r""" | |
***** | |
LaTeX | |
***** | |
Export NetworkX graphs in LaTeX format using the TikZ library within TeX/LaTeX. | |
Usually, you will want the drawing to appear in a figure environment so | |
you use ``to_latex(G, caption="A caption")``. If you want the raw | |
drawing commands without a figure environment use :func:`to_latex_raw`. | |
And if you want to write to a file instead of just returning the latex | |
code as a string, use ``write_latex(G, "filename.tex", caption="A caption")``. | |
To construct a figure with subfigures for each graph to be shown, provide | |
``to_latex`` or ``write_latex`` a list of graphs, a list of subcaptions, | |
and a number of rows of subfigures inside the figure. | |
To be able to refer to the figures or subfigures in latex using ``\\ref``, | |
the keyword ``latex_label`` is available for figures and `sub_labels` for | |
a list of labels, one for each subfigure. | |
We intend to eventually provide an interface to the TikZ Graph | |
features which include e.g. layout algorithms. | |
Let us know via github what you'd like to see available, or better yet | |
give us some code to do it, or even better make a github pull request | |
to add the feature. | |
The TikZ approach | |
================= | |
Drawing options can be stored on the graph as node/edge attributes, or | |
can be provided as dicts keyed by node/edge to a string of the options | |
for that node/edge. Similarly a label can be shown for each node/edge | |
by specifying the labels as graph node/edge attributes or by providing | |
a dict keyed by node/edge to the text to be written for that node/edge. | |
Options for the tikzpicture environment (e.g. "[scale=2]") can be provided | |
via a keyword argument. Similarly default node and edge options can be | |
provided through keywords arguments. The default node options are applied | |
to the single TikZ "path" that draws all nodes (and no edges). The default edge | |
options are applied to a TikZ "scope" which contains a path for each edge. | |
Examples | |
======== | |
G = nx.path_graph(3) | |
nx.write_latex(G, "just_my_figure.tex", as_document=True) | |
nx.write_latex(G, "my_figure.tex", caption="A path graph", latex_label="fig1") | |
latex_code = nx.to_latex(G) # a string rather than a file | |
You can change many features of the nodes and edges. | |
G = nx.path_graph(4, create_using=nx.DiGraph) | |
pos = {n: (n, n) for n in G} # nodes set on a line | |
G.nodes[0]["style"] = "blue" | |
G.nodes[2]["style"] = "line width=3,draw" | |
G.nodes[3]["label"] = "Stop" | |
G.edges[(0, 1)]["label"] = "1st Step" | |
G.edges[(0, 1)]["label_opts"] = "near start" | |
G.edges[(1, 2)]["style"] = "line width=3" | |
G.edges[(1, 2)]["label"] = "2nd Step" | |
G.edges[(2, 3)]["style"] = "green" | |
G.edges[(2, 3)]["label"] = "3rd Step" | |
G.edges[(2, 3)]["label_opts"] = "near end" | |
nx.write_latex(G, "latex_graph.tex", pos=pos, as_document=True) | |
Then compile the LaTeX using something like ``pdflatex latex_graph.tex`` | |
and view the pdf file created: ``latex_graph.pdf``. | |
If you want **subfigures** each containing one graph, you can input a list of graphs. | |
H1 = nx.path_graph(4) | |
H2 = nx.complete_graph(4) | |
H3 = nx.path_graph(8) | |
H4 = nx.complete_graph(8) | |
graphs = [H1, H2, H3, H4] | |
caps = ["Path 4", "Complete graph 4", "Path 8", "Complete graph 8"] | |
lbls = ["fig2a", "fig2b", "fig2c", "fig2d"] | |
nx.write_latex(graphs, "subfigs.tex", n_rows=2, sub_captions=caps, sub_labels=lbls) | |
latex_code = nx.to_latex(graphs, n_rows=2, sub_captions=caps, sub_labels=lbls) | |
node_color = {0: "red", 1: "orange", 2: "blue", 3: "gray!90"} | |
edge_width = {e: "line width=1.5" for e in H3.edges} | |
pos = nx.circular_layout(H3) | |
latex_code = nx.to_latex(H3, pos, node_options=node_color, edge_options=edge_width) | |
print(latex_code) | |
\documentclass{report} | |
\usepackage{tikz} | |
\usepackage{subcaption} | |
\begin{document} | |
\begin{figure} | |
\begin{tikzpicture} | |
\draw | |
(1.0, 0.0) node[red] (0){0} | |
(0.707, 0.707) node[orange] (1){1} | |
(-0.0, 1.0) node[blue] (2){2} | |
(-0.707, 0.707) node[gray!90] (3){3} | |
(-1.0, -0.0) node (4){4} | |
(-0.707, -0.707) node (5){5} | |
(0.0, -1.0) node (6){6} | |
(0.707, -0.707) node (7){7}; | |
\begin{scope}[-] | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (0) to (1); | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (1) to (2); | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (2) to (3); | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (3) to (4); | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (4) to (5); | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (5) to (6); | |
