long-code-arena / src /content.py
saridormi's picture
Start rendering actual data + minor improvements
history blame
2.4 kB
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# = ABOUT =
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INTRODUCTION_TITLE = """<h1 align="center">🏟️ Long Code Arena</h1>"""
INTRODUCTION_TEXT = """🏟️ Long Code Arena is a benchmark of code-related tasks with large contexts, up to a whole code repository.
It currently spans six different tasks."""
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LEADERBOARD_TITLE = '<h2 align="center">πŸ…Leaderboard</h2>'
LEADERBOARD_TEXT = """Raw results from the leaderboard are available in πŸ€— [JetBrains-Research/lca-results](https://huggingface.co/datasets/JetBrains-Research/lca-results)."""
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SUBMISSION_TITLE = '<h2 align="center">πŸ“© Make A Submission</h2>'
SUBMISSION_TEXT_INTRO = """Use the form below to submit new results to 🏟️ Long Code Arena. If any problems arise, don't hesitate to contact us by email `TODO` or open a discussion πŸ’›"""
SUBMISSION_TEXT_TASK = """1. Select a task you want to submit results for."""
SUBMISSION_TEXT_METADATA = """2. Fill in some metadata about your submission."""
SUBMISSION_TEXT_FILES = """3. Attach one or more files with your model's predictions.
* If several files are attached, they will be treated as separate runs of the submitted model (e.g., with different seeds), and the metrics will be averaged across runs. For baselines provided by 🏟️ Long Code Arena Team, the results are averaged across 3 runs.
* Please, attach files in [JSONLines format](https://jsonlines.org/). For an example, check the predictions provided by 🏟️ Long Code Arena Team in πŸ€— [JetBrains-Research/lca-results](https://huggingface.co/datasets/JetBrains-Research/lca-results). Make sure to include `"prediction"` and `"reference"` fields for each example, the rest are optional.
SUBMISSION_TEXT_SUBMIT = """All set! A new PR to πŸ€— [JetBrains-Research/lca-results](https://huggingface.co/datasets/JetBrains-Research/lca-results) should be opened when you press "Submit" button. 🏟️ Long Code Arena Team will review it shortly, and the results will appear in the leaderboard.
⏳ **Note:** It might take some time (up to 40 minutes) for PR to get created, since it involves computing metrics for your submission."""