LLM-ADE-dev / src /validator.py
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import ast
import json
from jsonschema import validate
from pydantic import ValidationError
from utils import inference_logger, extract_json_from_markdown
from schema import FunctionCall, FunctionSignature
def validate_function_call_schema(call, signatures):
call_data = FunctionCall(**call)
except ValidationError as e:
return False, str(e)
for signature in signatures:
signature_data = FunctionSignature(**signature)
if signature_data.function.name == call_data.name:
# Validate types in function arguments
for arg_name, arg_schema in signature_data.function.parameters.get('properties', {}).items():
if arg_name in call_data.arguments:
call_arg_value = call_data.arguments[arg_name]
if call_arg_value:
validate_argument_type(arg_name, call_arg_value, arg_schema)
except Exception as arg_validation_error:
return False, str(arg_validation_error)
# Check if all required arguments are present
required_arguments = signature_data.function.parameters.get('required', [])
result, missing_arguments = check_required_arguments(call_data.arguments, required_arguments)
if not result:
return False, f"Missing required arguments: {missing_arguments}"
return True, None
except Exception as e:
# Handle validation errors for the function signature
return False, str(e)
# No matching function signature found
return False, f"No matching function signature found for function: {call_data.name}"
def check_required_arguments(call_arguments, required_arguments):
missing_arguments = [arg for arg in required_arguments if arg not in call_arguments]
return not bool(missing_arguments), missing_arguments
def validate_enum_value(arg_name, arg_value, enum_values):
if arg_value not in enum_values:
raise Exception(
f"Invalid value '{arg_value}' for parameter {arg_name}. Expected one of {', '.join(map(str, enum_values))}"
def validate_argument_type(arg_name, arg_value, arg_schema):
arg_type = arg_schema.get('type', None)
if arg_type:
if arg_type == 'string' and 'enum' in arg_schema:
enum_values = arg_schema['enum']
if None not in enum_values and enum_values != []:
validate_enum_value(arg_name, arg_value, enum_values)
except Exception as e:
# Propagate the validation error message
raise Exception(f"Error validating function call: {e}")
python_type = get_python_type(arg_type)
if not isinstance(arg_value, python_type):
raise Exception(f"Type mismatch for parameter {arg_name}. Expected: {arg_type}, Got: {type(arg_value)}")
def get_python_type(json_type):
type_mapping = {
'string': str,
'number': (int, float),
'integer': int,
'boolean': bool,
'array': list,
'object': dict,
'null': type(None),
return type_mapping[json_type]
def validate_json_data(json_object, json_schema):
valid = False
error_message = None
result_json = None
# Attempt to load JSON using json.loads
result_json = json.loads(json_object)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
# If json.loads fails, try ast.literal_eval
result_json = ast.literal_eval(json_object)
except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as e:
result_json = extract_json_from_markdown(json_object)
except Exception as e:
error_message = f"JSON decoding error: {e}"
inference_logger.info(f"Validation failed for JSON data: {error_message}")
return valid, result_json, error_message
# Return early if both json.loads and ast.literal_eval fail
if result_json is None:
error_message = "Failed to decode JSON data"
inference_logger.info(f"Validation failed for JSON data: {error_message}")
return valid, result_json, error_message
# Validate each item in the list against schema if it's a list
if isinstance(result_json, list):
for index, item in enumerate(result_json):
validate(instance=item, schema=json_schema)
inference_logger.info(f"Item {index+1} is valid against the schema.")
except ValidationError as e:
error_message = f"Validation failed for item {index+1}: {e}"
# Default to validation without list
validate(instance=result_json, schema=json_schema)
except ValidationError as e:
error_message = f"Validation failed: {e}"
except Exception as e:
error_message = f"Error occurred: {e}"
if error_message is None:
valid = True
inference_logger.info("JSON data is valid against the schema.")
inference_logger.info(f"Validation failed for JSON data: {error_message}")
return valid, result_json, error_message