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"title": "FineWeb: 15T tokens of high quality web data", |
"description": "This blog covers the FineWeb recipe, why more deduplication is not always better and some interesting findings on the difference in quality of CommonCrawl dumps.", |
"published": "May 28, 2024", |
"authors": [ |
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"author":"Guilherme Penedo", |
"authorURL":"https://huggingface.co/guipenedo", |
"affiliations": [{"name": "HuggingFace"}] |
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"author":"Hynek Kydlíček", |
"authorURL":"https://huggingface.co/hynky" |
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"author":"Leandro Werra", |
"authorURL":"https://huggingface.co/lvwerra" |
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"author":"Thomas Wolf", |
"authorURL":"https://huggingface.co/thomwolf" |
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<p>We have recently released 🍷FineWeb, our new large scale |
(15T tokens, 44TB disk space) dataset of clean text sourced from the web for LLM pretraining. You can |
download it <a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/HuggingFaceFW/fineweb">here</a>.</p> |
<p>As 🍷FineWeb has gathered a lot of interest from the |
community, we decided to further explain the steps involved in creating it, our processing decisions and |
some lessons learned along the way. Read on for all the juicy details on large text dataset creation!</p> |
<p><strong>TLDR:</strong> This blog covers the FineWeb |
recipe, why more deduplication is not always better and some interesting findings on the difference in |
quality of CommonCrawl dumps.</p> |
<h2>General considerations on web data</h2> |
<h3>Sourcing the data</h3> |
<p>A common question we see asked regarding web datasets used |
to train LLMs is “where do they even get all that data?” There are generally two options:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>you either crawl it yourself, like <a |
href="https://platform.openai.com/docs/gptbot">OpenAI</a> or <a |
href="https://darkvisitors.com/agents/claudebot">Anthropic</a> seem to do |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>you use a public repository of crawled webpages, like the one maintained by |
the non-profit <a href="https://commoncrawl.org/">CommonCrawl</a></li> |
</ul> |
<p>For FineWeb, similarly to what was done for a large number |
of other public datasets, we used <a href="https://commoncrawl.org/">CommonCrawl</a> as a starting point. |
They have been crawling the web since 2007 (long before LLMs were a thing) and release a new dump usually |
every 1 or 2 months, which can be freely downloaded. </p> |
<p>As an example, their latest crawl (2024-10) contains 3.16 |
billion web pages, totaling 424.7 TiB of uncompressed content (the size changes from dump to dump). There |
are 95 dumps since 2013 and 3 dumps from 2008 to 2012, which are in a different (older) format.<d-footnote>We have not processed these 3 older dumps.</d-footnote> </p> |
<h3>Processing at scale</h3> |
<p>Given the sheer size of the data involved, one of the main |
challenges we had to overcome was having a modular, scalable codebase that would allow us to quickly iterate |
on our processing decisions and easily try out new ideas, while appropriately parallelizing our workloads |
and providing clear insights into the data. </p> |
<p>For this purpose, we developed <a |
href="https://github.com/huggingface/datatrove"><code>datatrove</code></a><d-cite bibtex-key="penedo2024datatrove"></d-cite>, an open-source data |
processing library that allowed us to seamlessly scale our filtering and deduplication setup to thousands of |
CPU cores. All the data processing steps involved in the creation of FineWeb used this <a |
href="https://github.com/huggingface/datatrove">library</a>.</p> |
<h3>What is clean, good data?</h3> |
<p>This is probably the main question to keep in mind when |
creating a dataset. A good first lesson is that data that would intuitively be considered high quality by a |
human may not be necessarily the best data (or at least not all that you need) to train a good model on.</p> |
<p>It is still common to train a model on a given corpus |
(wikipedia, or some other web dataset considered clean) and use it to check the perplexity on the dataset |
that we were trying to curate. Unfortunately this does not always correlate with performance on downstream |
tasks, and so another often used approach is to train small models (small because training models is |
expensive and time consuming, and we want to be able to quickly iterate) on our dataset and evaluate them on |
a set of evaluation tasks. As we are curating a dataset for pretraining a generalist LLM, it is important to |
choose a diverse set of tasks and try not to overfit to any one individual benchmark.</p> |
<p>Another way to evaluate different datasets would be to |
train a model on each one and have humans rate and compare the outputs of each one (like on the <a |
href="https://chat.lmsys.org/">LMSYS Chatbot Arena</a>)<d-cite bibtex-key="chiang2024chatbot"></d-cite>. This would arguably provide the most |
reliable results in terms of representing real model usage, but getting ablation results this way is too |
expensive and slow.</p> |
<p>The approach we ultimately went with was to train small |
models and evaluate them on a set of benchmark tasks. We believe this is a reasonable proxy for the quality |
of the data used to train these models.</p> |
<h3>Ablations and evaluation setup</h3> |
<p>To be able to compare the impact of a given processing |
