from itertools import chain | |
import networkx as nx | |
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for, pairwise | |
__all__ = ["metric_closure", "steiner_tree"] | |
def metric_closure(G, weight="weight"): | |
"""Return the metric closure of a graph. | |
The metric closure of a graph *G* is the complete graph in which each edge | |
is weighted by the shortest path distance between the nodes in *G* . | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
G : NetworkX graph | |
Returns | |
------- | |
NetworkX graph | |
Metric closure of the graph `G`. | |
""" | |
M = nx.Graph() | |
Gnodes = set(G) | |
# check for connected graph while processing first node | |
all_paths_iter = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra(G, weight=weight) | |
u, (distance, path) = next(all_paths_iter) | |
if Gnodes - set(distance): | |
msg = "G is not a connected graph. metric_closure is not defined." | |
raise nx.NetworkXError(msg) | |
Gnodes.remove(u) | |
for v in Gnodes: | |
M.add_edge(u, v, distance=distance[v], path=path[v]) | |
# first node done -- now process the rest | |
for u, (distance, path) in all_paths_iter: | |
Gnodes.remove(u) | |
for v in Gnodes: | |
M.add_edge(u, v, distance=distance[v], path=path[v]) | |
return M | |
def _mehlhorn_steiner_tree(G, terminal_nodes, weight): | |
paths = nx.multi_source_dijkstra_path(G, terminal_nodes) | |
d_1 = {} | |
s = {} | |
for v in G.nodes(): | |
s[v] = paths[v][0] | |
d_1[(v, s[v])] = len(paths[v]) - 1 | |
# G1-G4 names match those from the Mehlhorn 1988 paper. | |
G_1_prime = nx.Graph() | |
for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): | |
su, sv = s[u], s[v] | |
weight_here = d_1[(u, su)] + data.get(weight, 1) + d_1[(v, sv)] | |
if not G_1_prime.has_edge(su, sv): | |
G_1_prime.add_edge(su, sv, weight=weight_here) | |
else: | |
new_weight = min(weight_here, G_1_prime[su][sv][weight]) | |
G_1_prime.add_edge(su, sv, weight=new_weight) | |
G_2 = nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G_1_prime, data=True) | |
G_3 = nx.Graph() | |
for u, v, d in G_2: | |
path = nx.shortest_path(G, u, v, weight) | |
for n1, n2 in pairwise(path): | |
G_3.add_edge(n1, n2) | |
G_3_mst = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G_3, data=False)) | |
if G.is_multigraph(): | |
G_3_mst = ( | |
(u, v, min(G[u][v], key=lambda k: G[u][v][k][weight])) for u, v in G_3_mst | |
) | |
G_4 = G.edge_subgraph(G_3_mst).copy() | |
_remove_nonterminal_leaves(G_4, terminal_nodes) | |
return G_4.edges() | |
def _kou_steiner_tree(G, terminal_nodes, weight): | |
# H is the subgraph induced by terminal_nodes in the metric closure M of G. | |
M = metric_closure(G, weight=weight) | |
H = M.subgraph(terminal_nodes) | |
# Use the 'distance' attribute of each edge provided by M. | |
mst_edges = nx.minimum_spanning_edges(H, weight="distance", data=True) | |
# Create an iterator over each edge in each shortest path; repeats are okay | |
mst_all_edges = chain.from_iterable(pairwise(d["path"]) for u, v, d in mst_edges) | |
if G.is_multigraph(): | |
mst_all_edges = ( | |
(u, v, min(G[u][v], key=lambda k: G[u][v][k][weight])) | |
for u, v in mst_all_edges | |
) | |
# Find the MST again, over this new set of edges | |
G_S = G.edge_subgraph(mst_all_edges) | |
T_S = nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G_S, weight="weight", data=False) | |
# Leaf nodes that are not terminal might still remain; remove them here | |
T_H = G.edge_subgraph(T_S).copy() | |
_remove_nonterminal_leaves(T_H, terminal_nodes) | |
return T_H.edges() | |
def _remove_nonterminal_leaves(G, terminals): | |
terminals_set = set(terminals) | |
for n in list(G.nodes): | |
if n not in terminals_set and == 1: | |
G.remove_node(n) | |
"kou": _kou_steiner_tree, | |
"mehlhorn": _mehlhorn_steiner_tree, | |
} | |
def steiner_tree(G, terminal_nodes, weight="weight", method=None): | |
r"""Return an approximation to the minimum Steiner tree of a graph. | |
The minimum Steiner tree of `G` w.r.t a set of `terminal_nodes` (also *S*) | |
is a tree within `G` that spans those nodes and has minimum size (sum of | |
edge weights) among all such trees. | |
The approximation algorithm is specified with the `method` keyword | |
argument. All three available algorithms produce a tree whose weight is | |
within a ``(2 - (2 / l))`` factor of the weight of the optimal Steiner tree, | |
where ``l`` is the minimum number of leaf nodes across all possible Steiner | |
trees. | |
* ``"kou"`` [2]_ (runtime $O(|S| |V|^2)$) computes the minimum spanning tree of | |
the subgraph of the metric closure of *G* induced by the terminal nodes, | |
where the metric closure of *G* is the complete graph in which each edge is | |
weighted by the shortest path distance between the nodes in *G*. | |
* ``"mehlhorn"`` [3]_ (runtime $O(|E|+|V|\log|V|)$) modifies Kou et al.'s | |
algorithm, beginning by finding the closest terminal node for each | |
non-terminal. This data is used to create a complete graph containing only | |
the terminal nodes, in which edge is weighted with the shortest path | |
distance between them. The algorithm then proceeds in the same way as Kou | |
et al.. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
G : NetworkX graph | |
terminal_nodes : list | |
A list of terminal nodes for which minimum steiner tree is | |
to be found. | |
weight : string (default = 'weight') | |
Use the edge attribute specified by this string as the edge weight. | |
Any edge attribute not present defaults to 1. | |
method : string, optional (default = 'kou') | |
The algorithm to use to approximate the Steiner tree. | |
Supported options: 'kou', 'mehlhorn'. | |
Other inputs produce a ValueError. | |
Returns | |
------- | |
NetworkX graph | |
Approximation to the minimum steiner tree of `G` induced by | |
`terminal_nodes` . | |
Notes | |
----- | |
For multigraphs, the edge between two nodes with minimum weight is the | |
edge put into the Steiner tree. | |
References | |
---------- | |
.. [1] Steiner_tree_problem on Wikipedia. | | | |
.. [2] Kou, L., G. Markowsky, and L. Berman. 1981. | |
‘A Fast Algorithm for Steiner Trees’. | |
Acta Informatica 15 (2): 141–45. | | | |
.. [3] Mehlhorn, Kurt. 1988. | |
‘A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs’. | |
Information Processing Letters 27 (3): 125–28. | | | |
""" | |
if method is None: | |
import warnings | |
msg = ( | |
"steiner_tree will change default method from 'kou' to 'mehlhorn' " | |
"in version 3.2.\nSet the `method` kwarg to remove this warning." | |
) | |
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=4) | |
method = "kou" | |
try: | |
algo = ALGORITHMS[method] | |
except KeyError as e: | |
msg = f"{method} is not a valid choice for an algorithm." | |
raise ValueError(msg) from e | |
edges = algo(G, terminal_nodes, weight) | |
# For multigraph we should add the minimal weight edge keys | |
if G.is_multigraph(): | |
edges = ( | |
(u, v, min(G[u][v], key=lambda k: G[u][v][k][weight])) for u, v in edges | |
) | |
T = G.edge_subgraph(edges) | |
return T | |