import subprocess |
import sys |
import streamlit as st |
def install_package(package, flags=False): |
try: |
__import__(package) |
print(f"'{package}' is already installed.") |
except ImportError: |
print(f"Installing '{package}'...") |
if flags: |
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-build-isolation", package]) |
else: |
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package]) |
if "installed_libraries" not in st.session_state or not st.session_state.installed_libraries: |
install_package("flash-attn", flags=True) |
install_package("rerankers[all]") |
st.session_state.installed_libraries = True |
from PIL import Image |
import os |
import torch |
from uuid import uuid4 |
import fitz |
import json |
from src.pipelines import InvoiceGenerator |
st.set_page_config(page_title="Invoice generator", layout="wide") |
output_folder = "output" |
data_folder = "data" |
template = "template.md" |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
with open(f"{data_folder}/car_parts.json", "r") as f: |
car_parts = json.load(f) |
faiss_index_path = f"{data_folder}/invoice_index.faiss" |
print("File size:", os.path.getsize(faiss_index_path)) |
st.image("data/images/invoice_car-body-scratches-789.png", width=300) |
if "pipeline" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.pipeline = InvoiceGenerator( |
fais_index_path=f"{data_folder}/invoice_index.faiss", |
image_invoice_index_path=f"{data_folder}/image_invoice.csv", |
path_to_invoices=f"{data_folder}/invoices", |
path_to_images=f"{data_folder}/images", |
path_to_template=f"{data_folder}/{template}", |
reranker_model="monovlm", |
device=device, |
gpu_memory_utilization=0.65 |
) |
pipeline = st.session_state.pipeline |
def get_image_from_pdf(pdf_path): |
doc = fitz.open(pdf_path) |
page = doc[0] |
mat = fitz.Matrix(2, 2) |
pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=mat) |
img = Image.frombytes("RGB", [pix.width, pix.height], pix.samples) |
return img |
def read_markdown_file(file_path): |
with open(file_path, "r") as f: |
return f.read() |
def display_invoice(image_path): |
output_pdf = "invoice_" + os.path.basename(image_path).split(".")[0] + ".pdf" |
path_to_output_pdf = f"{output_folder}/{output_pdf}" |
try: |
result = pipeline.generate_invoice( |
image_path=image_path, output_path=path_to_output_pdf, car_parts=car_parts |
) |
if result is None: |
st.write("Image is irrelevant, upload another one") |
st.session_state["status"] = "irrelevant" |
return |
print(f"Generated invoice: {path_to_output_pdf}") |
st.session_state["generated_pdf"] = path_to_output_pdf |
st.session_state["invoice_info"] = result["invoice_info"] |
st.session_state["invoice_path"] = f"{data_folder}/invoices/{result['invoice_path']}" |
st.session_state["similar_image"] = f"{data_folder}/images/{result['similar_image']}" |
st.session_state["damage_description"] = result["damage_description"] |
st.session_state["detailed_damage_description"] = result["detailed_damage_description"] |
return get_image_from_pdf(path_to_output_pdf) |
except Exception as e: |
st.write("Could not generate invoice, please try again") |
print(e) |
return None |
st.title("Upload FNOL photo") |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([4, 1, 4]) |
with col1: |
uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("Upload photo", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) |
if uploaded_image: |
try: |
image = Image.open(uploaded_image) |
image_path = f"{output_folder}/{str(uuid4())[:5]}.png" |
image.save(image_path) |
print(f"Image: {image_path}") |
st.image(image, caption="Uploaded photo", width=300) |
st.session_state["image"] = image_path |
except Exception as e: |
st.write(f"Coudn't load image: {e}") |
with col2: |
if st.session_state.get("image"): |
if st.button("Generate invoice"): |
with st.spinner("Generating..."): |
st.session_state["invoice"] = display_invoice(st.session_state["image"]) |
if st.session_state["invoice"]: |
st.session_state["status"] = "loaded" |
else: |
st.button("Generate invoice", disabled=True) |
if st.session_state.get("generated_pdf"): |
with open(st.session_state["generated_pdf"], "rb") as f: |
file_data = f.read() |
st.download_button( |
label="Download invoice", |
data=file_data, |
file_name="generated_invoice.pdf", |
mime="application/pdf" |
) |
with col3: |
if st.session_state.get("status") == "loaded": |
st.image(st.session_state["invoice"], caption="Generated invoice", use_container_width=True) |
st.image(st.session_state["similar_image"], caption="Similar accident", width=300) |
st.write(f"Detailed damage description: {st.session_state['detailed_damage_description']}") |
st.write(f"Damage description: {st.session_state['damage_description']}") |
st.image(get_image_from_pdf(st.session_state["invoice_path"]), caption="Invoice of similar accident type", use_container_width=True) |