auditforge / backend /src /lib /html2ooxml.js
Kaballas's picture
initialize project structure with essential configurations and components
var docx = require('docx');
var xml = require('xml');
var htmlparser = require('htmlparser2');
function html2ooxml(html, style = '') {
if (html === '') return html;
if (!html.match(/^<.+>/)) html = `<p>${html}</p>`;
var doc = new docx.Document({ sections: [] });
var paragraphs = [];
var cParagraph = null;
var cRunProperties = {};
var cParagraphProperties = {};
var list_state = [];
var inCodeBlock = false;
var parser = new htmlparser.Parser(
onopentag(tag, attribs) {
if (tag === 'h1') {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ heading: 'Heading1' });
} else if (tag === 'h2') {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ heading: 'Heading2' });
} else if (tag === 'h3') {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ heading: 'Heading3' });
} else if (tag === 'h4') {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ heading: 'Heading4' });
} else if (tag === 'h5') {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ heading: 'Heading5' });
} else if (tag === 'h6') {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ heading: 'Heading6' });
} else if (tag === 'div' || tag === 'p') {
if (style && typeof style === 'string') = style;
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph(cParagraphProperties);
} else if (tag === 'pre') {
inCodeBlock = true;
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ style: 'Code' });
} else if (tag === 'b' || tag === 'strong') {
cRunProperties.bold = true;
} else if (tag === 'i' || tag === 'em') {
cRunProperties.italics = true;
} else if (tag === 'u') {
cRunProperties.underline = {};
} else if (tag === 'strike' || tag === 's') {
cRunProperties.strike = true;
} else if (tag === 'mark') {
var bgColor = attribs['data-color'] || '#ffff25';
cRunProperties.highlight = getHighlightColor(bgColor);
// Use text color if set (to handle white or black text depending on background color)
var color =;
if (color && color[1]) cRunProperties.color = getTextColor(color[1]);
} else if (tag === 'br') {
if (inCodeBlock) {
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({ style: 'Code' });
} else cParagraph.addChildElement(new docx.Run({ break: 1 }));
} else if (tag === 'ul') {
} else if (tag === 'ol') {
} else if (tag === 'li') {
var level = list_state.length - 1;
if (level >= 0 && list_state[level] === 'bullet')
cParagraphProperties.bullet = { level: level };
else if (level >= 0 && list_state[level] === 'number')
cParagraphProperties.numbering = { reference: 2, level: level };
else cParagraphProperties.bullet = { level: 0 };
} else if (tag === 'code') { = 'CodeChar';
} else if (tag === 'legend' && attribs && attribs.alt !== 'undefined') {
var label = attribs.label || 'Figure';
cParagraph = new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Caption',
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER,
cParagraph.addChildElement(new docx.TextRun(`${label} `));
cParagraph.addChildElement(new docx.SimpleField(`SEQ ${label}`, '1'));
cParagraph.addChildElement(new docx.TextRun(` - ${attribs.alt}`));
ontext(text) {
if (text && cParagraph) {
cRunProperties.text = text;
cParagraph.addChildElement(new docx.TextRun(cRunProperties));
onclosetag(tag) {
if (
) {
cParagraph = null;
cParagraphProperties = {};
if (tag === 'pre') inCodeBlock = false;
} else if (tag === 'b' || tag === 'strong') {
delete cRunProperties.bold;
} else if (tag === 'i' || tag === 'em') {
delete cRunProperties.italics;
} else if (tag === 'u') {
delete cRunProperties.underline;
} else if (tag === 'strike' || tag === 's') {
delete cRunProperties.strike;
} else if (tag === 'mark') {
delete cRunProperties.highlight;
delete cRunProperties.color;
} else if (tag === 'ul' || tag === 'ol') {
if (list_state.length === 0) cParagraphProperties = {};
} else if (tag === 'code') {
onend() {
children: paragraphs,
{ decodeEntities: true },
// For multiline code blocks
html = html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
var prepXml = doc.documentWrapper.document.body.prepForXml({});
var filteredXml = prepXml['w:body'].filter(e => {
return Object.keys(e)[0] === 'w:p';
var dataXml = xml(filteredXml);
dataXml = dataXml.replace(/w:numId w:val="{2-0}"/g, 'w:numId w:val="2"'); // Replace numbering to have correct value
return dataXml;
module.exports = html2ooxml;
function getHighlightColor(hexColor) {
// <xsd:simpleType name="ST_HighlightColor">
// <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
// <xsd:enumeration value="yellow"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="green"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="cyan"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="magenta"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="blue"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="red"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkBlue"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkCyan"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkGreen"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkMagenta"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkRed"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkYellow"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="darkGray"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="lightGray"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="black"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="white"/>
// <xsd:enumeration value="none"/>
// </xsd:restriction>
// </xsd:simpleType>
var colors = {
'#ffff25': 'yellow',
'#00ff41': 'green',
'#00ffff': 'cyan',
'#ff00f9': 'magenta',
'#0005fd': 'blue',
'#ff0000': 'red',
'#000177': 'darkBlue',
'#00807a': 'darkCyan',
'#008021': 'darkGreen',
'#8e0075': 'darkMagenta',
'#8f0000': 'darkRed',
'#817d0c': 'darkYellow',
'#807d78': 'darkGray',
'#c4c1bb': 'lightGray',
'#000000': 'black',
return colors[hexColor] || 'yellow';
function getTextColor(color) {
var regex = /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/;
if (regex.test(color)) return color.substring(1, 7);
return '000000';