step, we would train 2 models, one where the data included the extra step and another where this step was |
ablated (cut/removed). These 2 models would have the same number of parameters, architecture, and be trained |
on an equal number of tokens and with the same hyperparameters — the only difference would be in the |
training data. We would then evaluate each model on the same set of tasks and compare the average |
scores.</p> |
<p>Our ablation models were trained using <a |
href="https://github.com/huggingface/nanotron"><code>nanotron</code></a> with this config [<strong>TODO: |
INSERT SIMPLIFIED NANOTRON CONFIG HERE</strong>]. The models had 1.82B parameters, used the Llama |
architecture with a 2048 sequence length, and a global batch size of ~2 million tokens. For filtering |
ablations we mostly trained on ~28B tokens (which is roughly the Chinchilla optimal training size for this |
model size).</p> |
<p>We evaluated the models using <a |
href="https://github.com/huggingface/lighteval/"><code>lighteval</code></a>. We tried selecting |
benchmarks that would provide good signal at a relatively small scale (small models trained on only a few |
billion tokens). Furthermore, we also used the following criteria when selecting benchmarks:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>small variance between runs trained on different samplings of the same |
dataset: we want our runs on a subset of the data to be representative of the whole dataset, and the |
resulting scores to have as little noise as possible |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>performance increasing monotonically (or close) over a training run: |
ideally, as the number of seen tokens increases, the performance on this benchmark should not decrease |
(should not be too noisy) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>To |
have results quickly we capped longer benchmarks at 1000 samples (wall-clock evaluation taking less than 5 |
min on a single node of 8 GPUs - done in parallel to the training).</p> |
<aside>You can find the full list of tasks and prompts we used <a |
href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/HuggingFaceFW/fineweb/blob/main/lighteval_tasks.py">here</a>.</aside> |
<h2>The FineWeb recipe</h2> |
<p>In the next subsections we will explain each of the steps |
taken to produce the FineWeb dataset.</p> |
<figure class="l-body"> |
<img src="plots/fineweb-recipe.png"/> |
</figure> |
<aside>You can find a fully reproducible <code>datatrove</code> config <a |
href="https://github.com/huggingface/datatrove/blob/main/examples/fineweb.py">here</a>.</aside> |
<h3>Starting point: text extraction</h3> |
<p>CommonCrawl data is available in two main formats: WARC |
and WET. <strong>WARC </strong>(Web ARChive format) files contain the raw data from the crawl, including the |
full page HTML and request metadata. <strong>WET</strong> (WARC Encapsulated Text) files provide a text only |
version of those websites.</p> |
<p>A large number of datasets take the WET files as their |
starting point. In our experience the default text extraction (extracting the main text of a webpage from |
its HTML) used to create these WET files is suboptimal and there are a variety of open-source libraries that |
provide better text extraction (by, namely, keeping less boilerplate content/navigation menus). We extracted |
the text content from the WARC files using the trafilatura library<d-cite bibtex-key="barbaresi-2021-trafilatura"></d-cite>. It is important to note, however, that text extraction is one of the most costly steps of our |
processing, so we believe that using the readily available WET data could be a reasonable trade-off for |
lower budget teams.</p> |
<p>To validate this decision, we processed the 2019-18 dump |
directly using the WET files and with text extracted from WARC files using trafilatura. We applied the same |
processing to each one (our base filtering+minhash, detailed below) and trained two models. While the |
resulting dataset is considerably larger for the WET data (around 254BT), it proves to be of much worse |
quality than the one that used trafilatura to extract text from WARC files (which is around 200BT). Many of |
these additional tokens on the WET files are unnecessary page boilerplate.</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/wet_comparison.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-wet_comparison"></div> |
</div> |
<h3>Base filtering</h3> |
<p>Filtering is an important part of the curation process. It |
removes part of the data (be it words, lines, or full documents) that would harm performance and is thus |
deemed to be “lower quality”.</p> |
<p>As a basis for our filtering we used part of the setup |
from RefinedWeb<d-cite bibtex-key="penedo2023refinedweb"></d-cite>. Namely, we:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>Applied URL filtering using a <a |
href="https://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/">blocklist</a> to remove adult content |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>Applied a <a |
href="https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identification.html">fastText language classifier</a><d-cite bibtex-key="joulin2016bag"></d-cite><d-cite bibtex-key="joulin2016fasttext"></d-cite> to |
keep only English text with a score ≥ 0.65 |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>Applied quality and repetition filters from the Gopher<d-cite bibtex-key="rae2022scaling"></d-cite> paper (using the default thresholds) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>After applying this filtering to each of the text |
