# Añade esta importación al inicio del archivo from format.format import buyer_persona_formats, what_we_really_want, validation_questions, bullet_format_instructions from format.jung_archetypes import jung_archetypes, get_all_archetype_names, get_archetype_description def get_system_prompt(): """ Returns the main system prompt with instructions for creating ideal customer profiles """ return """You are an expert in creating ideal customer profiles, and your task is to help me create the perfect avatar for my product or service. You need to identify the customer who is attracted to my skills or the product/service I offer. This customer should be willing to invest in what I offer, keeping in mind their problems, frustrations, and desires. STEPS TO COMPLETE THE TASK: 1. **Determine the customer profile and their problems:** - First, understand who your ideal customer is through demographic data (age, gender, education, occupation, location) and psychographic information (values, beliefs, aspirations). - Identify what interests, hobbies, and activities they enjoy that relate to your product/service. - Determine what skills or interests you share with them that create a connection beyond the product itself. - Focus on **urgent** and specific problems that your product/service can solve for this customer. - The problem is what drives the purchase; identifying it will help niche the offer. - Deeply explore their belief systems, mental frameworks, and how these shape their perception of their problems. - Investigate their daily routines, habits, and specific real-life situations where they experience their problems. 2. **Analyze their needs and decision-making process:** - Identify the **symptoms** that indicate the customer is facing the problem. - Understand their challenges and frustrations that make them seek your solution. - Determine what benefits they see in your offering and why your specific approach resonates with them. - Analyze their purchasing power and price sensitivity: How much can they spend? Are they willing to pay premium prices? - Examine how they make buying decisions: Do they research extensively? Are they influenced by reviews or recommendations? - Explore the emotional triggers that drive their purchasing decisions. - Uncover the subconscious thought patterns and limiting beliefs that might be preventing them from solving their problem. - Identify the specific moments in their daily life when they feel the most pain or frustration related to the problem. 3. **Create a comprehensive buyer persona:** - Use the information gathered from the previous steps to create a **detailed profile of the ideal customer**. - Include their motivations for buying and what they value most (price, quality, effectiveness, convenience). - Develop a rich psychological profile that includes their core values, identity beliefs, and worldview. - Describe specific scenarios from their daily life that illustrate their struggles and desires. - Here are the points to follow: **[VARIABLES]** **Problems:** [Copy and paste the problem you are solving, usually the painful one] **[INSTRUCTION]** Create a buyer persona in the following format. Write the personality type (using their initials) from the 12 archetypes of Carlos Gustav Jung, what they value, what excites them, how they are, their fears, insecurities, guilt, frustrations, and problems, where they can be found, what they are willing to invest in, their interests, their desires, and what they really want. **IMPORTANT:** If there is a variable in **[VARIABLES]**, replace it in the format. Base your answers on real-life situations that the avatar would experience in their daily life. Use a natural, conversational language that feels authentic and relatable. Give the reasons why they want what they want. Use **[WHAT WE REALLY WANT]** to answer that section. Use Markdown formatting for the presentation. THE ENTIRE RESPONSE MUST BE IN SPANISH, especially the section "Lo que realmente quiere". For the section "Lo que realmente quiere" (What they really want), identify and focus on THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT underlying desire that drives this avatar. Choose only one element from [WHAT WE REALLY WANT] that best connects with their fears, obstacles, and aspirations. Develop this single desire in depth, explaining specifically how it manifests in their life, why it's so important to them, and how it relates to their personal circumstances mentioned in previous sections. Be detailed and specific about how this core desire influences their decisions and behaviors.""" def create_instruction(format_type, product_service, skills, consciousness_level, target_audience=None, gender=None): # Obtener el formato específico del diccionario de formatos from format.format import buyer_persona_formats, bullet_format_instructions, consciousness_level_instructions, what_we_really_want, gran_deseo_secreto_guide format_data = buyer_persona_formats.get(format_type, {}) template = format_data.get("template", "") example = format_data.get("example", "") questions = format_data.get("questions", "") # Instrucción base instruction = f""" Actúa como un experto en marketing y psicología del consumidor. Crea un perfil detallado del cliente ideal para el siguiente producto o servicio: PRODUCTO/SERVICIO: {product_service} HABILIDADES DEL PROVEEDOR: {skills} NIVEL DE CONCIENCIA DEL CLIENTE: {consciousness_level} Utiliza el siguiente formato: {template} Aquí tienes un ejemplo de cómo debería ser el resultado: {example} Considera estas preguntas al crear el perfil: {questions} {bullet_format_instructions} {consciousness_level_instructions} INSTRUCCIONES ESPECÍFICAS PARA EL GRAN DESEO SECRETO: {gran_deseo_secreto_guide} Al crear el Gran Deseo Secreto, asegúrate de: 1. Considerar el nivel de conciencia "{consciousness_level}" del cliente 2. Relacionarlo con el producto/servicio: "{product_service}" 3. Incorporar las habilidades del proveedor: "{skills}" 4. Crear una tensión emocional profunda que el producto/servicio pueda resolver 5. Alinearlo con las características específicas del público objetivo{f': {target_audience}' if target_audience else ''} Lo que realmente queremos (motivaciones profundas): {what_we_really_want["format"]} Crea un perfil completo, detallado y psicológicamente coherente. Asegúrate de que todas las secciones estén completas y sean específicas para este producto/servicio. """ return instruction # Obtener el prompt principal pero modificarlo según el formato system_prompt = get_system_prompt().replace( """Give the reasons why they want what they want. Use **[WHAT WE REALLY WANT]** to answer that section. **IMPORTANT:** If there is a variable in **[VARIABLES]**, replace it in the format. Base your answers on real-life situations that the avatar would experience in their daily life. Use a natural, conversational language that feels authentic and relatable. Give the reasons why they want what they want. Use **[WHAT WE REALLY WANT]** to answer that section. Use Markdown formatting for the presentation. THE ENTIRE RESPONSE MUST BE IN SPANISH, especially the section "Lo que realmente quiere". For the section "Lo que realmente quiere" (What they really want), identify and focus on THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT underlying desire that drives this avatar. Choose only one element from [WHAT WE REALLY WANT] that best connects with their fears, obstacles, and aspirations. Develop this single desire in depth, explaining specifically how it manifests in their life, why it's so important to them, and how it relates to their personal circumstances mentioned in previous sections. Be detailed and specific about how this core desire influences their decisions and behaviors.""", """**IMPORTANT:** If there is a variable in **[VARIABLES]**, replace it in the format. Base your answers on real-life situations that the avatar would experience in their daily life. Use a natural, conversational language that feels authentic and relatable. """ + what_we_want_instruction + """ Use Markdown formatting for the presentation. THE ENTIRE RESPONSE MUST BE IN SPANISH.""" ) # Preparar la información del público objetivo si se proporciona target_audience_info = "" if target_audience: target_audience_info = f"\n\nEl público objetivo específico es: {target_audience}. Asegúrate de que el perfil del cliente ideal se alinee con este público objetivo." # Definir el género si se especifica gender_instruction = "" if gender: if gender.lower() in ["hombre", "masculino", "male"]: gender_instruction = "\n\nCrea un perfil de cliente ideal masculino." elif gender.lower() in ["mujer", "femenino", "female"]: gender_instruction = "\n\nCrea un perfil de cliente ideal femenino." else: gender_instruction = "\n\nIMPORTANTE: Elige un solo género (hombre o mujer) para el perfil y mantén ESTRICTA concordancia de género en todo el texto. NO uses lenguaje inclusivo ni te refieras al cliente en plural. Mantén coherencia usando siempre el mismo género que hayas elegido." # Añadir instrucciones sobre el nivel de conciencia del mercado consciousness_instruction = "" if consciousness_level and consciousness_level.lower() != "ninguno": consciousness_descriptions = { "desconocido": "El cliente NO SABE que tiene un problema. Su perfil debe reflejar que no es consciente de su necesidad, aunque experimenta síntomas. Sus frustraciones y problemas deben estar relacionados con los síntomas, NO con la solución. NO debe estar buscando activamente soluciones.", "consciente del problema": "El cliente RECONOCE que tiene un problema pero NO SABE cómo resolverlo. Su perfil debe mostrar que está FRUSTRADO por el problema y está comenzando a buscar información. Sus miedos deben reflejar la urgencia del problema y las consecuencias de no resolverlo.", "consciente de la solución": "El cliente SABE qué tipo de soluciones existen pero NO HA DECIDIDO cuál elegir. Su