah suka hati ko lah nak masuk tak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970882534980774} +{"text": "\nSebahagian besar premis Pavillion tiada logo halalSep 2, 10 9:57am\nMelihat pemeriksaan mengejut Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) terhadap sebuah premis makanan di medan selera di pusat beli-belah Pavillion, beberapa pengusaha premis makanan lain bergegas menanggalkan logo dan sijil halal bukan diiktiraf jabatan itu dari dinding premis mereka.\n\r\nPengarah Cawangan Pemantauan dan Penguatkuasaan Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim Amri Abdullah berkata tindakan itu dipercayai untuk mengelakkan premis berkenaan diambil tindakan kerana penggunaan logo dan sijil halal yang bukan dikeluarkan Jakim.\n\r\nBeliau berkata keadaan menjadi kecoh seketika apabila Jakim disertai pegawai Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) dan Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) memeriksa premis menjual ayam dan itik panggang kerana cara penyembelihan diragui.\n\r\n\"Apa yang menimbulkan tanda-tanya, semasa tinjauan awal, kami mendapati adanya logo halal yang dipamerkan. Tetapi ketika pemeriksaan berikutnya, logo berkenaan sudah tiada lagi dipamerkan,\" katanya kepada pemberita selepas selesai memeriksa premis-premis di medan selera berkenaan.\n\nPemeriksaan itu yang disertai tiga pegawai Jakim, tiga pegawai KPDNKK dan lima anggota PPIM dilakukan setelah menerima rungutan dan aduan orang ramai berkaitan penyalahgunaan sijil halal yang diguna pakai premis makanan berkenaan.\n\r\nDalam pemeriksaan semalam itu, pengusaha premis makanan itu berkata mereka memperoleh logo dan sijil halal melalui pihak pengurusan pusat beli-belah itu tanpa berurusan terus dengan pengeluar sijil halal terbabit.\n\r\nAmri kemudiannya mengadakan pertemuan dengan pihak pengurusan medan selera itu untuk mendapat penjelasan berhubung penggunaan logo berkenaan.\n\r\n\"Pihak pengurusan itu menjelaskan kepada saya permohonan logo dan sijil halal daripada Jakim sudah dibuat untuk semua premis-premis makanan di medan makan menggunakan pihak ketiga.\n\r\n\"Oleh itu, saya menasihatkan mereka supaya berurusan terus dengan Jakim dan Jakim juga bersedia datang ke premis untuk memberi panduan tentang kaedah-kaedah yang betul untuk memastikan makanan disediakan secara halal,\" katanya.\n\r\nBeliau berkata premis berkenaan belum pernah dipantau atau diaudit oleh pihak berkuasa berkaitan menyebabkan mereka kurang arif tentang isu penggunaan logo halal.\n\r\nSementara itu, Setiausaha Kerja PPIM Datuk Nadzim Johan berkata tindakan terburu-buru peniaga menanggalkan logo dan sijil halal berkenaan menunjukkan mereka sedar penggunaan logo halal selain Jakim adalah salah tetapi mereka masih menggunakannya.\n\r\nKatanya semasa tinjauan itu, PPIM mendapati sijil halal yang digunakan di premis-premis berkenaan dikeluarkan oleh syarikat Bahtera Lagenda Sdn Bhd melalui logo tertera IFRC. Syarikat berkenaan merupakan antara enam syarikat yang tidak diiktiraf akan kesahihan sijil halalnya.\n\n- Bernama ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978867173194885} +{"text": "Kebelakanggan ni banyak orang keliru ngan makanan minuman.Kalo terminum benda haram banyak dosa tau. Masuk melaka skali seteguk.Mai I tunjuk Coke yg haram ada unsur kapir ngan tulisan mat salleh.Supaya anda tidak terminum coke haram.\nAgak agak sedap Tak coke ni?Brb ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "Tanpa halal certificate, tak bermakna makanan itu haram atau non-halal. Cuma belum certified by JAKIM (atau relevant authorities) je lagi. Tapi tak bermakna ia halal, ya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9461886882781982} +{"text": "pretzel dog, bukan haram ka? am so confused ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8412511944770813} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Dec 16 2023, 09:16 PM)The mayo one sucksThe charred mayo also a bit wrong already. That is supposed to be a form of mentaiko, which mixes the cod roe with mayo then char it. If no codroe, then its very crappy, which most sushi chains either omit entirely or put very little. Nothing wrong with this, and I contend its actually the best way. The purist will tell you otherwise, however when I ate at Nobu @ Melbourne. I was served sashimi tartare in a bed of wasabi soy sauce. Can hear other guests raving how great it tastes, but to me its exactly how I eat sashimi in M`sia; so nothing new If its good enough to be served in a place like Nobu, nothing wrong with it.Purist hahahanahahaWhen im dining in Japan sitting with bunch of japanese and the sushi chef Infront of me, don't even dare to do the wasabi mix with lots of soya style.Hahahha. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5162389874458313} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 23 2023, 11:16 PM)I can open a tered on this, but again,,,once open tered sure a lot of OPP say bullshit lar, this lar, that lar, ask me to debate lar...so ada sikit malas nak layanno need open thead la, just kasi cerita kat sini lor.... since it's a AMA calodin thread liao. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932907819747925} +{"text": "QUOTE(psyduck89 @ Jul 12 2018, 06:30 PM)i don remember in my school time, any sjkc event got non chinese come... maybe coz i stay penang..got la, some of the school staffs, NGOs or sponsors there is a chance to contain non chinesehowever here say reporters, i didnt see reporters getting free meal in sjkc event, at best they get mineral waters ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999523162841797} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.What he said is true. Buying power is still controlled by chinese. Any carmaker that demands a high level of chinese buyers will be doing very well in Malaysia. Thats why toyota, honda and perodua do so well. Its not racism. Its just how it works. Proton was dead in the water. Thankfully it was taken over by china ppl. Now i believe they are gaining chinese support. That why their x70 sell so well. As simple as thatNo racism at all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998669624328613} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Mar 11 2024, 08:50 AM)Some of the hukum are using qiyas (analogy). So, different ulama may have different opinions. That is why there are different hukum in different school or madhhab. However, the hukum is still the same on fundamental ones which are clearly stated in Quran.Hadith on the other hand are normally relate to events that happened during that specific. So, when prophet said something at that time it became hadith that ulama refereed to. However, there are many are twisting words from hadith to fulfill own agenda like politicians. There are people who studied hadith that can explain on the actual meaning, not just some uztaz out there.So, you probably have different teacher that you learned from in other country for example and it is somewhat different from fatwa used in this country. You can follow what you you learned quietly not to create a scene that create chaos in local community or you can just follow what local practiced.\u00a0 Pls enlightened me regarding this alcohol if you are clear on this matter. I thought it is clear on the subject 10 golongan haram. Troll lj aside breath arak lah. Otak like at lutut one spew bsRasullullah S.A.W melaknat 10 golongan yang terlibat di dalam arak iaitu :-1) Orang yang memerahnya (arak) iaitu pembuatnya2) Orang yang meminta diperahkan (arak) iaitu pengedarnya.3) Orang yang meminum arak4) Orang yang membawa arak5) Orang yang minta dihantarkan arak6) Orang yang menuangkan arak7) Orang yang menjual arak8) Orang yang membeli arak9) Orang yang makan hasil jualan arak10) Orang yang minta dibelikan arak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9919841885566711} +{"text": "Memandai je, ulamak mana yg kata org kafir boleh makan makanan haram? Takboleh! Mereka pun kena makan yg halal, bersih dan tidak memudaratkn", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967935681343079} +{"text": "No worries ... spineless hypocrite parasite will do what they do best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9850976467132568} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClericKilla @ Jan 16 2024, 12:25 AM)I can never understand Malaysian going to London eating Malaysian food.because beer battered fish n chips haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999632835388184} +{"text": "QUOTE(quintesson @ Mar 4 2024, 01:56 PM)samalah non yg doing those haram things but non non yang bising dan bantah.but have you met muslim bantah non investing in conventional EPF? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996167421340942} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah boleh makan dah. tertegak syariat. takbir!!!Tak perlulah cuci darah lepas ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9538143277168274} +{"text": "QUOTE(Manuk1188 @ Sep 11 2023, 07:10 AM)kesian to the owner, so hard to follow recipe given for 20+years , now all ruined because follow bulat bulat - kena game by people. IF wanted to follow, ubah la the recipe, but then after ubah - tiada umami feel pulak.wish the taukeh, can overcome this and only sell the delicacy to non-halal people then.Actually mayb can last longer if stay low. After KL foodie and some other content creators come take video become viral terus GG. Now digital world, if you can\u2019t cope with online crowd then better stay low. I think her biz before viral also quite okay 1. After viral many complain long waiting hours and now wine. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992185831069946} +{"text": "QUOTE(munky @ Jan 6 2017, 03:27 PM)ini namanya pukimak haram jadah sial bacul macauhaii think its time gov provide free condoms to br1m receivers as a packageafter all, its those ppl that always do this kind of thingprevention is useless if given to uneducated peopleharsh but true ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999867677688599} +{"text": "Rompak kedai, itu tidak Haram... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9565131664276123} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 11:33 AM)Hi Rakan Sejagat K,Harap semua sihat sejahtera. anyway, since its friday, just wanted to talk about something more ilmiah.i wanna talk about Dajjal. Any one know Dajjal? AntiChrist. The so called being that will destroy man kind. Virtue to be exact.can i say that TV is dajjal?i mean it clearly confuse the world of what is truth what is fake?it clearly confusing us with reality and fantasy?it clearly showing hell on one side and heaven on the other side but in truth its the opposite.it can show to bring dead men alive?it changes day and nightit controls time?and now it come to us every single individual via our phone.ONE EYE BEING? Ring a bell? Its the tv.....!God never said Anti Christ is the bad guy, he/she is just doing things whatever intended for his/her creation.idk...but all this time, we used to believe that it is going to be a human in a shape of a beast/monster but in reality it is not?because if it is such beast and monster, shouldnt we be able to identify him/her and say no to him/her because we know he/she is wrong, however as per what is being told to us, even the religious people with strong faith will loose to him/her (dajjal).that is because we do not know what is \"he/she\" and if he/she is a \"tv\", we wont suspect him/her.even the strong faith believe in TV nowdays. phones and gadjet.he/she controls us every second, twitter, ig fb....based on some scholars, the anti christ comes from Jew background.......waitaaaa minute...FB is from a JE.....what??and the best part is that, 'He/she' is not always bad and good, he/she is just doing his/her job. to be a test to man kind...any one sees this as well?share. just a fun chit chat talk.the dajjal will seemingly accomplish the tasks given to Jesus christ. the tv cannot do this.jesus will fight and kill the dajjal. jesus cannot fight and kill all tvs.the dajjal will be able to control the weather. tv can only tell you the weather, it cannot control the weather.the dajjal is obviously a human. a human with advanced tech. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9496789574623108} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 04:14 PM)depends on mazhab. in shafie is haram. in maliki is halal. apparently they got sell this on road side in morocco since morocco is following mazhab malikigot mazhab najib?duit haram boleh dihalalkan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "\nBahan2 yang haram yang berunsurkan khinzir dalam makanan mungkin kita begitu sensitif tapi ada juga bahan2 yang merbahaya yang selalu terdapat dalam makanan kita tidak di pedulikan. Antaranya ialah penggunaan asid borik dalam makanan seperti mee,tauhu, koey tiaw dsbnya. Mengikut kajian yang dilakukan oleh CAP mendapati bahawa sesudu kecil kita terminum asid borik maka boleh hancur buah pinggang seseorang tu. Sebab itu jugalah asid borik telah diharamkan penggunaannya namun masih ada lagi peniaga yang menggunakannya. Pernah juga CAP membuat kajian di pasar Chowrasta dan mendapati ada peniaga2 menyembur asid borik pada ikan2 dan sayur-sayuran mereka.\n \nSengaja aku timbulkan isu ini sebab ada sahabat yang membuat mee ini tapi kurang mendapat sambutan dari pengguna Islam yang lebih suka memakan mee Cina yang tahan lama sebab menggunakan asid borik. Satu hal lagi ialah Majlis Perbandaran dan Pegawai Kesihatan selalu sangat datang mengacau kononnya nak pantau kebersihan sedangkan puak2 kafir tu mereka pandang sebelah mata saja sedangkan premis mereka lagi kotor macam nak mampus siap ada anjing2 berkeliaran lagi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998016953468323} +{"text": "He just want to jilat his boss lks. If no jilat boss how to stay in the party? Mcd doing it for a reason. If u tak suka u go to your cina shop that serves babi or whatever. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "Kedai Judi haram, tapi tak tutup aurat halal. Butoh la puak2 hypocrite celaka ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9190127849578857} +{"text": "dam it,.. no wonder nowadays so many people line up liao,.. last time not much melayu makan,.. nowadays after viral, the que become so long, i tapao also must wait long long,..melayu better don't go lar if not believing,.. for 20 years he only serve Cina in Sri Petaling,.. occasionally got malay makan he didn't put Siew Heng wine,.. never put claim it's halal or even get JAKIM cert,.. his stall previously in kopitiam,.. other stalls also sell babi,..This post has been edited by Cincai lar: Sep 8 2023, 12:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971243739128113} +{"text": "Still kena bersyukurlah kat Allah cause adanya JAKIM yg mengesahkan makanan tuh halal or haram utk dimakan.\n.\n.\n.\nBersyukur", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999520778656006} +{"text": "Mufti and JAKIM already rule cigarettes/rokok is Haram. Why not ban sale of rokok to Muslim customers? Got balls or not? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "halal toiyiban.. halal lagi bersih.. benda yg kau tayang nak jual, kalau makan sendiri kau nak rendam kaki pun lantak kau.. lain kali nak jual makanan, pg kelas dulu.. tak kira kau islam atau tidak.. kena ada ilmu halal toiyiban dia.. cuba kau makan kat restauran dengan chef", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7606946229934692} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaapers @ Aug 19 2022, 10:17 PM)Let me quote you againIf we replace all malay names with italian names, your logic dictates that its still penipu scammer.\u00a0 \u00a0 I'm attacking your sohai logic here.\u00a0 Its you who cannot comprehend that, so better work on your comprehension instead.You forgot to bold the \"let say\" part. It was an example. Very suitable for use in Malaysia because most malays won't eat at Chinese restaurant coz most of them are not halal. There are Chinese restaurants that are halal. They are either have operated for so long their Muslim customers already confidence that they are selling halal foods.Then there are Chinese restaurants with halal cert. So easier to convince people to eat. Some use to pork no lard concept. So Muslim customers base may not be that large compared if they have halal cert.Now in this case, the Chinese restaurant has no halal cert. No history of catering for Malay customers. Suddenly people found out they have been selling their food using another restaurant or stall that use different name. Their halal status is doubtful coz those foods are cook in the same place that serve pork. So they repackage and sell at another place where the majority of the buyers are Muslim. That is deceiving. A penipu scammer. Yet some people call it marketing.This post has been edited by tupai: Aug 19 2022, 10:39 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8161071538925171} +{"text": "Vapers lagi haram dari anjing.. Tidak menghiraukan sensitivity orang lain juga ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999339580535889} +{"text": "Beratur naik subway, jangan berdiri dekat2 amoi yg pakai seluar pendek tayang pehaBerdiri jauh sikit kurangkan dosa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 11:13 PM)Point 7, if you try to portray something as halal, when the status is doubtful then what do you call it? Creative marketing?Lots of non Muslim owned f&b with Muslim workers but being upfront about that the shop is owned by non muslim. Still have many Muslim customers Have you ever been to Penang? There are lots of non muslims f&b that have lots of Muslim customers. No need to repackage or change name pun.Muslim want to eat halal food also you consider extreme? Then there's the report button. Use itDid he ever wanna portray his stall is halal?Just cause he employs Muslims?Just as you can pull shits out your mouthI can put shit into your brain by saying the tokeh is a nice guyEmploy a MuslimAnd this Muslim see good business, so bring in ppl they knowSo it seems like Muslim group open the stallThe tokeh is just a good guyHelping ppl without looking at race or religionsBy spreading the wealth from a good business ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8118354678153992} +{"text": "aku tak suka sebarangan masuk restoran selagi jakim tak sahkan tempat tu halal. bukan setakat makanan dia, pinggan mangkuk pun kena halal ye", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8626849055290222} +{"text": "actually i am wondering those boycotting are voluntarily or due to peer pressure.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997776448726654} +{"text": "Those puak that always talk about haram/halal, make sure u guys dun take it ya, cos those are from money generated from the sales of something u call as haram.Jgn tiba2 pasal convenient, then become halal pulak, kan kan kan Strike eureka? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "Selain orang kelantan dan johor, orang sabah sarawak ni pun boleh tahan annoying jugak sekarang ni. Tak habis habis negeri ampa paling bagus takda masalah sosial and racism.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9327237010002136} +{"text": "Ayam masuk tered SF.Ayam sangka ada orang jatuh dalam minyak panas. Ayam sangat kecewa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999758005142212} +{"text": "Aku pernah nak beli sushi dekat satu kedai ni and pekerja dia melayu, tapi takda tanda halal dekat kedai tu so aku tanya. Pekrja tu cakap cuma certain bahan sahaja yg halal. Sijil halal tu wajib lekat dekat kedai if ada kelulusan jakim sbb tu mmg procedure", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9965769648551941} +{"text": "Some people use the very sentiment of the month to scam. Really teruk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Dec 9 2023, 08:44 AM)Since the majority of people living in this country is Muslim, of course there will be group of them questioning on this.Nothing wrong with that.The recent boycott of certain businesses in this country shows that the majority consumer is Muslim and yes these businesses begging for them to support them backJust admit it. The whole point of the posting is just to viral and harm that pacticular shop and business.Don't need to type that long trying to justify that kind of behaviour and mentality. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "QUOTE(EX Unseen Forces @ Feb 26 2024, 12:37 PM)So easy meh? Have to turnover a new leaf again. Invest so much during immigration Usually company pays for relocation and immigration. Have to expect this la. That's why we are called migrants while others are called expats. So far I have not seen Malaysian expats coming to UK.Either deal with it or go home. No point crying over it might as well make the best out of it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9589101076126099} +{"text": "Sohai ppl. Like the sabah seafood case. Bring big family eat high tier seafood finish then complain expensive refuse to pay and viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997408986091614} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jan 6 2021, 12:29 AM)ya ker?macam mana kangaroo, dia sembelih ker, atau culling?By default, only anjing and babi haram. Others mamals, need to sembelih by name of Allah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999607801437378} +{"text": "Ya tetep jalani hidupmu. Tetap bangun pagi di esok hari. Maraton drakor atau film, njajan!! beli makanan yg kamu suka. Tetaplah hidup. Bangun-makan-tidur", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992786049842834} +{"text": "Perut kenyang 24/7 Dekat rumah penuh dengan makanan sebab me and my husband masing2 suka masak & beli makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6081507802009583} +{"text": "so when can we have sari, cheongsam, baju melayu nurse dressing in hospital, best if those nurse dress like manga with bikini ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9892065525054932} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Mar 19 2022, 10:59 PM)google rosak? sindrom makan kena suap?bukan perkara baru pun. mudah sangat kena tipu RM1bil.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...-budget/1030189Sultan Johor pun tak tau, manalah saya tau JAKIM buat apa dengan RM1 billion tu. btw apasal takde pihak berkuasa yang enforce fatwa rokok haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Jan 8 2021, 10:50 PM)Kenapa dorang langgan kedai Haram.. Kasi report.Instead fine tune your food quality and people will come patron if your food is gooding. No racing needed. Even cina/India also will langgan melei food if it's gooding.agreethis must be some jealous peopledamn sad ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997074007987976} +{"text": "Yes yes. I know this one company yg sebenarnya x patut pun dpt sijil halal sbb kitchen mknn halal dgn haram x asingkan tp yeah dia dpt sbb ada consultant ni la. Bila dh kerja industri ni mcm2 bnda balik tabir tahu \ud83d\ude2a https://t.co/p3JG4cVxmN", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9787817597389221} +{"text": "Status sijil Halal King's Confectionery untuk kesemua cawangan digantung sementara. Ada yg mempunyai info lanjut? https://t.co/3GHqtVYPxi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965940117835999} +{"text": "QUOTE(hollyweed @ Dec 28 2023, 04:14 PM)pelik gak dgn /k ni. kaum lain yg memboikot, kaum lain yg di boikot. tapi kaum lain yg menggeluporK/ mmg ramai yg menggelupur U try open Halal/Haram thread sure >10 pages ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8133828043937683} +{"text": "This is what happening in malaysia! Ayah selalu pesan, kalau takde sijil halal jangan makan. Kalau makan ayam tak sembelih still haram kan? https://t.co/ddnilRbMyz", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "Syarat halal Jakim, tiada lagi \u2018Coney Dog\u2019 dan \u2018Root Beer\u2019 di MalaysiaPETALING JAYA: Beberapa jenama makanan popular yang menjadi kegemaran sejak berdekad lama di seluruh dunia kini tidak lagi dikenali dengan nama asalnya di Malaysia.Ia termasuk menu utama rangkaian makanan segera A&W seperti \u201cConey Dog\u201d dan \u201cRoot Beer\u201d, yang kini dinamakan semula \u201cChicken Coney\u201d atau \u201cBeef Coney\u201d, dan \u201cRoot Beer\u201d yang kini dikenali sebagai \u201cRB\u201d.\u201cKita tukar sebab nama itu ada konflik kalau kita nak mohon sijil halal,\u201d kata penolong pengurus jaminan kualiti dan halal A&W, Shahidah Wahid, mengesahkan penukaran nama itu 2 tahun lalu, ketika dihubungi FMT.Keputusan itu susulan garis panduan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dalam menganugerahkan sijil halal kepada mana-mana pengusaha restoran dan makanan, yang antara lain melarang penggunaan istilah yang sinonim dengan bahan tidak halal.Dokumen bertajuk \u201cManual Prosedur Pensijilan Halal Malaysia\u201d yang dikeluarkan 2 tahun lalu itu menyenaraikan perkataan \u201cham\u201d, \u201cbak kut teh\u201d, \u201cbacon\u201d, \u201cbeer\u201d, \u201crum\u201d, \u201chotdog\u201d dan \u201ccharsiew\u201d, antara istilah yang menurut Jakim boleh \u201cmengelirukan\u201d.Ia merupakan antara 9 syarat pensijilan halal terhadap pengilang yang memohon sijil halal daripada Jakim.Baru-baru ini, rangkaian francais menjual pretzel, Auntie Anne berkata Jakim belum dapat memberikan sijil halal kepada syarikat itu dan antara alasannya ialah salah satu produk dinamakan \u201cpretzel dog\u201d.Seorang eksekutif Auntie Anne yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kualiti dan jaminan halal, Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali menerusi Facebooknya berkata, pihaknya sudah mengemukakan cadangan nama baharu kepada Jakim.Tinjauan FMT juga mendapati minuman tin popular seperti Ginger Beer dan Root Beer juga dijenamakan semula menjadi Sarsparilla dan Ginger Ale, dipercayai dikaitkan dengan syarat Jakim.SOS KICAP : http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...er-di-malaysia/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6138824820518494} +{"text": "FITNAH JAKIM - LOGO HALAL DI PRODUK MAKANAN HARAM !!! http://miazarraannur.blogspot.com/2015/11/fitnah-jakim-logo-halal-di-produk.html\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8602763414382935} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 25 2016, 11:57 PM)That is correct. \"To eliminate doubt\". Not \"avoid\" doubt. What im trying to say is, even if I put \"fried dog\" as the name of the product, as long got halal logo it will eliminate the doubt. Do u understand what im trying to say here? the name rule is redundant. It is useless. It has nothing to do with the status of the food. And that is y I say the rule is stupid.U say non muslims confuse more, but jakim claim the name can confuse the muslims. Who is actually confused hereIn islam, food is a gift/rizk from god and you shall give a good name and respect for it.God already give a good name for halal tnings and bad name for haram. We all know hot dog is halal but according to islam word dog is already mean something not good. For me, what ever its name as long as it is halal i will eat it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984851479530334} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Oct 6 2022, 09:12 AM)ada gaduh la tu.some caterer last minute change menu kata itu takda ini takdasome lagi hanat, nasi minyak jadi nasi putihsome takde hire staff untuk kenduri last last saudara mara pengantin kena buat kerja catererbut but but...couples will only know during the wedding day above mentioned 3 and reserve the right not to pay full amountnow the case is deposit didnt pay at all...and dragged 10 months paid nothing.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977389574050903} +{"text": "Teringat kes 1 rider pergi dm cust, kedai yg dia order tu jual makanan x halal gak, \nMenggelupur chat rider tu kena expose sebab mnyebok. Org skrg ni bukan boleh sgt kena tegur. \nKorg sure klau dia bgtau 100 indian, 100 tu xkn triggered? Kdg2 naik malas buat baik kt org salah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998270869255066} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Dec 20 2021, 03:10 PM)not surelast time during college year, have a fren whom come from strict vege parents. He can't eat garlic. His reason is garlic increase libido.On 2nd year after grad, he renounce his strict vege diet and become meat eater.In front of us, he said difficult to find vegetarian food after work. But in our mind, he must be already tasted the forbidden fruit\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Ah. So like pork, it just something that is forbidden with half ass explanation.QUOTE(Chum.Bucket @ Dec 20 2021, 03:12 PM)i learn it somewhere man.. there is a situation:-It is permissible for a Muslim to eat food cooked or prepared by non-Muslims (non-people of the book) like the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and others as long as the food is halal and not from their slaughter.So, there is no problem for a Muslim if he is invited to the house of a non-Muslim friend then he is served by food to be eaten as long as it is halalan toyyiba.However, this is not a denial towards the priority of being wara\u2019 in our eatery. It is prioritized (afdal) for our food to be cooked by a pious people and prepared with taqwa. In a hadith, the Prophet PBUH once said to remind his ummahYes but when disaster timing, you can eat anything to survive. Nama pon act of God, so makan jer apa yg ada. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9763966202735901} +{"text": "Dan yang terakhir itu adalah makanan yang berkat di dalamnya. Itu lah sebenar-2 maksud halal. Bukan halal pd cop jakim shj yaa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9946231842041016} +{"text": "\r\nsalah satu spesies manusia yang paling bahlul dalam dunia di nyatakan dalam Quran, orang yang suka komplikated kan satu2 isu dan banyak bertanya..\n\r\nrujuk surah Al-Baqarah.\n\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9822001457214355} +{"text": "Ah Halal at its best again. Then jangan beli makanan gerai kat tepi jalan sebab kebanyakannya takde sijil halal \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997782111167908} +{"text": "QUOTE(70U63 @ May 9 2024, 10:40 AM)Those elites only want to protect their interest in the state (including those big power holding the cities/town council and authority).That's why we have campaign like S4S.... To tipu innocent (ignorance) population that we 'might' be better without Malaya. Now we going to have own bank, port, oil & gas company.... (& Stupid idea flight company). Because apparently sendiri holding the power/resources/money is better than sharing (or distribute by) with Federal government.Many things happen nowadays are bs. For example, in Bintulu town, we have so called 'together we make bintulu better' (bs). They put a poster with recycle bins, have no car day on Saturday (morning) in the old town area. All these are bs. They never really serious about environment, just BDA have something to do to (with the budget). Trucks older than my age are still running on the road with black smoke.Of course take back. Why need federal Malaysia? all bunch of bias monkey civil services. Want to get something done within locality need Federal, need road, need this... abit abit Federal. When you asked what was allocated to locality? nothing. Youre just having a centralized screwed up mindset that only rely on Federalism idea. Dont forget, Federal is a collapsing ideology. Its never a supportive ideology of collective governance. before calling taking their airlines back it stupid idea, maybe its better too. After all, Malaysia Airlines Group is a joke of away from SIA. Same parents, different work management and one is more profitable while the other is more a \"branding\" and delulu they still the best. MASwing itself better just return to S&S. Viability of its airline operation business its all better just let them settle.This post has been edited by Syie9^_^: May 9 2024, 12:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993426203727722} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:47 PM)Im not insulting porkIm saying if ur best dish so dependent on 1 type of meat only, then u have limited range of capabilities Please learn how to readIt is poor conduct Who die and made u the arbitrator of proper conduct? Its not about confidence Its about serving food that is prohibited by certain religion Theres no issue of confidence herePeople know what pork isThis isnt a guessing gameWtf are u on about manNo need to make it so complicated. Ok with the food? go ahead. Not okay? Leave early for dinner. Up to the organizer to make changes in the future. No big news, no hoo haa hoo haa like this. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7876434922218323} +{"text": "@muzakkirsyah Tak ada sijil halal, haram ah bro.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jan 21 2019, 06:03 PM)if u saw his fbhe visited korea , NZ....Goshhh.... No words can help them anyways.. Just think negative forever only... Everything just wanna viral only... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997492432594299} +{"text": "no black, no white shirts...just wear a colorful batik shirt, ...dark slacks....since you are Malay, you don't need to give ANY angpow...not required.If you think you want to give present, google \"chinese wedding gift shop\", and see whatever fits your budget.Similar to Chinese/Indians attending a Malay wedding, we don't expect anything but your attendance, and for Malay, usually you will be seated on a different table for different menu served.enjoy, and it can leave after the last menu is served, if you want to....but be sure to go up to your friend ( who is married), and give your best wishes before leaving. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996023774147034} +{"text": "Selain khamr, minuman/makanan yang beracun (intoxicant) juga haram. Nah, sama juga. Misal sianida itu beracun. Tapi dalam kadar tertentu tidak beracun. Buah apel itu mengandung sianida, tapi jumlahnya sangat kecil, sehingga tidak membahayakan. Jadi halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "\r\nHujung bulan Julai lepas, temankan kengkawan pergi bershopping kat Pavi...\r\nLepas tu, lepak lepak ar kat entrance dan kat luar Pavi tue...\r\nKebetulan, time tu..ada promosi beer Jepun, Akashi kalo tak silap...\r\nMereka set up the booth dan ramai ler pengunjung2 yang menyaksikan promotion tersebut...\r\nMajoriti yang menonton ialah orang Arab... (kan area BB tue orang Arab suka bershopping sakan)...\r\nSelambur jer pak arab pak arab membeli air beer tue... ...\n\r\nMasa temankan kawan pi balik hotel, singgah ar 7E...\r\nDalam tue lak.. terdapat 1 family arab... yang isteri cam biasa, pakai selubung kaler hitam... dari atas sampai bawah... suami dia selumber jer beli Heniken ... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8112778663635254} +{"text": "QUOTE(NGFN @ Oct 18 2016, 03:28 AM)Also the halal thing is getting ridiculous. I encountered some hotel purchasing officer ask me whether we got egg's halal certificate.Coz egg come out from chicken butthole and some times will be tainted with 'najis'. this is haram unless the egg is cleaned (i.e. removing the chicken shit on the egg shell)why i know this? there this burger stall near my workplace who advertising the egg he use is halal and no 'najis' ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997491240501404} +{"text": "betul la tu. kau je yg terlebih react sampai kaitkan dgn makanan mak kau sndiri masak. org tanya halal ke tk. bukan tanya dah ada sijil halal jakim ke belum?\n\nand whose yall? show me one tweet dlm tweet2 yg kau reply dan quote persoalkan, \"haram sbb tak dpt sijil halal jakim lg\"", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "Sokong tindakan jakim, ada ke g letak nama2 haram kat makanan. ish. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999711513519287} +{"text": "Terima kasih ustaz @drzul_albakri Satu isu yg saya tak faham adalah dalam pensijilan halal. Kalau rokok adalah haram maka semua premis yg menjual rokok tidak patut lepas pensijilan halal. Harap @MyJAKIM dapat look into this issue @SmokeFreeMY @KKMPutrajaya @Selbar_Selangor https://t.co/I5GbuuKoDw", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998998641967773} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:27 PM)In this case. The organizers serve themThey didn't look for free mealIts been serve in front of themHow illiterate are u? Sebab tu la menganggurYa, menganggur sebab I mampu bayar orang lain untuk jalankan tugas. Tak macam u, leeching your boss for your whole life. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9393414855003357} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Apr 19 2024, 07:30 PM)SATU soalan.tempat dia buang tu memang official tapak lupus sampah?atau buang di tepi jalan?Tmpt pelupusan sampah haram..meaning not officially designated for dumpsite. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tariq_H @ Sep 20 2016, 11:08 AM)I can feel you. Islam has been politicized in Malaysia. It should no be that way. Haram and halal is personal preference. Not to be restricted by law. Every religion has their own the do and don'ts.Yeah. It imparts a bad image, and makes it hard for those who wanted to convert to Islam. Someone told me before, that it is easier to be a muslim in Singapore than in Kuala Lumpur ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998327493667603} +{"text": "Adakah penggunaan ungkapan \"makanan sunnah\" dibenarkan dalam pensijilan Halal Malaysia?Apa konsep sebenar makanan sunnah? Tuntutan produk telah di ruqyah? sunnah? Dibacakan doa?... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2159447520772472&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984512329101562} +{"text": "QUOTE(ic no 851025071234 @ Oct 26 2016, 09:27 AM)So easy confuse even the advert got write pork. Need to send them reading class.of course they can readonly that they are MALAS to read.try sell anything in mudah for example. even if you already stated all the details they will still asking the same bloody things that already stated in the adLAZY. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997541308403015} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 And i tot you cainis ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999402642250061} +{"text": "Salah Tetap salah la ngok.. Hari ni tipu sijil esok2 tipu peruntukan kebas pulak.. Sebab hati tu dah biasa menipu kan.. Politik bab mereka halal bab org lain haram haha https://t.co/x4lqsR0tXj", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995762705802917} +{"text": "\r\nI always beleive kalau ada yang tak puas hati, numbers speak volume.\n\r\nspeak with data and you cannot lose.\n\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999679327011108} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Jul 24 2019, 03:47 PM)If its targeted to muslim consumers, then yeah you should get the halal cert.Some of the things involved include Raw material, processing aid ingredients, processing, sanitation chemicals and packaging meet the Islamic dietary requirements, primarily that no alcohol or pork products are used.Flavoring ingredients and solvents must be from halal sources (no ethyl alcohol, for example)..but what this scammer XFT did when the thing is viral is taking the easy way to issue a fake certificate.topkek lolif MUI is recognized by JAKIM then whats wrong xft said they are halal? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996974468231201} +{"text": "Sibu police chief ACP Saiful Bahri confirmed yesterday they had condoned off the burial site of the chicken wings.Saiful, who is now outside the country, confirmed the police\u2019s action in his text, saying: \u201cYes, we have condoned off the area. We are working closely with the Residence Office, Health Department, Sibu Municipal Council and Sibu Rural District Council.\u201dIt is understood that the police have not received a report up to 2pm yesterday, and out of concern of public safety, they sealed off the burial site to maintain social order and safety.A source from the police said they learnt of the chicken wings\u2019 case from the Facebook, and \u201cimmediately, we sent our men in to seal off the area.\u201dThe source said the policemen had been there overnight, and yesterday, they were still guarding it to prevent public members from entering.Meanwhile, panic has wiped through Sibu after media highlighted the news of villagers digging out the chicken wings for consumption and for sale after the burial.Rumours spread in the internet the incident was linked to the Customs Department, but, when the Borneo Post contacted one of their officers in Sibu, he said the chicken wing incident \u201chas nothing to do with us\u201d.It is unclear the quantity of the chicken wings being buried, but, a netizen said the wings were sent in by container loads could have added up to six tons.After the news went viral in Facebook and WhatsApp, panicky townsfolk are now staying away from the chicken wings.\u201cDo not eat chicken wings for the next few months,\u201d said their viral messages mostly in WhatsApp.One widely circulated message reads: \u201cFour containers of chicken parts were seized and destroyed by Customs Sibu. Either contaminated or smuggled\u2026. Buried but dug out by people for sale at a price at low as RM5 (Per kg). Consumption at your own risk.\u201dApparently, the reminder had come a bit too late.Some housewives, when interviewed yesterday, said they had already cooked the cheap chicken wings they bought for their families over the weekend.Vendors in Central Market reportedly said there were traders outside the market last few days selling cheap chicken wings.Another housewife said she had received a call from a friend, offering her the RM5 chicken wings.A check with a private clinic in town fortunately said there had no increased cases of stomach discomfort, diarrhea nor cases of mild ulcer in his clinic.The doctors said if contaminated chicken wings were not cooked properly, they could be harmful because of the bacteria and micro-organism and of the soil contamination.He advised those who had consumed the chicken wings and had felt body discomfort to seek medical help.Meanwhile, a reliable source said the buried chicken wings had been shipped into Sibu in four containers from New Zealand.It said because the product did not have the halal certification, the chicken wings were destroyed by the Customs Department.http://www.theborneopost.com/2017/04/05/si...tform=hootsuiteThis post has been edited by ironmaid89: Apr 5 2017, 07:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9239000678062439} +{"text": "Keyakinan ada yg sejati, ada yg semu ( pseudo) ..tergantung juga dialiran darahnya , bersih halal dan baik, atau tercampur makanan subhat dan atau apalagi dari duit haram ....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999390840530396} +{"text": "sudah makan? Yakin sudah sehat,bersih&halal? Yuk bijak memilih makanan! Baca info #HalalIsMyWay ya.Order:087853368852", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6930131316184998} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Oct 25 2016, 11:08 PM)Bash because it is plain stupid to judge something on a name. And undermining muslims in general.Jakim never said jatuh haram because it is named as hot dog la kak.Jakim suggest a more proper name as per their policy to issue the halal cert. They suggested the name in mind of the user of the product that they may or may not be certain people (particularly old folks that have very minimal exposure to foreign languages) that is accustomed to such name. they did it conservatively in respect of Muslim as a whole.get it?I dont care if majority think its stupid, its not tolerable, its socially awkward. but please, respect their effort. for we as a muslim can atleast acknowledge their effort to do something for those unfortunate enough to get the education level that we have now. Thats all i'm asking here.tapi sedih, even muslim yang \"progressif\" kat sini pun fail to understand the decision. Lepas tu ridicule gila2, walhal industri Halal malaysia ni berkembang banyak sebab usaha2 Jakim.This post has been edited by zaini900: Oct 25 2016, 11:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998117089271545} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Nov 25 2023, 09:21 AM)And best part is yet to come.If she is to continue her study at that place, surely she's gonna be shun by her peers after this. Who's going to entertain a lying and backstabbing bitch. Unless of course she's coming back.Or go somewhere else. Like Afghanistan. Or Pakistan.Suits her well that kind of place. Gonna fits right in.thing is, there are many students there who have same mindset like her. they have their own circle. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999854564666748} +{"text": "serious question.if u are muslim, u go there, u consume teh tarik with roti bakar, haram ke?tukang masak muslim, hanya untuk daging kan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999262094497681} +{"text": "QUOTE(SammoG @ Aug 6 2015, 04:08 PM)Then why I saw a lot of Muslim eat sea snail? Aint sea snail also haram?Aku dah tolong bold keyword.In Islam, haiwan darat yang dah mati without being sembelih, with the exception of belalang is considered as bangkai. Bangkai harommmm. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999865293502808} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Jan 8 2021, 10:50 PM)Kenapa dorang langgan kedai Haram.. Kasi report.Instead fine tune your food quality and people will come patron if your food is gooding. No racing needed. Even cina/India also will langgan melei food if it's gooding.I been to Kelantan Terengganu, many kopitiam operated by nons have all 3 races eating there. Ofc no pork stuff but normal bread and stuff and I don't see any halal sign. No issue also. The people patron also no issue eating and talking with each other. Why those asshole so busybody and do this? They scared they cannot meet quota to meet 72 virgins? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978185892105103} +{"text": "QUOTE(11c @ Dec 1 2023, 10:24 AM)*Persatuan Restoran Mamak Malaysia (PRMM) has 17,351 restaurants in Malaysia. They have been donating RM 10/mth to Dr. Zakir Naik. Monthly fixed income given to him at RM175,000.00 every month not only to destroy unity of this Nation but also to propogate Islamic values to non-muslim natives.* Spending your money by patronising in Mamak Restaurants is indirectly helping this India's wanted FUGITIVE to destroy our peaceful Nation. \ud83d\ude21*Let us Boycott all Mamak Restaurants nationwide with immediate effect*.Please viral this message.FAKE NEWS. Stop spreading.https://www.techarp.com/facts/zakir-naik-fu...mak-restaurant/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999091625213623} +{"text": "gapapaa, gak ada yg kotak-kotakin begitu yaa. makanan, minuman, warna, selera lagu, film tu gada gendernya. semua boleh kamu beli/pakai/makan klo kamu suka itu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7191863059997559} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Feb 1 2023, 06:43 PM)Well if you are not satisfied, and you are some big businessman, i am sure you can handle it with diplomatic way?If i don't eat beef and some event serve beef, i either go for vegetarian table or just don't take the beef. In the case that you don't want to eat any, just tell the organizer you are leaving. Anyway nowadays, apa2 viral dulu, sambil itu tunjuk kaya, can feel righteous also. Instead of be the bigger person, showing that you can act is more important...takut ler kena viral because tertindas now menindas kek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9525707960128784} +{"text": "Asal ade name alkohol je pikir haram. Kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "komen takda sijil halal pun koyak, bagus ceddy kedai nganjing type c pun still backup", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.983712911605835} +{"text": "@tkdnxv hai assalammualaikum ! saya nak promot skincare Bougas ni haa. Product baekk,HALAL ada, KKM ada, SIJIL GMP pun ada ! Cust banyak gilaa yang dah angau kat 3 beradik Bougas ni. kome jgn risau yee, harga murah ajurr. Kita siap bg buah tgn kalau beli dgn kitaa uhuhu https://t.co/YSyw65NSDU", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7591825127601624} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Sep 4 2023, 10:02 AM)tak suka bau babi maybei passby those chinese economy shop will close my nose. not used to the smell\u00a0 .Because the visual already trigger the bias.If just the smell, I doubt it would evoke anything strange. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(edwardstevens @ Jan 6 2010, 03:27 PM)sry. tesko tak suka andaaku pun tak suka tesco.tesco tak semurah asda ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993971586227417} +{"text": "QUOTE(kamfoo @ May 26 2015, 04:20 PM)so i eated haram thing?habislah kena tukar darah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "Blame those ppl who like to viral shiat. Ask Jakim got halal cery or not?Jakim said no.Public: \"holyshiat haraaaam!!\"But if you were to ask Jakim those roadside malay ada sijil or not?Jakim will also say no.Public: \"is ok orang kita, so is safe\"So blame who? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961936473846436} +{"text": "Lunch di Ayer 8, tersangat la best. Makanan sedap, halal Dan bersih. Jangan ragu ragu, macam Mee celop Malaysia jer.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6662465333938599} +{"text": "QUOTE(doomvein @ Nov 23 2020, 02:21 AM)Yeah. i also support uncle selling sugar cane drink. no sugar. susah mahu dapat at kl right now.if suddenly sugar cane got watery. .. we just said\u00a0 itu apek sudah taruk air kot ..\u00a0 next week. he know his mistake. he revert. and his sugar cane drink long que que again.we dont said hey air tebu kedai melayu lagi best la. ni apek ni cina suka tipu punya. NO WE DONT TALK LIKE THAT!.Asal sedap I support! Support all local Malaysians food and not foreign run businesses. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Jun 12 2023, 03:27 PM)Do you know why only 16%?Because the MAJORITY of Malay food providers are those makcik, pakcik at the roadside and sidewalk, who suka-suka open table and tent without concern for traffic and safety.And let's not forget about the hygiene.And these people don't even bother to apply for Halal cert, because in their mindset, Malay = Islam = auto Halal food.Here at Ampang Jaya, some of them don't even bother to apply for a license albeit it was not that expensive.As long as 'tak apa' attitude exists, don't bother to blame the non or whatever.which part in the article blame non? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999189376831055} +{"text": "QUOTE(fanlou @ Jul 18 2024, 11:53 AM)A Malay-owned claypot chicken rice stall in Malaysia that went viral on social media for its owners\u2019 proficiency in the Cantonese dialect has come under fire from some local diners after Islamic officials declared the stall had been operating without halal certification.Aman\u2019s Food Stall \u2013 located at Restoran Ahmad Muzakin in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur \u2013 offered a pork-free version of the dish, which has origins in China and is also popular among Chinese communities in Malaysia and Singapore.Both Muslims and non-Muslims were served the dish, which was featured on some popular food blogs and received a positive review from online news site Malay Mail. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/m...-with-rice-wineRemember this malay couple selling claypot rice??That is because their understanding was rice wine is vinegar with different call to it. Even more confusing is rice vinegar is also referred as rice wine vinegar. During process to make vinegar, at one stage it is similar to wine.In this case it is lack of knowledge. It is not something intentional. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "QUOTE(mayhammer @ Nov 19 2023, 11:35 PM)we can go with this justificationshe do what is best for the businesswhen lotus/speedmart sell arak, dun marah also?mandarin only(that includes muslim who are chinese educated, which is much more) dun marah yaaa.....lastly, afaik, it is discrimination and against the law to fire someone in that situationMuslims are above Malaysia HR Law. They no need to follow. All bumi are tuan rumah, mereka boleh buat saja apa yang mereka suka. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997300505638123} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ May 16 2024, 09:18 AM)almost fought with my family member about this before thinking it's not worth itit's kind of disappointing when people don't understand the real issue and always think others are trying to get themMaybe because now still manageable. Tak terasa.But in the future When access to medical is getting more and more expensive, couple with malaysian eating culture.Actually semua bangsa tu pun sama. Surely got certain thing they wanna protect.But for healthcare and education. If kept on protect and closing the doors, down the road yg terasa pun majority juga.Aku actually ok with most of the malay rights, such as tanah or asb.In fact i think most of the nons here also already used to the idea.Apa yg i x ok is our education system.Sk nowadays is more and more like sekolah agama.Then sejarah pulak can tukar ikut suka mak bapak dia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9460535049438477} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 07:27 PM)No. Im correcting ur misunderstanding on haram halal issueI never talk about the raidthis issue didn't start from the raid ???... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)\n\nso non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients alonethere is a principle called \"subahat\" in Islam, meaning when something is haram, it can affect the status of everything around it. for example, not just the act of drinking alcohol is haram, the act of selling, serving and preparing it are haram too. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoFluidic @ Feb 9 2017, 11:46 PM)Sooner or later a lot of jobs also u guys canot work woBank source consider not halal u should not work there Hotel and restaurant also consider not halal ...unless u kena warung or open table roadside sell nasi lemak Basically anything associated with money is not halal wo since the money touch by many ppl and bank income also not halal\u00a0 Pls enlightenIdeally this should be the case. But we all know how haram things can become OK if certain parties stand to benefit from it. Why do you think we never ever see a VIP get slapped with syariah law punishment? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9611685276031494} +{"text": "Sukan ski itu budaya barat tapi main juga ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957711100578308} +{"text": "QUOTE(IdiuU @ Dec 17 2019, 01:10 PM)Sth i kenot brain when klia2 mcd open...In the end, oso cover it over with english.... klia2Mind boggling.The apple pie there, the translation is correct which is Fatirat TufahaBut for the nugget.. It s is like a pronunciation as Siken Mek Naggit.. But in Arabic..Same like when we want angmoh tu say \"Aku Suka Ayam\" we spell \"are coo sue car. I yam\" Why they didnt translate it fully in arabic as qataddijajualmaqaliuhu which is chicken nugget? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "Semua ciri-ciri skincare yang selamat ada pada BEAUARTI... \u2705Di iktiraf Halal oleh JAKIM MALAYSIA \u274cTanpa Paraben yang membahayakan kulit \u274cBebas bahan Pewangi tiruan \u2705Dan yang paling best ada Sijil ECO CERT yang bukan\u2026 https://t.co/esLBu04SDZ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "@svbstxncxs @mohdamirin_ Tidak dilupakan juga forwarding \"menyokong produk melayu islam\" dan restoran yang tiba\u00b2 haram..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "Suki-ya tiada Halal JAKIM.\nSukiya ada Halal JAKIM.\n\nPork free bukan halal. Dah bertahun kat Malaysia mesti ada sebab kenapa tak dapat sijil Halal.\n\nContoh Sushi Zanmai. Supplier makanan Halal certified. Tp makanan dia sendiri ada campuran arak. \n\nElak drpd makan makanan syubhah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9871327877044678} +{"text": "Nk kurus \ud83d\ude31 dah banyak kali cuba tapi tak berjaya \ud83d\ude22 jangan risau klubna n laleh boleh membantu cantik ramping sihat . . . PRODUK LULUS KKM DAN SIJIL HALAL SELAMAT UNTUK SEMUA JOM SINGKIRAN TOKSIN JOM BUANG\u2026 https://t.co/uTYnl7Y38r", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8386082053184509} +{"text": "QUOTE(jibpek @ Dec 6 2020, 03:18 PM)OMG, Alamanda must be demolished and rebuilt now....agreed. Tempat suci makcik kiah dah become tempat haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999968409538269} +{"text": "lagi senang cita, nak acah lam gram, wicet, twit tapi x mampu ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.820841908454895} +{"text": "QUOTE(tungfunglaw @ Apr 15 2021, 02:57 PM)seriously cant understand oren kito logic 'jgn aibkan dia'...that fella is obviously meant to cause harm yet oren kito still wanna plotek since he/she oren kito..\\mind fucuk..Well, general rule of thumb/best practice is.... settle matters privately instead of complaining to the public, REGARDLESS OF RACE/RELIGION.strangers online only added unnecessary noise that doesnt help most of the time except self-serving . ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993253946304321} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 9 2023, 11:12 AM)Ohhhhh patutlah butthurt..\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Dec 9 2023, 11:16 AM)Dengki lah tu\u2026Bisalah kuat berdengki kuat berfitnah kuat berkomplen - semua orang tahu. Jeles pipur earn then mulalah santau report viral taik kuat persoal ada halal tak.This post has been edited by fu'house: Dec 9 2023, 01:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.49173662066459656} +{"text": "QUOTE(Raddus @ Nov 29 2023, 01:38 PM)U eat claypot rice with ricewine can get drunk? If no then it should be halalJolly sandy cant get drunkbut haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(JunJun04035 @ Feb 28 2015, 02:55 AM)Where you are from?If you are selangorian, go to JAIS office at Shah Alam. So on and so forth.Some tips regarding HALAL certification- It is NOT REQUIRED that you are 100% Muslim staffed. However, you need at least to meet some quota requirements. Some job position do required a muslim staff, some even need to earn a different certification from Jabatan Agama.- You need to have a operating shop/factory that fully permitted by local municipal.- You need to garner all your product ingredient's Halal status, to make your product halal. i.e since you are talking about potato chips, it will be spices (depends), any food flavouring and food conditioner that added to the chips (YES, there is Halal food chemicals)- PREFERABLY you uses all local made ingredients, since proving self imported ingredients Halal is very tedious - Halal in MAlaysia is one of the most strict Halal certification you can find in the world, don't expect anything less. IT includes hygienic requirement, facilities and social welfare requirements all in one package.- Applying is not the hardest part, maintaining the certification is 100x harder.Keep up to the good worki highlighted the hardest part.Used to work in F&B before,yearly check stresses me out whenever the officers in the store.But i learn a lot whenever they came in. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997850060462952} +{"text": "QUOTE(pikacu @ Jun 9 2017, 03:05 PM)ade jugak ke viral pasal arnab golek ni?halal makan lah wahai jahiliah semua, tak igt ade bege arnab masa 90's? sate arnab?tapi kalau tak sanggup, jangan makan. tu jeKat jb ada orang jual burger kuceng ka ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980260133743286} +{"text": "\n_blackbird replied at 16-8-2021 07:56 PM\nMungkin taknak susahkan org kot. Ramai juga kawan aku pilih confinement center sebab malas nak sus ...\nOoo .baby kt tmpt lain ek?bkn duk skali ngn mak dia?Ai xde lg laa around circle ai y pantang kt confinement center unless cainis..malay xde lg so far..pantang kt umah je..hihihi~\n\r\nAda y mak mertua jaga,mak sendiri jaga,tp sbb mak2 tu baik,ok laa..tp dpt mertua from hell or mak kita sendiri tak sehat, confinement center ok laa..xpun pakej mcm tokti tu .ai tgk mcm nice jgk laa,makanan semua..ada urut traditional lagi..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999183416366577} +{"text": "@thegurl07 @anipbesh @Aqilhanafi_ @AinnMonster @nuy4i @DNadia2018 @nnrizl @illiyaridzuan Kalau apply konsep begini, bisnes makanan di Malaysia akan merudum la kerana kedai makanan biasa X der apply halal. Kebiasaanya kedai makanan popular/berjenama je yang apply sijil halal ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967467784881592} +{"text": "Inilah akibat jika malas membaca...lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Mar 17 2024, 11:34 PM)Now this will be hard for some to accept. But the prohibition on swine is in eating/consuming. That's it. Nothing more to it. Nada. Zilch. Yilek.So a paint brush from swine? Thats A-Ok in my book.Some viewing touching any part of pig is haram.Similar to dog.. nothing wrong keeping it or petting it just make sure its if tak , just samak . People tend to take the easy way out ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991990923881531} +{"text": "QUOTE7. So\u00a0 boleh beli daging import tak selepas ni?Boleh. Cuma pastikan ada sijil halal dan di iktiraf. Dan baca Bismillah sebelum beli, juga sebelum makanHow about, just make sure it is not pork, baca bismillah, end of story.Ke Nabi kata mesti ada sijil JAKIM? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998383641242981} +{"text": "hmm ade logo halal rasmi should be halal la. if not, jakim tanggung la dosa. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999665021896362} +{"text": "salam brothers, nak tanya, harta sepencarian tu adat ke agama ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998389482498169} +{"text": "QUOTE(cfa28 @ Feb 23 2023, 08:15 AM)Why need different nameSome people easily confused. Root beer cannot. Must rename.Prezel dog cannot. Must rename.Arabiki sausage cannot. Must rename to Japanese Style Pork SausageNow have 2 different names, they don't have excuse salah makan, Haram! Poor stall owners sell cheap cheap, later gets into trouble for unreasonable cause ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986522793769836} +{"text": "since aku penah kerja in food industry & penah involve utk apply dapatkan sijil halal, did u know utk utk dptkan cert halal pengendali penyediaan produk mesti kena ada atleast small percentage of muslim & takle ada tempat beribadat non muslim dlm area proses #funfact", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9203051328659058} +{"text": "QUOTE(sirknieghf @ Nov 2 2013, 08:25 PM)exactly, one of my ustaz that i respected once said :\"kalau kamu jumpa seorang lelaki muslim yang pelik, cara solat pelik, makan pelik etc..adakah kamu akan kata dia sesat?mesti kebanyakan akan kata sesat..tetapi sebetulnya, kita tidak boleh kata lelaki pelik itu tadi sesat..sebabnya ialah ajaran islam itu sangat luas, sebab itu wujudnya mazhan yang berbeza..semuanya betul, yang berbeza hanyalah sifat pengasas itu sendri, cara pengasas itu menterjemah al-quran dsb, jika kamu berilmu tinggi, boleh saja kalau kamu tidak mengikut mana-mana mazhab kerana mazhab itu hanyala sebagai panduan sahaja, tidak lebih dari itu..berbalik pada lelaki muslim pelik tadi, kita tidak tahu sama ada dia lebih berilmu dari kita, jadi kita tiada hak mengatakan cara dia salah..\"my point is, if u are truly confident on something (this case halal/haram issue) with enough reading, research, understanding on the subject..go ahead, u can do what ever you want to do..dont follow any fatwa also can..but still most of us are normal muslim, so its better we follow what already written by who have more understanding on this issue..The problem is nowadays everyone think their ilmu is tinggi hence they wouldn't listen to anyone anymore. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999644756317139} +{"text": "Orang kita ni sibuk Family Mart punya halal haram. Tapi: - masuk kerja lambat keluar awal - time kerja main facebook - claim outstation claim lebih tambah kilometer - tak dapat masuk sekolah asrama try guna kabel Nasib baik cili halal sebab makan siapa makan cili rasa pedas.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9796326160430908} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Feb 28 2023, 10:20 AM)Like it or not, whey protein is probably the best value for protein in the market. Last time I calculate, one serve of whey protein cost around rm2.00 - rm2.50.Cheaper than that is 4 eggs at around rm1.But would rather drink a flavoured whey protein drink or eat 4 boiled eggs twice a day? Around there but jiken breast cheaper at nasi lemak amoiowaiOk maybe each racing should just stick to making their own traditional food. Original nasi lemak the best and not some bastardized version. Same as original ckt, red bean paste bao, original vade, muruku etcThis post has been edited by smallydupe: Oct 2 2023, 03:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996331930160522} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Jun 7 2024, 01:53 PM)If the Seller already direspect your belief.You should stop yourself from dealing with them, If you still respect your belief, and yourself.Economical power? there are tons option which are cheaper.this is not Mob mentality.A non muslim eating Pork is not Disrespect to Muslim. because pork is HARAM to muslim, as long as you NOT force them to join youAny person eating/selling Beef is Desrespect to Hindu Believer. Because cow are holy to them.I know you guys wont force any1 to stop eating beefbut to respect your own belief, you should avoid to support them.I think you are looking at thing wrongly. Just because you sell beef / beef product does not mean you are against Hindus. Anyone who think so or similar vein is lack of religion understanding (Regardless of religion you profess.) - Your are merely performing your duty as a butcher or as a person who is employed to serve a customer. - You only disrespect the religion if you asking ask someone to eat something they are should not be it for religious reason or cultural reason or coercing you to perform such things) - Your job/employment does not define you. its your character & behavior) (I agree i some case it does effect how people see you) e.g a muslim who does not pray 5x a day is a better muslim who pray 5x a day but rapes, murder & steal)Economic power - My reference to intend of boycott as Indian does not have economic power to make a dent on the business which defeats the purpose of a \"boycott\" - If you want to succeed in boycott, you need either volume (people) or wealth both which most Indian are lacking. The other things is just foolish. - Hindus in general are taught to respect other religion & practices. - Hindus practices vary from place to place - remember the Bali Temple issue. - Hindus believe in karma, you will reap what you sow - Your believe & practice is between god and you. as long as you do not smear the religion practice ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "Rule of thumb sepertimana syarat oleh JAKIM, kalau operator kedai sekurang-kurangnya ada 2 pekerja Muslim, level of comfort need to be ascertain rendah. So dalam hal ini, pengomen yang bawah contoh warung pakcik makcik tak tanya sijil halal pun need to learn a little bit abt fiqh https://t.co/O9p3NeBsA8", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999739944934845} +{"text": "@NizaSoraya Kalau XFT tak boleh masih ada tealive, chatime dsbnya. Tu yang aku macam kenapa masih ada yang beratur panjang bila XFT sendiri tak boleh nak clarify their ingredients. Sijil halal tu pun penting sebab nak bagitahu keadaan dapur sebenarnya bersih ke tak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9941845536231995} +{"text": "Ada berjuta produk makanan yg tidak mempunyai sijil halal (JAKIM/luar negara yg diiktiraf).", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7104158401489258} +{"text": "Sijil halal pada bungkusan tidak diiktiraf Jakim, daging kerbau dari India dirampas #sinarharian https://t.co/G6YywPWDAW", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "Wah wah banyak sangat feedback yang bagus bagus dari Pengguna Suplements Maganda Glow ni ! Rmai yang dpt selesaikan masalah jerawat stelah consume Maganda Glow ni ! selamat diamalkn sbb ad kkm dn jgk sijil halal . https://t.co/r8TU9BdOji", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "\nmommymonster82 replied at 22-12-2015 09:23 AM\r\nOf cozlah yahudi nasoro jeles... sbb org sanggup je jadikan tarikan halal n patuh syariat islam ni s ...\nummah yahudi nasoro lama tak dgr perkataan tu mommy\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993627667427063} +{"text": "mufti makan songlap..halal...makan ayam kedai cina, haram pulak... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(Current Events guy @ Jan 9 2021, 12:59 PM)If die2 don't want to eat babi, go ask owner if can have some bananaIf he don't want give you, then eat babi better than stealingNo owner around. Maybe assuming that u also cant find who the owner is.The muslims in class all chose to steal bananasBabi jijik ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999226331710815} +{"text": "QUOTE(Salleh.Ismail @ Nov 2 2013, 06:19 PM)manalah datang dalil tak boleh pakai bekas sama. boleh je, asal dah basuh. tak payah sertupun.boleh saya bertanya satu soalan? memang soalan ikhlas, tiada niat terselindung.dulu dulu saya suka makan fishball noodle di cheras, kerana saya yakin makanan tersebut adalah halal walaupun disediakan oleh orang cina, kerana kedai tersebut hanya menghidangkan fishball noodle, tiada makanan lain. dan ikan tak perlu disembelih.walaubagaimanapun, kemudian saya dapat tahu mereka menggunakan minyak babi (lard) sebelum menghidangkan makanan tersebut. tapi minyak babi tersebut bukan dalam proses masakan, hanya dituang sedikit atas makanan sebelum dihidang kepada pelanggan. apabila mereka mendapat tahu saya melayu, mereka berkata bahawa mereka tidak akan letak minyak babi jika saya tidak mahu.oleh itu, adakah makanan tersebut boleh dianggap halal jika minyak babi tersebut tidak digunakan? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998782873153687} +{"text": "QUOTE(and85rew @ Apr 26 2022, 02:01 PM)Whoa the world must kowtow to your standards?He go to Vietnam, mana tau he go cheong vietmoi. Mulut cakap haram bebird gosok jugak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998763799667358} +{"text": "QUOTE(teslaman @ Feb 28 2024, 01:54 AM)Nice to their taste budAs an ex-malaysian, I always resort to this kind of quote\"Malaysian is the worst kind of being in this mother earth for self-assuming that their tastebud is the best of this world had to offer.\"Never once in my life, seeing a Malaysian, that is well open to accepting other country people's food, taste, etc. That's including how some Malaysian Chinese reach China, then start bantai says China Charsiew is salty la, mala hotpot not seasoned enuf la, saukreut not sour enuf la, bamboo shoots not pungent enuf la, mushroom soup not mushroom enuf la, or spicy food too oily la etc. All of these cases can be seen from Malaysian.Really teruk.I guess that's all thanks to pengaruh budaya barat from the UK. You know la, English moh here day day bantai food and its taste, but their own bitch and cheap are literally fakaped to the point of not even salted. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9653801321983337} +{"text": "Hopefully Malaysia pun boleh buat macam tu la one day. All foods are halal in Malaysia unless mentioned otherwise. Nak lebih yakin, ada Halal logo daripada Jakim. Tapi kalau takde, tak bermakna haram unless clearly stated yang makanan tu adalah Non Halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.903835654258728} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Jan 16 2024, 11:46 AM)Yes because menu already stated price. Not hidden. Tak suka can stand up and leave ma why continue order?But again warning for Langkawi people. If continue to be like that then cannot blame Malaysian just straight go Thailand Indonesia Vietnam. Don't cry later.Ppl already boycotting them in silent right now - by not going there anymoresooner or later it will be desertedThis post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Jan 16 2024, 02:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998359680175781} +{"text": "\r\nPringles? Sedap tu! \u00a0\u00a0Tapi dah berkurun dah x makan. Was was dgn kandungannya. \r\nOkeh, ada mcm2 pandangan terhadap E471. E471 adalah Mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acid. Some r from plants and some r from animals. Tp kita memang x tahu yg mana satu yg digunakan melainkan tanya sendiri kat pengeluar, or memang dah sah2 ada kelulusan dr pihak yg diiktiraf.\n\r\nEkceli pringles ni ada yg pernah tanya, tp lama dulu! Katanya 100% dr vege oil. Sekarang, Wallahu alam.\n\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983707070350647} +{"text": "QUOTE(n8210 @ Mar 13 2016, 07:53 AM)what a joke.... tahan lebih lama lebih bagus? woooooo.....waaaa..... diuIni mesti geng pancut cepat. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994632601737976} +{"text": "QUOTE(lordgamer3 @ Dec 14 2023, 07:01 AM)Even ayam got Bumi status lol.this. someone comment that she should put bumi logo on their packaging...HALAL not enough, but need BUMI logo also...lel. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999376535415649} +{"text": "Why you guys condemn so much. This is not targeted at you hardcore sinners and future hell-dwellers. It's just like a family holiday, but with great food and cool facilities. Those that pray 5 times a day find it difficult to pray in congregation when traveling overseas. On the ship, no problem. Plus all the ceramah to motivate you and the sharing of knowledge from famous ustaz. Also a good place to network with high net-worth people. It's also for those who want to experience a cruise, but without all the haram things. Just because you yourself don't take religion seriously, don't hate those who do. 7:50 And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise, \"Pour upon us some water or from whatever Allah has provided you.\" They will say, \"Indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers.\"7:51 Who took their religion as distraction and amusement and whom the worldly life deluded.\" So today We will forget them just as they forgot the meeting of this Day of theirs and for having rejected Our verses. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9722528457641602} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimyhands @ Feb 2 2018, 10:00 AM)He is a Malay. Why pretend to be white man? Adakah itu budaya kita, pegang cincin, melutut dan bertanya \"Will you marry me?\"Apa punya budaya sudah mari cemarkan budaya suci kita...Only for poorfag. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999573230743408} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Nov 29 2023, 10:32 AM)this root beer haram or not? i see appear on Halal western restaurantlogo jakim mana? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993288516998291} +{"text": "sebelum nak makan dekat sesuatu kedai, korang wajib buat research dulu untuk tahu sama ada makanan dekat kedai itu halal pun tak", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7781581878662109} +{"text": "QUOTESaya minta dia janji tiga perkara: satu, jangan lagi fikir nak putus asa. Dua, bantu orang lain bila dia mampu. Dan tiga, malam ini dinner, dia masak untuk saya, nak cuba menu dia di gerai baru. This Steven Sim is a good man, would definitely vote for him if I was in his district. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990355968475342} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/5sDMAl805", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Jun 26 2023, 04:00 PM)aku google, keluar 50 terus50 Tempat Makan Menarik Di Penang 2023 (Best TERKINI)https://saji.my/tempat-makan-yang-sedap-di-...rgi-tahun-2016/----these ppl memang suka cari pasal is it?See the way he comment oso know la. Such inciting words, as if la cina not Malaysian citizens n dun hold blue ic ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999970555305481} +{"text": "@saladinMY Bro. Kau ni tak penah tahu macam mana AUDIT HALAL! Nak capai status Halalan Toyyiban bukan citer pasal ingredient sahaja. Tapi tmpt dia bersih ker tak, ada parasit ker tak, kalau tak capai piawaian ni. Tak dapat Sijil Halal ni. Bodoh. Pegi amik la Sijil Halal Exec baru kau paham", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999014139175415} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ May 3 2021, 08:09 AM)Kalau sakit perlu ke makan depan orang ramai? Tak boleh makan dalam ofis atau rumah?y ? your iman tergugat tengok orang tak puasa? mana dugaan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997766613960266} +{"text": "Yg halal diharam on. Yg haram di halalkn.Next thing u know corruption also dihalal kn. That's pas 101. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "\r\nkalau dah nak berjubah, masa emergency flight attendant terkedek kedek nak buat itu ini korang jugak yang susah kan. apa teruknya iman tengok perempuan pakai skirt terus tergolek golek iman atas runway? camtu?\n\r\npraktikal pls", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9792035818099976} +{"text": "QUOTE(kons @ Jun 14 2024, 08:03 AM)so far jco is the best, not too thick and not too oily.traditional donut thong kee the best.Yes jco doing very well, not surprising tho. I can see their strong customer base. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999691247940063} +{"text": "QUOTE(yhtan @ Feb 26 2024, 03:33 PM)Hatyai mostly free and easy tour, i think a lot of local tiktoker doing content about Hatyai and become viral, luring more and more local malay travelling there. TBH siamese don't simply overcharge tourist like the locals here, for them it is bread and butter and they treat tourist well, and also won't overcharge for food.This part i agreeCambodia/Siam Reap and vietnam i kena overcharging beforeNot so much or rather none with Thais. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999669790267944} +{"text": "QUOTE(+3kk! @ Mar 30 2018, 11:07 AM)Some popular placesCheese bake tart of all kindsSalted Egg anything, no salted egg doesnt work all the time, please stop putting it on everything.Cheese anything, like the salted egg it doesnt always workBurgers, home cooked stuff beats everything out there, and home cooked burgers are easy to make.Seafoods with fancy flavours,\u00a0 god no, we stay in the tropics we get our stuff fresh, chucking it in funny flavours just spoil the point of good seafoodSalted cheese drink tealive. I got a goddamn headache afterwards. \ud83d\ude21 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(TSOM @ Feb 4 2017, 08:31 PM)she looks pretty ... but why not find some guys like Rain??but ok lah ... at least korean sunat already, but can he give up pork?Some koreans don't like pork. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999608993530273} +{"text": "Mamak pun sama. Yakin ke ingredients tu halal? Pekerja2 mamak tu kebanyakannya bukan orang Islam. Direct import dari India. India mainland kau faham2 je la macam mana. Ni kedai yang memang dah dapat sijil halal pun kau still ragu2. Buang je la otak tu. Bagi lembu makan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934918284416199} +{"text": "\n.. rugi betul lah, kalu ada mesti ramai melayu datang\nBolayan Post at 9-6-2010 16:30 sb kt tempat lain cina kurang, jd nk untung lebuh kenalah sedia makanan halal... tp kt penang cina banyak, market besar jd makanan x halal pn x takut x untung.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999309778213501} +{"text": "All these hypocrites questioning halal status of the restaurant, but at the same time still smoking and vaping although it is HARAM WTF ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942330718040466} +{"text": "malas betul soalan gitu. dah aku makan takkan lah aku cari kedai tak halal kot bila sentap dia \"tanya je pun tak boleh ke\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996739625930786} +{"text": "This:tidak dinafikan ada pemilik premis tidak memohon sijil halal daripada JAKIM tetapi tidak bermakna mereka menjual makanan atau menggunakan bahan daripada sumber tidak halal.If that place says no pork and no lard. They mention/display that their meat are from halal sources. I ask their muslim staff are they halal. If all 3 are yes, I just eat. Why are Malaysians so closed minded.I have a problem who says those without Halal cert are haram or not halal. They are just not Halal certified, does not mean that they are not Halal... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999667406082153} +{"text": "Vegetarian also not halal if they did not get halal approve. LV also can get into trouble, who knows if their bags got halal or not? IT malls also, their thermal paste got halal? If a Muslim touches it how? Dosa siapa? The thermal paste cleaner that uses alcohol how? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986044764518738} +{"text": "QUOTE(colorlesstermite @ Oct 26 2016, 12:09 AM)Dah dah. If you want to stay as parrot muslims and continue the drumbeat then continue.For me there is no benefit to muslims as majority when we argue about this small matters.I wont be here coming from hibernation, arguing in this internet space, if not for this stupidity raised by Jakim. Tolong la weh. I got my pride as muslim. Jakim's act of stupidity has mencabar my maruah and intellect.Kau nak stay as a brainless sheep of jakim that only know how to follow..haha.. OkayyThis post has been edited by hirano: Oct 26 2016, 12:12 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999230146408081} +{"text": "Ada tanda halal sah Jakim: suspicious, ntah2 ada babi dalam niRokok difatwakan haram oleh mufti: alaa apa kisah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jan 5 2018, 12:28 PM)/k non muslims will apply the logic:cosplay / anime is haram\u00a0 for muslim. Hence, Cosplay events will be banned for ALL , including non muslims.so yeah, blanket ban inkambeng. no going to affect non muslim they said.\u00a0 Can\u2019t blame us though since there\u2019s a precedent already. Remember Octoberfest? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997887015342712} +{"text": "QUOTE(balanar_27 @ Mar 3 2015, 07:49 PM)wookay best comment/testi so far..tqvm..tis is useful to whoever wanna go china and afraid of it... \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 btw..why u travel lot to china ya?since when u being go there?the first time i set foot in china was in 2009. prior marriage, travelled here for holiday to places like shanghai and beijing. post marriage, travelled and still travelling here for holiday and business. now, i even own a china driving license. haha. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999489784240723} +{"text": "xsudah2 dgn artikel yg mngatakan makanan ni haram la, ni ade lemak babi la.dh tu ape peranan JAKIM kt malaysia ni penat2 kasi sijil hahal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9860233068466187} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Mar 3 2024, 05:38 PM)also no proof that conventional dividend has been used to cover syariah one, but /ktards stillhey dont play dumb can invest in haram and yahudi business yet still cannot perform better then halal business make no senseThis post has been edited by damonlbs: Mar 3 2024, 05:45 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999339580535889} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? Aduhhhh dont need to argue. Those think its haram just avoid. Those think not haram continueConvenient store worker how? Those beer going to stock itself into the fridge?Need to hire nons just to handle haram things? Nowadays mostly hire foreigners then certain puak shout foul pulak.Inb4 7-11 owned by cainis.Inb4 rokok also got some ulama mention haram but many still rokok like no tomorrow? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(debonairs91 @ Jan 16 2024, 12:46 PM)Got menu? Where I want see?QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Jan 16 2024, 11:46 AM)Yes because menu already stated price. Not hidden. Tak suka can stand up and leave ma why continue order?But again warning for Langkawi people. If continue to be like that then cannot blame Malaysian just straight go Thailand Indonesia Vietnam. Don't cry later. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997698664665222} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Oct 16 2022, 02:36 PM)Sama puak yg sebar berita palsu squid ring pork?Cadbury also..Kesian la...tiap tiap kali nak undi mesti cari dna babi yang berasal dari DAP ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "Even now you can see this same kind of lorong Melayu in places like Klang. The whole row is Malay traders...And it looks like a Malay pasar malam....mostly clothing or tudung...or perfumes the usual.Or Kenanga Mall also looks like this future \"Muslim mall\".Now they want to open big \"mall\" for this....LOL.But guarantee once you go in, u will see a lot of Bangla or Pakistan or Indon....(same religion) sooner or later, they will take over.But they call it \"Muslim mall\".... so cannot reject those Bangla Paki Indon.....sama religion mah....who will surely take over the shop lots sooner or later.....Whatever....suka hati them lah.If you look at Kenanga Mall that is likely how it will be or end up to be.This post has been edited by Hobbez: Sep 9 2019, 12:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998879432678223} +{"text": "I used:-Optimum Nutrition-My protein-Muscle pharm-PS Wheyand some other brands i dont remember.But best and the one i sticking with is My Protein, brownie choco is very tasty. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999924898147583} +{"text": "Was laughing hard at a few comments from this forum.Anyway, becaureful guys; later if Jakim checks this forum. Then they are going to say that lowyat.net is Haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999455213546753} +{"text": "@NainEdi @staronline Penjual Makanan yg beragama Islam pun wajib memaparkan sijil sah halal kerana HALAL TIDAK BERDASARKAN KEPADA SAIZ SESUATU PERNIAGAAN ITU.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9011366367340088} +{"text": " MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA \u261bhttp://youtube.com/user/MakkahRecipe\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999547004699707} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 23 2021, 12:36 PM)Meaning that disaster victims can be oppressed? They unable to choose whats best for them?That toxic mentality is same as commie mentalityLOL. People give you free food=\"oppressed\". Please check yourself into Tanjung Rambutan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9258493185043335} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 11:57 AM)but no sijil halal makanan is haramRoadside nasi lemak no sijil.Jakim doesn't say haram.Jakim never said no certificate means haram guaranteed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:15 PM)purpose/objective and producing methodtapai purpose is for eating it while it sweet taste, and not for drunk drinking.method also is slightly different where it use yis but it wait until sweetness come out.u will get drunk if u drink 20 cans of beer.let me get this straight from non muslim point:it is ok when:- tapai is fermented just nice to the point tapai tu tak memabukkan.- i drink beer but not to point of getting mabukit is not ok when:- tapai is fermented too long until until it boleh memabukkan- i drink beer until i get mabuktalking about drunk drinking.- not everybody goes for drunk drinking. only idiots get drunk and do stupid things- many other ppl drink for other purposes (health benefits, release stress, reduce heatiness)it is the intention of drinking. some drink for wrong purpose, some drink for its benefits.the same i tell you about merokok. shouldn't merokok be haram too since it can be fatal to the smoker and his proxies like family members?how about vehicles, shouldnt driving be haram too because some idiots will be using it to vroom vroom causing accidents?why not haramkan social media too because some idiots use it to mengundang zina, gejala kuning and budaya barat? aren't all of the above against your teachings too? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9961135387420654} +{"text": "Some say they like to pay to visit undeveloped place, but peaceful... only if u don't mind kena slaughtered without viral it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983141422271729} +{"text": "@MuhdAid04588815 Aik mak aku je? Mak kau? Kat dahi mak kau ada tampal sijil halal ke \ud83e\udd23. Aku x kisah pon pasal isu halal ni, kau orang je gelabah tetek! Kau yakin kau makan, kau was was kau fakoff. Simple!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999754428863525} +{"text": "\r\nselalu kalau ada serbuan camni mesti nama kompeni tuh tak didedahkan. besar sangat ke kompeni tuh? :re:", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7050036787986755} +{"text": "QUOTE(jack~daniel @ Aug 13 2013, 05:54 PM)All chinese restaurants are halal as long as u dont consume pork and meat without properly slaughtered.I live in China for 1 year, never had an issue between muslim and non-muslim...but i follow imam Malik Madhhab... Malay very sensitive about certain issue...because JAKIM defined halal food as\"Konsep halal menurut Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) mencakupi konsep yang lebih luas iaitu bermula dari peringkat awal hinggalah ke peringkat akhir dan sehinggalah produk itu sedia untuk dimakan. Definisi makanan halal yang diwartakan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) iaitu makanan yang dibenarkan oleh hukum syarak dan menepati beberapa syarat tertentu. Antaranya, makanan itu tidak mengandungi mana-mana bahagian produk haiwan yang tidak halal dimakan.\"It's like.... its not just the food + properly slaughtered, even the process need to take into considerationbut at the end its up to you whether you want to follow it or not ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9671661257743835} +{"text": "Here is the initial MalaysiaKini report - http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/359365Exec: Auntie Anne's halal application rejected over 'Pretzel Dog'Published 17 Oct 2016, 5:53 pm Updated 18 Oct 2016, 5:45 pm'Pretzel Dog', a sausage wrapped in a pretzel, is one of the reasons why popular pretzel chain Auntie Anne's was not granted halal certification by the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim).Auntie Anne's quality assurance cum halal executive Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali said the company has proposed a new name and is awaiting feedback from Jakim.Section 3.7.4 of the Malaysian halal food guidelines states: \"Halal food and halal artificial flavour shall not be named or synonymously named after non-halal products such as ham, bak kut teh, bacon, beer, rum and others that might create confusion.\"\"Once we have Jakim's decision, we will change our menu boards before making a fresh application (for halal status),\" she wrote on Facebook.She said Jakim also instructed Auntie Anne's to apply for certification for its central kitchen, and to make separate applications for outlets according to zones to simplify the auditing process.Farhatul said the initial application was for all 45 outlets in Malaysia.\"This happened to Sushi King as well, which initially only had halal certification for several outlets because the certification was granted according to zones even though the products are from one central kitchen,\" she wrote.She stressed that Auntie Anne's is striving to pass the Jakim's stringent halal audit, which also involves hygiene and cleanliness checks on outlets and food handlers.She also urged Muslims who feel doubtful over Auntie Anne's products, to refrain from consuming the products until the Jakim certification is obtained.\"I am also a Muslim and this is my obligation as a Muslim. Pray that I succeed in securing the halal certification,\" she said.\"Once Auntie Anne's is certified halal by Jakim, I suggest that you try Eclair Six and Jalapeno Cheese, because they are both my favourite products,\" she quipped.Last month Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Sabri proposed that procedures for halal certification be relaxed for bumiputera-owned firms where all workers are Muslim.He says this is because such firms have limited capital to fulfill Jakim's stringent requirements.Following this, the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) urged a two-tier halal certificate to assist small traders who have difficulty meeting Jakim's requirements.PPIM estimates that less than 20 percent of halal certificate holders are Muslim corporations because Malay traders find it difficult to surpass Jakim's hurdles.PPIM also opposed Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda)'s move to launch a halal logo specifically for Muslim-made products.The 'by Muslims' logo, said to be to help Muslim entrepreneurs make forays into halal markets locally and abroad, would cause confusion, said PPIM. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9850404262542725} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Sep 25 2017, 10:53 AM)We are not talking about whether the money comes from haram sources like disco, dadah, bla bla,\u00a0 the issue here is the money being contaminated with pork and dog DNA.you do wash hands before eat and keep money in wallet right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9838962554931641} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Mar 26 2023, 03:49 PM)ko ni dh kenapa setan, benci sangat ke muslim?racist\u00a0 Ishhh! Potong stim betul dia ni. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "\r\nasal retis up g makan minum pelik-pelik netizen nk kondem,komen halal haram.\r\nbenda haram yg lain takde pulak sibuk.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ May 8 2024, 04:38 PM)Majority no boikot woh. Means they don't care abt haram or halal woh.LolJangan fitnah. Bacalah ayat sendiri. They DO care about haram or halal all the time. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999417066574097} +{"text": "Would like to try the spicy one.But Algerian Changkat wrap is the best ar188 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999194145202637} +{"text": "QUOTE(kagamistar @ Aug 10 2015, 02:53 AM)Apa nak buat...tak halal.pula...Satu2 restoran jepun yg ada logo halal ialah hei sushi kat alamanda putrajaya. Sakura fuji kat plaza masalam shah alam pun boleh dipercaya walaupun tak ada logo. Tapi dua tempat ni mahal sikit lah.Bab makanan yg penting yakin, logo hanya bonus shj. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991592168807983} +{"text": "Haram food with halal certificate is instant success? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999034404754639} +{"text": "Sumpah lawak! Hahaaa\u2026 next time makan lah makanan halal dan bersih untuk mengelak dari perkara tk berfaedah mcm ni\u2026 buang karen je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9317679405212402} +{"text": "QUOTE(gnc88 @ Feb 29 2024, 01:35 PM)A day will come when CNY will not be considered as MY holiday since during this period, a lot of haram (makan babi) activity happeningI estimate that to happen in 15-20 years time.QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Feb 29 2024, 02:03 PM)And this is why Cinis will never accept PN. One fella say \"sad Cinis working on CNY\", and now persoal BKT.Accept or not. They are coming to be in power soon. QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Mar 7 2024, 04:33 PM)These people DON'T want to live in harmony with you pork eaters.Wake up.I think you included a few words that should be removed in your sentence. \"in harmony\" are the words. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "I tahu I support local je, pekerja kedai tu 90% muslim, they have better live, kerja halal, takde haram pun. Owner type M ramai bayar basic salary je, EPF Socso pun tak bayar, takde pulak orang nak buat kempen.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8609704971313477} +{"text": "Can't wait PuAS questioning: RM 10,000 sehari!!! Mesti jual arak Tiger dalam sekolah!!! Siasat DAPig!!! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.945159375667572} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.please improve your fucking bm so annoying to read what the fuck is careta what the fuck is keciciran what the fuck is cai cai cai motherfuck go die ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997760653495789} +{"text": "QUOTE(gnc88 @ Feb 24 2024, 10:05 AM)BKT is believed to be a derivative of the beef dish which originated from China. Ultimately, for MY to state it's originated from Klang when it is possibly just a derivative, is simply 'jumping the gun'. Such claim needs to be substantiated.Origin \u2260 heritage. It can be heritage but doesn't mean it originates from.There is no evidence the BKT originated from China. Even the Chinese search website Baidu also mentioned BKT originated from Klang.It is said that when the Chinese first came to Nanyang to start their own businesses, their living conditions were very poor. Because they were not adapted to the hot and humid climate, many people suffered from rheumatism. In order to cure diseases and dispel cold, the sages used various medicinal materials, to cook medicine. However, due to taboos, the medicine was called \"tea\". One time, one of them accidentally put pork bones into the tea soup. Unexpectedly, the tea soup tasted very fragrant and delicious, with a unique flavor. Later, people specially adjusted the ingredients for making tea. After continuous improvement, it became one of the famous local delicacies.Bak kut teh was founded in Klang, Malaysia, and later became popular in Singapore. It is also widely spread in mainland China, Taiwan, overseas Chinese areas ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985954165458679} +{"text": "Tak ada masalah cari masalah.When nons want to make 'certified HARAM' so nobody 'confuse'? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9470424056053162} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 11 2023, 03:59 PM)so many argued about \"alcohol evaporates when exposed to heat\" still defiant eventhough research already denied such claim.--TLDR; najis.from islamic point of view, cecair yang boleh memabukkan dikategorikan najis.filth.so what if one drank 1ml of wine and gets floored by it. so what if one drank 1ltr of wine and still remain sober.does it change the fact that we still regard it as filth?--there is already fatwa that predates even /k.it already broad-listed what kind of source, usage, consumption involving alcohol is permissible or not.presented again and again, but its always the usual suspects in ktards will keep coming back to challenge and ridicule.so don't waste time with them.Oh that makes sense!Tapai is contaminated with najis (rice wine). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965644478797913} +{"text": "QUOTE(LamboSama @ Dec 23 2020, 04:39 PM) since when other countries got JAKIM?You know what the M stands for or not?\u00a0 their own JAKIM their version of jakimu bodoh or watmakam benda haram sampai bodoh ke ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "Lagi-lagi mak kita yang masak. Lagilah berkat & kita tau makanan tu at least bersih dan halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945212602615356} +{"text": "Can halal kongkek underage Can halal non hala meat Can halal. Babi meat to be halal.. Can halal haram money Can give permit to heaven Fuyoh.. This dept is almost macam God ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999880790710449} +{"text": "Bukannya produk haram, cuma x disahkan halal oleh Jakim. Kesalahan teknikal dr segi pelabelan makanan dgn salahgunakan logo. Masakan makcik gerai tp jln xde logo halal juga.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9657977223396301} +{"text": "Tak ada sijil halal tak semestinya sesuatu itu haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9943752288818359} +{"text": "QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 22 2023, 10:09 AM)Do other country has Jakim?How do Muslim survive without Jakim and Halal cert in other country?Does that mean they are dirty and not pure without Jakim?QUOTE(DarkNite @ Dec 22 2023, 10:32 AM)This only happens in Peninsular Msia.Elsewhere people's iman, ibadat & ilmu are strong, not easily crumble.It will be interesting to see how Saudi Arabia attempt to diversify the Saudi economy and modernise the country. This is a long interview and I don't have TLDW version. \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab\nY1HfRhfHwUc\n\nWRONG. Our closest southern neighbour, Singapore, also have MUIS https://www.muis.gov.sg/And they also issue Halal logo, singapore version ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992745518684387} +{"text": "quite a few outlets that have halal cert also, did not really fulfill the hygiene standardthy check popular fried chicken outlet la...see the drain/garbage disposal... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "Obviously sugar contained la... Drink water is the best.Although you think i am trolling, better avoid sugar before it's too late ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999948263168335} +{"text": "what you didn't think of - there is a market to share you rich food heritage with muslims, if you can meet the dietary requirements of muslims. think about the mexican, korean, japanese delicacies that otherwise aren't readily available to local muslims.don't make example of the few wayward muslims who don't observe halal haram.think about the larger market of those that abide to the teachings.it's about earning our trust and confidence. those roadside warung etc that you so revile of are allegedly operated by muslims.the probability of them NOT meeting the base halal requirement are low, with the many halal suppliers around, so the upfront confidence in their output is there simply because they are muslims.it's not that there is never a case of such trust being breached, as we do have cases being publicised from time to time, but in general the probability for a muslim to do that is lower in the minds of many.in that same sense, the barrier is higher for non-muslim to get same level of trust and confidence from the muslim market.i give you example of myself; always salivating looking at the cut fruit being sold by roadside, BUT i am always suspicious that the knive used might come from home kitchen where pork were also processed. it's not like i can go and ask \"eh auntie, that ....\" without getting smacked - and nowadays, viralled.that's where you can leverage halal certification to break down that mistrust and gain confidence from the market that generally avoided your products. we're not forcing you to convert. we're not forcing you to take halal certification. but if you your product is worth to earn the recognition and attract muslims consumers, then it's up to you to make the effort to earn our confidence.those muslims producers also have to go through the same hoops and loops to earn their certifications.for both muslim and non-muslims products to go overseas, halal certification offers wider audience. don't limit your thinking to just malaysian products going overseas; also think about foreign halal certifications of products imported into malaysia. halal certification is earned in the country of manufacturing. just by having halal certification - with base halal requirements standard across the globe regardless of certifying body -, i have confidence to buy pretzels made in germany, buttery discuits made in europe, milky treat from China, etc etc. thus enlarging the consumer base for those product to continue getting imported for everyone including you, because \"there is steady demand for it in malaysia\".--nobody bat eyelids when corporations race to meet kosher demand.but mention the word halal, suddenly all embargo and questions and warning bells are sounded. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9372018575668335} +{"text": "Makanan yang ada cop Jakim, confirm halal. Yang xde cop Jakim belum tentu haram. - Dr Maza", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9123987555503845} +{"text": "QUOTE(acepilot12 @ May 31 2017, 04:51 PM)i see maybe i should understand more details into this. I only encountered some when i try to approach jakim for more info, they want my equity based on my understanding with my supplier.. I think F&B will be more serious because it's consumable thing but it's also good this means we can maintain certain quality of food. Anyway, whatever industry we're in as long as it's producly malaysian product, I think we are doing a great job\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 never heard of those equity stuff. if that thing is right JAKIM will have alot of equity in big company such as nestle, qsr, loreal, unilever and etc. dont ask your supplier but go directly to JAKIM and ask the requirement to get the certificate. the difficult part for SME company to get the halal certificate is not on JAKIM requirement but on KKM requirement (food safety). company must have a gmp / mesti comply premise. once you have the food safety and GMP certificate, halal certificate is almost there . ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996843695640564} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Jan 9 2016, 01:57 PM)Gerai tepi jalan dan kaki lima tidak halal, padahal ramai muslim beli jugatak halal =/= haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999864935874939} +{"text": "Korang jangan kecam aku plak. Kate aku sesuki jatuhkan hukum haram. Aku just cakap yang permis ni die tak pegang sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9004437923431396} +{"text": "Aku rasa la, kena tukar strategi.\n\nMakanan banyak lagi yang halal dari yang haram. Apa kata instead of buat logo halal apa semua, buat logo haram untuk yang tak halal. \n\nNanti yang muslim nak masuk kedai ada logo haram pun segan. Compare dengan masuk kedai tulis no pork no lard.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "Aku jajan ini td pagi beli 5k.\nYg penting makanan itu punya km, km suka & km menghargainya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993045330047607} +{"text": "QUOTE(headache @ Nov 5 2023, 05:49 PM)Only muslims can jamin halal. Jakim is one of many organisations for concerned muslims overseen by muslims.A muslim seller can easily lie even if the ingredients are not halal.Up to the individual muslim on how particular and to ascertain the halalness of food (s)he consumes.Up to muslims also to share whatever info s(he) has on the halalness of the food being sold or served.Pandai ponRamai pemakan babi tak faham konsep halal haram niButa2 thought all halal only certificate by JAKIM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999074935913086} +{"text": "Why ktards kecam those who boikot eateries and those who kecam halal status. But now also kecam nice awek who puji eatery? Apa ktard mau? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7943710684776306} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Mar 15 2024, 11:52 AM)tanah putera business ethics. lol. longkang level.i havent seen one that takes pride in their food. all just do air diabetes, then cheese diabetes. when do they do something wellbut asalkan halal, itu paling penting, kan!Terrible. I thought halal means also comprise of good, clean and healthy food. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Feb 25 2024, 06:57 PM)No sell liquor, kenot short pants & bikini, wajib close shop time prayer, harga jews .... all the recipe of a failure. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998902082443237} +{"text": "Isu halal haram makanan, kenapa la tak umumkan saja kat tv ke, radio ke.. JAKIM ni pun la haiii", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8115987181663513} +{"text": "@azabulkalam Tak halal-certified tak bermaksud haram. Mgkn bahan2 yg dia guna semua halal tapi tak dpt nak mohon sijil Halal atas sbb lain. Apa2 pun terpulang pada consumer nak makan atau tak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "QUOTE(speedy3210 @ Jul 18 2024, 09:08 AM)Just plan for the usual spots lor..... remember to drive at slower pace coz Kuantan people got slower pace life, especially at outskirt/kampung area1.\u00a0 Sg.Lembing - - Pasar siu yuk/yiong taufu noodle (non-halal)- Mining museum- Old shophouses- Hanging bridge @cina village with spring water tofufa- Sg.Lembing noodle 2.\u00a0 Hike Bukit Panorama Sg.Lembing (start early morning can see sea of clouds)3.\u00a0 Rainbow waterfall at Panching, near sg.lembing4.\u00a0 Beaches - Pantai Batu Hitam- Pantai Balok - very nice if stroll on full moon nights, can sometimes be abit muddy on low tide area- Teluk Cempedak - nice beach and forest edge boardwalk, plenty of parking space- Cherating - nice beach but has deteriorated - Pantai Kemasik (Kemaman/Chukai, T'ganu) --- scenic but not suitable for swim5.\u00a0 Restaurant food (non-halal) - Alor Akar beggar jiken (Best and cheap) ---\u00a0 beggar jiken, sotong (salted egg yolk/fried oatmeal), steamed fish, many to list.... but as cautioned; huge crowd- Hao Ming Seafood --- pork leg nice, big crowd too- Pak Su Seafood --- got Muslim eat here, great seaside view of Pantai Batu Hitam during meal, clone of stuffed crab- Howin Seafood Restaurant- Golden Lucky Seafood ---\u00a0 no aircond- Southern Seafood Restaurant ---\u00a0 pipa roast duck (better book in advance)- Kemaman Stuffed Crab --- a short drive northward from Kuantan, authentic stuffed crab- Kemaman Hai Peng Kopitiam --- hainam kopi, roti bakar --- harmonious environment 6.\u00a0 Street food (non-halal) - UK Loh (roast duck, roast and bbq pork wantan mee) --- big crowd on weekends- Teng Haw Kedai Kopi (curry mee) --- limited tables- Restoran Taman Kuantan (hainam kopi, noodle) --- really hainam folks, can speak hainam with them- Restoran Hoi Yin (curry mee) --- limited tables- Restoran Lai Lai (ckt, roast duck wantan mee)- WW Kopitiam (cina style nasi kandar)7. Food (halal) - Sate Zul- Cendol Air Putih --- cendol, pulut bakar (damn good), big crowd- Cendol on motorbike in front of Alliance Bank Jln.Beserah --- relative of Cendol Air Putih above, less variant but same taste as CAP minus the queue- Nasi dagang Noor Azliha, Tg.Api --- nasi minyak is 1 of the bestest; texture & taste, super fresh fish meat gulai ikan. literally 30m from fish jetty.- Keropok lekor Kak Cik --- along Pantai Balok road, near Swiss Garden area, sell both raw and also fried ready to eat- Hai Peng Kopitiam Air Putih --- my in-laws said not same standard as HQ in Kemaman, but will do if lazy to drive up north- Satey Warisan Zaiton Marto --- same standard as Sate Zul but sate lebih berisi8. Point of interest- Kuantan tower- Kuantan esplanade- River cruise- Murals- Cherating Turtle sanctuary- Cherating Swamp Fireflies watchingwill add later when got time or requested by /kI am regular to Cherating. Which part of Cherating beaches that is deteriorated? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996383190155029} +{"text": "Sebab tu kedai melayu asal viral je serbu terus rasa was was ceni haha kadang tu 'halal' tapi tak bersih cara they all serving makanan", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9821001887321472} +{"text": "Ada satu kedai ramen tu aku suka. Yakin halal sbb nampak sijil Jakim. Tiap kali masuk situ (baru 4 kali) mesti rambang mata nak makan mana sebab semua nampak sedap. Aku rasa aku kena buat checklist la, cuba setiap apa yg ada, berlainan sepanjang aku pergi makan situ.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99164879322052} +{"text": "| Koko itu sendiri halal sekiranya bersih & diyakini sungguh suci sungguh murni. Jika disoal tentang produk Top Koko seperti dalam gambar, status Halal @MyJAKIM diragui kerana tidak terdapat no siri sijil MS 1500:2009 dibawah cop halal & tiada hasil carian di portal MYeHALAL https://t.co/JJJkd4YBot", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5682826042175293} +{"text": "@Namirahmsa Bagus tak pergi pasar malam, gerai tepi jalan or any gerai tanpa sijil halal. Or maybe masak sendiri je kot. Jimat duit", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997166991233826} +{"text": "QUOTE(quartre88 @ Dec 12 2023, 04:16 PM)siput babi haram jgn makanBukan mmg haram ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "Come on la, pork is only haram for muslims. Its a normal food item for the non muslims. This is too ridiculous that some people think they can dictate what others eat, wear, think, etc. Last time i check Malaysia is a multiracial and multireligious country. National dish should reflect thisThis post has been edited by ruffy_z: Jun 19 2023, 01:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997765064239502} +{"text": "QUOTE(daus89 @ May 23 2017, 02:01 PM)So if jual by orang tak tutup aurat, automatically become haram ke?And how to diff between orang solat or not?Please la,dun be too shallowBetul betulIts ridiculous ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 12 2019, 06:51 PM)I cannot. Tried many times already. Always tasted like nasik basi to me. That said,\u00a0 I've drink tuak and even sake before but no problem. Only eating tapai cant.Guess that's really acquired taste. Tuak pulak i x suka. Even tho I'm in sarawak now, married with a local native, still avoiding tuak like a plaque. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6428491473197937} +{"text": "Inb4 hukum untuk muslim but nonmuslims pula yg butthurt statement. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9409521222114563} +{"text": "KEEP THIS IN MINDNo HALAL sign doesnt mean its HARAM. The logo n cert is just another proper/official way to determine a product is guaranteed HALAL for muslim consumer or not, that's all. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9760965704917908} +{"text": "QUOTE(keown83 @ May 15 2017, 03:53 PM)wellits becos BN leaders like Najib are unlike PH leader & their supporter..BN leader like najib know how to behave as best as possible as an honorable guest in China while China Leader know how to treat their guest as best as possible..a show of professionalism from both sidePH leader & their supporter meanwhile continue with their barbarian ethics come to other pipus land & act lansi summoretak ada adab punya manusiaKelakar wehhTak berani laung apa lg cina mao? Cium keris?? Ahhahaha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7022979259490967} +{"text": "Siapa kata usahawanita seperti Zeaty, pengasas Delish Chocolate tak boleh ke peringkat global? Boleh je asalkan mengurus kewangan dengan ketat sebab bila nak membesar, kena ada kilang, sijil halal, MESTI, ada staff dan pemasaran yang pastinya ada... https://t.co/IG8oRgYY6f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993261992931366} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevin23 @ Aug 28 2020, 08:38 AM)I think u need better education bodoBar/restoran is not club la sohaiThis oso duno. Kampung mentality..Betul, agree. Nama pun tak cakap club. Need mesti cakap in loyar term baru yo get these peasant jangan suka suka tuduh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6082249283790588} +{"text": "KENAPA KAMI AMALKAN MAKANAN TAMBAHAN (SUPPLIMENTS) DARI NUTRILITE???\n1. 100% organik dari ladang Nutrilite sendiri.\n2. Mendapat sijil halal dari IFANCA yang diiktiraf JAKIM3. 100% semulajadi daripada tumbuhan tiada\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5488844513893127} +{"text": "Asal isu pasal kedai halal tak halal ni mesti nak kaitkan jugak dengan warung2 pakcik makcik tepi jalan th xde sijil halal. Nape tak kaitkan sekali dengan mak korang masak kat umah tu xde sijil halal gak tu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996820688247681} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Aug 18 2015, 11:49 AM)kalau ko nak clubbing ke, berjoget dalam tu ke, takde sapa yang kesah (mak bapak ko je la kot)yang orang marah skrang ni budak2 vape hisap vape kat tempat awam menganggu orang lain, tu yang orang marahechelly mak bapak i tak kisah i pergi clubbing, alah org tua pun pergi club dangdut lol. kalau tak suka vape, you suggest la kat menteri kite buat mcm singapura. nak vape ke rokok ke dalam kotak kecik, no public smoking at all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "@SinarOnline @MyJAKIM ramai org islam melayu pergi makan d kedai2 yg popular tetapi tiada sijil halal.apa pihak JAKIM boleh bantu supaya umat Islam boleh mkn d kedai tanpa was2 dan dimanipulasi.tq", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "beli makanan yang suka berprasangka buruk?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8268986344337463} +{"text": "if there is no confusion why is it always viralled on social media by that group that uses rempit language? just that other day the two chocolate maker who did not apply for halal certification came under scrutiny and JAKIM had to come out and say not having a halal certificate does not mean its haram.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998383522033691} +{"text": "If you yourself think not berbaloi maybe can isolate specific hours / days when you think the orders will come and only open app during those hours, your RM/hour will increase and you'll spend less time per month (tradeoff is you'll earn less in total). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999091625213623} +{"text": "QUOTE(Satori 14118a @ Sep 12 2019, 08:00 PM)Budaya tongkat mentongkati sesama sendiri tidak akan membuahkan hasil.Kalau melayu pun tak nak tolong melayu, tak kan nak harap kaum lain ah? Jadi kuli je la melayu? Kena tolong usahawan bumiputera melayu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8602993488311768} +{"text": "BUAT MALU DEKAT ORANG JEPUNBertahun Duduk Di Malaysia Alasan Tidak Fasih Berbahasa Melayu Tidak Boleh Pakai. Duduk Dalam Kelompok Bangsa Sendiri Itu Sebab Tidak Boleh Berbahasa Melayu\ncKOyUMDB45g\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980499744415283} +{"text": "QUOTE(duHwaN @ Jan 3 2017, 02:20 PM)is food without halal logo considered halal or haram?given the responses we've seen in this tered alone, its safe to say without halal logo = marinated, saturated and smothered with piggy lard inside out this is why we can't have nice things here ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "QUOTE(wankongyew @ Sep 9 2019, 10:13 AM)Muslims biggest demographic. Makes sense.Sejak bila M suka guna nama C? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999686479568481} +{"text": "Yang prihatin nasihat utk hati2 jangan minum suka hati, belum ada sijil halal etc. Member pulak menganjing2 pasal keropok lekor tepi jalan pun takde sijil halal. Haaa bagosss tepok!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9620800614356995} +{"text": "Status halal Ah Cheng Laksa https://t.co/uU27YNHWOw", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9651867747306824} +{"text": "Nanti nk beli jugak botol spray letak air spray kopiko sbb sejenis suka kacau org makan padahal makanan sendiri ada.... Nk ajar dia jgn naik ats meja makan sukati", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9910564422607422} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 13 2016, 06:34 PM)Yes. Exactly. Because halal cert is not compulsory. Its voluntary Those who apply, have certThose who dont, dontDoesn't mean their food is not halalWaffak. Betul jugaLandWaterAnd air. Cuz obviously duck can flyFuk me. I iz haram!liek dat .. chiken also 3 alam..lembu dua alam... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5417897701263428} +{"text": "\r\nJAKIM ni buat aku confuse la.. elok2 yakin yg ada logo halal tu ok..\u00a0\u00a0now semua logo Halal kecuali keluaran Jakim tu \"ragu-ragu\" la status nye?... macam mana pula logo halal barang2 import....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987438321113586} +{"text": "Good response from both side.A good muslim who did their work and went for the source for truth about the status. On the other side, a good muslim representing the company providing fact and reasonable response to why its been rejected. Win-win. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993496537208557} +{"text": "Soal makanan juga gtu. Kalau pun ak pingin tapi ak merasa mahal ak g bakal jadi makan. Dan mamaku paling g suka lw yg aku bilang mahal adalah makanan. Krn kata mamaku kalau untuk makan pasti bakal selalu ada uangnya. (Tpi bukanny dulu beli susu nggak bisa, ya?)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5596768856048584} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Jan 9 2024, 10:15 AM)Allow me to understand better.How does one claim himself a pendakwah? What is pendakwah obligation, are they under the supervision of ulama ie what a pendakwah says?Lastly can a pendakwah preach as in deliver a sermon to an assembled group of people? Or advocate religious matter?Most of the ustaz or pendakwah in Malaysia do have several teachers ( usually malay call tok guru). They are not under anyone supervision but in Malaysia, there are laws you need to have certificate to give sermon in mosque. Public place or surau no need i think but can kena dakwa if people report.Certificate or we called it tauliah here is important else you will see this kind of ustaz/pendakwah eg. Like in kedah there's quite famous ustaz that claim ship that goes war in arab land long time ago was created and imported from kedah land all those weird weird claim during sermon.For generic hierarchy it will be like this:Nabi Muhammad PBUHSahabat Nabi (those that convert to Islam and managed to meet Nabi Muhammad pbuh)4 Imam MazhabUlama from long time agoMuftiPendakwah/Ustaz (the one claim teddy bear haram is here) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9017893671989441} +{"text": "\r\ntah saya pon tak berapa suka dia ni...suka jegil mata macam masok hantu..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995057582855225} +{"text": "So yg takde sijil halal jakim tu, tak semestinya haram. Kalau pergi overseas cari Jakim gak, mereput tinggal tulang la hahaha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8759637475013733} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:15 PM)purpose/objective and producing methodtapai purpose is for eating it while it sweet taste, and not for drunk drinking.method also is slightly different where it use yis but it wait until sweetness come out.u will get drunk if u drink 20 cans of beer.both same active ingredient which is alcoholniat one for eating and one for drinkingeating alcohol - no problemdrinking alcohol - haramfor quantity to be mabuk- eating alcohol require a lot of quantity to knock u out ( so technically u cant be mabuk by eating, so eating alcohol is not haram)- drinking alcohol only need significantly lesser quantity to knock u out, so its haram ( but for those who can control their brain to drink it at minimal without any drunk effect does it resemble eating alcohol??) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985460042953491} +{"text": "kita juga perlu makanan yg bersih dan halal untuk kekuatan iman dan jiwa\nSebagaimana makan yg kotor tentu akan berakibat sakit pada badan demikian juga makanan yg haram tentu akan membuat jiwa kurang sehat#ngaji bareng santri#", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999699592590332} +{"text": "Boleh je kalau dia nyatakan dalam proses untuk dptkan halal jakim . Kedai yg mohon jakim maksudnya dia yakin kedai dia bersih dan halal toyyiban , proses dptkan halal memakan tahun n proses yg panjang & supplier juga perlu ada sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9916001558303833} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Aug 18 2015, 08:43 PM)Meh. You couldn't even make a proper argument without being emotional.For that, there's no fun making fun out of the retarded anymore.\"You went full retard, never go full retard\"How's the BJ taste like?Macai blame me plak, i emotional lah plak! Hai macai.... Swear kaw-kaw, use vulgar words kaw-kaw, eveyday dream about blowing a robot..... Bark barkLas las ....putar,twist.... I am emotional... U nvr read ur own posts ah ? Or someone posting for u ah ? Commonlah mister robot blowjob.... Now u twist story weather blowjob is haram or not ! How lah ?QUOTE(nearlee @ Aug 18 2015, 08:50 PM)butthurtnyaNearlee+1 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9902284145355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(new in IT @ Mar 20 2024, 09:49 AM)With power of 3.5x , sure gonna get best version of Malaysian food.The best of musang king go to Singapore. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Jan 17 2022, 01:10 AM)if she's other bangsa,.. got this special treatment ??try viral lo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997944235801697} +{"text": "Great! just sue the mofo!Suka2 pork this and pork that...Pork lego guy! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8323702216148376} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Dec 9 2023, 03:40 PM)Did everyone read the same post ?The FB poster is critical\u00a0 of the organizers. I fail to see what this has to do with racing.QUOTE(bigwolf @ Dec 9 2023, 06:28 PM)Gawd man, 99% of the posts here missed your point and only thinks about racing. Memang budaya membaca tidak di amalkan Lololol I thought I was gaslighted or something. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998717308044434} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironmaid89 @ Dec 20 2015, 09:35 PM)Pramugari, Khairunissa Jailani pada pelancaran penerbangan pertama Rayani Air hari ini dari klia2 ke Lapangan Terbang Langkawi.Rayani Air Sdn Bhd (Rayani Air), syarikat penerbangan patuh syariah pertama di Malaysia melancarkan penerbangan sulungnya dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (klia2) ke Lapangan Terbang Langkawi, di sini, hari ini selepas menerima Lesen Perkhidmatan Udara (ASL) dan Sijil Pengendali Udara (AOC) daripada Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA), Jumaat lalu.Pengarah Urusannya Jaafar Zamhari berkata, penerbangan yang membawa 135 penumpang itu dilihat memiliki tarikan tersendiri kerana Langkawi adalah pangkalan atau hab bagi syarikat itu ke dua destinasi buat masa ini iaitu Kuala Lumpur dan Kota Bharu.\u201cKami menerima sambutan menggalakkan meskipun tempahan hanya mula dibuka kepada orang awam melalui portal dalam talian syarikat seminggu lalu dan kami yakin laluan yang diperkenalkan ini mampu menarik lebih ramai ke Pulau Langkawi pada masa depan ,\u201d katanya pada sidang media selepas ketibaan pesawat pertama Rayani Air di sini, hari ini.Syarikat penerbangan tempatan itu menawarkan penerbangan dua kali sehari bagi penerbangan dua hala dari Kuala Lumpur-Langkawi dan Kuala Lumpur- Kota Bharu melalui dua pesawat Boeing 747-400.Apa yang menarik, ia menawarkan konsep penerbangan patuh syariah merangkumi pramugari wanita Islam yang memakai tudung dan bukan Islam berpakaian sopan, makanan dijamin halal dan bacaan doa sebelum memulakan penerbangan.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/101384 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8730858564376831} +{"text": "QUOTE(thpace @ Dec 6 2015, 07:07 PM)Guidelines as it name suggest lead to best practice and policy is an enforcement of the said best practices. So similarly under employment act, any staff shall comply to the employer's policy. Once your signature is down, it deemed you shall comply 100%Now it not necessary policy will follow guidelines, policy is under the company jurisdiction purview. So if the policy is enforced to all under the ground of public safety and and workplace fairness. The hospital already have a strong points given how good the lawyer they employedtherefore, the freedom of religion again does not allow you do whatever you want under the pretext of religionLaws of Malaysia ACT 265PART IICONTRACTS OF SERVICE7. Subject to section 7A, any term or condition of a contract ofservice or of an agreement, whether such contract or agreementwas entered into before or after the coming into force of this Act,which provides a term or condition of service which is less favourableto an employee than a term or condition of service prescribed bythis Act or any regulations, order or other subsidiary legislationwhatsoever made thereunder shall be void and of no effect to thatextent and the more favourable provisions of this Act or anyregulations, order or other subsidiary legislation whatsoever madethereunder shall be substituted therefor. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997938275337219} +{"text": "Sepanjang 12 tahun berkecimpung dalam industri daging, pemotong daging di sebuah pasar raya di ibu kota, Mohamad Boniyamin Yusuf, 37, sudah lali melihat penggemar daging lembu wagyu menghabiskan wang sehingga ribuan ringgit hanya untuk membeli daging tersebut.\u201cPernah saya melihat seorang pembeli tempatan yang mengeluarkan wang sebanyak RM10,000 untuk membeli daging wagyu. Dia membayarnya secara tunai di pasar raya!\u201cLebih lazim lagi kelibat individu yang berbelanja RM7,000 setiap bulan bagi membeli daging wagyu. Mula-mula pelik juga kerana orang sanggup menghabiskan begitu banyak wang demi satu jenis daging. Tetapi, itulah realitinya,\u201d ceritanya ketika ditemui Kosmo! baru-baru ini sekali gus menggambarkan betapa wagyu mempunyai penggemarnya di negara ini sehingga mereka sanggup berbelanja besar demi daging lembu paling lembut di pasaran itu.Wagyu merupakan gabungan perkataan bahasa Jepun, wa dan gyu yang bermaksud lembu Jepun sekali gus memberi gambaran tempat asalnya. Portal berita Huffington Post, Britain bahkan menggelarnya sebagai potongan daging paling mahal di dunia.\u201cSaya lihat tahun ke tahun pembelian daging wagyu semakin meningkat. Ia mungkin kerana semakin ramai penggemar stik dan pertambahan golongan berpendapatan tinggi di negara ini. Kebanyakan peminatnya ialah masyarakat Melayu dan warga asing seperti mat saleh dan Jepun,\u201d ujarnya seraya menunjukkan satu blok daging wagyu Jepun bahagian ribloin seberat 2.2 kilogram yang berharga RM1,878.Menurutnya daging wagyu dari Jepun merupakan daging termahal yang dijual di pasar raya terbabit berbanding daging-daging lembu yang lain.Biarpun wagyu berasal dari Jepun, namun selama ini, wagyu halal yang terdapat di pasaran Malaysia hanyalah wagyu yang diternak di Australia. Namun, keadaan berubah sejak tahun lalu apabila sebuah syarikat bumiputera, AAH Nippon Sdn. Bhd. merintis jalan mengimport wagyu asli halal dari Jepun ke pasaran negara ini apabila sembelihannya mengikut syarak dan mendapat sijil halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).Ia merupakan syarikat yang diterajui dua beradik dari Alor Setar, Kedah, Akmal Abu Hassan, 48, dan adiknya Ajwad, 46. AAH adalah singkatan nama dua beradik tersebut.Menerangkan mengenai wagyu, Ajwad memberitahu, wagyu ialah antara jenis lembu di Jepun dan terdapat empat baka wagyu. Empat baka itu ialah wagyu hitam, wagyu coklat, wagyu shorthorn dan wagyu polled namun 90 peratus wagyu ialah wagyu hitam.Dari segi pandangan fizikal, wagyu kelihatan lebih sasa dan besar berbanding lembu biasa.\u201cIa diternak secara berbeza-beza mengikut kawasan di Jepun dan dijenamakan berasaskan kawasan. Oleh sebab itu wujud istilah seperti lembu Kobe, lembu Matsusaka dan sebagainya sedangkan semua itu adalah wagyu.\u201cBerat seekor wagyu antara 700 hingga 1,100 kilogram sedangkan lembu biasa di negara kita hanya 400 kilogram,\u201d terangnya ketika ditemui di Wisma AAH yang terletak di Seri Kembangan, Selangor.Cara ternakMenerangkan perbandingan nilai, Ajwad berkata, seekor lembu wagyu berharga satu juta yen atau RM38,000 berbanding lembu tempatan biasa di negara ini berharga kira-kira RM4,000 seekor.Mengenai harga potongan dagingnya, Ajwad berkata, wagyu dijual pada harga berbeza mengikut potongan bahagian-bahagiannya. Wagyu termahal adalah pada bahagian tenderloin.\u201cDaging lembu wagyu dipotong kepada 15 bahagian. Bahagian termahal adalah di bahagian batang pinang meliputi tenderloin, sirloin dan ribloin yang merupakan bahagian paling popular dan mendapat permintaan tinggi untuk sajian stik.\u201cKami menjual tenderloin kepada pemborong atau pasar raya pada harga RM750 sekilogram. Apabila tiba kepada pengguna, mungkin berlaku sedikit kenaikan harga oleh pihak berkenaan,\u201d katanya.Ajwad berkata, daging wagyu Jepun lebih mahal, lembut dan enak berbanding wagyu Australia kerana keasliannya.Katanya, wagyu Jepun begitu berjaya kerana genetiknya dari situ. Daging wagyu mempunyai lima gred (A1 hingga A5) yang diukur berdasarkan marbling iaitu corak lemaknya yang berwarna putih atau serat ototnya.Ia menjadikan daging wagyu begitu lembut seperti cair di mulut ketika menikmatinya, kualiti yang tiada pada daging-daging yang lain.\u201cSelain itu faktor yang membuatkan daging wagyu Jepun begitu sedap dan lembut ialah cara ia diternak. Ia diternak di dalam kandang berlantai habuk kayu dan dilengkapi kipas angin. Ia diberi makan makanan yang berkualiti seperti rumput yang diimport dari Amerika Syarikat, vitamin, hampas jagung dan sebagainya,\u201d katanya.Cerita Ajwad, abangnya, Akmal yang menetap di Jepun telah mengambil masa selama lapan tahun bagi meyakinkan dua rumah sembelihan Jepun iaitu Zenkai Meat Corporation dan Nishiawa Beef untuk mempraktikkan sembelihan halal.\u201cSetelah menerima sijil halal daripada Jakim, kami pada November lalu menjadi syarikat pertama yang mengimport daging wagyu halal Jepun ke negara ini. Jika sebelum ini terdapat wagyu Jepun di pasaran negara ini ia tentunya tidak halal dan diseludup masuk secara haram,\u201d katanya.Ajwad berkata, syarikatnya mengimport sebanyak 5 hingga 8 tan wagyu sebulan yang dibekalkan kepada pasar raya, rumah-rumah stik dan hotel-hotel lima bintang.Sedangkan, katanya, permintaan terhadap wagyu secara keseluruhannya di negara ini begitu besar iaitu 40 tan sebulan.\u201cWagyu seringkali dianggap sajian mewah dan mahal namun harganya berpotensi untuk menjadi lebih rendah jika rakyat negara ini mempelbagaikan cara pemakanannya dan tidak hanya stik yang tertumpu pada bahagian lembu tertentu sahaja.\u201cIni membolehkan kami mendapat lembu wagyu pada harga yang lebih murah kerana kita membeli banyak bahagian. Saya mahu mendidik masyarakat untuk makan wagyu secara yakiniku iaitu barbeku serta shabu shabu (celur) yang melibatkan pelbagai bahagian wagyu.\u201cApabila harganya lebih rendah, maka lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia berpeluang menikmatinya,\u201d katanya.BekalanSementara itu, cef sajian wagyu di restoran Jepun, Shin Nihon, Sri Hartamas, Ahmad Khairizal Osman berkata, 60 peratus pelanggan restoran ialah orang Melayu.\u201cSetiap kali orang mencuba daging wagyu di sini, mereka akan datang lagi. Komen mereka yang merasainya kali pertama biasanya akan mengatakan betullah, sangat lembut sehingga cair di mulut,\u201d katanya sambil memberitahu antara pelanggan Shin Nihon ialah Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, pelakon, Nabil Ahmad dan penyanyi, Anuar Zain.Shin Nihon yang mendapat bekalan wagyu daripada AAH Nippon menyajikan daging-daging wagyu halal dari Australia dan Jepun.Menerangkan tentang rasa daging memang sukar namun Khairizal yang mempunyai pengalaman dua dekad dalam sajian wagyu menjelaskan perbezaan keenakan wagyu Jepun berbanding Australia secara mudah.\u201cDaging wagyu Jepun begitu sedap sehingga memadai jika diperap dengan garam, sebaliknya wagyu Australia memerlukan bahan-bahan perapan lain,\u201d ujarnya.http://www.kosmo.com.my/k2/rencana-utama/k...-mulut-1.748714This post has been edited by ironmaid89: Sep 17 2018, 09:05 AM Attached thumbnail(s)\n \n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.89531010389328} +{"text": "seriously there are those who thinking to become 100% sgaporkian citizen?PR can ady, if singaporkian so great, I dont think the angmohs will work in singapork using PR or work visa, they will straight take citizenship.mind you they are enjoying good salary there, but malaysian? best u can work level senior exec to manager only...some might be lucky, but it requires alot of bending over and jilating. a lot of foreigners leech singapork, but they WONT wanna stay in singapork for life. reason?expensive, cramped, and you can NEVER own your own land. these days, you gotta be stupid for not thinking of buying land for your own stay, living in sginapore will forever bind you with maintenance cost, installments, utilities no matter how much money u put in, you gotta pay for life. Ive known some ex minister of singapore before, he got his own landed property, guess what? its smaller than my landed house..LOL ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9917798638343811} +{"text": "Sama macam muslim kalau di luar negara yang minority muslim, nak cari kedai halal kadang susah, so kalau pergi kedai tak diiktiraf halal akan pilih menu veggie. Kalau dia bagi menu daging/ayam pada kita tanpa bagitau, dan kita termakan, mesti kita pun marah", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7665457129478455} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 02:10 AM)no it's not about halal or haram brush being law, but there is law about properly labelling your items.but there is law about proper labelling and description.Just looked through a bunch of various boxes around me, none (besides food related) have materials in label.QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 02:10 AM)as it is ministry already ordered to stop the enforcement and give time for traders to comply with law.I still don't understand, why do I have to be punished? Why do I have to spend my time and money for this? Why can't Jakim do it for me (and for you)?See, we all understand your point, that you think all products should have labels. But you don't understand our point.This post has been edited by silic0sis: Feb 12 2017, 02:22 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988941550254822} +{"text": "Pemohon Sijil Halal tidak dibenar guna terma 'ayat ruqyah', 'makanan sunnah' dll pada produk - JAKIMhttp://ow.ly/hbK6309sElY", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9960075616836548} +{"text": "QUOTE(hardcoreangel @ Mar 30 2018, 10:39 AM)yeah its quite overhyped back then. i tried once. i take the honey one. really dissapointing. for me, 4 fingers more better.then, there is another 1 korean food that went viral. it comes with cheese and u need to roll it up. forget what is the name of the shop but my gf try it, she said not sedap at all.hahai know right. 4 fingers is much better they're not pretentious to be a proper sit down restaurant just for a fried chicken. flavor is far up there compared to the bland kyochon. words really cant accurately describe how disappointed i was. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988310933113098} +{"text": "Raudhah City developer plans mall for Malay retailersAFTER launching an \u201cIslamic concept\u201d housing development, the founder of Raudhah City Sdn Bhd is now setting his sights on a shopping centre aimed at boosting business for Malay-Muslim retailers and entrepreneurs.Raudhah City CEO Mohd Fadzil Hashim said Malakat Mall, which will open near the Raudhah City development in Cyberjaya, will be a market hub for all sorts of Muslim products for the neighbourhood and surrounding areas.Pengasas Raudhah City mahu himpun usahawan bumiputera di Malakat MallPUSAT beli-belah Malakat Mall yang akan dibuka berhampiran Raudhah City di Cyberjaya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penyertaan usahawan bumiputera dalam pasaran runcit, kata pengasasnya.Pengasas syarikat Raudhah City Sdn Bhd Mohd Fadzil Hashim berkata ia akan menghimpun pelbagai produk Muslim di pusat di kawasan kejiranan Muslim itu.Jelasnya, idea untuk menubuhkan pusat membeli belah itu berdasarkan kajian yang menunjukkan sektor peruncitan bumiputera masih tidak berkembang kerana tidak dapat menyertai pasaran.\u201cBila kami analisis data, ia menunjukkan sebab kita tak boleh pergi jauh adalah kerana kita tiada akses kepada pasaran.\u201cKita tiada pusat beli-belah, jadi antara rancangan strategik kami adalah untuk mempunyai pusat beli-belah,\u201d katanya yang turut mengusahakan sekolah tadika swasta popular Brainy Bunch.Tambahnya, isu sebenar melibatkan peniaga terbabit bukanlah persaingan dengan usahawan masyarakat lain tetapi mengenai perkembangan usahawan bumiputera itu sendiri.\u201cSebab itu, selepas 62 tahun Merdeka, komuniti Bumiputera masih ketinggalan dalam sektor ekonomi,\u201cMereka tidak ada dalam sektor peruncitan sedangkan siapa kawal sektor peruncitan dia akan kuasai ekonomi,\u201d katanya.Bagaimanapun, Malakat Mall itu tidak berkaitan dengan kempen mengutamakan produk Islam dan bumiputera yang rancak pada waktu ini, katanya kepada The Malaysian Insight.\u201cIdea kita untuk tubuhkan Malakat Mall ini jauh lebih awal daripada kempen utamakan produk Melayu dan Islam yang berlaku hari ini,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata kumpulan Melayu dan Bumiputera merupakan kumpulan pengguna terbesar namun pasaran runcit yang disertai pengusaha golongan itu hanyalah pasaran kecil.Sektor peruncitan negara dianggarkan bernilai kira-kira RM110 bilion, namun kumpulan pengusaha Melayu dan Bumiputera hanya menguasai 8% daripada keseluruhan pasaran, tambah Fadzil.Menurutnya, sebahagian besarnya dikuasai syarikat asing, sebanyak 60% selain perusahaan bukan Melayu dan bukan Bumiputera sebanyak 32% daripada keseluruhan pasaran sektor peruncitan.Oleh itu, mereka mahu syarikat asing mengurangkan kepentingan dalam pasaran runcit untuk membolehkan lebih ramai usahawan Bumiputera terlibat melalui Malakat Mall.\u201cSasaran kita adalah untuk membolehkan kehadiran perusahaan Bumiputera dalam industri peruncitan ini dirasai dengan mengurangkan pemilikan asing daripada terlibat dalam pasaran.\u201cKita nak syarikat asing melabur dalam bidang strategik, tetapi bukan datang ke negara kita menjual ayam dan beras, bukan melakukan perniagaan yang rakyat kita sendiri boleh buat,\u201d katanya\u201cMereka jual produk kegunaan harian kepada rakyat kita kemudian keuntungan itu mereka bawa balik ke negara mereka,\u201d katanya.Fadzil juga yakin Malakat Mall mampu mengembangkan penguasaan pasaran Melayu dan Bumiputera dalam sektor peruncitan sebanyak 30% lagi.Fadzil berkata mereka menetapkan sasaran untuk membuka 100 Malakat Mall di seluruh negara dalam tempoh 10 tahun, dengan sebahagian besar daripadanya akan berada di Lembah Klang.Beliau menganggarkan nilai jualan daripada 100 unit Malakat Mall itu berjumlah RM30 bilion.\u201cSasaran kita minimum 30 Malakat Mall di Lembah Klang, manakala bakinya lagi adalah mungkin satu atau dua di setiap negeri lain.\u201cCadangan kita adalah dengan mengambil alih pengurusan pusat beli-belah sedia ada yang suram dan kita akan bangunkan semula dengan konsep yang kita nak bawa,\u201d katanya.Dengan itu, mereka bukan sahaja membantu pemilik pusat beli-belah untuk menyegarkan kembali hartanah tetapi turut membuka peluang untuk membangunkan ekonomi Bumiputera, katanya.Tambahnya, mereka juga bercadang untuk menyediakan 20% tempat di pusat membeli-belah itu kepada syarikat bukan Bumiputera atau syarikat asing.Katanya, Malakat Mall sulung di Raudhah City dijangka mula beroperasi Januari 2020, dengan sasaran kunjungan 20,000 keluarga.Tambah Fadzil, ia akan mengetengahkan konsep pusat membeli belah komuniti dengan menawarkan pulang yang menurutnya akan dikembalikan semula kepada masyarakat.\u201cContohnya, bagi mereka yang berbelanja sebanyak RM20,000 di Malakat Mall, keluarga mereka akan nikmati khidmat kesihatan percuma daripada klinik yang ada dalam Malakat Mall,\u201d katanya.Selain itu, pemilik perniagaan atau operator pula hanya perlu membayar sewa melalui konsep perkongsian keuntungan dan tidak dikenakan kadar sewa tetap setiap bulan, katanya.Fadzil berkata untuk itu, operator perniagaan juga akan menggunakan perkhidmatan pembayaran tunai dan tanpa tunai Raudhah Pay, yang juga akan dibangunkan syarikatnya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4483923316001892} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Sep 12 2015, 11:42 AM)Malu jugak bero. Amoi pun dont want orang gemuk. But apa boleh buat, dah genetic.Genetic obesity is 0.00001% of population, you are saying you have this Guinness book of record rare disease? Enough excuses. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9833407998085022} +{"text": "QUOTE(galkelly @ Jan 16 2022, 11:10 PM)the fact that she has to wait until viral only action will be taken...this is budaya kita dybudaya viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9907935261726379} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ May 14 2021, 06:58 AM)perfect halal? Made by muslim?Every where is acceptable EXCEPT Peninsula Malaysia.Whole establishment must be Malay.Recently a famous local Hailam kopitiam kena raided by JHEAINS\u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In Kedah & Penang, have a few such popular outlet frequent by many local Malays which I am unable to recommend to you.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.However .....When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?!\u00a0 )U worry about small matter, those 2.5rm packet oil u think no traces of pork in them lol . ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999178647994995} +{"text": "Tarikh IKEA Batu Kawan nak dibuka , tiba2 viral isu IKEA Cafe tak pernah mohon sijil halal pulak . Aduh meatball \ud83d\ude11", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9934972524642944} +{"text": "When my relative kahwin time. He prepared few table for his muslim koliks and neighbours.they have halal meals and we have our haram shit in the same hall. No one complaining also. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999833106994629} +{"text": "@liyanarafiee @loveramalaysia MJ TIADA bahan kimia terlarang, TIADA paraben, TIADA pewarna tiruan, TIADA merkuri, TIADA steroid dan yang paling penting TIADA kesan sampingan. Siap ada kelulusan KKM dan ada sijil HALAL lagi. This one boleh membantu merawat masalah jeragat awak \ud83d\ude0a https://t.co/FE6J2xG36K", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9316543340682983} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasterConfucion @ Jan 24 2023, 12:01 PM)Can Muslim drink 0% alcohol beer? Essentially it is like soft drink. If 0% also cannot drink then who going to buy that shit lol. Non Muslim 1 drink non alcohol beer better order 7 up. It's made for them right lelthe name beer already haram lor, just like root beer and hot dog.if name the 0% beer to sparkling water then no problem ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999834418296814} +{"text": "Like anyone cared about the name Pretzel Dog or even the Halal status.... every time pass by Auntie Anne sure long line ppl buy.... and many of them are Melei.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986384510993958} +{"text": "QUOTE(8cr13mov @ Nov 21 2018, 11:23 PM)no needthere's no non halal moneyonly haram moneywhich got no relation with pork whatsoeverIt's not because there's no.. They can't enforce it in the first place ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998207688331604} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Apr 26 2022, 04:42 PM)Go cuci rambut jer.. best feeling like a king.No hanky panky punya ye I oren alim jugak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999285936355591} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mixo Mania @ Jan 8 2021, 09:44 PM)You know the common image of perpaduan is often uncles of different races chilling in a kopitiam.Soon this image is no more.FUCK YOU seriously.Ahhh... Lat's... Such image wana see in Klang valley? Sudah no more....QUOTE(Fubar20 @ Jan 8 2021, 09:45 PM)Toast and kopi also got haram one ah? Bodo piangAda... Goreng pakai minyak Babi katanya...QUOTE(bood @ Jan 8 2021, 09:58 PM)lol kebodohan aper ni ??? tak puas hati tengok orang pergi kedai takder sijil ... suruh jabatan entah aper pergi siasat ... \"Hasil pemeriksaan mendapati premis tersebut tiada tukang masak beragama Islam & bahan ramuan yang digunakan juga tiada sijil Halal.\"whoop fuckin doo ... big surprise takder sijil ... its like going to a chinese restaurant and finding a non muslim as chef .. oh wait .. its exactly like that ... zzzzIni macam masuk non-halal section komplen non-halal stuf being sold openly. Nanti umat \"TER\"beli.QUOTE(rickyro @ Jan 8 2021, 10:00 PM)Edit:in the comment section, some of them don't even want to eat a slice of toast and hard boiled eggs in that shop...Takde orang paksa pergi pun. Lebih2 je komen bangang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.439974844455719} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.will get sued for discrimination if didnt invite? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9866356253623962} +{"text": "QUOTE(Witchblade @ Aug 27 2020, 01:29 PM)berita gembira. moga musang king turun harga(Third party): hahahahaha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9376175403594971} +{"text": "QUOTE(popcornflavaa @ Oct 25 2016, 04:38 PM)what makes u think as long as muslim sells it, it is halal? i remember some of datuk vida's cosmetic product had dangerously high levels of mercury. halal x? tapi muslim yg jual...u know whats the best part, i go buy nasi lemak frm malay auntie tepi jalan. kena food poisoning because i saspek d food is few days old. halal x? not to forget, beli air soya kat bazaar ramadan that is spoilt. bazaar ramadan. no halal cert. sold by muslim. stomach ache. halal x?Tepi jalan manada halal cert. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "\nhzln replied at 11-9-2015 05:10 PM\ntu lah\r\ndrama queen sangat hakak nih\r\nrasa dipermainkan, sentap, terhina, terguris segala aneka :l ...\nMek, kalau babi dgan bukan babi duduk sebelah menyebelah, ion2 babi tu akan tertarik pada molekul non babi kerana daya tarikan magnetik babi yg begitu lemah persis pondan siam hj taib. Lantas ummah meleis yg begitu saintifik dan paranoid telah berfatwa bahawa harom babi dan non babi duduk dalam kejiranan yg sama atas prinsip2 tersebut. Haruslah ahkak period bocor sejembut tersebut sentap mak nak sbb hasil kajian bangsat meleis telah diperlekeh ummah tesco kapir wahabi syiah lahanat. Ayuh bangkit berdemo 16sept ini!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bananahead @ Nov 10 2023, 09:15 AM)They are already telling their own people to change jobs. Look at their comments on related fb posts. 90% of the commentors feel no remorse for affecting their own people's livelihood. Because they believe they are all doing this for a holy cause.Don't even think about talking sense into them.Unfortunately, our mindset is totally different from each other. They will never understand us, and we will never understand them, ever.I understand them I just find it ridiculous. Anyhow they are doing this thinking it's the popular thing to do. Just like kpop. N spice girls 20y ago. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999115467071533} +{"text": "QUOTE(deepan84 @ May 19 2024, 12:47 AM)The economy is currently being pushed by typeC. Even in indon and other SEA countries. By killing typeC biz, you\u2019re killing Malaysian economy because the alternative (typeM) just ain\u2019t good enough for global economy. But well, experience is the best teacher. When GDP drops and lotsa jobs are gone, then maybe typeM will realise but it will be too late. End up like indon in the 90s.Agree, the smart ppl already known this long ago, LKY also said 60 years ago, type M need to step up their game and improve themselves. As a non I am happy to see Bumi business succeed I will gladly support good quality products regardless of race and religion ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999974250793457} +{"text": "my standard of precaution for eating outside is kedai tu WAJIB ada sijil halal dulu, tak cukup kalau muslim-owned saja or they don\u2019t serve pork/alcohol bc it\u2019s better to be safe than sorry, especially with meals you\u2019re eating and inserting into your body", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9953534603118896} +{"text": "Sekarang sedang berlangsung Ceramah Agama oleh PU Fakhrul bertajuk 'Kepentingan Makanan Halal dan Bersih Mengikut Perspektif Islam'\n\nSemua muslimin dan muslimat dijemput hadir.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999531507492065} +{"text": "Kota BAhru Chinese food is average at best. I was there a few times so I know. Nobody will tell you their Chinese food is amazing or out of this world la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "I think it's when you have lived abroad that makes you appreciate your home country. for those that don't understand, maybe I give you an example more people has maybe been thru, have you guys ever wanted to change job because you feel the place you work at is very shitty? Then you find a job and during the interview you see that the new job seems to be a lot better, and the people also a lot more professional and friendlier, then you join the new company, saying good riddance to the old shitty work environment and fucuk ex-colleagues, then you are so happy in the new company,,,,1 month pass then you start to see,,,the new colleagues macam all is wolf and hyenas in sheep clothing,,,,then 3 month passed, you realise the company macam dont have a lot of system in place..a bit chaotic and by 6 month time you realise this job is even shittier than your previous job . After living abroad, I find Malaysia have a good work life balance, and the quality of life is very good. You see Singaporean, when they want to have good quality of life, they come to Malaysia. You just need to be smart about how to make a living here, and its a lot easier making a living here than other places. Also, to be honest, those that everyday kpkb gahmen no good, things are expensive....just you wait till you go live overseas and have to do OT just to survive and then control that OT to the dot so that you dont fall into the next tax bracket and 40% of your pay is given to the govt, then you find that govt giving living expenses to the bums (eh..macam familiar je nie). Then you get yelled ate by a bunch of bogan looking teenagers just for taking the train, or you grip you gun in your vest tight because you were walking thru a rougher neighbourhood because the place is the only place you can afford to rent. Shit like that will adjust your perspective very rapidly and you will realize, hey, Malaysia ain't a bad place at all.In Life, there are external factors which you cannot control, but the internal factors within your control is how you react to the external factors, for me, I have decided early in life, I want to make my life and my family life better, so main aim was to make money, the side effect was that I also spent my time living abroad due to my work, which seems to be my luck as I was able to see the world and came up with the best living format for me, which is to keep my Malaysian citizen ship and also have the options of living abroad. Hence my property in China and Singapore.Also, to be honest, if you feel that you and your family can't survive in Malaysia due to Malaysia no future, do you think you can survive overseas, because living in Malaysia is like playing a game on easy setting, while living overseas, its definitely a hard setting. And those that kbkp and complain everyday, those never do take the first step and move overseas, normally are those that diam diam just move. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.743313193321228} +{"text": "Food : Tuaran Mee, Sang Nyuk Mee, Gou Min, Kolok Mee, Sinal** B*k*s, P**k burger, Some Famous Laksa, Fish Noodles (I dont go fatt kee, Expensive) Lots of other choices, Taste not bad! Sea Food : Tung Fung (High Budget) Welcome Seafood (Cheap / Reasonable Price)Sunset : Tg Aru beach The best! (Free), Beach Hotel Sunset Bar (High Budget, Near Tg Aru Beach)Island : Pulau Sapi, Manukan, Mamutik 10 - 20 Minute from KK, Pulau Mantanani, Snokeling, Sandy White beach (2-3 Hours from KK) Mountain : Ranau (Mount Kinabalu Surounding, Kundasang (Good weather, Imagine Genting but no such big hotel / Building)Hot spring : Mount Kinabalu Area.Mud Vocanal : Pulau Tiga (Survival Island)p/s : Dont be surprise, Muslim do work in Chinese restaurant, we all live in harmony ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9966508746147156} +{"text": "@fiyrusli LikeI said.... sijil halal doesnt make it haram? Boba consist of NATURAL ingredient. I might be wrong about the sijil in taiwan but my point still stands.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "QUOTE(avex|mode @ Jan 5 2018, 09:38 AM)Bodo. Beer tak haram for non-Muslim, tapi Oktoberfest still kena ban jugak. So how?LOL...BURNZZ!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9857844710350037} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.If you say like that the roti also produces alcohol during process. Even though it dries up during baking, it is still dried alcohol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.752682089805603} +{"text": "viral foodwill die in few weeks ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasi lemak 20 sen @ Oct 21 2019, 11:22 AM)first, people will only laugh at the stupidity of Beli Mahal First (BMF).second time, people then will laugh again when the very same gang want more BSH tongkat cause they say kita orang miskin. Hidup susah. Kena bagi BMF tongkat kepada orang kite some more.Sendiri bangang mau beli barang mahal, then claim hidup susah, miskin => and then demand more tongkat !Gang parasite => reason Malaysia susah mau majuApa kebenda relation entah BMF dengan BSH ni. Orang yang susah betul (baca: Melayu miskin) tak kisah pun dengan BMF force ni. Yang betul2 ikut golongan M40 (B40 mungkin ada) sebab diorang memang mampu & kalau ada or takda BSH tu takda jejas pun kehidupan korang.Please lah sebab sokong BMF nakkan banyak lagi BSH? Logic apa dia pakai ni? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "if the item in question is haram, then being involved in its trade is haram as well.swine, alcohol, cigarette, dog, ....-------------https://www.usahawan.com/perniagaan/perkara...erniagaan.html/8. Haram menjual najis.Telah berlaku Ijma\u2019 di kalangan fuqaha tentang haram nya sebarang bentuk perniagaan barangan yang najis pada zatnya seperti arak, babi, anjing, bangkai dan seumpamanya. Islam mengharamkan sebarang bentuk perniagaan barangan najis ini kerana ianya boleh mendatangkan mudarat dan kerosakan di muka bumi.---------------------https://muslim.or.id/24003-fatwa-ulama-huku...dan-kucing.htmlTidak boleh menjual anjing dan tidak boleh memakan harta hasil penjualannya. Karena hadits,\u0646\u0647\u0649 \u0639\u0646 \u062b\u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0644\u0628 \u0648\u062d\u0644\u0648\u0627\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0627\u0647\u0646 \u0648\u0645\u0647\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u063a\u064a\u201cNabi Shallallahu\u2019alaihi Wasallam melarang memakan hasil penjualan anjing, bayaran dukun dan upah pelacur\u201d (HR. Al Bukhari)This post has been edited by cicak.fakir: Feb 27 2018, 01:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "eh the skewer you eat is the normal roadside style with cumins, pepper and chillisyou gotta try the xinjiang skewers lagi best.it's like a line box cube meat with stainless steel skewers.then they got roti (something like our naan but crunchier with sesames on top)fried rice with raisins.order their homemade yoghurt (not all serves homemade yoghurt)hghhh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "QUOTE(SonnyCooL @ Feb 11 2017, 07:08 PM)My malay friend touch amd feed dog leh .... He is haji, wondering why there is two version of it ...yes you can touch dogs and pigs, but after that you have to sertu (that tedious ritual to wash with earth+water mixture).maybe your haji friend is fine with doing it everyday (touch dog and then sertu ad nauseum), that's up to him.but i wanna ask, does he force other muslims to follow his way (touch a dog)?and i also have fed dogs long time ago, but i don't touch them directly.the point is those 2 animals are haram, got restrictions, best avoided unless in emergency (maybe your haj friend's a guard dog or a guidedog, both of which are allowed, even then still has to sertu if you touch them directly).now is this explanation too hard to understand? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8415395021438599} +{"text": "QUOTE(PADUK @ Jan 21 2019, 05:46 PM)Hahaha stupid see pork photos also triggerLast time tengok haiwan kelas quadrupled marsupial eg Wombat kena triggered Ni tengok beef steak ingat BabiEducation has really failed usBodoh haram jadahMAS CEO should resign for attacking sensitivity now ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9879891872406006} +{"text": "klau orang berilmu knpa harus takut dengn sertifikasih klau orang bodoh pasti takut dengan sertifikasihhalal haram hanya untuk makanan klau barang najis dan bersih barang tidak cocok dengn halal haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997056126594543} +{"text": "In the west , sex sells.in Msia.....(race/religious sentiments) sellsIf the formula works... I can foresell true capitalistic muhibah in the making..... Malay busienss hire Chinese \"running dogs\" to criticize the business, wait for it to viral... then \"mission accomplished\"This post has been edited by alanyuppie: May 28 2024, 09:47 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9387354850769043} +{"text": "QUOTE(mac60931 @ Nov 30 2020, 02:15 AM)...Where sky is green, the full moon is shining white you get it you get it 1. Beer itu bukan minuman keras, cuma minuman lembut 2. Jangan kacau periuk nasi aku! 3. Itu rezeki lebih, jangan dengki! 4. Arak adalah hak bagi manusia, tak baik kita haramkan 5. Babi Njir itu haram , bukan muhrim sure kena butthurt punya if you dont geddit ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999947190284729} +{"text": "Berkat can feed them. Kek. People moving forward. Some choose to remain backward. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996638298034668} +{"text": "Aku pun sama... kalau pergi kedai mamak pun aku check dulu diorang ada sijil halal ke takde... Most of the time aku masak sendiri kt rumah... Atau mkn megi, sebab komfem2 ada cop halal Jakim.. Halal haram dalam makanan tu penting... Haha..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9408518671989441} +{"text": "QUOTE(xiaojohn @ Nov 20 2023, 12:02 AM)Cina muslim adalah melayuQUOTE(xiaojohn @ Nov 20 2023, 12:04 AM)Ini masalah pekerja itu, sudah tau kerja untuk melayu, sepatut lah dia kena berbeluk islam dah lah\u2026kenapa pakai cross? Sini bukan sabah sarawak\u2026sini semenangjung\u2026tanah melayu\u2026tanah sultan sultanQUOTE(xiaojohn @ Nov 20 2023, 12:05 AM)Jakim tak certified halal maksud tak halal\u2026 kau label pork free boleh, tak boleh cakap halal\u2026.Kalau boleh, buat juga PCR DNA babi\u2026atau anjingQUOTE(xiaojohn @ Nov 20 2023, 12:06 AM)Terima kasihDah start dah ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977939128875732} +{"text": "Here we go againBrapa kali dah ckp, kalau tak yakin, takyah minom ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998409748077393} +{"text": "If not happy, then take it up with HP.This one go social media memang want attention.Best is to stop all these belanja makan. It's a form of kickback ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999560117721558} +{"text": "Kedai mn ni sis?\n\u2022Halal tk mknan kt situ, risau lh mkn kt tmpat shubhah ni~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999409914016724} +{"text": "QUOTE(Leon be here now @ Feb 13 2016, 10:59 PM)The article stated they think the No Pork sign is misleading people to believe its Halah.Option 1 get expensive Halal cert.Option 2 Do nothing and potential face heavy fine.Option 3 Take down No Port signOption 4 Put up a Non Halal sign next to the No Port signThis way it will serve 2 types of people, the Muslims and the other race that dont eat pork.If govt complain Non - Halal sign is also misleading coz its got the word \"Halah\" and not all Malay understand English word \"Non\" meansThen go to the bloody sign and tape/spray paint 2 RED lines forming a cross sign on the word Halah, like the STOP sign for traffic sign.If they don't understand what the red cross on a world means then I have nothing else to sayWouldn't necessarily be \"Non Halal\" though.Jakim does not have a monopoly on what is \"halal\", they just seem own the 'HALAL brand' in Malaysia. Option 5: Put up a sign that says \"Tiada sijil Halal dari JAKIM kerana business ini tidak mampu/tidak mahu conform to bullshit targeted persecution by religious bodies that have should not be holding this much power\" ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992651343345642} +{"text": "QUOTE(hksgmy @ Jan 11 2024, 12:18 PM)Well, one way to avoid the 183 Tax Resident status is for me to spend 182 days in Sydney, and the rest of the year back in Singapore and Malaysia (I can, as a citizen, but wife may have to go on an MM2H visa). So, best of 3 worlds.Or, I could spend 182 days in Sydney, then split the rest between NZ (where as an Aussie PR, I automatically enjoy residency rights in NZ too), Singapore and Malaysia... best of 4 worlds!Only rich man like yourself can do that. :-) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985016584396362} +{"text": "lol young only good, when senior time makan gaji saja, bodoh punya national team, because they suck so bad malu nak pakai jersey harimau muda ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Oct 14 2023, 11:34 AM)Bruh, u know air.Some use bone char as carbon filter.Good luckNot I say 1 ahhttps://metaefficient.com/water-filters/bon...ive-filter.htmlabout to reply ts there is no halal chopbut for ts sui \"\u7fe0\" is haram, others is halalThis post has been edited by kang6421: Oct 14 2023, 11:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997188448905945} +{"text": "should we make every problem viral so that these politicians will get some spotlight then only they helpThis post has been edited by pej425: Jan 17 2022, 09:53 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9881439805030823} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Apr 17 2024, 12:37 PM)On one hand you said it yourself it\u2019s not a problem. On the other hand you said it\u2019s difficult to explain and for nons to understand. No wonder so many have weak faith because you don\u2019t understand your own religion and had to rely on experts to tell you everything.this is what i meant by \"difficult to explain and for nons to understand\". i have been saying it few times but you still dont understand. and yes. an expert would be able to explain more properly.so again.. QUOTE1. in islam, even a slightest tiny small grain of taught that deviate from the teaching of islam is a sin and must repent.2. in islam, all muslims are told to keep reminding each others of the teachings. 3. in islam we are taught that there are still so many things that we dont know about, and our heart (faith) is very fragile and the devil (syaitan) is always beside us trying to make us do the wrong thing. so, that was what \"A Malaysian netizen, Adlina\" did. she was reminding the other person. she was doing her duty as a muslim.do i have a weak faith? may be. fragile? yes. all muslims are. especially these modern days. and every muslim must fight everyday to keep that faith, and keep finding out and learning things that i dont know about.there. tried my best to tell you all in one reply. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6395035982131958} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohman @ Sep 17 2018, 07:01 PM)bayar supplier boleh la. setakat beli daging, pegang cash tebal tebal tu nampak sangat la duit songlapApa lah yang heran sangat?? Aku masa pergi bayar untuk beli lembu untuk korban 3 ekor RM14k relax aje bawak cash dalam beg aku. Bukan tebal dan berat sangat pon. Kau relax skit bai. Duit orang kerja halal suka2 kau cakap songlap. Kalau cakap depan2 aku memang aku tampar muka kau sampai tercabut gigi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "Margarine is even worse. The bread suck all the oil... That is the best part. Heart attack very soon. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998886585235596} +{"text": "Mostly banyak je kedai halal tapi tak mohon sijil halal dari jakim. So brg halal, tapi kedai haram. Orang jakim sendiri bagitahu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5658844709396362} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Mar 24 2024, 09:28 PM)The best is Chinese Ts got the memoHence the brain damage from eating something poisonous ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998088479042053} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jamesmeepok @ Jan 5 2018, 11:38 AM)Mulut kata haram, tapi tangan gosok bebird sambil tengok amoi cosplay tayang tetekGosok bebird dekat \"amoi\" macam ni Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "topkek commenter simply say is not halal. must be jelly that gal got good chopstik skillz bagus la tu, tambah fithna lebih extra berkat dapat dosa lebih ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998946189880371} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Aug 31 2016, 10:17 AM)khalwat and zina haram lar... can get stoning to dead one..Thailand got such law? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995754361152649} +{"text": "QUOTE(ReWeR @ Feb 11 2017, 07:56 PM)to be honest, i also think it is retarded to label a brush as non-halalin fact, i think the whole halal thing is archaic and doesn't suit modern people anymore.are we really going to label everything in our life as halal and non-halal?i do think such effort is a big waste of our civilization effort.i'm not against islam, i'm just saying religion should be in between an individual and their faith, there's no need to put rules to dictate on people's daily life.Labeling each brush is crazy. Just a notice near the shelf is enough. I think it is a nice gesture to caution people so they wont accidentely bought it. I was a frequent at art stores few years back, pig bristles are popular with oil painters iinm. So they write \"hog bristles\" on a piece of masking tape and stick it on the shelf. Nobody shouting, everybody is happy. I think the main problem here is the heavy handed tactic that the enforcers employed. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997296929359436} +{"text": "Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua. \n\n#:(", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(reed90 @ Aug 21 2019, 12:19 PM)In my work on racism and racial dynamics in Singapore, I have spent some time resolutely attacking what I believe to be harmful stereotypes of Malay people, and pointing out the myriad ways they are discriminated against in their own land. Racist Chinese people generally dislike it when I do this, and they often reply by stating that if Malay people do not like it here, they can move, (or go back to), Malaysia. Many Chinese Singaporeans tend to behave as if they have right and ownership over this land, and subsequently that they are entitled to decide who gets to live in it.This is all very odd to me, because it is almost as if these people never went through a single history class at Lower Secondary level.So let us begin with a simple but vital assertion: This land does belong to Malay people. Malay people have been living in Singapore and the area for thousands of years. In the third century, Chinese records refer to us at Pu Luo Chung, which is a transliteration from the Malay Pulau Ujong, meaning \u2018island at the end\u2019. The names given to this area are Malay, but apparently the people who speak this language are not considered indigenous to it? Who exactly are your indigenous people, if that term doesn\u2019t include Malay people?There is a reason why it is Malay lore and myth in which references to the land happens. It is because they have been here long enough to produce literature about it. When you focus on the gap between our knowledge of the land and theirs, especially traditional knowledge, you start to see their relationship to the land. There is no way they are not indigenous to this land.Land, language, memory & history. These are all linked, and the rest of have do not possess this connection to the land. Somebody was living here before the British came, and it sure was not Chinese people.Denying this is ahistorical, and it constitutes an erasure of people\u2019s histories. Denying their existence and that history is a colonial act in itself, and every colonial act is violent. It is not only an act of erasure but one of displacement as well.In fact, the constitution of Singapore has already declared that Malays are indigenous to Singapore.152. \u2014 (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.\u2019Singapore was not terra nullius, meaning it was not \u2018nobody\u2019s land,\u2019 and even the Singapore government admits this. Singapore belonged to the Johor Riau Sultanate at the time of colonialism, which means by definition, it is Malay land.Indigeneity is not always defined by geography, but by people as well. What we think of as Malay includes indigenous people, Bugis, Minangkabau, etc. The idea of Malay does not just mean people from Malaya, but the people of the Nusantara. This entire archipelago is the Malay world. As Singapore existed within this world, it is undoubtedly Malay land.The Singapore government\u2019s mistreatment of Malay people includes a focus on Malay people as diasporic, which states that Malay people came here from elsewhere, and this is an act of historical erasure. They didn\u2019t come here, they were already here. The Singapore you think of now was never a country before, it was part of Malay land and the Malay world.If you cannot accept or understand this, that means you cannot understand geography and history. Why do people have so much difficulty accepting facts? Non-Malay minorities are also here on stolen land, and we need to accept and understand this. Even the rest of us, including Indians, don\u2019t have a claim on this land. We can never truly find solidarity if we insist on acting as if Indian people and Malay people have the same claim to Singapore.This does not erase our contributions or our generations that have grown up here, or our own attachment to the land. But it simply not equivalent to Malay people\u2019s claim over it. No one is asking for reparations and no one is asking you to leave their land. So why do so many people find it difficult to accept facts and the truth?In Singapore, Malay people are targeted for legal and cultural extinction. The percentage of Malay people in Singapore is decreasing, despite the maintenance of total fertility rate for the community. Population policies seek to bring in Indian and PRC migrants, but not Malay. They are slowly being phased out as immigration policies are making Malay people extinct in their own land. This is Malay land, and they have become second class citizens on their own land. That is simply unacceptable.So, who gains from the denial of Malay indigineity to Singapore? Who gains from erasure of this past? What do they gain? At what point can we admit that this \u201cdebate\u201d over how long Malay people have been here and where their ancestors came from is just a rhetorical exercise aimed specifically to cast aspersions on indigenous birthright?I have my theories but I\u2019m going to leave this here for people to think about.In our anti-racism work in Singapore, aboriginality must be foundational. As minorities, we need to examine our own complicity in the ongoing project of colonisation, whether it be White or Chinese in nature. During the time I have been engaged in doing this work, I have come to believe that anti-racism for the Malay community has to begin with assertions of indigeneity and ownership of land. Regardless of where you are and where you come from, you have a responsibility to know the names of the territories you are on and the people who have called those places home.Note: I did not speak about Orang Asli forced assimilation into mainstream Malaysian culture as I am simply not qualified. I did talk about indigenous people AND Malay people as being indigenous to the land, because that is how indigeneity is seen in this part of the world. For the purposes of talking specifically about Singapore, I feel speaking of Malay people as indigenous to the land is the best political way to approach it, especially when faced with Chinese hegemonic claims.Meanwhile here 3 page jawi oso rage like thisSOSInb4 tered gonna be deleted by mod because of \"sensitivity\"Whenever a truth is being pointed out, suddenly \"sensitive\" card is out.So this is about the \"rightful\" owner aka Malays is discriminated at SG and they should get up and fight? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8866530656814575} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Dec 16 2022, 03:14 PM)Usually when price of anything is high in malaysiaGomen will import some, and sell at lost to bring down the price.It wont work for long term unless gomen continue this practice which is akin to subsidizing eggs.I dont mind buying cheaper eggs btw.Just that if this is not addressing the root cause, which is price of chicken feed, it will always be the sameYang penting imgae building, then oass the issue to next gomen, thats why u see msia mundur instead of maju ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.64028000831604} +{"text": "\nnatrahn replied at 31-10-2019 03:12 PM\r\nsaya ada follow kat insta. akak ni dulu dok australia sekarang dok london..seronok tengok dia shop ...\nnak kata seronok tu\u00a0\u00a0memang la seronok\r\ntapi bila fikir kita ni menumpang kat negara orang, \r\ndgn medical bills dia, sewa rumah. melainkan memang ada kerja yg bagus kat sana\r\nkdg2 orang cuma tunjuk part yg seronok, tak kongsi kisah susah di sana.\n\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962095022201538} +{"text": "\"Mereka yang terikut2 dengan cara org nasrani & yahudi, bukan umat Muhammad, dan xkan dpt syafaat Nabi Muhammad\"Aku tak pasti skop 'cara' tu meliputi apa. Pemakaian? adab & adat? tutur cara? budaya? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997265934944153} +{"text": "soalan kbat kenapa xing fu tang nak kena tipu sijil halal dyeorg? mesti ada something nie jengjengjeng https://t.co/X194grUU7Q", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5681661367416382} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 18 2017, 11:48 AM)A cake without halal certificate does not equal non-halal food. You have been brainwashed into equating certification with halal.\u00a0 yeahthat's what i hate about current malay especially those who holier than thou that quick at sharing this and that haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5974884033203125} +{"text": "Beli makanan / minuman yang kamu suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997766613960266} +{"text": "QUOTE(Omni-Man @ Jan 16 2022, 11:31 PM)As much as this is very touching, giving out blue card like this is a bad precedence. So means indon should just go viral to get blue ic?Oren sama oren. Wajib tolong.QUOTE(JessicaAlba @ Jan 16 2022, 11:39 PM)How about stateless chinese and indian? LulzNon oren? No batting an eye. Yiu knoe our pm is a racist who started mara digital rite.QUOTE(coconutxyz @ Jan 16 2022, 11:44 PM)In Malaysia no kuda no further action, like khairi need to pokgai only will fix roadHope he pokgai more More pokgai, more fix road. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.849114179611206} +{"text": "QUOTE(HongKi @ Aug 29 2017, 04:54 PM)Bagus2. Next time ayam belanja teh cina ais ok? whats diff between teh cina and teh non cina? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "QUOTE(dattebayo @ Dec 21 2023, 11:18 PM)before Israel-Hummus warnever see McD Malaysia market their brand as \u9ea6\u5f53\u52b3 this is blasphemy!!Mcd original chicken ended up spicyMcd spicy chicken ended up as super spicyone premise rebranded to become Mekdi.what do they get in return from pandering to target demographic?I hope authority doesn't do their thing and threaten to cancel Mcd's halal status for promoting Chinese-centric culture/festival in public.This post has been edited by alanyuppie: Dec 22 2023, 03:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "https://www.kosmo.com.my/2021/01/02/duit-pu...unfriend-kawan/QUOTEMeminjam duit kawan memang sedap sebab kalau tak dapat bayar balik pun si peminjam akan buat-buat lupa tanpa rasa bersalah.Ada orang dari awal dia berniat tak ingin bayar balik hutang dengan kawan. Ada saja alasan yang diberi padahal sentiasa memuat naik gambar pergi ke sana sini atau beli barang berjenama di media sosial.Orang yang semacam ini selalunya suka hidup dalam kepalsuan dan keresahan. Siang malamnya tidak tenteram kerana sering dikejar hutang bertimbun.Bercakap pasal hutang dengan kawan, ada satu hantaran di Facebook membuatkan saya terfikir, ada juga orang marah jika tidak dapat meminjam hanya kerana menyangka si kawan itu mempunyai duit yang banyak.Mukadimah hantaran itu berbunyi:\u201cKena unfriend hari ini pasal kawan nak pinjam RM1,000 aku cakap tiada. Duit ada cukup-cukup saja untuk survival bulanan.\u201cDia kata nampak aku makan dengan isteri dekat Restoran Madam Kwan untuk sambut hari ulang tahun perkahwinan takkan tiada duit. Yang sedap saja dia nampak tetapi seksa hendak dapat yang sedap itu dia tak tahu.\u201dMenurut empunya akaun Facebook itu, dia melakukan pelbagai kerja sebagai penghantar makanan selain mengambil upah memasukkan cili boh ke dalam plastik menggunakan gayung selama tiga jam di pasar borong. Mata panas, tangan pedih usah ceritalah.Itu belum kira dia mengambil upah menolak troli menghantar barang ke dalam kereta dan kalau hari malang, motosikal yang digunakan untuk membuat penghantaran rosak dan perlu dibaiki.Kisah suka duka kawan ini dapat dirasai oleh mereka yang pernah mengalami nasib serupanya. Berapa ramai yang hidup senang tanpa perlu kerja keras tetapi ramai juga yang hidup ala kadar tetapi mencari rezeki dengan cara halal lagi berkat.Apa yang dicari ketika kita di dunia ini bukanlah kekayaan tetapi rezeki yang cukup walaupun ia sedikit. Yang demikian itu sudah pasti mendatangkan ketenangan buat jiwa yang resah.Memang ramai yang terkesan dengan Covid-19 hingga membuatkan kita kreatif berfikir di luar kotak untuk mencari rezeki dan melakukan pelbagai pekerjaan untuk meneruskan hidup.Namun dalam kita berusaha itu kadang-kadang ada juga dugaan yang tak disangka-sangka.Lihat sahaja kepada nasib penghantar barang-barang untuk laman beli-belah Lazada baru-baru ini. Walaupun mereka sedaya upaya cuba kejar target, tetap juga 1,500 penghantarnya ditamatkan kontrak ekoran penurunan jumlah barang yang hendak dihantar.Apa yang pasti, tahun 2020 telah meninggalkan kita dengan penuh kisah duka dan ada terbentang depan mata sekarang cabaran lebih getir pada 2021.Lebih penting, jangan kita lentur semangat kerana ketahuilah tangan yang kasar kerana mencari rezeki yang berkat dan halal itu lebih disukai oleh Allah kerana akan membawa empunya badan ke syurga.Biar hidup susah asalkan jangan makan rasuah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999070167541504} +{"text": "yeah, highly likely a sabotage. whoever must be happy the results actually went viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9835362434387207} +{"text": "just read the comments lol..btw from my observation, most OTWC workers are malay. so if OTWC use pork meat, the workers would be the 1st to viral it, no? pakcik logic 404 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6908255219459534} +{"text": "@http_cholo The example given was not to be taken seriously cos I was clearly shading. I swear korang memang tak ada reading comprehension ker apa? The sayur thing was a joke. My point about sijil halal tak menentukan halal/haram is not.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.683116614818573} +{"text": "Semua orang suka makan makanan yang halal. Makanan halal itu bagus, dijamin bersih dan memberi pahala!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992852807044983} +{"text": "Day 1 : Taoyuan airport -> Taipei main Station -> Taichung. \n\nStay 2 malam di Taichung. Best stay sini sebab byk kedai halal food Indonesia so tak risau laparDinner dulu before check in hotel. Btw this trip pergi 4 orang. Hotel Initial, Taichung", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953481554985046} +{"text": "in islam there is amal maaruf nahi mungkar means it is responsibility of muslim to invite other for good and deter the sins. All muslims know this. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998663663864136} +{"text": "Why no JB Puas trigger on this and viral boikot ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9143161177635193} +{"text": "How come eh? Dah lah kedai tak best, crowd pun kurang, food court & restaurant halal tak banyak, main entrance pun ada some on-going construction works, celah mana terbaik di dunia?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8720496892929077} +{"text": "i just avoid places where, you know those fasting will break fast. So can give some courtesy allow them more space/seating... takkan mati/cedera to be considerate.infact, in office, our fasting colleagues join us in pantry to chit chat, they ok je. Their resolve is strong, takkan goyang just because see other human eating when themselves are carrying out their responsibilty to fast.we also those not fasting, we arrange to iftar together... benda dah biasa. But each year ppl need to racing because its SOP kan. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990967512130737} +{"text": "Tak accurate. Halal cert mmg pain in the ass untuk dapat (scrutinize setiap sumber tin/sos, halal cert oversea not all ok).But ya, halal cert bukan tertakluk dlm skop dok serve babi, tapi kebersihan Yet. At the end, its all bout choices. Kalau customer yakin, takde masalah. https://t.co/Th4GyQctGL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999197781085968} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ May 21 2016, 07:23 PM)According to you, no.Like I said, I'm more interested in the motivation behind the sign. No one wants to admit that it primarily caters to Muslims. I'm not in favor of government intervention either.No sugar doesn't mean the absence of sweeteners. Some artificial sweeteners are more harmful than sugar but that's marketing at its best so it's not always cut and dried.It is as simple as to get an economic slice of pie (of the Muslim customers). The \"No Pork\" signage is as mentioned by someone is no pork (nothing more, nothing less). If you want to question is the food prepared in a \"halal\" way or is the chef/cook is a Muslim or anything that comes beyond the simple line of \"no pork\" is inviting confusion to your very own self. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999831914901733} +{"text": "QUOTE(Skidd Chung @ Apr 1 2023, 02:31 PM)Really nobody use HSR in China? I thought HSR is quite popular and affordable there.depend on which lines, no? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999523162841797} +{"text": "Bee hing ada apply for halal cert ka?tak tau maksud PORK ka?ni mesti english fail. ni mesti ingat mutton tu sejenis haiwan yg jarang di jumpai. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "Yang utama adalah memakan makanan HALAL. Dari makanan halal akan mengalir darah yg bersih. Yg akan menjadikan otak dan hati terang-benderang.\nAhli (pelaku) tasawuf rela memakan apa adanya, yg penting bersih (halal). Yg dicari bukan kenikmatan, tapi kemanfaatan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "thanks for the advertisement didn't know about this Bibi Popiah till now. just 1 letter different between halal & haram. anyone try before taste and price?This post has been edited by quintesson: Dec 12 2023, 11:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8583661317825317} +{"text": "done dakwah+50 holy points+10 heaven points+5 brotherhood points ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999222755432129} +{"text": "I would imagine how viral its gonna be if someone put an ad say \"certified haram\" ....... sure dmn a lot of ppl go try for the lulz. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "their country they voted for it they sukakalo u x suka. u kuar. owait. u not from india ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998570680618286} +{"text": " Alhamdulillah bersih. Jgn risau. Wifi available. Dekat dgn 7E. And kedai2 souvenirs. Senang cari makanan halal and sewa motor", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.930816113948822} +{"text": "Satu. Ada beza tuduhan khalwat dengan tuduhan berzina.\n\nDua. JAKIM bukan kerja pi ketuk pintu hotel. Tu kerja JAIS, JAWI, JAIK etc. JAKIM tu buat kerja macam status halal makanan. Macam hang sesuai buh cop haram. Sebab bodo sangat. https://x.com/eilyanaazira/s/eilyanaazira/status/1700526127822111213\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "Dalam Quran kata kita perlu pilih makanan yang halal lagi bersih.\n\nTerpulang kat hampa nak pilih makanan orang Muslim atau non-muslim. Janji hampa yakin dia bersih dari najis dan disahkan halal.\n\nSeafdhalnya pilih lah makanan buatan Islam ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997487664222717} +{"text": "QUOTE(blueblueoutofblue @ Dec 28 2020, 09:15 AM)So halal certification can sell more expensive?of course. it take a lot works for jakim to halalkan the haram!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "Wajib kan kedai makan kecik kecik tu pun ambik sijil halal pls ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9133824110031128} +{"text": "Jika Jakim tak sahkan, makanan itu adalah haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9440317749977112} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahurgan @ Nov 3 2014, 03:04 PM)sometimes people too worried about halal logo and stuff.should know that this halal logo thing is a malaysian thing. No need to get too fanatical on this, if a malay muslim auntie sell fried banana under a tree got no halal cert then gg liao all muslims who eat there with this logic.In the end, know the Islamic rulings properly, you would know, just no pork/pork derivative as one of the ingredients, while alcohol is a debatable thing, if used as a technical ingredient (softening up the meat) and assumed to evaporate during cooking it is for the discretion of individual muslim to assume its halal or not for consumption (no muslim has the right to prevent or coerce each other into eating/not eating if differing in opinion about this). inb4 ulama /kbang its not about the logoits about the overall preparation of the foodfrom the ingredients and utensils used and even hygiene ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9267899990081787} +{"text": "QUOTE(TendouJigoku @ Aug 6 2015, 04:04 PM)Bodo pipu cannot differentiate the status between siput babi and the babi itself.+1 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "chatGPT AI says, see the differenceone from with alcohol to no/negligible, the other starting is 0% alcoholcan beer contain 0% alcohol?Yes, it is possible for beer to contain 0% alcohol. This type of beer is called \"non-alcoholic beer\" or \"alcohol-free beer\". Non-alcoholic beers are created by removing the alcohol from regular beer through a process of distillation, filtration or evaporation. The resulting product is a beer that contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV). Some non-alcoholic beers are also brewed with artificial ingredients to replace the taste of alcohol.Non-alcoholic beers are becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious consumers, designated drivers, and those who are avoiding alcohol for personal or religious reasons. They can be found in most liquor stores and supermarkets, and they can be enjoyed in the same way as regular beers.It's worth noting that the taste and quality of non-alcoholic beers may not be the same as regular beers due to the removal of alcohol which can impact the taste and aroma, so it's a matter of personal preference.*****************is root beer originally 0% alcoholRoot beer is a sweet carbonated non-alcoholic beverage that is flavored primarily with the roots of the sassafras tree, as well as a variety of other botanical ingredients such as sarsaparilla, licorice, and vanilla. It is not fermented and therefore does not contain any alcohol. Root beer has been a popular beverage in North America for more than a century and it is considered a non-alcoholic drink.Historically, root beer was made by brewing a mixture of roots, berries, and spices and then sweetening it with sugar or molasses. The result was a sweet and frothy beverage that was enjoyed by people of all ages. Root beer was originally consumed as a non-alcoholic alternative to beer, which is where it gets its name.In the early days, root beer was made at home by steeping roots and herbs in water, but now it's widely available in bottles, cans and on tap in many different variations. In modern times, root beer is a non-alcoholic beverage that is enjoyed by people of all ages, and it's typically made with a combination of natural and artificial flavors.It's worth noting that some manufacturers may add a very small amount of alcohol to root beer for preservation or taste reasons but it still considered as a non-alcoholic drink as the amount is negligible and not enough to get someone drunk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5442144870758057} +{"text": "information apa ekk yg tak cukup??? shoppee ni buat hal lah aku tak halal kan kedai ni duit aku. tu je lah yg aku mampu. 5 batang satay kambing dan 3 biji nasi impit tak dapat ya.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8578599691390991} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Apr 22 2024, 10:59 PM)Lol- mereka tu tak ada point lain dah- mangkuk yang ingat bm tu penting sangat.Padahal bahasa itu yang ciplak bahasa inggeris. The point is that the officer is a bitch who harps on innocent rakyat.Thats why hiring them is risky. They can only work for gov or glc. Kalau masuk mnc, placeholder jer. Thats what they are and belong period.Come on. Stop with the superiority complex .You work in MNC right, all race are almost the same lah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.665279746055603} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to openya, u dun want this to happen again right?https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...l-toilet/499103 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 01:02 PM)from my understanding lah about haram stuff in food preparation1. the money u buy food must be kosher. not from cheating/rasuah/curi etc. from your own pocket.2. the food itself must be halal. if you mix it with non halal stuff like rice wine or red wine or lard consider haram already. if you mix the food with dead chicken/beef not potong according to syariah consider haram already.silent_stalker correct right?Correct. And the wine thing, about alcohol. Actually it is written it is haram only when it cause u to be drunk. But since every human have different reaction level to alcohol, it is just safe to label alcohol as haram. Chef wan did cause a controversy when he used cooking wine in 1 of his shows ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999198913574219} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Sep 5 2023, 09:50 AM)ok bro its ur choice \u00a0 go on\u00a0 :thumbsup:Alhamdulillah iman masih teguhKau tgk salib pun iman dah bergoyang kot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "@harisbinali @coyoterempit Kau nak sijil halal function macam ic ka. Ade semua details selain boleh gunakan sebagai Touch & Go baru kau puas hati \ud83d\ude02. The funniest part is kau yg tak nak sijil halal ni yg paling banyak bunyi walaupun dia tak effect kau. Jenis sakit jubor dengan benda yg tak melibatkan dia\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999685287475586} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.tu dia ... puak halal puasa, puak haram respect tak payah makan minum jugak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998593330383301} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Nov 23 2020, 11:37 AM)u shudtheir texture is differentayam oso won't celup roti kosong in teh tarik. the crunchyness of roti kosong doesn't mix well with it.cakoi however, is fluffy, melts in your mouth hnghhkopi o the best la... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "@myzhrdn @ShahrolDanish @AnnaSoeraya No halal cert \u2260 haram. Halal itu jelas, haram itu jelas, di antara kedua ada syubhah. Org yg pelihara diri drpd perkara syubhah itu spt org yg melindungi agama n kehormatannya dirinya. Warung/stall takde sijil halal?; Yakin on everything \u27a1 Makan, Tak yakin/waswas \u27a1 tinggalkan https://t.co/UeHnd7PXSf", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999954104423523} +{"text": "\nHoneyManjer replied at 25-7-2022 03:24 PM\nkita buat investigation dgn restaurant...\r\nthey claimed red wine yg halal 0% alcohol\r\nn jenama yg depa ...\nNobu pun pork free kan..\r\nIm sure menu special diorg pun carter msian market..\r\nMesti pedas, cook well done, overly spiced, cheese etc..\n\r\nMalaysia xde pun restoran yg ade michelin star..\r\nF&b kita hauk nak2 bab service..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9819493889808655} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Jun 9 2024, 03:56 PM)Go there can drink, can eat pork.And can happy happymost important is no ppl kacau and take photo go viral your eating and drinking ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996880292892456} +{"text": "Don't always focus Malay not Malay, islam not Islam.I see on the other Malay popular forum, cariemas, many posts about China Uighur and Palestinian issue. The world is so big and so many things happens around yet just focus on stuff like this... \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999172687530518} +{"text": "Aku ada jumpa website jual barang organik dan ada halal jakim. Ya Allah happy sangat ye rasa. Sejak terkena haritu terus paras halal haram makanan sis meningkat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996298611164093} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:55 PM)Then let me praise pork summore until u understand Pork taste good Bacon is one of the best food in the worldPork belly is one of the best part u can find in an animalNeed summore till u satisfied? Now learn how to read & understand what i wrote hereEh ehPutar pulakTadi well in formedNow kantoi pull fact from assPutar like an umno memberYou see rice on the table but you don't know that's rice kah?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ May 10 2024, 11:51 AM)Anyone actually dig out who is dfc owner arLater find out it's C taukeh sendiri lakon sendiri tayang, oh waiFounder is former Kedah PAS ulama council deputy chief. There's other \"Darsa\" things founded by him also. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(zemega @ Dec 24 2020, 09:31 PM)You mean tomorrow holiday is haram?It is! They will sin tomorrow. But it\u2019s ok. They ask for forgiveness on the same day. LEL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "Sbb semua kedai makan wajib follow guidelines kualiti makanan drpd kkm, kkm ada kuasa sita kedai makan..tp jakim pulak cuma boleh check kedai yg dah apply halal, kalau takde halal, jakim tak de kuasa nak check..jd jumpa kedai makan kotor, report kkm..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8311455845832825} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShadowR1 @ Nov 5 2020, 12:39 PM)Aduan & Kes semakin meningkat setiap hari!Dan, ini menjadi cabaran besar buat kami!Namun, kami tak mampu lakukannya sendiri.Kerana itu, kami menyeru sokongan serta sumbangan anda.Sumbangan anda akan disalurkan untuk membantu:Kes & Aduan Penganiayaan Serta Penipuan.Mangsa PenindasanKempen Kesedaran Masyarakat.Sumbangan buat Golongan Kurang MampuProgram Pendidikan Pengguna.Sebahagian Kos Pengurusan PPIM.Sumbangan secara online di:https://sumbangan.ppim.org.my/TPPPIMMohon LIKE, SHARE dan DOAKAN demi memperjuangkan keadilan dan hentikan penindasan.Mudah-mudahan setiap sen yang anda sumbangkan diberkati dan mampu membantu lebih ramai insan.\u201cPerjuangan Bersama Demi Pengguna\u201d#PPIM #sahamakhirat #PerjuanganDemiPengguna #KamiBersamaAnda #toqqi Win liow lor.Dumbass deserved to be milked. Otak tu simpan kat rumah buat pe? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994516968727112} +{"text": "Wahai Muslim Melayu, status \"halal\" tu tak bergantung dengan sijil JAKIM.\n\nKau beli makanan gerai tepi jalan kau tanya dia ada sijil halal JAKIM tak?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7955240607261658} +{"text": "Org bertudung makan di kedai cina yg tiada status halal adalah indikator keharmonian sesebuah negeri. Kalau makan kedai cina muslim tak dikira", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7275740504264832} +{"text": "QUOTE(gladfly @ Oct 28 2016, 12:13 PM)Wow so much hate but you don't seem to understand the law. Let me teach you a bit on Intellectual Property law (oh the pun).\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abYou can trademark a brand, in this case RamlY...note its RamlY with a capital Y ..the logo/brand/sign/pattern is registered trademark as it has the \u00ae. You can also claim trademarking without registration by putting \u0099 sign.Now if someone uses that RamlY logo without permission..that is a trademark infringement and can be sued. However, TM doesn't mean exclusive usage of the word...i.e other people is prohibited from using the word. A simple example is apple...everyone know apple is a fruit..but some may refer it as a IT company. So can Apple sue everyone who uses the word apple..? Say a Xiaomi calls its phone AppleMi? The word apple is generic and has no distinctive feature, hence by using the word it is not infringement. It will be different if, the logo/pattern/design/ of Apple is used. You get what I mean?Perhaps to get the general idea of how trademark law work, let me answer your examples. Dunhill...the logo, word and pattern is trademarked. So assuming I make ciggies and named them Dunhill but my logo/pattern/design is different. There is no trademark infringement there..as nothing is referred to original the Dunhill. However, the fake Dunhill cannot register the new trademarked since, the Original Dunhill has alreadyy claimed it in its class.The same as Ferrari, say Proton names a car Proton Ferrari with a different logo/pattern/design, there is no trademark infringement as well since the logo, word is different from the Original Ferrari. The same as well for Fabulous Amos cookies.Having said that, that doesn't mean all above 3 examples can get away in law. The there is another aspect of infringement where its called passing off. Basically,\u00a0 passing off is when one tries to misrepresent certain goods being related o similar of another. Now back to your 3 examples, Dunhill is clearly a passing off as it is trying to link it or relate it to original Dunhill.Proton case is slightly less clear. Homage is allowed. But if Proton is trying to misrep to the public that Proton Ferrari is somehow related to Ferrari of Italy, it may run foul of passing off.The Fabulous Amos\u00a0 case ..now this is tricky. Eventough, Famous =/= Fabulous, hence on paper it is distinct, hence no infringement, eventough both makes almost identical cookies. Case on point is Pensonic v Panasonic. So in summation, you have misunderstood Trademark v Passing Off. Both operates differently in its own sets of laws. I hope the above clarifies. My time cost is RM500.00 an hour if you are curious. Lastly, pergi solat Jumaat bang, jangan suka suka mencaci orang bodo aje.tl;dr fish & co. vs, manhattan fish market lawsuit already set the precedent http://www.singaporelaw.sg/sglaw/laws-of-s...r-2009-sghc-270my time is rm1k/hour and there's still 1/2 hour before masuk waktu.and I wrote that when it's not even 12.00 noon. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999536275863647} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jasonist @ Dec 23 2021, 11:04 AM)tak halal, baik jgn makan baik mati je la sialDear Ali: Why is it haram to eat pork? YM, DubaiDear YM: Your question brings up a very important issue. Well, in every culture you can find food that is taboo. In western societies, there are certain foods that are taboo, such as meat from horses, cats and dogs. However, in some parts of east Asia these aren't considered taboo. To some Indians, cow meat is a taboo due to their belief that the cow is a holy animal. And for us in the UAE, pork is taboo based on Islamic laws like in many other Arab nations.The main reason pork is forbidden for Muslims is because it says in the Holy Quran that some food is allowed, while others are explicitly declared haram, which means forbidden. And pork is one of those forbidden foods. However, there is an exception that is written in the Holy Quran as well where it states that you can eat it if you are starving and there is nothing else to eat but pork. This is also in accordance with the Jewish faith, according to their laws and traditions of eating kosher meat.Pork is not dirty but rather regarded as impure, unhealthy and harmful for humans due to the fats, toxins and bacteria it contains and the way the pig spends its life rolling around in mud and its own excrement. The specific aspect that pork is unhealthy has even been proven by scientists, such as Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, who argued that western populations who eat pork carry more diseases than other populations who do not eat pork.Processed pork can also be found in many other foods in the form of gelatin. And treatments such as radiation, which supposedly kills bacteria, might seem to make pork \"cleaner\" but the fact remains that the meat still comes from an animal Muslims are forbidden to eat.Muslims living in western societies often face a challenge with this issue because they have a harder time finding halal meat and determining if animals have been slaughtered in an Islamic way, or if the food they buy contains any processed pork.We live in a Muslim country that holds on to its religious laws but at the same time wants to offer a variety of international products and foods to attract our culturally diverse population. Therefore, while it's not easy to find pork, most hotels serve it. So, if you decide to eat pork, that is up to you.susMeanwhile in Dubai. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9311110973358154} +{"text": "QUOTE(jack~daniel @ Aug 13 2013, 05:54 PM)All chinese restaurants are halal as long as u dont consume pork and meat without properly slaughtered.I live in China for 1 year, never had an issue between muslim and non-muslim...but i follow imam Malik Madhhab... Malay very sensitive about certain issue...i have a question, are you a maliki follower right from the start or you switch to it only when you are in China? can we muslim do that? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967890977859497} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 12 2024, 01:08 PM)Nons or more directly Chinese have more access to education than Bumiputera.Malas or rajin does not matter to \"Desa\" students if you don't have access to education like \"Kota\" student had.Let this sink in, and then fight me.When Malaysia became one of British colonies, the chinese were sent to lombong bijih timah where malays were sent to the outskirts place to farm. Chinese had advantages over the malay, they had better infrastructure, bank nearby, port nearby. They were already setting up their own businesses even before British left and Japanese came in. While the malays were forced to sell their crops at controlled price which make the middle men malay richer.The consequences? the chinese obviously had better head start resulting in better education, better connection while what can the far behind malays do? the chinese in town have totally different things to be concerned about if compared to outskirts malay. the outskirts malay can hardly put food on table and these town people are complaining they are lazy, pick pas for RM100, brainless etc, if u were this outskirts malay how would u feel.Now i dont know how much the situation will change if back then the roles of chinese and malays were reversed. but thats up to speculationThis post has been edited by jyll92: Apr 12 2024, 01:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9135828018188477} +{"text": "Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.969698429107666} +{"text": "Another issue to highlight here.......Tak halal jangan makan, tapi niaga dengan asumber haram boleh je makan.Example, roadside warung that steal electric n water to operate, ok je operating with sumber haram, all go makan support je. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9823909401893616} +{"text": "Ekceli right, why God created all these since it is haram? What are His motivations? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "*Soalan*Assalamualaikum Dato' Mufti.Terdapat masjid yang meletakkan pencuci tangan pada pintu masjid. Jadi, bolehkah menggunakan *hand sanitizer* ketika melakukan solat, adalakah ia dikira najis disebabkan ada alkohol di dalamnya. Mohon pencerahan Dato' Mufti. Terima kasih.*Jawapan*Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT, selawat dan salam kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga Baginda SAW, sahabat Baginda SAW serta orang-orang yang mengikuti jejak langkah Baginda SAW.Dalam melakukan ibadah solat, di antara syarat sah solat yang wajib dipatuhi adalah menghilangkan najis yang terdapat pada badan dan pakaian. Persoalan pada kali ini adalah untuk menjelaskan penggunaan *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) ketika hendak melakukan solat. Justeru sebaiknya kita membahaskan tentang apa yang terdapat pada kandungan dan bahan yang digunakan di dalam *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) itu sendiri.*Hand Sanitizer* (Pencuci Tangan)Penggunaan sanitizer adalah bertujuan untuk membunuh bakteria yang terdapat pada permukaan kulit. Ia juga merupakan bahan yang efektif dalam membunuh kuman dan bakteria berbanding mencuci tangan menggunakan air dan sabun.Menurut garis panduan daripada Food and Drug Administration (FDA) setiap kandungan produk hand sanitizer yang dipasarkan mestilah mengandungi ethyl alcohol (ethanol), isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) atau benzalkonium klorida sebagai bahan utama.[1]Selain itu, terdapat juga hand sanitizer yang menggunakan bahan selain daripada alkohol untuk membunuh mikroorganisma dan bakteria seperti povidone-iodine atau triclosan.Sukatan yang digunakan mengikut jenis bahan yang diletakkan di dalam hand sanitize (pencuci tangan). Mengikut World Health Organization (WHO) menetapkan garis panduan dengan menyatakan bahan kimia yang digunakan di dalam 10 liter hand sanitizer mestilah mengandungi 8333 ml daripada 96% ethanol, 417 daripada 3% hydrogen peroxide dan145 daripada 98% glycerol atau 7515 ml daripada 99.8% isopropyl alcohol, 417 ml daripada 3% hydrogen peroxide dan 145% daripada 98% glycerol. [2]*Hukum Penggunaan Alkohol*Menuru jumhur ulama, alkohol merupakan najis kerana ia termasuk di dalam cecair yang memabukkan. (Lihat al-Fiqh al-Manhaji, 1/183-184). Ini seperti hadis yang diriwayat oleh Ibnu Umar RA, sabda Nabi SAW:\u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0645\u064f\u0633\u0652\u0643\u0650\u0631\u064d \u062e\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0631\u064c \u0648\u064e\u0623\u064e\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064e \u062e\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0631\u064d \u062d\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064cMaksudnya: \u201cSetiap yang memabukkan adalah arak dan setiap arak adalah haram.\u201dRiwayat Muslim (2003)Selain itu, Prof. Dr Basri bin Ibrahim al-Hasani al-Azhari menyebut di dalam kitabnya menyatakan para ulama berselisih pandangan tentang sama ada arak najis atau tidak. Pada dasarnya, ulama bersepakat tentang arak adalah najis, tetapi mereka berselisih tentang sifat kenajisannya. Segolongan ulama berpendapat arak merupakan najis dari segi ainnya. Manakala menurut pendapat yang lain arak tidak najis dari segi ainnya. Sebaliknya najis dari segi maknawi iaitu tidak boleh diminum kerana ia merupakan sesuatu yang kotor sperti dadah dan seumpamanya. (Lihat Isu-isu Fiqh Halal & Haram Semasa, hlm. 598)Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Tahun 2005 (ms. 74) juga menyatakan: \u201cAlkohol sintetik atau tiruan daripada campuran bahan kimia adalah haram meminumnya kerana sifatnya yang memudharatkan seperti mana racun. Adapun barangan kosmetik yang mengandungi alkohol yang dihasilkan melalui sintetik atau tiruan daripada campuran bahan kimia adalah harus menggunakannya, kerana ia bukan najis. Dengan ini juga, *sah sembahyang* seseorang yang memakai baju yang telah disembut dengan minyak wangi yang mengandungi alkohol yang dihasilkan melalui sintetik atau tiruan daripada campuran bahan kimia kerana ia *bukan najis*.\u201dSelain itu, Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11-12 April 1984 telah membincangkan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal. Tapai halal dimakan.Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Begitu juga boleh rujuk artikel di laman web PMWP yang bertajuk IRSYAD AL-FATWA SIRI KE-185: MENGGUNAKAN ALKOHOL SWAB DAN MINYAK WANGI BERALKOHOL untuk maklumat lebih lanjut.*Kesimpulan*Kemunculan penularan virus Covid-19 telah melanda negara kita, oleh itu perlaksanaan menjaga kebersihan merupakan faktor utama bagi mengurangkan risiko dalam jangkitan virus ini. Justeru, timbul persoalan berkenaan dengan penggunaan *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) semasa melakukan solat. Adakah ia dikira sebagai najis kerana kandungan alkohol di dalamnya?Berbalik kepada persoalan yang diajukan dan pendapat ulama yang diberikan, dapat disimpulkan bahawa *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) adalah *tidak najis* dan boleh digunakannya ketika hendak melakukan sembahyang serta tidak dikira menanggung najis. Ini jelas seperti yang diputuskan oleh Muzakarah Jawatankuasa fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan iaitu *ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.*Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kefahaman yang sahih terhadap agamaNya serta taufiq dan hidayah untuk mengamalkan syari\u2019atNya dengan sebaiknya.Wallahua'lam*S.S. Dato' Seri Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri*Mufti Wilayah PersekutuanDiterbitkan : 1 Mac 2020 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5895249843597412} +{"text": "Suggestion: Following the status of fathers citizenship, and not mothers, eventhough no marriage certificstes \"sijil nikah,\" And also to avoid \"anak diluar nikah\" actually wedding solemnised halal been done traditionally according to certain ethnics. https://t.co/UAJ5oCTj8n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999020099639893} +{"text": "Everyone know la ramli is a common muslim name. \"99.9% when heard this name will assume he is a muslim.\" <---Those who argue this statement, i can only say u win lar...Why must use common muslim name for a haram food?Later arak also named after aminah, saiful, etc :facepalm ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999001026153564} +{"text": "QUOTE(shoyeb4me @ Nov 2 2013, 06:40 PM)This is the reason why pork is considered non-halal. Pork is banned due to two main reasons: it lives in dirty environment and it is not slaughtered. For muslim slaughtering the animal is must to let the blood flow out of the body. So if the cow and goat is not slaughtered, its not considered halal.Those who are non-muslim, please don't joke around when important information is shared.Pig doesn't stay in a dirty environment by nature, it's always the handlers. If pig is not slaughtered then how are they processed ? For me, if the muslim was was then just don't masuk makan or doubt it while standing outside, simple as that. But for me, if i have colleagues who's muslim, i can't tolerate the whole week to makan @ halal places, once or twice is ok but everyday is a no no, you might think i'm selfish but one have to be considerate as well ... then what about money currency ? these notes gone through so many hands that handles so many halal and haram transactions. how do you judge that ? my 2 cent, put religion aside, if you yourself is not harming, stealing, killing etc etc, i think it's fair enough to be a bit more tolerable towards other issues faced, use your own discretion, gunalah budi bicara anda ... as long as it's not something malicious or evil, then sudah laaa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8320154547691345} +{"text": "teddy bear haram, underage girl boleh in the end janji kahwin ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9268540143966675} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Feb 21 2023, 08:30 AM)well everyone wants to know how is the paycheck?really big and is it berbaloi tak?Sangat berbaloi, but then also, you need to join a big corp, I give you example, a Senior Procurement Manager, my N-1, her annual pay is RMB 845k (12+1 month basic) not inclusive of benefits, that is around RM 55k a month.I don't think you can find a Senior Procurement Director role in Malaysia with that kind of Pay-package. But of course you are in Shanghai, with that kind of pay package, you will need to save money and also invest wisely. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999517202377319} +{"text": "Ppl buy best quality for best priceIf proton could have offered that from day one it wouldn't be sold to PRC company ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996387958526611} +{"text": "bagus.. kasi tutup la.. buat org susah je nak beratur beli roti dia tu.. niamahThis post has been edited by Jasonist: Dec 1 2023, 03:34 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8419857621192932} +{"text": "tak semestinya takde halal jakim tu makanan tu auto haram aduh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9149446487426758} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Dec 15 2023, 06:54 PM)errr......the fella in front as imam? wear shorts to solat?......can see lutut, haram ooohhhhhThis is most likely from mazhab Maliki which a man thigh is not aurat. Malaysia, Indo, Thai, Singapore are Shafie which consider it as aurat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999428987503052} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eurochem @ Jul 1 2022, 07:16 PM)seriously....ketam now considered halal or haram?I bet most pipu no give a shit, but I am genuinely curious about the official stance of JAKIm etc.Depends on the ketam. Sea ketam halal. Mud crab not halal.Because fatwa so people give shit. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "\nalamakk kureng skit laa..\r\naku suka makan yg pedas-pedas.. mmg sah tekak melayu..\nzehra2 Post at 9-6-2010 10:25 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Kalau tekak Melayu di Sarawak, diorang tak suka makan pedas2. Kitorg kat sini lebih kepada makanan2 yg masin... mcm terubok masin, midin belacan, manok pansoh.. semuanya jenis yg masin2. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7570220232009888} +{"text": "Dalam Islam, hukum memakan makanan yang haram adalah jelas dilarang. \n \nJauhi makan makanan haram dan bersyukur dengan apa yang diberikan kepada kita \n #MNS #JAKIM \nNak tak saya kongsi tentang halal lagi? Cuba RT dan Like", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999639987945557} +{"text": "QUOTE(Silfer @ May 6 2024, 01:06 PM)fuh tq abang for coming in. babi buang muka saja ffk ppl not answering phone etc. common courtersy out the window. tumpang tanya also since u here, apa best budget omakase at tokyo?Omakase usually start at 25k -35K Yen. Alot omakaze no more serving foreign who can't speak Japanese. Lately got one famous omakase chef fight with Chinese tourist due to can't communicate. That chef reputation all gone. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": " Naik said use eyes or said the word 'alcohol' also haramQUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999605417251587} +{"text": "If it is about cleanliness, then they should close their centralised kitchen and prevent them from operating until they clean up the whole place. This is about health of every consumer and not just about halal or haram for Muslim. Dirty is WORST than haram. But Secret Recipe is proudly announcing to the whole world the revoke is due to cleanliness and not other thing... Omg... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997336268424988} +{"text": "QUOTE(Silfer @ Feb 2 2024, 10:36 AM)actually, he failed before. and he's not shy about it. he learnt from it and now success. but now he success he belum pattern la. even his tiktok award speech encourage youngster to finish study and create quality content instead of viral viral.watched his old videos, where he spent 10 years ups and downs to where he is now. Its not easy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973481893539429} +{"text": "Gerenti puas hati. Makanan yang dimasak, bersih dan halal dan harganya sangat berpatutan. Confirm repeat bro", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965085387229919} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Nov 13 2023, 02:38 PM)With the current boycott, they probably don't need as many staff as they didTak suka, berhenti je.Local F&B more open to Malays, than Nons. Nak risau apa?Bila tak suka Nons, senang je suruh keluar negara.. tapi dia, nak jgk stay dkt McD.up to the lady la, i dont deal with her daily so i give her a sliver of doubt.maybe tak sihat or whatbut if she everyday like that, the daily customer would notice and report to her managerher action breeds consequencesit is for her to bear ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9769719243049622} +{"text": "kebiasaan anjirrr makanan yg aku beli suka raib... brodol aku ilang satu\u200d itu aku yg milih krena fav aku plisss", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998181462287903} +{"text": "\"Bla bla.... buble tea takda sijil halal... \" yihhh risau sangat org kedai pakai susu babi. Yerr i tau kot-kot ada gelatin babi/ lembu tak sembelih dalam boba tu. Kagum sis gigih acah suci membebel di fb.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999985933303833} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Dec 27 2023, 10:24 PM)Bukan babi je haram. Ayam tak proper sembelih pon haram.That why they stressed its a seafood. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "Org Melayu ni dah terpahat dlm otak yg kalau takde Sijil Halal Jakim, maka benda itu haram atau jangan makan. Walaupun tau makanan & cara penyediaan dia \"halal\" dari sudut Syarak. Boleh kot samak akal tu. https://x.com/tengku_daniel8/tengku_daniel82/status/1284667177086287872\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999256134033203} +{"text": "Makanan di malaysia haram selagi tiada halal jakim atau hanya halal jika ada tanda halal jakim?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9840578436851501} +{"text": "Populist agenda by PM & current gomen. Suka2 plow through laws and regulations. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "Misleading info ... nih mesti ceduk dari Harakah nih ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8034055233001709} +{"text": "#SandYourTears udahan sedih sedihnya, saatnya kamu happy happy self reward gih kak berterimakasih sama diri kamu sendiri dgn cara beli makanan/minuman/barang yg kamu suka/pengen. KAMU UDAH HEBAT BGT DAN KAMU UDAH KEREN BGT semangat dan bahagia selalu ya #Sandyourheart", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949589967727661} +{"text": "Sebar Berita Palsu Status Halal Produk Makanan Bertentangan Ajaran Islam\n\nPUTRAJAYA, 12 Nov (Bernama) -- Tindakan... http://fb.me/42KXqFPkC", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978410005569458} +{"text": "Hahahahahaha Cukur Vincent Tan punya cucu ada bumi status ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.769682765007019} +{"text": "\nAN..saya kat ganu ni pung leh dpt produk iwani ni. tapi spt kata pengedar tu lah.\r\norg sini (ganu) ...\narasham Post at 10-6-2010 17:11 \n\nItulah antara masalah pengusaha2 melayu ni...ada jualan besar2an produk halal pun ramai yg tak datang.\n\r\nTapi..kalau media dedahkan selalu..AN percaya satu hari orang melayu akan memilih produk halal dari pengusaha melayu gak..cuma pengusaha melayu ni kena cari kaedah macam mana nak kurangkan kos operasi, marketing supaya harga produknya murah dan mampu dibeli.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9886718988418579} +{"text": "QUOTE(lawliet88 @ Mar 26 2023, 06:14 PM)Im dying at number4QUOTE(melt @ Mar 26 2023, 06:17 PM)Keju also got halal?QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Mar 26 2023, 06:24 PM)Halal cheese??QUOTE(olivur @ Mar 26 2023, 07:30 PM)- status halal kejubruhyou think milk becomes cheese by itself?go read up on rennet ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9913852214813232} +{"text": "\r\nmenyampah aku dia ni.\n\r\nmata tu kecik jek, sebenonye, gigih pakai lens, gigih buntang2 kan mata. \n\r\nbajet muka nak bagi jadik cam watak komik2 jepun. \n\r\nmasa bergambo jelah boleh buat mata beso, tapi bila kena intirview ke hapa..xleh nak buntang2..wakaka..\n\r\npadahal memang dah semulajadi lawa dah. \n\r\ntapi aku kagum jugak ar dgn semangat dan kegigihan nak besokan mata dia ni, sbb\u00a0\u00a0penat aku rasa klu sentiasa nk buntangkan mata.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6950516104698181} +{"text": "QUOTE(ichigo_6091 @ Aug 9 2018, 11:32 AM)Actually, in Quran, it says if you abuse it, then it is haram, if you drink small quantities and still functional, then its okay.Then you better educate your muslim brothers and sister. Otherwise, all the wrong info spread...This post has been edited by MarioKart: Aug 9 2018, 11:39 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9712538719177246} +{"text": "plot twist. aku lagi benci jenis tulis TLDR kat fb nak berkarya philosophy bagai ptuih ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "PETALING JAYA: 1MDB hari ini mempertahankan skim penajaannya untuk rakyat Malaysia menunaikan haji, sambil menyerang bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir kerana berbohong mengenai syarikat milik negara itu.\u201cTun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sekali lagi berbohong mengenai 1MDB, kali ini berhubung tajaan program khas haji Yayasan 1MDB.\u201c1MDB mempunyai operasi perniagaan yang sah, sebelum ini dalam jana tenaga dan mutakhir ini, pembangunan hartanah.\u201cDana daripada operasi perniagaan itu disumbangkan kepada Yayasan 1MDB, yang menggunakan dana seperti itu untuk menaja program khas haji,\u201d kata 1MDB dalam kenyataan.Ia merupakan respon pertama syarikat itu selepas Dr Mahathir mendakwa ibadat haji yang dibiaya wang 1MDB tidak boleh dianggap \u201cmabrur\u201d kerana ia wang yang \u201cdicuri\u201d.Menurut 1MDB, selain program khas haji, yayasan itu turut menaja geran dana Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG); geran akademik Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM), Pusat Sri Murugan dan pemegang Sijil Peperiksaan Bersepadu (UEC), penuntut Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, dana belia 1Malaysia dan dana Klinik Bergerak 1Malaysia.\u201cSejak ditubuhkan pada 2010, Yayasan 1MDB menaja RM690 juta usaha murni di seluruh negara, melaksanakan 60 projek pendidikan, rawatan kesihatan, pembangunan belia dan khidmat masyarakat, yang memberi impak kepada kehidupan 2.8 juta rakyat.\u201dSebelum ini, kenyataan Dr Mahathir itu ditolak beberapa mufti negeri seperti Mufti Pahang Datuk Seri Dr Abdul Rahman Osman, Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad (Kelantan) dan Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria (Perak).Susulan itu, Dr Mahathir semalam sekali lagi mempertahankan dakwaannya.\u201cDuit yang dicuri masih duit haram. Ia tidak boleh dihalalkan dengan menggunanya untuk ibadat. Makanan yang haram tidak akan menjadi halal kerana dihidang selepas baca doa selamat, atau bertahlil,\u201d tulisnya dalam blog beliau.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...an-tajaan-haji/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934816360473633} +{"text": "@limlipeng Kalau mcm ni, semua pun boleh buat fitnah, dah fitnah, tarik balik, fitnah, tarik balik. Kenapa x gunakan undang2 supaya tak sewenang2nya keluarkan fitnah yg sentuh sensitiviti agama? Isu sijil halal dkat dgn hati semua Muslims. Tak harus dipolitikan @limlipeng stirn action pls.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 5 2018, 12:14 PM)Lol, why bother follow mufti that only see money?Did rukun iman and islam mention about mufti?Instead of blaming cosplay why he dint bother say out loud pusat perjudian at genting is haramBan all cigarette and beer in malaysia. Rosmah xtutup aurat, did he bother try to fix that?cosplay haram. Judi, rokok, arak halal. gajah di depan mata mereka tak nampak, tapi kuman di seberang lautan yang mereka nampak\u00a0 so what ur opinion bout this avex. why u not bash this? do what ever u want.QUOTE(avex|mode @ Jan 5 2018, 09:38 AM)Bodo. Beer tak haram for non-Muslim, tapi Oktoberfest still kena ban jugak. So how? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996719360351562} +{"text": "QUOTE(God Grid @ Feb 22 2023, 01:29 AM)Heilongjiang has the best girlsdefinitely agree on thatwent to their hang flower clubs, fuhhhhhhhh malaysia can go dietheir basic hang flower clubs also have hundreds of girls already and all model levelYeah. Last time skyriver a lot come from there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9706247448921204} +{"text": "Sy setuju dgn bos tu, betul lah pekerja kena ada mindset mcm peniaga (elakkan buat benda yg merugikan) & pembeli (buat makanan macam mana kita sebagai pembeli akan suka beli utk makan). Cuma patutnya nak marah pun baling utensils jela, janganlah makanan, kan makanan tu rezeki jgk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9987035989761353} +{"text": "QUOTE(estcin @ Nov 30 2020, 12:02 AM)https://inreallife.my/were-muslim-and-we-lo...-its-not-haram/We\u2019re Muslims And We Love Dogs \u2014 Here\u2019s Why It\u2019s Not Haram Posted On February 20, 2020 Delilah H.In Malaysia, the issue of whether Muslims can touch dogs is controversial.When the \u201cI Want to Touch A Dog\u201d event was held in KL back in 2014, there were some who supported this event, and there were some who were outraged by it.With the topic of dogs being so controversial among Malaysians, especially among Muslims, there are also some who decided to own dogs for various reasons.Here are their stories.Hallijah and CocoHallijah used to own a golden retriever named Coco 5 to 6 years ago. She said it was her late grandfather\u2019s decision to have Coco.\u201cWhen we found Coco, he was wounded so my late grandfather took him to a vet.\u201d\u201cWe planned to let him free after he got better, but he never left our house. So we kept him, and he returned the favour by guarding the house for us.\u201dCoco was a very sweet dog, gentle and calm. Her family felt safe with him around.He also accompanied her grandfather when all of them went to work or to school.Coco was not allowed to go to the spaces that they perform their solat, so they had a house that was specially built for him.\u201cIn Islam, dogs only become haram when we go solat after touching them.\u201dGolden Retrievers shed a lot, so Hallijah would have to send him to a pet shop for groomings frequently.\u201cWe do groom him but after that we have to clean ourselves according to the Islamic rules. This cleaning ritual is called sertu or samak.\u201dHallijah said that she would often get stares from other people when she walked Coco.\u201cI would just ignore them. People, especially Muslims, still treat them like they are the biggest sin, but it was never mentioned in the Al Quran that it\u2019s haram to have dogs as pets.\u201dDanial and Moo MooIt\u2019s never easy having a big dog, but with Danial, she has become his best friend.\u201cI\u2019ve had Moo Moo since she was a puppy. She\u2019s 10 this year.\u201dUpon looking at the picture he showed us, we understood why Moo Moo was given that name.\u201cMoo Moo is a Great Dane. She\u2019s a gentle giant. She\u2019s amazing with kids, which is evident when she hangs out with my niece. She\u2019s quite mellow but too smart for her own good.\u201dHis family decided to keep Moo Moo after she was given to them by a friend.\u201cDespite her size, Moo Moo was not a good guard dog at all. She was too sweet! She even nursed my cat when she was still a kitten.\u201dIt was not that difficult to take care of Moo Moo albeit her large size.According to Danial, dogs are amazing running partners. Since he enjoys light jogs and walks, he would bring her along with him on a leash.Nowadays they don\u2019t really go for walks anymore because Moo Moo is getting old.He gave some advice for those who are afraid of dogs:\u201cI think it\u2019s important to read their body language. I would never touch or pet a dog unless I get permission from the owner.\u201d\u201cAs long as you don\u2019t taunt them and keep your distance when you see one that\u2019s baring its teeth to you, then you should be fine.\u201d\u201cIf you were to teach your child with the right mentality, dogs can be your friends and not something that you have to avoid.\u201dDanial maintains that dogs are intelligent creatures that would go above and beyond for you if you treat them well.\u201cThere are no bad dogs, only bad owners,\u201d he says.Farah*, Nom-nom, and Pipi.(*Owner\u2019s name changed for privacy)After having 6 cats, most people would choose not to have any more animals. However, after a break-in at her home, Farah* decided to bring in two dogs for protection.She has two dogs named Nom-nom and Pipi. Nom-nom is a 2-year-old female Belgium Shepherd mix Golden Retriever while Pipi is a 4-year-old male Rottweiler.\u201cNom-nom is very hyperactive and sweet. She likes everyone but because of her size, people would be afraid of her.\u201d\u201cShe\u2019s so playful that she loves jumping on people. So if you\u2019re not familiar with her, you would think that she\u2019s going to attack you.\u201dFarah says she can tell through Nom-nom\u2019s body language since her barks would sound different when she wants to play and when she\u2019s feeling aggressive.\u201cPipi is more stable. He knows how to guard the house and understand people\u2019s gestures. He is very protective of us too.\u201d\u201cWe were afraid that Pipi would get lonely, that\u2019s why we got Nom-nom to be his friend.\u201dFarah thinks of her dogs as a part of her family.She feels secure having dogs since they make great companions when she is home alone. They would alert her with their barks when a stranger approaches her house.Farah explained that she has a special samak or sertu soap called taharah that she uses after touching Pipi and Nom-nom.\u201cWhen I run out of soap, I\u2019ll just use the traditional way, which is using sand.\u201dSome Muslims or even her neighbours would be skeptical about her when they first saw her with dogs.\u201cAfter a while, they got used to it. Not only would my dogs alert me when there is an unfamiliar face outside my house, they would also bark when there\u2019s a stranger outside my neighbour\u2019s house.\u201d\u201cThey are amazing in scaring away unwanted people.\u201dWhen Nom-nom and Pipi were small, she would walk them. But now she doesn\u2019t anymore so as not to alarm her neighbours.Most of her neighbours are Muslims so she does not want to make them feel insecure with Pipi and Nom-nom being out and about.They would roam around the premise of the house because it\u2019s big enough for both of them.\u201cPlus, I am just trying to avoid those unwanted comments from random passersby.\u201dAre dogs Haram?Traditionally, dogs are not considered haram. However, touching their fur when it is wet is considered najis (ritually unclean).Contact with najis things brings a Muslim into a state of ritual impurity. Ritual purification (Sertu or samak) is then required before religious duties can be performed.However, while the conservatives chose to avoid dogs completely, moderates believe it\u2019s okay to touch dogs.\u00a0 They just avoid their nose or mouth as those are considered impure.There\u2019s still a long way to go when it comes to the acceptance of dogs.Hallijah thinks the best way to change Malaysian\u2019s perception towards dogs is through a sharing session, where Muslims share information on dogs and how to treat dogs according to the Islamic teachings.\u201cIf I were given a platform, I would definitely tell the people who are against dogs that in Islam, we are told to be compassionate towards all walks of life including animals.\u201d\u201cThe guidelines are all there in the Al-Quran and Hadith. We just have to read and understand it.\u201dFarah says: \u201cI think people are against dogs because of the cultural, environmental and religious influence. If we were to educate them since they are young, then I think people would be more open-minded about this issue.\u201dDo you think it is okay for Muslims to touch dogs? Let us know in the comments!my grandfather have 2 Alsatian guarding his kebunmasa kecik2 takut juga, tapi lepas tu dah biasa boleh main kejar2 lagiplus they also trained not to licked usthere is an indian uncle my datuk employed to handle their cleaning and exercise ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9417425990104675} +{"text": "\"Naomi Neomi Francis, 55\"\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dmy brain fry abit therereminded me about my kinabalu guide, name sound so catholic but suddenly talk about pray 5 times a day lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.95695561170578} +{"text": "Now the guy got even more incentive to go attack other business, doxxing people and sending his fans to harass others.QUOTEViral restaurant in Teluk Intan not certified halal - JAIPKIPOH - The Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPk) has confirmed that Restoran Hawayi in Teluk Intan does not have a halal certificate.JAIPk director Harith Fadzilah Abdul Halim said a search by JAIPk Halal Management Division found the restaurant involved is not a holder of a valid Malaysia Halal Verification Certificate (SPHM).He said JAIPk did not issue a halal certificate for the premises concerned for its operation and the Muslim community should take the matter seriously.\"I am advising Muslims to be careful when patronising restaurants and eating places. As a Muslim, we are encouraged to look for the halal logo,\u201d he said when contacted today.Earlier, the halal status of the restaurant was hotly debated on Facebook which is causing uneasiness among other Muslim consumers.In fact, a Facebook user, Abang Ameen stated that a check on the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) portal found no record of the restaurant having a halal certificate.Meanwhile, Harith Fadzilah said his department also advised the public, especially the Muslim community, not to be influenced by the presence of many Muslims in the shop.\"Muslims are obliged to ensure that all food and drinks are clean and halal because they are our flesh and blood. The most important thing is to make sure that the restaurant or eating place has SPHM because the halal sign indicates the operation and food ingredients in a premises meet the requirements,\" he said.He said as consumers, they can check through a smartphone application and cautioned Muslims in choosing food premises which are appropriate because the Muslim community needs to be careful in matters related to eating and drinking based on Shariah law. - BERNAMAhttps://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/vir...75e011231&ei=16 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8760751485824585} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 11 2023, 04:26 PM)penjelasan sebab-musabab dah diberi secara tertib.benda dikongsi untuk pengetahuan, tetapi korang putar buat jadi bahan ejekan.sakit hati memang sakit hati, niat ikhlas dicapati.tapi semoga korang nanti dapat hidayah, semoga korang insaf, agar nanti aku tak perlu gelak pulangkan ejekan korang di padang kemudian hari.--i'm gonna exercise my own advice.the attached paper uses science to check on tapai alcoholwow, tapai as high as 11%Institutes for reviewing the halal and haram of a food from various countries have their own provisions on the alcohol content in a food product. For example, the Fatwa of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that alcohol cannot be more than 5%, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) alcohol cannot be more than 0.5% (Pauzi, Man, Mohd, Bin, & Jaafar, 2018), Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) alcohol cannot be more than 1% (Patent No. 11, 2009), Tarjih Muhammadiyah alcohol cannot be more than 5% (Thaib & Latief, 2002).Yulianti in 2014 examined the alcohol content contained in sticky rice tapai, black sticky rice and cassava tapai showed that the highest alcohol content was found in rice tapai with high levels of 11% (on day 3, 4, 5 and 6), black sticky rice with an alcohol content of 8.94% (on days 3, 4, 5 and 6) the lowest and an alcohol content of 6.92% tapai cassava (on day 3) (Yulianti, 2014). Based on a study conducted by Yulianti, the alcohol content in rice tapai and black sticky rice increased the longer the fermentation time, while in tapai cassava after reaching maximum fermentation on the third day the alcohol content continued to decrease. The decrease in alcohol content in cassava tapai was influenced by the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae which entered the stationary phase, i.e. the number of live microbes was equal to the number of dead microbes so that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungus would decrease and be unable to produce alcohol. (Hasanah et al., 2012).NamePercentage of Alcohol Level Per Day (%)123456Black Sticky Rice Tapai1.766.958.839.419.6710.06Cassava Tapai0.847.128.766.885.935.90Table 5. Percentage of Alcohol Concentration Against Fermentation Durationand i exercise my own common sense Attached File(s)\n\u00a01234_2148_1_PB.pdf ( 773.66k )\nNumber of downloads: 2", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970546960830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Nov 1 2023, 10:35 AM)yes you are correctwhat i mean, he said orang jual tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal is non halalmana ada macam tu.untuk sijil halal, u kena ikut segala procedure. then dapat sijil halal.meniaga tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal it doesnt mean non halal unless peniaga itu letak babi arak haiwan tak sembelih dan sebagainya.meniaga letak babi, arak, haiwan tak sembelih itu semua benda haram untuk orang islam makan. so benda tu sudah tentu non halal.2nd thing is, hygiene and preparing foods.if hygiene but ada babi = haram. tak ada sijil halalif tak hygiene tapi ayam sembelih = tak haram. tak ada sijil halal.tapi yg meniaga tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal, macam mana boleh confirm yang dia ada jaga kebersihan ataupun bahan2 yg dia dapat itu dari sumber HALAL? Adakah secara auto yang makanan tepi jalan itu menjadi HALAL walaupun tanpa logo HALAL disebabkan org yg menjualnya?This post has been edited by Jv8888: Nov 1 2023, 10:47 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "QUOTE(tongsanfish @ Sep 27 2021, 10:12 AM)\"Naomi Neomi Francis, 55\"\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dmy brain fry abit therereminded me about my kinabalu guide, name sound so catholic but suddenly talk about pray 5 times a day lolpaul pogba must be a christian ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.544649600982666} +{"text": "fitnah tu bukan dosa ke... just cos waiter cina tsk tsk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8386343121528625} +{"text": "lol manusia bodo everywherewhich one is cheaper? vaccine or hospital treatment?bagus kalau kau boleh sembuh minum air suam di rumah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7211986184120178} +{"text": "hukum asal suatu makanan itu adalah halal kecuali ada dalil yang mengatakan ianya haram. Ada dalil?oh wait different religion ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999794960021973} +{"text": "I think the only reason on why there is no official fatwa / law saying Muslims can only go to places with official JAKIM Halal cert is due to road stall.You know those sell nasi lemak, goreng pisang etc? Even bazaar ramadhan. Imagine those also need halal cert, GG.Macam ni la, business point of view they don't want the hassle in applying halal cert but yet still want Malay business. So no pork / lard, halal sourced poultry, no alcohol etc. You know, halal just without a cert. Banyak je Muslims yang tak kisah halal cert.So for those yang kisah, pi je la yang ada halal cert.But as Muslims, is duty to ensure halal in what you eat / drink. So...memang up to individual la... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997971653938293} +{"text": "QUOTE(msacras @ Mar 5 2024, 11:11 AM)and the best way to introduce something little known js always campaign/viralmarketingactually if u ask me, if we want to make tourism workswe gotta fix up our basic infra for tourist 1st....get that done 1st, they will come...without promotion ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999542236328125} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 13 2016, 03:34 PM)best argument.. ever..Bcos u just dont know the halal system. And tell me which restaurant in Europe or America do this ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Nov 18 2020, 01:42 PM)I see thanks for explaining. Now I know that glass shape or beer mug also can be haram. That's very surprising.Mudah keliru ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995135068893433} +{"text": "Usah bimbang dengan makanan Cina yang dihidangkan di Greentown Dimsum Cafe kerana mereka memiliki sijil halal bagi mengesahkannya. Tidak sia-sia meletakkan dimsum pada nama restoran kerana ia diiktiraf sebagai yang paling enak oleh pelanggan. Lokasi: Ipoh, Perak Sumber: Google https://t.co/8DLgqlgfxL", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999639987945557} +{"text": "QUOTE(Selectt @ Jul 21 2024, 04:41 PM)ppl eat at oriental is because of the location not because of the food. Their food is mediocre at best except their tart as i heard. would do more food hunting to find a better place.you cant be more wrong man.like for example midvalley and pavillion bkt jalil, plenty if nice food around and yet ppl stjll choose to queue at oriental. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "dah miskin, nak buat wedding glamtak malu sungguh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999727010726929} +{"text": "ceh last time so langsi ask chinese baliok china . now want china tourist . dia tak malu ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999388456344604} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eurochem @ Jul 1 2022, 06:08 PM)how about land turtles? like, really pure land tortoise like galapacos giant turtles.that considered reptile, thus haram or not?and theorectically, ichtyosaurus halal or not?reptile, but 100% underwater.\u00a0 I personally would like to try whale meat if got chance go iceland or japan some day\u00a0 https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/a...en/answers/1919 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9666605591773987} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramboramsey @ Mar 31 2021, 11:10 AM)Yup. to change engine (new engine from scratch for P1 (without geli) is like another 1 bil investment - casting machining tooling testing unless p1 buy the engine off the shelf. p1 have to find the most economical investment to ensure the existing engine can still be used in the future. again another comparison VW EA888 is one of the best selling engine on the planet - already on its 4th gen but still the fundamentals of the engine is still not changed as the investment is very high but VW have the might of volume of EU, China and Latin America to do it. Another good example is the Toyota 1NZ series. since donkey years change the head and \"accessories\" but fundamentally still the same engine.GB can change - but depends on who is selling. not many GB maker in the world that can meet p1 target price - Aisin (toyota), Hyundai powertek, Jatco (Most Japanese use this), Honda, ZF (expansive), BorgWarner (DSG). Aisin (like Denso) sometimes doesn't event want to sell certain things due to their parents company direction. again volume plays a role - too many variations means higher price, higher inventory cost and higher spare parts price and service equipment investment. In the end the initial development cost will still be the same - that why p1 cannot and should not change their strategy mid-way, its screws up on all the foundation builds. this is the same problem with Malaysia - change 1 minister change all policy. change BN to PH cancel all and change all. change back to PN cancel again and that's why we have KLIA 2 which is one of the most stupidly design airport in the worldQUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 12:24 PM)Instead they'd invest in 'new' GDI/TGDI engine, which was actually based on very old prototype Petronas engine. Clearly, Geely thought it wasn't good enough, which explains why it went quiet since the Geely takeover. Hundreds of million if not over a billion ringgit wasted that could've been channeled instead towards being more pragmatic by accepting P2's powertrain.ever wonder why those grants used for these engines as well?2.2 and 3.0 V6 enginethe more I read, the more I think that all these, are all project syiok sendiri.This post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Mar 31 2021, 12:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5302971005439758} +{"text": "Benda yang perjelaskan isu ni tak nak viral pula. Haritu bukan main \"ambil berat\" isu halal haram makanan dan integriti JAKIM.\n\nSudah menjadi kebiasaan kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia, setengah pihak hentam tanpa usul periksa yang lain ikut percaya.\n\nHanya berkiblatkan viral.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 08:11 PM)Correction; if things are unsure, take the safer method.Don't simply use ur guts; because that's what liberal Muslims do. Religious knowledge and understandings don't come from guts.fatwa guys dun understand the world of science ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9102410078048706} +{"text": "Halal & Haram. Ya betul jika yakin halal boleh makan, tapi kalau dah yang sediakan tu bukan Islam lepas tu tak ada perakuan sijil halal, logo halal pun tak ada pula tapi hanya sekadar kata no pork no alcohol. Korang rasa? Wallahu a\u2019lam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.760286271572113} +{"text": "Logo halal Jakim sangat membantu tentang halal haram makanan. Tolong jgn banned Jakim kerana ia membantu orang Islam di Malaysia. Tak faham kenapa beria-ria sangat nak banned Jakim kerana pemantauan makanan halalnya sgt berguna.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.581523060798645} +{"text": "QUOTE(jpoplover101 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:19 PM)Ayam talking about local chinese restaurant sell char kuey teoh/ chicken rice, not some high class restaurant at klcc which ofcos is halal.Why do they want to alienate 60% of their potential consumer market? its bad business........ many malays like to eat chinese halal food and most indians dont eat pork.or are they just interested in their existing 30-40% customer base and no interested in increasing it more than that?even in us/uk most of restaurants and shops started offering halal/kosher though their muslim/jewish population is very low. taiwan also start introducing many halal restaurants. they can capture the market..........ko nak tau pasal apa? Kos bertambah.kalau dah apply lesen halal arak dan bir mesti diasingkan.kita orang islam ayam dan dan daging WAJIB disembelih.dan ada syarat2nya.bla bla bla (ni semua buat kos bertambah) belum kira cawan dan kuali yang digunakan utk masak bende bukan halal.takkan nak buat 2 tempat masak satu halal dan satu tak halal? Dapur tak cerita lagi.tukang masak?setau aku cina punya foodcourt makanan mahal gila. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996780157089233} +{"text": "Ada jual barang haram tu \"rokok\"? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "It's like mooncake, bakgua, other cookies, so many big chain sellling, but small homemade traders survive every year and earning money, see how you play only, for proper ones even if mahal also got ppl support. Kuching kek lapis many companies selling also, but small homemade punya way expensive than the chain punya, sold out, cuz they ready to put kaw kaw ingredient like those using golden churn butter etc. If you have quality and it is actually presented on your product, ppl eat and feel worth. Not jual mahal then try to pancing for one time quick cash during bazaar saja, then orang makan tak sedap, lagi teruk if cirit, how many times keluar news already? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9678720235824585} +{"text": "Queue ada semangatGi keje malas la amik mc la saudara matila itu matila ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999785423278809} +{"text": "Paling seronok dengar berita ni mestilah para peniaga dan pengusaha produk makanan. Harap-harap ada AI nanti, makin cepatlah tempoh kelulusan sijil halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9016839265823364} +{"text": "@tyaamohamad @airelchan @MrBiGZinT @AnnaSoeraya @rffdnl ....they clearly said all their INGREDIENTS are taiwan halal certified. Nanti insyaAllah ada masa i pergi mintak permission tangkap gambar ingredients dia ye. Mesti you tak makan kat gerai sebab takde bukti sijil halal jakim kan. Alhamdulillah congrats sistur", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.986086905002594} +{"text": "@naf_zam Sijil Halal yg dikeluarkan Jakim fokus byk pd kebersihan/GMP n sumber bahan mentah. Cth. Kalau sos Bumi, bahan2 mentah mgkn ada yg dibeli dr luar (tgk bhn2 blkg botol tu). Sumber2 ini juga mesti Halal. Tak sama dgn jual cempedak goreng.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994956254959106} +{"text": "@ustazmohdizhar MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA \u261bhttp://youtube.com/user/MakkahRecipe\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 25 2016, 03:53 PM)No. It's notBeef bacon is beef. Thats why the name is beef baconThere's nothing to be confused about Its stated clearlyAgain. Nobody doubt the halal status of beef bacon. Its beef of course its halalOnly in ur imagination people got confused over something so simplebeef is not halal if its not slaughtered according to what islam recommend.so what about bacon?This post has been edited by zariel: Oct 25 2016, 04:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8034268021583557} +{"text": "Many of my Muslim friends like siew yuk, apa salahan, suka Hati dia orang la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999227523803711} +{"text": "Clarification on the Birthday Cake NoticeDec 31, 2016We sincerely apologise for all the misunderstanding our notice regarding Halal birthday cakes has caused.As a company that serves all Malaysians, we have never intended to discriminate against anyone. At McD, we have always practiced a \"No outside food allowed\" policy, but have made exceptions for birthday cakes as they are important for celebrating special occasions.However, in order to maintain our Halal status, we have to ensure that all products consumed in our restaurants are Halal certified as required by JAKIM.We sincerely thank all Malaysians who have given their thoughts and opinions. More importantly, we appreciate that you care enough to share your views with us, and we will continue to improve to make McDonald\u2019s a place that is truly for all MalaysiansSincerely,Team McDonald's Malaysia----------------------------------------Penjelasan Mengenai Notis Kek Hari JadiKepada pelanggan yang dihormati,Kami memohon maaf di atas segala salah faham yang timbul berikutan notis kek harijadi Halal sebelum ini.Sebagai syarikat yang memberi perkhidmatan kepada semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia, kami tidak berniat untuk mewujudkan diskriminasi terhadap sesiapapun. Di McDonald\u2019s, kami mengamalkan polisi \u201cTiada makanan luar dibenarkan\u201d; walau bagaimanapun kami membuat pengecualian untuk kek harijadi memandangkan ia penting dalam meraikan sesuatu yang istimewa.Namun begitu, bagi mengekalkan status Halal, kami harus memastikan semua produk yang dinikmati di restoran kami adalah Halal, mengikut piawaian JAKIM.Kami mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang telah memberi buah fikiran dan pendapat berhubung perkara ini. Apa yang penting, kami amat menghargai keprihatinan semua pihak yang berkongsi pandangan dengan kami, dan kami akan terus membuat penambahbaikan untuk menjadikan McDonald\u2019s sebagai restoran pilihan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.Dengan Ikhlas,McDonald\u2019s Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5450758934020996} +{"text": "Kalau dah jenis yang betul-betul menjaga halal haram yang bangang pergi tengok video non-muslim review makanan tu buat apa syaitan? Dia bukan JAKIM nak pergi verify kehalalan toyyiban kedai tu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(ali_xpdc @ Sep 17 2018, 04:32 PM)OOo faham dah. rupanya kobe tu wagyu.\u00a0 Tp wagyu Xsemestinya kobe. Tapi bapak mahal.\u00a0 I go cry in corner eat rm35 kg beef diam diam T_TAda yang cakap Matsusaka dan Ohmi lebih best dari Kobe beef.Lagi satu, retired dairy cow pun marbling dia similar to wagyu tapi jauh lagi murah.\nw7z_qeQRmKQ\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915619492530823} +{"text": "seronok baca pendapat pendapat korang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999048709869385} +{"text": "Kalau najib semua malas mau layan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999610185623169} +{"text": "These sohais are so detached from realityPlay MYR3297 just to be on the ship makan angin laut Phuket kan tempat maksiat, ade arak, pelacur dan budaya barat Love how they emphasize HALAL in foodAde program Dan aktiviti lagi\u2026 like what? Tiup belon lari dalam guni or syair competition?Those who pay for this really Sohai\u2026 itu pun tak tahu company lari ke tidak masa DecemberThis post has been edited by carloz28: Jul 28 2024, 12:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8223291635513306} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Jul 28 2024, 08:02 AM)Tapi dalam kapal ada:KasinoPool with bikinisArak, wine, beerOwaooooiNo, can't have haram activitythis one convert to agama class, quran studies, lecture class, prayer class ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999808132648468} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 06:07 PM)Don't try to skirt the concern that you fitnah me. When have I ever claimed to educate anyone? You fitnah me, the dosa is on you.Also, to think that you only accept anything from someone with credentials shows how easily you can be exploited because you're ignorance, hence the halal logo.Thanks for proving my point.QUOTEListen, zakat does not impact other people it's up to you whether you want to give or not. This halal cert thing is too over the top, religious authorities misuse municipal authorities to go on a power trip shutting down non muslim businesses la, sending muslims to jail la, pulling product off shelves and confiscating la, bermacam bermacam. End of the day are muslims better educated about halalness? No. In fact it produce the opposite effect, muslims are now even more confused because now some won't even touch groceries without wearing gloves.Is it better for muslims? Peace of mind? Bullshit la, all just exploiting fear and ignorance.This sounded like you know better which means you wantbto educate. I always asked for credentials for people claiming then know something than others, like to ustaz fb. Earlier post you also said that non muslims know more about Islam than muslims. You havent rebuke my points aslo and keep bringing up where the specific verse about the need for governing body regarding halalness.Seems you're much interested in this halal thing, I'd suggest you to find this book title The Routhledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality of Islamic TourismBelow is the excerpt from the book. It also mention about fardhu ain (personal obligatory) and fardhu kifayah (community obligatory). The formation of organization like Jakim are part of the fardhu kifayah so that not every one, in case of halal certified restaurant will have to personaly check the ingredients used in the foods, the hygene aspect of the place and many others, where the ingredients came from and so on. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998740017414093} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Jun 12 2023, 03:27 PM)Do you know why only 16%?Because the MAJORITY of Malay food providers are those makcik, pakcik at the roadside and sidewalk, who suka-suka open table and tent without concern for traffic and safety.And let's not forget about the hygiene.And these people don't even bother to apply for Halal cert, because in their mindset, Malay = Islam = auto Halal food.Here at Ampang Jaya, some of them don't even bother to apply for a license albeit it was not that expensive.As long as 'tak apa' attitude exists, don't bother to blame the non or whatever.Sometimes sell for harga yahudi also. Dah la no need to pay all the overhead cost of rental, license and shit. Some next level sellers will also dengki when other stalls open nearby to them, as if they are the only one with the right to open business illegally there. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9431193470954895} +{"text": "A lot of everyday food also got alcohol la...fermentation is a natural process in this world also created by God. Dunno what these ppl too free or what want to fix something that's not broken.https://www.abbeycarefoundation.com/alcohol...contain-alcoholQUOTERipe and very ripe bananas - between 0.2-0.4% ABV Breads (burger rolls, rye bread) - between 1.18-1.28% ABV Fruit & Fruit juices (grape, orange, apple) - between 0.04-0.5% ABVYogurt & Kefir - between 0.05-2% ABVKombucha, Must (usually made from grapes) - between 0.5-5% ABVVinegars (balsamic, champagne, sherry, wine vinegar) - between 0.1-0.4% ABVFood additives like extracts or flavourings - up to 35% ABVCondiments like mustard and soy sauce - between 1.5-2% ABVSome soft drinks - up to 0.5% ABVMakan cardboard safest lahApparently addressed before: https://halalfocus.net/malaysia-many-still-...ontent-in-food/QUOTE\u201cEssentially, not all food items with alcohol are alcoholic beverages like liquor or beer. Alcohol sometimes exists naturally in many natural and organic food items such as fruits due to natural fermentation,\u201d explained Dr Russly.He said due to the mass misunderstanding among consumers, the Malaysian Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs had made a revision.According to him, the revised the condition is that any food item containing not more than 1% alcohol content and not meant to be alcoholic is legitimate. Examples of this are sauce, ketchup and any permitted food additives.Dr Russly also revealed that medication and perfume products with small amount of alcohol not intended to be alcoholic beverages were also legitimate.\u201cFood and drinks which contain alcohol naturally like fruits, nuts or grains are also legit,\u201d said Dr Russly.This post has been edited by bonedragon: Apr 30 2024, 08:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7110076546669006} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Jan 11 2023, 12:53 PM)1) sertu, not samak. Nak issue statement sendiri pun tak tau proper term2) even if halal, i wouldnt use the same grill plate or net used by others. Bring ur own, more hygienic. The pit is for charcoal only, apa nak halalnya? 3) if non muslim cook pork next door, the aroma gets into ur nose how? Takkan ko nak sertu peparu ko? Tak logik kan?Praktikkan halal setakat yg munasabah.Setuju. Yang jadi susah dan menyusahkan diri-sendiri dan masyarakat adalah apabila cuba buat/tambah benda yang takda dalam agama.https://www.astroawani.com/gaya-hidup/samak...ta-ulama-169926Key take-away points....1. Kita tidak patut mengandaikan perkara yang kita tidak nampak. Asal sesuatu yang bersih itu kekal dianggap bersih sehingga terbukti secara yakin ia telah dicemari najis. Andaian ataupun syak tidak mengubah status asal yang bersih itu.2. \"Apabila anjing menjilat bekas seseorang kamu, maka basuhlah sebanyak tujuh kali. Salah satunya dengan tanah\" (riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim, lafaz Muslim). Hadis ini hanya menyebut jilatan anjing dan tiada satu pun hadis yang menyebut khinzir.3. Majoriti ulama berpendapat bahawa khinzir tidak memerlukan basuhan sebanyak tujuh kali. Inilah merupakan pendapat Imam Syafi'e. Inilah merupakan pendapat yang KUAT dari segi dalil. Imam al-Nawawi menyokong pendapat majoriti para ulama iaitu kenajisan khinzir hanya dibasuh seperti najis yang lain tanpa memerlukan tujuh kali air dan tanah.5. tiada dalil yang menyatakan khinzir wajib dibasuh sebanyak tujuh kali dan termasuk satu kali air tanah. 6. sesuatu perkara tidak wajib melainkan adanya dalil syarak7. Pendapat majoriti ulama ini di samping lebih kuat, ia juga lebih memudahkan kita berurusan terutama bagi yang makan di hotel, kapalterbang, bertandang ke rumah jiran atau kenalan bukan muslim kerana bahan ataupun unsur khinzir mungkin sering digunakan oleh mereka. Demikian apabila kita berjalan di tempat awam yang mana bahan khinzir terdedah di mana-mana pada hari ini.8. ...majoriti para ulama, khinzir memadai dibersihkan sehingga hilang bau, warna dan rasa. Apabila tiada kesan tersebut pada peralatan makanan, tempat duduk, pakaian dan seumpamanya maka dikira sebagai bersih. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991681575775146} +{"text": "Allahu... takde sijil halal = haram \ud83d\ude2d https://t.co/NWHbQ16iHm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "last time eat nasi goreng daging at mv staff food court, the best beef soup ive tasted ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998701810836792} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Sep 11 2016, 01:46 PM)Halal version of course lmaoBut halal one also got authentic one especially those from north west of chinaBecause I've heard similar remarks from my Malay (muslim) friends.\"Tak sesuailah rasa makanan Cina - tawar. Tak best etc:It was a hotel that served halal chinese dishes for an event.So mostly standard stuff like roast chicken, fish and loh hon chai etc. It's not so easy to experience the variety of chinese cuisine if you stick to the halal versions,e.g. sour vegetables, siew yuk, hokkien mee, and marmite pork, for example. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949599504470825} +{"text": "hikmah virus corona virus\n\nnampak tak agama islam sahaja yg menekankan pentingnye memilihmakanan yang halal .Start dari sumber yg halal bersih dan tak mudarat sehinggalah \nbab kesihatan. Tak bagi makan ular,katak, makanan eksotik apatah lagi makanan yg haram seperti babi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(blek @ Jul 23 2020, 06:58 PM)last last nons company can get green label with under table everything can be settle True..orang korang suka bagi, orang kita suka ambil..win win ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Oct 18 2016, 08:46 PM)dog is haram when touched while wet kan?bukan gambar dog tu haram, atau perkataan dog tu haram kan?hotdog mengelirukan? ingatkan daging anjing dalam? biar betik lemah betul keimanan?Believe me when even a logo of a dog on some product also offends ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 01:38 PM)so amon is muslim also? u must be mixed also right? just guessing. haha.im mixed with a chinese family, so at times when there are cultural or religious mix-ups, then i have to be a bit lenient to show face to the chinese side. i know what im doing is not right though. Think of it as maintaining harmony in family- so you pahala from that .. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994718432426453} +{"text": "REAL INI GUSY AYAH AKU YANG JARANG SUKA MAKANAN GINIAN SAMPE NANYA BELI DIMANA ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995853304862976} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Jan 8 2021, 09:39 PM)if they want not halal, gov can stop you?I wonder about this too beside tegur? Mohon pencerahan.They said Islam is simple and beautiful but aren't they making it vice versa?Dah makan 4 decades of un-halal meat also senyap aje, how haram can this be compare to that?This post has been edited by quintesson: Jan 8 2021, 10:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975985884666443} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jan 5 2024, 11:16 PM)Guys, serious question here...The water I drink from the faucet has no halal certificate, so it is considered haram?No ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999881982803345} +{"text": "Ada 2 sebab kenapa seseorang tu menghalalkan makanan atau minuman yang tiada sijil halal. 1. Dia dah pernah rasa 2. Dia suka benda tu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.717769205570221} +{"text": "Orang macam ni, cuba campak pergi Egypt, Turkey, UAE, or Saudi. Mesti kebulur sebab takde makanan yg ada logo halal JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8929756879806519} +{"text": "FREE TRIAL 200 Botol.\nSusu Legend Zaileha Milk Industrie untuk anak-anak dan ibubapa yang mencari makanan berkhasiat?\n+ Berkhasiat\n+ Lemak Manis \n+ Bersih dan Halal+ Mendapat sijil Mesti dan bakal sijil HALAL+ Produk Bumiputera tempatan\nMahukah anda mencubanya. \nNak dapatkan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "Lebih suka masak sendiri atau beli makanan di luar?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982330799102783} +{"text": "Aku pergi spital/klinik kerajaan rm1@rm5 je siap dpt ubat & consultation. Celah bedah mana generating money? \n\nBukan geng korang ke yg suka sedut duit orang suruh beli macam2 'makanan natural' yang korang jual dengan harga overpriced? Tu blm dgn supplemen apa bagai lg.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972186088562012} +{"text": "Adakah penggunaan ungkapan \"makanan sunnah\" dibenarkan dalam pensijilan Halal Malaysia?Apa konsep sebenar...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9950829744338989} +{"text": "Best cakoi?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5022859573364258} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faiz_captain @ May 22 2016, 06:45 PM)I don't see papan kot...just don't order haram stuff...nowadays supplier for poultry ke lembu ke semua ada halal certificate....no point to pick so much mistake....no such thing as 100% halal....even Ramli burger you can find certain amount of Salmonella, E. coli O157, and norovirus inside...Basically just recite Bismillah before eating will do...only stupid ppl make issue out of itYou sure ? Have you ask your Ustaz ?As i understand, this restaurant use cooking wine even for Stir Fry Vege, some even use Brandy for cooking, not forgetting sauce import from China may not be Halal at all.Cooking utensil may also use to cook Makrub dishes such as Frog, Ketam & Shubhat.You don't simply miss lead other especially Mualaf @ Saudara Baru.If at doubt Check with Ustaz or Imam even some elders. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997788071632385} +{"text": "Ahh semua sibuk pasal status halal teh viral. Kadang aku tertanya juga macam mana kedai tepi jalan tu dapat sijil halal? Sebab orang jual tu islam ke? Hehe", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9836528301239014} +{"text": "QUOTE(sexysarah1992 @ May 6 2024, 09:32 AM)How u know no problem at other diners? All the restaurants reported to u? This one viral because owner not so smart . But got so many other unreported cases lah. Its common practice if a local Japanese is making a booking then different story la. This booking is for foreigners. Common sense need to put deposit.same goes to you how do you know those unreported cases pulak.like i said, higher end establishment like omakase izakaya michelin star of course la. these family restaurant dont do these charges. where that /k fella that stay in jepun one. need him come in now. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9915812611579895} +{"text": "lepas makan, mula majlis sunat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969339370727539} +{"text": "@nikdotpm @nvrshff Sebab item itu made in Thailand, jadi organisasi yg berkuasa dekat Thailand lah pula berikan sijil halalnya. Sijil halal Thailand diiktiraf JAKIM, buat apa mahu buat kerja dua kali.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963269829750061} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Oct 25 2016, 03:51 PM)nah, many people do not know about the objective of the jakim cert. its like asking why do you go for ISO certification when you already know you can manage your company very well. hot'dog' is just a term or a name of a food that coincidently non-conform with the policy. We are talking about beef bacon when the name in the menu is bacon, and everybody knows that bacon is associated with pork. This can create confusion and if halal cert is given to company that produces beef bacon when the one in the menu is bacon, it makes the customers doubt about its halal.No. It's notBeef bacon is beef. Thats why the name is beef baconThere's nothing to be confused about Its stated clearlyAgain. Nobody doubt the halal status of beef bacon. Its beef of course its halalOnly in ur imagination people got confused over something so simple ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7448179125785828} +{"text": "QUOTE(ceras @ Dec 30 2023, 12:32 PM)So, it is PUSs interpretation rather than written in the holy book..... I get it.Disepakati semua ulama, says the mufti. You tak reti baca BM ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "Go share this on facebook, later the most righteous amongst righteous will caption \u201cIni la akibat bila mencabar agama kita!\u201d roughly translates \u201cIt is ok to be violent when our religion get disrespected\u201d. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "Laaa triggered ke bang? Orang if betul2 jaga makan minum, dia akan betul2 make sure restoran tu halal jakim ke tak sebelum makan takde nk was2, bukan main masuk duduk makan terus. Takde sijil halal tak semestinya makanan diorng haram ya. Tak perlu kot nk bodoh2 kan orang", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5280433893203735} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Jan 9 2024, 12:47 PM)Fact: UAI is a celebrity preacher.He is not a mufti (Muslim legal expert)He is not an ulama (Muslim scholar)The Ustaz title resembles sensei, teacher, and guru because he teaches Islamic knowledge.His strong point is his knowledge of Fiqh.What is Fiqh, you ask?Besides that, his political bias is clearly towards PAS, and all his ceramah is quite often calling others \"bodoh\" to make a point.If anything, a well-informed Muslim will listen to his teaching for his Fiqh knowledge, anything besides that is not to be taken seriously.So his teddy bear haram theory is derived from his deep and comprehensive knowledge about Islam? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9834808707237244} +{"text": "Sembang halal tapi mkn duit haram ok .. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999688863754272} +{"text": "bodo dia ingat oni muslim cant eat pork meh?some other religion oso cant eat pork but dun mind halal status... u want to deny their right to know whether the restaurant serve pork or not just because the signage is 'misleading' to u? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6007473468780518} +{"text": "Aisk, this one no keliru? Bak Kut Teh haram, bak kwa not haram? hahahaha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979606866836548} +{"text": "QUOTE(pakdamek @ Jun 10 2019, 11:11 AM)its haram because of alcoholic %. but in malta and nutrimalt, its malt without the yeast. so, 0% alcohol. So, why would it be haram? maybe the only argument by some section of your family members is that it is produced and packed at the same factory as those alcoholic beverages. I have no prob drinking malta, but the downside is that it is packed with sugars and unhealthy.Yes, d sugar is d real danger. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999179840087891} +{"text": "Biasakan untuk meneliti kandungan bahan produk makanan/ minuman. Di luar negara, susah nak jumpa produk yang ada logo halal. Memang kita akan pastikan bahan yang digunakan bukan terdiri dari bahan yang haram untuk dimakan.\n\nDi MY, sebolehnya cari yang dijamin halal oleh JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999111890792847} +{"text": "@nazrinharon7 @asyrafbadhrul @izza_met Yang org marah tu bila minum boba yg takde sijil halal tiba2 nak doakan org tu macam minum benda haram dah terpesong habis. Siap buat a whole ass thread lol", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pain4UrsinZ @ Apr 7 2024, 08:55 PM)lol akmal kecut bola this time cakap okey jeHe already know the shitstorm he created now onwards, no business or investors wanna come in anymoreLook how unstable the business environment is now, ppl can just simply viral and then ur business just go down the drain the next day ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999346733093262} +{"text": "Tak laku nanti mesti salah DAP ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999464750289917} +{"text": "QUOTE(BronzePlate @ Dec 24 2020, 09:40 PM)Obviously no. It's just makes the building haram. haram ? really ? what if i spell selamat Hari Natal ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "AHMAD ZAHID HAMIDI (tiga dari kiri) menandatangani plak perasmian pusat beli-belah Freeport AFamosa Outlet sambil disaksikan oleh Idris Haron (dua dari kiri), Mas Ermieyati Samsudin (kiri) dan Alex Lau di Alor Gajah, semalam.Kerajaan menyasarkan kemasukan sebanyak lapan juta pelancong China dengan membawa pendapatan RM22.1 bilion setiap tahun untuk tempoh lima tahun akan datang.Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, sasaran lapan juta pelancong dari China itu adalah salah satu contoh usaha kerajaan menarik lebih ramai pengunjung walaupun ketika ini jumlah pelancong dari negara itu adalah sebanyak 1.3 juta orang.Menurut beliau, walaupun sasaran itu dilihat agak besar, kerajaan yakin dapat mencapai\u00c2\u00adnya kerana perbelanjaan purata setiap pelancong dari China ke negara ini adalah RM3,345 meliputi penginapan, makanan dan membeli-belah.\u00e2\u20ac\u02dc\u00e2\u20ac\u02dcKita harapkan dengan adanya peningkatan jumlah pelancong dari China, akan memberi pendapatan ekonomi sebanyak RM22.1 bilion setiap tahun kepada sektor pelancongan negara.\u00e2\u20ac\u02dc\u00e2\u20ac\u02dcUsaha menarik pelancong datang ke Malaysia harus dilakukan dengan langkah paling drastik kerana kehadiran pelancong yang membelanjakan dengan jumlah tertentu akan memberi kesan paling segera kepada pembangunan ekonomi di negara kita,\u00e2\u20ac\u2122\u00e2\u20ac\u2122 katanya.Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap merasmikan pusat beli-belah Freeport A\u00e2\u20ac\u2122Famosa Outlet (FAO) yang mula beroperasi sejak 28 November lalu, di sini hari ini.Yang turut hadir, Ketua Menteri Melaka, Datuk Seri Idris Haron; Timbalan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan, Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin; Ketua Pengarah Pelancongan Malaysia, Datuk Mirza Mohammad Taiyab; Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan A'Famosa, Datuk Alex Lau serta Pengarah Komersial Peruncitan Freeport United Kingdom (UK), Chris Milliken.FAO merupakan sebuah pusat beli-belah terbaharu di negeri ini hasil usaha sama Freeport Retail Limited yang berpangkalan di London, UK dan Langkah Realiti Sdn. Bhd. iaitu pemilik A'Famosa Resort, menawarkan lebih 80 gedung outlet fesyen, sukan, aksesori, beg dan kasut berjenama dengan kemudahan 1,600 tempat letak kereta percuma.Sejak beroperasi November lalu, pusat beli-belah itu telah menerima kehadiran lebih 600,000 pengunjung.Menurut Ahmad Zahid, walaupun negara pada tahun lalu mencapai jumlah kehadiran pelancong yang agak tinggi namun untuk tempoh lima tahun akan datang, kerajaan berhasrat memberikan tumpuan kepada beberapa negara tertentu termasuk dari China supaya lebih ramai pelancong dari negara berkenaan datang ke Malaysia.Katanya, kesan perkembangan pelancongan termasuk kehadiran pelancong dan langkah membeli-belah yang diambil mereka di negara ini, sedikit-sebanyak dapat membantu perkembangan ekonomi yang baik untuk negara.\u00e2\u20ac\u02dc\u00e2\u20ac\u02dcSaya akan memohon kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bagi mendapatkan peruntukan tambahan untuk pengiklanan dan promosi kepada Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan serta Tourism Malaysia untuk menambah aktiviti mereka menarik pelancong datang ke negara ini.\u00e2\u20ac\u02dc\u00e2\u20ac\u02dcPada masa yang sama kerajaan juga mahu lihat keberhasilan peruntukan tambahan itu dapat membantu menarik jumlah pelancong. Sebagai contoh, gunakanlah kelebihan yang ada pada penyanyi kita seperti Shila Amzah yang menjadi ikon di negara China untuk membantu menarik pelancong dari negara tersebut datang ke Malaysia,\u00e2\u20ac\u2122\u00e2\u20ac\u2122 jelasnya.Selain itu, Ahmad Zahid berkata, pengusaha pelancongan swasta juga diminta supaya membantu meningkatkan industri pelancongan negara dengan membawa lebih banyak pelancong dari luar berkunjung ke negara ini.http://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/m...-china-1.184653 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9883629679679871} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 22 2024, 07:46 PM)No, you are retarded.Kalau tak socialize dengan orang sekeliling, nampak sangat masalah itu datang dari kau sendiriada orang suka socialiseada orang tak suka socialiseyg ko busybody sgt watpe? kimak tul ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989297986030579} +{"text": "nowadays tiktok,facebuk etc posts/comments oso can be made into 'news' lolrly suka highlight & make news of dumbfuck, intolerance, small brain ppl bcos that's so hot, it generate lots of clicksktard punya tered/comments got made into news? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999823272228241} +{"text": "QUOTE(WhatMan @ Oct 31 2023, 02:59 PM)Hold up, so if say a non Muslim start to sell Nasi Kandar but beef/chicken only, does it means the food is automatically Halal?Non selling food without pork = haram.Non selling food with pork = veli Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(chemnz @ Jan 23 2021, 05:28 PM)First of all.. how does one make HARAM vegan food???their concern is the liquor such as wine added to the meals. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7099600434303284} +{"text": "tak suka tak payah naik. easy as abc ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5193067193031311} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Jan 30 2017, 11:48 AM)Inilah Macai yang sejati. 100% pemakan dedak tulen. Bangga betul boleh jumpa specimen sebegini.Oh, the irony... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998043179512024} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.Remember. U are in UK. U follow ppl culture. Not ppl follow ur culture. U dont like? Then what TF are u doing in UK? Go study in some Kelantan Uni la. Not sure why these morons think the world revolves around themThis post has been edited by sexysarah1992: Nov 24 2023, 07:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9318391680717468} +{"text": "I heard jakim spoken already. Habis la pakcik viral... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939694404602051} +{"text": "Simpan BODOH tu bhai. Ikut sedap mulut aje cakap roti haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "QUOTE(valkyrie5034 @ Apr 11 2012, 08:47 AM)I bought economy rice with some vege & chicken wing from a Chinese stall for myself and also a Malay friend. The word halal never crossed my mind.After we finished eating, he asked which stall I bought it from. Then only I realized the mistake, but I could not bear to tell him what he just ate was non halal. I told him it's from Pelita and he just said the food was great.I kinda feel bad about it, think I should come clean with him?If he dunno it's not dosa. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979162812232971} +{"text": "1 hari 1 haram. In 5 days 5 haram. Day in, day out keep thinking of something to be prohibited. Lol! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998351335525513} +{"text": "@Adaa_Monreal Sebahagian Melayu islam terlalu rigid. Ikut Dr maza, dalam negara majoriti Muslim tak perlu sijil halal yang ada mesti sijil tak halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983190894126892} +{"text": "QUOTE(zenoboy111 @ Mar 11 2024, 12:06 AM)sponsor all nons to migrate, lets wait and see what happens yayou sesat mana? the main topic is questioning if nons tax money should be used on bumi pplI say no? why should gov mix haram money with your halal activities, use brain layou are not gov, and we are questioning the best and proper use of it, but you are a muslim is surprisingly supportive of it?very wow much wow, more reasons why our country is fkedso much bumi entitlement and abuse towards nonsIf you want that, maybe you should consider paying tax to a different government. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999884843826294} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Jan 4 2018, 10:50 PM)thats just his personal opinion, siapa la yg tanya soalan bodo mcm tu sama mufti... -____- comment tu mufti tak ubah mcm adults yg thats ranting cosplay sbb\u00a0 \" buang masa\" dan \"buang duit\" no other more useful question ka? \u00a0 every hobby need time and/or money.everything is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999728202819824} +{"text": "Concert Sepatah Haram Aku X Paham Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998169541358948} +{"text": "duniawi sementara ajedunia akhirat lebih penting ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976930022239685} +{"text": "Nak apply sijil halal.. tp audit dia lagi teruk dari apply haccp.. audit bertempek2 sampai kena kompaun..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998610019683838} +{"text": "Religion is a sensitive topic, be it Christianity, Islam, Atheism.. etc. Best just avoid talking not to mention, arguing about it during conversations. One cannot change another person's believe overnight. Let God or Science provide the insight. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999771118164062} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Aug 28 2020, 08:49 AM)yes, it is not a club, but thats not the main point. you can even drink alcohol in a chinese kopitiam ffs.n even if they doesnt drink, what about the halal status of the food they eat? coz of all bars that ive been to, ive yet see a bar that serves no pork in malaysia.As i said, u think rich malays will go mamak or cina kopitiam to lepak? Use ur brain la bodoU think they care about halal status? Just bcuz u care doesnt mean others care. No wonder u r poorfagQUOTE(botlife @ Aug 28 2020, 08:50 AM)drink o not drink its their own issue as long not kacau other people then it should be no issuenow in this case if langgar SOP then got to admit this fault and pay penalty lo thats allAlready bayar. So whats the issue? Use ur money? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6846803426742554} +{"text": "QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 21 2016, 05:11 PM)sebab tu aku suruh ko baca a sampai z manual tu..br la paham sebab2 kenapa JAKIM tetapkan mcm tu sampai ke rule yg 1 tu..kan ke tu salah satu dr pelbagai lg rules & guideline yg oerlu diikut? kalu x comply, JAKIM akan tgk la tahap camana, severe ke tak severe..ada la proses yg JAKIM akan ikut..ko jgn jd bodoh..manual tu bersandarkan pd Alquran, hadis & ijtimak ulama & pakar pensijilan Halal la..ko ingat pakcik cuci tandas tak penah ngaji ke ape yg karang manual tu? bengongkalu ko nk pertikai jugak, takdak masalah..kat website Halal JAKIM tu terang2 ada contact & alamat..jalankan tanggungjawab ko yg maha hebat tu..tak perlu jd tarzan takde adab takde manner join skali maki JAKIM..JAKIM dh buat kerja dia..skang jalankan kerja ko..gi jumpa JAKIM bhgn Hab Halal..ilmu ko kan ke hebatUntuk pengetahuan ko, JAKIM tu bawah JPM. Aku dah call semalam nak buat temu janji dengan diaorang nak dapatkan penjelasan. Bukan rasmi pun, just nak jumpa borak2 pasal hal ni. Semua pegawai sebok and sila rujuk kenyataan media. Tu jawapan yang aku dapat. Orang yg aku kenal dalam tu pun tak boleh bagi apa2 jawapan.So, disebabkan itu, aku buat bising dalam ni la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988564252853394} +{"text": "In short, \n\nKalau mampu utk tutup aurat, tutup lah aurat walaupun dlm keadaan darurat dengan semampu kita.\n\nKalau mampu cari makanan yg bersih dan halal, cari lah selagi kita kuat dan mampu mencarinya.\n\nIslam itu mudah. \nTapi jangan ambil mudah.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9896361231803894} +{"text": "Because less muslim people in malaysia eat ducks and as u can see most non malays selalu duduk dalam rumah so they dont mix well, everything they see also lacist. Unless those open and cool non malays, i bet they know everything or at least half of what their muslim friends can do or not and they even malu of how other local malaysia (prc style) is acting. This is baru 1Malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977813363075256} +{"text": "many c triggered cuz their food is not made proper but called the best by mmany m triggered cuz c is triggered ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9667766690254211} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Oct 28 2016, 10:52 AM)Bodo plotek plotek apa sarahan saya spotted.Is dunhill trademarked?\u00a0 If i were to sell a cigarette I made in my back yard and label it dunhill can I be sued? Is dunhill also not some random guys name?Is Ferrari trademarked? If Proton were to somehow made a good supercar and named it the Proton Ferrari bcos it's a homage to the Ferrari supercar can they be sued? Isn't Ferrari a common Italian surname?Is famous Amos trademarked? If you were to sell choc chip cookies and called it Fabulous Amos will you get sued? Even if your name really is Amos you will still get sued bcos someone else already trademarked that name for their own choc chip cookie brand.Bodo...Wow so much hate but you don't seem to understand the law. Let me teach you a bit on Intellectual Property law (oh the pun).You can trademark a brand, in this case RamlY...note its RamlY with a capital Y ..the logo/brand/sign/pattern is registered trademark as it has the \u00ae. You can also claim trademarking without registration by putting \u0099 sign.Now if someone uses that RamlY logo without permission..that is a trademark infringement and can be sued. However, TM doesn't mean exclusive usage of the word...i.e other people is prohibited from using the word. A simple example is apple...everyone know apple is a fruit..but some may refer it as a IT company. So can Apple sue everyone who uses the word apple..? Say a Xiaomi calls its phone AppleMi? The word apple is generic and has no distinctive feature, hence by using the word it is not infringement. It will be different if, the logo/pattern/design/ of Apple is used. You get what I mean?Perhaps to get the general idea of how trademark law work, let me answer your examples. Dunhill...the logo, word and pattern is trademarked. So assuming I make ciggies and named them Dunhill but my logo/pattern/design is different. There is no trademark infringement there..as nothing is referred to original the Dunhill. However, the fake Dunhill cannot register the new trademarked since, the Original Dunhill has alreadyy claimed it in its class.The same as Ferrari, say Proton names a car Proton Ferrari with a different logo/pattern/design, there is no trademark infringement as well since the logo, word is different from the Original Ferrari. The same as well for Fabulous Amos cookies.Having said that, that doesn't mean all above 3 examples can get away in law. The there is another aspect of infringement where its called passing off. Basically, passing off is when one tries to misrepresent certain goods being related o similar of another. Now back to your 3 examples, Dunhill is clearly a passing off as it is trying to link it or relate it to original Dunhill.Proton case is slightly less clear. Homage is allowed. But if Proton is trying to misrep to the public that Proton Ferrari is somehow related to Ferrari of Italy, it may run foul of passing off.The Fabulous Amos case ..now this is tricky. Eventough, Famous =/= Fabulous, hence on paper it is distinct, hence no infringement, eventough both makes almost identical cookies. Case on point is Pensonic v Panasonic. So in summation, you have misunderstood Trademark v Passing Off. Both operates differently in its own sets of laws. I hope the above clarifies. My time cost is RM500.00 an hour if you are curious. Lastly, pergi solat Jumaat bang, jangan suka suka mencaci orang bodo aje. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996034502983093} +{"text": "best can share hotel with awekno need worry ppl knock the door ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998852014541626} +{"text": "@amrshfqah Baiklah dik. Cuma ayat ni \"tkde sijil halal bukan bermksud haram \" matlamat tak menghalalkan cara.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "\r\nBAIKOT tu ape? \n\r\nlajunya taip sampai silap tuh. takut org lambat viral kekdahnya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabularis @ Feb 9 2017, 11:27 AM)Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as mediumThe whole world including japan german usa uk pakai babi bulu so far all gone well. Only 3rd world muslin country like malaysia ini tak boleh itu tak bagus. Confuse ini Confuse itu.Topkek. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998164772987366} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Mar 11 2024, 12:10 PM)aku tak nampak isu buka kantin untuk budak darjah 1-3. baru nak belajar puasa kut.tapi kalau paksa pengusaha kantin buka perniagaan untuk 1-50 orang, itu agak kejam.apa kata guna kaedah sewaktu MCO dahulu; pre-order.peniaga kantin cuma perlu sedia makanan secukupnya, tak payah masak melampau.Idea yang bagus. Yang penting kita tak nak discriminasi. Saling hormat menghormati. Non Muslim jangan makan dalam kelas atau dewan, pergi saja kat tempat makan iaitu kantin. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959462285041809} +{"text": "\r\nAku cakjap camni pun pasal kat area aku ramai tol melayu suka makn kat Seri Devi la (restoran tu masa aku lalu kat belkang tgk dapo dia bewak tu terjuntai tggu nak siang), Raju la, tu blom kedai kapir lain yng international kunun2nya yg hidangan utama arak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975378513336182} +{"text": "Ice Cream Magnum mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM iaitu Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan The Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT). *Ketahui... https://t.co/hc52mm1l6Y", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7423630356788635} +{"text": "QUOTE(vin6 @ Nov 30 2023, 09:54 AM)Its called learn their way and beat them in their game. --Later you will all alot new gen M speaks mandarin then GG liao they will buy everything from china.... you SME doing trading can close shop liao.LOLDoing business and money management hantar sekolah apa also tak boleh belajar ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999846339225769} +{"text": "QUOTE(kaiwoon @ Jul 14 2016, 10:15 AM)but some muslim say those pot.. stove also cant..cos cook haram b4yes cannot sobuy paper plate is normal wut? my mom does the same to everyone regarding racepaper plate n cup is for parteh anyway ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "..I eat chinese food, Indian food, Italian food, Thaid Food, malay food........Honestly Malay food not so good actually....Those Malay group said Malay food is best...they syiok sendiri as they never taste real chiness food...example BTK,....Babi Hutan Indian Curry......Alcohol cooked fortificato siciliano che si abbina perfettamente al pollo. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6610496640205383} +{"text": "rasanya anon, kau kena hantar resit dan num\nacc, kut laki jenis pelupa. Setiap kali repair, beli barang semua. Sesekali share je ceramah psl tanggungjawab, nafkah bukan utk byr bilik dgn makanan. Nafkah tu ikut suka hati kita nk buat apa. Laki mcm ni tklayak utk di tongtong", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992275238037109} +{"text": "sijil halal & makanan haram tu lain lah.. lol butthurt kepoh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "status makanan halal pun rakyat Malaysia terpaksa bergantung kepada aplikasi smartphone, habis tu apa guna penubuhan public funded gov agency mcm Jakim ?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989296793937683} +{"text": "QUOTE(h@ksam @ Jul 1 2021, 12:11 PM)ni lahttp://www.experts.uum.edu.my/Researcher_I...aspx?nopkj=5195wrong. I was talking about this dude...QUOTE(billylks @ Jun 30 2021, 11:34 PM)Whose idea to take a photo of them giving money to her and viral the photo?The original idea of bendera putih is to ask help without rasa malu. Now people post in the photo like giving prize money. Was this sincere or for publicity.If everyone who asks for help needs to post for photos liddis, prolly some will bunuh diri instead.QUOTE(billylks @ Jun 30 2021, 11:41 PM)Can take photo and viral it, but not liddis lah. Spare the dignity of the victims also.Maybe just take photo of the external home, but make sure it is not recognisable. Kesian lah to those pipolFor context, this brother commented about pic of janda given bantuan after she utilise the white flag movement. Pic:This post has been edited by das99990428: Jul 1 2021, 12:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9290081262588501} +{"text": "QUOTE(thelonely @ Apr 30 2024, 06:04 PM)sedap je air ni, saya yakin jadi saya minum.Saya pun minom dan suka minom ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998764991760254} +{"text": "Very rarely i buy fr these bazaars..prefer haram or quality food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999215602874756} +{"text": "Hindari berjabat tangan, hilangkan kebiasaan Cipika-Cipiki, cukup Melambaikan Tangan atau Menundukkan Kepala jika bertemu dengan Kawan-Sahabat ataupun Saudara. Pilih makanan Halal dan Sehat, Budaya Hidup Bersih dan Sehat harus menjadi Pilihan #hening #WaspadaCorona", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999704360961914} +{"text": "QUOTE(MohdPuskas @ Aug 10 2018, 05:18 PM)Malay liberal actually ramai la, they just keep quite, if show terang2 malu la kena kutuk ahli nerakaIf all malay so ignorant PAS will win election alreadyJust check out the FB, then you know the most concentrated cowards hides behind the screen are there.Even a simple making just coffee ais only from aunties (no food involve, just only coffee ais), they can even comment about how aunties hands is tainted making food become non halal.....even those liberal taking in the picture are no spared.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999692440032959} +{"text": "Anything memudaratkan is haram. Coke when breathed through the nose will cause addiction and results in any drug related negativities.Owai. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999203681945801} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Mar 17 2024, 06:52 PM)They won\u2019t. Everytime PAS stirred some shit did u hear any voice of reason from the moderate Muslims? There\u2019s none. Don\u2019t rely on them to protect their own religion from being hijacked. We have to fight it ourselves, eventhough we are outnumberedYet the sad thing is, nons saying anything only makes it worse, coz it can easily be turned into \"tengok puak kafir dah berani mencabar melayu muslim! Sampai bila kita nak sabar melihat nabi dan agama kesayangan kita di maki begini???\"And it doesn't help when nons retaliating with the mindset \"you all muslims are the same as them\", making things worse ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994064569473267} +{"text": "aikkk???? yg ni tak setuju.. tolong lah ketatkan undang2.. mamk ke melayu ke restaurant apa pun kena la ada sijil halal.. https://t.co/42qe8TCV0Q via @501awani", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9706203937530518} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR: Syarikat pengeluar tudung jenama Naelofar, NH Prima International Sdn Bhd memohon maaf atas kontroversi majlis sambutan hari jadi ke-29 aktres dan pengacara popular, Neelofa serta pelancaran koleksi hijab Be Lofa di pusat hiburan Zouk di sini, kelmarin.Pengarah Urusannya, Noor Nabila Mohd Noor berkata, syarikat memohon maaf terutama kepada penyokong kuat jenama Naelofar dan semua individu yang terjejas dengan insiden itu.\"Majlis pelancaran yang sepatutnya menjadi acara istimewa untuk jenama kami, menjadi isu perdebatan dan menimbulkan tanda tanya pelbagai pihak.\"Sepanjang majlis pada malam itu, kami mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk memastikan apa-apa jenama dan botol minuman keras, gelas serta perkakas diasing dan dikeluarkan sepenuhnya daripada tempat terbabit sebelum majlis berlangsung.\"Akses ke bar dan kelab lain juga ditutup serta merokok dilarang sama sekali sepanjang majlis berkenaan,\" katanya dalam kenyataan yang diterima BH Online, sebentar tadi.Isnin lalu, majlis sambutan hari jadi Neelofa dan pelancaran koleksi tudung baharu Be Lofa yang dianjurkan NH Prima International di Zouk, dikecam netizen kerana dikatakan tidak sesuai dengan imej pelakon dan pengacara popular itu yang bergelar Hajah.Berikutan itu, pelbagai pihak termasuk mufti dan pertubuhan Islam menyuarakan pandangan serta nasihat kepada Neelofa termasuk memintanya bertaubat.Noor Nabila yang juga kakak kepada Neelofa berkata, syarikat turut mendapatkan khidmat katering untuk menyajikan makanan halal sepanjang majlis.\"Semua perkakas termasuk sudu, garpu dan gelas yang digunakan tetamu disediakan syarikat katering terbabit,\" katanya.Noor Nabila berkata, syarikat membuat keputusan mengadakan majlis pelancaran di Zouk kerana kemudahan yang ditawarkan di pusat hiburan itu.\"Mereka menawarkan ruang untuk disewa sebagai tempat acara pada setiap Ahad dan Isnin kerana premis berkenaan tidak dibuka untuk kunjungan umum.\"Selain itu, sistem pencahayaan yang memberi efek neon, sistem bunyi, paparan LED dan sokongan teknikal adalah antara kemudahan yang diperlukan untuk menjayakan majlis itu.\"Semuanya didatangkan dalam satu pakej yang ditawarkan pihak terbabit,\" katanya.Noor Nabila yang juga isteri kepada pelakon, Sharnaaz Ahmad berkata, pihaknya mengambil langkah segera bagi membetulkan keadaan sebaik kontroversi tercetus.\"Tiada yang lebih penting daripada mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan dan keyakinan semua.\"Kami mengambil serius dan mendengar semua komen mengenai isu ini. Kami akan menggunakannya untuk membimbing kami secara positif bagi mengelak insiden sama berulang,\" katanya.Noor Nabila memberi jaminan syarikat akan memastikan isu keagamaan dan kebudayaan dititikberatkan dalam setiap keputusan yang dibuat pada masa depan.\"Kami amat berharap agar diberi peluang untuk memperbaiki diri dan memperbetulkan keadaan,\" katanya.https://www.bharian.com.my/hiburan/selebrit...lofa-mohon-maafThis post has been edited by tak tung tuang: Mar 1 2018, 11:52 AM Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9974426031112671} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Aug 19 2022, 03:43 PM)Well\u00a0 tbh there are actually chinese haram fnb outlets that decided to open a no pork version with slightly diff name and branding. One example : https://g.co/kgs/jfqyt3Well, they are being upfront about it so no problem here. Some people who gung ho must insist on halal won't go here or at least make noise. Tbh, most of them who bising can't afford to eat in a proper restaurant in KLCC. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988168478012085} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by elbecks at 3-10-2006 07:53 PM\r\nnasib baik belum buang shampoo dove aku.so boleh pakai la maknanye ? \nko\u00a0 \u00a0kena\u00a0 \u00a0yakin\u00a0 \u00a0dgn\u00a0\u00a0Jakim\u00a0\u00a0ler....\u00a0 \u00a0kalo\u00a0\u00a0was2\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0haram\u00a0 \u00a0gak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999985933303833} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Sep 25 2017, 12:37 PM)I wouldn't say its all in vainIt is hard. Difficult. But not impossibleAnd i definitely cant change the whole countryAt best. I can change those around meAnd for me. Thats enoughYup. I thought about thatHence why i dont have any child yetwell sounds like you're just minding your own business. the outside world doesn't really matter. as long you help people around you that is enough.but extremist don't view things like this, they will keep spreading their views whether people like it or not.and the way you put it, no one can stop them. because for us non-muslims to interfere, you will judge us as anti islam and enemy because we tried to intervene with your religion. but leave it to you moderates, you just come up with half hearted efforts.so how? you don't plan to have child so we just follow you because the future is so dim because folks like you can only do that much? or you prefer us non-muslims to interfere? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9902299046516418} +{"text": "QUOTE(duHwaN @ Jan 3 2017, 02:20 PM)is food without halal logo considered halal or haram?To play safe, bring the one with halal logo. Otherwise, buy cakes at Mc Cafe. Con9lan7firm acceptable. Apa susah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999931812286377} +{"text": "QUOTE(key3hky @ May 10 2024, 04:19 PM)so kalau takde halal..maksudnya haram la kan?Tak da logo halal\u2026 but becoz owner skin tone\u2026 jadi tak apa\u2026See another tered tanjing malim pau factory owner\u2026logo halal expired\u2026.lambat renew\u2026but bczo owner skin tone\u2026now kena raid authorities and dunno will pay fine how much and dunno how many weeks kana buziness close\u2026.Faham faham je lah\u2026This post has been edited by max_cavalera: May 10 2024, 06:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999474287033081} +{"text": "QUOTE(sonicscourge @ May 3 2024, 10:24 AM)back when ur 20 everyone is good frend. tbh now even some relative mia anak wedding i also no go. don't even see them once in 5 years.kalau expenses banyak buat wedding hotel dinner buat apa? malay wedding best. angpow/greenpow i still give but the food i tell you. There is not enough kenduri going around man. i will want to die at 45 eating kenduri everyday (if i xde bini anak that is).\u4e00\u4e16\u826f\u7f18\u540c\u5730\u4e45 \u767e\u5e74\u4f73\u5076\u5171\u5929\u957fDo you write blessing word on ang pau packets? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986481070518494} +{"text": "Btw having a boba tea outlet could easily secure between 20k to 30k a month (sale on off season). Just imagined how much they made during viral period, xkan xleh apply sijil halal lagi en.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6378383040428162} +{"text": "Kalau a restaurant ada halal certificate, but the hygiene is highly questionable, sijil halal boleh digantung dan dibatalkan. A halal food is also a clean food. So jangan menggelupur cari sijil halal semata kalau surrounding jijik. https://t.co/MXorxX4FUc", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999473094940186} +{"text": "Hari ini admin nak ajar 1 istilah ataupun 1 perangai orang Jepun yang admin memang tidak suka;.HOMNE TATEMAE.Boleh diterjemah sebagai hipokrit atau bermuka-muka. Di Jepun perkara ini ialah perkara yang biasa bila anda memasuki fasa pekerjaan ataupun shakaijin..Mula-mula admin masuk kerja, ada beberapa kawan Jepun yang pada mulanya admin berkawan dengan sangat rapat,siap temankan admin ke Shinokubo beli makanan halal..Bila sudah disahkan sebagai pekerja tetap, terus jauhkan diri daripada admin dan kawan-kawan yang lain di luar waktu kerja. Peliknya, bila di waktu kerja dia adalah seorang yang ramah..Bila lagi lama kerja, admin boleh tengok pula mereka di peringkat pengurusan bersifat sama. Di hadapan admin sangat baik tapi bila di belakang,dia lah yang report kepada HR dan sebagainya. Bila ajak minum (nomikai),muka senyum sampai ke telinga, bila kerja, macam tutttt..Di Jepun Honne Tatemae adalah perkara biasa. Anda bercakap Jepun sedikitpun, mereka akan kata, \"sugoi,nihon go pera pera desune(Hebatnya,Bahasa Jepun awak lancar gila!\".Atau admin pernah tengok 1 rancangan live yang pergi ke pasar dan cuba sashimi. Bila makan, pengacara puji tak habis-habis, \"ummmaii!!!(sedap gila!)\" tapi termuntah..Namun bukan semua orang Jepun begitu. Ada saja yang betul-betul baik dan ikhlas berkawan. Jangan risau, Honne Tatemae ini anda dapat perasan bila berkawan lama. Orang Malaysia pun ada. Cuma,hati-hati ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948104619979858} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 11:30 AM)Hukum memakan tapaiSOALANUstaz apakah hukum memakan tapai?JAWAPANJawapan :Proses penapaian sudah pasti akan menghasilkan kandungan alkohol. Namun, jika tapai dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk dijadikan minuman yang memabukkan dan semasa dimakan ia tidak memabukkan, maka tapai itu halal dimakan. Namun, jika peraman sudah terlalu lama danmemakannya boleh menyebabkan mabuk, maka hukumnya ketika itu adalah haram dimakan.Merujuk kepada Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11 - 12 April 1984 yang telah telah membincangkan berkaitan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa :1) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.2) Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.3) Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4) Tapai halal dimakan.5) Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.6) Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Wallahu a\u2019lamProses penapaian sudah pasti akan menghasilkan kandungan alkohol. Namun, jika tapai dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk dijadikan minuman yang memabukkan, dan semasa dimakan ia tidak memabukkan, maka tapai itu halal dimakan. Namun, jika peraman sudah terlalu lama danmemakannya boleh menyebabkan mabuk, maka hukumnya ketika itu haram dimakan.Good. Can you see the underlined as well? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995943903923035} +{"text": "QUOTE(KZ2012 @ Aug 10 2018, 09:18 AM)But non-Muslim yg panas kenapa ya? Money can't buy you happiness?because talibs sindir nons minum and makan nonhalalni tak boleh tu tak boleh demi \"elak menggugat iman\" or \"offending\"tapi sendiri buat senyap2This post has been edited by KLboy92: Aug 10 2018, 05:13 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986155033111572} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Sep 3 2023, 02:51 PM)Why non halal meals are not allowed ?We only bring our own meals, not to feed other passengers.tak suka bau babi maybei passby those chinese economy shop will close my nose. not used to the smell . ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "i tak percaya masih dara lagi,.. mesti mau test dulu baru tau,.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chowda @ Mar 5 2024, 06:17 PM)You visited based on what Iceland had to offer, would you have visited had they tried to viral a mascot?obvious not haha. If you want to say \"mascot\" in a very loose sense, then it would be jacky chan. Instead of some animal mascot which is totally uncool ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995028972625732} +{"text": "@Husrawk Halal babe jangan risau. Kat kaunter depan tu dia letak dah sijil haa hahaha. Orang dok hingaq tak halai keh depa taktau kat kaunter dah tempek natang tu \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5722911953926086} +{"text": "QUOTE(Megatronika @ Feb 14 2024, 10:57 AM)Mixed-marriage is haram in Islam. If you want to marry muslims, you shall convert to Islam.False.Lemme rearrange your post for you.Mixed-marriage is haram in Malaysian Islam. If you want to marry Malaysian muslims, you shall convert to Malaysian Islam.People of The Book (Abrahamic religion) can interfaith marry.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interfaith_marriageAs mee udang said above, Indonesia does not regulate it. One could argue all day about it's legality, but arguably the most important thing in a marriage is your feelings of love for each other, not what your spouse practices.The ones who told you must convert to Islam to marry is the same people who told you proselytizing to Muslims is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9836772680282593} +{"text": "QUOTE(fantasy1989 @ Apr 23 2024, 12:12 AM)Language verification can be much solid evidence than own country IC and fingerprint? if you at other country airport ..then maybe ..you dont have other document other than passport and they dont have access to your country databasebut we are talking within Malaysia or you as pengawai dont even believe your own gov issued punya IC?Bodoh ke?It is called profiling. I'm talking about immigration officer method of work. Asking basic question is the first line of filtering out the right and wrong.IC boleh curi and dipalsukan. IC tu another way to verify but to make sure the person is the right person,mesti lah tanya soalan2 yang rambang. Macam, kampung asal kat mana, sekolah kat mana. Kalau jawab tu tak confiden, gagap2, pegawai tahu lah profile dia camne. Kalau polis tanya kau, nak pergi mana, pastu kau tergagap2 nak jawab soalan simplemesti dia syak kau ada sesuatu yang nak kau sembunyikan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999586343765259} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 30 2016, 11:41 AM)No no. Dont putar to \"why want sijil halal\" My question The issue here:Jakim kata tukar nama unnecessary for halal certIts just a suggestion NowWhy now we know its actually necessary for halal certIt isnt suggestion Its a compulsory requirement Why?DOnt need to explain to you.Jakim dont need to practice any transparencies.THey are adopting a \"You tak suka, u keluar\" kind of attitude. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7342587113380432} +{"text": "@rottensage @faizulsuermann Hakikatnya, hukum Allah sama saja di negara mana pun. Jika kita ada ilmu yang cukup tentang halal haram, tak perlu tunggu sijil halal JAKIM untuk makan/minum", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999520778656006} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 02:11 PM)I belong to the group which follow the Al quran and hadis sahih.The group is called Muslim and the religion is Islam.Hope you are not from the group called Extremist stupid muslim. This so called stupid group their knowledge of Al Quran is very low, they dont know what is sahih hadis, they only can recite but dont know the meaning of what has he recite. When the extremist stupid muslim give advise most of the time the advise come from their weak emotion and very low knowledge but not from Al quran and not from hadis sahih.Oh good. Looking down on own brothers and calling them extremist stupid. Just because they don't follow it like you do.By the way, what's shiah then? Misguided group? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9664907455444336} +{"text": "Aplikasi Telefon Pintar Verify Halal\nKetahui status halal pelbagai produk, premis makanan dan senarai logo-logo halal luar negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM:-\n\n(iOS) https://bit.ly/VerifyHalaliOS(Android) https://bit.ly/VerifyHalalAndroid\u2026 https://fb.watch/cG_G59c7yZ/ via ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998206496238708} +{"text": "QUOTE(cempedaklife @ Jan 1 2020, 07:28 PM)Yeah i think that's the one when i googled. Near masjid jamek right? The porridge stall only open at night. Its delicious.My preference perhaps. For me, beef noddle, soup is the essence and should be thick. I like those taiwanese style best. With soup.Shin keeIt's nearer the Pasar seni.The one near Masjif Jamek is Soong Kee. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "Wakil Jakim tak boleh ke explain secara details psl logo halal ni. Explain cm kimak! Kau ckp boba lain xde sijil halal. Menggelupur la warga syurga. Bole kan ckp \u201cdorg belum ada sijil jakim tp dpt halal drpd badan2 yg turut diiktiraf jakim\u201d yih! Kenyataan tu terang boleh dok?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9094688892364502} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nachiino Etamay @ May 21 2019, 10:42 AM)sigh.inilah dia.... orang tiba2 nak jadi specialist islamalcohol from yeast is 100% confirm halal.the turning point is not the ratio or gramsits about, if you eat large amounts of bread, can you get intoxicated?if the answer is no, its halal.if the answer is yes, its haramits really as simple as that.fcuking shit trying to put flame on oil. go back and bark to your own UMNO dogs man. cilaka anjing kuripan berputar.Then does this apply to other products that might use porcine molecules like gelatin or certain medicines? By your logic, the good book says not to eat pigs because they live in an unclean environment and is bad for health if overindulged. But like you say, using products with haram elements may not be overindulgence, so why are people so against it? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9606480002403259} +{"text": "QUOTE(MPKL @ Nov 23 2020, 01:25 AM)\nQAXzznVBFTw\n\nAt Pasar Malam Bercham Raya. Darn padu!\u00a0 paling best?tak,berlainan,ya,padu?tak tau, tengah cmco ni, ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999483823776245} +{"text": "QUOTE(zuozi @ May 21 2019, 03:58 AM)You need to eat 1400 bread equal to 1 can of beer , which means soy sauce you cannot ,eat belachan also cannot eat ,as long all fermentation food not allowed to eat , well I respect the religious or allergies etc but I mean nothing I can explain or sayiinm the purpose of which the item is created matters. If you create an alcoholic drink, fully knowing that it contains alcohol or any other substance that can make you drunk, then it is haram. Food processes often introduce microorganism that can create ethanol, but the intent of creating such food is not to make one drunk, so it is permissible.The caveat falls into a gray area when food like tapai is made. The tapai itself is made using fermentation process, in line with how alcoholic drinks are made. The desired end result is sweet rice, therefore ideally the process is stopped before substantial ethanol is produced by the yeast. However, the ethanol content can be quite high, some even similar with alcoholic beer you can find in shops. Worse still, the fermentation process is not regulated, so you can\u2019t know for sure how much ethanol is in it.Use your own judgment on this. Also, muftis have said tapai is permissible, so..don\u2019t want to comment on that.Ref: http://psasir.upm.edu.my/id/eprint/19918/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8906165957450867} +{"text": "\r\nHarini ramai aku tengok orang Islam celebrate Christmas ...dgn pokok krismas... bagi2 hadiah ....post gambar2 celebration. Ntah apalah nak jadi. Jakim mmg tak bagi warning ke benda2 mcm ni? So tak heran lah kalau org nak makan makanan haram ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994317889213562} +{"text": "It would be good if other authorities are also efficient in nabbing smokers who flout the non-smoking regulations especially since smoking has also been declared haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993684887886047} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mixo Mania @ Jan 8 2021, 09:40 PM)Sorry but what action is expected on the Kopitiam owner?Go after the patrons la if they aren't suppose to be there.using hard method on the owner so he not accepting certain customer.As they said, there is no law to control this.So the best possible is to nasihat the owner ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8243467807769775} +{"text": "malaysian sendiri pemalas nak check label pastu complain jakim tak buat kerja pasal halal haram makanan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972783923149109} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 26 2019, 03:17 PM)> group lunch> koliks talking> one of it is the guy who bajet ustad agama (you\u2019ll remember him from my previous kool story about his wife who has a fetish for cainis gaiz \ud83d\ude1c)> I approach and heated debate about heineken non alco > bla bla, the point is this is encouraging ppl to drink the real alco. Imagine if they taste mor than 0.05% how crazy they\u2019ll get> I made the tapai and durian comment. > ... ....> \u201cJaga sikit mulut tu. Hal ehwal Islam ko jgn persoal.\u201d> another kolik : \u201crelax Dude, he wasn\u2019t being offensive\u201d> \u201cMuslims can eat tapai and durian because it\u2019s halal. Don\u2019t simply talk about the alcohol content when you\u2019re not Muslim\u201dI walked away quickly because I got a weird boner thinking about my last friendly match with his wife. Sekian cerita dinginso who decides which alcohol is halal or haram????THE YEAST???THE FRUITS????THE CONTAINER???? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6106762886047363} +{"text": "\u2764\ufe0f INFO PENTING!\u2764\ufe0f \ud83d\udc95 Sumpah Pinklady HALAL\ud83d\udc95 Ternyata #PinkladyOriginalHq memang 100% selamat digunakan. Sijil Halal ada, KKM ada, Kini Pink Lady ada kelulusan iklan dr lembaga iklan ubat (KKLIU). So, jangan was-was lagi untuk consume Pink Lady... https://t.co/KtH15q2rBy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990288019180298} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramboramsey @ Mar 31 2021, 11:10 AM)Yup. to change engine (new engine from scratch for P1 (without geli) is like another 1 bil investment - casting machining tooling testing unless p1 buy the engine off the shelf. p1 have to find the most economical investment to ensure the existing engine can still be used in the future. again another comparison VW EA888 is one of the best selling engine on the planet - already on its 4th gen but still the fundamentals of the engine is still not changed as the investment is very high but VW have the might of volume of EU, China and Latin America to do it. Geely Boyue / Proton X70 1.8 turbo engine JLE-4G18TDC is allegedly an improved copy of the EA888 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999542236328125} +{"text": "\"Kerajaan akan menggabungkan 342 agensi berkaitan produk halal di Malaysia bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan pelaksaan sijil halal di negara ini yang diiktiraf sebagai antara terbaik di dunia\" -YB... https://t.co/Gtr3wfzkYO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999808073043823} +{"text": "QUOTE(Maknusia @ Dec 12 2023, 03:32 PM)apa dia? Im curious now?! I thought its stuffed tauhu?!You're right... I'm just waiting for those over reactors... Nanti they say Yong is China surname... also haram... u know la... anything also can tegur 1... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "Ni menteri agama yang mabuk! \nRosak habis JAKIM .\n\nNi hal Transgender.\n\nBelum bab makanan halal haram. \n\"kalau dalam kandungan dia tak da tulis babi , xda cop halal pun di kira halal!\" \n\nNauzubillahiminzalik...... https://facebook.com/100014613858772/posts/440169963146795/\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "Makanan yang halal bukan semua suci bersih tetapi makanan yang suci bersih selalunya halal - Kuliah Subuh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983117580413818} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 17 2022, 11:20 PM)I see your bait. Thats ok Today I process about 15 birth registration (that comes with citizenship status too). All Citizen. How many did you do today?wait lar. reading. read now ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7008176445960999} +{"text": "QUOTE(lck*G9 @ Jul 27 2012, 12:49 PM)yesterday i asked this question, if food is basi, still got blood and perhaps not well prepared just because to rush for selling at bazaar, is it still consider halal?The answer is not halal. Why? Because prophet says that you shall not consume items that will damage your health. Obviously, by the fact that you mentioned, the food is not halal and these traders are actually earning haram money. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995492100715637} +{"text": "Demand creates supply, supply creates demand.\n\nKita sangat diwanti-wanti untuk memerhatikan makanan yang masuk ke dalam mulut kita, apa itu halal atau haram. Bukan hanya perihal 'benda'-nya, tapi termasuk dari mana makanan itu berasal dan didapatkan dengan cara apa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9727046489715576} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kyojin @ Nov 2 2013, 10:58 PM)Do good with religion by all means. But I've read that Islam is (or should have been) the more progressive religion among all religions where discussions and education are emphasized, if not mistaken. This is a discussion, and true, I don't see a conclusion from this discussion. I may be a mere Kafir in your eyes, but I'm speaking out not only because this is a important discussion for the purpose of nation building, but also to speak out for others.First they came for the communists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.Then they came for the socialists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me.the discussion should be stayed on what/which is Halal or Haram, as to the extent of which were described by the teachings/scholars/clerics.and I personally thought it is good first time.But I was keen to respond as some are getting way out of topics, when the discussion was much more diverted into:- reasoning why some of this haram, and rebutting with current level of knowledge/technologies- diverted into mazhab differences, and bashing each other- bashing the haram, with their logics, and shoved their logics unto othersIn order this thread can be a healthy and constructive discussion, I do strongly suggesting, that we should kept it as to what/which is Haram/Halal, and tolerate the faith boundaries that both Muslim/Jews shared with different religion/faith practitioner. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5289005041122437} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Apr 16 2021, 04:13 PM)\" YaNg sUsAh SeKaRaNG AdALaH kAmI PeNiAgA \"Dok kata susah, tapi dok guna sentimen kaum/agama utk 'guilt-trap' orang Melayu sampai depa untung melampau-lampau, beli banglo/Beemer/Merc/tanah dua tiga relung, tapi cukai haram tak bayaq. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995416402816772} +{"text": "I spend money like water, amoi suka handbag i buy handbag, she likes cartier i also buy ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999616146087646} +{"text": "Bab halal haram makan minum pun orang duk persenda. Sijil halal tu utk hilangkan syubhah kot2 la ada yg ragu2. Lagipun minuman bergula banyak ni memudaratkan kesihatan. Kau dah la malas bersenam. Sugar intake tinggi. Tak 30 lagi dah diabetes baru tau", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999752938747406} +{"text": "lol ktard memang popular in orange place. We are known for being a racist forum anti orange people. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961469173431396} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Mar 13 2024, 11:03 AM)Its because it is ours. You are malaysian, you should know bahasa melayu like the back of your palm. The national language should be a pride for everyone but that\u2019s not the case in malaysia. Just my take on itYupe continue to think that way. The pendatang tak pandai BM. Bagi malu Malaysia. Continue to think that so that you feel better about your self. Ajak berbalas Pantun nanti Macam Lapsapji dengan lim Sian see n the Harvard grad ex Umno supreme council member. Kata tak boleh sebab masuk hospital. Dua dua masih tunggu nak debat dgn Lapsapji. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999655485153198} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 10 2023, 12:23 PM)hope these explains.take note that the ruling has been determined in 1984; before all these millenials and their shenanigans questioning this and that are even born. budak-budak hingus belum kering, kencing masih bersepah, tapi berlagak lebih tahu tentang keagamaan berbanding alim ulama yang muktabar. yang lebih teruk apabila sendiri tak menganut agama islam tetapi tersondol-sondol nak \"betulkan\" pegangan islam mengikut acuan sendiri yang sebenarnya terbabas.http://e-smaf.islam.gov.my/e-smaf/index.ph.../fatwa/pr/10281http://e-smaf.islam.gov.my/e-smaf/index.ph.../fatwa/pr/16032https://m.facebook.com/HabHalalJakim/photos...18788521613751/https://www.muis.gov.sg/officeofthemufti/Fatwa/Malay-Ethanolhttp://www.al-ahkam.net/home/content/majli...lam-makanan-dllHmmmm.. Shandy with 0.5% alcohol is racun? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999451637268066} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 10:19 PM)And why are you jumping on this? It's not even on topic.Eh bodoh, kau yg tiba2 petik bagi contoh solat 5 waktu, lepas tu bila orang respon to that example, kau boleh tanya pulak apasal jump on this.Oi madafaka, Babi pun tak berbelit macam kau la. Kau kata malu orang Muslim bila Non-Muslim lagi tau pasal Islam. Woi, malulah Kristian ngan Hindu bila Zakir Naik yang Non-Hindu and Non-Christian lagi tau dari orang Hindu dan orang Kristian.Puak macam kau ni X perlu nak debate sivil, Dalam benak ko pun dah memang ko memang nak attack.Pfft~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998034834861755} +{"text": "I was there that night. This happened back in 2005 IIRC. 2nd time I happened to be at a club that was raided. I was with 2 other guys n 2 girls.Around 1am, another friend that we bumped into there warned us that a raid is going to happen soon at around 130am. He looked really high so we ignored his warning. We continued drinking the Chivas we opened 40 mins earlier.At 130am sharp, suddenly the music stopped n the bright lights were turned on. Everyone froze. As our eyes adjusted we realized that there was really a raid happening. I turned to my friend and said \u201cfark la. we shud have listened to him\u201d.A chinese inspector went up the podium to the DJ area and took the microphone. He announced \u201cOk kita akan buat operasi malam ini. kita dari Balai Polis Dang Wangi.\u201d Kita akan check untuk dadah dan rekod jenayah. Rokok semua buang dan jangan ambik gambar. ambil keluar IC\u201dWe continued smoking and one Polis passed us and shouted \u201cTak faham bahasa ke ? BUANG ROKOK!\u201d we complied immediately.We took out ICs out n placed them on the table. Women were ordered to go upstairs. Men remained at the main ground floor area.Another Polis officer goes around distributing transparent cups with lids. At closer inspection there were small boxes printed on the cup indicating the type of drugs present in the system.Around this time reporters and camera crews came in. Around 15-20 of them. Taking pictures and filming us. Stress level went up.In groups of 5 our ICs were gathered n we were den ordered to go to the toilet n pee into the container we were given earlier. When ur name was announced u headed straight for the toilet.Around this time a name was announced \u201cMohd Hafiz bin xxxx\u201d the reply of \u201cSaya\u201d came from what looked like a tall slim woman wearing a tight short red dress. Everyone laughed n wolf whistled including the cops. Quite kesian that fele.My name was called and the 5 of us went to the toilet to pee.We were guided into individual cubicles and behind us each cubicle had a cop standing on watch outside. Doors open at all time. After I was done I stepped out of the cubicle to wash my hands. I noticed a few guys staring curiously at the last cubicle. I went closer and inside was Mohd Hafiz in his red dress. He was trying to squat and at the same time pleading with the cop to let him close the door. The cop was unsure what to do. one indian guy made eye contact with me and he instantly said \u201cU dun see dat everyday bro\u201d. I nodded in agreement. Din\u2019t see what happened to Mohd Hafiz in the end as we were ordered to return to our tables.At the table my IC was returned to me n place below the urine test kit. \u201cTunggu 10 minit untuk result\u201d one cop announced.I don\u2019t do drugs of any kind so I was not scared.While I was waiting the media started taking pictures of those unlucky enough to be tested positive or had outstanding arrest warrants/criminal records. They were gathered on the small stage and handcuffed together. I remember seeing around 10 guys there. All looking pathetic and trying their best to hide their faces.After 10mins it was results time. mine was negative n a cop gave me permission to leave.I looked at my watch\u2026it was almost 3am. But at the exit there was another surprise. There was a cop posted there with a torch light. Scanning every test kit one last time just to make sure. Again mine was negative n he told me to throw it in a big bin bag next to the entrance.By the time the girls were done it was around 4am. We went mamak and discussed our experiences. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971675276756287} +{"text": "Korang takde benda lain lebih penting ke nak buat dari asyik melontar komen dan pandangan yang hanya kekal sehari dua di internet? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6693430542945862} +{"text": "best ayat ni kalu pengeluar kereta yg kluarkankereta rosakseller : 1. takde sape pakse beli, kalu rase mahal, buat kereta sendiri2. takde sape pakse beli, kalu rosak repair sendiri ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958869814872742} +{"text": "QUOTE(8bitguy @ Nov 26 2019, 05:12 PM)vague at best. Everyone got definition of what's \"best\".that law only applicable in life and death scenario 1 la? owait u knoe better abt our teachings kan? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 19 2022, 10:41 AM)LOL... why ktards so bloody dense cannot see things for what they are?Orang di luar racing, maka cerdik pandai pakar segala bidang dalam /k pun mesti racing?The issue is about trade description. End of story. Duk sibuk pung pang mempersoalkan \"halal\" \"melayu\" \"cina\" \"orang kital apa ke hal? Awak tu pun kalau terbeli barang dipalsukan tapi dijual sebagai original oleh Trusted Seller, tak melantun marahnya?Apa masalah kalo beli makanan dari nons??? Ada agama larang ke??? Yang raise issue ni pun sapa??? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9922003149986267} +{"text": "udh di fase males beli barang, lebih suka beli makanan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931502938270569} +{"text": "Membe takut nak minum the alley dgn xin fu tang sebab tak dak sijil halal. Aku malas nak bahas. Budak sekolah agama kalau dia keluaq hujah pasal halal haram ni kalah aku yg sekolah kebangsaan saja ni \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992448091506958} +{"text": "\r\nyang kat tanah tumpah darah beef wllington dia x best sangat mcm HQ????\r\nhuhuhuhuhubu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5986870527267456} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 01:29 PM)The problem here is misrepresentation. That's wrong. If people see normal stall operated by malays they will assume it's halal. A legit non Muslim owned restaurants or stalls that want to sell to Muslim will apply for halal cert to get the same confident level. Some shops which have been operating for long time and has already developed a regular Muslim clientele may choose not to apply halal cert coz it's not legally required and they already have a sizable Muslim clients/patrons.In this case, it's a simple case of trying to mispresent their nasi ayam to Muslim customers as a product from a Muslim stall but in actual fact is not. That's what we call, penipu scammerlol ppl assume but its shop fault \"misrepresentation\" lol manyak bagus logik. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "M daily life mission and accomplishmentliterally terpaling \"anything\" - terpaling hero religion/race-terpaling viral-terpaling dipuji - terpaling famous- terpaling bersuaraetceveryday trying hard for fame and get recognition ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8266738653182983} +{"text": "Kalau JAKIM boleh buat kilang perprosesan makanan sendiri mesti untung banyak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998425245285034} +{"text": "Fitnah is more haram than babi meat la.Very funny some people. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "\r\npd aku kan..bab halal haram ni..kena depends on individual perception..mcm aku sendrik la..dulu mmg aku tak jejak la..chillis..tony romas and so on yg ada jual beer tu sbb aku tak yakin..then bila aku dh stat keja ni..boss ngn colleaque suka belanja n makan kat tmpat2 cm tu..so..lama2 aku pon nak tanak tepakse yakin la..kang tak yakin kang..takut tak halal lak apa aku mkn..tp..dulu arwah atok sedara aku ada penah jd chef kat victoria station tu..so aku rasa dan aku yakin..derang nye supplier halal..but..cr masak dia either guna wine ke..tak guna ke..tu aku tak brani nak ckp tp bak kata aku awal td..aku yakin je la..huhu\n\r\nmcm aritu aku pi itallianies..skali..ada cop halal kat meat n chicken n also dia nye veil..dia ckp supplier dr halal shop la..tp bila go through menu dia..ada lak yg dia masak pakai white wine la..apa la..so...kot belaku mcm tu..tepulang la pd korg..kot was-was lebih baik tak yah..kot aku..aku amek la menu yg tak da wine..huhu..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999192953109741} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Jan 30 2017, 11:02 AM)being at the extreme religious spectrum does make those fanatics look rather stupid in modern society. Lets recommend some nice caves to the preaching loving religious fanatics of /k to stayThose fanatic you mention consist of 61.3% of the total people in Malaysia and still growing. How are you going to put them all in a cave? Why not the non fanatic people like yourself just leave? Much easier I say? Hmmm.... QUOTEStatistik terkini penduduk Islam dan agama lain di Malaysia:dari 28.334juta rakyat malaysia, penganut Islam adalah 17,375juta (61.3%) , Kristian 2.617j (9.2%), Buddhist 5.620j (19.8%), Hindu 1.77 (6.3%), Cina Tradisi 0.356j (1.2%), lain-lain 0.11j (0.4%), tiada agama 0.2j (0.7%) dan tidak diketahui 0.272j (1%) Perkembangan agama diMalaysia dari tahun 2000 ke 2010 adalah spt. berikut1. Islam 60.4% pada 2000 ke 61.3%2. Kristian 9.1% ke 9.2%3. Buddha 19.2% ke 19.8%4. Hindu 6.3% ke 6.3%5. Cina Tradisi 2.6% ke 1.4%6. Lain-lain 2.3% ke 1.1%7. Tak diketahui 0.1% - 0.9%Statistik agama utk bangsa Cina di Malaysia spt dibawah:1. Jumlah penduduk kaum Cina adalah 6.392juta dari 28.33juta (22.56%)2. Cina Muslim 42,048 (0.65%)3. Buddhist 5.314j (83.1% pada 2010 dari 75.9% pada 2000)4. Kristian 0.704juta (11% pada 2010 dari 9.6% pada 20005. Cina Tradisi 218,261 (3.4% pada 2010 dari 10.6% pada 2000)Statistik agama utk kaum India :1. Jumlah penduduk kaum India 1.9juta (6.7%) dari penduduk Malaysia2. India Muslim 78,702 (4.1% pada 2010 dari 3.8% pada 2000)3. India Hindu 1.644juta (84.5% pada 2010 dari 84.5% pada 2000)4. India Kristian 114,281 (6% pada 2010 dari 7.7% pada 2000) Petikan : Muzakarah Dakwah Nasional 201012http://perwi61.blogspot.my/2012/10/statist...-islam-dan.html ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992457628250122} +{"text": "QUOTE(AyamBannedTwice @ Oct 22 2017, 03:11 AM)Nope. The desert climate is unpredictableso what they say is true la... if panas... banyak sangat dosa... if sejuk banyak pahala ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "oredi follow this thread since yesterday..my opinion, jakim kna buat satu standard yg terpakai utk semua pengusaha makanan..dat why name product also have to be included..kalo ia tertulis secara bertulis, maka pengusaha have to comply..no grey area..kalo jakim xmasukkan name product as requirement, pemohon can argue their case..ex:bak kut teh dat use chicken..ham dat use chicken..then, someone complain dat board of standard in jakim just human being.also can make mistake..yup..cannot deny dat..but they all are normal human dat have knowledge in hukum, food preparation..wat is your qualification dat can ague their desicion??any exp in hukum??any knowledge in f&b ind?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9873627424240112} +{"text": "If used vavi oil bcome bio fuel, then use in car oso haram, rite? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(LazadaGot @ Jan 24 2023, 12:09 PM)As long as the name contain beer or nama yang mengelirukan, cannot get halal certificate, hence its not halalhttps://beautifulnara.com/coney-dog-dan-roo...at-halal-jakim/You can\u2019t say no halal certificate = not halal (because not halal = haram)Halal certificate just mean it guaranteed halal. Without the certificate, the food still halal as long it does not contain anything that led to it being haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999808132648468} +{"text": "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulilah saya dapat order 100 bungkus nasi lemak anak dara untuk pagi ini (semalam). Tetapi hamba Allah ini bagi amanah kepada saya untuk sedekahkan kepada sesiapa yang singgah di gerai saya pagi tadi. \"Terima kasih tuan, moga makin murah rezeki tuan,\" Hanya dalam masa 50 minit, licin semua jualan. Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah. Mesti ramai yang nak tahu kisah hidup saya dan macam mana saya boleh buka gerai nasi lemak anak dara kan? Okay, sebelum itu saya ceritakan latar belakang saya dulu. Nama penuh saya, Siti Hajjar binti Ahmad, berusia 24 tahun, anak ketiga dari lima beradik. Tinggal di Sungai Petani, Kedah. Saya degree, fresh graduate Electronic Engineering (Medical Electronic) dari Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM) dan inshaAllah Oktober ini saya akan konvo dengan beralaskan CGPA 3.33. Saya sebenarnya baru merantau dan tinggal di Shah Alam sudah hampir 3 minggu. Alasan saya tinggal di sini sebab selalu dapat interview dan bagi saya lebih elok saya menetap di sini terus. Alhamdulillah selepas saya membuat keputusan itu, saya terus mendapat tawaran kerja sebagai Cost & Design Engineer di Subang Jaya, tetapi akan mula bertugas pada bulan September kelak.Saya sebenarnya langsung tidak merancang untuk berniaga. Tiba-tiba ilham datang untuk buka gerai nasi lemak. Lagipun hobi saya memasak, jadi lebih baik saya gunakan kelebihan saya itu daripada membazir masa dengan benda yang tidak berfaedah. Bagi saya, berniaga ini sangat enjoy dan salah satu sunnah Nabi. 90% pintu rezeki itu adalah daripada perniagaan.Saya datang ke Shah Alam ini memang tak bawa apa-apa dari Kedah. Tetapi kain baju itu semua bawalah. Hehe! Dengan berbekalkan semangat yang ada, saya cuba berdikari untuk mencari rezeki sendiri. Bagi saya, saya sudah mampu untuk menguruskan soal diri sendiri tanpa menyusahkan mak atau keluarga saya. Saya akan bangga kalau dapat menunaikan permintaan arwah ayah saya untuk tengok saya berjaya. Tentang mak saya, memanglah dia risau saya datang ke sini sebab saya anak perempuan, macam-macam boleh terjadi. Tetapi inshaAllah atas berkat doa seorang ibu, saya akan berjaya juga satu hari nanti. Terima kasih mak. Kata Datang Bawa Pakaian Saja, Mana Datang Modal Berniaga?Okay, mesti korang pelik bagaimana saya dapat modal sebab tadi kata datang ke Shah Alam tak bawa apa-apa kan? Saya memang ada bisnes brand shawl saya sendiri, Qaseh Stalista. Tetapi saya saya simpan duit dari bisnes shawl saya itu untuk bisnes baru. Saya dapat modal buka gerai nasi lemak anak dara pun dari teman rapat saya. Mujur dia boleh tolong saya bagi modal. Asal Kedah, Tetapi Kenapa 'Promote' Nasi Lemak Dalam Bahasa Kelantan?Korang tak pelik ke macam mana saya boleh tulis bahasa Kelantan \"Nasi Murah, Hargo Pecoh Palo!\"? Sebabnyo kawe meme fasih kelate. Hok mano ore kelate tu, boleh jah nak kecek kelate ng kawe. Kawe pehe belako demo oyak. Haha! Lagi satu, ore kelate banyak nego sebab tu kawe suka juga. Okay, selepas itu saya pun mulalah beri barang semua. 100% saya buat semuanya sendiri termasuklah memasak. Berbekalkan ilmu memasak yang saya belajar dari mak, saya masak semuanya sendiri. Saya sebenarnya berniaga di tepi simpang ini pun seorang diri. Adakalanya kawan-kawan datang temankan. Masuk hari ini merupakan hari keempat saya berniaga. Sepanjang saya berniaga, memang tak cukup tidur sebab nak siapkan semua makanan. Tetapi disebabkan customer kesayangan semua, saya sanggup korbankan utnuk memuaskan hati customer. Saya paling suka bila orang suka makan masakan saya. InshaAllah saya akan sentiasa memperbaiki skill saya. Selesai berniaga nasi lemak itu, saya terus kemas barang dan balik ke rumah di tingkat paling atas, flat PKNS. Tetapi jangan risau, inshaAllah saya kuat dari segi mental dan fizikal. Nampak saja kecil dan lembut, tak semestinya tak boleh buat kerja berat seperti itu. Saya rasa semua orang boleh buat, nak atau tak nak saja kan.Nasihat saya kepada sesiapa yang mahu berjaya, anda perlu berusaha. Jangan hiraukan apa yang orang cakap tentang kita asalkan apa yang kita buat itu di bawah keredhaan Allah. Bisnes Sekejap Atau Berterusan?InshaAllah akan berterusan sampai bila-bila sebab saya ada perancangan nak buka kedai sendiri. Jadi selepas ini korang bolehlah rasa dan terus makan di kedai nasi lemak anak dara itu terus. Tetapi inshaAllah bila saya dah cukup modal nanti, saya akan buka dan maklumkan kepada korang. Bagaimana Dengan Tawaran Di Subang Jaya? InshaAllah dalam proses buat solat istikharah untuk meminta petunjuk yang mana sesuai. Tetapi jangan risau, nasi lemak anak dara sentiasa ada setiap hari, cuma akan tutup bila cuti sahaja. Kalau gerai saya tutup, saya akan informkan di Facebook saya ya.Setakat ini sajalah kisah hidup saya sebagai gadis penjual nasi lemak anak dara. Harap dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk mereka yang lain untuk terus berjaya. Tiada dalam dunia ini semua kerja senang, asalkan kita usaha dan terus berusaha sampai berjya. Yang penting doa, doa senjata umat Islam sebab Allah yang beri kita rezeki dan kawal semua yang kita buat. - Siti Hajjar Ahmad | PIXEL MEDIA ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8436640501022339} +{"text": "\r\naku suka makan mee kari kat pau yikmun tg malim..hakikatnya 70% yg makan kedai cina tu adalah melayu..dulu2 biasa je org kita makan kedai cina ni skang je macam2,nak kata halim tunggang langgang lagi teruk entahlah..jaga makan je perangai lagi teruk buatpe..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9896746277809143} +{"text": "Besok aku perform di Anniversary nya Aeon Mall Tanjung Barat loh... \nJam 5 sore Sepertinya aku ingin lihat-lihat makanan yg ada di Aeon ituu hmm, katanya mochi breadnya enak, ada yg pernah cobain? Atau boleh rekomendasi makanan Aeon yg kalian suka beli dong.. Xixixi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "Ini kerja puak selalu berdosa.Ingat flame lain boleh dapat pahala konon.Memang puak konpius. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988975524902344} +{"text": "Breakfast? Hollywood iz the best https://t.co/w06XxEAbHx", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999728202819824} +{"text": "QUOTE(SyiokSendiri @ Feb 13 2016, 10:35 PM)err....you know what is pork lard?pork oil?some ppl use purely pork oil to cook.......itu high cholesterol yo.....besides the 2 reason ppl also think liberally eh...ppl open restaurant also hope everyone can try their food regardless of race.....they already take the step to ditch non halal ingredient eh......apa ppl like you mau?non muslim chef how to get halal certification?you know what is food culture?you expect malay to cook chinese food?chinese cook rendang also you tak mau la.......rendang cook by malay baru best ma......you think food culture is something so simple....kek....sometimes i will not step into the restaurant if i see those restaurant selling chinese style noodle but with no pork lard sign also....no pork lard where got fragrance bodoh, when is muslim cook part of what halal means ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998819828033447} +{"text": "QUOTE(queenc @ Aug 6 2015, 04:50 PM)Dalam kutuk kutuk haram.\u00a0 Tangan kiri.\u00a0 Tengah gesel kotehai handsome ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(Justice Supreme @ Aug 19 2022, 04:47 PM)who actually go viral the video for promo?a muslim that interview the owner who is also a muslim and the workers who are also muslim right?so why no mention about the muslim that viral the video as promo?wat happen to the muslim that claim he is the owner? what about the worker then?i only see you're trying to smoke screen it and say kena tip by non-muslim..but yet..who made the promo video go viral in the 1st place?Where did you this bolded part? When did I say such thing? Don't be penipu scammer. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9734258055686951} +{"text": "woah.. sudah ada opponent I wonder berapa percent traditionalist muslims dalam /k nih.. You are entitled to your opinion. Up to you (as long as you dont hurt/oppress others). If you lock your mind, only read teachings that you are used too, then how can you call that belief? How can you call that iman?And if you really believe in this world today there is only one Islam, which is what you practice right now, ...oh my.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986768364906311} +{"text": "I'm in science stream but I took art subject in high school for fun. my art teacher always warn me to not use the pig brush. Each brush has serial code and he shared pig brush serial code to us to avoid. I just the type that dont buy the fact that brush can be haram. One day I endup accidently using pig brush with shared watercolor. He noticed it and remove the whole watercolor and warn the class not to use pig brush. It such a hassle to find non pig brush, when ask the seller, non of them know which one is a pig brush which one is not. To avoid the pig brush you literally need to memorize the pig brush code.Thanks god I drop art subject later, too much of a hassle. Btw, Upon googling, the code are A913 and A680. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9943773150444031} +{"text": "Banyak isu penipuan penggunaan status halal berlaku kepada segelintir premis makanan dimiliki pengusaha bukan Islam, perkara ini bukan hanya tanggungjawab JAKIM, tetapi KPDNHEP.https://sinarharian.com.my/article/9685/BERITA/Nasional/Kerajaan-galak-pengusaha-bukan-Islam-peroleh-sijil-halal-JAKIM\u2026 via SinarOnline", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998952150344849} +{"text": "awat tak boikot shah ale? kilang arak haram jadah lagi besar situ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "simple je. tak suka sesuatu makanan tu cakap je or maybe bg alasan alergik ke ape. kau ingt beli budu tu pakai daun ke?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986899495124817} +{"text": "Good I hope bmf takes offthat will ajar chinaman ccp buttlicker and show lu tak suka lu boleh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9946540594100952} +{"text": "QUOTE(hackwire @ Feb 13 2016, 04:52 PM)Defender of the non muslim universe trying to defend the \"No Pork\" sign and gives the right to do so because some of them don't really like Pork. the stupidity is this.. There's a thing call MENU and every menu have a sub section and even Photographs as an indicator of the type of meat they order before being served. If you want to defend your stupidity. Go on. It's your right to be stupid and i just pointed out that it's not necessary to put the sign unless you are trying to capture the bigger market which initially it was. So , don't try to deny that it's not . Those who don't eat pork , they dont mind dishes served on the table as they do respect the others who do and they just want to enjoy that relationship rather than skeptical about the pork dishes.bro, dulu kat sekolah agama, mesti u top of the class kan ?credit:notti boyThis post has been edited by nasiputih: Feb 13 2016, 04:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999479055404663} +{"text": "QUOTE(wankongyew @ Dec 31 2019, 10:04 PM)Wow, you really salty. I know you just bought apartment in HK so you basically keluar already. Why not spend time in HK forums complaining about kacats instead?Why should I complain about kachats? Unlike Malaysia, I don't have much to complain about Hong Kong or mother China <3Actually, come to think about it, I am on YOUR side. We both want UMNO - PAS to win in GE15. We both want PH to be a kerajaan sepenggal. We both want the return to the glory days of songlap, bribery, corruption and thievery. We both want Tong San to be able to come in and dominate the economy.We both want the rest of Malaysia to look like Kelantan. You because of your puak. Me because I see mucho business opportunities in that scenario.We should be working together. You and me.... we can be best buddies ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998840093612671} +{"text": "Kalau bisnes Non, sampai DNA lubang cacing pun mesti ada Halal cert.This one? \"Kito redho saja lah\"This post has been edited by United Rulez: Dec 23 2023, 04:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997561573982239} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Oct 26 2016, 09:30 AM)of course they can readonly that they are MALAS to read.try sell anything in mudah for example. even if you already stated all the details they will still asking the same bloody things that already stated in the adLAZY.No wonder they are most easy to get mlm con. Good target. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993115663528442} +{"text": "QUOTE(Daylight2018 @ Jan 12 2021, 09:26 AM)Firdhaus a Chinese school top scorerBy C. ARUNO, NEWSDESK@THESTAR and COM.MYNATIONTuesday, 12 Jan 2021 https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021...hool-top-scorerPETALING JAYA: Malaysian singer-songwriter Firdhaus Farmizi (pic), who made waves in Chinese social media, is a graduate of an independent chinese school.According to Sin Chew Daily, Firdhaus, who is known as Fei Dao Er in China, did not expect his composition Gulf of Alaska to gain such traction in China and garnered a staggering 170 million views on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of video-sharing app TikTok.In an interview with the daily, the 22-year-old from Kulai, Johor, admitted that he would have likely been another regular youth had he not been given a chance to come in contact with the Chinese-speaking world.Even though his parents did not speak Mandarin, they sent Firdhaus to a Chinese-language kindergarten and ended up sending him to a Chinese vernacular school for Year One.Little did they know that their son would show a flair for academics and for the language such that he successfully enrolled in the prestigious Foon Yew High School, an independent chinese school known for its rigorous entrance exams.Firdhaus, who was always at the top of his class, recalled fondly during report card day one year where other parents crowded around his mother to ask where she sent him for tuition to be able to score so well.\u201cI remember it clearly until today my mother\u2019s facial expression at that time. She wore a bright smile at that time, \u201d he said.Firdhaus admitted that he loved Chinese culture and was part of the che lin (Chinese yoyo) club and once represented his district in a Chinese calligraphy competition.\u201cWhen I was in secondary school, I would often visit my friends\u2019 house and play with lanterns. During Chinese New Year, I would often bring along mandarin oranges and visit houses to collect ang pow, \u201d he said.When he was in Form Four, he represented Foon Yew High School in the International Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition, earning himself third place among other Malaysian contenders.Even though he did not win the competition, he earned the right to travel to China to watch the international stage of the competition.Firdhaus, who gained an interest in writing music after listening to King of Mandopop Jay Chou when he was 12, started his music career by singing at restaurants and was scouted after one of his performances was recorded and shared online.He said he wrote his songs based on his life experiences and oftentimes inspiration would kick in when he was feeling sad.He added that lyrics did not need to be poetic, and one could choose to be simple and direct as long as they were moving.\u201cAfter writing a new song, I will let my mother listen to it. Even though she does not understand (the lyrics), as long as the melody moves her it is good enough, \u201d he said.He is currently signed to Malaysian record label Loolala Music that released his latest EP, A Letter last November, which contains his viral composition Gulf of Alaska.Fei Dao Er? Wtf.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999080896377563} +{"text": "Takde sijil halal = haram Malay\u2019s logic \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9896500110626221} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 16 2023, 04:44 PM)Lol at least just be cukur it isnt another \"VIRAL SUSHI KING TIADA SIJIL HALAL!!!!\"Soli Sushi king ade halal cert ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999333620071411} +{"text": "QUOTE(glamour @ Nov 2 2013, 07:11 PM)No eat BabiNo drink liquor But mostly sure got piap piapSame same laWhy make your life so sufferingThis halal thing is so sufferingThink about itmuslim usually strictly avoid haram things be a part of their body. The pork will be darah daging but piap-piap not.....inb4 both wrong. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alex9892 @ Jun 13 2024, 08:19 PM)\ud83d\udccd Donut Nenen19, Persiaran Aspirasi, Cyberjaya, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor\u23f0 12PM - 7PM (Tutup: Isnin)\u260e\ufe0f 011-2133 2760I've tried these before reminds me of the donuts my aunt used to make when I was 2\". Best to eat when still hot/warm (7/10) because when it becomes room temperature, it becomes so dense straight 3/10 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995781779289246} +{"text": "QUOTE(CeDhhVss @ Jan 4 2018, 08:03 PM)KOSTUM anime atau adi wira dihukumkan haram sekiranya ia mendedahkan aurat serta menyerupai dewa dalam agama, kepercayaan lain atau rekaan seperti Beerus, Haruhi Suzumiya dan Deus Ex Machina, kata Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri.Katanya, sekiranya kostum itu memerlukan belanja yang besar sehingga membazir, maka ia juga diharamkan.\"Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali.\"Sekiranya ada yang mempersoalkan kaitan pemakaian kostum dewa-dewa dengan akidah, kami katakan bahawa ia bukan isu tergugat atau rosaknya akidah tetapi ia adalah isu jati diri seorang Muslim,\" katanya menerusi siri terbaru Bayan Linnas berkenaan hukum memakai kostum atau cosplay.Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.\"Prinsip kehidupan umat Islam adalah meninggalkan sesuatu perkara yang dirasa tidak penting dalam kehidupan mereka. Ini kerana, perkara itu tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa faedah dalam kehidupan umat Islam.\"Justeru, dengan meninggalkan perbuatan seperti menghabiskan masa mencari kostum yang tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah, lebih baik masa yang ada digunakan untuk menuntut ilmu atau melakukan perkara lebih berfaedah,\" katanya.Beliau bagaimanapun menjelaskan, kostum kartun kanak-kanak antaranya seperti Didi and Friends, Omar dan Hana dibolehkan dengan syarat ia hanya dikhususkan untuk hiburan dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak semata-mata.\"Selain itu, ianya bukanlah sentiasa dan kerap dengan pakaian sedemikian kerana kanak-kanak juga perlu faham bahawa karakter berkenaan hanya khayalan semata-mata.\"Begitu juga maskot sukan di mana hukumnya adalah harus sebagai menaikkan semangat dan hiburan kepada penonton semata-mata dengan syarat-syarat seperti yang disebutkan,\" katanya.Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Khamis, 4 January 2018 @ 5:30 PMhttps://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2018/01/...ufti-kata-haramthis is the reason why we cant have nice thing here Sikit sikit haram.... so we can only wear did and friends ? Lolz .... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984837174415588} +{"text": "Aduan & Kes semakin meningkat setiap hari!Dan, ini menjadi cabaran besar buat kami!Namun, kami tak mampu lakukannya sendiri.Kerana itu, kami menyeru sokongan serta sumbangan anda.Sumbangan anda akan disalurkan untuk membantu:Kes & Aduan Penganiayaan Serta Penipuan.Mangsa PenindasanKempen Kesedaran Masyarakat.Sumbangan buat Golongan Kurang MampuProgram Pendidikan Pengguna.Sebahagian Kos Pengurusan PPIM.Sumbangan secara online di:https://sumbangan.ppim.org.my/TPPPIMMohon LIKE, SHARE dan DOAKAN demi memperjuangkan keadilan dan hentikan penindasan.Mudah-mudahan setiap sen yang anda sumbangkan diberkati dan mampu membantu lebih ramai insan.\u201cPerjuangan Bersama Demi Pengguna\u201d#PPIM #sahamakhirat #PerjuanganDemiPengguna #KamiBersamaAnda #toqqi Win liow lor. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996553897857666} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jambaleya @ Feb 9 2021, 03:15 AM)Why play racist cars in this matter?racing budaya kitano one in MY can see individual all they see is skin color.jangan persoal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5011754035949707} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zoopdiidoo @ Jan 5 2018, 11:18 AM)Takut apa...they always talk only la. Enforcement time...they busy minum kopi.this one just statement not yet go to fatwa council.later they enforce 100 pages thread. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999690055847168} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Feb 2 2024, 09:33 AM)The ones who failed and bankrupted mostly intended type (the type who fail to plan).Yes but if successful might be multimillionaireThere's three outcome 1. Do it without scared of bankruptcy and become millionaire2. Do it without scared of bankruptcy and unfortunately bankrupt 3. Do nothing and continue to stay poorQUOTE(Silfer @ Feb 2 2024, 09:36 AM)actually, he failed before. and he's not shy about it. he learnt from it and now success. but now he success he belum pattern la. even his tiktok award speech encourage youngster to finish study and create quality content instead of viral viral.Fail how? Got bankrupt or not?This post has been edited by vapanel: Feb 2 2024, 09:44 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996187686920166} +{"text": "QUOTE(angelgemini @ Sep 14 2016, 11:52 AM)but that sentence only say anjing right?how about other non halal thing? do it apply the same also?cause i see big different between indon muslim and malaysia muslim...i din see any muslim go temple before at malaysia, but in indon, i see muslim gerai makanan is inside the chinese temple area.many young muslim indon go in temple take picture and visit it.This is where the sect have different opinion. Because of different people have different opinions. From what i believe everything that is haram. Because anjing is considered najis berat. Najis got 3 category berat, sederhana, ringan. So mostly, haram stuff are najis berat. There is a sect believe only involve anjing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999606609344482} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Jun 9 2017, 03:21 PM)That is not the point. People viral it because seller didnt remove the head. Kinda looking like other animals. Thus the confused netizens. If cut like normal meat, nobody make a fuss.oo this make sense#kaummudahkeliruThis post has been edited by pikacu: Jun 9 2017, 03:39 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9769019484519958} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ludwig. @ Mar 12 2020, 04:50 PM)asalamualaikum...nk tanye sikit...me going 2 friday prayer tmr, want to ask possible to bring hand sanitiser x?sbb got alkohol so is allowed or no?sekian tyreference mufti wp link : https://www.muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/al-kafi-...melakukan-solatQUOTEBerbalik kepada persoalan yang diajukan dan pendapat ulama yang diberikan, dapat disimpulkan bahawa hand sanitizer (pencuci tangan) adalah tidak najis dan boleh digunakannya ketika hendak melakukan sembahyang serta tidak dikira menanggung najis. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974911212921143} +{"text": "QUOTE(dgrebel @ Dec 7 2018, 05:32 PM)now wajib.ada kata fabricated,betul ka ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997550845146179} +{"text": "QUOTE(cadburypicnic @ Oct 9 2018, 12:33 PM)ImAmazed that they would spend their time and tax payers money on this.Well..their moto is the after life in heaven. So they was not really focus much on the development of economic. But rather the intergrity, moral and self concious of the halal haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9946670532226562} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 23 2020, 06:16 PM)Chinese made punya nasi lemak little to no santan at all. Some chinese made nasi lemak no santan yet they dare to call it nasi lemak. Put nugget la, put babi la. Taste also yucks compared to Malay made one but so far i never see any Malays triggered over nasi lemak made by chinese. Yet when it comes to Chinese foods made inferior by Malay, you guys complain ckt no need put kuah, cakoi shape inconsistent la. Etc...no one will say chinese coconut mix rice is real nasi lemakalso no one will say its the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 29 2021, 08:22 PM)No underscore haha. Tak ada pengalaman konon. Noob tak tahu or sengaja buat tak tahu Geely ada international presence at least kat UAE, Russia sebelum beli Proton. Now ada dekat Philippines and soon Laos. I pun ada join Coolray owner fb, tak ada pun complaint masalah spare sparts.Pasal covid konon, huk aloh, lain2 car manufacturers tak kena covid? Pandai bangau, pandaiii. Hang mesti tau the truth macam Wapcar, tapi tak berani cakap. Instead tulis fiksyen semua salah orang tak beragama eh?Suka hati kau la, bak kata kau sendiri, esok jawab kat Padang Masyar je la.He tought kutuk orang kafir didnot stand infront of God kot? Hahahaahahahahahaha.. Salty tak abes abes. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6658040881156921} +{"text": "It's good that you want to find out the halal status etc tapi tanya la owner kedai kottttt?!!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5425985455513} +{"text": "Ini belom masuk claimed ustajah antivaxx makan panadol haram & minum susu punca rabun \ud83d\ude34\ud83d\ude34 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999573230743408} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Dec 24 2021, 08:19 AM)Bumi ini milik siapa!Bumi ni milik mahluk asing sebelum diserahkan kepada dinosaurThis post has been edited by skyzone101: Dec 24 2021, 09:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994681477546692} +{"text": "lanjutt ke smk JUJURR JARANG JAJAN soalnyaa udh mulai nabung nabung buat beli apaa apaa, tapii klo boleh jujur piscok kantin makanan paling enak, sama citul juga enak, oiyaaa roti goreng juga joss nah kadang juga klo free suka cabut ke bc luv u bunda sama om pipo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996465444564819} +{"text": "mak aku kdg g intai adik aku kerja dekat mall siap suruh rasa thredmill dekat kedai dia.. sambil sambil mak rasa dia boleh hasut mak suruh beli.. tapi maheiii naww xde lerr mak sedih.. sebab mak kita tahu carik duit xde yg senang janji halal.. itu cuba bayangkan buruh kasar..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "Aku x suka tul gerai gini..nyesakkan jalan dan bahaya..ada keta yg tiba2 benti sbb nak beli makanan..keta belakang x sempat brek dah eksiden", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.990375816822052} +{"text": "Dot nggak suka makanan manis, tapi Lance sweet-tooth banget. Klo mereka beli minum, Dot beli teh tawar/kopi sedangkan Lance beli coklat panas :)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9816246628761292} +{"text": "QUOTE(abm @ Dec 6 2023, 08:11 PM)So you agree the immigration staff should not give people a hard time for not speaking BM?Yes - it's not within his powers to do so. He may have nothing but disdain for the Malaysian who can't utter a word of Malay, but he doesn't have the right to deny her right to renew her passport.In the same sentence, the non-Malay speaking lady should also take a long and hard look at herself: if she wants to continue being called a Malaysian, then it's only in her best interests to learn how to communicate with the majority of her fellow citizens who may not speak Mandarin, or only have a rudimentary understanding of English. None of these languages are national languages. Otherwise, why not become a Singaporean and be done with all the hassle if she finds it so hard to remain a non-Malay speaking Malaysian?To be honest, I have always held the opinion that it takes 2 hands to clap. Her own inadequacy gave the opportunity for the Little Napolean to overstep his boundaries - and the rest is internet history. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999549388885498} +{"text": "QUOTE(tsunade @ Jun 9 2017, 02:11 PM)tu le, banyak sangat katak bawah tempurung. otak kosong tapi tau viral-viral sajeSo u taste B4? Nice? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9975805282592773} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Nov 1 2023, 10:58 AM)Based on the Mufti's idea, they need to put Non-Halal notice also, since they no Halal cert.If no HALAL cert/signage just mean it's HARAM laa.... why so confusing meh .... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.779759407043457} +{"text": "How on earth that he dont know salahkan orang lain is the budaya ? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9845634698867798} +{"text": "-Makan dgn tangan kanan & jilat jari selesai makan.\n -x kritik makanan. Jika x suka, diam.\n- Berhenti makan sblm kenyang.\nTujuan makan: untuk menguatkan badan demi memudahkan beribadah. Makanan hendaklah bersifat halal dari sumber yg halal, bersih & tidak membahayakan tubuh.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999363422393799} +{"text": "PAS: Batalkan konsert Ed SheeranKetua Dewan Ulama PAS Pusat (DUPP), Ahmad Yahaya menggesa kerajaan membatalkan konsert bintang pop British Ed Sheeran kerana didakwa menyokong lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT).\u201cApakah kita masih belum sedar dengan tragedi menjijikkan oleh sebuah kumpulan pro-LGBT The 1975 yang telah melakukan adegan kurang sopan di hadapan ribuan penonton selain menghina pendirian negara menolak ideologi berkenaan?\u201cDi mana maruah negara ketika mereka menghina pendirian kita menolak fahaman songsang mereka,\" katanya seperti dipetik HarakahDaily.Ahmad menegaskan penganjuran konsert itu pada 24 Feb mencemarkan kesucian bulan Ramadan yang semakin hampir. Dijangka umat Islam akan memulakan ibadah puasa pada 10 Mac depan.'\u201cApatah lagi persembahan berkenaan dijadualkan ketika umat Islam dalam negara dalam persiapan menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan yang mulia.\"Apakah kita semakin terhakis rasa sensitif terhadap hal ehwal agama?,\u201d soalnya.Sheeran sebelum ini pernah mengadakan konsert di Malaysia pada 2019 sempena jelajah dunia \"Divide\" manakala persembahan akan datang ini sebahagian daripada \"+-=\u00f7x Asia Tour\", yang turut menampilkan penyanyi jemputan, Calum Scott.Terdahulu, Mufti Pulau Pinang, Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor (gambar bawah) meminta umat Islam di negara ini memulau konsert penyanyi terbabit dan mengingatkan bahawa umat Islam ditegah bekerjasama dalam perkara yang membawa kepada dosa atau maksiat seperti dinyatakan di dalam al-Quran.Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Ahmad Yahya berkata pihak penganjur seharusnya akur dan menerima teguran oleh Wan Salim berkenaan isu terbabit dan bukan sebaliknya berdolak dalik dengan alasan yang tidak munasabah.\u201cJusteru, DUPP turut menggesa kerajaan supaya tidak sesekali membenarkan persembahan mana-mana artis Barat pro-LGBT selain menghormati kemuliaan bulan Ramadan yang bakal menjelma tidak lama lagi,\u201d katanya.Gesaan agar konsert tebabit dibatalkan turut dibuat Ketua Pemuda PAS Selango Sukri Omar.\u201cApa yang sangat dikesali, kerajaan Madani ini langsung tidak mempunyai sensitiviti dan sangat jinak untuk membiarkan penganjuran konsert melibatkan artis luar negara yang jelas mempamerkan sokongan mereka terhadap LGBT.\u201cIbarat bapa kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari. Rakyat Malaysia sungguh kecewa dengan pendirian PMX yang sebelum ini tidak ambil kisah dengan suara rakyat untuk membatalkan konsert Coldplay, malah lebih mengecewakan, PMX sendiri mengalu-alukan kedatangan Coldplay ke Malaysia.\"Adakah kerajaan sedang menormalisasikan sesuatu,\" soalnya.Sukri (gambar bawah) menggesa kerajaan PH-BN menghormati nasihat yang diberikan oleh para mufti dan ulama berhubung perkara tersebut.\"(Ed Sheeran) pernah membalutkan dirinya dengan bendera pelangi yang cukup sinonim dengan kelompok LGBT sewaktu mengadakan konsert sebelum ini. Cukup bahaya.ADS\u201cJanganlah kerajaan dan pihak yang terlibat bersikap defensif untuk mempertahankan penganjuran konsert ini,\u201d tegas Sukri.Semalam, Menteri Komunikasi Fahmi Fadzil memberi jaminan konsert bintang Ed Sheeran akan berjalan seperti yang dijadualkan.Katanya, konsert itu sudah mendapat lampu hijau daripada Jawatankuasa Permohonan Penggambaran Filem Asing dan Persembahan Artis Luar Negara (JK-Puspal).\"Antara 16 agensi yang terbabit dalam perbincangan untuk memutuskan permohonan mana-mana persembahan artis luar negara melalui jawatankuasa Puspal adalah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).\"Sudah pasti saringan teliti dibuat oleh semua agensi ini, jadi saya mohon supaya proses sedia ada ini (diikuti).\u201cKita ambil maklum pandangan tetapi kita ada prosesnya,\" jelas menteri itu.https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/695020 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6397827863693237} +{"text": "Gapapa tolol yg penting masih bsa bedain mana makanan yg halal dan thoyyib.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6161879897117615} +{"text": "QUOTE(red_satu @ Dec 9 2023, 08:56 AM)Nah, these sort of people is the kind that bring their own rice cooker when need to travel overseas.No laThey Malas Just eat maggi only. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7262486219406128} +{"text": "So all the \"rule of law\" preached by atuk apply selective saje ke? Memang tun, boboi the best. Kasi bayar saman je. And boboi is billionaire. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "SIJIL HALAL PALSU RESTORAN SRI GOMBAK Semalam dalam 999 di TV3 membuat liputan serbuan 5 buah restoran di Prima Sri Gombak. Dalam liputan ini, diorang tak bagitau kedai mana. Tapi bagi korang yang dah biasa dekat Sri Gombak, pasti cam kedai apa. sumber https://t.co/AuHYWazXOm https://t.co/wPVulnGl9L", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7024254202842712} +{"text": "Tak halal. Haram jadah.QUOTE(Babydragon1991 @ Sep 12 2019, 07:21 PM)ku tertarik dengan kempen memperkasakan produk melayu islam sejak kebelakangan ni. Alhamdulillah, orang melayu islam rata-rata \"baru\" mula sedar betapa pentingnya memperkuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Boleh nampak kesan kempen memperkasakan produk muslim melayu ni di kedai dan hypermarket. Alhamdulillah, sambutan kempen ini telah mula menampakkan hasilnya.Aku tertarik dengan satu pautan gambar produk muslim bumiputera yang disharekan kepada aku.Di sini, aku nak share satu item dalam beribu2 list produk muslim bumiputera yg di sharekan tu iaitu \"beras\" makanan ruji kita. Makanan ruji kita telah lama dimonopoli oleh kaum cina walaupun 99.9% petani ni adalah orang Melayu kita. Kita boleh beli beras jenama Faiza, produk Melayu tapi sedar ke tidak bahawa rantaian prosesnya (kilang padi) bagi mendapatkan beras tu sendiri dimonopoli oleh kaum cina. Pihak syarikat Faiza juga perlu beli beras dari pihak cina dalam bentuk pukal kerana kekurangan bekalan beras pukal tersebut.Memandangkan keluarga aku memang turun-temurun dalam bidang ni, boleh katakan aku ni, anak \"tokey\" kilang padi la senang, membeli padi, memproses padi menjadi beras dan menjual beras. Tapi, sekarang tidak lagi, bisnes kilang padi turun-temurun ni, hancur dek kurangnya kesedaran memperkuatkan ekonomi melayu islam ni. Kalau la kempen ini sudah bermula 5 tahun dulu tentu masih bernyawa lagi kilang padi warisan keluarga aku.Aku sharekan pengalaman aku untuk tatapan semua bagaimana boleh tumbangnya bisnes orang melayu kita dek monopoli kaum satu jenis tu. Di Semenanjung Malaysia ni, tahun 2005, kilang padi melayu bumiputera ni ada sekitar 35 buah kilang. Namun sekarang, di tahun 2019 ni, hanya tinggal 12 buah kilang bumiputera melayu sahaja yg tinggal beroperasi.Betul, hanya tinggal 12 buah sahaja kilang melayu. Aku listkan kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi:-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMURMasalah paling besar kilang-kilang Melayu ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bekalan padi. Pelik bunyi kalau aku kata kilang padi tapi padi tak ada di kilang. Isu ni berlaku di kilang padi orang melayu kita termasuk kilang keluarga aku. Kenapa tak ada padi ,haa ni aku cerita, terus terang aku cakap, 99.9% yang usahakan tanaman padi ni orang melayu kita, tapi bila nak dijual padi tu, padi tu dijual di kilang cina.Keadaan ni berlaku disebabkan penawaran harga insentif/komisyen yg diberikan kilang cina kepada \"driver/broker lori\" yang angkut padi di sawah. Broker lori tu akan dapat \"insentif/komisyen\" dari kilang jika dihantar padi tu ke kilang. Lagi banyak padi yg dihantar lagi banyak insentif/komisyen yg dibolot oleh tuan lori ni padahal komisyen tu bukan petani yang dapat pun. Dan terus terang aku cakap, petani tidak kisah pun padi tu dijual di kilang mana asalkan dapat jual sahaja padi yg diusahakan tu. Disebabkan perkara ni lah yg menyebabkan tiada padi yg dijual ke kilang padi melayu bumiputera akibat komisyen yg dikejar. Padi yg diusahakn orang melayu, kebanyakkan dijual ke kilang padi cina.Disebabkan perkara inilah, banyak kilang melayu bumiputera telah banyak tutup tak mampu beroperasi dek kekurangan bekalan padi. Apabila berlaku kekurangan padi di kilang melayu, kita orang melayu telah hilang kuasa pegangan ekonomi dalam item beras ni. Walaupun tanaman padi tu majoriti melayu kita yang usahakan tapi kilang proses padi menjadikan beras dipegang oleh kaum cina disebabkan oleh penjualan padi ke kilang cina.Jadi, aku nak seru semua petani, anak-anak yang mak bapak petani, kenalan-kenalan dan kawan-kawan petani, kita mulakan \"KEMPEN JUAL PADI DI KILANG PADI MELAYU BUMIPUTERA\" bermula dari hari ini. Masih tidak terlambat lagi untuk gerakkan kesedaran ini agar ekonomi makanan ruji ni yg mmg diusahakan orang melayu kita ni dapat diselamatkan. Minta tolong arahkan driver lori/broker ni jual padi yang diusahakan di kilang melayu bumiputera kita. Kepada rakan-rakan kilang melayu bumiputera, kuatkan semangat dan teruskan bertahan dan jangan mengaku kalah dalam jihad ni. Bagi sokongan kepada kilang-kilang melayu yang masih beroperasi ni agar kita boleh kuatkan ekonomi orang melayu kita. Harap sebarkan kepada semua.Ikhlas dari :-Bekas anak tokey kilang padi melayu bumiputeraSekali lagi aku listkan senarai nama kilang padi orang melayu kita untuk kita gerakkan kempen kesedaran ini :-1. KILANG BERAS MIHODA SDN BHD2. KILANG BERAS MOHD REJAB SDN BHD3. KILANG BERAS OTHMAN JUSOH BERSAUDARA4. JABI RICE MILL SDN BHD5. KILANG BERAS ABIDIN6. KILANG BERAS KUBANG ROTAN7.KILANG BERAS DIBUK SDN BHD8.KILANG BERAS SETIA JAYA9. KILANG BERAS PERLIS SDN BHD10. BAN LI RICE MILL SDN BHD11. KILANG BERAS JELAPANG SELATAN12.KILANG BERAS MUTIARA TIMUR ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9653468132019043} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Nov 19 2023, 08:26 PM)I don't get the problem.If I am a Christian, I prepare food according to halal standard, does the food become haram still ?\nQH_hVtgFszw\n\nThey are the living dead. They dont have the reasoning of a human anymore. The manchurians and japanese faced them first hand during ww2 and 18 and early 19 century . IT cannot be killed with swords or rifles.U will need yellow paper written with gods words and put on the forehead to stop it from working.OR better still put some fukushima water on the yellow paper and burn it.This post has been edited by tankerbell12345: Nov 19 2023, 08:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983934760093689} +{"text": "Pihak kami pernah menerima pertanyaan berkenaan status halal premis makanan McDonald's Malaysia. Untuk makluman, McDonald's Malaysia merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia yang masih sah sehingga kini. #YakiniHalalMalaysia... https://t.co/F03umGjJNC", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999547004699707} +{"text": "\nprettyuglybabe replied at 11-9-2015 04:37 PM\r\ndari dulu tertanya-tanya..\r\ncorned beef tu halal ke? cam mana masaknya?\r\nke memang dah masak ala-ala ...\nKat Sarawak, kitorg sgt gemar dgn corned beef nie. Boleh buat mcm2, antaranya nasi goreng corned beef, murtabak corned beef, popia corned beef, dan corned beef stir fry jer pun ada. Cubalah makan satu noks. Confirm nak lagi dan lagi. \n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997742772102356} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Dec 15 2023, 11:20 AM)This is a Pos Malaysia effort.You suka stamp, or you nak support Palestine, go ahead.You tak sukak, don't buy.Why lar u so butthurt about a minister being there?Like that any event, if a minister turns up, you also butthurt?!tak dapat jadi menteri is ok. cuba lagi lain kali lor, still young mah. LKS until old also no chance, Karpal until pass away also no chance. don't be so bitter.you also butthurt about ppl butthurt. LOL ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6037623286247253} +{"text": "QUOTE(eaglehelang @ Dec 6 2015, 08:56 PM)Main point : If one fine day, it's your loved one/family member who is the patient who got infected from bacteria on long sleeve(assume proven), then how your response?Or imagine the patient's family sue the hospital, the nurse want to foot the bill?? Imagine how the hospital's imej tarnished, sued for medical negligence. That time all those who shout now \"Boycott aje\" \"Tarik balik lesen\", \"Jangan biar kapir memperbodohkan kita\",etc going to help the patient's family?Gomen hospital, gomen will pay when sued, actually taxpayers pay(i.e. we all lor), not they kena also.Take note another point : The nurse reported saying she roll up her sleeves when working. So, tunjuk aurat also what. Also, now if in UK, doctors also wear short sleeve, no long neck ties.\"If you want to talk about infection control, clothes, hats and ties should also be subjected to infection control. When I do work, I fold my sleeves,\" she said.http://m.malaysiakini.com/news/322193show me an example of such case exists and I silent. Do not overly assume everything. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9894514679908752} +{"text": "Me: jom pg xing fu tang! Friends: takde sijil halal! Me: konek yg kotor kluar najis tu ko lahap macam makana. Halal haram plak issue kau! https://t.co/Cstrouf8UA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "ya setuju sangatsebab banyak bodoh supo binatang mengalahkan babi, sangat mudah kelirukedai yang terang-terang haram/non-halal pon masih boleh kelirukedai yang ragu-ragu \"no pork, no lard\" happy sahaja mereka tibaibodoh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998342990875244} +{"text": "If makanan tu takda tanda halal tak semestinya haram. Somtimes dia tak uruskan pun nak tanda halal dekat jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9867165088653564} +{"text": "Air with aroma of pork dish haram?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9859980344772339} +{"text": "\nWat sup best gak...\nbintang Post at 9-6-2010 20:09 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0nak buat rendang, untuk raya nanti ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979544878005981} +{"text": "QUOTE(DoraemonNobita @ Jan 15 2018, 03:46 PM)my gf is from sabah very lovely and wife material. I have been there and it was my best trip in malaysia especially kundasang one. I love the people as well very friendly.If I am rich sure live there edy but need to work fucking hard here in malaya damnSame,wifey material, sumandak best if I come back from JP,probably will try to get a job in KK and settle down there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992658495903015} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Dec 21 2023, 11:31 PM)hiring practice kut, if you see Spades or other haram style restaurants still got cina flippers.It\u2019s salary la. Spades and the other haram style restaurants pays more than McD. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9790416359901428} +{"text": "@boneprincess @tenoq @ernamh But as a human being, do respect their point of view.. tbh, some of them is just was2 dengan status halal makanan/minuman yang diorang nak beli.. which all of that will end up jadi darah daging.. but dont go to far.. up until semua wajib ada sijil perakuan halal.. Wallahualam", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996969997882843} +{"text": "Niama sohai Jan 18. Bila copy char kueh teow, dimsum, cakoi tak pulak kata haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "RT SinarOnline: Sijil halal pada bungkusan tidak diiktiraf Jakim, daging kerbau dari India dirampas #sinarharian https://t.co/ATDkv0PLm3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "Kantin sekolah2/ kolej2 ada dapat pengiktirafan Halal dari JAKIM? Kalau tiada, patut diadakan. Kes2 keracunan makanan mesti kurang lepas tu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9955883026123047} +{"text": "DEMICA DAH ADA SIJIL HALAL . So korang jangan risau sbb #Demica \ud83d\udcaf percent menggunakan extrak buah-buahan semulajadi. Demica takde kesan memulas atau cirit birit sbb Demica singkirkan\u2026 https://t.co/sOxP9YEKtS", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9598129987716675} +{"text": "Boikot kan bukan paksaan. Biar jelah peniaga makanan tu nak guna jenama apa pun... Yang penting ada logo halal JAKIM. Yang mana dah tukar jenama produk tu pun takde siapa kisah.... Yang penting harga makanan & minuman janganlah mahal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.999855637550354} +{"text": "Yang paling PENTING dan SAHIH diiktiraf oleh JAKIM, kenali logo HALAL berikut pada packaging2 makanan yg anda beli.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991872906684875} +{"text": "so the google reviews remains the same from Newest sort, but even the lowest review was 3 months ago.my assumption is that they are doing damage control by deleting unnecessary and unrelated reviews (aka review bombing due to viral case)is it possible for them to do that? Well if following the policies, they might canThis post has been edited by Clowninja: May 10 2024, 10:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.982014536857605} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Apr 15 2024, 01:54 PM)\"The three suspects include a 32-year-old bank clerk with no criminal record, a 33-year-old car salesman with a drug-related criminal record, and a 27-year-old Army soldier serving in Kelantan.\"Always this kind bifoti buat hal.ni kaki gaduh usually kaki hisap rokokrokok xmau boikotsudah la smoking fatwa haramtarak bayar zakat, confirm donate to israelbut ini puak xmau pun boikot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995785355567932} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Nov 24 2023, 10:51 AM)To those asking knp rokok boleh, arak tak bolehHukum berbeza yeJgn soal banyak puak ni memang next level bid'ah. agama depa boleh buat hukum ikut sedap perut diorang je. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "QUOTE(~min~ @ Nov 1 2023, 12:37 PM)bodoh, dah logo halal tu untuk apa? dah ada certification, kalau tak da logo halal tak payah masuk lah. kenapa nak susahkan non for you?Need JAKIM to certify non-halal status. If not every year JAKIM so much budget for what? Need give them some work to do ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "\naku blaja kimia dulu pn alkohol tu sjnis kmpulan kimia. dlm tu byk lagi term2 pe ntah y blakang die\u00a0\u00a0\"-ol\". tp aku lupe2 ingat. spm kimia dpt 5 hehe.\r\nso kalo mentaliti org alkohol=arak, silap ar\u00a0\u00a0...\nkazaraf Post at 14-7-2009 11:52 \nalcohol ni banyak jenis...tak semua ada -ol kat belakang namanya sebab nama mengikut sistem IUPAC, bergantung pada kumpulan berfungsi mana yg lebih utama...\r\nsenang citer, alcohol adalah sebatian kimia yg mempunyai kumpulan berfunsi -OH...tapi tak semua memabukkan...contoh Glycerine C3H5(OH)3 tak mabuk pun....malah banyak diguna dalam bahan2 makanan dan farmasi...\n\r\nkalau tak silap aku, berkenaan alcohol yg memabukkan dan haram ialah yg terhasil dari proses penapaian...jika dihasilkan dari proses sintetik dan tidak memabukkan, kategori lain...sebab tu minyak wangi ada alcohol boleh bawak sembahyang jika alcohol tersebut dihasilkan bukan dari proses penapaian...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "Itulah, kadang kita memang saja atau suka share makanan kita beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6786521673202515} +{"text": "*DIMSUM FROZEN*... *KELUARAN BUMIPUTRA* *HALAL* *Sijil MESTI* *KILANG DI MALAYSIA* *Kukus 10 - 12 minit sahaja* *\ud83d\udcb0HARGA\ud83d\udcb0* *1 packet RM35.00* (berat 1kg, anggaran 60-65biji) *PROMOSI FREE SOS \ud83c\udf36* *\ud83c\udfcd RM 5 kos\u2026 https://t.co/73GcbUaP20", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5290167927742004} +{"text": "Pegang no issue la, later just samak je bukan dosa pun. Yang dosa pergi makan and minum. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990653395652771} +{"text": "Korang nak minum korang minum lah korang rasa was-was korang blah pergi jauh2 takyah minum bende simple je ni tak sampai nak hasut orang ckp takde sijil halal ni haram air ni aduh please ah dah 2019 berkembang sikit pemikiran tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996225833892822} +{"text": "PRE-ORDER. STOK TERHAD. \ud83e\udd62DIMSUM FROZEN HALAL BERSIH & SEDAP\ud83e\udd62 \ud83d\udcccKELUARAN BUMIPUTRA \ud83d\udcccHALAL \ud83d\udcccSIJIL MESTI \ud83d\udcccKILANG DI MALAYSIA \ud83c\udd99\ufe0f1KG/RM36.00\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5anggaran 60-65biji(ikut pada berat) FREE SOS \ud83c\udfedFresh dari kilang Mudah sangat Penyedian,kukus dan makan... Sos dibekalkan https://t.co/tOcCcjEHC2", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9501202702522278} +{"text": "QUOTE(premier239 @ Sep 12 2023, 10:22 AM)shandy alcohol % is lower than tapaisome ktards posted tapai research , got like 5% to 13%So halal or Haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987449645996094} +{"text": "Aku dah fed up sial baca boba tea ni haram and shit. Just fucking stop it. Orang just cakap benda tu takda sijil halal. Geng conventional terus kata haram. Geng woke pukimak ni dok kejar clout menganjing susu tek babi lah apa. Pundek", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:17 PM)Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.Topkek at this reason.If got money, and can support one's hobby, can it be called, \"membazir\"? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999655485153198} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 12:31 PM)Marketing?Wei, if you buy item seller claim made in Italy but turn out made in Kajang you angry or not.You complain seller said it's marketing then you happy is it.Can help explain, did the owner in any way claim that his shop is owned by Muslim? Or is it just your assumption due to the name?So basically owner cannot name his business with anything he likes? Maybe his best friend is ahmad who helped him to open business, so he want to give a sign of appreciation to his friend by naming it kedai ahmad, cannot? Then any Malaysian business cannot open Italian restaurant with Italian name? Is that really your logic? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999486207962036} +{"text": "Air mineral macam ni datang dari bawah tanah yang ditapis dan disteril guna UV. Secara logik tak perlu sijil halal pun tapi aku periksa hampir kesemua jenama ada. Jadi logik tak kalau kita pertikaikan status halal minuman yang mengandungi banyak bahan? Tak salah rasanya. https://t.co/AQALiudis7", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987407326698303} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Sep 10 2023, 01:57 PM)And I'm referring to themSo scared this scared thatAnd while shouting haram cannot eat, there is a ciggie in the mouth puffing away.haram because holy book stated many just blindly follow, even in other religions. smokers are dumbed down by their parents. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994220733642578} +{"text": "@tenoq b) kalau ad perasaan was2, mngkin pngluar nya mnipu pada bahan, apa2 shja yg boleh bawa was2, tidak perlu beli. Shubhah mmbawa hukum haram. Simple as that. Soal sijil halal jakim, siapa yg kena apply? Jakim tak wajib kan kdai untk ad sjil halal dri mereka, so why bother?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "TS is a pondan tak tau malu from parti ajaran sesat spreading false hatred among people. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Jun 18 2022, 03:59 PM)Me cainis, no problem with cainis nasi lemak, just that sometimes it feels like eating mixed rice.same. chinese nasi lemak just doesnt have that ummph. i like luncheon meat, but not with nasi lemak. And the typical malay's sambal still the best. but nowadays hard to find edi, most just diluted boh chilli.chinese nasi lemak is good, but not malay nasi lemak kind of good. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.89711993932724} +{"text": "If restoran high crass, tak halal pun tak apo.Sekali tau nama Restoran Ah Hock, Ah Seng terus menggeluporHow to be up front? Cainis owner must stand infront of restoran? Restoran must name itself lebih Ah Beng dari biasa? (The restoran name itself is The Roasted C., which part of it is malay other than the staff?)Halal cert is the best way to identify no matter Malay or Chinese owned, but too bad dia sendiri pun malas dan tutup mata when it comes to own race punya bisnes. Sekali berlaku benda mcm gini. Bising orang lain nak tipu dia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ Dec 30 2016, 11:37 PM)Kalau premis dibenarkan menjual atau membekal makanan halal, tapi ada jugak dia tutup mata bagi makanan tak halal masuk, agak2 dia punya halal cert boleh kekal tak? Hotel pun ada makanan halal and in all respects conform but because they allow alcohol, maka dia tak dapat halal premises certificate. So McD was right in trying to conform to keep their certificate intact, just like a hymen.Your faith is so weak? Low ilmu? low ibadat? low iman?Bro, I traveled to Middle East and sat in hotel cafe have pork bacon and eggs when my Muslim business associate can early and sat down beside me and have his own breakfast.Feel so uncomfortable but he laugh & assured me his faith will not be shaken at the mere sight of pork. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5828805565834045} +{"text": "QUOTE(butterkijen @ Jul 1 2022, 05:44 PM)got abang songkok confirm halal oneQUOTEPositive conservation outcome from religious teachings: changes tosubsistence turtle harvest practices at Cocos (Keeling) Islands, IndianOceanIsmail Macrae1 & Scott Whiting2*Abstract. We document and describe the change in attitudes, hunting behaviour and historic subsistence use ofsea turtles by Cocos Malay people of Islamic faith in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean over the last 180years. We used several lines of evidence including historical documents, scientific journals, archived records andinterviews with current and former residents. The results are grouped in two time categories: 1) use of turtles priorto mid-1980s and 2) use of turtles after mid-1980s. Prior to the mid-1980s, turtle meat was popular with Muslimresidents and was consumed when available and was particularly appreciated during times of ceremony. Afterthe mid-1980s, external influences and improved communication modified Islamic teachings and sea turtles werereclassified from halal (permitted as food) to haram (prohibited as food). After the mid-1980s, harvest and the useof turtles decreased to negligible numbers. Although a combination of various events and circumstances may havecontributed to this change in harvest practices, changes to Islamic teachings were likely to be the main factor.These changes in use appeared to have had a dramatic positive effect on the resident green (Chelonia mydas) andhawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtle populations, from what appeared to be harvest-related depressed numbersprior to the 1980s, recovering to abundant numbers after 1999. From a management perspective, this is a positiveconservation outcome for sea turtles, at both local and regional (Indian Ocean) scales.got research paper also Attached File(s)\n\u00a0S30_C19_162_167.pdf ( 229.74k )\nNumber of downloads: 1", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5138510465621948} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Jan 31 2024, 02:06 PM)I dono who is Bodo here. Both also bodo. If you think the food is not halal, just find another restaurant la.And for the restaurant owner, also bodo. Now for no reason kena viral, u can kiss your business goodbye. Dono how to talk to customer and lansi like fucking foreigners rohingyaCari vietnamese yang makan kucing, makan anjing, makan babi lepas tu tanya status halalLol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ May 22 2017, 05:03 PM)Lol betulJangan la sampai membenci antara kitaSama2 islam. Sama2 muslimAlso want boikot? Cuz tak sama level alim? biasalah nak orang like status or give support so must come out with some seemingly highly respected view, or some sked if no share the peer will rasa dia nih tak alim sangat. So must share due to some imagination pressure.Also got some dengki ppl business better, dun wanna improve resepi or cut price, last2 guna nih untuk kutuk pesaing tak tutup aurat. If really wanna be pious then masak sendiri kat rumah lah confirm tarak masalah, inb4 busy, dunnoe how to cook, bazaar tradisi must go etc alasan. Padahal sendiri pun belum tentu hati baik.This post has been edited by pandah: May 22 2017, 05:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ May 10 2024, 07:23 PM)u the one really bodah sambongwhat you should say is not halal also not haram u showing everyone your hypocrisyHalal based on trust 100%As long u believe it's halal then can eatIf i say not halal and oso not haram then i cannot eat coz i doubt itSibuk dengan agama orang lain tapi ignorant bodoh sombong ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999981164932251} +{"text": " makanan yang disahkan Halal oleh Jakim . This is the best answer", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9149675965309143} +{"text": "Non kenapa setiap hari sibuk dengan hal halal haram orang islam ni? LellIf you don't want, nobody force u apply oso ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996309280395508} +{"text": "What kerjasama anyway? They don't force you to drink kan? Hantar arak or putting arak ads on apps is haram ke??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "Ayoo Kunjungi.... Pekan Kuliner Khas 2024Halal, Aman, dan Sehat \n\nAneka Makanan Tebaik Halal.. Makanan Khas Nusantara & Jajanan Viral\n\n\u2022 Bazar\n\u2022 Sosialisasi\n\u2022 Talkshow\n\u2022 Lomba", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Hati2 membeli makanan terutama daging beku ikan beku d LAZADA , ada penjual yg sama menjual babi & makanan haram yg lain. Terutama penjual2 bkn muslim.\nBegitu jg jk beli d dll servis penghantaran ADA YG TIADA STATUS HALAL JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Saw a tiktok rider foodpanda tunggu luar kilang cari customer yang lari dengan makanan without paying. Kesian gila rider foodpanda tu, penat2 kerja kena tipu macam tu je. Ini tak payah check website jakim ya gais, makanan dari halal auto jadi haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984592199325562} +{"text": "Nampak sangat KP Jakim tak peduli halal haram makanan umat islam malaysia.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9180788993835449} +{"text": "kalau kita rase letih bekerja. isteri pun letih bekerja. Wife aku pandai masak tapi aku x pernah memilih makanan apa yg dia sediakan. kalau beli aku makan kalau masak aku suka makan plus xtra puji. mengemas ni leceh. ko try buat mesti x suka. sama tolong bila boleh settle.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6237578392028809} +{"text": "QUOTE(+3kk! @ Dec 13 2019, 12:20 PM)cause tapai has no post processif you home brew beer, you get that odor, its often from the yeasthe does make it more complicated tho, cause tapai can indeed be made non-alcoholic just that its not nice. Likewise most tapai i had is very strong, waaay more alcohol than the usual beer.The issue with his argument is, if the purpose is not to produce alcohol, then rightfully, foods with alcohol would be permitted especially wine reductions, brandy cakes and vice versa.The one haram is liquor, not alcohol. Cakes, steaks some have liquor as ingredients, not merely alcohol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.984566867351532} +{"text": "@yourfavbidadari Apalah... Dah kalau kt rumah tu tak yah la cerita... Dah mmng rumah org muslim org Islam sejak bila nak kena ada sijil halal lak... Ini cerita pasal buble tea yang tukang buatnya org bukan muslim... Dia senang je kalau rasa was\u00b2 x yakin jgn minum...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993728995323181} +{"text": "If change side, outcome will be different. Then they will say he kurang ajar use baseball bat etc. now same kind so didn't say the other party kurang ajar. Remember where u reside. Best is just walk away and report police. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "Coklat Ferrero Rocher mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal dari National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT), South Africa. Ketahui status halal produk-produk yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di... https://t.co/LGlLrqNCGO", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997875094413757} +{"text": "hehe..kuih taik itik la best..sedaap sehingga mejolok jari.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991335272789001} +{"text": "QUOTE(laoahpek @ Sep 10 2020, 12:27 PM)both same active ingredient which is alcoholniat one for eating and one for drinkingeating alcohol - no problemdrinking alcohol - haramfor quantity to be mabuk- eating alcohol require a lot of quantity to knock u out ( so technically u cant be mabuk by eating, so eating alcohol is not haram)- drinking alcohol only need significantly lesser quantity to knock u out, so its haram ( but for those who can control their brain to drink it at minimal without any drunk effect does it resemble eating alcohol??)Huh, then alcohol infused chocolate should be ok right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999943733215332} +{"text": "Akidah tak habis habis terpesong ni.... takda kerja lain ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984486103057861} +{"text": "QUOTE(thuwed1732 @ Apr 29 2023, 07:31 PM)Both haram to consumebaik untok kita ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999697208404541} +{"text": "@ZainudinMaidin @lelaki_solo Sepatutnya Pihak Berkuasa Agama i.e. Jab. Agama, Jakim etc. kuatkuasakan nama \"Pusat Tahfiz\" di mana hanya yg diiktiraf boleh menggunakannya.. mcm Sijil #Halal. Jadi kawalan kualiti pembelajaran, keselamatan dan sbgnya dpt dilaksanakan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9639536142349243} +{"text": "\r\nbarang dari PRC\u00a0\u00a0ni\u00a0\u00a0kalau ade logo halal JAKIM dan macam badan halal produk lain like Nestle cornflakes ke , atau ice cream ringkas pun ade logo halal dari negara jitran yg diiktiraf JAKIM i , OK je\n\r\ntapi...kalauJAKIMpun tak ade iktiraf better don't. tinggalkan syubhah lebih baik.\n\r\nmazhab syafiee dia pentingkan kualiti dari nafs and kuantiti. \n\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982196688652039} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Apr 25 2024, 10:08 AM)i see, no wonder I haven't ever seen any chinese funeral procession at night.. is it consider bad luck if do at night?A few factors. Chinese almanac usually list best time is day time.Besides, the day time is the best time for practical reason - ppl lives in the day, the ghost stays in the night.Procession, traveling, rituals all requires done in clear ground. Night time hampers all activities.Another maybe not longer relvant reason is because, chinese graves are usually up the mountain. no ppl want to go up mountain at night.Better bury during day time (good yang energy) than night time (bad yin energy).Cremation same theory too.This post has been edited by Blackscreamerz: Apr 25 2024, 10:16 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6498622894287109} +{"text": "bukan ada ke tered order makanan kat /k/ baru2 ni. skill penting in bisnes world according to /k/tardspastu boleh pulak bash mamat monaliza ni tak puas hati dgn makanan, entitled kononlol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9927300810813904} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:50 PM)tak jugak ... banyak juga korban achik tgk lembu die meggelupur for like 15mins .. leh nampak air mata die lagi.every year waktu Raya Haji mmg camtu\u00a0 haram liao........no cut carotid artery. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 07:03 PM)u both disagree those raid by justifying their reason to haram things ??...NoI explain why berus is haram and insulin is notI haven't talk about the raid at all ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995594620704651} +{"text": "QUOTE(mafioso @ May 2 2024, 11:28 PM)if very best friend = 0if best friend = 50 also they understand you kacau them saja, later transfer another 100if good friend = 150if acquaintance = just say you are busyIf boss weddding? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999931812286377} +{"text": "\n................yela...ikut selera masing2kan Muntz....setengah orang suka makan kak ...\nnoor2 Post at 9-6-2010 20:26 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Best bihun sup perut...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998870313167572} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ May 3 2024, 07:22 AM)Not good friend?back when ur 20 everyone is good frend. tbh now even some relative mia anak wedding i also no go. don't even see them once in 5 years.QUOTE(wawasan2200 @ May 3 2024, 07:26 AM)last time your wedding they pay how much then you pay back how much with 4% interest to factor in inflationang pow is not free money but rather a borrowing/lending without interestbecause married people tend to have a lot of expenses so this is a you help me i help you spiritkalau expenses banyak buat wedding hotel dinner buat apa? QUOTE(imin @ May 3 2024, 10:19 AM)Malay wedding you don't need to give anything, just come with your family and they'd be more than happy already. When we invite people to our wedding, we just really hope they will come and enjoy the food. No need to give anything, really. But of course we will accept any gifts or money. I think the general acceptance is (at least to most of us) if the gift is non-cash, it will be given to the newly married, but if you give cash, it will be given to the parents who usually will help with their kids' wedding expenses.Again, it won't be a problem/not a norm if you didn't give anything. The problem would be if we invited you but you didn't come\u00a0 malay wedding best. angpow/greenpow i still give but the food i tell you. There is not enough kenduri going around man. i will want to die at 45 eating kenduri everyday (if i xde bini anak that is). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.893054187297821} +{"text": "Pengiktirafan Logo Halal Malaysia \n\nAnda suka melancong ? Macam mana nak tahu makanan dekat luar negara ni halal ke tidak ? Jom tengok video ni, JAKIM ada penjelasannya. \n\nJom Like, Follow & Share#HalalJAKIM #halalmalaysia#JAKIM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "Jangan nampak viral je trus nk pergi n mkn.. tgk dlu ad sijil halal ke x.. bhye tau ... https://t.co/9TkVvnHfeF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9336920976638794} +{"text": "Hehe you just know that if they enforce their own people to get halal cert, most of them will fail and bising \"ditindas oleh bangsa sendiri, di negara sendiri\".That is why they got all type of excuses not to get halal status. \"We already Muslim, of coz we know already what is halal and cleanliness....\"About the \"pork free\" sign. Some meleis (especially T20) dont care, tak apa asalkan no pork. But there are many more others yang red eye seeing their own race helping other race punya business. That's why they keep complaining about \"Pork free\" being confusing. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "Ini sijil halal dan whatever is necessary untuk yakinkan kau bahawa Shihlin di Malaysia halal. Terpampang sijil halal, lesen perniagaan serta gred kebersihan kedai. Apa lagi Melayu nak? Ragu-ragu lah apa lah, jangan makan! Tapi jangan cemuh kami yang suka Shihlin. https://t.co/TzeoStoJVY", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922257661819458} +{"text": "Aku nak buat kumpulan BBB = Belia Benci Baymax.Anyone want to join? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "*\ufdfd\u2022\u0627\u0644\u0633\u064e\u0651\u0644\u0627\u064e\u0645\u064f \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0643\u064f\u0645\u0652 Kami pengusaha belacan jenama DMB Pulau Aman yang ada sijil Halal Jakim dan Mesti dari KKM Kami beroperasi di Kompleks Kilang SmeBank Bukit Minyak Bukit Mertajam Belacan kami ada pelbagai bentuk dan jenis pakaging \u27a1\ufe0fAda paste \u27a1\ufe0fAda ketul \u27a1\ufe0fAda bakar https://t.co/A0Piyq0yRW", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9952475428581238} +{"text": "Please stop talking about BMF. In the long run who offers best product quality for cheapest price win. Even the bodo supporters will forget after 6 months. Back to square one. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995378851890564} +{"text": "QUOTE(guysmiley @ Apr 17 2024, 05:07 PM)this is what i meant by \"difficult to explain and for nons to understand\". i have been saying it few times but you still dont understand. and yes. an expert would be able to explain more properly.so again.. so, that was what \"A Malaysian netizen, Adlina\" did. she was reminding the other person. she was doing her duty as a muslim.do i have a weak faith? may be. fragile? yes. all muslims are. especially these modern days. and every muslim must fight everyday to keep that faith, and keep finding out and learning things that i dont know about.there. tried my best to tell you all in one reply.A good religion asks followers to challenge their faith. Christianity for example never say just obey. It also encourages you to question so your relationship with God is active. Not passive. I give you this link. Do try and understand what I'm trying to say. www.sabrizain.org/malayaHistory of Tanah Malaya doesn't start with Islam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7440456748008728} +{"text": "Waswas kalau ada, simpan sendiri. Jangan dihebah pada umum kecuali ada pembuktian. Tapi kita ni, kita suka hebahkan dan timbulkan keraguan pada orang lain. Berbalik pada perkara pokok, penguasaha makanan ada ISO yang kena patuh. Itupun dah cukup hampir dengan piawai halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9957192540168762} +{"text": "sajat pun dua alam.. Haram ke? mufti tak cakap haram pun.This post has been edited by Joeyskullz: May 6 2018, 02:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(BladeRider @ Feb 23 2023, 10:04 AM)Some people easily confused. Root beer cannot. Must rename.Prezel dog cannot. Must rename.Arabiki sausage cannot. Must rename to Japanese Style Pork SausageNow have 2 different names, they don't have excuse salah makan, Haram! Poor stall owners sell cheap cheap, later gets into trouble for unreasonable causeso now it is ok to do so la? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991956353187561} +{"text": "Makanan macam ni dah jatuh dalam kategori syubhah jadi kalau rasa diri tu ORANG MUSLIM YANG BERIMAN, elakkan makan makanan seperti ini.Islam itu mudah tapi jangan pula ambil mudah semua perkara, akal fikiran Allah dah bagi, ada mufti dan ulama boleh rujuk kalau rasa ragu-ragu.inb4 what is syubhah?QUOTESyubhah (\u0634\u0628\u0647\u0629) menurut Bahasa Arab ialah ragu,was-was atau syak. Secara istilahnya Syubhah ialah perkara yang diragukan sama ada ia halal atau haram. Jika mengikut kaedah syarak\u060c maka perkara syubhah lebih hampir kepada haram. Ini berdasarkan hadith Nabi yang jelas menyebut tentang perkara ini. Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda:\u0625\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0644\u0627\u0644 \u0628\u064a\u0646 \u0648\u0625\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0631\u0627\u0645 \u0628\u064a\u0646 \u0648\u0628\u064a\u0646\u0647\u0645\u0627 \u0623\u0645\u0648\u0631 \u0645\u0634\u062a\u0628\u0647\u0627\u062a \u0644\u0627 \u064a\u0639\u0644\u0645\u0647\u0646 \u0643\u062b\u064a\u0631 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0627\u0633 \u0641\u0645\u0646 \u0627\u062a\u0642\u06cc \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0628\u0647\u0627\u062a \u0641\u0642\u062f \u0627\u0633\u062a\u0628\u0631\u0623 \u0644\u062f\u0646\u064a\u0647 \u0648\u0639\u0631\u0636\u0647 \u0648\u0645\u0646 \u0648\u0642\u0639 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0628\u0647\u0627\u062a \u0648\u0642\u0639 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0631\u0627\u0645 \u0643\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0627\u0639\u064a \u064a\u0631\u0639\u06cc \u062d\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0645\u06cc \u064a\u064a\u0648\u0634\u0643 \u0623\u0646 \u064a\u0631\u062a\u0639 \u0641\u064a\u0647Sesungguhnya yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas. Diantara keduanya ada mutasyabihat (iaitu perkara syubhah) yang mana kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahuinya. Sesiapa yang memelihara diri daripada segala perkara syubhah itu\u060c maka sesungguhnya dia telah membersihkan agama dan kehormatannnya. Dan barangsiapa yang jatuh ke dalam perkara yang syubhah\u060c maka dia telah jatuh ke dalam perkara-perkara yang haram seperti seorang pengembala yang mengembala kambingnya di sekitar kawasan yang terlarang yang mana kambingnya itu hampir-hampir makan rumput di dalamnya. [ Riwayat Al-Bukhari no.52; Muslim no. 1559]Allahua'lam.This post has been edited by MRaef: Jan 7 2020, 09:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982617497444153} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Mar 11 2024, 01:22 PM)majority mean not all muslimand the context is canteen to be open for pupils to eat, not the stallskesianMacam lah semua org ada duit nak makan Kat kantin. Bawah sandwich cost 90sen from home. Also I don't understand why need to eat during the break. Lunch break I faham you need to eat. The four hour break nak makan buat apa. No wonder org msia gemok ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "suka sangat nak jaga tepi kain orang, diorang tak puasa, kamu pulak yang sakit? dengkike? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985785484313965} +{"text": "Tahun ni last aku guna ig tu kot.\nNext year buat ig baru.\nHat tu biar jadi macam online gallery je.\nAku scroll tadi,\nSign up in 2014 kot.\n\nTapi aku suka semua gambar, sharing and feed ig aku tu. Ada makanan, movie and drama reviews, barang/produk yang aku beli, dan aktiviti anak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994307160377502} +{"text": "QUOTE(piscesguy @ Dec 10 2023, 06:01 AM)I took some pictures, not so crowded. The building has some interesting design, in contrast the food court looks cheaply design. Starbucks was too cold inside, step outside suddenly feel hot.\u00a0 Also the toilet not nice compared to Pavilion design. Anyway, I think Pavilion Bukit Jalil is still the best.\u00a0 Why never take leng lui pics? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Nov 19 2023, 06:24 PM)I am 100% sure that most halal high end restaurants and hotel restaurant in our country has non muslim chefs working with them where the christian staff carries cross on their neck and\u00a0 bindi for Hindu females.Inilah kerosakan Malaysia yang memalukan. Sebab tu Malaysia cuma boleh buat bangunan tinggi, jalanraya Besar, etc. Tapi kekal negara membangun, ekonomi ketinggalan, etc selepas puluhan tahun merdeka.This post has been edited by danielmckey: Nov 19 2023, 06:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989522695541382} +{"text": "QUOTE(NEP1971 @ Jun 15 2024, 09:36 PM)Takda ikan salmon pun, camne dapat salmonella infection?Orang kito yang masak, takkan haram and kotor?Ini semua agenda yahudi nak sabotage orang kito#janjihalalAnak saya ni BODOH oangnya. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/8ff51hqrS", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "Setuju jika dapur itu mesti berstatus Halal dan miliki akredatasi Halal untuk penyewa terlibat dalam makanan Halal. Mungkin perlu juga diwajibkan penyewa perlu mamastikan dapur bersih sebelum meninggalkan dapur", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9996598958969116} +{"text": "\nAcong replied at 11-9-2015 09:57 PM\r\nUK tu negara islam kaa????\nMemang bukan negara Islam ... Tapi dia orang ada pilihan kalau nak shopping. Pergilah shopping kat kedai orang Islam. Tapi disebabkan mentality yang berbeza sebab itu jadi macam tu. Cara pembesaran dan Persekitaran yang berbeza sebab itu Melayu lebih special dari orang Islam lain. Tak payah pergi jauh sampai ke barat.. Pergi je Sabah dan Sarawak tu..kita dah boleh nampak orang Islam semenanjung adalah lebih Islam dari orang Islam sana!\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.932094395160675} +{"text": "QUOTE(melt @ Mar 26 2023, 06:17 PM)Keju also got halal?QUOTE(Taikor.Taikun @ Mar 26 2023, 06:24 PM)Halal cheese??QUOTE(deseldag @ Mar 26 2023, 06:24 PM)Damn son, people questioning halal status of Malay store?Maybe one day people will ask mak cik gerai tepi Jalan for halal cert.QUOTE(Efalex @ Mar 26 2023, 07:43 PM)Fermented item halal?MY boleh anything can certified halal, google halal hand sanitizer to find it made in MY. QUOTE(sonypshomer @ Mar 26 2023, 06:38 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abYeah can see they cook in different pot with other cheese and pour into the wheelSo easy to scam. Later hospital bill $5 only. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994500279426575} +{"text": "Hakikatnya rmai kedai makan yg sepatutnya islam mmg kotor\u2026ingat hukum halal je ttg sumber makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9936124682426453} +{"text": "QUOTE(delon85 @ Sep 5 2023, 11:47 AM)You're fine with using taxpayers money for redundant work, okWhether in an efficient or slow manner; as long they are not being ignorant and go extra miles for the sake of public, they shall proceed. I do not refer extra care to Muslim community but everyone. \"Only dirty food joint have the best food\" - A thing Malaysian proud of. Public who like the idea is giving them money. Therefore they are not poor to begin with in maintaining a hygienic makan place. QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Sep 5 2023, 12:23 PM)amon_meinz said dulu it costs him thousands of ringgits but didn't say exact amount. Dude is Malay Muslim btw applying for his food business.amon_meinz mintak pencerahan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/3bIjoMlFU", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5663690567016602} +{"text": "QUOTE(GloryKnight @ Dec 30 2015, 09:34 AM)on a side note, their seafood cheap and some are tastily nice. Don't go for haram ones.boleh kena gout x? hahaQUOTE(viole @ Dec 30 2015, 09:36 AM)halal food is quite expensive. rm40 for chicken chop + milo ais. or rm20 for nasi ayam. after those meal, i straight away ban all halal food.haha, what's their best desert? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9893831610679626} +{"text": "QUOTE(XP750 @ Mar 10 2024, 10:56 PM)best example is sjkcsee what happens when nons money goes back to nons?but for oren how many billions allocated but progress still itu machem je....ExactlyNot to mention some nons even donate to build better schools.I still rmb smk that time, my form 2 have 4 months no BM teacher.OJ want the benefits of harom, but non of the drawbacks. Is almost like stealing but hey, is tax money they call. Let's separate it then, make it as clear and as divided as possible. I sincerely don't want my dear friends to get their hands dirty if U really ask me my conscience. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99982750415802} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Aug 17 2023, 05:56 PM)Not new, my friend took me to try nearly 20 years back.edit: early 2000s, or late 90s can't rememberThere is a shop in SS2 that sells this together with bak kut teh. I think it\u2019s called Mungo Jerry. Quite popular bak kut teh shop as it has been operating at SS2 for a very long time. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997811913490295} +{"text": "QUOTE(11c @ Dec 1 2023, 09:24 AM)*Persatuan Restoran Mamak Malaysia (PRMM) has 17,351 restaurants in Malaysia. They have been donating RM 10/mth to Dr. Zakir Naik. Monthly fixed income given to him at RM175,000.00 every month not only to destroy unity of this Nation but also to propogate Islamic values to non-muslim natives.* Spending your money by patronising in Mamak Restaurants is indirectly helping this India's wanted FUGITIVE to destroy our peaceful Nation. \ud83d\ude21*Let us Boycott all Mamak Restaurants nationwide with immediate effect*.Please viral this message.quoted for LOD. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998537302017212} +{"text": "Using electronic cigarettes, also known as Vape, is now haram for Muslims, the National Fatwa Council has decreed, Utusan Malaysia reported today.The council's chairman Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abd Shukor Husin said the decision was based on laws that were used against shisha, also known as water pipes or hookahs.\"We have discussed the issue of cigarettes and shisha and we can equate it with the Vape. Firstly, it is dangerous, second, it is wasteful and third, it is detrimental to health. So when the effects are the same, we have declared it as haram,\" he was quoted as saying.\"We have decided and there is no problem (with the fatwa). In fact, the Health Ministry has informed that they are waiting for (findings) from experts but we have gone ahead because fundamentally, if it is detrimental and wasteful, then we cannot agree to something like that.\"On July 17, 2013, the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs said that shisha or water-pipe smoking was haram for Muslims.It had said then that shisha smoking would have a detrimental effect in the health of the individual, national economic growth and shaping of future generations.The committee found that all scientific findings from comprehensive studies in the country and internationally proved that shisha smoking was bad for health, and its widespread practice, particularly among youths and women, was worrying.The Vape, or electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) are battery-powered vaporisers that simulates the feeling of smoking, but without the tobacco combustion.Last week, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam was reported as saying that smoking using shisha, electronic cigarettes or Vaping devices should be temporarily stopped until findings on the risks are announced in two months\u2019 time.He said the ministry was in discussions with various agencies and related parties to get their views on the effects these methods of smoking have on health.\"From the ministry's viewpoint, we deem these to be also smoking but just using different methods. The smokers will experience the usual effects of smoking except that the tar content might be lower while the nicotine effect remains the same.\"Don't make it (shisha or electronic cigarette smoking) a habit or think it is fashionable,\" he had warned. \u2013 August 18, 2015.- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysi...h.yag4QJ0B.dpufmany people cainis utensil don't wanna use, gay they bash as haram etc. Vape pula camne ye? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987683892250061} +{"text": "Hm pls guys, jangan main\u00b2 bab halal makanan .. I as student halal, just nak bagitahu status Halal Toblerone ni ad pengesahan Halal dari Badan Pensijilan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Even packaging dia x de halal Malaysia but u guys jngn ragu, dia blh makan https://x.com/ipanneko/statu/ipanneko/status/1273776768713814016\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998550415039062} +{"text": "viral at kppk la... kasi kena saman ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998595714569092} +{"text": "@RunningManGo2 Boleh tahu ttg status sijil halal @RunningManGo2 ? Last time i remembered still pending. Ade any good news x? \ud83d\ude0a", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9897900223731995} +{"text": "Baru pergi hari tu \ud83d\ude1e takpalah time tu yakin sebab ada sijil halal. https://t.co/e6UTGQf0Ov", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9946157336235046} +{"text": "QUOTE(nobrainer86 @ Dec 7 2023, 12:22 AM)No as per ikanbilis the correct way is buat Bodo, don't bother preparing, then go cry father mother in socmed when mistreated.well hes not wrong. in an ideal world, its best if everyone can converse freely with everyone able to understand each other.but then again, its the same sentiment as being in the UK and not being able to speak english to these government servant. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999436140060425} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironmaid89 @ Oct 3 2016, 10:08 AM)Bergelar Muslim sejak empat tahun lalu langsung tidak menghakis identiti Marzuki Phang, 39, dan kini dia cuba mempopularkan makanan masyarakatnya dengan memasarkan kuih chang halal kepada orang ramai.Marzuki berazam mahu menjadikan kuih berkenaan sebagai makanan orang Malaysia sama seperti mi wantan yang digemari ramai.Berkaitan kuih chang, Marzuki berkata, ia boleh dianggap sama seperti ketupat daun palas yang popular dalam kalangan orang Melayu, cuma bezanya ialah daripada aspek pembungkusan, saiz, resipi dan bahan asalnya.Menurut Marzuki, kuih chang agak asing dalam kalangan orang Melayu berikutan makanan dihasilkan daripada beras pulut itu biasanya menggunakan inti diperbuat daripada bahan tidak halal.\u201cSaya belajar cara menghasilkan kuih chang daripada kenalan selama empat bulan dan bersyukur kerana usaha ini berhasil. Saya mula memasarkan kuih chang halal ke seluruh negeri ini sejak Jun lalu.\u201cPada awalnya, jualan tidak begitu memberangsangkan kerana kurang popular dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu, malah ada yang was-was untuk memakannya kerana risau ia dihasilkan menggunakan bahan tidak halal.\u201cNamun selepas diberi penjelasan mengenai intinya dan memaklumkan saya juga seorang Muslim, jumlah pelanggan meningkat. Ia saya anggap sebagai rezeki Allah SWT selepas berhenti kerja di sebuah syarikat pembekal minuman ringan,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di Taman Pandan Mawar, di sini, kelmarin.Menurut Marzuki, berikutan masih baru, dia mempromosikan kuih itu menerusi laman sosial Facebook (FB) dan melakukan penghantaran dari rumah ke rumah ke semua daerah di negeri ini termasuk hingga ke Jasin.Katanya, setiap bungkus kuih chang dijual pada harga RM5 dan setiap hari, dia menerima antara 20 hingga 30 tempahan daripada pelanggan tetap termasuk masyarakat Melayu.\u201cBanyak dugaan yang saya tempuhi dalam perniagaan terutama mahu meyakinkan serta mengubah persepsi pelanggan. Saya berazam mahu jadikan kuih chang sebagai makanan orang Malaysia.\u201cKetika ini, kuih chang dipasarkan menggunakan inti ayam dengan campuran cendawan. Saya bercadang mempelbagaikan lagi inti termasuk menggunakan kacang merah dan rendang. Selain mencari rezeki halal, ini cara saya memperkenalkan makanan masyarakat Tionghua kepada orang ramai,\u201d katanya.http://www.hmetro.com.my/node/171111Hari hari tionghua tionghua.. bodoh writter.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8398861289024353} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Mar 12 2024, 07:53 AM)Thats why srjk the best. No discriminationSome people : No discrimination is \"racist\" because you are fair to everyone and that is unfair. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999948263168335} +{"text": "@20sensekupang apa nk dikecohkan nya.. kita sesame islam kan kena saling mengingati n berpesan2.. ada org hnya menyampaikn yg kedai sekian2 blum ada sijil halal. tu je. pastu ada yg triggered lebih smpai kdai mkcik nsi lmak pun kena, ada yg trus claim haram. demm son", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999980092048645} +{"text": "QUOTE(LivingActive @ Feb 27 2018, 12:35 PM)Hi, What ur opinion working at company like Mudah.my that enable their user post ad selling let say dog for pet? The halal haramOther example, liquor and its accessoriesTalibans will paranoid.I know someone work in UK, ask in our whatsapp group, ok or not since she work as their accountant, process conventional loan, got riba so haram or not her income? Always sound takut2, b but but riba, ok or not? Ok or not? Wtf la, islam ask people to cannot think? She only want people to tell her what she wanna hear, orang da jawab it's alrite, still b b but haram rite? Riba haram rite?If sked so much, why not resign, and come back, yet still hypocrite wanna earn kafir income. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?It's actually easier for you to be a muslim in angmoh country than in Msia despite the rise of islamophobia in those countries. Just today, a lady was harrased in NYC. NYPD moved swiftly and classified it as a hate crime......in msia? A whole bunch of monyet merah beat up a bunch of innocent passer-by at lowyat and nothing was done. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999328851699829} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 07:44 PM)what non-muslim right is being infringed?it's just a simple issue of properly labelling some items.yes the raid was done overzealously, I already commented that it's wrong but they have stopped it.yet it's the unaffected non-muslims who are still harping too much on the issue while the actual traders are either complying of calmly negotiating with the govt./kpdnkk on how best to solve the issue.i even expected the raid to continue becos that's what the UMNO/BN want (the overreaction from nons) but they actually for once stopped the raids before the more level headed muslims voiced out their objection.what more do you want?you want them to continue winning?cos non-muslim is being forced to \"accommodate\" and be \"tolerant\" to special snowflakeyou expect the trader to voice out loudly?simply delaying renewing their business license can fck up their lifethey are indirectly forced to comply, at their own expensethe raid and confiscation already affected their livelihoodand regardless whether the trader actually voice out or not (which they have actually, just not that vocal)this is wrong.and we are allowed to voice outthis is not a life/death issue like peanut allergy the buyer can always ask the material origin, and if clear, bear with me here, maybe they can just don't buy it?if we give in to every consideration, next people will ask for wood product to be labelled if it's FSC originor vegetable sold in supermarket are organicor whether this chicken if free range or farmall because they want label for their conveniencePeople have to voice out loudly to create a bigger backlash so that the authority will think twice before they issue retarded commandsif we always play it down, they can just stir up issue whenever they wantbecause there is hardly any backlashand affected or not, we can not embolden them by keeping quietwho knows, they might try again with different issuemaybe segregate muslim and non-muslim trolley? (oh wait, that had already happened)maybe segregate muslim and non-muslim seating area? (oh wait, that had already happened)maybe segregate muslim and non-muslim usage of facilities? (oh wait, that had already happened)what more do you want?you want them to continue winning?and if you are a muslim yourself, maybe you should voice out more often so that this kind of bullshit doesn't happen so oftenThis post has been edited by stormsea7: Feb 11 2017, 08:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9204221963882446} +{"text": "Puak confuse... Any item related to type c can cause confuse and haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "Just to let the nons know, the business was set up primarily to fund a religious school. If u have reservations against it, thats fine. Thats your right as customer. I personally welcome such initiative, rather than relying on donations and external fundings.They dont have very good PR admin, biasalah, all new businesses got problems. Maybe some have made racist remarks here and there, biasalah, /k tard lagi teruk, dont be hypocretes. Only difference nobody knows who u are, so u can be keyboard racist warrior all u want.Titik saya ialah, if u dont like the them, just dont go there. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9254418015480042} +{"text": "If don't put later kena teruk teruk.... We are more talibun than talibun ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2023, 08:43 AM)Sangat berbaloi, but then also, you need to join a big corp, I give you example, a Senior Procurement Manager, my N-1, her annual pay is RMB 845k (12+1 month basic) not inclusive of benefits, that is around RM 55k a month.I don't think you can find a Senior Procurement Director role in Malaysia with that kind of Pay-package. But of course you are in Shanghai, with that kind of pay package, you will need to save money and also invest wisely.CNY to myr is 0.65...Her salary just approx 45k before any cut..House, food, tax etc is highest in Asia...she just a middle income person...\ud83d\ude01. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "Ni soal sijil halal. Kedai yg tiada sijil halal bukan bermakna kedai itu haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999074935913086} +{"text": "eh iya, ini kalo misalnya tersesat di hutan dan gaada makanan halal sama sekali ya. kalau masih ada bekal atau makanan yang sekiranya halal disekitar situ maka hukumnya tetap haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998811483383179} +{"text": "tak dpt sijil HALAL bukan bererti HARAM.\n\nMemang Xing Fu Tang dpt pensijilan drpd THIDA dan badan itu diiktiraf oleh JAKIM.\n\nTp autoriti kita masih xberi pensijilan HALAL.\n\nPensijilan HALAL bukan sekadar lihat drpd mana asal produk, utk penyediaan makanan dia mesti melalui-", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992139339447021} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Dec 15 2023, 11:15 AM)lol tengah sembang menteri palestinkau tarik LKS Karpal apa sal? nak derail thread la tu....who said menteri spend 5min effort ONLY? YOUwhen kena pointed out...derail apa LKS pulokkkkkkkkkkkThis is a Pos Malaysia effort.You suka stamp, or you nak support Palestine, go ahead.You tak sukak, don't buy.Why lar u so butthurt about a minister being there?Like that any event, if a minister turns up, you also butthurt?!tak dapat jadi menteri is ok. cuba lagi lain kali lor, still young mah. LKS until old also no chance, Karpal until pass away also no chance. don't be so bitter. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5965498685836792} +{"text": "QUOTE(tolongking @ Nov 5 2023, 08:09 PM)Sure it isn\u2019t. I\u2019m saying I wouldn\u2019t want to develop a close relationship with someone who goes to the extreme on halalness. Let\u2019s face it, how unhalal vegetables can be?It\u2019s important to have a sense of proportion and not make our lives more difficultUr life or the other? Cool, keep up with that attitude in a muslim majority country.Did I say vegetables are haram? The issue is how they are prepared or cooked. Don't twist things.Trouble with u guys is you like to talk about things u don't have any understanding about. When we tell u how it is, u don't want to listen because u r already the experts on the subject. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8163257837295532} +{"text": "ajak keluar beli jajan/makanan yg dia suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "@kakkumei @rinasurianii Tealive ada sijil halal so basically jakim and tealive buat kerja haram lar sbb halalkan benda haram. Kalau tersebar, jgn pulak delete if jakim and tealive dtg cari. Nak dpt sijil halal ni susah tau sbb strict.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lumiaaa @ May 21 2016, 08:32 PM)what's the point of the sign anywayI\u00a0 don't seafood restaurant put No land animals signSomehow this no pork sign happens to be popular here More than a no beef signthe point is to tell customer \"no pork\" would be serve,... duh ??.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9926217794418335} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 17 2016, 10:09 PM)kita tak tahu, tak lalui proses pensijilan tu. macam mana nak tahu mereka memang tak membantu? dan dibangkitkan baru ini - lebih banyak non-muslim mendapatkan pensijilan berbanding muslim sendiri. tersebut juga yang ada banyak consultancy berkenaan pensijilan halal ni.macam nak dapatkan ISO juga, mana aci mengelat. either fulfil, or not fulfil. black or white, no gray area. benda halal haram berkait amal ibadat, berkait akhlak. kalaulah agama lain ada sesuatu yang boleh memberi kesan masuk neraka atau syurga, tentu penganut agama lain juga akan jadi fussy, itu boleh, ini tak boleh.Yeh, actually kita smua patut tau kan? Yg kami tau hanya byk controversy sebelum ni berkenaan sijil halal, bukan kali pertama isu beginiGolden churn, cadbury dan mcm2 lg.Nampak lepas tu ko defend approach yg fussy dan punitive, single track mind betul. Jangan tau memaksa dan mendenda sj, patut encourage org mendekati industri halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9921844601631165} +{"text": "PETALING JAYA: A self-service launderette in Muar, Johor is limiting its clientele to Muslim customers only.The matter first came to light when a photo, believed to have been taken at the launderette, showing an 'Only For Muslims' sign went viral on social media.The sign also asked customers to remove their shoes before entering the premises.The 40-year-old operator, who was interviewed by a Chinese daily on Saturday, said he was just carrying out his duty as a Muslim.He said he welcomed Chinese and Indian Muslims to his launderette and that non-Muslims could visit other nearby launderettes.He, however, declined to comment on whether he had imposed the rules as he worried that there might be \"unclean\" elements such as dog fur on the clothes non-Muslims brought to his launderette.The operator also did not allow the Chinese daily reporter to take his photo.Meanwhile, a Malay daily reported Johor mufti Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin as saying that the launderette's move was commendable as cleanliness is a priority for Muslims.SOSEDIT 1 : Mufti Perlis, Dr MAZA has condemned the \"Muslim only\" laundrette saying:\u201cAll these narrow-mindedness will take the country down the path to extremism, and we will lose the balance to live in a multi-religious and multi-cultural society,\u201d he said.\"I would like to advise Muslims that if the origins of a thing is clean, that there is no sign of dirt (najis), be it through its colour, smell or taste, then the thing is considered clean.\"Never easily assume and make judgements (so much so) until the \"dirt\" (najis) is clearly seen,\" he said.SOSThis post has been edited by jishu: Sep 25 2017, 11:39 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5113044381141663} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 21 2019, 07:28 PM)then bread is haram,.. got arak...yela yela haram.. puas hati takdah pergi minum todi sampai ko mabuk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999440908432007} +{"text": " barangan haram sedikit..so wajar cop haram..maknanya jakim kna buat kajian smua produk makanan utk tentukan cop haram #jp12", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6247928738594055} +{"text": "Benda boleh jadi halal selagi tidak dibuktikan haram. Tp utk mengelakkan keraguan ofkos la perlu semak sijil halal. Kalau rasa benda tu haram toksah la beli. Tp kalau terang2 dah nama dia pon cina hg nak beli buat apa? Cari la yg lain.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995637536048889} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 16 2024, 04:11 PM)tasted dim sum before.not gonna eat again. weird taste to me.melayu masak \"char\" koayteow, tapi banjir.Try Dolly Dim SumYeah purists may say no pork no kick but some of the best dishes like prawn dumpling and ccf and custard buns as well as fried raddish cakes are non porkIts not bad, brought guests before but price point a bit on the high side ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993684887886047} +{"text": "Tak payah buat palatao la. Kan boss j. co donut malaysia dah kata senang je apply sijil halal ni. 13 kedai dia boleh handle sijil halal apalah sangat kalau setakat sebiji kilang biskut. https://t.co/A3k6p5zxYh", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7736469507217407} +{"text": "Jangan risau losyen majraha maxwhite bukan losyen sembarangan. Ribuan testimoni sejak 2012 . Ada kelulusan KKM, SIRIM & sijil pengesahan HALAL dari\u2026 https://t.co/tErRlTuvax", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9858022332191467} +{"text": "QUOTE(Voblov Yuri @ Sep 26 2016, 10:12 AM)Very difficult to see both Chinese couple still adopting chinese lifestyle. Due to Malaysia ulama and those oztas preaching, uphold malay and arob as the suci and real muslim. It's all depend on nation mentality. I see Nigerians, Moroccons, Ethiopians Muslim they live like their country style, you don't see them live like malay. I got friends who are Chinese, bajow, dayak who are convert, they abandoned their own race identity, cut off connection from their own blood family because of religion. Don't even bother come back to visit their parents when their parents died, they said it's haram.That is because they don't understand Islam. Either forced by marriage or got conned. hehe.. just saying, if they had understand the Quran, then they will know how to tell those ulama off. Go to China and see the muslim there. Don't visit their parents is already \"Berdosa\", because their \"syurga\" is under their parent's feet, be it \"kafir\" or not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9943742752075195} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Feb 3 2024, 11:02 AM)nutrients and enzymes also made from animal,... non of them declare what animal from,..without serum and antibiotics,.. the industries willing to bear the lost of spoilt batch when the successful rate\u00a0 become much much\u00a0 lower ???Yes. I understand what your meant. Therefore in order to be halal certified all of this component must be confirmed to be halal and it is similar to the process of applying halal cert in the restaurant and yes it is possible as the Islamic ruling on this have been discussed thoroughly and there are countless papers produced from this you may refer those I've suggested even ruling for GMO'S and contrary to popular beliefs it have been discussed earlier. Up to the industry actually comply and of course there will be due process from the auditors. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9899605512619019} +{"text": "QUOTE(kmrdeva @ Jul 8 2024, 11:10 PM)Share location and name of this restaurant please.QUOTE(xHj09 @ Jul 9 2024, 05:01 AM)Rim rua Macam different from what TS posted right?I had it back in 2022 dec. Really worth every penny.. can even order them to cook. My favorite was the plum sauce deep fried prawns.. most importantly they help bbq the prawns also. Damn\u2026 time to arrange another trip again.Downside is there hard to get grab if very late. I remember I waited like 30 mins. In the end gave up and use InDrive also waited for awhile..QUOTE(IamBlind @ Jul 9 2024, 07:33 AM)name of restaursnt no share and location... ini mesti tak mahu org pergiBuffet Rimnam Mookata And Seafood Hatyai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8393884301185608} +{"text": "itu aku self reward sendiri bjirr((beli makanan yg aku suka))", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998100399971008} +{"text": "\nmakadek replied at 22-7-2022 12:34 PM\nWine je pn bkn mabuk\nKo minum coke pun boleh mabuk...does that mean coke iteww haram?\n\r\nKo musti paham...'agama' baru org org kita hari ini....BABI IS A DEFINITE NO NO NO...dan pada perkara syubhah yg lain,\u00a0\u00a0interpretasi masing masing....\n\r\nKo pulak mahzab yg macam mana?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998999834060669} +{"text": "Copy each other is normal - from food to assignment.But for food it wont work because of cultural taste difference.Chinese nasi kandar - you will not get good business out of it because chinese seldom eat nasi kandar - at least not craving it. Other races definitely not due to halal issue.The same for malay cooking on chinese recipe - it just wont suit the malay tastebud.Of course the taste might not be awesome too. Which is why some need to viral it.It just wont be attractive enough for your own community. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997826218605042} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bosskurap @ Jul 26 2019, 04:49 PM)It will always goes down to a personal bias. U say 2 different things, if the table is turned meleis will also say 2 different thing. Both are actually the same. Both bodohTIL giving you more choice and taking away choice is \"actually the same\"You pergi KFC minta sayap drumstick paha dadaIs actually the same asYou pergi KFC, orang counter kata \"burger je ada\"WOWWhat's wrong with selling Heineken 0%? Dahlah 0% alcohol so takkan mabuk, apa lagi lu mau? Oh, ada puak kata camtu pun tak boleh. Okay then dont drink, begitu senang jeNi tidakFirst2 kena ada regulation ini, regulation itu, buat menyusahkan orang. Kalau nons kena ada sijil ni sijil tu, kalau orang kita takpe2 - nampak tak permainan tuKemudian sikit2 pun trigger kata INI MENGELIRUKAN Plus kena jadi batu api kata INI AGENDA NONS NAK PAKSA MUSLIM MINUM ARAK, JAHAT SIAL SI NONS NIentahlah betul2 ada agenda ke apa, fitnah dulu, kerana matlamat menghalalkan fitnah Tambahan pula hipokrit lagi sebab alcohol tapai makan kenyang, tapi minuman 0% TRIGGERRRR!^ this is the status of Islam in Malaysia. It's all a game. A game to make as much trouble for the other side as possible, that's all.QUOTE(sanwaltz @ Jul 26 2019, 05:11 PM)I've shared my views and you've shared yours.inb4 tak perlupun keluar \"jangan dipersoal\" remark in the end.You have your views and I have mineBut in the end only 1 view is accepted, and the loser is made to feel like the evil enemyWelcome to MalaysiaThis post has been edited by KLthinker91: Jul 26 2019, 05:13 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999010562896729} +{"text": "Zus pun dah diiktiraf Halal. Awak ingat senang senang ke JAKIM nak bagi Halal dekat premis makanan minuman. Bukan setakat menu & ingredients je dia tengok. Nama, logo semua termasuk yaaa https://x.com/96leeji/status/96leeji/status/1723669621981778128\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "Konfius with type-M punya thinking.Kejap puji bangla punya BM lebih baik dari type-CPastu nak usir pulak Bangla dari negara ni.Bukan patut bangga meh ada warga asing yang good in BM can replace type-C?Apa yang korunk nak har??This post has been edited by United Rulez: May 1 2024, 06:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996688187122345} +{"text": "QUOTE(sharpex @ Sep 25 2017, 12:09 PM)paling teruk, bawak pet anjing masuk dobi. orang datang mahu cuci baju, tapi pet dia buat orang rasa tak selesa. anjing betul. Then letak la \"Animals not allowed\" tapi jangan pula letak kucing dalam washing machine. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "\r\nmzz sorang je ke rasa tesco murah?\n\r\ntapi yang akak ni fefeeling dipermainkan naik menyampah pula mzz baca. ada tak akak buat complain dekat store manager tu? ke kaka dengan penuh rasa amarah terus snap pic and post dekat fb lepas tu terus keluar dengan hidung berdengus dan telinga berasap?\n\r\nyang klorin sebelah air minum tu memang tak boleh blah. dibuatnya adik2 kecil hooligan yang suka main buka minum ja mau mampus dekat situ juga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7951184511184692} +{"text": "Ramai pelabur China me\u00adnunjukkan minat mendalam untuk melabur di Malaysia dalam projek kerajaan terutamanya bidang pembinaan, sektor halal, hartanah serta industri berkait teknologi seperti elektrik dan elektronik.Naib Persatuan Perhubungan Perdagangan Antarabangsa China-Malaysia (Macita), Lee Teck Meng berkata, pihaknya me\u00adnerima maklum balas positif daripada para pelabur dan usahawan China yang berminat mencari peluang pelaburan di negara ini.Jelasnya, rata-rata pelabur mahu menyertai projek berkaitan dan bekerjasama dengan syarikat terutama yang diberikan projek oleh kerajaan.\u201cRamai juga menunjukkan minat untuk melabur dalam bidang teknologi memandangkan Malaysia merupakan hab pembuatan barangan elektrik dan elektronik antarabangsa. Mereka secara khusus memberitahu kami bahawa mereka mahu mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai sektor ini dan melabur.\u201cSetakat ini, China merupakan rakan dagang terbesar Malaysia manakala bagi China, Malaysia pula merupakan rakan dagang terbesar dari ASEAN,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata demikian dalam sidang akhbar pengumuman penganjuran Forum Ekonomi Laluan Sutera Malaysia China 2016 oleh Macita pada 3 hingga 5 September depan di sini hari ini.Forum tersebut dijangka menarik lebih 150 wakil perniagaan daripada persatuan perniagaan dan industri China dengan sesi suai padan perniagaan dan rangkaian akan menjadi tarikan utama acara tersebut.Seramai 30 wakil perniagaan daripada pelbagai persatuan seperti Dewan Perniagaan Me\u00adlayu, Persatuan Penanam Buah-buahan dan mereka yang terlibat dalam pembinaan, bangunan, percetakan dan tekstil juga akan menyertai forum tersebut.Menariknya, majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Usahawan Antarabangsa juga akan berlangsung pada forum tersebut bagi mengiktiraf penggiat industri terbaik dalam pelbagai sektor seperti pembinaan, perkhidmatan, halal serta makanan dan minuman.Sementara itu, Teck Meng yang juga Penasihat Sekretariat Pembangunan Usaha\u00adwan Malaysia (SA\u00adME) berkata, ahli perniagaan China turut berminat terhadap kerjasama de\u00adngan penggiat industri halal dan hartanah di Malaysia.Menurutnya, kedudukan Ma\u00adlaysia yang strategik turut menjadi tumpuan kepada China dan negara-negara lain untuk mengembangkan pasaran ma\u00adsing-masing.\u201cUsahawan Malaysia boleh menggunakan pengilang-pengilang dari China untuk mengeluarkan produk-produk halal bagi memenuhi pasaran dan permintaan dunia. Kita mahu menembusi pasaran dua bilion penduduk Islam dunia dan de\u00adngan menjadi hab halal, hasrat itu dijangka dapat dicapai,\u201d ujarnya.http://www.utusan.com.my/bisnes/ekonomi/pe...laysia-1.368195 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9445275664329529} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Nov 5 2023, 05:11 PM)When a restaurant puts out \"pork free\" it is what it says. \"I never said halal. My restaurant is pork free. Up to you to come eat or not\"Did the restaurant go and drag muslims into the shop? Did they point a gun at you force you to eat there? Did it claim it is halal you can makan tanpa was was?Ini macam oso tak paham??? Whyyyyyyy la SOME of you muslims so bodo wan??? Or not bodo just want to stir shit?For them, semua mesti ada black and white, halal and non halal, must be explicitly shown.Cannot live outside of Malaysia liddat ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999487400054932} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Nov 24 2023, 03:27 PM)Yes. Some 7-11 also tak jual. Let's say if I went into 7-11 and buy Milo, I did not partake in the transaction of alcohol. If I jadi rider tapi beli makanan kedai cina in which masak with arak idk then haram. Then again for the 7-11 worker when jual arak he/she dah buat bad deed. Then again it's not a crime in this country and Allah knows best his/her situation. Some people cari rezeki macam tu. Dia boleh je nak jual arak sebab that's part of his/her job (haram jual arak but that puts food on the table) but don't go make Lyn account and say it's halal because that is another sin.Deswai in Giant you see Non halal section got their own counter in which to separate the transaction of alcohol and in our country including babi.why didn't boikot Milo? future curry in the making here ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945874214172363} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.Bodoh punya racist otak penulis apa lanjia Carater.QUOTEIni dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Bodoh ini layak tulis tentang kereta? Dia ada tak pandu Iriz dan Persona 2019 compared to 2016? Over 200 improvements in the car including major improvement like elimination of cabin droning, improved response etc.Masih sama macam dulu? Banggang!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997424483299255} +{"text": "Maria ril tapi dia lagi suka direct beli makanan dari luar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996863603591919} +{"text": "dah tulis babi there, still ask halal?it is like asking bak kut teh seller, \" eh you halal or not? got apply cert?\"then authority reply \" not halal and cannot apply cert\".Is that even news worthy to the media?Or running out of news? Journalist not fulfill quota, so main hentam anything as long as cukup news?You dont need a ustaz to tell you babi is haram or not haram.Just ask anyone on the street, they can certify babi is haram.This post has been edited by Newsray: Sep 10 2020, 05:53 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999908208847046} +{"text": "tak perlu ragu\u00b2 untuk amal PINKLADY. Alhamdulillah pinklady ada sijil halal dari jakim & dapat Kelulusan dari KKM \u2714 Produk selamat \u2714 Produk berkesan Jgn was\u00b2 lagi untuk cuba pinklady product all in one \u2764 Berminat untuk order Whatsapp : https://t.co/xg645lVT8e", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5500127673149109} +{"text": "Hasil ujian DNA makanan di Kementerian Kesihatan juga perlu pengesahan status halal oleh #Jakim?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9994814991950989} +{"text": "QUOTE(overlimit @ Nov 13 2023, 02:28 PM)Bila mau turun hargo? Masih mahai!RM9 for nasi lemak pleasebro why you go mcd eat nasi lemak? i thought only tourist do this just get their chicken and maybe a burger if you want carbsNL go for botak, its the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "Nak anak jd hufaz tak perlu masuk pas. Hantr sekolah tahfiz. Amal makanan yg bersih dan halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9868141412734985} +{"text": "As much as this is very touching, giving out blue card like this is a bad precedence. So means indon should just go viral to get blue ic? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997515082359314} +{"text": "not surprised coming from then...thats what they do best- like palestine taliban - kill concert people and get bitch slap in real life. then cry father mother after getting smack till death.This post has been edited by badmilk: Feb 1 2024, 10:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999289512634277} +{"text": "biarlah apa yang orang kata yang penting jaga makan minum kerana makanan yang tidak halal/bersih menjadi darah daging boleh mempengaruhi banyak benda tak elok, ya allah peliharalah diriku daripada bermudah-mudahan dalam pekara halal haram", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998195767402649} +{"text": "QUOTE(Joeyskullz @ May 6 2018, 02:25 PM)sajat pun dua alam.. Haram ke? mufti tak cakap haram pun.wonder who wants eat sajat ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "For me. I never try if influencer or any type food review ckp this sedap this berbaloi dkt any socmed. Aku akan pergi kedai yg ramai Chinese makan (except non halal restaurants). Kalau ramai Chinese means sedaplah tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9900810122489929} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Dec 21 2023, 11:31 PM)hiring practice kut, if you see Spades or other haram style restaurants still got cina flippers.more like wage structure issue ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986617565155029} +{"text": "Boba tea haram takda sijil halal.. curi susu tin lori accident halal.. https://t.co/u6oaw7Xr99", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:21 PM)Hai dupe Even in prophet time they still collect tax from jews, whats the problem?Like i said, clueless, you guys dont know how halal haram works, its not thaat straight forward and simplistic to be explained in laymans term.Duh, they use the same machine of course. Like in halal kitchen, u cant use ANY KNIFE that were used to cut pig meat or non halal stuff in that kitchen, no matter how sanitized it was.I know later some faggots will go to other extreme cases like hospitals etc. Which is very tiring to explain the classification on halal haram justification based on hadisth, quran, and fatwa.So it isnt that straight forward, this is why people are paying thousands to get experts and auditors in guiding them on how to get halal certs.Dah le tu. Hang nak taksub sangat tu kenapa? Pegi tengok balik ape yang menentukan haram halal. Lepas tu ko nak khutbah kat sini sukati ko la.Ko dengan pengetua tahfiz tu 2x5. Takyah reply aku. Aku takde mood nak layan benda merepek malam ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999241828918457} +{"text": "QUOTE(w19 @ Apr 17 2024, 03:10 AM)MY VS SG (17 April 2024)Beach = MY (Top 10 best scuba diving in the world, Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island)Car = MY (Cost to own a car are low)Career = MY (Malaysian hardly on top even you are excellent, SG citizen always first.)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abCasino = SG (Better rate)Culture = MY (Malaysian love holiday)Dessert = MY (We have world champion 2019)Education = SG (Merit n QS)Fairness = SG (Merit not Color)Food = MY (SG people love MY food so much)Forest = MY (Second n Third oldest rain forests in the world, Borneo Lowland & Taman Negara)Fruit = MY (We have Musang King)Gangster = SG (Fully control by Gov)Girl = Same (Money)Gov = SG (Merit)Income Tax = SG (24%)Money = SG (1 SGD = RM3.51)Mountain = MY (We have Mount KK)Property = MY (I dont like stay in bird nest)Prostitution = SG (Legal)Public Transport = SG (On time)Racism = SG (No Akmal, Boycott, Carpet, Halal, Mcd, Shoe, Sock, Starbucks.....problem)Religion = SG (They not really care)Safety = SG (A country run by law)Work life balance = Same (Both also Big No)P/S: Culture, Race n Religion is SCAM.My experience is different. If you have the talent, ability, qualifications and knowledge they are looking for, you\u2019ll climb, regardless of color or nationality \u2026 Also, I don\u2019t live in a pigeon hole in Singapore, and 3 of my 4 cars are Porsches, so your other statements about house and cars are also somewhat incorrectThis post has been edited by hksgmy: Apr 17 2024, 07:11 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998914003372192} +{"text": "QUOTE(toothgnasher @ Aug 27 2016, 01:41 PM)Berniaga mcm tu perlu permit. Perlu lesen. Buat makanan pun perlu sijil halal. Perlu supplier yg ada sijil halal. Sebelum start semua ni kena bayar. Sepatutnya dia patur bertrima kasih sebab pihak berkuasa tutup sebelah matajangan lupa register dan caj gst. ada potensi revenue rm500k/yr. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999037981033325} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 01:30 PM)who's taliban bro... kasi clear view sikit la.Use your brain. Kalau Ada la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977846741676331} +{"text": "Fine mesti tak bayar punya. Must impose public caning. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.931644082069397} +{"text": "bank interest haram oso wat but not taken seriously as food ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "Tak kesah, masalah luar negara yang tidak kenal mengenal dengan kita lebih penting daripada kehidupan kitaThis post has been edited by stupiak07: Nov 10 2023, 09:02 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9828351140022278} +{"text": "Makanan Sekarang Dah Takde Berkat Walaupun Ada Sijil Halal Jakim - Ustaz... https://youtu.be/Cs3AgCD1maY via #ustazbadlishah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985615611076355} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Mar 6 2024, 07:52 AM)Deswai I said in bkt terms la. Yuk Kuat Cha in cantonese. Yuk Kuat everybody knows is meaty pork ribs. In bkt it's always pork unless specified like chi kut teh. You guys have been arguing it wrong, no need to justify bak means meat not necessarily pork meat or wat. Should slap it back at that taliban's face - pork is pork lah, lu butthurt for wat, who TF are you to deny bkt as Malaysia's heritage. Challenge the fucker back, pork is illegal in Malaysia ka?Because they want associate the word bak = pork.If established means pork = Haram = promote Haram in Malaysia.Anyway Bkt doesn't this shitshousery heritage status, it's already a famous dish among tourists. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9801745414733887} +{"text": "selain dari menentukan status halalnya makanan dan restoran,JAKIM juga boleh menentukan status jantina manusia yg suka bertukar-tukar...#inilahmalaysiaku", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Mar 17 2024, 11:51 PM)Always say masak dengan iman and all, but mulut so celupar.When you on top you think you can get away with anythingWhen you fall la... then you realise the amount of ppl you stepped on ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Jan 10 2021, 08:23 PM)And guys, this is how you reply when you can't refute the points, but tak puas hati pulak, die die wanna reply something. Pathetic \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23Oink Oink Oink\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.980022132396698} +{"text": "Mee ayam masak merahI x berapa suka rasa diaDaging ayam kering n kasar Attached thumbnail(s)\n \n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9666138887405396} +{"text": "QUOTE(keybearer @ Mar 28 2024, 02:15 AM)Hello serious /k, just need your input on this.Ok so some background, I'm (male) running small scale F&B SME at the moment, and I just need some advise / feedback regarding female employees.I do my best to be a fair employer to all of my employees, but admittedly I can be lax with my female employees, on the account that they can be very emotional & unpredictable at times.I rarely get angry most of the time or raised my voice or whatever, but I feel that my attempt to politely reprimand them for their shortcomings by logical reasoning can seldom be fruitful.Their shortcomings also usually stems during their time of the month, while I try to empathize as best as I could (and not mention this pattern outright since some happens like clockwork, e.g. 4th week of every month), their outbursts can have longlasting effects on the workplace. I've a good guess that a few of some other previous employees (female also) have resigned following this. The male employees can have their share of problem as well, but the baseline and their 'max amplitude' of their occasional behavior is less of an issue, while the female ones can be like no holds barred kind of deal. My boss at my previous workplace in engineering faced this issue as well, even with the small amount of female employees in engineering department, but I missed out on learning how to face with this issue as at one point he & the senior engineers even decided not to call to interview them anymore moving forward, what more things like increased maternity leave ruling in recent Employment Act and what not (even our female HR dept. back then was not keen on hiring women after that).My question is how do people navigate this in most cases? Is it due to the typical pool of candidate I'm hiring? Generational issue? Upbringing?I don't think I'm able to foresee this during the hiring process. If I can't filter them, how do I atleast polish them? Typical Employee Profile:- 18 - 30 years old - Usually SPM leavers / fresh off education / 2nd job- Locals, living in parents house- Post-2000 babies- F&B line of work- Min. wage or slightly above tl:dr Bad at being a boss for female employees (I think?), what do? Not trying to be misogynistic, as I'd really love to know how to improve on this since they're half of the workforce.\u00a0 Please no trolls, and female forumers are more than welcome to share their inputs as well.\u00a0 p.s. The best employee I had was female 17 y.o. SPM leaver before entering college, she did her job as professionally as I could ever ask for.\u00a0 Comes from presumably low income family (lives in a flat), slightly above average academics but I'm thoroughly impressed with how mature and how serious she takes the work.\u00a0 \u00a0 It's the less ideal ones I'm having trouble with.p.p.s. Also now that I think about it, I've never seen any women apologizes or tried to mend things for their moment of weakness.The females that you employed have different set of priority in life. They are educated to place priority of their family over the work - get marry to a husband, making living is the responsibility of the husband. The current work is their \"part time\" to pass their time until they are married. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6316397190093994} +{"text": "QUOTE(cms @ Dec 20 2021, 02:35 PM)Vaccine hala?Issue fatwa lahhTabuli bos. Another thread I mentioned got fatwa, issued twice already, about rokok is haram. Then someone answer me fatwa is open to interpretation only, no strictly necessary to follow ..... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999923586845398} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Jun 13 2024, 09:04 AM)hey i'm no ustaz but this is what I understand from various sermons over the years and try my best to summarize for laymen here: 1. Prophet ibrahim (dad)2. Prophet ismail (son)The story is , dad has been married to his wife. Like berpuluh tahun wait. He never complain and keep asking God. Finally one day God give him a son . Named Ismail. By the time the dad already late age.\u00a0 86 years old. So you know how precious his son is to him .One day , God tested the dad by asking the dad to \"qurban\" his son. Of course he hesitates because he loved his son. But he trusted God commands and followed His commands. And by the time the knife want to reach his son , God changed his son to a big sheep. reference : https://mufti.pahang.gov.my/wp-content/uplo...LIH-ANAKNYA.pdfwe celebrate raya haji\u00a0 to commemorate the sacrifice and obedience of Prophet Ibrahim. In fact, some of the hajj rituals , are adapted from the test of Ibrahim. (You can google safa and marwa and the story behind it)btw interesting to note, the sacrifice ritual in Islam, unlike any other cult / religion, the blood or offering will not reach God whatsoever. God judged what is in your heart , your piety, that is what will reach Him. Doing a sacrifice ain't easy.\u00a0 but that is the motto of Islamic religion. This world is a test and you will be tested. That is why you see ppl in Palestine, they don't lose hope . Because they know all of this is just a test and they will be rewarded in the hereafter. No matter how bad things get in this world, it will pass one day.so it's not about the sacrifice, but more so about the test. the willingness of the person to follow God ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999632835388184} +{"text": "DIARI JUMAAT #15Makanan yang halal dan bersih memberikan banyak kebaikan kepada tubuh manusia.\n\nBanyak hikmah yang terkandung melalui makanan bersih dan halal, antaranya tubuh menjadi sihat dan bertenaga, menghasilkan hati nurani yang bersih,", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "While our PMX and Sultan Johor wanna have good exchange of ideas/opinions to lead the country, I can see a lot of Malaysians masih berdendam sesama, especially on Social Media FB (mostly are Malay & Chinese, no very frequently see other races but this is not about racism. Really no idea why so much grudge there...zzzWe can see the big dream by Sultan Johor with the slogan \"Muafakat Itu Berkat\" can imply how His Majesty dream for his rakyat (especially bangsa Johor) to be united. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965229034423828} +{"text": "If they feel insulin not halal, then don't use it. Rather die halal than live haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(AircondSejuk @ Jan 8 2021, 10:43 PM)People report, they come and see. Tak paksa pun suruh apply sijil halal Kan? Dia pantau sebab nak tahu kondisi halal ke tidak. Bila dah datang, dah check tiada sijil halal, guna ingredient pun yang takde halal, then it's up to muslim patron to choose lah whether still nak makan situ or not. It's just awareness.Doesn't sound like that, it's more like telling Muslim don't go that kopitiam.In malay word, if they are asking Muslim patron to choose whether to eat there or not, it should sounds like this.Hasil pemantuan mendapati premis tiada sijil kelayakkan halal yang sah, harap maklum pada para pengunjung yang beragama islam yang mengunjungi premis ini.There is no need to put wording like Muslim tidak sepatutnya mengunjungi premis ini.This is really shoveling one believe into others. Suka hati mak bapak diorang la diorang nak mengamalkan cara hidup umat islam diorang macam Mana. Yang ko pi sibuk pi bagitau ni Tak boleh buat, itu Tak boleh buat, ni itu tak patut, ni itu haram . Camlah diorang takde otak nak menilai sendiri mana yang haram, mana yang halal. Diorang tak tanya pun pendapat ko tu.Yang berdepan dengan dugaan nanti tu diorang bukan ko pun. Pastu, diorang bertaubat nanti last last minit diorang masuk syurga jugak. Sebab tu banyak yang buat jenayah sebab boleh taubat last last minit, ini korang jugaklah yang galakkan Kat ceramah ceramah korang tu, buat jenayah takpe, buat Dosa takpe, janji taubat last last minit, syurga menanti. Kat ceramah ajar benda yang bukan bukan susahkan masyarakat, Tak boleh ke ajar jangan buat Dosa jangan buat jenayah, taubat last last minit pun tak guna? Benda Tak boleh rewind.This post has been edited by wanted111who: Jan 8 2021, 11:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948346614837646} +{"text": "@ahmadmaslan @MITIMalaysia Butohla kau mad.. Kau jaga lg teruk, smp sijil halal pun boleh jual beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE119.1.\u00a0 \u00a0 Semua permohonan pensijilan halal adalah menggunakan borang yang perlu diisi secara on-line melalui sistem e-halal yang dibangunkan oleh JAKIM di laman web sesawang :\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 http://www.halal.gov.my.\u00a0 Kategori permohonan yang layak adalah seperti berikut:\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.1.\u00a0 Pengeluar / pengilang produk (manufacturer / producer)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.2.\u00a0 Pengeluar sub-kontrak (sub-contract manufacturer)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.3.\u00a0 Pengusaha pembungkusan semula (repacking)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.4.\u00a0 Premis makanan (food premise)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.5.\u00a0 Premis sembelihan (abattoir / slaughter house)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.6.\u00a0 Farmaseutikal\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.1.7.\u00a0 Logistik (pengangkutan, pergudangan)119.2\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (MAIN) / Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri (JAIN) akan menguruskan proses pengesahan permohonan bagi kilang / premis makanan di negeri masing-masing melalui sistem berkenaan sehingga selesai.119.3.\u00a0 \u00a0 Borang permohonan hendaklah lengkap diisi dengan mengemukakan butiran-butiran seperti yang dikehendaki di dalam borang dengan menyertakan salinan dokumen sokongan yang berkaitan mengikut kategori seperti berikut :\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.1.\u00a0 Produk makanan\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.2.\u00a0 Premis makanan (hotel / restoran)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.3.\u00a0 Barang gunaan\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.4.\u00a0 Kosmetik dan dandanan diri\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.5.\u00a0 Premis sembelihan\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.6.\u00a0 Farmaseutikal\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 119.3.7.\u00a0 Logistik119.4.\u00a0 \u00a0 Salinan borang permohonan on-line hendaklah dihantar bersama-sama dokumen sokongan permohonan untuk disemak oleh pegawai JAIS dalam tempoh 5 hari bekerja.119.5.\u00a0 \u00a0 Jika perlu, pemohon perlu melengkapkan dokumen sokongan tambahan yang diminta dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan.119.6.\u00a0 \u00a0 Surat arahan pembayaran fi pensijilan halal akan dikeluarkan sekiranya permohonan yang dihantar lengkap dan sempurna. Bagi permohonan yang tidak lengkap, surat bayaran tidak akan dikeluarkan dan permohonan ditolak secara automatik.119.7.\u00a0 \u00a0 Proses audit akan dilaksanakan oleh pegawai auditor JAKIM / JAIS selepas bayaran fi dijelaskan oleh pemohon.119.8.\u00a0 \u00a0 Setelah melalui proses audit yang sempurna, permohonan tersebut akan dibawa ke dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengesahan Halal Negeri Selangor (MJPHNS) untuk dibincangkan.119.9.\u00a0 \u00a0 Jika Mesyuarat bersetuju dengan kelulusan permohonan tersebut, sijil akan dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM.I've always wondered what's the figure to be expected when it comes to payment. If it were easily affordable and easy, I doubt we're looking at much of these issue. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9854466915130615} +{"text": "Phone and makanan paling real. Tadi dah makan mi teringin Mixue sebab memang suka eksrem. Kalau ikutkan, lagi satu orang ja turn aku, tapi aku keluaq queue sebab pikir, dah cukup dah makan mi. Aiskrim bila bila pulak haha aku suka seksa diri. Kalau orang lain, aku suruh ja beli", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6798062324523926} +{"text": "QUOTE(Fantasia @ Oct 9 2018, 11:45 PM)I don't see a problem with that. It means Muslim actually interested in chinese food and as a Chinese descent myself, I feel proud of it. If I have the culinary skill, I would even go further and help them perfect the recipe.I would have agree with except this is Pas. Likely their intention for non to adapt to Muslim value rather than them accepting non value.If they wanted to appeal to non, best way is to have both non and Muslim sit at same table in restaurant not dictated by halalness and Muslim eating their halal food together with non eating their non-halal food ignoring petiness that it is not halal to watch people eating non halal food. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989328980445862} +{"text": "\r\norang Melayu ni dah terbiasa jadi majority dia dictate apa org lain 'boleh' makan in their presence - ala2 jaga sensitiviti kekdahnya. cer tunjuk mana hukum yg kata kalau ada org muslim org kapir pun hanya boleh makan apa yg muslim boleh makan sahaja, ada? menariknya kalau makan bersama hindu atau buddha selamba badak ja makan lembu, so mana ke laut nya sensitiviti?\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8491392731666565} +{"text": "This haram thing about alcohol is that making people reduce ability and make judgement, substance abuse and addiction?but takkan use small amout for tasting/flavoring also haram meh.even alchohol swap, or make up removal also got this topic issue right. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "Best is sue if not this puak of fake news ppl wont stop spread fake news. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5616168975830078} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Oct 21 2019, 03:47 PM)if you really insist on you shallow definition on a muslim product, it is very simple. in case of chicken, the chicken reared by pak abu is muslim. the chicken recite the shaadah. chicken reared by ah chong did not.\u00a0 joke aside, I really face palmed on your misguided effort to define what is a muslim product just to make fun of the bmf movement.for most bmf supporters as long as the product were produced by muslim it defined as muslim products. If there's no suitable alternative or if the buyer prefer to by julie's biscuit for example, then the bmf supporters will buy the julie's biscuit from a muslim seller. If there's no other choice baru pergi shop not own by muslim. Thats the crux of the bmf movement. sure some goes to the extreme of totally shunting products not made by muslim. but then its their own money. suka hati tok nenek mereka la nak beli apa pun.some listen to their wallet, buy from whomever sell the cheapest, again its suka hati tok nenek mereka. some dont even care what bmf are.This is not to make fun, this is to tell you, there's really no such thing. The seller does not make the product as it's religion's product. That's all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "Mudah je isu halal ni. Hang rasa hang tak kisah bab pemakanan, hang toksah triggered la nak lelebih sarcasm psl leceh kena semua ada sijil halal jakim ke apa. Hang makan klu yakin. Kalau hang rasa hang peduli apa masuk dlm perut hang, hang elakkan jika syubhah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6396489143371582} +{"text": "Ada sijil halal bermakna confirm halal. Takde sijil halal belum tentu haram, mungkin halal. Kita tak boleh bergantung kepada persijilan halal semata mata, kerana maaih ada yang ada sijil halal, tapi menipu. https://t.co/1SLHTCvHmc", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 26 2023, 12:51 PM)Read my comments about teaching techniques. That\u2019s the biggest problem today. How do you change the whole system. It\u2019s can\u2019t be done overnight. It needs careful planning and even they implement change, you\u2019ll only see the results in a decade or two.I watch the whole Jason Leong interview and he is basically talking about his views in Klang Valley only and he got a lot of information wrong too especially Chinese schools as he mixes up independent Chinese schools and government funded Chinese schools. Yes, private education is getting popular but majority of are still going to Chinese vernacular schools during primary schools. Most parents still want their children to have basic Chinese vernacular schools foundation but they will change to private when they go secondary.As for Jason, I think his decision is more due to Malaysians not happy with him during Jocelyn jokes and that\u2019s why his shows in Malaysia can\u2019t sell. Anyway, he is not that good and most of his jokes are recycled again and again. By the way, read the comments and you will see a lot of Singaporean saying the host is giving wrong info about Singaporean education.It is a fact our education system fails big time and what is the quality of our teachers in public school?He only said for KV teachings.. in rural area even worse.Of course we won't see the results of the education standard improvement immediately but with the current way of administration.. no way we can fix it if given 10 more years.More Taliban standards being embedded into the system.Chinese school no taliban as at now.. So more parents are sending their children in the chinese primary school.Madani govt is 1 year old now.. what is the blueprint of education reform?Can only see the minister support more Taliban elements.That's why got more Taliban mindset ppl policing the nons.. and spread to UK now. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.895562469959259} +{"text": "QUOTE(KaD1GO @ Sep 12 2019, 07:44 PM)Kasihan akal pendek.Sampai takat tu je otak mampu berfikir?Cuba fikir jauh lagi sikitHahaha. Kamu ingat boss melayu bila dah kaya akan tolong balik orang melayu yang miskin? Banyak je boss kilang melayu yang bisnes dah besar, operation cost sama dengan bisnes cina, tapi produk tetap lebih mahal. Kenapa tak boleh samakan atau kurangkan harga sama dengan harga bisnes cina? Balik2 suruh pengguna sokong barangan melayu tapi tak pernah nak tolong pengguna melayu dengan memberikan harga yang kompetitif. Akhirnya menggunakan kempen BMF untuk mengaut keuntungan lebih dari pengguna2 yang bodoh saja. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975594282150269} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Sep 25 2017, 12:58 PM)The beer issue had nothing to do with Islam, don't be an islamophobic dumbass.It was not JAKIM/JAIS or any Islamic bodies that conducted that raid. It was the health department that conducted that raid and the reason why beer had to be separated was because the health department ruling says that NOBODY can display beer in the same fridge/container as non alcoholic drinks to AVOID children from accidentally taking it.Media sensationalized it as a halal/haram/religion issue because that's what all dumbasses like you have been brainwashed to like - sikit sikit it's about Islam/halal/haram.Take a walk down to your local 7-11 and you'll know what I'm talking about. A good example of how to properly display alcoholic drinks is in 7-11 whereby they separate the alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks so little kids won't take the alcoholic drinks.official statement huh? it's an eatery place, not a 7-11 or supermarket. you don't just simply open up the fridge to take whatever you want, you order from the shop attendant. or have you never dined in non-halal place before?talking about worrying children mistaken alcoholic drinks? what makes you think they won't make the same mistake even if you separate them into 2 fridges?all i see is a bunch of excuses as smokescreen.unless you the type of person that believed Teoh Beng Hock indeed jumped off MCAA building on his own.if it's 7-11 like you mentioned, i can understand, but we are talking about eatery place.don't try to play smart with me xeda. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.954378068447113} +{"text": "A lot of makanan tradisi cina will be claimed by singapore if here don't want to do anything about it ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9752481579780579} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:50 AM)We were planning to go high keras Jepunis restaurant, not Kepsi level SushiKing.My kolik there got mixed blood, pure blood, tudung, non tudung. Macam macam ada.Mixed blood does not make haram become halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Dec 27 2023, 04:17 PM)It makes authoritarian gov thrive because they get to dictate what you eat, what you watch, and whatever shit you do by evoking this halal/haram conceptI have to disagree david. This is more than that. This is just plain trodding down a dangerous path. they really do earnestly believe in this crap. Reminds me of islamic banking. Another big con using religion as a facade and trapping the gullible and watered down folks. That post of mine that you quoted got reported. I guess the truth hurts. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9674707651138306} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ Mar 18 2024, 06:23 PM)80's got nicee nasi lemak, curry also not over spicy like now. Got prawn fish curry, ikan bilis, telur kari, ikan masin (fav) and the usual bilis telur. All for the price of 20-30 sen. The mamak sell mee goreng also sell at 50 sen a plate with potatoes, tauhu, cekodok and sprinkle with crush peanuts..if wan egg, 10 sen more or bawa sendiri.Even ckt also can tambah siham and prawn for 50 sen, same for kari mee and prawn mee. Best of all, puasa pon bukake...kalo sapa tak puasa, can go buy and eat without shame..guru agama xsound pon.Wow, I envy your former school canteen. My school at that time only got mee / beehoon goreng & curry noodle. Then at form 4/5 only start selling roti canai. Drinks only sirap ais or cincau. But price wise was a lot cheaper then. My kid informs me that the same thing now costs RM3.5 - 4 for each item except no roti canai. Sad. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": " 'klu utk rumah t'buka eidmubarak blh tegur ni_ klu cam tu jakim klrlah fatwa kpd p'bekal makanan muslim haram urusniga #alahai'", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9936659932136536} +{"text": "Aku ni memang bukan jenis try2 makanan viral sangat kot.. Tanghulu, jelly ball, raindrop jelly, sambal KA, dendeng KA, banyak lagi la tak penah try. Kalau ade nampak org jual pun, tak beli kadang tu.. Tapi aku suka je makan2 ni... Hahahahah..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7917072772979736} +{"text": "\naku xsuka mknan cina\r\nxbole nak telan sbb kebykannya jenis yg berlendir (bkn berkuah tp kuah yg peka ...\nsajer Post at 11-6-2010 11:57 \n\n\nKuah nya berlendir or pekat kerana dier masukkan tepung jagung!!\r\nAda jugak yg masukkan putih telor sahaja.\n\r\nSesetengah oghang tidak suka kerana sebab sebab kesihatan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994533658027649} +{"text": "Let's dig more...how if a person work in bank and get their salary/bonus?? Isn't it haram??? And u know very obvious the source of money ....pls enlighten ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9937103986740112} +{"text": "QUOTE(xcxa23 @ Aug 9 2018, 09:23 AM)Jz like rokok rite?I remember last time owas saw rokok dilarang jual to Islam/rokok haramBut now no more sign and lots Malay smoking Makes me wonder how come last time haram now ok?Can change suka suka?yealast time i heard its haramthen i've read some where in FBit change to Makruh , no more haram (haram only in mosque/church/ other religious area or places that not suitable for smoking)http://kemusykilan.islam.gov.my/v2/index_j...hp?ids=35434&q=http://ww1.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y...ri&pg=dn_13.htm ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999614953994751} +{"text": "QUOTE(deejay_krish @ Nov 23 2020, 10:27 AM)Id still say, chinese chakoi is the best and still the best.Actually what taste best to you may not taste best to another.The taste is to your personal taste buds.You like chinese cakoi because you are used to that taste and texture.Example is Fried ChickenFried chicken in Korea is different from fried chicken in USA, different from fried chicken in India.I won't say one is better than the other.They are all different.It is better to accept that we are all different. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "\r\nWaaaaaaaa best nyerr, bagus bagus , click feveret", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "Yg sedihnya ada org melayu sendiri yg sangsi dgn sijil halal Jakim dengan lebih cepat percaya pada berita viral yg perlekehkan makanan yg ada sijil halal Jakim yg sah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997037053108215} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ Jun 12 2024, 05:29 PM)I'm non Muslim but I understand many people that do the cutting that day doesn't have experiences. They tried their best to cut well but accident can happen. Don't let tiktok, FB videos mislead you.Then they shouldn\u2019t do it lest the animal suffers, if the ai is to give the meat to the poor and then just contribute to the monies to buy, sacrifice and butcher the cow. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999930739402771} +{"text": "QUOTE(Brotherjoe @ Jan 6 2024, 08:53 AM)Ikea got halal cert.QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Jan 6 2024, 08:57 AM)If I not mistaken IKEA should be certified HALAL long long time agoQUOTE(Brotherjoe @ Jan 6 2024, 09:01 AM)Saw the news report that they have halal cert..coz I remember there was a complain earlier on the same incident that got viral.When did the restaurant, bistro & cafe have halal cert? I tot it's mutual understanding all diam2 makan there...The jakim halal database got show the place all cert halal by jakim? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999919056892395} +{"text": "looks like he is in trouble in Selangor too...QUOTESelangor religious authorities probe ZamihanUpdated one hour ago \u00b7 Published on 13 Oct 2017 9:05PM \u00b7 0 commentsMoreASelangor religious authorities probe ZamihanZamihan Mat Zin is now being investigated by Selangor religious authorities for allegedly criticising the royal institution in his talk at a mosque in Shah Alam recently. \u2013 YouTube pic, October 13, 2017.THE Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) has ordered investigation into Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (Aswaja) president Zamihan Mat Zin for allegedly criticising the royal institution in his talk at a mosque in Shah Alam last Sunday.Mais chairman Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa said the council had directed the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) to conduct the investigation in accordance with the Credentials Regulation (Selangor state).\"Mais clarifies that all religious speakers in Selangor must comply with all provisions stipulated in the regulation.\"These include not delivering religious talks that can incite hatred or may insult or show disrespect towards His Royal Highness the Sultan, the Selangor and Federal governments\u00a0 or state Islamic religious authorities or which may create hostility among people in Malaysia,\" he said in a statement today.Adzib said Zamihan's opinion in his lectures did not reflect Mais or Jais\u2019 stance on the matter.Zamihan was arrested at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur after giving his statement at 3.50pm Wednesday for allegedly making racist comments. \u2013 Bernama, October 13, 2017https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/18460/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9850688576698303} +{"text": "Opr is interest rates right? So meaning kerja at bank negara haram? Can appoint non as gabenor? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "Tunggu mama masak untuk sahur. Hari2 mentekedarah makanan hotel pun tak best jugak. Air tangan mak tu yang penting. Dijamin halal dan bersih", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9650246500968933} +{"text": "UK x best mana pun kalau kau melayu islam. Pernah pergi. 1 week je dah bosan dah. Makan halal semua x sdp sgt. Bau jgn ckp la. Sbb sejuk kot diaorg x perasan sgt. Kedai tutup awal. Masjid nyorok2. Org semua mood x bagus. Tpi yg bestnya dia punya infra la. Tu best. Dan sejuk best.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7234870195388794} +{"text": "Yes takde sijil halal jakim x semestinya c halal But dia cam confirmation to say yg makanan tu halal and selamat dimakan Kalau dia tipu then is not our fault Kalau dia xde sijil halal then is our own risk la Makanan bila kita cerna dia dh sebahagian daging kita Makan bende haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9526547193527222} +{"text": "QUOTE(gsem984 @ Jan 21 2019, 04:19 PM)If it is beef, wtf MAS still said sorry?Why ah? Picture oso can shake the faith? Low Iman?Low Ibadat?Low Ilmu? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998611211776733} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Apr 3 2024, 06:04 PM)asal melayu halal. tapi dia taktau dapur belipas bekeladakasal cina haram. walaupun ikut SOP dapur because ersih barang mentah semua fresh n dari sumber halalMacam kedai makan melayu Wisma Central sebelah KLCC. Lipas berkeliaran, tapi halal dan sedappp!This post has been edited by pgsiemkia: Apr 3 2024, 08:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Tajuk : Makanan Halal & Toyyib \n\nJemaah diminta menyemak buffet hotel2 dan bazar sama ada di iktiraf jakim atau tidak . \n\nJemaah: tak koser aku nak check kalau lapar aku ngap je yang penting xda babi https://x.com/brgsjks/status/brgsjks/status/1639146408497520641\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "Why, cant speak Chinese and nego best deal? Google translate kan ada. Janji sjkc bye bye ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999696016311646} +{"text": "Nie anak kebanyakan makan dari makanan yang kurang bersih ( halal haramnya )\nMenurut cerita guru ngaji saya waktu di kampung,klu kalian pingin mampu menghafal Al-qur'an makanan dan minumanan yang masuk kedalam tubuh,harus bersih dari yang namanya barang haram...", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997633099555969} +{"text": "Tak cukup piawaian utk dpt sijil halal Jakim tak bermakna makanan tu haram gais. Kedai tomyam abe yg jd fav pun takde sijil halal gak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924637079238892} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:25 AM)You missed a point as well why tapai is not considered haram before you accused others of having messed up mentality. Have a read for more research, can? https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-fatwa...peratus-alkoholyou so smart, tell me instead of giving links? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998204112052917} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ May 10 2024, 07:30 PM)Halal based on trust 100%As long u believe it's halal then can eatIf i say not halal and oso not haram then i cannot eat coz i doubt itSibuk dengan agama orang lain tapi ignorant bodoh sombongohhh is not about certification of the process and sop now...? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "@BulanKelihatan Apa2 meal on board dari malaysia sememangnya halal cos katering dari malaysia wajib ada sijil halal. Bila kapal dah landing ke destinasi dituju, boleh request muslim meal dekat airline tu 48h before departure. So far MAS, Qatar & Etihad mmg halal. Emirates maybe kot, x ingat plak", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974779486656189} +{"text": "Ramai orang selalu beli jamu ikut suka je. Tambah2 lagi yang tiada sijil Halal. LOVVA Kak Hani ni ada sijil halal dan disahkan KKM dalam kategori \u2018food\u2019 ! \u267b\ufe0f\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb Yang homemade xder halal pun bukan tak berkesan.... https://t.co/TAfssL579B", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997654914855957} +{"text": "Hahaha semua makanan haram. Bgtau makcik tu check Jakim online senang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9020599126815796} +{"text": "QUOTE(J1g54w @ Oct 19 2016, 10:18 AM)also who suggested to replace 'dog' with 'sausage' does not realize that both words mean the same thing since 1800's... so if you ban 'dog' you have to ban 'sausage' as well.QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 19 2016, 10:26 AM)Well. The answer is clearThe halal inspection for Central Kitchen already doneOnly that jakim request the company to apply cert based on zone. North Central South etc etc So that it would be easier for jakim to audit. Which don't makes sense cuz all food come from that central kitchen. There's no need multiple applications for certThis just to make jakim job easier. Malas je senang cerita Theres no issue on halal statusThe issue now mostly remains on the usage of \"dog\"\u00a0 termdog term raised by fomca bang...bukan jakim ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915783405303955} +{"text": "Salam.siapa nak selit order SEMPERIT PESONA Keistimewaan: \ud83c\udf38Gebu Gebas \ud83c\udf38Halus sekali rasa pasti nak lagi \ud83c\udf38Bekas boleh dikitar semula \ud83c\udf38Bekas yg menarik \ud83c\udf38Mendapat permintaan tinggi sepanjang tahun \ud83c\udf38Mempunyai sijil HALAL dan kelulusan MESTI COD Nilai Tolong sebarkan tq =) https://t.co/5VlcNF89j9", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7413120269775391} +{"text": "\r\naku suka ada suami yg layan isteri mcm ni. give & take. pastu bgus x menyusahkan mak perempuan utk jaga ank yg br sudah bersalin. mak bukan bibik nk jaga kita KECUALI kita x mampu nak upah CL TAPI make sure si suami pun tlg jaga isteri, jgn nk harap mak mertua jek. \n\r\nkeburukkannya aku x minat 2 ketui ni, tak handsome, tak cantik ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932820796966553} +{"text": "Ikut standard tok-tok guru ,kalau tukang masak tak solat dia tak pi makan kat situ .Tapi kita bukan tok guru, standard kita kalau nampak sijil halal atau kita yakin makanan tu halal kita balun la .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.997132420539856} +{"text": "QUOTE(wowlegion1990 @ Oct 25 2016, 09:34 PM)I HATE THAT SUBJECT..EEEEEEEE well, if those people actually bothered to read etymology, they would know some of those highly-regarded english names they are using to diss \"non-original\", \"muslim\" arabic+aramaic names actually originated from arabic+aramaic themselves.and if some other bothered to learn history behind the name muhammad - does not matter if it's research from non-islamic academician -, prophet muhammad is the first human being to use the name. such is the special status of the name muhammad. as unique as prophet adam being the first one to use the name adam.This post has been edited by cicak.fakir: Oct 25 2016, 09:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999704360961914} +{"text": "QUOTE(pakdamek @ Jun 10 2019, 11:11 AM)its haram because of alcoholic %. but in malta and nutrimalt, its malt without the yeast. so, 0% alcohol. So, why would it be haram? maybe the only argument by some section of your family members is that it is produced and packed at the same factory as those alcoholic beverages. I have no prob drinking malta, but the downside is that it is packed with sugars and unhealthy.Its due to placement of the drinks. It is place with the alcoholic. and no one come out and say this is OK drink to begin with. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "Mcm mana ye nak bgtau golongan yg tua2 ni, jgn percaya sgt dgn msg2 kat ws sepenuhnya.\nBila isu makanan halal/haram, even dah disahkan jakim, pun still bertegas kata mcm2 macamkan was2 dgn kenyataan jakim.\nHabis tu takkan lebih percaya msg berantai kat ws kot??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Jan 8 2021, 11:07 PM)Masak kaya takut ada ramuan yang tidak dapat dipastikan kehalalannya.Tukang masak kaya dan pembakar roti tu entah2 bersih ke tak tangan dia, mungkin pernah sentuh BABI sebelum sentuh roti kaya. Biji kopi tu mungkin pernah kena goreng dengan lemak BABI.Nanti trigger woiThat bookshop sells Christian books lah. They had to put up that sign otherwise nanti got some Muslim sesat masuk then rage say Kristian try to prosletise them. it is actually against the law, and can be charged in court tau.Eh, cannot say like that. Nanti kat akhirat kena soal, kau nampak saudara seagama kamu terjerumus ke dalam kancah dosa, apa yg kamu lakukan? Itu satu ujian dari Tuhan jugak. Dia lihat apa yang kamu lakukan. Amar ma'aruf nahi mungkar. Kalau kau berjaya selamatkan seorang umat dari neraka maka pahala +1.bro seriously i'm surprised that u are more muslim than muslim.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996935129165649} +{"text": "Dog is not haram thing. Owning a dog is also not haram. So, nothing is wrong in selling dog also.Working in company where the income from business activity where liquor (or any haram thing) is not the main business but just incidental is not haram. However the portion of profit that is from haram thing should be purified like donation for good of society. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979633092880249} +{"text": "QUOTE(etan26 @ Nov 7 2023, 11:33 AM)Green state power . . . heaven view best, who cares current needs.Southern thai also green states lah.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992902278900146} +{"text": "\r\nkedai masakan cina yang baru bukak kat bangi tu pon best jugak, kat seksyen 7", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996494054794312} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Oct 29 2016, 12:09 AM)yes you are correct.so just cooperate la if you think you are not against any law.ninja joe did, but the apa sarahan crowd yang terkinja2 bcos of ppl who are simply doing their jobs.has ninja joe been charged with anything? no.was the owner arrested/remanded like our good friend menj? no.did they trash the place and asked them to close down? no.did jais lek lu sap kok lu when ppl reported about a suspected case of non-halal food but using a variation of halal name? no.that's what I already mentioned way earlier.enforce salah, tak enforce salah.masalahnya tak da jurisdictionenforce jadahnyano akta can persecute themstill siasatguna akta apa?akta suka hati?cannot simply enforce mapart kena enforce tak maueducate muslim takmaupercepatkan permohonan auntie anne tak maucompany kecik nak apply sijil halal kena bagi duit upahbaru process jalanpi enforce yang tak perluyang takda jurisdictionapa gila niapa logik niThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Oct 29 2016, 12:12 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977321624755859} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gendude @ Nov 30 2020, 12:58 AM)Aku fobia dgn hanjing..suka kejar orang x tentu pasaljangan lari ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991670846939087} +{"text": "Ia adalah saranan saya kepada umat Islam berkaitan isu halal kerana makanan halal sangat penting,- Datuk Dr. Mohd Na\u2019im Mokhtar#halal #restoren #makanan #jakim", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9480160474777222} +{"text": "QUOTE(azhan82 @ Jan 1 2019, 02:21 PM)\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ?terbaik hotel ni. boleh guna alasan ni utk jumpa kekasih gelap di hotel tu. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "QUOTE(quintesson @ Jun 21 2024, 05:47 PM)kalau saya akan tulis cik tunggu surat peguam saya ya bukan 'maaf di atas kekeliruan'.sekarang semakin berleluasa sikit-sikit tuduh ini tuduh itu tanpa segan silu.anda perlu bertanggungjawab bila suka-suka suruh lain boikot sebab kekeliruan sendiri.Wanna be hero. Like Akmal.But when it comes to acid and grab oku driver, silent only. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9857309460639954} +{"text": "QUOTE(2feidei @ Nov 2 2013, 09:06 PM)Dear K muslim, I understand Islam forbid drinking alcohol, reason because it cause drunk. And, we all know the consequences of getting drunk. Also, why animal must be slaugther in Islamic way, only halal. Reason because this is the least painful way and also humble way to remind self that we kill just because of food. But, why Islam forbid eating pork? And, also, animal live in 2 world, haiwan 2 alam, like ketam? Also, why touching dogs is big no no, but, not car, hamster, etcPlease do not vroom, it just for understanding. I asked few of my Muslim friend, and I have different answer. Majority would just tell me, oh, it not clean, it's devil, or even cause we been told. Therefore, hope someone can clarify. TenkiuThis is just what I know. The real truth maybe more vast than this.Eating pork is forbidden because of all the germs in pork.Another thing, pigs also don't have a neck-structure that is similar to other mammals like goat and cows, hence it is impossible to slaughter a pig according to Islamic rites.And pigs/hogs will gobble up every filthy things.For 2 alam animals like tortoise/frogs/turtles, I don't know for sure. Ketam that lives in deep sea can be eaten (not haram), but those that lives by the beach cannot be eaten as they are 2 alam.Other than those you mentioned, Muslims also cannot eat animal that has claws/talons which they use for hunting e.g. eagles, tigers, cats, etc.Also mollusc (siput) that does not have a \"penutup\" on its shell e.g. snails/siput babi. Siput sedut on the other hand boleh makan sebab cangkerang dia ada penutup. I'm not sure about escargot though, some say can, some say cannot, but I personally think cannot because it is like snails.Another is cannot eat birds that moves around by hopping/jumping. Can only eat birds that walk e.g. chickens, ducks, quails, etc. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9827331304550171} +{"text": "Cukur alhamdulillah inilah hasil berkat pemerintahan PAS. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999403953552246} +{"text": "Oh ya, terlupa nak cakap... Makanan kalau kita ragu2 akan kehalalannya, secara automatik jadi haram. So nak bagi yakin dan tenang, kami makan apabila nampak sijil halal jakim tu pada premis makanan tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9904825687408447} +{"text": "2. Berikut kenyataan penuh JAKIM:\n\n\u201cKetika ini ditularkan melalui media sosial berkenaan status halal sebuah premis makanan di Sri Petaling yang menggunakan Rice Wine dalam masakan. Isu ini telah menimbulkan keresahan di kalangan pengguna Muslim yang mengunjungi premis tersebut.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "Sebab tak penting.Ape yang penting for me as customer is awek bertetek besar jadi cashier/waitress ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9337483048439026} +{"text": "Adakah melayu beranggapan kedai makanan yg takde babi/ haiwan tak sembelih tu wajib ada halal JAKIM?\nRasanya takde kewajiban pada peniaga. Ikut diaorangla.\nYg mementingkan halal tu bertanggungjawab semak sendiri. Jgn jadi pemalas", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(ticke @ Aug 25 2020, 08:23 PM)cut down trees and start afresh. cause shortage of durian and benefit other farmersu realize durian tree bear fruit at the 7-9 years right?if the genuine farmer comes in start from scratch, what they eat? not to mention, the export business for durian 30 to 40 million worth of value, x 7-9 years. the money can feed and develop so many smaller towni think the best is to fine the illegals without destroying the current farms. set standard.This post has been edited by Red_rustyjelly: Aug 25 2020, 09:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999076128005981} +{"text": "QUOTE(petpenyubobo @ Nov 30 2023, 09:34 PM)Don't want to follow their abang Saudi Arab ke? I thought PuAS look at Arab as role model? I totally PuAS now more ARAB than ARAB. PuAS hati ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997342228889465} +{"text": "QUOTE(NotAnotherNick @ Jun 13 2024, 08:30 PM)food poisoning case at religious school .. the food HAS to be halal and muslim righttttt...Tak perlu, ikut logic Oren kita, muka/ agama dorg tak perlu Halal. Mesti bersih mia. Jgn takut. Kek la. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9338483214378357} +{"text": "QUOTE(galkelly @ Dec 23 2020, 01:14 PM)Corrupted to the core. But a women marries a Indian national in India the whole country gone crazyorang kito logic, makan babi tak boleh. haram2.meanwhile makan benda haram lain, rilek. buat benda haram rilek lu bossku.i got 1 malay friend who eats pork, at least he is more honest than those fellas who kid themselves and be hypocrite.. long ago i once asked him why he makan babi all this, he said this to me: \"i already did a lot of haram stuff (drinking, smoking, zina etc), so eating pork is just another 'sin' in my list of other sins committed. Deciding not eating pork wont suddenly make me holy again\"bak kata notail, \"when going retard you must go full retard, if you go half-retard you're done for\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(azarimy @ Jan 6 2010, 11:43 PM)aku pun tak suka tesco.tesco tak semurah asda tesco yahudi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993501305580139} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? Nothing to debate, cincai think of 1 topic pretend doing job. Gaji buta ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999685287475586} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Jul 2 2021, 06:20 AM)Masa aku susah dulu aku mintak zakat tak dapat. Fuck off la Jabatan agama. Pakai kopiah tapi perangai cam sial. Orang tak layak dapat zakat dapat zakat. Aku malu memintak zakat kena rijek kau kasi alasan paling bangang padahal fi sabilillah patut boleh dapat. Aku mintak duit sikit aja dulu nak buat makan.This! These religious people need to slow down and get off from their high horse for once & look around. Their piety & piousness means shite if they spewing nonsense like this while people suffer out there. Tanak tolong senyap sudahla bangsat kopiah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999071359634399} +{"text": "Hikmah dari Corona virus :\n\nNampak tak hanya agama islam saja yang menekankan pentingnya memilih makanan halal dan toyyiba. Start dari sumber halal, bersih, tak mudarat sehinggalah bab kesihatan. Tak bagi makan ular, katak, kelawar, makanan eksotik pelik\u00b2 apatah lagi yang haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999370574951172} +{"text": "kalau ingredient dalam makanan tu semua halal then tak ada halal jakim tk bermakna makanan tu haram. cuma kalau bab ayam ke daging then kita ragu-ragu bab penyembelihan so tak yah la makan. easy!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996881365776062} +{"text": "QUOTE(zack85 @ Oct 20 2015, 04:33 PM)halal bukan takat xde babi je bang..halal termasuk kebersihan dan penjagaan makanan..paham betul2 perkataan halal tu.tapi /k/ ramai suka mkn yg kotor2so that why many /k/ angry ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999290704727173} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Sep 10 2020, 11:49 AM)Ok. U just confused the nons out of me:-- kalau macam tu, campur tapai dengan cendol, jadi minuman juga. Halal atau tidak?- jangan kata tapai, kalau nira nipah? beralkohol juga?- carlsberg 0.0% kenapa masih dikira sebagai haram, tapi barbican halal?\"Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.\" -like the above term, why beer is haram? Or wine? Proses pembuatan beer, memang side effect dia dapat alcohol, sama dengan wine, tapi dia pakai yeast untuk fermentasi gandum, barley dan hop untuk dapatkan gas macam minuman bercarbonate. Tapi gula dalam gandum ditukar kepada alcohol, kesan sampingan penambahan yeast kepada gandum.???QUOTE\u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064f \u0634\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0628\u064d \u0623\u064e\u0633\u0652\u0643\u064e\u0631\u064e \u0641\u064e\u0647\u064f\u0648\u064e \u062d\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064c \"Setiap Minuman yang Memabukkan itu adalah Haram\".Carlsberg itu syubhah. Walaupun wujud 0.0 alkohol seperti barbican, namun bezanya Barbican ada buat Beer Haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998621940612793} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 03:50 PM)DRB starts to forget they need Geely more than Geely needs them. Wanna do business with Geely, do properly la.Geely do want to be a proper global car manufacturer, with various brands under their umbrella needing to fulfill their role. Proton supposed to be for flagbearer for RHD market, as long as it's feasible, pretty sure they're willing to lend their support. But if locals start buat perangai buruk diorang balik, then true, Geely can just sell off everything, write off the losses, move on.When Mahaleel showed what their R&D had been indulging in, i think we can conclude just how piss poor they are at running the business.P2 is lucky Daihatsu is still around to keep their sensibilities in check. It kinda explains why they're better run and their R&D is more grounded to reality instead of syok sendiri Proton did.I think I'm being fair about crediting SZA for what he did post-Mahaleel era. It did felt quality improved, products and price offering were better, aftersales improved.I was never under delusion that Proton can make it big alone, there is a limit to that, and it showed after awhile SZA had been around. After Exora, it started to slide down with Preve, Campro turbo, Punch CVT etc showing Proton's lack of money and tech limitations. They just can't afford to have new, modern tech to carry on competing, unlike P2 blessed with access to Daihatsu.SZA fulfilled his role well to stabilising Proton post-Mahaleel, i have no complaint to that, he did well. All while fending off political pressures to take control of Proton.I figured VW deal was necessary for Proton to carry on, but the crooks won. They got what they wanted, control and billions of public funds, all for what, Suprima, Iriz, Persona, Accordana, Ertiga to show? Come on. Had VW deal been successful, i doubt I'd care SZA no longer carries on as MD/CEO, I'd rather someone with even more global, rich experience to lead Proton, which VW sure can provide. In a way also to take responsibility for his mistakes with Punch CVT, Campro Turbocor problem, it's best he step aside for someone else to lead Proton.Instead, DRB happened, lancau la, might as well he stayed put first.To be honest, it does make me wonder how many % of Malaysians other than Bangau even cares where Proton received its tech from? I do not remember anyone asking during the Saga, Wira and Waja days where the engine or gearbox originated. End of the day it was not as if just because it was Japanese it would fly off the shelves as evidenced by the Juara and later on the Ertiga and to a certain extent the Inspira. Also doubt anyone really cared who was at the helm other than Bangau that is. I mean if we take MAS as a case study no one other than the unions cared that Herr Mueller was at the helm for as long as he was doing his job. SZA did an excellent job but like Mueller no matter how good a CEO you hire you cannot expect anything to be done if you prevent him from doing his job. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7035461664199829} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 30 2023, 10:13 AM)The funny thing is the trend among Chinese in Klang Valley today is not Chinese vernacular schools anymore. A lot are changing to private/international schools where the syllabus is not rote learning. As for Mandarin, private/international schools also have the subject. The difference is most of the subjects are in English and not Mandarin or BM. IGCSE is getting really popular in Klang Valley today.If got money lah, else M40 bottom T20 how wanna pay 30K-50K P.A for international school ? Thus SJKC is most affordable and less strenuous compared to UEC. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998741149902344} +{"text": "QUOTE(Teddysaur @ Mar 17 2016, 06:17 AM)ye. sesiapa yang songlap mesti akan dapat apa yang diusahakan najiblike ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999375343322754} +{"text": "QUOTE(angelgemini @ Sep 14 2016, 01:48 PM)thanks for the info....can i say that, quran only say anging, but other haram is from those iman or so on right?actually who write the quran? Mohammad or other? Quran = revelation from God ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9135556817054749} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 28 2019, 12:49 PM)So they dont provide audit report, then how come you are so sure they got funding from haram business?another of your make believe fantasy?No need to plotek,\u00a0 you already failed on your own.You:\"Dude Jakim confirm got funding from haram business ma!!\"Also you:\"How to know where the money comes, Jakim dont publish audit report ma!\"lol bodoBro. The main source of funds for Jakim will be from the Federal Government (RM1. 2 billion 2019). You don't need audited accounts to know this. This Federal money will come from the Federal Consolidate Fund. The Federal Consolidated Fund gets its revenues from the various forms of taxes, which will include from various Haram sources such as cigarettes and alcohol, gaming licenses, corporate taxes on gaming companies and Genting, pork farms, corporate taxes on Banks (Riba). The Fund does not differentiate between Halal and Haram sources. Then it is not wrong to say Jakim gets its funding from haram sources. Based on principle that a little haram makes the whole thing Haram.This post has been edited by Cubalagi: Jul 28 2019, 07:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999538660049438} +{"text": "QUOTE(WinkyJr @ May 24 2017, 03:59 PM)solat or aurat tu urusan dia dengan tuhanas long as kebersihan dan halal haram di jaga, should be no problemI agree ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9918261766433716} +{"text": "QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 15 2022, 10:47 AM)Does those rules actually stated in Quran?Or it was established after study of Quran?Like Mentioned Pig, Dog and alcohol?Like - can touch perfume...but cannot drink alcohol...- even you remove the alcohol from a drink (drink that has been produce with the same method producing beer is haram - does this means the way of making non alcohol drink is haram? and it stated in Quran also or afterthough of study again?For alcohol & dog It's after.According to the Qur'an drinking alcohol is allowed as long as you don't pray afterwards during a time when you are intoxicated. the Qur'an also never say cannot touch dog, infact it say one can even eat animals that's the dog hunted. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987977743148804} +{"text": "\r\nIanya penting bagi mereka yg pastikan tiada najis masuk ke dalam rumah, tak waswas untuk beribadah..\r\nLepas kucing makan makanan pork-based pastu masuk rumah jilat2 kaki uols tak ke naya?\r\nThose yg tak kisah takpe..\r\nMacam iols memang tak membela sebarang binatang, jaga pokok pun mati haa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999681711196899} +{"text": "https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/6514...hal-dari-hatyai'Macam mana makanan di Malaysia lagi mahal dari Hatyai?'Oleh DIANA AZIS26 Februari 2024 01:46pmMasa membaca: 4 minitSaify mencadangkan peniaga menurunkan harga makanan untuk tarik pelancong ke negara ini.SHAH ALAM - Pemilik restoran dan peniaga makanan disaran menurunkan harga jualan sebagai usaha menarik lebih ramai pelancong ke negara ini.Pempengaruh TikTok, Saify Akhtar dalam hantaran di platform itu berkata, harga makanan mahal menyebabkan ramai orang memilih untuk melancong ke Thailand yang menawarkan pelbagai pilihan dengan harga jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan destinasi percutian di Malaysia.\"Macam mana makanan di Malaysia lagi mahal dari Hatyai? Kalau makan seafood (makanan laut), pasti bil akan lebih RM100 untuk satu keluarga. Di Hatyai tak sampai RM100 walaupun (mata wang) bath lagi tinggi dari ringgit, tetapi mengapa (harga makanan) masih mahal?\"Restoran di kawasan pelancongan tak boleh nak untung (sehingga) dua hingga tiga kali ganda. Sebab itu rakyat Malaysia 'lari' ke Hatyai,\" katanya.Sebelum ini media melaporkan, jumlah rakyat Malaysia yang berkunjung ke bandar raya di selatan Thailand itu meningkat dua kali ganda kepada 20,000 orang sekali gus menyumbang lebih dua bilion baht kepada ekonomi tempatan dalam tempoh dua minggu sebelum tahun berakhir 2023.Dalam pada itu Saify berpandangan, Malaysia juga tidak memberi tambah nilai kepada tempat-tempah bersejarah yang menjadi tumpuan pelancong luar.Memberi contoh Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad di Kuala Lumpur, pempengaruh itu berkata, satu kerugian terhadap nilai sejarah bangunan itu ekoran ia dijadikan pejabat dan teater.\"Sepatutnya jadi muzium yang menceritakan tentang sejarah tempat ini, (menjadi) tempat yang anak-anak saya sepatutnya mahu pergi, seperti Petrosains.\"Saya tidak tahu mengapa (sedangkan) Muzium Negara mendapat tempat ke-314 muzium terbaik dunia, tertinggal di belakang Kemboja, Filipina dan Singapura.\"Yang ada di muzium pula hanyalah batu-batuan dan replika. Lebih menyedihkan Malaysia ada banyak sejarah tetapi kita yang buat muzium ini boring (membosankan),\" ujarnya.Sementara itu Saifiy turut mempertikaikan persembahan budaya di kawasan tumpuan pelancong seperti bandar raya Melaka.\"Hari itu saya pergi ke Melaka, tepuk dahi kerana beca (dihias) dengan Hello Kitty, Pickachu, (muzik) disko dan lampu tom yam. Kenapa macam itu?\"Saya pergi tempat bersejarah, saya mahu menghayati budaya, saya mahu dengar (penjelasan) daripada 'tour guide' pun tak boleh,\" katanya. \n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997175335884094} +{"text": "QUOTE(helike13 @ Dec 29 2015, 11:47 AM)Yes... If you view the situation from the government's viewpoint you are true... But if you see from the rakyat's viewpoint.... If you have problems, no money, no job, ramai anak at least you can sell nasiklemak on the street.They have child support. And if want to sell nasiklemak also can, just get license from city council. If suka suka sell food don't know about hygiene can cause food poisoning to many people. What about those people that get affected, they not rakyat? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "why would u censor the name?that picture would be the best picture to send to MCMC ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998308420181274} +{"text": "Kalau yakin, makanKalau tak yakin, tak makanTak payah syakwasangka ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7828517556190491} +{"text": "QUOTE(kidmad @ Jun 30 2021, 05:00 PM)and that's where i disagree. what you are doing is giving fishes directly to them. Instead we should be teaching them on how to fish by providing the right tool so that we can move on to the next.You can't be feeding continuously. Just imagine with your mindset the population which you need to feed would just continue to grow. you may start to be able to feed a hundred, later you realize you would need to feed a thousand and the numbers will just continue to grow.QUOTE(ah_suknat @ Jun 30 2021, 05:30 PM)Nobody says gonna feed then forever.We are in pandemic, remember? Non essential aren't allowed to operate, remember?Okay okay just do whichever way you see fit.Some people solve immediate problem because they lack the means to give long term solution. Not that you give, that guy also accept and follow your plan exactly right? Some people want to spread the love to as much people as possible because they are noble at heart and couldn't stand to see even one person suffer. And right now the suffering is not only serious, but descended into being demeaning and completely undignified.If you have the means, do it in your own way. Every little bit helps. As ayam said, governments come and go, but Malaysia will prevail.Here repeat upah for you to do your best for fellow Malaysian. If ayam give more fresh upah in this tered will kena warning from mod.QUOTE(hotdayum @ Jun 30 2021, 05:07 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7206411957740784} +{"text": "pls put haram logo on:rokokarakdiscorasuahdarah non muslim ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9806910753250122} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Jan 6 2017, 10:54 AM)why singapore no kecoh , never see SG got viral fb1992nak kecoh ke manasent out chain letter ka? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7881413698196411} +{"text": "Bagus apps GrabFood ni, ada kategori HALAL. Alaa tapi tak boleh order kedai Melayu la cause most of them tak apply sijil Halal. Takpela, order dari kedai Chinese Muslim jela. https://t.co/2pgcZMdMCL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999937891960144} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 01:05 PM)this is where i disagree.a) Hayati means nothing if not applying.b) We know the creator is definitely out strength dajjal, but the point is, Dajjal is obeying its lord and that is his job. he is doing it well. i would say he is \"beriman\"?a) ayat 1-10 are all about peringatan mengenai akidah dan tauhid. Hayati ayat-ayat ni bermaksud percaya pada kuasa Allah. If you wanna talk about applying, the real application means when the Dajjal comes and you choose stay hungry instead of being fed by him. Whether you wanna believe the metaphor or literal words, it's up to you. But when you hayati ayat 1-10, it means you believe in Allah and Allah alone, He has no family, and He is the most powerful in this world.b) just because Dajjal is obeying it's lord, doesn't mean he is beriman. Iblis also is doing his job. Is he beriman? Dajjal wants his followers to acknowledge him as their saviour. That alone shows how Dajjal goes against Allah. Does that sounds beriman to you? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7224905490875244} +{"text": "Rotten meats memang perlu dielakkan sebab ianya mempunyai sifat yang mampu memberikan penyakit seperti mana yang anda katakan. Sebab itulah syariat menyuruh umat Islam untuk mencari makanan yang bersih, suci dan Halal untuk dimakan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9885398745536804} +{"text": "March 15 la, itu before msia went mro on 18...kalau dia mampu pergi turki, rasenye x layak bagi dpt derma kt org mcm gini.. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990449547767639} +{"text": "QUOTE(yed @ May 3 2021, 01:15 PM)in islam there is amal maaruf nahi mungkar means it is responsibility of muslim to invite other for good and deter the sins. All muslims know this.Invited, not by force. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995672106742859} +{"text": "QUOTE(AllnGap @ Jun 10 2019, 12:06 AM)Got kopi luwak, kopi taik kucing.Ni mesti kopi taik babior taik angjing QUOTE(danabu @ Jun 10 2019, 12:08 AM)Pergi mamak sajelah...jgn Nak tunjuk sangatmaybe no halal chop QUOTE(ju146 @ Jun 10 2019, 12:10 AM)Milk, sugar, bubble, plastic cup, plastic strawI wonder which component of a drink can become not halalBagus la this kind of group.. Memang elite, Malaysia ke arah kuasa besar..could be pig's milk ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9889471530914307} +{"text": "NAH BEGINI NIH PACAR KU WAKTU NGOPER MAKANAN YANG DIA BILANG \"Aku suka ini, pasti habis.\" AKU TAK AKAN LAGI PERCAYA KALAU KAMU MAU BELI SESUATU, KARNA AKU YANG HABISIN ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9731225967407227} +{"text": "QUOTE(WhiskeyTango777 @ May 7 2023, 02:45 AM)Tak tau tak apa la\u2026\u2026yang rasuah , cheong, judi, rokok\u00a0 ok je dia orang boleh buat tak tau, bab babi niii sampai kena drama attention nape ya?Kau jangan bukan2. Kang semboyan berbunyi kat Sogo bantah merokok. Almaklum la benda haramSkrang kita fokus bab babi dulu, which is probability happening to Muslim 0.00001% compared to asap rokok yang haram which is 1000000% ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "palestine lebih penting dari covid! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5848231315612793} +{"text": "Kami sediakan tempat solat mudah alih, makanan yang halal tanpa diragui serta diiktiraf JAKIM Malaysia.\n\nRoyal Caribbean yang sesuai untuk family tercinta anda ! Penuh dengan entertainment.\n\nWhatsapp +6012-275 5301 untuk pertanyaan pakej segera sementara cabin masih ada !", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999736547470093} +{"text": "QUOTE(eksk @ Feb 19 2016, 03:53 PM)hmm a lot of those kome at the fesbuk page by malay parents and those who went SRJKC.. akidah tak tercabar ke?\u00a0 or semua tak setia pada negara ke? or tak berintegrasi dengan malaysia?China ambassador donasi 40k ma. But brother donasi 2.6bil mana nampak? Tak mention also masa dpnasi. Kena expose expose baru mentioned dpnasi. Malu malu kucing pula.This post has been edited by [Ancient]-XinG-: Feb 19 2016, 04:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999428987503052} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Apr 17 2024, 09:28 AM)These people can suck dick Others pergi travel to open the mind, this one don't have brainMight as well don't travel overseas since EVERYTHING will make her tergugat iman and confused.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9421703219413757} +{"text": "Halal status: Uses Halal-certified ingredients and does not use or serve alcohol on-premises. Currently, only their Ramen Soup, Udon Soup and Mentaiko Sauce contain Mirin. We recommend you dine at your own discretion.Okay. They never say they are halal. But claiming they serve pork, this is very serious. LOD je la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "Apa yg anak Melayu suka sangat kat bobba tea ni .Dah la takde sijil halal .Tengok pun geli geleman.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993091821670532} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Aug 11 2024, 05:51 PM) Edible? Yes.Best? Not by a longshot. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ May 21 2019, 11:57 AM)When we say 'wine' it is haram, so u mix halal ingredient with haram, so become haram.If u mix with 'alcohol' it will be different stories.what alcohol can use to cook chicken? as a substitute for wine? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998376369476318} +{"text": "JUJUR DALAM BERNIAGA\n\nBagi peniaga dan pengendali makanan, amalkan penyediaan makanan yang bersih, berkualiti dan menepati kehendak pelanggan.\n\nJujurlah dalam setiap perniagaan dan kerja yang kita lakukan. Bermula Ramadan ini, gandakan pahala dan elakkan dosa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.969667911529541} +{"text": "makan mesti halal, tapi rasuah takpe. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999427795410156} +{"text": "i asked malay colit brfirr regardinh vegetarian food. they say some process in food preparing may be haram which make it haram. but he cant provide any example of haram way of preparing vege dish, so i think its load of bullshit. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976634979248} +{"text": "QUOTE(B0ss_ku @ Nov 1 2023, 09:36 AM)Design a haram logoAnd don't forget to put it on cigarettes box as well ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939762353897095} +{"text": "QUOTE(0168257061 @ Sep 17 2019, 11:58 AM)Recently saw a BMF ranting post in facebook.They condemn the manufacturer being Chinese boss try to confuse SOME consumer by putting jawi words and muslimah on the Meehun packaging.In fact the Meehun factory got MESTI and HALAL certification, and that group of people still want to blame the factory deceiving them.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 They're brainwashed by their PREFERRED CHOICE OF LEADERS that kept sowing hate ,fitnah about the nons agenda on misleading them. Thats why Hitler managed to brainwash his people into supporting his cause . He kept giving hate speeches to the public . We knew how the rest of the history turned out.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lieA big lie (German: gro\u00dfe L\u00fcge) is a propaganda technique and logical trick (fallacy). The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so \"colossal\" that no one would believe that someone \"could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously\". ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7531734704971313} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Nov 14 2020, 12:06 PM)Another issue to highlight here.......Tak halal jangan makan, tapi niaga dengan asumber haram boleh je makan.Example, roadside warung that steal electric n water to operate, ok je operating with sumber haram, all go makan support je.Janji olang kita ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911278486251831} +{"text": "QUOTE(Koyomi @ Sep 14 2016, 10:47 AM)That is people attitude not religion fault. Plus, I don't know what you mean local market. In islam all LAND animals need to sembelih by a muslim with certain hukum. I can't say much about halal cert because that is just a symbol for people to ensure it is halal. For example, I go balik kampung my grandma cook I eat with confidence but my grandma also no hold halal cert. It is all depends on people perspective. Also, it is haram to makan something that you not yakin halal, thats why some muslim boikot stuff because tak yakin.So one more term to learn today \"tak yakin\", so everything just go back to people's persepctive.i found out one thing is quite interesting, let say, the rice is bought from chinese seafood restaurant (established for decades never serve pork/lard, even patron frequently by muslim) , the muslim friend has been eating years ago, one day dapao to office and eat, his friend saw it and scolded him, spread whole group as well.. Well, he never eat it openly in front of them already.Another story is abt the snacks bought from overseas. It's halal certified by their religious body in their country, but my friend still threw into dustbin.Reason \"xtaulah macam mana diorang dapat cop halal ini\", together with the other forumer mentioning our China's muslim is different.I am wondering now, is there any difference muslim from china , indonesia, singapore, US, France, etc ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956380724906921} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.\nXnzx9gp0FZ4\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973633885383606} +{"text": "Lol, wish that other so call Haram ppl come donate. Wanna see pas reaction ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "wonder if kertas wang tat u hold everyday isit haram or halal ????inb4 is duit so krikkkk krikkk krikkkkk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "Bkn setakat BELACAN, dh mcm\u00b2 hasil KAKI lain dah masuk perut. Kat dunia lagi Tuhan tunjukkn knp makanan BERSIH, SUCI, HALAL itu penting. Kita masih berleka\u00b2.#PermitBelacan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5155770182609558} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Feb 9 2017, 11:01 AM)Bahan berubah sifat boleh jadi halal jika diproses - Dr Asrihttp://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/...s-dr-asri-37362Jun 07, 2014 17:51 MYTKUALA LUMPUR: Gelatin atau DNA yang diperolehi daripada babi boleh dianggap halal jika ia telah melalui proses transformasi, mengikut konsep Islam istihalah, kata bekas Mufti Perlis, Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin.Bekas mufti Perlis mengulas pandangan ulama tersohor, Syeikh Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi yang berpendapat gelatin haiwan termasuk babi adalah halal untuk digunakan.\"Saya berpandangan isu ini tidak adalah satu masalah besar kerana di kalangan ulama Islam sendiri tidak ada konsensus mengenai topik ini.\"Mereka mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza dalam hal ini,\" katanya kepada Astro AWANI.Dr Mohd Asri menegaskan bahawa setiap orang Islam mempunyai hak untuk membaca, mendengar, menilai dan membuat keputusan untuk dirinya sendiri berdasarkan kepada hujah-hujah yang dibentangkan.\"Islam adalah agama yang berfikiran terbuka yang sentiasa mengiktiraf fakta dan kebenaran.\"Kemudian, orang Islam juga perlu berfikir tentang bagaimana untuk menjawab perbuatan mereka di hadapan Allah di akhirat, bukan hanya bertindak balas secara emosi,\" katanya.Mengulas lanjut mengenai hujah Dr Yusuf, Dr Asri menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu yang dianggap haram boleh menjadi halal sebenarnya jika menggunakan konsep 'istihalah'.Istihalah ialah perubahan dan pertukaran sesuatu benda kepada suatu benda lain yang meliputi pertukaran hakikat dan bentuk benda tersebut.\"Apabila sesuatu yang tidak bersih telah melalui satu proses yang membuatkan ia telah kehilangan ciri-ciri asalnya ia tidak akan dinilai mengikut asalnya kerana ia telah benar-benar berubah,\" kata beliau sambil menambah bahawa bahan itu harus dinilai melalui ciri-ciri baru.\"Penjelasan mudah; perubahan dalam sifat bahan setelah melalui proses tertentu ini disebut sebagai istihalah,\" katanya.Dr Mohd Asri mengulas perkara berkenaan dilaman Facebooknya dengan mengambil contoh baja yang digunakan ketika menanam pokok pisang.\u201cBuah pisang halal dimakan. Tidak dikatakan buah pisang itu bernajis sebab subur dengan baja najis,\u201d tulis beliau.Beliau juga menggemukakan contoh arak yang bertukar menjadi cuka; ataupun, bangkai yang bertukar menjadi garam ataupun tanah.Dr Asri berkata Majlis Fatwa Eropah, al-Qaradawi, Wahbah al-Zuhaili dan lain-lain juga memberikan pandangan mereka tentang DNA babi yang terdapat secara meluas dalam makanan dan barangan di dunia ini sekarang.Sebelum ini, rakyat Malaysia dikejutkan dengan dakwaan laporan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) yang mengatakan dua produk coklat Cadbury dikesan mengandungi DNA babi.Bagaimanapun, ujian oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam Malaysia (Jakim) telah mengesahkan dua produk coklat tersebut tiada unsur DNA babi dan sekaligus halal untuk dimakan.\"Islam adalah agama yang berfikiran terbuka yang sentiasa mengiktiraf fakta dan kebenaran.\"To some, talking using fakta and having open mind will be labelled as kafir n munafik. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996199607849121} +{"text": "I'd say tu kita punya budaya. Kata ada JAKIM, fokus kat buat teks jumaat, halal haram makanan, benda2 kecik. Tu je.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9929914474487305} +{"text": "Okay so kedai mamak takda sijil halal is trending on FB. Paling bodoh orang komen ada hikmah pekerja kena lempang.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999506950378418} +{"text": "Actually whats the problem ? Lu org yg non muslim tak perlu kisah pun.. semua benda boleh makan kan...shud be no problem..Ni utk muslim je la...kami pilih apa kami nak..suka hati la..Adoi... knp insecure sgt...hahaha... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9895976185798645} +{"text": "Smoking is haram too. They don't say? Selective haram lel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(speedy3210 @ Jul 18 2024, 09:08 AM)Just plan for the usual spots lor.....1.\u00a0 Sg.Lembing - makan siu yuk noodle (non-halal), mining museum, old shophouses, hanging bridge @cina village with tofufa etc. 2. Hike Bukit Panorama Sg.Lembing (start early morning can see sea of clouds)3. rainbow waterfall near sg.lembing4.\u00a0 beaches - pantai batu hitam, pantai balok, teluk cempedak, cherating, kemasik (t'ganu side)5. restaurant food (non-halal) -\u00a0 Alor akar beggar jiken (Best and cheap), hao ming seafood, 6. street food (non-halal) - UK loh, teng haw kedai kopi, restoran taman kuantan, restoran hoi yin7. Food (halal) - Sate Zul, cendol air putih, cendol in front of alliance bank jln.beserah, nasi dagang noor azlihawill add later when got timeTake note that Alor Akar area parking is not plentiful especially during dinner hours.The restaurant is also very packed at this time so need to wait for table. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(LamboSama @ Jul 28 2021, 10:32 PM)Isn't that like most mamak restaurants?Viral in fb. It is chinese nasi ayam . ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991552829742432} +{"text": "Takdak logo halal / sijil halal tak semestinya haram. Tapi itu laaaa tuu , kita pantang takdak logo halal terus cop haram. Hm typical.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9818716645240784} +{"text": "\n\n I'll look for the Haram cert before eating\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:22 AM)itu pun satu hal juga. tapi itulah, sedih bang bila ramai kutuk JAKIM, yang muslim pun membahan sekali..\u00a0 Ok serious. Jakim did not approved Auntie Anne's halal application because of 'incomplete paperwork', but isn't it true that they also require them to change the name of 'Pretzel Dog'? Yeah, some people say they 'recommended' the name be changed, but if Auntie Anne's decide to stick with the name, will their application be approved if all other matters are ok? As you yourself has quoted:QUOTEMALAYSIAN STANDARD. MS 1500:2009. HALAL FOOD - PRODUCTION, PREPARATION, HANDLING AND STORAGE - GENERAL GUIDELINES (SECOND REVISION). Page 10. Clause 3.7.4Halal food and halal artificial flavour shall not be named or synonymously named after non halal products such as ham, bak kut teh, bacon, beer, rum and others that might create confusion. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998633861541748} +{"text": "Instead of quantity they should look at quality food. Infact look for healthy option like salad etcApa pundei open so many branches but quality teruk and food sucks and people still boikotNot sure they trolling or what ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Nov 25 2023, 01:36 PM)It's risk management....the weakest link are people exactly like this who make a non-issue an issueI foresee in future msoc will be split into muslim and non Muslim sections. Maybe even separate msoc. Especially for universities with high govt scholars numberAlso they were forced to respond because she made this a viral thing on tiktok.This post has been edited by diffyhelman2: Nov 25 2023, 02:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "QUOTE(MR_alien @ May 10 2024, 11:26 AM)takde sijil maksudnya tak halal lah kan?...KAN?i'm going to gasak those guys on IG later Later they say bukan tak halal, cuma BELUM dapat sijil.So kalau makan sebelum dapat sijil halal, kira haram le tu . ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "QUOTE(xandras @ Jan 24 2023, 03:20 PM)Nope.Not necessarily.Does Heineken\u00ae 0.0 contain alcohol?As stated on its label, Heineken\u00ae 0.0 has an alcohol by volume of 0.0% and is classified as alcohol free per the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). Heineken\u00ae 0.0 contains a trace amount of alcohol ranging from 0.01 to 0.03% ABV, which is a comparable or lower level of alcohol content as compared to the alcohol content commonly found in food products such as breads, fruits and juices. Heineken\u00ae 0.0\u2019s formula, alcohol content, and its label, have been reviewed and approved by the TTB in accordance with the regulations applicable to alcohol free malt beverages.Heineken sosWhat?!! Means eat other food they mention is more haram than drink the 0 % beer!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928448796272278} +{"text": "Bagus laGot cheap haram chicken for nons during kaamatan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9419336915016174} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Aug 9 2024, 03:09 PM)I dont understand why anak derhaka called charsiew if it is sweet & savoury Macam ikan goreng masam manis ka? why called char siew?https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/...t_kids_as_char/As for the exquisite taste of pork, it is very hard to explain. All I can say is that it's the best meat on earth.Let another malay explain it to u:\nx0N_jPl95wQ\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972943663597107} +{"text": "Harsh truth pasal diet ni kan korang kena pandai masak, suka masak, and rajin masak. Pandai masak so that makanan ko variety tak bosan tak muak tak cepat giveup. Suka masak so that even ko penat pun ko akan masak and tak beli. Rajin masak makes you enjoy the progress for prep", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8094913363456726} +{"text": "QUOTE(J1g54w @ Oct 19 2016, 09:31 AM)HAMzah, HAMdan, HAMidahtu semua haram ke?LMAO....ROFL... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999687671661377} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Mar 3 2024, 04:53 PM)Syariah means they cannot invest in any sin company or aka not halal.If they mix that defeats syariah right?tech companies are not haram. i wont dive into it coz i wont waste my time explaining it. you wanna know you google sendiri. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "Hukum Menghadiahkan Arak Kepada Non-Muslim Tuntasnya, hukum memberi arak kepada non-Muslim adalah haram, dan ini termasuk juga makanan yang mempunyai unsur daging babi yang jelas haram melalui al-Qur\u2019an dan... https://facebook.com/155056204544957/posts/2158509544199603/\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "beer name still haram to them, like pretzel dog ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9831247329711914} +{"text": "QUOTE(Capt. Marble @ Jul 6 2023, 09:16 PM)Here is your list of franchise although not up to date... 2021Top 50+ Best Franchise Businesses in MalaysiaTopup a bit can do Tealive.TIPS : Trending -> Bungkus Kaw KawMostly F&B. Klang Valley already saturated with those F&B cafe. In my opinion too competitive. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9867765307426453} +{"text": "Dear Kurma, you don't need the halal logo to proof your halal status. https://t.co/bXD4kNOmt2", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997585415840149} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ Feb 13 2016, 12:03 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abJAKIM cari duit dari perlesenan. Jgn lah marah. Namun,\u00a0 umat butthurt rasa popular dan rasa hebat sangat apabila tanda \"no pork\"\u00a0 ini seperti di tujukan kepada mereka yang indah dan famous ini. Sangkaan mereka salah, praktis ini banyak di lakukan di negara bukan islam utk memberitahu bahawa mereka tidak menggunakan pork kepada umat Yahudi yang mahu makan Kosher, devoted christian yg tidak makan pork, animal activist mcm PETa, org yang alergic pork dan juga kepada org yg di nasihat oleh doktor supaya jgn mkn pork. Perasan lebih je ai butthurt group ni.. Rasa hebat dan mulia. Pegi main jauh jauh la...Dah tau xda sijil halal, jgn la masuk. Tak kisah la serve no pork ke,\u00a0 gerai goreng pisang kat tepi jalan ke,\u00a0 stall nasi lemak spiderman ke, kalau xda sijil halal... Jgn la beli.this.if you are not yakin that it is halal, then is not halal for you and you alone...even if it has the jakim logo.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "QUOTE(cicak.fakir @ Oct 26 2016, 12:06 AM)apasal pulak fatwa dah kata haram, jakim pula salah? salah orang awam laa tak patuhi fatwa.hmmm... salah tuduhan ni bang - saya tukang tangkap orang merokok waktu sekolah dulu. sekarang bila dahh takde power, saya report ke talian komplen bang. satu lebuhraya plus tu saya dah haram jadahkan. public shaming orang merokok selamba aje.Itu aku bagi contoh, malays ni separuh benda die die defend, ikut. Separuh benda, buat bodoh tak tau. Ada otak tak nak guna. Jakim ni satu, tak kaitan nama product dgn standard halal. Jakim takda otak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "QUOTE(HoneyPink @ Sep 26 2016, 09:54 PM)i have muslim friend who are born malay muslim that do all the haram thing. pork beer and so on.... but they have good atttude n personality. so i like them.i also have a non-muslim friend/relative who drink/gamble/cheat/cheong - but they generally have good attitude n personality. i like them too ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993182420730591} +{"text": "Aku faham kita wajib cari makanan bersih dan halal. Tapi dari kita buat produk atas nama islam (produk muslim la kiranya), why not buat produk yang semua boleh makan. Luaslah lagi pasaran tu tak tertumpu pada muslim sahaja.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9133890271186829} +{"text": "\r\norg melayu ni suka shopping kat giant (sbb cashernye melayu)\n\r\ntapi kat belakanng tabir kebanyakkannya cina... diorang mane tau halal ke haram..\n\r\nkitalah sebagai pengguna kena hati2", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989770650863647} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Nov 1 2023, 09:57 AM)1) Chinese kopitiam2) Indian seller3) Chinese words4) Babi mentioned5) Non-halal mentioned6) Pig logoPuak confius = \"be considerate to us pls\"Bodoh puak confiusMust stand a guard at the entrance to check religion status on IC. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998080134391785} +{"text": "BAJET 2019 oleh kerajaan yang diterajui Pakatan Harapan dibentangkan oleh Menteri Kewangan, Lim Guan Eng pada jam 4 petang, Jumaat.Ia mencatat sejarah apabila menjadi bajet persekutuan pertama dibentangkan di Parlimen oleh sebuah kerajaan baharu sejak negara mencapai kemerdekaan pada 1957.Guan Eng baru-baru ini berkata, bajet 2019 akan menjadi bajet yang sukar kerana kerajaan perlu mengurangkan hutang negara berjumlah RM1 trilion untuk membawa ekonomi kembali ke landasan yang betul secara fiskal dalam masa tiga tahun.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abBerikut adalah perkara utama yang diumumkan beliau untuk Bajet 2019:- Hutang dan liabiliti sebenar Kerajaan sehingga akhir Jun 2018 adalah RM1,065 bilion, iaitu hampir RM350 bilion lebih tinggi daripada jumlah yang didedahkan secara rasmi oleh Kerajaan terdahulu.- Perincian hutang ini merangkumi RM725.2 bilion hutang langsung Kerajaan Persekutuan, RM155.8 bilion komitmen luar jangka dan RM184.9 bilion liabiliti lain termasuk bayaran pajakan bagi projek Kerjasama Awam Swasta (PPP).- Kerajaan mendapati pentadbiran terdahulu telah secara rahsia membayar hutang 1MDB hampir RM7 bilion sehingga 30 April 2018.- Kerajaan juga mendapati bahawa negara mungkin perlu membayar sehingga RM43.9 bilion lagi bagi menyelesaikan hutang 1MDB ini.- Sehingga 31 Mei 2018, jumlah tunggakan bayaran balik adalah RM35.4 bilion, di mana tunggakan GST adalah sebanyak RM19.4 bilion sementara tunggakan cukai pendapatan berjumlah RM16 bilion.- Kerajaan telah membatalkan projek Multi-Product Pipeline dan Trans-Sabah Pipeline berjumlah RM15 bilion. Selain itu, kerja pembinaan ECRL berjumlah RM81 bilion telah digantung dan kini kosnya sedang dirunding semula.- Kerajaan juga telah membatalkan projek MRT3 yang bernilai RM60 bilion sehingga projek MRT2 disiapkan.- Menangguhkan pelaksanaan projek Kereta Api Berkelajuan Tinggi (HSR) Kuala Lumpur \u2013 Singapura yang menelan belanja sekurang-kurangnya RM110 bilion.- Kerajaan telah berjaya mengurangkan kos keseluruhan projek LRT3 daripada RM31.6 bilion kepada hanya RM16.6 bilion.- Bagi projek MRT2 yang diuruskan oleh MRT Corp pula, Kerajaan telah berjaya menurunkan kos kontrak pembinaan sebanyak RM8.8 bilion daripada RM39.3 bilion kepada RM30.5 bilion, iaitu penjimatan sebanyak 22.4%.- Projek Landasan Berkembar Lembah Klang 2 bernilai RM5.2 bilion akan ditender semula melalui tender terbuka dan dijangka akan memberi penjimatan kos yang besar.- Kerajaan akan mengambil segala tindakan untuk mendapat segala dana yang hilang atau dicuri daripada 1MDB.- 1MDB dan Kerajaan Malaysia tidak akan membayar baki US$4.32 bilion kepada IPIC dan Aabar dan sebaliknya akan menuntut pemulangan US$1.46 bilion yang telah dibayar.- Kerajaan telah berjaya memiliki semula kapal layar super-mewah, Equanimity dan akan mula menerima bidaan antarabangsa dalam tempoh satu bulan dari tarikh 5 November 2018.- Di bawah GST, bagi barangan, hanya 545 item telah dikenakan pada kadar sifar manakala di bawah SST, hampir sepuluh kali ganda item dikecualikan daripada Cukai Jualan.- Berdasarkan kajian awal Kementerian Perdagangan dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, 70% atau 291 daripada 417 barang dan perkhidmatan yang telah diperiksa, didapati terdapat penurunan harga pada September 2018.- Kerajaan akan memperkenalkan sistem kredit untuk potongan cukai jualan mulai 1 Januari 2019. Sistem kredit akan juga mengelak percukaian berganda dan menurunkan kos perniagaan.- Perkhidmatan yang diimport akan dikenakan Cukai Perkhidmatan.- Bagi perkhidmatan atas talian yang diimport oleh pengguna, penyedia perkhidmatan asing akan dikehendaki berdaftar dengan Kastam, mengenakan dan meremit cukai perkhidmatan yang berkaitan berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Januari 2020- Kerajaan akan melancarkan Program Khas Pengakuan Sukarela (Special Voluntary Disclosure Program) untuk memberi peluang kepada pembayar cukai mengisytiharkan secara sukarela sebarang pendapatan yang tidak dilaporkan.- LHDN akan meneliti dan menyiasat sebarang harta kekayaan luar biasa yang ditunjukkan melalui pemilikan barang-barang mewah seperti barang kemas, jam tangan, beg tangan, kereta mewah atau hartanah.- Setelah berjaya melancarkan sistem SST, Kastam akan meningkatkan penguatkuasaan ke atas penyeludupan rokok.- Kerajaan berharap untuk mendapatkan semula sekurang-kurangnya RM1 bilion daripada usaha membanteras aktiviti penyeludupan dan penipuan, yang sebelum ini tidak dapat dikutip.- Kerajaan akan mencadangkan pengenaan levi pelepasan bagi semua penumpang ke luar negara melalui laluan udara bermula 1 Jun 2019.- RM20 dikenakan ke atas penumpang ke negara Asean dan kedua, sebanyak RM40 dikenakan ke atas penumpang ke negara lain.- Kerajaan akan meneruskan dan menambahbaik Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) kepada B40 dengan memberikan bantuan secara lebih bersasar.- Isi rumah berpendapatan bulanan RM2,000 dan ke bawah akan menerima bantuan berjumlah RM1,000.- Isi rumah berpendapatan bulanan dari RM2,001 hingga RM3,000 ke bawah akan menerima bantuan berjumlah RM750.- Isi rumah berpendapatan bulanan dari RM3,001 hingga RM4,000 akan menerima bantuan berjumlah RM500.- Kerajaan akan memperkenalkan kadar tambahan BSH sebanyak RM120 untuk setiap anak berumur 18 tahun ke bawah terhad kepada 4 orang, kecuali anak OKU yang tidak dihadkan umur mereka.-Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) i-SURI. Melalui skim ini, Kerajaan akan menyediakan geran padanan RM40 setiap bulan sebagai insentif kepada suami penyayang yang mencarum dengan kadar minimum RM5 sebulan kepada simpanan persaraan isteri.-Subsidi minyak secara bersasar kepada pihak memiliki sebuah kereta sahaja yang berkapasiti enjin 1,500cc dan ke bawah atau motosikal berkapasiti enjin 125cc dan ke bawah.-Kerajaan akan memberi subsidi petrol RON95 sebanyak 30 sen seliter terhad kepada 100 liter sebulan bagi kereta atau 40 liter bagi motosikal.-RM2 bilion diperuntukkan dan dijangka dapat memanfaatkan seramai 4 juta pemilik kereta dan 2.6 juta pemilik motosikal.-Barangan yang terlibat adalah tepung gandum, gula bertapis dan minyak masak dalam paket 1kg, serta beras tempatan 15% hancur pek 10kg, Petrol RON95, diesel dan LPG.-Subsidi bil elektrik bulanan hanya dikhususkan kepada golongan miskin dan miskin tegar yang berdaftar dengan program e-Kasih, kadar subsidi ditingkatkan kepada RM40 sebulan dan memanfaatkan 185,000 akaun. Peruntukan sebanyak RM80 juta disediakan.-Bagi menggalakkan peluang pekerjaan bagi rakyat Malaysia yang berumur 60 ke atas, kerajaan mencadangkan supaya caruman mandatori KWSP bagi majikan dikurangkan daripada 6% kepada 4%.-Bagi memastikan bekas banduan tidak ketinggalan dalam arus pembangunan serta dapat menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi, potongan cukai tambahan diberi kepada syarikat yang menggaji pekerja dalam kategori ini.-Pemberian bantuan sebanyak RM500 secara one-off kepada pesara yang masih menerima pencen kurang daripada satu ribu ringgit-Kerajaan memperuntukkan RM10 juta setahun untuk memanjangkan kemudahan perubatan kepada ibu bapa pegawai lantikan kontrak.-Kerajaan mencadangkan kenaikan gaji minimum kepada RM1,100 di seluruh Malaysia mulai 1 Januari 2019.-Kerajaan melalui usahasama dengan syarikat insurans swasta, akan memperkenalkan Dana Perlindungan Kesihatan Nasional B40.-Menyediakan perlindungan percuma ke atas 4 penyakit kritikal utama sehingga RM8,000 dan maksimum 14 hari pendapatan gantian semasa rawatan hospital pada kadar RM50 sehari atau bersamaan RM700 setahun.-Kerajaan akan memperuntukkan hampir RM29 bilion untuk perkhidmatan kesihatan yang merupakan peningkatan sebanyak 7.8% berbanding tahun lepas.-Meneruskan program saringan percuma pengesanan kanser payudara (mamogram), program vaksinasi HPV dan ujian saringan Pap Smear di hospital dan klinik Kerajaan dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM20 juta.-Menyediakan peruntukan sebanyak RM50 juta bagi rawatan penyakit jarang jumpa, rawatan virus Hepatitis C, program menangani masalah pertumbuhan bantut di kalangan kanak-kanak, menyediakan saringan dan peluasan rawatan haemodialisis serta Enhanced Primary Healthcare (EnPHC).-Kerajaan bercadang untuk memperkenalkan duti eksais mulai 1 April 2019 pada kadar 40 sen per liter ke atas dua kategori minuman bergula dikilangkan dalam bentuk pembungkusan yang sedia diminum.-Mempertingkatkan keselamatan dalam negeri dan pertahanan negara dengan peruntukan pembangunan sebanyak RM5.9 bilion kepada Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri.-Bagi memastikan kesejahteraan penjawat awam terutamanya polis, tentera dan guru, RM400 juta untuk penyelenggaraan dan membaik pulih kuarters Kerajaan yang dikenal pasti.-Persatuan Pemaju Hartanah dan Perumahan Malayisa (REHDA) telah bersetuju untuk mengurangkan sebanyak 10% harga rumah yang tidak tertakluk kepada kawalan harga untuk projek baharu.-Bagi meningkatkan penggunaan pengangkutan awam, Kerajaan memperuntukkan RM240 juta untuk memperkenalkan pas bulanan RM100 tanpa had perjalanan yang meliputi perkhidmatan rel dan bas RapidKL mulai 1 Januari 2019.-Tabung Pengangkutan Awam dengan dana RM500 juta yang menawarkan insentif subsidi kadar faedah sebanyak 2% kepada teksi dan syarikat bas serta pengendali pengangkutan awam.-Kerajaan akan membekukan kenaikan bayaran tol di semua lebuhraya dalam bandar pada tahun 2019 yang melibatkan implikasi kewangan yang dianggarkan sebanyak RM700 juta.-Kerajaan juga akan memansuhkan tol motosikal di Jambatan Pertama dan Kedua di Pulau Pinang, serta Lebuhraya Laluan Kedua di Johor dengan implikasi kewangan dianggarkan sebanyak RM20 juta setahun mulai 1 Januari 2019.-Kementerian Pendidikan adalah penerima peruntukan yang terbesar berjumlah RM60.2 bilion atau 19.1% daripada keseluruhan perbelanjaan Kerajaan tahun 2019.-Peruntukan bagi bantuan pendidikan berjumlah RM2.9 bilion untuk membantu golongan yang miskin melalui bekalan makanan, buku teks dan bantuan tunai.-Menaikkan taraf dan menyelenggara semua sekolah dengan peruntukan RM652 juta berbanding RM615 juta tahun 2018.*Sekolah Kebangsaan \u2013 RM250 juta;*Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) \u2013 RM50 juta; *Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) \u2013 RM50 juta;*Sekolah Berasrama Penuh \u2013 RM50 juta;*Maktab Rendah Sains Mara \u2013 RM50 juta;*Sekolah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan \u2013 RM50 juta;*Sekolah Mubaligh \u2013 RM50 juta; *Sekolah Tahfiz \u2013 RM50 juta;*Sekolah Pondok yang berdaftar \u2013 RM25 juta; *Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan (SMJK) atau Conforming School \u2013 RM15 juta; dan*Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina (SMPC) \u2013 RM12 juta.-Menyediakan peruntukan sebanyak RM100 juta bagi pembinaan semula sekolah daif di seluruh negara.-Memperuntukkan RM206 juta untuk membangun dan menyediakan program latihan di politeknik dan kolej komuniti.-Peruntukan sebanyak RM30 juta disediakan untuk dana ini. Di samping itu, peruntukan RM20 juta disediakan bagi meningkatkan kompetensi belia melalui Program Bootcamp berkaitan TVET.-Memperkasa aktiviti penyelidikan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) dengan peruntukan RM400 juta.-Meneruskan pemberian biasiswa dan pinjaman pelajaran dengan peruntukan RM3.8 bilion di mana RM2 bilion diperuntukan khusus kepada pelajar Bumiputera tajaan MARA.-Kerajaan memperuntukkan RM17.5 juta kepada Malaysia Professional Accountancy Centre (MyPAC) untuk mengeluarkan 600 akauntan Bumiputera yang diiktiraf dalam jangka masa 5 tahun.-Pembayaran balik PTPTN dengan cara potongan gaji berjadual antara 2% hingga 15% daripada pendapatan bulanan peminjam berpendapatan melebihi RM1,000 sebulan.-Layanan pelepasan cukai pendapatan individu bagi Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN) dinaikkan daripada RM6,000 kepada RM8,000.-Potongan pinjaman kepada pelajar daripada isi rumah B40 yang mendapat keputusan kelas pertama.-Menghapus kira baki hutang kepada peminjam yang berusia 60 tahun dan ke atas dan berpendapatan kurang daripada RM4,000 sebulan, yang memanfaatkan 350 peminjam dengan kos RM4.2 juta.-RM100 juta diperuntukan sebagai persediaan atlet ke Sukan Olimpik 2020 di Tokyo dengan harapan membawa pulang pingat emas pertama negara.-RM10 juta untuk membangun dan menggalakkan E-Sports, sebagai sebuah aktiviti dan industri yang diminati oleh generasi muda, yang melibatkan jurutera perisian dan pemaju permainan digital.-Kerajaan memperuntukkan sebanyak RM1.2 bilion bagi tahun 2019 berbanding RM1.1 bilion tahun 2018 bagi memastikan kemajuan syiar Islam tidak terjejas.-Sejumlah RM150 juta disediakan bagi melaksanakan program termasuk pembinaan masjid dan surau di seluruh negara, inisiatif \u2018Khaira Ummah\u2019 untuk melahirkan lebih ramai profesional di kalangan huffaz dan modul pembelajaran agama dengan penggunaan braille.-Kerajaan akan meneruskan Insentif Penerbitan Filem di Malaysia (FIMI) dengan peruntukan RM30 juta. Tambahan, Khazanah akan menyediakan peruntukan RM100 juta untuk FIMI yang khusus bagi penerbitan filem di studio Pinewood di Iskandar Johor.-Kerajaan juga akan menguatkuasakan Standard Mandatori Mengenai Harga Capaian (MSAP) yang dijangka akan menurunkan harga jalur lebar talian tetap sekurangnya 25% pada hujung tahun 2018.-Khazanah Nasional Berhad akan membangunkan 80 ekar tanah di Subang sebagai hub aeroangkasa bertaraf dunia.-Dana pembiayaan PKS oleh institusi kewangan komersial sebanyak RM4.5 bilion dengan 60% jaminan Skim Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan (SJPP) termasuk RM1 bilion untuk PKS Bumiputera;-Memperuntukkan RM100 juta bagi menambahbaik keupayaan industri PKS dalam industri halal.-Menyediakan Skim Pembiayaan PKS Patuh Syariah berjumlah RM1 bilion disediakan oleh institusi kewangan Islam dengan Kerajaan memberi subsidi kadar keuntungan sebanyak 2%.-Permodalan Usahawan Nasional Berhad juga akan menyediakan peruntukan RM200 juta bagi industri pemborongan dan peruncitan serta pembelian premis perniagaan untuk disewa kepada PKS Bumiputera.-RM100 juta akan diperuntukkan kepada TEKUN untuk membiayai usahawan kecil.-RM20 juta untuk pelancaran kempen \"Beli Barangan Malaysia\" untuk menyokong produk dan perkhidmatan tempatan.-RM30 juta bagi membantu semua pekebun kecil kelapa sawit mendapatkan pengiktirafan persijilan Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO).-RM2.46 bilion bagi kerja menaik taraf dan memulihara landasan keretapi untuk mempertingkatkan infrastruktur pengangkutan negara.-Menjadikan tanah seluas 380 ekar di Pulau Indah sebagai Zon Perdagangan Bebas untuk menyokong dan memangkin aktiviti perkapalan dan logistik di Pelabuhan Klang.-RM30 juta bagi membantu semua pekebun kecil kelapa sawit mendapatkan pengiktirafan persijilan Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO).-Kerajaan akan menyediakan Insentif Pengeluaran Getah dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM50 juta bagi membantu mengurangkan kesan kejatuhan harga getah kepada pekebun kecil. Pekebun kecil akan menerima sokongan pendapatan daripada IPG jika harga getah jatuh bawah RM2.20 sekilogram.-Geran sepadan RM100 juta akan disediakan kepada syarikat swasta bagi program promosi dan pemasaran pelancongan antarabangsa untuk meningkatkan angka ketibaan pelancong.-Kerajaan komited untuk menjadikan Pulau Pangkor sebagai pulau bebas cukai untuk merealisasikan potensi sebenar pulau tersebut.-Taraf Pulau Langkawi sebagai pulau bebas cukai akan juga diperkembangkan lagi.-Membina dan menaiktaraf jalan raya, jalan luar bandar dan jambatan dengan peruntukan RM926 juta.Meluaskan akses bekalan elektrik dan air di luar bandar dengan peruntukan RM694 juta dan RM738 juta masing-masing.-Memperuntukkan RM85 juta untuk kampung baharu bagi tujuan menaiktaraf dan memulihara infrastruktur asas seperti jalan raya, dewan komuniti dan kawasan lapang.-Bagi penempatan FELDA, Kerajaan akan menyediakan peruntukan RM100 juta bagi menaiktaraf jalan, RM160 juta bagi projek sistem bekalan air, RM35 juta bagi projek membina dan naiktaraf bangunan serta projek pemasangan lampu jalan.-Peruntukkan RM10 juta disediakan untuk menambah 50 Taman Asuhan Kanak-Kanak (TASKA) di bangunan Kerajaan ke arah meringankan bebanan kerja ibu yang bekerja.-Kerajaan akan memperuntukkan RM286.8 juta untuk perbelanjaan mengurus Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), iaitu peningkatan 18.5% daripada RM242.1 juta yang diperuntukkan tahun lepas.-Kerajaan mencadangkan bayaran khas sebanyak RM500 kepada semua penjawat awam gred 54 dan bawah. Bayaran khas sebanyak RM250 juga akan diberi kepada pesara kerajaan. Jumlah bayaran khas ini melibatkan kos RM1 bilion.So which is it? minimum Wage RM 1100 or RM 1050?http://www.mstar.com.my/berita/berita-sema...ati-bajet-2019/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5120906233787537} +{"text": "QUOTE(idoblu @ Feb 9 2017, 10:50 AM)dont buy brush lor, get this instead - cannot, the lorry that delivers the HARAM brush has tainted this... need to samak before can sell..all non muslim traders needs to leern muslim teachings and samak... once learnt islam, can charged in syariah.INB4 Rokok haram, tapi? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by katakpuruz at 5-11-2006 02:16 PM\r\nAssalamualaikum..Aku nak tanya sape2 yang boleh jawab akan kemusykilan yang telah lama bersarang dalam kepala..\r\n1.Kalau makanan yang tidak halal contohnya khinzir disimpan dalam peti sejuk bercamp ... \n\n\ncecco rasa tak pe kot.asalkan makanan tu tak bercampur dengan makanan yg haram tu la..ianya sebiji macam konteks muslim makan semeja dgn yg non-muslim..asalkan jgn makan makanan yg haram,dahla", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994753003120422} +{"text": "\"ro be racist is haram as eating a pork sandwich\"\nTyL0abQT5xs\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "Bagi gw yg gauska beginian, jujur reddog enak kok. Kl adek2 gw yg addict sm makanan korea gw gprnh suka, tp kl mreka beli ini gw icip2 trs wkwk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9954586029052734} +{"text": "QUOTE(jojolicia @ Oct 6 2022, 10:26 AM)Now, i faham. It weights down to the knowing (yg mengetahui). Oh wai, the couplewell.. that part only god knows..maybe at dat time when dey were eating, they had intention to pay, maybe, maybe there was some bencana happen dat dey had to use d money for something else... but if they had intention to cheat the caterer whilst eating the food... then it can consider haram for them... but then better ask and expert on this matter...Anyway, in the end God knows whats their true intentionBut as a human, the caterer either got option to halal the food and let be a lesson...or screw them to the maximum and bring to court and press for maximum effect... but then there is always repercussion on both way, good or bad..This post has been edited by Ashadiya: Oct 6 2022, 11:24 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999293088912964} +{"text": "@Hanafiah67 @AizuBS @waniehime @naf_zam Tuan yg lari menyimpang jauh nampaknya...isu di sini tentang isu Halal by bumiputera. Klau utamakan produk muslim tapi kilangnya sgt kotor, apa gunanya ya..Sedangkan kebersihan sebahagian daripada iman...Sbb tulah bkn mudah nak dpt sijil halal even produk muslim. Sbb KEBERSIHAN\ud83d\ude07", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999680519104004} +{"text": "one of the best drink but i only drink it once a while due to the sugar level ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999426603317261} +{"text": "Kadang Hana beli jualan temen-temen dosennya. Kadang beli makanan di kantin. Kadang beli jualan lakinya sendiri suka-suka ae pokoknya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999604225158691} +{"text": "@bazziness @danieleskay Nak cakap sikit. Kalau dah dapat sijil halal, tiap2 tahun kena buat audit dalaman halal. Jakim pulak audit bila dah buat permohonan pembaharuan baharu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997588992118835} +{"text": "Hi TS, if want to go around, places of interest is quite spread out bcoz kuching is big. If u want to see cultural stuff, go to kpg budaya or the real long house in annah rais. Its durian season now so you can indulge urself at south kuching towards serian, its very cheap not like the greedy seller in penang. Waterfront is good place to hangout at weekend. And if u don want to miss star wars, watch at imax at viva city mall ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "Jangan nak pertikaikan sangat soal makanan halal atau haram. Tu semua biar JAKIM yang uruskan. Kalau was2 jangan makan langsung.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6979668140411377} +{"text": "QUOTE(AlexRoss27 @ Mar 13 2024, 11:33 PM).... But this thread is about racism in SJKC and I would like to keep it on topic....Topic is the \"Vernacular school is truly Malaysia\" not \"Vernacular school is truly racist or Chinese/ Indian\". It is not hard to find middle ground if we are looking at a school for ALL Malaysia Malaysians.Not minimising racisim by the chauvanist in SJKs but the point is vernacular schools are more multiracial for all Malaysians and has better syllabus ... at least no outright racist BS that we see in SKs. Ok middle ground \"Vernacular school is less racist and more Malaysian than [.....]\" . Ini boleh tak?QUOTE(30624770 @ Mar 12 2024, 12:14 PM)Do you still remember how nerve-wrecking it was during the first day of school? It was the time where kids would usually cry for their parents as they were too scared to leave their side.A young girl has recently left the Internet and Malaysians in tears after a photo of her comforting her classmate who was too nervous to attend school with a simple gesture went viral.In a Facebook post shared by a primary school located in Kajang called SJKC Yu Hua yesterday (Mar 11), an anonymous parent shared the story which led up to the touching scene.According to the caption, it was the first day of school and there were many parents who were both excited and worried as they dropped their kids off.The OP then noticed a Malay Standard 1 girl standing at the school gate with her eyes filled with tears. Though her mother tried to encourage her to step into the premise, the young girl remained hesitant.At that moment, a Chinese Standard 1 student appeared. Though she looked equally timid, she mustered up the courage, held the Malay girl\u2019s hand, and silently accompanied her as they walked towards the area where the other students were lining up.\u201cAlthough not much words were exchanged between them, yet there was still a sense of warmth in their companionship on this new learning journey,\u201d wrote the parent.The parents then ended the post by saying that the scene deeply touched her and allowed her to experience \u201cthe power of love and acceptance\u201d.\u2018This is truly Malaysia!\u2019The post has since garnered over 5,000 reactions at the time of writing, where netizens were left teary-eyed by the photo of the girl\u2019s touching gesture.One netizen expressed hope in seeing the two girls becoming lifelong friends as the photo will serve as a precious memory for them to reminisce on in the future.https://weirdkaya.com/7yo-msian-girl-comfor...urwftri47byc1tnThis post has been edited by Ray2021: Mar 14 2024, 12:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997453093528748} +{"text": "Benda yg disebar kt ws tu dah berzaman. Now its forward again & viral lagi sekali yg kali keberapa dah. Dah la takde true facts. What a fake news. Sembang jakim ye? Habis tu yg sijil jakim halal tergantung kt dinding tu apa ye?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987549781799316} +{"text": "Apa la guna sijil halal yg jakim keluarkan. Dia x tau, kalau dia dah meragui kehalalan dgn benda dah dpt sijil halal, tanpa dia sedar tah berapa byk makanan yg dia dah pernah makan yg ada sijil halal tu jatuh haram sebab ada rasa keraguan tu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994847774505615} +{"text": "self claimed best? hahahahaBig No for me, I rather go for genuine, not the pirated and subpar one ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8694417476654053} +{"text": "Untuk peniaga2 makanan, ekcelli en apa jenis makanan/minuman kau jual, zeriuz tak perlu letak garam/gula banyak2.\n\nZeriuz lagi sikit kau letak, kan kurang modal kau nak beli garam/gula, more profit! Then why tf korang suka sangat letak banyak2 benda2 tu semua eh? Tak sedap anat!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9715408086776733} +{"text": " Ga enak, mahal! 5x harga dari makanan X yg aku suka dan sering beli*Capluk abis 1\n*Capluk abis 2", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9885644316673279} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:56 AM)I also know another type. Drink alcohol, say janji tak mabuk is ok. Actually, in Quran, it says if you abuse it, then it is haram, if you drink small quantities and still functional, then its okay. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9749804735183716} +{"text": "\nsatu tuhan, satu rasul...tp logo halal beribu2....bkn ke lebih baik diseragamkan jadi satu....satu l ...\nmatamata Post at 2-9-2010 22:52 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Kat Malaysia nie pun ada 14 rate berbeza2 untuk zakat. Itu belum lagi benda2 dalam agama lain spt fatwa dsb. :re: :re:", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998652935028076} +{"text": "QUOTE(donkeyformula @ Dec 31 2020, 09:33 AM)Bla bla blaMy chinese fren say all this learn in pendidikan sivik masa sekolah dulu maa. Siapa tak tahu mesti geng ponteng kelas And wow, Civic education in Malaysia now teach so detailed about islam, impressive. I thought Civic education was to teach about stuff like our parliamentary system and checks and balances and stuff. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "What i'm trying to say here is when u pergi kedai yg tkde sijil halal, but yknow dorg tkde serve alcohol, pork/lard free etc, kan kita selalu confuse boleh makan ke tk, bila situation cmni barulah i guna the yakin makan, if tk, jangan makan tu. Get it?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9833236336708069} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:25 AM)You missed a point as well why tapai is not considered haram before you accused others of having messed up mentality. Have a read for more research, can? https://muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/irsyad-fatwa...peratus-alkohol5% consider halal? Kalau u makan 204grams tapai nasi = 320ml beer(assuming alcohol is 3% and density of beer is 1.06)Kalau campur cendol?yeah bebhttp://psasir.upm.edu.my/id/eprint/19918/#...%20is%205%20%25. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999679327011108} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalAnd you know nothing about vegetarian ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9159321784973145} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ Jul 11 2016, 03:10 PM)sibuk je... halal ke haram ke... aku tetap boikot mcd sebab makanan dia tak sedap. baik makan chap fan ke siuyuk fan... lagi sedap dan murah.siuyuk fan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999340772628784} +{"text": "http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/rencana...-dr-nisar-mohamRayani Air, penerbangan patuh syariah dan sentimen anti agama \u2013 Dr Nisar Mohammad AhmadPublished: 23 December 2015 2:14 PMBaru-baru ini media melaporkan kemunculan Rayani Air, sebuah syarikat penerbangan patuh syariah yang pertama seumpamanya di negara ini. Rayani Air membuat penerbangan sulungnya pada 20 Disember lalu dari Klia2 ke Langkawi. Kemunculan syarikat ini mendapat liputan meluas daripada media tempatan dan antarabangsa berikutan statusnya yang patuh syariah dan membawa imej berbeza daripada syarikat lain.Antara ciri-ciri patuh syariah yang diketengahkan ialah kakitangan wanita Muslim berhijab dan menutup aurat serta berpakaian sopan untuk bukan Muslim, bacaan doa sebelum memulakan penerbangan dan penyediaan makanan dan minuman halal. Juga, tiada minuman beralkohol di dalam semua penerbangan.Sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia beragama Islam, saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada pengurusan Rayani Air kerana ketika mana dunia hari ini begitu memandang serong terhadap agama Islam dengan sentimen Islamophobianya, syarikat ini mengambil langkah berani dengan penampilan bercirikan Islam ini.Tindakan ini menunjukkan pihak syarikat mempunyai keyakinan imej Islam yang dibawa tidak menjadi halangan untuk bersaing dengan syarikat lain untuk meraih keuntungan dalam industri ini.Saya berharap prinsip Islam itu tidak hanya terpancar pada penampilan dan imej diketengahkan sahaja, tetapi akan turut diterjemahkan dalam segenap segi pengurusan dan operasi syarikat seperti urus tadbir syarikat, aspek pelaburan, pengurusan kewangan, tanggungjawab sosial, layanan kepada kakitangan dan penumpang serta aspek-aspek lain yang berkaitan.Sesungguhnya, kehadiran Rayani Air yang baru beberapa hari memulakan operasinya ini mendapat pelbagai reaksi daripada segenap lapisan masyarakat. Ada yang memuji dan tidak kurang juga mengeji. Saya tertarik untuk memberi komentar terhadap komen agak \u2018negatif\u2019 diberikan kepada imej Islam yang cuba dibawa syarikat ini. Komen sebegini dapat dilihat di segenap ruang media sosial.Melihat nama yang memberi komentar tersebut, saya simpulkan komen datang dari masyarakat bukan Islam. Antara komen tersebut, yang turut menjadi viral di media sosial ketika ini, adalah seperti \u201cSorry, no flight on Friday\u201d (Maaf, tiada penerbangan pada hari Jumaat), \u201cEven Emirates serve alcoholic drink\u201d (sedangkan Penerbangan Ermirates menyediakan minuman beralkohol), \u201cMuslim women not suppose to go out and work\u201d (Wanita Islam tidak sepatutnya keluar rumah dan bekerja) dan beberapa komen lain.Komen tersebut mungkin dibuat sebilangan kecil masyarakat dan kelompok tertentu dalam negara ini yang tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan keseluruhan masyarakat dan komuniti tersebut. Namun, kesilapan dalam komen seperti itu harus diperbetulkan kerana ia mempunyai interpretasi perasaan dan sifat bencikan sesuatu agama.Komen sebegini kemungkinannya dibuat kerana kejahilan seseorang tentang prinsip Islam atau kekeliruan kerana terdapat perbezaan antara amalan Islam di kalangan umat Islam dan prinsip Islam sebenar atau mungkin juga kerana benci dan tidak sukakan sesuatu tentang agama Islam. Agama tidak harus dipersalahkan jika terdapat kesalahan yang dilakukan penganut agama berkenaan.Sesungguhnya sikap rasis atau anti agama boleh sahaja wujud dalam mana-mana kaum, komuniti dan di mana-mana tempat. Komen di atas adalah beberapa contohnya. Nasihat saya kepada rakan bukan Islam, hormatilah syariat Islam seperti kewajipan menutup aurat, makan dan minum yang halal dan sebagainya.Jangan dihina perkara tersebut kerana ia suatu yang disyariatkan kepada semua umat Islam. Juga, jangan menilai Islam pada tingkahlaku sebahagian umat Islam atau negara Islam, tetapi fahamilah Islam dari sumbernya.Saya cadangkan, jika anda ingin memahami Islam, carilah buku-buku dan sumber sahih agar anda tidak mempunyai persepsi yang salah tentang agama ini. Percayalah, sekiranya anda memahami dan menghormati orang lain, orang lain juga akan menghormati anda.Tidak dilupakan juga kepada rakan beragama Islam, janganlah pula membalas komentar sebegini dengan bahasa kesat dan tindakan melampaui batas kerana ia tidak diajar oleh Nabi kita Muhammad. Menegakkan kebenaran tidak memerlukan kata kesat dan tindakan yang melampaui batasan.Sebagaimana dinyatakan di dalam sebuah hadis;Ketika ramai para sahabat disiksa dan dianiaya oleh orang musyrikin, maka mereka telah meminta Rasulullah mendoakan kehancuran mereka. Beliau hanya berdoa: \"Sesungguhnya aku tidak diutuskan untuk melaknat mereka, tetapi aku diutuskan adalah sebagai rahmat.\" (Riwayat Imam Muslim (2599) dari Abu Hurairah r.a).Kita doakan semoga masyarakat Malaysia, baik yang Islam mahupun bukan Islam, agar dapat menjadi warga yang menghormati antara satu sama lain serta meraikan kepelbagaian yang ada. Hanya dengan semangat muhibah sebegini kita dapat membina negara bangsa yang harmoni dan kondusif untuk manfaat kita dan generasi akan datang. \u2013 23 Disember, 2015.* Dr Nisar Mohammad Ahmad ialah pensyarah di Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-undang, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).* Ini ialah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998732805252075} +{"text": "Income come from where? Local or foreign? Export or Import?So many limitations whether Haram la, maruah tercabar la, israel la.If not because of politics, policies for education already created a generation of unproductive or unskilled workers.So to say raise income, from where? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992868304252625} +{"text": "Now hot dog is officially haram. Kek. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997829794883728} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ Oct 13 2017, 07:48 PM)I like the way you choose to label it halal & haram when the business owner didn't. You assume too much when people say nak pakai benda yang mesra Muslim.That person you say is in hot water also took it out of the context....pretty much like you. It was a simple business decision and no more than that, I'm sure.He could have just opened a samak dobi where everyone regardless of religion can use, rather than dobi mesra muslim (minus the supposedly tainted and revolting non-Muslim). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997913241386414} +{"text": "You expect the whole company to ikut suka hati you seorang? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999771118164062} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Jun 12 2023, 04:26 PM)If darurat no more haram. Correct me if i'm wrong...yes this is also correct. but must be really darurat not suka2 one ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999313354492188} +{"text": "steady makcik.ni mesti quranist ni.makcik tu pun dah kata dia tak ikut fiqih.yang camera bangang tak paham apa maksud \"harus\".saman saja makcik bawang ni. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "wang sendiri kerja keras, sendiri untung, siapa yang nak kasi ? Zahid/Jibby/Umno kasi pun suka hati dia saja, lebih lebih lagi kena pulang balik 10 kali ganda, mana ada maruah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981752634048462} +{"text": "if you know the language best is own arrangement.you wake up anytime you want and site seing at your own confortable.follow package no need to worry about food or stay as all paid but tour package you follow the guide ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998477697372437} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Aug 21 2019, 12:19 PM)In my work on racism and racial dynamics in Singapore, I have spent some time resolutely attacking what I believe to be harmful stereotypes of Malay people, and pointing out the myriad ways they are discriminated against in their own land. Racist Chinese people generally dislike it when I do this, and they often reply by stating that if Malay people do not like it here, they can move, (or go back to), Malaysia. Many Chinese Singaporeans tend to behave as if they have right and ownership over this land, and subsequently that they are entitled to decide who gets to live in it.This is all very odd to me, because it is almost as if these people never went through a single history class at Lower Secondary level.So let us begin with a simple but vital assertion: This land does belong to Malay people. Malay people have been living in Singapore and the area for thousands of years. In the third century, Chinese records refer to us at Pu Luo Chung, which is a transliteration from the Malay Pulau Ujong, meaning \u2018island at the end\u2019. The names given to this area are Malay, but apparently the people who speak this language are not considered indigenous to it? Who exactly are your indigenous people, if that term doesn\u2019t include Malay people?There is a reason why it is Malay lore and myth in which references to the land happens. It is because they have been here long enough to produce literature about it. When you focus on the gap between our knowledge of the land and theirs, especially traditional knowledge, you start to see their relationship to the land. There is no way they are not indigenous to this land.Land, language, memory & history. These are all linked, and the rest of have do not possess this connection to the land. Somebody was living here before the British came, and it sure was not Chinese people.Denying this is ahistorical, and it constitutes an erasure of people\u2019s histories. Denying their existence and that history is a colonial act in itself, and every colonial act is violent. It is not only an act of erasure but one of displacement as well.In fact, the constitution of Singapore has already declared that Malays are indigenous to Singapore.152. \u2014 (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.\u2019Singapore was not terra nullius, meaning it was not \u2018nobody\u2019s land,\u2019 and even the Singapore government admits this. Singapore belonged to the Johor Riau Sultanate at the time of colonialism, which means by definition, it is Malay land.Indigeneity is not always defined by geography, but by people as well. What we think of as Malay includes indigenous people, Bugis, Minangkabau, etc. The idea of Malay does not just mean people from Malaya, but the people of the Nusantara. This entire archipelago is the Malay world. As Singapore existed within this world, it is undoubtedly Malay land.The Singapore government\u2019s mistreatment of Malay people includes a focus on Malay people as diasporic, which states that Malay people came here from elsewhere, and this is an act of historical erasure. They didn\u2019t come here, they were already here. The Singapore you think of now was never a country before, it was part of Malay land and the Malay world.If you cannot accept or understand this, that means you cannot understand geography and history. Why do people have so much difficulty accepting facts? Non-Malay minorities are also here on stolen land, and we need to accept and understand this. Even the rest of us, including Indians, don\u2019t have a claim on this land. We can never truly find solidarity if we insist on acting as if Indian people and Malay people have the same claim to Singapore.This does not erase our contributions or our generations that have grown up here, or our own attachment to the land. But it simply not equivalent to Malay people\u2019s claim over it. No one is asking for reparations and no one is asking you to leave their land. So why do so many people find it difficult to accept facts and the truth?In Singapore, Malay people are targeted for legal and cultural extinction. The percentage of Malay people in Singapore is decreasing, despite the maintenance of total fertility rate for the community. Population policies seek to bring in Indian and PRC migrants, but not Malay. They are slowly being phased out as immigration policies are making Malay people extinct in their own land. This is Malay land, and they have become second class citizens on their own land. That is simply unacceptable.So, who gains from the denial of Malay indigineity to Singapore? Who gains from erasure of this past? What do they gain? At what point can we admit that this \u201cdebate\u201d over how long Malay people have been here and where their ancestors came from is just a rhetorical exercise aimed specifically to cast aspersions on indigenous birthright?I have my theories but I\u2019m going to leave this here for people to think about.In our anti-racism work in Singapore, aboriginality must be foundational. As minorities, we need to examine our own complicity in the ongoing project of colonisation, whether it be White or Chinese in nature. During the time I have been engaged in doing this work, I have come to believe that anti-racism for the Malay community has to begin with assertions of indigeneity and ownership of land. Regardless of where you are and where you come from, you have a responsibility to know the names of the territories you are on and the people who have called those places home.Note: I did not speak about Orang Asli forced assimilation into mainstream Malaysian culture as I am simply not qualified. I did talk about indigenous people AND Malay people as being indigenous to the land, because that is how indigeneity is seen in this part of the world. For the purposes of talking specifically about Singapore, I feel speaking of Malay people as indigenous to the land is the best political way to approach it, especially when faced with Chinese hegemonic claims.Meanwhile here 3 page jawi oso rage like thisSOSInb4 tered gonna be deleted by mod because of \"sensitivity\"Whenever a truth is being pointed out, suddenly \"sensitive\" card is out.If Malay is the bad guy then only it's not sensitive here in /k. True story. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6854180693626404} +{"text": "QUOTE(stopandroll @ Aug 30 2019, 04:56 PM)Wait, why this consider racist?\"Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.\" Ok this one if read positively, can be translated that \"Eventhough Proton still got same engine as last time, but Chinese starting to confident with Proton.\" Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"(HOW THIS IS RACIST? Betul la chinese buying power are strong indeed)WTF benda simple tiba2 citing racial ni? Kefahaman low ke cmne?\"Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.\"This ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999074935913086} +{"text": "QUOTE(demamkuning @ Jun 22 2015, 08:31 PM)Sebab tak penting.Ape yang penting for me as customer is awek bertetek besar jadi cashier/waitressMantap dan pakai ketat2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bosskurap @ Nov 14 2020, 12:10 PM)Janji olang kitaThis i can confirm janji Olang kito, haram pon takde masalah.My neighborhood report roadside warung haram curi lektrik dan air to polis, penbandaran, tnb, air SELANGOR...etc.....nothing been done, they just push the responsibility to one another......CB pemalas n makan gaji buta. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "QUOTE(LowKeras @ Jul 1 2021, 05:46 PM)Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.I cina and i eat vavi. So i can raise white flag or not?My religion nvr stop me for putus asa. Just ask me do good deed.This one mufti DAP So applicable to you also kot.Hahahahaha.Ps. NOt my mufti ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996918797492981} +{"text": "QUOTE(damnkids01 @ Nov 23 2020, 10:13 AM)this is why some certain race can never judge malaysian culture.. coz their mindset is only them.\"we malays will never eat at chinese stall!\" then claim best cakoi in ipoh.. /facepalmWHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MALAYS EATING AT CHINESE STALL??!i thought this country is supposed to be multi racial? instead of dont eat from that race dont eat from this race isnt it suppose to be the other way round, eat wherever but be mindful/tolerant? a piece of paper that is suppose inform you what u can eat instead becomes to dictate ur life to be racist towards fellow countryman? wat the heck?video is misleading its not the best cakoi in ipohif u wanna say delicious cakoi in ipoh now people wont be fighting isnt it.can u imagine if utuber post best nasi kerabu in kelantan then post chinese ah pek i guarantee u the utube comment will be filled with racists.you dumb fucks will be the reason multiracial hormonious malaysia will be in longkang.the video didnt claim its the best yootiao. its ts who claimed itThis post has been edited by kurangak: Nov 23 2020, 10:17 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957915544509888} +{"text": "\r\nBersangka baik rider yg hantar tu pon non muslim. Sbb biasa klu rider muslim mesti diorg akan bgtau. Penah kene. Beli nasik ayam. Kat apps kedai tu xde label homechef atau non halal. Salah aku nak cepat x baca review. Bile rider hantar dia bgtau penjual ni homecook, bangsa cina rumah ada anjing. So terus letak luar nasik ayam 2 bungkus tu jamu stray cat..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Apr 4 2024, 11:28 PM)Sedarlah bro diorang benci kita...tgok dlm forum ni dah tahuMcm2 gelaran..orenlah .monkeylah ..b40 lahBangkitlah bro ..puak ni takkan berhenti sampai malaysia ni hancurOuch sakit jubor nampak... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Good, go ahead ... ko tak boikot mug ko hijau.Good for Thailand, suka sama suka, suka hati dorang la sape nak kawin ngan sape. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9889673590660095} +{"text": "QUOTE(OrientalGopi @ Nov 13 2023, 10:08 PM)on positive side this is the best time to go mcd/starbucksWhy nobody boikot coffeebeans? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "BERITA BAIK DAN GEMBIRA BUAT SEMUA PENGGUNA WOMEN DESIREE. ADLEESYA BEAUTY HQ TERIMA SIJIL #HALAL UNTUK DUA PRODUK KELUARAN KAMI. \u27a1\ufe0fWOMEN DESIREE ESSENTIAL CREAM \u27a1\ufe0fWOMEN DESIREE V\u2026 https://t.co/UQvBZLdXHl", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968680739402771} +{"text": "QUOTE(fox_shinoda @ Sep 19 2019, 02:37 PM)stupidity at it's best, someone need to give that man an awardaward in the form of slap across the face, back and forth ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Dec 9 2023, 09:36 AM)Just admit it. The whole point of the posting is just to viral and harm\u00a0 that pacticular shop and business.Don't need to type that long trying to justify that kind of behaviour and mentality.The negative aspect of socmed is stupid people can make their stupid/biased views heard, and the avalanche happens when more gullible people follow and follow.And funny thing is stupid people are easily swayed if you manipulate religious issues. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924335479736328} +{"text": "QUOTE(cedriclee @ Jan 24 2023, 12:27 PM)If you go trec KL, you'll see there's more Malay drinking and drunk on the street than ChineseAgain, if it\u2019s haram for them and they choose to still buy and drink, that\u2019s their choice. They\u2019re still not the intended market.QUOTE(Satanist @ Jan 24 2023, 12:33 PM)Those are singkie or pinoy Malay.Don\u2019t have to be in denial. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9744635224342346} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Nov 26 2019, 05:02 PM)Singaporean pun takde cina main bola ke hahahaIronically we have more Chinese footballers than Singapore. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9238693714141846} +{"text": "jual pon tak boleh?at least bisnes legit, rempit bohsia etc lagi teruk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999638795852661} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Nov 7 2023, 09:43 PM)They suffer akibat kebodohan sendiri vote for the wrong personNak ikut Adat mat arab then ikut habis lh ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999924898147583} +{"text": "Inilah hasil didikan kita. Kalau anak masuk pondok, belajar agama, takut tak maju. Tak dapat sijil. Tak boleh kerja. Kita dah sudah menanamnya. Kini kita akan menuainya!!!!!. Agama. Halal haram bukan lagi kepentingan buat kita. #kinikaubukanmelayu... https://t.co/ZPP5tHflgQ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "QUOTE(X1X1 @ Dec 23 2021, 08:51 PM)sorry look like we live in different country.HE CONCEPT OF HALAL AND HALAL FOOD CERTIFICATION PROCESS INMALAYSIA: ISSUES AND CONCERNSRokshana Shirin Asa1 and Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi2AbstractThe process of halal certification is dependent on the construction of what is deemed to befalling within halal parameters set by the Quran and Sunnah, being the two primary sources ofShari'ah, and supplemented with juristic opinion and issuance of fatwa by national religiousauthorities. In Malaysia, the authority responsible for halal certification is JAKIM while theauthority responsible to provide rulings on halalness is the National Fatwa Committee. Thisarticle examines the guiding principles for the concept of halal in the Quran and Sunnah and thecollection of fatwa on food products by the National Fatwa Committee. Together, the threesources constitute the yardstick to the implementation of halal in Malaysia. Using contentanalysis, the article analyses the meaning and construct of the three primary sources andexamine the issues and concerns arising from the implementation of halal certification processin Malaysia. The article also highlights the views of Yusuf al Qaradhawi, being the mostprominent scholar on the underlying principles of what constitute of halal and haram. The articleconcludes that whilst the Quran has outlined the general principles for the determination ofhalalness, there is a considerable need for guidance from the religious bodies in the form offatwa on any recurrent issues pertaining to food products and processes.Keywords: concept of halal, halal certification, national fatwa, juristic views.IntroductionMalaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. The Muslims are the majority andtheir places and interest are supported by the constitution that has provided Islam tobe the official religion of the country (Federal Constitution, 2009). In this diversesociety, the Muslims are very cautious of their faiths and beliefs especially when itconcerns the food. Usually, people select food based on their sense of taste, desiresand affordability. Muslims, however, have to assess whether the food is permissible inIslam or not, because the life of a Muslim centres on the concept of halal and haram.The basic guidelines about the law on halal food can be found in the Quran andSunnah itself.Muslims are increasingly seeking food products that meet their dietary needs(Alqudsi, 2014). In addition, the consciousness of Muslim consumers of their religiousobligations creates a demand for halal foods. The concept of halal is now becoming astandard demand and it generates serious attention in the local, international andglobal markets (Hanzaee & Ramezani, 2011). Nowadays, to ensure a Muslimconsumer genuinely gets halal products is quite difficult. This article starts first with anoverview of the process of halal certification in Malaysia. The article then moves toexplore the prescriptions of the Quran and Sunnah, before moving to analyse thevarious national fatwa rulings on halal food in Malaysia. The article concludes withsome analysis of the development of halal certification in Malaysia and comes up with1 Graduate Research Assistant, 1300-1-10001.2 Prof. Dr., Department of Civil Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah Of Laws, International Islamic University. CorrespondenceAddress: imadieha@iium.edu.myMALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS39some suggestion on the way forward. which are the two established primary sourcesin Islam and also elaborates the recent development on matters regarding halal foodproducts.MethodologyThis article adopts a content analysis approach in reviewing relevant legislations, aninjunctions of the Quran and Hadith on halal and the various national fatwa as toissues pertaining to halalness of a specific food product. All the relevant materials arecollated and given more extrapolation from the writings of other Muslim jurists so as togive more meaning to these Quranic and Hadith injunctions as well as the nationalfatwa. The article begins first with an analysis of the existing positions in Malaysia andthe second part will examine injunctions from the Quran and Sunnah on halal.The Concept of Halal CertificationThere are various Islamic agencies all over the world that issue halal certification.They provide the assurances to the consumers that the products ingredients andprocesses involved in making them are Shari'ah compliant. At the moment, theconcept of halal has become a new trademark around the world (Hassan & Hamdan,2013). An ordinary trademark differs from a certification trademark because it providesa warranty to show those goods and services have accomplished certain specificrequirements. Halal certification as a symbol of value, health and ecosystem not onlyworks as an assurance to verify the product\u201fs conformity to Islamic dietary laws butalso ensures that it comprises all the permitted elements. (Taylor, 1955) asserts that,\u201cCertification marks and quality labels as marks are used upon or in theproducts and services of one and more person to certify regional or otherorigin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy or othercharacteristics of such goods or services\u201d.Today, producers are required to have their products stamped with halalcertification in order to distinguish their goods from other products in the market. Halalcertification is a means of ensuring customers\u201f satisfaction, assurance and reliance.Furthermore, it requires not only the food served to be halal but also the entireprocess involved would be halal as well. Halal certified products demand a high levelof hygiene, certain standards of cleanliness, safety and nutrition which fulfil the needsof consumers, especially Muslim consumers.In this respect, Malaysia is internationally recognized as an advanced Muslimcountry. It has the prospect of becoming a key producer of halal food products byusing the commitment and support of the government as well as the local authorities.According to the Ninth Malaysian plan, Malaysia will promote halal certificationglobally and be the main centre for the certification of halal products. Due to this fact,the Malaysian government has enacted laws as well as formulated procedures andguideline for domestic and imported halal products. Malaysia has planned to be ahalal hub country by 2020 (Riaz & Chaudry, 2004). In responding to the vision, thegovernment is trying to set Malaysia as an example for other countries in thedistribution, production and promotion of halal food products.MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS40Overview of Halal Certification in MalaysiaHalal certification as a symbol of value, health and ecosystem not only works as anassurance to verify the product\u201fs conformity to Islamic dietary laws but also ensuresthat it comprises all the permitted elements. This part of the article provides anoverview of Halal certification in Malaysia, beginning with its history.The last two decades, has seen the emergence of halal industry as one of thefastest growing sectors in Malaysia. Malaysia entered the global halal food market byopening international restaurants in the 1970s (Lever, 2013). From the beginning,Muslim consumers have expressed their eagerness about imported halal foodproducts. They demanded that all imported foods should be halal. That driving forceencouraged the Malaysian authority to promulgate laws as well as specific rules andregulations on this matter. It paved the way for Malaysia to provide halal foods to thenational and international jurisdictions which are highly recognized in the globalmarket. The first legislative initiative was taken in Trade Description Order 1975. Theuse of false halal labelling and a halal sign is a punishable offence under this law.Another initiative was in 1982 when the Prime Minister\u201fs Department under theIslamic Affairs Division established a committee on assessment of foods, drinks andgoods which are consumed by Muslims. This committee is responsible for inspectingand introducing awareness amongst halal food producers, distributors and importers.In addition, in the same year the Malaysian government issued regulations making itmandatory for all meat (beef, mutton, veal and poultry) imported into Malaysia to havehalal certification and such meat should originate only from meat plants approved bythe Islamic Affairs Division of the Prime Minister\u201fs Department and the Department ofVeterinary Services, Malaysia. After that the Islamic Affairs Department dispersedfrom the Prime Minister\u201fs Department and new agencies is called Jabatan KemajuanIslam Malaysia (JAKIM) or Islamic Development Department of Malaysia and theState Religion Departments (JAIN) have played an important role in the managementof halal certification on behalf of the Malaysian government. JAKIM and IslamicReligious Councils are the core controlling body that administers Malaysian Halalcertification for halal food products (Shariff & Lah, 2014) and it also creates policieswhich are decided by the cabinet. This agency issues the halal certification logo andapproves food products which strictly fulfil the halal requirements in accordance withthe Shariah laws. These policies and standards are operated by JAKIM and JAIN forthe purpose of halal certification.Apart from JAKIM, the State Islamic Religious Departments or State IslamicReligious Councils (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri, hereafter termed as MAIN) are alsoaccepted bodies for certification. Additionally, there are 73 foreign certification bodiesthat have been recognized by JAKIM as of July 24th, 2014 (List of Approved IslamicBodies, 2014).The government has reorganized the issuance of certificates wherebyJAKIM will certify food products procedure in Malaysia and for export whilst JAIN willissue certificates to companies producing food in the specific state only, using thesame Halal logo. For the purpose of synchronization and coordination, JAKIM worksclosely with SIRIM and the Department of Standard Malaysia (DSM) together for thedevelopment of Malaysian Halal Food Standard. In this respect, Malaysia is the onlycountry whose certification is issued by the government. On the other hand, Islamicorganizations are authorized to certify products in other countries. Meanwhile, JAKIMMALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS41has developed its own halal manual procedure for the purpose of applying, auditingand monitoring halal certification procedures. The principal purpose for halalcertification by a recognized certification organization is to ensure whether a product ishalal or not for Muslim consumers. Another purpose of JAKIM is to work as anenforcement body that imposes legal requirements, operating standards andguidelines to ensure businesses comply with the halal regulations. After theamendments to the Trade Description Act 2011, it empowered JAKIM to carry outenforcement on traders who abuse the Halal logo in their products. However, halalcertification is a serious and complicated matter; thus the local authority can also takethe responsibility and co-operate the work which has been done by JAKIM (Aziz &Sulaiman, 2014).Primary Guidelines on Halal in the Quran and SunnahThis part of the article provides the basis for the determination of the status of halal ofa particular food item. In order to do this, it is necessary to explain the impetus behindthis need. It has roots in the concept of Tawhid itself. In Islam, all supremacy goes toAllah. As a conscientious Muslim, the prime condition for Muslim is to pronounce:\u201cThere is no god except Allah\u201d (Surah Al-Naml: 26)So all activities must be undertaken in the name of Allah only as a form ofdevotion to Him. The word halal means that which is permissible, allowed and lawfuland the reverse is haram. In Islam, haram is thus an act, object or conduct that isforbidden based on evidence in the Quran and Sunnah.In the Holy Quran, Allah commands Muslims and all of mankind to consumeonly what is good and halal (lawful). According to Quran:\u201cThis day all things good and pure have been made lawful to you\u201d(Surah Al-Maidah: 5)And then again,\u201cO ye who believe! Forbid not the good things that Allah has made Halal foryou\u201d (Surah Al-Maidah: 87)Besides, it is pronounced another principle on halal and haram:\u201cO mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome\u201d(Surah Al-Baqarah: 168)All food products must not only have to be halal, but also toyyiban (wholesome)as is illustrated in the last Quranic injunction. From these Quranic ayahs, it can besurmised that the main objective of the Islamic law is 'halal'ness is to protect thehuman beings; any food or drink which may cause harm to the human body andhealth is forbidden even if there is scientific evidence to back this up. Allah saysu need more ?> Do u even read that u idiot? And what are your point actually?Let me be clear, it's not wrong to ask if it halal or not. Why need to kepo? Even me ill ask too just to make sure. Just explain and no issues.What that have to do with halal cert? Do u even know and understand the definition of halal in Islam? It's common sense Muslim will ask about this. 1st time meet a Muslim or what?This post has been edited by SuperGampang: Dec 23 2021, 08:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9038949608802795} +{"text": "Bismillah.\n\nKopi Pak Belalang.....\n- Produk muslim.\n- HALAL by JAKIM.\n- Diperbuat dari pelbagai makanan sunnah.... http://fb.me/7YEuSCLbT", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9550604224205017} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 02:57 PM)Let me explain to you poser:First you claim:-In quran said all can eat, only bodo muslims choose to follow zealots to avoid haram things most forumers here already answer its not, quran say babi kenot eat, and hadith and sunnah also mention about propper halal food preparation and ingredients.Then you putar halim like a retard:-Suddenly says in quran dont need \"authority\" like jakimI already explained, it does not matter whether quran mention jakim or not, the role jakim plays is to ensure the market understands that certified food providers by jakim follows halal food ingedients preparations which provide a role of \"assurance\" for customers who look for halal foods in the industry.just like people who seek certified doctors to be operated on.but you still insist it doesnt mention in the quran hadith like a retard who cant comprehend jack shit about my explanation on what role does the jakim certificate play in this issue.oh well, poser would be posers..\u201cAku mampu berhujah dengan 10 orang yang berilmu tetapi aku pasti kalah dengan seorang yang jahil, kerana orang yang jahil itu tidak pernah faham landasan ilmu\u201d - Imam Syafie. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992051720619202} +{"text": "\nprettyuglybabe replied at 27-3-2023 12:08 PM\nkucing jatuh berdosa ke kalau makan makanan tak halal?\nDh kenapa pulak kucing pon nak kena ikut halal haram bagai ni,dia pon cuma ada otak xde akal camne dia nak faham mana satu halal\u00a0\u00a0mana satu haram,sedangkan manusia yg diciptakan sbgai khalifah ni pon bape ramai yg failed nk ikut halal haram apatah lagi la kucing", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "@tekong @bumilangit Salah satunya tidak membatalkan yang lain. Penting ke nk cakna family mart punya kehalalan? Penting. Penting ke jadi pekerja yang berdisiplin, produktif dan punctual? Penting. Tak boleh generalise kata org yg kisah pasal family mart punya sijil halal xkerja dengan bersungguh.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "Same like Pahang Musang King durian la....All the the best AAAAA quality poultry , vegetable from cameron , livestock from Johor, pork from Sarawak and seafood from Sabah all go to the land of power 3.5X ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998455047607422} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Mar 11 2024, 09:18 PM)someone should prank them by wearing full Palestine scarf and headband with a Palestinian flag drape and order Mekdi wait for buka puasa McD and Starbucks in Langkawi is popular with arab tourists. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "Aku beli Chikuro! Sama beli Rotiboy. Cici suka makanan manis, ya?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7941988110542297} +{"text": "QUOTE(hackwire @ Mar 4 2018, 11:48 AM)all food handlers knew that even if it's metal , u cannot use any color paint equipment to deal with hot liquid. stainless steel the best. even aluminium without any protective coat is toxin.yea Wei how much can a stainless steel pal cost? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999833106994629} +{"text": "\n\n As for me, i would go over the ingredients to see if they're all halal. Each countries usually have their own guides on how to identify the halal and haram ingredients. That's what i do when i visit Japan, i even memorized what some of the words look like so i can identify it faster.\n \n Some people tho, they avoid any food without halal cert, not because they think it's haram but because they want to avoid syubhah (uncertainties) and honestly that's the best practice for a muslim, i just don't have enough willpower to do som\n \n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8768563866615295} +{"text": "Sijil halal ni tak bersifat wajib pun. Tapi kalau satu company atau premis makanan nak apply sijil halal, maka dia perlu memenuhi SOP yang diletakkan dan kena jaga la requirement apa semua tu nak make sure makanan halalan thoyyiba, halal dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.993960976600647} +{"text": "Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal. Berminat utk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli? Klik link dkt profile kita\ud83d\ude18 PROMO GILA TGH ON\u2705 JIMAT RM10\ud83d\udd25RM10\u203c\ufe0f Stock limited\ud83d\udc93 First pay first serve\u203c\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9675799012184143} +{"text": "QUOTE(jonoave @ Jul 13 2018, 12:05 AM)Yes, if you're living in countries like Germany and Sweden. There any event they have a selection of vegan food. The cafeteria here offers 3 options for the daily meal: 1 of them is always vegan. And the people there are more mature that people in Malaysia, they don't get insulted easily. So please be smarter, we are talking about Malaysia. And over here, majority are Muslims and in Peninsular Malaysia halal food is an important issue.Don't just be a know-it-all smartass and ignore the sensitivities of the people. It's like UMNO saying \"Kangkung harga murah\" - sure it's true but that's just missing the forest for the trees.Sure. It's ignorance - because they don't see beyond that and think all chinese eat is pig.Same with some folks in this tered here. They should see beyond themselves and understand that some people think differently and mutual respect is necessary.And it's in the best interest for the people in power to recognise the sensitivities of the people. They have been elected to positions of power, they need to step it up and learn more about dealing with others.Follow your logic then TT can't be AG. Richard Malanjum can't be Ketua Hakim. All because need to take care of malay sensitivity. Which by the way the one making noise is Utusan reporter, when there's already got few tables serving only halal food.You're overly sensitive. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "QUOTE(endymeon @ Oct 17 2018, 09:57 AM)I found a website http://www.halal.gov.my/v4/index.php but it is death.Any other way to check the officially halal status for a food chain? In fact, I'm organizing a lunch for my department, few of my colleagues are very particular about this certification.Just give them RM10 each, ask them to go eat anywhere they like. Then you can go eat anywhere you like. Good to you and I am sure they will be happy too ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "Actually is not lemah iman. It's more to buat je, can salahkan orang lain later. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999103546142578} +{"text": "QUOTE(mamata @ Dec 13 2014, 09:57 PM)bila ada topik mengenai islam ,mesti boleh sampai page 6,7 bashing nya ..Nak buat macamana, itu lah realitinya di lowyat forumkekadang tak related langsung dengan Islam, tapi sebab nak bash punya pasal terus jadi relatedkita bersabar je la..at the same time kita defend diri kita dengan hujah2tapi jangan kita tiru mereka, kita jangan mencerca atau mencaci atau memberi nama2 yang tidak elok kepada merekasemoga Allah S.W.T memberi kita pahala atas kesabaran kita, dan semoga dalam ramai2 yang dok hentam kita, ada yang diberi petunjuk dan hidayahThis post has been edited by seiferalmercy: Dec 14 2014, 12:16 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9328498840332031} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Nov 30 2023, 09:49 AM)Wei ni macam mana bolehTun M kan nak u all mata sepet berasimilasi ke dalam bangsa melayuCakap melayu, nama melayu, agama pun tukaqSekarang haram apa jadah ni keluarga melayu hantar ke skola mata sepetTak ikut perlembagaan ini woiIts called learn their way and beat them in their game. --Later you will all alot new gen M speaks mandarin then GG liao they will buy everything from china.... you SME doing trading can close shop liao.LOL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998388290405273} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Aug 24 2019, 01:07 PM)haha. everything also must seperate me vs you.everything must follow me. cannot follow you.aku boss. kau pekerja. learn you place.I hope all these people die in their sleepDying in sleep is the best way to go, you are very noble to make this wish. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983702301979065} +{"text": "Todei I go eat bkt. I see the boss, I say he is lucky dah kena boycott lama. Place still full. Bkt best, lagi haram lagi sedap. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991132616996765} +{"text": "Lagipun syarat nak mohon sijil halal kena beroperasi dulu. Kalau belum mampu, anggap sajalah yang perniagaan tu sedang memenuhi prasyarat yang ditetapkan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9874552488327026} +{"text": "QUOTE(Games For Windows @ Dec 24 2020, 06:23 PM)Elon Musk already planning to go to Mars... meanwhile Malaysian ponders on the 'halalness' of the words \"Merry Christmas\" usageGoing there maybe totally haram too ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999606609344482} +{"text": "Jadi perbanyakkn istighfar spya Allah ampunkn dosa kita. Kalau sumber pendapatan kita ada unsur syubhah, tinggalkn terus. Pastikn makanan kita drpd sumber bersih. Mcm aku, serbuk kari, kiub pati ayam, dll mmg aku cari brand adabi. Itu je usaha yg mampu aku buat utk cari yg halal", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7707512378692627} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Apr 5 2024, 11:31 AM)In food handling course which complusory for all food industry worker already say clearly, cooked food is best to be consume within 4hours.the problem is the temp is so cb hot out there..conlan7firmed will be sourish very soon ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9252008199691772} +{"text": "@Namirahmsa - or tkde sijil halal haram dimakan. Sijil halal is for kepastian yg product tu kesucian and kebersihan dia terjaga ikut guideline islam. Yg haram di makan is anything dri sumber yg haram. I dont see boba yg made out from milk, starch, and sugar is considered haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "Ada lagi manusia yg terus cop makanan yg import tu haram. Penat jakim buat app utk certified benda tu halal. Pliss belajar lagi ye.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994469285011292} +{"text": "Like I used to say back then, soal haram halal makanan ni kita sendiri kena ada inisiatif amek berat. Bukan semua hempuk kat JAKIM https://x.com/nnaddy____/sta/nnaddy____/status/1352481842360774656\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9869378805160522} +{"text": "QUOTE(grumpydrive @ Nov 21 2018, 07:07 PM)I kena ceramah before when I went to eat at vege restaurant. Say food not halal. Funny thing the one doing it had a scandal on the side. Tu tak haram ker.. Oh wai!We call this the selective haram syndrome ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997552037239075} +{"text": "Already ate for 40 years, why don't eat it for another 40 years? No wonder the Pakcik Babi Old Town can detect daging haram...... owai ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "kalau tak suka, pi ur roadside stall makan jerno1 force u to go there n eat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9755486249923706} +{"text": "Design a haram logoAnd don't forget to put it on cigarettes box as wellThis post has been edited by B0ss_ku: Nov 1 2023, 09:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9892407059669495} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Jan 11 2015, 11:25 PM)I do not understand why ppl become extremists, i would never do. The caliph state system is long gone, it's history, so stop trying to bring back the past that you know wont happen. If killing is the way they do it, justifying that this is the same like old times holy war... They're just plain wrong. Sad thing is that many malaysians, including some in this forum, agree with establisbing such thing, condoning all these killings. It's sad. Future in malaysia is bleak. I reject pas with their extremist mind. What is more important to me, is that we all, regardless of religion, can live equally in harmony.And god give us brain to think. Question everything. I dont simply accept things. And i need to add, some ustaz are quite extremist minded as well... Why are we following them? We shouldnt. No matter what his title is. Ustaz or ulama. Those are plain titles.can you recommend some ustaz/ustazah/ulama that is not extremist? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7148462533950806} +{"text": "That day i go to darulsalam mamak got this cashier bertattoo ditangan .. QUOTEKUALA LUMPUR 9 Jan. - Status halal sesebuah res\u00adtoran India Muslim tidak bergantung kepada siapa pe\u00admiliknya sama ada seorang penganut agama Islam atau pun tidak, sebaliknya berpandukan kepada sijil halal yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).Namun begitu, jika masya\u00adrakat masih merasakan was-was terhadap status makanan yang dihasilkan, Islam mewajarkan umatnya mengelak daripada makan di premis berkenaan kerana masih terdapat banyak pilihan lain.Mufti Kelantan, Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad menegaskan, Islam tidak mengajar umatnyaMOHAMAD SHUKRI MOHAMADMOHAMAD SHUKRI MOHAMAD membina sesuatu atas dasar sangkaan semata-mata sebaliknya sesuatu itu tidak haram selagi belum terbukti dakwaan tersebut.\u201c(Sijil halal yang dikeluarkan Jakim) mampu menghilangkan keraguan, namun jika masih ragu boleh sahaja ditinggalkan kerana masih terdapat banyak pilihan,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia hari ini.Semalam, Presiden Persatuan Pengusaha Restoran Muslim Malaysia (Presma), Ayoob Khan Muhamad Yakub merayu pihak berkuasa bertindak segera atasi masalah restoran India Muslim yang diusahakan bukan Islam.Katanya, langkah itu perlu dilakukan kerana bukan sahaja status halal diragukan tetapi menjejaskan imej restoran India Muslim yang patuh syariah.Mengulas lanjut, Mohamad Shukri berkata bagi sesiapa yang sudah termakan di restoran berkenaan sebelum wujud rasa keraguan maka makanan yang dimakan tidak mendatangkan sebarang mudarat.\u201cTidak ada apa-apa (jika sudah makan), keputusan dibuat atas dasar keyakinan,\u201d katanya.Artikel Penuh: http://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/j...7#ixzz5cAl0Wslq\u00a9 Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8878570795059204} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Oct 16 2022, 01:29 PM)Mod if this wrong section please change it yeahWe want to know why feed ikan patin in Ipoh with pig meat Isnt this waste of babi, it expensive you know#terinaya\u00a0 Update based on /k article That is a challenge for us to undertake if we do care for the spirit and ethics of Shariah. However, I am afraid we are mostly concerned with legalism and tend to pay no attention to the ethics, which is the quintessence of the Shariah.Having said this, I must also add: If we have no alternative, it is not considered haram to eat these animals or fish according to the rules of fiqh. For even though these feeds are considered haram for us to consume, once they are fed to the animals and fish they have undergone chemical transformation. Thus, according to jurists, because of istihalah or chemical transformation they cannot be ruled as strictly haram.Dr. Hatem Al-Hajj, Dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Mishkah University and a member of the Permanent Fatwa Committee for the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA)suit yourself, eat something else ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996839761734009} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotdayum @ Jun 19 2023, 11:22 AM)Yes bak implies pork in that context.But why pork dish kenot be made one of Malaysia heritage food? We are, after all, a nation of many kind of people, including pork eaters.I never say cannot. In fact I\u2019m the one whom got baffled that ppl trying to defend BKT as non-pork than fighting to get BKT accepted as a national dish with pork.QUOTE(msacras @ Jun 15 2023, 02:15 PM)This, really strange.Instead of fighting to accept BKT as a national dish despite having pork (sinalau bakas is another national icon despite its absolutely haram).They choose to taichi that BKT may be cooked without pork, LOL.This post has been edited by msacras: Jun 19 2023, 11:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8368226885795593} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bill888 @ Feb 2 2024, 02:07 PM)Kolo mee is very popular in Sarawak but in west people say no taste.I don't think there is any Sarawak food that peninsular people like. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "Gambar yang viral menunjukkan kacang cap Pagoda dan Ngan Yin dilabel tidak halal.Status halal kacang cap Pagoda dan Ngan Yin diragui apabila beberapa keping gambar kacang tersebut menjadi viral di laman sosial.Gambar menunjukkan longgokan kedua-dua kacang itu diletakkan di satu sudut sebuah pasar raya dan dilabelkan sebagai tidak halal.Bagaimanapun, menurut kenyataan pemilik gambar, setelah membuat semakan di laman web Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) mendapati tarikh sijil halal bagi kedua-dua kacang itu masih sah.Pengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim, Hakimah Mohd Yusoff mengesahkan kacang cap Pagoda dan Ngan Yin adalah halal.Menurut beliau, gambar tersebut hanyalah salah faham apabila pekerja pasar raya di situ melakukan kerja-kerja pemindahan barang dan tidak membuang label \u2018tidak halal\u2019.\u201cPihak pasar raya pada mulanya meletakkan minuman keras di sudut itu, tetapi kemudian menukar dengan pelbagai makanan ringan tanpa membuang label tersebut,\u201d katanya kepada Sinar Harian semalam.FAKTAPengarah Bahagian Hab Halal Jakim, Hakimah Mohd Yusoff mengesahkan kacang cap Pagoda dan Ngan Yin adalah halal. Menurut beliau, gambar tersebut hanyalah salah faham apabila pekerja pasar raya di situ melakukan kerja-kerja pemindahan barang dan tidak membuang label \u2018tidak halal\u2019.\u201cPihak pasar raya pada mulanya meletakkan minuman keras di sudut itu, tetapi kemudian menukar dengan pelbagai makanan ringan tanpa membuang label tersebut,\u201d katanya kepada Sinar Harian semalam.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/jak...-halal-1.470572 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9858646392822266} +{"text": "QUOTE(guysmiley @ Apr 17 2024, 06:07 PM)this is what i meant by \"difficult to explain and for nons to understand\". i have been saying it few times but you still dont understand. and yes. an expert would be able to explain more properly.so again.. so, that was what \"A Malaysian netizen, Adlina\" did. she was reminding the other person. she was doing her duty as a muslim.do i have a weak faith? may be. fragile? yes. all muslims are. especially these modern days. and every muslim must fight everyday to keep that faith, and keep finding out and learning things that i dont know about.there. tried my best to tell you all in one reply.u think every religious person not facing same issue, being challenged again and again to test their faith?try putting urself in other ppl shoes toosay youre a Balinese and suddenly being confronted by this lady, how'd that make you feel? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7797002792358398} +{"text": " tu la. selagi belum JAKIM kata \"makanan tu haram\", aku makan aje. Kalau setakat dari blog or note kat FB, aku malas nak layan sangat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996263980865479} +{"text": "QUOTE(anakMY @ Dec 23 2023, 08:42 AM)So now u can revenge by displacing them also? Two wrongs don't make a right.Just ask the brotherhood to unite to displace them lo if tak puas hati hahahJust see more blood flow onlyIf christians want to invade also please go aheadBut at this moment the jews are not leaving anytime soon, Alhamdulilah Brotherhood can cry or meroyan day in and day out but no shit aint gonna happen. Kapisch? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6354021430015564} +{"text": "QUOTE(NB01 @ Dec 9 2020, 08:09 PM)Tidur sekatil, bogel, tak buat apa.FARKING GOD LEVEL IMAN.tapi subuh berjemaah la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9034243822097778} +{"text": "QUOTE(vandar59 @ Nov 2 2013, 11:20 PM)harambecause i say soQUOTE(imranhanafi @ Nov 2 2013, 11:24 PM)As long is it not haram then its halal. No middle between the two.Then why many muslims drink it? In Middle East \"BEBSI\" is very famous QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 11:20 PM)Yes. He is considered just like a newborn child, clean and fresh.But he must also give effort to learn about Islam and practise what he is taught with patience and perseverance.Cant take it ... you eat bit of $hit or loads of it... still it is $hit... where got clean or newborn child.. as per his karma, he is punishable for his \"sins\" still ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.98567134141922} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_kopitiam @ Jan 4 2017, 06:19 PM)i tried to donate my blood (type-B) last time but kenot because apparently for peeps born/lived/travelled in the UK during the 80's they're not eligible to be donors as they could spread mad cow disease..\u00a0 didn't even know it was a thing.ah mad cow disease caused by non viral protein ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999150037765503} +{"text": "Takde sijil Halal \u2260 tak Halal. Bodoh. Ni mesti semua yang berak cangkung atas mangkuk jamban la ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9438883066177368} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Nov 24 2023, 11:09 AM)even toothpaste (non consumable) also need that choprokok don't have that chop, but still OK to hisap despite knowing it is haramNot having chop doesn't equal to haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.937959611415863} +{"text": "Sedih.\n\nAda yang 'trauma' tengok bungkusan makanan tak nak ambil/beli HANYA KERANA bertulisan cina. Padahal ada je halal JAKIM.\n\nKedai tepi jalan/parit/longkang tu entah siapa masak entah, sijil entah mana, kebersihan entah mana. Bismillah aja. https://x.com/BudakKairo/sta/BudakKairo/status/1487029903249707008\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947900772094727} +{"text": "QUOTE(piscesguy @ Dec 10 2023, 07:01 AM)I took some pictures, not so crowded. The building has some interesting design, in contrast the food court looks cheaply design. Starbucks was too cold inside, step outside suddenly feel hot.\u00a0 Also the toilet not nice compared to Pavilion design. Anyway, I think Pavilion Bukit Jalil is still the best.\u00a0 Still new, and there are few hidden escape stairs that can be a spot for adventures couple \ud83d\ude44 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(quintesson @ Jan 1 2017, 12:44 AM)to Jakim non-halal doesn't always mean pork. the way we prepare and name also affected it and we know it is absurd but non-muslim can't speak on behalf of Malay.all of us know cake do not have pork ingredients why Jakim so rigid about it?and they keep on emphasising Islamic laws do not affect non-Muslim, that's why non-muslim lamented this time.dear Muslim friend let me ask you is it ridiculous just because it is not certified by Jakim it's deem haram? how about those street stalls selling foods I believe almost all do not have Jakim certified will you still buy from them and do you feel sin about it?what I'm trying to say if it's not certified by Jakim doesn't mean it is totally haram. you and I have a brain to think.Jakim want to create perception that only them can ensure halal is really halal. Many people unfortunately doesn't want to use brain to think for themselves what can or cannot be consumed, but only rely on jakim certification. This is also good business opportunity for jakim as many outlets are pressured to get the certification.QUOTE(Frozen_Sun @ Jan 1 2017, 07:46 AM)Just publish anything about Islam.....It has to look bad in anyway possible. Never publish anything good about muslims, they have to be evilRight?Who give them so many materials in the first place? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892047643661499} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Jul 12 2018, 08:14 PM)or u can use your brainThat only work for individuals.When there is a need to control a crowd of millions of ppl,North Korean way is the best way. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "QUOTE(nearlee @ Feb 18 2016, 05:17 PM)apa kata tidakNearleejangan ler gitu. sedih saya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9885308742523193} +{"text": "Burger Mbira the best, at least for me ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992434978485107} +{"text": "QUOTE(vanpersie91 @ Nov 26 2016, 02:21 PM)Bang, sebelum nak tunjuk bebal tu, baca balik hukum dan syarat syarat binatang yang wajib disembelih sebelum halal dimakan.Makanan laut tak termasuk.ok.. just asking a question don't be so \"triggered\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975435137748718} +{"text": "Tk sanggup & tk teringin aku..Aku jenis yg tk suka nk beratur semata\u00b2 nk beli makanan yg viral ke, dan jenis tk suka makanan/minuman yg manis\u00b2.. walaupun bagi free ke,tk teringin aku nk makan..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.42828109860420227} +{"text": "conlanfirm pipul butthurtu x suka u keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999796450138092} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSoldier @ Mar 3 2024, 05:15 PM)He is either accept or don't accept .. But he choose to back out stating lazy to explain but in actual fact he doesn't know what was his pointsimply owned by Jewish, cina, or nikka dont make the business haram.boycotting the place vs being halal is 2 different concept but /k like you are too moronic to understand that.maybe /k can ask Jakim to retract the McD and Starbucs halal certs. LOL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99527907371521} +{"text": "[Mai singgah]\n\nKak Pah bz dok pot pet, pot pet...\n\nKalau free jom la singgah JAKIM jap...Makanan sunnah menanti", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "QUOTE(SweetPuff @ May 26 2015, 12:40 PM)Hmm. Interesting. Didn't know Jakim is doing the same job as health ministry.makanan yang bersih juga included in haram/halalness for muslimQUOTE(samuraikacang @ May 26 2015, 12:43 PM)Hi bodoh since when mamak use halal cert?also means mamak may haram or may halal, eat at own riskmost melei think mamak = muslim = halal whcih should be yes but clean part ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "just cuz the food is vegetarian, no pork, no alcohol, using money that is halal, clean utensils...doesnt necessarily means that the food is halal in itself. for that you gotta look at the guy preparing it. if he is not your race and does not share your religion... it is haram.because oren kita numba 1!, 51%! janji isle!jk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940955638885498} +{"text": "Kepada yang selalu bertanya kepada kedai makan tentang status halal, instead of tanya pasal tu, apakata cuba 1. Supplier datang dari mana? 2. Adakah makanan/minuman mengandungi alcohol or subtance yang tidak halal. Sebab nak dapat sijil halal Jakim bukan senang. Remeh.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920309782028198} +{"text": "Kedai mkn yg bkn dimasak oleh muslim, supplynye kau tak tau siapa, jelas takde tanda halal dipermis. Asal kau nampak pkerja btudung, ramai Muslim dlm kedai tu terus kau kata boleh mkn. Aku tak ckp semua, but most urban pple semua mcm ni. Hati2 dgn masakan subhah apatah lg haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988852143287659} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Jul 13 2018, 02:15 PM)clearly you never been to functions like this. Oi, even press conference also got sedia makan2 for reporters lah. official functions like this usually even got table for reporters. duh, i kno coz i used to do be one of the reporters covering news. its laughable alot of ktards here think reporters are supposed to just cover the news and not makan. Clearly, statement mcm budak2I just don't get where did you get the idea that it Is a public event?from the name of event?QUOTE.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.This post has been edited by desmond2020: Jul 13 2018, 02:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984795451164246} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 21 2016, 07:25 PM)invalid, there's halal and non-halal frankfurters and sausages too, so is this really just a doggy issue?reason why konfius is because JAKIM is not educating muslim consumers properly. Just larang here, larang sana,\u00a0 it's ironic that despite being sheltered all their lives with laws and regulations, they still cannot read the label properly.haa it happen bang. That's why lerr actually educating tu lagi penting. If jabatan agama/cikgu agama/muslim parents educate the generation baik2 tak apa bang, no problem, tapi sekarang ini sebaliknya bang.For now, kekalkan lah rules yg ada, when the generation dah tahu baca label, then barulah tukar rules tu. just my opinion only. Not related with others. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.922369658946991} +{"text": "QUOTE(jackson_DKA @ Aug 17 2016, 09:05 PM)Actually whats the problem ? Lu org yg non muslim tak perlu kisah pun.. semua benda boleh makan kan...shud be no problem..Ni utk muslim je la...kami pilih apa kami nak..suka hati la..Adoi... knp insecure sgt...hahaha...Why need to use dupe account to comment, dont dare to use main account ke? Yes you are right we non muslim dont need to care about this cause halal/haram does not affect us.Janji jangan jadi macam Rayani Air pulak sampai pekerja naik surat khabar tak dapat gajiThis post has been edited by lamer2000: Aug 17 2016, 09:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9714210033416748} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Nov 24 2023, 12:29 PM)Benda yang memudaratkan badan. Hence why Haram.But then can smoke openly pulak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "There is one restaurant in PJ called 'kampung' Park famous for nasi lemak.I think the owner is a couple from Sinkies. Came to boleh land but I don't know the story behind why they reverted.Main thing is that they came here to invest. And they really invest in the halal cert. The biz not only roll money like their hot rempah chicken but oso roll in dignitaries, celebrities & all walks of life.Best part is that they are still operating with 1 restaurant in Damansara Utama. Imagine if they expand with more branches or franchise. However, they have marketed their halal sambal to many malls.Morale of the story here is that if you want to do food biz in boleh land, you must willing to invest. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999791383743286} +{"text": "@wandazrin assalamualaikum da\u2019i wan. Saya nak tanya. Apakah hukum bagi seseorang yg makan di kedai cina, yg takde sijil halal hanya kerana kedai tu jual arak (guna cawan yg dikhaskan utk arak) tp tukang masak melayu, and ramai melayu makan kat situ. Adakah haram? Mohon penjelasan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(jmas @ Nov 27 2023, 02:13 PM)Netherlands equivalent of 'cina balik china'QUOTE(zeese @ Nov 27 2023, 02:19 PM)i wonder, is it the same like how some /ktard in here tell chinese to go back to tongsan?Now facilitated by visa free entry to tongsan......best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9952355027198792} +{"text": "Makanan kalau x de cap halal, x leh makan, haram katenya, kalau babi ade cap halal? Boleh makan ka cam tu? Patutnya jakim wujudkan cap haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9630751609802246} +{"text": "Beli makanan kesukaan anakku \nSate ayam suka bgt \nSm ultra mimi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999613761901855} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mixo Mania @ Nov 23 2020, 08:59 AM)The best chakoi I had was thai, smaller than the chinese made one, serve with kaya. BestServed with bkt even bestest ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 12:46 PM)well sounds like you're just minding your own business. the outside world doesn't really matter. as long you help people around you that is enough.but extremist don't view things like this, they will keep spreading their views whether people like it or not.and the way you put it, no one can stop them. because for us non-muslims to interfere, you will judge us as anti islam and enemy because we tried to intervene with your religion. but leave it to you moderates, you just come up with half hearted efforts.so how? you don't plan to have child so we just follow you because the future is so dim because folks like you can only do that much? or you prefer us non-muslims to interfere?Yes. The outside world dont matterAt least to me. Why would i care about other countriesMy focus is here. And where should i start if not with my own communityYes.extemist going to spread their views And people like me are going to spread our viewOf course no one can stop them. U cant kill an ideologyThe best way is for moderate muslim to live together in harmony with non muslimNon muslim attacking moderates,accusing them of half hearted effort is not helpingOn the contrary, that probably will help the extremist in painting how bad the non muslim areWe fighting each other. Accusing each other of failing or non giving enough effort only help the extremist agendaI wont condemn non muslim that interfereI think people are free to do what they wantAnd if theres injustice happeningDont matter who interfere. From what religionWhat matter is stopping the injusticeInterfere away. Im fine with itNo. Im not asking anybody to follow meAnd i dont prefer anythingU do what u wantNon muslim do what they wantIm fine either way ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9930431842803955} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:38 PM)HahahahahahahahahahaAduiyai foo farking clueless i would cry lol.Just one laundry want do business based from demands from muslims All cepat teruja people pancuted say become ISIS SYRIA, kenot co exist bagai.Relax la, dont teruja too much.yeah very clueless: ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.905748724937439} +{"text": "QUOTE(cyhborg @ Sep 24 2017, 10:47 PM)did a search, i found this:\"LARANGAN ORANG ISLAM MASUK KASINO DI GENTING HIGHLANDSTarikh Peristiwa pada 08-06-1983Pada hari ini 8 Jun 1983 satu peraturan khas telah dikeluarkan iaitu pengisytiharan larangan orang Islam memasuki kasino di Genting Highlands. Larangan yang berkuatkuasa mulai hari ini telah dipersetujui oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong selaku Ketua Agama Islam dan juga Sultan Pahang. Larangan ini telah dipersetujui dalam mesyuarat Majlis Hal Ehwal Agama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang di Pekan, Pahang pada 5 Mei 1983 dan mula berkuatkuasa pada hari ini 8 Jun 1983. Mengikut seksyen 169 Undang-undang Pentadbiran Majlis Agama Islam Pahang Sultan selaku Ketua Agama boleh mengeluarkan perintah dan arahan bersabit dengan hal ehwal agama Islam di negara ini. Mereka yang melanggar peraturan ini akan dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Syariah dan jika sabit kesalahan akan dikenakan denda RM250.00 atau tiga bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya sekali.\"which means, the casino did not set the rule.whatever the case, \"i didn't complain about that, so you shouldn't complain about this\" is just a deflectionQUOTE(amon_meiz @ Sep 24 2017, 10:51 PM)Not the sameCasiono does it because they legally required toThis dobi is notTheres no legal issue with authorities if non muslim use the washing machineIt is not the sameQUOTE(PhakFuhZai @ Sep 24 2017, 10:51 PM)just browse through and found this post rather amusingu think Unker Lim don't want do muslims business if he is allowed to? his concern is he will get fined and risk of license revoked if he ever try to encourage muslim to gamble in his premise its as if bak kut teh don't welcome u all, but what will happen to the taukeh if he let u in to eat the babi? u 'll kena by jakim, he will kena alsois really topkek, i guess u re so wanted to try the babi and nombor ekor deep down in your heartCasino did this because of legal issueLaundry did this because of local demand,Many muslim locals there dont want to mix the machines washing their clothes with other non muslims, they are afraid of those dog hair, etc.Same like halal and non halal kitchen in five star hotels, they cant mix their tools and processing site when preparing food and non halal food.So the business owner simply catering to the demands by the locals they dont do this because they just want to discriminate non muslims.Any problem?LoLBoth got their own reason, if you see pass through the political bullshit and understand the justification, you wont be bitching saying its pure racial / religious discrimination.Like i said, moral of the story, STOP BITCHING ABOUT EVERYTHING ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982806444168091} +{"text": "Nah that is just ciken. Btw who viral that bid will be in deep shit ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "Timbalan Menteri di JPM @fuziah99 menyangkal dakwaan sesetengah pihak bahawa pembinaan kilang vaksin halal pertama bermaksud vaksin digunakan selama ini tidak halal. \n\nKatanya, berbeza dgn makanan yg memperoleh sijil halal drpd Jakim, vaksin pula diiktiraf WHO.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Dec 30 2016, 06:43 PM)They should've just banned outside food regardless of reason. Would've made things a lot easier for them, especially when they're just following guidelines. If they didn't state the obvious, someone would start spreading false rumours on McD's Halal status for the umpteenth time. QUOTE(deejay_krish @ Dec 30 2016, 07:45 PM)Mcd forgetting its the chinese who gives them bigger business in Malaysia. We all know which race gives business to Mcd in Malaysia. We all know which race frequents the most to Mcd. QUOTE(Divou @ Dec 30 2016, 07:52 PM)I don't agree with this ruling but McD shouldn't be blamed. Seems everyone is condemning McD but the company is just complying with the halal certification terms. If any party is to be blamed it is the halal regulatory body, not McD.Those who condemn McD, if they were in McD shoes , they would do the same otherwise they would risk losing the certification and a big customer base. QUOTE(DarkNite @ Dec 30 2016, 07:54 PM)Halal food or Halal premise?\u00a0 Kalau premis dibenarkan menjual atau membekal makanan halal, tapi ada jugak dia tutup mata bagi makanan tak halal masuk, agak2 dia punya halal cert boleh kekal tak? Hotel pun ada makanan halal and in all respects conform but because they allow alcohol, maka dia tak dapat halal premises certificate. So McD was right in trying to conform to keep their certificate intact, just like a hymen.QUOTE(lahart @ Dec 30 2016, 09:27 PM)ok next issue is de brick, cement, and iron use to construct de building is halal? \u00a0 \u00a0 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "I think these people are so full of shit. They make their own rules on wether what is haram or what not. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999709129333496} +{"text": "QUOTE(premier239 @ Dec 27 2023, 01:40 PM)Tak mampu jangan pi la...Dok viral buat ape la puak ini.Try pergi makan dekat Vegas .....hang boleh terjun bangunanKan tempat bukit casino tu orang judi.Hang dok bawak family pi berserabut buat ape? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999370574951172} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/5BOpIgsGU", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Mar 14 2024, 10:33 AM)Jangan fitnah la. Firdaus Wong reverted to islam when he is i. secondary school.lagi. He even start dakwah when he is a student.fitnah ur head la. he was born in 18 Januari 1983. masuk islam in 2005. 22 yrs old secondary school wat? he resit spm for 5 yrs izit? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "Melayu Islam suka makan di restoran tanpa sijil halal? https://t.co/FyKLFcyS3Y", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999536275863647} +{"text": "nak lagi secure tengoklah sijil halal, but as long as kita yakin makanan tu halal dan bersih then there should be no problem \ud83d\ude09", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.965290367603302} +{"text": "QUOTE(Silfer @ May 6 2024, 09:21 AM)that is common practice there if walk in. it's called table charge but usually at izakaya. family diner dont have these so called charges which is what the post is all about. all the while the restaurant operate like that no problem then come this one guy pattern like this. u think leh?How u know no problem at other diners? All the restaurants reported to u? This one viral because owner not so smart . But got so many other unreported cases lah. Its common practice if a local Japanese is making a booking then different story la. This booking is for foreigners. Common sense need to put deposit. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8350041508674622} +{"text": "Takpe la biarlah mereka.Mereka hanya mampu bukak but kereta, jual wiper di tepi jalan saja. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996042847633362} +{"text": "Kalau lah semua premis makanan wajib ada sijil halal untuk beroperasi memang almost semua warung & restoran melayu semua tutup . Kau ingat warung tu semua ada sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6841871738433838} +{"text": "Anyway if you you guys don't know, untuk apply halal produk bagi mana2 negara termasuk s. korea, semua berpandukan guideline dr JAKIM kecuali Indonesia. Diorg ada majlis ulama dgn standard diorg sendiri. So bukan senang2 je ya nak kata makanan tu halal kalau takde tanda halal sah", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9381095170974731} +{"text": "QUOTE(Keith321 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:57 PM)why is civet coffee halal?theres a fatwa for that.. some \\k already discussed it... i forgot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973057508468628} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Dec 9 2023, 09:36 AM)Just admit it. The whole point of the posting is just to viral and harm\u00a0 that pacticular shop and business.Don't need to type that long trying to justify that kind of behaviour and mentality.You look at what he is working as, and you'll understand WHY he is doing all this shit. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "Jgn terperdaya dgn amoi prc mintak ko pi karaoke, beli teh, semua tu scammersJgn terjebak dgn maksiat Amoi PRC byk peha putih pakai miniskirt pastu manja Kuatkan iman bro ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7495103478431702} +{"text": "Mkanan Yg enak + yg halal + yg bersih *ehRT\"@COBOY_JUNIORS: #CUMANnanya : Kalian Suka Makanan Apasihh?