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# Docx Template
Auditforge uses the nodejs library docxtemplater to generate a docx report. Specific documentation can be found on the official site documentation:
Check the [Default Template]( for better understanding.
## Different Tags
There can be different tags depending on the value. In the following examples `data` is the object passed to the docxtemplater engine.
### Value
data = {key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3}
-> {key1} {key2} {key3}
### Array
// Simple Array
data = { array: ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'] }
-> {#array}{.}{/array}
// Array of objects
data = { array: [{name: 'value1'}, {name: 'value2'}, {name: 'value3'}]}
-> {#array}{name}{/array}
### Condition
data = {findings: [{title: 'vuln1', cvssSeverity: 'Critical'}, {title: 'vuln2', cvssSeverity: 'High'}, {title: 'vuln3', cvssSeverity: 'Medium'}]}
-> // List Vulnerabilities with cvssSeverity Critical
{#cvssSeverity == 'Critical'}
{title} : {cvssSeverity}
{/cvssSeverity == 'Critical'}
### HTML values (from text editors)
There is a tag filter _convertHTML_ that convert HTML to open office XML for direct use in the docx template.
To handle images, HTML values with images are converted into an array of text and images
// HTML without images (eg: affected scope in finding)
-> {@affected | convertHTML} // this must be the only thing in the paragraph
// HTML with images (eg: poc in a finding)
{-w:p poc}{@text | convertHTML}
{-w:p images}{%image}
Image 1 - {caption}{/images}{/poc}
## Audit Object
Docxtemplater requires an object containing data that will be used in the template document.
### name
Name of the audit
> Use in template document: `{name}`
### auditType
Type of the audit. See [Custom Data](/data?id=audit-types)
> Use in template document: `{auditType}`
### date
Redacting date
> Use in template document: `{date}`
### date_start
Start date of the test
> Use in template document: `{date_start}`
### date_end
End date of the test
> Use in template document: `{date_end}`
### language
Locale of Audit. [Custom Data](/data?id=languages)
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with conditional tag
> {#language == 'en'}English{/language == 'en'}
> ```
### company
Object containing:
- ****
- **company.logo** (max width 400px)
- **company.logo_small** (height 37px)
> Use in template document
> ```
> {}
> // Image tags must be the only thing in the paragraph
> {%company.logo} // OK
> Image: {%company.logo} // NOT OK
> ```
### client
Object containing:
- ****
- **client.firstname**
- **client.lastname**
- ****
- **client.cell**
- **client.title**
> Use in template document
> ```
> Email: {}
> Name: {client.firstname} {client.lastname}
> ```
### collaborators
Array of Objects:
- **collaborators[i].username**
- **collaborators[i].firstname**
- **collaborators[i].lastname**
- **collaborators[i].role**
> Use in template document
> ```
> List of collaborators:
> {#collaborators}
> Name: {firstname} {lastname}
> {/collaborators}
> ```
### creator
- **creator.username**
- **creator.firstname**
- **creator.lastname**
- **creator.role**
> Use in template document
> ```
> Creator: {creator.firstname} {creator.lastname}
> ```
### scope
Array of Objects:
- **scope[i].name**
- **scope[i].hosts**
> Use in template document
> ```
> Audit Scope:
> {-w:p scope}{name}{/scope}
> Network Scan:
> {#scope}{#hosts}
> {hostname} {ip} {os} :
> {#services}
> {port} {protocol} {name} {product} {version}
> {/services}
> {/hosts}{/scope}
> ```
### findings
List of findings. Array of Objects:
- **findings[i].title**
- **findings[i].vulnType**
- **findings[i].description** (HTML with images)
- **findings[i].observation** (HTML with images)
- **findings[i].remediation** (HTML with images)
- **findings[i].remediationComplexity** (Number 1-3)
- **findings[i].priority** (Number 1-4)
- **findings[i].references** (Array of String)
- **findings[i].cvssv3**
- **findings[i].cvssScore**
- **findings[i].cvssSeverity**
- **findings[i].cvssObj** (Object of cvss Criterias)
- **findings[i].poc** (HTML with images)
- **findings[i].affected** (HTML without images)
- **findings[i].status** (Number 0:done, 1:redacting)
- **findings[i].category**
- **findings[i].identifier**
#### Retest case
- **findings[i].retestStatus** (one of: `[ ok, ko, partial, unknown ]`)
- **findings[i].retestDescription** (HTML with images)
Identifier consists on a sequential id for the reported vulnerability pre-pended with 'IDX-'. Ex: IDX-001.