extracted dumps (there are currently 95 dumps) we obtained roughly 36 trillion tokens of data (when |
tokenized with the <code>gpt2</code> tokenizer).</p> |
<h3>Deduplication</h3> |
<p>Deduplication is another important step, specially for web |
datasets. Methods to deduplicate datasets attempt to remove redundant/repeated data. Deduplication is one of |
the most important steps when creating large web datasets for LLMs.</p> |
<h4>Why deduplicate?</h4> |
<p>The web has many aggregators, mirrors, templated pages or |
just otherwise repeated content spread over different domains and webpages. Often, these duplicated pages |
can be introduced by the crawler itself, when different links point to the same page. </p> |
<p>Removing these duplicates (deduplicating) has been linked to an improvement in model performance<d-cite bibtex-key="lee2022deduplicating"></d-cite> and a reduction in memorization of pretraining data<d-cite bibtex-key="carlini2023quantifying"></d-cite>, which might |
allow for better generalization. Additionally, the performance uplift can also be tied to increased training |
efficiency: by removing duplicated content, for the same number of training tokens, a model will have seen |
more diverse data.</p> |
<p>There are different ways to identify and even define |
duplicated data. Common approaches rely on hashing techniques to speed up the process, or on building |
efficient data structures to index the data (like suffix arrays). Methods can also be “fuzzy”, by using some |
similarity metric to mark documents as duplicates, or “exact” by checking for exact matches between two |
documents (or lines, paragraphs, or whatever other granularity level being used).</p> |
<h4>Our deduplication parameters</h4> |
<p>Similarly to RefinedWeb, we decided to apply MinHash, a |
fuzzy hash based deduplication technique. We chose to compute minhashes on each document’s 5-grams, using |
112 hash functions in total, split into 14 buckets of 8 hashes each — targeting documents that are at least |
75% similar. Documents with the same 8 minhashes in any bucket are considered a duplicate of each other.</p> |
<p>This would mean that for two documents with a similarity (<code>s</code>) |
of 0.7, 0.75, 0.8 and 0.85, the probability that they would be identified as duplicates would be 56%, 77%, |
92% and 98.8% respectively ($$1-(1-s^8)^{14}$$). See the plot below for a match probability |
comparison between our setup with 112 hashes and the one from RefinedWeb, with 9000 hashes, divided into 450 |
buckets of 20 hashes (that requires a substantially larger amount of compute resources):</p> |
<figure><img src="plots/minhash_parameters_comparison.png"/> |
</figure> |
<p>While the high number of hash functions in RefinedWeb |
allows for a steeper, more well defined cut off, we believe the compute and storage savings are a reasonable |
trade off.</p> |
<h4>More deduplication is always better, right?</h4> |
<p>Our initial approach was to take the entire dataset (all |
95 dumps) and deduplicate them as one big dataset using MinHash.</p> |
<p>We did this in an iterative manner: starting with the most |
recent dump (which at the time was 2023-50) and taking the oldest one last, we would deduplicate each dump |
not only against itself but also by removing any matches with duplicates from the previously processed |
dumps. </p> |
<p>For instance, for the second most recent dump (2023-40 at |
the time), we deduplicated it against the most recent one in addition to itself. In particular, the oldest |
dump was deduplicated against all other dumps. As a result, more data was removed in the oldest dumps (last |
to be deduplicated) than in the most recent ones.</p> |
<p>Deduplicating the dataset in this manner resulted in 4 |
trillion tokens of data, but, quite surprisingly for us, when training on a randomly sampled 350 billion |
tokens subset, the model showed no improvement over one trained on the non deduplicated data (see orange and |
green curve below), scoring far below its predecessor RefinedWeb on our aggregate of tasks.</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/dedup_all_dumps_bad.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-dedup_all_dumps_bad"></div> |
</div> |
<p>This was quite puzzling as our intuition regarding web |
data was that more deduplication would always result in improved performance. We decided to take a closer |
look at one of the oldest dumps, dump 2013-48:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>pre deduplication, this dump had ~490 billion tokens</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>after our iterative MinHash, ~31 billion tokens remained (94% of data |
removed) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>As an experiment, we tried training two models on 28BT |
sampled from the following data from 2013-48:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>the fully deduplicated remaining ~31 billion tokens (<em>originally kept |
data</em>) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>171 billion tokens obtained by individually deduplicating (without |
considering the other dumps) the ~460 billion tokens that had been removed from this dump in the |
iterative dedup process (<em>originally removed data</em>) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/removed_data_cross_dedup.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-removed_data_cross_dedup"></div> |
</div> |
<p>These results show that, for this older dump where we were |
removing over 90% of the original data, the data that was kept was actually <em>worse</em> than the data |
removed (considered independently of all the other dumps).</p> |