\draw[line width=1.5] (6) to (7); | |
\end{scope} | |
\end{tikzpicture} | |
\end{figure} | |
\end{document} | |
Notes | |
----- | |
If you want to change the preamble/postamble of the figure/document/subfigure | |
environment, use the keyword arguments: `figure_wrapper`, `document_wrapper`, | |
`subfigure_wrapper`. The default values are stored in private variables | |
e.g. ``nx.nx_layout._DOCUMENT_WRAPPER`` | |
References | |
---------- | |
TikZ: | |
TikZ options details: | |
""" | |
import numbers | |
import os | |
import networkx as nx | |
__all__ = [ | |
"to_latex_raw", | |
"to_latex", | |
"write_latex", | |
] | |
def to_latex_raw( | |
G, | |
pos="pos", | |
tikz_options="", | |
default_node_options="", | |
node_options="node_options", | |
node_label="label", | |
default_edge_options="", | |
edge_options="edge_options", | |
edge_label="label", | |
edge_label_options="edge_label_options", | |
): | |
"""Return a string of the LaTeX/TikZ code to draw `G` | |
This function produces just the code for the tikzpicture | |
without any enclosing environment. | |
Parameters | |
========== | |
G : NetworkX graph | |
The NetworkX graph to be drawn | |
pos : string or dict (default "pos") | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the position of each node. | |
Positions can be sequences of length 2 with numbers for (x,y) coordinates. | |
They can also be strings to denote positions in TikZ style, such as (x, y) | |
or (angle:radius). | |
If a dict, it should be keyed by node to a position. | |
If an empty dict, a circular layout is computed by TikZ. | |
tikz_options : string | |
The tikzpicture options description defining the options for the picture. | |
Often large scale options like `[scale=2]`. | |
default_node_options : string | |
The draw options for a path of nodes. Individual node options override these. | |
node_options : string or dict | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the options for each node. | |
Or a dict keyed by node to a string holding the options for that node. | |
node_label : string or dict | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the node label (text) | |
displayed for each node. If the attribute is "" or not present, the node | |
itself is drawn as a string. LaTeX processing such as ``"$A_1$"`` is allowed. | |
Or a dict keyed by node to a string holding the label for that node. | |
default_edge_options : string | |
The options for the scope drawing all edges. The default is "[-]" for | |
undirected graphs and "[->]" for directed graphs. | |
edge_options : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the options for each edge. | |
If the edge is a self-loop and ``"loop" not in edge_options`` the option | |
"loop," is added to the options for the self-loop edge. Hence you can | |
use "[loop above]" explicitly, but the default is "[loop]". | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the options for that edge. | |
edge_label : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the edge label (text) | |
displayed for each edge. If the attribute is "" or not present, no edge | |
label is drawn. | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the label for that edge. | |
edge_label_options : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the label options for | |
each edge. For example, "[sloped,above,blue]". The default is no options. | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the label options for that edge. | |
Returns | |
======= | |
latex_code : string | |
The text string which draws the desired graph(s) when compiled by LaTeX. | |
See Also | |
======== | |
to_latex | |
write_latex | |
""" | |
i4 = "\n " | |
i8 = "\n " | |
# set up position dict | |
# TODO allow pos to be None and use a nice TikZ default | |
if not isinstance(pos, dict): | |
pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G, pos) | |
if not pos: | |
# circular layout with radius 2 | |
pos = {n: f"({round(360.0 * i / len(G), 3)}:2)" for i, n in enumerate(G)} | |
for node in G: | |
if node not in pos: | |
raise nx.NetworkXError(f"node {node} has no specified pos {pos}") | |
posnode = pos[node] | |
if not isinstance(posnode, str): | |
try: | |
posx, posy = posnode | |
pos[node] = f"({round(posx, 3)}, {round(posy, 3)})" | |
except (TypeError, ValueError): | |
msg = f"position pos[{node}] is not 2-tuple or a string: {posnode}" | |
raise nx.NetworkXError(msg) | |
# set up all the dicts | |
if not isinstance(node_options, dict): | |
node_options = nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_options) | |
if not isinstance(node_label, dict): | |
node_label = nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_label) | |
if not isinstance(edge_options, dict): | |