You can replace the prefix by using the filter `changeID`
Additional fields will also be added to the findings Array. The key will be lowercase + strip sapces of the label.
Eg. if Custom Field label is `Aggravating Factors` it will be added to the array as `findings[i].aggravatingfactors`.
> Use in template document
> ```
> List of Findings{#findings}
> {identifier | changeID: 'PROJ1-'} {title} {vulnType}
> Severity: {cvssSeverity} Score: {cvssScore}
> Attack Vector: cvssObj.AV Scope: cvssObj.S
> Attack Complexity: cvssObj.AC Confidentiality: cvssObj.C
> Required Privileges: cvssObj.PR Integrity: cvssObj.I
> User Interaction: cvssObj.UI Availability: cvssObj.A
> Affected Scope
> {@affected | convertHTML}
> Description
> {-w:p description}{@text | convertHTML}
> ```
{-w:p images}{%image}
Image 1 - {caption}{/images}{/description}
> ```
> ```
### Custom Sections
Additional Sections can be added to an Audit. They are accessible in the docx template with the specific Field defined in [Custom Sections](/data?id=custom-sections)
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with a Cleanup Section: {name: 'Cleanup', field: 'cleanup', text: 'Default text for Cleanup Section'}
> CLEANUP SECTION (or use {} as title)
> {-w:p cleanup.text}{@text | convertHTML}
> ```
{-w:p images}{%image}
Image 1 - {caption}{/images}{/cleanup.text}
> ```
> ```
## Styles
Styles for simple text can be defined and applied directly in the Docx Template.
But in order to apply styles to the data from HTML editors, they must be defined in the Docx Template according to this :
| HTML Style | Docx Style |
| :--------: | :-----------: |
| paragraph | HTMLTextStyle |
| H1 | Heading1 |
| H2 | Heading2 |
| H3 | Heading3 |
| H4 | Heading4 |
| H5 | Heading5 |
| H6 | Heading6 |
| code (<>) | CodeChar |
| code block | Code |
For `bullet list` and `ordered list` they must be correctly set in the _numbering.xml_ file of the Docx Template.
Open the file with an archive manager

The _numbering.xml_ file contains definitions of numbering lists.
`<w:abstractNum w:abstractNumId=0>...</w:abstractNum>` tags represent the definition of a numbering with its different levels.
`<w:num w:numId="1"><w:abstractNumId w:val="0" /></w:num>` tags associate the effective `Id` used in the document with the `abstract Id` of the definition.
Auditforge uses `numId="1"` for `bullet list` and `numId="2"` for `ordered list`. So the only thing to change in the file is the value of the abstractNumId associated with those numId.
If there is no abstractNum definitions, this means that no numbering has been used in the document: open the document with Word, add bullet and ordered list, save, delete bullet and ordered list, save.
There should now be abstractNum definition for each one.
## Filters
Filters allow to apply functions on Audit data values.
### bookmarkCreate
Creates a text block or a location bookmark:
- _Text block bookmarks_ contain some text which can then be referenced in a clickable reference field using the `bookmarkRef` filter.
These bookmarks can also be used as a hyperlink target using the `bookmarkLink` filter.
- _Location bookmark_ simply allow to point to a location within the document which cas be used as a hyperlink target using the `bookmarkLink` filter.
Bookmark identifiers need to begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: non-conforming characters are automatically replaced by underscores.