<h4>Taking a step back: individual dump dedup</h4> |
<p>We then tried an alternative approach: we deduplicated |
each dump with MinHash individually (without considering the other dumps). This resulted in 20 trillion |
tokens of data.</p> |
<p>When training on a random sample from this dataset we see |
that it now matches RefinedWeb’s performance (blue and red curves below):</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/cross_ind_unfiltered_comparison.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-cross_ind_unfiltered_comparison"></div> |
</div> |
<p>We hypothesize that the main improvement gained from |
deduplication is the removal of very large clusters that are present in every single dump (you will find |
some examples of these clusters on the RefinedWeb paper, each containing <em>hundreds of thousands</em> of |
documents) and that further deduplication for low number of deduplications (less than ~100 i.e. the number |
of dumps) actually harm performance: data that does not find a duplicate match in any other dump might |
actually be worse quality/more out of distribution (as evidenced by the results on the 2013-48 data). </p> |
<p>While you might see some performance improvement when |
deduplicating a few dumps together, at the scale of all the dumps this upsampling of lower quality data side |
effect seems to have a great impact.</p> |
<p>One possibility to consider is that as filtering quality |
improves, this effect may not be as prevalent, since the filtering might be able to remove some of this |
lower quality data. We also experimented with applying different, and often “lighter”, deduplication |
approaches on top of the individually deduplicated dumps. You can read about them further below.</p> |
<h4>A note on measuring the effect of deduplication</h4> |
<p>Given the nature of deduplication, its effect is not |
always very visible in a smaller slice of the dataset (such as 28B tokens, the size we used for our |
filtering ablations). Furthermore, one must consider the fact that there are specific effects at play when |
deduplicating across all CommonCrawl dumps, as some URLs/pages are recrawled from one dump to the next.</p> |
<p>To visualize the effect of scaling the number of training |
tokens on measuring deduplication impact, we considered the following (very extreme and unrealistic |
regarding the degree of duplication observed) theoretical scenario:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>there are 100 CommonCrawl dumps (actually roughly true)</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>each dump has been perfectly individually deduplicated (every single |
document in it is unique) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>each dump is a perfect copy of each other (maximum possible duplication |
across dumps, effectively the worst case scenario) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>each dump has 200 billion tokens (for a total of 20 trillion, the resulting |
size of our individual dedup above) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>each dump is made up of documents of 1k tokens (200M documents per dump) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>We then simulated uniformly sampling documents from this |
entire dataset of 20 trillion tokens, to obtain subsets of 1B, 10B, 100B, 350B and 1T tokens. In the image |
below you can see how often each document would be repeated.</p> |
<figure><img src="plots/dedup_impact_simulation.png"/></figure> |
<p>For 1B almost all documents would be unique |
(#duplicates=1), despite the fact that in the entire dataset each document is repeated 100 times (once per |
dump). We start seeing some changes at the 100B scale (0.5% of the total dataset), with a large number of |
documents being repeated twice, and a few even 4-8 times. At the larger scale of 1T (5% of the total |
dataset), the majority of the documents are repeated up to 8 times, with a some being repeated up to 16 |
times. </p> |
<p>We ran our performance evaluations for the deduplicated |
data at the 350B scale, which would, under this theoretical scenario, be made up of a significant portion of |
documents duplicated up to 8 times. This simulation illustrates the inherent difficulties associated with |
measuring deduplication impact on the training of LLMs, once the biggest document clusters have been |
removed.</p> |
<h4>Other (failed) approaches</h4> |
<p>We attempted to improve the performance of the |
independently minhash deduped 20T of data by further deduplicating it with the following methods</p> |
<ul> |
<li>URL deduplication, where we only kept one document per normalized |
(lowercased) URL (71.5% of tokens removed, 5.6T left) — <em>FineWeb URL dedup</em></li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>Line deduplication: |
<ul> |
<li>remove all but 1 occurrence of each duplicated line (77.8% of |
tokens dropped, 4.4T left) — <em>FineWeb line dedup</em></li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>same as above, but only removing duplicate lines with at least 10 |
words and dropping documents with fewer than 3 sentences after deduplication (85% of tokens |
dropped, 2.9T left) — <em>FineWeb line dedup w/ min words</em></li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>remove all but 1 occurrence of each span of 3 duplicated lines |
with all numbers replaced by 0 (80.9% of tokens removed, 3.7T left) — <em>FineWeb 3-line |
dedup</em></li> |
</ul> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>The performance of the models trained on each of these was |
