Metadata-Version: 2.1 | |
Name: PettingZoo | |
Version: 1.15.0 | |
Summary: Gym for multi-agent reinforcement learning | |
Home-page: | |
Author: PettingZoo Community | |
Author-email: [email protected] | |
Keywords: Reinforcement Learning,game,RL,AI,gym | |
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 | |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 | |
Requires-Python: >=3.7, <3.11 | |
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown | |
License-File: LICENSE.txt | |
Requires-Dist: numpy >=1.18.0 | |
Requires-Dist: gym >=0.21.0 | |
Provides-Extra: all | |
Requires-Dist: multi-agent-ale-py ==0.1.11 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: pygame ==2.1.0 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: chess ==1.7.0 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: rlcard ==1.0.4 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: hanabi-learning-environment ==0.0.1 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: pymunk ==6.2.0 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: magent ==0.1.14 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: pyglet >=1.4.0 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: box2d-py ==2.3.5 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: scipy >=1.4.1 ; extra == 'all' | |
Requires-Dist: pillow >=8.0.1 ; extra == 'all' | |
Provides-Extra: atari | |
Requires-Dist: multi-agent-ale-py ==0.1.11 ; extra == 'atari' | |
Requires-Dist: pygame ==2.1.0 ; extra == 'atari' | |
Provides-Extra: butterfly | |
Requires-Dist: pygame ==2.1.0 ; extra == 'butterfly' | |
Requires-Dist: pymunk ==6.2.0 ; extra == 'butterfly' | |
Provides-Extra: classic | |
Requires-Dist: chess ==1.7.0 ; extra == 'classic' | |
Requires-Dist: rlcard ==1.0.4 ; extra == 'classic' | |
Requires-Dist: pygame ==2.1.0 ; extra == 'classic' | |
Requires-Dist: hanabi-learning-environment ==0.0.1 ; extra == 'classic' | |
Provides-Extra: magent | |
Requires-Dist: magent ==0.1.14 ; extra == 'magent' | |
Provides-Extra: mpe | |
Requires-Dist: pyglet >=1.4.0 ; extra == 'mpe' | |
Provides-Extra: other | |
Requires-Dist: pillow >=8.0.1 ; extra == 'other' | |
Provides-Extra: sisl | |
Requires-Dist: pygame ==2.1.0 ; extra == 'sisl' | |
Requires-Dist: box2d-py ==2.3.5 ; extra == 'sisl' | |
Requires-Dist: scipy >=1.4.1 ; extra == 'sisl' | |
Provides-Extra: tests | |
Requires-Dist: pynput ; extra == 'tests' | |
<p align="center"> | |
<img src="PettingZoo_Text.png" width="500px"/> | |
</p> | |
PettingZoo is a Python library for conducting research in multi-agent reinforcement learning, akin to a multi-agent version of | |