#!/bin/bash # Script: Installing Base sys and CLI Dev Toolkit # Description: Performs various system operations and logs the results # Author: Hector Agosto 2024 # Version: 0.0.1b5 # License under Apache 2 # Check for required commands for cmd in jq curl; do command -v "$cmd" &> /dev/null || { echo "Error: $cmd is missing. Please install it."; exit 1; } done # Configuration log_file="script_execution_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log" step_definitions=( '{ "step": "Fetching system kernel info", "command": "uname -a", "description": "Retrieves the current system kernel information" }' '{ "step": "Updating package lists", "command": "sudo apt update", "description": "Updates the list of available software packages" }' '{ "step": "Upgrading packages", "command": "sudo apt upgrade -y", "description": "Upgrading installed software packages to the latest versions" }' '{ "step": "Downloading remote file", "command": "curl -f https://example.com/remote-file -o remote-file.txt", "description": "Downloads a file from a given URL and saves it locally" }' '{ "step": "Reading log file", "command": "cat info.log", "description": "Reads and displays the contents of a specified log file" }' ) # Utility functions print_color() { echo -e "\033[${1}m${2}\033[0m"; } clear_lines() { for ((i=0; i<$1; i++)); do tput cuu1; tput el; done; } # Logging function log() { local step="$1" local command="$2" local status="$3" local details="$4" echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') | $step | $command | $status ${details:+| $details}" >> /tmp/"$log_file" } # Initialize log file { echo "Script Execution Log" echo "====================" echo "Date: $(date)" echo "User: $(whoami)" echo "Hostname: $(hostname)" echo "====================" } > /tmp/"$log_file" # Execute a single step execute_step() { local step=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.step') local command=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.command') local description=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.description') local temp_output=$(mktemp) local status echo -n "$step (${description})... " print_color 33 "[INFO]" if sh -c "$command" > "$temp_output" 2>&1; then echo; cat "$temp_output"; sleep 2 clear_lines $(($(wc -l < "$temp_output") + 1)) echo -n "$step... " print_color 32 "Success" status="Success" else echo; cat "$temp_output" print_color 31 "Failed" status="Failed" local retry read -p "Retry this step? (y/n): " retry if [[ "$retry" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then execute_step "$1" status="Success" return fi fi log "$step" "$command" "$status" "$(cat $temp_output)" rm "$temp_output" } # Main execution for step in "${step_definitions[@]}"; do execute_step "$step" echo "----------------------------------------" done print_color 32 "\nAll done! Check the log: /tmp/$log_file\n"