perfil debe mostrar que está COMPARANDO opciones y evaluando alternativas. Sus inseguridades deben estar relacionadas con tomar la decisión correcta.", "consciente del producto": "El cliente CONOCE tu producto/servicio pero NO ESTÁ CONVENCIDO de comprarlo. Su perfil debe mostrar que está considerando seriamente tu oferta pero tiene DUDAS o OBJECIONES específicas. Sus miedos deben estar relacionados con si tu solución es realmente la mejor para él.", "consciente de la compra": "El cliente ESTÁ LISTO para comprar pero necesita un INCENTIVO FINAL. Su perfil debe mostrar que está convencido del valor pero busca la mejor oferta o el momento adecuado. Sus frustraciones deben estar relacionadas con barreras para completar la compra." } level_key = consciousness_level.lower() description = consciousness_descriptions.get(level_key, f"Nivel de conciencia: {consciousness_level}") consciousness_instruction = f""" \n\nIMPORTANT - CUSTOMER AWARENESS LEVEL: {consciousness_level.upper()} {description} This awareness level must COMPLETELY DETERMINE how the ideal customer thinks, feels, and acts. ADAPT THE ENTIRE PROFILE (especially their fears, frustrations, problems, and insecurities) to consistently reflect this level of awareness. CRITICAL: You MUST include a section titled "Nivel de conciencia" in your response with this exact format: **Nivel de conciencia:** {consciousness_level} - [Brief explanation of how this awareness level manifests in their life] Example: **Nivel de conciencia:** Desconocido - No es consciente de que la falta de dominio del inglés está limitando sus oportunidades. Atribuye su estancamiento a otros factores, como la suerte o la política de la empresa. """ else: # Default to "Desconocido" if no consciousness level is specified consciousness_instruction = """ \n\nIMPORTANT - CUSTOMER AWARENESS LEVEL: DESCONOCIDO El cliente NO SABE que tiene un problema. Su perfil debe reflejar que no es consciente de su necesidad, aunque experimenta síntomas. Sus frustraciones y problemas deben estar relacionados con los síntomas, NO con la solución. NO debe estar buscando activamente soluciones. This awareness level must COMPLETELY DETERMINE how the ideal customer thinks, feels, and acts. ADAPT THE ENTIRE PROFILE (especially their fears, frustrations, problems, and insecurities) to consistently reflect this level of awareness. CRITICAL: You MUST include a section titled "Nivel de conciencia" in your response with this exact format: **Nivel de conciencia:** Desconocido - [Brief explanation of how this awareness level manifests in their life] Example: **Nivel de conciencia:** Desconocido - No es consciente de que la falta de dominio del inglés está limitando sus oportunidades. Atribuye su estancamiento a otros factores, como la suerte o la política de la empresa. """ # Construir las instrucciones completas # Solo incluir instrucciones de arquetipos de Jung para junguiano_format jung_archetypes_instruction = "" if format_type == "junguiano_format": # Crear una referencia concisa de los arquetipos para incluir en las instrucciones archetype_names = get_all_archetype_names() jung_archetypes_instruction = """ \n\nIMPORTANT - JUNG ARCHETYPES REFERENCE: Selecciona un arquetipo principal y uno secundario para el cliente ideal basándote en la siguiente información: """ # Añadir descripción de cada arquetipo for key in jung_archetypes.keys(): archetype = jung_archetypes[key] name = key.replace('_', ' ').title() jung_archetypes_instruction += f""" **{name}**: {archetype['descripcion']} - Motivaciones: {archetype['motivaciones']} - Miedos: {archetype['miedos']} - Debilidades: {archetype['debilidades']} """ jung_archetypes_instruction += """ Para cada arquetipo seleccionado, explica: - Cómo se manifiesta en su personalidad y comportamiento - Qué lo motiva basado en este arquetipo - Sus miedos e inseguridades relacionados con el arquetipo - Los aspectos "sombra" (rasgos reprimidos) que pueden emerger bajo estrés La "sombra" representa los aspectos reprimidos o negados de la personalidad según la teoría de Jung. """ # Añadir la instrucción de arquetipos a las instrucciones completas instructions = f""" Crea un perfil de cliente ideal para el siguiente producto/servicio: **Producto/Servicio:** {product_service} **Mis habilidades/competencias:** {skills} {target_audience_info} {gender_instruction} {format_instruction} {consciousness_instruction} {jung_archetypes_instruction} {desire_format} Utiliza el siguiente formato para crear el perfil: {format_template} Aquí tienes un ejemplo de cómo debería ser el perfil: {example} {what_we_want if format_type == "junguiano_format" else ""} {validation} """ # Añadir instrucción explícita para formatos que no son junguiano_format if format_type != "junguiano_format": instructions += """ \n\nIMPORTANTE: Este formato NO debe incluir la sección "Lo que realmente quiere". Sigue estrictamente el formato proporcionado sin añadir secciones adicionales. """ return instructions