Moreover, due to a limitation in MS-Word, identifiers longer than 40 characters are truncated.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example of text block bookmark, the bookmark identifier contains the name value:
> {@name | bookmarkCreate: identifier | p}
> // Example adding some other text in the same paragraph and using a custom paragraph style:
> {@'Some text: ' + (name | bookmarkCreate: identifier) | p: 'Heading 1'}
> // Example of location bookmark:
> {@identifier | bookmarkCreate | p}
> ```
### bookmarkLink
Creates a hyperlink to a text block or location bookmark usually created using the `bookmarkCreate` filter.
Bookmark identifiers need to begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: non-conforming characters are automatically replaced by underscores.
Moreover, due to a limitation in MS-Word, identifiers longer than 40 characters are truncated.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@input | bookmarkLink: identifier | p}
> // Example adding some other text in the same pargraph:
> {@'Some text: ' + (input | bookmarkLink: identifier) | p}
> ```
### bookmarkRef
Creates a clickable reference to a text block bookmark usually created using the `bookmarkCreate` filter.
Bookmark identifiers need to begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: non-conforming characters are automatically replaced by underscores.
Moreover, due to a limitation in MS-Word, identifiers longer than 40 characters are truncated.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@identifier | bookmarkRef | p}
> // Example adding some other text in the same pargraph:
> {@'Some text: ' + (identifier | bookmarkRef) | p}
> ```
### capfirst
Capitalizes input first letter.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with "hello world"
> {input | capfirst} -> "Hello world"
> ```
### changeID
Replaces the default identifier prefix (IDX-) by the supplied prefix
> Use in template document
> ```
> {identifier | changeID: 'PROJ1-'}
> ```
### convertDate
Convert Date to proper format. Must be used on values with date format.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with {date_start: '2020-10-29'}
> {date_start | convertDate: 'short'} -> 10/29/2020
> {date_start | convertDate: 'full'} -> Thursday, October 29, 2020
> ```
### convertDateLocale
Convert Date to proper format using locale. Must be used on values with date format.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with {date_start: '2020-10-29'}
> {date_start | convertDateLocale: 'de-DE':'short'} -> 29.10.2020
> {date_start | convertDateLocale: 'fr':'full'} -> Jeudi 29 Octobre 2020
> ```
### convertHTML
Convert HTML values to OOXML format. See [HTML values]( for usage.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@value | convertHTML}
> ```
### count
Count the number of vulnerabilities by CVSS severity.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example counting 'Critical' vulnerabilities
> {findings | count: 'Critical'}
> ```
### d
Default value: returns input if it is truthy, otherwise its parameter.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // This generates a comma-separated list of affected systems, falling-back on the whole audit scope if left empty.
> {affected | lines | d: (scope | select: 'name') | join: ', '}
> ```
### fromTo
Display _"From ... to ..."_ dates nicely, removing redundant information when the start and end dates occur during the same month or year.
The resulting text can be typically used in a table summarizing the audit, audit perimeters or audits campaign properties, or inside a text paragraph such as a management summary.
To internationalize or customize the resulting string, associate the desired output to the strings `"from {0} to {1}"` and `"on {0}"` in your Auditforge translate file.
Date formating relies on the locale name provided as second parameter.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {date_start | fromTo: date_end:'en-UK' | capfirst}
> // Output varies automatically depending on the start and end dates:
> // - Same day -> On 28/11/2022
> // - Same month -> From 28 to 30/11/2022
> // - Same year -> From 28/11 to 02/12/2022
> // - Different years -> From 28/11/2022 to 06/01/2023
> ```
### groupBy
Group input elements by an attribute.
The elements are returned as an objects set where:
- The 'key' property is the common attribute value,
- The 'value' property is the set of items from the input structure sharing this same value for this attribute.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {#findings | groupBy: 'severity'}
> Severity: {key}
> {#value}
> Title: {title}
> {/value}
> {/findings | groupBy: 'severity'}
> ```
### initials
Returns the initials from an input string (typically a firstname).