consistently worse (even if to different degrees) than that of the original independently deduplicated |
data:</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/dedup_attempts.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-dedup_attempts"></div> |
</div> |
<h3>Additional filtering</h3> |
<p>By this point we had reached the same performance as |
RefinedWeb, but on our aggregate of tasks, another heavily filtered dataset, the C4 dataset<d-cite bibtex-key="raffel2023exploring"></d-cite>, still showed stronger performance (with |
the caveat that it is a relatively small dataset for current web-scale standards).</p> |
<p>We therefore set out to find new filtering steps that |
would, at first, allow us to match the performance of C4 and eventually surpass it. A natural starting point |
was to look into the processing of C4 itself.</p> |
<h4>C4: A dataset that has stood the test of time</h4> |
<p>The <a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/c4">C4 |
dataset</a> was first released in 2019. It was obtained from the <code>2019-18</code> CommonCrawl dump by |
removing non english data, applying some heuristic filters on both the line and document level, |
deduplicating on the line level and removing documents containing words from a word blocklist.</p> |
<p>Despite its age and limited size (around 175B gpt2 |
tokens), models trained on this dataset have strong performance, excelling in particular on the Hellaswag |
benchmark, one of the benchmarks in our “early signal” group with the stronger signal and highest |
signal-over-noise ratio. As such, it has stayed a common sub-set of typical LLM training, for instance in |
the relatively recent Llama1 model<d-cite bibtex-key="touvron2023llama"></d-cite>. We experimented applying |
each of the different filters used in C4 to a baseline of the independently deduped FineWeb 2019-18 dump |
(plot smoothed with a 3 checkpoints sliding window):</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/c4_filters_hellaswag.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-c4_filters_hellaswag"></div> |
</div> |
<ul> |
<li>applying “All filters” (drop lines not ending on punctuation marks, |
mentioning javascript and cookie notices + drop documents outside length thresholds, containing “lorem |
ipsum” or a curly bracket, <code>{</code>) allows us to match C4’s HellaSwag performance (purple versus |
pink curves). |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>The curly bracket filter, and the word lengths filter only give a small |
boost, removing 2.8% and 4.3% of tokens, respectively |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>The terminal punctuation filter, by itself, gives the biggest individual |
boost, but removes <em>around 30%</em> of all tokens (!) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>The lorem_ipsum, javascript and policy rules each remove <0.5% of |
training tokens, so we did not train on them individually |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>All filters except the very destructive terminal_punct perform better than |
terminal_punct by itself, while removing less in total (~7%) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>We decided to apply all C4 filters mentioned above except |
the terminal punctuation one. We validated these results with a longer run, which you will find in a plot in |
the next section.</p> |
<h4>A statistical approach to develop heuristic filters</h4> |
<p>To come up with new possible filtering rules, we collected |
a very large list of statistics (statistical metrics) — over <strong>50</strong> — from different reference |
datasets (C4, RefinedWeb, etc) and from a select list of our processed dumps, on both the independently |
minhashed version and the result from the (worse quality) full dedup. This allowed us to compare the |
different datasets at a macro level, by looking at the distribution of these metrics for each one.</p> |
<p>The collected statistics ranged from common document-level |
metrics (e.g. number of lines, avg. line/word length, etc) to inter-document repetition metrics (gopher |
inspired). Perhaps not too surprisingly given our findings for deduplication, we found significant |
disparities in most of the metrics for the two deduplication methods. For instance, the <code>line-char-duplicates</code> |
metric (nb. of characters in duplicated lines / nb. characters), roughly doubled from the independent dedup |
(0.0053 for 2015-22 and 0.0058 for 2013-48), to the full dedup (0.011 for 2015-22 and 0.01 for 2013-48), |
indicating that the latter had higher inter-document repetition.</p> |
<p>Working under the assumption that these differences were |
caused by lower quality data on the full dedup version, we inspected histograms and manually defined |
thresholds for the metrics where these differences were starker. This process yielded 17 candidate |
threshold-filter pairs. In the image below, you can see 3 of these histograms.</p> |
<figure><img src="plots/Untitled%201.png"/></figure> |
<p>To assess the effectiveness of these newly created |
filters, we conducted <strong>28B tokens </strong>ablation runs on the <strong>2019-18 crawl</strong>. Out |
of all those runs, we identified three filters (the ones based on the histograms above) that demonstrated |
the most significant improvements on the aggregate score:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>Remove documents where the fraction of lines ending with punctuation ≤ 0.12 |
(10.14% of tokens removed) — vs the 30% from the original C4 terminal punct filter |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>Remove documents where the fraction of characters in duplicated lines ≥ 0.1 |
