Ezi's picture
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# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import pyarrow.feather as feather
import utils
from dataclasses import asdict
from datasets import Dataset, get_dataset_infos, load_dataset, load_from_disk, \
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from huggingface_hub import Repository, list_datasets
from json2html import *
from os import getenv
from os.path import exists, isdir, join as pjoin
from pathlib import Path
# treating inf values as NaN as well
pd.set_option("use_inf_as_na", True)
## String names used in Hugging Face dataset configs.
HF_FEATURE_FIELD = "features"
HF_LABEL_FIELD = "label"
HF_DESC_FIELD = "description"
CACHE_DIR = "cache_dir"
## String names we are using within this code.
# These are not coming from the stored dataset nor HF config,
# but rather used as identifiers in our dicts and dataframes.
TEXT_FIELD = "text"
PERPLEXITY_FIELD = "perplexity"
TOKENIZED_FIELD = "tokenized_text"
EMBEDDING_FIELD = "embedding"
LENGTH_FIELD = "length"
VOCAB = "vocab"
WORD = "word"
CNT = "count"
PROP = "proportion"
TEXT_NAN_CNT = "text_nan_count"
TXT_LEN = "text lengths"
TOT_WORDS = "total words"
TOT_OPEN_WORDS = "total open words"
_MAX_ROWS = 2000
logs = utils.prepare_logging(__file__)
def _load_dotenv_for_cache_on_hub():
This function loads and returns the organization name that you've set up on the
hub for storing your data measurements cache on the hub. It also loads the associated
access token. It expects you to have HUB_CACHE_ORGANIZATION=<the organization you've set up on the hub to store your cache>
and HF_TOKEN=<your hf token> on separate lines in a file named .env at the root of this repo.
tuple of strings: hub_cache_organization, hf_token
if Path(".env").is_file():
hf_token = getenv("HF_TOKEN")
hub_cache_organization = getenv("HUB_CACHE_ORGANIZATION")
return hub_cache_organization, hf_token
def get_cache_dir_naming(out_dir, dataset, config, split, feature):
feature_text = hyphenated(feature)
dataset_cache_name = f"{dataset}_{config}_{split}_{feature_text}"
local_dataset_cache_dir = out_dir + "/" + dataset_cache_name
return dataset_cache_name, local_dataset_cache_dir
def initialize_cache_hub_repo(local_cache_dir, dataset_cache_name):
This function tries to initialize a dataset cache on the huggingface hub. The
function expects you to have HUB_CACHE_ORGANIZATION=<the organization you've set up on the hub to store your cache>
and HF_TOKEN=<your hf token> on separate lines in a file named .env at the root of this repo.
local_cache_dir (string):
The path to the local dataset cache.
dataset_cache_name (string):
The name of the dataset repo on the huggingface hub that you want.
hub_cache_organization, hf_token = _load_dotenv_for_cache_on_hub()
clone_source = pjoin(hub_cache_organization, dataset_cache_name)
repo = Repository(local_dir=local_cache_dir,
repo_type="dataset", use_auth_token=hf_token)
return repo
def pull_cache_from_hub(cache_path, dataset_cache_dir):
This function tries to pull a datasets cache from the huggingface hub if a
cache for the dataset does not already exist locally. The function expects you
to have you HUB_CACHE_ORGANIZATION=<the organization you've set up on the hub to store your cache>
and HF_TOKEN=<your hf token> on separate lines in a file named .env at the root of this repo.
cache_path (string):
The path to the local dataset cache that you want.
dataset_cache_dir (string):
The name of the dataset repo on the huggingface hub.
hub_cache_organization, hf_token = _load_dotenv_for_cache_on_hub()
clone_source = pjoin(hub_cache_organization, dataset_cache_dir)
if isdir(cache_path):
logs.warning("Already a local cache for the dataset, so not pulling from the hub.")
# Here, dataset_info.id is of the form: <hub cache organization>/<dataset cache dir>
if dataset_cache_dir in [
dataset_info.id.split("/")[-1] for dataset_info in
repo_type="dataset", use_auth_token=hf_token)
logs.info("Pulled cache from hub!")
logs.warning("Asking to pull cache from hub but cannot find cached repo on the hub.")
def load_truncated_dataset(
This function loads the first `num_rows` items of a dataset for a
given `config_name` and `split_name`.
If `use_cache` and `cache_name` exists, the truncated dataset is loaded from
Otherwise, a new truncated dataset is created and immediately saved
to `cache_name`.
When the dataset is streamable, we iterate through the first
`num_rows` examples in streaming mode, write them to a jsonl file,
then create a new dataset from the json.
This is the most direct way to make a Dataset from an IterableDataset
as of datasets version 1.6.1.
Otherwise, we download the full dataset and select the first
`num_rows` items
dataset_name (string):
dataset id in the dataset library
config_name (string):
dataset configuration
split_name (string):
split name
num_rows (int) [optional]:
number of rows to truncate the dataset to
cache_dir (string):
name of the cache directory
use_cache (bool):
whether to load from the cache if it exists
use_streaming (bool):
whether to use streaming when the dataset supports it
save (bool):
whether to save the dataset locally
Dataset: the (truncated if specified) dataset as a Dataset object
logs.info("Loading or preparing dataset saved in %s " % cache_dir)
if use_cache and exists(cache_dir):
dataset = load_from_disk(cache_dir)
if use_streaming and dataset_name in _STREAMABLE_DATASET_LIST:
iterable_dataset = load_dataset(
rows = list(iterable_dataset)
def gen():
yield from rows
dataset = Dataset.from_generator(gen, features=iterable_dataset.features)
dataset._split = NamedSplit(split_name)
# f = open("temp.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8")
# for row in rows:
# _ = f.write(json.dumps(row) + "\n")
# f.close()
# dataset = Dataset.from_json(
# "temp.jsonl", features=iterable_dataset.features, split=NamedSplit(split_name)
# )
full_dataset = load_dataset(
if len(full_dataset) >= num_rows:
dataset = full_dataset.select(range(num_rows))