\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9629096388816833} +{"text": "Segala kebaikan dan keburukan salah satu punca adalah dtg drpd makanan.\nYg penting carilah makanan yg halal lg bersih.\nJom support produk halal demi menjamin masa depan ekonomi muslim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999426603317261} +{"text": "Jenis racist dgn melayu dia play victim konon melayu ni tindas kaum lain padahal kalau tindas takdenya kedai judi arak semua ni. Yg kaya main judi puak2 dia jgk siap boleh menipu dlm kira2 niaga. Kalau islam ada halal haram tkleh riba n all that. Kira ok la kapir boleh riba kaya", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998633861541748} +{"text": "Seronok tengok byk kedai makan ada sijil halal jakim. Salute . Rasa mcm lepasni nk utamakan pergi kedai yg ada sijil halal je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9137939214706421} +{"text": "QUOTE(Thor1989 @ May 21 2019, 10:55 AM)According to your logic jadi kalau minum satu titik beer ok la tu. Hahal kan?Kalau masih tak halal maknanya hypocritic la yg bread tu halal tapi yg beer to tak halal.drink lots of beer = intoxicatedhence drinking a titis of beer is harameat lots of bread = not toxicatedhence eating a titis of bread is not harameating lots of pig = haramhence eating a titis of pig = haram.sigh... susah betol nak explain.the point is, its not about \"just because you spilled a bottle of wine in the river, i wont eat a lembu which drink from the river\"its about you \"having a bottle of wine in your house\". and thats why its haram.based on these principles, alcohol in existing ready-made products which dont intoxicate like soya sauce and bread is fine.But if you friggin have a bottle of wine in your house, to make bread for whatever friggin reason, that bread can be haram or at the very least hyper borderline makruhits super hard to explain to all this new-borned islamic specialists cum aviation specialists 3-years ago.but yeah. the general principles are like that. no point measuring in grams or %.This post has been edited by Nachiino Etamay: May 21 2019, 11:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997663140296936} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 23 2020, 10:37 AM)i think if someone make a thread titled 'best nasi lemak in klang valley! (not halal)' and show video of pork nasi lemak in cari forum, everybody there will also get triggered la... u dun go cabar cabar...lel ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "\njustchu replied at 30-10-2019 12:35 PM\r\nYg paling hairan, ko pegi tempat yg mmg sah2 majoriti manusianya non muslim, ko nak expect segala me ...\nhuhuhuhuu kannbenda common sense mcm ni pun raykat malaysia tak boleh pikir\r\nmcm baik sgt la org korea ni nak serve makanan halal kat org malaysia\r\ndiaorang sendiri nak cari sumber halal pun susah.\r\nyg kat malaysia ni pun bersepah orang yindon pakai tutup kepala keja kedai yg takde status halal\r\norang malaysia maybe la boleh berfikir samada kedai apek tu halal atau tak, \r\ndibuatnya foreginer muslim dtg ke sini nak makan,\r\nmain redah je diaorang ingat negara muslim ni semua halal.\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9605903625488281} +{"text": "Arak is haram not because of it is alcoholic. It's just classified as najis. Najis = haram.Simple je.No you can't redefine najis ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(bashlyner @ Apr 17 2024, 10:31 AM)Gangster good, manyak cash and need a place to wash and provide better living environment for their children.Setia Alam also another example, Klang not for human live one so many move to Setia Alam jacking up the property price.Kepong all gangster only open small coffee shop can cuci million already....kepong the best.This post has been edited by adam71: Apr 17 2024, 10:33 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999962568283081} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Sep 10 2023, 01:57 PM)And I'm referring to themSo scared this scared thatAnd while shouting haram cannot eat, there is a ciggie in the mouth puffing away.Haha, they happy can alreay ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996207594871521} +{"text": "QUOTE(nelienuxe_sara @ Jan 24 2023, 02:12 PM)ginger beer ginger ade halalroot beer rb/sarsparilla halalbut 0% beer filter after they make the arak is haram because source sudah haram arak is arakalcohol is not arakalcohol tak haramarak is haramalcohol guna untuk sanitizer halalalcohol dalam cuka halalfixed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "Jgn asal pork-free je boleh makan. Org islam wajib sediakan makanan yg halal & dapatkan mknn yg halal. Aku kalau buat kedai mkn pun minta sijil halal. Nak gtau yg mknn yg aku sediakan tu halal & bersih.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9757094979286194} +{"text": "QUOTE(zup @ Mar 28 2019, 02:13 PM)Many answered with brainless stupid replies. Answered question like \" Ni tuan rumah, sukahati la nak letak rules mcm mana \". alahai abang2 melayu, macam mana kaum lain nak paham kalo itu jawapannya. Patot la kaum lain tgk melayu ni gila kuasa, mentang2 ade kuasa, nak pakai kuasa veto.Its like a son asked his dad, \" why he cant eat sugar at night \" and the dad replies, \" because I said so, this is my house. my rule.\"That son perspective is, the dad is using his veto power as the leader of the house. If he said no, means no. without knowing why. The dad should reply like this, \" Son, if u eat sugary food at night. U wont be sleeping instead u will running around because sugar making u energetic. Plus,U have eaten sugary food alot today, too much sugar consumption is not good for ur health. U will get sick.\" Abang2 sekelian, rasa2 mana jawapan lagi bagos daripada ayah yang membuatkan anak dia lebih memahami xboleh makan sugar waktu malam?Aduhh melayuku...Back to TS ques,Due to respecting majority of students in UM or any uni which is muslim students, I dont think their canteen provides non-halal food. Because non-halal stuff cannot be shared the same equipment. like using the same pinggan non-halal and halal food. its not the pinggan cannot use at all, but that particular pinggan who already used by non-halal stuff need to \"sertu\" ( u can google what is sertu. its a cleaning process) before that pinggan can be use by halal food.That is 1 of the plenty reason why.I hope i answered abit ur question. If got question do ask more about Muslim rule. do ask. I dont know everything, but try my best to help u to understand more about islam.Niat dah murni dah. but this is /k.They dont want to understand. They just want to vroooooommmm...And when this topic come out, familiar face will come in. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962856769561768} +{"text": "#Makanansehat. Jika makanan sehat, sumber halal, saya hakkkkkulll yakin hati bersih, bertutur jernih tak macam Marzuki A.ie, kdr cth", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995143413543701} +{"text": "@NabellaAnuar @mrdidyzakaria98 Kebanyakan outlet Tealive adalah pemegang sijil halal yang sah. Just a few outlets je yang masih dalam proses mendapatkan sijil halal. So macam mana MilkLab ni boleh cakap yang Tealive ni guna bahan yang tak halal sedangkan sijil halalnya diiktiraf JAKIM?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955990314483643} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 02:09 PM)Have it ever occurred to you that the Halal \"authority\" was meant to standardize the practice in the industry, who said anything about quran and sunnah tell people to have \"jakim\" in their life?unlike your half assed claim on jakim certification, their certificate and requirements are heavily based on quran, sunnah and hadith teachings, and these are also monitored by the Islamic authorities in every state.If theres is any discrepancy people can just refer to the religious bodies to cross check so whats the issue?haih what a poser..\"more knowledgeable\" lah sangat..OK so basically you're admitting that there's no need for Jakim to do halal certification.If the so called certification based in scripture, why can't you provide one single bit of it to validate what you say?If there's discrepancy it's because the religious authorities created the discrepancy, as they had been doing for 1400 years. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "jakim cakap sijil halal yang subway pakai x ikut ketetapan diorang. tu je. bukan dia cakap makanan subway haram. tu je. marah2 jakim pesal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6443329453468323} +{"text": "\nCleocatra replied at 17-8-2021 04:23 AM\r\nSebut pasal bini pas pis pus\r\nAku gerun tengok dia makan\r\nDah la sumbat dengan sudu yang serupa se ...\ndia buat review ker? macam mukbang tu... iols tak follow dia tak tau sangat dan iols tak suka la tgk mukbang tu.. dgn bunyi ..dengah gelojoh.. rengsa jiwa iols..\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953781366348267} +{"text": "Auntie Anne case was because they want to retain their Halal status of the products. There's news about it long time ago search around. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970508813858032} +{"text": "\u201cJangan sakit, beli makanan yang mona suka, nggak usah masak, kalau nggak ada duit bilang Papa. Kalau sakit nanti nggak ada yang urus klinik\u201d - Papa, my lovely man ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999598264694214} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blofeld @ Feb 20 2024, 12:49 PM)first, there are some genuine onebut u forgot there are some who are in it not for the sake of education, but for the sake of $$$. Very similar like those penunggang agama. They are in for business opportunities and projects only. There's their hidden intention.once u work inside, u will see the operation inside. The same renovation contractorThe same travel agency. (in schools, they always have those travel activities for students).Travel is organize by the headmaster isn't it? The renovation is handle by board of directors, normally by tender or whoever provide the best quality/price. Trust me those SJKC board of directors won't songlap the money lah, afterall they are the famous figurehead in that community, songlap small money for what. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999654293060303} +{"text": "Kedai serbaneka dari Jepun yang popular dengan makanannya yang pelbagai akhirnya telah berjaya menerima sijil halal daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM). https://t.co/Wd8xVIaQaP Yeayyyy...", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "@hiddenvariables yeah2..the western ulamas do have leniency.especially in the matter of rukhsah that u will experience if u stay in non muslim country. org msia cannot even decide if the food is halal or haram kalau xde sijil jakim.sigh..ntah ape2..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9767518043518066} +{"text": "https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/kes/2022/...ram-lebih-rm300Empat individu termasuk tiga beranak, dituduh ubah wang haram lebih RM300 jutaPhotos from Chinapress\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTEGEORGETOWN: Seorang pengarah urusan syarikat serta ketua pegawai pemasaran bersama isteri dan anak perempuannya, tidak mengaku bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini, hari ini atas pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram, bernilai lebih RM300 juta.Tertuduh, Mohd Nasri Abdul Rahim, 36, yang juga Pengarah Urusan Nar Trading Traders Sdn Bhd, hanya mengangguk faham serta mohon dibicarakan selepas 118 pertuduhan yang dikenakan terhadapnya dibaca dalam dua prosiding berasingan di hadapan Hakim Mohammad Khalid Ab Karim dan Hakim Mazdi Abdul Hamid.Berdasarkan pertuduhan, Mohd Nasri didakwa menerima, memindah dan menggunakan sejumlah wang dipercayai hasil aktiviti haram serendah RM50,000 hingga RM15.86 juta untuk kegunaan peribadi termasuk pembelian saham.Tertuduh kedua, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran Syarikat NAR Trading Traders Sdn Bhd, Abdul Wahab S Mohd Mydin, 53, turut mohon dibicarakan selepas 30 pertuduhan, termasuk masing-masing satu pertuduhan bersama isteri, Resool Bivi Yusof Gini, 50, dan anaknya, Nur Hafeezah Abdul Wahab, 26, selesai dibacakan jurubahasa.Berdasarkan pertuduhan, Abdul Wahab didakwa menerima, memindah dan menggunakan sejumlah wang bernilai di antara RM11,868 hingga RM117 juta untuk kegunaan peribadi termasuk pembelian hartanah.Manakala isterinya, Resool Bivi dan anaknya, Nur Hafeezah, masing-masing didakwa memindahkan wang sebanyak RM98,674 dan RM114,225 yang disyaki hasil daripada aktiviti haram sebagai pembayaran deposit pembelian hartanah.Kesemua kesalahan itu dilakukan di beberapa lokasi sekitar Semenanjung Malaysia antara Mei 2018 hingga Disember 2020.Pendakwaan bagi semua pertuduhan itu dibuat mengikut Seksyen 41(b) Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram, Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan dan Hasil Daripada Aktiviti Haram 2001 (AMLATFPUAA) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 4 (1) akta sama.Sabit kesalahan boleh dipenjara sehingga 15 tahun, denda tidak kurang daripada lima kali ganda jumlah atau nilai hasil daripada aktiviti haram atau peralatan kesalahan itu pada masa kesalahan itu dilakukan atau RM5 juta yang mana lebih tinggi.Prosiding kes dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Harris Ong Mohd Jeffery Ong, manakala Mohd Nasri diwakili peguam, S Raveentharan, manakala Abdul Wahab, isteri dan anak mereka diwakili Mashitah Jamaluddin @ Mohammad Shukri.Mahkamah membenarkan Mohd Nasri diikat jamin RM500,000 manakala Abdul Wahab diikat jamin RM110,000 oleh seorang penjamin dengan syarat tambahan melaporkan diri di balai polis berdekatan pada setiap 1 hari bulan, selain kedua-duanya perlu menyerahkan pasport kepada mahkamah.Sementara itu, Resool Bivi dibenarkan ikat jamin RM10,000 dan anaknya yang bekerja sebagai operator kilang sebanyak RM25,000.Mahkamah menetapkan 15 November 2022 sebagai tarikh sebutan semula kes dan penyerahan dokumen.Updates - sos from keyibukeyiQUOTE(keyibukeyi @ Oct 5 2022, 04:08 PM)source from internethttps://malaysiagazette.com/2021/05/23/rugi...an-nar-trading/This post has been edited by orangtua: Oct 5 2022, 04:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999428987503052} +{"text": "QUOTE(tentang rasa @ Dec 8 2014, 11:17 PM)yup. betul. nak laksanakan mesti kena adil.. cuma statement drM tu buatkan aku terfikir mana lagi besar dlm islamkeadilan>hudud or hudud>keadilanerrr.... hudud not adil?edit: u mean, adil as in the context muslims n non-muslims should have common set of laws? the law should be blind of religion?This post has been edited by miaopurr: Dec 8 2014, 11:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996423721313477} +{"text": "BENDA BENDA ORANG BODOH TAK TAU:Halal status of pork free food and benda yang ada nama BABI kat dalam.we already give these dumbshits an easy way to identify via HALAL logo. still not enough ar?pundek, you know how much food manufacturers need to pay to get the halal logo ar?need to send one team of officials to the farms/factory AND spa/massage/restaurants to get the logo.cari logo halal laaaaa.in doubtTANYA ORANG.PAK CIK, YOU PUNYA KEDAI \"RESTORAN SEMUA BENDA ADA BABI\" NI HALAL TAKtak salah tanya. j ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8690745234489441} +{"text": "QUOTE(PATAR @ Oct 19 2021, 07:12 PM)A lot of\u00a0 malay will be vary wary of accepting food given by a non. One suspicious of the halalness the food, other afraid to be spotted by fellow malay while accepting the food.Takut malu ke?Bossku ambik Duit Haram berbillion pun takpe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998703002929688} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Oct 5 2022, 03:56 PM)haram duit okey...haram food not okey....kek on the hypocrisy..............Insert the main amoi boleh bertaubat, duit rasuah boleh ini itu, makanan Non halal tak boleh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(_JD_ @ Nov 6 2021, 07:55 AM)Apa kebodohan ni bang.. kalau dah org mintak confirmation pergi lah confirm. Kalau dah berlagak kaya jgn bising2 bayar je. Org yang viral tu konon berlagak macam selalu pergi seafood restaurant tapi common sense pon takde. Common sense kalau makan di seafood restaurant even di cheap ass place like pantai timur Sabah pon confirm kan harga sama berat lah. No common sense don't go eat seafood.Ko la pandai meniaga. Bravo.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972816705703735} +{"text": "JAKIM mula bagi sijil halal tahun 1974 . Kalau kena ada sijil halal baru halal, maknanya produk sebelum 1974 semua haram ke mcm mana? Kalau tak silap yakin halal adalah syarat. And sijil hanya untuk yakinkan kita/tanggung halal produk tu Betulkan kalau silap https://t.co/RVUZTgoIuT", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999678373336792} +{"text": "QUOTE(razkal @ Feb 3 2024, 11:14 AM)Yes. I understand what your meant. Therefore in order to be halal certified all of this component must be confirmed to be halal and it is similar to the process of applying halal cert in the restaurant and yes it is possible as the Islamic ruling on this have been discussed thoroughly and there are countless papers produced from this you may refer those I've suggested even ruling for GMO'S and contrary to popular beliefs it have been discussed earlier. Up to the industry actually comply and of course there will be due process from the auditors.so halal lab grown meat become much much more expensive, and less productive, than non certified halal,... got market kah,..?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(DJJD @ Dec 9 2020, 07:59 PM)Tidur sebilik tapi katil lain kan. Iman kuat....caye laa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.98659348487854} +{"text": "Selain KFC dan McDonald's, antara restoran makanan segera yang sangat menyelerakan dan paling penting ia disahkan halal oleh JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999274015426636} +{"text": "QUOTE(bumpo @ Jan 6 2017, 11:50 AM)on the topic of the cake, the issue is not even about halal or haram cake. it is about the cake being certified halal.simply put it means that even if you yourself bake and can 100% guarantee that everything that goes into the cake is halal certified, you still cannot bring that cake in coz you takde certificate and apparently mcd may lose the cert if you do so. coz you know your halal non certified cake can cause their premise to be compromise and whatnot\u00a0 That tells you we are used to play in grey area.Now they make a public statement that grey area no more.We just need to deal with it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.66325443983078} +{"text": "QUOTE(glamour @ Nov 3 2013, 02:09 PM)but anywayhuman is always wrong...just do ur best to be goodjust the halal thing is making people life so miserable...if i'm a muslim..i not going to care so muchi believe what comes out from your mouth is more important than what goes in your mouth....We are doing our best to be good.As Muslims, taking care of our diet is also one of the way of doing our best to be good.We are what we eat.The Halal thing is not making peoples' lives miserable at all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "Nak makan ada sijil halal sahaja, tapi malas masak, ataupun bodo tak pandai masak. Kemudian pergi la kedai, ayam gunting macam sedap. Tapi bangla juai, ada tulisan cina, siap tulis no pork no lard. Pergi kaunter tanya dengan nada maki halal ke tidak. Bodohnya bodoh.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991421699523926} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Jul 28 2024, 07:34 PM)DefinitelyBig white kok.Kok size is one thing. Negro have bigger kok, and brawn, but small brain. Mongoloids have small kok, weak physicality and decent sized brain, but very herd minded, collectivists, which make them lose creativity. Copy saja tau.Caucasians have the best overall package.This post has been edited by Hobbez: Jul 28 2024, 07:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997790455818176} +{"text": "Suka buat teruk macam ni lah orang kata.\n\nDah macam kedai tu pulak letak pisau kat leher suruh masuk makan makanan kat situ.\n\nRasa ragu2 just gerak jelah from kedai tu. Pi cari kedai2 melayu yang sah2 halal, bersih & suci air mutlak 7 muara. https://x.com/feblino/status/feblino/status/1469391391025287169\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985131621360779} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Sep 10 2020, 08:32 AM)Aku tak tahulah.... kancil yang mulakan viral sampai masuk TV tu, bodoh piang sangat.JAKIM yang terpaksa respon kepada kebodohan sang kancil pula yang kena kutuk.The thing is, even Singaporean muslim doesn't seems to care or make noise about it. Or isit bcoz the English level there better than here?? They can read n understand the meaning of the word pork hence they knew it's non halal in the 1st place? Seriously y is certain group of ppl here always trying to create issue i betul2 x tau. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "aku paling tak suka orang tawar menawar harga makanan. ko nk makan kan, beli je lah. kalau rasa mahal ko cari seller yg jual harga bajet or ko beli barang basah masak sendiri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9421234726905823} +{"text": "since ayam no fb insta etcdont know about viral food/drink ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6977553963661194} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 01:15 PM)then why Sandy/ Jolly Sandyeven beer are BANNED?Bcoz advertised as such. If the drink gets ppl tipsy even abit..its haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993758797645569} +{"text": "gemuk pun ada org syg, nk malu apa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999761581420898} +{"text": "Takdak sijil halal tak bermaksud terus jatuh haram, tak halal. Habis hang tu pun tadak jugak sijil halal, dah tu tunjuk pulak perangai macam haram. Ingat nak apply sijil halal seratus dua ratus hawau https://t.co/9m3omzETbX", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999974250793457} +{"text": "Can apply the logic on food? Haram food becum halal after gib to ...... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "Apa keje jakim selain beri fatwa keluar sijil halal apa gi peranan jakim ceta22", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9915691018104553} +{"text": "QUOTE(stormsea7 @ Feb 11 2017, 06:38 PM)you sure M'sian really mind though?or is just just because no one speak out against an overzealous authority?but we are not forcing peanut down the allergic guy throatsimilarly, why is it so hard to buy the stuff with halal logo?are you that dumb or really insensitive to force non-muslim just cos' you are a retarded shopper?look, it's not about halal or haram, it's about labelling the product.technically halal haram is for food, but some ppl don't want to use pig or dog-based products for the religious reason.yes you are not forcing the peanuts to the allergic guy, but you do tell him that \"hey, that sauce contains peanuts, watch out\" right?that's what the kpdnkk should've done (which they are now).but as I explained hundreds of thousands of times, the issue is not really about halal/haram, the issue is to get the nons to be triggered and thus be used as ammo against them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5794169902801514} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ May 16 2024, 09:33 AM)Maybe because now still manageable. Tak terasa.But in the future When access to medical is getting more and more expensive, couple with malaysian eating culture.Actually semua bangsa tu pun sama. Surely got certain thing they wanna protect.But for healthcare and education. If kept on protect and closing the doors, down the road yg terasa pun majority juga.Aku actually ok with most of the malay rights, such as tanah or asb.In fact i think most of the nons here also already used to the idea.Apa yg i x ok is our education system.Sk nowadays is more and more like sekolah agama.Then sejarah pulak can tukar ikut suka mak bapak dia.yeah education is something you can't bet your whole life on someone who only want to appease the majorityit's really important for the future of people and for this country as a wholebut as you can see, our politicians looks like uneducated assholes so it's not a surprise they didn't take this seriously ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974859952926636} +{"text": "Nak try makanan Cina yg sedap & halal? Kalu hang pa ada kat Jerantut Pahang, leh la pi Restoran Master Mah.. ada macam-macam menu Cina Muslim.. Yang penting ia HALAL & Bersih...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951627254486084} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Sep 4 2020, 10:28 AM)To create and project an imageA perceived identity and correlation \u201cOh ada ayat suci alQuran... mesti muslim... mesti halal... mesti makan\u201dLike financial consultant driving BMW \u201cIm successful and if u want BMW u listen to me\u201dSomething like that laSo now easily create konfusion how? I thought that's what halal cert/logo is for. Should it be banned? Banned as in to protect muslim.Even scammers and MLM drive BMW to purposefully create rich image to get you to invest in them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(marfccy @ Nov 29 2022, 11:37 AM)at this rate they better not eat anything in this world for fear of all these \"contaminants\"non makan pork > non breath out > muslim breath in > haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966076612472534} +{"text": "QUOTE(lfw @ Mar 13 2024, 10:23 AM)as I work with global brands like Dior, they do allocate manpower that is able to speak Mandarin Chinese at their retail counteranother example is I went to Pantai hospital, they have staff that able to converse in Japanese(usually is Chinese staff) and Korean(usually is Malay staff)I would say that for world renowned brand such as international hotel chain should be more consumer centric and be attentive to their customer as they have paid the premium price\u00a0 If you go Japan.There are many retail sales person allocated for Chinese speaking tourist.Even japanese also malas layan gaijins who looked like cina and just pass the request to their Chinese speaking colleagues. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9763737916946411} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seager @ May 23 2014, 07:26 PM)Fruit also haram because kena tangan orang non-muslim yang makan babiduit paper moneykena babee jusno haram... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(0168257061 @ Jun 10 2019, 10:58 AM)Well.. HALAL by JAKIM is very strict. It is very hard to obtain.Since she is doing business, all those sources she got proof of HALAL or not?Why she seems annoyed when people started to question and she tried to dodge.Even if non muslim, people still have the rights to ask her to protect other Malaysians.Last time, ok la.. quite easy.. now especially hard due to mesti.. And like I said, their main point just twoNo babi and got perkerja mesti IslamAppointed perkerja Islam as head to oversee the process, clean and no babiAnd they will randomly pick a finished product in your shop/factory to examine plus will spot check your product in the public randomlyAlso will suddenly pop up for routine inspectionAnd like you said, all ingredients used must no babi (so just like the main point, no babi) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9938569664955139} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 06:58 PM)I really don't understand what u trying to sayMaybe u can try again? Make it simpler and easy to understand What's the question?u both disagree those raid by justifying their reason to haram things ??... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999927282333374} +{"text": "Maybe dia x ucap Alhamdulillah sbb Family Mart kan xde sijil logo halal lagi so ragu2 tu masih ada..padahal ucap Alhamdulillah tanda syukur dpt makan and makan makanan yg yakin baik...tpi tulah..entahlah PU Bang Tan...hahaha.. https://t.co/CcOFJSeqx2", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9300230741500854} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 08:21 PM)People criticize organizerNot press freedom, like uPlease. Use a bit of ur brain. Just a little biti think u miss out thisPenganjur mohon maaf, tak sengaja 'jamu' babi pada Muslimhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/433932Penganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan sajian babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia, Chai Chang Xiu menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana mereka tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "My daughter turn out better than fine. Continued till primary. Many friends of all races. Multilingual. Sure ada issues but nothing is perfect. PIBG paling mantap. Tandas bersih. Makanan halal. Punctuality penting. Lambat gate tutup. Xde bawak bincang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9957104921340942} +{"text": "Di ambang pendedahan kartel daging palsu, JAKIM sibuk pula isu status halal makanan yang ada ucapan \"Merry Christmas\"", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Mar 26 2024, 04:27 PM)if add cucumber need brapa? best I can do is +RM2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "Udah tahu ga suka makanan manis tapi malah beli martabak buat sendirian 1 porsi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.957323431968689} +{"text": "#MajalahOnlineVIC - Ragu ragu sesuatu makanan itu haram atau halal?Cek di portal rasmi halal malaysia JAKIM - http://bit.ly/gYcQkI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999184608459473} +{"text": "Melei bila tak mampu compete in biz especially with other race....= \"kartel, kartel, kartel, kartel, kartel, kartel, kartel\"The list of things and also comments inside. Never about their strengths. Lol at their point no. 56 cakap pasal strength, terus pasal BMF dan Simpati.This post has been edited by United Rulez: Mar 6 2024, 09:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8022176623344421} +{"text": "\nanakmak replied at 6-5-2023 01:51 PM\nIngat dulu2 masa study kat TOA \r\nMember aku sorang kemaruk makan mee goreng khinzir\r\nDia melayu\n\nAda tak Cina tu tanya, babi boleh ka masa kengkawan dok oder? \n\r\nZaman kapir dulu, kat Johor la, aiols selalu ditanya soklan ni bila oder makan di kedai Cina sampai aiols pelik. Lama2 aiols buat kesimpulan mesti hada Melayu/Moslem pernah order dengan tokeh Cina ni pehtu cakap \"babi tak mau\". Bila dengar ai cakap Melayu deols buat kesimpulan ai Melayu/Moslem kot.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "Kecoh shihlin baru dapat halal. Family mart baru certified halal. Dah tu selama ni kau melantak oden sampai queue beratur panjang nak mati tu kau tak check dulu eh? Terus telan je??? Tanya je \ud83d\ude0f Pastu nak kecoh risau selama ni sumber makanan kau meragukan. Bodo piang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999504089355469} +{"text": "nenek aku bela anak orang cina tak ada masalah pun. orang tua dulu2 buat lagi awal lah. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987439513206482} +{"text": "Disney hk best ada kedai halal. \n\nTp tu lah, disney kan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999896764755249} +{"text": "orang bodoh suka suka viral without checking the authenticity. I support sue 9 them ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999277591705322} +{"text": "ENGGAK PANDA IA SEORANG KYAI ATAU PROF. DR.. ATAU RAKYAT JELATA.. MAKANAN BERSIH DAN HALAL SERTA JAUH DARI PIKIRAN MAKSIAT... CEMERLANG AKALNYA...... MEMORY OTAKNYA BAGUS. ALIAS BAIK.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6822558045387268} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 17 2016, 10:00 PM)Bukan itu, just disagree with Jakim halal approach yg lebih2 nak punish business yg come forward nak tunjuk cooperatiom towards halal. Bukan memudahkan tapi makin menyusahkan.Kenapa kat negara non muslim mcm Taiwan, halal certification diorg lagi friendly kepada business yg mau adopt halal berbanding Jakim.kita tak tahu, tak lalui proses pensijilan tu. macam mana nak tahu mereka memang tak membantu? dan dibangkitkan baru ini - lebih banyak non-muslim mendapatkan pensijilan berbanding muslim sendiri. tersebut juga yang ada banyak consultancy berkenaan pensijilan halal ni.macam nak dapatkan ISO juga, mana aci mengelat. either fulfil, or not fulfil. black or white, no gray area. benda halal haram berkait amal ibadat, berkait akhlak. kalaulah agama lain ada sesuatu yang boleh memberi kesan masuk neraka atau syurga, tentu penganut agama lain juga akan jadi fussy, itu boleh, ini tak boleh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9688502550125122} +{"text": "serius? RT : Website JAKIM digodam. Semua makanan/minuman dapat status Halal. Lulz~", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9971511960029602} +{"text": "QUOTE(akh2920 @ Nov 17 2014, 05:21 PM)Dont worry, nothing complicated here... I would say that, in campus, bringing alcohol = smuggling; outside campus, bringing alcohol = normal and legal. Its just like banning people from sembang kuat in library because it is inappropriate place to do so, but it doesnt make sembang a guilty stuff afterall Nah. Its a good thing questioning some rules and regulation. Then again, don't get caught if you want to break it. Its there for a reason,either making thing peaceful or making your life miserable. Some rules are stupid too if u ask me. In your topic, I am talking in regulation/rules context, not halal or haram. For me, tolerant is the thing we need most in Malaysia, but unfortunately, the last 20 years really eroded the sense of multicultural here. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5939664840698242} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ May 8 2024, 03:29 PM)If this is called over reacted, what about Akmal?Different caste, know your place and live with it.Just like how I finally understand my status compared to other ktards like ZerOne01, MegaCanonF, Flaming fox (not sure if M or M wannabe). ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "Come on la Jakim. Makanan haram jangan la bagi cop halal. Itu pun nak kena ajar ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.815207302570343} +{"text": "QUOTE(YellowKingValley @ Jan 4 2018, 10:12 PM)Agama Buddha pun sama, kata ini tidak digalakkan itu tidak digalakkan, ada masa gunakan secara bermanfaat.Saya sebagai penganut pertama kali dengar pun rasa tu agama bosan yang menyeksakan.Tapi lepas dengar penjelasan panjang lebar baru tahu masih boleh bermain tapi jangan sampai terlalu taksub, terjebak dan ketagih sampai lupa diri.Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali. Emphasis on 'dilarang sama sekali' not just until ketagih.If like that then casino and arak is ok as long you don't overspend or addicted This post has been edited by TrialGone: Jan 4 2018, 10:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999394416809082} +{"text": "QUOTE(Enjoise @ Dec 2 2023, 04:47 PM)just say china no.1\u00a0 ccp the bestNi lg teruk, ref Uncle Roger ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974547028541565} +{"text": "@SyamsulRahizad The only thing that is haram for malay is kedai malam/minum bunyinya cam cina lulllll. Nasib baik dolly dim sum nama dia dolly, kalau nama dia siao siew mai, gerenti org tanya \"ada sijil halal ke\" \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(shadowglow @ Dec 20 2021, 11:08 PM)i got a more technical one, when piap amoi, the kitty juice got pig essence /dna from it, ( cause they eatit kan), then sure got exchange body fluid, or some taste n drink it.that 1 all, didnt think. Piaping without getting married is already haram. For them la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9723052382469177} +{"text": "korupsi - flexible not in holy bookbohong - flexible kalau plotekprostitution - flexible nikah mutahboikot brand - flexible ikut suka ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9059240818023682} +{"text": "first time aku dengar ada org cakap jakim haramkan makanan campur udang ngn ayam hahahahahha mana dtgnya haram syalllll hahahaha", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8758497834205627} +{"text": "Makanan tu utama dia halal dan bersih. Selagi mana kau yakin dengan halal dan bersihnya, yg jelas di mata,maka makan lah. Kalau was2 better avoid. Makanan ni kena selective and strict sbb nak jadi darah daging. Salah makan, terumbang ambing iman.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8086327910423279} +{"text": "QUOTE(azhan82 @ Jan 1 2019, 02:21 PM)\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ?\u201cPiap piap session\u201dBang lepas pancut nak pergi kuliah sebelah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999713897705078} +{"text": "QUOTE(moiskyrie @ Mar 16 2021, 07:06 AM)Google strike again...That speaker automatically plays lagu rabbani for you between your kpop haram songs? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999779462814331} +{"text": "QUOTE(emburrar @ Oct 11 2020, 09:42 AM)Cukur zaman PNSPRM is doing the best under PN. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999638795852661} +{"text": "Bestnya dapat bunga. Both my exes dulu suka bagi makanan ja. Tak suka makan luar tapi prefer beli makanan then hantar ke rumah almost everyday. You name it. Lamb chop pun sanggup tapau hantar p rumah. Syukur la jadi exes suda. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9865728616714478} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Jun 19 2023, 02:07 PM)Cannot enter klangThats the epicenter of BKTKo xtau ker BKT tu haram?udara klang? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.986107349395752} +{"text": "There is no such thing as halal & haram.Owai lariEh sape necroThis post has been edited by RalphRatedR: Feb 9 2018, 04:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992690682411194} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated in QuranRokok = haram decided by MuftiI doubt rokok exists when Quran is writtenSo meaning if the thing is not specifically mentioned by name then its not haram?In that sense, any drugs like dadah, meth, etc are halal because it was not mentioned in Quran?This post has been edited by WaCKy-Angel: Nov 24 2023, 11:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999608993530273} +{"text": "QUOTE(taitianhin @ Dec 15 2022, 10:47 AM)Does those rules actually stated in Quran?Or it was established after study of Quran?Like Mentioned Pig, Dog and alcohol?Like - can touch perfume...but cannot drink alcohol...- even you remove the alcohol from a drink (drink that has been produce with the same method producing beer is haram - does this means the way of making non alcohol drink is haram? and it stated in Quran also or afterthough of study again?Actually, even the rules on dog is not stated in quran. Only pig and alcohol is mentioned in quran.The rules on dog comes from the prophet\u2019s saying (hadis). And there is prophet saying as well that stated every thing that can make you drunk is haram. This is where the rules on drug is derived from.And even quran says that arak has some pro but the cons simply outweigh it.And back to question, since the one that is forbidden is arak which can lead to being drunk if consumed, alcohol in perfume is ok. Because we do not drink or consume perfume.And touching dog is different rules. The prophet said that if the dog drink from your cup, you need to wash. So some school of thought inteprets that the whole of dog is dirty, hence that is why you need to wash. Some simply said, only when the dog lick the cup you need to wash, as they take the meaning literally. And there are various school of thought exists. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973639845848083} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Jan 13 2024, 01:50 PM)https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/isl...3031de900&ei=24PETALING JAYA: Muslims may work in conventional banks in times of emergency or when there is a lack of alternative employment, says Penang mufti Wan Salim Nor.He said this shows Islamic law is flexible and always takes into account the changeable nature of life.\u201cIt should be known that times of emergency or great need allow for exceptions from the usual religious law,\u201d Wan Salim added.\u201cThis is a temporary allowance, not a permanent one.\u201dWan Salim was commenting on the recommendation by Federal Territories mufti Luqman Abdullah for Muslim employees at conventional banks to move to jobs that are considered \u201chalal\u201d.Luqman had explained that employees at conventional banks can be divided as follows \u2013 those who work directly with transactions that have elements of riba, or usury, which is haram; and those that do not work directly with such transactions.He said that even though there may be difficulty with finding employment, Muslims should make every effort to avoid or leave \u201charam places of work\u201d.\u201cTry to find jobs that are legal under Islamic law. Once you can find a job that is appropriate and halal, you can leave your old haram workplace,\u201d he told FMT.Hotel california is flexible... Wow ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8415048122406006} +{"text": "@RahatDisharah @ahmadharis1435 Bila kedai muslim tkda sijil halal,kita yakin sesangat la produk dia halal, make me wonder ah why korg mcmni.Padahal dalil dan fatwa dah bg tau melainkan sembelihan boleh je makan walau bkn muslim yg sediakan. https://t.co/eLp6z3pUlT https://t.co/6duh3GAnIe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.983977735042572} +{"text": "Aku suka bila orang guna point 'mak masak takde sijil halal', kecuali mak kita takkan sesaje letak benda haram dlm makanan kita, manakala orang kedai peduli apa yg masuk mulut kita, asalkan duit diorg masuk. https://t.co/aBiXpt0lX4", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996076226234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(padlie @ Sep 14 2016, 11:15 AM)In general, all aquatic animals except frog are halal. herbal and ginseng too.But, you need to consider how it is prepared. If they use the same utensil to prepare pork or they add alcohol, then it becomes haram. Halal cert is just a guide to help you identify halal food. It makes life easy. If not, you need to do more research on the product. Frog consider aquatic? Sorry not to bash you but I know frog is haram because of haiwan dua alam is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999697208404541} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 30 2023, 10:13 AM)The funny thing is the trend among Chinese in Klang Valley today is not Chinese vernacular schools anymore. A lot are changing to private/international schools where the syllabus is not rote learning. As for Mandarin, private/international schools also have the subject. The difference is most of the subjects are in English and not Mandarin or BM. IGCSE is getting really popular in Klang Valley today.Many of the well to do Mid Upper Class and above Nons already have plans to send their children out/keluar for good.Mandarin and English are the only 2 languages which matters mostly today. They know the quality of our current national education system dumbs down their children and will prevent them from tapping their real talents. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965268969535828} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 27 2016, 10:12 PM)Comment solely on the name la.Hari2 mau argue tak penat ke mon.Orang tanya ja bangBecause that's how it isKedai Dia penuh dengan papan tuTerang jelas tulis porkKalau pergi kedai diaConfirm nampakHow else would u know about itor buy it? U cant buy it online Kemungkinan untuk terconfuse beli is near impossible Ps:tak penat. Aku suka argue. Kalau x, bosan. That's why I'm hereThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Oct 27 2016, 10:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983595013618469} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalVegetarian shop cannot use animal oil la. Vege based oil only.The only way anything could be haram at a vegetarian shop is if by any change they cook anything with rice wine in it but so far I have yet to see any vege shop cooking anything with rice wine. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.937093198299408} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Jul 29 2019, 08:38 AM)Yes if root beer not haram, apesal nk bising mcm org kampung yg tak pernah keluar kat bandar?Root beer mcm lah Heineken zero. Concept is the same, different taste.Sendiri yang sesat dan kurang akar, jangan tuju kat org.Nope not the same, I already covered the reasons in my previous post, you want to learn why go read my previous post.But if you want to continue being like a 5yr old kid, just ignore my posts and continue label others as \"sesat\", which ironically, you are the ones who are sesat in this case.again, people want to teach, be humble and try to digest what is being told, then try to construct a reply to seek further info.dont simply say others sesat and all ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996789693832397} +{"text": "RT nak tunggu dapat sijil halal dari jakim. semua makanan pun jadi haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "Hi , nak bertanya . jakim sangat menitik beratkan status halal sesuatu makanan dah produk kan -1", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9739054441452026} +{"text": "Long story...\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abResponse from Auntie Anne's Halal Exec.QUOTE[Isu Status Halal Auntie Anne\u2019s]Saya bekerja sebagai QA Executive merangkap Halal Executive di Auntie Anne's Malaysia. Saya merupakan pemegang Ijazah Kejuruteraan Teknologi Kimia (Makanan) dan adalah seorang \u2018certified\u2019 Halal Executive dibawah badan Halal Development Corporation (HDC). Penyataan ini bukanlah untuk meninggi diri, tetapi bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kreadibiliti saya bagi menjawab isu status halal di tempat saya bekerja. \"Permohonan halal Auntie Anne's (HALAL-20160627) ditolak JAKIM\"Ya betul, permohonan kami telah ditolak atas beberapa isu. Isu-isunya adalah seperti berikut:-1) JAKIM meminta kami untuk memohon sijil halal bagi Central Kitchen (CK) dahulu dimana proses re-packing dilakukan sebelum meneruskan permohonan bagi outlet. 2) Saya telah memohon sijil halal bagi kesemua 45 outlet Auntie Anne\u2019s dibawah satu permohonan. JAKIM telah menolak permohonan dan meminta saya untuk mengasingkan permohonan mengikut zon untuk memudahkan proses audit. Situasi ini juga pernah berlaku kepada jenama Sushi King. Pada mulanya, hanya beberapa outlet sahaja yang disahkan halal kerana proses ini dijalankan secara berperingkat dan mengikut zon walaupun semua produknya adalah daripada CK yang sama. 3) Nama menu \u2018Pretzel Dog\u2019 haruslah ditukar kepada nama yang lebih sesuai. Saya telah mencadangkan beberapa nama baru dan masih menunggu keputusan mesyuarat panel dari pihak JAKIM. Setelah kami mendapat keputusannya, kami harus menukar kesemua menuboard sebelum proceed kepada permohonan baru. Untuk pengetahuan semua, saya telah menghantar permohonan bagi CK. Kami telah melepasi peringkat pertama dan sudah pun menjelaskan bayaran dan sedang menunggu proses audit dari JAKIM. Saya sertakan surat dan resit bayaran dalam post ini. Ingin saya tegaskan, Auntie Anne\u2019s BUKAN pemegang sijil halal JAKIM tetapi kami sedang BERUSAHA kearah itu. JAKIM mempunyai standard yang sangat tinggi yang harus diikuti oleh semua pemegang sijil halal JAKIM. Pihak JAKIM bukan hanya memfokuskan kepada status halal bahan makanan, tetapi juga kebersihan outlet\u00a0 dan pengendali makanan. Saya juga seorang Muslim dan ini adalah salah satu tanggungjawab fardhu kifayah saya untuk umat Islam. Doakan saya berjaya Bagi yang was-was tapi mahu juga mencuba pretzel Auntie Anne\u2019s, saya cadangkan anda menunggu sehingga kami disahkan halal terlebih dahulu kerana perkara yang syubhah sudah jatuh haram untuk kita memakannya. Jika Auntie Anne\u2019s sudah disahkan halal oleh JAKIM, saya cadangkan anda beli \u00c9clair Stix dan Jalapeno Cheese, kerana kedua-duanya favourite saya Ikhlas,Anak dara Makcik Anne ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9837120175361633} +{"text": "Yang ni pun haram jugak... lagi mengelirukan... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999785423278809} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cloudx @ Jan 18 2017, 12:42 PM)Kesian lah, wasted energy discussing with people like yourself.Shows how weak Malaysian's are. They only need to religious issue everybody go crazy and other issues kena diverted. Suka hati u lah, your common sense win all go ahead boikot mekdiur common sense lagi terror,.. no halal chop means not halal,.. kesian penjual pisang goreng,.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999344348907471} +{"text": "Tajuk berita pun \"misleading\". Sijil halal hotel tu ditarik balik selepas didapati ada babi dalam hidangan dia kiranya masih berfungsilah badan penyelia status halal di \"Malaysia Baru\" ni. Dan apa kaitannya kerajaan baru dengan pengurusan restoran hotel yang lemah? lmao umno https://t.co/n12hhlbyG7", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "QUOTE(Skylinestar @ Feb 26 2024, 12:57 PM)pantai tengah (south) or cenang (north) better (bikini friendly)?i see a trend of hotels where the south is more expensive.pantai tengah is next to pantai cenang, the very odd thing is seem like pantai tengah has the best sunset view due to angle if you stay in any beach front hotel, camar is good, dash is good perhaps for kids and youth, ambong a bit far from beach but the service and natural ambience is one of the best in langkawi, maybe next to datai. pantai tengah is walking distance to cenang, and more quiet, so bikini not a problem unlike cenang.but north is better if you rent car, many authentic thai and malay food. some of the 1 or 2 star hotel are actually situated at the best seaview in entire langkawi, not necessarily must do 4 seasons or tanjung rhu, pay 10% of 4 seasons and enjoy the same beach.one may consider to stay in kampong area like padang masirat, some of the hotel is top notch like villa paddy, off peak can get room less than rm100, just drive to kuah for dinner, nearby have the very famous malay chap fan.langkawi is the stopover for westerner that travel to and from thailand, from and to koh lipe, phiphi, aonang, phuket...so westerner liquor and bikini is common. most langkawi malay have no problem with that.This post has been edited by YH1234: Feb 26 2024, 03:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999165534973145} +{"text": "if you ask me, there are no best laksa....only personal favi personally like sarawak laksa more due to i can't eat too spicy ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999227523803711} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohman @ Sep 18 2015, 10:09 AM)Took nasi lemak rendang daging already yesterday\u00a0 Yesterday citer yesterday la. Aku pagi tengah hari ni nak cari tomyam. Kat bukit bintang cam best saja... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "Pastu bila org buat video makan kedai korea pakat tanya halal ke? Padahal kedai tepi2 jalan viral, kedai tomyam bagai tu lagi rasa tak bersih ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999821186065674} +{"text": "\nArtemesiaa replied at 1-4-2016 10:56 PM\nNi ada kene mengena dengan isu makanan kucing yang diimport jenama Iam yang dikatakan ada unsur babi ...\nIAM ada babi iya?\u00a0\u00a0Tapi kata makanan kucing yg nk bawak masuk msia mesti tak de unsur babi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999569654464722} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Jan 16 2024, 12:46 PM)Yes because menu already stated price. Not hidden. Tak suka can stand up and leave ma why continue order?But again warning for Langkawi people. If continue to be like that then cannot blame Malaysian just straight go Thailand Indonesia Vietnam. Don't cry later.Sanusi kata kedah di tindas kerajaan pusat, tak Ada bantu promo langkawi Langkawi tourist area so the price is justified ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8725357055664062} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kaya Butter Toast @ Sep 5 2023, 09:29 AM)Meat cartel scandal how? PuAS hati? BodoStill wild this is simply swept under carpet. Went on for many generations and fooled the entire Malaysia. Still diam jer ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6838926672935486} +{"text": "QUOTE(Night Fox @ Aug 6 2015, 04:27 PM)But I remember someone in /k here said HALAL can eat oh.. what is user id already ar.. I'll try to search..if he follows other school of fikah no problem for him/her. Only Shafie says land snails haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999923825263977} +{"text": "Sayangku, menentukan halal haram tuh bukan dari bahan masaknya aja, tapi alat-alat dan tata caranya juga. Daging sapi itu halal, tapi kalau penyembelihannya tanpa menyebut nama Allah, bakal jadi haram. Memakai alat makan dan masak yang sama buat makanan halal dan haram,", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995179176330566} +{"text": "haram jadah jantan tak guna pastu ckp alhamdulillah ..knngile ke ape bawak family camtu...habes tu bole cakap awal2 dh warning wife .. babi takde duit duk msia jer la..and ustaz = fortune teller?This post has been edited by ImUrDaddY: Sep 19 2019, 02:42 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Dec 30 2023, 10:29 AM)Of course nons cook lah. McRib we anticipate your arrival. Muak betul see workers today so malas kerja tak ilhlas asyik lambat serve wrong orders.Cook lard fries confirm more nons come support. Bukannya puak boikot these days sokong Mekdi pun. No loss.tbh...thats the last thing he need to worry about.....MCD malaysia will handle it like they making the chicken, fries etc just in nons.but MCD malaysia less likely will do that.QUOTE(tctham @ Dec 30 2023, 10:44 AM)Ya wei. How do one increase boycott? HahaBds and kaki boikot also same thinking type.Bds: boikot mekdiKaki boikot: ok, let's boikot mekdiMekdi sales drop, say bds slander, because like everyone say, there is no proof that mekdi supported israel. They just boikot, because ikut hatiSuddenly bds shock pikachu, why my fault?Like A wanna find job,Then B tell company, this A like to copy ppl work and steal credits.Company ask for proof, B say, no proof, but you also know la. A looks like associated with ppl that copy and steal credit, so A likely also same type. Jz feel la. Ikut hati, you know?Company also ok la. Ikut hati.A lost job opportunity. Found out B has been telling many companies this story.A sue B, and omg B shock pikachu. Manada slander? Tis not my fault oke.lu type banyak banyak, bds supporter have diff logic cant understand ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9493502378463745} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to melater scare the vegetable use babi shit as fertiliser lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "Right hand holding cigarettes, left hand typing and tegur celebrities eating at pork free restaurant.Not sure who is more haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9838932752609253} +{"text": "QUOTE(washay @ Jun 1 2020, 11:33 AM)Those not haram / illegal ke?But masih berleluasa juga.. Mcm pandu mabuk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998216032981873} +{"text": "iya betul!!! makanan yang halal senang je nak jumpa. tapi nak cari yang bebetul bersih sumpah susah. dah banyak kali time makan tengok kuku panjang, plus kotor. banyak kali jugak hilang selera makan :( https://t.co/MENWfsJUb2", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999281167984009} +{"text": "Good job, Steven. Dont use all 300k to set up business for Ah Soon. There are many others Bukit Mertajam voters there that need assistance.Time for you to work harder yeah. Dont suka suki tolong perantau dari Kelantan dari Kedah. Rakyat sendiri yang vote you masih banyak lagi perlu bantuan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9829486012458801} +{"text": "Cerita korea usually involve a heir and hardworking girl.. I guess this is real life... matching of social status.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961904287338257} +{"text": "@minaazaini RM15000 is not that hard. Tapi tu la, lelaki selalu expect tinggi nk spend 15000 for someone who's good enough. Tengok2 dapat perempuan yg mampu brag sijil degree sahaja & nak brag majlis dia paling grand. Niat kahwin pihak perempuan pun awal2 dah salah, patut kes cerai banyak :(", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995296001434326} +{"text": "Hai warganet! Sudah memulakan perniagaan, tapi masih belum memohon sijil halal? Tak tahu di mana dan bagaimana prosedur permohonan sijil halal? Haaa\u2026 Jangan risau, selain daripada\u2026 https://t.co/UI3SFSbGOk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999510049819946} +{"text": "JAKIM patut haramkan instagram, lagi banyak gambar makanan dari gambar pemandangan, orang yang berpuasa sunat akan mudah hilang pedoman.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9915704727172852} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Jun 26 2023, 04:00 PM)aku google, keluar 50 terus50 Tempat Makan Menarik Di Penang 2023 (Best TERKINI)https://saji.my/tempat-makan-yang-sedap-di-...rgi-tahun-2016/----these ppl memang suka cari pasal is it?Ko xtau ker Google tu LGBT? Kaler warna warni? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9853464365005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(HarleyIron @ Sep 20 2016, 03:43 PM)One last note for you to think tonight.\u00a0 Is tapai Haram? Personally I don't like tapai. Smelly. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999189376831055} +{"text": "Lol. Sibu people. Tak tau malu? Life just worth that much? Can sacrifice for rm5/kg chicken wing? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998986721038818} +{"text": "QUOTE(InitialB @ Jan 19 2024, 04:31 PM)You know where it's heading if really happen...Ts...I know.. It is futile..But I still hope for the best... They will be awaken..That's why I share this article Better late than never..But look like the awakening is very very far off..How sad to see my ancestor who fight Japanese and Communist off for Malaysia turn to such state.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9606534838676453} +{"text": "QUOTE(dogbert_chew @ Mar 20 2024, 01:01 PM)Masili no need boikot,It has the worst reliability ranking amongst European manufacturers.\u00a0 Only bodo continue to buy..Ayam poor flag, masili mia reliability ayam tak tahu, tak nak tahu... Tapi ramai penungang agama suka guna masili... Ini yang ayam tak faham....In b4 ayam poor flag, jelly orang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950252175331116} +{"text": "Sedih bgt sampai nganggap suatu makanan itu kelas bawah. Heyyy itu berkah. Kalau ga suka gak usah beli apalagi dimakan!!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.939795196056366} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahurgan @ Nov 3 2014, 03:04 PM)sometimes people too worried about halal logo and stuff.should know that this halal logo thing is a malaysian thing. No need to get too fanatical on this, if a malay muslim auntie sell fried banana under a tree got no halal cert then gg liao all muslims who eat there with this logic.In the end, know the Islamic rulings properly, you would know, just no pork/pork derivative as one of the ingredients, while alcohol is a debatable thing, if used as a technical ingredient (softening up the meat) and assumed to evaporate during cooking it is for the discretion of individual muslim to assume its halal or not for consumption (no muslim has the right to prevent or coerce each other into eating/not eating if differing in opinion about this). inb4 ulama /kalcohol does not burn up and evaporate as quickly as everyone thinks. see link below.http://www.ochef.com/165.htmim with you bro, that a lot of ppl are a bit too strict abt halal but at the same time, we have to still be careful. throwing caution to the wind is not the best way to deal with halal and haram. shafiee's age old doctrine of it being better to be sure it is halal than to take a risk of it actually being haram applies here. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9844326972961426} +{"text": "Apapun kotorannya (misal e'ek nya anjing) tetap halal ASALKAN mampu dirubah menjadi \"air higenis\" dan \"saripati unsur makanan sisa\" sdh di ambil utk makanan manusia\n\nContoh:\nAndrich, alat utk mengolah limbah tinja menjadi air bersihhttps://m.liputan6.com/tekno/read/3243191/di-luar-angkasa-tinja-manusia-bisa-diolah-jadi-makanan-astronot\u2026", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "Sbb itu perfume bukan arak. Bukan alcohol bikin jadi haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995573163032532} +{"text": "bab halal makanan, bukan isi kandungan makanan je. tapi cara dia handle makanan, dia guna bekas yang bersih tak dari penggunaan kandungan haram macam arak babi. rileks je org skrg post makan kat kedai yang mmg terang ada jual sekali babi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9923539161682129} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 01:55 PM)Not extremist said halal and not halal la. Al Quran said haram then haram la fullstop. If al quran said haram then quran extremist ?. Got brain or not la.If al quran said haram but i said halal then in that case i the one who extremist stupid.Ok extremist sheep. Some people follow it to the dot while others take is as spiritual guidelines. No guessing you belong to which group. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "Kalau kau pemilik kedai makan, Google \"Kay's Steak & Lobster\"\n\nDia ada 3-4 cawangan dekat Klang Valley, halal.\n\nPergi merasa suasana dalam kedai dia, layanan servis dia, makanan dia, ambience dia. Mesti kau boleh belajar sesuatu utk apply ke restoran kau pula.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "If I cosplay to look like an Arab/Towelheads, is that haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984623193740845} +{"text": "Kalau terancam mati kelaparan tidak ada makanan selain babi, boleh makan babi secukupnya\nTetapi kalau makanan lain yang halal sudah ada maka babi haram dimakan\nKalau kafer boleh makan apa aja sesukanya ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "Hahhahahahah sebab tu la kena pujuk dan bermaafan dgn isteriii , balik kerja tu beli la air coffee ke apa apa makanan dia suka ke ? Bunga sekuntum ke ? Paling cikai balik peluk cakap sorryy syg giteww", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.744255006313324} +{"text": "QUOTE(xtrabite @ Jan 9 2021, 09:53 AM)Apa bangang ni.Beli dari orang islam, of course la penjual orang islam kena pastikan barang yang dia guna dari sumber halal.Kenapa dengan sijil halal? Apekejadah ni?Kau ucap syahadah tak ni?Kalau kau orang islam, ucap syahadah, kau beriman dengan allah dan rasul, kau beriman dengan alquran.Mesti kau faham apa dalam alquran sebut.Tak payah pusing2.Habis?? Ko pergilah tengok apa yg ko post tu?? Sendiri kat sana cakap jabatan agama pesan yg kedai tu xde sijil halal. Siap panggil orang elakkan. Kenapa pulak dgn sijil halal?? Apa kejadah ni?? Kalau ikut logic kau tu, kalau peniaga tu islam, x yah lah sijil halal kan??Pusing?? Siapa yg pusing skrg??This post has been edited by Pipopipo: Jan 9 2021, 09:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999725878238678} +{"text": "Who gonna pay if vending machine on fire or vandalized most of the time?....I can only think kaum trigger doing it , if not bangga no money to drink....Bodoh ministers with endless stupid ideas...Last time mall got separate section for pork....these days...cannot even open or location must be hidden wayyyyy back under lotsa eyes like selling drugs....Nobody ask you to go buy....nobody ask u go see...nobody ask you to be absolute stupid cannot understand HAM vs chicken. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9341047406196594} +{"text": "QUOTE(atreyuangel @ Dec 9 2018, 03:16 PM)ada kata fabricated,betul kaTah la. Kalau source FB Whatsapp memang aku tapirchaya. Nak triggered pun .... LEL ... tunggu kang GE-15. La ni tengok sarkis Parlimen lagi best .. ehhh .. paling best makan popcorn tengok Atok cucuk bontot kiasu SG. Fuhh nostalgia 22 tahun #RinduzamanTun. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998791217803955} +{"text": "This is why aku kurang membeli dekat peniaga jalanan (terutama yg tiada lesen) bukan langsung x beli, kurang. Sbb cara dan pengendalian makanan tu aku xnampak. Kalau di kedai/restoran kita nampak, dan sah2 perlu ade suntikan typhoid dan kursus. Kalau ade sijil halal lagi bagus.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986788630485535} +{"text": "QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Jul 24 2024, 08:00 AM)shallow humans: see temples got tanglung. connect dots assume tanglung = religious.Before pandemic, I remembered similar issue when someone complained SJKC hung tanglung\u00a0 during CNY.In my taman group, I remembered reading about someone feeling uneasy coz neighbours put tanglung-shaped porch lights.That's why you don't live in b40 neighborhood.T20 people just muhibah all the way jer.B40 everyday must do something viral shit ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8633506298065186} +{"text": "MACAI SAY DONT CARE, BN APPROVED THEY SUPPORT, CARRIED OUT BY DAPIGS IS HARAM!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9933465719223022} +{"text": "kesian, once viral business shop also closed. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7709431648254395} +{"text": "Budaya fitnah dan PN tiada berpisah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Dec 9 2017, 06:02 PM)Yes, u r rightWhen the weather gets colder, the residents use more heating, and these comes from coal.Many old buildings still hv old furnace.And coal power plants are contributing to the pollution.To make it worse, the geographical location of Beijing is surrounded by mountain, hence preventing a proper airflow out of the city.Best time is autumn, or spring.Summer is too hot. 40+ deg CAutumn u get hairy crabs too.Halal.Shanghai next to sea also affected? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995988011360168} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jv8888 @ Dec 22 2023, 12:40 PM)this questions need to be direct to them..i'm not muslim. Few of my Malay kolik, ok without HALAL logo, as long as no pork, but some insist must have HALAL logo. So different individual you will get different answers.If compulsory, how muslims eat when overseas? Just do ur best only, like vegetarian.The problem w extremism is they dont eat anything thats suspicious. I saw a director, after been told muslims can eat, he still refuse n drag other muslim colleagues to join him eat bread only at a company event dinner. To me, cincai lar, as long as it\u2019s not pork, no lard. And what those foreign colleagues n bosses would think? I think not nice ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9535699486732483} +{"text": "Klau la dorang tau mcm mna susah urus sijil halal tu kan bagus. Cuba pertikaikan makanan d kedai tepi jalan or mamak pulak. Ada2 sak dorang ni. https://t.co/nWxSi0hp7a", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999896287918091} +{"text": "QUOTE(SiakapRM1000 @ Dec 10 2023, 12:45 AM)Dah pemakan babi, makan babijer lah,\u00a0 tak payah\u00a0 ambil pusing hal orang islam BodoEhh si cabai, hal isle is to kepochi biz nons? Suka hati nons lah wanna apply halal cert or not. If it benefits the biz, no problem. If no benefit what for apply?! Bodo! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999672174453735} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ May 3 2021, 08:43 AM)Kepochibai is our budaya?sometimes kepochi have good also. if accident a lot people come to help ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9846290349960327} +{"text": "QUOTE(mcchin @ Mar 5 2024, 08:09 PM)Bukan non buat tarak official takpaNasik lemak tepi jalan pun same jerNasi lemak tepi jalan no use green logo from jakim. They just claim they are halalAlso cannot HACCP , MESTI without achieving their requirement and standard? Same concept ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7497445344924927} +{"text": "\nMissVixen replied at 19-2-2018 10:28 PM\r\nBoleh cuba sinalau bakas.\nkalau halal xpe cik kucen oii..ni muhallazah kot..mau kne basuh ngan air tanah mulut iollss kang..\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999480247497559} +{"text": "Jangan panggil 0% alkohol bir pasal haram. Panggil minuman tonik. Tak caya, tanya PASial. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "In fact, the best group to migrate is the B40 blue collar people.... because you immediately become M40. Have you seen how much the electrician and plumbers earn? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8868445158004761} +{"text": "Dulu la... Aku jual daun kering (utk teh) kat pasar tani pasar malam dan online deme mintak sijil halal. Rasa sedih bukan pasal deme tak beli.. Tapi tu la kan... Daun kering, tak proses, tak uncang. SIJIL HALAL... https://t.co/iJq5vbzbdL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999324083328247} +{"text": "QUOTEAssalamualaikumTerima kasih kepada semua yg mengikuti perkembangan saya. Alhamdulillah saya telah dipindahkan ditempat paling stabil.Kali ini saya rasa terpanggil untuk menulis sedikit setelah ada beberapa pihak yg mula mengecam saya sebab ke Turki bermula tengah hari tadi. Saya membaca kecaman mereka dengan senyuman dan mendoakan mereka dalam keadaan selamat, jika dengan kecaman tersebut boleh hindarkan anda dari virus ini maka teruskan kerja anda. Saya tahu dalangnya!Untuk makluman semua, saya bekerja dengan travel agency In Saff Travel, bukan baru, lama dah, tentulah ada plan travel tahunan. Bukan hanya ke Turki, jika ikut jadual 1 April saya ke Mekah, lepas musim haji saya akan ke Jordan, Al Aqsa dan Umrah. Saya ke Turki pada 13 Mac 2020 bersama Kembara Mukmin Travel dan ketika itu Turki belum ada kes COVID19, waktu itu juga belum ada arahan PKP, arahan PKP diumumkan oleh Perdana Mentri bermula 18 Mac 2020, jadual kami pulang ke Makaysia 22 Mac 2020.\"Orang tua2 kata corona takut dgn salji\" itu ayat gurauan, tentu kita nak minta hindar, tak kan tak faham kot.Kami balik dari Turki 22 Mac dan ikut arahan KKM kuarantin di rumah masing\u00b2 jangan berjumpa sesiapa. Kami semua ikut arahan tersebut.Viral gambar saya di Turki dan main salji, gambar itu bertarikh 15 Mac dan begitu juga dengan poster kutipan derma kilat, saya sendiri pun tidak tahu, baru tadi pihak lajnah kebajikan pemuda hubungi saya nak serahkan sumbangan rm3000, saya sendiri tidak terima dan mohon diberikan kepada NGO yg banyak membantu masyarakat diluar sana yg sangat memerlukan.Saya nasihatkan yg tidak tahu apa\u00b2 ambillah AL QURAN dan isikan masa anda dengan bacaan AL QURAN.Teman kamu semuaMohamad Zuhdi Mat Piah8 April 2020 | 14:30 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8200030326843262} +{"text": "Isu makanan halal ni ez pz je, dah kat malaysia ada badan yg memberi guideline dan kelulusan halal hangpa ikut ja la. Yang duk oversea senyap2 ja sbb hangpa xdak jakim kat negara luaq mmg hangpa terpaksa la yakin 100% sebelum nak telan selalu jangan duk sibuk bantai", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.706480860710144} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2024, 08:31 AM)I think it's when you have lived abroad that makes you appreciate your home country. for those that don't understand, maybe I give you an example more people has maybe been thru, have you guys ever wanted to change job because you feel the place you work at is very shitty? Then you find a job and during the interview you see that the new job seems to be a lot better, and the people also a lot more professional and friendlier, then you join the new company, saying good riddance to the old shitty work environment and fucuk ex-colleagues, then you are so happy in the new company,,,,1 month pass then you start to see,,,the new colleagues macam all is wolf and hyenas in sheep clothing,,,,then 3 month passed, you realise the company macam dont have a lot of system in place..a bit chaotic and by 6 month time you realise this job is even shittier than your previous job . After living abroad, I find Malaysia have a good work life balance, and the quality of life is very good. You see Singaporean, when they want to have good quality of life, they come to Malaysia. You just need to be smart about how to make a living here, and its a lot easier making a living here than other places. Also, to be honest, those that everyday kpkb gahmen no good, things are expensive....just you wait till you go live overseas and have to do OT just to survive and then control that OT to the dot so that you dont fall into the next tax bracket and 40% of your pay is given to the govt, then you find that govt giving living expenses to the bums (eh..macam familiar je nie). Then you get yelled ate by a bunch of bogan looking teenagers just for taking the train, or you grip you gun in your vest tight because you were walking thru a rougher neighbourhood because the place is the only place you can afford to rent. Shit like that will adjust your perspective very rapidly and you will realize, hey, Malaysia ain't a bad place at all.In Life, there are external factors which you cannot control, but the internal factors within your control is how you react to the external factors, for me, I have decided early in life, I want to make my life and my family life better, so main aim was to make money, the side effect was that I also spent my time living abroad due to my work, which seems to be my luck as I was able to see the world and came up with the best living format for me, which is to keep my Malaysian citizen ship and also have the options of living abroad. Hence my property in China and Singapore.Also, to be honest, if you feel that you and your family can't survive in Malaysia due to Malaysia no future, do you think you can survive overseas, because living in Malaysia is like playing a game on easy setting, while living overseas, its definitely a hard setting. And those that kbkp and complain everyday, those never do take the first step and move overseas, normally are those that diam diam just move.Great comment. Honest question on my part.You said overseas is definitely living life on hard setting. How is it harder than living in Malaysia?I'm asking this as someone who lived in 8 years in the UK (mostly London) and 3 years in the Netherlands before returning to Malaysia.I did not find living in the UK to be \"harder\" than in Malaysia. In some cases, even easier thanks to ubiquitous public transport. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9837774038314819} +{"text": "QUOTE(8bitguy @ Nov 26 2019, 05:12 PM)vague at best. Everyone got definition of what's \"best\".If u dont walk and find outside mean you not trying your best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(bee88 @ Dec 28 2020, 11:48 AM)We r one step ahead. We are looking for pig in covid vaccine.we have our own benchmark and we aim for afterlife.but songlap curi tuai budaya kito, jangan persoal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6494123935699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(Capt. Marble @ Sep 11 2023, 07:34 AM)Haram but will it memudaratkan badan if cooked this way?Nope. Never see anyone mabuk after makan clay pot jiken lice.This post has been edited by kcchong2000: Sep 11 2023, 07:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.940797746181488} +{"text": "Ciri makanan halal pun ialah suci, bersih, tidak memudaratkan, binatang yang tak diharamkan & disembelih. Kalau kedai tu ada ciri tersebut tapi tiada sijil halal, adakah ianya haram? Sijil halal memang penting utk elak rasa syubhah. Kalau still was was, elakkan. Simple. Dah kbye", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983046054840088} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Sep 4 2020, 11:13 AM)actually in first place, why need Q word in restaurants anyway? i see a lot of them even in halal certified place.To create and project an imageA perceived identity and correlation \u201cOh ada ayat suci alQuran... mesti muslim... mesti halal... mesti makan\u201dLike financial consultant driving BMW \u201cIm successful and if u want BMW u listen to me\u201dSomething like that laThis post has been edited by yummymommy: Sep 4 2020, 10:29 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999790191650391} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Dec 29 2023, 12:48 PM)Whatever it is lah.I'm here just to wish everyone a very jolly Merry Christmas and a very very Happy New Year.May the coming new year bring all of us joy and all the worries and troubles go away.And to those all that kecam sini sana. Just like those that said suka hati aku nak boycott. It's the same. Suka hati those that's singing and wishing others. They felt comfortable. And they don't bring or do harm to others. Instead it brings smiles and joy to people they wish and greeted. If your religion said it's haram, then also as what you people always had saying when sendiri kena.It's between her/him and their creator. Nothing to do with you pitiful peasants.ngam!Just let God do God's work when the time comes.no one of us are sinless.remember the sinless person to cast the first stone?no need sibuk tegur tegur another human being.Just let God do God's work when the time comes. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.979919970035553} +{"text": "Jakim iktiraf sijil halal Ukraine KUALA LUMPUR - Pensijilan halal Ukraine yang diiktiraf Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) amat bermakna kepada kira-kira dua juta umat Islam di Ukraine, kata Timbalan Menteri Luar, Sergiy Kyslytsya. Bacaan... https://t.co/ajMYUv75qG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999423027038574} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 27 2020, 01:30 PM)No need to worry. Orang kita can't afford to eat musang king. All eat kampung durian only. Kan lazy, tongkat people according to /kThose who can afford musang king also don't care halal haram coz sendiri songlap. Also according to /ktula, sepandai2 tupai melompat..kena game jgk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993553757667542} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gadget_Freak @ Feb 5 2024, 09:45 AM)so if pregnant and shop at taobao become baby xijinping?Betolllll because later baby come look like Xijingping lo....Haram kan... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999620914459229} +{"text": "Sebab tu tak valid if non Muslim je ambil sijil halal ni, Muslim pun wajib ambil sijil halal, sebab salah satu puncanya ialah Kebersihan.. https://t.co/JFx0M1oWjx", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996200799942017} +{"text": "Malas nak cakap but wall of text. So entitled, just coz you are Malay, glc must buy from you?!Some Malays need to learn, give you tongkat doesn\u2019t mean people or govt or glc owes you a living.If your product no good or inconsistent supply, nobody is going to buy. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9224254488945007} +{"text": "Sory bukan smua rider foodpanda ada jgk yg bodoh tk reti membaca. Main bantai amik ja. Kalau ye pn baca lah resit tu. Aku pn pernah kena tp halal pud lah. Dia salahkan kedai tu. Pdhl resit da terang2 tulis nama n alamat lain. Ko kadang jgn bengap malas membaca", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9980037808418274} +{"text": "QUOTE(RichardN @ Jun 10 2019, 11:29 AM)LOL This guys Ask whether she got HALAL cert for what she sellTrolololHowever it's not wrong to ask. If she butthurt then she shouldn't have start to ask the stupid questions. But then again there's no stupid question. From what I can see she purposely try to be viral and at the same market her products. Typical marketing stunts nowadays ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.861478865146637} +{"text": "Rill, makanya aku jarang beli makanan manis soalnya sembuhinnya lamaa dan sembuhnya suka jadi bekas jerawat merah2 :'(((((", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9888048768043518} +{"text": "QUOTE(RS42 @ Oct 6 2022, 03:42 PM)Never been to a Malay wedding before...?Did, but before this stuff was popular I guess ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981428384780884} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Aug 28 2020, 09:23 AM)yang atas, bar pub zouk all OK to enteryang bawah...oi tak ada sijil halal...tak boleh masuk. haram makanan tu halal ke? \u00a0 topkek 2 set of lawsame apply to TGIF chilli's long Q le~ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(Divou @ Aug 9 2017, 08:12 PM)Those warung in Segambut so many halal food cooked by halal people. Just go there lah !malas nk pandu..ingat byk bende mkn kt MK ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997730553150177} +{"text": "- Bising air x ada sijil halal, Kau duduk dlm semak, french kiss and finger fuck dalam kereta x ada sijil nikah, kau ingat halal? - JAKIM rush bilik beromen ckp pervert, time air gula sibuk nk refer JAKIM. - Halal tu seluruh, bukan di bahagi kn ikut apa yg kau suka. https://t.co/la1Xp3VIJx", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999696016311646} +{"text": "Tak tau tak apa la\u2026\u2026yang rasuah , cheong, judi, rokok ok je dia orang boleh buat tak tau, bab babi niii sampai kena drama attention nape ya? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994791150093079} +{"text": "Babi: Sarahan apa pulak aku dengan Ajinomoto.Ubi (cassava): Sarahan apa babi dengan aku. I am one of the main ingredient of Ajinomoto macamlah aku haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "Udara yang kau sedut masuk paru-paru kau tu pun haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999465942382812} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 10:46 PM)haram for muslim, but non-muslim pulak butthurtlolBodo. Beer tak haram for non-Muslim, tapi Oktoberfest still kena ban jugak. So how? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9474963545799255} +{"text": "\n\n These kind of people do not understand Islam at all, nowhere does any islamic text say food prepared by non muslim is haram , as long as the food are from clean and halal source (+ meat slaughtered by muslim or people of the book) and does not cause absolute harm to the body and mind, it is 100% halal and SHOULD NOT be doubt upon unless the opposite is clear.\n \n Looking at how hard they\u2019re trying to divide muslims and nons shows how much they aren\u2019t aware that God create humans with different languages and skin colors so we can learn to know and coexist with each other.\n \n As a kelantanese coming from a fairly conservative family, even i would dare to say people like these don\u2019t deserve to have ISLAM stamped on their IC\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965876340866089} +{"text": "sedang ada di fase suka beli makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9642719030380249} +{"text": "QUOTE(anthonywongy @ Dec 23 2021, 10:25 PM)Im just amazed how /k can relate so many things to religion. I mean vegetarian food is the safest in terms of religion, race and dietary but here in mehsia grassroot are so manipulated that theres always contemplation from one side to other race.No doubt I trust our halal cert as one of the most trusted body in mehsia.nanti ada la satu makhluk teramat gampang tu mai buat bising, sUkA hATi La NaK TaNyA, WhY yOu KePo. Tapi dia sendiri gak yang kepo sgt nak tanya halal ke tak time2 darurat ni..Sendiri punya ilmu pasal org luar circle dia pun cetek gitu, tak tau most kuil2 serve vegetrian food saje.. Itu yg hanya boleh duk tepi menyalak halal halal halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8740940690040588} +{"text": "QUOTE(Baconateer @ Aug 30 2019, 05:31 PM)so.. did anyone lipoted him to MCMC?Somebody find the MCMC hotline number.QUOTE(dares @ Aug 30 2019, 05:42 PM)What does it have to do with 1S 2S 3S 4S or which race owns the dealership. How many car buyer actually care if there is a service center next to the shop where they buy their car? or what race is the dealership boss?If the product got good value maka sales bagus lah.Apa2 also go and spin jadi race factor. Sampah quality automotive journalists.I bought Iriz over 3 years ago from cainis 3S, their after sales irritated me.I go servis with meleis COSE better. Last time I went service, I jalan2 around COSE, saw got list of dealers ranking, the 3S near my place was ranked \"critical\", lowest category lol.But then I meleis, so my opinion will only validate his agenda QUOTE(JeremyLord @ Aug 30 2019, 05:51 PM)so is he saying proton was shitty before under ahem ahem management?\u00a0 Jeng jege jeng ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999643564224243} +{"text": "org nak makan diam diam saje, masih kena video dan viral. can just leave them in peace? its their choice, why sibuk sibuk nak jadi moral polis? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974564909934998} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 01:51 PM)Next time see them you tell them he no scared of Allah do this.If they said no then just leave them do that.For sure they will very malu if non muslim said that to them.Don't need to make them malu la. Their life their choice. Just sometimes feel really annoyed by hypocrites. I have no beef with Malays. I have Malay friends and I respect them and their religion. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Apr 17 2024, 10:14 AM)Better Elmina dari Semenyih Semenyih dahlah banyak jalan sempit. Jam teruk start area KFC tu sampai lah masuk dalam sana kalau waktu tengah hari. Gilo nak hadap macam tu selalu.Setia Alam pun tak ada jam dalam kawasan Setia Alamyes. fark semenyih . the access is trash. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999865293502808} +{"text": "JAKIM Tak Izin Label \"Ayat Ruqyah\", \"Makanan Sunnah\" Produk Status Halal: PUTRAJAYA \u2013 Semua syarikat dan pemoh... http://bit.ly/21AgUEj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995983242988586} +{"text": "Sendiri tak mau makan, orang lain tak boleh makan ke?Sendiri like singer A, orang lain tak boleh suka singer B ke?Snedirir tak suka Pasukan Bola A, orang lain tak boleh suka Pasukan Bola A ke?Now it is clear?This post has been edited by Capt. Marble: Apr 15 2024, 01:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9710774421691895} +{"text": "Kadang-kadang kita lupa ADAB MAKAN.\n\n'Menjamah makanan yang HALAL akan lebih berkat jika dimulai dengan membaca Bismillah beserta adab dan sunnah.\"\n\n*Like dan follow Facebook Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM dan ikuti serta ketahui info-info Halal Malaysia... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156706297497398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999339580535889} +{"text": "\nmejaputih replied at 23-12-2022 12:54 PM\nhaha..muka dia kat botol tu kan? iols lupa dah sbb masa kecik dulu selalu beli...ye la murah so by ...\nIols pow adek iols je\r\nDia suka makan masam2.neh..iols.amek.la seurat dua..hahaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9345510601997375} +{"text": "tastewise ok. best in price maybe for shopping mall food ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994414448738098} +{"text": "Make additional card for nons for auto checkoutthen all haram for muslim cannot use the service.But later dun say y discriminate again muslim ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999353885650635} +{"text": "Daem Meat Nomads inovasi perkhidmatan makanan bergerak negara\n\nBawa produk daging berkualiti tinggi yang diiktiraf halal terus kepada pengguna di pelbagai lokasi, acara, dan komuniti. - Syed Zainal Abidin#SinarHarian #inovasi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999419450759888} +{"text": "QUOTE(PeopleOfPerlis @ Apr 12 2024, 09:59 AM)tak ada orang paksa lu makan,lu tak suka,lu pergi duduk diam-diam dirumah, ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970927238464355} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Nov 23 2020, 03:46 PM)kopi o the\u00a0 best la...best combination is bak kut teh soup though....no.2 will be kopi o then porridge followed by hot soy milk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999548196792603} +{"text": "QUOTE(feekle @ Jan 9 2024, 08:04 AM)They ikut kepala sendiri, what ever they dont like they simply made it religious. Whats more worrying is even those educated ones falls into their narrative.Jangan memandai and buat fitnah. He not ulama to ikut kepala sendiri. He himself based on other ulama. He is pendakwah, not ulama. Ulama is someone who is certified/acknowledge/renown to give fatwa. He not at that level. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "Some only convinced with JAKIM logo only. Other countries logo not acceptable. Bagi aku kalau itu option kau, takpela, tapi jangan terus dilabel haram makanan tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7130613327026367} +{"text": "Congrats. All the best \ud83d\udc4dMy admiration to this muslim husband & wife entrepreneurship. They are honest and sincere in mentioning the authencity of their choice of 'tweak' crusine for their business venture. Steady la you, bro Sheikh Haikel & wife. \"What exactly is this authentic taste\" \ud83d\udcafRead the whole article, you will know what I meant and what I am getting at in comparable to ....This post has been edited by jojolicia: Jul 12 2024, 04:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999066591262817} +{"text": "So pakai salib then food become haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "Sbbtu sijil halal bukan tangkap muat. Camni gaya walaupun sembelih mmg x kan dapat status halal. https://t.co/6US70s8lGN", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7769378423690796} +{"text": "Difference between Najib and other PM is that he had a comprehensive and clear plan in his ETP, GTP etc.It had clear goals like:1. Malaysia to be global data center hub by doing this, this and this.2. Malaysia to generate 30% of energy from renewable sources by 20303. Increasing public transportation usage by X percent by Y year by doing this, this and this.Don't believe me?What Madani has so far is this thing called Madani Economic Framework (MEF) which is vague and nobody knows how to describe what it is.I challenge Ktards to describe what that MEF is.And the next so-called best Madani plan is Rafizi's National Energy Transition Roadmap, which is really a continuation of Jibb's green energy initiatives under the ETP.Imagine.... Malaysia's so-called future is based on how we convert gas/coal power plants to solar/hydro/battery. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985049962997437} +{"text": "Entah syaitan iblis lah mana yang merasuk melayu2 orang2 Islam makan steamboat di restoran 'johny syeamboat' yg tiada halal JAKIM. Depa ni tengin ke ini semua strategi bangsa #dap dan bukan Islam krn makanan haram doa tdk d makbulkn . Lagi2 makanan haram bercampur tulang babi dll", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995253086090088} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Dec 27 2023, 02:40 PM)Sikit sikit taliban. Salah lanjaw\u00a0 jpenipuscammer jugak tak reti belajar halal haram jual sama pemakanan babi saja tak boleh?just dont be a taliban? so hard? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 31 2021, 05:57 PM)Advanced RIP to Proton and billions more soft loans then.Meanwhile congratulations to P2 for breaking sales record again and again and again.Become ketua JKOM pun i think he puas hati edi haha.misguided wanker lah I tell you this fella ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998480081558228} +{"text": "QUOTE(BaZikAltUa @ Oct 20 2016, 03:55 PM)In one of the sahih hadith narated by Imam Muslim in his book, dari Abdullah bin Mas\u2019ud radhiallahu \u2018anhu bahwasanya Nabi shallallahu \u2018alaihi wa sallam bersabda,((\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u062f\u0652\u062e\u064f\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0651\u0629\u064e \u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064e \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0642\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0645\u0650\u062b\u0652\u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064f \u0630\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0651\u0629\u064d \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u0650\u0628\u0652\u0631\u064d)) \u060c \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u0631\u064e\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064c: \u00ab\u0625\u0650\u0646\u064e\u0651 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u064e\u0651\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064e \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u064f\u0651 \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u062b\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0628\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0644\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0629\u064b\u00bb\u060c \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e: ((\u0625\u0650\u0646\u064e\u0651 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647\u064e \u062c\u064e\u0645\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064c \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u064f\u0651 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u061b \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u0650\u0628\u0652\u0631\u064f \u0628\u064e\u0637\u064e\u0631\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062d\u064e\u0642\u0650\u0651 \u060c \u0648\u064e\u063a\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0637\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0646\u064e\u0651\u0627\u0633\u0650 )) .\u201cTidak akan masuk surga seseorang yang di dalam hatinya terdapat kesombongan sebesar debu.\u201d Ada seseorang yang bertanya, \u201cBagaimana dengan seorang yang suka memakai baju dan sandal yang bagus?\u201d Beliau menjawab, \u201cSesungguhnya Allah itu indah dan menyukai keindahan. Sombong adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan orang lain.\u201d (HR. Muslim).Basically, if you honestly wanted to know the truth about this on how they bases the terms Halalan Toyyiban's terms as per describe in the Quran,\u00a0 please meet the JAKIM official and ask them about this.. i'm sure they will answer you politely.. and there's even a tv series called My Halal and they describe about this better than i'm...Strong arguement you have there lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9145158529281616} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 07:16 PM)Using the same example It's haram to touch a wet dog or Kena his salivaBecause in Islam it's consider \"dirty\" If saja saja suka suka touch wet dog or touch\u00a0 his salivaSinful laThen must clean and ask for forgivenessIf accidentally Kena his saliva. No issueAccident is okLike touch the dog. It's dryThen the dog lick u Then no problem Just clean itSo is not 100% haram right ? it still subject to .,..,..,. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998424053192139} +{"text": "QUOTE(Prestigemedia @ Jul 8 2024, 12:07 AM)Durable as it claimed, plus girls all like montigo tumble \ud83d\ude0c maybe peer pressure also . Got it Rm 59Bought montigo bottle too after kena poison by you ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9293239712715149} +{"text": "QUOTE(xxboxx @ Aug 18 2015, 09:15 PM)Puasa is big sin or small sin?ask jakimponteng puasa should be dosa besar as puasa is one of rukun islam. Correct me if im wrong.This post has been edited by Imp Bron: Aug 18 2015, 09:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Jun 1 2022, 09:58 PM)No idea. Frog is haram because 2 alam. Duck?Duck stay in water meh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998329877853394} +{"text": "\u201cEh haram sebab tak ada sijil halal\u201d https://t.co/0Rpo1vfzTe", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "QUOTE(kidmad @ Feb 18 2024, 09:29 AM)Close by 12??? Wow it's either you want business or not..Obviously, it's the biz is not important mentality. And surprisingly they keep denying the existence of moral police. After gone viral, enforcement stopped (temporarily?), n they highlight bikini still around ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "QUOTE(vassilius @ Jan 5 2021, 12:24 PM)that time still bf... but really, how can this ppl have face to even open mouth to borrow from couple punya relative... giler sialOpportunistic people... Malu = rugi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "@YusriNaim @seketulhamba Mesti la..kalo x sia2 la dye g amik kursus sijil halal aritu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9813646674156189} +{"text": "\nEJALTI replied at 22-12-2015 09:21 AM\nTu la pasal.....over tawwwww...\n\r\nTutup aurat, tak semestinya pakai jubah jerk...\n\nDah berjubah tu dia duk lalu2 kat celah seat tu kang sangkut bedebuk terjatuh..apa pon xboleh... pakai yg praktikal la..janji patuh syariat..xsemestinya berjubah..over nau pengkomen\u00a0\u00a0tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ May 8 2024, 03:26 PM)wait... no jakim cert? isn't that haram???? any type-B will start boikot nonsense?already got cert? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "QUOTE(sgshuhu @ Jun 9 2019, 10:59 PM)I dunno about other country, but Muslim Malaysian, when it comes to halal or haram food, they really aware and becareful about it. Which is a good thing.1. Halal is not just about slaughter.. preparation etc 2. Malaysia thought their halal (jakim) is superior than other..3. When go oversea, die hard Malaysian halal also eat other halal certified... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999784529209137} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.macam mana dengan tapai ya? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9358264803886414} +{"text": "Okay now XFT otw nak dapat sijil halal JAKIM. But dia dah dapat sijil halal from Indonesia first and senang cerita boleh pakai la halal Indonesia tu. Meleis butthurt dok cakap tak dapat halal jakim lagi. BACA ARTIKEL SAMPAI HABIS BOLEH TAK? DASAR MELAYU MALAS MEMBACA!!!!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6827964186668396} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyamiblack @ Sep 14 2016, 02:52 PM)Here's a tip. Scroll up. i malas.pls just paste the replies from actual muslims.not from some anonymous /k tard who may or may not be muslims. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99993896484375} +{"text": "DAjjal, yakjuj dan Makjuj semua bani adam(manusia/homo sapiens)dajjal tandanya mata kanan dia buta terkeluar macam buah anggur.yakjuj /makjuj bangsa yang kuat dan ganas suka bunuh/takluk duniabyk sgt tanda2 kerajaan dajjal kat dunia nie.dari segi sistem kewangan,keagamaan sampai ke makanan pun semua ade pengaruh dajjalsebab tu ia satu fitnah/cubaan yang besar ke atas umat manusia.sebab yang baik/halal jadi tak betul/haram, yang jahat jadi baik/halal ikut sistem dajjal nie.dalam quran tiada secara terang cuma secara kiasan ------ dan jadi kukuh di sebut dalam quran bila bersandarkan hadith nabihadith ttg dajjal sahih dan kuat. cuma ade sesetengah hadith yang palsu/tokok tambah.try baca english versionJerusalem In The Quranthen akan faham the world history and how the dajjal system works in conquering the world.dan sebenarnya not only dajjal nie merosakkan/anti islam tapi semua agama dan kemanusian/humanity. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995759129524231} +{"text": "QUOTE(xiaojohn @ Mar 24 2024, 09:58 PM)best just check JAKIM website. Halal in F&B in malaysia is already very matured and well defined.Ok.Just wondering if they really have got the entire list of seafood, amphibians, birds of the air etc listed? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "kl-pun semua duit halal lalu dicampur jadi makanan, gak ada urusan sama halal-haram sih, jatuhnya ke tolol aja, yg boleh dicampur jadi makanan itu bahan makanan, bukan duit ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999175071716309} +{"text": "QUOTE(matrix88 @ Oct 6 2022, 01:09 PM)malay wedding/kenduri is open house typemany dont give anypowand many come in family just makan and disappearsome give giftsdont calculate by chinese standards!This is correct way to hold wedding. We slowly moving to sg style bayar your own seat already. But this couple take open house style to next level. Go hire caterer like open house, let them provide food then suka suka see how much they wan pay. Their choice is pay nothing apparently. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962061643600464} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?QUOTE(masamura @ Dec 31 2020, 08:53 AM)Makes you wonder doesn't it? The almighty messenger of \"god\" wasn't told of detailed information about the world that this \"god\" created.islam have a guideline for eating meat...such as cannot eat animal with fangs or poison or carnivore, bird with sharp claw, donkey.So for this case horse and kangaroo meat can eat as long process through slaughter by islam method. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994760155677795} +{"text": "Yang penting clearkan bandar wuhan dari makanan non halal, semua wajib mendapat cop jakim takbirrr ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9913617968559265} +{"text": "What is the issue? Kalau tak yakin atau was was Kan Ada McD ...owai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996033310890198} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Nov 23 2020, 08:47 AM)Ayam chill jer.But is not surprised many trigered.If ayam cook babi nasi lemak and advertise in shah alam best nasi lemak in town but no mention is cainis. Then meleis come and see wah ade babi punya sure trigered. For dis chakoi ayam just\u00a0 treat it as cheap publicity. Wan claim, claim lah. Ayam laff jer.But the dough reli why no advestise as nasi lemak pork? sure can get bisnes.and to be honest, dont think malay will trigger. and i think already got pork for burger and nasi lemak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "QUOTE(runemastertan @ May 21 2016, 11:59 AM)Some race too sensitive. This is for the best of both worlds. If like this, no fight, no racism war too. You like war and fight? Every now and then, you will see some minister says something regarding non-muslim, and usually it is bad.You are actually adding fuel to fire... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998205304145813} +{"text": "Coklat Kinder Bueno merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal dari National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) *Ketahui status halal pelbagai produk yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di Malaysia. Like dan follow Facebook Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM:-... https://t.co/Wsneu78Zsv", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9827409386634827} +{"text": "QUOTE(dobot7 @ Jun 12 2023, 04:18 PM)babi dah memang terang-terang haram dalam islam bang. kau basuh dia pakai clorox pun masih muslim tak boleh makan. what kind of argument is this?Yes.I thought the whole reason is because they are dirty so it became \"haram\", no?But there are shit you put in your mouth that's more dirty than what babi eat. So explain that hypocrisy please. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "3. Makan di restoran yang tak ada sijil halal Wow. Seriously? Yup. Sesetengah restoran boleh makan di situ (bukan ayam atau daging) walaupun dia ada hidang menu tak halal. Panjang ceritanya, tapi ada penjelasan Fiqh mengenai isu ini, dan bukan saja-saja nak masuk Insta.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984416365623474} +{"text": "QUOTE(ju146 @ Jun 11 2019, 02:57 PM)Apa lu cakap spread disharmonyNi kita mesti kena plotek, jangan cabar.. Done dakwahIsn't thst sounds familiar?woi .. trolling is my job !! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6558108925819397} +{"text": "QUOTE(kidmad @ Aug 19 2022, 05:02 PM)hold it.. it's no longer about the virao video. it's a fact that this squirrel is racist. period. No one give a damn about the viral video anymore.. All you can see here is ppl banging on a racist bigot who have not realize his racist.If u understood what is halal and haram and how it impacts so much in muslim daily life you will understand what's he try to portray hereBut unfortunately you're notKolos ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "@mooezza @Zamyusof2 La ni senang, ada duit semua boleh dapat. Sijil halal pun boleh beli, inikan pun sinil2 akedemik.. Malaysia Boleh Bangat!! Sebab tu depa tolak IIslam sebab semua haram nanti, menyusahkan bg depa.. KH kita halalkan semua ni", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998156428337097} +{"text": "@dammafirrtaff Thank you for your words. Kalau dah termakan it's okay. Saya cuba sampaikan proses penerimaan sijil halal dekat sini abang. Saya tak nafikan memilih makanan halal itu penting. Cuba baca balik semua tweet saya, i'm talking about sijil halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7505756616592407} +{"text": "Make All Haram Meat Acquire Halal - MAHMAH ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968370199203491} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:52 PM)seriously? depa ni basic science pn xder ke? or logic level dieorg rendah sngt?\u00a0 arak haram sebab die memabuk kan ..and benda yg buat org mabuk is alcohol dalam arak tu.Definis arak is air tu mesti ade alcohol ..baru la jd arakbut if alcohol xder then air tu x jadi arak la.Tapai halal tp tapai pn boleh memabuk kan.. ke dieorg decide ikut kesenangan diri sndiri\u00a0 babi tu pham la sbb haiwan tu mmg haram .. no kompromitapai 2 makruh sebab ada ciri2 arak..makan petai, tuak/nira pn makruh jgk ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "lain kali jual lagi makanan yang berlabel \"halal\" tapi kandungannya \"haram\". haih mohon pihak yang JAKIM jalankan tanggungjawab", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5157235264778137} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Nov 24 2023, 02:35 PM)U go check foodpanda/grab rider group some says even hantar makanan containing babi is haram.Heck vegetarian shop got sweet and sour babi rice made from soy bean also considered haram coz got word babiHantar babi tak haram. Then again most kedai jual babi also jual arak. If the kedai has association with Arak then haram partake in any transactionThis post has been edited by YamiBear: Nov 24 2023, 02:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "Banyak pihak menuding jari kepada JAKIM kerana dikenali sebagai badan yang menyelia status makanan HALAL di Malaysia.\n\nTapi, tahukah anda apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku?\nSalah siapa?\n\nKenapa JAKIM seolah-olah berdiam diri?\nKlik pautan ini: https://fb.me/e/3BBO3yRgR", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "SG mmg la..susah nk jumpa yg halal betul2 sdangkan yg halal tu pon cina kerja smbil mkn2 kt dlm..x gitu? Dorg letak sign no pork no lard sbb nk amek sijil halal mahal..tpi dorg tau alcohol/babi ni semua haram..tpi kita pon agak2 la tgok2 la dlu kdai tu..MUIS pon da jwb isu ni.. https://t.co/oY4XR0XfR6", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 02:57 PM)Let me explain to you poser:First you claim:-In quran said all can eat, only bodo muslims choose to follow zealots to avoid haram things most forumers here already answer its not, quran say babi kenot eat, and hadith and sunnah also mention about propper halal food preparation and ingredients.Then you putar halim like a retard:-Suddenly says in quran dont need \"authority\" like jakimI already explained, it does not matter whether quran mention jakim or not, the role jakim plays is to ensure the market understands that certified food providers by jakim follows halal food ingedients preparations which provide a role of \"assurance\" for customers who look for halal foods in the industry.just like people who seek certified doctors to be operated on.but you still insist it doesnt mention in the quran hadith like a retard who cant comprehend jack shit about my explanation on what role does the jakim certificate play in this issue.oh well, poser would be posers..I said, provide the hadith/sunnah that says only the religious authorities can define halalness. Mana?If it doesn't say in scripture that means Jakim just pulling stuff out of their ass and misleading the public la. Consumer do not need to look at jakim and halal logo for halalness, just look at the religious scripture. Maximum that jakim needs to do is outline the standards clearly for all to follow. Certification is just to make money from ignorance.You pulak bising bising putar halim about pilot certificate and all. Big time fail. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998583793640137} +{"text": "QUOTE(fadz8L @ Jul 27 2012, 12:40 PM)Muslim wajib menjual benda yang halal kepada Muslim yang lainBetul tu. Memang wajib, tapi dalam keadaan dunia globalisasi ni adakah Yakin ataupun Waswas? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999023675918579} +{"text": "Kucing/anjing termasuk hewan yang Haram dimakan, maka memberi mereka makanan yg haram tak mengapa. Hanya saja kita (muslim lebih waspada). Jika WF atau DF ada kandungan non halal cuci dgn bersih dan jauhkan dari peralatan yang lain. Kita pun wajib cuci tangan yang bersih.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9400288462638855} +{"text": "How can some extremist and easily confuse Malaysian go oversea ? He\u2019s brain going to explode from all those haram and non halal things in front of him. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(vandar59 @ Mar 22 2015, 12:42 AM)hahahaha ok bro i believe u ducks can live underwater because they have flippers keh2my ducks can live ON water, swim around, dive to catch/eat fish. QUOTE(call me random @ Mar 22 2015, 12:52 AM)aiyokk still dua alam kah ur itik?\u00a0 itik got nose larrYa lor. Why you jelly ka? QUOTE(ToddStarz @ Mar 22 2015, 12:57 AM)HaiwanHaiwan boleh dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu;\u00a0 \u00a0 a) Haiwan Darat.\u00a0 \u00a0 b) Haiwan Air.2.1.1 Haiwan DaratSemua haiwan darat(mamalia maun @ mamalia herbivor)seperti lembu,rusa,kambing dan sebagainya, serta keluarga burung yang tidak beracun dan muncung paruhnya tumpul dan bengkok seperti itik,ayam,burung puyuh dan sebagainya halal dimakan, kecuali;i. Haiwan yang tidak disembelih mengikut hukum syarak.(Disembelih bukan kerana Allah).ii. Babi.iii. Anjing.iv. Haiwan(mamalia maging @ mamalia karnivor) yang mempunyai taring atau gading yang digunakan untuk membunuh iaitu haiwan-haiwan buas seperti harimau, beruang, gajah, badak sumbu, kucing dan seumpamanya.v. Burung yang mempunyai kuku pencakar, paruh tajam, makan menyambar (burung pemangsa) seperti burung helang, burung hantu dan seumpamanya(karnivor).vi. Haiwan-haiwan yang disyariatkan oleh Islam untuk dibunuh seperti tikus, kala jengking, burung gagak, lipan,lipas,lalat, ular dan seumpamanya(reptilia).Namun begitu sejenis reptilia padang pasir itu biawak padang pasir(dhab) boleh dimakan dalam Islam.vii. Haiwan yang dilarang oleh Islam membunuhnya seperti semut, lebah, burung belatuk, burung hud-hud dan labah-labah.Sejenis belalang daun yang darahnya tidak mengalir boleh dimakan menurut Islam.viii. Haiwan yang dipandang jijik (keji)(al-Khabaith) oleh umum seperti kutu, lalat, ulat dan seumpamanya.ix. Haiwan yang hidup di darat dan di air (dua alam) seperti katak, buaya, penyu, anjing laut,singa laut dan seumpamanya(amfibia).Ketam yang hidup dua alam seperti jenis Ketam Batu dan Ketam Hijau adalah haram dimakan(sila lihat penjelasan di rencana di bawah).x. Semua jenis haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang dihasilkan oleh bioteknologi DNA adalah halal,namun haram dimakan yang berasal dari haiwan yang lahir dari salah satu keturunan dari babi atau anjing.2.1.2 Haiwan AirHaiwan air ialah haiwan yang boleh hidup secara hakikinya di dalam air sahaja. Ia adalah halal dan boleh dimakan kecuali yang beracun, memabukkan dan membahayakan kesihatan manusia.Ikan Belacak halal dimakan.Alright, the Almight ToddStarr has spoken. Anyone including you name Alah step aside. Go ahead, eat your ducks. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9527683258056641} +{"text": "Benda boleh buat gaduh buat apa nak bincang. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9383086562156677} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wakanda Forever @ Jul 12 2018, 05:39 PM)Cause you\u2019re the one that started with the debate whether Chinese food = pork.Im not saying Chinese food =/= porkIm saying, What a shame would it be if Chinese cuisine can only offer pork as its best dish If thats true, then so sad. Such a limited range of capabilities. QUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 05:41 PM)And nothing wrong for them to leave & boycott if they are not happy. Nobody force them to cover the news.BetulNothing wrong for them to report of the poor conduct by the organizers tooNot everyone as defeatist as uThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Jul 12 2018, 05:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996161937713623} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Dec 29 2023, 08:46 AM)KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia ranks second in Asia in 2020 for cyberbullying among youths, according to a United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) report - indicating that cyberbullying is becoming an increasingly prominent problem in the country.The popular usage of social media platforms had made it a rife breeding ground for cyberbullying and toxic behaviour, not only among youths but adults as well.https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022...h-cyberbullying40 plus years of redical divisive doctrine of RnR is EFFECTIVE!#ApaMaluBossKu! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976416826248169} +{"text": "QUOTE(rooney723 @ Nov 14 2015, 12:11 PM)All the muslims keep say they condemn isis n terroristsBut wat they do when an attack occurs??Jz say \"yeah we condemn those terrorists n they r nt real muslims\", dats all, nth else, no fatwa to condemn terrorists as bad muslims, none of the muslims leaders or organizations ever denounce or kick out those terrorist out of islam, they r still considered muslims but 'bad muslims' n still believe in allah n muhammadMadrasahs teaching radical islam stuffs still exists freely in the arab world n nobody giv a damn bout closing it down, no muslim countries ever care to educate their citizens dat joining terrorism is a sin, children continue to idolize terrorists n hoping to b like them when theu grow upAll they do is say \" terrorists r not real muslims \" n then proceed to do nothing until the next atrack occurs n repeat the same statememt againNot all sandwiches are hamburgers, but all hamburgers are sandwiches. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8339821100234985} +{"text": "ni mesti adjust sbb nk bagi shariah lebih ni\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8528776168823242} +{"text": "Alcohol isn't inherently haram, like many ingredient contain alc also.. what actually haram is drink that is intoxicating, doesn't matter if its contained alcohol or whut.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985736608505249} +{"text": "Sekarang nak tanya kedai tu Halal ke tak pun kena kecam eh benda orang tanya lain kali kalau dah tahu post atau nak viral kedai yang bukan Muslim ke cam kedai2 ada tulisan cina tunjukla sekali logo halal atau bgtahu yg kedai ni halal camtu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8768922090530396} +{"text": "Out of RM303.8b in operating expenditure, RM49.8b goes to interest payment on debt. RM1 in RM6 goes to paying debt interest. That is 1% higher than last year and will continue to increase as the country continues to borrow.FY24 budget deficit is RM85b. At 4.3% interest rate, that deficit adds RM3.7b every year in additional interest payments.That's why interest payment has gone up from RM46.1b to RM49.8b in this year's budget.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxAnother interesting factoid.Out of RM1.145trillion debt, RM284b is borrowed from EPF. That means the budget interest payment goes to paying the EPF interest.That also means taxes paid by citizens are used to pay EPF interest owed to citizens.Best part of all, only those with substantial EPF gets paid the interest ie the tax contributors are used to pay the rich who have EPF. The rest who have withdrawn EPF don't get it. food for thought. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991101622581482} +{"text": "QUOTE(cindy97 @ Sep 25 2017, 10:09 AM)Yes very good strategy indeed . Big niche market.\u00a0 The owner quite clever actually. Grabing 70% market and pioneer somemore. Dobi business very high competition now. He able to make niche market and different than others.Yup... the market got expansion opportunity as loosen policy towards incoming Muslim...(richfag bangla n roh market kut, not the haram) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9955547451972961} +{"text": "QUOTE(-PuPu^ZaPruD3r- @ Jun 7 2024, 03:33 PM)He could at least donated the food to someone else if he doesn't want to eat itNo need to be so petty like the majority's who are so concerned about halal, haram, pork free etcsome vegan are equally petty over this thing. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.636314868927002} +{"text": "Hatyai massage murah. Cari women pun murah, tak ada kena tangkap basah.Paling penting ada cannabis Langkawi? Hotel mahal, makan mahal, duty free pun mahal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8477436900138855} +{"text": "\r\nEmosi sangat makcik ni... baru nampak babi dalam tin dah sentap... babi melayu bergesel laki perempuan depan mata agak2 makcik ni sentap tak?\n\r\nTesco bingai tak jaga sensitiviti satu hal..melayu sentap tak pasal2 satu hal juga. Bagus juga benda sebegini diviralkan, tapi janganlah ikut emosi sangat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "Datuk Dr Zahazan Mohamed menafikan pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa premis makanan dan minuman jenama Tealive adalah haram.\n\nSebaliknya, beliau memuji cara pemprosesan produk tersebut yang diyakini bersih selari dengan pengiktirafan sijil halal diperoleh jenama tersebut.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "Dulu aku kerja FnB berkali2 aku kena attend JAKIM datang buat audit untuk sijil halal. Macam mana cara penyediaan makanan n apa bahan yg dia pakai n status setiap pekerja pun dia akan check untuk dapat sijil Halal tu. Datang budak tiktok, terus tak jadi apa", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.923161506652832} +{"text": "QUOTE(avex|mode @ Jan 5 2018, 09:51 AM)If I cosplay to look like an Arab/Towelheads, is that haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996446371078491} +{"text": "QUOTE(jimmyktp @ Apr 12 2024, 04:22 PM)After 60 years still blaming the British. Look at your neighboring countries and you'll be glad the British came..it is natural they don't have the best interest for a country that is not their own, why would they work hard to go against all the protests to introduce and form an equitable and progressive constitution for other country?Another example is British army was defeated by the Japs in WW2 malayan campaign even though British army was 3 times larger than the japs, i wager the results would be opposite if they were defending their own homeland. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997344613075256} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:56 AM)I also know another type. Drink alcohol, say janji tak mabuk is ok. If I remember correctly it's only haram if you abuse it. But banning it entirely makes things simpler. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997351765632629} +{"text": "Kalau makanan manufactured luar negara then bawa masuk ke negara, JAKIM pastikan logo halal tu diiktiraf, baru dia isukan logo JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9603813290596008} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Nov 17 2020, 07:32 AM)Habis lah ur 19th hole?They are useless any way.... There are plenty of local available now, tapi selagi indon ada kelab golf will never hire local. local 2 kali lebih bagus... 19th Hole, local lagi best wa cakap lu..... mulut mau manis, poket pun tak semesti kembung. Janji henchem. Got one from sabah, but dont know gone already. Ok bai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5688281059265137} +{"text": "It\u2019s always them tryna viral these things ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977068901062012} +{"text": "@DausArif Makanan kat situ ada juga yg halal, yg haram dan ada yg tgh tunggu sijil Halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Oh ya ke.. \nYou ada post tak mana2 kedai No Pork, No Lard utk mengingatkan Muslims tentang tiada sijil halal? Jangan lah ada double standard - jangan hanya bila tak suka business tu, beria2 nak highlight apa yang you rasa boleh jatuhkan mereka.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997653067111969} +{"text": "ini mesti salah LGE,but i'm against feeding those dogs.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984627962112427} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kaya Butter Toast @ Jun 16 2024, 12:43 PM)Not interested.Just feel sorry for pathetic loses like you who thinks pumping a load is something to be proud of lolsure bronot sure how a sarcasm for lack of empathy change to proud of having kids, but you do you broyou have my sympathy if there's any prior trauma that produced that mindset.maybe being single and childless is a necessary choice for you because of health etc.may god bless you in your future endeavours (unless you are an atheist, then all the best i guess) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995778203010559} +{"text": "@Urangsabah @kontarOP @BetterNation3 @SamaraRise @Nazgul71028348 @1rmf5 @spender_biru @Yoyayoy26202024 @fikhwanBait @PutriSufi3 @PSYBERVIGILANTE @Zamyusof2 @rahmeth1 @IiiAzmi @demikebenaran @afffde @terrencedass @izhar1902 @Icerd2Ratify @Osman37336051 @pussycat____ @Mohamad60295497 @MrdomPewdie @EzreenaNewsMPB @blackmerz101 @AntiHARAMPAN @lawangs23099547 @OsmanAb62394172 @manjaz69 @HajiMat5 @arahman_ahmad @Leo_69xt @KamalZakariah @FaridShaharudd1 @AimanAirin2 @Badacs1 @swagger_selatan @PejuangMelayu69 @unclebukanVIP @CikSueCinta @Annalovegreen @Klepet2 @kiven_g @scsong @SirJ4O @roninnomercy @blackbi76449616 @1rmf8 @chedetofficial Hello, Clare bukan org Malaysia ba , UK skg susah clare tak buat report ba , Clare dtg kacau malaysia buat apa ba , menteri2 yg guna fake sijil malu kan negara di satu dunia ba org cerita pasai degree bukan cerita halal atau tak halal ba", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992837309837341} +{"text": "I see sijil halal ditarik sebab tidak mematuhi standard piawai kebersihan. Bukan atas faktor penggunaan bahan yang haram. https://t.co/n0w5l8makY", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "@aimansyh_ @niktqif_ certificate jakim ade yg ada, ada yg takde. tapi semua brand ni ada certificate halal dari badan agama kat negara asal brand tu. takde sijil halal jakim tak bermaksud terus jadi haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995381832122803} +{"text": "QUOTE(xen0 @ Apr 24 2013, 11:03 PM)anjing tidak haram..jika disentuh have to perform cleaning with water and soil. that's it.We, muslims, follow the teaching that anything from pig is haram to consume for daily life. I suggest to non-muslims just assume that we, muslims, are really respect pig life in the whole wide world and we don't want them to die.just respect that muslims don't consume pig. we too(muslims) respect the pig consumer to eat pork and its their choice.p/s: you eat dog meat?\u00a0 No... ~Dog are men best fren~We do respect muslim for not eating pork just as hindu dont eat beef... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9936599135398865} +{"text": "Antara jawapan paling wise untuk isu sijil halal haram https://t.co/bBBBtpjSn6", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Jun 13 2024, 01:13 AM)mana ada random guy do the slaughter.mesti ada experience buat. orang yang kerja sembelih hari-hari di pasar pun ramai.haiwan korban is special purpose, a ritual, we don't leave to chance for inexperienced to invalidate the slaughter. haiwan yang tak sah sembelih tak boleh dimakan, tak kiralah bila dan ketika, raya atau tidak. lagipun siapa nak gantirugi; kambing seekor pun dah berapa, inikan pula jika lembu kerbau unta.kita kasi ikat dan rebahkan on its side. mana ada potong aci main hayun parang.ramai-ramai pegang tali to immobilise. ada yang ikat tali di pancang if nak lebih secure.tanah tempat tumpah darah tu kita korek buat lopak to reduce the bloody mess after.tak boleh sembelih haiwan di hadapan\u00a0 haiwan lain. awak pun cuak kalau tok mudim demo potong sambil tersengih \"you're next\".adab sembelih mesti guna pisau tajam, hanya dalam 1 cubaan berterusan sahaja, tak boleh pause angkat pisau untuk ulang semula, bukan boleh main biola, dan hanya urat tertentu. bukan tetak putuskan terus itu kepala - dah bukan sembelih namanya.once sudah potong, kita lepaskan untuk ia meronta sendiri. this is the time kita boleh tengok kalau lembu yang gagah, ia mungkin akan mampu berdiri semula. final struggle.would like to understand more on the ritual, like what is the significance of it? the reason for it to be done? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962137341499329} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Feb 20 2024, 05:31 PM)in a few year probably it gonna be malay parents fighting for the rights of SRKJC schoolsNanti orang kito tanya kenapa guru besat sjkc tu cinoTakkan oren kito tak mampu jadi guru besaq sjkc ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981963038444519} +{"text": "Makanan dia sedap. Aku suka nasi dia sebab dia ada letak minyak. Tapi harga macam tah pape dengan portion banyak tu. Belum ko beli ayam popcorn dia lagi berapa ketul je dapat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998286962509155} +{"text": "QUOTE(Winddragon2.0 @ Nov 19 2023, 06:24 PM)Islam tidak membebankan.Probably gonna be bashed for this statement, but your faith is between you and Allah. If you wanna drink beer, commit sin, etc etc, just do it bah. But just not in public lah. As with all things, of course we should strive towards perfection bah.But Allah does not demands super pious perfection from us humans, because he understands that we are imperfect.First, you have to test your chopstick crucifix cross by flashing it at a vampire. (NOTE: preferably on a lesser vampire, so that you can run if your chopstick crucifix cross fails. DO NOT ATTEMPT ON A VAMPIRE LORD)If the vampire reacts to it, then your chopstick can be considered a proper crucifix and the food need to throw.If the vampire not react to it, then your chopstick is not considered a proper crucifix, so the food no need throw.This another example of tunggang agama. Dimana ada peluang, disitu ada orang cina.This post has been edited by wanted111who: Nov 19 2023, 06:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999839186668396} +{"text": "Over plak group BMF ni kat FB ni. Punyalah motonya BMF 1st. Tup2 ko marah org makan kat Chicken Rice Shop. Ckp mkn benda tak tahu halal haram. TCRS ada sijil halal dr Jakim tu. Marahlah sbb aku suka mkn situ.\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5789382457733154} +{"text": "Sooner or later the ultra kiasu wannabe ahtee will jump out and say its haram cos makes us remember qu yuan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5726549625396729} +{"text": "Permohonan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia adalah bersifat SUKARELA dan bukannya WAJIB. PENSIJILAN HALAL:- \ud83d\udc49TIDAK WAJIB HUKUM MENCARI MAKANAN YANG HALAL:- \ud83d\udc49 WAJIB Justeru, usaha murni pihak... https://t.co/NbyzWVnI34", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "Dia bukan macam Mohammed chow, nama kedai Madam Kwan. Bukan Siti Kwan. Harap jangan conpius. Hidangannya mahal bagi tourist bagus. Jgn usik benda benda senang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9815645813941956} +{"text": "QUOTE(19 Degree South @ Jun 9 2019, 11:15 PM)So if one day the earth only left haram thing to eat. So still don't eat?Refer post number 10 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999476671218872} +{"text": "Salam , Makanan yang kau tunjuk dalam gambar tu , semua halal tak ? Mana tahu ada benda haram . Ada kelulusan Jakim tak ? hope so.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995738863945007} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Apr 22 2024, 10:50 PM)can u guys stop with the bangla can talk BM bullshithalf of the they cant even make out what they sayingLol- mereka tu tak ada point lain dah- mangkuk yang ingat bm tu penting sangat.Padahal bahasa itu yang ciplak bahasa inggeris. The point is that the officer is a bitch who harps on innocent rakyat.Thats why hiring them is risky. They can only work for gov or glc. Kalau masuk mnc, placeholder jer. Thats what they are and belong period.This post has been edited by badmilk: Apr 22 2024, 11:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9689658880233765} +{"text": "Smart Halal\n\nSmartHalal adalah aplikasi membolehkan pengguna menyemak status produk makanan & minuman, premis makanan, rumah sembelih, bahan habis pakai, kosmetik & produk farmaseutikal dan perkhidmatan logistik... https://facebook.com/MyJAKIMmalaysia/posts/2078678148849410\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7319806218147278} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right?\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab Only problem for Peninsular Msia, rest of the world Iman, ibadat & ilmu is strong enough.Medical alcohol is different & permitted. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967020153999329} +{"text": "QUOTE(Knnbuccb @ Dec 16 2023, 01:56 PM)Actually I dun understand y chinese dun just give up on sjkc There are many other avenues to learn mandarin Take away sjkc then get something else more worth it.I really don't understand. Plus I think it's true that some people really coop themselves up in their own community, but this applies to all races.Maybe they expect a big country like China that is fast developing their country now to become well-developed in next decade. Therefore, need Chinese a lot, else how to read, write, listen, or speak? Similar as how we deal with English.So, the best way to learn Chinese is SJK\u00a9, not tuition or send to any place for learning. All this is about socialism. If your Chinese is bad when u are still young, but involving for many years definitely can auto-learn the Chinese at the same time, and no need to waste money or time for the tuitions or extra classes or etc. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998379945755005} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:21 PM)Hai dupe Even in prophet time they still collect tax from jews, whats the problem?Like i said, clueless, you guys dont know how halal haram works, its not thaat straight forward and simplistic to be explained in laymans term.Duh, they use the same machine of course. Like in halal kitchen, u cant use ANY KNIFE that were used to cut pig meat or non halal stuff in that kitchen, no matter how sanitized it was.I know later some faggots will go to other extreme cases like hospitals etc. Which is very tiring to explain the classification on halal haram justification based on hadisth, quran, and fatwa.So it isnt that straight forward, this is why people are paying thousands to get experts and auditors in guiding them on how to get halal certs.did prophet prohibit his followers from engaging business activity with non-believers? did he ask believers to cause any potential obstacles to non-believers? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993095397949219} +{"text": "Perkara mudah, kalau rasa nak minum dan yakin silakan, tetapi utk masyarakat awam yg lain, mreka mungkin meletakkan kredibiliti kpd pensijilan yg dikeluarkan oleh autoriti negara. Maka, xperlu kita pertikaikan. Tidak Dapat Sijil HALAL =/= HARAM Itu juga perlu difahami", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988387227058411} +{"text": "QUOTE(hickups @ Apr 6 2021, 02:35 PM)kesian abang panda...some vendor...kenot keep up..rider need to wait long time...still take online order...tat day i tunggu dekat 2 jam...still status preparing food...but cs dunwan cancel...because say vendor is preparing food...ok nvm i wait...already 2 hours...i told to cancel it..bla bla cancel at the end...So how many sorry voucher they gip you? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6711366772651672} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Aug 11 2024, 05:51 PM) Far from the best, below average but acceptable to eat. Taste is below par. Most banana leaf rotate the vege. Here only got the chaplang cabbage, cucumber thing and gourd boring la. Thing is the turnover time manpower and location is quite strategic food not it's strong suite.This post has been edited by lordgamer3: Aug 11 2024, 09:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "Mee Curry Hoi Yian, Kuantan. Bila dah sedap dan viral. Halal dan haram pun orang tak kisah. https://t.co/K9zGuS7ulm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "@twt_boots @ewanrahim_ Kan orng melayu islam malaysia percaya dengan sijil halal taiwan yang dibangkan tu..ha minumla. Sedap x pe. Viral lagi. biar senang campany tu buat duit. Viral viral..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994975328445435} +{"text": "@Admmikhaill Logo and sijil is 2 different things which i had clarified. It's not even an argument. Halal function? Duh , it's because you suggest for haram logo that i pointed out the halal system as a whole.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.915859580039978} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:49 PM)Probably because liquor can also be vegetarian.Secondly is because Muslims who are strict in their diet discipline only eat food that's prepared by Muslims.Liquor is always haram with respect to health....but... look at bolded sentence in your reply... this means if muslims think like that, that's pure fanatics and racist...IMHO... you are not following the meaning of halal as advised by the prophet !! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997910857200623} +{"text": "QUOTE(xarmx @ Nov 22 2018, 08:15 AM)The faggots will definitely see it as something questionable since supposedly the food is prepared by non-muslim hands. But what they forgot is that most fast food restaurants and those hipster style shops have non-muslim preparing the food for them. Some even dealt with meat. But no, they find okay since owner and the shop itself is Islam and islamic looking. Me and my wife enjoy Indian vegetarian food very much. We went once in brickfields and I tell you, that fake chicken tasted wayyyy better than real chicken. Though we are yet to try Chinese vegetarian food.This whole haram halal thing is being blown out of proportion. If your muslim colleague kept pestering you about touching plates and cutlery used by non-muslim or anything, ask them what about the money that they touch everywhere. Who knows where if got pig seller touch his money after chopping up his pig and then the money travelled everywhere. Wouldn't that make it haram? Your muslim colleague sure wouldn't know how to reply.why u trigger so much? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9509238600730896} +{"text": "apa ingat sijil halal hanya dikeluarkan oleh jakim je ke? haih buat teruk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999901533126831} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Mar 28 2016, 10:21 PM)mesti seorang yang butthurt sebab baru belajar maksud bacon itu babi, lepas tu guna fesbuk buat perangai pak pandir, telur sebiji riuh sekampung. Tapi akalnya kurang, tidak tahu di pasaran ada beef bacon ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Oct 31 2023, 02:13 PM)[attachmentid=11483848]Dah terang lagi bersuluh perkataan babi tu. Takkan keliru lagi. Atau ada niat nak buat dosa Haram ke puak puak mudah keliru ni?This post has been edited by commonsense: Oct 31 2023, 08:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999651908874512} +{"text": "This month many search old video and viral it again to create rage.... Best in Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9943444728851318} +{"text": "QUOTE(AfraidIGotBan @ Mar 13 2024, 04:42 PM)There's always two kinds of comrade after you keluar and open your eyes.The first kind is those keluar doing well, and being honest with the life and opened their view a lot.The second kind is those keluar liao still same as in Malaysia, pengarut punya perangai, and LCLY spread shits back to their country. Usually you'll see these kind of people everywhere. If you see 10 people return from overseas back to msia and perangai sial, the likelihood they're doing shit outside and had terrible experience is highly likely. (best example would be the video shared by some hongkees saying mali UK, work delivery, life fakap, weather bad, kesian sial, mau balik, CCP tamau, is the best to watch and imaginashun what kind of Malaysian you'll encounter if they balik)Cannot take those that go SG and come back and revision tho, because we all know deep inside heart, those that go SG and come back, regardless of their income position works etc, if they're going forth and back daily, its automatically \"shit\" their lives liao. Those is not expats. They're coolie.There are also those that keluar, not doing well but still remain honest, jenis pendiam. Maybe very few of them la.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5822580456733704} +{"text": "Haram minum bila takde sijil halal jakim je. Hmmpp https://t.co/6cr5pWH5r0", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "QUOTE(ed0gawa @ Apr 25 2013, 01:05 AM)taste will be different dude .... McD pok burger is like heaven while the ciken/beef burger macam sai ...Samurai pork burger in Thailand best man~ the best burger~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "Jakim Yang X buat kerja, tapi Salah Babi tak halal.. Salah peniaga X buat checking wagyu Tu halal or haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "While I'd love to entertain this fantasy, you and me both know we're essentially martyrs if we're gonna fight equal rights for everyone. Best I could do is at least teach it to my kids later. As long as those in power continues to use the nons as the evil boogeymen that are here to steal their land and spit on their God, there is no way in hell we're gonna come close to an even playing field.However, I'm not planning to die for the sins of my skin anytime soon. So here I am in /k enjoying my daily dose of second-hand embarrassment. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965735673904419} +{"text": "Ts must be fat fag! Malas jalan lettew.Bersepah je halal restaurant kat mont kiara. U have malay stall behind bakery shop, mamak bestari, subway, nando's, sushi zanmai, thai food, nemo, banana restaurant, etc.This post has been edited by fapman: Aug 10 2017, 04:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9829303622245789} +{"text": "belanja banyak nak selak kain orang nak tau ada batang the lubang tak haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6318910717964172} +{"text": "Off bideo minom sake makan bukakkeAper korang boleh buat? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8035764694213867} +{"text": "QUOTE(syahmie8 @ Nov 13 2020, 11:52 PM)Kesiannya abg tu.. Tak pernah makan old town.. First time\u00a0 nk mkn.. Terus tuduh bukan2.. Percuma je dpt dosa fitnah..lagi kesian kawan dia yang beli.dah la tolong beli, kena tuduh camni, member dah tak caya, kena fitnah lagi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Isu halal haram makanan naik semula. Lebih tertumpu tentang ada sijil halal atau tak. Selain pastikan tentang sijil atau kandungan makanan, satu aspek penting lagi semoga kita ambil kira sumber pendapatan kita halal atau tak beli makanan tu. Bukan hasil rasuah,riba,penipuan dll", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995810389518738} +{"text": "Tapi takde sijil halal tak bermaksud haram. Huhuh just saying.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9085017442703247} +{"text": "QUOTE(_JD_ @ Nov 6 2021, 10:17 AM)I'm not. But some idiots here simply said it is the size of waiter's palm. And am perplexed as to why when the waiter ask for confirmation they didn't proceed to go check and weight in the fish. And based on the owner's reply she even advised them to switch to other menu, but they insist on the same fish. So let me ask you again, who is to blame here? The telltale is there, but they refused to heed the warning. The shop didn't hide the price, it was clearly mentioned in the menu. Yes the price is exorbitant but there is always a reason as to why the owner advises you against your purchase In a seafood restaurant.Even when I go to seafood restaurant when I order for 1kg of sotong the owner will explain to me clearly that it is waay too much for 2-3 pax. This is about consumer education. If we are not sure we can always check on the items prior to purchasing it. Please be noted that I do not own any seafood restaurant, am just a frequent diner at seafood restaurants in SabahI really start to doubt the owner\u2019s story since now got more people share how they kena. The other 2 person who post and shared Kena 4kg ++ and 5kg ++ fish both of which are not \u201cnormal\u201d size fish. Since there was no warnings to those 2 other people I doubt the owner gave warning to the first person who shared about it with the 7kg++ fish. Again this is something that the owner vs what the customers claim and no one can verify but it\u2019s 3 vs 1 here so obviously the side of the majority is more convincing.I completely understand that it is important to be an educated customer and it\u2019s best practice to ask, check and make sure the shop weigh everything in front of you especially in seafood restaurants. Then again it shouldn\u2019t be a one way thing where only the consumer is held liable, the seller also should be honest and have integrity. You go to those well known seafood restaurants around, most if not all will be transparent with you and catch, show and weigh the fish in front of you without you requesting them to do that. Instead of just focusing on the consumers, we should focus on both sides, meaning having smart consumers and honest businesses. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8348603844642639} +{"text": "Konsep halal tu bukan takde kandungan yg haram sahaja. Tapi makanan tu sendiri kena bersih dan tempat penyediaan makanan pun bersih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.868073582649231} +{"text": "QUOTE(momusu @ Dec 20 2015, 08:53 PM)unifrm sikit punye ketat Tak apa mesti halal punya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999700784683228} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.It is very different in some other countries. Similar to how not every Christian goes to church every Sunday, not every Muslim follows the teachings strictly. Personal freedom and choice is a thing. In these countries, you can choose to not partake, but you cannot condemn someone who does. Maybe it is good that she sees what other countries are like. If she insists on her way, maybe better to stay within her own circle, why go to the UK? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.763741672039032} +{"text": "QUOTEAllah SWT telah memberi kelonggaran/keringanan kpd umat Islam dlm mengerjakan ibadah solat dalam situasi tertentu khususnya ketika bermusafir.\u00a0 Kelonggaran ini dinamakan RUKHSAH SOLAT. Sabda Rasullah SAW ; \u0625\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u064a\u062d\u0628 \u0623\u0646 \u062a\u0624\u062a\u0649 \u0631\u062e\u0635\u0640\u0647 \u0643\u0645\u0627 \u064a\u0643\u0631\u0647 \u0623\u0646 \u062a\u0624\u0646\u0649 \u0645\u0639\u0635\u0640\u064a\u062a\u0647. \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0647 \u0623\u062d\u0645\u062f\u201cSesungguhnya Allah suka dilaksanakan rukhsah (keringanan) yang diberikan olehNya seperti Allah membenci\u00a0 dilakukan maksiat kepadaNya\u201d. Hadis riwayat Ahmad.Rukhsah Solat bertujuan supaya umat Islam dapat menunaikan fardhu Solat dalam apa keadaan sekalipun, di samping membuktikan bahawa agama Islam yamg mengambilkira\u00a0 kebajikan umat dan bukanlah agama yang menyusahkan. Allah telah mensyariatkan Solat Qasar dan Solat Jamak sebagai rukhsah bagi mereka yang bermusafir. SYARAT-SYARAT PERJALANAN (MUSAFIR) YANG DIBENARKAN UTK SOLAT QASAR/JAMAK1. Musafir adalah utk tujuan yang baik, bukan utk melakukan maksiat.2. Destinasi yang dituju melalui 2 marhalah (lebih kurang 91 KM).3. Mengetahui destinasi yang dituju ( tahu jalannya, tidak tersesat). HIKMAH DISYARIATKAN SOLAT QASAR/JAMAK1. Meringan/memudahkan umat Islam utk menunaikan solat dalam perjalanan.2. Tanda kasih sayang Allah kepada manusia.3. Supaya solat fardhu dapat dilaksanakan dlm apa kedaan sekalipun.4. Menggalakkan umat Islam bermusafir/melancong/ziarah-menziarahi\u00a0 bagi menambahkan keimanan dan mengeratkan tali persaudaraan.sekadar pendapat & ni mungkin penjelasan yang mudah difahami.2+2 dibenarkan asalkan masih lagi menunaikan solat tersebut. Ia kemungkinan juga bertujuan untuk memudahkan perjalanan si musafir, contoh: naik bas balik kampung selalunya bas akan berhenti sekali je dan selalunya dalam jangka waktu yang pendek (30 minit +/-). Jadi kita dibenarkan untuk melaksanakan solat jamak qasar kerana khuatir tidak sempat sampai ke destinasi sebelum habis waktu.jamak: 2 solat dalam satu waktuqasar: memendekkan solatQUOTEAl-Sunnah yang bermaksud; \u2018Ya\u2019la bin Umayyah pernah bertanya kepada Umar bin al- Khattab, \u201cKenapa kita perlu mengqasarkan solat sedangkan kita berada dalam keamanan?\u201d Lalu beliau menjawab, \u201cAku telah bertanya kepada Nabi s.a.w., dan Baginda bersabda, solat qasar itu adalah sedekah yang Tuhan telah bersedekah kepadamu, maka terimalah sekalian kamu akan sedekah- Nya\u201d (Riwayat al-Nasa\u2019i dan Abu Daud) satu-satunya buku yg tawu untuk refer adalah buku teks agama masa sekolah menengah dulu sebab xbanyak sangat baca buku2 lain, itu pun ingat2 lupa dalam tu ada sebut pasal jamak qasar ni. Mohon betulkan kalau ada silap ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940040707588196} +{"text": "\r\nDalam sebuah hadis, Rasulullah SAW menyebut bahawa dalam satu jasad ada seketul darah apabila ia rosak, akan rosaklah jasad itu tetapi apabila ia baik, maka baiklah jasad itu. Seketul darah dimaksudkan itu adalah hati. \n\r\nMaka, peliharalah hati kita dengan memilih makanan baik lagi halal supaya kita diberkati Allah SWT dan diterima segala amalan.\n\r\nDipetik dr : Makanan halal pelihara hati, bentuk peribadi mulia Oleh Noor Haliza Ali (Panel Penulis Jakim), BH 8 Januari 2007 \n\n\r\nDulu masa belajar kat sebuah negara kafir, cukup berhati2 bila nak beli makanan, takut termakan benda2 yg haram. Alhamdulillah masa tu ada yg beri senarai bhn2 yg haram dimakan. Senarai ni sentiasa ada dlm wallet spy mudah nak semak semasa nak shopping.\r\nTapi, sejak balik, langsung x usik lg dah. Maklumlah, duduk kat negara Islam. Yakin semua halal. \r\nAmat sedih sekali, sejak akhir2 ni selalu sgt dpt email kata yg tu haramlah, yg ni ada lemak babilah dsbnya. Kenapa jadi mcm ni? Di sebuah negara yg majority dan pemerintahnya Muslim? Apakah disebabkan org Islam M\u62afia ni x peka maka org2 kafir ni ambik kesempatan? Kalau diikutkan barangan tempatan perlu mendptkan kelulusan JAKIM. Dan kita amat yakin kalau kat bungkusan luar tertulis cop halal. Tapi amat menyedihkan dan menyakitkan hati sebenarnya bukan semua yg ada tanda halal itu benar2 halal. Tp itulah hakikatnya. Itulah yg tlh masuk ke dlm badan kita, anak2 kita dan menjadi darah daging. Sifat malu dan takut pd Allah makin kurang sebab hati semakin gelap krn ditutupi dgn benda2 haram. Tak hairanlah penipuan, rasuah dan mcm2 kemungkaran semakin berleluasa. Anak2 keras hati, degil, x mendengar kata. Amat menakutkan mereka inilah bakal pemimpin generasi akan dtg. \n\r\nActually pd thn 2006 JAKIM tlh pun melancarkan portal utk pengguna menyemak produk2 yg ada di pasaran samada halal atau tidak. Mungkin ia masih baru dan x ramai yg tahu. So, u guys can check it here:\n\nhttp://www.halaljakim.gov.my/dir ... 5c859cea3b8bd784956\n\r\nAccording to JAKIM, sekiranya senarai produk itu tidak terdpt dlm database JAKIM, bermakna, produk itu tidak diluluskan walaupun some of them ada tanda halal! Meaning, syarikat berkenaan menipu cop halal dan pengguna boleh membuat aduan. And of course kita boleh claim x de cop halal JAKIM x semestinya x halal, tp adakah kita pasti?.\n\r\nSekiranya produk berkenaan adalah dr luar negara, kita boleh check pengesahan/logo halal oleh badan yg diktiraf.\u00a0\u00a0Kalau nak check badan2 luar negara yg diiktiraf oleh JAKIM kat sini:\nhttp://www.halaljakim.gov.my/islamicbody.php", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Nov 30 2020, 09:06 AM)Every time talk about haram. But stealing not haram?Stealing wallets, motorcycles = jijikStealing billions = bosskurrrrr ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(MilitaryMadness @ Mar 18 2022, 07:47 AM)Alaa takde darah babi pun kan dah difatwakan haramOwaiiiiikalao haram kenape tak tangkap.. byk hypokrik ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "Sebok sangat pasal sij halal xing fu tang, hello? Chili\u2019s and TGIFriday tu pon takda sijil halal jugak sebab diaorang serve ALCOHOL ha tapi yang bersepah dok makan situ semua muka2 MELAYU ISLAM ha takda pulak korang kecoh? Just chill, tak yakin and ragu takyah pergi SETTEL! https://t.co/GSLT7iwLOP", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999570846557617} +{"text": "Dah sah sah takda sijil halal, tak payah la nak menggelabah. Tak payah la beli.. Iman tak payah senipis bawang. There's a lot more non muslim yg tak minum alkohol. Xing Fu Tang pun tak clear status halal kau gi beli jugak. \ud83d\ude11 #period https://t.co/1XHLuzqquc", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8060004711151123} +{"text": "Semua makanan yg halal dan bersih aku suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986592531204224} +{"text": "http://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/columnis...ld-concern-non/RAPID development in science and technology has left a great impact on the food processing industry. From the scientific and religious perspectives on food consumption, the halal concept is crucial because it includes other elements such as hygiene, ethics, values and food safety. Furthermore, halal does not only concern Muslims, but non-Muslims as well.The halal concept is used widely in all aspects of life including food products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, health supplements and food ingredients. In Islam, many things have been classified as halal or haram.The objective of the halal concept is to ascertain whether the food product is safe, hygienic and not hazardous to human health. Thus, in the halal context, hygienic food, drinks and products must be free from najs (dirt/impurity) or contamination and harmful germs.Muslims today are concerned about the issue of food consumption because many of the ingredients available in the market are also derived from lard or porcine sources, which bring a bigger problem for the halal status of food consumption. Although the use of such non-halal ingredients, which are normally used in food production and pharmaceutical goods, is highlighted in the media, an effective solution has yet to be found.Undoubtedly, the issue is sensitive to Muslims. The question that arises is whether information pertaining to this issue is sufficient and reliable.Do Muslims have ample awareness and knowledge on the concept of consuming halal food as stated in the Quran? Is the awareness translated into the practice of consuming and choosing the right food? These are some of the pressing issues for Muslims to focus on, which are caused by the rapid development of the food processing industry.In Islam, although many things have been classified as either halal or haram, there are also grey areas which need further clarification and information. In the Islamic context, religious scholars or ulamas practise ijtihad to clarify and specify the problems in determining the halal status of products or ingredients in certain food procedures.The halal status should first be determined during the process of food production, rather than being considered in the end product. If and once this is done, only then can the purpose of consumption be realised.Health and issues related to it are one of the tools in measuring the awareness among Muslims on food consumption and halal products. Poor nutrition and unhealthy conditions contributing to modern ill health are the adverse effects of what the public consume daily.This can relate closely to the choices that Muslims make in prioritising halal food in their daily food intake. These choices determine their health status.In this context, the Government or its relevant agencies must use health as the focus in disseminating information and creating awareness on halal food consumption. The public ought to be educated on the importance of good health and halal food consumption as outlined in Islam.Education is one of the best methods to nurture and create awareness on halal issues in society. This can be done through various planned methods so that information on the issue can reach the public effectively.Hence, the Government and the relevant authorities must take the responsibility to focus on educating and creating awareness among society on halal products, with accurate and reliable information.Indeed, awareness is a relative concept whereby a person may be partially aware, subconsciously aware or acutely aware of issues relating to halal aspects. Muslims\u2019 perception on halal is an important assessor in the halal food chain.Their acceptance and attitude on halal determine whether the food choice truly fulfils the halal criteria or otherwise. Therefore, the halal logo is able to enhance awareness among Muslim consumers in choosing their food. They seem to have adequate information and hence, can make a wise decision before consuming or buying a product.In Malaysia, the level of awareness on halal is increasing through teaching and learning activities. The public is exposed to the information on halal consumption through television, newspapers, radio and the Internet.However, information on halal consumption conveyed through social media must be properly examined on its reliability and validity, since there is no close monitoring of the sources of the information. This could cause chaos in society as unreliable and invalid information can create unwanted generalisations or assumptions on the issue.Discussions and related efforts in reducing misunderstandings and doubts on certain products ought to be conducted regularly by relevant parties. The knowledge or information deduced from discussion sessions or gathered through research or analysis ought to be shared with the general public so that they would have a better and deeper understanding of the issues or solutions offered.The discussions held would increase society\u2019s awareness on the existing platforms in Islamic laws regarding the determination of halal or haram status of a product. However, such an approach is not the only way to resolve any confusion, since the application of halal principles is also governed by specific prerequisites and considerations that are given by competent individuals and organisations.Awareness on halal food consumption has to be made a culture among all Muslims. Sensitivity on this issue is important, so that knowledge and information will not cause confusion among Muslims with regard to the halal or haram status of the food product.Demand and dependency on halal food among Muslims are high. Thus, food manufacturers who would like to capture the market of Muslim consumers must be sensitive to the halal issue so that their business will not be adversely affected and society\u2019s well-being in general is well taken care of. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7350570559501648} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kakacaucau @ Jun 1 2020, 07:50 AM)Jgn guna alcohol sanitizer, haram jugakJika nak debat pasal haram tak haram; darah, duit kertas, santidizer semua ada jugak unsur alkohol & sentuhan makanan yg tak halal. Seperti contoh, santidizer yg mangandungi alkohol & ubat-ubatan yg mangandungi dadah....asalkan utk kegunaan yg baik, tak kisah lah haram ke tak. Asalkan utk selamatkan hamba tuhan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "Piza daripada tulang ikanWARTAWAN SINAR HARIAN16 OGOS 2016KUALA NERUS \u2013 Jika sebelum ini sisa tulang ikan sekadar menjadi bahan buangan, namun kini tidak lagi selepas sekumpulan penyelidik Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) berjaya memproses sisa tulang ikan tamban menjadi serbuk hidroksiapatit (HA) bagi menghasilkan roti piza berkalsium tinggi pertama di negara ini.Kajian di bawah projek Pemanfaatan Sisa Tulang Ikan yang berlangsung selama 18 bulan itu turut dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama Koperasi Bukit Guntung di Banggol Peradong, Manir melalui dana Community Innovation Fund (CIF) di bawah Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (Mosti).Menariknya, piza berkalsium tinggi dihasilkan daripada serbuk HA (sisa tulang ikan yang diproses secara nano partikel) itu mempunyai lebih enam kali ganda kalsium bagi setiap potong, berbanding piza sedia ada di pasaran.Hanya boleh didapati di Koperasi Bukit GuntungPenyelidik yang juga Pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Asas UMT, Dr Mohd Sabri Mohd Ghazali berkata, seramai sembilan penyelidik terlibat dalam projek yang bermula pada April tahun lalu itu, yang hanya boleh didapati di Koperasi Bukit Guntung.Menurutnya, program itu merupakan projek perintis dalam mempromosikan penghasilan roti piza daripada bahan sampingan industri keropok lekor (tulang ikan) yang kebiasaannya tidak digunakan.\u201cSasaran utama program ini adalah pelajar Diploma Perikanan UMT dan ahli Koperasi Bukit Guntung, selain membantu pembangunan sosioekonomi setempat dalam jangka masa panjang.\u201cPelaksanaan projek ini turut beri peluang keusahawanan kepada masyarakat setempat, yang mana pihak Koperasi Bukit Guntung sedia memberi latihan kepada individu yang berminat untuk mengusahakan produk ini,\u201d katanya sempena Program Keusahawanan Lestari \u2013 Penghasilan Roti Piza Berkalsium Tinggi di UMT, semalam.Kata Mohd Sabri lagi, sebelum projek itu dilaksanakan, sisa tulang ikan di negeri ini tidak diurus dengan baik kerana sering dibuang ke dalam sungai dan tempat tidak sepatutnya.Menurutnya, pembuangan itu menyebabkan berlaku masalah pencemaran yang mengakibatkan penularan pelbagai penyakit akibat persekitaran tidak bersih.\u201cJusteru, projek ini dilakukan untuk memberi nilai tambah kepada sisa tulang ikan, sekali gus menghasilkan produk berkhasiat untuk pengguna,\u201d katanya.Lebih lembut, tahan lamaSementara itu, Pengurus Koperasi Bukit Guntung Kuala Terengganu Berhad, Nurhanani Ismail berkata, pihaknya ketika ini mempunyai sebanyak enam kios jualan di bawah jenama Mystreet Pizza.\u201cAlhamdulillah, kita mahu ambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak, terutama Mosti dan UMT yang telah merealisasikan hasrat kita untuk menghasilkan piza secara inovasi.\u201cSelain mempunyai kalsium yang tinggi, roti piza ini juga lembut hampir 40 peratus berbanding piza sedia ada di pasaran, selain tahan lebih lama. Kita harap dengan adanya projek secara bersama ini, akan membantu lebih ramai individu yang mahu menceburkan diri dalam bidang keusahawanan,\u201d katanya.Katanya lagi, koperasi tersebut sebelum ini membekalkan produk piza sedia dimakan dan sejuk beku, yang dijual secara terus atau melalui rakan niaga.\u201cKita percaya produk piza inovasi yang bakal dijual dengan harga RM15 bagi saiz sederhana ini mampu menarik minat penggemar piza di negeri ini,\u201d katanya.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/edisi/tereng...g-ikan-1.552717This post has been edited by bg12: Aug 16 2016, 01:00 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951763153076172} +{"text": "Konsep makanan halal tak halal ni mudah je. Kalau yang dapat kelulusan dari JAKIM tu, kita boleh kata ia adalah halal\n\nTapi kalau tempat atau makanan tu tak dapat pengesahan halal JAKIM, dia belum tentu lagi tak halal selagi kita belum pasti ada benda yang menjadikan dia haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Aug 18 2022, 01:27 PM)Wah kedai macam itu, style cinapek masih mau masuk?Kek. I think the pegawaix2 some of them first time entering such a place. Must be geli af terhidu haram stuff for first time ever. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "QUOTE(lolbuddy @ Nov 23 2020, 04:59 PM)best combination is bak kut teh soup though....no.2 will be kopi o then porridge followed by hot soy milkhaiyaaaaa..i forgot these two impt one...mco too long d... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998611211776733} +{"text": "Yang biasa gunakan pewarna makanan tu kena baca ni. Hukum menggunakan pewarna makanan. Semoga bermanfaat https://qalamdakwah.com/2019/04/03/hukum-pewarna-makanan-20-peratus-alkohol-mufti-wilayah-persekutuan/\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9507086277008057} +{"text": "QUOTE(TSOM @ Jan 23 2016, 11:37 AM)#NonHalal. Yang haram makanan dia .orangnya halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978287816047668} +{"text": "Do lah whatever project you want, as long as dont as for gov funding and bailout.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(Babydragon1991 @ Sep 9 2019, 10:11 AM)Raudhah City developer plans mall for Malay retailersAFTER launching an \u201cIslamic concept\u201d housing development, the founder of Raudhah City Sdn Bhd is now setting his sights on a shopping centre aimed at boosting business for Malay-Muslim retailers and entrepreneurs.Raudhah City CEO Mohd Fadzil Hashim said Malakat Mall, which will open near the Raudhah City development in Cyberjaya, will be a market hub for all sorts of Muslim products for the neighbourhood and surrounding areas.Pengasas Raudhah City mahu himpun usahawan bumiputera di Malakat MallPUSAT beli-belah Malakat Mall yang akan dibuka berhampiran Raudhah City di Cyberjaya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penyertaan usahawan bumiputera dalam pasaran runcit, kata pengasasnya.Pengasas syarikat Raudhah City Sdn Bhd Mohd Fadzil Hashim berkata ia akan menghimpun pelbagai produk Muslim di pusat di kawasan kejiranan Muslim itu.Jelasnya, idea untuk menubuhkan pusat membeli belah itu berdasarkan kajian yang menunjukkan sektor peruncitan bumiputera masih tidak berkembang kerana tidak dapat menyertai pasaran.\u201cBila kami analisis data, ia menunjukkan sebab kita tak boleh pergi jauh adalah kerana kita tiada akses kepada pasaran.\u201cKita tiada pusat beli-belah, jadi antara rancangan strategik kami adalah untuk mempunyai pusat beli-belah,\u201d katanya yang turut mengusahakan sekolah tadika swasta popular Brainy Bunch.Tambahnya, isu sebenar melibatkan peniaga terbabit bukanlah persaingan dengan usahawan masyarakat lain tetapi mengenai perkembangan usahawan bumiputera itu sendiri.\u201cSebab itu, selepas 62 tahun Merdeka, komuniti Bumiputera masih ketinggalan dalam sektor ekonomi,\u201cMereka tidak ada dalam sektor peruncitan sedangkan siapa kawal sektor peruncitan dia akan kuasai ekonomi,\u201d katanya.Bagaimanapun, Malakat Mall itu tidak berkaitan dengan kempen mengutamakan produk Islam dan bumiputera yang rancak pada waktu ini, katanya kepada The Malaysian Insight.\u201cIdea kita untuk tubuhkan Malakat Mall ini jauh lebih awal daripada kempen utamakan produk Melayu dan Islam yang berlaku hari ini,\u201d katanya.Beliau berkata kumpulan Melayu dan Bumiputera merupakan kumpulan pengguna terbesar namun pasaran runcit yang disertai pengusaha golongan itu hanyalah pasaran kecil.Sektor peruncitan negara dianggarkan bernilai kira-kira RM110 bilion, namun kumpulan pengusaha Melayu dan Bumiputera hanya menguasai 8% daripada keseluruhan pasaran, tambah Fadzil.Menurutnya, sebahagian besarnya dikuasai syarikat asing, sebanyak 60% selain perusahaan bukan Melayu dan bukan Bumiputera sebanyak 32% daripada keseluruhan pasaran sektor peruncitan.Oleh itu, mereka mahu syarikat asing mengurangkan kepentingan dalam pasaran runcit untuk membolehkan lebih ramai usahawan Bumiputera terlibat melalui Malakat Mall.\u201cSasaran kita adalah untuk membolehkan kehadiran perusahaan Bumiputera dalam industri peruncitan ini dirasai dengan mengurangkan pemilikan asing daripada terlibat dalam pasaran.\u201cKita nak syarikat asing melabur dalam bidang strategik, tetapi bukan datang ke negara kita menjual ayam dan beras, bukan melakukan perniagaan yang rakyat kita sendiri boleh buat,\u201d katanya\u201cMereka jual produk kegunaan harian kepada rakyat kita kemudian keuntungan itu mereka bawa balik ke negara mereka,\u201d katanya.Fadzil juga yakin Malakat Mall mampu mengembangkan penguasaan pasaran Melayu dan Bumiputera dalam sektor peruncitan sebanyak 30% lagi.Fadzil berkata mereka menetapkan sasaran untuk membuka 100 Malakat Mall di seluruh negara dalam tempoh 10 tahun, dengan sebahagian besar daripadanya akan berada di Lembah Klang.Beliau menganggarkan nilai jualan daripada 100 unit Malakat Mall itu berjumlah RM30 bilion.\u201cSasaran kita minimum 30 Malakat Mall di Lembah Klang, manakala bakinya lagi adalah mungkin satu atau dua di setiap negeri lain.\u201cCadangan kita adalah dengan mengambil alih pengurusan pusat beli-belah sedia ada yang suram dan kita akan bangunkan semula dengan konsep yang kita nak bawa,\u201d katanya.Dengan itu, mereka bukan sahaja membantu pemilik pusat beli-belah untuk menyegarkan kembali hartanah tetapi turut membuka peluang untuk membangunkan ekonomi Bumiputera, katanya.Tambahnya, mereka juga bercadang untuk menyediakan 20% tempat di pusat membeli-belah itu kepada syarikat bukan Bumiputera atau syarikat asing.Katanya, Malakat Mall sulung di Raudhah City dijangka mula beroperasi Januari 2020, dengan sasaran kunjungan 20,000 keluarga.Tambah Fadzil, ia akan mengetengahkan konsep pusat membeli belah komuniti dengan menawarkan pulang yang menurutnya akan dikembalikan semula kepada masyarakat.\u201cContohnya, bagi mereka yang berbelanja sebanyak RM20,000 di Malakat Mall, keluarga mereka akan nikmati khidmat kesihatan percuma daripada klinik yang ada dalam Malakat Mall,\u201d katanya.Selain itu, pemilik perniagaan atau operator pula hanya perlu membayar sewa melalui konsep perkongsian keuntungan dan tidak dikenakan kadar sewa tetap setiap bulan, katanya.Fadzil berkata untuk itu, operator perniagaan juga akan menggunakan perkhidmatan pembayaran tunai dan tanpa tunai Raudhah Pay, yang juga akan dibangunkan syarikatnya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6799538731575012} +{"text": "Janji orang kite yang pegang. PAS puas hati ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999508857727051} +{"text": "QUOTE(812799 @ Nov 3 2013, 01:14 AM)your way to tapau works, if kopitiam style ... if in shopping centres ? NO outside food allowed, takkan you want me bring char siew rice into a warung melayu meh ? on the currency notes, it can be applicable to the utensils case as well, but let's not judge on that then ... you misunderstood me on the put religion aside, what i'm trying to portray is for eg: whole group makan chinese coffeeshop with chicken rice stall, as usual they all come with char siew and all the non halal food you can ever find, but no other choices available, the muslim can just order pure chicken rice, i mean sometimes the part of halal and haram thingy can be a bit more lenient, but of coz i'm not judging the faith nor anything, just eating one plate of chicken rice won't kill anyone, wont harm anyone, but if really wanna abide then ok le, i respect also.if the chicken was slaughtered in Muslims way, by Muslim, and cooked without additional non-Halal ingredients, cooked by seperate and cleaned (islamic cleansing) cooking pots, served with seperate and cleaned (islamic cleansing) plates, I dont see why not.i myself have eat at chinese restaurant at ipoh few years back when i'm studying. Chinese chicken rice is quite diff yo. They come with curry. But its good! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9429776072502136} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eurochem @ Jul 4 2022, 09:57 AM)got difference or not compared with jiken egg?my impression of eggs is that they all taste the same if cook the same.ayam eated duck and jiken egg and quail egg only laNo, its totally differentDepending on how u cook la, if u rebus the egg white will remain runny and u poke a hole and suck it outAnd the egg york is... lets just say its the best egg york i've ever eatenBut don't eat lah, poor turtlesLately ayam keep watching videos people remove barnacles from sea turtle shellKesian those turtle, they are helpless ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9744536876678467} +{"text": "Handling isn't the issue. Selling is.But ajaran sesat and puak racing always more popular ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999560117721558} +{"text": "Siapa Kata Pink Lady Tak Halal?? Hello!! Meh Nak Lanjer Gambar Sijil Halal Ni Sikit.\ud83d\ude18 Siapa\u00b2 yang Ragu\u00b2 tu. Boleh lah cepat\u00b2 Beli sekarang tanpa perlu risau lagi. Ramai wanita dah\u2026 https://t.co/DCiaLSZpbS", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931568503379822} +{"text": "QUOTE(Izzet @ Jan 19 2024, 04:39 PM)I know.. It is futile..But I still hope for the best... They will be awaken..That's why I share this article Better late than never..But look like the awakening is very very far off..How sad to see my ancestor who fight Japanese and Communist off for Malaysia turn to such state..Coming soon.Orang C making the least babies. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9369221925735474} +{"text": "@prdsjckson Sijil halal dorg baru dpt ni bukan bermakna selama ni tak halal. Cuma dorg bila dh dpt sijil ni, dorg kira dh ikut segala procedure and requirement JAKIM. So, yakin je dgn apa yg dh dimakan sebelum ni. Dia konsep dia sama mcm kedai tomyam tepi jalan kita makan tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996808767318726} +{"text": "Some of these Taliban mindset also topkek.Other people eating - what if those puasa saw, will spread wrong message and lower Iman then I might get impacted and deviate from puasa.Covid-19 - no such thing as spreading of viruses, all fake news. I am strong no need to worry about getting virus so why need to wear mask all? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999649524688721} +{"text": "QUOTE(karwaidotnet @ Oct 20 2016, 03:55 PM)root beer? frost beer? haram now?hamburger also haram now???chi kut teh??? on the borderline??? there are also 'bak kut teh' package (instant herb in tea bag) sold at supermarket...are they also haram?there are also chicken bacon served at San Fransico Coffee shop...(iinm) - are they haram now?sighh... \u00a0 \u00a0 haih how many times need i say this not halal =/= haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Aug 18 2022, 01:55 PM)Did they though?Did they actually advertised their product as prepped by muslim?If halal cert is not legally required, why isit there in the first place?How can you be certain that an apparent malay hawker is actually halal compliant without the cert?Sebab janji yakin kanSo why cant we be yakin with this establishment?Sebab racist kanracist apanya. are you doing these type of penipu scammer business as well?the chinese restaurant want to increase sale and set up a bogus muslim stall by employing malay. just a simple penipu scammer case.FYI, halal certs was never a requirement to do F&B business in this country. If you're a muslim or can convince other muslim that you're muslim, then muslim customers will have confident to patronise your establishment. if non muslim want to target muslim customers, the only way to get the same level of confidence is via halal cert.Just look at the chicken rice shop (the chain restaurant), everybody knew its owned by non muslim, the owners are open about it. Got newspapers interviews etc. But they obtained halal certs and managed to convince muslims that their foods are halal. See any TCRS branch, majority clienteles are malays. no need to be penipu scammer pun. Lots of chinese owned bakeries with halal certs get lots of muslim customers. Tealive also lots of muslim customers.Simple story, if you want to get customers from certain demographics, appeal to their requirements. Legally, not being a penipu scammer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9880214929580688} +{"text": "QUOTE(asrin @ Mar 12 2020, 08:12 PM)*Soalan*Assalamualaikum Dato' Mufti.Terdapat masjid yang meletakkan pencuci tangan pada pintu masjid. Jadi, bolehkah menggunakan *hand sanitizer* ketika melakukan solat, adalakah ia dikira najis disebabkan ada alkohol di dalamnya. Mohon pencerahan Dato' Mufti. Terima kasih.*Jawapan*Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT, selawat dan salam kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga Baginda SAW, sahabat Baginda SAW serta orang-orang yang mengikuti jejak langkah Baginda SAW.Dalam melakukan ibadah solat, di antara syarat sah solat yang wajib dipatuhi adalah menghilangkan najis yang terdapat pada badan dan pakaian. Persoalan pada kali ini adalah untuk menjelaskan penggunaan *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) ketika hendak melakukan solat. Justeru sebaiknya kita membahaskan tentang apa yang terdapat pada kandungan dan bahan yang digunakan di dalam *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) itu sendiri.*Hand Sanitizer* (Pencuci Tangan)Penggunaan sanitizer adalah bertujuan untuk membunuh bakteria yang terdapat pada permukaan kulit. Ia juga merupakan bahan yang efektif dalam membunuh kuman dan bakteria berbanding mencuci tangan menggunakan air dan sabun.Menurut garis panduan daripada Food and Drug Administration (FDA) setiap kandungan produk hand sanitizer yang dipasarkan mestilah mengandungi ethyl alcohol (ethanol), isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) atau benzalkonium klorida sebagai bahan utama.[1]Selain itu, terdapat juga hand sanitizer yang menggunakan bahan selain daripada alkohol untuk membunuh mikroorganisma dan bakteria seperti povidone-iodine atau triclosan.Sukatan yang digunakan mengikut jenis bahan yang diletakkan di dalam hand sanitize (pencuci tangan). Mengikut World Health Organization (WHO) menetapkan garis panduan dengan menyatakan bahan kimia yang digunakan di dalam 10 liter hand sanitizer mestilah mengandungi 8333 ml daripada 96% ethanol, 417 daripada 3% hydrogen peroxide dan145 daripada 98% glycerol atau 7515 ml daripada 99.8% isopropyl alcohol, 417 ml daripada 3% hydrogen peroxide dan 145% daripada 98% glycerol. [2]*Hukum Penggunaan Alkohol*Menuru jumhur ulama, alkohol merupakan najis kerana ia termasuk di dalam cecair yang memabukkan. (Lihat al-Fiqh al-Manhaji, 1/183-184). Ini seperti hadis yang diriwayat oleh Ibnu Umar RA, sabda Nabi SAW:\u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064e \u0645\u064f\u0633\u0652\u0643\u0650\u0631\u064d \u062e\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0631\u064c \u0648\u064e\u0623\u064e\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0643\u064f\u0644\u0651\u064e \u062e\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0631\u064d \u062d\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u0645\u064cMaksudnya: \u201cSetiap yang memabukkan adalah arak dan setiap arak adalah haram.\u201dRiwayat Muslim (2003)Selain itu, Prof. Dr Basri bin Ibrahim al-Hasani al-Azhari menyebut di dalam kitabnya menyatakan para ulama berselisih pandangan tentang sama ada arak najis atau tidak. Pada dasarnya, ulama bersepakat tentang arak adalah najis, tetapi mereka berselisih tentang sifat kenajisannya. Segolongan ulama berpendapat arak merupakan najis dari segi ainnya. Manakala menurut pendapat yang lain arak tidak najis dari segi ainnya. Sebaliknya najis dari segi maknawi iaitu tidak boleh diminum kerana ia merupakan sesuatu yang kotor sperti dadah dan seumpamanya. (Lihat Isu-isu Fiqh Halal & Haram Semasa, hlm. 598)Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Tahun 2005 (ms. 74) juga menyatakan: \u201cAlkohol sintetik atau tiruan daripada campuran bahan kimia adalah haram meminumnya kerana sifatnya yang memudharatkan seperti mana racun. Adapun barangan kosmetik yang mengandungi alkohol yang dihasilkan melalui sintetik atau tiruan daripada campuran bahan kimia adalah harus menggunakannya, kerana ia bukan najis. Dengan ini juga, *sah sembahyang* seseorang yang memakai baju yang telah disembut dengan minyak wangi yang mengandungi alkohol yang dihasilkan melalui sintetik atau tiruan daripada campuran bahan kimia kerana ia *bukan najis*.\u201dSelain itu, Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-7 yang bersidang pada 11-12 April 1984 telah membincangkan Alkohol Menurut Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol. Bukan semua alkohol itu mengandungi arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis, tetapi alkohol yang dibuat bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan dijadikan arak atau bahan yang mabuk dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal. Tapai halal dimakan.Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.Begitu juga boleh rujuk artikel di laman web PMWP yang bertajuk IRSYAD AL-FATWA SIRI KE-185: MENGGUNAKAN ALKOHOL SWAB DAN MINYAK WANGI BERALKOHOL untuk maklumat lebih lanjut.*Kesimpulan*Kemunculan penularan virus Covid-19 telah melanda negara kita, oleh itu perlaksanaan menjaga kebersihan merupakan faktor utama bagi mengurangkan risiko dalam jangkitan virus ini. Justeru, timbul persoalan berkenaan dengan penggunaan *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) semasa melakukan solat. Adakah ia dikira sebagai najis kerana kandungan alkohol di dalamnya?Berbalik kepada persoalan yang diajukan dan pendapat ulama yang diberikan, dapat disimpulkan bahawa *hand sanitizer* (pencuci tangan) adalah *tidak najis* dan boleh digunakannya ketika hendak melakukan sembahyang serta tidak dikira menanggung najis. Ini jelas seperti yang diputuskan oleh Muzakarah Jawatankuasa fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan iaitu *ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang ada kandungan alkohol adalah harus dan dimaafkan.*Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kefahaman yang sahih terhadap agamaNya serta taufiq dan hidayah untuk mengamalkan syari\u2019atNya dengan sebaiknya.Wallahua'lam*S.S. Dato' Seri Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri*Mufti Wilayah PersekutuanDiterbitkan : 1 Mac 2020tldr ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9910333752632141} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Dec 9 2017, 04:52 PM)Itik Beijing HalalHow do u determine the halal status? Have the jakim logo? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5451835989952087} +{"text": "So is illegal and haram for non minority with their own religion working in halal shop?Mean next time if majority come interview i told them our workplace are non halal and is haram orh are you sure want to work with us ? If i no telling them during interview later i kena fine and kena sue and lagi business kena tutup \ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "ini mesti kes keliru.i remember there was one noodle factory in mainland penang that is right next to kandang babi. until today i blanket-avoid any noodle manufactured in penang mainland sjnce i can never remembered the many brands from that manufacturer. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "Good now i cook nasi dagang with sardine and nasi kerabu rice pulut kuning style. And claim paling best punya. Triggered tk? And oh ayam krispy rendang is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999833106994629} +{"text": "@saifulv39 Maksud lain @fuziah99 nak tekan kan Nasi Lemak Daun Pisang tepi simpang tiga mak cik aku pun kena apply Sijil Halal Jakim ke?... Berat nanang mu nih. Lynas tu HARAM ke HALAL? .. saje Tanya.. Takut tersedut ke masa drive gi Cherating ritu. \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984242916107178} +{"text": "hahaha kedai cina mau kene maki bila tanya status halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9651246666908264} +{"text": "b'cos ptrezel kena viral by islamic karen,.. complaint liao,.. so had to conform,.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8447695970535278} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Sep 24 2017, 11:33 PM)No need tokok singsong so much lah, dah terang lagi bersuluh, you just can't live in a multi-racial multi-religious society and prefers to live exclusively with your own kind. And that kind is dying in Syria. So when are you joining them to die?HahahahahahahahahahaAduiyai foo farking clueless i would cry lol.Just one laundry want do business based from demands from muslims All cepat teruja people pancuted say become ISIS SYRIA, kenot co exist bagai.Relax la, dont teruja too much. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953522682189941} +{"text": "\r\nI am with U on this back hand. Better triple check dulu source material yg kita quote otherwise boleh back fire. Peristiwa israq Mikraj sendiri telah membuktikan pentingnya tanah palestine tu pada org Islam. Nuff said. \n\r\nPasai halal haram Starbuck ni, aku rasalah walaupun ingredient dia mungkin halal tapi disebabkan duit dari business turut digunakan dalam agenda zionist nak menghancurkan Islam esp di Palestine\u00a0\u00a0maka hukumnya haram bagi org Islam untuk turut menyokong syarikat tersebut. Aku sendiri tak kan minum kat tempat macam tu. Especially bila dah tau mcm ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "QUOTE(St0rmFury @ Feb 13 2016, 12:52 PM)Someone posted that they went on company trip to Japan. Some of the Muslim passengers brought along their own food like maggi, kuih, etc and only eat those for the entire trip.some Muslim very ok one, went to overseas trips then bring their own food supplies. nemind lah that one their own choice lahbut sometimes kenot tahan some holier-than-thou cbk make noise when somebody choose to eat mcdee in overseas and claimed that one haram, this one haram, while that particular cbk puffing cigarettes that is already gazetted haram http://www.e-fatwa.gov.my/fatwa-kebangsaan...pandangan-islam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9365540742874146} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 13 2016, 03:45 PM)I know. Cuz i did it. I have too. If not i cannot sell my products . So fuk me for complying to your hidden requirements of applying for halal certAnd its ironic as fuk isnt it. I have to do something haram to be able to sell something halalDo they actually do tests and check if your product really meet the halal requirements or just give you the green light after you paid? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998971223831177} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cubalagi @ Mar 10 2024, 11:30 PM)U migrate la..apa susahsponsor all nons to migrate, lets wait and see what happens yaQUOTE(AlexRoss27 @ Mar 10 2024, 11:55 PM)Do we tax nons more than bumi? No right? Once you pay tax that money is government money, not your money mangkuk\u2026you sesat mana? the main topic is questioning if nons tax money should be used on bumi pplI say no? why should gov mix haram money with your halal activities, use brain layou are not gov, and we are questioning the best and proper use of it, but you are a muslim is surprisingly supportive of it?very wow much wow, more reasons why our country is fkedso much bumi entitlement and abuse towards nons ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999010562896729} +{"text": "\nally9970 replied at 25-8-2017 02:46 PM\r\nbelangkas & mentarang takleh makan ke?\nKalau tak salah saya, belangkas hukumnya makruh kalau dimakan. Mentarang tak pasti plak.\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984669089317322} +{"text": "Lunch tadi aka carbo load. Sedap juga kedai ni - Kai-Tod Decha (Bangloh)\n\nKalau sesiapa ada idea mana lg kedai halal yg best kat hatyai ni please share ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996709823608398} +{"text": "Suka hati aku lah kalau malas masak pun. Bukan pakai duit kau pun aku beli makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8615612387657166} +{"text": "Use mask to prevent haram virus in the air ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997268319129944} +{"text": "\u201cSaya yakin melalui HBN, ia dapat menambah baik sistem sedia ada yang dijalankan oleh kementerian serta agensi dan jabatan seperti JAKIM dalam bersama-sama membantu memastikan bekalan makanan halal yang diterima oleh pengguna adalah suci dan terjamin.\"https://kosmo.com.my/2021/03/05/hbn-tambah-baik-sistem-pengesanan-makanan-halal/\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998981952667236} +{"text": "QUOTE(haroldz123 @ Mar 1 2018, 02:34 PM)Tutup kepala or pakai tudung x semesti akhlak muliaMost of young muslims girls are pressured to wear wpun hati cakap x mauKalo x pakai, kena pulau or dipandang seronggo clubbing also kena pulau or dipandang serong.they still do it. neelofa doesn't seem like the pressured by people type.more like, can get money if get publicity type. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999122619628906} +{"text": "Ingat semua orang boleh buat business ke ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99625563621521} +{"text": "QUOTE(V12Kompressor @ Nov 2 2013, 06:08 PM)how about food with liquor which has been burnt off the alcohol content? QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 06:09 PM)i wanna ask this toobeen looking for the answer tooIn this situation, liquor is haram/non-halal because it is an impurities (Najis mutawasitah).The impurity is the liquor, not alcohol. E.g. you can use alcohol to clean wounds, because it is not an impurity.Therefore, even though no more alcohol, the food has already been mixed with liquor, hence it is now also an impurity/non-halal.QUOTE(smallbug @ Nov 2 2013, 06:09 PM)Are any prayers uttered during the 'sertu' ?No prayers involved. Sertu can also be done by non-Muslims. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996809959411621} +{"text": "Pegang anjing tak buat makanan tu haram. And all those stuff fall under cleanliness. Not Jakim. And they dont serve alcohols in their kiosk so again. Invalid reasons.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999946117401123} +{"text": "\nNnoor2 replied at 22-7-2022 01:01 PM\r\nSorry to say..buruk gila dia menari pakai baju pink tu...ko dah tua buatla cara tua...bukan umur mcm ...\nhahahaha kann\r\nbersepai mekap\n\r\nada yg kata anak dara xleh challenge kate nye\n\r\nbuta teruk peminat dia\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994452595710754} +{"text": "PENJELASAN BERKENAAN TULAR STATUS HALAL MAKANAN HAIWAN#YakiniHalalMalaysia#SemakSebelumSebar http://fb.me/Nw6C6wkH", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7994833588600159} +{"text": " so halal haram makanan terletak pada sijil, macam tuh? kedai tom yam pun takde sijil jakim bro.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993799924850464} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Feb 25 2024, 12:21 PM)Cry on formula man spending on adsYour master also spend some money to hire u lah dogActually, I laughing at Rafizi - not crying.For example, he spent RM900 (just bumped up to RM1,500 yesterday) on ad for one post.In return he got thousands of \"Laughed at\" reactions and 99% of the 3,600 comments on that post was scolding him.Basically he is spending money so that more people can laugh at him or scold him.Here is the link to that post. https://www.facebook.com/rafiziramli.keadil...ET6uQhT6DkwU1Sl ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "@ImanAbdulRahim Ye iman haha, banyak restoran popular tak apply halal tapi customers boleh request sijil halal supplier dekat kaunter~", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980897307395935} +{"text": "QUOTE(knumskul @ Apr 18 2024, 05:18 PM)They make it from scratch on the spot?Yup. Kinda like Subway.And the price is very competitive, similar to the road side sellers.I wouldn't say it's the best banh mi la. But it's a very good option if you're worried about the hygiene of road side sellers.Unfortunately, only Ho Chi Minh have 7-11 for the moment. Everywhere else is Circle K and they don't sell banh mi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "boikot je la, boikot jangan tak boikotlagi ramai penganggur, lagi best lah kan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.991786777973175} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Feb 13 2016, 12:49 PM)even a muslim doesnt share the same opinion with jakim, none would be dare to speak against them.and no muslim would expect non to do something about it. so thanks for your concern but its not needed.I have altercations with JAKIM all the time. Esp WRT to food safety.QUOTE(hirano @ Feb 13 2016, 12:56 PM)I dont know why jakim jais all are encouraging stupidity. As they themselves are stupid. Memalukan muslims lain.As much as I want to voice out as a moderate muslim, there is no effing channel for me to do so.Yes there are. You can write to them.QUOTE(big1 @ Feb 13 2016, 01:15 PM)there is no haram oil la. QUOTE(HexPhoenix @ Feb 13 2016, 02:01 PM)This.times 98.5% of meleis stalls out there. all in same state.shud check longkang too. maigod, if you don't puke after staring at it, i don't know what else will make you puke.Same goes to he longkang near mamaks and Chinese food court.QUOTE(hackwire @ Feb 13 2016, 02:22 PM)Kasi saman also good. Most of these greedy chinaman wanted to leverage on Muslim market too. There is a shop that even display Arabic language in their labels. When I asked them why your food price tags and description is in Arabic, they claimed that they have plenty of Middle East customers. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995558857917786} +{"text": "@norsuhana @sembangggg Restoran makanan segera nama orang putih mcm mcdonald dia xnak claim haram pulakan..asal bukan nama melayu terus jatuh xhalal walaupon ada sijil halal yang sah dari jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Aug 6 2024, 11:08 AM)then i ask you, minor beer isu also want to viral. so food poisoning case no viral by party?come on..2 people died...you think not this is not serious enough to bring up to parliament on food safety?If you are one of the 2 people who died or the hundreds of kena cirit birit...you tell yourself if its an isolated case lahnot even one question ask the education minister or in the state selangor ?Why NOT ? This is a national issue: its a sekolah agama that failed to ensure student safety by engaging a food contractor that was careless that resulted in deaths of 2 students. Hello? You too blind to see that.did anyone died from hot pot poisoning case?No need to sensationalized the case as if it has never happened before. Just because this happened in religious school then try to mock others. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999785423278809} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Oct 21 2019, 03:34 PM)to buy a moslem product, you have to first be able to qualify the product to be Islamic, no? Then you can call it an islamic product, otherwise it's just a chicken (in your example)there's no such thing as chicken being a moslem product. erm.....no?if you really insist on you shallow definition on a muslim product, it is very simple. in case of chicken, the chicken reared by pak abu is muslim. the chicken recite the shaadah. chicken reared by ah chong did not. joke aside, I really face palmed on your misguided effort to define what is a muslim product just to make fun of the bmf movement.for most bmf supporters as long as the product were produced by muslim it defined as muslim products. If there's no suitable alternative or if the buyer prefer to by julie's biscuit for example, then the bmf supporters will buy the julie's biscuit from a muslim seller. If there's no other choice baru pergi shop not own by muslim. Thats the crux of the bmf movement. sure some goes to the extreme of totally shunting products not made by muslim. but then its their own money. suka hati tok nenek mereka la nak beli apa pun.some listen to their wallet, buy from whomever sell the cheapest, again its suka hati tok nenek mereka. some dont even care what bmf are. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999744892120361} +{"text": "\r\naku pon rasa bosan dgn org yg sikit2 sensitif.. skit2 terhina\n\r\nbohsan tawww", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "Satu aku respect dekat dorang.. dioarang tak pernah malu dengan apa yg dorang kerjakan.. still cari rezeki halal even ada degree, belajar tinggi, dorang tak memilih. Rezeki bukan terletak pada sijil kau, tapi rezeki tu kita cari sendiri dengan penuh berkat \ud83d\ude0a https://t.co/nwYIGnHY5q", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999738931655884} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Sep 10 2023, 12:47 PM)So the stall holders on the roadside with no running water etc. people still buy and eat Who tanggung their halal?Or halalness doesn\u2019t matter?As i said read it up....u don't understand what is halal and haram thing ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999845027923584} +{"text": "Eh chinese name also got meaning la.wowlegion, you cannot say chinese name dont have weight.U can be a muslim but not have an arabic name.even nabi muhammad said \"namakan anak anak kamu dengan nama yang bagus\"it can be any language as long as the name has a good meaning.This post has been edited by bakry: Oct 25 2016, 04:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999442100524902} +{"text": "QUOTE(vassilius @ Apr 6 2021, 06:28 PM)jahanam betul owner tu... org pon cari makan saja, aper ranjiao mau lansi sana?? pukimak pukul org, kasi viral bg femes... kasi tutup kedai takyah berniaga 1-2 minggu...\u00a0 sabar sabar, helang, wa kasih teh o milo kaw ais.itu lah, cali makan saja. apasal nak pukul olang macam anjing, wa kasih bakar kedai dengan tahi bintang balu tau ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999650716781616} +{"text": "Status halal, 1. Semua produk yg digunakan dlm menyediakan minuman menggunakan natural ingredients 2. Tidak mengandungi sebarang bhn tenusu dari binatang/alkohol 3. Kong Fo Cha dlm proses memohon sijil halal JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8902328610420227} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Dec 8 2015, 01:50 PM)And then the para cont with \" this does not imply that the constitution is not secular\"Still haven't answer what supreme lawRajin baca Reid Commission but not rajin baca the Articles in FC. malas ke hapa?which in furtherance, the same para also stated that:\"In the memorandum submitted by the Alliance it was stated the religion of Malaysia shall be Islam........Mr Justice Abdul Hamid is of opinion that a declaration should be inserted in the Constitution as suggested by the Alliance and his views are set out in his note appended to this Report.\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998356103897095} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Apr 7 2021, 01:17 PM)Isunya mudah.Jika kerajaan enggan bertanggungjawab atas kebarangkalian risiko, maka berikanlah pilihan vaksin apa yang penerima masing-masing sanggup tanggung sebagai risiko. Bukan wordplay tak guna macam Khairy \"susahlah logistik\". Kalau Kerajaan beri pilihan, aku jamin kesanggupan aku menjadi orang #0 dalam barisan.Majlis Fatwa dah beri hukum \"wajib\". Bukan lagi boleh tepis. Tapi bukan bermakna aku mesti jadi tikus makmal permainan orang lain.Susahla bro, with the exception of AZ (which I found out may have issues, but hopefully will be resolved once the report is out), other vaccines looks good.I actually don't disagree with Khairy, logistics is the issue. We can't get one large batch of any one vaccination at any one time, compound this if everyone would just favor one type of vaccine, then the wait time will be massive. I don't think we'd be able to finish our vaccination programs even in 2-3 years if we let everyone choose. Time is of the essence, if we roll it out too slowly, there even might be a new variant that the vaccines are not effective against, too may of factors at play if everyone chooses. The good thing for us is that the data for the vaccines looks good (AZ is also ok-ish), we don't need to trust the politicians on this. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.876935601234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(Radioactive Infused Cola @ Mar 30 2018, 10:36 AM)i dunno if its viral nationwide but at least it does in my fb feeds.\u00a0 the kyochon korean fried chicken.\u00a0 overhyped as hell extremely dissapointing.yeah its quite overhyped back then. i tried once. i take the honey one. really dissapointing. for me, 4 fingers more better.then, there is another 1 korean food that went viral. it comes with cheese and u need to roll it up. forget what is the name of the shop but my gf try it, she said not sedap at all.haha ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9890738129615784} +{"text": "just in case they don't know, we have HACCP standards also at least with HACCP we can classify the hygiene of pork, whereas the other one straight haram liao lolThis post has been edited by incubus_skj: May 31 2016, 07:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.914794921875} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Nov 5 2021, 12:57 PM)usually farm siakap only max 1 kgnow some will feed it till 2 - 5kgbut 7.5 kg is unheard of for farm siakap Eh eh 7.5kg is unheard of for farmed siakap kan? Then ini apa cerita?QUOTE(Volfeed @ Nov 5 2021, 05:51 PM)The fish quite big. 11 years old. Seller claims lah. Maybe correct la she said show fish. LANGKAWI:\u00a0 Ikan siakap yang dijual pada harga RM1,196 di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini yang tular semalam, diternak pemiliknya\u00a0 selama 11 tahun.Pemilik Restoran Terapung Sas Rimba, Norasyikin Musa berkata, ikan siakap seberat 7.48 kilogram (kg) tersebut diberi makan ikan kecil yang segar dan bukannya dedak seperti kebanyakan sangkar ikan komersial lain.\u201cKita tak bagi makan dedak, kita bagi ikan kecil yang dibeli daripada nelayan lain yang baru ditangkap kepada ikan-ikan yang dibela di dalam sangkar di sini.\u201cBayangkan 11 tahun saya bela ikan tu, berapa banyak kos untuk ikan tu? Berapa ratus kilogram yang ikan itu sudah makan, tak mungkin saya nak jual dengan harga seperti ikan yang seberat dua kilogram?\u201d katanya apabila ditemui di restoran tersebut, di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini hari ini.Tambahnya, kos operasi restoran terapung adalah tinggi dan boleh mencecah sehingga RM7,000 sehari.Katanya, selain daripada kos memberi makan kepada ikan di sangkar tersebut, kos operasi lain seperti minyak bot yang digunakan untuk membawa bahan masakan dan kos penyelenggaraan restoran juga adalah lebih tinggi kerana kedudukannya yang terapung mengikut pasang surut air laut.Menurutnya, pengawal keselamatan juga perlu diupah bagi memastikan ikan yang dibela tidak dicuri oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab kerana kawasan sangkar tersebut adalah sangat gelap apabila malam tiba.Jelas Norasyikin, ini bukan kali pertama dia menjual ikan yang bersaiz besar daripada biasa kepada pengunjung yang datang ke restoran tersebut.\u201cKalau ada permintaan oleh pelanggan, saya tetap menjual ikan tersebut, tetapi saya tetap akan maklumkan ikan tersebut adalah sangat besar berbanding ikan lain yang mempunyai berat sekitar 800 gram (g) ke dua kilogram.\u201cSebelum ini, pelanggan yang menempah ikan tersebut bersetuju apabila dimaklumkan mengenai saiz ikan dan tidak pernah timbul masalah seperti ini,\u201d ujarnya.Semalam, tular dalam media sosial gambar resit menunjukkan sekumpulan individu terpaksa membayar hampir RM1,196 bagi hidangan seekor ikan siakap dengan berat sekitar tujuh kilogram. \u2013 UTUSAN ONLINEhttps://www.utusan.com.my/terkini/2021/11/i...ernak-11-tahun/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7064738869667053} +{"text": "@_aisyahlim @masxinamm Pekerja pon boleh menyebabkan sijil halal ssh nk llus.. Wajib ada staff melayu.. Dan itu yg ssh nk cri..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(GeografiXpert @ Mar 21 2015, 09:58 PM)Or duck tak suka makan? sapa cakap tarak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992550015449524} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Dec 9 2023, 06:28 PM)Gawd man, 99% of the posts here missed your point and only thinks about racing. Memang budaya membaca tidak di amalkan racing budayo kito ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999611377716064} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ May 8 2024, 03:26 PM)wait... no jakim cert? isn't that haram???? any type-B will start boikot nonsense?Type Bangla? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998719692230225} +{"text": "Kenapa perlu disebut sebagai halal bar? Buat je la kedai biasa. \n\nNampak sangat cubaan nak biasakan yang haram jadi halal. Sungguh menghairankan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 7 2023, 03:09 PM)Be smart about it... Check ingredients.... Don't rely on stupid muslimsGod knows most Malay very busuk hati suka make false news.Dulu some makcik in WhatsApp group try spread news chattime boba babi... When I show jakim halal cert she marah me \"why you want to protect them so bad?\"haha tis really kebodohan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999489784240723} +{"text": "Tak faham aku spesis tak nak pergi kerja pastu minta simpati org by saying family bankrupt la tak ada duit langsung la kena naya dgn org la. Laaa?? kau pergi jela kerja? kerja jela apa apa pun asalkan halal? punya byk kilang & kedai makan kat negara kita ni, kenapa tak kerja situ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9571834206581116} +{"text": "Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9887675642967224} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chowda @ Feb 25 2024, 07:34 AM)Income come from where? Local or foreign? Export or Import?So many limitations whether Haram la, maruah tercabar la, israel la.If not because of politics, policies for education already created a generation of unproductive or unskilled workers.So to say raise income, from where?We should build another brewery...Then leagalised Klang todi manufacturers.Grant lisence to build more casinos, instead of only gentling, best to open casino in TRX and KLCC. Both have the required infra to support industry.4D and Toto outlet should be in every shopping block.With these steps I think we can increase in revenue.Opps I forget the siham industry. There should be designated areas in every city creating a tourist attractions.Who cares on what is haram as long as we got money all can. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "QUOTE(night_wolf_in @ Nov 2 2013, 08:50 PM)But obviously im wasting my time here. Frankly, i learned a new Islam coming here. lol. enjoy the bubble you living in, i wont disrupt it.No need to get offended.Just curious, which madhhab are practicing? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999735355377197} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to meTo not have an entity dictate what you can and cannot eat is even better. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:50 AM)Do chinese muslim still consumes chinese foodstuff like herbal/ginseng etc? Those are actually plant based, so no need halal certification right? Some times they will eat dried seafood stuff like scallops, sea cucumber and sea horse. Are those permitted?First you cooking utensil need renew. Because if previous got use for cooking haram stuff, you need to samak (cleanse using pure dirt mix with water 1 time and rinse with normal water 6 times) either you do this or buy new one. Then all the chinese food stuff you say must not contain haram stuff like arak or lard or haram stuff. Anything from sea is halal no need sembelih, just a lot people don't go restaurant with no halal cert scared use pig fat or other haram stuff. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983213543891907} +{"text": "this is why some certain race can never judge malaysian culture.. coz their mindset is only them.\"we malays will never eat at chinese stall!\" then claim best cakoi in ipoh.. /facepalmWHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MALAYS EATING AT CHINESE STALL??!i thought this country is supposed to be multi racial? instead of dont eat from that race dont eat from this race isnt it suppose to be the other way round, eat wherever but be mindful/tolerant? a piece of paper that is suppose inform you what u can eat instead becomes to dictate ur life to be racist towards fellow countryman? wat the heck?video is misleading its not the best cakoi in ipohif u wanna say delicious cakoi in ipoh now people wont be fighting isnt it.can u imagine if utuber post best nasi kerabu in kelantan then post chinese ah pek i guarantee u the utube comment will be filled with racists.you dumb fucks will be the reason multiracial hormonious malaysia will be in longkang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9799598455429077} +{"text": "suka sangat beli makanan/minuman yang aku tak suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5889108777046204} +{"text": "QUOTE(aimank_88 @ Dec 16 2014, 06:54 PM)Exactly. Hehe.Kalau kita membaca kitab tanpa guru, syaitan akan jd guru kita. Walaupun kitab Al-Quran.Best example? Benz Alikalau kita membaca kitab tanpa guru, syaitan akan jadi guruini bukan hadith ye, ini macam kata pujangga, peribahasasekadar peringatan untuk semua ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931647181510925} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 02:00 AM)If you see status about halal then a dog picture is not a provoking act? Bashing muslim easy to confused. I only see muslim bashing jakim more while non muslim is provoking muslim.Again, since for me jakim personnel is more qualified so i will not questioning about the naming. If the requirement state that then just follow. There is no point to argue. If you didnt get halal cert does it mean hotdog is haram? No.This is some of example of naming food.https://konsultasisyariah.com/25980-memberi...ngan-setan.htmlsince when hotdog is advertised with dog pictures ? You throw in useless comparisons when you find yourself hopelessly cornered. Your link doesn't prove anything, we are not naming a product with syaitan. Your linkQUOTEDengan pertimbangan ini, tidak selayaknya memberi makanan yang baik, yang halal, dengan nama yang buruk. Bakso setan, krupuk setan, mie ayam setan, pecel setan, dst. Benar, tujuannya untuk menggambarkan betapa pedasnya makanan itu, tapi hindari nama musuh bersama ini.Doesn't relate at all with hotdogs, equating hotdogs with syaitan ? wut? The only provocative here is JAKIM and your poor understanding of the english language. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999371767044067} +{"text": "Apa pandangan kau pasal kes bubble tea brand apa tah yang tengah hot tu tapi takdak sijil halal JAKIM? \u2014 Logo Halal ni adalah satu kaedah pihak agama menentukan sesuatu maknn tu bersih dri sumber yang haram mcm dari daging babi at\u2026 https://t.co/hfSILW16dC", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999419450759888} +{"text": "QUOTE(scorptim @ Nov 4 2021, 08:02 PM)You never go eat malay shop before izzit. The menu for fish is always shown as \u201cmengikut harga pasaran or mengikut harga semasa\u201dCina or Melayu shop, order fish jangan malu, always ask weight n price first lor.....even sotong, crab, prawn just ask, malu before makan better than malu n terkejut masa bayar bill. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999597072601318} +{"text": "They go Bangkok not because here haram, but scared get photo/video taken. Inb4 deep fake card. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999927282333374} +{"text": "Hotel*Tanaphat Hotel rm64/night\n-Hotel selesa,bersih,besar,siap ada balcony.\n-Walking distance to Lee Garden,Kim Yong Market,Santisuk Market and Muslim Restaurants(Kedai Salma,Hamid Restaurant,Kai Tod Decha,Kedai Kelantan)\n\n*Cara paling senang nak cari makanan halal ialah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999675750732422} +{"text": "Nvm something declared haram but can make U-TURN. Eg. Pok\u00e9mon. Just need more intelligent people to voice out. That's why they always tell you jangan soal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983863830566406} +{"text": "QUOTE(qsub @ Oct 5 2022, 03:52 PM)What type of activities can get wang haram? Just asking.got case beforehttps://www.bharian.com.my/taxonomy/term/11...hampir-rm5-jutaAbdul Wahab S. Mohd Mydinplot twist : he was the \"victim\" back in 2017This post has been edited by JimbeamofNRT: Oct 5 2022, 10:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99981290102005} +{"text": "If write in Jawi means only Muslims can have it, can we start writing COVID-19 in Jawi so those haram folks can go without masks? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Cekout shopee nder, sama beli makanan yg di suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8194550275802612} +{"text": "QUOTE(colorlesstermite @ Oct 26 2016, 12:02 AM)Trust me argueing with parrot muslims is so boring already. Just let Jakim do they work.The best thing let this issue be settle by muslims among the muslims. The problem now the non muslims also want to involve in this matter and continue the drum beat to increase the intensity .#Who tepuk tangan.Im a muslim. And I dont see the problem if non muslim wants to join in. Their business is indirectly affected by this stupid rule. And dont give me the if u dont like the rule dont apply answer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7297829389572144} +{"text": "QUOTE(teamkiller @ Jan 5 2018, 04:01 AM)maybe bcoz ur a kafir eventho u think ur muslimor a munafikMeleis zaman sekarang bab mengkafirkan orang atau panggil orang munafik memang nombor satu hahahaha.Takde pulak dalam rukun Iman cakap Percaya Kepada Mufti-Mufti. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995723366737366} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Jan 11 2023, 11:19 AM)Yeah it is a common misconception, even many muslims dont know the difference. But in this case I feel macam the MO might be non-muslim.Ustaz kat Malaysia ramai malas so ajar ala kadar je.the simple reason of almost same method but different reasoningSAMAK=SERTU but SERTU=/=SAMAKsomething like thismain core is the same : water and soil cleansing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9947633743286133} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ Nov 19 2020, 08:42 PM)Sue bikin apa? Bukan ada duit pon...to send a messageto set a set precedentto make an examplethink b4 u buat fitnah there are consequences ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bill888 @ Feb 2 2024, 02:07 PM)Kolo mee is very popular in Sarawak but in west people say no taste.Kolo mee is poor man food\u2026tak ngam them one ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999703168869019} +{"text": "QUOTE(OldSchoolJoke @ Oct 18 2016, 12:57 PM)senang keliru ni...sebab mereka takde iman...ban rutbir,ban hot dog...tapi hisap rokok dan vape jugak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "\"Jadi dalam 3 bulan tu yakin ke halal blablabla\" Jadi ko jgn makan la dlm 3 bulan tu bingai. Tunggu jela sampai kedai tu dpt sijil halal. Tu pn nk kena ajar ke bodoh.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999377429485321} +{"text": "Any seafood halal. No restriction. But hahaha of course if put pig or wine inside will become haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9864076375961304} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kyojin @ Nov 2 2013, 10:21 PM)Good, my beef (or pork) is the limitations of what a Muslim shouldn't do when it comes to pork. If you read my previous reply below, I respect your right to not consume pork. But it is the tiny details that irks me even when no pork is being served. Using health as a excuse is shallow in my opinion, because if it is, sugar should be haram (like cigarettes btw). More people are dying in Malaysia due to diabetic complications than pork consumption!Be a religious person if you must, do good with religion, but be practical!you trying to say muslim should eat pork because they dont have scientific answers on why it is haram to eat pork?This post has been edited by blackorange: Nov 2 2013, 10:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974775910377502} +{"text": "Kesian anda. Bertaubatlah. Makanan halal akan jadi halal bila bersih. Kalau tak bersih dah tak halal dimakan kerana memudaratkan. Ayam asalnya halal, cara sembelih tak betul, jadi tak halal. Kambing dimasak, dibiarkan 2 hari tak letak dalam peti ais, basi, haram dimakan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9757054448127747} +{"text": "Aku tak cakap semua malay muslim ni makanan dia bersih bak bayi baru lahir, tapi kau tahu kan makanan yang kita makan akan jadi darah daging, so kita akan yakin product makanan muslim ni halal, dan kalau depa tak sajikan makanan yg bersih dan halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9740685224533081} +{"text": "Aktiviti ini dapat mengurangkan jangkitan penyakit demam denggi.\n\nAmat mendukacitakan kita jika ada orang Islam yang agama ini telah mendidik mereka dengan wuduk, mandi wajib, kewajipan menjaga kebersihan semasa solat, makanan yang halal lagi bersih tiba-tiba bersikap pengotor", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "Ive been there before. Food is ok ok lo. Got mixed of patrons there. Nothing seems haram there also. Religious ppl just too sensitive should just stick to own ppl shop or mamak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984654188156128} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Feb 27 2018, 03:00 PM)Already read. And i can understand why it gets confusing so easily. A lot of weird exception in there. Like even though smoking is against fatwa but got clause making exception which literally contradicts its own fatwa. The way they explain even using quote from q, makes it even confusing to interpret. In Q clearly stated cannot even use haram fat to grease part, yet some reason use as fertilizer is ok......wtf?thus my reluctance to be dragged far.if i say A, then up crops question B, then another guy say \"no it's C\".simple question becomes god-level trolling.but the simple answer to your earlier product enriched by fecal fertiliser - i read before - it is considered OK under these supposition- eating fecal matter is haram regardless of source, no exception- fecal fertilizer is absorbed by plant- wholely converted into non-fecal material by the plant as part of its biological need- the plant itself is washed thoroughly before consumption to remove any fecal residueeven if baja tahi babi, is still usable but to a very urrggghhhh degree. and if the state-material changes, even halal thing can become haram and then halal again, or haram things become halalread: http://ww1.kosmo.com.my/kosmo/content.asp?...na&pg=ps_04.htmread: https://www.facebook.com/halaluniti/posts/1408498599382643 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999092817306519} +{"text": "kalau ko pegi curi tisu tu kat kedai runcit ramasamy pun tetap jugak haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "THIS ONE ALSO !! \u201c dik halal ke dik? \u201c \u201c betul eh halal ? Awk tanggung tau klau tk halal \u201c like hello klau was2 jgn mai makan sini .. byk kedai lain . Dh terang2 aku ckp xde sijil halal tpi kami tk serve bnde2 haram yg kau nk pertikaikn aku kje sini mkn duit haram pahal https://t.co/EgBFbGMLYg", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 14 2020, 12:58 AM)Idk wtf is the problem with this ppl. Really almost every year or two confirm got ppl go complain about the halal status wan. So what if otwc founder is chinese? Eh hello this is a franchise business. Why would they risk ruining their business by using pork as ingredient just for a small gain of profit? And they employs so many muslim workers. Ppl that will be affected if otwc bungkus. Cb this bmf shitHello Baru kenal ke all those holier than thou pplBmf bmf but use fitnah to achieve objectivesAnd never use brain to think those companies amploy a lot of their kind. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999525547027588} +{"text": "Why need to check DNA for cigarette filter? It is not made from babi hair.Those vegetables grow with tahi babi haram? Nope. Will the vege have the babi DNA? Perhaps. I don't know.Why complicated things? Quran no mention check DNA . The DNA test probably require for ingredients that are no more in original form being processed in factories. As you know, no all ingredients are revealed to protect secret recipe. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "Cukup lah kau yakin yang makanan tu halal dan bersih kau makan lah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993661046028137} +{"text": "\nIslam memudahkan dan tidak menyusahkan . Jangan terlampau berselidik hingga mewujudkan phobia. Apa yang jelas haram jangan makan, apa yang tak boleh atau sukar dipastikan kandungannya, kalau suka nak makan maka makanlah , kalau tak nak then just tinggalkan saja . Jangan terlalu berprasangka atau was-was pada benda yang sukar untuk dipastikan\u00a0\u00a0. Kalau tidak kita nanti kena tinggal di Malaysia sajalah, tak boleh nak travel ke seluruh dunia jawabnya sebab asyik kena makan telor dan sardin tin saja sebab di dunia luar sana tidak ada logo halal dari Jakim , kadang-kadang nak komunikasi untuk bertanya pun sukar dek kerana masaalah jurang bahasa dan nak baca ingredient dia lagi lah payah sebab tulisan berkerekot sana-sini macam cacing kerawit . \n\nVolume 7, Book 65, Number 320: \n\nNarrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet never criticized any food (he was invited to) but he used to eat if he liked the food, and leave it if he disliked \n\n\r\n[The Noble Quran 6.145] Say: I do not find in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden for an eater to eat of except that it be what has died of itself, or blood poured forth, or flesh of swine-- for that surely is unclean-- or that which is a transgression, other than (the name of) Allah having been invoked on it; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.\n\nVolume 7, Book 67, Number 415: \nNarrated 'Aisha: A group of people said to the Prophet, \"Some people bring us meat and we do not know whether they have mentioned Allah's Name or not on slaughtering the animal.\" He said, \"Mention Allah's Name on it and eat.\" Those people had embraced Islam recently\n\n[ Last edited by\u00a0\u00a0blastoff at 2-6-2007 12:30 PM ]", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957395792007446} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Jul 12 2018, 06:56 PM)if follow suitable for all people then the whole feast will be VEGAN, because sure got few people don't eat meat. its an insult for them to be serve meat.Yes, if you're living in countries like Germany and Sweden. There any event they have a selection of vegan food. The cafeteria here offers 3 options for the daily meal: 1 of them is always vegan. And the people there are more mature that people in Malaysia, they don't get insulted easily. So please be smarter, we are talking about Malaysia. And over here, majority are Muslims and in Peninsular Malaysia halal food is an important issue.Don't just be a know-it-all smartass and ignore the sensitivities of the people. It's like UMNO saying \"Kangkung harga murah\" - sure it's true but that's just missing the forest for the trees.QUOTE(petaiking @ Jul 12 2018, 06:58 PM)If u say like this thn can we call them bodoh? Coz for years BN had been treating them as imbeciles by lying right in their face n they still vote thm.Sure. It's ignorance - because they don't see beyond that and think all chinese eat is pig.Same with some folks in this tered here. They should see beyond themselves and understand that some people think differently and mutual respect is necessary.And it's in the best interest for the people in power to recognise the sensitivities of the people. They have been elected to positions of power, they need to step it up and learn more about dealing with others. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9295222163200378} +{"text": "Soalan:- Sushi King halal ke? Jawapan:- Premis makanan Sushi King di Malaysia merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia. Ketahui status halal produk-produk dan premis-premis makanan... https://t.co/JJ0Jpu4vVM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8944499492645264} +{"text": "Kalau syarat sah makanan halal adalah tukang masak mesti bersih dari hadas,\n\ndah yg awk beli minuman 3in1 nestle yg diproses di kilang yg maybe perkerja dia non muslim and tak mandi hadas? Dh ke semua minum minuman haram? \n\nNnti check balik apa itu hadas and syarat sah sembelihan", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Nov 24 2023, 03:04 PM)Pre-90s was the best time for everyone, regardless of their beliefs.Then came Anwar in the 90s, bringing the birth of Islamization to the whole nation, orchestrated by UMNO back then to counter PAS.Fast forward to today, PAS gaining more and more influence with their Green Wave, and at the same time making them arrogant and openly slander and boasting fake news everywhere just to be in power.Anwar already in jail in the 90s lah!Anwar was courted by both Umno and BN in the late 70s as he was a rising star due to his involvement in ABIM.He actually called a sold out by the lebais when he chooses Umno.In the 80s he and Tun M orchestrated and started all the bad practices and cultures we see today.However, to put all the blame on them is not really fair too as they had to do it to counter PAS. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989185333251953} +{"text": "Old town pun dh nak melingkup, baguslah ada option kopitiam lain mcm ni, in Penang we have SBK Cafe. Perda outlet dh obtain halal status, makanan pun sedap2. Especially their roti bakar+kopi.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9939833283424377} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Mar 30 2021, 03:07 PM)Got vested interest lor, Proton no longer invite him to media events, nor use him for any marketing work. No more income, so he got pissed. Cannot bash on merit cuz Geely memang improving Proton bit by bit, so play r&r card eg aku ada agama, kau hadooo. Jawab la esok kat Padang Masyar etc.His writers also mindset liddat, say chinese people buy Proton now cuz dealers now owned by cina, really bodoh. Impossible they dunno the case where bumi dealers association ask special tongkat from Proton, but Proton say can help them give support to secure own financing. Liddat also don't want, expect get free money is it? Lancau la.Orang tamak selalu rugi, cina took risk, upgrade 3S/4S outlets, then when success, play vroom vroom card. Melayu dealers yang tamak, malas, bila dah rugi, missed the boat, tak nak mengaku salah sendiri.Same story with this parts shortage issue. Kononnya Geely no CKD experience la, covid la, bs. Aftersales parts handled by aftersales division, Proton Edar. CEO is olang beragama, the IT dept's screw up, he is responsible for it la, apa main vroom salah Geely plak.2016 they got RM 1.6bil 'soft loan', I vividly remember then MITI minister Tok Pa said \"PROTON'S BUSINESS MODEL IS UNSUSTAINABLE!\" He must've distrusted DRB so much, he made it a condition to must find foreign partner.After Geely bought Proton, i remember Proton did finally got reimbursed RM 1.1 Bil R&D grant, not sure if related to soft loan. Possible, towards the end of Waja's lifecycle, Proton MD was Syed Zainal Abidin. Ex-P2 guy, the man who brought Proton-killer Myvi to P2, he stabilised Proton and injected common sense in them.Atok never liked SZA for killing off his cronies, so he got rid of SZA by getting Khazanah to sell Proton to DRB, then voila, atok became Proton Chairman while SZA was made to resign reluctantly. Maybe he can deny he was instrumental for kicking out SZA, but all the historical events did point to him and his cronies benefiting from it.Proton went downhill until ditongsankan.https://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/04/136663/...tatement-proton12. Last year ( 2015 ), a number of Proton vendors came to see me on a few occasions and shared their problems. Following that, MITI injected RM100 million to provide soft loans to alleviate their burden. Even then, it has come to my attention that some of the vendors may face serious challenges if Proton continues to operate at the current level of production and sales. A few of them might be out of business in the next three to four months.13. In view of the very serious nature of the problem, the Government believes that the current business model adopted by Proton is not sustainable. The Government has been seriously deliberating Proton\u2019s request for assistance for grants and soft loans. It is a major request and the Government needs to be thorough with its evaluation as a lot of public money is involved. -----------------One of the major reason why normal rakyat butthurt with Proton. That big amount can be used on better things like health and education BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STILL NEED TO SAVE PROTON! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8647787570953369} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jv8888 @ May 19 2024, 01:03 AM)Asyik2 type c..tapi ramai jugak yg kerja bawah type c..cakap dalam socmed senang je tanpa modal...tapi realiti lain pulokThey think typeM can setup same scale business overnight and employ them. Same like how the recommend to close down McD and replace with local burger brand. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9664379358291626} +{"text": "It\u2019s encoded in them. If you ask females to choose between male or female bosses, they\u2019ll choose a male boss. How to handle them? Dont hire them. With maternity leave and their attitude, if you\u2019re running a tight ship, why take the risk. School leavers waiting for results are the best but they come once a year unfortunately ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9119992852210999} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Nov 25 2023, 02:32 PM)Funny thing is., has she never heard of TREC and see how many malay are there during the weekend? Or she thinks all Malay just play congkak and gasing and lafaz juzuk during gatherings?Got a many popular malay drinking spots around KV. She confirm never left her house before. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999502897262573} +{"text": "@alizumar Kalau ada sijil halal mesti lagi sedap hmm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997509121894836} +{"text": "Kagum aku. Ceddy rajin cari maklumat pasal halal cert.. padahal dia bukannya bukak kedai makan pun.\nAku cuma tahu prosesnya rumit dan mahal je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(SHAMe @ Sep 24 2017, 06:22 PM)anyone who supports his business is just as racist as him.next time, want to donate blood or organ also got haram & halal?why breathe the same air as non-muslims? Harrrrooomm!!topkek. that is their business, why u so butthurt? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999003410339355} +{"text": "QUOTE(epicfailguy @ Dec 7 2015, 10:26 AM)ko x suka ko jgn deal ngan swasta. dress code hosp tu pun ada sbb nak mengurangkan risiko jangkitan kpd pesakit.yg gomen buat urusan harian, boleh kena jangkit atau mati ke? ko pikir la sendiri. org yg pi gomen pun sbb nk bayar bil ke, taksiran ke, buat lesen.+1Yup, for the hospital, there is a valid practical hygienic reason behind the dress code. The issue is to safeguard the safety of patients and yet some don't see the importance on this. It's really scary when you see people placing priority on religion over hygiene and safety issues.On the other hand for JPJ case, even the Ministers have already clarified there is no such dress code for the public. And yet some /k/tards still go around saying \"IT'S THE RULE, JUST FOLLOW THE RULE\". They repeat that hundred times but still cannot offer any practical reason behind such codes. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999282360076904} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Jun 19 2023, 02:07 PM)Cannot enter klangThats the epicenter of BKTKo xtau ker BKT tu haram?Ada orang Melayu that stay in Klang? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996300458908081} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Sep 12 2015, 11:40 AM)Hangpa tak malu ka?ada lah... sikit-sikit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9482870697975159} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Dec 27 2023, 07:56 PM)I really don't know what is melayu kat malaya thinking.In their mind, kalau itu kedai cina confirm x halal confirm ada babi.Padahal when they're not selling any pork, how can they be babi in it?Some more any nons, be it cina or iban will tell u this.U ingat babi very murah is it?Sama sama melayu. Tapi perangai melayu malaya and borneo totally langit and bumi.And lastly suka or x suka i will still be saying this.When it comes to comparing cleanliness between chinese and malay shops or stalls, I'll pick chinese over malay shop anyday anytime.1st thing u notis kedai or warung melayu. Kucing mesti 3 or 5 ekor duduk atas kerusi tidor atas meja or dapur sana.Bukan babi je haram. Ayam tak proper sembelih pon haram. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999616146087646} +{"text": "QUOTE1. Kenapa kerajaan tak nak dedahkan syarikat daging yang terlibat?Sebenarnya bukan kerajaan tak nak dedahkan. Rupa2nya syarikat kartel yang kita tangkap ni, dia import daging dari luar TERMASUK daging yang di ragui status halal sebab lebih murah dan dia pack semula kat Malaysia dan cop semula guna jenama lain yang popular dan harganya lebih mahal. So, syarikat tu dapat untung banyak. Kiranya ada penipuan dalam kes ni, syarikat yang jenamanya di cop tu tak bersalah, hanya tak tahu. Sebab tu kerajaan tak umumkan nama syarikat tu.Lol at the way they pusing and deflect. Orang tanya nama kartel, bukan syarikat jenama yang di cop. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8471465706825256} +{"text": "McDonald's Malaysia ni ada pengesahan halal ke?\n\nJom ketahui penjelasan status halal bagi premis-premis makanan yang sering menjadi pertanyaan awam di Malaysia. \n\nLike dan follow Facebook Bahagian... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156744388852398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988956451416016} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 8 2021, 01:44 PM)Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMgRed eye orang lain rezeki, create religion issue asking a share of the pie. Manyak suci murni peaceful. Pergi lar buat tempat baru mahkota mara or plaza kalau betul betul hebat. Bukan pergi minta tumbang rezeki orang lain. Xde malu ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9692977666854858} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Jun 24 2024, 05:58 PM)There are calls to remove that eagle too. SOS Anti-Helangso this one haram?https://www.nst.com.my/property/2022/10/843...rist-attraction ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 17 2016, 08:10 PM)why? tak pernah org buat hotdog guna daging anjing wat..bodobesides, mcm mana tu kalau pemohonan halal kena buat untuk setiap zon walaupun makanan smua datang dari satu dapur?pi baca guideline permohonan.makanan buat di central kitchen. tapi kalau cawangan tak tepati pensijilan? kotor. premis turut hidang arak. macam-macam kemungkinan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:46 PM)macam ak cakap sblm ni n ada org lain duk cakap jgk, tgk kepada keadaan, proses dan kaedah penyediaan makanan tu. Bkn kata bila kata darurat je trus ble pi makan babi tu. Tu salah/haram hukum dia. Keadaan yang mana dibenarkan untuk mkn bda yg diragui status halal sesuatu makanan adalah berdasarkan kpd keadaan semasa. Tgk dlam kes kalau kita menetap di luar negara, makanan halal susah nak dapat sebab xbyk pekedai yang jual makanan halal. Dalam kes mcm ni kita ble ke option makanan vegetarian. In case kalau keadaan yg mana makanan vegeterian pn susah nak dapat baru dibolehkan untuk makan makanan yg xhalal sbb kalau xmakan boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada badan.Dalam kes banjir ni. selagi masih terdaya untuk bertahan atau ada option lain untuk dapatkan makanan halal, then jd haram hukumnya kalau org tu makan juga mknn yang diberi oleh org yg beragama lain.Salah. Bila berlakunya bekalan terjejas, klausa darurat bokeh digunakan serta merta.Darurat bkn nya bermaksud tunggu nak mampos baru kira darurat. Bila nampak dgn mata dan diproses oleh akal yang kondisi dan suasana agak berbahaya, masa tu dah boleh amik langkah yg perlu.Dan ya, dgn situasi banjir ni, nak makan babi pon boleh kalau itu yg org bagi. Bukannya ko nak memilih milih masa makanan xde. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8056784272193909} +{"text": "@bolatoday @deen_hotfm Sebab malas sebab banyak process. Target market dia bukan Melayu pun. Nak minum, minum la dia dah ckp bahan semua halal. Nak dpt sijil halal dia kena pastikan ada exec Muslim, staff Bumiputera, etc etc. Yes sijil tak mahal. Proses dia yg mahal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999583959579468} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 06:48 PM)If u talk about touching pig and dogThats basic Islam ruleMemang haram touch pig and dog It's in the Quran Which country or which government don't matterThats textbook basic stuffThose case are stupid people Not stupid religion Like China people who shit in mall or roadIt's stupid people Not stupid religion or stupid countryMy malay friend touch amd feed dog leh .... He is haji, wondering why there is two version of it ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994315505027771} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Jan 1 2020, 06:56 PM)Shin kee beef noodle KL > Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap KK > Wattana Panich Thai beef noodle BKK.Not kah hiong. I think there is one in lido. But to be fair, i never try to find the best in kl. Coz a few i tried i dont like the soup base. Not rich at all.Shin kee is the one that have a stall to serve mixed pork porridge? To be frank, i like tje porridge not the beef noodle. Everyone is saying the noddle is nice. Lol. Not to me.This post has been edited by cempedaklife: Jan 1 2020, 07:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998440742492676} +{"text": "Malaysian Association of Malay Hawkers and Small Businessmen secretary-general Mohamed Zamri Mohammed said customers were coming from all sides instead of following SOPs.PETALING JAYA: The shoulder-to-shoulder crowd at Ramadan bazaars is caused by customers defying SOPs and entering the shopping area from all sides, say traders but a health expert says there are ways to control the crowd.Malaysian Association of Malay Hawkers and Small Businessmen secretary-general Mohamed Zamri Mohammed said they had predicted crowds at certain bazaars but customers were not following rules, despite the set SOPs.Although designated entrances and exits have been set up, customers \u201care coming from all sides, crowding the place unnecessarily\u201d, he told FMT.His comments come after photos of crowded bazaars with low levels of compliance went viral over the last two days. Some of these bazaars were in Putrajaya, Melaka, Kuala Selangor, Penang and Kedah.The recent spike in the number of Covid-19 cases in the country has also raised fears about these Ramadan bazaars. Today alone, there were 2,551 new cases.Zamri said the organisers of the bazaars comply with the SOPs, but as the bazaars are held in open spaces with all sides open to crowds, stricter enforcement is needed to ensure that people toe the line.Health expert Dr Lee Boon Chye, however, said there was a way to control the crowd.He suggested that local authorities cut the number of traders to half and place them elsewhere, adding that it would then be easier for enforcement teams to control the crowd.Lee added that more smaller-sized bazaars should be opened in different places to avoid large crowds gathering in one place.\u201cThe lots should also be placed farther apart,\u201d he told FMT, adding that it would then be easier for the enforcement team to monitor the crowd.The PKR MP added that local authorities should have come up with a better design to encourage one-way traffic at the lots.\u201cNew thinking is needed to stop overcrowding and illegal crossing into the bazaars,\u201d he added and cautioned of a hike in Covid-19 cases if the crowd was not controlled.Cases have breached the 2,000-mark for two days running. Malaysia has had two lockdowns from March to May last year and January to March this year.Muslims celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri on May 13.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...amadan-traders/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.949569582939148} +{"text": "babi haram, tapi selalu pakai babi kat mulut shoot orang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996520280838013} +{"text": "QUOTE(wongth7 @ Apr 16 2021, 06:37 PM)bagus bagus...PN approved!kasi bukakeeee...DAP's faultJust as planned!Da urat! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999487400054932} +{"text": "Itu cuma kertas biasa kok, cuma kertas yang ada fotonya aja ... Yuk jangan tergoda ve, ayo buat beli yang lain aja, beli baju, beli makan makanan yang kamu suka aja ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993320107460022} +{"text": "kakak americano pasti beli setiap hari ya? aku semua makanan suka tapi disuruh pilih satu aku pilih tonkatsu!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9827061891555786} +{"text": "QUOTE(jrshow @ Apr 18 2024, 09:16 AM)Are u sure an average My is making about 12 to 13k per month? But at the very least, I know that an average fresh graduate in Sg is making about 4k.-im talking a family in malaysia, if u talk about freshies, u have to compare those feshies at kl, i think easily can get 4K+ above (gross + allowance), but can have a life with car and have a comfortable room in kl ,comparing with sg.You're comparing the past, makes no sense. Those succeeded (the ones u mentioned) had cables, dealing through backdoor during the early days. Try doing that now, see how successful ur business would be. At least in Sg, if ure capable u can work ur way out without being interfered by anyone.-im arguing those people say malaysia dont have equal oppurtunity, then i give u some of it with famous name because ordinary people i mention u will not know him. those famous people sucess then u will have perception say back got big cable , in sg sucess then u say is depand on ur own. what nonsense is tat also..- i also dont want to arguing with those people who are thinking himself is very rich and higher status if work and stay in sg as well..siapa makan chilli siapa rasa pedas shj laHaha .. fine fine .. average is 4k, you can try to justify you're right, with those allowance, etc .. I'm fine with it .. no worries. But to be frank, the median in Sg is about 10k for a family of 2 .. if you're assuming it's a family of 4 .. it could easily hit 20k? That's what u assumed right?You're using famous ppl. Then why did Grab leave malaysia? Why didn't khazanah fund them? Why give it to Temasek? Why we don't get to hear great names popping up nowadays? Except those unknown jaguh kampong on tiktok? Well, you can have your opinion, I could have mine? No?I'm not rich, I'm just a bangala, and at least a bangala could earn a living in singapore and spend like a king in malaysia .. u jelly? Anyway I love chili but I hate sour grapes. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999299049377441} +{"text": "QUOTE(DJJD @ Dec 9 2020, 07:59 PM)Tidur sebilik tapi katil lain kan. Iman kuat....Yeah right... dd and pusi screaming left and right... QUOTE(DJJD @ Dec 9 2020, 08:02 PM)Pagi kuda cari halal food. Malam makan banana or abalone. OwaiiiWith salty 'toppings'... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999570906162262} +{"text": "@rafiqbaihaqi @FafauRasid @psunster Kita wajib cari yang halal, dan sijil tu memudahkan. Islam tu mudah tapi jangan ambil mudah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981837868690491} +{"text": "QUOTE(wualalala @ Jan 11 2021, 10:11 AM)what we know the best is cracking down kamunis art wall ... openly shame the manufacturersplacing the people first, not business community as prioritytoo less focus for business survival, cash only to the people if people need money, they need a job, to create jobs, the government need to support the business... handing out cash for one time doesnt create much impacts at all!actually that what Jokowi did.he allowed anti chinese sentiment to go fever highand this is his rewards.the reason MY just cannot break free from middle income trap is kinda related to her lack of preferential access to rich western market. all asian tiger be it korea,taiwan sg all got preferential access to western market.and to get preferential access to western market we need to be a strong western allies. something we can't do because commie in those countries are external while here it's internal. there lot of CCP nationalist here then. heck there's plenty of them here now even.. then in the 1970 pew pew in the forest . it's only.stop when My promise CCP they will be ' natural'. so CCP stop sending supplies and CPM Kene pew pew mati sama aussie.so i say let send all CCP lovers to re education camp so we can go suck angmoh dick once again ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8136435747146606} +{"text": "QUOTE(quadcube @ Jan 15 2018, 09:59 PM)can la, use her bumi status to buy land on top of kokol and build my house there even bumi dn't wanna use bumi privilegeQUOTE(MalaysiaNo1 @ Jan 15 2018, 10:04 PM)Got so bad ah?\u00a0 How much is the cost of a condo there?\u00a0 Need how much money per day to live comfortably in KK?\u00a0 start from half a milproperty here is the most expensive in the whole malaysia, not me sayBNM themselves also said itQUOTE(pakmulau @ Jan 15 2018, 10:07 PM)i agree with you on working here in sabahme once working as kuli at malaya early 90'smind you as general worker at factorywith OT you can earn rm 700-800 at that timenow at KK 2018 still lot company pay minimum wages rm920 for spm holdersgot diploma might earn you 1500-1700lucky if got big company they pay you like KL wagesif you work in gomen even spm holder can get 1500 including allowancei just saw this in FBand i'm not even sure is this job legal or notminimum wage also not reachQUOTEMALE ONLY/ NON MUSLIM(Food Stall Helper/Tukang jaga gerai bisnes makanan NON-HALAL) - area Donggongon-Salary: RM800-Work time: 3.30pm-11.30pm-Job scope(easy): Basic memasak/Serve customer/Jaga kebersihan gerai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999042749404907} +{"text": "QUOTE(icemanfx @ Dec 22 2023, 04:46 PM)Pork sausages for breakfast and samurai pork burger are the original recipe.Beef burger + bacon is best.French fries fried in lard even more best.Yes \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akaashi @ Mar 6 2024, 02:25 PM)Now just need 1 religion than haram chicken meat owai.Vegan Haram all meat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999319314956665} +{"text": "QUOTE(chickenshit36 @ Nov 14 2020, 10:44 AM)Malaysia: what also can be haram except moneywrong. all halal except babi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(yhtan @ Feb 20 2024, 12:55 PM)Travel is organize by the headmaster isn't it? The renovation is handle by board of directors, normally by tender or whoever provide the best quality/price. Trust me those SJKC board of directors won't songlap the money lah, afterall they are the famous figurehead in that community, songlap small money for what.nah, it's not the headmaster who organised the travel.sometimes certain activities in school is demanded by the board (for whatever reason, sometimes we also feel suspicious why is this activity really needed). The task is passed down to the headmaster, and of course delegated to the teachers. But which company to engage is sometimes left to the board. not everything goes to tender.something simple like organising a travel activity does not actually go through a tendereven some simple renovation does not need a tender. Most of the time, it's always the same contractor. And by digging some simple investigation, we soon found out they are all related to the directors. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9456992745399475} +{"text": "Parents aku baru dapat, parents korang apa cerita? Alang2 sebarkan tu kasi link jakim la. Elok2 terpampang sijil halal kat tealive dikatanya haram. Menu pun dah slh \ud83e\udd23 https://t.co/6olrNJ1YuL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "What is the best \"Haram to Halal\" food recreation cook by Malay in Malaysia?Halal Lor MeeHalal Kolo MeeHalal Bak Kut TehHalal Wantan MeeHalal Hokkien MeeHalal Yong Tau FooHalal Chicken FlossHalal Chicken JerkyHalal Char Kuey TeowHalal Char Siew Chicken Rice ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997372031211853} +{"text": "guna paper plates and plastic cutlery coz haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(oe_kintaro @ Jan 8 2024, 11:50 PM)I think the majority of local muslims would be too fearful to have an own opinion. Defer back to the learned ulama opinion is the default answer: better not rock the boat.For the record this is not to provoke just curious. I mean been hearing a lot of haram lately. So just want to know pendapat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998683512210846} +{"text": "Inilah Ho Chi Minh Beliau merupakan seorang pemimpin revolusi Vietnam & berkhidmat sebagai Presiden Republik Demokratik Vietnam dari tahun 1946 hingga 1969, serta juga Perdana Menteri negara tersebut sejak penubuhan ia pada 1945 hingga 1955. Beliau merupakan tokoh penting dalam kedua-dua Tentera Rakyat Vietnam serta Viet Cong seamsa meletusnya Perang Vietnam.Ini mcm amoi DIGI tapi jual souvenir ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.716537356376648} +{"text": "belajar masak la ts..jangan malas sangat.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9821211695671082} +{"text": "Kalau kau rasa orang melayu je yang suka boikot barang, kau naif, kau belum kerja dalam bidang retail dan supply.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985608458518982} +{"text": "QUOTE(rickyro @ Jan 8 2021, 10:00 PM)Correct me if I'm wrong.... Malays looking for food can use their own ingenuity one kan? As long it is some simple food, apa takutnya sangatnya tak halal? The way the post is worded, it is as though a halal chop is a definite must when comes to eating This shop looks to me just some toast bread and maybe some simple fried noodle... pork lard / oil has a certain known taste kan...Exactly. How fking non-halal can a piece of bread be?This one confirm ppl complain. Probably jealous his business attract alot of malays . Best part is , not a single sound about rempit, rogol , ragut , rasuah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.892079770565033} +{"text": "Bubble milk tea haram sebab xdak sijil halal. Susu tin jatuh dari lori halal.. This is paler toya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999956488609314} +{"text": "QUOTE(weyyt @ Oct 10 2017, 10:06 PM)\nzgHaTDJ6gJY\n\nHe is a licensed racist.Suci, najis, halal, haram.These things they keep pushing for more extreme needs that will make people more divided by races. Imagine if Hindu people that view cow as sacred and decide to adopt extreme mindset that whoever kill or eat cow is consider as shit and their enemy? Basically that's what he is doing right now.You can only have one, not both. Strictly follow these things or live harmoniously with other race. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999849796295166} +{"text": "Aku tak peduli la kau femes jual nasi lemak bodoh kat amerika. \n\nMasalahnya sejak bila cina bakar colok asal pulau pinang lesbian kena kutip JAKIM? \n\n Jual makanan malaysia utk kekal relevan dan hidup tapi tipu mat salleh. Sis rezeki tak berkat.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "QUOTE(forgotoldlogin @ Mar 28 2024, 09:30 AM)Dont take this personal, im trying to give an outsider perspective. Im reading all this, and my impression is you have no chill. I would probably leave, if i work with you.If suppliers send me near expired food, i knn the supplier not my staffs. If seems like your personality is not the type or boss that employee love, you just have to accept that you will need to keep hiring and hiring. And always have extra staffs in payroll just in casesSome bosses can make staffs climb highest mountain for them. Some bosses drive staffs away. People are different. Just keep hiring than.\nmPKEFuDbOzg?si=zhMEscJJMiKQaqlA\n\nIf you have been around long enough, you will definitely meet up with one of the emo types. Unless you are damn lucky. If unlucky maybe you meet up with a few, kek.It isn't so much leadership skills or charisma, your attrition or employee turnover rate may be perfectly normal. It is just that one guy/girl lol.edit: easiest thing to do will be to get the best of the lot into a supervisory position. that will save you a lot of heartache and headache.This post has been edited by loserguy: Mar 28 2024, 09:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998564720153809} +{"text": "mari kita semua start solat jemaahdi akhirat kelak, akan ada orang yang masuk neraka, lepas tu orang yang masuk syurga berkata \"mereka itu solat bersama kami\", dan mereka meminta dari Allah SWT untuk tarik ahli neraka tersebut keluar dari Nerakakita mungkin masuk neraka atas dosa-dosa kita, tapi macamana kita nak diselamatkan kalau kita tak solat jemaah ? siapa yang kenal kita ? siapa yang akan kata \"mereka solat bersama kami \" mari kita solat jemaah This post has been edited by seiferalmercy: Nov 16 2014, 04:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999488592147827} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jan 18 2024, 10:27 AM)give up working for companychoose drive grab kekkkkis the same as working for company also whatu no drive , grab no pay uu no work...company no paysame theory\u00a0 \u00a0 But grab suka ma work anytime haha. Freedom ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993115663528442} +{"text": "If you ask me, when in malaysia I will never go to suspicious restaurants like mr dakgalbi etc. although they said no pork but they served alcohol and halal is not only about pork. Is the chicken halal? Is all the meat halal? Ask their workers also cant answer all they trained to say no pork no pork lol. Why? Cause I got so many halal choice here in Malaysia so why I want to eat something suspicious?But if at oversea sure I will just eat anything except meat (seafood/vege/etc) as long as I confident it's not haram. This is if the place got no halal restaurant lah cause got no choice what. Btw nowadays everywhere you go sure got at least some halal restaurant lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9140049815177917} +{"text": "QUOTE(G_KeN @ Oct 26 2016, 01:16 AM)Did u even read the news? From the post above, it is pretty clear to me that you did not even know the chronological order of the events that transpired this hu-ha. Firstly, it is the jakim guy himself who started the whole hotdog-gate thingy by suggesting that aunty anne should change their pretzel dog's name. Heck, you are a malaysian muslim yourself. Try to read Jakim's official guideline and u will see that there IS such a ruling on the food's naming whereby the names should not be connected/related to stuffs like beer and etc that r haram or najis. Also, it is somehow supported by your local religious council leader who deemed that the name change is COMPULSORY:http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/181906/...roducts-or-foodNow tell me, did the non muslims made up this COMPULSORY rule for u lots? Also, tell me, can u quote to me exact words in al-quran or in whatever hadiths that u practice regarding the rules on the naming of the food? If u are too dumb to differentiate between criticising a stupid ruling that was NEVER written or preached by your religion in the first place and criticizing your religion as a whole, then there is no point arguing with you. For some reason, you are keen to DEFEND JAKIM as if JAKIM is a religion, and not a man-made organization with man-made Islamic rulings. And for some reason, you are very fast to relate this criticism as if it was the opposition's fault for bringing up the issue. Uwotm8? Read the bloody news. As far as I know, even the BN's ministers are criticizing the ruling.My advice: read the bloody news. Also, keep your tinfoil hat to yourself. There is no hidden illuminati agenda by the non muslims to take down Islam. Just admit that Jakim or their officer who SUGGESTED the name change in the first place fcuk up big time because he could not differentiate a hot dog with an animal. I dont see the need for you to defend them or him. No harm is done towards your religion. Only the fcuked up ruling that was NEVER written or preached by Islam.Savage ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8899142742156982} +{"text": "Kena reti beza halal fake atau halal yg ori dari Jakim,nak apply sijil Jakim bukan senang ya,bnyk guideline kau kena ikut,1 kau tak ikut auto sangkut kau punya sijil,premis\u00b2 makanan/pengusaha makanan memang wajib ikut every guideline atau rules kalau nak dapatkan sijil Jakim https://t.co/2xDrYmpvNk", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999930739402771} +{"text": "Can eat no problem.then kena viral say nons no respect people, no sensitive to people feelings... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8879080414772034} +{"text": "\nAbahmung replied at 27-3-2023 07:01 PM\nBaguslah gitu..indonesia kan muslim teramai di dunia\nYessza\u2026sbb dorg muslim teramai dorg ambil lgkah semua consumer goods msti wajib ada sijil halal..\n\r\nM\u2019sia x kn tiru kot\u2026masih lg konsep sukarela sape nk mohon pensijilan halal dialu2kn je, bkn wajib ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998164772987366} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Apr 25 2024, 07:18 AM)that's why many ppl gaduh when kena hornbcoz like u they assume it was an 'aggressive action'i advise u to relax more. it's just a horn. otherwise one day u will get in a situation u won't likeIts the opposite actually.If I was the driver, I wouldn't have honked. I'm too introverted that I rather open up Waze and see the details or chat instead.If I were in the procession, I'd just give him the stare and let him wait in the queue. People in emotion normally don't respond to common sense, so its best not to make it worst. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945482611656189} +{"text": "@Natashaa1297 Kan.. Cm restaurant korea kat ampang point tu.. Mane ade sijil halal, sebab owner dia sendiri bagitau aku bile aku tnye.. Dia kate hijabster masok dia xboleh nak tolak sebb kire cam tolak tuah (ikut adat dia la) skang ni xtau la dah ade ke belom sijil tu..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999582767486572} +{"text": "Kalau bab kedai makan ni first thing kena tengok, bersih. Sedap tu nombor dua. Sedap tapi kedai tak bersih, kau yakin ke makanan tu elok?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8510436415672302} +{"text": "QUOTE(KoChun @ Mar 21 2015, 10:41 PM)i understand the drown part. i also understand eggs dont breath and frogs is an animal of 2 alambut KFC cannot fly so its only 1 alam = land.ducks can live without its feet touching land .. fly and swim on water. and can even eat off these 2 alam ... sky and water (fish) Unless you state that sky is not an alam. I keep thinking it is. Go figure. I guess like the other member said. If some cook puts into nasi padang... its halal.Land n air is one...Since when duck is haram?..chicken fly oso what from one bumbung to next house bumbung.. Why need completed?..many meleis eat burung puyuh n its egg..puyuh masak merah...I oso eat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9623783230781555} +{"text": "found thisQUOTENa Tuk Kong / Datok Kong / Datok KeramatIni adalah sebahagian sembahan atau pemujaan penganut Taoist dalm kalangan masyarakat Cina Tionghua.Dikatakan Datok Kong asalnya adalah seorang lelaki Melayu Islam yang merupakan seorang guru silat,pawang dan mungkin juga seorang Imam yang begitu baik pada hayatnya dan setelah kematiannya dia disembah untuk memperingati kebaikannya semasa hidup.Datok Kong dipuja sebagai \"penjaga\" atau penunggu di tempat tertentu.Pada hari penyembahannya secara spesifik, 'medium' atau perantara yang terdiri dari sami Taoist akan berpakaian seperti lelaki Melayu tua,samada bersongkok,berbaju Melayu,atau berketayap dan terkadang berkeris untuk \"menyeru\" semangat Datok untuk merasuki tubuh mereka untuk upacara tertentu.Hidangan yang dipersembahkan kepada Datok juga biasanya berupa hidangan masyarakat Melayu yang biasanya terdiri dari hidangan pulut kuning,ayam panggang dan sebagainya.Oleh kerana Datok adalah seorang Muslim,maka hidangan yang ditawarkan ketika upacara sembahannya juga mestilah dari makanan yang halal.Justeru jangan terkejut sekiranya anda menyaksikan upacara ini.Bukannya mereka nak menghina agama Islam ataupun adat resam Melayu,tapi itu kepercayaan mereka yang tersendiri.Wallahu A'lam. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9864208698272705} +{"text": "QUOTE(fongsk26 @ Mar 3 2024, 12:45 PM)I hope you are correct.\u00a0 Cos I do have a trust deficit to this gov .. cakap tak serious bikin so far!U don't trust the best Asian FM during 1997? He is the same FM now ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999518394470215} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 06:43 PM)yeah manits not clear enough all this time? looks like i manage to cover up well or im not showing a good example of a good muslim here im not\u00a0 mixed.but i think i prefer logical thinking over conservative blind faithand i sort of annoyed by how the malay community,my family included,easily follow anything said by an ustazwithout thinking whether its right or wrongwhether its legit or notexample: must sayang/respect/do what mom say cuz heaven is beneath her feeti mean,come on.heaven belong to god only.i ask heaven from my god,not my momand if the mom is anything but a heartless cruel asshol, u will be stupid to think heaven is still at her feetnot to mention the dalil for that statement is daifhaha, cos u never use malay before in this forum. so all this while i thought u are not malay / non muslim. sorry for that. well, we pretty much have somewhat similar understanding. i know certain things are said halal/haram/pahala/dosa by ulama and ustazs, but at the same time, i cant help thinking \"what if they were wrong? what if they interpreted wrongly? these guys arent exactly professors or nobel prize winners.\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8086346983909607} +{"text": "@nadhrahnzm @_apexpredators_ 2. \u2018kita makan based on owner muslim\u2019 excuse me. owner/penjual muslim/non muslim, tiada kaitan dgn halal haram. asalkan ingredients okay, ada sijil ke takde sijil, boleh makan KALAU YAKIN. Dr. Maza dah explain, please watch this https://t.co/qp7WDrHRVQ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996106028556824} +{"text": "\nbro.. dosa bleh diampunkan sebab bukan niat kita nak makan benda-benda haram. jadi bab dosa tu a ...\njoeyss Post at 10-6-2010 12:18 \nNape\u00a0\u00a0....\r\nKo\u00a0 \u00a0dah\u00a0\u00a0tertelan\u00a0\u00a0mee\u00a0\u00a0babi\u00a0\u00a0ker? \r\nmcm\u00a0\u00a0mana\u00a0 \u00a0....\u00a0 \u00a0 sedap\u00a0\u00a0tak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 25 2016, 11:45 PM)look at it this way. B4 this issue came up, most if not all people have the mindset got logo halal = halal. No logo = haram. But now it is proven does not get halal cert does not mean haram. So tell me again whats the purpose of the cert? Jakim claim they did this to avoid confusion, but instead they themselves are the 1 thats causing it. Do u not see the irony here?Purpose of the cert if to eliminate doubt. If you doubt then dont eat it because you never know its ingredient or cleanliness. Example like japan/korean restaurant, if you doubt then dont go eat. If you see halal cert then of course confirm halal. Same also for overseas tourist. This halal cert is worldwide every country got its own logo. Is is non muslim that confuse more perhaps. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999921441078186} +{"text": "QUOTE(a4techx7 @ Oct 17 2018, 10:05 AM)Ask them to give u a list of restaurantsAnd u pick 1Best answer.Give at least 5 restaurants.Need to cater for vege also ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Nov 29 2022, 11:39 AM)Babi haram tapi fitnah budaya kitaaaHa ha ha ha ha ha EXACTLY! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995858073234558} +{"text": "Jakim get bigger budget 1.4 billion ringgit to siasat benda viral bodoh macam ni..Meanwhile b40s no money beli nasi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "utk masyarakat yang suka beli makanan atau pedagang keliling yang menjajakan makanan dan minuman, sebaiknya kita mulai menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. setelah makan, buang ditempat sampah, jangan seperti ini lokasi taman jalan nginden intan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996022582054138} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ May 21 2019, 11:53 AM)If i cook chicken using western punya recipe, put wine when frying the chicken then halal or haram?If i eat the chicken it will not make me drunk, so halal?When we say 'wine' it is haram, so u mix halal ingredient with haram, so become haram.If u mix with 'alcohol' it will be different stories. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9719132781028748} +{"text": "QUOTE(commonsense @ Mar 3 2024, 11:57 AM)BN era still the best. Hope BN will go solo next pruWhichever parti that rules from the beginning is always the better. Try switch it, if Madani rule from Merdeka time, I'm pretty sure it's a good start. So the one picking up later and later and Later on will pick up loads of sh1t ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9827517867088318} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Mar 12 2024, 12:24 PM)standard 1 of course la no racismwait till they grow up and become like the ktards hereyes... let atuk saka and Puas play with religion and haram everything... sian this country if no Puas and atuk saka sure will be a better place... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998732805252075} +{"text": "belajar agama dalam dalam jgn hanya menonton youtube...jgn sbb nama makanan..kau jd ulama yg hebat sampai bodohkan jakim..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950945377349854} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Nov 5 2021, 03:22 PM)Just enjoy all the food provided by the hotel. Nuff saidharga local vs harga tourist tak sama.Chenang? rip offTerapung Kilim? Sama. rip off.Just returned from there 2 days ago. I was there at the restaurant. another one. they got 2. I xmakan. got new lobster just arrived. 100G RM37. Live lobster. This is something reasonable ONLY for me. So don't tunjuk kaya then unless you want to kena chop kow2..and another round for viral stories. /k letih nk layan.Wan Thai in pekan Kuah was reasonably priced, no different than mainland. There are cheap places there in Langkawi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8938086628913879} +{"text": "Setiap kali t'nampak cara restoren/gerai basuh pinggan,cawan&sudu,hilang selera nk makan.Makanan bukan shj mesti halal,ia juga mesti bersih!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9799704551696777} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Nov 16 2020, 01:38 PM)dont just \"consider\".QUOTE(damonlbs @ Nov 16 2020, 01:38 PM)yes sue themQUOTE(Acher13 @ Nov 16 2020, 01:38 PM)This is indeed something I want to see how it end up.QUOTE(Hardcore Leveling Warrior @ Nov 16 2020, 01:38 PM)bagus, saman jesaman orang bodoh yang rakam dan juga saman orang bodoh yang percaya dengan orang bodoh yang sebar.saman semua sekaliSaman, jangan tak Saman. Our land is filled with fitnah and false allegation as part of how politics are played and how people learn to behave. As if our country doesn't learn that Fitnah, lebih teruk drpd bunuh. Saman! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996591806411743} +{"text": "QUOTE(KineticKill @ Dec 9 2018, 03:09 PM)Problem lah bila pakai agama. Tunggang agama.Halal haram boleh flipflop macam haram. Lepas tu nak non-muslims respect.Lepas ni kalau PAS cakap darah non-muslims halal ditumpahkan, siapa nak stand up to them?Nons punya politik pun flip flop. Kata politik. Lulz. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(hollyweed @ Jun 6 2017, 05:13 PM)dapat duit tak berkat buat apaas long as duit? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999580383300781} +{"text": "@zudeen__ https://t.co/lMDiYywb3L Senarai sijil halal yg diiktiraf JAKIM. Utk saya, sijil halal dari negara2 tersebut sudah cukup. Kita bersangka baik yg badan2 pengiktirafan ini melakukan tugas mereka dgn amanah, sepertimana kita bersangka baik dgn JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998482465744019} +{"text": "sebenarnya kan sebelum issue JAKIM ni kan , aku curious dgn semua bahan mentah di tesco giant tu semua halal ka daging dia .\n\nAyam/daging/udang etc tu confirm ka supplier Muslim.\n\nI mean like kalau tak Muslim pun supplier , do they feed haram punya makanan dkt haiwan tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "Budaya malu apa. Stealing , cheating and songlap budaya kita. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(lfw @ Mar 13 2024, 02:23 AM)as I work with global brands like Dior, they do allocate manpower that is able to speak Mandarin Chinese at their retail counteranother example is I went to Pantai hospital, they have staff that able to converse in Japanese(usually is Chinese staff) and Korean(usually is Malay staff)I would say that for world renowned brand such as international hotel chain should be more consumer centric and be attentive to their customer as they have paid the premium price\u00a0 meanwhile, Malaysia is gradually getting closer and closer to UK US quality in term of DLLMCCB.DGAF hire only idiots got brain also wont use type of people is the best to hire in all sort of service department.I dunno why many places nowadays people already become sohai worker. bifotis too much? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968613386154175} +{"text": "Aku kayanya mau beli makan-makanan lain deh! EHHH ROTI KEJU MAH ENAK BNGET FLIS. Ak juga suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999157190322876} +{"text": "seriously this is remotely similar.bapak lemah betul iman ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999613761901855} +{"text": "\"fahamkanlah isu JAKIM yang menitikberatkan makanan halal\" ok but the real issue was the word 'dog' not because of halal/haram, ur point??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9715873003005981} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Nov 30 2023, 08:45 AM)What the fuss in getting your child in sjkc? All my sjkc friend are stupidTo prepare for emperor xi arrivalMany elites in vietnam, thailand, had already sent their kids to study in china uni 20 years agoSooner or later only nobody in this region can fight the might of 9 dash lines then have to submit to china anywayLong live emperor xi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.976097822189331} +{"text": "terkejut kawan tgk saya kurus! mcm tak percaya!modal rm59.90 je sebulan. jgn risau produk halal dan ada sijil yg dibenarkan! terpaksa terima lost berkg kg! 19kg lost ok lah kan.. nak\u2026 https://t.co/v5JAsfQ1jp", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999713122844696} +{"text": "my best is only the Dengkil one, where i worked in 2004 during my lunch...they have since moved few location, probably retired...the lady boss scolds people for asking for more....because she knows you will be fulled by the time you finish your plate, and digest.If you insist, then she grumbles, and say... \"i am not responsible if you have stomach full pain later\".BUT, her nasi lemak...to me...just daymn good.just simple like any, but her portion of meat/chicken is more.This post has been edited by Heroicage: Jun 19 2022, 09:22 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994775652885437} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lumiaaa @ May 21 2016, 02:36 PM)I got many friends like this very relaxedBut some ppl are too sensitiveNot relax, more confident and stronger in their faith!3 thing - iman, ilmu and ibadat, ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.510995090007782} +{"text": "Saya makan nasi lauk telur. Air masak. Kesemuanya tiada cop jakim. Harap-harap makanan saya tak haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5194303393363953} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ray2021 @ Mar 5 2024, 11:43 AM)Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Pusat perkenal BAK KUT TEH HALAL sempena Pilihan Raya Kecilhttps://berita.pas.org.my/lajnah-perpaduan-...han-raya-kecil/Pada tahun ini, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional memperkenalkan pula satu lagi makanan yang popular di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang dikenali sebagai Bak Kut Teh.Sejak diwujudkan, Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional telah memperkenalkan kuih bulan halal. Ahli- ahli PAS telah diperkenalkan dengan perayaan kuih bulan yang biasa disambut oleh masyarakat Cina pada hari ke 15 bulan lapan menurut kalendar Cina. Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional Negeri Selangor telah mengeluarkan kuih bulan halal yang disediakan khas oleh Muslimat PAS dan setiap tahun, kuih bulan ini mendapat sambutan dari negeri-negeri di Semenanjung mahu pun di Malaysia Timur.Sebagai informasi tambahan, terdapat sebuah restoran Bak Kut Teh Halal di Singapura yang menyediakan menu ini khusus untuk dinikmati oleh orang-orang Islam.Di sana, mereka menggunakan daging dan tulang lembu atau kambing. Di Negara kita, versi Bak Kut Teh halal masih belum dikenali ramai.Bak Kut Teh halal versi Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional disediakan khas oleh salah seorang Ahli Jawatankuasa Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional berketurunan Cina, Puan Farah Foo Wai Yee. Beliau memang mempunyai resepi rahsia (ramuan herba) yang diwarisi daripada mendiang ayahnya yang merupakan seorang peniaga Bak Kut Teh di bandar Ipoh.Bak Kut Teh halal yang dibuat oleh Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional menggunakan Daging Kambing atau Ayam.TIONG not from KLANG, he don't care about Bakuteh. TIONG only care about KOLO MEE. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997747540473938} +{"text": "Still remember my wife sat in a grab and the dude had a space marine on the dashboard. Dude would kena absolutely haram considering space marines worship a mortal lagi kek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997214674949646} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pete the great @ Oct 17 2017, 08:54 AM)it is those zameehan style preachers that are preaching intolerance towards non muslims.but if you see non muslims - have we ever brought dogs into restaurants Hahahaha....when we know muslims are around? no. even when fasting month, we have muslim colleagues, and we purposely go into the pantry room during lunch time, so they would not see us eating, non muslim people only bring dogs to parks that permit dogs Hahahaha..... And don't connect non muslims with dogs, not all of us like dogs. So don't assume all our clothes got dog hair. It just takes one, brader...I actually dislike stray dogs because they tend to poop everywhere. Have you seen non muslim bring dogs to a pasar ramadhan? come on use your brains. Might help if you read the news more and open your eyes a bit.Your brains is so rasis that you think all non muslim got pork in their saliva and dog hair on their shirts. It doesn't need more than one, btw. So no need ALL...Some of my non muslim friends don't like to eat pork because they got policy not to eat anything 4 legged because of the animal smell. So they eat chicken and fish as meat only. I also know some non muslims are allergic to dogs and some also feel its dirty to touch a dog. You are actually racially profiling us. You relate non muslims to dog and pigs. errr....you're doing a fine job of it yourself.instead of focusing on these small issues, you should be looking at the bigger picture. Like striving to be a better person I suppose I am better than you, but you don't know me enough to assume, so I shan't either., doing best at what you do, helping the poor, what about the rohingya? What about the Rohingya? You keeping a bunch at home? why focus on freedom of opening a dobi for muslim only Why not when there is a demand? Conversely, why are you?- when there are bigger unsolved issues. Like gambling for 4ekor among muslims? like fighting corruption? more serious problems. more abandoned babies in Kelantan, pre marital sex among youths, and again - the rohingya issue. Wow....you assume I'm all for that too...if u continue to support these policies, all the investors will run away from this country and employment will drop. Soon all the things you wanted to buy - that nice BMW super tourier bike that you wanted to travel with your friends I already have 3 BMWs, and a few others, your point?, pay for the best milk bottle, stroller, diapers for your baby - who is going to supply those? I can buy them myself and all from a non Muslim stores too.\u00a0 those pas leaders? just look at the wonders they are doing for Kelantan. They fail to run the govt and provide jobs.not sure about religion but if UAE, Qatar and Kuwait can be religious while enriching their wealth, its actually not wrong to be productive and wealthy while at the same time can be religious. Yes and that's why you don't see pork or alcohol in Qatar. I've smuggled some for my non Muslim friends in Doha. Your point? Travel more, the internet isn't a great place to read from. QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 17 2017, 08:59 AM)Islam already say kenot discriminate, u still die2 want also, thats just your ego mcm yg lain jugak.Yala, ppl feel they need to prove they are more muslim and islamic than islam itselfI think you're just sticking to your script. QUOTE(ibnunarsim @ Oct 17 2017, 09:15 AM)Kan byk kedai dobi lain milik nons kt J tu.. ape masalahnya? Mcm la nons sapot bisnes muslim.. LOLBetul.QUOTE(bigwolf @ Oct 17 2017, 09:50 AM)Actually no, that Muslim only laundromat is illegal Err....which enactment did you pull that one from? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6582232713699341} +{"text": "\r\nSalam sejahtera ibu2 semua,\n\r\nAnak aku 5tahun bakal ke pra sekolah SRJKC tahun akan dtg dan SRJKC tahun 2017.tp kepala tgh dok pening nak ajar dia mcmne nk bgtahu yg makanan apa boleh mkn.maksud aku mcmni :\n\r\n-Kalau dia bawak bekal sekalipun,takut kawan cina dia hulurkn makanan nak bg dia ke,xtahu kan halal ke x.\r\n-Kongsi mknan kwn ke.\r\n-Takut dia beli makanan kat kantin bila sibuk tgk org beli\n\r\nAnak aku ni xkn terima jawapan tak boleh.mesti kena bsebab kukuh,kalau tak dia akan persoal hingga terima logik akal dia.mcm aritu lah pg tesco kn ada bahagian xhalal,tanya knp xboleh pg situ,dia punya tanya tu banyak sgt.smpai rumah dia xpuas hati jawapan aku bg,jd asik tanya2.\n\r\nTgk tv pun aku ckp pork xleh mkn,dia pun tanya knp..dia xkn terima jawapan yg setakat agama larang,kalau aku ckp gitu dia akan soal balik knp,aku terangkn spesefik ada kuman itu ini,nanti dia tanya balik.nak nangis menjawab.\n\r\nSo harap ada yg boleh bg pandangan pengalaman korang yg hantar anak sek cina.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984312653541565} +{"text": "Nak susah-susah buat apa.For me if the food no pork, lard, alcohol and the animal slaughter according to law ok ald for me.If I go overseas, I eat more to vegetables and seafood.Why need to complicate things that in Islam it is so simple to understand?Kalau tak yakin dengan makanan tu, boleh jatuh haram bila makan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989736080169678} +{"text": "QUOTE(automan5891 @ May 31 2016, 08:15 PM)Hudud and halal affects only Muslims. lol\u2018Beer is mother of all vices\u2019, say Muslims seeking to turn tap off on Oktoberfest - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...h.ibujzCgy.dpufRokok pun haram, tapi sedut jugak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999094009399414} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:57 AM)cannot answer lah bro, need to ask jakim for that. am not coming from that org. but i believe even though they change the food's name, it will not jeopardize their sales, and i believe the sales will increase if they got halal cert. muslim sure yakin to buy the food in future..That is correct, it is Jakim's right to approve or not and it's Auntie Anne's right to apply or not. But then having this rule i.e. not allowing the use of the word dog for items even if it is a 'hot dog' if you want to get a Jakim halal certificate, do you agree with it? You do not feel that this rule by Jakim, which is the federal governmental body charged with developing Islam in this country is not a bit laughable? Yes, there are many non-muslims (and muslims) now laughing at/condemning Jakim (and even Islam) but don't you feel that this is exactly because of this ludicrous rule which Jakim states is to prevent Muslims here from getting confused?TLDR You agree with this rule?QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 12:11 PM)I know the company has propose a new name.Just nak share with the others in /k about that clause for requesting halal cert. Sombong sangat, banyak perli, pertikai kredibiliti JAKIM dalam isu nak dapatkan cert halal.By showing that clause you are actually telling that Jakim really do require the name change and everyone who laughed at Jakim was right in saying they want the name changed (even though some here and even you later said the non-approval was due to other matters).This post has been edited by RobUlstan: Oct 21 2016, 12:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6621097922325134} +{"text": "QUOTE(hksgmy @ Dec 6 2023, 08:17 PM)Yes - it's not within his powers to do so. He may have nothing but disdain for the Malaysian who can't utter a word of Malay, but he doesn't have the right to deny her right to renew her passport.In the same sentence, the non-Malay speaking lady should also take a long and hard look at herself: if she wants to continue being called a Malaysian, then it's only in her best interests to learn how to communicate with the majority of her fellow citizens who may not speak Mandarin, or only have a rudimentary understanding of English. None of these languages are national languages. Otherwise, why not become a Singaporean and be done with all the hassle if she finds it so hard to remain a non-Malay speaking Malaysian?To be honest, I have always held the opinion that it takes 2 hands to clap. Her own inadequacy gave the opportunity for the Little Napolean to overstep his boundaries - and the rest is internet history.Are you saying she should migrate due to she was badly treated due to her inability to speak BM? I agree she should learn BM. I don\u2019t agree she should consider migrating due to difficulties in speaking BM. I don\u2019t really care that she doesn\u2019t speak BM. That is her personal choice. It doesn\u2019t affect me. What i do care is public service like immigration start judging people\u2019s language (it may grow to something worse in the future) and not acting professionally. That may affect me or someone i care. Do you think she can\u2019t speak BM is a bigger concern than public service not doing their work professionally? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9442044496536255} +{"text": "Buat org yg suka sebar fitnah halal haram makanan di Malaysia, sila download apps JAKIM. JAUHI FITNAH! Pilih #HALAL!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985878467559814} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotSun @ Feb 9 2017, 12:20 PM)i assume you are a grown up living in this world for many years and has been studying Qur'an for years....can you educate me regarding the verse in Qur'an mentioning that it is haram to use pig derived product?so far i only found it's haram to consume pork....don't mean to mock you or anything but I'm abit confuse with this issue...thanks in advancedude, just created account for this?you can't expect someone to quote a hadith for this.just understand that halal is a way of life. when one party wants to argue semantics on the level of holiness, let them be petty about it. u be the bigger man and take the high road. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99992835521698} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Feb 26 2024, 10:45 AM)Even 1st world countries people like to move and live in Malaysia.Malaysia is the best\u00a0 https://www.tiktok.com/@sairahayati/video/7...177063223461377All this due to political stability we have now with kjaan madani... grace to kjaan madani!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "funny story.My kids in standard 4. His teacher wanna use ICT in class for agama lesson. She asked her students to google for \"apakah hukum min mati\". But thanks to google predict, this was what my son discovered....So he came back home, and started asking my wife and I about it. I was shocked to where he learned about it. But yeah, thanks google. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972116351127625} +{"text": "@TwtLelaki Halal JAKIM Malaysia dah jadi satu standard kebersihan yang diterima ramai termasuk diiktiraf badan banda besar dunia sbg satu standard yang baik dan benar benar bersih. Sebab untuk memperoleh sijil Halal JAKIM, banyak prosedur ketat dan strict perlu dipatuhi.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999701201915741} +{"text": "QUOTE(adeline1306 @ Feb 13 2016, 07:02 PM)What about frogs \u7530\u9e21? I had also thought amphibians are haram for muslims.Frog is clearly haram for muslims ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 14 2023, 11:23 AM)Aku xtau knp byk godaan depan mata kebelakangan nie, mungkin dugaan kot\u2026 I compile & tell u how to avoid all these so u wont need to worry terjerumus dalam kancah maksiat & bergelumang dgn dosa\u201cSui\u201d\u00a0 dalam bahasa cina tu airKo nampak ice cube, jernih mcm air kosong, tapi nie sebenarnya ada alkohol tau tak? Tengok betul2 \u2026.bodo tahap puas.dah la letak sebelah bahagian alcohol. lagi mau controversi.bangga tak terhinnga ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "Sedih ya, aku tiap beli makanan enak yang aku khususin buat ibuku, malah dikasi buat mantunya (suami adeku) wkwk dulu mantan suami kakak digituin juga, sekarang jarang beli makanan lebih suka beli barang buat beliau hhe.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5893154740333557} +{"text": "QUOTE(panz3l @ Apr 27 2017, 11:01 AM)none halal food more dosa than dadah weiSo you think dadah is halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "Lelaki Shaleh dapat didefinisikan sebagai seorang lelaki muslim yang beriman (mukmin), bersih dari segi zahir dan batinnya, mengambil makanan yang bersih dan halal (bukan dari sumber yang haram) serta sentiasa\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B6dcaJsjsQ_/?igshid=16k96tj4kbcdw\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9050014019012451} +{"text": "Siapa yg berani bilang gitu sih? Gak tahu aja sejarah makanan. Gw aja suka seblak level merapi. Suka makan bareng istri. Kalo gak beli ya racik sendiri.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6107034683227539} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Jan 14 2015, 02:03 PM)woah.. sudah ada opponent\u00a0 I wonder berapa percent traditionalist muslims dalam /k nih..\u00a0 You are entitled to your opinion. Up to you (as long as you dont hurt/oppress others). If you lock your mind, only read teachings that you are used too, then how can you call that belief? How can you call that iman?And if you really believe in this world today there is only one Islam, which is what you practice right now, ...oh my..\u00a0 Of course theres only one Islam. Islam tak berdua, bertiga, berbyk2. Di penghujung zaman akan ada 73 jalan, tp hanya satu sahaja jalan yg lurus... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9326184988021851} +{"text": "@fais_mohder Dye tak tau agaknya bukan main banyak lagi sijil halal luar negara yang diiktiraf JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9758520722389221} +{"text": "QUOTE(pipedream @ Nov 19 2023, 06:32 PM)tak baca artikel la uits in the midst of preparing for halal certification laAll the more reason to be more stringent with the rulesBelum dapat cert also viral you breaking rules, you think you will ever get certified? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "\r\nyang haram tetap haram.......sendiri mau ingatlah....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999102354049683} +{"text": "Another point. Food becomes haram (even preparation and ingredients are Halal) if the food is dedicated to another deity. Example you cook halal food initially, then put on altar to dedicate to the dead / ancestor or whatever. In this case, if you are energiless (about to die) can eat, consider darurat and perserving life should be excused In Sha Allah.This post has been edited by Imaizumi: Dec 20 2021, 09:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9861435294151306} +{"text": "Personally kalo ade sijil halal luar aku yakin je, knp nak persoalkan halal negara lain? Cume fhm kat sni kena follow JAKIM la n they should apply for it.. JAKIM pye bkn halal je, cleanliness, health products etc. So im waiting for their management to come out with a statement \u270c\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8218728303909302} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 23 2021, 12:36 PM)Meaning that disaster victims can be oppressed? They unable to choose whats best for them?That toxic mentality is same as commie mentalityVolunteers are providing relief food, not force feeding them. They may choose other ways of getting the food they want. Rejecting help in an emergency is the toxic mentality. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.980297327041626} +{"text": "QUOTE(Radioactive Infused Cola @ Jun 12 2019, 12:09 AM)it simply means rather than let her kids eat something that's stolen she'd rather throw it away if she can't pay it.\u00a0 nothing implied that it justified the theft.She used the argument that she is so particular, so pious and so strict about halal haram that she will throw away the stolen chocolates rather than let her kids consume it.Typical malay muslim way of thinking...That is so wrong. Please change the mindset.Probably the way it way ingrained from ages ago. I know, the train of thought there, is not to consume haram items coz it will become your darah daging. But, her throwing it away does not solve the issue. She still owes the shop. And her having no intention of paying for it since she considers it settled...makes it haram! And for the other guy... Select? If you, or your kids consider stealing is the norm... Something is really wrong with your upbringing and your parenting. Kids stealing is not the norm!Me, in that situation? IF i were the kid, i know my mom would have beaten me half dead...and if the shop is nearby, would have made me go kow tow and apologize. And i still wouldn't get the chocolate. But, my mom keeps an eye on us. So, thankfully that never happened. My kids? They didn't have to go through that. Like my mom, i keep an eye on the kids, but, instead of the old ways of bluntly rejecting, and etc... I do it my way. Kids stealing is not normal.IF they did steal, i would have given some serious scolding, lecture and maybe some smacks, then gone online, get the number, called the shop up, transfer the amount. And... If those are good quality chocolates... I would have eaten them. No, kids don't get the chocolates. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968714118003845} +{"text": "QUOTE(KoChun @ Mar 21 2015, 11:45 PM)Duck got flappers and can swim all day long on water, feed by fishing so it can live on water Dont need me to explain the land part So even thought sky is not an alam ... which birds can live in sky, fly from tree to tree, I count ducks can live on earth and water. why is it people so stupid dont understand the simple meaning of DUCKS can live on land and waterAre you still talking about halal and haram of the food or not? well, you can eat duck. You can eat bird as long it does not hunt with claws or eat another animal. They need to only eat grains or crops. People just don't eat duck because it pricy and hard to cook. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotSun @ Feb 10 2017, 10:20 AM)didn't you notice those are questions?and for my whole life i never once see anyone use construction grade brush to apply oil or egg to their food.....there is something called pastry brush.....if those ppl choose to buy a construction grade brush to apply stuff to their food then you blame them...not the trader or the BRUSH and yes I'm still confuse....even between religious scholars there are many confusion regarding this issue...and you still dare to say such verse existed in Qur'an....don't exist means no haram dudethose were rhetorical questions.they know the answer, they just wanna mock the belief of muslims.and again, as many times that I have repeatedly copy pasted, the issue is recycled since 2010, when they found out PASTRY BRUSHES USING PIG BRISTLES being used.did you properly read my replies?as for the verses, check my other replies, i'm tired of copy pasting when it's you who don't read it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977242350578308} +{"text": "QUOTE(popcornflavaa @ Oct 25 2016, 04:38 PM)what makes u think as long as muslim sells it, it is halal? i remember some of datuk vida's cosmetic product had dangerously high levels of mercury. halal x? tapi muslim yg jual...u know whats the best part, i go buy nasi lemak frm malay auntie tepi jalan. kena food poisoning because i saspek d food is few days old. halal x? not to forget, beli air soya kat bazaar ramadan that is spoilt. bazaar ramadan. no halal cert. sold by muslim. stomach ache. halal x? please help me change that. double standard will always be there just like how the US favours yahudi.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "Saya yakin makanan di Hollywood tu halal dan bersih. Kedai tu sendiri tak ada pengesahan halal JAKIM, tapi ada peniaga yang paparkan sijil halal pengeluar dan pembekal di gerai masing-masing. Asasnya, sama level dengan kedai makan Melayu. Tak ada sijil halal, tapi diyakini halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966126084327698} +{"text": "@Kimyaqee1 my point is, tak semua benda kita perlu ada sijil halal utk mkn. like.... kalau yakin makan jela. if dah terang terang kat ingredients ada smtg tht is clearly tk halal then dont eat it.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969768524169922} +{"text": "QUOTE(ReoAyanami @ Jul 12 2018, 10:10 PM)Seriously, the actual VIPs and the other 90% of the guest have to eat halal food because of the reporters?What's wrong with that? Is eating halal food really that bad? When I go out with my friends, even if only a few Malays we also go to a halal place like fast food or mamak.And if you really insist on having Chinese style food, a lot of hotels do offer non-pork/non-alcohol Chinese food. I have to quote him again cos this is the best post in this tered. Let me highlight the important part.QUOTE(physiokid @ Jul 12 2018, 07:35 PM)Your \u8868\u59d0\u5802\u54e5 cousins\u2018 wedding - chinese catering\u5929\u516c\u8a95 Religious folk event - chinese cateringCny reunion dinner - chinese cateringGov occasion event - halal cateringMulti society dinner - halal cateringSuccessful businessman wedding - halal cateringCommon sense. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(hunt3r87 @ Apr 17 2024, 05:08 PM)kahkahkah. woiiii aku serius la ngok. sebab tu lah aku duduk hulu dol. tak nak orang ramai2. kawan dengan beruk lagi bagus. ko nak mampus jem hari2 ikut ko la samdol. kahkahkah. skit2 sarcasm. banggang.\u00a0 ko hebat ko beli tanah elmina la, halau SD keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999408721923828} +{"text": "Ak bukan org Manado, liatnya jg minat. Ak suka makanan yg kuah dan benyek gini jujur, tapi ga suka beli bubur ayam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9843239784240723} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Sep 11 2023, 04:33 PM)no one asnwer me yetcan cook with tapai water...?\u00a0 I think I found a loophole for some folks to get drunk already. Tapai is legal according to the link I read.So open a shop that sells tapai that is fermented longer. According to UPU studies, a day 3 Tapai has 5% alcohol, and day 0 Tapai has 3% alcohol. Get drunk by eating. No need like cina dan india where after drink session go mamak find food. Susah ni. This one drunk and not hungry lagi! Two in one!Halal dan best Thanks for the business idea folks. Can open one in SS15.This post has been edited by trojandude: Sep 11 2023, 04:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998786449432373} +{"text": "ini mesti cina pakai nama melayu.ini agenda yahudi, saya sokong ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996950626373291} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:17 PM)Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.Topkek at this reason.merempit tidak haram ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9567363858222961} +{"text": "@aisyahmoshyi Ia takde sijil halal je. Tp tulah, taktahu sebenarnya halal ke haram. Dan aku dah makan pon.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "tanya kedai halal ke tak pun kena marah pastu bagi ayat \u201cnasi lemak yg makcik jual tepi jalan tu halal ke tak?\u201d soalan paling takleh brainhalal haram makanan ni bagi kesan besar dalam kehidupan kita tahu tak, lagi2 bila kedai tu besar, famous lagilah perlu certificate halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9076984524726868} +{"text": "QUOTE(ramdieslow @ Jan 24 2023, 01:12 PM)I am not trolling, but you can find those 0% beer at Tanah Haram, which is the sacred place in Mecca Whether its is heineken or budwiser, its ur choice. After pray at Masjidil Haram, just walk 20 meters to Bin Dawood, buy the beer. Just that in MY, we are tend to be more Arabic than ArabsHolier than thou.This post has been edited by xandras: Jan 24 2023, 01:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951345324516296} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Dec 28 2020, 11:19 AM)kan songlap = halal, daging import pun halal jeJanji ada Mercedes, puas hati. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "kalau nak kira sijil halal semata , habis la aku makan makanan haram mama masak. mana ada sijil Jakim pun gantung dekat dapur selama ni. :D", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994889497756958} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Nov 21 2018, 02:23 PM)2018 still dunno how is Muslim in Malaysia are different than othersExactlyFor some people, if they don't see Islamic sign or Muslim workers either Malay or mamak wearing songkok, they won't consider it.Even if there is halal cop or you ask them what kind of thing can be haram in a vegetarian place, they give many excuses like \"Eh baik was-was. Kita tak tahu, diorang bukan Muslim\". But these same people won't think twice to buy stuff from a roadside Malay kid/makcik selling karipap or care about hygiene.Appearance > all. My former workplace also that was a halal restaurant purposely hired a few Malay workers to give a better impression. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.978227972984314} +{"text": "QUOTE(b3ta @ Dec 6 2015, 06:18 PM)A Sikh not wearing a helmet potentially harms himselfIn this case a nurse wearing long sleeve may harm others as it is a hygiene issue as pointed out by one forumer here.Vastly different and also a flat guideline applicable to ALL staff regardless of race or religion cannot be classified as 'discrimination'.No one is being discriminated against here. She isn't even the only Malay working in the hospital. Why bising? She is the most holy ke? Or because to cover track for ponteng?P.s: Muslims not allowed to wear hijab in France. That is potentially discrimination as it targets certain groups. Hospital flat policy towards everyone? No.i just read WHO guidelines on hygiene policy. it does not bar long sleeves. it just says 'If long sleeves are worn, push sleeves back' or 'avoid it becoming wet'. so hygiene is not a matter of short sleeves or long sleeves but how careful you are in observing best practises.This post has been edited by MRSamurai: Dec 6 2015, 06:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999658465385437} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chobits @ Oct 31 2023, 11:03 AM)u dun get it. R&R to maintain power. let commoners fight over R&R while the elite keep siphoning money out.wait the situation becomes venezuela, then u bail to US / Europe for best living with all the money u got.That's why I'm retiring in Thailand. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "QUOTE(jpoplover101 @ Apr 24 2013, 11:41 PM)lol indian hindus and muslims make up 95% of the population, remaining 5 or something percent or so is christians, i dunno if they eat pork or notOops, yeah of course Muslim also don't consume pork la. Indian Christians don't have this problem. They eat pork like chicken.Last time Pau is only Chinese people eat and also dim sum. Now Halal Pau is very popular among the Malays, Halal dim sum also slowly growing.This post has been edited by Skidd Chung: Apr 24 2013, 11:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999533891677856} +{"text": "QUOTE(bg12 @ Oct 25 2016, 01:41 PM)Haneef, who has been missionary for 26 years.dayum......x bosan wanna try other styles? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968691468238831} +{"text": "nak tanya, banyak tak kedai makanan halal di Hokkaido? kalau musim salji, mmg tebal ke saljinya? plan nk pergi awal bulan 2. pastu berbaloi ke naik shinkansen dari Osaka ke Tokyo? patut ambil JR pass atau beli tiket shinkansen je? (sorry byk tanya, dulu travel ke Tokyo shj)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9892316460609436} +{"text": "Nasi lemak, makanan yang semakin popular bukan sahaja di dalam negara tetapi semakin digilai di tahap antarabangsa.Ya la\u2026 sejak seorang wanita Malaysia memenangi pertandingan Masterchef di United Kingdom dengan masakan Nasi Lemak, makanan itu seolah dapat pengiktirafan baharu.Makanan yang dibanggakan sebagai makanan rasmi Malaysia melalui pelbagai fasa revolusi.Beberapa bulan lepas, McDonalds di Singapura memperkenalkan burger nasi lemak untuk tempoh terhad dikatakan menerima sambutan luar biasa.Terkini satu lagi menu nasi lemak sedang viral di laman sosial, sumpah, tengok gambar pun sudah cukup mengujakan.Ya, siapa suka nasi lemak dan udang karang, bolehlah mencuba \u201cdouble happiness\u201d ini, cuma anda kena berjalan keluar dari sempadan Johor ke Singapura.Gerai ini menjual nasi lemak udang karang dan pelbagai pilihan menu makanan laut dikesan di Tampines, Singapura.Gerai tersebut dikendalikan oleh individu berbangsa Melayu sudah lama beroperasi dan terkenal dengan masakan udang karang panggang yang disalut 3 jenis keju dan sos bawang putih.Hmm.. dengar pun sudah menyelerakan bukan?Dengar khabar, nasi lemak udang karangnya juga cepat habis dan ia menghampakan pelanggan kerana peniaga tersebut menerima tempahan terlebih awal sehingga beratus bungkusan terjual sebelum gerai itu dibuka lagi.Nasi lemak udang karang dijual pada harga RM69 (S$22) dan turut disediakan ialah pilihan makanan laut lain seperti udang, sotong, ikan salmon dan sebagainya.Bagi nasi lemak biasa yang lain, harganya bermula pada RM22 (S$7) dan dijamin halal.Kalau ada rezeki, bolehlah cuba dan beritahu kami macam mana rasanya.Mungkin selepas ini giliran rakyat Malaysia pula buat pembaharuan yang ada umph.Janganlah sekadar buat nasi lemak pondan, bujang, anak dara dan Hello Kitty, fikirlah pasal memperkayakan menu selain jenama gerai itu sendiri.Kredit gambar: Facebook Nabillah Sahakhttp://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...k-udang-karang/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6824827194213867} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Apr 7 2024, 09:30 PM)PETALING JAYA: Four Malaysians - Bryan Lim from Kuala Lumpur, Elisa See from Johor and Victor Ngow and Thamini Vijeyasingam, both from Selangor - will be joining the Harvard College class of 2028.The four are among the international students selected from across 94 countries to attend Harvard College, and international students make up 15.4% out of the 1,937 students admitted.The College received a total of 54,008 applications, with a 3.59% admission rate.Bryan completed his IGCSEs at Garden International School, Kuala Lumpur, while Victor completed his SPM at SMK Damansara Utama, Selangor.In addition, Thamini completed her secondary school studies at ELC International School in Sungai Buloh while Elisa did so at Marlborough College Malaysia in Iskandar Puteri, Johor.Victor is a Petronas scholar and intends to major in Environmental Science and Public Policy or Environmental Engineering, Bryan plans to major in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Elisa looks to major in Government (Political Science) and Economics or Computer Science, while Thamini plans to study Economics and Philosophy.On the admissions, Harvard alumni interviewer Wan Nadiah Wan Mohd Abdullah Yaakob said that the university searches for students who demonstrate a deep commitment to their interests and who have expanded their energy in creative ways to build something meaningful.https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024...d-class-of-2028Congratulations to the 4.All the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoGaki @ Nov 3 2014, 10:49 PM)Red Lobster Restoran in The Intermark, serve beer n Alchohol.... but I see lots of malays eat there (mean not alcohol... only food) I read that muslims eating in a placer where alcohol served is haram ??mohon ustaz's of /k explain?If you go abroad like UK its also like that....Pak Arab shops no serve pork But in front sure got Bar one.....and they are allowed to bring the drinks to the makan table.If cannot find arab shops (like in US), Jew shops also is an option if got nothing else to eat.This post has been edited by azbro: Nov 4 2014, 12:12 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998954176902771} +{"text": "AFTER durians and tau fu fah, the Chinese New Year favourite bak kwa (dried barbecued pork slices) is the next to have \"hunky\" men promoting the delicacy.Major Chinese dailies highlighted the Internet buzz surrounding Wong Quan Jing, 27, and his friend Fong Tian Li, 25, after pictures of them selling and promoting bak kwa in Kluang, Johor, went viral.Pictures posted by their friends on Facebook garnered more than 400 shares and over 5,500 likes within 24 hours.The duo, who are friends, are also personal trainers at a fitness centre. - See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/malaysia/bak-...h.UakJ3VJY.dpufinb4 : malay eated bak kwa https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=3565571 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996923208236694} +{"text": "@chaaleesi Jauh beza \"tak halal\" dan \"tak halal-certified\". Satu awak kata makanan tu haram dimakan, satu lagi tiada sijil halal yang dipohon. Hati-hati buat claim macam ni, kalau salah tuduh berdosa.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kayacrab @ Jul 12 2024, 09:01 AM)The first time 48-year-old rapper Sheikh Haikel tried Hainanese chicken rice, his mind was blown. He tells 8days.sg: \u201cWhen I was young, I had the chance to try chicken rice from a famous stall. Those were the days they only sold chicken rice, and didn\u2019t have [pork] zi char dishes. My gosh! It just turned my world around. I was thinking about how there\u2019s no pork in chicken rice, so I\u2019m sure I can find somebody who can achieve the same [authentic] taste, but halal,\u201d he excitedly shares. That somebody turned out to be him. He recently opened a legit Hainanese chicken rice eatery named Hai Ge Ji Hainanese Chicken Rice, a clever play on his name Haikel. He set up the 50-seater Bugis restaurant together with his celeb wife, Anna Belle Francis, 46, and five other business partners. The full-service eatery opened on 7 July 2024, and is the latest of the rapper\u2019s F&B ventures - Sheikh also co-owns halal yakiniku joint Wakuwaku Yakiniku and the now-defunct burger joint, FatPapas. Why Hainanese chicken rice? Of all the local foods, why did the rapper choose to specialise in Hainanese chicken rice? Sheikh says: \u201cChicken rice is a local staple - every foreigner that comes to Singapore, people tell them to try chicken rice. It\u2019s a dish you can\u2019t play around with.\u201d Though Hai Ge Ji isn\u2019t the first to sell halal chicken rice, Sheikh notes that the other stalls aren\u2019t at the scale of bigger brand names. \u201cI think it was high time that we had a halal Hainanese chicken rice shop that plays at the same level as the old-school big boys like Boon Tong Kee and Five Star Chicken Rice,\u201d he explains. Anna Belle tells us they have plans to expand: \u201cWe are concentrating 100 percent on the launch of our first outlet, but yes, discussions have taken place about expansion into chains in future\u201d.Worked with a team of Chinese cooks To ensure that their dish remains true to taste, Sheikh and Anna Belle hired a team of four Chinese cooks, one of whom hails from Hainan, China, and another who worked at a \u201cfamous chicken rice chain\u201d (they tell us which one off the record) in Singapore. \u201cWe wanted an authentic experience, and we can only replicate this if we work closely with our Chinese cooks,\u201d Anna Belle explains. What exactly is this authentic taste? Sheikh emphasises on the soy-based sauce and chilli: \u201cIf the sauce is done right and has the right consistency, it clings onto and gets absorbed by the chicken meat. The chilli has to be hot, sour, and can\u2019t slide off the spoon so easily\u201d. The restaurant also uses \u201cpremium halal chickens\u201d, and jasmine rice. While we haven\u2019t tried Hai Ge\u2019s chicken rice yet, Sheikh boldly declares it \u201cthe best Hainanese chicken rice\u201d in a video he posted on his socials. What makes them the best exactly? The celeb says: \u201caside from being halal, the restaurant replicates the complete Hainanese chicken rice experience with traditional recipes, Chinese chefs, Chinese decor and ambience\u201d. They\u2019ve only officially opened a day ago, but he says response has been overwhelmingly good: \u201cI\u2019m very humbled - it has been packed nonstop and full-house [since opening].\u201d Some of Hai Ge\u2019s supporters include fellow celeb friends like Gurmit Singh, Diana Ser and Patricia Mok.The menu Hai Ge Ji\u2019s chicken rice starts at $8 for a single portion of their signature a la carte Hai Ge Ji Chicken Rice, and goes up to $13.80 for a Hai Ge Ji Chicken Rice Single Set with thigh or drumstick. The set comes with soup and a veggie side of either baby kailan or bean sprouts. The eatery also sells a whole steamed or roasted chicken for $42, and a half portion for $24. Hai Ge Ji Hainanese Chicken Rice is at 783 North Bridge Rd, S198751. Open daily 11.30am - 3pm; 5pm - 9.30pm. Tel: 9478 2070. More info via Facebook and Instagram. https://www.8days.sg/eatanddrink/newsandrev...ai-ge-ji-832781lowyat.sg ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978906512260437} +{"text": "QUOTE(Number92 @ Jun 10 2019, 12:32 PM)This is why SGD1 = RM3.00inb4singapork stressful country / singapork kiasu / at least we don't live in cages / x suka keluar etc etc ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997230172157288} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Feb 26 2024, 03:14 PM)I mean maybe got some points but this simping for Hatyai like a bit overboard. How much tour operators pay him for sponsored content?Hatyai mostly free and easy tour, i think a lot of local tiktoker doing content about Hatyai and become viral, luring more and more local malay travelling there. TBH siamese don't simply overcharge tourist like the locals here, for them it is bread and butter and they treat tourist well, and also won't overcharge for food. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.And you consume 1kg of kimchi per sitting? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9327137470245361} +{"text": "QUOTE(stimix @ Mar 30 2018, 11:30 AM)Chi tan kou. Already century old in Msia suddenly came in as famous dangsui, taipei traditional cake...Can easily get cheaper from pasar pagi /pasar malam.. cake/kuih stallsslap it with a brand, said from overseainstant image and price upmarehsian must thinkoh oversea mali mesti sedap ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayambetul @ Oct 30 2023, 09:55 PM)Semua mahu monopoly....Diaorg monopoly.. tapi bila ekonomi teruk, or harga barang mahalSalah Cina/DAP/Nons ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998519420623779} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 3 2024, 08:32 PM)doesnt matter to me. thats just a way they want to get butthurt muslims to use syariah version.syariah automatically deduct\u00a0 2.5% each year to give to zakat.fuck that shit.i will stick to conventional version.zakat simpanan is a scam. i already pay zakat pendapatan. if i save the remaining money in a bank that gives dividen, why should poor people benefit from it. save la sendiri.Heart so black meaning you need to pay more zakat. Eat too much rezeki haram dy. Bertaubatlah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997714161872864} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Aug 19 2022, 06:14 PM)If u understood what is halal and haram and how it impacts so much in muslim daily life you will understand what's he try to portray hereBut unfortunately you're notKolosSince halal is so important to a Muslim, there is a simple solution. Just insist to dine only if have halal cert. ALL establishment, even if it is Muslim owned and workers all Malay.For e.g., this scam will not succeed if not with Malay participation. Scam don't look at race or religion, cina also tipu cina, India pun tipu India. Try it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999078512191772} +{"text": "wehh, nak berapa tered KFC ni?benci tetapi rindu.mahu tetapi malu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Usually liddisTak puasa -> big no noRasuah -> eh takpela itu urusan dia dengan Allahextra point if hubby smoking (haram) but no dare to sound or buat2 tak nampak only ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996609687805176} +{"text": "Green state power . . . heaven view best, who cares current needs. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9759888052940369} +{"text": "QUOTE(ocphangaz @ Feb 9 2017, 10:52 AM)they are not supposed to touch haram stuffs...just watch tedX on porcine made materials... from soap, to paint, to brush and synthetic fillers... all pork.haram or halal.. there is a definition to it. those that you can't control, you can't label it.pork is haram when it's eaten, so anything concerning with porcine product also haram? eventhough it's for commercial usage?In that case, how about alcohol? it's haram too but it's widely used in medical field ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999589920043945} +{"text": "QUOTE(dest9116 @ May 27 2024, 07:52 PM)Lol no, best is the wedding album, after get put in the drawer, now 5 years d, never once open to see it, got mould or not also dunno lollol exactly. I did digital copy only run on slideshow on bigasstv at home force my visitors to watch hahahahahaha just to justify the return on expenditure hahahahahaha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988743662834167} +{"text": "QUOTE(Selectt @ Jul 21 2024, 04:41 PM)ppl eat at oriental is because of the location not because of the food. Their food is mediocre at best except their tart as i heard. would do more food hunting to find a better place.Ayam agree Oriental is so overrated I have no idea why people line up berpanjang-panjang in malls. I've been there several times because we had to find for halal places to eat and the chicken was not fresh (frozen chicken) and the nasi lemak is mediocre at best but definitely not worth RM 18. The only redeeming food there is the egg tart but I don't see myself ever going back there and I'll find a different place to bring my Muslim friends to dine at ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(Protoculture @ May 21 2019, 12:36 PM)Substitute jadah apa. Takkan Hui punya food culture 1000+ years nak label ciplak pulop.Padahal language and culture so similar oledi cuma bab halal haram, tapi generally indistinguishable.Nak jugak tegak benang basah.Hui punya 1000+ years resepi xde babi xde arak kan.../k kata substitute yellow wine with tongkat ali...Kalau, substitute mcm tu, bukan original kan... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "Saya yakin tiada siapa pun yg berniat memfitnah. Kalau bab halal haram makanan kat Msia ni awam terus nampak JAKIM bukanlah satu perkara yg pelik. Kerana semua sedia maklum JAKIM ialah badan yg ada authority atas perkara ini. Mahukan pencerahan bukan bermaksud nak attack/fitnah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5112656950950623} +{"text": "QUOTE(Clement1001 @ Jan 9 2024, 10:59 AM)who actually monitors the Ulama license in Malaysia ?state purview ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997778534889221} +{"text": "40 tahun daging haram ke sana, ke sini ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9175139665603638} +{"text": "I did some searching and found the original post.(I can't embed the FB link, for some reason it says privacy settings changed for that post)The group post link, HERE.Based on his post/replies:1. The location is Puchong Prima, in front of KFC. It seems like the seller is from Ramadhan bazaar there.2. The actual price for the said spice chicken rice is RM12. Additional RM3 was the price for tempeh.3. The portion does seem small, there's approx. 1 scoop of rice, 1 chicken breast, I assumed, a few slices of cucumber, 1 piece of tempeh, and 1 piece of begedil.4. That guy's response to some of the comments seems aggressive, no idea why.One thing I noticed, when it comes to purchasing food, we rarely ask for the price beforehand, instead, we just bought it first, feel disappointed afterward, and proceed to viral the shit out of it.What he can do at the time, he can politely ask for the price before buying, and make an informed decision after that, whether to buy it or not.This post has been edited by MRaef: Mar 26 2023, 04:21 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995229244232178} +{"text": "Bukan kamu yg pigi, tapi ko nampak gambar orang lain, lepas tu ko risau pulak anak dia???Kamu makan kenyang takde benda yg lagi bermanfaat nak buat? Twitter itu produk yahudi kan? Kalo ko begitu sensitif, kenapa tak uninstall twitter? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999737739562988} +{"text": "QUOTE(teikboon @ Feb 6 2018, 10:36 AM)my relative that work in toto say his boss tak suka one... maybe he accepted it now liao...his another son also kahwin malay if not mistaken...If one more of his son married malay, then he really have no one to carry his name.... kesianThis post has been edited by drowning: Feb 6 2018, 10:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959228038787842} +{"text": "QUOTE(Raddus @ Apr 19 2024, 10:41 AM)Malaysian pride also claim malaysian food is best in the worldactually only apart from own ppl sg rate it highYou know how to see graph or not bro? We are not so prideful unlike pinoys. The graph already prove it, our food is just average, our taste buds are average. Pinoy on the other hand is the toppest kek. Highest satisfaction for other cuisine, yet their food is rank so damn low shows that deep down in their heart, they know their food suck so bad, thats why they have the highest satisfaction for other cuisine. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9325169324874878} +{"text": "QUOTE(kmrdeva @ Jul 9 2024, 10:01 AM)When did you go last? I don\u2019t think it\u2019s below 300 baht now for seafood buffet.But I do agree that the hatyai seafood buffets are super cheap and good compared to the shit we get in MY.not so cheap la. the last time i went in May is near 500baht per pax. but worth every penny. can keep order they cook those fish. siakap, grouper, bawal dan macam macamthose grouper if in Msia cinapek restaurant easily RM200-300 seekor. there we 6 person whack like 5-6 ekor already. all cook different style.havent count the mookata and other dessert and food. best giler. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9294832944869995} +{"text": "EH MEREPEK APA NI? KENA JUGALAH SIJIL HALAL. ENTAH PEKERJA DARI MANA KORANG BAWA MASUK. BUKAN SEMUA KEDAI MAMAK JUJUR. YAKIN SANGAT KE KEDAI MAMAK BERSIH? https://t.co/A1SbmZ1gs4", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9787534475326538} +{"text": "QUOTE(enterthefatdragon @ Oct 6 2022, 08:34 AM)soskalau tak mampu buat grand, buat la simple style....Before i saw the pic, i tried guessing and my guess was spot on. These ppl memang like to misuse other ppl sympathy and take advantage of it. If it was a chinese caterer, no deposit no delivery ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996235191822052} +{"text": "QUOTE(NineEleven @ Sep 12 2015, 03:54 PM)I sokong. Belia Benci BlobsSbb I sayang baymax.Belia Benci Bob pun ok. Sebab siapa nama Bob mesti gemuk. Betul tak? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999693632125854} +{"text": "@nuenaema @RidzwanMahazan I work at yogurt icecream kiosk. Xda sijil halal. Dah keje baru tahu Yogurt tu guna gelatin. Ingatkan xda apa2 gelatin/lard/pork. Mcm Mana la all this Muslim makan yogurt ada gelatin. Mujur LA kotak yogurt tu ada logo halal.fuhhhh lg best, gelatin lembu. Indian beli yogurt????", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971207976341248} +{"text": "summary: isu nasi lemak paling penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993519186973572} +{"text": "QUOTE(fuzzy @ Oct 20 2015, 04:33 PM)Think you have to renew it one. So either they don't bother to renew it after expire, or they failed upon the renewal process thus not awarded one.I still makan their pandan bun time to time.. damn ssedap..yep maybe that reasonyet this holier than thou people keep assuming they make haram food when previously it is confirmed halal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999755322933197} +{"text": "Xing Fu Tang diiktiraf Halal oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\udde9 dan dalam proses akhir untuk mendapatkan sijil halal JAKIM \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe https://t.co/m9bmp0Y7xM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998250603675842} +{"text": "also the cause of many sabotaging others/rival business nowadayssudah ada logo halal jakimbut making smear fake haram post in whatsapp to make it viraljust last year 3 business around my place kena1 of them more pity have to close shop for a week for thorough check, turns out nothing ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997276663780212} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.What is the word to give the bolded statement a definition: entitled? first-class citizens? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971374273300171} +{"text": "Tak ada sijil halal = haram u all gonna die living overseas", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9927365779876709} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 10:31 AM)[attachmentid=8642471][attachmentid=8642476]so non serve alcohol sea food place in borneo is haram? this is why the \"Halal\" brand by Jakim is actually just a scam to get profit, I meant Muslim should have know what is haram and what base on ingredients aloneIf they start a new company called Harimau which only produce non alcohol drinks then maybe they will get it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "QUOTE(hax123 @ Jan 16 2022, 11:53 PM)he only attends to 1 viral case, there are so many stateless cases out there. with his position and power, he should've solve the systemic problem. but then malaysian being syukur type, \"at least he did something\", \"better than nothing\" \u2026 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5365514755249023} +{"text": "sos OEMSETIAP hari, kita pasti terdengar keluhan masyarakat tentang keadaan ekonomi negara yang semakin membimbangkan.Ekoran peningkatan harga minyak petrol, barangan runcit dan lain-lain perkhidmatan, sebahagian masyarakat mencari alternatif bagi memperoleh pendapatan sampingan iaitu terutamanya berniaga.Keadaan ekonomi negara yang tidak menentu itu terkandung seribu hikmah apabila lahirnya ramai usahawan muda menerusi produk jenama sendiri dalam segmen produk kecantikan saban tahun.Biarpun lambakan produk kecantikan dengan jenama-jenama baharu yang bersaing bersama pemain bidang kosmetik dalam negara, tidak ramai yang tahu kebanyakan daripada produk itu dikilangkan menerusi satu produksi yang sama.Hampir 60 peratus produk kecantikan dalam negara pelbagai jenama adalah dihasilkan dari kilang barangan pengeluar peralatan asal (OEM) ZY Phyto yang terletak di Puncak Alam, Selangor.Sejak tahun 2007, kilang yang bernaung di bawah nama Kumpulan Syarikat ZY Phyto (ZY Phyto) itu telah menghasilkan lebih 500 jenama di pasaran tempatan dengan variasi produk kecantikan pelbagai jenama.KosmetikPengarah Eksekutif ZY Phyto, Sharifah Ameelia Akma Mohd. Ramly berkata, permintaan perniagaan kosmetik oleh usahawan bumiputera dalam negara dilihat tidak pernah surut biarpun ekonomi perniagaan lain yang kian perlahan.\u201cRamai usahawan tempatan yang terdiri daripada golongan belia semakin celik untuk menjadikan perniagaan kosmetik sebagai profesion baharu.\u201cDengan memberi penekanan terhadap usaha-usaha penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) bagi menghasilkan produk berkualiti mengikut permintaan pelanggan, ZY Phyto mampu membangunkan jenama baharu yang setaraf dengan produk kecantikan antarabangsa.\u201cMalah, penyertaan usahawan daripada kaum lain turut membangunkan jenama baharu bersama kami iaitu sebanyak 10 peratus setakat ini,\u201d kongsinya ketika ditemui Kosmo! di Shah Alam, Selangor baru-baru ini.ZY Phyto merupakan pusat sehenti dalam memberi khidmat rundingan lengkap kepada individu mahupun syarikat yang berminat untuk menghasilkan produk berjenama sendiri.Syarikat itu mempunyai pusat R&D yang terdiri daripada tenaga kerja pakar terlatih dan mempunyai kelulusan diiktiraf bagi memastikan produk dihasilkan mampu memberi kesan terbaik.Usaha penyelidikan dan pembangunan itu adalah bagi memastikan setiap produk yang dikeluarkan tidak memberi kesan negatif kepada pengguna.Selain itu, kilang syarikat tersebut juga bertaraf Amalan Pengilangan Baik (GMP) dan menerima pengiktirafan ISO 9001-2008 bagi Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti.Dengan hanya bermodalkan serendah RM2,000, impian menjadi seorang usahawan kosmetik kini tidak lagi mustahil untuk dicapai.Bahkan peluang bagi individu yang baharu berjinak-jinak dalam perniagaan kosmetik memperoleh pendapatan sama lumayan seperti jutawan kosmetik yang lain adalah tidak mustahil untuk dilakukan.Menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ZY Phyto, Zaidi Yusoff, usahawan yang memaksimumkan kemahiran mereka dengan ilmu perniagaan dan pemasaran yang tepat membolehkan mereka memperoleh jumlah pendapatan yang lumayan.\u201cSemua orang mampu menjadi pemilik kepada produk jenama sendiri, namun apa yang perlu diberi penekanan adalah ilmu bagi mengekalkan relevan produk itu di pasaran.