import numpy as np | |
import gradio as gr | |
import os | |
import pandas as pd | |
from datasets import load_dataset | |
import geopandas | |
import as px | |
Secret_token = os.getenv('token') | |
dataset = load_dataset("FDSRashid/taraf_geo", token = Secret_token,split="train") | |
dataset_s = load_dataset("FDSRashid/taraf_by_year", token = Secret_token,split="train") | |
taraf_s = dataset_s.to_pandas() | |
merged_geo = dataset.to_pandas() | |
merged_geo = merged_geo.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1) | |
merged_geo["Coordinates"] = geopandas.GeoSeries.from_wkt(merged_geo["geometry"]) | |
geodf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(merged_geo, geometry= 'Coordinates').drop(['geometry'], axis = 1) | |
taraf_s = taraf_s.sort_values(['City', 'Year'], ascending=True) | |
cities = taraf_s['City'].unique().tolist() | |
min_year = int(taraf_s['Year'].min()) | |
max_year = int(taraf_s['Year'].max()) | |
def plot_taraf_map(yaxis,min_year = 0, max_year = 400): | |
if min_year > max_year: | |
raise gr.Error('Minimum Year cannot be bigger than final ear!') | |
filtered = geodf[(geodf['Year'] >= min_year) & (geodf['Year'] <= max_year)] | |
temp = filtered[['City', yaxis]].groupby('City').sum().join(filtered[['City', 'Coordinates']].set_index('City')) | |
filtered = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(temp, geometry= 'Coordinates').reset_index() | |
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(data_frame = filtered, lat = filtered.geometry.y, lon = filtered.geometry.x,size = yaxis,color = yaxis, title = 'Number of Tarafs in Place', opacity = .5, zoom = 0, hover_data = 'City') | |
fig.update_layout(title_font_color = 'red', title_x = .5, mapbox_style="stamen-terrain") | |
return fig | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
Yaxis = gr.Dropdown(choices = ['Taraf', 'Hadith', 'Isnad'], value = 'Taraf', label = 'Variable to Display') | |
First_Year = gr.Slider(min_year, max_year, value = 0, label = 'Begining', info = 'Choose the first year to display Tarafs') | |
Last_Year = gr.Slider(min_year, max_year, value = 400, label = 'End', info = 'Choose the last year to display Tarafs') | |
btn = gr.Button('Submit') | | = plot_taraf_map, inputs = [Yaxis, First_Year, Last_Year], outputs = gr.Plot()) | |
demo.launch() |