import csv import gzip import math import numpy import torch from stockfish import Stockfish, StockfishException from import Dataset from tqdm import tqdm from board import BitBoard, Piece, Player, PIECE_TYPES from config import LICHESS_DATASET_PATH, STOCKFISH_EXECUTABLE_PATH BOARD_VECTOR_SIZE = 8*8*PIECE_TYPES+7 def _bitboard_to_ndarray(board: BitBoard): """Note that the bitboard does not include a bit-flag for the current player, castling status, etc.""" output = numpy.zeros((14, 8, 8), dtype=float) for y in range(0, 8): for x in range(0, 8): ptype = board.get_piece(x, y) if ptype is None: output[0, y, x] = 1.0 else: output[int(ptype), y, x] = 1.0 return output def _ndarray_to_board(arr): board = BitBoard() for piece_type in range(0, PIECE_TYPES): ptype = Piece(piece_type) for y in range(0, 8): for x in range(0, 8): if arr[piece_type, y, x] > 0.5: board.set_piece(x, y, ptype) return board def bitboard_to_tensor(board: BitBoard) -> torch.Tensor: arr = _bitboard_to_ndarray(board) flat_array = numpy.reshape(arr, (PIECE_TYPES*8*8,), order='C') # We need to add 7 extra spaces for next to play, castling status (4 bits), half-move count, and full-move count. # En-passant is encoded in the bitboard separately. game_info = numpy.zeros((7,), dtype=float) game_info[0] = 0.0 if board.next_to_move == Player.WHITE else 1.0 # KQkq game_info[1] = (Piece.KING_W in board.castling_status) * 1.0 game_info[2] = (Piece.QUEEN_W in board.castling_status) * 1.0 game_info[3] = (Piece.KING_B in board.castling_status) * 1.0 game_info[4] = (Piece.QUEEN_B in board.castling_status) * 1.0 game_info[5] = board.halfstep_count game_info[6] = board.fullstep_count / 50.0 return torch.tensor(numpy.hstack([flat_array, game_info])) def tensor_to_bitboard(arr: torch.Tensor) -> BitBoard: array = arr.detach().numpy() # Cut off the last eight. board = _ndarray_to_board(array[:PIECE_TYPES*8*8].resize(PIECE_TYPES, 8, 8)) if array[-7] > 0.5: board.next_to_move = Player.BLACK else: board.next_to_move = Player.WHITE if array[-6] > 0.5: board.castling_status.add(Piece.KING_W) if array[-5] > 0.5: board.castling_status.add(Piece.QUEEN_W) if array[-4] > 0.5: board.castling_status.add(Piece.KING_B) if array[-3] > 0.5: board.castling_status.add(Piece.QUEEN_B) board.halfstep_count = int(array[-2]) board.fullstep_count = int(array[-1]*50) return board class LichessPuzzleDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, cap_data: int = None): # See fin =, 'rt') cin = csv.DictReader(fin) cin.fieldnames = ["PuzzleId", "FEN", "Moves", "Rating", "RatingDeviation", "Popularity", "NbPlays", "Themes", "GameUrl", "OpeningFamily", "OpeningVariation"] little_fish = Stockfish(path=STOCKFISH_EXECUTABLE_PATH, depth=3, parameters={"Hash": 64, "Threads": 1}) #big_fish = Stockfish(path=STOCKFISH_EXECUTABLE_PATH, depth=18, parameters={"Hash": 2048, "Threads": 4, "Minimum Thinking Time": 30}) self.fen_start = list() self.puzzle_start = list() self.moves = list() self.rating = list() self.rating_stddev = list() self.popularity = list() self.number_of_plays = list() self.themes = list() self.evaluations = list() # stockfish.get_evaluation() -> {"type":"cp", "value":12} or {"type":"mate", "value":-3} for row in tqdm(cin): puzzle_id = row['PuzzleId'] fen = row['FEN'] moves = row['Moves'] rating = row['Rating'] rating_stddev = row['RatingDeviation'] popularity = row['Popularity'] number_of_plays = row['NbPlays'] themes = row['Themes'] url = row['GameUrl'] opening = row['OpeningFamily'] opening_var = row['OpeningVariation'] self.fen_start.append(fen) # The fen starts with the enemy turn. We apply the first move. try: little_fish.set_fen_position(fen) little_fish.make_moves_from_current_position([moves.split(" ")[0]]) # sf.make_moves_from_current_position(["g4d7", "a8b8", "f1d1"]) self.puzzle_start.append(little_fish.get_fen_position()) self.moves.append(moves) # Moves is a list self.rating.append(int(rating)) self.rating_stddev.append(int(rating_stddev)) self.popularity.append(float(popularity) / 100.0) self.number_of_plays.append(int(number_of_plays)) self.themes.append(themes) stockfish_score = 0.0 #big_fish.set_fen_position(little_fish.get_fen_position()) #evaluation = big_fish.get_evaluation() #if "type" in evaluation: # # This is unbounded on both sides. It's the value in 'centipawns', so we have to pass through a sigmoid. # stockfish_score = math.tanh(evaluation["value"]) #elif "mate" in evaluation: # stockfish_score = math.copysign(1.0, evaluation["value"]) self.evaluations.append(stockfish_score) # DEBUG: Chop off dataset after 100 examples so we can get a test flow. if cap_data and len(self.puzzle_start) > cap_data: break except StockfishException: print(f"Stockfish crashed after trying {fen}. Reinitializing and skipping.") little_fish = Stockfish(path=STOCKFISH_EXECUTABLE_PATH, depth=3, parameters={"Hash": 64, "Threads": 1}) #big_fish = Stockfish(path=STOCKFISH_EXECUTABLE_PATH, depth=18, parameters={"Hash": 2048, "Threads": 4, "Minimum Thinking Time": 30}) def __len__(self): return len(self.puzzle_start) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Produce pairs of three outputs: a board vector of size 8*8*PIECE_TYPES+8, popularity (+1 to -1), and a stockfish evaluation from +1 to -1.""" return bitboard_to_tensor(BitBoard.from_fen(self.puzzle_start[idx])), self.popularity[idx], self.evaluations[idx]