edge_options = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, edge_options) | |
if not isinstance(edge_label, dict): | |
edge_label = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, edge_label) | |
if not isinstance(edge_label_options, dict): | |
edge_label_options = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, edge_label_options) | |
# process default options (add brackets or not) | |
topts = "" if tikz_options == "" else f"[{tikz_options.strip('[]')}]" | |
defn = "" if default_node_options == "" else f"[{default_node_options.strip('[]')}]" | |
linestyle = f"{'->' if G.is_directed() else '-'}" | |
if default_edge_options == "": | |
defe = "[" + linestyle + "]" | |
elif "-" in default_edge_options: | |
defe = default_edge_options | |
else: | |
defe = f"[{linestyle},{default_edge_options.strip('[]')}]" | |
# Construct the string line by line | |
result = " \\begin{tikzpicture}" + topts | |
result += i4 + " \\draw" + defn | |
# load the nodes | |
for n in G: | |
# node options goes inside square brackets | |
nopts = f"[{node_options[n].strip('[]')}]" if n in node_options else "" | |
# node text goes inside curly brackets {} | |
ntext = f"{{{node_label[n]}}}" if n in node_label else f"{{{n}}}" | |
result += i8 + f"{pos[n]} node{nopts} ({n}){ntext}" | |
result += ";\n" | |
# load the edges | |
result += " \\begin{scope}" + defe | |
for edge in G.edges: | |
u, v = edge[:2] | |
e_opts = f"{edge_options[edge]}".strip("[]") if edge in edge_options else "" | |
# add loop options for selfloops if not present | |
if u == v and "loop" not in e_opts: | |
e_opts = "loop," + e_opts | |
e_opts = f"[{e_opts}]" if e_opts != "" else "" | |
# TODO -- handle bending of multiedges | |
els = edge_label_options[edge] if edge in edge_label_options else "" | |
# edge label options goes inside square brackets [] | |
els = f"[{els.strip('[]')}]" | |
# edge text is drawn using the TikZ node command inside curly brackets {} | |
e_label = f" node{els} {{{edge_label[edge]}}}" if edge in edge_label else "" | |
result += i8 + f"\\draw{e_opts} ({u}) to{e_label} ({v});" | |
result += "\n \\end{scope}\n \\end{tikzpicture}\n" | |
return result | |
_DOC_WRAPPER_TIKZ = r"""\documentclass{{report}} | |
\usepackage{{tikz}} | |
\usepackage{{subcaption}} | |
\begin{{document}} | |
{content} | |
\end{{document}}""" | |
_FIG_WRAPPER = r"""\begin{{figure}} | |
{content}{caption}{label} | |
\end{{figure}}""" | |
_SUBFIG_WRAPPER = r""" \begin{{subfigure}}{{{size}\textwidth}} | |
{content}{caption}{label} | |
\end{{subfigure}}""" | |
def to_latex( | |
Gbunch, | |
pos="pos", | |
tikz_options="", | |
default_node_options="", | |
node_options="node_options", | |
node_label="node_label", | |
default_edge_options="", | |
edge_options="edge_options", | |
edge_label="edge_label", | |
edge_label_options="edge_label_options", | |
caption="", | |
latex_label="", | |
sub_captions=None, | |
sub_labels=None, | |
n_rows=1, | |
as_document=True, | |
document_wrapper=_DOC_WRAPPER_TIKZ, | |
figure_wrapper=_FIG_WRAPPER, | |
subfigure_wrapper=_SUBFIG_WRAPPER, | |
): | |
"""Return latex code to draw the graph(s) in `Gbunch` | |
The TikZ drawing utility in LaTeX is used to draw the graph(s). | |
If `Gbunch` is a graph, it is drawn in a figure environment. | |
If `Gbunch` is an iterable of graphs, each is drawn in a subfigure environment | |
within a single figure environment. | |
If `as_document` is True, the figure is wrapped inside a document environment | |
so that the resulting string is ready to be compiled by LaTeX. Otherwise, | |
the string is ready for inclusion in a larger tex document using ``\\include`` | |
or ``\\input`` statements. | |
Parameters | |
========== | |
Gbunch : NetworkX graph or iterable of NetworkX graphs | |
The NetworkX graph to be drawn or an iterable of graphs | |
to be drawn inside subfigures of a single figure. | |
pos : string or list of strings | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the position of each node. | |
Positions can be sequences of length 2 with numbers for (x,y) coordinates. | |
They can also be strings to denote positions in TikZ style, such as (x, y) | |
or (angle:radius). | |
If a dict, it should be keyed by node to a position. | |
If an empty dict, a circular layout is computed by TikZ. | |
If you are drawing many graphs in subfigures, use a list of position dicts. | |
tikz_options : string | |
The tikzpicture options description defining the options for the picture. | |
Often large scale options like `[scale=2]`. | |
default_node_options : string | |
The draw options for a path of nodes. Individual node options override these. | |
node_options : string or dict | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the options for each node. | |
