import importlib.machinery as machinery import os import sys import traceback import zipfile from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from pathlib import Path import click from semver import VersionInfo from steamship import Package, PackageVersion, PluginVersion, Steamship, SteamshipError from steamship.cli.manifest_init_wizard import validate_handle, validate_version_handle from steamship.cli.ship_spinner import ship_spinner from import Plugin from import Manifest from import User from steamship.invocable.lambda_handler import get_class_from_module DEFAULT_BUILD_IGNORE = [ "build", ".git", ".venv", ".ipynb_checkpoints", ".DS_Store", "venv", "tests", "examples", ".idea", "__pycache__", ] def update_config_template(manifest: Manifest): path = Path("src/") if not path.exists(): path = Path("") if not path.exists(): raise SteamshipError("Could not find either in root directory or in src.") api_module = None try: sys.path.append(str(path.parent.absolute())) # load the API module to allow config inspection / generation api_module = machinery.SourceFileLoader("api", str(path)).load_module() except Exception: click.secho( "An error occurred while loading your to check configuration parameters. Full stack trace below.", fg="red", ) traceback.print_exc() click.get_current_context().abort() invocable_type = get_class_from_module(api_module) config_parameters = invocable_type.config_cls().get_config_parameters() if manifest.configTemplate != config_parameters: if len(config_parameters) > 0: click.secho("Config parameters changed; updating steamship.json.", fg="cyan") for param_name, param in config_parameters.items(): click.echo(f"{param_name}:") click.echo(f"\tType: {param.type}") click.echo(f"\tDefault: {param.default}") click.echo(f"\tDescription: {param.description}") else: click.secho("Config parameters removed; updating steamship.json.", fg="cyan") manifest.configTemplate = config_parameters def get_archive_path(manifest: Manifest) -> Path: return Path(".") / "build" / "archives" / f"{manifest.handle}_v{manifest.version}.zip" def bundle_deployable(manifest: Manifest): archive_path = get_archive_path(manifest) archive_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) excludes = DEFAULT_BUILD_IGNORE + manifest.build_config.get("ignore", []) archive_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) # This zipfile packaging is modeled after the typescript CLI. # Items in non-excluded root folders are moved to the top-level. with zipfile.ZipFile( file=archive_path, mode="a", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=False ) as zip_file: root = Path(".") for file_path in root.iterdir(): if not in excludes: if file_path.is_dir(): for directory, _, files in os.walk(file_path): subdirectory_path = Path(directory) if Path(directory).name not in excludes: for file in files: pypi_file = subdirectory_path / file relative_to = pypi_file.relative_to(file_path) zip_file.write(pypi_file, relative_to) else: zip_file.write(file_path) class DeployableDeployer(ABC): @abstractmethod def _create_version(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest, thing_id: str): pass @abstractmethod def create_object(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest): pass @abstractmethod def update_object(self, deployable, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest): pass @abstractmethod def deployable_type(self): pass def create_or_fetch_deployable(self, client: Steamship, user: User, manifest: Manifest): if not manifest.handle or len(manifest.handle) == 0: self.ask_for_new_handle(manifest, was_missing=True) deployable = None while deployable is None: click.echo( f"Creating / fetching {self.deployable_type()} with handle [{manifest.handle}]... ", nl=False, ) try: deployable = self.create_object(client, manifest) if deployable.user_id != self.ask_for_new_handle(manifest) deployable = None except SteamshipError as e: if e.message == "Something went wrong.": self.ask_for_new_handle(manifest) else: click.secho( f"Unable to create / fetch {self.deployable_type()}. Server returned message: {e.message}" ) click.get_current_context().abort() self.update_object(deployable, client, manifest) click.echo("Done.") return deployable def ask_for_new_handle(self, manifest: Manifest, was_missing: bool = False): if not was_missing: try_again = click.confirm( f"\nIt looks like that handle [{manifest.handle}] is already in use. Would you like to change the handle and try again?", fg="yellow", ), default=True, ) if not try_again: click.get_current_context().abort() new_handle = click.prompt( f"What handle would you like to use for your {self.deployable_type()}? Valid characters are a-z and -", value_proc=validate_handle, ) manifest.handle = new_handle def create_version(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest, thing_id: str): version = None if not manifest.version or len(manifest.version) == 0: self.ask_for_new_version_handle(manifest, was_missing=True) while version is None: click.echo(f"Deploying version {manifest.version} of [{manifest.handle}]... ", nl=False) try: with ship_spinner(): version = self._create_version(client, manifest, thing_id) except SteamshipError as e: if "The object you are trying to create already exists." in e.message: self.ask_for_new_version_handle(manifest) else: click.secho(f"\nUnable to deploy {self.deployable_type()} version.", fg="red") click.secho(f"Server returned message: {e.message}") if "ModuleNotFoundError" in e.message: click.secho( "It looks like you may be missing a dependency in your requirements.txt.", fg="yellow", ) click.get_current_context().abort() click.echo("\nDone. 🚢") def ask_for_new_version_handle(self, manifest: Manifest, was_missing: bool = False): if not was_missing: try_again = click.confirm( f"\nIt looks like that version [{manifest.version}] has already been deployed. Would you like to change the version handle and try again?", fg="yellow", ), default=True, ) if not try_again: click.get_current_context().abort() default_new = "1.0.0" try: default_new = str(VersionInfo.parse(manifest.version).bump_prerelease()) except ValueError: pass old_archive_path = get_archive_path(manifest) new_version_handle = click.prompt( "What should the new version be? Valid characters are a-z, 0-9, . and -", value_proc=validate_version_handle, default=default_new, ) manifest.version = new_version_handle new_archive_path = get_archive_path(manifest) old_archive_path.rename(new_archive_path) class PackageDeployer(DeployableDeployer): def _create_version(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest, thing_id: str): return PackageVersion.create( client=client, config_template=manifest.config_template_as_dict(), handle=manifest.version, filename=f"build/archives/{manifest.handle}_v{manifest.version}.zip", package_id=thing_id, ) def create_object(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest): return Package.create( client, handle=manifest.handle, profile=manifest, is_public=manifest.public, fetch_if_exists=True, ) def update_object(self, deployable, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest): deployable.profile = manifest package = deployable.update(client) return package def deployable_type(self): return "package" class PluginDeployer(DeployableDeployer): def _create_version(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest, thing_id: str): return PluginVersion.create( client=client, config_template=manifest.config_template_as_dict(), handle=manifest.version, filename=f"build/archives/{manifest.handle}_v{manifest.version}.zip", plugin_id=thing_id, ) def create_object(self, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest): return Plugin.create( client, description=manifest.description, is_public=manifest.public, transport=manifest.plugin.transport, type_=manifest.plugin.type, handle=manifest.handle, fetch_if_exists=True, ) def update_object(self, deployable, client: Steamship, manifest: Manifest): deployable.profile = manifest plugin = deployable.update(client) return plugin def deployable_type(self): return "plugin"