auditforge / cwe_api /
Kaballas's picture
initialize project structure with essential configurations and components
import joblib
def generate_cvss_string(output_decoded):
output_decoded = output_decoded[:-1]
pair_name2letter = {'AV': {'NETWORK': 'N', 'ADJACENT': 'A', 'LOCAL': 'L', 'PHYSICAL': 'P'},
'AC': {'LOW': 'L', 'HIGH': 'H'},
'PR': {'NONE': 'N', 'LOW': 'L', 'HIGH': 'H'},
'UI': {'NONE': 'N', 'REQUIRED': 'R'},
'S': {'UNCHANGED': 'U', 'CHANGED': 'C'},
'C': {'NONE': 'N', 'LOW':'L', 'HIGH': 'H'},
'I': {'NONE': 'N', 'LOW': 'L', 'HIGH':'H'},
'A': {'NONE':'N', 'LOW':'L', 'HIGH':'H'}}
cvss_string = 'CVSS:3.1/'
pair_name = list(pair_name2letter.keys())
for index, output in enumerate(output_decoded):
cvss_string += pair_name[index] + ':' + pair_name2letter[pair_name[index]][output]
if index != 7:
cvss_string += '/'
return cvss_string
def inferencer(vuln):
clf = joblib.load("model.pkl")
output = clf.predict([vuln])
output = generate_cvss_string(output_decoded=output[0])
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
vuln = 'Ciertos servidores NFS permiten a los usuarios usar mknod para obtener privilegios creando un dispositivo de kmem escrito y configurando el UID a 0.'