"""Root __init__ of the gym module setting the __all__ of gym modules.""" # isort: skip_file from gym import error from gym.version import VERSION as __version__ from gym.core import ( Env, Wrapper, ObservationWrapper, ActionWrapper, RewardWrapper, ) from gym.spaces import Space from gym.envs import make, spec, register from gym import logger from gym import vector from gym import wrappers import os import sys __all__ = ["Env", "Space", "Wrapper", "make", "spec", "register"] # Initializing pygame initializes audio connections through SDL. SDL uses alsa by default on all Linux systems # SDL connecting to alsa frequently create these giant lists of warnings every time you import an environment using # pygame # DSP is far more benign (and should probably be the default in SDL anyways) if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): os.environ["SDL_AUDIODRIVER"] = "dsp" os.environ["PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT"] = "hide" try: import gym_notices.notices as notices # print version warning if necessary notice = notices.notices.get(__version__) if notice: print(notice, file=sys.stderr) except Exception: # nosec pass