\u201cTanpa ilmu yang mencukupi khususnya dalam bidang pemasaran, produk yang baik sekali pun pasti sukar bersaing dengan produk daripada jenama terkemuka lain.Pensijilan halal\u201cNamun usah bimbang, ZY Phyto turut memberikan rundingan dan bimbingan melibatkan ilmu berkaitan keusahawanan kepada mereka yang baharu sahaja membina jenama baharu bersama kami,\u201d jelasnya.Setakat ini, Zy Phyto mempunyai sebanyak dua buah kilang di Bandar Puncak Alam yang masing-masing mempunyai kapasiti berskala sederhana dan tinggi.Kilang-kilang itu mematuhi Skim Pensijilan Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) dan menerima pensijilan halal daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia.Bagi mempertingkatkan lagi kapasiti pengeluaran produk, ZY Phyto merancang untuk menambah dua buah kilang lagi iaitu di Pasir Mas, Kelantan dan Kedah menjelang akhir tahun ini - KOSMO ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8177770376205444} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 5 2023, 06:15 PM)Pandai ponRamai pemakan babi tak faham konsep halal haram niButa2 thought all halal only certificate by JAKIMHelo bodo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Makanan halal dan bersih akan membentuk jiwa yang suci dan jasmani yang sehat. Makanan haram akan membentuk jiwa yang keji dan hewani", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9810836911201477} +{"text": "hafiz rahimhttps://hafizrahim.comhafizmdrahim@gmail.com016-2124714WWD850White VIOSSaya dilahirkan pada tahun 1985 sebagai anak kedua daripada 3 adik beradik. Merupakan anak kelahiran Terengganu dan sekarang menetap di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. Nama sebenar adalah Abdul Hafiz Rafiuddin, tetapi menggunakan nama pena blog sebagai Hafiz Rahim yang membawa maksud kepada gabungan nama sendiri dan nama ayah. Alhamdulillah, telah mendirikan rumah tangga pada tahun 2011 dan mempunyai seorang cahaya mata.Disebabkan ayah merupakan seorang bekas guru, saya pernah mendapat pendidikan awal dibeberapa buah sekolah rendah dan juga sekolah menengah. Zaman persekolahan ditamatkan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan yang kemudiannya membawa saya untuk melanjutkan pengajian di dalam jurusan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di Malaysia France Institute, Bangi.Mula berjinak dengan komputer seawal tahun 2001 iaitu semasa bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.George, Taiping dan mendapat pendedahan awal tentang dunia internet melalui laman chat mIRC. Kemudiannya terjebak dalam pembangunan laman web atau blog menggunakan GeoCities, Tripod Lycos dan juga Blogspot.Pada tahun 2011, saya telah membeli domain sendiri yang pertama iaitu HafizRahim.com dan telah menggunakannya diblog berplatformkan Blogspot. Tetapi setelah mula mempelajari dan mengetahui tentang selok belok menggunakan WordPress (pembelajaran melalui Youtube dan juga eBook yang telah dibeli), domain itu telah dipindahkan sepenuhnya kepada blog baru yang berplatformkan WordPress.Sepanjang tempoh berblogging secara serius, blog HafizRahim.com telah mendapat pengiktirafan sebagai Top 50 Blogger of the year 2013 DiGi WWWOW Award dan juga MSMW Favourite Micro Blog 2013.Bagi yang berminat untuk bekerjasama ataupun mendapatkan khidmat saya dalam mengeluarkan advertorial dan ulasan produk, boleh menghubungi saya di hafizmdrahim@gmail.com ataupun admin@hafizrahim.com.Artikel asal di: https://hafizrahim.com/kenali-penulis/#ixzz8JaRicGGiFollow us: @hafizmdrahim on TwitterThis post has been edited by gashout: Nov 20 2023, 03:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5894309282302856} +{"text": "\n\n The original suggestion was stupid anyway\n \n Vegetarian stalls would be forced to get halal cert , they have zero choice because they don't sell haram stuffs.\n \n Might as well letak one beer bottle/ Babi at menu to circumvent the ruling. When people order can just say not available.\n \n The divide will be bigger, either you be part of us or you join them.\n \n Tapi random PH trooper will tell me current gomen not Islamically Draconian yet, Anwar tak Salah, semua salah PN paksa PH.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928297400474548} +{"text": "\r\nTekak dia\r\nDuit dia\r\nDosa dia\n\r\nKo hado? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984015822410583} +{"text": "https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/699396Tiada perkauman, buli di sekolah Cina - ibu bapaSeth Akmal & Tan Fu QiDi tengah-tengah kontroversi susulan dakwaan seorang ahli akademik bahawa sekolah Cina menyemai perkauman, ibu bapa yang menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah vernakular itu menolak tanggapan sedemikian.Ibu bapa yang ditinjau, termasuk dari kalangan bukan Cina di sekolah vernakular sekitar Lembah Klang memberitahu KiniTV bahawa anak-anak mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan baik di sekolah tersebut dan tidak menerima layanan buruk.Seorang ibu bapa yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Khairul Azwan berkata, isterinya yang mencadangkan untuk menghantar anak perempuan mereka yang berusia tujuh tahun ke sekolah Cina.Selain mempelajari bahasa Mandarin, katanya, anaknya juga akan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggeris dengan lebih baik kerana sekolah itu mengutamakan pelajaran bahasa.ADS\u201cIbunya pernah belajar di sekolah Cina juga, sebab itu dia beri cadangan.\"Tiada masalah. Anak perempuan saya bergaul dengan semua orang. Ia sama seperti mana-mana sekolah kebangsaan, hanya ada bahasa Mandarin sebagai tambahan,\" kata lelaki berusia 33 tahun itu kepada Malaysiakini.Tinjauan itu dijalankan untuk mengukur maklum balas ibu bapa terhadap dakwaan ahli akademik Teo Kok Seong bahawa sekolah Cina menyebarkan perkauman.Selain itu, Teo juga mendakwa masyarakat Cina mempunyai persepsi negatif terhadap masyarakat Melayu dan India.ADSKenyataan itu mendorong Ahli Parlimen Seputeh Teresa Kok menggesa polis untuk menyiasat Teo.Seorang lagi ibu bapa, Jerma Junaidi berkata anak perempuannya yang berusia 10 tahun enggan dipindahkan dari sekolahnya sekarang dan telah memilih untuk mengikuti kelas tuisyen Mandarin untuk meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa itu.\"Cikgu memberitahu saya tahap bahasa Mandarin anak saya agak lemah, dan mencadangkan sama ada memindahkannya ke sekolah lain atau mengambil tuisyen. Saya memilih ambil tuisyen.\"Apabila saya bertanya kepada anak perempuan saya, dia kata dia sangat menyukai sekolah itu,\" kata wanita kacukan Filipina dan fasih berbahasa Tagalog itu.Dia menggesa ibu bapa supaya lebih berfikiran terbuka dan membiarkan anak-anak mereka belajar bahasa tambahan.Manfaat bahasa tambahanBahtiar Mohd Isa mempunyai dua anak lelaki yang mendaftar dalam sistem pendidikan vernakular, begitu juga dengan beberapa rakannya.Dia melihat tambahan bahasa yang dipelajari (Mandarin) sebagai faedah tambahan untuk anak-anaknya.ADSLelaki berusia 49 tahun itu berkata bahawa anak-anak lelakinya menyesuaikan diri dengan baik di sekolah mereka dan selesa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Mandarin dengan rakan-rakan mereka.Tambahnya, anak-anaknya tidak pernah dibuli atau dianiaya oleh rakan sebayanya.Justeru, Bahtiar melihat tiada keperluan sekolah satu aliran, terutama di negara berbilang kaum seperti Malaysia.Seorang lagi bapa, yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Henry, mempunyai tiga anak yang mendaftar dalam sistem pendidikan vernakular.Menurutnya, anak-anaknya yang berusia antara 8 hingga 13 tahun itu fasih bertutur dalam bahasa Mandarin, Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia.Seperti Bahtiar, Henry turut menafikan sebarang kes buli yang melibatkan anak-anaknya dan menegaskan kes sebegitu boleh berlaku sama ada dalam sistem sekolah arus perdana atau vernakular.\"Anak saya boleh belajar bagaimana untuk terus hidup di sini. Di sekolah, dia dapat bertemu dengan kaum lain selain Melayu. Supaya apabila dia keluar, dia tidak menghadapi masalah untuk bergaul,\" kata lelaki berusia 41 tahun itu.Layanan sama rataAbdul Muiz Mohd Basar mahu anaknya yang berusia lapan tahun mempelajari bahasa tambahan supaya mendapat kelebihan tambahan apabila mencari pekerjaan nanti.Dia dengan bangga menyatakan bahawa anaknya telah menjadi seorang yang berdaya saing dengan rakan sekelasnya, sama ada dalam akademik mahupun dalam aktiviti kokurikulum.\"Dia tidak pernah merungut tentang sebarang isu perkauman, dan dia sangat selesa berkawan dengan rakan sebaya Cinanya,\" kata lelaki berusia 39 tahun itu.Ibu Vivian Soh, yang memasukkan anak-anaknya dalam sistem vernakular, mengulangi pendapat Abdul Muiz mengenai aspek penguasaan bahasa.\u201cJika saya menghantar mereka ke sekolah biasa, mereka akan menghadapi masalah belajar bahasa Mandarin kerana lebih mudah untuk belajar Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris.\u201cABC lebih mudah dipelajari, tidak seperti bahasa Mandarin kerana anda perlu mengingati banyak perkara. Setiap garis membawa maksud yang berbeza,\u201d tambahnya.Sebagai orang Cina sendiri, Soh menolak dakwaan bahawa pelajar Cina memandang rendah pelajar Melayu.\"Ini bergantung kepada bagaimana pelajar dididik oleh keluarga masing-masing mengenai perkara itu, tetapi saya rasa ia tidak menjadi isu,\" katanya.Soh berkata, dia tidak akan menghadapi masalah untuk mendaftarkan anak-anaknya dalam pendidikan arus perdana jika isu-isu yang membelenggu sekolah seumpamanya diselesaikan.Seorang lagi ibu, Sally Ong, turut berkongsi pandangan mengenai kelebihan bahasa tambahan.\u201cKakak ipar saya berbangsa Melayu dan dia juga menghantar anak-anaknya ke sekolah Cina.\"Orang Cina dan Melayu boleh hidup bersama secara harmoni. Kita tidak ada masalah (perkauman) dan semuanya baik-baik saja,\" kata lelaki berusia 50 tahun itu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9904183745384216} +{"text": "Lepas nie, semua bahan makanan halal yg nak masuk Malaysia kena buat saringan JAKIM dari segi proses dan ketulinan halal..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9975456595420837} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Dec 27 2023, 02:56 PM)How about jgn buka aib orang? How about husnuzon?Itu bukan buka aib orang. Banyak orang buka aib sendiri guna social media. Jadi orang tegur lah, tapi kadang-kadang orang tidak tahu situasi yg sebenar.Bagi saya, kalau suka nak bagi tahu semua orang apa kita buat, kena terima saja apa orang kutuk atau puji tak kira betul atau salah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986237287521362} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ May 8 2024, 04:21 PM)As long as you don't promote with Halal logo.Halal or Haram is between you as customer and the shopowner.Missed out something. Oren use fake halal logo no issue pun just need to pay fine.https://hype.my/2024/371172/ds-vida-breaks-...on-skin-snacks/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956222176551819} +{"text": "Touch the bottle consider haram.only in Shafie school ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyamiblack @ Oct 20 2016, 02:36 PM)It's only the first page dude and it's your own post. Mau malas cari pun agak-agak la.its not your post im replying to thats why besides i'd already move on from this thread ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993301510810852} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jiao2 Itchy @ Mar 30 2021, 03:34 PM)i mean just take a look at proton's invoice and receipt also you know ady ler..\u00a0 \u00a0 still using those early 2000s printer which makes the chiit chiit chiit sound, and the holes on the sides of the paper that you can tear off..QUOTE(Stirmling @ Mar 30 2021, 03:50 PM)Welp. Just like in construction sector, once you sub sub sub to chyna then all kinds of problem starts to crop up. Ah not only potong laMy campeni still using ancient printer because boss manyak kedekut one. 10 y/o printer rosak, rather die die find repairs for it instead of change better one. Dot matrix printer still very popular, reason is because can print onto carbon paper. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99847811460495} +{"text": "HI GUYS MAKANAN TEPI JALAN YANG TAK CERTIFIED BY JAKIM TU HARAM KE ???", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5051159858703613} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Feb 12 2024, 01:31 PM)My mom\u2019s birthday next weekSeraiChef wan restaurant - honestly this is the best. The restaurant cantik woo.Indon restaurant dunwan? At KL east got a pretty indon restaurant upstairs. I think its name is bali somethingThis post has been edited by MegaCanonF: Feb 12 2024, 08:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 05:56 PM)dude in Islam, dogs and pigs = haram. full stop.anything to do with those two animals = haram. full stop.unless it's truly an emergency (meaning no other animal can replace those 2) it's haram whichever way you look at it.doesn't matter if it's not for eating, it's still haram and you need to cleanse your hands even if you touch them.is that hard to understand?as for the raid, it's already stopped.and do you even understand the world civilise?did the enforcement officers arrest the traders?did they rough the traders?yeah I think it's wrong for the kpdnkk ppl to confiscate the offending brushes, but they are just following orders.they are not the enemy, UMNO/BN are.keep that in mind.the raid had stop,.. but the restriction still on,... didn't u read ??... kolot superstitious believe that make trouble to normal people on petty things is civilized ??? QUOTEPunishments for violations of the Minister\u2019s Order are RM100,000 fines, three years\u2019 jail or both for individuals, while corporations face fines of up to RM250,000. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999848484992981} +{"text": "Aku juga gitu dulu suka ilang naget, sosis, babi panggang wkwkwk... Brengsek emang. Makanya aku sekarang beli kulkas sendiri buat di kamar. Walopun 1 pintu seenggak nya aman makanan ku haha.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9755442142486572} +{"text": "Haram in food doesnt always about pork and halal in food doesnt always about sijil jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99934321641922} +{"text": "\r\nAda nampak kat tiktok gigih menjual serbuk ape ntah macam corn starch yang bancuh air terus minum tu.. Cikgu samn ni laa kantoikan benda tu tak halal.. Lepas tu ade la orang2 ni komen kat seller tu.. Gigih laa seller ni memblock orang2 yang tegur tu kata nak tutup periuk nasi dia.. Haram jadah punya perangai.. Bila yang taktau ni tanya pasal halal ke tak dok sindir2 orang tu pastu block.. Bingai", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998307228088379} +{"text": "seriously thought vaping is halal?i vape also know its haram ledi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "His stall - suka hati dea la brape nk jual.Ur money - suka hati u la nk beli ke tak.Authority ok je ... dea kecoh ape ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998825788497925} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Nov 29 2023, 09:55 AM)Kebelakanggan ni banyak orang keliru ngan makanan minuman.Kalo terminum benda haram banyak dosa tau. Masuk melaka skali seteguk.Mai I tunjuk Coke yg haram ada unsur kapir ngan tulisan mat salleh.Supaya anda tidak terminum coke haram.[attachmentid=11485747]Agak agak sedap Tak coke ni?BrbSedap bosss.... 2 tin minum dh bole jumpa malaikat maut ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997373223304749} +{"text": "QUOTE(MR_alien @ Jul 7 2024, 01:10 PM)stick to logitechand the cheaper it is, the more long lasting it is.....weirdlyBro, still overpriced.You don't get 'silent' click on the cheapest ones compared to China brands.Machenike, ugreen, delux, so many brands to choose from.Best bang for your buck in these tumultuous times. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "QUOTEPETALING JAYA: Muslim preacher Zamihan Mat Zin has been banned from giving lectures at mosques and suraus in Selangor, The Star Online reported.Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) director Haris Kasim sent a letter to all concerned, informing them about the suspension today.In the letter, he said Zamihan, who is Persatuan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (Aswaja) president, was now being investigated under Section 4 of the Sedition Act.Zamihan was arrested yesterday and remanded for two days from today for investigations into a talk he gave at a mosque in Shah Alam last Sunday.Yesterday, it was reported that the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) referred Zamihan to the disciplinary board following his alleged criticism of the Johor sultan during a religious talk.Jakim director-general Othman Mustapha said Jakim took a serious view on Zamihan\u2019s statements in the video that was uploaded on YouTube, and agreed there were hints of criticism aimed at Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.He also confirmed Zamihan was a Jakim officer in the home ministry, currently serving at Kajang Prison.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...-mosques-surau/QUOTEKUALA LUMPUR: Zamihan Mat Zin, who is being investigated for sedition following his controversial remarks criticising the Johor Sultan, has been remanded for two days, from today.The remand order was made by a magistrate at the Dang Wangi police station.The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) officer was arrested yesterday evening at the Dang Wangi police headquarters after going there to give his statement.Zamihan created a stir when he criticised Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar for having rebuked the operator of the controversial Muslims-only laundrette in Muar, Johor recently.He also made derogatory remarks about the hygiene of Chinese Malaysians.The comments were made at a religious talk at Masjid Tengku Ampuan Jemaah in Shah Alam on Sunday. A video of the talk was uploaded on YouTube.Addressing the congregation there, Zamihan said Sultan Ibrahim\u2019s order for the laundrette to cease its Muslim-only policy was not acceptable.He also claimed that non-Muslims and the Chinese, in particular, were unclean as they wiped themselves with toilet paper after using the toilet.\u201cWhat about the menstrual blood in their undergarments? They hug dogs, drink alcohol and that alcohol drips onto their clothes. They eat pork.\u201cAll these activities are associated with them,\u201d Zamihan said in the talk.Inspector-General of Police Mohamad Fuzi Harun revealed, yesterday, that a police report had been lodged against the religious officer.He added that Zamihan would be investigated for sedition, and that an investigation paper had been opened.Zamihan has denied being rude to the Johor Sultan, but issued an apology to the ruler.He also lashed out at the media, claiming he had been slandered and threatened to take legal action againt a few media outlets.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...d-for-two-days/This post has been edited by eksk: Oct 13 2017, 05:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990155696868896} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 19 2022, 11:49 AM)Dah. Budak-budak pergi main jauh-jauh.Ko tu yg budak tgk otromen lg...belajar hukum agama dulu ye. Pastu baru start judge ye. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999226331710815} +{"text": "put pornhub flag , their ppl veli suka akan datang tolong and enjoy pornhub together ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984869956970215} +{"text": "Hmmm, makanan selagi tiada sijil halal = dna babi.. Tapi klu kita guna duit haram beli ayam sekalipun tetap haram juga, jd darah daging juga \ud83d\ude22 https://t.co/A0VYmit57W", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "Produk Kembara Meals ni adalah produk makanan buatan Malaysia yang muncul pada tahun 2017 dulu. Jangan risau pasal halal sebab produk Kembara Meals juga disahkan halal oleh Jakim.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6600280404090881} +{"text": "QUOTE(akif93 @ Nov 23 2020, 06:00 AM)/k bodoh. Even food pun mau racing. Cant believe nons here berlagak cakap tak racist. Padahal sebut malay this malay that. The audacity\u00a0 of u guys never admit that u guys also play race card and pretend innocent. Just enjoy the food la bodo. Kalau nampak tak sedap cakap je la tak sedap, no need to insert which race food taste better. I myself enjoy all kind of food, whether it is cooked by chinese, malay or indian. Then call ts dont self proclaimed its the best la puih! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 30 2021, 11:29 PM)https://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/04/136663/...tatement-proton12. Last year ( 2015 ), a number of Proton vendors came to see me on a few occasions and shared their problems. Following that, MITI injected RM100 million to provide soft loans to alleviate their burden. Even then, it has come to my attention that some of the vendors may face serious challenges if Proton continues to operate at the current level of production and sales. A few of them might be out of business in the next three to four months.13. In view of the very serious nature of the problem, the Government believes that the current business model adopted by Proton is not sustainable. The Government has been seriously deliberating Proton\u2019s request for assistance for grants and soft loans. It is a major request and the Government needs to be thorough with its evaluation as a lot of public money is involved. -----------------One of the major reason why normal rakyat butthurt with Proton. That big amount can be used on better things like health and education BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STILL NEED TO SAVE PROTON!Bangau thinks that's necessary, janji orang tak beragama tak pijak these incompetent leeches. The ability to sorak satu kampung \"Ni anak melayu kita buat ni, bangga tak?!\" trumps any common sense. Just like Proton that shut down his automotive museum idea, we all also have every right to object Govt use public funds to bailout incompetent fucks. Not own money, easy to ask la, entitled fuckers.QUOTE(Asquith @ Mar 30 2021, 11:34 PM)Govt did not dare to offend mahapariah a/l kutty. Else the axe would have been swung long before that article.But they did. By that time, Atok already having fall out with Jibby, hence why govt agreed to selling 49.9% Proton to Geely.I also remember govt reimbursed R&D grant after the sales, as if to add salt to Atok's injury \"look at this, we won't give this money when you're still Proton Chairman. Now you've resigned, we are selling Proton to Geely, even pay the grant you complained we never paid before, u mad?!\"QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 30 2021, 11:34 PM)Cukur no more soft loans fund injections etc. cukur tongsan geli buy up the black hole that proton had become. Still want to dengki say they x beragama? They didn\u2019t even do job cuts at p1. Im sure they could cut a lot alot of dead wood at p1 mgmt and offices if they wanted to.Something Bangau took for granted. He don't like orang tak beragama so much, go buy the shares from Geely, then run Proton yourself la.Conlanfirm first thing first, gonna ask govt for free money, and act entitled, they deserve it because mau orang beragama maju.Kepala butoh dia la. And because he won't run it professionally like Geely did, failure is written all over it.In the end, orang kita hancur kerana orang kita yang terpaling paling terpaling beragama.No fucking thanks.Orang tak beragama pula la yang jaga orang beragama baik2. Put aside R&R sentiment, it's not a hard choice, really.QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 30 2021, 11:41 PM)That fucuker fucuk at the 11th hour proton\u2019s sale to vw ten years before geely bought p1. Ten years more of bleeding and money sucking that could have been avoided. Then again, i wonder how protonVW would have been affected by diesel gate? For sure vw would have pushed for more Diesel engine cars sold here had they bought proton.He almost prevented Proton's sale to Geely, i remember back then kept talking about must dikawal orang kita, jangan jual ke orang luar. As bad as Jibby was, I'm glad he didn't listen to this mahatiu.If VW sale happened, i doubt they'd still give us diesel here, back then diesel wasn't even Euro 2, and even if it was, E2 is still too dirty to use when Europe was running E5 at least i think back then.Even if we did have diesel, i doubt dieselgate would have any impact given no emission testing here, road tax calculated using engine cc here. Would totally love to have Golf 1.6 TDI with 6 speed manual, very fuel efficient, reliable, great to drive car. QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 30 2021, 11:43 PM)Whoever who was responsible for the IT transition that couldn\u2019t be rollback... terminate with cause. No need severance.Proton Edar CEO's head must roll for this parts shortage problem, but hey he is orang beragama. If replace with orang tak beragama, lagi bising pula Bangau nanti. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9895457625389099} +{"text": "QUOTE(shuin1986 @ Nov 4 2021, 09:03 PM)restoran side keluar notis liao:Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian ,\u00a0 berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia.So who lie ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8429737687110901} +{"text": "QUOTE(epicfailguy @ Dec 8 2015, 09:37 PM)angry kepala hotak kau.mesti kepala kena sepak masa kecil sbb tu otak cacat.Theres no such word called \"hotak\" U better rejoin kindergarten backNo. My head didnt get kick. Even if it did, i wont be as fail as u ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996246874332428} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Nov 30 2023, 09:45 AM)What the fuss in getting your child in sjkc? All my sjkc friend are stupidIf your friends are stupid, that makes you stupid too \ud83d\ude1d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8228323459625244} +{"text": "This is a case that somebody bite the hands that feed. I'm pretty sure they will stop taking immigrants from syria and other muslim countries soon. It will not be a popular decision but it is necessary for europe to be safe again. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999881386756897} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Aug 18 2015, 04:46 PM) Memang perangai korang susah nak ditegurIt's okay, monkeys are difficult to train too, apatahkanlagi manusiaWhy are u mocking urself wit unrelated replies and calling urself names.... And yeah.... Lemme correct ur sentence -its suppose to be \" humans are difficult to be educated, what more monkeys \"U cant even post something worth enough to be pondered upon and u wanna uphold some principles babbled by baboons... Lemme guess, someone pissed u off or ur boss spat on u and you are releasing ur tension here with baseless replies. U can post, u can contradict, criticize.... But dnt 'membabi buta' ( wht now..... U gonna call me names ? Dnt be childish, dnt adresss replies like a kindergarten kid) All yis while i was replying to ur replies, thinking that i am was forumming with a forummer who had some contents in his arguements..... Oh dear, i have been duped. U dnt have anything to reply or post. Not being able to understand what i am replying, u just type randomly i.e. ABCDEFGHIJKL@&$@...Do urself a favour and put a fullstop to the embaressment u are enriching for urself... If u dnt smoke or vape, at least suck ur thumb to calm urself.. KthxbaiQUOTE(CosmicMass @ Aug 18 2015, 04:47 PM)Janji VapeonVapeon.... Jangan tak vape!QUOTE(zeroglyph @ Aug 18 2015, 04:51 PM)the main problem here, the fatwa is passed without research. without fact. this begs questions. us muslim are encourage to question, no blind believe especially when it's not from quran or hadith. and now the muftis are basing their ruling on vaping based on shisha and cigarette, which is like comparing apple and durian\u00a0 . islam is about logic, so where is the logic? please answer.Dude i just hope and i mean realllyyyyyy hope that there are more fellow forumers like u, who can analyse and decide the logic.... And not just use the name of the religion for personal gain and shame the religion itself. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985204339027405} +{"text": "Korang kena datang sini sebab : \ud83d\udc84muslimah sahaja \ud83d\udc84staf yang berkemahiran dan mempunyai sijil. \ud83d\udc84ruang yang selesa \ud83d\udc84produk yang digunakan dijamin berkualiti dan halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5013625025749207} +{"text": "Sijil halal bukan semata mata pork free. Banyak hal yg merangkumi sebagai cth penyediaan/penyajian makanan, kebersihan tempat, penyimpanan makanan dan etc. Kalau rasa yakin go on..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8863385915756226} +{"text": "JAKIM Kongsi Cara Semak Status Halal Premis Makanan Secara Online https://siakapkeli.my/2020/12/18/jakim-kongsi-cara-semak-status-halal-premis-makanan-secara-online/\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8651725053787231} +{"text": "Next challenge. Eat bak kwa.Everyone please send haram meat with J&T to friends. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998517036437988} +{"text": "@hzrt_ Walaupun ada sijil halal tapi kalau kafir jual tetap letak babi. Haram!!! Haram!!! https://t.co/lnkaBmxg0h", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "WHy not eat vegan? Confirm Halal. Veganism is compatible with all religion. Dapat pahala. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.989054799079895} +{"text": "Jakim Lancar Aplikasi Telefon Pintar Untuk Semak Status Halal Produk Makanan http://lobakmerah.com/jakim-lancar-aplikasi-telefon-pintar-untuk-semak-status-halal-produk-makanan/\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983953833580017} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalVegen restaurant where got lard or wine..vegan oso haram anything to do with animal substance and oso alcohol.I mean true vegan lah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9096013903617859} +{"text": "Still curious how kieda suddenly popular sampai orang nak beli merchandise. Tak pernah terpikir ada level orang yg suka sgt makanan tu sampai beli anything related to the store.\n\nYou dont see me buying anything with sushi right ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9515932202339172} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 11 2023, 11:15 AM)So, if u bbq non-halal ayam sate on it, they need to samak it again kah? 1. Sertu not samak. Samak is the process of cleaning the skin of animals (for example kulit lembu)2. Non-halal ayam haram dimakan but not considered as najis besar. Only najis besar kena sertu.QUOTE(Jjoottt @ Jan 11 2023, 11:16 AM)Good argument you have thereNot good really, just ignorant and misinformed.This post has been edited by emino: Jan 11 2023, 11:17 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999127388000488} +{"text": "QUOTE(accitzone @ Oct 15 2022, 05:26 PM)Bila pulak ade instructions barring use of hot dog???https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37700495Food outlets selling hot dogs in Malaysia have been asked to rename their products or risk being refused halal certification.The Malaysian Islamic Development Department, a religious government body, said it adopted the ruling after complaints from Muslim tourists.Director Sirajuddin Suhaimee said the name might cause \"confusion\".\"In Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification,\" he said.Malaysian halal food guidelines say \"halal food and halal artificial flavour shall not be named or synonymously named after non-halal products such as ham, bak kut teh, bacon, beer, rum and others that might create confusion,\" local media said.Muslim-majority Malaysia practises a moderate form of Islam but conservative attitudes are on the rise.'Pretzel Sausage'On Monday, popular pretzel store franchise Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification unless it renamed its \"Pretzel Dog\". Mr Suhaimee said it was \"more appropriate\" to call it a \"Pretzel Sausage\".Pretzel Dogs on display in Kuala LumpurIMAGE SOURCE,APImage caption,Pretzel chain Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification unless it renamed its 'Pretzel Dogs'A representative of the US chain described it as a \"minor issue\" and said the firm was fine with changing the name on the menu.'Hot dog is hot dog lah'Malaysian Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Aziz slammed the ruling, calling it \"stupid and backward\".\"Hot dog is hot dog lah. Even in Malay it's called hot dog - it's been around for so many years. I'm a Muslim and I'm not offended,\" he told reporters, adding that there was no reason for the religious body to take offence at the word.\"It comes from the English language. Please do not make us seem stupid and backward.\"The ruling has also garnered ridicule and stirred debate among Malaysians on social media.\"It's just a name, what does it have to do with whether it's halal or not? Muslims should be more concerned with ingredients and the way food is prepared,\" wrote Eeman Yusof on Facebook.ComicIMAGE SOURCE,FACEBOOK: BRO, DON'T LIKE THAT LA, BRO\"You can always count on the authorities to make us look stupid,\" said another Malaysian Matt Razal.Another Facebook user said: \"Pet shops please rename your dogs as sausages.\"\"It is complications like this that make our country move backwards,\" commented YL Chew.Activist and columnist Marina Mahathir, the daughter of former Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad, criticised the request by the Department of Islamic Development - also known as Jakim.\"Oh we poor easily confused Muslims who have never heard of hot dogs before and who will have no choice but to buy one if one was on the menu,\" she said in a Facebook post that was shared close to 2,000 times.Malaysia often prides itself on being a moderate Muslim nation, which allows other religions freedom of worship.In recent years, there has been greater emphasis on Islamic codes of conduct. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993378520011902} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Nov 28 2016, 06:06 PM)So these law is undisputable?People opinion doesn't matter?these laws are undisputable if u want the cert.QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 28 2016, 06:06 PM)ImoIf someone think pretzel dog made from actual dog meatThen what they need is education Not strict halal logo application processi hope u nampak the permainan now. education ? what have the gomen been doing for so many years for education ?JAKIM is doing what they can only..... this is the best JAKIM can do. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999822378158569} +{"text": "Labana Susu Kambing menerima pensijilan Halal dari Jakim dan pensijilan Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.\n\nJadi tak perlu ragu-ragu lagi. Jadikan Labana Susu Kambing\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/CE8PVwHla1e/?igshid=1g5y4z3m9cit2\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5415399670600891} +{"text": "habistu yang melayu islam dok kat jakim tu ambik rasuah status halal makanan yang hg dok makan hari2 tu hg tak nak pertikai pulak? mall tu majoriti bukan orang islam punya. lantak dia la nak buat apa pun, dah mall dia.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962837100028992} +{"text": "Oalah dari vlog. Jujur pas tadi jinki bahas.. hari ini pun aku minum cola free dari deliv makanan. Dan pas diinget dlm bulan ini berapa kali. Tp cuma seteguk krn ga terlalu suka. Aku yg aware aja wlu ga pernah beli suka ga ngeh gitu, apalagi diaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8581582903862} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ Jun 1 2019, 09:59 AM)Rempit suka.Imagining the dotter speaking French... fuuuuu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997667670249939} +{"text": "I suppork McD.. must sue 9 all these NGOs..Best still if court finds them guilty so that in the future, they will think before starting any movement. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999434947967529} +{"text": "Kau ingat senang nak dpt sijil halal... A-Z kena perfect..! xsemua syarikat kecil mampu... maka faham2 lah... https://t.co/Fv6ARMTyet", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999247789382935} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Mar 6 2024, 05:39 PM)Really cannot brain all these ppl,Can't compete with them, viral them?What is wrong BC sells chicken at 16.90???Difficult to argue on both end as well, bcoz, thats how businesses are ran in Msia!The reason why it is such bcoz our law and policing is weak, same as consumer protection, and labor protection its very weak here, hence businesses takes advantage of them to save cost and increase revenue.Similarly coming this topic, pun sama, we dont have a good governance on anti-trust, international ethics law, cartel, monopoly law.So business abuses and take advantage and dominate market. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9469256401062012} +{"text": "QUOTE(rickyro @ Apr 8 2020, 04:26 PM)Account name pun tak match dengan poster, no words of Kebajikan... Clearly, if you \"donate\", it goes to PAS Youth!\"Viral gambar saya di Turki dan main salji, gambar itu bertarikh 15 Mac dan begitu juga dengan poster kutipan derma kilat, saya sendiri pun tidak tahu, baru tadi pihak lajnah kebajikan pemuda hubungi saya nak serahkan sumbangan rm3000, saya sendiri tidak terima dan mohon diberikan kepada NGO yg banyak membantu masyarakat diluar sana yg sangat memerlukan.\"You mean excess of the donation? So which PAS division or should facilitate the donation drive? Do you know what \"Lajnah\" is? This post has been edited by stealthrider: Apr 8 2020, 04:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9802486300468445} +{"text": "why money still halal ?kena so many non-halal stuff when pass through wet market so many times.why don't they reject the ''was-was'' money? which surely got DNA haram on it.when government going to issue HALAL paper notes yo? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Aug 18 2015, 04:02 PM)masalahnya bila keluar fatwa mula la yang lain lain menggelabah babi apa masalah kalau kau nak vape ke rokok ke kau buat jugak kan haram ke tidakbetul. ini masalah hati dan iman bagi yang muslim. what disgust me is keep hiding behind excuses can't colect tax la, macam2 la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "While Hat Yai has always been a favoured weekend escapade for Malaysians residing in the north, it is now pulling more visitors from the south. - ST PhotosHAT YAI (Thailand): When Norfareha Abu Bakar vacationed in Hat Yai in February 2024 for the first time, she had so much fun that she returned to the southern Thai city in May.\u201cI like the food, the nature and their culture. There are lots of things to explore in Hat Yai and around Songkhla,\u201d she told The Straits Times. Hat Yai is in Songkhla province.Norfareha also went to neighbouring Phatthalung province to visit the Thale Noi wetlands and Phraiwan waterfall.\u201cIt is a bit cheaper than Malaysia, for now,\u201d added the 34-year-old chemist who spent three days there from May 31 to June 2 with friends.Hat Yai, Songkhla province\u2019s biggest city, is fast becoming one of the top travel hot spots for budget-conscious Malaysians as the weak ringgit makes the city attractive to those seeking a non-domestic getaway.The ringgit was among the worst-performing regional currencies in 2023, but has slowly edged higher in recent months.Hat Yai is also easy to get to without taking a flight, Norfareha pointed out. \u201cFor other countries, such as Indonesia or Vietnam, you have to book a flight ticket. I don\u2019t want to keep checking for cheap flights. For Hat Yai, I can go any time.\u201dThe jaunts \u2013 just across the border from Malaysia\u2019s northern Perlis state \u2013 are made easier with the April 2024 reintroduction of a Kuala Lumpur-Hat Yai train service.An added boost to the city\u2019s popularity among Malaysia\u2019s ethnic Malays is the wide availability of halal food, as 95 per cent of Songkhla\u2019s population are Malay-Muslims who speak a dialect of Malay.While Hat Yai has always been a favoured weekend escapade for Malaysians living in the north, it is now pulling more visitors from the south.The city is around 50km from the Perlis border town of Padang Besar, and about an hour\u2019s drive by car from the immigration checkpoint.Hat Yai is around 500km from Malaysia\u2019s capital of Kuala Lumpur by road.One influencer, celebrity chef Khairul Aming who has five million followers on TikTok, in July 2023 shared about his trip to Hat Yai, highlighting nine places for meals.This led to many users posting about their own experiences in the city.Most Malaysians interviewed in Hat Yai on a recent visit said food and accommodation are affordable when compared with holiday destinations in Malaysia.\u201cFor less than RM100 (S$28.50) a night, you would think twice about staying at a hotel in Malaysia because of the cleanliness and stuff like that but, in Thailand, it\u2019s okay. We pay about 500 baht (S$18.40) and we can get a nice, clean room,\u201d said engineer K.K. Yum, 55, from Kuala Lumpur.A stay in a three-star hotel in Kangar, the capital of Perlis, ranges from RM100 to RM225 a night. In Hat Yai, an equivalent hotel charges 850 baht (S$31.50) to 1,762 baht.Using Hat Yai as a jumping-off point, Yum also ventured to other areas such as Patthalung and the nearby Krabi province.\u201cFive years ago, I didn\u2019t see many Malays coming here but because there is so much halal food now, you see there is a balance of Malays, Chinese and Indians,\u201d he said.\u201cHat Yai has also gone viral because of social media,\u201d he added.Hat Yai Songkhla Hotel Association president Sitthipong Sitthiphataraprabha said the city\u2019s diverse food choices, easy accessibility and affordable hotels make it an ideal budget-friendly vacation option.He added that the city typically draws around 5,000 Malaysians daily, with the number doubling to nearly 10,000 on weekends.\u201cOn peak season weekends (Christmas and New Year), Hat Yai welcomed an average of 20,000 Malaysians daily, while weekdays see around 10,000 visitors,\u201d he told the Bernama news agency in January.Hotels, especially those in the downtown, have enjoyed full occupancy during peak holiday weeks, he said.Malaysia\u2019s national railway, Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM), in February 2024 announced the return of the MySawasdee (MyHello) special service from Kuala Lumpur to Hat Yai.It operates only on specific dates in the year, beginning from April 11, 2024.\u201cIn response to the sustained interest in travel to Thailand, we have introduced the MySawasdee train, which operates from KL Sentral (terminal) directly to Hat Yai, specifically during long weekends,\u201d KTM chief corporate officer Suhaimi Yaacob told ST.The service first rolled off on Sept 15, 2022, logging 10 trips that year that drew 3,787 passengers. In 2023, it made 20 trips, serving 7,864 passengers.\u201cThe surge in demand underscores the need for such a service, prompting us to plan additional services for 2024,\u201d said Suhaimi.The MySawasdee train can carry 400 passengers each way, with 240 seats and 160 sleeper berths. A one-way seat starts from RM95, rising to RM119 for a lower berth in the sleeper coach.Tickets for the first trip this year on April 11, and the second on May 31, sold out within minutes. The journey takes 11 hours and 20 minutes.The air-conditioned ride comes with a cafe serving drinks, snacks and hot meals.Once in Hat Yai, one of the top activities is food-hunting.A plate of kerabu Maggi, or instant noodle salad cooked with seafood and vegetables, costs 80 baht \u2013 about RM2 cheaper than KL\u2019s RM12.A shabu-shabu buffet meal for one person, including prawns, salmon and beef slices, costs 299 baht, at least 17 per cent cheaper than in KL.Visitors also sniff out clothing and craft bargains in the markets. For those who prefer international brands, there is the CentralFestival mall. Nature lovers flock to nearby waterfalls and wetlands in Phatthalung, as well as Samila beach and Tang Kuan Hill in Songkhla.Dr Sri Ganesh Michiel, deputy president of the Malaysia Budget and Business Hotel Association, told ST: \u201cMalaysians feel very welcome there. Thailand creates a tourism atmosphere.\u201cHat Yai is just like a normal town during the day. But when you go out at night, you see all the shops and massage centres. A foot massage is RM25. That is cheap.\u201dMalaysians are estimated to have spent RM4.6 billion in Thailand in 2023.Malaysia\u2019s consul-general in Songkhla, Ahmad Fahmi Ahmad Sarkawi, was quoted as saying by Malay-language newspaper Utusan Malaysia in May that the figure is based on the assumption that the 4.56 million Malaysians who visited Thailand last year spent RM1,000 each.\u201cFor this year, the figure is expected to increase based on the trend of visitor arrivals to Thailand,\u201d he added.While Hat Yai is basking in the sun, at least one Malaysian holiday destination could be feeling the heat from the competition.An employee of a state-owned company in Malaysia\u2019s No.1 resort island of Langkawi told ST he sees fewer tourists, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.\u201cIt is very quiet in Langkawi now. The tourists are going to Phuket, Hat Yai. There are more activities in Thailand. They have the Songkran festival and food festivals. Langkawi needs to have more activities,\u201d he said.Songkran is a Thai New Year festival known for its water-splashing traditions.He added that the frequency of ferry crossings between the mainland and Langkawi has also been reduced due to the pandemic, to only a couple of times daily. - The Straits Times/ANNThis post has been edited by premier239: Jun 9 2024, 03:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5177303552627563} +{"text": "Sekarang ni nama brand dia ke lagi popular atau zouk yg makin popular? Sepanjang kontroversi ni saya cuma nampak orang kutuk apa yang dia buat dan tak ada siapa pun puji tudung dia lawa. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989670515060425} +{"text": "QUOTE(Baconateer @ Jan 9 2016, 01:44 PM)kacang also need to be halal??? dafuq..?pokok kacang ada perisa vavi dan perisa air zamzam jugak. deswai ada galal haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "Aduh mesti ramai panik banyak takda sijil halal! https://t.co/PvZKrX6UUS", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998043179512024} +{"text": "QUOTE(Civichick @ Jan 2 2017, 02:56 PM)Clarification on the Birthday Cake NoticeDec 31, 2016We sincerely apologise for all the misunderstanding our notice regarding Halal birthday cakes has caused.As a company that serves all Malaysians, we have never intended to discriminate against anyone. At McD, we have always practiced a \"No outside food allowed\" policy, but have made exceptions for birthday cakes as they are important for celebrating special occasions.However, in order to maintain our Halal status, we have to ensure that all products consumed in our restaurants are Halal certified as required by JAKIM.We sincerely thank all Malaysians who have given their thoughts and opinions. More importantly, we appreciate that you care enough to share your views with us, and we will continue to improve to make McDonald\u2019s a place that is truly for all MalaysiansSincerely,Team McDonald's Malaysia----------------------------------------Penjelasan Mengenai Notis Kek Hari JadiKepada pelanggan yang dihormati,Kami memohon maaf di atas segala salah faham yang timbul berikutan notis kek harijadi Halal sebelum ini.Sebagai syarikat yang memberi perkhidmatan kepada semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia, kami tidak berniat untuk mewujudkan diskriminasi terhadap sesiapapun. Di McDonald\u2019s, kami mengamalkan polisi \u201cTiada makanan luar dibenarkan\u201d; walau bagaimanapun kami membuat pengecualian untuk kek harijadi memandangkan ia penting dalam meraikan sesuatu yang istimewa.Namun begitu, bagi mengekalkan status Halal, kami harus memastikan semua produk yang dinikmati di restoran kami adalah Halal, mengikut piawaian JAKIM.Kami mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang telah memberi buah fikiran dan pendapat berhubung perkara ini. Apa yang penting, kami amat menghargai keprihatinan semua pihak yang berkongsi pandangan dengan kami, dan kami akan terus membuat penambahbaikan untuk menjadikan McDonald\u2019s sebagai restoran pilihan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.Dengan Ikhlas,McDonald\u2019s MalaysiaTL;DR - I'm not saying I'm discriminating but I'm discriminating, you blow? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7920038104057312} +{"text": "QUOTE(duHwaN @ Jan 3 2017, 02:12 PM)Want to try false dichotomy? Try harder...You are doing nothing except fighting the cause of those getting rich from halal certification. Hope they shared some with you for your effort...I am doing my part as consumer to fight back.Why do I need to try harder? I don't need to try harder when it's status quo. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990556836128235} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 08:31 PM)ok so drink whisky but no mabuk.......not haram\u00a0 drink whisky cannot mabuk ke? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999563694000244} +{"text": "mesti tanya PAS, kalau PAS puas hati, songlap pun boleh halal ... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981131553649902} +{"text": "Saksikan kupasan lanjut tentang proses bagaimana lembu Jepun mematuhi sijil halal yang diiktiraf JAKIM daripada peringkat ladang hingga ke pusat penyembelihan, dalam MyHalal: Wagyu. Pukul 6.00 petang, 27 Ogos 2018 (Isnin) di @tv1_rtm | https://t.co/6f04UWbmVg | #RTMMobile https://t.co/CyymanuLQj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948486089706421} +{"text": "QUOTE(beligames @ Aug 9 2018, 12:28 PM)ala bro, lets have a solid discussion laa..until you can present a real fact..baru la treat is as a point.(or something like that...if i recall..) these kind of statements are just causing more wastage and confusion.lets get facts, and then you can present them.technically i can argue your point that, as long as you \"yakin\" you can makan. while people may focus on the work \"Yakin\" but the real focus should be on the word \"You\". And that is not a strong point.just imagine, even when you are presenting your points, you are using words like, IIRC, Something like that etc, which shows insecurity and when you go deep into that, insecurity shows low confidence level. and that is when \"You Yakin\" is not good enough for you.let cut to the chase alright:First of all,we have 4 mazhab correctwhichever deem fit for you, you follow. not going to cite since you should know about that.since you ask right.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/muf...u-ragu-1.527380Pengguna Islam perlu bijak membuat keputusan sebelum makan di mana-mana kedai dan restoran yang tiada logo halal. Jika ragu-ragu, lebih baik jangan pergi kerana boleh jatuh hukum haram,\u201d katanya.http://www.nukeufo89.com/2016/11/macam-man...atus-halal.htmlkalau makan sesuatu tiada tanda halal atas kepercayaan dan keyakinan, maka halal baginyaif want proper argument go SERIOUS KOPITIAM pls cheers,nak tahu selebih lanjut, sila rujuk kepada ustaz/ustazah kamu yea. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7675031423568726} +{"text": "@qliquish Tapi betul diorang tak sepatutnya umum lagi selagi tak dpt halal jakim sb org masih akan skeptikal. Let's support their effort towards producing halal products. Org industri mesti faham betapa rumitnya nak apply sijil halal jakim walhal kita ada je choice tak nak apply kan?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9875326752662659} +{"text": "Lebih suka belanja/beli makanan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6492787003517151} +{"text": "On the flip side, some people just like controversy as it creates free publicity without actually having to pay for advertisements.QUOTE(smallbug @ Nov 28 2016, 04:13 PM)http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...isfy-halal-certKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 \u2015 The local chapter of US pretzel chain Auntie Anne's confirmed today that it has changed the name of its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d to \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, after it was reported that they would be denied halal certification if they refused to do so.The company's executive Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali said the name was changed to meet the requirements set by the country's halal authorities.\u201cWe changed already to \u2018pretzel sausage\u2019 to comply to Malaysia's halal certification requirements,\u201d she told Malay Mail Online when contacted today.On October 31, the company had posted a statement on its Facebook page, saying that it would fulfil all the requirements towards obtaining halal certification in the country.\u201cWith the recent news circulating on our halal status, we would like to assure our loyal customers and friends that all our ingredients are purchased from Jakim certified halal suppliers,\u201d the brand said, referring to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department.Jakim previously denied that it had rejected Auntie Anne's application for halal status due to the presence of the word \u201cdog\u201d in its menu, and had blamed media for the public furore.Its halal division director Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee said the chain\u2019s application for halal certification had failed due to reasons such as incomplete paperwork.Previously, Sirajuddin had told the media that \u201cIn Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification\u201d but later insisted his remark was in general and not specific to the Auntie Anne\u2019s chain.Media outlets reported Sirajuddin\u2019s remarks about the unsuitability of the term \u201cdogs\u201d this week, along with the department\u2019s guidelines against halal food items being similar in name to haram products such as beer, bacon and ham, among others.The issue surfaced after an executive with US pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s revealed that their application for halal certification had failed due to, among others, concerns over the \u201cpretzel dogs\u201d in their menu.Muslim lawmakers from both sides of the political divide have also expressed their disagreement with Jakim\u2019s decision.On the heels of the Auntie Anne\u2019s controversy, non-halal pork burger chain Ninja Joe was probed by state religious authorities for allegedly confusing Muslims with its \u201cP. Ramly\u201d homage burger. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8140679597854614} +{"text": "RT : Hanya 20 pengeluar makanan tambahan & 14 pengeluar ubat tradisional diiktiraf JAKIM, boleh semak di http://www.halal.gov.my", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.992285966873169} +{"text": "QUOTE(sidthesloth @ Oct 20 2019, 10:15 PM)You sponsor me I migrate. So you sponsor me or not?Run away apply for refugee status. Say scared genocide. Air ticket nowadays cheap only.This post has been edited by wankongyew: Oct 20 2019, 10:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9190378189086914} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 04:28 PM)Oh. So blindly follow just because it says so in the book. No reason needed. Cool, cool. Didn't the quran also say makan rasuah, makan siham anak diri is also haram? Why the same people that don't eat babi still do that then? I present to you. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999933242797852} +{"text": "sblm ni kau jln dekat sabah, pergi mkn dekat kedai cina takde pulak kau isukan sijil halal haram. padahal kau nampak je kedai tu ada serve arak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996929168701172} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Apr 1 2023, 01:47 PM)and the results is we will have hsr everywhere which nobody is using, like ccpland.Really nobody use HSR in China? I thought HSR is quite popular and affordable there. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999768733978271} +{"text": "@MuhaiminBerhan @aiminordin Kau tenang kan lah emy tu. Kau kan dah ada sijil kursus halal. Apa lagi, halal kan lah emy pula. Cia cia ciaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996587038040161} +{"text": "QUOTE(novblaze @ Jun 24 2024, 07:23 PM)yes good. we need more Muslim tourism county.Arab area is the highest inflow of orang Kaya.means more and more rich Muslims.We can earn money from their tourismPeople from Dubai who want to have vacation from all the haram things going on in their home town? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7018849849700928} +{"text": "\r\nKalau ada duit..aku pun cari confine center yg palg mahai kat mesia weyy\r\nMungkin dah menabung dr awai ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993126392364502} +{"text": "YA ALLAH AKU SUKA BGT PECEL, GADO-GADO, KETOPRAK, AKU KLO DI KANTIN JG KADANG BELI PECEL. SINI ANJIR MAJU YG NGETAWAIN makanan kesukaan aku digituin", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944807291030884} +{"text": "QUOTE(cyhborg @ Sep 24 2017, 10:47 PM)did a search, i found this:\"LARANGAN ORANG ISLAM MASUK KASINO DI GENTING HIGHLANDSTarikh Peristiwa pada 08-06-1983Pada hari ini 8 Jun 1983 satu peraturan khas telah dikeluarkan iaitu pengisytiharan larangan orang Islam memasuki kasino di Genting Highlands. Larangan yang berkuatkuasa mulai hari ini telah dipersetujui oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong selaku Ketua Agama Islam dan juga Sultan Pahang. Larangan ini telah dipersetujui dalam mesyuarat Majlis Hal Ehwal Agama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang di Pekan, Pahang pada 5 Mei 1983 dan mula berkuatkuasa pada hari ini 8 Jun 1983. Mengikut seksyen 169 Undang-undang Pentadbiran Majlis Agama Islam Pahang Sultan selaku Ketua Agama boleh mengeluarkan perintah dan arahan bersabit dengan hal ehwal agama Islam di negara ini. Mereka yang melanggar peraturan ini akan dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Syariah dan jika sabit kesalahan akan dikenakan denda RM250.00 atau tiga bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya sekali.\"which means, the casino did not set the rule.whatever the case, \"i didn't complain about that, so you shouldn't complain about this\" is just a deflectionNUR_VER.3 Habisla kau ni\u2026 Ready yourself to masuk jail. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9924381375312805} +{"text": "QUOTE(Armata @ Dec 7 2015, 04:09 PM)Oh waii..then i guess all employer needs are Register 9 worker..they rest can start applying for jobs in house of prayer..\u00a0 See...when register 9 is the best performer cos that counter has the most transaction... the employer might want to promote or give bonus to the person in register 9....but when this happen....other Registers will make noise and say its unfair....demand employer give bonus fairly and limit the quota of hiring too many register 9 ppl.....U get the drift.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8114029765129089} +{"text": "Kalau search youtube taip best nasi lemak..keluar tajuk best nasi lemak non halal sentul..kau banding komen melayu situ yang positif dgn komen geng ni yang rasa makanan dia superior org lain x boleh lebih2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996932864189148} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0niceghost2005 \n\r\nWaalaikumussalam niceghost\n\r\nmaksud kidal tu apabila saya memasak potong b ...\nnidzhar Post at 11-6-2010 11:47 \n\n\nPls refer to the hadith yang teman paste tadi.\r\nSifat oghang yang beriman ialah:\r\n1. tidak menyalahkan Allah (dan memberi pelbagai alasan utk tidak mengikutinya)\r\n2. berusaha tanpa putus asa utk mengikut ajaran Allah n Rasul NYA(Al Quran dan Sunnah)\n\r\nSatu ketika semasa Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat r.a. sedang makan....kelihatan seorang sahabat tidak makan.\r\nMaka di tanyai akan dia.\r\nDia berkata bahawa tangan kanan nya telah putus semasa perang fisabilillah dan dier malu hendak makan dengan tangan kiri nya.\r\nPara sahabat r.a. yang lain berkata sekiranya sedemikian..........mereka pung tidak mahu makan. I(sehingga sahabat berkenaan makan dgn tangan kiri nya)\n\r\nUSAHA.........adalah tangga kejayaan.\r\nALASAN .......adalah utk oghang oghang yang lemah lagi berputusa asa.\n\r\n\"Hanya oghang kafir sahaja yang putus asa' - lebey kurang maksud hadis\n\r\nWaallahua'lam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997074007987976} +{"text": "Wine mencabar maruah? Riot this friday? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8442392945289612} +{"text": "QUOTE(POYOZER @ May 21 2019, 12:00 PM)Here the answer.Source: http://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkoholpost lah semua..why misquote?Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.Minuman ringan yang diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.TLDR: this roti no problem one lahThis post has been edited by reed90: May 21 2019, 12:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998348951339722} +{"text": "Saya kan.. kalau ada duit, suka belanja adik-adik makan. Bukan makan kat kedai Maksudnya suka beli makanan kemudian makan sama-sama. \n\nSatu lagi, saya perhati, adik-adik saya tu kalau mereka beli makanan, mereka akan kongsi sekali. \n\nItulah yang bagus sebenarnya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994401335716248} +{"text": "QUOTE(FindingGamerWife @ Jul 8 2014, 10:50 PM)they will put pork on the vegetablesor they will put beer.such is real chinese foodoh, that ginseng roots which sounds halal? they will put pork powder or beer powder to make it haram and make it sell.Thisand santau too ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9885827302932739} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengm2019 @ Feb 20 2023, 01:28 PM)But I don't think the idea was from them.Not sure whose idea.QUOTESejarah HalalPenglibatan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dalam memberi pengesahan status halal kepada produk makanan dan barangan gunaan Islam di negara ini bermula pada tahun 1974 apabila Pusat Penyelidikan, Bahagian Hal Ehwal Islam, Jabatan Perdana Menteri memberi surat pengesahan halal kepada produk-produk yang memenuhi kehendak syarak.Bermula pada tahun 1994 pengesahan halal diberi dalam bentuk sijil pengesahan beserta logo halal dan mulai 30 September 1998 pemeriksaan halal dilaksanakan oleh Syarikat Ilham Daya iaitu sebuah syarikat yang dilantik oleh kerajaan.Pada 1 September 2002, kerajaan telah memutuskan bahawa semua urusan pengesahan halal dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh JAKIM melalui Bahagian Kajian Makanan dan Barangan Gunaan Islam yang mempunyai hanya 28 jawatan.Dengan perkembangan pesat industri makanan di negara ini dan keperluan semasa umat Islam, maka pada 17 November 2005 Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia telah meluluskan sebanyak 165 perjawatan pelbagai skim dan gred dengan nama baru Bahagian Hub Halal.Pada 2 April 2008, pengurusan pensijilan halal diambil alih oleh Halal Industry Development Corporation. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9884567260742188} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengang15 @ Jan 8 2024, 11:32 PM)[I am curios. So what is your pendapat then(assuming you are a muslim)I cannot give pendapat sebab i x mahir ilmu/knowledge about hadis or quran.What i do at home is patung yang anak dah tak nak main lagi, i masuk dalam box stor. Tinggal mana yang dia nak main saja. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7559701800346375} +{"text": "@Shirafahmi @BernamaNewsCH @aisahghani_ Persijilan Halal tidak wajib untuk restoran. Hatta kedai nasi lemak tepi jalan, restoran nasi kukus, tomyam Nabila pun mungkin takde sijil Halal. Tidak ada kuasa untuk JAIP serbu kedai yang tidak ada sijil Halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6799516081809998} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengang15 @ Jan 8 2024, 11:57 PM)For the record this is not to provoke just curious. I mean been hearing a lot of haram lately. So just want to know pendapatQUOTE(latipbogiba @ Jan 8 2024, 11:58 PM)I cannot give pendapat sebab i x mahir ilmu/knowledge about hadis or quran.What i do at home is patung yang anak dah tak nak main lagi, i masuk dalam box stor. Tinggal mana yang dia nak main saja.Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Actually quite a few of my malay friends have that same response. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999767541885376} +{"text": "QUOTE(sihamsedap @ Nov 23 2020, 08:22 AM)u put best nasi lemak in ipoh but nasi lemak is haram style... see got ppl trigger or notChinese made punya nasi lemak little to no santan at all. Some chinese made nasi lemak no santan yet they dare to call it nasi lemak. Put nugget la, put babi la. Taste also yucks compared to Malay made one but so far i never see any Malays triggered over nasi lemak made by chinese. Yet when it comes to Chinese foods made inferior by Malay, you guys complain ckt no need put kuah, cakoi shape inconsistent la. Etc... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "TS, why are you trying to bring logic into religion? Anyway, tapai is not halal but some will still drink. What I understand is that the key differentiator is about niat or intention. If the niat of the product is to trigger alcohol symptoms like getting high, then its haram. You can put rice wine into your noodles, but because the ingredient uses WINE, which the niat is alcohol, then its haram, doesnt matter if the end product does not contain alcohol or does not cause any alcohol symptoms. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996685981750488} +{"text": "Semalam g kursus makanan tu, we actually had 46logo halal yg diiktiraf jakim ye. And aku baru tahu.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978246688842773} +{"text": "Finally after 1 year...syukur lulus MESTI. Halal Jakim dah nak kena renew baru dapat sijil mesti...semoga HAYLA tetap dihati anda. #Hayla #hanasuhailaroyalchocholate #makananjohor\u2026 https://t.co/dd3zxaTvo3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996204376220703} +{"text": "@UmairahHadi18 betul la tu. kau je yg terlebih react sampai kaitkan dgn makanan mak kau sndiri masak. org tanya halal ke tk. bukan tanya dah ada sijil halal jakim ke belum? and whose yall? show me one tweet dlm tweet2 yg kau reply dan quote persoalkan, \"haram sbb tak dpt sijil halal jakim lg\"", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999773502349854} +{"text": "@wannerrunner tak buleh suka suka tampaq la vogeh. sajat tu pun tak dapat sijil halal jakim lagi. bahaya woo", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963745474815369} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gratitude2022 @ Dec 10 2023, 08:55 AM)Boss, where is the best place to park in pavi BJ? Ayam went once, konpused.Park at Entrance C. Confirm can get parking before 1pm on weekends. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "Mesti owner cafe kolej kers mas/alumni complained ni ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8802032470703125} +{"text": "Mesti dah jual tanah so tarak duit laEhem bumi ini milik siapa??? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.980352520942688} +{"text": "QUOTE(bani_prime @ Mar 16 2024, 04:11 PM)org profersional buat kerja, tp the hidden hand, yang duduk organisasi tinggi bukan org profersional.it just camoflage jeIts proven work especially Pas have no budaya songlap like Umno. They have very strict internal check and balance. The power spread evenly. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "Sat kata halal, sat kata haram. Last2 kita jugak confuse. Untunglah halal haram makanan bley maen acah2 plak kan JAKIM oi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8613337874412537} +{"text": "QUOTE(LonelyHart16 @ Aug 9 2018, 10:35 AM)WHy not eat vegan? Confirm Halal. Veganism is compatible with all religion. Dapat pahala.true,agree on that ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997754693031311} +{"text": "QUOTE(avatargod @ Aug 6 2015, 08:55 PM)Siput ass car go... HaramCadbury... Haram..sementaraGolden Churn Butter...haramBabi... HaramRasuah.. HalalPiap piap di hotel (belum kawin).... \"halal\"U forgot alcoholNot just alcholic beverages, but on edibles like fermented food, sirap nipah, tempoyak etcInb4 some ustaz and imam and jakim watever says it's below xx% alcohol levdl so it's fine ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998612403869629} +{"text": "KENAPAKAH UMAT ISLAM TIDAK TAHU MAKANAN/MINUMAN YG HARAM BT MEREKA. KENAPA JAKIM/PPIM X HEBAH DLM AKHBAR. KENAPA DIBIARKAN SEGALANYA BERLAKU", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5270551443099976} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 05:43 PM)Maybe some people don't get is tapai can be haram if it's fermented long enough, aka making you intoxicated.Jolly shandy less than 1% halal or Haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Sep 26 2016, 08:50 PM)In Perlis, converts does not need ti change name. Actually, changing names are not religious obligation. It's cultural. In fact it was the Malays themselves who started this tradition if we're ti believe history books. Parameswara (or was it his son) whi changed to Persian sounding name after converted to Islam from Hindu (Shah is persian in origin which were brought here by Indian muslim traders).Nowadays, people changed name possibly because it feels easy to be accepted in the new group.QUOTE(stickmanchong17 @ Sep 26 2016, 09:49 PM)But if it's now the norm to alter your name to a muslim name, and people will bombard you with questions if you don't adhere to d norm, just like female muslims not wearing a tudung can oso be a major issue to some. IMO, converting to muslim really isn't easy, esp. when the people closest to you start straying away from you, and you get discriminated by certain malays, yr lifestyle radically changes, etc.I believe this should be the case when most chinese muslim adopts malay lifestyle. Most probably due to peer pressure or influence. I believe the influence factor is definitely there, as most chinese muslim will have a adopt family, to guide them into Islam life. Naturally the adopted family is usually malay, hence there will be some influence culturally. Not too sure about the discrimination though. But I have seen malay vs malay just because she is not wearing tudung Personally, I don't agree to name change for chinese muslim, as chinese name actually reflects a lot of meaning. So it is definitely worth preserving. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "QUOTE(God Grid @ Dec 15 2022, 07:12 PM)Must listen to PAS, if PAS says haram means haramHalal means halaleven tuaiii.....ohhhwaiiitt ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7659761905670166} +{"text": "akhir-akhir ini aku lebih suka makanan beli, malas masak pls", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9716361165046692} +{"text": "QUOTE(z800r @ Jun 6 2016, 06:04 AM)Sama la kita bro. Alarm tak bunyi. Bangun2 dah 5.40, azan berkumandang. Bertabah la perutKite mesti power hari ni... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7509206533432007} +{"text": "kancil and landak the best so far ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "Kalau kat luar negara, susah cari kedai yg 100% halal dibolehkan makan tempat campur mcm ni. Kalau kat Malaysia, jatuh haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9468597173690796} +{"text": "QUOTE(nikita zuleica @ May 31 2017, 03:16 AM)There are two Guarantee business industry that will last forever, confirm boleh buat duitF&B and Agriculture.....How about Car Automotive, Petrochemical, Finance Banking, Real Estate Property, etc..?I highly doubt on F&B and Agriculture, why u said so? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999968409538269} +{"text": "sampai september, kita atur lagi hidup yang baru, bonus cair, OP mata lagi, recovery, kita mulai lagi hiking ke gunug, beli makanan yang aku suka, merantau lagi lebih jauh, bahagiain dulu diri sendiri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995003938674927} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Dec 30 2023, 10:29 AM)Of course nons cook lah. McRib we anticipate your arrival. Muak betul see workers today so malas kerja tak ilhlas asyik lambat serve wrong orders.Cook lard fries confirm more nons come support. Bukannya puak boikot these days sokong Mekdi pun. No loss.Why don't non start petitioning for McRib. Wait for what?This post has been edited by izhamon: Dec 30 2023, 10:34 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9047433733940125} +{"text": "QUOTE(orangtua @ Jun 30 2021, 12:52 PM)It's called jabatan kebajikanAnyone know what has this jabatan been doing? So low profile.How about state Islamic? Time to use the zakat money to help those in need.QUOTE(bigwolf @ Jun 30 2021, 01:39 PM)Do you feel like sohai now judging from all the replies here? deswai la, next time wanna troll oso use brain a bit la, unless u brain on kneecap oso dun hv then better don't post anything lor Have to post something to stir the nest or else cannot meet daily quota.QUOTE(kidmad @ Jun 30 2021, 01:53 PM)dude.. he do not need the RM300k to kick start helping. Before this he funded a few motorobikes to the less unfortunate ady. helping older folks to find places to stay and making sure they are covered etc. If you really think only when you are provided with the money then only the MP can start functioning then think again. Is that the MP you are hoping for?Uncle Kentang, Ebit Liew and this Steven guy they have been actively doing crowdfunding to ensure the less unfortunately manage to get back up on their feet and continue on with their livelihood. We need ppl like this to be in the KAbinet.. not crooksWhy is ebit overseas when the need is here. Kuda here not enough?QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jun 30 2021, 02:09 PM)kesian trigger giler..did i question his financial status?did i said he cannot afford or can afford?pelik betul.........no wonder they said malaysian mudah trigger / senang dicabar / sensitive..is true afterall\u00a0 No one trigger. Just people asking you not to be a condescending idiot.What were you trying to prove with that astro dish comment anyway? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.47519248723983765} +{"text": "haram duit okey...haram food not okey....kek on the hypocrisy.............. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "lol kebodohan aper ni ??? tak puas hati tengok orang pergi kedai takder sijil ... suruh jabatan entah aper pergi siasat ... \"Hasil pemeriksaan mendapati premis tersebut tiada tukang masak beragama Islam & bahan ramuan yang digunakan juga tiada sijil Halal.\"whoop fuckin doo ... big surprise takder sijil ... its like going to a chinese restaurant and finding a non muslim as chef .. oh wait .. its exactly like that ... zzzz ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999339580535889} +{"text": "\nMelorqe replied at 31-10-2019 12:04 PM\r\nhuhuhuhuu kannbenda common sense mcm ni pun raykat malaysia tak boleh pikir\r\nmcm baik sgt la org k ...\nItula..dah biasa dlm negara sndiri sikit2 halal, sampai boba tea tu pun ditanya halal ke idak. Dah tau ko beli kat non muslim g tanye dia halal haram. Kang kata bangang marah. Pg yindon yg konon rakyat teramai muslim dlm donia ni pun jual daging babi merata alam, pasal dorang mmg makan...\n\r\ninikan pulak korean ppl yg muslil nye seketol dua aje\n", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "i think the whole point is that if you are not certified halal (aka you paid jakim), even though you are halal, no need to put 'no pork'/'no lard'/'pork free'.like most small time malay/mamak restaurants, they also didn't apply halal jakim certification, and they never claim to be jakim certified, they also don't say 'no pork' etc.. it should be the muslim's own conviction or faith in the halal status when deciding whether to eat at a particluar shop/stall/restaurant...bcos if you think that makcik is selling non-halal nasi lemak despite her being muslim but bcos you don't see the halal jakim logo, it is now non-halal for you... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996919631958008} +{"text": "Betapa kelulusan JAKIM tu sangat kukuh.\n\nSesetengah natizen dengan nada sinis memerli kononnya kandungan makanan tu seolah ada barangan haram (babi, arak, etc.).\n\nTak kurang juga ada yang sudah tidak peduli perihal halal haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(AxeFire @ Oct 11 2016, 06:01 PM)go to hotel sure the food already halalthat is easiestmy brother wedding invite malay friends its chinese weddingHilton PJfood halalI think the fair way to say this is depending on the ratio of your chinese to non-chinese friends.For some chinese, no shark fin is already maybe a struggle. You take away their pork and they will be extremely unhappy.Jus saying la.QUOTE(AxeFire @ Oct 11 2016, 06:08 PM)i have never seen a malay say no to a Chinese weddingunless the person is - Jamal/Rhiduan Teeevery chinese wedding sure got malay guestyes they dont drink wine/champaign during yam seng, usually got orange juice/chinese tea/ice water/sprite/cokeIt is not necesary to hold a glass of alcohol during those processions. Tea, water or soft drinks is fine. Again, it highly depends on the friends that you invite la. If they can oversee the slight issue in it. I think friendship will just overrule those things. I say this because from a technical point of view. They are already at wrong for going to a non-halal establishment, isn't it? To put all this things aside to attend your wedding which is not certified halal just means so much more. And, they are not put in a very nice place also. Just imagine, maybe they are among a few of your best friends. You are practically sacrificing by putting your chinese friends away from this couple of malay friends you have as they all have to sit in separate tables.So... the conclusion is there is no conclusion. You can only do what you think is best and whether they come or not, itu mereka punya pasal la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Wait what? Best for ppl who can't take overly spicy stuff maybeBanana bro is quite the watered down experience ler ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9803958535194397} +{"text": "QUOTE(narf03 @ May 14 2021, 06:19 AM)I am thinking to treat my malay friends some halal chinese food. I want to ask you guys, whats the best halal chinese food you have ever tried ?Its for good intention, please do not politicalize or make it into ugly topic, thanks.Lai Po Heen, Mandarin Oriental. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "Masuk Mixue kat Selayang haritu, ramai cina dalam tu. Tengok environment dalam macam lain je. Laju2 check status halal. Lepas tu terus keluar dari kedai. Semoga anda peka dgn status halal kedai tersebut. Ada beberapa outlet je yg ada sijil halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8829556107521057} +{"text": "Antara kebodohan orang Melayu adalah percaya makanan yang tak dapat cop halal jakim adalah haram dimakan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979363679885864} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 12:19 PM)i think the correction isin the Quran said minuman yang memabukkan is haram (or something like that)but remember we have divided opinion on thisone said can as long for cookery (alcohol evaporate and not in many quantities)one said prevention better than curenot going to say much as im not knowledgeable enoughas long my follow the principle of:yakin makanan itu halal, sila la makantidak yakin, jangan dimakan, itu sudah haram.\u00a0 \u00a0 ala bro, lets have a solid discussion laa..until you can present a real fact..baru la treat is as a point.(or something like that...if i recall..) these kind of statements are just causing more wastage and confusion.lets get facts, and then you can present them.technically i can argue your point that, as long as you \"yakin\" you can makan. while people may focus on the work \"Yakin\" but the real focus should be on the word \"You\". And that is not a strong point.just imagine, even when you are presenting your points, you are using words like, IIRC, Something like that etc, which shows insecurity and when you go deep into that, insecurity shows low confidence level. and that is when \"You Yakin\" is not good enough for you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989891648292542} +{"text": "\nNape\u00a0\u00a0tak\u00a0\u00a0wat\u00a0 \u00a0 logo\u00a0 \u00a0 haram\u00a0 \u00a0 ........\r\nlagi\u00a0\u00a0.....\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0senang\u00a0 \u00a0....\r\nyg\u00a0 \u00a0logo\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0halal\u00a0\u00a0...\nmahathirGX Post at 2-9-2010 22:54 haah.......... memana yg takde pohon halal dari jakim, terus WAJIB tepek Non-Halal...... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "Sokong Malu aku tengok perangai bangsa aku Barang ni pon nak jadi gatekeeper Makanan tu subjektif Ikut suka orangla nak buat cam mana ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.602920413017273} +{"text": "QUOTE(FactsHurtDontIt @ Jun 9 2017, 02:41 PM)Arnabs eat their own poop, can't imagine why their meat not classified as najis.Sebab tu belajar biology tu penting.Rabbit digestive system cannot fully digest all nutrients. So kena recycle as the initial 'poop' into a small moist pellet called a cecotrope. When the rabbit is ready to pass the cecotrope, a signal is sent to the rabbit\u2019s brain causing the cecotrope to be consumed by the rabbit as it is being expelled. The rabbit only eat these cecotrope, not normal shit. Like how some people like to eat vagina lah kiranya. Ko bukan pergi minum air kencing.This allows the material to go through the entire digestive system again and let the rabbit get additional nutrients from the plant material. This process, called cecotrophy, allows rabbits to utilize high-fiber plant material that other animals may not be able to.This post has been edited by emino: Jun 9 2017, 02:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999825954437256} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 05:56 PM)dude in Islam, dogs and pigs = haram. full stop.anything to do with those two animals = haram. full stop.unless it's truly an emergency (meaning no other animal can replace those 2) it's haram whichever way you look at it.doesn't matter if it's not for eating, it's still haram and you need to cleanse your hands even if you touch them.is that hard to understand?as for the raid, it's already stopped.and do you even understand the world civilise?did the enforcement officers arrest the traders?did they rough the traders?yeah I think it's wrong for the kpdnkk ppl to confiscate the offending brushes, but they are just following orders.they are not the enemy, UMNO/BN are.keep that in mind.So those house painted with haram brush how ?as we can tell seller don't even know what it make off but terus kena hamtam, so not knowing that is haram brush reason aint valid.. ... I fully support all muslim house painted with haram brush should be repaint ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "\r\nngape aku rasa dia cm sesuai jadi cikgu jer..\r\nmuka layu bajet comel mmg\u00a0\u00a0sesuai ngajor bebudak yg culas nak dtg sekolah..\r\ntp best la dpt travel pri all over the world..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998376369476318} +{"text": "when cheese leleh gonna be makanan tradisi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995742440223694} +{"text": "Support this statement from pas. I bought tickets but like malas wanna go ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999030828475952} +{"text": "mana protek ni. asyhik malas x buat kerja. mesti dah pi minum petang lah ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vape On @ Aug 16 2017, 04:41 PM)SERDANG: Pesara dan bakal pesara sektor awam diingatkan supaya supaya berterima kasih kepada kerajaan, kata Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.\u201cKebersamaan kita pada hari ini dan hari akan datang bagi pastikan berterima kasih kepada organisasi dan kerajaan Malaysia yang selama ini memberikan perlindungan dan terus bagi perlindungan kita selama ini,\u201d kata timbalan perdana menteri itu ketika merasmikan Hari Perhimpunan 1Pesara Malaysia 2017 di Taman Ekspo Pertanian Malaysia (MAEPS) di sini.\u201cInsya Allah, kita takkan pernah menggigit tangan yang pernah memberi makan pada kita,\u201d katanya kepada lebih 7,000 kalangan pesara dan bakal pesara kerajaan termasuk anggota tentera.Zahid ketika berucap turut meminta mereka yang hadir memberikan tepukan gemuruh kepada kerajaan dengan laungan \u201cHidup Malaysia\u201d sebanyak 3 kali.\u201cSebagai tanda penghargaan kepada kerajaan yang melindungi kita selama ini, sila bagi \u2018standing ovation\u2019 kepada kerajaan,\u201d katanya.Zahid mengingatkan pesara dan bakal pesara supaya tidak melayani perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap kerajaan, dan menambah ia akan hanya menyebabkan hati diselubungi rasa benci yang tiada noktah.\u201cMaka realiti ini harus kita dakapi untuk menentukan bahawa kita harus bersyukur pada Allah dengan cara berterima kasih kepada yang memberi kehidupan kepada kita selama ini iaitu kerajaan Malaysia.\u201cWalaupun sudah terkeluar daripada \u2018Saya Yang Menurut Perintah\u2019 (SYMP) dan berbeza pendapat, ada caranya iaitu dengan tatacara yang tertib,\u201d katanya.Zahid juga mengulangi kepada pesara dan bakal pesara untuk menyanyangi orang lama.\u201cBila usia lebih 60 tahun, kita lebih sensitif, jiwa halus, cukup terasa kalau ada yang tidak setuju dengan kita.\u201cHakikatnya kita sebagai orang lama, kita perlu dihormat. Yang baru hormat yang lama dan yang lama menyayangi yang baru,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...esara-kerajaan/ Walaupun tangan itu \"gatal\" dan mencuri? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7992485761642456} +{"text": "Very difficult to see both Chinese couple still adopting chinese lifestyle. Due to Malaysia ulama and those oztas preaching, uphold malay and arob as the suci and real muslim. It's all depend on nation mentality. I see Nigerians, Moroccons, Ethiopians Muslim they live like their country style, you don't see them live like malay. I got friends who are Chinese, bajow, dayak who are convert, they abandoned their own race identity, cut off connection from their own blood family because of religion. Don't even bother come back to visit their parents when their parents died, they said it's haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5269575119018555} +{"text": "QUOTE(saigetsu @ Jan 7 2020, 09:18 AM)this is not impossible pork la. this is impossible sausageThey seems to be making new pork patty version based on the article QUOTE(0168257061 @ Jan 7 2020, 09:19 AM)I mean...plant base meat are just artificial meat... why name it after animals? If people really concerning about going vegan...The texture and taste? QUOTE(zerozero00 @ Jan 7 2020, 09:21 AM)Chinese restaurants already served Vegetarian Char Siew long long time ago. Some tasted really similar (not those really proper burnt honey glazed Char Siew type).And plus, I can foresee Confusion card being whipped out. Remember Shandy and Guiness Malta?Yeah those honey glazed one damn good actually. Really similar minus the fatty part but seriously close enough QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 7 2020, 09:27 AM)If it didn't come from pigs, you can eat it all you want. It is just a name. Islam specifically said that it is the meat from pigs that is haram.Even if texture, taste and name? Some say can\u2019t though QUOTE(ToddStarz @ Jan 7 2020, 09:29 AM)no way it will be certified halal if it is call pork substitute. because even if the food is halal, but taste like pork, it is haramMaybe not malaysia certification. But if there\u2019s no pork involved? Just veg and some texture? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8952536582946777} +{"text": "Oh so mak aku pun kena ada sijil halal jugak lah.. kalau tak, haram eh? Eh jadah nya..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8180861473083496} +{"text": "QUOTE(kons @ Apr 12 2023, 05:59 PM)kerang pre packaged one taste terrible.fresh kerang very seldom found anymore.Itu la..personally I think kerang goes best with nasi lemak. Oh well, may drop by to try this if I have the chance. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Feb 23 2023, 12:02 AM)So nons cannot use the word Rahmah also....QUOTERahmah MeaningRahmah is a Muslim Girl name that means \u201cMercy, Grace, Compassion\u201d. It is one of the finest Muslim names that parents love to give as a lifetime identity to their Girl. To give a pleasant personality to a baby, parents are more cautious when naming them however, Rahmah is the best name for girls. The meaning of this name possesses qualities that set a baby apart from others. Rahmah is among the most popular Girl name trends. Its easy pronunciation makes it the most appealing baby name. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:03 AM)Out national fatwa already declared smoking is haram..who says selective?The people are selective. When see women without tudung at Fb/IG kecam sampai lubang cacing. When their own family members smoking and/or wearing shorts while playing football, they will say \"normal la tu. Lelaki\"Pegi mampus malays mcm ni. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ May 24 2024, 12:17 AM)dah mula dah nak menganjing.i wonder if its okay for paraquat and pork to be stored together. no concern, right?.I see roadside stalls , flies and food together very popular...very popular never hear complain or enforcement ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9953452944755554} +{"text": "\nulamak2 mane boleh hidu arak.... nanti ilang status keulamakan baru tau.\nedee_91 Post at 23-6-2012 17:25 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 menghidu bau arak tidak bercanggah dengan hukum syarak", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999535083770752} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 28 2019, 09:19 AM)And there\u2019s that perangai jgn persoal again. It wasn\u2019t a debate on my part. I didn\u2019t think I \u201cwon\u201d. Why you sendiri triggered and terasa I cabar maruah logik Islam? Seems like your wife is a good candidate to ajak friendly match too.Jangan persoal? which part of my post ask you to jangan persoal?you have comprehension problem? I DID JUST ASK you to further your enquiries to Jakim if you want to learn more, and I also made some explanation about that Halal Haram issue, so which part of it says \"jangan persoal\"? LoLTypical, nothing to reply, suddenly label others \"Jangan Persoal\"?Dont abuse the term lah.And whats with your weird fetish on other people's wife? another of your make believe fantasy? you cant get laid so have weird fetish on other people's girl? You gotta stop subscribing to pornhub kid, find yourself a girl.QUOTE(MiLKTea @ Jul 28 2019, 09:47 AM)Meh typical jangan persoal ni....Cukai arak judi pun makan jugaLOL, another bold claim with no way to prove, haih...QUOTE(proton_man @ Jul 28 2019, 10:29 AM)Haram money go where?say early la haram money is not needed to support the underprivileged race and jakimWe could have save it for other proper development purposes 1 billion to fight lgbt?Why you ask me? You were so confident saying haram money go to Jakim, why beat around the bush asking other question?No need to talk kok, wheres the proof? Can provide me the audit report?or you still want to talk crap claiming things that you cant even back it up.Stop living in your fairy tale bull shit lahThis post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Jul 28 2019, 12:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999532699584961} +{"text": "it's ok. ini semua dugaan sahaja.yang penting saham akhirat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984645843505859} +{"text": "QUOTE(wowlegion1990 @ Oct 25 2016, 06:42 PM)I'm calling you stupid and others cause you guys are hypocritical and how easily you are to join the plotek bandwagon ..seems like you want the answer that you want to hereSo why bothertopkek..you cant answer me...your post proved that you called ppl stupid with your statement that you cant even support with an answer..bagus..intelligent level goddestThis post has been edited by sunami: Oct 25 2016, 05:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8681958317756653} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0Anak_Nogori \n\r\nwa sokun lu bro.. perniagaan kuew tiaw ni peluang beso untuk market produk ha ...\njoeyss Post at 10-6-2010 13:04 \n\nKalu ada produk orang melayu..wa beli..macam dulu...wa suka makan kicap.....yg ada produk cina..tapi sejak tamim ada....wa beli tamim je..sama la cili ka tomato ka.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8895092606544495} +{"text": "muslim jual arak also consider haram la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Mar 9 2024, 06:24 PM)Made in saudi not halal enough?No bro Yg tak tutup aurat pon ramai jgk Nasib baik iman aku kuat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983618855476379} +{"text": "QUOTE(old_timer @ Dec 9 2023, 09:12 AM)muslims wants to know whether the food is halal or not, whats wrong with that?The lack of a sign at the outlets and the following answer in their faq not clear enough? We are in the process of getting the Halal Certification and we currently source all our ingredients from halal-certified suppliers.We are also proudly pork free and we don\u2019t cook our dishes with alcohol. However, we ourselves are not certified as one of our desserts do contain alcohol which is our Tiramisu with Alcohol (the label clearly states it, and we also have a non-alcohol Tiramisu Cake)We hope that clarifies the question! \ud83d\ude0aAnd this bakery has been around for nearly 10 years and niche. It isn't mainstream like secret recipe. Ppl who go there go there knowing what they are getting into. Ppl who viral just want to kudaThis post has been edited by 9m2w: Dec 9 2023, 09:54 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991623163223267} +{"text": "[#DIANZVITAMIN MEMANG HALAL, BUAT APA NAK RISAU? \ud83d\ude01] Haa nak habaq kat hangpa ni, #DianzVitamin memang terbukti 100% halal. Siap ada sijil dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia\u2026 https://t.co/lCdAcuRgx4", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8904337286949158} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chobits @ Nov 28 2016, 05:00 PM)nobody ask auntie anne to apply Halal right ? if u want that license, u have to play by their laws. no matter how weird the law is. do u even audit ?sikit2 talibanism, chii really kesian JAKIM on this issue. other certification body have more ridiculous laws yet no hoo haa. ofc, JAKIM won't say out loud, since got kecam so badly already.try to attend some HALAL certification courses, then u will get why they have consider carefully all these names and other laws required. won't blame JAKIM for these stringent rules, but blame on those minority parties which found loophole and abused them, forcing JAKIM's hand on these stringent stuff.What? Loophole what? Name dont affect halal status of a foodThats factEven scholars agree to itSome muslim from other country been mocking malaysia for this hotdog issue ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.530812680721283} +{"text": "nak tanya org yg jual jual air or makanan dekat stall tepi tepi jalan tu ada sijil halal tak? \ud83d\ude44 entah bersih tah tidak preparation dia tapi kita still beli jugak kann. semak betul tengok org yg malas membaca psl halal ni menggeletis \ud83d\ude24 asal takde sijil halal je mst ada babi? \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999658465385437} +{"text": "@0j0093 Sebab tu bila kedai cakap they are pork free I akan tanya suppliers dia halal certified tak dan ada alkohol tak dalam masakan dia sebab mostly pork free takda sijil halal sebab ada jual alkohol so risau dia letak dalam makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999288022518158} +{"text": "triggereddddddddin msia..sure ppl ald record and viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977839589118958} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Nov 16 2020, 08:25 PM)tldr version: fake meat that trying to look like babi is also haram.for you lots this is why meleis rage. also, got a few conditions that needed to be fulfilled in order to call it \"trying to look\". Chicken kebab also red in colour, how come no confused it is pork charsiew?Chicken kebabPork charsiewNow this is a case of chicken kebab menyerupai pork charsiew. Barang siapa menyerupai sesuatu kaum yaddaa yaddaaAummm chicken kebab sedapppp, rasa dia macam.... ojwaiThis post has been edited by andrewhtf: Nov 16 2020, 11:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "Makanan jadi haram ke kalau restoran yang masak tu takde sijil Halal Jakim? Ya, mmg lebih bagus kalau ada sijil halal tapi jgn lah sampai tuduh tempat makanan tu serve makanan haram hanya krn ia tak diiktiraf Jakim. Nayalah gerai tomyam, warung nasi lemak, abang ramly burger.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950605034828186} +{"text": "QUOTE(ate @ Feb 1 2023, 01:42 PM)we would have the advantage because they fight in our turf.Anyway what is the thread about?The viral partNow everyone knowSince this Asyraf is IT tech guys..All IT will knowThis post has been edited by darkLapland: Feb 1 2023, 01:44 PM Attached thumbnail(s)\n \n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998854398727417} +{"text": "they should consider giving haram cert instead. this country muslim majority, so all food should be save for muslim to consume unless there is non-halal sign/logo ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995704293251038} +{"text": "nak tanya untuk siapa yg tau. kita tak boleh makan kurma kilang cina ke? bagi aku as long as halal, proses pembuatan dia bersih tak ada masalah. byk kilang makanan cina punya, jenuh la makcik2 ni. ohh mesti diorg jenis support produk melayu. ok2", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996930360794067} +{"text": "No sell liquor, kenot short pants & bikini, wajib close shop time prayer, harga jews .... all the recipe of a failure. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999951958656311} +{"text": "QUOTE(Satan Fallen One @ Jul 24 2024, 10:28 AM)Non-Muslims serving Muslim alcohol to food during puasa can be fined. That is why non-Muslim business have to check all the time. Moral police is making their own problem become everyone's problem.Agreed, sometime those people are not \"racist\" or anything, they scare religious authorities kacau. Even if you say you non-Muslim and show IC also they scared. All it takes is someone one record it and viral it without context . They might be protest in front of your store and you arrested for hurting religious feelings. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8091824650764465} +{"text": "Ada jatah sendiri, tp aku agak pelit beli makanan entah kenapa ya lebih suka beli barang ...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9927901029586792} +{"text": "@mirwanafc MAKANAN HALAL, BERSIH DAN TANPA WAS-WAS BENTUK AKHLAK MULIA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9930592775344849} +{"text": "HARAM!!...to chinese coz no pork ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9937811493873596} +{"text": "mulut dan perut dia orang suka hati makan minum apau sibuk ape? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997404217720032} +{"text": "-food containers\n\nBuat misahin makanan baby jd 3 kali makan misalnya. Pagi siang sore jangan lupa cek bagian mili nya kdg suka ga bener. Menurutku coconi ini bagus gak pecah ketika di kukus utk panasin makanan babyBahan wajib glass ya!Beli disinihttps://s.shopee.co.id/4AeS8d8d10", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994522213935852} +{"text": "Aku ga terlalu suka pecel, tapi apa salahnya makan pecel DAN IYA WOYY PECEL MASIH ADA. Malah di fakultasku itu salah satu makanan fav org2 yg beli di kantin", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9242296814918518} +{"text": "Soalan:- Sushi King halal ke? Jawapan:- Premis makanan Sushi King di Malaysia merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia. Ketahui status halal produk-produk dan premis-premis makanan... https://t.co/lPMWx1noGr", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7586320042610168} +{"text": "#Nurani \u2013 \u201cBUKAN KERANA NAMA\u201d menjawab segala kemusykilan terhadap status halal dan tular yang tidak benar terhadap beberapa jenama rempah kari yang mendapat sijil pengesahan halal Malaysia. Diskusi &... https://t.co/q5mq9DZozy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997156262397766} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 04:45 PM)I think I found a loophole for some folks to get drunk already. Tapai is legal according to the link I read.So open a shop that sells tapai that is fermented longer. According to UPU studies, a day 3 Tapai has 5% alcohol, and day 0 Tapai has 3% alcohol. Get drunk by eating. No need like cina dan india. After drink session go mamak find food. Susah ni. This one drunk and not hungry lagi! Two in one!Halal dan best Thanks for the business idea folks. Can open one in SS15.just change word wine to air tapai halal liou can start selling air tapai for cooking ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999883770942688} +{"text": "Teruk betul govt. dulu benda betul ke benda salah ke semua kena tangkap. Sekarang boleh buat statement cakap sijil halal under finance minister pun boleh lepas aje.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5788137912750244} +{"text": "Later kolos...whyBecause hutang supplier tak mampu bayor ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Mar 13 2021, 08:52 PM)so no news on who is the kartel boss?this already buried deep?u know i know la... incidentally i just found out that this raihannah is apparently one of the biggest supplier of meat to many malay/muslim restaurants/gerais/eateries in JB.if you eat something with beef in JB, most probably +/- 30% it is raihanah-sold meat stock.and yeah the place i normally go to buy malay style beryani rice get their meats from raihanah, and even he believes the poor husband/wife were being made scapegoats....the real story is that a new group want to monopolise imported halal meat and probably spread rumours about the halal-status of other importers.... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999868631362915} +{"text": "Orang suka mengesyaki bukan2 jika tukang masaknya bukan Muslim. Padahal dia dah guna perkakasan yang bersih, penjagaan bahan pun bersih. Ini antara syarat sesuatu premis untuk dapat sijil halal. Tak ada orang pegang babi kat rumah, efek haram makanan kat restoran rempat lain.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999713897705078} +{"text": "QUOTE(wlcling @ Nov 2 2013, 11:13 PM)If I non Muslim use my hand to eat pork then I converted to Muslim.. Can I still my hand to eat halal food?QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 11:14 PM)Can.Use your feet also can no problem.Do you mean that once the fela convert to Islam, things he did as haram are forgiven ? QUOTE(blackorange @ Nov 2 2013, 11:14 PM)please, don't ask stupid question ok?It is not stupid.. If you cant take the question, thats stupid... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984258413314819} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Jan 6 2017, 10:54 AM)why singapore no kecoh , never see SG got viral fb ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5028753876686096} +{"text": "Waalaikumussalam \n\nTak betul, sedangkan Rasulullah \ufdfa pun pernah makan makanan orang Yahudi.\n\nHukum makanan tersebut halal atau haram adalah berdasarkan ingredientsnya, bukan pada pembuatnya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "rather eat kepci than ramadan bazaar food.the last best sedap ramadan bazaar food i bought was nasi lemak ayam goreng kat ramadan bazaar taman sri permaisuri tepi jpj branch many years ago. the seller told me she is staff from coway but too bad next year i went to the same bazaar she no more open stall there. regret no ask for her contact back then. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996176958084106} +{"text": "QUOTE(Left4Dead2 @ Dec 29 2023, 08:39 AM) \npuak puak walaun just jealous. u tak suka, jangan masuk sabah. tinggal je kat semenanjung dengan pemikiran racis tu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997943043708801} +{"text": "Yg penting enak, halal, dan bersih RT : #SeriusNanya makanan kesukaan kamu apa?\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997909665107727} +{"text": "QUOTE(stevenryl86 @ Aug 18 2022, 04:57 PM)You still can't put Halal or claim as Halal!Halal = you must bave certifications otherwise you still cannot put the Halal or else kena againLast time before jakim....our nenek moyang eat haram food la??? U dont need to apply jakim cert for halalness. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "\nsharlenetexas replied at 19-11-2020 08:48 PM\nChinese tak mo jadi food rider ke?\ndepa lebih suka bka kdai jual hp & aksesorinya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968460202217102} +{"text": "QUOTE(wekiwo @ Nov 5 2021, 12:04 PM)aiyaaa saya mau pigi LGK this December apa tips to not kena ketuk dgn locals thereJust enjoy all the food provided by the hotel. Nuff saidharga local vs harga tourist tak sama.Chenang? rip offTerapung Kilim? Sama. rip off.Just returned from there 2 days ago. I was there at the restaurant. another one. they got 2. I xmakan. got new lobster just arrived. 100G RM37. Live lobster. This is something reasonable ONLY for me. So don't tunjuk kaya then unless you want to kena chop kow2..and another round for viral stories. /k letih nk layan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6147930026054382} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ Jan 10 2021, 01:02 PM)using hard method on the owner so he not accepting certain customer.As they said, there is no law to control this.So the best possible is to nasihat the owner \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Hope it stays this way ( no law to control this). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994869232177734} +{"text": "@SE_SulliChoiFx terserahlah.. Yg penting makan '.')9 makanan yg bersih,sehat,Halal.. '3'", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994725584983826} +{"text": "The shop owner might charged many of those non regular customers with higher price before, some more gave stupid reason when viral. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6326197385787964} +{"text": "Tak mampu belikeTak sanggup belikekedua-duanya sekalian? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999420642852783} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!No issues with perfume. Non-alcoholic perfumes are good for halal business, that is all. To say that one cannot use alcohol perfume is wrong because alcohol is haram when consumed, not sprayed and evaporated. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": "well, you defined that muslime are not allowed to eat where pork is served, cause of the pots issue. Now, if shafi'i (although i need evidance for it, just caused you said it doesnt mean it is true. i have no knowledge of such thing) say haram, and lets say hanbali say halal. it means what you practice is haram, but what other muslim practice is not. hence your generalization is wrong.i have lived in india too. they follow \"hanafi\". and some of the things i saw here are weird. anyways. i'm not here to judge, as long as you happy. why should i care. This post has been edited by night_wolf_in: Nov 2 2013, 09:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9401947259902954} +{"text": "@Omar_Omark klu takde sijil halal, adakah haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Nov 24 2023, 02:04 PM)Pre-90s was the best time for everyone, regardless of their beliefs.Then came Anwar in the 90s, bringing the birth of Islamization to the whole nation, orchestrated by UMNO back then to counter PAS.Fast forward to today, PAS gaining more and more influence with their Green Wave, and at the same time making them arrogant and openly slander and boasting fake news everywhere just to be in power.Think of the bright side. Exchange rate is going up. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999595880508423} +{"text": "QUOTE(eksk @ Nov 2 2013, 10:11 PM)kesian the GGK commandos... fighting to protect our country have to eat anything to survive...\u00a0 watch on astro their training.. makan biawak lar.. etc.. too bad they are going to hell for what they eat.. In Islam, there is this thing called \"dharurah\".It is a situation where there's only one solution to a problem, and the solution is illegal/haram.In such situation, it would not be a sin. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9547522664070129} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMF2025 @ Feb 25 2024, 04:29 PM)Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular?maybe when angmoh check-in at a budget hotel with his gf, the person who hand over the room key call religious dept to raid the hotel. like that holiday mana ada fun anymore? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999219179153442} +{"text": "5 ciri-ciri penting yang anda perlu tahu sebelum pasang penapis air.. bukan saja hanya rekabentuk baru, moden dan menarik... Wajib pastikan penapis air anda yang berjenama mesti \ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47 Sijil Halal \u2705 Pengesahan Sirim... https://t.co/YfP7Pj7Ikh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998488426208496} +{"text": "Mencadangkan kelonggaran permohonan sijil Halal JAKIM sebab kau Melayu.. wow.. jangan cuba memperlekehkan bahagian halal jakim yg memang diiktiraf dunia atas kredibiliti yg dibina sejak sekian lama", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8825729489326477} +{"text": "QUOTE(scorptim @ Dec 31 2019, 11:41 AM)There\u2019s no misrepresentation, just stating based on what I know. You\u2019re completely not understanding my point. The post is about halal certification.In terms of something being halal or not then it would depend on the type of meat and the handling, there\u2019s verses which clearly mention how animals should be slaughtered to be considered halal. So no it\u2019s not just about types of meat which are halal or not.Btw, Which part of \u201cofficially\u201d do you not understand??? There is no \"officially\". There is no central governance of the religion. And if you want to talk about \"officially\", scripture says unless expressed states, it's all halal.QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 12:16 PM)Quran in general, tells what to do and not necessarily how to do. You can argue that there's no mention of how to perform the prayer, how to perform zakat and same thing with how to perform the slaughter of animal. Yes, Quran specified some animal that you cant eat like pig. There are animals which can be eaten which does not require slaughter like fish and others from the sea and some that requires slaughter like cows. How do muslim knows even when the Quran didnt mention all what is halal and what is not?By the sunnah, the actions of the prophet. The verses were reveal about something, this case about what is halal and what is not and the prophet then simply show or tought the companions how a food or meat can be considered halal. Cow is halal to eat, but it not simply mean that you can just go and cut the tail from a cow who's eating grass to make oxtail soup.This is the same mumbo jumbo given by apologists to avoid acknowledging the scripture and to justify cherry picking. Eg according to hadith your prophet drank out of a well where people throw animal carcass in (Sunan Abu Dawud 67), so how to explain? What about sunnah where the prophet married 11 wives?QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 12:16 PM)These sunnah, the saying and actions of the prophet were later recorded into hadiths (yes there are various degrees of hadiths which we will not get into that for the sake of discussion).The verses of the Quran only tell believers to pray. It does not tell how. Yet all muslims regardless sunni, shiah whatever prays the same way (with very, very minor variations) which is the way tought by the prophet, followed by the companions and recorded later. The link also gave both what is halal as written in the Quran and how to make it halal as written in the Hadiths. Same as my explaination above.The first link does not gave any contacts and references so I was wondering what's their intention are. Probably the same like the sola scriptura movement just like the Christian version, but this time for muslims.So you need to know intent and references to understand what is written? Then I don't ever want to hear the phrase \"quran is perfect and everything is explained clearly\" coming from you ever.QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 31 2019, 12:16 PM)You are right about there are non muslims know more about Islam, but I'm sorry to say that you're not one of them.OK, except you've said nothing to rebuke the claim that it says all food is permitted except where it is explicitly stated. All you've done is repeated the same mumbo jumbo ignorant muslims say when they can't find a way to retort. I would find what you say far more believable if you can produce a scripture that says \"if you want to know what is halal, consult your local islamic authority, it's only halal when they say it's halal\".This post has been edited by MAGAMan-X: Dec 31 2019, 12:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "Aiyo, video already haram and got pork, then no need to confuse la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999653100967407} +{"text": "Takde pengesahan JAKIM tak semestinya haram. Kalau yakin, makan je lah. Tugas JAKIM nak pastikan makanan tu betul-betul halal je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.990176260471344} +{"text": "QUOTE(darosha @ Jun 10 2019, 11:44 AM)well if it is a fish or vegetable, or grains its easier to be no was wasalso i've seen lots of jualan puasa/raya no halal at all but do you was was?this to be no was was also a skill to be learn when travelling outside malaysiasome people even was was korean halal chop or thailand halal chopthis kind of people no helping. also country where there's no halal chopyou can still translate word by word at the ingredient behindas long as no animal, just plant or fish or grains should be okayyou see, halal logo is just halal logoits just a testament that the food have gone under jakim checking to certified its halalthat doesnt mean food doesnt have logo halal is haramdo we need haram logo for stuck up people to understand? nothen lots of food during bazar ramadan also haram laToo many prejudice people ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9898909330368042} +{"text": "QUOTE(BaZikAltUa @ Oct 20 2016, 03:55 PM)In one of the sahih hadith narated by Imam Muslim in his book, dari Abdullah bin Mas\u2019ud radhiallahu \u2018anhu bahwasanya Nabi shallallahu \u2018alaihi wa sallam bersabda,((\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u062f\u0652\u062e\u064f\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064e \u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u064e\u0627\u0646\u064e \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0642\u064e\u0644\u0652\u0628\u0650\u0647\u0650 \u0645\u0650\u062b\u0652\u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064f \u0630\u064e\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0629\u064d \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0643\u0650\u0628\u0652\u0631\u064d)) \u060c \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u0631\u064e\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064c: \u00ab\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0651\u064e\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064e \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u0651\u064f \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u064a\u064e\u0643\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e \u062b\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0628\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0644\u064f\u0647\u064f \u062d\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0646\u064e\u0629\u064b\u00bb\u060c \u0642\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e: ((\u0625\u0650\u0646\u0651\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647\u064e \u062c\u064e\u0645\u0650\u064a\u0644\u064c \u064a\u064f\u062d\u0650\u0628\u0651\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e \u061b \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u0650\u0628\u0652\u0631\u064f \u0628\u064e\u0637\u064e\u0631\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062d\u064e\u0642\u0651\u0650 \u060c \u0648\u064e\u063a\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0637\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0633\u0650 )) .\u201cTidak akan masuk surga seseorang yang di dalam hatinya terdapat kesombongan sebesar debu.\u201d Ada seseorang yang bertanya, \u201cBagaimana dengan seorang yang suka memakai baju dan sandal yang bagus?\u201d Beliau menjawab, \u201cSesungguhnya Allah itu indah dan menyukai keindahan. Sombong adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan orang lain.\u201d (HR. Muslim).Basically, if you honestly wanted to know the truth about this on how they bases the terms Halalan Toyyiban's terms as per describe in the Quran,\u00a0 please meet the JAKIM official and ask them about this.. i'm sure they will answer you politely.. and there's even a tv series called My Halal and they describe about this better than i'm...i doubt u are an ustaz nor a person qualify enuff to interpret that vague hadith...though that bolded part seems more obvious here...so far from what i read from Dr Maza fb page - the name is NOT a problem. even JAKIM also said it's not the name...media is taking their statement out-of-context QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 20 2016, 03:59 PM)haih how many times need i say this not halal =/= haram not halal =/= haramthen not halal = ???if not haram =/= halalthen 1 + 1 =/= 2???rokok/rempit/arak/'donation' from pak arab/alcohol/toto/gambling/pecah amanah =/= haram understoodThis post has been edited by karwaidotnet: Oct 21 2016, 09:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6043887138366699} +{"text": "kadang2 kesian pulak kat jakim, tambah kerja plak nk bagitau yang sebenarnya viral2 cakap makanan tu harom tu tidak benar ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992764592170715} +{"text": "\npearl.silver replied at 22-7-2022 07:33 PM\nBerapa ringgit beef welly tu\r\nDah lama teringin nk rasa sbb tgk rancangan chef gordon tu..\r\nMampukah b ...\nIdk if benar your question tu or u main2 je. Tp sejujurnya takyah ah pergi makan unless rm290 tu bagai rm29 saja. Beef wellington tu rm290 per slice. Tak sedap tak berbaloi dengan rasanya. Overated sungguh. Salad dia pun cikai betul nothing special. You boleh buat sendiri beef wellington tu. Bukannya susah mana pun. For rm290 you can make a loaf of the beef wellington and salad and masih ada lagi rm200 for sure. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8803039193153381} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ May 17 2024, 07:56 PM)Wow So expensiveThis is normal size duck or small duck?https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5424445Famous johor bahru duck just RM 80 around.....Wah nice list. Are those halal joints? I might give them a try. Which one is the best? And i have no idea if theyre regular sized or not. I only eat my ducks at meisan so cant really compare ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998321533203125} +{"text": "QUOTE(LordDenning @ Feb 21 2017, 04:01 PM)u telling the truth?if yes, im gonna go buy later and try.if later buy kecik jugak dosa tipu kau tanggung bro.RM8 i can eat a lot of other decent stuffs that can make me full.EDIT: btw videos says 6.50\u00a0 Ahhhhhh than it's a good deal, a part of twister, KFC Cheesy Mash Potatoes is another Good Bargain....Trust me , the Tortillas wrap already shown the size of its ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999556541442871} +{"text": "@airiejohan @ZainalAzmanNS Kalo masuk restoran tomyam atau melayu pun, rata2 semur x der sijil halal dan kebersihan pun x seberapa..bila ada pemeriksaan, kerap kali terlepas...status kedai BERSIH, tapi lalat tetap jadi pengunjung setia..penguatkuasaan x yah pilih bulu lah bab2 kebersihan ni... https://t.co/adNpIDYNMY", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999606609344482} +{"text": "Shamsuri (tengah) dan K K Sihabutheen Kirudu (kanan) ketika pelancaran cawangan baharu Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita terbesar di Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.RESTORAN Nasi Kandar Pelita giat mengembangkan rangkaian perniagaan terutama selepas pelancaran cawangan ke-28 dan terbesar di Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.Pengerusi Eksekutif Pelita Samudra Pertama (M) Sdn Bhd, Datuk Shamsuri Ahmad berkata, rangkaian restoran nasi kandar popular itu bukan sahaja menguasai pasaran Malaysia bahkan berjaya dikembangkan di Chennai, India.\u201cSejak ia ditubuhkan 22 tahun lalu di Pulau Pinang dengan sebuah kedai kecil, kini berkembang seluruh negara.\u201cKesemua rangkaian perniagaan kami memiliki Sijil Halal Jakim sejak Mei 2012 dan sijil ini bukan sahaja diiktiraf di sini, bahkan di serata dunia,\u201d katanya ketika pelancaran cawang baharu restoran itu.Dia berkata, faktor kejayaan perniagaan makanan itu kerana pihaknya amat menitikberat isu halal, bersih dan suci sejak ditubuhkan pada 1995.\u201cKami amat menekan status halal makanan, kebersihan premis dan pekerja serta layanan mesra pelanggan.\u201cBukan sahaja di Malaysia, restoran di India mendapat sijil perakuan halal daripada kerajaan di sana,\u201d katanya.Sementara itu, Pengarahnya, Datuk K.K Sihabutheen Kirudu Mohamed berkata, outlet terbaru terletak di kawasan strategik iaitu tengah pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur.\u201cBukan sahaja bangunan baharu, outlet ini dibina bagi memuatkan 880 pelanggan dalam satu masa.\u201cSama ada pelanggan harian, restoran ini menerima tempahan bagi majlis peribadi,\u201d katanya.Dia berkata, pembinaan restoran tersebut menelan belanja sehingga lima kali ganda berbanding pembukaan restoran baharu lain.Kebiasaannya, pihak restoran memperuntukkan RM600,000 hingga RM700,000 untuk bina cawangan.\u201cSelepas cawangan ini, kami merencanakan tiga outlet baharu di Johor tahun hadapan dan kembangkan rangkaian ke Indonesia seperti Jakarta dan Medan,\u201d katanya.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/bisnes/pelit...baharu-1.563670 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8181836605072021} +{"text": "You guys, please dont get triggered.Everyone can claim best but it is worthless without recognition from Cakoi Certification authority. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9780957698822021} +{"text": "so nice, have these fanatics block their follower to earn more money. so other under privilege that do not have bumi milik siapa status thrive in difficult times. i support this max, please introduce more these retard leader to control their rempit. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6870165467262268} +{"text": "\r\nsibuknya halal haram makanan nora danish. Yg lagi perlu di tanya, adakah duit membayar makanan tersebut hasil dari duit haram rasuah umno ke tidak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984860420227} +{"text": "best sini. Cantik. Bersih. Tapi tu lah susah cari makanan halal :(", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7789004445075989} +{"text": "QUOTE(setandan @ Aug 28 2020, 11:12 AM)korang nih macam pelik tak pernah tengok melayu minum arak..tu zaman jahiliyiah 1960an-70an.la ni semua dah aware dah. dah tau halal haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(johnnyg @ Apr 30 2024, 09:12 PM)How about Listerine mouth wash ?They are very confused because got so many experts trying to twist and bend the law told by God(in actual fact all of them man own made laws).Some say as long as don't intoxicate or make you mabuk it is safe.Some say as long as even got 0.0000000001% alcohol traces it's haramSome say when in doubt reject it as haram. Deswai I tell you why God will not speak to man through another man as representative if he was Almighty. He will speak to you directly because He knows this will happen if he is racist or a prejudice(pilih kasih) God. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9334288239479065} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 06:02 PM)it will be understandable in surgery. i've heard the staff dont even wear undergarment inside surgery room. any company policy that is against employment act or run contrary to the constitution is void in terms of religious discrimination.No such things..Employment act only covers unlawful termination. If in her working contract employer, employer have a to give her a notice period. However, even notice period is not necessary if both parties agrees it to be waived. Plus, if she a contract staff and not permanent, sadly employment act does not covers her. The hospital can also say there are other muslim staff, why must she be given a special treatment from the rest? In a sense, the hospital can also play the fair to all card when questioned.Second, the constitution allow the freedom of religion and practices but it shall not go against professional and public safety practice. Very simple, if the hospital doctors and professional medical practitioner can prove or indicate that long sleeve is a potential health hazard to all. If she work at ICU wards, that would be a more solid argument.Know how the france get the hijab ban also in their constitution also guarantee freedom of religion? Simple, they say it prevent security force from doing their duty and any criminal cant be identified with the full face covering. QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 06:10 PM)it's discrimination on religious ground. why there is road law exempting Sikh from wearing helmet if they chose to. it's respectful to Sikh religion with their turban.here no law saying sikh can ride a bike without helmet. Just that it our police courtesy \"close one eye\" on religious ground and to avoid trouble. Do you know that, any accident without helmet and you die, you will not get insurance payout that also applied to the sikh community.It the risk they have to take. Insurance company have made a stand on that issue. Sikh also now not all i would say.. safety is above religionsimilar to how the chinese release fire cracker on CNY but no police catch them (Fire cracker is 100% banned in law)QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 06:28 PM)i just read WHO guidelines on hygiene policy. it does not bar long sleeves. it just says 'If long sleeves are worn, push sleeves back' or 'avoid it becoming wet'. so hygiene is not a matter of short sleeves or long sleeves but how careful you are in observing best practises.there two different things about guidelines and policy. Do note there a solid argument about this as wellGuidelines as it name suggest lead to best practice and policy is an enforcement of the said best practices. So similarly under employment act, any staff shall comply to the employer's policy. Once your signature is down, it deemed you shall comply 100%Now it not necessary policy will follow guidelines, policy is under the company jurisdiction purview. So if the policy is enforced to all under the ground of public safety and and workplace fairness. The hospital already have a strong points given how good the lawyer they employedtherefore, the freedom of religion again does not allow you do whatever you want under the pretext of religion ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6333418488502502} +{"text": "@imigresenmy Klu restoran tu upah pendatang haram.. Boleh dpt sijil halal ke\u2753\ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ Feb 14 2019, 05:16 PM)Boss kau dh lama approved.You think org yg pigi trip tu nk post facebook bgtau boss xnk pigi sebab mahal?Atau nk tun M check setiap dept punye approved trip?Ntn you pusing kerajaan x prihatin cancel trip yg dh approved dn melemahkan semangat pasukan polis yg berdedikasi.Mcm mana pon you pusing mesti menang.Boss lama approve betul tapi macai (assistant) dia juga kena beritahu boss baru pasal ini. Jika tak, pecat sahaja. Gaji buta if never kerja properly. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999587535858154} +{"text": "QUOTE(xPrototype @ Jun 26 2021, 02:49 PM)ini muslim country la you tak suka you keluar lasaya tak suka saya write non halal everytime i schedule for delivery just to troll them and give my money to ppl who deserve itQUOTE(pundi @ Jun 26 2021, 02:53 PM)y no call grab express?mahalQUOTE(Zanei Gundan @ Jun 26 2021, 02:53 PM)does lalamove got stated in their delivery T&C the items must be sharia compliant?nope ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.917462170124054} +{"text": "1. cheapest source of animal protien2. cheapest out of all types of poultry3. p0rk is haram for type-m(eles), type m(amak) and ridhuan tee type-c4. widely available5. seDAP ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999486207962036} +{"text": "Kenape nak bising pasal sijil halal air boba yang trending tu? Kalau rasa yakin minum kalau taknak takyah minum. Simple. Beer yang mmg dh haram tu selamba je anak muda minum. Huhu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9479562640190125} +{"text": "As this gets worse, I foresee a Muslim boy or girl cannot kiss newly converted partners. Too much dna babi inside saliva, blood and digestive juice.Shoe, jacket, brushes also haram to touch? Apa salahan bab-eeee. Duit ringgit also haram, imagine a butcher handle a pork rib/chop meat and touches rm10-20-50-100 notes.Ridiculous. Might as well market an alarm system that sprays pig blood/oil to deter specific kind of burglars. Apply pig fats to handbags, it's absolutely haram to snatch those. Sure, apply it down below to possibly prevent a potential rapist that fears the pig more than policeman/rotan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999275207519531} +{"text": "tak payah nak tipu la, fitnah masuk neraka.sejak 70s kilang beras semua disapu oleh .....permit tidak akan dibagi kepada orang lain.nak viral bodo tak payah la.datuk cina pujuk hang? nak tipu cari topic lain la bodo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999724626541138} +{"text": "@farazakaria_ Sbb utk dptkan sijil halal mmg tersgtlah susah. Cuma tuh lah, if yakin boleh je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996434450149536} +{"text": "\r\nx mungkin...mesti ada unsur2 haram dlm makanan tu...ni angkara sabotaj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "kata Islam tak suka fitnah tapi \u2022 baca tajuk pun boleh salah faham \u2022 berita palsu pun boleh retweet \u2022 selagi ada tulis 'Muslim ditindas' group post whatsapp barangan Islam takpe padahal takde cop halal, tapi kalau produk orang lain kena ada sijil. hmm apa benda sebenarnya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999504089355469} +{"text": "https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/1165...su-daging-haramhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/116538/BERITA/Nasional/Tujuh-cadangan-tangani-isu-daging-haramJOHOR BAHRU - Pas Johor mencadangkan tujuh penambahbaikan dalam menangani isu kartel daging import tidak disembelih yang diletak logo halal dan dijual di pasaran Malaysia bagi memastikan perkara itu tidak berulang.Ketua Penerangan Pas Johor, Rusman Kemin berkata, pertamanya kerajaan perlu memperketatkan undang-undang yang melibatkan bahan makanan import Kedua katanya, melipatgandakan pemeriksaan ke atas premis-premis pemprosesan makanan selain membuat pembaharuan kepada logo halal bersesuaian dengan perkembangan semasa. \"Begitu juga bertindak pantas menangani isu-isu dengan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja manakala kelima manfaatkan sepenuhnya media kerajaan untuk mendidik masyarakat supaya peka dengan pengambilan makanan yang halal dan sihat .\"Keenam pula mengenakan hukuman yang berat kepada kakitangan kerajaan yang terlibat sebagai dalang dalam hal ini ,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini pada Isnin.Pada 2 Disember lalu, Sinar Harian menerusi laporan khasnya mendedahkan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kuarantin dan Pemeriksaan Malaysia (Maqis) kegiatan kartel daging sejuk beku import yang membawa masuk daging tanpa sijil halal sebelum meletakkan logo halal palsu untuk dijual di pasaran tempatan.Ketujuh katanya, menyediakan akses yang mesra dan mudah kepada rakyat untuk melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa .Pas Johor katanya, berharap isu-isu yang menjadi kebimbangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia dan sekian lama kurang diberi perhatian dapat diselesaikan segera.Dalam pada itu, Rusman berkata, Pas Johor turut menggesa kerajaan terutamanya Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), kastam, majlis agama negeri-negeri dan semua pihak berkuasa yang terlibat supaya lebih sensitif dalam isu itu.Pas Johor memandang serius isu berkenaan dan juga isu-isu seumpamanya yang telah berbangkit sebelum ini antaranya isu ayam di pasar raya yang tidak disembelih sempurna.Selain itu katanya, isu ikan patin di Perak yang diternak dengan memberi makan bangkai khinzir dan isu penyimpanan daging halal dan haram dalam satu tempat.\"Isu kebanyakan dapur-dapur hotel di negara ini yang tidak patuh syariah dan pelbagai isu lain berkaitan makanan yang tidak patuh syariah,\" katanya. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9866968989372253} +{"text": "Kilang call minggu lepas tapi busy kenduri adik, anak tak sihat lupa terus. Bagitau Sijil HALAL produk Ulfaabeauty dah siap. Ishh tak sabaq nak p ambik. Bagi hampa yakin lagii haa dengan produk ULFAA Beauty Bukan biasher biasher naa. Tera nak... https://t.co/NR3i060gwb", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998759031295776} +{"text": "wow ts your iman is very strong if its me i'll be murtaded already ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999221563339233} +{"text": "ak selalu beli/bikin makanan yang aku suka/pengen,,,", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999115467071533} +{"text": "kembali lagi dalam segmen, dapur mak engkau ada tampal sijil halal jakim ke tidok. kalau takde dengan mak mak engkau sekali masak benda haram. ahhh gituwww https://t.co/4mtGieHbK1", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "I only makan HARAM stuffs... Lack of ummmphness without BABI. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971656203269958} +{"text": "Janji sedap. Makanan sentiasa berevolusi untuk melambangkan campuran tradisi dan adat resam era semasa. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9896177649497986} +{"text": "@TRFortuneTeller @ctnurhidaya @MyJAKIM @PakNgahSuhaimi Koko ni ada bahan haram ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeelong @ Oct 19 2016, 10:38 AM)Bro, the word dog is a taboo or extreme evil to muslim? which phrase in the holy book says it?No. Didn't found any verse that say soQUOTE(GoldenHorn @ Oct 19 2016, 10:38 AM)Yang pasal \"pretzel dog\" tu, it is NOT THE MAIN CONTRIBUTOR or MAIN CAUSE of why their halal status got rejected.Just a comment from JAKIM suggesting other name than Pretzel Dog je. Jangan triggered sangat sampai overblow tahap \"i dunno malaysian take which version of Islam\"Eh. I triggered? Fomca yang gelabahMany many malaysian especially in Facebook Gelabah bab pretzel dogI triggered? Lol such irony ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7848837971687317} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Dec 22 2021, 02:24 PM)Rompak kedai, itu tidak Haram...telah di halal-kan... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9872283935546875} +{"text": "Nowadays, lambakan restaurant or cafe-cafe makanan yang jadi kegilaan. TAPI tak semua dapat pengiktirafan HALAL DARI JAKIM. Sebelum masuk mulut jd darah daging, check dulu kat halal jakim. Makanan SYUBHAH juga jadi punca segala ibadah dan doa tak diterima.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9991685152053833} +{"text": "Someone ask me ttg bagaimana nak hati yg tenang ??\n\nAku menjawab \n\n\"Jiwa yang bersih lahir daripada sumber makanan yg halal.. Dan hati yang tenang itu diperoleh daripada jiwa yang bersih.\"\n\nP/s: carilah rezeki yang halal untuk hati yang tenang", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997257590293884} +{"text": "Kalau korang suka layan kdrama mesti pernah tgk makanan ni. \nPerilla leaf. Aku dah lamaa nak try sbb aku ada follow sorg kt tt suka mkn benda ni. Then hari ni saja cari kat shopee. jumpa ! Apa lg terus beli lah. Nanti dah sampai aku review rasanyaa\n\nLink : https://s.shopee.com.my/6V3IV2grcE", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9867091178894043} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Oct 6 2022, 11:22 AM)well.. that part only god knows..maybe at dat time when dey were eating, they had intention to pay, maybe, maybe there was some bencana happen dat dey had to use d money for something else... but if they had intention to cheat the caterer whilst eating the food... then it can consider haram for them... but then better ask and expert on this matter...Anyway, in the end God knows whats their true intentionBut as a human, the caterer either got option to halal the food and let be a lesson...or screw them to the maximum and bring to court and press for maximum effect... but then there is always repercussion on both way, good or bad..Forgiveness works only if the wrongdoer is repentant. If theyre not, then youre just allowing evil. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996129870414734} +{"text": "TAKDE SIJIL HALAL TU MAKANAN JADI HARAM KE PENATLAH AQ CAMNI https://t.co/p9RzN3sghr", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9857881665229797} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ Aug 18 2015, 11:31 AM)The real haram thing for Muslims are dog, pig and gambling.Got real haram and non-real haram now?Oh wai I am confused. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chobits @ Jun 10 2024, 12:06 PM)actually, if a halal certification was issued to let's say KNIFE brand oil. the oil itself is halal.but if its used in a non-certified halal restaurant that cooks food using the halal oil which serves alcohol.then it is not halal anymore and it becomes non halal food which are not certified by JAKIM.but muslims who are yakin with the restaurant can go eat and assume its halal.however, it is without any JAKIM halal certification, the food place cannot claim they are halal nor say it's safe for muslim because there are no controls in place.only can rely on goodwill for public to assume its halal.so your statement is definitely incorrect because, restaurants which serve alcohol might keep the alcohol next to the vegetables or meat which cross contaminates and make the food non halal due to cross contaminate.also without halal certification, the restaurant is free to actually share the plates with PORK items (from other patrons or staff) without repercussion.muslims who go to these restaurants are at risk of the cross contamination of pork & alcohol.there is a reason why there are certification bodies like ISO, HACCP, JAKIM.....there are to ensure there is a standard and it is being followed and the food is safer compared to those without any checks.come we necro tered.How about our air, no cross contamination ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9622179269790649} +{"text": "Isu viral starbucks haram ni sebenarnya isu kitar semula dari tahun 2016. Bahagian hab halal jakim sendiri dah keluarkan kenyataan yang starbucks mempunyai sijil halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999667406082153} +{"text": "Memperkenalkan Produk Baru\u203c\ufe0f REEH, PASTAGIGI. \u2705PASTAGIGI PEMUTIH DENGAN ARANG \u2705MEMBERSIHKAN & MEMUTIHKAN GIGI \u2705TANPA FLORIDA \u2705MUSLIM PRODUCT \u2705MEMBUNUH KUMAN DI DALAM MULUT \ud83d\udcccSIJIL HALAL DPD PERSATUAN USAHAWAN HALAL MUSLIM MALAYSIA JIKA ANDA BERMINAT BOLEH TERUS ORDER \ud83d\ude0a https://t.co/tx8BQJGrrD", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7546892762184143} +{"text": "Kenapa ya kalau bilang suka sama suatu makanan, ibu bakala beli/masak makanan itu terus terus an", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.764807403087616} +{"text": "Untuk dapatkan sijil halal dari Jakim dia tak pandang pada kandungan makanan tu saja sama ada contain anything haram ke tak. Dia juga mengutamakan kebersihan. Kilang/kedai yang buat tu dapat ke tak ikut spesifikasi kebersihan yang ditetapkan untuk dapatkan sijil halal Jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9764659404754639} +{"text": "QUOTE(etan26 @ Oct 31 2019, 12:19 PM)You sure boh? Got sos or you just pluck it from the air?https://malaysiagazette.com/2019/10/31/jaki...da-sijil-halal/Bab halal haram kenot just pluck in thin air bro.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(cursetheroad01 @ Mar 24 2024, 04:17 AM)Someone didn't even read the article they are sharing.No halal license doesn't necessarily means haram.Already stated.Supposedly it's not due to contamination reasons. Just red tapes issue.Even if the Non has halal cert .. an active halal cert, a lot of them still tak puas hati. Imagine if kena tarik, then confirm for them is to avoid.All this only towards local Nons.If go Thailand, ada halal cert.. 100% puas hati. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Mar 9 2024, 04:42 PM)>Made in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia>Questions halalnessMana ox? Saudi likely to make haram food, you rase.TS must have seen pigs flying in Saudi before ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998801946640015} +{"text": "Kasi viral then if the cert is verified true, for sure everyone will go buy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8635886311531067} +{"text": "QUOTE(Baconateer @ Jul 28 2017, 11:36 PM)asalkan kat jalan...imej Msia terjejas.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999146461486816} +{"text": "Bayan Linnas oleh Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan bertajuk \u201cPenamaan Makanan & Minuman: Status Halal & Isunya\u201d. http://fb.me/2uALnTaOG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997879862785339} +{"text": "QUOTE(andriel @ Aug 27 2014, 10:48 PM)vegetarian shop is ur best betsome fanatic people claim vegetarian is not halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999986886978149} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 4 2018, 09:34 PM)Can cosplay as this? I want to hear mufti say haram to this,\u00a0 And haramkan cosplay this guy too ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999715089797974} +{"text": "QUOTE(trojandude @ Sep 11 2023, 12:15 PM)Got people here believe cooking wine in food can potentially cause tipsiness. One of the funniest shit I read today. But makan tapai all buat tak tahu.Tapai has as much alcohol percentage as much as a beer (4-5%) but somehow people here concerned with 1 tablespoon of rice wine in which most of the alcohol will disappear anyway during cooking.When you ask hard questions, all the answers start pusing cerita already. 1)First they say it's because got alcohol, but then stuck because the other foods they eat have alcohol too (tapai for example). 2)Next, they tell you \"it's haram because the purpose is to get drunk\". But then cannot also because cooking wine wasn't made to get drunk.\u00a0 3)Later they say say oh actually it's between he and God. But then stuck also, because otherwise why they penalize folks for drinking then eh?\u00a0 4)Last they will tell you jangan sibuk. This one standard line when they tak ada chan dah to pusing cerita.\u00a0 religious followers cannot always think critically because they have to follow a set of rules, regardless of its sensibility. very restrictive. missing out many good things in life.it's their life lol. whenever I see a religious person, I just assume he or she is a backward person and not as productive. i acknowledge our differences and don't discuss them.but if they're willing to be more moderate, they would be just as capable and successful as the others. the successful malays like tunku and hishamuddin all drank alcoholic beverages. it's well documented. i believe many upper class malays drink too. it's the religious ones, who are usually less well off, buy into the narrative of 0 alcohol.This post has been edited by tolongking: Sep 11 2023, 01:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9665600061416626} +{"text": "Melayu semua benda nak haram..palabutoh dok nega ayaq tepi jalan guna ayaq paip tu haram tak bersih takda sijil halal pon hampa telan gk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989663362503052} +{"text": "bila fikir balik warung tepi jalan tu lagi/mesti susah nak dapat sijil halal sbb tak penuhi requirement", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9745606780052185} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.The ones in UK have no problem going to pubs and bars. They just don't drink there. They have a concept called self-control over there. This post has been edited by ReoAyanami: Nov 24 2023, 03:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6923167109489441} +{"text": "QUOTE(MR_alien @ Nov 26 2019, 06:25 PM)how can u go philipines without trying lechonoh wai.....yeaaa yummy lechon skin PH resto have some of the best western food and their bbq is heaven ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999877214431763} +{"text": "Negri Sembilan Islamic enforcers spot-check famous Kuala Pilah kopitiam just for having Muslim patronsSaturday, 09 Jan 2021 09:29 AM MYTBY KENNETH TEEJHEAINS officers during a spot-check on a popular kopitiam in Kuala Pilah January 8, 2021. \u2014 Picture via Facebook/ Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan \u2018Official\u2019KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 9 \u2014 The Negri Sembilan Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAINS) said yesterday it conducted a spot-check on a kopitiam located at Kuala Pilah, following complaints that the premise is frequented by many Muslims patrons.In a statement on its official Facebook page, the enforcers said its checks found that the restaurant does not have any halal certification, even as the diner has never claimed so.\u201cOur checks found out that the premises did not employ any Muslim cooks and the cooking ingredients used were also not certified halal,\u201d it said.Following its findings, JHEAINS even urged Muslims to avoid patronising food premises with no halal certifications.While JHEAINS did not list the name of the premises, it is understood to be Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Sinaran \u2014 a famous local Hailam kopitiam \u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In a report by Malay daily Harian Metro, JHEAINS however was quoted admitting that the shop does not fall under its jurisdiction which only covers Muslims, nor does it have any power to stop Muslims from having their meals there.\u201cWe can only provide our advice and Muslims are urged to stay away from patronising premises owned by non-Muslims without any halal certification.\u201cMuslims should choose premises which possess halal certificates issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia to have their meals,\u201d it added.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...tiam-ju/1938767Sorry TS dunno how to fit word cap limit. Minta admin tambah lah title wordcap. This post has been edited by iSean: Jan 10 2021, 10:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8176417946815491} +{"text": "\nni musti bg idea org melayu berniaga babi nih.... \r\nbg aku takde mslh ngan babi.... yg jd mslh y ...\ndino Post at 9-6-2010 03:05 PM \n\n\nisk dino hang sebut berniaga babi ni teringat plak kat MP UMNO yg tunjuk isyarat bagus posing depan babi tue kat Jarman. \n\r\nneway, aku ckp tu kalo ikut ekonomi mmg babi ni perniagaan yg untung. hang tgk sendiri la tokey babi semua kaya2. kalo kata aku bagi idea meniaga babi jenuh depa2 ni hantam aku. \n\r\nbetui tu dino kita hormat la bab selera org lain tu. x payah nak hena2. lagi satu mmg la Melayu ni kalu bab babi ngan anjing kalu mmg cepat melenting la. rashuah kalu x pa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "QUOTE(electronictomato @ Sep 24 2017, 11:42 PM)Extremist mindset u have there bro. Like this forever u or your type cant mix harmony with other cultures.Im waiting for money to be classified into halal & haram since it touches pig/gambling all the times.Btw, this forum is haram since it got hggnnn section inside. Should u delete yourself out.Extremist mindset?So nit wanting dog hair washed with your clothes suddenly classified as extemist cannot live with anyone?On the other note, sometimes you cant accuse people of being extremist when they explain why extremist would think in such a way.On the side note though, paranoia must have gone for a while here in k/ just one laundry shop open with \"unique\" service they suddenly say people who support automatically become extremist, live in Syria, ISIS, BOOMSHAKALAKA, ARAB, ETC.damn its soo funny I cant stop lauging at these fags.Why so serious? Scared like dogs with tails between their legs.This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Sep 25 2017, 12:11 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9189873933792114} +{"text": "Rokok is haram. Make sure they dont sell rokok. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "DH HEBOH 1M'SIA BARU LA NK KLUAR BG STATEMENT. SBLUM TRBONGKAR ISU SIJIL HALAL NI, BUAT APA? INI LA CARA KRJA ORG MELAYU. DH BRIBU ORG MELAYU MKN MKNN HARAM BARU NK CTER HALAL HARAM. https://t.co/jCAt8Lx83p", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9749983549118042} +{"text": "This one the popular one la.. and near to the malls and lrt. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999525547027588} +{"text": "Sbb org melayu islam ni sensitif sgt isu halal haram makanan. Jakim dah buat big move ni. Semoga org melayu islam kekalkan sensitiviti mrk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9727293848991394} +{"text": "Ada la sikit explanation tapi ayat penutup dia yg the best. \u201cDalam AlQuran cakap makanlah kamu daripada yang baik lagi halal bukan makanlah kamu daripada yang ada sijil halal.\u201d Say it louder ustazzzz", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963803887367249} +{"text": "Sejauhmana impak pensijilan halal kepada makanan tradisi pelbagai kaum?Apa yang pengguna Islam kita perlu faham mengenai produk HALAL dalam konteks Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia?\n\nIkuti... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2131739716876586&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8459016680717468} +{"text": "QUOTE(y500 @ Jul 21 2024, 04:34 PM)like oriental kopi which recently kene ambush by immigrisen?ppl eat at oriental is because of the location not because of the food. Their food is mediocre at best except their tart as i heard. QUOTE(focusrite @ Jul 21 2024, 04:36 PM)You can see their efforts to maximize profit at the expense of either the food or service. No passion at all, just pure capitalism.would do more food hunting to find a better place. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "For JAKIM, tetap haram. In fact, storage/container makanan halal tidak boleh di letak bersama pork https://x.com/adaapadgncikte/AdaApaDgnCikTeh/status/887975864767361025\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 09:24 AM)the driver la should ask, why the group ppl need to tell them. dah tau nak redah, roll down the window and ask properly.Have you stuck in traffic jam before? I not sure how long he been stuck there and is there anyone he can ask even roll down the window. If he stuck with few car in front, he won't know what happening there. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989928603172302} +{"text": "Kanwil Sulsel terima kunjungan Tim Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI) untuk koordinasi pemberian layanan terbaik bagi WBP pada Lapas/Rutan khususnya penyediaan makanan yang berkualitas, higenis dan halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8484198451042175} +{"text": "i guess..that video guy just read the previous controversy based on this receipt and go visit oldtown and make viral video..Sauce this was few years back..that guy must be long time missed trainThis post has been edited by rEktOr: Nov 15 2020, 08:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998444318771362} +{"text": "tak cukup ni!mesti pisah kn!patuh syariah!oh waittttt! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9023789167404175} +{"text": "QUOTE(miaopurr @ Oct 30 2014, 12:56 PM)sked to simply jatuhkan hukum. but u can read this Kaidah Fiqih Penentuan Hukum Halal-Haram dalam Makananbtw, no other options of stalls selling food prepared by muslims there?i like chinese food n amoi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999501705169678} +{"text": "\r\nUp to you malas nak layan orang cam awak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999586343765259} +{"text": "Aiya, chinese people wasn\u2019t affected by BMF lahLu suka BMF u sendiri pergi BMF lah, Chinese don\u2019t need a single cent of Muslims monies one, sell to chinese and Indians already can sustain one lahLu tak suka or tak MAMPU Lu jangan beli cina punya products lah! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9872733354568481} +{"text": ",-tapi tentu aja aki gak hafal semuanya. Sampe pernah aku diceramahi habis2an perkara salah beli sabun yg ternyata produk prozionis. \n\nSakit hati bgt, pdhl aku udh berbulan2 nahan gak makan makanan pro-isra#l yg sebelumnya aku suka banget.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999351501464844} +{"text": "Many born & educated in west malaysia are still stateless, some waited more than 20 years and don't have people to help viral their stories.https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/family...HUGF4w.whatsapp ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9907633662223816} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Nov 1 2023, 10:35 AM)yes you are correctwhat i mean, he said orang jual tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal is non halalmana ada macam tu.untuk sijil halal, u kena ikut segala procedure. then dapat sijil halal.meniaga tepi jalan tak ada sijil halal it doesnt mean non halal unless peniaga itu letak babi arak haiwan tak sembelih dan sebagainya.meniaga letak babi, arak, haiwan tak sembelih itu semua benda haram untuk orang islam makan. so benda tu sudah tentu non halal.2nd thing is, hygiene and preparing foods.if hygiene but ada babi = haram. tak ada sijil halalif tak hygiene tapi ayam sembelih = tak haram. tak ada sijil halal.Ini yang I konpius ni. So those restaurant that put no pork but takde sijil halal, muslim can eat? Tak haram kan?But still kena kecam kata mengelirukan sebab non halal.Kenapa restaurant buat kena kecam tapi roadside stall tak kecam? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "itu pun nak bangga. aku dah lama dah buat mcm ni. spesis melayu PPRT mcm ni jakun nak attention je. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9778948426246643} +{"text": "JAKIM boleh buat ujian secara klinikal utk tau ramuan, bahan & isi kandungan makanan.. Maaasih lagi dalam dunia Spongebob..", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7438472509384155} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Dec 7 2015, 12:02 PM)I don't see why aurat is a bigger concern when it comes to healthcare, as a consumer (patient) and/or as a practitioner. If you're so concerned about faith-related issues, what are you doing in a place that is dedicated to healing the physical? Why not stay home and appeal to the greater power instead? Make wishes for world peace and all that. You should be more concerned about tangible matters like quality of care, prices of medicine, competency of the doctors etc when it comes to healing the sick. This is a classic example of seeing the trees and not the forest, a luxury of nitpicking small issues when there are so much more bigger issues abound. Some are trying to equate this with recent incidents of government dress codes, but fail to see even then the ministers and authorities concerned admitted that such dress codes are not enforceable and are only discretionary. What, will they be so concerned about aurat and other sensitivities that one day they refuse to be touched by what they deem is a religiously improper medical personnel, even as they lie on the hospital bed? Will they accept the treatment, and then later sue the hospital once their lives are saved, because their faith was offended? Will medical personnel refuse to treat victims of alcohol-caused incidents? Indians refusing to touch someone who was poisoned eating beef? Buddhists refusing to treat food poisoning from meat-based products? Catholics refusing to be on call on Sundays?I find the attitude of some people about this to be frankly hypocritical. Where's their crusading moral outrage against cigarettes when it has long been declared haram 20 years ago? Instead we have complaints about rising cigarette prices. Another example of nitpicking, to be religiously outraged about things that are only inconvenient. That is why sometimes I snicker at the hypocrisy of those who attend Friday prayers, complete in traditional clothing; only to light it up when it's all over. Or worse, flick the cigarette butt anywhere and climb into their vehicle which is illegally parked but felt religiously justified to do so. So not only did the smoker violate a fatwa about smoking, he also broke secular rules about parking as well.They should just admit it that it has nothing to do with the religion, but because they perceive their right was infringed. It's an inconvenience, a challenge; that someone dared to restrict what she can or can not do. How dare the hospital say such a thing, to actually use the rulebook.\"Screw your rules, I have religion!\"Hear hear. If left uncheck, might turn into some countries where female doctor can't touch male patient. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.64618319272995} +{"text": "Pergi bali buat kau bersyukur lahir dekat malaysia.Kedai halal n terang2 pekerja pakai tudung labuh pun,akan served arak utk om puteh.\n\nAku suka diorang ni pelbagai tapi bab ratio halal haram ni meghisau.\n\nTapi x pe la,gaya aku pun haram,apa la sgt.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995118379592896} +{"text": "Bolehland export Talented professional to other countries and import Bangla. Will Bolehland achieve its developed country status with semi sklll labour ?No one care because the cronies are minting money bringing in the workers ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991838335990906} +{"text": "QUOTE(yeezai @ Jan 24 2023, 02:49 PM)Actually the definition is very clear.. 0% no haram , 0.1% haram ..easy ..Not really. Coz the 0% is marketing hype. Heineken 0.0 for example contains 0.03-0.04% alcohol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99994957447052} +{"text": "Rokok sudah lama ada fatwa haram pun hisap jgk..ojwai ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998296499252319} +{"text": "@ayepazham @lilyzahani Apa yang tak puas hati sangat cakap macam tu. Dah terang-terang diorang tipu sijil halal \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993751645088196} +{"text": "QUOTE(paicong85 @ Jul 28 2012, 07:08 AM)pada aku: halal adalah khusus untuk orang islam sahaja. tak payah la Jakim Buat permit untuk halal. Mengambil duit rakyat aje. nak buat halal betul2 buat hudud sekali baru betul.kenapa aku cakap halal untuk orang islam.aku tak ada niat untuk menuduh sapa2. ini adalah untuk orang islam sahaja supaya beringat dan pikir.1.halal adalah perkataan dari al-quran untuk orang islam. klu bagi kat bukan orang islam tahu ke halal, haram, makruh dan sunat.2.halal untuk bukan islam di malaysia aku tak pasti. tukang masak bukan orang islam masak makanan dengan pegang anjing ( dah la tak samak) minum arak pastu campur sekali dengan cawan2 lain. mkn makanan yg haram campur sekali dengan bekas yg lain. semua tu tak boleh. kita orang islam tak tahu apa status tukang masak walau pun bahan yang digunakan adalah halal. sebab tu halal adalah untuk orang islam yang bertakwa kepada Allah. Sebab mempunyai sifat terpuji didalam diri tukang masak tersebut. kepada bukan islam. mohon maaf klu terkasar. sebenarnya Jakim Sendiri buat duit.kenapa negara kita buat permit Halal. sedangkan negara lain tak ada pun. semua tu nk duit aje. tapi aku setuju dengan barang yang ada logo halal tapi betul ke halal. itu yang was-was tu..pikir-pikirkan la wahai umat islam sekalian. jangan sampai halal menghalalkan yang haram sudah la..negara lain pn ada logo halal mereka sndiri..cth thailand...so bkn msia je ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987303614616394} +{"text": "beli makanan minuman yg kamu suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998835325241089} +{"text": "QUOTE(squalluz @ Jan 6 2017, 05:43 PM)I see.. I think you should lay off your weed now, it's affecting your brainThat's the best comment you can make?..... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999750852584839} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 7 2024, 01:45 PM)Actually, touching the bottle also haram is it?That is serious question. Can any M answer..My M friend \"yes, consider bersuhabat\"Hand sanitizer.. perfume.. the chance of coming in contact with the alcohol is higher right? You think the thief is dumb meh , baling Satu batu can get alcohol at the vending Mechine ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zanei Gundan @ Aug 6 2015, 04:07 PM)mende tah nilopa nihbudu ada sebok nak makan eskargotfaggot sungguhsiput sedut tak haram? apa beza nya? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9964302182197571} +{"text": "QUOTE(LookOut! @ Jan 3 2017, 04:53 PM)ini mesti produk sjkc punya kerja nihQUOTE(vincentsiow @ Jan 3 2017, 05:00 PM)Yela tu, produck SK mana ada minda utk fikirkan semua idea niNothing to do with SJKC and SJK. There are KNN Commies\u2122 come from both SJKC and SJK. KNN Commies\u2122 originated German, remember? I have seen a banana cum die-hard leftist communist. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998524188995361} +{"text": "QUOTE(kamfoo @ Sep 12 2015, 02:20 PM)thin faggot like kpopQUOTE(ah_suknat @ Sep 12 2015, 02:49 PM)tak malu sebab cukup makanorang kurus tak cukup makanQUOTE(adren1 @ Sep 12 2015, 03:57 PM)Man below 65kg = pandanHai gemuk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999352693557739} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syeikh Ruler al-Hotzz @ Aug 18 2022, 04:49 PM)Kalo nak tuduh kedai tu guna barang x halal kena provide bukti. Bukti pun xda...ada hati nak buat tuduhan.Deswai ayam curious what is the punishment if someone simply tuduh melulu (aka fitnah?) without proof?Like few days ago got viral a malay shop buy chicken rice from non-halal shop then resell it at their shop, and the video only shows 2 ppl unloading packets from rice box from car into shop.Such ppl maybe berhati baik try to warn ppl but actually he/she was simply accusing fitnah, is that right or wrong? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(statikinetic @ Feb 19 2024, 11:40 AM)Always kena \"Tak suka you keluar\", \"pendatang\" or \"Balik Tongsan\" comments.When keluar, kena tanya why pulak.The latest popular one is \"Jangan campur tangan agama Islam.\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999232292175293} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 12:30 PM)purpose\u00a0 of making is 1 of big point/reason of it becoming halal/haram.every food purposely making to make people drunk will deem haram.You can argue low alcohol content beer purpose isn't to make you mabuk. Because the alcohol content is low, you literally have drink alot of it to mabuk.The same argument with eating 20 tapai to mabuk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(WinkyJr @ Oct 21 2019, 02:03 PM)lebih byk beli barang syarikat muslim, lebih byk zakat, lebih byk fund di baitumal utk kebajikan umat islamkk mart tempat aku pun gardenia dah tambah rak sbb dah start ambik stok banyakistiqamah guys, pelan2 kayuhhiraukan mereka yang menyalak, bukan depa boleh buat apa punthis ^BMF forever!!!!!!!!!! ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998728036880493} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Susah nak cakap, dua ni business boleh kata untung kot. Kalau ada sijil halal boleh pergi jauh xkan company tu bodoh sangat xnk apply. Mesti ada masalah punya. Pikir2 kan la. How much do you wanna risk?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "Lah inipun jadi isu. Lepastu ada nons acah2 tau halal haram lah pulak.Lepastu nak berhusnuzon .... tak lah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(pot-8-O's @ Dec 9 2020, 07:58 PM)salahapa goodfren / bestfrenTidur sebilik tapi katil lain kan. Iman kuat.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996929168701172} +{"text": "Even satu cawangan ni je dah sah takde halal,better hold dulu dari makan kt cawangan lain sampai jakim clarify. Makanan halal haram ni jangan dibuat main,benda tu akan jadi darah daging kita ya anak\u201d. https://x.com/nnaddy____/sta/nnaddy____/status/1352481842360774656\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973155856132507} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Mar 14 2024, 01:02 PM)because its just glucose water with some electrolytes. 100 plus is as suga laden as other soft drinks, why do you think people like to drink it. the nutritional content is all listed on the label.For emergency In case can't get any dehydration salt 100 plus is ok. I store some in my fridge. Best is still uphalyte for dehydration ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997960925102234} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ May 1 2024, 06:45 PM)Konfius with type-M punya thinking.Kejap puji bangla punya BM lebih baik dari type-CPastu nak usir pulak Bangla dari negara ni.Bukan patut bangga meh ada warga asing yang good in BM can replace type-C?Apa yang korunk nak har??Bangla masih honeymoon period. U wait another generation then they will start meroyan about these pendatang. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9886852502822876} +{"text": "Chinese restaurant some more. How to keliru? If still keliru means the people must be too stupid to comprehend. Itulah tak belajar BI dulu. All malas lepak elsewhere. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999918937683105} +{"text": "Sedangkan kenduri kahwin boleh tolak jemputan , kalau haram jangan datang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998212456703186} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 12:09 PM)dude did you just come out from under a rock?this is issue of the day, ciggy halal/haram has been in the news like forever.and upon googling, similar issue of pig bristle brushes have been made every 5-6 years too.examplehttp://mahatera.blogspot.my/2010/12/berus-dari-bulu-babi.htmlit's the same cycle, a big hoo-haa and then after 2-3 weeks, issue died down.all this to distract us from other bigger issues. Agree .... this is how they keep their power in rule Rinse and repeat with religion issue Old but always effective ...but my point is when religion issue brought up most of ppl buying in ...so still problem when the ppl not leaders ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9765529036521912} +{"text": "Sebab sijil halal jakim bukan setakat bahan makanan je. Dari segi employment kena ada sorang muslim kt dapur setiap masa ke apa tah. Dari segi layout kitchen pun ada main peranan. Part2 tu kot yang susah. nak mohon pun costly kan. Kalau tak mesti orang melayu kita bersepah dapat.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9967237114906311} +{"text": "@iripann Aku yakin halal walaupun takde sijil halal. Sebab yang jual ada melayu and ramai jek orang melayu datang. Tapi kalau kau ragu2, better tak payah. Tu nanti jadi syubhah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "Yes betul, so in the end nya berbalik pada individu tu sendiri laa sma ade dia yakin atau was2. Kita sbg umat islan ni kene la memilih makanan yg memenuhi syariah agama kita. Asalkan, yakin, makn tu halal, sumber nya bersih tu yg penting", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8613860607147217} +{"text": "QUOTE(samftrmd @ Sep 10 2020, 08:36 AM)They don't know pork is babi?salah yahudi confuse guna perkataan pork , bukan babiorang tu should go to jail , beli/touch haram product , and also posting haram item on social mediaabsolutely haram haramThis post has been edited by KSMMA: Sep 10 2020, 08:54 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "Dulu semua wolang cakap, kalau tak undi PH, you pengkhianat negala. You undi losak, you also pengkhianat negala. Sistem demoklasi di Malaysia, mesti undi PH, tabule undi losak. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998468816280365} +{"text": "No need go until so far back to Hankyu Jaya. It will share the same fate as Isetan. Malaysia is generally a country with poor buying power and the majority will be boikot by Muslims because its non halal. The Japanese who open Seibu here must be so stupid to open here.Another thing about Japan retail is that they market their malls as lifestyle and this includes food. With all the haram and halal restrictions, the overall mall won't do well just like Isetan. Look at isetan 1Utama, close eventhough it is around non bumi area. That also because non bumi not enough to sustain Japanese business. Japanese who invest here must understand that Malaysia is more like Egypt thinking rather than Thailand or Vietnam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9899627566337585} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 23 2024, 12:18 AM)Bodoh ke?It is called profiling. I'm talking about immigration officer method of work. Asking basic question is the first line of filtering out the right and wrong.IC boleh curi and dipalsukan. IC tu another way to verify but to make sure the person is the right person,mesti lah tanya soalan2 yang rambang. Macam, kampung asal kat mana, sekolah kat mana. Kalau jawab tu tak confiden, gagap2, pegawai tahu lah profile dia camne. Kalau polis tanya kau, nak pergi mana, pastu kau tergagap2 nak jawab soalan simplemesti dia syak kau ada sesuatu yang nak kau sembunyikan.Ada cap jari boleh verify kan? Ada gambar dalam chip kan?Kalau still tak boleh verify baik kasi lokap sementara hantar IC ke JPN utl verifikasi.Bukan suka suka rejek sebab nenek umur 90 tak pandai Bahasa Melayu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "BUMI INI MILIK SIAPA??!! So mesti pandai jaga hati tuan coz senang butthurt... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990106821060181} +{"text": "@aishahka95 kan dlm video tu kata, yg haram cuma babi \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 xin fu tang tu tk dpt sijil halal malaysia, tapi in taiwan, dorg dpt the halal cert. so up to you la sis, yakin atau tak. for me, why bayar mahal if tealive is more than enough. ada promo b1f1 kt tealive one spectrum ampang (3-6pm)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(UpsideDownYeah @ Jan 23 2021, 05:03 PM)Why alcohol haram ? Cause it intoxicates you and not able to think straight ? Alcohol put into cooking will evaporate and won't make you drunk , still considered haram ?Some of them don't mind but fundies do. - /k famous gay Achik once cooked pasta with red wine sauce terus kena kecam here.- many years ago Chef Wan cooked stir fry vege using Shaoxing wine in one of his cooking show,terus kena kecam by viewers. Tbh better just check with them first before bringing them to vegan restaurant. My Muslim friends wouldn't mind tho but not all like them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9864474534988403} +{"text": "Cari makanan. Yg penting halal, enak dan bersih, murah gpp #PestaWirausaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997631907463074} +{"text": "Kenapa perlu nak boikot produk bukan bumiputera walaupun sijil halal mereka sah?! Aku tak suka lah pahal nak boikot ni. Benda kecil macam ni lah akan bermula masalah isu perkauman. We Are Malaysian! Kenapa perlu nak boikot \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982516169548035} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Feb 21 2023, 03:43 PM)he tak boleh makan the haram meat, deswai he said the food lousy lo....Why having Apple store is a benchmark? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "Yang penting lambang jakim kene ada kat setiap makanan! Kau apa tau? Makannn je tau", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9994105100631714} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Nov 1 2023, 09:15 AM)SHAH ALAM - Penang mufti Wan Salim Mohd Noor has called for premises selling non-halal food, including pork to provide a notice to inform Muslims.According to a Malaysiakini report, Salim said that there is nothing wrong with selling nasi kandar served with pork, as long as customers, especially Muslims, are made aware of its ingredients.While Islamic law forbids the consumption of pork, Salim made it clear that non-Muslims are not prohibited from selling non-halal products to non-Muslims.However, he stressed that authorities must play a role in ensuring that premises offering non-halal meals advertise or put up a notice on the food's status to prevent Muslims from consuming it.Salim was responding to Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association (Presma) Jawahar Ali Taib Khan's statement, where he claimed that a video clip of 'nasi kandar' served with pork on social media could spark confusion and a negative image of the local cuisine.Meanwhile, Selangor executive councillor Teng Chang Khim dismissed the claim as illogical to imply that Muslims would be so easily misled and confused.If this were ever the case, he suggested that foods such as dim sum, yong tau fu, and all sorts of other Chinese foods could not be sold and would confuse Muslims as well.Salim explained that the Quran prohibits Muslims from consuming pork as it is considered unclean. Scientifically, it has been found that it contains a type of parasite called Trichinella, which can pose health hazards to humans.For instance, Trichinella can lead to Trichinosis, which can be contracted by consuming raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with the microorganism.However, the infection may be prevented through hygienic food handling practices, particularly by ensuring that the stock is sufficiently cooked to kill the parasite.https://www.sinardaily.my/article/212056/ma...-inform-muslimsI don't think that's the \"scientific\" reason... You sure pork is the only meat that contains parasites and therefore unclean or unsafe to eat?? In general, all kinds of raw meat, be it halal or non-halal has risk of parasites or bacteria in them. That's why it's not recommended to consume raw meat. Also, one extremely important thing is how the meat is handed, not whether it's halal or not and type of meat doesn't matter. Many food poisoning cases were due to unclean handling of food. Simple thing like not washing hands after going toilet (e-coli is found in food, it's common in our feces). ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.994809627532959} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Apr 26 2022, 04:20 PM)SoloPre Covid U ask hightechgadget or cofin or jaycee1 they know betterSpent total how much how many days on haram trip?Solo cost more money ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999850869178772} +{"text": "logik ktards: semua tindakan tak boleh buat sebab khuatirkan kesan balas, maka biarkan ajelah Israel dan Amerika bermaharajalela. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997943043708801} +{"text": "eh ni server hosting lowyat forum halal tak? don't simply post . nanti haram..dosa nya kek!This post has been edited by ghost321: Oct 8 2022, 10:39 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999791383743286} +{"text": "QUOTE(kuikuikuikui @ Nov 14 2014, 09:36 AM)good. same case like mei want marry free hair woman want to convert her to ninjabut ppl said kenot. must meri tudung labuh. safety first my father also said cannot. he's point of view is based on worst case scenario. i do not agree at first.. however after a long thought.. islam always goes for \"prevention is better than cure\".the real question is, are u willing to take the risk of making sin, if when u get married to her and then she reluctant to become ninja?are u willing to \"tanggung\" dosa of your wife? does she worst the risk? like u said safety firstAllah Knows Best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9702506065368652} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 04:13 PM)Hotdog definitely not haram - YesBut you apply for a certification of course need to follow the standard.Same as Sirim, U buy china made no Sirim logo. Is it say cannot use in malaysia? of course can.Quality maybe same as Sirim approved one. Just that it has no Sirim logo.The issues is that you want the cert just follow the standard la and that is not the main reason why Auntie anne halal cert is rejected.Yes. Of course Im not questioning jakim requirements They forgot to put one thing in fact: bribe Also part of the requirements Anyway. My point was on people claiming hotdog Is haram cuz got dog in the nameThats my point ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998838901519775} +{"text": "QUOTE(sakaic @ Jan 10 2021, 01:08 PM)This is called flexing muscles.Go raid a hailam kopitiam that has been operating since the 40s because a lot of Malay people go there. Not halal, never seek halal certification before but complain does not meet requirements for halal. So basically go there to tell Muslims not to go thereSo that kopitiam kena denda ke? Or barang non halal kena rampas? Tldr version pls. But tell muslim not to go there for not halal compliance is right move. Tapi if muslim wanna go after an advise from them, sukati la kan? Sendiri tanggung kalau dosa. Betul? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.844833493232727} +{"text": "That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to me ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998072981834412} +{"text": "u oll milkup ni ada sijil dr jakim tau..bkn snang nak dpt sijil halal ni,lepas ni x payah ragu2 dengan milkup berminat boleh wasap \ud83d\udc49 https://t.co/gYJehFcZ9N https://t.co/aneGDsrp3S", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "QUOTE(jenniferjen @ Sep 10 2020, 12:48 PM)So freaking contradicting.... if u no minum, u also duno will mabuk or not, if mabuk then haram but already drink to test mabuk or not also not his fault mar.... then if no mabuk can continue drink? Then if mabuk tak mabuk who judge?not sure......well....this is more jgn mempersoal kind of stuff...is like it's written cant...then cant lo...no question allowed... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "QUOTE(enterthefatdragon @ Oct 6 2022, 08:34 AM)soskalau tak mampu buat grand, buat la simple style....Wahhhdoooo i wonder the cheque issuer knew or not knew of the cheque sure gonna bounced.Trick so dulu dulu still can pakai la.. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993131160736084} +{"text": "QUOTE(Volfeed @ Nov 5 2021, 05:51 PM)The fish quite big. 11 years old. Seller claims lah. Maybe correct la she said show fish. LANGKAWI:\u00a0 Ikan siakap yang dijual pada harga RM1,196 di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini yang tular semalam, diternak pemiliknya\u00a0 selama 11 tahun.Pemilik Restoran Terapung Sas Rimba, Norasyikin Musa berkata, ikan siakap seberat 7.48 kilogram (kg) tersebut diberi makan ikan kecil yang segar dan bukannya dedak seperti kebanyakan sangkar ikan komersial lain.\u201cKita tak bagi makan dedak, kita bagi ikan kecil yang dibeli daripada nelayan lain yang baru ditangkap kepada ikan-ikan yang dibela di dalam sangkar di sini.\u201cBayangkan 11 tahun saya bela ikan tu, berapa banyak kos untuk ikan tu? Berapa ratus kilogram yang ikan itu sudah makan, tak mungkin saya nak jual dengan harga seperti ikan yang seberat dua kilogram?\u201d katanya apabila ditemui di restoran tersebut, di Taman Geoforest Karst Kilim di sini hari ini.Tambahnya, kos operasi restoran terapung adalah tinggi dan boleh mencecah sehingga RM7,000 sehari.Katanya, selain daripada kos memberi makan kepada ikan di sangkar tersebut, kos operasi lain seperti minyak bot yang digunakan untuk membawa bahan masakan dan kos penyelenggaraan restoran juga adalah lebih tinggi kerana kedudukannya yang terapung mengikut pasang surut air laut.Menurutnya, pengawal keselamatan juga perlu diupah bagi memastikan ikan yang dibela tidak dicuri oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab kerana kawasan sangkar tersebut adalah sangat gelap apabila malam tiba.Jelas Norasyikin, ini bukan kali pertama dia menjual ikan yang bersaiz besar daripada biasa kepada pengunjung yang datang ke restoran tersebut.\u201cKalau ada permintaan oleh pelanggan, saya tetap menjual ikan tersebut, tetapi saya tetap akan maklumkan ikan tersebut adalah sangat besar berbanding ikan lain yang mempunyai berat sekitar 800 gram (g) ke dua kilogram.\u201cSebelum ini, pelanggan yang menempah ikan tersebut bersetuju apabila dimaklumkan mengenai saiz ikan dan tidak pernah timbul masalah seperti ini,\u201d ujarnya.Semalam, tular dalam media sosial gambar resit menunjukkan sekumpulan individu terpaksa membayar hampir RM1,196 bagi hidangan seekor ikan siakap dengan berat sekitar tujuh kilogram. \u2013 UTUSAN ONLINEhttps://www.utusan.com.my/terkini/2021/11/i...ernak-11-tahun/Actually , the earlier response was good enough & solid defence already based on the displayed price on the menu. Once the price already made known but the customer still proceed to order, no one going to side the customer.Now I slightly felt they are overdoing the defence on 11 y.o age. By doing so, how they want to defence the price on the menu now? All the fish in the menu 11 y.o ? Adui\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8855722546577454} +{"text": "Saya tak faham bila ada orang rasa mencari makanan yg diyakini Halal itu sesuatu yang remeh sahaja. Di luar negara memanglah tak ada Cop Halal Jakim, tapi itu bukan halangan utk seseorang mencari makanan yang DIYAKINI Halal. Kena ada ilmu (baca ingredients) dan rajin bertanya.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9438446164131165} +{"text": "Kafir dalam ni teraling tahu bab halal haram. Kedai lain yang baru bukak pun mostly dalam proses daat sijil halal. Halal bukan saja pada cop.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998375177383423} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Dec 11 2023, 09:41 PM)Root beer, dog pretzel.... pon haram... yiu think chee cheong fun wud be halal?Let's change it to geh cheong fun.Make it Cheong Is Fun ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "@Rweenaurora Hehe tu lah hehe buat benda haram selalu tapi tetibe plak nak request sijil halal bab makan hehe", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Dec 15 2023, 10:10 AM)i have always maintained this about donations:tak suka, don't donatebut please don't discourage others from donatingwhere is it mentioned that the stamps are for donation? Even if it is, how much of it will be donated and to which organization?People need to know. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6216388940811157} +{"text": "\nReply 19# mahathirGX \n\n\r\namboi sedap dok mengata aku.. tak pe ko rela makan, aku tak rela.. cuma aku cakap, kalau dah ada laporan benda tu haram, bagi tau produk apa, syarikat apa. susah sangat ke media nak bagi tau.. kalau susah sangat nak bagi tau, jangan bagi laporan dalam akhbar.. buang masa je dok discuss benda ni\n\r\norang kita akan terus ketinggalan kalau media asyik dok sorak berita. tak macam akhbar cina, semua dilaporkan secara detail.. kalau la aku faham akhbar cina, tak adanya aku nak baca akhbar melayu dah. asyik dok haram-haram.. haram jadah ada.. tak ada info berguna langsung\n\r\np/s: sat lagi ada yang kata aku ni parti biru la.. parti hijau la.. aku tak layan politik ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990880489349365} +{"text": "QUOTE(mistralmudd @ Jan 9 2024, 08:16 AM)Jangan memandai and buat fitnah. He not ulama to ikut kepala sendiri. He himself based on other ulama. He is pendakwah, not ulama. Ulama is someone who is certified/acknowledge/renown to give fatwa. He not at that level.Allow me to understand better.How does one claim himself a pendakwah? What is pendakwah obligation, are they under the supervision of ulama ie what a pendakwah says?Lastly can a pendakwah preach as in deliver a sermon to an assembled group of people? Or advocate religious matter?This post has been edited by jojolicia: Jan 9 2024, 09:22 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "Terus soal sushi dll ya kalau pakai mirin, arak masak, dll tinggal nggak usah dimakan, kan banyak sushi yang nggak pakai kandungan tersebut. Dan lebih banyak makanan halal dibanding haram, easy.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975027441978455} +{"text": "@safarinamahmud @KuantanTV Tidak memegang sijil halal tidak bermaksud makanan disitu haram. Kalau rasa yakin tempat tu menggunakan bahan yg bersih dan halal boleh je nak makan. Tapi kalau ragu\u00b2 jangan makan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999383687973022} +{"text": "Makan daging lembu wagyu yang lembu diberi minum bir, tidak haram. Gunakan duit dari cukai arak dan judi pun tidak haram. Makan babi dan minum bir haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995144248008728} +{"text": "ini mesti kerja yahudi untuk menjatuhkan empayar suci makanan halal mamak... mesti plotek... hidup hidup! mamak ini milik siapa!! mamak orang kite! jgn cuba mecabar maruah roti! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "QUOTE(demetry @ Aug 16 2017, 05:41 PM)got such thing?Zahid was Anwar's best friend last time. My friend knew him well. I was once visited Anwar mother's home too. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "lulz gotta give it to ts..so many pipul triggered by best cakoi in ipoh title. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993084669113159} +{"text": "Bila ramai orang blame jakim pasal sijil halal, kata susah dapat, Mengalahkan mohon HACCP. For me, it's a good thing sebab kualitinya pasti yang terbaik. Bagi masalah waktu travel pula, ada je sijil halal luar negara yang diiktiraf jakim. Walaubagaimanapun, tepuk dada tanya iman", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965458512306213} +{"text": "Jawapan yg tepat amalkan budaya beli barang makanan dlm tin atau yg lain sahih logo halal daripada Jakim, sebelum beli sila peka prihatin jdkn amalan perhatin tanda halal daripada Jakim barulah beli itulah Caranya.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997647404670715} +{"text": "Kau ada nas/dalil hafaz Quran mesti tau syarat2 makanan? Patut lebai2 tunggang agama/bangsa mudah scam Kabilah Bani Melayu sbb Jahil! Apa Caucasian/African/Westerners xde masuk Tilawah Al Quran d Mesia? Patut JAKIM dulu HARAM TAREKAT NAQSYABANDI yg tipu hal Nabi skrg jadi HALAL!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7888257503509521} +{"text": "QUOTE(andylyc @ Oct 12 2023, 09:12 AM)Ini mesti B40 nak makan kat MK tapi harga mahal tak mampu. Buat hal je lah supaya MK lingkup.Normally T20 tak banyak kisah halal or tak halal. Janji no babi, okay.look at the way T20 travel vs B40 travel already knowT20 is eat whatever they saw and likeB40 is frantically searching for halal food, even bring rice cooker and maggie onboard ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "Susah nk dapat status sijil halal, GMP, lab test. Carilah kilang OEM yg berdaftar dan ada kelulusan spt dinyatakan diatas.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5362094640731812} +{"text": "Beacon\u2019s Chicken Delight PJ - Apa Masalahnya?\n\nThAt\u2019S wHy We MeNtIoN PoRk FrEe. We DoN\u2019T SaY HaLaL PuN.\n\nAda banyak sebab sesuatu premis makanan tidak berminat untuk memohon sijil halal JAKIM \u2014 and it\u2019s absolutely fine\u2014 sebab mungkin pasaran mereka ialah non-Muslim. \n\nTapi...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999990701675415} +{"text": "Kenapa yah untuk menentukan suatu makanan haram atau halal umat Islam menyerahkannya pada manusia ? Apa di kitabnya tidak ada ayatnya ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998942613601685} +{"text": "next Chillis, TGI Fridays baik halalkanyang penting orang kita dijamin gembirakaum lain boleh belahThis post has been edited by Leto: Oct 13 2023, 04:14 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996911287307739} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackpink @ Dec 31 2019, 04:38 PM)so conclusion is better for muslim food seller to get a jakim cert?if big business definitely the best/recomended practice. But if only roadside stall or small business, u think certification is cheap ka.... ??? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "ni belum dapat lagi awek dan rokok. harap maintain la bagus mcm ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999219179153442} +{"text": "QUOTE(gaman @ Mar 27 2024, 07:40 AM)Ada jual barang haram tu \"rokok\"?rokok boleh jualtapi kondom x jualowaii ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999949932098389} +{"text": "QUOTE(AllnGap @ Aug 9 2018, 08:05 AM)when i wented japan, immediately touched down d awek all remove tudungs d. LOLYg penting...got remove bra or not??? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "KAU HEBAT SENDERbeli makanan yg kamu suka, nikmatin sama teman-teman mu atau hirup udara segar sendirian\nGet well soon sayanggg", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5501362085342407} +{"text": "SIJIL HALAL PRODUK ENNA Keluaran Persatuan Nelayan Kebangsaan Alhamdulillah memang menjadi perkara wajib bagi pihak ENNA untuk memperbaharui sijil halal setiap tahun. Diyakini halal & selamat.. #Enna #produkmuslimhalal #nekmat #sijilhalal https://t.co/tVRftbiyar", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996657371520996} +{"text": "Senarai hotel yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia di Negeri Pahang. Untuk mengetahui status halal restoran/dapur hotel yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia, layari... https://t.co/YGyjE9sje6", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.629991352558136} +{"text": "QUOTE(jpoplover101 @ Jul 8 2014, 10:36 PM)If vegetarian is not Chinese food either?they will put pork on the vegetablesor they will put beer.such is real chinese foodoh, that ginseng roots which sounds halal? they will put pork powder or beer powder to make it haram and make it sell. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9687620997428894} +{"text": "Also plis pergi 448 ni sbb langsung takde org sbb dia tersorok sikit. Kalau kedai halal kurang orang maka locals pun malas nak bukak. We need the demand to push the local market to open more halal places. Haritu dtg lunch time tapi kitorang first customer padahal dah lama bukak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9820499420166016} +{"text": "QUOTE(ichigo_6091 @ Aug 9 2018, 11:32 AM)Actually, in Quran, it says if you abuse it, then it is haram, if you drink small quantities and still functional, then its okay.Ayat mane ek? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9704058170318604} +{"text": "Bahkan, dalam mazhab Shafie sendiri, haiwan yang memakan najis ini masih boleh bertukar daripada makruh kepada halal, setelah dikuarantinkan dan diberi makanan yang bersih selama tempoh tiga hari.#ApaKataUSIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996203184127808} +{"text": "QUOTE(helpful @ Aug 25 2020, 10:38 PM)These are the EFFORTS of the FARMERS HARD WORK and EFFORT It will be LOSE LOSE if they RAMPAS I believe BOTH PARTIES will lose Anybody here believe ----------your hard work ----- can and will be rampas by some PIRATECan bro... this has been happening for centuries. Those with Status/Power will always step on common folks. That's the reality of life. That's why, super rich/powerful families (99% of them), will never have happy families... it's their curse from what they did. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "Boleh jadi makanan dicampur dengan sumber haram seperti alkohol dan benda yang memabukkan. \nTetapi itu juga tidak menidakkan kedai non-muslim untuk memiliki sijil halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999628067016602} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ May 21 2016, 07:23 PM)According to you, no.Like I said, I'm more interested in the motivation behind the sign. No one wants to admit that it primarily caters to Muslims. I'm not in favor of government intervention either.No sugar doesn't mean the absence of sweeteners. Some artificial sweeteners are more harmful than sugar but that's marketing at its best so it's not always cut and dried.who cares........you confuse your problem. there's lots of benefit of marketing to those that are of the less confused kind. lel ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9633954763412476} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Sep 14 2016, 12:09 PM)Hi, I'm Malay Muslim.Sorry for not answering your question in /k since for me, asking in /k is not a proper place. At least you move to Serious K, I can answer to you in serious mode. Haha.1. One of my cousin, married with chinese girl, now have 2 child. Really cute. From what I can see, the lady still lives like a typical chinese. Talk like chinese, eat using chopstick, not eating the haram staff, but now she wears all modest clothes. Baju kurung etc. No see through or sexy one. Oh one thing, she's not wearing tudung yet or covering her aurah. But I believe, once she knows the obligation to cover herself, she will do it willingly.2. If you wanna know someone who is chinese converting to Islam in Malaysia, maybe you can contact her (of course I will share you the contact), or maybe my wife can introduce to you with someone. BTW, you man or woman?3. Not applicable. Yeah got banned for opening this thread in /k. Move it to serious k.Thanks for the offer. I am a guy. You can intro her into this forum so everyone can ask. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8141160607337952} +{"text": "Now content creator more pandai then any government agency that handle all this halal haram matter Better cut Jakim budget and channel it to content creator , they seems to have deep knowledge with halal haram subject ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999545812606812} +{"text": "\nFound bottled ones but not those large bottles I saw when I was younger. Think it will taste better or similar to the cans?Maybe I should try those Tigers?If I don't want to finish it on 1 go, how to best store it?\nBought this instead. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980831146240234} +{"text": "TAK ADA SIJIL HALAL TAK BERMAKNA HARAM. GITUUUWWWWZZZZZ. APA KAU INGAT NAK DAPATKAN SIJIL HALAL SEMUDAH ABC? WALAUPUN KAU GUNA SEMUA PRODUK 100% HALAL.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8491713404655457} +{"text": "\r\nOleh Adib ZA\n\nJika anda berkunjung ke negara matahari terbit, Jepun antara perkara yang membuatkan ramai bimbang ialah mendapatkan makanan yang halal. \n\n\nIni kerana negara Jepun bukanlah negara yang majoritinya penganut Islam. Namun, berita baiknya pihak tourism di sana semakin peka dengan pelancong yang datang dari Malaysia, Timur Tengah dan semua pelancong muslim. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPun begitu, anda jangan berharap 100 peratus yang mereka menyediakan makanan halal sepanjang masa. Rakyat di sana masih belum arif tentang hal ini. \n\n\nOleh itu, cara anda memesan makanan itulah yang paling penting sekali. Pesanan yang tepat boleh mengelakkan anda mendapat menu yang tidak halal.\n\n\nBerikut merupakan cara yang disyorkan oleh portal travelog.my untuk memesan makanan di Jepun. \n\n\n\n1. \u201cSumimasen ga, butaniku wa taberemasen\u201c.\n\n\nMaksudnya, \u201cmaaf, saya tak boleh makan babi\u201d.\nButa = babi\nNiku = daging\n\n\n\n\n2. \u201cSumimasen ga osake wa nomemasen\u201c.\n\n\nMaksudnya, \u201cmaaf, saya tak boleh minum alkohol\u201c.\n\n\n\n\nSelamat mencuba! - CARI Infonet\n\n\n\n\nSumber: Travelog.my\n\n\n\n\n(Sumber foto: Carian google)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "Sebenarnya beli mie buat ayah sama ibu sh, nggak enak rasanya kl pulang nggak bawa makanan. Walaupun aku tau nggak bakal di apresiasi tapi aku tau ibu pasti suka tapi kata ibu ayah nggak suka mie gacoan jadi aku aja yang makan satunya. Lain waktu ayah bakal ku beliin bakso aja.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9866372346878052} +{"text": "KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 8 \u2014 The government could source for halal food from entrepreneurs for the proposed free breakfasts in schools, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim suggested today.Anwar, who is also PKR president, said he would seek to find ways to help entrepreneurs and talk to the relevant ministers.Anwar suggested that the food for the free breakfast programme be sourced locally in the individual districts throughout the country.\u201cFor example, now we have a good proposal from the Education Ministry to give food to students.\u201cWe can do this through tender and a big contract to big bosses, or we can do through tender but with the conditions that it is mandatory to take food that is halal, of quality, and clean from all districts,\u201d he said, adding that such food should also not have excessive sugar levels.\u201cIf that is done, we have a project that maybe hundreds of million, spent on annually, but benefits thousands of people in a district,\u201d the Port Dickson MP said at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre.Anwar said this concept which he termed as \u201cpayung\u201d (umbrella) was in use when he was the finance minister in the past.He spoke of a project to provide wooden chairs and tables to students, where the contract was given to a big company that was then required to find smaller companies to supply the items according to specifications.\u201cMeans from one company, we give to 60 small and medium companies, with the majority also coincidentally Bumiputera (companies), to help,\u201d he said of the example.\u201cThis is what we can do, and this is included also in the government's approach of those among leaders who understand and care,\u201d he said.Anwar was speaking at a forum titled \u201cPemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat\u201d (Empowerment of the people's economy), which was part of the Halal Fiesta Malaysia hosted by the Prime Minister's Department.The event touted as Malaysia's largest halal expo was jointly organised by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) and the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (Maiwp).In the same forum, Anwar spoke of how non-Muslims in Malaysia could learn about the Islamic approach through concepts such as halal (permissible for Muslims).\u201cSo don't introduce a concept that can cause enmity. If we say halal is only for Muslims, Muslim entrepreneurs for Muslims only, it's not true.\u201cIf for example products from Muslims, if we guarantee it is hygienic, we guarantee its quality, non-Muslims will also buy.\u201cMany non-Muslims in Malaysia who are successful economically, they produce products that are safer for us, if it is of quality, clean and halal, I see this as a positive initiative,\u201d he said.Anwar said the halal concept does not only cover whether a product has ingredients that are haram or forbidden to Muslims such as lard, or how an animal was slaughtered.He said the halal concept instead means a product must be clean, fulfilling Shariah laws, be of good quality, efficient and excellent.Anwar had recently criticised a campaign on social media to boycott products produced by non-Muslims, calling it an unhealthy method to promote halal products.Earlier this week, the Cabinet had urged Malaysians to buy Malaysian products instead of boycotting products made by non-Muslims.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...akfasts/1788511 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9547616839408875} +{"text": "\": Sedih bila ada makanan yang dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986841082572937} +{"text": "QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 21 2016, 04:32 PM)kalu ko rasa ko lagi cerdik & pandai ilmu perkara halal ko pegi la debate dgn panel Halal JAKIM..depa buat untuk standardkan biar ada 1 ja sijil Halal yg merangkumi semua aspek dr pembuatan, proses, menu2 & nama2 produk, biar semua bersih & elok..tukar nama je, bukna suro buat yg susah2..awat, susah ke nak tukar nama produk? DOG tu terlalu penting ke untuk letak pada produk?Kalau sijil halal tu merangkumi semua yang kau cakap, namakan sijil tu nama lain. Letak Sijil JAKIM. ok tak? Sebab ramai orang berfikir sijil halal - kompem halal, tak dapat sijil - haram. Tapi sebetulnya walaupun tak lulus untuk dapatkan sijil tu product tu tak semestinya haram. Kau faham tak maksud aku ni?Dah namanye Sijil HALAL. So buat la requirement yang menentukan haram halal product tu. Yang memandai tambah benda yang tak berkaitan tu kenapa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999394416809082} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin)Well, all I can say is good luck with the moderate Muslim cause. I honestly wish you all the best. Because if you fail - all of this will never end. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999105930328369} +{"text": "\"isu makanan ade babi\" - dah kalau jakim cop situ, kite yakin makan je laa.. dose deme tanggung ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dominic Toretto @ Feb 9 2018, 04:23 PM)Goku and Vegeta definitely will be haram-ed to cosplay since he already achieved god qi.yalor. what about thor or loki? or doto zues ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9824219346046448} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Dec 20 2016, 09:14 AM)malu lah why all your photo look empty one. where you go? you want a good place to chill head to drunken monkeyBojio.Ohwait ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8891788721084595} +{"text": "QUOTE(fist_Aileron @ Mar 19 2024, 11:42 AM)I didnt say the Quran mentioned about parasite in pig. Dont make out stories la bro u takde keje ke asyik butthurt je kepercayaan agama orang. Hari2 mesti mau mock Islam ya in /k ?Oh mock people lacking general knowledge and telling them they're stupid is ok. Asking to confirm what is written in the book is not ok. I too, didn't say quran mentioning parasites in pig. You're the one who brought up parasitology first. Says much about a person who \"went to med school\". I hope you're not practising. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999971866607666} +{"text": "QUOTE(kllonely1 @ Aug 11 2018, 11:16 PM)lagi senang,civil law saja dipakai,semua orang sama hak,tak kira bangsa dan agama,apa pasal melayu takut?Sebab mereka nie memang dasar penakut.Nampak Salib, takut murtadNampak nons X tutup aurat takut hilang kawalanKeluar negara, Makan maggi. Takut makanan luar X halalAda anak perempuan, takut jiran nk kahwin Ngan dia masa capai umur 11Bulan puasa nampak nons Makan, takut Iman terpengaruh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "Follow @eyecare.my . [JOM TAG KAWAN AWAK] . KASI TURUN MATA MINUS TU SENANG JE. Kini dah ade suplemen nutrisi mate, Herbal aman sangat & tak de efek apepun , di proses dengan Bioteknologi modern dan sijil pengesahan BPOM, Halal. Sangat senang dikonsumsi dan Berkhasiat 100% A\u2026 https://t.co/cQVmSjO6yq", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8148117065429688} +{"text": "QUOTE(hackwire @ Feb 13 2016, 02:22 PM)Kasi saman also good. Most of these greedy chinaman wanted to leverage on Muslim market too. There is a shop that even display Arabic language in their labels. When I asked them why your food price tags and description is in Arabic, they claimed that they have plenty of Middle East customers.Example bagus. Arabic language can only be used by specific race only.You mean:Kasi saman Ryaniair also good. Most of these greedy \"yindian\"/chinaman wanted to leverage on Muslim market too. There is a \"airline\"/shop that even display Arabic language & promote syriah-compliant in their labels. When I asked them why your \"airline is syariah-complaint/food price tags and description is in Arabic, they claimed that they have plenty of \"Malaysian\"/Middle East customers.Kasi saman Petponas also good. Most of these greedy \"meleis\"/chinaman wanted to leverage on \"non-Muslim\" market too. There is a shop that even display Mandarin and Tamil language during CNY/Thaipusam in their labels. When I asked them why your \"Promotion material\" description is in \"Mandarin/Tamil\"/Arabic, they claimed that they have plenty of \"Malaysian non-muslim\"/Middle East customers. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996639490127563} +{"text": "berkulat la perut kau, makanan rm16 takboleh nak bayar, tapi beli ip mampu pulak. sebab tu kita tak suka dulukan duit, nanti kena tagih tagih macam pengemis ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991092085838318} +{"text": "QUOTE(fuzzy @ Mar 5 2024, 11:20 AM)this is the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "#BalikPulau Guru lelaki ditahan kerana berlumba haram di Lebuhraya Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu https://t.co/9B2ze10nvp", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "Cth buat teruk pasai makanan halal. Pi negara luar nnti jgn lupa bwak Maggi byk2 Nasi lemak tepi jalan pn tadak lesen halal dr JAKIM.\n\nNoohhhhhhhhh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(SiakapRM1000 @ Dec 9 2023, 07:25 PM)Helo bodo cabai.He inform muslim . You muslim or babi eater? If babi eater why you concern about halal? Bodo punya hipokritSorry tanya saja can't fly for this franchiseIt's niche and selective in opening outletsNo halal sign outside and if you Google you already know what's their status. In this day and age siapa tak do own homework Ppl who go there know what they're getting into.Original FB poster saja nak viral for clout. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "Oh my god..... IS THERE NO LIMIT TO THESE RELIGIOUS SJWS STUPIDITY? next thing you know, they'll be outlawing any movies with dogs in it, CUZ DOGS ARE HARAM!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9883835911750793} +{"text": "QUOTE(itanium @ May 31 2016, 07:41 PM)Little do the Muslims in Malaysia realize they are enjoying sin tax thru government HANDOUTS. So does this mean sin tax(non-halal) filtered thru government automatically becomes halal?nopewhat we received is not haram since we did nothing wrong in the first placehow the government earn their revenue is their own matter not usbesides that's why we pay zakat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996592998504639} +{"text": "Garret belum ada sijil halal. Sama macam xing fu tang jugak & lain2 tu. dulu starbucks pon orang beli tapi status belum halal. Sekarang dah halal. Sumber gambar : fb https://t.co/mTlf8HsTlo", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8903128504753113} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Dec 15 2023, 10:10 AM)i have always maintained this about donations:tak suka, don't donatebut please don't discourage others from donatingMenteri pay by ur tax money And u said not ur tax money? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5747711658477783} +{"text": "QUOTE(loki @ Mar 12 2020, 04:59 PM)bukan untuk minum le bangang... kalau untuk minum dan memabukkan, itu haram...ButVaccine dan bulu berus pun bukan makan minumApasal pun haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "QUOTE(RegentCid @ May 6 2024, 01:37 PM)Most family run restraurant in Japan does't need deposit for reservation. If no show, they just removed the reservation tag on table. Unless you request special ingredient / require days for peperation then only need deposit. Even Ex-Michilen 3 Star Jiro Sushi also no need deposit when making reservation. Alot people put him aeroplane, then angry and no more serving foreiners.....Michelin angry and take away all his stars.That Japanese unhappy because in Japan culture, never put aeroplane. If cannot make it, must let people know in advance.fuh tq abang for coming in. babi buang muka saja ffk ppl not answering phone etc. common courtersy out the window. tumpang tanya also since u here, apa best budget omakase at tokyo? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9629495739936829} +{"text": "QUOTE(sgshuhu @ Jun 9 2019, 10:59 PM)I dunno about other country, but Muslim Malaysian, when it comes to halal or haram food, they really aware and becareful about it. Which is a good thing.tapi banyak kita letak halal pada pekedai jual makanankita harap pekedai masak guna semua bahan yg halal atau certified halal lasaya cakap begitu sebab kedai makan orang melayu takde certified halal jakim ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997201561927795} +{"text": "Perbezaan geografi antara dua pusat peranginan - Hat Yai di Songkhla dan Pulau Langkawi di Kedah - menjadi faktor betapa tidak adil untuk membandingkan kerancakan kehadiran pelancong Malaysia.Presiden Persatuan Perdagangan dan Pelancongan Halal Thailand-Asia Tenggara, Aida Oujeh, berpendapat terdapat juga beberapa faktor utama lain yang menyumbang kepada kerancakan masuk pelancong Malaysia ke Hat Yai.Antaranya, kata Aida, kemudahan akses melalui jalan darat, produk-produk tarikan dan kos.\u201cPelancong Malaysia lebih memilih datang ke Hat Yai kerana kos perbelanjaan untuk makan minum, penginapan dan membeli-belah lebih murah walaupun nilai wang Thailand (baht) lebih tinggi berbanding ringgit Malaysia.\u201cSelain itu Hat Yai adalah tanah besar, sebaliknya Pulau Langkawi sebuah pulau yang hanya boleh diakses melalui jalan laut atau udara,\" katanya.Tambah Aida, dia berpendapat pelancong Malaysia juga lebih memilih Hat Yai kerana bandar tersebut menyediakan pelbagai produk pelancongan yang berbeza daripada apa yang ada di Pulau Langkawi.Misalnya, kata Aida, produk makanan, pakaian, kraf tangan, dan tempat-tempat menarik tumpuan pelancong.Aida OujehDia ditemui Malaysiakini sempena program hari Media dan Pelancongan Malaysia - Selatan Thailand di Hat Yai, Songkhla, minggu lalu.ADSSebelum ini media tempatan melaporkan bagaimana Hat Yai kian menjadi tumpuan pelancong Malaysia dan dikaitkan dengan kemerosotan aktiviti pelancongan domestik khususnya Pulau Langkawi.Kemerosotan itu dilihat ketika musim perayaan Deepavali pada Nov tahun lalu.Kira-kira sebulan selepas itu, pelancong Malaysia dilaporkan menyumbang kira-kira dua billion baht (RM267 juta) kepada ekonomi Thailand.Tak bergantung kepada kerajaanOrang ramai menyerbu Hat Yai \u2013 yang hanya sejam perjalanan dari sempadan Kedah dan Perlis \u2013 khususnya ketika cuti sekolah atau cuti umum.Aida menegaskan adalah tidak sesuai dan tidak adil jika perbandingan dibuat di antara kedatangan pelancong Malaysia ke Hat Yai dan Pulau Langkawi.\u201cTapi ada hikmahnya - kerana kami di sini juga mahu mempromosikan Langkawi agar orang Thailand juga berminat untuk ke sana,\" katanya.Tambah Aida, tidak seperti Langkawi, pengunjung Hat Yai boleh meluaskan perjalanan mereka ke tempat lain seperti wilayah Yala, Patani dan Narathiwat.ADSTambahnya lagi, faktor perkhidmatan dan hospitaliti menjadi peranan penting yang perlu dititikberatkan oleh pemain industri.\u201cDi sini (Thailand) pemain industri tidak dimanjakan pihak pemerintah, mereka perlu berusaha keras sendiri dengan inisiatif masing-masing sebelum sedikit sebanyak dibantu agensi kerajaan.\u201cIni termasuk dalam aspek penyediaan produk sehingga ke peringkat pemasaran dan promosi.\"Tanpa kebergantungan kepada pihak kerajaan menyedarkan mereka untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan dan layanan terbaik kepada pelanggan,\u201d kata Aida.Sementara itu seorang pengurus agensi pelancongan Thailand Abdullah Yeepanoh berkata tawaran harga pakej pelancongan di sekitar Selatan Thailand yang rendah menjadi tarikan utama kedatang pelancong Malaysia.Abdullah YeepanohKatanya, pada harga sekitar RM60 seorang, pelancong dari Malaysia boleh menerokai tempat-tempat menarik di Narathiwat.\u201cBagi pakej Hat Yai, kami menyediakan tawaran serendah RM299 setiap seorang meliputi kenderaan (dari sempadan), penginapan, sarapan, insuran dan pengangkutan ke lokasi-lokasi tumpuan serta pemandu pelancong.\u201cRasa rasa tawaran harga pakej pelancongan ini menjadi tarikan utama yang memikat pelancong Malaysia datang ke Hat Yai,\u201d katanya.Sempena cuti sekolahDitanya sejauh mana sambutan pelancong Thailand ke Langkawi, Abdullah berkata destinasi itu kurang mendapat sambutan memandangkan di Thailand sudah terdapat banyak pulau peranginan yang indah.\u201cBerdasarkan pengalaman agensi kami, orang Thailand lebih suka ke Cameron Highland, Genting Highland, Pulau Pinang dan Kuala Lumpur.\u201cKalau ke Langkawi tak berapa ada sambutan sangat,\u201d katanya yang juga pengurus YPN Grup & Exclusive Van Club yang berpangkalan di Narathiwat.Bala bersama keluarganya bercuti di Hat YaiDalam pada itu seorang pelancong dari Johor yang mahu dikenali sebagai Bala, 37, berkata dia mengambil peluang membawa keluarga ke Hat Yai sempena musim cuti sekolah kali ini.\u201cSaya dari Johor ke Pulau Pinang sebelum datang ke Hat Yai. Kami datang ke Hat Yai dengan memandu kereta.\u201cSaya ambil kesempatan ini untuk bawa anak-anak mengenai pesekitaran berbeza berbanding tempat pelancongan di Malaysia.\u201cSebab ini kali pertama datang, kami boleh rasa makanan, tengok tempat menarik dan membeli-belah produk tempatan,\u201d katanya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8603333234786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.If you study in UK, you don't invite Muslims friends to party together at the bar they will marah oh.This post has been edited by poweredbydiscuz: Nov 24 2023, 11:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997178316116333} +{"text": "QUOTE(maru&box @ Nov 2 2013, 07:54 PM)I think the main opposition to halal food from people is from a standpoint of animal cruelty.If you look up how the animal is killed it's basically:\"When an animal is slaughtered, the jugular vein is cut and the blood is allowed to drain from the animal.\"Apparently this is claimed as the \"best\" way to put the animal out of its misery.But when I think about it more, slowly bleeding to death does sound painful. And now with modern technology, there are machines that makes death instantaneous so there is no suffering.I don't know how the desert people 2000-5000 years ago slaughtered their animals. This might be the best method at the time but times have changed. Unfortunately, nobody has the authority to come and say \"hey here is halal 2.0 which is better\". On another note, I have also listened to discussions on the reasoning behind not eating pork.If I remember it right, this practice is inherited from the jews practice of also not eating pork. Back when the jews were still desert people, it would be a good idea not to eat pork because the methods of meat preparation at the time somehow makes it easier for people to get diseases from eating pork. However, now if you prepare it right, there is no problems.Again, it might have been a practical thing to do a long long time ago but the reason to do it is just not there anymore. The same probably goes for other types of non-halal meats like mud-crabs. If not prepared properly, you will easily get diseases ( and die ). For me, I don't really care because I eat anything if it tastes good. This is some of the things I learned when trying to understand why muslim people eat halal meat and how relevant it is in the past and now in the present.QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:47 PM)actually, i think they cut both the jugular vein and carotid arteries. so the animal would lose consciousness pretty quick.The slaughtering method according to Islamic rites is not just based on putting the animal out in least painful way.It is also to drain blood out of the meat entirely (because blood is where the diseases are).Food preparations in Islam is thorough, and it focuses not just cleanliness, but health as well.That's why those who observe and follow Islamic food discipline not just focus on the Halal, but also on the health benefit (Hence the term Halalan Thoyyiban). ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995971143245697} +{"text": "QUOTE(BL98 @ Nov 25 2023, 09:40 AM)Go UK study but complaint about alcoholIf so sensitive with alcohol and other haram stuff, why not just go study in Kelantan/Terengganu?free money sponsored by JPA.but yeah I agree with you, this kind of puak better study at uitm saja ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994900226593018} +{"text": "@ottel awak makan dkt warung warung tu ada sijil halal ka \ud83d\ude0a kalau kita yakin halal boleh ja makan , lgpon tokey nya org melayu , islam , klau awak tk yakin nk makan , it\u2019s up to you", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9934529066085815} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 21 2024, 12:31 AM)I think it's when you have lived abroad that makes you appreciate your home country. for those that don't understand, maybe I give you an example more people has maybe been thru, have you guys ever wanted to change job because you feel the place you work at is very shitty? Then you find a job and during the interview you see that the new job seems to be a lot better, and the people also a lot more professional and friendlier, then you join the new company, saying good riddance to the old shitty work environment and fucuk ex-colleagues, then you are so happy in the new company,,,,1 month pass then you start to see,,,the new colleagues macam all is wolf and hyenas in sheep clothing,,,,then 3 month passed, you realise the company macam dont have a lot of system in place..a bit chaotic and by 6 month time you realise this job is even shittier than your previous job . After living abroad, I find Malaysia have a good work life balance, and the quality of life is very good. You see Singaporean, when they want to have good quality of life, they come to Malaysia. You just need to be smart about how to make a living here, and its a lot easier making a living here than other places. Also, to be honest, those that everyday kpkb gahmen no good, things are expensive....just you wait till you go live overseas and have to do OT just to survive and then control that OT to the dot so that you dont fall into the next tax bracket and 40% of your pay is given to the govt, then you find that govt giving living expenses to the bums (eh..macam familiar je nie). Then you get yelled ate by a bunch of bogan looking teenagers just for taking the train, or you grip you gun in your vest tight because you were walking thru a rougher neighbourhood because the place is the only place you can afford to rent. Shit like that will adjust your perspective very rapidly and you will realize, hey, Malaysia ain't a bad place at all.In Life, there are external factors which you cannot control, but the internal factors within your control is how you react to the external factors, for me, I have decided early in life, I want to make my life and my family life better, so main aim was to make money, the side effect was that I also spent my time living abroad due to my work, which seems to be my luck as I was able to see the world and came up with the best living format for me, which is to keep my Malaysian citizen ship and also have the options of living abroad. Hence my property in China and Singapore.Also, to be honest, if you feel that you and your family can't survive in Malaysia due to Malaysia no future, do you think you can survive overseas, because living in Malaysia is like playing a game on easy setting, while living overseas, its definitely a hard setting. And those that kbkp and complain everyday, those never do take the first step and move overseas, normally are those that diam diam just move.Same like me lor. Keluar time diam diam, worry keluar liao mati outside kena sindir.Now success liao sudah burn my Malaysian Passport and IC, these people start say me selfish la, kiamsiap la, kiasu la, keluar bojio la, etc etc. Full of sindir also, as long you tarak share a bit of your moolah with them, sindir is a must. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5045332312583923} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Mar 26 2023, 04:18 PM)One thing I noticed, when it comes to purchasing food, we rarely ask for the price beforehand, instead, we just bought it first, feel disappointed afterward, and proceed to viral the shit out of it.What he can do at the time, he can politely ask for the price before buying, and make an informed decision after that, whether to buy it or not.i think there's a law that states all sellers must display food prices?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996283054351807} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureFyi... They hv put fatwa rokok is haram long time ago.seriously if u really continue blindly comment without a bit of research then, good luck future ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(permintcuzzi @ Oct 25 2016, 03:45 PM)Simple fix to their promotional material. Don't tell me people can't understand what it means.You got $$ for your creativity, at the same time, respecting muslim onlookers as they are the majority of people around here.If /k offended also I wanna tell /k that, that's not the way to earn other pipu respectWhat kind of respect is that?I respect same mu bcoz org lu ramai?Show ur quality that worth the respect not quantityInb4 lu x suka, kluar Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999810457229614} +{"text": "Mee kari pakcik memang sedapp selalu dtng sini makan sizzling ja, tapi lps notice kedai pakcik ni, mmng wajib paling2 beli side dish dari kedai dia, yg suka makanan cina, must try tauu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7815020084381104} +{"text": "No worries lah. Bab air/makanan je pun. Manusia akan counterback dengan dalil yang lain, couple/dating/cium/peluk pun sama haram, porno/zina pun sama haram, and the list goes on..... lepastu ditambah ayat \u201cbab makanan tak ada sijil halal pun nak bising\u201d \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f well", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995303153991699} +{"text": "makan la makanan yang sah halal disisi hukum syarak, pastikan membeli makanan yang ada logo HALAL YANG DI KELUARKAN OLIH JAKIM SAHAJA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9494324922561646} +{"text": "Makan kedap camni la baru selera dan yakin. Bersih je kedai makanan pun sedap", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999326229095459} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Nov 29 2022, 01:42 PM)Aiyah that oltromen see pregnant women body shape also can be hornylulz,.. if watch the whole video,.. not only ajinomoto,.. nescafe, maggi mee, F&N all also haram,,.... if sue,.. many company can sue him liao,.. but i think this ustaz rich,.. drive lembugini.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993498921394348} +{"text": "Bawa bekal ni banyak faedahnyaMakanan confirm sedap\nSaving duit\nDiyakini bersih dan halalso jangan malu bawa bekal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigblackpiikachu @ May 13 2015, 10:07 AM)You tak mau kena raid you bayar 'service charge'It is common for club management link with enforcement for the raid, a raid shall be done once a month(rarely twice a month). This is very general to them since it increases income, they recycle the drinks, there wont be VIP's (only general public) whom earning 20k per month and you see the cirit birit pic of Zouk is viral now, but it happened years ago, but when I post an article from other people .. Lowyat migrants having anal pain boria boria .. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9915980100631714} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Nov 13 2023, 09:32 PM)What kind of stupid post is this?I worked as F&B manager last time and we had chinese and indian staffs working in the outlet and had no issue.It was gradually reduce because some of you are too ashamed or feels too low class to work in f&b.Even I don't see some of you all force your after SPM kids to work part time in f&b or retail to train their communication skills and even learn to mingle with other races. Too much pampered your kids and let them rot at home.Personal attack at its best, is that needed? When was your F&B last time? I am referring to the 90s ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9688838720321655} +{"text": "What is there to viral about just a young person shielding an old lady from rain moreover she's her grandma, isn't that what she suppose to act?The world is in a mess because of religion. Just because one is Muslim another is Chinese it became like a rare incident. Everybody hoo...hah...Will it be extraordinary if a same race shielding each other? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992005228996277} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Aug 6 2015, 07:50 PM)Wut about mud crab? Can or not? Mud crab is the most popular 1 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940382242202759} +{"text": "@fahmiazzahari Yelah... Apa buktinya mereka Islam? Pasal kedai pakai nama Islam ke? No... wajib kena sijil halal walaupun kedai nama Islam", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6696569919586182} +{"text": "QUOTE(headache @ Sep 10 2023, 02:44 PM)It's already explained in the links Otromen posted. Baca pun malas, nak faham konon or mmg comprehension problem?First Link, 4th lineSat, kata bodoh, marah pula.But why?U obviously triggered, calling people names. The whole time discussing this topic, I didn't call anyone names, but u accuse me of being triggered.This is why hard for people to understand your religion. Ask a few questions sudah triggered.This post has been edited by JohnL77: Sep 10 2023, 04:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987610578536987} +{"text": "QUOTE(shirohamada @ Jun 10 2019, 11:50 AM)vettel robbed of a race win in montreal after fia penalised him.Yes... it is because it is haram for him to enter track immediately into racing lane, but how stewards defined \"immediately\"? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971486926078796} +{"text": "QUOTE(goandloveyourself @ Nov 29 2022, 02:41 PM)i suggest malaysians go visit our muslim. neighbor, example Jakarta. my muslim friends there all sit same table with me, i have my HARAM food while they enjoy their halal food. we are in a public eatery that sells both halal and haram food side bybside. why not? they arent eating my food. sitting beside a porkchop dont means u eating porkchop. but over here, its all haram. everything also haram. simplest thing also got triggered.indon muslim got eat pork,..\nKEGP3F7Kux0\n\nThis post has been edited by Cincai lar: Nov 29 2022, 02:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996103644371033} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 02:42 PM)Dah bertahun-tahun org guna hot dog, ber tan-tan orang Malaysia makan hotdog. Takde siapa yg pikir hot dog tu adalah anjing atau ada kaitan dgn anjing, kenapa sekarang nak tukar? Bila Jakim kata suruh tukar nama hot dog ni kepada nama lain kerana ia seakan-akan anjing, sebab tu lah org ketawa, sebab takde siapa di dunia ni yg akan confuse pasal benda ni - except org di Jakim ni nampaknya.Kalau nak tau, original sausage ka, frankfurter ka, hot dog ka, dia di buat dari intestine babi. Sekarang pun banyak sausage dan frankfurter yg dibuat dari bahan haram. So kalau guna perkataan frankfurter atau sausage pun tak confuse ke org Islam Malaysia ni nanti?If there are other rules which are ridiculous, then people will point it out and laugh at it as well. The point of contention now is this clause, why talk about others?Kepada yg kata non-muslim yg ambil campur, etc, sila tau la ya banyak org Islam pun tak agree dgn rule Jakim yg ini. Lepas tu jangan la nak label org lain liberal la apa, padahal yg MEMBURUKKAN pandangan orang kepada Islam tu tindakan Jakim tu sendiri. Jangan ingat org di Jakim tu malaikat atau nabi dan ISO regulation dia tu Al-Quran sampai tak boleh dipertikaikan langsung.Boleh semak website halal direktori ada tak penyedia makanan guna terma \"hot dog\". Org yang kerja dalam F&B dah lama tahu, sebab itu dalam penjenamaan makanan, mereka tak guna nama \"hot dog\". Mereka guna frankfurter atau sausage. Jika frankfurter atau sausage daripada bahan yang haram, mereka tak dapat sijil halal. Jika barang yang tak halal, selalunya pasaraya akan asingkan terus. Jika tak agree tak apa, terus berbincang dengan pihak JAKIM. Tak ada masalah. Join sekali dengan team JAKIM utk sediakan satu lagi MALAYSIAN STANDARD utk halal cert. Boleh tukar jadi MS 1500:2016 . Nak join? Yang memburukkan adalah muslim sendiri sebab tak faham, dan acah2 lebih hebat daripada mereka. Orang awam juga jangan ingat mereka itu malaikat atau nabi sampai semua perkara nak diperlekehkan sampai tahap menghina. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999480247497559} +{"text": "QUOTE(Shisha Abdul Fatah @ Sep 11 2016, 03:32 PM)BAM!!! my sentiments exactly. indian cuisine memang the best but unfortunately you can't have it everyday because it's too fattening.Indian cuisine such as? er.. roti lol ? even the mee goreng is not indian ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "Jngn risau bisnes fingo ni halal.....anda msih xpcya dgn segalanya ada sijil lgi bisnes fingo ni ada kelulusan.....jom join sy pm2.....msih tak xpcya lgi bisnes fingo ni....anda bloh cuba sndri bisnes yg penting anda rajin\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0ajom join sy.....pm2 sy ajar smpai A-Z https://t.co/qEV9o8FMFP", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987851977348328} +{"text": "Halal bukan pandang sebab dia pemilik dia muslim ke tak muslim. Yg penting bahan digunakan halal and masa halal pun dieorang check kebersihan. My experience kdg kedai melayu kdg tak pass sebab ingredient halal tapi kebersihan fail. So tak pass masa audit.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9198776483535767} +{"text": "QUOTE(leechers @ Nov 2 2013, 09:13 PM)complicated or not its not kafir's problem. and it is always kafir who will make things complicated\u00a0 no problem at all. Just this thread sounds like ts attempt to educate non-muslims on halal/haram claiming that we don't understand it.but truth be told it has differing opinions. so it's not misunderstanding. QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:16 PM)Everything is created/ordered by God for a good reason.There are many religious codes of conducts which hav been scientifically proven to be beneficial to mankind.But there are a lot of things that God created for us to discover for ourselves, where when we try even with our best, we would still not know everything.God make it that way so we stay humble and realize where we sit; instead of start thinking highly of ourselves and playing god in this world.Humility is among the most fundamental attributes in Islam.define \"playing god\"....as the so called \"playing god\" might just be pursuit of knowledge. humility is pretty much claimed to be fundamental of most religion, yet most also has contradicting ideals. and how about religious officials that wants to punish people for sinning? are they not playing god? This post has been edited by LamboSama: Nov 2 2013, 09:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "for sure jakim hanya untuk cek status halal makanan?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9987685084342957} +{"text": "waiting for fb viral post on cartel ayam cina and boikot ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8304448127746582} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Mar 13 2024, 04:58 PM)when given choice and no choice. ask yourself would you want to learn bm.Just asked my sons, they don't want to learn both BC and BM.. actually best is don't have to go to school at all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999700784683228} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ May 17 2024, 06:12 PM)How much are the duck and popiah skins? Have you visited the Kulai and Forest City branches?Does Mei Shan Restaurant in Johor Bahru have halal certificates or do they display labels showing 'No Pork, No Lard'?The duck was 98 bucks. Popiah skin was a part of the dish. One waiter will do it at your table for you. Should try the garoupa sweet sour too. The best i had was at the old hotel place but that one shut down/moved out. I think they have halal cert. Have a blast man and enjoy the duck ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9893519282341003} +{"text": "*Sindikat Narkoba Gorengan Krispy* \nDan PENYEBARAN model baru ADA DI BOGOR,Kemarin Di Gunung Putri\nDi Cibinong,Cisarua Lalu Di Cigombong,Sekarang Di Sentul\nUntuk Ibu-Ibu Dan Orang-tua\nWaspada Yang Suka Beli Gorengan, Mau-Pun Tepung Buat Goreng Makanan Sekarang Ada MODUS BARU.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997949004173279} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Oct 25 2016, 05:03 PM)you and colgate company are looking at the halal logo as a mean to sell things.muslims are looking at the halal logo to cast away doubt of the kehalalaian of a product.1)yes2)yes3)hotdog is not dog meat4)hotdog is not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970278143882751} +{"text": "Kadang-kadang bersyukur ada orang macam ni. Sebab dia bagi contoh yang baik dan buang segala negatif mengenai sijil halal. Puas hati gila tengok dia jawab. https://t.co/lwipCrmzKM", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999710321426392} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Mar 13 2024, 02:45 PM)Nobody say Bahasa Melayu was not the language of the lands and it just magically appear. The fact is the government changed it to Bahasa Malaysia in the 60s. Why is Bahasa Indonesia called Bahasa Indonesia and not Bahasa Melayu too? You reluctant to even consider changing it to Bahasa Malaysia is clear example of why this language will not reach its status as main medium of communication.The unwillingness to accept problems is another reason why BM will not become the medium of communication. It is not just about practicing it as I have pointed out that the spoken BM is not the same as the BM taught in school. If you think it's simply scoring A or B in exams, then plenty of nons already doing it in their SPMs and PMRs previously but why it's still not the main medium of communication.At the end of the day, it does not matter anymore as the population of nons will continue to reduce and in another few decades, they will be insignificant.Interesting point you raised. There has always been a theory that all these measures are to drive down the numbers. But i have no idea if its true or otherwise. No one can prove intent in this case because instead of dropping numbers for X, they can say increasing number for Y and the phenomena is a merely a simple by-product. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.826811671257019} +{"text": "QUOTE(jagjag @ Nov 21 2018, 07:02 PM)I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question.The answer to all these problems is: religion interpretation is up to each individual person.Everyone got their own thinking that this cannot, that cannot. Trouble arise when there's people that want others to follow the faith as how he/she see fit. These busybody people like the 2 ladies are the cause that make the society become absurdly nonsense, like beer or hotdog name can't be used. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.574620246887207} +{"text": "QUOTE(keyven @ Nov 2 2013, 11:18 PM)Do you mean that once the fela convert to Islam, things he did as haram are forgiven ? Yes. He is considered just like a newborn child, clean and fresh.But he must also give effort to learn about Islam and practise what he is taught with patience and perseverance. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974946975708008} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 25 2017, 12:43 AM)Woi korang tak tido lagi ke loool mangkok hayun betol laDah malas nak reply lepas nie. Lagi reply lagi rasa terikut dengan kebodohannye. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Jun 24 2024, 05:58 PM)There are calls to remove that eagle too. SOS Anti-HelangLOL.. When u let religion take control over.. That's what will happen... Cikit cikit haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "Don't have better or more important things to debate ke ?Everyday halal haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "there are so many things to be considered. It all apply to the tomyam restaurant, mamak and all. Why the kedai makan tu kita yakin untuk makan without any suspicious thought despite they dont have the sijil halal from JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967944025993347} +{"text": "How can boikot.I am lovin' the idea of one burger one bullet.Spray their democratic ideas onto Malaysia, would be the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997754693031311} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wakanda Forever @ Jul 12 2018, 05:45 PM)You\u2019re back with your insult to pork again. Don\u2019t commend on something you have limited understanding with.Im not insulting porkIm saying if ur best dish so dependent on 1 type of meat only, then u have limited range of capabilities Please learn how to readQUOTE(ctrl_alt_del @ Jul 12 2018, 05:45 PM)Unfortunately they assume its a poor conduct when its not. The food is there, you're not confident, don't touch. There is no poor conduct involved.It is poor conduct Who die and made u the arbitrator of proper conduct? Its not about confidence Its about serving food that is prohibited by certain religion Theres no issue of confidence herePeople know what pork isThis isnt a guessing gameWtf are u on about man ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5207072496414185} +{"text": "dont go, later confuse.. stay in malaysia kampung best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9799730777740479} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Sep 24 2017, 10:15 PM)Genting casino forbid muslims from entering SINCE LONG AGO..discrimination? Yeah, But any muslim butthurt become viral?No.Moral of the story? Stop bitching about everythingdid a search, i found this:\"LARANGAN ORANG ISLAM MASUK KASINO DI GENTING HIGHLANDSTarikh Peristiwa pada 08-06-1983Pada hari ini 8 Jun 1983 satu peraturan khas telah dikeluarkan iaitu pengisytiharan larangan orang Islam memasuki kasino di Genting Highlands. Larangan yang berkuatkuasa mulai hari ini telah dipersetujui oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong selaku Ketua Agama Islam dan juga Sultan Pahang. Larangan ini telah dipersetujui dalam mesyuarat Majlis Hal Ehwal Agama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang di Pekan, Pahang pada 5 Mei 1983 dan mula berkuatkuasa pada hari ini 8 Jun 1983. Mengikut seksyen 169 Undang-undang Pentadbiran Majlis Agama Islam Pahang Sultan selaku Ketua Agama boleh mengeluarkan perintah dan arahan bersabit dengan hal ehwal agama Islam di negara ini. Mereka yang melanggar peraturan ini akan dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Syariah dan jika sabit kesalahan akan dikenakan denda RM250.00 atau tiga bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya sekali.\"which means, the casino did not set the rule.whatever the case, \"i didn't complain about that, so you shouldn't complain about this\" is just a deflection ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9853845238685608} +{"text": "RT @malaysiandigest: Jakim Diminta Siasat Status Halal Makanan AirAsia #BahasaMelayu http://bit.ly/16lDIPj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9775736331939697} +{"text": "QUOTE(sihamsedap @ Nov 23 2020, 08:22 AM)u put best nasi lemak in ipoh but nasi lemak is haram style... see got ppl trigger or notactually, i think rarely malay trigger about which food is nice or best in local scene. i think malay is not obsessed with food as much as chinese do.the only concern is halal or non halal. if that food is halal and best, all go je.This post has been edited by viole: Nov 23 2020, 08:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.994271993637085} +{"text": "/k not the best place to learn about religion.Better to just google to get answers from a person with ustaz credential.I believe, there is also a Q&A and a FAQ section on JAKIM website. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996517896652222} +{"text": "Chicken but not slaughtered in halal way is still haram, you know. What if teh chinese stall cook using lard? Still haram also. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "Makanan bersih dan berkhasiat menjadi pilihan, Makanan halal menjadi keutamaan,Makanan kotor jangan dimakan,Makanan haram dielakkan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9680270552635193} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 17 2014, 06:25 PM)thanks, yang ni aku dah baca, tapi dalil-dalilnya tak ditunjukkan, so aku kurang yakin... Oh, kalau nak dalil-dalik tak pasti pulak. Tapi seingat aku dlu kat sekolah mmg ustaz pernah ajar macam ni.Nak terang dalam ni macam tak berapa reti Tapi kalau baca syarat-syarat untuk qasar dan jama' kat SINI, boleh faham serba sedikit kot. Kena ikut tertib samada jama' taqdim / jama' ta'khir, qasar untuk solat yang 4 rakaat sahaja. Maaf kalau tersilap. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8896446228027344} +{"text": "Went to subang empire suddenly cannot find pork chop flied lice anymore\u2026What is the next best thing to orderThis post has been edited by smallydupe: Oct 2 2023, 03:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997556805610657} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Aug 4 2019, 04:20 PM)Serious question, can a muslim use an alcohol-based perfume (malaysia context)? Lets say spray the perfume on cloth and go sembahyang, can?Ayam going to purchase a perfume for my friend liao. Googling the question cannot really get a definitive answer since Malaysia follow mazhab syafie (so ayam not sure).Alcohol tak haram, tapi minum alcohol sampai memabukkan haram. Fyi, you can even use alcohol in making food, there's a certain percentage allowed set by JAKIM. Check it out on their website. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9843897223472595} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bafflinbook @ Aug 19 2023, 11:18 AM)Self pwned??Either he wrote a fake review or he truly ate pork.that guy's stomach is very religious. detected haram particals auto cleaningppl shud learn from this guy how to get such stomach ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981435537338257} +{"text": "Just curious, kedai neh ada sijil halal tak? Klau tgk pada crowds mmg penuh laa org Islam kita makan.. almaklum la nowadays byk sgt yg muslim friendly.. just nak tahu je, klau ada bagus la next time boleh cuba sbb tgk mmg mcm menarik sgt \n\nLokasi : Chinatown", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9882630705833435} +{"text": "Tahukah anda akibat makan makanan yang haram? \nDalam Islam, menjauhi makanan haram adalah wajib. Doa diterima, hati terjaga, dan amalan diterima. \nJauhi makanan haram untuk keredhaan Allah. \n #MNS #JAKIM \n\nNak tak saya kongsi tentang halal lagi? Cuba RT dan Like", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(lordgamer3 @ Nov 6 2023, 03:40 PM)Why not gov look into our farmers needs and what's best for Malaysian instead of worrying about PalestinePity the farmers , hope they get a fair deal .\nig2OsGZTwl8?si=7drkl_HqrUoKeKOZ\n\nWrong platform. Can be femes doing local work. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "QUOTE(anakMY @ Aug 25 2020, 10:43 PM)u left out something, the owner got their musang king trees secured too. lol you think ppl are stupid , the intention is so obvious.How can I think others are stupid when I am trying my best to keep up with them ? Means I am not smart but trying to get a true picture of the existing situation real time basis. When you wrote owner, you meant the new land owner who got the musang trees secured right ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996094107627869} +{"text": "kalau x mampu nak dapatkan sijil halal for your customer satisfaction, mungkin boleh tukar business kot. or kalau x ada, cakap jela tak ada. terpulang kat pelanggan nak biat keputusan.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8551747798919678} +{"text": "Pemikiran, perkataan dan tindakan tidak terlepas dari makanan apa yg telah dikonsumsinya, halal, haram atau abu2 dan cara memperolehnya, serta penharuh lingkungan orang2 dekat disekitarnya....saya mah paham itu... kenapa ada orang tdk konsisten mempertahankan kebenaran", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990646243095398} +{"text": "...kak, hobi ga seberat itu gaksih? kamu dgrin lagu setiap hari pun bisa jd hobi. kamu naik angkutan umum terus scroll hp mu baca webtoon/manga/manhwa pun hobi. kamu beli cemilan/makanan yg kamu suka utk boost semangatmu tiap hari, pun hobi. bahkan kamu baca jurnal tanpa merasa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940542578697205} +{"text": "QUOTE(yvliew @ Dec 31 2019, 02:26 PM)Common sense la I think. If the shop own by Muslim. Of course you trust it will serve u halal food. At least not haram right ? So we get halal for chicken , the way u slaughter it need to be halal. And lembu should be the same.. how about fish? U fish them up when still alive and just let it to die on the boat right? Itu halal ke?Fish is halal... There are two \" bangkai\" (dead animals) that are halal to eat.. fish and grasshopper (belalang) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998867511749268} +{"text": "QUOTE(azhan82 @ Jan 1 2019, 02:21 PM)\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ?should be:Wife: Where u going? Hubby: Hotel XX ada ceramah agama ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997753500938416} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 10:28 PM)Red and yellow is always 2 different entity. You think both will hug?Here to win you need always carefull with this 2 issues. How to get majority support if you cannot hold that.That is the only winning formula. If you got the best candidate graduate from havard grade a+++ also if you cannot win majority then you lose liao. Look easy yet its hard.black then white is all I see in my infancy red and yellow then came to be, lets me see ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "QUOTE(asx26365 @ Dec 9 2023, 02:54 PM)2024 already still got people read books? TopkekGot not alot tho. You're in the herd of budaya tak baca buku and main phone je. No need to be ashamed cause thats the norm now ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994662404060364} +{"text": "DIKIRA SEGALA SESUATU GA BUTUH PROSES DAN DUIT KALI YA. GUE SEKARAT SKRIPSIAN BGNI AJA RASANYA DAH KEK MO B*NDIR BGT AJG. BORO-BORO ADA SUPORT W MO BALIKIN MOOD DG BELI MAKANAN KESUKAAN GUE AJA KGA ADA DUIT. ASUUU", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931972026824951} +{"text": "how bout tos malay who eat \"Chee Cheong Fun\"\u2026\u2026..in chinese \"\u732a\u80a0\u7c89\" it is called \"Pig intestine noodle\" wei\u2026\u2026.LOL OK, serious explanation below\u2026..http://www.e-fatwa.gov.my/blog/adakah-sipu...leh-orang-islamQUOTEEscargot adalah perkataan dalam Bahasa Perancis yang merujuk kepada sejenis siput yang dikenali dalam Bahasa Malaysia sebagai siput babi. Walaupun kedapatan beberapa jenis siput babi seperti helix aspersia dan helix pomatia, tetapi kedua-duanya adalah tergolong dalam genus yang sama iaitu Genus Helix. Dalam Bahasa Arab, siput babi dikenali sebagai halazun (\u062d\u0644\u0632\u0648\u0646). Dalam fiqah, halazun/escargot adalah tergolong dalam kumpulan \u2018hasyaraat\u2019 iaitu haiwan kecil yang melata/menjalar. Dalam mazhab Syafie, secara umumnya haiwan yang tergolong dalam hasyaraat adalah haram dimakan kerana termasuk dalam haiwan yang dianggap keji (khabisah). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998852014541626} +{"text": "rasanya Jakim bukan petanda utama untuk tengok makanan tu halal ke tak. dia just benchmarks untuk tahap confident orang tu makan makanan halal. kalau kita rasa yakin ok je kan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8597735166549683} +{"text": "see lathose who bark at it knows it first because they're the one planning itjust like when they viral everything claim it on ph when it happens during bn era, what a shame ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973063468933105} +{"text": "Memang la bro.. di TERENGGANU kedai judi HARAM tapi di Selangor HALAL berlesen..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9979506134986877} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 02:32 PM)I think I have made it clear in my subsequent responsesThe two rules:1) Beer, liquor, wine are forbidden, due to it's intoxicating effect, this we all know.2) Food mixed with beer, liquor, or wine, is also forbidden, if it has the same intoxicating effect.Some people under number 2) if they are confident enough it doesn't make them intoxicated, they will still consume the food. Most probably because if the alcohol level in the food has reduced to lower levels sampai tidak memabukkan. Some more conservatives people, won't even touch the food. This is where there are two different opinions la.Tapai and bread are not haram, if they1) Were made with naturally occurring yeast through fermentation, and2) [B]Has not reached a point in its alcohol level that can induce intoxication[/B]Alcoholic beverages that were made naturally through fermentation, are forbidden to be consumed, due to the intoxication effects that they can cause.But some drinks, the by-products of those processes, like malta, which are considered non-alcoholic, can be consumed, and I love drinking it.trojandude has made it clear in his snarky responses that he actually don't care, he just want to instigate something god knows what, not only in this thread, but other threads as well. Macam dia sakit bontot dengan saya, tapi tidak apa la, other people with civil responses I still can layan.So therefore the claypot rice is not necessarily haram then, is it? It's intoxicating effect isn't known, and likely isn't to begin with. No one has ever said \"I ate claypot rice and I got tipsy\". Just as you said, Tapai won't be haram if they haven't reached alcoholic level that induces intoxication. You probably haven't heard people getting tipsy with Tapai either.However, you should know that Malaysian universities have done research (by Malays themselves) on Tapai. It is shown that it has 3% - 5% alcoholic percentage. This is about the same as beer (4%-5%), and much higher than Shandy (<1%).You also forget one thing. It's not all about % as well. It's also based on the volume you consume. You won't get tipsy with one Tapai. But eat enough, maybe you would. Does it turn from halal to haram then? Does that mean a sip of shandy isn't haram, but a glass or a few bottles could be?To add on, intoxicating effect isn't the same on everyone, just as you say. Everyone knows it's harder for a big guy to get drunk. Does that mean it changes from halal to haram according to people as well?Is halal and haram actually some sort of a haram-o-meter?These are actual genuine questions by the way.This post has been edited by trojandude: Sep 11 2023, 03:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9946182370185852} +{"text": "kinda related\u2018Dosa\u2019 tertentu serah pada Allah, kata sarjana Turki http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...-sarjana-turki/KUALA LUMPUR: Sarjana Turki Islam Mustafa Akyol hari ini berkata ada perbezaan antara jenayah dan dosa dalam Al-Quran, dan berkata hukuman di bawah undang-undang syariah hanya meliputi tindakan yang menyebabkan kecederaan pada pihak ketiga.\u201cDalam Al-Quran, ada 5 hudud: curi, bunuh, zina, tuduhan zina palsu dan fitnah,\u201d katanya pada forum anjuran Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) hari ini.Mustafa berkata Al-Quran tidak menyatakan hukuman ke atas mereka yang mengambil alkohol atau orang Islam yang tidak bersembahyang.\u201cMasyarakat Islam perlu membezakan antara jenayah dan dosa, di mana dosa itu hanya antara kamu dan Tuhan.\u201cSaya sebagai seorang Islam percaya dosa bukan urusan kerajaan. Kamu boleh dan patut menasihatkan orang Islam yang melakukan dosa tetapi kamu tidak harus menghukum mereka.\u201dMustafa mengkritik negara Islam yang mengenakan undang-undang berdasarkan kepada tafsiran Islam tertentu.\u201cAda banyak tafsiran berbeza dalam tradisi Islam dan tiada siapa pun boleh mendakwa tafsirannya kebenaran mutlak,\u201d katanya.\u201cAhli Sunnah Wal Jamaah harus dibenarkan hidup sebagai pengikut ajaran sunnah di Iran dan pengikut Syiah harus dibenarkan hidup sebagai Syiah,\u201d katanya, dipercayai merujuk kepada dakwaaan kerajaan Islam menindas kumpulan Islam minoriti. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998741090297699} +{"text": "QUOTE(lagista @ Mar 31 2021, 05:26 PM)Gen2 follow Lotus no need glovebox\u00a0 \u00a0 Lucky SZA made sure Persona and Gen2 facelift got glovebox.It's really laughable to think among the Mahalol shits SZA had to clean up, adding glovebox was one of it. QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 05:29 PM)Ertiga. I really dont get it why this model came in when they already have Exora.God knows. At best i can think, Suzuki did seem like in a hurry to balik Nippon, maybe they used Ertiga to test water how feasible it is to stay. Still failed, how many willing to buy a car knowing the principal cabut edi? It was a decent car, better than Alza, Avanza, granted, but with very little prospect for aftersales support, it's difficult to recommend. Ya ya, Proton SC ada, but that was a time when Proton also almost bankrupt, hardly an assurance lol.Oh, masa tu pemerhati industri yang juga arif dengan isu alatganti Proton tak bising pula pengguna terima bahana masalah lol. Showing concern only when it's convenient, eh? Betul2 ada bakat nak jadi politikus kah49.9% ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5340271592140198} +{"text": "Take away the duty free status then you can see Langkawi become a fishing island. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999548196792603} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ May 21 2016, 10:13 AM)Then why are you upset when the government wants to remove no-pork sign? Does removing the no-pork sign inconvenience you significantly? Would you be less resistant to the idea if the no-pork sign was allowed only IF a non-halal sign was also displayed alongside it? Win-win situation right? That way Muslims would know that its Halal status is questionable but informative enough for non-Muslims who do not consume pork. I expect resistance from F&B owners though.Malaysians are lazy. Instead of boycotting an expensive eatery, they report the restaurant to KPNDKK for profiteering. Nothing's going to change that at the moment.Dude, didn't you read my earlier comment??? Your laziness and your ignorant consumed your mind of reading? I said No pork was not meant for muslim. It's mean for those non muslim who don't want to eat pork You think 1000000% no muslim eat pork?? aduiiiiiiiiiiiii ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998717308044434} +{"text": "QUOTE(lonely66 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:39 AM)then blood donation how ? non donate blood can muslim terima the blood ?ahhh, that is a very good question. there are many \"mazhab\" giving different answers.1) some view that in order to save live, ANY blood/organ to ensure the safety of humans, will be sufficient.2) some view that once its a non-muslim blood/organ, forever be tainted unless he/she never drink/eat haram thingsI think in malaysia they segregate, hence why else during blood donation they have a box to tell what your religion is. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8664941787719727} +{"text": "QUOTE(karwaidotnet @ Oct 21 2016, 09:55 AM)i doubt u are an ustaz nor a person qualify enuff to interpret that vague hadith...though that bolded part seems more obvious here...so far from what i read from Dr Maza fb page - the name is NOT a problem. even JAKIM also said it's not the name...media is taking their statement out-of-context not halal =/= haramthen not halal = ???if not haram =/= halalthen 1 + 1 =/= 2???rokok/rempit/arak/'donation' from pak arab/alcohol/toto/gambling/pecah amanah =/= haram :thumbsup: understoodLink to fb? What I remembered the last statement from jakim said they advised AA to change the name. There was no final verdict if the name can use or not. But according to past statements, it cant be used.And I know that we will never know. They did say they wish to meet AA representative. Im sure jakim will somehow persuade AA to just change the name behind closed doors without the need for Jakim officially request for a name change. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997119307518005} +{"text": "Jakim ckp nk cari makanan halal tengok logo halal jakimcadbury pun ada logo halal jakim masih haram\nharam jadah apa kah ini???", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999682903289795} +{"text": "QUOTE(StanleyGreen @ Jan 1 2020, 06:13 PM)Ok.TQ. tapi the review macam tourist trap saja..hahahahaI go try tonightLu ingat welcome seafoood not tourist trap? I think best to eat those that dont market themselves as seafood restaurant but still serve seafood. Those should be better price.You should try beef noddle in kk too. Put semenanjung's to shame. But dont compare price la This post has been edited by cempedaklife: Jan 1 2020, 06:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9918544292449951} +{"text": "Apa2 yg aku beli sbnrnya apa yg aku suka. Sgt jrg aku nk beli makanan yg aku tak suka even tu beli utk birthday org ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6412100195884705} +{"text": "QUOTE(wasime @ Oct 16 2022, 01:29 PM)Mod if this wrong section please change it yeahWe want to know why feed ikan patin in Ipoh with pig meat Isnt this waste of babi, it expensive you know#terinaya\u00a0 Update based on /k article That is a challenge for us to undertake if we do care for the spirit and ethics of Shariah. However, I am afraid we are mostly concerned with legalism and tend to pay no attention to the ethics, which is the quintessence of the Shariah.Having said this, I must also add: If we have no alternative, it is not considered haram to eat these animals or fish according to the rules of fiqh. For even though these feeds are considered haram for us to consume, once they are fed to the animals and fish they have undergone chemical transformation. Thus, according to jurists, because of istihalah or chemical transformation they cannot be ruled as strictly haram.Dr. Hatem Al-Hajj, Dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Mishkah University and a member of the Permanent Fatwa Committee for the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA)Ok noted. Buyfrommydin, cukur its safeThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Oct 16 2022, 08:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996271133422852} +{"text": "Aku suka makanan manis, tapi ini terlalu over gulanya. Beli 1 buat dimakan sebulan https://x.com/katinapermata//katinapermata/status/1820316997458305064\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940066337585449} +{"text": "QUOTE(beebee1314 @ Jan 23 2019, 10:43 AM)I went to Taiwan. saw so many Indonesia and Malaysian muslims enter the BBQ restaurant. best part, outside displaying pork BBQ. of coz got beef and all, but the pan already use for pork, they still okay.only in malaysia, all these monkeys pattern. once outside malaysia, eat pork drink alcohol.only sampah cheap malays never leave kampung before, hoohaa. educated ones, silently enjoying good food in foreign countriesActually as pointed out by one of the formers here, already got Muslims complaining about food in japan. I also read news something about even if \"halal\" but not cooked by Muslim so still not \"halal\" overseas nonsense, few weeks back. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9341261386871338} +{"text": "Yes haram like a yahoodeee sitting on that table ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9954075217247009} +{"text": "Makanan dari negara manakah yang paling kamu sukai? \u2014 Dari mana ajaa..yg penting halal,bersih, \nyang paling pent... http://ask.fm/a/9pkm5p5e", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979749321937561} +{"text": "\r\nPandangan saya sebagi pengguna muslim di Malaysia, saya menaruh sepenuh kepercayaan kepada badan2 yang berwajib (JAKIM) dan untuk keluaran luar negara badan2 islam yang diiktiraf,\u00a0\u00a0untuk menyemak status sesuatu barangan. Jika dah diberikan status halal oleh badan2 tersebut, maka tanpa ragu2 saya tidak akan mempertikaikan pengesahan halal tersebut kerana saya yakin mereka telah menjalankann tugas mereka sebagaimana sepatutnya. Lagipun perlu diingat bahawa emulsifier ini boleh didapati dari sumber haiwan dan tumbuhan. Saya sertakan salah satu jawapan dari carian google. \n\n\nEmulsifier 471 (E 471) is a mix of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. The fatty acid can come from animal or vegetable sources, but usually in the United States, vegetable sources are used.\n\r\nThe only way that you can determine if the Emulsifier 471 in any product does not contain any animal (including pig) ingredients is to get a statement from the manufacturer.\n\r\nIf this is in regards to E 471 being haram or halal, then I would suggest avoiding any Emulsifier 471 that you did not personally check out the source.\n \n \nIni pula dari Muslim Village (dalam contoh ini merujuk kepada keluaran Sanitarium, walau bagaimanapun ayat yang saya kalerkan biru tu is the main point)\n\n\r\nHello Mohamad, \n\r\nThank you for your question about emulsifier 471. I hope you find the following information useful. \n\nThis emulsifier can be derived from both animal and plant origins. For commercial purposes most companies (but not all) will most likely choose the plant version due to its lower cost.\n\r\nSanitarium is a vegetarian food company and therefore only utilises the plant version of 471 which is derived from palm oil. We add this emulsifier to some of our products to ensure the product has an even consistency.\n\r\nI hope that this information is of help to you. You may also wish to visit our website www.sanitarium.co.nz, where you can join the Good Food News email mailing list. Good Food News is a free quarterly publication which you can receive via email. It includes tasty recipes, current nutrition and health issues, as well as product information.\n\r\nWith kind regards, \n\r\nPaige Ashby \r\nNutritionist \r\nSanitarium Nutrition Service \n\r\nThis is an email from New Zealand Health Association Limited,\r\ntrading as Sanitarium Health Food Company.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9300301671028137} +{"text": "@skxmar @ZaidMalek 1.Mei 13 2.pencuri yang digelar wira bangsa aka pengasas mara digital 3.sekolah sendiri?semua kaum boleh belajar kat sjkc dan sjkt.syllabus ditetapkan oleh kementerian pendidikan 4.kebanyakan pemegang sijil halal ialah syarikat non bumi.syarat kena menggaji orang islam Melayu", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999837875366211} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 25 2016, 06:12 PM)tak payah cakap panjang2 hotdog is made from dog meat or not ? yes or no?Obviously its not. But its to me and you. We both tahu. But others?I kid you not i have my tok ngah kama that never eaten a burger and hot dog asked me those kind of thing. Why name it hot dog and etc2But biasalah, k/ semua bebal. Dah semua pndai, belaka kenot see through the eyes of those that still bodily live in 2016 but literally they are stil stuck at 80's life cycle. Kau orang pikir kau orang punya saja, yang tak ada peluang dan exposure yang kita dapat, how? Those old folks how?This post has been edited by zaini900: Oct 25 2016, 08:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999774158000946} +{"text": "\nmendeluk replied at 22-7-2022 05:20 AM\r\nThis one is trueeeeeeee! \r\nLagi2 kalau pergi oversea, konon nak cari kedai halal, entah2 cara doran ...\nYg rajin je akan betul2 cari sumber makanan yg halal kalau dekat oversea. Yg malas, memang main langgar je.\n\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.985639214515686} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoFluidic @ Oct 19 2016, 12:11 AM)So lepas nih balik rumah kongkek isteri tak boleh guna doggy style la??Klu buat doggy style ibarat mcm anjing berasmara...lagi haram...dah la maksiatKeliru wehh...how la....tgk menu hotdog dh pening kepala menggelabah....bila kongkek dunia tak ingat pulokkkkwolfman87Ni ikut nafsu sangat.....ko pi kedai magnum ke kuda ke toto ke...hari rabu santu ahad ko tengok....pak lebai juga banyak beratur....yang suka tu halal la....x suka tu haram la....ada fatwa kata rokok haram...tapi isap jugak...Janji layan dulu.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999772310256958} +{"text": "I only hate land grabs and genocide conducted by zionist, I don't hate Israel itself, their intentions to build their own country for Jewish race and Torah as their official religion are noble, but the method they use to achieve their goals are horrendous and atrocious at best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997335076332092} +{"text": "2 syarat makanan yg baik dlm Islam: \n1. Halal, \n2. Bagus (bersih, sehat)\n\nHindari makan yg haram krn sekecil apapun makanan haram itu jika jadi daging dlm tubuhmu mk akan dibasuh dgn api neraka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "\ndua_chzy replied at 23-12-2022 12:55 PM\nSedap ok taik idung dia. Aiol suka makan bila jalan jauh. Masam manis masin cukop rasa.\nKohkohkoh yes sister chazey! Setiap kali akak makan taik idung dia memang nikmat sis. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.737107515335083} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Sep 10 2023, 12:46 PM)Nicotine addiction does bad things to body and mind.So does meat coz got cholesterol l..so haram too? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "Langkawi cuma mau tourists suci murni. Best kalau pakai ninja turtle.yg lain blh blaThis post has been edited by Diesel 86: Nov 7 2023, 04:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999703168869019} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Sep 10 2023, 12:55 PM)NoBut eaters eat without having to debate about haram or halal or not. Just eat.But when it comes to 0.02 % alcoholFuh.\u00a0 Debate long long.Siapa yang debate? Mostly nons yang debate here menyibuk hal olang lain lel ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "QUOTE(a_dot_el @ Jul 3 2024, 04:42 PM)Based on that logic, any places deemed haram also cannot. So it's not just bkt restaurant, any non-halal restaurant also cannot.then can not send to NSK / tesco / econsave or any wet markets, those places have non halal departments.can not pass through the junctions or road in front of these places too, coz the non halal transport lorry going in & out over there.This post has been edited by steevan1000: Jul 3 2024, 04:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "heard the people in industry is saying Geely very tekan, its like wanna tekan you out so that their best friends in China can export their products here.looks like the issue is not coming to an end yet.but to be pair, the current model of Proton is very far different from back in the days where they can kutip duit saja. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.771747887134552} +{"text": "Pork sausages for breakfast and samurai pork burger are the original recipe.Beef burger + bacon is best.French fries fried in lard even more best.This post has been edited by icemanfx: Dec 22 2023, 05:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998530149459839} +{"text": "QUOTE(YamiBear @ Nov 24 2023, 02:31 PM)Haram is Haram. But Arak haram is the only special one as anything associated with Arak is Haram ie, menjual, membeli, tukang bawakan, drebar lori arak and so on. Like if I Muslim, I see a lot babi and then I sell babi to people, the act of selling babi tak haram. Then I kerja lori if I bawa babi ke ladang cina tak haram. But replace those babi with Arak then what I do is Haram.Tldr hisap rokok is Haram.U go check foodpanda/grab rider group some says even hantar makanan containing babi is haram.Heck vegetarian shop got sweet and sour babi rice made from soy bean also considered haram coz got word babi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962487816810608} +{"text": "Pandai betul pergi tempat haram beli benda halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999570846557617} +{"text": "SEKIRANYA berhasrat menikmati hidangan makanan laut, ketam masak cili Singapura atau lebih dikenali Singapore's chili crab dalam kalangan pelancong, anda perlu membayar sekurang-kurangnya RM250 seekor ketam nipah bersaiz sederhana atau XXL.Sajian istimewa pengunjung ke deretan restoran mewah di kawasan kejiranan elit, Clarke Quay di tebing Sungai Singapura itu memang terkenal dengan sajian istimewa berkenaan.Rasanya memang enak, tetapi pelanggan jangan merungut walaupun harganya mahal untuk seekor ketam yang disajikan. Namun, kini anda boleh nikmati sajian sama pada harga lebih murah di Restoran Makanan Laut Ibrahim\u2019s Fatty Crab terletak di Ampang, Selangor.Restoran berkenaan menyediakan semua hidangan 100 peratus halal boleh dinikmati tanpa was-was. Lebih penting, harganya berpatutan apabila sepinggan dua ekor ketam nipah masak cili Singapura bersaiz sederhana atau XXL harganya cuma RM180 sahaja. Bagi penulis, harga jatuh nombor dua kerana paling utama keenakan sajian berkenaan.Ternyata, kelazatan ketam masak cili Singapura resipi Mohd Faizal Fadzil, 36, setanding Singapore's chili crab di Clarke Quay.Ketam dari IndonesiaRamai orang Melayu suka makanan laut, tetapi pilihan mereka terhad. Justeru, beliau membuka restoran makanan laut untuk memberi lebih pilihan kepada penggemarnya menikmati sajian kegemaran mereka tanpa rasa was-was.\u201cTambahan pula, harga yang kami tawarkan berpatutan, semua orang mampu makan ketam masak cili Singapura di sini. Kami menggunakan ketam nipah diimport dari Indonesia bersaiz XXL dan XXXL.\u201cSaya belajar resipi ketam masak cili Singapura daripada cef yang pernah bertugas di beberapa restoran makanan laut di republik itu, kemudian saya ubah suai resipi berkenaan dengan selera orang kita dengan campuran rasa pedas dan taucu.\u201cAlhamdulillah, resipi ketam masak cili Singapura, sajian restoran kami mendapat perhatian bukan sahaja dalam kalangan penggemar Melayu, sebaliknya pelanggan Cina dan India termasuk pelancong asing terutama dari China dan Korea turut menggemarinya.\u201cKedudukan restoran pula strategik dikelilingi pusat komersial dan kawasan perumahan,\u201d katanya lagi.Selain pelbagai masakan ketam, pelanggan juga boleh menikmati tiram segar bersaiz XXXL yang diimport dari Amerika Syarikat. Hidangan segar tiram ini dimakan mentah dicampur sos istimewa yang disediakan Faizal, menampilkan rasa lazat. Begitu juga ikan siakap masak stim limau yang ditambah baik resipinya, memberi cita rasa yang tak mampu anda lupakan.Fakta Nombor* RM268Sepinggan dua ekor ketam nipahsaiz XXXL (masak cili Singapura)* 40 ekorKetam nipah disediakan sehari pada waktu puncak* 100pelanggan sehari pada hujung minggu[COLOR=blue]INFO[color]* Alamat: Ibrahim's Fatty Crab, No 18, Jalan Avenue 1, Avenue Ampang, Selangor* Dibuka setiap hari kecuali Isnin, mulai jam 3 petang hingga 11.30 malam (Sabtu & Ahad),manakala 5 petang hingga 12.30 tengah malam (Selasa hingga Jumaat)* Memilih moto: The Best Halal Chinese Seafood Restaurant, sajiannya 100 peratus halalhttps://www.bharian.com.my/hujung-minggu/se...-kini-di-ampang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6384695172309875} +{"text": "QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ Nov 23 2020, 09:27 AM)when i go back to ipoh, i always go to the kopitiam behind Parkson Ria building (Ipoh people knows where is that) to buy all these fried stuff, yao char kwai, fried niangao, fried banana, etc. Best in my taste https://chingchailah.blogspot.com/2020/10/l...garden.html?m=1Ipoh Garden South coffeeshop Yee Heng/Delicious across the street not bad lah. Lots of desserts. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999775886535645} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5417406/+60#entry108450006See the reply.Klcc many petronas staff.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.896517276763916} +{"text": "fast food nation movie (16-01-10), ayo jangan sering 2 makan junk food,sing penting makanan bersih, halal, sehat, baik bonus murah ^-^", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9862727522850037} +{"text": "Wasiyytul musthofa 1 bareng Gus \n\nMakan makanan halal : bersih agamanya, tidak ada hijab ketika berdo\u2019a.\n\nMakan perkara syubhat : gelapnya hati\n\nMakan makanan haram : matinya hati, sedikit ibadahnya, terhijabnya do\u2019a.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997604489326477} +{"text": "\ndodolgemok replied at 19-11-2020 11:49 AM\r\nBekas makanan kena bekas makanan berisi babi pon ummah menggelupor? Macam la babi tu tersembul kelua ...\ndiamlah bahlol , kalau tak membantu senyap je. hukum agama jangan main. kau tu dahlah dalam forum bodoh merata. cakap guna bontot. sebab tu forumer2 mmg panas dengan kau\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "itu pentingnya didikan dari kecil bila ank buat salah marah supaya dia tau dan makanan yg dibagi itu juga barakah. cari lah rezeki yg halal supaya makanan yg jadi darah itu tidak membuat perkara yg mcm ni lah. ajar anak rasa empati. dan doa ibu bapa itu penting! ambil iktibar", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9939249157905579} +{"text": "Melayu ni 2 benda wajib komen. Halal ke? Tak tutup aurat ke? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9522075057029724} +{"text": "\nfreekey,\n\r\nkalau baca tajuk thread hadi ni..mmg merupakan persoalan\r\ntapi based on his p ...\nDuta lover Post at 12-6-2010 20:23 \n\nAku x niat nak timbulkan was2, cuma aku memberikan peringatan. Aku dah nampak, jadi tanggungjawab aku nak maklumkan. Sesiapa yang ambil perhatian dalam hal ni silakan, xde sapa yang berhak marah. Dan sesapa yang anggap isu ni satu yang remeh, silakan juga, anda berhak buat demikian...\n\r\nKita memang patut was2, tapi was2 secara rasional. Misalnya produk2 macam roti gardenia, high5, ubat gigi ke, kedai kek baker cottage, kedai kek king confectionery, KFC ke, atau apa2 syarikat makanan yang bukan islam lainlah, aku sendiri guna produk2 tu dan xde timbul rasa was2 walaupun banyak cerita sebelum ni, aku fikir secara rasional. Tapi bila melibatkan produk2 IKS macam roti yang dihantar kat stesen2 minyak tu, dah tentulah aku rasa was2, sosej yang dia guna sosej yang halal ke. Masa dia buat roti tu, ada x benda2 haram sekitar dia. Berbeza dengan kompeni2 besar, mereka ada GMP, xde rasa was2 soal halal haram. \n\r\nKalau dah sah2 kita tengok orang tu semacam, xkan kita nak paksa hati kita kata, oo.. xde apa tu, semuanya ok..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995260238647461} +{"text": "\nedoraixora replied at 27-7-2022 06:07 AM\nadoiiii larrrr....berdekah haku ketawa\nHahahaha\n\r\nAiol suka tengok video2 lejen ni bila bosan. Tenkiu sapa yang buat video no pok no pok ni kasi weols yang tengok sedikit kegembiraan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9646057486534119} +{"text": "Sembang pasal IKS teringat pasal sijil halal. Ada masa lagi senang apply dan dapat sijil halal bagi pengusaha IKS kat kawasan luar bandar dari pengusaha IKS dalam bandar.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8140519261360168} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Oct 30 2023, 05:41 PM)Like this, malas la Aku nak makan at mamak. I go to Indian restaurantyour pinay wife loyal or not? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991835951805115} +{"text": "those who viral starbucks haram then next week went to chillisit was like... wtf ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966253042221069} +{"text": "@almyaa_ZA Aku tengah pikir ni. Kena pergi jakim ke tak ek? Mesti jakim nak check kebersihan kita kan dan baru dorang boleh keluarkan sijil halal. Bro pening ni", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "Ada kedai waffle sedap kt area tu nama dia owl cafe. Tapi dalam kawasan church. Waffle ice cream dia sedapHalal. Jangan risau. Sebelah dia tak halal. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99906986951828} +{"text": "Tu lah ramai yang ambik sijil Halal dgn badan yang diiktiraf IFRC World, in the meanwhile nak tgu Jakim approve/ keluarkan sijil Halal tu. Berbulan bulan even bertahun. But in the end of the day, its still halal anyway. Process je lambat.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.960232675075531} +{"text": "Got sijil or not is not important. We are a racing country as long is non it will auto haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(812799 @ Nov 3 2013, 12:49 AM)i think the days where Ali, Ah Chong and Samy can sit together eating their own food over teh tarik is long gone, sorry to say this but that's a Fact ! it's nvr the religion to begin with, if you know what i mean.They exist, you just need to widen your scope. My father best friend is chinese.This post has been edited by imranhanafi: Nov 3 2013, 12:52 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\udc95 Berminat untuk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli? 1. Click link dkt profile kita\ud83d\ude18", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9792596101760864} +{"text": "Common sense la I think. If the shop own by Muslim. Of course you trust it will serve u halal food. At least not haram right ? So we get halal for chicken , the way u slaughter it need to be halal. And lembu should be the same.. how about fish? U fish them up when still alive and just let it to die on the boat right? Itu halal ke?This post has been edited by yvliew: Dec 31 2019, 02:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997459053993225} +{"text": "Dulu kat Batu Gajah ada Kedai Makanan Wah Lee milik Cina. Slogan dia 'Kedai Makanan Orang Islam'.\n\nTak ada sijil JAKIM. Tapi orang masjid pun makan situ.\n\nKesimpulannya, kau makan je kat mana kau yakin. Dan jabatan kerajaan tak payah nak sibuk pasal kat mana orang nak makan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8671738505363464} +{"text": "QUOTE(calodin @ Feb 22 2023, 03:57 PM)Ok, when you say the normal China layman, if you mean the middle class and those at the poverty line, then yes, XJP is like Buddha to them, why? XJP did 3 things:1) He cleaned up the civil service, so corruption go down by a lot, last time was corrupted and some more never do their \u00a0 \u00a0 work, now I think here and there will take money, but first pre-req job must be done well and efficiently.2) He hentam and got rid of a lot of those illegal activities, predominantly organized crime. which was also colluding with \u00a0 \u00a0 local police and govt official...so all kena.3) He pulled a lot of those in the poverty line by educating the children and giving targeted support (teach the person how \u00a0 \u00a0 to fish, instead of giving them a fish)Those that dont like XJP as those ultra rich peopleEventhough unker not pro China or pro CCPUnker think Ji Jimpeng is still the best president to lead China\u2026At least hes moderate and not war crazy like Putin\u2026Also hes showing some toughness and firmness to deal with so many population but at the same time still willing to be flexible and listen to the people ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9928186535835266} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Jun 15 2024, 10:03 AM)yes, your kind is full of loop holes and selective memoriesi know i can, but i don't want toIm chinese also ma jangan suka suki rasis U think all chinese the same ha? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7153975367546082} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotjake @ Feb 12 2017, 11:43 AM)Agreed. When I separate my biases from critical thinking, I find your posts on this makes a lot of sense. Perhaps the ones in power should consider porcine material to be under the category of allergens, that should make the labelling process easier. As with allergens, only certain ppl are susceptible to it. Hence labelling on the grounds of health is much much better than what it now is, religious one albeit an unwelcome connection. And when it's properly labelled as suggested, it's easier to everyone. Just a thoughtBefore anyone jumps on me, Google porcine allergySure, if you want to label for health related reasons that is fine. Introduce measures for it, and have the manufacturers label it, but don't put that responsibility on vendors. Proper research should be done on what aspects of porcine material can cause allergies as well etc. Part of the argument is the amount of products that contain porcine material, it's not just the obvious parts like hair. Anyway, all that is fine if done properly, but right now vendors are given a period of time to get it right or face possible legal ramifications, there's no proper authority doing research.Also, right now they want vendors who have no knowledge on halal matters to judge whether a product is halal or not. For example, a toy painted red. If the brush used to paint the toy has pig hair, is the toy still halal? What if there are micro remnants of pig hair left over from the painting? Would that make it haram? Stuff like that, how do we as normal vendors who are not expert on halal matters judge what is halal or not?This post has been edited by silic0sis: Feb 12 2017, 02:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.936851978302002} +{"text": "amin amin!!! doakan taw! xtaw laaa mcm best! hahaha.amin. bestnya leh bagi service pastikan makanan selamat n halal. sama ja role kat kilang halal exec..tp Jakim will be nice tp tu laaa susah noh nak masuk sana. kerajaan lak.spa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9872128367424011} +{"text": "harini aku racing ngan adik aku\ntak yah risau ni racing halal depan rumah je,\n\naku baru balik kedaidia baru balik sek\nterserampak,dia tahan motor aku\n\napa lagi , dia mula aku sambung\n\nthen guess who\u2019s the winner?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "RONDE 6. \n\nkalian lebih suka masakan mama dirumah / beli makanan diluar? sampai jam 20.11 yaa!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9653670191764832} +{"text": "QUOTE(Shadow Kun @ Sep 15 2010, 08:19 PM)to be human then you should eat human then?nomakan makanan haram akan menjadikan anda macam anak haramlol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992470741271973} +{"text": "Warning! Long article. TLDR types, stop here. https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/447259'Peluang yang terlepas dan langkah seterusnya buat Malaysia'Diterbitkan 14 Okt 2018, 11:55 pagi | Dikemaskini 14 Okt 2018, 12:14 tengah hari SOAL JAWAB | Berlalunya tarikh 9 Mei 2018, Malaysia melangkah ke era baru yang menawarkan segala kemungkinan, dan bersama-samanya membawa bermacam ketidaktentuan.Pakar ekonomi Prof Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram antara yang dipanggil untuk membantu kemudi baru itu melalui Majlis Penasihat Kerajaan yang kini sudah dibubarkan.Pada sesi soal jawab kali ini, Jomo 'meruntuhkan' petunjuk ekonomi era BN yang baginya tidak menggambarkan keadaan sebenar dan 'peluang terlepas' pentadbiran lalu dalam memajukan perindustrian negara.Beliau juga menawarkan pandangannya - antara lain - tentang keadaan orang Melayu era HARAPAN serta peralihan kuasa antara Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.Kenapa Prof dilantik menganggotai Majlis Penasihat (CEP) walaupun pernah banyak mengkritik pentadbiran Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan peranan Tun Daim Zainuddin?Soalan itu patut ditujukan kepada mereka, bukan kepada insan kerdil seperti saya. Selama ini, kerja, tulisan dan ucapan saya bertujuan mencapai keadilan, pembangunan dan kesejahteraan untuk rakyat Malaysia. Walaupun pasti ada pihak tertentu tidak setuju dengan kritikan saya, kedua-dua Tun Mahathir dan Tun Daim telah memberi peluang untuk meneruskan usaha itu dalam era Malaysia baru.Kami yang mula mengkritik pemerintahan dulu tentang dasar cukai, GST, hutang, liabiliti lain, peranan perusahaan milik pemerintah dan yang dikuasai mereka, dasar penswastaan, pembangunan dan perindustrian, agihan ekonomi, pemusatan kuasa di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, serta projek pasti rugi yang bertujuan mendapatkan wang untuk perdana menteri BN terakhir serta kroninya seperti ECRL.Kritikan terhadap penyelewengan, penyalahgunaan kuasa serta perkara lain yang rosak mesti disusuli dengan syor atau cadangan bernas untuk masa depan tanah air. Kita harus mengambil iktibar, bukan hanya daripada kejayaan, tetapi juga daripada kegagalan.Pengalaman saya di Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) telah banyak mengasah kemampuan saya, misalnya dalam menangani krisis kewangan antarabangsa 2008-2009, menggubal cadangan untuk memastikan rakyat dunia dapat menikmati kuasa elektrik tanpa kesan buruk dari segi pemanasan bumi, dan juga untuk membaiki pemakanan serta kesihatan rakyat dunia.Jelas bahawa Mahathir ingin menyambung semula usaha lamanya untuk memodenkan Malaysia, misalnya dengan meningkatkan kemampuan teknologi supaya dapat mengeluarkan produk lebih canggih. Saya berharap kami dapat membantu usaha mulia dengan merebut peluang selepas 9 Mei lalu, akibat penipuan serta pencurian yang dilakukan regim lama.Zaman telah berubah. Sudah tentu apa yang boleh dan harus dilakukan juga telah berubah. Kalau kita tidak memikirkan hal ini, kita hanya bersifat degil. Walaupun kita terus berpegang kepada nilai, prinsip dan cita-cita, keadaan baru memaksa kita menyesuaikan analisis, kesimpulan serta tindakan selanjutnya berdasarkan hakikat yang dihadapi.Benarkah belanjawan defisit akan berlaku lagi?Setiap Belanjawan Negara selama dua dasawarsa lalu - setelah krisis kewangan Asia - melibatkan defisit, iaitu jangkaan perbelanjaan yang melebihi hasil pendapatan. Sebelum 1998, ketika Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menjadi menteri kewangan, Malaysia mengalami lebihan Belanjawan pada awal dan pertengahan tahun 1990-an.Sikap pentadbiran BN agak aneh, ibarat \u2018menang sorak, kampung tergadai\u2019. Bukan hanya kampung, tetapi negara tergadai, dan kerugian kita bukanlah sedikit. 1MDB sahaja melibatkan kerugian sekitar RM40-60 bilion!Ada juga kerugian akibat pinjaman Exim Bank China lebih daripada RM30 bilion untuk projek ECRL dan dua projek paip gas!Sudah jatuh, ditimpa tangga pula! Ada beberapa projek lain di mana harga kontrak untuk kroni jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang sepatutnya. Ada juga pembelian aset swasta daripada kroni oleh GLC dan GLIC dengan harga terlalu tinggi di samping penjualan harta negara dengan harga murah.Kerajaan baru selalu menekankan bahawa hutang negara merupakan masalah utama yang perlu ditanganinya. Betulkah?Hutang kerajaan telah meningkat berlipat ganda dan hutang dijamin kerajaan melipat dua kali ganda pada zaman Najib. Hutang 1MDB dulu diambil untuk banyak sebab, termasuk membiayai Umno BN menjelang PRU ke-13. Banyak penyelewengan telah berlaku dalam usaha membayar hutang 1MDB. Syarat pinjaman itu teruk dan berat sebelah.Banyak lagi urus niaga kerajaan, termasuk GLIC dan GLC, menguntungkan pihak lain, seperti kroni yang mendapat kontrak. Harga mengikut kontrak biasanya terlalu tinggi. Kontrak ECRL dijangka sebanyak RM81 bilion, sebelum mengambil kira bunga, hampir tiga kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding anggaran awal. Pada masa sama, ada pihak lain yang sanggup membina projek ECRL dengan harga RM10 bilion.Untung dari projek demikian tidak pernah dijangka. Akhirnya, hutang itu mesti dijelaskan kerajaan, dengan duit rakyat.Yang jelas, penipuan, penyelewengan dan penyalahgunaan kuasa berleluasa. Semua perkara ini mesti disiasat untuk mengurangkan beban hutang yang bertimbun pada zaman Najib demi mengurangkan hutang yang mesti dibayar kerajaan, yang akhirnya, ditanggung oleh rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya generasi muda, pada masa akan datang.Kerajaan harus meninjau kembali semua hutang, terutamanya yang besar, untuk mengurangkan bebannya, misalnya dengan menukar sumber serta syarat pinjaman.Tetapi tiada sebab untuk terlalu memberi perhatian kepada soal pengurangan hutang sehingga kerajaan tidak mampu membelanja langsung, sama ada untuk membantu mereka yang hidup susah, ataupun untuk melabur dalam projek penting yang perlu untuk menghidupkan semula pertumbuhan, pembangunan serta kemajuan.Apakah langkah yang perlu diambil kerajaan PH bagi elakkan negara terjerumus dalam krisis ekonomi baru?Akibat dasar liberalisasi ekonomi, termasuk globalisasi, dunia telah banyak berubah sejak tahun 1980-an. Akibat \u2018globalisasi kewangan\u2019 serta dasar BN, kita lebih terdedah sekali lagi kepada pasang surut ekonomi antarabangsa. Pada dasawarsa lepas, pengaruh kepentingan kewangan terus berkembang sekali lagi, walaupun merekalah yang menyebabkan krisis kewangan dunia 2008-2009, yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan ekonomi lembab sehingga sekarang.Malaysia pernah menjadi mangsa krisis kewangan serantau pada 1997-1998 walaupun syarikat Malaysia tidak banyak meminjam daripada bank asing, bukan seperti Thailand atau Indonesia. Malah, hutang kerajaan Malaysia telah berkurangan akibat lebihan Belanjawan zaman Anwar pada tahun 1990-an.Maka, Malaysia dilanda krisis serantau walaupun tidak \u2018buat salah\u2019. Krisis kewangan boleh berlaku walaupun pengurusan ekonomi bertanggungjawab.Namun, kalaulah sebuah ekonomi itu \u2018lemah\u2019, dan kelihatan tidak diurus dengan cermat, sudah pasti lebih mudah dilanda krisis.Kalaulah tercetusnya krisis di tempat lain, tiada jaminan wabak itu tidak akan menular ke Malaysia. Dewasa ini, kenaikan kadar bunga di AS akan menarik semula modal yang pernah mengalir dari sana.Apakah kejatuhan pasaran saham menunjukkan bahawa krisis ekonomi akan berlaku?Pasang surut pasaran saham akibat keyakinan para pembeli saham terhadap masa depan saham masing-masing, yang jarang berasaskan keadaan ekonomi keseluruhan. Maka, kita tidak patut menggunakan petanda pasaran saham sebagai petanda ekonomi nasional.Oleh itu, walaupun pasaran saham Amerika Syarikat sedang terus melambung sejak Donald Trump dipilih sebagai presiden, itu tidak bererti bahawa tiada bahaya terhadap ekonomi dunia, sistem kewangan, ataupun pasaran sahamnya.Apa yang perlu dilakukan bagi memulih nilai ringgit?Kebanyakan ekonomi pasaran sedang muncul telah mendapat modal luar setelah bank pusat negara berekenomi maju menurunkan kadar bunganya kepada paras rendah untuk menghidupkan semula ekonomi masing-masing.Setelah kadar bunga dinaikkan semula oleh AS pada tahun lalu, modal telah mengalir ke sana semula. Ini pula telah menyebabkan kadar tukaran mata wang lain menyusut. Maka, penyusutan nilai ringgit sekarang tidak menghairankan.Tetapi yang anehnya ketika zaman Najib, nilai ringgit telah menyusut ketika nilai mata wang ekonomi pasaran yang muncul lain sedang meningkat. Itu akibat pembocoran penipuan 1MDB.Saya bukan ahli nujum dan tidak berani meramalkan masa depan mata wang ringgit. Usaha mempertahankan nilainya pada paras tertentu akan memakan belanja besar, dan akhirnya, barangkali akan gagal. Biar pasaran menentukan kadar tukarannya kerana pasang surut demikian bersifat sementara walaupun mungkin mengambil tempoh sedikit lama.Sekarang, semua orang tahu pasaran itu bukan hanya melibatkan penawaran dan permintaan sebenar, tetapi banyak faktor lain juga, termasuk prasangka serta kepercayaan lain.Pasaran itu dapat membantu, misalnya dengan mengadakan persaingan, yang boleh meningkatkan kecekapan serta daya pengeluaran. Tetapi kuasa dunia juga boleh menjahanamkan ekonomi terlalu terbuka, seperti kita pernah alami dulu.Apakah usaha menangani skandal 1MDB merupakan prioriti bagi mengelakkan krisis lebih besar?Ketamakan dan kerakusan berkas perdana menteri serta keluarga dan kroninya telah merosakkan ekonomi tanah air. Pengurusan ekonomi BN-Najib cukup lemah dan disalahgunakan untuk menguntungkan segelintir kecil di kelilingnya.Harga terlalu tinggi dibayar oleh kerajaan dan perusahaan yang dikuasainya untuk projek yang tidak akan pulangkan modal, sedangkan harta kerajaan dijual dengan harga murah kepada kroni. Mereka menjadi kaya dengan menipu rakyat, yang akhirnya terpaksa menanggung beban ketamakan mereka.Hutang kerajaan berlipat ganda di zaman Najib, dan hutang dijamin kerajaan meningkat dua kali ganda. Hutang ECRL, misalnya, tidak akan mula dibayar sehingga tujuh tahun kemudian. Dengan cara demikian, generasi akan datanglah yang akan menanggung hutang pokok, bunga terkumpul dan belanja operasinya nanti.Rakyat pula kurang menyedari apa yang dilakukan kerajaan BN-Najib kerana tidak merasai beban hutang terkumpul, apa lagi kerana hutang perusahaan yang dikuasainya tidak perlu dilaporkan kepada parlimen, apatah lagi rakyat biasa.Punca masalah ini ialah politik wang yang sudah lama berleluasa tetapi mencapai peringkat yang tidak pernah diduga pada zaman Najib. Jawatan politik direbut untuk menjadi kaya, sedangkan hanya orang kaya yang mampu merebut jawatan politik.Perbelanjaan merebut jawatan dilihat sebagai pelaburan politik yang dianggap mendatangkan pulangan kewangan. Akibatnya, perhubungan serta jaringan menjadi lebih penting daripada kebolehan, kemahiran, kelayakan dan kemampuan.Dengan ramai pekerja asing, mungkin di sekitar 7 juta orang, banyak majikan enggan melabur untuk meningkatkan daya pengeluaran, misalnya dengan mekanisasi. Pendapatan meningkat akibat usaha pekerja asing yang tidak dikira atau diakui, jarang sekali akibat kemajuan teknologi atau produktiviti.Oleh kerana tiada kaedah yang dipersetujui untuk mengukur daya pengeluaran di sektor awam, pendapatan pekerjanya menjadi petunjuk produktiviti. Untuk mendapat sokongan politik pula, kerajaan Najib telah meningkatkan bayaran kepada mereka, yang kemudiannya menjadi petanda bahawa daya pengeluaran sektor awam telah meningkat.Wacana tentang transformasi nasional menjadi omong kosong dengan cogan kata menarik yang berbunyi hebat daripada Barat, terutamanya Bank Dunia atau World Economic Forum.Cogan kata import ini pula ditiru dan diterjemahkan tanpa pemahaman mendalam tentang maksud serta implikasinya.Apakah petunjuk ekonomi semasa pemerintahan BN mengelirukan?Selama sepuluh tahun dari 1988 sehingga 1997, ekonomi Malaysia telah tumbuh dengan kadar melebihi lapan peratus. Ia sama seperti pada tahun 1970-an, setelah dasar pembangunan dan perindustrian baru diperkenalkan.Setelah 1998, kadar pertumbuhan purata sekitar lima peratus selama dua dasawarsa. Kalau dulu perindustrian telah mencapai pertumbuhan pesat, pada abad ini sektor perkilangan semakin mengecut, dari segi bahagian keluaran ekonomi nasional dan juga pekerjaan.Dasar-dasarnya membawa apa yang dipanggil sebagai \u2018perangkap pendapatan menengah\u2019 (middle income trap).Menurut Najib, Malaysia akan mencapai tahap ekonomi lebih tinggi dengan mengembangkan perkhidmatan untuk menggantikan perindustrian. Tetapi kebanyakan pekerjaan perkhidmatan baru merupakan perkhidmatan tradisional, sedangkan kebanyakan perkhidmatan moden dalam sektor awam.Untuk menarik sokongan politik setelah prestasi lemah BN dalam PRU ke-12 pada 2008, dasar yang dibuat hanya cuba membeli sokongan tanpa mempedulikan kesannya terhadap ekonomi dalam jangka panjang. Misalnya bilangan pekerja awam telah berlipat ganda dalam satu dasawarsa.Bayaran gaji dan lain-lain sering dinaikkan. Ini pula digambarkan sebagai kenaikan produktiviti perkhidmatan moden Malaysia, terutamanya di sektor awam. Beberapa pegawai tinggi, terutamanya di Kementerian Kewangan, diberi jawatan serta ganjaran tambahan yang lumayan.Maka, kadar pengangguran di Malaysia memang rendah. Malah, bilangan pekerja asing di Malaysia lebih tinggi walaupun tidak diakui secara rasmi.Bekas menteri sumber manusia pernah mengakui bahawa menurut anggaran syarikat telekomunikasi, terdapat 6.7 juta pekerja asing. Tetapi yang berada di sini secara sah dan diakui secara rasmi hanya sekitar 2.2 juta.Dulu, buruh asing tertumpu di sektor pertanian, pembinaan, perkhidmatan tradisional, kerja 4D iaitu \u2018teruk, kotor, merbahaya, dan berupah rendah\u2019. Tetapi kini ekonomi Malaysia semakin bergantung kepada pekerja asing dalam sektor perkilangan, perkhidmatan moden, dan sebagainya.Tenaga kerja Malaysia sekitar 15 juta dari 32 juta penduduk. Maka, pekerja rakyat Malaysia sekitar 13 juta, sedangkan pekerja asing sekitar 35 peratus. Oleh kerana hanya sebahagian kecil (2.2 juta) pekerja asing - atau kurang dari satu pertiga - yang diakui atau diiktiraf, semua angka ekonomi Malaysia telah diherotkan.Angka purata keluaran, pendapatan dan daya pengeluaran seorang lebih tinggi daripada keadaan sebenar kerana 4.5 juta pekerja asing tidak diakui dan diambil kira. Akibatnya, sebahagian besar petunjuk ekonomi rasmi kita semacam berita palsu. Kita seolah-olah dalam ekonomi khayalan!Apakah pemansuhan GST dan pelaksanaan semula SST satu langkah yang cekap lagi adil?Kedua-duanya merupakan cukai terhadap penggunaan, yang merupakan cukai tidak langsung yang paling luas dipakai oleh kerajaan dewasa ini. Tetapi semua orang tahu bahawa cukai tidak langsung kurang adil dibanding dengan cukai langsung, seperti cukai pendapatan, cukai harta, dan sebagainya, terutamanya yang dikenakan secara progresif, bukan sama rata.Orang berpendapatan rendah membayar lebih banyak cukai penggunaan secara relatifnya berbanding dengan orang kaya, yang hanya membelanjakan bahagian lebih kecil daripada pendapatan mereka.Allahyarham Profesor Ismail Salleh pernah menunjukkan bahawa agihan pendapatan setelah semua cukai dibayar lebih tidak adil berbanding dengan sebelum cukai dikenakan pada tahun 1970-an.Ketidakadilan kesan cukai ini telah bertambah teruk terutama sejak pertengahan tahun 1980-an ketika kadar cukai langsung terhadap orang kaya dikurangkan.Tiada sesiapa yang boleh menafikan bahawa sistem GST telah memburukkan lagi ketidakadilan kesan cukai ini. Namun, antara cukai-cukai penggunaan, sistem cukai VAT (value added tax, atau cukai nilai tambahan) merupakan cara lebih cekap. Maka, kalaulah cukai penggunaan ingin dikekalkan, sistem VAT lebih berkesan dibanding dengan SST.Sistem VAT boleh dipinda supaya menjadi lebih adil, misalnya dengan mengecualikan barang keperluan, terutamanya makanan rakyat, dan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana. Kadar cukai berlainan juga boleh dikenakan, contohnya, cukai lebih tinggi terhadap perkhidmatan yang dipakai orang kaya dan cukai lebih rendah terhadap perkhidmatan yang dipakai orang ramai.Memandangkan sistem GST, sejenis VAT, telah diperkenalkan di Malaysia beberapa tahun lalu, dan kebanyakan perniagaan sederhana telah membeli sistem komputer untuk melaksanakan GST, Kerajaan HARAPAN patut menggantikan GST dengan sistem VAT lain untuk mengenakan cukai dengan sistem yang dibeli-pakai perusahaan perniagaan, yang dipinda supaya lebih adil dan kurang membebankan rakyat jelata.Apakah projek kereta nasional kedua masih relevan sekarang?Syor Mahathir itu sebenarnya mencerminkan kekecewaannya kerana Malaysia tidak lagi berusaha untuk menguasai teknologi industri canggih, seperti pembuatan kereta automatik yang memerlukan lebih kurang 4000 alat berlainan.Dengan projek kereta nasional kedua, seperti projek Proton dulu, beliau mengharapkan Malaysia akan cepat maju. Dengan demikian, negara boleh menjadi moden dengan menguasai kemampuan, kemahiran dan kebolehan membuat banyak barang industri canggih dengan nilai tinggi.Sebuah ekonomi tidak dapat maju hanya dengan mengimport barang dari luar negeri, sedangkan kemampuan pengeluaran serta eksportnya terhad.Malangnya, banyak ekonomi kaya dengan sumber asli tidak berjaya mempelbagaikan kemampuan eksportnya kerana sudah kaya dengan pendapatan daripada eksport sumber aslinya; hal ini digelarkan \u2018sumpahan sumber\u2019 (resource curse).Kekayaan itu menyebabkan nilai mata wangnya kuat atau mahal, dan harga barang import murah. Ia membantutkan usaha memajukan kemampuan lain, terutamanya penguasaan teknologi canggih.Fenomena ini juga digelarkan \u2018penyakit Belanda\u2019 (Dutch disease) yang bermula di sana setelah gas petroleum asli ditemui selepas Perang Dunia Kedua.Namun, dasar kerajaan Belanda berjaya menjadikan negara itu sebagai pengeksport pertanian yang kedua di dunia, selepas Amerika Syarikat, dengan menggunakan teknologi maju.Keadaan masa kini jauh berbeza dengan keadaan empat dasawarsa lalu. Ketika menjadi menteri perdagangan dan perindustrian, Mahathir menubuhkan Heavy Industries Corporation of Malaysia (HICOM).Kadar pemilikan kereta di Malaysia sekarang antara yang tertinggi di dunia, melampaui AS danAustralia. Penangguhan usaha memajukan pengangkutan awam, yang dianggap sebagai cara meningkatkan permintaan kereta, telah membawa kadar tinggi ini.Tetapi sekarang, pengeluaran kereta di Rayong, Negeri Thai, pula jauh melebihi pengeluaran di semua negara anggota ASEAN lain, termasuk Malaysia.Langkah baru untuk melindungi sebuah lagi perusahaan kereta Malaysia sudah tentu akan ditentang di peringkat antarabangsa melalui WTO (World Trade Organization) dan juga jiran-jiran kita dalam ASEAN.Pada peringkat antarabangsa juga, dunia telah banyak berubah. Orang ramai lebih mementingkan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam yang baik. Kesedaran tentang pemanasan global pula menyebabkan meningkatnya permintaan sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui (renewable energy) di mana permintaan kereta elektrik akan meningkat.Dulu, hampir seluruh kereta Proton dapat dikeluarkan di Malaysia kecuali enjinnya. Kereta elektrik tidak menggunakan engin minyak petrol atau diesel lagi. Orang ramai telah lupa bahawa Mahathir pernah menggalakkan penyelidikan biodiesel minyak sawit mulai tahun 1980-an dan juga kereta elektrik mulai tahun 1990-an.Walaupun perusahaan Proton masih bergantung kepada kerajaan, beberapa pembekal alatnya berjaya bersaing pada peringkat dunia. Misalnya, syarikat Ingress mengeluarkan dan membekalkan alat buatannya di Rayong, dan membuka kilang di tempat lain, termasuk India.Cadangan Mahathir itu patut dianggap sebagai cabaran kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk memikirkan masa depan kemajuan ekonomi yang melibatkan teknologi industri. Mereka yang menganggapnya sebagai keluhan orang nyanyuk lagi degil tidak memahami hasratnya untuk terus memajukan Malaysia.Wawasan 2020 gagasannya ingin menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah masyarakat maju, bukan kaya semata-mata. Malangnya, perbincangan dan perbahasan pada masa ini telah melupakan cita-cita itu.Mahathir telah kembali berkuasa pada usia 93 sekarang dengan hasrat membaiki penyelewengan yang pernah berlaku, termasuk penyalahgunaan kuasa dan penipuan amat besar berkaitan dengan 1MDB dan juga pada zaman pentadbirannya sendiri. Kita harus menyahut seruannya, termasuk cabaran bagi Malaysia zaman ini.Apakah usaha kerajaan bagi merapatkan jurang agihan ekonomi boleh membawa kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mapan?Saya bukan anggota kerajaan, maka saya tidak boleh dan juga tidak berhak mengulas dari perspektif kerajaan. Ketidakserataan ekonomi yang mungkin dapat diterima umum ialah ketidakserataan berasaskan sumbangan kerja masing-masing.Tanpa perbezaan pendapatan sederhana, dikatakan tiada perangsang ekonomi untuk bekerja kuat dan memberi sumbangan mengikut keupayaan serta sumbangan masing-masing.Sebaliknya, ketidakserataan yang diperturunkan, termasuk harta yang diwarisi, kurang mendapat sokongan orang ramai. Di samping itu, orang ramai peduli akan nasib golongan kurang bernasib baik, misalnya yang kelainan upaya. Orang ramai juga ingin memberi peluang serupa kepada semua orang, terutamanya bagi generasi muda.Akibat pengaruh fahaman perkauman di Malaysia, ramai orang hanya melihat atau memberi perhatian kepada ketidakserataan antara kaum, walaupun faktor bukan-kaum jauh lebih penting dalam menentukan ketidakserataann di Malaysia.Tetapi lama kelamaan, orang ramai makin menyedari bahawa usaha kononnya untuk membantu kaum tertentu, banyak direbut oleh beberapa kerat saja daripada lapisan atasan, terutama sekali yang berkait rapat dengan pimpinan BN dulu.Isi dan lemak dinikmati mereka, sedangkan orang biasa hanya mendapat tulang dan bulu sahaja. Ini sudah lama dikritik, bukan oleh HARAPAN saja, tetapi juga oleh PAS dulu, malah ada juga kritikan tertentu dari dalam BN sendiri.Kalaulah agihan pendapatan berasaskan sumbangan masing-masing menjadi kenyataan, maka, mereka yang kurang bernasib baik dapat dibantu.Ramai orang percaya bahawa sistem fiskal -- yang banyak melibatkan Belanjawan negara -- bersifat progresif, iaitu mengurangkan ketidakserataan dalam ekonomi. Tetapi hakikat sebenar sebaliknya.Seperti Ismail Salleh pernah tunjukkan, ketidakserataan meningkat setelah beban cukai diambil kira, dan kesan regresif ini telah bertambah teruk. Misalnya akibat pelaksanaan GST. Malah, ketidakserataan juga telah meningkat akibat pola kesan perbelanjaan kerajaan dulu, yang lebih banyak menguntungkan pelabur, terutamanya kroni pihak berkuasa.Profesor Joseph Stiglitz pernah merumuskan serta mengemukakan bukti yang jelas bahawa ketidaksamaan menghindarkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, bukan sebaliknya, seperti yang sering diakui segelintir ahli ekonomi yang cuba mendukung ketidakadilan yang wujud serta usaha lain untuk memperkayakan golongan berada.Dasar kerajaan HARAPAN menyebabkan kedudukan orang Melayu terancam dan merosot?Memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa kepentingan segelintir kroni Najib serta beberapa pemimpin lain terancam oleh kerajaan HARAPAN. Sekarang mereka sedang menggerakkan penyokong untuk melindungi kepentingan mereka. Dasar yang membolehkan mereka mengaut kekayaan lumayan memang harus ditamatkan.Ada juga dasar serta institusi yang membantu orang Melayu sedang dirombak semula untuk mengurangkan pembaziran, penyelewengan serta penyalahgunaan kuasa.Parti komponen, terutama BERSATU - iaitu parti perdana menteri sendiri - AMANAH dan PKR mengharapkan sokongan orang Melayu dan tidak akan mengkhianati orang Melayu.Tetapi sudah pasti pemimpin parti politik pembangkang, terutamanya Umno, akan membuat tuduhan demikian, dan menggambarkan apa yang sedang berlaku demi faedah politik, walaupun PAS pimpinan Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang pernah mengutuk fahaman assabiyyah, atau perkauman, yang dimarakkan oleh UMNO serta alat media yang dikuasainya.Apa pula cara memastikan ekonomi Malaysia terus maju dengan pesat?Soal sumber pertumbuhan, pembangunan dan kemajuan ekonomi merupakan persoalan pokok yang kurang dihiraukan di Malaysia sejak awal abad ini. Akibatnya, kemunduran perindustrian terlalu awal (premature deindustrialization) telah berlaku.Tetapi ekonomi dunia telah banyak berubah. Kita harus mengambil kira industri serta kegiatan lain yang mempunyai masa depan cerah. Malaysia dikatakan perintis kewangan Islam dan makanan halal, tetapi kemajuan setakat ini kurang memuaskan akibat kelemahan dasar serta perlaksanaannya.Dalam beberapa bidang, industri Malaysia merupakan yang termaju di dunia sejak tahun 1980-an dan 1990-an, termasuk penapisan minyak sawit dan pembuatan sarung getah. Sepatutnya, kita perlu maju ke hadapan di peringkat dunia dalam beberapa bidang lain juga, tetapi bukan hanya dengan mengharapkan pelabur asing.Perindustrian di Malaysia sudah lama terlalu bergantung kepada pelaburan asing. Tetapi kejayaan penapisan minyak sawit dan pembuatan sarung getah hasil usaha pelabur serta jurutera Malaysia. Kebanyakan pelabur asing tidak akan mengizinkan rakan perniagaan Malaysia menguasai teknologi milik mereka.Oleh itu, kita perlu mencari cara menguasai teknologi canggih secepat mungkin. Sebab itu, penting kerajaan memikirkan semula dasar pembangunan dan perindustrian, terutamanya untuk mengeksport barang buatan Malaysia, bukan hanya dengan menyertai rantaian nilai (value chain) yang dikuasai pelabur besar dari luar.Justeru, penting untuk kita mengasah kemampuan wakil Malaysia untuk berunding secara lebih berkesan untuk mendapat perjanjian perdagangan, pelaburan, usahasama dan lain-lain akan mendukung hasrat kemajuan teknologi.Misalnya, kontrak Proton dengan Geely hanya bertujuan untuk menjual kereta di pasaran ASEAN, terutamanya di Malaysia. Selain bateri kereta elektrik, Proton sepatutnya meminta pasaran kereta engin sederhana (misalnya, 1.2-1.6 liter) panduan sebelah kanan bagi seluruh dunia, terutamanya di negeri Komanwel, dan juga Jepun.Apakah peralihan kuasa daripada Mahathir kepada Anwar akan berjalan lancar dan terus memajukan ekonomi Malaysia?Mereka pernah bekerjasama rapat sebelum perselisihan pada hujung tahun 1997 yang membawa kepada syak wasangka dan perpecahan pada September 1998. Ramai pula yang pernah mengambil kesempatan dan memburukkan lagi perselisihan itu. Masing-masing telah membuat kesilapan yang sukar diakui itu.Tetapi untuk memastikan peralihan baik untuk membina Malaysia baru, proses peralihan itu harus diurus dan ditangani dengan baik. Oleh itu Anwar perlu berunding dengan Mahathir untuk memastikan tiada perselisihan dalam proses peralihan, kerana sudah pasti ia akan menjejaskan pentadbiran baru Mahathir serta masa depan kerajaan HARAPAN sendiri.Peralihan yang baik dan teratur sukar dicapai jika Anwar hanya menyertai kerajaan sebaik selepas Mahathir berhenti. Oleh itu, saya kurang faham mereka yang menegur Anwar kerana bertanding dalam PRK Port Dickson untuk menyertai Dewan Rakyat.Apakah persaingan antara kuasa besar boleh menyebabkan Malaysia tersepit?Sesuai dengan dasar Zon Keamanan, Kebebasan dan Berkecuali (ZOPFAN) yang menjadikan rantau Asia Tenggara kawasan damai, bebas dan berkecuali, Malaysia harus mengambil pendekatan berkecuali juga dalam kemelut antara Amerika Syarikat, China, Eropah dan pihak lain seperti Jepun, India dan Rusia.Apakah perang perdagangan antara Amerika Syarikat dan China akan memberi kesan besar kepada Malaysia?Kita tidak patut terlibat dalam perang tarif ini, tetapi harus bersiap sedia kalaulah peluang baru timbul akibat perang itu. Misalnya, untuk menggantikan eksport China ke AS dengan eksport Malaysia.Kerajaan Najib pernah membenarkan syarikat-syarikat asing, dari China dan Thailand, untuk mengaku eksport mereka berpunca dari Malaysia. Akhirnya, AS telah pun mengehadkan import udang serta madu yang kononnya dari Malaysia.Penipuan demikian mungkin meningkatkan angka eksport Malaysia ke AS, tetapi tidak mendatangkan sebarang faedah kepada kita, kecuali bagi usahawan dan pegawai yang mengambil kesempatan untuk menjadi kaya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999811589717865} +{"text": "QUOTE(kaffra @ Dec 20 2021, 04:31 PM)they can ask if its halal or haram, if the gudwara has pork oil then maybe some would be hesitant to eat it. no harm to ask and this fellas response shows his animosity to other peoples beliefs ppl already declared vegetarian food, pandai pandai lah mereka tak akan guna any dead animal product (i.e. fats)...if live animal product like milk, then it is permissible la.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9894443154335022} +{"text": "\nPrickford replied at 25-7-2022 01:21 PM\nKalau arak basuh saja dengan air mutlak / air biasa. Sebab arak bukan najis mughallazah. Arak naji ...\nOwh ye ke. Haha. Sama la. Lama nau tak recall balik hukum najis ni semua. Matilanak jadi boleh je la en makan situ. Sbbnya tgif i perasan bar & restoran dia pun asing.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998220801353455} +{"text": "Tak faham..kenapa nak sorok nama company, brand makanan yg haram ni. Biar lah dia rugi pun sebab dia yg menipu. Lain la kalo tak ada chop Jakim tapi org Islam melantak juga.. tu tanggung la sendiri. Kerajaan ni dari dulu kala lagi suka menjaga tokeh dari rakyat biasa..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9551706910133362} +{"text": "Halal isn't about pig or dog only. Kebersihan semua dititik beratkan. Even suppliers dia halal tapi dia tak dapat iktiraf halal dari kementerian pun tak boleh jugak. Malaysia punya sijil halal antara yang terbaik dan diiktiraf dunia kot. https://t.co/VHl63B6CzI", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995496869087219} +{"text": "@adrujaMK @bernamadotcom tapi melayu,cina or india,walaupun kedai tu ada sijil halal,kebersihan tu pun penting,kedai melayu pun lau kotor camni xda nya orang nk pegi makan,jangan kata orang,rasanya kambing pun xnk pegi bang \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993719458580017} +{"text": "happy birthday senderr beli mam yg kamu suka ajaa atau gaa beli makanan yg manis", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9923186302185059} +{"text": "fall in love with your life, dengan cara; makan makanan kesukaanmu, jalan-jalan, beli baju yang kamu suka atau apapun itu.\nintinya, nikmati dan hargailah setiap momen yang ada di hidupmu.\npurposefully create small moments that make you fall in love with your life.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994649291038513} +{"text": "QUOTE(automan5891 @ Oct 25 2016, 08:26 PM)McD and other MNC burger company is only halal in malaysia. It is actually haram food companies with halal brand too.then MCD not halal in other muslim countries ? lol apa la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996360540390015} +{"text": "Jakim Lancar Aplikasi Telefon Pintar Untuk Semak Status Halal Produk Makanan http://fb.me/8CfJTeIhG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986221790313721} +{"text": "Isu Halal Xing Fu Tang ni buang jela sijil halal indonesia tu & apply elok-elok dengan JAKIM. Tapi bila XFT sendiri yang tipu pasal sijil halal tu rasa tak percaya terus. Kalau rasa nak minum minum la ikut suka la pilihan masing2", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929326772689819} +{"text": "Ayat dah halal mcm selama ni haram. \ud83d\ude02 Btw tahniah berjaya and dah dapat sijil Halal! Moga terus berjaya! \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb https://t.co/acD4up0QCB", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949499368667603} +{"text": "\nMelorqe replied at 31-10-2019 11:58 AM\r\ntesco claimed diaorang jual daging halal.meols beli salmon saja kat tesco, tapi sekarang dah tak b ...\nsaya ada follow kat insta. akak ni dulu dok australia sekarang dok london..seronok tengok dia shopping barang rumah murah-murah harga kat sana..harga murah-murah ja ( Ikut duit sana)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988163709640503} +{"text": "aku tak cakap pun haram beli makanan kt org yg xtutup aurat. Lingkup la jakim klau aku suka hati decide halal haram.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9704828262329102} +{"text": "Kat sama macamana diorang classified produk haram dan halal? RT : hidhir kt egypt pun takde logo jakim kt produk makanan ;)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8356115818023682} +{"text": "QUOTE(0168257061 @ Jan 24 2023, 12:06 PM)Ini air babi halal or haram?Looks like beerSounds like beerBut is not beerIt is Barbi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999779462814331} +{"text": "Boleh diaplikasikan di UK. Aku buat camtu kalau berada di luar negara. Cuma kalau di Malaysia, better manfaatkan logo halal JAKIM bila memilih kedai makanan. Ingat senang ke nak dapat piawaian Halal JAKIM, siap diiktiraf kebanyakan negara luar lagi.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982446432113647} +{"text": "tengok video orang malay dekat london mesti ada orang cakap halal ke? walaupun ada tanda halal pasti ke pekerja situ bersih. engkau nyah kalau nak macam tu kau duduk je malaysia diam diam. and kau pasti ke makanan kau makan tu pekerja situ bersih?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9920791983604431} +{"text": "Macam ni. Semua kedai makanan & restoran di Malaysia ni kena mohon sijil halal utk setiap kedai yg mereka ada. Jadi tak mustahil ada kedai dah dapat tapi ada yg belum sebab tak mematuhi piawaian jakim. Jadi tak mustahil apa yg dia kata betul pasal ayam tebuk utk cwgn tersebut", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9980825185775757} +{"text": "Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dakwa sijil halal Xing Fu Tang palsu pula \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f Sila rujuk emel dalam link berita di bawah. https://t.co/5iORNBUYIm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "highly recommended that AJNM send a LOD to ask for clarification rather than vague statement, technically, the ustaz did not say it is haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994741082191467} +{"text": "@Sarahhadi92 @Nazgul71028348 @matiitupasti5 @Jengkreng12 @melayujati3 @BetterNation3 @terrencedass @bmbossjustdoit @lawangs23099547 @PudinDon @BN4everTN5O @code_terminal @HamidahAbdulHa4 @HusinBinHajiAb1 @Shawn35154099 @BinZolkefle @MfaisalRezza @BMbossJUSTdoITT @BahangD @izhar1902 @En_White_Bird @TAzuanAD @AkuMelayuIslam5 @scsong @RameshRaoAKS @duniasuri @skytulip2 @JunaidiAdnan2 @sanjeeve1028 @halimramly @opshield @hpu914 @mijjemije @awang_tahir @Mohamad60295497 @mimimarinajaaf1 @Leo_69xt @RoslanWanz @VelooSelvi @nurjannie @shonzu11 @GlobalKid6 @TrollRepublic_ @feeltheheat7 @_royalfinest @norhayati63 @Anju75715849 @guanenglim @chedetofficial aiyakkk....nnt jadi kes keracunan MAKANAN la pulak....JIJIK woi mee bABU tepi jalan tu PENGOTOQ dan XDE sijil HALAL pon", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944357872009277} +{"text": "QUOTE(changejob @ Sep 10 2020, 12:02 PM)So following your logic, if I don't get drunk drinking 1 can of beer, 1 can of beer is halal?I dont define halal or haram. The muslims group do.To non muslim like me, saying tapai an alcoholic dish but not intoxicating is halal sbb tak memabukkan. The same logic i apply to arak. If i drink arak but not to the point of getting drunk should be fine too. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998871088027954} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancewood @ Feb 27 2018, 12:50 PM)work in kelantan best.Why best? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999552965164185} +{"text": "QUOTE(BluePants @ Dec 31 2019, 04:03 PM)Misleading title...The fine is for displaying alcoholic branding. Probably the shop does not have the right license.Wtf the kopi shop is just using the glass with the Carlsberg brand also haram. A lot of old kopi shop do use this type of glass for a kopi ais or cina teh and they are claiming the nons are paranoid with a 3 pages of khat. They are more paranoid then the nons but nobody dare to voice it out. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999808132648468} +{"text": "If Anjing is so haram until you cannot even say the name out, then why did Tuhan created Anjing?Just like us, Anjing is God's creation.Come on lah, Jekeem, don't be so unreasonable la there r worst issue to worry like teaching penganut that corruption = dosa and help find a solution to unwanted pregnancies and pre-marital sex among muslim youths. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999319314956665} +{"text": "Halal haram bukan soal babi, alkohol atau sembelihan saja. Punca duit juga main peranan. Bahan makanan yg dibeli dgn duit judi atau duit curi adalah tidak halal.\n\nContoh mudah: Najib. Kalau Najib bukak cafe, saya anggap makanan dlm cafe tu tak halal walaupun ada logo halal JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "\r\nko biar betul... serius????? aku pun tak tau nak kena buat report kat mana, ko pegi kat persatuan pengguna islam ker.....", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982823133468628} +{"text": "Inshaallah, anda tak perlu risau dan berasa was-was tentang makanan ketika di atas kapal Genting Dream Cruises! Memang semua makanan, perkakasan dan cara penyediaannya ditanggung halal dan bersih! Pelbagai juadah\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B8sRHBLF7Hs/?igshid=vug4c07515ro\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992096424102783} +{"text": "@diantukimin haram lagi mknn xdek sijil halal seperti pasar malam \ud83e\udd23", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "I don't know why people like to believe all this viral things yg disebarkan from FB then to one whatsapp group to another. Especially bab2 halal nieh. Kalau nk check halal ke tk just go to Jakim punya senarai makanan and restoren halal. Anyone can create something and sebarkan. https://t.co/fW2NIRQQWG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948965907096863} +{"text": "/ persoalannya jakim, setiap makanan halal wajib disediakan oleh pengusaha/pemilik Islam xkira bangsa apa pun", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9551360011100769} +{"text": "later will end up like rayani air, KTM, telur haram, proton haram too and so on. whats the final verdict? disaster, good luck with marketing gimmick. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8532105088233948} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ Aug 6 2015, 04:07 PM)i enjoice reading the comments35 komen untuk \u201cNeelofa Akui Tidak Tahu Yang Escargot Haram Dimakan\u201drambutku tak sekembang rambut kakMah says:Aug 5, 2015 at 11:05 pmNasib ko la lopak..dah termakan pun\u2026.klu aku tak terliuqq tgk siput tue\u2026dah mcm siput khinzir kat pokok pisang kebun mak aku\u2026.Replykatija haron says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:32 amKALAU DAH TERMAKAN SEBAB KITA TAK TAU TAKPELAH\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..LAIN KALI HATI2 BILA KAT LUAR NEGARA\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.ReplyKak Pah says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:19 am8A SPM pun rupanya bodoh jugak. Macam ni lah kalu sakai baru lihat dunia\u2026.benda haram terus makan dan pos dlm instagram. Akhirnya diri sendiri nampak\u2026.bangang!!!ReplyGigi Besi says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:28 amkes cultural shock la ni. ko ingat siput sedut ke ha???? klau was2 jgn seberangan je. kan dah termalu sendiri. vodohhhhhh!!!ReplyAkak Jual Bikini says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:22 amMakluk dua alam mana boleh makan. Akak yg x pandai agama pun tahu. Apalah punya jahil. Jual tudung, benda haram ko pakai belasah telan je erkkk?!ReplyNorhafiza Md Noor says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:31 amdrp ko makan siput tu, baik ko hisap siput hans isaac. xde beza nya\u2026. heheheReplyTahniah Atas Kebodohan Anda! says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:21 am#win!!!Replymiss loyal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 3:23 pmtahniah\u2026anda baru sja menunjukkn sejauh mna iman anda\u2026yg kt ats tu xde ajr nk ckp bnda mcm ne..benda nk jd..ape nk wt..boleh x korg fikir btul2 dlu sebelum nk post mcm ni..malu la sikit weii\u2026korg tau x\u20261 yg brsuara boleh merosakkn nma smua tau..ReplySaya says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:20 amKlau tk tau tk pe\u2026 Amek tanah liat sertu kan kat dlm mulut n dlm perut hahaha\u2026. Gurau jer\u2026Tk pe lah tk tau lain kali jaga2\u2026. Tapi kan bole ke telan tu siput ish\u2026 Tk leh saya bayang kan\u2026ReplyGIGI KAPAK says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:30 amBUKAN MAIN KEREK PAT INSTAGRAM BILA ADA YG MENEGUR.. DIA BLEH SURUH DIAM LAGI\u2026..AAAAAHHHHH SEKARANG SIAPER YGBODOH SOMMMMMBONNNG??????!HARAP AJE ADA BERBELAS AAAA.ENGLISH TETAP BERTERABUR, BOBAL TUNGGANG LANGGANG\u2026OTAK BIMBO!Replyangahzu says:Aug 6, 2015 at 2:45 amMemang tak penah makan siput tu\u2026tp kat bendang belakang rumah mak memang banyak\u2026mak kata memang ada makan tp mak xbg makan bab tak sahih leh makan ke tak\u2026.jadi tgk je la jiran2 kutip makan buat masak cili apiReplykatija haron says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:43 amA\u2019AH BETOL TU\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026ADA ORANG MAKAN\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.BUAT MASAK CILIPADI\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.Reply.. says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:35 amahahhahahaa\u2026..Replymarina says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:40 amkalau pun halal memang aku tak makan siput tu nak muntah tengok\u2026.tak apalah lofa kalau tak tahu hmm\u2026Replynono says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:47 amHAHAHAHAHA>>ORG CKP BODOH>>MARAHReplyroti butter says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:58 amXpe la lofa.. Kitaorg yg xmakan siput tu pun tak tau lagi makanan sharian yg kita mkn ni halal ke haram..ReplyRizal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:25 amPunyai nk \u201chigh\u201d konon sesuatu yg unik. Padahal haram. Lain kali show off la lagi dlm Instagram tu. Biar kaw nampak bodoh sangat. Hahaha\u2026ReplyLol says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:29 ambimbo juga rupanya \u2026. ReplyUmmie says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:36 amNajib makan duit rakyat, kenapa xde fatwa???????!!!!!!Replykhadijah says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:04 amtry thisReplyTahniah Atas Kebodohan Anda! says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:20 amNo komen!Replykopi says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:24 amni kah SPM yg dibanggakan sangat\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..ada gak bodohnya\u2026\u2026.lain kali jangan bongkak\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026orang pandai pun, ada gak perkara yg dia x tahu, tapi x la sombong bodoh cam ko\u2026..ngutuk orang pandai, nyindir orang pandai mcm la ko sempurna sangat\u2026sekarang terbukti ko tu BIMBOorang tegur x terima, nah terima la bila orang BODOH kan ko.kalau hati tu ITAM, berpurdah pun nampak gak SIKAP HITAM KO TU\u2026Replyjaslina says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:26 amdah kelahap sangat, SIPUT BABI tu pun nak melantak, konon nak berlagak la makan tu, post berbagai. niat tu jahat, tu yg kena balik. peribadi x mencerminkan diri bongokkkkkkkkkkkkkReplymyjawatankini says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:27 amKami sayang anda semua dan kami terus membantu anda untuk mencari peluang perkerjaanJawatan Kosong di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) \u2013 06 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong Terkini di Bank Rakyat \u2013 09 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Pos Malaysia Berhad \u2013 03 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Koperasi Bank Persatuan Malaysia Bhd \u2013 29 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) \u2013 TERBUKA 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia \u2013 31 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di SIRIM Berhad \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Perbadanan Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar (MBAS) \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) \u2013 02 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Ketereh \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Kuala Langat (MDKL) \u2013 11 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPG) \u2013 10 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur Negeri Sabah \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor (MSN Selangor) \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) \u2013 30 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Malaya (UM) \u2013 08 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) \u2013 12 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Lembaga Pertubuhan Bintulu (BPA) \u2013 14 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Kolej Komuniti Mas Gading \u2013 05 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Sarawak Energy \u2013 13 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Kedah (SUK Kedah) \u2013 16 Ogos 2015Temuduga Terbuka di Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Pada 11 Ogos \u2013 23 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) \u2013 12 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Setiu \u2013 18 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) \u2013 26 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) \u2013 06 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) \u2013 27 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) \u2013 31 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (PNMB) \u2013 31Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Amanah Raya Berhad \u2013 14 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong Terkini di KPJ Kajang \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Yayasan Hijau Malaysia \u2013 26 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Koperasi Pendidikan Usahawan Berhad \u2013 25 September 2015ReplyCik Bunga says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:30 amEmma yg xde SPM pun, x lalu nak makan SIPUT BABI ni, dia pun tau. ko yg berlagak ngan SPM ko tu leh telan, x jijik ke, itam cam tu sama la ngan ati busuk ko tu. nak termuntah pun x leh, dh kenyanggggggggg.Replylopakkkkk says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:33 ambanyak sangat cari pasal ngan orang, burukkan orang, curi dari orangbanyak doa orang dh makbul. doa lg untuk kejatuhan si bongkak ni\u2026..Reply.. says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:38 amdia ni nmpk ok je bila cakap gn wartawan.. tp bila org tgur kt insta xboleh trime trus delete\u2026ayat fans dia y maki hamun org2 y nasihatkan dia.. dia x delete pulak ..nmpk wangi hati tu..Replyti mys says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:47 amhaters mcm lah bagoss sgt nk mgata org. semua manusia buat silap. nanti karma kena diri sendiriReplyYazu says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:58 amYa Allah..jahatnye mulut korng..org tu buat sala sbb xtau je..smpai mcm tu skali mengata kat lofa..org buat sala, doakan supaya berubah..bukan maki hamun gi tu..xd beza ngn siput.Replykembara hamba says:Aug 6, 2015 at 11:41 amOrg da Berubah elok kita doakan je supya dia true istiqamah bkn mncela..kite duk Kate org hati hitam n busuk hati kita ni blm tntu Putih bersih\u2026y mnilai hanya Allah SWT.. Dia trsilap mkn siput tu sbb Xtaw status smela mcm kite trsilap mkn cadbury\u2026so jgnla Mara..km elok klu kite ckp bnda baik\u00b2Replyanak jati says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:41 pmdari kecik dah makan\u2026sah2 mak bapak dia tak ajar..tu la penting mak bapak belajar agama sebelum kawin..jangan tau buat anak je..tengok keturunan neelofa tu sedara mara pakaian mcm amareka je..tak tau ape nak jadi..ReplyBaca Tajuk Terus Komen (BTTK) says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:42 pmAPA yg blaku Ade hikmah\u2026skrg ramai da tau bendaalah tu\u2026aku pn baru tau\u2026ReplyGIGI KAPAK says:Aug 6, 2015 at 2:22 pmSIAPER SETUJU\u2026.SI LOFA BIMBO TERLEBIH OVER \u201cPLASTIC\u201d KAKI SPEDODARI..SCHA,LISA SURIHANI,ANZALNA, KAK JENA, KAK OGY MANANG DAN MAK MAH?Replymiss loyal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 3:17 pmerkk\u2026takyah la nk bising sgt\u2026korg dok mengate die ni pn dpt dosa free tau..tahniah la..tak usah nk pndang sgt setiap kesalahan yg org buat..die kate xtau tu mknenye xtau la\u2026yg korang sakit hati knpe?? bawakk2 la bertaubat\u2026cerminkan diri sendri sebelum nk menghakimi org lain..ingat laa..xde org di dunia ni yg sempurna..ReplyAbg Murai says:Aug 6, 2015 at 4:06 pmEscargot adalah perkataan dalam Bahasa Perancis yang merujuk kepada sejenis siput yang dikenali dalam Bahasa Malaysia sebagai siput babi. Walaupun kedapatan beberapa jenis siput babi seperti helix aspersia dan helix pomatia, tetapi kedua-duanya adalah tergolong dalam genus yang sama iaitu Genus Helix. Dalam Bahasa Arab, siput babi dikenali sebagai halazun (?????).Dalam fiqah, halazun/escargot adalah tergolong dalam kumpulan \u2018hasyaraat\u2019 iaitu haiwan kecil yang melata/menjalar. Dalam mazhab Syafie, secara umumnya haiwan yang tergolong dalam hasyaraat adalah haram dimakan kerana termasuk dalam haiwan yang dianggap keji (khabisah). Ini berdasarkan kepada firman Allah Taala:??????????? ?????????? ????????????Maksudnya: \u201cDan dia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk\u201d. (Surah Al-A\u2019raf: 157).ab, komen2 mcm lahanat. ini ke bangsa aku. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9922198057174683} +{"text": "Kedai sushi di Malaysia telah mengikut SOP yang ditetapkan supaya makanan itu bersih dan selamat dimakan iaitu HALAL. Jangan risau kalau kau jumpa kedai sushi ada logo Halal ia selamat di makan sebab ingredients diorang dimasak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6858393549919128} +{"text": "QUOTE(Starbucki @ Dec 27 2023, 02:35 PM)His money, his life, his suka laLagak biforty cannot afford his lifestyle just know how to kecam for some imaginary brownie pointsCos God has a social media account. He keeps tracks of these type of posts as well as thoughts and prayers for the victims of xxx. /s ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985331296920776} +{"text": "Roti kopi Orang melayu yg buat.. Beli bahan kedai melayu. Sbb kedai ni particular dgn bahan yg di jual kat kedai dia. Mesti ada sijil halal. Malas nak fikir halal ke idak..halal ke\u2026 https://t.co/wQR8rD8ZgY", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987574815750122} +{"text": "Misconception. If the place or. Item doesn't have a halal certificate.. Doesn't mean it's haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "Dan bukannya haram untuk kita makan makanan air tangan dari non muslim. Selagi sumbernya halal, tak ada bercampur dgn makanan haram & alatannya, dan terjaga kebersihan nya. Kadang makanan dari non Muslim tu lebih bersih dan suci dari org muslim yang tak jaga kebersihan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8033643960952759} +{"text": " @pojanope kita ni nama je duduk mesia weh. Makanan haram pun kita taktau semua. Haha bergantung harapan kat logo halal jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998323917388916} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:58 PM)petai?\u00a0 \u00a0 makruh jika menganggu orang2 lain esp jemaah masjib ketika menunaikan solat kerana bau mulut yang ehemehem ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999877214431763} +{"text": "Makanan apa aja yang penting sehat, bersih, halal.\": #cumannanya makanan kesukaan mama kamu?:))\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998745918273926} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Aug 18 2015, 08:10 PM)Dah dari monyet jadi anjing pulak ko niSihat ke tak sihatBerenti bagi BJ kat vape tu la woiI told ya.... All u can post is rubbish nonsense.... Nothing that makes sense.... And sommore wanna carry board and protest on wht is haram and not ...Hey u sware so much no haram ah ?QUOTE(johnny82 @ Aug 18 2015, 08:11 PM)united haram.. vape haram. next thing questioning the government also haram. You heard it here first.Haram bro... Coz vaping is giving a blowjob to a robot !!!! U believe it? Pls belip. Next time posting in LN also haram.... But can bark... With zero common sense... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "Sebab tu penting sijil halal. Ni asal type M masak konpom halal katanya, walhal Halal tu merangkumi semua, bukan daging je sembelih orang islam, tapi kebersihan, ni type M masak terus halal biar kedai kotor kalah jamban disko", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.973554253578186} +{"text": "Sebab warung-warung dan kedai makcik itu kedai melayu. Mereka ada keyakinan kehalalan terhadap apa yang melayu lain masak. Yang letak pork-free ni biasanya bukan melayu so mereka tak yakin. Kalau kat luar, aku cari seafood dan makanan bukan daging. https://t.co/tAoP4H71Dp", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9946541786193848} +{"text": "itik sedap tapi mahal .. sedih ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994739890098572} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Aug 19 2022, 02:17 PM)Are you sure the video is for this case? This is nasi itik, not ayam. The kedai name no put any Malay name also, it's English. I'm also konpius now.yes the viral videos are for this case. they are selling both nasi ayam and nasi itik. the malay dude did use english name for the stall.you can see it herethe malay dude stall owner claimed they cook it themself in a counter video but the video shows another stall with the same name in a mall.see, if people can just replied in a civil manner, then a proper discussion can be done. Ini terus replied kau racist kau bodoh la without trying to discuss. i already mentioned a few times in this thread, halal cert is not a requirement to open F&B. Thats why KPDNHEP said no case since both the chinese nasi ayam shop and the malay dude nasi ayam shop dont have any halal logo displayed. KPDNHEP can only act if people put halal logo in F&B outlet but they dont have the cert.The issue here is that people angry with the malay dude coz they accused him of repackaging other people nasi ayam and sell it as theirs. Thats what i mean by misrepresentation. thats penipu scammer.then came another video saying that the mastermind is the chinese stall, so again, misrepresentation. also penipu scammer.if later can be proven that the allegations are wrong, then both the malay dude and the chinese dude arent penipu scammer.by the way, when i wrote nasi ayam ahmad and nasi ayam ahbeng, thats not the name of the shops involved in this issue. I use it as examples. Did you really think both shops names are nasi ayam ahmad and nasi ayam ahbeng? kek.This post has been edited by tupai: Aug 19 2022, 02:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991408586502075} +{"text": "tak diiktiraf tak semestinya makanan tu tak halal. sebab orang dah ramai meluat dengan jakim. lembab buat kerja. sidai sampai berbulan bulan. banyak je restoran kat malaysia ni yg halal tapi takde sijil halal jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9825599789619446} +{"text": "Salah satu bad habits gw adalah ketika gw lagi suka sama suatu makanan maka gw akan beli makanan itu selama berhari hari secara terus menerus", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5149992108345032} +{"text": "While Hat Yai has always been a favoured weekend escapade for Malaysians residing in the north, it is now pulling more visitors from the south. - ST PhotosHAT YAI (Thailand): When Norfareha Abu Bakar vacationed in Hat Yai in February 2024 for the first time, she had so much fun that she returned to the southern Thai city in May.\u201cI like the food, the nature and their culture. There are lots of things to explore in Hat Yai and around Songkhla,\u201d she told The Straits Times. Hat Yai is in Songkhla province.Norfareha also went to neighbouring Phatthalung province to visit the Thale Noi wetlands and Phraiwan waterfall.\u201cIt is a bit cheaper than Malaysia, for now,\u201d added the 34-year-old chemist who spent three days there from May 31 to June 2 with friends.Hat Yai, Songkhla province\u2019s biggest city, is fast becoming one of the top travel hot spots for budget-conscious Malaysians as the weak ringgit makes the city attractive to those seeking a non-domestic getaway.The ringgit was among the worst-performing regional currencies in 2023, but has slowly edged higher in recent months.Hat Yai is also easy to get to without taking a flight, Norfareha pointed out. \u201cFor other countries, such as Indonesia or Vietnam, you have to book a flight ticket. I don\u2019t want to keep checking for cheap flights. For Hat Yai, I can go any time.\u201dThe jaunts \u2013 just across the border from Malaysia\u2019s northern Perlis state \u2013 are made easier with the April 2024 reintroduction of a Kuala Lumpur-Hat Yai train service.An added boost to the city\u2019s popularity among Malaysia\u2019s ethnic Malays is the wide availability of halal food, as 95 per cent of Songkhla\u2019s population are Malay-Muslims who speak a dialect of Malay.While Hat Yai has always been a favoured weekend escapade for Malaysians living in the north, it is now pulling more visitors from the south.The city is around 50km from the Perlis border town of Padang Besar, and about an hour\u2019s drive by car from the immigration checkpoint.Hat Yai is around 500km from Malaysia\u2019s capital of Kuala Lumpur by road.One influencer, celebrity chef Khairul Aming who has five million followers on TikTok, in July 2023 shared about his trip to Hat Yai, highlighting nine places for meals.This led to many users posting about their own experiences in the city.Most Malaysians interviewed in Hat Yai on a recent visit said food and accommodation are affordable when compared with holiday destinations in Malaysia.\u201cFor less than RM100 (S$28.50) a night, you would think twice about staying at a hotel in Malaysia because of the cleanliness and stuff like that but, in Thailand, it\u2019s okay. We pay about 500 baht (S$18.40) and we can get a nice, clean room,\u201d said engineer K.K. Yum, 55, from Kuala Lumpur.A stay in a three-star hotel in Kangar, the capital of Perlis, ranges from RM100 to RM225 a night. In Hat Yai, an equivalent hotel charges 850 baht (S$31.50) to 1,762 baht.Using Hat Yai as a jumping-off point, Yum also ventured to other areas such as Patthalung and the nearby Krabi province.\u201cFive years ago, I didn\u2019t see many Malays coming here but because there is so much halal food now, you see there is a balance of Malays, Chinese and Indians,\u201d he said.\u201cHat Yai has also gone viral because of social media,\u201d he added.Hat Yai Songkhla Hotel Association president Sitthipong Sitthiphataraprabha said the city\u2019s diverse food choices, easy accessibility and affordable hotels make it an ideal budget-friendly vacation option.He added that the city typically draws around 5,000 Malaysians daily, with the number doubling to nearly 10,000 on weekends.\u201cOn peak season weekends (Christmas and New Year), Hat Yai welcomed an average of 20,000 Malaysians daily, while weekdays see around 10,000 visitors,\u201d he told the Bernama news agency in January.Hotels, especially those in the downtown, have enjoyed full occupancy during peak holiday weeks, he said.Malaysia\u2019s national railway, Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM), in February 2024 announced the return of the MySawasdee (MyHello) special service from Kuala Lumpur to Hat Yai.It operates only on specific dates in the year, beginning from April 11, 2024.\u201cIn response to the sustained interest in travel to Thailand, we have introduced the MySawasdee train, which operates from KL Sentral (terminal) directly to Hat Yai, specifically during long weekends,\u201d KTM chief corporate officer Suhaimi Yaacob told ST.The service first rolled off on Sept 15, 2022, logging 10 trips that year that drew 3,787 passengers. In 2023, it made 20 trips, serving 7,864 passengers.\u201cThe surge in demand underscores the need for such a service, prompting us to plan additional services for 2024,\u201d said Suhaimi.The MySawasdee train can carry 400 passengers each way, with 240 seats and 160 sleeper berths. A one-way seat starts from RM95, rising to RM119 for a lower berth in the sleeper coach.Tickets for the first trip this year on April 11, and the second on May 31, sold out within minutes. The journey takes 11 hours and 20 minutes.The air-conditioned ride comes with a cafe serving drinks, snacks and hot meals.Once in Hat Yai, one of the top activities is food-hunting.A plate of kerabu Maggi, or instant noodle salad cooked with seafood and vegetables, costs 80 baht \u2013 about RM2 cheaper than KL\u2019s RM12.A shabu-shabu buffet meal for one person, including prawns, salmon and beef slices, costs 299 baht, at least 17 per cent cheaper than in KL.Visitors also sniff out clothing and craft bargains in the markets. For those who prefer international brands, there is the CentralFestival mall. Nature lovers flock to nearby waterfalls and wetlands in Phatthalung, as well as Samila beach and Tang Kuan Hill in Songkhla.Dr Sri Ganesh Michiel, deputy president of the Malaysia Budget and Business Hotel Association, told ST: \u201cMalaysians feel very welcome there. Thailand creates a tourism atmosphere.\u201cHat Yai is just like a normal town during the day. But when you go out at night, you see all the shops and massage centres. A foot massage is RM25. That is cheap.\u201dMalaysians are estimated to have spent RM4.6 billion in Thailand in 2023.Malaysia\u2019s consul-general in Songkhla, Ahmad Fahmi Ahmad Sarkawi, was quoted as saying by Malay-language newspaper Utusan Malaysia in May that the figure is based on the assumption that the 4.56 million Malaysians who visited Thailand last year spent RM1,000 each.\u201cFor this year, the figure is expected to increase based on the trend of visitor arrivals to Thailand,\u201d he added.While Hat Yai is basking in the sun, at least one Malaysian holiday destination could be feeling the heat from the competition.An employee of a state-owned company in Malaysia\u2019s No.1 resort island of Langkawi told ST he sees fewer tourists, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.\u201cIt is very quiet in Langkawi now. The tourists are going to Phuket, Hat Yai. There are more activities in Thailand. They have the Songkran festival and food festivals. Langkawi needs to have more activities,\u201d he said.Songkran is a Thai New Year festival known for its water-splashing traditions.He added that the frequency of ferry crossings between the mainland and Langkawi has also been reduced due to the pandemic, to only a couple of times daily. - The Straits Times/ANNTldr : cheap cost ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5177303552627563} +{"text": "\"Status halal haram makanan yg menjadi tanda tanya dan kerap tersebar di laman sosial.Anda bertanya, JAKIM jawabkan. https://pic.x.com/xigd2xn2pd\"", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998624324798584} +{"text": "\" kan Jakim dah khas 2 pegawai nya pantau bahan2 haram kat kilang2 proses makanan status halal.. Yang mana nok... http://fb.me/198w6xukJ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "QUOTE(StengHoii @ Oct 25 2016, 08:52 PM)wahhhh seronok kan bash JAKIM, bash la lg puas2.. and still 'they' wonder why ramai orang pilih untuk support jamal, geng baju merah, PEKIDA, UMNO dsb..+1. Media set the trap and others fall in. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994913339614868} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Dec 14 2016, 06:11 PM)bukan mesti, tapi cuma satu ikhtiar untuk berbuat baik tanpa tersentuh najis mughallazhah. bak kata Ikruga, jangan disusahkan benda yg mudah. kalau takde direct contact maka tak perlu la nak disamak.#donedakwahI got your meaning but it's sertu lah. Samak tu yang bersih2 kulit. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995903372764587} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?Just for information, halal meat sourcehttps://ms.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hukum_pemakanan_IslamSummary1. Does hunt with claw2. Doesn hunt with fangs3. Not poisonous4. Not amphibians5. Pig and dogA lot more, can read if interested ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999140501022339} +{"text": "QUOTE(zakwanfuad @ Aug 9 2018, 11:10 AM)although overwhelming when my non muslim friends respect me by not eating in front of me but i always tell them I dont really care..Shouldnt be a problem.. my non-muslim wanna eat anything haram food up to them la..as long as dont ask me to try then no problem..Thanks! Then i just don\u2019t bring haram food la cause respect ma ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978406429290771} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ Feb 26 2024, 10:56 AM)lelThey are no more like nomad with some passive income in their countryJust temporary stay due to favourable exchange rate. Once their passive income cut off, they just buy a flight ticket go home.Tak payah putar belitExactly with higher purchasing power and religion in minds, k'tan t'gganu and Kedah best for them ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999644756317139} +{"text": "Hati nak bersih.. Sumber kena bersih.. Makanan jiwa, makanan jasad, rezeki kena halal.. Baru ringan nak buat amal.. Nak dengar nasihat etc..\n\nKalau ni pun x jaga.. Yg lain susah nak jaga.. Sangka baik.. Syukur.. Sabar.. Baru hidup tenang... Ni lah syurga dunia... X rs, x dpt sana", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997633099555969} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurtkob78 @ Dec 15 2022, 10:29 AM)for me not haram. wear perfume cannot make people drunkYou sure? According to google when you inhale alcohol can make you drunk also. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(lonely66 @ Mar 10 2024, 08:48 PM)including change duit haram become duit halal too\u00a0 ... boleh guna tanpa maruah tercabar\u00a0 yes money is money, as long as renters pay in time, all good. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973633885383606} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ May 24 2024, 10:44 AM)Sensible in a way because he mention the prohibition is only on consuming. With believers there are always many interpretation.For nons, next time you see the word babi, you just replace it with najis. Literally. Once you can imagine that, you will understand why they so scared of touching, smelling or even accidently consuming it. It literally is shit to them.sensible-in-a-way and sensible have different meaningswhat i understand from your sentence is, partially sensible .... which is not how humans arrive to best judgement.and also i understand this from your reply,~~~ pork in sealed container with POTENTIAL for cross contamination , need greater law, enforcement and public vigilance, because NAJIS.~~~ flies actually laying eggs directly on cooked exposed food , food prepared beside foul smelling rat infested drains have less enforcement and public vigilance because NOT NAJIS.correct me if i interpret your sentences wrongly.This post has been edited by perfectedservice: May 24 2024, 12:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999752044677734} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/14OnaPLP6", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999972581863403} +{"text": "Bkn tak halal. Tiada sijil pengiktirafan halal. Sama jugak dgn kedai tepi jalan. Tak ada sijil. Berkemungkinan company tak apply. Nak yakin silakan minum. Kalau ragu2 dah jadi syubhah plk. Life is simple https://t.co/ClZBsTH2vK", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999508857727051} +{"text": "QUOTE(koja6049 @ Mar 6 2024, 06:00 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abADIL ???Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker\u2019s Cottage2. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik. 3. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja4. Banyak tahun dah dia buat5. Strategi dia sangat power6. Dulu Baker\u2019s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...\u2026. 7. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli8. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia9. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??10. Macam ni citer nya11. Baker\u2019s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama12. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la13. Ok la roti dia sedap 14. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat15. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...16. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup17. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni18. Dia jual ayam... 19. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim\u2026 kemungkinan besar anda silap20. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni21. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka22. Apa dia orang buat?23. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam24. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.25. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan26. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang27. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari kartel ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti28. Yes mereka la kartel.. Leong Hup salah satu kartel terbesar di Malaysia29. Sebab apa kartel, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran30. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga\u2026 sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian31. Susah nak di kawal32. Tapi takper la\u2026 itu satu hal\u2026 selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal\u2026 saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana.... 33. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain\u2026 Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..\u00a0 34. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)35. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni36. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni37. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...38. Lepas tu LEONG HUP tetiba supply ayam murah kat BC , 39. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam...\u00a0 jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.9040. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.9041. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia42. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni43. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari44. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain45. Pengsan beb46. Dah celah mana nak bersaing...\u00a0 tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...47. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker\u00a0 hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...48. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah49. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi50. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak ken lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata51. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.52. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama53. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn\u00a0 brand Woodfire lak)54. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly... 55. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan56. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada... 57. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh58. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la59. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price... 60. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni. 61. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake. 62. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah 63. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!64. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap \"ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah...\" 65. Jeng woiii !!!66. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya. #NAZDAIM6 Mar 9.33amTLDR: Poster complain after Leong Hup (Cina company) acquire Baker's cottage, they cheap sell roast chicken at 16.90 ringgit and spoil market. Bazaar ramadan sell roast chicken at 22 ringgit cannot compete. Asking for people to buy 22 ringgit even though expensive but \"orang kita\" Poster is also selling roast chicken i.e. direct competitor to Baker's Cottage\u00a0 Still buy chicken from Leong Hup. Bodo M. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9948508143424988} +{"text": "QUOTE(sickx @ Feb 8 2019, 03:07 PM)a) ayat 1-10 are all about peringatan mengenai akidah dan tauhid. Hayati ayat-ayat ni bermaksud percaya pada kuasa Allah. If you wanna talk about applying, the real application means when the Dajjal comes and you choose stay hungry instead of being fed by him. Whether you wanna believe the metaphor or literal words, it's up to you. But when you hayati ayat 1-10, it means you believe in Allah and Allah alone, He has no family, and He is the most powerful in this world.b) just because Dajjal is obeying it's lord, doesn't mean he is beriman. Iblis also is doing his job. Is he beriman? Dajjal wants his followers to acknowledge him as their saviour. That alone shows how Dajjal goes against Allah. Does that sounds beriman to you?QUOTE(sickx @ Feb 8 2019, 03:58 PM)a) yes, yes. You are actually describing what I was trying to say, metaphorically but I disagree about your interpretation of the first 10. But then again, you and me both are not the scholars about this topic so I'm gonna leave it to that.b) and again, back to my earlier post. Dajjal is still the creation of Allah and we don't need to be afraid of him if we truly believe in Allah. What I meant earlier in that post was this \"obsession\" towards Dajjal and what it could bring to us which what some Muslims love so much. They're too afraid of the dajjal to the extend they forgot that Allahu Akbar. Allah maha berkuasa. If you really believe in Allah, you don't have to be afraid of Dajjal, whether it is a creature or a metaphor. I remember reading about someone's experience of reading Al-Kahfi every Jumaat. He said that ever since he read it, he subconsciously watch less TV, controlled his social media usage and only read about real news. It's like his amal protected him from those things.I truly support this. When you learn 4 types of ilmu in Islam (Syariat, Tarekat, Hakikat, & Makrifat), it turns out we should be only afraid of Allah when you have a very strong Iman. It's like you achieve 24/7 remembering Allah let alone you sleep! There is a lot of things that people misunderstood about certain verse in Quran, this is because in Malaysia they tend to teach alot about Syariat (Do's & Don'ts) thus it is the product of today where Malaysian Muslim like to judge the other people. In Islam there multiple layers of Kiamat and Dajjal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9586145877838135} +{"text": "Makanan ni penting. Sebab akan jadi darah daging. Doa kita diterima ke tak. Sebab tu penting jaga makanan yang bersih dari segi halal haramnya. Bukan boleh buat main2.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7106659412384033} +{"text": "\napa yg kita takutkan...pekedai2 orang melayu beli, dia buat mee..kita plak datang makan..\nAnak_Nogori Post at 10-6-2010 16:56 \n\ntula pakcik....bila noor beli mi kuning dengan kuetiaw dan bebola ikan ni mesti terlintas halal tak ni....ni dah kira was2kan?....noor tengok juga copnya tapi walaupun kadang2 ada tulisan jawi tapi tak menentukan benda tu halal atau sebaliknya", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941936135292053} +{"text": "Memasak makanan yang halal, didalam bekas bersih yang dahulunya pernah dimasak daging babi. Adakah makanan itu juga haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998733997344971} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Dec 14 2016, 06:42 PM)jangan risau pakai sabun samak\u00a0 syukur alhamdullillah semuanya dipermudahkan semudah-mudahnyaQUOTE(Tongkat Ali @ Dec 14 2016, 06:51 PM)Nampak tak plastik warna biru dekat tangan perempuan tu?nasehat untuk yg lain2 juga ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998757839202881} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Nov 5 2021, 04:51 PM)ofcoz the dude salah..but the seller pun..kena la legit.. dah dude tu salah...ko amik kesempatan to rip off. 7kg...hadam semua...then viral. wanna play victim card...mana cantik bro...but the fact..dua2 salah in the end..Abuden the fish already cooked how? Owner bukan charity lah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974592328071594} +{"text": "QUOTE(ApostLes` @ Aug 7 2015, 01:40 AM)khalwat dgn sapa?update moar pls suka dgr cite neelofapgo read at beautiful nara. he's neelofa's licker but the comments... damn so many investigator. neelofa so easily kantoi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "Mereka dah biasa makan makanan kotor jadi bila bagi makanan bersih bagi mereka jijik tulah perangai puak2 ph..sekarang trend baru puak2 ph dh terima golongan LGBT dan MURTAD..ibarat babi semua benda mereka makan tiada istilah halal haram", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9724147915840149} +{"text": "QUOTE(EX Unseen Forces @ Mar 17 2024, 07:28 PM)Cmon la don't gaduh sesendiri, dap yg teruk tangan This clown above me is also one of the reasons Islamophobia has skyrocketed in Lowyat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999262094497681} +{"text": "Biar jela orang tu nak mencari yg halal dan meyakinkan bagi dia. Aku bantai juga the alley tu walaupun takda sijil halal lagi sebab aku yakin. Tak perlu kot nak sarkastik perli bagai. Kira bagus apa dia boleh tahan nafsu diri dia. Sakit hati betul kenapa?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955453872680664} +{"text": "Apakah makanan yang benar benar disahkan haram oleh jakim? Ada orang tahu?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9351316690444946} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 05:41 PM)Can put it in a better sentence right? If not people would easily confuse right? Irony is it. The whole fiasco is about confusion, and here we are...normal people that easily confused over words. Then came jakim, trying in their own way, simplify, bridging those that might or might not be that confusing to certain people.If you cant still atleast understand what they are trying to do, albit memang macam lawak habis diorg punya solution, hang memang keras kepala dan duduk dalam kepompong.You can appreciate abit people's effort.1)no.because I believe u are smart and intelligent enough to not be that confuse by something so simple2)what are they trying to do? Changing the hotdog name because afraid got some muslim who think it's actually made of dog meat? 3)eh.those people who think hotdog haram, I pula yang hidup dalam kepompong? Irony indeed4)what effort? They basically saying \"u all dumb. Donno differentiate hotdog and dog meat. Let me help u dumbo change name so u not confuse no more\" Thats insultsNot help ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968696236610413} +{"text": "\n\n Yeah same. I\u2019ve heard about it but it\u2019s not a popular view point isn\u2019t it? It didn\u2019t get much traction. Nor is it from any thing official. I may be wrong though, never actively researched the topic.\n \n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5450785160064697} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoFluidic @ Oct 21 2016, 11:06 AM)arak/prostitute/judi/rokok/etc tak ada sijil halal tak semestinya tak halal\u00a0 jangan keliru dengan konsep halal Islam dengan konsep halal ciptaan anda~arak/ zina/ judi/ dah jelas haram based on Quran and Hadithsrokok can be questioned due to its ban being absent in both Quran and Hadith. Nevertheless, majority of the jurisprudence scholars considered it as Haram as it had been scientifically proven to cause severe harm to the smoker's body as can be seen in many medical cases. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999696016311646} +{"text": "Hi semua.......apa sudah maksi ? Ini maksi ku hari ini, mana maksi mu ? Ini makanan \"rakyat jelata\" cukup dengan lauk sederhana saja AYAM BAKAR + 2 PEYEK UDANG, jauh dari rumah, jadi makan alakadarnya saja, yang penting nikmat, bersih, sehat & halal, dinikmati dan disyukuri saja", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9883421063423157} +{"text": "QUOTE(pikacu @ Jun 9 2017, 03:05 PM)ade jugak ke viral pasal arnab golek ni?halal makan lah wahai jahiliah semua, tak igt ade bege arnab masa 90's? sate arnab?tapi kalau tak sanggup, jangan makan. tu jeThat is not the point. People viral it because seller didnt remove the head. Kinda looking like other animals. Thus the confused netizens. If cut like normal meat, nobody make a fuss. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973746538162231} +{"text": "QUOTE(MrWrath @ Feb 18 2024, 08:12 AM)I live in Langkawi and early this year my wife suggest a new place in Kuah to buy breakfast/lunch. So I tried January this year. boy oh boy! guess how much this breakfast/lunch cost me. In midtown of Kuah.RM2!! Believe that. Of course I am not going to tell where specifically else you b4$tard go there en masse and I lose my cheap a$$ eating spot.You remind me of the boss who tried his own food and say its the best and wondering why nobody come to his shop.Your customer already tell you but you refuse to see beyond your own biases. Wait for lingkup then surprise pikachu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8676742911338806} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ May 1 2017, 10:09 AM)everynight has raid. rempit should avoid this placeThe thrill of doing it haram and not to get caught.....fuuuhhh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999803304672241} +{"text": "@AbdJalal95 Takdo masalah degil sangat. Dia punya thread tu boleh buat orang yang nak mohon sijil halal tak jadi nak mohon sebab percaya cakap dia yang nak mohon ni susah leceh dan mahal. Dia patut tau la apa kesan buruk kalau dia sebar benda salah. Dah tua pun degil.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "Ada sijil JAKIM atau sijil halal diiktiraf JAKIM bagi confident. Kalau tak kaji la satu2 ingredients yang ada dlm makanan tu. Jakim dah tolong buatkan.\nTanggungjawab sendiri untuk pastikan makanan yang kita makan tu halal. Nak buat duit dari market halal buat la research.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993396401405334} +{"text": "If one is well educated, they would know how to ascertain a food is halal or haram without relying on the Jakim 'Halal' label.Pity those fools who thinks consuming alcohol per se is haram, must have failed Pendidikan Islam during PMR and SPM. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "QUOTE(netflix2019 @ Dec 24 2023, 12:35 PM)Instruction unclear. I am now jobless since my current boss no counter offer. And my new job got taken by AI.lagi teruk, job too easy till AI take over ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987982511520386} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Sep 24 2014, 07:58 PM)\"This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion\" Quran 5:3Assalamualaikum, peace be upon you this thread here shall be platform for my fellow brethren to discuss stuff \u00a0 ajak lah kamu kepada kebaikan, dan cegahlah kemungkaranRules : 1. Comply with all the rules of Lowyat.net forum, hopefully, the mods will allows us the luxury of keeping this thread alive.2. Do not use swear words, do not spread lies, do not spread unproven allegation or reveal other peoples fault. Gunalah kata-kata yang mulia. 3. We do not partake or incite any military, religious, ethnic, sectarian or civil conflict whatsoever. We also do not even incite hate against other groups of people.4. The purpose of this thread is as a platform for people to talk about Islam in a civilized manner. InshaAllah, ada manfaat dia untuk orang ramai.5. Sebelum post kan apa2 hadith,, ayat Quran, fatwa, pandangan ulama, sila semak sos dulu.6. Ingat, ini bukan forum kita, kita menumpang je, jadi jaga sikit tatatertib.why open such a thread in Lowyat? lowyat is porno friendly ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999288320541382} +{"text": "QUOTE(mois @ May 18 2024, 10:31 PM)Like it or not. Nons business from now on will start to suffer as long as your target audience is the majority. Bumi themselves will take this opportunity to replace nons business. Furthermore they are more stronger in tiktok and live sales. Darsa is the best example, with good financial support, they can expand to 100+ branches in no time.nah, non business will be just fineur just fearmongering for no reasonppl cry to boikot grab before for the founder wife comment on israel but grab still many people use every daythis boikot is just extremist jerking off to each other in social mediau go outside, still many malays go buy zus who dont care about boikot zus ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.949155330657959} +{"text": "\n\n rat is a matter of cleanliness la bro not halal haram unless it is part of menu\u2026 then ya its haram\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998891353607178} +{"text": "QUOTE(iwubpreve @ Aug 28 2020, 08:45 AM)actually this is good. more revenue for PN yo.Then ambik balik back door. So atas group can suka suka langgar pkp and proudly say, oh i sudah bayar fiNE and flash V. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Makanan adalah bahan binaan asas tubuh badan yg diperlukan setiap hari lebih 6 kali! Pastikan ia halal, bersih & baik supaya ia jadi ibadah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7762174010276794} +{"text": "Principle of fairness TOTALLY AGAINST constitution in regard to special status of bumiputras. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976173043251038} +{"text": "@amr_hmzhrfk Alahai kau ingt permohinan nak m tk sijil halal tu free ke gampang, nak kena bayar pd jakim proses tu dan mahal, takkan kau expect kedai makan makcik tepi jalan mampu bayar yuran proses? Yg jdi isu skrg knp big company contoh mcm ikea yg mampu tanggung kos yuran proses tak mohon?", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999426603317261} +{"text": "QUOTE(Raddus @ Sep 3 2023, 04:08 PM)They always have been serving alcohol long haulOnly domestic dont haveThat's the thing which baffles me.If alcohol is allowed, why not non halal food? Because it will make the air haram to breathe? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965517520904541} +{"text": "Kasian alcohol got bad name.Bodoh, ez confused ppl always think arak=alcohol only.Islam haram consumption of arak and benda2 yg memabukkan, not alcohol itself.This post has been edited by bukankhadam: Aug 4 2019, 04:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999614953994751} +{"text": "Kat sana, kotor itulah kebanggan mereka. Kalau dpt sijil halal, maksudnya proses penyediaan makanan itu dijamin bersih dan selamat dimakan. Ini bertentangan dengan budaya kotor mereka. Maka mereka pasti terasa dgn adanya sijil halal ini ibarat mencabul sifat kotor mereka.#sarcasm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999616146087646} +{"text": "Traces of alcohol is a no. Traces of 1mdb is puas hati ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992019534111023} +{"text": "@izzulrfn_ mentaliti melayu ni satu..kalau benda tu haram memang akan kurang beli..kalau benda tu halal..satu cawan 30 sudu gula pun melayu akan minum..sebab ianya ada sijil halal..simple as that..bangsa lain lagi baguih boleh dgq cakap", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999370574951172} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/3m4WpR8wl", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9079728722572327} +{"text": "Cek \u3010HALAL\u3011Grosir Murah JinFeng Latiao Halal Cemilan pedas Gluten Vegetarian Snack China Jajanan Viral Makanan Family Snack Santai Camilan dengan harga Rp199.000. Dapatkan di Shopee sekarang! https://s.shopee.co.id/4fcG3T5lWy?share_channel_code=7\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9852458834648132} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabianz03 @ Oct 25 2016, 05:36 PM)lol people like him ignore only lathere is absolutely no base to say that the mere name of a food may 'confuse' muslimsif i'm a muslim i would be so offended coz they treat us like uneducated kampung retards+1QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 05:41 PM)Can put it in a better sentence right? If not people would easily confuse right? Irony is it. The whole fiasco is about confusion, and here we are...normal people that easily confused over words. Then came jakim, trying in their own way, simplify, bridging those that might or might not be that confusing to certain people.If you cant still atleast understand what they are trying to do, albit memang macam lawak habis diorg punya solution, hang memang keras kepala dan duduk dalam kepompong.You need to appreciate abit people's effort amon. They might do wrong once, but they did right most of the time.You can choose be that kind of people yang menyalak habis waktu orang lain salah, or you can be that one person yang try to find the reason behind such fiasco and construct your opinion in such a way that is beneficial for others to ponder about.Bodoh apa kah? Why is it these governing bodies and you lots always thinks that muslim are a bunch if weak people and easily confused? Hot dog has been popular in malaysia even before i was born, and i'm quite old already mind you. Even makcik nenek at kampung know it's made of chicken (unless otherwise stated on packaging, ie. Beef). What is there to be confused about? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9768664240837097} +{"text": "Isunya bukan di peringkat import, tapi di peringkat loji pemprosesan. Loji tersebut telah 'diluluskan' oleh JAKIM. \n\nPerkara ini adalah sememangnya di dalam bidangkuasa JAKIM. Jangan berselindung hingga memprejudiskan status halal makanan umat Islam!!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9882664084434509} +{"text": "mencari makanan halal memang wajib\ntp persoalan nya\n\nmacamana nak tau spec logo halal yg btol2 dr keluaran jakim?\n\nsetahu aku dah 5x tukar..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999731779098511} +{"text": "QUOTE(mak_ang @ Feb 10 2017, 01:07 PM)vavi bulu mana yang report aku ni....lagi sakit jubo teruk dari muslim....bodooo piang!!...ciannnnnnnLol! Padan muka ko. AHAHAHAHAHAH. Lol!This post has been edited by Ewww!: Feb 11 2017, 10:40 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(KrankZ @ Jan 10 2021, 01:00 PM)jakim is a department to make a sceneAlso maybe they tak puas hati because they cannot do anything towards the kopitiam, like they \"tercabar\" haha. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9780483245849609} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 04:53 PM)Keyword: Solidariti/Candlelight Vigillulz surat dgn fatwa takde kena mengena pun.satu kata demonstrasi haram tp nak kukuhkan kenyataan letak fatwa candlelight vigil haram.pastu apa kejadah buat candlelight vigil pepagi buta\u2026 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975125789642334} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Jul 28 2017, 11:35 PM)then tengah jalan?asalkan kat jalan...imej Msia terjejas.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999285936355591} +{"text": "Dia plan nak bagi BABI dan ARAK kepada mangsa banjir ke? Boleh je, tapi bagi kat yang boleh makan je~ contohnya bukan Muslim, yang Muslim bagilah makanan yang tidak mengandungi alkohol dan babi, misalnya KFC ataupun ayam yang dibeli dari kilang yang mendapa pengesahan JAKIM, ataupun kalau malas nak cari ayam atau kambing bersijil halal, bagi je ayam atau lembu hidup, ikan tak apa, tak payah sembelih. Sayur pun ok~ tapi ingatkan mangsa-mangsa banjir untuk basuh elok-elok, bersih-bersih supaya bahan kimia yang menyelaputi sayur-sayur dapat dibuang sebanyak mungkin. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999867677688599} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 05:47 PM)It says candlelight vigil. Majlis Fatwa says Candlelight vigil is Haram. End of story.is the letter fake or real? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "Walau aku suka naik kereta, tapi gapernah mau beli makanan di kereta, overpriced dan rasanya kurang. Jadi lebih milih bawa makanan sendiri. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988905787467957} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jan 5 2024, 11:16 PM)Guys, serious question here...The water I drink from the faucet has no halal certificate, so it is considered haram?The water comes after approved by KKM and Halal, so it is halal. If you use your own filter, it need halal, or else it is not halal. No idea about Kelantan water. Janji undi PAS, masuk syurga. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998873472213745} +{"text": "non muslims not consider human here. best if all of us die ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999575614929199} +{"text": "Sekarang ni banyak makanan yg haram dkt Malaysia ni so korang berhati hati lah dgn logo halal palsu tu,cari yg ada jakim", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7994799613952637} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jun 30 2021, 05:00 PM)Ah soon fly white flag, gets 8page but aint nobody is helpinglook at those fb comments, kena kecam so teruk, racing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9724884033203125} +{"text": "QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Sep 17 2019, 10:30 AM)tauke go great lengths applied and got halal logo approved ... some still question the premise simply by taking a glance of surrounding and notice no Muslim staff work there.Recently saw a BMF ranting post in facebook.They condemn the manufacturer being Chinese boss try to confuse SOME consumer by putting jawi words and muslimah on the Meehun packaging.In fact the Meehun factory got MESTI and HALAL certification, and that group of people still want to blame the factory deceiving them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9788690209388733} +{"text": "Haihh, benda camni pun nak jadi isu. Owner kedai dh terangkan, perkakas x bercampur dgn yg haram, kedai bersih, bahan pun halal. Cuma isu dia, Non Muslim yg masak. Bagi aku tu hak Azfar Badrul la nk review makanan apa pun, kau tak suka, kau xyah makan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997482895851135} +{"text": "\r\nlain yg ustaz dia ajar\r\nlain yang dia sebarkan\n\r\ndone speku \n\r\nbtw cer kemas2 sikit trim janggut so called ustaz2 ni\r\njijik serabut gitu\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977668523788452} +{"text": "sebelum ni kalau aku jawab camtu, customer maki balik \u201cKENAPA TAKDE SIJIL HALAL?!\u201d jawapan aku would be \u201csebab cawangan kat KL, sabah sarawak tak cukup pekerja muslim. tu je kita tak lepas. kalau akak ragu ragu, jangan beli. nanti jatuh haram \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\u201d *dabs", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9515232443809509} +{"text": "QUOTE(wowlegion1990 @ Oct 25 2016, 09:54 PM)Berapa kali nk ckp.. it's not about confusion.. that editor is a bodoh editor..What people here concern is the fact that they associate the pork burger with the late P. Ramlee (a muslim) and Ramly (halal f&b company)It's an insult and a tasteless marketingAda paham?most choose to ignore the registered trademark issue against Ramly and to ignore the insult to the late P.Ramlee.what matters most is to rile up the halal-haram aspect of it. riling up muslim is actually a sanctioned sport event in malaysia. every week got one.good enough to distract from babijan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999767541885376} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 20 2016, 03:21 PM)Yeah. This is all about Chinese muslim. Not about Christianity or any religion discussion. I will delete any comment that did that. 1.\u00a0 2. Lol.. ok ok you got your point there. But even if I go eat malay dishes, I will still use spoon and fork. But I will take note on your dish washing tips.... maybe will try that on the days I have to do the dishes... less few items to wash\u00a0 3. I think this things starts from small, and also from what they observed. So whether you like it or not, your children will be subjected to your influences since young. They will mirror what you and your wife is doing. Ok I think that's enough question (and teh tarik) for today. Thanks! Will ask you more in the future.\u00a0 One last note for you to think tonight. Is tapai Haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7866215705871582} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Nov 1 2023, 09:26 AM)u already got halal logo. just use itif dun see halal logo assume non halal la aduiBecause to get halal status is and display logo is a very different processMost of the mamak and malay restaurants/shops don't have halal status as per jakim because they never apply for it. They can't display the halal logo. But Muslim will still eat there on assumptions as fellow Muslims they are following halal preparation, even if no certificate and logo ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999953031539917} +{"text": "So much about halalU duno the duit u using also duit haram from prostitution/alkohol tax/ gambling tax / etcDuit no haram...asal bleh enjoy joli semua halalNoob retard ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallcrab @ Mar 26 2017, 10:55 AM)so kilang arak tu haram ???got meleis working there Carlsberg, GAB ...According to jakim, yes.QUOTE(bakry @ Mar 26 2017, 10:55 AM)Misconception. If the place or. Item doesn't have a halal certificate.. Doesn't mean it's haram.You missed out point 1, already clearly stated is haram.QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 12:02 PM)you meant not according to jakim?That's why the best is own life, own self decide. These so called religious authorities have their own agenda which is for their own best interest. People that just blindly follow is just a puppet to them. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Pelajar #peluangkedua meniti kehidupan dgn jln bukan sijil universiti. Tetapi aku selalu tekankan. Yg penting halal rezeki. Jgn malas dan malu. Jalan dahulu. Sebahagian gaji bagi ayah dan ibu. https://t.co/eVcttUYghk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(netflix2019 @ Jun 7 2024, 12:14 PM)giving free handout without informing is the dumbest shit ever. Next time make sure u train ur staff properly. Actually why Malay so timid when work as cashier/promoter. It's like they just try their very best to reduce interaction with customer and also towards the workplace. They macam not interested with their job at all, know nothing about the products they handling. And because of knowing nothing, they damn scare customer interaction. Like back in school the student all tunduk bawah dont dare look at cikgu scare kena ask question.Or people just don't read? McD sometimes I get something free when paying by CC and there's a sign saying it. In this case can't fully judge the cashier/server if the free burger promo was already displayed. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9700245261192322} +{"text": "Boikot itu bukan budaya kita orang cina. We dont use our ego, we use our brain and wallet power ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8361583948135376} +{"text": "Dah bertahun-tahun Shihlin berniaga di Malaysia. Selama itu juga, aku rasa mereka ada sijil halal. Uncle Bob kau beli kat pasar malam ada sijil halal ke? Ada Uncle Bob kau tampal sijil halal? Tak was-was pula kau makan? Sebab yang masak Melayu? So kau terus yakin halal? \ud83d\ude12", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7135204076766968} +{"text": "QUOTE(azerroes @ Sep 15 2010, 08:20 PM)nomakan makanan haram akan menjadikan anda macam anak haramlolada orang tak perlu makan makanan haram pun jadi anak haram jugak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9883319735527039} +{"text": "Sudah menjadi tanggungjawab setiap Muslim untuk menjamah makanan yang halal lagi baik. Sesebuah makanan haruslah Halal, bersih serta bebas daripada unsur bahan yang Haram. Dalam ... Read more #inforakyat http://dlvr.it/Sx9g0J", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998595714569092} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Dec 23 2023, 04:35 PM)Kalau bisnes Non, sampai DNA lubang cacing pun mesti ada Halal cert.This one? \"Kito redho saja lah\"Janji halal dan bmf ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997063279151917} +{"text": "heran sumpah mama bilg \"menghargai uang\" tpi sndirinya suka beli makanan tpi KAGA DIABIS2IN TRS UJUNGNYA DIBUANG\n\nBKN MASALAH BELI PKE UANG SIAPANYA TPI KEK APA COBA COK DAH GATEL BGT AKU TPI NANTI KUMAT LGI ARGUMEN BODOHNYA AKUNYA KAMBUH LGI NANTI", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9397256970405579} +{"text": "\r\nDah lama perasan nowa 5bintang ni suka post benda2 yg mendatangkan kecaman netizen.. mcm sengaja nak netizen pertikaikan apa yg dia buat, senang cite attention seeker.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994149208068848} +{"text": "benda macamni takleh judge teruih. maybe jakim ada keluaqkan fatwa yg berkaitan pasai nama makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9578465223312378} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Apr 18 2024, 04:59 PM)7-11 in Ho Chi Minh serve fresh banh mi.Best gila I tell u. Taste damn authentic and just as good as the road side sellers but looks cleaner.I see the frozen banh mi in Famiry Mart I feel damn sad. Who the fuck wants frozen banh mi?They make it from scratch on the spot? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996691942214966} +{"text": "QUOTE(joe_mamak @ May 26 2015, 12:41 PM)They stressed - \"However, this revocation was not caused by offences on the usage of haram ingredients in the processing of products,\" said Jakim halal hub division director Hakimah Mohd Yusoff.That's the thing. The factory was using the brush to sweep the dust in their warehouse. Not directly touching the goods. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998137354850769} +{"text": "KUDAT: Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) menyerbu dua premis di daerah ini yang dipercayai mengelirukan pengguna berkaitan logo halal, semalam.Operasi yang bermula kira-kira jam 10 pagi itu turut disertai anggota Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah (JHEAINS) Kudat, Pejabat Kesihatan Kawasan Kudat dan Lembaga Bandaran Kudat (LBK).Ketua Cawangan KPDNHEP Kudat, Geoffrey Gumalang, berkata kes pertama membabitkan sebuah restoran yang membekalkan makanan dengan membuat reprentasi atau perbuatan yang mengelirukan bahawa makanan yang dibekalkan adalah halal atau boleh dimakan oleh orang Islam.\"Walhal ia tidak diperakukan demikian oleh pihak berkuasa Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).\"Bagi kes kedua membabitkan sebuah pasar raya yang didapati menjual barang makanan yang diimport dari China yang diperihalkan sebagai halal.\"Namun hasil pemeriksaan barangan itu tidak mendapati sebarang perakuan halal luar negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM,\" katanya dalam kenyataan media, hari ini.Geoffrey berkata, barangan berkaitan kes berkenaan turut disita untuk siasatan lanjut dianggarkan bernilai RM1,148.10.\"Kes disiasat mengikut Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011,\" katanya.sos ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9585468769073486} +{"text": "Aww. Yu Hua Kajang, one of the best school. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999514818191528} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 27 2016, 05:10 PM)what does muslim friendly means anywayI believe in Japan, 'Muslim friendly' means that they can cater to request for Halal meat to be use in their cookings. Some restaurants with better understanding will go the extra length to use a different set of cooking utensils altogether. But such restaurant will normally need advance booking to prepare for the meal. It's not a walk in thing.At least, this is what I understand. Do correct me if I'm wrong. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998773336410522} +{"text": "So here are the 3 products of Bluebellskincare yang mmg diperkaya dgn Licorice extract.. . Jgn risau tau.. #Bluebellskincare xde brg2 terlarang seperti Mercury or Hydroquinone. Bluebell telah mendapat kelulusan KKM, sijil Halal dan juga telah diuji... https://t.co/sXEZ1JnBPe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9878063797950745} +{"text": "Kalau kat saya, makanan halal tu of course tak mengandungi bahan bahan haram en..and kena bersih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999269247055054} +{"text": "QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 07:31 PM)Arak haram sebab ade alcohol ..benda yg membuat kn seseorg itu mabuk..bile masak alcohol tu evaporated , hence no more alcohol..example : org panggil wine sebab die ade alcohol .. bile dah xder alcohol bukan wine name nye... just grape juice biasealcohol haram untuk diminum sebab ianya memabuk kn.. kalo xder alcohol mcm mane nak mabuk.. dan bile bnda tu x membuat kn org mabuk thn bnda tu bukan najis, kalo bukan najis thn bnda tu halaltuang je la grape juice biasa. kenapa nk tuang wine kalau begitu.This post has been edited by ricardoizecson: Nov 2 2013, 07:52 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "its good if the non mislim are permitted to do the same thing. dont later the taliban cried fouled when they cant manage to compete and ask for more tongkat?it probly a small matter and it went viral, just curious among the muslim here, dont you all think its a stupid idea of always coming out with this trivial thing that always gave chances to other to mock your religion? if you are wondering why other always mocking and laughing at the religion or peace, this is just another example. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9340039491653442} +{"text": "QUOTE(El-LoboSolitario @ Jan 21 2019, 03:30 PM)What if.... all money notes of a country feature pig, how will \"THEY\" survive if visit there when cashless practice is not ready there? owai... money is ok...duit haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7776196599006653} +{"text": "Makcik gua masak pun tak ada sijil halal, tapi gua yakin. Sijil halal ni supaya tak ada keraguan dalam hati umat islam. Kalau yakin, pi lah makan ka minum.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9098687767982483} +{"text": "QUOTE(salad said @ Jun 14 2024, 08:51 AM)they will cry father mother why menindas orang melayu? lolas seen in some viral video.......best part they can still mengamuk throw table chair, want to fight with enforcement officer.......and our officers just can't n not willing to do anything further....... LOL tried that shit with enforcement in SG n see where you end up. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999119222164154} +{"text": "if a wall was painted with babi brush,.. wud the wall become haram ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "1,5juta tahun 2011. Beli makanan yg gw suka ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998916387557983} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Dec 27 2023, 10:16 PM)Fatwas are nonbinding. Muslims are not required to follow their guidance. The force of a fatwa derives from the authority, trust and respect accorded to the clerics, scholars or institutions who issue them.However, the question was whether smoking is haram or not.Not whether it enforced by the authority. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9809813499450684} +{"text": "Dah tahu restoran ni org d4pig punya, bangsa yg nak hancurkan Islam, buat apa masuk. Dpt sijil halal tipu, masa org Jakim dtg mmglah dia buat betul2. Dah dpt, dia buatlah suka hati dia. Org Jakim bukan check hari2. Suci ke makanan dia wpun halal. Org Islam patut istiqomah bmf.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8001691102981567} +{"text": "QUOTE(scorptim @ Dec 31 2019, 11:10 AM)There\u2019s many such cases got busted by cops before la. How they disguise as halal btw? No cert means officially not halal, u wanna go eat then eat at own risk. Why so hard to understand?Pretty sure the religious scripture says everything is halal except those specifically classified as haram. Unfortunately, muslims prefer to be ignorant of their religion and leave it to the zealots to instruct them about the religion.http://www.quran-islam.org/articles/halal_meat_(P1156).htmlQUOTEThe term 'halal meat', as used these days, is one that has no Quranic support, but is more a term exploited for commercial profit. The labelling of certain meat as 'halal' implies that all other meat is not halal. However, when we analyse the Quranic verses below we find that the sellers of such 'halal meat' are in fact deceiving the uninformed Muslims into believing that their meat is the only halal meat for Muslims. It must be said that this deception is not intentional, but that these sellers themselves have been misled into that false understanding.https://www.soundvision.com/article/halal-a...uran-and-hadithI don't know about you guys, but I would feel pretty embarrassed when a non muslim knows more than islam than muslims. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932449460029602} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Dec 9 2018, 05:15 PM)Demonstration is the context of protesting against something.\u00a0 Same underlying principal, Vigil or protest.Hence the hypocrisy.Candlelight Vigil is haram. End of story. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996763467788696} +{"text": "Mohd Hisammuddin (dua, kiri) dan Wan Mohd Faizal Azizi (tiga, kiri) bersama sebahagian daripada produk keluaran syarikat mereka.SEBUAH syarikat Bumiputera yang terlibat dalam penghasilan produk makanan halal berasaskan perikanan iaitu Softa Marketing Sdn Bhd (SOFTA) mengorak langkah setapak lagi apabila berjaya menembusi pasaran China.Salah satu produk makanan syarikat itu iaitu keropok keping \u2018Lekorista\u2019 dijangka akan mula memasuki pasaran China, bulan depan.Pengurus Besarnya, Mohd Hisammuddin Abd Wahid berkata, untuk permulaan, syarikat mula menghantar dua kontena keropok yang dianggarkan bernilai RM400,000 dan selebihnya akan dihantar secara berperingkat.\u201cKejayaan ini hasil usaha sama kami dengan ECER (Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur) yang membawa kami ke Naning, baru-baru ini. Ini langkah kita yang pertama dan sejak itu, kami mendapat respons positif dan luar biasa, termasuk dipanggil menyertai pelbagai ekspo untuk promosi produk keluaran kami.\u201cSekarang ini kami bekerjasama dengan Malaysian Mall dan sebuah syarikat pemasaran am untuk pamer produk dan cari pasaran khas di China. Untuk tahun ini sahaja, sudah ada lima acara yang akan kita sertai di China,\u201d katanya.Katanya, apa yang menarik tentang Lekorista ialah ia mampu bertahan selama dua tahun, iaitu melebihi syarat yang ditetapkan oleh pihak berwajib di China iaitu sekurang-kurangnya setahun lapan bulan, selain produk yang dihasilkan itu diiktiraf dengan memperoleh sijil Amalan Pengilangan Baik (GMP).Sementara itu, Pengarah Operasinya, Wan Mohd Faizal Azizi Wan Mohd Yusof berkata, bagi memenuhi pasaran berkenaan, syarikat itu juga kini sedang meningkatkan pasaran produk, di mana mesin baharu yang berteknologi tinggi akan dibawa masuk dari Guangzhou, China untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kapasiti tinggi.\u201cKeropok dihasilkan agak rangup dan berbeza. Produk ini akan masuk ke pasaran China melalui syarikat pemasaran am yang dilantik dan Malaysian Mall yang akan mempamerkan produk kami dan bertindak sebagai pengimport.\u201cKita sasar 280 \u2018food truck\u2019 bernilai RM10 juta dieksport ke China menjelang penghujung tahun ini di beberapa lokasi utama termasuk pasar raya,\" katanya.http://www.sinarharian.com.my/bisnes/kerop...-china-1.496286 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7451544404029846} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackpink @ Dec 31 2019, 02:55 PM)suka hati aku la bai apa aku nak fikirOkay.jpg ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999645948410034} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ripp87 @ Oct 20 2019, 10:09 AM)Aiya, chinese people wasn\u2019t affected by BMF lahLu suka BMF u sendiri pergi BMF lah, Chinese don\u2019t need a single cent of Muslims monies one, sell to chinese and Indians already can sustain one lahLu tak suka or tak MAMPU Lu jangan beli cina punya products lah!This is true.Maybe small time sundry, mechanic or repair shops might suffer la, especially the ones open at these BMF kampungs ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8447632193565369} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Apr 22 2024, 11:45 PM)Act like sohai and inability to understand is two different things.Its ok- seems like you don\u2019t understand facts. How could you ? Lol.Abis tu kalau kau datang renew passport kat aku, macam mana aku nak verify kau tu Malaysian ke tak kalau muka kau macam pelacur dari KazakhMesti lah test dulu basic question macam bahasa Melayu.Kalau simple test tak lepas, mesti menimbulkan keraguanBodoh tuyuk kau tu simpan sikit bagi kat anak kau supayasemua paloy tu meresap dalam anak cicit kau ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994865655899048} +{"text": "Apa hanya karna aku tidak pernah makan donat Jco.. kamu yg katanya \"teman\" bilang aku gak kekinian dan nggak nge-hits??? Hey boy aku tidak butuh gelar itu! Aku adalah spesies yg lebih suka makan apa aja tanpa lihat itu makanan di beli dimana! asal bersih dan Halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9937458038330078} +{"text": "\u201c: Sedih bila ada makanan yang ada dah ada cop halal jakim pun masih ada DNA babi. Ya Allah. Ampunkan kami semua.\u201d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986889958381653} +{"text": "Kurma ada yang haram woih. Durian, anggur, tembikai, petai ada sijil halal halal ke? https://t.co/vbmTAKnZ40", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999760389328003} +{"text": "Maaf jika saya silap... \nMost jika selalu makan makanan yg kurang masak akan jadi gini... \nBudaya Malaysia mostly makanan yg cukup masak.. \nElak kan makanan yg separa masak atau mentah dan pastikan makanan kita makan itu halal (suci & bersih)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998112320899963} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Oct 21 2016, 04:12 PM)In the end its actually hypocrite melei consumers fault. Jakim (even with the silly rule) is just there to provide the cert.Malay own stallJual hotdogDirty as hellNo halal certVerdict?\"Makan je la, conlanfirm >9000% halal\"Malay stall: \"Yohoo!! no need apply cert liao. No need change hotdog name liao\"Non malay own stallJual hotdogClean, halal ingredientsNo halal certVerdict?\"Omgwtfbbbq jakim ni ada cert tak!@$ ? Must viral this shit\"Then non malay stall need to jaga hati and biznes, apply halal cert.Jakim:\u00a0 \"Hehehe...sooooo you want halal cert? Then be prepared.....oh wait u jual hot dog? Thats a nono\"kenot like thatmalay/mamak/indon stall also kalau kotor i will not go both are stallsso small commercial use onlyaunty anne is applying the cert for large scale commercial useso gotta folllow guideline le ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8877686858177185} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Oct 19 2023, 09:29 AM)Mana benda haram woi..Update la sikitKorunk tgk\u2026 tak malu betui\u2026 tayang betis tayang peha This is how they lure the men to have nafsu & lusty thoughts about maid ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999023675918579} +{"text": "QUOTE(marlick25 @ Aug 18 2015, 12:50 PM)Ladies and gentleman, the list of stupid people with their own retarded reality. Bodoh tu sila simpan sikit dekat anak cucu, rokok dah difatwakan haram lama dah. Korang tu je yang bodoh dan malas membaca.puak puak vapers ni mudah butthurt . can see their hivemind working strong. keep trying to justify their nicotine addiction ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 30 2024, 07:55 PM)malu bertanya, sesat jalan.ok lah if she ask around before consuming.You eat street food, u never ask about the food is it?I always ask, ini apa? daging kah kambing?how else can I know what is in the curry, it could be tikus goreng if I'm not carefulYou so free todei huh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": "QUOTE(pr0pofol @ Sep 14 2016, 02:19 PM)at least not as stupid as this i don't think those are stupid either.suka hati diorang la nak pakai design apa kat kredit kad diorang.and this is why malaysia can't progress.everybody has their racial/religious bigotry. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9942926168441772} +{"text": "\r\nkalau bab halal haram nie ambo sensitif skit. dah la skolah agama plak tu. memang nak kena pelangkung supplier tu..\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999756813049316} +{"text": "QUOTE(joeekh @ Aug 13 2013, 04:08 PM)guys...pls recommend any halal chinese food near cyberjaya, equine or putrajayawiden the scope abit...thanksAll chinese restaurants are halal as long as u dont consume pork and meat without properly slaughtered.I live in China for 1 year, never had an issue between muslim and non-muslim...but i follow imam Malik Madhhab... Malay very sensitive about certain issue... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "Nk tnya, kedai ni milik kapir ke? Klu milik kapir, org Islam patot jauhkan sbb bkn owner dia reti psl halal haram ni.. dia tahu anjing babi arak haram tp bab sembelih, bhn\u00b2 camporan bkn tahu pon! Satu lg, klu kedai milik org Islam, kena sijil halal jgk?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992508292198181} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Dec 12 2023, 06:32 PM)Best Is bah kut tehSecond is mutton curry with chapati\naGYM7X-x6ZU\n\nCan't agree more. BKT & curry mutton\ud83d\udc4dBreakfast & lunch eachThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Dec 12 2023, 06:38 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 01:38 AM)Please read back. I know about the ruling- you want cert just follow and it does not mean didnt get halal cert mean it is haram. So i dont care what ever name it is. What i sad - most of them take oppurtunity to bash muslim if not why some of them come defend and bash back.I dont defend Jakim but please read carefully back what i state above on naming food. It is already in hadith. But for me i will still eat it as long as it halal. Just that i didnt question about the naming.Bashing Jakim is not bashing Islam or Muslim, know the difference. Jakim is nothing but a state institution headed by ordinary muslims like you and me. Why make every word that comes out of them unquestionable? They maksum issit? never make a mistake ? Why must you defend them when they made a mistake? What's so wrong about critising them in the hopes they will correct their mistake and stop making us look like idiots and fools? Which hadith does it say about naming food ?This post has been edited by Einjahr: Oct 26 2016, 01:45 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998031258583069} +{"text": "\r\nKena buat research dlu lah nampak gayanya.\u00a0 \u00a0Tak leh main terjah2 sajo terus melantak.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958209991455078} +{"text": "Eat- Rumah Asap - tabuan dayak. order the dayak bbq pork and the spare parts + order cocktail langkau - Laksa, these days a lot good ones.. Apart from anthony Bourdaine, chong choon (not sin chong choon), can go yeow kee laksa.- kolomee, must eat non halal one only. oriental park, eng cafe, hon hin, sin lian shin (green road), laoyakeng- tomato mee dawai/kuehtiao-pork satay - laoyakeng -banana fritters - opposite laoyakeng.. best 1pm starts you can preorder first. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984299540519714} +{"text": "QUOTE(AircondSejuk @ Jan 8 2021, 10:19 PM)Bila pulak hunting down lack of sijil? Pandai baca atau tidak? Clearly the suggestion is, muslim elakkan untuk mengunjungi kedai yang tiada sijil halal. Tapi up to customer also. Sukati I lah nak minum dekat Mana, asalkan bukan alcohol.Wang ringgit korang ade samak dulu tak ?? Tahukah Wang cukai Yang diagihkan sebagai BPN datang Dari Sumber haram cam kilang carlsbrg ataupun genting ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999291181564331} +{"text": "QUOTE(etan26 @ Dec 8 2021, 02:26 PM)Kalau mahu mintak buka utk semua kaum sure we all welcome kan.... tapi oren takut takut benda haram so, food court sells haram haram dia oren ok?Amoi/auntie seluar pendek order minuman/makanan at foodcourt.Claim berpakaian memjijikan by certain puak.Buta buta, whole foodcourt tutup. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "QUOTE(eksk @ Jan 23 2017, 10:26 AM)so by the mere act of issuing halal certs, they have sown more confusion among the people.. kesian.. nak buat baik tapi timbul lagi kemusykilan..Well, everything has turned upside down to the point that many Meleis think no sijil = haram. If like this, why still visit those roadside stalls then? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999680519104004} +{"text": "all male workers are from india meanwhile all female workers are locals. male workers are bollywood-esque qualities, the locals moist themselves, interracials piapings gonna occur, PR status gonna be given and all is according to plan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9981516003608704} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 11:38 AM)so no doubt dadah, meth is haram coz its instantly affect your body, but rokok only if you consume excessively.So no problem if primary school kids smoke? Or smoke beside your pregnant wife, let her inhale the second-hand smoke absorb into foetus bloodstream.Want to smoke, smoke. Don't give some BS about unhealthy only when excessive lahttps://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters/2019...ims-about-fatwa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999768733978271} +{"text": "QUOTE(smsid @ Jan 5 2024, 11:16 PM)Guys, serious question here...The water I drink from the faucet has no halal certificate, so it is considered haram?Means nobody eat or drinks before halal cert ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Jun 4 2024, 03:24 PM)Thank you so why are some Malaysians & Sinkie so gungho about Thai Buddhism? Heard a relative of mine so into it, got tattoo at the back, go to some secluded village get thai amulet. Totally different than the very quiet Buddhist in Malaysia.the tattoo is called sakyantThose are like a tangent of mainstream Buddhism. So Theravada Buddhism worships in Monks / Sangha as the learned ones. An extension of that some monks become intertwined with ajarn /ah chan (teacher), practitioners of white magic.Amulets can be blessed by these people, great monks or ajarns, to grant them \"powers\" etc. Likewise amulets can be worn by the bearer, through sakyants tattooed onto your vessel (body) But it's leaning towards white magic la in my opinion. Of course there is also black magic and mor pee (shamans), more of animistic beliefs but still quite prevalent in Thai.Not just that there are alot of pretenders.. And ppl who are in it for the money.Most mys/Sg believers believe in ajarn or power imbued in the amulets, or the master who gives the power. Maybe he is a very popular powerful senior monk in one of the great temples. Maybe his track record is super, manage to heal many many people. Things like that.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999624490737915} +{"text": "Haram ni bukan dari kandungan bahan makanan tu, tapi meliputi kebersihan, peralatan bebas dari pig and so on. XFT patut clear isu ni, untuk provide HALAL STATUS from jakim. Tapi kalau tak halal pun engkorang kedarah lagi wa pu ce tau leee", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9024158716201782} +{"text": "QUOTEI have said this before. The Islamic countries should get together and pass a fatwa that Muslims should NOT go and live in non-Muslim countries especially in western countries. sos ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999269247055054} +{"text": "Kpd pengundi Muslimin Muslimat @PASPusat dan @umnoonline jgn bimbang sebab sijil halal telah dikeluarkan oleh Tn Hadi kpd calon PRK P.165 sebab iman Wee sama level dgn @Tantawi100 atau @Ustazmokhtar dan keseluruhan penganut UMNO/PAS https://t.co/XwZfl4Y2ZP", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997474551200867} +{"text": "Hi guys, kalau korang ada masalah dengan kotoran minyak yg pekat. Aku ada jual High Strength Degreaser. Yang bagus nya ada sijil halal dari JAKIM dan selamat bwh British Standard & Quality Food Act 1983. Help a fellow students trying to survive guys. PLS RT! Thanks! https://t.co/JT6ovJikWU", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9091460704803467} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 13 2016, 03:45 PM)Wait wait waitSome muslim too dumb to differentiate 'no pork'\u00a0 with \" halal\" And the restaurant kena penalised? The restaurant at fault for deceiving people? Wtf apa ni. So apa sarahan saya virus Already infected malay muslim? Come on. That one disease we dont need. We got too much already Start educating ur dumb flock of pseudo muslim laWhy the fuk blame the restaurant. And they are technical correctThere is no pork inside. So what's wrong with that? Nobody said its halal. Its those dumbos who assume it isAnd doesnt mean it isnt halal either. If the cafe use meat from normal supermarket like jusco. And no liquor in their food. Then it is halalHalal cert does not mean \"yes. Makanan sini confirm halal. Others are not\" Halal cert just mean \"yes. This kedai APPLY FOR HALAL CERT\" doesn't mean those doesnt isnt halal. It just mean they dont apply. Cuz kalau nak apply kena \"belanja makan\" I know. Cuz i did it. I have too. If not i cannot sell my products . So fuk me for complying to your hidden requirements of applying for halal certAnd its ironic as fuk isnt it. I have to do something haram to be able to sell something halalit's like u plug fruits from the garden ,.. no halal cop cannot eat... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998921155929565} +{"text": "Actually very kesian them sometimes. Wanna travel also mahfun. My neighbour went Switzerland have to pack own halal food and cooking utensils. Otherwise he just eat kebabs. Went Japan and Korea also susah. Hunt high and low for halal eateries in the end just eat egg sandwiches. Have to check and rechecked the ramen package at their convenience stores. Really take out the fun in travelling. For us the best part is eating their food in seasons, everything also try cause that\u2019s the whole point of travelling. Otherwise, might as well just stay at home. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999233484268188} +{"text": "Zaman skrg ni makanan atau minuman viral belum tentu disahkan halal dh ramai org Islam yg serbu telan.. Benda yg deme makan tu jd darah daging weh.. Jangan makan benda yang subhah... Pastikan halal dan bersih baru makan yaaa geng.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "QUOTE(lingleeyen @ Feb 3 2016, 09:25 AM)Good job man. This is the kind of attitude we want to see in our entrepreneur. Rajin inovatif terbuka. Not like those potek potek potetek idiots saying give ang pao haram, wish christmas haram, see lion dance haram, see christmas deco haram.\"itu dia ancaman liberalisme sudah mari\"-said by currybun\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970259070396423} +{"text": "QUOTE(borgeouisbella @ Mar 23 2021, 02:31 PM)They will say you have haram items, why cant they have non-haram items?Also, jokes aside, they will need to compete with Grab and Foodpanda, and tons of other non-halal deliveries out there..Tis wat happens when one thinks too much until burden one's selves. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.987851619720459} +{"text": "https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2021/07/...u-bantuan-muftiGeorgetown: Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan mengibar bendera putih sebagai usaha menzahirkan kesusahan hidup yang dihadapi bagi menagih bantuan.Tindakan berkenaan dianggap sebagai tidak wajar dilakukan kerana ia mencerminkan sikap berputus asa dan mengalah terhadap situasi yang dihadapi.Mufti Pulau Pinang Datuk Seri Dr Wan Mohd Salim Wan Mohd Noor berkata, bagi umat Islam khususnya, perlulah memahami bahawa sikap berputus asa dan mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan serta kesempitan hidup adalah dilarang.Katanya, seseorang yang mudah mengalah kepada kesusahan dan berputus asa dalam menghadapi ujian hidup menunjukkan kepada kelemahan iman dan tiada keyakinan kepada rahmat Allah SWT.\"Masih banyak cara lain bagi mendapat bantuan dalam mengatasi kepayahan hidup golongan yang terjejas pendapatan sepanjang tempoh pandemik ini.\"Selain bantuan yang disalurkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri, terdapat juga daripada badan dan agensi tertentu seperti Pusat Pengurusan Zakat negeri, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau swasta selain sumbangan individu,\" katanya pada kenyataan di sini, hari ini.Wan Salim mengulas mengenai kempen kibar bendera putih di hadapan rumah sekiranya terputus bekalan makanan.Kempen yang disambut baik pengguna media sosial itu bermatlamat membantu individu yang terkesan akibat Covid-19 namun malu menyatakannya secara terbuka.Mengulas lanjut, Wan Salim berkata, pihaknya juga menyeru supaya usaha intensif dan agresif perlu ditingkatkan lagi oleh pihak berwajib bagi membantu mengatasi kemelut ekonomi yang dihadapi golongan terjejas ini.Syarikat GLC dan swasta juga diseru supaya menunaikan tanggungjawab sosial masing-masing dan turut menyumbang dengan lumayan bagi meringankan keperitan hidup golongan terbabit.\"Wakil rakyat di peringkat Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) perlu memainkan peranan sebagai penghubung antara golongan memerlukan dengan pihak yang memberi bantuan.\"Kemungkinan mereka ini tidak tahu cara atau kaedah bagi memohon bantuan daripada pihak berkaitan,\" katanya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9860493540763855} +{"text": "dah biasa makanan my memang rasa kureng la makanan sg. tapi kalau nak halal pegi la dekat arab street ke geylang ke", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9978281855583191} +{"text": "QUOTE(iamSUSUman @ Dec 2 2023, 04:47 PM)nice where u go.some northern part snowing alreadyxi'anat first wanna harbin but too coldQUOTE(AthrunIJ @ Dec 2 2023, 04:50 PM)Breh safe tripPost some xi an delicacies\ud83d\udc40\ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf5f\ud83e\udd24the skewer so delishesQUOTE(smallydupe @ Dec 2 2023, 04:52 PM)What happened to your mobile house?U mia a while thought u quit here for goodada je, im tired starting vroom2 threadQUOTE(Avex @ Dec 2 2023, 05:02 PM)lu tak suka lu balik malaysia. did they say that to you?nope but yes i like this country ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9908061623573303} +{"text": "\nLiveYourLife replied at 18-8-2021 04:18 AM\nAnak ada sekali. Tapi ada staf boleh tgkkan. Some centre, provide staf yg ada background nursing u ...\nAah sis .sbb kalau cainis mmg common laa dorg pegi confinement centre..kalau melayu,ni my circle laa,pantang kt rumah je..either rumak mak dorg atau mak mertua..\n\r\nAi think so jgk laa..kalau betul2 centre cainis,mmg wajar laa org concern sbb knowing manusia nowadays y dah tak kesah halal haram,asal dpt taram je..tp kalau ditegur pn melenting,better xyah tegur jela,nak amek y haram pn ikut dia lah..dah besar kan..netz pn p jaga kain sendiri.. family tu lg perlukan perhatian chuolzs drpd retis nih..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996613264083862} +{"text": "Bila Jakim keluarkan kenyataan, org kecam Jakim kata menyusahkan dan pandailah netizen pilih makanan kononnya diorg terpaling pandai bab halal haram.. Bila dah kena macamni, pun salahkan Jakim kononnya tak pantau... Terpaling betul, ialah netizen", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6140435338020325} +{"text": "QUOTE(king99 @ Jun 12 2023, 09:41 PM)I don't mean you, I was referring to the article statement.Oops.. malu la saya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999628067016602} +{"text": "I kena ceramah before when I went to eat at vege restaurant. Say food not halal. Funny thing the one doing it had a scandal on the side. Tu tak haram ker.. Oh wai! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5426461100578308} +{"text": "Boleh tak mintak sumber2 yg membenarkan tindakan jakim ni. Ada kata dari mufti ke jumhur ulama ke. Makanan tetibe jadi haram kalau ada perkataan berunsur keagamaan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9427724480628967} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 13 2020, 10:58 PM)i think macam old unker la. and if you notice, nowadays old pipu no verify one. will simply share among whatsapp group.like those days where they forward chain mail. copy this to 10 people if not your mom die kinda thing.QUOTE(danielmckey @ Nov 13 2020, 10:55 PM)His mother never teach him proper manner. Simply viral not report to proper authorities to check. People business not good & many people lost job. Don't simply judge like you know everything & viral.some ppl really lack of manners one I tell youdonno how many chaps already forward these kind of videos to others then some sohai easily kana tipu buta buta percaya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999121427536011} +{"text": "Yg penting masih makanan manusia dan halal ya dimakan. Apa cuma mau dipandang...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9919775128364563} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 07:40 PM)it may not be under employment act 1955 but it could be under constructive dismissal under Industrial Relations Act. constructive dismissal can happen even if the employee terminate herself due to the conduct of the employer.i dont see the hospital breach of any contract. In a sense, she didnt turn up for work and company have the right for disciplinary actionPlus arguing that the enforcement of breach of religios belief also does not hold ground if the hospital argue that it been enforced since 1988 since it founded and other muslim employees have not raise the issues since the establishments. (Not a sudden change of policy which affect the employees)QUOTE(waiora_protuner @ Dec 6 2015, 07:47 PM)dei....its in the law la...singh wearing turban can ride a bike without helmet...ujian bertulis tiru olang eh?boleh.. tapi kalau mati akibat tak pakai helmet? takna insurance nak bayar untuk preventable accident?unless premium tinggi QUOTE(MRSamurai @ Dec 6 2015, 07:47 PM)Laws of Malaysia ACT 265PART IICONTRACTS OF SERVICE7. Subject to section 7A, any term or condition of a contract ofservice or of an agreement, whether such contract or agreementwas entered into before or after the coming into force of this Act,which provides a term or condition of service which is less favourableto an employee than a term or condition of service prescribed bythis Act or any regulations, order or other subsidiary legislationwhatsoever made thereunder shall be void and of no effect to thatextent and the more favourable provisions of this Act or anyregulations, order or other subsidiary legislation whatsoever madethereunder shall be substituted therefor.canot use it that way, the employment is rigid but not attending work is already a fault again, if i were to argue the policy have been best practice for patient above a single person religious belief. The benefit of mass shall hold utmost priority ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971835017204285} +{"text": "QUOTE(Tariq_H @ Dec 31 2020, 12:33 PM)Not haram.ya ker?macam mana kangaroo, dia sembelih ker, atau culling? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999440908432007} +{"text": "@hazwanihasnan @FifyFufu @nrlnazura @amirulfaizx kalau banyak procedure takyah apply la sijil halal? banyak lagi brand lain yg confirm halal. yang tkde sijil halal ni jugak kau nak menangkan. benda halal haram kau buat main main. agama apa kau ni", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999872446060181} +{"text": "\n \n\nDatuk Shahurinain Jais menunjukkan gambar rampasan pelbagai makanan sejuk beku di Penampang. FOTO Juwan Riduan\n\n\nKota Kinabalu: Polis merampas pelbagai makanan sejuk beku dianggarkan bernilai lebih RM19.6 juta di dua gudang di sekitar Penampang, di sini, Sabtu lalu, selepas didapati tidak memiliki lesen sah dan status halal meragukan.\nDalam serbuan 10 pagi itu, kedua-dua gudang berkenaan dipercayai dijadikan tempat penyimpanan dan pembungkusan sebelum dijual ke pasaran tempatan.\nTimbalan Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah, Datuk Shahurinain Jais berkata, serbuan dijalankan selepas kedua-dua premis ini disyaki memiliki produk dan hasil haiwan tanpa lesen yang sah.\n\nSelain itu katanya, semua produk makanan ini mempunyai status halal meragukan serta dipercayai melanggar peraturan kebersihan makanan.\n\"Antara barangan yang berjaya dirampas adalah makanan beku seperti ayam, ikan, itik, sotong, kambing dan daging lembu.\n\"Selain itu, polis turut merampas pelbagai jenis makanan sejuk beku segera seperti nuget, sosej serta bebola ikan pelbagai jenama,\" katanya ketika sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Sabah, di sini, hari ini.\nShahurinain berkata, siasatan mendapati kedua-dua premis ini beroperasi dengan lesen tamat tempoh sejak Julai lalu.\n\"Polis percaya, semua bahan makanan ini diperoleh dari Brazil, Sweden, Australia, German dan Poland. Semua negara berkenaan tidak mempunyai pengiktirafan halal daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia.\n\"Siasatan juga mendapati terdapat daging tamat tempoh tetapi tidak dilupuskan secara betul selain berlaku pengubahan logo halal yang disalah guna di kotak bungkusan makanan berkenaan,\" katanya.\nKatanya, semua rampasan diserahkan kepada Pegawai Operasi Seksyen Veterinar Sabah untuk siasatan lanjut mengikut Seksyen 15(1) Enakmen Haiwan 2015 Negeri Sabah.sumber\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999611377716064} +{"text": "\r\nsetajah jadian mmg ptt dimaki.. cousin iols jual kek, kawan dia blh komen halal ke? trs laki cousin tu cantas.\u00a0\u00a0kami mmg suka mkn bnda haram.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999353885650635} +{"text": "Tadi pagi berbual dengan akak katering yg serve kat AGM meeting. \n\nDia cerita, gigih beratur 6 jam nak beli makanan kat Suka Dessert minggu lepas kat Toppen Ikea. \n\nFeedback dia. Makanan terlalu manis. 2 suap dah rasa tak boleh masuk dah. \n\nDia tengok video macam sedap je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.963125467300415} +{"text": "Sepatutnya Malaysia nie issued sijil Haram. bukan issued sijil Halal. Why? Sbb nie negara Islam. Sepatutnya semua makanan halal. Mcm nasi lemak tepi jalan. Mane yg ad babi or bnde haram. Report kat Jakim issued sijil Haram. Settle. Nothing to argue then. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "@awang_tahir @mkini_bm @IsmailSabri60 Hahaha. Ismail Sabri ni tak serik2 lagi lepas kena tibai dek Tun M kat Parlimen dgn soalan bodohnya ttg kos ECRL. https://t.co/SOkgu14UCR Ni muncul pulak dgn statement bodoh ttg sijil halal. Mail, lu mau kena itu DAP, lu mau mesti pandai lor.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989511966705322} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 09:20 AM)it subjective becausein generalwe know alcohol and pork is non-halalbut a food which didnt prepare in clean way as non halal even tho its chicken/cow remember we different opinions,one said drinking alcohol is haram but used it as cookery is halal.another said both haramany pork related already non-halal. so in another word, if you yakin with the food is halal.please go ahead.if you dont yakin with the food is halal, please move away. cheerstotally agree in this one regarding food. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973335266113281} +{"text": "QUOTE(anakMY @ Mar 4 2024, 02:16 PM)Israel has to abide to the borders agreed upon by the United Nations, agree to a 2 state solution. Which Israel has already lost interest in. Thus currently there is no way to solve this issue, more and more Palestinians gonna be killed and Israel slowly extending into Palestinians grounds.So I asked chatgpt who rejected the 2 state solution, to learn more on this and I got this answer:Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders and factions have at times rejected proposals for a two-state solution, albeit for different reasons. Issues such as borders, security, settlements, the status of Jerusalem, refugees, and the right of return have been significant points of contention.Israeli governments have expressed concerns about security, borders, and the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Palestinian rejectionist groups, on the other hand, have rejected the existence of Israel altogether and have historically called for the establishment of a single Palestinian state in the entire area of historical Palestine. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9826447367668152} +{"text": "Babi haram. Arak haram.Tapi fitnah halal. Rasuah pun halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "Kamu tdk suka kami lebih tdk suka lagi sama kamu. Tdk memikirkan sebelumnya. Makanan yg beraliansi Zionis aja diusahakan jangan di makan walaupun itu Halal. Darah Palestina susah dihilangkan dari Digital sampai kiamat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971628785133362} +{"text": "SHAH ALAM - Penang mufti Wan Salim Mohd Noor has called for premises selling non-halal food, including pork to provide a notice to inform Muslims.According to a Malaysiakini report, Salim said that there is nothing wrong with selling nasi kandar served with pork, as long as customers, especially Muslims, are made aware of its ingredients.While Islamic law forbids the consumption of pork, Salim made it clear that non-Muslims are not prohibited from selling non-halal products to non-Muslims.However, he stressed that authorities must play a role in ensuring that premises offering non-halal meals advertise or put up a notice on the food's status to prevent Muslims from consuming it.Salim was responding to Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association (Presma) Jawahar Ali Taib Khan's statement, where he claimed that a video clip of 'nasi kandar' served with pork on social media could spark confusion and a negative image of the local cuisine.Meanwhile, Selangor executive councillor Teng Chang Khim dismissed the claim as illogical to imply that Muslims would be so easily misled and confused.If this were ever the case, he suggested that foods such as dim sum, yong tau fu, and all sorts of other Chinese foods could not be sold and would confuse Muslims as well.Salim explained that the Quran prohibits Muslims from consuming pork as it is considered unclean. Scientifically, it has been found that it contains a type of parasite called Trichinella, which can pose health hazards to humans.For instance, Trichinella can lead to Trichinosis, which can be contracted by consuming raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with the microorganism.However, the infection may be prevented through hygienic food handling practices, particularly by ensuring that the stock is sufficiently cooked to kill the parasite.https://www.sinardaily.my/article/212056/ma...-inform-muslims ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998342990875244} +{"text": "QUOTE(Armata @ Dec 7 2015, 04:02 PM)Assuming if she got compensation like a few hundred thousand..i guess anyone can be housewives..Time to ask nurses to follow the same path..why work when u can sue and get money on religious belief? kondom is haram for muslim. both item also need to go register 9. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "QUOTE(degraw19 @ Nov 20 2023, 10:36 PM)What\u2019s so gooding since it was viral? This place must be nearby mrt bukit bintang if Ayam not mistakenIts like fried crispy meat pie.. The beef is more tastier then the chicken... And price for rm5 chicken and rm6 for beef is cheap.. But would i line up for 1-2 hours for it? Definitely NO... I wouldnt line up for damascus shawarma also haha... Crazy. Yes its just opposite MRT BB. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995399713516235} +{"text": "Zaman sekarang sijil halal pon dah boleh beli' MEMANGLAH NAK BUAT SIJIL HALAL KENA ADA DUIT KENA BAYAR TAKKAN LAH FREE2 JE ORANG DATANG KEDAI BAGI SIJIL HALAL KANG AKU CAKAP TAK DE OTAK TRIGGERED PULAK HAISHHH", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8302269577980042} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 17 2022, 01:43 PM)if follow desire, just do it belakang2. No need to tell the whole internet \u00a0 Akhir zaman... manusia bangga and suka menunjuk-nunjuk perbuatan yang mungkar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9525948166847229} +{"text": "@AfifahJoe @SyafiqahAfandi Jakim dah buat kenyataan kata xft mmg belum dpt sijil halal Malaysia. Tp diorg takde kuasa nak paksa xft ambik sijil halal sbb tak wajib pun dari sisi undang2.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982301592826843} +{"text": "babi tak haram, rasuah tu haram! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.834561824798584} +{"text": "Mesti ada gak yg nak defend.Bodo macam powerbike. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998117089271545} +{"text": "Memandai ja cikgu tua balik sekolah kemas rumah. Mak aku cikgu balik sekolah tido,bapak aku yg belikan makanan. Ko tak suka beli ko la masak. Masak je pon. Loser", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.989638090133667} +{"text": "#Nurani \u2013 Saksikan kupasan lanjut tentang proses bagaimana lembu Jepun mematuhi sijil halal yang diiktiraf JAKIM daripada peringkat ladang hingga ke pusat penyembelihan bersama Ustaz Mohd\u2026 https://t.co/jPgNFTfyf1", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9801194071769714} +{"text": "pork cannot be served medium raw la only haram beef can ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999004602432251} +{"text": "QUOTE(bombayah @ Dec 15 2022, 09:56 AM)Siapa kata boleh?Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Selangor: Mewartakan fatwa pengharaman rokok berkuat kuasa pada 7 Dis 1995 di bawah Enakmen Pentadbiran Perundangan Islam 1989. Di dalam Enakmen tersebut dijelaskan bahawa amalan menghisap apa jua jenis rokok adalah haram bagi orang Islam.ramai yang hisap jugak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9701856970787048} +{"text": "Boycott mcdonald , boycott starbucks , boycott kfc.donuts all under same chain, berjaya group under same chain and owns alot of properties and land in langkawi.Then implement all those rubbish malay law as they see fit.Who in their god damn mind wanna go there..Langkawi is turning into a typical pas state . Kelantan terengganu have one of the best beaches in malaysia . Yet nobody go.Batu ferringhi like shit- and yet their five star naik harga every month and fully book during holidays.Ppl just dont like pas la . Malay sendiri tak suka mereka. Conservative and backwater shit of a gov. Wait sau pei. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9251386523246765} +{"text": "QUOTE(zidane28 @ Sep 5 2023, 10:46 AM)I think the only reason on why there is no official fatwa / law saying Muslims can only go to places with official JAKIM Halal cert is due to road stall.You know those sell nasi lemak, goreng pisang etc? Even bazaar ramadhan. Imagine those also need halal cert, GG.Macam ni la, business point of view they don't want the hassle in applying halal cert but yet still want Malay business. So no pork / lard, halal sourced poultry, no alcohol etc. You know, halal just without a cert. Banyak je Muslims yang tak kisah halal cert.So for those yang kisah, pi je la yang ada halal cert.But as Muslims, is duty to ensure halal in what you eat / drink. So...memang up to individual la...Yeah. The more you guys hype about this halal cert, the more problem it creates. Just let the individual decide. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967781901359558} +{"text": "QUOTE(differ @ Nov 25 2023, 12:49 AM)Rubbish.This is only happening in recent years. When I was there, there was no such nonsense.And what was the msian demographic in the 80s vs today........and what was the school curriculum and popular culture then vs today? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997740387916565} +{"text": "\r\ndia ni kalau bergambar suka betul jegil2 kan mata n buat mulut burung.nyampah ok.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999535083770752} +{"text": "https://says.com/my/news/home-baker-alleges...ers-cny-cookiesHome Baker Alleges That 2 Delivery Riders Ate Her Customers' CNY CookiesQUOTEAnother woman has taken to social media to call out two delivery riders for eating her Chinese New Year baked goods, just two days after the last viral incidentLinly, a home baker in Puchong, Selangor, took to Facebook on Sunday, 7 January, to show photos of the half-eaten cookie jars sent by her disappointed customers.\"My customers' CNY cookies got eaten before the riders delivered them. And some were left with cookie crumbs only,\" she wrote.\"Sadly, the riders just decided to open my customers' cookies and eat them. And they didn't stop at one or two bottles, they ate a few pieces from every bottle then delivered all the remaining halves to my customers.\"The small business owner had scheduled two deliveries to her customers that day - one order was to Klang and another to Kepong\"Both deliveries had different riders, and they seemed to know each other because they were chatting in front of my house after I handed them my customers' cookies,\" she recounted.Linly said she couldn't believe it when her customers started to send her a barrage of angry messages awhile later.\"They messaged me 'Is this how you sell your cookies?', 'Your service sucks', 'So disappointed', 'I feel cheated by you', 'Why my cookies left crumbs only?'\"\"Their words really hit me damn hard,\" she wrote sadly. However, she was grateful that her customers were understanding after she explained the issue and sent them new batches of cookies.After writing in a formal complaint, the home baker said the delivery company has agreed to refund her for the deliveries\"[The company] has reached out to me and agreed to refund me,\" she updated her Facebook post today, 8 February.\"However, I still feel that that two riders owe me and [the company] an explanation.\"\"I know times are hard, but I just don't understand. If the riders were hungry, they could have just asked me and I would've been more than happy to offer them food without any charges because I know being a delivery rider is not easy and safe,\" she wrote.She also reminded other online sellers to double seal their products, wrap them, or put them in proper closed boxes to prevent this from happening again.Speaking to SAYS, she said she was still sad that her business reputation has been tarnished due to this incident\"It takes years and effort to build a business' reputation, and sadly because of these riders doing this nasty thing, my reputation went down the drain in just an hour,\" she wanted to emphasise.\"This was the first time in five years that I have been selling CNY cookies that such a thing has happened,\" she added.\"Now customers are afraid of ordering my CNY cookies. I hope the company can give me some closure soon and also train their staff better.\"SAYS has reached out to the delivery service but have not received a reply.QUOTE ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9630750417709351} +{"text": "QUOTE(Malaysian99 @ Nov 17 2020, 07:33 AM)Hanya tau tuduh olang lain tak patriotik, hanya tau tanya makanan halal tak.Itu patritk ler tu.... cuma patriotik kat duit.... lahanatTemat ni kena letak orang kuat iman..... tapi kalau tau enforce pun lama2 boleh hancur jugak... I got one police friend, retire early pasal tak tahan. Bila tiap kali buat serbuan, pastu cek kat anggota ada jer yg songlap barang2. Lepastu kali kena posted PPH atau tempat hulu.... kesian ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "Finally kena lipoted, to the reporter, this article nvr at all states any race. It can be anyone but /k solely wanna play this ball game so I can only say you are as stupid as some of them here maybe Murcielago lvl. Have a nice day all.Fussy Flood Victims Turn Down Free Vegetarian Food Because They Want Meat InsteadSince last Saturday, Malaysians have been united in extending assistance to those affected by massive floods that hit the country.Sadly, some flood victims have been rejecting the hot meals cooked and delivered to them by volunteers.Now they are demanding the volunteers to prepare food with meat preferably chicken \u2013 something the volunteers have flatly rejected.Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam coordinator Dr Thesdave Singh said his team of volunteers has totally rejected giving in to any of their demands.He added that most of those who claimed that the food is not suited for their taste buds didn\u2019t even bother to try it.At the same time, he stressed that many flood victims are happy and grateful to receive assistance from good samaritans.They are also thankful because knowing they are not forgotten gave them hope, said Dr Thesdave.A Heavy BurdenThe Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam aims to prepare at least 5,000 meals per day.At the same time, the temple is handing out clothes, groceries and hygiene packs, most of which are donated by members of the public.It also opened its door to any flood victims who need a temporary place to stay.Dr Thesdave said the needs are not just in Shah Alam and Klang, but also in many other places such as Bukit Lanchong, Dengkil, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi and Taman Ehsan in BantingHalal Is Not An IssueAt the same time, Dr Thesdave said there is absolutely no issue with the food being not halal.In Sikhism, only vegetarian food is served in the Gurdwara.This ensures that any visitor to the Gurdwara, whatever the dietary restrictions of their faith, can eat in.Dr Thesdave to TRP on why only vegetarian food is served in the GurdwaraSome netizens had questioned the halal status of the food, and some even said they would rather starve to death than receive non-halal food. Politicians Weigh InShah Alam MP Khalid Samad reiterated that gurdwara food is all halal.Furthermore, Muslims also volunteered in the preparation of the food.The former Federal Territories Minister added that he had tried the vegetarian food, which he commended as hearty and filling.Some netizens sought to remove doubts by pointing out that former Mufti of the Federal Territories of Malaysia Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri also helped in one of the gurdwara kitchens.Datuk Dr Zulkifli also chipped in on the debate and reassured the people. susThis post has been edited by anthonywongy: Dec 24 2021, 09:07 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6679768562316895} +{"text": "QUOTEPerkongsian tentang menghantar anak kita ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina, SJKC. Ada pro dan kontra menghantar anak-anak kita ke SJKC. Antara pro yang paling jelas ialah, anak-anak kita dapat mempelajari tiga bahasa. Kontranya pula ialah anak-anak kita hanya ada kelas agama dua kali seminggu sahaja.Oleh itu, ada ibu bapa yang menghantar anak-anak mereka ke kelas mengaji atau SAR selepas sekolah. Berikut adalah beberapa tips berdasarkan pengalaman kepada mereka yang berhajat untuk menghantar anak-anak ke SJKC agar dapat mengurangkan stress mengendalikan anak-anak kelak.1. Mulakan dari tadikaHantar anak-anak kita ke tadikan yang ditempatkan di sekolah Cina yang hendak kita tempatkan anak kita di darjah 1 kelak. Contohnya, jika kita mahu menghantar anak kita ke SJKC Lai Meng, hantarlah anak kita ke Tadika Lai Meng dari umur 5 tahun. Ini bagi memudahkan transisi ke darjah 1. Pengalaman mengajar menghantar anak ke tadika yang glamour kononnya mengajar mandarin adalah tidak digalakkan. Tadika sedemikian hanya mahukan duit sahaja sedangkan silibusnya entah apa-apa. 2. Kenali CikguKenalilah cikgu-cikgu anak anda bagi mengenalipasti perkembangan anak-anak anda. Perlu kejar cikgu kerana cikgu di SJKC ini semuanya sibuk-sibuk belaka. Ini kerana mereka akan periksa homework anak-anak murid setiap hari.3. Tubuhkan 'Support Group'Tubuhkan satu kumpulan sokongan dengan ibu bapa yang lain agar dapat bantu membantu. Oleh kerana sekolah Cina wajib dan harus buat homework yang banyak, kadang-kadang 10 ke 15 homework sehari. Senarai homework (kongker) selalunya akan disalin di papan hitam. Jika anak-anak kita lembab nak menyalin, kelak dia tidak tahu homework mana yang perlu dibuat. Semasa buku homework di\"pass-up\" dan anak kita tak buat homework, dia akan dimarahi oleh guru secara 'kaw-kaw'. Bila guru marah, bukan salah guru dan guru marah kena dia mahukan anak kita 'improve'. Jika kita campur tangan dalam hal guru memarahi anak kita, kelak anak kita bakal diboikot oleh guru. Selagi guru yang menghukum dengan tidak menjatuhkan maruah anak kita, kita tidak sepatutnya marah. Oleh itu, pastikan anak-anak kita buat semua homework. Tolong menolong antara ibu bapa adalah kunci. WhatsApp group itu pasti akan membantu. Lantiklah seorang ketua ibu bapa dalam WhatsApp group yang 'caring' dan suka membantu. Sebagai contoh dalam group parents kelas 2B, seorang ibu bernama Vivian selalu membantu anak-anak dan ibu bapa. Silalah bersedia untuk membantu anak-anak membuat homework sehingga larut malam.4. Peranan Ibu Bapa 100%Anak-anak darjah 1 hingga 2, perlukan penglibatan ibubapa yang lebih untuk memeriksa buku-buku yang perlu dibawa. Jangan tak bawa buku kerana anak anda akan dikenakan hukuman seperti berdiri di luar kelas dan ini akan memberikan tekanan kepada mereka. Salin jadual waktu dengan cermat dan 'know what is going on. Jika ada ujian ejaan bahasa Cina, pastikan anak-anak membuat hafalan. Kalau salah, pasti kena!5. Pastikan Anak BerdisiplinDisiplin adalah keutamaan di SJKC. Peraturan adalah peraturan dan tiada sebarang kelonggaran yang diberikan. Oleh itu, ibubapa seharusnya peka terhadap peraturan sekolah. Jangan hantar anak-anak lewat, rambut harus pendek seperti yang ditetapkan, kuku kena pendek, lencana dan tag nama harus dijahit kemas. Di hari murid-murid pakai baju sukan mesti pakai baju sukan. Hari Isnin, sila datang awal kerana ada perhimpunan sekolah. Jika langgar peraturan, anak kita akan dilabel sebagai murid bermasalah dan ini akan menganggu prestasi akademik mereka. 6. Bekalkan MakananBagi orang Islam, sediakanlah bekal pada anak-anak jika berasa was-was dengan makanan yang dijual di kantin sekolah. Jika tiada masa, cari ibubapa yang buat bisnes bekalan halal untuk anak-anak kita. 7. Homework siap sebelum tidurJika kita tidak mahu menghantar anak kita ke tuition sekolah (sampai jam 3 petang), cari tuition untuk dia. Jika hantar anak kita ke SAR, pastikan homework siap sebelum tidur. 8. Jangan sensitifAnak kita dimarahi oleh cikgu adalah perkara biasa terutamanya cikgu yang suka bising-bising. Jadi usahlah terlalu sensitif dan ibubapa diminta sediakan mental anak anda untuk menerima keadaan tersebut.9. Pastikan silibus agama diajarBagi yang beragama Islam, kenalilah ustazah atau ustaz di sekolah anak anda. Pastikan juga silibus agama diajar. Ajarlah anak-anak anda sendiri membaca al-fatihah, surah lazim dan lain-lain.Tolonglah jangan saja-saja nak meletakkan anak-anak anda ke SJKC tanpa persediaan. Main hantar saja tanpa tahu apa-apa, naya anak kita! Kasihan pada mereka, cikgu juga tertekan nak menguruskan anak-anak yang mana ibubapa mereka bersikap lepas tangan. InshaAllah jika kita istiqomah, anak-anak kita akan mendapat kebaikan jika kita hantar mereka ke sekolah SJKC ini. Mereka akan berdisiplin dan hormat kepada ibu bapa dan guru. Jika kita masukkan elemen agama setiap masa di luar sekolah, itu lebih baik, akhirat juga terbela.Cuma saya lihat, anak-anak menjadi skema sikit kerana adakalanya SJKC ini terlalu tegas namun ada kebaikannya. Ini sajalah perkongsian yang saya boleh berikan. Maaf jika penulisan ini agak panjang. Sebenarnya perkongsian ini merupakan pengalaman isteri saya, Sharifah Suhaiza Tuan Sidek dengan anak kami Batrisyia Emilyn Bahari. Saya tukang tulis sahajahttps://www.facebook.com/emil.bahari1977/po...153745548384713 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6363648176193237} +{"text": "QUOTE(Raddus @ Jul 6 2023, 05:24 PM)cainisCainis no definition of HALAL or HARAM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9531022906303406} +{"text": "Strange that sports, leisure and entertainment are not considered haram.Any media / information / knowledge / activities / conversation that\u2019s not related to the promotion of religion and glorification of god are considered sinful and trivial.Sports, leisure and entertainment are a form of idol worshipping and sloth as it drives ppl attention further away from their own religion and god.Don\u2019t ask me how I know or got such Abrahamic logic but I know how they actually think.This post has been edited by weehoi: Jan 9 2024, 12:32 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999790370464325} +{"text": "Makanan semua sedap, paling penting #halalDorang baru je dapat halal tau. So boleh la serbu ramai\u00b2 sebelum viral kene beratur panjang Aiscream dia pon sedap So korang nak tau apa nama kedai? Dan berapa harga untuk 2 orang? Hahaha..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9517098069190979} +{"text": "Mak selalu cakap, kedai makan Korea ni ada Sijil Halal ke. Haha tu yang setiap kali lalu Kfry ke Kyochon ni, hanya mampu pandang je. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.675718367099762} +{"text": "@nieysasyahirah mungkin cara penyediaan makanan & minuman dia tak ikut piawaian JAKIM so haram ah. Bukan pasal israel lah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966976642608643} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Dec 25 2020, 12:09 AM)Of coz nobody aware. Cause jakim ruling rather flip floppy. Example, claim food need halal chop to be certified halal. But when comes to illegal nasi lemak stall, gawd knows where the ingredients come from, they turn blind eye. They say its cause moslem trust moslem product......guess the meat cartel incident is fake then.thats how the meat cartel been thriving for 40 years la..muslim trust muslim product, no need to question so much..BMF beneficial to muslims they say..wakakaka sekali sudah makan benda haram produk keluaran BMF.baik suruh gang BMF makan babi terus je ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992738366127014} +{"text": "Tp ni dia 2y+\nGive him excited feelings gitoh, spya x meragam. Ready bawa bantal fav nya, bagi dia pakai outfit yg dia suka, anything yg buat dia happy. Bawa/beli makanan yg sedap2!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999302625656128} +{"text": "QUOTE(~min~ @ Jun 13 2024, 08:39 PM)that alas meja is plastic food grade? i tot usually ktard is super clean rule abiding peoplesLooks clean . Most important is nama mesti mau gempak ma \u201cDonut Nenen\u201d baru orang orang kita support !! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Jan 9 2021, 11:57 AM)I wanna ask ur opinionWhen i was a kid, ustaz told me this:- During darurat, u r hungry and no food to eat - u see a banana tree fenced up, means there is an owner. The bananas r ripe- u see a babi, no owner. U hv the knife and tool to slaughter the babi and bbq to eatOptions:- if u curi the pisang, u dosa 2kali: to owner & to Allah- if u eat babi, x dosa, sbab mmg darurat boleh makan. - but there r bananas. So maybe u dosa kat Allah only if makan babiWhat is ur choice?(My question is do u dosa 2 kali for mencuri?)If die2 don't want to eat babi, go ask owner if can have some bananaIf he don't want give you, then eat babi better than stealing ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999682903289795} +{"text": "pada aku: halal adalah khusus untuk orang islam sahaja. tak payah la Jakim Buat permit untuk halal. Mengambil duit rakyat aje. nak buat halal betul2 buat hudud sekali baru betul.kenapa aku cakap halal untuk orang islam.aku tak ada niat untuk menuduh sapa2. ini adalah untuk orang islam sahaja supaya beringat dan pikir.1.halal adalah perkataan dari al-quran untuk orang islam. klu bagi kat bukan orang islam tahu ke halal, haram, makruh dan sunat.2.halal untuk bukan islam di malaysia aku tak pasti. tukang masak bukan orang islam masak makanan dengan pegang anjing ( dah la tak samak) minum arak pastu campur sekali dengan cawan2 lain. mkn makanan yg haram campur sekali dengan bekas yg lain. semua tu tak boleh. kita orang islam tak tahu apa status tukang masak walau pun bahan yang digunakan adalah halal. sebab tu halal adalah untuk orang islam yang bertakwa kepada Allah. Sebab mempunyai sifat terpuji didalam diri tukang masak tersebut. kepada bukan islam. mohon maaf klu terkasar. sebenarnya Jakim Sendiri buat duit.kenapa negara kita buat permit Halal. sedangkan negara lain tak ada pun. semua tu nk duit aje. tapi aku setuju dengan barang yang ada logo halal tapi betul ke halal. itu yang was-was tu..pikir-pikirkan la wahai umat islam sekalian. jangan sampai halal menghalalkan yang haram sudah la.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "QUOTE(8cr13mov @ Nov 21 2018, 11:42 PM)not at allsince touching pig is not even haram in the first placeonly eating it is ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9854047894477844} +{"text": "QUOTE(-mystery- @ Apr 17 2024, 03:36 PM)Increase petrol soonringgit devaluedconcert cancelledlack of fdi due to conservatismhow to save malaysia?I dont see we increase our manpower capability alsoevery company is like changing employees so quicklylike divorce rateamoi tak suka, terus minta break upbincsngkan. Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9046239852905273} +{"text": "hot dog and root beer, got zero dog meat and zero alcohol ,..already haram liao,.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979572296142578} +{"text": "QUOTE(Amuro_Ray @ Jul 14 2016, 10:11 AM)just buy banana leafs lo, they eat with hands is okbut some muslim say those pot.. stove also cant..cos cook haram b4 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999268054962158} +{"text": "QUOTE(headache @ May 19 2024, 02:57 AM)I guess some ppl are really scared of the word boycott these days. I thot the same ppl said it doesn't work?\u00a0 :lol2:Bacause it is boycott simply because of skin colour. Tak malu ke korang boycott just because the owner is non malay? And although I'm not Zus owner, i can understand the concern n grovelling apologies coz manatau tetiba kena molotov cocktail at the outlets or the staff kena assaulted just because they work in Zus ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999936819076538} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jjoottt @ Jan 11 2023, 11:09 AM)Does your condo do this? Bincangkan.https://www.facebook.com/100064542316032/po...mibextid=cr9u03This is one of many confusion among Muslims in Malaysia. Rooted in the split between:1) official doctrine = Ahli Sunnah / Salaf / four major Sunni imams (jurisprudence) 2) prominent in east cost Malaysia = Asya'irah / Mathuridiyah / batiniahTLDR: Culturally in Malaysia pig is treated as \"najis berat\" and the surface in contact need to be \"samak\" (special procedure cleansing). Where as majority Sunni ulama defines pig as \"haram\" to eat, but not \"najis berat\" hence only clean as you clean other things.Astro Awani: Perihal babi dari kaca mata ulamaReal life experience when going to my wife (convert) siblings house for overnight or meal. Initially they all had separate mangkuk, periuk, kuali, pinggan, mangkuk, etc. Had a long talk to explain to them no need to go such extreme.This post has been edited by Buffalo Soldier: Jan 11 2023, 11:55 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988036155700684} +{"text": "[002] : Bila ada produk makanan yang tiada loga HALAL JAKIM. Mulalah mereka bertanya HALAL ke HARAM ? Tapi mereka... http://fb.me/28gooFlPo", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9668685793876648} +{"text": "Just dont eat the same place with them la, nanti kena kecam viral.Xyah nak berebut2 tempat duduk during bulan posa. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Jul 12 2018, 07:19 PM)its the typical chinaman style persatuanhttps://www.facebook.com/APDAMALAYSIAhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/433932Penganjur mohon maaf, tak sengaja 'jamu' babi pada MuslimPenganjur sebuah acara anugerah di Melaka semalam, yang dituduh menghidangkan babi kepada wartawan, menjelaskan tidak bermaksud berbuat demikian.Setiausaha Persatuan Perlindungan dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia Chai Chang Xiu menjelaskan hidangan tidak halal disediakan di meja pemberita kerana tidak maklum berkaitan kehadiran wartawan beragama Islam.\"Kita sudah hantar jemputan media kepada mereka tapi tidak mendapat maklum balas akan kehadiran mereka.\u201cMaklum balas hanya diterima daripada media Cina seperti Nanyang, China Press dan Shin Chew Daily.\"Jadi, kami hanya sediakan meja untuk merekalah,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan wartawan kecewa dengan sikap penganjur dalam acara di Sekolah Pay Fong, Melaka yang didakwa menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara itu.Chai bagaimanapun menjelaskan pihaknya turut menyediakan lima meja halal daripada keseluruhan 50 meja dalam acara itu.Makanan halal dalam acara itu juga disediakan oleh jurusaji halal, katanya lagi.Mengakui insiden itu sebagai kesilapan, beliau berkata wartawan berkaitan boleh berpindah meja ke bahagian makanan halal.\"Muslim datang sepatutnya duduk di depan yang terhidang, tak ada masalah,\u201d katanya.Chai bagaimanapun memohon maaf atas salah faham itu.\u201cSaya minta maaf,\u201d katanya.Apa sarahan saya card activated OKU card on standby ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": ": Syarikat & pemohon Sijil Pengesahan Halal tak boleh guna terma ayat ruqyah, makanan sunnah pada label, iklan & promosi - JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9875786900520325} +{"text": "Adakah orang Cina berat mengarah nak makan kedai Bangsa sendiri? Iya. Pasal Pilihan Dan selera mereka begitu. Dan budaya masakan mereka ada benda tak halal. Orang Melayu pulak budaya masakan lain. Semua halal. Kita juga lebih terbuka nak Cuba benda baru selagi halal. Tiktoker bo", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8185284733772278} +{"text": "Gay prawn also haram but PuAS like and share ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999595880508423} +{"text": "\r\nPandemik COVID-19 memaksa masyarakat menerima norma baharu yang membawa perubahan besar dalam kehidupan. Tidak terkecuali, landskap industri makanan negara.\n\r\nSebelum era COVID-19, kepentingan pengguna dilindungi melalui pelbagai standard dalam industri pemakanan, dengan sedikit perhatian diberikan kepada perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan.\n\r\nMenyedari peningkatan permintaan terhadap perkhidmatan makanan selepas pengumuman Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP), Garis Panduan Untuk Perkhidmatan Penghantaran Makanan dan Bungkusan Menggunakan Motosikal (Parcel Hailing \u2013 P Hailing) melalui Kementerian Pengangkutan dibentuk pada 20 April tahun lalu.\n\r\nIa untuk diguna pakai syarikat penghantaran makanan dan bungkusan dalam operasi harian mereka, menekankan aspek penjagaan kesihatan dan kebersihan operator serta penghantar makanan.\n\r\n Garis panduan terus diperkasa melalui Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan di Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) menerusi Garis Panduan Keselamatan Makanan Bagi Produk Makanan Yang Dijual Secara Dalam Talian pada 24 April 2020.\n\r\nIa bertujuan memastikan makanan diterima pengguna melalui perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan selamat dimakan, bersih dan terjaga kualitinya.\n\r\nMelalui garis panduan ini, penyedia perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan diminta memastikan makanan dihantar bukan sahaja sampai pada kadar segera, tetapi selamat dimakan dan bebas pencemaran. Tujuan penekanan memastikan makanan dihantar tidak memudaratkan pengguna.\n\r\nDua garis panduan di atas secara umum diguna pakai bagi memastikan industri penghantaran makanan terhindar sebarang isu membabitkan kesihatan dan keselamatan pengguna.\n\r\nDalam aspek logistik halal pula, ada manual operasi standard boleh digunakan, iaitu MS 2400-1: 2019 Sistem Pengurusan Rantaian Halal Bahagian 1-Keperluan Umum (Pengangkutan).\n\r\nManual dikeluarkan buat kali pertama pada 2010 dan versi kedua pada 2019, membolehkan aktiviti penghantaran makanan dilaksanakan berdasarkan keperluan syariah.\n\r\nIa dikeluarkan Jabatan Standard Malaysia (JSM) dengan kerjasama Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) menjadikan aktiviti penghantaran makanan halal lebih menepati prinsip 'halal lagi suci' dikehendaki pengguna Islam.\n\r\nMerujuk laporan Statista Market Forecast, nilai industri perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan negara berjumlah lebih RM800 juta pada 2020 dan kerajaan mengunjurkan peningkatan kepada lebih RM1.5 bilion menjelang 2024. Malaysia perlu mengambil kira hakikat majoriti pengguna beragama Islam. Justeru, penekanan aspek halal lagi suci memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak pengguna Islam.\n\r\nPembangunan standard khusus logistik halal dalam industri perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan negara akan memastikan pengguna menerima produk terpelihara elemen halal dan sucinya. Ia bukan sekadar eksklusif kepada pengguna Islam, tetapi sesuai dipanjangkan kepada semua pengguna pelbagai latar belakang.\n\r\nBeberapa perkara harus diperhalusi dari segi kepatuhan syarak berkaitan kemungkinan berlakunya kontaminasi silang antara makanan dibenarkan dan dilarang ketika penghantaran berlaku.\n\r\nPerbezaan pendapat mungkin tercetus dan ia memerlukan perhatian lebih mendalam dalam menggarap COVID-19 yang berkemungkinan diiktiraf sebagai endemik.\n\r\nMenyedari industri akan terus berkembang, kerajaan disaran memperkenalkan satu manual operasi standard logistik dalam perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan. Bagi pihak industri sendiri, peranan mereka perlu dalam memperluaskan tahap kualiti perkhidmatan ditawarkan baik dari segi penjagaan kesihatan, kebersihan dan keselamatan.\n\r\nSecara umum, kejayaan industri penghantaran makanan menyediakan perkhidmatan patuh syariah pasti memberikan pelbagai kebaikan bukan sahaja dalam menjamin kepuasan pengguna, tetapi juga menjaga kebajikan pekerja penghantaran beragama Islam dan peningkatan imej korporat.\n\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9573980569839478} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chanwsan @ Mar 9 2024, 04:44 PM)Gerai haram tepi jalan sedap makan tak haram pulokkkkkSee mamak oh halal I don't need that diagram I yakin.See other racing but ingredient halal ok la I no racist I eat.Cannot see Arabian worker: Highly doubt halalness of food.This post has been edited by fu'house: Mar 9 2024, 05:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997671246528625} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Jan 17 2022, 08:07 AM)and steal the limelight?Just one call, Rohana get IC....Auntie diketepikan.... QUOTE(Bill888 @ Jan 17 2022, 08:29 AM)So she going to get bumi status?Confirm ....coz oren kita ma ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997991919517517} +{"text": "Ibadat sia sia kalau makan dari sumber tak halal bukan setakat makanan saja hehe. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9714869260787964} +{"text": "Biar lapar pun mesti janji haha halal...Also them, Mari rezeki rezeki, Mydin halal kan... Mana simpan stok dunhill ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9015977382659912} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 28 2016, 10:49 AM)its not just a common wordits a brand which might be tarnished by ninja joe by associating pork with their brandramly is a 1 of the common word used by people to name their kids like macdonald. macdonald can sue some1 using their logo but cannot sue people naming their food with something like MacDonald fried chicken.McChina Wok Away (UK)In 2001, McDonald\u2019s lost a nine-year legal action against Frank Yuen, owner of McChina Wok Away, a small chain of Chinese takeaway outlets in London. Justice David Neuberger ruled the McChina name would not cause any confusion among customers and that McDonald's had no right to the prefix Mc.McCurry (Malaysia)In 2001, McDonald's sued a small restaurant named McCurry, a popular eatery serving Indian food in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. McDonald's claimed that the use of the \"Mc\" prefix infringed its trademark, while the defendant claimed that McCurry stood for Malaysian Chicken Curry.In 2006, McDonald's won an initial judgment in the High Court. The judge ruled that the prefix Mc and the use of colors distinctive of the McDonald's brand could confuse and deceive customers. In April 2009, however, a three-member Appeal Court panel overturned the verdict, saying that there was no evidence to show that McCurry was passing off its own product as that of McDonald's. The Appeals Court also said that McDonald's cannot claim an exclusive right to the \"Mc\" prefix in the country. McDonald's appealed the decision to the Federal Court, the highest court in Malaysia. In September 2009, the Federal Court upheld the Appeal Court's decision. McDonald's appeal was dismissed with costs, and was ordered to pay RM10,000 to McCurry.sos ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994532465934753} +{"text": "Lol dont claim the best la any pasar stall sell better yao char guai than this this looks like elongated doughnuts ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979148507118225} +{"text": "Turtles are reptiles. It doesn't matter if they live on land, in sea or both. ALL reptiles are haram. Plain and simple. Yall make stuff so complicated when Islam is simple and easy.However, there are arguments that while it is haram to eat reptiles, their eggs are not explicitly said to be haram, so our politicians come up with the below so that they can say them eggs are halal.https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/al-kafi-l...ting-snake-eggsConclusion extracted frm link above:QUOTEAccording to the above evidences, it is clear that snake and insect eggs are prohibited to be eaten. While other animal eggs are permissible on the condition that it is not harmful.in the end you decide by yourself. if they go to hell or heaven, so be it. why do you all care so much. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998888969421387} +{"text": "QUOTE(asusx @ Jun 6 2016, 02:49 PM)xpa berow..aslkan halal...cari rjeeki untuk berbuka..aslkan makanan itu barokah...insyallah.u need to see with mata batin..... if u didnt see... u got several jumaat left. \u00a0 Ya bah... walaupun sy sini di kolej selalu kena cakap ndak ada buat kerja konon.. padahal berlambak yg sy buat.. yg penting sia ndak merompak.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9817816019058228} +{"text": "QUOTE(nikita zuleica @ May 31 2017, 03:16 AM)There are two Guarantee business industry that will last forever, confirm boleh buat duitF&B and Agriculture.....QUOTE(nikita zuleica @ May 31 2017, 03:22 AM)Others are too volatile....Even World in Crisis, Agriculture will allways have their market although there's a risk of oversaturate.... Same goes to Food and Beverages..... People will continue makan untuk hidup mah....F&B and agriculture has low barrier too entryhighly competitive yields are not consistentif u are not selling staple food/drinks trend can die off or changes in general dietary can hurt your business too ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3851827383041382} +{"text": "Jadi menurut saya soal makanan tersebut halal ataupun tidak itu menurut penggunaan saja yang paling penting. Karna suatu barang apapun kalau digunakan dengan semestinya tidak akan menimbulkan hal buruk. Menurut sayaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995805621147156} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Dec 12 2019, 05:09 PM)https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkoholThank you. I think this is very clear. Just want to say that alcohol in and of itself is not haram in the same way as khomar/arak is haram. I mean, it is still haram to drink but only because if you drink alcohol itself, you'd probably die. So this makes it haram because of probable death (similar to poison, I guess) not because of causing drunkenness. What that article says also is basically what is prohibited is arak and alcohol is but one of the ingredients of arak; it is not arak itself. So when it occurs in something else (food, basically) it does not make that thing \"arak\" unless that thing intoxicates people the same way arak does. I have heard a lecture before that they also differentiate \"mabuk\" from arak with other types of \"mabuk\"...You know how there is a saying that \"booze makes you forget your hardship\" by going drunk... This element is also important, according to that lecture. If something causes you to be dizzy, the same dizziness that is when people get drunk, but you are still aware, then it is not yet drunk. This dizziness I experienced first hand: once by eating too much durian (and because of it, I had become less tolerant to durian, only able to eat small portions now) and once from taking medicated lozenges for my sore throat... Also cough medicine. I get dizzy but there is no enjoyment in it. It doesn't make me forget my hardship, nor does it make me feel elated and happy... Hence the ruling of alcohol in medicine is accepted so long as the medicine does not intoxicated people the same way as arak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993428647518158} +{"text": "@RastaFame_ bro tunjuk sikit mana jakim ckp makanan tu haram, nak tahu juga. Cari tak jumpa. Nak kepastian yg benar.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999855756759644} +{"text": "isu minuman takde sijil halal bising, pegang tangan pakwe tak pulak tanya halal ke haram. haram jadah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987090826034546} +{"text": "Biz Owner/worker is Non? Checked+Customer queuing up kebanyakan Special fruit? Checked= Get ready to kena viral by their insecure race.This post has been edited by United Rulez: Nov 20 2023, 10:25 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995576739311218} +{"text": "QUOTE(fongsk26 @ Mar 13 2024, 06:43 PM)I recalled that the Chinese CEO said they are not interested in capturing the low end market when he said they aim to be the top company in 3-5 years after he came to Malaysia.\u00a0 So, it makes sense that they are not going for the old proton or perodua segment.\u00a0 They are looking at the japs and Korean segment.\u00a0 Look at the S70, smack right at void and city segment, I think.\u00a0 Similar to X70 n X50.But sales number for X70 and X50 is tanking, X90 dont need talk only sell 4000 units until now.2022 sales X70 is about 17,000. 2023 sales only 11,200.2022 sales X50 close to 40,000. 2023 sales about 32,000.Already downward trend. Saga Persona Iriz is the one that is increasing sales growth year on year. If they still ignore this and chase the segment that is on downward trend then means they are betting on wrong horse. QUOTE The Proton Saga started and ended the year as the best-selling Proton model, notching an impressive 70,184 units sold, its best performance since 2012, and positioning it as the fourth best-selling vehicle in Malaysia for 2023. Volume growth was a remarkable 25.6 per cent for the year, consisting mainly of first-time car buyers who want a safe and reliable car that is also fun to drive. \u00a0 Proton noted that the Proton Persona was the top-performing model in their lineup, which comes as no surprise. \u00a0 After suffering severe delays due to chip shortages in 2022, Proton said sales for the B-segment sedan rebounded by 48.9 per cent to 24,362 units, placing the model second in its class.\u00a0 \u00a0 Its B-segment hatchback sister car, the Proton Iriz, was equally affected by the chip issue last year and posted a tidy 33.8 per cent increase in sales to 7,639 units in 2023. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9051874279975891} +{"text": "QUOTE(colorlesstermite @ Oct 25 2016, 11:53 PM)The best things for us now is to let Jakim do his work. There must be reason for it.Trust me i am not defending Jakim. I dont want to see Muslims easy to be disunite with the small issue.Read my post 272.Jakim's work is to certify halal. And halal based on Quran is = meat + clean + sembelih procedure.Why would jakim add in \"name\" criteria to a halal cert??? Jakim now is more holy than what Quran states? Name got nothing to do with food! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9955279231071472} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ Jan 20 2024, 02:14 PM)Dunno why come when sendiri just ordinary human.Dun waste money, xsedap, more like trying to overcharge out of town oren. Better go \u2018Bangkok Lane mee Goreng Original\u201d@ New World Park.Indeed not that great. But only RM6. Pak Tam Mee Udang is better personally for me. Even that one not the best (got one shop in mainland the best) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeaXG @ Dec 13 2023, 01:56 PM)I work before at Japanese non-bank financial institution. Everything is organized and must follow procedures. Almost every document needs to be approved by someone. Before you do anything, make you at least get verbal approval from your boss, best is written in form of emails or memos. Internal audit is really strict and they will always check whether you get approvals for everything. Also better be sure you include every single minute detail in your memo. Because if you forget to inform the bosses of something, you might as well seek approval again. One example I can remember is when I was seeking approval for payment of legal fees of say RM1,000 plus disbursements before actually engaging the legal firm. I forgot to include the service tax in the memo, and yeah, have to resubmit the memo for approval to the directors. You get audited like every 6 months.Directors and CEO are really hands-on and for my department, almost every document needs to be approved by them. In fact, I feel like almost half the time, I am preparing some sort of memo seeking approval from them, to the point that I was informally appointed as the memo writer of my department (partially due to my above average English).audit strict because not only follow BNM regulations and audit complainace standards.you need to adhere to jsox too. Right? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999641180038452} +{"text": "QUOTE(EX Unseen Forces @ Mar 6 2024, 04:15 PM)But the pic displayed on the broth mix is choice of meat that is doubtful. So you lost 70% consumer market la.If u change to mutton, and it become norm, package will look better and 100% of malaysia will buy and popularize.It depends on how one wanna spin it. It can be seen as any meat they like be it buffalo / cow / turkey. But insisting it\u2019s pork is definitely one of the best choice since it comes with a halal logo. Don\u2019t doubt their intelligence on this. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99313884973526} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 8 2017, 05:54 PM)PPIM gesa logo khas bagi barangan berkaitan babiBukan sahaja berus cat berbulu babi, tetapi semua barangan yang mempunyai asas binatang itu perlu mempunyai \"logo babi\" dan label bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan di kalangan pengguna, terutamanya kepada umat Islam, kata Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM).Menurut pengerusi NGO itu, Datuk Nadzim Johan, pihaknya telah menerima aduan di mana pengguna Islam secara tidak sengaja terbeli produk yang mengandungi babi, oleh itu beliau mahu kerajaan mengeluarkan label logo khas berkenaan.Selain berus cat, katanya, banyak produk makanan, kasut, peralatan dapur serta pakaian yang terdapat di pasaran juga mengandungi babi.\"Segala-galanya. Mereka harus mempunyai logo (babi).\"Kita juga akan takut jika kita terpakai jaket babi.\"Jika ada logo, apabila mereka (kedai) menipu (pengguna), (kerajaan) boleh mengambil tindakan. Jika tidak, tidak boleh,\" katanya pada sidang media hari ini di Kuala Lumpur.Sementara itu, Bernama memetik Nadzim sebagai berkata, label dan logo itu bertujuan memudahkan pengguna mengetahui maklumat mengenai sesuatu produk dengan lebih terperinci dan mengelakkan kekeliruan terhadap pengguna.\"Sebagai pengguna kita perlu mempunyai hak untuk mengetahui dan hak untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai sesuatu barangan yang dibeli... kalau hak mendapat maklumat tak ada seperti sekarang maka ianya menyusahkan sebab kita tak tahu produk itu dibuat daripada apa.\"Ini bukan sahaja untuk kebaikan orang Islam tetapi juga untuk kaum lain kerana ada sesetengah bahan yang kita tak boleh makan bukan kerana halal atau haram, tetapi kerana alahan dan ada juga pengguna vegetarian, jadi setiap produk dan barang yang dijual kena ada logo dan mempunyai label,\" katanya.Nadzim berkata sekiranya logo atau label dipamerkan pada setiap barangan yang dijual, ianya akan lebih memudahkan pengguna.\"Kalau guna kod dan label biasa tanpa menggunakan gambar, memang pengguna tidak akan tahu produk tersebut dibuat daripada apa. Tetapi kalau ada logo gambar, semua orang akan tahu dan mereka (pengguna) boleh membuat pilihan masing-masing,\" katanya.Menurutnya kerajaan perlu tegas dalam menangani isu penggunaan produk yang dihasilkan daripada babi memandangkan ianya telah berlanjutan hampir 20 tahun.\"Sebenarnya, isu penggunaan babi memang dah lama dan kita juga turut menerima banyak aduan sejak 20 tahun lalu...apa yang paling dikhuatiri ialah makanan, dan apa-apa yang kita pegang terutamanya barangan seperti kasut, berus, tali pinggang, sarung tangan dan pelbagai lagi.\"Dahulu, kita boleh kenali barang yang diperbuat daripada babi dengan tanda tiga titik pada produk, tetapi sekarang barang yang dihasilkan daripada babi tak ada titik pun kerana perkembangan industri,\" katanya.Nadzim berkata pihaknya juga akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) minggu depan bagi membincangkan isu tersebut.Semalam, KPDNKK menyita sebanyak 2,003 berus cat diperbuat daripada bulu babi benilai RM10,988.94 hasil daripada 157 pemeriksaan yang dijalankan di seluruh negara.http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/371788\njlxywKbOp3I\n\n----------------------------------------------National news agency Bernama yesterday reported KPDNKK Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin as saying that his ministry seized 2,003 paintbrushes made with pig bristlesworth almost RM11,000 in a nationwide \u201ccrackdown\u201d.He reportedly said the brushes were confiscated under the Trade Descriptions (Goods Made from any Part of Pig or Dog) Order 2013,which states that such products must be labelled and separated from other goods,Punishments for violations of the Minister\u2019s Order are RM100,000 fines, three years\u2019 jail or both for individuals, while corporations face fines of up to RM250,000.http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...-avoid-confusio-------------------------------------------------(updated: 9/2/17 1:30pm)https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4193127---------------------(updated: 10/2/17 7:20pm)after this they will say Chinese racist not selling to malay... LMAO with the sign.. lolz ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999123811721802} +{"text": "Asal viral je nak makan jugak... Tertarik dgn satu komen ni : \"Ramai org islam skrg x amek berat bab makanan halal.. asal tulis xde babi main serbu je..\" https://t.co/VfHbIycJDF", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "Yakin lah sebab sesama Muslim, benda basic kot halal haram. Kalau u yakin kedai non Muslim tu boleh provide makanan yg halal dan bersih u makan je lah dkt sana.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8474843502044678} +{"text": "A: Cikyang, malam ni Ammar nak tidur rumah cikyang lah. Esok pagi kita pergi solat subuh dekat masjid until 8. Lepastu kita pergi beli breakfast, beli semua makanan yang oyot suka, baru balik rumah cikyang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9981836676597595} +{"text": "X payahla anon, makan kat kedai yg anon lagi yakin tahap halal dia", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9970603585243225} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hiwatari @ May 21 2019, 12:14 PM)ko kalo bm ke laut jgn nk tunjuk pandaimabuk nek kenderaan ade ke smpi bleh rogol bunuh ap sume tu?cmtu sok bini ko pregnant klu die morning sickness kire ank ko tu ank haram la sbb wt bini ko mabukbro tolong pergi workshop kasi betul sarcasm meterfree je sekarang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "\n Post Last Edit by C-Fu at 2-9-2010 15:43 \n\nako lagi suka kedai yang tak letak logo halal daripada letak logo halal tipu. at least kalau letak logo halal tipu, kite dah boleh syak kedai ni ada sebab tertentu kenapa nak letak logo tipu. ni tanda was-was.\r\ndan tahniah kepada jakim kerana buat tindakan lepas beratus2 tahun orang dok komplen! sungguh efisyen. last2 bile rush pon tak dapat nak tangkap gak bile diorang cepat2 turunkan tanda halal tipu!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9816678762435913} +{"text": "Kita ini negara robot, semua rakyat didoktrin oleh kerajaan. Haram makanan bukan kerana sifat tp atas JAKIM.Babi halal jk ada cop Jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973697662353516} +{"text": "Dapur Lapas Merah Mata Komitmen Sajikan Makanan Sehat dengan Sertifikat Halal dan Laik Hygiene\n\nPalembang - Dapur Ibadah (Indah, Bersih, Aman, dan Higienis) Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Palembang Kemenkumham Sumsel berkomitmen memproduksi#LapasPerempuanPalembang", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999319314956665} +{"text": "QUOTE(nicole_4ever @ Jun 8 2024, 06:12 PM)talk about lays, lama tak makan \ud83e\udd79Sometimes fb got live videos selling junk food too, can try see seeFB saw too many salted eggs flavoured keropok haha. I bought some biscuits as well last CNY. Ok2 only. Nowadays popular kek tapak kuda thingy. I tried matcha flavour one friend shared with me,just nope. I'm not fan of matcha. Dulu Shopee sell lots of imported non Halal Lays chips. But need to be quick grabbing them. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972946047782898} +{"text": "QUOTE(gogo2 @ Nov 23 2020, 08:15 AM)Mcd cakoi is the best.whut.mcd has cakoi??Teddysaur ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "\r\nkuat makan xreti kontol\r\ndah makan sedap2 tghari makan petang lagi malam lagi tgha malam lagi yg viral2\r\nlpas tu salahkan telur xckup ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998270869255066} +{"text": "Ada satu restoran ni, takde branch lain rasanya, bangga gila dia sebab dapat sijil Halal tu. Kena la tayang sebab susahhhhh gila nak dapat sijil tu. Tak tau la berapa ribu habis untuk dapat logo Halal tu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996552467346191} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 12:19 PM)I dont see the issue as long the toukey explained they use halal things, no lard or whatever haram oil. For me if im satisfied with the explanation and no doubt with the food, its ok for me. In quran dont have state muslims can only eat from muslim prepared food only or from certain race only. Or must have jakim halal cert only can eat.there is no haram oil la. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956002235412598} +{"text": "Masih terdapat netizen yang keliru berkenaan status halal Starbucks Malaysia. Untuk makluman, Starbucks Malaysia merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia yang masih sah sehingga kini. #YakiniHalalMalaysia #SemakSebelumSebar https://t.co/hLMyY2JqT2", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986228942871094} +{"text": "QUOTE(HappyA_Q @ Jan 11 2024, 10:37 AM)There are people who wanted to migrate out of Malaysia, and also people wanted to migrate back to Malaysia or MM2H!Grass always greener the other side.QUOTE(limeuu @ Jan 11 2024, 11:26 AM)Different demography.Migrate out for better pay, prospects, children future, fed up with r&r etcMigrate in to retire, for cheap cost of living, cheap labour, cheap healthcare. Works especially for those b40 type in their own country. Instant t20 in Malaysia.Best option: work earn money educate children in Australia. Then retire back up Malaysia, live like a King. There is one /K here who did that.Except: majority after living decades in Australia cannot tahan the crap in Malaysia anymore. If you can afford, makes little difference.Personally I prefer New Zealand or Europe (Luxembourg, Switzerland)But i choose SG because easier to make money and near to home ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995521903038025} +{"text": "\n\n A follow up to OP's question, to any Muslims that smokes.\n \n I'm not trying to pick a fight but if you don't mind would you tell me the reasoning behind why smoking is acceptable? AFAIK anything that will cause direct harm to your body is technically haram.\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996962547302246} +{"text": "We are glad that you enjoyed your meal with us, Syah Nazmi!\n\nRisau makanan dari Nippon Sushi tak halal? Jangan risau, restoran kami telah disahkan halal oleh JAKIM supaya anda boleh mengisi perut dengan hidangan dari kami tanpa rasa ragu-ragu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999812841415405} +{"text": "Makanan YANG SEHAT ITU DIBELI DR UANG HALAL....RAJIN RAJIN CUCI TANGAN MAKSUDNYA ITU TANGAN JANGAN SUKA GUNAKAN MEMGAMBIL HAK ORANG LAIN ATAU SESUATU YG DILARANG OLEH AGAMA DGN.DEMIKIAN INSYALLAH KITA AKAN SEMAKIN BERSIH DR HARI KE HARI...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8959476351737976} +{"text": "QUOTE(68 others @ Mar 8 2024, 07:44 AM)Halal ke?Patut Jakim pantau makanan macam ni.Banyak makanan kat taiwan china tulis halal tapi tidak dipantauQUOTE(sunami @ Mar 8 2024, 07:56 AM)Diu..if scared then dont eat jer..easyQUOTE(Rusty Nail @ Mar 8 2024, 08:09 AM)Rokok tu halal, kan?Damn u auto korekYes this. If takut don't eat. Rokok ekcelli is haram but krik krik. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997932314872742} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!Sanitizer got alcohol? yes? muslim use? yes.But on a serious note, the key word here is \"consume\". But those who consume pun no prob la, still got time to repent, kan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999845027923584} +{"text": "??? This is about perception. Kalau peniaga tu orang Islam biasanya rasa was was tu kurang sebab kita anggap orang Islam faham konsep halal/haram. And cekodok kalau takde sijil halal tapi dibuat dengan barang yang ada sijil halal, maknanya halal la https://t.co/aIY5Vc8WfV", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995736479759216} +{"text": "QUOTE(lowyard @ Apr 25 2024, 10:35 AM)Nice, this video is the bigger picture.Maybe what the police traffic can do is to divert the traffic to use 1 lane of the other side of the road, making it 2 lanes for a while./k mmg suka defend.... ko tgk la kejap lagi mesti ada yg dungu reply nak tegakkan dia betul ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971899390220642} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ May 5 2024, 08:21 PM)He no answer call because already want to ffk. Malu/takut nak cancel so ghost the fella. Typical malusian.Skrang ada socmed, all these behaviour tak boleh lari anymore. Now viral he's fucked.he just need to change name of his agencyno big deal. he'll be back ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999931812286377} +{"text": "QUOTE(PerfectZero @ Dec 5 2023, 05:27 PM)Malaysian and road rage tiada berpisah. Sometimes a single honk alr wanna kill the whole family. Other country honk 24/7 also no problem.Normal la especially those stupid morons rempits. They can honk u. But u try honking them ans they will try to fight with you. Typical retards. And yet, they go around advising ppl which food is halal and haram. Thats the worst part. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982907176017761} +{"text": "Tu la nak sebut rakyat Malaysia ni dok pentingkan halal haram sgt. Pasal hygiene, cross contimination, food reaction towards certain elements semua tu ade kisah ke? Yg ade kedai dah tentu wajib pergi kursus belajar psl peralatan gred mknn. Yg niaga tepi jalan tu ade ke?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9989386200904846} +{"text": "STATUS HALAL KFC MALAYSIAKetahui status halal produk-produk dan premis makanan yang sering menjadi pertanyaan... http://fb.me/3D1oqEdAl", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5539203882217407} +{"text": "drinking and partying budaya syaithon ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9799478054046631} +{"text": "Pakai nylon la bodo punya humans ...Also nylon is da best when using acrylic as medium ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976281523704529} +{"text": "Entitle prick! Kau tak yakin tak payah lah pergi MAKAN... BODOH nya lah!!! Siap org dh bagi sijil dh tu... Ingat dia sorang ke orang nak layan. Ni mst jenis nk amik video gambar post fb cakap halal tak halal...alaaaaa bodohnyaaaaaaaa. https://t.co/D7LZARUlwC", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999862909317017} +{"text": "why want to haLALISE haram food? nanti some people get confused and create issue ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999628067016602} +{"text": "saya pernah jumpa satu orang tua kat Johor..dia punya amalan cukup cukup karutdia ajar, kalau tak dapat apa yang kita nak, pergi kat kubur moyang kita(my ancestor were famous Johor early settlers) pastu doa kat tuhan, mintak apa yang kita nak atas nama moyang kitapastu dia kata amalan baik keturunan Nabi dapat pahala sepuluh kali ganda dari orang biasa...tah mana hadis yang pernah cakap camtuorang kampung kalau jahil agama, jahil teruk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6469754576683044} +{"text": "The sri petaling one? Heard their fried chicken wing the best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984044432640076} +{"text": "Apa yang best tentang Miracle Slim Choco ni \u2705 Sedap Susah tau nak cari supliment kurus rasa sedap perisa coklat\ud83d\ude0b. Mudah kita nak minun setiap hari. Tak de la liat semacam. \u2705 Selamat dan ada sijil halal. Kita... https://t.co/8bDA1pHnVD", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995075464248657} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 20 2023, 09:59 AM)Hahahahaha u sendiri triggered now ask ppl jaga tepi sendiri?Jaga tepi kain la\u2026 SPM BM tarak pass ka? \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 Then why u sibuk if other ppl dun drink alcohol?U mesti puak mabuk sentosa kan? U go busy provoking others for what.Just have to fuck u up since you are such a pig face. Kamu sekolah tahfiz pun tak pass, tak payah lar nak banding kebodohan kamu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9891414642333984} +{"text": "Tepung pelita nur sedap bangNasi kerabu wan atiq pun sedap - depan cendol bisingMurtabak paling berbaloi aku rasa is murtabak tarbus, RM3.50 kulit nipis inti tebal penuh kentang n daging bukan bawangThis post has been edited by AyamBannedTwice: Jun 5 2017, 08:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998608827590942} +{"text": "QUOTE(sexysarah1992 @ May 6 2024, 09:32 AM)How u know no problem at other diners? All the restaurants reported to u? This one viral because owner not so smart . But got so many other unreported cases lah. Its common practice if a local Japanese is making a booking then different story la. This booking is for foreigners. Common sense need to put deposit.The irony is that this is a Malusian restaurant serving Malusian food. The one doing booking is a Malusian. Also kantoi.You can't make this shit up. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920607805252075} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Jul 1 2021, 01:11 PM)Are you referring to me ka? Did I praise the first photo? No right? So who is the prejudice now. Let me get my idea clear, if there are still dumb people around:The kempen bendera putih comes with a tag line \"tak payah rasa malu\". I am sure it means we will help you senyap senyap, we know your dire situation and we wont embarrass you further. Or does it mean since you are at the bottom already, how can you be embarrassed more, come lets take some photos, aiyah don't shy shy lah, tak payah rasa malu, we need to tell the whole country you are in this shitty situation maa. Sure the donours can take photos to promote their charity (although not required if you sincere), especially politicians who needs all the attentions, and yes you are welcome to help more people, and yes we applaud your helps. But please spare the little dignity left of the victims. If you want to take photos, take 1000 of photos, but make sure the victims are not recognisable at all, don't ask them to pose like taking prizes, it is already awkward for them, don't make it worse. And for heaven's sake, don't put their real names and announce the names to the world. Just put a fake name, why need to tell the real name, the location etc, will Jabatan Kebajikan track them down and give them further help ka? Then how can others help? They cannot see the bendera ka? People won't come out looking for help if they know they will be embarrassed like this. Not this way please.Ok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996293842792511} +{"text": "Kotor is hygiene while haram is dosa. Can u different it? \n\nMkn dkt tempat yg kotor tak jdkan makanan tu haram. Tp mkn makanan yg haram dkt tempat yg bersih takkan mengubah status makanan tu jd halal.\n\nR u muslim? Benda basic mcm ni pun tak fhm?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "@The_KL_Guy Halahh kt kedai tu ada je gantung sijil halal..mentality org malaysia nmpk bnde yg ad tulisan bhs lain terus dia cop haram..haram jadah dia..bangsa/tulisan x de kene mngena ngan agama", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "What annoys me AF is bila aku nak makan kat iloveyoo je mesti dia beradat pergi bising tanya mana sijil halal? Mana? Padahal customer tengah ramai.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5943801403045654} +{"text": "Babi for life wer!!! Go back Malaysia kalau ga suka. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984190464019775} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 11:53 AM)yes I agree to your points.yes I agree this issue is overblown probably to divert attention from other issues.but basically it's simple. if you know it's haram or haram source, then avoid it.like now, since they say it is indeed made from pig bristles, then don't use it.if you know me and my posting history, I always give more attention to more important matters and always mock umno/BN more.just that sometimes non-muslims go overboard in blaming/shaming melayu muslims about their religion even though I also reminded these ppl that what they do are indirectly causing resentment against supporting alternatives to umno/bn as well.yes respect goes both ways. so why not start with ourselves 1st? i believe respect is 2 ways. I myself don't agree mocking other religions or race because the action itself define who we are.Unfortunately, there are many negative comments going on whether it's from muslim to non muslim or vice versa. The thing is, the are lot of confusion and misunderstanding about each other. This lead to ignorance, distrust and eventually hatred. I believe this is the intention of our leaders as divided nation is easier to conquer. I just hope our fellow malaysians will be more rationale when looking at things and not be affected by emotion alone. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995288848876953} +{"text": "I'd like to know the process to determine the halal status of the products that are on the shelves, if not this is nothing but just bloody gimmick ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "\u261bFollow KamiHALAL FOOD INSIDE Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! http://youtube.com/user/MakkahRecipe/about\u2026 \n\nMay Allah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 10:55 PM)my opinionmufti wilayah tried his best to entertain all questionsand i find no harm in his statement, haram if menyerupai dewa and haram if buang masathe first one, no need to explainnext,you do anything buang masa and neglect your main responsibilities also harambazir wang? if you can afford then go on, it's not membazir.membazir if you die die wan cosplay but don't have money to pay neccessities (or pay debts, for example)he's just answering the questionfinally someone who makes sense. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999794960021973} +{"text": "Nyahhh...kalau benda tu tak boleh/dibenarkan makan/minum,takyah lah makan/minum - rerasa was2 dia takder sijil halal,takyah lah masuk - ni Msia nyah,bersepah premis makanan bersijil halal dari JAKIM..ko tak yah nak buat teruk lah setiap tahun nak up story yg sama!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8539479970932007} +{"text": "QUOTE(mee udang @ Feb 14 2024, 11:13 AM)Its not haram in Indonesia. You can still practice your religion/faith even if your wife is Muslim.As a Malay friend told me a long time ago, if there was no rule for non-Muslims to convert to get married, more non-Muslims would have get married to Muslims.You're mistaken haram and legal. It's legal in Indonesia, but still considered haram under religion.The blurred line is follower of kitab Injil and Taurat (aka jews and Christian) as some sect/mazhab considers them followers of the same faith, some sect are against this as they consider the modern version of Injil and Taurat has been modified ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997932314872742} +{"text": "QUOTE(AyamBlend @ Sep 14 2016, 10:35 AM)so no haram stuff is the thingy.use one example here,thailand famous instabt noodles Creamy tomyam flavour , with no halal certificate, but they already declare its cater for local market no intentio export, nd the product is contain no haram stuff. one day my colelague gift to other muslim, wow, the reaction ao big until 'ini xde halal u bagi i ke?' story doesnt end here, the girl spread the news until whole department 20+ people knowanother day saw she eating (one of the famous bakery brand) mooncake, eh ini ada halal ke? she answer ' xde la, saya boleh tengok ingridient , semua ok'. That is people attitude not religion fault. Plus, I don't know what you mean local market. In islam all LAND animals need to sembelih by a muslim with certain hukum. I can't say much about halal cert because that is just a symbol for people to ensure it is halal. For example, I go balik kampung my grandma cook I eat with confidence but my grandma also no hold halal cert. It is all depends on people perspective. Also, it is haram to makan something that you not yakin halal, thats why some muslim boikot stuff because tak yakin. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994730353355408} +{"text": "Ktard teddysaur halal or haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999611377716064} +{"text": "kulkas kosanku jorok jadi suka males nyimpen makanan di situ... tadi akhirnya aku malah beli gorengan WKWKKW", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6084132194519043} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Oct 10 2017, 11:04 PM)He is a licensed racist.Suci, najis, halal, haram.These things they keep pushing for more extreme needs that will make people more divided by races. Imagine if Hindu people that view cow as sacred and decide to adopt extreme mindset that whoever kill or eat cow is consider as shit and their enemy? Basically that's what he is doing right now.You can only have one, not both. Strictly follow these things or live harmoniously with other race.he says the media spun his speech and wants to sue the media.he forgot there is a video of him talking ah??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991216063499451} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Feb 2 2024, 05:11 PM)where to eat the best WTM?bonus clip\nb1fqCfvF8V0\n\nThis one move d lor. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999886751174927} +{"text": "Dalam keadaan tertentu, aku lebih yakin restoran yang ada HALAL dari Jakim berbanding \"kedai orang Islam\" claim halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9937974810600281} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Apr 6 2017, 09:30 AM)How would I know what the foods been through during the process before ended up bury at that site.Better be safe than sorry.Bury it instead giving it to charityBazir makanan budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994792342185974} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sone Shin @ Nov 23 2020, 09:13 AM)one throw the bait, then everyone catch\u00a0 but food topic me like.\u00a0 \u00a0 at least can know few good places from /k to visit next time.this thread me sudden craving for telur bistik\u00a0 i think if someone make a thread titled 'best nasi lemak in klang valley! (not halal)' and show video of pork nasi lemak in cari forum, everybody there will also get triggered la... This post has been edited by kurangak: Nov 23 2020, 09:38 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "X pernah online shopping ke? Org beli makanan pun online dah..\n\nPastu dlm satu daerah pasar malam sampai 3 -4 kali.. Pusing2 bende sama.. Tu belum cerita pasal harga lagi.. What do u expect? Pastu nak salahkan pihak lain..\n\nJgn suka bermimpi, realiti x sama dengan mimpi..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957349300384521} +{"text": "https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/isl...3031de900&ei=24PETALING JAYA: Muslims may work in conventional banks in times of emergency or when there is a lack of alternative employment, says Penang mufti Wan Salim Nor.He said this shows Islamic law is flexible and always takes into account the changeable nature of life.\u201cIt should be known that times of emergency or great need allow for exceptions from the usual religious law,\u201d Wan Salim added.\u201cThis is a temporary allowance, not a permanent one.\u201dWan Salim was commenting on the recommendation by Federal Territories mufti Luqman Abdullah for Muslim employees at conventional banks to move to jobs that are considered \u201chalal\u201d.Luqman had explained that employees at conventional banks can be divided as follows \u2013 those who work directly with transactions that have elements of riba, or usury, which is haram; and those that do not work directly with such transactions.He said that even though there may be difficulty with finding employment, Muslims should make every effort to avoid or leave \u201charam places of work\u201d.\u201cTry to find jobs that are legal under Islamic law. Once you can find a job that is appropriate and halal, you can leave your old haram workplace,\u201d he told FMT. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8090842962265015} +{"text": "Salah PMX racial division more severe oh wait why even bother a Palestine PM, racial quota universiti mesti dipertahankan or simply not your PM nons, you are all disowned children of Chinese Malay Orang Asli dsb.Born here still dicap as pendatang. Apa lagi mau? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "Ape yg penting kita yakin yg makanan tu halal, dri sumber halal.... Bkn dri logo Jakim...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980562925338745} +{"text": "keluar beli makanan yang gw suka, bungkus, makan di rumah, sebat sambil bengong", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9831951260566711} +{"text": "@mkini_bm So? Malaysia is a muslim country aint it. Malaysia should have sijil haram. All eateries in muslim nation is halal unless stated otherwise.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999520778656006} +{"text": "QUOTE(billy08 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:39 PM)True also seller say \"Tiada siapa paksa beli, kalau rasa mahal masak sendiri\". But seller must also be hygenic and providing a good service when you sell a product. You need to ensure the product is good and because we are dealing with food, you need to ensure freshness of what you are selling. You cannot be selling your syrup using tap water just because air masak dah habis .. and just because panas, u dont take care of your food from becoming basi .. etc.. we go to bazaar for the variety masa bulan puasa ni .. today i want bihun, tomorrow I want try roti boom, next day i want try ayam percik .. itu jer ..only half.just bcoz a buyer decided to buy does not mean he is entitled for haram jadah price with quantity, expired food lol...of coz unless seller kasi taste dulu before buy ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6323525905609131} +{"text": "Dekat Malaysia ni takde sijil halal je terus jadi haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9940646290779114} +{"text": "If only he uses his time to \"research\" and make claims on ciggerettes then I will salute him.inb4 meanwihile smoking is OK. no haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999959468841553} +{"text": "Boikot itu bukan budaya orang cina ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9577350616455078} +{"text": "QUOTE(Armata @ Mar 29 2016, 03:50 PM)okok..masok akal jugak...so ada minum 7-up tak? pukul 7 pagi dah boleh up tanpa alarm yo! Tak, saya suka minum beer akar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9914925694465637} +{"text": "@ladsheer best dari segi kepuasan, saya pilih Coway. Puas sebab 1) Tangki Besar 2) Semua peringkat umur boleh minum 3) Ada sijil halal 4) Servis setiap 2 bulan ( boleh cepat detect kalo ada defek utk cover warranty) 5) Proses cepat, dapat pasang dan pakai dulu percuma bulan pertama", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8329387903213501} +{"text": "QUOTE(11c @ Sep 30 2016, 02:05 PM)I wonder since she don't have license is her business halal o haram?Good question ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999232292175293} +{"text": "QUOTE(leanman @ Jul 3 2024, 03:08 PM)Did I slow poke?\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abhttps://thesun.my/local-news/former-religio...vice-FB12649297PETALING JAYA: Muslims working as e-hailing drivers are not allowed to send passengers to nightclubs, or any entertainment centres associated with the exposure of aurat, alcohol, and similar activities.Former Minister in the Prime Minister\u2019s Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, said that as it includes in the acts towards assisting in sinful and immoral acts against Allah SWT, according to a report by Kosmo.\u201cIf they can politely decline without affecting their livelihood, they should do so.Sunway Lagoon or any public swimming pool consider haram to these taliban ragheads? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999473094940186} +{"text": "QUOTE(LamboSama @ Jan 23 2017, 12:33 PM)yup. obvious mudah keliru people. don't know about halal/haram, but spout nonsense like tap water halal or not.SIJIL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9953677654266357} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Mar 31 2021, 05:38 PM)End of the day majority of malaysian car buyers are from the b40 and m40 class. They look at price, value, quality and then only other stuff like ada agama xde agama. Everyone can post syiok sendiri bmf crap on fb but when it comes time to open own wallet and service loan consideration, money talks first.Advanced RIP to Proton and billions more soft loans then.Meanwhile congratulations to P2 for breaking sales record again and again and again.QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 05:54 PM)I think if someone willing to fund him, he can be jaguh kampung just like that buzz azam fellasame tunelel \n4BGGqZGmSb4\n\nBecome ketua JKOM pun i think he puas hati edi haha. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994829893112183} +{"text": "QUOTE(latipbogiba @ Nov 7 2023, 10:47 AM)if pergi langkawi sama mahal pergi hatyai,so you know where to go right...btw, is it true cannot wear short or bikini tepi pantai in langkawi? no alcohol?i thought there is no such rule there.Kena ambil tindakan nanti , saman siapa nak byr?Dah makanan , penginapan mahal, risau kena saman pula.Tempat relax seperti lepas beralcohol pun kurang, sudah pasti pelancong target tempat lain. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9917775392532349} +{"text": "QUOTE(endymeon @ Oct 17 2018, 09:57 AM)I found a website http://www.halal.gov.my/v4/index.php but it is death.Any other way to check the officially halal status for a food chain? In fact, I'm organizing a lunch for my department, few of my colleagues are very particular about this certification.u makan nasi, ur perut breakdown starch and form ethanol and carbohydrates...so nasi halal tak? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999862551689148} +{"text": "Solving problem not budaya kitalet the system lieve with flawsso they need mintak tolongso i can choose when to show up tolong to make me look like god lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9603451490402222} +{"text": "People need realize that halal haram is only for peasants. For elites everything is halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "QUOTE(gestapo @ Jul 24 2019, 03:42 PM)fark i read wrong or jakim calling people bapak now?\u00a0 i think certain quaters try to mke it look like XFT tipu kotu know la....last time pokemon also haram d because too many ppl playhaters gotta hate ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hiwatari @ May 21 2019, 12:14 PM)ko kalo bm ke laut jgn nk tunjuk pandaimabuk nek kenderaan ade ke smpi bleh rogol bunuh ap sume tu?cmtu sok bini ko pregnant klu die morning sickness kire ank ko tu ank haram la sbb wt bini ko mabukThat is what I meant. Tak faham ke apa ni? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(endymeon @ Oct 17 2018, 09:57 AM)I found a website http://www.halal.gov.my/v4/index.php but it is death.Any other way to check the officially halal status for a food chain? In fact, I'm organizing a lunch for my department, few of my colleagues are very particular about this certification.Any restaurant that has Halal logo, they believe already. No one check website one ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999607801437378} +{"text": "Just like how they trying to twist merokok as different kind of \"haram\"? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997978806495667} +{"text": "Pergi kursus Green Card, cikgu tu cakap: \"nanti end of class ada exam. Kalau tak lulus, tak dapat sijil. Tapi Bangla jangan risau, kalau bayar RM30, nanti dapat sijil\" And then he continue to talk about makanan halal and haram in Islam. Even syaitan is confused with this one.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9971737861633301} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 10:55 PM)my opinionmufti wilayah tried his best to entertain all questionsand i find no harm in his statement, haram if menyerupai dewa and haram if buang masathe first one, no need to explainnext,you do anything buang masa and neglect your main responsibilities also harambazir wang? if you can afford then go on, it's not membazir.membazir if you die die wan cosplay but don't have money to pay neccessities (or pay debts, for example)he's just answering the questionI wont take his statement seriously tbh, cant expect that kind of generation to understand what cosplay is, therefore, him attaching the 'haram' label to stuff he dont understand. What people consider as waste of time is still subjective anyway. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999765157699585} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ Aug 6 2015, 04:07 PM)i enjoice reading the comments35 komen untuk \u201cNeelofa Akui Tidak Tahu Yang Escargot Haram Dimakan\u201d\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abrambutku tak sekembang rambut kakMah says:Aug 5, 2015 at 11:05 pmNasib ko la lopak..dah termakan pun\u2026.klu aku tak terliuqq tgk siput tue\u2026dah mcm siput khinzir kat pokok pisang kebun mak aku\u2026.Replykatija haron says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:32 amKALAU DAH TERMAKAN SEBAB KITA TAK TAU TAKPELAH\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..LAIN KALI HATI2 BILA KAT LUAR NEGARA\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.ReplyKak Pah says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:19 am8A SPM pun rupanya bodoh jugak. Macam ni lah kalu sakai baru lihat dunia\u2026.benda haram terus makan dan pos dlm instagram. Akhirnya diri sendiri nampak\u2026.bangang!!!ReplyGigi Besi says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:28 amkes cultural shock la ni. ko ingat siput sedut ke ha???? klau was2 jgn seberangan je. kan dah termalu sendiri. vodohhhhhh!!!ReplyAkak Jual Bikini says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:22 amMakluk dua alam mana boleh makan. Akak yg x pandai agama pun tahu. Apalah punya jahil. Jual tudung, benda haram ko pakai belasah telan je erkkk?!ReplyNorhafiza Md Noor says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:31 amdrp ko makan siput tu, baik ko hisap siput hans isaac. xde beza nya\u2026. heheheReplyTahniah Atas Kebodohan Anda! says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:21 am#win!!!Replymiss loyal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 3:23 pmtahniah\u2026anda baru sja menunjukkn sejauh mna iman anda\u2026yg kt ats tu xde ajr nk ckp bnda mcm ne..benda nk jd..ape nk wt..boleh x korg fikir btul2 dlu sebelum nk post mcm ni..malu la sikit weii\u2026korg tau x\u20261 yg brsuara boleh merosakkn nma smua tau..ReplySaya says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:20 amKlau tk tau tk pe\u2026 Amek tanah liat sertu kan kat dlm mulut n dlm perut hahaha\u2026. Gurau jer\u2026Tk pe lah tk tau lain kali jaga2\u2026. Tapi kan bole ke telan tu siput ish\u2026 Tk leh saya bayang kan\u2026ReplyGIGI KAPAK says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:30 amBUKAN MAIN KEREK PAT INSTAGRAM BILA ADA YG MENEGUR.. DIA BLEH SURUH DIAM LAGI\u2026..AAAAAHHHHH SEKARANG SIAPER YGBODOH SOMMMMMBONNNG??????!HARAP AJE ADA BERBELAS AAAA.ENGLISH TETAP BERTERABUR, BOBAL TUNGGANG LANGGANG\u2026OTAK BIMBO!Replyangahzu says:Aug 6, 2015 at 2:45 amMemang tak penah makan siput tu\u2026tp kat bendang belakang rumah mak memang banyak\u2026mak kata memang ada makan tp mak xbg makan bab tak sahih leh makan ke tak\u2026.jadi tgk je la jiran2 kutip makan buat masak cili apiReplykatija haron says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:43 amA\u2019AH BETOL TU\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026ADA ORANG MAKAN\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.BUAT MASAK CILIPADI\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.Reply.. says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:35 amahahhahahaa\u2026..Replymarina says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:40 amkalau pun halal memang aku tak makan siput tu nak muntah tengok\u2026.tak apalah lofa kalau tak tahu hmm\u2026Replynono says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:47 amHAHAHAHAHA>>ORG CKP BODOH>>MARAHReplyroti butter says:Aug 6, 2015 at 8:58 amXpe la lofa.. Kitaorg yg xmakan siput tu pun tak tau lagi makanan sharian yg kita mkn ni halal ke haram..ReplyRizal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:25 amPunyai nk \u201chigh\u201d konon sesuatu yg unik. Padahal haram. Lain kali show off la lagi dlm Instagram tu. Biar kaw nampak bodoh sangat. Hahaha\u2026ReplyLol says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:29 ambimbo juga rupanya \u2026. ReplyUmmie says:Aug 6, 2015 at 9:36 amNajib makan duit rakyat, kenapa xde fatwa???????!!!!!!Replykhadijah says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:04 amtry thisReplyTahniah Atas Kebodohan Anda! says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:20 amNo komen!Replykopi says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:24 amni kah SPM yg dibanggakan sangat\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..ada gak bodohnya\u2026\u2026.lain kali jangan bongkak\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026orang pandai pun, ada gak perkara yg dia x tahu, tapi x la sombong bodoh cam ko\u2026..ngutuk orang pandai, nyindir orang pandai mcm la ko sempurna sangat\u2026sekarang terbukti ko tu BIMBOorang tegur x terima, nah terima la bila orang BODOH kan ko.kalau hati tu ITAM, berpurdah pun nampak gak SIKAP HITAM KO TU\u2026Replyjaslina says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:26 amdah kelahap sangat, SIPUT BABI tu pun nak melantak, konon nak berlagak la makan tu, post berbagai. niat tu jahat, tu yg kena balik. peribadi x mencerminkan diri bongokkkkkkkkkkkkkReplymyjawatankini says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:27 amKami sayang anda semua dan kami terus membantu anda untuk mencari peluang perkerjaanJawatan Kosong di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) \u2013 06 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong Terkini di Bank Rakyat \u2013 09 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Pos Malaysia Berhad \u2013 03 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Koperasi Bank Persatuan Malaysia Bhd \u2013 29 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) \u2013 TERBUKA 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia \u2013 31 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di SIRIM Berhad \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Perbadanan Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar (MBAS) \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) \u2013 02 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Ketereh \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Kuala Langat (MDKL) \u2013 11 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPG) \u2013 10 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur Negeri Sabah \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor (MSN Selangor) \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) \u2013 30 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Malaya (UM) \u2013 08 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) \u2013 12 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Lembaga Pertubuhan Bintulu (BPA) \u2013 14 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Kolej Komuniti Mas Gading \u2013 05 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Sarawak Energy \u2013 13 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Kedah (SUK Kedah) \u2013 16 Ogos 2015Temuduga Terbuka di Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Pada 11 Ogos \u2013 23 September 2015Jawatan Kosong di Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka \u2013 07 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) \u2013 12 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Majlis Daerah Setiu \u2013 18 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) \u2013 26 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) \u2013 06 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) \u2013 27 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) \u2013 31 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (PNMB) \u2013 31Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Amanah Raya Berhad \u2013 14 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong Terkini di KPJ Kajang \u2013 15 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) \u2013 23 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Yayasan Hijau Malaysia \u2013 26 Ogos 2015Jawatan Kosong di Koperasi Pendidikan Usahawan Berhad \u2013 25 September 2015ReplyCik Bunga says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:30 amEmma yg xde SPM pun, x lalu nak makan SIPUT BABI ni, dia pun tau. ko yg berlagak ngan SPM ko tu leh telan, x jijik ke, itam cam tu sama la ngan ati busuk ko tu. nak termuntah pun x leh, dh kenyanggggggggg.Replylopakkkkk says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:33 ambanyak sangat cari pasal ngan orang, burukkan orang, curi dari orangbanyak doa orang dh makbul. doa lg untuk kejatuhan si bongkak ni\u2026..Reply.. says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:38 amdia ni nmpk ok je bila cakap gn wartawan.. tp bila org tgur kt insta xboleh trime trus delete\u2026ayat fans dia y maki hamun org2 y nasihatkan dia.. dia x delete pulak ..nmpk wangi hati tu..Replyti mys says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:47 amhaters mcm lah bagoss sgt nk mgata org. semua manusia buat silap. nanti karma kena diri sendiriReplyYazu says:Aug 6, 2015 at 10:58 amYa Allah..jahatnye mulut korng..org tu buat sala sbb xtau je..smpai mcm tu skali mengata kat lofa..org buat sala, doakan supaya berubah..bukan maki hamun gi tu..xd beza ngn siput.Replykembara hamba says:Aug 6, 2015 at 11:41 amOrg da Berubah elok kita doakan je supya dia true istiqamah bkn mncela..kite duk Kate org hati hitam n busuk hati kita ni blm tntu Putih bersih\u2026y mnilai hanya Allah SWT.. Dia trsilap mkn siput tu sbb Xtaw status smela mcm kite trsilap mkn cadbury\u2026so jgnla Mara..km elok klu kite ckp bnda baik\u00b2Replyanak jati says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:41 pmdari kecik dah makan\u2026sah2 mak bapak dia tak ajar..tu la penting mak bapak belajar agama sebelum kawin..jangan tau buat anak je..tengok keturunan neelofa tu sedara mara pakaian mcm amareka je..tak tau ape nak jadi..ReplyBaca Tajuk Terus Komen (BTTK) says:Aug 6, 2015 at 12:42 pmAPA yg blaku Ade hikmah\u2026skrg ramai da tau bendaalah tu\u2026aku pn baru tau\u2026ReplyGIGI KAPAK says:Aug 6, 2015 at 2:22 pmSIAPER SETUJU\u2026.SI LOFA BIMBO TERLEBIH OVER \u201cPLASTIC\u201d KAKI SPEDODARI..SCHA,LISA SURIHANI,ANZALNA, KAK JENA, KAK OGY MANANG DAN MAK MAH?Replymiss loyal says:Aug 6, 2015 at 3:17 pmerkk\u2026takyah la nk bising sgt\u2026korg dok mengate die ni pn dpt dosa free tau..tahniah la..tak usah nk pndang sgt setiap kesalahan yg org buat..die kate xtau tu mknenye xtau la\u2026yg korang sakit hati knpe?? bawakk2 la bertaubat\u2026cerminkan diri sendri sebelum nk menghakimi org lain..ingat laa..xde org di dunia ni yg sempurna..ReplyAbg Murai says:Aug 6, 2015 at 4:06 pmEscargot adalah perkataan dalam Bahasa Perancis yang merujuk kepada sejenis siput yang dikenali dalam Bahasa Malaysia sebagai siput babi. Walaupun kedapatan beberapa jenis siput babi seperti helix aspersia dan helix pomatia, tetapi kedua-duanya adalah tergolong dalam genus yang sama iaitu Genus Helix. Dalam Bahasa Arab, siput babi dikenali sebagai halazun (?????).Dalam fiqah, halazun/escargot adalah tergolong dalam kumpulan \u2018hasyaraat\u2019 iaitu haiwan kecil yang melata/menjalar. Dalam mazhab Syafie, secara umumnya haiwan yang tergolong dalam hasyaraat adalah haram dimakan kerana termasuk dalam haiwan yang dianggap keji (khabisah). Ini berdasarkan kepada firman Allah Taala:??????????? ?????????? ????????????Maksudnya: \u201cDan dia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk\u201d. (Surah Al-A\u2019raf: 157).time puasa, mulut dan apa yg ditaip pun suci dan kudus dan malah dipuji dikalangan orang2 beriman.habis puasa, hari raya pun tak habis lagi...dah dah...segala setan iblis maki makian pun keluar.insaf lah nak.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963957667350769} +{"text": "QUOTE(quadcube @ Jan 15 2018, 04:52 PM)Same,wifey material, sumandak best if I come back from JP,probably will try to get a job in KK and settle down therewish I could change job toowilling to settle down as well. My gf place is sandakan.my friends also go for sumandak too after they saw my gf lmao ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8171382546424866} +{"text": "@Cami_chiao isu dkt sini ada org keluar statement bila sesuatu makanan atau kedai itu tiada sijil dan cop halal, maka mereka assume benda itu tak halal walaupun zahirnya benda itu halal. contoh org jual air teh ais tepi jalan zahirnya halal tpi kerana tiada certificate from jakim jdi haram?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99997878074646} +{"text": "Aku yg kalau beli makanan suka royal be like:", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9394980669021606} +{"text": "https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24...ate-says-jakim/The government\u2019s halal authority today said the use of \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d on products would invalidate their halal certification, in a statement that is likely to reignite a debate on policies seen as regressive to Malaysia\u2019s multicultural identity.A spokesman for the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) confirmed to MalaysiaNow the existence of such a condition before a company is awarded halal certification, following an incident reported by a member of the public.MalaysiaNow earlier reported about a bakery which could not fulfil a customer\u2019s request for \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d to be written on a cake he had ordered for delivery to a friend.Instead, the cake was delivered with the words \u201cHappy Holidays\u201d.The bakery owner said it was because he had to abide by the rules set by Jakim as part of the application process for getting halal certification.\u201cThe bakery was not wrong as it is part of the regulations,\u201d an officer from Jakim\u2019s communications unit told MalaysiaNow.He cited a labelling rule stated in Jakim\u2019s manual on the procedures leading towards halal certification.\u201cLabelling and advertising of products and services should not involve the use of any religious or spiritual passage, symbol or noun such as the names of Allah, sunnah, idols and the like,\u201d according to the document sighted by MalaysiaNow.The \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d greeting has been a subject of debate in Malaysia, with some Muslim preachers claiming Muslims are prohibited from using the expression as it is a veneration of Christ.But this is the first time it has emerged that the greeting could also affect a product\u2019s official halal status.Earlier, the customer, who declined to be named, said it was the first time he had encountered such a problem.\u201cBut the management apologised to me saying it is part of the conditions during the audit process,\u201d he added.Jakim is legally empowered as the sole authority to issue halal certification for food and goods as well as eateries nationwide.In the past, critics had questioned several conditions imposed by the department on food manufacturers and franchises seeking halal certification, including prohibiting certain names from being used on the product.Popular pretzel chain Auntie Anne\u2019s and fast food franchise A&W were forced to rename their popular products due to a requirement by Jakim that words such as \u201cdog\u201d and \u201cbeer\u201d are not used on their menu.Auntie Anne\u2019s renamed its \u201cpretzel dog\u201d as \u201cpretzel sausage\u201d, while A&W was forced to change the names of two popular dishes for which it is known worldwide: Coney Dog and Root Beer, which were renamed as Chicken (or Beef) Coney and RB.This post has been edited by ahwai: Dec 24 2020, 06:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9810246229171753} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Dec 29 2023, 08:46 AM)KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia ranks second in Asia in 2020 for cyberbullying among youths, according to a United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) report - indicating that cyberbullying is becoming an increasingly prominent problem in the country.The popular usage of social media platforms had made it a rife breeding ground for cyberbullying and toxic behaviour, not only among youths but adults as well.https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022...h-cyberbullyingthats why managed to train the best e sports team ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9813910722732544} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Mar 18 2024, 02:33 PM)Some viewing touching any part of pig is haram.Similar to dog.. nothing wrong keeping it or petting it just make sure its if tak , just samak . People tend to take the easy way outAre you referring to leviticus? That part is in leviticus 11 7-8. In islam only prohibition mentioned is in eating/consuming so its very accurate and succinct in that regard.Dogs. That\u2019s an even more interesting case. The doggo.Again, at the end of the day, the lord will judge between us and what we\u2019ve differed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "kenapa asyik suka beli makanan beli minuman??? macam mana nak sihat macam mana nak simpan duit macam mana aku nak buang lemak ni??", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5857875347137451} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 10 2017, 12:18 AM)now... how is this brush raid being civilize ??... how is haram brush even make sense ??dude in Islam, dogs and pigs = haram. full stop.anything to do with those two animals = haram. full stop.unless it's truly an emergency (meaning no other animal can replace those 2) it's haram whichever way you look at it.doesn't matter if it's not for eating, it's still haram and you need to cleanse your hands even if you touch them.is that hard to understand?as for the raid, it's already stopped.and do you even understand the world civilise?did the enforcement officers arrest the traders?did they rough the traders?yeah I think it's wrong for the kpdnkk ppl to confiscate the offending brushes, but they are just following orders.they are not the enemy, UMNO/BN are.keep that in mind. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998476505279541} +{"text": "QUOTE(darosha @ Dec 30 2023, 02:11 PM)maybe you don't remember mcd started with haram food before in malaysia on 1982 but they nearly closed, they decided they need malay's money to survive and only then get halal on 1995. so yeah see how far mcd get with non halal foodThats mcd malaysia. Not mcd corporate. Mcd corporate can still survive without the Malaysia halal market. The halal market is small for them. The losing side is malays who open mcd franchise and the malay muslim workers. Mcd can just close their malaysia business anytime and i wont affect them at all like how they closed their russian business because of the russian invasion. In the end, it's just malay muslims boycotting malay muslim businesses. Mcd corp gets fixed royalty and they dont care whether their franchises are doing good. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999626874923706} +{"text": "QUOTE(orangtua @ Jan 9 2021, 08:51 AM)Actually it's simple to solve the problem of confused muslims eating in non-halal kopitiam - let's make a rule to ask all non-halal eateries to hang a big ass NON-HALAL sign. While we are at it, why not just segregate everything into halal and non-halal? Halal people should only eat in halal restaurants, work in halal companies, shop in halal malls, surf halal prawns, play halal games...Pffffffffffffffff.....that's not going to work, they going to just complain this is majority malay area and then proceed to shut it down. Cause these people too stupid to resist haram temptation. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8890272974967957} +{"text": "QUOTE(sanwaltz @ Jul 26 2019, 04:15 PM)I mentioned in some other tered some time ago.When I share official link to fatwa provided by religious authority, i dont see nons commenting on this linkWhen nons argue with muslim who are not of religious authority, they seem content and feel winning an argument whenever the muslims keluar \"non-persoal\" remark.Because the moment you utter jangan persoal you will come off as very ignorant. Excusing your inability for a comeback or even educate the opponent on your viewpoint. The feeling of content, in my opinion is 100% warranted because in OP\u2019s case he has won the argument. Could his friend take it another way? Absolutely. OP could\u2019ve walked away with better understanding of why the aforementioned food is ok in Islam. But instead he chose the fast way out. Thinking that he won the argument and to shit OP up. But in fact he had lost the argument. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9271373748779297} +{"text": "QUOTE(MustyBalls92 @ Mar 29 2016, 03:48 PM)I'm not gonna comment on the \"lot\" you're talking about but they are supposed to be specialized in the area they are in charge in.if you would not comment on the lot, then there's really no need for a body like JAKIM because you (and the rest) already have in your possession the best definite guide (Al-Quaran and hadith). you see if you read properly you'll see where i'm going with this. if the lot are an enlightened, knowledgeable and not easily confused community with such issues which are often aired and get played out in the media re-consolidating the narrative that indeed the lot are not (hence needing the expert, Jakim), Islam would have a better perception here in malaysia and by that implication make it easier for acquiring new followers, strengthening the umat in the process no?unlike the rest who have commented, i hope u see mine as a constructive discussionThis post has been edited by hotjake: Mar 29 2016, 04:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9434612989425659} +{"text": "Video is when they started the business. After viral in cyberjaya, now they open proper shop and change name to tasty dough.I think they move to proper shop for almost 2 years now, and their doughnut is quite good. Always sold out around 7pmThis post has been edited by faridr: Jun 14 2024, 09:13 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999129772186279} +{"text": "Bawang ada korek info the fella who viral it?Oh wait ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9269409775733948} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.this careta editor is useless...proton is not for malay and never belong to malay, it belong to Malaysia, belong to all Malaysianinb4 i am malay ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998949766159058} +{"text": "@naf_zam untuk pohon sijil Halal melalui byk proses dan prosedur yg perlu dipatuhi. fyi, raw material/bahan mentah perlu dan wajib ada pengesahan Sijil Halal oleh sesebuah negara pengeluar / pengimport / pengeksport. Bila bahan mentah tak dpt sijil Halal, maka makanan itu adalah tak Halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7249336838722229} +{"text": "\r\nskang kan semua bank dlm malaysia ada islamic depart termasuk lah international bank disebabkan \"demand bani tamim\" . aku rasa ni international bank la ni. aku pon selalu juga dpt invitation gini, biasa diorg buat 2x, 1 non halal 1 lagi halal. tbh, event non halal biasa lagi best dan tip top especially dari segi attendee and product dari muslim friendly event kalau ditolak part babi golek tu. huhuhu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "big hug for youu, nanti beli makanan yg kamu suka yaa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999703168869019} +{"text": "MAJRAHA MAXWHITE \ud83c\udf76\ud83c\udf6f The best Skin Therapy No. 1 LULUS KKM Reference: (KKM/NOT 130704783K) Ada sijil halal JAKIM #Majraha #MajrahaMaxwhite", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5580642819404602} +{"text": "Baru sahaja selesai menyiapkan stok baru Kimchi ( makanan tradisi Korea ).Ianya sememangnya bersih lagi halal dan... http://fb.me/5qcNhpSRA", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "bagi yg nak pertikai makanan tu halal atau haram sebab tak ada cop pengesahan halal JAKIM tu..\n\nkau makan jelah cop halal JAKIM tu bugima.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(-TcT- @ Mar 28 2019, 12:25 PM)Saw this in one of UM's hostels. I thought what we eat are our personal affairs? And there's no non halal food sold in the canteen. It's not as though eating non halal food will make the food of others become non halal. So means the student cannot order delivery of non halal food also? Doesn't it infringe the students' constitutional rights?Many answered with brainless stupid replies. Answered question like \" Ni tuan rumah, sukahati la nak letak rules mcm mana \". alahai abang2 melayu, macam mana kaum lain nak paham kalo itu jawapannya. Patot la kaum lain tgk melayu ni gila kuasa, mentang2 ade kuasa, nak pakai kuasa veto.Its like a son asked his dad, \" why he cant eat sugar at night \" and the dad replies, \" because I said so, this is my house. my rule.\"That son perspective is, the dad is using his veto power as the leader of the house. If he said no, means no. without knowing why. The dad should reply like this, \" Son, if u eat sugary food at night. U wont be sleeping instead u will running around because sugar making u energetic. Plus,U have eaten sugary food alot today, too much sugar consumption is not good for ur health. U will get sick.\" Abang2 sekelian, rasa2 mana jawapan lagi bagos daripada ayah yang membuatkan anak dia lebih memahami xboleh makan sugar waktu malam?Aduhh melayuku...Back to TS ques,Due to respecting majority of students in UM or any uni which is muslim students, I dont think their canteen provides non-halal food. Because non-halal stuff cannot be shared the same equipment. like using the same pinggan non-halal and halal food. its not the pinggan cannot use at all, but that particular pinggan who already used by non-halal stuff need to \"sertu\" ( u can google what is sertu. its a cleaning process) before that pinggan can be use by halal food.That is 1 of the plenty reason why.I hope i answered abit ur question. If got question do ask more about Muslim rule. do ask. I dont know everything, but try my best to help u to understand more about islam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988266825675964} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Dec 11 2023, 08:41 PM)Root beer, dog pretzel.... pon haram... yiu think chee cheong fun wud be halal?Let's change it to geh cheong fun.Change to ghey cheong fun also cannot! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999310970306396} +{"text": "Cendol sebenarnya sangat berpotensi untuk popular internationally macam brown sugar boba milk. Just perlukan better branding, packaging, marketing. Market as vegan and cruelty free sebab pakai coconut milk ke. Boleh customise topping (e.g durian). Make it happen! https://t.co/N7TGTX0vHa", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966933727264404} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blofeld @ Oct 25 2016, 02:14 PM)someone posted the guideline at /k before.It clearly stated words such as dog, beer, etc are not allowed for food products.10 years ago, hotdog no problemo,tell me what will happen the future. your \"ETC\" et cetera will make all things haram is it?absolutely no boundry, if this continues ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999557733535767} +{"text": "QUOTE(anthonywongy @ Dec 23 2021, 11:00 AM)Fussy Flood Victims Turn Down Free Vegetarian Food Because They Want Meat InsteadSince last Saturday, Malaysians have been united in extending assistance to those affected by massive floods that hit the country.Sadly, some flood victims have been rejecting the hot meals cooked and delivered to them by volunteers.Now they are demanding the volunteers to prepare food with meat preferably chicken \u2013 something the volunteers have flatly rejected.Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam coordinator Dr Thesdave Singh said his team of volunteers has totally rejected giving in to any of their demands.He added that most of those who claimed that the food is not suited for their taste buds didn\u2019t even bother to try it.At the same time, he stressed that many flood victims are happy and grateful to receive assistance from good samaritans.They are also thankful because knowing they are not forgotten gave them hope, said Dr Thesdave.A Heavy BurdenThe Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam aims to prepare at least 5,000 meals per day.At the same time, the temple is handing out clothes, groceries and hygiene packs, most of which are donated by members of the public.It also opened its door to any flood victims who need a temporary place to stay.Dr Thesdave said the needs are not just in Shah Alam and Klang, but also in many other places such as Bukit Lanchong, Dengkil, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi and Taman Ehsan in BantingHalal Is Not An IssueAt the same time, Dr Thesdave said there is absolutely no issue with the food being not halal.In Sikhism, only vegetarian food is served in the Gurdwara.This ensures that any visitor to the Gurdwara, whatever the dietary restrictions of their faith, can eat in.Dr Thesdave to TRP on why only vegetarian food is served in the GurdwaraSome netizens had questioned the halal status of the food, and some even said they would rather starve to death than receive non-halal food. Politicians Weigh InShah Alam MP Khalid Samad reiterated that gurdwara food is all halal.Furthermore, Muslims also volunteered in the preparation of the food.The former Federal Territories Minister added that he had tried the vegetarian food, which he commended as hearty and filling.Some netizens sought to remove doubts by pointing out that former Mufti of the Federal Territories of Malaysia Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri also helped in one of the gurdwara kitchens.Datuk Dr Zulkifli also chipped in on the debate and reassured the people. susWhat you expect la when the youngster brainwash need consultation in life for every aspect and not allowed to use brain and think which the government loves you get this wonderful mindset. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9778058528900146} +{"text": "\r\nAku tunggu kedai ayam goreng halal kat korea\r\npendedahsn psl islam sgt kurang d korea\r\nTp bagus diorg nmpk target market pelancong2 muslim", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "QUOTE(hotSun @ Feb 9 2017, 12:36 PM)how does he make sense when he ignored the fact that those food trader bought a construction grade brush to brush on their food instead of a food grade brushhow does he make sense when he quote a verse regarding haram-ness of pork consumption and treat it as pig derived product issue...eating pork and using pig derived product is diff...he even mentioned about haram=ness of using product from 'bangkai binatang'....then do we need a halal method to obtain our cow leather ?see, that's why I wrote somewhere else, this pig bristle brush is old issue but recycled.example (see date, it's 2010!)http://mahatera.blogspot.my/2010/12/berus-dari-bulu-babi.htmlQUOTEBERUS DARI BULU BABI IPOH: Jawatankuasa Syariah Perak memutuskan berus bulu binatang yang dihasilkan di China dan Taiwan haram digunakan premis perniagaan makanan halal termasuk roti dan kek di negeri ini.\u00a0 Keputusan itu dibuat berikutan rampasan berus bulu babi yang kebanyakannya diimport dari kedua-dua negara berkenaan digunakan di kedai kek dan roti yang mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (Jaip). as for eating pork and using pig derived products, the common acceptance is explained here:http://arrazzi.blogspot.my/2013/02/halal-h...-kulit-dan.htmlQUOTESungguhpun dalam ayat tersebut Allah Azzawajalla menyebut \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u062d\u0652\u0645\u064e \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u0650\u0646\u0632\u0650\u064a\u0631\u0650 \u201cdan daging babi\u201d namun bahagian yang lainnya juga adalah turut sama haram. Ia mengikut kaedah (\u0645\u0646 \u0625\u0637\u0644\u0627\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u062c\u0632\u0625 \u0648\u0625\u0631\u0627\u062f\u0629 \u0643\u0644) iaitu mengitlaqkan satu bahagian tetapi yang dikehendaki ialah keseluruhannya. Mazhab Syafie r.a memegang kaedah ini.and yes, leather from cows are also processed but no need to do sertu (cleanse with water + earth mixture), as Islam accepts the common leather tannery method used worldwide as halal already.non-muslims keep saying muslims are confused, yet from what I read here sometimes it's the non-muslims who are more easily confused.in Islam it's simple, no dog no pigs, we accept that since usually there are alternatives to those 2, so we move on. so who's confused now? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9884693026542664} +{"text": "Makanannnn, duk asrama kalau kwn kata, duit tak cukup la weh. Confirm belanja dia, astu suka kongsi sekali each time beli makanan. Makanan memang for lyfe", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9951169490814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkAeon @ Oct 25 2016, 10:15 PM)tak bash u think no fear no doubt?tak bash u think red shirts will hug yellow shirt?tak bash u think tak songklap?Red and yellow is always 2 different entity. You think both will hug?Here to win you need always carefull with this 2 issues. How to get majority support if you cannot hold that.That is the only winning formula. If you got the best candidate graduate from havard grade a+++ also if you cannot win majority then you lose liao. Look easy yet its hard. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985721111297607} +{"text": "Pegang je dik, niat dah baik, hiraukan org ckp apa pon. Dah hbis pegang nti samak la badan dan pakaian jika terkena. Orang yg dok kutuk ini harom xleh apa bagai tu sbb depa diajar dri kecik hingga bsr ilmu syariat je (hukum hakam) dn dsbbkn hukum hakam ni ler depa amik alih kerja tuhan huhu (tp yg tegur cara elok tu xpa), depa cuma x didedahkan ilmu yg lain lg huhu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983341097831726} +{"text": "Tak pernah minum lg. Tp nasi lemak, kuih muih, burger tepi jln tu semua tak ada sijil halal jakim. Haram juga ka? https://t.co/EIzeIPWbOx", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999525547027588} +{"text": "Hahaha. Payah jadi Melayu ni. Rasuah buat cop palsu halal. Orang biasa meniaga di kedai cina sbb sedap pun dipersoalkan. Lgipun, makanan halal bukan semata halal. \n\nPerlu bersih, dan sedap, harga juga berbaloi. Goodjob uncle. Boleh support makan di kedai cina.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993228912353516} +{"text": "Tak da sesiapa yg terhegeh-hegeh nak promosi arak kat sekolah. Org dtg bagi sumbangan bentuk wang. Kalau makanan diaorg pandai cari katering yg halal.\n\nSyarikat2 ni semua dah biasa buat kerja kebajikan, tolong org plbagai kaum & organisasi. Ko toksah nak drama sangat.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9722027778625488} +{"text": "Jaga Halal/Haram kan JAKIM. Orang suruh minta revealkan nama sahaja bukan suruh bina pencakar langit. At least penguna tahu mana pengedar yang terlibat. Nanti pengusaha makanan pun aware pasal ni termasuk lah kita. Benda halal/haram jangan buat rileks. Ini isu serious.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.929987370967865} +{"text": "so... ppl eat road killed animal also haram,... right ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996814727783203} +{"text": "tugas cemerlang Jakim - pastikan 15 juta orang Islam dinegara ni makan daging , ayam dan makanan halal. Logo \" Halal\" Jakim diiktiraf dunia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998527765274048} +{"text": "QUOTE(sembilan @ Aug 17 2016, 02:13 PM)I'd like to know the process to determine the halal status of the products that are on the shelves, if not this is nothing but just bloody gimmickHalal means dia tak jual lah arak or makanan tak halal. Kat 99Speedmart ada jual arak and makanan tak halal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998551607131958} +{"text": "Terlalu bertolak ansur sehinggakan batas halal dan haram itu tak kelihatan, budaya bukan islam itu sendiri mnjadi budaya orang islam. covert utk berkahwin? hanya pada sijil tapi amalan bukan islam masih kuat diamalkan. #semogadilindungiNya https://t.co/3HuNAaa30f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "so inilah jibai cornies mia orang tak mampu provide enough spare parts to Proton la..... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999046325683594} +{"text": "PERCUMA\n\nJika anda berminat untuk memilki sijil halal jakim untuk produk makanan sahaja.. sila pm atau whatapps,... http://fb.me/7W2JsW8MW", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961710572242737} +{"text": "\r\nni la hasilnya. dpt manager bodoh malas, budak susun dan letak harga kene round check balik \r\ndulu aku bahagian frozen dgn sayur 3bulan. tukang ltak2 harga. leader OK, membebel kalo nampak sinki basuh tangan tersumbat. tanda harga sayur lmbt update, penah le aku buat silap. silap letak harga daun ketumbar dgn daun sup. masa tu xberapa nak dapat bezakan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "\nHati lembu pun i tak makan....\nMuntz Post at 9-6-2010 20:31 \n\nhati lembu, kerbau ayam... noor boleh lagi...paru tu pun baru je belajar makan...tu pun tak berapa......tahu paru kan?\n\r\nada orang kata otak lembu sedap tahu...buat masak lemak cili api....\n\n\n\n\r\njap lagi muntz muntah hijo baca....", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990454316139221} +{"text": "QUOTE(acbc @ Aug 25 2019, 09:56 AM)Bagus because entire country going to hell over minor problems.Because racist like you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Jul 15 2016, 09:10 AM)thanks for providing your basis.link 1. No hadith or firman is associated with Ahmad Zarkasih claim. Infact the syubhah thing is being ignored to an extent.link 2. The link you provided clearly support my claim. a) Only if no other choice (darurah)b) Ahli kitab =/= kafir.link 3. Again it ignores syubhah, syubhah is a situation where we are unable to identify the validity IF WE ARE BEING TRIGGERED BY A CONDITION WHICH DOESNT COMPLY TO OUR RULING. (sorry for the caps, just to focus on the point)Like i said, the \"wajib if we see\" in this context is:a) Knowing it is a meal made by non muslim, can be categories as \"see\" in this contextb) Samak a living place which was being occupied by a non muslim previously only if you have \"see\" a dog within that living place.Anyway, good discussion, but i guess, i wouldnt want to prolong such discussion, because just want to win it. Like i said, i am just doing my responsibility. good discussion indeed.Point to note on the differences of our view: a) Defination of darurahb) Syubhah interpretationAgain. It is you that interprate that ayat as darurah. There are alot of links that uses that ayat as the basis of their explaination. And out of all the links I have read, not even 1, im not exagerating this, not even 1 explain that ayat as refering to a darurat situation. Only u alone see it as darurat. So I can confidently say u interprate that ayat wrongly. So plz, dont argue just for the sake of winning.This post has been edited by silent_stalker: Jul 15 2016, 09:37 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9914261102676392} +{"text": "QUOTE(azreeceli @ Dec 30 2015, 09:32 AM)make underwaear using vietnam cotton? so airy and breezy lolbut i dont eat maggie, it will make me constipate, hairloss, high blood pressure, so bad ah maggie hahaand roti also, not my stapleanyway, how to bring that?hurm, maybe telur goreng n rice with harar kicap everyday will do, and taugeon a side note, their seafood cheap and some are tastily nice. Don't go for haram ones. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8561974167823792} +{"text": "Penganjur \u2018jamu\u2019 wartawan hidangan babiMELAKA 12 Julai - Beberapa wartawan beragama Islam dan Hindu yang membuat liputan majlis makan malam Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia di Sekolah Pay Fong di sini, malam tadi berasa amat terkilan atas sikap tidak sensitif penganjur yang menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara tersebut.Majlis yang dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sim Tze Tzin; ahli-ahli dewan undangan negeri serta beberapa tetamu kehormat itu gagal dikelolakan dengan baik di mana pihak penganjur tidak menyediakan meja khas untuk makanan halal kepada wartawan beragama Islam.Lebih teruk lagi, langsung tiada wakil daripada pihak penganjur yang mendekati wartawan untuk memaklumkan mengenai jenis hidangan sepanjang majlis tersebut hingga menyebabkan wartawan beragama Islam duduk semeja dan makan makanan yang tidak diyakini halal bersama wartawan bukan Islam.Antara wartawan yang hadir termasuk daripada agensi berita Utusan Malaysia, MelakaKini, RTM Melaka, The Star dan Tamil Nesan Daily selain beberapa wartawan daripada akhbar Cina. - UTUSAN ONLINEsos ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992464780807495} +{"text": "Adakah halal terletak pada sijil semata mata? Seandainya penjual itu adalah non Muslim dan tidak sertu dirinya dahulu, memakai minyak ba alif ba ya kita pun tak pasti, Sembilih atau tidak, tentu jauh sekali. Sembilih tak ikut syariat pun tak halal. Cert tu paper je bro.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5053511261940002} +{"text": "Ada kedai halal, kau tak nak percaya. Kau tuduh pula JAKIM dengan tuduhan tak berasas.\n\nIkut logik mana yang kau terdesak? Tak wajib pun makan babi, ada pilihan kedai lain dan makanan lain. Kenapa kau tetap pilih makan babi yang jelas haram?\n\nSebab itu mengarut dah kau ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999998807907104} +{"text": "QUOTE(DS_Legacy @ Dec 18 2023, 01:12 PM)Cyber ppl always go dengkil and puchong for lunch/dinnerMana best?LOL 10 years ago maybe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9953873753547668} +{"text": "Tadi mak bertanyakan tentang bahan terlarang pada pek makanan.\n\nMak: cuba check ada bahan terlarang tak? Adik kata dia was2.\n\nMe: makanan ni ada halal JAKIM. Jangan risau. Ayam kat kedai makan pun orang tak tanya sapa sembelih, elok ja makan(nada gurau)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999328851699829} +{"text": "The same Food Panda BEKAL versi halal dh elok. \n\nLast2 Ada pulak delivery Carlsberg. Risau pulak bercampur dalam bekas makanan tu time nak delivery. \n\nKe asing-asing? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "jenuh laa setiap suapan makanan dalam mulut hg Jakim kena bagitau hg halal kaa haram kaa. This kind of people..adoii", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9905166029930115} +{"text": "jepun sasar pelancong muslim, mewujudkan lebih banyak makanan halal. beginilah cara agenda islam untik mengislamkan orang jepun. mehsia sasar pelancong cina, xwujud pun makanan vavi. cos mehsia ada agenda mengislamkan semua orang.bagus lah. nanti semua orang diislamkan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998890161514282} +{"text": "The main concern here is kau tak perlu pun nak trigger sensitiviti org muslim atas alasan keharmonian. even takde sijil halal pun people can eat wherever they want. lol nak kena tunjuk satu dunia kau makan benda haram lah baru boleh claim malaysian?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993728995323181} +{"text": "QUOTE(netmatrix @ Aug 9 2017, 10:34 PM)Desa Sri Hartamas ada Burger King. Ada mamak. Kat dalam sikit ada kedai makan melayu.Td tk gi explore QUOTE(salacious fictitious @ Aug 9 2017, 10:36 PM)i thought haram for male to stay with female and vice versaJk only la..Jakim don't raid my house ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(Glockers @ May 24 2016, 11:49 AM)Zainul Nasi Kandar PJ > All Nasi Kandar THE BEST! Agak murah, portion banyak dan kuah kari mengancam! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983702301979065} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Apr 23 2024, 12:22 AM)Ada cap jari boleh verify kan? Ada gambar dalam chip kan?Kalau still tak boleh verify baik kasi lokap sementara hantar IC ke JPN utl verifikasi.Bukan suka suka rejek sebab nenek umur 90 tak pandai Bahasa Melayu90yo confirm cannot speak malay one la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983152151107788} +{"text": "Amende la duk gaduh hal makanan halal haram ni. Kalau rasa ragu-ragu jangan makan selagi takde pengesahan JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999332427978516} +{"text": "QUOTE(feynman @ Nov 25 2023, 12:53 AM)And what was the msian demographic in the 80s vs today........and what was the school curriculum and popular culture then vs today?The majority of UK Malaysian students are still non Muslims. In the past it\u2019s even more but ever since JPA stopped sponsoring, it has reduced.But MSoc is predominantly non Muslims whether now or in the past without a doubt. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ Mar 13 2024, 11:01 AM)Aku rasa la PAS ni memang suka buat statement macam niTime aku sekolah dulu Member Cina India makan aku rilek jerPernah sekali tu siap membe surau tapau lagi huhuWe should respect everyone belief la jangan paksa orang PuasaBetul. Masa kita. Kantin masih buka. Kawan kawan melayu join jer pergi kantin lepak dgn non ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9880218505859375} +{"text": "QUOTE(hZa23 @ Apr 24 2013, 11:13 PM)belajar masak la ts..jangan malas sangat..No matter what ingredient u put, it will not taste as good as chinese food with pork~ Pork's Lemak is the main key of the good taste~~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987828135490417} +{"text": "@Namirahmsa tapi makanan yang takde sijil jakim tak semestinya tak halal.....tengok jugak bahan2nya. kalau ada benda2 haram like alcoholic/pig or daging2 yg disembelih oleh non muslim mmg patut elakkan la. kalau bahan vege/ikan tu takde masalah \ud83d\ude0a", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998611211776733} +{"text": "you think many people can afford rm40 per kilo beef?chicken je la like that.indon lagi sedih, most eat tempe. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "@mrcreepyposta Polis datang nak cek sijil halal je. Sekali tup tup. Wkwkkkwk dah malas nak order mamak dah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "sad country, viral a bit kena cari susah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996545314788818} +{"text": "\r\nNora Danish je pun. Yela teguran tu betollah kan sesama ummah. Since dia pun tak practice Islam secara betol so tak tak heran lah. Kita2 ni yang kena ambil tahu halal haram sesuatu makanan yang menjadi darah daging kita dan anak2. Boleh jadi sesuatu yang syubhah tu haram dan menggelapkan hati lalu sukar untuk beribadah.\r\n#donetazkirahpagi", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "Got some more questions....What is chinese muslims view on feng shui or auspicious placements? E.g. bed placing, house position, etc.Some of feng shui is actually good logic/best practice, just under the cover of mystical/astrological ideas... how does that goes with/against Islam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999910831451416} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Dec 9 2023, 02:58 PM)I memang tak suka buku so i don't give a shit if pesta buku mana2...Dulu i minat pc so i went to pc fair, but pc fair is such a bullshit and i stop going also...Nowadays apa fair pun malas pergi, mostly useless and waste time only...Coldplay pergi tak?Hhhnnggghhhh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979948997497559} +{"text": "Suka la beli macam macam makanan sangat kat rumah. Best tu best, Masalahnya anak yang tinggal kat rumah ni yang menjaga makan.\n\nSeronok tengok makanan banyak choice pun kita ni makan sikit sikit je memang tidak le nak habiskan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992522597312927} +{"text": "QUOTE(wadepak @ Oct 20 2019, 10:48 AM)Good observation there. In the end we will split. Not good for everyone.Not good for everyone is like the golden phrase for opposition and best opprtunity for them. Its like chess, they basically corner PH, using racial and religion aspect and economic condition. Because if current gov cant contain BMF the non will feel PH is useless like what the uncle said. Whereas if you shut down bmf the muslim will be angered cause its a religious movement. You cant really use religion on chinese cause money is their religion, and you cant use money on muslim cause they value religion more. So by doing this they win both end, rakyat pay the price for the economic hit job.Well played by Opposition. Lets see is PH smart enough to counter this or not. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9409747123718262} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Mar 7 2024, 02:46 PM)Sokong Baker's Cottage jiken lah apa lagi.Unless Bazaar cheaper and sedap/well cooked.Support with your wallet & $$$ not sentiment. Even other racing also support with wallet not because of skin pay more support same racing, nope doesn't happen unless stupid.Murah bagus = pipur buy.If substandard mahal = nobody buy.Asas bisnes.exactly, its the simplest logic.mana murah, kita beli. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999586343765259} +{"text": "ade jugak ke viral pasal arnab golek ni?halal makan lah wahai jahiliah semua, tak igt ade bege arnab masa 90's? sate arnab?tapi kalau tak sanggup, jangan makan. tu je ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999309778213501} +{"text": "QUOTE(Divou @ Dec 6 2015, 08:27 PM)First halal hospital ? So does this mean all the current hospitals are non-halal or haram ?Plot twist. Build a halal hospital. Infect it with legionaire virus. Decimate everyone in it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Suka sama suka....lu tak sukak lu pigi main jauh\u00b2 lor ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968581199645996} +{"text": "Jika kedai judi berlesen itu halal, itupun untuk kafir bab haram ini ad banyak lagi bela babi kedai arak rokok ketum kan kenapa judi saja?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "QUOTE(Efalex @ Jan 24 2023, 03:14 PM)Haram because of the word beer.... That's why Root beer and Ginger Beer need to change their name.No. It's because their main business is selling beers. If they sold milk, it will still be haram to consume until they ditch their beer business. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9822485446929932} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMF2025 @ Feb 25 2024, 04:29 PM)Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular?QUOTE(msacras @ Feb 25 2024, 04:30 PM)Too halal for tourists looking for harom stuffs.And overly expensive ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995760321617126} +{"text": "Semua org annoyed posting copy paste WhatsApp. Tp aku rasa paling annoyed bab halal haram JAKIM terhadap makanan ni la.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996685981750488} +{"text": "I can foresee that whenever anyone complain about the services by this particular airlines, someone will see it as if ppl are complaining about their religion and reply \"jangan mencabar agama kami\". ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951381087303162} +{"text": "QUOTE(bumpo @ Jan 6 2017, 11:50 AM)on the topic of the cake, the issue is not even about halal or haram cake. it is about the cake being certified halal.simply put it means that even if you yourself bake and can 100% guarantee that everything that goes into the cake is halal certified, you still cannot bring that cake in coz you takde certificate and apparently mcd may lose the cert if you do so. coz you know your halal non certified cake can cause their premise to be compromise and whatnot\u00a0 Bake home but bring bY masterrace no check But if bring in by non masterrace Kena go lab DNA test ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993452787399292} +{"text": "@majidahhashim Itu pasal bersepah sijil halal palsu & tidak diiktiraf. Mereka sanggup berniaga tp x sanggup byr fee JAKIM. Lps tu org kita sinikal dgn fee tersebut. Seolah2 JAKIM cekik darah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(axelrade1 @ Mar 14 2024, 08:26 AM)to qualify for tax rebate they only need to comply for 30% local content. Perodua have a proper plan for localization. They partner with big local company to create small company to produce part from them. Last year they even bought together with their partner 1 stamping company that have a big size stamping machine. They are securing the capacity from local vendor and they can promise consistent volume. Perodua also have a better procurement system.Regarding mould for proton, yes local company need to buy from china. Not just mould, even assy jigs, checking fixture, assembly line all from china. No more from local engineering company.QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 14 2024, 09:00 AM)No way jigs landed cost in MY from China can be cheaper than ours. The bigger actually the more competitive the local ones. This one really lebih already.Perodua is the one doing the most Malaysian local RnD, contribute the most to local auto industry. No more Proton.Proton now at best roll back to Mitsubishi time, but iirc Mitsubishi allow a lot of localisation and freedom to change stuff, also they didnt say ohh you have to buy from this this this supplier that I give you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999792575836182} +{"text": "QUOTE(mattfrank @ Aug 29 2017, 04:55 PM)Air with aroma of pork dish haram??NoIts only haram to eat or touch ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988070726394653} +{"text": "Tiga, kita sedang bincang status halal haram makanan, bukannya cukai.\n\nEmpat, cukai tu under LHDN jobscope. Bukan JAKIM. Orang yang patut bayar cukai, tapi culas nak bayar cukai, memang salah di sisi undang-undang.\n\nLima, kat mana pula dalam tweet asal, saya cakap pasal kedai", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Dec 15 2022, 09:51 AM)I dont think you understand the rules. They are using diff set of rules actually.Does those rules actually stated in Quran?Or it was established after study of Quran?Like Mentioned Pig, Dog and alcohol?Like - can touch perfume...but cannot drink alcohol...- even you remove the alcohol from a drink (drink that has been produce with the same method producing beer is haram - does this means the way of making non alcohol drink is haram? and it stated in Quran also or afterthough of study again?This post has been edited by taitianhin: Dec 15 2022, 10:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995150566101074} +{"text": "kereta itu mahal.....still buy....mengamuk....viral it...neber neber learn....nobody put a gun in that head to ask u buy....buy according to budget....wanna viral other ppl's price...sif ppl care. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9838211536407471} +{"text": "Daripada beli kat kedai yg was was halalnya, beli le kat chatime ke tealive ke. Sama je kan rasa dan buatan nya? Pelik pelik je nak cari yg meragukan status halalnya sedangkan boleh dpt yg mmg dah ada sijil halal. Rasanya tealive lg murah kot harganya \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993992269039154} +{"text": "QUOTE(Selectt @ Jul 21 2024, 04:41 PM)ppl eat at oriental is because of the location not because of the food. Their food is mediocre at best except their tart as i heard. would do more food hunting to find a better place.me foreveralone can't buy their tart cos they don't sell 1 piece. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999818801879883} +{"text": "sibuk bab halal haram. ko makan kedai kotor tu terjamin halal ke bukan ke salah satu ciri makanan halal tu mesti bersih dan tidak memudaratkan?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997928738594055} +{"text": "Topkek vegan think they winningImagine giving up meat the best culinary ingredient to grace this world ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999904632568359} +{"text": "QUOTE(ahwai @ Dec 24 2020, 06:19 PM)https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24...ate-says-jakim/The government\u2019s halal authority today said the use of \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d on products would invalidate their halal certification, in a statement that is likely to reignite a debate on policies seen as regressive to Malaysia\u2019s multicultural identity.A spokesman for the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) confirmed to MalaysiaNow the existence of such a condition before a company is awarded halal certification, following an incident reported by a member of the public.MalaysiaNow earlier reported about a bakery which could not fulfil a customer\u2019s request for \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d to be written on a cake he had ordered for delivery to a friend.Instead, the cake was delivered with the words \u201cHappy Holidays\u201d.The bakery owner said it was because he had to abide by the rules set by Jakim as part of the application process for getting halal certification.\u201cThe bakery was not wrong as it is part of the regulations,\u201d an officer from Jakim\u2019s communications unit told MalaysiaNow.He cited a labelling rule stated in Jakim\u2019s manual on the procedures leading towards halal certification.\u201cLabelling and advertising of products and services should not involve the use of any religious or spiritual passage, symbol or noun such as the names of Allah, sunnah, idols and the like,\u201d according to the document sighted by MalaysiaNow.The \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d greeting has been a subject of debate in Malaysia, with some Muslim preachers claiming Muslims are prohibited from using the expression as it is a veneration of Christ.But this is the first time it has emerged that the greeting could also affect a product\u2019s official halal status.Support fully but didn't go further enough. Please ban:1. Crosses... this is negative image. Please ban the letter 't' also... 2. All related religious phrases like 'Jesus', 'God', 'Christ', 'Church' etc. should also be banned3. All related images to Christian religion should also be banned. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.800918698310852} +{"text": "QUOTE(butterkijen @ Dec 12 2019, 05:02 PM)Yeah i was wondering about this also how come tapai can but cooking wine cannotTapai tradisi melayu. #bmf ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999241828918457} +{"text": "I wonder which is more haram. Eat curry laced with Babi or fitnah people say got put Babi in curry Anyhow doesn't make economic sense. Babi meat X10 more expensive than chicken meat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999876022338867} +{"text": "McD saja pun, kecoh apa... over dramatic pulak ktards ni, hahaha.Macam bagus sangat makanan mereka hidang... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4829578697681427} +{"text": "tolong jangan letak sauce banyak banyak atas pizza tu. malu wei... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "@DarwinMohdArif \" \ud835\udd38\ud835\udd5c\ud835\udd66 \ud835\udd53\ud835\udd66\ud835\udd5c\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5f \ud835\udd5f\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5c \ud835\udd63\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd54\ud835\udd5a\ud835\udd64\ud835\udd65 \ud835\udd5c\ud835\udd56 \ud835\udd52\ud835\udd61\ud835\udd52 \ud835\udd65\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd61\ud835\udd5a supportlah business orang kita jangan bagi depa makan kita nanti depa pijak kita pulak yang penting ada sijil halal jakim sebab melayu yang buat kan.\" kind of situation. every gdamn time.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.829425573348999} +{"text": "Paling ga suka sama org yg mencela makanan. Pdhl beli ga, masak ga, izin mau makan nya jg ga, trus bilang \"asin yah\" pdhl gw bikin jg bukan buat dia. Sumpah pen gw jambak ginjalnya sebelah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993085861206055} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 11 2023, 01:08 PM)Malay allowed to sell food with alcohol?I think he just put back the lap cheong. No lap cheong no best.Could not find any clause that cant sell food with alcohol. Cant sell liquor yes, clearly stated. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999301433563232} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Feb 1 2023, 08:51 PM)wait da minute!!!!!Im confused now.can someone please enlighten me?so he posted the original menu (non halal) but actual fact HP served him another set of dishes which was meant for Halal servings?QUOTE(mick84 @ Feb 1 2023, 02:43 PM)TLDRVenue: Noble house klAda vegetarian Table tapi KOL ni x happy with vege. Hp bukan first time cuai. Last time lepak Korea pun tak happy. Ada kawan mesej HP, tanya kenapa buat hal sedemikian kepada saya (dan juga dia kalau dia hadir semalam)..\u201cSebenarnya kami ada hidang vegetarian food. Tapi ini memang silap kami.\u201d.Benar,memang mereka ada hidang Vegetarian Food. TAPI, saya bermusuh dengan sayur dan mana adil sebab orang lain semua makan makanan yang mewah,Sup Abalone tapi saya makan Cendawan Celup Tepung di dalam sudu Sup? .Walhal suku lepas,pihak HP berkali-kali merayu saya beli stock sampai RM1.5Juta. Dalam erti kata lain, RM1.5Juta yang kami bayar itu,sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada event malam tadi. Mungkin sesetengah orang nampak event ini percuma tetapi pada saya tidak,duit saya ada di dalamnya..\u201cAlah,dia ajak. Nak pergi,pergi. Taknak,tak payah. Bukan kena bayar pun.\u201d.Kih! Anda akan rasa statement itu lawak bila\u00a0 bertahun beli dan jual produk mereka sekurang-kurangnya RM5Juta setahun (target mereka bukan RM1.5Juta pada awalnya). Ingat senang ke nak jual stock RM500k sebulan?.Dan saya datang dari Kelantan. HP ada bagi elaun RM200 terapi tiket flight saya sahaja pun sudah RM300. Belum campur penginapan dan makan minum di sini. Sekurang-kurangnya saya bayar sendiri dinner semalam di tempat lain..Pihak HP tidak boleh jadikan mereka hidang makanan Vegetarian,maka event sebegini boleh dibuat di tempat Non-Halal. Saya sangat pelik. Bertahun-tahun saya pergi ke event sebegini, ada banyak lagi tempat yang bagus tetapi kenapa Noble House KL juga jadi pilihan..Memang saya tahu restoran ini Non-Halal tapi saya kira mesti pihak HP ada sediakan meja Muslim. Tetapi tidak. Dulu saya pernah pergi trip ke Bali bersama Asus. Ramai pekedai ingin makan Babi Guling Noni. Jadi,Asus bawa kami ke sana. Mereka cari meja asing,beli makanan Halal dari kedai lain dan bagi kami makan. .Saya boleh terima. Saya pun ada sifat toleransi. Anda nak minum arak,silakan. Itu hak anda, saya boleh minum air kosong. Saya tiada isu. Tetapi bila makanan dikacau, ini adalah satu pantang bagi saya. .Walau ada seorang Melayu Muslim pun, anda perlu hormat,lagi-lagi orang itu membantu business anda walaupun sedikit. Bukan sebab kita duduk di Malaysia tetapi sebab kita adalah MANUSIA..Untuk pengetahuan anda,ini bukan kali pertama saya rasa didiskriminasi dengan HP cuma sebelum ini saya tidak tulis di FB. 2015 saya dapat hadiah trip ke Korea,saya pergi dengan Isteri..Trip ini juga saya tersalah makan Babi sebab kecuaian pengiring HP tidak handle dengan baik,katanya sup Seafood tetapi ada lemak Babi. Saya terus muntahkan. Saya tinggal di Jepun selama 3 tahun,jaga Halal Haram tetapi saya termakan Babi dalam trip yang dianjurkan oleh syarikat Malaysia..Tetapi bagi saya itu boleh dimaafkan. Yang saya sakit hati adalah dari turun Kapal Terbang,sepanjang jalan di atas bas,sampai ke lapangan Terbang semula,mereka letak Tour Guide yang HANYA berbahasa Mandarin. Isteri saya sebagai saksi yang saya tidak menipu. Mungkin orang HP sudah lupa kerana bagi mereka ini adalah hal yang remeh..Walhal boleh sahaja mereka cari Tour Guide yang dwi-bahasa; Mandarin dan English. .Untuk makluman anda,saya bukan sekali dua pergi trip dengan vendor sebegini. Banyak. Acer,Canon,Asus,Lenovo dan beberapa lagi buat dengan baik. Tahun ini pun ada sekurang-kurangnya 5 trip oversea di bawah kendalian brand-brand ini syarikat saya akan pergi..Ingat,tidak perlu jadi Malaysian pun untuk hormat orang. Cukup dengan jadi MANUSIA. Orang HP call saya berkali-kali,hantar mesej minta maaf. Saya abaikan dulu. Saya nak tahu apa pihak atasan HP buat. .Apa kelas buat kesalahan besar tapi hantar Minion datang minta maaf? .HP Malaysiahttps://www.facebook.com/cerahjeff?mibextid=LQQJ4d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7471854090690613} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Dec 28 2023, 12:40 PM)Nestle jgk kena turun.Still want to boycott?Wanna see if haram yahudi throw away and starve..all NATO aje. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999544620513916} +{"text": "QUOTE(Current Events guy @ Dec 29 2023, 10:18 PM)Sounds like mcd malaysia only pay to mcd direct.Mcd hq give money to whomever.Not like mcd malaysia give direct to zionistNo paper trail, mcd malaysia can win on technicality.macam tax from 'haram' ppl/activity, then the 'haram' money used for ... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959971904754639} +{"text": "I think as a non myself I just don't want to be treated as second class citizen if that is not much to ask. The 1st step to achieve that is by abolishing prince status vs commoner XD ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992882609367371} +{"text": "Gila ke apa pakcik palatao ni. Baru perasan pagi Sabtu buat thread lagi pasal isu sijil halal pasal tak puas hati dengan mamat semalam. Penat kot layan orang tua macam ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997617602348328} +{"text": "negara kita ni namejer negara islam .tp pasal isu makanan pon x boleh nak bezakan lagi ker yg mana halal or haram,?JAKIM buat apa yer?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7654809355735779} +{"text": "info terkini katanya bukan \u201ccollab\u201d guys. tapi kalau ngeliat yang sebelum2nya bnd nanti itu kaya wawancara makanan apa yang mereka suka dari brand itu dan lagu mereka bakal di play di storenya mukidi. tujuannya yap benar biar pada beli juga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999788999557495} +{"text": "QUOTEHe said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram, adding that what was important was the content of the food, and not the name of the product. \"Sometimes we understand that the company wants to maintain its brand as the product is already popular with that name,\u201d he said.\"They wanted the halal certification and in order to obtain it, there is a need to comply with certain requirements.did I sense a \"u help me, I help u\" situation here?looks like auntie anne dowan to help. they viral it instead ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7910351157188416} +{"text": "@AmiraSyahirah3 Sedih tengok diorang macam tu. Bukan senang2 proses sijil halal ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997625946998596} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by mahathirGX at 12-10-2008 06:13 PM \n\r\nKalo\u00a0\u00a0dah\u00a0\u00a0mental\u00a0 \u00a0 tu\u00a0\u00a0.....\u00a0\u00a0mcm\u00a0 \u00a0mana\u00a0 \u00a0org\u00a0\u00a0nak\u00a0\u00a0respek\u00a0\u00a0.... \nhang kecewa mama kitty ketinggalan jauh ke jawa??", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Apr 1 2021, 04:59 PM)one thing about mahathir, he dislike the west, especially the British. we have learnt from the history how he against the British during Thatcher era as well as Australia during his timeBut every single move he made against the west did not end well for him. In the end only known best as 3rd world's spokesperson presumably because at that time PRC had no time to mess with geopolitics. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998526573181152} +{"text": "@lomo_tech Share sikit kandungan email tu. Aku ada dengar juga. Tapi aku yakin je halal sebab ada sijil dari JAKIM. Pelik kalau email tu dari Halal Hub...\ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9966509938240051} +{"text": "QUOTE(Eurobeater @ Dec 24 2020, 08:06 PM)My Malay CEO in an Islamic bank just wished all Chirstians in my bank Merry Christmas.Are we gonna lose our Islamic status kek?unfortunately, yes. every computer and eyeballs that received the merry email, will need to sertu/samak. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940392971038818} +{"text": "Selama aku keje fnb ni, sijil halal tu kalau nak dapat kena ada banyak tau faktor2 yang kena patuh. Contoh dlm service or kitchen, mesti at least ada sorang pekerja melayu. Pastu banyak lagi la.. bersih pun salah satu faktor gak. Tak kisah la ada babi atau tidok gitteww \ud83d\ude05", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9817002415657043} +{"text": "QUOTE(am3rr @ Jul 27 2012, 02:09 PM)halal bg buyer, tak halal bg seller since money no halalHalal = disediakan dgn cara halal, malas nak explain.what people didnt know, that actually halal food doesnt need the halal logo. got malaysia halal logo means its already been check for halal by jais. but due to current strict regulation, some shop didnt bother to get the halal logo. doesnt mean that it tak halal.tp bg muslim, sile pastikan makanan anda halal. yakin je tak cukup bebfix'd ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968731999397278} +{"text": "QUOTE(BL98 @ Mar 21 2024, 01:54 PM)Can ask him again when he is doing his dakwah roadshow in bukit bintang everyweekHaha later jadi where r u @desmond2020? https://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=5446208 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999525547027588} +{"text": "Panorama kaki Gunung Kinabalu menjadi destinasi SDK JAKIM menyantuni masyarakat setempat dan berkongsi rezeki melalui sumbangan Yayasan Taqwa, PNB, Celcom dan lain2 ahli SDK melibatkan seribu bakul makanan dalam #Musaadah (Ep.4) pukul 4.30 petang di TV1", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9222949147224426} +{"text": "Lepas ni nak beli makanan jenuh la akak nak tanya dia dulu dah mandi wajib? Dah solat? Dah bayaq zakat fitrah? \n\nSebenaqnya rasa mcm ckupla kita beli pada yg bersih dan yakin halal. \n\nBukan ka Islam itu mudah?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995412826538086} +{"text": "Haram jadah...mampu pegi oversea pastu minta derma.. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997300505638123} +{"text": "X dapat HALAL daripada JAKIM x bermakna makanan tu haram..tapi kan banyak restoran yang halal..kenapa nk pilih restoran yg x halal?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7314851880073547} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Nov 25 2023, 02:32 PM)Funny thing is., has she never heard of TREC and see how many malay are there during the weekend? Or she thinks all Malay just play congkak and gasing and baca surah during gatherings?Like Mariam said She is in culture shock, and is homesick for her tempurung. HahahaThe Malays who were my best friends housemates also Malay scholars all spent their bursary money on hifi and electric guitars and live out their guitar hero dreams. HahaThis post has been edited by dickybird: Nov 25 2023, 02:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999891996383667} +{"text": "Timbalan Menteri di JPM @fuziah99 menyangkal dakwaan sesetengah pihak bahawa pembinaan kilang vaksin halal pertama bermaksud vaksin digunakan selama ini tidak halal. Katanya, berbeza dgn makanan yg memperoleh sijil halal drpd Jakim, vaksin pula diiktiraf WHO. https://t.co/cha8p42obc", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996218681335449} +{"text": "Let\u2019s help Sanusi. Viral this video to China tourists, including local Chinese to stay away lah. Let Arabs decide whether they want to go visit his state or not ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997547268867493} +{"text": "ckp haram, tapi gosok bebird jugak.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lester1987 @ Jul 9 2024, 03:06 PM)not so cheap la. the last time i went in May is near 500baht per pax. but worth every penny. can keep order they cook those fish. siakap, grouper, bawal dan macam macamthose grouper if in Msia cinapek restaurant easily RM200-300 seekor. there we 6 person whack like 5-6 ekor already. all cook different style.havent count the mookata and other dessert and food. best giler.In MY, the restaurant owners charge crazy prices like they had to kill their beloved pets to feed us. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964703321456909} +{"text": "QUOTE(rulerhot @ Dec 23 2020, 03:54 PM)Kalo lah dia ni g blajar sal bab makan...xyah tunggu jakim yg halalkan...tuhan dah mmg halalkan semua benda2 tu. Tapi dah mmg dasar pemalas, sendiri nak makan pun nak kena org lain yg decide kan. Kalo x, kita dah jimat rm1bilion annually.Exactly.Beriman pada cop halal jakim, macam ni la jadinya. Kalau xder cop halal, jadi macam beruk kena belacan.Kalau ada rumours pasal cop halal tak sah sibuk viral tanpa periksa, last-last macam cicak makan kapur. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959232807159424} +{"text": "\r\nList of Haram Ingredients\r\nNo.\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Ingredients\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0Brief Description\r\n1\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Cholesterol\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 A type of fat always of animal origin. If extracted from a zabihah animal, it is halal.\r\n2\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0glyceride Emulsifier.\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0If of animal origin it should be suspected till the source is known.\r\n3\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Gelatin (Jello Gelatin)\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Usually of animal origin, mostly from hog. If extracted from a zabihah animal, it is \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 halal\r\n4\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Glyceral (Glycerine)\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 It could be of animal, plant or Glyceryl-stearate synthetic origin. If animal source is \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 used, it is suspected.\r\n5\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Hormones\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Usually animal hormones are used for human consumption. One has to find out the \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 source before passing judgement.\r\n6\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Monoglyceride\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0If of animal origin, one has to suspect it's use.\r\n7\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Pepsin\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0A digestive enzyme of gastric juices usually from hog's stomach. Usually the \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 ingredient is not labelled.\r\n8\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Animal Shortening\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0Fats and oils of animal origin.\r\n9\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Lard Shortening\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0A purified internal fat from abdomen of hog.\n\r\nSumber: Majlis Ugama Islam S\u62aaore\n\r\nTambahan:\r\n10\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0rennet \r\nrennet ada banyak jenis\n\r\nAnimal rennet\r\nThe most common source for animal-based rennet is the abomasum (fourth stomach) of slaughtered, milk-fed, newborn cow calves. However, stomachs of other young ruminants such as goats (for goat's milk) or lamb (for ewe's milk), and pseudo-ruminants like camels (for camel's milk) are also used.\n\r\nVegetable rennet\n\r\nMany plants have coagulating properties. Some examples include fig tree bark, nettles, thistles, mallow, and Creeping Charlie. Rennet from thistle or cynara is used in some traditional cheese production in the Mediterranean.\n\r\nThese real vegetable rennets are also suitable for vegetarians. Vegetable rennet might be used in the production of kosher cheeses but nearly all kosher cheeses are produced with either microbial rennet or GM rennet. Worldwide there is also no industrial production for vegetable rennet. Commercial so-called vegetable rennets usually contain rennet from the mold Mucor miehei - see microbial rennet below.\n\r\nMicrobial rennet\n\r\nThere are some moulds like Rhizomucor miehei that have the capability to produce proteolytic enzymes. These moulds are produced in a fermenter and then especially concentrated and purified to avoid contamination with unpleasant side products of the mould growth. At the present state of scientific research institutes like the EFSA deny the QPS-status - Qualified Presumption of Safety - to enzymes produced especially by these moulds.\n\r\nThe flavour and taste of cheeses produced with microbial rennets tend towards some bitterness, especially if longer maturation is wanted. These so-called \"microbial rennets\" are suitable for vegetarians if there was no animal-based alimentation used during the production in the fermenter.\n\r\nKat mana selalu jumpa rennet? Dlm cheese! So, check it out. Walau pun ada vege rennet, the problem is they never mentioned (or may be some do, but very rare) in the ingredient which type of rennet they used.\n\r\nSo. semasa membeli rajin2lah membelek ingredient.\n\r\nSelain dr yg haram kita juga digalakkan elak yg makruh. Perkara2 yg makruh adalah yg boleh memudaratkan diri. Dan to some extent boleh jadi haram. Pemakanan perlulah dijaga utk kesihatan rohani juga fizikal!\r\nDownload program ni, utk check kandungan sesuatu bahan:\nhttp://www.sharebigfile.com/file/114552/Food-Additives-rar.html\n \nWallahu alam", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999029636383057} +{"text": "QUOTE(borgeouisbella @ Jan 10 2021, 05:58 PM)Stuju. Saya rasa x semua org islam pun bodo sampai xboleh buatkan keputusan mengikut pendapat sendiri kan? Yakin semua org islan ada hak untuk memilih mengikut suka hati mereka. Kalau xde sijil halal, tapi rasa x senonoh, baik je jangan makan. Kalau masih nak makan, terpulanglah kepada suka hati mereka.got la, chck previous2 post ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5274551510810852} +{"text": "QUOTE(Selectt @ Jun 11 2019, 12:51 AM)walao. cant you read properly her post? read all of them, dont read line and stop. She is not targeting the brand, shes just telling she willing to go back and pay back the money that her kids have taken the chocolate.\u00a0 \u00a0 dont say ppl taliban when you already one. when talking on internet, u all have big balls. Come out and confront her la. lol cakap kencang sajaPlease read thoroughly. It seems to me, that you are the one that didn't finish reading, or maybe your comprehension is lacking.She did say, \"if jauh beribu batu, she would rather throw it away than let her kid consume the chocolate\".In reality, her version of jauh beribu batu...who knows? But, my point is... Throwing it away makes everything ok? Really?Since you are ok with that... I assume you are the kind of ppl who are ok with ppl who cheated your money and went on umrah.Tldr:Bodoh bertempat la bangsat. Kecik2 suruh belajar taknak, dah besar buat dosa je tau. Dosa/hutang dgn manusia, ingat mintak ampun dgn Allah settle? Star banyak, baca xreti. Tp kutuk org tak reti baca. G mampos la ckp je kencang. Wa tau la lu telor besar, baik g check... maybe cancer telur. Xlama dah tu... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9696173071861267} +{"text": "Terfikir sesuatu... Zaman skrg perkara viral ramai yg akan ikut tanpa sedar.. Contoh macam makanan. Tempat makan tu viral. Ramai yg ikut. Cek2 x de sijil halal.. Boleh bayang x kalau nanti dajjal muncul ramai yg ikut... Agak2 kita belah mana?.. Rasa boleh bayangkan?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9701869487762451} +{"text": "QUOTE(hzmaz2017 @ Nov 6 2023, 11:19 AM)There is one restaurant in PJ called 'kampung' Park famous for nasi lemak.I think the owner is a couple from Sinkies. Came to boleh land but I don't know the story behind why they reverted.Main thing is that they came here to invest. And they really invest in the halal cert. The biz not only roll money like their hot rempah chicken but oso roll in dignitaries, celebrities & all walks of life.Best part is that they are still operating with 1 restaurant in Damansara Utama. Imagine if they expand with more branches or franchise. However, they have marketed their halal sambal to many malls.Morale of the story here is that if you want to do food biz in boleh land, you must willing to invest.Somewhat true but not only just in certification.Need to invest in hiring influencer to promote too. Also food has to be sedap lah only can last long ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997568726539612} +{"text": "\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996206760406494} +{"text": "Sijil halal ni voluntary. Kalau was was dan perlu orang copkan supaya kamu yakin nak makan tak payah la gatal nak pergi. Lepas tu jangan la pulak judge orang yang tak memerlukan cop tu untuk consume product tu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9898343086242676} +{"text": "QUOTE(pureawesomeness @ Feb 27 2024, 09:17 PM)Buy jiken.Over here father jiken always claim in Sarawak mari punya manyak bagui.I buy their sarawak kek, then their sarawak laksa.The spring sarawak laksa the best for me like many many years ago i tried there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8217115998268127} +{"text": "Buah berbaja tahi babi pun haram kot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "Senarai Hotel/Resort yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia di Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan. Untuk mengetahui status halal restoran/dapur hotel yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal... https://t.co/h8epo99ul3", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995692372322083} +{"text": "Dah tiberr.. kenapa pulak jakim kena jawab? Apa yg dia faham maksud makanan warisan negara? Semua wajib makan ke apa", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.997093677520752} +{"text": "u see in bazaar all is bidan terjunfood taste like shit/tasteless/blandyoutube recipe n claims the best they madeinb4 zaman najib semua tak cukup duit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999345541000366} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 11 2024, 12:05 PM)Saya penyokong tegar kerajaan PMx, tapi bab kantin sekolah perlu dibuka tak berbaloi dgn untung pengusaha kantin, bagi pelajar\u00a0 non Muslim sudah tahu bulan puasa bawa bekal atau makan di luar sekolah, sebelum ini tiada apa2 masalah pun pelajar non Muslim,Wait buka canteen is place for pupils to eat right? No one forcing stalls to opennanti non mintak untuk lesen buka kantin di sekolah pulak........so can serve non........also.nanti non bawak home cook food ada isu lain pulakThis post has been edited by JasonthegreatTWO: Mar 11 2024, 01:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999030828475952} +{"text": "kemain susah orang tu apply sijil halal untuk kedai, dia senang je mengharamkan kedai orang via fb. fitnah pun dosa tau lol", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 23 2020, 08:24 AM)actually, i think rarely malay trigger about which food is nice or best in local scene. i think malay is not obsessed with food as much as chinese do.the only concern is halal or non halal. if that food is halal and best, all go je.Dis is true. Dat why cinis makan bisnis is such a huge economy. Cinis reli capitalise on dis. High krass to low krass food pon ader. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999746084213257} +{"text": "kalau la semua premis makanan yg consider halal wajib apply halal jakim, banyak jugak kedai \"muslim owned, melayu owned\" yg tak dapat sijil halal jakim due to cleanliness dan hal-hal lain percaya lahhh ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998862743377686} +{"text": "@crystalkuan 5. status halal bukan hanya pada asal usul makanan, tapi termasuk juga cara penyediaan makanan. 6. samada restoren yg mempunyai sijil halal tetapi tidak menjaga kebersihan/kehalalan, sama sekali tidak berkait dgn isu. ini contoh red herring maaf andai tidak menjawab dgn baik", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997033476829529} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Feb 13 2016, 01:02 PM)sorry but since when jakim is a muslim problem? differ in trivial opinion =/= a problem.jakim declares smoking cigs as haram. have you seen muslim do a riot/campaign/bla bla bla?no fucking no. we just fucking do things our way.Sure no problem with jakim. Jakim not affecting the life of non Muslim. Roger that. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "u ask wat their budaya kenot jawabKEK ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.983632504940033} +{"text": "QUOTE(ry8128 @ Jul 7 2024, 11:57 PM)What so special about this? The price quite expenisveDurable as it claimed, plus girls all like montigo tumble \ud83d\ude0c maybe peer pressure also . Got it Rm 59 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983211159706116} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 03:04 PM)I said, provide the hadith/sunnah that says only the religious authorities can define halalness. Mana?If it doesn't say in scripture that means Jakim just pulling stuff out of their ass and misleading the public la. Consumer do not need to look at jakim and halal logo for halalness, just look at the religious scripture. Maximum that jakim needs to do is outline the standards clearly for all to follow. Certification is just to make money from ignorance.You pulak bising bising putar halim about pilot certificate and all. Big time fail.I already ask you jangan malas go google.quran, sunnah and hadith already mention babi kenot eat, need to prepare food in clean manner, propper method to slaughter animal, and which animal kenot eat etc.THIS IS WHAT SUNNAH AND HADITH SAYS.Jakim dont mislead the public, in what fairy tale world you live in where Jakim mislead, and in what way? if quran, hadith, sunnah say halal food is ABC and Jakim also say halal food is ABC, in what way you say Jakim is misleading? The public can check with religious bodies to cross check jakim regulations, how to mislead?same if quran sunnah hadith say you are poser, and jakim also say you are poser, how can we say jakim mislead?now about the \"jakim just need to provide guidance and all others can follow no need cert\" claim is the reason why I ask your pea brain why we need cert at the first place? Why doctors need cert if health govt can just give guidance and knowledge no need to pay and study for cert?why need driving license if you can just learn how to drive and drive on the roads??here, if you continue want to be a poser, I dont mind, but dont show your desperation too much, I already explain as simple as I could and I know most will understand what role does a certificate play here.Of course, ironically, if you choose to be \"ignorant\" and a poser, be my guest.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9606139063835144} +{"text": "When will malaysia ban animal dogs? It's a haram animal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 03:25 PM)hmm hate to go into this but, a) believe in god power should not be within your lips only but with your action. knows that you will be judge, so scared of doing bad things. integrity. when dajjal comes, hunger could just be a metaphore, for eg: smoking, or riba, Hunger for money which make you follow a wrong way to get them. hunger for richness and stuff makes you forget your time for your solah. that is what is applying refers to. and actually in the first 10, it is telling you that there are things that your mind wont be able to comprehend just because it is so weak and small.b) Nope, iblis is doing his job against God instruction, he challenges God, he wants to show God that he is the better creation and he shall not need to bow to another creation of the god. that is not iman. On the other hand, Dajjal never go against Allah, his follows his instruction, to become the test to man kind, not once we heard stories that he will be in hell fire after the judgement time. he is just an object to fullfill god final phase of human test.a) yes, yes. You are actually describing what I was trying to say, metaphorically but I disagree about your interpretation of the first 10. But then again, you and me both are not the scholars about this topic so I'm gonna leave it to that.b) and again, back to my earlier post. Dajjal is still the creation of Allah and we don't need to be afraid of him if we truly believe in Allah. What I meant earlier in that post was this \"obsession\" towards Dajjal and what it could bring to us which what some Muslims love so much. They're too afraid of the dajjal to the extend they forgot that Allahu Akbar. Allah maha berkuasa. If you really believe in Allah, you don't have to be afraid of Dajjal, whether it is a creature or a metaphor. I remember reading about someone's experience of reading Al-Kahfi every Jumaat. He said that ever since he read it, he subconsciously watch less TV, controlled his social media usage and only read about real news. It's like his amal protected him from those things. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9121676087379456} +{"text": "i personally pun suka ngn kedai kampungku lagi. sedap. makannn korea yg halal. kalau kim seri tu. mkn local msia. kalau korng kempunan mknan msia pergilah. aku pergi korea nk mkn mknn korea.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992507100105286} +{"text": "kod lemak babi? Dah kalau JAKIM sahkan makanan tu halal, kira halal le. Kalau memang haram tapi diorang cakap halal, diorang tanggung dosa w", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9804351329803467} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMF2025 @ Feb 25 2024, 04:29 PM)Actually what happen to langkawi? Why suddenly become not popular?Ikan Siakap 1k.That's all you need to know. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "Kalau boss bawak pi makan, please insist pi restoran halalKengkadang diorunk pi minum etc tapi kalau level ko rendah sgt mmg x kena inviteSake jgn minum, haram. Bon odori jgn pegi, syirik & khurafat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "QUOTE(psyduck89 @ Jul 12 2018, 05:08 PM)COZ PORK IS OUR BEST DISH FOR GUEST...Thats really insulting to the whole concept of Chinese cuisine Pork is your best? What a disappointment ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999411106109619} +{"text": "Status Halal Coklat jenama Toblerone.\n\nIanya mempunyai pengesahan Halal dari Badan Pensijilan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf oleh JAKIM.\n\n*Untuk mengetahui status halal produk/premis makanan di... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156690381132398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9037559032440186} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Dec 16 2023, 09:27 PM)Celaka sekarang semua nak meniaga tapi tak reti masakIngat nak support bangsa sendiriPMX pun suruh ubah gaya hidupOk la aku pun pergi pasar malamBeli vadey rm3, yong tau foo rm14 , tau fu fah rm2.50, kuey teow rm5, nasi putih daging kunyit rm9, air asam boi rm2.50, roti goreng rm4, ayam bakar rm5. Kalau satu je tak sedap takpe, ni semua. Air balang pun rasa cordial murah campur air paip. Dah la tak unik, banyak jual barang sama. Pundek. Lepas tu salah kerajaan, hidup in keras. Tuanku, tolonglah makin lama hidup makin sempit. Pundek. Baik pergi pasar malam connaught. Walaupun tak semua halal boleh beli, at least benda basic macam air mata kucing ke air limau ke tau fu fah ke memang sedap la. Banyak makanan interesting & variety. Takpun baik makan McD.Babi betul lah hari iniCelaka buat thread macam ini.Ini tanah siapa! You tak suka keluarlahhhhhh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981720447540283} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Nov 17 2020, 12:50 PM)you know, this is one of the related reasons why FDI in malaysia is declining.you have a good homegrown brand that has expanded well (besides local franchises of the kopitiam, their ready to drink cans and powder 3-in-1 are selling very well both in malaysia and internationally).foreign non china company comes in to buy said brand and also looking to enlarge their presence and fight the no. 1 market leader (nestle).current brand and new owner working within the laws and try to cater and follow all the requirements including getting and renewing halal certs.then you have the majority locals not only spreading fitnah on the company itself (whether halal status or even their ownership since i still keep reading on FB/twitter that oldtown belongs to either rosmah or ngah bros of perak DAP fame depending on who is making the claim despite JDE buying them outright) or the certifying body JAKIM which is a govt. owned agency.so why would a foreign company waste time and money in malaysia?it's damned if you do, damned if you dont.most facepalming fact is that some ppl don't even trust the JAKIM process and suggesting stuff that even Muslim scholars don't endorse (like having muslim-only cooks etc). \u00a0 \u00a0 A good example is the Jawi in products.Government want promote Jawi, ok I put Jawi in product to show I support Gov.Then people say you put Jawi want confuse people.....Then you remove Jawi, then people say you racist because dowan put JawiPut Jawi not ok, no put Jawi not ok. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6701657176017761} +{"text": "HALAL INI PENTING KE?\n.\nMestilah penting! Status Halal bukan hanya pada makanan shj.. Tetapi kepada apa yg kita pakai..Halal Jakim bukan sahaja dinilai pada sumber2 bahan, tetapi ianya dinilai terhadap KESELURUHAN\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B5cXtbplCeO/?igshid=15f8xfpzbxu4w\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcchong2000 @ Jan 1 2020, 02:06 PM)Not really I really enjoy Sabah Chinese food, aside my Wtf moment. I just avoid sandakan bkt saje. That is more haram than haram meat itselfGood, at least there\u2019s one who like it, I guess all my chinese semenanjung friends are too pickyHeadaches inbound when they came to visit, dunno where to bring them for good chinese food that they wont complaint lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957274198532104} +{"text": "he's doing just for marketing meh. right now popular again some more gt more ppl buy his product ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963182210922241} +{"text": "Honestly, ini kes sama dengan mee kari daging babi tu.... tulah cari makanan yg halal ikot konsep asal tudung asal kopiah je halal... kedai2 kecik2 pon kene apply halal... halal tu yg bahagian paling penting is bersih kalau Islam tpi masak tepu longkang pon tak bersih jugak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975747466087341} +{"text": "is there no polis report on this?this is haram right?and i was told the person that took the picture is also wanted as an assessory to the crime ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973688125610352} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Aug 6 2015, 11:44 PM)escargot got people makang lain senario moviememang ramai pun! Terpulang pada individu bagaimana hukumnya difahami.Some school of thought goes with al-Mudawwanah saying; where Malik was asked about snail that leaves in land. he said,\" if its taken alive, boiled or roasted there is nothing wrong in it\"The reason being it doesnt have blood, hence the slaughtering principle doesnt apply. But he also added it should be eaten if its found dead.Back to our story, snail too is a traditional malay food, if could go to kampung folks and ask them to testify, I remember eating those with my grandma.Even in middle east and magreb, many to eat them though, let alone muslims in foreign country as well.Again it all how its interpreted by the so called local authority and set their priority.We have tons of haram issues from corruption, to race and equal rights that being conducted in a haram manner which should take higher precedence rather than on an individual, who ate something thats against these hippocrates believe.cheers! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.889057993888855} +{"text": "\ndua_chzy replied at 23-12-2022 12:55 PM\nSedap ok taik idung dia. Aiol suka makan bila jalan jauh. Masam manis masin cukop rasa.\nMasa iols skola ada sorang ni beli asam taik hidung ni..\r\nPaatu semua nampak n lari cakap taik.hidung apek kuat2\r\nSiot sungguh..naseb masa tu darjah 3..jadi mmg perangai budak2 la kan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8736868500709534} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kaya Butter Toast @ Nov 24 2023, 12:31 PM)whats the level of haram?Haram is Haram. But Arak haram is the only special one as anything associated with Arak is Haram ie, menjual, membeli, tukang bawakan, drebar lori arak and so on. Like if I Muslim, I see a lot babi and then I sell babi to people, the act of selling babi tak haram. Then I kerja lori if I bawa babi ke ladang cina tak haram. But replace those babi with Arak then what I do is Haram.Tldr hisap rokok is Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999449253082275} +{"text": "tadak duit dok gigih pala ekoq nak try hard masuk bisnes besar yg perlu ikut semua sop Jakim KKM apa bala tu pasaipa, menega coq peneram pun KKM mai check kebersihan. dah tu hang takmau kena risiko, menega ketum jelaa! haram tetap dah haram, takyah pi mintak sijil halal dah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9551154375076294} +{"text": "It\u2019s my fav chicken stall during my diet journey haha. Not the best taste but damn affordable protein. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9947082996368408} +{"text": "QUOTE(Namelessone1973 @ Dec 8 2021, 01:44 PM)JIKA ke Pasar Mahkota Sentral di Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor, pasti merasakan seperti berada di China apabila perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh kaum tertentu sahaja.Begitu juga ruang medan selera yang terletak di dalam bangunan tersebut yang diusahakan oleh tiada Melayu.Sebelum ini beberapa peniaga Melayu bertanyakan peluang untuk berniaga di sana, namun perlu terikat dengan peraturan yang tidak membenarkan peniaga menjual minuman kerana sudah ada gerai menjual minuman secara berpusat.Sebagai orang Islam, kita sentiasa peka tentang usul halal dan haram. Mustahillah pembeli membeli makanan di gerai Muslim tetapi terpaksa pula membeli minuman di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.Disebabkan syarat sebegitu, ramai bakal peniaga tidak bersetuju untuk berniaga di Pasar Mahkota Sentral. Ini menyebabkan sektor perniagaan di sana dimonopoli oleh satu kaum sahaja.Setahu saya, pengurusan pasar berkenaan di bawah Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKJ). Namun, tidakkah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) itu berasa pelik dengan ketidakseimbangan peniaga antara kaum?Mengapa mereka berdiam diri dan bersikap tidak adil kepada peniaga Melayu? Hal sama berlaku di pasar pagi di situ. Bukan Melayu merupakan peniaga terbesar. Kasihanilah kaum lain yang juga mahu mencari nafkah dan mengembangkan ekonomi keluarga.Apa salahnya kita berkongsi ruang perniagaan untuk sama-sama maju? Mengapa perlu ada penindasan terhadap peniaga Melayu sedangkan pasaran untuk masyarakat Melayu/Islam itu ada, cuma \u2018disorokkan\u2019 oleh golongan tertentu.Saya berharap PBT dapat lakukan sesuatu dengan membolehkan peniaga Melayu diberi peluang yang saksama untuk berniaga dan memajukan ekonomi mereka.https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/forum/202...HneCVVga7eafbMgThis is normal for all majority food court. First day in F&B kot.This post has been edited by strife01: Dec 8 2021, 02:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9175779819488525} +{"text": "QUOTE(issit! @ Apr 5 2017, 11:29 PM)actually ah ...why customs tanam it ?if scared got disease , i can faham lah ...if it was contraband ... wtf lah ... just pass it on to homeless shelters , anak yatim houses, animal pounds , etc .Don't have halal cert whatbazir makanan budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5298373103141785} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 5 2023, 09:51 AM)Alhamdulillah iman masih teguhKau tgk salib pun iman dah bergoyang kothahaha burnnnnn ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9942134022712708} +{"text": "Call it nasi lemak haram sedap ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998413324356079} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 02:00 AM)If you see status about halal then a dog picture is not a provoking act? Bashing muslim easy to confused. I only see muslim bashing jakim more while non muslim is provoking muslim.Again, since for me jakim personnel is more qualified so i will not questioning about the naming. If the requirement state that then just follow. There is no point to argue. If you didnt get halal cert does it mean hotdog is haram? No.This is some of example of naming food.https://konsultasisyariah.com/25980-memberi...ngan-setan.htmlI think their point was. Not about Auntie Anne getting the certIts more about \"the reason why there's so much bashing is because jakim have that ridiculous name requirements in the Sop to apply for halal cert\" And\"bashing jakim is not =bashing islam\"Thats their point.QUOTE(mawardi @ Oct 26 2016, 03:03 AM)Prominent Islamic scholar? Kau tau tak Ahmadiyyah tu aj\u00e4ran sesat?Even ajaran sesat pun sedar apa jakim buat tu merapu Kita yang di jalan benar ni tak sedar sedar lagi? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997697472572327} +{"text": "QUOTE(lyn9999 @ Jan 18 2017, 01:42 PM)if McD doubt its status, and no halal logo , cant be prove , sorryrules had to followThe apartheid gov in South Africa also comes out with many rules.............. Discrimination with rules is still discrimination........ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994753003120422} +{"text": "QUOTE(suikod3n @ Sep 27 2021, 09:53 AM)When you mix anti-vax and religion, this the byproduct\u00a0 later counter with fatwa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9979580640792847} +{"text": "Sambil minum teh tarik waktu hujan camni terfikir pula.\n\nElok juga kalau JAKIM haramkan terus penjualan merchandise 'capal nabi'. Atau setidaknya mengharamkan penggunaan jenama 'capal nabi'. They did it before when they ban the use of 'makanan sunnah' terminology in product ads", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6461398005485535} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wakanda Forever @ Jul 12 2018, 05:15 PM)LOL, don\u2019t go full retard.Pork is best. We respect your view of not taking pork but not your insult to pork.dupe charsiew sape ni? bodoh tak bertempat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994564652442932} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 08:19 PM)bread contain alcohol wo.........how?anything memabukkan=haramalcohol=not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999963641166687} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bill888 @ Feb 27 2023, 11:33 AM)Yup, if you are given an opportunity to work in China just grab it.Yup, memang best if company here send you there. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "Nama pun arak mestilah utk non muslim. Zero alcohol untuk yg low tolerance. Kalau dh Muslim takpayah lah nk confuse bagai, kan senang kalau korang apply konsep was-was boba tea tu dlm situasi ni. BOBA TEA bukan main haram tang arak sibuk pula nk confuse. Sah sah haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9933911561965942} +{"text": "I think one of the most popular Malaysian made at China is Old Town White Coffee instant mixDon't know why, that is one of the thing that actually can be easily found at China martAnd I notice lots of China coming to MY buying lots of it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999444484710693} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kyojin @ Apr 7 2021, 01:08 PM)I haven't been following because I do not care anymore, I share the same sentiment that the Govt could have done better. I'm up in arms because there are more people that are against vaccination spreading uncertainty/insecurity towards the vaccines. In the end, we have to do the hard work at look at the cold hard facts, are the vaccines safe, what are the side effects, we have to look at the data, otherwise we're just trusting words of the politicians.Isunya mudah.Jika kerajaan enggan bertanggungjawab atas kebarangkalian risiko, maka berikanlah pilihan vaksin apa yang penerima masing-masing sanggup tanggung sebagai risiko. Bukan wordplay tak guna macam Khairy \"susahlah logistik\". Kalau Kerajaan beri pilihan, aku jamin kesanggupan aku menjadi orang #0 dalam barisan.Majlis Fatwa dah beri hukum \"wajib\". Bukan lagi boleh tepis. Tapi bukan bermakna aku mesti jadi tikus makmal permainan orang lain. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8598390817642212} +{"text": "QUOTE(Petajensen99 @ May 19 2024, 10:48 AM)Tbh zus is not that good. I just say fair. Gigi is better. Zus too ceroi, the taste is not that balance. The best could Zus offer is Butterscoth and creme one. Zus lucky because starbuck and CBTL is too pricey. And palestine issue eleveated zus, but dont deny zus did a lot of work to get peoples attention.Zus is bland coffee useful for pretentious people who want to belanja their fren latte by using buy 1 free 1 promo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "Ini pulak utk cek logo2 halal luar negara drpd bdn sijil halal yg diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Downlod file pdf tu. Sng je kn. \ud83d\ude0a https://t.co/CGAnOmZg64", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9865196943283081} +{"text": "Nasi lemak yang jual dekat tepi jalan tu haram ke sebab tak ada sijil halal jakim? \ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971557855606079} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sunwhite @ Nov 29 2022, 11:45 AM)Kesian You know why ottoman kingdom k.o ?Because all these kebodohan.. rather study and improve then go bodoh kan semua orang..yeah ultra conservative lebai and ulama faction are the ones who destroyed the Islamic Golden Age. Truth hurtsThis post has been edited by Einjahr: Nov 29 2022, 11:49 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997285008430481} +{"text": "mudah confuse + mudah percaya socmeds + mudah jatuh hukum ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993672966957092} +{"text": "Logo halal selain logo halal JAKIM dikata tidak sah dan haram dimakan. Come on makanan import kot. Dilema umat Islam di Malaysia.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8986377120018005} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Aug 4 2019, 04:20 PM)Serious question, can a muslim use an alcohol-based perfume (malaysia context)? Lets say spray the perfume on cloth and go sembahyang, can?Ayam going to purchase a perfume for my friend liao. Googling the question cannot really get a definitive answer since Malaysia follow mazhab syafie (so ayam not sure).Can , u can refer to latest fatwa kebangsaan ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998177886009216} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimyhands @ Feb 2 2018, 10:00 AM)He is a Malay. Why pretend to be white man? Adakah itu budaya kita, pegang cincin, melutut dan bertanya \"Will you marry me?\"Apa punya budaya sudah mari cemarkan budaya suci kita...Says the guy that has 0.000001% of the groom's net worth ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998973608016968} +{"text": "Bagus ponya barang.....bilang se-setengah golongan bodoh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999256134033203} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 29 2014, 04:55 PM)SalamalaikumHow do we know that we are forgiven or that Allah love us?Is there a particular sign ?Nobody knows ....QUOTEAllah sahaja yang mengetahui samada dosa kita diampunkan atau tidak. Kitawajib mengharapkan pengampunan daripada Allah terhadap dosa-dosa yangtelah dilakukan.Kita juga wajib melaksanakan segala suruhan Allah danmenjahui laranganNya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 05:57 PM)baik sis midin tu rasa mcm mana mcm best jerbetter than your sambal kangkung najib. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "QUOTE(TreyLey @ Mar 7 2024, 08:52 AM)what makes u think so? isnt it the other way around lol........?anyway meanwhileMasuk Warisan Budaya UNESCO, Berikut Sejarah Luhur Babi Guling Balihttps://www.beritanusra.com/berita-balik/pr...abi-guling-baliThis post has been edited by damonlbs: Mar 7 2024, 10:29 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9909528493881226} +{"text": "gi Thai selesaikan masalah kotek lagi penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974688291549683} +{"text": "is it because muslim restoran status?This post has been edited by commonsense: Nov 19 2023, 07:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992449283599854} +{"text": "Serius ada yg mau beli kaya ginii??? Gw suka manis dan makanan eneg2 isokey, but this???!!! martabak yg so called isi melimpah aja gw mikir2, lah iniii hdjsjskdjk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8914331793785095} +{"text": "QUOTE(netflix2019 @ Jun 7 2024, 12:14 PM)giving free handout without informing is the dumbest shit ever. Next time make sure u train ur staff properly. Actually why Malay so timid when work as cashier/promoter. It's like they just try their very best to reduce interaction with customer and also towards the workplace. They macam not interested with their job at all, know nothing about the products they handling. And because of knowing nothing, they damn scare customer interaction. Like back in school the student all tunduk bawah dont dare look at cikgu scare kena ask question.If answer teachers wrongly, the punishment would be standinh on the desk, drilled into the mind very early to punish rather than nurture ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8139640688896179} +{"text": "QUOTE(zamans98 @ Sep 5 2023, 11:50 AM)Wei lembu.Halal is not about babi je...QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Sep 5 2023, 11:51 AM)No shit Sherlock! \ud83d\ude31QUOTEZaman sekarang, kita dapat lihat banyak kedai makan menghidangkan pelbagai jenis makanan moden, terutamanya kafe-kafe hipsterTidak dinafikan, perkara ini sudah pastinya dapat menarik pelanggan untuk mencuba makanan yang unik dan berbeza dari kebiasaannya.Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa isu yang timbul seperti tentang status halal premis makanan lebih-lebih lagi tukang masaknya yang bukan merupakan dari golongan Islam.Persoalannya, boleh atau tidak kita makan makanan yang dimasak oleh orang bukan Islam? Baca artikel ini sehingga habis untuk mengetahui informasi yang lebih lanjut.Tidak menjadi kesalahan sekiranya seseorang itu memakan makanan yang disediakan oleh orang bukan IslamBerdasarkan laman web Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, tidak menjadi kesalahan sekiranya seseorang itu makan makanan yang disediakan oleh orang bukan Islam walaupun ia berasal dari sumber yang halal kecuali sembelihan mereka.Ini bermaksud, individu yang beragama Islam boleh makan makanan yang disediakan oleh orang bukan Islam, asalkan makanan yang digunakan adalah halal dan bukan hasil daripada sumber sembelihan mereka.Walau bagaimanapun, sebagai orang Muslim, adalah lebih baik jika makanan yang dimakan itu disediakan oleh orang beragama Islam yang bertaqwa.Bagaimana pula dengan makanan yang disediakan daripada perkakas penyediaan makanan haram?Terdapat juga segelintir individu yang was-was untuk mengambil makanan yang dimasak oleh orang bukan Islam kerana risau perkakasnya juga digunakan untuk penyediaan makanan haram.Namun, berdasarkan hasil rujukan di laman web rasmi Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan klik --> Sumber: AL-KAFI #303 : MENGGUNA PERKAKAS DAPUR ORANG BUKAN ISLAM, penyediaan makanan dari perkakas yang pernah digunakan untuk masak makanan tidak halal sebenarnya tidak menjadikan makanan itu haram. Sebaliknya, perkakas itu hanya perlu dicuci dengan air.Tetapi, sekiranya individu tersebut yakin bahawa peralatan memasak digunakan untuk penyediaan najis berat seperti khinzir, maka cara cuciannya adalah berbeza mengikut cucian biasa iaitu dengan membasuh tujuh kali dengan air mutlak dengan basuhan air bercampur tanah.Namun, menurut mazhab Syafie, jika anda makan makanan yang disediakan daripada perkakas yang digunakan untuk masak makanan tidak halal, hukumnya adalah makruh.Sumber: Boleh Ke Kita Makan Makanan Yang Dimasak Oleh Orang Bukan Islam? Ini Jawapan & Hukumnya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996601343154907} +{"text": "I wanna ask ur opinionWhen i was a kid, ustaz told me this:- During darurat, u r hungry and no food to eat - u see a banana tree fenced up, means there is an owner. The bananas r ripe- u see a babi, no owner. U hv the knife and tool to slaughter the babi and bbq to eatOptions:- if u curi the pisang, u dosa 2kali: to owner & to Allah- if u eat babi, x dosa, sbab mmg darurat boleh makan. - but there r bananas. U have the option to choose the other food. So maybe u dosa kat Allah only if makan babi instead of bananaWhat is ur choice?(My question is do u dosa 2 kali for mencuri?)This post has been edited by yummymommy: Jan 9 2021, 11:59 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "Nak dapat sijil halal untuk kandang sembelih burung puyuh je. Check dari mana kau beli makanan burung puyuh sumber makanan halal atau haram. Sediakan dokumen halal untuk makanan burung puyuh tersebut. Tak main la beli makanan kedai2 tepi jalan. Tu baru cter bab makanan.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9374367594718933} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jan 23 2017, 10:31 AM)This is what ive been arguing about. And this article didnt add even if the product halal application being rejected, does not mean it is haram.No.they failed just because not comply to certain requirements.Jabatan Kimia never test for non-halal ingredients for certification. Anyone can verify this?they will test for non-halal ingredient if suspicious arise or alleged like Kluang Railway canteen case. from their coffee and home made kaya if not wrong.This post has been edited by pakmulau: Jan 23 2017, 10:42 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999459981918335} +{"text": "QUOTE(lorrydriverrocks @ Oct 30 2023, 10:07 PM)Susah la nak duduk sama, benda macam ni pun nak buat isuU tak suka u ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9793095588684082} +{"text": "\r\naku x tau nak kata apa lg sbb ramai dah kata elok elak, kan?\n\r\ntapi tulah.. yg penting.. ko kene ckp ngan kawan ko le aku rase.\r\nkalau slow-talk xjalan, ko bantai je dia. :@ :@ :@ :@ \n\r\nbukan apa.... dulu mak aku keje jadi penyelia kat dapur hospital...\r\naku n adik ckp je terus terang, biar xdpt makan ayam or ikan, tapi xyah lg bwak balik bende dr dapur.\r\nko bygkan time tu kitorg sekolah rendah lagi, tapi ala2 'berani' cakap ngan mak. kalau mak kitorg xleh terima... dah kira ala2 derhaka gak tu.\r\nso, patut ngan 'kawan' je, ko takyah takut buat dia terasa.\r\nbiar dia terasa dr ko yg subahat buat bende ni.\n\r\npandangan aku jelah ek... \n\r\noh ya... unless ah ko tau kawan ko beli (tapi dgn rega murah bangat).... \r\nyg ni aku rase leh terima kot.. tapi cuba ah tanya org lain, k. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999792754650116} +{"text": "QUOTE(titanmelvin @ Dec 24 2020, 08:37 PM)Thank you for the wishes, Your Majesty.So JAKIM, is the greeting \"haram\" as you claim? Your call. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "Best gilaaaaaa sri lanka.\nLots2 better than india>>>>>Orang2 dia baik, beradab friendly.\nBrg2 murah.\nTraffic mcm (semua pkai helmet)\nCuaca mcm Makanan rasa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8339527249336243} +{"text": "So is the dobi considered haram if used bank services due to elements of riba? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Nov 29 2023, 12:28 PM)yg haram bukan alkoholyang haram adalah makanan/minuman yang memabukkanso last month the Claypot Chicken Rise that use Rice Winehalal or not?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985407590866089} +{"text": "CIRI-CIRI UNIK AL FATEH JUNIOR\ud83d\udc47 \ud83d\ude0d Berdaftar dengan KKM(Mesti) \ud83d\ude0d Mempunyai Sijil Halal (JAKIM) \ud83d\ude0d Untuk bayi seawal 6 bulan ke atas sehinggalah warga emas \ud83d\ude0d Dalam bentuk pastil/ gummy yang disukai kanak-kanak,... https://t.co/MNVqbKjPYm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988031387329102} +{"text": "QUOTE(mayhammer @ Mar 24 2024, 08:04 AM)When travel, suka hati sahaja for most of themThey claim there is rules that allownot from what i read when they're reported to bring rice cooker when they travel abroadmeanwhile i've seen indon awek in korea....like a different world ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "yg aku suka tiap share makanan yg aku buat sendiri banyak yg ngira beli trs aku disuruh jual aja karna ngiler liatnya wkwk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.456426203250885} +{"text": "28 Aug2017Posted in KEPUTUSAN FATWA 2011TAJUK :Penentuan Kandungan Alkohol Yang Dibenarkan Dalam Makanan Dan Minuman OLEH :Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Perunding Hukum Syarak Negeri Pahang Kali Ke-6/2011, Pada 30 Disember 2011 KEPUTUSAN :Mesyuarat memutuskan :Setiap minuman arak adalah mengandungi alkohol. Walaubagaimanapun bukan semua alkohol itu adalah arak. Alkohol yang diperolehi dari proses pembuatan arak, hukumnya haram dan najis.Manakala alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis, tetapi haram (tidak boleh) diminum dalam bentuk aslinya kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuhMinuman ringan yang boleh diproses/dibuat bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah aras 1%v/v adalah harus (boleh) diminum.Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara yang sama seperti proses membuat arak, samada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semulajadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya, atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan/diminum.Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu adalah tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak melebihi 0.5%.Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak. Print\t Email Laman Web Rasmi ini sesuai dilayari oleh pada pelayar web Internet Explorer 8.0 dan Mozilla Firefox 3.0 ke atas dan resolusi terbaik adalah 1366 x 768 dan ke atas.Diselenggara oleh: Webmaster Jabatan Mufti Negeri PahangTel: 09-4211100 Faks: 09-4224887 E-mail: smufti@pahang.gov.myTarikh Kemaskini: 21 MEI 2019 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972684383392334} +{"text": "I don't think they claim to be halal also in the first place but after since viral and business boom they just go along with it that is halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940534234046936} +{"text": "QUOTE(funnyTONE @ Mar 3 2024, 10:36 AM)Politics aside, if I have the budget, Turkey is the right destination to visit as a Muslim.- bloody cheap- halal and good food- safe environment- lots historical muslim sitesdefinitely, airasia should offer cheap flight ticket for our beloved friends (M) to visit turkey to buka minda sikit, they will kena cultural shock despite same religionit just gv different sense and vibe of peacefulness and harmony as an islamic country, open minded muslim but not until like sei sohai US lgbt all those bullshitsunlike here sikit2 sentuh anjing haram, touch beer can haram, sikit2 terancam blablabla ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983002543449402} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Nov 24 2023, 11:31 AM)I doubt rokok exists when Quran is writtenSo meaning if the thing is not specifically mentioned by name then its not haram?In that sense, any drugs like dadah, meth, etc are halal because it was not mentioned in Quran?no...deswai got mufti to ask this questionQuran stated anything that harmful to your body is haram...so no doubt dadah, meth is haram coz its instantly affect your body, but rokok only if you consume excessively.Deswai many different opinions about rokok ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Premis makanan yang haram ialah premis yang tak nak 'menghulur' kepada lobai-lobai JAKIM yang kebulur.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990047812461853} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ Nov 23 2020, 10:21 AM)best is always subjective.. if tak sukak then lu open your own tered say which cakoi is the bestest lor..i no problem with ts tered actually.. but when someone pointed out this is not the proper way to make it, it becomes a racing issue and some idiot say jgn persoal ini bukan ur race.. lmaosee the point here.. food also want to racing.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984277486801147} +{"text": "Sijil halal ni punya lah mahal nak dapatkan. Mahal sebab banyak renovation nak kena buat nanti. Company2 viral ni banyak baru bertapak, ingat dah mampu ke nak terus apply sijil halal tu? Family mart tu lain lah, baru setahun dah beratus outlet, memang lah mampu.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9959040284156799} +{"text": "\r\nkalau teringin sangat sushi iol bedal je sushi aeon supermarket,inari memang my peberet,kalau fusion korean japanese food iol suka ichiban/che go", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997265934944153} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ May 21 2019, 08:35 AM)Copy each other is normal - from food to assignment.But for food it wont work because of cultural taste difference.Chinese nasi kandar - you will not get good business out of it because chinese seldom eat nasi kandar - at least not craving it. Other races definitely not due to halal issue.The same for malay cooking on chinese recipe - it just wont suit the malay tastebud.Of course the taste might not be awesome too. Which is why some need to viral it.It just wont be attractive enough for your own community.This is not trueThe other day, makanan ramadan about salted chicken rekaan sendri masuk berita ady...I wanna say copy is ok... nothing ashamed... but to claim rekaan sendri is wrong... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997666478157043} +{"text": "QUOTE(likefunyouare @ Oct 15 2022, 05:44 PM)[url=\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37700495]https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37700495[/url]Food outlets selling hot dogs in Malaysia have been asked to rename their products or risk being refused halal certification.The Malaysian Islamic Development Department, a religious government body, said it adopted the ruling after complaints from Muslim tourists.Director Sirajuddin Suhaimee said the name might cause \"confusion\".\"In Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification,\" he said.Malaysian halal food guidelines say \"halal food and halal artificial flavour shall not be named or synonymously named after non-halal products such as ham, bak kut teh, bacon, beer, rum and others that might create confusion,\" local media said.Muslim-majority Malaysia practises a moderate form of Islam but conservative attitudes are on the rise.'Pretzel Sausage'On Monday, popular pretzel store franchise Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification unless it renamed its \"Pretzel Dog\". Mr Suhaimee said it was \"more appropriate\" to call it a \"Pretzel Sausage\".Pretzel Dogs on display in Kuala LumpurIMAGE SOURCE,APImage caption,Pretzel chain Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification unless it renamed its 'Pretzel Dogs'A representative of the US chain described it as a \"minor issue\" and said the firm was fine with changing the name on the menu.'Hot dog is hot dog lah'Malaysian Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Aziz slammed the ruling, calling it \"stupid and backward\".\"Hot dog is hot dog lah. Even in Malay it's called hot dog - it's been around for so many years. I'm a Muslim and I'm not offended,\" he told reporters, adding that there was no reason for the religious body to take offence at the word.\"It comes from the English language. Please do not make us seem stupid and backward.\"The ruling has also garnered ridicule and stirred debate among Malaysians on social media.\"It's just a name, what does it have to do with whether it's halal or not? Muslims should be more concerned with ingredients and the way food is prepared,\" wrote Eeman Yusof on Facebook.ComicIMAGE SOURCE,FACEBOOK: BRO, DON'T LIKE THAT LA, BRO\"You can always count on the authorities to make us look stupid,\" said another Malaysian Matt Razal.Another Facebook user said: \"Pet shops please rename your dogs as sausages.\"\"It is complications like this that make our country move backwards,\" commented YL Chew.Activist and columnist Marina Mahathir, the daughter of former Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad, criticised the request by the Department of Islamic Development - also known as Jakim.\"Oh we poor easily confused Muslims who have never heard of hot dogs before and who will have no choice but to buy one if one was on the menu,\" she said in a Facebook post that was shared close to 2,000 times.Malaysia often prides itself on being a moderate Muslim nation, which allows other religions freedom of worship.In recent years, there has been greater emphasis on Islamic codes of conduct.https://www.yadim.com.my/v2/jakim-tidak-ber...gunaan-hot-dog/Palsu.The fact that Ikea stil use Hot Dog in their menu, further confirma, that there is no such instructions from the authority.This post has been edited by accitzone: Oct 15 2022, 08:46 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999103546142578} +{"text": "kalau guna logik takde sijil halal = haram, mak hang masak kt dapur pun kira haram kan? mana lah sempat mak hang nk pi apply sijil halal kt jakim. so, jgn makan mak hang masak. pi makan yg ada cop halal je \ud83d\ude0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9974386692047119} +{"text": "RM15000 is not that hard. Tapi tu la, perempuan mmg expect tinggi dapat 15000 from someone who's good enough. Tengok2 dapat laki yg mampu brag sijil pmr sahaja & nak brag majlis dia paling cool. Niat kongkek halal pihak laki pun awal2 dah salah, patut kes cerai banyak :( https://t.co/0e4ml11btK", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997498393058777} +{"text": "@emma_maembong Hati2, jgn beli kek sblm dipastikan mereka mendapat sijil halal krn bukan Islam suka menambah alkohol dlm pelbagai masakan mereka termasuk kek. https://t.co/N2ankv5EGw Ada juga yg menggunakan bahan yg tdk halal dlm pembuatan kek & masakan mereka spt marjerin yg tdk halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7502070069313049} +{"text": "Kenapa ada orang kata shihlin tak halal? Tapi aku pernah nampak sijil halal dia sebab tu aku beli. Hm", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9139750003814697} +{"text": "QUOTE(mohdkakarot @ Jan 5 2017, 11:18 AM)Blood donation from own relatives is the best coz the possibility of a reaction towards donated blood is much lower. If you coliq cannot find blood donor then hospital will use existing stock UNLESS the existing stock of your coliq blood type is low and reserved for emergency cases only.noted. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999861717224121} +{"text": "why dont try update with hotline?not all the product listed i think..it is hard to record all the things unless popular products..mind share the packet? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999303817749023} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Dec 20 2021, 03:10 PM)if cook by non, tak halal jugahalal not means no pork onlyBodoh tu simpan sikitAL-KAFI #564: THE RULING OF EATING FOOD COOKED BY NON-MUSLIMSAL-KAFI #564: HUKUM MEMAKAN MAKANAN YANG DIMASAK OLEH NON-MUSLIM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5450288653373718} +{"text": "@_syahrulasyraf Org mcm ni mek, jenis poyo. Nak kata knpa prlu prsoalnkn ade halal jakim ke x. Stakat kedai mamak, org x kesah mana pun. Diorg apply sijil Jakim lagi bagus. Tp mknn yg viral2, its okay kalau nk persoalkn halal ke x. Sma mcm kes Sushi King. Ini Malaysia, bukn \"oversea\".", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8811285495758057} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoLee @ Dec 22 2023, 04:44 PM)Waiting for jagoh kampong to takeover and see how they run it to the ground.the best of businessesin the best of locationswill become a messand ruination. please do start the clock if and when jagung kambung do take over. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998962879180908} +{"text": "kijap datang kerja, kijap ponteng. Bagi bangla jadi nurse lagi bagus, 12 jam sehari x 7 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978048205375671} +{"text": " pasal makanan ape plk ni. kalau ikutkan banyak yang takde sijil halal jakim tp ade sijil halal dr luar yg diiktiraf jakim.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6970296502113342} +{"text": "ShareTweetPinMail_Mohd_Yusof_Abdul_RahmanPETALING JAYA: Pengusaha restoran dan makanan perlu lebih sensitif dalam pemilihan nama menu atau produk bagi mengelakkan umat Islam keliru, kata Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca).Timbalan Presidennya, Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman bersetuju dengan tindakan Jabatan Agama Islam Malaysia (Jakim) tidak memberikan sijil halal kepada rangkaian francais, Auntie Anne kerana salah satu produknya dinamakan sempena nama anjing, \u201cpretzel dog\u201d.\u201cNama-nama seperti dog (anjing), babi, bir, itu semua perlu dielakkan. Kalau dibiarkan akan menimbulkan kekeliruan.\u201cJakim semestinya perlu berhati-hati dalam memberikan sijil halal kepada syarikat pengeluar makanan agar tidak timbul isu selepas sijil halal diberikan nanti,\u201d katanya kepada FMT hari ini.Yusof berkata, pemberian sijil halal bukan dilihat daripada aspek kandungan sahaja, tetapi secara menyeluruh.\u201cIni termasuk iklan, kebersihan dan nama produk makanan tersebut perlu dilihat Jakim sebelum diluluskan,\u201d katanya.FMT hari ini melaporkan seorang eksekutif yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kualiti dan jaminan halal Auntie Anne, Farhatul Kamilah Mohamed Sazali menerusi Facebooknya berkata, pihaknya sedang menunggu keputusan panel Jakim untuk cadangan nama baharu yang dikemukakan mereka.Sementara itu, Ketua Aktivis Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Datuk Nadzim Johan berkata, nama produk yang kurang sesuai akan mengundang pelbagai persepsi tidak baik kepada masyarakat.Beliau berkata, pengusaha rangkaian francais itu perlu menjaga sensitiviti orang Melayu, jika mahu memenangi hati pelanggan Islam.\u201cSyarat-syarat yang ditetapkan (Jakim) itu selari ajaran Islam yang tidak mengelirukan dan boleh membawa persepsi tidak baik. Kalau dibawa kepada nama \u2018anjing\u2019 itu tidak sesuai.\u201cApa yang dilakukan Jakim itu tepat. Walaupun makanan halal, tetapi nama kurang sesuai juga tidak baik. Pengguna yang was-was disaran tidak membeli makanan tersebut,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...lam-kata-fomca/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9059956073760986} +{"text": "jgn tanya soalan susahlancap 3gp budak keci, rokok, rasuah semua boleh dihalalkan sebab iman kuatyang minum alkohol, sotong ring semua benda haram paham tak badak??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999799728393555} +{"text": "QUOTE(babybobby @ Dec 12 2017, 07:44 PM)Satu2 restoran jepun yg ada logo halal ialah hei sushi kat alamanda putrajaya. Sakura fuji kat plaza masalam shah alam pun boleh dipercaya walaupun tak ada logo. Tapi dua tempat ni mahal sikit lah.Bab makanan yg penting yakin, logo hanya bonus shj.bagus punya bro.. 2 tahun lepas baru reply comment ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995099306106567} +{"text": "Wah Glamwhite ada sijil halal & lulusan kkm. Jadi kenapa perlu meragui lagi produk Glamwhite Hasilnya \"wowwwwww\" tau\ud83d\ude09 jom dapatkan Glamwhite sebelum kehabisan stok\ud83d\ude09 berminat wasap https://t.co/0Y12PDki73", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949607849121094} +{"text": "Ramai kenalan tanya saya beza insuran konvensional dgn Takaful.. Saya jawab banyak bezanya..Antaranya insuran Haram tapi Takaful HALAL. Jika anda taknak terus bergelumang dengan dosa setiap saat dek kerana telah terlanjur beli polisi insuran, meh tukar kepada sijil takaful.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9676245450973511} +{"text": "semoga berjaya. tak jaya tak apa, buat City lain sehingga berjaya. macam orang putih cakap, ROME not built in 1 day. all da best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9618867039680481} +{"text": "Kecil hati saya bile ade org islam dtng ke kedai tepi jalan yang tempat saya niaga ni, dia tanya ada sijil halal ke tak \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6808582544326782} +{"text": "is it haram for me to use this halal tissue and wipe my ass (non-halal shit since i eat pork) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998679161071777} +{"text": "PERCUMA\nJika anda berminat untuk memilki sijil halal jakim untuk produk makanan sahaja.. sila pm atau whatapps,... http://fb.me/6m6aBUZfs", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991747736930847} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sedih @ Feb 25 2024, 12:21 PM)Cry on formula man spending on adsYour master also spend some money to hire u lah dogmust plotek Jibby at all costs ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991432428359985} +{"text": "SERDANG: Pesara dan bakal pesara sektor awam diingatkan supaya supaya berterima kasih kepada kerajaan, kata Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.\u201cKebersamaan kita pada hari ini dan hari akan datang bagi pastikan berterima kasih kepada organisasi dan kerajaan Malaysia yang selama ini memberikan perlindungan dan terus bagi perlindungan kita selama ini,\u201d kata timbalan perdana menteri itu ketika merasmikan Hari Perhimpunan 1Pesara Malaysia 2017 di Taman Ekspo Pertanian Malaysia (MAEPS) di sini.\u201cInsya Allah, kita takkan pernah menggigit tangan yang pernah memberi makan pada kita,\u201d katanya kepada lebih 7,000 kalangan pesara dan bakal pesara kerajaan termasuk anggota tentera.Zahid ketika berucap turut meminta mereka yang hadir memberikan tepukan gemuruh kepada kerajaan dengan laungan \u201cHidup Malaysia\u201d sebanyak 3 kali.\u201cSebagai tanda penghargaan kepada kerajaan yang melindungi kita selama ini, sila bagi \u2018standing ovation\u2019 kepada kerajaan,\u201d katanya.Zahid mengingatkan pesara dan bakal pesara supaya tidak melayani perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap kerajaan, dan menambah ia akan hanya menyebabkan hati diselubungi rasa benci yang tiada noktah.\u201cMaka realiti ini harus kita dakapi untuk menentukan bahawa kita harus bersyukur pada Allah dengan cara berterima kasih kepada yang memberi kehidupan kepada kita selama ini iaitu kerajaan Malaysia.\u201cWalaupun sudah terkeluar daripada \u2018Saya Yang Menurut Perintah\u2019 (SYMP) dan berbeza pendapat, ada caranya iaitu dengan tatacara yang tertib,\u201d katanya.Zahid juga mengulangi kepada pesara dan bakal pesara untuk menyanyangi orang lama.\u201cBila usia lebih 60 tahun, kita lebih sensitif, jiwa halus, cukup terasa kalau ada yang tidak setuju dengan kita.\u201cHakikatnya kita sebagai orang lama, kita perlu dihormat. Yang baru hormat yang lama dan yang lama menyayangi yang baru,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...esara-kerajaan/ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7795342803001404} +{"text": "QUOTE(StengHoii @ Oct 25 2016, 08:52 PM)wahhhh seronok kan bash JAKIM, bash la lg puas2.. and still 'they' wonder why ramai orang pilih untuk support jamal, geng baju merah, PEKIDA, UMNO dsb..Bash jakim la ,nazri.Bash jakim la ,murica ustaz.Hang ni memang bodo bahalol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.983953595161438} +{"text": "QUOTE(biggie @ Feb 25 2024, 07:51 AM)We should build another brewery...Then leagalised Klang todi manufacturers.Grant lisence to build more casinos, instead of only gentling, best to open casino in TRX and KLCC. Both have the required infra to support industry.4D and Toto outlet should be in every shopping block.With these steps I think we can increase in revenue.Opps I forget the siham industry. There should be designated areas in every city creating a tourist attractions.Who cares on what is haram as long as we got money all can.You miss my point jackass, I am saying where is the income going to come from, cause the current business landscape in Malaysia is not going to attract foreign spending of our products. Too much red tape and a lid on innovation.The basics of trade has always been, we have what you need, and you have what I need. What does Malaysia have that other countries need? Wait nvm, too high a bar.What does our individual states have that other states need? Just take Kelantan as an example la, what do they have that other states small to medium size business will pay for? I can't think of anything, with this in mind, where will the money come from to raise income? Government sub? Like that might as well say no solution ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.987648606300354} +{"text": "QUOTE(fridel @ May 3 2021, 10:00 AM)I know few of these kind of pplSays kedai cina haram yada yada.but tipu duit claim,songlap duit company,bawa gf balik everyweek tak pernah fikir pulak halal ke tak lolThat is called selective haramI have seen many hypocrite peopleBut these r one of a kindThis post has been edited by jasonlim: May 3 2021, 04:23 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Jakim preacher to be probed for insulting Johor Sultan Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017...8hPpMDDljjvk.99PETALING JAYA: An officer attached to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) is set to be investigated by the authorities over a remark which criticised the Sultan of Johor. Deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed was quoted by a local English daily as saying that the ministry would take immediate action against Zamihan Mat Zain, who made the remark during a religious lecture on Sunday \u201cThe Home Ministry will investigate and take action,\u201d he was quoted as saying in a short text when asked. A video clip which has gone viral online shows Zamihan making racist remarks about the Chinese during a religious lecture at the Masjid Tengku Ampuan Jemaah in Shah Alam. Zamihan had reportedly said that it was wrong for Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar to prohibit a Muslim-friendly laundrette from operating in the state. He had also labelled Chinese as \u201cunhygienic\u201d. \u201cIt is a norm for the Chinese to not wash themselves after defecating and urinating. What about menstrual blood in their undergarments? Or what if they hugged a dog, drank alcohol, ate pork,\" said Zamihan in the video. \u201cIt\u2019s not that we want to prejudice them. But, the elements of alcohol, dog, pork is all related to them. So, if they want to patronise a laundrette, then patronise a normal laundrette,\u201d he added.Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017...8hPpMDDljjvk.99 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985911250114441} +{"text": "Pasar malam jual harga makan kat kopitiam ke restaurant. Lepastu quality Macam sampah. Dah la tak ada lesen dan pergi ambil kelas kebersihan dan jaga quality makanan. Sebab tu mall byk orang sebab buat apa beli makanan kat pasar malam. Qualiti tu teruk. Stopped going after trying few times. Majority are bad and not hygienic. Worst they don\u2019t even have quality. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShadowR1 @ Jun 22 2024, 10:13 AM)Why Islamophobia ? Nape bodo dan bangang sangat ? Kurang makan sinalau ke ?sembahyang tak cukup 5 kali sehari kot...sebab tu la boleh suka2 fitnah. Kalau dah cukup sembahyang, dia sepatutnya tahu yang fitnah itu adalah dosa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999779462814331} +{"text": "QUOTE(alanyuppie @ Aug 17 2016, 12:24 PM)I foresee they will hire religious leaders to promote this and reinforce the need to support halal business run by bumisCashier will be ulama in kopiah.Instant sales + 1000, revenue + 1000, profit + 1000. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8614795207977295} +{"text": "Bila dah besar, ubah perangai. Dapat offer untuk bermain di Eropah, tak sampai 3 bulan dah balik Malaysia, susah cari makanan halal konon, gereja dan lambang salib merata-rata boleh merosakkan akidah. Lebih baik main di Liga Malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "QUOTE(failed.hashcheck @ Feb 23 2023, 09:27 PM)Nice not as in better than local brand, but definitely more edible compared to the rest of china brands. not mushy, never encountered sandy or scaly fish, sauce not tastes funny or watery. Good deal for RM3.90/canwow wtf I check again from internet pic got tulis one. Why did I never notice it before . i must be blind\u00a0 When I cook either type it's not very consistent, sometimes green can tastes like sardine, sometimes mackerel. Same with red. Then sometimes I got fish size of sardine but consistency of mackerel (actually tastes amazing best of both world like fresh bonito fish).So I assume it's just normal inconsistencies for cheap products and the color is just for fancy.aiseh tomorrow gonna test lah that SJE brand ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Feb 18 2024, 08:14 AM)there's your reason... they recognised you..Nah, not necessarily. Just avoid those viral and touristy places. The food there is very affordable. Go to those kampung stalls and shops. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanna be hi-tech @ Aug 18 2015, 01:14 PM)U can nvr have a healthy convo without the use if the words 'bodo/bodoh , butthurt, blowjob, sial ..... Can u? Do u see anyone herein who is vouching for public vaping ? Hence ur allegation about diversion !Cant u see that smokers and vapers have a common ground? Hence the curiosity on y vaping is the blacksheep?Cant u see that smoking is welcome while vaping is being pointed at..( for the reason wic u already know of ) While smoking and vaping wic has a commong ground is being justified and defended.... Y cant a songlap issue wic is singking the nation in disaster, be used as an example to justify ? Or u rather have the nation sink and rot ......but hold up the notion that vaping is evil ? Well, after the nation rots...... Believe me ...... None of the hypocrites are goin to give a damn about anything at all.... Y is it so difficult to see that they are just using u ..... Hoping that u will defend the foolishness, which is being achived at all costs. Kthxbai....They're not painting vapers are the bigger evil here. There was an even bigger hoo haa when the fatwa on cigarettes was issued. The cigarettes/vape issue is separate from the songlap issue as well. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999722242355347} +{"text": "orang melayu risau sgt makan minum takde sijil halal tapi bila bab makan rasuah semua halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996148347854614} +{"text": "Just treat it as haram. End of issue ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6799649596214294} +{"text": "u tak suka u keluar mont kiara!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996789693832397} +{"text": "Alhamdulilah mulai tahun Jan 2012 hanya logo Halal Jakim shj yg diterima utk tentukan status halal ssesuatu makanan.tak payah serabut :-)", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9902599453926086} +{"text": "Sejauhmana impak pensijilan halal kepada makanan tradisi pelbagai kaum?Apa yang pengguna Islam kita perlu faham mengenai produk HALAL dalam konteks Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia?\n\nIkuti... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156702570262398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7024832963943481} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Jun 7 2024, 01:38 PM)best is to always dont eat blindly and do a socmec content.color of beef and chicken is different. also smell is different also. why never open the bread to check ?Once mix with all the \"new\" sauce\" taste can look the same. - I have had meat which had weird taste because of the sauce Not everyone will check the bread. - Best practice you should but not really done by everyone. Plus , If i order chicken you should give me chicken,They should not be in F&B industry if you expect me to check everything including the meat. - QC FailThis post has been edited by Lesane: Jun 7 2024, 03:06 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999970197677612} +{"text": "Asli, kirain gua doang. Makanan di luar seenak apapun tuh suka ga abis, kayak ga ada nafsu, kayak abis beli iPhone, ga nafsu makan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9606725573539734} +{"text": "QUOTE(fanlou @ Jul 18 2024, 11:53 AM)A Malay-owned claypot chicken rice stall in Malaysia that went viral on social media for its owners\u2019 proficiency in the Cantonese dialect has come under fire from some local diners after Islamic officials declared the stall had been operating without halal certification.Aman\u2019s Food Stall \u2013 located at Restoran Ahmad Muzakin in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur \u2013 offered a pork-free version of the dish, which has origins in China and is also popular among Chinese communities in Malaysia and Singapore.Both Muslims and non-Muslims were served the dish, which was featured on some popular food blogs and received a positive review from online news site Malay Mail. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/m...-with-rice-wineRemember this malay couple selling claypot rice??Fella was indon ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(Srbn @ Dec 14 2021, 02:45 PM)Keluarga Rohingya Muslim Buka Trak Makanan Halal Malaysia Di MilwaukeeMalah, difahamkan ia merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan trak makanan Malaysia yang halal di Milwaukee, sekali gus memberikan pilihan kepada masyarakat Myanmar dan Rohingya menikmati hidangan tradisional, apatah lagi Milwaukee begitu terkenal dengan populasi pelarian Rohingya terbesar di Amerika Syarikat.SOScukur, NO NEED TONGKAT.Berapa lama tinggal di Malaysia sampai boleh belajar itu penunggang skill? ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949907660484314} +{"text": "Bodoh betul dia ni. X ada sijil halal doesn\u2019t mean haram. https://t.co/bamh19n2Py", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "yup once again akidah muslims here senang terpesong and confius. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8975180983543396} +{"text": " chicaron itu tergolong dalam makanan haram dan tak perlu disahkan oleh JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.960516095161438} +{"text": "sbb utk dptkn status halal tu\n\nkena tgk kedai nya\nkena ada SOP nya\ntiap satu bahan kena semak, tiap prosedur depa teliti\nsupplier raw materials also kena ada sijil halalits not easy to get status halal JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9522314667701721} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 13 2016, 06:34 PM)Yes. Exactly. Because halal cert is not compulsory. Its voluntary Those who apply, have certThose who dont, dontDoesn't mean their food is not halalWaffak. Betul jugaLandWaterAnd air. Cuz obviously duck can flyFuk me. I iz haram!For, human 5 alamWater, on ground, air, space and lastly underground RIPThis post has been edited by stupiak07: Feb 13 2016, 06:58 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.849505603313446} +{"text": "kalau ada duit, buat aje la brokalau dengar pendapat orang sampai tahun depan pun tak gerak lagisebab apasebab 90% pendapat datang dari dari orang-orang yang tak buat apa pundorang ni bab soal menyoal beri pendapat memang laju macam promacam dorang sendiri dah buatpadahal dorang sendiri tak keluar dari kepompong makan gajibisnes is about taking risk and venturing out from our comfort zone ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999781847000122} +{"text": "\n_blackbird replied at 28-3-2023 02:00 PM\r\nkucing makan ayam tak sembelih sis, ayam tak sembelih yg lobai concernkan. tak halal.\nTapi I sllu beli ayam kat pasar Keramat n di Rosham Mart for my cat. I yakin ayam tu halal, InsyaAllah...... And my cat behave very well.\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9954301118850708} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 06:32 PM)Tepat sekali. Yg bab sertu tu la ad perbezaan ulama; ada ckp kena sertu ada ckp takyah, cukup sekadar basuh biasa.Anyway, kau ni dupe sape? Nak reply tered ni pun kena buat dupe? Dan kalau nak berkongsi ilmu halal/haram kenalah berikan dua-dua pendapat agar mereka tidak kekeliruan. dan lagi bagus kalau sertakan dalil supaya tidak pendapat sendiri diambil sebagai hukum-hakam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999200105667114} +{"text": "But maksiat no haram worBingung.gif ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Dec 14 2016, 06:11 PM)bukan mesti, tapi cuma satu ikhtiar untuk berbuat baik tanpa tersentuh najis mughallazhah. bak kata Ikruga, jangan disusahkan benda yg mudah. kalau takde direct contact maka tak perlu la nak disamak.#donedakwahWonder where you got ur bodo teaching...taliban school? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Oct 21 2019, 10:54 AM)U can shout BMF at the top of your lungs or blast it out loud from pasar malam speakers But if your product is shit in quality, eventually consumers will slowly trickle back to the product which offers them the best buck and value for money Nobody buys a product because of racial sentiments, that\u2019s kinda special Kind of stupid. Even if you go hardcore on support barangan buatan tempatan campaign, Muslim or non Muslim, that kinda drive will not last long if the product is shit and not commercially competitive. A capitalistic model will ensure survival of the fittest, good quality products will ensure long lasting stream of customers, fear not BMF.Kudos to TS for finding a video showing hillbilly chinese from god knows which ulu kampung Cina to Represent the views of the nons. Well fcking done.truth is, there is no such thing as a moslem product.A common mass market product is usually neutral of religion, really. Quite hard to define it.I tried to explain this to a forum member call bombgen...he just don't know how to see it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999366998672485} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 7 2023, 03:09 PM)Be smart about it... Check ingredients.... Don't rely on stupid muslimsGod knows most Malay very busuk hati suka make false news.Dulu some makcik in WhatsApp group try spread news chattime boba babi... When I show jakim halal cert she marah me \"why you want to protect them so bad?\"jakim dah kata ok, yakin jer. kalau betul ada babi, tu salah jakim. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999699592590332} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITAMZZ @ Oct 18 2016, 02:06 PM)Does it consider haram/tidak halal, if they smell the food aroma like Babi? You know you pass by the stall or shop which cook Babi and they said wanginya... if haram then need special air to breathe?any sifu enlighten please.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999793767929077} +{"text": "Kedai judi haram, duit hasil judi halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9903653860092163} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 3 2023, 12:07 AM)Qingdao mmg celaka oneMentang2 diorunk buat Tsingtao beer yg haram, semua tempat ada jual beer. Tepi jalan ko nak beli ikat tepi pun adaNasib baik aku tak terbeli sebab ingatkan air tebu berkarbonat Pastu air kelapa dia\u2026 Astagfirullahaladzim\u2026Letak gambar nen nen mcm jual susu ibu Haram jadah betul\u00a0 Doomsday ko jgn terzhut-zhut taw\u2026This one MIx got sell I sudah zhut it at Malaysia.Ohhh wai forgot to buy \"sui\" tomorrow go 7/11 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998756647109985} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ Sep 4 2023, 09:19 AM)But but last time i ate a big bowl of tonkotsu ramen + extra char siew, when boarding time i burp inside the plane woryou monster, be sure your gandum mechanical organ can filter all the haram particle ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 02:59 PM)Boleh semak website halal direktori ada tak penyedia makanan guna terma \"hot dog\". Org yang kerja dalam F&B dah lama tahu, sebab itu dalam penjenamaan makanan, mereka tak guna nama \"hot dog\". Mereka guna frankfurter atau sausage. Jika frankfurter atau sausage daripada bahan yang haram, mereka tak dapat sijil halal. Jika barang yang tak halal, selalunya pasaraya akan asingkan terus. Jika tak agree tak apa, terus berbincang dengan pihak JAKIM. Tak ada masalah. Join sekali dengan team JAKIM utk sediakan satu lagi MALAYSIAN STANDARD utk halal cert. Boleh tukar jadi MS 1500:2016 . Nak join?\u00a0 Yang memburukkan adalah muslim sendiri sebab tak faham, dan acah2 lebih hebat daripada mereka. Orang awam juga jangan ingat mereka itu malaikat atau nabi sampai semua perkara nak diperlekehkan sampai tahap menghina.\u00a0 Dah yg tetapkan halal di Malaysia ni Jakim dan terma hot dog tak dibenarkan memang lah takde. Awak ni paham tak apa yang org pertikai kan? Orang pertikai kenapa hot dog yg telah dipakaigunakan berabad-abad telah ditidak dibenarkan oleh Jakim jika mahu sijil halal. Jakim kata kerana ini akan mengelirukan orang Islam, padahal takda orang pun yang akan keliru. Pandangan Jakim untuk perkara ini mmg nampak mundur (siapa yg akan pikir hot dog ada kaitan dgn anjing? Awak?)Ya kalau tak agree dan boleh berbincang dgn Jakim dan mereka akan menukar rule ini, itu bagus. Tetapi adakah itu akan terjadi? Sekarang pun dalam kenyataan akhbar mereka berputar belit mengatakan perkara ini tidak benar, walhal rule ini memang adapun seperti yg anda sendiri post disini. Jikalau org ramai tidak mengeluarkan pendapat yg ini adalah rule yg tidak patut, adakah Jakim akan tukar? Daripada apa yg saya tengok kemungkinannya memang sangat tipis.Yg memburukkan Jakim adalah manusia Muslim dan non-muslim sebab dalam perkara ini Jakim memang memburukkan nama baik agama. Apa yang orang tak paham? Memang betulkan Jakim ada rule yg tidak membenarkan nama seperti hot dog jika nak sijil halal. Awak sendiri tahukah apa yang orang ramai pertikaikan disini? Awak tunjuk MS 1500:2015 tu untuk apa? Sepertilah ada clause itu didalam MS 1500:2015 itu bermakna clause itu adalah bagus dan tindakan Jakim itu bijak. Btw, orang Jakim itupun orang awam jugak, jgn la nak tunjuk besar pulak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999159574508667} +{"text": " dari bayi sy juga uda cuci tangan pakai sabun tiap hari, olahraga tiap hari, makanan fresh halal, buang sampah pada tempatnya, lingkungan bersih, seting rumah dg jendela2 utk aliran udara yg bagus dll ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998457431793213} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 22 2019, 10:15 AM)Here is the ironic part, even though u claim its not Muslim fault and only blame those who support this bigotry, problem is this incident will continue on and testing non's tolerances until breaking point COZ nobody is taking responsibility or punish the people who practise such extremism. And u be surprise, despite what u claim, majority of them DO support this and this is a worrying trend.Pas used to be not influencial in Sarawak, and their complain is not entertained. But lately they getting way too daring and invade other religion rigtts because they can get away with it. No matter how u claim majority don't support this behaviour, but if they can still do whatever they want, that telling a lot that majority and even govt is supporting this toxic extremism behaviour.10k people from 10m people say haram doesn't mean all people say haram. Most of them don't even give a shit, meanwhile some of them quietly go search for the picture and see how it looks like. You have your new Malaysia now and if you encounter racial or religion problem, you should go ask the PH gov to do something or ask the YB/wakil rakyat, even can try report to polis, but not blaming all Muslims regardless. If you do that then you have no different compare to PAS. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5409818291664124} +{"text": "QUOTE(munak991 @ Mar 4 2018, 11:44 AM)I don't think it is plastic tub, looks coloured metal. but if it's plastic then how do they pass MOH.2) yea the sugar bag is disgusting, not only leeching. but sugar bag touch the ground and stain with dirt and stuffall food handlers knew that even if it's metal , u cannot use any color paint equipment to deal with hot liquid. stainless steel the best. even aluminium without any protective coat is toxin.This post has been edited by hackwire: Mar 4 2018, 11:50 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999956488609314} +{"text": "Dia dah gila ke ? Nanti orang Islam nampak bak chang dijual di mana-mana mereka keliru dan makan. Iman tergugat. Tak payahlah, jual nasi lemak pecah teruna cukuplah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "jual bihun goreng tepi jalan is da best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999834418296814} +{"text": "Aku berasa makanan Korea itu, Ais. Hasilnya selalu nemu yang enak atau enggak? Kalau aku, entah selalu beruntung, tapi yang aku beli gak pernah zonk. Enak-enak aja, Ais. Kalau dapat zonk kayaknya aku berubah nggak suka matcha lagi.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8839793801307678} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Oct 13 2017, 07:08 PM)I like it how u completely ignored the views of mainstream ulamas who call this whole halal and haram clothing issue as nothing but nonsense. Now its preferences? Its got nothing to do with personal preferences, u and i fully know that its not. Esp not when religion is involved.Besides, the ulamas who supported this biz model is in hot water, now. Tough luckI like the way you choose to label it halal & haram when the business owner didn't. You assume too much when people say nak pakai benda yang mesra Muslim.That person you say is in hot water also took it out of the context....pretty much like you. It was a simple business decision and no more than that, I'm sure. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9933695197105408} +{"text": "Sebelum nak salahkan Jakim tentang isu Halal/Haram, selidik dulu kenape jakim sahkan makanan tu Haram . Bukan main bantai je viralkan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9913731217384338} +{"text": "Jangan cakap pasal luar negara takleh survive. InsyaAllah boleh. Kita ada akal cara nak pilih makanan yang betul. Ada ikhtiar, Allah bantu mudahkan kita untuk jumpa tempat2 yang jual makanan halal/bersih dari bahan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8313546776771545} +{"text": "Xing Fu Tang dah dapat sijil halal. Minum dengan penuh yakin! https://t.co/UPowJTQjwG", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999815046787262} +{"text": "Kalau dah tahu x boleh mkn beef kenapa beli di kedai yg ada jual beef? You yg kena jaga diri you sendiri atas kepercayaan you. Kena ingat, kedai tu halal. You x boleh anggap mesti sama rata utk you.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8694748282432556} +{"text": "Kalau bab kebersihan, kalau diorang yakin bersih makan aje..status halal bila restaurant tu dtang n menyajikan makanan luar yg x tahu sama -", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.49883323907852173} +{"text": "QUOTE(Balanced @ Feb 27 2024, 09:27 PM)Aww man. I was excited when i heard about summer opening in samarahan.. samarahan supposed to be like a satelite city and attracting people from the other side right? Guess it failed?Which the best now? Vivacity, aeon, the spring. In this order?It's been years i didn't go to mall in Kuching cos i relocate to Bintulu but my favourite is always Vivacity, Aeon second and Spring third.Parking in Aeon mall sucks however. You want to pay your parking using Spay also susah due to internet network problem inside of the mall. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7422975897789001} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ May 25 2015, 01:17 PM)Kewujudan patung menggalakkan pemujaan. Ia boleh merosakkan akidah serta iman dan mengelirukan orang Melayu Islam Sunni Semenanjung Malaysia, oleh itu patung tidak lagi diletak demi sensitiviti mereka.betul ke lu cakap??masih ada patung,tapi sudah kurang... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999828577041626} +{"text": "This is .. going overboard lah. Seriously not respecting people. It is not about confusing or terpesong akidah or anything.We know that Ramly brand burger is owned by Muslim. It is a brand name and always considered as halal foods. Using Ramly name as to market your babi product is totally disrespectful of other people's copyright, moreover associating the haram food with halal brand. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9881064891815186} +{"text": "you guys dont know all sea living creature eat shit and drink pee???if you guys this cannot that cannot, this earth still got place that fit your believed?i thought your god created this world??? why so many haram?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999805748462677} +{"text": "Sell tuai very popular at Kelantan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999420642852783} +{"text": "Thailand McD is the best.http://www.mcthai.co.th/deliverydetail.php?catid=1&menuid=9 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "Dah makan dapat pahala, ticket ke... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974088072776794} +{"text": "@aswaliaaa Setuju, ada yang faham, ada yang tidak. Kena tanya lah jawapannya kan? Kena faham juga, sijil Halal ini berfungsi untuk kita makan tanpa perlu rasa was-was, tanpa perlu bertanya halal ke idok. Kalau rasa yakin dengan makanan yang orang Islam masak, tidak perlu lah bertanya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963002800941467} +{"text": "QUOTE(waveweaver @ Jan 10 2021, 08:07 PM)Bukan raid lah. Just routine checking most probably somebody make complaints. Nothing happen.. life goes on like usual.how come Jabatan Agama check kopitiam , bak kut teh and or haram place for halal cert is a routine ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998290538787842} +{"text": "QUOTE(Accord2018 @ Jan 17 2022, 11:42 PM)a bit hard actually because cannot prove her father's DNA and he is missing. frossonice if pm tml comes to you to settle the rohana, you print the IC to her or not? and based on what you print it?Esok Thaipusam. Opis all close la in KV. No need to think. She is not entitled to have one. PM cannot suka2 langgar any law. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "Kita memang suka try makanan lain dari yang lain selagi halal aku try je, i am just adventurous like that ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999291896820068} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kaya Butter Toast @ Dec 27 2023, 02:33 PM)Taliban logicSikit sikit taliban. Salah lanjaw jpenipuscammer jugak tak reti belajar halal haram jual sama pemakanan babi saja tak boleh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "The real haram thing for Muslims are dog, pig and gambling. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "Haram dan lazat...!! Good as long as also make effort reduce corruption, later musang revenue goes to certain people pocket ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995694756507874} +{"text": "Sijil halal tak semestinya berkaitan dengan bahan je. Kalau kau nak guna konsep \u201csijil halal\u201d kedai2 tepi jalan tu takda pon sijil halal. Tapi disbabkan kau yakin dia islam, melayu guna barang halal. Tpi kebersihan out dari sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9617173075675964} +{"text": "kononnya xboleh bergaul dgn ultrakiasu nanti iman tergugat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996033310890198} +{"text": "Follow @eyecare.my . [JOM TAG KAWAN AWAK] . KASI TURUN MATA MINUS TU SENANG JE. Kini dah ade suplemen nutrisi mate, Herbal aman sangat & tak de efek apepun , di proses dengan Bioteknologi modern dan sijil pengesahan BPOM, Halal. Sangat senang dikonsumsi dan Berkhasiat 100% A\u2026 https://t.co/4Ceurb7zam", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8866994976997375} +{"text": "like suki-yadulu no malay wanna go bcoz no halal certden dunno which kol viral is pork-free and alcohol-free, now mostly them queue.now I'm waiting who gonna viral say suki-ya got no halal cert ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9090274572372437} +{"text": "he's right.. u tak suka u keluar.. jgn pergi langsung.. berisiko tinggi kenak covid dan bazir wang &masa je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995139837265015} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ May 21 2016, 08:25 PM)how is \"no pork\" is false (or even borderline false)when it really don't have pork,.. what's the point of the sign anywayI don't seafood restaurant put No land animals signSomehow this no pork sign happens to be popular here More than a no beef sign ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999549388885498} +{"text": "\r\nbetul..tu pentingnya badan pengesahan halal ni..ni tak..bagi kat company yang buat...sape2 nak dapat sijil halal kena bagi layanan VVIP kat inspektor tu..kalo tak..hehehe...mau org tak ragu2 hukum halal....mee sanggul dari hk pun boleh dapat sijil halal...ayam cucuk kat tesco pun boleh dapat sijil halal...hehehehe", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995037317276001} +{"text": "QUOTE(JK612 @ Dec 27 2023, 03:48 PM)Right hand holding cigarettes, left hand typing and tegur celebrities eating at pork free restaurant.Not sure who is more haram.Maybe no mentioned of cigarrete haram in Quran, pork is haram as per the scripture. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7971908450126648} +{"text": "Cek \u3010HALAL\u3011Grosir Murah JinFeng Latiao Halal Cemilan pedas Gluten Vegetarian Snack China Jajanan Viral Makanan Family Snack Santai Camilan dengan harga Rp199.000. Dapatkan di Shopee sekarang! https://s.shopee.co.id/LTESrOZcq?share_channel_code=7\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9683747291564941} +{"text": "@MissTomato__ maaf cakap cuma kdg2 segelintir sikap yg mempersoal ni terus jatuh hukum haram bila tiada sijil halal jakim. sikap tu yg bikin panas, sbb nak jatuhkan hukum tu tak boleh semudah itu, dgn sewenang2. klu setakat hearsay/rumors selagi tak disahkan siasatan tak wajar utk haramkan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(lucifer_666 @ Nov 5 2020, 02:23 PM)They changed it. Some of the comments still maintained the use of the original term.So they r holier then new convert la kiranyaMualaf mesti ada udang di sebalik batu sebab sepetBagus la, selamat menjawab kt akhirat kelak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ May 31 2016, 07:01 PM)http://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/columnis...ld-concern-non/RAPID development in science and technology has left a great impact on the food processing industry. From the scientific and religious perspectives on food consumption, the halal concept is crucial because it includes other elements such as hygiene, ethics, values and food safety. Furthermore, halal does not only concern Muslims, but non-Muslims as well.The halal concept is used widely in all aspects of life including food products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, health supplements and food ingredients. In Islam, many things have been classified as halal or haram.The objective of the halal concept is to ascertain whether the food product is safe, hygienic and not hazardous to human health. Thus, in the halal context, hygienic food, drinks and products must be free from najs (dirt/impurity) or contamination and harmful germs.Muslims today are concerned about the issue of food consumption because many of the ingredients available in the market are also derived from lard or porcine sources, which bring a bigger problem for the halal status of food consumption. Although the use of such non-halal ingredients, which are normally used in food production and pharmaceutical goods, is highlighted in the media, an effective solution has yet to be found.Undoubtedly, the issue is sensitive to Muslims. The question that arises is whether information pertaining to this issue is sufficient and reliable.Do Muslims have ample awareness and knowledge on the concept of consuming halal food as stated in the Quran? Is the awareness translated into the practice of consuming and choosing the right food? These are some of the pressing issues for Muslims to focus on, which are caused by the rapid development of the food processing industry.In Islam, although many things have been classified as either halal or haram, there are also grey areas which need further clarification and information. In the Islamic context, religious scholars or ulamas practise ijtihad to clarify and specify the problems in determining the halal status of products or ingredients in certain food procedures.The halal status should first be determined during the process of food production, rather than being considered in the end product. If and once this is done, only then can the purpose of consumption be realised.Health and issues related to it are one of the tools in measuring the awareness among Muslims on food consumption and halal products. Poor nutrition and unhealthy conditions contributing to modern ill health are the adverse effects of what the public consume daily.This can relate closely to the choices that Muslims make in prioritising halal food in their daily food intake. These choices determine their health status.In this context, the Government or its relevant agencies must use health as the focus in disseminating information and creating awareness on halal food consumption. The public ought to be educated on the importance of good health and halal food consumption as outlined in Islam.Education is one of the best methods to nurture and create awareness on halal issues in society. This can be done through various planned methods so that information on the issue can reach the public effectively.Hence, the Government and the relevant authorities must take the responsibility to focus on educating and creating awareness among society on halal products, with accurate and reliable information.Indeed, awareness is a relative concept whereby a person may be partially aware, subconsciously aware or acutely aware of issues relating to halal aspects. Muslims\u2019 perception on halal is an important assessor in the halal food chain.Their acceptance and attitude on halal determine whether the food choice truly fulfils the halal criteria or otherwise. Therefore, the halal logo is able to enhance awareness among Muslim consumers in choosing their food. They seem to have adequate information and hence, can make a wise decision before consuming or buying a product.In Malaysia, the level of awareness on halal is increasing through teaching and learning activities. The public is exposed to the information on halal consumption through television, newspapers, radio and the Internet.However, information on halal consumption conveyed through social media must be properly examined on its reliability and validity, since there is no close monitoring of the sources of the information. This could cause chaos in society as unreliable and invalid information can create unwanted generalisations or assumptions on the issue.Discussions and related efforts in reducing misunderstandings and doubts on certain products ought to be conducted regularly by relevant parties. The knowledge or information deduced from discussion sessions or gathered through research or analysis ought to be shared with the general public so that they would have a better and deeper understanding of the issues or solutions offered.The discussions held would increase society\u2019s awareness on the existing platforms in Islamic laws regarding the determination of halal or haram status of a product. However, such an approach is not the only way to resolve any confusion, since the application of halal principles is also governed by specific prerequisites and considerations that are given by competent individuals and organisations.Awareness on halal food consumption has to be made a culture among all Muslims. Sensitivity on this issue is important, so that knowledge and information will not cause confusion among Muslims with regard to the halal or haram status of the food product.Demand and dependency on halal food among Muslims are high. Thus, food manufacturers who would like to capture the market of Muslim consumers must be sensitive to the halal issue so that their business will not be adversely affected and society\u2019s well-being in general is well taken care of.Diamlah TalibanHere i halal for you!!! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7795000076293945} +{"text": "Penjelasan Isu Tular Status Halal Premis Makanan Claypot Chicken Rice. \n\n\"Yakini Halal Malaysia\" #JAKIM#YakiniHalalMalaysia#SemakSebelumSebar#MalaysiaMadani", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999948740005493} +{"text": "QUOTE(mrhulk @ Nov 3 2014, 02:35 PM)i walk round -round jb....i see a food shop with malay workers, but no halal logo in the front of the shop....i can see some customers also malay.....shop only put '\"No Pork, No Lard\"' sign on the shop windows.....so is \"No Pork, No Lard\"= Halal?from my humble understanding, halal - covers basic 3 requirement : - 1. no pork or pork byproduct (lard) used in food 2. beef and poultry certified from halal sources.3. no haram additives in food prepaeation i.e. alcohol, mirin etc. no pork, no lard - only effectively cover one requirement. :- 1. no pork,or pork byproduct used in food. 2. beef and poultry NOT CERTIFIED from halal sources3. might contain alcohol in food preparation.in order to ascertain which one is safe for consumption, please use ur own brain and consider. depends on your level of piety.This post has been edited by shenonymous: Nov 3 2014, 07:48 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9886263012886047} +{"text": "Best part is you cannot get rid of the gomen.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995588660240173} +{"text": "\nspankee_fili replied at 28-3-2023 09:04 AM\nIanya penting bagi mereka yg pastikan tiada najis masuk ke dalam rumah, tak waswas untuk beribadah.. ...\nKannn. Org tak paham isu sikit2 nak condemn. Kalau tak kisah ada babi masuk rumah, terpulangla.\n\r\nCuma pada saya, tak perlu sampai sijil halal. Cuma buat no pork no lard. Kalau ada pork, kena tulis kat ingredients, contain pork mcm tu. \n\r\nSupaya mak bulus tau, lepas dah kasi anak bulus makan, tak payah gomol dulu anaknya. Bekas kena sertu.\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999826967716217} +{"text": "Macam budak budak jehow old is that guy? can't just request for Halal food arrangement on spot? if really malu wei, cannot talk with supervisor in charge on the venue?yada yada, yeaaaaa must post bagi semua orang tau kan? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999996423721313} +{"text": "QUOTE(azarimy @ Jan 6 2010, 11:43 PM)aku pun tak suka tesco.tesco tak semurah asda Go to Lidl better. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986563920974731} +{"text": "QUOTE(doublezul @ Jul 29 2019, 06:27 PM)Apa sarahan tapaiSince this thread is so spicy, Tapai buatan orang kite :Halal, that wangi cooling taste mana ada memabukkan. But many sekolah rendah science knowledge will say that is fermented, alcohol is produced. Since Muslims don't drink, mana kenal ethanol? Know it as arak is liquid in a bottle or else, tak tahu. Some religious body says OK, so OK just eat it. Tapai Heneiken 0% alcohol malt :Even Heneiken didn't want to be embroiled into controversy - non halal drink, not for Muslims. Padahal same sekolah rendah sains - where got use yeast plus sugar to produce this drink? 0% ethanol. Yet by association haram lah that company make arak maybe they use same barrel etc. If you feel you shouldn't drink, then avoid best you can. In the end, eat drink live as you reasonably can. Whatever level sains or religious sentiment you have, your choice to eat or to avoid. Non issue. More tapai should be eaten by all races of Malaysians, then can give a clearer opinion. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9610311388969421} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah sdh gk pernah beli buatan 15r4h3ll msh byk buatan lokal begitu jg dgn makanan lbh suka beli makanan lokal buatan dlm negeri.lbh baik mengkayakan warga lokal .", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8997120261192322} +{"text": "if you consider the one that got sijil halal, you can say that. but if you want to say you're best in Malaysia, you're actually far off. dine at their sunway carnival outlet twice i can already its overpriced, the taste is just at the acceptable and staff is not even friendly. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998801946640015} +{"text": "@syakirlay0925 @MatUMNO Apa yg akan berlaku nanti Malaysia akan dikenali dengan Sijil2 yg diiktiraf. Sijil Pendidikan Malaysia mampu berdaya maju seperti Sijil HALAL. Teori ni dapat membantu Pelajar2 Malaysia dikenali dengan identiti Malaysia itu sendiri. Bila kita iktiraf sijil swasta ini akan berbeza.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999790191650391} +{"text": "restoran, kedai mamak, kedai tomyam, gerai goreng pisang, teh ais tepi jalan semua tu mostly mana ada sijil halal pun... tapi kita yakin dia guna makanan from source yg halal then takde masalah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.985691249370575} +{"text": "o sake haram but o manko halal pulak? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998743534088135} +{"text": "QUOTE(seriosekitt3h @ Apr 12 2024, 01:08 PM)Nons or more directly Chinese have more access to education than Bumiputera.Malas or rajin does not matter to \"Desa\" students if you don't have access to education like \"Kota\" student had.Let this sink in, and then fight me.Lol, there are actual quota set aside for bumi student. What kind of excuses are these?All non cannot masuk, only for bumi is it? You want until like that? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.773776650428772} +{"text": "QUOTE(tsunade @ Jan 31 2024, 02:16 PM)A: hello, I want to order food from youB: hello, ok. what do you want?A: hey, why you simply claim your food so and so when you don't have cert for so and so? do you know how to do business? why are you doing such and such??B: xxxx.....then A viral B insults. Quite clear who's trying to stir shit here.talibans are like that laterrorists love to stir shit, then cry father cry motherlook at hamas, sendiri go bomb people, then now cry here cry there ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "Zamihan has a history of targeting Christians, moderate Muslims Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017...tVQBRCBC4Uwi.99PETALING JAYA: The Muslim preacher Zamihan Mat Zin, who has been arrested in a sedition probe for remarks he made against a Malay ruler, has a track record of targeting Christians and those he labels \u201cliberal\u201d or \u201cmoderate\u201d Muslims. Most of his statements can be found in a series of video clips uploaded to the \u201cOnLine Majlis Ilmu\u201d YouTube channel, which has more than 27,000 subscribers. He has trained his eye on other, more moderate Islamic non-governmental organisations like Sisters in Islam as well. In one video, uploaded in April, he labelled lawyer and activist Siti Kassim an apostate.Last December, he had claimed that it was wrong for Muslims to wish Christians \u201cMerry Christmas\u201d. He said this was because Christians were \u201ckafirs\u201d (infidels). \u201cHow can we wish them (Merry Christmas)?\u201d he said. The Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Malaysia (Aswaja) president seemed aware of the incendiary nature of his statements, adding that \u201cLet them call us racists. \u201cWe are crude and tough on this matter because this is about akidah (creed),\u201d he added. Zamihan also trained his barbs on moderate Muslims, urging the audience in his YouTube channel to not follow the teachings of moderate Islam, which he labelled as \u201cnarrow\u201d. \u201cThis is about akidah. Festive celebrations cannot be underestimated at all. Do not follow those who practise \u2018narrow\u2019 religions, and those who simply issue fatwas. \u201cThey don\u2019t even know a thing about Christians, and they want to say that \u2018It's okay, we are a pluralistic, multiracial and multi-ethnic country, so we must be open\u2019,\u201d he added. Zamihan was under investigation after he had allegedly said, in a more recent video, that it was wrong of Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar to prohibit a Muslim-only laundrette from operating in the state. In the same video, he described Chinese people as being \u201cunhygienic\u201d. This came after the Johor Sultan said he was unhappy with a \u201cMuslim-only\u201d launderette operating in the state. In an exclusive report by The Star on Sept 27, His Majesty said: \"I cannot accept this nonsense. This is Johor, which belongs to Bangsa Johor and it belongs to all races and faiths. This is a progressive, modern and moderate state.\" The owner of the launderette later apologised for his actions and opened his door to all customers. On Sept 28, the Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullai, visited a similar launderette in Kangar with his mufti Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin to tell its owner why his business model was not acceptable. The 36-year-old owner then opened his outlet to all customers, too. In a statement on Wednesday, Zamihan said he would take legal action against news portals if they do not retract and apologise for their articles over the video, claiming he never mentioned the name of the Johor Sultan in his recent video and neither did he use any abusive or seditious words. He said that he would give a number of news portals, as well as former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, seven days to retract their articles and to publicly apologise to him. \u201cIf they fail to do so, I will take legal action against them for defaming me without prejudice,\" Zamihan added. The Home Ministry on Tuesday said that it would also be investigating Zamihan over the viral video. He was arrested later on Wednesday.Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017...tVQBRCBC4Uwi.99This post has been edited by damonlbs: Oct 11 2017, 10:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9662540555000305} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ichibanichi @ May 10 2017, 06:53 PM)Kelakar...larOnly peasant and uneducated being indoctrine about what ever dosa thingy. The main point is ur own ppl using the very same tactic to subdue the ppl using religion.What to expect when the very same ppl every once in the year can see you telling you 0 0 and the next new year can restart whatever action they deem like.Rich one....lagi dont careGo mecca, terus cuci dosaLolyou suka2 tuduh us people who believe in dosa pahala as uneducated peasants. implying you are of nobility because you are \"enlightened\"?Sedap sangat ke hisap kote hawkins and bill nye?you think we also not angry the people we trust to do collect the zakat is corrupt?and no, go mecca just to cuci dosa to reset is never a thing. no repentance tak kira. for thieves, the person must return all what is wrongfully taken.But why listen to me right? I'm just an educated peasant.We all waiting for YOU to come and save us. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999352693557739} +{"text": "Program Malaysia Fair Tokyo 2018 yang berlangsung selama tiga hari di Shinjuku Chuo Park, dekat sini, mendapat sambutan hebat masyarakat Jepun.Lebih 30,000 pengunjung menyertai program julung kali diadakan itu yang turut menghimpunkan ramai rakyat Malaysia di negara ini.Apa yang menarik, mereka sanggup beratur panjang lebih sejam termasuk dalam hujan semata-mata untuk menikmati kepelbagaian menu makanan Malaysia yang disajikan.Antara menu makanan yang dijual dari harga serendah \u00a5500 (RM18) ialah nasi lemak, laksa Sarawak, mee kari, bihun sup, pisang goreng, pulut kuning, rendang, roti canai, satay dan satar.Kebanyakan makanan habis dalam tempoh singkat sehingga memaksa segelintir peniaga, terdiri rakyat Malaysia menambah hidangan dari masa ke semasa bagi mengelak pengunjung kehampaan.Selain makanan enak, pengunjung juga tertarik melihat persembahan bintang rock tanah air, Amy Search, dan menunggu sehingga lewat petang untuk menyaksikan acara kemuncak Malaysia Fair itu.Program itu anjuran Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani bersama beberapa agensi kerajaan termasuk Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia dan Tourism Malaysia.Penasihat Pertanian di Jepun, Mohd Taqiuddin Zakaria, berkata selain kepelbagaian menu, Malaysia Fair Tokyo 2018 turut memaparkan keunikan kebudayaan dan kesenian pelbagai kaum di Malaysia.Beliau berkata program turut menonjolkan elemen perdagangan dan pelaburan dalam sektor agromakanan, pelancongan dan pendidikan.\"Malaysia Fair Tokyo 2018 adalah kemuncak kepada program promosi yang diadakan sepanjang tahun ini di Jepun.\"Selain daripada memperkenal dan mempromosi Malaysia secara keseluruhannya, program ini juga membuka peluang kepada usahawan Malaysia mempromosikan produk makanan keluaran tempatan, kebudayaan dan produk pelancongan kepada masyarakat di sini.\"Tambahan pula, permintaan kepada produk halal Malaysia semakin meningkat di Jepun terutamanya menjelang Temasya Sukan Olimpik dan Paralimpik Tokyo 2020,\" katanya.Majlis pelancaran Malaysia Fair Tokyo 2018 disempurnakan oleh Duta Besar Malaysia ke Jepun, Datuk Ahmad Izlan Idris.Sebanyak 35 agensi kerajaan, syarikat swasta, persatuan pelajar dan individu menyertai program itu termasuk Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia, Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda, Kesatuan Pelajar Malaysia di Jepun, Persatuan Wanita Kementerian Luar Negeri, Janji Beger, Malay Asian Cuisine, Brahim's Food Japan, Ayam Brand, Petronas dan Tanamera Spa Kemaman.https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...-dapat-sambutan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9567423462867737} +{"text": "QUOTE(fazlythewarrior @ Feb 8 2019, 05:31 PM)Sharing idea boleh jangan dah sampai menyimpang akidah sudah akidah? saya tidak rasa topik ini akan banyak mencabar akidah. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976634979248} +{"text": "\nmi kuning atau kuetiaw mana yang status halalnya tak diragui?...ada list tak?\nnoor2 Post at 10-6-2010 17:04 \n\ntak pernah lak jumpa listnya noor.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9187513589859009} +{"text": "\ntuh la....selera manusia ni lain2. tapi kan dino meniaga babi ni mmg untung. hang bygkan sekor b ...\nNIXAR Post at 9-6-2010 14:59 \nni musti bg idea org melayu berniaga babi nih.... \r\nbg aku takde mslh ngan babi.... yg jd mslh yg kandang2 babi ni kotor jer.... tp ade gak kandang ayam lembu kotor gak.... \r\nsatu lg jgn la kite hina selera org lain.... baru la org hormat kat kite skit.... satu lg tak seme makanan cina ade kaitan ngan babi....\r\npsl ade org alergik sungguh.... yg aku heran tu bab minum arak.... bab p umah urut.... takde plak nak pkir halal haram.....\r\nbtul la org ckp org melayu bab babi jer ikut isle.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999998927116394} +{"text": "typical malaysian reaction towards celeb on halal and haram subjects. nexttttttttttt ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "Not bad Jpeg but again...Diu I day day cook and even make food for my bois and gurls in opis la, I dun see the need to tiktok it too... Really different rice feed different people.Some cook and share, while some purposely made it like \"I Cook wan, I cook for humgarling makan wan, naw give me hundred to thousand of small hearts so I viral!\" ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9190487265586853} +{"text": "\r\nASSALAMUALAIKUM.....:bgrin:\n\r\nAku nak tanya pasal perihal sembelih...Masa aku dok berborak dengan kawan aku kat kedai makan(Chinese Food) itu hari, dia pelik sebab tengok aku tak makan apa-apa..minum je..dia tanya kenapa?Dia tahu aku tak boleh makan \"menatang\" tuh..Jadi dia tanya kenapa tak pesan ayam ke daging ke??!!Jadi aku bukaklah bab SEMBELIH nih..Dia kata Sembelih ni macam menyiksa binatang je.. Jadi aku tanyalah dia kalau Sembelih seksa binatang, cara yang mcmana nak matikan binatang tuh dalam keadaan selesa??!!:bgrin: Tak menjawab pulak dia..Alih-alih dia tanya aku \"kenapa kalau Ayam, lembu, kambing etc, kena sembelih..tapi kalau ikan@makanan laut kita(ISLAM) tak sembelih\"..Katanya \"ikan tu pun benda hidup jugak??\" Jadi aku ceritalah serba sedikit pasal Sembelih nih(sekadar apa yang aku ingat)..Kawan aku tu pun senyap je..Walaupun dia tak tanya lagi lepas aku cerita perihal SEMBELIH, tapi aku rasa macam tak selesa sebab penerangan aku itu tak MENJAWAB SOALAN..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9888111352920532} +{"text": "I was there that night. This happened back in 2005 IIRC. 2nd time I happened to be at a club that was raided. I was with 2 other guys n 2 girls.Around 1am, another friend that we bumped into there warned us that a raid is going to happen soon at around 130am. He looked really high so we ignored his warning. We continued drinking the Chivas we opened 40 mins earlier.At 130am sharp, suddenly the music stopped n the bright lights were turned on. Everyone froze. As our eyes adjusted we realized that there was really a raid happening. I turned to my friend and said \u201cfark la. we shud have listened to him\u201d.A chinese inspector went up the podium to the DJ area and took the microphone. He announced \u201cOk kita akan buat operasi malam ini. kita dari Balai Polis Dang Wangi.\u201d Kita akan check untuk dadah dan rekod jenayah. Rokok semua buang dan jangan ambik gambar. ambil keluar IC\u201dWe continued smoking and one Polis passed us and shouted \u201cTak faham bahasa ke ? BUANG ROKOK!\u201d we complied immediately.We took out ICs out n placed them on the table. Women were ordered to go upstairs. Men remained at the main ground floor area.Another Polis officer goes around distributing transparent cups with lids. At closer inspection there were small boxes printed on the cup indicating the type of drugs present in the system.Around this time reporters and camera crews came in. Around 15-20 of them. Taking pictures and filming us. Stress level went up.In groups of 5 our ICs were gathered n we were den ordered to go to the toilet n pee into the container we were given earlier. When ur name was announced u headed straight for the toilet.Around this time a name was announced \u201cMohd Hafiz bin xxxx\u201d the reply of \u201cSaya\u201d came from what looked like a tall slim woman wearing a tight short red dress. Everyone laughed n wolf whistled including the cops. Quite kesian that fele.My name was called and the 5 of us went to the toilet to pee.We were guided into individual cubicles and behind us each cubicle had a cop standing on watch outside. Doors open at all time. After I was done I stepped out of the cubicle to wash my hands. I noticed a few guys staring curiously at the last cubicle. I went closer and inside was Mohd Hafiz in his red dress. He was trying to squat and at the same time pleading with the cop to let him close the door. The cop was unsure what to do. one indian guy made eye contact with me and he instantly said \u201cU dun see dat everyday bro\u201d. I nodded in agreement. Din\u2019t see what happened to Mohd Hafiz in the end as we were ordered to return to our tables.At the table my IC was returned to me n place below the urine test kit. \u201cTunggu 10 minit untuk result\u201d one cop announced.I don\u2019t do drugs of any kind so I was not scared.While I was waiting the media started taking pictures of those unlucky enough to be tested positive or had outstanding arrest warrants/criminal records. They were gathered on the small stage and handcuffed together. I remember seeing around 10 guys there. All looking pathetic and trying their best to hide their faces.After 10mins it was results time. mine was negative n a cop gave me permission to leave.I looked at my watch\u2026it was almost 3am. But at the exit there was another surprise. There was a cop posted there with a torch light. Scanning every test kit one last time just to make sure. Again mine was negative n he told me to throw it in a big bin bag next to the entrance.By the time the girls were done it was around 4am. We went mamak and discussed our experiences.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abI also can copy pasta without linking source ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993259608745575} +{"text": "QUOTE(sultanmurka @ Feb 27 2018, 02:31 PM)beta nak tanya.. apa pendapat kamu dalam penggunaan internet yang ada lebih bahan negative ataupun haram daripada anjing dan arak seperti bahan lucah.Bahan lucah is ok. Not gay stuff. That one confirmed. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999420642852783} +{"text": "Hi beautiful, Jom dptkan HAUS Foundation. Kilang bertaraf GMP, KKM dan yg paling best ada sijil HALAL. Gunakan tanpa was was ladies. https://t.co/j39g5Jc89c #hauscosmetics https://t.co/5RGRbnzZkX", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999903440475464} +{"text": "Reading the comment sections, now aku tau dah kenapa JAKIM sepatutnya bagitau kedai/makanan yang perlu sijil haram. Bukan halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Saya jawab disini aja ya.. Anak Pertama : Masuk Kuliah Top 3 Indonesia\nAnak Kedua : Hafidz 30 Juz\n\nRahasianya apa ? \n\nCatet yaa.. saya nggak pinter, biasa aja, kerjaan juga nguli abis.. cuma seinget saya ini yg saya jaga :\n\nJAGA ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997155070304871} +{"text": "Pork image 404, only pork wording! Basically it is just a non halal restaurant recommendationCurious CuisineFans of Spanish\u00a0jamon\u00a0and\u00a0iberico\u00a0pork can satisfy their hunger at Kuala Lumpur\u2019s\u00a0Curious Kitchen. Located on the alfresco second-floor dining area of Tropicana Avenue, the restaurant is helmed by Spanish Chef Rainer Krieger and Malaysian Chef C.K., who work to bring the best out of slabs of\u00a0iberico\u00a0pork ribs, chops and tenderloin by cooking them over a charcoal and oak fire grill \u2013 just the way the Spanish like it back home.If big cuts aren\u2019t your thing, go for the meat board, where a selection of jamon, chorizo and salchichon is served alongside slices of gorgonzola, 36-month-old parmesan and gruyere cheese; choricitos al vino (chorizo sauteed in a red wine sauce with caramelised onions); or the classic cheeseburger, where an all-beef patty is served with toppings of burnt onions, pickles, chilli jam and romaine lettuce. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8351995944976807} +{"text": "QUOTE(adam71 @ Dec 20 2023, 09:02 AM)Support.....share location plsIt's at connaught near baskin robin therehttps://maps.app.goo.gl/7kt2NTffnoZtx33M9It's pork haram ya....I thought you are malay?Later jakim catch...QUOTE(DValentine @ Dec 18 2023, 12:26 PM)Munse Md Yunus Alilivinggreat202@gmail.comKenny Wongwongs14622@gmail.comyang lain /k detective tolong korekkansekian ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997096657752991} +{"text": "lakuin hal\" yang kamu suka. Makan makanan yang kamu suka, beli barang yang belakangan ini kamu suka dan kamu butuhin", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998990297317505} +{"text": "KOTA KINABALU: Seorang pengusaha gerai makan di Pasar Besar Ranau mencabar keputusan dan arahan Majlis Daerah Ranau yang hanya membenarkan individu lengkap divaksin berniaga di pasar berkenaan.Naomi Neomi Francis, 55, memfailkan permohonan semakan kehakiman terhadap Majlis Daerah Ranau di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu, hari ini.Naomi berkata, beliau berbuat demikian kerana merasakan dirinya mangsa keadaan.Katanya, SOP itu jelas melanggar hak kebebasan dan kesamarataan seperti yang terkandung dalam Perkara 5 dan 8 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.\u201cLagipun, vaksin Covid-19 masih dalam kajian serta ujian, kenapa saya perlu mengambilnya jika saya masih was-was dan ianya juga bukan mandatori bagi setiap individu mengambilnya.\u201cKeputusan untuk mencabar arahan pihak berkuasa itu juga saya buat bagi mewakili rakan-rakan atau pihak lain yang tidak menerima vaksin, kami mengalami kesukaran itu melakukan apa jua urusan di luar sana.\u201cSaya juga ingin tegaskan yang saya bukan antivaksin, saya cuma mahu keselamatan untuk diri saya,\u201d katanya kepada FMT.Naomi berkata, beliau mengendalikan gerai makan terbabit sejak 2011 dan pendapatannya sangat terjejas selepas Covid-19 melanda negara.Katanya, perniagaannya baru mula meningkat sedikit beberapa bulan lalu, tetapi SOP terbaharu itu mungkin menyebabkan beliau gulung tikar.\u201cSebab itu saya mahu mencabar arahan Majlis Daerah Ranau, SOP yang dikeluarkan jelas melanggar Perlembagaan.\u201cSaya harap keputusan akan berpihak kepada saya, sebagai seorang yang enggan menerima vaksin, banyak kesukaran yang dihadapi, tetapi saya ingin jelaskan, kenapa saya perlu ambil vaksin jika saya was-was.\u201cMengikut Islam, apa-apa makanan walaupun bukan yang haram akan menjadi haram, jika kita \u2018geli\u2019 untuk memakannya, sama juga seperti vaksin, kalau saya was-was tapi tetap mengambilnya, ia juga menjadi haram bagi saya.\u201dTerdahulu, Majlis Daerah Ranau mengeluarkan SOP baharu yang mula berkuat kuasa 21 Sept lalu, dengan pengusaha dan pembantu yang lengkap divaksin dibenarkan meneruskan perniagaan mereka.Naomi sebelum ini dikenakan notis amaran, sebelum kompaun dikeluarkan Majlis Daerah Ranau kerana menjalankan perniagaan tanpa mendapatkan vaksin.Sekiranya gagal mematuhi arahan berkenaan, Naomi bakal dikompaun RM2,000 hingga RM50,000.Peguam Marcel Jude Joseph yang mewakili Naomi ketika dihubungi berkata, semakan kehakiman itu akan disebut di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Ismail Brahim secara e-Review pada 28 Okt ini.Naomi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Marcel kerana sudi membantunya memperjuangkan isu berkenaan.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ah-di-mahkamah/ ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9636392593383789} +{"text": "Renovate factory for get sijil MesTi, Halal and Sdn Bhd", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9996320009231567} +{"text": "#Nurani \u2013 \"Ramuan Berbeza Rasa Sama\" - Mengapa kita perlu memahami makanan tradisi masyarakat cina yang telah mendapat pengiktirafan sijil halal oleh Jakim? Saksikan kupasannya dalam #MYHalal pukul 6.00 petang ini di TV1 | http://myklik.rtm.gov.my | #RTMMobile", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9537762403488159} +{"text": "\" cuba tgk malaysia , nizom yg dibuat kerajaan berkenaan sijil halal amat penting,orang lain dapat manfaat byk dari sijil halal mereka ,semua org tk perlu risau tntg pembelian produk, tp kita arabella mall tiada logo halal dekat produk \"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9632990956306458} +{"text": "Kenapa Sijil Halal penting untuk produk Penapis Air?? Anda tahu kan seramik diguna untuk dijadikan filter penapis air?? Ada isu tentang bahan yang digunakan menggunakan tulang khinzir. nak tau produk mana yang disahkan halal untuk Filter dan produk nya?? Usha gmbr dibawah. https://t.co/OBqnMCmoFL", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996476948261261} +{"text": "Penting untuk memastikan setiap makanan yang masuk dalam tubuh kita dari sumber yang bersih. Bersih bermaksud halal dan berkhasiat serta tidak melampau dan berlebih-lebihan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995118379592896} +{"text": "QUOTE(kcmy @ Sep 12 2015, 11:51 AM)apa nak malu,org lain songlap berbillion billion x malu!Betul tu bero. At leat kita gemuk kita honest, tak songlap. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "wtf.. viral = Pasar malam food..EPIC ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.807165265083313} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 06:57 PM)My gf is also of mixed parentage; the mum is Chinese who converted to Islam.I really envy her family. Despite all the differences, they really respect each other.When I first met her Chinese side of the family, I didn't \"salam\" the aunts and girl cousins, and they asked why.Then the mum who converted explained that it is \"haram\" to touch opposite gender who is not a \"muhrim\".They understood and acknowledged it well, and now we were all very friendly together.They're a very fun bunch.well u're lucky then. my family chinese side not so open minded. and we also not so close.. a sad thing.. considering my chinese cousins are effing hot. hahah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996988773345947} +{"text": "Kalau kedai tu hidang arak, walaupun tak bercampur dalam makanan yang memang yakin halal pun payah nak dapat sijil halal untuk premis makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7340927720069885} +{"text": "Good to know \ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd2dLet's viral it ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995168447494507} +{"text": "last wedding i went to is pre-covid 2018. that time couple is best friend. since they travel kaki so i packed USD300. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999724626541138} +{"text": "QUOTE(Xploit Machine @ Nov 24 2023, 11:41 AM)wats the haram & hukum comparing to have between 1 and 4 wives\u00a0 \u00a0 Nothing haram about that.. you are free to have 4 wives.Try convert and marry 4 and see Bersama sama ke syurgaQUOTE(arif85124 @ Nov 24 2023, 11:42 AM)liqour: clearly state in holy bookrokok: fall under harmful substance, anyone can putar what that is for own benefitIf you can't convince them, confuse themSo kita putar, bagi dia keliru. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998491644859314} +{"text": "their ayam is nice (regardless of which flavour) but I've never tried their bread or anything else.anyway, just buy elsewhere if you are uncomfortable with this brand. senang je. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999572038650513} +{"text": "\nlattehazelnut replied at 25-7-2022 04:49 PM\r\nNobu pun pork free kan..\r\nIm sure menu special diorg pun carter msian market..\r\nMesti pedas, cook we ...\nofismate cina baru bgtau yg Putien branch KL shj is Michelin star\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7148576974868774} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 8 2023, 11:57 AM)Bu.. but.. unker is Malay.best example to counter those like to say Malay food vendors don't need halal logo cuz konfem halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "So, kalau kau ketegaq nak buat jugak boleh. Makanan tu takde la tiba-tiba jadi haram pulak.\n\nTapi janganlah nantu JAKIM dah tarik balik sijil HALAL kau, kau buat drama pulak.\n\nIni memang termaktub dalam Manual Prosedur Pensijilan Halal Malaysia (Domestik) 2020.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "asal orang kita buat -> yakin halal ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998316764831543} +{"text": "Bait thread confirmedInb4 tonkatsu ramen best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999937891960144} +{"text": "semoga boyfriend saya aka bakal suami saya dimurahkan rezeki selalu, sbb kitonya suka memintak duit utk beli makanan kekekeke", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999383687973022} +{"text": "6. Makcik2 warong tepi jalan tu takde sijil halal, on tak on? Hadeh \ud83d\ude25. Kalau pengusaha nya org islam, yg tahu halal haram, for sure makcik2 tu proses dgn cara halal lagi baik. Komeee ni pun \ud83d\ude25", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7601026892662048} +{"text": "Sejak bila tanggungjawab promote makanan halal tu jatuh dkt ceddy?jakim ada lantik dia ke jd duta makanan halal?dia buat food review kira bagus siap mention pork-free ke x. Kau islam dr dlm perut mak kau, kau y nk mkn makanan halal, kau check la sendiri. Mudahkan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956913590431213} +{"text": "aku takut kucing, jadi suka kucing krn dia. tiap jalan jalan selalu bawa makanan kucing buat kucing yg ada di jalanan. senyumannya mengembang ketika liat kucing makan makanan yg dia kasih. dia selalu beli jajan di orang yg udh tua. meskipun nanti dia bagiin lahi ke org lain", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9925478100776672} +{"text": "\nadelea replied at 19-11-2020 05:30 PM\nohh u bukan islam ke \r\nklu islam u tak ckp macam ni\nSemoga tuhan melaknat org yg kaper mengkaperkan org lain tanpa asbab kukuh. Amen... Adakah dgan ckp sebegitu terus jdi kaper? Sejak bila sesuatu makanan boleh jdi haram kalau letak sebelah menyebelah tanpa bercampur dgan terang dan nyata? Tolong tunjuk sikit dalil ugama mana yg ckp sebegitu. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999344348907471} +{"text": "QUOTE(averagehumanbeing @ Mar 26 2017, 01:35 PM)Muslims living in Western countries must be haram then, the chicken and the pork is fried within the same pan. The beef, pork, and chicken all goes through the same processing plant, packaging and distributors. This logic\u00a0 My Muslim peers from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia basically just say that \"if it's halal in your mind, it's halal, vice versa if it's haram and nobody except yourself should be able to change that.\" Never understood the need for halal labels, Muslims in the States selamba je eat in the same restaurant that serves pork and alcohol.Just because some muslims does it, doesn't make it right.Muslims strive to be better muslims.Not take the least practising method. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982705116271973} +{"text": "Weyhh . Tak silap aku mahal dan leceh . Sebab tu banyak company food servicing dekat pengerang tu payah nak buat . Sebab nak mintak sijil halal, BANYAK benda nak kena buat even kau ada HACCP atau ISO 22000 atau any cert dr international body. Seperti prev company aku \ud83d\ude02 https://t.co/TcsX5alagT", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9636834263801575} +{"text": "QUOTE(killdavid @ Mar 9 2024, 07:59 AM)Chickwa is not new la.Been around for yearsMungo Jerry Bak Kut Teh in the 80s sold chicken kut teh for a while but wasn't popular.Guess chicken Kwa is aim at different market. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999823570251465} +{"text": "Baru discover kedai ni. Siap bangga tayang sijil halal dekat pintu masuk. (@ Nippon Sushi in Kajang, Selangor) https://t.co/jRpenewIza", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999334812164307} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Nov 26 2023, 11:41 AM)When respect and tolerance is only 1 way street, when you expect the world to accommodate you but not the other way round then what do you call it? Growing up in Malaysia you have no freaking idea how pampered you had been. While non-muslims have no problem accommodating your needs and requirements- since we are in a multiracial multicultural society- have you ever considered the other way round? You demand no alcohol and no haram food in the events you are invited to, but have you ever considered reciprocation? Very simple example - In non muslim wedding dinners, it is normal to have separate tables with halal food for muslim friends. Have you ever considered the other way round - \"haram\" tables with pork and alcohol for muslim friends in a muslim wedding dinner? No? Can only be 1 way street? No need to sidetrack about alcohol not compulsory in my culture or religion, etc. The point here is, you can demand but I cannot. Why? What does that make you? Back in 2018-20, when DAP say or did anything, they are labeled kurang ajar, mencabar melayu muslim, puak kapir ni kacau hal Islam kenapa!!!\u00a0 Now when DAP dun say anything, they are MCA 2.0, farking useless we vote them in but kecut bola apa pon tak berani buat\u00a0 Apa korang nak sebenarnya?Now Madani in power, they still don't want to change.. Change can happen from education and our education minister cry mother cry father in the parliament when questioned on palestian solidarity.BMX so keen to resolve other countries problem.. domestically our economy is going south.When we ask the Maleis why this why that.. they easily say this is tanah Melayu. Period.DAP is given the vote during the GE because the rakyat want a change.. but also dissappointed now when gotten voted right?Malesia no more hope and you ask Malesian in overseas want to return to serve the country.. they will give a big NO now. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9921994805335999} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Oct 26 2016, 12:37 AM)in real life maybe where theres no place for reference. But here any question can be answered by just google. It does not fit the purpose. And dont worry, I know rukun islam, rukun nikah, rukun solat, rukun iman. I made sure I know all of those coz sked kadi will ask during my nikah 7 years ago So rukun kamasutra sudah khatam blom? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "[quote=fuifuiTan,Aug 16 2016, 03:51 PM]So our uni research level or focus is this level and you are proud of it.Bagus. bagus la mentality macam ini. P/s : ranking bukan budaya kita[/quote]Come on, dont be like that. Who knows maybe that research can initiate something better. Nobody knows unless if we open the 'door' right. Sometimes we need to be a bit positive and always looking forward. Well, sometimes science is not about ranking. It about finding new stuff, exploring, helping people, fun, etc. A matured way to view things, normal in real world but very rare in k/ [/quote] This post has been edited by greed road: Aug 16 2016, 04:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9843502044677734} +{"text": "QUOTE(hksgmy @ Jan 11 2024, 12:18 PM)Well, one way to avoid the 183 Tax Resident status is for me to spend 182 days in Sydney, and the rest of the year back in Singapore and Malaysia (I can, as a citizen, but wife may have to go on an MM2H visa). So, best of 3 worlds.Or, I could spend 182 days in Sydney, then split the rest between NZ (where as an Aussie PR, I automatically enjoy residency rights in NZ too), Singapore and Malaysia... best of 4 worlds!If you do that your RRV will be on 12mths validity on each lodgement. You need to fulfill the 2/5 rule for 60mths RRVYou should do 3 offshore, fullfil 2 before your current RRV expires. Lodge new 60 before you leave again and be back in 5 to fulfill 2There is also a criteria for <10yrs old prThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Jan 11 2024, 01:19 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982838034629822} +{"text": "now wajib. Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9354469180107117} +{"text": "QUOTE(lord_anju @ Jul 27 2012, 02:02 PM)if the food prepared in halal way, but people buy it using money earned in non-halal way, halal ke tak makanan tersebut? dah lama fikir.. halal bg penjual, tak halal bg pembeli since money no halalHalal = disediakan dgn cara halal, malas nak explain.what people didnt know, that actually halal food doesnt need the halal logo. got malaysia halal logo means its already been check for halal by jais. but due to current strict regulation, some shop didnt bother to get the halal logo. doesnt mean that it tak halal.tp bg muslim, sile pastikan makanan anda halal. yakin je tak cukup bebThis post has been edited by am3rr: Jul 27 2012, 02:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998338222503662} +{"text": "QUOTE(HolySatan @ Jan 4 2018, 11:30 PM)apa bengap bodo sangat.. mufti dah cakap punca haram.. bukan semua haram..The mufti very putar belit. Third paragraph \"\"Pemakaian kostum yang bertujuan untuk menyerupai sesuatu watak adalah perkara yang dilarang sama sekali.\" already meant every costume is haram. Then like mid way suddenly change mind when remember got sport mascot and children show. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "Makan makanan yang dimasak sm mm mertua.. KEBAB DATE AJA DEH ARGHHH ADA KEBAB DIA SUKA BELI KEBAB", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997246861457825} +{"text": "Kamu 6 taahun yang akan datang ada seseorang yang berdiri dari aku yang saat ini berjuang. Terima kasih ya? Untuk segala hal. Tolong bahagia ya? Beli makanan dan baju yg kamu suka tanpa menyesal. Kamu berhak atas segala senyiman di wajahmu.\nKamu hebat Galuh", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985769987106323} +{"text": "- Bentuk Fisik dari bentuk wajah, Gaya Rambut, Warna Kulit dll pokoknya bentuk fisik kecuali lebar dahi \n- Makanan Kesukaan sama Fashion sama ditambah badan kami mirip jadi sering tukar baju dan klo saling beli baju gak ribet\n- Kami sama\u00b2 orang yang gak suka sama masakan sendiri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997535347938538} +{"text": "U tak suka , u keluar versi Belanda????? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999345600605011} +{"text": "QUOTE(SiakapRM1000 @ Jul 1 2022, 06:05 PM)Live 2 alam so cannot, btw turtle sea creature didnt stay on land except to lay egg.But some mahzab (other sect) allow to eat amphibia. But not us Syafie sect.But those Turtle egg eater are hopeless fella how about land turtles? like, really pure land tortoise like galapacos giant turtles.that considered reptile, thus haram or not?and theorectically, ichtyosaurus halal or not?reptile, but 100% underwater. I personally would like to try whale meat if got chance go iceland or japan some day ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7164970636367798} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/1mACB81bj", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9636808037757874} +{"text": "QUOTE(rickyro @ Jan 21 2019, 06:07 PM)Goshhh.... No words can help them anyways.. Just think negative forever only... Everything just wanna viral only...https://www.facebook.com/ahmad.a.majidno problem go nz koreakek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(nasiputih @ Nov 16 2020, 04:55 PM)if oldtown doesnt sue this criminals, what is stopping the next viral video? kopi ade serbuk batteri hitam. kaya ade najis. nasik ade plastik. sos cili ade haid. teh suam ade kencing. sushi daging doge, semua salah lge dap yahudeeee trump yap-ah-loy iluminati rohingya princess dianaEven if they sue, it does no guarantee the next dumfuks will not do the same thing.Best scenario, they proven they are halal, the guy gets a small slap on the wrist.Worst case, the guy hide behind religion, Old Town get labeled as anti-Islam for suing a Muslim voicing concerns over halalness of the food. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999485015869141} +{"text": "QUOTE(lagista @ Mar 31 2021, 01:27 PM)They can argue back that during the decade they made more profits to justify their wasteful spending galore but that time other cars highly taxed which made their cars looks artificially cheaper (sans the quality)its only when Myvi came in 2005 their delusional grandeur finally crashing down hard, starting with pathetic Savvy as torch bearer for the downward spiral until pokai n rescued by Geli TiongkokCompare how Geely spends their profit vs Proton. They used it to buy Volvo, poach their talents, keep re-investing to buy more companies, develop new tech, etc.Proton lol, janji cronies bumiputera only kaya, bangga la, but got zero business acumen to become a proper car company. QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 31 2021, 01:31 PM)preciselywhen you are using other ppl's money to do whatever shit you want + no accountability + got protection from Super Helangwell saidSZA was the man who brought Myvi in, he's a good man, a proper automotive guy I'd say.He was decent in Proton, made a lot of sensible moves. But alas, it just looked like he had his hands tied, never truly free to do everything he wanted, everything that was right. Atok and bitter Mahaleel never liked him, for their own vested interest. From blocking Proton-VW deal, Khazanah disposing all shares to DRB, Atok became Chairman, doesn't need rocket science to figure out what's actually happening. Geely tookover, things look good again, until this parts shortage incident that's putting much doubt in me. Can Geely strong arm their way, or those crooks will? I'm not optimistic. If the crooks win, with Bangau helping to influence the public with his nasionalist bs sentiment, then now we have to prepare the day we start reading headlines Proton getting billions and billions and billions more 'soft loan' demi memajukan orang kiter, selamatkan pekerjaan orang kiter. They just never learn, sigh.This post has been edited by tokdukun: Mar 31 2021, 01:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.525753915309906} +{"text": "QUOTE(BlueButtBaboon @ Mar 21 2016, 12:19 AM)halal food in haram style.Haha, in the end still haroom jugak, right? Must protek!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990910291671753} +{"text": "QUOTE(Masayoshi Son @ Oct 20 2019, 02:35 AM)It\u2019s ok. It\u2019s all based on individual\u2019s intelligence. Consumers who decided to support BMF, they willingly enjoy whatever price hike or quality issues by BMF sellers. Meanwhile, non BMF sellers might face more competition among themselves since less consumers buy from non BMF sellers. To survive, they have to reduce price and increase quality to stay competitive.So, BMF supporters get benefit? Or BMF haters get benefit?Neither one. The one who get benefit are those who stay neutral, and buy products best fit their need or budget.exactly so there's no need to get riled up over this especially since most believes this this will fade away eventually lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999758005142212} +{"text": "QUOTE(taiko8148 @ Oct 16 2019, 06:08 PM)The best solution for this fiasco is BAN THE FACEBOOK! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "Tak mampu then don\u2019t kahwin la bodo ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977503418922424} +{"text": "Sama lah dengan orang Mesia suka kutuk Majlis Bandaraya bila raid gerai tepi jalan, orang jual kopok semua, kono \u201ckesian dorang buat kuih kopok semua kena rampas, meja semua\u201d Peniaga lain susah susah bayar cukai, lulus kebersihan, ikut procedure, sijil halal bagai kau tak tau. https://t.co/h84MSnHjAK", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "QUOTE(kratos123 @ Jun 28 2015, 10:48 AM)You do business and register annually u pay or not? Why no bising one. Btw for halal cert as prosessing fee is normal lah, but frequent monitor by dedicated officer from time to time require money to hire also. And if u say it not necessary for officer to monitor, after certain time that factory or restaurant use pig oil or fat into muslim product who will detect it and responsible for halal or haram muslim food?Not saying that it's wrong to charge money, just saying when there is money involved, you can do anything with that money.Another forumer already pointed out that if a business doesnt want to go through it, it's fine, no need to protest, most of them just dont wanna do it because they have to pay. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.990152895450592} +{"text": "Melayu. Aku dah bosan la dengan makanan yang semua korang haramkan. Please. Kalau nak sangat kerja lah dengan JAKIM", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997628331184387} +{"text": "Hell and heaven are just vivid imaginations of the human mind. Just like Jr Tolkien can create middle earth and wrote a best selling trilogy based on it. Make into movie somemore. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998121857643127} +{"text": "Conlanfirm ktards can't read. No need to read all, just the first two paragraphs can dy.Menyeludup daging wagyu yang tidak mempunyai sijil halal bersama kontena yang diisytiharkan mengandungi daging babi antara taktik dipercayai turut digunakan kartel daging import di Malaysia.Tindakan itu bertujuan mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa untuk membawa masuk daging haram ke Malaysia sebelum membungkus semula serta meletakkan logo halal yang tidak sah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997361302375793} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ May 21 2019, 11:53 AM)If i cook chicken using western punya recipe, put wine when frying the chicken then halal or haram?If i eat the chicken it will not make me drunk, so halal?very easy to cook halal wine chicken.1. mix chicken with yeast and water, leave it for a day or two2. cook chicken. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9796711802482605} +{"text": "Perantis Carelee Marketing, Ayunizam Ab. Razak (kiri) dan Rozita Mohamad Said menunjukkan pes char kuey teow keluaran syarikat itu di Putrajaya, semalam. Syarikat pengeluar produk makanan muslim, Carelee Marketing melangkah setapak lagi apabila memperkenalkan pes char kuey teow khusus bagi memudahkan golongan bekerjaya menyediakan makanan.Pengarahnya, Dede Rulita Chairul berkata, pes tersebut yang baharu sebulan berada di pasaran mendapat permintaan tinggi daripada pelanggan apabila telah terjual lebih 1,000 botol walaupun tiada promosi yang hebat.Beliau berkata, pes char kuey teow yang dijual pada harga RM9 sebotol dan berkuantiti sebanyak 260 mililiter itu merupakan produk terbaharu Carelee Marketing selepas produk pemanis alternatif serta makanan sejuk beku.\u201cGolongan bekerjaya yang tiada masa untuk memotong bawang atau menumbuk ikan bilis untuk memasak sangat sesuai menggunakan produk tersebut kerana ia menjimatkan masa selain mudah disediakan untuk keluarga atau diri sendiri.\u201cDua sudu pes char kuey teow ini sudah cukup untuk membuat satu hidangan yang bukan sahaja boleh dicampurkan dengan kuey teow malah bihun, mi, nasi, ayam dan makanan laut. Hanya dua minit diperlukan untuk setiap masakan menggunakan pes ini,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.Menurut Dede Rulita, sehingga kini produk berkenaan telah diedarkan di sekitar Lembah Klang dan Ipoh, Perak dan pihaknya ketika ini dalam perancangan untuk meluaskan lagi pasaran ke seluruh negara dengan melantik ejen.Selain itu katanya, produk itu juga didatangkan dalam pek besar mengandungi tiga liter pes berharga RM50 untuk membuat 140 hidangan bersamaan 16 kilogram mi, bihun atau kuey teow khusus untuk pengusaha katering.Dalam pada itu, Peratis Carelee Marketing, Rozita Mohamad Said berkata, pes yang telah siap dimasak itu menggunakan bahan-bahan bersih dan halal seperti bawang merah, bawang putih, lada, gula dan perisa yang dibenarkan.\u201cPes itu tidak mengandungi sebarang perasa tambahan dan mampu bertahan sehingga enam bulan daripada tarikh dibotolkan.\u201cMaklum balas yang diterima daripada pelanggan sangat positif dan kami juga mendapat bimbingan daripada Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA) serta Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani,\u201d katanya.http://www.utusan.com.my/bisnes/usahawan/c...y-teow-1.176019 ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996951699256897} +{"text": "QUOTE(AgogoLatoto @ Jan 21 2019, 05:48 PM)wat im asking is for islam ppl to explain if the word pork itself is rly sin for dem or they r behaving like cavemenfunny when they r offended with pork yet so many islam kids keep shouting babi babi at each other lolololI dunno mann... My PAS fried are okay with pork pic/wording, when last asked 3 years ago... In before a new fatwa released... Dunno la, what's wrong with them these days... Go la to more countries to get themselves immersed in many other culture to be more tolerant with each other..Proper education is the only way to eradicate these problems ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999188184738159} +{"text": "tak mampu jangan belikalau risau tanya harga dulu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999071359634399} +{"text": "FENEMONA viral memang tidak asing lagi dengan rakyat Malaysia hinggakan apabila satu makanan itu menjadi popular, mulalah berpusu-pusu orang datang untuk mencubanya.Bagaimanapun, tidak semuanya bertahan lama malah ada juga yang terus hilang selepas beberapa ketika.Sepanjang tahun 2016 ini pelbagai makanan atau kedai makan yang menjadi viral di media sosial, malahan ada sahaja yang sanggup memandu hingga ke negeri lain untuk merasai sendiri penangan makanan viral ini.Memandangkan 2016 pun sudah hampir melabuhkan tirainya, jom kita imbau kembali makanan-makanan yang menjadi viral sepanjang tahun ini.ChurrosSebenarnya Churros ini sudah lama berada di Malaysia dan juga turut dijual di kafe-kafe namun entah bagaimana ia mula menjadi satu trend di mana ia turut dijual di pasar malam dan juga di festival makanan. Cara makannya juga turut berbeza apabila ia disajikan dengan aiskrim, coklat dan banyak lagi.Pau CendawanUniknya mengenai pau ini apabila ia menyerupai cendawan butang malah intinya juga merupakan krim cendawan yang sangat enak sekali dan Ia mula menjadi \u2018viral\u2019 ketika bulan RamadanKuih Keria AntarabangsaKuih tradisional ini boleh didapati di Limbongan, Melaka punyai rasa yang sangat sedap berbanding dengan kuih keria biasa kerana ia disaluti dengan gula Melaka. Jangan tak tahu ya, orang ramai sanggup beratur panjang untuk merasai kuih ini malah ada juga yang datang dari negeri lain.Nasi Lemak Anak DaraFenomena Nasi Lemak Anak Dara ini agak besar hinggakan ia turut disebut sewaktu pembentangan Bajet 2017 oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Yang penting, rasanya sedap hinggakan ramai pelanggan sanggup beratur untuk membelinya.Ahmad Lim Black PancakeSebenarnya, ia hanyalah seperti apam balik tetapi telah di\u2019upgrade\u2019 menjadi \u2018pancake. Dengan saiznya seperti pizza bersaiz besar ditambah lagi dengan ramuan-ramuan lain diatasnya seperti nuttela, keju, mentega kacang dan lain-lain membuatkan ramai orang tertarik untuk mencubanya.Nutella MilkshakeKalau dahulu, minuman sebegini hanya punyai inti buah-buahan, kini ia sudah datang dengan pelbagai ramuan baru seperti oreo, chocolate, marshmellow, jelly beans dan lain-lain. Boleh didapati di kafe-kafe hispter, dan juga didatangkan dengan pelbagai saiz.Kopi gelas besarEntah mengapa kopi gelas besar menjadi popular di kalangan masyarakat satu ketika dahulu, mungkin kerana gelasnya yang besar serta dipenuhi dengan ais sesuai untuk mereka yang kehausan di bawah panas terik mentari. Punyai pelbagai perisa seperti kappucino, vanilla, chocolate, dan banyak lagi namun kini hanya segelintir gerai-gerai seperti ini yang wujud.Samyang ramenMasih ingatkah anda dengan #SpicyRamenChallenge? Ala.. yang dulu jadi \u2018viral\u2019 hinggakan para artis dan blogger terkenal juga turut sama mencubanya? Ramen ini berasala dari Korea Selatan dan ia memang terbukti halal. Rasanya memang sangat pedas namun ada juga cara untuk mengurangkan kepedasannya dengan mencampurkan keju dan juga susu. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996950626373291} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevinwawa @ Oct 20 2016, 01:45 PM)KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) will be meeting representatives of Auntie Anne's later Thursday over the pretzel store franchise\u2019s halal certification, said\u00a0 Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom (pix).\u00a0 Auntie Anne's was recently asked to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification.\u00a0 Speaking at a press conference in Parliament here, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department said Jakim was willing to discuss the matter.\u00a0 He said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram, adding that what was important was the content of the food, and not the name of the product.\u00a0 \"Sometimes we understand that the company wants to maintain its brand as the product is already popular with that name,\u201d he said.\"They wanted the halal certification and in order to obtain it, there is a need to comply with certain requirements.Commenting on a Facebook post that Jakim had declared hotdog as haram, Jamil said it was fake.On Jakim recommending the pretzel store franchise to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification, Jamil did not give a clear response.\u00a0 \u201cHot dogs\u201d are not the only contentious words when it comes to the Islamic body's halal certification standards.\u00a0 Under the Jakim's Malaysia Halal Certification (Third Revision) 2014 Manual Procedure, applicants may be rejected if their food items include the words \u201cbacon\u201d, \u201cbeer\u201d, \u201crum\u201d, \u201cham\u201d or \u201cbak kut teh\u201d.Cukur Char Siew is Halal! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.741813063621521} +{"text": "sebab budaya mereka is fitnah macam PAS, BN, PN... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "Minimum 3 bulan full operation baru boleh apply status halal. Kedai baru buka 1 mggu dh ramai iblis2 komen.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.979367196559906} +{"text": "What type of activities can get wang haram? Just asking.This post has been edited by qsub: Oct 5 2022, 03:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983408451080322} +{"text": "Maybe some people don't get is tapai can be haram if it's fermented long enough, aka making you intoxicated. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 05:53 PM)I'm talking about candlelight vigil is haram. Who cares about the letter.You link it to the letter in Post #39. , So how do you even know that is related???lololololThis post has been edited by unknown warrior: Dec 9 2018, 05:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991593360900879} +{"text": "QUOTE(metaled @ Mar 13 2024, 07:00 PM)heard the people in industry is saying Geely very tekan, its like wanna tekan you out so that their best friends in China can export their products here.looks like the issue is not coming to an end yet.but to be pair, the current model of Proton is very far different from back in the days where they can kutip duit saja.You are right. Sad to say i also kinda involve in this. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9935483336448669} +{"text": "@izham0108 Dan sesuatu makanan/minuman yang takde sijil halal, tak semestinya haram. Cuma in a business point of view, why would they apply for sijil halal, pay ALOT of money, when the income is good without it? Sijil halal ni, want to admit or not, is also a form of marketing strategy.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996860027313232} +{"text": "QUOTE(netmatrix @ May 10 2017, 10:30 AM)Its true. My childhood malay friend also same. Cannot believe Zul ask me for a cut (in actual payment numbers) if he intro me to a Gov project. I totally cannot accept the way he talk. My other friend Sham called him to link me up with the project later told me that he gave the project to another guy that willingly paid him that amount. Luckily i don't contact these 2 so called friends of mine anymore. They are living on haram money and even brag about it. Sham owes me RM400 for a hard disk that i help install & configure more than 10 year ago. He has since changed 4 cars in that 10 years and that RM400 already burn.Ouch.. Sebab duit kawan boleh lupa.I know that feeling bro.Because of money, famili boleh retak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9912180304527283} +{"text": "QUOTE(HITMAN316 @ Nov 14 2015, 01:28 PM)See if France and other European nations still dare to accept more trash from Middle East and North Africa? French Muslims will have a hard time, if you are a Muslim you'll attract extra attention from the authorities when you enter Europe and US.Why non-Muslims here have the perception that Muslims are silent on these terrorist attack? Because Muslim Malaysians don't do enough. Why Muslim Malaysians? They are the majority of this country so by default they are the group non-Muslims will look at after these terrible terrorism threats happened.If they can go berserk over a cross, make a fuss over the halalness of trolley, Cadbury chocolates, when someone doesn't cover aurat, wear tudung or when the tudung resembles the one wore by nuns. They have a big protest whenever Palestine is attacked by Israel. Why they don't do the same thing to protest the terrorism that have tainted the image of Islam so much?Lowyat incident shows it allMati mati mau defend pplAnd here we have ppl who report posts like yours by butthurt and ppl who refuse the truthYet heldesk refuse to have a thing where we can chwck who report us or refuse to reveal who report our postI can see that mods trying their best to put this option to check who report our posts but were struck down by the upper management.This post has been edited by vuetnam: Nov 14 2015, 01:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6161072254180908} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Apr 30 2024, 06:03 PM)Here we go againBrapa kali dah ckp, kalau tak yakin, takyah minommalu bertanya, sesat jalan.ok lah if she ask around before consuming.You eat street food, u never ask about the food is it?I always ask, ini apa? daging kah kambing?how else can I know what is in the curry, it could be tikus goreng if I'm not careful ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "\n Edited by rohayatimat at 21-8-2018 05:01 PM \n\n\n\nMenyediakan makanan halal yang ringkas dan mudah adalah satu keperluan apabila melancong ke luar negara bagi yang beragama Islam. Ianya bukan perkara yang sukar seandainya kita telah membuat persediaan yang lebih awal sebelum berangkat.\n\nKebanyakan negara-negara yang majoriti penduduknya bukan beragama Islam makanan mentah seperti ayam dan daging yang dijual di pasar raya adalah tidak halal.\n\n\n\nKalau ada pun agak sukar bagi kita untuk mengenali jenama-jenama yang mendapat kelulusan halal kerana sesetengah pasar raya tidak menyediakan rak khas yang bertanda halal.\n\r\nKetika melancong di New Zealand selama lebih tiga minggu baru-baru ini, kami dapati tidak semua pasar raya menyediakan rak khas halal walaupun berkunjung ke pasar raya yang sama di lokasi yang berbeza. \n\n\n\nContohnya Pasar Raya Park N\u2019 Save di Mt. Albert, Auckland, ada menyediakan rak halal sedangkan di Taupo tidak pula menyediakannya dan begitu juga di bahagian selatan walaupun di pasar raya yang sama.\n\nOleh itu, cara yang paling mudah ialah dengan mengenal pasti jenama yang mendapat pengiktirafan halal daripada New Zealand Islamic Development Trust (NZIDT).\n\nAntara jenama yang kami guna ialah TEGEL yang mengeluarkan ayam proses mentah dan pelbagai produk berasaskan ayam. Selain itu ianya juga turut menjual ayam panggang yang telah sedia untuk dimakan. Jenama ini agak senang dibeli di semua pasar raya seluruh New Zealand.\n\n\n\n\nSelain itu, jenama BRINKS juga merupakan satu lagi syarikat yang mengeluarkan ayam proses halal tetapi ianya hanya boleh diperolehi di sekitar Auckland sahaja. Anda juga boleh merujuk naskah yang dikeluarkan oleh Pelancongan New Zealand tentang panduan halal: http://production-editors.newzealand.com/travel/library/z76702_1.pdf\n\n\n\nKesimpulannya mengguna makanan dan barangan halal amat penting dalam kehidupan kita seharian. Mencari yang halal itu merupakan satu kewajipan bagi kita semua walaupun dalam menyediakan makanan ringkas semasa berada di luar negara.\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9501752853393555} +{"text": "Ingat semua kedai mamak/melayu dekat luar tu halal?These people asal cina je haram. Jokers ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997528195381165} +{"text": "local university should make \"iman scouter\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988560676574707} +{"text": "QUOTE(westernkl @ Jan 23 2021, 04:17 PM)Janji mesti HALAL woi~!!!!!!Tak halal, tak makan!!!U was was, u can belah lar. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944363832473755} +{"text": "beli makanan yg kamu suka, klo ga pesen gacoan tp jgn yg terlalu pedas yaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998910427093506} +{"text": "Exactly! Itu baru luaran yang nampak terang kan? Sah kalau yang tahu, semua tu tak dibenarkan untuk premis makanan (KKM). Now let us look into a deeper side: status halalan toyyiban (JAKIM). Yakin tiada campuran apa-apa bila pembuat tiada ilmu/info about it? https://t.co/D5HcolDaRZ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969766139984131} +{"text": "QUOTE(jacckl @ Jan 7 2020, 10:20 AM)this is what i told my parents years ago when people start eating fake meat for religious reason, your \"niat\" is already broken because you still want to eat meat. i guess the same apply here, if your niat is to eat \"haram\" food, then should not be halalYou think u eat sausages that cost RM 5 for 12 pcs is meat?mostly is starch, stabilizer, flavouring and etc. maybe 5-10% is meat only ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9237982034683228} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 11:59 AM)nowadays, muslim also spite muslim. how how? adab, akhlak semua letak kat tapak kaki..\u00a0 yeah i know some of that kind here in /ktrying hard to portray themselves as an open minded liberal muslimsbash without thinking about rhyme and reason but honestly i think they are more prone to appeal to the non ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992327690124512} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Nov 11 2020, 12:28 PM)I can guarantee with my left nuts and right nuts will have viral story of \"tak senang hati\", dan \"terkonpius\" dengan stall makanan yang di jaja oleh non'sActually why ah? Non bumi sell makanan, didnt force ppl to buy also. Its actually just like chicken rice stall, buka at kopitiam. U wanna buy you come, u don't want its okay too. Apa yang tak senang hati leh ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986269474029541} +{"text": "One the the best char kuey is also from Holly Wood Restaurant, which I believe is one of our fellow ktards biz ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999293088912964} +{"text": "HCMC: Haram City Maksiat CityI wented liao and this is public service announcementIf you iman nipis jgn pegi nanti aqidah terpesongDalam flight ada citer x senonoh Ajar pompuan kongsi suami, mana boleh haram la sialCakap \u201cComedy\u201d tapi lucah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999767541885376} +{"text": "Well sijil halal dari JAKIM actually antara/paling strict untuk diluluskan. Banyak aspek yang diteliti, bukan sekadar berkaitan khinzir. And orang tu just bagitau, bukannya dia cakap haram or what. Janganlah gelabah sangat, go on minum your bubble tea if you want \ud83d\ude0c", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9908603429794312} +{"text": "Jutawan only?Become politician in malaysia the best, can become billionaireThis post has been edited by delon85: Jan 15 2024, 09:57 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996541738510132} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Dec 9 2023, 09:54 AM)The lack of a sign at the outlets and the following answer in their faq not clear enough? We are in the process of getting the Halal Certification and we currently source all our ingredients from halal-certified suppliers.We are also proudly pork free and we don\u2019t cook our dishes with alcohol. However, we ourselves are not certified as one of our desserts do contain alcohol which is our Tiramisu with Alcohol (the label clearly states it, and we also have a non-alcohol Tiramisu Cake)We hope that clarifies the question! \ud83d\ude0aAnd this bakery has been around for nearly 10 years and niche. It isn't mainstream like secret recipe. Ppl who go there go there knowing what they are getting into. Ppl who viral just want to kudaFunny ain't it?When most of the staff they employed is malay. Yet at the same time it's malay who's trying to sabotage and take away their own people jobs and salaries.Is it tanya saja or mau bagi mati saja?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6502708792686462} +{"text": "QUOTE(xpole @ Aug 12 2024, 08:55 AM)Something like RM12 and above.Last time can get below RM10 for vegetarian option.Last time i member of best nasi lumak in town sorta name\u2026 baru 1 yr member diaorang tutup\u2026 but price n quality not bad. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999802112579346} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 11:33 AM)Outside of Malaysia, that's what I have experienced, and that's exactly what opened me to Islam, ironically. In UK, my muslim friend would go to eat with us, in a shop that also sells pork, but he will order some seafood meal/salad and eat with us. In SG I also saw the same, both sits together in a shop that sells mix rice, he will ask the seller which one got no pork and he will choose those dishes. I guess the strict interpretation is what drive me away from Islam in the first place, despite being in Malaysia.I can feel you. Islam has been politicized in Malaysia. It should no be that way. Haram and halal is personal preference. Not to be restricted by law. Every religion has their own the do and don'ts. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9481608867645264} +{"text": "QUOTE(duHwaN @ Jan 3 2017, 11:06 AM)based on the fact that most mcd are in urban areas, and most urbanites are thinking folks, this might have a chance.--> no halal logo does not make an object haram. even thinking muslims will agree to this.Let's wait and see, I still see so many non Muslims eating in mcd, and I'm working at sunway, doesn't get any more urban than that. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997120499610901} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 12 2017, 12:13 AM)again you misunderstood the whole issue.it's not about having to test every product as if it's to undergo certification.it's about labelling the item with the material used.it's not halal or haram. technically halal just means permitted while haram means prohibited.yet everyone here is crying hoo haa as if it's a real big issue when it's as simple as putting a label.wow umno/bn really know how to rustle ppeople's jimmieslook, lots of people have no knowledge of source of bristle for paint brush, traders included. hard to distinguish, hard to trust the word of mouth of the distributor/importer/producer. so it is a catch-22 situation. to label them.........and risk wrongly label with all the consequences. or just label them as not suitable for muslims. can't you see that this doesn't solve the problem. it is still hard for muslims to get a proper brush that is halal. what's the point of the law/regulation if it just penalizes the trader but solves nothing? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999094009399414} +{"text": "-the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) raided one of its restaurants in Subang Jaya-lol. nothing to do or stupid? ppl simply viral then u conduct a raid on a restaurant chain that is well-known to be halal? if ppl viral McDonald serve pork, will they go and raid McD?stupid sial ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958332180976868} +{"text": "QUOTE(old_timer @ Mar 12 2024, 02:59 PM)agree with him. minister shouldn't create unnecessary issues. let school decide what is best.Don't forget history / precedenceIt was a headmaster who unilaterally decided that nons students were to eat in toilet during fasting month ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999797344207764} +{"text": "QUOTE(AnythingK @ Dec 15 2022, 09:37 AM)Cannot consume alcohol meh? But back in those days, the malay clubbing is one of the best I have been to.\u00a0 They know how to parrrtehhhhhhhhNot like yindian party party then fight beside road ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989145994186401} +{"text": "QUOTE(Carlo J @ May 23 2017, 12:54 PM)Boycott trend in Malaysia is utter bullcrap.Sembang kencang je.Ya...saya amat bersetuju itu...Kalau boycott pun...tersangatlah nampak ironi nya..Mcm dulu, boikot produk israel dengan menyebarkan dakyah boycott guna Facebook. Tak ke pelik? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999493360519409} +{"text": "Isu Palestine dah tak penting lagi dah\u2026isu short pants kini #1 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Apr 1 2021, 04:27 PM)ahahahahaI just noticed it was Bangau's articleHezeri Samsuri reports from the UKfuyoh! sponsored trip mesti kana highlight!https://topgear.com.my/how-proton-is-able-t...engines-quicklyHere are the facts that we can share during our visit to Ricardo.1. This engine is far from ready. Proton and Ricardo will take 40 months for further engine testing (the first variation will be launched for use in Toyota vehicles as early as the end of 2017). It will be the new powerplant for the upcoming Proton Perdana (Honda will only supply the engines and transmissions for two years after the launch), the new Saga, Persona and possibly new models from Proton and Lotus.in this story, dunno which fella kena kencing by whom.Back when good old Hezeri was friendly with Proton eh? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7283232808113098} +{"text": "QUOTE(bottomfrag @ Feb 1 2023, 04:55 PM)https://www.facebook.com/cerahjeff/posts/pf...aEdvzeXepo8nEVlMany here didnt bother to read the whole statement and probably miss this part QUOTE\u00a0 Ada kawan mesej HP, tanya kenapa buat hal sedemikian kepada saya (dan juga dia kalau dia hadir semalam)..\u201cSebenarnya kami ada hidang vegetarian food. Tapi ini memang silap kami.\u201d.Benar,memang mereka ada hidang Vegetarian Food. TAPI, saya bermusuh dengan sayur dan mana adil sebab orang lain semua makan makanan yang mewah,Sup Abalone tapi saya makan Cendawan Celup Tepung di dalam sudu Sup?.Walhal suku lepas,pihak HP berkali-kali merayu saya beli stock sampai RM1.5Juta. Dalam erti kata lain, RM1.5Juta yang kami bayar itu,sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada event malam tadi. Mungkin sesetengah orang nampak event ini percuma tetapi pada saya tidak,duit saya ada di dalamnya..\u201cAlah,dia ajak. Nak pergi,pergi. Taknak,tak payah. Bukan kena bayar pun.\u201d.Kih! Anda akan rasa statement itu lawak bila\u00a0 bertahun beli dan jual produk mereka sekurang-kurangnya RM5Juta setahun (target mereka bukan RM1.5Juta pada awalnya). Ingat senang ke nak jual stock RM500k sebulan?.Dan saya datang dari Kelantan. HP ada bagi elaun RM200 terapi tiket flight saya sahaja pun sudah RM300. Belum campur penginapan dan makan minum di sini. Sekurang-kurangnya saya bayar sendiri dinner semalam di tempat lain..Pihak HP tidak boleh jadikan mereka hidang makanan Vegetarian,maka event sebegini boleh dibuat di tempat Non-Halal. Saya sangat pelik. Bertahun-tahun saya pergi ke event sebegini, ada banyak lagi tempat yang bagus tetapi kenapa Noble House KL juga jadi pilihan..Memang saya tahu restoran ini Non-Halal tapi saya kira mesti pihak HP ada sediakan meja Muslim. Tetapi tidak. Dulu saya pernah pergi trip ke Bali bersama Asus. Ramai pekedai ingin makan Babi Guling Noni. Jadi,Asus bawa kami ke sana. Mereka cari meja asing,beli makanan Halal dari kedai lain dan bagi kami makan..Saya boleh terima. Saya pun ada sifat toleransi. Anda nak minum arak,silakan. Itu hak anda, saya boleh minum air kosong. Saya tiada isu. Tetapi bila makanan dikacau, ini adalah satu pantang bagi saya..Walau ada seorang Melayu Muslim pun, anda perlu hormat,lagi-lagi orang itu membantu business anda walaupun sedikit. Bukan sebab kita duduk di Malaysia tetapi sebab kita adalah MANUSIA..Untuk pengetahuan anda,ini bukan kali pertama saya rasa didiskriminasi dengan HP cuma sebelum ini saya tidak tulis di FB. 2015 saya dapat hadiah trip ke Korea,saya pergi dengan Isteri..Trip ini juga saya tersalah makan Babi sebab kecuaian pengiring HP tidak handle dengan baik,katanya sup Seafood tetapi ada lemak Babi. Saya terus muntahkan. Saya tinggal di Jepun selama 3 tahun,jaga Halal Haram tetapi saya termakan Babi dalam trip yang dianjurkan oleh syarikat Malaysia..Tetapi bagi saya itu boleh dimaafkan. Yang saya sakit hati adalah dari turun Kapal Terbang,sepanjang jalan di atas bas,sampai ke lapangan Terbang semula,mereka letak Tour Guide yang HANYA berbahasa Mandarin. Isteri saya sebagai saksi yang saya tidak menipu. Mungkin orang HP sudah lupa kerana bagi mereka ini adalah hal yang remeh..Walhal boleh sahaja mereka cari Tour Guide yang dwi-bahasa; Mandarin dan English..Untuk makluman anda,saya bukan sekali dua pergi trip dengan vendor sebegini. Banyak. Acer,Canon,Asus,Lenovo dan beberapa lagi buat dengan baik. Tahun ini pun ada sekurang-kurangnya 5 trip oversea di bawah kendalian brand-brand ini syarikat saya akan pergi..Ingat,tidak perlu jadi Malaysian pun untuk hormat orang. Cukup dengan jadi MANUSIA.Orang HP call saya berkali-kali,hantar mesej minta maaf. Saya abaikan dulu. Saya nak tahu apa pihak atasan HP buat..Apa kelas buat kesalahan besar tapi hantar Minion datang minta maaf?.HP MalaysiaHe is not wrong. All this shit could be avoided if i) the venue was halalii) proper halal food was served seperatelyThis post has been edited by ZeneticX: Feb 1 2023, 05:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9809672236442566} +{"text": "Ya ke mat, punya banyak makanan dan kedai atau gerai takde cap halal tapi telan jugak. Kat kelantan penuh dengan gula dan makanan kanak2 dari Thailand dan China. Samaada cap halal yg tak diiktiraf jakim atau takde cap apa pun.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9245998859405518} +{"text": "QUOTE(WaCKy-Angel @ Nov 24 2023, 01:35 PM)So rokok should be considered haram yes or no?Yes. It is indeed Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chekusan2019 @ Jan 9 2021, 10:46 AM)Pray tell good sir,On what legal authority that jabatan agama Islam have to inspect non Muslim owned eatery?I dont think they have.The restaurant owner can refuse for inspection.But guess he just being a gentleman. Nothing to hide.But if he apply the halal logo, and prepare food to guidelines,I do believe lot of muslim will flock in.We love the viral stuff. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah pinklady dah dapat sijil halal dari jakim. \u2714 Produk selamat \u2714 Produk berkesan Jgn was2 lagi untuk cuba pinklady product all in one \u2764 Berminat untuk order Whatsapp :0174835414 https://t.co/h0JiiCitIO", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999197721481323} +{"text": "@drasyrafwajdi Ada sijil halal ke tu sebab owner suka \ud83d\udc37 kan org", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "Hati2 membeli makanan terutama daging beku ikan beku dll atau tidak , ada penjual yg sama menjual babi & makanan haram yg lain. Terutama penjual2 bkn muslim.\nBegitu jg jk beli d dll servis penghantaran ADA YG TIADA STATUS HALAL JAKIM.\nIkut NAFSU hati MATI.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(kamenkid @ Jan 10 2021, 01:15 PM)If they don't use any haram ingredients should be fine right?Malaysia definition of halal food is workers all must be Muslim, boss also either Muslim or need a sleeping partner ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997785687446594} +{"text": "Me scared with this page's 8-page achievement. Lots of ustaz in k/ But what I'm more scared of.. did that quote really come from tuan ibrahim? It seems to resurface a lot these days.. I mean anyone can write anything and attach a pic of someone, distribute -> viral. Seen it always. Particularly among pious figures who sadly wouldn't do much to correct the negative perception they're tagged with (probably due to \"sila bayar di akhirat nanti ya\"). If not even credible, or false...nak dekat ramadhonnnn, mintak ampun.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967389702796936} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Oct 15 2022, 12:14 PM)Auntie Anne case was because they want to retain their Halal status of the products. There's news about it long time ago search around.Make sense ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998421669006348} +{"text": "Beneran \nAku aja suka jadi beli cinnamon crumble\nKalo ada makanan yg cocok ditaburin", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991518259048462} +{"text": "QUOTE(waveweaver @ Jan 10 2021, 08:19 PM)Like i said most probably ada orang complaint lar tuh. Bak kut teh shop no need go check one... dah tentu haram.so next time,.. if dendam with someone,.. just complain Jabatan Agama, they will bring whole dept people and come to check izit ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994809031486511} +{"text": "QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 29 2019, 11:28 AM)nein. kuffars not angry because moslers dowan to drink 0%alcohol drink. the context of the discussion was why 0% alcohol is still haram. i used the tapai and durian counter and i received a jgn persoal response.it took a while, including a rather spirited, but ultimately substanceless defence from nurver3, but this is what is got:\"HALAL IS NOT JUST ALCOHOL BABI ETC, BUT NIAT AND THE WAY IT IS PRODUCED MATTERS TOO.\"In other words, context matters. It's meant to replicate beer, which is an alcoholic drink, hence making it haram.I want to stress this: the above is an entirely valid point.But at the same time, this seems to shift the key point away from alcohol as an intoxicating substance, to \"intention/NIAT\" being the key component. And that's where the common muslim hypocrisy rears its ugly head. Why? Well for one, the entire point would be dismantled when one asks the exact same question: why 0% alcohol but not tapai? If the NIAT is penting, then given the not insubstantial amount of alcohol in tapai (you can get woozy from tapai if you're a lightweight), then shouldn't you BERNIAT to avoid tapai altogether given it's clearly alcoholic?Yes, i am shifting the goal post. I see the 0% alcoholic point being non halal and ACCEPT IT. But what i'm pointing out is the HYPOCRISY. Also, I'm already hearing the JGN PERSOAL geng (ie NURVER3 et al) saying my kuffar brain doesn't understand \"NIAT\", and how tapai was never invented to be a barang memabukkan, which makes this vastly different from BEER which was designed to be barang memabukkan. Well you may be interested to know that in vast parts of the world, beer was originally invented to prevent bacteria from festering in barrels of water causing ailments and sorts. The NIAT behind the invention of beer is rather different then no?Originally. Do they still do that today? And what of the purpose of brewing beer now?\" tapai (you can get woozy from tapai if you're a lightweight), then shouldn't you BERNIAT to avoid tapai altogether given it's clearly alcoholic?\"Actually yes, if you think that tapai hv too much alcohol in it, the muslim should avoid it. It's like woo, this tapai too sour and contain too much alcohol, better dont serve it or eat it. If you still eat it, it consider that u already consume alcohol.Actually tapai also so jarang2 seen at wedding. Like this la. Your colleague retorts of Jangan Persoal tu means that he's not someone who knowledgeable or someone to talk about this. He's quick to diss and cant come out with reason. Maybe he worn out by it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934417009353638} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 06:45 PM)look, it's not about halal or haram, it's about labelling the product.technically halal haram is for food, but some ppl don't want to use pig or dog-based products for the religious reason.yes you are not forcing the peanuts to the allergic guy, but you do tell him that \"hey, that sauce contains peanuts, watch out\" right?that's what the kpdnkk should've done (which they are now).but as I explained hundreds of thousands of times, the issue is not really about halal/haram, the issue is to get the nons to be triggered and thus be used as ammo against them.porcine product of more than 180 types in everyday product,.. how is trader gonna label it ??.. send lab every single brand ?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988697171211243} +{"text": "QUOTE(BlueButtBaboon @ Mar 21 2016, 12:19 AM)halal food in haram style.LOL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998244643211365} +{"text": "QUOTE(junchuan @ Aug 25 2016, 07:50 PM)Im living in sgLemme gib my opinionSg is a good place to work during younger years becos the salary is higher than KL even compared dollar to dollar, can buy all sorts of shit esp imported goodSg is also good place to live if the other alternative is just KL because -the hdb here is comparable to most condo in kl, mostly walking distance to mrt, park, community club, kopitiam, even shopping mall sometimes-there is literally 0 need to buy a car, everything is very convenient, everywhere u need to go is within public transport distance. Id prefer to walk n take mrt while playing angry bird than to stuck in traffic jam and find parking in kl in cheap potong-compare to kl, sg is much much safer and less shadyHowever, when im older i rather move out to small town because no old ppl like to live in hectic cityHence best solution is either msia citizen + sg pr or sg citizen + mm2hKL people can't afford also sorts of imported goods? You think KL people really that poor until cannot find anyone holding iphone kah?HDB is comparable to KL condo? HDB got real title or not? KL condo got real title lah.No need to buy car in SG? That's probably true because most Sinkies don't intend to have children anyway.SG safer than KL yes. But many cities in the West are far more dangerous than KL but how come many people die die want to migrate to the West?Older then only move back for what? Wasted most of your life already. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7154066562652588} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Oct 16 2022, 01:39 PM)Nak fitnah dan sabo bisnes orang lain pun pakai la akal tu sikit. Apakah memang ada orang asal nampak ayat \"BABI\" terus triggered menggelupur langsung tak payah pikir cerita tu betuk ke tak?Kadang2 aku pun rasa hairan dengan sesetengah org melayu ni. Dah la duduk di Malaysia berpuluh tahun tak reti atau faham budaya ataupun isu orang lain. Pakai otak la sikit, babi tu mahal tau, mana lah ada orang gila bagi daging babi sebagai dedak ikan??? \u00a0 \u00a0 not meat but carcass. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999860525131226} +{"text": "bila ada topik mengenai islam ,mesti boleh sampai page 6,7 bashing nya .. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8246735334396362} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 12:32 PM)so last month the Claypot Chicken Rise that use Rice Winehalal or not??that wine if drink to much can mabuk?if yes then haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997734427452087} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ May 8 2024, 03:26 PM)wait... no jakim cert? isn't that haram???? any type-B will start boikot nonsense?itu boikot king lepas jumpa Agong terus diam until now. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999227523803711} +{"text": "@stxrdxst__ Dia ingat senang ke nak dapat sijil halal tu. patu dia ingat takde sijil halal tu confirm ada babi ke. Atau takde sijil halal terus makanan yg org tu jual jadi haram belaka? Stressnya aku baca", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(lucifer_666 @ Dec 28 2020, 09:22 AM)Tiga cadangan elak insiden daging seludup berulang:Syarikat harus 100 peratus bumiputera. -including non-Muslim bumi? Or only first class bumi? Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (kastam) perlu mempunyai unit pemantau halal khusus untuk memeriksa makanan di pintu masuk negara. -why not let JAKIM do it? Secondment from JAKIM to Kastam, but frequent transfer to lower the chance of corruption & complacency Kerajaan perlu fokus tingkatkan industri perladangan lembu bagi mengelak daripada terlalu bergantung kepada daging import -NFC part 2? Agree, duit guna beli wagyu mesti dari sumber halal....tax dari beer, non muslim, toto mesti diasingkanThis post has been edited by Happy360: Dec 28 2020, 09:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989595413208008} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Jan 23 2017, 10:51 AM)ustaz facebook viral dan keyboard holyman akan tolong haramkanasal done dakwah fact checking tak penting styleexactly what happens on social media nowadays. ramai sgt holier-than-thou ustaz/ustazah fb.i am right and you are wrong kinda mindset, even when they're clearly wrong.bodoh sombong bangang tak bertempat.QUOTE(HJ_Ishimori @ Jan 23 2017, 11:08 AM)Yg takda tanda halal, tak payah la masuk pi makan. senang cerita.tak boleh, ini tak menghormati hak/kedudukan. mereka harus ditutup!#donedakwahThis post has been edited by andrewhtf: Jan 23 2017, 11:11 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999958872795105} +{"text": "This one must be ktard level to do a pork burger by that name and think its ok because the name is popular among burger lovers ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986451268196106} +{"text": "2. Buat apa yang kau suka \n\nKenapa aku prefer pisahkan hobi dan kerja sebab aku tak nak kalau kerja aku masa tu buat aku stres, its the same as the hobby. \n\nMasa down tu buatlah apa yang kau suka. Aku akan beli makanan sedap bila stres, bad emotion. Ia buat aku happy", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.989538848400116} +{"text": "Damn nice, drink beer and eat haram potato chip while watching movie. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9653429388999939} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kiminokawa @ Feb 9 2017, 10:56 AM)pork is haram when it's eaten, so anything concerning with porcine product also haram? eventhough it's for commercial usage?In that case, how about alcohol? it's haram too but it's widely used in medical fieldshort answer is YES.long answer still yes.for pigs, anything to do with it including touching it is haram.bcos after you touch it you need to sertu (that tedious cleansing ritual with water 6 times + 1 time with water+earth mixture) before you can pray etc.so that's why there's an opinion/fatwa that says \"mencari yang halal itu wajib\" or \"finding halal is compulsory\".unless there's no other alternative, pig/pork etc. are haram.for alcohol, here is where some muslims differ.my OPINION (note the bold part), it's not alcohol that is haram but intoxicating food/drinks which COINCIDENTALLY (again note my emphasis) contains alcohol are haram.hence TO ME alcoholic beer/liquor/wine/champagne etc. are haram, but cough mixture/medicine/paint thinner that contain alcohol etc. items are NOT haram. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999464750289917} +{"text": "wat u expect??? is the world's 2nd best food.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999773502349854} +{"text": "TERCARI2 MAKANAN PENCERAH YG BERKESAN, SELAMAT, DAH DIUJI DI MAKMAL SERTA DIIKTIRAF HALAL JAKIM?\n.\n.\nRamai org takut nak makan pencerah sembarangan,lagi2 bila nampak iklan putih pucat tak masuk akal sehingga boleh\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/Bzr_s4Rn3_U/?igshid=4v87gjfd4sue\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999808073043823} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Jan 4 2018, 08:25 PM)According to this guys logic, YESIm a muslim and i find this guys is fking idiot extremistlater stuck in jam also haram coz membazir masa. LMAO depends on the reason.stuck in jam going to work, school or mosque.or stuck in jam going to cosplay event to see cosplayer? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999381303787231} +{"text": "and now this$$$$$ making scheme from the same owner of Malakat MallAsraff Jeffery \u00b7Saya sebenarnya sudah tidak berminat untuk tulis berkenaan dengan Quantum Metal, cukup-lah dengan post-post sebelum ini. Tapi hari ini,saya nampak skim Emas Brainy Bunch (disandar kepada QM) yang disarankan oleh Coach Fadzil, pemiliknya,maka saya terpanggil untuk buat post baru sebagai peringatan dari seorang Muslim kepada Muslim yang lain..Bagi saya,apa yang Coach buat ini sangat bahaya kerana ianya bersifat tidak pasti. Ramai ahli QM berkeras yang QM bukanlah intrumen pelaburan tetapi tempat simpan Emas. Kalau QM adalah satu tempat simpan yang benar,intrumen pelaburan yang sahih,bukan scam sekalipun, skim yang Coach buat ini adalah sangat bahaya..Boleh jadi lepas orang masuk skim yang Coach buat, harga emas jatuh dan bagaimana orang nak bayar yuran BB tersebut? Kalau Coach bagi penangguhan bayaran yuran kepada yang join, itu cerita lain dan saya sendiri akan join. .Bagaimana pula kalau ibu bapa pelajar tersebut adalah ahli QM tetapi bukan dalam circle Coach,adakah dia juga akan dapat benefit yang sama? Saya yakin tidak. Kekuasan Coach dalam ekosistem QM ada keterbatasannya. Hakikatnya, Coach bukan pemilik QM, Coach hanya salah seorang Leader di dalamnya. Pemilik QM adalah Cina dan Non Muslim. .Saya tiada dendam dengan Coach. Saya sendiri salah seorang pelanggan Coach di Brainy Bunch dan saya sangat kagum bagaimana Coach dapat buat franchise tadika tersebut. Tetapi dalam bab QM yang tidak pasti statusnya macamana ini,kita berbeza pendapat. .Nau'zubillah,kalau QM adalah skim cepat kaya dan tersontot,reputasi Coach,Malakat Mall dan Brainy Bunch akan terpalit sekali. Nau'zubillah..Saya sebenarnya berdoa agar debat antara Coach dengan Tuan Alwi Adam berlansung supaya semua antara kita dapat manfaat dan dapat jawapan samada QM adalah instrumen pelaburan yang sah ataupun sekadar Skim Cepat Kaya..Saya tidak dapat tag Coach sebab sudah di-block. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9842305779457092} +{"text": "This is a known fact in bazar ramadan for many years. Why should everyone make a fuss about it.They tend to serve unfresh food at exhorbitant prices. From uncooked chicken meat, rotten meatballs to dirty drinks. Best to stay away from it. Been there done that. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999834299087524} +{"text": "My grandma is also chinese, well sino to be exact, masuk islam, and then after a couple of generations my grandmother's side of family (mostly christians) still have a tight bond between the many multicultural relatives within the large familySo you can say here in Sabah mix-marriages are common, and these kind of multiracial scenes are nothing new for us...only people in semenanjung susah sikit nak bersatu padu with other races ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995133876800537} +{"text": "cheq pun suka juga merasa berbagai jenis makanan, tapi yang penting bersih dan halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5633833408355713} +{"text": "Nk promote buy muslim product tpi slander jenama non-muslim\nIs this allowed dlm islam? Gosh malu duh tengok.\n\nOrng beli sebab sedap ada kualiti dan dan halal, aku sendiri mmg dh suka kicap Mahsuri. Jakim tk sewenang2nya nk bgi sijil halal. Aku pernah kja kilang makanan n i know", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "Kalau takmau makan takyah la hasut org lain ckp produk tu haram, makanan ni ada babi, itu ini kotoq. Ingat senang kut nk dpt halal jakim.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999117851257324} +{"text": "QUOTE(iwubpreve @ Oct 19 2016, 10:58 AM)warung makcik selling pisang goreng no halal cert, so can eat or not?issit haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999806880950928} +{"text": "YaGot 1 popular Chinese restaurant\u2019s top 10 food is xiao long bao that has no soup inside onereally topkek ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996798038482666} +{"text": "QUOTE(momusu @ Dec 20 2015, 08:53 PM)unifrm sikit punye ketat True. lagi sembang ikut syariat. bobo. penipu scammer ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999288320541382} +{"text": "QUOTE(CliffrisonJr. @ Jun 26 2015, 01:26 PM)wtf is this?beef char kueh tiaw?Very popular in Hong Kong liao.\nfvsTkMQIVEY\n\n ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999914169311523} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Feb 23 2024, 10:06 PM)If replaced the pork/ chicken with beef ok ka in your opinion? Does beef compliment well with the broth?The answer is yesBtw seafood is the best ,cause it make the soup more tasty ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999098777770996} +{"text": "Pe kes nie? Halal haram makanan..name oldTown pon naik..wei makanan tu halal la..jakim je xkasi sijil.paham?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9860175251960754} +{"text": "ppl are more concerned about the halal status of the foods in ramadan bazaar than the actual condition of the food they are buying, why no check if the makanan basi, busuk or not when buying? but halal or not they will rmb to check lol ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999706745147705} +{"text": "So did this issue made this restaurant viral? I was planning to go eat last Saturday... But i was shocked by the queue. Tried it 2x before and it was nice. The last time was 2 weeks ago and 0 queue. This post has been edited by Spawnster: Nov 20 2023, 03:40 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998395442962646} +{"text": "Teringat kawan aku dulu masa kami keluar negara, dia risau makanan kat sana tak halal.\n\nTapi betul la mana ada Jakim kt sana. Kita sendiri la usaha cari makanan boleh kita makan.\n\nTak kan nak cari jgk benda yang ada cop jakim kat sana.\n\nPandai2 hidup kat dunia ni yang luas.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998063445091248} +{"text": "Lavida Coin Diumum Haram Oleh Bank Negara Malaysia https://t.co/hikNVB7Jh0 https://t.co/z9vqRZRkBI", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997027516365051} +{"text": "Next year 2021 - celebrate xmas is dosa..i wonder when are they going to ban the use of lower case TThis post has been edited by Brotherjoe: Dec 24 2020, 07:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999937891960144} +{"text": "You cannot be so serious in finding halal.. The more hardcore you be, the more ridiculous it gets.What about kitchen utensil? The pot, the wok? Just because no pork restaurant, just chicken, not necessarily halal. The slaughter how? Who slaughter?The \"kalau was-was, jatuh haram\" how?I thought Islam itu mudah, not menyusahkan. So you tell me.So, just survey a bit on no pork restaurant, then order sushi served on naked girls, sure halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999523162841797} +{"text": "Dah bab isu sijil halal jakim pulak dah. Memasing keluar fakta konon professor serba tau. Yakin halal, makan. Tak yakin halal, tinggalkan tak yah makan. Benda senang bikin susah bikin bimbang.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956486821174622} +{"text": "QUOTE(mistralmudd @ Jan 9 2024, 09:38 AM)Most of the ustaz or pendakwah in Malaysia do have several teachers ( usually malay call tok guru). They are not under anyone supervision but in Malaysia, there are laws you need to have certificate to give sermon in mosque. Public place or surau no need i think but can kena dakwa if people report.Certificate or we called it tauliah here is important else you will see this kind of ustaz/pendakwah eg. Like in kedah there's quite famous ustaz that claim ship that goes war in arab land long time ago was created and imported from kedah land all those weird weird claim during sermon.For generic hierarchy it will be like this:Nabi Muhammad PBUHSahabat Nabi (those that convert to Islam and managed to meet Nabi Muhammad pbuh)4 Imam MazhabUlama from long time agoMuftiPendakwah/Ustaz (the one claim teddy bear haram is here)Okok understand now. Thanks for the elaborations.At least now, i know who is who being mentioned in news portals ie like this thread topic.From your reply also, i now know pendakwah = ustaz (the term i usually hear more often)This post has been edited by jojolicia: Jan 9 2024, 10:31 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6942932605743408} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashburn98 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:28 PM)Wasn't couple years ago during bazaar 'karipap oksigen' got viral? Half of the karipap is empty, if anyone asked.this?I raise you with ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8374041318893433} +{"text": "\nSalam sejahtera kepada semua warga /k.It has been a while. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum (bagi yang ingatlah), aku adalah salah seorang /k residen yang bekerja sebagai rider Foodpanda.Alhamdulillah sejak 4/9/2023 aku dah dapat kerja tetap yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku (14km) berbanding kerja di KL (70km). Jadi aku ada masa lebih untuk buat delivery sebagai rider Foodpanda (part time). Seperti gambar di atas, gaji aku sepanjang bulan 9 yang lepas adalah RM590.18 termasuklah tips dari customer. Aku bekerja selama 92 jam lebih kurang bersamaan dengan gaji RM6.64/hrs. Sepanjang bulan 9 ni aku berjaya kekalkan batch 3. Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Mohon /k bincangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.This post has been edited by Akmall540: Mar 15 2024, 11:18 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9740602970123291} +{"text": "Kalau dah jelas benda diharamkan agama atau undang-undang, contoh kau describe \"babi 5 ketul\" and \"wain 5 liter\", memang orang Islam tak boleh hantar.Tapi kalau benda yang vague, e.g. kau minta dia hantar \"nasi goreng\" atau \"aiskrim\", tak wajib atas penghantar untuk soal siasat kaji selidik atau babi atau tidak, masak guna lemak babi atau tak, ada guna rum dalam aiskrim raisin atau tidak, maka tak salah untuk dia hantar.Allah Knows Best\u2122 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(kurangak @ Nov 14 2020, 12:58 AM)Idk wtf is the problem with this ppl. Really almost every year or two confirm got ppl go complain about the halal status wan. So what if otwc founder is chinese? Eh hello this is a franchise business. Why would they risk ruining their business by using pork as ingredient just for a small gain of profit? And they employs so many muslim workers. Ppl that will be affected if otwc bungkus. Cb this bmf shitBy using pork, u will increase ur costs la. The mi kari in old town around rm15. If use pork, i think they lose money la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993892908096313} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 9 2023, 06:25 PM)Question: Do you hate her as much as Chan Ho Nam?Their TikTok says they are closed for the moment.https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLTLk4Qv/I almost made it to Sri Petaling yesterday but then it rained like a bitch so I ate somewhere else while waiting for the rain to stop.An old video surfaced that shows they had rice wine on their menu.https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLT8Ej6g/ \nThey got famous because of 1 food blogger EdmondLam. I watched his video, both bottles are the same. Not the rice wine.Old video maybe legit. Yg penting, now not using then ok. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997703433036804} +{"text": "Mak ko hijau god level.Now logo oso hijauMemamg benor puak rasis suka tuduh lain rasisThis post has been edited by Ayambetul: Nov 13 2023, 12:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8241859078407288} +{"text": "Tangga LGBT haram berwarna warni Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973108768463135} +{"text": "QUOTE(monkeyking918 @ Nov 5 2023, 05:01 PM)Pork Free Not Equal to HALALhttps://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/2184...a-masih-diraguiCuba kita fikir, adakah terma halal dan no pork itu adalah sama dari segi maksudnya?Jawapannya, sudah tentu tidak. Halal adalah satu bentuk pematuhan mengikut ketetapan dan hukum-hukum yang ditetapkan oleh syarak. Manakala, no pork pula hanya satu bentuk makluman bahawa kedai berkenaan tidak menjual makanan berasaskan daging khinzir. Itu sahaja.youll be surprise many hotels also no halal certsbut usually their suppliers will have halal certs ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8514667749404907} +{"text": "QUOTE(jaycee1 @ Jun 30 2021, 03:41 PM)Have to post something to stir the nest or else cannot meet daily quota.No one trigger. Just people asking you not to be a condescending idiot.What were you trying to prove with that astro dish comment anyway?Biasa la that M4A1, if nobody bitchslap him, he'd go why can afford astro cannot afford food? Why die die must have astro ke? Dap dunno izzit simply help even when ppl hv astro? Why dun take down the astro dish? Etc etc. He thinks ppl dunno his shitstirring style ke lol. Now malu liao straight change topic, tanya je ph macai so easy butthurt hahaharrrDeswai no need to layan him much, since his purpose in life is just to piss ppl off for entertainment, so just give him a few more bitchslaps can liao ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.4989972710609436} +{"text": "kena logo HARAM jakim pulak kot untuk makanan non Halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.906801164150238} +{"text": "@ssorayasahar Tapi staff dia cakap semua bahan dia halal. Cuma sijil halal, takpe aku pun yakin je makan haritu. Hahaha", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5133200883865356} +{"text": "Jakim takada kata apapun pasal oreo dengan chipsmore, kenapa pandai pandai nak kata makanan tu haram ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7686976194381714} +{"text": "Mungkin tak wajib cari sijil halal TAPI, memang WAJIB mencari rezeki; makanan mahupun kerja yang halal, ini adalah asas/DNA sebagai seorang muslim. Jadi salahkah kita, melakukan/berfikiran perkara yang sudah sebati, menjadi kebiasaan dari kita??", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7914060354232788} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 06:07 PM)Apparently you're too dense to understand the comparison. There was no need for an iPhone, there was no demand for an iPhone, but apple created demand for this piece of crap device by creating a hype about it, exploiting people's ignorance and laziness. This people end up looking for iPhone.Tak paham then be humble.Don't try to skirt the concern that you fitnah me. When have I ever claimed to educate anyone? You fitnah me, the dosa is on you.Also, to think that you only accept anything from someone with credentials shows how easily you can be exploited because you're ignorance, hence the halal logo.Thanks for proving my point.Yup, you \"BODO\" one maa. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998595714569092} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 01:57 PM)Owh sorry salah baca tapi dia sendiri tahu both are haram/illegal then still sengaja tanya soalan strereotyping then act innocent lelxpela.. he taking jibe at those religious zealots ny.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "\"tiu na seng\" la kat semua yg yam sengg tu pudin\n\neyh...makanan yg pudin sediakan diiktiraf JAKIM HALAL tak? #tanyajer", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6753308176994324} +{"text": "QUOTE(LuckyBai @ Mar 3 2024, 11:55 AM)How it is difficult to understand shariah compliant counters on the KLSE not performed within expectation??Just look at Sapura, Serbia Dinamik .. These are counters where EPF have stake in it.. Did they made money from it ?? Big NOBy all the stats and books, savings for syariah does not perform well but 5.4%? Really think the people are a stupid!You know, if it is found out the return comes from haram industry and taints the halal investment, how big that scandal can become? So they won't dare lah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997509121894836} +{"text": "https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/...-sendiri-293411'Tiada siapa paksa beli, kalau rasa mahal masak sendiri'QUOTEKUALA LUMPUR: Laksa basi dan bihun sup mahal antara pengalaman dikongsikan pengguna yang membeli juadah di bazar Ramadan seperti dikongsikan di media sosial pada Rabu.Menerusi laman Facebook Penduduk Batu Caves/ Selayang/ Gombak/ Rawang / Kepong/ Sentul memaparkan perkongsian seorang pengguna berkenaan pengalamannya membeli bihun sup yang dianggap mahal apabila isi bihun yang diletakkan hanya sedikit, tidak sampai separuh bekas.\"Kawasan Selayang, (harga) RM6... tahun ini nak pergi Makkah balik hari ke,\" tulis pengguna berkenaan berserta gambar makanan yang dibelinya, menurut laporan Sinar Harian hari ini.Menerjah di ruangan komen, kebanyakan pengguna memberikan pelbagai pandangan berkenaan perkongsian tersebut antaranya pemilik akaun Facebook, Nik Mohd Kamaruzaman yang kurang senang dengan tindakan individu berkenaan menularkan perkara itu di media sosial.\"Tak ada orang paksa beli, (kalau) rasa mahal jangan beli, masak sendiri habis cerita, nak bising kenapa?\" tulisnya di ruangan komen.\"Sebelum beli tak tanya dulu ke? Ke memang ada plan nak post dalam grup untuk mencari like?\" tulis pengguna, Zulhilmi Ahmad Bustami.Seorang lagi komentar, Lok Chee Wong meluahkan kebimbangan penularan gambar tersebut di media sosial bakal menjejaskan rezeki peniaga berkenaan.\"Banyak pilihan di bazar Ramadan. Orang berniaga bulan puasa ini terpaksa menyediakan makanan dengan perut lapar dan menahan kepanasan dan dahaga di dapur.Isi bihun yang sedikit seperti dikongsikan seorang pengguna di media sosial. Kanan: Laksa yang dibeli pengadu yang didakwa telah basi. - Foto Sinar Harian\"Oleh itu apa salahnya membayar lebih sedikit kepada peniaga tersebut. Ini bila viral di sosial media mesti ada yang akan bertanya 'beli di mana'?\"Kesianlah peniaga tersebut jika diboikot. Bulan puasa ini kita bukan saja menahan lapar dan dahaga, apa yang dicakap dan ditulis pun kena yang baik-baik. Apa pun selamat berbuka kepada yang berpuasa.Dalam perkongsian sama, terdapat juga komentar yang memihak perkongsian pengadu dengan mengatakan harga RM6 bagi sebekas bihun sup itu dianggap mahal.\"Saya meniaga di bazar...kalau sikit macam ini melampau lah, Kalau saya jual RM3 saja,\" tulis Miera Deen.\"Silapnya orang Melayu ini asyik nak fikir positif saja sampai naik lemak peniaga-peniaga macam ini,\" tulis Irwan Transport.Dalam pada itu, seorang wanita berkongsi gambar laksa dibelinya di salah satu bazar Ramadan di Sentul didakwanya sudah basi dalam grup Facebook Bandar Baru Sentul Food Delivery.\"Buat peniaga di bazar Ramadan, jangan aniaya orang berpuasa. Kesian pada kami, nak buka puasa makanan dah basi,\" tulis penguna berkenaan.Perkongsian itu menarik komen pengguna yang turut berkongsikan pengalaman membeli juadah di bazar Ramadan tetapi bukan membeli makanan telah basi tetapi harganya yang mahal.\"Saya pun tadi beli murtabak ayam, murtabaknya nipis (sangat) harga RM6. Rasanya orang yang berniaga di bazar ini nak pergi Makkah balik hari agaknya, jual makanan tak ikhlas dalam bulan puasa,\" luahnya.\"Saya beli takoyaki, sos asing... sampai rumah tengok plastik sos dah terik, buka-buka bau masam. Sakit hati betul (lokasi) pasar Taman Melati,\" kongsi Puan Hajal Che Ahmed. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9920476078987122} +{"text": "penatlah berbahas dgn orang yg tua dari kita ni. benda halal dikatanya haram dan tetap syubhah. elakkan makan benda yg was-was sedangkan terang lagi bersuluh itu cuma fitnah. sebar fitnah tak fikir dosa pulak. kalaulah dia tahu rumitnya proses utk dapatkan sijil halal jakim tu...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991638660430908} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ May 16 2022, 01:39 PM)dulu i kerja dengan certain department nak beli barang semua kena lalu \"appointed dealer\"lepas tu dia cuma middle man company rm2 tolong hantar budak pergi collect dengan supplier sahajabila i tanya kenapa tak ambil terus? i juga kenal supplier itu i boleh jer uruskan, tapi jawapannya untuk menjamin kualiti.so we have so many people in the middle untung atas angin, itulah budaya business di sini, u makan mahal beli mahal sebab ada orang mau makan beli berlipat2 kali ganda lebih mewah daripada kamu.habis? masih sarahan DAP la, cina sapu semua la, undila umnok lagi...3R rinse n repeat... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9696168303489685} +{"text": "QUOTE(Capt. Marble @ Mar 9 2024, 06:57 PM)Best check air tebu too.I boikot air tebu long long ago liao ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999923706054688} +{"text": "\n Edited by cmf_blingblings at 5-6-2015 05:39 PM \nMeghanK replied at 5-6-2015 08:13 AM\r\ntak suka sardin\nyou must try fresh sardine sushi...fuhhhh marbeless\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959465861320496} +{"text": "Pork is like the best meat in the world. My god. Kesian those who kenot makan mang ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9259786009788513} +{"text": "Bubble tea tu. Nak minum, minum. Was-was, takyah minum. Sibuk halal haram babi tenuk apa lagi. Yg duk buat benda haram hari2 tu? Taknak sijil ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99973064661026} +{"text": "QUOTE(xtrabite @ Jan 9 2021, 02:29 PM)I dont think they have.The restaurant owner can refuse for inspection.But guess he just being a gentleman. Nothing to hide.But if he apply the halal logo, and prepare food to guidelines,I do believe lot of muslim will flock in.We love the viral stuff.he can refuse but the consequences will be very bad, might stir into another racial issue and have mobs attack his shop ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997791647911072} +{"text": "Tak salah nak minum, tapi kalau betul ada keraguan dari beberapa pihak, lebih elok jika pihak pengusaha bubble tea ni utk mohon sijil Halal. malah kalau betul mng dapat perakuan Halal dari Jakim, mesti lagi ramai yg akan pergi kerana tktimbul isu keraguan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9599905610084534} +{"text": "@maslinmuntari Wajib ada HAS. Tak wajib apply sijil Halal cuma umumnya MNC mmg akan apply.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9659730792045593} +{"text": "soon semua non kena sunat walaopun bukan muslimmark my wordsowaii ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9887863397598267} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Jan 1 2020, 06:56 PM)Shin kee beef noodle KL > Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap KK > Wattana Panich Thai beef noodle BKK.Not kah hiong. I think there is one in lido. But to be fair, i never try to find the best in kl. Coz a few i tried i dont like the soup base. Not rich at all. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986679553985596} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Jun 21 2024, 11:11 PM)Susah cari makanan halal di sabah dan sarawakNasi = halalTak suka boleh keluar S&S ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982953667640686} +{"text": "Penting ke makanan halal? Vaksin halal ke? Betul ke isu-isu halal yang viral di media sosial? Apa usaha JAKIM dalam memartabatkan Pensijilan Halal Malaysia di mata dunia?\n\nIkuti kupasannya dalam... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2101143033311758&id=227400880685992\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.633594810962677} +{"text": "QUOTE(maru&box @ Nov 2 2013, 07:54 PM)I think the main opposition to halal food from people is from a standpoint of animal cruelty.If you look up how the animal is killed it's basically:\"When an animal is slaughtered, the jugular vein is cut and the blood is allowed to drain from the animal.\"Apparently this is claimed as the \"best\" way to put the animal out of its misery.But when I think about it more, slowly bleeding to death does sound painful. And now with modern technology, there are machines that makes death instantaneous so there is no suffering.I don't know how the desert people 2000-5000 years ago slaughtered their animals. This might be the best method at the time but times have changed. Unfortunately, nobody has the authority to come and say \"hey here is halal 2.0 which is better\". On another note, I have also listened to discussions on the reasoning behind not eating pork.If I remember it right, this practice is inherited from the jews practice of also not eating pork. Back when the jews were still desert people, it would be a good idea not to eat pork because the methods of meat preparation at the time somehow makes it easier for people to get diseases from eating pork. However, now if you prepare it right, there is no problems.Again, it might have been a practical thing to do a long long time ago but the reason to do it is just not there anymore. The same probably goes for other types of non-halal meats like mud-crabs. If not prepared properly, you will easily get diseases ( and die ). For me, I don't really care because I eat anything if it tastes good. This is some of the things I learned when trying to understand why muslim people eat halal meat and how relevant it is in the past and now in the present.even in modern days there are some nasty bacterias in pork that u cant get rid off ..some are even heat resistance ... u have to use very high heat to kill em.. and in the process the meat will become inedible ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9579987525939941} +{"text": "Aiyoh! This is boleh land lar.Muslims haram to buy Magnum/Toto but as long they walk in to buy is ok lar. Same oso haram to stay in hotel for unmarried couple but as long they check in themselves, ok lar.If so called authorities enforced their duties, they are called kepoh police other people rights.Therefore, the moon party fight to rule democratically in the election. When they are elected, they just cancel the giving of license to do these haram biz in order to reduce enforcement.If like that, the non cannot do all these haram biz aledy lar.Gomen aledy relented by asking to invest in halal cert but so many noises until today.Think lar & support by investing the halal certificate. Yes, kena pay more but biz can penetrate the market & will self paid the extra pay more.Like that everyone happy. Muslims can eat halal cuisine. Non oso can do biz. Boleh land more harmony lor. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9867219924926758} +{"text": "Jangan kalian paksakan makanan haram jadi makanan halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6939102411270142} +{"text": "Semua gerai dan warung yang aku suka makan di Beserah ni, tiada sijil halal, tapi aku yakin halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8511567115783691} +{"text": "Baca informasi dari Pak Dokter Rodri, langsung otakku bilang ah jadi ini mungkin penyebab LDLku tinggi terus. Makanan hampir seluruhnya real food, gorengan ga suka, tapi LDL 2 tahun ini tinggi terus. Kmrn baru beli Exelso, Kayaknya mau beli filter dripbag aja dl, dan kalau kopi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5782919526100159} +{"text": "beli kulkas mini aja ka buat di kamar, jadi makanan/minuman yg kamu suka naro nya di kulkas mini ituu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998369216918945} +{"text": "Asalkan dah ada logo halal dah laa. Maknanya makanan tu halal lg bersih.kalau sampai kena buat mcm ni maknanya nk ckp JAKIM x buat kerja betul2 la kan?? https://t.co/XT6dgqWOWj", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.49141693115234375} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Jan 1 2019, 03:27 PM)Oi ini haram. That means Pas lied that syariah won't affect non. Vely haram.On this one, i agree ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998996257781982} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Jul 29 2019, 08:02 AM)Durian got alcohol? Can get drunk?I know tapai already considered halal, since it does not get you drunk, and the process itself are naturally derived.oh hey before you wanna go apeshit crazy about heineken 0% alcohol does not get you drunk hence its halal, I would suggest for you to read my previous posts.Halal Haram issues is not just limited to alcohol, pigs and getting drunk. Its much more comprehensive than u thinkRoot beer has no alcohol too. Basically same concept for non-alcoholic beer. Bising ape?Perkataaan tu buat hilang iman? Atau kurangkan pahala? Kurang ajar tu simpan sikit ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(Babytiffy @ Dec 14 2015, 07:33 AM)Ayam here not sure how its done. Planning to migrate to U.S for a better job and future plans.Anyone experienced on how to apply jobs/visas/permanent residence and etc?Need some informative information.If you have a job offer by a company in the US, then you can apply for working visa in the US. After working there for 5 years (not sure if this changed), you can apply for PR status. Then later ...... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9386972784996033} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackpink @ Jan 9 2020, 02:14 PM)ISO certification and halal cert mana sama level la dumbKan both paper certification je. Adakah company yg tak de ISO certification company hampeh? No Kan. Sama mcm halal certificate. Adakah semua kedai mkn yg X de sijil halal jakim jual makanan haram? Tak kan. So that's my point. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "QUOTE(sakit @ Jan 8 2015, 02:16 PM)betul iman x dpt diwarisi..baru2 ni kawan aku ank ustaz kena tangkap dengan polis kes dadah.Nauzubillah.. Dugaan utk ustaz tu.. Allah sentiasa beri dugaan kepada hambanya utk menguji keimanan mereka... Tp yg best, kalau kita lepas dugaan dgn cara yg betul, Allah akan naikkan darjat kita.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "Kalau dia masak, guna peralatan bersih halal boleh je makan even non Muslim pun yang masak (tak menjadikan haram makanan sebab dia non muslim) payah ah gituu malaysia ramai kawen campur bangsa https://x.com/ConferWithTerr/ConferWithTerry/status/1661222525525958657\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992788434028625} +{"text": "Food delivery order dapat salah makanan - Report je platform nak pergi minta refund dan vouchers.Food delivery order dapat makanan tak halal - LET'S POST SOCIAL MEDIA AND MAKE IT VIRAL MEMPERMAINAN ISU 3R, JANGAN CABAR KITARTOPKEK ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973329305648804} +{"text": "COZ PORK IS OUR BEST DISH FOR GUEST... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983680844306946} +{"text": "QUOTE(Halibut @ Sep 8 2023, 12:04 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abAs long tak mabuk ok la. Haha. Even air tuak also muslim can minum. Alcohol use in cooking will lose its chemical compound so can eat. Haha. Even rokok also certain fatwa said haram still got people smoke.You are wrong in that alcohol cooks out, check mythbuster. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993407130241394} +{"text": "so kalau takde halal..maksudnya haram la kan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "Ok so what, people are still queing 2 hours for this rotii tried it before it went viral (no queue) - its good but definitely not worth 1-2 hour queue ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997984766960144} +{"text": "\r\nkalo pegi beijing, bangkem akan ke 7eleven pastu beli nasik ayam frozen ahmad food.. panaskan guna microwave dalam 7e tu\n\r\ntime musim sejuk makan nasik ayam panas bersulam beer china memang best..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999128520488739} +{"text": "Aku perasan manusia sekarang, x boleh tgk makanan/minuman viral sikit kat med soc trus pergi beli, ambil gambar post kat soc med dengan bangganya. Yakinnya kamu it\u2019s halal without looks at sijil halal jakim kat kedai tu \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Yg kau tahu aku dh try makanan/minuman viral tu and yes\ud83d\ude44", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.989309549331665} +{"text": "Kiranya tak dapat sijil halal maksudnya benda tu terus jatuh haram ke bro? https://t.co/cq5O5TasOD", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99998939037323} +{"text": "QUOTE(rulerhot @ Dec 12 2019, 06:05 PM)Ko dgr explaination ni ye...Kalo dlm jumlah yg byk memabukkan, maka jika diambil dlm quantity yg sikit ia tetap haram.Kalo dlm tapai ada alkohol...sah2 haram. Dlm arak, alkohol tu yg memabukkan. Simple logik je.Or ada alkohol tp x memabukkan...still syubhah bg aku.hahaha, nasib aku tak nak argue pemahaman hadis tu, buat tepuk tangan nons jeThis post has been edited by sanwaltz: Dec 12 2019, 06:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999969482421875} +{"text": "Actually, NEP itself is already haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993820190429688} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ May 24 2024, 12:17 AM)dah mula dah nak menganjing.i wonder if its okay for paraquat and pork to be stored together. no concern, right?very funny u guys dont mind using wang haram from arak judi and porkno concern, right?This post has been edited by damonlbs: May 24 2024, 12:41 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998784065246582} +{"text": "yang penting bukan kfc hehehhe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8908164501190186} +{"text": "Kalau mcd takde sijil halal, mesti line beratur tak panjang", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8308488130569458} +{"text": "Biskut Dragon BreathKenapa ia dipanggil dragon breath? Ia kerana selepas memakannya, asap akan keluar dari mulut anda. Asap tersebut disebabkan oleh gas nitrogen yang ada di biskut tersebut. Namun begitu, baru-baru ini, makanan ini mendapat perhatian ramai apabila ada yang cedera sewaktu memakannya.Seafood Shell OutPada mereka yang sangat menggemari seafood, Shell Out adalah tempat terbaik untuk anda. Menggunakan konsep tiada pinggan, pelanggan boleh memilih rangkaian makan hidupan laut terdiri daripada ikan, udang, sotong, kerang, kepah, siput, lobster dan macam-macam lagi. Harganya juga sangat berpatutan malah set bajet juga turut diperkenalkan untuk menarik pelanggan.Apa pula makanan yang akan viral tahun depan? Jom sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat!http://www.sinarharian.com.my/rencana/nasi...l-2016-1.604804This post has been edited by ironmaid89: Dec 31 2016, 11:05 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999673366546631} +{"text": "QUOTE(Skidd Chung @ Apr 1 2023, 02:31 PM)Really nobody use HSR in China? I thought HSR is quite popular and affordable there.That guy is AMDK whispererU say land next to road or land next to jungle is more expensive? Common sense ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999908208847046} +{"text": "QUOTE(AlexRoss27 @ Mar 11 2024, 12:45 AM)Come on, we only called you guys citizen to make the British happy\u2026 dont let it get to your head\u2026Habis tu what r u bitching for? Kalo tak suka tukarlah je perlembagaan kalu u boleh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9878975749015808} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ May 28 2024, 09:27 AM)New thing, surely got people crowded the place.It's after 12 months is what they should think about.To put it in Malay business term:Will it stay success, like Khairul Aming?Or slowly become a failure like Malakat Mall?Type M always put their best effort in running a business.If it fails, it's usually kena sihir.If not, then jz redha la. Takdir. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999858140945435} +{"text": "\nbaru g aritu.... ingat nak g lagi pose neh... byk giler siot nasi goreng die... gagah nak abiskan... tuh yg best tuh kalo bukak pose... cover trus moreh... \nQAX Post at 21-8-2009 02:48 AM \n\n\nnasik goreng apa yng nko order?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999655485153198} +{"text": "Is their land so up to them la.. as long as no langgar undang undangAnd it's open to all.. u suka u pi, tak suka jgn ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932548403739929} +{"text": "sibuk je... halal ke haram ke... aku tetap boikot mcd sebab makanan dia tak sedap. baik makan chap fan ke siuyuk fan... lagi sedap dan murah. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991593360900879} +{"text": "0% or not, for those foolish bigots the word \"beer\" is haram. Just like Root Beer and Ginger Beer. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999874830245972} +{"text": "Tapi semenjak aku pegi negara2 bukan Islam ni,aku yakin makanan halal bukan terletak pada cop halal Jakim.Mudah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964500665664673} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 10:38 PM)You forgot to bold the \"let say\" part. It was an example. Very suitable for use in Malaysia because most malays won't eat at Chinese restaurant coz most of them are not halal. There are Chinese restaurants that are halal. They are either have operated for so long their Muslim customers already confidence that they are selling halal foods.Then there are Chinese restaurants with halal cert. So easier to convince people to eat. Some use to pork no lard concept. So Muslim customers base may not be that large compared if they have halal cert.Now in this case, the Chinese restaurant has no halal cert. No history of catering for Malay customers. Suddenly people found out they have been selling their food using another restaurant or stall that use different name. Their halal status is doubtful coz those foods are cook in the same place that serve pork. So they repackage and sell at another place where the majority of the buyers are Muslim. That is deceiving. A penipu scammer. Yet some people call it marketing.Then check for halal cert even if the shop is all muslim workers. This is not the first case and will not be the last. May I remind you the scammer in this case is Malay? Don't assume just because it is Malay operated then it is halal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980904459953308} +{"text": "Sushi n sake kan mmg budaya jepon. Sake tu kan sejenis arak, kalo dh kedai tu jual sake, dpt ke die kelulusan sijil halal? https://t.co/9Ja9v2laYB", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "\nmenghidu bau arak tidak bercanggah dengan hukum syarak\nTuntungReturn Post at 23-6-2012 17:28 \n\n\nye aku tau.. aku tau.. saje je aku nak menyindir sorang forumer tu... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999884366989136} +{"text": "QUOTE(crador @ Oct 30 2021, 06:17 PM)Kalau makanan tu Halal, okey; kalau haram, tak bulih. Macam Ramli burger and Tongkat Ali.We all know that. We fear P4S doesn't know that. However if they do not ban I concern if they are encouraging cannabalism? Thier level of keliru cannot be underestimated.This post has been edited by TrialGone: Oct 30 2021, 06:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997368454933167} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoFluidic @ May 15 2017, 02:37 PM)Lol Xi ask him eat and drink what also he will say sedao world classsHow funnnnyyyyyy ahhahahahahEh eh your leader ini mcm sudah lolwellits becos BN leaders like Najib are unlike PH leader & their supporter..BN leader like najib know how to behave as best as possible as an honorable guest in China while China Leader know how to treat their guest as best as possible..a show of professionalism from both sidePH leader & their supporter meanwhile continue with their barbarian ethics come to other pipus land & act lansi summoretak ada adab punya manusia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7886725068092346} +{"text": "QUOTE(SuperGampang @ Dec 23 2021, 08:40 PM)Nope. sorry look like we live in different country.HE CONCEPT OF HALAL AND HALAL FOOD CERTIFICATION PROCESS INMALAYSIA: ISSUES AND CONCERNSRokshana Shirin Asa1 and Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi2AbstractThe process of halal certification is dependent on the construction of what is deemed to befalling within halal parameters set by the Quran and Sunnah, being the two primary sources ofShari'ah, and supplemented with juristic opinion and issuance of fatwa by national religiousauthorities. In Malaysia, the authority responsible for halal certification is JAKIM while theauthority responsible to provide rulings on halalness is the National Fatwa Committee. Thisarticle examines the guiding principles for the concept of halal in the Quran and Sunnah and thecollection of fatwa on food products by the National Fatwa Committee. Together, the threesources constitute the yardstick to the implementation of halal in Malaysia. Using contentanalysis, the article analyses the meaning and construct of the three primary sources andexamine the issues and concerns arising from the implementation of halal certification processin Malaysia. The article also highlights the views of Yusuf al Qaradhawi, being the mostprominent scholar on the underlying principles of what constitute of halal and haram. The articleconcludes that whilst the Quran has outlined the general principles for the determination ofhalalness, there is a considerable need for guidance from the religious bodies in the form offatwa on any recurrent issues pertaining to food products and processes.Keywords: concept of halal, halal certification, national fatwa, juristic views.IntroductionMalaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. The Muslims are the majority andtheir places and interest are supported by the constitution that has provided Islam tobe the official religion of the country (Federal Constitution, 2009). In this diversesociety, the Muslims are very cautious of their faiths and beliefs especially when itconcerns the food. Usually, people select food based on their sense of taste, desiresand affordability. Muslims, however, have to assess whether the food is permissible inIslam or not, because the life of a Muslim centres on the concept of halal and haram.The basic guidelines about the law on halal food can be found in the Quran andSunnah itself.Muslims are increasingly seeking food products that meet their dietary needs(Alqudsi, 2014). In addition, the consciousness of Muslim consumers of their religiousobligations creates a demand for halal foods. The concept of halal is now becoming astandard demand and it generates serious attention in the local, international andglobal markets (Hanzaee & Ramezani, 2011). Nowadays, to ensure a Muslimconsumer genuinely gets halal products is quite difficult. This article starts first with anoverview of the process of halal certification in Malaysia. The article then moves toexplore the prescriptions of the Quran and Sunnah, before moving to analyse thevarious national fatwa rulings on halal food in Malaysia. The article concludes withsome analysis of the development of halal certification in Malaysia and comes up with1 Graduate Research Assistant, 1300-1-10001.2 Prof. Dr., Department of Civil Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah Of Laws, International Islamic University. CorrespondenceAddress: imadieha@iium.edu.myMALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS39some suggestion on the way forward. which are the two established primary sourcesin Islam and also elaborates the recent development on matters regarding halal foodproducts.MethodologyThis article adopts a content analysis approach in reviewing relevant legislations, aninjunctions of the Quran and Hadith on halal and the various national fatwa as toissues pertaining to halalness of a specific food product. All the relevant materials arecollated and given more extrapolation from the writings of other Muslim jurists so as togive more meaning to these Quranic and Hadith injunctions as well as the nationalfatwa. The article begins first with an analysis of the existing positions in Malaysia andthe second part will examine injunctions from the Quran and Sunnah on halal.The Concept of Halal CertificationThere are various Islamic agencies all over the world that issue halal certification.They provide the assurances to the consumers that the products ingredients andprocesses involved in making them are Shari'ah compliant. At the moment, theconcept of halal has become a new trademark around the world (Hassan & Hamdan,2013). An ordinary trademark differs from a certification trademark because it providesa warranty to show those goods and services have accomplished certain specificrequirements. Halal certification as a symbol of value, health and ecosystem not onlyworks as an assurance to verify the product\u201fs conformity to Islamic dietary laws butalso ensures that it comprises all the permitted elements. (Taylor, 1955) asserts that,\u201cCertification marks and quality labels as marks are used upon or in theproducts and services of one and more person to certify regional or otherorigin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy or othercharacteristics of such goods or services\u201d.Today, producers are required to have their products stamped with halalcertification in order to distinguish their goods from other products in the market. Halalcertification is a means of ensuring customers\u201f satisfaction, assurance and reliance.Furthermore, it requires not only the food served to be halal but also the entireprocess involved would be halal as well. Halal certified products demand a high levelof hygiene, certain standards of cleanliness, safety and nutrition which fulfil the needsof consumers, especially Muslim consumers.In this respect, Malaysia is internationally recognized as an advanced Muslimcountry. It has the prospect of becoming a key producer of halal food products byusing the commitment and support of the government as well as the local authorities.According to the Ninth Malaysian plan, Malaysia will promote halal certificationglobally and be the main centre for the certification of halal products. Due to this fact,the Malaysian government has enacted laws as well as formulated procedures andguideline for domestic and imported halal products. Malaysia has planned to be ahalal hub country by 2020 (Riaz & Chaudry, 2004). In responding to the vision, thegovernment is trying to set Malaysia as an example for other countries in thedistribution, production and promotion of halal food products.MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS40Overview of Halal Certification in MalaysiaHalal certification as a symbol of value, health and ecosystem not only works as anassurance to verify the product\u201fs conformity to Islamic dietary laws but also ensuresthat it comprises all the permitted elements. This part of the article provides anoverview of Halal certification in Malaysia, beginning with its history.The last two decades, has seen the emergence of halal industry as one of thefastest growing sectors in Malaysia. Malaysia entered the global halal food market byopening international restaurants in the 1970s (Lever, 2013). From the beginning,Muslim consumers have expressed their eagerness about imported halal foodproducts. They demanded that all imported foods should be halal. That driving forceencouraged the Malaysian authority to promulgate laws as well as specific rules andregulations on this matter. It paved the way for Malaysia to provide halal foods to thenational and international jurisdictions which are highly recognized in the globalmarket. The first legislative initiative was taken in Trade Description Order 1975. Theuse of false halal labelling and a halal sign is a punishable offence under this law.Another initiative was in 1982 when the Prime Minister\u201fs Department under theIslamic Affairs Division established a committee on assessment of foods, drinks andgoods which are consumed by Muslims. This committee is responsible for inspectingand introducing awareness amongst halal food producers, distributors and importers.In addition, in the same year the Malaysian government issued regulations making itmandatory for all meat (beef, mutton, veal and poultry) imported into Malaysia to havehalal certification and such meat should originate only from meat plants approved bythe Islamic Affairs Division of the Prime Minister\u201fs Department and the Department ofVeterinary Services, Malaysia. After that the Islamic Affairs Department dispersedfrom the Prime Minister\u201fs Department and new agencies is called Jabatan KemajuanIslam Malaysia (JAKIM) or Islamic Development Department of Malaysia and theState Religion Departments (JAIN) have played an important role in the managementof halal certification on behalf of the Malaysian government. JAKIM and IslamicReligious Councils are the core controlling body that administers Malaysian Halalcertification for halal food products (Shariff & Lah, 2014) and it also creates policieswhich are decided by the cabinet. This agency issues the halal certification logo andapproves food products which strictly fulfil the halal requirements in accordance withthe Shariah laws. These policies and standards are operated by JAKIM and JAIN forthe purpose of halal certification.Apart from JAKIM, the State Islamic Religious Departments or State IslamicReligious Councils (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri, hereafter termed as MAIN) are alsoaccepted bodies for certification. Additionally, there are 73 foreign certification bodiesthat have been recognized by JAKIM as of July 24th, 2014 (List of Approved IslamicBodies, 2014).The government has reorganized the issuance of certificates wherebyJAKIM will certify food products procedure in Malaysia and for export whilst JAIN willissue certificates to companies producing food in the specific state only, using thesame Halal logo. For the purpose of synchronization and coordination, JAKIM worksclosely with SIRIM and the Department of Standard Malaysia (DSM) together for thedevelopment of Malaysian Halal Food Standard. In this respect, Malaysia is the onlycountry whose certification is issued by the government. On the other hand, Islamicorganizations are authorized to certify products in other countries. Meanwhile, JAKIMMALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS41has developed its own halal manual procedure for the purpose of applying, auditingand monitoring halal certification procedures. The principal purpose for halalcertification by a recognized certification organization is to ensure whether a product ishalal or not for Muslim consumers. Another purpose of JAKIM is to work as anenforcement body that imposes legal requirements, operating standards andguidelines to ensure businesses comply with the halal regulations. After theamendments to the Trade Description Act 2011, it empowered JAKIM to carry outenforcement on traders who abuse the Halal logo in their products. However, halalcertification is a serious and complicated matter; thus the local authority can also takethe responsibility and co-operate the work which has been done by JAKIM (Aziz &Sulaiman, 2014).Primary Guidelines on Halal in the Quran and SunnahThis part of the article provides the basis for the determination of the status of halal ofa particular food item. In order to do this, it is necessary to explain the impetus behindthis need. It has roots in the concept of Tawhid itself. In Islam, all supremacy goes toAllah. As a conscientious Muslim, the prime condition for Muslim is to pronounce:\u201cThere is no god except Allah\u201d (Surah Al-Naml: 26)So all activities must be undertaken in the name of Allah only as a form ofdevotion to Him. The word halal means that which is permissible, allowed and lawfuland the reverse is haram. In Islam, haram is thus an act, object or conduct that isforbidden based on evidence in the Quran and Sunnah.In the Holy Quran, Allah commands Muslims and all of mankind to consumeonly what is good and halal (lawful). According to Quran:\u201cThis day all things good and pure have been made lawful to you\u201d(Surah Al-Maidah: 5)And then again,\u201cO ye who believe! Forbid not the good things that Allah has made Halal foryou\u201d (Surah Al-Maidah: 87)Besides, it is pronounced another principle on halal and haram:\u201cO mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome\u201d(Surah Al-Baqarah: 168)All food products must not only have to be halal, but also toyyiban (wholesome)as is illustrated in the last Quranic injunction. From these Quranic ayahs, it can besurmised that the main objective of the Islamic law is 'halal'ness is to protect thehuman beings; any food or drink which may cause harm to the human body andhealth is forbidden even if there is scientific evidence to back this up. Allah saysu need more ?> ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9661105871200562} +{"text": "QUOTE(Srbn @ May 10 2024, 01:33 PM)morning 11am order, until now still no deliveryself pick up the safe way..dont dare order delivery during such promo sebab mesti delay kuat kuat. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6695852279663086} +{"text": "The best solution for this fiasco is BAN THE FACEBOOK! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9669970870018005} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 06:23 PM)Can liao if like that.Pasal ini ada perbezaan pendapat.Dan bila ada perbezaan pendapat, ikut yg mana sesuai (setelah bertanya yg pakar n buat kajian menyeluruh).Lepas tu jangan perlekeh orang yg berbeza pendapat.dalam Islam, pendapat wajib ada dalil dan sokongannya. kalau pendapat sendiri, itu bukan hukum.ini salah satu salah faham orang melayu dalam Islam. kasutpun kalau terpijak najis mughallazah tak dibawa sembahyang, tak perlu sertu.cukup sekadar dah basuh dengan air. bukan boleh berjangkit macam virus najis itu. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997289776802063} +{"text": "\ntalia replied at 22-7-2022 10:58 PM\nI ada check menu, tak silap harga dia rm290 camtu\nRM290 per slice. Tak berbaloi dengan rasa. And salad tu sgt disappointing. I have eaten for much lesser and better tasting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8100410103797913} +{"text": "Ada dakwaan yang menyatakan salah satu makanan ringan iaitu coklat yang berada di pasaran Malaysia mengandungi bahan yang haram? \n\nJom like dan ikuti serta kongsi penjelasan di Facebook Bahagian Hab Halal, JAKIM#YakiniHalalMalaysia... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1938726699511223&id=155056204544957\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998574256896973} +{"text": "Aku. Sebab tu aku tak suka bazir duit beli makanan. \n\nBagi aku makan hanya untuk hilangkan lapar and hidup je\n\nLepas tu sama je jadi taik", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999479055404663} +{"text": "Lepas ni beli pisang goreng mesti kena ada sijil halal https://t.co/siNET2BodG", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5495142936706543} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Nov 26 2019, 05:10 PM)Nope. Only when you have tried your best and are already dying than only u are allowed.. even then just to fill up to prevent u from dying. Not eating the full course..Philippines alot of halal restaurants and halal meat sources. So you wont starve to death therevague at best. Everyone got definition of what's \"best\". ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9936097860336304} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.apa tahi kereta pun ada jenama melayu. ini akal taruk mana ni, lutut ka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997617602348328} +{"text": "\u201cKalau tak susahkan aku, aku boycott\u201d\u201cfesbuk, insta, intel, epal dll, takde pilhan\u201dNo matter how much facts are presented to these hypocrites, they do not see the irony of their behaviour. Perangai jijik dan mereka memang berpisah tiada ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999780654907227} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Mar 3 2024, 08:44 PM)Muslim yang kena cleansing of profits, orang lain yang kepanasansamalah non yg doing those haram things but non non yang bising dan bantah.I wonder why Epf invest Syariah accounts to non Syariah compliance counters just make sure Syariah to Syariah all problems settle.This post has been edited by quintesson: Mar 4 2024, 05:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990880489349365} +{"text": "QUOTE(teikboon @ Sep 20 2017, 05:21 PM)bukan budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999521970748901} +{"text": "isu halal haram ni depends on orng, tak semestinya nk tunggu sijil halal baru kira halal nasi lemak tepi jalan tu takde halal jakim kau lek je telan puihhh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988608360290527} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf40FAQ HALAL\ud83c\udf40 STATUS HALAL AIS KRIM MAGNUM Soalan:- Adakah Ais Krim Magnum memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal? Jawapan:- Untuk makluman, Ice Cream Magnum mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf\u2026 https://t.co/wZzqMIEsuK", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 08:15 AM)This:tidak dinafikan ada pemilik premis tidak memohon sijil halal daripada JAKIM tetapi tidak bermakna mereka menjual makanan atau menggunakan bahan daripada sumber tidak halal.If that place says no pork and no lard. They mention/display that their meat are from halal sources. I ask their muslim staff are they halal. If all 3 are yes, I just eat. Why are Malaysians so closed minded.I have a problem who says those without Halal cert are haram or not halal. They are just not Halal certified, does not mean that they are not Halal...Halal is a man make product. And it can be changed or add on from time to time. So i predict one day, pork will become halal in future. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998137354850769} +{"text": "QUOTE(ironmaid89 @ Jan 7 2021, 07:28 PM)Kerajaan akan meneroka beberapa peluang dalam tempoh terdekat untuk melonjakkan ekonomi dan perniagaan, menuju ke hadapan, kata Menteri Kewangan, Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz.Beliau berkata, adalah jelas terdapat keperluan untuk Malaysia 'reset' dan menyusun semula beberapa pengaturan institusi negara, meneroka peranan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) dan syarikat pelaburan berkaitan kerajaan (GLIC) dalam pembangunan negara.Katanya, ini juga termasuk mempertingkat kemampuan pertanian dan perladangan menerusi teknologi agro, kepelbagaian\u00a0 dan pembangunan industri hiliran.\"Negara juga mempunyai peluang untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam teknologi hijau, termasuk pembuatan panel solar dan pembinaan lestari.\"Mengukuhkan kedudukan sebagai perintis di dalam sektor kewangan Islam dan pasaran halal global bernilai AS$1.4 trilion (RM5.65 trilion), yang mana dalam hal itu, Malaysia boleh mempertimbangkan penggunaan teknologi seperti 'blockchain' sebagai teknologi pengesan produk makanan dan minuman halal,\" katanya.Beliau berkata demikian semasa berucap pada Hari Korporat Tahunan Maya CGS-CIMB 2021 Ke-13, hari ini.Tengku Zafrul berkata, Malaysia juga belum meneroka sektor teknologi kewangan (fintech) sepenuhnya, yang mana dalam hal berkenaan, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) baru-baru ini menerbitkan dokumen dasar mengenai perbankan digital.\"Terdapat pelbagai sektor yang boleh dipacu di dalam norma baharu, contohnya teknologi pendidikan (edutech), mobiliti dan kecerdasan buatan (AI).\"Di samping itu, pelaburan yang mencerminkan tanggungjawab sosial dan ke arah ekonomi kitaran adalah peluang yang perlu dimanfaatkan,\" katanya.Menurutnya, kerajaan sentiasa mengalu-alukan idea baharu daripada semua pihak untuk memudahcara pelaburan di dalam sektor sedia ada dan baharu, demi melonjakkan perniagaan serta ekonomi negara.Beliau berkata, kerajaan melaksanakan empat langkah untuk memangkin ekonomi negara mengimbangi keperluan semasa dan masa depan iaitu dengan mengembangkan kedudukan fiskal jangka masa pendek, mengukuhkan penjanaan hasil negara, melaksanakan projek berskala besar serta Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (RMKe-12).https://www.bharian.com.my/bisnes/lain-lain...nomi-perniagaanCome 1 Feb 2021... don't know he is still FM or not... LOL ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4726416766643524} +{"text": "Semalam makan kat Fowlboys ni. Sedap walaupun agak mahal tapi berbaloi. Every dish yang kami order tu sedap. Aku tahu kedai ni pun sebab lalu kat timeline haha. \n\nStatus halal dia", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994882345199585} +{"text": "Semua fikir pearl dalam air boba bercerita pasal halal haram dia ingat pasal babi ke apa? Kena boba yang diperbuat daripada plastik baru tahu. Even tak dapat sijil pengesahan pun, at least, peniaga dapat tunjukkan sumber dari mana pun okay dah. Jangan duk compare nasi lemak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999066174030304} +{"text": "QUOTE(meistsh_musical @ Dec 24 2014, 11:34 AM)saya dah sunat... damn pain now cannot moveInshaAllah!!! power of god in my body ....ouchhow to kencing \u00a0 \u00a0 i tot nowdays got those clip style sunnat not that pain.or you went the traditional way??find the gamat jelly and eat it alot la.rm50 per bottle. it`ll heal faster. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6997756361961365} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 08:54 AM)I think to answer your question why shandy is deemed haram because we view shandy was made from mixing beer with other flavored water in equal parts. So apart from directly drink alcoholic drinks, we also cannot consume food or drinks that were made directly from mixing wine or beer.\u00a0 That\u2019s why eating this claypot chicken is considered haram as well because it was mixed with wine. While eating the claypot rice or drinking shandy does not generally make you drunk, but in Islam if the food or drink we consume can make you tipsy even in the slightest sense, then it\u2019s forbidden.Regarding tapai, when muslims eat tapai, we need to know how long has it been made to know where the fermentation stage is, if it\u2019s not too long (i am unsure whats considered too long here ya, cause I dont eat tapai because of health reasons) then generally it\u2019s permissible. If it\u2019s been made quite long then generally people dont eat it (can cause tipsy or getting the buzzzz)Hope it can clear some of your questions.I saw TikTok comment someone said their friend every year during Hari Gawai drink tapai until mabuk.But people all reply say impossible la drink tapai until mabuk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966777563095093} +{"text": "QUOTE(G_KeN @ Oct 25 2016, 09:36 PM)-9999please elaborate on how media is 'setting up the trap'. do they have some sort of a list of targets to witch-hunt? also please elaborate on how muslims n non muslims alike criticising jakim (or jakim's officers) on food-name ban = asking you to join red shirt? kek logic 404. saja nak cari alasan bodo to justify joining racist/extremist groups.Every week got issues or opportunity to bash islam. You think coincidence? Bumi and religion is sensitive issues here. Main issues is requirement to get halal cert is to change name only then suddenly in media hotdog is haram. Wtf.As long as we want a good leader we dont want someone keep provoking our religion in daily basis. There is a fear that if opposition party ruling then it will become more worse. That is why i said media set the trap and you all fall in just for others to see. Now that make sense? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999945878982544} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 02:19 PM)It's disturbing when you wanted to bring non-halal food to McD a halal restaurant. No? Comprehension? Kek.is food without halal logo considered halal or haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "suka hati la berbelanja utk anniversary yg kau sebok kenapa? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998958110809326} +{"text": "dia maksudkan priority untuk beli yg ada status & sijil halal jakim. takkan le itu pun nak kena explain? jeez.. https://t.co/bCs3hjTem4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.950283944606781} +{"text": "Best cakoi. Shape not consistent.. Mind blown. The youtuber need his eyes checked. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961710572242737} +{"text": "Tidak semua produk makanan yang tertera kod \u2018E\u2019 adalah haram. Kod itu diguna pakai bagi menerangkan mengenai bahan tambah (aditif) dalam sesuatu produk makanan. - JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9782243967056274} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 10:45 PM)Kalau the halal status is doubtful you still think that is right? Are you a kid? Have you been to dimsum canning garden. Owners and workers Chinese. Majority customers malays. If you got nothing to hide. Food all halal, don't cook the food at the same place that cook pork, then can easily jual to malays Sure some malays won't eat or buy but that's business. You cannot forced people to buy. Ini halal status doubtful tapi bagi at one melayu to \"tolong\" jual but didn't inform customers that the food are a from a place with doubtful halal status, that's deceiving.Apa sal ko nak kata makana dia x halal??? Ko ada bukti dia masak skali ngn babi ke??? Kalo based on syak x valid tuduhan ko. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987372756004333} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Nov 21 2018, 08:22 PM)You guys do know that there are vege cooked with alcohol, right?technically cooking with liquor is to burn the alcohol so that the taste is only that is leftdrinking liquor is haram because it makes us drunknever heard anyone got drunk by eating food cooked with alcohol before ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9901424050331116} +{"text": "Is this during raya.. totally not good.Before raya, boycott.. so those fast food probably didn't expect full house.. probably cut staff.. this thatThen suddenly raya full house pulak.Mesti staff kelam kabut ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997358918190002} +{"text": "Everytime i got flowers from my husband, akan ada yg cakap \u201ckalau i tak suka bunga membazir sebab layu, baik beli makanan\u201d\n\nI love fresh flowers & i enjoy the process dari dia fresh sampai layu. Pastu buang jela sebab nanti dapat lagi. Dari zaman talking stage sampai kahwin ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998337030410767} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Nov 2 2013, 08:26 PM)noif u drink pure alcohol,it could be dangerous to ur health.not mabukand different type of alcohol present in bread and winenot the samesimpleif u eat bread,mabuk or not?noso not haramif you drink pure alcohol, you will get alcohol intoxication, just like drinking a lot alcoholic beverages. eh, simple knowledge you also don't know....shandy not haram also different type of alcohol present in bread and wine? you must be retarded. both are formed from fermentation, which produces ethanol, the only edible form of alcohol. other alcohol can kill you in very minute amounts.This post has been edited by slimey: Nov 2 2013, 08:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9552234411239624} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Aug 6 2024, 11:08 AM)then i ask you, minor beer isu also want to viral. so food poisoning case no viral by party?come on..2 people died...you think not this is not serious enough to bring up to parliament on food safety?If you are one of the 2 people who died or the hundreds of kena cirit birit...you tell yourself if its an isolated case lahnot even one question ask the education minister or in the state selangor ?Why NOT ? This is a national issue: its a sekolah agama that failed to ensure student safety by engaging a food contractor that was careless that resulted in deaths of 2 students. Hello? You too blind to see that.did anyone died from hot pot poisoning case?Hi TS, i know you're trying to find loophole to shoot PAS. but do understand that , yes, tiger issue is more important than 2 people die in school, if you dont believe, just ask any of your muslim friendeveryone acknowledge that there is more and more muslim joining SKJC schoolbut they are sensitive if they know that it is haram when it received non halal $$ (i dont think they care if the money is public donation or from tiger directly as they just want to show they are the one who fight for malay and not UMNO / PKR)2 people die from food poisoning is like people dying from road accident daily. you see anyone care?go find bigger bulletor better yet go ask your malay friend if you dont understand their culture ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996649026870728} +{"text": "Pastu turned out the woman yang question pasal halal haram bubble tea ni also berniaga tepi jalan. Pastu mengamuk bila orang question pula mana sijil halal makanan dia jual tu. Looool https://t.co/SjJSH2OZQ5", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "\r\ndah anta ngaji lom? ngaji ngan ustaz..baca iqra......kalau dah, lebih mudah dia menerima kata2 sorang guru daripada mak dia sendri......\r\ncam adik me beriya2 dok kata 3+3 tu enam, yg bapak plak (bapak me pun cekgu jugek,arwah dah) pun kata 2+4 pun enam.....beriya2 dia ckp 3+3 enam, menangis2,menjerit2....tu citer dolu2 larrr\u00a0\u00a0zaman tahun 80-an dolu....apa yg me nak bagitau iyalah ...kata2 cekgu tu mmg mudah diterimapakai oleh anak2...anak2 me skang pun.....ujung2 ayat dia mesti ada........\"tapi ckgu cakap .........\"", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998890161514282} +{"text": "That is why JAKIM can always berlagak and demand more money during budget time from gomen. Some people see JAKIM is a nuisance but not many realise JAKIM holds one of the most valuable certification in the world. Boleh buat duit banyak tu.Lucky that MO1 tak sempat kacau...This post has been edited by frossonice: Mar 20 2019, 11:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9430620074272156} +{"text": "Makanan dari sumber yang haram adalah antara punca Allah tidak makbulkan doa hamba-Nya. Makbulkah Doaku? dalam MyHalal bersama dua pengacara Azrin dan Hanim, Jumaat 19 Ogos 2022 pukul 9.00 malam hanya di TV1.#myhalaltv1#yakinihalalMalaysia#semaksebelumsebar#penyiaranJAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7499151825904846} +{"text": "Antara Badan Sijil Halal diiktiraf oleh JAKIM : https://t.co/7kVGEQAoMV", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998351335525513} +{"text": "#INFOKINI | VIRAL VIDEO SEMBELIHAN AYAM TAK IKUT SYARAK.... Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) mengesahkan pusat sembelihan ayam yang menjadi tular di media sosial tidak mempunyai sijil halal. Pengarahnya, Dato\u2019 Haris Kasim berkata, hasil siasatan\u2026 https://t.co/yw4xinooBt https://t.co/DFaViFnqQw", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9847721457481384} +{"text": "QUOTE(Boy96 @ Jan 18 2024, 12:06 PM)How to be side gig when Anthony loke put so much rules in order to sign up to be a driver?Last time i was part timer, but since AL put rules need to take another license, then every year need puspakom, then need to change car insurance policy become ehailing status, then need to pay additional rm1k++ premium over whatever u are paying of your current car insurance.. its already not worth it for people doing it full time, what more as a side gigWhatever it is Grab dont dare to do this kind of shit in Singapore, only dare in malaysia and indomeanwhile the prebet sapu Indrive still around. no action taken also. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997804760932922} +{"text": "Aku rasa JAKIM patut tarik balik lesen halal kedai-kedai yang jual makanan / minuman yang tak menyihatkan. Apa guna makanan halal tapi memudaratkan. Ataupun, lantaklah, janji halal?\n\nJika rokok difatwakan haram kerana memudaratkan, kenapa tidak makanan?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(dwks @ May 15 2024, 10:34 AM)Let em die , suffer consequences over consume sugar and fatty foodeverything nowadays mesti cheese leleh, lol. No wonder i see so many fatties on the rise now. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998111128807068} +{"text": "Luckily he didn't say eating also haram because after eating mau shit balik, food wastage. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998817443847656} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 18 2022, 01:29 PM)The problem here is misrepresentation. That's wrong. If people see normal stall operated by malays they will assume it's halal. A legit non Muslim owned restaurants or stalls that want to sell to Muslim will apply for halal cert to get the same confident level. Some shops which have been operating for long time and has already developed a regular Muslim clientele may choose not to apply halal cert coz it's not legally required and they already have a sizable Muslim clients/patrons.In this case, it's a simple case of trying to mispresent their nasi ayam to Muslim customers as a product from a Muslim stall but in actual fact is not. That's what we call, penipu scammerDid they though?Did they actually advertised their product as prepped by muslim?If halal cert is not legally required, why isit there in the first place?How can you be certain that an apparent malay hawker is actually halal compliant without the cert?Sebab janji yakin kanSo why cant we be yakin with this establishment?Sebab racist kanThis post has been edited by cursetheroad01: Aug 18 2022, 01:56 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991891980171204} +{"text": "Inilah marketing terhandal1. Buat Kat zouk2. Viral3. Sold out4. Mohon maaf and taubat.5. Malaysian sudah lupaWell play man the script ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999305009841919} +{"text": "Just plan for the usual spots lor..... remember to drive at slower pace coz Kuantan people got slower pace life, especially at outskirt/kampung area1. Sg.Lembing - - Pasar siu yuk/yiong taufu noodle (non-halal)- Mining museum- Old shophouses- Hanging bridge @cina village with spring water tofufa- Sg.Lembing noodle 2. Hike Bukit Panorama Sg.Lembing (start early morning can see sea of clouds)3. Rainbow waterfall at Panching, near sg.lembing4. Beaches - Pantai Batu Hitam- Pantai Balok - very nice if stroll on full moon nights, can sometimes be abit muddy on low tide area- Teluk Cempedak - nice beach and forest edge boardwalk, plenty of parking space- Cherating - nice beach but has deteriorated - Pantai Kemasik (Kemaman/Chukai, T'ganu) --- scenic but not suitable for swim5. Restaurant food (non-halal) - Alor Akar beggar jiken (Best and cheap) --- beggar jiken, sotong (salted egg yolk/fried oatmeal), steamed fish, many to list.... but as cautioned; huge crowd- Hao Ming Seafood --- pork leg nice, big crowd too- Pak Su Seafood --- got Muslim eat here, great seaside view of Pantai Batu Hitam during meal, clone of stuffed crab- Howin Seafood Restaurant- Golden Lucky Seafood --- no aircond- Southern Seafood Restaurant --- pipa roast duck (better book in advance)- Kemaman Stuffed Crab --- a short drive northward from Kuantan, authentic stuffed crab- Kemaman Hai Peng Kopitiam --- hainam kopi, roti bakar --- harmonious environment 6. Street food (non-halal) - UK Loh (roast duck, roast and bbq pork wantan mee) --- big crowd on weekends- Teng Haw Kedai Kopi (curry mee) --- limited tables- Restoran Taman Kuantan (hainam kopi, noodle) --- really hainam folks, can speak hainam with them- Restoran Hoi Yin (curry mee) --- limited tables- Restoran Lai Lai (ckt, roast duck wantan mee)- WW Kopitiam (cina style nasi kandar)7. Food (halal) - Sate Zul- Cendol Air Putih --- cendol, pulut bakar (damn good), big crowd- Cendol on motorbike in front of Alliance Bank Jln.Beserah --- relative of Cendol Air Putih above, less variant but same taste as CAP minus the queue- Nasi dagang Noor Azliha, Tg.Api --- nasi minyak is 1 of the bestest; texture & taste, super fresh fish meat gulai ikan. literally 30m from fish jetty.- Keropok lekor Kak Cik --- along Pantai Balok road, near Swiss Garden area, sell both raw and also fried ready to eat- Hai Peng Kopitiam Air Putih --- my in-laws said not same standard as HQ in Kemaman, but will do if lazy to drive up north- Satey Warisan Zaiton Marto --- same standard as Sate Zul but sate lebih berisi8. Point of interest- Kuantan tower- Kuantan esplanade- River cruise- Murals- Cherating Turtle sanctuary- Cherating Swamp Fireflies watchingwill add later when got time or requested by /kThis post has been edited by speedy3210: Jul 18 2024, 08:42 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995892643928528} +{"text": "UNTUK PRODUK MINUMAN & MAKANAN :-\n\nHANYA LULUS JAKIM , HALAL , MESTI , BUATAN MALAYSIA DAN GMP\n (Good Manufacturing Practice) !!!\nProduk NESHAMILK ni halal sebab buatan Malaysia", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "Sapa la yang bodo gi spread and actually percaya so called viral ni. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8146057724952698} +{"text": "So advance but yet go to other people country during buffet like 10 years didnt eat. 1 plate can sapu the whole thing. Shouting screaming like in their kampung.Ang moh looking at me thinking I am with them. Ayam like \"Im malaysian\". Ang moh nod her head. Fuh bangga kembang my lubang hidung. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9393951296806335} +{"text": "A Malaysian netizen, Adlina, has taken to X (formally known as Twitter) to complain about seeing temples while in Bali. She said the following in response to a thread where a Muslim woman shared pictures of temples in Bali (originally in Malay but shall be translated to English), \u201cOne thing about Bali that I'm not really interested in is the temple. I understand what you're saying about renewing your faith every day. Prayer indeed renews faith, but why risk going to the temple and seeing all these? Our faith is fragile, so why risk it? Hopefully, you'll go alone and not with the children. Take care, madam.\u201dHer response drew backlash from netizens, be they Muslim or not. The Original Poster (Muslim woman who shared pictures of temples in Bali) responded with, \u201cWhy? Can't I go to the mosque after visiting the place? My neighbor on the left is Indian and they practice their religion; in the morning, I hear them praying, reciting mantras/puja, etc. On the right, there's a big shrine for Chinese Buddhists in front of the house. No need to go to Bali if one's faith is already so weak.\u201d. Another responded with, \u201cI don't know, but there's nothing risky in learning about other people's cultures, right? It's not wrong to gain knowledge, learn, and respect the cultures/religions of others.\u201d. Others have questioned the fragility of the woman's faith by responding with, \u201cIf your faith is fragile to this extent, please stay at home, don't go out. Okay? Allah says the world is vast and scattered, so let's seek sustenance and explore, then there's this woman (referring to Adlina, the person who complains about seeing temples in Bali) saying, 'Oh, don't go to Bali, there are temples, your faith might falter...Lol\u2026.\u201d.Instead of apologizing for her ignorance, she double-down by saying, \u201cCulture and religion, even Islam doesn't encourage visiting places of worship unless you're there for missionary purposes. So, voluntarily going and being in awe of those statues, whether directly or not, can indeed affect us spiritually, but I know each of us always tries to be a better Muslim. May Allah ease everything.\u201dSince we are on this topic of discussion, one must wonder whether it is permissible for Muslims to visit other religion's houses of worship. Luckily for us, the Mufti of Federal Territory's Office has answered this for us; their answer is in accordance with the concept of fiqh al-ta\u2019ayush that is practised by Syeikh al-Azhar al-\u2018Allamah Ahmad al-Thayyib and also by Darul Iftaa\u2019 of Egypt that permits the entering of Muslims to churches or other religion\u2019s house of worship for a visit, sight-seeing, or attending wedding or funeral, as long as it does not transgress the guidelines set in Islam. (Refer the fatwa at Darul Iftaa\u2019 Misriyyah official website link https://bit.ly/2C2uY5l). To put it simply, Muslims are allowed to enter other religion's houses of worship including temples for the purpose of a visit or sightseeing as long as it does not transgress the guidelines set in Islam.From my point of view, there are 2 options for Adlina and those like her:1) Only stick to traveling to Muslim-majority provinces like Acheh if they plan to go to Indonesia for a vacation. This way they can find plenty of mosques for them to visit - no temples at all.2) Don't travel at all. Just stay at home.There are plenty of countries around the world where Islam is not the official religion like Japan, Korea, Thailand and so on. They have tons of temples and statues where members of the public can visit them. Even in Malaysia, there are temples and statues; certain Muslim-majority states such as Kelantan (95.7% of the population is Malay) are even home to Malaysia's biggest reclining Buddha. Did you hear any Kelantanese talk about how their faith is faltering due to the presence of Buddhist statues and temples that can be seen from afar? I think not.Aaron Colt is a content creator under the Newswav Creator programme, where you get to express yourself, be a citizen journalist, and at the same time monetize your content & reach millions of users on Newswav.https://newswav.com/article/malaysian-compl...on-A2404_uTKZ0o ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9874656796455383} +{"text": "...Sahabat,\n\nTempat mana makanan tengahari yang paling best sekitar KL ni..Semestinya HALAL dan Bersih.\n\nSuggestion ?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998786449432373} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lesane @ Nov 21 2023, 09:33 AM)I admit there is lack of sensitivity from Malaysia majority but i don't recall a single function (of any race)\u00a0 which only serves beef. so you have option. What India is doing is discriminating against the Muslim because if you ban certification, they have limited way of knowing the status of the food.So the other plates and utensils sudah samak? No dna lembu? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998741149902344} +{"text": "Bagusnya officemate aku yg chinese ni depa ni cukup jaga isu halal haram dalam makanan. Siap tanya aku itu ini. Dah boleh kerja Jakim dah lepas ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9870705008506775} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazq @ Feb 1 2023, 03:13 PM)Business-wise he has the right to feel pissed about that. Kinda unfortunate that the wording have those keywords that certain folks are very happy to have a field day withHe just kuda attensi. If really feel shortchanged, just complain to the organiser.Who asked him to misled people as if he was served haram food. QUOTESaya boleh terima. Saya pun ada sifat toleransi. Anda nak minum arak,silakan. Itu hak anda, saya boleh minum air kosong. Saya tiada isu. Tetapi bila makanan dikacau, ini adalah satu pantang bagi saya.Say can tolerate, can drink plain water. But can't tolerate eating vegetarian. KEK ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9931380152702332} +{"text": "But m parents there happy with fund raising from haram source? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999727010726929} +{"text": "Im a cinababi but yes I know it's not the best cakoi or whataver thats subjective but the fact that my malay friends are trying our food is good enough for me. Just like strangely my favourite food is actually satay kajang samuri. I dont know why. And yes especially the kuah. I actually borong from their HQ frozen kuah for own consumption. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984127283096313} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Aug 25 2020, 09:55 PM)Let me get this rightIt was a forest reserve in the first place, cannot plant anything there.Somehow dont know what happen, after the logs were gone, farmers plant durian.Now durian trees matured, they say legalized it but farmers need to pay rental, plus have to sell to them only. Furthermore got levy charges. Farmers rage, start chop off the plants. Polis setup road block to block them to go in, and today onwards it belongs to state government? Its like,Mesin judi is haram. Somehow there was an empty factory and nobody using it.Gangster backside itchy go and setup kedai mesin judi. Then authorities go and raid the place, say is haram, but can continue operating if the gangsters be their bitch. Must also pay rental and give a portion of money they make. Gangster dont want, gangster say will destroy their own mesin judi. Polis come and jaga the factory dont let gangster destroy mesin judi and now onwards the authorities gonna run the kedai judi?The issue is farmer not dealing with goverment but third party.. free money for third party ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997820258140564} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mondello @ May 4 2021, 02:07 PM)triggereddddddddin msia..sure ppl ald record and viral100 SDU in action later ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999943733215332} +{"text": "QUOTE(bengang15 @ Aug 18 2024, 05:14 PM)Need that Palestinian chef Amar guy to cook for them.that raya viral guy? he stuff expensive no? lf recall ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9956117868423462} +{"text": "Mika AelzMika Aelz1 day agoCardock= Penyanyi trkenal?\ud83d\ude02 Bro, dia punya lagu hit smpai 170+m . Ada ka lagu malaysia mcm tu? Kalau aku jdi namewee, aku xmengaku jdi org Malaysia \ud83d\ude22 walaupun dia kna kecam teruk, dia still mengaku.4Aiman HaziqAiman Haziq2 days agoBuat petisyen filem ni utk tyg dkt Malaysia tanda kita sokong filem tersebut.3Kenny BoyKenny Boy3 days agoDulu I punya sekolah pun perna berlaku kes similar macam Movie ni. Kes berlaku pada Tahun 1999 atau 2000 (i tak ingat) di Melaka, Kongsi gelap Cina dan Melayu gang bang kat sekolah. Lebih 100 orang terlibat dalam kes ni... dua budak melayu geng double 7 masuk ICU dan banyak budak Cina geng AST & geng Malay kena lokap. Duduk lokap dua minggu satu orang 2 ribu closed kes. berita media pun tak keluar.18S.S ProjectzS.S Projectz3 days agoTp zaman aku skola dlu kt JB tp xnak bagitau skola mana. Mmg ada pergaduhan mcm ni. Besar besaran kt taman berhampiran skola. Smpai putus tangan pelajar cina di tetak oleh pelajar india. Tp prgaduhan ni mmg 3 kaum/bangsa bergaduh.13Avester Gisang Anak JantaiAvester Gisang Anak Jantai3 days agoLain orang lain perception. Motif film BABI ni memang relevance dengan situasi sekarang ni. Pls avoid racism. Thank you20Panglima HitamPanglima Hitam2 days agoMovie tu berani bawa realiti hidup di malaysia.11Amir LuqmanAmir Luqman1 day agoAku je ke yang tak terasa langsung dgn poster tu?1Mohamad BakhtiarMohamad Bakhtiar3 days agoTrue story bro... tempat lain pon ada kes gaduh melibatkan kaum disekolah. siap masuk paper lagi.5lolbidilolbidi3 days ago (edited)aku rasa perkataan BABI memang sesuai dengan filem yang dia buat, kalau kau rasa tajuk tu x sesuai, bagi aku satu tajuk yang lebih sesuai dari BABI, kalau dia x suka melayu, kenapa dia defend orang islam melayu di luar negara, kenapa dia buat filem dengan orang melayu?27Unkwon Malaysian GuyUnkwon Malaysian Guy3 days agoni angkara mangkuk2 kat parlimen la yang nak reka boogyman menuduh namwee demi egnda politik mereka. filem ni direka beliau agar kita jauhi perkauman dan belajar tak menjadi bodoh. org libral yang otak macam kambing biri2 je yang percayakan tuduhan camni. dia nak tunjukkan isu tersebut sebab benda tu betul2 berlaku. adakah kita akan kehilang hak bersuara ? Inilah kerajaan yang kalian semua telah. undi.7Shahrul AzharShahrul Azhar2 days agoMana Content kereta dan automotif ? Hm sendu lah chanel ni . Tgk salah satu contoh channel baru seperti (MEKANIKA) padu viewers dan subscriber dia . Pls cardock comeback ! .4Junaidi Bin jamainJunaidi Bin jamain3 days agoWaalaikumsalam...3ShidaN FigtheRShidaN FigtheR2 days agoAssalammualaikum cardock.. aku mmg follow vedio2 yg ko buat..tpi yg vedio ni aku x suka.. sbb ko sndri Pon x pnh tgok filem babi.. mmg ada rusuhan.. tpi ko kena fhm rusuhan bdk SEKOLAH... Bukan org dewasa atau rusuhan kaum semua org kt Malaysia ni.. so bagi aku ko kena tgok filem to dulu. Bru boleh komen isi kandung.. bukan hanya dengar komen2 org atau tgok tralr vedio to je .7ezzysajaezzysaja1 day agoReview kereta je lah bro.3Ahmad DhuhaAhmad Dhuha2 days agoMelihat dari sudut positif.2Ishaki IsmailIshaki Ismail3 days agoAit.upload balik.tadi delete4Marc JosephMarc Joseph2 days agoBuat content kereta la bro..kan best2Fidot CsmFidot Csm2 days agotak tgk lagi filem ni semua dah gaduh bagai, apa2 pn kena tgu lah tgk filem ni. Tapi Namewee sendiri dah ckp filem ni tak akan ditayangkan di Malaysia.1R I Y S OfficialR I Y S Official3 days agoSemangat terus!! \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb1HuntaKillerHuntaKiller23 hours agoSbgai seorang neutral aku rasa ok je sbb satu Namewee mmg tak akan dan x prlu tayang pun kat siniSnang crta,kita snang triggeredMmg x akan maju klau asyik snang gaduh biar di alam maya atau di real life,hidup chill dh laThe Ghost77The Ghost773 days agoNi salah satu youtuber yg hambar kt malaysia....sbb apa??? Sebab sikap ko la\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd2317Rockey JohnRockey John3 days agoJawapan nye senang je,contoh: kenapa namewee buat filem babi dan kenapa carddock buat konten pasal namewee,fikir fikir kn.\ud83d\udc4d1Mr. xxxMr. xxx1 day agoMmg niat dia baik buat filem yg ada pngjran nya...tpi knpa dri dlu karya seni dia berunsur bgsa...x idea lain ker...1MamatZulfadli ChannelMamatZulfadli Channel3 days agoSteady cardock. #racunitubenar1Avester Gisang Anak JantaiAvester Gisang Anak Jantai3 days agoRasanya tak perlu lah awak buat video macam ni. Betul kata org yg comment kat video awk ni. Tak perlu jadi attention seeker macam orang lain tu. Awk tak sedar yang video awak ni yang boleh membangkitkan isu perkauman. Nak tinggi views, buat jela content psl kereta. Cardock skrg macam tak best je. Nanti tertukar merah pulak word subscribe tu.18Adaman IsmailAdaman Ismail2 days agoCARDOCK... buat filem RASUAH1magic chess Gaming malaysiamagic chess Gaming malaysia22 hours agobro dlu skolah semua orang baik kot...tu yang tk penah tgak sekolah gaduh kaum....mmang btol ada sekolah goduh cmtu...tpi tak masuk media...malu la sekolah tu...bagi aku pekataan bab1 tu tkda msalah...bro yang mslah sbb nk pelaga orangZuanhardie FamilyZuanhardie Family2 days agobackgroud saya suka lah bossku.... isu ini memang panasDarwisy ImanDarwisy Iman2 days agoPANAS PANAS PANAS BETULLLLL KORANG NI MEMANG NAK MALUKAN MELAYU KEAmin MohdAmin Mohd3 days agoX review keta da ka boss..1Loyd MarlonLoyd Marlon3 days agoXda konten lain suda ka?3Akira VaderAkira Vader3 days agoBang tahun 2000 ya lom ada internet lagi .8Jay Bo OnJay Bo On3 days ago2000 internet blm ada lagi bos mcm skrg dan youtube pun blm beranak lagi4iri bilang Bosiri bilang Bos2 days agoHari org kita sebut babi...Janek je pun1lagendaCP belalangkunyitlagendaCP belalangkunyit3 hours agoDulu xder smartfone...xder media alternatif...surat khabr jer...klu media disekat tu yer bole...tpi sekrg maklumat sng dpt sekat pon org dh thuBibi iuBibi iu3 days agoCardock kena dengar penjelasan ini https://youtu.be/lLt7yLnpWog14Carbonkids ChannelCarbonkids Channel3 days agoPerkataan dan poster tu mungkin xsesuai bang...apa2 pun kene tengok isi dia dlu.....xsemestinya filem tu untuk provoke dan xsemestinya filem itu untk penyatuan...apa2 kena tengok isi...hati orang kita xtau...silap2 fitnah jadinya...apa2 tengok dlu isi...ok kipidap gais...1Mohd AimanMohd Aiman3 days ago (edited)Tgok video namewee dia ade bgi penjelasan. Dia x berniat nak racist.13Jacky CheahJacky Cheah7 hours agoThe intention of the poster is just to tell audience the expected content in the movie. You will need to really watch the movie in order to judge the real intent of the movie. Don\u2019t simply judge a person by just looking at the face1Winston EdwinWinston Edwin3 days ago (edited)Cardock,saya ada jumpa Sasuka anak Akin dekat sini...dekat rmh dia punya biniAlong_ SpeedyAlong_ Speedy3 days agohttps://youtu.be/lLt7yLnpWogPenjelasan dari pihak namewee.. Zman skolah dlu\u00b2 mmang bersepah kes\u00b2 mcm tu. Brgduh melibatkan perkauman.. Knonnya zaman skolah acah gangster.. Cer tngk isi kndungan filem tu.. Bnda simple.. #sapa makan cili, terasa pedasnya..1BELL LOCENGBELL LOCENG1 day agoFikirlah betul2 bang sebelum buat konten.jangan skema sangat fikiran.kunoMohd Elfie Nieshaem JuferiMohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi3 days agoNamewee memang sengaja nak provoke bang, tapi nak komen lebih-lebih pun tak boleh selagi tak tengok filem dia.4Wardatul ShifaWardatul Shifa3 days agosapa Namewee tok ? bena\u00b2 sik kenal ehmuhammad azffarmuhammad azffar3 days agoPublisiti murahan namewee \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd236Hafiz AzmanHafiz Azman2 days agoKsian makin sendu, btul aku ckp last year yg cardock bleh thn setahun je.. \ud83d\ude021ZarilZaril2 days agoAku rasa xkoyak dgn perkataan Babi tu, kkdg kita pn memBabikn org kita sndri. Sbb melayu sndri pn rmai yg babi. Tpi jgn smpi memBabikn agamaku. Tu bkn koyak lgi dh tpi perang\ud83d\ude0f.ShidaN FigtheRShidaN FigtheR2 days agoKo buat vedio dia pon buat vedio.. so x pyh komen vedio org. Atau apa pdgn org.. ko fokus pada vedio ko jeBloody MaryBloody Mary3 days agoTolong jgn cepat koyak...\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd234Angah SyberAngah Syber3 days agoSaya dh tengok penjelasan beliau tu.. sebenarnya bukan melayu je dia hina ada lagi bangsa lain tertulis kt dinding tu cuba perhatikan betul27Mohd FaizMohd Faiz3 days agoKurang ajar punye kapir nak kutuk tak agakseven eyeseven eye3 days agoMalaysia cuma approve drama cinta ,gangster lumba haram , \ud83e\udd23 lapok!5mohd fauzimohd fauzi1 day agopandangan yg bernas, kenapa perlu kita cipta perkara yg memprovokasi.. rilek2 sudah la.. buatlah cerita keharmonian...x perlu tunjukkan kekurangan negara kita terhadap negara luar. we should promote good thing about malaysia. Dia sendiri ckp ni berdasarkan cerita sebenar, dari situ da nampak si namewee ni nak burrkkan negara kita.. aisey,,..namewee u sure no cool la bro..Mohd AkramMohd Akram2 hours agoprovokasi apa,itu namanya nk sedarkan masyarakat dimalaysia,bukn shja org melayu,cina dan india,betapa teruk tahap rasis sesama kita skrang niNabil IqbalNabil Iqbal2 days ago (edited)B.A.B.I.... BABUN \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02Pilot darat channelPilot darat channel3 days ago (edited)Melayu sensitive pasal perkataan babi mungkin sebab babi itu:HaramMenjijikanKotorMakan semua benda xkira bersih @ kotorMengadakan hubungan Berlainan Jantina@ sesama jAntina... N Part last racun itu benar(Iboh manas guro jak koh)\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude028Vind DOTDOTVind DOTDOT3 days agoI think WAJARK CLSfK CLSf1 day agoBalik cari content kereta jelah kau niLee WonG 0fficiaL \u9ec3\u798f\u5317Lee WonG 0fficiaL \u9ec3\u798f\u53173 hours ago (edited)Comment bukan untuk mengecam abg cardok.Film B.A.B.I bukan 1 provokasi. (Terpulang pada pandangan masing2)Film tersebut hanya teguran kepada masyarakat malaysia. Cuma ia agak kasar. Dan tidak di nafi kan memang ada reality terjadi di Malaysia. Sebagai bekas pembaca berita seperti abg cardok seharusnya peka dan tau isu ini. Percaya atau tidak 9/10 kaum melayu akan sebut perkataan B.A.B.I lebih dari tiga kali sehari. Bukan hanya kaum melayu. Malah kaum india dan cina juga tidak terkecuali. Persoalannya? Kenapa harus berasa sensitive isu ini ? Sedangkan setiap hari pasti ada kaum sendiri yang menyebutkan ia?Mohon maaf jika terkasar bahasa. Jika tidak berpuas hati. Sila screen shot dan laporkan pada polis. Nescaya saya ada setiap bukti yang saya katakan seperti di atas.Ezri AnuarEzri Anuar3 days agobiarlah bang...tak perlu jadi attention seeker ke attention seeking mcm dia...lex\u00b2 sudah...3jawohl mein f\u00fchrerjawohl mein f\u00fchrer3 days agohqhqBryan ChangBryan Chang20 hours agoDaring content creators and creative content creators are dying. Besides that, why can't Malaysian see the pride he brings to us Malaysians? Come on la it's the new decade dy, be more modern. My Malay friends have no problem with it at all, they even jokingly insult each other with Babi on a regular basis, relek ah broKC_ BOOST_HUNTERKC_ BOOST_HUNTER5 hours agoBro... Theres is alwalys alots nice car to review out there...Go for it.... why talking about ppl movies ya.....erm....\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14Niel StudioNiel Studio3 days ago\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude311Mustaqim YaakubMustaqim Yaakub3 days agoDia ada pencapain. Banyak award. Kau? Dengan perkataan BABI pun triggered. Lol.17Jule LetJule Let3 days agoAik.. re-upload lg ker? Dah react tak video dari Fakir Ilmu di Facebook?? Kw yakin xda racism di Malaysia kan? Kalau kami non Muslim yg buat content jentik\u00b2 sikit agama Islam mmg direct kena saman.. page muslim tu slumber jer kutuk2 agama org tp xda kena tindakan pun.. report polis dah buat semua tp polis x kesah..perlu convert p muslim dlu kot baru dorg trima report.. Kemon bro.. kecut telur ke delete vid awal2 td.. now re-upload balik sebab bnyk malicious comments td9Irwanizam KasimIrwanizam Kasim3 days ago (edited)Betul bang. Poster tu lebih kepada provokasi & publisitiYusrizal YusoffYusrizal Yusoff2 days agoHmm\u30a2\u30c0\u30e0\u30fb\u30a2\u30c0\u30e0\u30fb2 days ago1:40 aku pun tak kenal kau HAHAHA. aku click video ni sebab ada nama namewee je wkwkwk bodo gila famous mamat ni2J WSJ WS13 hours agoFikiran sempit? Zaman bomoh? Kesian? Maruah apa ni?Halal untuk makanan tapi disenget sampai tak boleh lihat tak boleh dengar?YouTube dicipta Yahudi? Tutup acc lah?Jangan tunjuk kebodohan dan membodohkan yang lain?Sampah dan memalukan?Green CapGreen Cap3 days agoAku dengar mama namewee pun aku jijik nak tengok cerita dia...2Muhammad Afiq MokhtarMuhammad Afiq Mokhtar3 days agoSame like abg cardock..Buat apa nak buat filem unsur provokasi.. banyak lagi filem lain boleh buat..Bila cakap tentang poster BABI ni.. kenapa perkataan besar BABI tu di tujukan pada melayu..Sedangan india dan china dia tulis sehalus yg boleh.. kalau boleh tak nak bagi nampak..Dari situ ada isu provokasi perkauman..Belum bab jalan cerita lagi.. Dan kenapa dia buat cerita di zaman sekolah..Adakah dia nak mengajar anak2 muda yg menonton filem ni supaya menanam pada diri tentang perkauman.. Dari situ je da tahu unsur tak baik dalam filem ni..Apa2 pun Syabas Perfileman Malaysia kerana menyekat filem ni dari ditayangkan di Malaysia..6Jacob RichardJacob Richard3 days agokalau perkataan \"babi\" itu provokasi untuk bangsa Melayu, adakah perkataan daging, beef atau lembu itu provakasi kepada kepada kaum India atau kaum Cina yang sembahyang GuanYin? kalau anda rasa perkataan \"babi\" itu sensitif dan tidak patut disebut, adakah perkataan daging, beef atau lembu patut dielakkan di mana mana ikhlan, kalau tidak, ini adalah provokasi kepada kaum India dan juga sesetengah kaum Cina, janganlah kita double standard, kalau perkataan \"babi\" sensitive untuk kaum Melayu dan tidak patut digunakan sebagai ikhlan, saya rasa perkataan \"beef\", \"daging\", \"lembu\" pun tak patut digunakan sebab ia merupakan satu provokasi kepada kaum indian dan sesetengah kaum Cina, apa pendapat anda?12Mustaqim YaakubMustaqim Yaakub3 days agoProvokasi? Cari perhatian? Kau buat content pun nk attract attention org. Apa yg provokasinya ntah. Target audience dia bukannya market Malaysia pun. For award. Kata dah dengar explanation. Lol10Anuar IndustriesAnuar Industries3 days agoThks bro...Then kita Nama kan dia Namawee BABI.....Sokong tak? Like sikit..6Mohammad RizalMohammad Rizal3 days agonamewee is babi...2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992581009864807} +{"text": "Sama dgn company tempat aku kerja. Sijil halal tengah renew. Susah wei urusan dia. Logo pun dlm tulisan mandarin. Customer tetap bnyak melayu sbb da biasa beli barang dgn bosa aku. Yg baru ni yg payah. Ehh aku pun x kerja situ la klau tmpat tu proses makanam haram. https://t.co/7WkJEj6KQK", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999103546142578} +{"text": "QUOTE(shangmei @ Aug 7 2015, 12:42 AM)dulu2 tak tau khalwat tu haram > dah kantoi lari naik flight\u201cJika benar saya ditangkap khalwat pastinya saya masih berada di Malaysia untuk selesaikan kes ini. Sekarang saya berada di luar negara untuk meneruskan pengajian saya. Saya harap pihak yang berkenaan bertanggungjawab atas fitnah dan artikel tersebut, terima kasih.\u201d> tunjuk e-tiket cakap flight memang dah plan awal2 dan bukan cabut tiba2> belajar kat NYFA tapi flight ke heathrowdah kantoi, cuba tunjuk bukti palsu khalwat dgn sapa?update moar pls suka dgr cite neelofap ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 7 2023, 03:22 PM)Best guest why is because of the word brewhttps://twitter.com/hezryhaizad/status/1632807676689383425Got a discussion going on.Setarbak cold brew be like : cartoon character looking to the right then looking straight oops.jpg ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "https://aboutislam.net/counseling/ask-the-s...d-on-pork-fats/It is actually not haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999799728393555} +{"text": "Beli makanan 'Made in Vietnam'.. pastu nak cari Halal JAKIM, mmg susah ler ! tanda halal pun pon dah cukup. yang penting, jangan was-was.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9991515874862671} +{"text": "Jangan persoal, terima je. ada selipar boleh pinjam, mesti bercukur.This post has been edited by Avex: Jan 21 2024, 08:21 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982091188430786} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 05:56 PM)dude in Islam, dogs and pigs = haram. full stop.anything to do with those two animals = haram. full stop.unless it's truly an emergency (meaning no other animal can replace those 2) it's haram whichever way you look at it.doesn't matter if it's not for eating, it's still haram and you need to cleanse your hands even if you touch them.is that hard to understand?as for the raid, it's already stopped.and do you even understand the world civilise?did the enforcement officers arrest the traders?did they rough the traders?yeah I think it's wrong for the kpdnkk ppl to confiscate the offending brushes, but they are just following orders.they are not the enemy, UMNO/BN are.keep that in mind.Really though?I don't see Indonesia have a problem with it.Last time at my uni, I participated in capturing stray dogs and sending them to shelterThe chief security, an Indonesian, told me that M'sian is so funny about all this hoohaa (apparently someone went to make some big noise about it) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998779296875} +{"text": "@unicornfsx @nazry35 @edgyasfck @ShireenShaib @marahanmajid @pedoqpop selain branding, servis,kualiti produk seharusnya yang paling penting sijil yang disahkan untuk kesesuaian produk pon penting jugak. nak tapis semua brand boleh tapis, tapi, apa unsur yang diguna oleh penapis tu, ada certificate yang tested? ada certificate HALAL?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999527931213379} +{"text": "Certain people tak kisah pun makanan tu halal/haram. Kadang dia orang racist je sebenarnya. :')\n\nPernah ajak member makan kedai Chinese Mualaf. Beriya dia tak nak masuk sedangkan owner islam serve makanan halal kot & kedai pun bersih. Katanya mualaf pun still Chinese juga. Hmm.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9929024577140808} +{"text": "itu negara yg ad sistem pensijilan halal, bg negara yg xde sijil halal korg rsa stakat pork free n no alcohol da cukup meyakinkan ke? tp ikut lah, korg x rsa was-was korang bantai je lah.. sb tu hal org islam, mesti ad org islam bertanggungjawab disebaliknya..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997730553150177} +{"text": "Kartel daging: Apa yang kita tahu setakat iniPADA 2 Disember lalu, Sinar Harian membongkar modus operandi kartel yang menyeludup daging sejuk beku dari China, Ukraine, Brazil dan Argentina sebelum membungkus semula daging berkenaan menggunakan logo halal dan menjualnya ke pasaran seluruh Malaysia dalam serbuan bersepadu pihak berkuasa di sebuah gudang di Senai.Berikut apa yang kita tahu tentang kartel daging import:Kartel daging import terbongkarKegiatan itu dipercayai dijalankan sejak beberapa tahun lalu dengan menjadikan gudang tersebut sebagai lokasi untuk membuat label dan cap palsu yang akan ditampal pada kotak daging yang telah dibungkus semula sebelum dijual di pasaran tempatan sebagai daging halal.Sejumlah 1,500 tan daging sejuk beku bernilai RM30 juta telah disita dalam operasi yang diketuai Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) itu.Jakim jelaskan hanya benar import daging rumah sembelih diluluskan veterinarBerikutan pendedahan Sinar Harian itu, pada 5 Disember, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Operasi), Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Datuk Abdul Aziz Jusoh memaklumkan pengimportan daging dan produk daging hanya dibenarkan daripada rumah sembelih atau loji pemprosesan yang diluluskan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar dan Jakim sahaja.Mengulas isu tersebut, Abdul Aziz berkata daging dan produk daging yang diimport juga perlu pengesahan halal dari badan pensijilan halal luar negara yang diiktiraf Jakim.Menteri sahkan tiada daging babiAkibat pendedahan itu, ramai yang meragui status halal daging itu dan timbul dakwaan bahawa terdapat daging babi yang dijual sebagai daging halal.KPDNHEP memaklumkan pihak berkuasa tidak menemui sebarang daging babi di lokasi kejadian berkaitan kes kartel daging import haram di Johor, baru-baru ini.Bagaimanapun, Menterinya, Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi berkata, pegawai penyiasat dalam proses mengumpul bukti-bukti, mengambil keterangan dan rakaman percakapan saksi-saksi berkaitan kes berkenaan.Jelas beliau, siasatan dilakukan di bawah Perenggan 8, Perintah Perihal Dagangan (Perakuan dan Penandaan Halal) 2011.Gantung AP jika bersekongkol dengan kartel daging import haram palsu label halalPemegang Permit Import (AP) yang terbukti bersekongkol dengan kartel daging import haram akan dikenakan tindakan tegas termasuk digantung lesen, kata Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Makanan Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee.Buat masa ini, katanya siasatan berhubung kartel daging import haram itu termasuk sekiranya terdapat pemegang AP dan penjawat awam terlibat sedang dijalankan oleh pihak berwajib.SPRM buka kertas siasatanBerikutan pendedahan tentang kartel daging import, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Johor telah membuka satu kertas siasatan berhubung isu penyeludupan daging import atau kartel daging import.Menurut sumber SPRM, siasatan akan dijalankan di bawah Seksyen 16 dan Seksyen 18 Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009.Jakim jadi sasaran kemarahanSelepas pendedahan Sinar Harian, semakin banyak media yang mendedahkan tentang kartel daging import hingga terdapat laporan daging daging kuda dan kanggaru diimport.Malah terdapat laporan yang mengatakan sindiket ini telah beroperasi sejak 40 tahun lalu. Pendedahan ini menyebabkan pengguna kecewa dan marah dengan pihak berkuasa yang menyebabkan kartel daging import ini terus beroperasi sehingga ia didedahkan.Jakim didakwa gagal menangani isu kartel daging tidak halal hingga ada yang mencadangkan agar jabatan itu perlu dirombak secara besar-besaran dengan melantik mereka yang kompeten, berkebolehan dan berintegriti.Dewan Negara bahas usul isu daging haramPada 29 Disember, Dewan Negara membenarkan usul berkenaan isu kartel daging haram untuk dibahaskan.Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara Tan Sri Rais Yatim berkata perkara itu akan dibahaskan mengikut Peraturan 17(1) dengan pihak pencadang dibenarkan untuk membahas tidak melebihi 30 minit dan pihak kerajaan untuk menjawab dalam tempoh yang sama.Tiada daging kanggaru, kuda dan babi ditemuiKPDNHEP mengesahkan bahawa tiada daging kuda, kanggaru atau babi ditemui susulan rampasan di sebuah gudang di Senai pada awal bulan ini.Ketika menggulung perbahasan usul berkait isu kartel daging haram di Dewan Negara pada Selasa, Timbalan Menteri KPDNHEP, Datuk Rosol Wahid memaklumkan perkara itu diperoleh hasil laporan pensampelan yang dilakukan oleh Jabatan Kimia.Penubuhan RCI berkaitan isu penyeludupan dagingPenubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) berkaitan isu penyeludupan daging yang menyalahgunakan logo halal adalah langkah terbaik bagi menyiasat isu tersebut.Dalam satu kenyataan, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama) Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri berkata usaha dan hasrat yang murni ini telah dipersetujui dengan pihak terlibat dan dilihat penting demi kemaslahatan umat Islam di Malaysia.Senarai pengimport dikeluarkan awal JanuariMenteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama) Datuk Seri Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri memaklumkan senarai pengimport daging yang diberikan lesen untuk memasarkan daging halal di negara ini akan dikeluarkan dalam tempoh seminggu.Beliau, berkata bagaimanapun pihaknya mungkin terpaksa mengambil lebih masa kerana perbincangan lanjut bersama pihak lain masih dijalankan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7668862342834473} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bossku_Johor @ Dec 15 2022, 10:01 AM)I did ask the same question last time...got myself banned cuz they couldn't answer....The question was is non alcoholic beer haram.?? Cuz no alcohol...I hope this will answer your question:2. Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 11:38 AM)no...deswai got mufti to ask this questionQuran stated anything that harmful to your body is haram...so no doubt dadah, meth is haram coz its instantly affect your body, but rokok only if you consume excessively.Deswai many different opinions about rokokko tak yah putar halim la. rokok haram tetap haram. but malays tutup mata macam kimak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "Best if got OT work with japmoi superior. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9964931607246399} +{"text": "QUOTE(cikalakacikaci @ May 22 2017, 05:52 PM)u see in bazaar all is bidan terjunfood taste like shit/tasteless/blandyoutube recipe n claims the best they madeinb4 zaman najib semua tak cukup duitto some sorhai, whatever that is viral is good/tasty/bestest ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992489218711853} +{"text": "QUOTE(unknown warrior @ Jul 28 2016, 02:51 PM)Dude, don't misunderstand me, this is not about ooh UW tak suka melayu...you just cannot change your ethnic.oh ok, I guess you were comparing her to the confused guy in Malaysia by the surname of tee.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984390139579773} +{"text": "\r\nMentality org kita babi arak je kn haram? Kdg i tgk kt giant mee segera dr china dan korea berlambak je disusun sebelah maggi dan mee segera yg lain. Kdg teringin jugak nk beli tp nk tgk kndgngan dlm bahasa korea atau china. Tkde tanda halalpun. So sbnrnya halal tak untuk muslim nk mkn walau bkn disusun di non halal section?! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "Am more annoyed wh ppl who impose \"halal\"ness on others. Tak payah spread was2 kau dkt org lain kot. \"Eh bleh ke makan tu? Takde sijil halal ni.\" \"Btul ke? Ntahapa2 ingredient dia letak kita tak tau\" Kau tak yakin/was2 takyah makanlah. Duduk diam2 sana sudah. AKU NAK MAKAN \ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude44 https://t.co/x0Zv6BCZOJ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982984662055969} +{"text": "QUOTE(C-Fu @ Sep 6 2016, 12:32 PM)best my asskang bukak cite kangApa apa apa? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999279975891113} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Ye tahu. Cuma nak bagitahu orang lain apa itu konsep halal. Bukan semua barang takda sijil halal jakim jatuh hukum haram. Fyi, 7E pun takda sijil halal dari jakim kedainya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "QUOTE(skyblu3 @ Dec 15 2023, 04:17 PM)If you remember I got told off by a pakcik for wearing a shorts in a medan selera.You said memang suka wear sexy short pants.Wajib tegur lor. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "QUOTE(iGamer @ Jan 6 2017, 08:13 PM)That's the best comment you can make?.....\u00a0 No, but that's just fitting your level ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999830961227417} +{"text": "Paling tak suka jenis gini dia kalau beli tak memyusahkan orang tak apa tapi jenis menyusahkan orang. I kalau nampak housemate jenis peram makanan tak makan or masak i ambik & buang je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999774694442749} +{"text": "just my 2 cent, live fish is about the same price either here (KL), Langkawi, even in Sabah and Sarawak (top spot). Dead one is much cheaper, and most of the time taster not much difference. Bangkok and Bali also about same price (++--).As I do not have chef tastebuds I settled for dead / frozen fish most of the time.All seafood is halal unless cook using haram ingredients. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.915274977684021} +{"text": "Semua pesang sijil halal boba milk tea, etc: The Alley, Xing Fu Tang Klau ragu2 sgt buatlah milk tea sendiri baru konfirm halal. X susah pun nak buat. Malas x malas je skg ni.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9928175210952759} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 20 2016, 02:34 PM)wat is this suddenlyIt's only the first page dude and it's your own post. Mau malas cari pun agak-agak la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994575381278992} +{"text": "@QAMAL_IA tu laaa....hmmm depa yakin..x check dah sijil halal semua tu..\ud83d\ude13\ud83d\ude13", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9711414575576782} +{"text": "QUOTE(masahito @ Sep 29 2019, 09:46 PM)my roomate is non muslim, ordered Pork soup via Pandan.Abang Pandan shocked found out my roomate looks like malay. Abang Pandan marah dia, tapi lepas roomate tell abang pandan he's chindian, abang pandan sorry malu maluWah so jaga tepi kain orang one ar , then fb got people write ateist malay slumber buy non halal food must be lie story. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999144077301025} +{"text": "ini halal tak? ada dapat pahala? atau dosa kerana macam samseng... knp la bulan ramadan mrk macam nih.. kesien org mau beli makanan tau.. kesien org lembik macam aku, tengok nih mesti takut punya.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999993085861206} +{"text": "Go gading tuh banyak bgt makanan enak enak tp kayak fastfood chain. Dulu sebelum boikot (2021-2022) suka beli mcd", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9849829077720642} +{"text": "Cannot consume alcohol meh? But back in those days, the malay clubbing is one of the best I have been to. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9945153594017029} +{"text": "QUOTE(knumskul @ Apr 18 2024, 05:31 PM)Wow quite interesting. Turnover must be high enough for them to adopt Subway's style. Otherwise waste food and money only.Most don't go to convenient stores for best food but for convenience anyway. So expected not to be the best food around.Deswai I was surprised. I expected it to taste bad but it was actually decent, comparable to the road side sellers. Best part is look clean. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999245405197144} +{"text": "QUOTE(Efalex @ Jan 24 2023, 03:14 PM)Haram because of the word beer.... That's why Root beer and Ginger Beer need to change their name.Nope.QUOTE(yeezai @ Jan 24 2023, 03:16 PM)If they contained 0.04% they will stated it as 0.04% no ? To avoid lawsuit ..this is global brand they are afraid of western customer \u2026Not necessarily.Does Heineken\u00ae 0.0 contain alcohol?As stated on its label, Heineken\u00ae 0.0 has an alcohol by volume of 0.0% and is classified as alcohol free per the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). Heineken\u00ae 0.0 contains a trace amount of alcohol ranging from 0.01 to 0.03% ABV, which is a comparable or lower level of alcohol content as compared to the alcohol content commonly found in food products such as breads, fruits and juices. Heineken\u00ae 0.0\u2019s formula, alcohol content, and its label, have been reviewed and approved by the TTB in accordance with the regulations applicable to alcohol free malt beverages.Heineken sos ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8071696162223816} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dchapelle @ Aug 17 2016, 02:32 PM)aku malas nak layan panjang2 ilmiah kat sini...pusing2 ni /k ...aku masuk seronok tgk budak2 baru nak up dalam maya.. ..takdak masa nak bincang pasal halal haram dalam agama orang....kalau hang bermasyarakat dkt luaq tu hang faham sendiri lahh..so after this haram beli kat 99? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999974966049194} +{"text": "\nsalmon-suki replied at 16-8-2021 07:00 PM\nApa beza pantang kt sini dgn kt rumah?amek jela pakej mcm tokti tu,org sediakan semua kt rumah haa.. ...\nMungkin taknak susahkan org kot. Ramai juga kawan aku pilih confinement center sebab malas nak susah kan org mak ke mak mertua. Lagipon diorg kata stress mak dengan mak mertua masuk campur masa pantang. So pilih confinement mcm ni less stress lagipon ada nurse boleh tolong jaga baby hihihi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999697208404541} +{"text": "QUOTE(Newsray @ Aug 20 2022, 07:00 AM)well since malay workers themselves prepare and cook the food, then what is the problem?takkan lar malay workers sendiri serve food tak halal to own people?for sure the malay workers know the food is halal and hence they can touch and cook it.That mly stall take duck from cina restaurant (bak kut teh seller too)And sell that to mlyCina and mly best friendMly shock! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9141835570335388} +{"text": "Marketing 101 chapter 1: Kasi viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.881181001663208} +{"text": "*HALAL KE MILK UP CANDY NI?* . #milkboostermilkupcandy ni bukan calang2 ya. Banyak produk di luar sana yg mungkin tak ada status halal. Utk dptkan sijil halal ni pun bukan mudah, sgt costly dan mengambil masa yg\u2026 https://t.co/iTLN40Zch4", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967188239097595} +{"text": "QUOTE(TendouJigoku @ Aug 6 2015, 04:04 PM)Bodo pipu cannot differentiate the status between siput babi and the babi itself.This one tak halal bukan sebab \"babi\" at thr name la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "Ever since the Middle East conflict, i noticed no Malay dine in at mcd. Mostly take away or drive thru.I kinda pity them. Wanna eat but got peer pressure sked kena talk bad by their own people. No peace lah like this. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.985503613948822} +{"text": "Spend corruption money to buy halal food, then the food is halal or haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by Normala17 at 16-5-2006 11:37 PM\r\nSekadar mengulangkaji...\n\r\nSoalan :\n\r\nStarbuck n Coffee Bean..Halal ke Haram? - Kambeng_masam\n\n\r\nRingkasan jawapan : (setakat laporan ini ditulis...)\n\r\nA: hmmm... tak pernah sekali pun singgah ... \n\n\ntak baik buat macam ni.\u00a0\u00a0ada yang posting sekerat aje diambil.\u00a0\u00a0nanti ada orang terkeliru pulak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9932326078414917} +{"text": "QUOTE(k_yagami @ Jun 19 2023, 12:49 PM)A lot of makanan tradisi cina will be claimed by singapore if here don't want to do anything about itYup ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4768464267253876} +{"text": "Lainlah kalau memang takde sijil halal langsung. Takde satu negara pun bagi sijil halal. Itu lain ceritalah. Tu pun kalau memang dah confirm bahan, cara handle takde yang haram, sepatutnya okay lagi tapi was was jugak lah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7755551934242249} +{"text": "QUOTE(fourzee @ Jun 10 2024, 04:37 PM)problem is this government probably a 1 term government and next PRU because of the unplanned marriage they will fight each other for seats to become the dominant party ..you seriously think DAP & PKR will allow a half dead UMNO & BN to be resurrected and turn against them, the only reason why PH allows BN to join the Perpaduan government is to enable Anwar to become PM, no permanent friends or enemies in Malaysian politics only permanent friends and enemies are amongst the supporters ..I can see how this can turn into a 2 term government. Zahid is pretty much anwars best buddy. The thing to watch is how much Malay heartland seats can BN wrestle back from pas. Semi urban and urban seats are beyond bn's reach at the moment. They'll have a shot if bang non fucks up more. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9617047309875488} +{"text": "QUOTE(ibnunarsim @ Oct 17 2017, 10:42 AM)What discrimination when there are a lot of other dobi owned by muslim that allows nons too in that area. Come on.. why haters always hate... ?Says the one spreading hatred and dividing ppl. You are the one who's backing them. Best ke jd katak bawah tempurung?Islam cakap tak boleh la, paham taak? \"God made made races and ethnics, so u may know each other\" this is a verse from the Quran and it talks abt unity in diversity bukan segregate, paham taaak? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6348291039466858} +{"text": "Dunno what this'll achieve. It seems quite clear that the vast majority of malay food companies prefer the autohalal status. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996641874313354} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jun 30 2021, 11:51 PM)used to be symbol of status mah. wah got astro dish wor!!rich guy only can suscribe to astro wor...but people din notice actually now after the tv analog signal discontinued, the poor are using astro njoi or mytv to watch tv. rich people only have tvbox, youtube cause internet cost a bomb everymonth okay?The intention of that post is clear as day as many ktards have pointed out, but I want to see how he wanna pusing ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9546605348587036} +{"text": "QUOTEPETALING JAYA, Jan 25 \u2015 The word 'pork' will no longer appear in Malaysia Airlines inflight magazine, Going Places.It is learnt that the move to disallow the word from being used came about after a social media post went viral.The post claimed that a photograph of pork was used in an article.Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) has since apologised, but clarified that the said image was actually of beef and squid.It is learnt that the previous guideline was that photographs of pork could not be used.However, the word \u201cpork\u201d is still permitted.The recent move may now see future articles bearing the words \"non-halal\" with no mention of any pork dishes although they are on a restaurant's menu.It was previously reported that MAB said it did not mean to offend anyone with the promotion of a restaurant featuring pork on its menu, adding that it was an international airlines carrying passengers of all backgrounds.\u201cIn the promotional article in the January edition of Going Places, it featured a restaurant providing a variety of food on the menu.\u201cThe image featured slices of Wagyu beef and squid. Just like any lifestyle magazines, the review of the restaurant was meant to promote the eatery to passengers all over the world,\u201d the airline was quoted saying by Malay-language portal Sinar Harian.MAB also said that Malaysia is a multicultural country and that it did not intend to offend any party.https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/201...e-issue/1716428 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9421221017837524} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 11:52 PM)Purpose of the cert if to eliminate doubt. If you doubt then dont eat it because you never know its ingredient or cleanliness. Example like japan/korean restaurant, if you doubt then dont go eat. If you see halal cert then of course confirm halal. Same also for overseas tourist. This halal cert is worldwide every country got its own logo. Is is non muslim that confuse more perhaps.That is correct. \"To eliminate doubt\". Not \"avoid\" doubt. What im trying to say is, even if I put \"fried dog\" as the name of the product, as long got halal logo it will eliminate the doubt. Do u understand what im trying to say here? the name rule is redundant. It is useless. It has nothing to do with the status of the food. And that is y I say the rule is stupid.U say non muslims confuse more, but jakim claim the name can confuse the muslims. Who is actually confused here ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9768468737602234} +{"text": "QUOTE(KoChun @ Mar 22 2015, 12:07 AM)Best explanation....so now they know already.... how? anyway, I believe they will still say .... duck = 1 alam animal. You not scared they call you bodoh bangang bahlul.Like the k/tar said, ancient Malays didn't know that.Now modern Malays still dont know that or better still can redefine 'alam' LOL But your roomate very creative... eat fish, then not chick, vice versa. I also wonder why Islam state cannot eat makhluk 2 alam ....but dont take it too seriously.... I hear ISIS pancung people kelapa LOLI really interested to know lo, not trolling. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999678134918213} +{"text": "sudah 2021 .... another 1,000 years to wake up ?orang ada pilihan nak buat apa apa dia orang suka la .... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951377511024475} +{"text": "Halal also refers to cleanliness. Many Muslim eateries are dirty but no one question about their halal status. Also if a non Muslim Chinese woman wears a tudung and sell nasi lemak by the road side, I am sure Malays will go buy from her just base on her clothing. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999415874481201} +{"text": "#kualaterengganu Amalan penyediaan makanan secara bersih dan sentiasa mematuhi garis panduan dan piawaian ditetapkan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) membolehkan Dapur Penjara Terbuka Marang diiktiraf sebagai kedai makan dan restoran halal terbaik di negeri ini.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7871769666671753} +{"text": "QUOTE(acepilot12 @ Jun 2 2019, 11:54 PM)I told the worker liao now he cleaning up that place Just surprised la Haha give them chance.. I dun wan them tutup ltr nth to eat My house area nth to eat if he tutuplol u let them off today, tmr the rat will still appear again and ppl will kena food poisoningits better to viral it n let authorities do the job, then at least they will clean up n the food gets cleaner u report or viral, the place gets cleaned, u dont viral the place will not b cleaned forever until the nex person viral it ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9855124354362488} +{"text": "Ga suka ayam saus tiram atau ayam pedas itu bukan norak. Emg ga doyan aja, masa makanan ga doyan kita makan sih? Ibaratnya lu ga doyan somay, apa lu akan beli somay? Enggakan karna emg lu ga doyan bukan norak!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.516329824924469} +{"text": "Termakan=tidak berdosaSamak/Sertu?...tak perlu kerana tiada dalil dalam quran atau hadis sahih kena Samak/Sertu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.948697030544281} +{"text": "Haram for Muslim only correct? How to know the watak is God character? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999863862991333} +{"text": "xde benda berfaedah yg lain keasyik nak bermusuh dgn babi je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 05:38 PM)If you think about it that way, no Muslim can EVER work for any Non-Muslim, because they are enriching the owners DIRECTLY to buy Haram items. Up to you bro. To each his own. Out of curiosity, are you smoking? Fatwa Malaysia already said it's Haram since 1995. It's much more clear cut for Rokok, confirm no Muslim owners, confirm Haram LOL!I read something along the lines of \"When Allah forbids a thing, He also forbids its price\". I'm not Muslim, actually. I just have many friends who discuss on religious topics. Well, to each his own, I guess. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997585415840149} +{"text": "QUOTE(Angelic Layer @ Nov 4 2021, 07:49 PM)The best I can see is Jalan Air Hangat on the credit card receipt.Where got?QUOTE(puppeto4 @ Nov 4 2021, 07:32 PM) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999448835849762} +{"text": "Siasat status halal makanan AirAsia?: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) diminta menyiasat semua kemudahan... http://dlvr.it/3RKqnP", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989345669746399} +{"text": "Tidakkkkk RT @adikcomelx JAKIM verified that IKEA Restaurant did not apply for halal certificate.That means makanan kat sana adalah haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.970228374004364} +{"text": "QUOTE(Spawnster @ Nov 20 2023, 03:38 PM)So did this issue made this restaurant viral? I was planning to go eat last Saturday... But i was shocked by the queue. Tried it 2x before and it was nice. The last time was 2 weeks ago and 0 queue. What\u2019s so gooding since it was viral? This place must be nearby mrt bukit bintang if Ayam not mistaken ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(mcchin @ Dec 5 2023, 02:11 PM)https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/20...-death-sentenceMan in fatal 2019 road rage incident spared death sentenceSHAH ALAM: A former information technology (IT) officer was spared the death sentence after the Sessions Court today amended his murder charge to culpable homicide.Yew Wei Liang, 45, was initially charged with the murder of bank manager Syed Muhammad Danial Syed Shakir in a road rage incident which took place on the North-South Expressway (NSE) in 2019.However, Sessions Court Judge Julia Ibrahim, in delivering her judgment, amended the initial charge against Yew, under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder, to Section 304(a) for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.Section 304 (a) carries a prison sentence of up to 30 years and a fine.The judge said the burden of proof of the right to self defence from the threat of bodily harm rests under the accused under Section 105 of the Evidence Act 1950.\"The accused failed to prove there was the threat of bodily harm against him and his wife from the deceased.\"However, based on all statements, the court found the existence to the right to protect the accused's property from acts of mischief which was the damage of the accused's (Toyota) Innova by using a baseball bat.\"But the right to protect the property did not extend to causing the death of the deceased,\" she said.She added that the court found the credibility of prosecution witnesses' remained unchallenged until the end of defence case.\"The prosecution had successfully proved beyond reasonable doubt for the offence under Section 304(a).\"Therefore, the accused is convicted of the offence,\" she said.The court has stood down to hear mitigation from the prosecution and defence.Proceedings will resume at 2pm.Yew was represented by counsel Wee Choo Keong.The courtroom gallery was packed with Syed Muhammad Danial's family members.On Aug 22, 2019, Yew was charged under Section 302 with murdering Syed Muhammad Danial, then aged 29, at the 293.6 kilometre stretch of the NSE (Kuala Lumpur-Seremban) between 1pm and 2pm on Aug 10, 2019. (Link: )The incident began as a fender bender between Syed Muhammad Danial and Yew near the Sungai Besi toll plaza.Both vehicles were then involved in a high-speed chase, until both drivers stopped and engaged in a physical altercation, which was broken up by other motorists.Syed Muhammad Danial and the suspect eventually returned to their respective cars.However, the former, still displeased, allegedly alighted from his car armed with a baseball bat, and began swinging at the front portion of the suspect's car.In response, the suspect allegedly accelerated his vehicle, which rammed into Syed Muhammad Danial, pinning him between the suspect's car and the road divider.Syed Muhammad Danial later died at the Nilai Medical Centre.tq, kambing malas google cari this case in detail. hoping someone copy paste the article to here. QUOTEfailed to prove that there was a threat of bodily injury to him and his wife from the deceasedQUOTEallegedly alighted from his car armed with a baseball batin the judge eyes, the stick only can hit the front bonnet, while hit the side windows and then causes the glasses hurting the people never an option? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998736381530762} +{"text": "House also want syariah compliant.Later jakim expand business semua muslim mesti beli rumah certified halal and yearly inspection fees, and also spot check ingredients in fridge etc. Later kereta halal basikal halal tv halal computer halal, like that so many cert can produce manggggggg. Think of it also kepala pening. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999891519546509} +{"text": "QUOTE(keyven @ Nov 2 2013, 10:53 PM)Liquor is always haram with respect to health....but... look at bolded sentence in your reply... this means if muslims think like that, that's pure fanatics and racist...IMHO... you are not following the meaning of halal as advised by the prophet !! racist? LEL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998528957366943} +{"text": "6 bulan lepas tu melingkup terus restoran tu. Yang confirm bukan sebab dia apply sijil Halal. Tapi haram tak ada orang datang kedai dia. Masak pun tak sedap.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996802568435669} +{"text": "Tak mampu, buat cara tak mampu.. Takyah buat anak bini tido tepi jalan sebab takleh bayar hotel..Kalau gian sangat nak travel murah, tak payah buat anak dulu.. Korang laki bini tido tepi jalan pun, walaupun orang tak kisah, masih memalukan imej warga Malaysia lain.. Harap kebodohan mak & bapak ni, tak diwarisi anak dia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988738894462585} +{"text": "Lmao this is 100% haram, aku rela mati kebuluran dari makan makanan tak halal dari heineken. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "Mereka begitu angkuh membantah subjek tulisan jawi di sekolah, SUDAH SAMPAI MASANYA KITA BANTAH TULISAN JAWI DI SETIAP PRODUK MEREKA!!!! Minta mereka lupuskan tulisan jawi tu. Dah tak suka, takyahlah guna wei!! https://t.co/C6jIxxgR8Q", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997976422309875} +{"text": "@khairulxerox77 @shahrulazwn @twt_boots So nasi lemak yg xda sijil halal tu kira haram ke?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "tapi hukumnya tetap haram... tidak lantas menjadi halal. \nkalau ada makanan yang lain, lebih baik jangan makan babi...", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999404788017273} +{"text": "QUOTE(Reality740716 @ Feb 8 2021, 11:07 PM)Tak ada haram ka , makan ... makanan buatan china ?The issue is haram still eat lol malay ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997434020042419} +{"text": " tau ke hukum halal tu apa yg pandai pandai nak menghalalkan makanan yg dimasak di kedai\nCina tanpa sijil halal jakim?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9894221425056458} +{"text": "Kek when it comes to curi makan people's food, doesn't matter the halal status. But sekali they go out makan must make sure got proper halal chop ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983118772506714} +{"text": "QUOTE(coyouth @ Aug 16 2024, 11:49 AM)just cook and eat whatever you like. you're not forcing those puak boikot to eat them anyway.But they will counter saying that the mere use of nasi lemak is confusing them. Compounded by their weak faith, they might will feel compelled to eat it. So to be safe, it would be best to change the name in everyone's best interest ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998973608016968} +{"text": "QUOTE(Panda12 @ Apr 21 2024, 06:10 PM)I watched the video. That's just hypocrisy.Please tell me why it's hypocrisy?Tak mampu boikot all, boikot some oso might have some effect and at least it's contributed to the goalWhere is the rule said.must boikot all? Boikot selagi yang mampu sahaja ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5177173614501953} +{"text": "thank you harian metro...i dont even know gt nasi kandar vavi...u make it more viral than ever ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998903274536133} +{"text": "QUOTE(ToddStarz @ Jan 7 2020, 09:34 AM)still it is haram in islam.The haram is not in the name. Pig itself is not haram. Eating pig flesh is haram. Touching pig is not haram, but consider un-clean (najis). ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999620914459229} +{"text": "Kawal perut dari merasai makanan & minuman yang haram. Serta pastikan ianya halal lagi bersih. #TipsRamadhan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7419856190681458} +{"text": "Kenape perlu libatkan boba dalam hal ni?. The Alley pon otw nak dapatkan sijil. Nak fight pasal netizen pakai sijil halal taiwan? ISLAM NI ADE PELBAGAI JENIS KE SAMPAI HALAL HARAM NEGARA LAIN2? Nanti kan, you suro those aunties yang jual kat tepi jalan tu amik sijil halal dulu https://t.co/ENaDP7XZDL", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9652438163757324} +{"text": "\nSuper-M replied at 8-9-2017 09:22 AM\r\nxtau lah.. dh jd adat kot. mcm belangkas. aku walau org johor, aku xmakan. huhu..\nSM makan siput babi??? yaiiyyyyy!!!!\n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995474219322205} +{"text": "Kenapa patut amalkan #JusDeina? \ud83d\udd34100% daripada buah-buahan \ud83d\udd34Tiada kesan sampingan \ud83d\udd34Bahan semulajadi \ud83d\udd34Selamat kerana lulus kkm \ud83d\udd34Mendapat sijil pengiktirafan halal jakim \ud83d\udd34Amal 2x sehari \ud83d\udd34Sedap dengan perisa mangga Berminat? Drop no WhatsApp sekarang atau komen \"nak\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977259039878845} +{"text": "Hari ini ada pihak yang merujuk JAKIM mengenai penjualan sejenis produk yang dikatakan boleh mengesan DNA babi dalam makanan.\n\nSuka saya menasihatkan pengguna agar berhati-hati dan tidak terkeliru dengan produk... https://facebook.com/296283197195455/posts/1277406142416484/\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999111890792847} +{"text": "Aku rasa isu halal boba ni biasa ja. Seeloknya selagi dia tak ambik sijil halal, kita kurangkanlah beli. Guna kuasa pengguna desak diaorg. Yg mna nk teruskan beli, ikut suka hampa la. Sma ja la isu kedai mamak xda sijil halal n isu kebersihan lagi, tapi hampa melantak jugak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987688660621643} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hobbez @ Jul 24 2024, 01:26 PM)Not done by CCP, but done by wumaos, so got difference?I mean, don't pretend you care for them that they are being Arabizised, when you would be happy for them to have tanglung and Chinese style mosques also, and Chinese writing everywhere.\u00a0 Sorry I thought your \"Sinsification\" comment was referring to the disappearance of Malay culture, but it was actually about the Wumao business owner putting tanglungs in her own business premises. She should've just told them \"you tak suka, you boleh keluar\" like what Chinese used to get told to.For me, Chinese ppl have been happily enjoying malay food for decades here, I'm also happy now got more and more halal Chinese food for Malays to try Chinese style cooking. But probably I should listen to you and get be pissed off that Malays now also copying Chinese Ang Pows, releasing fireworks during Raya and sending their kids to Chinese schools. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969419836997986} +{"text": "my gf is from sabah very lovely and wife material. I have been there and it was my best trip in malaysia especially kundasang one. I love the people as well very friendly.If I am rich sure live there edy but need to work fucking hard here in malaya damn ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999871015548706} +{"text": "QUOTE(tungfunglaw @ Dec 21 2020, 09:51 AM)sarahan Dap sukak makan daging harom...jgn aibkan oren kito!! saya ulang!!bodoh bangau... cina suka makan babi.. bukan nyer babi boleh dihalalkan pun. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999769926071167} +{"text": "QUOTE(KineticKill @ May 21 2019, 11:12 AM)iinm the purpose of which the item is created matters. If you create an alcoholic drink, fully knowing that it contains alcohol or any other substance that can make you drunk, then it is haram. Food processes often introduce microorganism that can create ethanol, but the intent of creating such food is not to make one drunk, so it is permissible.The caveat falls into a gray area when food like tapai is made. The tapai itself is made using fermentation process, in line with how alcoholic drinks are made. The desired end result is sweet rice, therefore ideally the process is stopped before substantial ethanol is produced by the yeast. However, the ethanol content can be quite high, some even similar with alcoholic beer you can find in shops. Worse still, the fermentation process is not regulated, so you can\u2019t know for sure how much ethanol is in it.Use your own judgment on this. Also, muftis have said tapai is permissible, so..don\u2019t want to comment on that.Ref: http://psasir.upm.edu.my/id/eprint/19918/not everyone drink to get drunk... so is it permissible? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5886869430541992} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 7 2023, 12:45 PM)minyak babi mahal,..So only highend restoran ?, or still got sell in small resto?BTW ayam ter-eat minyak babi, but ayam drinkeded alchohol more those army days, (beer is like cocacola - in the officers mess, ragging also 'can be tolerate better )which is same-same haram. Already taubated long time ago. So what food normally got minyak babied - just want to be carefull when obersea. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 3 2024, 10:26 PM)so what is so special about syariah compliant? apart from less dividend due to riba.as simply as possible please... i am not good at pendidikan islamThey dont invest in haram businesses such as gambling and alcohol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999843835830688} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.During my time in 90s don\u2019t have this issue. Malay that puasa they sleep in classroom or play at field. Non Muslim go canteen have breakfast. All peaceful and harmony. I think this PuAS their brain is too racist and people called it \u201cmangkuk ayun otak kepala kat lutut \u201c ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9979186654090881} +{"text": "QUOTE(key3hky @ Jan 12 2021, 08:56 AM)pandangan pas..ini machiem ada haram kaInb4 Why Chinese New year he can go bring orange around go visiting.... Hmmmm. Sumore Chinese New year always got a delicacy square shape one on table, how can he eat food served at that table??? Kasi siasat Sama dia. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998465776443481} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Sep 4 2020, 10:28 AM)To create and project an imageA perceived identity and correlation \u201cOh ada ayat suci alQuran... mesti muslim... mesti halal... mesti makan\u201dLike financial consultant driving BMW \u201cIm successful and if u want BMW u listen to me\u201dSomething like that laei you turunkan bmw \uff0cyou can drive potong only jangan keliru orang wadepak ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9920029640197754} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ Aug 13 2018, 10:18 AM)But so is drinking one can of beer. Nobody get drunk with only one can......I guess soThe haram is on \"memabukkan\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999816417694092} +{"text": "QUOTE(kenzotaj @ Feb 28 2023, 07:55 PM)Hi..interesting..\u00a0 appreciate your highly infomative talk,\u00a0 would retire in china? If no why? If yes\u00a0 where and how .. buy an aprtment there ? How to qualify for long term visa ? Something Like mm2hWhen I retire full time, the best case scenario would be to be able to spend maybe 2-3 months in China and then rest of the time in Malaysia and travelling. Yes, I have an apartment there. Their long term visa is easy to get if you start up and register a bussiness there, but not like the mm2h, its like a visa for 2 years. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986217021942139} +{"text": "QUOTE(StArk @ Oct 19 2014, 04:23 PM)Asslam my brother and sisters in Islam,Ade sapa2 tau x pasal zakat pendapatan? contohnya:1) sapa yg wajib bayar?2) macam mana nak bayar?3) bile kene bayar?4) jumlah yg kene bayar?jawapan ada di sini http://www.zakat.com.my/2) bayar online pun boleh3) bila cukup setahun pendapatan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ Dec 23 2023, 04:50 PM)as long as kill the killers, don't care what collateral damage it causes rite? culling works best... Are u a monster? Culling all of them? QUOTE(gaeria84 @ Dec 23 2023, 05:04 PM)It was israel long before romans occupied the land, drove out the jews and renamed it to PalestinaIf anything, you should blame the british for giving back the land to jews 70 years agoNow already 3 or more generations of israeli are born there and ready to defend their homeland till their death, it doesn't invalidate their right to be thereDoes it justify the actions of the zionists to chase out those who hv been living there ever since the ottoman empire? And u don't think the Palestinians has a right to defend their homeland also? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999508261680603} +{"text": "\nBoomibulat replied at 19-11-2020 12:59 PM\r\nPnh jugak sy dgr org tanya ustaz pasal air minuman botol/tin yg haram tapi duduk sekali dlm peti s ...\nBetul sis, asalkan dalamnya xbercampur bukan terus jdi haram nak makan. Kalau gitu, habisla moslem yg hidup di negara majority kaper, semua benda dh bercampur2 xkan nak makan rumput jah? Ummah di tanah ayer lebih byk memikirkan perkara remeh2 sebegini hingga mengganggu kualiti hidup mereka.\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997283816337585} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkkw80 @ Apr 23 2024, 06:48 AM)I\u2019m taking care both MY and SG but stay in MY, salary almost same lvl as SG. This is the best \u263a\ufe0fThat\u2019s the best combo!I\u2019m looking forward to when I retire next year, and I\u2019ll enjoy the similar experience of being in one country (Australia) while drawing a passive income from another (Singapore) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999879598617554} +{"text": "QUOTE(toughguy @ May 18 2024, 09:47 AM)They apologize already. Kasi chance la.For me, many non halal restaurants have better taste fried chicken than KFC. Sometimes eat at KFC all because missed the original KFC taste. The taste is unique but not the best.bodoh! gtfo la! those kkmart case also apologize already! did they kasi chance? bodoh! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999771773815155} +{"text": "babi haram dimakan. tu je. keyword = MAKAN ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sone Shin @ Nov 23 2020, 10:40 AM)roti kosong in teh tarik like different variant of roti kosong with sugar.\u00a0 also some mamak franchise roti not crunchy. zzzzSince MCO become less eat out d almost everyday gardenia massimo for breakfast\u00a0 same2 , their taste not standardized. however for me best roti canai/teh tarik is at daun pisang restaurants, not mamak. Those made by the indians. Best roti canai i've ever tasted is Raju banana leaf near bukit gasing. Holy they have perfected the art of making roti kosong.plus in my area, got 1 cakoi sellerstart at 1pm, 3pm already sold out. cb ayam went out wanna buy for tea time at 5pm everyday sold out ady. that's how popular it isif it taste good then people would just buy it ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 07:27 PM)yes you can touch dogs and pigs,\u00a0 but after that you have to sertu (that tedious ritual to wash with earth+water mixture).maybe your haji friend is fine with doing it everyday (touch dog and then sertu ad nauseum), that's up to him.but i wanna ask, does he force other muslims to follow his way (touch a dog)?and i also have fed dogs long time ago, but i don't touch them directly.the point is those 2 animals are haram, got restrictions, best avoided unless in emergency (maybe your haj friend's a guard dog or a guidedog, both of which are allowed, even then still has to sertu if you touch them directly).now is this explanation too hard to understand?But he doesn't \"force\" other ppl to touch ...Force is the keywords. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7338823080062866} +{"text": "Makanan ni , dia yang penting halal ,bersih dan sedap je.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9863882660865784} +{"text": "Ayam chill jer.But is not surprised many trigered.If ayam cook babi nasi lemak and advertise in shah alam best nasi lemak in town but no mention is cainis. Then meleis come and see wah ade babi punya sure trigered. For dis chakoi ayam just treat it as cheap publicity. Wan claim, claim lah. Ayam laff jer.But the dough reli ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "QUOTE(tokdukun @ Aug 30 2019, 04:30 PM)Proton Saga baharu - platform moden, enjin lebih mesra alam29 August 2019\"Paling penting, pengurusan baharu dari China itu menggunakan pelbagai tektik pemasaran dan penggunaan belian media yang tinggi untuk mengubah persepsi pengguna terhadap jenama Proton.Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.Wujudnya pusat-pusat pengedaran 4S moden milik kaum Cina juga menambahkan keyakinan pembeli dari bangsa itu terhadap jenama Proton kerana ia \"bukan jenama Melayu\" lagi.Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"https://careta.my/article/proton-saga-bahar...ebih-mesra-alamOrang nak merdeka da esok, dia nak sakit hati cari gaduh je. Cai careta, cai careta, kenapa camni ah, lagista?Dulu Dr Li Chunrong tolong bumiputera dealers, kalau perlu support, financing access nak upgrade ke 4S, dia boleh tolong. Taaaak, sibuk potek2.Sekarang dah laku, dengki ke 4S semua berjaya? Yang melayu dealers semua, dikejar tak dapat, dikendong keciciran.So what kalau customers banyak cainis. Staff2, vendor2 semua banyak meleis, what's the problem?Customers tak boleh cina, baru boleh tulis bahasa elok sikit? Dasyat.Wait, why this consider racist?\"Ini dibuktikan bila kaum Cina mula yakin untuk membeli Saga, Iriz dan Pesona, model-model yang sebenarnya masih sama secara teknikal seperti dahulu dan menggunakan enjin-enjin yang masih belum mampu melepasi piawaian EEV negara.\" Ok this one if read positively, can be translated that \"Eventhough Proton still got same engine as last time, but Chinese starting to confident with Proton.\" Umum tahu, kuasa pembeli dari kaum Cina masih lebih kuat berbanding dengan yang lain.\"(HOW THIS IS RACIST? Betul la chinese buying power are strong indeed)WTF benda simple tiba2 citing racial ni? Kefahaman low ke cmne? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998533725738525} +{"text": "QUOTE(narf03 @ May 14 2021, 06:28 AM)no, by halal means perfect halal, made by muslim.perfect halal? Made by muslim?Every where is acceptable EXCEPT Peninsula Malaysia.Whole establishment must be Malay.Recently a famous local Hailam kopitiam kena raided by JHEAINS\u2014 located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden which has been in operation since colonial times.The kopitiam which has been around since the 1940s does not serve pork, and its daily menu includes the usual kopitiam fare such as kaya toast, boiled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles, and an assortment of kuih.In Kedah & Penang, have a few such popular outlet frequent by many local Malays which I am unable to recommend to you.It is not a Shariah offence for Muslims to eat and frequent non-certified diners, and many Malay-Muslim-owned outlets, especially small stalls, do not hold halal certifications.However .....When I was working in Dubai, it shock me that the hotel serves REAL pork bacon for breakfast.What even shock me most was my 2 Arab business associates join us for breakfast! Seeing we were uncomfortable, they asked & we had to tell them pork is serve here. They say they know after all they booked the hotel for us. So not to worry cos they no take the pork.But the cutlery, & tableware?They say as long as they dun consume it is ok? (Ya ke? )Not to worry about them Iman, Ibadat & Ilmu, as their faith is strong. (What?!?! ) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999470710754395} +{"text": "Mengulas lanjut, katanya, pemakaian kostum boleh jadi sama ada membawa kepada pembaziran harta, masa atau sebaliknya, maka ia adalah membuang masa dan tidak bermanfaat.Topkek at this reason. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999302625656128} +{"text": "QUOTE(ah_suknat @ Sep 12 2015, 02:49 PM)tak malu sebab cukup makanorang kurus tak cukup makaneee gemokkkkk busuk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999976396560669} +{"text": "Pemerolehan sijil halal bukan hanya untuk mematuhi undang-undang syariah sahaja tetapi paling penting keselamatan dan kebersihan makanan yang dijamin. https://t.co/ss4Wd40PgC", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8076372742652893} +{"text": "QUOTE(pr0pofol @ Feb 13 2016, 10:29 PM)rrrriiggghtttso apparently all those no pork sign so that people who eat no pork eventhough their religion permits them know that place don't serve porkwhy don't just choose dish without pork?jangan tipu la, logic macam sampahthe fact is, most of places who put that sign is just for convenience sake coz they couldn't give a shit to apply for proper halal certLogik ko lah yg songsang. Dasar org suka membaca conspiracy theory anything anti muslim ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.870991587638855} +{"text": "Makanan yang bersih dan halal mempengaruhi akhlak seseorang...\n\nDi zaman sekarang kita perlu berusaha... http://fb.me/1JAlwb5ih", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9898062348365784} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanna be hi-tech @ Aug 18 2015, 11:47 AM)Songlap pun haram.... Tak de apa-apa statement pun... Jilat kuat lagisonglap tu rasuah bukan? rasuah tu dah diharamkan semenjak dahulu kala, semua orang tau...ke kau je yang tak tau? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Inb4 makan duit Haram ok, kena DNA babi sikit dah kecoh sampai nk mampos ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Lagi satu, nak senang, pergi je kat JAKIM punya apps pasal makanan halal. Takyah nak duk percaya rumors. Yg yakin, makan je. Yg was2 takyah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7573804259300232} +{"text": "bila tak mampu bersaing..........blame game, then start ur engine ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999313354492188} +{"text": "Jangan menhina hina, she just prepare the stuff and sell it to non muslim.Later she will samak samak. Not like her got consumed the meat also as consume thenmeat only consider haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995008707046509} +{"text": "@isaaciaga @flamine___ well,xsemestinya xda sijil halal terus cop haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999152421951294} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Oct 15 2022, 12:29 PM)Rules and requirements of retaining Halal status were set by Jakim. For further info you can ask them. I'm just sharing news about Auntie Anne case.Alamak. Bagaimana sekarang?PeopleofPerlis Kenapa PAS tak bawa isu ini ke Parliament sebelum ini? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997618794441223} +{"text": "Bagus RT : Jakim perkenal aplikasi mobil premis makanan halal menerusi Halal Square bg umat Islam http://bit.ly/YwwUuQ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999488592147827} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 01:52 PM)Except aliester can't even justify the sunnan and hadith concerning halal certificate. Act like i got pwn padahal just exposing your blind support for the ignorant.Ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah!careful, you might just labelled a wrong person as \"ignorant\" here..lets just say I know a thing or two about halal certification and religious obligation on halal consumption.the fact that you are waiting for sunnah and hadith explanation already shows your lack of knowledge on halal haram issue but have the audacity to call others \"ignorant\"ahhh this might just made my day. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6515942811965942} +{"text": "\n\n Basically they want money. It's always about money. They got red eyes seeing non Malay shops selling halal food that are not bothered with halal status.\n \n There are people who always preach that Islam won't affect non-Muslims, it has been proven to be a myth and has always been a lie. It always was and will continue to be a hypocrisy that they can't avoid, it's a core teaching, please prove me wrong. Just look at this stupid idea of making all shops not selling pork and alcohol halal. You think all non Muslims eat pork and drink wine ka? Vegetarians exist la. People with allergies or cancer exist la, they don't drink or smoke.\n \n Now imagine the Buddhist vegetarian shop having to apply for halal cert, do you see how ridiculous it is? Ramly burger stall tepi jalan that barely makes 100 ringgit a day needs halal cert? They can afford it ke? Wtf\n \n Wtf is jakim even thinking about? Allowing religion to intertwine with politics, business, education and the law is a big mistake.\n \n", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962975382804871} +{"text": "\r\nMakan je la real food..lg selamat.\r\nNi makan proses food mmg la dah campur yg haram bahan terlarang bagai..and opkoz la...lagi cepat gemokkkk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "Hanya 20 pengeluar makanan tambahan & 14 pengeluar ubat tradisional diiktiraf JAKIM, boleh semak di http://www.halal.gov.my", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.963935375213623} +{"text": "QUOTE(Hiei_000 @ Sep 24 2017, 11:08 PM)We got meleis version lamtin..nur_ver3\u00a0 HahahahahahahaHai dupe QUOTE(PhakFuhZai @ Sep 24 2017, 11:10 PM)this can set a precedence by instilling fear, and unnecessary paranoidsif this goes without clarification and whatnot, its not surprising to see muslims refuse to go to laundry patronized by non muslims, one day, because of the same reasoneventually the non-muslims business can only be supported by non-muslims themselves, yet they still have to pay taxes to the muslim gomenEven in prophet time they still collect tax from jews, whats the problem?Like i said, clueless, you guys dont know how halal haram works, its not thaat straight forward and simplistic to be explained in laymans term.QUOTE(Lumiaaa @ Sep 24 2017, 11:13 PM)U wash Ur clothes at once not combine with other pplOnce finished u take out Ur clothes and next person uses itHow is it that clothes are mixedDuh, they use the same machine of course. Like in halal kitchen, u cant use ANY KNIFE that were used to cut pig meat or non halal stuff in that kitchen, no matter how sanitized it was.I know later some faggots will go to other extreme cases like hospitals etc. Which is very tiring to explain the classification on halal haram justification based on hadisth, quran, and fatwa.So it isnt that straight forward, this is why people are paying thousands to get experts and auditors in guiding them on how to get halal certs. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8523259162902832} +{"text": "QUOTE(xeda @ Jan 3 2017, 11:02 AM)And you think there'll be a decent enough longevity to this? Hahahaha. Let's wait and see. Though people have always say that the best prediction of future is history, and looking at the history of Malaysians boycotting things.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.based on the fact that most mcd are in urban areas, and most urbanites are thinking folks, this might have a chance.--> no halal logo does not make an object haram. even thinking muslims will agree to this. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5931708812713623} +{"text": "QUOTE(klch87 @ Sep 10 2020, 11:19 AM)i once tasted tapai and told my malay friends that it tasted like alcohol. they just briefly said \"boleh makan je, halal\"so i did some research and found out that tapai is halal if fermented to the point it is not intoxicating. If fermented to the point it becomes intoxicating, then it is haram.it is like telling me if i drink too much beer, i will get drunk. but if i drink just nice, i wont get drunk so it is ok.this is their logic. messed up mentality as usual.and tapai is produk melayu so jgn persoal.QUOTE(tupai @ Sep 10 2020, 11:32 AM)you eat 20 pack of tapai ubi or tapai beras wont cause you to be intoxicating. at most stomachache.\u00a0 you drink 20 glass of beer conlanfirm mabuk.So following your logic, if I don't get drunk drinking 1 can of beer, 1 can of beer is halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968729615211487} +{"text": "\r\naku pernah tgk dia dlm rancangan dia dgn mawi kt korea..\r\ndia makan kaver2 sikit...\r\nkureng sikit dgn heliza ni ni sbb dia mcm remaja zaman skrg lah, suka buat bajet comel, buntang2 mata dengan CL...\r\nlagi suka masa dia zaman pakai tudung bawal jer..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999958872795105} +{"text": "QUOTE(miromiro @ Aug 9 2018, 07:56 AM)I wan to ask can a malay eat with non malay? But own eat own food?I think like my kolik, they ok a chinese kolik of mine bring haram food and eat together with them...i so paiseh, they ok jer.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999539852142334} +{"text": "QUOTE(cassian948 @ Mar 20 2019, 12:08 PM)Halal slaughtering was done in the name of Allah, kosher is not.if follow kosher slaughter which follow almost like muslim one,then can be eaten.but if afraid about not mentioning Allah,then watch YT video below.remember there is a lot of view in term of food in islam based in kitab and hadis. but as long its within ashi sunnah waljamaah then its okgo to 6:45 \n9pEsWBlA3eg\n\n ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999892711639404} +{"text": "Lebih suka beli makanan atau masak sendiri?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9085732698440552} +{"text": "RLP pilihan TERBAIK Ada SSM Ada Sijil HALAL Sah Undang Undang Patuh Syariah Jom kita setel hutang lapuk pastu hidup mewah giler tanpa HUTANG! TIPUlah kalau tak nak \ud83d\ude1d Lagi BEST kalau korang ada modal RM 6714 \ud83e\udd29\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb0", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9452200531959534} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pete the great @ Dec 9 2017, 06:26 PM)when is best time to go SH?I notice when its closer to winter, always got smog.Yes, u r rightWhen the weather gets colder, the residents use more heating, and these comes from coal.Many old buildings still hv old furnace.And coal power plants are contributing to the pollution.To make it worse, the geographical location of Beijing is surrounded by mountain, hence preventing a proper airflow out of the city.Best time is autumn, or spring.Summer is too hot. 40+ deg CAutumn u get hairy crabs too.Halal. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Oct 18 2016, 06:15 AM)Now hot dog is officially haram. Kek.Only in Malaysia! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9539145231246948} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Oct 25 2016, 11:57 AM)Sue, of course. Winning is another thing~Have a read.http://www.azmilaw.com/archives/Article_6_...y_00073484_.pdfMc Curry I think not selling burgers like McDonalds so difficult to win la.But this case - blatantly use the Ramly brand name oo.. For us maybe we know it is not from Ramly brand.What if some assholes decide to spread rumours that Ramly produce pork patty?Knowing Malaysians, some people will believe this and make it viral.What will be the effect to Ramly sales then? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.998875081539154} +{"text": "Makanan yang jual tepi jalan. Kuih2 tu ada sijil halal tak? Siap ada laksa inti surat khabar lagi. Korang yakin pula makan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9071211218833923} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ May 3 2021, 01:19 PM)\u201c When the children came back from the Wahabi madrasahs in Saudi they told their parents that Mak Yong, Menora, Main Puteri, Main Pantai, ramvong, joget, ronggeng, sarung kebaya were all haram. So they gave up their rich cultural heritage. A race without a strong cultural heritage as an anchor is like a ship adrift. So they pretended they were Arabs and adopted the dresses and speech of an Arab, albeit a fake Arab.\u201dGood, all those cultural heritage HARAM. Should destroy all those including in museum, newspapers, films and dramas. Wipe out all those unholy stuff. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998376727104187} +{"text": "Dah 20 tahun guna logo halal tanpa kebenaranBukit Mertajam: Beroperasi selama 20 tahun dengan menggunakan logo halal tanpa kebenaran sebelum produk itu digunakan restoran dan kedai makan di Pulau Pinang sehingga menimbulkan rasa was-was di kalangan pengguna beragama Islam.Begitu kegiatan yang dilakukan sebuah kilang memproses kicap dan sos di Mengkuang, di sini, apabila perbuatan itu akhirnya terbongkar dalam serbuan kira-kira 11 pagi tadi.Serbuan dilakukan Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang (JKNPP) bersama Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Pulau Pinang serta Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (JHEAIPP).Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan (BKKM) JKNPP, Mohd Wazir Khalid berkata, serbuan dibuat selepas pihak KPDNHEP melakukan risikan terhadap premis yang beroperasi di sebuah rumah papan.\"Pemeriksaan mendapati keadaan kilang itu amat berbahaya kerana beroperasi di bangunan berstruktur papan, manakala pendawaian elektrik juga sudah lama dan berisiko berlaku litar pintas yang boleh menyebabkan kebakaran.\"Dalam pada itu, produk yang dikeluarkan juga tidak disimpan dengan baik apabila terdapat perkakas serta tong lama yang kotor dilonggokkan sekali gus menyalahi peraturan kebersihan ditetapkan.\"Malah, logo halal dan MESTI yang digunakan pada semua produk yang dikeluarkan juga tidak mendapat kebenaran pihak berkaitan dan perkra ini amat serius,\" katanya ketika ditemui selepas operasi di kilang itu.PEGAWAI Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang (JKNPP) melakukan pemeriksaan dalam operasi bersepadu bersama KPDNHEP Pulau Pinang serta JHEAIPP di sebuah kilang memproses kicap dan sos di Mengkuang. FOTO Danial SaadKatanya, pihaknya mengarahkan premis itu ditutup selama dua minggu, selain dikompaun mengikut Peraturan 11(2) Peraturan Kebersihan Makanan 2009 dan Peraturan 34 peraturan sama dengan nilai keseluruhan berjumlah RM5,500.Sementara itu, Mohd Wazir berkata, pihaknya menasihatkan kilang dan premis yang memproses produk makanan supaya mengamalkan tahap kebersihan mengikut piawaian ditetapkan.\"Seperti dalam serbuan hari ini, tahap kebersihan premis ini sangat tidak memuaskan dan boleh mengundang kepada pembiakan jentik-jentik serta kehadiran binatang seperti lipas, cicak dan tikus.\"Walaupun negara dilanda Covid-19, ia tidak bermakna tiada tindakan penguat kuasaan diambil,\" katanya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9973462820053101} +{"text": "Kalau mau kaya aku jangan semua makanan hewan berkaki dimakan. entah itu kaki 2, kaki 4. tapi kalo yang kaki 5 masih boleh boleh aja selagi murah, banyak, bersih dan halal.\nHati hati. Sampe kawan ku yang di negeri jauh sana kaki meja juga dia suka. katanya sama berkaki 4.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9888228178024292} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halaldey macha, u mabuk ar. vegetarian shop where got pork lard or wine ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997484564781189} +{"text": "sanusuci oh sanucihttps://www.thenationalnews.com/opinion/ara...reasons-1.38456Loud, pushy and causing a ruckus, the family of six made their way late to the boarding gate, carrying too many bags that were too big for carry-on luggage, and then stood there demanding an upgrade. They said they had illnesses, and were VIPs who should not travel in economy class.I saw the other passengers\u2019 eyes roll and mumble among themselves: \u201cThose Arabs ...\u201dUnfortunately, there are many stereotypes about Arabs \u2013 and I truly hate to generalise because Arabs are as diverse as any other people \u2013 but some things stick for a reason.Like being late for an appointment. Even I am guilty of this, no matter how hard I try to change this bad habit, because even being five minutes late is rude, and so is cancelling at the last minute. I laugh whenever a westerner says to me: \u201cIs that an Inshallah yes or no?\u201dAnd some Arabs become more obnoxious when they travel. Every summer, wherever they go, Arabs make some kind of headline. Sometimes it is about the fancy cars they bring with them, or the way they dress in designer clothes from top to bottom, or the over extravagance they show with expensive parties and shopping lists that reach the tens of thousands of dollars.This summer, it was a completely different kind of scandal. Social media has been busy the past week with reactions to shameful videos posted by GCC nationals of ducks they stole from a park, then tortured and killed before cooking them. How horrible!There were also photos of the litter left behind by Arab tourists who had been smoking shisha in parks, and of Arabs dancing to loud folk songs on high-end streets in European cities. Europeans and other GCC nationals criticised this behaviour, and called it disgraceful. It even reached a point that there were demands in the Austrian parliament to reduce the number of visas granted to Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti citizens.Photoshopped images of ducks and geese wearing clothes have gone viral, with the caption: \u201cEurope protects its ducks from Arabs by disguising them as humans.\u201dThe Prague Post posted an article about Arabs responding to protests about their behaviour by cleaning their parks and their streets. It also reported: \"Football pitches are to be leased so that the children of the Middle East visitors do not threaten people walking in the park by their playing football.\"Just this past holiday, I was hit by a football that had been kicked by some Arab children playing at a resort in Dubai. There was a whole space where they could have played, but they chose to do it between people who were reading and trying to enjoy some peace and quiet on their recliners. They also kept kicking sand into guests\u2019 drinks.When I tried to tell them to move a bit further down, they snapped at me rudely and continued to do as they pleased. There were no parents in sight, just a pair of maids who looked as helpless as the rest of us. I would also see, say, a western couple sit with their children to build sandcastles, near loud Arab children, with no parents in sight, bullying their maid to carry more buckets of water to help them build their castles.Thankfully, there are many Arab families who are vigilant about raising their children properly, and teach them to respect the places they visit and the people they meet. We don\u2019t have to look further than ourselves to see that for something to change, we have to change too.At a park in Dubai, a mother threw a whole lot of rubbish on the grass and was walking away when her daughter called out to her.\u201cMama, don\u2019t litter! You have to respect nature and its animals. A bird might confuse this plastic wire for a worm and die eating it,\u201d said the youngster, who looked about 11.The daughter and her little brother picked up all the rubbish and put it in the bin, which was just three steps away. I clapped and they smiled back. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.817797064781189} +{"text": "Ada ustaz menulis melalui penyelidikan dan kajiannya mengatakan sebuah restoran makanan segera ialah haram dan menyanggah pendapat JAKIM.\n\nSoalannya mana dia bukti ilmiah tu? Tak ada sepotong ayat pun membuktikannya. .\n\nUstaz Abu Syafiq Al-Asy'ary - http://j.mp/2kTPVpQ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "QUOTE(Syie9^_^ @ May 9 2024, 12:02 PM)Of course take back. Why need federal Malaysia? all bunch of bias monkey civil services. Want to get something done within locality need Federal, need road, need this... abit abit Federal. When you asked what was allocated to locality? nothing. Youre just having a centralized screwed up mindset that only rely on Federalism idea. Dont forget, Federal is a collapsing ideology. Its never a supportive ideology of collective governance. before calling taking their airlines back it stupid idea, maybe its better too. After all, Malaysia Airlines Group is a joke of away from SIA. Same parents, different work management and one is more profitable while the other is more a \"branding\" and delulu they still the best. MASwing itself better just return to S&S. Viability of its airline operation business its all better just let them settle.should have consulted u first before 1963 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6980694532394409} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 13 2016, 01:47 PM)chinese vege restoran purposely to serve Buddhist devotee, where got put pork/any animal lard and alcohol ??the only haram thing is they scared muslim wud murtad become buddhist since got many buddhist script and buddha picture on the wall...How would i know buddhist devotee dont take alcohol? Lol. Sorry for this ignoranceAs I said, Im no vegan, i dislike veggies. So i dont care any crap about what vegans eat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934155941009521} +{"text": "QUOTEUruf masyarakat di Malaysia menganggapkan siput babi ini sebagai khabisah, kemungkinan masyarakat lain tidak menganggap sedemikian. Menurut pendapat setengah ulama\u2019 terdahulu, khabisah bukan sahaja dari segi lahir, umpamanya ada racun dan sebagainya, tetapi termasuk juga zat benda itu sepertimana haramnya babi. Dalam Mazhab Shafie, memang jelas iaitu setiap perkara yang khabisah adalah diharamkan, tetapi untuk meletakkan siput babi ini sebagai khabisah dan tidak halal dimakan adalah tidak jelas dan masih diragukan kerana perasaan jijik yang boleh dihukum sebagai khabisah adalah satu perkara yang nisbi, kemungkinan ada orang yang tidak merasakan jijik terhadap haiwan tersebut.soshttp://www.e-fatwa.gov.my/fatwa-kebangsaan...achatina-fulica ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991946816444397} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Iya betul. Pernah tanya perniaga tak kenapa nak mohon sijil halal ? Diorang mohon just nak ada kepercayaan not muslim pergi kedai dia je / utk export ke negara luar. Dalam kursus tu mostly chinese :) Takpe jangan risau. Aku tak minum dua2. Aku vote tealive \ud83d\ude4f", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995936751365662} +{"text": "why is it haram, more like make fun of other religion only ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9828723073005676} +{"text": "QUOTE(akecema @ Nov 29 2023, 12:37 PM)that wine if drink to much can mabuk?if yes then haramIt is not about drinking it and mabuk become haram. If the person drink and not mabuk then it is not haram for him?There is fatwa on why it is considered haram. Vinegar process also going through fermentation process that produces ethanol before it become vinegar. Wine is also going through process similar to vinegar. You can also convert wine to vinegar but that is ruled as haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998984336853027} +{"text": "klau bro minta dia tukar spare part yg tak rosak, quote la 500, pastu acah2 ambik kt kedai letak spare part sama balik baru dia puas hati, nmpk mcm tukar barang, tp tu la x halal plak kn..aku x pernah nego nk bayar harga expertise org, sbb they solved our problem..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8732641935348511} +{"text": "\r\nsedapnya..saya suka makanan unik. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998569488525391} +{"text": "This is why berpuluh tahun tongkat still lingkupMentaliti kelautAt best, these fuckers could only compete on who has the most cheese leleh. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9940804839134216} +{"text": "QUOTE(YH1234 @ Apr 1 2023, 10:25 PM)when the hsr topic is on china, many claim loss making is no problem, its a necessity of transportation mode, and the best part is can always wait, there will be population increase and improve of peoples income, and help to bring development and progress to the rural area. however when the hsr topic is on msia, suddenly the same group of people become so wise, so conscious of cost benefit analysis, and tell not to burden taxpayers that dont use the services.HSR viable but still have risks. ECRL not viable. Simple. We cancelled the wrong project while build the wrong rail.Its all because ECRL already involves China and we cannot afford to piss of China back then as ECRL is their insurance if Singapore misbehave!And people here call ke wumao! LOL!This post has been edited by Namelessone1973: Apr 1 2023, 10:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980068802833557} +{"text": "Sebab proses sangat teliti. Jangan disebabkan melayu jual, kita kira halal. Tak boleh begitu. Cop halal tu diberi seiring dengan halalan toyyiban. Halal, suci dan bersih. Belajar ni masa ambik subjek makanan halal haritu. Jadi sis tu jangan lah senang2 je cop syubhah okay.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8940760493278503} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 u just don't know how to find.add on, people said got halal food u just lazy to drive. just because the area u went got slightly less halal food u rage ady.pity u.I suggest u don't try to go oversea.This post has been edited by munak991: Aug 9 2017, 08:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997075200080872} +{"text": "Mmg la xde sijil halal, kedai baru broperasi. Makan masa nk dpt sijil halal. Ko makan/beli makanan kat warung tepi jalan tu pon mana ada sijil halal. Tp nape ko nk jgak beli/makan sbb ko yakin halal kan kan... Ngaku jela...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9912691116333008} +{"text": "QUOTE(-cmi- @ May 31 2017, 05:54 AM)What?It's about marketing and branding.Cincau might be common out there but how many actually popular and survive out there? Based on your logic, mineral water suppliers can't cari makan becoz besically, it just air kosong.Why people need to pay more for \"Spritzer\" while they can pay much lesser for \"Giant\" branding.But the marketing works. Lot still pays for it.With your negativity and attitude, don't bother to jump as entrepreneur la.And assuming others got cable behind just shows how narrow minded you are.There's still lot of people out there that running honest biz & dont simply assume JAKIM is corrupt just becoz your corrupted mind said so.I said earlier, no offense. Entrepreneur is not a title but how we work things out. I never say that this guy never work at all then he got what he have now, he definitely worked hard for that. I am just saying to obtain halal is not that simple. Maybe you are not in F&B industry and say is easier than to do. There's more info that you can't get in google. You can go ask big companies or small, whether Jakim is corrupted or not and ask how much is their angpao to jakim every year. I'm in F&B and manufacturing all my friends uncles2 paid jakim yearly or else they will come kacauFyi, people who come and kacau mostly is chinese. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997857213020325} +{"text": "QUOTE(danielmckey @ Nov 14 2020, 12:49 PM)Either it pork or not. I don't even damn care. Make sure it just good taste.yes, pork noodle extra pork is the best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999987006187439} +{"text": "Another case cockroach inside Martabak...-------(Kuala Lumpur News on the 17th) A woman enjoyed the crispy Indian Martabak before fasting. When she found a cockroach chewing in her mouth, she rushed to the toilet and vomited.Aziz, 30, is from Kelantan. She revealed that she recently bought 5 Indian meat buns from a Ramadhan stall in Guchi (16th) for her family to enjoy before fasting.\"When I was chewing the Indy Roujiamo, I noticed that the texture was not right because the bite was crispier than usual. Then I was horrified because the filling in my mouth was actually a cockroach!\"She revealed to the media that I kept vomiting and lost my appetite because I kept thinking about chewing cockroaches in my mouth, which was very disgusting.She added that she didn't have the time or mood to take pictures at the time because she was frightened and couldn't stop vomiting.As a mother with one child at home, she revealed that the price of Indian meat buns sold in the market is RM5 per cent.She said that this shop is her and her family's favorite during Ramadan because the food is delicious and it is popular among locals.However, Aziz said she had no intention of complaining or notifying the store owner, but was simply boycotting the store unilaterally.\"It is enough to boycott the store from now on. However, as a consumer, we still hope that vendors selling food will need to be careful about hygiene and cleanliness.\"https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/centr...24/03/17/638134 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998422861099243} +{"text": "\r\nkena cipta sabun...yang boleh buat samak...ni.....\n\n\nwww.mekeladi.blogspot.com", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.815780520439148} +{"text": "QUOTE(even_steven @ Nov 17 2014, 06:18 PM)If u and ur circle of friends don't, doesn't mean other people don't do it as well. People do share utensils and cook ware. Makan also ramai2 and cook together. Normal practice in Uni. Even in IPTS. Especially the Malays. Like I said, even if you are not sharing utensils, the sampah, the oil and spillage when you're cooking/reheating. All is taken into account. It is relevant. P.S. I do know some stuck up people who think sharing stuff with house mate is dirty or jijik. You don't want to know what happened to their stuff in my uni last time.Be specific, which ipta do u mean? I am curious. Dont tell me u are assuming.As i know, MOST OF ukm asrama blocks DO NOT HAVE kitchens. And out of those minorities which have, most are not utilized by students (especially chinese). So apa takut-takut? Chinese dont even share cooking utensils with malays in ukm, nor they even want to.QUOTE(even_steven @ Nov 17 2014, 06:23 PM)If your office didn't ban beef, doesn't mean other office is the same.Be specific, which company do u mean? Really never heard about any, so i am curious to know. Dont tell me u are assuming, too.This post has been edited by akh2920: Nov 17 2014, 07:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9565768837928772} +{"text": "If Makanan can halal, then video also can. Once approved halal will credit halal before watch then iman tak diganggu. Yang tak ada intro halal, semua haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999910593032837} +{"text": "Sudikah awak lepak dekat mamak dengan sy? Jgn risau, mamak tu ada sijil halal ori siap sy check kat google... Hm..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9956492781639099} +{"text": "\n\n Then must also ban Malay Muslim from going overseas that is not Muslim countries, kat Malaysia ada PAS ada jakim tolong melayu Islam tidak terharam, kalau luar Negara, bahaya betul. Tanpa PAS dan jakim, siapala nak jaga melayu Islam dari benda haram\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999865293502808} +{"text": "QUOTE(GoldenHorn @ Oct 19 2016, 10:38 AM)Yang pasal \"pretzel dog\" tu, it is NOT THE MAIN CONTRIBUTOR or MAIN CAUSE of why their halal status got rejected.Just a comment from JAKIM suggesting other name than Pretzel Dog je. Jangan triggered sangat sampai overblow tahap \"i dunno malaysian take which version of Islam\"QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Oct 19 2016, 10:47 AM)This.Its not false information, MKini just cherry oick one over the other.And how about A&W changing their world famous \"root beer\" to fucking \"sarsaparilla\"?QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Oct 19 2016, 10:39 AM)Honestly when i read the aunty annes exec letter i know it wasnt much about dog menu.But as usual gullible bunch and trolls would go hoo haa about dog issue.They are being played by the blogspot media for fun lol.Yes, the word dog is not the main issue. But its still is an issue right? Aunt Anne still need to change the name right. And why that issue crop up? Obviously its about Muslims. That already is hilarious. And worthy of reporting. The other issues are not news worthy. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5515838861465454} +{"text": "QUOTE(whyamiblack @ Apr 27 2022, 05:32 PM)How to ferment and not produce alcohol? At best can reduce only as far as I know.found thisQUOTEMenurut JAKIM, untuk cuka wain, Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia telah membincangkan tentang hukum pengambilannya.Dan mereka memutuskan bahawa cuka wain adalah haram dan tidak boleh digunakan, diproses dan dicampur dengan bahan-bahan luar.Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya perubahan daripada cuka wain kepada cuka berlaku dengan sendirinya, maka ia adalah halal.Mengulas lanjut, cuka dibuat dalam dua tahap proses penapaian berterusan atau serentak, iaitu ia melibatkan penukaran glukosa menjadi alkohol oleh Saccharomyces cereviceae dan kemudiannya proses ini akan bersambung dengan penukaran alkohol menjadi cuka oleh bakteria Acetobacter.Tetapi jika, cuka yang dibuat tanpa melalui dua tahap penapaian dan terus diproses menjadi minuman, maka cuka jenis ini dibuat dari sebatian atau minuman beralkohol yang mempunyai kesan khamr atau mabuk.ok, found better supporting, from PPIM itselfQUOTE1.Setiap minuman arak mengandungi Alkohol Etanol yang memabukkan tetapi bukan semua alkohol itu dari arak. Alkohol dari proses pembuatan arak hukumnya haram dan najis.2.Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak samada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkohol yang disulingkan adalah haram diminum.3.Minuman ringan yang dibuat bukan untuk dijadikan arak atau bukan yang memabukkan dan tidak sama caranya dengan proses arak adalah halal.4.Alkohol yang terjadi sampingan dalam proses pembuatan makanan dan minuman tidak najis dan boleh dimakan.Kandungan Etil Alkohol yang terdapat di dalam makanan dan minuman yang dibenarkan adalah tidak lebih daripada 0.01%.https://www.ppim.org.my/fatwa-berkaitan-etil-alkohol-dala/This post has been edited by jmas: Apr 27 2022, 05:43 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994798302650452} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Dec 30 2016, 06:43 PM)They should've just banned outside food regardless of reason. Would've made things a lot easier for them, especially when they're just following guidelines. If they didn't state the obvious, someone would start spreading false rumours on McD's Halal status for the umpteenth time.Most of the McD's outlets have the birthday sections where birthday cakes are allowed to be brought in there.That's how the issue came up. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999617338180542} +{"text": "Yang penting, disamping mengambil makanan yang halal, pastikan makanan tersebut dimasak dengan sempurna dan dikendalikan dengan bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948232173919678} +{"text": "cuma satu jenis orang je yg suka buat benda2 mcm nie. malas, bodo, angkuh. lepas tu nak protek protek potek la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.996199905872345} +{"text": "QUOTETempoh reman Zamihan dilanjut 1 hariMohamad Fadli | October 13, 2017Presiden Aswaja itu disiasat kerana kenyataan yang didakwa mengkritik Sultan Johor dan masyarakat bukan Islam.Wan-Ahmad-Najmuddin_Zamihan-Mat-Zin_600KUALA LUMPUR: Tempoh reman Zamihan Mat Zin yang disiasat kerana kenyataan yang didakwa mengkritik Sultan Johor dan masyarakat bukan Islam dilanjutkan untuk 1 hari lagi.Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Najmuddin Mohd mengesahkan perkara itu tanpa mengulas lanjut.\u201cReman Zamihan ditambah 1 hari lagi. Dia masih ditahan,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di Padang Kawad Pusat Latihan Polis (Pulapol) di ibu negara hari ini. Presiden Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Malaysia (Aswaja) itu ditangkap kelmarin dan ditahan reman selama 2 hari berakhir hari ini, berikutan kontroversi video kuliahnya yang disampaikan di sebuah masjid di Shah Alam Ahad lepas.Beliau disiasat di bawah Seksyen 4 Akta Hasutan.Tidak lama kemudian Ketua Pengarah Jakim Datuk Othman Mustapha berkata Zamihan dirujuk ke lembaga tataterib berhubung isu yang sama, manakala Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) Datuk Haris Kasim dilaporkan mengeluarkan surat melarang Zamihan memberikan kuliah di masjid dan surau di Selangor.Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Fuzi Harun berkata reman Zamihan akan dilanjutkan sehingga selesai siasatan.\u201cMasih dalam reman kita. Kalau perlu tahan kita tahan,\u201d katanya.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ilanjut-1-hari/ ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9251362085342407} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 6 2017, 11:50 AM)I do not know what triggered McD made that public statement.May be they caught few guys abused the premises, or Arab boss wanna show muscle. Whatever it is, it is a halal restaurant.Allowing non-halal certificate cake is actually a \"status quo\".You don't make it an issue, I don't see an incident McD kicked out the customers due to cake.KNN Commies\u2122 got triggered and played a big part fanning the issue.http://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/home...l-cake-lockdownEven moslems are kicking up a fuss because to them, it's ridiculous. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9786074161529541} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 28 2020, 09:11 AM)That's why being a vegan is the best thing that happened to me ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(AthrunIJ @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)BiaselahKEK\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc40\ud83c\udf7f\ud83c\udf77\ud83e\udd2dSmokersbiasa lahbanyak excuse.admit haram, but can put in the mouth and hisap 9 9. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995635151863098} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(DoraemonNobita @ Jan 15 2018, 03:46 PM)my gf is from sabah very lovely and wife material. I have been there and it was my best trip in malaysia especially kundasang one. I love the people as well very friendly.If I am rich sure live there edy but need to work fucking hard here in malaya damnQUOTE(quadcube @ Jan 15 2018, 04:52 PM)Same,wifey material, sumandak best if I come back from JP,probably will try to get a job in KK and settle down theretotally agree, Sabahan girls are sooooo cute and pretty.. they also very shy shy.. i riek QUOTE(FollowMeRogerThat @ Jan 15 2018, 04:03 PM)TS can provide more specific location/name of place to visit?map sosthis the shop i had my laksa.. of all the foods i tried there, dis i definitely rekomen!! its a quiet place, a true hidden gem (not sure but so far it was way better than west msia one), the stall has been published in newspapers, in which they stick it on the stall.QUOTE(ahcab @ Jan 15 2018, 04:54 PM)last time i visit sabah only seafood gooding, others taste like *&)^*$^$*I'm more impress with the besi longkang in city centre. No lubang2 or kena curi punya.. I know the reason but sked nanti racing pula..\u00a0 i tried their water snail? the one with the claw poking out.. tastes like half prawn and half squid .. so gooding..and also tried their drunken shrimps in one of the restaurants opposite grandis hotel.. horey shiet so fresh!This post has been edited by damnkids01: Jan 15 2018, 05:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9210568070411682} +{"text": "Mamat sempoi ni dari dulu sembang kari, sampai sekarang satu benda pun tak jadi kat negeri dia.Dulu sembang projek itu ini, billion, trillion, last last jadi projek alam bunian.Kedah nak maju? Best joke ever.Better become like Afghanistan and the biggest shithole in Malaysia instead. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994595646858215} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeroonetwo @ Aug 18 2015, 11:22 AM)Using electronic cigarettes, also known as Vape, is now haram for Muslims, the National Fatwa Council has decreed, Utusan Malaysia reported today.The council's chairman Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abd Shukor Husin said the decision was based on laws that were used against shisha, also known as water pipes or hookahs.\"We have discussed the issue of cigarettes and shisha and we can equate it with the Vape. Firstly, it is dangerous, second, it is wasteful and third, it is detrimental to health. So when the effects are the same, we have declared it as haram,\" he was quoted as saying.\"We have decided and there is no problem (with the fatwa). In fact, the Health Ministry has informed that they are waiting for (findings) from experts but we have gone ahead because fundamentally, if it is detrimental and wasteful, then we cannot agree to something like that.\"On July 17, 2013, the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs said that shisha or water-pipe smoking was haram for Muslims.It had said then that shisha smoking would have a detrimental effect in the health of the individual, national economic growth and shaping of future generations.The committee found that all scientific findings from comprehensive studies in the country and internationally proved that shisha smoking was bad for health, and its widespread practice, particularly among youths and women, was worrying.The Vape, or electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) are battery-powered vaporisers that simulates the feeling of smoking, but without the tobacco combustion.Last week, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam was reported as saying that smoking using shisha, electronic cigarettes or Vaping devices should be temporarily stopped until findings on the risks are announced in two months\u2019 time.He said the ministry was in discussions with various agencies and related parties to get their views on the effects these methods of smoking have on health.\"From the ministry's viewpoint, we deem these to be also smoking but just using different methods. The smokers will experience the usual effects of smoking except that the tar content might be lower while the nicotine effect remains the same.\"Don't make it (shisha or electronic cigarette smoking) a habit or think it is fashionable,\" he had warned. \u2013 August 18, 2015.- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysi...h.yag4QJ0B.dpufmany people cainis utensil don't wanna use, gay they bash as haram etc. Vape pula camne ye?how can they make a fatwa without an actual finding? golf is wasteful too. two months for research? research has been done all over, for years. here's a link for the ministry who can't google: http://www.vapeorama.net/e-cigs-studies--v...g-research.htmlthe tar from cigarette comes from the burning of tobacco. you don't get tar from vapourizing liquid .i can't help thinking this agenda is more political than concern. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991598129272461} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf38FAQ HALAL\ud83c\udf38 STATUS HALAL COKLAT FERRERO ROCHER Soalan:- Adakah Coklat Ferrero Rocher memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal? Jawapan:- Coklat Ferrero Rocher mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal dari National Independent\u2026 https://t.co/QPqyo1OKzC", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "Jakim dah verified bukan cicit nabi. Kau ni jakim dah verified kau xnak percaya. Makanan yg cop halal selain dri jakim boleh makan pulak. Nnti ckp \"Makan je asalkan yakin\"", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8922985196113586} +{"text": "Ramai ke yg x clear pasal sijil halal ni?xada sijil halal bukan bermakna haram. dah yg kedai tom yam tu ada plk sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998699426651001} +{"text": "Ok je mkn kedai non-Muslim tp yg penting halal.. Aku ada je mkn di kedai non-Muslim but with Jakim halal standard la.. Selagi mana makanan yg disediakan itu halal bg aku no problem at all..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9864553213119507} +{"text": "QUOTE(Clea @ Oct 11 2016, 07:09 PM)vegetarian pork taste nothing like the real thing.I'm not sure why they even bother calling it pork.ure probably right, cuz it doesnt taste better than chickenQUOTE(yummymommy @ Oct 11 2016, 07:10 PM)Walaupun bahan asasi tu tumbuh tumbuhan, zahirnya ko dh pilih utk mkn khinzir Sedap ker? aku yakin tu tauhu walaupun ianya dipanggil khinzirlagipun kawan tu cina muslimrasa lembik sikit, tak de la best sgt ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999362230300903} +{"text": "susulubna agen MIRI SARAWAK. Anak anak yang mudah dapat sembelit dan memori rendah. Boleh Cuba Susu Lubna ni Don worry ada sijil Halal Malaysia https://t.co/3CxzdEY04X", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995226860046387} +{"text": "Jakim patut haramkan orang gemuk. Sebab suka memenuhi ruang dan menghabiskan makanan.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999219536781311} +{"text": "QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 20 2016, 01:50 PM)Auntie Anne: Just as planned.Now they can speed up the application process.This ... makes you wonder who actually viral this thing... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9982548356056213} +{"text": "QUOTE(jamilselamat @ May 10 2017, 02:09 PM)Orang kata kat aku: \"Tak kira sapa urus. Bayar zakat tu wajib. Asalkan hang bayaq, sudah. Apa jadi lepas tu biaq depa jawab\".Tapi kalau dah jadi sampai macam ni, takkan nak bayaq jugak kot? Kalau aku bayaq jugak, bukan ka seolah olah menggalakkan lagi orang urus zakat tu seleweng? \"Depa semua kena bayaq jugak kat aku. Kalau aku beli Ferrari dengan duit zakat pun, apa kuasa depa ada? muahahahahahaha!!\". Kalau aku menyenangkan lagi hidup si penyeleweng ni, bukan ka dosa pun jatuh kat aku jugak???Don't pay to pusat zakat then.Find people who deserve zakat yourself. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995546936988831} +{"text": "QUOTE(TheEvilMan @ Feb 21 2024, 12:40 PM)Protip from a bulked gym dude, he told me, the one make u lpse hair is the best protein, u lose hair cos its effectivesounds like broscience on steroid tbh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeist @ Jun 9 2019, 10:04 PM)Bodoh nak mampos state the obviousNobody ask you to buyProbably google image copy pasta.Then buat buat done dakwah haha.Chances of him spending it for real is close to 0. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6088864803314209} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeus2005 @ Apr 6 2016, 08:24 PM)Sorry my bad england., i meant jakim certified product.By the way i knew what halal means. And i know rokok also haram in islam then y muslim still smoke?By the way toking bout bzbody, i wonder which religion is more bzbody try to be holier than thou. Saw one news bout muslim in tight shirt straight judge people go to hell already. Think bout that.because some group of certain ppl own xx% of share british tobacco berhad ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999980926513672} +{"text": "Its funny, boycott but ended up their own race hilang kerja. Bagus.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": "tered screenshot. not even a link to video.it's only based on @TS' title that alleged ustaz had claimed ajinomoto is such and such.what if ustaz actually said those that calls ajinomoto as haram is wrong?at least provide your source lah @TS oi. now all we got is your word that ustaz said such and such. cannot even countercheck. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9652112126350403} +{"text": "QUOTE(jack~daniel @ Aug 13 2013, 07:54 PM)All chinese restaurants are halal as long as u dont consume pork and meat without properly slaughtered.I live in China for 1 year, never had an issue between muslim and non-muslim...but i follow imam Malik Madhhab... Malay very sensitive about certain issue...Yeah, and if they don't mix the utensils. And if they don't use wine/beer/etc.There's a lot of stuff to consider, even if under Mazhab Malik. Therefore it is better to go away rather than go near these dubious place. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9735196828842163} +{"text": "Kalau premis islam tp blm ada halal jakim, cuba intai2 sikit dapur dgn toilet dia mcm mana. Makanan mesti bersih dan selamat dimakan. Klu disediakan di tmpt kotor, ofc makanan jd tk bersih", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6931061744689941} +{"text": "QUOTE(goandloveyourself @ Nov 29 2022, 02:41 PM)i suggest malaysians go visit our muslim. neighbor, example Jakarta. my muslim friends there all sit same table with me, i have my HARAM food while they enjoy their halal food. we are in a public eatery that sells both halal and haram food side bybside. why not? they arent eating my food. sitting beside a porkchop dont means u eating porkchop. but over here, its all haram. everything also haram. simplest thing also got triggered.When young i always wonder about this. I question why muslim cant eat pork and hindu cant eat beef. Then i always confuse why eating pork in front of Muslim is considered a bigger offense as it is disrespectful while eating beef in front of hindu is less so. I mean, to muslim, pork is bad, unhealthy, toxic or whatever. So if they see someone eating pork, why is it offensive. People wan eat poison, they get offended for what. On the other hand, eating beef in front of hindu is like desecrating something holy to them. That's the definition of disrespectful. But somehow in Malaysia, the notion is the other way. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9888713955879211} +{"text": "Jakim bodoPig bacon iz the best, y no kacau meleis tat drink alcohol? I tot alcohol oso haram ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999602735042572} +{"text": "QUOTE(tak tung tuang @ Feb 2 2018, 09:52 AM)PETALING JAYA: Seven months after announcing their engagement, SM Faliq SM Nasimuddin from the Naza Group and Chryseis Tan from the Berjaya Group, will be tying the knot tomorrow.The revelation of the wedding date was made in an Instagram post by high society lifestyle magazine Prestige Malaysia earlier today. However, there has been no official word from the couple on their nuptials.The only hint however, came from Chryseis own Instagram page, where she posted a photo of her bridal shower on Wednesday.The backdrop of the event read \u201cFrom Miss to Mrs\u201d, as she posed with her friends in the Instagram photo.\u201cAll my fav (favourite) people surprised me today! Love you all,\u201d she said in the accompanying message.Faliq is the son of the founder of the Naza Group, the late Nasimuddin Amin, while Chryseis is the eldest daughter of Vincent Tan, who set up Berjaya Group.Both the bride and the groom are also actively involved in their respective family businesses with Chryseis being CEO of Berjaya Times Square and Faliq, the Naza TTDI Sdn Bhd deputy executive chairman and group managing director.The announcement of children from two family business empires getting engaged on July 2 last year went viral, as the romantic premise behind the engagement was revealed.The news broke after the release of a photo where Faliq, 32, was seen on one knee proposing to Chryseis, 29. In the background, filled with flowers, were the words: \u201cWill you marry me?\u201dFaliq is said to have popped the question while the couple were on vacation in Marrakesh, Morocco.Chryseis and Faliq had met as students in an international school and had been courting for some time before making their relationship public, it was reported.http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...ress-on-friday/Mana tudung? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9969698786735535} +{"text": "Sedih la makanan semua mahal2 zaman sekarang. Tengok tin sardin pun murung sebab yang kecik pun rm3 lebih. Itu yang kecik dan ada tanda halal jakim yakni ayam brand. Ada harga rm1.90 tapi tanda halal google copy and paste taktau asal mana. Sedih la.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.711214005947113} +{"text": "one most easy way, halalkan yang haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 08:54 AM)I think to answer your question why shandy is deemed haram because we view shandy was made from mixing beer with other flavored water in equal parts. So apart from directly drink alcoholic drinks, we also cannot consume food or drinks that were made directly from mixing wine or beer.\u00a0 That\u2019s why eating this claypot chicken is considered haram as well because it was mixed with wine. While eating the claypot rice or drinking shandy does not generally make you drunk, but in Islam if the food or drink we consume can make you tipsy even in the slightest sense, then it\u2019s forbidden.Regarding tapai, when muslims eat tapai, we need to know how long has it been made to know where the fermentation stage is, if it\u2019s not too long (i am unsure whats considered too long here ya, cause I dont eat tapai because of health reasons) then generally it\u2019s permissible. If it\u2019s been made quite long then generally people dont eat it (can cause tipsy or getting the buzzzz)Hope it can clear some of your questions.Get out of here bro. If you don't drink don't talk cock.I haven't heard in my life of people getting drunk or tipsy from eating claypot rice. You do realise how little rice wine they put right? And not to mention a good portion of it will be burnt away.By all means according to your definition, it shouldn't be haram for claypot rice with rice wine. If you can find me someone that gets tipsy from claypot rice, please tell us. I also want to eat this rice.Chinese cooking rice wine was never made for getting drunk. It was made to remove fishiness or gamey-ness from meat, and a some sweet/sour flavor. Look at the name on bottle - it's literally called a cooking wine.This post has been edited by trojandude: Sep 11 2023, 10:48 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930372834205627} +{"text": "QUOTE(yehlai @ Jun 20 2021, 09:46 AM)Went to Shezhen last time. Tried halal muslim small restaurant at the side of the road. Loved their nasi goreng. When you add the chili oil, omg. The best! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988641738891602} +{"text": "if i go in, will the shop become haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9787594079971313} +{"text": "Sepatutnya gerai-gerai wajib ada sijil halal. Tp peniaga gerai ka warung ka atau apa-apa kena ambik suntikan vaksin. Itu pn org tak boleh ikt. Bkn sb sembah JAKIM atau apa. Sshlah ckp dgn org yg nk menang ja \ud83e\udd23 bila@dh terjadi apa-apa barulah jakim kena fire, kkm kena fire \ud83d\ude05 https://t.co/y9YOmYbLiF", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5498483180999756} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ Mar 7 2024, 03:46 PM)Sokong Baker's Cottage jiken lah apa lagi.Unless Bazaar cheaper and sedap/well cooked.Support with your wallet & $$$ not sentiment. Even other racing also support with wallet not because of skin pay more support same racing, nope doesn't happen unless stupid.Murah bagus = pipur buy.If substandard mahal = nobody buy.Asas bisnes.if price rm5 expensive than BC but the jiken is good quality, i don't mind pay one. Problem is price jewish, taste like clogged drain, useless also right? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8949645161628723} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Jan 4 2017, 06:07 PM)To those saying Halal non halal blood please stop. According to the fatwa ALL BLOOD muslim and non muslim blood does not need to be labeled/saperated and anyone can receive the blood.yalor, pls don't troll on this issue la.no need fatwa oso sikit sikit sense will realize the right thing to do la.mekdi cake issue is just some party's idiocy - NOT idiocy by all muslims.This post has been edited by EdBaaBaa: Jan 4 2017, 06:18 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999475479125977} +{"text": "QUOTE(saikia2046 @ Jan 23 2019, 06:50 AM)10k people from 10m people say haram doesn't mean all people say haram. Most of them don't even give a shit, meanwhile some of them quietly go search for the picture and see how it looks like. You have your new Malaysia now and if you encounter racial or religion problem, you should go ask the PH gov to do something or ask the YB/wakil rakyat, even can try report to polis, but not blaming all Muslims regardless. If you do that then you have no different compare to PAS.Hahaha ha. U need reality check. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982600808143616} +{"text": "@Ali_sukamakan @Namirahmsa Dah kalau company beria ckp tak halal, and u pun tak yakin, tak yah lah minum. Duh. Senang je konsepnya. Habis nasi lemak tepi jalan tu pun takde sijil jakim, tapi kita yakin ingredients dia halal, makan jelah. Dah lah. Stop mentioning me.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9714070558547974} +{"text": "Lebih bagus kilang milik Cina tetapi pandai apply logo Halal. Daripada Orang melayu buat biskut dari rumah, rilek je jual online ambil tempahan merata tanpa sijil Halal. Ingat orang melayu buat kuih semua... https://t.co/xdOwzdEZ2Z", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9391390681266785} +{"text": "JAKIM kalau pergi bazaar mesti dapat panic attack, pastu kebulur. Dah kat bazaar xde sijil halal, macam mana dia nak makan??? Nak kena ada sijil baru lega nak makan, kalau tanya x caye jwpn yg diberi. Nak juga kaji all the tiny things. Susah btol ko nak hidup wahai JAKIM. https://t.co/zGzmogsnWs", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9903400540351868} +{"text": "Antara komen tersebut, yang turut menjadi viral di media sosial ketika ini, adalah seperti \u201cSorry, no flight on Friday\u201d (Maaf, tiada penerbangan pada hari Jumaat), \u201cEven Emirates serve alcoholic drink\u201d (sedangkan Penerbangan Ermirates menyediakan minuman beralkohol), \u201cMuslim women not suppose to go out and work\u201d (Wanita Islam tidak sepatutnya keluar rumah dan bekerja) dan beberapa komen lain.LMAO ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911993145942688} +{"text": "\nAku kalau makanan2 eksotik aku tak makan. Aku makan binatang2 yg dah biasa dimakan jah...\u00a0\u00a0...\nMuntz Post at 9-6-2010 20:23 \n\n\n................yela...ikut selera masing2kan Muntz....setengah orang suka makan kaki ayam....tapi noor tak boleh...perut lembu pun tak boleh masuk....tapi hatinya sedap.....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9955033659934998} +{"text": "Apa bukti kedai tu sembelih sendiri...tah2 ayam tu dari supplier ayam yg halal. Makan dari makanan yg non muslim masak x haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "Even 1st world countries people like to move and live in Malaysia.Malaysia is the best :thumbsup: https://www.tiktok.com/@sairahayati/video/7...177063223461377 \nThis post has been edited by pfizer: Feb 26 2024, 11:00 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "Seronok je nampak orang kita makan kat KFC Thailand. Ramai org Malaysia kata halal. Jawapan yg aku dapat dari orang local Thailand berbeza \ud83e\udd2d https://t.co/E2LrESA9BF", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986875653266907} +{"text": "berduyun-duyun datang pakar pemakanan /k; menghalalkan yang haram dan mengharamkan yang halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "The irony, they thought own ppl cooke will auto no haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(Saltiez @ Jul 29 2019, 08:40 AM)hahaha...Taliban dari tongsan...ade ke...kalau dah bodoh tu, jgn perbodohkan org ramai dgn ajaran sesat ko...this sdin IP has potential for ISIS informant risk, better put red flag, eh.nanti hang tolong laporkan ajaran hang pada JAKIM, ye bang...takpe, abam tolong.\\\\Hello Tongsan Taliban sesat.\\Sejak bila pulak kamu follower `jakim?BTW nah baca ni..ALKOHOL DAN ARAK...Ketahui perbezaan antara ALKOHOL dan ARAK dan sejauhmana ianya boleh digunakan dari aspek Pensijilan Halal.a) Setiap minuman arak mengandungi alkohol tetapi bukan semua alkohol adalah arak. Hukum bagi alkohol yang diperoleh daripada proses pembuatan arak adalah haram dan najis.b) Alkohol yang diperolehi bukan melalui proses pembuatan arak hukumnya tidak najis tetapi haram diminum dalam bentuk asli kerana ia adalah racun dan boleh membunuh.c) Minuman ringan yang diproses bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mempunyai alkohol di bawah 1 peratus adalah harus (boleh) diminum.d) Manakala minuman ringan yang dibuat dengan niat dan cara sama seperti proses membuat arak, sama ada mengandungi banyak atau sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.e) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi alkohol secara semula jadi seperti buah-buahan, kekacang atau bijirin serta perahannya atau alkohol yang terkandung itu terjadi secara sampingan semasa proses pembuatan makanan atau minuman adalah tidak najis dan harus (boleh) dimakan atau diminum.f) Makanan atau minuman yang mengandungi bahan perisa atau pewarna yang mengandungi alkohol untuk tujuan penstabilan adalah harus (boleh) digunakan sekiranya alkohol itu bukan dihasilkan proses pembuatan arak dan kuantiti alkohol dalam produk akhir itu tidak memabukkan dan kadar alkohol tidak lebih 0.5 peratus.g) Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak.Sumber:- Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "QUOTE(ALeUNe @ Jan 3 2017, 04:07 PM)Yes, please bring Halal certified cake to McD.kenape perlu swing to that extreme end? since when did halal is not good enough but a logo on packaging is? inb4 tak suka gtfo ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9917482137680054} +{"text": "tbh bagi aku once kau bela kucing, bela la mcmana kau bela anak kau sendiri. Aku pun suka kucing n ada 4 ekor kt rumah. Duit yg ada ni aku beli makanan, pasir n others cat stuffs l. Walaupun dah sengkek, masih usaha utk kucing ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8783722519874573} +{"text": "QUOTE(frossonice @ Jan 18 2022, 12:02 AM)Esok Thaipusam. Opis all close la in KV. No need to think. She is not entitled to have one. PM cannot suka2 langgar any law.do the govt accept DNA test results...?This post has been edited by damonlbs: Jan 18 2022, 01:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999841451644897} +{"text": "QUOTE(TrialGone @ May 21 2019, 08:02 PM)I only find this interesting cause I overheard someone says they don't want to buy the mouthwasher cause it has alcohol in it, lol. There are people this sensitive. Otherwise how you think this has gone 7 pages?Remember that incident when whole residents in uproar because there is non-halal section in supermarket?Dis way can make product sell better lo. Deodorant, perfume, beauty product, etc can put big2 sticker/stamp \"produk halal, tidak mengandungi alcohol\" \"produk mesra muslim\" liddat.Ever heard dat? Like don buy this product, got alcohol in it, haram.Most ppl trigger when it come to religion issue. Add with lots of uneducated and stupid ppl in there, will create a big misunderstanding leading to ppl thinkin it's true.Like when u want to lie, u die2 say it like it's true, say again n again then eventually ppl will believe.Dis same cases can see in a lot of things, like MSG in fuds, anti-vacc thing, etc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9500530958175659} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.People want to eat also need respect? What need to respect when it is your own personal duty to break fast? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968640804290771} +{"text": "Pork flavor chips halal or haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5398061275482178} +{"text": "I agree with you lucifer_666. (whoah, that's a weird sentence to say )I mean, tak malu ka (Traditional) Islamic organisations dok kecoh K-Pop lah, baju ketat lah, Taylor Swift lah, DNA babi lah, etc etc. Tengok organisasi lain Buddhist, Inter-faith, or just non-religious like soup kitchen, etc, pergi kutip derma, pergi tolong homeless, pergi buat free class utk under priviledge kids, etc.Ada menteri tu kata duit selawat baik salur tolong mangsa banjir, habis dia kena bash dek traditionalist muslims. That itself says a LOT. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999868869781494} +{"text": "QUOTE(Night Fox @ Aug 6 2015, 04:27 PM)But I remember someone in /k here said HALAL can eat oh.. what is user id already ar.. I'll try to search..Apa so hardJust refer to Jakim larBtw...escargoat snail consider fishery and since when fishery product need to be halal or haram.Even the halal train trainer show the white shark say muslim can eat ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9933586716651917} +{"text": "\nspecies\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0kampung\u00a0\u00a0ler\u00a0 \u00a0 ni\nmahathirGX Post at 2-9-2010 22:29 \n\n\nlagi bagus kampung dari fefeeling urban makan vavi,tuang arak tapi mengaku isle cik det\u00a0 \u00a0", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8525261878967285} +{"text": "Best Place to Retire1) nice beautiful beaches2) mix population3) road less jam4) near to KL5) food so- so but also got mix of all foods decent quality6) few good chinese schools 7) alot nice cycling and jogging route8) ppl quite chill here, less racism. Cos chinese respect Malay purchasing power but malay know most business own by Chinese ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9327105283737183} +{"text": "Tu function sijil halal tu. Yakin pembuatan dan makanan tu sendiri bersih dan halal & takde was2. Bukan suka2 je sijil tu nk letak kt kedai. Dh jd kau pakai rice wine ke apa boleh tarik balik sijil tu. Ni tak ntah endon mana duduk sini 30tahun dok bagi melayu makn, korang pun mkn", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.598317563533783} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avangelice @ Dec 20 2016, 10:14 AM)malu lah why all your photo look empty one. where you go? you want a good place to chill head to drunken monkeyDrunken monkey is the one with an orang utan outside? Yup i was there with 2 angmoh couple ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6754637956619263} +{"text": "QUOTE(fabianz03 @ Jul 26 2019, 04:06 PM)That\u2019s what they use when they cannot think of a comeback to your argument He could\u2019ve educated you on his viewpoint about why he think durian and tapai is ok from his point of view but no sikit2 triggered because cannot think of a comebackI mentioned in some other tered some time ago.When I share official link to fatwa provided by religious authority, i dont see nons commenting on this linkWhen nons argue with muslim who are not of religious authority, they seem content and feel winning an argument whenever the muslims keluar \"non-persoal\" remark.This post has been edited by sanwaltz: Jul 26 2019, 04:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8484984636306763} +{"text": "First of all, food prepared by non Muslim is not haram. So can eat if you are confident with the ingredient and the cleanliness of the place. So the question is, dah tinggal bersama for so long, still not confident? How to foster unity ler?Why can\u2019t we trust our Chinese n Indian bro ? And trust more those bangala cook just because same r. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992214024066925} +{"text": "@bean_tart Awak yakin ke ni halal ada sijil halal jakim kee humm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999175071716309} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 9 2023, 06:37 PM)Netizens also questioned why after the rice wine issue became viral, he use 2 bottles of sesame oil?https://fb.watch/mY19mcjo0z/?mibextid=v7YzmGThis is the video that make them famous. You can see both bottles are the same. The Malai cousin food blogger go after he saw Edmond\u2019s post. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6428404450416565} +{"text": "Curi makan already haram. Who cares if inside got pork or not ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997460246086121} +{"text": "QUOTE(marukopi @ Jan 14 2024, 12:04 AM)The flexibility offered here is not suka-suka can choose to work, in simple word can work at the conventional bank IF its the only option you have (its do-or-die)Let say its very hard for you to find a work, and you really-really in desperate mode due to your financial obligation (let say to support ageing parent, hutang etc)The only job offer you get is from conventional bank.Yes, you may proceed BUT you need to plan your exit stratergy and move to halal industry soonest possible. Cannot la stay till pencen.\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abTrivia: Muslim also can eat pork - only if one is driven by necessity - neither coveting it nor exceeding his immediate need such that if not eat it, he or she may die (really2 survival option).But at the argument, you can work in other sector right? So cimb CEO not under urgent/critical condition right? At the level, he quit cimb CEO, he will die....Just life style degraded, so... We can start petition to ask him resign? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9432588815689087} +{"text": "Yg kasi viral ni pn satu hal, knapa tk complaint sblom bayr tu? Bodoh sgt ke. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 02:28 PM)Let me ask you this, what is the function of a certificate?Why doctors need certificate? Engineers? Pilot?Is it because they can use the certificate paper as a tool operate on people? use that paper to pilot airplane?anyone can be a doctor with right skills and education, pilots too, same thing as cooking halal foods, you dont need paper certs for that.a certificate is just a confirmation from a recognized organization that are experts in that area, you have universities, professional bodies, practitioners groups, etc etc.These are to help the market trust these service providers that they are operating on \"standardized\" practice according to industrial standards.Yes you can ask black market doctors to operate on you with cheaper service but that doesnt protect you from medical malpractices. And yet if you trust the doctor for being a family member or somebody that shares your own worries and concerns, you have the right to pick that doctor regardless of whether he have certificate or not.that is your right as the customer, just like most muslims in this world, we have the right to choose which restaurant we want to eat or not, regardless of whether they have certs or not.on the bolded partI can, but I dont want to spoon feed posers like you, but I give you a hint lah, go check basic halal slaughter in sunnah hadith and how it is mandated in jakim certs, dont be lazy go google.and no, dont simply claim \"discrepancy\" without a single proof poser.All I asked was for you to provide the justification in the quran/hadith/sunnan which says you need religious authorities to tell you what is halal, and you just gave a bunch of verbal diarrhea.Doctors and engineers and pilots do not claim that they need to be certified because of some holy scripture. You can fly a plane without certificate, you can build a bridge without certificate, and you can treat sickness without certificates. Having a certificate doesn't mean malpractices doesn't happen, bridges don't collapse, or planes don't crash.And you've just kicked yourself in the nuts using this argument. Are you saying home cooked food are not halal? Bodo. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996395111083984} +{"text": "Tak mampu jangan beli... simple aje...Apa yang tak mampu2 tu... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999186992645264} +{"text": "makanan yang orang lain suka tapi lu ga suka apa?\n\nKue\nMie\nRoti\nGorengan\nDaging ayam\nSeblak (beli)\nYg rasanya harus asin\n. https://x.com/trropium/statu/trropium/status/1794922137444327819\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997460246086121} +{"text": "QUOTE(degraw19 @ Nov 18 2023, 05:08 PM)Statement level puastard then sees the nameNvmLelcommenting from a neutral standpoint, memang betul.orang islam tak boleh sesuka hati jatuhkan hukum haram pada benda yang jelas halal, juga sebaliknya. Boikot for whatever individual reason should stay at that, tak boleh translate menuduh makanan itu sendiri hukumnya haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999754428863525} +{"text": "https://www.vitdaily.com/majelis-ulama-indo...-fu-tang-halal/original newshalal/non halal definition fights pls go to other tered.for those who confused why sugar water needs halal cert, its this: Each certifying organization has its own procedures and requirements. In general, however, products will be checked to ensure that:Raw material, processing aid ingredients, processing, sanitation chemicals and packaging meet the Islamic dietary requirements, primarily that no alcohol or pork products are used.Flavoring ingredients and solvents must be from halal sources (no ethyl alcohol, for example).Meat products (non-pork) have been slaughtered under Islamic zabiha guidelines.sosCurrent status: Awaiting confirmation from MUI indonesia. If indeed its true, then this thread will be closed.This post has been edited by reed90: Jul 24 2019, 05:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9983079433441162} +{"text": "sebab sijil halal?sebab chinese love their pork?sebab suka hati dia la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991835951805115} +{"text": "@dak_arepppp lahhh..aku rasa smpai 20 tahun akan datang pun akan timbul lagi isu ni..penat la nak clarify dkat orang mcamni tlg buat research skit paling malas pun pegi dm gong cha tnya ingredient dia. alang2 tu tnya skali bila nak dpat sijil halal saya pun teringin nak minum.ahahahhahah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999847412109375} +{"text": "Ini tolak. Itu tolak. Tapi duit haram tak tolak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998406171798706} +{"text": "That \"halal\" is just a status confirm that the restaurant had paid to kronies.no one ever said \"no pork\" = halal. Just that the restaurant don't serve pork. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998179078102112} +{"text": "Penjelasan Berkenaan Isu Status Halal Produk Jenama Ali Cafe. \"Produk jenama Ali Cafe yang ditularkan bersama juga merupakan pemegang Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia dan tiada kena mengena... https://t.co/S3WRACyzQK", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994041919708252} +{"text": "salam ustaz @imammudaasyraf . Apa hukum makan kedai yang takde sijil halal tapi mention no pork?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9712973833084106} +{"text": "Will the Cukai from Haram stuff like Judi, Arak, Khinzir be segregated and categorized as well? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999837875366211} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mustadio @ Feb 4 2017, 08:15 PM)http://www.sinarharian.com.my/rencana/kera...-korea-1.622885Nor Izwani dan suami menunjukkan antara makanan korea yang dijual merekaTIDAK pernah terlintas untuknya bercinta malah membina mahligai perkahwinan bersama jejaka dari negara lain. Namun hanya disebabkan penangan air \u2018coconut shake yang di jual Nor Izwani Ab Aziz, 26, di tepi jalan, ia menjadi detik perkenalan dengan lelaki KoreaLebih menarik\u00a0 pertemuan dengan suaminya tiga tahun lalu bukannya berlaku di negara sonata musim salju, sebaliknya di Taman Tuanku Jaafar (TTJ), Senawang di sini.Iras wajah ala-ala gadis Korea dan tutur kata yang sopan milik si empunya badan berjaya menambat hati Mohammad Kim Seung Ho, 37, yang singgah ke gerai Nor Izwani.Hasil penyatuan dua hati ini, ia akhirnya menjadi permulaan buat Nor Izwani menceburi perniagaan makanan korea secara atas talian yang kini mula mendapat sambutan ramai.Antara makanan korea yang dijual ialah Kimci, Kimbap, Tteokbooki, Yangnyeom Chicken yang kesemuanya disediakan dari air tangan suaminya sendiri.Lebih banyak komunikasi guna bahasa isyaratMenceritakan detik awal perkenalan mereka, Nor Izwani berkata, ketika itu suaminya berada di daerah ini atas urusan perniagaan di sebuah kilang berhampiran.\u201cSaya pula ketika itu jual air \u2018coconut shake\u2019 di tepi jalan berhampiran Masjid TTJ dan suatu hari saya terkejut didatangi suami bersama rakan-rakannya.\u201cPada masa itu dia (suami) memang tak pandai langsung cakap Melayu, tapi saya mula perasan boleh dikatakan setiap hari dia akan datang ke gerai saya untuk membeli air.\u201cSaya nampak yang dia mahu berkawan. Walaupun tak pandai cakap Melayu dan kurang fasih berbahasa Inggeris, dia cuba berkomunikasi dengan saya dan kami banyak gunakan bahasa isyarat,\u201dkatanya.Namun paling tidak disangka Nor Izwani apabila Mohammad Kim Seung datang melamarnya ketika kunjungan pertama kali\u00a0 ke rumah pada Aidilfitri tahun sama perkenalan mereka.Pada mulanya lamaran itu ditolak dengan cara baik, namun melihat kebaikan dan keikhlasan suami yang ketika itu telah pun memeluk agama Islam, dia akhirnya bersetuju dan mereka mendirikan rumah tangga setahun kemudian.\u201cSaya akui agak sukar untuk kami berkomunikasi, tapi itu tak jadi halangan. Selalunya jika dia cakap korea dan saya tak faham, saya akan guna google translate.\u201cTerus terang cakap, saya tak pernah fikir nak kahwin dengan orang Korea dan selepas perkahwinan kami, buat pertama kalinya saya jejakkan kaki ke negara itu,\u201dkatanya.Bagaimana bisnes bermulaSelepas mendirikan rumah tangga, Nor Izwani yang merupakan anak ke-2 dari lima adik beradik tidak lagi menjual air \u2018coconut shake\u2019 namun ia diteruskan oleh adiknya.Manakala Nor Izwani pula bersama suami memberi fokus menjual makanan korea selepas mendapat banyak tempahan daripada rakan sekelas adiknya.\u201cAdik saya bawa makanan korea ke kelas sebab kawan-kawan nak rasa dan sejak itu ramai yang nak buat tempahan.\u201cBulan April tahun lepas kami terfikir untuk buat bisnes makanan korea ini secara lebih serius dan hanya\u00a0 dengan menguar-uarkan di laman sosial, ia mula menjadi viral sehingga dapat sambutan ramai,\u201dkatanya.Disebabkan suaminya mempunyai pekerjaan lain, tempahan hanya dibuka pada hari Jumaat dan ditutup pada hari Sabtu, manakala proses penghantaran akan dilakukan pada hari Ahad setiap minggu.Antara yang mendapat paling banyak tempahan ialah Kimbap, Tteokbooki, Yangnyeom Chicken yang dijual diantara harga RM7 sehingga RM12.Manakala khidmat pos laju disediakan untuk tempahan Kimci yang dijual RM25 bagi 500 gram dan RM45 bagi satu kilogram.Malah menjadi hasrat pasangan ini untuk membuka restoren makanan korea suatu hari nanti, lebih-lebih lagi agak sukar untuk mencari makanan korea yang halal di negara ini.Good wish you good health and prosperity ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.992946207523346} +{"text": "https://mothership.sg/2020/09/jb-business-bad-covid-19/Looks like no much difference before covid-19 and after covid-19\npnHBGrR7vOw\n\n\nJIk5Oz7kcpM\n\nKOMTAR JBCC and Menara KOMTAR, the crown jewels KOMTAR JBCC and Menara KOMTAR are strategically located in the heart of Johor Bahru City Centre - the Flagship Zone A of Iskandar Malaysia. The two properties are easily accessible. Apart from the close proximity to the CIQ checkpoint and Johor Bahru Sentral train station, the properties are just approximately 1 km and 30 km away from Johor-Singapore Causeway and Senai International Airport respectively, providing an immediate catchment with significant tourism offering especially from the island republic Singapore. The weakening of the Ringgit should encourage more Singaporeans to shop/spend in Johor Bahru, we believe. So nice location,but compare to city square(its neighbours),not much people want to come.So, was this empty land abandoned from 2008 to 2012?Why?Now in 2024, the floor tiles are also cracked, just like the GALLERIA@KOTARAYA.They just ise long carpet to covet the floor tiles.When you step on it,you will feel shocked.Located in the heart of Johor Bahru, Plaza Kotaraya, a five- storey podium shopping complex with a gross area of approximately 546,530 square feet, was part of the 11- acre Kotaraya Development Project mooted by Johor Corporation back in 1991. The re-branding exercise will involve a name change from Plaza Kotaraya to Galleria @ Kotaraya. Post its refurbishment, it will emerge as an iconic as well as a new destination of shopping in Johor Bahru City. Galleria @ Kotaraya has become a Lifestyle Mall targeting the middle market, suitable for s since its rebranding in July 2012. Covering five (5) Levels with Net Lettable area of 193,809 square feet and a total retail outlet of 179, Galleria @ Kotaraya trade mix includes a Food Hall, Fashion for Ladies and Gizmo for men as well as IT and Gadgets. The retail mix will consist as local as well as popular brands complimenting its new image.This post has been edited by plouffle0789: Apr 27 2024, 02:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999582767486572} +{"text": "Many still care actually. There are two sides for those who care. One side that die-die want to see logo halal, no logo no eat. One side that check the ingredients and material used for cooking if no halal logo - to ensure non-halal substance is not used for their meal. Of course there will be always people that just eat haram food. Non-practising muslim but doesn't represent the majority. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.987986147403717} +{"text": "QUOTE(ohnowhyme @ Sep 10 2020, 09:04 AM)should come out a brand called \"'Non-Halal\"I prefer \"Absolutely Haram\". Sounds more syok. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990598559379578} +{"text": "@zulhilmizabri @coyoterempit kau bagi contoh kata halal cover lagi banyak kritiria kononnya, tapi lagi senang nak dapat cop halal dari gred A bersih yang \"cuma\" cover aspek kebersihan. nampak sangat membuang masa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998806715011597} +{"text": "easy, muslim already know what is actually halal and what is actually haram. faith is higher than non who dont know the difference. benda simple tapi buat kecoh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99970942735672} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Mar 4 2024, 02:14 PM)So how you think is the best to do this?Israel has to abide to the borders agreed upon by the United Nations, agree to a 2 state solution. Which Israel has already lost interest in. Thus currently there is no way to solve this issue, more and more Palestinians gonna be killed and Israel slowly extending into Palestinians grounds. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8769461512565613} +{"text": "Aku pun pernah duduk luar negara. Fiqh luar negara in terms long term stay lain dengan kita yang kat Malaysia dengan makanan halal yang senang dicari dan ada organisasi yang uruskan halal cert macam JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922987818717957} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dchapelle @ Aug 17 2016, 02:41 PM)hang bodo???selama ni sapa yg support 99 speedmartkat mana murah kat situ la orang adakalau hang beli arak kat mana2 pun haram la bodooohang ni m ka...tanya soalan macam tak sekolah..kesiannnMelayu..nak tanya ja pun pendapat geng ustardz..risau kena cop kafir pulak pergi 99 lepas ni..mengamuk tak habis ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "QUOTE(mcchin @ Jun 7 2024, 05:02 PM)KekNo pork no lard used oso got complain try to deceive some ppl deeSome got halal status also kena kecam because owner different. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.993341863155365} +{"text": "Kalau di negeri arab saudi pula. Mereka tidak memerlukan halal. Bagi mereka cukup sekadar yakin bahawa makanan iti suci dan bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8818172812461853} +{"text": "PPUM has critically low supply of A+ and O+. Those who can please do your part in helping the communityCan just walk in during the times stated.\nTo those saying Halal non halal blood please stop. According to the fatwa ALL BLOOD muslim and non muslim blood does not need to be labeled/saperated and anyone can receive the blood.Kriteria Penderma DarahTaken from Pusat Darah NegaraQUOTE1. Sihat tubuh badan.2. i) Berumur di antara 18-65 tahun untuk yang pernah menderma.\u00a0 \u00a0 ii) Berumur di antara 18-60 tahun untuk pertama kali menderma.\u00a0 iii) 17 tahun (perlu mendapatkan kebenaran bertulis daripada ibubapa/penjaga).3. Berat badan 45kg ke atas.4. Tidur minimum 5 jam.5. Tiada masalah kesihatan.6. Telah mengambil makanan sebelum menderma darah.7. Tidak terlibat di dalam sebarang kegiatan berisiko tinggi seperti berikut :Hubungan jenis sesama jantina (homoseksual).Hubungan jenis dengan kedua-dua jantina (biseksual)Hubungan jenis dengan pekerja seks komersial.Bertukar-tukar pasangan seks.Mengambil dadah secara suntikan.Menjadi pasangan hubungan jenis kepada golongan di atas.8. Pendermaan terakhir 3 bulan lepas9. Bagi penderma wanita; tidak mengandung, tidak datang haid, tidak menyusukan anak.10. Jangan menderma jika anda :Pernah tinggal di United Kindom (England, Northern, Ireland, Scotlaand, Wales, Isle of Man atau Channel Island) atau Republik Ireland dari tahun 1980 hingga 1996 untuk tempoh 6 bulan (terkumpul) atau lebih.Pernah tinggal di Europe dari tahun 1980 hingga sekarang untuk tempoh 5 tahun (terkumpul) atau lebih.This post has been edited by mohdkakarot: Jan 5 2017, 09:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.995293915271759} +{"text": "Ragu ragu dengan wd? No ragu ragu lagi.Wd lulus kkm dan ada sijil halal. Jadi boleh guna dengan yakin tau. Nak sihat nak cantik dengan jaminan selamat dan suci,pilihla wd\ud83e\udd70 Klik jur link ni https://t.co/2vbJtIjOe5", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998021721839905} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 11:50 AM)Meh.. i eat vegan food at cyber, served by chinese. No hal.Mesti dekat terminal bas ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998972415924072} +{"text": "QUOTE(pgsiemkia @ Jan 5 2018, 09:26 AM)Got fatwa on smoking also, did it stop them?Actually, it's up to themselves wanna follow or notIf they die die don't want follow,wat can those mufti do?But if msia Ada hudud, got possible that religion police watching them, forcing them to obey whatever mufti said ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999325275421143} +{"text": "QUOTE(Red_rustyjelly @ Dec 27 2023, 02:35 PM)top kek, first comment straight away fitnah ada rice wine.macam he tasted it before or he work there.what to do. you have to understand majority of them has subpar IQ. so anything that's haram and non muslim, they will just mix them together. like seafood curry with rice wine. Fast cars with alcohol and etc.Confirmation bias is built in them ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999690055847168} +{"text": "QUOTE(blek @ Dec 28 2020, 12:14 PM)of course. it take a lot works for jakim to halalkan the haram!!!No wor... base on him on other thread, Jakim do nothing but chop it halal onlyOthers departments like kastam must make sure it halal compliance. Since the container is not halal, sure he blame kastam again QUOTE(bisobona @ Dec 27 2020, 11:33 PM)no 1 fault is Kastam. The main culprit.no 2 is maqisno 3 is Jakim. But Jakim only verify documents from kastam and maqis. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999902248382568} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ May 22 2017, 08:28 PM)As I said, everything is equal. Same place, side by side.Which one?Any one. Just randomly chooseQUOTE(FactsHurt @ May 22 2017, 08:30 PM)You can do all that without religion too.Their views affect your freedom.No. It doesntQUOTE(zaidi @ May 22 2017, 08:41 PM)well think like this, when you die you want to be sembahyang jenazah by imam masjid or by muslim pop singer? both hati baik right? both should have no problem leading your prayer.Dari Abu ABdillah Nu\u2019man bin Basyir r.a,\u201dSaya mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, \u2018Sesungguhnya yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas. Di antara keduanya terdapat perkara-perkara yang syubhat (samar-samar) yang tidak diketahui oleh orang banyak. Maka, barang siapa yang takut terhadap syubhat, berarti dia telah menyelamatkan agama dan kehormatannya. Dan barang siapa yang terjerumus dalam perkara syubhat, maka akan terjerumus dalam perkara yang diharamkan. Sebagaimana penggembala yang menggembalakan hewan gembalaannya di sekitar (ladang) yang dilarang untuk memasukinya, maka lambat laun dia akan memasukinya. Ketahuilah bahwa setiap raja memiliki larangan dan larangan Allah adalah apa yang Dia haramkan. Ketahuilah bahwa dalam diri ini terdapat segumpal daging, jika dia baik maka baiklah seluruh tubuh ini dan jika dia buruk, maka buruklah seluruh tubuh. Ketahuilah bahwa dia adalah hati\u201d (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).If you think syubhah does not affect you, go ahead and eat. no one will stop you.I dont care which oneI dont know both of themI dont know which one betterBecause im not a godAnd only god can judge usQUOTE(Lada Putih @ May 23 2017, 10:58 AM)Dear tsWhat you had just experienced is the result of successful brainwashing where one kenot think for themselves Sit tightIt will get funnier overtimeHaish.. SedihQUOTE(homicidal85 @ May 23 2017, 11:17 AM)agreed. this is orang yang mengada2kan hukum baru dalam Islam. They are the ones doing haram thing. The prophet clearly stated that creating new hukum without basis is haram.Betul ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999558925628662} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Jul 18 2024, 11:48 AM)It is just because bumi do not bother to apply cert because Malay will not question food being halal in Malay restaurant or even for food products.A Malay-owned claypot chicken rice stall in Malaysia that went viral on social media for its owners\u2019 proficiency in the Cantonese dialect has come under fire from some local diners after Islamic officials declared the stall had been operating without halal certification.Aman\u2019s Food Stall \u2013 located at Restoran Ahmad Muzakin in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur \u2013 offered a pork-free version of the dish, which has origins in China and is also popular among Chinese communities in Malaysia and Singapore.Both Muslims and non-Muslims were served the dish, which was featured on some popular food blogs and received a positive review from online news site Malay Mail. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/m...-with-rice-wineRemember this malay couple selling claypot rice?? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "Aku suka baca tweet kos untuk certified halal by JAKIM mahal. Benda paling simple kena tahu, awak meniaga makanan. Bila meniaga makanan, di Malaysia sekurang-kurangnya ada sijil MESTI. Apa makna MESTI? Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri.Lebih kurang la aku tak ingat sangat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9268339276313782} +{"text": "Hmmmmm. Explanation from hospital sideQUOTEKUALA LUMPUR - Damai Services Hospital (Melawati) Sdn Bhd akan mengambil tindakan saman terhadap seorang bekas jururawatnya, Naziah Sauni Samat dan Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) dalam tempoh terdekat.Tindakan saman itu, susulan kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan Naziah di Pejabat PPIM kelmarin.Naziah dalam kenyataannya berkata, beliau diberhentikan oleh pihak pengurusan sebuah hospital swasta kerana memakai baju lengan panjang dan tudung. Perbuatan itu dianggap kesalahan besar.Susulan tindakan Naziah, Pengurus Kewangan dan Sumber Manusia Damai Services Hospital (Melawati) Sdn Bhd, Regina Sundram berkata, pihaknya akan mengambil tindakan kerana perbuatan Naziah telah merosakkan imej hospital dan kakitangan mereka.\u201cSejak semalam (kelmarin), pihak hospital tidak berhenti menerima panggilan telefon bertanyakan hal berkenaan sehingga ada pihak yang mahu memboikot serta mengeluarkan kata-kata tidak sepatutnya.\u201cBahkan laman sosial Facebook hospital turut dihujani pelbagai dakwaan dan kata-kata yang tidak baik sehingga memaksa kami menapis setiap komen pengguna sebelum disiarkan,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian, semalam.Menurut Regina, orang luar hanya membuat tuduhan berdasarkan kenyataan sebelah pihak tanpa merujuk dan mendapatkan penjelasan sebenar dari pihak hospital.\u201cKami akan berbincang dan mendapatkan menasihatkan peguam Isnin ini, sebelum tindakan lanjut diambil.\u201cKita juga sedang mengumpul segala dokumen termasuk laporan akhbar dan komen pengguna laman sosial yang menjurus kepada merosakkan dan menjatuhkan imej hospital dan kakitangan kami,\u201d katanya.Jelasnya, hospital berkenaan sudah beroperasi sejak 1989 dan kini mempunyai seramai 120 kakitangan, 41 daripadanya beragama Islam.Dalam pada itu, mengenai dakwaan Naziah diberhentikan tugas kerana faktor pakaian, Regina menafikannya.\u201cPihak hospital tidak pernah mengeluarkan sebarang surat rasmi berkaitan pemecatannya. Sebaliknya beliau diberi surat yang mana kami memberi tempoh untuknya mematuhi peraturan hospital.\u201cNaziah bagaimanapun tidak hadir bertugas selama lima hari sejak 25 November tanpa sebarang penjelasan dan kami dianggap beliau berhenti secara sukarela,\u201d katanya.Regina berkata, pihak hospital turut memberi ruang kepada Naziah untuk berfikir sama ada\u00a0 meneruskan kerja di situ atau berhenti sendiri.\"Naziah bagaimanapun hadir bertugas pada 30 November dengan memakai stoking lengan. Ia masih melanggari peraturan pemakaian hospital.\u201cTeguran dibuat, tetapi Naziah tidak mematuhinya sehingga tamat waktu bertugas. Kalau benar kami berhentikan Naziah, gajinya masih dibayar mengikut jadual,\u201d katanya.[ARTIKEL BERKAITAN: Jururawat dilarang tutup aurat?Mengenai larangan memakai baju lengan panjang dan tudung, Regina akui peraturan hospital tidak membenarkan jururawat mengenakan pakaian seragam berlengan panjang.\u201cPeraturan ini telah diguna pakai sejak hospital beroperasi. Jururawat tidak dibenarkan memakai lengan panjang kerana dikhuatiri akan menyebabkan jangkitan kuman ketika mengurus pesakit.\u201cIa juga atas faktor keselamatan dan demi memudahkan tugas jururawat. Jadi tidak perlulah jururawat\u00a0 menyingsing lengan baju sehingga mengganggu tugas yang memerlukan tindakan segera dan pantas,\u201d katanya.Berkenaan, Sijil Perakuan Amalan Tahunan (APC) milik Naziah yang digantung, pihak hospital tiada kuasa berbuat demikian, sebaliknya ia hanya boleh dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan.\u201cBagaimanapun kami memutuskan untuk tidak\u00a0 memperbaharui sijil berkenaan, atas faktor keselamatan pesakit,\u201d katanya.Bagi Regina, Naziah seharusnya bersemuka dan berbincang dengan pengurusan hospital dan bukannya hanya berhubung melalui aplikasi WhatApps atau membuat aduan kepada PPIM.\u201cTindakan Naziah hanya membunuh profesion jururawat itu sendiri. Beliau hanya memburukkan keadaan. Ini bukan isu perkauman atau agama. Kami hormati setiap kaum dan agama mereka,\u201d katanya.Drillz\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abSAUCE ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8838857412338257} +{"text": "QUOTE(cmk96 @ Mar 13 2024, 12:06 PM)Yup... primary mandarin now super difficult... my wife from SJKC also pening looking at it.Kids hate it like hell.\u00a0 \u00a0 Thats why so many Chinese parents in Klang Valley are moving their kids to private and international schools. Those who can't afford it will move them to learning centers. The popular way nowadays is take IGCSE. Nowadays, there is a growing trend that kids will drop out after standard 4 or 5 and go private in some SRJKC since there's no UPSR anymore.The only language subject that is still easy to learn in SRJKC and SK is just English.This post has been edited by 30624770: Mar 13 2024, 11:28 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9700402021408081} +{"text": "Eh eh eh.. Bodo juga halal powlice ni eh? Simply make what is halal, haram. Very Islamic of them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999728202819824} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Sep 10 2023, 12:29 PM)Another bodoh think rokok is haram coz fatwaNicotine addiction does bad things to body and mind. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999462366104126} +{"text": "Benda syubhah kena kongsi la sebagai awareness untuk Muslim. Tak semua benda Muslim boleh suka2 makan. Apa guna Malaysia ada sijil halal jakim terbaik dunia tapi umat Muslim kat sini main bedal je makanan yang syubhah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973645806312561} +{"text": "JAKIM check status halal makanan, bodoh. https://x.com/eilyanaazira/s/eilyanaazira/status/1700526127822111213\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989269375801086} +{"text": "QUOTE(pobox @ Jun 19 2023, 02:06 PM)Makanan Tradisi jenis bukan halal. Tak boleh ke?KenotLater whole world ingat Malaysian eat pork how? We are known to be champion of islam in the world We fight for PalestineWe go against Israel who menindas PalestineWe kamching with Middle EastWe have special envoy to Timur Tengah Mana boleh ada BKT in our tradisi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998893737792969} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mhd shah @ Apr 16 2020, 07:01 PM)Angry and shocked after discovering that u barely know or follow Islam!another shock that Islam is not democratic about his lawin fact all religions are the same, but they accept bending except Islam will not bend, no hierarchy or church to threaten or attack to force bendingThat makes you very angry accusing Muslims of being brainless, trying hard to make them realize how beautiful liberalism are and they can adapt their religion to its principals.life will be much easier if Islam is just a few words without any meaning or impact on lifestyle, just to feel spiritual when tiered.Unfortunately that Islam does not exist, accept it or find another u cant change it.CODEBTW I don't know about this drink you asked, and don't know if some scholars consider it Halal or not, my only concern was such question is not a matter of majority opinionU\u2019re so good, you made my mind spins around. My question was so easy. Can drink or not. U straightaway question my beliefs?Good luck with your version of dakwah. No wonder people go astray nowadays. To top it off, you don\u2019t even know what kind of drinks being discussed? Hats off douche. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.60903400182724} +{"text": "QUOTE(zariel @ Dec 7 2015, 11:34 AM)but for many other muslims like myself, I am more concerned on the issue related to covering the aurat.I don't see why aurat is a bigger concern when it comes to healthcare, as a consumer (patient) and/or as a practitioner. If you're so concerned about faith-related issues, what are you doing in a place that is dedicated to healing the physical? Why not stay home and appeal to the greater power instead? Make wishes for world peace and all that. You should be more concerned about tangible matters like quality of care, prices of medicine, competency of the doctors etc when it comes to healing the sick. This is a classic example of seeing the trees and not the forest, a luxury of nitpicking small issues when there are so much more bigger issues abound. Some are trying to equate this with recent incidents of government dress codes, but fail to see even then the ministers and authorities concerned admitted that such dress codes are not enforceable and are only discretionary. What, will they be so concerned about aurat and other sensitivities that one day they refuse to be touched by what they deem is a religiously improper medical personnel, even as they lie on the hospital bed? Will they accept the treatment, and then later sue the hospital once their lives are saved, because their faith was offended? Will medical personnel refuse to treat victims of alcohol-caused incidents? Indians refusing to touch someone who was poisoned eating beef? Buddhists refusing to treat food poisoning from meat-based products? Catholics refusing to be on call on Sundays?I find the attitude of some people about this to be frankly hypocritical. Where's their crusading moral outrage against cigarettes when it has long been declared haram 20 years ago? Instead we have complaints about rising cigarette prices. Another example of nitpicking, to be religiously outraged about things that are only inconvenient. That is why sometimes I snicker at the hypocrisy of those who attend Friday prayers, complete in traditional clothing; only to light it up when it's all over. Or worse, flick the cigarette butt anywhere and climb into their vehicle which is illegally parked but felt religiously justified to do so. So not only did the smoker violate a fatwa about smoking, he also broke secular rules about parking as well.They should just admit it that it has nothing to do with the religion, but because they perceive their right was infringed. It's an inconvenience, a challenge; that someone dared to restrict what she can or can not do. How dare the hospital say such a thing, to actually use the rulebook.\"Screw your rules, I have religion!\"This post has been edited by ray123: Dec 7 2015, 12:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7291101813316345} +{"text": "now non muslim also cannot makan,.. biasa lar,.. when see people good business, dengki,.. ini budaya kita,.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8369415998458862} +{"text": "QUOTE(derthvadar @ Mar 13 2016, 07:56 AM)Ini mesti geng pancut cepat.sila guna pil biru ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974817633628845} +{"text": "but one thing je i tak suka bila order/beli makanan luar is i tend to bazir extra nasi tu and portion protein & fiber plak sikit. so makan tu rasa tak fulfilling sangat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8169581294059753} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Aug 18 2022, 05:59 PM)does it matter if the stall is eventually owned by cina or india or melayu? the issue highlighted here is trade description/label. a-la it's unethical and wrong to sell minyak sawit as minyak zaitun. especially if your customer is explicitly asking for authentic minyak zaitun.now the scam is exposed, instead of scolding the trader, you blame customers for falling victim.worst, use \"ada aje customers luar sana tak peduli pun haram halal\" to downplay the other customers who actually really give a damn about halal haram.aparaaa.i guess EU didn't live up to ktards standards when they go to town about meat horse scandal years ago. alah, daging kuda ke, daging lembu ke, sakit atau sihat, masih daging, kan?Skang ni halal ke x halal?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996614456176758} +{"text": "do they pay proper salary or staff work amal jariah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9918410778045654} +{"text": "QUOTE(MRaef @ Nov 5 2023, 07:27 PM)Every year always got articles or posts like this, sigh.Ingat iman orang Islam dalam Malaysia ni senipis kulit bawang ke?Tiap-tiap tahun kena sheltered, lepas tu bila pergi negera orang jadi bodoh, culture shock.No need to jadi bodoh.A person can't jadi when they are already bodoh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "hahhahaha xde lahhh, xkan laah nk boh julap kat makanan, ishh, x elok laa, auni jgan risau, nie 5 star food lulus jakim punyaa :P", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9571196436882019} +{"text": "I actually see more reasonable comments in that Facebook comments section\"Menimbulkan keresahan\"..hmmm..siape la yg resah sgt tu,dah terang2 tulis pork..\ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude0cNak bincang buat ape netizen ni....dah terang\u00b2 pork floss. Ape ke pelik sangat korang nihhhdah terang2 ditulis pork tu yg dikebek nak cari halal apobondoo. sape la yg pandai sgt ni \ud83d\ude0fDah terang2 nama nya PORK FLOSS , tak kan Itu pun orang Tak tau nak bezakan Halal Dan Tak halal Jgnlah jadi malas wahai Muslimin. Dah terang2 tulis sana \u201cCrispy Pork Floss\u201d. Tak perlu nak rujuk JAKIM pun dah tahu benda tu haram. Apa, berhenti baca kat \u201cCrispy\u201d je ke?Dh tulis pork kan.. sye x pernah jumpa lagi pork yang halal seumur hidup niSegala tok nenek ko nk bedal...ini bukan terang\u00b2 lagi dah...ini dah terang lagi bersuluh...suluh bukan torch light..disuluh spotlights tulis PORK....ponnnnnnn ko tanye halal ke tak...bebal level ape nihThis post has been edited by s3iryu: Sep 10 2020, 10:46 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967780709266663} +{"text": "To those yang concern pasal Halal Haram. Cuckoo ada sijil Halal ya gais and as you know, JAKIM antara role model negara luar untuk pengiktirafan halal ni sebab JAKIM antara yg strict untuk benda ni \ud83d\ude46\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #Cuckoo #WawaXCuckoo #TunEmpireGroup #UsahawanCuckoo https://t.co/Bwrv5jNMbp", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998302698135376} +{"text": "does it matter if the stall is eventually owned by cina or india or melayu? the issue highlighted here is trade description/label. a-la it's unethical and wrong to sell minyak sawit as minyak zaitun. especially if your customer is explicitly asking for authentic minyak zaitun.now the scam is exposed, instead of scolding the trader, you blame customers for falling victim.worst, use \"ada aje customers luar sana tak peduli pun haram halal\" to downplay the other customers who actually really give a damn about halal haram.aparaaa.i guess EU didn't live up to ktards standards when they go to town about meat horse scandal years ago. alah, daging kuda ke, daging lembu ke, sakit atau sihat, masih daging, kan? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996236562728882} +{"text": "Isetan already scale down. Takashimaya also don't dare to set foot in MY. All d best to Seibu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9847069382667542} +{"text": "QUOTE(adix4 @ Dec 27 2015, 09:11 PM)biasalah some non muslims kat lowyatorang Islam MELAYU berjaya je mesti jeles kutuk kutuklepastu cakap gaji tinggi asalkan makan gaji lepastu duit habisheuhueheu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.997606635093689} +{"text": "Everything also want to viral viralMmg babi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999998807907104} +{"text": "@bahiyahjazlan @fnatasyainjohar @Namirahmsa Kau ingat senang ke nak dapat sijil halal .... macam2 prosedur kena buat", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999186098575592} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Dec 8 2021, 01:53 PM)di gerai bukan Melayu yang belum pasti status halal.so bold to write bullshit.racist article? yes.Di gerai melayu pun tidak janji status halal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995152950286865} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Apr 12 2024, 10:00 AM)I went drinking yesterday- so many malays here pakai baju raya\u2026 order hard liquor ..It really is normal at our level\u2026I enjoy mixing with them.. guess i just dont like poor people thats all. Not race. Phew~~~when it comes to the higher classes u no longer do background checkyes the poorer they are the more troublesome they'll be I only respect the poor who works hard for their kids to get out from the poor cycle, however not all of their kids follow what their parents did and many still repeat the cycle due to many factors like peer pressure and living in bad hood ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999549388885498} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 08:14 PM)few people already suggested midingoing to try that, how about laksawhere's the best or most favorable btw thanks for the suggestionPersonally like choon hui ones. But these days no go dy cause pack.. town area either choon hui or chong choon. Need halal one jus go mdm tang at petanak... or moms laksa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999310970306396} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Dec 13 2019, 04:10 PM)Some kopiah wearing pakcik, who looks like he should knows what he's talking but apparently does not.Don't get me started on rockstar\u00a0 ustaz that claim reworking meds are good for eczema. Facepalm lagi.If want to find valid arguments then better find valid source. Especially related to halal haram in Malaysia there's majlis fatwa negeri and fatwa kebangsaan. Dont simply take any opinion off the street or the internet, even from me. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977861642837524} +{"text": "\r\nbagus la ada topic mcm ni... aku penah gak kuarkan isu ni kat forum lain, tp xde sambutan..mungkin pada diorang, tak penting..\r\nyg aku angin nya ialah bila makanan ni duk lama kat pasaran.... dah 2/3 tahun, baru la ckp tak halal la...ada itu la, ada ini lah..adoi, sakit je hati.. contoh cam hotdog kat IKEA tu ler.. wlaupun xpenah mkn, tp terasa gak ler... apsal lambat sgt diorang kesan?\r\naku skrg, kalau kat hotel pun tak makan dah... xde selera aku...\r\nkek pun, dulu penah gak la mkn kat secret receipi tu, tp skrg, was-was la plak.. tak berani aku nak mkn dah..\r\nnugget plak, beli yg Ramly @ ayamas punya.. \r\njd pada sesiapa yg ada info tu, sila lah beritahu.. saya dahului dengan ribuan terima kasih..syukran..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999942779541016} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 21 2019, 06:53 PM)so muslim drink red wine, without being drunk, no haram ??...haram. the alcohol there serve no purpose other than being intoxicated. it doesn't matter you're drunk or not. prevention is better than cure. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999656677246094} +{"text": "KHDNK,JAKIM,PDRM dll wajib menangkap jika kesalahan ini berleluasa k jika tak rakyat2 akan makan makanan haramlah..", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965561628341675} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 09:12 AM)tgk la video betul2 lahanat. uncle tu horn mcm manawhy you guys so easily triggered ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994805455207825} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 02:00 AM)If you see status about halal then a dog picture is not a provoking act? Bashing muslim easy to confused. I only see muslim bashing jakim more while non muslim is provoking muslim.Again, since for me jakim personnel is more qualified so i will not questioning about the naming. If the requirement state that then just follow. There is no point to argue. If you didnt get halal cert does it mean hotdog is haram? No.This is some of example of naming food.https://konsultasisyariah.com/25980-memberi...ngan-setan.htmlI think their point was. Not about Auntie Anne getting the certIts more about \"the reason why there's so much bashing is because jakim have that ridiculous name requirements in the Sop to apply for halal cert\" And\"bashing jakim is not =bashing islam\"Thats their point. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999515175819397} +{"text": "dulu2 tak tau khalwat tu haram > dah kantoi lari naik flight\u201cJika benar saya ditangkap khalwat pastinya saya masih berada di Malaysia untuk selesaikan kes ini. Sekarang saya berada di luar negara untuk meneruskan pengajian saya. Saya harap pihak yang berkenaan bertanggungjawab atas fitnah dan artikel tersebut, terima kasih.\u201d> tunjuk e-tiket cakap flight memang dah plan awal2 dan bukan cabut tiba2> belajar kat NYFA tapi flight ke heathrowdah kantoi, cuba tunjuk bukti palsu ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998880624771118} +{"text": "@jnalover @isaaciaga @Gorgxous_ Just so you know, pearls tu made of tapioca. Susu tu pakai fresh milk. Tang mana yg haram? And tak semestinya tak dpt sijil halal maksudnya tak halal. Ada yg tk dpt sijil halal sbb tgok kebersihan, pekerja dia brape org Muslim. Kalau tknak minum, takyah minum. Simple \ud83d\udcaf", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "doesnt matter muchnot wajib pon ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9031471610069275} +{"text": "QUOTE(xPinochio @ Aug 5 2015, 05:52 PM)isk.. why not..me and my fren owned a shisha stall for about 5 years..my mum owned a warung tepi jalan for 3 years..halal no donation only donate to masjid n surau when they needed..it depends..if need to pay rent then no problem..you own a stall your mum own a warung dei... ini semua xpe la... but you want a permanent structure in the middle of no where... its out of the norm la...btw mufti kata vape haram... so shisha pun sama la... oh wai...This post has been edited by Wassupman: Aug 5 2015, 05:55 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984124898910522} +{"text": "QUOTE(haswell88 @ Aug 28 2020, 08:48 AM)Then ambik balik back door. So atas group can suka suka langgar pkp\u00a0 and proudly say, oh i sudah bayar fiNE and flash V.usually repeated offender will get higher fine. another good thing for country yo. more revenue. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999885559082031} +{"text": "Ada oramg suka makan tempoyak, ada orang tak suka makan. Ada orang suka makan budu, ada orang tak suka makan budu. Apa ada hal. Selera orang berbeza. Yang penting jangan hina makanan. Makan makan yang halal, bersih, elok dan sihat. Makan bukan untuk popular", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9477906823158264} +{"text": "Yang kedai gyutan halal tu aku dah sampai naik segan nak pm tepi ig kedai tu tanya kedai bukak ak sebab selalu sangat aku nak pi mesti tak kena timing huwa I JUST WANNA TRY GYUTAN IS IT SO HARD DAH LA YANG HALAL SATU TU JA KEDAI YANG JUAL ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9154534935951233} +{"text": "Tapi3 since kerja dkt dlm food industry ni, u need to be aware kalau makanan tu xd sijil halal. My company pon produce makanan but xd sijil halal so...... only those who work in the area know best \u270c\ud83c\udffb https://t.co/Na2K0uBTT8", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9942901134490967} +{"text": "QUOTE(knight_hawk @ Dec 24 2020, 08:53 PM)Anybody can confirm this is a real jakim ruling.Doesn't matter if ends up onion news. Main thing is everyone totally believe Jakim is that stupid, lol. If someone say Jakim make barbie or lego toy haram cause it represent idolatry, everyone will believe, lol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994408488273621} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Feb 27 2024, 02:38 PM)The best business for newbies to grow some backbone or balls. One of the toughest. I borrowed from my dad 20k years ago to acquire a restaurant business from mudah. Earned my stripes and here i am now.So what restaurant do u run? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999676942825317} +{"text": "By the way, just a warm reminder. If anyone yang datang Ipoh nak makan, please pastikan halal dulu. Kalau meragukan, just tinggalkan jer and makan kat tempat yang lebih pasti. Pastikan darah daging kita suci & bersih dari sumber makanan haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998718500137329} +{"text": "QUOTE(mysinx @ Jan 5 2018, 11:35 AM)mufti idiot? claim ur self muslim? then follow ur own rulez. bodoLol, why bother follow mufti that only see money?Did rukun iman and islam mention about mufti?Instead of blaming cosplay why he dint bother say out loud pusat perjudian at genting is haramBan all cigarette and beer in malaysia. Rosmah xtutup aurat, did he bother try to fix that?cosplay haram. Judi, rokok, arak halal. gajah di depan mata mereka tak nampak, tapi kuman di seberang lautan yang mereka nampak ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998818635940552} +{"text": "QUOTE(Azurues @ Dec 20 2021, 02:10 PM)Kalau masa rokok, beli 4D, berjoli semua halal Kalau nampak makanan confirm tanya halal ke tak duluBila ditanya soalan macam ni saya selalu jawab; Punya lah takut kat babi, tengok pun tak mau, hukum haram sama je tuk semua yang dilaramg. Nak tau bayangkan; bila ambil duit rasuah, hisap rokok ,main judi macam kau cium buntut babi tu dan telan daging dia,This post has been edited by WiiPS3_74: Dec 21 2021, 09:10 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991753697395325} +{"text": "Somehow terfikir. Sama juga dekat warung-2 kecik.. yg takde sijil halal tu, org pergi jugakkan? Even kita kata sah la halal sbb org islam jual. But how if Jakim cek, cara penyediaan dia tak betul? Tetap tak dapat sijil halal. Ragu? Takyah beli. Yakin? Beli. https://t.co/fI1V9HsZzs", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7447053790092468} +{"text": "@HajiMat5 W A H !! Siapa yang tanggung \u062d\u0644\u0627\u0644 nya selama ni untuk pengunjung\u00b2 Muslim yang makan di sana ?? Diharapkan sajiannya halal walaupun tidak memperolehi Sijil. Syukur saya sudah boikot Restoran Mamak & Nasi Kandar sejak viral kebersihan yang sangat diragui.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9856836199760437} +{"text": "Just eat. Those Muslims that complain are lemah iman one. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "Jaminan #Lypotox SELAMAT & DIIKTIRAF oleh Badan Keselamatan Malaysia LULUS #KKM - kelas makanan(No. Rujukan : 110717/05/085). #halal JAKIM(No. Rujukan : 1085 09/2017)\n\nHubungi di http://wasap.my/+60136036536", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999568462371826} +{"text": "@shonzu11 @Nazgul71028348 @pussycat____ @blackmerz101 @BetterNation3 @NurhamisahJ @AliFadzil @melayujati3 @410aries @mooezza @__BakalJenazah @jon54480998 @AKUTIDAKADA @AKUANAKWATAN @Chahzahari @PeteApit1 @wongwongmalek @inderasakti_kl @PutriSufi3 @RameshRaoAKS @Azmann81769303 @Mohamad60295497 @RoslanWanz @Kama96157097 @bijak_politik @AkuMelayuIslam5 @mohdosmanTPG @mimimarinajaaf1 @mynewshub @tunfaisal @Badacs1 @GaryDrinkwater2 @azmanhaj @AimanAirin2 @armnajib @AbdHali33759158 @JazRita @TengkuRajaAlam1 @cu10sion1 @NajibRazak @HamdanRukun @riz_esp @jemah_rizal @fikhwanBait @IiiAzmi @brozam @En_White_Bird @arahman_ahmad @dunquestionme @JalilRafidah kalau si BENGAP pujaan si\ud83d\udc24nazgurl tu keturunan penjual mee bABU tepi jalan yg khabarnya dimasak tukang masak yg cuma tau bhs TAMIL jer (sijil JAKIM HALAL entah ada ke tak) mmg AUTA je laaa si\ud83d\udc24nazgurl mampu \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7197096943855286} +{"text": "Ni contoh makanan yang ada sijil halal daripada jabatan pensijilan halal yg telah diiktiraf oleh JAKIMSo kalau makanan di US,ada logo halal IFANCA ni, maka jangan ragu2 lagi. Anda boleh makan, terjamin halal insya Allah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9907318949699402} +{"text": "nak tahu tak kenapa setiap barang kita pakai setiap makanan kita makan kita suka upload ? \n\nsebab nanti org lain semua suka tanya cantiknya kasut ni beli mana , baju ni beli mana & makanan ni beli mana apa semua\nsooo happy for sharing !!!!!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993603825569153} +{"text": "God sent hintsMakan babi haram tapi rasuah tak haramPutrajaya is gomen office... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993215799331665} +{"text": "QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Jul 29 2024, 09:13 AM)Not 100% of the cruise is for pelayaran islam? Sure they have to mingle with restam very sure the cruise ship got beer inside. So how? Jump overboard, else stay sin with haram?That my friend , u need to know All the beers, casinos and sluts in Bikini on the ship are \u201ctemptations\u201d strategically placed and planted by the ustaz to gage their faith and willpower Itu diaaaaaaaaaa\u2026 that\u2019s why after 4 days 3 nights of fighting against evil and haram on the ship, all the participants will leave the cruise as a spiritually stronger person, with hellfire proof skins who can withstand the unholy elements of Satan itself ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8267386555671692} +{"text": "Aamiin. Gue kalau putus cinta suka boros buat beli makanan enak biar gak stres ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995403289794922} +{"text": "QUOTE(yenvanilla @ Mar 12 2024, 11:10 AM)non muslims not consider human here. best if all of us dieProbably that's the mindset of extremist, non = not human Religion is personal but if mix with business, it's not working well. Personal = personalBusiness = businessTakes forever to understand ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8336703777313232} +{"text": "QUOTE(insan_kamil @ Dec 27 2023, 03:47 PM)Malays are so watered downed (a polite way to say stupid) that it makes me sad. They think everything that doesn't have that halal crap by jakim as haram. Not only are they watered down, they impose upon others their misconceptions and are very quick to cast the first stone.If a raw chicken is sourced from mydin, and the cook is a non muslim, it becomes haram because they sre watered down. They do not understand what they claim to live by.It makes authoritarian gov thrive because they get to dictate what you eat, what you watch, and whatever shit you do by evoking this halal/haram concept ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982979893684387} +{"text": "Paksu Isham\n\nKerana makan makanan org tak beriman yg xsucilah menyebabkan iman kita lemah hati gelap.. \nTinggal JIHAD sanggup jd \nBARUA DAP\n\nAbdul Syukur \nDah mkn benda x bersih dan halal hati pun jd kotoq perkara baik pun x nak dengaq", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999587535858154} +{"text": "QUOTE(azhan82 @ Jan 1 2019, 02:21 PM)\u201cPihak hotel turut meyediakan tempat salat berjamaah di surau dan kuliah oleh ustaz yang dilantik,LEL.. Bini tua : Pergi hotel nak dengar kuliah ke bang ?Orang2 PAS lepas dengar kuliah boleh la ONS dengan bini muda ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999905824661255} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ Nov 29 2022, 12:22 PM)nope,.. sekolah agama more important than STEM,...Sekolah Agama also important - enables us to learn to let experts handle their own field (meletakkan kemaslahatan buat yang ahli).But this brother memandai2.This is what Ustaz Don said in his ceramah - ulama\u2019 also didn\u2019t say anything, yet bodoh influencers like this lebai pandai2 buat fatwa sendiri. Sesat lagi menyesatkan.This post has been edited by pokchik: Nov 29 2022, 12:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99957674741745} +{"text": "\r\nAbis ustaz pakai tepon model apa? Android iPhone ka?satu kilang tepon tu tak solat..yg ustaz pakai tepon ni kire berkat ka?\r\nPastu gune Twitter..tak igt Elon musk lawat Israel..ustaz sokong zionis ka.?sokong sembelih umat Islam Palestin?\r\nNape tak buat twotter ka twatter ke versi halal toyyiban ..? Byk coding clone Twitter bersepah dlm internet..\n\r\nCkp tk serupa bikin", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7989963293075562} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 01:52 PM)so far no official confirmation yet. just 3 viral videosthats why my first comment in this thread is thisAre you sure the video is for this case? This is nasi itik, not ayam. The kedai name no put any Malay name also, it's English. I'm also konpius now. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999798536300659} +{"text": "QUOTE(wow1wow2 @ Nov 24 2023, 12:19 PM)Yes private conversation. So this girl can go have a private conversation with all her suci friend. No need bagi psaIf no psa how to dakwah and tunjuk alim ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998181462287903} +{"text": "QUOTE(arubin @ Nov 15 2015, 01:47 AM)Wah lan leh...I don't think vavi vera fertilizer makes a plant non-halal leh...Suppose need Muslim to confirm... It doesn't The rule is cannot eat babiThats allTouch also actually allowed. Just need to clean/sertu/samak afterwards The 'haram'. The hardcore ruling. is only on consuming. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "Muslims are not that dumb, not to know which is Halal or Haram when visiting/staying in a foreign country.The only dumbass is the one who gets brainwashed by a certain holier-than-thou party, and lack of education.Exception, probably that Aisyah case, that one is rare. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9510852694511414} +{"text": "QUOTE(darthboyzzee @ Dec 9 2018, 05:03 PM)Kau tu je yang bodo. Tak reti baca. Candlelight vigil memang laa haram. Majlis fatwa dah putuskan haram nak pertikaikan ape lagi?the reason haram written as such. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "suka hati dia la .. lu orang sokong Palestin dia ada kacau ka?lu ingat lu superpower ka? VETO pun tarak This post has been edited by Xploit Machine: Nov 20 2023, 05:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997180104255676} +{"text": "QUOTE(blueheaven @ Nov 23 2020, 06:27 PM)Well, because when chinese claim which one they think is the best nasi lemak, they will still point to some famous malay nasi lemak. They dont go, wah, this nasi lemak sambal use tomato, put hotdog, wah, its the best nasi lemak la!!Most chinese actually got try both sides before judging one.Best food is individual taste. According to the video poster, the best cakoi to them is the one that they show in the video. What makes you think the they didn't try other cakoi ? Interpersonal taste bruh ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "You mean, there is alcohol that is halal and haram? I am confused. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "why the fatwa always revolves around utilitarianism, as in if you don't do A, you won't get B, even worse you will receive punishment yada yadaeven no one would want to stay in a company for long if the company always have this culture of if you do this you will be punished kind of rulings, if you take more than 60 mins of lunch break, you will be deducted salary of 1 hour etc etc ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.662300169467926} +{"text": "Kesian JAKIM. Aku setuju ramai kata mesti yakin dalam makanan halal tak halal. TAPI bersyukurlah ada JAKIM yang selama ni men-concrete kan kita punya keyakinan. Perlu ke kita maki sgt.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9993495345115662} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Dec 20 2023, 03:48 PM)Oh. This is a question I want to ask. Why is kepci so popular in Sabah. It's everywhere. Is borenos better?Kepsi sudah lama di SabahEvery pekan/ Bandar must have kepciNo Kepci? Puik, kampungDulu-dulu la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998356103897095} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Feb 25 2024, 10:59 PM)Boycott mcdonald , boycott starbucks , boycott kfc.donuts all under same chain, berjaya group under same chain and owns alot of properties and land in langkawi.Then implement all those rubbish malay law as they see fit.Who in their god damn mind wanna go there..Langkawi is turning into a typical pas state . Kelantan terengganu have one of the best beaches in malaysia . Yet nobody go.Batu ferringhi like shit- and yet their five star naik harga every month and fully book during holidays.Ppl just dont like pas la . Malay sendiri tak suka mereka. Conservative and backwater shit of a gov. Wait sau pei. bila diorang boycott starbuck mekdi, diorang joli.Bila pelancong boycott langkawi, diorang surprised pikachu.padahal dua dua sama jerat leher ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4237716794013977} +{"text": "@ernamh Fahami maksud sijil halal, guidelines dan sebagainya sebelum nak ulas ye. Sijil itu bukan sekadar bebas khinzir sahaja. Susah orang dalam denial mode ini, dia rasa dia je betul\ud83e\udd23 Research malas tapi nak ulas jugak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9875738024711609} +{"text": "\n Edited by CARI-MAL at 16-11-2016 07:31 PM \n\nKorea menjadi antara lokasi wajib dan pilihan pelancong Malaysia khususnya sebagai destinasi percutian. Selain terkenal dengan keindahan istana dan budaya tradisional yang unik serta muzik K-pop dan drama Korea yang menarik, negara itu juga popular dengan pelbagai tempat menarik untuk dilawati oleh pelancong Muslim.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, pasti ramai pelancong Muslim merasakan ianya seperti suatu cabaran untuk mencari makanan halal di \u2018negara orang\u2019.\n\nJangan gusar kerana Organisasi Pelancongan Korea (KTO) kini menganjurkan program \u2018Halal Restaurant Week\u2019 yang bermula pada 1 November, sehingga 10 Disember 2016, untuk memberi pelancong Islam maklumat terkini berkenaan restoran mesra Muslim di seluruh negara.\n\nDalam usaha Kerajaan Korea untuk menjadikan negara yang mesra Muslim, Minggu Restoran Halal ini dilihat mampu memenuhi keperluan pelancong Muslim.\n\nApa yang menariknya, sempena program ini satu set kupon akan diberikan kepada pengunjung Muslim yang menyertai kempen \u2018Discover Korea Your Way\u2019 (DKYW) di Korea Plaza di KL. Jangan risau, kepada yang bukan Muslim pun boleh mendapatkannya.\n\n\n\n\n\r\nSet kupon ini menyediakan maklumat mengenai 136 restoran halal dan mesra Muslim di beberapa kawasan di Korea. Secara tak langsung, amat memudahkan perjalanan pelancong Muslim ke sana!\n\r\nKebanyakan dari restoran itu pula menawarkan pelbagai promosi seperti diskaun harga, menu halal istimewa, majlis 1+1, dan hidangan sampingan. Malah, pelbagai hadiah percuma hebat turut diberikan seperti minuman diperakui Halal (Korean rice punch, Sikhye).\n\r\nDengan menggunakan kupon ini, pelbagai peluang dan hadiah percuma boleh dimenangi peserta, selain berkongsi pengalaman mereka di laman sosial.\n\r\nSelain itu, KTO juga telah memperkenalkan klasifikasi rasmi untuk 136 restoran mesra Muslim di seluruh Korea bagi memudahkan pelancong Muslim mencari makanan ketika berada di Korea. Lihat jadual di bawah:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPeningkatan Jumlah Ruang Solat\r\nBagi memenuhi keperluan menunaikan solat, lebih banyak tempat solat\u00a0\u00a0dibina di kawasan tarikan pelancong seperti Pulau Nami, Lotte World, COEX Mall dan K-Style Hub, sebuah pusat informasi pelancong oleh KTO di Seoul. Selain Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Incheon dan Gimhae.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPelancaran Aplikasi 'HalalKorea'\r\nAplikasi HalalKorea ini menghubungkan pelancong Muslim dengan pelbagai kemudahan Halal di Korea. Aplikasi ini dicipta untuk memberi informasi seperti waktu solat dan\u00a0\u00a0kiblat, serta tempat untuk mendapatan makanan mesra Muslim.\n\n\r\nApa yang anda perlu lakukan hanyalah muat turun tiket pertukaran dan tebus kupon itu di Incheon atau Seoul.\n\n\nBagaimana Nak Tebus Set Kupon ini?\n\n1.Kepada ahli Kelab Kaki Korea yang akan berkunjung ke Korea dalam tempoh program berlangsung, anda akan menerima kupon Halal Restaurant Week secara PERCUMA apabila anda menebus Discover Korea Your Way di Korea Plaza, Menara Hap Seng, KL. Set kupon ini turut\u00a0\u00a0diberikan kepada pelancong bukan Islam atas permintaan.\n\n\n2.Jika anda sudah menebus kupon DKYW ini, sila lawati Korea Plaza semula dan tunjukkan Kad Pengenalan berserta jadual penerbangan untuk menebus set kupon ini (sementara stok masih ada).\n\n\n3.Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai Minggu Restoran Halal, sila layari:\u00a0\u00a0www.visitkorea.com.my/event.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9678516387939453} +{"text": "dorang yg x cakna halal haram agama dorang kita pulak nk kena bagi pendidikan kt dorang. main sebat je makan kedai makanan berasakan lembu pulak tu. apebenda la dunia caca marba.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999562501907349} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Mar 17 2024, 11:03 AM)uncle... it was never cheap la... sg wang still the best..How much is Sg Wang now? Few years ago I went already RM7 close to RM8 already for 3 simple dishes. And that was before MCO. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997393488883972} +{"text": "Tabuli ini macam, duit arak haram. macam minum timah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "hello kawan sekalian nak tanya sikit tentang sunat bole?masa sunat saya punya 2\", sekarang tiba2 makin memanjang :confuse: ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5565458536148071} +{"text": "Aku penat dah jawab xing fu tang tu halal ke tak kalau korang ragu jangan minum kalau yakin minum je ye betul diorang tak dapat sijil halal lagi sebab baru lagi operate dekat malaysia", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993709921836853} +{"text": "semua betina..mesti datang bulankenape lah oren kito susah oren kita?kenapa lah betina susah betina ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.849396824836731} +{"text": "QUOTE(Robin Hood @ Jan 5 2018, 11:58 AM)Inb4 hukum untuk muslim but nonmuslims pula yg butthurt statement./k non muslims will apply the logic:cosplay / anime is haram for muslim. Hence, Cosplay events will be banned for ALL , including non muslims.so yeah, blanket ban inkambeng. no going to affect non muslim they said. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998341798782349} +{"text": "QUOTE(arubin @ Jun 26 2015, 01:26 PM)Bodo sape report my tered as haram and insensitive to hindu... Wait till u kena reported coz abusing, torturing, and eating animals by PETA or vegans ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989438652992249} +{"text": "Lagi yg melibatkan bakeri banyak benda yg tiada status halal dan bahan diragui tapi kita duk telan sbb percaya orang Melayu islam mesti halal. Halal Cert Jakim bukan lihat dari sudut siapa yg kendali makanan tetapi bermula dari supply chain A smpai Z ya. Satu supply xda halal", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.977203369140625} +{"text": "Makluk manusia jenis lebih alim dari semua paling byk drama, byk confuseSuka ikut, Tak suka beribu dalih ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9780173301696777} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/6PIH5ZAdE", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9286714196205139} +{"text": "@FatinChangmin Hahaa sijil halal, anjing n babi nje haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "When I go restaurant for seafood, I always double confirm the total price of the seafood before they cook it.Maruah not important than my wallet, then get potong lagi malu ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999732971191406} +{"text": "Tre3s are innocent. Why cant the farmer just let go and move on. Mengapa mesti mau buat hal menjelang hari merdeka... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987622499465942} +{"text": "@shahrulazwn @EmmvNasir @twt_boots Bro pernah dgr Tak pensijilan \" mesti \" bahagian keselamatan Dan kualiti makanan yang bekerjasama dgn halal jakim ... Saya pernah pergi kedai nasi lemak tepi jalan ke Kat pasar tani ke , peniaga ada letakkan sijil nie Kat kedai2 diorang .", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9838281869888306} +{"text": "Want to still go because sedap makanan, but got beer. So to solve the issue, best to remove the beer, so can still go. Lantakla what the owners or nons say. I want to go, so end of story. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9334332942962646} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 04:28 PM)Oh. So blindly follow just because it says so in the book. No reason needed. Cool, cool. Didn't the quran also say makan rasuah, makan siham anak diri is also haram? Why the same people that don't eat babi still do that then? Legit question you put there but of coz the answer would always be whatever that suits their narrative. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "Orang Cina Tazkirah Pasal Kedai Halal https://youtu.be/cUg138b6Rcs?si=d7mCTfJg2bRK7OvO\u2026 via ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5763940215110779} +{"text": "Saya setuju dgn PPIM bahawa JAKIM mungkin keterlaluan dlm melarang label \"ruqyah & \"makanan sunnah\". Hadirkan nas sahih atau diam lebih elok", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9768651723861694} +{"text": "Bebal punya Melayu Islam. Acah je hormat kaum lain, tapi tak senang tengok depa cakap pasal makanan tak ada JAKIM halal. Iman tisu.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9899423122406006} +{"text": "QUOTE(11c @ Sep 30 2016, 02:05 PM)I wonder since she don't have license is her business halal o haram?Dunno... I eat only... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998544454574585} +{"text": "Haram juga sangat umum, halal lebih banyak digunakan untuk makanan (Malaysian context - Jakim & Halal label on food products, etc)", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5210440158843994} +{"text": "Chinese Muslim not same tuan, must have cert, else still kena kecam.If oren Muslim, no hal, viral and eat only, janji BMF. KEK ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9881311655044556} +{"text": "QUOTE(AlexRoss27 @ Mar 13 2024, 11:33 PM)You are using that word wrong but you applying it quite well by trying to pivot this argument and blaming me for not entertaining an obvious diversion. I\u2019m sorry, if you want to talk about racism in SK then by all means open a new post.But this thread is about racism in SJKC and I would like to keep it on topic. If you have valid reasons to address racism in SJKC I\u2019m all ears, if you\u2019re going to deny it or minimize it, then I dont think we will find a middle ground.SK is far more racist and SJKC, well at least in my experience 11 years of experience, and I attended an SK school with diverse races. You're incredibly naive to think if all students go to the same school, things would get better. Every one of my non friend hated SK/SMK because of how Malay/Islam-centric it is.It's not the students, it's the teachers and culture in SK/SMK and subpar education. I'm not saying all SK/SMK are bad, but the average is. The nons will send their kids to international school if they could afford. This is becoming an increasingly popular option that's why there's so many international schools popping out and expanding. If too expensive, they'll save money via SJKC primary + International secondaryBesides, vernacular schools reflect our divided society, not its cause. Why is no one questioning the biggest elephant in the room on why our society is divided? Do folks really think it's because of vernacular schools when you have Bumiputera enshrined in the constitution? Why do Malays have this weird idea that once non-Malays go to SK, then the nons will be happy and more integrated?When I was in SK/SMK, I always liked to talk cock about SJKC. When I left SK/SMK and as I grew older, only then when I reflected back all my past experiences that I realised how racism was normalized there. If I ever have a kid, they would be going to SJKC or international.Always remember that most non parents were from SK/SMK, as they were the popular choice back then. SJKC was barely alive with low enrollment. They clearly learned from experience why not to send their kids to one.Sidenote - of all the schools that, without a doubt international schools are the least racist of all. And it has nothing to do with the ethnic ratio. It's the culture and teachers.This post has been edited by trojandude: Mar 13 2024, 11:51 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(netmatrix @ May 10 2017, 10:30 AM)Its true. My childhood malay friend also same. Cannot believe Zul ask me for a cut (in actual payment numbers) if he intro me to a Gov project. I totally cannot accept the way he talk. My other friend Sham called him to link me up with the project later told me that he gave the project to another guy that willingly paid him that amount. Luckily i don't contact these 2 so called friends of mine anymore. They are living on haram money and even brag about it. Sham owes me RM400 for a hard disk that i help install & configure more than 10 year ago. He has since changed 4 cars in that 10 years and that RM400 already burn.they are no longer your friend. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978309273719788} +{"text": "QUOTE(hollyweed @ Jun 6 2017, 05:13 PM)dapat duit tak berkat buat apai see many minister driving Merc...their son driving Ferarri.. happy only.. no berkat so what ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993618130683899} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Nov 29 2023, 09:55 AM)Kebelakanggan ni banyak orang keliru ngan makanan minuman.Kalo terminum benda haram banyak dosa tau. Masuk melaka skali seteguk.Mai I tunjuk Coke yg haram ada unsur kapir ngan tulisan mat salleh.Supaya anda tidak terminum coke haram.[attachmentid=11485747]Agak agak sedap Tak coke ni?BrbWhere's the Hekism comic when you need it.... oh wait, Japang... no care Halal. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999325156211853} +{"text": "Kalau i tunjuk post tu dkt mak i mesti mak i gelak sbb terlalu syok sendiri puji jual makanan murah walhal sebenarnya kau nak attract as marketing. Honestly peniaga yg jenis buat marketing murahan mmg i takkan support & beli. Lebih suka peniaga yg berniaga jujur", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6380854845046997} +{"text": "Termakan benda haram sebab tak tau = kena bash berbaldi-baldiHisap rokok walaupun dah tau haram = ok je~This post has been edited by St0rmFury: Aug 6 2015, 06:26 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "tarik balik sijil halal pastu declare certain makanan ada babi dan haram sebab company tu xbayar komisyen kat jakim. hahaha bodo.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9727803468704224} +{"text": "paling banyak orang tak tau is kedai halal tapi orang yang sediakan tu cara dia pengotor jijik mcm haram dimakan haaa faham tak apa i nk sampaikan ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999864101409912} +{"text": "Kalau yakin makanan tu suci bersih boleh lah makan. Tapi kalau boleh tak digalakkan sbb tgok periuk belanga tu bekas tu mcm mana. Kena samak. Kena ambik berat nah smpai ke sekecik2 sudu semua kena samak. Jgan ambik mudah nak halal kan smua benda", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9934967756271362} +{"text": "Ciri-ciri patuh syariah ialah bukan babi dan anjing, bukan haiwan yang menerkam, haiwan tersebut disembelih ikut prosedur islam dan lain-lain.Bersih pula ialah makanan tersebut suci daripada darah, najis dan lain-lain kotoran.\n\nLeceh ke halal haram ni?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999866485595703} +{"text": "QUOTE(cuddlybubblyteddy @ Oct 3 2023, 04:32 PM)Everyone has different perspectives on personal times, some people use it for charity, for personal health growth, self improvement, rather than monetary exchange.TS has different circumstances and doing this FoodPanda at the moment is his best choice in exchange for monetary compensation of his personal time.I would rather applaud and give kudos to TS been hardworking on this using his personal time, as it\u2019s legit, halal income for him.Of course, if he could save up more money, use it for self improvement, or learn online marketing or content creation, then it could be even better.This is where you're missing the point. You're looking to applaud. He's not asking for applause. He's asking \"Jadi, berbaloi atau tidak? Bincangkan\". ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998639822006226} +{"text": "QUOTE(KLthinker91 @ Jul 26 2019, 05:11 PM)TIL giving you more choice and taking away choice is \"actually the same\"You pergi KFC minta sayap drumstick paha dadaIs actually the same asYou pergi KFC, orang counter kata \"burger je ada\"WOWWhat's wrong with selling Heineken 0%? Dahlah 0% alcohol so takkan mabuk, apa lagi lu mau? Oh, ada puak kata camtu pun tak boleh. Okay then dont drink, begitu senang jeNi tidakFirst2 kena ada regulation ini, regulation itu, buat menyusahkan orang. Kalau nons kena ada sijil ni sijil tu, kalau orang kita takpe2 - nampak tak permainan tuKemudian sikit2 pun trigger kata INI MENGELIRUKAN Plus kena jadi batu api kata INI AGENDA NONS NAK PAKSA MUSLIM MINUM ARAK, JAHAT SIAL SI NONS NIentahlah betul2 ada agenda ke apa, fitnah dulu, kerana matlamat menghalalkan fitnah Tambahan pula hipokrit lagi sebab alcohol tapai makan kenyang, tapi minuman 0% TRIGGERRRR!^ this is the status of Islam in Malaysia. It's all a game. A game to make as much trouble for the other side as possible, that's all.You have your views and I have mineBut in the end only 1 view is accepted, and the loser is made to feel like the evil enemyWelcome to MalaysiaU dun get what im saying. I understand what u meant, and stay calm, u went full triggered for what. Even i criticised jakim n their \"halal\" stuff. All im saying if the table is turned. U wont be any different. Humans are always bias to their own side. Yet again u dont understand n went full retard ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992544054985046} +{"text": "QUOTE(jay @ May 8 2024, 03:57 PM)sarawak should invite all nons from peninsular to migrate there and help develop sarawak, imagine singapore 2.0exactly imagine that happen, best is sarawak split from msia join Singapore, wow.and Indonesia move capital to nusantaraThis post has been edited by greyPJ: May 8 2024, 04:04 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9333866238594055} +{"text": "so people mostly dont feel selesa beside the non halal things?i thought normally separated already. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991395473480225} +{"text": "QUOTE(HeLLonEarTH @ Nov 3 2014, 03:53 PM)alcohol will vaporize n vanish when cooked. still tarak trace of it unless some super scientist from jakim comes n show ada. u know they will do anything to ..... condem other pipur mia food.oh really... super scientist from JAKIM didnt come but got the US Department of Agriculture\u2019s Nutrient Data Laboratory come to prove you wrong.\"u know they will do anything to ..... condem other pipur mia food.\" pui...QUOTE(homicidal85 @ Nov 3 2014, 03:20 PM)alcohol does not burn up and evaporate as quickly as everyone thinks. see link below.http://www.ochef.com/165.htmim with you bro, that a lot of ppl are a bit too strict abt halal but at the same time, we have to still be careful. throwing caution to the wind is not the best way to deal with halal and haram. shafiee's age old doctrine of it being better to be sure it is halal than to take a risk of it actually being haram applies here. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9582738876342773} +{"text": "Nice one. Sinovac is the best vaccine ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992018342018127} +{"text": "QUOTE(Rubypoyo @ Dec 7 2015, 04:20 PM)Check Jais or Jakim laa bang jgn main creampie je....share sos sat..since i shared sos that it is haram already..U dont get to jst say check with ABC and ignore sos provided that proved u wrong yo! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999895453453064} +{"text": "lol they never claim they halalthey dun care about b40 feelingskesian yang komplen tu mesti dengki and got other agenda ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977840781211853} +{"text": "QUOTE(2feidei @ Nov 2 2013, 10:06 PM)Dear K muslim, I understand Islam forbid drinking alcohol, reason because it cause drunk. And, we all know the consequences of getting drunk. Also, why animal must be slaugther in Islamic way, only halal. Reason because this is the least painful way and also humble way to remind self that we kill just because of food. But, why Islam forbid eating pork? And, also, animal live in 2 world, haiwan 2 alam, like ketam? Also, why touching dogs is big no no, but, not car, hamster, etcPlease do not vroom, it just for understanding. I asked few of my Muslim friend, and I have different answer. Majority would just tell me, oh, it not clean, it's devil, or even cause we been told. Therefore, hope someone can clarify. TenkiuBack at the age when there is no internet, it is reasonably fine when someone asked this. Scientist has found that pork carries variety parasites in their bodies and their meats, which some are harder to kill even thru cooking. Luckily, the scientist can only found it after centuries.You can touch a dog. Its not haram. But you need to \"sertu\" (a cleansing method). Both muslim and non-muslim have different idea about this. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959516525268555} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Mar 24 2024, 03:06 PM)Lemah. I will even belanja you at restaurant during daytime.Xiexie laoban! You da best!I want some lekor too! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986922144889832} +{"text": "QUOTE(zaini900 @ Oct 25 2016, 11:13 PM)Jakim never said jatuh haram because it is named as hot dog la kak.Jakim suggest a more proper name as per their policy to issue the halal cert.\u00a0 They suggested the name in mind of the user of the product\u00a0 that they may or may not be certain people (particularly old folks that have very minimal exposure to foreign languages) that is accustomed to such name. they did it conservatively in respect of Muslim as a whole.get it?I dont care if majority think its stupid, its not tolerable, its socially awkward. but please, respect their effort. for we as a muslim can atleast acknowledge their effort to do something for those unfortunate enough to get the education level that we have now. Thats all i'm asking here.tapi sedih, even muslim yang \"progressif\" kat sini pun fail to understand the decision. Lepas tu ridicule gila2, walhal industri Halal malaysia ni berkembang banyak sebab usaha2 Jakim.Respect their effort? Means jangan persoal? Bro, even if u do ur best at work but u did something wrong, boss will still scold u so u will do better next time.Same case here. People continue to bash bcoz after all the reasons, facts and logic people give, JAKIM still refuse to change the rules. Ego so big. And when people continue to bash suddenly religion comes into the picture.Look at the dress code issue. I personally agree there should be a dress code, but seems like the majority doesnt agree with it. And after much bashing by the general public, gov decide to not enforce the rule. And I also content with the decision. Yes, jakim did good, but that does not mean they never did anything wrong. They are normal human beings. And I will repeat what I said b4, this has nothing to do with religion or race. The name thing has nothing to do with Islam, Jakim is not a religion, the people who works there are no prophets or devine beings. I dont see any issue bashing them. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997472167015076} +{"text": "Kalau korang baca manual prosedur pensijilan halal Jakim, korang akan faham kenapa small businesses (especially non-Muslim owned) taknak/tak boleh nak dptkan sijil halal Jakim. Tapi takde sijil Halal tak bermaksud benda tu haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7368549108505249} +{"text": "Kenapa eh downplay isu makanan yang kotor??? Kalau mati siapa nak tanggungjawab??? And bukan kalau halal mesti bersih ke? Bagus la jadi viral, peringatan kepada peniaga lain juga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949818253517151} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Dec 30 2016, 06:17 PM)http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...t-preacher-saysKUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 \u2015 McDonald\u2019s policy of only allowing halal-certified birthday cakes into its outlets could fuel the view that Islam is an intolerant religion, PKR\u2019s Islamic Council leader Wan Ji Wan Hussein said today.He said the jurisprudence on food matters in Islam on matters of \u201chalal (permissible)\u201d and \u201charam (forbidden)\u201d is not complex, citing the views of notable Islamic scholars that Muslims should not be fixated with how food is processed.\u201cThere was a fiqh (understanding) that with food where you cannot see its preparation, you should not be too fixated on whether the ingredients are halal or not,\u201d he told Malay Mail Online.\u201cWhat they are doing will only make Islam look like this very rigid religion when, actually, especially on matters of food, it is quite simple,\u201d he added.The preacher added that in the climate where prejudice towards Islam is already high, the controversy surrounding McDonald\u2019s halal cake policy would only draw more negativity towards the religion.\u201cIt makes Islam looks extreme. And what will happen is it will further alienate non-Muslims from the religion,\u201d he said.Yesterday, the fast food chain confirmed that it allows customers to bring their own birthday cakes as an exception to its \u201cNo Outside Food\u201d policy, as long as the cakes are certified to be halal or permissible for consumption by Muslims.\u201cThis condition is critical to preserve the integrity of our halal certification,\u201d the company said, adding that it was in line with fulfilling requirements for its halal certification.The move drew criticism as being extreme.Earlier today, civil society group Centre for a Better Tomorrow (Cenbet) said the federal Islamic authority\u2019s halal certification should apply only to an eatery\u2019s food and not its premises.Its co-president, Gan Ping Sieu, said the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) \u201cshould not penalise halal-certified eateries that allow diners who bring in non-halal certified food into their premises\u201d.\u201cRightfully, Jakim\u2019s halal certification applies only to food served in F&B outlets. There is no such thing as halal or non-halal premises,\u201d he said in a statement.Several Muftis contacted by Malay Mail Online could not be reached for comments.Next is only allow halal ppl into halal eatery ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9929289221763611} +{"text": "QUOTE(clarifier04 @ Aug 13 2013, 06:06 PM)because JAKIM defined halal food as\"Konsep halal menurut Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)\u00a0 mencakupi konsep yang lebih luas iaitu bermula dari peringkat awal hinggalah ke peringkat akhir dan sehinggalah produk itu sedia untuk dimakan. Definisi makanan halal yang diwartakan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) iaitu makanan yang dibenarkan oleh hukum syarak dan menepati beberapa syarat tertentu. Antaranya, makanan itu tidak mengandungi mana-mana bahagian produk haiwan yang tidak halal dimakan.\"It's like.... its not just the food + properly slaughtered, even the process need to take into considerationbut at the end its up to you whether you want to follow it or not Malay muslim always make things complicated...... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7153781652450562} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ May 14 2024, 11:46 AM)Later will blame type c rampas keje10 years later someone will viral.\"Dulu org kita pegang.. skrg semua org mereka. ni lah agenda\"Lololololorang lain je salah. kito mano ado salah? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999938011169434} +{"text": "Logic halal melayu:\n\n\"Oh makanan ni orang melayu masak, walaupun takde halal jakim saya yakin nak makan makanan keluaran bumiputera\" \n\n\"Apa ni ada tulisan cina?? Walaupun ada halal jakim saya ragu ragu\" \n\nEngko dengan cina yang takut dengan tulisan jawi tu sama jelah. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999384880065918} +{"text": "QUOTE(jangyelo @ May 3 2021, 07:52 AM)Shameful.Talking about the person recording.Peer pressure and indoctrination works wonders...... owai ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9141113758087158} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wedchar2912 @ May 8 2024, 03:26 PM)wait... no jakim cert? isn't that haram???? any type-B will start boikot nonsense?Another bodoh think no cert = haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999994158744812} +{"text": "QUOTE(fu'house @ May 6 2023, 10:06 AM)Wait lah. Sure got say asal mana nasi lemak why other racing jual then queue berjam jam.Dengkiiiiii.Budaya ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9576684832572937} +{"text": "aku biasanya beli di jnc, tp tahta tertinggi ku bkn nastar nya sih\nkayanya memang km kurang suka kl jd selai, aku jg ada makanan yg gitu contohnya durian", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999017715454102} +{"text": "buy food from bazaar must first snap photos of the gerai and the seller first. If food got problem, then senang viral boikot ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9870989918708801} +{"text": "Democracy mahOne person one voteTak suka? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974139928817749} +{"text": "QUOTE(bg12 @ Aug 16 2016, 12:51 PM)\u201cKita percaya produk piza inovasi yang bakal dijual dengan [b]harga RM15 bagi saiz sederhana ini mampu menarik minat penggemar piza di negeri ini,\u201d katanya.[/B]http://www.sinarharian.com.my/edisi/tereng...g-ikan-1.552717wtfbetter buy fresh non-sampah pizza hut/dominos with that price madafaker these people...years of studying and these is your outcome.. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(g5sim @ May 16 2024, 12:22 AM)Cakap senang. Sup Dia berkali kali kena filter. Baik beli je senang.Cos i know how to make it.U malas, tak yah la buatSaya rajin, saya buat ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981276392936707} +{"text": "Money from songlap and rasuah no complaints haram pun ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999991774559021} +{"text": "Okay guys listen. Tak semua yang tak halal itu haram. Contoh kau beli ayam dekat pasar yang atkde sijil halal, masih kau makan lupa segala lemak kau ternak semua. Tak halal tak semestinya haram. Kecuali kau duk sibuk halal ke tak peginya tak pun. sah sah kau haram \ud83d\ude44", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9121444225311279} +{"text": "QUOTE(Mocha_86 @ Nov 4 2021, 07:36 PM)if malu malu dun wan ask price, scared no face then like dis lo.nowadays even cinis restaurant, which used to have no pricing on their menu, now publish in menu directly because a lot of these cases went public and the restaurant get hefty fine. Usually when it comes to seasonal seafood price, they will have price per kg at the aquarium or if they don't have aquarium, the servers will tell you they have 1kg fish available, at what price.this case i duno la. besides siakap udang also quite expu must tell ur customer what price and how many kg if the price is extraordinary. orelse there is no contract already and u trying to take advantage. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997476935386658} +{"text": "QUOTE(beligames @ Aug 9 2018, 12:04 PM)mohon pencerahan.i think the correction isin the Quran said minuman yang memabukkan is haram (or something like that)but remember we have divided opinion on thisone said can as long for cookery (alcohol evaporate and not in many quantities)one said prevention better than curenot going to say much as im not knowledgeable enoughas long my follow the principle of:yakin makanan itu halal, sila la makantidak yakin, jangan dimakan, itu sudah haram. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941669702529907} +{"text": "Status Halal, \n1. Kesemua bahan bagi penyediaan makanan diambil dari pembekal yang merupakan pemegang sijil halal yang sah dari JAKIM Malaysia. \n2. Berkonsepkan 'No Pork, No Lard'", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9114583730697632} +{"text": "QUOTE(30624770 @ Mar 6 2024, 07:13 AM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abRecently, Bak Kut Teh was announced to be among the 10 foods gazetted as heritage foods by the Heritage Commissioner Mohamad Muda Bahadin in the Declaration of Heritage Object 2024.Following this, many got involved in condemning and defending the dish\u2019s stand in the declaration, causing quite the drama.Now, Parit Buntar MP Mohd Misbahul Munir Masduki is getting dragged online for using Wikipedia as a reference during a debate in Parliament with Ipoh Timor MP Howard Lee. The latter showcased the incident on his Twitter page.Howard Lee wrote, \u201cWhat does the term \u2018Bak\u2019 mean in \u201cBak Kut Teh\u2019? What does \u2018Bak\u2019 mean in \u2018Bak Kut Teh\u2019? PAS is trying to distort the meaning of the term Bak Kut Teh in Parliament. Ask Hokkien people first.\u201d\u201cThe government is working to add value to Malaysia\u2019s heritage culture as part of the efforts to develop the dine infrastructure that tourism offers. The opposition, on the other hand, wants to find issues to play Haram-Halal.\u201dIn the video, Howard Lee could be seen arguing that \u2018Bak\u2019 means \u2018meat\u2019, which could be any meat with examples such as pork and beef. He added that he knows this because he is of Hokkien heritage.He then accused the opposition party of lying, by insisting \u2018Bak\u2019 only means \u2018pork\u2019, to cause problems.\u201cBut, I referred to Wikipedia, \u2018Bak\u2019 actually refers to pork ribs and bones soup,\u201d the Parit Buntar MP said in response.This didn\u2019t sit well with many Malaysians as Wikipedia is a platform where its pages can be edited by literally anyone.\u201cParliament should be among the first references by scholars, where scientific and analytic ideas are discussed. But PAS MPs are bringing in Wikipedia into Parliament. Very stupid.\u201d\u201cThis is the level of PAS MPs, you\u2019re referencing Wikipedia? Even at Diploma level they don\u2019t allow the usage of Wikipedia as an academic reference source.\u201d\u201cThe PAS member is using Wikipedia as a reference? Even with assignments we\u2019re not allowed to source Wikipedia.\u201dHulu Langat MP Mohd Sany Hamzan was backing up Howard Lee in this argument, which made it so much more entertaining.https://worldofbuzz.com/pas-mp-bashed-for-r...lNvktsiq4pLImd9While RM value is dropping fastthese clowns are busy argueing about bak kut teh. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.961017906665802} +{"text": "QUOTE(Winddragon2.0 @ Nov 5 2023, 08:07 PM)Religious Vege restaurants offer up their food to their deities, my bro. That makes the food non-Halal.best don't use conventional banking also.... the money all tainted too.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999716281890869} +{"text": "Those mouth that spewed out insults and holier than thou and curses and profanity Tak haram ker? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.987083911895752} +{"text": "QUOTE(fullmetalneko @ Apr 12 2023, 06:03 PM)Itu la..personally I think kerang goes best with nasi lemak. Oh well, may drop by to try this if I have the chance.too far from my place. not worth to go just for nasi lemak. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "Syaherah yang menerima rawatan di sebuah klinik akibat cirit dan muntah yang tidak berhenti sejak Isnin.Seorang wartawan sambilan sebuah agensi berita bersama suaminya menjadi mangsa keracunan makanan dipercayai akibat makan ayam pedas yang dibeli di sebuah bazar Ramadan Pasar Gok Kapur di sini kelmarin.Syaherah Mustafa, 27, dan suami, Ahmad Fikri Mohamad, 29, mengalami cirit-birit dan muntah sejak makan hidangan tersebut malam kelmarin.Katanya, dia bersama seorang rakan pergi ke pasar tersebut pada petang Isnin dan rakannya itu turut membeli lauk jenis lain dari gerai yang sama.\u201cKawan saya itu turut mengalami masalah sama walaupun tidak seteruk saya dan suami.\u201cSaya percaya keracunan ini berpunca dari gerai tersebut,\" katanya.Menurutnya, sebelum itu dia berasa pelik melihat pemilik gerai mengambil lauk ayam yang berada jauh daripadanya.\"Saya beli dua ketul ayam dan semasa hendak berbuka saya baru perasaan, salah satunya sudah kebiruaan.\u201cSaya cubit sedikit isi ayam tersebut, tapi setelah memakannya saya meludahkannya semula kerana bau dan rasa yang busuk, suami juga melakukan sama seperti saya.\u201cTidak lama lepas itu, saya dan suami mula berulang alik ke tandas sehingga tidak dapat tidur dan saya yang paling teruk terjejas sehingga terpaksa mengambil cuti sakit sejak semalam,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini.Syaherah berkata, berikutan keadaanya semakin lemah dan masih cirit-birit serta muntah menyebabkan dia mendapatkan rawatan di sebuah klinik kesihatan di Pasir Mas awal petang ini.\u201cSaya sangat kesal dan berharap tindakan akan diambil ke atas gerai berkenaan supaya menjadi pengajaran kepada peniaga lain,\u201d katanya.https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/3055...akan-ayam-pedas ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "Apa boleh buat, siakap pun mahal macam sial ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998488426208496} +{"text": "QUOTE(supermoto @ Nov 23 2020, 02:20 AM)Good now i cook nasi dagang with sardine and nasi kerabu rice pulut kuning style. And claim paling best punya. Triggered tk? And oh ayam krispy rendang is the bestIf you can actually make a crispy rendang I will salute you. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999985694885254} +{"text": "\r\nkita kena YAKIN..... pada diri", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.977314293384552} +{"text": "Halal tak semestinya ada Sijil Halal Jakim. Takdak Sijil Halal Jakim, takdaklah sampai Haram. Kadang2 ada kedai FnB yg ada certificate Halal yang diperakui dari Jakim sendiri. Bacalah, teliti lah betoi2. Main tarah je Haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9991187453269958} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 03:28 PM)Dah yg tetapkan halal di Malaysia ni Jakim dan terma hot dog tak dibenarkan memang lah takde. Awak ni paham tak apa yang org pertikai kan? Orang pertikai kenapa hot dog yg telah dipakaigunakan berabad-abad telah ditidak dibenarkan oleh Jakim jika mahu sijil halal. Jakim kata kerana ini akan mengelirukan orang Islam, padahal takda orang pun yang akan keliru. Pandangan Jakim untuk perkara ini mmg nampak mundur (siapa yg akan pikir hot dog ada kaitan dgn anjing? Awak?)Ya kalau tak agree dan boleh berbincang dgn Jakim dan mereka akan menukar rule ini, itu bagus. Tetapi adakah itu akan terjadi? Sekarang pun dalam kenyataan akhbar mereka berputar belit mengatakan perkara ini tidak benar, walhal rule ini memang adapun seperti yg anda sendiri post disini. Jikalau org ramai tidak mengeluarkan pendapat yg ini adalah rule yg tidak patut, adakah Jakim akan tukar? Daripada apa yg saya tengok kemungkinannya memang sangat tipis.Yg memburukkan Jakim adalah manusia Muslim dan non-muslim sebab dalam perkara ini Jakim memang memburukkan nama baik agama. Apa yang orang tak paham? Memang betulkan Jakim ada rule yg tidak membenarkan nama seperti hot dog jika nak sijil halal. Awak sendiri tahukah apa yang orang ramai pertikaikan disini? Awak tunjuk MS 1500:2015 tu untuk apa? Sepertilah ada clause itu didalam MS 1500:2015 itu bermakna clause itu adalah bagus dan tindakan Jakim itu bijak. Btw, orang Jakim itupun orang awam jugak, jgn la nak tunjuk besar pulak.Memang dpd dulu di Malaysia, nama hotdog tak boleh digunakan sewaktu request cert halal. Sbb wujudnya klausa tu. Sbb itu juga dlm direktori tak ada, semua guna nama lain. Tapi kita tetap panggil hotdog, selagi mana dia merujuk kpd makanan yg sama.Tapi yelaa dulu mana org kisah sbb tak ambil tahu. Facebook pun tak berapa nak maju. Isu viral tak begitu meluas. Skrg bila tahu, semua nak jadi jakim, nak tukar rules. Lagipun, yang keluarkan standard tu bukan orang Jakim je, academicians pun ada, dll. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999369382858276} +{"text": "\n\n This is correct. However, I must add that eating the same thing after you find out it's haram is not permissible. You don't get to shrug and go \"Oh well, might as well finish it\".\n \n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9545889496803284} +{"text": "Org skrg ni takde sijil halal takpe asalkan confident. Hukum buat sendiri chantikkkk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6589555144309998} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kendall @ Jan 3 2016, 06:22 PM)Asalkan usahawan bumiputera berjaya,mesti ada yang keluar statement dengki2 nak sabotaj \u00a0 Later send black magic alsoEven persaingan between kedai dobi also dengki guna ilmu hitam.. My mom friend died due to this kind of Phd pipu ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7389987111091614} +{"text": "QUOTE(Shisha Abdul Fatah @ Sep 11 2016, 03:32 PM)BAM!!! my sentiments exactly. indian cuisine memang the best but unfortunately you can't have it everyday because it's too fattening.Indian food oso originate from China la... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "Asalnya memang takde kaitan agama iinm, but when the christian also wanna kaitkan instead of leaving Santa alone, then jadi keagamaan already...So if the song is about christian punya then it might be haram. There are so many other things and then we just wanna argue because sebab boleh jpg. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998942613601685} +{"text": "QUOTE(leftycall9 @ Dec 25 2020, 12:43 AM)It's small step of softmode banning of any celebrations from other religions actually. And yes their reason is very simple- saying the words Merry Christmas means they admitted and submitted to the grace of Jesus and Christianity. Just like if I greet Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Muslims that means I'm submitted to Islam. We all know it's not true/stupid and this problem never existed 10-20 years ago but nowadays suddenly came out all this kind of rulings and ridiculous regulations. They are insulting their own believers here.fyi according to islam no green ang pow. its from Chinese culture so when jakim going to said it haram?lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5368561148643494} +{"text": "Dulu pun sorang tu gitu gak, jenis makan pagi tapi taknak makanan berat. Kitanya pun makan pagi tapi tak suka buat, beli je. \n\nSo nak taknak bangun jugak lah awal buat makan kat dia. Malas nak complicated sangat, benda boleh je masak so masak jelah.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9738796949386597} +{"text": "aku suka ia taufik makanan jadi gak sabar tidur lalu cepet cepet siang [beli makanan]", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994632601737976} +{"text": "QUOTE(7up @ Nov 19 2023, 06:34 PM)So cross is haram? Got itQUOTE(uni_lib @ Nov 19 2023, 06:40 PM)you know rokok never got Halal right?QUOTE(rainy~days @ Nov 19 2023, 06:43 PM)And I have many kolik join us inside the dark room karaoke room... KekekeThat is also how serious for most...QUOTE(Slowpokeking @ Nov 19 2023, 05:39 PM)He should have bring out the stake and garlic and stab the vampire.QUOTE(Sunwhite @ Nov 19 2023, 05:46 PM)Kesian islamphobia ....Sendiri ..Kekekeke...\naaiA53q694I\n\nvampires and zombies are afraid of cross, radiation and fire. What do u think the japs throw radiation water into the sea ? Soon u all will need it to fight the thing.\ntz-XJMspLOA\n\nget ready your uv light or flame thrower , u guys will need it soon when they turned.These thing are not human.This post has been edited by tankerbell12345: Nov 19 2023, 07:20 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999919056892395} +{"text": "QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Jan 10 2015, 11:47 AM)Assalamualaikum semua,dua tiga harini agama kita kena hentam cukup teruk,all because of some veeery confused and misguided individual Muslims in EuropeSemoga Allah SWT melindungi kita semua dan saudara2 kita di Europe dari malapetaka yang bakal menimpaDan Umat Islam kat Europe kena kena fikir macamana nak integrate dengan society peacefully, bukan nak create Islamic StateNabi takde ajar duduk negara orang pastu buat onar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999756813049316} +{"text": "Iyaa. Sy pehe kalau dia tanya ada halal cert dop. Ni terus jaruh hukum x halal. \n\nKalau dia jatuh hukum x halal utk semua tokey buddha , semua kedai ore budha di dunia ni dia xleh makan, jatuh haram doh ke dia.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999396800994873} +{"text": "sebelum makan cek dulu halal ke x kedai tu.bukan main bedal je..elakkan unsur shubhah lag\u00b2 bab makanan.kedai popular / viral belum tentu halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9881988763809204} +{"text": "Jakim mcm tu lah perangai. Bila dah ramai makan, dah ramai yang suka baru nak kata makanan tu tak halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7981219291687012} +{"text": "QUOTE(Seoliem @ Nov 24 2023, 10:55 AM)To all ignorant out thereArak = haram stated in QuranRokok = haram decided by MuftiSo by your logik dap exist in quran?Sohai level tiltok pas ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988516569137573} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(soowky @ Jul 12 2018, 05:01 PM)Penganjur \u2018jamu\u2019 wartawan hidangan babiMELAKA 12 Julai - Beberapa wartawan beragama Islam dan Hindu yang membuat liputan majlis makan malam Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia di Sekolah Pay Fong di sini, malam tadi berasa amat terkilan atas sikap tidak sensitif penganjur yang menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara tersebut.Majlis yang dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sim Tze Tzin; ahli-ahli dewan undangan negeri serta beberapa tetamu kehormat itu gagal dikelolakan dengan baik di mana pihak penganjur tidak menyediakan meja khas untuk makanan halal kepada wartawan beragama Islam.Lebih teruk lagi, langsung tiada wakil daripada pihak penganjur yang mendekati wartawan untuk memaklumkan mengenai jenis hidangan sepanjang majlis tersebut hingga menyebabkan wartawan beragama Islam duduk semeja dan makan makanan yang tidak diyakini halal bersama wartawan bukan Islam.Antara wartawan yang hadir termasuk daripada agensi berita Utusan Malaysia, MelakaKini, RTM Melaka, The Star dan Tamil Nesan Daily selain beberapa wartawan daripada akhbar Cina. - UTUSAN ONLINEsosHentamm sajalaaah... ...then again, even if the organizers didn't serve them babiii, for sure the organizers still chose Cainisss restaurant as caterer.... Issues to expect: ayam tidak sembelih tidak halaaal.... bekas masakan caterer dicemar babiiii... masakan dicampurr arak....Great way to piss off Muslim guests in Maresyaaa.... skjp lagi PERKASA and UMNGOK will unleash hell over this...inb4 ban all sekolah Cinaaa and ban all babiiiThis post has been edited by CyberSetan: Jul 12 2018, 05:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf5c HALAL CHINESE MUSLIM FOOD FESTIVAL \ud83c\udf5c\ud83c\udf1fFeed The Body, Feed The SoulSantapan Jasmani, Santapan Rohani\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf38 Anda semua di jemput hadir ke Halal Chinese Muslim Food Festival. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk merasa pelbagai jenis makanan cina muslim halal yang sedap dan menyelerakan! Pelbagai aktiviti menarik sepanjang hari seperti:1) Majlis Ilmu2) Bicara santai3) Temubicara dengan saudara baru4) Kiosk Klinik & Kaunseling5) Gerai-gerai Makanan Cina Muslim Halal6) Kid Section\ud83d\udcc6 Tarikh: 15 Mei 2016 (Ahad)\u23f0 Waktu: 6.00 pagi - 10.00 malam\ud83c\udfe0 Lokasi: MASJID AS-SOBIRIN, JALAN AU5C/5,LEMBAH KERAMAT, 54200 KUALA LUMPUR\ud83d\udc9d KUPON MAKANAN PERCUMA akan diberikan kepada Mualaf dan kepada sesiapa yang membawa kawan non-Muslim, anda dan Kawan non-Muslim anda juga akan mendapat kupon makanan percuma! \ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc66 Ayuh hadir bersama keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat anda yang Muslim dan non-Muslim bersama-sama kita meriahkan Halal Chinese Muslim Food Festival!\ud83c\udf10 Anjuran bersama:Masjis as-Sobirin Interactive Dakwah Training(IDT)IslamiCareMalaysian Chinese Muslim Association\u00a0(MACMA) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7794115543365479} +{"text": "QUOTE(ayamxxx @ Mar 31 2021, 11:32 AM)So point taken is they will give us the campro engine until 2050? Because of their low volume sales? When people complain that the Punch CVT is suck and not reliable, Saga proved they can change it to Geely source gb. Now waiting for next Persona and Iriz. Proton need to brave enough to know people really dont want their campro based engine. The x50/x70 sold great because it come with all latest tech on engine, GDI, small displacement turbo engine etc. As well as all the model features. Or else just be a rebatch company by taking the Geely model to here as RHDYup. to change engine (new engine from scratch for P1 (without geli) is like another 1 bil investment - casting machining tooling testing unless p1 buy the engine off the shelf. p1 have to find the most economical investment to ensure the existing engine can still be used in the future. again another comparison VW EA888 is one of the best selling engine on the planet - already on its 4th gen but still the fundamentals of the engine is still not changed as the investment is very high but VW have the might of volume of EU, China and Latin America to do it. Another good example is the Toyota 1NZ series. since donkey years change the head and \"accessories\" but fundamentally still the same engine.GB can change - but depends on who is selling. not many GB maker in the world that can meet p1 target price - Aisin (toyota), Hyundai powertek, Jatco (Most Japanese use this), Honda, ZF (expansive), BorgWarner (DSG). Aisin (like Denso) sometimes doesn't event want to sell certain things due to their parents company direction. again volume plays a role - too many variations means higher price, higher inventory cost and higher spare parts price and service equipment investment. In the end the initial development cost will still be the same - that why p1 cannot and should not change their strategy mid-way, its screws up on all the foundation builds. this is the same problem with Malaysia - change 1 minister change all policy. change BN to PH cancel all and change all. change back to PN cancel again and that's why we have KLIA 2 which is one of the most stupidly design airport in the world ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.41462242603302} +{"text": "QUOTE(abangzayn @ Jun 26 2015, 02:26 PM)thread pun dah pasal best beef, siapa suruh kau bukak bodoh?diam la komprek... sy tanya knp bukak tered u tanya knp sy bukak tered... bodo ke... atau bangang... takpe, bulan ramadhan sy maafkan kau ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "oh cool.wonder how they taste like?dont see any issue here. The only thing i know haram is babi and anjing as mentioned in the Quran, so thats that. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999729335308075} +{"text": "QUOTE(waghyu @ Jan 5 2021, 04:08 AM)Ramai berkawan memang sebab duit / connection.agree.. i used to have one and only best friend that always there for me.. but life and marriage we're away now.. very seldom actually friend think for ourself.i hope one day i could found a friend like that and keep it till last breath of my life... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999940395355225} +{"text": "QUOTE(perfectedservice @ May 5 2024, 07:43 PM)https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/lifestyle-cu...outheast-asiansWhile brands like Skintific are labelled 'Made in the PRC', China isn't mentioned in their marketing materialsConsumers in Indonesia and Malaysia are concerned about whether Chinese-made products meet halal certification standardsMalaysian beauty consumer Farhana* was planning to buy some new skincare products when she finally settled on Skintific, a brand widely marketed in Malaysia and Indonesia.\"It is quite a big phenomenon here,\" the Kuala Lumpur resident told This Week in Asia. \"It is widely marketed here, using celebrity ambassadors, and is already sold in Malaysian drug stores.\"But Farhana ended up not buying the product after she found out that Skintific goods were made in China, prompting her to doubt if they were halal certified.\nbmWaW_ENovs\n\nSkintific, which was launched in Indonesia in 2021, is one of several Chinese-made skincare brands that have been making rapid inroads in Muslim dominated markets such as Indonesia and Malaysia in recent years due to their low prices and perceived high quality.Yet many of these brands appear to downplay the fact they are manufactured in China in favour of presenting themselves as local products made specifically for the Indonesian and Malaysian markets, an analyst says. Such positioning would allow them to sidestep concerns about safety and halal certification that other Chinese-made products might face.While other Western and Korean skincare products have also flooded the Malaysian and Indonesian markets in recent years, these brands do not obscure their \"foreign\" origins, meaning consumers are able to make a more informed decision.Visitors to the Skintific website are greeted by a smiling picture of its brand ambassador Nicholas Saputra, a famous Indonesian film star. But nowhere on the site, including on its \"About Us\" page, does it mention the brand's origins or where its products are manufactured.Fitr, a salesperson at a pharmacy in Medan who declined to give her last name, said the Skintific skincare range had been flying off the store's shelves in recent months.But the use of Indonesian brand ambassadors and unclear marketing has led to misunderstandings among shoppers, she said.\"People think that Skintific is an Indonesian brand, but actually it is made in China,\" she said, turning over a box to show the words \"Made in the PRC\" printed on the back in tiny letters.When contacted for comment, a Skintific customer service representative told This Week in Asia that \"Skintific was specifically developed for Indonesian users\" and that \"the formula itself comes from global laboratories, such as South Korea and Canada\".The representative explained that the products' raw materials came from the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, and Japan, but were produced in China and South Korea. They said Skintific was also sold in Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines and Malaysia.But the customer service agent declined to reveal the founder and owner of the company, saying they could only speak about \"product questions and facial consultations\".Skintific is not the only skincare brand launched in recent years that was developed for the Indonesian market but produced in China. Among others are Glad2Glow, The Originote and Lavojoy.These brands also state they are \"Made in the PRC\" on their packaging but are often sold in the \"local brands\" sections of pharmacies. Their websites also contain little to no information about their origins.Brands such as Skintific might not be keen to discuss origins, in light of past scandals of other products regarding unsafe ingredients and which were from China, said Trissia Wijaya, a senior research fellow at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.\"There are a lot of counterfeit products in China and there have been other issues such as the fake baby milk scandals,\" she said.China has experienced a number of scandals related to baby milk, the worst of which took place in 2008 after some producers for a Chinese company were found to have added the chemical melamine to their formula, which can be toxic in high doses, leading to the deaths of six children.\"We need to take a cautious approach and this reminds us why many Chinese customers themselves often travel to Hong Kong just to buy medicine,\" Wijaya said.Skintific and the other imported Chinese-made brands must still meet the standards of local regulators such as the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) to be sold legally in their markets.Indonesian officials have in the past warned about the potential dangers of illegally imported Chinese-made cosmetics, a stigma that brands would likely still want to avoid.In 2007, BPOM said most illegally imported cosmetics from China contained mercury, which can damage the nerves, kidneys and skin. In December 2020, BPOM seized 10.8 billion Indonesian rupiah worth of illegal cosmetics - most of which came from China and South Korea.\"We know that the modus operandi is distributing illegally imported cosmetics online through e-commerce platforms, as well as distributing these products through online transportation and expedition services,\" said Penny K. Lukito, head of BPOM at the time.Wijaya said the Chinese government had been trying to crack down on quality control in recent years, but that issues lingered.\"Quality control measures have been increasing but, since Chinese companies are used to large markets, they are more often chasing quantity rather than quality.\"\"At the same time, they have the opportunity to innovate, but price wars actually become an obstacle to the extent to which they can innovate using products with guaranteed quality,\" she said.Quality control measures have been increasing but, since Chinese companies are used to large markets, they are more often chasing quantity rather than qualityTrissia Wijaya, Japan's Ritsumeikan UniversityAnother issue Chinese-made products face in Muslim-majority markets such as Indonesia and Malaysia is that consumers might be concerned about whether they have received halal certification or be otherwise free from products that Muslims cannot consume, such as alcohol or pork.Rochmaeda Kurnia Fauziah, a midwife based in Bekasi on the outskirts of Indonesia's capital Jakarta, said she used Skintific's serums and masks when her skin was suffering from bad breakouts, and that they appeared to work well.Fauziah said it was \"not a problem\" that the products were made in China, but was surprised to learn that they were not fully halal certified.\"It is obviously a factor for me when I'm choosing a skincare brand,\" she said. \"I will not use Skintific again until it really and truly has a halal certificate.\"When asked about halal certification, Skintific told This Week in Asia: \"The halal logo is not yet available on product packaging because it is still going through the licensing process. However, our products are BPOM certified and most products are vegan and free from testing on animals and living creatures.\"Indonesia's Wardah, which is owned by Indonesian firm Paragon Technology and Innovation, was created in 1995 and helped to pioneer halal skincare and make-up for the Muslim market at low prices. Photo: Aisyah LlewellynIndonesia's Wardah, which is owned by Indonesian firm Paragon Technology and Innovation, was created in 1995 and helped to pioneer halal skincare and make-up for the Muslim market at low prices. Photo: Aisyah Llewellyn\u00a9 Provided by South China Morning PostWijaya said products like Skintific appear to have been created to compete with Indonesian brands like Wardah, which have long dominated the local market.Wardah, which is owned by Indonesian firm Paragon Technology and Innovation, was created in 1995 and helped to pioneer halal skincare and make-up for the Muslim market at low prices.Other famous local skincare brands include ERHA, which was established in 1998, and newcomers like Somethinc that launched in 2019.Like Wardah, both ERHA and Somethinc are halal certified.When asked about halal certification in Malaysia, a Skintific customer service representative also told This Week in Asia that \"all Skintific products in Malaysia have FDA [the US Food and Drug Administration] approval, which can be accessed via the QR code on the packaging\".Malaysian consumer Farhana said she took this to mean that Skintific's products were not yet halal certified, but added she remained open to buying them upon proper certification.*Name changed on request of intervieweeMore Articles from SCMPNo jobs, no hope: how India and China are grappling with youth crisesWhat the butler saw: Teresa Teng\u2019s death in Chiang Mai in Thailand, and how she found love thereMainland Chinese tourists in Hong Kong complain about hotel charges for toiletries packed in plastic after ban on throwaway items comes into forceShock as about-to-marry China woman discovers she is a biological man after doctors find testicle in her stomachThis article originally appeared on the South China Morning Post (www.scmp.com), the leading news media reporting on China and Asia.Copyright \u00a9 2024. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.semua tahu rokok itu haram.tapi tak ada bising-bising boikot-boikot ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987428784370422} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Nov 19 2023, 05:49 PM)Betul ke?https://www.halal.gov.my/v4/images/pdf/MPPHM2014BI.pdfclause it says a min of 2 kitchen workers have to be muslim. i'm not sure what's the arrangement of the restaurant that got viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998534917831421} +{"text": "QUOTE(haimirmaya @ Nov 5 2021, 03:29 PM)not really agree with the words la taiko. kaya pun ada 2.. kaya bodoh..kaya pandai.. you bet to choose.mana ada orang mau jadi kaya bodoh...kalau ada duit pon..pigi sana..kena cut.. sama jugak jadi bodoh..at least. win win situation. customer get something berbaloi.peniaga get something yang menguntungkan..baru la chun2...fyi - I was there 2 days ago.if already see menu all mahal mahal, order nasi goreng kampung ja lahorder 7.5 kg fish for what? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999752938747406} +{"text": "I enjoy Arab kebabs and shawarmas. The meat roasted, then with pickled veggie and fries. And the garlicky sauce.Oooooh. All found along Bukit Bintang area-the best by Syrian/Arab immigrants. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993994235992432} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Mar 11 2024, 09:18 PM)someone should prank them by wearing full Palestine scarf and headband with a Palestinian flag drape and order Mekdi wait for buka puasa Kalau buat ini, mesti kena belasah teruk.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962266683578491} +{"text": "@501Awani Semua kedai kena ada sijil halal lagi bagus. Terjamin halal dan kebersihan terjaga. Tak kita apa jua agama yg dianuti.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9526975750923157} +{"text": "Ada sesiapa pernah guna butter ni untuk buat kek dan lain-lain produk makanan? Halal ke? Sebab ada viral yang mendakwa ianya tidak halal.\n\nIkuti penjelasan lanjut berkenaan status halal produk ini... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156769356777398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999922513961792} +{"text": "lmao janji beger is quite popular for malaysian and muslims student theresiap ada postage lagimasjid shibuya apa semua buat event diorang prepare kan bentou, burger, etc. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8661676049232483} +{"text": "Sugar coated by KNN cunning fox. Ultimately haram juga Pretzel Dog. KNN. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "@501Awani Kalau takde sijil halal, laju je mengharamkan benda yg halal. Tapi ambil benda yg bukan hak kita, tak takut pulak ye halal haram. Dasar!", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999827146530151} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 11:41 PM)Since when hotdog is haram? U still dont understand? It is a standard from jakim to give a food a good name if you want to get\u00a0 a certificate. Why need to butthurt if change name afterall you all eat also. If you dont get a cert does it mean haram? No it is still halal. Keep provoking and said muslim is easy to confused? You are the one that confused, didnt get halal cert from jakim doesnt mean it is haram, it is still halal.look at it this way. B4 this issue came up, most if not all people have the mindset got logo halal = halal. No logo = haram. But now it is proven does not get halal cert does not mean haram. So tell me again whats the purpose of the cert? Jakim claim they did this to avoid confusion, but instead they themselves are the 1 thats causing it. Do u not see the irony here? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(degraw1993 @ May 12 2015, 12:15 AM)Hahahahaha bodoh TS kantoi ciplak story org lel kekts scammer teruk! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997921586036682} +{"text": "QUOTE(bonedragon @ Apr 4 2024, 07:14 PM)Are the Malaysians all cina or got malay and indian alsoThose that go there and stayed long term for work I think all chinese, while there are those that go for 1-2 month stink are Malay engineers sent from Malaysia to Geely HQ in HZ.QUOTE(wawasan2200 @ Apr 4 2024, 07:54 PM)what are the things (anything be it technology, culture....) that give you a feel like \u201c wow fantastic\u201d in China\uff1fThe Automation of a lot of stuff and also basically the IOT, everything is very convenient and fast, also the effectiveness and efficiency of work done.QUOTE(empire @ Apr 4 2024, 07:56 PM)My Malaysian friends worked in GUangzhou, Xiamen and HK. They all said the same thing: No matter how delicious the food in these 3 places are... they are of no match when compared to Malaysian food. No contest at all. Even the Siew Yuk there is nowhere our level here.Basically its because we grew up with that taste, so home food always taste better, especially after you have been overseas for 6-7 months did not return. But I have to say, the dim sum in Guangzhou is a lot better than Malaysia, also the claypot rice.QUOTE(danielmckey @ Apr 4 2024, 07:57 PM)How many new COVID virus variant you bring from China?I think lost count d, maybe I was one of the few patient zero, as I came back home for home leave in January 2020, then i had a really bad flu that i had high fever and stuff for 6 days....then 7 days later i go back to Shanghai then march lockdownQUOTE(kitzai @ Apr 4 2024, 08:34 PM)How is Shanghai ppl in general? Are they all streetwise and self Centered ? And generally do they know where is Malaysia ?Shanghai is a city with a lot of people from outside of Shanghai, but if you say really OG Shanghainese, they are normal lor, you get a spectrum, just like in Malaysia, you have good people, bad people, malas people, rajin people then asshole people. And a lot of china people knows Malaysia and they know us from when our datuk and nenek donated money back to china when they were fighting the japanese. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5892579555511475} +{"text": "QUOTE(7up @ Nov 19 2023, 06:34 PM)So cross is haram? Got itU get ready to wear sleeve with \u201ekafir\u201c label when stepping out from your house je la ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998787641525269} +{"text": "QUOTE(azreeceli @ Dec 30 2015, 09:38 AM)boleh kena gout x? hahahaha, what's their best desert?wont kena gout, unless you termakan apebende yang rosak.TRY THEIR CA PHE SUA and ALSO YOGHURT perghhhhhhhh, yoghurt die best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9669163227081299} +{"text": "Carian Di Portal Rasmi Halal, Kedai Popular Ini Tiada Sijil Halal https://t.co/t3XYno8OII", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997314810752869} +{"text": "Daging yang tumbuh dari hasil dan makanan yang HARAM, maka nerakalah lebih layak baginyaIkuti FB dan... http://fb.me/10IGsiH6S", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9900924563407898} +{"text": "\n\n\r\nSINGAPURA: Berita baik bagi anda yang gemarkan makanan Korea Selatan.\n\r\nSebuah agensi makanan halal yang baru ditubuhkan di Korea Selatan untuk meluaskan eksport makanan negara itu ke Timur Tengah dan negara-negara Islam lain.\n\r\nLangkah itu susulan kepada lawatan Presiden Park Geun Hye ke Emiriah Arab Bersatu baru-baru ini di mana kedua-dua negara bersetuju untuk meningkatkan kerjasama dalam bidang makanan halal.\n\r\nBagaimanapun beberapa pakar berkata usaha itu agak mencabar kerana makanan halal tidak begitu diketahui di Korea Selatan.\n\r\nTerdapat lebih 100 restoran \"mesra Muslim\" di Korea Selatan. Namun, hanya sekitar enam yang memenuhi ukur tara Persekutuan Muslim Korea.\n\r\nKebanyakannya restoran halal terletak sekitar Itaewon \u2013 berhampiran pangkalan tentera Amerika di Korea Selatan.\n\r\nKawasan tersebut popular kerana pelbagai jenis restoran yang terdapat di sini. Rombongan dari Singapura ini berkata makanan halal di sini memuaskan. Namun harganya agak mahal.\n\r\nKeadaannya tidak banyak berbeza di Universiti Hanyang - salah satu daripada dua maktab di Korea Selatan yang menawarkan makanan halal.\n\r\nMenurut para pelajar, harga makanan halal paling mahal di maktab ini.\n\r\nPara pelajar, guru dan pekerja asing membentuk sebahagian besar penduduk Muslim di negara ini yang berjumlah 135,000. Bagaimanapun pelancong Muslim merupakan sasaran penting bagi pemerintah Korea Selatan.\n\r\nLebih banyak pilihan makanan dan produk halal bakal ditawarkan untuk menarik golongan tersebut. \n\r\n- BERITAMediaCorp/CNA/ag\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8514425754547119} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Aug 21 2019, 12:19 PM)In my work on racism and racial dynamics in Singapore, I have spent some time resolutely attacking what I believe to be harmful stereotypes of Malay people, and pointing out the myriad ways they are discriminated against in their own land. Racist Chinese people generally dislike it when I do this, and they often reply by stating that if Malay people do not like it here, they can move, (or go back to), Malaysia. Many Chinese Singaporeans tend to behave as if they have right and ownership over this land, and subsequently that they are entitled to decide who gets to live in it.This is all very odd to me, because it is almost as if these people never went through a single history class at Lower Secondary level.So let us begin with a simple but vital assertion: This land does belong to Malay people. Malay people have been living in Singapore and the area for thousands of years. In the third century, Chinese records refer to us at Pu Luo Chung, which is a transliteration from the Malay Pulau Ujong, meaning \u2018island at the end\u2019. The names given to this area are Malay, but apparently the people who speak this language are not considered indigenous to it? Who exactly are your indigenous people, if that term doesn\u2019t include Malay people?There is a reason why it is Malay lore and myth in which references to the land happens. It is because they have been here long enough to produce literature about it. When you focus on the gap between our knowledge of the land and theirs, especially traditional knowledge, you start to see their relationship to the land. There is no way they are not indigenous to this land.Land, language, memory & history. These are all linked, and the rest of have do not possess this connection to the land. Somebody was living here before the British came, and it sure was not Chinese people.Denying this is ahistorical, and it constitutes an erasure of people\u2019s histories. Denying their existence and that history is a colonial act in itself, and every colonial act is violent. It is not only an act of erasure but one of displacement as well.In fact, the constitution of Singapore has already declared that Malays are indigenous to Singapore.152. \u2014 (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.\u2019Singapore was not terra nullius, meaning it was not \u2018nobody\u2019s land,\u2019 and even the Singapore government admits this. Singapore belonged to the Johor Riau Sultanate at the time of colonialism, which means by definition, it is Malay land.Indigeneity is not always defined by geography, but by people as well. What we think of as Malay includes indigenous people, Bugis, Minangkabau, etc. The idea of Malay does not just mean people from Malaya, but the people of the Nusantara. This entire archipelago is the Malay world. As Singapore existed within this world, it is undoubtedly Malay land.The Singapore government\u2019s mistreatment of Malay people includes a focus on Malay people as diasporic, which states that Malay people came here from elsewhere, and this is an act of historical erasure. They didn\u2019t come here, they were already here. The Singapore you think of now was never a country before, it was part of Malay land and the Malay world.If you cannot accept or understand this, that means you cannot understand geography and history. Why do people have so much difficulty accepting facts? Non-Malay minorities are also here on stolen land, and we need to accept and understand this. Even the rest of us, including Indians, don\u2019t have a claim on this land. We can never truly find solidarity if we insist on acting as if Indian people and Malay people have the same claim to Singapore.This does not erase our contributions or our generations that have grown up here, or our own attachment to the land. But it simply not equivalent to Malay people\u2019s claim over it. No one is asking for reparations and no one is asking you to leave their land. So why do so many people find it difficult to accept facts and the truth?In Singapore, Malay people are targeted for legal and cultural extinction. The percentage of Malay people in Singapore is decreasing, despite the maintenance of total fertility rate for the community. Population policies seek to bring in Indian and PRC migrants, but not Malay. They are slowly being phased out as immigration policies are making Malay people extinct in their own land. This is Malay land, and they have become second class citizens on their own land. That is simply unacceptable.So, who gains from the denial of Malay indigineity to Singapore? Who gains from erasure of this past? What do they gain? At what point can we admit that this \u201cdebate\u201d over how long Malay people have been here and where their ancestors came from is just a rhetorical exercise aimed specifically to cast aspersions on indigenous birthright?I have my theories but I\u2019m going to leave this here for people to think about.In our anti-racism work in Singapore, aboriginality must be foundational. As minorities, we need to examine our own complicity in the ongoing project of colonisation, whether it be White or Chinese in nature. During the time I have been engaged in doing this work, I have come to believe that anti-racism for the Malay community has to begin with assertions of indigeneity and ownership of land. Regardless of where you are and where you come from, you have a responsibility to know the names of the territories you are on and the people who have called those places home.Note: I did not speak about Orang Asli forced assimilation into mainstream Malaysian culture as I am simply not qualified. I did talk about indigenous people AND Malay people as being indigenous to the land, because that is how indigeneity is seen in this part of the world. For the purposes of talking specifically about Singapore, I feel speaking of Malay people as indigenous to the land is the best political way to approach it, especially when faced with Chinese hegemonic claims.Meanwhile here 3 page jawi oso rage like thisSOSInb4 tered gonna be deleted by mod because of \"sensitivity\"Whenever a truth is being pointed out, suddenly \"sensitive\" card is out.abesla later someone lipoted to mcmc ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6854180693626404} +{"text": ">apa yang penting, harommmmowai- topkekNearlee ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8639993667602539} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Nov 29 2023, 09:55 AM)Kebelakanggan ni banyak orang keliru ngan makanan minuman.Kalo terminum benda haram banyak dosa tau. Masuk melaka skali seteguk.Mai I tunjuk Coke yg haram ada unsur kapir ngan tulisan mat salleh.Supaya anda tidak terminum coke haram.[attachmentid=11485747]Agak agak sedap Tak coke ni?BrbI like the Jimbean Cola better. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999915361404419} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 08:56 AM)sembang kari, dalam forum berani la... pi la buat in real life.Biasa lar....sembang cam lembu pun bole terbang ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998611211776733} +{"text": "Premis makanan wajib guna logo halal Jakim akhir Mei - BERA 6 Mac Semua premis perniagaan makanan diberi tempoh seh.. http://bit.ly/x97rSQ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950466156005859} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Jun 19 2023, 02:20 PM)Kenot Those not makanan tradisi You can only have Budu andBelacan No cili also since that came from the Spanish ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9361860752105713} +{"text": "PENJELASAN BERKENAAN TULAR ISU STATUS HALAL MAKANAN RINGAN JENAMA PRINGLES \n\nIkuti penjelasan berkenaan isu-isu... http://fb.me/1hnnibU2W", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999847412109375} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zoopdiidoo @ May 24 2017, 02:24 PM)She seems to think she is perfect enough ...cos she is able to pass judgement on who is bad or who is good.So seriously if making a decision like that turns out to be a big deal for her ...she should trust her own faith and just eat her home cooked meal.No debate, no conflicts, everybody happy.Probably She think she is perfect QUOTE(WinkyJr @ May 24 2017, 02:33 PM)yg penting bersih & halalbagi aku apa maksud \"baik\" tu adalah merangkumi sikap & akhlak peniaga tukalau kebersihan tak jaga, kuku panjang, tangan tak basuh, guna cara kotor (black magic), halal haram tak jaga - tu tak baikHow bout tak solat(which u can't prove) or tak tutup aurat(things that doesnt necessarily mean that person is bad)? QUOTE(wanritsu @ May 24 2017, 02:40 PM)ko guna teknologi orang kapir boleh pulak kanBetulGuna whatsapp ok je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9976959824562073} +{"text": "kompius betuitak boleh panggil chee cheong lagi. haram macam hotdog and root beer. kena panggil kai cheong fun ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "QUOTE(kuku_malu @ Dec 27 2015, 10:37 AM)lulz islamization of japan has startedquote for ultimate stupidity ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "QUOTE(MegaCanonF @ Dec 15 2022, 09:41 AM)can lo. its to save life. so far i know only jehovah witnesses prohibit blood transfusionsQUOTE(Jedi3815 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:42 AM)ahhh, that is a very good question. there are many \"mazhab\" giving different answers.1) some view that in order to save live, ANY blood/organ to ensure the safety of humans, will be sufficient.2) some view that once its a non-muslim blood/organ, forever be tainted unless he/she never drink/eat haram thingsI think in malaysia they segregate, hence why else during blood donation they have a box to tell what your religion is.so rezeki jangan ditolak is true ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967516660690308} +{"text": "Belum memiliki sijil Halal belum tentu benda tu haram. Kedai awe tomyam ngan mamak pun bukan ada sijil. Tapi minum air ni xda khasiat pun. Banyakkan minum air kosong lagi baik. https://t.co/RX9Er3bybA", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999864101409912} +{"text": "QUOTE(meistsh_musical @ Jan 16 2015, 09:03 AM)hello kawan sekalian nak tanya sikit tentang sunat bole?masa sunat saya punya 2\", sekarang tiba2 makin memanjang :confuse:Dah bebas...Tak terkurung lagi. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993475079536438} +{"text": "@zulhilmizabri @coyoterempit apa guna sumber, cara penyediaan kualiti semua tapi last-last dapat gred C hahahahaha sebab tu orang kata sijil halal ni tak relevan", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8739222884178162} +{"text": "Tak kisah la sape yg keluar kan, yang penting 2-2 ni valid tak dengan sijil halal? https://t.co/5NyHEHjOq8", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9845536947250366} +{"text": "QUOTE(jueiri @ Feb 23 2024, 11:10 PM)From linguistic viewpoint, bak means meat. Pork is tu bak. But in many contexts, \"tu\" need not mentioned, and it still refers to pork. Like, \u8089\u5305\u5b50 is meat bun, it was not mentioned pork, but it is so popular tat pipel knew it is pork fillings.Dependimg on ur argument, is true bak kut teh doesn't mean pork, but in practice, pupel knew it is pork.Just like Malai say daging they assume is beefWhat is Daging ? Daging is MeatIt can be Daging Ayam, Daging Babi, Daging Ikan etc etcConclusion = What is Bak ? Bak is DagingEasy understand ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7074353098869324} +{"text": "Ok tpi knp ada org persoalkan lagi status halal sesuatu produk walaupun JAKIM dah check produk tu halal? Punya banyak keluar duit nak certifies benda bagi halal tpi org Melayu sibuk lagi bagitau ada benda tak halal dalam makanan. Buat org terfikir JAKIM buat kerja atau tak?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9990434050559998} +{"text": "Ada tengok satu video TT kelab malam buat dessert wine+cendol & ada la beberapa lagi menu. Kemain org kita marah sebab ubah makanan halal jadi haram . Bengong betul", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999432563781738} +{"text": "Ts wan stir shit use this laBet u can spot several strokes or shapes that is sensitiveFaster go viral kat fb la ts come /k no bright future oneThis post has been edited by TheEvilMan: Apr 13 2024, 02:15 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.90788334608078} +{"text": "\nmelinda_kerr replied at 11-9-2015 11:48 PM\r\nMentality org kita babi arak je kn haram? Kdg i tgk kt giant mee segera dr china dan korea berlambak ...\n\n..meeperisa babi tak haram, kan\u2026\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997994303703308} +{"text": "QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Nov 14 2015, 11:03 AM)Al-Azhar (Oldest Religous Islamic Institution) condemns themOIC condemns themOur own National Fatwa Council condemns themand still we have some voices who claimed Muslims are silent.Official bodies & countries need to do more than just condemn.Malaysia is doing a good job at catching ISIS sympathizer here. But I doubt that happens in other Arab countries. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9463455677032471} +{"text": "Status aku saja nak triggered manusia suka snagat tanya \"eh halal tak kedai ni?\" \n\nKau beli mixue tak?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991825222969055} +{"text": "QUOTE(Robottoes @ Nov 5 2021, 11:26 AM)Restaurant owner at fault.Went to Langkawi and all the seafood restaurants I've been to ALWAYS ask to come check and timbang for price.If agreed then chun everyone happy.see owner replyQUOTE(shuin1986 @ Nov 4 2021, 09:03 PM)restoran side keluar notis liao:Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian ,\u00a0 berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5325458645820618} +{"text": "QUOTE(sensors @ Oct 13 2017, 10:42 AM)Did you not read about the McDonald's incident?As for whether or not islam requires you to do such things or not, it's best you review your religion's sources, because I'm sure you wouldn't want a non muslim to point it out to you, ya?What mcdonald incident? Mcdonald only required u to bring halal certified cakes.In this dobby case got halal certified clothes or not ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999748468399048} +{"text": "@ninawhoelse kena reply jugak dik, kalo tak, ramai yang ting tong bab ni, sbb ramai yg taktau. utk boba tu, produk dia kena halal, lpstu sijil yg slalu tempek kat kedai tu utk penyediaan produk dia dikedai tu mesti cara halal dan bersih dari unsur syubhah. thanks sbb tny ye.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999208450317383} +{"text": "QUOTE(budakdegilz @ Aug 28 2020, 09:13 AM)perghh...paid the fine immediately ?!!anak sedara billionaire....dalam bank ada millionthat's why KKM need to up those finefor helang like her families...RM1k is just like duit kertas sehinggitcampak jer ke muka polis U got to give her credit. Sudah salah, mengaku salah, bayar denda, ayah rasa kecewa. Not like somebody, sudah salah, claim MANA SAYA ADA TAHU! Then when court pronouce guilty again, still dare to say, MALU APA BOSSKU?I wonder his father Tun Razak felt shame have such a charsiew son or not. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999397993087769} +{"text": "QUOTE(jonoave @ Nov 2 2013, 06:43 PM)Think of it as maintaining harmony in family-\u00a0 so you pahala from that .. haha, thanks. but there are times i crossed the line too far, and it's confirmed sinful. p/s: my chinese family side is the traditional chinese family, very old fashioned people. hard to educate them about these things. if u cant eat with them, it simply means u are disrespecting them, show no face, close minded, something like that. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999479055404663} +{"text": "QUOTE(KrankZ @ Dec 25 2020, 12:09 AM)fyi according to islam no green ang pow. its from Chinese culture so when jakim going to said it haram?lolThey can twist duit raya green packet as Malay culture,nothing to do with Islam so it's permitted won't be ruled as haram.but wearing Santa hat and wishing Merry Christmas are equal to shoving Christianity down to Muslim throats according to some bigots here. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998985528945923} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 11 2017, 06:45 PM)look, it's not about halal or haram, it's about labelling the product.technically halal haram is for food, but some ppl don't want to use pig or dog-based products for the religious reason.yes you are not forcing the peanuts to the allergic guy, but you do tell him that \"hey, that sauce contains peanuts, watch out\" right?that's what the kpdnkk should've done (which they are now).but as I explained hundreds of thousands of times, the issue is not really about halal/haram, the issue is to get the nons to be triggered and thus be used as ammo against them.isn't obvious people will be triggered? and so what?non-muslim was minding their own stuffsuddenly some overzealous authority raid their business and confiscate their stuffand demandsuggest that non-muslim accommodate them and be \"tolerant\" to themnon-muslim right is being infringed herethis has nothing to being triggered or notthis is not verbal provocationthis is affecting people's lifelihoodnon-muslim are speaking now because they are afraid of giving an inch and they want a footif non-muslim give in on this issue, they risk other issue being forced onto themwho knows,maybe the overzealous guys want segregation during puasa timeask non-muslim to go away or to close shop (oh wait, that has already happened)or ask non muslim to shut up when asked to lower azan volume so they can sleep (oh wait, that has already happened)will non-muslim being concerned about this issue really be used against them?or you are just being imaginative?cos even BERSIH was used as a pretext to assemble \"Jaga Maruah Melayu\"seems like these days, anything can be used to scare muslimThis post has been edited by stormsea7: Feb 11 2017, 07:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998183846473694} +{"text": "QUOTE(Balanced @ Feb 27 2024, 09:27 PM)Aww man. I was excited when i heard about summer opening in samarahan.. samarahan supposed to be like a satelite city and attracting people from the other side right? Guess it failed?Which the best now? Vivacity, aeon, the spring. In this order?Yeah, that's about right. Just avoid dead malls like Cityone, Summer mall, Kuching Sentral etc.If it doesn't have to be a mall, you can consider shoplots at Saradise or Galacity although the former is a bit pricey ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9786112904548645} +{"text": "Dari SMP gw suka buka jasa beli makanan di kantin buat nyari duit jajan extra.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7928683161735535} +{"text": "QUOTE(destiny6 @ Jun 10 2019, 01:38 PM)Rokok takde cap halal ramai relax je......A mufti declared rokok as haram some years back. Cant remember who. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "@Alikutis1 @skumar176 @imfsea_aruna Dengan sijil halal @MyJAKIM maka produk yang dikeluarkan Oleg sesiapapun diiktiraf sebagai halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996347427368164} +{"text": "I wonder if this considered as Islamophobia ?1. I refused to sell any food or drinks to a Muslim even if he/she said she is sick because I afraid religious authorities might come and raid me or people viral me out of context until I am boycotted.2. In a company setting, I don't allow any Muslims from attending our Christmas party even the party even they wanted to because I scare religious authorities might come to my company and raid us if got people report.3. If I am a company dealing with non-halal stuff, I refuse to hire a Muslim truck driver because he will need to transport non-halal stuff all the time, even if the driver said he is ok with it. I scare religious authorities come and kacau or people viral my company for asking a Muslim to transport non-halal stuff and get boycotted. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9910551309585571} +{"text": "@UMonline kalau ade sijil Halal, aku ON je. Yang penting follow Halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9752613306045532} +{"text": "Aku selesa minum Chizu ni sbb dia ada sijil halal! So tak payah risau dah setiap kali minum banyak mana pun. Takda was-was takda ragu-ragu! https://t.co/na5oOJkEMw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9958894848823547} +{"text": "@mlstudiosmy Mencari yang halal itu kan fardu. Dah tu dulu yang pernah viral 'nasi lemak anak dara' tu pun kategori tak halal ke macam mana. Yelah. Takde sijil halal kan. Ke akak tak pernah makan nasi lemak tepi jalan. Haha. So funny.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4826020300388336} +{"text": "Makanannya nungkin tetap halal dimakan. Tapi akibatnya mungkin lebih buruk dari makan makanan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9545379281044006} +{"text": "Jadi tak perlu risau sangat, dalam F&B terutamanya di restoran berangkai/fast food dah lama amalkan soal keselamatan makanan, terutamanya mengenai kebersihan, pencemaran silang atau cross contamination. Aspek ini juga diserapkan dalam konsep pensijilan Halal & Thoyyiban JAKIM.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9381450414657593} +{"text": " Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9980278611183167} +{"text": "QUOTE(hc7840 @ Apr 26 2022, 04:32 PM)Spent total how much how many days on haram trip?Solo cost more money4 days i thinkA couple thousand? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999748468399048} +{"text": "I have no problem mkn kedai non muslim. Kalo dh terbukti ada elemen2 haram...then baru i x makan. No need jakim's halal...zaman nabi pun xda jakim yg monitor. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999854564666748} +{"text": "QUOTE(hyxer @ Oct 20 2014, 10:41 AM)ko patut congrat depa sbb ada cubaan jadi baik + komen kat sini\u00a0 biarkan je... best response is to ignore.bak kata /k, don't feed the troll ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "@ibrahimjunaidii @msyibrie Bukan sijil halal taiwan and some other countries diiktiraf jakim ke lol", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993845224380493} +{"text": "QUOTE(aliesterfiend @ Dec 13 2019, 03:25 PM)All liquor contains alcohol. The definition for liquor itself is an alcoholic drink which makes one intoxocated when drinking it. Alcohol itself is an ingredient which made a drinking fluid a liquor. Not everything which contains alcohol however is liquor. Having alcohol in perfume does not make it a liquor. Having alcohol inside tapai does not made it a liquor, unless the intention is to ferment it long enough until it can be made later into an alcoholic drink, which is liquor. Same case with air nira. Drink it within 2 days is halal. Keeping it maybe for 7 days letting it fermented enough for it to turn into some intoxicating drink is haram. You probably a donkey by not knowing it.If you drank the perfume you would still be intoxicatedIf you ate six bowls of tapai you would still be intoxicated ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9905340671539307} +{"text": "Sebagai Muslim, mencari makanan yg halal itu wajib. Nak makan sushi kena selalu rajin semak Sijil Halal JAKIM kerana status halal dikemaskini sekurangnya setiap 3 bulan sekali dan ada cawangan tiada Sijil Halal. So, tak pasti cawangan tu Halal atau tidak.https://halal.gov.my/v4/index.php", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9107971787452698} +{"text": "\r\nwow..great..aku pun agak suka makan chinese food ni esp dim sum...", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999552965164185} +{"text": "biasalah amdk tak habis habis nak jatuhkan palm oiltapi dekat belakang, dia beli juga palm oilpalm oil is the best, the cheapest, the strongest, the whatever lagilah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989877343177795} +{"text": "QUOTE(damonlbs @ Mar 3 2024, 05:43 PM)hey dont play dumb can invest in haram and yahudi business yet still cannot perform better then halal business make no sensewhat dumbppl boycott yahudi = wahhh no proof still boycott.. bla bla blaconventional used to cover syariah = seems off so its must be true.kekin other words,KITA BOLEH, ORANG LAIN TAK BOLEHsee below.. its enabled just because its related to conventional vs syariahThis post has been edited by mi-g: Mar 3 2024, 05:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Nov 17 2020, 12:50 PM)you know, this is one of the related reasons why FDI in malaysia is declining.you have a good homegrown brand that has expanded well (besides local franchises of the kopitiam, their ready to drink cans and powder 3-in-1 are selling very well both in malaysia and internationally).foreign non china company comes in to buy said brand and also looking to enlarge their presence and fight the no. 1 market leader (nestle).current brand and new owner working within the laws and try to cater and follow all the requirements including getting and renewing halal certs.then you have the majority locals not only spreading fitnah on the company itself (whether halal status or even their ownership since i still keep reading on FB/twitter that oldtown belongs to either rosmah or ngah bros of perak DAP fame depending on who is making the claim despite JDE buying them outright) or the certifying body JAKIM which is a govt. owned agency.so why would a foreign company waste time and money in malaysia?it's damned if you do, damned if you dont.most facepalming fact is that some ppl don't even trust the JAKIM process and suggesting stuff that even Muslim scholars don't endorse (like having muslim-only cooks etc). \u00a0 \u00a0 i like to read your post. make sense and insightful. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8805068135261536} +{"text": "Aku respect org yg hati2 bab halal haram makanan. Aku pula hanya tgk logo halal JAKIM. JAKIM pegang tanggungjawab besar @JakimOfficial", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996222257614136} +{"text": "Semoga kamu kaya banyak rezeki biar bs beli makanan yang kamu suka tanpa harus mikirin orang lain", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998437166213989} +{"text": " biasa ah dh lulus pastu org ramai complain then jakim masuk. Hahah isu makanan halal haram pun tak settle lagi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.847325325012207} +{"text": "QUOTE(badmilk @ Dec 27 2023, 11:17 PM)Kalau sendiri perangai buruk ok jer. Tapi kalau menyusahkan orang itu lagi menyampah.Sibuk apa orang nak masuk kedai tak halal? Semua kena buat benda same ke? Patut la negara tak maju.Pui- sia sia sembayang kaum ini. Akhirnya tanah digadai dan maruah dicabar. Lepas tu? Dengki, marah dan mereka tu perlu pertahankan hak mereka .Nak dapat sedekah ?\u00a0 Dengki kenapa restoran tak halal dikunjungi ? Come beg more. Tu jer tau buat. Rayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.- support la sendiri .lol. Tu la berlagak suci lagi.Orang tegur baik2 ko pulak nak triggered lebih2 lelPergi lah cari hidup yang lebih bagus dari sibuk dengan hal.orang lainSama je kau dengan netizen tu 2 kali 5. Takda life then dengki kecam orang lain. Lel ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "Nak tanya, korang yg suka mkn ayam k fry & seangkatan dengannya, tahu kedai tu halal mcm mana? Tengok dari segi terpampangnya sijil HALAL dkt kedai atau korang tengok ada org MELAYU kat dlm tu dan korang pun masuk Atau jenis tgk ada signange ckp NO PORK \ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9965859651565552} +{"text": "QUOTE(ForgotPassword @ Mar 28 2024, 04:09 PM)Wow so many long replies here.It's easy, those that are unstable, fire saja. And I also make it a point to not hire women who just got married or about to married. If you know you know.Harder than my advanced thermodynamics class that I scored well on. QUOTE(Balanced @ Mar 28 2024, 10:40 PM)Hi yes im the mixue guy haha. Looks like our background almost same and i will soon open mixue. Plus you are also bubble tea franchise like mixue. Regarding your employees, some replies gave strong points and are related to what my supervisor told me. 1. Seems like you are more of a technical guy? There might be some courses u can go to upgrade your people skills. This might help.2. U hold your employees even the emo ones with sop and rules. However this is better done through your supervisors. Supervisors can scold them and make them cry and they won't hold a personal grudge on you or your store. Unless you have a very charismatic and leadership character, it is wiser to get a supervisor.3. Listen to them, boost their morale occasionally. See what they like. Most like money like small bonus.4. During outburst, u drag them to the back and let them vent out. There is no point talking to them at this point and might even be less damaging to let them take a time out till they calm down. But beware of others taking advantage.Btw where are you? Since i am opening bubble tea too, perhaps we can meet and have a chat?1. Went through some classes during work previously. My then boss the engineering manager even trusted me enough to be his deputy when he's unavailable ahead of the senior engineers. Just that the methodology back then may work in an all-male manufacturing setting, not so much in my current predicament (for the select ones of course.) The rest takes on my coaching just fine so far.2. Yeah seems alot of people are telling me to distance myself for the day-to-day operation. Just fiscally not reasonable yet at the moment on account of still paying for the business loan + my next business plan is currently on-hold based on the latest economic outlook.3. Doing that.4. Hard for me to predict, most of the time happened when I'm not there physically, like suddenly in our whatsapp group there's paragraph of texts of her bottled up feelings. The recent incident is one of the employee did not read the prepared schedule properly and thought the changes of her schedule for the week is done at short notice without confirming things with her / respecting her own schedule and so she really aired things out, even pointing on things of other employees from previous 2-3 months that have already been resolved (already mentioned the change during early of the month, posted schedule then as well, she didn't say a word about the slightly revised schedule until her outburst). Our session to clarify that it's just miscommunication (mostly her being at fault IMO for not paying attention to the prepared schedule) leaves me feeling like I'm the one who's wronged her. I'm just baffled that she took things running in her mind and go to town with it, when she could've just asked me at any point in time for clarification.Southern Klang Valley, will PM you my personal contact details.QUOTE(lordgamer3 @ Mar 28 2024, 11:28 PM)Your hiring process is flawed la. You need to engage with them dig as much info build a mental picture before hiring.\u00a0 Married men will tell u woman do get emo on the period thingy but even then they can exercise some restraint. If really bad let them rest a day or 2 or rotate with guy staff sth like that.but I feel its not spm problem but what kind of people you hiring.Not so clear on your hiring process bit, can you elaborate further?But my takeaway from your post is that you're suggesting for my company to do profiling on my staff's ovulation cycle and scheduling things around them? That sounds stalker-ish.Also wouldn't be fair to the other employees who got their things together.QUOTE(silverhawk @ Mar 28 2024, 11:38 PM)You're running what is basically a low skill, high turn over job. This is going to sound mean/harsh... but don't spend too much time trying to cater to your worker's feelings. Man/Woman doesn't matter. All you need to do is set a minimum standard of working you can accept. Anyone who can't meet that standard, just drop them like a hot potato. A lot of things that are common sense, (e.g. check expiry of food, condition of food, etc) cannot really be taught. You teach that one specific thing, they will not get the general rule and will not apply it else where in the business process. This also means you don't have to waste your breath scolding people.The thing is they're not bad employees per se, response well to instruction / training just fine. It's just when they let their feelings take the wheel is what I'm afraid of.1. I can't detect this during hiring process.2. I can't predict the time this would happen unless they've exhibited it enough for pattern recognition. (please no )3. I can't realistically react to things I don't know the full scale of.4. I can't drill into them the importance having a service mentality enough for it to not be overwritten once they kick into high gear.5. I can't relate with people who takes thing too personally to effectively communicate with them. Myself am not easily angered personally as I try to bersangka baik and think things happen are not due to some victim mentality angle.A job is just a job in the end, we do what's required of us and go home to recuperate is my principle, just that I always have taken my job very seriously (religious motivation, mencari berkat kerja), but it's never personal. Quite a few of the replies here is just telling me to skip them over. Are you guys telling me from a place of previous experience, or something else? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998942613601685} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Nov 7 2023, 10:53 AM)/K here already warn long time ago I recall. They don't listen, even double down. Harga mahal, ban everything, not welcoming, fleece tourist and no take any action.All this already been discussed in /k. If only they heed the advice here maybe not so teruk.The warning sign already appeared during the RM1000 siakap issue. But... did they learn? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993525147438049} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kyojin @ Nov 2 2013, 09:10 PM)I\"m not trying to be a flame bait, but I'm irritated by your reasoning. You are trying to tell me that God/Tuhan/Allah can't match scientific knowledge? Don't give me that 'everything is created by God' reason.It would have saved lots of people lots of time if all these scientific theories were written/conveyed in any holy scripture/prayer. Come on... live by religion if you must, but don't argue that being /k/ itself is through God's will. You can't take everything from the scriptures literally, some parts of it are appropriate for that period, we live in the 21st century.Everything is created/ordered by God for a good reason.There are many religious codes of conducts which hav been scientifically proven to be beneficial to mankind.But there are a lot of things that God created for us to discover for ourselves, where when we try even with our best, we would still not know everything.God make it that way so we stay humble and realize where we sit; instead of start thinking highly of ourselves and playing god in this world.Humility is among the most fundamental attributes in Islam. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998007416725159} +{"text": "QUOTE(EdBaaBaa @ Feb 9 2017, 11:28 AM)don't addicts use cough mixtures/medicine/paint thinner to get high? ie intoxicated?clearly that is an abuse/misuse of a halal item.like kitchen knives. it's used to cut your vege/meat/chicken/fish etc.so does it become haram just bcos someone else use it to kill ppl?and ppl say only melayu/muslims are easily confused. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985491633415222} +{"text": "No comment about the pig DNA,but the thing about this kind of process frozen food (fish balls/chicken nuggets) is you never know what ingredient they used in the making. best bet is to make your own in huge batch like this then freeze. \n7G6ZY8Zi6BU\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998759031295776} +{"text": "Hai ada yg berminat nk cuba makanan korea? sis ad jual kimchi homemade & sos ddakgangjeong yg dibuat oleh ajumma sendiri ye.. DIJAMIN bersih,halal,sedap & fresh.. sayurnya di petik dr ladang ye Rm 19/pcs\npromo pos: rm5/2pcs\njom grab sekarang!! \nwhatsapp 016-9707690", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999682903289795} +{"text": "Songlap pun haram.... Tak de apa-apa statement pun... Jilat kuat lagi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999803364276886} +{"text": "For my fellow Muslim friends, sebelum beli, periksa dulu sama ada halal / patuh syariah, baru beli.\n\nKalau makanan, check dulu logo Halal Jakim, yakin baru beli. \n\nKalau investment, check dulu ade ke tak status patuh syariah dari panel syariah, baru invest", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976340532302856} +{"text": "Bukan JAKIM dah kata tak boleh guna istilah 'makanan sunnah' ka? Awat banyak duk jadi bangang lagi??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7306482791900635} +{"text": "Siapa ktard yang siap guling2 tu angkat tangan please! Anda mesti rasa anda bijak hahah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963335990905762} +{"text": "Going to haram place on haram ship. KEK ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994285702705383} +{"text": "QUOTE(xtrabite @ Jan 9 2021, 06:40 AM)Mana ada tulis owner kena tindakan.Fitnah ni.Jabatan agama just checking.Sebab tengok ramai orang islam makan sana.Tolong check sahaja.Makanan halal penting untuk orang islam.Lepas check jabatan bagi tahu, restoren tiada sijil halal.Supaya kita orang islam elakkan makanan yang syubhah.Salah ke?Just \"checking\" in name only. Post on FB some more, which indirectly imply this kopitiam is some sort of haram place to go. Don't you think it's wrong? Once this is started, then there's more reason for the authorities to go to other non-muslims kopitiams/restaurant to disrupt their businesses in the name of religion or worse, to smear bad image to them. What's the difference of interfering with non-muslims affair? This will slowly turn into Brunei, where non-muslims have to abide islamic laws which they don't subscribed to the religion. What is the rukun negara? Kebebasan beragama right? People should be able to judge themselves of the halalness of each eateries they go. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9968230724334717} +{"text": "While malay : no sijil halal from jakim = HARAM https://t.co/aeMUGEfMrC", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999879002571106} +{"text": "Aku lagi faham dari kau sbb aku lahir kawasan org melayu....rumah aku sebelah masjid. Kalau betul2 tgk halal Haram...banyak kedai milik Melayu tak halal sbb harga Yahudi, tak jaga kebersihan. Dah lah pukimak...tak payah nak terlajak Islam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5945140719413757} +{"text": "QUOTE(vhs @ Mar 3 2024, 11:42 AM)It is conventional vs syariah. If any tempering has been done that will mean haram money got mixed into halal money, it is a serious sin. Not possible to happen one.unless halal part in konvensional is moved halal to halal no problem right? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999966621398926} +{"text": "QUOTE(PeopleOfPerlis @ Jul 28 2024, 07:59 AM)Tipping included in the charge.. Ingatkan tipping bukan budaya Islam... Hmm ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995312690734863} +{"text": "QUOTE(krizalid88_real @ Nov 4 2021, 11:11 PM)Ni cerita sebenar dari owner ttg siakap mahal di Langkawi :Assalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian ,\u00a0 berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia.Since when siakap can reach rm90 per kg? Then still want to justify selling at rm160/kg lol ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8492206931114197} +{"text": "QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ May 24 2024, 11:58 AM)kalau setakat campur halal dan bukan halal, korang cuma gelak menganjing mengejek sahaja.bila guna paraquat sebagai example, baru nak pandang serius, kan?please stop using wang tax haram from judi arak and porkonly then people will take your seriouslyif not people will think you are a hypocritekenapa tak asingkan wang haram?This post has been edited by damonlbs: May 24 2024, 12:08 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999428987503052} +{"text": "QUOTE(c64 @ Dec 23 2021, 12:02 PM)You farking beggar/flood victims have no rights to demand. Give you decent food, please STFU.Meaning that disaster victims can be oppressed? They unable to choose whats best for them?That toxic mentality is same as commie mentality ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988239407539368} +{"text": "\r\nye betul!!\r\nSekali lag downloadlah program ni utk check kandungan sesuatu bhn, samada bahay utk kesihatan atau tidak\nhttp://www.sharebigfile.com/file/114552/Food-Additives-rar.html\n\r\nBtw, yg melayu punya confirm ke x de asid borik? My father in-law kata, sama je, melayu punya ke, cina ke, depa campur bhn tu jugak.\r\nNeway, me still beli mee nih, sebab anak2 suka makan. Tp beli yg melayu punyalah.\r\nAda sorg fren, dia buat sendiri je. Respek ngan dia sebab memang jaga betul bab2 makan ni. Fish ball, fish cake semua x makan. Kalau nak, dia buat sendiri.\n\n[ Last edited by\u00a0\u00a0HOTlips at 21-3-2007 10:39 AM ]", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965752959251404} +{"text": "QUOTE(pr0pofol @ Mar 1 2018, 12:21 PM)those bodo here doesn't understand business and u are all not their target customers.no business wants bad publicity.it's bullshit to say anything that's viral will improve sales.definitely her sales will be affected if not she wouldn't have apologised.She total scared already. Every 1 minute 100 fans unfollow her IG. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8688970804214478} +{"text": "see how sg food more popular but taste like shit ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999842643737793} +{"text": "@haziqazmanVI Hahaha. Maknanya halal tu atas sijil jela ? Tak ada sijil halal maka jatuh haram walaupun cara pembuatan bersih ? Yg ada sijil halal belum tentu bersih bosku", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999605417251587} +{"text": "Gurame goreng7/10 The best dish tonight. Crispy and fragrant Attached thumbnail(s)\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999790191650391} +{"text": "QUOTE(headache @ Nov 5 2023, 08:15 PM)Ur life or the other? Cool, keep up with that attitude in a muslim majority country.Did I say vegetables are haram? The issue is how they are prepared or cooked. Don't twist things.Trouble with u guys is you like to talk about things u don't have any understanding about. When we tell u how it is, u don't want to listen because u r already the experts on the subject.Hahahahahahahahaha we all know who is being difficult here ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5314446091651917} +{"text": "\ndodolgemok replied at 23-12-2022 02:44 PM\nXda sijil halal atau sijil halal yg x diiktiraf jakim xsemestinya haram. Menggelupor jah org lain nk ...\nMmg la tak haram sis dodol ...sama la mcm acik\u00b2 bertudung berkopiah jual makanan kt tepi longkang...tp kalau benda tu kotor, ada masuk brg\u00b2 yg haram, haram ler utk org islam makan/minum.\r\nSijil halal jakim tu terpakai utk org\u00b2 islam msia yg nak elakkan dari termakan brg\u00b2 yg syubhah je. Kalo tak mau ikut, terpulanglah, tp jgn satu masa nnt duk tunding jari kt org lain sb dah mencekik benda\u00b2 yg tak sepatutnya.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999953508377075} +{"text": "@FadzilahMamat Dia citer bab halal atau sijil halal tu? * mode malas nak baca ni \ud83d\ude01", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "Orang melayu yang mana berkemampuan sila berniaga. Mula dengan sekecil mampu. Bukan untuk cepat kaya tapi sunnah Rasulullah. Bila mula berniaga ikut cara betul. Daftar syarikat, sijil halal (fnb etc) dan paling penting jangan tipu bangsa sendiri. #BMBF #BMPF", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9640686511993408} +{"text": "QUOTE(zeese @ Jul 1 2022, 06:21 PM)turtle probably similar to this fatwa.. it's a underwater creature that cannot sustain living on land for longer duration..\u00a0 https://www.muftiwp.gov.my/artikel/al-kafi-...us-ikan-belacakini keyword ka? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984644651412964} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lacersan @ Nov 2 2013, 06:07 PM)If the utensils and kuali has been washed after cooking pork also considered haram?if has to be sertu.like a special kind of washing1 time wash with muddy water6 time with normal waterthen can be useif wanna share,everytime the muslim wanna use,he/she have to sertuThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Nov 2 2013, 06:17 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997645020484924} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShadowR1 @ Jun 26 2021, 03:06 PM)To me its okay.Their company, their policy, suka hati dea la.U as a customer, suka hati ko la nk pakai sape or go pick up ur self.QUOTE(tky1993 @ Jun 26 2021, 02:53 PM)Why grab and panda can deliver. \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14It\u2019s not the company policy but the choice of the rider. For grabfood and food panda, they have halal and non halal delivery riders. Interestingly, many non halal riders are malay too\u2026can see them waiting to collect food at bak kut teh and char siew siew yuk stalls. This post has been edited by diffyhelman2: Jun 26 2021, 03:22 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993960976600647} +{"text": "Gelagat b40 again. Never fail to impress everyday.Like ppl used to said, if not halal and Tak suka?Jgn makan la. And keluarlah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996707439422607} +{"text": "Bagaimana sykt2 kafir bangsa D4P layak dpt sijil halal, walaupun tak pernah faham hukum najis dan air mutanajis? #JAKIM", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "Jikapun memang bersalaman dengan mereka tidak dosa,memakan makanan brand yg sama dengan Z1onist makan pun halal,aku tak sudi. Bagaimana mereka dengan santainya berfoto ria dengan spesies2 pembantai puluhan ribu manusia?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.978789210319519} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 08:32 PM)Nope, I'm completely uninterested in anything about the religion. But this religion in encroaching and interfering with the lives of nons, so I make it my goal to learn about the religion and point out the hypocrisies. If the radical islamists hasn't been pushing their way into the lives of the nons I can't be bothered what you guys teach yourselves. You think I want to learn about the religion? I can put my brain cells to much better use.If the fundamentals are wrong then formation of jakim spreading those teachings means the entire community learns the wrong things. For example, muslims think 5 times prayer is wajib, but the actual number is 3. By shaking your foundations, then you will be forced to improve your knowledge about the religion and learn what's actually in it, rather than repeat the nonsense ustaz and imams spew at you. Am I educating you? No. I'm telling you to learn your religion with eyes wide open.I rebuked your points. If I haven't then put them in point form and I will address them again.For someone who claim to have no interest in Islam or religion surely have got so much info from answeringislam.com or the likes \ud83d\ude01I just wanna touch about the prayers. Before that, there people claimed that shiah prayed 3 times according to the Quran, however, they actually prayers 5 prayers by combining zohor and asar and also maghrib and isya so it appears like 3 times as supposed to be in the Quran. Anyway, let's see what we can find in the Quran:Maintain with care the [obligatory] prayers and [in particular] the middle prayer and stand before Allah , devoutly obedient. -- al-Baqara 2:238And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember. -- Hud 11:114O you who have believed, let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not [yet] reached puberty among you ask permission of you [before entering] at three times: before the dawn prayer and when you put aside your clothing [for rest] at noon and after the night prayer. [These are] three times of privacy for you. There is no blame upon you nor upon them beyond these [periods], for they continually circulate among you - some of you, among others. Thus does Allah make clear to you the verses; and Allah is Knowing and Wise. -- an-Nur 24:58Verse 1 tells us that there is a middle prayer which means there are at least 3 prayers and doesn't mention the exact number of prayers.Verse 2 tells us that during daylightv (the time gap between fajr and maghrib) we have 2 prayers (Zohor and Asar) and one when the night approaches (al-maghrib). With (only) this information it's still possible that we only have 3 prayers, butVerse 3 which teaches us about the resting times mention clearly the fajr/subuh prayer and the isya prayer as the fajr itself is a not mentioned time in the 2 Verses before we find out we really have 5 prayers mentioned in the Quran. Now we find we have 5 prayers or prayer times mentioned in the Quran.By the way we could also include some other Verses to explain for example:Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Qur'an of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed. -- 17:78Which mentioned indirectly the prayers from duhr until i'sha' and by the mentioned recitation of dawn the fajr prayer.Anything else to teach me?This post has been edited by aliesterfiend: Dec 31 2019, 09:07 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922182559967041} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ujer @ Jan 9 2024, 09:47 AM)Nothing to do with his knowledge. He is just like to reprimand the government about wrong thing they do.Btw, what written in the link is actually explain in context of kid, not young girl. So it is actually not directly relatable with what ustaz has said.The conclusion from link:We are inclined to say that having teddy bear or minion plushie or others as pillow is permissible as long as it is not honoured, revered, venerated or for the purpose of worship. However, if the plushie is worshipped or placed in a place of honour that could lead it to be venerated, then it is clearly haram and prohibited.However, we would like to suggest (if possible) to avoid teddy bear, minion plushie and others as pillow. If possible, replace them (with other pillows such as pillows shaped like stars, plants and others) or leave it altogether to avoid any form of syubhah (doubt), for when we leave matters of khilaf such as this, then it is included as what has been stated:\u201cAvoiding khilaf is encouraged.\u201dBut this is only applicable for kid and it is also not been encouraged to do so.Cakap panjang lebar seolah-olah idolatry takde kat Malaysia. Kenapa tak cakap je tak boleh simpan gambar orang contoh dekat ofis. Idolatry datang dalam banyak bentuk dan tak semestinya perlu patung. Patung orang buat peluk, dia lap hingus dia masa tidur, basuh masuk washing machine, tu takde ciri-ciri disembah. Contoh ciri-ciri disembah ialah orang mengagungkan PMX sampai kena kencing PMX pun dia minum ingat suci murni.Edit: Also forgot to mention your statement that you brought already discredit UAI because it is a khilaf. All the more reason to not give him tauliah.This post has been edited by YamiBear: Jan 9 2024, 10:18 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5290577411651611} +{"text": "Percaya ia akan datang saja dah cukup bukti iman kita. Tak payah duk sibuk nak debat bagai sebab salah satu benda-benda ghaib that only God knows. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999390840530396} +{"text": "Yg buat fitnah tu perangai lagi haram dari babi. Jakim ada bawak balik check DNA check apa spesis manusia babi yg buat fitnah punya tu x?? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 mont kiara are populated by korean, how to find halal sign there then? if you wish to see a lot of halal foods, go shah alam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996782541275024} +{"text": "QUOTE(Imp Bron @ May 18 2024, 09:16 AM)Top kek this tered, type c usually making fun of oyen for boycott now they themselves understood why boycott Lelelelelactually type C damn straight forward..its about quality, and price...simple as that. U think everyone simple minded like those ppl boikot here and there and causing ppl to lost their jobs, and then said GOD will provide? Same issue when raising white flags for help is HARAM?This post has been edited by Jv8888: May 18 2024, 09:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7612622380256653} +{"text": "QUOTE(FappyBird @ Dec 18 2023, 01:15 AM)Belum perang sudah mengaku kalah haiya...U nvr think they might become international Islamic products hub? All ME brothers and sisters come here procure halal cosmetics dairies and etc etc? It might even evolve to become world's first Islamic medical tourism spot filled with technologies that pander towards Muslims coupled with Muslim friendly medical treatments and herbs.Best to describe Malay business : Dream big but action.... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994322657585144} +{"text": "apa aja yg penting sehat,halal dn bersih RT : #Siap2WeezerJakarta Makanan Favourite kamu?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.996933102607727} +{"text": "The reason is Malaysia like Indian Food but nak Makan at Muslim friendly place = Maka popular mamak dengan kalimah allah walaupun owner india/cina ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999575614929199} +{"text": "Pihak kami sering menerima pertanyaan berkenaan status HALAL Starbucks Malaysia.\n\nIanya HALAL. \n\nUntuk mengetahui status halal produk/premis makanan di luar sana, layari direktori halal di... https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156698173072398&id=259962507397\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8423033952713013} +{"text": "QUOTE(DuO LoN @ Oct 26 2016, 01:46 PM)not as easily confused as your kind.\u00a0 it's logic, dude. logic.\u00a0 of course i don't except those macais ingrained by dumno and their teachings to understand logic.sikit sikit confused. sikit sikit haram.the topic is about the greatest race on earth getting confused over a burger's name, yet suddenly there are issues of trademark being brought in which is totally irrelevant. if there are any issues with trademark being misused, then it is up to the registered owner of the trademark to bring whatever action he want. the rest of the plotek geng so sibuk for what?then again, those of the \"greatest race\" on earth would probably get confused anyway.tell me what logic is that you compare burger with railway come tell me what logic is that your kind also loooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeee to kecoh about things that dont matter to you so sibuk for what?first you said trademark matter is irrelevantthen you said if it is then its up to the ownerconfused much? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998506307601929} +{"text": "same ahhh..aku pun tak suka adik-beradik aku makan makanan yg aku beli untuk diri sendiri..peduli apa orng ckp kedekut , tapi aku tak suka melainkan aku yg bagi hmm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988110065460205} +{"text": "QUOTE(mee udang @ Feb 14 2024, 09:49 AM)When I asked lawyer to make a will, lawyer ask me if I am a Muslim or not; after a bit of explanation there is a difference and Muslim can't actually make a will as distribution is only to Muslim families, meaning none of what I have earned in my lifetime at death is not passable to non-Muslim.Sure, Malay girls are desirable but Syariah law in place is a turn off. I can still marry a Malay girl but before I do that, I will transfer most of my assets to my parents before I sunat, but to me it is not worth the trouble.Mixed-marriage is haram in Islam. If you want to marry muslims, you shall convert to Islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8010313510894775} +{"text": "Mencari yang halal tu suatu kewajipan dan dituntut... Kat Malaysia ni senang je nak cari yg halal...asalkan ada logo halal Jakim.. InsyaAllah x meragukan... Lainlah kat oversea...benda basic...budak kecik pun faham...asal nampak logo jawi bru berani sentuh makanan tu...", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7498498558998108} +{"text": "QUOTE(fcbarcelona-my @ May 21 2016, 04:02 PM)No Pork not necessarily\u00a0 mean halal.\u00a0 it just one of many method to tap in muslim market while maintaining non-muslim market.\u00a0 don't know why ppl mudah keliru..\u00a0 if tak yakin.. no need to enter the shop.. sigh.. we have too much arabization in oir society.... syariah airline.. syariah browser... and now we expect no pork restaurant means syariah compliance restaurant..I am also curious..is it too arabization or is that how it is supposed to be?Last time i sold baby products from france, expensive ones, and a Malay father asked if it was Halal..honestly I just answered it is Halal since it is made out of plants..but I dont know what is Halal any better than anyone ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9939872026443481} +{"text": "YaPEIM bantu usahawan dapatkan sijil halal JOHOR BAHRU 13 Nov 19 \u2013 BAGI memastikan peranannya memperkukuhkan sosioekonomi dan amal jariah terus kondusif, Yayasan Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM)\u2026 https://t.co/TkxmZcKuGf", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9970822930335999} +{"text": "QUOTE(shinnsohai @ Apr 24 2013, 10:40 PM)they say pig is haram due to dirtinessbut according to research...pig are way clean than some other animalspigs eats it own feces ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990630745887756} +{"text": "sb depa yg nk pi kursus amik sjil halal ni x layak, org muslim MELAYU kita pulak nk cepat kaya tanpa fikir halal haram dah la ni. byk gila kes depa ni kt court. org melayu kita offer kat kedai yg non muslim tu sijil halal depa setiap bln bayr rm5k kat depa. masyuk beb. jwb lah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "sebelum makan cek dulu halal ke x kedai tu.bukan main bedal je..elakkan unsur shubhah lag\u00b2 bab makanan.\nkedai popular / viral belum tentu halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9313187599182129} +{"text": "QUOTE(Darkspreader @ Aug 25 2022, 01:48 PM)If you dont tell them they wouldnt know \ud83d\ude09oi oiayam lispek all racist and religionisteven jewsQUOTE(fu'house @ Aug 25 2022, 01:48 PM)Dunno dunno then don't make lah.Make karipap suda. Mahrehsian must eat that. Pana kota what haram jadah no need to be fanciful fujuk.Kasi chan la macha, they keep giving me expensive food cos ayam the youngest one there and a poorfag ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981929659843445} +{"text": "gua tiap beli makanan 40rb+ suka ngerasa bersalah dan menyesal tu knp ya..cara ngilanginnya gmn ya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986361861228943} +{"text": "iman tercabar maruah tercabar ramly tercabar ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999237060546875} +{"text": "QUOTE(AnythingK @ Dec 15 2022, 09:37 AM)Cannot consume alcohol meh? But back in those days, the malay clubbing is one of the best I have been to.\u00a0 they drink nescafe ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999271631240845} +{"text": "QUOTE(+ Blind Target + @ May 11 2015, 11:02 PM)I was there that night. This happened back in 2005 IIRC. 2nd time I happened to be at a club that was raided. I was with 2 other guys n 2 girls.Around 1am, another friend that we bumped into there warned us that a raid is going to happen soon at around 130am. He looked really high so we ignored his warning. We continued drinking the Chivas we opened 40 mins earlier.At 130am sharp, suddenly the music stopped n the bright lights were turned on. Everyone froze. As our eyes adjusted we realized that there was really a raid happening. I turned to my friend and said \u201cfark la. we shud have listened to him\u201d.A chinese inspector went up the podium to the DJ area and took the microphone. He announced \u201cOk kita akan buat operasi malam ini. kita dari Balai Polis Dang Wangi.\u201d Kita akan check untuk dadah dan rekod jenayah. Rokok semua buang dan jangan ambik gambar. ambil keluar IC\u201dWe continued smoking and one Polis passed us and shouted \u201cTak faham bahasa ke ? BUANG ROKOK!\u201d we complied immediately.We took out ICs out n placed them on the table. Women were ordered to go upstairs. Men remained at the main ground floor area.Another Polis officer goes around distributing transparent cups with lids. At closer inspection there were small boxes printed on the cup indicating the type of drugs present in the system.Around this time reporters and camera crews came in. Around 15-20 of them. Taking pictures and filming us. Stress level went up.In groups of 5 our ICs were gathered n we were den ordered to go to the toilet n pee into the container we were given earlier. When ur name was announced u headed straight for the toilet.Around this time a name was announced \u201cMohd Hafiz bin xxxx\u201d the reply of \u201cSaya\u201d came from what looked like a tall slim woman wearing a tight short red dress. Everyone laughed n wolf whistled including the cops. Quite kesian that fele.My name was called and the 5 of us went to the toilet to pee.We were guided into individual cubicles and behind us each cubicle had a cop standing on watch outside. Doors open at all time. After I was done I stepped out of the cubicle to wash my hands. I noticed a few guys staring curiously at the last cubicle. I went closer and inside was Mohd Hafiz in his red dress. He was trying to squat and at the same time pleading with the cop to let him close the door. The cop was unsure what to do. one indian guy made eye contact with me and he instantly said \u201cU dun see dat everyday bro\u201d. I nodded in agreement. Din\u2019t see what happened to Mohd Hafiz in the end as we were ordered to return to our tables.At the table my IC was returned to me n place below the urine test kit. \u201cTunggu 10 minit untuk result\u201d one cop announced.I don\u2019t do drugs of any kind so I was not scared.While I was waiting the media started taking pictures of those unlucky enough to be tested positive or had outstanding arrest warrants/criminal records. They were gathered on the small stage and handcuffed together. I remember seeing around 10 guys there. All looking pathetic and trying their best to hide their faces.After 10mins it was results time. mine was negative n a cop gave me permission to leave.I looked at my watch\u2026it was almost 3am. But at the exit there was another surprise. There was a cop posted there with a torch light. Scanning every test kit one last time just to make sure. Again mine was negative n he told me to throw it in a big bin bag next to the entrance.By the time the girls were done it was around 4am. We went mamak and discussed our experiences.Copy n paste shitU didn't even credit the author ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986807703971863} +{"text": "aku rase kat Malaysia ni halal haram makanan JAKIM wat donno je..yg jelas haram xde masalah..yg sipi2 ni bermasalah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.734208881855011} +{"text": "Dapur Lapas Merah Mata Komitmen Sajikan Makanan Sehat dengan Sertifikat Halal dan Laik Hygiene\n\nPalembang - Dapur Ibadah (Indah, Bersih, Aman, dan Higienis) Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Palembang Kemenkumham Sumsel berkomitmen memproduksi dan menyajikan makanan bersih dan halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996727705001831} +{"text": "A bit of alcohol huha viral. Not like they sell whiskey. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994626641273499} +{"text": "QUOTE(Noryume @ Mar 4 2024, 12:51 AM)Just the investment are in syariah compliance company. So not investing in company dealing with haram deem practices or sources. Easiest to say, investment with company that have syariah compliance approval only.So the reason why normally syariah account dividend lower is because Haram business more profit? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995667338371277} +{"text": "Sama je konsep dia, mcd ade logo halal, bahan mentah pon halal, pekerja pon ade melayu, makanan pon tak de babi, tapi?? Aku was2 nak mkn. Still rasa was2 even ade sijil halal jakim?? Nk buat mcm mne?? Kira mcm makruh laa makanan tu sbb niat kita sndri pon tak yakin (contoh saja)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9768989682197571} +{"text": "QUOTE(ameliorate @ Nov 1 2023, 10:44 AM)Ini yang I konpius ni. So those restaurant that put no pork but takde sijil halal, muslim can eat? Tak haram kan?But still kena kecam kata mengelirukan sebab non halal.Kenapa restaurant buat kena kecam tapi roadside stall tak kecam?yes can eat but terpulang kepada muslim tersebut nak menilai kedai itu.example din tai fun, chillis, apa kopitiam dalam mall turestaurant buat kena kecam sebab orang dengki. biasalah golongan kami ni mana boleh tak dengki kan.....also i believe restaurant dalam mall restaurant besar akan ambil ayam & daging dari supply yang memang daftar dengan jakimwhy they want to jeopardize their business kan?dah la charge customer mahalThis post has been edited by latipbogiba: Nov 1 2023, 10:47 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999478280544281} +{"text": "Kenapalah bodoh sangat ... tak payah bernafas lah. Pendidikan di Malaysia mesti dipertingkatkan lagi ..makin bengap jadinya. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "QUOTE(rainy~days @ Sep 10 2020, 01:05 AM)it's like going to vegetarian shop Nando's and expect them serve halal meatvegetarian...kekQUOTE(rickyro @ Sep 10 2020, 01:07 AM)Im not confident that such script can be used on pork mattersTulis rumi \"pork\" tak reti baca.Tulis jawi nanti dikata menghinaBaik lagi pegi mampus segera, kurang sikit kumpul dosa duniawi supaya mudah masuk syurga nanti.This post has been edited by andrewhtf: Sep 10 2020, 01:29 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993005990982056} +{"text": "@deliayahya ciks.dalam penyediaan makanan JAKIM titik beratkan yg masak mesti muslim baru dpt LOGO.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998103976249695} +{"text": "QUOTE(soowky @ Oct 25 2016, 11:27 AM)wow cepat angin. mlm x dpt ke? i just justify yg that org tu mmg ada intention dengan letak that name, bukan salahkan ko.\u00a0 Then you think he accidentally spilled some alphabet soup and the words formed the word Ramly ah?Of course la he intentionally used it to reference the most popular Malaysian burger, and at the same time to try to say that this is your pork alternative, but of course not actually branding his company Ramly so people don't get confused thinking this is under the Ramly burger company. Hence also the genius way of naming it P.Ramly. I literally explained this already. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6922895908355713} +{"text": "QUOTE(Nirnama @ Nov 10 2023, 08:45 AM)PETALING JAYA \u2013 Kehidupan pekerja perkhidmatan p-hailing (rider) kini bertambah sukar akibat terkesan dengan kempen boikot yang menjejaskan pendapatan mereka sehingga 60 peratus.Menerusi tinjauan Kosmo! di sekitar Lembah Klang rata-rata mengatakan, keadaan berkenaan telah berlanjutan sejak dua minggu lalu, malah sehingga kini situasinya masih sama.Keadaan di kebanyakan restoran makanan segera dan kafe terkemuka juga didapati lengang, tidak seperti biasa walaupun ketika waktu puncak.Ia dipercayai susulan tindakan boikot orang ramai terhadap produk atau francais yang dipercayai memberi sokongan kepada Israel yang menjadi punca kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin.Seorang penghantar makanan, Zulkifli Alias, 41, berkata, sebelum ini dia mampu meraih pendapatan sehingga RM700 seminggu, namun kini sekitar RM200 sahaja.Katanya yang memiliki tiga anak berusia tiga hingga 11 tahun, jumlah berkenaan tidak cukup untuk menampung kos perbelanjaan bulanannya yang mencecah RM2,500 sebulan.\u201cPerbelanjaan bulanan saya cecah RM2,500 sebulan termasuk sewa rumah, kos barang dapur, bayar pengasuh dua anak dan lain-lain keperluan.\u201cMana mungkin jumlah pendapatan sekarang boleh menampung semua tu. Mujur isteri bekerja dan ada bantu juga.\u201cIni situasi terburuk saya pernah hadapi sepanjang dua tahun bekerja sebagai rider. Memang sangat terkesan tambahan saya rider di sebuah restoran makanan segera.\u201cSekarang saya sedang cari sumber pendapatan alternatif selain peluang pekerjaan lain sebagai persediaan jika keadaan ini berlanjutan,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui Kosmo!.Walau bagaimanapun katanya, dia reda dan langsung tidak menyalahkan orang ramai yang menjayakan kempen boikot ke atas jenama tertentu.\u201cWalaupun saya dan kawan-kawan rider terkesan, tapi saya langsung tak ada perasaan marah sebab ini adalah jihad kecil orang ramai.\u201cInsya-Allah saya boleh usaha cara lain sebab sekecil-kecil iman, kita mesti kena ada perasaan simpati dan reda,\u201d ujarnya.Sementara itu, Khalid Azhar, 43, turut menyifatkan jumlah pendapatan diraih kini adalah rekod terburuk pernah diterima.\u201cPendapatan sebagai rider merosot sebanyak 40 peratus sejak lebih seminggu lalu.\u201cMacam saya lagi terasa sebab memang banyak ambil pesanan dari restoran-restoran makanan segera.\u201cSebelum ni boleh dapat RM150 sehari tapi sekarang RM80 saja dan sekarang memang kena berjimat betul,\u201d ujarnya.Bagi Razali Rahman, 28, pula menjangkakan keadaan akan bertambah sukar berikutan ada pengurusan restoran makanan segera memutuskan untuk memendekkan waktu operasi.\u201cBanyak juga restoran yang dah mula hadkan waktu operasi, jadi peluang untuk kami dapatkan pesanan bertambah sukar.\u201cAda yang sebelum ni tamat operasi pukul 2 pagi tapi kini diawalkan ke 11.30 malam kerana kekurangan pelanggan,\u201d ujarnya.https://www.kosmo.com.my/2023/11/09/situasi...a-jadi-rider-2/kalau terdesak level kena merompak sila target kedai yg sepatutnya. Thank you n it gets better ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8643463850021362} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Jun 24 2024, 12:47 PM) Please pack your burkiniaiya, just declare going to Phuket haram straight la..........and Langkawi Halal........wanna goto heaven cannot go Phuket........Win! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999653100967407} +{"text": "QUOTE(fazlythewarrior @ Feb 8 2019, 05:05 PM)Percaya ia akan datang saja dah cukup bukti iman kita. Tak payah duk sibuk nak debat bagai sebab salah satu benda-benda ghaib that only God knows.i agree with that, but just wanted to share my views. sharing my idea. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998672008514404} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Oct 7 2016, 12:13 AM)Brown rice with head shapethis is v haram !i LOL at your food descriptionsbeef tough, fish soft, bland, tasteless, mussels terkecut-ed\" LOL LOLoh my, so sorry for youQUOTE(yummymommy @ Oct 7 2016, 01:00 AM)Very uneasyTak lalu makanI too would feel uneasy eating surrounded by such decor and I am not Muslim. to me, it is not appropriate for these statuary to be placed in restaurant. anyway, you're \"lucky\" that all those are just replicates.I was in a museum in Japan and there was one particular statue of a guardian deity that had such a strong aura and the eyes \"follow\" you - i was so creeped out i left that hall pronto, usually i take my time looking at each display and read the info plaques. And i am not usually a believer in such \"aura\" thingamajig.This post has been edited by EdBaaBaa: Oct 7 2016, 08:23 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997410178184509} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by spy06 at 31-5-2007 02:15 PM\r\nkalau kek dari kedai2 kek tu boleh makan tak? kalau kita attend birthday party, n makan kek yg disediakan tu, boleh tak? ada ke kek yg haram dimakan? \n\n\r\nada sijil kelulusan halal ke?\u00a0\u00a0kalau ada go ahead aje.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998869895935059} +{"text": "giler woi sendiri makan haram xpa, bg orang lain makan haram pulak tu. xpasal pasal ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(joevo2 @ Jan 7 2020, 09:32 AM)Maybe not malaysia certification. But if there\u2019s no pork involved? Just veg and some texture?still it is haram in islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998658895492554} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 11:13 PM)Point 7, if you try to portray something as halal, when the status is doubtful then what do you call it? Creative marketing?Lots of non Muslim owned f&b with Muslim workers but being upfront about that the shop is owned by non muslim. Still have many Muslim customers Have you ever been to Penang? There are lots of non muslims f&b that have lots of Muslim customers. No need to repackage or change name pun.Muslim want to eat halal food also you consider extreme? Then there's the report button. Use itSo the shop got mention the food they sold is halal ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8020869493484497} +{"text": "Now focus batch 01 ialah dapatkan Sijil Nikah pula. Hubungan Halal menjamin Sijil Lahir yang sah. Kan bagus ?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9845051169395447} +{"text": "Apalah makna beer tanpa alcohol. Jadi #Heineken 0.0 ni boleh consider sebagai minuman biasalah kan cuma ada lagi masalah iaitu tak ada cap halal. Adakah minuman tanpa sijil halal itu adalah haram atau adakah minuman tanpa alcohol itu halal? #beerwithoutalcohol #heinekenmy https://t.co/3B6rYaNDEm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999887943267822} +{"text": "If only they use their intellect to scrutinize the government and any authorities that have direct influence over their own body & health.If tak suka, just don't go, simple. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997559189796448} +{"text": "QUOTE(L_nette @ May 21 2016, 09:51 AM)TS bodoh babi!!!No pork sign is not to confuse muslims idiot!It is to notify chinese and indian people who dont eat pork that the restaurant is pork freeNot all chinese people eat pork. Not all indian people eat porkPlease be sensitive to these people. Orang cina india tak makan pork pun kena marginalised.??DIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU+1Seriously chinese who pray to datogong don eat pork on friday.So its a notification for them.Why muslim always think the world rounding them, not the other way.Its haram to disrespect other religions, no?Btw someone please post the \"bab halal\" comic ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998775720596313} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Aug 6 2015, 06:40 PM)let me answer generally lah.for muslim, they cannot eat anything under this list:1) anything dirty in nature (pig, cos eating shit, also bcos got direct instruction to not eat), worms2) anything crawling - siput babi, escargot, worms, bugs, etc3) anything poisonous in nature - snake, scorpion, 4) anything carnivor (have fangs, tusk, etc) - lion, tiger, dog, etc5) dua alam (can live in both land and water) - turtle, tortoise, seal, etc6) anything halal to be eaten but not slaughtered properly - just cut head, jiken rolled by car on the road7) anything halal but slaughtered for other other religion offering (like sacrificed, etc)8) anything unclean - jiken dipped in shit, etc9) anything make u high/mabuk - alcohol, tuak, tapai, whiskey, etc10) anything consider dirty by culture - example in Malaysia is ulat mulong - culturally in Sarawak is fine, but for semenanjung since it is associated with ulat, consider dirty. So is haram. (But for some ulat inside fruit consider can be eaten because consider is clean - inside fruit - get it?)11) cannot eat carcasses of dead animal (bangkai)12) we cannot eat/drink blood - like cousine such as pork blood/cow blood in some cultureRule of thumb: anything can be eaten as long as it is not listed under this list.Rule of thumb 2: anything living in water (river/sea/lake/etc) also halal to be eaten - no need slaughtering - deswai siput sedut, shellfish consider halalreason i posted this is to share to those misunderstood/confuse out there on what halal actually is. seems there is so many confusion and misunderstanding, i hope this can give insight on what halal actually is.as for siput babi, it falls under number 2 - crawling and consider dirtyhalal is pretty much similar with koshier, but koshier is stricter. deswai for muslim abroad, if they cannot find halal vendors, they can opt for koshier approved meat. since what christian and jews slaughter can be eaten. if have anything i miss or incorrect, fellow muslim brothers please help to correct me.what is the proper way to slaughter to qualify as halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9941062927246094} +{"text": "QUOTE(dogbert_chew @ Nov 24 2023, 11:59 AM)So no problem if primary school kids smoke? Or smoke beside your pregnant wife, let her inhale the second-hand smoke absorb into foetus bloodstream.Want to smoke, smoke. Don't give some BS about unhealthy only when excessive lahttps://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters/2019...ims-about-fatwaWho said no problems?It's harmful or not? If it's harmful, then haram lahTengok keadaan lah..simple oso confuse ka?And oso if u alone then smoke cigarettes u can die straight away ka?This post has been edited by Seoliem: Nov 24 2023, 12:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988569021224976} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Mar 13 2024, 08:29 AM)just for content lar......can not be so sohai until can't even understand written for him 12pm meh...... WTFContents is always the best to stir up, especially for Malaysia where everyone seems to be pressed into kuih kapit.Even my PRC side family is wondering why Malaysia, small country, but so big dissatisfaction, anger, deceit, foolishness, but educated.Takde duit, but LCLY.Songlap kuat, but LCLY.Face problem, but LCLY.Religion race problem, but LCLY.Political problem, still LCLY.Dah la kecil, LCLY.Nothing in hand, LCLY.Work outside their country, LCLYYYYYYGosh. If SG is kiasu kiasu, Msian is LCLY. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5596919655799866} +{"text": "Kes Kartel Daging Haram ini ada berberapa perkara kita kena faham.\n\n1)Daging atau apa-apa makanan import memang tidak pernah akan dapat persijilan halal daripada JAKIM.Faham ini elok-elok,semat dalam kepala.\n\n2)Yang ada ialah persijilan halal badan\u00b2 luar negara diiktiraf JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998369038105011} +{"text": "QUOTE(plain_white @ Dec 9 2017, 08:52 PM)How do u determine the halal status? Have the jakim logo?The M in JAKIM is MalaysiaIni bkn malaysiaShe was using mouth cover, gloves, and the kedai only sells duck. The wrapper is from rice flour. The green thing is green onion. The sauce is bean sauce.No pork.Y u so scared. Bukan suruh ko pi makan rasuah. Makan itik jer ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999586284160614} +{"text": "ok idea ni tp sy x buat sbb pk ada org myb dh ada preference sendiri detergent & cleaner apa derang suka. pastu ada yg tak boleh guna certain brands nnt kulit kering etc. so saya geng bawa makanan utk org dan treats & toys utk kucing. kalau ada beli lebih gadget rumah bagi jugak", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8030605316162109} +{"text": "QUOTE(Omni-Man @ Jan 16 2022, 11:31 PM)As much as this is very touching, giving out blue card like this is a bad precedence. So means indon should just go viral to get blue ic?Gaining citizenshipA person can become a citizen of Malaysia either by registration or naturalisation. In cases by registration, where a person is by operation of law is a citizen but have yet to be registered, such person is entitled to citizenship upon application and be registered as a citizen of Malaysia. For cases by naturalisation, this refers to the process of admitting a person not a citizen of Malaysia to citizenship. This is subjected to the requirements and conditions of the Federal Government. Any person holding Malaysian citizenship is also disallowed to hold any other country's citizenship. Malaysia does not allow dual citizenship.Those applying for citizenship by registration must have \"an elementary knowledge of the Malay language\". Those applying to become naturalised citizens must have \"an adequate knowledge of the Malay language\" and have resided in the country for ten of the past twelve years, including the twelve months immediately preceding the application. These requirements are set out by Part III of the Constitution; however, as there is no objective definition of what constitutes elementary or adequate knowledge of Malay, in practice, the tests are often subjective, sometimes even varying in whether a written knowledge of Malay is required.[2]People in Malaysia soil for 12 years, can cakap Malay and Cina. If can sing Negaraku, and recite the Rukun Negara. I think can pass edi. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988757967948914} +{"text": "What's ON best flavour? Currently on double choc. Tried Myprotein choco mint one also ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999950647354126} +{"text": "QUOTE(nazrul90 @ Apr 19 2024, 02:46 PM)Lmao peruntukan peribadi. You really think fund came from him?Gara2 didikan dan tingkah laku Najib bin Tun Razak. Malu apa bossku\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999853372573853} +{"text": "QUOTE(Olgakureylenko @ Apr 4 2024, 11:47 PM)Bulan puasa jugak diorang dok print stokin tulis allahIngat boleh sabar ke? Lepas tu belakang kita diorang gelakDapat pahala kalau lawan manusia mcm nihttps://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5449834?author=OlgakureylenkoHow to identify a socmed shitstirrer? When polis n news already reported so many times it was an unintentional mistake yet they die2 insist it was intentional, then insert inciting stuff like penumpang & dapat pahala lawan manusia mcm ni. Dude, you try too hardThis post has been edited by bigwolf: Apr 4 2024, 11:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998049139976501} +{"text": "QUOTE(wanna be hi-tech @ Aug 18 2015, 09:23 PM)Humour yes!\u00a0 Wht is there to read again ? Those who always forget need to read again !\u00a0 \u00a0 U couldnt even give a a10% reply of all the the replies i gave u. Instead u talked about bj, anjing, monyet, idiotic replies and on and on....Tell me, did u get raped by a group of hardcore vapers ? That u cqnt diffrenciate a a vapouriser and a robot's penis ( until today ....i ddnt knoe that robots had a penis, which can produce something like with vapour !) U tell me, seriously, will the full use of ur knowledge u hv....isnt that reply of urs which is idiotic and utter rubbish ? Werent u was the one who cant even put a proper sentence? Werent u the one who over protested on wht is haram n not......xpa truskan isap vape tu..benda haram buat memang best..orang kalau dah ketagih..dia grenti akan pertahankan punya..dah syok kan..benda2 haram ni kalau buat memang best..tp nanti sy bagi nasihat ckitlah..kalau vape tu..vape sorang2 kat bilik ya..jangan kat tempat umum..nasihat kawan2 yang vape sekali ok..peace no war ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998012185096741} +{"text": "QUOTE(DValentine @ Jan 23 2021, 04:14 PM)topkek free till wan cerifiedKANINABU LAJanji mesti HALAL woi~!!!!!!Tak halal, tak makan!!! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996680021286011} +{"text": "QUOTE(LarryPizzaGuy @ Jul 24 2019, 03:26 PM)Something seems wrong here....Halal cert is from Malaysia.Why those bodo ppl ask the Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) to confirm?Different country with different certification authority also........The sijil that the drink company posted on Facebook was purportedly from MUI ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999338388442993} +{"text": "olahraga, makan makanan favorit, beli barang yang di suka \u2661", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9967304468154907} +{"text": "Paling penting ialah kemudahan memperoleh makanan halal apabila seksyen dan dapur halal The Lido memperoleh sijil halal daripada JAKIM membuatkan kami sangat berselera menikmati sajian kampung yang disaji. https://t.co/Psk4gJL3pm", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9986743927001953} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Dec 9 2023, 05:58 PM)They got claim they halal or what? Why suddenly need to check jakim?QUOTE(9m2w @ Dec 9 2023, 07:27 PM)Sorry tanya saja can't fly for this franchiseIt's niche and selective in opening outletsNo halal sign outside and if you Google you already know what's their status. In this day and age siapa tak do own homework Ppl who go there know what they're getting into.Original FB poster saja nak viral for clout.Honestly never seen a halal sign at any of their outlets. Then again I don't bother to check for it.Trouble makers rather type long long and make compilation posts instead of checking with the outlet themselves.And retards die die wanna plotek these clout chasers. Extra retard points for those don't know tiramisu can be non alcoholic. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9820484519004822} +{"text": "Can you imagine the word Merry Christmas on a fucking cake can be sensationalized like this here?Where cakes that were baked using halal ingredients became non-halal when the word merry Christmas was written on the cakes?Where the hell did they get the fatwa from lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999432563781738} +{"text": "Semua itu untuk kebaikan rakyat jelata. Selamat,Bersih dan semestinya Halal. Supaya tidak timbul masalah di kemudian hari. Sudah menjadi tanggungjawab,kewajipan peniaga makanan. KKM pun tak kenakan caj untuk MESTI, tak silap aku la sebab aku tak incas MESTI, tapi untuk memenuhi", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9959715008735657} +{"text": "Jangan risau #CHIZU ada sijil halal \ud83e\udd17bina dah tanyakan semalam", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6863386631011963} +{"text": "Gua dah start was was \": Orang ramai perlu yakin dengan sijil halal yang dikeluarkan oleh Jakim bagi pelbagai produk makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9011632800102234} +{"text": "QUOTE(trix @ Mar 26 2023, 09:15 PM)you think milk becomes cheese by itself?go read up on rennetmy point being between pizza chains, lagak italian bistros and so on that uses hard cheese and not to mention all the cheese leleh bairel crap that\u2019s been concocted locally the past couple years, this has got to be the first if not one of the few times the cheese being used\u2019s halal status has been questionedbut hey as long as it\u2019s not conscience at a convenience amirite /capThis post has been edited by olivur: Mar 26 2023, 09:57 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950616955757141} +{"text": "makanan yang bersih. Apabila hilang bau dan tamat kuarantin 3 hari, maka haiwan jallalah itu bertukar status haram kepada halal dimakan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998132586479187} +{"text": "QUOTE(das99990428 @ Jul 1 2021, 12:26 PM)Kindly refer to my previous reply to other ktards. I just want to point out the hypocrisy among ktards. Prejudice. Same scenario (both helping people in need, one took a pic, another multiple pic), but the reaction towards these two incidences? One obtain praises and one kena perli and kena kutuk, and why? Because the incidence happened to be in east coast Malaysia and guess what? That incident only has one pic in the news and still kena scrutinizes.Are you referring to me ka? Did I praise the first photo? No right? So who is the prejudice now. Let me get my idea clear, if there are still dumb people around:The kempen bendera putih comes with a tag line \"tak payah rasa malu\". I am sure it means we will help you senyap senyap, we know your dire situation and we wont embarrass you further. Or does it mean since you are at the bottom already, how can you be embarrassed more, come lets take some photos, aiyah don't shy shy lah, tak payah rasa malu, we need to tell the whole country you are in this shitty situation maa. Sure the donours can take photos to promote their charity (although not required if you sincere), especially politicians who needs all the attentions, and yes you are welcome to help more people, and yes we applaud your helps. But please spare the little dignity left of the victims. If you want to take photos, take 1000 of photos, but make sure the victims are not recognisable at all, don't ask them to pose like taking prizes, it is already awkward for them, don't make it worse. And for heaven's sake, don't put their real names and announce the names to the world. Just put a fake name, why need to tell the real name, the location etc, will Jabatan Kebajikan track them down and give them further help ka? Then how can others help? They cannot see the bendera ka? People won't come out looking for help if they know they will be embarrassed like this. Not this way please. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4956974685192108} +{"text": "Kita digalakkan untuk makan makanan sunnah kerana ia dijamin bersih dan baik untuk tubuh badan kita.Kita sebagai seorang muslim diwajibkan untuk makan makanan yang halal dan berkhasiat.#makanansunnah \n\nOrder sekarang : https://invl.io/cljgnxw", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.99951171875} +{"text": "Think the penunggang business lot of demand think our economy would go full power if put penunggang bisnes St the forefront.Best part doubt this would fly at Saudi.This post has been edited by lordgamer3: Jul 28 2024, 11:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999909400939941} +{"text": "Habis modal bulan ramadhan. Cari modal lama recycle, tambah berkat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9561956524848938} +{"text": "QUOTE(MeToo @ Nov 30 2016, 02:40 PM)Is this kinda of mentality that makes me lose hope for the future of Malaysia...To you, Whether the rule makes sense or not, its not important...So tmr Jakim makes rule u wan Halal certification means u cannot hire any non-muslims... you will also use the same argument \"Jakim suka la, u tak suka u keluar!\"bodo level >9000yeah betuland again, if u cant follow the rule then fuck offu still can sell any shit u want without halal cert ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999417781829834} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 27 2016, 10:18 PM)Orang tanya ja bangBecause that's how it isKedai Dia penuh dengan papan tuTerang jelas tulis porkKalau pergi kedai diaConfirm nampakHow else would u know about itor buy it? U cant buy it online Kemungkinan untuk terconfuse beli is near impossible Ps:tak penat. Aku suka argue. Kalau x, bosan. That's why I'm hereYe lah monNah internet win. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9692073464393616} +{"text": "Makanan kegemaran Nabi, ada. 'Makanan sunnah' tak ada. JAKIM pun dah keluar arahan larang penjual guna terminologi 'makanan sunnah' https://x.com/shashathoishi//shashathoishi/status/860120682792755201\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999221563339233} +{"text": "Selain kilang2, hotel2, kedai makanan segera, yg wajib ada sijil Halal sepatutnya kedai/restoran Mamak pun kena ada juga. Bukan setakat gantung ayat Al Quran tapi ada kes jumpa lipas cicak, tikus dalam makanan atau tempat makan. Setuju Kah?!", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9964679479598999} +{"text": "QUOTE(dickybird @ Jan 1 2020, 07:22 PM)For best ambience, a cool bottle of whatever you like and a 5 or 6pm dinner reservation at Salud.Don't shoot me if the food not good. When my dad was around, we would go there order a kilo of prawns steamed 3 ways and peel and eat.Salud no longer popular + standard dropped. Its also a long drive from kk. But i remember there is a stretch of road of out nowhere where they setup stall selling coconut, pudding or bbq coconut something like that? Its further in but near salud seafood restaurant. I don't like coconut but i heard they said its nice. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999605417251587} +{"text": "bagus lah tu, launch kat zoukmana tau terbuka hati vietmoi utk pakai tudung#diddakwah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994016885757446} +{"text": "Eeee tolonglah 2023 ni maybe boleh apply rules baru wajibkan kursus pengendalian makanan ke wajibkan apply halal jakim ke apa. Kalau jakim boleh kena NCR ni camni woi. Halal nombor satu, Toyyiban tu pun penting jugak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9623364806175232} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 26 2016, 09:27 AM)Yes. It is a ridiculous name requirement. But need to argue? They already set their standard. If cannot get halal cert then just move on it is not that thing become haram if no halal cert. If songlap i can understand la many people butthurt including me. Change name to what ever name does not affect me in my daily life yet people keep making hoax about it and some people even go beyond that. When someone is over excited in bashing jakim they take it way out of the content. That was my point.With this kind of attitude... how are we to move forward and improve ourselves? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997674822807312} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 08:56 PM)Bro. It is part of the requirement la. I dont think jakim said hotdog is haram. Hotdog is halal but to get the halal cert some of the requirement is need to give a good name to it. I dont know why people keep arguing about this.dont even try dude. these guys already bash because of bashing. they keep looking at one side of a coin.whatever u told them also they just ridicule. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999409914016724} +{"text": "mane geng JAKIM? makanan HARAM diberi label HALAL? guane citer ni geng http://fb.me/6wbRh6hqo", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998515844345093} +{"text": "QUOTE(SSJBen @ Jun 12 2023, 04:15 PM)Yes.So I don't understand what's with all this nonsense about babi = dirty = harambe. babi dah memang terang-terang haram dalam islam bang. kau basuh dia pakai clorox pun masih muslim tak boleh makan. what kind of argument is this? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209} +{"text": "\n Edited by YgBenar at 2-12-2023 03:34 AM \n\nSeorang lelaki Muslim berkongsi pengalamannya dijemput ke sebuah program dianjurkan di restoran menghidangkan makanan tidak halal.\nTwitter \n\n\n\r\nPemilik akaun X yang bernama @saifyakhtar membuat satu hantaran pada 25 November lalu berkata, dia dijemput oleh pengurus perhubungan sebuah bank Islamik untuk hadir ke program pelaburan itu.\n\r\n\u201cSaya terkejut apabila mengetahui ia diadakan di tempat tidak halal. Ini nampaknya tidak selari dengan jangkaan saya dari sebuah bank Islamik,\u201d katanya.\n\n\r\nBeliau berkata dia memilih bank Islamik supaya selari dengan nilainya, namun pemilihan tempat itu seolah-olah mengabaikan prinsip itu.\n\r\nKatanya, dia tidak hadir ke program itu bukan kerana ada makanan tidak halal, tetapi sebagai penentangan atas perasaannya diketepikan sebagai pelanggan yang dihargai.\n\r\n\u201cAdalah penting untuk perniagaan, terutamanya dalam suasana kepelbagaian, menghormati dan mencerminkan nilai pelanggan mereka,\u201d katanya. \u2013\n\r\nSumber: X @saifyakhtar\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8734493851661682} +{"text": " haha.. sama ngak dengan hukum halal pada makanan restaurant. kalu JAKIM umum senarai tak halal aku rasa ramai yang gulung tikar.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9910469651222229} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Dec 31 2019, 01:56 PM)Ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah!careful, you might just labelled a wrong person as \"ignorant\" here..lets just say I know a thing or two about halal certification and religious obligation on halal consumption.the fact that you are waiting for sunnah and hadith explanation already shows your lack of knowledge on halal haram issue but have the audacity to call others \"ignorant\"ahhh this might just made my day.So if the sunnah/ hadith / quran does not say you need religious authority to certify halalness, it means the religious authorities just pulling this certification out of their ass la.Provide the evidence la, since you're so well informed.This post has been edited by MAGAMan-X: Dec 31 2019, 02:02 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8480366468429565} +{"text": "pernah dengar tak \u2018mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati\u2019sebotol haram setitik pon haram tu sebenar nak mencegah dari umat Islam dari minum langsung arak ni. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999475479125977} +{"text": "suka hati dorg laa... pehal kiter nk peduli hal dorg dgn tuhan? kalo makan halal tp byk wat kerja haram pon x guna jgk ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977959394454956} +{"text": "QUOTE(IMORTALfatahL2401 @ Mar 26 2017, 12:19 PM)it seem like itBut Malaysia regulator is very strigent in this aspect (some will say more taliban ) even compared to Saudi. i doubt they will give halal certification if the brand have association with haram stuff just like pretzel dog. it probably need to be rebranded. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9854757189750671} +{"text": "QUOTE(AyamBlend @ May 5 2024, 08:24 PM)I kena ffk by local restaurant who told me 'no need, you got my word'Few days prior my event he told me ' sorry, I have another bigger event to do at other state, so I can't do for you already, since you also never pay me any deposit'This kind also need to viral and get fucked. He no take deposit not because he trust you but is fishing for a bigger deal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994472861289978} +{"text": "QUOTE(SonnyCooL @ Feb 11 2017, 06:33 PM)So those house painted with haram brush how ?as we can tell seller don't even know what it make off but terus kena hamtam, so not knowing that is haram brush reason aint valid.. ... I fully support all muslim\u00a0 house painted with haram brush should be repaint ...if it already happened without your knowledge then no need to do remedial.no one explained this alreadysame goes to money from pork seller that ended up in muslim's hand.same goes to the air we breath.same goes tot the earth we walked.if you didn't see it then it didn't happen to you.if it happened in the past, then don't repeat it in the future. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999668598175049} +{"text": "Haram stuff can be hygienic buy some are ignorant and claim haram = dirty ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999984622001648} +{"text": "Suntingan Anda Kebanggaan kami... Ho kelah key tuh. Barey jadi, tengok kotok pon comey bukey main. Dok eh, sapo hok tok try lagi losyen Viral no. 1 ni try deh. Barey jadi boh ! Oyehhh ada kelulusan KKM, sijil halal... https://t.co/kZzJL1cQA1", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8906981945037842} +{"text": "kambing always tot cheecheongfun is haram no matter how u interpret it, kambing eat it's sos always got pork meat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989802241325378} +{"text": "QUOTE(sage61 @ Mar 12 2024, 02:45 PM)Why the hell are there people keep blaming vernacular school for promoting racism?!! The one that is promoting racism is the unfair Bumi special rights made by the stupid corrupted politicians. During my school years at SK, when there was election time, the teachers all including Malay teachers would advise us to straight go home after school and don't got out in order to stay safe from some Malay riots happening when they lose elections.We nons have already banyak bertolenrasi towards the malay religion. There's always surau in every mall, and my workplace even got a halal microwave just for the Malays. When I was working part time at the mall during my uni, I seen many malays using the surau as rest area to sleep and eat during lunch hour. But we nons got no place to sit and eat food and had to stand to eat when break time.And in one of the place I used to rent from, there was 2 fridge and 2 microwave installed. One for Halal, and one for the rest. The most shitty thing is that the Malays can use both fridges to store their stuff, but only nons can use the non-halal fridge, so we always got no space to keep our things. When we try putting boxed drinks like Yeos soya bean into the halal fridge, the malay renters went and complain to the agency about it and make quite a huge fuss. This thing also happens when we nons tried to use halal microwave to heat up nasi lemak bought from the malay makcik down the street. Even thought the packet is halal, nons can't use the Halal microwave as they will give you side eye when that happens. Like this how you want to promote unity! It's not the vernacular schools that generate racism. It's these type of injustice stuff (created by UMNO politician policy) we nons encounter in our daily lifes that give rise to the racism that is always mentioned in news and social media. I really want the Malaysian to understand this especially for those anti-vernacular school people. Please look around at your surroundings and give we nons some much needed peace!! And stop generating hates towards the nons especially the Chinese and Christianity.racism aside, it's present in any skool. short answer is SK is under threat (damn malu u know to admit your edu system sucks 99. where to put face?) of being resigned to obscurity and sub-importance to the rise and attractiveness of vernacular ceena skools to bumis more so in sarawak, non-ceena pupils accounted for up to 36.02 per cent in 2022.This post has been edited by hotjake: Mar 12 2024, 03:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7838958501815796} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Mar 11 2024, 05:05 PM)Macam makin banyak CCP content creator do reverse Ang Moh praise to get viral.\u00a0 Sudah how many?Copy cats kot ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999914288520813} +{"text": "Ini bukan solusi sih, tapi salah satu coping ku adalah tidur, minum kopi, baca novel, nonton film/drama, beli makanan yang lagi aku suka saat itu.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9599523544311523} +{"text": "ada nitizen mengamuk bila kata kebanyakkan Korean/Japan Restaurants di Malaysia tidak mempunyai sijil halal . Depa kata takpa janji bersih \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 try masuk kitchen tengok bahan apa depa guna baru hang claim kata boleh makan yaaa Jangan diHalalkan yang Haram sis .", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7878164649009705} +{"text": "ugh dah 2019 pun tak boleh beza ke haram dgn takde sijil halal", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992485642433167} +{"text": "\ntula pakcik....bila noor beli mi kuning dengan kuetiaw dan bebola ikan ni mesti terlintas halal\u00a0\u00a0...\nnoor2 Post at 10-6-2010 16:59 \n\nitulah noor..bila dah was2..tak boleh makan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5295442938804626} +{"text": "Pau tanjung malim dah jadi tempat \"wajib singgah\" sejak awal 1970an.\nMasa tu belum ada sijil halal pun.\nTak jadi isu pun.\nDulu2 pergi bandar biasa je minum kat kedai kopi cina.\nOrang2 lama tak jadikan isu.\nOrang sekarang jr terpaling sijil halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "PAS MP has absolutely every right to refer to Wikipedia because he is not establishing the meaning of Bak in academic way but just how the chinese community often associated Bak Kut Teh to mean what meat.Logically no other ethnicity except Chinese would bother to go and edit Wiki page about some chinese dish that is supposedly invented in Malaysia. So from 2005 and years before that, Bak Kut Teh Wiki page showed that Bak Kut Teh translated as Pork-Rib-Tea. Why? because in that community this is the default meat they associated the dish with.To establish and reference that point, it is enough weightage for PAS to just use Wiki page as proof because it is not a matter of academic point but just to show popular use. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998822212219238} +{"text": "Tell this question to that ulama! Why puasa in the first place? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988871216773987} +{"text": "*Family mart naik* Oden haram. Tiada sijil halal https://t.co/StyLJNjz1p", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Mar 30 2021, 12:49 PM)Yup!and the one who said \" even if Ploton priced at RM80K there will be someone who gonna buy it \"so LCLYthe best one was WAJA = Asia's answer to BMWreally bikin malu this kind of tagline actually used in Australia for Waja's Promohttp://autoworld.com.my/forum/index.php?/t...-answer-to-bmw/Crazy hahaha even crazier were the maniacs that bought those cars thinking they actually bought a BMW at the ever infamous WPC. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9725019335746765} +{"text": "\r\nkalau kita yakin yang percentage alcohol dalam red wine sauce tu dah below daripada yang boleh buat kita mabuk (ala2 tapai gitu), boleh makan ke tak? ke masih tak boleh jugak?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999549925327301} +{"text": "Buat apa nk register JAKIM pasal halalKo tnya je la non-muslim, diorang lagi pakar bab halal/haram niThis post has been edited by Hinoarashi9: Jun 10 2019, 01:12 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999762773513794} +{"text": "QUOTE(drug5 @ Feb 28 2024, 09:40 AM)Kuching apa best to eat?? Apart from Sarawak Laksa lamee belacan, mee pok, mee kolok, mee jawa. mee kolok babi really nice. the one they put lard. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999498128890991} +{"text": "\nshernazz replied at 23-12-2022 04:26 AM\nFitnah paling besar adalah\r\nAsam apek yang dikatanya letak taik hidung dia dalam setiap botol\r\nBa ...\nSedap ok taik idung dia. Aiol suka makan bila jalan jauh. Masam manis masin cukop rasa. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5456138849258423} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kiminokawa @ Feb 9 2017, 10:49 AM)are u muslim? If yes, can u explain what is the meaning of halal? I know pork is not halal, but how a brush used for painting is not halal too?I can't find it in internet so need to ask some fellow muslims hereThis is something that can be found in Internet:In Islam, Halal is an Arabic term meaning \u201clawful or permissible\u201d and not only encompasses food and drink, but all matters of daily life.Looks like here, most are talking about food. In Islam, any products that are directly or indirectly produced from pigs or its kind is haram.If the country of manufacture is a Muslim country which bans the use of pork and its by-products, then the Muslim does not have to research and enquire and ask about product that is permissible in and of itself, as it is unlikely that there will be any of these haram things in it. In multi racial country like Malaysia, it is the responsibility of the seller to inform the consumer about product they are selling. Well, I don't know much about what is stated in Malaysia Law ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9378153085708618} +{"text": "QUOTE($kidzl @ Mar 28 2019, 12:32 PM)Student UM tak bising, u yang takde kena mengena dengan UM pulak nak bising.ktard suka busybodybusybody budaya /k ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5337928533554077} +{"text": "QUOTE(hujiko303 @ Feb 28 2015, 03:01 AM)do you have 1 of these? because i actually need someone to guide me.Do i need to register for a company first and then only register for halal license?if so that might cost me a lot because i havent even start my business i need to hire muslim to keep my business moving.. D:you got it a bit off there.Some job position requires Muslim e.g if the food packing requires manual labor,then you need at least,if im not mistaken,60% Muslim 40% others.But if the food packing is done by machinery,then need to check if there is any possible contamination point,But as @JunJun04035 said,one of the best way,go to JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Selangor ) and request for their guidance and assistance,they'll be happy to guide you properly ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999926090240479} +{"text": "QUOTE(carloz28 @ Jul 21 2024, 10:09 AM)It\u2019s always the fake Muslims that create the most dramahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amok_syndrome'Gelap mata', the Dark Eye, is an expression used in Sumatra and Java to describe a curious and disturbing social phenomenon. Socially speaking, the Malays, Sumatrans and Javanese are the best behaved people I have ever encountered. On the surface they are an extremely gentle, refined, submissive people. In fact the word 'Malay' comes from 'malu', 'gentle', and gentleness is a quality prized above all others among the Malays and their neighbours. In their family life, in their submission to traditional and parental authority, in their communal duties, they are among the most obedient people on earth. But every now and then something very disturbing happens. A man who has behaved in this obliging manner all his life and who has always done his duty by the outside world to perfection, suddenly finds it impossible to keep doing so. Overnight he revolts against goodness and dutifulness.because malays usually keeps it inside, until they reach the breaking pointup to you if you want to find out what are the breaking point ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.871522843837738} +{"text": "QUOTE(BuKeYi @ Sep 11 2023, 11:13 AM)is smoke/ vape consider haram then since it is harmful?Yes ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991507530212402} +{"text": "http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia...t-preacher-saysKUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 \u2015 McDonald\u2019s policy of only allowing halal-certified birthday cakes into its outlets could fuel the view that Islam is an intolerant religion, PKR\u2019s Islamic Council leader Wan Ji Wan Hussein said today.He said the jurisprudence on food matters in Islam on matters of \u201chalal (permissible)\u201d and \u201charam (forbidden)\u201d is not complex, citing the views of notable Islamic scholars that Muslims should not be fixated with how food is processed.\u201cThere was a fiqh (understanding) that with food where you cannot see its preparation, you should not be too fixated on whether the ingredients are halal or not,\u201d he told Malay Mail Online.\u201cWhat they are doing will only make Islam look like this very rigid religion when, actually, especially on matters of food, it is quite simple,\u201d he added.The preacher added that in the climate where prejudice towards Islam is already high, the controversy surrounding McDonald\u2019s halal cake policy would only draw more negativity towards the religion.\u201cIt makes Islam looks extreme. And what will happen is it will further alienate non-Muslims from the religion,\u201d he said.Yesterday, the fast food chain confirmed that it allows customers to bring their own birthday cakes as an exception to its \u201cNo Outside Food\u201d policy, as long as the cakes are certified to be halal or permissible for consumption by Muslims.\u201cThis condition is critical to preserve the integrity of our halal certification,\u201d the company said, adding that it was in line with fulfilling requirements for its halal certification.The move drew criticism as being extreme.Earlier today, civil society group Centre for a Better Tomorrow (Cenbet) said the federal Islamic authority\u2019s halal certification should apply only to an eatery\u2019s food and not its premises.Its co-president, Gan Ping Sieu, said the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) \u201cshould not penalise halal-certified eateries that allow diners who bring in non-halal certified food into their premises\u201d.\u201cRightfully, Jakim\u2019s halal certification applies only to food served in F&B outlets. There is no such thing as halal or non-halal premises,\u201d he said in a statement.Several Muftis contacted by Malay Mail Online could not be reached for comments. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7149608135223389} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Nov 29 2022, 11:36 AM)Sos: https://www.tiktok.com/@saadabiwaqas7/video...353894463425819Is AJI-NO-MOTO\u00ae Halal?Yes, AJI-NO-MOTO\u00ae manufactured by Ajinomoto (M) Berhad is Halal certified by the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (JAKIM).Today, the MSG (monosodium glutamate) produced by the Ajinomoto Group is produced through fermentation of plant-based ingredients such as sugar cane, sugar beets, cassava or corn.tak tau lah,siapa malu,sibodoh ni?jakim?pas?atau kesemua? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996904134750366} +{"text": "QUOTE(ifourtos @ Nov 29 2023, 01:02 PM)Is kimchi alcoholic fermented?In an air-blocked environment, lactic acid bacteria increase rapidly, and then, kimchi develops a unique taste and aroma with lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.Is alcohol from fermentation halal?Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed.For the sensitive muslim friend.Because you cant measure the amount of Alcohol contained in ANY FERMENTED Food.better just dont touch at all.For those who not well verse with Number, let me explain here.If the food contain < 1% alcohol.It doesnt meant HALAL for me. Why?Because you havnt multiply by the AMOUNT you consume.let say Teh Aic Kurang kurang Manissince i order kurang manis, but i drink 3 cup. in the end, i might consume more sugar then 1 cup of regular teh ais.No alcohol = No AlcoholMy suggestion lah.kek...obviously some ppl only practice only it suit the needs first day keluar gua ke? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9837289452552795} +{"text": "QUOTE(Protoculture @ Dec 9 2018, 08:13 AM)Nons punya politik pun flip flop. Kata politik. Lulz.Politik flipflop is ok. You can voice your dissent, you can disagree, no problem.You pernah voice your dissent on halal haram matter? This here is the problem, bila parti politik menggunakan agama. Bila kita tak bersetuju dengan politik mereka, mulalah nak tuduh orang sesat, murtad.These tunggang agama people are really crazy, power-hungry people. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997946619987488} +{"text": "QUOTE(scorptim @ Nov 6 2021, 10:27 AM)I really start to doubt the owner\u2019s story since now got more people share how they kena. The other 2 person who post and shared Kena 4kg ++ and 5kg ++ fish both of which are not \u201cnormal\u201d size fish. Since there was no warnings to those 2 other people I doubt the owner gave warning to the first person who shared about it with the 7kg++ fish. Again this is something that the owner vs what the customers claim and no one can verify but it\u2019s 3 vs 1 here so obviously the side of the majority is more convincing.I completely understand that it is important to be an educated customer and it\u2019s best practice to ask, check and make sure the shop weigh everything in front of you especially in seafood restaurants. Then again it shouldn\u2019t be a one way thing where only the consumer is held liable, the seller also should be honest and have integrity. You go to those well known seafood restaurants around, most if not all will be transparent with you and catch, show and weigh the fish in front of you without you requesting them to do that. Instead of just focusing on the consumers, we should focus on both sides, meaning having smart consumers and honest businesses.You should read the statement by her friend (same receipt, 22 people). The waiter even showed the size of the fish (1 whole upper limb = Lengan). I for one would have not ordered such a big fish. They should have insisted for the fish to be measured instead of simply proceeded with the purchase. Or be like another customer just asking for a meal/family set. Be an informed customer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.43053847551345825} +{"text": "Inilah nama kecik-kecik tak nak mampos. Dah besar jadi bodoh. Nasi lemak bumiputera jual tepi jalan pon tak ada sijil halal tapi kau yakin halal terus kau makan. Entah bersih ke tak masa masak pon kau mencekik juga. Halal tu bukan bahan je bang. Proses pon kena bersih. https://t.co/VsYr0HkJtv", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "TS.. the sei sohai..unless u have eaten every cakoi in Ipoh.. dont claim it to be the best.. k? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996004700660706} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 18 2024, 08:34 AM)What I don't like most about most Malay is...no masalah... Suka cari masalah.The packaging sudah tampal tutup that bulu babi... Just accept and be content... But no... Mau korek2 mau heboh... Bodo sial.If go turkey see the mosque that was once a church later korek2 see christian cross buried somewhere... Mau heboh2 masjid Haram astagabang....tu bukan masalah melayu tp masalah extremist atau politic agenda je ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998418092727661} +{"text": "QUOTE(zemega @ Dec 12 2019, 07:03 PM)We all know tapai contains alcohol. We all knows if you consumes buckets of it, you will get slightly drunk. Unless you know, you keep those tapai for weeks first before consuming them, you will certainly get drunk. A simple alcohol percentage test will tell you that most tapai exceeds the JAKIM allowed percentage. So I consider tapai haram to be consumed.But if you're going to say anything contains alcohol is haram I disagree.Of course some poeple, even though they look so religious, when it comes to their tradition its 'biar mati agama jangan mati ada'.Halal status of ethanol is highly controversial but rarely classified based on its source and concentration. Any ethanol produced by anaerobic fermentation and ranging between 1 and 15% is considered to be Haram (non-Halal, Forbidden), whereas ethanol produced by natural fermentation and less than 1% is considered as preserving agent and its Halal status is allowed. Any ethanolic solution higher than 15% is treated as a toxic solution but still could be used in industries, meanwhile ethanolic solution prepared by dilution from absolute or denatured ethanol is allowed for industrial used but toxic for human consumption. However, any concentration varied from 0.1 to 100% prepared with intention to be used as beverage drink is consider non-Halal.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/artic...924224416301601 ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999957799911499} +{"text": "QUOTE(exsea @ Oct 31 2023, 02:30 PM)shopkeeper : saya jual nasi lemak babimelei ppl : eh? ini haram ke?shopkeeper: ada babimelei ppl : JAHAT!!!!! MENGELIRUKAN!!! SAYA NAK KOMPLEN!!!shopkeeper: babi betul....A few years ago there was a banana leaf restaurant in Taman Megah that served roast pork and wild boar curry.While I was having dinner there, a Malay guy and his family walked by. The guy entered and asked the waiter \"Eh ini kedai mamak ke? Eh kenapa kedai mamak ada jual babi? Tak boleh macam ini ok?\" ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999969005584717} +{"text": "QUOTE(zero5177 @ Jan 19 2024, 10:57 AM)Yesterday just watched Man On the RunThe interview with Najib really\u00a0 Although that part wasn't new, but for those who rindu zaman Najib can watch that movie again\u00a0 Imagine if you are one of those dungus who Beria Ria want to take picture with him at the LRT station\u2026.those niggas need to seek helpMofo was lying with a straight face, unbefckin-livableAnd you have fcktards here saying he was the best PM ever How low can Malaysia go? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999191761016846} +{"text": "QUOTE(plouffle0789 @ May 2 2024, 11:26 PM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abHow much money should I put into the angpau for my good friend's wedding?1 is atRestaurant Pekin Johor Jaya1, Jalan Masai Baru, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor1 is at Holiday Inn Johor Bahru City Centrehttps://www.eatdrinkplayfunmy.com/%E5%A9%9A...A4%9A%E5%B0%91/https://news.seehua.com/post/1067762RM 200 - RM 300?best friend is one way or two way feeling?if u not invited for all the pre-wedding stuff \"best friend\" is just in your mind ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999828338623047} +{"text": "Lantaklah dgn halal sijil kamuorang. Last year aku dah makan proscuitto mac and cheese. Tk boleh fikir halal ke haram laa ni. \ud83d\ude05", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9966549873352051} +{"text": "QUOTE(alaskanbunny @ Jun 26 2015, 01:19 PM)sekarang puasa la brudder... tunggu sahor baru post boleh tak?thread pun dah pasal best beef, siapa suruh kau bukak bodoh? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Malaysia: what also can be haram except moneyThis post has been edited by chickenshit36: Nov 14 2020, 10:44 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9752436280250549} +{"text": "If u yakin..u go makan la..no need logo2 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9968069791793823} +{"text": "Next thing to be haram-ed, our ringgit. Let's see how that works ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987748265266418} +{"text": "Status halal Xin Fu Tang kecoh lagi lepas buka cawangan kat kelantan. Mana yang kata nak sijil halal tu bayar rm50k? Hahaha kalau setakat 50k, dah lama ada halal xft ni.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9988976716995239} +{"text": "QUOTE(johnnyg @ Mar 7 2024, 02:19 PM)Rokok macam mana pula ya.QUOTE(myasiahobby @ Mar 7 2024, 02:26 PM)Money from songlap and rasuah no complaints haram punJgn tanya soalan susah.QUOTE(MR_alien @ Mar 7 2024, 02:23 PM)these people everyday on parliament is sex, alcohol, harom, halal and nothing else?Yet they believe they're the suci one.QUOTE(Zot @ Mar 7 2024, 02:50 PM)If you work in 7-11 or Speedmart which also have beer (I use beer not alcohol to differentiate), then you are most likely involve is sale transaction. This means you are selling the beer as worker. The fatwa said it is haram but to a lesser degree than drinking it. Well, many perceive haram as forbidden, but haram can also mean should not. As in /k always highlight smoking is haram but why still smoke. Since there are different opinions among ulama, smoking is something I consider as something to avoid, not absolutely forbidden.There is hadith saying that khamar (beer) is haram and so the money you get from selling it also haram. So, what about getting salary from the shop like 7-11 or Speedmart. The fatwa said that if the shop is selling both halal and also non-halal stuff like beer in this case, the hukum is harus, meaning it is okay to take it. It is different from working is beer factory. If you happened to work in that kind of factory, then try to find a job and when you get hew job, then you can resign from that factory.If you ask my opinion, even if you have to handle beer transaction as worker in 7-11, then it is still harus.So they take something that is harus (it is ok) and trying to turn it into absolutely forbidden.Did I get that correct? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "Imported products tak kisah lagi sbb diorg tak bound to any halal obligations. Tapi kalau founder org Islam, market products to mostly Muslims, sila pastikan yg product korang tu halal compliant. Lagi bagus kalau apply sijil halal sendiri terus.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8084015250205994} +{"text": "HALAL MALAYSIA ada DUA. 1. Halal kerana SIJIL. 2. Halal kerana IBADAH. Hampa nak HALAL jenis mana?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9992693066596985} +{"text": "Tapi pastikan dalam area KL, ada sijil HALAL, mampu menyediakan juadah up to 2000 pax, minimum for 20 pax.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9972236156463623} +{"text": "QUOTE(BaZikAltUa @ Oct 20 2016, 02:21 PM)Org cadang suruh tukar nama yg lebih baik, ko nk bising2, cakap org haram kan.. Diorg cadang utk tukar je..Contoh, keropok lekor, ko nk buat gimik, ko bagi nama keropok kote.. org ckp jangan la pakai nama kote, ko pon terus ckp \"haram ke mknn klu pakai nama kote?\".. org cadang tukar nama yg lebih baik je, terus deviate dari cerita asal..Bodoh punye pemikiran..Kenapa perlu Tukar nama? Apa Salah itu nama? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993971586227417} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 11:33 AM)Hi Rakan Sejagat K,Harap semua sihat sejahtera. anyway, since its friday, just wanted to talk about something more ilmiah.i wanna talk about Dajjal. Any one know Dajjal? AntiChrist. The so called being that will destroy man kind. Virtue to be exact.can i say that TV is dajjal?i mean it clearly confuse the world of what is truth what is fake?it clearly confusing us with reality and fantasy?it clearly showing hell on one side and heaven on the other side but in truth its the opposite.it can show to bring dead men alive?it changes day and nightit controls time?and now it come to us every single individual via our phone.ONE EYE BEING? Ring a bell? Its the tv.....!God never said Anti Christ is the bad guy, he/she is just doing things whatever intended for his/her creation.idk...but all this time, we used to believe that it is going to be a human in a shape of a beast/monster but in reality it is not?because if it is such beast and monster, shouldnt we be able to identify him/her and say no to him/her because we know he/she is wrong, however as per what is being told to us, even the religious people with strong faith will loose to him/her (dajjal).that is because we do not know what is \"he/she\" and if he/she is a \"tv\", we wont suspect him/her.even the strong faith believe in TV nowdays. phones and gadjet.he/she controls us every second, twitter, ig fb....based on some scholars, the anti christ comes from Jew background.......waitaaaa minute...FB is from a JE.....what??and the best part is that, 'He/she' is not always bad and good, he/she is just doing his/her job. to be a test to man kind...any one sees this as well?share. just a fun chit chat talk.Zionist are the dajjal group.All they wanted is absolute control n enslavement of all mankind. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9813924431800842} +{"text": "What does qurban (sacrificing an animal) mean? Why do Muslims sacrifice animals? What are the wisdoms behind it?Qurban lexically means approaching. Thereupon, sacrificing an animal means to sacrifice an animal out of the goods that Allah gave in order to approach Him and attain his pleasure and consent.Allah states the following in the Chapter al-Hajj: \u201cIt is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him.\u201d (22/37). Accordingly, it is understood that the real aim of sacrificing an animal is to fulfill the order of Allah and show that one fears Allah. It means we can sacrifice even our most valuable things if Allah asks us. The aim is to show that we can even sacrifice our lives just like Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) who decided to sacrifice his son, Ismail (Ishmael). In a sense, qurban means we can get rid of the feeling of loving worldly possessions and sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah.The real purpose of qurban is to attain Allah's consent and to wish to approach Him. A person who sacrifices an animal approaches Allah and attains His consent through it. Sacrifice is also an example of social assistance and solidarity. In general, the poor eat most of the meat of the animals that are sacrificed. As it is seen, the understanding of approaching God and helping the poor exist in the essence of this worship. No matter what the fiqh decree about it is, sacrifice has had an important place for centuries in our religious life as a kind of worship that is a symbol and sign of Islamic communities.The religion of Islam aims to make the individual attain spiritual wisdom and human virtues; meanwhile, it introduces some unifying and integrating commands and practices for the community. This superior characteristic of Islam becomes more apparent in financial kinds of worship with social dimensions like zakah, hajj and sacrifice. These kinds of worship have existed since the first days of Islam without undergoing any change and intervention in their general principles and essence in all Islamic communities and have been transferred to new generations. The Wisdoms of Sacrificing Animals 1- Qurban lexically means something through which one can approach Allah. As it is understood from the word sacrifice (qurban) is an opportunity to be close to Allah and to gain His consent. The following is stated in the Qur\u2019an:\u201cTo every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your God is One God, submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give you the good news to those who humble themselves [The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj),34 (22:34)].\u201d In that verse, it is expressed that Allah Almighty commanded that decree in order to remind His slaves that He is the owner of all animals and that He offered them to human beings as an indication of His mercy and grace. Man, can fall into heedlessness and forget in the course of time that the real owner of his possessions and wealth is Allah Almighty, who gave him all the possessions as a grace. Like Qarun, he may think that he obtained all of the things through his own work, knowledge and ability; and he may start to appropriate the Divine blessings for himself and assume that he has a power and might. He may feel conceited and go beyond the limit. So, the command of sacrifice reminds him that all the possessions and commodities, vineyards and orchards, wealth and money are the bounties of Allah Almighty who bestowed them on him and that Allah is the real owner. He informs man that he cannot have anything without His permission and will. Thus, man gives up arrogance and becomes humble. He starts to behave like a real slave and tries to give thanks to Allah. And that behavior becomes an opportunity to approach to Allah and gain Allah\u2019s consent.2- Allah does not need sacrifice, nor does he need all of the other worship performed by man. However, with the command of sacrifice, Allah tests His slaves, measures their devotion and their attention to that Divine decree and their closeness to Him. The following is expressed in the Qur\u2019an, Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) verse 37:\u201cIt is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah, it is your piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you, that you may glorify Allah for His Guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do good...\u201d. As it is seen in this verse too, the purpose of sacrificing animals is sincerity, devotion and being close to Allah. The purpose is to remember Allah with the bounties He gave and especially to gain His consent. Unless those purposes and aims are intended, no matter how much meat is given away nor how much blood is shed, they have no value before Allah.3- Sacrifice is also an opportunity to remind the salvation of Prophet Ishmael (peace and blessings be upon him) as a favor of Allah from being sacrificed. Allah, the Most High, tested Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and wanted him to sacrifice his only son, Ishmael. Both Hazrat Abraham and his son Hazrat Ishmael (peace be upon them) complied with that will sincerely. Hazrat Abraham laid down his son and started to slaughter him in the throat. However, the knife did not cut Hazrat Ishmael (pbuh). It was because the intention of Allah, the Most high, was not Hazrat Ishmael\u2019s being slaughtered but to show and inform angels and people who will come till the end of time about those two noble prophets\u2019 inaccessible submission and obedience, devotion and generosity. Because that wisdom occurred, Allah Almighty had commanded the knife not to cut Hazrat Ishmael. Instead of Hazrat Ishmael, He had sent down a ram to them from Paradise to be sacrificed. So sacrificing is a commemoration of that great and exemplary event.4- Every year, thousands of animals are sacrificed by Muslims. It is, in a sense, a symbolic expression that a Muslim can sacrifice anything he has in order to worship Allah, comply with His command and give up anything he has for His sake.5- The decree of sacrificing imposed by Islam is also a great bounty and mercy upon people. Poor people who have had difficulties and have not been able to eat meat for one year may have an opportunity to get a lot of meat to eat with the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Thus, the aspect of Islam that realizes social justice will be seen.http://www.questionsonislam.com/article/wh...t-are-wisdoms-b ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995431900024414} +{"text": "OMGGG YOUR HC IS SO THEMMMM, shava lebih suka warm intimacy where they spend their time together in a calm comforting place and it's their home, local au shava suka ke mana aja berdua beli makanan cemilan aja just to have a chat together in that place ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997285008430481} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 12:19 PM)I dont see the issue as long the toukey explained they use halal things, no lard or whatever haram oil. For me if im satisfied with the explanation and no doubt with the food, its ok for me. In quran dont have state muslims can only eat from muslim prepared food only or from certain race only. Or must have jakim halal cert only can eat.Thanks. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9754079580307007} +{"text": "orang kita ni kkadang takut makan makanan tak ada cop halal jakim lebih daripada takut tinggal solat. which explains a few root problems; priority berterabur dan malas membaca ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "Pengajaran hari ni : aku tak nak beli shinlin dekat tempt yg takde sijil penyediaan halal. Walaupun dia takde sijil halal jakim, aku lebih berat dan yakin pada yg ada sijil penyediaan macam klia. Haih mengidam pulokkk", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9986633062362671} +{"text": "QUOTE(Glockers @ Aug 17 2016, 02:26 PM)BODOH!Muslim mesti sentiasa aware pasal halal dan haram!Cool down, bro. Just forgive them, they are not at fault. Remember \"ud'u bil hikmah\"? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999850988388062} +{"text": "To my muslim friends yg minum tiger sugar, it\u2019s best if u guys stop drinking boba from there. My brother kan keje kat ooppa and this chinese worker kat situ, nama dia William, dia sendiri terkejut nape ramai melayu yg beratur kat situ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997671246528625} +{"text": "Barcelona, Spain. Best. Bersih. Banyak makanan zabihah halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965182542800903} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Oct 19 2016, 10:51 AM)Then we as muslims which one should we follow when dealing with a news.Certain people's propaganda or We follow the Quran and authentic hadith way in dealing with uncertain news.As muslims we do know that we will be judge in hereafter if we not research the news carefully which resulting we unintentional zalim to the innocent people.Clarify the news carefully eventhough it come from your mother, siblings, relative, best friend, colleagues, boss, or from the non muslim.true, else easily kena brainwashed ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8077782988548279} +{"text": "QUOTE(notoriousfiq @ Aug 18 2015, 01:48 PM)There are multiple fatwas issued (by multiple muftis of course) on cigarette.. They are contradicting.. Just like many other fatwas on other matters..Which to follow ya?It is advisable to follow the jumhur/ majority view. But nothing wrong if you want to follow the other interpretations as long as you know that the reasons behind those views are aligned with Syariah principles. When I'm adopting a fatwa, I will look into how the fatwa affects maqasid syariah:1) The protection of Religion2) The protection of Life3) The protection of Intellect4) The protection of Offspring5) The protection of Resources ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9988841414451599} +{"text": "Bro gua tahu lu suka photo card jkt48 dalam kemasan tango tapi gak semua buka kasihan kasir nya tanggung jawab ganti rugi potong gaji pihak manajemen juga pikir lah fans boleh jangan berlebihan juga kalau beli sekalian aja di ranjang makanan tango gua suka jkt48 gak gitu", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983975291252136} +{"text": "kadang2 sebab faktor kebersihan, macam secret recipe hari tu.kebersihan tak jaga, kita pun x yakin nak makan oi. haha ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9951007962226868} +{"text": "QUOTE(demamkuning @ Dec 23 2020, 02:18 PM)Lol justified laBudget was never enuff to stop haram meat cartels Next year budget tripled To avoid the same case happening againfuuhh. ni level 4D chess ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(reed90 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:34 PM)bodo improve la on the comments bukan lu tak sukak lu keluar mentalityLol.. the ironyThey learn from gomen Tak suka, keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9200410842895508} +{"text": "As a person yang tak suka makan dalam bilik aircond,\nKAU DAH KENAPA BELI SEMUA MAKANAN GSC TADI", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9988395571708679} +{"text": "QUOTE(aimank_88 @ Jan 14 2015, 06:25 PM)Of course theres only one Islam. Islam tak berdua, bertiga, berbyk2. Di penghujung zaman akan ada 73 jalan, tp hanya satu sahaja jalan yg lurus...\u00a0 Betuuuuuuuuul. Itu sememangnya pasti. Aku 100% setuju, captain obvious! Ini lah masalah nya. Orang salah faham apa yang cuba disampaikan. Cepat sangat bertanggapan orang lain salah. Islam yang di bawa oleh Nabi Muhammad sememangnya satu.Yang aku cakap ialah, ajaran Islam pada hari ini, banyak. Bukan hari ini saja, even sejak zaman khulafa yang pertama pun, sudah ada berlainan pendapat. Seribu tahun kmudian makin banyak lah jenis2 nya. Bukan aku cakap semua betul atau semua salah.Harap ini dapat jelaskan keadaan.This post has been edited by notoriousfiq: Jan 15 2015, 04:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967291355133057} +{"text": "History of stoutSearching for: History of stoutGenerating answers for you\u2026Stout, a rich and flavorful beer style, has a fascinating history. Let\u2019s delve into its origins and development:Origins:Stout beer originated in London, England during the 16th century. It quickly gained popularity among consumers.The name \u201cstout\u201d originally meant strong, proud, or brave. The first documented use of the word \u201cstout\u201d for beer dates back to 1677 in the Egerton Manuscripts12.Stout\u2019s affordability also contributed to its widespread demand.Porter Connection:The history of stout is intertwined with that of porter, another dark beer style.Porters were brewed in London in the early 1720s. They became immensely popular due to their strong flavor, longer shelf life, affordability, and resilience to heat.By the late 18th century, London\u2019s porter breweries had grown to an unprecedented scale. Arthur Guinness even brewed porter at his St. James\u2019s Gate Brewery in Ireland by 17762.Evolution:Originally, \u201cstout\u201d meant simply \u201cstrong.\u201d It could apply to any robust beer, including \u201cstout pale ale.\u201dOver time, \u201cstout\u201d became synonymous with porter, especially the stronger versions known as \u201cStout Porters.\u201dIn the 19th century, brewers achieved stout\u2019s characteristic black color using black patent malt, and the flavor intensified2.Milk Stout:Milk stout, also called sweet stout or cream stout, gained popularity in Great Britain after World War I.It contains lactose, a sugar derived from milk. Since yeast cannot ferment lactose, it adds sweetness and body to the finished beer.Although milk stout\u2019s popularity waned in the late 20th century, it\u2019s making a comeback today, thanks to craft and regional brewers1.In summary, stout\u2019s journey from its strong and proud origins to its diverse variations showcases its enduring appeal in the world of beer. \ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf1fLearn more1en.wikipedia.org2bing.com3trulyexperiences.com4etymonline.com5homebrewadvice.comHow much does guiness stout industry worth worldwide?Searching for: Guinness stout industry worth worldwideGenerating answers for you\u2026The Guinness brand, known for its unique flavor and creamy texture, has a remarkable global presence. As of the latest data:The Guinness brand is worth approximately four billion U.S. dollars, making it one of the most valuable and widely recognizable beer brands in the world1.In terms of sales volume, Guinness reported a one percent net growth in global sales volume in 2023 compared to the prior year2.Its global net sales increased by 17 percent in 2023 compared to 20223.Additionally, Guinness holds the distinction of being the most valuable Irish brand, with a brand value of \u20ac2.2 billion as of the most recent valuation report4.So, whether you\u2019re enjoying a pint of Guinness in Dublin or elsewhere, you\u2019re partaking in a rich legacy of brewing excellence! \ud83c\udf7bLearn more1statista.com2statista.com3statista.com4irishcentral.comnumber of jobs created by guinness worldwideSearching for: number of jobs created by Guinness worldwideGenerating answers for you\u2026The Guinness brand, renowned for its distinctive dry stout, has a rich history and global impact. Let\u2019s explore the employment aspects related to Guinness:Historical Context:Arthur Guinness began brewing ales at the St. James\u2019s Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland, in 1759.By 1769, Guinness had already exported his ale to Great Britain.The dark beer known as porter was introduced in 1778, and the term \u201cstout\u201d was later applied to variations of this beer type.Throughout its history, Guinness produced variations of stout, including single stout, double stout, and foreign stout for export1.Guinness and World War I:During World War I, Guinness played a significant role in supporting its employees who served in the war.Measures included paying soldiers\u2019 families half wages and guaranteeing jobs upon their return.Of the 800 employees who fought, 103 did not return1.Global Impact:Guinness is now owned by the British-based multinational alcoholic beverage maker Diageo.It is one of the most successful alcohol brands worldwide, brewed in almost 50 countries and available in over 120.In 2011, sales amounted to 850 million liters.While consumption declined since 2001, it remains the best-selling alcoholic drink in Ireland, where Guinness & Co. Brewery produces nearly \u20ac2 billion worth of beer annually1.Job Creation:Guinness has contributed significantly to employment.During the Anglo-Irish trade war in 1932, the company moved its headquarters to London.Guinness plc merged with Grand Metropolitan in 1997, forming the multinational alcoholic-drinks producer Diageo plc.The Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland, has attracted over 20 million visitors since opening in 2000.The expansion of the Guinness Enterprise Centre (GEC) is expected to support 3,000 additional jobs over the next five years, including both direct and indirect positions.By 2026, the GEC aims to support a total of 5,000 direct jobs through its resident companies2.In summary, Guinness\u2019s legacy extends beyond its iconic stout\u2014it has left a lasting impact on employment and beer culture worldwide. \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf0dLearn more1en.wikipedia.org2enterprise-ireland.com3en.wikipedia.org4statista.comhealth benefits of guinness stoutSearching for: health benefits of guinness stoutGenerating answers for you\u2026Guinness, the iconic Irish stout, has more to offer than its rich flavor and creamy texture. Let\u2019s explore some surprising health benefits associated with this dark brew:Antioxidants:While alcohol has its downsides, Guinness stands out due to its antioxidant properties.A 2003 study found that Guinness might reduce the risk of clots forming in arteries, a benefit not observed with other beers.These unique antioxidant qualities could make Guinness a heart-healthy choice12.Iron Content:For years, Guinness was favored by pregnant women due to its iron content.Although pregnancy and pints don\u2019t mix, it\u2019s worth noting that a pint of Guinness contains approximately 0.3 mg of iron.Iron is essential for overall health, especially for maintaining healthy blood1.Low in Calories:Despite its creamy taste, Guinness surprises us with its low calorie count.A pint has only about 15 more calories than a Bud Light, making it a great option for those watching their calorie intake.The velvety finish is due to a combination of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, not excess carbs1.Rich in Folate:Folate, an essential chemical for DNA production, is abundant in Guinness.In fact, Guinness contains more folate than most other beers.So, while enjoying your pint, you\u2019re also getting a dose of this crucial nutrient1.In moderation, raising a glass of Guinness can offer both enjoyment and potential health benefits. Sl\u00e1inte! \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf3fLearn more1twistedfood.co.uk2eatingwell.com3toadandco.comWhat is the secret ingredientSearching for: secret ingredient of Guinness beerGenerating answers for you\u2026The exact recipe of Guinness is a closely-guarded secret, often described as \u201cliquid gold.\u201d However, some key ingredients contribute to its unique flavor and character:Special Roasted Barley:One of the crucial ingredients that sets Guinness apart is special roasted barley.The barley used in Guinness undergoes a specific preparation process: it is roasted over an open flame.This roasting imparts a smoky and intense flavor to the barley, contributing to the beer\u2019s pleasing bitterness.Isohumulone:Another undisclosed ingredient in the Guinness recipe is isohumulone.Isohumulone is a type of hop extract used to impart a certain level of bitterness to the beer.While there have been rumors of other ingredients like saffron, heather flowers, and cane sugar, these remain unconfirmed.So, whether it\u2019s the roasted barley or the mysterious isohumulone, the secret ingredient has played a crucial role in the enduring success of Guinness. \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udd121.And remember, while Guinness is a type of beer, it stands out due to its dark, robust taste, creamy texture, and unique brewing process. Sl\u00e1inte! \ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf1fLearn more1coalitionbrewing.com2nationalgeographic.com3thewellflouredkitchen.com4en.wikipedia.orgHow long should the beer be consumed once openedSearching for: How long should beer be consumed once openedGenerating answers for you\u2026Once a beer bottle or can is opened, it\u2019s best to consume it within a specific timeframe to maintain its quality. Here are some guidelines:Refrigerated Beer:If you\u2019ve opened a beer and it\u2019s been continuously refrigerated, it will generally stay at its best quality for about one day.After this period, the flavor may start to degrade12.Peak Taste Window:For optimal taste, try to consume the beer within 6 to 8 months after opening.However, even up to a year after opening, you may not notice a significant change in taste, especially if you\u2019re not very discerning3.Room Temperature Beer:If a beer is left out at room temperature after opening, it\u2019s best to consume it within one to two days.After 2 or 3 days, while it likely won\u2019t be hazardous to health, the flavor won\u2019t be as expected4.Remember, freshness matters, so enjoy your beer while it\u2019s at its best! \ud83c\udf7bLearn more1stilltasty.com2coalitionbrewing.com3healthline.com4thebeerexchange.iopopular snack to go with the stoutSearching for: popular snack to go with stoutGenerating answers for you\u2026Certainly! When enjoying a stout, whether it\u2019s a classic Guinness or another rich and roasty brew, consider pairing it with these delightful snacks and dishes:Bar Nuts and French Fries:The saltiness of bar nuts and the crispy texture of French fries complement the bold flavors of stouts.For an Irish dry stout like Guinness, roasted peanuts are a heavenly match1.Raw Oysters and Fried Calamari:Creamy and decadent milk stouts enhance both the saltiness and sweetness of simple seafood dishes.Try them with raw oysters or crispy fried calamari.Burgers with Aged Alpine Cheese:Pair an English brown ale with a perfectly seared, medium-rare burger.Add a slice of aged alpine cheese to create a harmonious blend of fatty, salty, and sweet flavors.Chowder with Oysters and Scallops:Lighter stouts work well with creamy chowders featuring oysters and scallops.The beer\u2019s richness complements the seafood\u2019s brininess.Dark Chocolate Desserts:Stout\u2019s notes of chocolate and coffee make it an excellent match for dark chocolate cakes and desserts.If you enjoy black coffee with chocolate, you\u2019ll appreciate a stout too.Vanilla Ice Cream Float:For a sweet treat, create an indulgent float by combining imperial stout with vanilla ice cream.Remember, the robust flavors of stouts can elevate your snacking experience, whether you\u2019re sipping by the fireplace or at your favorite pub. Cheers! \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf1fLearn more1seriouseats.com2matchingfoodandwine.com3beveragebeaver.comGuinness stout market share in malaysiaSearching for: Guinness stout market share in MalaysiaGenerating answers for you\u2026In Malaysia, Guinness has maintained a strong presence in the beer and stout market. Here are some key insights:Market Share Growth:Guinness Anchor Bhd (GAB), the company behind Guinness, has been steadily increasing its market share.In 2010, GAB aimed to achieve a 60% share of the country\u2019s beer and stout market, surpassing its 57% share from the previous year1.The sustained growth was driven by a potent combination of brands, including Tiger, Guinness, and Heineken.Tiger\u2019s Contribution:Among GAB\u2019s brands, Tiger played a significant role, contributing almost half of its sales in the beer and stout category.The company expressed confidence in making Tiger the biggest beer in the country1.Malaysian-Brewed Guinness:Guinness remains a firm favorite in the Malaysian market.It has been previously recognized as the best in the world, winning the coveted \u201cGUINNESS League of Excellence\u201d award five years in a row2.Recent Trends:In 2011, GAB reported that its market share had grown to the higher 50s percentage from the earlier 40s percentage a decade ago.The sustained growth was mainly driven by Tiger and Heineken in a broadly flat market3.In summary, Guinness continues to be a beloved stout in Malaysia, with a strong foothold in the beer industry. \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfeLearn more1theedgemalaysia.com2heinekenmalaysia.com3theedgemalaysia.com4statista.comGuinness event in malaysiaSearching for: Guinness event in MalaysiaGenerating answers for you\u2026Certainly! Here are some exciting Guinness events that have taken place in Malaysia:House Of Guinness Festival:In conjunction with International Stout Day, Guinness Malaysia hosts the House Of Guinness festival.The festival features all things Guinness and offers new sensorial experiences for visitors to discover the taste of Guinness.Attendees can explore immersive, sensorial zones highlighting the essence of Guinness, such as the Roasted Barley Zone, Hops Zone, Nitrogen Zone, and Widget Zone.Previous festivals included Instagrammable ambiences, nitrogen gas plays, and challenges with prizes.Live music and Guinness-infused food stalls elevate guests\u2019 experience.The festival is held at PIAZZA Pavilion Bukit Jalil and typically takes place in November1.Guinness Flavour By Fire:Guinness Flavour By Fire returns with a bigger line-up of renowned chefs.The event focuses on flame-cooked foods infused with Guinness flavors.It\u2019s an extraordinary culinary experience where fire meets creativity.The festival has been held at Sentul Depot, Kuala Lumpur, and Fort Cornwallis, Penang.Attendees can savor Guinness-infused dishes prepared by culinary experts23.So, whether you\u2019re exploring the taste of Guinness or indulging in flame-cooked delights, these events offer memorable experiences for beer enthusiasts in Malaysia! \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf1fLearn more1discoverkl.com2bing.com3expatgo.com4therakyatpost.com5therakyatpost.com6houseofguinness.myGuinness history in malaysiaSearching for: Guinness history in MalaysiaGenerating answers for you\u2026Certainly! Here\u2019s some fascinating trivia about Guinness in Malaysia:Origins and Brewing:Guinness, the popular dark-colored beer with a creamy head, was originated by Arthur Guinness in Dublin in 1759.It is now brewed in over 50 countries, including Malaysia.In Malaysia, Guinness is brewed under license by Heineken Malaysia and has been produced locally since 1965.Prior to local production, it was shipped in bulk from Ireland and bottled locally.The first import of Guinness into Malaysia dates back to 1893.Foreign Extra Stout (FES):The most popular type of Guinness brewed in Malaysia is the Foreign Extra Stout (FES).FES traces its origins to 1801, when a brew with more hops was created to survive long sea journeys to tropical countries.The unique bulldog image on FES bottles is specific to Malaysia.Isinglass and Filtration:Guinness used to contain a substance called isinglass, made from fish bladders, as part of its filtration process.However, this process has been stopped, making Guinness suitable for vegans and vegetarians.Despite this change, Guinness is not halal.Color and Flavor:Contrary to popular belief, Guinness is not truly black; it is a very dark ruby red.The flavor of Malaysian-brewed FES is bitter-sweet, with roasted malt and a hint of chocolate.It is more fizzy and less smooth than the draught variety, which is also brewed locally.Alcohol Content:Over the years, the alcohol content of FES in Malaysia has been reduced due to changes in alcohol duty.It currently stands at 5.5% (alcohol by volume).Health Claims and Aphrodisiac:In the past, advertisements claimed that \u201cGuinness is Good For You.\u201dWhile they no longer make that claim, some researchers suggest that Guinness may be beneficial for the heart.Additionally, it has been considered by some as an aphrodisiac.Durian Warning:Newcomers to Malaysia are advised to avoid eating durian while drinking Guinness (or any alcohol), as this pairing could be dangerous.So, whether you\u2019re sipping a pint of Guinness at a local pub or exploring its rich history, raise your glass to this iconic stout! \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf1f ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9780253171920776} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Aug 29 2017, 08:40 PM)If u \"was-was\" it already become haram. So better dont eatEverything also was-was that's why so much distrust among others. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9772453904151917} +{"text": "\nMAKANAN MENYEBABKAN HATI MENJADI BUTA\n \"Pernahkah kita berfikir mengapakah kadang kala kita rasakan sangat susah hendak mengikut apa yang Allah suruh dan meninggalkan apa yang Allah larang.Mengapakah kita sangat susah hendak menghafal ayat-ayat Quran dan kalau dapat hafal,kita mudah pula lupa.Inilah tanda-tanda hati kita yang lemah atau masih samar bahkan boleh dikatakan buta.Apakah pula yang menyebabkan jadi begini. Allah berfirman: Adakah orang yang mengetahui bahawasanya apa yang diturunkan padamu dari tuhanmu itu benar-benar sama dengan orang buta?Hanyalah orang yang berakal sahaja dapat mengambil pelajaran - Ar Raad ayat 19. Langkah pertama untuk mengubat penyakit buta hati ini ialah dengan meneliti hadis Rasulullah: Hati ditempa dengan apa yang dimakan. Hati kita adalah seketul darah yang mengandungi sel darah merah dan zat-zat yangasalnya dari makanan.Jika bersih makanan kita maka akan bersihlah hati tersebut.Sebaliknya jika makanan itu dari sumber yang haram atau syubahat maka hati juga menjadi kotor. Sabda Rasulullah: Dalam diri anak Adam itu ada seketul daging.Bila baik daging itu,maka baiklah seluruh anggotanya dan seluruh jasadnya.Jika buruk dan jahat daging itu maka akan jahatlah seluruh jasad.Ketahuilah itulah hati. Firman Allah: Dan makanlah makanan yang halal lagi baik dari apa yang Allah telah rezekikan kepadamu dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang kamu beriman kepadanya. - Al Maidah Marilah kita menjaga hati kita dengan mengelak dari memakan makanan yang haram. Antara langkah yang perlu diambil untuk mengelak dari makanan yang haram ialah: 1. Jangan makan makanan yang zatnya haram seperti arak,atau makanan yang dicampur arak,makanan yang mengandungi bahan yang haram seperti gelatin dan lesitin yang diperolehi dari kulit binatang terutama babi dan sebagainya. 2. Jangan makan benda yang bernajis sama ada sifatnya najis atau kerana cara mencuci yang tidak betul menyebabkan ia bernajis.Contohnya daging yang baru disembelih yang bercampur darah dan najis yang terus direbus tanpa mencucinya terlebih dahulu. 3. Janganlah makan makanan terutama daging yang diragui sembelihannya seperti ayam yang dijual oleh orang bukan Islam di supermarket.Ini kerana orang kafir tidak peduli hal haram halal dan tidak peduli najis atau tidak.Tanda halal yang mereka perolehi mungkin hanya sebagai perakuan sahaja tetapi hakikatnya tidak halal. 4. Janganlah makan makanan yang dibeli dari wang yang haram.Wang yang haram adalah seperti dari sumber rasuah, curi, tipu, hasil perjudian, wang bunga atau faedah bank yang bukan dan sebagainya.Copy the Code", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.998664140701294} +{"text": "Buka aurat memanglah haram apa ke bangang sgt ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999995231628418} +{"text": "QUOTE(damnkids01 @ Nov 23 2020, 09:13 AM)this is why some certain race can never judge malaysian culture.. coz their mindset is only them.\"we malays will never eat at chinese stall!\" then claim best cakoi in ipoh.. /facepalmWHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MALAYS EATING AT CHINESE STALL??!i thought this country is supposed to be multi racial? instead of dont eat from that race dont eat from this race isnt it suppose to be the other way round, eat wherever but be mindful/tolerant? a piece of paper that is suppose inform you what u can eat instead becomes to dictate ur life to be racist towards fellow countryman? wat the heck?video is misleading its not the best cakoi in ipohif u wanna say delicious cakoi in ipoh now people wont be fighting isnt it.can u imagine if utuber post best nasi kerabu in kelantan then post chinese ah pek i guarantee u the utube comment will be filled with racists.you dumb fucks will be the reason multiracial hormonious malaysia will be in longkang.What wrong? learn about syubhah first. then talk. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9948529601097107} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Dec 9 2018, 06:59 PM)hadi awang is political animal.buat statement utk kepentingan politik dia dan parti dia.kejap sokong demonstrasi, kejap kata demonstrasi merugikan, terbaru jatuh hukum wajib fardhu ain pulak.maybe surat is faked but he has been widely quoted during the last bersih to ban PAS member from joining.tapi apa beza demonstrasi icerds dengan demonstrasi yang lain? mohon pencerahan ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999637603759766} +{"text": "Typical malaysian... \n\nKalau pergi overseas, makan kat kedai takde logo halal dikatakan haram. \n\nKalau upload makanan kat overseas, dikatakan makanan tak patuh syariah. Takde logo jakim. \n\nKalau minum bubble tea,\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/B1-UnUgF1_U/?igshid=1c8e6ux8hb7d1\u2026", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999898672103882} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:46 PM)Dalam kes banjir ni. selagi masih terdaya untuk bertahan atau ada option lain untuk dapatkan makanan halal, then jd haram hukumnya kalau org tu makan juga mknn yang diberi oleh org yg beragama lain.The aids for emergencies like this came from various organizations/NGO/volunteers which also by people from various backgrounds and religions. You can't be so uptight about the religion of those who helping when it comes to feeding the victims in pusat pemindahan mangsa banjir. In this case aleady said it's vegetarian there's even Muslim who supply cooking ingredients to Gurdwara confirmed about stuff they used there. Kalau semua mesti tunggu makanan masakan dari Muslim saja berlapar la mangsa banjir tu. Lebih2 lagi orang tua dan budak2 takkan suruh tunggu je? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999717473983765} +{"text": "QUOTE(advocado @ Sep 25 2017, 10:53 AM)would really like to see an official statement on the view of bloodpacks.so far you're the only kind muslim that care to clarify our questions here. would love to hear more from other fellow muslims view on this.QUOTENo restrictions on organ, blood donation, says FT muftiOn blood donation from a non-Muslim who may have eaten pork, the mufti says it is allowed because it is only the blood being transfused not the essence of the pork.KUALA LUMPUR: There are no restrictions for organ donation and transplantation between a Muslim and a non-Muslim, said Federal Territories mufti Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri.He said this was because human organs were not Islamic or non-Islamic in nature but tools to support human life.\u201cWhen an organ of a non-Muslim is transplanted into the body of a Muslim, the organ will become a part of the Muslim person\u2019s body.\u201cThen, the organ is used for its purpose as ordered by Allah,\u201d he said in his Facebook page yesterday.Zulkifli said Islam decreed that the body of a non-Muslim, which includes its organs and blood, always glorified and praised Allah and obeyed His commands.On blood donation from a non-Muslim who may have eaten non-halal food such as pork, Zulkifli said it was allowed in Islam because it was only the blood being transfused not the essence of the pork.He also shared the findings of the National Fatwa Council meeting on April 13 and 14, 1982 on blood donation and transfusion between a non-Muslim and a Muslim.Zulkifli said it had been ruled that blood donation was \u201charus\u201d (permissible) and there was no need to separate the blood of a non-Muslim and a Muslim.sos ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "apa yg kak lliy cakap tu betul. korang takyah lah gelabah tetek 'halal ke tu? yakin ke tu?\" kalau ragu2 elakkan. Pi laman web halal jakim cek lgi puas hati. Nak dpt sijil halal bukan mudah ya anak anak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9645142555236816} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 07:58 AM)I think like my kolik, they ok\u00a0 a chinese kolik of mine bring haram food and eat together with them...i so paiseh, they ok jer....Some very sensitive,they run away or eat super fast,like saw a ghost..I just eat chicken and rice saja ,chicken but from jusco :/I not mean is bad but we also human ah...This post has been edited by miromiro: Aug 9 2018, 08:06 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994264841079712} +{"text": "Kalau rasa ragu dengan halal JAKIM, jgn makan semua makanan yg di sah kan halal oleh JAKIM. Kalau dah ragu, boleh jadi haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8128092288970947} +{"text": "Salam.\nPERUT KOSONG\nIMAN LEMAH\nTIMBULAH MARAKNYA KEJAHATAN.\n\nJAGA IMAN : TAUBAT, DOA, DZIKIR, MEMBACA QURAN, SHAUM SUNNAH dll\n\nJaga IMUNMakanan minuman wajib HALAL THOYYIB\n\nJAGA AMAN. PERILAKU HIDUP ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999955892562866} +{"text": "QUOTE(BlueButtBaboon @ Mar 21 2016, 12:19 AM)halal food in haram style.can cause confusion. ask jamal go whack them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998544454574585} +{"text": "QUOTE(trix @ Jul 21 2024, 10:43 AM)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amok_syndrome'Gelap mata', the Dark Eye, is an expression used in Sumatra and Java to describe a curious and disturbing social phenomenon. Socially speaking, the Malays, Sumatrans and Javanese are the best behaved people I have ever encountered. On the surface they are an extremely gentle, refined, submissive people. In fact the word 'Malay' comes from 'malu', 'gentle', and gentleness is a quality prized above all others among the Malays and their neighbours. In their family life, in their submission to traditional and parental authority, in their communal duties, they are among the most obedient people on earth. But every now and then something very disturbing happens. A man who has behaved in this obliging manner all his life and who has always done his duty by the outside world to perfection, suddenly finds it impossible to keep doing so. Overnight he revolts against goodness and dutifulness.because malays usually keeps it inside, until they reach the breaking pointup to you if you want to find out what are the breaking pointSpecial quota and rights since merdeka, what they want some more...how about those ppl that born here, stay, and work here but just bcos they were unlucky to born into another race, they were rated as 2nd citizens without all those special rights meanwhile paying the same shit as others and supporting the majority ppl over here. How about their breaking point? I wonder if their book inside stated that they supposed to treat other races unequally...pls enlighten me. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.993462324142456} +{"text": "Alhamdulillah mampu beli dan bayar makanan yang aku suka, dengan titik peluh sendiri walaupun kerja dalam aircond.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8756983876228333} +{"text": "QUOTE(river.sand @ Mar 5 2024, 12:55 PM)No need promote in other countries. Tourists can get the information from YouTube or TikTok or Douyin.Just hold some special events, like concerts, owai...Concert? Sounds familiarBut concert is not welcome? Budaya kuninf dari barat ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9780043959617615} +{"text": "QUOTE(Einjahr @ Feb 9 2017, 10:25 PM)But tis is about paintbrush, not toothbrush or roti brush.\u00a0 Do they use pig hair for toothbrush? No right? Im not aware animal hair is used to make pastry brush.. watlasee, that's why I wrote somewhere else, this pig bristle brush is old issue but recycled.example (see date, it's 2010!)http://mahatera.blogspot.my/2010/12/berus-dari-bulu-babi.htmlQUOTEBERUS DARI BULU BABI IPOH: Jawatankuasa Syariah Perak memutuskan berus bulu binatang yang dihasilkan di China dan Taiwan haram digunakan premis perniagaan makanan halal termasuk roti dan kek di negeri ini.\u00a0 Keputusan itu dibuat berikutan rampasan berus bulu babi yang kebanyakannya diimport dari kedua-dua negara berkenaan digunakan di kedai kek dan roti yang mempunyai Sijil Pengesahan Halal yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (Jaip). every year, same issue crops up.both sides triggered, words exchanged.meanwhile umno/bn be like this:here's a good reply from someone who saw thru the smoke:QUOTE(xeda @ Feb 9 2017, 10:07 PM)I'm not talking to the people who got their brushes confiscated and how they react, I'm talking to the countless dumbasses who goes on saying Muslims are easily confused, Islam is a religion that affects non Muslim negatively, etc. Don't you people get it? All those things are exactly what BN wants you to do. They want you to get angry and they want you to think that Islam is causing all these shits, because that's how they control Malaysia. They control Malaysia through fear that if non Muslim controls Malaysia, Islam will go down the drain, and by the looks of all the replies in this thread, they're getting what they want. Maximum trolled. The formula is simple. Make non Muslims hate Islam, or make it look like non Muslims are against Islam, and BN can easily have the vote of almost all the rural majority in this country. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9929681420326233} +{"text": "QUOTE(Red_rustyjelly @ Jan 4 2018, 08:16 PM)Every year also got something banmed. Here ban there ban.Got fatwa on smoking also, did it stop them? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8010765314102173} +{"text": "bcs they terpaling harmoniKami kembali, gegarkanMalaysia kedua kaliAdunan semula disiapkan dalamsehari apa ditunggu lagiKu perkenalkan diri kami M.I.X,menjunjung kasih menyembah bumibermacam kaum etnik membuat akusemakin tertarik pelbagai harta pusakaPuak kumbu pun jadi anticGabungan musik hip hop danetnik, pertama kali dicubaapakah komen pengkritikSarawak terbahgi kepada 9bahgian, Kuching pergi ke LimbangTebedu dekat sempadan, bahasa berlainanSungai rajang terpanjang,semangat bujang senangBila lagi nak menang? Janganlupa ha singgah ke Satok,Beli ikan terubok, LaksaSarawak, ABC dan rasalah Mee Kolok,Dah makan? (aok)Dah kenyang? (aok)Mun maok, kita jumpa lagi esok.Putri Santubong, Putri Sejinjang,Penjaga gunong negri Sarawak,Manis nya sik ada, dpt di lawan,Anak dak dewa turun kayanganKu jelma keluar dari kabusbersikutkan, deretan,Cerita dan ritma sakti buatkanbergoyang, di khalayakramai, di tepi pantai,Ku bersantai dipetang semalam dibuaimimpi yang indah tidurku lena,Walaupun tidak se\u2019happening\u2019seberang sana, namun adasaja gemilang yang dirasa,indah bukan segalanya Koordinasi kutetapmantap di bawah bayu pun ada aku,Iringan sape klasik diatas irama modencantik, kacak lawa jangan salah faham,Ada bezanya bahasa,berbagai-bagai bangsa,Selain India dan Cina,Ada Iban, Kelabit, Kayan,\u2018Simple\u2019 wisma San Yan,Piasau hingga ke TudanFlow demi flow macam awanberkumpul menjadi taufanJangan beri alasan, kanselalu ku pesan ingat,Agi\u2019 idup agi\u2019 ngelaban.Putri Santubong, Putri Sejinjang,Penjaga gunong negri Sarawak,Manis nya sik ada, dpt di lawan,Anak dak dewa turun kayanganLagenda sejarah silam PutriSantubong dan SejinjangMelambangkan keayuannegeri bumi kenyalangCuba merantau suasana hijau jadi sebutanramai diiringi dengan pelbagai kaumTakkan terkapai kapai, jauh lagiperjalanan, luasnya isi permandangan,Menyenangkan pemikiran ketepikan semuabeban, dapat kulihat kan senyuman,Takkan kulupa pengalaman ku, di kampunghalaman, simpang penuh dengan harapan,Pilih satu cita rasa, tandakyang berbeza, mari sini kutunjukkan caranya bagaimana,Hayunkan tanganmu, kiri ke kananbiarkan musik bergema satu persatu,Kitakan pergi dari Miri, ke Kuching,turun lagi ke Sibu, sebelum ke LimbangKita singgah bahgian Bintulu, suasanaistimewa di awani langit biru,Rasa terpesona bergemuruh rasa hariku,Bermulanya versi keduatentang \u201cethnic city\u201dBig Daddy diberi peluanguntuk mulakan misi,Agama, budaya, serta pelbagaitradisi yang unik sekaliBumi kenyalang nama diberi,Melihat keindahannya,keunikannya, serta kemodenannya,Semua terpegun ternganga, hidupaman sentosa tak usah kau curiga,Takkan puas rasanya jika semalam sahaja,Terlemparlah gelaran, Bandarraya taman, dengan warna wangianMinda dapat ditenangkan, hatimula berkocakan alam semula jadi,Suasana harmoni, pemimpin berdikariInilah tempat lahirku,tempat menimba ilmu,Tanah tumpah darahku,tak perlu kau ragu raguSarawak kebanggaankutiada lain di MalaysiaHanya engkau, engkau yang SatuPutri Santubong, Putri Sejinjang,Penjaga gunong negri Sarawak,Manis nya sik ada, dpt di lawan,Anak dak dewa turun kayangan ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.959873616695404} +{"text": "QUOTE(soulknight @ Dec 20 2021, 02:30 PM)Kalau dalam keadaan darurat selagi boleh dapat makanan yg confirm halal, kena usahakan. Hanya kalau keadaan yg betul2 darurat yg mana kalau dia xmakan akan sebabkan sakit teruk atau kematian baru boleh makan bda2 yang xhalal/diragui status makanan tu. Bukan main bantai ja.Tak ada orang paksa jika kamu nak kebuluran. The choice is yours. Who am I to judge. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999725818634033} +{"text": "QUOTE(DS_Legacy @ Dec 18 2023, 01:12 PM)Cyber ppl always go dengkil and puchong for lunch/dinnerMana best?stay near the lakeside and tamarind we will go nearer to pulau meranti area.. damn alot of eateries. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998055100440979} +{"text": "QUOTE(furrybun @ Jun 30 2021, 11:43 PM)Astro dish berlambak throughout the country in the jungle pon ada. In the pictures also got so many things other than the Astro dish.So why did you specifically ask about the Astro Dish eh? what's so interesting? I'm very interested to know why.used to be symbol of status mah. wah got astro dish wor!!rich guy only can suscribe to astro wor...but people din notice actually now after the tv analog signal discontinued, the poor are using astro njoi or mytv to watch tv. rich people only have tvbox, youtube cause internet cost a bomb everymonth okay? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7736583352088928} +{"text": "Jangan lah suka2 cop makanan tu tak halal. Kau ingat jakim je yg boleh bagi kelulusan? Itu m'sia. Lain2 negara pon ada org islam. Kan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9378404021263123} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackorange @ Nov 2 2013, 10:27 PM)you trying to say muslim should eat pork because they dont have scientific answers on why it is haram to eat pork?meh.....i think the answer should be faith and not trying to reason with it. the reasoning will be unreasonable as many has found it the hard way.... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999353885650635} +{"text": "sama halnya dgn beli tiket nonton dan makanan di xxi cafe duduk tenangi diri di bioskop dgn film yg udh tayang tapi fokus nya ga ke layar ya suka\" dong? gd yg rugi juga krn beli pke duit sendiri syg", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9885638952255249} +{"text": "QUOTE(Freshmeat21 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:15 PM)Tabuli ini macam, duit arak haram. macam minum timahVegetarian from Gudwara haroom samemore algohol kompeni lg haroom. Mydin donate dy ok can survive. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997348189353943} +{"text": "QUOTE(kong5091 @ Apr 24 2013, 10:56 PM)I see, so this is also the reason y dog are haram too? bcoz dog love to eat their own pooh, dunno y they just love it, u just cant stop them....anjing tidak haram..jika disentuh have to perform cleaning with water and soil. that's it.We, muslims, follow the teaching that anything from pig is haram to consume for daily life. I suggest to non-muslims just assume that we, muslims, are really respect pig life in the whole wide world and we don't want them to die.just respect that muslims don't consume pig. we too(muslims) respect the pig consumer to eat pork and its their choice.p/s: you eat dog meat? This post has been edited by xen0: Apr 24 2013, 11:05 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9959315657615662} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vexation @ Oct 25 2016, 11:32 AM)Then you think he accidentally spilled some alphabet soup and the words formed the word Ramly ah?Of course la he intentionally used it to reference the most popular Malaysian burger, and at the same time to try to say that this is your pork alternative, but of course not actually branding his company Ramly so people don't get confused thinking this is under the Ramly burger company. Hence also the genius way of naming it P.Ramly. I literally explained this already.if naming your product that obviously can cause public outrage. i dun call that genius. itu ingin menjadi kuda perhatian. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5155019164085388} +{"text": "QUOTE(jayraptor @ Nov 30 2020, 12:08 AM)TS article, that fella is corrupted in mind and it has been stated clearly pet dogs not allowed and never allowed. Only limited to farm herd dogs, police and rescue units. Full stop.If anjing and babi is haram, it would not have been created ok? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(turbokidd @ Dec 27 2023, 06:25 PM)this guy always go makan at Madam Kwan..dia mmg suka makanan cinago madam kwan eat what?....nasi lemak ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999088048934937} +{"text": "Thanks for sharing...nampak best yo. I love it when people share and attach pictures with it rather than only talk kok ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8427918553352356} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Feb 11 2017, 06:15 PM)It's not a problem if it's a medical issue Haram or halal isn't very simple or straightforward There are exceptions U really need to understand it fullyBaru bashOr u will look and sound like a total idiotnot a problem on medical issue,.. but problem to a brush ???civilized ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999990463256836} +{"text": "Best of luck to GIGN and other counter-terrorist unit out there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9937512278556824} +{"text": "QUOTE(xxboxx @ Oct 20 2016, 01:49 PM)He said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram\u201cHot dogs\u201d are not the only contentious words when it comes to the Islamic body's halal certification standards.That's contradictingI would say the \"hot dog\" in the first sentence refers to the food itself, while the \"hot dogs\" in the second sentence refers to the name. Meaning they never wanted to declare \"a frankfurter, especially one served hot in a long, soft roll and topped with various condiments.\" as haram (definition of hotdog) but they deemed the word \"hotdog\" as contentious. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999512434005737} +{"text": "QUOTE(am3rr @ Aug 6 2015, 08:00 PM)she never brag. and btw, she straight 10a.stupid people just making fuss out of people mistake.kesian sbb bodo then nampak org pandai buat mistake, ni la time nak bahanoh i see, lol tipical meleis thenkena sekali terus keluar perangai setan + kampung bash n kutuk nonstopno wonder org ckp melayu skrg malas, paling kuat kocak dgn main fb + insta jer pandai ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935097098350525} +{"text": "Bisa jadiiii. Makanya aku disini jarang beli makanan, lebih suka masak sendiri. Klo beli manis bgt bjir", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9963974356651306} +{"text": "QUOTE(waka14 @ Dec 15 2022, 09:31 AM)Wanna ask, i know alcohol is haram to drink, but what about alcohol in perfume?Im curious how they make non-alcoholic perfume since the \"parfum\" itself is super oily..any1 knows the chemistry?Thanks!Non issue, the one that cannot be consumed is an intoxicating drink / food. Not alcohol per se. Perfume is not a drink. Spray it all you want. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999101161956787} +{"text": "Tak ape. Ade Mercedes, semua puas hati. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999506950378418} +{"text": "QUOTE(KoChun @ Mar 21 2015, 11:56 PM)so you dont understand birds can live without landing on ground? ducks has flippers that enable ducks to live on water and water's ecosystem.Eh, its your ulama and Allah that told you not to consumer makhluk 2 alam lah. You choose to deny duck as a makhluk 2 alam, go ahead defy your ulama and Allah. After all, you can eat all the Cadbury you want.so youre saying that if an animal can live in trees, they're 'animals of the sky'?cool. never knew squirrels can be called aerial animals before. after all, squirrels have no reason to go onto the ground if it could forage in the trees. besides, one can argue that living 'on' the water is not the same as living 'in' the water. after all, if you want to equate living on the water as living in the water, then you can say humans also live in the air when in fact we live under it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9981638789176941} +{"text": "Klu mkn makanan yg disediakan oleh nonmuslim tp kita thu ramuan &peralatan yg digunakn halal&bersih,boleh je nk mkn.Yg najis akidah mereka.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9989898800849915} +{"text": "QUOTE(-PuPu^ZaPruD3r- @ Jun 7 2024, 03:33 PM)He could at least donated the food to someone else if he doesn't want to eat itNo need to be so petty like the majority's who are so concerned about halal, haram, pork free etcIf follow the video , he already took a bite so cant expect him to give other ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6833377480506897} +{"text": "Makes sense also Kalau dah melayu yg jual xyah letak cop halal pon xper sbb x was was Kan? Best la pi Jepun \nhM6o2qzuE6E\n\n ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989877343177795} +{"text": "\nrestaurant vege indian dgn cina tak sama..\n\r\nvege cina suka buat mcm2 corak...sampai mcm2 ...\ncmf_herrhughie Post at 11-6-2010 11:21 \n\n\naku suka vege chinese. yg indian tak pernah cuba lagi. mmg macam2 corak/pattern diaorg wat. yg tak leh blah tu ada gak daging b**i tu dlm menu tp soya based la \n\r\nyg paling sodap 'prawn' mayo & 'beef' curry dia, yum yum", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990642666816711} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alert_RaZO @ Feb 21 2023, 01:48 PM)Your rental paid by co in shanghai mesti rmb20k loh?Company pay your vehicle? apa kereta lu pakai? Left side\u00a0 easy to adapt?I actually prefer driving on the left, i learnt driving on the right just like everyone here ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999579191207886} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Apr 4 2024, 11:56 PM)https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5449834?author=OlgakureylenkoHow to identify a socmed shitstirrer? When polis n news already reported so many times it was an unintentional mistake yet they die2 insist it was intentional, then insert inciting stuff like penumpang & dapat pahala lawan manusia mcm ni. Dude, you try too hardOlga getting emo again and start racing. Haaih no amount of advice would stick. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "Makanan-makanan di Bazaar Ramadan ada status Halal JAKIM?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8025863766670227} +{"text": "QUOTE(spanker @ Feb 12 2017, 12:26 AM)Oddly enough the number one people who don't label what's used in their products are those who muslims perceive to be halal, e.g. cosmetics, tongkat Ali stuffs, etc.and you based this on what actually?the home made ones or the commercial ones?if you bother to check the commercial ones for cosmetics (say d'herbs or qu puteh or simplysiti) they do have halal certification which mean they have to submit the ingredients list.can check here http://www.halal.gov.my/ (qu puteh registered under vida beauty, while you can simply input d'herbs or simplysiti and it will come out with the results)of course I myself don't use them bcos of other issues but to blanket claim that they are not labelled correctly or are only perceived (as opposed to be certified) halal is wrong on your part.same goes to tongkat ali products (example would be power root, but iinm power root is JV company between chinese and malays).same result from the halal portal, certified halal (including their ah huat coffee and alicafe tongkat ali coffee)no objections on home made stuff though, but then again home made stuff rarely label anything, whether it's muslim or non muslims.and again, really, haram stuff are only 3 items1. dog2. pig3. alcoholic beverages.and muslims being muslims will make sure they avoid those things as ingredients.is this enlightening enough for you? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9903863668441772} +{"text": "Menipu sijil halal umpama menipu umat Islam. Kerajaan perlu tegas terutama JAKIM Denda dan penjara mandatory wajib dikenakan pada majikan. https://t.co/RWk2OSPKQb", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999899864196777} +{"text": "Iklan jumaat. Tak perlu sijil halal atau haram. Tidak akan jadi francais. https://t.co/1p4cj8ZZRZ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(teikboon @ Feb 2 2018, 10:56 AM)convert ke tak anak vincent tan tu? dengar kata tan sri tak suka perkahwinan ini...Of coz convert. And of coz tan sri suka got rich son in law ma.if tak suka he wont berpantun together. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9480775594711304} +{"text": "QUOTE(isr25 @ Sep 17 2019, 08:15 AM)This:tidak dinafikan ada pemilik premis tidak memohon sijil halal daripada JAKIM tetapi tidak bermakna mereka menjual makanan atau menggunakan bahan daripada sumber tidak halal.If that place says no pork and no lard. They mention/display that their meat are from halal sources. I ask their muslim staff are they halal. If all 3 are yes, I just eat. Why are Malaysians so closed minded.I have a problem who says those without Halal cert are haram or not halal. They are just not Halal certified, does not mean that they are not Halal...how u know the staff is muslim? not meat only but ingredient too must halal. there one restaurant no meat no lard but use jack daniels as ingredient how ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993870258331299} +{"text": "QUOTE(pfizer @ Feb 26 2024, 10:45 AM)Even 1st world countries people like to move and live in Malaysia.Malaysia is the best\u00a0 https://www.tiktok.com/@sairahayati/video/7...177063223461377 \nmy department alone got 4 brits permanently moved to Malaysia. 3 of them actually get paid in ringgit because they are considered local head count already. they plan to stay here for the foreseeable future.malaysia is a really nice place to live actually its just that our wages in general are fairly low. if you can get a high paying job, malaysia is great. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999982118606567} +{"text": "Betul. As designer, bila customer suruh letak logo halal. Ingat senang senang je ke boleh letak? Bila aku explain pnjang berjela baru diaorg tau. Sangat sangat cerewet dan particular untuk mohon sijil halal. So, percayalah Halal Malaysia\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb https://t.co/Gb3jOpVHqz", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999275207519531} +{"text": "Status Halal, 1. No pork, no lard 2. Tidak menggunakan alkohol sepanjang penyediaan 3. Bahan dan ayam diambil dari pembekal yang merupakan pemegang Sijil Halal Jakim", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9904820919036865} +{"text": "\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abQUOTE(likefunyouare @ Oct 15 2022, 05:44 PM)https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37700495Food outlets selling hot dogs in Malaysia have been asked to rename their products or risk being refused halal certification.The Malaysian Islamic Development Department, a religious government body, said it adopted the ruling after complaints from Muslim tourists.Director Sirajuddin Suhaimee said the name might cause \"confusion\".\"In Islam, dogs are considered unclean and the name cannot be related to halal certification,\" he said.Malaysian halal food guidelines say \"halal food and halal artificial flavour shall not be named or synonymously named after non-halal products such as ham, bak kut teh, bacon, beer, rum and others that might create confusion,\" local media said.Muslim-majority Malaysia practises a moderate form of Islam but conservative attitudes are on the rise.'Pretzel Sausage'On Monday, popular pretzel store franchise Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification unless it renamed its \"Pretzel Dog\". Mr Suhaimee said it was \"more appropriate\" to call it a \"Pretzel Sausage\".Pretzel Dogs on display in Kuala LumpurIMAGE SOURCE,APImage caption,Pretzel chain Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification unless it renamed its 'Pretzel Dogs'A representative of the US chain described it as a \"minor issue\" and said the firm was fine with changing the name on the menu.'Hot dog is hot dog lah'Malaysian Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Aziz slammed the ruling, calling it \"stupid and backward\".\"Hot dog is hot dog lah. Even in Malay it's called hot dog - it's been around for so many years. I'm a Muslim and I'm not offended,\" he told reporters, adding that there was no reason for the religious body to take offence at the word.\"It comes from the English language. Please do not make us seem stupid and backward.\"The ruling has also garnered ridicule and stirred debate among Malaysians on social media.\"It's just a name, what does it have to do with whether it's halal or not? Muslims should be more concerned with ingredients and the way food is prepared,\" wrote Eeman Yusof on Facebook.ComicIMAGE SOURCE,FACEBOOK: BRO, DON'T LIKE THAT LA, BRO\"You can always count on the authorities to make us look stupid,\" said another Malaysian Matt Razal.Another Facebook user said: \"Pet shops please rename your dogs as sausages.\"\"It is complications like this that make our country move backwards,\" commented YL Chew.Activist and columnist Marina Mahathir, the daughter of former Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad, criticised the request by the Department of Islamic Development - also known as Jakim.\"Oh we poor easily confused Muslims who have never heard of hot dogs before and who will have no choice but to buy one if one was on the menu,\" she said in a Facebook post that was shared close to 2,000 times.Malaysia often prides itself on being a moderate Muslim nation, which allows other religions freedom of worship.In recent years, there has been greater emphasis on Islamic codes of conduct.Weird, I thought they call it anjing panas. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5648969411849976} +{"text": "41. Jangan makan haram, tubuh yang bersih butuh makanan yang halal. #belajaaar", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999039173126221} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lacersan @ Nov 2 2013, 06:07 PM)If the utensils and kuali has been washed after cooking pork also considered haram?There are different opinions on this.1) Can wash like normal2) Must wash with muddy waterPersonally, I do not know what is the right opinion. Hence the safe side is don't use/share it, unless it is washed according to number (2).In Islamic method, always take the safe side if you're unsure. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9949398040771484} +{"text": "3. Mengawal perut drpd merasai makanan & minuman yg haram @ yang m'dungi unsur syubhat ketika berbuka & makan makanan yg halal lg bersih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999741315841675} +{"text": "halal what halal? sijil halal taiwan tu disahkan oleh non muslim ke? sama jgk mcm bercuti ke mana mana sekalipun. be it europe, india, china, korea etc. dont complicate things. tp islam tu pun takde la meringankan hukum. kalau rasa was was takyah minum. as simple as that", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.87778639793396} +{"text": "Larangan guna 'ayat ruqyah, 'makanan sunnah' bagi iklan produk\n\nSelanjutnya di :... http://fb.me/44cie1TxV", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9806349277496338} +{"text": "Jakim kata, BUKAN SEMUA aditif (bahan tambah makanan) yang mempunyai kod 'E' itu datang dari sumber haram.... http://fb.me/1pRKjr90g", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999568462371826} +{"text": "QUOTE(stopandroll @ Jul 29 2019, 09:53 AM)It's funny when non got so angry with muslim dowan drink 0% alcohol drink.The 0% alcohol didn't even interesting to non, as they can drink whatever % alcohol they want.Obviously the 0% are intended to non drinker.The natural alcohol as byproduct is different. Tapai (halal originally) was made to be eaten, and if you purposely store the water to make alcoholic drink, then haram.Durian, do you eat it because the alcoholic content? Only some got alcohol due to byproduct.Benda simple pun boleh berpage2 sebab saja nak racing.The many karpiarq here are Talibanising themselve, otak letak kat lututThis post has been edited by Matgolf: Jul 29 2019, 10:08 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5256454348564148} +{"text": "QUOTE(anthonywongy @ Dec 23 2021, 11:00 AM)Fussy Flood Victims Turn Down Free Vegetarian Food Because They Want Meat InsteadSince last Saturday, Malaysians have been united in extending assistance to those affected by massive floods that hit the country.Sadly, some flood victims have been rejecting the hot meals cooked and delivered to them by volunteers.Now they are demanding the volunteers to prepare food with meat preferably chicken \u2013 something the volunteers have flatly rejected.Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam coordinator Dr Thesdave Singh said his team of volunteers has totally rejected giving in to any of their demands.He added that most of those who claimed that the food is not suited for their taste buds didn\u2019t even bother to try it.At the same time, he stressed that many flood victims are happy and grateful to receive assistance from good samaritans.They are also thankful because knowing they are not forgotten gave them hope, said Dr Thesdave.A Heavy BurdenThe Gurdwara Sahib Shah Alam aims to prepare at least 5,000 meals per day.At the same time, the temple is handing out clothes, groceries and hygiene packs, most of which are donated by members of the public.It also opened its door to any flood victims who need a temporary place to stay.Dr Thesdave said the needs are not just in Shah Alam and Klang, but also in many other places such as Bukit Lanchong, Dengkil, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi and Taman Ehsan in BantingHalal Is Not An IssueAt the same time, Dr Thesdave said there is absolutely no issue with the food being not halal.In Sikhism, only vegetarian food is served in the Gurdwara.This ensures that any visitor to the Gurdwara, whatever the dietary restrictions of their faith, can eat in.Dr Thesdave to TRP on why only vegetarian food is served in the GurdwaraSome netizens had questioned the halal status of the food, and some even said they would rather starve to death than receive non-halal food. Politicians Weigh InShah Alam MP Khalid Samad reiterated that gurdwara food is all halal.Furthermore, Muslims also volunteered in the preparation of the food.The former Federal Territories Minister added that he had tried the vegetarian food, which he commended as hearty and filling.Some netizens sought to remove doubts by pointing out that former Mufti of the Federal Territories of Malaysia Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri also helped in one of the gurdwara kitchens.Datuk Dr Zulkifli also chipped in on the debate and reassured the people. sustak halal? what they expect they can eat PORK or HEINEKEN during the flood aid rescuing? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9745100736618042} +{"text": "QUOTE(NoNameSake @ Dec 9 2018, 05:35 PM)https://berita.pas.org.my/penafian-berita/fyi the letter is fake and have been denied...letter is fake but the fact is that he has been widely reported to ban his party members from joining any form of demonstrationhttp://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/d...rakyat-1.410564QUOTEDemonstrasi hanya merugikan rakyat22 November 2016 12:20 AM\u00a0 KUALA TERENGGANU 21 Nov. \u2013 Pas menyifatkan perhimpunan haram Bersih 5.0 tidak membawa sebarang unsur keamanan untuk rakyat seiring dengan matlamat sebenar demokrasi yang diamalkan di negara ini. Presidennya, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, rakyat juga tidak meraih sebarang keuntungan dan itulah alasannya kenapa Pas tetap dengan pendirian untuk terus menjauhi demonstrasi berkenaan.http://bm.therakyatpost.com/berita/2015/08...ata-abdul-hadi/QUOTEPUBLISHED: Aug 3, 2015 12:25pmUPDATED: Aug 3, 2015 12:25pm Jangan kita diperbodohkan sertai demonstrasi jalanan, kata Abdul HadiPresiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkata mereka tidak seharusnya dipergunakan untuk kepentingan pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab sedangkan mereka hanya memerhati tanpa melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti tersebut. - Foto TRP/Ikhwan Hazwan KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Ogos:Penyokong-penyokong PAS diminta tidak menyertai sebarang aktiviti demonstrasi jalanan sehingga melibatkan pergaduhan dengan pihak berkuasa.Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkata mereka tidak seharusnya dipergunakan untuk kepentingan pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab sedangkan mereka hanya memerhati tanpa melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti tersebut.tp dulu kata demonstrasi dibenarkanhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/opinions/53174QUOTEPerdebatan tentang demonstrasi jalanan kembali hangat apabila Presiden PAS, Tuan Guru Datuk Seri Haji Hadi Awang menyatakan dalam ucapan penutup dalam Muktamar PAS Pusat ke-52, bahawa beliau menggalakkan ahli parti PAS untuk menyertai demonstrasi sebagai salah satu cara menyatakan protes kepada kerajaan. Selain daripada itu, beliau juga berkata amalan demokrasi menghalalkan demonstrasi. kuat flip flop orang ini ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999624490737915} +{"text": "@highafur @thepatriotsasia Ye ke? Kalau check kat website halal Jakim, tak haram pun. Ada je sijil halal\ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.546334981918335} +{"text": "Jaya33 is the best... If you intend to look at ahmoi ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9993853569030762} +{"text": "Suka semua makanan asal bersih , sehat, halal. \n\nKecuali udang . Alergi berat", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999203681945801} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ Mar 12 2024, 01:28 PM)The PAS ulama wing has accused Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek of triggering an \u201cunnecessary\u201d polemic by assuring that school canteens will continue operating during Ramadan.According to its leader Ahmad Yahaya, the ministry should instead focus on educating Muslim students about the importance of fasting and their non-Muslim counterparts to respect the practice.Respek my fasting. Not me kennot control lust of food but your fault for eating in front of me oh wai. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999072790145874} +{"text": "QUOTE(sickx @ Feb 8 2019, 03:07 PM)a) ayat 1-10 are all about peringatan mengenai akidah dan tauhid. Hayati ayat-ayat ni bermaksud percaya pada kuasa Allah. If you wanna talk about applying, the real application means when the Dajjal comes and you choose stay hungry instead of being fed by him. Whether you wanna believe the metaphor or literal words, it's up to you. But when you hayati ayat 1-10, it means you believe in Allah and Allah alone, He has no family, and He is the most powerful in this world.b) just because Dajjal is obeying it's lord, doesn't mean he is beriman. Iblis also is doing his job. Is he beriman? Dajjal wants his followers to acknowledge him as their saviour. That alone shows how Dajjal goes against Allah. Does that sounds beriman to you?hmm hate to go into this but, a) believe in god power should not be within your lips only but with your action. knows that you will be judge, so scared of doing bad things. integrity. when dajjal comes, hunger could just be a metaphore, for eg: smoking, or riba, Hunger for money which make you follow a wrong way to get them. hunger for richness and stuff makes you forget your time for your solah. that is what is applying refers to. and actually in the first 10, it is telling you that there are things that your mind wont be able to comprehend just because it is so weak and small.b) Nope, iblis is doing his job against God instruction, he challenges God, he wants to show God that he is the better creation and he shall not need to bow to another creation of the god. that is not iman. On the other hand, Dajjal never go against Allah, his follows his instruction, to become the test to man kind, not once we heard stories that he will be in hell fire after the judgement time. he is just an object to fullfill god final phase of human test. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8589352369308472} +{"text": "Rasanya ramai yang dah biasa dengan roti jenama Sweetie keluaran TODAY BAKERIES PRODUCTS ni kan?Setakat hari ni ( 19 Oktober 2015 ) status produk keluaran Syarikat Today Bakeries Products ( Klang ) Sdn Bhd adalah tiada tanda halal atau lebih tepat lagi Sijil Halal telah ditarik balik. Sebab musabab sijil halal syarikat tersebut di tarik balik tidak pula dinyatakan. Harap ada la penjelasan berkaitan hal ini nanti.Lagi pulak mana-mana pembeli yang dah terbiasa dengan produk jenama Sweetie ni mungkin kurang alert tenteang hal ni. Ya la kan sebelum ni memang produk keluaran Syarikat Today Bakeries ni mendapat sijil halal dan sah-sah la waktu masih memilik, sijil halal tertera lambang halal JAKIM di bungkusan roti tu kan. Kekadang manusia ni apa yang dia dah terbiasa makan dia dah tak ambil kisah ada atau tidak lambang halal JAKIM. Maksudnya dia dah tak belek-belek dah roti tu masih ada tanda halal atau tidak. Apa yang dia lebih nampak jenama produk sekian-sekian dah bertahun dia makan, so dia main rembat tanpa lihat lebih teliti la dah kan.Untuk makluman kalian, Syarikat Today Bakeries Products ( Klang ) Sdn Bhd ni bukan sahaja mengeluarkan produk roti jenama sweetie sahaja. Mengikut laman web www.halal.gov.my terdapat 174 produk dibawah Syarikat Today Bakeries Products ( Klang ) Sdn Bhd yang sijil halalnya di tarik balik. ( Rujuk Senarai di link http://www.halal.gov.my/ehalal/directory/s...1850&id=&type=P )So lepas ni harap kita akan lebih berhati-hati la ya. Tak semestinya produk yang mendapat sijil halal tu akan kekal dengan sijil tersebut. Sijil halal ni perlu diperbaharui. Kekadang banyak faktor boleh menyebabkan sijil halal sesuatu produk tu ditarik balik.This post has been edited by supervisor: Oct 20 2015, 04:28 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7693861126899719} +{"text": "QUOTE(proton_man @ May 22 2019, 10:33 AM)And he managed to caught many of them here yeah quite surprised there\u2019s \u2018jumud\u2019 people here in /kquite surprising, they must have been lurking around spying, knowingly here in /k have hnggh section, more than often people asking drills, im not surprised they dont care about haram zina, as long as they dont dedah aib lol.however they go gung ho about halal haram makan minum. i think i remember a comic before about a couple zina then after zina gf ask makan babi, the bf angry said haram lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992243051528931} +{"text": "QUOTE(pisces88 @ Nov 11 2020, 11:58 AM)Non halal can sell also ma. It jus depends the buyer can accept or not ...I can guarantee with my left nuts and right nuts will have viral story of \"tak senang hati\", dan \"terkonpius\" dengan stall makanan yang di jaja oleh non'sThis post has been edited by United Rulez: Nov 11 2020, 12:33 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.948126494884491} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 09:27 AM)yealast time i heard its haramthen i've read some where in FBit change to Makruh , no more haram (haram only in mosque/church/ other religious area or places that not suitable for smoking)http://kemusykilan.islam.gov.my/v2/index_j...hp?ids=35434&q=http://ww1.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y...ri&pg=dn_13.htmBased on what?So why can't Arak or anything haram same like rokok?Only haram at worship places? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998475313186646} +{"text": "QUOTE(crador @ May 8 2024, 04:43 PM)Jangan fitnah. Bacalah ayat sendiri. They DO care about haram or halal all the time.No boikot woh. How to reconcile this fact? BTW. U do understand what boikot means rite? No boikot means willing to go there and eat there.Like Starbucks, I don't boikot. If people belanja me. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9967401623725891} +{"text": "QUOTE(emino @ Feb 14 2024, 11:35 AM)You're mistaken haram and legal. It's legal in Indonesia, but still considered haram under religion.The blurred line is follower of kitab Injil and Taurat (aka jews and Christian) as some sect/mazhab considers them followers of the same faith, some sect are against this as they consider the modern version of Injil and Taurat has been modifiedIts semantics I suppose, but I will go with your explanation.I just emphasize on idea that mixed marriages with Muslim is possible in Indonesia. Shamefully this is not the same in Malaysia. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999517202377319} +{"text": "QUOTE(PeopleOfPerlis @ May 21 2024, 01:15 PM)Why cant for long term ?\\Cos Malaysian food is the best in the world. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999927282333374} +{"text": "QUOTE(Legozz @ Jan 12 2021, 12:13 PM)Competition makes strong people. Also, its more more impressive if your child tops in competitive school compared to some shitty neighborhood school.Competition is not our budaya Jangan sampai dibawa budaya yahudi sampai disini ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "Makanan yg halal dan bersih RT bang , bgi tips makanan apa yang boleh buat badan sado . makan and workout .", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9596338868141174} +{"text": "QUOTE(Anwark @ Sep 7 2016, 02:24 PM)I will look down on muslim who dont follow and said what inside the Al Quran and dont know what is hadis sahih.If got knowledge and use Al quran source and hadis sahih then when they talk we could see the knowledge. But if no knowledge then talk like low iq people.People with high education and prestige knowledge will talk in educated way and compare that to low educated and low iq person talk. The different is enormous. Low iq talk with no knowledge back it up and mostly the emotion is in the message but no source of knowledge and fact.Come back to the shiah. If they follow Al Quran, believe Muhammad is prophet and Allah is one god then they are muslim brother.Muhammad Wanndy Mohamed Jedi is looking for recruits. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7054070830345154} +{"text": "QUOTE(Prometric @ Jan 16 2024, 11:55 AM)Only know how to bully small trader, those 5 star hotel in Langkawi charging high price for nasi lemak din see them go give them warning?Kasi viral gaogao la don't duduk diam diam je ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8983051776885986} +{"text": "QUOTE(TakaToraBatta @ Jan 4 2018, 10:46 PM)haram for muslim, but non-muslim pulak butthurtlolKepala hotak you butthurt lol. Non-Muslims gelak jer mana ada butthurt ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999597072601318} +{"text": "QUOTE(danny_sp15 @ Nov 2 2013, 06:48 PM)haha, cos u never use malay before in this forum. so all this while i thought u are not malay / non muslim. sorry for that. well, we pretty much have somewhat similar understanding. i know certain things are said halal/haram/pahala/dosa by ulama and ustazs, but at the same time, i cant help thinking \"what if they were wrong? what if they interpreted wrongly? these guys arent exactly professors or nobel prize winners.\"\u00a0 well,/k is where i practice my englishi do too during uni timebut thats alli cant speak english with my frens and family u know,or i will be bombarded with \"POYO SIAL MAMAT NI\" insults so k is where i practice.dont wanna get rusty and become worse at it than i already am heh.u dont sayone ustaz on radio kedah said:\"kita kena baca yassin kat kubur.bila kita baca.huruf2 yassin tu terbang,dan mayat akan kutip huruf2 tu.untuk meredakan seksa kubur mereka\"i was like.what the...........there's no proof of thatthere's no dalileven the prophet said that he promote people go to kubur to remind them of death.thats alland due to that,my mom now obsess on going to kubur to read yassinThis post has been edited by amon_meiz: Nov 2 2013, 06:54 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997685551643372} +{"text": "QUOTE(ghuzzy @ Nov 21 2018, 07:06 PM)depends what they cook the vege withif using lard, pig oil or wine its haram if just vege n coconut or palm oil its halalr u fu***ing idiot? is a vegetarian restaurant! whr got use lard, pig oil or wine!!! ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935490489006042} +{"text": "Jujur aku kurang suka sharing makanan/minuman. Bukannya pelit ya tpi aku ga nyaman klo harus 1 sendok/sedotan/wadah sama orang (kecuali emg makan yg buat rame\u00b2).\nKalo beli better diwadah terpisah, minum beli botol buat sendiri drpda beli botol besar sharing. Itu kalo aku yaaaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997589111328125} +{"text": "\r\nHalagel pelopor gelatin halal Malaysia\n\n \r\nMuhammad Azhar menunjukkan pelbagai jenis produk keluaran Halagel yang boleh didapati di pasar raya utama di seluruh negara.\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r\nTIDAK salah rasanya umat Islam di negara ini berterima kasih kepada syarikat ini. Jika tidak kerana Halagel (M) Sdn. Bhd., tentunya kita menghadapi satu masalah besar dan lebih teruk lagi untuk tujuan kelangsungan hidup kita terpaksalah menelan gelatin walaupun menyedari apa yang ditelan itu haram! \n\r\nTerdapat dua jenis gelatin dalam pasaran. Gelatin \u6163ype A", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999340772628784} +{"text": "QUOTE(Peiyantiu @ Nov 22 2018, 08:38 AM)I have a legit question.Is alcohol on skin ok?Alcohol in mouth wash?Technically sorbitol, xylitol, menthol and many sugar alcohols are all alcohols. They are found in most foods.Or it is specifically ethanol or ethyl alcohol?It was widely considered as haram back then, thus you see those halal perfume everywhere. But mufti already declare them as halal so yeah. Its halal. Alcohol is only haram when consumed orally. But wait, tapai got alcohol. But still halal. Ahahahaha ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999175071716309} +{"text": "QUOTE(BladeRider @ Feb 23 2023, 10:04 AM)Some people easily confused. Root beer cannot. Must rename.Prezel dog cannot. Must rename.Arabiki sausage cannot. Must rename to Japanese Style Pork SausageNow have 2 different names, they don't have excuse salah makan, Haram! Poor stall owners sell cheap cheap, later gets into trouble for unreasonable causeBecause this is a unity govt initiative. It is better to prevent some misunderstandings provoked by some politicians. You know who, I know who. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9945429563522339} +{"text": "semua benda hang nak sembang halal haram,abeh tu,hang dok label orang tu orang ni ada sijil halal jakim ka dak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9478648900985718} +{"text": "@iamzalilasaidin @lilyzahani Utk renew sy rasa x banyak perkara kena buat. Hanya pastikan semua dokumen dan sijil halal yg digunakan masih belum expired. Cik boleh masuk dalam sistem MyEHalal cik dan update mana yg patut jika ada perubahan. Utk lebih lanjut boleh hubungi JAIN yg uruskan sijil halal cik", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999445378780365} +{"text": "I wanna try their red bean. Tengok macam best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999274015426636} +{"text": "actually already have fatwa on this issuehttps://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fa...peratus-alkoholtldr;Ubat-ubatan dan pewangi yang mengandungi alkohol sebagai bahan pelarut adalah tidak najis dan diharuskan sekiranya alkohol tersebut bukan diambil melalui proses pembuatan arak. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997267127037048} +{"text": "banyak je kedai melayu takde halal jakim tapi kalau yakin kedai tu tukang masak semua islam and ingredients semua halal then it should be okay la.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.959039568901062} +{"text": "QUOTE(mayhammer @ Nov 19 2023, 11:43 PM)fair enough to say that they have the right to do whatever that is best for their business, as long as it is within confines of the law, whatever it may beso then i suppose you would also support that lotus can choose to sell whatever as long as within law as well?Yes. All business choose the best path legally for their own business. Thats common sense. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999434947967529} +{"text": "QUOTE(invinciblevoice @ Nov 23 2020, 01:23 AM)What kind of trouble? Give you an example la, there's a chinese kopitiam in Ipoh called new hollywood where everything is halal there. Every morning full of people, malays included. Not only cakoi, you can try so many different types of authentic chinese foods like chee cheong fun or har mee there.There are also plenty of other kafir chinese + chinese muslims restaurants selling halal chinese foods you know.Minda tu bukak sikit, everyday racing tak bosan ke?You need to know the difference between syubhah and halal food.Well let them eat it. if they think halal or watever.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6319323182106018} +{"text": "Senarai Hotel/Resort\ud83c\udfe8\ud83c\udfe2 yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia di Negeri TERENGGANU DARUL IMAN Untuk mengetahui status halal restoran/dapur hotel yang memiliki Sijil Pengesahan Halal \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe,... https://t.co/nA89cSWgef", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992877840995789} +{"text": "Salam sume.. lupe nk remain.\"the messenger of Allah said \"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah then these 10 days (first 10 days) of dzul hijjah, the sahabah then said \"not even the jihad for the sake of Allah?\" The messenger answered \"not even jihad unless a man goes out with him self and his wealth and comes back with neither\" - Al-Bukhari.Soo lets try our best in doing good deeds.. kite bole puase, solat sunat lebih skit.. you guys can check youtube for the lecture on dzul hijjah.. tinggal 4 hari je lg ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998916387557983} +{"text": "@ImanAbdulRahim biar je diaorg tu nak cakap apa sebab sijil halal ambil masa nak diluluskan bukan buat harini esok boleh siap, diaorang pantang benda viral terus nak cari salah orang\ud83d\udc81", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999967098236084} +{"text": "QUOTE(JeremyLord @ Oct 30 2023, 05:47 PM)This is what you call \u2018sudah makan, tak tau nak buat apa\u2019.Too free to do R&R while neighbouring countries are busy progressingu dun get it. R&R to maintain power. let commoners fight over R&R while the elite keep siphoning money out.wait the situation becomes venezuela, then u bail to US / Europe for best living with all the money u got. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9831070899963379} +{"text": "QUOTE(bigwolf @ Jun 30 2021, 04:33 PM)Biasa la that M4A1, if nobody bitchslap him, he'd go why can afford astro cannot afford food? Why die die must have astro ke? Dap dunno izzit simply help even when ppl hv astro? Why dun take down the astro dish? Etc etc. He thinks ppl dunno his shitstirring style ke lol. Now malu liao straight change topic, tanya je ph macai so easy butthurt hahaharrrDeswai no need to layan him much, since his purpose in life is just to piss ppl off for entertainment, so just give him a few more bitchslaps can liao Yeah he cover malu by saying that he was just asking. Actually he wanted to comment that the guy has money for Astro so why not food but mantau kena bitch slapped till have to pretend that he was just asking a question.Kesian betul ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9944709539413452} +{"text": "Langkah memiliki sijil pengesahan halal Malaysia yang diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa. #sijilhalal #johor #majlishalal https://t.co/TBWkggvUxA", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7264999151229858} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 10:40 AM)/k mmg suka defend.... ko tgk la kejap lagi mesti ada yg dungu reply nak tegakkan dia betulwhy u have so much hate in you ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99996018409729} +{"text": "Hukum HALAL ni bukan hanya terletak pada SIJIL HALAL.. Ia terletak pada sedalam mana pengetahuan Fiqh seseorang.. Zaman dulu mana ada Sijil HALAL. So orang dulu makan benda haram ke? Islam tu mudah, kita je menyusahkan diri.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9406282305717468} +{"text": "Salah. Islam auto halal.\n\nSebab tu orang selamba je pegi kedai mamak, kedai tomyam thai dsb.\n\nSijil halal bkn bahan mentah shj? Itu sijil.Halal mudah shj. Kalau tak guna yg haram, penyembelihan yg patuh syariat maka halallah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999994039535522} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Dec 20 2023, 07:45 PM)Sabah fellas. You all like Feng tau isit? Everywhere I go I hear people play fengtau. Even Christmas also fengtau. Btw now I'm in new qq steamboat. Nice. Now I know why locals like this place.Holy crap still got Feng Tau??!! I thought it was only popular during the Sydney 2000 Club at Lintas there.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989411234855652} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Jan 11 2021, 01:16 AM)serious question.if u are muslim, u go there, u consume teh tarik with roti bakar, haram ke?tukang masak muslim, hanya untuk daging kan?Not haram. Very unlikely they make coffee or roti bakar using pork lard. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994375109672546} +{"text": "QUOTE(ceras @ Jan 14 2024, 11:06 PM)why want to haLALISE haram food? nanti some people get confused and create issueForce u to change nameLater one malay expert comes out and say \u201ebak\u201c means daging babi, liek how daging = daging lembu to themSo actually bakwa is not halalan toyibanCan cause confusian macam root beer and hot dogHow mcuh ikea paid jakim for this logo?This post has been edited by smallydupe: Jan 14 2024, 11:09 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999971389770508} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 11:15 AM)sorry la unkeryeah i'm going Kuching and will be staying at Meritin Hotelits a short work trip 2D1Nwelkam... if u dont mind the halal chop status...can try laksa testified by gordon ramsay - choon hui laksa - no pork, need walk more...can try laksa at chong choon, walking distance from meritin...can try mom's laksa... this one halal at petanak can try best banana fritters at laoyakeng.. 12pm start order... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999809265136719} +{"text": "QUOTE(aPiT_OxyMoxy @ May 8 2024, 11:07 AM)Sarawak makan mana best, first time going there next weektourist just go 'open air market' or carpenter st can liao. don't go to that scammer multi story car park punya seafood. taste shit.ps: i meant in kuching. you said sarawak. sarawak mana? just like some sohai said johor, johor mana? Jb said Jb la.This post has been edited by 19 Degree South: May 8 2024, 11:11 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999161958694458} +{"text": "my very personal opinion... nothing more, and hope that it can be openly and civilly discussed should there be disagreement, and eventually, if it comes to be, everyone may agree to disagree...when it comes to sin, i believe that us human are given free-will, therefore we have the freedom to sin against god. doesnt mean that we should though. we're given mental capacity and intellect to think, reflect upon our decisions, actions and behavior. we were reminded of it thorugh warnings in the scriptures and the teachings of the prophet. and it is the justice of god in the after-life, eventually which will make us accountable to what we did, what we said in life.us humans are not angels, created without free-will. and god doesnt create humans to be robot. that being said, when it comes to sin between another human being, be it through theft, violence, corruption, lies or slander or anything which escaped my thought at the moment, that we condemn and punish accordingly. those who overly focuses on sins, punishments and whats forbidden (haram) seems to be ignorant, or forgetful of the two characters of god himself, ar-rahman and ar-rahim. the most gracious, the most merciful. and upon saying amar ma'ruf nahi munkar (encouraging the good and forbidding the evil), often they choose to focus on \"nahi munkar\" part, even when its the second part of the saying, without doing anything about \"amar ma'ruf\"thus, when one commit sins against him, do sincerely regret and do fear his wrath, but at the same time, return to him, seeking his boundless mercy. some of us emphasize too much on punishments and sins and whats forbidden. that distract others from the beauty of justice and mercy and love in islam.#endrant - for now...edit:-typoThis post has been edited by lucifer_666: Jan 13 2015, 01:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965636134147644} +{"text": "Biasa orang yang TAK PERNAH JOIN TONEEXCEL dan TONEPLUS, mereka akan buat andaian sendiri. MLM ni! - Tanya dia, apa dia fhm ttg MLM? HARAM ni! - Tanya dia, masuk pasaraya ada mintak nak tengok tak sijil halal... https://t.co/1Qej7FBHmV", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998703002929688} +{"text": "Hoping my daughter and son will be like him. Now risau my daughter in sjkc standard 1 doing online class. She having trouble coping class at home \ud83d\ude22 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9856858253479004} +{"text": "Have to apply babi status jugak issit? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "Siapa kesah?Duit haram, cukai tak halal br1m, juga sapu!/janji kenyangThis post has been edited by Honya: Jun 10 2019, 12:03 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999401569366455} +{"text": "QUOTE(touristking @ May 8 2024, 03:39 PM)Well, Malayan welcome back Tun as PM the 2nd time. So why not SS?Err, cos that Tun passed away? Unless u know how to resurrect him QUOTE(247365 @ May 9 2024, 08:45 AM)actually ntg special other than maybe kuching a bit modern. many gov servants do not want to be sent there. in fact native sarawakians also dun wanna go back there after finish their studies in 'malaya'. that's y when they say they wanna control their own human resource for education and health, i laughed. it's almost nobody would wanna serve there; most of the time paksa by directive. unless being paid wages on par or more than private sector, i think gonna fail.Yes to this and why is it happening? Because someone did not follow MA63! What sarawak do now is correct. First make a clear distinction between them and the other state, i.e. status more superior than a mere state, after that, more autonomy. Gradually taking them all back, as per MA63. Taking all of them back at once now will meet fierce resistance from the federal. Losing power never look good for anyone afterall. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989206790924072} +{"text": "QUOTE(miromiro @ Aug 9 2018, 07:56 AM)I wan to ask can a malay eat with non malay? But own eat own food?although overwhelming when my non muslim friends respect me by not eating in front of me but i always tell them I dont really care..Shouldnt be a problem.. my non-muslim wanna eat anything haram food up to them la..as long as dont ask me to try then no problem.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9942756295204163} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Sep 5 2016, 11:32 PM)bawak bertendang bro...cehh, kutuk guna arabic sekali ko dah sentap.. hahahahaQUOTE(LVL1NiNjA @ Sep 5 2016, 11:37 PM)\"Kakak sanggup dengan Sofea, kalau itu yang membuat Sofea kembali menjadi lelaki tulen.\"kimak.. best wincess ever.. can beat cikgu suraya ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993423819541931} +{"text": "viral = menteri turun padang buat kerjano viral = naik turun office JPM bertahun tahun la ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973264932632446} +{"text": "QUOTE(andrewhtf @ Dec 14 2016, 03:46 PM)dik, pakai la sarung tangan dik... nak buat baik tak salah, tapi jgn lupa batas agama...agama apa ni? mesti pakai sarung tangan untuk bagi anjing makan? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995759129524231} +{"text": "QUOTE(adam71 @ Apr 17 2024, 10:33 AM)Kepong all gangster only open small coffee shop can cuci million already....kepong the best.kepong vs Klang, two opposite poles ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999890327453613} +{"text": "Ermmm kawan aku yg kurus2 ni mampu pakai H, T, M sbb depa cut bajet makan or suka makan makanan orangaku nak kurus kena beli H ke? Pastu bajet makan sebulan 150 je", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989113807678223} +{"text": "In the end its actually hypocrite melei consumers fault. Jakim (even with the silly rule) is just there to provide the cert.Malay own stallJual hotdogDirty as hellNo halal certVerdict?\"Makan je la, conlanfirm >9000% halal\"Malay stall: \"Yohoo!! no need apply cert liao. No need change hotdog name liao\"Non malay own stallJual hotdogClean, halal ingredientsNo halal certVerdict?\"Omgwtfbbbq jakim ni ada cert tak!@$ ? Must viral this shit\"Then non malay stall need to jaga hati and biznes, apply halal cert.Jakim: \"Hehehe...sooooo you want halal cert? Then be prepared.....oh wait u jual hot dog? Thats a nono\"This post has been edited by United Rulez: Oct 21 2016, 04:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996917247772217} +{"text": "QUOTE(vin6 @ Nov 30 2023, 09:16 AM)because a lot of available jobs need mandarin nowdaysWei ni macam mana bolehTun M kan nak u all mata sepet berasimilasi ke dalam bangsa melayuCakap melayu, nama melayu, agama pun tukaqSekarang haram apa jadah ni keluarga melayu hantar ke skola mata sepetTak ikut perlembagaan ini woi ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995176792144775} +{"text": "QUOTE(tescogot @ Oct 21 2016, 10:08 AM)not halal according to jakim is just that not halal according to jakim doesn't mean its haramso there's halal, halal-haram, haram. How many eating halal-haram? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998617172241211} +{"text": "QUOTE(Srbn @ Mar 29 2022, 08:16 AM)IPOH - Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah menzahirkan kebimbangan terhadap tahap pembaziran makanan di negara ini terutama menjelang Ramadan.Baginda bertitah, dilaporkan setiap hari, sejumlah 17,000 tan sisa makanan yang boleh mengisi perut tiga juta rakyat telah dilupuskan dan daripada jumlah itu, 4,080 merupakan makanan yang dibazirkan.\"Jumlah tersebut meningkat 10 peratus pada bulan Ramadan.\"Angka-angka tersebut membayangkan betapa seriusnya perbuatan pembaziran makanan yang sedang berlaku.\"Data di peringkat global juga menunjukkan nilai makanan yang dibazirkan mencecah 2.4 peratus Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar dunia,\" titah baginda sempena perasmian Mesyuarat Pertama Tahun Kelima Dewan Negeri Perak ke-14 di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan di sini pada Isnin.Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak berlangsung selama tiga hari bermula Isnin dengan pematuhan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) dan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) sebagai langkah kawalan pencegahan Covid-19.Sultan Nazrin bertitah, manusia perlu dididik dengan nilai menghargai makanan dan disemai dengan budaya tidak membazirkan makanan.Titah baginda, kerajaan Perak terutama jabatan-jabatan kerajaan wajiblah menunjukkan contoh teladan yang baik dengan mengambil langkah-langkah bermakna menghentikan pembaziran ini.\"Bermula daripada menempah kuantiti makanan dalam majlis dan acara yang diadakan dan semasa berlangsungnya perjumpaan atau mesyuarat.\"Setiap isi rumah, sekolah, maktab dan universiti, masjid dan rumah ibadat, serta operator makanan, restoran dan hotel wajib mengamalkan budaya tidak menyediakan makanan secara berlebihan yang hanya berakhir di dalam tong sampah,\" titah baginda.sosAll hotel will prepare buffet buka puasa. the unfinished by hotel policy is to be thrown irregardless whether it has been touched or not.Bazar will sell all kind off food that normally difficult to find and hungry fasting people will always buy more than what they can eat.So pick a guess why every ramadhan food waste increase.The past 2 years I didn't go to bazar because no bazar so personally we manage to reduced food waste to a bare minimum and sometimes none because my wife always cook what we are going eat and nothing extra. Even unfinished food during buka puasa will be finished during sahur.This year dunno how but lets try to be moderate this Ramadhan ya peeps!(me included) ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9576080441474915} +{"text": "Last time smk school, chinese uncle operator no issue one la. His ckt, and chicken rice the best, rm2.50 to rm3.50 per plate so gooding ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8305130004882812} +{"text": "QUOTE(Adelyyne @ Mar 24 2024, 09:47 PM)I also can't remember how or what I had Googled, to manage to find this Wikipedia page.best just check JAKIM website. Halal in F&B in malaysia is already very matured and well defined. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5100930333137512} +{"text": "QUOTE(GodTier @ Sep 12 2019, 07:35 PM)I support if melayu beli dgn melayu dpt harga murahOtherwise I don't think it's beneficial to malay consumersKasihan akal pendek.Sampai takat tu je otak mampu berfikir?Cuba fikir jauh lagi sikit ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984650611877441} +{"text": "Kedai yang jual makanan halal ( katanya) bercampur dengan jual arak ni camna eh hukum dia? \n\nBoleh ka JAKIM bagi cert HALAL kat kedai camtu? \n\nSelalunya terjadi kat kedai yang tuannya bukan Islam.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Dec 9 2017, 05:16 PM)sometimes it is hazy in SH toowhen is best time to go SH?I notice when its closer to winter, always got smog. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998775720596313} +{"text": "Angkasawan Negara jadi penghantar makananKUALA LUMPUR \u2013 Angkasawan Negara, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor mengakui beliau kembali menjadi penghantar makanan sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) yang bermula semalam.Pemilik Bersama Restoran Rebung itu berkata, status yang dimilikinya ketika ini tidak penting malah beliau langsung tidak berasa malu kerana kerja yang dilakukan itu adalah halal.Kata bapa kepada empat anak itu, kesanggupannya menjadi penghantar makanan itu diharapkan akan menjadi contoh dan perangsang kepada kakitangannya di restorannya itu.\u201cStatus tidak penting kerana seperti ketika PKP semua berdepan kesukaran dan orang di luar hendak dapat makanan pun susah.\u201cJadi ambil keputusan untuk hantar sendiri makanan, naik motorsikal dan saya juga ingin beri perangsang serta contoh kepada kakitangan saya kerana bila nampak bos buat, mereka lagi bersemangat.\u201cPKPB ini semua restoran digalakkan amal konsep bungkus dan saya akan sendiri menerajui pasukan Restoran Rebung untuk untuk menghantar makanan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor.\u201cTidak susah dan seronok sebenarnya kerana saya suka sesuatu yang berbeza dan tidak perlu rasa malu dan tersinggung lebih-lebih lagi masa Covid-19 ini apa sahaja kerja yang halal kita perlu buat,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui MalaysiaGazette di Restoran Rebung di sini baru-baru ini.Angkasawan Negara, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha menaiki lif ketika membuat servis penghantaran makanan ketika di Restoran Rebung, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. foto MOHD ADZLAN, 14 OKTOBER 2020.Pada bulan Ramadan ketika PKP, kisah Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor menjadi penghantar makanan untuk tempahan makanan telah menjadi viral di media sosial.Seorang PensyarahMengulas lanjut, Sheikh Muszaphar yang juga pensyarah berkata, beliau seronok dapat berjumpa pelanggan apatah lagi mereka begitu teruja hendak mengambil gambar Bersama.Namun beliau mengakui melalui kesukaran sebagai penghantar makanan apabila terpaksa berteduh dibawah jambatan ketika hujan lebat.\u201cSaya jumpa ramai nasib yang sama dan kami dapat borak-borak serta seronok dapat jumpa.\u201cMenjadi penghantar makanan sukar dan diibarat juga sebagai petugas barisan hadapan. Saya hormat mereka dan bukan sahaja doktor tetapi mereka yang pastikan tempahan makanan sampai di rumah pelanggan,\u201d katanya.Sheikh Muszaphar menjadi individu pertama Malaysia sampai di angkasa lepas pada Oktober 2007 dan baru-baru ini berada di kedudukan teratas sebagai World\u2019s Most Admired kategori Malaysia yang dikeluarkan portal YouGov.Portal itu mengumpulkan pencalonan terbuka World\u2019s Most Admired dari panelis di 42 negara dan wilayah seluruh dunia bermula Januari sehingga Mac lalu.Sheikh Muszaphar berjaya menewaskan Datuk Lee Chong Wei yang berada di tempat kedua diikuti bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.Beliau yang memiliki hampir satu juta pengikut di Instagam miliknya kini menjadi idola dalam mendidik anak-anak di kalangan ibubapa.p/s: Semoga apa yang di lakukan oleh Ikon Rakyat Malaysia ini dapat di jadikan role model kepada anak-anak muda di luar sana dalam mengdepanai situasi ekonomi yang semakin mencabar inisumber: MalaysiaGazette ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935029149055481} +{"text": "QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Oct 19 2023, 09:32 AM)Korunk tgk\u2026 tak malu betui\u2026 tayang betis tayang peha This is how they lure the men to have nafsu & lusty thoughts about maid More of HARAM pls. Wanna kecam kao kao ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997276663780212} +{"text": "QUOTE(CoffeeDude @ Feb 21 2023, 12:02 PM)China is such a big country. The culture must be very diverse. Since you have been to all parts of China,\u00a0 can you describe the different cultures from North,\u00a0 East, South, West?QUOTE(CoffeeDude @ Feb 21 2023, 02:31 PM)calodinYou can sorta say China macam a lot of small countries melted into one big entity. Malaysian Chinese has the Southern Style Culture (Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi) Example, I remember one year before CNY, it was just before I was suppose to go come back for my CNY leave (this was the first year I was there) I wanted to get some mandarin oranges to for my staff, and then give angpow to my direct reports and their direct reports (my N-1 and N-2)..first thing, cannot find any mandarin oranges.....rupa-rupa Shanghainese do not have this tradition to give mandarin oranges during CNY, then when I gave Ang Pow to my staff, those non-south china staff ask me why I give them Ang Pao, because to them, only relative and family will give ang pao. So the culture and tradition can be vastly different from region to region in China. If you really want to differentiate, lets say Drinking Habits....Northen/ Northeast people can drink, Inner Mongolian people can drink, best food is in Guangdong and Fujian (more suited to our tastebuds), most beautiful girls is Northeast girls (Dongbei)...most garang girls is Northeast girls. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999645948410034} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by ijai^^ at 11-11-2006 02:54 AM\r\nsatu lagi....kalau kita stay kat hotel......peti sejuk dalam bilik hotel tuu, ada yang berisi air setan tuu...memang ler ia dalam tin..... tapi , bila nak simpan air mineral dalam tuu pun dah jadi jijik......bodoh piang pihak hotel...tak bertimbang rasa langsung..... \n\nye ke... aku rasa tuh perasaan kita je... selagi air mineral tuh tak bercampur dengan air haram tuh, aku rasa tak de apa2 masalah... air mineral tuh tak akan menjadi haram..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999570846557617} +{"text": "melayu elits bukan dalam negara pun. semua kebanyakan suka cuti-cuti di london, dubai, australiaanak pun sekolah pun luar negara ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9740257859230042} +{"text": "\r\nBg aku confinement center yg dia ni pergi ni sama ler mcm private hospital tu haa.. makanan tu aku tak rasa jadi isu pon. Kalau tempat yg cater semua bangsa mesti lah makanan nya halal. Kalau tak halal mesti dah lama jadi isu aku nengok nurse nya pon byk je melayu. Netizen mmg mulut longkang", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999964237213135} +{"text": "QUOTE(dobot7 @ Jun 12 2023, 04:24 PM)this is totally incorrect. not because babi is dirty. it is clearly stated in al quran it is haram and we cannot consume it. hope this will clear your misconception.If darurat no more haram. Correct me if i'm wrong... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999977350234985} +{"text": "Putu jadul.. yg itu tuh pak yg dikukus dalam bambu kecil. Setiap beli selalu keinget alm papa karna dulu beliau suka bikinin itu makanan terenak diduniaaaaaa", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999371767044067} +{"text": "QUOTE(Red_rustyjelly @ Dec 27 2023, 02:35 PM)top kek, first comment straight away fitnah ada rice wine.macam he tasted it before or he work there.My guess is fitnah is tak dosa. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999417066574097} +{"text": "QUOTE(StanleyGreen @ Jan 1 2020, 06:08 PM)Any recommended seafood restaurant beside welcome seafood? Thought of going gayang seafood but it's closed. Tried yee Fung laksa today..1 bowl is rm8.50..lol. more expensive than KL for sureFor best ambience, a cool bottle of whatever you like and a 5 or 6pm dinner reservation at Salud.Don't shoot me if the food not good. When my dad was around, we would go there order a kilo of prawns steamed 3 ways and peel and eat.This post has been edited by dickybird: Jan 1 2020, 07:24 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(Emily Ratajkowski @ Dec 20 2023, 03:48 PM)Oh. This is a question I want to ask. Why is kepci so popular in Sabah. It's everywhere. Is borenos better?Kepsi kundasang je... kk one can skip k ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998683929443359} +{"text": "Maybe Starbuck should wind down its business (Berjaya) - good for health - good for Palestine - best for our wallet ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9969301819801331} +{"text": "QUOTE(Faidzal @ Feb 9 2017, 11:41 AM)clearly that is an abuse/misuse of a halal item.like kitchen knives. it's used to cut your vege/meat/chicken/fish etc.so does it become haram just bcos someone else use it to kill ppl?and ppl say only melayu/muslims are easily confused. \u00a0 \u00a0 Same goes to alcoholic beverages no? You'll only get bad side effects if you abuse it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999312162399292} +{"text": "QUOTE(maraippo @ Jun 10 2019, 02:41 PM)Harus in this context means permissible or allowed. Not should.Should sounds best mah.Harus direct translation is should.Anyway, yg penting, janji boleh minum!Lets have Shandy Festival bersama-sama! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "tu bukan makanan haram sebabkan anak dia benak, tp mak bapa dia yang haram jadah x reti didik anak sampai anak benak.. ada je anak yg makanan sumber halal tp benak jga..psl org x solat makan masakan dia, itu urusan dia dgn tuhan, selagi mana bersih dan halal bole je kita makan..", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9716643691062927} +{"text": "\ud83d\udc49Anda mencari sewa bulanan penapis air bawah dari RM100 \ud83d\udc49Mempunyai tangki yang mampu menampung 5-6 orang isi rumah \ud83d\udc49Mempunyai 3 suhu panas sejuk & biasa \ud83d\udc49Penapis air yang Ada sijil halal Dan cop SIRIM https://t.co/SJtVVbO26B https://t.co/n36d0nOhUy", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998049139976501} +{"text": "QUOTE(s3iryu @ Sep 10 2020, 10:45 AM)I actually see more reasonable comments in that Facebook comments section\"Menimbulkan keresahan\"..hmmm..siape la yg resah sgt tu,dah terang2 tulis pork..\ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude0cNak bincang buat ape netizen ni....dah terang\u00b2 pork floss. Ape ke pelik sangat korang nihhhdah terang2 ditulis pork tu yg dikebek nak cari halal apobondoo. sape la yg pandai sgt ni \ud83d\ude0fDah terang2 nama nya PORK FLOSS , tak kan Itu pun orang Tak tau nak bezakan Halal Dan Tak halal Jgnlah jadi malas wahai Muslimin. Dah terang2 tulis sana \u201cCrispy Pork Floss\u201d. Tak perlu nak rujuk JAKIM pun dah tahu benda tu haram. Apa, berhenti baca kat \u201cCrispy\u201d je ke?Dh tulis pork kan.. sye x pernah jumpa lagi pork yang halal seumur hidup niSegala tok nenek ko nk bedal...ini bukan terang\u00b2 lagi dah...ini dah terang lagi bersuluh...suluh bukan torch light..disuluh spotlights tulis PORK....ponnnnnnn ko tanye halal ke tak...bebal level ape nihTu la...aku pun tak faham, kan dah terang terang tertera \"Pork\", unless due to political mileage, this is being politicized?! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998018145561218} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Feb 13 2016, 01:04 PM)U are not alone bro. Nowadays every1 wants to be an ustaz and suka2 label things as haram, comment on people clothings, comment on people way of life. And yes, even highly educated people do such things and can easily believe whats written in fb and whatsapp. I always wonder what is going on in their headTrue, go to any forums or social media frequented by majority Muslims, even a very non-religious topic of discussion for example smartphone, somehow someone will start bringing in religion into their comments and slowly the topics will be filled with religious quotes. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9423829913139343} +{"text": "QUOTE(mee udang @ Feb 14 2024, 09:49 AM)When I asked lawyer to make a will, lawyer ask me if I am a Muslim or not; after a bit of explanation there is a difference and Muslim can't actually make a will as distribution is only to Muslim families, meaning none of what I have earned in my lifetime at death is not passable to non-Muslim.Sure, Malay girls are desirable but Syariah law in place is a turn off. I can still marry a Malay girl but before I do that, I will transfer most of my assets to my parents before I sunat, but to me it is not worth the trouble.I wonder can you transfer your assets to non Muslim after your conversion? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999290704727173} +{"text": "macam mana mau letak halal haram pada viral ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999668598175049} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vigilant @ Mar 29 2016, 02:17 PM)Yes I know it could be chicken, beef or whatever bacon. I eat Superstar Burger at Carl's Jr, it's my favourite and has bacon. My question still stand, why must use the word bacon on the product, while it's easier to get malay buyer if they just use alternative word.Apa bangsat la ko ni?Engrand masih lagi tak bagus...link dah bagi pun tak tau baca...I gip up. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6011438965797424} +{"text": "Bukan makanan halal he penting gais, company pun kene jalankan urusan dgn cara bersih, halal berkat yg kita cari gais ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944122433662415} +{"text": "\ud83c\udf00Sejauhmanakah keperluan Sijil Pengesahan Halal Malaysia pada produk lampin kanak-kanak di luar sana? \ud83c\udf00Bagaimanakah prosedur pensijilan halal Malaysia dijalankan? \ud83c\udf00Bagaimana pula dengan status... https://t.co/FEsxQNnZ1W", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998403787612915} +{"text": "QUOTE(nauticat99 @ Feb 28 2024, 10:47 AM)Actually very kesian them sometimes. Wanna travel also mahfun. My neighbour went Switzerland have to pack own halal food and cooking utensils. Otherwise he just eat kebabs. Went Japan and Korea also susah. Hunt high and low for halal eateries in the end just eat egg sandwiches. Have to check and rechecked the ramen package at their convenience stores. Really take out the fun in travelling. For us the best part is eating their food in seasons, everything also try cause that\u2019s the whole point of travelling. Otherwise, might as well just stay at home.i went with my colleague to swisshard to find halal outlet, so we settle at places that dont serve porkmana tau he eat fruit and vege every meal jecilaka if i know i go pork place and let him eat vege/salad ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999603033065796} +{"text": "QUOTE(ray123 @ Jul 27 2012, 02:41 PM)It's just an example, like if you want to learn French cooking from their academies/schools. So you go there and learn from the best, working with non-halal ingredients and utensils. You want to come back and open the a halal and authentic French restaurant (this sounds more and more like a great idea actually, it's a recent idea even in France). But starting a business needs capital, and getting a loan without any recognition could be difficult. So you need to enter competitions which again are usually non-halal to establish yourself as a brand name chef.Can a Muslim do all that?Interesting question, the answers to which might help some people here expand their life and career choices.im sure they can.but the challange is to attract non muslim customers to enjoy the food knowing that they will missing some key ingredients (which is not halal). what comes to their mind is how the authenticity of the food is affected by that. that depends on the chef's effort to improvisebut if the food is generally known to be non halal, a halal version of it sure will attract many fellow muslims to enjoy their food.if its purely for business profit yes it can work to be international recognition, kinda hard ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999216794967651} +{"text": "QUOTE(sakaic @ Jan 10 2021, 04:13 PM)Nothing done because not their jurisdiction.That's what I have always said. If a Muslim drink alcohol or eat pork or whatever he does it knowingly its wrong. His punishment will come from God. Why these people so busybody? You mean to tell me you are god's agent ah?Dalam Islam, ada konsep, amal makruf nahi mungkar. Yang bermaksud, berpesan kepada kebaikan, dan melarang keburukan. Ini jabatan Islam negeri buat spot check sbb ada org muslim report. So they just come to check and clarify. In the end, if got muslim pertikai kan, ini jabatan Islam negeri boleh cakap, 'i sudah spot check, I sudah advise dont come, u want go, itu dosa kau'. Haaaa camtu. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984295964241028} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Jul 1 2021, 03:24 PM)upah kau tak ummmmph la\u00a0 banyak hilang kerja..mana tak stress aku fahamNak bagi lagi best punyerrr tp takut kena lipot la. Dengar kata mod baru nih bukan sebarang anginnya. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990713596343994} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0sunshinelady \n\n\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 ha ha ha ..aku suka ni....\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 gigih ko ...\njerukkedondong Post at 27-6-2012 08:40 \n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 Gigih noks now mata aku plak buntang terlebeh bgn awal sgt pagi tadi.. \r\nArgghh buntangnyeee. Mataku.. Cari banal jap tgh2 hari ni ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9913806319236755} +{"text": "nasi lemak arak dan babi, haram, termakan sudah tidak suci dan murni. nice long name ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994951486587524} +{"text": "QUOTE(lamer2000 @ Sep 24 2017, 10:03 PM)Boohoo, jealous you cant eat and enjoy sinful living. I bet it makes you feel special to have a laudrette dedicated to you. Well, good for you then. People like you cant look at the bigger picture anyway. Wanna be more arab than arabs.Last i check, rokok is haram but that did not stop your kind from consuming it. Haram = Najis. Bunch of hypocritesHahahahahahaJelous of sinful living? What is this? 5 yr old kid rant?So people complain cannot enter laundry means they are jelous other people can cuci baju? Bodo logic? Im not complaining why muslims cant enter these haram places, im saying they cant enter but they dont complain like faggots who cant send their dirty undewear to just ONE laundry place. LoLBolded part,Kesian shallow minded fag thinking race have any role with religious practice.Yeah rokok is Haram, I forbid anyone in my family and company smokes.So? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997085928916931} +{"text": "QUOTE(812799 @ Nov 3 2013, 12:00 AM)Pig doesn't stay in a dirty environment by nature, it's always the handlers. If pig is not slaughtered then how are they processed ? For me, if the muslim was was then just don't masuk makan or doubt it while standing outside, simple as that. But for me, if i have colleagues who's muslim, i can't tolerate the whole week to makan @ halal places, once or twice is ok but everyday is a no no, you might think i'm selfish but one have to be considerate as well ... then what about money currency ? these notes gone through so many hands that handles so many halal and haram transactions. how do you judge that ? my 2 cent, put religion aside, if you yourself is not harming, stealing, killing etc etc, i think it's fair enough to be a bit more tolerable towards other issues faced, use your own discretion, gunalah budi bicara anda ... as long as it's not something malicious or evil, then sudah laaa well said... Atleast the money part !!certain policies take us back to stone age ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9668781757354736} +{"text": "Org Islam Malaysia, sembang pong peng pasal Islam tapi lemah pemahaman. Takde pun tulis kat mana mana pemasak wajib Islam. Tu semua Islam versi Malaysia. Tapi orang Islam buka kedai, tak bersih, harga mahal....auto chop halal. Kalau org panggil extremist, marah..tapi mmg pun", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9917011857032776} +{"text": "Sebut pasal halal ke tak mesti dalam kepala ingat ada kandungan babi etc. walhal penyediaan makanan yang bersih itu pun kriteria untuk declare makanan itu halal. kita perhatikan warung2 tepi jalan tiada sijil halal pun sebab piawai yg ditetapkan @Halal_Malaysia.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999743700027466} +{"text": "In this thread can see some hell of a self victimization mindsetLike whole world is out to get them?And really some shit upbringing, feigning ignorance just so to be a dickheadAnd it showsLike the praying before cooking ... Lol (myself don't believe that they will intentionally prepared the food by praying beforehand, as some people here attested)As if all other religions are looking to subvert others and convert to theirsProjection much?Ppl goodwill is actively misunderstand as act of malice?Just outright say that the food prepare by them is not suitable just because of their belief, like the praying? Say\" Hey, they prayed in the morning right? So all their action afterwards is Haram lah!\" Easier kan?The lack of ones ownself understanding of others are projected into other just so to not feel inferior to peersThis post has been edited by mcchin: Dec 21 2021, 07:33 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4603238105773926} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Sep 8 2023, 12:18 PM)Actually not bad. This means this couple really made it bigOk la. If they get blowback and lose customers because of this viral I supportIt will be a cold day in hell if i let a faggot Mr Robert wannabee on Tiktok fuck with the ricebowl of hardworking folks like this Malay couple without doing somethingPS look at his reviewNeutral and flat. I dont thing got Shaoxing wine ler...QUOTE(viole @ Sep 8 2023, 12:19 PM)The customer pandai pandai claim halal. Onus is on him. Not the uncle.Ramai ni gi makan. So what is /k detectives verdict? That bottle is rice wine ke? Someone (Post #10) said alcohol used for cooking is permitted?This post has been edited by JohnL77: Sep 8 2023, 12:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997959733009338} +{"text": "QUOTE(imigresen @ Jul 20 2022, 02:10 PM)if at store front got tulis no pok no lat. is that good enough for u to dine there? do u have keraguan maybe cook put in beer or wain into the cooking. or actually the cook is scammer they might trick u put lat inside to taste good.or u die die must have halal logo then only u dine? non melei pls fakoff from this teredsIn state where majority is not Chinese like in Kelantan, it is common to see Malay or even pak haji makan in Chinese restaurant even with no halal sign. Normally those has been in business for generation since community is closely tied in. There Chinese understand more on halal stuff.In Penang, same if the owner is known to local. However, most Chinese in Penang have no idea about halal. As long as no pork everything else is halal even chicken is supplied by Chinese local farm whatever. I think in KL not much different.So, it depends on individual. If you think halal and confident about it, then just eat. If you have slight doubt, just avoid to be on safe side. Furthermore, you have other choice, not as you'd die if not eating there. In Islam, if you have better alternative, then choose. That is how the hukum is. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7819236516952515} +{"text": "Eh tak apa, sebab yang meniaga kan Melayu, confirm Halal tak payah sijil pun. Kalau kedai cina mana boleh, haram sebab kuali dah pernah guna masak babi. Gittewwww https://t.co/tgyytHpop0", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999533891677856} +{"text": "Melayu. Suka baca bende without fact checking ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999305009841919} +{"text": "Kecian pfizer So kecil hati\ud83e\udd2d K Just trolling Why So Serious. Laugh is the best Medicine\ud83e\udd2d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9965960383415222} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gargamel_gibson @ Dec 2 2023, 07:47 PM)Different race. Xian Muslim is Hui, still Han Chinesehere there's xinjiang vendor as wellhe looked fine not beaten can open store summoreQUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 07:57 PM)Mencari yg halal itu fardhulook nice. is it in xi'an too?QUOTE(amboi_asamboi @ Dec 2 2023, 07:59 PM)Jgn terperdaya dgn amoi prc mintak ko pi karaoke, beli teh, semua tu scammersJgn terjebak dgn maksiat Amoi PRC byk peha putih pakai miniskirt pastu manja Kuatkan iman broamat kuat \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9978233575820923} +{"text": "@abangkatik @ilyana9 Lol nice.Nk inform to u all ttg sijil halal Jakim. X hanya based on bahan mesti halal & X sisa kimia mudaratkan tp tmpt proses mesti bersih,mesin/tools mesti stainless steel/x karat,pengendali mknan bebas penyakit muslim & solat.Sbb 2 cert Jakim dipandang tinggi oleh negara luar", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999890923500061} +{"text": "QUOTE(Troller @ Jun 11 2019, 01:45 PM)should arrest the idiot that recorded and shared the video.whats his/her intentions?? to spread disharmony? thats a crime kan ... zzzz everyone is focused on the wrong thing.Apa lu cakap spread disharmonyNi kita mesti kena plotek, jangan cabar.. Done dakwahIsn't thst sounds familiar? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5645175576210022} +{"text": "\nReply\u00a0\u00a0mahathirGX \n\n\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 kenape? ade masalah ke?....oh ye lupe pulak, u ni mahathir kan....mahath ...\nrosemary70 Post at 2-9-2010 21:34 \n\nClass\u00a0\u00a0tu\u00a0\u00a0tak\u00a0\u00a0penting\u00a0 \u00a0 ...\r\ntetapi\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0kita\u00a0\u00a0memerlukan\u00a0\u00a0pemakanan\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0yg\u00a0\u00a0seimbang\u00a0 \u00a0......\r\nzat\u00a0\u00a0yg\u00a0 \u00a0cukup\u00a0 \u00a0...\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\r\nbaru\u00a0\u00a0otak manusia\u00a0\u00a0ni\u00a0\u00a0berkembang\u00a0 \u00a0,.....\r\nni\u00a0 \u00a0asyik\u00a0\u00a0makan\u00a0\u00a0nasi\u00a0\u00a0dgn\u00a0\u00a0budu\u00a0\u00a0....\r\npatut\u00a0\u00a0ler\u00a0 \u00a0org\u00a0\u00a0melayu\u00a0 \u00a0 ni\u00a0\u00a0pemalas\u00a0 \u00a0 n\u00a0\u00a0lembap\u00a0\u00a0...\r\ngaya\u00a0\u00a0pemakanan\u00a0 \u00a0 tu\u00a0\u00a0tak\u00a0 \u00a0betul\u00a0 \u00a0.....", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998917579650879} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lyu @ Oct 25 2016, 04:18 PM)If /k offended also I wanna tell /k that, that's not the way to earn other pipu respectWhat kind of respect is that?I respect same mu bcoz org lu ramai?Show ur quality that worth the respect not quantityInb4 lu x suka, kluar MalaysiaDude, I'm chinese and I don't understand what you are saying. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(waveweaver @ Jan 10 2021, 08:19 PM)Like i said most probably ada orang complaint lar tuh. Bak kut teh shop no need go check one... dah tentu haram.so Jabatan Agama got no brain izit ???.. people complain melayu masuk tempat tarak halal,..still masuk whole gang to check halal cert on a non halal kopitiam ???.. ini bukan kacau business ??... or want songlap izit ??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999758005142212} +{"text": "QUOTE(AllnGap @ Jan 11 2021, 07:46 AM)Makan daging Kuda Dan kangaroo haram 40 tahun best giler bebdont so triggerred please. calm ur tits.but, daging kuda dan kangaroo siapa dalang sampai sekarang tak tahu???? helang mana satu? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999569654464722} +{"text": "QUOTE(TanahGagal @ Feb 8 2024, 01:22 PM)Not pipit cannotIs pipit never try to askkalau tanya mesti boleh.cuma tak masuk berita je.btw, is this langkah thailand?/bangkok? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9960643649101257} +{"text": "QUOTE(UmmOkay @ Aug 7 2015, 11:08 AM)The holy quran is not clear ka? Wah, so maka terpaksalah scholar interpret it according to his own whims and fancies\u00a0 The guidelines is clear. Of course quran is not listing every animals out there. It is not pratical. Quran only mention what animal which is confirm haram only. Clear by what i mean is the firm thing. Animals not listed in quran only need to follow the guideline. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "Bagus lah. Nowonder lately palm oil so cheap. Rm 16.90.Bila telur nk turun harga?? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999921321868896} +{"text": "QUOTE(ihavenoidea @ Aug 27 2016, 01:35 PM)Eh. Anyone knows if niaga like that need permit/lesen or not?1. Jangan persoal2. Lesen bukan budaya kita3. INI BUMI MILEK SAPO???? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9978723526000977} +{"text": "QUOTE(Phoenix_KL @ Dec 29 2023, 08:46 AM)KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia ranks second in Asia in 2020 for cyberbullying among youths, according to a United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) report - indicating that cyberbullying is becoming an increasingly prominent problem in the country.The popular usage of social media platforms had made it a rife breeding ground for cyberbullying and toxic behaviour, not only among youths but adults as well.https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022...h-cyberbullyingWe need to be first in rank so that we can bully all other countries in Asia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9957064986228943} +{"text": "stoli is the seller is from champion country Indonthey viral to market to malay crowdbut after kantoi they switch back to malay sesame seed oil ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9740968942642212} +{"text": "Firdhaus a Chinese school top scorerBy C. ARUNO, NEWSDESK@THESTAR and COM.MYNATIONTuesday, 12 Jan 2021 https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021...hool-top-scorerPETALING JAYA: Malaysian singer-songwriter Firdhaus Farmizi (pic), who made waves in Chinese social media, is a graduate of an independent chinese school.According to Sin Chew Daily, Firdhaus, who is known as Fei Dao Er in China, did not expect his composition Gulf of Alaska to gain such traction in China and garnered a staggering 170 million views on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of video-sharing app TikTok.In an interview with the daily, the 22-year-old from Kulai, Johor, admitted that he would have likely been another regular youth had he not been given a chance to come in contact with the Chinese-speaking world.Even though his parents did not speak Mandarin, they sent Firdhaus to a Chinese-language kindergarten and ended up sending him to a Chinese vernacular school for Year One.Little did they know that their son would show a flair for academics and for the language such that he successfully enrolled in the prestigious Foon Yew High School, an independent chinese school known for its rigorous entrance exams.Firdhaus, who was always at the top of his class, recalled fondly during report card day one year where other parents crowded around his mother to ask where she sent him for tuition to be able to score so well.\u201cI remember it clearly until today my mother\u2019s facial expression at that time. She wore a bright smile at that time, \u201d he said.Firdhaus admitted that he loved Chinese culture and was part of the che lin (Chinese yoyo) club and once represented his district in a Chinese calligraphy competition.\u201cWhen I was in secondary school, I would often visit my friends\u2019 house and play with lanterns. During Chinese New Year, I would often bring along mandarin oranges and visit houses to collect ang pow, \u201d he said.When he was in Form Four, he represented Foon Yew High School in the International Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition, earning himself third place among other Malaysian contenders.Even though he did not win the competition, he earned the right to travel to China to watch the international stage of the competition.Firdhaus, who gained an interest in writing music after listening to King of Mandopop Jay Chou when he was 12, started his music career by singing at restaurants and was scouted after one of his performances was recorded and shared online.He said he wrote his songs based on his life experiences and oftentimes inspiration would kick in when he was feeling sad.He added that lyrics did not need to be poetic, and one could choose to be simple and direct as long as they were moving.\u201cAfter writing a new song, I will let my mother listen to it. Even though she does not understand (the lyrics), as long as the melody moves her it is good enough, \u201d he said.He is currently signed to Malaysian record label Loolala Music that released his latest EP, A Letter last November, which contains his viral composition Gulf of Alaska. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999144077301025} +{"text": "warung also no sijil halal, tak bising punislam say jangan tunjuk aib, ni lagi pandai tunjuk aib lepas tu bagi orang komen kafir lah ni lah, yang admin tu dosa lagi tinggiThis post has been edited by Avex: Jan 8 2021, 10:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995259046554565} +{"text": "QUOTE(arsenwagon @ Nov 14 2020, 07:43 PM)That one is called rezeki.. tak kacau Kita takpeRezeki from sumber haram is still haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999608993530273} +{"text": "http://www.msn.com/en-my/news/offbeat/shot...Mk9&ocid=HPCDHPPic of woman shielding her Chinese grandmother with her hijab goes viral for all the right reasons Here's to putting some faith back in racial harmony \u2014 especially after the story of a mentally unsound Chinese lady spouting abuse on a widowed Malay neighbour. Sakinah Tan and her grandmother came to nationwide prominence thanks to an Instagram shot by TODAY. Spotted along West Coast Drive yesterday, Sakinah was captured sheltering her elderly Chinese grandmother from the rain using her hijab \u2014 a picturesque moment of the multi-racial relationship they shared. Sakinah Rafiq Tan Hui Ling, 23, uses her headscarf to shelter her grandmother Annie Loh, 78, from rain as they make their way home, at West Coast Drive on July 26, 2016.This post has been edited by Faidzal: Jul 28 2016, 01:50 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999878406524658} +{"text": "Kepada yang selalu bertanya kepada kedai makan tentang status halal, instead of tanya pasal tu, apakata cuba \n\n1. Supplier datang dari mana? \n2. Adakah makanan/minuman mengandungi alcohol or subtance yang tidak halal. \n\nSebab nak dapat sijil halal Jakim bukan senang. Remeh.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999430179595947} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 29 2016, 12:01 AM)Syariah Law should be for Muslim only right? Halal status should be for Muslim only right?yes you are correct.so just cooperate la if you think you are not against any law.ninja joe did, but the apa sarahan crowd yang terkinja2 bcos of ppl who are simply doing their jobs.has ninja joe been charged with anything? no.was the owner arrested/remanded like our good friend menj? no.did they trash the place and asked them to close down? no.did jais lek lu sap kok lu when ppl reported about a suspected case of non-halal food but using a variation of halal name? no.that's what I already mentioned way earlier.enforce salah, tak enforce salah. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999048709869385} +{"text": "QUOTE(CarroTT @ Oct 22 2023, 03:19 PM)Tapi u makan najis.Dah lar pondan di main bontot.Kena rape dengan negro kegemaran kamu.Eh aku makan makanan halal Ko la yg suka makan najis mughallazah Oh ko suka negro ka? Mesti species koteh kecik 2\u201d mati pucuk \ud83d\ude06 Kesian ko, dah lah tertindas, xder anak pulak nak tanam kalau ko mampus hahahahah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994655251502991} +{"text": "Bila kedai takde sijil halal terus declare haram.. apooo\ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982024431228638} +{"text": "What a disgrace..pls viral them ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9911909699440002} +{"text": "Di Malaysia acah nak makanan 100% Halal ada sijil JAKIM, fatwa majlis mufti, etc. tapi bila di luar negara, makan je semua depan mata LOL.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8920332193374634} +{"text": "QUOTE(acer7254 @ May 25 2016, 12:04 AM)Pork seller muslim? What weed.did u smoke kid??If muslim, cant sell pig, beer,\u00a0 anything that haram.Its not about Malaysia. Its already writing in the quran u f**tardNope, it's not stated in the Quran u retard, I suggest you read properly my ignorant Muslim friend. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999244213104248} +{"text": "Neelofa Akui Tidak Tahu Escargot Haram Dimakan, Akan Rujuk Pihak BerkaitanOleh RTKY Staff pada 05 August 2015, 10:08PMBerpunca daripada perkongsian gambar siput Escargot di Instagram Neelofa baru-baru ini, ramai peminat yang berbalah mengenai status halal haiwan berkenaan dan menurut Harian Metro hari ini, pelakon dan pengacara itu tidak mengetahu tentang perkara berkenaan.BACA: Peminat Prihatin Bila Neelofa Makan Siput Babi\u201cSaya jadi terkejut apabila ia menimbulkan perbalahan antara pengikut di Instagram selepas saya memuat naik gambar itu. Saya amat teliti dan menitikberatkan makanan yang saya ambil termasuklah gambar yang mahu dikongsikan kepada umum\u201d\u201cKalau saya tahu status halalnya meragukan sudah tentulah saya takkan sentuh pun makanan itu,\u201d katanya mengakui dia memakan siput berkenaan kerana dimaklumkan ia boleh dimakan sejak dia kecil lagi. Dia turut menjelaskan akan merujuk perkara berkenaan kepada pihak berkaitan.Sebelum ini melalui semakan kami di laman web rasmi Fatwa Malaysia, e-Fatwa mengesahkan status Escargot adalah haram dimakan umat Islam. (rtky/s) \u25bchttp://www.rotikaya.com/neelofa-akui-tidak...-haram-dimakan/ ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9963485598564148} +{"text": "QUOTE(JohnL77 @ Sep 9 2023, 09:30 PM)What is the percentage that is considered halal? Like this Shandy halal or not?hope these explains.take note that the ruling has been determined in 1984; before all these millenials and their shenanigans questioning this and that are even born. budak-budak hingus belum kering, kencing masih bersepah, tapi berlagak lebih tahu tentang keagamaan berbanding alim ulama yang muktabar. yang lebih teruk apabila sendiri tak menganut agama islam tetapi tersondol-sondol nak \"betulkan\" pegangan islam mengikut acuan sendiri yang sebenarnya terbabas.http://e-smaf.islam.gov.my/e-smaf/index.ph.../fatwa/pr/10281http://e-smaf.islam.gov.my/e-smaf/index.ph.../fatwa/pr/16032https://m.facebook.com/HabHalalJakim/photos...18788521613751/https://www.muis.gov.sg/officeofthemufti/Fatwa/Malay-Ethanolhttp://www.al-ahkam.net/home/content/majli...lam-makanan-dll ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998449087142944} +{"text": "Sebenernya sedang tahap belajar dan mencari nyamannya makan sayur sis. Aku mulai since 2 years ago mulai beli salad sayur, spring roll, wrap salad, tapi ga kemakan hahaha Aku selalu yakin, kalau aku ga suka makanan itu karna cara olahnya atau mungkin bumbunya yang ga pas..", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9969242215156555} +{"text": "Betapa besarnya pahala abang berspeda motor, hari itu dia peroleh dua pahala sekaligus. Pahala sedekah dan menyenang hati orang lain. Sebaik-baik kebajikan: bersedekah makanan/minuman. Semoga abangnya memperoleh banyak rizki halal yg berlimpah.. Aamiiiin.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997344613075256} +{"text": "Aku tak faham, mudah-mudah je percaya. Tahu tak, pensijilan halal kita antara yang strict dan diiktiraf antarabangsa. Tang ni sibuk halal haram. Tapi bila masuk kedai \"no pork, no lard\" Yakin je halal. Warung tepi jalan yang serve pinggan berdaki elok je. Hypocrite!", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8882526159286499} +{"text": "QUOTE(seventwo @ Oct 21 2016, 02:29 PM)- Alaaaaaaa hot dog kan ada nama lain, frankfurter. Cuba you check dalam halal direktori, got or not produk halal nama \"hot dog\". Instead of using hot dog, why not use sausage or frankfurter, bunyinya lebih enak dan sopan\u00a0 cool2.gif Dah bertahun-tahun org guna hot dog, ber tan-tan orang Malaysia makan hotdog. Takde siapa yg pikir hot dog tu adalah anjing atau ada kaitan dgn anjing, kenapa sekarang nak tukar? Bila Jakim kata suruh tukar nama hot dog ni kepada nama lain kerana ia seakan-akan anjing, sebab tu lah org ketawa, sebab takde siapa di dunia ni yg akan confuse pasal benda ni - except org di Jakim ni nampaknya.Kalau nak tau, original sausage ka, frankfurter ka, hot dog ka, dia di buat dari intestine babi. Sekarang pun banyak sausage dan frankfurter yg dibuat dari bahan haram. So kalau guna perkataan frankfurter atau sausage pun tak confuse ke org Islam Malaysia ni nanti?- Tengok your point of view. I dont feel it's bit laughable. Aku yakin mesti ada sebab why they have that kind of clause. Manalah tahu in future, ada org buat produk beer hakim dgn beer ahmad. Satu halal satu non halal. Masalah kita, kekadang kita tak alert dgn cop halal, so orang igt dua2 halal. So how? Sebab itu better kita guna je lah nama yang tak mengelirukan. Tak rasa bagus ke rules tu?\u00a0 hmm.gif As per my point above jugak sama la.- Alaaaaaaa you baca lah MS 1500:2009 banyak lagi syarat lain. Tapi yang isu nama juga orang sibukkan.\u00a0 nod.gif If there are other rules which are ridiculous, then people will point it out and laugh at it as well. The point of contention now is this clause, why talk about others?Kepada yg kata non-muslim yg ambil campur, etc, sila tau la ya banyak org Islam pun tak agree dgn rule Jakim yg ini. Lepas tu jangan la nak label org lain liberal la apa, padahal yg MEMBURUKKAN pandangan orang kepada Islam tu tindakan Jakim tu sendiri. Jangan ingat org di Jakim tu malaikat atau nabi dan ISO regulation dia tu Al-Quran sampai tak boleh dipertikaikan langsung. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9983299374580383} +{"text": "Tak terkejar JAKIM nak analyze segala produk kat Malaysia ni nak disijilkan. Yang makanan pun tak habis bersijil, walaupun bukan haram.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7368965744972229} +{"text": "Tak ada sijil halal tak beerti HARAM... kalau nak ikutkan.. SEMUA kedai tepi jalan tu bukan ada sijil halal pon.. makcik jual nasi lemak ayam... semua mana ada sijil halal tapi tak beerti HARAM.. kalau melayu yang berniaga bagi la kelonggaran sikit sbb ambil masa nak dapatkan sij", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7208403944969177} +{"text": "QUOTE(gashout @ Nov 20 2023, 03:28 PM)QUOTE(porgie @ Nov 20 2023, 03:34 PM)Keyword found.QUOTE(Lembu Goreng @ Nov 20 2023, 04:15 PM)Lmao all personal details come outI don\u2019t think people should attack the restaurant (like viole said it\u2019s just business] but they should have a go at this Hafiz guy who started this bodoh viral shitDont be a cyber bully, is not cool. Delete the personal details. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8533790707588196} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 19 2022, 08:59 PM)So where is the so called tip by non Muslim? Are sure you understand English?My comment is based from the viral video by TS. You watch or not?The video shows the Malay stall owner send utensils and food containers to an obviously non Muslim shop. People are alleging that he source his food from that non Muslim shop instead of cooking it himself.typo..tip as in tipuand yes, i saw many ppl including you blaming the non muslim cina as scammeri know..i hav read alot in fb comments..jst surprised to see the same mentality also in kopitiam ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998366832733154} +{"text": "Tahniah Coway!! \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf8a . BEST WATER PURIFIER BRAND \ud83e\udd70 . COWAY adalah Pengeluar penapis air dari Korea yang menjadi syarikat pengeluar penapis air antarabangsa pertama yang berjaya memperolehi SIJIL HALAL dari Jabatan\u2026 https://t.co/GFH81kaS3E", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999939203262329} +{"text": "QUOTE(Bosskurap @ Nov 14 2020, 05:33 PM)Kalau ikut history of all these haram haram claims, in the end just say sorry. I just wished for once we have heavy punishment for these peopledamn i really hope yang bising2 kena saman. tak payah mil mil. 30~50k pun sakit juga kalau orang jenis macam ni ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999988079071045} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 10:32 PM)Why need to rent when you can stay at my house haha jk ... don't mind to join you all Ehh..no la. I org baik, don't think of me until like that Ehhhh...ni...ni...fitnah woi.. bile I buat mcm tui thought haram for male to stay with female and vice versa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6144901514053345} +{"text": "Tapi saya jual makanan luar negara. Dan selalu dituduh tak halal. Faham tak susahnya nak berniaga kalau orang fitnah semua makanan tak halal sebab tiada halal JAKIM? Aniaya orang orang macam saya? Seronok ya tuduh terus kedai makan tanpa logo JAKIM ni terus haram?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999654293060303} +{"text": "@naasugar @nrlnazura @jarisanord Hi. Sekarang ni kami tengah apply halal secara berperingkat. Yang telah mendapatkan sijil Halal sekarang ni hanya outlet Ioi City mall. Tapi jangan risau sebab ingredient untuk semua outlet sama\u270c\ufe0f https://t.co/JWU4B7UCbT", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5591696500778198} +{"text": "https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/...-halal-industryQUOTEChinese companies eager to learn from Malaysia's halal industryKUALA LUMPUR: More companies from China have expressed their intention to learn about the halal industry in Malaysia, said One Belt One Road Chamber of Commerce (OBORCC) president Datuk Seri Tan Thian Lai.He said many companies in China's food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries are beginning to realise the importance of halal certification, and they view halal certification in Malaysia as one of the best in the world.\"They (the Chinese companies) see Malaysia as a country that places great emphasis on each product that it produces. To them, it is a good opportunity to learn more about these halal standards for their products,\" he told Bernama today.Tan said several countries are ready to invest in setting up preparation and packing facilities for halal goods in Malaysia.\"The halal market is extensive and is not limited to the 1.4 billion people in China alone because, of late, non-Muslim communities have come to understand the importance of halal (certification) on the products they use.\"Because of this, business partners from Guandong, Shanghai and Beijing have expressed their intentions to open their factories in Malaysia so that their halal products can be easily monitored by Jakim (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia),\" he said.In this regard, Tan hopes that the visit by the Prime Minister of China Li Qiang to Malaysia in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic ties beginning Tuesday (June 18) will benefit both countries in the effort to empower the global halal industry.Malaysia's Halal Certification, managed by Jakim, has gained international recognition for maintaining the top rank for 10 consecutive years for the halal food sector among 81 countries, as reported by State of the Global Islamic Economy 2023.The global halal market is projected to reach US$9.71 trillion (US$1=RM4.69) by 2025, with countries like Malaysia expected to lead in the coming years.In a special address at the Global Forum on Islamic Economics and Finance on May 28, Investment, Trade, and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz said the halal industry has proven to be one of the most competitive and rapidly growing sectors in the world, adding that such developments are also expected to be experienced by Islamic financial assets. --BERNAMAHalal keeps getting bashed here but it is what it is. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987697005271912} +{"text": "[PELOLES TANPA RASA RAGU! \ud83e\udd17] Jadi peloles pun duk ragu lagi Sebab status Halal & KKM #DianzVitamin ni Ya la kan, benda nak consume selalu. \ud83d\ude2c Don't worry bossku #DianzVitamin terbukti halal Siap ada sijil KKM\u2026 https://t.co/9P5bKRDNoo", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "QUOTE(thpace @ Dec 6 2015, 07:07 PM)No such things..Employment act only covers unlawful termination. If in her working contract employer, employer have a to give her a notice period. However, even notice period is not necessary if both parties agrees it to be waived. Plus, if she a contract staff and not permanent, sadly employment act does not covers her. The hospital can also say there are other muslim staff, why must she be given a special treatment from the rest? In a sense, the hospital can also play the fair to all card when questioned.Second, the constitution allow the freedom of religion and practices but it shall not go against professional and public safety practice. Very simple, if the hospital doctors and professional medical practitioner can prove or indicate that long sleeve is a potential health hazard to all. If she work at ICU wards, that would be a more solid argument.Know how the france get the hijab ban also in their constitution also guarantee freedom of religion? Simple, they say it prevent security force from doing their duty and any criminal cant be identified with the full face covering. here no law saying sikh can ride a bike without helmet. Just that it our police courtesy \"close one eye\" on religious ground and to avoid trouble. Do you know that, any accident without helmet and you die, you will not get insurance payout that also applied to the sikh community.It the risk they have to take. Insurance company have made a stand on that issue.\u00a0 Sikh also now not all i would say.. safety is above religionsimilar to how the chinese release fire cracker on CNY but no police catch them (Fire cracker is 100% banned in law)there two different things about guidelines and policy. Do note there a solid argument about this as wellGuidelines as it name suggest lead to best practice and policy is an enforcement of the said best practices. So similarly under employment act, any staff shall comply to the employer's policy. Once your signature is down, it deemed you shall comply 100%Now it not necessary policy will follow guidelines, policy is under the company jurisdiction purview. So if the policy is enforced to all under the ground of public safety and and workplace fairness. The hospital already have a strong points given how good the lawyer they employedtherefore, the freedom of religion again does not allow you do whatever you want under the pretext of religionIt is not police courtesy, it is a law under JPJ act.mengikut Kaedah 4 dan 5(2), Kaedah Motosikal (Topi Keledar) [PU(A) 43/1973] dibaca bersama Exemption Notification 1975 [PU(B) 23/1975] menyebut sebagaimana berikut:-4. Wearing of safety helmetEvery person, other than a person exempted under rule 5, who drives or rides on a motor-cycle on a road shall wear a safety helmet on his head fitted and securely fastened in the manner required by the nature and construction of the safety helmet.5. Exempted person(1) Deleted(2) Without prejudice to the foregoing the Minister may grant exemptions in writing from the provision of rule 4, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, in respect of any person or class of person if the Minister is satisfied that it is proper and just to do so.Dalam Notis Pengecualian yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri, disebutkan sebagaimana berikut:-In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 5(2) of the Motor-cycles (Safety Helmet) Rules 1973, the Minister hereby exempts the following classes of persons from the requirement of wearing safety helmet, namely:-(a) Hajis, Hajjahs and Lebais who wear serbans;(b) Sikhs who wear turbans.2. The above exemption is granted subject to the condition that such classes of persons as aforesaid are wearing serbans or turbans, as the case may, while driving or riding motor-cycles on roads. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7708041667938232} +{"text": "QUOTE(internaldisputes @ Nov 16 2020, 01:40 PM)Does the viral video mention Old Town White Coffee specifically though?The bodo fella does mention Old Town a few times. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999665379524231} +{"text": "QUOTE(pandah @ Feb 1 2023, 06:43 PM)Well if you are not satisfied, and you are some big businessman, i am sure you can handle it with diplomatic way?If i don't eat beef and some event serve beef, i either go for vegetarian table or just don't take the beef. In the case that you don't want to eat any, just tell the organizer you are leaving. Anyway nowadays, apa2 viral dulu, sambil itu tunjuk kaya, can feel righteous also. Instead of be the bigger person, showing that you can act is more important...Same here, been years i know i can't find food along 900km 1-way, 1800km 2-way of NS highway R&R, and reluctant to exist (detour) to smaller towns, i just tapao bak kua and white bread eat in the car. Buy 50 cents (sometimes foc) hot water in my flask make 2in1 coffeeThis post has been edited by jojolicia: Feb 1 2023, 08:01 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999656677246094} +{"text": "QUOTE(rulerhot @ Nov 3 2014, 02:50 PM)If u yakin..u go makan la..no need logo2Gunakan tanpa was-was ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999041557312012} +{"text": "QUOTE(slimey @ Nov 2 2013, 11:02 PM)it's bullshit when you claim things but is unable to prove it. simple right? hold to your faith, i don't care. but when you justify your faith based on crap......it's crap.i think you should believe what you wanted to believe, while we as people that have faith in Islam, believe what we wanted to believe. it might not be logical to you, but it is to us. so best you move on. that my friend, is called faith. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999934434890747} +{"text": "\nReply 22# tecito \n\n\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 betul kata ko, ku dulu2 respek gak ngan khir jamil ke apa namanya. time tuh dia kapten dalam kagat sajer. suka time dia bagi cramah agama . tapi sekarang sejak dia jadi org kuat jpm nih, sorry to say la............ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9976471066474915} +{"text": "QUOTE(hirano @ Oct 26 2016, 12:23 AM)My question is the root cause. \"Why is the name being put as the criteria of jakim's halal cert\". This question. Why would i just simply \"follow the standard\"? Why i cannot persoal?If ppl argue that makcik at kampung is not educated enough to understand foreign language, then i can laugh. Whatever you put \"hot dog\" \"bratwurst\" \"sausage\"- these ppl wont understand anyway. So why the need to change the name? Unless you want every food to change name to malay words. Nugget to \"ketulan ayam kisar\"?Nama yg bagus utk bnde yg bagus kak. Kedai tepi jalan xde cert suke ati die la nk letak nama ape pon. Kalo nk tkr nama apa pn i xpersoal sangat kak. Xde untung, Kalo songlap ke ape mmg i bnyk soalan skit sbb tgh rugi. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999932050704956} +{"text": "Kenapa subway haram? Sebab logo Jakim tak sah? Tapi kalau dia tak guna benda yang haram pun dalam makanan tu. Acano? Nak cakap haram jugak?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5682181119918823} +{"text": "QUOTE(zhou.xingxing @ Feb 1 2023, 04:49 PM)so second story is he got served vegetarian dishes? whr see link laihttps://www.facebook.com/cerahjeff/posts/pf...aEdvzeXepo8nEVlQUOTEAda kawan mesej HP, tanya kenapa buat hal sedemikian kepada saya (dan juga dia kalau dia hadir semalam)..\u201cSebenarnya kami ada hidang vegetarian food. Tapi ini memang silap kami.\u201d.Benar,memang mereka ada hidang Vegetarian Food. TAPI, saya bermusuh dengan sayur dan mana adil sebab orang lain semua makan makanan yang mewah,Sup Abalone tapi saya makan Cendawan Celup Tepung di dalam sudu Sup? .Walhal suku lepas,pihak HP berkali-kali merayu saya beli stock sampai RM1.5Juta. Dalam erti kata lain, RM1.5Juta yang kami bayar itu,sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada event malam tadi. Mungkin sesetengah orang nampak event ini percuma tetapi pada saya tidak,duit saya ada di dalamnya..\u201cAlah,dia ajak. Nak pergi,pergi. Taknak,tak payah. Bukan kena bayar pun.\u201d.Kih! Anda akan rasa statement itu lawak bila\u00a0 bertahun beli dan jual produk mereka sekurang-kurangnya RM5Juta setahun (target mereka bukan RM1.5Juta pada awalnya). Ingat senang ke nak jual stock RM500k sebulan?.Dan saya datang dari Kelantan. HP ada bagi elaun RM200 terapi tiket flight saya sahaja pun sudah RM300. Belum campur penginapan dan makan minum di sini. Sekurang-kurangnya saya bayar sendiri dinner semalam di tempat lain..Pihak HP tidak boleh jadikan mereka hidang makanan Vegetarian,maka event sebegini boleh dibuat di tempat Non-Halal. Saya sangat pelik. Bertahun-tahun saya pergi ke event sebegini, ada banyak lagi tempat yang bagus tetapi kenapa Noble House KL juga jadi pilihan..Memang saya tahu restoran ini Non-Halal tapi saya kira mesti pihak HP ada sediakan meja Muslim. Tetapi tidak. Dulu saya pernah pergi trip ke Bali bersama Asus. Ramai pekedai ingin makan Babi Guling Noni. Jadi,Asus bawa kami ke sana. Mereka cari meja asing,beli makanan Halal dari kedai lain dan bagi kami makan. .Saya boleh terima. Saya pun ada sifat toleransi. Anda nak minum arak,silakan. Itu hak anda, saya boleh minum air kosong. Saya tiada isu. Tetapi bila makanan dikacau, ini adalah satu pantang bagi saya. .Walau ada seorang Melayu Muslim pun, anda perlu hormat,lagi-lagi orang itu membantu business anda walaupun sedikit. Bukan sebab kita duduk di Malaysia tetapi sebab kita adalah MANUSIA..Untuk pengetahuan anda,ini bukan kali pertama saya rasa didiskriminasi dengan HP cuma sebelum ini saya tidak tulis di FB. 2015 saya dapat hadiah trip ke Korea,saya pergi dengan Isteri..Trip ini juga saya tersalah makan Babi sebab kecuaian pengiring HP tidak handle dengan baik,katanya sup Seafood tetapi ada lemak Babi. Saya terus muntahkan. Saya tinggal di Jepun selama 3 tahun,jaga Halal Haram tetapi saya termakan Babi dalam trip yang dianjurkan oleh syarikat Malaysia..Tetapi bagi saya itu boleh dimaafkan. Yang saya sakit hati adalah dari turun Kapal Terbang,sepanjang jalan di atas bas,sampai ke lapangan Terbang semula,mereka letak Tour Guide yang HANYA berbahasa Mandarin. Isteri saya sebagai saksi yang saya tidak menipu. Mungkin orang HP sudah lupa kerana bagi mereka ini adalah hal yang remeh..Walhal boleh sahaja mereka cari Tour Guide yang dwi-bahasa; Mandarin dan English. .Untuk makluman anda,saya bukan sekali dua pergi trip dengan vendor sebegini. Banyak. Acer,Canon,Asus,Lenovo dan beberapa lagi buat dengan baik. Tahun ini pun ada sekurang-kurangnya 5 trip oversea di bawah kendalian brand-brand ini syarikat saya akan pergi..Ingat,tidak perlu jadi Malaysian pun untuk hormat orang. Cukup dengan jadi MANUSIA. Orang HP call saya berkali-kali,hantar mesej minta maaf. Saya abaikan dulu. Saya nak tahu apa pihak atasan HP buat. .Apa kelas buat kesalahan besar tapi hantar Minion datang minta maaf? .HP Malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9690709710121155} +{"text": "The Best Skin Therapy \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffb KKM, SIJIL HALAL JAKIM & UJIAN KELEMBAPAN DARI SIRIM. (KKM/NOT180905944K) \u2611\ufe0f kulit badan, kulit tangan memang awesome putihnya . \u2611\ufe0f losyen pertama yang diformulasi dengan herba... https://t.co/mLWliJYqaT", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999380111694336} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Feb 8 2019, 05:09 PM)i agree with that, but just wanted to share my views. sharing my idea.Sharing idea boleh jangan dah sampai menyimpang akidah sudah ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8313966989517212} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Oct 25 2016, 04:04 PM)NoIts not logical to say bacon made of pork halalBut it's logical to say bacon made of beef halalso you have to put more explanation on it. you say beef bacon is halal. you cannot put bacon and indicate that is halal without putting 'beef' in front of bacon. otherwise, people will get confused whether that is bacon made of pork or bacon made of beef. this is what jakim halal policy covers. the only problem is that, it involves hot'dog'. the status is advisory, it is better if the company chooses to change the name to sausages.its not imagination, its about staying away from any issue that can make the status of the food doubtful. i guess hotdog to sausages is harsh but people in jakim think that it is advisable to be sausages instead of hot dog.This post has been edited by zariel: Oct 25 2016, 04:13 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9452468156814575} +{"text": "hubungan antara kita dan Allah. Maka carilah yang halal, jauhilah yang haram dan syubhah.\n\nOne more thing, kita sepatutnya kagum dengan usaha JAKIM dan berterima kasih kepada mereka kerana bukan sahaja memantau status halal haram makanan di Malaysia malah di luar negara juga.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.97237229347229} +{"text": "you pun 1, sikit2 viral, sikit2 viral.. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.6922800540924072} +{"text": "prinsip dia senang je. org beratur beli makanan tapi dia tahu makanan tu makanan simple je, dia tetap nak beli and tak kisah nak beratur sbb dia suka vibes tu. kalau makanan tu tak sedap pun dia okay je, dia tak kisah sbb dia mmg jenis suka beratur untuk beli makanan yg dia nak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.4872343838214874} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashburn98 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:28 PM)Wasn't couple years ago during bazaar 'karipap oksigen' got viral? Half of the karipap is empty, if anyone asked.karipap nitro very gooding. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997922956943512} +{"text": "\r\nNext year maybe nak korea. Bagus la ada info cmni. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "QUOTE(xiaojohn @ Nov 20 2023, 12:05 AM)Jakim tak certified halal maksud tak halal\u2026 kau label pork free boleh, tak boleh cakap halal\u2026.Kalau boleh, buat juga PCR DNA babi\u2026atau anjingKalau u takde sijil halal jakim, u mmg bole declare halal unofficially saja la. Jgn la cakap u halal certified. U bole cakap all meat from halal source, no pork, no alcohol, and food preparation is cleaned, then it is halal la but unofficially not jakim certified in only la U explain la dekat Muslim customer, your meat halal, no pork, no alcohol, and the kitchen is clean, then halal la but not certified official halal Only. Aiya mcm mana aku mau ckp kasi u faham ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999901056289673} +{"text": "I masak kat rumah, makcik jual bahan mentah kat pasar semua takde sijil halal JAKIM, tak bermakna it\u2019s from a haram source. \n\nBukan makanan ada tanda halal JAKIM je yg halal. \n\nUntil there\u2019s any legit proof that it\u2019s haram, tak perlu ragu2. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "Come on malaysians. Sijil halal requirements is not just about babi babi dan babi. It's 2019 already, masih ada yang argue berkenaan babi ke bab halal haram makan minum? \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f but you do you lah ye", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "APLIKASI TELEFON PINTAR SMARTHALAL\n\nJom muat turun aplikasi telefon pintar SmartHalal dan ketahui status halal pelbagai produk dan premis makanan di pasaran. \n\nKlik - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1481934740\u2026 (iOS) @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details\u2026... (Android)\n\nSumber - Bahagian Hab Halal JAKIM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999194145202637} +{"text": "QUOTE(*lightbringer* @ Oct 12 2023, 08:28 AM)Aiyo everything have to accommodate them mah. Bumi ini milik siapa? u xsuka halal, u keluar. Sukiya also no halal. Yet u see these meleis flock at it like no tomorrow. These people are the biggest hypocrite. Halal/Haram is so subjective to them. Riba is haram, but no one talk about how haram it is when they are signing the contract. They only remember its haram when they failed to pay the loan and the bank take action on them. Rasuah is haram, but u change it to donation or gift, and wallah, no more haram. Rokok also haram, but they say its not stated in holy book, just some fatwa.sukiya no halal? you sure got the right sukiya? long lines of malays woh even though expensive. siapa kata hanya cina kaya. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982825517654419} +{"text": "Boleh tanya pada yang sediakan makanan tu. Peralatan masakan tu bersih dari makanan haram ke tidak. Kalau tak, cakap elok2 kata tak boleh makan. Daripada assume terus memang tak halal. Entah2 memang dia tahu dan siap beli peralatan baru demi nak menjamu kita makan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9645149111747742} +{"text": "QUOTE(PerfectZero @ Nov 1 2023, 06:07 PM)Bertahun\u00b2 duk di Malaysia, x tau baca BM? Oh the irony.Membaca bukan budaya kita ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999496936798096} +{"text": "Bahan- bahan dalam kandungan JUS PERMATA IDAMAN#makanan sunnah\n# suci,bersih dan halal# selamat untuk diminum http://fb.me/1qyigB9iG", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9977532029151917} +{"text": "boleh, asalkan kuali tu dicuci sehingga diyakini bersih. tapi kalau dah tau benda tu pernah diguna untuk masak makanan non halal, better elakkan untuk prevent syubhah. sebab kalau ada syubhah ni even sikit pun dah jatuh hukum haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9634550213813782} +{"text": "QUOTE(littlegamer @ Mar 10 2024, 08:25 PM)Seriously, I don't mind 1 brave politician stand up and say : since all fruit wanna segregate this and that, duit haram and halal should be separated.Just like how halal and non halal restaurant is.These curry bun wants all benefits of harom money but bising here and there about how other is richer and demand help from harom money should wake up.Reasonable request, your clean money and our dirty money can flow different way. Let's see how it will play out.Too bad u can't represent the majority ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9745908975601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(guysmiley @ Apr 17 2024, 05:07 PM)this is what i meant by \"difficult to explain and for nons to understand\". i have been saying it few times but you still dont understand. and yes. an expert would be able to explain more properly.QUOTE1. in islam, even a slightest tiny small grain of taught that deviate from the teaching of islam is a sin and must repent.2. in islam, all muslims are told to keep reminding each others of the teachings.3. in islam we are taught that there are still so many things that we dont know about, and our heart (faith) is very fragile and the devil (syaitan) is always beside us trying to make us do the wrong thing.so again.. so, that was what \"A Malaysian netizen, Adlina\" did. she was reminding the other person. she was doing her duty as a muslim.do i have a weak faith? may be. fragile? yes. all muslims are. especially these modern days. and every muslim must fight everyday to keep that faith, and keep finding out and learning things that i dont know about.there. tried my best to tell you all in one reply.Bro, you are advocating blind unthinking and absolute obedience. That is not fairh, that is extremism. Most if not all religions teach the same message, if we all of us follows our respective faiths to the absolute letter, the world will be a never ending place of religious wars. See the dark age of christianity where everybody walked on eggshells coz everything and anything can be construed into a sin. Sounds familiar?Learn to be open minded instead of closed minded with everything must be in absoluteThis post has been edited by bigwolf: Apr 17 2024, 06:44 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9289335608482361} +{"text": "Dont put words in someone's mouth. Restoran yg jual makanan halal pun ada yg belum dapat sijil halal. Takkan nak kata restoran tu jual makanan haram. https://t.co/vLiPeyXI8W", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "QUOTE(anuarnor @ Feb 12 2017, 02:56 AM)Each cultures/beliefs has it own set requirements that must abide to. May be weird to you but this is ours. I bet there some of yours, if you weight it in a logical sense, doesn't made any sense either.So it is best that we find a middle ground and try to tolerate each other.I honestly have 0 problems with tolerating, I have no problems with what you want to believe. But you can't punish me for something you want. How is that fair? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999852180480957} +{"text": "QUOTE(Doomsday @ Sep 10 2020, 11:31 AM)How they know got Haram substance if they cannot consume in the 1st place.same reason why u know u not suppose to eat your own shit even if u never eat it before ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997949004173279} +{"text": "abang2 sekalian kalau vaping haram, rokok tak haram, abistu clubbing haram tak...can argue mah i go clubbing for music but i no drink alcohol lol? because reality is i have a friend who is not muslim but cannot drink alcohol due to allergies. the moment she drink a lil alcohol her skin will turn red then lips will swell. but she go clubbing sadly dont drink . ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.99988853931427} +{"text": "QUOTE(donkeyformula @ Dec 31 2020, 09:33 AM)lorr ini kafir harbi from where ahh?My chinese fren say all this learn in pendidikan sivik masa sekolah dulu maa. Siapa tak tahu mesti geng ponteng kelas Sorry bro, my time, it was pendidikan moral because the education policy was still wise enough to not mix religious with secular material. And pendidikan moral didn\u2019t focus on any religion, rather moral values. Think about it, how much education you received about hinduism or Buddhism or even shia Islam?This post has been edited by lijor the great: Dec 31 2020, 09:49 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998995065689087} +{"text": "sejak bila catfish haram makan babi... lolx ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999829530715942} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Nov 4 2016, 11:47 AM)Got some more questions....What is chinese muslims view on feng shui or auspicious placements? E.g. bed placing, house position, etc.Some of feng shui is actually good logic/best practice, just under the cover of mystical/astrological ideas... how does that goes with/against Islam.Don't really know about feng shui, but I think as long as the idea is not against the tauhid, it should be fine. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "QUOTE(Clowninja @ May 15 2024, 02:57 PM)i will dare myself to be non-halal for a day later so im keeping those places into my google maps notes as for now, thankies including the other guy who suggested non-halal one Aunty Christina & Charlie's will be your safest bet. Can self collect Grab / Food Panda from Aunty Christina. No need to eat inside that hot coffee shop.Charlie's can Grab delivery but if not mistaken, now cannot tapau the laksa. Got to eat in. Also must try his Chicken chop with black pepper sauce or mushroom sauce. One of the best Chicken chop in Klang Valley.This post has been edited by Lanchio: May 15 2024, 03:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999380111694336} +{"text": "QUOTE(judas @ Aug 25 2020, 09:55 PM)Let me get this rightIt was a forest reserve in the first place, cannot plant anything there.Somehow dont know what happen, after the logs were gone, farmers plant durian.Now durian trees matured, they say legalized it but farmers need to pay rental, plus have to sell to them only. Furthermore got levy charges. Farmers rage, start chop off the plants. Polis setup road block to block them to go in, and today onwards it belongs to state government? Its like,Mesin judi is haram. Somehow there was an empty factory and nobody using it.Gangster backside itchy go and setup kedai mesin judi. Then authorities go and raid the place, say is haram, but can continue operating if the gangsters be their bitch. Must also pay rental and give a portion of money they make. Gangster dont want, gangster say will destroy their own mesin judi. Polis come and jaga the factory dont let gangster destroy mesin judi and now onwards the authorities gonna run the kedai judi?Partly true. Just authorities give their own gangster to run the kedai judi. Cause the gangster is authorities boss. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999305009841919} +{"text": "Tahniah McD Malaysia. /ktard mesti suka. Tapi nak ditch sijil halal yang susah payah nak dapat tu di harapkan /ktards mimpi la sampai kiamat yer. \ud83d\ude01 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9819465279579163} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pipopipo @ Nov 14 2020, 05:28 PM)So, the person who buat fitnah. Did he kena tangkap or kena siasatan??Nevermind. Since siasat no siasat also nothing will happen anyway.Kalau ikut history of all these haram haram claims, in the end just say sorry. I just wished for once we have heavy punishment for these people ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999996542930603} +{"text": "QUOTE(krizalid88_real @ Nov 4 2021, 11:11 PM)Ni cerita sebenar dari owner ttg siakap mahal di Langkawi :\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abAssalamualaikm Sy wakil dari restaurants yg viral berkenaan dengan SIAKAP HIDUP 7.48kg, Disini Sy dengan rendah diri cuba menerangkan apa yang berlaku pada hari kejadian ,\u00a0 berkenaan dgn size ikan ,saya sendiri sudah menerangkan kepada pihak customer berkenaan dgn size ikan yg besar disebabkan ikan tersebut merupakan ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni dan Sy juga telah rekemen supaya beliau dan ahli keluarga supaya ambil ikan yang lain didalam petak yang untuk order makan(ikan merah Dan kerapu), size ikan di dalam lebih kecil size lebih kurang 1.00kg-1.5kg shaja tetapi pihak customer masih lg insist untuk ambil ikan siakap show walaupun telah di beritahu ikan tersebut bersize mega, dan apabila pihak kami telah tangkap ikan siakap tersebut menggunakkan Tali pancing Dan panggil beliau supaya melihat size ikan semasa beliau di meja makan tetapi beliau menolak untuk melihat size ikan dan beritahu kami proceed dgn ordernya.Berkenaan dgn anggaran size yg ditunjukkan Oleh pihak kami yg di katakan memanipulasi size ikan pihak kami telah menganggarkan ikan tersebut Dan menunjukkan anggaran size ikan mmg besar Dan disebabkan itu beliau mengambil seekor ikan sahaja. Tetapi beliau Masih lg proceed untuk order. Dan ada yg mention berkenaan telur dadar yg mahal sebenarnya satu plate ada 3-4 biji dlm satu plate, Dan telur itu bersize besar Dan Sy rasa harga berkenaan normal disebabkan perniagaan kami di floating restaurants mengambil kira kos yg perlu di keluarkanPoint kedua berkenaan dgn cad credit 5% pihak kami tidak caj apa2 pn di dalam pembayaran beliau , bil yg di tunjukkan cuma satu bill sahaja. Bil pertama berjumlah Rm1759.50 Dan bil kedua berjumlah Rm93.00 total untuk 2 bil tersebut rm1852.50.Dan berkenaan orang belakang yang dikatakan \"pasrah\" dgn bill juga tu juga order lobster(950g) hampir 1 kg, ketam, ikan kerapu harimau. Dan bekenaan dengan harga yang mengatakan harga ikan tidak munasabah, kami menjual ikan hidup dan semua yg dijual di restaurant adalah live seafood. Ikan di darat dijual mungkin rm9/100gram tetapi kami menjual rm16/100gram disebabkan ikan hidup.Byk yg dalam Komen mention pejabat zakat lhdn apa semua jgn risau semua kami pembayar zakat Dan cukai sebagai warganegara malaysia.ikan show di sangkaq ikan kami dan selalunya kami tidak jual ikan ni No wonder!Nak \"Ikan show\" to show off, then cry father, cry mother EXPENSIVE! Potong Leher! Wadepak!#ApaMaluBossKu?!This post has been edited by DarkNite: Nov 5 2021, 08:22 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8553075790405273} +{"text": "QUOTE(MarioKart @ Aug 9 2018, 11:01 AM)Last time i go company trip overseas...really got people bring Maggi me and Roti Gardenia...when i go overseas, i also bring maggi, on the reason of lowering budget. Not due to harar haram worry. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9014998078346252} +{"text": "Puak ni mesti tak pernah pergi airport lagi ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9935658574104309} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkboy @ Mar 23 2021, 03:06 PM)Using the \u201chalal\u201d label is a serious thing. Is the company going to provide proof or Halal certification for all the food they deliver? If its from McD and KFC then its doable. But if its from gerai tepi jalan or mamak without Jakim cert? Is the company going to decide and verify its halal status?Unless they can do this, its just a case of menunggang agama AKA abusing religion for profit.I dont think gerai tepi jalan bother to apply jakim cert. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9579843282699585} +{"text": "Buana Ini: Penyediaan makanan mesti halal, bersih dan bertanggungjawab http://bit.ly/czM731", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9730833172798157} +{"text": "myGAP ni kira mcm sijil Halal \ud83d\udd16 untuk pertanian . Kalau ada ladang, tolonglah apply. Org akan lebih percaya dan yakin dgn produk kita. Mcm sijil Halal, tak wajib, tapi kan bagus kalau ada! \ud83d\ude00 https://t.co/ugq9QqXUWx", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999006986618042} +{"text": "QUOTE(jmas @ Nov 5 2020, 06:16 PM)they tried opening own farm before, but the the farm transformed into condo, what to do?Jangan fitnah, kan Malaysia boleh. Lembu boleh ternak kat kondo ... air con kan best untuk waghyu. Cowdominium kan : ) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999642372131348} +{"text": "Tgk tweet kat Gudwara semua Muslim and non Muslim tolong masak potong Sayur semua2. Dah hukum darurat mkn dulu mana yang ada selagi ikthiar utk hidup. Dan makan bukan kenyang sampai perut boroi tp utk bagi tenaga balik. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9962518811225891} +{"text": "QUOTE(silverhawk @ Nov 24 2023, 11:26 AM)Nothing wrong with what she is sayingIf they were doing a private after party, then no issue. Making it an official outing of the organization, you need to be more careful of your choices not to alienate/discriminate your members. Hosting an after party at a haram place while inviting Muslims is actually worse than outright not inviting them at all.Nothing wrong with the afterparty including alcohol too.Her only option is host her own afterparty that is without alcohol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9274400472640991} +{"text": "tak suka jangan datang, lets the dog become that shop customer. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9886234998703003} +{"text": "4. JAKIM turut menasihatkan pengguna Muslim agar sentiasa berhati-hati memilih premis makanan viral yang ingin mereka kunjungi dengan melayari Portal Rasmi Halal Malaysia di https://halal.gov.my/v4/ atau membuat semakan melalui aplikasi telefon pintar Verify Halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996792078018188} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lucidus @ Nov 2 2013, 09:27 PM)This is just what I know. The real truth maybe more vast than this.Eating pork is forbidden because of all the germs in pork.Another thing, pigs also don't have a neck-structure that is similar to other mammals like goat and cows, hence it is impossible to slaughter a pig according to Islamic rites.And pigs/hogs will gobble up every filthy things.For 2 alam animals like tortoise/frogs/turtles, I don't know for sure. Ketam that lives in deep sea can be eaten (not haram), but those that lives by the beach cannot be eaten as they are 2 alam.Other than those you mentioned, Muslims also cannot eat animal that has claws/talons which they use for hunting e.g. eagles, tigers, cats, etc.Also mollusc (siput) that does not have a \"penutup\" on its shell e.g. snails/siput babi. Siput sedut on the other hand boleh makan sebab cangkerang dia ada penutup. I'm not sure about escargot though, some say can, some say cannot, but I personally think cannot because it is like snails.Another is cannot eat birds that moves around by hopping/jumping. Can only eat birds that walk e.g. chickens, ducks, quails, etc.kesian the GGK commandos... fighting to protect our country have to eat anything to survive... watch on astro their training.. makan biawak lar.. etc.. too bad they are going to hell for what they eat.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.977603018283844} +{"text": "@naeunssiw aku emng suka makan :D..yah makanan udh abis gmn dong?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999976396560669} +{"text": "@rinasurianii takde sijil halal from jakim doesn't automatically mean ingredients dia haram. macam gerai gerai tomyam. takde sijil kan? tapi insyaAllah kita yakin halal kan? also. susu la dik. susu lembu. what would make it haram?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999706745147705} +{"text": "okay someone teach me how to block all these tweets about bubble tea being haram bcs they don't have sijil halal jakim pls haha \ud83e\udd13", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9405118823051453} +{"text": "#sandy kalau di Singapore lebih suka beli makanan di luar apa masak sendiriii??", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9276490807533264} +{"text": "QUOTE(Shisha Abdul Fatah @ Sep 11 2016, 03:32 PM)BAM!!! my sentiments exactly. indian cuisine memang the best but unfortunately you can't have it everyday because it's too fattening.is that why allmost indian aunty fat2? This post has been edited by FappyBird: Sep 11 2016, 05:32 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999738931655884} +{"text": "Macam maner die tau itu babi?Mesti lah makan babi be4. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?Maybe you have not come across one in Malaysia. There are Chinese both husband and wife with children converted to Islam, the whole family. They still live Chinese lifestyle except not eating pork, drink beer, etc. I guess this is common in China. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.977850615978241} +{"text": "Alaaa dah la suka datang sini. Haishhhh kena tunggu depa dapat sijil halal la ni https://t.co/Pe7G8sURNi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999774158000946} +{"text": "\ntak baik restoran cina halal & sedap..........\n\n\r\ntakat nie rasa cam haram.......\n\r\nada branie tr ...\nAcong Post at 9-6-2010 10:18 \nklau aku tak brani... sbb mostly yg hidang arak hikhik.....", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999983549118042} +{"text": "To me its okay.Their company, their policy, suka hati dea la.U as a customer, suka hati ko la nk pakai sape or go pick up ur self. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999234676361084} +{"text": "why cant the pakcik ask instead of viral video????????WHY????????????????????????????????????? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8710317611694336} +{"text": "QUOTE(desmond2020 @ Mar 13 2024, 04:59 PM)Angelic layer, you stupid or what, srjkc follow MOE syllabus, and BM is one of moan subjectPusing sini sana macam true Bolly woodLu bodo. Malas layan u. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999735414981842} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkk8787 @ Nov 23 2020, 07:21 AM)Im a cinababi but yes I know it's not the best cakoi or whataver thats subjective but the fact that my malay friends are trying our food is good enough for me. Just like strangely my favourite food is actually satay kajang samuri. I dont know why. And yes especially the kuah. I actually borong from their HQ frozen kuah for own consumption.Cina babi here too, just had Kajang samuri for dinner a few days ago. holy, best wei damn bang for buck, the meat sooo thick and juicy! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999579191207886} +{"text": "QUOTE(D10yrspain @ Mar 3 2024, 12:01 PM)Whichever parti that rules from the beginning is always the better. Try switch it, if Madani rule from Merdeka time, I'm pretty sure it's a good start. So the one picking up later and later and Later on will pick up loads of sh1tYou know what You are right.Doesn\u2019t matter who started they will be the bestBut now the problem is the fundementals already fukedWho ever take leadership next is as good to assume this country is bankrupt and don\u2019t blame past govt. just work hard to make it better than to blame like how madani blame ph la bn la etcA strong leadership will not blame. They will suck it in, own it and fix it to the best they can. Not this madano keep blaming Diu super piss I did not dump some money in bch. If put just 40k in few day ago, today I would have made my epf 5.5 percent dividend x2 todayBut whatever this is life and epf suppose to be so call safest investment but with 5.5 percent, pls allow us to take the money out and manage it ourself. Sampah ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9900684952735901} +{"text": "anak patong bukan budaya malaysia ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7871858477592468} +{"text": "U tak suka, u keluar UK la. What a dumb bitch. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993103742599487} +{"text": "\npearl.silver replied at 24-12-2022 09:13 AM\nOhhh yg tu..\r\nYg nmpk mcm ambuyat tu ek.. \r\nXsmpi lg trend tu kt socmed i ????\n\nI tgk dlm tiktok.tu mula2 terliur. Bli laa..bli kluar psl halal haram ni..trus x jd mkn. A ah..mcm ambuyat tu", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999778270721436} +{"text": "guess who started all these easily confused shit? the damage is already done, a lot muslim now already equate no halal cert = haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999992847442627} +{"text": "QUOTE(maxpudding @ Sep 11 2023, 08:54 AM)I think to answer your question why shandy is deemed haram because we view shandy was made from mixing beer with other flavored water in equal parts. So apart from directly drink alcoholic drinks, we also cannot consume food or drinks that were made directly from mixing wine or beer.\u00a0 That\u2019s why eating this claypot chicken is considered haram as well because it was mixed with wine. While eating the claypot rice or drinking shandy does not generally make you drunk, but in Islam if the food or drink we consume can make you tipsy even in the slightest sense, then it\u2019s forbidden.Regarding tapai, when muslims eat tapai, we need to know how long has it been made to know where the fermentation stage is, if it\u2019s not too long (i am unsure whats considered too long here ya, cause I dont eat tapai because of health reasons) then generally it\u2019s permissible. If it\u2019s been made quite long then generally people dont eat it (can cause tipsy or getting the buzzzz)Hope it can clear some of your questions.HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.988057017326355} +{"text": "Phone rang, check the job, to Zouk night club, reject it because haram.Thank you for being so considerable for muslim, they all need that desperately. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997391104698181} +{"text": "QUOTE(tupai @ Aug 27 2020, 01:22 PM)Sama2 Olang kite. Olang kite ada konsep haram ke?Yang sudah makan makanan haram tiada masalah, tapi yang tak boleh makan itu kena hati hati dan beli durian yang ada logo halal, kalau tak tanggung sendiri jika termakan durian haram... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998880624771118} +{"text": "\nsalmon-suki replied at 16-8-2021 09:00 PM\nOoo .baby kt tmpt lain ek?bkn duk skali ngn mak dia?Ai xde lg laa around circle ai y pantang kt co ...\nDia mcm private hospital lah. Ada nurse uruskan baby & ibu. Laki nak bantu boleh tapi tak bantu pon takpa. Yg artis tu iols rasa video tu utk content je. Kawan2 iols yg pergi confinement center mmg semua kata seronok. Cuma yg tak seronok nya poket je lah", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9882931113243103} +{"text": "QUOTE(h4r8_kIlLeR @ Mar 3 2024, 10:26 PM)so what is so special about syariah compliant? apart from less dividend due to riba.as simply as possible please... i am not good at pendidikan islamJust the investment are in syariah compliance company. So not investing in company dealing with haram deem practices or sources. Easiest to say, investment with company that have syariah compliance approval only. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999915361404419} +{"text": "stop trying to make it hard la. Dont simply create rules and say haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994916915893555} +{"text": "Takut org kite sesat, nanti dipengaruhi oleh fikiran yg x sejajar dengan ajaran.Apabila i masuk, tengok org yg bertutur dengan bahasa malaysia, barulah minda saya tenang dan menikmati ayam goreng org kite. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7858626246452332} +{"text": "sapa nk cuti malaysia sedangkan thailand mcm2 ada...perempuan pun lawa2 one night stand harga mampu milik cipet ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9637655019760132} +{"text": "QUOTE(miaopurr @ Oct 20 2016, 02:09 PM)later got easily confused viral says not halal coz not halal certif you think not halal then don't eat. as simple as that. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999344527721405} +{"text": "QUOTE(superbike @ Dec 27 2023, 08:05 PM)As a Melayu Borneo, ayam relax je had kuih muih breakfast at kedai gangster Siang Man Lo just beside Everise BDC this morning with my son and his uncle.Baru jer came back from visiting my iban friends house for xmas.Then i kacau one of the guy there. Iban kahwin awek. Told him woi kita makan babi panggang. Come join. He gelak and told us x boleh. Haram.Then proceed to sit beside me and tell me \"makanlah part tu. Nyaman lagi\".Then we gelak gelak.But of coz he dont eat it. At the same time he's ok with all of it.If malaya. By now i think my face all over fb and tiktok kena viral already. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999815225601196} +{"text": "QUOTE(Blofeld @ Oct 17 2016, 06:26 PM)just change the name to cateasiercatdog best ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999943733215332} +{"text": "QUOTE(afoka @ Dec 6 2020, 03:35 PM)100 kali kena report pun tak kisah..Ini puak hati tisu . Kutuk orang lain OK jer.. Kuat dengki pulak yang makan babi ni...^ budak ni mesti suka tuduh mak bapak asyik \"kutuk\" dia, sebab tu kurang ajar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999165534973145} +{"text": "QUOTE(wokies @ Feb 21 2017, 05:07 PM)but radix quite good what...big portion at shah alam branch..but closed already..huhudid not say they bad. kinda like their chicken. also their aiskrim is the best rumors say they close because of bad management ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994845390319824} +{"text": "QUOTE(RGRaj @ Oct 19 2017, 11:12 AM)Saudi nak kawal bacaan hadith. Sebab kesahihan banyak hadith yang disalah guna boleh dipertikaikan sumbernya.Sekarang soalan saya, bagaimana pula tentang surah2 dalam al-Quran yang disalah guna? Takkan nak pertikaikan sumber al-Quran?Cuba fikir.Disalahguna sebab petik sekerat2. Padahal dari dulu lagi pengajian hadith bermula dari Mustholah Hadith atau Ulum Hadith, bila mengaji hadith jangan petik saja2, kena bagi penjelasan dan penerangan hadith. Hadith mungkin pendek, tapi penerangan berjela2. Sebab tu ada juga sejarawan Orientalis non-Muslim pun ada yang mahir hadis sebab mereka belajar disiplin hadis ni.Sama macam Quran. Al-Quran ada pengkelasan surah Makkiyah dan Madiniyyah. Setiap ayat corresponds to certain events. Bukan saja2 boleh petik. Nak tafsir Quran bukan takat baca terjemahan BM, tapi kena mahir nahu sorof Bahasa Arab Klasikal. Bukan stendet Bahasa Arab Moden. Setiap terjemahan ayat ada sekali dengan tafsiran tentang how what when where why pun boleh tahan berjela. Bukan semua scholars boleh jadi Ahlul Quran dan boleh jadi Ahlul Hadith. Sebab disiplin pengajian tu samada route akademik atau route talaqqi bukan mudah. Orang kata senang bukak kitab baca sudah. Tak boleh. Kena baca kitab perbahasan ulamak2 dulu hingga kontemporari. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9822360277175903} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Feb 13 2016, 01:02 PM)from my understanding lah about haram stuff in food preparation1. the money u buy food must be kosher. not from cheating/rasuah/curi etc. from your own pocket.2. the food itself must be halal. if you mix it with non halal stuff like rice wine or red wine or lard consider haram already. if you mix the food with dead chicken/beef not potong according to syariah consider haram already.silent_stalker correct right?You are right, kosher = halal. But for some, Babi = Haram, not OkAlcohol = OkaySex zina = Okay, the best Okay. You know, there are one of your muslim friend will tell you cold story like, yesterday he go clubbing, drink tiger, then go hotel piaping, but that hotel served pork on breakfast, so he not take free breakfast because haram, he go mamak for breakfast with his lady. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999547004699707} +{"text": "Sapa sapa yg stay manjung perak, ada satu cafe nama dia \"strawberry cafe\". Cafe ni mmang aku perasan selalu tukar pinggan mangkuk cawan apa semua. Maybe 6 bulan sekali dia tukar. Makanan sedap, harga boleh laa janji sedap, bersih n selesa. Toilet pun bersih. Ada sijil halal", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8503490090370178} +{"text": "QUOTE(6216 @ Oct 13 2017, 05:28 PM)Mana spinning? The only one I see getting all hot & bothered is you and even then I doubt you really want to step into the laundry. You take that preacher's comments about backside when it's not that. Anjing punya blanket ok tak even when you're not a Muslim? You'd get pissed off with having fur on your black T Shirt, I'm sure. So don't take that fuckwit's comment and attack the business owner who in all probability opened his business due to local demand. BTW, which law was he contravening?Defending wrongful practice ^^^ definitely spinning, almost every ulama says that kind of biz model should not be allowed apart from a few rabid ones, one of them jailed now for throwing a tantrum over this. Let him stay there.This post has been edited by Einjahr: Oct 13 2017, 05:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6245025396347046} +{"text": "https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019...ip-viral-video/BAGAN SERAI (Bernama): The police have detained a fisherman to assist with investigations into a recent viral video purportedly showing a man donning a sarong, white T-shirt and cap worshipping a \"Dato Kong\" altar in Taman Piandang Indah, Tanjung Piandang, here. Kerian district police chief Supt Omar Bakhtiar Yaacob said the 43-year-old man was arrested by the Kerian district police headquarters\u2019 criminal investigation division here after he surrendered himself at 5pm Sunday (June 9). \"There were no articles seized because the clothes worn by the man in the viral video have either been removed or disposed of by unknown individuals. The police will obtain a remand order from the Parit Buntar court tomorrow,\" he said in a statement here Monday (June 10). On June 7, a 15-second video clip showing the man allegedly paying his respects at the altar went viral on social media. Supt Omar Bakhtiar said members of the Tanjung Piandang mosque committee lodged a police report over the video at the Tanjung Piandang police station on the same day. He said the case was investigated under Section 298A of the Penal Code Causing for causing disharmony, disunity, or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill will, or prejudicing the maintenance of harmony or unity, on grounds of religion. Investigations were also being conducted under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for improper use of network facilities or network services, he added. - Bernama ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6409958600997925} +{"text": "QUOTE(rollinginsodeep @ Sep 8 2023, 11:59 AM)is the rice wine being used really the one that people will drink? or is it used only for cooking?Source: Jabatan Mufti Pulau Pinang Facebook Post regarding AlcoholI'm quoting Jabatan Mufti Pulau PinangQUOTE(Halibut @ Sep 8 2023, 12:04 PM)As long tak mabuk ok la. Haha. Even air tuak also muslim can minum. Alcohol use in cooking will lose its chemical compound so can eat. Haha. Even rokok also certain fatwa said haram still got people smoke.Interesting. So alcohol used for cooking is actually halal? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9938712120056152} +{"text": "QUOTE(SammoG @ Aug 6 2015, 04:12 PM)But siput seduk also live in dry land and wet land like crab! So just the word sea snail and pig snail is very different definition.QUOTE(Ann Hiro @ Aug 6 2015, 04:13 PM)Then why so many siput sedut masak lemak in malay store? Sama lah bodohQUOTE(TendouJigoku @ Aug 6 2015, 04:15 PM)I don't think siput babi is haram because it falls under bangkai. If you said that it is haram because of dua alam then I might understand. 1. Since when Siput Babi dua alam?2. Dua alam is they can naturally live in dua alam. Siput sedut cannot naturally live in land. They can survive for a short period of time, but they can't live on the land definitely. Like how Itik is not considered dua alam even though they can swim and terjun tiruk into the kolam.3. As for ketam, ketam batu is haram. Ketam laut is halal. Both are ketam, but ketam batu can naturally live in both land and sea.This post has been edited by emino: Aug 6 2015, 04:25 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996086955070496} +{"text": "The Primordial Covenant in IslamSOURCESalam dear brother,Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.This matter is directly mentioned in the Quran:{And whenever your Sustainer brings forth their offspring from the loins of the children of Adam, He (thus) calls upon them to bear witness about themselves: \"Am I not your Lord?\"\u2014to which they answer: \"Yes, indeed, we do bear witness thereto.\" [Of this we remind you] lest you say on the Day of Resurrection: \"Verily, we were unaware of this.\"} (Al-Araf, 7:172)According to this verse, every soul was required, at some point, to bear witness to its recognition of the Divine Existence and Unity. Quranic commentators continue to debate when this covenant was made. Therefore, we will look at a few considerations as to when and how and to whom this question was put.\u2022 When we were as yet nothing and received the command Be! We gave an affirmative existential response to God's creative act, which is represented or dramatized as a question\u2013answer or a covenant.\u2022 When were still in the form of atoms or even particles not yet formed as atoms, the Lord of the Worlds, Who cherishes and leads everything to perfection, made these particles feel the desire and joy of being human. He therefore took the promise and covenant from them, which is considered a \"Yes\" from all atoms to God's creative call, though it was far beyond their own power to even imagine such an affirmation.Such question\u2013answer or offer\u2013acceptance is not in words or statements. For this reason, the event has been interpreted allegorically by some, as if the question were put, answered, and had a particular legal value and effect, although it is not an actual verbal or written contract. In fact, without taking into account God's power and innumerable ways of communicating with His creatures, considering this covenant to be an ordinary contract can lead only to difficulty and error.This acknowledgement and declaration, this covenant bearing witness against ourselves as regards our recognition of the Divine Existence and Unity, is the ground of our knowing and feeling ourselves, of comprehending that we are nothing other than ourselves. In other words, this covenant is the ground of self-knowledge. It means that we start to look into the mirror of knowledge (ma'rifa or 'ilm), witness the realization of diverse truths reflected in our consciousness, and acknowledge and declare that witnessing. However, the offer\u2013acceptance, the perceiving\u2013making perceived, the covenant, is not overt or amenable to direct perception. Perhaps it becomes perceived after many warnings and orders, and thus the significance of moral and religious guidance, counseling, and enlightenment.The ego or self (nafs) is created and entrusted to us so that we may know and declare the Creator's Existence and Unity. Therefore, we prove God's Existence with our own existence, and show God's Attributes with our own attributes. For example, our deficiencies and imperfection show God's all-sufficiency and perfection; our privations show God's wealth and abundance; and our inability, weakness, and poverty show God's power, favor, and benevolence. The covenanted self is God's first favor and bestowal upon humanity. Our proper response is to know and declare God's Existence throughout creation and to perceive His Light in all lights. This is how the primordial covenant is fulfilled. The covenant is like a command that is accepted through understanding the meaning of the magnificent Book of Creation written by the Divine Power and Will, of our comprehending the secrets of the lines of events.The question\u2013answer of the covenant should not be thought of in a material or corporeal sense. God commands beings according to their particular individual nature, and listens to their needs and speech and whatever issues from them. Thus, He understands all and fulfils their needs. In the scholastic theologians' terminology, the Almighty understands all languages and dialects; issues commands and communicates truths in them; explains and expounds humanity and the universe; and takes promises and makes covenant with them in the form of words, for which the technical term is kalam-i lafzi. There is also a Divine Speech specific to animals as inspiration, and to angels as divine discourse. Although their precise natures are unknown to us, obviously it is non-verbal and consists of different manifestations of the so-called kalam-i nafsi.Divine Speech is so diverse and extensive\u2014from the inspiration coming to the human heart to the discourse addressed to the angels\u2014and the forms of communication between the Creator and His creation are so different and occur in such different realms that those who inhabit one realm cannot hear or detect the communications belonging to another realm.It is a serious mistake to suppose that we can hear everything. It is generally accepted that the range of our hearing, like our sight, is quite limited. What we see and hear is almost nothing when compared to that which we cannot see or hear. For this reason, God's communicating with the atoms or systems within this creation, His composing, decomposing or re-composing them, occur in such sublime ways that our limited perceptive powers cannot detect or understand them.We cannot know exactly when God made this covenant with us, for such knowledge is beyond the ability of our limited senses and faculties. In fact, He might have made it not with our whole being, but with a specific part, such as our soul, conscience, or one of the soul's sub-faculties.There is general agreement that the human soul is an entity independent of the body. Since the soul came into existence before the physical body, and in a sense has a particular individual nature outside of time, and since the questioning and acceptance in the covenant was with the soul, our limited powers cannot comprehend or report it fully. The soul hears and speaks without words and voice, as it does in dreams, and communicates extrasensory and without the medium of sound waves, as in telepathy. This special form of communication is registered and recorded in its own specific way. When its time is due, it will assume its specific form and, using that language, speak and bring to the mind all original associations. At that time, we will see that the covenant has remained imprinted upon the human soul. In addition, it will be adduced as an argument against its possessor on the Day of Judgment.The souls of all human beings were gathered in a realm that was not veiled by an intervening realm, and so saw everything clearly. After this, they gave God an oath of allegiance. When He asked them to witness against themselves: \"Am I not your Lord?\" they replied: \"Yes, we witness that You are our Lord and our God.\" However, as is common today, some people have never turned to that section of their soul (their conscience). Thus, they have not come across that profoundly inherent covenant in themselves, for they have no interest in it and have not tried to see beyond the corporeal world that intervenes between them and reality.If their minds were not clouded by the conditioning biases under which they live, they would see and hear the answer to the covenant in their conscience. This is the main purpose of inward and outward, as well as subjective and objective contemplation and search. Engaging in such activities saves the mind from self-obsession and frees ideals. With an open mind and a genuinely free will, people can try to read the delicate writings in their consciences. Some people who have habituated themselves to looking into the depths of their hearts cannot discover in books the thoughts and inspiration they acquire through such inward observation and contemplation. Even the allegorical meanings and allusive signs in the Divine Books can become manifest in their true profundity if studied in such a manner. But people cannot attain such a profound level of inward observation and contemplation, or understand what they might discover there, if they cannot overcome their own selves.Let's look at the when of this covenant. It is really difficult to derive anything definite from the Quran and Hadith on this matter. Some commentators argue that the covenant is taken in the realm of atoms, when the person is in a state of uncomposed, separate atoms, and with the atoms and the soul of which the person will be composed. Others say that the covenant is taken while the sperm is travelling toward the egg, when the individual begins to form in the mother's womb, when it becomes a fetus, when spirit is breathed into the fetus, when the child reaches puberty, or when the person is religiously responsible for his or her actions.While each claim has its own supporting arguments, it is difficult to show a serious reason for preferring one to another.In fact, this event could happen in the realm of spirits, in a different realm where the soul relates to or gets in touch with its own atoms, in any embryonic stage, or in any stages till the individual reaches puberty. God Almighty, Who relates to both past and present simultaneously, Who sees and hears past and present together at the same instant, could take the covenant at all of the stages mentioned. As believers, we hear such a communication from the depth of our consciences and know that our hearts have borne witness to such a covenant.As a stomach expresses its emptiness in its own language, as a body tells its aches and pains in its own words, so the conscience informs us of this event in its own language and words. It suffers pain, distress, and affliction. Moaning with pangs of regret, it becomes restless to keep the promise made, and always hopes for the good and the best. When it draws attention by its sighs and moans, it feels relieved, fortunate and happy, just as children do when they draw their parents' attention. When it cannot express its need or find anyone to understand it, it writhes in pain and distress.Are there any rational proofs that the covenant really took place?Some issues that are difficult to explain by reason; yet the possibility of such things can be mentioned. In fact, we cannot object to what God has affirmed.Essentially, the Almighty speaks to His creations in many ways. We also use different ways and styles when communicating with others. Apart from words, we have various outer and inner faculties, sentiments and perceptions, mind and soul. Sometimes we speak to ourselves in words audible only to our hearts and minds. Such speech is not utterance, but pertains to the soul or self. At times, we communicate with others using these non-verbal methods.At times we speak, hear, and listen to conversations in our dreams. But those who are awake and nearby hear nothing. After waking up, we tell them what we spoke and heard. So this is another mode of speech.Some awake people can see the pictures or tablets shown to them from the World of Ideas and speak to its inhabitants. Materialists do not believe in such things, and may refer to them as hallucinations. It does not matter; let them say so... But we know that one of Prophet Muhammad's distinctions was that he was granted vision of such tablets, pictures from the World of Ideas and from other worlds, and that he conveyed to humanity what he saw, heard, and understood. So this is another mode of speech.Revelation to the Prophets is yet another. We know that the Prophet was fully awake and conscious when the Revelation came. Sometimes he would be lying on the ground with his head on his wife's knee, sitting and leaning against a Companion's shoulders, while his knee was touching the knee of the Companion sitting next to him, or among a group of people. At such times, he felt, received, and experienced the revelation with its full weight, and conveyed the Divine message in its entirety. Those in his presence realized, from what they could see, that the Prophet was receiving Revelation, although they could not hear it. They could \"hear\" and understand it only after he communicated it to them verbally. It was as if the dimensions were different.Another way of speaking is Divine inspiration. God inspires saints, and influences, imparts, or dictates something into their hearts in such a way that they can deduce something. When they guess, or speak or act, God makes them do or say just the right thing by His mercy. So this is yet another mode of speech.Another way of communication from heart to heart, and from mind to mind, is telepathy. This method is defined as sending thoughts or messages to another person's mind by extrasensory means. Many scientists have studied this phenomenon in the hope of benefiting from it. The atheistic and materialist Soviet regime did sustained work on telepathy, no doubt in the hope of gaining a military advantage.Based on the above, it is clear that God created numerous, perhaps unlimited, modes of speech and communication.Returning to the question of \"Am I not your Lord?\" in the primordial covenant, we do not know how God asked this question. If it took the form of Divine inspiration to saints, it would not be correct to expect some kind of audible voice. If it was a question asked of the soul, certainly it would not resemble a question asked of the body or flesh\u2014or vice versa.The crucial point here is that if we attempt to evaluate what they see, hear, or experience in other realms with worldly criteria and measures, we will end up in error. A hadith states that the angels Munkar and Nakir interrogate the dead in their graves. So, to whom or what do they direct their questions? But whether they question the soul or the body, the result is the same. Though the dead hear the questions, others buried nearby and living passers-by cannot hear them. Even the most sophisticated modern listening devices placed in or near the grave will not detect anything, for it takes place in a different dimension. Some scientists have claimed that there are many more dimensions than just the three that are familiar to us. As place, context, and dimensions change, the mode of interrogation and communication must change and assume an appropriate form.As the primordial covenant is between God and our soul, we cannot expect to feel and retain the influence of that instant in any physical way. Rather, we should expect it to be reflected in our conscience, as only our conscience and the inspirations that come to it can sense such a thing. Once, while I was talking about this issue, someone told me that he did not feel that question and answer of the covenant in himself. I replied: \"Not feeling it is a difficulty for you. Try to solve it.\"As for me, I felt it and remember quite well that I did so. If I am asked how I feel it, I say that it is by my desire for eternity, and by my infinite desire despite my limited, transitory existence. Essentially, I cannot know and comprehend God because I am limited. How can I comprehend the Unlimited, the Infinite, the Everlasting, the Absolute, and the Almighty? But because of my endless desire and enthusiasm for the Infinite and Eternal, I realize that I feel it. I aspire to infinity and eternity, even though I am a tiny creature in a limited world in a limited universe; one destined to live for a while and then die; one whose range of views and opinions are expected to be fixed, confined, and narrow. Despite this I yearn for Paradise, the Vision of God, and the Divine Beauty. If I owned the whole world, my anxieties and grieves would still torment me. Because I have such aspirations, I say: \"I felt it.\"Our conscience, with all its sub-faculties and sections, always tries to remain attached to God and never lies. If you give it what it requires, it can attain peace and tranquility. That is why the Quran points out that our heart, which is a subtle inner faculty, can attain peace only if the conscience can attain it: For without doubt in the remembrance of God do hearts find satisfaction (13:28).Such philosophers as Bergson, leaving all rational and traditional proofs aside, argue that the conscience proves God's existence. The German philosopher Kant said: \"I felt the need to leave behind all the books I read in order to believe in God.\" Bergson refers to his \"intuition,\" and his only proof is his conscience.Yes, one's conscience is in agony if it rejects God, for it can find ease and satisfaction only through belief in God. If we really listen to what our conscience is saying, we will feel the desire for the Eternal and Abiding God. This feeling, perception, or quality is equivalent to the response of: \"Yes, we bear witness thereto\" to the question: \"Am I not your Lord?\" expressed silently within the human conscience. If we pay close attention, we can hear this voice, which wells up from the depths of our souls. To look for it in our mind or body is futile, for it already exists, latent and inherent, in every human conscience. However, it can prove its existence only on its own terms. Only those close to the state of the Prophets and saints, and who follow their ways, can see it clearly and make others see it.Such matters cannot be proven in the manner of a simple, physical existent like a tree. However, those who listen to their conscience, who turn their gaze inward and observe what happens there, will see, hear, and know the primordial covenant between us and our Maker.I hope this helps answer your question.Salam and please keep in touch.This post has been edited by seiferalmercy: Oct 10 2014, 09:16 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6421146988868713} +{"text": "\r\naku penah makan skali kt pavillion!!! serik2......\r\nkt tempat yg lain2 pn xtau laaa halal haram lak...\r\nkt alexis halal x?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999951124191284} +{"text": "\njuita replied at 16-6-2015 08:33 AM\ndah anta ngaji lom? ngaji ngan ustaz..baca iqra......kalau dah, lebih mudah dia menerima kata2 soran ...\nAnak aku mengaji ngn aku je sbb aku dulu pun bekas sek madrasah,kat kwsan umah aku bnyak singaporean jd xda tempat mengaji.tggu darjah 1 bru sek agama.\n\r\ntp anak aku ni lain pesen pulak..dia punya knp tu banyak.xbg jawapan yg betol dia akn tanya je.dgn nenek dia,cikgu dia,tutor dia pun.kalau puas hati sesuatu jwpn bru diam.mcm solat,dia akan tanya knp sehari 5x solat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9949600696563721} +{"text": "QUOTE(ykj @ Mar 17 2024, 11:51 PM)Always say masak dengan iman and all, but mulut so celupar.manyak lansi, if i queue at there and i saw his attitude, sure balik already. Malaysian all eyes on him, topkek him. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999897480010986} +{"text": "My advise,1) Try find non-halal restaurant. So you can eat without any uncomfortable thought. 2) If halal restaurant, and you arrive around 6pm, then just eat and try to finish before 7pm so other Muslims can get the seat. Honestly no one cares if you eat when you clearly nons. People who said the muslims gave stinky looks actually just self overthinking when in reality most of them there dont give a shit. This is the uncomfortable thought that many nons brought upon themselves when eating out during Ramadhan and kept thinking Muslims judging them when the truth is they just looks casually just like when you went eating to any other restaurant, where people also usually just looks at other customers without any intentions. 3) If go to Ramadhan buffet, perhaps best to wait and start eating at the same time as Muslims. Because it considered an event. If you went to other events, will you just start eating by yourself when the dining part still not start? You will wait until you were told to eat right? If you can wait when you attending other events then, why can't you wait just for probably just half an hour when going to ramadhan buffet? But if you still insist on eating first then go ahead. I believe during that time many of them also browsing the buffet hall looking for foods so they dont even care what you are doing. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997372031211853} +{"text": "@AmyAfiqa Kalau parents mesti dorang nk tgk sijil halal kalau tak pun muka melayu \ud83d\ude2d", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999978542327881} +{"text": "DUNIA HUKUM LINGKUNGAN Sabtu damai, rumah bersih, makanan halal, udara segar, suami dan\u2026 https://instagram.com/p/BDaF4E6rMdK/", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998835325241089} +{"text": "QUOTE(M4A1 @ Feb 2 2024, 12:49 PM)soon u will seesteam fish with cheesebkt cheesehar mee with cheese \u00a0 Best is, \"cheese with cheese\". ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998786449432373} +{"text": "Kenapa orang suka makan or minum dekat kedai yg terang2 dengan nama non-muslim (unless mmg ada halal). Belum cerita bab sijil halal lagi. Benda makan kan jadi darah daging \ud83e\udd14", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9984006285667419} +{"text": "QUOTE(DarkNite @ Dec 6 2023, 05:22 PM)... Malay proficiency is only a legal requirement during application for citizenship, the authorities should not impose it on citizens and use it to deprive them of their rights.akhbar: bukan warganegara ditangkap selepas gagal berbahasa melayu ketika memohon paspot malaysia.so it became impromptu test to weed out falsified applicants.benda senang aje.semua warganegara wajib tahu berbahasa melayu sekurang-kurangnya untuk perbualan asas.kalau pertanyaan simple pun gagal jawab, memang wajib kena masuk kandang smack down untuk filtering lebih halus.senator ni ex-mca kan? yangmeroyan selepas kena tiau pegawai tu, ekhem bangsa sama juga kan? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999512434005737} +{"text": "QUOTE(BL98 @ May 10 2024, 11:27 AM)Can business also give reviews to customers?it has to be both ways.can la, best reviews come from Happiness Asia Chicken This post has been edited by h@ksam: May 10 2024, 11:36 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999076128005981} +{"text": "QUOTE(Natsukashii @ Nov 24 2023, 11:02 AM)1. If we still do it even after Mufti said, is it like totally haram? Did the Quran said.. we are obliged to listen to Mufti for things not clearly stated in the Quran?2. How if two Mufti gives contra?Not asking when it comes to rokok, asking generally anything else that could be.Yes\u00a0 Depend on person. The ultimate guide is still the quran\"Fatwa (Arab: \u0641\u062a\u0648\u0649, fatw\u0101) ialah suatu pandangan sesuatu hukum Islam yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang mufti bertauliah.[1] Ia bertujuan untuk menjawab soalan-soalan berkenaan agama yang dikemukakan oleh mana-mana individu, kadi, hakim, perbadanan mahupun kerajaan. Soalan tersebut boleh bertanya tentang hukum, kemusykilan dan kepastian pada sesebuah masalah atau perkara.[2] Jika pengaju soalan tidak berpuas hati dengan fatwa yang diberikan oleh satu mufti, beliau boleh minta fatwa daripada mufti yang lain.\"This post has been edited by Seoliem: Nov 24 2023, 11:13 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8049856424331665} +{"text": "Semua makanan adalah halal hingga ada yang mendatangkan haram atau semua makanan adalah haram hingga ada sijil halal jakim?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9906388521194458} +{"text": "kasi sue lar.. this kinda ignorat sohai only seek for viral.. kasi tangkpa buang sama dia dlm Sg Bulohpic for reference ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999752044677734} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 Bro, why don't you raise this issue with someone that cares, like Perkasa? or PAS? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994907379150391} +{"text": "Presma pundeiNasi lemak is makanan without enthnicity.Got Malay version ( sweet sambal), Chinese version ( big chicken) and Indian version (spicy tahap neraka)Bodo siut this presma kerja takmau, Melalak lebihAlso Kok Siong nasi kandar is the best non Penang non mamak nasi kandaq in SelangorAfter eat, Kok also Siong in puchong ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9971153736114502} +{"text": "\njuita replied at 16-6-2015 11:06 AM\nnormal la budak tanya kenapa.....cuma kita kene bagi contoh nak terangkan...\r\ndah blaja ngaji tu ok\u00a0\u00a0...\nAa..tu lah.aku xnak paham setakat paham.sbb kalau setakat ikut2 je mmg ada kemungkinan dia buat salah blakang2.\n\r\nKalau kau rasany nak terangkan mcmne kat anak kau?? Bab mknan halal haram lah.mana tahu aku leh pakai kat anak aku.cthnya aku ckp ada kuman sekian2 bahaya,lpstu dia tanya knp xnmpk.so aku google n tunjukan kuman dia,dan xsemua kuman mcm cacing tu leh nampk dgn mata nyata,tu xboleh mkn.lg dia tanya tp knp ramai org yg mkn mcm kat tv tu.aku jawab je org tu degil.tp dia xterima pulak.smpai aku marah ckp hentikn soalan.kesian pulak dia.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999858140945435} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cubalagi @ Jul 29 2019, 11:16 AM)So I'm the confused..\ud83e\udd23 N u n these muftis say using money from sinful activities is fine. N yes sin taxes are one part, most will be corporate taxes from Haram activities (banking, gambling, alcohol n pork) which are taken from profits. What I see is hypocrisy and double standards by these \"muftis\" when it come to BIG MONEY, especially when they are also the benefactors.JAKIM should just get money from Zakat n Waqf sources n from their fees. Don't touch the consolidated fund. The ppl will respect them more.hypocrisy?Dude even during the prophet times they collected tax from non muslims.I dont get it why guys like you asking why Muslims are doing things that seems to contradict the \"teaching\" according to your limited knowledge, but when the Muslims and the scholars started to explain you simply rejected their explanation.You have the audacity to say \"no this is not what Islam supposed to teach\" to those who are practicing Islam themselves.Suddenly saying \"no cannot touch only can use zakat funds\" you assume this on what basis? which Mufti? Which Scholar? Or just based on your basic assumptions and fairy tales?So if the teacher already explain why x+y=z but student dont accept and say otherwise and then fail exam, who is being stubborn here? QUOTE(pwncake @ Jul 29 2019, 11:28 AM)nein. kuffars not angry because moslers dowan to drink 0%alcohol drink. the context of the discussion was why 0% alcohol is still haram. i used the tapai and durian counter and i received a jgn persoal response.it took a while, including a rather spirited, but ultimately substanceless defence from nurver3, but this is what is got:\"HALAL IS NOT JUST ALCOHOL BABI ETC, BUT NIAT AND THE WAY IT IS PRODUCED MATTERS TOO.\"In other words, context matters. It's meant to replicate beer, which is an alcoholic drink, hence making it haram.I want to stress this: the above is an entirely valid point.But at the same time, this seems to shift the key point away from alcohol as an intoxicating substance, to \"intention/NIAT\" being the key component. And that's where the common muslim hypocrisy rears its ugly head. Why? Well for one, the entire point would be dismantled when one asks the exact same question: why 0% alcohol but not tapai? If the NIAT is penting, then given the not insubstantial amount of alcohol in tapai (you can get woozy from tapai if you're a lightweight), then shouldn't you BERNIAT to avoid tapai altogether given it's clearly alcoholic?Yes, i am shifting the goal post. I see the 0% alcoholic point being non halal and ACCEPT IT. But what i'm pointing out is the HYPOCRISY. Also, I'm already hearing the JGN PERSOAL geng (ie NURVER3 et al) saying my kuffar brain doesn't understand \"NIAT\", and how tapai was never invented to be a barang memabukkan, which makes this vastly different from BEER which was designed to be barang memabukkan. Well you may be interested to know that in vast parts of the world, beer was originally invented to prevent bacteria from festering in barrels of water causing ailments and sorts. The NIAT behind the invention of beer is rather different then no?Again, simply label me as jangan persoal but I already explained in some detail on the issue itself, but you yourself simply want to reject and \"jangan persoal my personal view\" yourself.You ask Muslims why, they answered, they say this is what Islam says, but you I dont know which version of Islam you have in your brain says \"No this is not Islam it should be like this\"Look, when you ask people why they choose their life and way of living you should be prepared to listen and learn, not the other way around, YOU ARE IN FACT ASKING MUSLIMS ABOUT WHY ISLAM INTERPRET CERTAIN THINGS.So when we explain, put out examples and the rulings that defines all these things for what reason you say its not right? according to your make believe version of Islam?Which mahzab you follow? which islamic scholars says otherwise?But no, you simply say \"Muslims should be like this\" and have the audacity to ask muslims to live based from your \"limited\" understanding of Islam.Again you are the ones who ask other people to \"Jangan Persoal\" your own views, and insisted Muslims to follow your own version of what \"Islam\" should be.Haih...This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Jul 29 2019, 05:36 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9992178678512573} +{"text": "There are more serious sins to be concerned about, such as corruption and stealing I can never understand why dogs are haram. Mankind has worked together with dogs and wolves for their big hunts for the longest time. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999957084655762} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ashadiya @ Sep 24 2020, 09:04 AM)SABTU ialah hari yang senantiasa dinantikan oleh Alicia Faustina, 24, kerana berpeluang menikmati beberapa jenis makanan tradisi negeri kelahirannya, Sarawak walaupun dia kini menetap di Semenanjung Malaysia.Gadis ayu berasal dari Mukah itu pasti tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan kuih penyaram yang dijual di Pasar Budaya Borneo yang beroperasi di Seri Kembangan, Selangor.\u201cKuih penyaram ini adalah makanan tradisi Sarawak. Sejak kecil lagi saya suka makan kuih ini.\u201cTetapi apabila sudah berpindah dan bekerja di Semenanjung sukar untuk saya menikmati kuih ini. Jadi, apabila mengetahui akan kewujudan pasar ini, saya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk datang,\u201d jelas gadis berdarah keturunan Iban dan Melanau itu.Tambahnya, sejak dua tahun lalu dia menjadi pengunjung setia pasar itu yang dibuka setiap Sabtu setelah mengetahui kewujudannya melalui seorang rakan yang juga berasal dari Pulau Borneo.Kuih penyaram merupakan sajian tradisional yang sering dihidangkan kepada tetamu ketika sambutan Hari Gawai.Ketika di pasar tersebut, Alicia juga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mendapatkan beberapa jenis sayur yang cukup terkenal di negeri Bumi Kenyalang iaitu terung Dayak dan sayur midin.\u201cTerung Dayak ini amat sukar untuk dicari di Semenanjung. Tetapi di pasar ini, saya berpeluang untuk mendapatkannya walaupun harganya sedikit mahal.\u201cSelalunya saya akan goreng terung ini dengan cili dan dimakan bersama nasi panas. Hidangan ini sudah cukup membuka selera,\u201d ujarnya.Tambah Alicia, kerinduannya terhadap kampung halaman juga terubat apabila dia mengunjungi pasar tersebut.Hal ini kerana di pasar itu, dia dapat berjumpa dengan ramai orang berasal dari Pulau Borneo dan mereka boleh berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Iban.Pasar Budaya Borneo itu boleh dikatakan sentiasa menjadi tumpuan penduduk asal Sabah dan Sarawak setiap minggu.Pelbagai jenis makanan dan produk berasal dari dua negeri itu dijual di pasar tersebut.Antara produk yang dijual di situ termasuklah kek lapis, kuih cucur sayur atau kicap belaga, kopi tenom, ayam pansuh, ikan terubuk masin, mi kolok dan lain-lain lagi.Bathice June, 41, yang berasal dari Sandakan, Sabah adalah salah seorang peniaga yang menjual hidangan mi kolok di pasar tersebut.\u201cMi kolok antara menu yang popular dan sering mendapat sambutan.\u201cSetiap minggu ramai yang yang sanggup beratur untuk membeli menu ini. Adakalanya saya sehingga tidak menang tangan untuk membuatnya,\u201d ujarnya.LatihanSelain mi kolok, Bathice juga menjual buah tarap dan buah bambangan.Kedua-dua buah itu hanya terdapat di Pulau Borneo dan tidak selalu didapati kerana berbuah mengikut musim.\u201cHarga untuk buah tarap dan buah bambangan masing-masing ialah RM24 dan RM22 sekilogram.\u201cTetapi harga untuk buah-buahan ini boleh meningkat sehingga RM30 sekilogram jika musimnya hampir berakhir,\u201d kata Bathice.Isi buah ini berwarna kuning dan memiliki rasa masam manis seakan-akan mangga dan boleh dimakan begitu sahaja.Dalam pada itu, Presiden Persatuan Peniaga Pasar Budaya Borneo Seri Kembangan, Nelson Entap menjelaskan, pasar tersebut telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2016.Menurutnya, idea untuk menubuhkan pasar tersebut dicetuskannya bersama beberapa lagi rakan lain yang bertujuan memperkenalkan budaya dan produk dari Pulau Borneo.\u201cPada awal operasi hanya 20 orang peniaga yang terlibat dan pilihan barangan tidaklah terlalu banyak.\u201cSetelah lima tahun beroperasi, jumlah peniaga juga semakin bertambah. Kini, seramai 55 peniaga secara konsisten berniaga di pasar ini setiap minggu,\u201d katanya.Sebagai anak jati Sarawak yang sudah menetap di Semenanjung selama lebih 30 tahun, Nelson mengakui kadangkala dia merindui makanan dan produk-produk lain dari negeri kelahirannya.Untuk pulang ke kampung halaman memerlukan kos yang agak tinggi. Oleh itu, dia mengambil keputusan untuk membuka pasar tersebut.\u201cSebenarnya ramai yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah menetap di sini dan mereka pasti akan merindui suasana pasar yang menjual makanan dan produk dari sana.\u201cOleh itu, pasar ini boleh mengubati kerinduan mereka terhadap kampung halaman,\u201d ujar Nelson.Pasar itu beroperasi pada setiap hari Sabtu dari pukul 7 pagi sehingga 11 pagi.Nelson menjelaskan, setiap individu yang berniaga di situ akan diberi latihan terlebih dahulu antaranya tentang cara menguruskan perniagaan, melayani pelanggan dan memasarkan produk.\u201cSelain itu, kita juga mengutamakan produk halal. Peniaga di sini, walaupun bukan beragama Islam, kami akan memastikan makanan atau produk yang dijual juga halal,\u201d ujarnya.Kata Nelson, pasar itu juga kini menjadi sumber mata pencarian bagi masyarakat Pulau Borneo yang telah lama bermastautin di Semenanjung.\u201cAda isteri yang mengikuti suami ke Semenanjung bagi mencari rezeki. Isteri yang tidak bekerja boleh mengambil peluang ini seminggu sekali untuk datang berniaga di sini bagi membantu pasangan mereka. Kami masih membuka peluang kepada mereka yang berasal dari Sarawak dan Sabah untuk berniaga di sini,\u201d ujarnya.Terangnya, peniaga di pasar itu mestilah berasal dari Sabah atau Sarawak sahaja kerana permit yang mereka pohon kepada pihak berkuasa sememangnya khas untuk perniagaan orang Borneo.Eh, anyone been to pasar borneo in seri kembangan?last time they make 'tour' at my placebut dunno where exactly the pasar location ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7695062160491943} +{"text": "QUOTE(RoyMcAvoy @ Nov 17 2014, 04:18 PM)Mesti owner cafe kolej kers mas/alumni complained ni IPTA selalu macam ini. Cafe sikit sikit complain kat management. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999961256980896} +{"text": "QUOTE(yummymommy @ Nov 14 2020, 12:21 AM)\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\u00a0 So the solution is, dont imitate any chinese food. Char kuey tiao, cakoi, etc. Char kuey tiao = tiao = mencarut = haram Cakoi = yau char kuai = minyak goreng hantu = syirik = haramat least these kinds of dumb assed jungle bunnies haven't decried nasi goreng cina as haram because it contains chinese flesh....YET. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999666213989258} +{"text": "Sebenernya ini ke tujuan pembuatannya sih, arak masak itu tujuannya emg buat masak, cuman krn cara buatnya memang sama aja dgn arak minuman, yg mana itu khamr, jd statusnya dikenakan haram.\n\nKlo lu bandingin sama tape, itu halal krn emg makanan, tp ketika airnya dipisahkan dan", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999958276748657} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Nov 2 2013, 08:12 PM)Amoi prepared pokchop for lunch, n then go out with u..\u00a0 Soalannya, boleh tak kita pengang rangan amoi tuBoleh pegang kalau darurat.QUOTE(achik1990 @ Nov 2 2013, 08:18 PM)fatwa guys dun understand the world of scienceBut do u understand the science of fatwa? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999372959136963} +{"text": "QUOTE(amidamaru @ Oct 25 2016, 09:57 PM)Every week got issues or opportunity to bash islam. You think coincidence?\u00a0 Bumi and religion is sensitive issues here. Main issues is requirement to get halal cert is to change name only then suddenly in media hotdog is haram. Wtf.As long as we want a good leader we dont want someone keep provoking our religion in daily basis. There is a fear that if opposition party ruling then it will become more worse. That is why i said media set the trap and you all fall in just for others to see. Now that make sense?Did u even read the news? From the post above, it is pretty clear to me that you did not even know the chronological order of the events that transpired this hu-ha. Firstly, it is the jakim guy himself who started the whole hotdog-gate thingy by suggesting that aunty anne should change their pretzel dog's name. Heck, you are a malaysian muslim yourself. Try to read Jakim's official guideline and u will see that there IS such a ruling on the food's naming whereby the names should not be connected/related to stuffs like beer and etc that r haram or najis. Also, it is somehow supported by your local religious council leader who deemed that the name change is COMPULSORY:http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/181906/...roducts-or-foodNow tell me, did the non muslims made up this COMPULSORY rule for u lots? Also, tell me, can u quote to me exact words in al-quran or in whatever hadiths that u practice regarding the rules on the naming of the food? If u are too dumb to differentiate between criticising a stupid ruling that was NEVER written or preached by your religion in the first place and criticizing your religion as a whole, then there is no point arguing with you. For some reason, you are keen to DEFEND JAKIM as if JAKIM is a religion, and not a man-made organization with man-made Islamic rulings. And for some reason, you are very fast to relate this criticism as if it was the opposition's fault for bringing up the issue. Uwotm8? Read the bloody news. As far as I know, even the BN's ministers are criticizing the ruling.My advice: read the bloody news. Also, keep your tinfoil hat to yourself. There is no hidden illuminati agenda by the non muslims to take down Islam. Just admit that Jakim or their officer who SUGGESTED the name change in the first place fcuk up big time because he could not differentiate a hot dog with an animal. I dont see the need for you to defend them or him. No harm is done towards your religion. Only the fcuked up ruling that was NEVER written or preached by Islam. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9684855341911316} +{"text": "QUOTE(khaimitoban @ Dec 23 2021, 12:36 PM)Meaning that disaster victims can be oppressed? They unable to choose whats best for them?That toxic mentality is same as commie mentalityNo rights were affected what, some of the people chose not to eat, nobody forced them to eat the hot vegetarian that was available.Move on nothing to see here. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9916048049926758} +{"text": "QUOTE(kkboy @ Mar 23 2021, 03:21 PM)If they \u201cDon\u2019t bother\u201d how does anyone confirm its halal status?From a consumer point of view, i guess it is up to personal conviction (use your own judgement) But this whole business is built on selling \u201chalalness\u201d AKA making profit from the HALAL label.How do they judge an eatery is halal and good enough to deliver to their customers? waiter pakai tudung / yang masak tu bangla = enough to confirm it is halal?It cheapens the word halal because there is nothing to back it up.at any physical shops/gerai, muslims will eat at the gerai if the chef/owner is obviously muslim. No need to see halal cert.but if you referring to the app, well I guess it's up to consumers whether they trust the app or not. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.883975625038147} +{"text": "Kesian viral for the wrong reasons ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.93472820520401} +{"text": "Be smart about it... Check ingredients.... Don't rely on stupid muslimsGod knows most Malay very busuk hati suka make false news.Dulu some makcik in WhatsApp group try spread news chattime boba babi... When I show jakim halal cert she marah me \"why you want to protect them so bad?\"This post has been edited by h4r8_kIlLeR: Mar 7 2023, 03:11 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "it's haram & will be ban if gomen cant get profit out of it..it's still haram but not gonna banned rokok coz gomen get many many profit.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999895095825195} +{"text": "Tldr: kita x mampu bersaing dgn adil. Kita perlu tongkat! ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999390840530396} +{"text": "QUOTE(yugimudo @ May 21 2019, 07:20 PM)Arak is prohibited in Al-quran.Arak derivative is avoided as per advised by scholar.then bread is haram,.. got arak... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9993653893470764} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum, nak tumpang tered ye, sy ada gazebo nak didermakn ke masjid/surau tapi kena diassemble sndiri and lori sndiri. Condition mcm ok, tp cat da pudar.Area taman seputeh KL. Klu ada yg berminat sila PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999262094497681} +{"text": "QUOTE(St0rmFury @ Aug 18 2015, 11:32 AM)They won't care. When the fatwa council declared that FOREX is haram, I decided to snoop around Cariemas to see their reaction. I had to laugh at how everyone there was tripping over themselves trying to justify and defend FOREX trading. So many excuses given, like how the fatwa council is also human and not infallible. Some even want to set up a team to debate with the council. So much for the jangan persoal mentality.So I don't expect things to be any different this time.http://www.flyingspaghettimonster.com/portal/forums/show...ad.php?t=590766topkek ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996845722198486} +{"text": "@HusnaMustafaaa @Wanmuhammadsy19 Tak dapat sijil halal sebab mereka gagal penuhi sop JAKIM yang perlukan pekerja muslim. Supplier ayam mereka masih supplier yang diiktiraf. But again, based on yourself lah. Kalau was was, jangan makan.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999856948852539} +{"text": "rokok + vape haram , nvm. tutup 1 mata. escargot, cadbury, anjing ? mana bolehhh ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997296929359436} +{"text": "QUOTE(livesnextd00r @ Jan 10 2015, 10:43 PM)Islamaphobia is at an all time high with the recent killings and terrorism. I would like to know what the Muslim /k's think about this.I do not understand why ppl become extremists, i would never do. The caliph state system is long gone, it's history, so stop trying to bring back the past that you know wont happen. If killing is the way they do it, justifying that this is the same like old times holy war... They're just plain wrong. Sad thing is that many malaysians, including some in this forum, agree with establisbing such thing, condoning all these killings. It's sad. Future in malaysia is bleak. I reject pas with their extremist mind. What is more important to me, is that we all, regardless of religion, can live equally in harmony.And god give us brain to think. Question everything. I dont simply accept things. And i need to add, some ustaz are quite extremist minded as well... Why are we following them? We shouldnt. No matter what his title is. Ustaz or ulama. Those are plain titles.This post has been edited by hirano: Jan 11 2015, 11:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8061752915382385} +{"text": "QUOTE(Gon Freaks @ Jul 15 2016, 12:20 AM)good point you have there, but it still create a syubhah because you were initiate by a non muslim, who you could not confirm their level of understanding of muslim restriction which negate you ability to confirm that the meals provided by them are white enough. Which in such situation it create a grey version of the detail which is syubhah.Halal food is not the only halal mechanism control.First, is the food ingredient is halal, second is it cooked in a halal way, third, is the tool use is cleaned from haram ingredients. can you please validate this? who told you this? i never heard such thing in halal haram condition.If there nearest i could remember is in cleaning a house which we are not sure on whether we need to samak the house or not. but in halal haram food, i never heard such thing.Maybe you can validate the statement. Any hadith or firman to support your claim?Yes, we cant confirm. As there is no such need to confirm. I am very much knowledgeable on the term halal dont worry. Im actually not the type to provide links from the internet as these things should be confirmed by those that are knowledgeable. But u leave me no choice.http://zarkasih20.blogspot.my/2014/10/maka...muslim.html?m=1http://www.alsofwa.com/11713/2331-konsulta...rang-kafir.htmlhttp://www.suduthukum.com/2015/08/piring-b...-tidak.html?m=1U can find much more results if u google makan makanan disediakan bukan islam. And most if not all says there is no issue with it.And about the wajib to ask only if we see it, I heard it in 1 of the khutbah for friday prayers. But I think 1 of the link confirm it. U can have a read.This post has been edited by silent_stalker: Jul 15 2016, 01:10 AM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997596144676208} +{"text": "QUOTE(PVCpipe @ Jan 7 2015, 09:15 PM)we are not imitating jew...\u00a0 so what if i say shalom... is it forbidden for muslim to use jewish language? salam mean peace... it doesnt contain bad word...\u00a0 should be fine imo... this is just remeh temeh issue on how ppl spread in fb that jew want to trick muslim of not eating fish, not eating lamb...\u00a0 doesnt make senseOf course there is no wrong whatsoever. Even Rasulullah S. A. W himself gave the permission of as sahabi to learn the scripture of people of the book after Islam has gained stable foot in the Arabian Peninsula.To you it might be remeh temeh but may I remind you that Rasulullah has says... I leave you o Muslims 2 things, Quran and my sunnah, follow it and you may not get astray. Which do you prefer. To follow sunnah or to follow your own as you like. Me, I will follow sunnah and sunnah says Assalamualaikum and not salam. Wish to remind meself and all. Give proper salam which is Assalamualaikum. P/s: among people of the book, Jews is the closest to us but their hatred towards Islam and us the Muslims is beyond belief.This post has been edited by kn0t: Jan 8 2015, 12:30 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998071789741516} +{"text": "i think more berbaloi if can just find a consenting gal and just udanghub...dream career This post has been edited by GHBZDK: Dec 22 2023, 09:22 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999614953994751} +{"text": "QUOTE(RobUlstan @ Oct 21 2016, 12:20 PM)That is correct, it is Jakim's right to approve or not and it's Auntie Anne's right to apply or not. But then having this rule i.e. not allowing the use of the word dog for items even if it is a 'hot dog' if you want to get a Jakim halal certificate, do you agree with it? - Alaaaaaaa hot dog kan ada nama lain, frankfurter. Cuba you check dalam halal direktori, got or not produk halal nama \"hot dog\". Instead of using hot dog, why not use sausage or frankfurter, bunyinya lebih enak dan sopan\u00a0 You do not feel that this rule by Jakim, which is the federal governmental body charged with developing Islam in this country is not a bit laughable? Yes, there are many non-muslims (and muslims) now laughing at/condemning\u00a0 Jakim (and even Islam) but don't you feel that this is exactly because of this ludicrous rule which Jakim states is to prevent Muslims here from getting confused?- Tengok your point of view. I dont feel it's bit laughable. Aku yakin mesti ada sebab why they have that kind of clause. Manalah tahu in future, ada org buat produk beer hakim dgn beer ahmad. Satu halal satu non halal. Masalah kita, kekadang kita tak alert dgn cop halal, so orang igt dua2 halal. So how? Sebab itu better kita guna je lah nama yang tak mengelirukan. Tak rasa bagus ke rules tu?\u00a0 TLDR You agree with this rule?By showing that clause you are actually telling that Jakim really do require the name change and everyone who laughed at Jakim was right in saying they want the name changed (even though some here and even you later said the non-approval was due to other matters).- Alaaaaaaa you baca lah MS 1500:2009 banyak lagi syarat lain. Tapi yang isu nama juga orang sibukkan.\u00a0 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9869903922080994} +{"text": "rampas, jual dalam shopee i guess. songlap at its best. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994088411331177} +{"text": "INI ENAK BANGET PLISS AKU SUKA BELI, walaupun mama ku kadang terheran heran liat aku nyemilin makanan bayi", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999721050262451} +{"text": "Wajib bagi kita mencari yg halal. Sebab nanti jadi darah daging kita. Takda sijil tak semestinya haram. Haram jadah", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995137453079224} +{"text": "Secret recipe tu kene tarik halal atas sebab kebersihan je. Bersih tu penting beb, lagi-lagi melibatkan penyediaan makanan", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997325539588928} +{"text": "QUOTE(telefunken @ Nov 14 2015, 03:26 PM)it's funny how muslims here try to justify and condone this attack by bringing up their palestine issue (an issue thats not just about religion).everyone else is wrong but themselves. if muslims commit crimes, non-muslims are to be blamed for inciting it. to them, their religion is perfect, flawless, nothing can be improved, they're the best, they're truly righteous and right above everyone else who are non-muslims.No, no, no. The funny part is politicians here use the same strategy of blaming other races instead of owning up to their shortcomings/blunders. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999618530273438} +{"text": "Most of these brands not in my usual list.I won't change to those bmf brands either.My grocery shopping depend on taste. If me and my family likes the taste of a particular brand, i continue buying it.Contoh :Sos cili - LifeSos tomato - kimballKicap - jalenMargerin - NaturalBread - GardeniaIf any of those above are bmf, so be it. If it's not, i don't care either.QUOTE(Gyazo @ Oct 20 2019, 02:47 PM)Here you go..Di antara senarai - senarai produk muslim adalah :1 .Pasaraya 1. Tesco Malaysia ( Sime Darby )2. Pasaraya Mydin3. Runcit Az-Zain4. Runcit SRM5. Runcit Kohalal6. Ruuncit Halal Mart7. Kedai Rakyat 1 MalaysiaMyMart (Mydin Own )2. Beras1. Beras Nasional Bernas2. Beras dari syarikat Faiza3. Beras dari syarikat Jasmine4. Beras dari syarikat Era Bayam5. Beras Dari syarikat Era Bernas6. Beras syarikat YHL holding7. Beras Juara8. Beras Cap Langsat3. Minyak Masak1. Saji ( Felda )2. Tiara ( Felda )3. Alif ( Sime Darby )4. Olife ( Sime Darby )5. Adela Sunflower / Canola6. Cap Tiga Udang\u00a0 ( jenis paket )4. Susu Manis 1. Saji susu pekat / Cair ( Felda )2. Alif susu pekat / Cair5. Gula 1. Gula kasar / Halus\u00a0 / Merah / Aising / Kastor cap CSR2. Gula kasar\u00a0 / Halus\u00a0 cap GPT3. Gula Perlis ( KGFP )4. Gula kasar . halus Cap Krystal6. Garam 1. Garam Faiza2. Halagel HPA3. Tamin4. Coop 1 Malaysia5. Gu Awa 5936. Nevgel7. Himalaya Sandora8. Adabi7. Sardin 1. King Cup ( buatan Malaysia sahaja )2. Pertima3. Agromas ( Fama )4. HPA5. Classfoods Sardin Mackerel6. Adabi8. Tepung Gandum 1. Faiza2. Cap Bidara3. HPA4. Tepung goreng serbaguna Agromas5. Tepung goreng serbaguna Adabi9. Kopi 1 Hang Tuah2. Orang Kampung Long Jack3.\u00a0 Radix HPA4. Agromas ( Fama )5. Anggerik ( Fama )6. Cap Gantang7. Arshad8. E-man Cafe9. Che Nah10. Mudim10. Kordial & Air Tin 1. Sunquick2. Jalen3. Radix HPA4. Air Tin Vege5. Air Tin Orang Kampung\u00a0 Long Jack6. Safina Jus Minuman7. Air botol dan tin Lipton8. Air tin B2 Energy11. Marjerin, jem, Butter, Kaya 1. Sunbear peanut butter / chunky / chocolate / ( Felda )2. Kaya Pandan Gardenia3. Agromas Kaya ( Fama )4. Adela Marjerin5. Pelangi Marjerin6. Super Creamlite Marjerin7. Palm 365 Marjerin8. Mariana marjerin12. Makanan Beku1. Ramly2. Enna3. Azmy4. Ayamas5. Runcit Az - Zain6. Pau Kart's Food7. Iwani Frozen Food8. Eenaki9. Murtabak Raja10. Zoul Pizza13. Mayonis1. Saji Mayo14. Telur1. Jazmina Plus2. Telur Cap Tesco ( Sime Darby )15. Rempah Ratus, Perencah, Sup1. Brahim's2. Rasa Bonda3. Mak Siti4. Faiza5. Cap O6. Agromas ( Fama )7. Ihsan & Son8. Peladang9. Puteri Ayu10. One11. Sherwan12. HPA13. Sernan14. Supergh15. Aween16. Suri17. Iman's18. Cap Bunga Ros19. SY Foods20. Seri Tanjung21. Adabi22. Al - Waqiah Sup Bunjut16. Kicap, Sos, Cuka1. Faiza2. Cap Kipas Udang Hablal's3. Jalen4. Mudim5. Agromas ( Fama )6. Tamin7. Bumi Hijau8. Aminah Hassan9. Sos Tiram Alif ( Sime Darby )17. Mee Segera 1. Saji Mee ( Felda )2. Agromas ( Fama )3. Bihun segera Faiza4. Adabi18. Bihun1. Faiza2. HPA3. Jasmine4. Era19. Roti 1. Gardenia2. Federal20. Ketupat Nasi Dan Madu1. Faiza2. Adabi21. Ubat Batuk 1. Gamat Nusantara2. Gamat Sireh Lagenda3. Herba Orang Kampung4. Herba HPA Madulia5. Asmakur6. Faizol22. Lasagna, Pie, Pizza 1. Thalia23. Susu Tepung 1. Susu Ilham2. Susu Iqra Milk ( biasa dan coklat )3. Susu Krim Halib's4. Susu Halib;s ( cocoa, gold, fruitti, prebiotik )5. Susu Khadim6. E-man coco milo7. Cocoa gold hot chocolate8. Hi- goat HR susu9. Chocomalt ( pengganti milo )10. Biomil11. Minuman Awwa ( Imanni )24. Makanan Ringan, Biskut & Dadih 1. Agromas Chips ( Fama )2. Gula - gula hacks3. Yess Dadih4. Noraini's Cookies25. Ubat Gigi 1. Halagel HPA2. Herbal HPA3. Najwa4. Mu'min5. Miswakgel26. Barang Penjagaan Diri 1. Secret Garden2. Simply Siti3. D'Herbs4. Beauty Umaira5. Nurraysa6. SF Beauty7. DInar's Skin Care8. Walit Set9. Miracles Beauty10. Imanni27. Barangan Pencuci 1. Bio Sinar pencuci baju2. Uzai Toilet Bowl3. Uzai Softener4. Uzai pencuci pinggan28. Makanan Kucing1. Vita cat ( halal )2. Misha Meow meow29. Kedai Buku & Printing 1. MPH book store30. Petrol1. Petronas31. Fastfood / Restoran1. A&W ( milik KUB )2. Burger King ( Milik Ekuinas )3. The Manhattan Fish Market\u00a0 ( miik Ekuinas )4. Poppeyes ( milik Ekuinas )5. san Francisso ( milik Ekuinas )6. Tutti Frutti Ice Cream ( milik Naza )7. Ramly Burger8. Otai Burger9. 1901 Hot Dog Fast Food10. Burger Bakar Abang Burn11. Burger Bakar Kaw Kaw12. HPA Radix Fried Chicken ( RFC )13. Old Malaya Kopitiam (Selangor )14. Lam Yong Kopitiam ( Selangor )15. Jonker Walk Kopitiam (Selangor )16. Lay Pak Kopitiam17. Umai Kopitiam ( negeri sembilan )18. Pak Tam Kopitiam ( Negeri sembilan )19. Manjung Kopitiam ( Perak )20. D'Impian Kopitiam ( Johor )21. Mai Kopitiam ( Kedah )22. KFC ( milik QSR brands )23. Pizza hut ( milik QSR brands )24. Rasamas ( milik QSR brands )25. Ayamas26. The loaf27. Sate Kajang32. Cat Rumah / Dinding 1. Kansas Paint2. Sissons3. Bina Paint4. Sequoia33. Telekomunikasi 1. Telekom2. UNIFI3. Celcom4. ClixterThis post has been edited by 710424: Oct 20 2019, 02:59 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8570000529289246} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 25 2024, 12:35 PM)plotekkkk jgn tak plotekkkhave you guys cool down yet?why u all need to be so hot headed ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999954700469971} +{"text": "QUOTE(xcxa23 @ Mar 12 2020, 04:57 PM)Vaccine pun consider haramBulu kat berus kata haramSoAlcohol kat hand sanitizer also haram kotbukan untuk minum le bangang... kalau untuk minum dan memabukkan, itu haram... ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999804496765137} +{"text": "after read uols reply, really tak suka want to balik caina, especially bboings bboings ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999923825263977} +{"text": "--- EDIT: Before you start reading, do know that there are some derailed talks in this thread due to unnecessary flame-baiting and other religious topic which is not related with Islamic dietary and Halal food. However, there are still a substantial amount of information regarding Halal food you can find here. Feel free to ask on the related topic and I will try my best to answer. Enjoy reading! ---Dear fellow /k/I'm a Muslim Malay who works and deals with non-Muslim on a daily basis.Most of my friends and colleagues are non-Muslims, and more than often they tend to have wrong understanding about what is Halal food.So I think I'm gonna share my knowledge here;To moderators, please don't regard this topic as religious and delete/nuke it, because this thread is based on the idea of sharing, understanding, and peace. Now let's go back to the topic.So what is Halal food?Halal food is the only type of food that is eligible for Muslims to consume. It is sinful for Muslims to consume non-halal food.Halal food does not mean that the food is only free from pork.Chicken, duck, beef, mutton, lamb, could also be non-halal if it is not served according to Islamic rites.Halal food must also not be mixed with non-halal food.For example, a Muslim should not eat in a restaurant that serves pork, even though he/she ordered chicken there, because the same pot that is used to cook the pork might be used again to cook the chicken.Liquor is also non-Halal. A Muslim should not eat food that has liquor/wine as one of its ingredients (e.g. certain type of steak).However, unlike pork, a glass that is formerly used to serve liquor can be used to serve halal drinks e.g. Sirap bandung.That is all for now.Any other questions, feel free to ask/share.Thanks for dropping by.--- EDIT: ADD-ONS ---QUOTE(blanket84 @ Nov 2 2013, 09:03 PM)Halal is not only about how it is prepared. It is also related to the money you use (only applicable for muslim). If you're buying halal food using haram money, then automatically the food also would be haram.This post has been edited by Lucidus: Nov 3 2013, 12:58 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9593282341957092} +{"text": "Netizen Persoal Status Halal \u2018Bubble Tea\u2019 Viral Xing Fu Tang & The Alley https://t.co/WpFyFVi0P2 https://t.co/mPojeXuU2f", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999756813049316} +{"text": "i suggest malaysians go visit our muslim. neighbor, example Jakarta. my muslim friends there all sit same table with me, i have my HARAM food while they enjoy their halal food. we are in a public eatery that sells both halal and haram food side bybside. why not? they arent eating my food. sitting beside a porkchop dont means u eating porkchop. but over here, its all haram. everything also haram. simplest thing also got triggered. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998021721839905} +{"text": "SEMINAR PERSIJILAN HALAL TERENGGANU 2019 DIBAWAH EMPOWER ECER KG RAJA.. bersama sahabat kelas enchahemant\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d Belajar buat sikit-sikit untuk mendapatkan sijil Halal\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01. Yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram juga... https://t.co/Ki6zpBRHHV", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9930583238601685} +{"text": "QUOTE(sunami @ Oct 5 2022, 03:56 PM)haram duit okey...haram food not okey....kek on the hypocrisy..............who here hypocrite? you generalizing is it? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994248151779175} +{"text": "QUOTE(mi-g @ Dec 27 2023, 03:48 PM)lol this is borderline stupid already. halal/haram only applies to food lah. halal/haram perbuatan is another thing.rumah tak masak ker? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999988317489624} +{"text": "Sedap wei air nihUnker suka yang ginger beer manis manis pahit ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9995269775390625} +{"text": "QUOTE(gestapo @ Oct 25 2016, 02:37 PM)nice one ninja joe. now gets publicity already. retract and rename.. next idiot will come up with same modus operandiya good viral marketing..anyway their customers are non-muslim, so its a win-win situation. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999159574508667} +{"text": "\r\nSedappp\n\r\nAda mazhab mengatakan wine tu tak haram kalau diletak dalam masakan\r\nBukan memabukkan\n\r\nTapi ada yang kata setitik arak pun dah berdosa besar\n\r\nSo ikut niat lah\r\nNak makan sedap ke nak mabuk", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9973207116127014} +{"text": "QUOTE(bereev @ Jan 6 2017, 10:54 AM)why singapore no kecoh , never see SG got viral fbOrang kita buat boleh, Orang lain buat salah ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999943971633911} +{"text": "\"Kenapa tak wajibkan?!\" Ini susah sikit nak jawab sbb ni antara Jakim dan industry. Basically industry kita belum sampai ke tahap yang 100% of companies layak dpt sijil Halal. Maybe one day, but for now belum lagi.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9956186413764954} +{"text": "@Fuzzy_Rule Betul even di perak memang JAIPk dah wajibkan untuk yg nak apply sijil Halal perlu ada sijil MeSTI dulu sebab MeSTI ni dah cover 70% dah requirement Halal. Tapi negeri lain masih belum enforced", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8881787061691284} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Jan 25 2024, 01:39 PM)all the best bro!Derimakasehbebanyakbanyaks.I found tempe, muahahaha! But from one of the Malaysian Restaurant I know la. Then I say I gonna buat sendiri later. They bantai me says buat sendiri for what, bazi effort and buat sohai. Buy settle. Lels ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9987910389900208} +{"text": "QUOTE(Chrono-Trigger @ May 8 2024, 08:48 AM)He has a hard time understanding concept of Federation. He thought federal law > all laws.Must be no study form 6 Pengajian AmHe is not entirely wrong either. For example, some federal law can still be applied to Sarawak OVER THE OBJECTION of Sarawak. For example, the Emergency Proclamation of 1969.Even though May 13th riot ONLY happening in Malaya, it was also applicable to Sarawak. That is how Malaya took over Sarawak's oil and took massive amount of money out of Sarawak for decades.Najib is the best thing that ever happened to Sarawak because it was Najib who removed the Emergency Proclamation from Sarawak. And from that day onward, Sarawak can start dictating terms to Petronas. That is why Sarawak now got lots of oil money and talking very loud to Petronas. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9446501731872559} +{"text": "Datuk Seri Najib Razak yakin negara ini mampu muncul dalam kelompok 20 negara kuasa ekonomi dunia menjelang 2050.Perdana Menteri menjelaskan keyakinan itu bersandarkan prestasi kukuh ekonomi negara, selain disokong pelbagai inisiatif pembangunan diperkenalkan kerajaan, termasuk Dasar Digital Malaysia (MDP).\"MDP adalah suatu kerangka rumusan yang menjadi asas utama pembangunan ekonomi digital negara dalam merealisasikan hasrat kita untuk muncul antara 20 negara kuasa ekonomi dunia menjelang 2050.\"Malah, dasar baharu itu juga mampu menyumbang peningkatan sekurang-kurangnya 20 peratus kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) menjelang 2020,\" katanya.Beliau berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan ucaptama pada Majlis Perasmian Forum Ekonomi Islam Sedunia Ke-13 (WIEF13) di Pusat Konvensyen Borneo Kuching (BCCK), di sini, hari ini.Yang hadir sama Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Abang Openg dan Pengerusi WIEF, Tun Musa Hitam.Bertemakan 'Perubahan Gangguan: Kesan dan Cabaran', forum berkenaan yang memasuki edisi ke-13 penganjurannya selepas diasaskan penubuhannya oleh bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, memfokuskan sentimen semasa dalam kalangan negara sedang membangun untuk mendepani Revolusi Industri 4.0.Ini termasuk pembangunan ekonomi digital yang lebih berinovasi, sekali gus mewujudkan suatu konsep jaringan perdagangan rentas sempadan di peringkat global.Najib yang juga Penaung WIEF, berkata kepentingan pembangunan ekonomi digital itu turut menyaksikan Malaysia antara negara terawal mewujudkan Zon Perdagangan Bebas Digital, selain China.\"Ia seiring dengan kedudukan Malaysia yang kini muncul antara pasaran e-perdagangan di peringkat global membabitkan janaan pendapatan mencecah RM9.53 bilion tahun lalu.\"Namun, misi utama kita melalui penubuhan zon perdagangan itu adalah melakukan transformasi ekonomi berskala besar, khususnya menjadikan Malaysia sebagai hab e-perdagangan serantau,\" katanya.Sementara itu, Najib berkata, Malaysia mendapat tempat pertama dalam Petunjuk Ekonomi Global Islam daripada 73 negara seluruh dunia.Katanya, Malaysia juga jauh mengatasi negara di tempat kedua iaitu Emiriyah Arab Bersatu apabila mendapat markah 50 peratus lebih tinggi.Petunjuk itu adalah sebahagian daripada laporan Keadaan Ekonomi Islamik Global 2016/2017 yang dikeluarkan oleh Thomson Reuters.\"Dalam laporan itu menyebut ekonomi Islamik, yang merangkumi makanan halal, kewangan Islamik, pelancongan halal, fesyen sederhana, rekreasi dan media halal, farmaseutikal dan kosmetik halal, diunjurkan mencecah RM12.4 trillion menjelang 2021.\"Laporan itu juga menyebut yang saiz pasaran aset kewangan Islam diunjurkan bernilai RM14.5 trilion pada tahun yang sama.\"Tambahan, dalam tempoh menjelang tahun 2021, dijangkakan pertumbuhan dalam negara Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC) akan meningkat lebih darioada sekali ganda berbanding ekonomi negara maju,\" katanya.https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...-e-dagang-dunia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8475432991981506} +{"text": "QUOTE(junsheng @ Jul 8 2014, 10:56 PM)either u want vroom vroomor u dono how 2 cookWhen in romans, live like the romans4 laws of kopitiam1)If its haram, its always better2)If its female, shes always wrong3)If its muslim/bumi, always taliban/tongkat4)No matter what the topic is, its always due to corruption in politics. (for example, lack of rain water is due to corruption, accidents due to corruption, *insert anything* is due to corruption)This post has been edited by FindingGamerWife: Jul 8 2014, 11:03 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.91254723072052} +{"text": "QUOTE(MasBoleh! @ Aug 9 2017, 08:04 PM)Ayam today wented to Mont Kiara.. ended up had to eat Mcdonalds... So many cafes all with non-halal sign.. siap ada Pork Lab lagi... even the bento shop also non-halal. Apa ni??? Feel like not in Malaysia at all By the way, Mont Kiara tak high class langsung... and that haram punya penchala link ... the terowomg penchala.. just because ayam 1st time gi sana... masuk salah.. ended up RM 6 flied edi...\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Daylight robbery ni... MK sux !\u00a0 \u00a0 I really dont like u guys kam MK. Ada parking dont want to park but cheap till park at road side and jam up the farking road. Semua cam tu jer tempat u orng takder makanan ker sampai nak pergi MK makan?This post has been edited by beetch: Aug 10 2017, 04:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999947190284729} +{"text": "@MdFaridZolkifli Cadburry ada sijil halal pun ada babi so boleh yakin ke sepenuhnya dgn sijil halal aku ckap cmtu. Hidup kalau semua nk was was haaa makan semua tanam sendiri belakang rumah sbb kat pasaraya tu semua org bukan islam yg buat.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999911785125732} +{"text": "QUOTE(Special Agent @ Feb 11 2017, 07:34 PM)this issue didn't start from the raid ???...I only here to explain on ur statement about insulinQUOTE(xpmm @ Feb 11 2017, 07:36 PM)songlap 2.6 b haram or not?why jais jakim quiet je.I don't knowU have to ask jakim about thatImo. Of course haramIt's a crime summore ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999575614929199} +{"text": "Makanan Halal: Hukum Daging Binatang Buruan yang Dilukai Anjing", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5305034518241882} +{"text": "Semenjak aku ga suka yg terlalu manis, aku jd sering cek tiap mau beli makanan atau minuman wkwk\nPdhl dulu aku ga pilih\u00b2 pokoknya yg manis aku beli ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996180534362793} +{"text": "Apabila ada autoriti yang dah buat kajian, saya boleh dasarkan keyakinan saya pada kajian tersebut.\n\nSepertimana jika JAKIM sahkan suatu makanan itu haram dimakan, saya tak perlu lihat sendiri bagaimana makanan itu dibuat dan bahan\u00b2nya, memadai kajian JAKIM tadi.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9843081831932068} +{"text": "QUOTE(Asthen1a @ Jan 15 2018, 01:33 PM)i got best tour guide.. for free\u00a0 Nothing is free in this worldHAHA (evil laugh) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999961853027344} +{"text": "QUOTE(billylks @ Dec 31 2020, 09:53 PM)Baca bismillah can really make Non halal meat into halal ke?No. More like you already tried your best finding halal meat for consumption and leave the rest to God. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(ShadowR1 @ Apr 15 2021, 01:48 PM)His stall - suka hati dea la brape nk jual.Ur money - suka hati u la nk beli ke tak.Authority ok je ... dea kecoh ape ?DEA kecoh air kosong rm1 ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999040365219116} +{"text": "QUOTE(zetshield21 @ Jul 30 2020, 05:10 PM)PAS KATA HARAM, ONLY MALAY CAN MAKE HALAL FOODthis the statement pas said long time agou sure boh? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999861478805542} +{"text": "aku benci sebenarnya seller yang sibuk letak orang islam kita niaga utk promote makanan diorang. \n\ncina no pork no lard korang banyak was was.\n\nmelayu yang sibuk jaja \u201corang isley kito niago\u201d ni pun korang kena was was. \n\nhalal tu bukan setakat halal, wajib bersih jugak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999805688858032} +{"text": "Kami boleh menjanjikan bahawa ramuan yang digunakan adalah selamat dan mendapat sijil halal dan lulus ujian makmal. Berminat untuk mencuba Baby Burn? Cara nak beli? 1. klik link kt profile kita\ud83d\ude18 #babyburn #halalfatburner #rampingchallenge3 #mandipeluhkawkaw", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8157757520675659} +{"text": "2. Syarikat boleh apply for halal jika dah beroperasi at least selama 3 bulan.\n (MPPHM 2020)\n\nso untuk korang yang ragu2 dengan any kedai yang baru bukak, boleh request for sijil halal, \nkalau diorang kata still dalam proses so better tunggu je dulu sampai dapat, untuk nak yakin.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999897837638855} +{"text": "QUOTE(KrankZ @ Mar 24 2021, 07:52 AM)lol maybe let them know this is not halal shopHi, thank you very much for your enquiry. We are in the midst of preparing to get halal status. It may take probably two years to adjust some recipes and source all ingredients from halal suppliers.Currently, our Ramen Soup, Udon Soup and Mentaiko Sauce contain Mirin. The meat we use is halal certified. There is no Mirin in our Sushi rice. We do not serve alcohol in the premise. Thank you very muchhttps://halalke.com/index.php/2017/04/05/to...ts-in-malaysia/Not halal yet ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998689889907837} +{"text": "Makanan baik bersih itu penting syarat halal pak dan itu syarat kesahatan juga berlaku umum\n\nCuman babi itu spesial, duta haram", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999784231185913} +{"text": "QUOTE(Cincai lar @ May 21 2019, 06:15 PM)how izit no purpose ??... it created civilization,..\nDwje3iQ4shE\n\nit's intoxicating and still haram nonetheless. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999947547912598} +{"text": "Ada orang cakap yang kalau nampak orang melayu minum benda tu maknanya okay. Dont judge sebab benda tu sama apply macam kedai makan tomyam and mamak. I bukan nak kata its okay to drink the one yang takde sijil halal but when talk about halal and haram, its more that a source. Heh", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991695880889893} +{"text": "Bila bercerita ttg hati bersih, ia mesti bermula dari makanan/rezeki halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9989182949066162} +{"text": "QUOTE(lijor the great @ Dec 31 2020, 08:49 AM)Actually really wondering, is kuda meat haram? And kangaroo was unknown during Muhammad time, so is it haram?Same like chicken.. no mention it can be eaten.. except it has been 'sembelih'..even 'sembelih' also got its own procedure..if not..cannot be eaten as it considered 'bangkai'..Chicken can also be 'bangkai'..Sometime in Johor..also have kuda meat..after its has been 'sembelih'..Haram and halal has a wide meaning.. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998008608818054} +{"text": "QUOTE(-mystery- @ Apr 17 2024, 04:36 PM)Increase petrol soonringgit devaluedconcert cancelledlack of fdi due to conservatismhow to save malaysia?I dont see we increase our manpower capability alsoevery company is like changing employees so quicklylike divorce rateamoi tak suka, terus minta break upbincsngkan.in a not distant future many will be going to indonesia be thier slave and maid..too many idiot said plantation not malaysian job.cutting grass not malaysian job..indah water not malaysian job..pertanian also not malaysian job..nak kerja senang.gaji tinggi drive BMWwe are fark already..This post has been edited by tkw60: Apr 17 2024, 09:27 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9965528249740601} +{"text": "QUOTE(Imp Bron @ Aug 18 2015, 06:41 PM)tldr of the first post for the\u00a0 lazy:rokok is haramshisha/hookah harambecause bad for health n waste money e-cig the same so it is haramclarification for mudah keliru, 1. fatwa is like an advice. do or dont do based on the person. think it is like personal decision2. if not stated clearly in hadith n quran as big sin, then it is small sin. There is no power enforcement to capture small sinner.\u00a0 So no jakim will catch vaporers. Fyi example of big sin is zina, minum arak, stealing etcPuasa is big sin or small sin? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998273253440857} +{"text": "QUOTE(exclus1ve @ Dec 28 2023, 07:03 PM)And which part did i said no babi confirm halal?Come point that out to me please. Read properly again next time.I'm saying kalau that kedai if cina punya then the midset terus confirm ada babi confirm not halal.Kapish??That's the problem. Who said kedai cina je mindset confirm ada babi? Haram not just babi je u know even chicken or any meat can be haram oso ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "@noroiazmi hahah apo minded asal halal haram je babi. banyak gila kot aspek utk sijil halal. paling utama kena bersih. bukan nya nak apply tu syarat dia ada babi ke tak.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999552965164185} +{"text": "There are two Guarantee business industry that will last forever, confirm boleh buat duitF&B and Agriculture..... ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.995226263999939} +{"text": "QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Mar 29 2016, 03:09 PM)Kesian byk hisap weed here, u retarded fags cannot read issit?Haih...newfags sekarang byk lembab lembab mcm baconWad u expect? Many ktards are of people that dont mind about halal haram food lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999839067459106} +{"text": "\r\nRindu pulak shopping groceries kat Pak n Save. Paling senang cari mmg ayam Tegel. Brinks pun halal cuma susah sikit nak jumpa.", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9992687106132507} +{"text": "QUOTE(ashportal @ Apr 16 2021, 04:02 PM)best ayat ni kalu pengeluar kereta yg kluarkankereta rosakseller : 1. takde sape pakse beli, kalu rase mahal, buat kereta sendiri2. takde sape pakse beli, kalu rosak repair sendiritrue story. cuba teka siapa kata?\u201cIt is not as simple as just adding an airbag system on,\u201d explained ____________ of Proton\u2019s R&D Department. \u201cWe have to redesign the dashboard to accept it and then run many tests to ensure that it operates properly because this is a crucial safety item.\u201d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9054588079452515} +{"text": "Makan pun nak orang bagi tau haram halal, susahnya jadi orang. Takyah makan senang. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999687671661377} +{"text": "Some just don't eat pork but rokok like no tomorrow.So pork is more haram than rokok ? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999840259552002} +{"text": "QUOTE(stealthrider @ Sep 10 2020, 11:56 AM)\"Setiap Minuman yang Memabukkan itu adalah Haram\".Carlsberg itu syubhah. Walaupun wujud 0.0 alkohol seperti barbican, namun bezanya Barbican ada buat Beer Haram? Aujan Industries began importing Barbican from U.K.-based Bass Beers for sale in the Middle East in 1983.The first barbican made from 1983 was from a factory that manufacture Bass Beers, it is under Anheuser-Busch InBev (who makes all kinds of beers)SOS:-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aujan_GroupSo? Barbican ada buat Beer Haram??? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999593496322632} +{"text": "QUOTE(rtk74 @ Aug 25 2022, 01:47 PM)Do you still eat food that have bovine partsliek jelly made with gelatine?Wanna make sum Panna cotta for colleagues, dun feel like asking these question to them.Dunno dunno then don't make lah.Make karipap suda. Mahrehsian must eat that. Pana kota what haram jadah no need to be fanciful fujuk. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9975888729095459} +{"text": "QUOTE(rooney723 @ Apr 5 2024, 11:25 AM)i went to bazaar on monday and bought some food, then end up stomach pain and diarrhea after that, i only bought roti john and a few karipaps, i suspect the karipap not fresh and is overnight stocks, cos it taste weirdIn food handling course which complusory for all food industry worker already say clearly, cooked food is best to be consume within 4hours.Jadi pandai pandai lar. Only eat the food which being prepare in front of your eyes ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999479055404663} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zaryl @ Jun 17 2016, 11:05 AM)this one halal or haromm for Muslims?i see many refutes on this matter.one person says factory in korea got put babi element in it.JAKIM say they checked and it's halal.Food emphasize halal haram but songlap couple pegang tangan zina backdoor riba all halal?Sembang halal haram makanan then just stick to that point je laBab food emphasize halal harom tapi belakang bla bla bla lain tered bole ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999979734420776} +{"text": "http://rtky.co/1SbaqJs JAKIM Larang Guna Perkataan 'Ayat Ruqyah' & 'Makanan Sunnah'", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9006094932556152} +{"text": "Hey non muslim,Please do research with our holy book. Dont just google and take source from other news, fact, or whatever shit who u dont know whether its from muslim or not. Muslim In Arab, Muslim in indonesia, Muslim in other country. We called it Mazhab. Meaning Some of it are different. The style, the way etc.But The halal and haram thingy are the same for all muslim. When we said PIG and DOG haram, then no reason to justify. This is from ours. Dont screw it with fact. U non muslim want to eat Babi or anjing, dont care just eat. Eat whatever u want. U chinese said ur BABI eat fresh hygiene what every food source, dont care still we cannot eat. ONLY FOR DARURATSeseorang muslim yang sedang berada dalam keadaan dharurat ( keperluan yang mendesak) yang tiada makanan halal yang boleh dimakan kecuali makanan haram saja yang ada dan jika dia tidak makan makanan haram tersebut dia akan mati,maka diharuskan baginya memakan sekadar untuk memelihara nyawanya sahaja.I know some of us do rasuah, judi, arak all haram also. All of that already mention in our books but pupl still do.Sepertimana yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Aas r.a bahawa nabi s.a.w bersabda :\u0644\u064e\u0627 \u064a\u064e\u0634\u0652\u0631\u064e\u0628\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0652\u062e\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0631\u064e \u0631\u064e\u062c\u064f\u0644\u064c \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652 \u0623\u064f\u0645\u0651\u064e\u062a\u0650\u064a \u0641\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0642\u0652\u0628\u064e\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u064e\u0647\u064f \u0645\u0650\u0646\u0652\u0647\u064f \u0635\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\u0629\u064b \u0623\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0628\u064e\u0639\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e \u064a\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064b\u0627) \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0633\u0627\u0626\u064a\u201cAllah tidak akan terima solat selama 40 hari bagi seorang lelaki dari umatku yang meminum arak.\u201dThis is one example of what we called \"hadis\" that we need to follow based on muslim book. All of it has been mention including the HALAL and NON HALAL thingy.If some of muslim still do, doesnt matter. That between him and our GOD. We did not force you to understand or to follow. All we just need is respect.Dont bother. Learn ur religion first. Then compare it and respect it. https://media.isnet.org/kmi/islam/Qardhawi/Halal/20114.html ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999091625213623} +{"text": "QUOTE(hafizhans @ Aug 18 2015, 04:26 PM)lel disalah tafsirwhat i meant by 'kubur masing2' is sndri buat dosa, sendiri tanggungkalau betul sendiri buat dosa sendiri tanggung, habis kenapa ramai sangat yang terpekik terlolong \"kena tempias bala\" tu ye? for the vapers bangang who think it is all right to cloud chase in public :\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abkalau betul nak tangung sendiri sorang2, hembus la vape dalam bilik sendiri sorang2 ke, hembus jauh2 kat tempat takde orang ke. jangan la hembus kat khalayak umum, boleh? tempat orang tengah makan minum, tempat orang tengah jalan2 lalu lalang, tempat orang berkumpul mcm lif dan pawagam... mintak vapers bangang tu otak jangan letak kat pantat, kat lutut dsb. simpan balik dalam kepala tu elok2 dan pakai..This post has been edited by andrewhtf: Aug 18 2015, 05:40 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999983310699463} +{"text": "QUOTE(Lancer07 @ Jan 7 2024, 12:17 PM)When hard to criticize the competent monster performance, some racist people tend to use R&R card to target and viral.He is not competent as tourism minister. Better change to other portfolio. Like mat sabu. He look stupid at mindef but suprisingly perform very well at current ministry. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7630186676979065} +{"text": "This reply is best in the thread QUOTE(Kerplunk @ Nov 16 2020, 08:31 PM)Quite pissed off by idiots who do this actually. As a Muslim it just makes my skin crawl when you have other bros who think it's okay to slander another business just because it's owned by non-Muslims. Absolute lunacy, especially when you consider the livelihood of the chefs and workers (Muslims and non-Muslims alike) who will potentially be affected by these irresponsible rumours.These are the kind of people that if they get into business, they wouldn't bat an eyelid when using some sort of 'santau' or black magic to curse you, if you dare open any sort of establishment beside theirs, that they view as a threat. Sue them all. Haul up the dumb individuals/news sites who spread the fake news as well, for good measure. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9938523769378662} +{"text": "JAKIM should just cease to exist.Kakacaucau stopping good quality meats to come in Malaysia.Smuggling of Japanese Wagyu happen because no one bother to pay JAKIM for their chop as the market was small, only chosen group of people can afford it last time (years back). That time say Japan beef ALL HARAM.Then now when more people enjoy it, suddenly pop up some JAKIM related company that can legally bring in Japan Wagyu and they (JAKIM) say JAPAN BEEF is halal, no drink beer, no drink sake.DLLMThis post has been edited by ed0gawa: Dec 28 2020, 12:37 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9990869760513306} +{"text": "QUOTE(meteoraniac @ Jan 1 2019, 03:20 PM)\u201cPiap piap session\u201dBang lepas pancut nak pergi kuliah sebelah?LEL ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971352815628052} +{"text": "QUOTE(loserguy @ Mar 28 2024, 09:46 AM)If you have been around long enough, you will definitely meet up with one of the emo types. Unless you are damn lucky. If unlucky maybe you meet up with a few, kek.It isn't so much leadership skills or charisma, your attrition or employee turnover rate may be perfectly normal. It is just that one guy/girl lol.edit: easiest thing to do will be to get the best of the lot into a supervisory position. that will save you a lot of heartache and headache.Build relationship, perhaps belanja makan, eat outside together as a team. You also need to charm them, like buy cake on their birthday. Remember their birthday. Before they ask for birthday leave, you already remember \u201ceh Friday is your birthday , u dowan to take AL? Take la, we can cover for you\u201dPaise them, even if what they did it is nothing much to praise. Give angpow, give orange on cny. Buy them souvenir etc.Good luckThis post has been edited by forgotoldlogin: Mar 28 2024, 10:00 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999701201915741} +{"text": "QUOTE(AfraidIGotBan @ Jan 11 2024, 07:44 PM)Not true is not true of coz, black and white logic mah.But Real life and logic works differently. (of coz, my experience was for Malaysian mali UK or Chinese National mali UK version la)Regardless of how you deliver the detail for processing, there's several checkpoints they'll have to go through, process your document, interview and so on, so if you do it terribly, you're sorta fakap even if it says after this this lapse for years, you can reapply again. That lapse of year later you wanna reapply, reconsider your own position status life commitment changes and so on.Black and white and rules make sense, but after the lapse to reapply again, you'll notice that all sense no longer make sense, unless you are getting better and better. But we all know that once you kena lijek liao, it already part confirm you gotta agent it or you'll waste all your effort.the UK system is very different, you should not give wrong information by thinking Oz run the same way. UK actually just started a points system too following Oz.You do NOT \"apply\" first off, to migrate to australia under the 189/190 stream, you submit a EOI, online, just fill a form, NO documents submitted at all. Then you wait, it is valid for 2 years. If no news after 2 years, the EOI lapses and you can resubmit another one.Based on the points you claim in the EOI, and depending on the cutoff in your claimed profession (each group of professions have a different cut off), if you have more points than the cut off, you will be called for processing (they do this once a month). Full instructions will be given, and that is the point you start submitting your documents. If any document is wrong or incomplete, they will inform you.You will fail, if you1) fail to submit within 2 months2) your documents does not support your claims (ie you lied)3) fail police check4) fail medical.If you do all these properly and successfully, then they will inform you the application is complete and to wait for the decision. That may take days, weeks or even months, depending on many factors. At that stage, you will almost always get it, unless they uncover some issues from your past.That is the process.Of course, if you want to spend good money to get an agent to do for you, go ahead. I am just saying it is doable DIY, all information is in their website.Finally, the most important factor is the points you get from English. Most people cannot get all Bands at least 8.0 in IELTS to claim the 20 points. Many can claim 10 points with all Band at least 7.0. But that 10 points difference can make the difference between being called, or not called.The second most important factor is your profession: they are very short of teachers, and heathcare personnel. you get called even with the minimum 65 points.This post has been edited by limeuu: Jan 11 2024, 10:35 PM ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9116702675819397} +{"text": "QUOTE(United Rulez @ Nov 4 2021, 08:06 PM)Yes got eat before, was a nightmare.\u00a0 That time eat nasi campur lauk and daging.\u00a0 Sometimes bukan kira terus. \"Duduk makan dulu\", which i hate the most.Tengah makan barulah dia mari, ask me what did i picked just now like how many pcs, berapa ketul, berapa biji \"WTF\" Sumpah jarang jenguk kedai malay after that.Malay shops is a hit and miss, I noticed you either get shops that are really cheap or those cut throat ones.QUOTE(geelim77 @ Nov 4 2021, 08:07 PM)Cina or Melayu shop, order fish jangan malu, always ask weight n price first lor.....even sotong, crab, prawn just ask, malu before makan better than malu n terkejut masa bayar bill.If I don\u2019t see price I will ask, Chinese shop usually in their menu or board got the price. They won\u2019t put \u201cseasonal pricing\u201d ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5130367875099182} +{"text": "Dok bising2 kata halal haram makanan,xde sijil Jakim bagai tp kantoi bukak album bersepah gambo berparty kt club.Club tu ad logo halal ehh??", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999920129776001} +{"text": "QUOTE(adrian72 @ Jul 24 2019, 04:53 PM)The website only list the current month's (July) certificates. Don't know how to search for previous month.Also I was also sceptical when they gave a GMAIL address for verification. But it does exist in another sub-domain (https://regs.e-lppommui.org/other/contact_us.php)I highly doubt a company this big would want to cheat customers. Don't jump to conclusion. Sit back and wait for official clarification. For those was-was, just skip drinking XFT until JAKIM issue cert la.Yea, I doubt XFT will smack their own face. I believe the post is to reassure that XFT in Indonesia already got the cert, it's like to preempt Malaysians that it's safe la. Since they already get Halal cert from Indonesia, I believe XFT already working hard to get Halal cert from Jakim as well. Just that XFT wanna show some progress to Malaysians, then they post they got certified by MUI. But ada lah juga Malaysians yg x suka. Ppl didn even advertise say Halal by Jakim. Ppl just wanna show u the progress, dah Halal by MUI. So sit tight and wait. But ppl dont interpret it this way. Ppl think XFT is trying to confuse-kan ppl. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997090697288513} +{"text": "QUOTE(azreeceli @ Dec 30 2015, 09:38 AM)boleh kena gout x? hahahaha, what's their best desert?well, the main course pun rasa mahal, didnt bother to look at desert. Seafood in non halal outlet is much cheaper.on the contrary, massage is dirt cheap compared to thai or malaysia ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8700348734855652} +{"text": "@DilarangMembuli @taroaman @AqeedMikael @NgaKorMing Suka ati usahawan Tula nak apply sijil halal ke x.Suka ati dia la nak susahkan diri ke x\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23Masih ada lagi muslim yg waras Di m\u2019sia. Ko ingat ko suara semua muslim/melayu Di M\u2019sia?Atau hanya ada melayu muslim Di M\u2019sia? X payah ko nak bagi advice camne diorg kena run business.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9955717325210571} +{"text": "QUOTE(sk1l @ Jan 4 2019, 11:58 AM)\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abfrom my forwarded whatsapp msgs : Breakfast Astaka Taman Tun Sardon Pasar Awam Taman Tun Sardon, P227 Hilir Pemancar, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqd92jkNasi Kandar Kg MelayuNasi Kandar Kampung Melayu, Lintang Kampung Melayu, Ayer Itam, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdp0g3Roti Canai Agryll RoadRoti Canai Jalan Argyll, Jalan Argyll, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4excRoti Canai Transfer RoadRoti Canai Trasfer Road, Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4f3xAstaka Rope WalkAstaka Lorong Kulit, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9jt9LunchNasi Kandar Deen Maju Deen Maju, 170 Jalan Gurdwara, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg0bd5Nasi Kandar Deen JelutongRestoran Deen, Jalan Jelutong, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdsv6uNasi Melayu Lidiana (Masjid Terapung Tanjung Bungah)Kedai Makan Lidiana- Nasi Melayu, Persiaran Tanjung Bungah, Tanjong Bungah, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zr1gem8Nasi Padang Transfer RoadRestoran Nasi Padang Minang, 92 Jalan Transfer, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg4fseNasi Campur Melayu, Stadium Bandaraya - Also Mee Udang and etcAstaka Jalan Perak, 210A Lilitan Stadium, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqf9pdnHameediyah RestaurantHameediyah Restaurant, 164A Lebuh Campbell, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg47wqHameed Pata Mee SotongHameed Pata Mee Sotong, 19 Lebuh Pantai, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6er7Ani Nasi Campur Gulai SembilangAni Nasi Campur Gulai Sembilang, Jalan Ahmad Nor, Jelutong, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqdufn6Nasi 7 Benua-Nasi 7 Benua, 231 Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3cshcLaksa JanggusLaksa Janggus, Lorong Kg. Perlis 10, Balik Pulau, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0ntzwCargas Cafe Nasi CampurCargas Cafe, 6 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq17yh5DinnerAyu Mee UdangAyu Mee Udang, Lengkok Kampung Masjid 1, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq0fb13Astaka Padang BroomMedan Selera Padang Brown, Jalan Perak, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfc868Pak Hussein TomyamPak Hussin Tomyam, Lilitan Bayan, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq3c198Gurney Drive Food Court Pusat Penjaja Anjung Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqfw6egNasi Dalca Kassim MustafaRestoran Kassim Mustafa, 12 Lebuh Chulia, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg3bv5Sup HameedSup Hameed, 48 Jalan Penang, George Town, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg5hcrRestaurant Kapitan - The Best TandoriRestoran Kapitan, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zqg6025Restoran Pen Mutiara - Kari Kepala IkanRestoran & Hotel Pen Mutiara, P220 Jalan Bayan Lepas, Bayan Lepas, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq44hm7Nurul Ikan BakaqNurul Ikan Bakar Special, Lebuhraya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu, Gelugor, drive there using Waze: https://waze.com/ul/hw0zq6wswqChar Koay Teow SaniSany Char Koay Teow, Jalan Sult ://waze.com/ul/hw0zq4pd3kthanks man, i also need this ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996039271354675} +{"text": "Memang haram lah nak haramkan ape lagi agaknya sebelum ni ada sijil halal ke https://t.co/ETseqybZ8Q", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999984502792358} +{"text": "Kalau rakyat buat salah cepat je nak hukum habistu yg mengesahkn makanan ada lemak babi masuk keluar negara tu siapa ? JAKIM buat apa ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996010661125183} +{"text": "QUOTE(Alex9892 @ Jun 13 2024, 08:56 PM)Looks clean . Most important is nama mesti mau gempak ma \u201cDonut Nenen\u201d baru orang orang kita support !!clean doesnt mean its food grade. last time got guy wash sotong in clean tongsampah also ktard komen terpaling bagus and kkm also come kacau. how bout konon2 ktard punya \"microplastic\"? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8846935629844666} +{"text": "@AisyaxS @nishxnish Halal. Ada sijil halal. Kalau terminum cocktail Jadi haram", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999982476234436} +{"text": "\r\nTerpaling halal. Ini kalau hidup merantau ni, boleh la jadi raw vegan. Tanam pokok, bela ayam ikan sendiri. Non muslim buat semua haram katanya.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999836683273315} +{"text": "QUOTE(mois @ May 18 2024, 10:31 PM)Like it or not. Nons business from now on will start to suffer as long as your target audience is the majority. Bumi themselves will take this opportunity to replace nons business. Furthermore they are more stronger in tiktok and live sales. Darsa is the best example, with good financial support, they can expand to 100+ branches in no time.Nons are welcome to do business in Sabah and SarawakRill Malaysia is here Not there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9974579215049744} +{"text": "I just don't get it. Iman so weak seeing other people with excusable reason not to fast eating in public? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9950481057167053} +{"text": "QUOTE(darth5zaft @ Mar 15 2021, 11:52 PM)AirAsia Lancar Platform Edagang Untuk Produk Mesra Muslim Dibawah Label IkhlasDiterbitkan pada Mac 15, 2021 oleh Aman.Ikhlas, salah satu cabang perniagaan memfokuskan pengguna muslim dibawah AirAsia Digital, kini telah memperkenalkan platform edagang mereka tersendiri, dinamakan \u201cShop with Ikhlas\u201d.Melalui platform edagang memfokuskan produk pengguna muslim ini, ia membolehkan pengguna mendapatkan produk seperti sejadah, telekunng, makanan kering, daging segar, makanan tambahan, buku, produk seni islam, pakaian, dan beberapa\u00a0 produk lain.Ikhlas turut menawarkan diskaun sebanyak 10% sempena pelancaran ini sehingga 31 Mac 2021 kelak. Bagi anda yang berminat, boleh menyemak \u201cShop with Ikhlas\u201d hari ini, dan mencuba sendiri platform edagang terbaru ini.https://amanz.my/2021276354/what do u mean by freshly frozen ?https://shop.ikhlas.com/ayam-halal-bismi/kenot brain ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999947190284729} +{"text": "QUOTE(Zot @ Jan 3 2017, 09:14 AM)How halal food become non-halal?\u00a0 Just steal halal food or not pay after eat. Automatically become Haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999616146087646} +{"text": "Gerai haram tepi jalan sedap makan tak haram pulokkkkk ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982438087463379} +{"text": "@mizudin See? There's an inconsistency there. Kenapa penjual melayu kita tak hukum \"tak ada sijil halal, elakkan makan\" seperti yang kita buat pada non-muslims?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.544790506362915} +{"text": "QUOTE(kevinwawa @ Oct 20 2016, 02:45 PM)KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) will be meeting representatives of Auntie Anne's later Thursday over the pretzel store franchise\u2019s halal certification, said\u00a0 Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom (pix).\u00a0 Auntie Anne's was recently asked to change the name of its \"Pretzel Dog\" to \"Pretzel Sausage\" in order to receive a halal certification.\u00a0 Speaking at a press conference in Parliament here, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department said Jakim was willing to discuss the matter.\u00a0 He said they never wanted to declare \u201chot dog\u201d as haram, adding that what was important was the content of the food, and not the name of the product.\u00a0 using pusing pusing misqouted card again? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5664136409759521} +{"text": "Makanan bekas itu kalian kasih wkwk aku masih mampu beli sendiri", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9887858629226685} +{"text": "Dah takut, jangan beli bodo. Nak viral sgt ni. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999967813491821} +{"text": "'': Jangan memberi makanan kepada orang lain yang anda sendiri tidak suka memakannya.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.990659773349762} +{"text": "QUOTE(9m2w @ Mar 14 2024, 01:17 PM)For emergency In case can't get any dehydration salt 100 plus is ok. I store some in my fridge. Best is still uphalyte for dehydrationThis is very convenient and available at any pharmacy or even 99 i think. Very cheap. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999562501907349} +{"text": "QUOTE(crash123 @ Aug 27 2016, 04:57 PM)Bodonya la ktard ni. Pempuan jual nasi lemak pun nak kecoh sijil halal, race card, religion card, etc. Padahal apek jual kuih tepi jalan xtnye pulak ade sijil ke x.Puak bodo macam ko jer, bila butthurt mesti heret kaum lain masuk. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9922244548797607} +{"text": "When orang kiter yang bodoh berkomen,They will say china taiwan lagi teruk.1. Tak leh baca tulisan depa.2. Tak pernah pergi china taiwan.Tertiba dalam /k semua jadi separuh cina. Semua tahu. Semua kenal.Ala. Nak protek tu bagi la benda valid. China taiwan vavi lagi sedap bai. Kenapa tak pernah cakap tentang murica ? Tak leh england ker tak pernah pergi? Pizza tulang sampah. Hey hey taiwan china lagi teruk.Fitnah mengumpat masuk neraka tak?Inbe4 kesian ko siang hari dah mabuk todi.QUOTE(NUR_VER.3 @ Aug 16 2016, 01:35 PM)Not that i have anything against their research, i mean ive seen worst food and oil made out of shit in china and taiwan, heck even some malaysian chineese hawker got their oil from gutter.Personally i think this good for food industry in terms of maximizing resources, its just that they had to go to unecessary length to make it into finished product like pizza.They fail to see that their research already ended at the fish bone powder stage which have many uses for any dough and food production. This is the stage where they should focus on publishing their research, based on the powder, and not a generic finished product like pizza.Of course this is just another cheap publicity stunt by some 'genious' professors, who thinks introducing some powder is boring, why not make it into a finished product like pizza? Hahaha. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(voltaire @ Apr 7 2013, 09:19 PM)Human nature. Create differences, segregates, hates, look down upon others who does things differently. No drama, create one. These people have nothing to do meyh? Funny that both halal/non halal supporters happily advocates their way is the best way. No pain to animals? Dey got interview those animals personally meyh?\u00a0 \"Hello Mr Pig, got pain onot?\"\"Encik Lembu, I cut your neck, give permission onot? Got pain you tell me arr?\"We eat meat. how it's killed, prepared, in the end it is our choice. I do not understand these groups that advocates their idea as the best and trying to convince the world by putting down those that does it differently. In EU cases, i kind of understand their plight. A non muslim country suddenly have to bow and eat halal food, no pork in school cantines. Logically speaking, just not right. They should do it if majority agrees by it and want to accomodate halal eating minorities. But to enforce rules and make all non halal eaters to follow, not right. It's about change of culture and to some, lifestyle.Different issue with this boycott group in fb however. Their argument over pain on animals just kind of laughable. Both halal and non halal camps are saying that their way is less pain for those animals. Each group confirm happily, very sure wan no pain..dey got ask those chickens meyh?\u00a0 lu menang my internet liao. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8529103398323059} +{"text": "\nmamajawie replied at 25-7-2022 05:11 PM\r\nweyhhhh ada BABI la dalam beef wellington tu..\n\r\nProsciutto is the Italian word for ham. In the Uni ...\nitu lah iouls tanya...apa beza haram makanan dgn haram dedah aurat...\n\r\nkadang org kita ni babi haram..tapi arak boleh pulak dia pi telan......aihh...\n\n\r\nmaybe yang ND makan halal punya..xde babi takde wine....\n\n\n\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999889135360718} +{"text": "@nuranisatania tak dpt sijil HALAL bukan bererti HARAM. Memang Xing Fu Tang dpt pensijilan drpd THIDA dan badan itu diiktiraf oleh JAKIM. Tp autoriti kita masih xberi pensijilan HALAL. Pensijilan HALAL bukan sekadar lihat drpd mana asal produk, utk penyediaan makanan dia mesti melalui-", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999130964279175} +{"text": "QUOTE(EX Unseen Forces @ Mar 17 2024, 07:31 PM)Masalah daphobia lagi teruk la Can't be more teruk than 18 Jan when nothing happened amirite ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999247789382935} +{"text": "i have muslim friend who are born malay muslim that do all the haram thing. pork beer and so on.... but they have good atttude n personality. so i like them. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9848506450653076} +{"text": "\u201cWe also found that (almost all of the restaurant\u2019s staff) are non-Muslim, which makes the halal status of their food questionable.\u201d https://t.co/e4ZF6EmYxy", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997733235359192} +{"text": "Pilaks assimilation is really very intense. U go to waterfront, confirm 80% is descendent from filipino, assimilate into sabah and with sabah mykad, and they might even get bumi status, we chinese and indian non-bumi staying here for hundreds years cant even get such IC. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9944686889648438} +{"text": "Memandangkan ada org habaq pasai iman bagai bila tgk arak dijuai secara publik dipasaraya.Di bahagian hotel, kalau non halal items LALU SAHAJA di halal section, sijil halal tidak akan dikeluarkan oleh JAIM kerana it is against the law.Aku pelik mcm mana pasaraya boleh terlepaih?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5331391096115112} +{"text": "QUOTE(Dozen @ Jan 15 2015, 10:00 AM)First, you can see the video I post above.The diversity among the Muslim.The issues about Islamophobia is related with mind control.Mind control is under the media influence.Media from the West always portray Muslim as an Arab nomads tribe,with turban and carry Ak-47 or rocket launcher.Same situation in Malaysia.Islam and politics always relate together in the media.Non-Muslim has negative view on Islam because the poor statement make by politician.Besides, you can't judge a half-past six Christian to know the Christianity.Same logic apply to Islam, if you want to know aboutIslam. Better for you to meet someone which devote and fully understand on the religions.Someone not influence from political movement.We can't simply assume the mat rempit or terroristrepresent the Islam way of life.Even not all Malay represent the good value of Islam.Quran always wrongly interpret by the extremist.For example, Osama just quotes the verse from Quranrelate with killing the infidel.However, the verse quotes from Osama is not completeand there are explanation from God which types ofinfidel can be kill by the Muslim.Osama not mention any verse about God mercy, love andforgiven. Same with Jihad.Muslim wrongly interpret the words Jihad.Jihad actually means \"struggle\".There are 2 types of Jihad which are inner and outer self.The biggest Jihad is inner self.To battle with our inner lust and sin.Transform our self to become a good Muslim.The jihad to go war is the outer jihad and actually is small types of jihad.This jihad is necessary when we be oppress by someone.For example, people come to our land and kill our family.However, this types of Jihad is wrongly interpret by the extremist.The best answer to know about Islam is read the Quran.You can read the Quran translation in English.Islam is all about \"ilm\".Ilm = KnowledgeTo gain knowledge you must read by yourself.Not blindly trust other people to tell you about Islam.I also don't want you to fully agree with my statement.However, you can take my suggestion to read the Quran.To gain knowledge about Islam by yourself. I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand my question. I already know that being a muslim does not mean being an extremist, and I already know that full and well.I'm asking how should other religions should be portrayed in order to attain the same kind of prejudice which coined the term, 'Islamophobia' in the first place.This post has been edited by Deadlocks: Jan 15 2015, 10:26 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9842404127120972} +{"text": "Bubur nasi dan Yoo Tiao (cakoi) di iloveyootiao memang terbaik. Lagi satu red bean bun dia memang kegemaran giler! Jangan risau! Menu disini ada sijil halal dari JAKIM. #thisisreef\u2026 https://t.co/gQdtnvrd3i", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8741603493690491} +{"text": "Sportcheck First of all kau yakin semua kedai melayu islam tu halal? Ingredients confirm dari halal suppliers dan bukan chinese \u201cnon-halal\u201d supplier? Kau yakin kedai tu semua bersih proses buat makanan?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9962599277496338} +{"text": "QUOTE(Sadru @ Sep 21 2017, 09:53 PM)saya org terengganu jemput mari,(sajak ni utk org luar terengganu)kalau selama ni mari ke terengganu mesti cari kepok lekor,Sekarang ni kopok lekor terbaik tunggu tuan2 adik kakak,kalau selama ni merasa nasi dagang nasi minyak,berbau sedap macam makanan ada di depan hidung,mengumpan rakan mari datang ke terengganu,sekarang ni ikan sotong ketam udang celup tepung cicah dengan sos gerenti menelan air liur,kalau berjalan datang dari jauh rasa kering tekak,kita teguk air kelapa letak ais sambil tgk laut warna hijau,kepuasan minum air kelapa boleh cuba pulak air tuak terapung ( air float kot? )yang ni halal bukan beer fest,tapi sungguh tak tipu,marilah datang,tempat comel, makan sedap,laut hijau pantai putih,bulan terang, bulan mengambang,tunggu tuan tuan,tunggu adik kakak,marilah bersama berhimpun,di pantai Tok Jembal,Jumaat dan Sabtu,29 dan 30 haribulan,bulan September,Saya lelaki, orang terengganu,menjemput semua ke FASTAQIM 2.0#mostly setakat yg saya paham ar. cant believe i translate all of that for /K lol! ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9635415077209473} +{"text": "QUOTE(PetomJL @ Aug 14 2013, 12:13 AM)Can, there is no requirement that a Muslim should follow one mazhab, or any mazhab at all. The ideal way is to learn and study the thoughts of all these scholars and choose the opinion that is most convincing to you. E.g. in certain matter you may incline to Shafie's school, but in another matter you may think Maliki has better argument. But this 'selecting' cannot be done at whim or solely to suit your preference and you got to have the knowledge about ijtihad. Majority people follow one mazhab because it is the easy way.That's an eye opener. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.8590714931488037} +{"text": "no pork no alcohol ok lono haram ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5578979253768921} +{"text": "QUOTE(leymahn @ Dec 23 2020, 01:11 PM)3)Untuk perbekalan daging tempatan pun,persijilan halal hanya diberi sekiranya sembelihan mematuhi piawai Jabatan Veterinar dan JAKIM.Bukan JAKIM semata-mata.Premis sembelihan dan rumah sembelihan ada pegawai pemantau dari Veterinar dan JAKIM4)Daging Import pula pemantauan itu berlaku pada peringkat Jabatan Kastam dulu,baru melalui Veterinar dan JAKIM.Dekat sini yang isu besarnya sebab pemalsuan sijil,cop halal badan luar negara dan kertas kerja boleh berlaku sebelum masuk ke tapisan Veterinar dan JAKIM.5)Yang terlepas masuk selepas tapisan pertama ini yang jadi masalah,sebab daging-daging haram yang bercampur bukan semata-mata antara daging lembu dan bukan lembu sahaja yang boleh disah tentu melalui ujian DNA,tapi termasuk daging lembu tak diketahui status sembelihan.6)Tak ada lagi teknologi untuk mengesan sah tentu status daging yang sudah tambahan pula daging yang sampai berbentuk karkas yang siap diproses.Kepala pun dah tak ada.Lainlah kalau disembelih di sini.Jadi bila tiba-tiba kau gelabah serang JAKIM,maksudnya kau tak pernah faham proses ni semua.Bukanlah kata pegawai JAKIM semua maksum tak berdosa tapi biar tahu proses dulu sebelum nak kritik pun.the rest of his points.Makes sense. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9880424737930298} +{"text": "CARIAN 'HALAL' PADA SESUATU PRODUK ATAU MAKANAN?\n\nKlik ke http://halal.gov.my untuk mengetahui status halal yang telah diluluskan oleh Bahagian Hub Halal Malaysia, Jakim.\n\nPeriksa dahulu sebelum viral!#MyGCC #MAMPU #JPM", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9542308449745178} +{"text": "QUOTE(myteam94 @ Aug 9 2018, 12:33 PM)yakin halal, makan. tidak yakin, stay off laaaathis is the only answer actually..\u00a0 kene ade pandangan syubhah. baru wujud a valid keyakinan. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994869232177734} +{"text": "QUOTE(viole @ Nov 19 2023, 11:44 PM)Yes. All business choose the best path legally for their own business. Thats common sense.Muslim tak boleh common sense, kena ikut imam, sultan, dan kalifar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999631643295288} +{"text": "QUOTE(billy3336 @ Jun 22 2023, 09:07 AM)their ultimate plan is to going back to stone age, because they think it's the best way to life in 2023But they themselves drive EV cars and guna iPhone 14 Pro Max... Apa pasal? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999935626983643} +{"text": "Satu Restoran buat hal baru buka mata semua pulak.......selama ni banyak dah buat perangai....Pekerja kotor...Makanan tak bersih....halal haram makanan yg dihidangkan....apa rancangan KKM ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998230338096619} +{"text": "Melayu ka, cina ka india ka mun sikda sijil halal semuanya jadi halal friendly - the rest up to us to decide. Yang ada kuasa untuk menetapkan JAKIM jak. Kita sapa nak berik status status gia \ud83d\ude02", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9275782704353333} +{"text": "Makanan Halal, Bersih Dan Tanpa Was-Was Bentuk Akhlak Mulia! Happy Teachers Day Selamat Hari Guru Morning Friday May Allah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8326975703239441} +{"text": "QUOTE(Ayambetul @ Mar 10 2024, 03:27 PM)Yang pakai ipong apermacam?Anak harooom yahoodee?Apple publicly support LBGT and the yahudi war.Tak nampak gov rampas their phones like swatch also. Tak nampak melayu boycott pun.Atas alasan buat setakat yang mampu la kan. Mob mentality bully mcdonalds and starbucks coz ez target.Cult logic biasala macam ini . Alasan nak buat baik tapi cari alasan buli orang jer.Thats why they wonder why people dont respect their intentions. Hipokrit like sial. Hope allah punish them back. ", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.7083799242973328} +{"text": "@AnnaSoeraya Sijil halal taiwan diiktiraf jakim tak?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991384744644165} +{"text": "Sebenarnya malaysia ni unique tau. sebab2 halal jakim power\n\n- Hidup dengan pelbagai agama\n- negara yang dikira agak maju berbanding negara islam lain\n- penglibatkan bukan islam dalam process pengesahan halal\n- rakyatnya muslimnya yang sangat pentingkan status halal makanan", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7014979124069214} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZeroSOFInfinity @ May 10 2024, 09:23 AM)But but 4.8 stars ranking on Google wor.....QUOTE(Colinlim75 @ May 10 2024, 09:29 AM)boikot QUOTE(melt @ May 10 2024, 09:36 AM)can translate?Dinner at MeatPoint, a popular steakhouse in TTDI. It's a unique style where you can choose your favorite cut and size of meat from the freezer and have it cooked for you. As it is a Halal certified restaurant, all the food is Halal and they don't serve alcohol. What's great about this restaurant is that it has a real kids' park on the second floor. It can also be used for private events such as birthday parties and seminars (screen and microphone rentals available), so I highly recommend it. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "Pelik2 lah. Makanan kucing claim ada halal jakim. Kucing aku makan bende haram takde hal lah.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999252557754517} +{"text": "my mom and adik i ni memang jenis tak kisah makan dekat mana as long as makanan tu halal and bersih. i ni jenis orang yang kesah nak makan dekat mana. thats why i always choose tempat standard. sometimes i kena marah dengan my mom sebab suka memilih ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982125759124756} +{"text": "QUOTE(wowlegion1990 @ Oct 25 2016, 06:47 PM)do you mean that names origin/culture == religion?? Yes it does ... and it still is.Name = Identity = culture = tradition = religionThis is the simplest equation i can give you..bagus...bagus...we all should change name according to religion then...wait can the equation be reversed?religion = tradition = culture = Identity = NameThis post has been edited by sunami: Oct 25 2016, 05:53 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999916553497314} +{"text": "QUOTE(BL98 @ Mar 21 2024, 01:54 PM)Can ask him again when he is doing his dakwah roadshow in bukit bintang everyweekkalau fiftnah, apa hukum dia? this question kah? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994787573814392} +{"text": "well everyone wants to know how is the paycheck?really big and is it berbaloi tak? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9472343325614929} +{"text": "QUOTE(zenoboy111 @ Mar 11 2024, 12:06 AM)sponsor all nons to migrate, lets wait and see what happens yayou sesat mana? the main topic is questioning if nons tax money should be used on bumi pplI say no? why should gov mix haram money with your halal activities, use brain layou are not gov, and we are questioning the best and proper use of it, but you are a muslim is surprisingly supportive of it?very wow much wow, more reasons why our country is fkedso much bumi entitlement and abuse towards nonsEi mangkuk, just because the money is from non doesn\u2019t mean it\u2019s not Halal money, use brain laThe number one person who abuse your money in Malaysia is also a non, your boy Jho Low.So please take comfort in that and f off\u2026This post has been edited by AlexRoss27: Mar 11 2024, 12:16 AM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999783039093018} +{"text": "@BN4everTN5O @mijjemije @lawangs23099547 @Azmann81769303 @ctnizam7711 @PutriSufi3 @Zamyusof2 @JUSTICEBOSS3 @1rmf5 @terrencedass @PejuangMelayu69 @BetterNation3 @AntiHARAMPAN @VelooSelvi @Leo_69xt @En_White_Bird @pedehalbro @KumarBoss12 @cempaka85754932 @Mohamad60295497 @myintifada @NoorAzhariAli @jezlai @pravinjasmaju @skumar176 @the_REAL_deal88 @FaridShaharudd1 @fikhwanBait @spender_biru @mjca5307 @Osman37336051 @incognito_dr @demikebenaran @Urangsabah @blackmerz101 @kontarOP @czarfira @MrNeinpewdiepie @manjaz69 @harapanonline @mooezza @pussycat____ @Kk22Kinabalu @ryjaluddin @SirJ4O @rahmeth1 @lilylazer7 @scsong @tokmatn9 Balaci mcm ko lgsung xde sijil, SBB haram mcm pig. Mana ada sijil HALAL. Kahkah", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.91727614402771} +{"text": "those bodo here doesn't understand business and u are all not their target customers.no business wants bad publicity.it's bullshit to say anything that's viral will improve sales.definitely her sales will be affected if not she wouldn't have apologised. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.6257783770561218} +{"text": "MasyaAllah.... Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, istri menyiapkan baju kerja yang bersih dan wangi ,makanan yang sehat, sepatu yang bersih, diantar cium tangan dan mendoakan suami untuk agar bekerja yang halal, bukankah jadi ladang ibadah juga untuk para istri ?", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997541308403015} +{"text": "QUOTE(Kyojin @ Nov 2 2013, 11:21 PM)Good, my beef (or pork) is the limitations of what a Muslim shouldn't do when it comes to pork. If you read my previous reply below, I respect your right to not consume pork. But it is the tiny details that irks me even when no pork is being served. Using health as a excuse is shallow in my opinion, because if it is, sugar should be haram (like cigarettes btw). More people are dying in Malaysia due to diabetic complications than pork consumption!Be a religious person if you must, do good with religion, but be practical!if you want pork served to you, you can get it at non-halal restaurant. No one forcing you not to eat pork. But dont ask Muslim to eat pork, just because your logic finds it hard to comprehend the faith of a Muslim.sugar is not stated as haram. It is Halal. But when you consume something that destorys your body, it is Haram. For a fact, consuming drugs. It is clearly destroying one's body/minds, thus it is Haram.Cigs are already stated in fatwa, that is is haram, but you know lah, some people will always find their excuses to get his own way with it. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997000694274902} +{"text": "QUOTE(Pebbie @ Mar 29 2016, 02:47 PM)in china, you really believe it is made of pork? in fact, the manufacture is doing a great service to promote pork taste to fellow muslimsLmao i dunno if ur sarcastic but its haram to eat food that tastes and have all the intention to taste like pork oso lol ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9424817562103271} +{"text": "QUOTE(limfreelance @ May 3 2021, 10:18 AM)semua betina..mesti datang bulankenape lah oren kito susah oren kita?kenapa lah betina susah betinai wanted to post something and then i saw your profile pic i was like damn... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9961088299751282} +{"text": "Lu tak suka lu sambut birthday at home maa ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8815990686416626} +{"text": "QUOTE(LegendLee @ Feb 10 2017, 09:58 AM)So if those brushes are used to paint the house, will the house now be haram?1st, they should consider masjid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998961687088013} +{"text": "QUOTE(7thSeal @ Mar 14 2024, 10:37 AM)yala yala, only their food that consumed by them can be listed in national heritage la. very pandai la, superior la. clap for them. their lancau halal food the best la ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999973773956299} +{"text": "Restoran dimiliki non. Tak boleh. Tak halal. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9802939891815186} +{"text": "sure kena kecam mesti innocent holy xleh itu ini blah blahpadahal yg komen tu ntah hisap kote rempit yg ke berapa ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9987388253211975} +{"text": "bukan kes dah siasat ke?komen kat dalam pun macam bodo.suka sangat sebar fitnah dengan fake news.Admin group yang ada 1million members, tapi kerja fitnah orang, main r&r dengan sebar fake news kat melayu je.https://www.facebook.com/groups/79030854434...56066324431443/This post has been edited by Jiao2 Itchy: Nov 14 2020, 02:29 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999321699142456} +{"text": "QUOTE(Jedi3815 @ Dec 15 2022, 10:20 AM)but once you've done that, and remove the alcohol, how?hence, is the act of fermentating is the problem, or the actual alcohol?Minuman ringan yang dibuat sama caranya dengan membuat arak sama ada mengandungi sedikit alkohol atau alkoholnya disuling adalah haram diminum.According to majlis fatwa, even you remove the alcohol from a drink (drink that has been produce with the same method producing beer is haram. Fermentation is not a problem, bread & tapai also make using a fermentation but not make us mabuk. Alcohol not a problem as well if you use for medical/cosmetic purposes. the problem is the drink that will make you mabuk sure is haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999759197235107} +{"text": "Haram for ktards, because they found keywords that ktards are allergic to, lol. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9841317534446716} +{"text": "QUOTE(toMochika27 @ Aug 9 2018, 08:02 AM)True. Waktu pergi Aussie dlu, professor aku cakap, kalau asyik tak yakin semua benda nak makan, memang kena makan pasir la jawabnyethat's why islam itu mudahkalau yakin, dipersilakan makankalau tak yakin, dipersilakan keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995307922363281} +{"text": "Makcik jual nasi lemak bawah lrt, takda sijil halal. Halal ke makanan dia? Dia beli kat vendor mana? Aku check kat JAKIM tak tersenarai pun.\n\nSiapa vendor rendang ayam dia? Kalau kau yakin halal, makan je. Kalau kau ragu2 duduk diam2 kat tepi tengok org lain makan https://x.com/pmbrutiketmura/pmbrutiketmurah/status/1077638242650882049\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999871253967285} +{"text": "QUOTE(mmusang @ Sep 10 2020, 02:17 PM)this is why I call u ignorant.Islam =/= muslimmuslim =/= Islamthat is why you drink too much camel urine. i didnt tie anything to islam you idiot. im calling out muslim you stupid. according to you, arak and rokok haram.arak = big no norokok = boleh isaparak = melayu muslim tak boleh minum rokok = melayu muslim boleh isaponly difference?arak = forbidden in quranrokok = not forbidden in quran but can be a fatwa but can still isap sureand thank you for exposing your fellow muslims because they are not following islam ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999730587005615} +{"text": "HALAL HARAM terletak pada diri anda bukan pada sijil. https://t.co/QmZ0h9VdMP", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9698368906974792} +{"text": "I tak was was i cakap je gi la check jakim sendiri. Pastu dia ckp i need to be responsible bila bawak balik makanan kena tahu halal haram hm", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9994271993637085} +{"text": "QUOTE(jishu @ Sep 24 2017, 06:14 PM)PETALING JAYA: A self-service launderette in Muar, Johor is limiting its clientele to Muslim customers only.The matter first came to light when a photo, believed to have been taken at the launderette, showing an 'Only For Muslims' sign went viral on social media.The sign also asked customers to remove their shoes before entering the premises.The 40-year-old operator, who was interviewed by a Chinese daily on Saturday, said he was just carrying out his duty as a Muslim.He said he welcomed Chinese and Indian Muslims to his launderette and that non-Muslims could visit other nearby launderettes.He, however, declined to comment on whether he had imposed the rules as he worried that there might be \"unclean\" elements such as dog fur on the clothes non-Muslims brought to his launderette.The operator also did not allow the Chinese daily reporter to take his photo.Meanwhile, a Malay daily reported Johor mufti Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin as saying that the launderette's move was commendable as cleanliness is a priority for Muslims.SOSso business owner cannot decide what to allow in his premise? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7688658833503723} +{"text": "Sebab aku pernah baca buku halal/haram keluaran jakim. Hampir semua makanan diproses ada gelatin. Dalam manisan lagi la ada guna gelatin tu. Gelatin mostly tak halal (sbb lagi jimat amik dari babi). Sbb tu aku paranoid sikit nak makan..tunggu dia dapat status halal jakim dulu", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991921782493591} +{"text": "Nasik kandaq Nasmeer baru dapat sijil halal? Sebelum ni haram ka? Haha. Jaminan yg makanan yg disediakan tu, bersih.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9120141863822937} +{"text": "Its time to viral and boycott the shop. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9973104000091553} +{"text": "only when you produce or consume alcohol with the intention for being mabuk, then alcohol is haram.This post has been edited by ipohps3: Dec 15 2022, 09:40 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995300769805908} +{"text": "Nak makan, biar yakin 100% halal. Jgn ikut org lain. Tngk org lain makan bnda merepek2 kita pun nak try. Tapi taktau sumbernya halal ke haram. And tak payah lah nak bagi alasan, \"jangan ragu2\". Dah confirm2 takde sijil halal. Takyah ragu2 kepala \ud83e\uddd3 kau.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5048693418502808} +{"text": "QUOTE(ToddStarz @ Jan 7 2020, 09:29 AM)no way it will be certified halal if it is call pork substitute. because even if the food is halal, but taste like pork, it is haramQuote me the fatwa ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9971601963043213} +{"text": "QUOTE(Akmall540 @ Oct 3 2023, 04:20 PM)Im married liao. Got 2 kids somemore.\u00a0 Don't let your wifu have more kid. Make sure your 2 kids are having best quality upbringing. Ride safe sir. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999912977218628} +{"text": "QUOTE(diffyhelman2 @ Aug 19 2022, 10:17 AM)Kek. I think the pegawaix2 some of\u00a0 them first time entering such a place. Must be geli af terhidu haram stuff for first time ever.Sekarang hidu pun haram\u2026 wow\u2026 last time we can eat pork anywhere now have to eat in hidden place \u2026 as cannot let Muslim see , smell and touch it\u2026 pork not cheap ooo \u2026 u think suka2 wanna feed u at chicken price meh? Pork stock yea flavourful but other meat also can achieve similar consistency n taste with the help of MSG\u2026 y would 1 wanna risk it ? Muslim think making pork broth easy meh ? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9917871356010437} +{"text": "\nOriginally posted by anticuado at 5-2-2009 09:51 PM \r\nko biar betul... serius????? aku pun tak tau nak kena buat report kat mana, ko pegi kat persatuan pengguna islam ker..... \n\nSerious! Mesjid jauh. Adalah sorang dua student yang kaya and sewa kereta, so kalau ada rezeki dapatlah tumpang mereka. Yang lain - kantoi solatlah.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9937964677810669} +{"text": "https://says.com/my/news/salmonella-found-g...ths-93-infectedSalmonella Found In Gombak Food Poisoning Case That Resulted In 2 Deaths & 93 InfectedThe Health Ministry has found salmonella in stool samples from victims who had consumed fried bihun and fried eggs during a school programme on Sunday, 9 June, in Gombak, SelangorAccording to the New Straits Times, the Selangor Health Department said some stool samples are still pending results after being sent to the National Public Health Laboratory in Sungai Buloh.\"Results are still pending for other samples, such as food from the incident, swabs from related surface areas, and equipment where food was prepared, as well as clinical samples from the food handlers,\" the department told the English daily.It is understood that the total number of people hospitalised for food poisoning following the event has increased by 11, from 82 to 93.https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/...maut-keracunan/Jais arah henti khidmat bekalan makanan selepas 2 maut keracunanPETALING JAYA: Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) mengarahkan pihak perkhidmatan makanan menghentikan bekalan disyaki menjadi punca keracunan makanan dalam program Amal Islami di Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA) Sungai Cincin, Gombak yang menyebabkan dua individu maut.Pengarahnya, Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad berkata, perkara itu sudah dimaklumkan kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Islam Jais. PUAS MANA PUAS? YOUR OWN SEKOLAH YOU PUN TAK ENDAH TO BENTANG IN PARLIAMENT ON FOOD SAFETY !!!!EVERYDAY WANT TO KECAM NON PUNYA VERNACULARSELALU KEPO JAGA TEPI KAIN ORG LAIN, SENDIRI PUNYA ISU DIKETEPIKAN.This post has been edited by hoonanoo: Aug 6 2024, 02:30 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998834133148193} +{"text": "Im saying this sbb ramai sgt x puas hati psl xde sijil halal and ramai defend x semestinya x halal. So in conclusion you decide it yourself whether it's good for you or not. It's your matter.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985135197639465} +{"text": "Sushi King and Empire Sushi both have been altered to suit local taste. Doesn't mean it's bad though, I kinda enjoyed Empire Sushi.But of course nothing beats the original. Once tried a small family restaurant at Kanazawa, fuh, easily the best sushi I had. But not halal la. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9985576272010803} +{"text": "orang yang ambil mudah isu halal haram ni lagi bodoh sebenarnya. kalau kedai tu dah ada sijil halal, bagitau. taksemua orang tahu dan benda tu taktermasuk dalam \u201ccommon sense\u201d, bingai. aku marah ni.", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995688796043396} +{"text": "Kadang pelik dengan sesetengah muslim kat Malaysia. Dah dok Malaysia, mudah la nak cari makanan halal. Lebih menyakinkan yang ada logo halal Jakim/ logo yg diiktiraf oleh mereka. Tapi yang syubhah juga nak dipertahankan. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9471483826637268} +{"text": "QUOTE(zerorating @ Jan 10 2024, 01:01 PM)dafuq.i think i die bosan living there\u00a0 pergi kerja balik kerja after that lepak and sleep at home onlyOnly pubs and bars open late. They need to open mamak there ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998856782913208} +{"text": "Fatwa tak boleh sedap-sedap ambil dari internet macam tu sahaja. Di Malaysia, kita ada JAKIM nak pantau status halal makanan dan mufti yang boleh bantu mengeluarkan kita daripada kebuntuan.\n\nHak halal haram itu hak Allah. Menghalalkan perkara yang haram dan mengharamkan perkara", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999873638153076} +{"text": "QUOTE(amon_meiz @ Jul 12 2018, 05:59 PM)Still not getting better sonGo learn how to read summoreWho said that? Who said vote ph=vote pork? Bodo mana cakap macam tu? Trigger? They report a poor conduct by the organizersThey are reporters after allIf anyone trigger, its u guys Plotek this organizer harder than pas member plotek isisdono u buta or illiterate...i malas layan d...bye bye... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9991063475608826} +{"text": "Ikut pengalaman aku ikut abg aku buat halal cert consultation utk premis makanan yg \"muslim friendly\" ni byk aspek tak lepas spec JAKIM especially ingredient diragui, xde muslim staff, knowledge pasal food handling & halal teruk. Especially imported ingredient https://x.com/pedoqpop/statu/pedoqpop/status/1299526935559598080\u2026", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995725750923157} +{"text": "Can get Prince of Earth status straight? ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(ZerOne01 @ Apr 23 2024, 09:18 PM)This keep me thinking. Now I probably need answers or some reassurances. Disclaimer: This is a big IF.ANSWER 1 If the majority finally snapped out from the lies politicians keep feeding them withANSWER 2They start to practice religion moderately, stop imposing absurd religious rules in everythingANSWER 3Realizing that the way to improve this country is by giving everyone equal access to opportunities and work together without prejudice to improve the economyANSWER 4Thinking that the affirmative action has only enriches the elites and already failed to serve it purposesBut they are also quite behind and trying to catch up, because like I said affirmative action failed to make them competitiveWill you give them chances?Will this finally solve R&R issues?Will everyone finally get along together and speak one language (i.e. understand each other)?1. Malay culture is a feudal society that based on loyalty for it's ruler. Politician knows this and being loyal to your party will reward you in the future.The hierarchy is Rakyat will look up for the KK, KK will look up to YB, YB will look up to Ministers and Ministers will look up to the KingIf rumah banjir, rakyat will complain to KK to ask for help. Then YB will give fund to gali parit or bina jetty.Even so if the YB need a bigger fund like building bridge so that Rakyat don't need ferry anymore, he have to make his way up to ask for fund from Minister.That is how the system works. You loyal, you get his attention immediately. If not, take a number. 2. There are no moderate Muslim in Islam. Muslim only follows Sunnah Waljamaah path. The rest are not considered Muslim but Munafiq and Kafir. Iran are Syiah and it is a religion that is not tolerated in Malaysia. ISIS killed more Muslim than others. Suicide is the only sin that cannot be forgiven in Islam.3. That is what NEP is trying to do, give equal access to education for all it's people and currently we are not doing thatand since majority of Bumi lives in non urban areas, they are given privilege to buy a home in the urban areas, access to schools and colleges and more business/finance opportunity for the Bumi.When you say, we should help only the poor - we have plenty of departments for that like JKM and such.Every ethnic here lives in their own bubble and wealth only trickles down between themselves. 4. The gap between Malay and Chinese is getting closer every year so NEP works. That is the goal here, to close the income gap between Malay and Chinese.The gap is the core reason why 13th May started. It is also the reason for a lot of racial riots in Indonesia and Singapura. If you say only the elite enriches the elites, so it proves that wealth trickles down to their own kind.It'll provide more job opportunities for people down below.There are always elites in every society, we are not communist or Kibbutz dwellersEpilogueMalaysia need to boost its population to at least 50 Million to be able for us to stand on our feet without any foreign labor.We need to improve our food production in farms and fisheries to support this population boom.We are entering from the age of maturity to the age of mass consumption, which is the final stage of economic growth stage.Closing the gap income distribution between Bumi and Non Bumi will stabilize racial relationshipin order for a stable politics and positive economic growth. Abolish NEP once the goal is achieved.Close all SJKC/I and only use one stream of school system. Split it into STEM, TVET or Art if needed.Impose Bahasa Melayu to all the children so that it can be the lingua franca to ease the relation between ethnics just like Thai and Indonesian did.Keep Malaysia secular with Sharia law only to Muslim and never impose it to others.Ease up our citizenship applications so that we can accept more like minded people as our fellow citizen.Absorb Brunei as Malaysia's 15th state if they wanted to. Make it like Sabah/Sarawak as wilayah in autonomy. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9703409075737} +{"text": "First of all, bukan masalah susu babi, masalah bahan yg digunakan atau sumber gelatin utk buat pearl tu,kalau takde status halal, kita pon tak tahu sumber mana, tak kan main cekik je, kita orang Islam dah tentu kena pastikan sumber makanan kita halal dan bersih", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9519014954566956} +{"text": "Memang nak ada sijil halal bertepek dulu ke baru nak yakin?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.997101366519928} +{"text": "Okay baru yakin nak pi haritu tengok kedai dia ada jual macam kopi gitu untuk dibeli and ada halal.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9971659779548645} +{"text": "QUOTE(korgiforlite @ Aug 18 2015, 11:25 AM)meanwhile rokok is allowed,ade tax = halalx de tax = haramseriously if u all really continue blindly follow whatever they say, good luck futureQUOTE(timizama @ Aug 18 2015, 11:28 AM)what a bunch of bullshithow about cigarettes then? oh wait its taxed and benefits the gov so it should be halal huh?maybe next time they should make alcohol drinks halal too since its taxed alsoKorang ni asyik nak SUAPPPPP je~ Smoking From The Perspective Of IslamDecision:The 37th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia held on 23rd March 1995 has discussed on smoking from the perspective of Islam. The Committee has decided that smoking is prohibited in Islam because it is harmful. Keterangan/Hujah: HURAIAN: \u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00ab Rokok mengandungi pelbagai jenis racun. Fakta daripada kajian-kajian perubatan telah membuktikan bahawa setiap batang rokok mengandungi 6-8 mg. nikotian dan pelbagai bahan kimia lain. Setiap sedutan asap rokok sebenarnya kita telah menghidu sebanyak 4,000 jenis bahan kimia yang boleh memudharatkan badan. Ketagihan tembakau bukan hanya menimbulkan masalah kepada perokok, malah ia berada di tempat keempat dalam senarai faktor risiko bagi penyakit serius yang menular di seluruh dunia. Tabiat merokok dikaitkan dengan risiko barah, penyakit jantung dan masalah pernafasan. Terdapat beberapa jenis penyakit yang berpunca dari merokok, antaranya ialah kanser kerongkong, kanser mulut, katarak (sejenis kerosakan mata yang menyebabkan kanta mata berselaput dan rabun), ulser perut, penyakit jantung, strok, penyakit paru-paru, emfisema paru-paru dan banyak lagi. Pada masa kini jumlah perokok sama ada dinegara maju atau negara membangun masih begitu besar, walaupun berbagai usaha telah dibuat oleh Kerajaan serta badan-badan sukarela bagi menyedarkan orang ramai tentang bahayanya merokok kepada orang ramai. Di Malaysia, merokok menyumbang kepada lebih 10,000 kematian setahun; 30% daripadanya disebabkan 10 jenis kanser, iaitu paru-paru, mulut, esophagus, tekak, pankreas, pundi kencing, buah pinggang, serviks, kolon dan perut. Sebanyak 50% kematian berpunca daripada sakit jantung dan strok. Kerajaan telah membelanjakan banyak wang untuk merawat berbagai jenis penyakit yang dikaitkan dengan tabiat merokok dan negara juga mengalami kerugian kira-kira RM 20 billion setahun bagi menanggung kos rawatan dan kehilangan produktiviti. Imam al-Syafi\u2019e telah mengeluarkan fatwa dalam kitabnya yang masyhur al-Umm iaitu:\u201d Jika mereka mengambil (sesuatu makanan, minuman atau sesuatu yang dihisap, dihidu dan disedut) yang boleh memabukkan, maka perbuatan itu adalah jelas haram. (Termasuklah) yang mengandungi racun yang menyebabkan kematian. Aku tetap menganggap (menfatwakan) ia adalah haram. Allah swt mengharamkan (apapun jenis) pembunuhan kerana pembunuh bermakna membunuh diri sendiri\u201d. Para ulama\u2019 sepakat menyatakan bahawa merokok hukumnya haram kerana ianya jelas memudharatkan kesihatan, membazir dan mensia-siakan harta serta dikategorikan sebagai satu perkara keji, berdasarkan nas-nas berikut: a. Firman Allah swt dalam Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 195 yang bermaksud: \u201cDan janganlah kamu sengaja mencampakkan diri kamu ke dalam bahaya kebinasaan\u201d. b. Firman Allah swt dalam Surah al-A\u2019raf ayat 157 yang bermaksud; \u201c Dan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk\u201d. c. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: \u201c Tidak boleh memberi mudharat dan membalas dengan kemudharatan\u201d. (Hadith riwayat Ahmad, Malik, Ibn Majah dan al-Daraqutni) d. Kaedah Usul Fiqh: \u062f\u0631\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0641\u0627\u0633\u062f \u0645\u0642\u062f\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u062c\u0644\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0635\u0627\u0644\u062d yang bermaksud \u201c menolak kerosakan adalah didahulukan daripada mencari kemaslahatan\u201d 6. Beberapa negara Islam dan beberapa ulama\u2019 muktabar telah mengeluarkan fatwa tentang amalan merokok. Antaranya seperti berikut: a. Kerajaan Arab Saudi mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa merokok, menanam tembakau dan memperniagakannya adalah hukumnya haram kerana daripadanya terdapat kemudharatan. b. Ulama\u2019-ulama\u2019 semasa Mesir seperti Dr. Abdul Jalil Shalaby mengatakan merokok adalah haram kerana ia boleh mendatangkan kemudharatan kepada kesihatan masyarakat. c. Dr. Zakaria Al Bari (anggota Akademi Kajian Islam dan Anggota Lujnah Fatwa Al-Azhar) menyatakan merokok hukumnya haram atau makruh adalah pendapat yang kuat. d. Al Imam Al-Akbar Mahmud Shaltut telah menjelaskan bahawa pendapat yang menyatakan merokok hukumnya haram atau makruh adalah pendapat yang kuat. e. Al Imam Abdul Halim Mahmud dalam kitabnya \u201cFatawa al-Imam Abdul Halim Mahmud\u201d telah memberi fatwa merokok hukumnya makruh jika ia tidak mendatangkan kemudharatan kepada kesihatan. Sebaliknya adalah haram jika ia mendatangkan kemudharatan kepada kesihatan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999849796295166} +{"text": "Haram. Ambil gambar / video balik gosok b ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9982228875160217} +{"text": "Assalamualaikum fellow Muslims /k'sI would like to study and understand your opinion on an issue that has been bothering for quite some time now. Being a Muslim myself, personally, I believe that every one is equal in Islam regardless of age, race and status. However, in Malaysia, we have special rights for a certain race. This would contradict with what I believe in which leads to my issue. And this is a supposedly Islamic country. So I would like to understand and hopefully find answers from the vast and wide knowledge of the Muslims from K. PS, serious question no vroom vroom. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999923586845398} +{"text": "@ninifaryanie Pasal halal ah. Duit dah bayar. Kursus dah pergi. Sijil tak dapat. Setelah setahun 2 bulan berlalu, jakim cakap speaker tak diiktiraf. HAHA sia sia~", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999475479125977} +{"text": "QUOTE(westernkl @ Jan 23 2021, 04:17 PM)Janji mesti HALAL woi~!!!!!!Tak halal, tak makan!!!dont now if this some bad sarcasm comment, but yeah no halal cert means many wont go. halal doesnt mean no pork only. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9892934560775757} +{"text": "I've seen and experience eating with a malay / islam colleague in a vegetarian restaurant few times.Today as i was around a vegetarian restaurant, i saw a malay lady with tudung was eating inside with some Chinese colleagues. So nothing wrongBut i saw two malay ladies pass by and keep looking inside the restaurant and i guess she is looking and making sure that it is a tudung malay inside and i guess she's feeling unconformable about it or feeling weird about that.So K's, actually izzit Haram to eat in a vege restaurant since it didn't serve any meat at all. So the so called Halal meat is not a question. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8297104239463806} +{"text": "Sarawak makan mana best, first time going there next week ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.985791802406311} +{"text": "Sbb tu kena cari yg sekufu, elakkan kahwin anak org kaya sbb dari kecik dilayan cerewet, kalau tk suka makanan mak akan masakan/beli makanan baru, org kebanyakan suka tk suka kena makan nanti lapar. Org kebanyakan senang jaga perutnya berbanding org kaya. Sekian palatao dari saya", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3911440372467041} +{"text": "QUOTE(Avex @ Jan 8 2021, 10:21 PM)warung also no sijil halal, tak bising punExactly. Why must have this particular definition of halal and haram?Because from the start the game is rigged with 1 objective in mind - apartheid. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998681545257568} +{"text": "QUOTE(RT8081 @ Mar 5 2024, 11:13 AM)Yup. These PN MP still stuck zaman mana niQUOTE(msacras @ Mar 5 2024, 11:11 AM)and the best way to introduce something little known js always campaign/viralmarketingViral has different perspective. When motobodo do stunt and die that is call bodo viral.Nandos social media post viral that is marketing targetting done right. In fact, Nandos has one of the best social media management team in Malaysia. Do you think how much Nandos paid the agency each every year?You want a motor bodo viral or Nandos humor viral for your country? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999635219573975} +{"text": "Fb and toxic people cannot be apart. Still nak arguing pasal xft punya halal haram, sijil tu taksah whatsoever. Duhh \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998859167098999} +{"text": "Status Halal, *Buat masa ini, Seven Oaks Bakery Cafe dalam proses mendapatkan sijil halal rasmi *Tiada sebarang alkohol dicampur dalam setiap penyediaan makanan dan desserts yang dihidangkan", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8515319228172302} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallydupe @ Nov 20 2023, 08:49 PM)U guys serve daging lembu to hindus and buddhist in malaysia pula? Jokers laGood thing is bharat has the balls to say noI admit there is lack of sensitivity from Malaysia majority but i don't recall a single function (of any race) which only serves beef. so you have option. What India is doing is discriminating against the Muslim because if you ban certification, they have limited way of knowing the status of the food. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998972415924072} +{"text": "Kalau hanya Jakim yang boleh, wajib, certify halal baru boleh nak makan.. then buang sajalah akal fikiran tu. Sebab by that way.. small Muslim owned business makanan I can bet tak apply sijil Halal.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996753931045532} +{"text": "QUOTE(ImAn @ Apr 18 2024, 12:00 PM)kalau tak sohai beli area mana?TTDI, BU, SS2, Bukit tunku, mont Kiara, DPC, ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9998461008071899} +{"text": "MASA FAMILY MART JADI VIRAL, ADA ORG KATA MENGANDUNGI LEMAK KINZIR. MASA BUBBLE TEA JADI VIRAL, ADA ISU PASAL TIADA SIJIL HALAL. WHY SEMUA BENDA PERLU JADIKAN VIRAL DAN PERLU CARI PERKARA YANG NEGATIF?", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.998572826385498} +{"text": "Yes. Betultu, asalkan jalan keluar sama2 tu pun da seronokkkkk sangatttttttttt. Ajak makan sekali lagila seronok. Tak kisah dekat mana asalkan makanan tu halal dan tempattu bersih.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5960026979446411} +{"text": "QUOTE(blackpink @ Dec 30 2019, 06:03 PM)noticed there some stalls thats are halal certified and some muslim owned which does not have halal cert, whats the difference? if the muslim who owned the restaurant is like ahmad who go friday prayers but at night go zouk then how? - quoted from SMRTsaya buat boleh , you buat, tak boleh you blow arh , tak suka , keluar ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5073640942573547} +{"text": "i think no problem pun nak iftar kat mana, asalkan kalau mampu silakan, kalau mampu tapi nak makan biasa je pun silakan. tiada dalil kata buffet tu haram n mostly hotel serve makanan bersih dan halal. tak perlu pun nak guilt trip kata orang makan mahal ni tak faham islam yg betul https://x.com/nnsyafiqahh/st/nnsyafiqahh/status/1512188469514104834\u2026", "tpb_label": "perceived behavioural control", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998805522918701} +{"text": "QUOTE(WhatMan @ Apr 28 2024, 12:50 PM)Can change account type online or have to go to bank to do it?iirc you need to closed down your current i account and open a new onebut of course diff bank diff procedure, best to contact your bank helpline for further clarification ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9996070265769958} +{"text": "Just a bit of a reality check for you:http://www.vox.com/2015/6/23/8823349/immig...n-system-brokenExtract:I spent the last 15 years trying to become an American. I've failed.by William Han on June 23, 2015I have lived in America for the past 15 years. I have two Ivy League degrees. And I am on the verge of deportation....When the rest of the world sends America its best and brightest, America says, \"Go Away\"cliff's:- Talented Asian New Zealander (originally from Singapore), goes to US, expects a fair chance- Bosses keep telling him \"we will sponsor you, but you mustn't ask to be sponsored or we'll fire you\"- He becomes \"Pak Turut\"- Then, deportation time.Lesson: Don't be Pak Turut, be a noisy Asian asking for a fair chance. Better to learn the truth earlier than later ...QUOTE(Babytiffy @ Dec 14 2015, 07:33 AM)Ayam here not sure how its done. Planning to migrate to U.S for a better job and future plans.Anyone experienced on how to apply jobs/visas/permanent residence and etc?Need some informative information.This post has been edited by AnimeSinceForever: Dec 15 2015, 06:41 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997655749320984} +{"text": "@nazriqnana @idhammer itulah tp aku rilek je beli dia punya sate \ud83d\ude02 tp honestly aku tak kesah sgt kalau kedai tu takde sijil halal yg diiktiraf, asalkan owner dia jujur la.", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9825496673583984} +{"text": "QUOTE(bbdd12 @ Oct 27 2016, 05:13 PM)Ok la seems like this will be best option for both groups. Will have to arrange accordingly . Thanks yoto make it happening, include tea ceremony together. so that it looks formal and glamorous as hell. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999817609786987} +{"text": "QUOTE(smallbug @ Jan 13 2024, 01:50 PM)https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/national/isl...3031de900&ei=24PETALING JAYA: Muslims may work in conventional banks in times of emergency or when there is a lack of alternative employment, says Penang mufti Wan Salim Nor.He said this shows Islamic law is flexible and always takes into account the changeable nature of life.\u201cIt should be known that times of emergency or great need allow for exceptions from the usual religious law,\u201d Wan Salim added.\u201cThis is a temporary allowance, not a permanent one.\u201dWan Salim was commenting on the recommendation by Federal Territories mufti Luqman Abdullah for Muslim employees at conventional banks to move to jobs that are considered \u201chalal\u201d.Luqman had explained that employees at conventional banks can be divided as follows \u2013 those who work directly with transactions that have elements of riba, or usury, which is haram; and those that do not work directly with such transactions.He said that even though there may be difficulty with finding employment, Muslims should make every effort to avoid or leave \u201charam places of work\u201d.\u201cTry to find jobs that are legal under Islamic law. Once you can find a job that is appropriate and halal, you can leave your old haram workplace,\u201d he told FMT.haram tapi boleh,macam idologi pas ni, ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.8695722818374634} +{"text": "QUOTE(hazzery @ Mar 7 2023, 03:54 PM)there's a link and you can translate to english..Using AI to translate\u00bb Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... \u00abEvery alcoholic drink contains alcohol. However, not all alcohol is considered alcoholic drinks. Alcohol that is obtained from the process of making alcoholic drinks is considered haram (forbidden) and impure.On the other hand, alcohol obtained not through the process of making alcoholic drinks is not impure, but haram (forbidden) to drink in its original form because it is poison and can be lethal.Soft drinks that are processed/made not with the intention of producing alcoholic drinks and have alcohol content below 1%v/v are halal (permissible) to drink.Meanwhile, soft drinks made with the same intention and process as making alcoholic drinks, whether they contain a lot or a little alcohol or the alcohol is distilled, are haram (forbidden) to drink.Food or drinks that naturally contain alcohol, such as fruits, nuts or grains and their extracts, or alcohol that occurs incidentally during the food or drink production process, are not impure and are halal (permissible) to eat/drink.Food or drinks that contain flavorings or colorings that contain alcohol for stabilizing purposes are halal (permissible) to use if the alcohol is not produced from the process of making alcoholic drinks and the quantity of alcohol in the final product is not intoxicating, and the alcohol content does not exceed 0.5%.Medicines and perfumes that contain alcohol as a solvent are not impure and are permitted if the alcohol is not obtained through the process of making alcoholic drinks.QUOTE(Oltromen Ripot @ Mar 7 2023, 04:19 PM)Umum: Alkohol yang terhasil secara semulajadi, atau dihasilkan sintetik bukan untuk tujuan membuat arak atau memabukkan maka dibolehkan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sepatutnya. Umum: Alkohol (atau sampingan) dihasilkan/terhasil daripada tujuan pembuatan arak, ABSOLUTELY HARAM, DIANGGAP NAJIS.Spesifik: Alkohol yang membahayakan nyawa jika dimakan, maka HARAM JIKA DIMAKAN. Siapa suruh kau makan?(5) Alkohol yang terhasil secara semulajadi (buahan, sayuran) atau terhasil secara sampingan daripada pembuatan makanan/minuman, dibenarkan. kau bukan nak dapatkan alkohol tu, tapi ia termunc juga atau memang dah ada.(6) Alkohol (yang bukan daripada tujuan penghasilan arak) yang digunakan untuk tujuan penghasilan makanan/minuman dibenarkan pada nisbah tertentu. Asalnya tak ada, kau tambah pula cikit nak bagi makanan dan minuman tu menjadi, tapi alkohol tu bukanlah komponen utama atau ditambah sebab nak bagi mabuk.(7) Ubatan dan pewangi boleh gunakan alkohol yang bukan datang daripada pembuatan arak. Digunakan (pewangi) atau dimakan (ubat) tak salah.Tapi kalau dimakan pewangi dah tentu jatuh balik sebagai HARAM sebab dah salahguna alkohol yang tak sepatutnya dimakan.Which means that it is permissible to drink la. Brew does not equate to arak it is just a form of drink making.Alcohol produced come from fruits and also byproduct of fermentation la kan. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998027682304382} +{"text": "Aku tak yakin dan was2 dgn air trend n viral skrg ni. Klu nak tau sebab ape? Bende tak ade SIJIL HALAL JAKIM Kemon gais setup cmpny ratus ribu kot takkan tak mampu buat sijil halal?", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8729622960090637} +{"text": "jalan jalan, beli jajanan/makanan yg ak suka", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999960660934448} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vinci777 @ Feb 13 2016, 12:50 PM)I've been wondering this for a Long time. Surprise those extremist no go protest protekAnyway for them they always think Muslims is the stupidest in this country. Probably its targeted to his supporters lolbcos extremist who go plotek don't have money to go and eat at fancy restaurants like chilli's/tony romas/red lobster/olive garden etc...tbh i have tried to bring my waifu to go and eat tony romas but she doesn't want to bcos she doubts their halal status and is not comfortable eating in a resturant that serves alcoholic beverages... ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999150037765503} +{"text": "Kucing pun ada makanan halal. Ada kelulusan Jakim tak ni? Moralnya kucing pun kena tepati syariat......", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.5883076190948486} +{"text": "Klo kalian kaya raya jgn tinggalin makanan di pinggir jalan yg suka kalian beli :)", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9202077388763428} +{"text": "what mufti say is always bias toward prevention la. their job is to advise not enforce. different muftis can have different thought on any topics.but anything ask them about activity that is out of cultural norm, consider default answer is haram.what weird is that when non-muslim concern more about haram stuff while muslim relaks je isap rokok.This post has been edited by otakotak: Jan 4 2018, 11:10 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999638557434082} +{"text": "Kalau nak ikut tasawuf, Starbucks pun tak halal, walaupun ada sijil halal jakim tapi Starbuck support israel. Halal untuk makan/minum, tapi duit hasil tu pergi kemana kena tahu juga. Tapi yg penting, kalau cukup syarat halal, ok je. Sembang lebih2 kang kena tuduh sesat pulak.", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9207108020782471} +{"text": "QUOTE(doomvein @ Nov 23 2020, 02:14 AM)u can kutuk the seller. but going far asking malay go taste cakoi at chinese stall..that call for trouble.What kind of trouble? Give you an example la, there's a chinese kopitiam in Ipoh called new hollywood where everything is halal there. Every morning full of people, malays included. Not only cakoi, you can try so many different types of authentic chinese foods like chee cheong fun or har mee there.There are also plenty of other kafir chinese + chinese muslims restaurants selling halal chinese foods you know.Minda tu bukak sikit, everyday racing tak bosan ke? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9950723052024841} +{"text": "QUOTE(Wolfman87 @ Oct 19 2016, 07:36 AM)Ni ikut nafsu sangat.....ko pi kedai magnum ke kuda ke toto ke...hari rabu santu ahad ko tengok....pak lebai juga banyak beratur....yang suka tu halal la....x suka tu haram la....ada fatwa kata rokok haram...tapi isap jugak...Janji layan dulu....Nanti aiskrim Magnum diharamkan kerana selepas makan akan keliru dan pergi beli Magnum 4D... ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999929666519165} +{"text": "QUOTE(JoeK @ May 21 2019, 11:53 AM)If i cook chicken using western punya recipe, put wine when frying the chicken then halal or haram?If i eat the chicken it will not make me drunk, so halal?follow the principlesits not about \"just because you spilled a bottle of wine in the river, i wont eat a lembu which drink from the river\"its about you \"having a bottle of wine in your house\"if you end up having a bottle of wine in your house, to cook chicken, it doesnt matter if the alcohol is evaporated or not.its simply haram.and there is a huge caviat over all this. if in doubt, assume haram. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9972033500671387} +{"text": "QUOTE(JimbeamofNRT @ Aug 12 2022, 10:48 AM)and now this$$$$$ making scheme from the same owner of Malakat MallAsraff Jeffery\u00a0 \u00b7Saya sebenarnya sudah tidak berminat untuk tulis berkenaan dengan Quantum Metal, cukup-lah dengan post-post sebelum ini. Tapi hari ini,saya nampak skim Emas Brainy Bunch (disandar kepada QM) yang disarankan oleh Coach Fadzil, pemiliknya,maka saya terpanggil untuk buat post baru sebagai peringatan dari seorang Muslim kepada Muslim yang lain..Bagi saya,apa yang Coach buat ini sangat bahaya kerana ianya bersifat tidak pasti. Ramai ahli QM berkeras yang QM bukanlah intrumen pelaburan tetapi tempat simpan Emas. Kalau QM adalah satu tempat simpan yang benar,intrumen pelaburan yang sahih,bukan scam sekalipun, skim yang Coach buat ini adalah sangat bahaya..Boleh jadi lepas orang masuk skim yang Coach buat, harga emas jatuh dan bagaimana orang nak bayar yuran BB tersebut? Kalau Coach bagi penangguhan bayaran yuran kepada yang join, itu cerita lain dan saya sendiri akan join. .Bagaimana pula kalau ibu bapa pelajar tersebut adalah ahli QM tetapi bukan dalam circle Coach,adakah dia juga akan dapat benefit yang sama? Saya yakin tidak. Kekuasan Coach dalam ekosistem QM ada keterbatasannya. Hakikatnya, Coach bukan pemilik QM, Coach hanya salah seorang Leader di dalamnya. Pemilik QM adalah Cina dan Non Muslim. .Saya tiada dendam dengan Coach. Saya sendiri salah seorang pelanggan Coach di Brainy Bunch dan saya sangat kagum bagaimana Coach dapat buat franchise tadika tersebut. Tetapi dalam bab QM yang tidak pasti statusnya macamana ini,kita berbeza pendapat. .Nau'zubillah,kalau QM adalah skim cepat kaya dan tersontot,reputasi Coach,Malakat Mall dan Brainy Bunch akan terpalit sekali. Nau'zubillah..Saya sebenarnya berdoa agar debat antara Coach dengan Tuan Alwi Adam berlansung supaya semua antara kita dapat manfaat dan dapat jawapan samada QM adalah instrumen pelaburan yang sah ataupun sekadar Skim Cepat Kaya..Saya tidak dapat tag Coach sebab sudah di-block.He overextended liao if he's resorting to partnering with QM.He was on to something with his education biz. Should work on it. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9865207672119141} +{"text": "For some mufti the helang is more haram than he/sheThis post has been edited by udangbusuk: Sep 6 2016, 09:13 AM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998206496238708} +{"text": "QUOTE(LarryPizzaGuy @ Jul 24 2019, 03:26 PM)Something seems wrong here....Halal cert is from Malaysia.Why those bodo ppl ask the Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) to confirm?Different country with different certification authority also........Wait for tomorrow news to confirm truth.Halal cert people usually no work to do so their response is pretty fast. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9995772242546082} +{"text": "\nTempat Menarik Di Ipoh: Makanan Halal, Kafe Cantik & Tempat-Tempat Yang Mesti Dikunjungi!\n\n\nMakanan halal, sedap & tempat menarik di Ipoh\n\n\r\nIpoh adalah sebuah kota tenang di Malaysia dengan makanan, budaya dan pemandangan indah. Selain daripada kopi putih Ipoh, tau fu fah dan lukisan dinding, Ipoh juga mempunyai gunung kars batu kapur, gua dan mata air panas yang tenang.\n\r\nSama ada anda mencari pengembaraan atau ketenangan, semuanya pasti ada di sini. Lihat panduan untuk perkara terbaik untuk dilakukan di Ipoh, termasuk tarikan yang wajib dikunjungi dan restoran, kafe bersama makanan tempatan yang terbaik di sini!\n\n\n1. Concubine Lane\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @ronantjw\n\n\r\nDua jalan ini wajib dikunjungi apabila anda berada di Ipoh. Berjalan di lorong-lorong dengan kedai-kedai butik comel, kafe yang tenang, kedai-kedai pencuci mulut dan dinding-dinding yang dihiasi dengan lukisan dan seni jalanan.\r\nBersedialah untuk bergambar dengan latar belakang yang cantik dan pastikan anda singgah ke kedai yang menarik minat anda - anda boleh membeli perhiasan kecil dan cenderamata tempatan, tau fu fah, roti bakar keju pelangi, dan juga aiskrim di sepanjang jalan ini.\n\n2. Kong Heng Square\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @gina.phillips\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @rafidaaaaaaaah\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @winnieeeeesia\n\r\nTerletak tak jauh daripada Concubine Lane, Kong Heng Square adalah tempat yang menawarkan pelbagai jenis makanan (termasuk restoran, kafe Plan B), butik pakaian dan barang perhiasan. Tempat ini pernah diabaikan, tapi telah dibina semula sebagai tempat melepak yang ceria dan menarik di tengah-tengah kota Ipoh.\r\nRamai orang akan singgah ke Kong Heng Square Artisan Market di mana anda boleh temui gerai-gerai kecil yang menjual cenderamata, seni tangan, makanan dan banyak lagi!\n\n\r\nAlamat: 75a, Jalan Bandar Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak\n\n\n3. BookXcess Kong Heng\n\n\r\nPhoto Credit: @keesymh\n\n\r\nPhoto Credit: @keesymh\n\n\r\nPhoto Credit: @isti.qmrh\n\r\nTerletak di Kong Heng Square, BookXcess Kong Heng hanya mula dibuka pada April 2019 dan telah menjadi tempat menarik di sini. Yang uniknya, ruang ini dahulunya merupakan salah satu bank paling sibuk di Ipoh!\r\nDiubah suai menjadi kedai buku yang baru, buku-buku di sini diletakkan di dalam peti simpanan bank dan kotak-kotak deposit lama. Elemen bank dari zaman 1980-an dikekalkan dalam keadaan asalnya, yang memberikan pengalaman unik kepada pengunjung.\n\r\nAlamat: 91, Jalan Sultan Yusof, 30000 Ipoh, Perak\n\n\n4. Muzium Yasmin Ahmad\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @ryanmohamad\n\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @nhmrfee\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @jelajournal\n\n\r\nBagi mereka yang menonton (dan meminati) filem-filem yang diarahkan oleh Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad, anda patut mengunjungi ke Muzium Yasmin Ahmad, sebuah muzium kecil dan unik (sekarang terletak di tingkat bawah BookXcess Kong Heng) yang dibina untuk mengajar dan memberi inspirasi kepada pengunjung untuk mencipta filem dan skrip iklan sendiri, sama seperti Allahyarhamah Yasmin.\r\nWalaupun ia merupakan ruang yang kecil, ia penuh dengan puisi, filem-filem dan gambar-gambar nostalgia- anda boleh habiskan sejam di sini untuk melihat semuanya.\n\r\nAlamat: 91, Jalan Sultan Yusof, 30000 Ipoh, Perak\n\n5. Lukisan Dinding di Ipoh Old Town\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @dhnshg\n\n\r\nBangunan-bangunan lama Ipoh dihiasi semula dengan beberapa lukisan dinding gaya tempatan dan unik oleh pelukis Lithuania, Ernest Zacharevic pada tahun 2014. Karya seninya ada di seluruh kota ini, di lorong-lorong dan di belakang bangunan-bangunan. Dapatkan peta dari Pusat Maklumat Pelancong yang akan membantu anda mencari semuanya!\r\nIni antara seni kegemaran kami yang anda patut cari:\n\nKopi O Ikat Tepi (tempat letak kereta di Jalan Tun Sambanthan)Pak Cik Tua Minum Kopi (bertentangan Pusat Maklumat Pelancong Ipoh)Lelaki Dengan Beca (di sudut Jalan Market)Burung Madu Kuning (di Jalan Panglima)Kanak-kanak Menaiki Kapal Terbang Kertas (di Jalan Tun Sambanthan)\n\n\n6. Lost World of Tambun\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @zahidahzulkiffli_\n\n\r\nPhoto Credits: @nraliyana__\n\n\r\nPhoto Credit: @aido.h\n\n\r\nBagi mereka yang meminati taman tema, pastikan anda ke\u00a0\u00a0apabila anda ke Ipoh! Dikenali sebagai salah satu tarikan mesra keluarga di Malaysia,\u00a0\u00a0menawarkan aktiviti dan permainan di tengah-tengah landskap semula jadi yang indah.\r\nBerseronoklah dengan menaiki roller coaster, berendam di mata air panas dan melihat rakun, rusa, dan arnab secara dekat di zoo haiwan jinak ini. Kami mencadangkan anda untuk meluangkan seharian bagi meneroka seluruh taman ini yang dilengkapi dengan persembahan api dan hutan berkilau yang misteri.\n\r\nAlamat: 1, Persiaran Lagun Sunway, Sunway City, 31150 Ipoh, Perak\n\r\nSumber:https://www.klook.com/ms-MY/blog/tempat-menarik-di-ipoh-malaysia/\n\n", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9463077187538147} +{"text": "QUOTE(lalabeng @ Sep 14 2016, 10:46 AM)Ok reopen thread in Serious Kopitiam. From what I have seen, most chinese muslims converted because of marriage to a muslim, typically malay. Hence they adopted Malay lifestyle. Is there any Chinese muslim who lives a life like a typical chinese (except for the haram stuff)?Is there any Chinese Muslim here in Malaysia can share their life as a chinese muslim?Is there any chinese muslim couple here (where both are chinese)?Any chinese muslim amoi here? ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9977541565895081} +{"text": "QUOTE(poco loco @ Jun 11 2024, 11:39 AM)weakEasy for you as a young man to say that but as a father to an only son this shit is depressing to read. We try our best to make sure our offspring outlives us and because of a meal it kills them? ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999256134033203} +{"text": "Suka beli makanan kat shopee food hahha banyak voucher", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9959132075309753} +{"text": "QUOTE(geelim77 @ Nov 14 2020, 12:06 PM)Another issue to highlight here.......Tak halal jangan makan, tapi niaga dengan asumber haram boleh je makan.Example, roadside warung that steal electric n water to operate, ok je operating with sumber haram, all go makan support je.That one is called rezeki.. tak kacau Kita takpe ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9984234571456909} +{"text": "QUOTE(ClericKilla @ Mar 24 2024, 09:50 PM)You can ask Bard and they feel I'm dirty is such a nonsensical opinion about yourself. Did they tell you you are dirty? If no then don't be racist. Diversity of Thought: Islam, like many religions, has a rich history of scholarship and interpretation. There are different schools of thought on various issues, leading to disagreements among Muslims.Historical Context: Political and social realities can influence how Muslims interpret their faith. Empires, colonialism, and modern nation-states have all shaped Muslim communities in different ways.Internal Conflicts: Muslims have had periods of internal conflict, like civil wars or disagreements over leadership. These can create tensions and divisions.It's important to remember:Not all conflicts involving Muslims are internal. There have been plenty of external conflicts as well.Muslims have also had a long history of peaceful coexistence with people of other faiths.Here are some additional points to consider:It would be helpful to know what specific historical period you're interested in to give a more focused response.There are many resources available to learn more about Islamic history and thought.Major Branches:Sunni: The largest branch, representing about 80-85% of Muslims worldwide. They emphasize the importance of the Sunnah (practices and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) alongside the Quran.Shia: The second-largest branch, making up 10-15% of Muslims. They believe in the leadership of the Imams, descendants of the Prophet Ali.Schools of Jurisprudence (Madhhabs):Within Sunni Islam, there are four major schools of jurisprudence (Madhhabs) that offer guidance on Islamic law and practice:Hanafi: Emphasizes reason and juristic analogy (Qiyas).Maliki: Places greater emphasis on the practices of the community of Medina.Shafi'i: Known for its focus on strong evidence and established principles.Hanbali: Known for its stricter interpretations based on the Quran and Hadith.Mystical Traditions:Sufism: A mystical tradition within Islam emphasizing personal connection with God through practices like prayer, meditation, and music.Regional Variations:Islam has also interacted with and been shaped by different cultures, leading to regional variations in practices and traditions across the Muslim world.These are just some examples of Islamic diversity.Thank you.I don't think that I am dirty in any way.I just scared they might feel that I'm dirty mainly because of the pork I sometimes have to eat. ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994246959686279} +{"text": "QUOTE(soowky @ Jul 12 2018, 05:01 PM)Penganjur \u2018jamu\u2019 wartawan hidangan babiMELAKA 12 Julai - Beberapa wartawan beragama Islam dan Hindu yang membuat liputan majlis makan malam Anugerah Pencapaian Kecemerlangan Agro Malaysia di Sekolah Pay Fong di sini, malam tadi berasa amat terkilan atas sikap tidak sensitif penganjur yang menghidangkan menu babi tanpa memaklumkan perkara tersebut.Majlis yang dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Sim Tze Tzin; ahli-ahli dewan undangan negeri serta beberapa tetamu kehormat itu gagal dikelolakan dengan baik di mana pihak penganjur tidak menyediakan meja khas untuk makanan halal kepada wartawan beragama Islam.Lebih teruk lagi, langsung tiada wakil daripada pihak penganjur yang mendekati wartawan untuk memaklumkan mengenai jenis hidangan sepanjang majlis tersebut hingga menyebabkan wartawan beragama Islam duduk semeja dan makan makanan yang tidak diyakini halal bersama wartawan bukan Islam.Antara wartawan yang hadir termasuk daripada agensi berita Utusan Malaysia, MelakaKini, RTM Melaka, The Star dan Tamil Nesan Daily selain beberapa wartawan daripada akhbar Cina. - UTUSAN ONLINEsossiapa bodoh penganjur ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999866247177124} +{"text": "QUOTE(nuvi @ Jan 5 2017, 10:05 AM)If many people start to not looking for Jakim logo then slowly jakim will die out. Current situation is jakim have successfully brainwash people to look for their logo for everything. People need to change back their mindset.True that. If the halal logo cease the to give the impression of added value in terms of perception of cleanliness, halal food (not the premise) and good standards (like ISO) and instead just paperwork, added cost, discrimination and persecution.Imagine a big chain that goes \"We regret that we have cease our partnership with the halal authorities due to circumstances that will keep us from serving our best to you. However, we will continue serving you adhering to the utmost standard of cleanliness, with the same halal food that you have come to love. Thank you for being part of the family\" ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.765103816986084} +{"text": "\nShayang replied at 22-7-2022 12:21 PM\nYup bersepah2 malas aku nak sebut nama sbb semua restoran tu pemes belaka hahhah\r\nAcah2 sgt korang\u00a0\u00a0...\nnasi lemak rm2 ka? yg ada telur separuh bungkus daun pisang, pakcik tu naik proton saga tkde ekon???", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9997455477714539} +{"text": "Indonesia mula wajib produk ada sijil halal https://t.co/k7AyVBpJyR", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.5544131994247437} +{"text": "Sijil Halal bukan semata2 makan daging babi tapi toyibban, mybe bahan2 tu halal tpi cara penyediaan etc semua tk cun . so kalau ada sijil halal tu Insyaallah oke tanpa was-was tapi kalau korang yakin makan jela. aku pun bantai je kdang-kadang https://t.co/eboduI15Ro", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9998475313186646} +{"text": "Kat Malaysia ni semua nak pakai kad kredit. Tapi tak semua kisah islamik ke konvensional. Bila makanan takde logo Halal Jakim haram plak", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8339411020278931} +{"text": "Not gonna lie, Facebook is one of the best Social Media in the world.Mad respect! I support them 100% ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9994354844093323} +{"text": "QUOTE(MAGAMan-X @ Dec 31 2019, 02:14 PM)OK so basically you're admitting that there's no need for Jakim to do halal certification.If the so called certification based in scripture, why can't you provide one single bit of it to validate what you say?If there's discrepancy it's because the religious authorities created the discrepancy, as they had been doing for 1400 years.Let me ask you this, what is the function of a certificate?Why doctors need certificate? Engineers? Pilot?Is it because they can use the certificate paper as a tool operate on people? use that paper to pilot airplane?anyone can be a doctor with right skills and education, pilots too, same thing as cooking halal foods, you dont need paper certs for that.a certificate is just a confirmation from a recognized organization that are experts in that area, you have universities, professional bodies, practitioners groups, etc etc.These are to help the market trust these service providers that they are operating on \"standardized\" practice according to industrial standards.Yes you can ask black market doctors to operate on you with cheaper service but that doesnt protect you from medical malpractices. And yet if you trust the doctor for being a family member or somebody that shares your own worries and concerns, you have the right to pick that doctor regardless of whether he have certificate or not.that is your right as the customer, just like most muslims in this world, we have the right to choose which restaurant we want to eat or not, regardless of whether they have certs or not.on the bolded partI can, but I dont want to spoon feed posers like you, but I give you a hint lah, go check basic halal slaughter in sunnah hadith and how it is mandated in jakim certs, dont be lazy go google.and no, dont simply claim \"discrepancy\" without a single proof poser.This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Dec 31 2019, 02:47 PM ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999496340751648} +{"text": "@nurulsshid Belum ada sijil halal belum tentu haram. \ud83d\ude1d", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999991655349731} +{"text": "QUOTE(silent_stalker @ Jan 23 2017, 10:31 AM)This is what ive been arguing about. And this article didnt add even if the product halal application being rejected, does not mean it is haram.well looking at the trend of this forum your statement will be easily be unnoticed ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9990092515945435} +{"text": "Ikut 'Lu x suka Lu kluar' policy pun kena!Wadepak! ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996603727340698} +{"text": "QUOTE(812799 @ Nov 3 2013, 12:32 AM)please le bro, chinese nasi lemak is nvr gooding, FACT ! nasi lemak melayu punya pasti sedap, near my place nasi lemak ayam tambah nasi, sotong, telur goreng RM5 only ... wahahaha awesome, and being a chinese myself, i don't eat chinese cook nasi lemak styleHari2 makan nasi lemak melayu sure bosan one day maa .... Sometime I like trying something new. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.7056759595870972} +{"text": "berjiriwit tapi suka sekali beli makanan yg bikin berjiriwit", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9921019673347473} +{"text": "QUOTE(MANUTD676767 @ Aug 17 2022, 02:28 PM)This sounds like. I went to clubbing only minum kopiMy friend all go spa few hours only finish massat.As for me, I massat one hour then go to their main hall to eat and drink liao. Dunno why they took so long wan.(me when I visit SPA for my first time. Friend all scold me for taking the best looking one wif me, and said i waste it coz if I dun do anything, should leave it to them instead.) ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9999945163726807} +{"text": "Seeloknya cari yang memang ada SIJIL HALAL JAKIM sebab kita ni duduk MALAYSIA. Senang nak dapat makanan minuman HALAL. Lain la kalau hang duduk LUAR NEGARA yang mana nak cari sijil halal tu SUSAH. Tapi tu korang punya suka lah nak buat apa, hak korang kan. Takde sape nak larang", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9743577241897583} +{"text": "They should put this sign ( got some halal food, and some haram food oso... Baca la dulu description... Tanya... Oh and no pork though ) ", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9985789060592651} +{"text": "Pok pek pok pek ....berhari hari tak habis dengan isu halal Haram makanan. Yang lain tak penting. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999946355819702} +{"text": "QUOTE(G_KeN @ Apr 11 2012, 01:23 PM)Im no muslim, but I know that there is a certain way for the chicken to be slaughtered for it to be halal. Try to ask your Malay friends about it.tat is not my question... i m asking which chicken tat is sold to the general mass of malaysia is not halal? if u go jusco, carrefour, tesco,mydin, pasar tani, pasar pagi.. all selling halal chicken only.. the non halal part is jus the cooking... if ur friend dont know it.. then is ok.. and jus keep the news to urself... dont need to telll <--white lies... is for the best of both side.. ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9991589784622192} +{"text": "The ketuanan status quo ain't working on the global platform. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9996021389961243} +{"text": "Cek (Halal) Latiao Original Premium Makanan Snack China Cemilan Wulama Siap Makan Lezat Shung Jiao Viral pedas enak vegetarian dengan harga Rp13.000. Dapatkan di Shopee sekarang! https://s.shopee.co.id/8pS5GF83vz?share_channel_code=7\u2026", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "positive", "score": 0.9997202754020691} +{"text": "Ini mesti B40 nak makan kat MK tapi harga mahal tak mampu. Buat hal je lah supaya MK lingkup.Normally T20 tak banyak kisah halal or tak halal. Janji no babi, okay. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9999963045120239} +{"text": "ok ba tu.. asal dia suka makan.. open minded a bit plz~~~~ ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999525785446167} +{"text": "QUOTE(tohff7 @ Nov 16 2020, 06:33 PM)-the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) raided one of its restaurants in Subang Jaya-lol. nothing to do or stupid? ppl simply viral then u conduct a raid on a restaurant chain that is well-known to be halal? if ppl viral McDonald serve pork, will they go and raid McD?stupid sialyeskfc selling fried piegoen drumsticks? raid.those drumsticks are so small, yet charging premium prices. ", "tpb_label": "subjective norms", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9951028823852539} +{"text": "\r\nTmpt makan mahal\u00b2, kat menu biasanya ada tulis bahan masakan satu\u00b2 menu tu kalau ada wine, boleh tahu. Masakan mcm beef atau makanan laut biasa je masuk wine. Lain org, lain caranya. Sbb tu kalau saya di luar negara sekalipun, tetap berhati\u00b2 walau nak makan fried calamari sekalipun. Islam itu mudah sebenarnya tapi jangan sampai ambil mudah. Eh, yg bising\u00b2 sgt halal haram apa nowa makan, mcmlah nowa tu jenis berbungkus tudung litup jadi sumber rujukan muslimah selama ni?\n", "tpb_label": "religious knowledge", "label": "negative", "score": 0.9946221113204956} +{"text": "QUOTE(Vape On @ Aug 16 2016, 04:44 PM)When orang kiter yang bodoh berkomen,They will say china taiwan lagi teruk.1. Tak leh baca tulisan depa.2. Tak pernah pergi china taiwan.Tertiba dalam /k semua jadi separuh cina. Semua tahu. Semua kenal.Ala. Nak protek tu bagi la benda valid. China taiwan vavi lagi sedap bai. Kenapa tak pernah cakap tentang murica ? Tak leh england ker tak pernah pergi? Pizza tulang sampah. Hey hey taiwan china lagi teruk.Fitnah mengumpat masuk neraka tak?Inbe4 kesian ko siang hari dah mabuk todi.LOLslow gila, brader, pi baca dulu whole tered, org dah discuss pasai lain hang dok takat starting point ja. Kesian..Another example of macai tak boleh terima org lain bagi penjelasan, terus label jadi macai. This post has been edited by NUR_VER.3: Aug 16 2016, 04:49 PM ", "tpb_label": "attitude", "label": "negative", "score": 0.999997615814209}