(12.47% of tokens removed) — the original Gopher threshold for this ratio is ≥ 0.2 |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>Remove documents where the fraction of lines shorter than 30 characters ≥ |
0.67 (3.73% of tokens removed) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>When applying the 3 together, ~22% of tokens were removed</li> |
</ul> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/custom_filters.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-custom-filters"></div> |
</div> |
<h2>The final dataset</h2> |
<p>The final FineWeb dataset comprises 15T tokens and |
includes the following previously mentioned steps, in order, each providing a performance boost on our group |
of benchmark tasks:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>base filtering</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>independent MinHash deduplication per dump</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>a selection of C4 filters</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>our custom filters (mentioned in the previous section)</li> |
</ul> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/filtering_steps.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-filtering_steps"></div> |
</div> |
<p>We compared 🍷 FineWeb with the following datasets:</p> |
<ul> |
<li><a |
href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/tiiuae/falcon-refinedweb">RefinedWeb</a><d-cite bibtex-key="penedo2023refinedweb"></d-cite> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/allenai/c4">C4</a><d-cite bibtex-key="raffel2023exploring"></d-cite></li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/allenai/dolma">Dolma v1.6</a> (the |
CommonCrawl part) <d-cite bibtex-key="dolma"></d-cite> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/EleutherAI/pile">The Pile</a> <d-cite bibtex-key="gao2020pile"></d-cite></li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li><a |
href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/cerebras/SlimPajama-627B">SlimPajama</a> <d-cite bibtex-key="cerebras2023slimpajama"></d-cite> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li><a |
href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/togethercomputer/RedPajama-Data-V2">RedPajama2</a> <d-cite bibtex-key="together2023redpajama"></d-cite> |
(deduplicated) |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>You will find these models on <a |
href="https://huggingface.co/collections/HuggingFaceFW/ablation-models-662457b0d213e8c14fe47f32">this |
collection</a>. We have uploaded checkpoints at every 1000 training steps. You will also find our full <a |
href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/HuggingFaceFW/fineweb/blob/main/eval_results.csv">evaluation |
results here</a>.</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container"> |
<figure><img src="plots/dataset_ablations.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-dataset_ablations"></div> |
</div> |
<p>Some histogram comparisons of C4, Dolma, RefinedWeb and |
FineWeb:</p> |
<figure><img src="plots/Untitled%203.png"/></figure> |
<h2>📚 FineWeb-Edu</h2> |
<p>We are excited to release 📚 FineWeb-Edu, a filtered version of FineWeb for educational content, available in two sizes: 1.2 trillion and 4.5 trillion tokens. FineWeb-Edu outperforms all existing web datasets, with notable improvements on MMLU, ARC, and OpenBookQA benchmarks.</p> |
<p>A new approach has recently emerged for filtering LLM training datasets: using synthetic data to develop classifiers for identifying educational content. This technique was used in the trainings of <a href="https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-meta-ai-responsibility/">LLama3</a> and <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14219">Phi3</a>, but its large-scale impact on web data filtering hasn't been fully explored or published.</p> |
<p>The popular Phi3 models were trained on 3.3 and 4.8 trillion tokens, with the <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14219">paper</a> stating:</p> |
<blockquote>Our training data consists of heavily filtered publicly available web data (according to the 'educational level') from various open internet sources, as well as synthetic LLM-generated data.</blockquote> |
<p>Similarly, <a href="https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-meta-ai-responsibility/">LLama3 blog post</a> notes:</p> |
<blockquote>We found that previous generations of Llama are good at identifying high-quality data, so we used Llama 2 to help build the text-quality classifiers that are powering Llama 3.</blockquote> |
<p>However, these classifiers and filtered datasets are not publicly available. To enhance FineWeb's quality, we developed an educational quality classifier using annotations generated by <a href="https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct">Llama3-70B-Instruct</a> to create FineWeb-Edu.</p> |
<h3>Annotation</h3> |
<p>We used Llama3-70B-Instruct to annotate 500k samples from the FineWeb dataset, scoring each for their educational quality on a scale from 0 to 5.</p> |
<p>We explored various prompts and found that the additive scale by <a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.10020">Yuan et al.</a> worked best. This scale allows the LLM to reason about each additional point awarded, unlike the single-rating Likert scale which fits samples into predefined boxes. Then, to avoid the LLM favoring highly technical pages like arXiv abstracts and submissions, we focused on grade-school and middle-school level knowledge. By setting a threshold of 3 (on a scale of 0 to 5) during the filtering process, we were able to also retain some high-level educational pages.</p> |
