var mongoose = require('mongoose'); //.set('debug', true); const CVSS31 = require('../lib/cvsscalc31'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var Paragraph = { text: String, images: [{ image: String, caption: String }], }; var customField = { _id: false, customField: { type: Schema.Types.Mixed, ref: 'CustomField' }, text: Schema.Types.Mixed, }; var Finding = { id: Schema.Types.ObjectId, identifier: Number, //incremental ID to be shown in the report title: String, vulnType: String, description: String, observation: String, remediation: String, remediationComplexity: { type: Number, enum: [1, 2, 3] }, priority: { type: Number, enum: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, references: [String], cwes: [String], cvssv3: String, paragraphs: [Paragraph], poc: String, scope: String, status: { type: Number, enum: [0, 1], default: 1 }, // 0: done, 1: redacting category: String, customFields: [customField], retestStatus: { type: String, enum: ['ok', 'ko', 'unknown', 'partial'] }, retestDescription: String, }; var Service = { port: Number, protocol: { type: String, enum: ['tcp', 'udp'] }, name: String, product: String, version: String, }; var Host = { hostname: String, ip: String, os: String, services: [Service], }; var SortOption = { _id: false, category: String, sortValue: String, sortOrder: { type: String, enum: ['desc', 'asc'] }, sortAuto: Boolean, }; var AuditSchema = new Schema( { name: { type: String, required: true }, auditType: String, date: String, date_start: String, date_end: String, summary: String, company: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Company' }, client: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Client' }, collaborators: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], reviewers: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], language: { type: String, required: true }, scope: [{ _id: false, name: String, hosts: [Host] }], findings: [Finding], template: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Template' }, creator: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, sections: [ { field: String, name: String, text: String, customFields: [customField], }, ], // keep text for retrocompatibility customFields: [customField], sortFindings: [SortOption], state: { type: String, enum: ['EDIT', 'REVIEW', 'APPROVED'], default: 'EDIT', }, approvals: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], type: { type: String, enum: ['default', 'multi', 'retest'], default: 'default', }, parentId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Audit' }, }, { timestamps: true }, ); /* *** Statics *** */ // Get all audits (admin) AuditSchema.statics.getAudits = (isAdmin, userId, filters) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.find(filters); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]); query.populate('creator', 'username'); query.populate('collaborators', 'username'); query.populate('reviewers', 'username firstname lastname'); query.populate('approvals', 'username firstname lastname'); query.populate('company', 'name'); query.populate('template', '-_id ext'); 'id name auditType language creator collaborators company createdAt state type parentId template', ); query .exec() .then(rows => { resolve(rows); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Get Audit with ID to generate report AuditSchema.statics.getAudit = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]); query.populate('template'); query.populate('creator', 'username firstname lastname email phone role'); query.populate('company'); query.populate('client'); query.populate( 'collaborators', 'username firstname lastname email phone role', ); query.populate('reviewers', 'username firstname lastname role'); query.populate('approvals', 'username firstname lastname role'); query.populate('customFields.customField', 'label fieldType text'); query.populate({ path: 'findings', populate: { path: 'customFields.customField', select: 'label fieldType text', }, }); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve(row); }) .catch(err => { if ( === 'CastError') reject({ fn: 'BadParameters', message: 'Bad Audit Id' }); else reject(err); }); }); }; AuditSchema.statics.getAuditChildren = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.find({ parentId: auditId }); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]); query .exec() .then(rows => { if (!rows) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Children not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve(rows); }) .catch(err => { if ( === 'CastError') reject({ fn: 'BadParameters', message: 'Bad Audit Id' }); else reject(err); }); }); }; // Get Audit Retest AuditSchema.statics.getRetest = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findOne({ parentId: auditId }); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'No retest found for this audit' }; else { resolve(row); } }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Create Audit Retest AuditSchema.statics.createRetest = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, auditType) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var audit = {}; audit.creator = userId; audit.type = 'retest'; audit.parentId = auditId; audit.auditType = auditType; audit.findings = []; audit.sections = []; audit.customFields = []; var auditTypeSections = []; var customSections = []; var customFields = []; var AuditType = mongoose.model('AuditType'); var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]); query .exec() .then(async row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; else { var retest = await Audit.findOne({ parentId: auditId }).exec(); if (retest) throw { fn: 'BadParameters', message: 'Retest already exists for this Audit', }; =; =; audit.client = row.client; audit.collaborators = row.collaborators; audit.reviewers = row.reviewers; audit.language = row.language; audit.scope = row.scope; audit.findings = row.findings; // row.findings.forEach(finding => { // var tmpFinding = {} // tmpFinding.title = finding.title // tmpFinding.identifier = finding.identifier // tmpFinding.cvssv3 = finding.cvssv3 // tmpFinding.vulnType = finding.vulnType // tmpFinding.category = finding.category // audit.findings.push(tmpFinding) // }) return AuditType.getByName(auditType); } }) .then(row => { if (row) { auditTypeSections = row.sections; var auditTypeTemplate = row.templates.find( e => e.locale === audit.language, ); if (auditTypeTemplate) audit.template = auditTypeTemplate.template; var Section = mongoose.model('CustomSection'); var CustomField = mongoose.model('CustomField'); var promises = []; promises.push(Section.getAll()); promises.push(CustomField.getAll()); return Promise.all(promises); } else throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'AuditType not found' }; }) .then(resolved => { customSections = resolved[0]; customFields = resolved[1]; customSections.forEach(section => { // Add sections with customFields (and default text) to audit var tmpSection = {}; if (auditTypeSections.includes(section.field)) { tmpSection.field = section.field; =; tmpSection.customFields = []; customFields.forEach(field => { field = field.toObject(); if ( field.display === 'section' && field.displaySub === ) { var fieldText = field.text.find( e => e.locale === audit.language, ); if (fieldText) fieldText = fieldText.value; else fieldText = ''; delete field.text; tmpSection.customFields.push({ customField: field, text: fieldText, }); } }); audit.sections.push(tmpSection); } }); customFields.forEach(field => { // Add customFields (and default text) to audit field = field.toObject(); if (field.display === 'general') { var fieldText = field.text.find(e => e.locale === audit.language); if (fieldText) fieldText = fieldText.value; else fieldText = ''; delete field.text; audit.customFields.push({ customField: field, text: fieldText }); } }); return new Audit(audit).save(); }) .then(rows => { resolve(rows); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); if ( === 'ValidationError') reject({ fn: 'BadParameters', message: 'Audit validation failed' }); else reject(err); }); }); }; // Create audit AuditSchema.statics.create = (audit, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { audit.creator = userId; audit.sections = []; audit.customFields = []; var auditTypeSections = []; var customSections = []; var customFields = []; var AuditType = mongoose.model('AuditType'); AuditType.getByName(audit.auditType) .then(row => { if (row) { auditTypeSections = row.sections; var auditTypeTemplate = row.templates.find( e => e.locale === audit.language, ); if (auditTypeTemplate) audit.template = auditTypeTemplate.template; var Section = mongoose.model('CustomSection'); var CustomField = mongoose.model('CustomField'); var promises = []; promises.push(Section.getAll()); promises.push(CustomField.getAll()); return Promise.all(promises); } else throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'AuditType not found' }; }) .then(resolved => { customSections = resolved[0]; customFields = resolved[1]; customSections.forEach(section => { // Add sections with customFields (and default text) to audit var tmpSection = {}; if (auditTypeSections.includes(section.field)) { tmpSection.field = section.field; =; tmpSection.customFields = []; customFields.forEach(field => { field = field.toObject(); if ( field.display === 'section' && field.displaySub === ) { var fieldText = field.text.find( e => e.locale === audit.language, ); if (fieldText) fieldText = fieldText.value; else fieldText = ''; delete field.text; tmpSection.customFields.push({ customField: field, text: fieldText, }); } }); audit.sections.push(tmpSection); } }); customFields.forEach(field => { // Add customFields (and default text) to audit field = field.toObject(); if (field.display === 'general') { var fieldText = field.text.find(e => e.locale === audit.language); if (fieldText) fieldText = fieldText.value; else fieldText = ''; delete field.text; audit.customFields.push({ customField: field, text: fieldText }); } }); var VulnerabilityCategory = mongoose.model('VulnerabilityCategory'); return VulnerabilityCategory.getAll(); }) .then(rows => { // Add default sort options for each vulnerability category audit.sortFindings = []; rows.forEach(e => { audit.sortFindings.push({ category:, sortValue: e.sortValue, sortOrder: e.sortOrder, sortAuto: e.sortAuto, }); }); return new Audit(audit).save(); }) .then(rows => { resolve(rows); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); if ( === 'ValidationError') reject({ fn: 'BadParameters', message: 'Audit validation failed' }); else reject(err); }); }); }; // Delete audit AuditSchema.statics.delete = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findOneAndDelete({ _id: auditId }); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }]); return query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve(row); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Get audit general information AuditSchema.statics.getGeneral = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]); query.populate({ path: 'client', select: 'email firstname lastname', populate: { path: 'company', select: 'name', }, }); query.populate('creator', 'username firstname lastname'); query.populate('collaborators', 'username firstname lastname'); query.populate('reviewers', 'username firstname lastname'); query.populate('company'); 'name auditType date date_start date_end client collaborators language template customFields', ); query .lean() .