Or a dict keyed by node to a string holding the options for that node. | |
node_label : string or dict | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the node label (text) | |
displayed for each node. If the attribute is "" or not present, the node | |
itself is drawn as a string. LaTeX processing such as ``"$A_1$"`` is allowed. | |
Or a dict keyed by node to a string holding the label for that node. | |
default_edge_options : string | |
The options for the scope drawing all edges. The default is "[-]" for | |
undirected graphs and "[->]" for directed graphs. | |
edge_options : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the options for each edge. | |
If the edge is a self-loop and ``"loop" not in edge_options`` the option | |
"loop," is added to the options for the self-loop edge. Hence you can | |
use "[loop above]" explicitly, but the default is "[loop]". | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the options for that edge. | |
edge_label : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the edge label (text) | |
displayed for each edge. If the attribute is "" or not present, no edge | |
label is drawn. | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the label for that edge. | |
edge_label_options : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the label options for | |
each edge. For example, "[sloped,above,blue]". The default is no options. | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the label options for that edge. | |
caption : string | |
The caption string for the figure environment | |
latex_label : string | |
The latex label used for the figure for easy referral from the main text | |
sub_captions : list of strings | |
The sub_caption string for each subfigure in the figure | |
sub_latex_labels : list of strings | |
The latex label for each subfigure in the figure | |
n_rows : int | |
The number of rows of subfigures to arrange for multiple graphs | |
as_document : bool | |
Whether to wrap the latex code in a document environment for compiling | |
document_wrapper : formatted text string with variable ``content``. | |
This text is called to evaluate the content embedded in a document | |
environment with a preamble setting up TikZ. | |
figure_wrapper : formatted text string | |
This text is evaluated with variables ``content``, ``caption`` and ``label``. | |
It wraps the content and if a caption is provided, adds the latex code for | |
that caption, and if a label is provided, adds the latex code for a label. | |
subfigure_wrapper : formatted text string | |
This text evaluate variables ``size``, ``content``, ``caption`` and ``label``. | |
It wraps the content and if a caption is provided, adds the latex code for | |
that caption, and if a label is provided, adds the latex code for a label. | |
The size is the vertical size of each row of subfigures as a fraction. | |
Returns | |
======= | |
latex_code : string | |
The text string which draws the desired graph(s) when compiled by LaTeX. | |
See Also | |
======== | |
write_latex | |
to_latex_raw | |
""" | |
if hasattr(Gbunch, "adj"): | |
raw = to_latex_raw( | |
Gbunch, | |
pos, | |
tikz_options, | |
default_node_options, | |
node_options, | |
node_label, | |
default_edge_options, | |
edge_options, | |
edge_label, | |
edge_label_options, | |
) | |
else: # iterator of graphs | |
sbf = subfigure_wrapper | |
size = 1 / n_rows | |
N = len(Gbunch) | |
if isinstance(pos, (str, dict)): | |
pos = [pos] * N | |
if sub_captions is None: | |
sub_captions = [""] * N | |
if sub_labels is None: | |
sub_labels = [""] * N | |
if not (len(Gbunch) == len(pos) == len(sub_captions) == len(sub_labels)): | |
raise nx.NetworkXError( | |
"length of Gbunch, sub_captions and sub_figures must agree" | |
) | |
raw = "" | |
for G, pos, subcap, sublbl in zip(Gbunch, pos, sub_captions, sub_labels): | |
subraw = to_latex_raw( | |
G, | |
pos, | |
tikz_options, | |
default_node_options, | |
node_options, | |
node_label, | |
default_edge_options, | |
edge_options, | |
edge_label, | |
edge_label_options, | |
) | |
cap = f" \\caption{{{subcap}}}" if subcap else "" | |
lbl = f"\\label{{{sublbl}}}" if sublbl else "" | |
raw += sbf.format(size=size, content=subraw, caption=cap, label=lbl) | |
raw += "\n" | |
# put raw latex code into a figure environment and optionally into a document | |
raw = raw[:-1] | |
cap = f"\n \\caption{{{caption}}}" if caption else "" | |
lbl = f"\\label{{{latex_label}}}" if latex_label else "" | |
fig = figure_wrapper.format(content=raw, caption=cap, label=lbl) | |
if as_document: | |
return document_wrapper.format(content=fig) | |
return fig | |