# Make the directory name clear that it's not the full dataset.
cache_dir = pjoin(cache_dir, ("_%s" % num_rows))
dataset = full_dataset
if save:
return dataset
def hyphenated(features):
"""When multiple features are asked for, hyphenate them together when they're used for filenames or titles"""
return '-'.join(features)
def get_typed_features(features, ftype="string", parents=None):
Recursively get a list of all features of a certain dtype
:param features:
:param ftype:
:param parents:
:return: a list of tuples > e.g. ('A', 'B', 'C') for feature example['A']['B']['C']
if parents is None:
parents = []
typed_features = []
for name, feat in features.items():
if isinstance(feat, dict):
if feat.get("dtype", None) == ftype or feat.get("feature", {}).get(
("dtype", None) == ftype
typed_features += [tuple(parents + [name])]
elif "feature" in feat:
if feat["feature"].get("dtype", None) == ftype:
typed_features += [tuple(parents + [name])]
elif isinstance(feat["feature"], dict):
typed_features += get_typed_features(
feat["feature"], ftype, parents + [name]
for k, v in feat.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
typed_features += get_typed_features(
v, ftype, parents + [name, k]
elif name == "dtype" and feat == ftype:
typed_features += [tuple(parents)]
return typed_features
def get_label_features(features, parents=None):
Recursively get a list of all features that are ClassLabels
:param features:
:param parents:
:return: pairs of tuples as above and the list of class names
if parents is None:
parents = []
label_features = []
for name, feat in features.items():
if isinstance(feat, dict):
if "names" in feat:
label_features += [(tuple(parents + [name]), feat["names"])]
elif "feature" in feat:
if "names" in feat:
label_features += [
(tuple(parents + [name]), feat["feature"]["names"])
elif isinstance(feat["feature"], dict):
label_features += get_label_features(
feat["feature"], parents + [name]
for k, v in feat.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
label_features += get_label_features(v, parents + [name, k])
elif name == "names":
label_features += [(tuple(parents), feat)]
return label_features
# get the info we need for the app sidebar in dict format
def dictionarize_info(dset_info):
info_dict = asdict(dset_info)
res = {
"config_name": info_dict["config_name"],
"splits": {
spl: 100
for spl, spl_info in info_dict["splits"].items()
"features": {
"string": get_typed_features(info_dict["features"], "string"),
"int32": get_typed_features(info_dict["features"], "int32"),
"float32": get_typed_features(info_dict["features"], "float32"),
"label": get_label_features(info_dict["features"]),
"description": dset_info.description,
return res
def get_dataset_info_dicts(dataset_id=None):
Creates a dict from dataset configs.
Uses the datasets lib's get_dataset_infos
:return: Dictionary mapping dataset names to their configurations
if dataset_id is not None:
ds_name_to_conf_dict = {
dataset_id: {
config_name: dictionarize_info(config_info)
for config_name, config_info in get_dataset_infos(dataset_id).items()
ds_name_to_conf_dict = {
ds_id: {
config_name: dictionarize_info(config_info)
for config_name, config_info in get_dataset_infos(ds_id).items()
for ds_id in _DATASET_LIST
return ds_name_to_conf_dict
# get all instances of a specific field in a dataset
def extract_field(examples, field_path, new_field_name=None):
if new_field_name is None:
new_field_name = "_".join(field_path)
field_list = []
# TODO: Breaks the CLI if this isn't checked.
if isinstance(field_path, str):
field_path = [field_path]
item_list = examples[field_path[0]]
for field_name in field_path[1:]:
item_list = [
for item in item_list
for next_item in (
if isinstance(item[field_name], list)
else [item[field_name]]
field_list += [
for item in item_list
for field in (item if isinstance(item, list) else [item])
return {new_field_name: field_list}
def make_path(path):
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
def counter_dict_to_df(dict_input, key_as_column=False):
df_output = pd.DataFrame(dict_input, index=[0]).T
if key_as_column:
df_output.columns = ["instance", "count"]
df_output.columns = ["count"]
return df_output.sort_values(by="count", ascending=False)
def write_plotly(fig, fid):
write_json(plotly.io.to_json(fig), fid)
def read_plotly(fid):
fig = plotly.io.from_json(json.load(open(fid, encoding="utf-8")))
return fig
def write_json_as_html(input_json, html_fid):
html_dict = json2html.convert(json=input_json)
with open(html_fid, "w+") as f:
def df_to_write_html(input_df, html_fid):
"""Writes a dataframe to an HTML file"""
def read_df(df_fid):
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(read_json(df_fid), orient="index")
def write_df(df, df_fid):
"""In order to preserve the index of our dataframes, we can't
use the compressed pandas dataframe file format .feather.
There's a preference for json amongst HF devs, so we use that here."""
df_dict = df.to_dict('index')
write_json(df_dict, df_fid)
def write_json(json_dict, json_fid):
with open(json_fid, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(json_dict, f)
def read_json(json_fid):
json_dict = json.load(open(json_fid, encoding="utf-8"))
return json_dict