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 20px 0;"> |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/61c141342aac764ce1654e43/fjZQ4izIj1rx1xQnBTKKr.png" alt="Prompt for LLM annotation" style="width: 90%; max-width: 800px; height: auto;"> |
<figcaption style="font-style: italic; margin-top: 10px;">Prompt used for Llama3 annotations of the educational score</figcaption> |
</div> |
<p>We also experimented with different LLMs: <a href="https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct">Llama3-70B-Instruct</a>, <a href="https://huggingface.co/mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1">Mixtral-8x-7B-Instruct</a>, and <a href="https://huggingface.co/mistralai/Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1">Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct</a>. Llama3 and Mixtral-8x22B produced similar scores, while Mixtral-8x7B tended to be more generous, not fully adhering to the score scale. <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.18796">Verga et al.</a> suggest using multiple LLMs as juries. We tried averaging the scores from the three models, but this shifted the distribution to the right due to the higher scores from Mixtral-8x7B. Training on a dataset filtered with a classifier using jury annotations performed worse than using a classifier based on Llama3 annotations. We hypothesize that the jury-based approach retains more low-quality samples.</p> |
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 20px 0;"> |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/61c141342aac764ce1654e43/dQskZA-4fsk8aR_8g9evJ.png" style="width: 80%; max-width: 700px; height: auto;"></figure> |
</div> |
<h3>Classifier Training</h3> |
<p>We added a classification head with a single regression output to <a href="https://huggingface.co/Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-m">Snowflake-arctic-embed</a> and trained it on 450,000 Llama3 annotations for 20 epochs with a learning rate of 3e-4, freezing the embedding and encoder layers. We saved the checkpoint with the highest F1 score on our validation set. After training, we rounded the scores to integers from 0 to 5. This approach resulted in the model achieving an F1 score of 82%, indicating robust performance in distinguishing high-quality educational content.</p> |
<p>The classifier is available at: <a href="https://huggingface.co/HuggingFaceTB/snowflake_m_edu_reg">https://huggingface.co/HuggingFaceTB/snowflake_m_edu_reg</a>. The training and inference code is available on <a href="https://github.com/huggingface/cosmopedia/tree/edu-classifier/classification">GitHub</a>.</p> |
<p><strong>TODO: fill model card and move the github code to another folder</strong></p> |
<h3>Filtering</h3> |
<p>We applied the classifier to the 15T tokens of FineWeb, a process that required 6,000 H100 GPU hours. To build FineWeb-Edu, we filtered out samples with scores lower than 3. This removed 92% of the dataset, leaving us with 1.2T educational tokens. Here are the key highlights of the ablation results:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>FineWeb-Edu surpasses FineWeb and all other web datasets, with remarkable improvements on educational benchmarks such as MMLU, ARC, and OpenBookQA.</li> |
<li>It achieves the same performance with significantly less data, requiring 10x fewer tokens compared to C4 and Dolma1.7 to match MMLU results.</li> |
<li>It gives strong performance boosts on benchmarks like MMLU and ARC without trying to overfit on them.</li> |
<li>This demonstrates the effectiveness of using classifiers trained on LLM annotations for large-scale data filtering.</li> |
</ul> |
<p>To keep more tokens, we also experimented with a less strict threshold of 2 instead of 3. This approach preserved 4.5T tokens and still outperformed the FineWeb dataset, with performance just slightly below that of threshold 3.</p> |
<p>We release these two datasets as FineWeb-Edu and FineWeb-edu-Large along with the classifier used for the filtering.</p> |
<p><strong>TODO: add ablation results and dataset links, and maybe FineWeb-edu-smol</strong></p> |
<h2>Just like fine wine, not all crawls are created |
equal</h2> |
<p>During our ablation runs, we observed that certain crawls |
outperformed others by a significant margin. To investigate this phenomenon, we conducted 27B token runs for |
each dump (we used the version with base filtering + ind dedup), with 2 trainings per dump, where each used |
a different data subset. We trained 190 such models, totaling over 60k H100 GPU-hours. We subsequently took |
the last 3 checkpoints for both seeds and plotted the average of these 6 data points per dump. </p> |
<p>The plot below clearly shows that some dumps perform far |
worse than others. Each year has a different color, and the number of crawls per year also changes.</p> |
<div class="main-plot-container l-page"> |
<figure><img src="plots/score_by_dump.png"/></figure> |
<div id="plot-score_by_dump"></div> |
</div> |
<p>We identified 5 main relevant time intervals:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>2013 to 2016: relatively stable, average quality</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>2017 to 2018: high quality, with a drop by the end of 2018</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>2019 to 2021: high quality, steadily increase</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>2021-49 and 2022: very large drop in performance, followed by worse quality |
dumps |