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with "Foo-Bar"
> {creator.firstname | initials} -> "F.-B."
> ```
### join
Returns a string which is a concatenation of input elements using an optional separator string.
Can also be used to build raw OOXML strings.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {references | join: ', '}
> ```
### length
Returns the length (ie. number of items for an array) of input.
Can also be used as a conditional to check the emptiness of a list.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Display the number of elements:
> {findings | length}
> // Continue only if non-empty:
> {#input | length}Not empty{/input | length}
> ```
### lines
Takes a multilines input strings (either raw or simple HTML paragraphs) and returns each line as an ordered list.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {input | lines}
> ```
### linkTo
Takes a text to display and a URL to generate a hyperlink.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@cvss.vectorString | linkTo: '' + cvss.vectorString | p}
> ```
### loopObject
Loop over the input object, providing access to its keys and values.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {#findings | loopObject}
> {key}: {value.title}
> {/findings | loopObject}
> ```
### lower
Lowercases input.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with "Hello WORLD"
> {input | lower} -> "hello world"
> ```
### mailto
Creates a clickable "mailto:" link, assumes that input is an email address if no other address has been provided as parameter.
The character style "Hyperlink" is applied to the generated hyperlink.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@lastname | mailto: email | p}
> // Example adding some other text in the same pargraph and displaying the email address instead of the last name:
> {@'Some text: ' + (email | mailto) | p}
> ```
### map
Applies a filter on a sequence of objects.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {scope | select: 'name' | map: 'lower' | join: ', '}
> ```
### p
Embeds input within OOXML paragraph tags, applying an optional style name to it.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@input | p: 'Some style'}
> ```
### reverse
Reverses the input array order.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {input | reverse}
> ```
### s
Add proper XML tags to embed raw string inside a docxtemplater raw expression.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example creating a text block bookmark containing the vulnerability title prefixed by the static string "Vulnerability: ":
> {@('Vulnerability: ' | s) + title | bookmarkCreate: identifier | p}
> ```
### select
Looks up an attribute from a sequence of objects, doted notation is supported.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {findings | select: 'cvss.environmentalSeverity'}
> ```
### sort
Sorts the input array according an optional given attribute, dotted notation is supported.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {#findings | sort 'cvss.environmentalSeverity'}{name}{/findings | sort 'cvss.environmentalSeverity'}
> ```
### sortArrayByField
Sort array by supplied field. S
Order can be 1 for ascending, or -1 for descending
> Use in template document
> ```
> {#findings | sortArrayByField: 'identifier':1}
> {identifier}
> {/}
> ```
### title
Capitalizes input first letter of each word, can be associated to 'lower' to normalize case.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with "john DOE"
> {creator.lastname | lower | title} -> "John Doe"
> ```
### toJSON
Returns the JSON representation of the input value, useful to dump variables content while debugging a template.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {input | toJSON}
> ```
### upper
Upercases input.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with "Hello World"
> {input | upper} -> "HELLO WORLD"
> ```
### where
Filters input elements using a free-form Angular statement.
> Use in template document
> ```
> {#findings | where: 'cvss.severity == "Critical"'}{title}{/findings | where: 'cvss.severity == "Critical"'}
> ```
Custom filters can also be created in `backend/src/lib/custom-generator.js`. As an example there are 2 filters defined for french reports.
### convertDateFR (custom)
Convert Date to proper format in French. Must be used on values with date format.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with {date_start: '2020-10-29'}
> {date_start | convertDateFR: 'short'} -> 29/10/2020
> {date_start | convertDateFR: 'full'} -> Jeudi 29 Octobre 2020
> ```
### criteriaFR (custom)
Convert cvss Criteria to French.
> Use in template document
> ```
> // Example with cvssObj.AV === 'Network'
> {cvssObj.AV | criteriaFR} -> Réseau
> ```
### $pageBreakExceptLast
Creates Page Break
> Use in template document
> ```
> {@$pageBreakExceptLast}
> ```