def write_latex(Gbunch, path, **options): | |
"""Write the latex code to draw the graph(s) onto `path`. | |
This convenience function creates the latex drawing code as a string | |
and writes that to a file ready to be compiled when `as_document` is True | |
or ready to be ``import`` ed or ``include`` ed into your main LaTeX document. | |
The `path` argument can be a string filename or a file handle to write to. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
Gbunch : NetworkX graph or iterable of NetworkX graphs | |
If Gbunch is a graph, it is drawn in a figure environment. | |
If Gbunch is an iterable of graphs, each is drawn in a subfigure | |
environment within a single figure environment. | |
path : filename | |
Filename or file handle to write to | |
options : dict | |
By default, TikZ is used with options: (others are ignored):: | |
pos : string or dict or list | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the position of each node. | |
Positions can be sequences of length 2 with numbers for (x,y) coordinates. | |
They can also be strings to denote positions in TikZ style, such as (x, y) | |
or (angle:radius). | |
If a dict, it should be keyed by node to a position. | |
If an empty dict, a circular layout is computed by TikZ. | |
If you are drawing many graphs in subfigures, use a list of position dicts. | |
tikz_options : string | |
The tikzpicture options description defining the options for the picture. | |
Often large scale options like `[scale=2]`. | |
default_node_options : string | |
The draw options for a path of nodes. Individual node options override these. | |
node_options : string or dict | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the options for each node. | |
Or a dict keyed by node to a string holding the options for that node. | |
node_label : string or dict | |
The name of the node attribute on `G` that holds the node label (text) | |
displayed for each node. If the attribute is "" or not present, the node | |
itself is drawn as a string. LaTeX processing such as ``"$A_1$"`` is allowed. | |
Or a dict keyed by node to a string holding the label for that node. | |
default_edge_options : string | |
The options for the scope drawing all edges. The default is "[-]" for | |
undirected graphs and "[->]" for directed graphs. | |
edge_options : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the options for each edge. | |
If the edge is a self-loop and ``"loop" not in edge_options`` the option | |
"loop," is added to the options for the self-loop edge. Hence you can | |
use "[loop above]" explicitly, but the default is "[loop]". | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the options for that edge. | |
edge_label : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the edge label (text) | |
displayed for each edge. If the attribute is "" or not present, no edge | |
label is drawn. | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the label for that edge. | |
edge_label_options : string or dict | |
The name of the edge attribute on `G` that holds the label options for | |
each edge. For example, "[sloped,above,blue]". The default is no options. | |
Or a dict keyed by edge to a string holding the label options for that edge. | |
caption : string | |
The caption string for the figure environment | |
latex_label : string | |
The latex label used for the figure for easy referral from the main text | |
sub_captions : list of strings | |
The sub_caption string for each subfigure in the figure | |
sub_latex_labels : list of strings | |
The latex label for each subfigure in the figure | |
n_rows : int | |
The number of rows of subfigures to arrange for multiple graphs | |
as_document : bool | |
Whether to wrap the latex code in a document environment for compiling | |
document_wrapper : formatted text string with variable ``content``. | |
This text is called to evaluate the content embedded in a document | |
environment with a preamble setting up the TikZ syntax. | |
figure_wrapper : formatted text string | |
This text is evaluated with variables ``content``, ``caption`` and ``label``. | |
It wraps the content and if a caption is provided, adds the latex code for | |
that caption, and if a label is provided, adds the latex code for a label. | |
subfigure_wrapper : formatted text string | |
This text evaluate variables ``size``, ``content``, ``caption`` and ``label``. | |
It wraps the content and if a caption is provided, adds the latex code for | |
that caption, and if a label is provided, adds the latex code for a label. | |
The size is the vertical size of each row of subfigures as a fraction. | |
See Also | |
======== | |
to_latex | |
""" | |
path.write(to_latex(Gbunch, **options)) | |