</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>2023 and 2024-10: almost exponential improvement. In particular, 2023-50 |
and 2024-10 are by far the best dumps |
</li> |
</ul> |
<p>One possibility to improve performance when training |
models on < 15T would be to train on FineWeb while excluding the worst quality CommonCrawl dumps.</p> |
<p>We conducted further analysis to investigate the factors |
causing these differences from dump to dump. In particular, we considered 3 potential causes: </p> |
<ul> |
<li>large sudden changes in the list of crawled URLs;</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>synthetic (LLM generated) data;</li> |
</ul> |
<ul> |
<li>benchmark contamination;</li> |
</ul> |
<p>We go over each one in the following sections.</p> |
<h3>Changes in the most frequent URLs [HAVE TO RECHECK]</h3> |
<p>For each crawl from 2021-10 onwards, we gathered a list of |
the 60k most frequent <strong>FQDNs</strong> (fully qualified domain name). We then calculated the <a |
href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard similarity</a><d-cite bibtex-key="jaccard1912distribution"></d-cite> between consecutive |
crawls. A high value means that a crawl/dump has many of the same FQDNs as the dump immediately preceding |
it, while a small value means that a considerable number of top 60k FQDNs were downsampled or removed, or |
that alternatively new FQDNs were added to the top 60k.</p> |
<figure><img src="plots/Untitled%204.png"/></figure> |
<p>The data indicates three significant changes: |
2021-43/2021-49, 2022-33/2022-40, and 2023-40/2023-50.</p> |
<p>The explanation for the changes between 2022-33/2022-40 |
and 2023-40/2023-50 is straightforward: CommonCrawl accidentally did not index several popular suffixes, |
such as .co.uk, as documented on <a href="https://commoncrawl.org/errata/co-uk-cctld-not-included">this |
erratum</a>. This particular change does not seem particularly correlated on the overall dump quality. |
</p> |
<p>As to the shift from 2021-43 to 2021-49, which coincides |
with a sharp performance drop, roughly half (~30k) of the former’s top 60k FQDNs are not present in the |
latter’s list of top 60k FQDNs, and the dump size itself also decreased (19% reduction in WARC size, and a |
28% token reduction after deduplication). </p> |
<p>We were unable to find a clear reason for this drastic |
change, but upon reaching out to CommonCrawl, we were informed that these differences likely stem from a |
major update in adult content and malicious site blocking. It is therefore possible that the new updated |
adult site filter could have also removed a high number of high quality domains resulting in poor |
performance of the crawl. <strong>[TODO: change this framing a bit, it seems to suggest adult content is |
high quality for LLMs]</strong></p> |
<h3>Synthetic data contamination [HAVE TO RECHECK]</h3> |
<p>Secondly, we wondered if part of the changes in |
performance on recent dumps could be attributed to the presence of a larger quantity of synthetic data (data |
generated by LLMs). Such a change would not be surprising due to the recent increase in popularity of LLMs, |
notably of ChatGPT.</p> |
<p>Since, to the best of our knowledge, there is no fool |
proof method to detect synthetic data, we opted to use a proxy metric: we measured the frequency of the |
following words: <code>delve, as a large language model, it's important to note, rich tapestry, |
intertwined, certainly!, dive into</code>, which are words commonly used by ChatGPT.</p> |
<p>It is important to note that not all samples containing |
one of these phrases were necessarily generated by ChatGPT (and also that many ChatGPT generated samples do |
not contain any of these phrases), but assuming that the amount of synthetic data were to not change across |
dumps, one would expect these frequencies to remain approximately constant over time.</p> |
<p>The results are shown in the following graph:</p> |
<figure><img src="plots/Untitled%205.png"/></figure> |
<p>While the frequency remained approximately constant until |
2023-14 (ChatGPT was released at the end of 2022), not only do we find a steep increase of our proxy metric |
in recent crawls, as the proxy metric also correlates well with the agg score, with a pearson correlation of |
<strong>0.590</strong>. It is therefore possible that synthetic data has positively impacted performance in |
our selected tasks for these most recent dumps (with all limitations in interpretation from a single |
correlation measurement without intervention of randomization or any causality tools being used here). In |
particular, it could explain why the 2023-50 and 2024-10 dumps have such a strong performance. </p> |
<h3>Benchmarks contamination [HAVE TO RECHECK]</h3> |
<p>Also, most of our used benchmarks were introduced around |
<strong>2019</strong>. It’s thus possible that the 2019-XX 2021-43 performance increase might be caused by |
higher benchmark contamination in those crawls. Similarly, the recent increase in LLM popularity and |
evaluations, might have increased the contamination in recent benchmarks, explaining the score improvements |
of the two most recent crawls. <strong>[NOTE: the plot does not seem to support this at all]</strong></p> |
<figure><img src="plots/Untitled%206.png"/></figure> |
<h2>Next steps</h2> |
<p>We want to continue improving FineWeb and will also |
release a technical report with more details soon.</p> |
<p>Adapting the FineWeb recipe [wip]</p> |
</d-article> |
<d-appendix> |
<d-bibliography src="bibliography.bib"></d-bibliography> |
</d-appendix> |
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