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var formatScope = => { return; }); for (var i = 0; i < formatScope.length; i++) { row.scope[i] = formatScope[i]; } resolve(row); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Update audit general information AuditSchema.statics.updateGeneral = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, update) => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if ( && { var Company = mongoose.model('Company'); try { = await Company.create({ name: }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); delete; } } var query = Audit.findByIdAndUpdate(auditId, update); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve('Audit General updated successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Get audit Network information AuditSchema.statics.getNetwork = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]);'scope'); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve(row); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Update audit Network information AuditSchema.statics.updateNetwork = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, scope) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findByIdAndUpdate(auditId, scope); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve('Audit Network updated successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Create finding AuditSchema.statics.createFinding = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, finding) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Audit.getLastFindingIdentifier(auditId).then(identifier => { finding.identifier = ++identifier; var query = Audit.findByIdAndUpdate(auditId, { $push: { findings: finding }, }); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); return query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; else { var sortOption = row.sortFindings.find( e => e.category === (finding.category || 'No Category'), ); if ((sortOption && sortOption.sortAuto) || !sortOption) // if sort is set to automatic or undefined then we sort (default sort will be applied to undefined sortOption) return Audit.updateSortFindings(isAdmin, auditId, userId, null); // if manual sorting then we do not sort else resolve('Audit Finding created succesfully'); } }) .then(() => { resolve('Audit Finding created successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }); }; AuditSchema.statics.getLastFindingIdentifier = auditId => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.aggregate([ { $match: { _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(auditId) } }, ]); query.unwind('findings'); query.sort({ 'findings.identifier': -1 }); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found' }; else if (row.length === 0 || !row[0].findings.identifier) resolve(0); else resolve(row[0].findings.identifier); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Get finding of audit AuditSchema.statics.getFinding = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, findingId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]);'findings'); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var finding =; if (finding === null) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Finding not found' }; else resolve(finding); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Update finding of audit AuditSchema.statics.updateFinding = ( isAdmin, auditId, userId, findingId, newFinding, ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var sortAuto = true; var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var finding =; if (finding === null) reject({ fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Finding not found' }); else { var sortOption = row.sortFindings.find( e => e.category === (newFinding.category || 'No Category'), ); if (sortOption && !sortOption.sortAuto) sortAuto = false; Object.keys(newFinding).forEach(key => { finding[key] = newFinding[key]; }); return{ validateBeforeSave: false }); // Disable schema validation since scope changed from Array to String } }) .then(() => { if (sortAuto) return Audit.updateSortFindings(isAdmin, auditId, userId, null); else resolve('Audit Finding updated successfully'); }) .then(() => { resolve('Audit Finding updated successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Delete finding of audit AuditSchema.statics.deleteFinding = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, findingId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]);'findings'); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var finding =; if (finding === null) reject({ fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Finding not found' }); else { row.findings.pull(findingId); return; } }) .then(() => { resolve('Audit Finding deleted successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Create section AuditSchema.statics.createSection = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, section) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: auditId, 'sections.field': { $ne: section.field } }, { $push: { sections: section } }, ); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Section already exists or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve('Audit Section created successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Get section of audit AuditSchema.statics.getSection = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, sectionId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([ { creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }, { reviewers: userId }, ]);'sections'); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var section =; if (section === null) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Section id not found' }; else resolve(section); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Update section of audit AuditSchema.statics.updateSection = ( isAdmin, auditId, userId, sectionId, newSection, ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var section =; if (section === null) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Section not found' }; else { Object.keys(newSection).forEach(key => { section[key] = newSection[key]; }); return; } }) .then(() => { resolve('Audit Section updated successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Delete section of audit AuditSchema.statics.deleteSection = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, sectionId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]);'sections'); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var section =; if (section === null) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Section not found' }; else { row.sections.pull(sectionId); return; } }) .then(() => { resolve('Audit Section deleted successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Update audit sort options for findings and run the sorting. If update param is null then just run sorting (AuditSchema.statics.updateSortFindings = ( isAdmin, auditId, userId, update, ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var audit = {}; var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; else { audit = row; if (update) // if update is null then we only sort findings (no sort options saving) audit.sortFindings = update.sortFindings; // saving sort options to audit var VulnerabilityCategory = mongoose.model('VulnerabilityCategory'); return VulnerabilityCategory.getAll(); } }) .then(row => { var _ = require('lodash'); var findings = []; var categoriesOrder = =>; categoriesOrder.push('undefined'); // Put uncategorized findings at the end // Group findings by category var findingList = _.chain(audit.findings) .groupBy('category') .toPairs() .sort( (a, b) => categoriesOrder.indexOf(a[0]) - categoriesOrder.indexOf(b[0]), ) .fromPairs() .map((value, key) => { if (key === 'undefined') key = 'No Category'; var sortOption = audit.sortFindings.find( option => option.category === key, ); // Get sort option saved in audit if (!sortOption) // no option for category in audit sortOption = row.find(e => === key); // Get sort option from default in vulnerability category if (!sortOption) // no default option or category don't exist sortOption = { sortValue: 'cvssScore', sortOrder: 'desc', sortAuto: true, }; // set a default sort option return { category: key, findings: value, sortOption: sortOption }; }) .value(); findingList.forEach(group => { var order = -1; // desc if (group.sortOption.sortOrder === 'asc') order = 1; var tmpFindings = group.findings.sort((a, b) => { var cvssA = CVSS31.calculateCVSSFromVector(a.cvssv3); var cvssB = CVSS31.calculateCVSSFromVector(b.cvssv3); // Get built-in value (findings[sortValue]) var left = a[group.sortOption.sortValue]; // If sort value is a CVSS Score calculate it if (cvssA.success && group.sortOption.sortValue === 'cvssScore') left = cvssA.baseMetricScore; else if ( cvssA.success && group.sortOption.sortValue === 'cvssTemporalScore' ) left = cvssA.temporalMetricScore; else if ( cvssA.success && group.sortOption.sortValue === 'cvssEnvironmentalScore' ) left = cvssA.environmentalMetricScore; // Not found then get customField sortValue if (!left) { left = a.customFields.find( e => e.customField.label === group.sortOption.sortValue, ); if (left) left = left.text; } // Not found then set default to 0 if (!left) left = 0; // Convert to string in case of int value left = left.toString(); // Same for right value to compare var right = b[group.sortOption.sortValue]; if (cvssB.success && group.sortOption.sortValue === 'cvssScore') right = cvssB.baseMetricScore; else if ( cvssB.success && group.sortOption.sortValue === 'cvssTemporalScore' ) right = cvssB.temporalMetricScore; else if ( cvssB.success && group.sortOption.sortValue === 'cvssEnvironmentalScore' ) right = cvssB.environmentalMetricScore; if (!right) { right = b.customFields.find( e => e.customField.label === group.sortOption.sortValue, ); if (right) right = right.text; } if (!right) right = 0; right = right.toString(); return ( left.localeCompare(right, undefined, { numeric: true }) * order ); }); findings = findings.concat(tmpFindings); }); audit.findings = findings; return; }) .then(() => { resolve('Audit findings sorted successfully'); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); reject(err); }); }); }), // Move finding from move.oldIndex to move.newIndex (AuditSchema.statics.moveFindingPosition = ( isAdmin, auditId, userId, move, ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findById(auditId); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; var tmp = row.findings[move.oldIndex]; row.findings.splice(move.oldIndex, 1); row.findings.splice(move.newIndex, 0, tmp); row.markModified('findings'); return; }) .then(msg => { resolve('Audit Finding moved successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }); AuditSchema.statics.updateApprovals = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, update) => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var Settings = mongoose.model('Settings'); var settings = await Settings.getAll(); if (update.approvals.length >= { update.state = 'APPROVED'; } else { update.state = 'REVIEW'; } var query = Audit.findByIdAndUpdate(auditId, update); query.nor([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ reviewers: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve('Audit approvals updated successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Update audit parent AuditSchema.statics.updateParent = (isAdmin, auditId, userId, parentId) => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findByIdAndUpdate(auditId, { parentId: parentId }); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve('Audit Parent updated successfully'); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; // Delete audit parent AuditSchema.statics.deleteParent = (isAdmin, auditId, userId) => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { var query = Audit.findByIdAndUpdate(auditId, { parentId: null }); if (!isAdmin) query.or([{ creator: userId }, { collaborators: userId }]); query .exec() .then(row => { if (!row) throw { fn: 'NotFound', message: 'Audit not found or Insufficient Privileges', }; resolve(row); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }; /* *** Methods *** */ var Audit = mongoose.model('Audit', AuditSchema); // Audit.syncIndexes() module.exports = Audit;